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Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School

Writing an essay on the topic "Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students" can be quite
challenging for several reasons. Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the persuasive writing
genre, which demands not only clarity and coherence but also the ability to present compelling
arguments that can sway the reader's opinion. Crafting persuasive essays involves a delicate balance
between presenting facts, incorporating logical reasoning, and appealing to the emotional side of the

Furthermore, finding relevant and engaging samples that are suitable for high school students can be
a task in itself. It requires extensive research to identify well-crafted examples that align with the
specific needs and understanding level of high school students. As a writer, one needs to sift through
numerous resources to ensure the selected samples are not only persuasive but also age-appropriate
and relatable.

Another challenge lies in maintaining a tone that resonates with high school students. The language
must be accessible, avoiding overly complex vocabulary that might hinder comprehension. At the
same time, the essay should not compromise on intellectual depth or persuasive power, striking a
delicate balance to cater to the intended audience.

In addition to these challenges, the writer must adhere to proper essay structure, ensuring a clear
introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a compelling conclusion. The task is not just
about presenting information but also about organizing it in a way that builds a persuasive argument

Despite the difficulties, tackling such a topic can be rewarding. It offers an opportunity to enhance
one's writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity to communicate effectively. The
challenges posed by this topic can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of persuasive

In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students"
demands a combination of research, writing prowess, and an understanding of the target audience.
It's a task that requires patience, diligence, and the ability to connect with the intended readers. For
those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on , a platform that provides support in navigating the complexities of essay writing.
Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High School Students Samples Of Persuasive Essays For High
School Students
Serena Williams Overpower
Overpower. Overtake. Overcome. Serena Williams echoes her successful life back to
those three fundamental words which make her the successful female figure she is today.
However, you can take a positive or negative approach to her universal motto. Examining
the Shakespearean text Macbeth, women who use their strong willed power negatively,
they easily place themselves in a position where they are the root cause of destruction.
Evidently, in the play, Lady Macbeths character contradicts the feminist approach as
Shakespeare portrays her feminine behaviour negatively resulting in the disruption of the
Great Chain of Being . Women can take a negative approach to Serena s universal motto
initially by eliminating male dominance and power. In... Show more content on ...
To bring things into perspective, females that want to get a hold of attributes that they
don t originally possess are just like apples that want to become oranges. This, logically,
scientifically and naturewise contradicts itself. In contrast, when Lady Macbeth hears
that King Duncan will come to her house, she instantly calls spirits to take away
everything that makes her a
Red Eared Slider Research Paper
The Red Eared Slider is one of the most common Mid South East Coast. They can be
found in marshes, ponds, and slow moving bodies of water. Other species of turtles
include: Eastern Box Turtle, Common Snapping Turtles, Eastern Painted Turtle, Red
Bellied, Bog Turtle, Spotted Turtle, Musk Turtle, Eastern Mud Turtle, Northern
Diamondback, and Wood Turtle. The Red Eared Slider is named for the distinctive
red streak on each side of its face and is primarily aquatic and will emerge from the
water for basking. Even though Red Eared Sliders don t have ears, they feel by
vibration. In fact, they carry part of the skeleton on their back, which makes them on of
the most interesting reptile. According to Monmouth County Parks, As with other reptiles,
... Show more content on ...
To warm up, they bask in the sun. In winter, all reptiles in our area must hibernate to
survive the cold. This explains the uncommon sighting of most turtles this time of the
season. But as soon as the weather warms up, the turtles start to come out to bask for
warmth. When we were on our class trip to Prospect Park in Brooklyn, we encountered
a dead turtle. The lifeless shell was flipped over and cracked. It almost appeared as it
was frozen. As discussed as a class, what we were observing was in fact a turtle trying
to bask in the sun on a warm spring day and the weather turn for the worst the
following day, leaving the turtle to suffer. Another example of a turtle encounter was
last summer in central park. On a warm sunny day, I went on a boat ride in the central
park pond. On the nearby rocks, there were numerous turtles basking in the sun and
cooled off by diving into the water. With my fascination of turtles, I made the person
rowing with me row closer to get an up close look. Some people may wonder how these
turtles get here? Most of the time, they are brought into an area as pets and then released
by owners. This causes stress on the animal and its
Asian American And Pacific Islanders Essay
Introduction Asians have migrated to and have lived in the Americas since the days of
our founding fathers. The first to come from the Eastern Hemisphere were a small group
of Filipinos in the early 18th century that settled in present day Louisiana. The first major
influx of Asian Americans was Chinese Americans who came in the 1800 s to find
financial opportunity during the California gold rush. They settled in the Golden State
and eventually spread out all over the United States, creating the now famous
Chinatowns that millions of Americans visit every year. There is a continual migration
of well educated South Asians and East Asians for job and education opportunities and
their success has formed the basis for the myth of the model minority (MMM). This is
the idea that all people who are Asian Americanand Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are
successful both socioeconomically and educationally. This does have a logical basis
rooted in statistics AAPI students are reported to have higher grade point averages, math
scores, and overall standardized tests scores on tests such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test
(SAT) and the American College Testing Exam (ACT). Other studies often use a
racialized rhetoric comparing Asian Americans to white Americans in terms of education
and socioeconomic status while contrasting them to the so called lazy and incapable
Hispanic and African Americans.
The term model minority was first coined in a 1966 New York Times article written by
Fracking Is Not The Cleanest Alternative For Oil...
Fracking The term, fracking has existed for nearly a half century and has always had the
negative connotations of being unclean and the source for many environmental issues
and adverse health effects. The massive oil deposits recovered by modern hydraulic
fracturing can be considered as the oil boom of the twenty first century and with new
methods, safety procedures, and technology, potential hazards can be reduced or even
eliminated. Due to the many possible hazards of the fracking process, it has initiated
much political discussion at the state and federal levels of government, while inciting
concern of local citizens. Fracking is not the cleanest alternative to oil reclamation, but
has improved drastically with the introduction of... Show more content on
However, fracking fluid is not the only questionable aspect of fracking, included is land
and infrastructure degradation, physiological harm to local citizens, utilization of
legislation loopholes, and the secrecy of fracking fluid formulas within the industry.
Nonetheless, the negative attributes of fracking, such as fracking fluid dispersal and
other environmental issues are outweighed by the vast economic gains and can be
mitigated by a system of regulations and development of new technologies for the
industry. The fracking industry will only increase in size, so much so that reclamation of
shale gas is called eminent shale gas revolution. British Petroleum [BP], for instance,
expects global shale gas production to grow six fold from 2011 to 2030. Shale gas
production in the United States already accounts for roughly 30 percent of the
nationwide total a growth rate up from only 4 percent in 2005 (Sovacool, 251). It has
also been estimated that more than 80 percent of the natural gas wells developed in the
United States over the next ten years are expected to require fracking and it is
projected that by 2035 natural gas wells will represent more than a 75 percent share of
the domestic supply (Bleiwas, 68). Natural gas exploration began in the late 1940s to
extract the natural gas located in underground reserves. The process consisted of digging
a vertical well into the ground to release gas trapped in relatively
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
The song is about a materialistic path of life that people take, which only satisfies
them with desires of the world for material objects. This in turn leaves a weak feeling
of lack of spiritual fulfillment leading them a question of how they would get into
heaven. The character in the song who is a lady in finds the fulfillment of worldly
satisfaction by buying stairway that she may use to heaven. Otherwise she realizes
that life is not all about being able to buy everything she can afford. The song shows
the spirit of this woman yearning for a deeper happiness. Then she is answered to her
yearning soul that one may take either of the two existing ways. It shows a chance of
salvation for all souls that go down the path that lead them to hell. The main part of
this essay contains the analysis of the artifact. The meaning in almost every verse when
the song is broken down is foremost given in this analysis. Later, we shall critically
analyze the song and give deductions of the analysis. An evaluative judgment of the
artifact of this song is done. The revelation of the analysis about the artifact in particular
and about rhetorical processes in general will be explained. A conclusion will highlight
the role the song plays in our daily lives

In the song the stairway to heaven we find a Lady who wishes to buy the Stairs that will
lead her to heaven. She believes that all that shines is gold. The lady knows that even
though she meets stores in Heaven closed by the time she gets
Rousseau And The Death Penalty
Rousseau and the Death Penalty

Jean Jacques Rousseau, born in 1712, was a philosopher who studied music. During
his lifetime he wrote a multitude of books, one particular piece of writing being The
Social Contract and The First and Second Discourses, which we read and discussed in
class. In this book we got to take a look at some of Rousseau s famous political
writings. In his writings, Rousseau addresses many controversial topics about society,
which caused him to make enemies and he eventually had to flee. One topic in
particular that Rousseau discussed was in his book The Social Contract where he wrote
about the idea of the death penalty and how he supports it. The death penalty is
controversial and should not be allowed due to the fact that our government is killing a
person who was convicted for doing a similar crime. The Social Contract was written in
1762 and addresses the legitimacy of political authority. One specific topic that
Rousseau writes about to discuss political authority is the power of the sovereign in
book II of The Social Contract. Rousseau describes the sovereign as the law or
authority. In The Social Contract, Rousseau describes the sovereign as the voice of all
the citizens and the sovereign cannot be disobeyed or divided. Rousseau goes on to talk
more about the sovereign and how it runs, but the most interesting topic that he discussed
is in Chapter 5 entitled The Right Of Life And Death. In Chapter 5, Rousseau discusses
the right of

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