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Essay My Future

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay My Future" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, it
requires a deep level of introspection and foresight to contemplate one's future path comprehensively.
Delving into personal aspirations, goals, and ambitions demands a considerable amount of self-
awareness and clarity of thought.

Moreover, the topic necessitates the ability to articulate complex ideas about one's future in a
coherent and engaging manner. This involves proficient writing skills to effectively convey thoughts,
plans, and dreams, while also maintaining a structured and logical flow within the essay.

Additionally, addressing the topic "Essay My Future" may involve grappling with uncertainties and
ambiguities inherent in contemplating the future. Balancing optimism with realism is crucial to strike
the right tone, as one navigates through envisioning potential career paths, personal development
goals, and aspirations.

Furthermore, the task of composing such an essay requires a significant investment of time and effort
in research and reflection. Whether discussing career aspirations, educational pursuits, personal
growth, or broader societal contributions, substantiating claims with relevant evidence and examples
is essential to lend credibility to the essay.

In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay My Future" is a challenging endeavor that demands
introspection, proficient writing skills, a balance of optimism and realism, and thorough research.
However, by navigating these challenges thoughtfully, one can craft a compelling essay that offers
insight into their aspirations and ambitions.

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Carter Castrates Freud: Criticism in The Bloody Chamber of Psychoanalytic Theory

While Psychoanalysis has provided many psychological breakthroughs in the field of

mental health, it has also created great issue in relation to gender equality. Freud s
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the inferior status of women in the twentieth century. Psychoanalysis had become so
intwined into the constructs of a male dominated society that it creates further barriers in
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227). Freudian theory in the same way also creates a great conflict between mother and
daughter. While the mother son relationship allows the mother to reach fulfillment by
giving birth to a son to on whom she can project her ambitions, the mother daughter
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when the mother chooses to stop breast feeding the daughter. These tensions grow
further when the daughter gains an understanding of genital dominance and holds
hostility for the mother because she denied her a penis. This changes her father into her
object of love and her mother into her greatest rival. Freud pits the women as rivals,
which undermines the mother daughter relationship and leaves the feminine bond
completely fractured. Angela Carter s The Bloody Chamber attempts to change this
ideal by re establishing the feminine narrative through her story. Although the view of
female as a commodity is far older than psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theory has
consistently re enforced the ideals of women as objects and of a lower status than men
(Loftus). In The Bloody Chamber Carter works to discredit the concept of the female as
a commodity. When reflecting on the Marquis previous wives, the narrator of The
Bloody Chamber references the portrait model saying her face was common property
(pg. 5). From the surface, this is an allusion to the fact that she allowed herself to be
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reasons. When we wake up every morning, we have the choice to decide what it is that
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Play Discussion
Before this class, I had played this game before though only briefly because it didn t
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Each new rule is separating the chosen group, the us allowed in and the others. The
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the many rules is reiterating that the us is more important. Are there better doctors for
polio in Arstotzka? It wouldn t matter, it s better for the we of the nation to disallow
entry. Would that wife trying to join her husband do any harm? It s not worth
considering, it ll waste precious time in a limited day to give her the benefit of the
doubt. Each step of the way, the game is building a glimpse into what the immigration
process can be like, whether it s as blatant or as militant as in the game, whether before
or after, current new administration. Even before new developments, immigration was a
harsh process that harshly favors the us over the them even if the others are just people
like we are on this side of the border. References
Elliott, Jason Lee. Glory to Papers Please: A Critical Analysis. JASON LEE ELLIOTT,
14 Mar. 2015, to papers please a critical analysis/. Accessed 27
Feb. 2017.

Lucas Pope. Papers, Please. Microsoft Windows. 3909 LLC. 8 August 2013, Digital.

Podgorski, Daniel.
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Data Networking
Assignment No: 2

Ans 1.Peer to peer communication provides reliable connection, all the resources are
available with its users, inexpensive and is more robust as compared to the client server
model which is why most applications use this type of communication. However, certain
applications instant messaging, e mailing and video calling prefer client server model to
perform certain functions for the reasons that follows:
Client server model is centralized which means all the files that are stored in the same
place and can be easily administered.
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If about ten computers are connected at a time, then the quality of the communication
Back up and recovery of every workstation connected in the system makes it tedious.
Full time system administrator is required.

Ans 2.No, the immediate response will not be sent to the new IP address. When a user
access .com the DNS resolvers through which the website is accessed
will cache the information like the IP address for a particular TTL time which could
be few hours. Now, when changes are made, the DNS resolver all over the world that
has not accessed which is very rare will get immediately updated
but the ones that have the information cached will not get updated till the TTL time is
over. Hence, the web cache server will send the information with the old IP of the
website to the user who is accessing the DNS server that has the information cached and
once the TTL time is over the user will be able to access the website with the new IP

When a domain name resolving is done, the first place the PC will look into is the root
name server( root NS).

Ans 3.

a)TCP and SSL

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Transport Layer Protocol, helps in transportation of packets Application layer protocol
It provided error free and reliable communication It is a communication security
TCP is a main protocol TCP uses SSL to make
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Plan Marcus N.T. Smith University of Phoenix LDR 711 Leadership Theory and
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knowledge and particularly awareness of your priorities and values. As a leader it is
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educate yourself, you become self aware that learning is an ongoing process that
cannot be completed. According to Yukl (2006), leadership training can take many
forms, from short workshops that last only a few hours and focus on a narrow set of
skills, to programs that last for a year or more and cover a wide range of skills. The
leader that I am today is confident but still inexperienced. I still have plenty to learn in
order to be the leader I want to be in the future. I want to be a leader who is always
striving for perfection and always keeping an open mind to the possibility of change
and new leadership techniques. Nahavandi states (2006), despite our knowledge, there
is also much we still do not know. Leadership as we traditionally know it command and
control does not address the rapid social, cultural, and organizational changes that are
occurring globally (Nahavandi, 2006). This is why we need to be always vigilant and
open minded to the new theories that are always being introduced in this global society.
According to Nahavandi (2006), future leaders must

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