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A Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade ®



Written by: Spencer Rubin
Edited by: John Hall, Chris Johnston, Austin
Diaz, Kiara Diaz, and Elyria Rose Little
Photographs of St. Louis were taken by a friend
who allowed me to use and edit them (thanks Steve).
Maps were created by myself using Geo St. Louis SPECIAL THANKS: Special Thanks go to: John Hall (Prince Alexander) and Chris Johnston (numerous characters) who
Flag of St. Louis .png created and made public helped me put together and run the original games
domain by Bill Streeter. Edited by myself. and who both helped edit this version. Jason
Crutchfield (Lawrence), Jerry Finch (Luther), Kiara and Austin Diaz (Catherine and Gerald Rostov),
graphics-vector-png-jpg-and-gif/ Greg Bogaert (Lord Hades), and all other current and
past members of The Monday Night Game. Also,
thank you to Michelle Belanger whose own LARPS
were the best I ever played in and inspired me to do
this all those years ago and Elyria Rose Little whose
friendship was of great comfort during this time, and
whose editing viewpoint of a non-Vampire player was




So, let’s set the record straight; I don’t live in while those who attended enjoyed the game,
St. Louis. I don’t live in Missouri or Illinois. I have LARPing had all but died out, and players were scarce
lived in a suburb of Detroit all my life. I visited St. and crucial roles were never filled. The LARPs came
Louis and The Cahokia Mounds when visiting my to an unsatisfactory end LARPING itself died out
grandfather who lived near the Metro East area. This with the occasional resurgence every now and then.
particular visit happened to be when I was Gehenna also struck and The Masquerade
considering running a LARP and I was looking for a was over, and none of us cared for Requiem. Vampire
setting. was pretty much dead to us for the better part of a
This book was started nearly twenty years ago decade as we finished out tabletop games and never
in the late 90’s when local Vampire: The Masquerade looked back.
LARPS prompted me to start writing my own game. When the Storyteller’s Vault opened up I
As you can imagine, someone ran a Detroit by Night decided to rewrite St. louis by Night, make it into a
game, and other games run by our various gaming tabletop game and release it. I did this for a few
groups were set in different locations. It helped when reasons. First, as I said the games came to an
you described a location or haven to not have a local unsatisfactory end, and this gives me closure with it.
player taunting you because they believed they knew Secondly, I thought it was pretty good stuff and
the area better than you. maybe someone else will enjoy it. The third and most
Well, upon visiting St. Louis and the important reason was that this opportunity came at a
Cahokia Indian Mounds I chose that city as the time when I had just lost a dear loved one, my
setting for the characters I had begun to form. I was mother, and I desperately needed something to
amazed White Wolf hadn’t done anything with occupy my time and my mind.
Cahokia at that time, and while I understand they Researching the city of St. Louis has been
eventually would, it was in a Werewolf supplement, hard work, but fun and fascinating. Getting to know
and none of my friends played that game. the characters I created 20 years ago has been a joy.
A couple of my friends agreed to help me Finally giving it a permanent place to live is beyond
write and run St. Louis by Night, which would take
place a few years later. We ran it three times, but cathartic. So here it is, St Louis By Night. Enjoy.


HOW TO USE THIS more. It’s as if something is gnawing away at the very
roots of the city; crime is rampant, racial divides are
BOOK common, and its structures are crumbling.
And the Kindred of the city are not immune
This book is divided into multiple sections. to these troubles as relationships, even those
Chapter 1 details the history of St. Louis and its millennia old, fray and sever. Old grudges fester and
people, living and undead. Chapter 2 breaks down never show any sign of healing. Clan rivalries are
the geography of the city and surrounding area, exasperated and those who try to breathe new life
denoting places of importance and interest. Chapter into the city are shunned. And yet, there is a feeling
3 details the bulk of the Kindred of St. Louis, their by Kindred and kine, that all of these problems could
history, powers, alliances, and conflicts. Chapter 4 be fixed if only one was willing to address them.
and 5 are for the storytellers and shares the cities
deeper secrets.
This book is designed in a similar fashion to
the 2nd edition White Wolf city books, some of which
are referenced. However, the setting is 3rd edition, Founding St. Louis: First City of the West by
Frederick J. Fausz
because that’s what I used when I originally created it.
Also, the “end-of-days” mentality of 3rd edition fit the
story and what some feel is happening today. The
Cahokia Mounds: America’s First City by
game was written for the early 2000’s, but for William Iseminger
simplicity’s sake it was updated to current day with
The Week of Nightmares happening recently.
Wicked St. Louis by Janice Tremeear
My hope is that throughout this book you get
a genuine feel for all the characters as I tried to Gangs of St. Louis: Men of Respect by Daniel
display their personalities as much as possible. Waugh
There’s enough here to run any type of campaign you
wish, from neonate to absurdly powerful elder
Missouri’s Mad Doctor McDowell:
Confederates, Cadavers, and Macabre Medicine by
Victoria Cosner

THEME Devil Came to St. Louis by Troy Taylor

When visiting St. Louis, I found the city to
be pleasant and interesting; the people were nice, the A Wandering Walk Guidebook: St. Louis,
food was good, and the sights were interesting. MO Downtown by Tom ALyea
However, as with all cities in the Gothic-Punk world
of Vampire: The Masquerade, the St. Louis here is a St. Louis by Selwyn K Troen
darker reflection of itself. It is one of a large
metropolitan area in the Mid-Western United States
that is decaying. It’s more than urban decay, white-
flight, income inequality, and racial tensions. Much Wikipedia


It's our last dance in St. Louis. I feel like I'm going to
-Esther Smith, Meet me in St. Louis

“Sir, we will be landing soon,” the stewardess as his abilities rendered him immune to most attacks
said. of a physical nature. They crossed the tarmac towards
Acknowledging her with the slightest of nods, the waiting limousine. Outside of it stood Linda
Alexander Kreiger continued staring out the luxury Ellstrom, Seneschal of St. Louis and Elder of the
jet’s windows. Out the window was a sight he could Toreador.
never resist admiring. The skyline of St. Louis lit up “You look… disheveled,” she greeted him.
the night. The Arch, Met Square, One AT&T, the Glaring at her, Alexander said nothing. He
Lumiere Casino, and other structures were easy for knew she was right. His tie hung loosely around his
him to identify from even this height. After all, it was neck, his shirt was partially undone, and his jacket
his city. As the jet passed over the city and the looked like it had been slept in, which it had. As it
landing strips of the airport came into view, did every evening, the scraggly facial hair he possessed
Alexander tore himself from the window and took a the night he was embraced had returned. What made
seat. He couldn’t help but beat the back of his head matters worse was that Linda had been given time to
against the seat cushion, just as the first screech of the prepare for her embrace and was always immaculate.
wheels against the tarmac announced the return of Even when her hair grew to its normal length every
the Prince to his domain. Alexander ceased the night, it still looked good. Tonight, it was cut short
harmless act of frustration as the thrusters reversed and blonde as usual. She was wearing designer jeans
themselves. As the plane came to a halt, he sat quietly and a tight turtleneck under a long coat; which
for a moment observing the technological marvels Alexander knew probably concealed half-a-dozen
surrounding him. This plane would have been weapons.
unthinkable a century ago. Not to mention the HD “Rough flight?” she asked.
TV, iPad, and built-in Keurig for the ghouls. They “Rough week,” he said as he approached her.
called him mad when he dreamt of all of this, and “I have good news. In the 24 hours you’ve
they were half right. He was a Malkavian, after all. All been gone, nothing has gotten worse.”
of it was his, and now something beyond “Do we know how many yet?”
comprehension threatened to take it all away. “The official number is eleven, but-“
He exited the plane surrounded by his “But?”
personal retinue, more for show than anything else,


“But,” she continued. “There were a several destroyed. And when he went, he took his clan with
off the books. Including Christopher.” him.”
“He killed two Primogen?!” “He always told us they were still alive,”
“No, only one, Genevieve. But given the Linda said.
circumstances, we’re hardly in a position to deny it.” “Well, he was right. I just wish he’d tell us a
Rolling his eyes and nodding in agreement, little more.”
Alexander entered the limo and grabbed the folder “Alexander, there were no Ravnos in St.
that Linda had left on the seat. Sliding in next to Louis. There are no Ravnos in that folder.”
him, Linda shut the door. Alexander perused the file “Which means that whatever the hell
of newly destroyed Kindred that were members of his happened last week had nothing to do with it. Has he
city. told you anything?”
“How was your meeting?” Linda asked. “He hasn’t spoken to any of us.”
“Vitel is still an ass. Anne is still haughty. “Wonderfu-“Alexander paused as the limo
And Villon paid me the twenty dollars he owed me,” came pulled along another hangar. “Why are we
Alexander said, pulling a wrinkled twenty from his stopping?” he asked.
pocket. “I’m going to Kansas City,” Linda said.
“It’s good that your World Cup bet took “You know I could use you here right now,
precedence over earth-shattering events,” Linda said. right?”
“One must have one’s priorities in order “You can handle things here. I’m going to go
when the world is ending.” make sure the rest of the state toes the line,” Linda
“The world is ending?” said as she opened the door. She turned to face
"Yeeeeah, about that. All reports say that the entire Alexander. “Tread easy. We're powerful, but not
Ravnos clan went berserk, and either died, destroyed invincible. And be careful with him. Something's
themselves or had to be put down. Very few are left." clearly wrong. Don’t hurt him.”
He never looked away from the folder. He didn't have "Don't… don't hurt... him!?" he said.
to. He could feel Linda staring at him as her mind "Good luck," she said and shut the door.
worked through the implications of what he had just Alexander sat back in disbelief and watched
told her. her walk into the hangar. Now certain that she wasn’t
“An Antediluvian?” she asked. joking, he pressed a button the panel. A voice came
“Congratulations. You worked that out faster over the intercom.
than most people at that conclave. Yes. Ravnos woke “Where to, sir?”
up, and if reports are to be believed, he has been “Rostov Estates,” Alexander said.


HISTORY OF ST. saw the glaciers receding, and I wasn’t in this part of
the world until thousands of years later. However, I
LOUIS do have a source who is very reliable when it comes to
the ancient history of distant lands. Yep, he fails to
understand the need for planes, trains, and
automobiles (and tends to become violent when
THE GREAT RIVERS AND presented with those reasons), but he can write a
THEIR PEOPLE scroll, on parchment, about the practices of the
The story of the Greater St. Louis area begins people of Ur, in cuneiform. I bet you can imagine
with the rivers that flow through the area: the how useful that is in the age of the internet.
Missouri and the Mississippi. Flowing from the So, where was I? Oh yes, glaciers receding.
northwest, the Missouri is the longest river in North Well, it’s my understanding that humans didn’t get
America, stretching 2,540 miles from the Rockies in here first. No, that was the werewolves. I guess they
Montana to Eastern Missouri, where it joins the called this, "The Pure Lands," or something like that.
Mississippi near St. Louis. The second longest river in Apparently, several thousand years ago, with the help
North America is the Mississippi, which flows from of human mages, they bound some great and ancient
Northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, a length evil under the land of Cahokia. An evil that is stirring
of 2,340 miles. Providing drainage for much of North today and will probably wake up anytime now and
America and The United States, the importance of consume us all. It's all very dramatic.
these rivers in the development of life in these lands
cannot be overstated. CAHOKIA
The Mississippi is joined by the smaller Cahokia is believed to have been settled
Illinois river north of the St. Louis area, only to be around 600 BCE by a Mississippian Culture whose
joined with the Missouri slightly afterward. The name is unknown to us. The name Cahokia comes
joining of these rivers helps create what is called "The from the Illiniwek Tribe who had settled the area
American Bottom," a 175-square mile area that covers when the French first arrived. Little survives of the
most of Southern Illinois and serves as a floodplain original people of Cahokia; no records, writings, or
for the Mississippi, creating a land that was extremely clue as to who they were. However, what still exists
fertile and well-suited to farming. Fish and other are the mounds, great man-made earthworks that
wildlife were plentiful for food and furs. These factors sprawled out across the landscape. Cahokia itself had
were key in the early settlement of this area by 120 mounds that ranged in size and shape, while the
humans. areas that would become East St. Louis and St. Louis
The first humans to settle along these rivers would be dotted with 45 and 26 mounds respectively.
are believed to have arrived 10,000 to 12,000 years The heart of Cahokia is Monk’s Mound; 100
ago, at the end of the last ice age. Hunter-gatherer ft. high, nearly 1000 ft. long, with two terraces and a
tribes eventually gave way to agriculture-based flat top, which was believed to have had the home of
cultures that spread throughout North America. One the Chieftain atop it. Monk’s Mound is the largest
such culture, the Mississippian, would become pre-Columbian earthwork in the Americas and it still
known for their penchant for building great mounds stands today.
like the ones found near and in St. Louis. Mounds Many mounds were flattop mounds which
like those found in the area that would come to be were believed to hold temples atop them. Others were
called Cahokia. burial mounds which housed the honored dead, men
ALEXANDER KREIGER- buried with various offerings, including arrowheads,
trinkets, and even women. Some mounds held what
*Tap*Tap…Is it on? It is? Okay, great. Hi. I’m appeared to be sacrificial victims. Bodies were
Alexander Kreiger, The Prince of St. Louis. I’ve dismembered or mutilated, while others showed signs
recently been told the world is probably going to end of being buried alive. The symbol of a bird, possibly a
soon, so I thought I would take a moment to share falcon, is found throughout the graves. One of these
the history of this area with you. I’ve lined up a few mounds held 250 bodies, more than half of which
other participants to help out with this little project, were deemed to be sacrificial.
but we’ll get to them later. We know they made use of the rivers for
Yes, I’m very old. No, I’m not so old that I trade throughout several of the surrounding states all


the way to the Gulf of Mexico. We know they had found when they arrived to settle missions in the
enemies, as they had constructed a two-mile-long area, and thus the mounds were named for them.
wooden stockade to protect themselves. This stockade The Osage controlled a huge area of the
surrounded the central part of the city, including Great Plains; Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and
Monk’s Mound. The Mound Builders may have Oklahoma were under their sway. The Osage believed
worshipped the sun as the Chief’s home atop Monk’s themselves descended from the original Mound
Mound looked down upon what we call The Grand Builders. They and the Cahokia were barely separated
Plaza, which contained circles of wooden post that by the Mississippi and could be hostile or friendly to
were likely used for marking seasonal time. one another. But their attitudes towards each became
Finally, we know that the population of irrelevant with the coming of the French.
Cahokia in the 13th century was 40,000, more than Alexander Kreiger-
London at the time. But for reasons that are Really? Lawrence won’t talk about his people?
unknown, but highly speculated about, the Mound He… he did not say anything about the camera
Builders were extinct by the 15th century. Whether it stealing his soul. Okay, even if he did he was just
was the flooding of the rivers, disease, war, or farms joking. I know him at least that well.
not yielding crops, this area was no longer inhabited. Okay then, well, these were the people we first
It wouldn’t be again for some time. met when we arrived in the Metro East area. My
ALEXANDER KRIEGER- companions and I, known as The Court, arrived
After the great evil was sealed away, the shortly before the French began setting up shop in
human mage helped the werewolves of the area keep Cahokia. With not nearly enough Natives to feed us
the thing entombed through a series of wards and all, some of my colleagues left for different areas,
rituals. But the mage returned to his homeland, while others slept in the caves below. I made the best
which was very far away, and he never returned. He of the situation and I began exploring the area which
left the werewolves on their own, and I guess they was quite dangerous due to, what else, werewolves.
weren’t up to the job. Well, I knew my way around werewolf country
When the Mound Builders created their although these Uktena and Wendigo were different
ancient city, it's possible they were influenced by the than The Shadow Lords back in Transylvania. The
events that had taken place there, but it's more likely Uktena seemed to be more mystical and less
that the thousands of years that had passed had concerned with one vampire roaming the woods than
wiped away all record of the event. But my source they were the French Trappers, and eventually
believes that the dreams of the entombed evil affected European werewolves. The Wendigo were more
the people who settled here, causing their great militant, but they had the same concerns as the
civilization, and it was great… for the time. Better Uktena.
than a lot of European cities I was in during that era. It didn’t hurt that we left the Osage and
Anyway, my source suspects that the evil caused the Cahokians alone for the most part. Those of us who
city to turn violent and paranoid, leading to quite a stayed and could feed on animals did so, while those
bit of bloodshed that kept the creature fed. who couldn't fed sparingly and took no lives. They
Now, something happened in the 16th were decent enough people, but we knew full well
century…some sort of “mini-werewolf apocalypse” what was coming.
which saw the death of a lot of werewolves. The great
evil grew strong because of it. THE FRENCH AND THEIR
The French controlled large swaths of North
OSAGE America: Canada, Lower Louisiana, made up of New
The Cahokia were an Algonquian-speaking Orleans and locations south of the Arkansas River,
tribe that were the first to settle in the Cahokia, and Upper Louisiana, or areas above the Arkansas.
hundreds of years after the death of The Mound They had been exploring it for some time and often
Builders. They themselves were Illiniwek, part of the developed cordial relations with Native tribes through
Illinois Confederation, who had been pushed gift giving and intermarrying. They also developed
southwest by the Iroquois during the Beaver Wars of trade and paved the way for Christian missionaries.
the 17th Century. It was the Cahokia that the French In 1696, Father François Pinet, a French Jesuit priest,


established a mission at what he would call Cahokia, was controlled by the Osage. It was here that St. Louis
where the priests lived atop the mounds in log was founded.
churches with the Cahokia. A small trading post was ALEXANDER KREIGER-
built near the Mississippi that would become New Orleans was a fun city even back then. I
Cahokia, Illinois. fought at Doran’s side when he helped the Uktena
Over the next few decades, Cahokia would drive out their enemies, and again when they helped
conduct trade with the newly established village of him drive out the Brujah, Cosa. These acts garnered
Kaskaskia (1703) and Fort de Chartres (1720) both of me favor with some powerful people. Doran was able
which were located farther south along the to help me get Laclede's expedition off the ground
Mississippi. Soon these areas began to grow as more and the Uktenas put in a good word for us with their
Canadians arrived. A hundred years after its northern brethren. Their sway and French hospitality
establishment, Cahokia had roughly 3000 people and were key to winning over the Osage so we could build
a thriving business district, not to mention 24 St. Louis.
brothels for the lonely fur trappers to visit. It's a pity about Doran. I can respect a man
LINDA ELLSTROM- with a vision. I would like to think that had he
…. survived, we might have been able to get some likable
ALEXANDER KREIGER- Ventrue in the city. Still, he was quite perturbed
Please? about the Louisiana Purchase. I never understood
why. I guess he wanted to be French. I never
LINDA ELLSTROM- understood that either.
Oh, very well. While you were gallivanting
around the middle of America I was busy on the East
Coast and Canada fighting the Sabbat and EARLY ST. LOUIS AND THE
encouraging French Catholic exploration of these AMERICAN REVOLUTION
lands. Many of the trappers and missionaries that When St. Louis was founded it proved a
found their way to Louisiana did so at my behest, welcome refuge for the Catholic French colonists
providing the first real European civilization in mid- who lived East of the Mississippi and had no desire to
America. Of course, the never-ending strife in Europe live under the Anglican British. By the time the
made things difficult as the French, Spanish, and Spanish actually took over in 1770, St. Louis was
British kept swapping who controlled what here. firmly established and growing with fur trading with
the Osage proving to be a lucrative business.
NEW ORLEANS AND THE When Spain joined the American Revolution
FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR in 1779 on the side of the Colonies, Britain planned
on retribution against Spanish settlements along the
When Great Britain defeated France in The Mississippi. In 1780, the Battle of St. Louis saw the
Seven Years War, France ceded much of their British repulsed with lite casualties suffered by St.
holdings in the New World. Canada and lands east of Louis, but much commercial devastation. But St.
the Mississippi went to Britain. The territories of Louis would recover, and the Americans would win
Louisiana were handed over to the Spanish, but the their independence.
Treaty of Fontainbleu would remain a secret until ALEXANDER KREIGER-
New Orleans had long felt neglected by So, here’s where things really get rolling. The
Versailles and their economy was hurt by the loss of first years of St. Louis’ existence were interesting for
trade from the various outposts and islands the the fact that no nation ruled it. The convoluted
French lost. It was decided that a new outpost was politics let St. Louis slip through the cracks as neither
needed on the Mississippi to take advantage of the Spain nor France knew who controlled it. So, Laclede
“superior” furs of Upper Louisiana. Governor- had complete control over the area, which meant I
General Kerlerec sent an expedition up the had complete control.
Mississippi headed by Pierre Laclede and his stepson, But we weren't set yet. The Court was still
Auguste Chouteau. In late winter of 1764, they spread out or sleeping, and I needed more time. So,
landed on the western banks of the Mississippi in an we kept a low profile. While my retainers got rich off
area covered with large earthen mounds, a land that of fur I worked to keep us out of the various conflict
erupting around us: Pontiac's War and eventually the


American Revolution. Pontiac was easy as all I had to all congregated in St. Louis. Linda, Pyotr, Erik, Olik,
do was get the Natives to say no to him. The and I were joined by our former slumbering comrades
werewolves and Gangrel in the area were Lord Hades and Vladimir Rostov. The number of
instrumental in that. I hear Pontiac still survives as a towns and cities that were springing up in the area
member of the Sabbat of Detroit and that he has made feeding possible for us all.
sworn my destruction. …Meh. A few Kindred made their way to St. Louis to
LINDA ELLSTROM- stake their claim, but not a lot of them stayed as a
The American Revolution was another group of rather potent elders had already set up shop
matter. Pyotr, another Court member, and I were there. Even a Justicar paid the area a visit as the
well entrenched in that fight. The Toreador and Camarilla was curious as to who just doubled the size
Brujah found themselves squared off against Ventrue of America. To soothe fears I assured the Justicar that
Loyalists and all of us were fighting Sabbat, which was St. Louis would be a staunch supporter of the
being driven out of the colonies and into the Camarilla. Satisfied, the Justicar left and we have
wilderness. always been a part of the Camarilla, but we are
ALEXANDER KREIGER- welcoming to all clans and bloodlines, except The
The Spanish arrival made things…difficult. I Giovanni. Too many of them rubbed us the wrong
knew it was only a matter of time before the attack way in Europe.
came. When the British came I was not about to let
them destroy my city. So, Erik, Olik, and I stood with
the Spaniards, although they didn't know it. We
harried the British during the night and weakened GATEWAY TO THE WEST
their numbers before they could attack, allowing for The Corps of Discovery mission was
an easy victory by the Spanish. commissioned by then President Thomas Jefferson
I will say that taking up arms against the shortly after the Louisiana Purchase. Meriwether
British made me realize I had no interest in living Lewis and William Clark headed up the well over
under European rule. No, the idea of America, a free two-year journey to the Pacific Coast and back.
land, a democracy, was positively intoxicating… plus Departing near St. Louis, the expedition traveled to
it’s hard to be a Catholic under the British. what would become Oregon before returning to St.
A RETURN TO FRANCE AND The expedition proved that routes to the west
THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE were available, and soon those who wanted to explore
westward began funneling through St. Louis. Yet few
Having deemed Louisiana a commercial settled in St. Louis and the population grew slowly.
failure, the Spanish returned the area to the French
who in turn would sell the areas to the Americans LORD HADES-
with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. On March 9th, …Fine. The Tithe was a group decision. If our
1804, the Spanish flag lowered, to be replaced by the city was to be the Gateway to the West, then we were
French flag that night, which was replaced by the its Gatekeepers. We didn’t care who wanted to pass
American flag on the morning of the 10th which is through our land, but if you wanted to travel through
now known as “Three Flags Day.” the Missouri area you owed us either tax, influence,
ALEXANDER KREIGER- or blood. We used our gains to bolster or standing
and grow the city, but most importantly we were able
I had to pull every string I had in Europe to to pay off the werewolves and in the case of blood, we
get Spain to sell Louisiana to France. were able to feed those of us who could no longer
LINDA ELLSTROM- sustain themselves on the blood of the kine.
I had to pull every string I had to get This upset… many. A few deaths later. The
Napoleon to sell Louisiana to the US. Pyotr had to many complied, and we accepted their compliance.
use much of his clout to get the US to make the But it made us no friends elsewhere in the country.
purchase. And I for one have always welcomed The
ALEXANDER KREIGER- Giovanni to St. Louis. I make sure they give
And the best part was, no one saw it coming. everything they have to the Tithe.
In preparation, The Court closed ranks as we finally


THE EARLY 19TH CENTURY emissary. He also gets the unenviable job of
protecting their holy sites in Cahokia.
The population and business grew, but slowly
during the first few decades of St Louis’ existence. As for the Brujah Primogen, Samuel, well, I
The appearance of steamboats on The Mississippi lament his loss. The clan has deteriorated since his
River changed that as St. Louis soon became a large death. But it was a lesson learned; when a frenzying
and very active port for goods from all over the Gangrel of age and strength is coming your way…
country. Business began to boom as St. Louis was the
hub for the western fur trade, which grew as more
and more mountain men moved out that way. Larger CHOLERA AND FIRE
wholesalers and trade exchanges arrived. Industry and 1849 was a devastating year for St. Louis. The
railroads came into being. By 1849 the population muddy, polluted, filth-ridden waters of The
had swelled to nearly 80,000 people. Mississippi brought a terrible curse to the city of St.
DEATH’S HEAD- Louis - cholera. The disease struck the city hard,
Those were interesting decades; many ravaging it for several months. Cholera had stricken
fascinating things happened throughout the city that the city in 1832, killing hundreds, but this time over
had lasting ramifications that can be felt today. I 8,000 people would perish, a tenth of the city’s
guess we should start with myself, Death’s Head of population.
the Nosferatu, as I arrived shortly after the Purchase On top of the havoc being caused by disease,
and soon built up the first stable brood of Nos in the a fire would sweep across the city in May of '49 when
city. Oh, those wonderful caverns... you could fit a steamboat called "The White Cloud" caught fire. It
hundreds of us in some of them if need be. took eleven hours to contain the fire, but not before
Apparently, a shift in power occurred with 23 riverboats and over 400 buildings were destroyed.
the werewolves as the… Sept, I believe that’s what Three people lost their lives including a fireman, the
they call it. The Sept changed hands as the European first to die in a fire in The United States.
werewolves took the sept from the Indians. It was LUTHER WALSH-
because we were dealing with Europeans now that Christ, was that a mess. I had helped set up
spoils from the Tithe placated them. St. Louis Hospital when I arrived, but it wasn’t
But back to the Kindred, most of the clans prepared for that. The sickness spread so fast that we
were taking shape. The Toreador were growing and couldn’t stop it. It wasn’t an uncommon site to see
our dear Linda came along at this time. The Tremere diarrhea running down the streets.
and Luther joined our ranks. The Brujah had After Lord Hades helped identify the source
spawned like rabbits, and my good friend Erik the of the plague we were finally able to get ahead of the
Gangrel had a few childer of his own, including problem. But I still remember the pyres burning
Lawrence. outside the city. It was a chilling sight, and one I
Lawrence. Now that’s an interesting story, as never wanted to see again.
it was during this time that Lawrence murdered the
Brujah Primogen, nearly killed poor Luther, and
would eventually murder Erik as well. And for his The fire was awful…
troubles, he was made the Primogen of the Gangrel,
presumably because he gets along well with the
werewolves. We howled (no pun intended) for his
blood, but our illustrious Prince declared that Many changes were enacted to make sure the
Lawrence was now our official liaison to the devastations of '49 would never occur again. Local
werewolves. I’m sure it was a good decision. lakes and ponds were drained, a modern sewage
ALEXANDER KREIGER- system was developed and implemented, and
sanitation, in general, was improved. Cemeteries such
I won’t lie, Erik’s death hurt. But he had as Calvary and Bellefontaine were created, replacing
become erratic and his behavior was causing a great the massive funeral pyres that existed outside the city
deal of friction with the werewolves. during the epidemic. To make sure that fire would
Now, Lawrence? That’s a go-getter right there never again be a city-wide threat, brick replaced wood
and I can respect that. Plus, he was a natural with the as the primary building materials of St. Louis.
werewolves so he got the job of Primogen and


ALEXANDER KREIGER- I am Dante Wellington, Ventrue Primogen. I
…But we recovered nicely. We were able to was no fan of slavery, but it was essential to our
take our first steps towards becoming a modern city. economy. Had the nation any maturity and patience
they could have phased slavery out slowly while
building a proper infrastructure to replace it. But no.
SLAVERY AND NATIVISM The issue was forced and I found my holdings
In 1821, Missouri was admitted as the 24th threatened. I knew it was the Brujah who plagued my
State in the Union. It was also a Slave State as part of fields, so I decided to remove the problem. It was a
the Missouri Compromise, which saw Maine little thing to pay off the Nosferatu so that I could
admitted as a Free State. By the 1850s, St. Louis expose the Brujah’s antics with the Underground
found itself home to thousands of slaves, some of Railroad. Yes, some slaves were killed in the raid by
whom sought their freedom by escaping via The the authorities, but that was a small price to pay take
Underground Railroad while others filed legal action. the Brujah out of the equation. Yes, humans still
The most famous of these Freedom Suits was the carried on the practice, but they were far less
1846 Dred Scott case which was first held in The Old effective.
St. Louis Courthouse but eventually moved up to the
U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled against Scott,
saying that anyone whose ancestors had been brought THE CIVIL WAR
to America as slaves could not be considered St. Louis had limited involvement in The
American citizens and had no rights to sue for their Civil War, but the city was affected nevertheless.
freedom. Shortly after the war started, a group of Union
Throughout the 1830s and ‘40’s German and soldiers and local militia cleared out the Confederate
Irish immigration to St. Louis increased. The writings Camp Jackson. As they escorted the captured
of Gottfried Duden inspired tens of thousands of confederates to the St. Louis Arsenal, the Union
Germans to immigrate to Missouri, many settling in soldiers were attacked by a mob of secessionists. The
or near St. Louis. The Irish were spurred on by the ensuing fight saw a number of Union soldiers
Irish Potato Famine and political strife. The fact that wounded and nearly thirty men, women, and
St. Louis had become a Catholic stronghold also children were killed with another seventy-five
appealed to many Irish. But the increased wounded. The Camp Jackson Affair would set the
immigration of foreigners and racial unrest due to tone for St. Louis during the war. The city found
slavery and a rising abolitionist sentiment brought itself as divided as the country, causing violence and
about a number of Nativist riots through the ‘40s and riots to occur occasionally. Martial law was declared
‘50s. The last such riot had to be quelled by the local by the Union army to maintain the peace.
militia, but not before nearly 100 buildings were The Union blockade of the Mississippi also
destroyed and dozens were killed or wounded. crippled St. Louis’ economy, and the population of
the city became stagnant. But, when the war ended
GEORGE PAXTON- Missouri was the first state to free its slaves, and St.
Call me Pax. I’m a Brujah and I was a Louis was inundated with thousands of black
neonate during these times. My Sire Christopher and refugees. The population increased and commerce
I tried to bring enlightenment to the masses, only to began to flow again.
be met by ignorance and fear. Eloquent, fiery St. Louis wasn’t immune to the aftermath of
speeches on behalf of abolition were received well by The Civil War that the rest of the country felt. The
some, but not enough. The abomination that was next decades would see schools for blacks established,
slavery had to be stopped. Until the rest of the but they were poorly financed and equipped. Jim
country followed suit, the Brujah led the way in St. Crow laws also limited the rights of blacks in the city.
Louis with the Underground Railroad, using many of ALEXANDER KRIEGER-
the caves in the area. The Gangrel helped us,
So that ended that. But it was good that we
probably as some sort of penance for Samuel’s death.
moved past slavery. It's old ideology that had no place
The Nosferatu helped us find suitable hideaways in
in this world.
the caverns. And for a time, it worked well. Until
Dante arrived. What few knew at the time was some of the
DANTE WELLINGTON- rural fighting that went on was actually Sabbat raids.
We lost a few Kindred at this that time, but not too


many. It was here that I found out about Pontiac, as Louis. Mobs attacked streetcars, policemen were
he led at least one attack personally. We beat them assaulted, union halls were fired upon, and streetcar
back, but we knew they would come again. lines were cut or demolished. Numerous people,
many having nothing to do with the strike were
wounded, and at least three strikers were shot. The
MARCH TO THE 20TH CENTURY strike lasted from May to September, and the city
In the later decades of the 19th century, St. won out as the workers failed to gain any concessions.
Louis grew exponentially. That growth was spurred by DANTE WELLINGTON-
a renewed push for better infrastructure and the Once again, the stupidity of the Brujah
arrival of big industry. Another cholera outbreak in showed itself. A wretch named Stavros ran the clan at
1866 highlighted the need for a new waterworks that time and he threw all his weight behind this
system, which was completed a few years later. Gas obviously doomed effort. The Unions gained
lighting now ran throughout much of the city. nothing, and the Brujah lost everything by attacking
Community parks were being designated across the The Prince’s holdings.
city, and Forest Park was created in 1876. A need to
better connect with the eastern settlements saw the ALEXANDER KREIGER-
construction of The Eads Bridge, connecting St. Yeah, that was a no-no. Attacking my cops is
Louis and East St. Louis. Pedestrians, carriages, one thing. Attacking my streetcars was intolerable.
trains, and eventually cars could use the bridge. St. So, I gave Stavros the boot.
Louis’ Union Station was completed in 1894, and the GEORGE PAXTON-
city became a major hub for railways across the I wasn’t sorry to see Stavros grow. I thought
country. Christopher and I finally had a chance to be a part of
The agriculture-based economy of St. Louis a clan of learned men. That wasn’t what happened
now competed with manufactured goods such as though.
iron, paints, brick, and bags. The brewing industry
which originated in St. Louis exploded, with dozens
of breweries opening, making the city one of the 1904 WORLD’S FAIR
nation’s top brewers. In 1904, St. Louis hosted the Louisiana
The increase in manufactured goods made St. Purchase Exposition, also known as the St. Louis
Louis the 4th largest manufacturing city in the World’s Fair. Like many cities, St. Louis sought to
country. Its population exceeded 450,000, which transform itself for the fair, with renovations and
made it the 4th largest city in the U.S., and as such, it innovations in architecture, culture, and academics.
earned the nickname of the 4th City for a time. Many lasting creations were built for The World’s
Fair; Forest Park was transformed into the Palace of
ALEXANDER KREIGER- Fine Arts, the 1904 Bird Cage was constructed, and
Those were good times. The Industrial thousands of trees were planted, among other things.
Revolution was in full swing and yours truly was Brookings Hall on Washington University campus
embracing it to its fullest. And yes, I was knee-deep in was built.
brewing. I am German, after all. Nearly 1500 buildings and structures were
The biggest change that occurred for us was created to show off exhibits such as the wireless
that the Tithe ended… sort of. The werewolves were telephone, the X-ray machine, and personal
less of a threat as cities began to grow, and safe routes automobiles. Popular foods were introduced to the
to the West had been established in many areas. But masses; hot dogs, hamburgers, peanut butter, and
we kept the Tithe in place for areas under my cotton candy were just a few of the culinary delights
domain, which included all of Missouri and the sampled for the first time by those attending the fair.
I got to play host to a number of Kindred
THE 1900 STREETCAR STRIKE dignitaries that week, or at least someone did. I was
way too busy playing with all the new and wonderful
When streetcar workers tried to unionize due toys that came to my city. I still have several of them
to harsh working conditions, over 3,000 were fired in my vaults.
and replaced by St. Louis police officers. This set the
stage for months of violence on the streets of St.


JUSTIN LAVEILLE- another. Insanity gripped the whole damn city.
Hello, I’m Justin Laveille, acting Primogen of DEATH’S HEAD-
The Toreador. The Prince would love to take credit We also had a problem with some hunters that
for the World’s Fair, but everyone knows that year. A problematic organization called the
triumphant moment in the city’s history belongs to Longfellow Detective Agency sought to eliminate our
the Toreador. His trinkets were nothing compared to more careless fellows. Fortunately, someone, I believe
the art we brought the city. We erected countless it was one of the Rostovs, saw to their destruction.
structures, and parks, creating a scenic wonderland The Rostovs? Oh, they are a brood of Malkavians
that captured the respect of art connoisseurs who behave in a very peculiar manner. They believe
everywhere. they are Tzimisce.
1904 OLYMPICS I liked the Longfellows. They helped keep the
Originally supposed to be held in Chicago, peace around here. It’s a shame about their death.
the 1904 Olympics were turned over to St. Louis
when the city threatened to have its own sporting
event. However, international tensions prevented THE GREAT DEPRESSION AND
many top athletes from attending and less than half WWII
the events had an athlete from outside the United Prohibition was a major blow to the St. Louis
States in it. economy, of which brewing was still a major part.
ALEXANDER KRIEGER- While the city had greatly diversified its industry, St.
Did I mention the World's Fair was Louis was still hit hard as unemployment reached
awesome? Well, they can't all be winners. thirty percent in 1933, higher than the national
average of twenty-four percent.
When WWII broke out, St. Louis' industrial
THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY and manufacturing base switched gears and
The first few decades were mixed for St. contributed heavily to the war effort. Weapons,
Louis. The success of The World’s Fair was offset by chemicals, explosives, medicines, plains, tanks,
the floundering Olympics. An increase in population uniforms, and amphibious vehicles were all built in
and industry brought about some of the worst St. Louis. Even Uranium for the Manhattan Project
pollution in the country. And as the city improved its was refined in St. Louis by a local chemical company.
amenities for its population, segregation and Jim ALEXANDER KREIGER-
Crow were still in effect.
This was an active time for us. Most of our
As the Great Migration of black people from
current crop of Kindred came out of the early to mid-
the South to the North began, the white citizens of
20th century. We also lost a lot during these decades.
St. Louis voted for more segregation, severely
The Brujah, who I graciously let live after starting the
restricting where blacks could live.
Streetcar Strike, decided to attack more of my
The 1917 East St. Louis Massacre brought
holdings, namely Kansas City. They murdered the
the race problems of St. Louis to national attention as
Ventrue I had appointed to run the city, a city that
it was one of the worst race riots in U.S. history. As
had been built by Childer of mine and other Court
blacks replaced striking union workers who were
members. Kansas City’s cattle industry always
white, tensions exploded one day which saw at least
supplied the Tithe with a great deal of blood, among
forty black people dead, and entire neighborhoods
other things. Unfortunately, the Brujah of St. Louis
burned to the ground. The nation was shocked and
supported the coup. I and a few others headed over
protests occurred throughout the country. St. Louis
to Kansas City, where I tried to reason with them, but
found itself accepting numerous black refugees who
it didn't work. About a dozen Brujah from both cities
fled across the Eads Bridge, greatly increasing its
died. I left our Primogen, Christopher, alive so he
black population.
could rebuild. I left his Childer George alive because
BILL STEWART- I felt sorry for him. I left our Toreador Primogen
Bill Stewart. Gangrel Whip. That wasn’t the Angela to take over Kansas City.
Sabbat. That wasn’t Anarchs. That wasn’t Kindred.
That was humans being monsters towards one


GEORGE PAXTON- reminder of the city's roots as the Gateway to the
Christopher and I didn’t support the coup. West.
But the death was too much for him. He began to Some of the improvements to the city came
break, became more violent. And soon St. Louis had at a cost, though. St. Louis’ Chinatown would be
a new crop of Anarchs growing in its midst. demolished in favor of Busch Stadium in 1966.
Numerous Anarchs flocked to Kansas City over the While some housing projects worked, others such as
years using that night as a rallying cry. But their new the ill-fated Pruitt-Igoe were plagued by crime and
leaders were smarter, quieter, and they have played gangs and failed after a short time.
the long game. Travel infrastructure also increased as St.
DANTE WELLINGTON- Louis' Lambert International Airport grew
Yes, yes, dead Brujah. Very sad. The sad part exponentially after the war, making St. Louis an air
was that Alexander didn't finish the job. travel hub. A number of highways now crisscrossed
But other things were occurring during that through the city, including the famous Route 66.
era: Prohibition took a bite out of the Malkavian’s ALEXANDER KRIEGER-
influence but was a boon for those of us who There were some who questioned the
controlled the up and coming crime syndicates. I decision to wipe away the last remnants of the
made a lot of money and took in two Childer during original St. Louis settlement. I say, “Why hold onto
that era. the past?” Sentiment is a silly thing, especially when it
LUTHER WALSH- gets in the way of progress. I believe that the
While others flourished during these times, I Memorial, the Arch, and Laclede’s landing are a fair
began to rebuild my clan. We were slaughtered by trade for an area of dirt which held no use for
werewolves and Gangrel out at Cahokia. Our anyone.
information on the number of werewolves was wrong. LINDA ELLSTROM-
As always, the Prince protected Lawrence and the It was an attempt to revitalize the city, much
Gangrel. He even started accepting Gangrel from the like we had accomplished in 1904. But whereas we
Sabbat. had polished something that was raw and unfinished
ALEXANDER KREIGER- in 1904, Alexander is trying to throw paint and
World War II was an amazing time. The tapestries over cracks and blemishes that exist in the
innovations that came about in countless fields were very soul of the city.
a boon to those like me who looked to the future. DEATH’S HEAD-
Yes, death on such a massive scale was troubling, but The Sabbat hit us in '66. It wasn't a raid or a
the world was well-compensated with the splitting of skirmish, but a full-on assault; a war party. They came
the atom. It was a chemical company that I was a for something, in particular, we don't know what
major investor in that refined the uranium used in exactly. They managed to slaughter the Toreador and
the Manhattan project. It was a glorious endeavor… a few others, but it seems most of The Sabbat met
No, no I do not have an atom bomb. Or even a dirty their ends at The Rostov Estates. Why they should be
bomb for that matter. Pity. so concerned with a small group of Malkavians is
beyond me.
THE 1950S AND ‘60S
In 1950, St. Louis’ population reached over THE 70’S TO MODERN NIGHTS
856,000. The city expanded, and the widespread use St. Louis has seen its fair share of troubles,
of cars brought about suburbanization and White but as many industrial cities do, St. Louis carries on.
Flight, as white workers began moving in mass to the Its economy has remained strong. Several Fortune
suburbs. As such, St. Louis’ population began to 500 companies have made their home there, as well
decline and has continued to do so to this day. as several other global businesses. Some have been
Urban renewal swept through the city; the purchased by outside organizations (Anheuser-Busch
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial was for one) but still remain a strong presence in the city.
completed in 1935, wiping the original French But St. Louis has seen its population dwindle
outpost that was St. Louis from the map. In 1965 the and it crime increase over the decades. Numerous
Gateway Arch was completed, serving as an efforts have been launched to combat both problems,
exclamation point for the Memorial and a constant


including more renewal projects. But for every internet, and thousands of other inventions and
neighborhood that is gentrified and made to look innovations that have propelled the world of man
new, another shows visible signs of decay. The racial into an era we could never have dreamt of during the
unrest that has plagued the city since the days of time of the streetcar. And it could all be crumbling
Dred Scott has not abated, as accusations of police soon.
brutality and murder have set off numerous racially The Antediluvians are waking. Ravnos already
motivated riots in neighboring communities, and St. woke up and wiped out his clan. They’re calling it the
Louis itself. The gateway to The West could be on the Week of Nightmares. Many of our own Kindred were
verge of ripping itself apart. gripped by madness as well, and unfortunately, they
ALEXANDER KREIGER- had to be put down. While dealing with the greater
The Modern Nights… the Final Nights. It was an ramifications of these events, I haven’t exactly had the
amazing fifty years; computers, the Space Age, the time to explain what happened to the Kindred of the
city until now. This… could be ugly.


The first time I ever saw St. Louis, I could have
bought it for six million dollars, and it was the
mistake of my life that I did not do it.
- Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi

“The time has come to depose The “Linda’s smart enough not to pick a fight
Malkavian,” announced Dante Wellington, Primogen with the whole city,” Dante said.
of the Ventrue. This proclamation was directed to "And Hades?" Lawrence said looking up
three of St. Louis ‘other Primogen: Lawrence of the from the brim of his hat. "I notice you're talking
Gangrel, Luther Walsh of the Tremere, and Death’s awful tough without him in the room."
Head of the Nosferatu. After the events of the Dante regarded the burly Native American
previous week, Dante, whose own clan had suffered carefully. It was typical for Lawrence to look like he
losses during the purge, had called this clandestine just walked in from a filthy Dude Ranch, but he knew
meeting with the surviving Primogen, save one. Lord better to underestimate the Gangrel. “While it is true
Hades of the Malkavians had not been invited. They that in the past I was no match for Hades, if we all
were all seated at a round table in the back of a stand together against him we can prevail. Especially
restaurant owned by the Ventrue. As he expected, his if we have your might, Lawrence. Your prowess in
fellows looked up at him wide-eyed and slack-jawed. battle is surely equal to his.”
"Are you daft?" asked Death's Head. Unlike That statement caused Luther to rub his side
his fellow Englishmen, Dante and Luther, Death's where Lawrence had wounded him ages ago. The
Head never lost his English accent and. Of the three enmity between the two was a constant in the city
of them, he was the only one wearing a suit from politics.
Savile Row. "Nothing in these events suggest “I can't believe I’m hearing this,” Lawrence
Alexander has been weakened enough to make such a said.
thing possible." “What’s your plan?” asked Death’s Head.
“Every clan in the city has suffered losses due “It’s fairly simple and direct. First of all, we
to that maniac,” Dante said. “This is our best chance make sure the next Toreador Primogen will support
to galvanize the rabble against him.” us. The fop or the diva, I don’t care which, as long as
"And then what?" asked Luther. "The city we can count on them. Next, we make sure there is
would fall to Linda or Hades." no Brujah Primogen.


“Why?” asked Luther. “Pax is decent enough. "I assure you, Lawrence," Dante said, "Luther
He’s not a nutcase like Christopher.” was not consulted before this meeting."
“He has no control over his clan. The Brujah Laurence threw his hands up in exasperation
are mostly Anarch now, and hopefully their internal and rubbed his eyes. “This is crazy,” he said.
squabbles will see them exterminated,” Dante said. “You didn’t answer my question before,”
“Either way, we just need to make sure the Luther said. “And then what? What happens if we
Brujah don’t support The Prince,” said Death’s Head. actually pull this off?”
“Don’t tell me you’re seriously considering “A power vacuum is unhealthy for all. A new
this?” Lawrence asked. Prince will assume control, and that will be me.”
“I’ll admit, I am intrigued,” said Death’s “Of course,” Lawrence said, not even looking
Head. at Dante. He was clearly scouting an escape route.
“The next step,” Dante continued, “would be “It’s only natural,” Dante said. “It’s
the removal of the Sheriff and The Keeper of undeniable that the Ventrue are the true power
Elysium.” behind the Camarilla. Every Ventrue in St. Louis,
“What do you mean by ‘removal’, exactly?” even Edward, has the respect of the Ventrue outside
Lawrence asked. The Sheriff of St. Louis was a this city and I am quite well connected and thought
Gangrel named Horace who had joined the city after of in the States and Europe. I would instantly have
leaving the Sabbat. the full backing of the Ventrue. Even if any of you
“Not what you think,” Dante said. “Horace could make the same claim, your clans simply don’t
would retain his position, with the understanding have the power to back you.”
that when the night came he would step aside.” “What do we get?” asked Death’s Head.
"And Edward?" asked Luther. Edward Lang “You will each gain power as the Malkavian’s
was the Keeper of Elysium and was known to be on power is divided up. Plus, one of you will become the
the outs with his clan, the Ventrue. new Seneschal.”
“I’ll deal with him,” Dante said. "One person having so much power is how
“You haven’t yet,” Lawrence said. He knew we ended up in this mess," Luther said. Perhaps the
that was a sore spot with Dante. power should be shared among several of us." Dante
Slamming his fist on the table, Dante rose to glared at him. Luther returned the look.
his feet. “That’s none of your concern. One way or “So, we gang up and kill Alexander and
the other, Edward Lang will not be an issue when the Hades,” Lawrence said. “But aren’t you forgetting
time comes.” Taking a moment to regain his someone?”
composure, Dante continued with his plan. “From “I already said Linda wouldn’t-“
there it’s straightforward. We organize our clans in an “Not Linda,” Lawrence interrupted.
all-out assault on Alexander and Hades.” Dante said “Someone else?” Lawrence looked around the table as
nothing else after that, as the other three waited for the three Primogen looked quizzically back at him.
some other shoe somewhere to drop. Finally, Dante spoke up.
When it was clear that wasn’t to be, Death’s “Are you talking about Rostov?” he asked.
Head spoke first. “I like it. Old school. No influence “Yeah, kind of,” Lawrence said.
wars, status games, political backbiting… just a "As near as I can tell, the Rostovs are
straight-out rumble in the streets.” anathema to the Malkavians. They could be bought
Lawrence and Luther lacked Death’s Head’s off or removed. Either way, I see nothing to fear from
enthusiasm for the plan. Both were visibly agitated. them," Dante said. His dismissive tone did little to
Finally, Lawrence spoke up, pointing at Luther. “Is ease Lawrence.
this you?” he asked. “You don’t think Vladimir is a threat?”
“What?” Luther said. Lawrence asked.
“This plan. Is it yours? Did you put him up to “I’ve seen that he has some personal abilities,
it? but I’m not-“
Luther was visibly stunned by the accusation. "Personal abilities!" Lawrence exclaimed. He
“No. No! What the hell would make you think that?" looked around the room at the others. "Come on
“It’s batshit crazy, that’s why. It’s the type of guys, surely I'm not," he stopped as he looked at
thing you would come up with. Just like when you Death's Head. "Okay. If anyone knows anything
attacked the caern.” about him, it's you."
“That’s not… okay, that is true,” Luther “The Rostovs have always been elusive. I
admitted. “But, this is the first I’m hearing of this.” must say that my knowledge is limited to the


children. They shouldn’t pose a threat,” Death’s
Head said smoothly.
“Luther?” Lawrence asked.
"I have it on good authority that the Rostovs
aren't a threat," Luther said.
Lawrence looked at all of them incredulously.
Then, shaking his head, he said, “Forget I said
anything. Right. Rostovs are not a threat.”
“Then you’re in?” Luther asked.
“No way in Hell,” Lawrence said getting up
from the table. “This is nuts and you’d do well to
drop it.”
“Death’s Head?” Dante asked.
“I’m in, but only if it’s all of us.”
“No,” Luther said. Dante looked visibly
surprised. “No. Not like this. I agree with Lawrence.
This should be tabled at least until we hear from
“Then for the moment, I’m out as well,”
Death’s Head said.
Dante stood quietly as the other three left the
table, speaking only when they reached the exit, “I
trust that I can count discretion from all of you.” The
three of them eyed each other, before nodding in
Dante’s direction. Upon their exit, Dante sat at his
table, contemplating his next move.



GREATER ST. LOUIS There is probably at least a dozen or two dozen

Kindred out there I know nothing about. And as long
St. Louis sits at the center of The Greater St.
Louis Area which is comprised of several Counties as they stay under the radar I don't care. If they want
from Missouri; Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, St. to deal with the city of St. Louis though, they'll have
Charles, and St. Louis County, as well as the city of to be acknowledged by myself and participate in the
St. Louis which is separate from the county. It also Tithe. I will say I know a few key kindred in those
contains the Metro east counties of Illinois: Bond, areas and they keep an eye out for me. Also, some of
Calhoun, Clinton, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison,
the St. Louis city Kindred actually live out in those
Monroe, and St. Clair. areas, and if they catch an unknown Kindred, they
can do as they please.
How do I maintain control over such a large
area? That's easy. I don't. I'd have to have an army of CLIMATE
police, secret or otherwise, constantly patrolling the Situated on the Mississippi River, Missouri,
area, which contrary to public opinion I don't have. and Illinois Rivers, it would have been difficult for St.


Louis to not be a successful trading city. The rivers LORD HADES-
have always given the city access to great swaths of the They were pirates in the sense that they stole
country, but flooding has often been a concern. from those who sailed upon the river. But they were
Fortunately, St. Louis is built upon bluffs which far worse. Demented creatures who worshipped
affords it some protection, but The Metro East area is things from the darkness and were granted power by
a traditional floodplain for the Mississippi. However, those things to do their bidding. Swallowing them up
even St. Louis proper has been hit by flooding when with a river might be seen as extreme by some, but it
The Missouri and Mississippi swell too much. The was just, and… the responsible party was testing his
last of these great floods was in 1993, but fortunately, might after having recently awoken from Torpor.
a man-made floodwall prevented the city from being
Aside from flooding, St. Louis has a climate ISLANDS
that can be volatile at times. The Summers are hot Aside from sinking, some islands have
and humid with temperatures reaching into the 90s. appeared in The Mississippi over the years. Some of
Winters can be freezing and winter storms are not these river islands grew so large after the New Madrid
uncommon. Fall is usually cool to cold with some Earthquakes, they threatened to landlock St. Louis.
snow. Spring can be deadly as Spring brings heavy The most immediate threat came from Bloody Island,
rains and tornadoes. Sitting inside Tornado Alley, St. which had been existence since the late 18th century,
Louis has been repeatedly hit by extremely damaging but was now growing rapidly. Bloody Island became
tornadoes over the years. famous for duels that were fought there since the
LUTHER WALSH- island fell outside Missouri and Illinois. In 1838, the
I’ve lost count of how many damn tornadoes U.S. Army Engineers built two dikes which diverted
roll through this area. It’s really aggravating, but the river, swallowing up one of the other islands and
weather control has never been my forte. The fact shallowing the waters between Bloody Island and
that they hit during the day has left more than one Illinois, allowing Bloody Island to become part of
Kindred exposed as they are ripped from their havens East St. Louis. A number of other islands still exist
and flung out into the light. One time, a few years within the rivers surrounding St. Louis, including
back, a storm whipped up out of nowhere and a Choteau, Cabaret, and Mosenthein Islands.
tornado descended on East St. Louis. It shredded an ALEXANDER KRIEGER-
abandoned apartment complex, and nothing else. Oh, wow…Bloody Island. Oh yeah, some
When we searched the area, we concluded that the duels were fought there by some famous people. One
building had been housing a number of unknown almost involved Abraham Lincoln. But those were
Kindred, and the weapons and pieces we found in the fought during the day. At night the island was used to
rubble indicates a hostile force was in that building. settle disputes between the rowdier Kindred, usually
My guess is that someone knew about it and wiped it The Brujah, sometimes the Gangrel.
out with the Hand of God. I don’t know who around BRUISER-
here would have that much weather magic, but I have
Brujah still use Bloody Island. At least real
some suspicions. I really have to wonder how many
Brujah, Anarchs do. It's still there. It's under a bridge
other disasters in this city have been “natural.”
with a train yard built on it. We get together under
the bridge to either slap the shit out of newbies who
GEOLOGY want to run with us, or settle internal matters.
The land St. Louis sits on isn’t terribly stable
either. The St. Louis Fault has caused a number of The other islands in the river are usually hard
small earthquakes over the years, but the nearby New to get to and heavily forested. That’s good and bad.
Madrid Seismic Zone has produced some of the The bad part is that if someone were trying to hide
largest earthquakes in the country's history. The from us or sneak into the city they could use the
1811-12 New Madrid Earthquake was powerful islands and it would be pretty hard to find them. The
enough that it caused the Mississippi to reverse flow, good part is that the werewolves are protective of the
wiping out more than one island, one of which was a islands and they would eat any Sabbat trying to get in
hideout for river pirates who all died when the rivers that way.
swallowed the island up.


THE CAVES in the 70s kept, as they haven’t been seen in the
caverns since.
Missouri is the Cave State, and St. Louis sits
atop several large caverns and caves formed from
eroding limestone deposits. These caves have been
used by humans over the ages for various reasons.
Numerous Native American artifacts have been
The combined population of the areas is
found in them. They were used by the Underground nearly 3 million people and is one of the largest in
Railroad to shelter runaway slaves. Mark Twain wrote the United States falling within the top 20. St. Louis
of them. River Pirates used them as hideouts. City’s population has fallen to almost 300,000 from
Breweries used them for refrigeration before coolers its record high of over 860,000. St. Louis city is about
had been invented. Many homes are built atop them, 46% white, 43% black, 4% Hispanic, and 3% Asian.
often unknowingly. Some are used for public tours, The city is quite segregated with the southern
while others have yet to be fully explored. neighborhoods predominantly white, and the
DEATH’S HEAD- northern neighborhoods predominantly black, with a
The caves have always been a boon to St. mix in the central neighborhoods.
Louis. They are capable of hiding so many things
from the rays of the sun. The Nosferatu… and other
things used them before the sewers were built. It gave RACIAL UNREST
all of us a place of refuge. But, you know as long as I Accusations of police brutality involving
have been here and as hard as I've tried, I'm certain white police officers and black citizens have led to
there are areas of those caves that neither I nor multiple incidents over the past few years, the most
anyone else has managed to explore. Almost like they notable being in the northern suburb of Ferguson,
are being hidden by otherworldly means... MO. The shooting of a young black man by a white
LAWRENCE- police officer and that officer's acquittal sparked
Fine. I’ll talk about something. The nationwide protests, riots, and helped form the Black
Gar…werewolves have enemies. They call them Black Lives Matter movement.
Spiral Dancers, and they used to nest in some of the
caves. Occasionally the werewolves we deal with had
to go in and drive them out. I guess that last cleansing
Note from the author: I have not shied away from St. Louis’ history of racial unrest, but I will not
be attributing any supernatural motives to the events that have transpired in the last few years. If you
choose to do that in your game that is your decision.


NEIGHBORHOODS neighborhood contains the area that Laclede picked
to found the city on. That area is now the sight of the
OF ST. LOUIS Jefferson National Expansion Memorial and Laclede’s
Landing, now an entertainment/commercial district.
St. Louis is made up of numerous neighborhoods, It also contains Busch Stadium, numerous
79 as of today. It should be noted that East St. Louis is skyscrapers, headquarters for several major industries,
an entirely separate city in a separate state. Below are and the Federal Reserve Bank.
some of the more historic, popular, and influential ALEXANDER KRIEGER-
neighborhoods in St. Louis: The bread and butter of the city, Downtown
DOWNTOWN is easily the most influential neighborhood, which is
The central business district of the city, this why every clan wants a slice of it.


DOWNTOWN WEST is a project I’ve been involved in for some time now
and its importance to the city and the Tremere can’t
Downtown West is more commercial as it
has the Washington Avenue Historic District which be ignored.
is now made up of lofts and shops and St. Louis
Union Station, which now serves as a hotel and
shopping complex. The Peabody Opera House, City
Lafayette Square surrounds Lafayette Park,
Museum, and Scottrade Arena, Home of The St.
the first public park west of The Mississippi. The
Louis Blues hockey team can also be found in
neighborhood is one of the first developed in St.
Downtown West.
Louis and contains many examples of Victorian
DANTE WELLINGTON- architecture.
I controlled Union Station when it had LINDA ELLSTROM-
trains, and I still control it now that it has stores.
This is the only part of the city I still
ANDRE PROWSE- recognize, and it’s the only part that still feels
You’d be surprised at how many of us have French… like home.
havens in this area. Those “historic” lofts come in
handy as we turn them into little mini-fortresses.
A residential neighborhood that is known for
MIDTOWN many things: antique shops on Cherokee Street, jazz
Midtown is home to St. Louis University and and blues music, Mardi Gras celebrations, and
the Grand Center Arts District which contains the historic homes built in the 19th century. Soulard is
Fox Theatre, Powell Symphony Hall (home of the St. home to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery and the oldest
Louis Symphony Orchestra), The Contemporary Art farmer’s market west of The Mississippi. The Rostov
Museum Saint Louis, the Pulitzer Foundation for the Estates Trading Outlet is also located there.
Arts, and the Sheldon Concert Hall. ALEXANDER KREIGER-
GEORGE PAXTON- Next to Downtown, Soulard probably best
This area gets split pretty evenly between The represents St. Louis and its traditions. It’s filled with
Brujah and The Toreador. We created St. Louis life, music, and beer. What more could you want?
University, and they built the Arts District.
It’s a cool part of town, lots of places for me
to play to a crowd or a coffee shop, get money from a Settled by primarily Italian immigrants in the
patron… feed on an artist or critic. Other Anarchs early 20th century, The Hill marks its heritage with
give me crap for hangin’ out with the artsy crowd, fireplugs painted in the colors of the Italian flag:
but… I’m a Toreador. What do they expect? green, white, and red. You can find anything Italian
here: Restaurants, shops, tailors, and even a
Columbus Day Celebration.
The Central West End is a cosmopolitan area I’m originally from and still live here. It’s
located at the edge of Forest Park. The Cathedral always been a home for my people, and it’s the only
Basilica of Saint Louis is located there as well as a place I can get decent clothes… and food.
number of buildings on the National Register of
Historic Places.
This city has a lot of Elysiums, but none are Not one, but four St. Louis neighborhoods:
as important to the Prince as The Basilica. Feeding, Clayton-Tamm, Franz Park, Hi-Pointe, Cheltenham,
hunting, or acting up within a mile radius of the and part of Ellendale are home to the Irish
Basilica will get you swift punishment. population of St. Louis. Clayton-Tamm is host to The
St. Louis Art Fair, Jazz festival, and its own St.
LUTHER WALSH- Patrick’s Day Parade. All of these neighborhoods are
The Washington University Medical Center residential.


PISTOL-WHIP- important to blacks in St. Louis, but the entire nation
I’m Irish. So, what? Does that mean I’m as quite a few prominent figures from our community
supposed to have some sort of affinity for where I was got their start in The Ville.
abandoned? For where I learned to survive on the
streets? Trust me, I’ll let Dogtown burn to take this
city from those old fucks. GRAND SOUTH GRAND AND
THE VILLE Tower Grove Park is an almost 300-acre park
Victorian park that was founded in 1868. It has
A historically significant African-American numerous pavilions and fountains. It abuts the
Neighborhood, The Ville was home to Anni Malone, Missouri Botanical Gardens and is bordered by the
one of the nation’s first African American South Grand neighborhood. South Grand is a
millionaires. Her name still adorns the local commercial district that comprises six blocks of
children’s home. Sumner High School was the first shops, bars, and restaurants that serve cuisine from
school west of the Mississippi to offer secondary multiple regions around the world including Asian
education to African-Americans and counts many and Middle Eastern.
black celebrities as its alumni. TERRI GARNER-
GABRIEL HUGHES- I love that area. It depresses the hell out
When I moved back to St. Louis, I moved to of me that I can’t eat any of that food I smell.
Elleardsville, mostly because it was one of the few
places someone of my skin color could own a house. And the park is so pretty.
It was, still is, a strong community. You know the RANCID-
name of your neighbor, and you want to help them I enjoy the park. You never know who you’ll
out as best you can. This neighborhood wasn’t just follow home from there.




Located in the suburb of University City, The A suburb of 23,000 two miles west of St.
Loop is located just outside the western edge of St. Louis, Webster Groves has won numerous awards
Louis. The Loop is known as a and accolades for being beautiful and a pleasant place
shopping/entertainment district with stores and to live. Many of its large homes are on the National
restaurants that cater to all tastes and ethnicities. It’s Register of Historic Places.
also home to the Blueberry Hill restaurant and music ALEXANDER KREIGER-
club, where numerous music legends gave played. A few of us live out that far. Those who do
Outside of the restaurant is the St. Louis Walk of have their own estate, and a dozen heavily armed men
Fame where famous residents have their names guarding it at all time.
immortalized in the sidewalk. Finally, there is The LESTER DILLON-
Pageant, a nightclub that hosts famous acts from all
I don’t like taking jobs out there. Some of
genres. University City has a population of over
these homes are wired tighter than banks. Plus, once I
broke into house only to get far enough to realize I
GLORIA ADAMS- was on Dante’s land. I’ve never run that fast before.
The Loop is the place to go if you're young
and looking for some fun. In my case, I've played The
Pageant and Blueberry Hill, and I'm dying to see one KIRKWOOD
of my names on that walk someday. A small town of 28,000 that was one of St.


Louis' first suburbs as it was built for people fleeing major problem as the city has one of the highest
the cholera epidemic that gripped the city. It is home crime rates in the country.
to the extremely popular Magic house, the St. Louis BRUISER-
Children's Museum, and the Laumier Sculpture Park. East St. Louis belongs to The Anarchs, plain
ALEXANDER KREIGER- and simple. We control everything here. This city
I don't know if any of us live out there. ain’t comin’ back unless we allow it.
Rumor has it Sir Lance has been spotted out that far, BILL STEWART-
but I can never get a straight answer out of him. The Anarchs do control this area, but only
Regardless, I recommend that Kindred stay away because no one has asked The Gangrel to remove
from there. The Fey seem to like that area. them… yet. I still retain a law office here and the
Anarchs have been smart enough to leave me alone.


CITIES A small city of less than 30,000, Granite City
sits across The Chain of Rocks Bridge. It’s a steel
making town with a major railroad junction. One of
ST. CHARLES, MO its neighborhoods, Lincoln Place, has one of the
A historic town that was founded in 1769, St. largest Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Macedonian
Charles was the first permanent European settlement populations outside eastern Europe.
on the Missouri River. It was the state's first capital, GERALD ROSTOV-
and the point from which Lewis and Clark began
their expedition. It contains numerous historic
My hometown. My people. A number of
Sabbat attacks have come through this area due to its
buildings and is known for numerous celebrations
connection to St. Louis through the Chain of Rocks
including the month-long Christmas Traditions
Festival and Oktoberfest. It's also home to the River's
Bridge. It's also a way to avoid The Anarchs and The
Gem Casino which sits right on the Missouri River
next to the Blanchette Memorial Bridge. It has a
population of 70,000. CAHOKIA, IL
BRUCE KERNS- Cahokia, a village of less than 15,000 that sits
A lot of us come out here to visit, but I’m on the Mississippi south of East St. Louis, is named
one of the only ones who lives this far out. As far as after the Cahokia tribe and is the site of the original
The Prince is concerned this whole city is an Elysium, Fort Cahokia. It is home to the St. Louis Downtown
including my casino. Airport.
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL I make my home here, and the rest of the
Gangrel aren’t too far away. We cover this area for a
Founded as Illinoistown in 1797, the city was
renamed East St. Louis in 1861. Directly across the
lot of reasons, including the Stan Musial Bridge.
Mississippi River, East St. Louis used to be the 4th
largest city in Illinois, with a population of over
80,000. A major industrial city, its fortunes have
A historic city of over 24,000, Collinsville
declined as industry has left the Midwest and its
contains the Cahokia Mounds State Park, home of
population is now less than 30,000. Fires, tornadoes,
the Cahokia museum and Monks Mound. It's also
worker strikes, and one of the worst race riots in the
known for being the nation's largest producer of
country’s history all hurt East St. Louis over the years,
horseradish, which is exported to numerous other
but nothing hurt it more than industry leaving the
Midwest. Highways cut through the city, severing
neighborhoods and making it easier for the middle- ALEXANDER KREIGER-
class to move to the suburbs. Now East St. Louis is I think Lawrence lives out there. I know some
trying to come back with development and revival werewolves live out there. Either way, that area is
projects, but street gangs and crime have been a protected.


INSTITUTIONS OF Completed in 1965, The Gateway Arch is
630 feet high, making it the tallest man-made

GREATER ST. LOUIS monument in the Western Hemisphere. It has

become synonymous with St. Louis and is often the
first thing people think of when the city is
mentioned. Underneath the Arch is a visitor center,
JEFFERSON NATIONAL the Museum of Westward Expansion, which contains
exhibits regarding the United States expansion
EXPANSION MEMORIAL during the 19th century. It’s here that visitors can get
Commemorated in 1935, this 91-acre park in the three-person tram capsules that take them to
sits atop what used to be the original settlement of St. the top of the arch where they can look down upon
Louis. The memorial also includes The Old the city.
Courthouse where the Dred Scott case began, and EDWARD LANG-
The Gateway Arch. You know how many deals I had to cut to get
ALEXANDER KRIEGER- that thing built. Kindred, kine and… well, let’s just
Of course, I knocked down the old say it took a lot. But it was worth it. The Arch is a
settlement. Could you imagine this city without the testament to what the young can do if the elders just
memorial? Because I can't. get out of the way. Of course, no one got out of my
way, I had to sneak around them.


GATEWAY GEYSER St. Louis’ breweries made me a lot of money back
in the day… and they still do.
Located in Malcolm W. Martin Memorial
Park in East St. Louis, this fountain sprays a stream of
water 630 feet high, matching the Gateway Arch. GRANT’S FARM
JENNIFER WINTER- Located in nearby Grantwood, MO, Grant's
It's a simple thing. But it brings joy to many. Farm is the former home of President Ulysses S.
Then I feed on their joy. Grant but is now owned by the Busch family. The
farm is 281 acres and is now used as an animal
reserve that the public can visit for free. Amongst its
LACLEDE’S LANDING animals are the rest of Anheuser-Busch’s Clydesdales.
Just north of the Jefferson National SHARON POTTER-
Expansion Memorial is Laclede’s Landing, a
collection of shops, restaurants, and attractions. I always liked coming here, even before I
Amongst the attractions are the St. Louis Wax could talk to the animals. It’s also a good place for a
Museum, Carriage Co., and the Royal Dumpe Gangrel to bunk down for the day.
Theater. You can book carriage rides and even
riverboat cruises here. LEMP MANSION
ALEXANDER KRIEGER- Located in Benton Park, The Lemp Mansion
What's old is new again. Old buildings was the home of the Lemp Dynasty, a family of
repurposed. Carriage rides as a lucrative business. A brewers who arrived from Germany in 1838 and
fantastic hotel and casino. What's not to like? produced America’s first lager beer. The Victorian
mansion was built in the 1860’s atop natural caverns
that were used to house a swimming pool,
CITY MUSEUM auditorium, and ballroom. The Lemp Brewery shut
City Museum is a playhouse museum, down permanently during prohibition and the Lemps
consisting largely of repurposed architectural and themselves were plagued by mysterious deaths and
industrial objects, used to make art, abstract or suicide with the last member of the family dying in
otherwise, the Washington Avenue Loft District of 1970. The Lemp Mansion is considered to be quite
Downtown West. haunted today.
To call this eyesore a museum is an insult to So… you know how sometimes a clan's quirks
aficionados all over the world. This is not art. It’s a gets passed to the ghouls? Well, let's just say I've been
playground made from garbage. more careful about how I select my ghouls and
ALEXANDER KRIEGER- business partners lately
I love this place, if for no other reason than it LORD HADES-
gives the Toreador fits. That house is crawling with death, and the
Lemps still serve me well.
The brewery, opened in 1852 by German FOREST PARK
immigrant Adolphus Busch, is designated as a Originally opened in 1876, Forest Park was
National Historic Landmark District. Known for over expanded and renovated for the 1904 World’s Fair,
100 brands of beer and their famous Clydesdales, the serving as the main campus for the event alongside
brewery is immense, spanning 142 acres with nearly neighboring Washington University. It spans 1,731
200 structures. acres and contains numerous attractions including St.
MILLICENT GRIMES- Louis’ Zoo, Science Center, History Museum, Art
Beer. And not even good beer. I mean he says Museum, The Jewel box (a 7,500-square ft. art-deco
he’s German, and this is the swill he helped bankroll greenhouse), golf course, tennis centers, boat houses,
in the old days? I expect more from a Prince. pavilions, and many other sights.


LINDA ELLSTROM- • River City Casino
Our greatest achievement. • The River’s Gem in St. Charles*
• The Lazy Ace in Maryland Heights*
GARDENS *In our world these two casinos are actually
Adjacent to Tower Grove Park, The Missouri the Ameristar Casino and the Hollywood Casino.
Botanical Gardens is 79 acres and contains 6.6 However, here they are the Ventrue’s River’s Gem
million different specimens of plants. It contains a and the Toreador/Brujah owned Lazy Ace.
Japanese strolling garden and the Climatron, the
world’s first geodesic dome greenhouse. MAURICE ST. JAMES-
JACKSON ROSTOV- That there Ventrue, Bruce, he should have
An amazing example of excellence in taken my offer. Now I got a casino across from his
horticulture. Shaw did right by this city in providing a and I ain't goin’ nowhere.
place where one can study so many different types of
flora and their effects.
Located in nearby Eureka, MO, Six Flags is
an amusement park that was opened in 1971. It sits
on 283 acres of land and its eight themes are Illinois, St. Louis has a grand sports history and its
Studio Backlot, Britannia, DC Comics Plaza, teams enjoy the support of a rabid fanbase. In
Chouteau's Market, 1904 World's Fair, Gateway to Baseball the team is represented by the National
the West, and Bugs Bunny National Park. It contains League's multi-time World Champions St. Louis
numerous rides and roller coasters. Cardinals who play in Busch Stadium, located in
Downtown St. Louis. In Hockey, the city is
JONATHAN CROSS- represented by the St. Louis Blues who played in the
I tried to branch out into this market, but the Scottrade Center in the Downtown West area. While
people I was dealing with were… odd. I think the St. Louis no longer has an NFL team, it used to have
Malkavians got there first. the SuperBowl winning St. Louis Rams before the
MILLICENT GRIMES- franchise moved to Los Angeles in 2016. Before the
None of us control the amusement park, Rams, the city hosted The Cardinals, who left for
although I admit I'd love to get my hands on the Phoenix AZ, in 1987. The Dome, just north of
animatronics there. With the right upgrades, I could Laclede’s Landing and where the Rams played, is now
really turn it into something. vacant. St. Louis hasn't had a professional basketball
SERGEI MILLOVICH- team in several decades. Soccer has always been
I dreamt of a land of twisting roads, under six popular in St. Louis and the city has had several
flags, ruled by strange creatures of trickery and chaos. professional teams including the NPSL championship
winning Saint Louis Ambush. The Ambush currently
plays in Family Arena in St. Charles.
I used to go see the Cardinals when I was a
St. Louis has a number of casinos located in kid. I still go to see the Cardinals. I'm surprised more
or near it. It also used to contain a riverboat casino Kindred haven't gotten into the sporting world. I'd
called The Admiral, until legislature forced riverboat like to buy them but apparently, major sports team
gambling to shut down. The current casinos are: owners are too high profile.
• Casino Queen in East St. Louis JENNIFER WINTER-
• Lumiere Place Hotel and Casino in Laclede’s One Cardinals home run. One Blues goal.
Landing Such a rush. One loss. Bone crushing. Sports are
• Isle of Capri Casinos dangerous.


St. Louis is well known for its contributions
to music, primarily the blues. Numerous blues artists
came from the area, such as Little Milton, Oliver
Sain, Albert King, and James Crutchfield just to
name a few. Rock’n roll also benefited from St. Louis,
as Sheryl Crow and Chuck Berry came from the area.
In fact, Chuck Berry continued playing regular gigs in
St. Louis for most of his life. Several hip-hop artists,
like nelly, also called St. Louis home. Finally, Scott
Joplin lived and wrote ragtime music in St. Louis for
some time. Classical music is also well represented as
the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, which has
received six Grammys, performs in Powell Symphony
Hall in Grand Center.
Numerous venues exist throughout the city.
The Pageant, Blueberry Hill, and Powell Symphony
Hall are just some of the many places where you can
hear live music. Musicals can be seen at The Marcelle
in Midtown which hosts New Line Theater, an
alternative musical theater company. The Peabody
Opera House in Downtown West has hosted acts as
big as The Rat Pack. The Fox theater in Grand
Center is the pace to see Broadway. The Rep in
Webster Groves is a place to see plays and music. The
Opera Theater of St. Louis, also located in Webster
Groves is where you can go to hear opera and
classical music. This is nothing to say of the
numerous bars and clubs that feature live musicians
on a nightly basis.
Joplin…Chuck Berry…I've heard them all live,
and I've song with or for many of them. The musical
history of this city is second to none. And the fandom
is off the charts.


Passenger trains are run by Amtrak through
BRIDGES the Gateway Transportation Center. As for freight
Surrounded by rivers, it goes without saying trains, St. Louis is third largest rail hub in the
that St. Louis has about twenty bridges connecting it country. Tracks are owned by Union Pacific, Norfolk
to various parts of Illinois and Missouri. Southern, Foster Townsend Rail Logistics, all of
whom participate in the Terminal Railroad
Association of St. Louis, a switching and terminal
HIGHWAYS railroad that handles traffic in the St. Louis, Missouri
Greater St. Louis contains seven Interstates, metropolitan area.
including four primary routes: I-44, I-55, I-64, and I- DANTE WELLINGTON-
70. It also has three auxiliary routes: I-270, I-170, and Alexander can say what he wants about trains
I-255. Greater St. Louis also is linked by four U.S. being outdated. The simple fact is that they still move
Highways: US 40, US 50, US 61, and US 67. a massive part of this country, and if you control a
market as large as this one, it makes you major player
in the game.


METROLINK arrested. Since then, St. Louis' organized crime has
been quiet and run from the shadows. Currently, the
A light rail system that originates from the
Gateway Transportation center and stretches 46 miles Scaletti family controls the organized crime within
Central and South St. Louis. The Northside and East
throughout St. Louis.
St. Louis have a number of street gangs, and the East
St. Louis also has ties to the Chicago Servitelli Family.
St. Louis is an airport hub with more than a I long for the good old days where the
dozen airports throughout The Metro East area. St. Scalettis ran the whole scene. Now I got Chicago,
Louis Lambert International Airport, the largest local Anarchs, and some who thinks they’re supervillains
airport, is located in St. Louis County. contending for the title. To Hell with all of ‘em.
The moment the Wright Brothers took flight
I knew airplanes were the future. Dante can have his
Much like Cahokia before it, St. Louis had
trains, as long as I have my planes.
an overabundance of prostitutes in the late 19th
century. By 1870, it was estimated that 5,000
UNIVERSITY prostitutes worked in St. Louis, and brothels could be
The city of St. Louis is home to many found in neighborhoods by the riverfront and the
universities and colleges, including Saint Louis downtown areas They were considered tourists
University, Harris-Stowe State University, attraction as they were beautiful, opulent, and
Washington University in St. Louis (although part of operated as part of the local community. In an
Washington University is located in adjacent attempt to control the spread of disease, St. Louis
Clayton, Missouri), and Stevens Institute of Business passed the "Social Evil ordinance," forcing brothels,
and Arts. St. Louis is also home to a number of faith- madams and prostitutes to register with the city.
based schools, both Catholic and Protestant. Prostitution was now legal, but only in registered
brothels. A Social Evil Hospital and House of
GEORGE PAXTON- Industry was created to treat illnesses amongst the
The Brujah had a major hand in the women. None of it worked, though, and pressure
founding of Saint Louis University, and I’m trying to from women’s groups and city officials caused the law
keep that tradition alive. I’ve taught at Saint Louis to be repealed and prostitution was banned in 1879.
University for small chunks of my unlife and worked The hospital became the St. Louis Women’s
behind the scenes the rest. I’m proud of what Hospital, which was knocked down in 1914 to make
Christopher and I built here, and I’ll be damned if I room for Sublette Park in The Hill.
let the Anarchs infect the student body of this VENUS-
Whorehouses have been illegal in my
SERGEI MILLOVICH- lifetime, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find them if
Between the coffee houses and MOTHs at you look hard enough. There’s no better source of
The Gargoyle, those schools have kept me well fed information than a whore looking for a fix.
over the years.

Like many large cities, St. Louis has a long Religion has always been a staple in St. Louis
history of organized crime. Prohibition saw numerous culture, and the city’s history is deeply tied to the
gangs and families with colorful names like Egan’s practice of Catholicism. Being a safe haven for
Rats, The Cuckoos, The Green Ones, and the Hogan Catholics in America earned the city the nickname of
gang, slug it out over who would control the Rome of The West. Catholicism is still the largest
bootlegging in the area. It was violent and public and religion in the city, dwarfing all others with numerous
in the end, most of the families were killed or churches.


ST. LOUIS Is this a shining example of man’s devotion
to God, or God’s love of man? I may disagree with
St. Louis was seen as a haven for Catholics how the elders handle some things, but The Prince’s
for many years, so it is no wonder that the city has devotion to Catholicism and his protection of the
become an important stronghold for Catholicism. faithful is admirable.
Completed in 1914, the cathedral was considered the
center of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is large
enough to hold 5000 people and stands well over 200 How can I still be Catholic? How could I not
ft. high. It contains one of the West’s largest be? Regardless of Camarillan rhetoric, I know where
collections of mosaics, and a number of crypts. we came from. I know the truth. What further proof
would one need that God exists and is watching us?


Bruiser stood silently before the Mississippi and straddled one of the concrete light fixtures.
River Overlook, forty feet of tiered platforms built for Jennifer stood silently looking out into nothing.
people to look across the river at St. Louis from the “What’s up, Bruiser?” Mickey asked.
Malcolm W. Martin Memorial Park. The park was lit “What’s up? Christopher and Chuck are
up but empty as it closed hours ago. The Anarchs dead, Steve and Lester are missing. That’s what’s up.
didn't care about that. They controlled the That enough for you, Twitchy?” Bruiser said. Mickey
neighborhoods here, and security didn't bother them. kept silent and averted his gaze. Jennifer was now
His gaze drifted to the West, to The Arch. Someday staring at Bruiser and getting visibly angry, almost as
he was going to look down on St. Louis from the top angry as he was. “Don’t pull that shit with me,
of the Arch, and either the city would be Anarch Jenny,” he said. “You want a fix you better go
controlled or burning beneath him. All of that would somewhere else, cause you don’t want to taste what
be more difficult now that Christopher was dead. I’ve got going’ on.”
“Bastards,” he muttered to himself. “Not you,” Jennifer growled. “Her.” Jennifer
“This is nice,” a voice said from behind him. pointed at Alison, who approached in her riot grrrl
Bruiser glanced back to see Gerald Rostov get-up.
approaching. “When did they build this?” Gerald "So, is this all that's left?" Alison asked. "Fuck.
asked. Is this all St. Louis has to offer The Anarchs?
“You been gone a long time, Jerry,” Bruiser Pathetic." The Kansas City Anarch had only been in
said. He eyed the Malkavian carefully. The two of town for a few weeks and always had a chip on her
them couldn't be more different; Bruiser was tall, shoulder.
thick, with a shaved head, dressed like a biker. “Watch it,” Bruiser said.
Gerald's black hair and goatee were immaculate. His “Or what? Your group's had its balls cut off.
skin still had a swarthy tone to it, and the red dress Near as I can tell, one of Kansas City’s best gun-
shirt stood out under the black suit and overcoat he runners got offed during this crap,” Alison said. “At
was wearing. His eyes hidden behind sunglasses, the very least, KC is owed somethin’ for that.”
Gerald gave Bruiser a grin, showing off a fang. "Could “Screw KC,” Bruiser said.
you look any more like a vampire?" Bruiser asked. “What the fuck did you say?”
Gerald laughed. “I said screw KC you pink haired twat.”
Bruiser was annoyed, but as he glared at Alison bared her fangs. “You sonuvabitch!”
Gerald he noticed Mickey and Jennifer coming up She started marching towards Bruiser, but she was
from behind him. The two unkempt youths looked stopped short by a bullet ricocheting in front of her
more like high-school runaways than they did feet. Everyone looked to see Pistol-Whip emerging
Anarchs, but they had their uses. Mickey walked up from the shadows beneath the overlook. Her gray


fedora hid her red hair, and the pin-striped suit and stood silent, not knowing what to think of this.
overcoat hid her form. What wasn’t hidden was the Bruiser turned away from Alison and looked to Pistol-
smoking .45 in her hand. Whip. Something unspoken was definitely being
"Not tonight," Pistol-Whip said. "We aren't conveyed between them.
doing this tonight." Gerald was the first to comment on it.
Alison growled in her direction, but threw “You’re not seriously considering this, are you?” he
her hands up and stepped back. asked.
“What’s the word?” said Bruiser. Bruiser turned to him and said, “We’re
“Preacher's still with us, but he’s got some going.”
shit to deal with,” Pistol Whip said.
“Well, at least that’s somethin’,” Bruiser said.
“Not much,” Gerald said. “I understood he
was an Anarch in name only.”
“At least he’s been around,” said Pistol-Whip.
“The Prince is calling a meeting for
tomorrow,” Mickey said. “At Lumiere’s. The whole
city, even us, under a flag of truce. Says he wants to
explain what happened. Let us know who died.”
“How damn stupid does he think we are?”
Alison demanded.
“Not ‘we’,” Bruiser said. Alison locked her
gaze on him once again. The rest of the Anarchs



The Brujah of the St. Louis area have fallen incredibly important to the United States, its citizens,
on their fair share of hard times, but the current and the Kindred who lived amongst them.
situation they find themselves in is dire indeed. Their When the Tithe was first enacted in 1804, it
Primogen is dead. They have no real representation was Pyotr who led its enforcement and he made sure
amongst the elders and the Anarchs are threatening that the Brujah received their fair share of influence.
to rip the Clan apart. Those who do not share their With the help of Pyotr’s East Coast brood and his
violent tendencies are alone on an island. This was European Childer, the Brujah became magnates in
not always the case. The Brujah are a founding clan shipping, powerful land owners, and Christopher
of the city, and at one time they were one of the most Long helped bring higher education to the area by
powerful. helping establish St. Louis University in 1818.
Pyotr Dastrovik, a Brujah elder from Russia Becoming restless, Pyotr left the city in 1825
came to St. Louis shortly before the Louisiana leaving the Clan in the hands of his Grandchilder,
Purchase, returning to aid an old ally from Europe, Samuel O’Malley, an East Coast Brujah who had
Alexander Kreiger. It was 1803 and the American made a life for himself in St. Louis. A saloon owner,
Revolution had gained the rebellious Brujah a great Samuel was not as fiery as Pyotr or as highbrow as
deal of influence in the Eastern States. Pyotr pulled Christopher, but he was well liked in the city. The
more than a few strings to help Alexander’s power Brujah continued to support St. Louis and its Prince,
play in getting the US government to purchase St. but soon began involving themselves in kine affairs.
Louis and the lands west of it. Once the deal was
done, Pyotr returned to serve as the Primogen to the The Brujah detested that Missouri was a slave
new Camarilla city, one that had just became state and they became involved in abolitionist


movements, angering some Kindred who had including many of Christopher Long’s Childer.
benefitted from slavery in the area, amongst them The weakened Brujah could barely put up a
Prince Alexander. Still, they were able to hide their fight when the Ventrue stole the St. Louis Federal
activities behind the Masquerade and no Camarilla Reserve Bank from them and the Malkavians.
laws were broken so they were allowed to continue. Alexander’s indifference to the situation drove
In 1833, things took a turn for the worse. Christopher mad. Gone was the academic, replaced
Samuel was killed during the Prince’s Ball by a with an Anarch who wanted to destroy the Camarilla.
Gangrel named Lawrence. Instead of destroying him, The Brujah of St. Louis followed as Christopher
the Prince made him the new Primogen of the began embracing Kindred of an anarchist mindset.
Gangrel. The Brujah were outraged. Stavros who had He also strengthened ties with the younger Kindred
always been a vocal opponent of the Prince took of Kansas City, many of who were Anarchs.
leadership of the Clan. Pyotr was said to have been The number of Brujah in St. Louis have
greatly upset with his old friend when he found out fluctuated over the years given the amount of
about this. His future visits to St. Louis were few and Kindred who passed through the city on the way to
far between before he finally returned to Russia. the west. At its height, the Clan had nearly a dozen
Things got worse in 1849 when cholera and a recognized members. As St. Louis’ population
fire destroyed several Brujah holdings and resources. dropped in the modern nights so did the population
This was only compounded in 1850 by the first of its Clans. That, combined with losses that occurred
Ventrue brood to arrive in the city. Dante Wellington during Sabbat attacks, and other supernatural threats,
immediately challenged the Brujah on multiple the Brujah have shrunk considerably in size and
fronts. Their struggles were mirrored by the country’s power.
march towards The Civil War. George and Christopher’s additions to the clan, Pistol-
Christopher stepped up their slavery protests and the Whip, a hitman, Bruiser, a thug, and Lester, a thief,
Ventrue stepped up their harassment. The Venture favored the cause and had some clout on the street
never favored secession, but when The Brujah and the underworld. George would embrace
arranged for secessionists to be arrested by Union Jonathon Cross, a businessman, and Lindsay Waters,
soldiers, the Ventrue arranged for a mob to attack the a lawyer, in an attempt to gain some legitimacy for
soldiers. This lead to the death of 28 civilians, and 11 the Clan. Jonathon’s casino and Lindsay’s practice
days of rioting causing Prince Alexander to declare gave them some influence in various areas.
martial law upon the Kindred of St. Louis for the first
time. It also caused him to declare that the Kindred In recent nights, Christopher had been
of St. Louis must remain neutral in the mortal working with a Brujah from Kansas City named
conflict. Branson to coordinate a strike against Alexander.
However, The Week of Nightmares struck, Alexander
Stavros was incensed and his rhetoric became declared martial law and the Brujah scattered. During
more inflammatory. Finally, he went too far in 1900 this time Branson, Lindsay, and Christopher were
when he arranged the St. Louis Streetcar Strike which destroyed. Now, what is left of the clan is fractured.
was a direct assault on the Prince’s and Ventrue George, who had been given the nickname of Pax by
holdings. Alexander banished Stavros, and Christopher due to his continuous attempts to sue
Christopher took over the Clan. Stavros would rally for peace, is trying desperately to unite the Clan.
the Brujah to overthrow Kansas City, one of However, the Anarchs are not biting. Without
Alexander’s fiefdoms. Stavros declared himself Prince Christopher, they run the risk of losing control of the
summoning the Brujah of St. Louis to his side. movement. These are desperate times for the Brujah.
Unfortunately for the Brujah, all this did was lead to
the destruction of Stavros and several other Brujah,


question George and George fired right back at him
feeling something he had long thought dead stir
GEORGE “PAX” PAXTON within him. A fiery debate ensued and after nearly an
George Paxton was born in the year 1810 to a hour, the man stepped off of his crate and introduced
poor family in a small a small riverfront community himself as Christopher Long. He offered to buy
north of St. Louis. His father was a school teacher George a meal if he would continue to speak with
who made sure George had what most would him. George accepted.
consider to be a very happy and well-rounded That night George learned that Christopher
childhood. Learning to read at a very young age, was schooled in many subjects and was a former
George often spent the days with his nose in a book. educator himself. George explained that he used to
George soon found a calling in debate as he argued teach and he explained what had happened to him
subjects with his father on a daily basis. over the past few years. Christopher listened intently
Academia called to George who would excel and offered George a deal. If he was willing to attend
at school and attend Harvard University on an a debate with him, Christopher would help George
academic scholarship. After receiving degrees in get his life moving again. George, with nothing to
multiple subjects, George returned home to become a lose, agreed.
teacher at St. Louis University in 1845. George George and Christopher attended what
prospered and improved his family’s standing with a appeared to be an open debate the next evening.
new home in St. Louis. Soon he met and married a Various people debated many different subjects, and
woman named Sarah and they made plans for a as Christopher walked through the crowd he picked
family. Unfortunately for them, this was not to be. debates for George to engage in. George debated
In 1849 a cholera epidemic struck St. Louis every subject he came across and as they left
devastating the community, killing thousands. Christopher congratulated him for having survived a
George’s parents and wife fell victim to this plague. “Brujah rant.”
George was destroyed inside and he soon stopped Christopher eventually embraced George in
teaching. He had enough to live off for a year or two 1850. As Christopher’s ally, the two of them created
as he slowly tried to drink himself to death. an atmosphere of learning amongst the Brujah of the
Slipping into oblivion while wandering the city. The Brujah’s standing in the city was tenuous as
streets of St. Louis, George stumbled pasted a man it was currently led by an elder named Stavros who
who was arguing the pros and cons of government was a firm believer in social revolution and openly
versus. religion. George listened to the man and challenged the Prince on many occasions. It appeared
spoke up against some of his views. The man began to that the Brujah in this city had not had the best track


record, often being hot-headed loudmouths who were Alexander offered amnesty to any who left now. Only
either driven out or killed. the Brujah stayed. George wanted to leave but he did
Throughout the rest of the 19th century, not want to leave Christopher. Christopher stayed
Christopher and George set up or supported many because he had several Childer here and they were
learning institutions in the city, including not budging.
Washington University, the nation's first public As Alexander and Stavros began arguing,
kindergarten, and St. Louis Public Library. Before the Vladimir sat next to George and asked him why he
Civil War, George and Christopher held public had not left. George explained the situation and the
rallies in protest of slavery, which angered many in old man smiled saying that was admirable of him. Just
the divided state, especially the Ventrue of the city then, the fighting began. No one saw what happened
who feared the economic crunch of the war and to Stavros but he had been dusted in a heartbeat. The
needed slaves for their lands. When the war began, rest of the Brujah attacked the Prince but no one of
the Prince of St. Louis, Alexander Kreiger, forbid them could penetrate his Presence and many of them
Kindred involvement but allowed George and were left on the ground in quivering heaps.
Christopher to lay the groundwork for schools to Alexander proclaimed that Angela would be
help the children of refugee slaves. The Brujah were Prince of the city and Angela made her first
proud of the role they played in the war, and more proclamation ordering all the Brujah who
importantly felt that they were instrumental in participated in the assault on Alexi be destroyed. The
keeping Missouri divided on the issue of slavery as it Brujah were rounded up by the Kindred of Kansas
was founded as a slave state. City and destroyed. Christopher was in complete
In 1900, Christopher became the Primogen shock. He had lost almost his entire brood to this
of the Clan when Stavros was banished for helping madness. He pleaded with the Prince for his Childer
create the Streetcar Strike of 1900, which was seen as to be spared. Vladimir Rostov looked at George and
an assault on the Prince’s personal holdings. Things said that loyalty is admirable, but stupidity is not.
went well for the Clan until 1933 when a rallying cry With that, he and Alexander left.
for the Clan came out of nearby Kansas City. It George had to remove Christopher from the
appeared that Stavros had killed the former Ventrue city and take him home. Christopher was never the
Prince, declared the city his and wanted all available same after that. He became much more outspoken
Brujah to come to Kansas City as a show of support against Camarilla politics and George began to worry.
against the powers of St. Louis. Stavros was The final straw would come in 1940.
Christopher’s grand-Sire and while Christopher did Dante Wellington the Ventrue Primogen
not agree with what happened, he said it was their pitted the Malkavians and the Brujah against each
duty to go. All of the Brujah of St. Louis went to other while he swindled the St. Louis Federal Reserve
Kansas City that night. Bank out from under them. Although Dante would
When they arrived, they found that Prince be nearly killed by the Malkavian Primogen, Lord
Stavros had called a gathering of all the city Hades, it would not be enough to heal the madness
inhabitants. Shortly after the meeting began the George saw growing in his friend. Christopher began
doors swung open as Prince Alexander Kreiger and taking a very militant stand against anyone who
Toreador Primogen Angela Davish walked into the opposed the Brujah for any reason. His rhetoric
room. They were followed by an older looking man became fiery and his capacity for violence grew.
who Christopher acknowledged as Vladimir Rostov, By 1970, the intellectual that had embraced
an eccentric Malkavian elder the Prince allowed to George was gone and now only a revolutionary
stay in the city. George had heard of Rostov, but he remained. He began embracing thugs like Bruiser and
had never met him. Pistol Whip into the Clan and together they started
Alexander asked for a private audience with an Anarch movement in the city. George was alone in
Stavros prompting Stavros to laugh at him. Waves of his Clan and as a result of this, he started his own
Presence began emitting from the two Princes. brood by embracing Jonathon Cross a local


businessman with an ax to grind against the Ventrue, Embrace: 1850
and Lindsay Waters, a lawyer specializing in civil Apparent Age: Late 30’s
rights suits. People from outside of the clan began to Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
view George as the Clan leader as Christopher was Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
becoming more irrational and the Anarchs were Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
becoming dangerous. George even dealt with the Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
occasional Primogen on matters. Intimidation 1, Leadership 3, Streetwise 1,
Now Christopher is dead, and without Subterfuge 3
Christopher, the Anarchs are a ticking time bomb. Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Melee 3,
They are mostly comprised of Brujah, Brujah whose Security 2
help George is going to need to be recognized as Knowledges: Academics 4, Area Knowledge 2 (St.
Primogen so the clan can at least be represented. Louis), Clan Lore 2 (Brujah), Computer 3, Law 2,
Whether he gets it or not he has to try to unify the Medicine 4 (Psychology)
clan. Disciplines: Celerity 4, Dominate 3, Fortitude 1,
There is also the matter of the Ventrue. Potence 4, Presence 4,
George has never forgiven Dante for humiliating his Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Herd 3, Influence
Sire, and the Ventrue are still assaulting Brujah 2, Status 2
property in the form of Jonathon’s casino. He doesn’t Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
know if he trusts the Prince but he knows that the Humanity/Path: Humanity 7
Malkavians have no love for the Ventrue and possibly Willpower: 7
a deal could be struck. Merit: Calm Heart
Flaw: Can’t Cross Running Water
Image: George is of average height and build and
maintains a business casual appearance. His brunette Backgrounds and Influences:
hair is slightly unkempt and his beard is usually neatly Herd- Students at the St. Louis University
trimmed, although the modern nights have seen the High Society- The University’s Alumni Club
return of an affinity for longer shaggier beards like Law- Favor owed by old students and parents of
the one he was embraced with. students
Finance- Money invested in school functions and area
Roleplaying Hints: Normally George comes off as a institutions
mild-mannered college professor, but the current Underworld- Small time drug dealers on campus
situation with the Anarchs is beginning to frustrate Media- Part owner of one of the city papers and
him. He wants nothing more than to reign in the clan television station.
without bloodshed, but he’s no longer sure that’s University- Full-time Tenured night professor at
possible. He’s starting to fray around the edges, and University.
he’s hedging all of his bets on becoming recognized as
Primogen. George still mourns the loss of
Christopher and he fears that if he can’t make any
progress to resolving the clan issues he might get
sucked into the same madness as his Sire. MCCORMICK
Maureen McCormick was born in St. Louis,
Name: George “Pax” Paxton MO in 1900. She never knew her father or mother
Clan: Brujah abandoned her at a young age. She spent most of her
Nature: Pedagogue Childhood being raised in the St. Vincent Home for
Children where she learned to be a devout Catholic.
Demeanor: Idealist
Unfortunately, she would be bounced around from
Generation: 9th
one foster home to another, and emotional and
Sire: Christopher Long


physical abuse at the hands of her "parents" became this against her after what he had put her through?
commonplace. Maureen soon began to despise the This must be what he wanted and this is what he was
human race. An attempted rape by one of her going to get.
"fathers" (he would have succeeded had she not Maureen put the word out that she was
plucked out his eye with a fork) was enough to looking for work and it wouldn’t be too long before
convince Maureen to get out of the system that she was contracted for a job. She could earn an easy
destroyed her Childhood. She was 12 years old when couple of bucks by offing someone over a gambling
she ran off. debt. She found the mark in a bar and waited for him
She vowed she would never go back to a outside. When he left the building, she walked up
foster home and that she would never need anyone behind him and cracked him across the back of the
else to look after her. Knowing that being a girl would head with her gun. As he fell to the ground she shot
make life on the streets that much harder, she cut her him in the back of the head. It seemed that this was
hair and wore large baggy clothes pretending to be a getting easier the more she did it.
boy. She spent the next year of her life known to The next day she collected her money from
some of the local hoods as "Pete". the bookie who hired her and he called her "Pistol-
During this time, Maureen ran with a couple Whip Pete" after reading about the condition that the
of crowds, mostly street toughs, and through them man's body was in and still thinking Maureen was a
she learned how to survive. They taught her where to man. Maureen liked the name and started using it as
sleep and how to steal to live. She made sure never to her moniker. After a couple of jobs, she had enough
get too close to any of them lest they find out she was money to afford a place to live and get some new
a woman. It was a fact that was becoming harder to clothes. She went and got fitted with a suit and
hide as she got older. purchased some guns and knives. She looked in the
When she was 16, Maureen was involved in mirror and no longer saw a grubby little street urchin.
the mugging of a young couple. One of the guys had Instead, she saw an individual on the move ready to
picked up a gun from somewhere and was waving it join the big leagues. Keeping her hair short, her
in front of a husband and wife. The husband breast taped down and her the brim of her hat pulled
attacked the hood and there was a struggle. The gun down low, Maureen continued with the ruse of being
fell to the ground. Maureen’s friends didn’t know male.
what to do, so Maureen picked up the gun and “Pistol-Whip” was working for the highest
cracked the man over the head with it. He fell to the bidder. The Green Ones, The Hogan Gang, the
ground and his wife began screaming. Maureen Cuckoos…all were in a shooting match to take
pointed the gun at her and shot her dead in the face. control of the city during Prohibition. Bootlegging
The man tried to get up but Catherine began beating runs, assault, murder, Maureen was in the middle of
him in the head with the pistol until he didn’t move all of it. Her reputation grew over the years, and she
anymore. They looted the bodies and took off. found herself quite sought after by several families.
Maureen laid low for a while and thought None of them suspected her of being a woman and
about why she had done what she did. She realized occasionally she dressed as one to get close to an
that the couple represented the life she could have unsuspecting mark. Eventually, though all good
had once. The life the world took from her. The life things come to an end.
she will never have. The life she was owed. From that When Prohibition ended and The
point on she was determined to have a life of wealth Depression kicked in things started to slow down and
where she would no longer have to want for anything. only some of the smaller families were left. families
She found that killing those people was one of the like the Scaletti's. Maureen made contact with the
easier acts she had to commit since living on the Scaletti family and offered her services to them and
streets. As a matter of fact, she somewhat enjoyed it. after a couple of test runs, she was hired in. She was
Still, the Catholic inside of her made her pray for 30 years old.
forgiveness when it was over. How could God hold


Maureen found herself committing several grateful for her nearly killing Tony. It made his job
jobs for the Scaletti’s that involved common street that much easier. He explained the Ventrue and
punks. As far as she knew she was just offing gang Brujah struggles and how they used her as a pawn to
leaders for no apparent reason. She didn’t really care attack the Brujah. He explained that he was there that
she was just curious as to what they had done so she last night when the kid told her that story. He said he
stopped to have a conversation with one before he could have killed her then but that he recognized the
died. inner drive she possessed and was quite intrigued by
She had already shot him in both legs and it. He followed her to Tony’s to see what would
was holding a gun to his head as he began to tell her a happen and as she lay dying he decided to embrace
very interesting story. He was saying that the Scaletti’s her.
were run by vampires and that so were the gangs she That night Maureen learned all about
was offing. Apparently, the vampires didn’t like each Vampires and the Camarilla. Christopher explained
other and were offing each other’s workers. Maureen how the Brujah worked and how he wanted her to be
didn’t believe the kid and shot him dead. She part of a new movement in the city. A movement that
decided to talk to the boss and find out what was espoused freedom above all else, a movement that
going on. could topple the status quo, the same status quo she
She met with Tony, her liaison to the head of had always fought against. He gave her the rest of the
the family, and made some inquiries. When asked night to think about.
why she was curious she mentioned the kid’s story. Maureen hated the idea that he had done
Tony laughed and smiled at her saying that it was all this to her, but she was curious as to what she could
true. Maureen didn’t believe him until she saw his do now. She mulled over the possibilities the entire
fangs. He told her that he could smell that she was a night and when he returned the next evening she had
woman and that he had been thinking about taking decided to join the Brujah. As she learned more
her as his Child. about vampires and their history she became
She didn’t know what that meant but she convinced that this is what God had intended her to
knew she didn’t like it. She pulled her guns and be all along. The year was 1930.
began shooting Tony. The bullets were having little Working with Cristopher, Maureen helped
effect on him as he jumped over his desk throwing start Anarch movement in St. Louis. She had grown
her across the room. She felt her ribs break and she to despise the way things were run in the Camarilla
was bleeding badly. Tony fell upon her and sunk his just by hearing about them. She didn’t really care for
fangs into her neck. She couldn’t believe the the Anarchs but they would be less stifling on her.
sensation’s she was feeling she felt waves of pleasure She still accepted contracts and now freelanced for
and pain rack her body. All she knew was that anyone willing to pay her. She even got jobs to take
someone was trying to take her life from her and she out other vampires but she was always careful not to
couldn’t let that happen. She got her gun up against hit anyone in the city. That way the Prince couldn’t
Tony’s head and squeezed the trigger. Tony recoiled do anything about it.
in pain and took most of her neck with him. At least Over the years there have been many Anarchs
death would be on her terms now and she lost in the city but there was have always Bruiser and
consciousness. Lester. Bruiser was dumb as a rock but strong as a
To Maureen's surprise, she awoke the next bull, and Lester has proved useful to Pistol-Whip as a
night feeling strange. A man sat at the foot of the bed thief. There are some vampires in the Anarchs right
she was in and he greeted her. She found that she now that aren't Brujah. There's a Toreador, a Caitiff,
had no clothes or weapons on. He apologized but he and a Malkavian but they hardly matter. The only
wanted a chance to talk to her before she tried to kill one who does is Preacher, a Nosferatu who
him. He introduced himself as Christopher Long and apparently wields divine power. He is also the only
he said he was a vampire of clan Brujah. When she one who can take Pistol Whip’s confessions. He often
asked why she was still alive he said that he was uses his abilities to calm the Anarchs down and has


probably kept some of them from getting themselves Knowledges: Area Knowledge 2 (St. Louis), Clan
killed. Lore 1 (Brujah), Computer 2, Law 1, Linguistics 2,
Christopher’s death has left a gaping hole in Occult 1, Politics 1
the Anarchs, one Pistol-Whip has no intention of Disciplines: Celerity 3, Potence 3, Presence 2,
filling. She’s a hitter, not a capo. Unfortunately, she Obfuscate 3
doesn’t know if Bruiser has the smarts for it, and Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 3 (Organized
Kansas City seems to have their own agenda for the Crime), Influence 1, Resources 3
Anarchs. Whoever takes the reins needs to do it Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 3, Courage 4
soon. Pistol-Whip has begun looking at the Humanity/Path: Power and Inner Voice 6
disenfranchised of the city in hopes of finding new Willpower: 6
blood, and one name has come to mind. Edward Merit: Acute Sense (Hearing), Ambidextrous
Lang, a Ventrue, but the Childer of an Anarch. Flaw:
Derangement: Depersonalization
Image: Pistol-Whip still keeps an androgynous
appearance with no-makeup, short-cropped red hair Backgrounds and Influences:
hidden under a fedora and no make-up while Allies- Anarchs
covering her small, lithe frame with pinned striped Contacts - Tommy the Flame, Mob Cleaner
suits. Only wearing a dress when business requires Anthony Scalipo, Mafia job finder
her to get close to an unsuspecting target, some Benny Ran, junkyard owner
Kindred who have been in the city for decades still Resources - Savings
think Pistol-Whip is a man. Underworld - Mafia contacts for assassinations
Street - Small time thugs trying to prove self, and
Roleplaying Hints: Cold and calculating with an icy Reputation
stare, Pistol-Whip is notably calmer than the other
Brujah. She cares little for politics and is growing
tired of clan politics. Even the Anarchs are starting to
Simon Pendlebee was born in St. Louis MO,
get stale and unless they step-up their game she’s
in 1945 Growing up in a household with an abusive
going to start looking for new work…possibly outside
father, Simon grew up big, strong, and stupid.
The Camarilla.
Unfortunately for the kids who grew up near him or
went to school with him, Simon took after his father.
Name: Maureen McCormick
Simon's nickname of "Bruiser" was coined early and it
Clan: Brujah
stuck. Bruiser's ability to take his aggression out on
Nature: Survivor
the football field was cut short when he was kicked
Demeanor: Loner off the team when it was found out one of the
Generation: 9th cheerleaders was doing his homework for him. Never
Sire: Christopher Long believing he had a shot at anything in life without
Embrace: 1930 sports he quit school and started looking for work.
Apparent Age: Early 30’s Bruiser found employment as an enforcer for
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3 the construction companies in charge of building
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4 Busch Stadium which was scheduled to be built right
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 on top of Chinatown. Bruiser helped drive the
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, remaining Chinese immigrants out of the
Intimidation 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3 neighborhood so it could be condemned and
Skills: Drive 1, Firearms 5, Melee 3, Performance 3, scheduled for urban renewal. His talents as a leg-
Security 3, Stealth 3 breaker were noticed and soon he found himself
employed by the unions on the docks. Whether it was


fighting shop owners or management, Bruiser just Embrace: 1970
wanted to fight. Apparent Age: Early 20’s
Bruiser’s anger and frustration would bring Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
him to the attention of Christopher Long of the Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Brujah clan, who mistakenly thought Bruiser just Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
wanted to fight, “The Man.” Christopher offered Talents: Alertness 3, Are Knowledge 1, Athletics 2,
Bruiser a chance to fight every night for an eternity Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2,
against an unjust system. Bruiser figured why not and Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 2
he became a vampire in 1970. Skills: Drive 3, Firearms 2, Melee 2, Security 3
Bruiser enjoyed the Kindred lifestyle and the Knowledges: Computer 1, Finance 1, Law 1,
solidarity of the Brujah which reminded him of being Linguistics 1, Occult 1
back on the football team. He took it upon himself to Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 4, Presence 2
watch Christopher’s back and put a whoopin’ on Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Herd 2, Influence
anyone who threatened the Anarchs. Along with 1
Pistol-Whip, Bruiser became the backbone of the Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
Anarchs. Humanity/Path: 4
Now with Christopher gone, Bruiser might Willpower: 6
have to become more than that. The Anarchs of St. Merit: Bruiser
Louis are floundering without leadership. It’s bad Flaw: Hatred (Ventrue)
enough that Kansas City has already sent a Caitiff to
spy on them, but Bruiser knows that Pistol-Whip Backgrounds and Influences:
won’t take the reins and he isn’t about to let a non- Allies- Anarchs
Brujah run the faction. Bruiser may not be smart, but Herd - Human gang members
he’s far from stupid, and he knows that if he doesn’t Contacts – Anarchs in Kansas City
take over, things might get worse. But he’s going to Street - Head of a city gang
have to make a big play to garner the support of the
Born in 1942 in St. Louis, MO Jonathon
Image: About 6'4", thick-necked and broad-
Cross had a bright future ahead of him in financial
shouldered, Bruiser's usually dresses casually in a
advisement. His father was a banker and Jonathon
leather jacket, jeans, and biker boots.
spent quite a bit of time around money. He went to
school for investment trading and returned home to
Roleplaying Hints: Bruiser hates authority of any
open his own firm, The Cross-Company Trading
kind. He was even beginning to chafe under
Firm. Jonathon was quite successful in the 60’s and
Christopher. He hates talking and people who do a
70’s and Jonathon had a skilled team of investors
lot of it. He respects strength and nothing else. While
working for him. He rode quite high for 15 years
not the sharpest tool of in the shed, Bruiser is far
until 1980. That’s when the Ventrue noticed his
from stupid and if he thinks anyone is trying to play
him his short temper will take over, and Bruiser isn’t
They moved in like a bunch of sharks. Soon
a big believer in mercy.
his employees were jumping ship to Ventrue owned
companies. Tactics that were illegal in recruiting were
Name: Simon “Bruiser” Pendlebee
being employed, but Jonathon couldn’t prove it.
Clan: Brujah
Soon his clients were going elsewhere and his
Nature: Rogue
business was floundering. Having no choice, he sold
Demeanor: Bravo
his business to Dante Wellington.
Generation: 9th
Sire: Christopher Long


He spent months pursuing legal action but Roleplaying Hints: Jonathon is good with numbers,
he never had enough to actually make anything stick making money, and little else. And he’s fine with
in court. Not knowing what to do, Jonathon sat alone that. The rest of the clan can give flowery speeches
in his penthouse and contemplated suicide. It was and shoot people, but he knows that he’s who they
then that he met George Paxton who said he had a come to when they need a loan. He’s fine to stay in
business proposition for Jonathon and that if he the back room of his casino while the Brujah figure
accepted he could finally strike at Dante Wellington. things out. The only thing he can get fired up about
George had been looking for someone financially is his hatred of the Ventrue.
wise to help the clan in some of its portfolio's. He
decided Jonathon was a good choice when he read Name: Jonathon Cross
against his struggles with Dante and the Ventrue. Clan: Brujah
Jonathon relished the chance to cause the Dante Nature: Architect
harm and that night he joined the Brujah. Demeanor: Perfectionist
Most of the 80's were spent making money for the Generation: 10th
Brujah and taking pot shots at the Ventrue. Jonathon Sire: George Paxton
never really connected with Christopher Long, the Embrace: 1978
Primogen who spent most of his time playing with Apparent Age: Late 30’s
the Anarchs. Jonathon never understood the Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Anarchs. He felt that the only Brujah worth anything Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
were George, Lindsay Waters, and himself. Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
In the 90’s he met Maurice St. James a sweet- Talents: Brawl 1, Dodge 1 Empathy 2, Leadership 1,
talking Toreador who had a proposition for the Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2
Brujah. He was interested in starting a casino to Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 1, Melee 1,
compete with Bruce Kerns of the Ventrue. George Security 2
and Jonathon liked the idea and Jonathon went into Knowledges: Academics 4, Computer 3, Law 2,
a partnership with Maurice. Within a few years, The Medicine 4 (Psychology)
Lazy Ace Casino was opened, almost directly across Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Potence 2, Presence
the Missouri River from Kern's casino, The River's 3
Gem. And the fight was on. With Maurice on the Backgrounds: Fame 2, Influence 1, Retainers 3,
floor handling promotions and Jonathon handling Resources 3, Status 1
the finances things have gone well. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 2
Christopher’s death has the potential to Humanity/Path: Humanity 6
cause problems for Jonathon. Christopher respected Willpower: 3
Bruce and the cash-cow that was the casino and as Merit: Common Sense
such he kept the Anarchs away from it. However, the Flaw: Low Self Image
Anarchs are now leaderless, and if they start making Derangement: Nervous tic (George stutters when
demands on Jonathon things could get ugly as flustered)
Maurice will shoot Anarchs on site. That, plus no
Primogen, plus an influence war with the Ventrue is Backgrounds and Influences:
starting to get to Jonathon. Fame - High roller, and philanthropist of city elite.
Retainers - Staff of casino and personnel.
Image: A short, overweight man with a receding Resources - Family fortune and casino earnings.
hairline who still wears glasses out of habit. Jonathon Transportation - Heavy cargo movers and limo
still dresses like an accountant, but years of working service.
with a Toreador has given some sense of style. Bureaucracy - Lobbyist of city, state level.


High Society - Hob-nob with deal makers and city He snuck into the museum and stole the
trendsetters. talisman with ease. Their security was a joke and the
Finance - lobby group and large investments in city Gangrel weren't in the area at the time. Lester made
infrastructure. his way back to the city laughing all the way at the
Political - Aides to officials help you out. money that awaited him. But the best-laid plans of
mice and men…
LESTER DILLON Lester went to meet with his fence last night
and walked into the building that the deal was
Lester Dillon was born in St. Louis, MO in
the year 1957. He was born into a poor family and supposed to go down in. What Lester saw was a
spent a great deal of his Childhood running with the Tremere, David Cove incinerating a vampire he
wrong crowd. didn’t recognize. He didn’t see his fence anywhere
By the time he was a teenager he was already and he took off running. He is hoping that David
heavily involved in a street gang. One of their hobbies didn’t see him. Now Lester is in hiding as he didn’t
was going places and shoplifting and no one was get his money, he can’t contact his fence, and he
better at it then Lester. Soon he got the idea of taking doesn’t know what to do with the talisman, which
down some real scores. Shoplifting led to boosting has shown up in all the local papers, making it too
cars and eventually burglary. As he got older the takes hot to pawn.
became bigger and his name was becoming known in
the underworld. It also attracted the Brujah. Image: Lester goes to great lengths to look and dress
In 1980, Lester was embraced by the Anarch, nondescript. He is clean shaven and his hair is kept
Bruiser, and he found that he liked the being a short. His frame is small, but he is wiry.
vampire and was thrilled with his powers which
would make his job easier. He has always considered Roleplaying Hints: Lester is a little jittery and slightly
himself an Anarch and he likes the solidarity of the paranoid when he’s not working. However, when he
Brujah. It was like being in two gangs at once. takes a job he is all business from start to finish. His
He supported all Anarch endeavors but he wasn't too current situation has left him scared and in hiding as
thrilled about Christopher's plan to take over he has no wish to tangle with the Tremere. He hasn’t
Missouri. Still, he gave the boss his support but he told any of the other Anarchs what he has done.
began making plan's just in case the gravy train dried
up. So, when he was contacted about a job that Name: Lester Dillon
sounded good, he leaped at it. All he had to do was Clan: Brujah
sneak into the Indian Museum out by the Mounds Nature: Rebel
and steal a talisman from an exhibit. The job paid Demeanor: Thrill-Seeker
quite well due to the dangers of the werewolves and Generation: 10th
the Gangrel. His fence didn't know who wanted the Sire: Bruiser
job done, just that they requested Lester. Lester knew Embrace: 1980
not to ask too many questions and agreed to the deal. Apparent Age: Early 30’s
His fence told him where and when the handoff was Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
to be made. Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Then the martial law declaration occurred Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
and all Kindred were cooped up in their havens. Just Talents: Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
as Lester feared he got news that Christopher and a Skills: Drive 3, Firearms 2, Melee 2, Performance 2,
couple of the Anarchs bit it, as well as several other Security 3, Stealth 3
vampires in the city. Lester decided it was time to Knowledges: Computer 3, Law 1 Occult 1
make his move. Disciplines: Celerity 2, Potence 2, Presence 1,
Obfuscate 2


Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Resources 2
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 2
Humanity/Path: Humanity 4
Willpower: 4
Merit: Pitiable, Catlike Balance

Backgrounds and Influences:

Allies- Anarchs
Contacts - Louis O’Leary, Pawn Shop owner.
Ming Po, International Re-Seller
Street - Known and accomplished thief
Underworld - Known and accomplished thief


The fiery Primogen of Clan Brujah,
Christopher Long began his unlife as an idealistic
academic. The death of his brood and the injustices
that the Brujah suffered sent him spiraling into
bitterness, which soon degenerated into madness.
Christopher fully planned to launch an Anarch
assault on St. Louis and was in the final stages of
planning. Obviously, Alexander found out and had
him killed.

A young Brujah who was not wrapped up in
the Anarch cause. She was a civil rights lawyer and an
associate of the Gangrel lawyer Bill Stewart. Lindsay
took many police brutality cases, and since Alexander
controls the police this was his way of sending the
Brujah a message.

An Anarch from Kansas City, Branson was
planning the assault with Christopher. Other than
that, Branson has no connection to St. Louis.
Alexander must have had him killed to show that
nothing escapes his sight and to send a message to
Kansas City.




A member of the original Court, Pyotr found had actually managed to make contact with
it difficult to fit in modern civilization. Bored, he left Alexander in hopes of using what little
St. Louis, only to return a few times over the decade influence she had left to hurt the Anarchs.
before he finally returned to Russia in the early 20th • Phil Cassian, a novelist who was conducting
century. All contact with him was lost when Baba- research into the mob families of the area. He
Yaga cut Russia off from the rest of the world. doesn’t know who embraced him, just that it
was a woman.
THE CAITIFF • Tommy “Turk” Jane, a low-level bookie.
The Caitiff in St. Louis were no different than
Caitiff in any other Camarilla city: accidental The above Caitiff are known to have been
embraces, cast-offs, and mistakes. None were accepted destroyed because they had some contact with the
members of the city. Few knew who their Sires were. other Kindred of St. Louis. There are other Caitiff
Some had at least nominal contact with an accepted who were barely known, if at all, whose fate is
Kindred or clan within the city. Most Caitiff eventually unknown. Only two Caitiff are known to have
left the big city for the outer suburbs, smaller towns, or survived, an Anarch named Alison Divet, and
rural areas that had enough of a population to feed one Gideon Sweet, a bar owner.
St. Louis has never had an official Scourge. ALISON DIVET
Alexander was never one for the destruction of the Alison doesn’t know who embraced her and
thin-blooded, but that’s not to say the population of was never able to find a home with other Kindred in
St. Louis could be allowed to go unchecked. Threats the Camarilla. It wasn’t until she ran into the
to the Masquerade from Caitiff who didn’t know Anarchs in L.A. that she finally found a home. Now
better were handled through many different avenues, that home is gone, taken from her by the Asian
but usually resulted in the Caitiff’s destruction. Still, vampires.
sometimes a Caitiff kept their head, and flew under Alison and an Anarch gang headed up by
the radar, and were left alone when found out. The Arnold “Lead Pipe” McGee headed east and came to
Caitiff did not operate like a clan. Many of them a stop in Kansas City. McGee made contact with a
never met any others like themselves, and very few of Brujah elder in St. Louis named Christopher Long,
them held any sort of influence in the city. and the two decided to start a new Free State in
When the Week of Nightmares struck, St. Louis’ Missouri. Alison served McGee as his right-hand
Caitiff population vanished, believed to be victims of man. Her foul temper and mean nature made her a
The Prince’s Purge. Among them were: feared member of the Anarchs in Kansas City. If
• Roy Harp, a Goth neonate who was fascinated anyone dared to talk back to her she beat the snot out
with the occult. He had some contact with the
of them, and they’d never hear the end of it.
“Lead Pipe” has been ready to take Kansas
• Stewart McHugh, a homeless neonate who City for a while but the Anarchs of St. Louis keep
attended Preacher’s sermons. He was actually
screwing up. First Christopher gets killed, then the
dominated to spy on Preacher for Death’s
Head. Anarchs fail to respond to any of the messages being
sent to them. Now he is fed up and Alison is being
• Warren Gonzales, a neonate Caitiff who
worked as a bouncer at a local nightclub. He sent along this time to make sure things go right.
had Anarch sympathies. She’s there to whip the Anarchs into shape by
helping pick a new leader, or she’ll take control
• Ryan Crane, a police mortician who resented
his embrace and wanted revenge on those who herself.
did it. He believed it was an Anarch. ….
• Victoria Lazlo, a politician out of Jefferson …..
City who was gunned down in public. The ……
Anarchs responsible embraced her before she The above history is a lie. Allison Divet is
died, but her public image was destroyed. She really Allison Giovanni, whose mind has been altered


through the extensive use of Dominate. All of
Allison's memories of the Free States have been Image: Alison is a heavy set, pink mohawked,
implanted. Everything before Kansas City never heavily pierced woman. Wearing combat boots,
happened. ripped jeans, and a leather jacket, Alison looks like
Allison was embraced in 1900 by her father she stepped right out of the 80’s punk scene.
Alonzo Giovanni. Allison was a mean-spirited foul-
mouthed ruthless killer who enjoyed ruffling the Roleplaying Hints: Allison has an anger inside of
feathers of her family. Consistently on the outs, her that is always on the verge of exploding, and it
Allison was constantly given dangerous jobs in often does. Whether it manifests in a loud profanity-
faraway places. Yet her behavior continued. laced tirade or physical assault, both are bad enough
When Alonzo Giovanni began making that no one crosses Alison twice.
inroads into St. Louis several decades ago, a report
came through that interested him. It appeared the Name: Allison Divet (Allison Giovanni)
Malkavian Primogen was a master of Necromancy. Clan: Caitiff (Giovanni)
When he contacted his superiors a chain reaction of Nature: Bravo
research began. Soon, someone high up on the family Demeanor: Bravo
ladder decided that this Malkavian might be more Generation: 11th
than what he seems. And the Giovanni needed a Sire: ? (Alonzo Giovanni)
closer look. The problem was that Giovanni were not Embrace: ? (1900)
allowed in St. Louis. In fact, any member who set Apparent Age: Late 30’s
foot in the city would be destroyed. Prince Alexander Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Kreiger would send apologies, offer restitution, and Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance
would do business with the Giovanni from afar, but 4
none could enter the city. Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Alonzo decided to make use of his daughter. Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 3,
He and various members of the family strapped Intimidation 3, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4
Allison down and began reprogramming her through Skills: Drive 1, Firearms 4, Melee 3,
Dominate. The pain and horror of being erased was Knowledges: Investigation 3, Kindred Lore 3,
excruciating, but Allison’s cries for mercy went Occult 4 (Spirit Lore 4)
unheeded. Disciplines: Celerity 3, Dominate 2, Fortitude 2,
Alonzo then made contact with an Anarch in Potence 4 (Allison Giovanni also has
Kansas City named “Lead Pipe.” Money and a Necromancy 5: Sepulchre Path 5, Ash Path 2,
promise of support gained Alonzo some favor. The Bone Path 1)
new Allison Divet would wake up in Kansas City Backgrounds: Allies 1, Influence 1
thinking that she had traveled with the Anarchs for Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-control 2, Courage 3
years. Lead Pipe would carry on the charade for a few Humanity/Path: Humanity 3 (Bones 5)
weeks before sending her to St. Louis. Christopher Willpower: 7
Long’s death proved the perfect excuse. Merits:
Allison has now arrived in St. Louis. Her Flaws: Amnesia
programming causes her to black out once every two Derangements: Black Outs
weeks. During this time, she provides a report to the
Giovanni, and they tweak her program if needed. Backgrounds and Influences:
Once Allison has stabilized the Anarchs, she will be Allies- Anarchs
compelled to hit the Malkavians, namely Lord Hades. Street – small-time dealers and other two-bit
She will throw the Anarchs at the potent elder in hoods
hopes of confirming the Giovanni suspicions. Once
she has what she needs, she will flee the city.


GIDEON SWEET Gideon had run into Catherine Rostov once
Gideon Sweet is a Caitiff of unknown origin when she entered his establishment decades after they
who appeared during the Prohibition era as the had both been embraced. They agreed to keep their
proprietor of a local speakeasy. In modern night mutual history a secret, although Catherine knew
Gideon owns a small sports bar called Cleats and nothing of his hunting. Since then they have only
Blades. Gideon is known to several of the Kindred seen each other a handful of times.
populace, but what they know of him is very little. He In modern times, Gideon’s plan for the
has no desire to be a part of Camarillan politics. He destruction of all Vampires has not wavered.
has never sought status or acceptance from anyone, Knowing that it could take centuries to gain enough
and he treats elders and Anarchs the same. Pay your power to truly become effective, he has taken drastic
tab, don’t mess with his bar, and he has no reason to measures. The Longfellows also dealt with
be cross with you. This attitude has allowed Gideon werewolves, and his ledgers spoke of a talisman that
to operate in peace with little to no attention from the werewolves coveted, some sort of holy item used
the Kindred populace. in their rituals. A talisman that Gideon knows went
Of course, nothing is ever that simple in the on display at the Cahokia Museum. Gideon decided
Kindred world. John Stein was a member of The a war between the werewolves and vampires would
Longfellow Detective Agency who survived the help speed his cause along quite nicely.
firebombing. He was wounded, receiving burns on His first move was to anonymously contact a
several parts of his body. As the fire spread, John Brujah named Lester to commit the crime. That was
grabbed what he could, including several vials of easy enough since Lester wasn’t the brightest. Then
hermetically sealed Kindred blood that they had he sent a Caitiff that he had blood-bound to himself a
taken from their targets for study. Escaping into the few years ago, named Turk to get the item from
night and thinking all the others were dead, John Lester. But Turk never returned. Word has reached
made his way to a safe house. Before his wounds took Gideon of mass vampire deaths, but not at the hands
him, he drank the vials of blood thinking that the of werewolves. Not knowing where Lester is now,
blood would just heal him. Underestimating the Gideon can only wait until the storm blows over. Of
severity of his wound, he, in fact, embraced himself. course, if Lester has the item, the Werewolves will be
Having become what he had sworn to coming. In preparation, Gideon now carries several
destroy, John swore to avenge those he lost that night, silver weapons on him.
but he knew that hunting -- at the least the way he Note: Gideon knows nothing about David,
used to -- wouldn’t work. His own personal Bruce or exactly how Turk died. Should news of
knowledge combined with a ledger detailing vampire Turk's death reach him, either through happenstance,
movement throughout the city gave him some or Bruce looking for his employee, Gideon will play
insights as to what areas and who to avoid. Liquefying dumb, but will start preparing for an eventual
his personal assets and destroying his identity, showdown should it come. At this point, the chances
Gideon Sweet was born. of being found out are highly unlikely, but Gideon
Knowing that vampires were attracted to doesn't know that, and therefore the security
social situations, Gideon opened a speakeasy that measures on his bar will be stepped up, including
catered to a wealthy clientele. A few came into his explosives designed to kill him and any number of
bar, and in time Gideon was able to pry the secrets of supernatural assailants.
the Kindred from their lips. He learned of clans and
the Camarilla. His own abilities increased over time, Image: Gideon is a small, unassuming man who
and as the years progressed he tested his new abilities keeps his head shaved, and dresses casually.
by hunting and picking off Kindred who lived on the
outskirts of their society. To not draw attention to Roleplaying Hints: Gideon plays the part of the
himself, he only hunted once every seven to ten years. caring bartender who wants to hear all of your
troubles. He smiles, pours you a drink, and lights


your cigarette, even if you're undead. However, Skills: Drive 2, Firearms 4, Melee 3, Security 3,
Gideon is filled with a simmering rage, one that he Stealth 3, Survival 2
keeps locked up tight until he allows himself to hunt. Knowledges: Computers 2, Investigation 4,
In the meantime, he waits, content to gather rumors Linguistics 2, Kindred Lore 4, Lupine Lore 2,
while pouring drinks and watching the Blues and Occult 5
Cardinals. Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 3, Fortitude 3,
Obfuscate 3, Potence 3
Name: Gideon Sweet (John Stein) Backgrounds: Resources 2
Clan: Caitiff Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-control 2, Courage 3
Nature: Fanatic Humanity/Path: Humanity 5
Demeanor: Loner Willpower: 5
Generation: 11th Merits:
Sire: ? Flaws: Hatred (Vampires)
Embrace: 1926 Derangements:
Apparent Age: Late 30’s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 4,
Intimidation 1, Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 4



The Gangrel have been a mainstay in the St. out of the French and Spanish woodsman as they
Louis area since well before its founding in 1764. The settled the area, and this brood would serve as a
Clan’s presence has always been felt, looming on the bulwark for the St. Louis area against the Garou. Erik
outskirts of the city, ready to defend it, or in some also embraced one Native American, a Kindred who
instances, rip to shreds. The Clan had never been an would come to be called Lawrence.
influence powerhouse, instead serving as the first line When St. Louis was officially founded in
of defense against the Garou and the Sabbat. No 1764, the Gangrel were the only vampiric presence
other Clan in the city is as formidable as The Gangrel save the Malkavians represented by Alexander. Erik
when it comes to martial power, but no other Clan is was Alexander’s first Primogen as the city grew.
viewed with as much skepticism either. The current When the Louisiana Purchase made St. Louis the
roster of Gangrel have a very tight bond, one that will Gateway to the West, the Gangrel became its
serve them well for they have numerous enemies, gatekeeper. The Garou of the area who had become
some hidden while others are openly hostile to the increasingly hostile as more European settlers arrived,
Clan due to events in the Clan’s history in the area. attacked the Gangrel wherever they could find them
One of the first Kindred to reach the are in the wilderness, but they were never able to launch
arrived in the late 17th century was Erik, a Gangrel a full-scale assault on the cities themselves, and the
from Scandinavia. Arriving with Alexander Krieger, Gangrel were given full credit for that achievement.
Erik returned to his Viking ways and explored the Hostilities between the Kindred and
rivers of the area while Alexander began building his werewolves didn’t cease, and in 1833 when Lawrence
city. What would become the Mississippi, Missouri, returned home after traveling Colonial America for
and Ohio rivers became his playground as he traveled nearly over a century, he was welcomed as a skilled
the rivers, making allies, or enemies amongst the warrior and werewolf fighter. But he returned home
Native American tribes located on their banks. to an increasingly erratic Erik, who was keeping
Finding that the area also had Garou, Erik did his company with the Tremere and Nosferatu of the city.
best to keep a low profile but he knew that Alexander Lawrence was concerned over Erik’s desire to take the
was building his city awfully close to a mystical area Cahokia Mounds caern from the local Garou. But
for the werewolves, what would come to be called the Erik would not be deterred.
Cahokia Mounds. Erik began creating his own brood


In 1835, the Gangrel, and the city as a whole until the shrapnel could be removed and he could
experienced tremendous upheaval, when Lawrence heal himself. He then embraced Hector, who was
frenzied at the Prince’s Ball. He killed the Brujah eternally grateful to Lawrence. He is a fighter but he
Primogen, gravely wounded the Tremere Primogen often serves as a protector of the Clan. Where
and escaped into the wilderness. Erik and the rest of Lawrence is the heart of the Clan and William might
his brood were tasked with destroying Lawrence. be the brains, Hector is the backbone.
What happened in the wilderness surrounding St. In 1966 a failed Sabbat attack upon Vladimir
Louis is unknown, but what is known is that Erik was Rostov left Lawrence with a strange addition to his
and his brood were destroyed and when Lawrence Clan, a city Gangrel who threw in with Vladimir,
returned to the city, Alexander named him the new turning on his own pack. Named Horace Quinn this
Gangrel Primogen. The Kindred of the city almost Gangrel cared little for the wild or the Garou. He was
rioted. The Tremere swore vengeance, and the Brujah definitely a city dweller who followed a much
were incensed, causing their elders to break ties with different belief system than Lawrence, but after
the Prince. Lawrence had single-handedly destroyed having seen Horace fight, Lawrence was hard pressed
the reputation of the Gangrel in St. Louis. Worse is to turn him away. Lawrence and Horace came to an
he left the city unprotected from the werewolves. accord that Horace need only visit the woods when
The werewolves never came though. In fact, Lawrence calls for him and that would only be during
relations between with them softened over the years. an emergency. Over the years the two developed a
The city found out that Lawrence had some sort of respect for one another and Horace is viewed by
connection to the local werewolves, and he was now a Lawrence as a full member of the Clan.
liaison to them. A new Gangrel brood was created, The current roster of the Clan would be
and the city's nerves calmed as they felt secure again. rounded out with Bill and Hector’s respective
In 1939, the Gangrel’s loyalty to the city were called Childer, Sharon Potter, an eco-activist, and Steven
into question again, when the Tremere launched an James, another soldier.
all-out assault on the caern. The Tremere Primogen, In modern nights the Gangrel have
Luther Walsh, was the only Tremere to survive that developed numerous concerns when it comes to the
night. Al other Tremere, ghouls and Gargoyles were mortal world. The Clan has found themselves
destroyed at not only the hands of the werewolves but fighting for civil rights on behalf of Native and
the Gangrel as well. The Gangrel were not unscathed African Americans, working to preserve the Cahokia
as they lost two of their own. This incident caused Mounds, and the land itself. The Clan is still the
Prince Alexander to declare that the Cahokia area liaison to the werewolves, although the newest Garou
was now off-limits to all Kindred except the Gangrel. leader is not Native American and part of the
It was apparent to the rest of the city that Lawrence’s European tribes.
werewolf ties could be a conflict of interest. Yet all of this was called into question again
The strength of the Gangrel waned for a time when the Gangrel left the Camarilla. Despite the call
as the Clan’s propensity for wanderlust caused several for Clan unity issued by Justicar Xavier, Lawrence has
of its members to come and go. Yet, Lawrence never refused to leave St. Louis, and his brood and Horace
deserted his post, and in time a stable cadre of has stayed with him. Prince Alexander has refused to
Gangrel stayed in the area. The first is William remove the Gangrel and insists that their status
Stewart a lawyer who helped the local tribes keep remains intact.
some land that was sacred to him. He serves as Now, with the Week of Nightmares having
Lawrence’s whip and uses his powers of Animalism to past the Gangrel find themselves down a member as
make sure Lawrence keeps a cool head. Steven has either left the area or been destroyed. A
The second is Hector who came home from sacred artifact of the Garou has disappeared, having
WWII in a wheelchair due to shrapnel in his spine. been stolen by a vampire, and now they are
Lawrence could see that this young warrior was in threatening war to get it back. All of this is happening
great suffering, so he took pity on him ghouling him as the city is nearing a revolt due to the destruction of


many Kindred during the last week. The Gangrel now successful, it will only be due to their close bonds. If
find themselves in the unenviable position of helping they fail, their reputation will probably result in their
keep the peace between the Prince and Kindred of destruction.
the city, and the vampires and werewolves. If they are

LAWRENCE brother, both born under a full moon in 1660, for

The being who would come to be called
Lawrence was born to the Native American Of the two, Lawrence was a natural warrior;
Niukonska (Osage) tribe which had spread out over tall, strong, quick, and skilled with a head for combat.
the lands that would be known as Illinois, Missouri, His brother was more reflective and showed more
Kansas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. This tribe had interest in the ways of medicine and magic. Given the
settled near ancient, man-made, earthen mounds near moon they were born under Lawrence is expected to
modern-day St. Louis. His father was the Ga-hi-ge change when he is of age. The tribe was shocked
(Favored Chief) of The Sky and Peace People while when Lawrence did not change before the onset of
his Great Uncle commanded the Earth and War adulthood, but his brother did. Devastated, Lawrence
People. As important as his family lineage was, there realized he would never change. His family did little
was another far more important thing about to help him as they acted as if he let them down.
Lawrence's bloodline. His family was Uktena kinfolk Over the years, Lawrence grew resentful of
and they had followed the Uktena as they settled the this treatment. His brother agreed that the way
area due to the presence of a powerful caern amongst Lawrence was being treated was wrong and that he
the mounds of nearby Cahokia. While the Cahokia would work to change such behavior in the tribe but
were an Algonquian speaking tribe, Uktena blood that it would take time. Not having the patience to
had spread through them as well. Werewolves of both wait for that to happen Lawrence decided to leave the
tribes claimed membership of The Sept of the Falcon, tribe in 1692.
which had marked Lawrence and his fraternal twin Blinded by rage and jealousy and feeling the
need for vengeance against those who turned their


back on him Lawrence sought out a Gangrel that had woman was a Toreador named Gloria Adams.
been in the area for some time. When Erik appeared Intrigued, Lawrence stopped in to see her
before him Lawrence fell to his knees and asked for performances from that night on.
the embrace. When asked why, Lawrence stated that During this time Lawrence observed some
he wanted to become something that would distance changes in Erik. The Viking Gangrel had lost his
him as far from what he could have been. Erik jovial nature and he was becoming very cold and
relented and embraced him. ruthless to the surrounding Natives and the Garou.
Following Gangrel tradition, Lawrence Lawrence also didn’t like the company Erik kept in
wandered the wilds on his own learning how to use Death’s Head and Luther. Erik often spoke to
his new powers and adapting to his new condition. Lawrence about getting the power from the caern but
He returned home at one point to tell his brother Lawrence knew that was suicide for any vampire who
good-bye. Heartbroken, his brother couldn't bring attempted it.
himself to attack Lawrence as his sept would have In 1835, Lawrence’s life would change one
commanded, and he watched Lawrence disappear more time. Lawrence and the rest of the city attended
into the night. a Ball thrown by the Prince. Lawrence made his way
Lawrence traveled to the fledgling colonies in around the gathering choosing to speak to no one.
the East and exists outside of them for over a century He noticed that Erik appeared to be having an
taking the time to educate himself on the ways of the argument with a crusty old elder named Vladimir
white man. During this time, Lawrence, as he was Rostov. It seemed they were discussing the caern, but
called now, met several Kindred, learned of the Lawrence really didn’t care and stopped listening. He
Camarilla and the Sabbat, and of the various factions looked up through the window and saw the full
and Clans within. Frequenting only Camarilla cities moon. Then it happened.
he joined in the struggle against The Sabbat. Using As he gazed at the moon it hit him. Visions
his knowledge of the Garou to help the Kindred of the life he had with his people, their betrayal of
expand west he never fought the Garou himself but him and his subsequent betrayal of them. Yes, their
often saw the aftermaths of the slaughters he caused. sins against him were great, but weren’t his even
Feeling nothing, he resigned himself to the inevitable greater? How many died because of him? Kinfolk and
extermination of his former people. Garou, entire tribes wiped out. Feelings of guilt and
By 1833 Lawrence had heard that his rage flowed through him as realized that he was in
homeland had been settled and a major city, many ways worse than those who drove him to this.
bolstered by the Louisiana Purchase, was growing And then he saw red.
nearby. Feeling a pull he couldn’t explain, Lawrence Lawrence let out an ear-shattering roar that
decided to make his way home to the St. Louis area. caused everyone alarm. His claws out and his fangs
It was here that Lawrence ran into Erik again. bared Lawrence frenzied in the middle of the room.
Erik, who was now the Primogen of the He injured and killed several Kindred including
Gangrel of St. Louis, welcomed Lawrence home and killing Brujah Primogen Samuel O’Malley and
made him his Clan Whip. He explained that the city gutting Luther Walsh on the dance floor. He escaped
was founded by allies of his from Europe, and the building and tore through the streets leaving a
Lawrence was introduced to Prince and Primogen of wake of destruction behind him.
the city who were all happy to have another avid As he tore through the street he spotted one
Garou fighter in the city. It was then that Lawrence Kindred who had not made it to the Ball yet, Gloria.
started to feel uneasy about his role in the city. She ran from Lawrence, but the beast had taken over
Later, while walking the streets of St. Louis, and he pursued her into an alley where he cornered
Lawrence heard singing coming from a saloon. her. But, before he could strike she began singing the
Entering, he saw a woman dressed as a Native singing same Osage song he had heard her sing before.
an Osage folk song. She was clearly white but she did Somewhere deep within his tortured mind, he heard
the song perfectly. He later found out that the the song as it was sung by his own mother decades


ago. It was enough to bring Lawrence to his senses. Vladimir Rostov appeared, but no longer a
Collapsing in front of her Lawrence wept openly for frail old man. He was young and powerfully built.
what he had become. Gloria helped him up and took The Garou were frozen, but Lawrence was still able to
him to her haven. fight. Lawrence wasn’t sure what he should make of
Lawrence knew he had to set things right this until Vladimir motioned him to come forward
with the Garou. The next evening, he thanked Gloria and attack. Lawrence obliged him bolting forward,
and left for Cahokia. If any wished to find him they claws out. His claws raked across Rostov’s chest but
would have to track him there. When he arrived at no blood was drawn. The next thing Lawrence knew
the caern he announced himself as wyrmspawn and he was flying through the air after being hit by a
brother to a former sept-member, calling out his punch he didn’t see. Slamming into a tree with such
brother’s name. The Garou froze at the name of his force that it shattered, Lawrence was nearly broken in
brother. An extremely old Garou stepped forward half. Before he lost consciousness, he heard Vladimir
and stated that he knew Lawrence’s brother as a child inside his head stating that he would replace Erik as
and that he spoke of his Lawrence often. Lawrence Gangrel Primogen.
was allowed forth into the caern, under guard. He awoke the next night in the haven of
The sept elder explained that Lawrence’s Alexander Kreiger who informed Lawrence that it
brother fought hard to change the way kinfolk were would be best if he never spoke of what happened in
treated and he blamed the tribe for the loss of his the forest. He then told him that they would soon be
brother. He would eventually go on to become very attending a city meeting, where it would be
powerful and become the Favored Chief. One of his announced that he would be the new Primogen of
final proclamations was that should he ever return, the Gangrel. Lawrence thought about it for a
Lawrence receives the chance to regain his honor moment and then accepted. Alexander smiled and
with the tribe. said that was good because Lawrence really didn’t
Lawrence stepped forward and asked what it have a choice in the matter.
was he had to do. The old Garou said he would have That night the city sat in stunned silence as
to endure tests that would tell them if his spirit could the announcement was made. Then howls of anger
be cleansed. Lawrence went with them and was tested erupted from the Brujah and the Tremere. Alexander
for three nights and days. The tests were excruciating quieted them down and said the decision was final.
as spirits summoned by the Garou tortured his very Lawrence noticed Gloria in the crowd smiling up at
soul. Only the love Lawrence had for his brother him. Over the next few weeks, Lawrence tried to
allowed him to survive. make amends for what he had done the night he
The Garou, amazed that Lawrence survived, frenzied, even offering apologies and aid to Luther
said his spirit could be cleansed and redeemed. This Walsh. Luther would have none of it though and he
they had no ritual for though. The cleansing had to would continue to resent Lawrence to this day.
be his own and could take ages, and he would have to As for Gloria, they would see much more of
serve the caern, defending it until his cleansing was each other as they began a secret love affair. She
complete. Lawrence agreed and set off for his new always insisted that they meet deep in the forest away
duty never really caring if he went back to the city. from prying eyes. Lawrence felt peace in her arms and
Lawrence soon found that things wouldn’t be the two soon became blood bound to one another.
that easy as Erik and the rest of the Gangrel came for But 1843, Gloria’s saloon burnt to the ground. She
him. But Lawrence was not alone. As he and Erik was nearly killed and would have been had Lawrence
clashed, Garou arrived to help destroy Erik’s brood. not rescued her. Unfortunately, the papers printed
Their fight was fierce but Lawrence prevailed and that Gloria had died and as a local celebrity it would
Erik’s ashes were scattered to the winds. But there be dangerous to the Masquerade for her to be seen in
was no celebration as the Garou sensed another the city. They both knew that Gloria had to leave the
presence. city, and when she accepted a trip to Europe with her
Grandsire, she invited Lawrence. Although it broke


his heart to tell her no, his duties to the caern and paled much over the centuries. He dresses like a
the city meant he had to stay. He could see the hurt woodsman with boots, utility pants and vest over a
in her eyes as she left that last night. Even though she flannel shirt, with a cowboy hat. His voice is deep and
returned sporadically over the years, she and projects well in the loudest of crowds, although
Lawrence saw very little of one another, But even Lawrence doesn't speak much. The beast has left its
though it's been ages, the blood bond still holds some mark on Lawrence as feathers have sprung up behind
sway and his wounds still hurt. his ears, and a pelt-like ridge runs down his back.
The next century would see Lawrence earn Lawrence takes the form of an eagle or a bear when
his position of Primogen, defender of the caern and he changes shape.
the city. Any attack that came, whether it be Sabbat
or Anarch always had to contend with Lawrence and Roleplaying Hints: Lawrence only speaks when
his Gangrel. He also took on the role of mediator necessary, but when he does he doesn’t hold back. He
between the Kindred and the Garou of his tribe, cares little for politics and as such he doesn’t trust
making sure neither had any reason to go after the most of the city elders except Gloria. However, he
other. The Garou never trusted him completely but takes his duties to the city and caern seriously and he
he did earn their respect in his duties at the caern. and his Clan are the first line of defense for both.
Duties that would be tested in 1939, when Luther Lawrence likes Alexander but found him slow to act
Walsh lead a small army to the caern. Loaded with when it came to preventing the destruction of the
weapons specifically designed to kill werewolves he mounds in favor of expanding the city. He enjoys the
made the fatal error of underestimating Lawrence’s fact that Alexander, with all of his cutting-edge
and his brood’s tenacity. Lawrence managed to help technology, can’t figure out why Lawrence drives a
the Garou win a decisive victory against the Tremere broken-down truck and never remembers to charge
that would see all but Luther destroyed. Afterwards, the cell phone that Alexander gave him.
Prince Alexander would make a public proclamation
that any Kindred who went near the caern would be Name: Lawrence (Lawrence has never retaken his
subject to immediate destruction at Lawrence’s or the original name)
Garou’s hand. And if they saw fit to allow the Clan: Gangrel
transgressor to live, he as Prince would see them Nature: Judge
destroyed. Demeanor: Penitent
After the ’66 Sabbat attack, the next few Generation: 8th
decades passed uneventfully until a week ago. The Sire: Erik
Prince declared martial law in the city not allowing Embrace: 1692
any Kindred to leave their havens. Several Kindred Apparent Age: Mid 30’s
were either killed or vanished during this time and Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Steven has vanished. Lawrence definitely had Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
questions for Alexander and Horace who had become Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
the Sheriff. Then matters got worse. Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 1, Brawl 5, Dodge 3,
A relic of great significance to the Garou was Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Streetwise 1
stolen from the museum located near the grounds. Skills: Animal Ken 4, Archery 3, Crafts 3
The Garou know it was a vampire who took it and (Bower/Fletcher), Drive 1, Firearms 1, Melee 4, Ride
they are preparing to march into the city to get it. 3, Security 1, Stealth 3, Survival 5, Swimming 3,
Lawrence has to find this item or there will be a war Throwing 4 (Tomahawk), Tracking 3, Traps 2
for sure. Knowledges: Area Knowledge 4, City Secrets 4,
Linguistics 3 (English, Algonquian, Spanish, French,
Image: Tall, athletic, strong-jawed, steely-eyed with Sign Language) Lupine Lore 3, Occult 4, Sabbat Lore
long black hair, Lawrence cuts an imposing figure. 1, Spirit Lore 1
His Native ancestry is still evident as his skin hasn't


Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 2, Celerity 3, when his clients won the town was furious. They
Fortitude 4, Obfuscate 2, Potence 3, Protean 5 decided to hold a lynching, and Bill was the guest of
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Herd 3, Influence 2, honor. He struggled but the hooded men were too
Retainers 3, Status 2 much for him and he soon found a noose around his
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 5 neck. Just then, a wolf leaped from the darkness and
Humanity/Path: Humanity 5 savagely attacked the men. They shot at it but it didn't
Willpower: 8 die. It just kept coming at them and soon they were
Merit: Magic Resistant running for the hills. Bill's beaten body was taken
Flaw: Territorial, Infamous down from the tree, but his wounds were too severe
to survive. He was fed the blood of the Gangrel.
Backgrounds and Influences: The next night Bill awoke a vampire, Sired by
Allies – Richard Running-Tree, Sept Liaison to the Lawrence. Thankful to be alive, even if he was a
Gangrel, Garou vampire. He soon learned of the Camarilla and his
Peter O’Toole, Garou, Pack Leader, new condition. He was also taught about the caern
Moon Doggies and the Garou. He was soon ready to join the
Herd – Friends and administrators of the Cahokia Kindred of St. Louis. He set up his practice again and
Mounds State Historic Site. even though he could only make rare appearances in
Retainers – Dog – Ghouled wolf night court, Bill ghouled several associates and had
Bird – Ghouled hawk them try his cases for him. Soon, The Law Offices of
Sneak – Ghouled ferret Stewart and Banter became a recognizable name in
Bureaucracy – Owed various favors from many St. Louis and East St. Louis.
officials in park department and other public work During the next century, Bill did his best to
departments. protect the caern legally while Lawrence protected it
Political – Lawrence has some pull in the Missouri physically. They wouldn’t be alone in their struggles
and Illinois branches of the Indian Affairs Bureau. as Lawrence soon embraced Hector, a warrior like
himself. Bill never did much fighting and accepted
his role as an advisor to Lawrence. Soon Steven and
BILL STEWART Horace would join the mix, but it wasn’t until Bill
embraced Sharon Potter that he would truly feel part
Bill Stewart was the youngest child in a family
of the Clan.
of farmers. Born in 1875 Bill was raised outside East
Sharon was a’60’s radical when she was
St. Louis, IL. Unlike his siblings, Bill had no taste for
embraced and try as he might he couldn’t curb her
the farm life. He wasn’t as physically strong as his
wild streak. He soon found it to be her greatest asset
brothers, but he was smarter than them. Driven to be
and he began to view her as more than a Childer. But
more than a farmer Bill would become one of the
she seemed to only have eyes for Horace so Bill just
first African American lawyers in the St. Louis area
kept his mouth shut.
when he graduated from Harvard in 1900. He tried
He found time to make acquaintances
to get a job at several of the firms out east, but no one
among the Kindred of the area and came to know a
was looking for a black associate. Soon he returned
Brujah lawyer named Lindsay Waters and in an effort
home and with some money from his family he
to improve relations between their two Clans he
decided to start his own firm in East St. Louis.
hired Lindsay onto his staff. They became fast friends.
A good lawyer, Bill won many of his first
He also came to know several of the Caitiff in the
cases. Unfortunately, none of them would really bring
area, seeing in them the downtrodden he would
him any recognition. In 1915, he would try his most
represent in court.
famous case defending several Native Americans who
Now Lindsay and all the Caitiff are gone. Lawrence
were accused of assaulting a white woman. Bill
doesn't seem too concerned about any of it, but Bill is
drudged up many hard feelings during the case and
horrified that such a slaughter could happen without


any type of due process. For the first time since his Flaw: Infamous Sire
embrace he is questioning the status quo, and even
sympathizing with the Anarchs. Backgrounds and Influences:
Contacts – Craig Dinkson, Assistant District
Image: Bill is an African American of average height Attorney
and build. He usually keeps his head shaved and still Hector Vermas, Private Investigator
wears glasses out of habit, and as a lawyer, he is Tomas Silias, Researcher, Missouri Law
usually dressed in a suit and carrying an expensive Review
briefcase. Bill has never taken to the rustic, outdoorsy Resources – Popular Lawyer in area with properly
lifestyle of the Gangrel and he has a penthouse in invested stocks
downtown St. Louis. Retainers – Eric Banter, Head of day to day at Stewart
and Banter Law Firm
Roleplaying Hints: An excellent orator, Bill has given Sammy Kaoler, Personnel Assistant and
a number of passionate speeches in the courtroom. driver.
He has a fiery intellect when it comes to the law and Legal – Law Firm with various favors owed to them
civil rights. Yet, he is still the most level-headed of his from around the city.
Clan, often talking the others down from violence
until he feels there is no other recourse. Bill has also
never frenzied and as such the beast has left no marks
upon him.
Hector Redhawk returned to St. Louis in
1939, recently graduating college with a history
Name: William “Bill” Stewart degree and hopes of becoming a teacher.
Clan: Gangrel Unfortunately, his Native ancestry made getting
Nature: Idealist employment difficult. Eventually, he went to work
Demeanor: Director with his father, a tour guide for the Cahokia Indian
Generation: 9th Mounds, a place that would eventually become very
Sire: Lawrence important in Hector's life. Hector was disappointed,
Embrace: 1915 but he got used to that over the years. Raised with
Apparent Age: Early 40’s Native Americans beliefs that alienated him from
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 many of the children he went to school with, Hector
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2 had to grow up fast and become tough quickly. As he
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 got older the kids left him alone because he could get
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Expression 3, mean in a fight and fighting would come naturally to
Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 1 him in later days. Disenchanted with public life,
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Melee 1, Hector would join the U.S. Army against his parents'
Police Procedure 3, Survival 1 wishes and went into the infantry. In a few years,
Knowledges: Computer 3, Finance 2, Investigation 3, America would join the war.
Law 5, Lupine Lore 1, Politics 3 While fighting overseas in 1944 Hector was
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 2, Fortitude 3, wounded by shrapnel from a German grenade. The
Presence 3, Protean 3 shrapnel lodged in his spine, immobilizing his legs.
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 3, Retainers 2, No doctor would touch it for fear of rendering him a
Influence 1, Status 1 quadriplegic. No longer able to serve, Hector was sent
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 2 home.
Humanity/Path: 7 Hector had trouble accepting his new life.
Willpower: 5 Always having been active and athletic, life in a
Merit: Blush of Health wheelchair was almost too much for him. Plus, he


was a great soldier and he finally felt like he was Hector adjusted well to being a vampire. He
getting some respect. And now it was all gone. He was taught about the Camarilla, the Clans, the caern
turned to drinking and began contemplating suicide. and the Garou in his first few weeks. When Hector
One night while drunk he wheeled himself was struck by wanderlust Lawrence said that it was
out to the woods and began cursing the spirits for natural and that he should follow his instincts and
letting this happen. This should never happen to a that they would eventually bring him back. Hector
warrior. Someone in the woods listening agreed with left the area the next night.
him. Lawrence of the Gangrel approached him and He wandered alone for thirty years
asked of his pain. Hector told him. Lawrence said he occasionally stopping back in St. Louis for short
could fix it if he wanted. Hector said he would do periods. In 1974 he embraced Steven, a soldier, who
anything. Lawrence told him to drink his blood every like himself had been wounded in combat. Steven
night for a week, and slit his wrist. Hector was drunk was much more of a talker than Hector and the two
and didn't care so he drank. made a good pair. Eventually, in 1985 Hector had
The next morning, he wondered if it had seen enough and he returned home for good.
been a dream, but when he returned that night The Clan had grown over the years. Lawrence
Lawrence awaited him. Hector asked if he was a and his first child William were still there but
spirit. Lawrence told him the truth. Hector was William had embraced a girl that was a little wild
shocked but he was more concerned if Lawrence child named Sharon. Sharon and Steven would
could really heal him. Lawrence said yes and Hector become pretty good friends but Hector always
took another drink. He would drink from Lawrence thought she needed to grow up a little. But she was
every night for a week. William’s Childer and that was none of his business.
It was then that Lawrence arranged for Then there was Horace Quinn. The Sheriff
Hector to see a surgeon. This surgeon, another Native of the city. City Gangrel. Ex-Sabbat warrior. He and
that must have owed Lawrence said that removing the Hector never warmed up to each other and Hector
shrapnel could kill Hector. Lawrence said that Hector having had many encounters with the Sabbat could
would be strong enough to survive due to his blood. never bring himself to trust Horace. Still, Lawrence
The doctor finally agreed and cut into Hector. Hector liked him so he never made much of it.
was not allowed to be put under and he screamed as The last few years have been somewhat
the doctor splayed open his back. Lawrence simply strange. First Steven began to hang out with the
held his hand. After an hour the doctor reached the Anarchs, something that both Hector and Lawrence
shrapnel and pulled it out. Lawrence told him to were against Still, Steven persisted which led to a
concentrate on the pain and to imagine it healing. recent falling out Hector. The next night Steven was
Hector did so and he felt the blood inside of him nowhere to be seen.
burn as his wounds began healing. Soon there was That week the Prince declared martial law on
very little pain and Hector could feel his legs again. the city and all Kindred were forbidden to leave their
He asked to repay Lawrence and Lawrence said to havens. Hector knew he had to find Steven and
come to him when he was ready. Hector knew what against orders, he began a search throughout the city
he meant. He needed to get some affairs in order. hoping to finds the Anarchs and his Childer.
He told his parents that he was leaving and that they When he finally found one of the Anarch stomping
would probably never see him again. They couldn't grounds he watched Horace leaving the site. He
believe their son was walking. They called it a miracle stepped out of the shadows to find several slain
from the great spirits. He agreed and told them that vampires. Some were already ash and couldn’t be
the spirits were calling him to do their work now. identified. He didn’t think Steven was there but he
With a heartfelt goodbye, he left his home never to couldn’t be sure. He returned home and waited out
return. That night he walked into the night a human, the purge.
and the next evening he came out a vampire.


Image: Stocky and powerfully built, Hector usually SHARON POTTER
dresses for either comfort or combat. He keeps his Sharon Potter grew up in a typical 50’s,
black hair cut short and keeps himself clean-shaven. white, suburban household with her father her
While he's good with his claws, he's better with guns mother and two brothers. Sharon was the baby of the
and he usually has one on him somewhere. Hector family and as such was quite pampered. Her father
has pointed ears and reflective eyes. worked in a factory and her mother was a typical
housewife for that time.
Roleplaying hints: Hector never enters a room Sharon led a very sheltered life as a child,
without having a plan of attack and escape. He hates never straying far from St. Louis. She did everything
Sabbat and the Anarchs and isn't too fond of the she was supposed to, get good grades, become a
werewolves. Hector is proud of his military service cheerleader, become homecoming queen, and always
and he still considers himself a soldier and a patriot. be a respectable young lady. Then college came along
Even though he has Native ancestry he still and that all changed. Sharon attended school in
occasionally finds himself opposite Lawrence when California and definitely received an eye-opener. It
Lawrence makes comments about America's was 1968 and the counterculture movement on
treatment of Native Americans. campus was in full swing. At first, she was appalled by
the rampant drug use, and the hippies stunk so badly
Name: Hector Redhawk she could barely stand it. When she met the fiery
Clan: Gangrel poet Ethan Myers her world turned upside down as
Nature: Soldier she fell in love with the man.
Demeanor: Survivor Ethan was a radical environmentalist and he
Generation: 9th quickly brought Sharon into their fold. Soon mind-
Sire: Lawrence altering substances became a staple of Sharon's
Embrace: 1944 scholastic life as she delved into the world of Ethan.
Apparent Age: Early 30’s By the end of the semester, she and the rest of
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4 Ethan's group had left school and had begun
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 traveling across the country, protesting against big
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 industry everywhere. In 1969 they got to St. Louis.
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Sharon was excited to introduce Ethan to her
Intimidation 4, Leadership 1, Streetwise 4, parents. They took one look at her and her new
Subterfuge 2 friends and threatened to immediately disown her.
Skills: Camouflage 2, Demolitions 2, Drive 4, Sharon was crushed. She cried all night but when
Firearms 4, Heavy Weapons 4, Melee 2, Security 3, morning came Sharon was quite determined to make
Stealth 2 Survival 4 her mark on this city. She would show her parents.
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 1, Computer 1, After all, it wasn't her fault they didn't understand
Lupine Lore 2, Military Science 3 her. She would make them see that her new work was
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 3, important.
Potence 2, Protean 4 Sharon and Ethan took up arms against the
Backgrounds: Status 1, Mentor 4 (Lawrence) textile factory where her father worked proclaiming it
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 5 was a deadly polluter of the environment. Their
Humanity/Path: 4 protests went largely ignored and they felt the need to
Willpower: 6 pick another target.
Merit: Code of Honor They settled on the Cahokia Indian Mounds.
Flaw: Lunacy A Corporation named Pentex was trying to buy up
some of the surrounding areas for waste disposal and
the local Native American residents were trying to


fight it. Pentex had already broken ground in one she couldn’t repay him. He whispered that she had
spot and had a small operation set up. Ethan and done enough when she saved him that night. Her
Sharon decided that this would be their target. eyes bugged out of her head as she realized this was
They concocted several small bombs that one of the men she saw that night.
Ethan had learned to make over the years. They The next few days saw the law firm of Stewart
snuck into the area of the dig and planted several and Banter destroying any possible case against
explosives. They made sure there was no security Sharon. In the end, she was fined and the law firm
around when they set off the bombs destroying an paid the bill. When she was released Mr. Stewart took
entire facility. Sharon and Ethan were so busy her back to the Indian mounds where she met the
cheering as the facility burned, they failed to notice a other men she saw. The large man was named
security guard run up on them. Lawrence, and the other man was named Hector, and
They turned upon their, would be, jailer and all three of them were vampires of the Clan Gangrel.
they threw their hand up. The guard suddenly began So was Sharon after that night.
snarling at them as he grew into a hideous monster. Over the years Sharon has learned much
Sharon looked to Ethan but he had already run, from her Sire William and his Sire Lawrence. The
leaving a steady trail of urine behind him. She heard Gangrel in the city have always been very tight-knit.
him scream in the distance and she knew something Hector watched Sharon like a big brother and his
had killed him. She turned to face the beast in front child Steven was a close friend of hers. But it was
of her, to terrified to move. As its fangs neared her Horace, the City Gangrel that really got her attention.
she saw someone come up behind the creature. She still had an affinity for the bad boy and he
The monster was swatted away by a large feral definitely fits the bill. Unfortunately, he usually
looking man wearing war paint. Behind him were two doesn't have time for Sharon being the Sheriff and
other men wearing camouflage and carrying large all.
guns. As two more of the creatures appeared the men Things have been getting pretty hectic lately.
opened fire upon them bringing them down. The The Prince called for martial law in the city and quite
monster and the other man fought as it became quite a few vampires were rumored to have been killed.
apparent he wasn’t human either. He had grown Steven disappeared during this time. He often
claws and fangs and was roaring like an animal. wanders off but he would usually say good-bye. He
Sharon slowly began to stumble away from it all. was starting to hang out with the Anarchs and
When one of the other men was knocked apparently someone took out their leader the Brujah
down by a creature from behind he dropped one of Primogen. That could have been Horace but sure he
the guns he was carrying and it landed at Sharon’s would never hurt Steven. Lawrence is getting edgy
feat. The man was trying to hold the creature off but too. He says the Garou are pissed about something
it was apparent that he was going to lose. Sharon being stolen from the mounds, and they say it was a
picked up the gun and aimed it at the creature and vampire who did it.
squeezed the trigger. The monster screamed and fell
over. Sharon dropped the gun and just stood there in Image: Short with a slender frame and long blonde
a daze. The monsters were all dead and the men ran hair often tied back, Sharon still wears circular
off as police Sirens were heard in the distance. sunglasses, but most of her “Summer of Love” look
Sharon was arrested for everything that went has fallen by the wayside over the decades. However,
on that night and she faced enough charges to put she still gravitates to whatever counter-culture look is
her away for life. Her parents refused to help her and the norm for that era: punk, grunge, goth. She most
she couldn’t afford an attorney. Fortunately, one recently experimented with hipster, but Lawrence
came to her rescue. William Stewart who had been threatened to kick her out of the Clan if she kept it
heading up the case to prevent Pentex from getting a up. Sharon’s ears have become pointed, but its easily
hold of the land came to her and said his law firm hidden under her hair.
would defend her. She said she was grateful but that


Roleplaying hints: Sharon has a bubbly personality, in working for a living. Spending most of his
but allows herself to get carried away with any scholastic career chasing skirts and partying, he was
number of political causes. If it weren’t for love of the the life of any party. He loved to drink and dance. In
Gangrel she would probably have joined the Anarchs fact, dancing was one of the things Horace truly
years ago. Not as potent a fighter as other members of enjoyed. These habits wouldn’t change as he moved
the Clan, Sharon can still hold her own and over the from high school to college where he was actually
years she has taken to demolitions, becoming kicked out of college for his drunken revelry. He
something of an expert in the field. didn’t care though; there was more life to live out
Name: Sharon Potter One night in 1932 while at a speakeasy,
Clan: Gangrel Horace met two men who challenged him to a game.
Nature: Celebrant They bet him that he couldn’t get the address of at
Demeanor: Fanatic least four women. Horace accepted and proceeded to
Generation: 10th pull out all the stops. By the end of the night he had
Sire: Bill won the bet, and the men, Shawn and Raoul took
Embrace: 1970 him out back to pay him. Pay him they did as he was
Apparent Age: Early 20’s attacked by several people who mauled him. Horace
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 lost consciousness as something ripped his throat out.
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 The Sabbat pack Sex and Violence put
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2 Horace through the creation rights having the four
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Scrounging 2, women he was seducing waiting for him when he
Subterfuge 2 came out in a frenzy. He sated his thirst upon them
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Demolitions 4, Drive 2, and he was welcomed to a new existence. But his
Firearms 2, Melee 2, Security 2, Stealth 2, Survival 3 embrace had been harsh leaving him with a throat
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computer 3, Finance 1, that would never really heal. Even after he closed the
Law 2, Lupine Lore 1, Politics 3 gash every night he couldn’t speak above a whisper.
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 1, He always resented his pack, but the Vaulderie was a
Protean 3 potent thing and he traveled the country with them.
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Herd 1 Retainers 3 (Ghouled He was surprised at how easy killing came to
Dogs) him and the powers he received from being a City
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 3 Gangrel didn’t hurt either. He spent most of the next
Humanity/Path: 5 few years fighting or partying with the pack. He was
Willpower: 5 given the nickname of “Silent and Sexy.”
Merit: Daredevil In the summer of 1966, Sex and Violence
Flaw: joined four other packs on a joint assault on St.
Louis. Their target was Rostov Estates which was
Backgrounds and Influences: controlled by Tzimisce who didn't belong to the
Allies – Alan Tobias, Leader of eco-group Group, Sabbat. They assaulted the mansion to find only one
Green Tomorrow individual standing in their way, Vladimir Rostov
Herd – Eco-group, Green Tomorrow himself. He radiated more Presence than any of them
had ever felt and Horace felt his viniculum to his
pack break. From the looks of the other Sabbat, they
HORACE QUINN were feeling the same thing. Several of the Sabbat
Horace Quinn was born in Detroit, Michigan attacked Rostov, but he easily swatted them away.
in 1907. His family owned several shipping yards and Horace decided to attack, but he wasn't going after
became quite wealthy with the Industrial Revolution. their target. This was his only chance and he took it.
Horace grew up spoiled with no interest whatsoever He slashed his Sire across the throat turning him to


ash. The rest of the pack attacked him but he held When the lockdown went into effect the four decide
them long enough for Rostov to go on the offensive. to capture Long and some of the Kansas City Anarchs
Horace watched as the man moved like a helping him. Everything was going well and it looked
whirlwind of destruction granting final death to an like they could be taken alive when Adam suddenly
entire pack within seconds. The packs began to run, flipped out and killed Long and the liaison from
but they ran straight into Lawrence and the Gangrel Kansas City. Adam looked confused and scared then
of the city. Caught between the rock and the hard he disappeared into the sewers. The Four returned
place the packs fought as best they could, but few home not knowing what to do next. They had just
escaped. Horace personally killed most of his pack killed the Brujah Primogen.
except for Shawn and Raoul who escaped. Horace doesn’t know what to do now. Adam
Rostov introduced Lawrence and Horace and has disappeared and Horace has no intention of
said that Lawrence should take the ex-Sabbat to implicating his friend in the death of some Anarchs,
Alexander since he would be needing a new home. even if one was a Primogen. Lawrence is on edge
Horace didn’t know what was going on, but Lawrence about something to do with the werewolves, but
congratulated him for being accepted into St. Louis Alexander might need Horace to keep the peace.
as a member of the city.
Horace would spend many nights with Image: Horace is about 6’2” with a slender frame that
Lawrence discussing things in the city. He would find is relatively fit. He has long, dark curly hair which
out that Vladimir generally kept his powers a secret and his beard and mustache are usually thinly
from the city and Lawrence believed that Vladimir trimmed. Horace has had many appearances over the
really ran the city through Alexander. Lawrence also year as he ever gave up the partying lifestyle and he
told him of the caern. Horace didn’t care about the hit the club scenes hard on his nights off. He went
caern or the werewolves but he offered his aid should through Disco to the 80’s and then to the Goth clubs
Lawrence ever need it. Lawrence accepted this gesture and Raves. It’s not unusual to find him dressed in all
and Horace was adopted into the St. Louis Gangrel. black with leather and studs and a fedora. Horace has
Later that year Horace would be chosen to be begun taking on feline features: His eyes have become
Sheriff of the city by Prince Alexander. Horace didn’t reflective in the light, and he has sprouted whiskers
know why but he liked his new home so he took up and a tale. The whiskers are usually hidden by his
the duties with a fervor. No one escaped him and few mustache, but the tale is a little more difficult to hide.
could outfight him. He guessed that his years in the
Sabbat were good for something after all. Roleplaying Hints: Much like an alley-cat Horace
Unfortunately, Horace never really shook the never stays still unless it’s to feed. Unless he’s with
loss of his pack from his mind. As much as he hated the Gangrel or The Four, Horace prowls the night
them he could talk to them and he no longer had alone either through alleys, hopping across rooftops,
that. At least not until he met Jackson McCray of the or zooming down the freeway on a crotch-rocket. He
Tzimice and Adam of the Nosferatu. Both were frequents a number of clubs to dance and feed when
misfits and the three of them became good friends. he’s not working and he uses his inability to speak to
Soon they would be joined by The Knight of the gain sympathy from the fairer sex, which makes the
Malkavians. They never let anyone know about their latter easier.
friendship and the four of them became secret
defenders of the city. Horace had a pack again. Name: Horace Quinn
The last week has been quite eventful for Horace. Clan: City-Gangrel
First Alexander locked down the entire city saying no Nature: Survivor
one can leave their haven. Around the same time, Demeanor: Loner
Adam found out that the Anarchs were planning to Generation: 9th
create a Free State out of Missouri. Christopher Long Sire: ?
of the Brujah was apparently spearheading the charge. Embrace: 1932


Apparent Age: Late 20’s Humanity/Path: Path of Feral Heart 6
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3 Willpower: 6
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4 Merit: Ambidextrous, Carlike Balance
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Flaw: Enemy 5 (Former Pack), Permanent Wound
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, (Horace must heal his throat every night and even
Intimidation 1, Seduction 3, Scrounge 2, Streetwise 4 then, he can only speak in whispers.)
Skills: Dancing 3, Drive 3, Firearms 1, Melee 4,
Security 3, Stealth 4, Survival 2 Backgrounds and influences:
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 2, City Secrets 2, Allies- The Four
Computer 1, Linguistics 2 (Sign Language, French)
Lupine Lore 1, Occult 3, Sabbat Lore 3
Disciplines: Celerity 5, Obfuscate 3, Obtenetration 1,
Potence 1, Protean 4, Quietus 2
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Status 2 (Sheriff)
Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 4, Courage 4



When Alexander arrived in the area in the continued with the state of Missouri and many of its
17th century the area was nothing but wilderness, but cities. It doesn’t hurt to have a cadre of powerful
Alexander saw more…he wanted more, and by 1764 elders in The Court to back him up either.
he had it with the founding of St. Louis. The As stated, the known history of Kindred in
Malkavians are the founding clan of St. Louis. the area starts with Alexander Kreiger. When the
Alexander Kreiger may have appeared out of Louisiana Purchase went through there was only one
nowhere, but when he did he appeared in what other Malkavian in the area, Lord Hades. The two of
would become the St. Louis area, and he had enough them were potent enough to maintain control as
power and guile to claim and keep that area. In fact, more Kindred arrived. Soon though, more
The Malkavians under Alexander have been a driving Malkavians came, amongst them Lord Richard Vale,
force for Metro-East Illinois and Missouri as a whole. a self-claimed member of English Royalty, that
It was Alexander and the Malkavians who drove the Alexander had embraced while he was in New
development of the St. Louis, and many lay the decay Orleans.
that has struck the city at their feet. Richard was a moderating influence on
For any who know the Malkavians, it should Alexander. As Alexander pushed towards the future,
come as no surprise that a European would found a Richard pulled back to tradition and kept Alexander
trading post on the edge of nowhere, surrounded by from spending all of his capitol too fast. However,
nothing but natives and werewolves, with nothing Richard's need for tradition and anachronisms held
resembling European civilization for hundreds of St. Louis back at times. He favored slavery, and later
miles. When the city was founded no one guessed segregation of not only Africans but Italians and the
that it would become the Gateway to The West, no Irish. He felt that the English and Germans were the
one could have predicted the Louisiana Purchase. But true power in the city. And he had no problem
in 1803, that’s exactly what happened. Many would removing Native Americans from the area. This
look at the whole situation and see madness, and The attitude would bring the Malkavians into conflict
Malkavians were fine with that. with the Brujah during The Civil War, and always
The Malkavian’s success in the city and the created an underlying tension with the Gangrel.
area is due to the network. No, not that network. It’s Alexander ordered the Kindred to stay neutral during
due to the Childer and dominates that the elder the war, but when it came to the Native Americans in
Alexander Kreiger spread throughout Europe and the the area, his need for progress went hand-in-hand
Greater St. Louis area. A tradition that Alexander has with Richard's racism. Lawrence of the Gangrel


intervened when this began to threaten the one Vladimir Rostov, an eccentric Eastern European
werewolves of the area, but when European elder who believes he is a Tzimisce. In fact, his entire
werewolves arrived, they abdicated forcing their brood believes they are Tzimisce, but they support the
Native American counterparts out. This led to the Camarilla Prince of the city. However, they have
destruction of several of the Cahokia Mounds, an act nothing to do with Malkavian clan affairs because of
that would have possible ramifications for the future. their delusions.
Some have also blamed Richard for the creation of Richard left the city after the field Anarch
the Tithe, but while he wholeheartedly endorsed the revolt of Kansas City in 1933, and Garrett would
practice, he has claimed no credit for it. However, he leave in 1966 to help shore up Kansas City after the
is in charge of collecting the Tithe from modern-day Sabbat attacks. The known Malkavians of the city
Kansas City. now constitute Terri Garner, Millicent Grimes, Sir
Hades, for his part, had little to do with the Lance, and Squire Bob, and Jennifer Winter. Because
development of St. Louis. His esoteric studies kept of this Alexander finds himself in a precarious
him from participating in city-building and he rarely position as none of these Malkavians are tied to him
weighed in on kine matters. His biggest contributions directly. Millicent is a child of Richard, and her
to the city came in the form of striking down the interests in robotics definitely speak to Alexander, but
1849 cholera epidemic by killing the Nosferatu who she's too young to be of greater influence. For now,
were carriers and the establishment of a modern she wages her mob war against The Ventrue, but
sewer system. The epidemic also drove home the Alexander hopes for more from her someday. Terri is
need for rural graveyards and Hades pushed for the a sweet kid, but almost no interest to Alexander. No,
creation graveyards such as Bellefontaine and Calvary she is to be Hades protégé, his first in centuries,
Cemeteries, an area that Hades has staked as his own should she live up to her potential. Lance and Bill are
personal domain. Of course, his antagonism of the total wild cards. While Alexander has never had a
Ventrue has become the stuff of legends, and as long reason to trust their loyalty he is troubled by how
as he lives there will be no peace with them. little he knows about them. And Jennifer is an
Alexander’s own Childer have been Anarch, who at best is a troublemaker by nature.
numerous, but Alexander gives them enough time to Alexander currently runs the city with little clan
find their footing, build up some influence and then support, relying mostly on his personal power and
he sends them out to other cities to spread his connections.
network. There were also a number of Malkavians And that’s a problem. Alexander did great
who passed through the city on their way to the West. things for the city by creating it, modernizing it,
But Alexander knew his clan well and he tried to bringing in The World’s Fairand The Olympics,
keep those who whose instabilities were too making it an air travel hub. But St. Louis is now
disruptive moving. A Childer of Lord Richard, crumbling. Problems are plenty as far as the mortal
Garrett served as the cities Sheriff for a time as he was world is concerned, and that eventually bleeds into
deeply tied into the network and he was able to sniff the Kindred world. But there are no Malkavians with
out dangerous Malkavians. A policeman while he was Alexander's ear anymore, except Hades who is almost
alive Garret became a student of the new sciences of impossible to talk to. Now with what some in the city
criminal profiling and psychology. He was also are calling a purge, Alexander is seen as either an
Alexander’s point man in controlling the St. Louis insane tyrant or Nero playing his fiddle while Rome
police. burns. And most of his own clan don't know what to
One last mainstay of the city are the Rostovs make of it.
who appeared in the early 19th century. Headed up by


whispered that he thought there was something
JENNIFER WINTERS wicked inside of her and he wanted to see it released.
He it into her and began feeding her blood. This was
Jennifer Winters grew up in an abusive
household with a pair of drunks for parents. She the first pleasurable thing that Jennifer had
learned to shut down at a young age as a defense experienced in ages. The year was 1964.
mechanism eventually turning to drugs and alcohol Her Sire never gave a name. He and Jennifer
to try to forget the life she had been given. When spent the days under the asylum in a series of
Jennifer was 18 her parents died in when her house forgotten catacombs. The beast had an effect on her
burnt to the ground. The firemen found her standing that her Sire enjoyed immensely. She was compelled
outside of the house in an almost catatonic state to release her emotions, but she didn’t know how.
holding a can of gasoline. She was charged with arson She could only let them out when she watched others
but proved to be mentally unfit to stand trial. She doing the same. She began haunting the inmates so
would be sent to the psychiatric ward of The Alexian she could feel fear. She would upset her Sire so that
Brothers Hospital to live out the remainder of her she might feel anger. But she needed more.
days. Her Sire had explained how the Camarilla
She was locked up for nearly two years before worked and she left the hospital to travel to explore
she had a single conversation with anyone. She had St. Louis. It didn’t take long for her to be noticed.
been given her meds and laid down for the night. She She started a small riot at a baseball game that drew
was drifting off to sleep when she heard someone in the attention of the city’s Sheriff, a Malkavian named
her room. She looked around and saw someone Garrett who instantly recognized Jennifer as a
dressed like an inmate creeping out of the shadows. vampire and probably a Malkavian from the looks of
He had wild eyes and he crept up to her bed. He it. He scooped her up and took her to the Prince.


Upon meeting Alexander, Jennifer got a provoke strong emotions from others. Those who
sense of bubbling elation about him. Alexander can’t be provoked aren’t worth her time.
decided to accept Jennifer into his city as long as she
behaved herself. She agreed and was introduced to Name: Jennifer Winters
the rest of the Malkavians. The most notable at the Clan: Malkavian
time was Lord Hades who Jennifer felt was a cold Nature: Trickster
emotionless vacuum. She did like the feeling of fear Demeanor: Rebel
he inspired in everyone else though. Generation: 12th
Jennifer would spend the next few decades in Sire: Simmons
the city meeting various other Kindred often Embrace: 1964
experimenting to see what kind of passion they could Apparent Age: Early 20’s
give her. The Brujah were easily the best. Their fiery Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
tempers often needed little prodding to get them Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
riled up. Therefore, it was natural that Jennifer began Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
hanging around with the Anarch crowd. The Anarchs Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 4,
liked having her around because she was great for Scrounge 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 1
starting fights. Skills: Drive 3, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Security 2,
She would balance a delicate lifestyle over the Stealth 2, Survival 2
next few years as one of the Prince’s own clan and Knowledges: Anarch Lore 2, Computers 2, Law 2,
one of the Anarchs. It was becoming more and more Occult 1
difficult especially as of late. A week ago, Alexander Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dementation 3, Fortitude 1,
declared martial law in the city and no one was Obfuscate 3, Presence 1
permitted to leave their havens. The sense of fear in Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 2, Status 1
the city was enough to make Jenifer cower in her (Alexander insists all Malkavians in the city have
haven during this time. When it was over several status, whether they like it or not.)
Kindred had been destroyed including Anarch leader Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
and Brujah Primogen Christopher Long. Now Humanity/Path: Humanity 3
Alexander is calling everyone together for a sit-down. Willpower: 4
With the Anarchs leaderless and the other clans Merit: Daredevil
upset, Alexander could be in for a rough time. Flaw:
Jennifer will probably be having the time of her life as Derangement: Desensitization
emotions are sure to flare.
Backgrounds and influences:
Image: Jennifer has long, stringy, sandy-blonde hair Allies -Malkavians
that she never brushes. She is of average height and Anarchs
quite thin due to the catatonic state she was in when Contacts- Anarchs outside of St. Louis
she was embraced. Her years in the hospital left her
even paler than the average vampire. Jennifer often
wears nothing more than sweats, and often has a
vacant look about her.
Terri Garner grew up an only child in a
Roleplaying hints: Jennifer is a blank slate, showing suburban neighborhood with few children. Her
no emotion until she picks it up from someone else. father was a traveling salesman, and her mother was
When someone is angry, Jennifer becomes angry and too busy being a house-wife socialite to pay her much
animated. When someone is afraid, Jennifer shares in attention. Needless to say, Terri was quite lonely and
their fear and revels in it. She goes out of her way to at very young age she began playing with invisible
friends. Her parents thought it normal at first but


soon became worried when Terri showed no signs of Apparently, her Sire had been embracing
growing out of it. They took Terri to doctors who several people as a joke on the Prince. He was caught
often recommended that Terri undergo psychiatric and destroyed and so were all his Childer. When she
treatment, but her parents couldn’t bear the thought asked why she was spared Alexander told her that
of her being locked away. Lord Hades insisted she be left alive, and since Hades
Things only got worse when Terri began never asked for someone to be left alive before
attending middle school. The other children were Alexander appreciated the novelty of the situation
merciless towards her. She couldn't understand why and granted him his request.
they hated her so much, and she eventually had to be She soon went to the cemetery where she was
pulled out of school to receive homeschooling. She told she could find Lord Hades too thank him and
would live in isolation for years until she became an she ran across a virtual army of ghosts there. Hades
adult. stood in the center of them and beckoned her
Soon after she was 18 her friends stopped forward. He explained that he had seen her talking to
coming to see her. Terri was heartbroken for months. spirits and that she was a natural at it. He told her
She never noticed the pills her mother was putting that when he thought she had matured enough he
into her food and therefore never understood why would teach her how to truly communicate with
her friends stopped coming to see her. them. With that he dismissed her. She left with never
One night, Terri came upon a cemetery and having the chance to thank him.
as she passed it she noticed several individuals ` Over the years Terri had little to do with city
floating around and she realized that she was politics unless Alexander needed something from her.
watching ghosts. She wondered if they could hear her She instead continued her career as a medium, and
and she called out to them, but they didn’t respond. eventually, she got her own tv show after she helped a
She entered the cemetery and walked over to a producer talk to his dead mother. Terri's Friends was
tombstone one of them was standing by. She called strictly on local station's but it soon became popular
out the name on the tombstone and the ghost turned as she often helped people on the air or over the
and looked at her. She then began having small talk phone. She loved her job but soon the producers
with the ghost who quickly tried to leave, but she began using cheap gimmicks and promotion's and the
found she could make him stay. Soon she had many show began to lose credibility. In the last year, the
friends again but she was kind of disappointed in show has come dangerously close to cancellation.
them. They never wanted to do anything, didn’t talk A week ago, martial law was declared upon
much, and they were kind of creepy. She also got the the cities vampires and none were allowed out of
impression they didn’t like her much. their havens. Due to this, the show was put on
Still, she did find a way to live off her ability temporary hiatus until Terri’s “illness” cleared up.
and she began hiring out as a medium so that others She was horribly depressed until a ghost entered her
could talk to their dead loved ones. She was good at it apartment. He looked at her and introduced himself
and word spread around town about her. She was as Norman. He was well formed and wasn’t creepy
hired by all types of people, rich and poor. But one liked the others. Terri was elated to talk to him. He
client would change things forever for her in 1987. told her that someone had stolen a powerful Native
She was hired by a Malkavian who was American artifact and Hades had sent him, and
passing through St. Louis, and he thought it would be several others of his more powerful servants to find it.
fun to embrace her. When she awoke she was inside Norman had been specifically sent to Terri because
an enormous mansion, surrounded by many strange Hades felt whoever took the artifact might expect
people. A dapper looking man introduced himself as him, but they wouldn't see her coming. Terri knew
Prince Alexander Kreiger and he welcomed her to the nothing about Native Americans or their magic, but
Malkavian clan. What this all meant was explained to she was absolutely smitten with Norman and
her over the next few nights. immediately agreed to help him.


Image: Terri is an attractive red-head with an Media - Cult Following
infectious smile who isn’t shy and likes to make
friends. She has grown to appreciate her new friends
and helps them whenever she can. She usually dresses SIR LANCE “THE KNIGHT” &
in bright colors and refuses to do the “gothic woe-is-
me” routine that many Kindred fall into.
No one knows where Sir Lance came from,
but he first appeared in St. Louis in 1980. Claiming
Roleplaying hints: Terri is a powerful spirit medium,
to be descended from an ancient line of wizards and
but she barely realizes it. She just believes that like
warriors, and speaking about battles with mythical
her childhood she is making friends no one else can
creatures, it was easy enough to determine that he was
see. She is naive though, but fortunately for her, she
probably a Malkavian. Alexander could feel him in
has some powerful protectors in Hades and Norman.
the Madness Network and as such added The Knight
to the ranks of St. Louis' Malkavians. Shortly
Name: Terri Garner
afterward Sir Lance's squire was also acknowledged
Clan: Malkavian
into the city.
Nature: Child
Lance and Bill are controversial figures in the
Demeanor: Caregiver city. Lance's insistence on wearing medieval armor
Generation: 10th when out and about has led to cries of a breach of
Sire: Ortega The Masquerade. Yet, most kine in the city have paid
Embrace: 1987 him very little attention. Lance acts as a vigilante of
Apparent Age: Late 30’s sorts and has known to ride a motorcycle with a lance
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 attached to it, which he has been known to use. Yet
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4 his exploits are never reported by the press.
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Lance considers himself a warrior on a just
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Empathy 4, crusade to stamp out evil in the city of the Saint.
Expression 1, Fortune Telling 3, Psychanalysis 2, When he speaks he uses Shakespearean English, and
Subterfuge 1 refers to people using terms that could be found in a
Skills: Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Herbalism 3, Security Tolkien book. The Tremere are Wizards, Gangrel are
2, Stealth 2 Rangers, and so on. He often refers to Elders and
Knowledges: Astrology 3, Computers 2, Investigation people of influence in the city by names of fantasy
1, Linguistics 1 (Native Americans), Medicine 2, characters. Oddly enough these character names fit
Occult 3, Spirit Lore 3 the Kindred’s personality perfectly, even if they keep
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dementation 3, Obfuscate 1, it hidden.
Presence 1 Few in the city, Malkavians included,
Backgrounds: Fame 2, Resources 2, Influence 1, understand the relationship between Lance and Bob.
Status 1 Lance wants to combat evil and has an uncanny
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 2 ability to size people up upon meeting them. Bob just
Humanity/Path: Humanity 5 wants to kill Lance. Bob has suggested his life with
Willpower: 4 the bombastic, righteous Lance is a living Hell and he
Merit: Medium, Oracular Ability just wants it to end. He has tried desperately to escape
Flaw: Soft-Hearted Lance and when that failed he began attacking lance,
Derangement: Dependent Personality Disorder but his attacks always failed in such spectacular
fashion that it often aids Lance.
Backgrounds and Influences:
Fame – Local TV celebrity
Resources - Psychic Hotline


There are many theories as to the history of these spot evil doers immediately, but he can’t act without
two: The Grand Prince’s permission. Note: Lance
• Lance is an elder lost in a delusion as he has automatically picks up on the true nature of others
displayed powers that shouldn’t be available to and sees them as some sort of a character out of his
one of his age and Bob is his Childer whose fantasy world.
mind has been warped by his Sire. Bob looks, speaks, and acts like a grizzled car
• One of them is just a projection of the other mechanic that has had the life sucked out of him. He
through advanced Dementation and aids Lance in fights against the Sabbat and Anarchs,
Chimeristry. but he’s always looking for an opening to strike at
• They are both a projection of Alexander’s Lance. Note: Much like a comedic cartoon, any
mania. attempt Bob makes on Lance’s life should backfire in
• Lance was lost amongst the Fey who warped such a fashion that it aids Lance.
him and granted him abilities. Bob was
embraced but didn’t receive the madness the
fey passed onto his Sire. SIR LANCE
• They are both projections of an ancient Name: ???
Malkavian who slumbers under the city. Clan: Malkavian
Nature: Fanatic
Lance continues his crusade to this knight. Demeanor: Gallant
He follows the orders of The Grand Prince and his Generation: ?
Overlord. He has taken companionship with three Sire: Sir Lance
others who seem to be on a similar quest as he: a Embrace: ?
sorcerer, and fighter/rogue, and a ranger/assassin. Apparent Age: Late teens
Together they defend the city from all threats. Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Recently, Lance has seen evidence of a Green Dragon Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
under the city. What this means he doesn’t know, but Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
he planned to find out until Adam killed a Barbarian Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Empathy 3,
traitor that they were trying to capture. Now, Adam Streetwise 3
has fled and The Four have been weakened. This Skills: Crafts 5 (Weaponsmithing, Armorsmithing),
cannot be allowed to stand, and Bob is reluctantly Drive 5, Etiquette 3, Melee 5, Ride 5, Security 3,
along for the ride. Stealth 3, Survival 2
Knowledges: Kindred Lore 5, Fey Lore 5, Occult 3
Image: Lance looks like a lanky 18-year-old who still Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dementation 3, Fortitude 5,
suffered from acne and hadn’t quite developed the Obfuscate 2, Chimeristry 3
ability to grow proper facial hair. He is always dressed Backgrounds: Resources 3, Herd 2, Allies 5
in Medieval style clothing, including a breastplate and Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
helmet. He carries a silver sword and a wooden lance Humanity/Path: Humanity 7
that he has staked more than one vampire with over Willpower: 7
the years. Merit: Luck, Nine Lives, Fey Affinity
Bob appears to have been about 45 when he Flaw: Enemy (Anarchs), Enemy (Squire Bill), Prey
was embraced. He wasn’t in particularly good shape exclusion (The innocent), Addiction (Fae Blood)
as had what could be described as a beer-gut. He Derangement: Delusions
generally wears workman’s overalls and whatever
ridiculous thing Lance gives him. Backgrounds and Influences:
Allies: The Four
Roleplaying hints: Lance looks, speaks, and acts like Fey Court
a Renaissance Fair actor that is high on life. He can Herd: Blood offerings from the fey


Resources: Hoards or gold found in adventures
Backgrounds and Influences:
SQUIRE BOB Allies- The Four (while not counted as a full member,
Name: Bob Peterson he could count on any of them in a pinch).
Clan: Malkavian Mentor- Sir Lance
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Curmudgeon OTHER MALKAVIANS OF NOTE:
Generation: ? LORD RICHARD
Sire: Sir Lance The current seneschal of Kansas City, Lord
Embrace: ? Richard would do anything to support Prince
Apparent Age: Mid 40’s Alexander, but he has been ordered to stay in Kansas
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5 City and keep things quiet there. He and Prince
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 Angela have their hands full with the Anarchs of
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Kansas City anyway.
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Empathy 1, GARRET
Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 1 A police officer who took to the burgeoning
Skills: Crafts 4 (Weaponsmithing), Drive 4, Etiquette field of forensic investigation and psychology, Garret
3, Firearms 2, Melee 4, Security 1, Stealth 3, Survival was embraced by Lord Richard. He served as the
2, Traps 3 Sherriff for decades, until he accompanied Richard to
Knowledges: Computers 1, Law 2, Occult 3 Kansas City to serve as the Primogen of the
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Dementation 2, Malkavians there.
Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 2, Potence 1 SIMMONS
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Mentor 3, Status 1 A Malkavian who hid in the Alexian Brothers
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 3 Hospital psychiatric ward, it was Simmons who
Humanity/Path: Humanity 5 embraced Jennifer Winters. Not part of Alexander’s
Willpower: 4 brood, Simmons believed himself to be possessed by
Merit: the demon that was exorcised in the hospital in 1949.
Flaw: Curse (Sir Lance) When confronted by Garret, Simmon’s fled the city.
Derangement: Obsession, Amnesia, Delusions Rumor has it he has joined The Sabbat.



With over 6000 caves under the state of The Nosferatu are not a founding clan of the
Missouri, so it’s no wonder that it has the nickname city. Death’s Head was the first Nosferatu to arrive in
of “The Cave State”. Is it any wonder that as the state the city at the beginning of the 19th century. Already a
was founded and populated that the Nosferatu mad potent elder he quickly assumed Primogen over any
great use of these caverns before modern sewer Nosferatu that would enter the city. Dozens would
systems were feasible.? Rumor has it that an untold come though, and Death’s Head put the younger
number of Nosferatu, a few Gangrel, and…other licks to work, spreading them out to map the caverns,
things live in those caverns. Supposedly the Nosferatu keeping them out if the city, whose human
Justicar, Cock Robin has made use of a particularly population couldn’t feed that many Kindred yet.
large cavern which he has outfitted as a staging site Some of the Nosferatu never returned, and Death’s
for Mid-West North American operations. Several Head always assumed that they had moved on or were
such caves and caverns exist near and under St. Louis, eaten by something horrible they found in the caves.
and it should come as no surprise that the Nosferatu Either way, he didn't care as the Nosferatu who did
became a very prominent clan in the city early on in return supplied him with ample information to set up
its existence. A prominence that is falling apart as the shop. As the city grew some Nosferatu were allowed
clan is split to the point that it may as well be two to stay within the city and Death's Head began to
completely separate clans. create his own brood. But even then, a division
existed. Death's Head is a monster, and he can't hide


it as well as he thinks. His Childer were often When Death’s Head was allowed to embrace
criminals, reprobates, and the mentally unstable. again he returned to his old ways in embracing
Nosferatu from outside the area found Death’s Head monsters; a silent giant named Adam served as his
and his brood unnerving at best, and many moved on personal bodyguard, a serial stalker-rapist named
as the West was settled. But Death’s Head’s personal Rancid, and a gossip-mongering media socialite
power, his knowledge of the area, and personal power named Venus. Rancid was a skilled information
made it near impossible to discount his abilities and gather, while Venus gave the Nosferatu an
there was no way to dislodge him from his position of undeniable presence in the media world. Adam gave
power. Death’s Head more personal power as the giant
To the rest of the city though, the Nosferatu Nosferatu was a skilled fighter and soon one of if not
were creepy, but worth dealing with. Death’s Head the strongest Kindred in the city.
formed close relationships with the Gangrel, the Adam would go on to create his own brood
Tremere, and even the Toreador. He kept the in Billy, Tabitha, and Preacher. While all have been
Malkavians on good terms and he even managed to acknowledged as part of the city, Billy and Tabitha
work with the Ventrue and Brujah when necessary. have little to do with city politics and hold little
But, things change. In 1833 when Lawrence power or influence, Preacher has some pull with the
took over the Gangrel, relations with the Nosferatu church, and is one of the few Kindred who associates
cooled. The former Primogen, Erik had wanted many freely with the Anarchs and the elders of the city. His
of the same things Death’s Head wanted, including powers of faith have gained him respect from the still-
the caern in Cahokia. Now Lawrence protects that Catholic Malkavian Prince.
area from any Kindred. Relations with the Toreador What no one knows is Adam’s brood was a
went cold when Death’s Head’s primary contact in sign of rebellion and the clan is now split in two.
the clan, Gloria Adams left the city. The clan took Death’s Head has begun trafficking in Dark forces to
another hit in 1849 when a cholera epidemic was regain control and complete his quest for personal
traced back to them. The Malkavian Primogen, Hades power. He is on the verge of destroying Adam’s brood
exterminated the Nosferatu, all but Death’s Head which has already suffered casualties, but the cost
who wasn’t allowed to embrace again for decades. might be too high even for him. The forces at work
Death’s Head retreated to his caverns for traffic with many monsters and Death’s Head isn’t
some time and waited the storm out. When word the only one in his sewers. He now finds himself
spread of a modern sewer system Death’s made his surrounded by a menagerie of monsters whom he
move and assumed control over those who were cannot control. Of course, the monsters he embraced
instrumental in building it. After the completion of are now suspect in his eyes as well. But to the city
the sewers, Death’s Head never returned to the above the sewers, all is well, but Death’s Head doesn’t
caverns again, although he never forgot them and know how long he can keep up appearances.
continued to make use of them.


DEATH’S HEAD knowing about it she begins to take lovers for money
Arthur Kirkland was born in Manchester again. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Arthur
England in the year 1600. Born into a very poor would walk in on her and a client one day. Enraged
family, Arthur is forced to steal by his parents, and if that she would destroy their perfect life, Arthur
he didn’t bring enough home he would be severely savagely butchered her and the man. Stark raving
beaten. His childhood was one abuse after another mad, Arthur fled the scene. He escaped the local
until the night he slit his parent’s throats while they authorities and made his way to London where once
slept. He was 16. again he lived on the street. His children were sent
Arthur ran away and spent the next few years away to live with distant relatives of Jenny.
living on the streets as a beggar, often having to steal Eventually arrested for assault and theft,
to survive. During this time, he met Jenny, another Arthur would spend the next 20 years of his life in
beggar who had taken to selling herself for money. prison. The authorities never knew this was the man
The two took up together and in 1621 when Arthur responsible for a heinous double murder in another
stole a large sum of money from a very wealthy town. Arthur survived in prison through his wits
businessman, He and Jenny moved to a new area to alone. Learning to play the other inmates against each
start a new life. other, he garnered protection for himself. Arthur
With a roof over their head and clothes on soon built an impressive network of people who owed
their backs, Arthur was able to find work at an him favors. This didn’t go unnoticed.
accounting office. Having taught himself to read and One night a man came to Arthur.
write Arthur was always good at math. He had to Introducing himself as Cranston, he was dressed as
know how much he could keep from his parents and an inmate but Arthur didn’t recognize him. The man
not get beat. Their new life underway, they soon had said he was here to release Arthur. He moved closer
two children. Arthur was truly happy for the first time to Arthur and Arthur lashed out with a knife.
in his life. Cranston took the blade from Arthur and plunged it
However, when times became tough and into Arthur’s chest. As Arthur lay dying Cranston slit
business became scarce, Jenny was afraid of losing his wrist and poured his blood into Arthur’s mouth.
what they had worked so hard for. Without Arthur


Arthur awoke the next night to find himself remember them as they were when they were his
in what must be the sewers. Cranston was in the pride and joy, Death’s Head began to pour lamp oil
room with him and he welcomed Arthur to the on the bound families. He lit the fire as he is left the
Nosferatu clan. With that Cranston dropped his house and stood outside until the screaming stopped.
Obfuscate to reveal the monstrosity underneath. Satisfied, Death’s Head he decides it was time to start
Arthur couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then he paying attention to this whole vampire thing.
saw his own hands which were warped and covered in Leaving Britain, Death's Head traveled
sores. Over the next few nights, Arthur would be hit though many warrens in Europe before returning in
hard by the curse of the Nosferatu. His already gaunt 1700. Travelling north he settled in Edenborough,
appearance had been greatly increased as his face was Scotland. He declared himself Prince of the region
almost skeletal in appearance, and he looked like he and began to create a large brood. By the time he was
was bleached white. He lost all his body hair, and his done the city was mostly Nosferatu. During this time
eyes seemed to grow bigger. As this was happening Death’s Head tried to teach himself Thaumaturgy
Cranston explained the way of the Kindred and the from snippets of information he had collected.
Camarilla. He also explained the do’s and don’ts of Performing many minor rituals that had little effect
the Nosferatu clan. When the change was done and he became frustrated. Finally, in 1730, thinking that
his education complete Arthur took a new name he can solve the problem by using a human with
befitting his visage; Death’s Head. special properties in their blood, Death’s head began
Death’s Head learned as much as he could investigating the Garou. Knowing that there was a
from Cranston until 1651 when he diablerized his large Garou population in the area Death’s Head
sire in hopes of increasing his own power. Death’s observed them and learned of kinfolk He decides to
Head left London and began scouring the capture one and sacrifice it for a ritual. The results
countryside for his missing children. This was were no different. Unfortunately, this did nothing
partially due to his wanting to limit his exposure to but upset the Garou who attacked the city in mass.
other Kindred so his crimes wouldn’t be found out. The two factions would war for over a year. It would
He found them in 1653. His son and his finally end when Death’s Head was ousted by the
daughter’s husband ran a successful bookkeeping Brujah and Gangrel in the area. Disgusted, he set sail
firm, each with their own brood of children. Their for America.
happiness turned his stomach. How dare they be Arriving in the colonies he kept himself
happy without him? How dare they enjoy life when it hidden from the Sabbat who controlled the area,
had only brought him misery? learning much about their practices and rituals
Deciding that his own children should know during this time. He decides to take his information
the misery and pain that he was all too familiar with, to the Camarilla who use it to take part of the east
Death’s Head began to destroy their lives. Over the coast. Death’s Head would serve as a loyal Camarilla
next year, the two families suffer one misfortune after member in Philadelphia until he finally got bored
another. Soon their business had all but failed, the with the elders there and decides to head west.
children had grown sickly, and their passions had It was 1804 when Death’s Head arrived in St.
cooled. The luster of happiness had faded from their Louis. He quickly scouted the area and finds the city
eyes as Death’s Head decided to finish the job with to scarcely populated, but by powerful Kindred, many
one night of terror. of whom founded the city. The Prince among them
Death’s head hired a group of ruffians to was Alexander Kreiger, a Malkavian who apparently
break into the house while the two families were had quite a bit of Auspex because he spotted Death’s
having dinner. The men and children were beaten Head immediately. The moment Death’s Head was
and the women repeatedly assaulted. Appearing as pointed out he fell to his knees and presented himself
Arthur Kirkland, Death’s Head entered the room to Alexander and the other elders. Alexander
when it was over and proceeded to rip the men he acknowledged him in the city as the areas first
hired apart. Telling his children that he would always Nosferatu.


Over the years the Kindred population grew found that watching her was quite exciting and it
and Death’s Head began to populate the city with soon became a regular pastime for him. He began
some of his own brood. During this time, he also making his presence known to her, cornering her
forged relationships with other clan leaders, the most sometimes and making slight innuendos as to things
successful of which was Erik. Easily the youngest of he liked. He never came on too strong though
the court, Erik often felt overshadowed and Death's because that would be ungentlemanly. Her activities
Head began to play upon such insecurities. The two became that much more extreme and he knew that
spent much time together and Death's Head plan to her actions were for his benefit as well. This routine
corrupt him appeared to be working as Erik became would continue for over a decade.
more vicious towards the Garou. He was also In 1835, the Prince threw a party and
becoming a little bit more, "loose" lipped. Erik, after a everyone in the city was supposed to attend. Even
night of feeding upon drunken humans, told Death's Vladimir was there. In the course of the evening
Head how it was really Vladimir Rostov that the city Death’s Head witnessed Erik and Vladimir having an
should fear. argument over the caern. Just then Erik’s child
Trianna and Vladimir Rostov were part of a Lawrence frenzied and began destroying Kindred.
European trading company and Trianna served Death’s Head hid just as he gutted Luther the head of
Alexander in his court but the elder Rostov, Vladimir the Tremere. Death’s Head watched safely from the
seemed to abstain from such matters. Erik continued, shadows as Lawrence escaped the building and the
saying that the Garou held something that Vladimir city.
feared, a weapon of some sorts that was hidden under Two nights later, Erik gathered his Gangrel
their caern. and left to bring him back believing he was at the
Taking a keen interest in him, Death’s Head caern. Death’s Head accompanied them hoping to get
took began following Vladimir’s activities. Never able close enough to the caern to get a sense of what was
to penetrate the Rostov Estate, Death’s Head there. As they approached Lawrence appeared with a
followed Trianna for weeks and once saw her with a pack of werewolves with him. He and Erik fought to
creature he believed to be a Gargoyle. He reasoned the death while the werewolves slaughtered the
that anyone outside of the Tremere with their own Gangrel. Lawrence killed Erik, and he spread his
Gargoyle must be powerful, and he knows that from ashes across the forest. The werewolves were
the items that get shipped into the estate, magic is convinced that there was another vampire in the area
practiced there. Clearly, there was more to the and started sniffing around. Knowing he was in
Rostovs than met the eye, but Death's Head has never trouble Death’s Head fled the area.
been able to discern their secrets. The next night Alexander brought Lawrence
But the caern was another story as Death’s before the assembled city and announced him as the
Head was elated to hear news of power and weapons, new Gangrel Primogen. The city was outraged but the
and he spent a great deal of time convincing Erik that Prince had made his decision, and it was final.
he needed to show the others how powerful he was by Death’s Head was disgusted that all his work with
getting this item first. Death’s Head imagined what it Erik would never bear fruition. There was a silver
would be like to humble elders such as Alexander, lining in Luther though. Luther and Erik had talked
and even Vladimir having them serving under him as many times and he was sure Luther was interested in
he became ruler of the land. the caern and now with Lawrence being promoted
In 1824, Death’s Head met Gloria Adams, after nearly killing him, well this could work to
the grandchild of Linda Ellstrom. She was a very Death’s Head’s advantage. Death’s Head was all too
beautiful girl who could sing quite well. None of this happy to share his knowledge of werewolves with
mattered to Death’s Head though. What did matter Luther.
to him was the deviant lifestyle she secretly led. She Another development occurred in Death’s
took different lovers each night, sometimes more Head life as Gloria began a relationship with
than one, and was a bit…perverse. Death’s Head Lawrence. The two began a secret relationship and


Gloria made sure their rendezvous took place deep in nicknamed him Rancid. Rancid became a very useful
the woods where Death’s Head could not follow. spy for him and together they saw to the embrace of
After seeing much of his hard work destroyed, and Rancid's child Kelly Steven's, a horrid woman and
then being cut off from his only source of real gossip columnist. She was dubbed Venus.
pleasure, Death’s Head pulls away from the Kindred The next few decades were business as usual
for a short time to scheme and plot. with Death’s Head playing the other clans against
Not being able to stand Gloria and each other for his amusement and gain. In 1940, the
Lawrence's happiness any more Death's Head set fire Ventrue Primogen, Dante Wellington, made a power
to Gloria's dance hall in 1840, and although play throwing the Brujah and the Malkavians against
Lawrence saved her, Death’s Head managed to get each other while he swindled away their control in
her death published in the paper. Being a local the Federal Reserve Bank. Death’s Head provided
celebrity, it became too dangerous for the evidence of Dante’s manipulations to the Malkavians,
Masquerade to let her stay so she joined Linda on a mostly because he wanted to see what would happen.
journey to Europe. It was a small victory, but Death's This result was Dante’s near demise at the hands of
Head took it. Lord Hades, But, Death’s Head did get to witness
The Nosferatu’s luck changed in 1849 when Vladimir Rostov step in to save Dante’s life, a feat
a cholera epidemic struck the city and many of even the Prince was unable to do as Hades was almost
Death’s Head brood were found to be carriers of the lost to frenzy. This was one of the few examples of
disease. A blood hunt was declared against the clan, Rostov’s true power that Death’s Head knew of.
and to save his own life, Death’s Head attempted to But as always, something good in Death's
root out members of his own brood to turn them Head life was followed up by something bad and this
over to the Prince. However, Lord Hades beat him to time it originated in his own sewers. Adam had
the punch, locating and executing all other Nosferatu embraced two Nosferatu on his own and presented to
in the city. Death’s Head himself was spared as he the Prince who accepted them. Adam had started a
wasn’t infected, but he was prohibited from full-blown rebellion against Death's Head as he voiced
embracing anymore Nosferatu his disgust for the rest of his sire's brood. A civil war
Later that year things got worse as a fire tore raged in the sewers until another Nosferatu showed
through the city destroying over 400 buildings and up, Preacher, who wielded True Faith and used his
almost two dozen riverboats. Very few kine died, but power to trap Death's Head long enough Adam to
a few Kindred did, including Death’s Head remaining force a truce. Adam's brood would no longer be
brood. Death’s Head’s power base had been assaulted and wouldn't have to serve Death's Head. In
destroyed. Yet he lived, and he would unexpectedly turn, they would leave the sewers for Death's head
benefit from the fire as Prince Alexander began and his brood. Death's Head agreed and a truce was
renovations on the city, including a sewer system. called and it has stood for decades since.
Several decades passed before Gloria Recently, Death's Head found something that
returned to St. Louis, and having severed ties with could change the status quo. A gathering of strange
Lawrence began her,” relationship,” again with creatures and mutant werewolves in the caverns
Death’s Head who was more than willing to forgive below the sewers came to his attention. Motioned
her transgressions. He even helped her get a leg up on forth by one of the creatures who said their master
the current Toreador Primogen Genevieve and her wanted to talk to him, Death's Head, perhaps a little
whip Justin Laveille. cocky in his own power, advanced. Shown into a
In 1910 the ban was finally lifted and Death's cavern where a green flame sprung from the earth,
Head started creating a new brood. The first was Death's Head listened while the flame talked to him
Adam a very large homeless man that Death's Head introducing itself to him as something called "The
thought was simple. Adam would serve as Death's Wyrm". It told him it needed his help and was willing
Head bodyguard and muscle over the years. In 1932 to grant him power for this. Death's Head asked
he embraced, a serial rapist Tommy Leeland, and what it needed and it stated that its presence could


not be discovered until its children had finished Image: Death's Head is small in stature with large,
making their lair, which could be months. Death's deeply set eyes. His skin is almost translucent and
head asked what he would get in return and the pulled tight to the point that his teeth are always
Wyrm granted him a taste of the power that would be showing and his eyelids can barely close. He has no
made available to him. It granted him the magical nose to speak of and his ears shrunk to minuscule
knowledge he had always sought. Death's Head stated proportions. He usually wears a bowler and a frock
that if he was going to do this he wanted to become coat over an English tailored suit. Death's Head
powerful enough to rule the area and all who resided speaks with a low-born English accent.
in it, even Vladimir Rostov. The Wyrm said this
could be done if they were both successful. Roleplaying Hints: Death's Head likes to play the
Death’s Head returned to his brood and part of an English gentleman, proper and formal.
explained the situation to them. They liked the sound However, his perversions and sadism are barely
of it and joined in on the plan. He soon decided to beneath the surface, quite visible for any who want to
start using his powers on a test subject…Adam. This look. He is a manipulator who abhors getting his own
test was successful as Adam’s very spirit was drained hands dirty, rather preferring to get others to fight his
when he was in his sire’s presence. Adam became him battles for him. He doesn't lust for power as much as
violent and callous and much easier to control than he lusts to be seen as powerful.
before. Adam told Death’s Head of many things
including his friendship with The Knight, Jackson Name: Arthur Kirkland
McCray of the Rostovs, and the sheriff Horace Clan: Nosferatu
Quinn. He told him how they acted as secret Nature: Monster
defenders of the city dealing with any threats from Demeanor: Deviant
within or without. Death’s Head now makes Adam Generation: 8th (originally 9th)
stay in the sewers and only lets him out to play with Sire: Cranston
his friends, but he has told Adam he is not to go near Embrace: 1631
his own brood anymore. Adam can’t say no. Apparent Age: ?
Everything was going fine until a week ago Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
when Prince Alexander declared martial law in the Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
city. Apparently, all Kindred had to remain in their Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5
havens and Death's Head heard many of them were Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 2,
being killed. Even two Primogen got the ax. Intimidation 2, Leadership 1, Streetwise 3,
As the purge went on, Death’s Head and Subterfuge 5
Rancid were relaxing in their dens when they heard a Skills: Animal Ken 1, Firearms 2, Melee 4, Etiquette
fight going on. They rushed out to find Venus and 2, Performance 3, Security 4, Stealth 5, Survival 2
facing off with preacher and Adam’s brood, Tabitha Knowledges: Area Knowledge 4, Camarilla Lore 3,
and Billy. Billy was holding a staked Tabitha and City Secrets 4, Computers 1, Finance 3, Investigation
Preacher was summoning his power. He let loose with 2, Law 2, Linguistics 3 (French, Spanish, German,
a blinding light that in the past had held Death’s Italian) Lupine Lore 2, Occult 5, Politics 2, Sewer
Head’s brood at bay but this time it left horrible Lore 2, Sabbat Lore 2, Science 1, Wyrm Lore 2
burns across Death’s Head and Venus. Rancid for Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 3, Dominate 3,
some reason wasn’t hurt, just held at bay. It appeared Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 5, Potence 2, Protean 3, Dark
that they would get away until two Black Spiral Thaumaturgy 2
Dancers attacked and killed Billy. Unfortunately, Dark Thaumaturgy Paths: Taking of the Spirit 2,
Preacher and Tabitha escaped. Now Death’s Head Hands of Destruction 1
has two people loose in the city that suspect Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 3, Influence 2,
something and a brood that he is unsure of. Retainers 3, Herd 2, Status 4


Virtues: Conviction 4, Instinct 2, Courage 3 whole episode had been blissful to him, and he had
Humanity/Path: Path of Cathari 4 to do it again.
Willpower: 9 The roaring 20's made his hunting easier.
Merit: Eidetic Memory, Calm heart Speakeasies, flappers, jazz, drugs, and drinking
Flaw: Dark Secret (Pact with the Wyrm), Flesh of the became prevalent in society. Having his way with
Corpse, Glowing Eyes, Beacon of the Unholy numerous women, Thomas took great delight when
they tried to go to the police, police who wouldn't
Dark Thaumaturgy Rituals: Curse of Oedipus, believe them or blamed them because they had been
Video Nefas, Sense the Mystical drinking or wearing a short skirt.
Thomas became an insurance salesman
Backgrounds and Influences: earning a decent living. Observing the living
Allies - Black Spiral Pack Leader conditions of his clients, he started randomly picking
Michael Green - Head cultist of the Labyrinth and stalking them so he would know when to strike.
Cult Just to keep things spontaneous he would also roam
Contacts - Mr. Grins - Nosferatu Primogen of Miami the streets and parks at night looking for someone
Slimy - Nosferatu Net Admin completely new. Thomas Leeland raped at least one
Mr. Sebastian Edwards - City Works Head woman a month for nearly a decade.
of Operations Unfortunately for Thomas, all good things
Herd - Labyrinth Cultists come to an end. When someone believed one of his
Retainers - Spawning pool (various animals) victims, Thomas was followed and caught in the act
Bureaucracy - City Works Office of attempting to assault another woman. Charged,
Industry - Water and Sewage Plants tried, and convicted of numerous crimes Thomas
Occult - Wrym Cult would’ve spent the rest of his days in prison if it had
Street - Drug dealing Cult members. not been for Death’s Head.
Intrigued by Thomas’s aptitude for stalking,
and his abilities at finding things out about people,
RANCID Death’s Head arranged for Thomas’s prison truck to
turn over. He released Thomas planted a dead body
Thomas Leeland, born in 1900 St. Louis,
and blew the truck up. The year was 1932 when
grew up in a loving household in with caring parents
Thomas was embraced into the Nosferatu.
who worked hard to provide a comfortable living for
He nicknamed Thomas “Rancid” after the
his son. Thomas smart, good-looking, and physically
description of him used by the local papers during his
fit. There was no obvious reason for his being a
trial. Rancid caught on quick to what the Nosferatu
sadist, other than he was born evil.
did and he learned all about St. Louis’s Kindred. He
Little Thomas enjoyed tormenting the
also enjoyed his new powers. They would make his
neighborhood girls, and as a child and found that
pursuits more fun.
when he could make them cry he would get…excited.
Soon Rancid found that feeding provided
He never really looked at them as people, just things
him no pleasure and little sustenance. As his hunger
to play with. Age caused his fascination with the
grew, he decided to relieve the stress the only way he
opposite sex to become more extreme. The pranks
could. He committed rape. When he was done he
became more perverse and the excitement grew. It
looked down at the sobbing woman and caught a
would culminate at his high school prom when
scent of something in her blood. He sucked at her
Thomas trapped his date in the backseat of his car.
neck and drank his fill, realizing that the blood from
She said no. She begged him to stop. She screamed.
someone in a state of terror was what he needed to
And all of this excited Thomas even more. After he
was done, it was a small matter to convince her that it
Death's Head warned him that these habits
was her fault, as Thomas was quite charismatic. The
could attract undue attention and that he had best


clean up after himself. Rancid learned Dominate to Sire: Death’s Head
make the women forget (So he could revisit them Embrace: 1932
often if he wanted to.) He also helped Death's Head Apparent Age: ?
out by framing people with his Obfuscate. Many an Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
elected official, priest, father, brother, neighbor Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
would face accusation's over the years because of Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Rancid. Developing a section of the sewers for Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Empathy 2,
himself, which he dubbed "the rumpus room", Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
Rancid would bring his playthings down there for Skills: Animal Ken 1, Firearms 1, Melee 3, Etiquette
extended sessions. Then he would release them into 1, Performance 3, Security 1, Stealth 4
the world, sometimes with the memory gone and Knowledges: Area Knowledge 2, Chemistry 2, City
sometimes not. He even took over a rape crisis center Secrets 2, Computers 1, Finance 1, Investigation 2,
so he could check up on his handy work at times. Law, Occult 3, Politics 2, Sewer Lore 2, Science 1
In 1943 Rancid was given permission to sire Disciplines: Animalism 2, Celerity 1, Dominate 2,
the Nosferatu who would be called Venus. Rancid Obfuscate 4, Potence 3
made sure to have his way with her first before he Backgrounds: Herd 2 and Retainers 3, Status 1
embraced her. To this day he knows she hates him Virtues: Conviction 5, Instinct 5, Courage 2
and wants to destroy him, but he doesn’t care a bit. Humanity/Path: Path of Night 6
During this time that Rancid toyed with the Willpower: 4
idea of going after a female vampire. He entertained Merit: Eat Food, Early Riser, Concentration
the thought of Gloria Adams, but Death’s Head Flaw: Eerie Presence, Prey Exclusion (Terrified
threatened him with final Death should any harm Women), Grip of the Damned
come to her. Death’s Head expressly forbid Rancid
from touching any of the Kindred under Prince Backgrounds and Influences:
Alexander, to avoid undue attention. Rancid backed Herd - Clients of the “Here-To-Help Women’s
off but he has always wondered what it would have Recovery Center”.
been like. Retainers - Staff of the “Here-To-Help Women’s
Recovery Center”.
Image: Rancid has purplish, wart covered skin,
patches of hair in the wrong places, and a mouth full
of jagged teeth. However, in Obfuscate he always
takes a form that is similar to, but not exactly like
Kelly Stevens was born in 1933 in St. Louis,
whichever male actor is hot at the moment.
MO. She was a lovely child with wealthy parents who
made sure their little princess got what she wanted.
Roleplaying Hints: Rancid is polite, genial and
Her father owned a local newspaper and her mother
funny when dealing with men, and he's exactly the
hobnobbed with the rich of the city, and Kelly would
same with women. But with women, he has one
follow in both their footsteps.
chink in his façade. He's too polite. Too nice.
It was in high school that Kelly went from
Too…everything. If a woman spots this and walks
being a little brat to a malicious bitch, taking great
away, the hunt begins. If she stays, so much the
delight in spreading gossip about the other girls in
her school. If it was true or not didn’t matter, and she
saw more than one girl brake down in tears during
Name: Thomas Leeland
her scholastic career. Soon everyone knew to steer
Clan: Nosferatu
clear of her or else they might see themselves
Nature: Sadist
humiliated as well. From grade school to college it
Demeanor: Deviant
was the same. Kelly’s crowning achievement came
Generation: 9th


when she worked for her college newspaper when she journalism and compiled quite a bit about the
got a teacher fired and a student expelled for undead.
homosexual activities. Her father was so proud of her Returning to the club where it had started,
he hired her on to the staff of his paper the moment Kelly began looking for Mr. Kirkland who appeared
she graduated. soon enough. He motioned for her to come closer
Kelly worked the socialite scene that her but this time she was not afraid. Mr. Kirkland
mother frequented and she found a hotbed of stepped into a room and she quickly followed. He
rumors, gossip, and half-truths that she was just dying asked her why she had come and she stated that she
to expound upon. She was known to bribe servants knew she had done his bidding. She had found out
with money or sex to get what she needed for her that several of the people she brought down served
stories. She even slept with husbands to get dirt on the vampires masters and now she threatened to
their wives and seduced wives to get their husbands expose them all. Mr. Kirkland congratulated her on
secrets. Her column was amazingly successful over the her skills and asked her if she would like to meet an
years, much to the chagrin of many. associate of his.
In 1943, while investigating the rumors of a Another man stepped out of the shadows. He
high-priced sex club operating in the south side Kelly was young, handsome, and completely naked. Kelly
was shocked at her findings. She had heard of the pulled out the garlic and cross she was carrying but
place but never paid much attention too it until the man simply slapped them away. He threw her to
rumors that a senator was frequenting the place the ground, stuffing the garlic in her mouth. She
began to circulate. She entered the building and took tried to fight but he was too strong. Mr. Kirkland
in the carnal sights she was seeing. She began to look walked out of the room stating that when Rancid was
for the senator in the different fetish rooms that done with her she would be part of their clan. The
existed. When she found the senator, he was not man raped her, fed upon her, and then embraced
alone. He was laying on the bed naked while a her.
woman was drinking blood from his neck. The She awoke in a dark, damp room that
woman looked at Kelly, bore her fangs and hissed at smelled. She hurt all over and felt very strange. She
her. Screaming, Kelly ran from the building. She left the room and wandered the dark corridors of
knew she had just seen a vampire. wherever she was, and finally realized she was in the
As Kelly arrived home, a small man stepped sewers. Mr. Kirkland appeared before her apologizing
out of the shadows and introduced himself as Mr. for the rough treatment, but it was over now and she
Kirkland. He invited himself in and sat on her couch. was a Nosferatu. He then dropped his obfuscate.
She told him to leave but he laughed at her. This Kelly screamed at what she saw! She turned to run
man chilled her to the bone and she knew he must be but Rancid was there and he too was grotesque, and
one of them. Mr. Kirkland explained to her that he behind him was a giant monster. She turned again
wasn't here to hurt her but he was here to make her a and saw another creature, only this time she was
proposition. If she kept her mouth shut about what looking in a mirror. She fell to the ground, not being
she had seen he would give her information on able to comprehend the nightmare she had entered
several prominent city figures. She knew she didn't herself into.
have a choice and agreed. Mr. Kirkland handed her Over the next weeks, Kelly was instructed in
some papers and disappeared right in front of her. the society of the Camarilla and the ways of the
Over the next few days, she researched the Nosferatu. Mr. Kirkland, or Death's Head as he was
documents he had given her and found enough known by here, taught her how to use her powers.
information to cripple the city government. She was Her sire Rancid nicknamed her Venus and had little
able to confirm enough to know it was all true. She to do with her. The giant was named Adam and he
also began researching vampires. Several months later stayed out of everyone's way just preferring to be left
she had won an award for her excellence in alone. The name Venus stuck and she was soon


introduced to Prince Alexander of the Makavians and tries to use any tidbit she comes across to her
who welcomed her into the city. own advantage. She hates beautiful people, and she
Over the years she adapted to her new life despises ugly people who don't hate themselves. She
and used her powers to be even worse than she was holds no allegiance to Rancid or Death's Head as she
before. She delighted once again in the scandals of blames them for her rape and embrace and she would
the human and now the vampiric world. She found love to see them destroyed, but for now, they are
out that the woman she saw at the club was Gloria useful for her survivor.
Adams of the Toreador and that it appeared Death's
Head had a thing for her. She locked that little piece Name: Kelly Stevens
of information away for future use. Never having Clan: Nosferatu
forgiven Death's Head or Rancid for her assault, she Nature: Autocrat
would love to see them destroyed. Demeanor: Conniver
Venus’ time with the Nosferatu has been Generation: 10th
tumultuous. It was Venus who found out about and Sire: Rancid
exposed Adam’s brood. Venus waged her own Embrace: 1943
personal war against Tabitha. She couldn’t stand Apparent Age: ?
Tabitha because Tabitha accepted her plight in the Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Nosferatu, accepted that she was grotesque, and Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0
seemed none the worse for it. It drove Venus insane Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
as she hated herself, while Tabitha had found peace. Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Expression 2,
Going behind Death’s Head back, Venus Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
struck her own deal with The Wyrm. She offered Skills: Animal Ken 1, Firearms 3, Melee 1, Etiquette
herself as a failsafe. If Death’s Head succeeded in his 2, Performance 1, Security 1, Stealth 3
bargain she would get her beauty back, but if he was Knowledges: Area Knowledge 1, City Secrets 3,
going to compromise the deal the Wyrm would give Investigation 4, Law, Occult 3, Politics 2, Sewer Lore
her the power to destroy him and take over the clan. 2, Wyrm Lore 1
The Wyrm agreed but demanded a sacrifice as a show Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 2, Celerity 1,
of sincerity. Obfuscate 3, Potence 2, Presence 2, Dark
Attempting to sacrifice Tabitha, Venus ended Thaumaturgy 2
up getting Billy killed, fulfilling the sacrifice. Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Phobos 2
However, an assault by Preacher may have exposed Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Influence 1, Status 1
her infernalism to Death's Head. She may have gone Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
too far this time and is contemplating sabotaging Humanity/Path: Humanity 2
Death's Head so The Wyrm would destroy him, even Willpower: 4
at the sake of her own beauty. Merit: Enchanting Voice
Flaw: Repulsed by Garlic, Dark Secret (Infernal)
Image: Kelly Stevens was a voluptuous blonde before
her embrace, however her eyes were mean, and her Backgrounds and Education:
face was hard. After her embrace, she lost all of her Contacts: Lady Gail Halyburton - Leading socialite of
hair, and much of her figure deflated, leaving her St. Louis.
looking like a skeleton with skin draped over it. Her Mr. Gerald Smithston - Celebrity fund-
flesh is a sickly white, and she has an elongated nose raiser.
and chin. However, she still has mean eyes. Ms. Mary Ernst - Gossip columnist
High Society - Gossip page in city News, Annual city
Roleplaying Hints: Venus is a callous, unfeeling fund-raising get together
creature who doesn't care about the suffering she Occult - Wyrm’s connections and cults
causes. Her only concern is herself. She loves gossip


ADAM occasion. It was at this time that he met Billy and
Adam Powell's parents were free African Tabitha.
Americans from the North and they piloted a small Lonely amongst his own clan, Adam would
riverboat up and down the Mississippi. Adam was create his own brood. Billy was a director of a shelter
born somewhere on the Mississippi in 1880. He grew that Adam embraced after Billy had been shot in a
up an extremely large, quiet child. His parents loved robbery. Tabitha was a woman that Adam fell in love
him, but they feared he was simple. As he got larger with. Asking her to join him was the first words he
his size and strength came in handy for loading had uttered in decades. She accepted and after the
freight on to the boat. embrace, they became bound to one another.
Exploring the docks and cities his parents Adam knew what would happen if Death’s
stopped at, Adam saw much of humanities ugliness, Head found out so he made sure that they were
especially racism. But he also learned some valuable acknowledged by the Prince beforehand. As soon as
skills from the other wharf rats. Key among them was Death’s Head found out about the new brood he
a knack for boxing. tried to kill all three of them. Fortunately, he
In 1890, a fire on their boat killed Adam’s underestimated Adam’s intelligence and the new
parents. The shock of his parent’s death caused him brood escaped, and a war began in the sewers that
to stop talking entirely, and with no one to take him continued until Billy’s Childer, Preacher stepped in.
in he was sent to a mental institution in St. Louis. Preacher had the power of faith and he used
When he was 18 he left the asylum, to live on the it to hold back Death’s Head’s forces. This enabled
streets. Surviving by fighting in illegal backroom Adam to force a truce that would see his brood left
brawls, Adam was tough to beat due to his size. As he alone and that the sewers were Death’s Head’s again.
fought he made sure not to really hurt anyone and Both sides agreed and Adam and his family left the
never fought dirty. sewers in peace.
In 1920 Adam was asked by a strange little The next few years were good ones as the
man to participate in a fight he was putting together four of them continued to enjoy their new existence.
and that Adam could make a lot of money. Adam Adam would eventually meet some Kindred spirits
agreed and went with the man. When they arrived at outside of his clan though. The first was Jackson
an empty warehouse, the little man attacked Adam, McCray, a Kindred with ties to the Rostovs. He was a
biting his throat. Not able to move, Adam fell to the cripple but he had a keen and inquisitive intellect.
ground and felt his life slip away as the man drank The second was Horace Quinn, an ex-Sabbat City-
him dry. That night Adam became the first member Gangrel, whose duties as Sheriff alienated him from
of Death’s Head’s newest brood. most of the city. The third and last was The Knight, a
The next night Adam was explained that his Malkavian vigilante whose antics even upset the other
new existence was to serve Death’s Head as muscle Malkavians. Forming a strong bond, these four
and little else. Adam never uttered a word of protest misfits would become secret defenders of the city.
and he served Death’s Head well. Adam learned all Unfortunately, things began to change when
about the city and soon his size and strength made Death’s Head asked for a meeting with Adam.
him a well-known figure in St. Louis. Meeting in a neutral location, Adam found that he
Over the years Adam came to despise Death’s couldn’t concentrate on anything and when Death’s
Head for the conniving little rodent he was. He liked Head said that Adam could work for him again he
Death’s Heads other children Rancid and Venus even almost said yes. Adam quickly left but he still
less. He had to do something to stay sane. He began couldn’t think clearly. He would have bouts like this
leaving the sewers and patrolling the streets spending periodically from then on. Soon he found himself not
quite some time over the next few years keeping the caring about the homeless anymore. When Billy
homeless safe. Viewing him as a protector the mentioned that Adam was acting different Adam
homeless offered him blood on more than one lashed out at him. Adam was furious at his brood and
he wanted out. He wanted to go back to Death's


Head and without a goodbye, he left for the sewers. Roleplaying Hints: Adam is confused. Everything he
Death's Head welcomed him with open arms. Adam cared about has slipped away from him and he feels
hasn't seen the others since. drawn to those who he despises most. He wants to
He was setting up his new home when reach out for help, but then Death’s Head appears,
Horace came to him with an assignment. He was and his words crawl inside his mind and saps Adam’s
afraid Christopher Long and the Anarchs were will. The part of him that is screaming for help is
planning an assault on St. Louis and Kansas City that starting to fade away, and Adam is afraid that once it
would turn the area into Free State. Christopher was is gone, he won’t be able to find it again.
the Brujah Primogen and it would be hard to prove
anything. He would have to be captured with his Name: Adam Powell
Kansas City liaison. Clan: Nosferatu
When the lockdown came they knew the Nature: Judge
time had come. Many Kindred were confined to their Demeanor: Penitent (Monster)
havens except Horace. The others snuck out and all Generation: 9th
four went to Christopher’s stomping grounds. There Sire: Death’s Head
was a fight that ended badly when Adam lost control Embrace: 1920
and killed Christopher and his partner from Kansas Apparent Age: ?
City. Adam couldn’t believe what he had done and Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
he returned to the sewers. He hasn’t spoken to the Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
others since. Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
When he returned he found that Venus and Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Empathy 1,
Death’s Head had been wounded badly by Preacher. Intimidation 1, Leadership 1, Streetwise 3
Apparently, he Tabitha and Billy attacked them while Skills: Animal Ken 2, Firearms 1, Melee 3, Security 3,
they were looking for Adam. Tabitha and Preacher Stealth 3, Survival 2
escaped but Billy was dead. Adam was furious, but he Knowledges: Area Knowledge 2, City Secrets 2,
didn’t know why. Was it because of their invading his Investigation 3 Occult 2, Sewer Lore 3, Sabbat Lore 1
home or Billy’s death. He went to his lair and hasn’t Disciplines: Animalism 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 2,
been seen since. Potence 5, Protean 2
Now Adam spends his nights in a near frenzy Backgrounds: Allies 3
as he struggles against Death’s Head control. His guilt Virtues: Conscience 5 (2), Self-Control 4 (1),
over Christopher and his remorse over Billy are Courage 4 (4)
contributing to his breakdown. He is currently held Humanity/Path: Humanity 8 (4)
up in the deepest parts of the sewer with no one to Willpower: 5
turn to. Merit: Huge Size
Flaw: Sire’s Resentment
Image: Adam stands at about 7’7” and weighs about
400 lbs. His skin is greyish and stretched tight over Backgrounds and Influences:
his muscles. His eyes are no longer even, but this Allies – The Four
doesn’t seem to bother him. Most of his hair has
fallen out, and his ears are misshapen. His legs aren’t
the same size causing him to limp slightly. He wears
very little; a tattered sweater and pants and an
overcoat made from a tarp. Adam only speaks when Born to a poor Polish immigrant in 1932,
absolutely necessary, and usually only to those closest Tabitha Davidovich lived in a small apartment in the
to him. northern part of St. Louis, with her mother who
made a living as a seamstress. She never knew her


father. Tabitha was always a frumpy girl who was homeless. Soon, Tabitha and Billy were recognized in
plain to look at and was never very popular in school. the city.
When her mother died Tabitha was left with Unfortunately, Adam's sire Death's Head
nothing. Evicted and living on the streets at 18, she tried to wipe them out shortly afterward. But Adam
had to scavenge to survive. The streets are dangerous fought his sire and the war was on. Tabitha fought
though, and one night, Tabitha was attacked by a beside Adam in every battle. They soon reached a
gang of thugs. She fought but they easily overpowered stalemate but Preacher's embrace shifted the tide as
her pinning her to the ground. She couldn't bear the Billy's Childer wielded the powers of faith which
thought of what was coming next and she closed her proved too much for their enemies. A truce had been
eyes. She never saw her savior appear that night. All called which saw Adam’s brood left to live in peace,
she heard was the screams of the men who were but not in the sewers. Adam agreed and his brood left
trying to hurt her. When she woke up the men were peacefully.
scattered about the alley like rag dolls. Standing in Life was good for the next few years. The four
front of her was a monster that was twice the size of of them lived peacefully and enjoyed their existences.
any man. The recently things began to change. Adam began
She looked up at him and he offered his acting indifferent to the homeless and even had a
hand to her helping her stand. His hand gently violent outburst towards his brood when they pointed
clasped hers and she was pulled from the ground. She it out. He said he was beginning to think he made a
asked him his name and he handed her a badge that mistake and he vanished into the sewers.
said “Adam.” She stumbled a bit and said that the Tabitha was destroyed. She didn’t know what
men hurt her ankle. Adam gently picked her up and to do. She looked for Adam but it was apparent that
carried her to a shelter where he left her. he had gone back to Death’s Head. She couldn’t
That night she spoke to some of the people imagine why though.
and they said they knew of Adam, that he was their She lived the next week as if she was in a
protector. In return for protection, they fed him daze. The purge meant nothing too her. She never
blood to keep him alive. They would each offer a saw Venus coming, was staked by her, and taken into
little bit into a large mixing bowl and someone would the sewers. Fortunately, Preacher and Billy showed up
take it outside every other day and wait for him. taking Tabitha and freeing her. Death’s Head and
Tabitha asked to be the next one. Rancid showed up but Preacher blasted them with his
When Adam appeared to her she explained power. The three of them ran but two monstrous
that her mother had always told her stories from the beasts appeared and attacked Billy. He was dead
old country, vampires among them. She talked to within seconds, but the others made it out.
Adam all night, and several nights afterward Tabitha’s world is crumbling around her and
sometimes reading him stories on top of the roofs of she’s getting desperate. Something terrible is going on
buildings under the stars. in the sewers, but she doesn’t know who to tell or
One night after reading him a story Adam who would believe her. Venus is with the Harpies,
looked at her and asked her to join him. He had and Death’s Head is a Primogen. Her only chance
never spoken before, and his voice quivered with might be the Sheriff, Horace Quinn. If he was truly
uncertainty. She said yes with no hesitation. That Adam’s friend he would have to help. Of course,
night in 1950 Tabitha became a Nosferatu. there have long been rumors of a third brood of
Tabitha didn’t really care about the Camarilla Nosferatu. One that keeps to the caverns below St.
or the Nosferatu she just wanted to be with Adam. Louis. Perhaps if she could find them…
He taught her what she needed to know and
introduced her to Billy, a friend of his that he had Image: Tabitha was short and stocky with long brown
embraced. The three of them set up their own place hair who wore her mother's hand sewn clothes. She
in the sewers and they all three protected the never considered herself pretty and she was shy. Now
she has yellowish skin, a misshapen nose, rat-like


teeth and a milky eye. Yet, when Adam smiles at her Street - Homeless shelter, and its inhabitants
she feels beautiful and she, like him, has found her
Roleplaying Hints: Normally Tabitha is a quiet, The man who would become Preacher was
motherly type, but now Tabitha is distraught. Her born Augustus Mayfield in the city of St. Louis, MO
true love has left her for a monster. Her friend is in 1925. He was an orphan who was taken off the
dead. And her only hope, Preacher might be more streets and raised in a Catholic orphanage never to be
concerned with the Anarchs to help her. She is adopted.
desperate, hoping to find Adam to talk some sense in Augustus would grow into a man under the
him, before Death’s Head’s Childer attack her again. watchful eyes of the priests and nuns of the Cathedral
She has contemplated going to Horace and the of St. Louis. Always having been a generous soul
others, but with the purge, she is not sure if they will Augustus spent many days in the soup kitchens
be able to help. providing food for those who had none. He learned
well the lessons of his Lord and took pity upon those
Name: Tabitha Davidovich less fortunate than him. Shortly after becoming an
Clan: Nosferatu adult he became a priest within the ranks of the
Nature: Caregiver Catholic Church.
Demeanor: Director He continued his charitable works among the
Generation: 10th homeless and began several programs to get them off
Sire: Adam the street. He also felt that the word of the Lord
Embrace: 1950 should be carried outside the walls of the church and
Apparent Age: ? began preaching on street corners, parks, restaurants,
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 wherever the fever of the Lord would strike him.
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0 Soon he began to draw regular crowds from the street
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 rabble. These behaviors and some of his radical views
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 3, kept Preacher from ever going far in the church
Expression 3, Leadership 2, Streetwise 3 hierarchy. He didn’t care about such things and
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Firearms 2, Melee 2, Security 2, would spend the next decade performing his sermons
Stealth 3, Survival 3 and helping the homeless.
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 2, City Secrets 1, On a cold night in 1960, Augustus was taking
Computers 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Occult 1, food to a local shelter when he was approached by
Sewer Lore 3, two armed men. The men tried to rob Augustus but
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Obfuscate 4, Potence 1 he fought back, so they shot him. As Augustus lay
Backgrounds: Herd 4, Retainers 3 bleeding looking up at the sky as the men emptied his
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 4 pockets he witnessed two angels appear.
Humanity/Path: Humanity 8 The first was a large angel, and from the look
Willpower: 7 of wrath in his eyes was sent by Michael himself. The
Merit: Common Sense, True Love second had a look of mercy about him which spoke
Flaw: of Gabriel. The larger Angel attacked the two men
Derangements: who ran for their lives. The second leaned over
Augustus who slipped into the darkness.
Backgrounds and Influences: Augustus awoke the next night with a new
Herd - City homeless life. Indeed, the Lord, wanting Augustus to carry his
Retainers - Ghouled rat (Fluffy) word, sent him two messengers to recreate him in
Ghouled cat (Killer) their image. His saviors looked confused as he


explained this to them. The larger one introduced needed a little piece of mind. Although he never
himself as Adam and the smaller one was Billy. A approved of their methods, Preacher was always
third person was there and her name was Tabitha. willing to help them quiet their fears and rage. They
They explained that he was now a vampire of the nicknamed him Preacher. One Anarch that Preacher
Nosferatu Clan. Augustus sat and listened to their never liked was Christopher Long, their leader. He
tale. saw in this man madness and corruption, and he
When they were through Augustus thought believed that he was using these poor souls for his
about what this could all mean. He came to the own gain.
conclusion that his abilities were now meant for a The Anarchs are not the only Kindred who
new flock whose souls desperately needed saving. He have sought Preacher’s services. Prince Alexander
also felt a fire burn within him and he knew the Lord Kreiger, still a devout Catholic, has taken advantage
had blessed him with the power to do so. He would of having a priest within the city ranks. Alexander’s
start with the wayward souls in these sewers. confessions are few, but he always accepts penance.
Apparently, a civil war had existed between Preacher knows many of Alexander’s sins, but only
two factions of Nosferatu and Preacher was going to Alexander’s as the Prince has never spoken of the
try and end it. He sought out Adam’s sire Death’s deeds of others.
Head. He offered him salvation but he saw only Over the years Preacher has sensed another
wickedness in his eyes. When Venus and Rancid presence in his church. Feeling this presence after his
appeared around him Preacher called upon the Light flock had gone, Preacher called upon the Light of the
of the Lord which caused all three to recoil in terror. Lord to burn away the shadows, and in doing so
With Death’s Head trapped Adam got him to agree found himself standing face to face with a very
to a truce. Adam’s brood would no longer be hunted surprised angelic looking creature like himself.
and they would leave the sewers to Death’s Head. Preacher approached the creature, but it panicked,
With that done the four of them returned to leaped through a window and flew into the night.
the streets from which they all came. Preacher learned Knowing nothing of Gargoyles, Preacher took the
to hide his frightful visage and returned to work at creature’s wings as proof of its divine nature. Preacher
the soup kitchens. He also kept contacts in the has never seen the angel again, but he has felt its
church and became an acknowledged member of the presence during his sermons.
city. Soon, with the brood's help, Augustus took over Recent events have left Preacher pulled in
and renovated a small abandoned church, The many directions. Adam's behavior was strange
Church of the Blessed Mother. Here he began enough, but Billy's death at the hands of those
holding nightly sermons. monsters was an abomination. Tabitha is shattered,
Some years ago, Augustus noticed a young and the two of them are constantly moving to stay
woman in his audience that he knew to be a Brujah. ahead of Death's Head. On top of that is
She approached him after the sermon and they began Christopher's death which has thrown the Anarchs
to speak on many matters. He sensed something into chaos. Preacher is desperately trying to keep
troubling her and asked her what was wrong. She them from going off the deep end, which has not
stated that she hadn't given confession since her been made easier by the unstable Alison and fiery
embrace and was wondering if she could now. He Gerald.
accepted her confession. She spoke of many sins but
he knew he couldn't offer her any type of penance. Image: Tall, slightly overweight, with a no hair, with
He told her that her penance would come in some green-hued skin that doesn’t quite contain the dark
form and that her reactions would save or damn her. veins beneath, Preacher is just as ugly as any other
This was the first meeting between Preacher and Nosferatu. He dresses like a priest and speaks calmly
Pistol-Whip of the Anarchs. with a soft-voice, unless he preaching, then his voice
Soon all of the Anarchs began hanging booms like thunder.
around. Some were still religious and some just


Roleplaying Hints: Preacher presents himself as Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 4, Herd 2, Influence
someone who cares, and he does. He genially wants 1
to help. He wants to help the Anarchs understand Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
that violence isn't always the answer. He wants to Humanity/Path: Humanity 8
help The Prince grow closer to his people so he Willpower: 6
understands their plight. He wants to help Adam. Merit: True Faith
Unfortunately, few are listening, but he continues to Flaw: Enemy (Death’s Head’s Brood)
try. The only creatures he won’t help are Death’s
Head and his brood who he believes are beyond Backgrounds and Influences:
salvation. Allies - Anarchs
Contacts: Father Parker, Head Priest of Lower East
Name: Augustus Mayfield St. Louis.
Clan: Nosferatu Bishop Grant, Head of Missouri Catholic
Nature: Visionary Churches
Demeanor: Caregiver Father Kelter, Researcher for the Vatican
Generation: 11th Sister Gambetta, the lead nun at church-run
Sire: Billy assistance center in city.
Embrace: 1950 Herd - Church Flock
Apparent Age: ? Street - Homeless
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 Church - Church of the Blessed Mother, Midnight
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0 Mass Head Priest.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 4 (Boxing), Dodge 3,
Empathy 2, Expression 4, Leadership 1, Scrounge 2, RECENTLY DECEASED:
Streetwise 3 BILLY TAMLIN
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 2, Performance 2, Billy was a Childer of Adam. He ran a
Security 1, Stealth 3, Survival 1 homeless shelter and had more pull with the
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 1, City Secrets 1, Law homeless than just about anyone in the city. His
2, Linguistics 1(Latin), Medicine 1, Occult 3, Politics death at the hands of the Black Spiral Dancers
2, Sewer Lore 1 robbed the city of a decent man.
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Obfuscate 4, Potence 2,
Presence 1



To an outsider the Toreador of St. Louis are By the 20th century the Toreador’s had
a squabbling mess who are apt to tear one another managed to bring some culture and art into the city
apart soon, sealing the clan’s fate in the city forever. with architecture and performing arts such as the St.
What an outsider doesn’t know though, is that is how Louis Symphony Orchestra, but when Alexander
the Toreador of the city have always been. pulled his strings to get the World’s Fair in 1904, the
Nevertheless, they have always been an influential Toreador went into a near frenzy of creativity. Linda
clan in the city and still are today. and Gloria who had been out of the city returned,
Regardless of what others say, when the hey and the other Toreadors began contracting
Alexander Kreiger arrived in the area in the 17th artists, designers, architects, and anyone else they
century he wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by could think of. While Alexander wanted the science
some allies of his from Europe and one of them was and new creations of The World’s Fair, the Toreador
Linda Ellstrom of Clan Toreador. Not wanting to wanted to create a center for the artistic. When it was
wait around for a city to be built, Linda traveled east done, The Palace of Fine Arts, Forest Park, Brookings
to start building her connection in the new world. Hall, City Hall, and numerous other structures were
Connections that would be necessary to secure designed by those brought in by the Toreador of the
Alexander’s new city, and her contacts on both sides city. It was their crowning achievement. Many of the
of the Atlantic helped move the Louisiana purchase new structures were immediately declared Elysium
forward. Linda was the first to return after the and Justin was made their Keeper.
purchase, and she would serve as not only the leading After the failed Anarch revolt in Kansas City,
elder of the clan but Alexander's Seneschal. Angela was appointed as Prince of Kansas City, and
Linda would turn clan affairs over to one of Genevieve took her place in St. Louis. Gloria and
her European Childer, Angela Davish. Angela, in Genevieve, who had never liked each other began a
turn, would bring her own Childer into the fold cold war that lasted for decades and saw Gloria more
Gloria Adams, a singer, and Genevieve Dubois, a often than not getting the upper hand. Justin lost his
New England socialite. With the addition of position of Keeper when the St. Louis Arch was built
Genevieve's child Justin Laveille, an art enthusiast, and an embarrassing fight broke out between the
and rake, the clan was set to start transforming St. Ventrue. A Sabbat attack a year later nearly wiped the
Louis, which is quite literally what they did. Toreador out. Genevieve, Gloria, and Justin survived,
but only Gloria had any credibility left. She began


rebuilding the clan with the additions of Sergei and destroyed during the Week of Nightmares. Now it
Mickey, a storyteller, and a violinist, and Linda looks like the clan is in for a fight between Justin and
herself brought a gun-slinging cardsharp named Gloria over who will lead the clan. Neither Angela
Maurice to the city. nor Linda are getting involved as the two young
Their influence growing again, there was no elders look to duke it out, but all the Toreador know
type of media that they didn’t have a hand in. Add to that sharks are circling the clan; Anarchs, Sabbat, any
that the artistic merit of some of their members, the of the cities clans will be watching carefully. If the
social games some of them have mastered, and the all fight takes too much a toll, the sharks might just
the perks that come with Maurice’s Casino, the clan converge and devour the clan as it devours itself.
was on a definite upswing when Genevieve was

hall in the city. At her aunt's suggestion, Gloria began

singing in the hall. For the first time in her life,
GLORIA ADAMS Gloria was not singing church hymns, and she was
having the time of her life.
Gloria Adams was born in the year 1800 in a
Gloria was a hit and the next few years were a
small town in New York state. Her father, a Baptist
whirlwind for her. The hall, The Silver Curtain grew
preacher, and her mother made sure Gloria had a
in popularity and Gloria herself was sought after by
very strict upbringing. Gloria was never allowed to do
many a male suitor and much like her aunt, Gloria
anything her parents deemed immoral, which was
rarely spent a night alone anymore. Like a kid in a
most things. The only fun she had was when she was
candy store, she sampled everything life had to offer
allowed to sing on Sunday at church. She truly had a
her now, whether it be men, drink, or drug. She
gifted voice.
found that men were her preferred vice. At least until
Gloria's mother passed away when Gloria was
a woman named Linda and her companion Angela
fifteen. Her father passed away a year later. Still a
approached her.
minor, Gloria was sent away to St. Louis to live with
These exotic beauties with foreign accents
her mother's sister. The black sheep of the family, her
were too much for Gloria to resist. Her hesitance at
aunt didn't follow the rest of the family's puritanical
never having been with a woman before was quickly
teachings. She drank, smoked, and owned a dance


dashed aside when Linda promised pleasures beyond Primogen and severely wounding Primogen Luther of
her wildest dreams. Gloria believed her and gave in. the Tremere Clan. He raged uncontrolled throughout
She spent the night in ecstasy, only to wake up the the city until he came upon Gloria who had been
next evening a vampire of the Clan Toreador. making her way to the ball. She fled from him with
For the next several years Linda, who was the all the speed she could muster but he was relentless in
Primogen of the Toreador personally tutored Gloria his pursuit. When he cornered her in an alley she
while Angela, Linda's child, and Gloria's Sire, dealt pulled out one last ditch effort and began to sing to
with many of the clan’s problems. Gloria enjoyed her him. Whether it was this, her Presence, or a
newfound abilities, especially those that helped her combination of both, caused him to calm down.
achieve new heights of pleasure. Continuing to take When she stopped singing he fell to his knees. He
on a torrent of lovers she was definitely not daddy’s broke down in her arms, and for the first time she
little girl anymore. saw the vulnerability of a man who had broken, and
It was during this period that several something in her was touched. She hid Lawrence in
individuals entered Gloria's life, individuals who her haven that night.
would have very long-lasting effects on her. The first The next night Lawrence thanked her and
was another child of Angela, Genevieve, a very kissed her gently on the cheek. He said he hoped he
proper, stuck-up woman. A socialite back east, would see her again but he felt he would soon be
Genevieve was brought into the clan because of her destroyed. She wept after he left, which was
manipulations in eastern seaboard social circles. something she hadn’t even done at her father’s
Gloria hated the idea of someone like Genevieve, funeral.
who would try to destroy people for fun and Gloria heard of strange goings on outside of
Genevieve thought Gloria was just another pretty the of the city but there was no mention of Lawrence
voice. The two quickly began a rivalry that would last for days. Death's Head visited her many times telling
over a century. her to forget about Lawrence, that Primogen Erik of
The second individual was the Primogen of the Gangrel had been given the task of hunting him
the Nosferatu who went by the gruesome name of down and destroying him. Still, Gloria waited and
Death’s Head. At first, Gloria was repulsed by the when word finally came, it was shocking yet good
creature whose leering eyes never left her. She knew news; Lawrence had killed Erik and been put into the
he wanted her and he did little to hide that fact when position of Gangrel Primogen. Gloria breathed easy
they were alone. Much to her relief though, Death’s for the first time in days.
Head seemed to enjoy playing the part of the Lawrence and Gloria soon began a secret
gentleman and his advances were never too relationship, often having their rendezvous in places
overwhelming. Gloria and Death’s Head soon formed where she knew Death’s Head would have problems
a rapport with one another, and from then on it was spying upon them. It was more intense than anything
a rare day when Gloria could not feel his eyes upon she had ever felt before. Lust was one thing but this
her while he was hidden in the shadows. It was was another. They soon became blood bound to one
exciting and she made sure that her would-be suitor another.
had enjoyable shows to watch as she became even In 1843 Gloria's dance hall, the Silver
more hedonistic than before. She was rewarded for Curtain burnt to the ground, and even though she
her “performances” by little snippets of information was rescued by Lawrence the flames consumed her
that she could use against Genevieve. haven and her identity when her death was reported
In 1833, she met the Gangrel known as in the papers. Although she was sure Death's Head
Lawrence for the first time. He was a powerfully built was behind it all due to his jealousy over Lawrence,
and proud looking Native American who apparently she couldn't say anything about for fear of exposing
helped in the destruction of some of the werewolves their prior dealings. Since she was a local celebrity it
outside of the city. Gloria knew that there was was deemed that her staying in the city was a
something special about him and observed him more potential breach of the Masquerade. Linda took
than once watching her shows from the back of the Gloria to Europe with her and left the clan in
hall. Angela's hands. Gloria pleaded with Lawrence to go
In 1835 Gloria’s relationship with Lawrence but he refused, saying that he must remain behind to
would change forever. During a ball hosted by Prince protect his native homelands. Crushed, Gloria soon
Alexander, Lawrence frenzied, killing the Brujah began to live a life of excess once again.


Over the next several decades Gloria would vampire while touring through Ohio. Alicia was a
often visit St. Louis for a year or two at a time, long Follower of Set and wanted to accompany Gloria on
enough to have some fun at Genevieve and her child her tour, showing her the pleasures of the taboo.
Justin Laveille’s expense. She even resumed her games Intrigued, Gloria agreed.
with Death’s Head. She saw little of Lawrence during Alicia began to break Gloria's personal
this time because she didn’t want to admit to missing boundaries and limits, and Gloria was loving every
him as much as she really did. second of it. She was being shown a new way to live,
She learned much on her travels, especially were excess and pleasure were the rule, not the
about her own clan. She grew to feel disdain for exception. It wouldn't be long before Gloria could
Toreadors like Genevieve who sought to bring the barely control her desires.
clan gain through politics instead of art. There were When the tour reached its final show, Alicia
many like that though and it seemed that the artists told Gloria that she would like her to meet some
of the clan might be dwindling. She vowed that any friends of hers. Gloria was in a daze after her closing
child of hers would be a student of the arts. performance and agreed. They left the stadium and
Returning to St. Louis in the early 1900’s went to a warehouse across the town. Alicia said that
Gloria began to take an active role in the city politics. there was a rave going on inside, and Gloria was the
She started picking up and consolidating the small guest of honor. Gloria couldn’t prepare herself for
bits of influence that she had been accruing during what came next.
her visits and soon came to rival Genevieve, who now The last thing she would remember after she
ran the clan, in power. But the Toreador soon fell on entered the building was the pain of being hit hard
hard times as they began losing members to Kansas over the head with something. Alicia's pack mates put
City which was now ruled by her Sire, Angela. Sabbat Gloria through the Sabbat creation rites that night.
attacks and their own incompetence had reduced the The Serpent of the Light had nearly broken her and
clan to ruins by the turn of the 20th century. the others finished the job through horrific rituals. In
Genevieve and Justin had lost most respect they had the next few weeks, Gloria would be inducted into
in the city, but Gloria still remained in good the Sabbat. Soon, she would be sent back to St. Louis
standing. on a mission.
With Genevieve and Justin in disgrace, Gloria was taken to Detroit where she was
Gloria began to rebuild the clan with the embrace of informed by the Archbishop that she would be the
Sergei the storyteller, and later sponsored the arrival first of several Sabbat operatives in the city. She was
of a young violinist named Mickey. She liked Mickey given the task of taking over her clan and gaining any
even though he was close to the Anarchs, but she felt information that might be useful in an assault on the
that she could get him away from them if she helped city. Even though she was not part of a pack one
him into the music scene. With one more addition, a would remain outside of the city to assist her. They
card player named Maurice would make the Toreador were known as Sex and Violence and were the former
artists more than a match for their socialite pack mates of Sabbat traitor Horace Quinn, the
counterparts who were still represented by sheriff of St. Louis. They would be very appreciative
Genevieve’s child, Justin. Gloria served as Primogen of any assistance they could get when it came to
for her clan for decades and her new brood prospered getting their hands on their old pack mate. She was
During the late 90’s Gloria began singing at then told one of the cities greatest secrets.
local bars, and once again became a local celebrity Gloria was also told to steer clear of Vladimir
under the name of Gloria Silver. Using her longing Rostov, as he was far more powerful than she knew.
for Lawrence and the twisted nature of her Gloria knew of Vladimir, but that he was a harmless
relationship with Death’ Head as inspiration, she Malkavian. The few times she had seen him he
began experimenting with Blues music. Noticed by a seemed to be an absent-minded old man. The
talent agent who offered her a recording contract, she Archbishop assured her that he was a quite potent
quickly agreed. Soon she had a cd on the market and Tzimisce and that it would take an entire war party to
her own personal band of ghouls preparing for a bring him down.
nightclub tour over several states. Gloria began making plans to return to the
The tour was everything she dreamed it city when everything was put on hold. It appeared
would be and she was having her own fun every night that the city was having a bout of internal strife. She
after the show. She met Alicia Night, a fan and a called Mickey who informed her, the city was on


lockdown and that all kinds of Kindred were getting Firearms 2, Melee 4, Performance 5 (Singing),
wasted or disappearing, and it looks like Genevieve, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Torture 1
who had returned during Gloria’s absence, was one Knowledges: Area knowledge 3 (St. Louis),
of them. It was perfect. Now all she would have to do Camarilla Lore 2, City Secrets 2, Linguistics 1
is beat out Justin to rule the clan. She would also (French), Lupine Lore 2, Occult 3, Sabbat Lore 2,
have to start looking at possible conversion Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 3, Fortitude 2,
candidates. Lawrence immediately entered her mind Melpominee 3, Presence 4, Protean 2
but she knew she wouldn’t be able to turn him easily, Backgrounds: Fame 3, Resources 5, Allies 4,
but she would have to try so they could be together. Herd 4, Influence 4
Death’s Head would probably be much easier. She Virtues: Conviction 2, Instinct 4, Courage 3
would ponder these questions for the next three Humanity/Path: Cathari 6
weeks before she went back to the city. Willpower: 5
Merits: Inoffensive to Animals, Clan Friendship
Image: Gloria is a beautiful woman who knows (Gangrel), Enchanting Voice
it. Pouty lips, a shapely figure, long auburn hair (that Flaws: Dark Secret (Sabbat)
is currently dyed silver) that covers half her face, and Derangements: Hangover Helper
brown eyes are all just tools for Gloria to use against
others. Her current blues persona sees her dressing in Backgrounds and Influence:
expensive evening gowns and dresses. Allies – Fellow pack members
Fame – Gold-selling recording artist
Roleplaying Hints: Gloria is running on a Herd - Groupies
massive adrenaline high right now. Sex, drugs and Resources – Money gained from recording
Rock and Roll are her life. She knows that if she plays contracts
her cards right she could leave St. Louis with High Society – Friends in the art world and
everything she ever wanted: Lawrence, a lifestyle with critics around the country.
no limits, and a new sect that would give her the Politics – Favors owed by powerful politicians
respect that the Camarilla was reluctant too. At the from the area from visiting various clubs and
same time, she fears that Lawrence won't convert, and other functions.
he's too powerful to be forced. She might have to Finance – Properly funded proceeds from music
broker a deal with death's Head for help with industry
Lawrence, Horace, or even Vladimir. Still, she could Media – pull in certain areas of media from fans
just set up one of the other elders of the city as a and favors with media moguls
consolation. She knows she has some options, but
she's not sure how far she can push the Sabbat.
Justin Laveille grew up never wanting for
Name: Gloria Adams
anything and not ever know what it was like not to
Clan: Toreador
get something he wanted. His parents were rather
Nature: Thrill-Seeker
wealthy socialites who made their money as dealers in
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
fine and rare arts. Justin spent most of his childhood
Generation: 10th
living in wealth and opulence in Boston, MA. His
Sire: Angela Davish
father, originally from Paris, France made two trips a
Embrace: 1820
year there for business, and he would often take
Apparent Age: Early 20’s
Justin so that he could experience all the tastes of
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
French elegance. Paris was a far cry from 1840’s
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance
Boston. His mother lavished him with adoration and
love, often telling anyone who would listen that
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
nothing was too good for “her little precious”. It was
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Empathy
no wonder that he would grow up to be a wretched
5, Leadership 2, Seduction, 3 Streetwise 2, Subterfuge
little snob.
Justin spent years being schooled by the best
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 4, Etiquette 4,
tutors his parents could find while traveling to exotic


locations. By day he would learn his father’s trade matters. Justin suspected, but could never prove,
and by night he would attend his mother’s gala events Gloria was getting help from the local Nosferatu, who
and acquiring an eye for beauty. A handsome young detested his Sire. Nevertheless, his power in the city
man, he was most popular with the ladies. He rarely grew and Justin would eventually become the Keeper
spent his nights alone and he soon learned of the of Elysium in 1900. As Keeper, Justin was granted the
games of the socialites when it came to matters of task of safeguarding the places in the city that the
love, shame, and disgrace. During this time Justin Prince deemed Elysium. Justin used his new-found
fathered more than one bastard child, but money power to increase the Elysium’s in the city, many of
could make such matters go away. Unfortunately, which were Toreador holdings. Genevieve’s power
money couldn’t make what happened in 1861 go would continue to grow as Gloria’s began to wane
away. due to severe wanderlust.
The Civil War destroyed Justin’s way of life. Life was good as Justin had created his own
His father had many holdings in the South that were brood and he didn’t think things could get better
taken from him and by the time the war was over until 1933 when Angela left St. Louis to become the
Justin’s family were no longer the toast of the town. Prince of Kansas City. With Genevieve in control of
Justin’s family was flat broke. Not able to deal with the clan, Gloria soon left. Everything was going
their loss, Justin’s parents destroyed themselves. His Justin’s way. He finally felt that he had become the
mother through drinking and his father with a bullet man he was meant to be. He was powerful,
to the head. Justin couldn’t handle the shame and he influential, and very well connected.
fled west. All this changed in in 1965 when at the
He made his way to St. Louis with the opening of the Gateway Arch, Ventrue Primogen
intention of heading to the west coast but fate Dante Wellington made a public scene as he scolded
intervened. It was here that he would get a second another Ventrue, Edward Lang, who had been
chance at life. In 1866 Justin walked into a small art revealed as the chief supporter and controller of the
gallery in the city and met a woman he had known Arch. Justin couldn't afford the loss of anymore status
some years before, Genevieve Dubois. She had as the Arch had already been declared an Elysium by
attended many of his mother’s gatherings some years Prince Alexander. Attempting to intervene, Justin was
ago, and she hadn’t aged a day. Justin had always shoved to the ground by Dante. Alexander himself
been enamored with her but she always slipped had to intervene. The end result was that Dante was
through his grasp. Genevieve remembered Justin and embarrassed, Edward was now the Keeper of Elysium,
told him that she was pleased to have someone else in and Justin had suffered another loss. Genevieve
the city who could understand her tastes in the arts. quickly removed Justin from the Arch and took him
She offered Justin the chance to become the curator away. She scolded him severely for the losses he had
of her gallery and he quickly accepted. It wouldn’t be caused the clan.
long before Genevieve would bring Justin into the Shortly thereafter in 1966, the Sabbat
ranks of Clan Toreador. launched an assault on St. Louis. Although they were
At the time Genevieve was the Whip to repelled, the Toreador were hit hard and suffered
Primogen Angela Davish and the power of the many losses including Justin’s brood and ghouls.
Toreador was second only to the Malkavians. The Justin was unable to recover his losses as the Ventrue
true power of the Toreadors was Linda Ellstrom a moved in on his floundering influences. Genevieve
very powerful European elder who helped found the kept Justin as her whip but forbid him from creating
city. Linda left the city to return to Europe and any new Childer to punish him. Time heals wounds
Angela, her Childer was left in power. Angela had a though and Genevieve took Justin back as her Whip,
small brood, consisting of Genevieve and Gloria but his influences never fully recovered, nor did his
Adams, a lovely woman who was granted the gift of status among the rest of the city. Justin planned on
song. simply living out the rest of his existence a,
Genevieve and Justin did their best to control thoroughly defeated Kindred. That is until a week ago
the arts and social scene of the city while Gloria when martial law was declared by the Prince and
controlled the performing arts. Unfortunately, Gloria Genevieve was destroyed.
and Genevieve hated each other, and worked to During the lockdown, Justin managed to
embarrass the other. Much to Justin and Genevieve’s sneak into Genevieve's haven upon her request.
chagrin, Gloria usually won the upper hand in these When he arrived, she was acting strange, talking


about the "true" master of the city. She babbled on Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 3, Empathy
about how Prince Alexander served a great power, but 1, Expression 3, Intrigue 3, Leadership 2,
that she served an even greater power. She wanted Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3
Justin to join her but as she reached for his hand she Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Melee 3,
let out a hideous wail. Justin leaped back from her as Knowledges: Art History 5, Camarilla Lore 2,
her eyes went blank and she fell to the ground as a Finance 1, Investigation 2 Linguistics 2 (French,
pile of ash. Justin stood there horrified, but horror Italian), Occult 1, Politics 4
was replaced by terror as he felt something else in the Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity3, Dominate 4,
room. No. Not in the room. In his head. Justin fled Presence 4
the scene and returned to his haven. It would take Backgrounds: Fame 1, Resources 5, Influence 4,
some time before he could calm down long enough Retainers 3, Status 1
to realize there was an opportunity here. Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, Courage 2
Someone would have to replace Genevieve Humanity/Path: Humanity 3
on the Primogen and he was the next logical choice. Willpower: 5
The only one who could possibly take this from him Merits: Efficient Digestion, Driving Goal (regain
would be Gloria who would be returning to the city Keeper of Elysium)
now that her musical tour was done. Still, he felt he Flaws:
could beat the deviant whore this time and once Derangements: Narcissist
again reclaim standing amongst the city.
Backgrounds and Influences:
Image: Justin is always impeccably dressed, with Resources – Family holdings and personal art
his blonde hair cut to the current style. He wears a collections.
just enough makeup to perfect his image, and his Fame – Popular contributions and heading of
blue eyes alone can entrance a would-be lover. He is local charities.
tall, standing about 6'3", but thin, and his hands are Retainers – Personnel staff and assistants for
soft as he never performed a real day of hard work in running Art Museums.
his life. His face almost always has a sneer of High Society – Glad handler of the museum's
contempt on it, especially when he speaks to any non- Functions
elders. Media – Personnel friends with the
Entertainment Editor.
Roleplaying Hints: Justin is arrogant and Finance – Friends with CEOs of various
condescending to most. He is disgusted by Gloria businesses.
Adams, Edward Lang, the Nosferatu, Anarchs, and
most other Kindred, in that order. He sees his
fractured clan as an opportunity for power and the
respect he lost years ago. Now if he could only get
Originally from New Orleans, Maurice St.
the Toreador to see how valuable he is. After all, what
James was born in 1950. His father was a policeman
is an artist without someone like himself to
and his mother a waitress before they were married.
appreciate their work?
He grew up in a modest home with loving family.
Spending a great deal of his youth watching westerns
Name: Justin Laveille
at the local theater, Maurice became enamored with
Clan: Toreador
such characters as The Lone Ranger. He spent every
Nature: Conniver
penny he had on western novels, comics, and toys.
Demeanor: Critic
Many an afternoon would be spent pretending to
Generation: 11th
have high noon duels with his friends. When he was
Sire: Genevieve Dubois
old enough to hold one, his father taught him how to
Embrace: 1866
use a gun, and maintain it. Maurice also took to
Apparent Age: Late 20’s
cards, as his favorite show growing up was Maverick.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
He was enamored with the lone chard sharp/gunman
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance
Spending much of his youth with a deck of
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
playing cards in his hand, Maurice became quite


skilled at card games and sleight-of-hand magic tricks. for embracing him, since he obviously was good for
As he got older he found himself taking part in nothing more than playing a silly little game. Maurice
various roving card games. Knowing not to win too found that he and Rachel were being ostracized from
often, Maurice studied with some of the best the clan. They soon began making plans to leave the
gamblers in the New Orleans area. Maurice's mother city when disaster struck.
was able to pull some strings with old connections The casino they worked at was attacked by a
and Maurice was soon employed as a dealer in a local group of Anarchs seeking retribution against the
casino. He was just eighteen and after a few months, Camarilla for the death of one of their own. Maurice
he found himself dealing for a high-stakes game escaped the burning building, but Rachel was never
between some shady figures. seen again. Maurice could feel her pain in his blood
After of these games, a local hood, Jerry and then he felt nothing. She was gone, and he was
Turner offered to let Maurice into his game. Maurice alone in this world.
accepted, but he didn’t know that Turner was looking The next few nights Maurice wandered the
to gain some leverage on Maurice’s father who had streets in a daze of remorse and sorrow. Not being
been investigating him for smuggling. Sure enough, able to face this new life alone he planned to expose
during the game, Maurice's father and a team of himself to the sun the next morning. He was on his
officers broke into the warehouse to bust up the way to Rachel’s haven to take one more look before
game. Maurice was shocked to see his father who had he died when he was approached by a man who
frozen at the site of his son. One of Turner's goons worked for the Giovanni clan. It seemed that they
pulled a gun and began firing. Maurice's father was lost their dealer for a high stakes game and wanted to
hit and he fell down. Maurice dived on top of his hire Maurice to replace him. Maurice figured he
father, pulled his pistol and began firing back. Turner might as well enjoy one more night and agreed.
fled as his men and the cops entered into a fire-fight. Maurice accompanied him to the Giovanni
No charges were pressed against Maurice, but his controlled casino and was led to a secure room.
father dies from the gunshot wound. Maurice stepped up to the table observing those
Barely able to look at his mother Maurice sitting around the table. Turner was sitting there in 3-
soon left town, hoping to one day run into Turner piece suit with slicked-back hair. Maurice introduced
again. During the following years, Maurice earned a himself and watched for a glint of recognition in the
fearsome reputation as a card sharp. He also earned man's eyes. When it came, Turner drew his gun, but
quite a bit of money and was able to support himself Maurice was faster and he shot Turner between the
and his mother for the next decade. While wandering eyes. Guns came out of everywhere but none were as
up and down the Mississippi River, Maurice saw fast as Maurice who left every human in the room
many sites and places. It would take some time but dead and the ghoul severely wounded. Maurice fled
his skills with the cards would eventually lead him to the casino making his way to Rachel's haven. He
Las Vegas in the early 70’s. Maurice learned to knew the Giovanni would come for him and that
appreciate the finer things in life while in Vegas, and death was just a start with them. He arrived at her
quickly rose to the top of the city’s top dealers. haven to find someone had already beat him there.
In 1975 he met a beautiful lounge singer She introduced herself as Linda Ellstrom, the
named Rachel Estevez. She came down to Maurice’s Sire of Rachel and a Toreador of significant age and
table every night to watch him deal and it wasn’t long power. She explained that she had been in the area
before they developed a relationship outside of the when she heard of Rachel’s death and wanted to pay
casino. Maurice spent the next few months on cloud her final respects. She was also hoping to meet her
nine with Rachel and even managed to forget about grandchild, newest Grandchilder. Maurice was taken
Turner. Little did he know that as he was being aback by Linda. She was nothing like the other
introduced to Rachel’s friends he was being groomed Toreador he had met. Linda explained that she was
for the embrace of Clan Toreador. saddened that Rachel had fallen in with the
Maurice was brought into the world of the degenerate snobs of Vegas but was elated to see the
Kindred of Vegas in 1977. Marveling at his new- change in her that Maurice had brought about. She
found abilities he found that he did not like many of invited Maurice to the city of St. Louis, a city she
his clan. The Toreador of Vegas were made up of a helped found and where her family has a significant
group of rich snobs and socialites, and many of them presence. She also said that no Giovanni in their
looked down upon Maurice and laughed at Rachel right mind would ever set foot in that city. Maurice


agreed. card game.
The city of St. Louis was much different from The one thing Maurice cannot stand are
Las Vegas. The Elders of the city seemed to have Anarchs. He still blames Anarchs for Rachel’s death.
absolute control over the Kindred here. The They know to stay off his boat, and he knows
Toreador had a genuine appreciation for the arts as Jonathon is the only reason they haven’t tried to sink
the Primogen Genevieve and her child Justin were art it.
dealers while another grandchild of Linda's, Gloria
Adams, was a singer of great talent. Maurice's skill at Name: Maurice St. James
the table made him a hit at parties and his speed with Clan: Toreador
a gun made him important to the city in times of Nature: Competitor
trouble. Still, something was missing. Demeanor: Gallant
When the River’s Gem Casino was opened in Generation: 10th
the early 90’s Maurice tried to get a job there but the Sire: Rachel Estevez
owner, Ventrue Bruce Kerns, said that Toreador trash Embrace: 1977
was not welcomed there. Maurice left the casino and Apparent Age: Late 30’s
began looking for a partner to start his own casino. It Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
wouldn’t be long before he met Jonathon Cross, a Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance
Brujah business owner with a strong dislike for the 3
Ventrue. The two set about to open The Lazy Ace, a Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
casino that sat across the Missouri river from The Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy
River’s Gem. Bruce handles most business aspects 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
while Maurice deals on the floor and handles special Skills: Fast Draw 4, Firearms 4 (Six Shooters),
promotions. Performance 4 (Card Sharking), Ride 1
The two casinos have feuded ever since the Sleight of Hand
Ace’s opening with stolen promotions, sabotage, and 4, Swimming 1
some occasionally rough play. Maurice has been Knowledges: Finance 3, Linguistics 1 (French),
having the time of his life. Politics 2
Now with Genevieve or destroyed, the Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 4, Presence 3
Toreador were severely weakened. It appeared that Backgrounds: Fame 2, Resources 3, Influence 3,
Justin was looking to take the reins of power but Status 1
Gloria has returned after her tour. One of them was Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
going to become Primogen. Maurice likes Gloria but Humanity/Path: Humanity 7
Justin has been here through it all, and a choice Willpower: 5
needs to be made before the Toreador fracture even Merits: Daredevil
more. Flaws: Overconfident, Compulsion (card
Image: Maurice has a slight Cajun accent, walks Derangements:
with a swagger, and has a mischievous glint in his
eyes. He stands about 5’10” with a stocky build with Backgrounds and Influences:
long and nimble fingers. His dark hair and goatee are Resources – Skim for the casino.
perfectly trimmed and he always dresses in shiny Fame – Famous player of the social circuit.
black boots, a colorful dress vest, a cowboy hat. His High Society – Hobnob with trendsetters of the
two revolvers are hidden at worn at his hip or hidden city.
beneath his perfectly tailored jacket. Finance – Tips from loose-lipped bankers.
Underworld – Favors owed by mobsters who get
Roleplaying Hints: Maurice just wants to play his lines of credit.
game on his casino. He doesn't care too much for city Media – Gala events and art functions at casinos.
politics, but he'll get involved if he has too. Still, the Transportation – various boating and car services.
son of a cop, Maurice believes in law and justice. He'll
never shoot a man who isn't asking for it, unarmed,
or not facing him. He'll also never cheat at cards and
makes it a rule to never use any of his powers in a


MICKEY SPELLING welcomed some fresh blood into their ranks. Their
leader was a Brujah named Arnold "Lead-Pipe"
Michael “Mickey” Spelling was born in the
Hollywood Hills of California in1975. His Father was Mcgee. He explained the situation them. It seemed
in the entertainment industry, producing movie that Kansas City and much of the neighboring
scores, and his mother was a concert violinist. population was controlled by St. Louis. It seemed
Mickey’s life was continually filled with music he was that's where all the elders were. Prince Angela was
even a Primogen of that city until she got "promoted".
a natural at the violin, a fact that his parents were
very proud of. The Prince in St. Louis was apparently an older than
Mickey's family life was far from perfect dirt Malkavian who destroyed the Brujah Prince of
though. Alcohol, drugs, and, sex were a staple in Kansas City who was Arnold's Sire. When Mickey
Hollywood and Mickey's home was no exception. His asked if there were any Anarchs in St. Louis, Arnold
father was a cocaine addict and his mother a drunk. said yes but they could never get a strong footing. But
Arnold had a plan. Arnold wanted to send a new
As he grew older his parents tried to keep him away
Anarch down there to see what was going on, who
from there vices but eventually, Mickey became an
addict as well. His parents were shocked that it had was really running things there, and if something
gone this far and vowed to clean up their act. The needed to be done about them. He chose Mickey to
entire family checked into a rehab center when go.
Mickey was sixteen. Mickey couldn't believe the When Mickey arrived in St. Louis he made it
a point to find the Primogen of the Toreador, a
hypocrisy of his parents. How dare they do this to
him? Their careers would survive but his life in school woman called Genevieve. Genevieve laughed when
was over now that everyone knew. From that moment she met the scruffy Mickey for the first time. Her
Childer, the clan Whip Justin admonished Mickey
on Mickey, even though he was sober, did nothing
but live to embarrass his parents, eventually leaving for disrespecting their clan by dressing as rabble. The
home when he was 18. two continued to poke at Mickey driving him closer
and closer to lashing out until another Toreador
Playing his violin for money on the streets of
L.A. every day and night, Mickey dreamt of playing in named Gloria spoke up. She noticed Mickey’s violin
front of larger crowds. His talent didn’t go unnoticed. case and wanted to hear him play. And play he did.
One night, Mickey was approached by a man who When he was done Gloria applauded him while
called himself Rivera. He offered Mickey $500 to play Genevieve muttered that she would consider
introducing him to the Prince. Soon Mickey was part
for some guests he had that night. Mickey agreed.
What he didn’t know was that Rivera was one of of St. Louis.
He spent the first few nights in the city
Toreador who had joined the Anarch Free States
some time ago. And Mickey was to become his talking with Gloria whose singing career was about to
Childer. take her on a national tour. She was apparently an
Mickey was okay with being a vampire, and elder of the city, but she wasn’t as bad as others he
had met. She even said if he was around when she got
he liked the way the Anarchs did things. The
freedoms he enjoyed were incredible, and his new back she would see about getting him a shot playing
with a symphony. Mickey couldn’t believe that he
skills made his appreciation for music even deeper.
His prowess with the violin made him a hit at Anarch might finally get his shot.
When she left to go on her tour things
gatherings, since he could provide some background
music to their impassioned speeches. changed. Mickey couldn’t stand Genevieve or Justin
Mickey lived in L.A. from ‘94 to ‘99 when and quickly made contacts with the Anarchs who
the Asian vampires showed up. The wars were were being led by Brujah Primogen Christopher
horrible and the Anarchs were losing. Mickey and Long. Christopher and Mickey got along well and
some friends jumped ship and headed east. Passing Mickey was soon brought into the Anarchs which was
comprised of at least one Kindred from each clan and
through several Camarilla cities, Mickey witnessed
first-hand the abuses heaped upon the younger a couple of Brujah. Christopher explained that
vampires by their elders. Still, they continued east, Anarchs here had to be careful lest they get banished
most recently stopping in Kansas City Missouri. to Kansas City, or disappear at the hands of the
This city had quite a few younger vampires Prince’s secret police. He was soon proven right.
and was ruled by Prince Angela of the Toreador. A week ago, the city was locked down and
There was a strong Anarch population there who Christopher disappeared without a trace. Now the


Anarchs were leaderless. On a good note, Genevieve Allies – The Anarchs
up and disappeared too. With Gloria returning soon Contacts- Arnold “Lead Pipe” McGee, Leader of
she should head up the Toreadors. She could the Kansas City Anarchs
definitely get Mickey a shot, but he has to still think Philip Johnson, Cargo runner, and smuggler
of the Anarchs. for Kindred on Missouri area

Image: Mickey looks to be barely eighteen years

of age. He is skinny, with unkempt blonde hair and
Sergei Millovich was born in a small town in
dull, blue eyes. He’s constantly moving and jittery.
the western portion of the U.S.S.R. in 1950. When
Mickey only sits still when he plays his violin and he
Sergei was a child he used to sit and listen to one of
loses himself in his music. He has a slight stutter
the town elders once a week as the man spun tales of
which he is extremely self-conscious about
fantastic beasts in far-off lands, fair maidens in
distress, and valiant heroes. Enraptured by the man's
Roleplaying Hints: Mickey is cocky but retreats
tales, Sergei and would clap louder than any of the
quickly when challenged. Mickey is starting to feel
other children when the man finished his stories.
torn. If Gloria can get him his shot with a big-league
These stories would shape Sergei's life as it taught
orchestra he might turn away from the Anarchs. But
him how to capture a crowd's attention.
on the other hand, he still feels loyalty to original
When the man died in 1965 Sergei took his
Kindred family. Plus, if turned on the Anarchs he
place entertaining the local children. Once a week
knows they would kill him. Either way, if Mickey
Sergei would recount dreams to the children,
wants to keep on playing his music, he knows he has
speaking often of werewolves, vampires, wizards,
to get better at playing the game.
ghosts, and fairies. Sergei had always had very vivid
dreams about such creatures, and believed they
Name: Michael ”Mickey” Spelling
existed. Especially vampires. He had seen their faces
Clan: Toreador
many a night and believed that they lived in a far-off
Nature: Celebrant
land. He knew that they lived in a society and that
Demeanor: Rebel
there were different kinds of vampires, ruled by a
Generation: 11th
powerful king in a great castle.
Sire: Rivera
In 1979, Sergei was one of the lucky few
Embrace: 1994
Russians who was allowed to immigrate to the states.
Apparent Age: Late teens
Sergei was amazed by the city and wanted to see every
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
bit of it. He had never been outside his little town
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance
before and he marveled at the structures he saw,
especially the Gateway Arch. Much to Sergei’s delight
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
he also heard of a competition for storytellers in the
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge
city. This contest attracted people from all over, and
2, Empathy 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1
it would be a test of Sergei’s skills. A test he was
Skills: Firearms 1, Melee 2, Performance 4
prepared to take.
(Violin), Scrounge 2, Survival 2
That night when he lay down to sleep he
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computers 2,
dreamt about the city of St. Louis and its hidden
Finance 1, Politics 2
wonders. He now knew this was the land of the great
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Potence 1,
king and his followers, and he began to weave a
Presence 1
tapestry of tales about them. When he awoke the
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 2
morning of the contest he was so excited he could
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 2
hardly eat.
Humanity/Path: Humanity 5
Sergei was not given the chance to perform
Willpower: 4
until nightfall, and so much the better for the night
Merits: Ambidextrous
made his performance that much more dramatic.
Flaws: Speech Impediment, Addicted (Cocaine)
Sergei spoke of the great king vampire and his knights
who followed him to a distant land to slay a great evil.
He spoke of their children and their children's
Backgrounds and Influences:
children. He spoke of love and betrayal, honor and


villainy, life and death. When he was done he and the purge began. The great king had come forth
received some applause but it was obvious to him that to cleanse his land. Sergei was not shocked to hear of
the crowd didn't know what to make of his story. Genevieve's mysterious destruction.
And for some of the listeners, the story was hitting a Now the purge is over and the tentacles of
little too close to home. the monster have gone but the presence of the dragon
Sergei was disheartened by his loss and still exists. Sergei doesn’t know what to do but he is
returned to his apartment, only to be greeted by a sure that there is something in the sewers aside from
man named Vassil Rostov who invited him back to the Nosferatu. Unfortunately. Genevieve’s death has
The Rostov Estates as some of the family members fractured the clan and he has no support at the
had been impressed by his abilities. Sergei agreed and moment to do anything about it.
when he arrived at the estate he met Alexander
Kreiger, who had seen Sergei’s performance and Image: Sergei is tall and lanky with sallow, plea
wondered where Sergei had gotten the idea for such a skin due to years of malnutrition from living in the
strange tale. Sergei told him he had dreamed it all. U.S.S.R. His light roan hair is cut short and he was
Alexander smiled and walked away to talk to Vassil as embraced with about a week’s growth of facial hair
a beautiful woman who introduced herself as Gloria which gives him something of a beatnik look. His
Adams came up to Sergei. English is good, but he exaggerates his accent for
She was an amazing figure of a woman with a effect when need be.
soothing voice that Sergei knew he would always
remember. Gloria said she was entranced by Sergei's Roleplaying Hints: Sergei moves and speaks with
stories and would love to be able to hear more of dramatic flourish. Like a Nosferatu, he seems to
them. Sergei said that she could hear his stories know a little too much at times, but he always
anytime. With that Gloria pounced upon him and attributes this to his dreams. Sergei has started to
embraced Sergei into clan Toreador. become cautious though. He feels eyes upon him
When he awoke to his new life he was told from the shadows, and he suspects that agents of the
that some of his stories were true and that he must dragon might be coming for him. As such he is
have the gift of prophecy to know the things he did. considering the drastic move of searching out the
He was told that Alexander was their Prince and that great king.
there was no great castle, but many of other figures in
his stories existed and that he would have to stop
speaking about them or they would become quite Name: Sergei Millovich
angry with him. Sergei agreed and was soon schooled Clan: Toreador
in the ways of the Camarilla, and the Kindred. Nature: Traditionalist
Sergei has been a member of the Kindred of Demeanor: Celebrant
St. Louis ever since. He still tells stories whenever he Generation: 11th
gets a chance but has learned to keep the more Sire: Gloria Adams
fanciful ones to himself for fear of retribution. He Embrace: 1979
also knows not to speak of the great king, who he Apparent Age: Early 30’s
knows Prince Alexander is not. Sergei knows Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2,
Alexander and Lord Hades, Primogen of the Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance
Malkavians, were two of the king’s knights, and king 1
still watches the city from his hidden castle every Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
night. Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Empathy
Over the past months, Sergei has been having 2, Subterfuge 2
dreams of two great evils, one being a green dragon Skills: Disguise 3, Melee 1, Performance 4
living under the city, and the other being a monster (Storytelling), Scrounge 2, Survival 2
without description outside of the city. The dragon is Knowledges: City Secrets 5 (he doesn’t realize it
slowly rotting the land under the city while the though), Investigation 1, Linguistics 1
monster is sending tentacles of darkness to corrupt (Russian), Occult 3
those within the city. Sergei dreamt of the corruption Disciplines: Animalism 1, Auspex 2, Celerity 1,
of his own Primogen Genevieve, and he knew what Dementation 1, Presence 3
was to come when the city was put under lockdown Backgrounds: Fame 1, Influence 1, Herd 2,


Resources 1
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 2
Humanity/Path: Humanity 8
One of Linda’s Childer, and a fashion
Willpower: 3
designer by trade, Angela is now Prince of Kansas
Merits: Baby Face, Blase
City, appointed by Alexander himself. Angela fully
Flaws: Nightmare
participates in the Tithing and forces her city to do
the same. She is bracing the city for an Anarch
Backgrounds and Influences:
Fame – Underground spoken word sensation.
High Society – Trendy critics who enjoy
underground scene. Genevieve was another Childer of Angela. A
Herd – Neighborhood shelters who enjoy the socialite she had a rough time as the Primogen of St.
pleasant storyteller. Louis’ Toreador. Her death in the purge may have
been a result of her incompetence.



The Tremere were once a likable and an interesting opportunity for Luther and the others.
agreeable clan in the city, which is a rare thing to find It afforded him a chance to study a Lupine caern, and
in their clan. Now they walk around the city with a the Lupines themselves. The clan also studied the
chip on their shoulder. They can still be nice, if you Native American Shamanism of the local tribes. It
haven't wronged them, and the list of Kindred in St. was a promising start.
Louis who haven’t wronged the Tremere is growing But in 1835 when a Gangrel named
shorter every day. The clan has been severely Lawrence nearly killed Luther, succeeded in killing
weakened over the centuries, and failure is not the Brujah Primogen, and Luther’s friend, the
something the Tremere deal with well. They feel as if Gangrel Primogen, Erik, Luther swore revenge.
they are being backed into a corner and that makes When Lawrence became the Gangrel Primogen,
them all the more dangerous. Luther started seeing the Prince in a different light.
The Tremere are not a founding clan of the The Tremere were even cut off from Cahokia by
St. Louis. Luther Walsh arrived in the city in 1832, Lawrence and his Lupines allies. It was an affront on
well after its founding. Luther was driven, but unlike all sides, and one the Tremere wouldn’t let stand.
most of his clan, he wasn't a secretive jerk about it. The Tremere closed ranks and began studying the
He arrived in the city with three other Tremere and clans of the city as intently as the Lupines of the area.
one Gargoyle and he was eager and willing to work They kept everyone at bay, only responding to an
with the other clans in the city quickly establishing a official summons from The Prince and dealing with
relationship with the Gangrel and Nosferatu. Trained the Nosferatu on a need-only basis. When the
in Medicine Luther was thrilled to find the first Ventrue gained a foothold in the city, the Tremere
hospital west of the Mississippi in St. Louis, and he did establish a working relationship with them, but
soon took up a position at St. Louis Hospital. The again, only when needed.
Tremere have remained heavily involved in the St. In 1939, acting on information from the
Louis health system ever since. Nosferatu, Luther, several of his Tremere, and some
However, as is standard their real bread and Tremere from surrounding areas attacked the
butter was the occult, which is hard to come by in Cahokia caern in hopes of driving the Lupines out so
most frontier towns. However, Cahokia proved to be they could study its secrets. They were slaughtered by


the Lupines and the Gangrel, as the information the their clan had been slighted or wronged by the city.
Nosferatu provided them underestimated the Lupines David Cove's family were murdered by Gangrel and
numbers. Luther lost his most experienced Tremere Lupines. Gabriel Hughes family was murdered by the
that night, and Prince Alexander deemed that the Rostovs. Luther has been nothing but battered about
caern was off limits from then on, punishable by since arriving in the city. Even their Gargoyle
Final death. disappeared.
Luther’s younger Childer were not a part of Now the Tremere are angry, and they are not
the assault, and his Gargoyle survived, but the hiding it. They are weighing their options for ousting
Tremere had a lot of rebuilding to do. They had the current leadership of the city, but they are
come close to rebuilding when The Week of running low on resources and might not act
Nightmares struck. Two of their own, Matthew York, rationally. They are walking a tightrope with enemies
and Desmond Grant were destroyed that night. It was on all sides of them ready to pounce.
the final straw for the Tremere. Every member of

LUTHER WALSH His hard work and determination to his studies

impressed many of the teachers, especially Dr.
The youngest son of the Wellington family,
Luther grew up on a poor farm in early 16th century Phinneus Caldwell.
England. His father was a poor farmer and vassal to In 1525, Dr. Caldwell took Luther under his
the local Baron. While Luther was born poor, his wing and began teaching him about less accepted
families fortunes would change when his older subjects such as astrology and Hermetic magic. Luther
brother, Dante foiled an attempt on the Baron's life. was intrigued and found that the lines between magic
The grateful Baron saw to it that Luther's family's and science blurred often. They would meet every
night for the next two years to discuss such subjects,
wealth increased, and that Dante and Luther would
both receive an education. The brothers saw very and it was during one of these sessions, Dr. Caldwell
little of each other from then on. displayed some of his Thaumaturgical prowess by
Luther went off to Cambridge at a young age, causing a flame to erupt from his hands. That night
but he was eager to learn everything he could. The Luther became a ghoul to the Tremere. Graduating as
a Doctor in 1530, Luther would continue his nightly
year was 1527. Math, astronomy, and medicine were
among the subjects studied by Luther as he worked studies and he soon began learning of many of the
hard to make his family proud of him. Luther soon supernatural creatures in the world.
began to develop a strong single-minded streak to his In 1535, Luther returned home to celebrate
studies that would define him in the future to come. Christmas with his family. It was the first time Dante,
who had gone on to become a successful known in the clan over the centuries.
businessman, and Luther had seen each other in In 1585, while in a Switzerland attending a
several years. The boys were happy to see each other local Prince’s ball Luther stood with his clan
after all these years….at first. As their mother surveying the crowd. His eyeballs almost popped out
attributed their happiness to the success of their two of his head when he spotted someone looking at him.
sons, Luther was preparing to toast his brother for It was Dante who was sitting with the Ventrue. He
making it possible for him to have experienced all quickly looked away so he wouldn’t give anything
that he has. But Dante spoke first. away. This could be disastrous for him if anyone
Dante berated Luther saying that he had found out.
never achieved anything on his own and that he The two of them found neither knew what to
simply lived off the success of others. Luther was say. They just stared at each other until Dante spoke
stunned and outraged. He told Dante that he was still up. He apologized for what he had said. Luther said
a bullying little twerp who just got lucky once. Their that he had too much to drink, that’s all. They both
mother stepped in before they could come to blows. laughed and began talking about that night and the
Luther grabbed his coat and headed out into the fact that they were ghouls is the only reason they
night to cool off. Returning after an hour, Luther’s survived. They both acknowledged that their former
mother told him that Dante apologized and went out lives were over and that they could not be brothers
after him. Luther blamed the fight on too much anymore, neither one’s clan would accept it and they
drink, and he turned in. would more than likely be destroyed. They parted
Luther awoke to the smell of smoke. ways that night, for what they thought was the last
Running downstairs to find the house ablaze, the fire time.
blocked any route to his parents or even the way out. In 1832, Luther was contacted by Heinrich
Luther ran back to the upper level of the house and Engel a former Tremere Justicar who had a long-term,
dove through the window. Landing hard it was only possibly permanent, assignment for Luther. Luther
his master’s blood in his system that allowed him to was going to become a Regent of a chantry in
survive, but he was hurt. Barely getting to his feet he America in the city of St. Louis. Heinrich had passed
saw Dante run into the house. Luther called out to through the city recently and felt that a Tremere
him, but it was too late. The fire blocked all avenues presence was needed. He was familiar with the
of entrance now and the house began to collapse. Malkavian Prince and warned Luther not to take him
Knowing that none could have survived, and lightly. Soon Luther found himself in the city of St.
devastated at his loss, Luther, dazed, walked into the Louis presenting himself to Malkavian Prince
night. Alexander Kreiger and the Primogen of the city.
Wandering to his master's domicile over the Amongst them was Erik of the Gangrel. He
next few days, Luther was half frozen when he immediately made his way over to Luther and said he
reached the doorstep of Caldwell's. Caldwell brought welcomed his presence here. Most Gangrel reacted
him in and listened to his story. He then explained much differently towards Tremere, and Luther was
that he had read of Luther's passing in the local taken aback. Erik explained that he was looking
papers. It reported the death of his family and how forward to Luther helping them rid themselves of the
those who set the fire had already been caught. Garou in the area. Apparently, they lived on a
Apparently, they worked for an enemy of Dante's and magical piece of land that held great powers and
were contracted to kill him. treasures for whoever controlled it. Luther was very
Caldwell explained that with nothing holding interested and the two talked for most of the night.
him back now, Luther could fully dedicate himself to Erik and Luther became virtual partners in the city
a new life. A life dedicated to the Tremere. Luther with Luther setting upwards for Erik, and Erik
agreed and he was embraced shortly thereafter. helping clear the land for the chantry.
Luther changed his last name to Walsh and soon left In 1831 Prince Alexander held a ball inviting
England. Over the next seven years, he devoted all of the Kindred of the area. It was here that Luther
himself fully to the study of the politics of his clan met Vladimir Rostov, an elderly looking man who sat
and the powers they possessed. Many Tremere next to the Prince and didn’t seem to quite know
recognized his relentlessness and methodical research what was going on. He seemed harmless and
methods as precursors to a great career. He moved Alexander told him that Vladimir was a Malkavian
through several chantries in Europe becoming well who thought he was a Tzimisce, a notion that
infected his entire brood. Even the whisper of a each other. Dante would offer to help Luther when
Tzimisce made Luther start investigating the Rostovs. he heard of Luther’s plans to take out the caern, but
Vladimir’s daughter Trianna avoided Luther, Luther refused. He had no interest in his big brother
enforcing in his mind that they were hiding fighting his battles for him.
something. He contacted Heinrich, who told Luther In 1939, after having worked in conjunction
that he had never heard of a Tzimisce named with several chantries in the area and the Nosferatu,
Vladimir Rostov and that the Tremere had no Luther decided the time had come. With a small
records of him. army of ghouls several Tremere and a group of
In 1833, at another of Alexander's parties, Gargoyles, Luther assaulted the caern. Unfortunately,
Luther noticed Erik had made his way over to Luther's information severely underestimated the
Vladimir Rostov and there appeared to be a heated Lupine numbers. They also didn't count on Lawrence
debate going on. Luther used his Auspex to listen in. and the Gangrel coming to the aid of the werewolves.
Erik was trying to get permission to take the caern, Only Luther escaped the slaughter.
but Vladimir kept telling him that the secrets of the Defeated and humiliated, Luther was
caern were too powerful for them to deal with. Soon admonished for his actions by Prince Alexander and
Erik began insulting the old man who just sat there it was decreed stated that should any Kindred, save
and took the abuse. Vladimir simply said he didn't Lawrence, go to the caern they will be destroyed, if
like what Erik had become and he didn't wish to see not at the hands of the Lupines then at the hands of
anyone else follow in his footsteps. It was becoming the Kindred of St. Louis. Humbled, Luther returned
clear to Luther that there was more to Vladimir than to his chantry and began to rebuild his clan.
what he had been told. In 1940, Dante was nearly killed by Lord
Just then Lawrence, Erik's child, and a fierce Hades. Again, no real punishment was handed out to
Lupine fighter, let out a scream as he entered into a the perpetrator of the crime. Disgusted by the
frenzy. He immediately began attacking those around Prince’s indifference to these crimes Luther began
him killing the Brujah Primogen. Luther launched a contemplating taking drastic measures.
fireball at Lawrence but it simply dissipated on him. Over the next few decades, Luther decided
Lawrence charged Luther and gutted him with a that the best way to the caern is through the Prince.
single swipe of his claws. Holding his innards, Luther The only way to see Lawrence and Hades pay for their
fell to the ground as Lawrence's wave of destruction crimes is through the Prince. Too much power was
continued. He lost consciousness as Lawrence held by one Kindred. Luther began to take stock of
escaped the building. the Primogen wondering how many he could get to
When Luther awoke the next day, he was side with him in a takeover bid. If the Primogen
told by the other Tremere that Lawrence had left him could unite, they might be able to take the reins of
with a horrible wound that may never heal properly. the city for themselves.
He also learned that Lawrence escaped into the Luther knew he couldn’t count on Dante,
woods and that Erik and his brood were dispatched but Dante had an enemy in the Brujah Primogen as
to bring him back. Luther was glad to hear that he well, nor was he on good terms with the Toreador.
would have a chance at revenge against that beast. Luther, on the other hand, was on good terms with
When news came that Erik had died at everyone but Lawrence. He contemplated sacrificing
Lawrence’s hands Luther didn’t know what to do. his relationship with Dante to gain more support
When the Prince returned with Lawrence from those two clans, but in the end, he couldn't
announcing him as the new Primogen, Luther was bring himself to do it. However, an opening would
outraged. Lawrence tried to apologize but Luther said eventually present itself.
he wouldn’t be happy until Lawrence was dead and With the death of the Brujah and Toreador
the caern his. Luther would spend the next several Primogen, Luther realized that he had a chance to
years studying the werewolves of the area and sway those clans to his side. While Pax is an obvious
continually rejecting Lawrence’s attempts at peace. choice for the Brujah, Luther will have to wait and
Any concerns about Rostov disappeared with this see who the Toreador choose. Luther knows that if he
new obsession. had the support of the Brujah and Toreador, then he
In 1850, Dante arrived in the city and could sway the Nosferatu, and possibly the Venture
became the first Ventrue Primogen of St. Louis. to force Alexander of his throne. But first, he may
Carrying on as usual the brothers had little to do with have to see about rebuilding his shattered clan.
Image: Luther is tall with an athletic frame. He Backgrounds: Resources 2, Retainer 2, Contacts
dresses well, but not stuffy like Dante. He keeps his 5, Influence 3, Status 4 (Primogen)
head shaved and sports a mustache and goatee. His Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
presence is genial, yet he carries himself with an air of Humanity/Path: Humanity 4
authority. Thankfully he took after his mother with Willpower: 8
darker features, while Dante took after their father’s Merits:
fairer features. This helps them keep their secret. Flaws: Driving Goal (taking the caern), Vengeful
The wounds left upon him by Lawrence must be (Lawrence), Permanent Wound
healed every night, which usually involves Luther Derangements: Perfectionist
holding his intestines in place while the skin heals
over them. Even then, the wound still causes enough Thaumaturgical Rituals: Communicate with
discomfort the Luther usually avoids sudden Kindred Sire, Craft Bloodstone, Defense of the
movements if possible. Sacred Haven, Deflection of Wooden Doom,
Encrypt Missive, Impassable Trail, Principal
Roleplaying Hints: Luther is genial, quick with a Focus of Vitae Infusion, Scent of the Lupine’s
smile, and more than willing to help other Kindred Passing, Sense the Mystical, Vessel of
in the city. However, he doesn’t trust the Prince, is Transference, Ward versus Ghouls, Rite of
leery of Hades, hates Lawrence and wants nothing Introduction, Bone of Lies, Infirm Inert, Pavis of
more than to see the caern and its secrets belong to Foul Presence, Scry, Soul of the Homunculi,
the Tremere. The single-mindedness of his youth has Track Transgressor, Ward Versus Fae, Ward vs.
followed him into his unlife and it possesses him now Lupines, Blood Contract, Court of Hallowed
as he is determined to free the city from Alexander’s Truth, Nectar of the Bitter Rose, Stone of the
grip and taking the caern. True Form, Ward Versus Kindred.

Name: Luther Walsh Backgrounds and Influences:

Clan: Tremere Resources- Coffers and holdings acquired
Nature: Fanatic through clan business
Demeanor: Scientist Retainer- Randolph Salimon, Chief Assistant,
Generation: 8th and Ghoul
Sire: Dr. Phineas Caldwell Contact- Pontifex
Embrace: 1535 Occult- Various city occultists, researchers, shops,
Apparent Age: Early 30’s and historical societies.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 Health- Owed many favors by the city hospitals
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance Board of Trustees and currently controls
4 much of Washington Medical Center
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4 University-Control of city libraries, and many
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Empathy departments in the area's universities
4, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Melee 2,
Security 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Knowledges: Academics 5, Area Knowledge 2
Born in East St. Louis, IL in the year 1915,
(St. Louis), Area Knowledge 3(Cahokia Mounds),
Gabriel Hughes was the grandchild of freed slaves.
Investigation 2, Linguistics 3 (French, Welsh,
His parents worked as servants to an English
German, Osage), Lupine Lore 3, Medicine 5,
aristocrat, Sir Stewart Longfellow who ran a small
Occult 5, Politics 4
detective agency in St. Louis. The work was hard, but
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 1, Dominate 4,
Longfellow paid well. Gabriel loved his family very
Fortitude 2, Potence 1, Protean 1, Presence 3,
much and had a wonderful childhood.
Thaumaturgy 5
One evening when Gabriel was eleven years
Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 5, Lure of
old, he heard his parents talking frantically about
Flames 5, Move, Movement of the Mind 3,
their employers. Apparently, The Longfellow
Conjuring 2, Alchemy 2, Mastery of the Mortal
Detective Agency thought it was in the business of
Shell 3
slaying vampires. Gabriel’s parents were distraught Gabriel was dressed to kill a vampire. Gabriel
over pictures and writings they had found which explained that he knew the Rostovs were vampires
detailed the deaths of several people. Now it seemed and that he would destroy them. The other man
that the Longfellows plotted to kill members of the seemed to be quite tickled to hear this and he offered
Rostov estate a large Eastern European trading Gabriel a job, where he could learn all he wanted
company. Since these people were obviously insane about vampires. That night Luther Walsh took
his parents decided to quit the next day. Gabriel as a ghoul and in 1940 Gabriel became a
The next day the police showed up at member of the Tremere.
Gabriel’s school. The Longfellow Detective agency Gabriel spent a great deal of time studying
had been firebombed and there were no survivors, the Rostovs. He learned that they were Malkavians
including his parents. Gabriel’s world was destroyed. that were deranged enough to claim to be Tzimisce.
He spent weeks mourning for his family and moved Thankfully, he never saw any evidence of the usual
in with his grandparents in Tennessee. horror show that accompanied such creatures. His
Gabriel believed it was vampires who observations told him that whatever they were they
murdered his parents and he soon began reading practiced magic not unlike Thaumaturgy. To combat
anything he could find about them. His obsession this Gabriel became determined to become
with the subject was encouraged by his grandparents, Thaumaturgically adept, studying many different
practitioners of Santeria, who taught him a great deal paths including Wanga which was adapted from the
of what had been passed down to them from their practice of Santeria, which Gabriel still follows to this
ancestors. Magic rituals, curses, potions and more day.
were taught to Gabriel. During this time, Gabriel served as Luther's
In 1935 Gabriel returned to the St. Louis. Whip and had quite a bit of dealing with the other
Stalking the Rostov estates, he hoped to catch a clans. Many of his studies and duties were hampered
glimpse of anyone he thought could be a vampire. by Luther's obsession with the Gangrel and the caern
Eventually, he saw Catherine O'Shea, a woman he outside of the city. This topic failed to strike a chord
remembered working for the detective agency. She in Gabriel who wanted to spend more time figuring
had apparently survived but hadn't aged one bit. She out a way to destroy the Rostovs.
must've been a vampire. Drawing his stake, he began
moving closer to the mansion.
However, his pursuit was interrupted as he Image: An average built African American who
bumped into something he couldn’t see. Something stands about 6ft tall with dreadlocks. Gabriel dresses
grabbed him, lifted him by the ankle and flew off into well, but usually not in a suit and tie. He prefers
the air with him. As Gabriel was carried off into the looser fitting clothing in case he has to fight. Gabriel
night he could barely make out the creature that was never wears black.
carrying him as it’s skin blended in with its
surroundings. He was then picked up and lifted into Roleplaying Hints: Gabriel became a vampire in
the air by some sort of creature that was camouflaged. hopes of getting revenge on other vampires. The
As far as he knew, no one had seen this happen to irony of this hasn’t been lost on him so he has begun
him. to involve himself in politics more so that when his
The creature took Gabriel to an old house on quest for revenge is over he has something else to do.
the outskirts of town and dropped him in front of a Still, he is leery of talking freely with other vampires,
man who began yelling at the creature in Latin. and he always has an escape plan when dealing with
Leaping to his feet Gabriel shouted a curse at his them.
abductors and threw a charm at the creature as it
began to advance on him. It backed away as potion Name: Gabriel Hughes
burned away its skin. Gabriel turned to face the man, Clan: Tremere
but a calming presence radiated from him. The man Nature: Traditionalist
stated that he was impressed by Gabriel’s magical Demeanor: Competitor
ability, and that he wished to converse with him. He Generation: 9th
sat Gabriel down, apologized for the stupidity of his Sire: Luther Walsh
Gargoyle who Gabriel would learn was spying on the Embrace: 1935
Rostovs as well, and commented on the fact that Apparent Age: Early 20’s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 way he could and often served in his mother's place as
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance an assistant.
4 Wanting to spend some time at home,
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 David’s father took a contract for a dig outside of
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Empathy East St. Louis in 1933. Someone believed they had
3, Subterfuge 1 located a new burial site near the Cahokia Indian
Skills: Archery 2, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms Mounds. Their first day there they were approached
1, Melee 3, Security 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1 by several Native Americans who said that although
Knowledges: Academics 1, Computers 1, they no longer owned the land, they wished for the
Investigation 2, Kindred Lore 2, Linguistics 1 dig to be stopped. They didn’t want the spirits of the
(French), Occult 3, Thanatology dead to be disturbed. The dig’s team leader was a
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 1, Obfuscate 1, harsh little man who ordered the Natives away. They
Thaumaturgy 3, Wanga 4 left peacefully, without a single argument. Ground
Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 3, Spirit was broken that day.
Manipulation 2, Corruption 2, Elemental Over the next few nights, the dig experienced
Mastery 1 difficulties, as tools would disappear and machines
Wanga Paths: The Flow of Ashe 4, Orisha’s were sabotaged. It seemed the Natives hadn't given up
Fortune 2 so easily after all. Still, the dig persisted and soon it
Backgrounds: Resources 2, Influence 1 (Occult seemed they would reach their target. Then the attack
group in the city), Status 1 came.
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 The dig was operating late one night when
Humanity/Path: Humanity 5 the wolf howls started. David watched as a lone wolf
Willpower: 7 ran through the encampment, and then ran out into
Merits: the darkness. A moment later a man walked out of
Flaws: the darkness and began screaming for the people to
Derangements: run and that they were going to be slaughtered. David
remembers nothing after that.
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Communicate with David awoke in the hospital heavily
Kindred Sire, Deflection of Wooden Doom, bandaged. He received the news that the site looked
Wake with Evening’s Freshness, Bone of Lies, like wild animals attacked it. He was the only
Pavis of Foul Presence. survivor. When asked what happened all he could
Wanga Rituals: Singing Charm, Grandfather’s remember was the man standing there screaming that
Gift, Ori Sight, Candle of Rage they were going to die. He remembered seeing the
man covered in blood hacking away with hatchets at
Backgrounds and Influences: something. Then he remembered the man growing
Resources – Monies received in various claws and fangs. After that David couldn’t speak
transactions with other Tremere. anymore.
Occult – Michael Geiss, Researcher for Vienna David spent a few nights in the hospital when
Chantries he was finally visited by a man named Luther Walsh.
Luther showed David a picture of the man he had
seen before the attack Luther informed him that this
DAVID COVE man was named Lawrence. a picture of a man he calls
Lawrence to the boy and David recognizes this to be
David Cove was born in 1915 while his
the man he saw. Luther pulled open his shirt to show
parents were on an archaeological dig in Cairo, Egypt.
the boy a patchwork of scars that he claims Lawrence
His father was an archaeologist and his mother was
gave him. Luther told David that Lawrence was a true
his assistant. David grew up traveling the world his
savage who needed to be stopped. He said that he
parents seeing sights many others would never get the
could arrange for this to happen in time but he
chance to see. He often spent months away from
would need David’s help. David agreed and took
home at a time but he was always glad to come back
some special medicine that Luther had with him,
to St. Louis. As he grew older be became more and
causing his wounds to heal much quicker. Soon the
more involved with his father's digs. He helped any
boy would be a ghoul to clan Tremere.
David would be schooled in the ways of the single-mindedness. He refuses to deal with the
Tremere and he would finally receive the embrace at Gangrel and he’ll kill a werewolf on sight. He is very
the age of 24. During this time Luther was like a protective of Luther and the rest of the Tremere.
father to him and the other Tremere were the only
family he had. In 1939, when Luther almost died at Name: David Cove
Lawrence’s hands and the hands of the werewolves. Clan: Tremere
From that point on David tried to learn all he could Nature: Survivor
about werewolves and the Gangrel so that he may Demeanor: Fanatic
better deal with them in the future. Generation: 9th
When he finally became a Vampire, David Sire: Luther Walsh
was ready to lead a full-on assault, but Luther stopped Embrace: 1944
him telling him that the Prince of the city showed Apparent Age: Late teens
Lawrence special favoritism and protected him and Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
the werewolves. Because of this, David grew to Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance
despise Prince Alexander. He and the other Tremere 2
played a waiting game for the Gangrel or the Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
werewolves to slip up. Their chance would come at Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 1, Empathy
the turn of the millennium. 2,
A week ago, the Prince declared martial law Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 2, Melee 2,
on the city and several Kindred, including two Security 2, Stealth 1
Tremere, were killed during this time. One of the Knowledges: Academics 1, Clan Lore 2
people that David regularly dealt with when it came (Gangrel), Computers 1, Investigation 1,
to acquiring rare items contacted him. He had heard Linguistics 2 (Native American, German), Lupine
that a fence was about to get a hold of something the Lore 2, Occult 3
werewolves of Cahokia might want. David got the Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 1, Fortitude 1,
address of the place where the meeting was supposed Potence 1, Thaumaturgy 4
to go down and arrived to find another vampire that Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 4, Lure of
he didn’t know already there waiting. When David Flames 4, Movement of the Mind 2
entered the room, the man asked him if he had the Backgrounds: Retainers 2, Contacts 2 (Lupine
talisman. David paused for too long and the man studying Tremere in the US), Influence 1 (Occult
bolted. David engulfed the man and burned him to a group in the city)
crisp. As the vampire died David heard a noise Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
behind him and turned in time to see someone Humanity/Path: Humanity 4
running away in Celerity. Willpower: 6
David returned to the chantry and told Merits:
Luther everything. Luther knew that whoever this Flaws:
vampire was that fled he will be at the ball the prince Derangements:
is holding. David was charged with the task of finding
him and this talisman David also has the remains of Thaumaturgical Rituals: Communicate with
the vampire he destroyed. If he could find a Kindred Sire, Scent of Lupine’s Passing, Vessel of
necromancer, then he might be able to get some Transference, Soul of the Homonculi, War vs.
answers. Unfortunately, he knows know Giovanni, Lupines.
but he has heard of a young Malkavian who speaks to
ghosts. She, might be worth a visit. Backgrounds and Influences:
Retainers – Thomas Bell, Ghoul, Professor of
Image: Even though David was young when he began Native American Studies at St. Louis
taking blood, his years at dig sites left his skin University.
somewhat weathered. His light brown hair is kept Contacts - Lupine studying Tremere in the US
short, and he often dresses in utilitarian clothing. He Occult – Kenneth Crop, arcane investigator for
always has silver on him. clan Tremere

Roleplaying Hints: David has adopted Luther’s

MURDERED TREMERE: dead, but Luther possess all of his notes.
Matthew was an ancillae Tremere who OTHER TREMERE:
specialized in alchemy and poisons. PONTIFEX HEINRICH ENGELS
A former Justicar, it was Heinrich who
DESMOND YORK stationed Luther in St. Louis. Now a Pontifex
Desmond was an ancillae Tremere who was over the United States, Heinrich has been
working on developing his own Thaumaturgical watching the situation in St. Louis very closely
Path based around enchanting items. He may be and he feels he might have to step in soon.



As with all Ventrue throughout the world, unheard of as Missouri was a slave state. This made
the Ventrue of St. Louis are a proud, arrogant lot the Ventrue very unpopular with the abolitionist
who believe they are the only Kindred who are fit to supporting Brujah, but that wasn’t unheard of either.
rule. Their current, and only Primogen, Dante The two clans sniped at each other as the Civil War
Wellington fully believes he should be the Prince of grew closer and hostilities culminated in the Camp
St. Louis. Unfortunately for him, no other elder in Jackson Massacre. This led Prince Alexander to
the city shares this view and his and his clan have declare Kindred neutrality in the war and forever
worked against them in many ways. The Ventrue have cemented relations between the Ventrue and The
repeatedly taken on the Malkavians of the city, and Brujah.
more often than not are humbled for their efforts. Some of Dante’s Childer would eventually
But things are looking up for the Blue-Bloods. The move on to other areas, such as Chicago and Kansas
Ventrue are stronger than ever at the moment and City, but Dante’s first mainstay was Andre Prowse, a
they smell blood. The Malkavian has gone too far and known enforcer for both legitimate and illegitimate
the Ventrue are preparing to strike. businesses. This set the tone for the clan as the
The story of the Ventrue in St. Louis began, Ventrue never sought to form a working relationship
and might end, with Dante Wellington, an English with any other clan, but rather a relationship where
elder who arrived in the city in 1850. He was the first other clans worked for them.
Ventrue to ask to stay in the city, as any other The turn of the century led to several
Ventrue in the area were passing through to the West beneficial developments for the clan. The Industrial
or couldn’t stand the idea of serving under one of Revolution was a boon for the clan and one of the
“the low-clans.” Wellington was allowed to stay and few times that Dante and Alexander agreed.
made Primogen as he began populating his clan. Organized crime swelled due to prohibition and with
Dante’s first Ventrue came from wealthy, no Giovanni in the city the Ventrue took it upon
slave-owning families and businesses which wasn’t


themselves to corner the market on crime families, The Ventrue have continued to add to their
resulting in the embrace of Tina Scaletti. numbers bringing in Bruce Kerns, a nightclub
Dante and Alexander's unrestrained push for entrepreneur, and his Childer Charles Howard, a
industry caused the city to grow, but ecological finance expert, and Bruce’s partner in Bruce’s new
concerns caused some tensions with the Gangrel. casino. Of course, getting into the cities nightlife
Dante was not pleased when Alexander began stepped on the Toreador’s toes, but so be it.
implementing environmental standards in 1940. To There is one more member of the Ventrue in
rub salt in the wound, it was apparent that the city, and he is the only member not descended
Alexander's planes were overtaking Dante's trains. So, from Dante. the child of a notorious Anarch. Edward
Dante launched another bud against the Malkavian Lang hails from Kansas City, and is anathema to
when he pitted them and the Brujah against each Dante's clan. Likeable and easy to work with, he is
other just long enough to steal control of The Federal seen as the go-to Ventrue. It doesn’t hurt that he is
Reserve Bank away from the two clans. The Brujah also responsible for the Gateway Arch and is the
were too weak to retaliate, and Alexander let the Keeper of Elysium of the city. If the Venture have one
matter go. Dante had won, or so he thought. The chink in their armor it’s Edward whom Dante would
Ventrue never expected personal retaliation and they gladly destroy if he could.
were caught off guard when Lord Hades attacked In modern nights the Ventrue are engaged in
Dante’s haven, slaughtering all of his ghouls and influence wars with multiple clans, and the Ventrue
assaulting and nearly killing Dante. believe they are winning. Alexander is on the verge of
The Ventrue took this as open war between losing control due to the Anarchs, and his purge,
the two clans and if Dante disproved of Malkavian which saw the death of Charles. Dante could care less
rule, he now found it intolerable. Dante has spent the about Charles’ death, but he will use it to as a rallying
last several decades chipping away at Alexander’s cry to overthrow Alexander. Unlike most other clans
power. Business the Malkavians owned have been the in the city, the Ventrue are a unified force, except for
subject of buyouts and takeovers. The Malkavians Edward, but that problem will go away once Dante
have done little to retaliate as Alexander is always on ascends to his throne.
to something new when one of his playthings is taken


DANTE WELLINGTON good fortunes of their family. Their parents
Dante Wellington spent much of his youth attributed the joys of their life to both their sons,
hungry. Born in 1500 to a poor family in a small upsetting Dante who always felt that his little brother
English village which has been lost to the times. had done nothing for the family, but prosper off
Dante's father owned a small farm and he was barely Dante's gains. Dante remarked as such opening up a
able to feed his family. In 1507, with the birth of his quarrel between the brothers. Their parents tried to
brother Luther, Dante's father struck a bargain with stop the fighting but Luther left the cottage in
the local Baron. Dante would be allowed to work for disgust. Scolded by his parents for his actions, Dante
the Baron and he would receive an education while was sent out to find his brother. Dante couldn't
lessening his family's burden, but that hunger Dante believe that his parents didn't agree with him, but
felt all those years would never leave him. nevertheless, he searched for his brother out in the
While working in the stables for the Baron, cold night.
Dante overheard a plot by other servants to kill the Some time passed before Dante gave up his
Baron. They found Dante hiding in a stall, and these search. Returning to his family’s homestead he found
men offered him a chance to join them. Dante the home ablaze. He rushed in the house only to find
quickly agreed. But Dante had learned that crossing most of it already destroyed. Dante couldn’t find his
the man who keeps your family fed isn't the smartest parents and he heard Luther call his name. He could
thing to do so Dante informed the Baron's guards of barely hear it over the roar of the fire, but the stairs
the impending attack leading to the men's arrest and up to Luther’s room were gone now. Dante started to
execution. Standing next to the Baron as he watched run when the floor gave way under him, sending him
the men's heads come off, Dante knew there would crashing to the cellar. Surviving only due to his
be rewards to reap as the Baron told Dante that his Fortitude, he climbed out of the cellar with some
life was going to change and that he and his family minor burns. Walking away from the fire, Dante
would never be poor again. never looked back on his former life.
Dante’s father was granted a much larger He made his way to Augustus’s home and
field of land, and in 1513, Luther was sent away for told him of the fire. Valmont stated that several
schooling at Cambridge while Dante would study places had been hit by his enemies that night and that
Law at Oxford. Dante learned the ways of the courts, the perpetrators were being rounded up and would
and how to use them for financial and political gain. be punished. Valmont suggested that the passing of
Dante Wellington’s name became known among the Dante’s family would allow him to start a new life.
legal and financial arenas throughout the area, and by Dante knew what he was offering and agreed. The
1527 he had become a very enterprising young man. next night Dante was a full-fledged member of Clan
The Baron knew it was time to truly begin teaching Ventrue.
him the ways of the world, and Dante was introduced Dante became a very ambitious member of
to a foreign merchant by the name of Augustus the clan, but one who always showed respect where it
Valmont. was deserved, unless it was to a lesser clan, which was
Valmont was a merchant from France who any other. Dante learned and believed that none but
had a very large trade company. He was also a the Ventrue should ever be in power. As he traveled
vampire from the Ventrue clan. The Baron was a he made it a point to only enter Ventrue controlled
ghoul of his and now Dante would serve him as well. cities because they were the only ones who could keep
Over the next few years Dante marveled at his new the rabble under control. He gained quite a bit of
life and abilities and he would do anything that prestige in several cities over the next several decades.
Augustus asked of him in hopes of gaining more In 1585, while in Switzerland attending the
power. Real power. local Prince's ball Dante observed the Tremere as they
During Christmas,1535, Dante and his entered the room and was shocked to see Luther was
brother, now a doctor, were home celebrating the among them. He wanted to make his way over but he
knew it would be improper to break ranks at this would dare not to touch him, lest he starts a clan war
time. Instead, they managed to steal away to an empty in his own city.
room. Luther had also been a Ghoul the night of the He didn't count on the Malkavian Primogen
fire and it allowed him to survive to embraced shortly though. Lord Hades attacked Dante's haven
afterward by the Tremere. They apologized to one slaughtering all of his ghouls and beating Dante to
another for their behavior that night, mourned the within an inch of his life. Dante used every power he
loss of their parents and acknowledged that their had but none of them were effective against Hades.
former lives were over and that they could not be Hades dangled him out of a 40-story building by his
brothers anymore. Neither one's clans would accept it throat. By this time Alexander had shown up and was
and they would most likely be destroyed. They parted also dangling off Hades' arm screaming for him to
ways that night, for what they thought was the last stop. It wasn't until Malkavian elder, Vladimir Rostov
time. appeared and physically restrained Hades was Dante
Deciding to try his hand at America, Dante safe. Enmity exists between the Primogen to this day.
looked at the portfolios of various cities and was During this century that Dante had resided
intrigued by St. Louis. The city was expanding rapidly in St. Louis, the roster of the Ventrue fluctuated due
and there was quite a bit of business to be conducted to many things. They came and went, but in1955 an
there as well. Unfortunately, the city had a Malkavian enterprising young Ventrue named Edward Lang
Prince and no ranking Ventrue. Dante decided to arrived in the city. Dante didn’t approve of the fact
throw caution to the wind. After all, he could deal that Edward associated freely with the other clans and
with a Malkavian if he had too. therefore tried to reel him in. Edward told him he
Arriving in St. Louis in 1850, Dante didn’t understand Dante’s thinking on this matter
presented himself to Prince Alexander Kreiger. and that were he comes from in Kansas City the
Alexander acknowledged him and dismissed him. Ventrue have working relationships with all the clans.
Dante stated he wished to be acknowledged as the The Primogen didn’t backstab each other or assault
Primogen and elder of the Ventrue. Alexander told one another without extreme cause, not influence
him if he could ever get some Ventrue to stay in the disputes. Dante fumed and Edward simply left,
city Dante could lead them. having already been acknowledged Edward didn’t
Incensed, Dante pulled every favor he had to need Dante’s approval to stay. Dante made the other
get a brood into the city, and after a month the Ventrue steer clear of Edward.
Ventrue had a real presence in the city. Alexander In 1965 the Gateway Arch was completed.
accepted his proposal to sit with the Primogen and Dante had struggled with the Malkavians in a
introduced him to them. They were about to have a prolonged influence war over the Riverfront
meeting and as Dante entered the room he once Restoration Project and he had seen little gain. Now
again found himself looking at his brother, Luther. he had to bear witness to Prince Alexander gloating
Over the next hundred years, Dante made over his arch. Dante watched in horror as Alexander
repeated power plays against various clans to improve revealed the Kindred who was truly responsible for
his own standing. He opposed the abolitionist Brujah the arch, Edward Lang. Later, Dante demanded
during the Civil war, and he aided the Malkavians in Edward cede control of the Arch to the Ventrue as a
their struggles with the Brujah during the Streetcar whole. Edward refused. Dante couldn’t control
Strike of 1900. The most notorious was in 1940 himself he launched into an obscenity-laced tirade
when he pitted the Malkavians and the Brujah directed towards Edward and assaulted Keeper of
against each other so that he could take control of the Elysium Justin Laveille of the Toreador when Justin
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank Control of the tried to interfere. Alexander himself intervened in the
Reserve would be quite a boon for the clan. He situation, admonishing Dante while awarding Keeper
succeeded in his mission and knew that the Prince of Elysium to Edward. Humiliated, Dante left the
celebration swearing to destroy Edward Lange. This
was easier said than done as Edward held an official untouchable, and Dante is beginning to suspect that
title and Edward’s pride and joy, the Gateway Arch a guardian angel of sorts is in play.
was marked as an Elysium.
The next decades saw Dante playing cat-and- Name: Dante Wellington
mouse with Edward and the Malkavians while trying Clan: Ventrue
to increase his clan's power. He has investigated the Nature: Traditionalist
mysterious Rostov's, but their aloofness led him to Demeanor: Autocrat
believe that he had overestimated their influence in Generation: 8th
the city. However, with Catherine O'Shea's ascension Sire: Augustus Valmont
to The Leader of the Harpies, Dante has begun to eye Embrace: 1535
them with suspicion again. He has even begun to Apparent Age: Mid 20’s
suspect that they might be some sort of Malkavian Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
Revenant family. Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
Dante kept clan politics towards the rest of Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 5
the quite xenophobic. He wanted his brood to Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
interact with the other Kindred of the city as little as Empathy 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise
possible. He even reframed from speaking to Luther. 1, Subterfuge 3
But there was one night out of the year they would Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms
always make peaceful contact with one another… 3, Melee 4, Security 2, Stealth 2
Christmas Eve, the night their parents died. Knowledges: Academics 1, Clan Lore (Ventrue 3)
Computer 2, Finance 4, Law 2, Linguistics 3, Occult
Image: A blonde Englishman, with a short-trimmed 2, Politics 4
beard and a receding hairline who dresses in Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Dominate 5,
expensive three-piece power suits. Dante is of average Fortitude 4, Obfuscate 2, Presence 5, Potence 2,
height and build, but he walks and talks with the Protean 2
authority of a giant. Backgrounds: Contacts 4 (Ventrue of Europe),
Influence 5 (Various industries including the State
Roleplaying Hints: Dante is a very stereotypical Armory), Resources 4, Retainers 4, Status 3
Ventrue: might makes right, power and wealth is (Primogen)
everything, only Ventrue should rule. He speaks Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4, Courage 3
commandingly to Venture, and is nothing, but Humanity/Path: Humanity 4
arrogant and condescending to the other clans. Willpower: 7
Dante is frustrated. His rise in the clan has ground to Merits: Driving Goal (to become Prince)
a halt since coming to America. Save for a few minor Flaws: Dark Secret (Luther is Dante’s Brother)
victories he has been bested by the Malkavians at Derangements:
every turn. He sees no other option than to have Clan Disadvantage: Must feed from people of English
Alexander, Hades, and possibly Vladimir removed. descent.
It’s nothing personal with the Prince and Vladimir,
it’s just best for business. As for Hades, Dante is still Backgrounds and Influences:
appalled that a lesser dared to accost him. Resources - Stocks and Bonds all over the world
Dante’s loathing for Edward knows no Retainers - Jarvis Stockwell, Head ghoul, and many
bounds and is well known. He doesn’t want Edward others
dead though. No, Dante recognizes talent and he Contacts - Various old country Ventrue
wants to break Edward and re-mold him into a Bureaucracy - Connections into city hall, and other
proper Ventrue. But so far Edward has proven city-run programs


Finance - Resources from various enterprises and family had allowed him to purchase Andre’s contract,
banking systems, and the Federal Reserve. and the Scaletti’s would no longer need his services.
Industry -The State Armories and other city ran Andre was taken in by Dante’s Presence and he was
factories an easy embrace. After Dante properly schooled him
Legal - Personnel law firm in what it meant to be a Ventrue Andre was sent to
Political - Large contributor to many cities, state, and several Camarilla cities to gain as much experience
federal politicians with as many types of Kindred as possible so Andre
Transportation – A partial owner of the Terminal would never be caught off guard. Andre took the
Railroad Association of St. Louis and The Gateway opportunity to further cement his influences and
Transportation Center. contacts in some of these cities with mortals and
Underworld - Connections made in the various Kindred.
shadier aspects of business In 1942, Dante summoned Andre home.
Dante had stoop up to the Malkavians and showed
them their true place in the world. For his troubles
ANDRE PROWSE the Malkavian Primogen, Lord Hades had nearly
killed him. Andre would never leave Dante’s side
Andre Prowse was born in Chicago in 1885.
His father was a leg-breaker for a small-time racketeer again, and he has served as clan whip ever since.
and Andre was destined to follow in his footsteps. As The clan was not completely perfect though
soon as Andre was old enough he began following his as some of its members didn’t know their place.
father on job learning how to intimidate people at a Members like Edward Lang. Edward didn’t speak to
young age. Dante in the right tone, and if it wasn’t for the
His father was able to afford a somewhat Prince, Andre would have killed him years ago. Now
decent education for Andre who when attending it’s looking like Bruce Kerns might be starting to stray
college helped his friends set up a small gambling and that won’t be allowed either.
operation of which he was the head collector. No one Andre has had only one child in the city and
missed more than one payment while Andre ran he was destroyed when he tried to embrace the
things. Eventually graduating with a business degree. hitman Pistol–Whip, who would be taken by the
Returning home, Andre began hiring his talents out Brujah. His second attempt at a child came in the
to his father’s associates quickly earning a reputation 80’s when he attempted to Embrace Millicent
as a “problem solver”. His forceful approaches to Grimes. Unfortunately, the embrace was interrupted
situations earned him respect and a pretty penny by Lord Hades who drove Andre off and the
from his employers. Andre began making well-placed Malkavian’s took her for their own. Both instances
investments, increasing his net worth by leaps and have increased Andres’s dislike for the other clans.
bounds. By the time he was twenty-five Andre was Just recently due to the Prince’s purge Dante
quite sought after in Chicago, but his ambition to get has been talking about, making a bid for Prince. If he
out of his father’s shadow led him to St. Louis. does Andre will be there with him every step of the
He soon began working for Boss Scaletti way and everyone else had better know their place….
exclusively. Scaletti headed up one of St. Louis’s if they know what’s good for them.
crime families and he never had any shortage of work
for Andre. During this time Andre developed Image: Andre is a stocky, well-built man who dresses
contacts in several cities and developed quite a in expensive suits tailored for practicality. His dark
network. Things were going well but they were about hair is cut short and he is clean-shaven. Andre rarely
to take a strange turn. smiles and is quick with an ugly snarl.
Approached by Dante Wellington in 1914, Roleplaying Hints: Andre is grumpy and always
Andre was informed that he would now be working looking for a fight. The only Kindred in the city he
only for Dante exclusively. Dante’s ties to the Scaletti won’t try to push around is Dante. He’s not eloquent,
and when he gets made his “streets of Chicago” Jonathan Young, Primogen of New York,
upbringing reveals itself. Andre isn’t stupid though. Ventrue
He doesn’t mess with the elders, but he loves to try Al Capone, Ventrue of Chicago
and ruffle their right-hand men. He’d love nothing Lura O’Leary, Ventrue Whip of Atlanta
more than to take out Edward. Contacts - Vinny Cummings, Brothel Manager
Samantha Lorn, Con-woman
Name: Andre Prowse Larry Breaker, Stick-up man
Clan: Ventrue Finance - Bank manager’s favorite client
Nature: Traditionalist Street - Known protector and cleaner
Demeanor: Curmudgeon Underworld - Old connections from human days
Generation: 9th
Sire: Dante Wellington
Embrace: 1914 TINA SCALETTI
Apparent Age: 30’s Tina Violiente was born in the Hill
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5 neighborhood of St. Louis, MO in 1902. Her Mother
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 was an Italian immigrant who had come over just a
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 year before her birth. A prostitute at a local speak-easy
Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Empathy 1, she did her best to keep Tina away from the life she
Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Streetwise 5, led at night but eventually, Tina would find out. Tina
Subterfuge 2 never held it against her mother and viewed her as a
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Firearms 4, Melee 2, strong woman doing what she had to do feed her
Security 3, Stealth 2 family.
Knowledges: Clan Lore 2 (Ventrue), Computer 1, When Tina was older she began to serve at
Finance 2, Law 2, Linguistics 1, Politics 2 the same club her mother worked in and as her
Disciplines: Auspex 2 Dominate 2, Fortitude 3, mother became less popular due to age Tina became
Obfuscate 2, Potence 2, Presence 2 a lady of the night. She was very popular and became
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 3, Influence 3 quite good at her job. She eventually “landed” some
(Banking, and money laundering), Retainers 4, big clients.
Resources 3, Status 2 One of them was Jack Scaletti a local Italian
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 boy whose father had some rumored connections to
Humanity/Path: Humanity 3 one of the crime families in the area. Jack was
Willpower: 6 running some of his father's businesses and had
Merits: Acute Sense (sight) money to burn. Tina made sure she got everything
Flaws: Short Fuse she could from him and then some. Jack wasn't too
Derangements: sure of himself and she played on his insecurities,
Clan Disadvantage: Must feed from blue-eyed eventually getting him more attached to her than
women. either of them expected. Eventually, he offered to
marry her and she said yes. The year was 1922.
Backgrounds and Influence: It was then that Tina found out that the
Resources - Well invested portfolio from human Scaletti's ran a very large Mafia family with ties back
cleaner days to New York. The first thing Tina did with her new-
Retainers - Samson Bullock, Personnel Assistant found fortunes was set her mother up in a home in
Eric Tomalis, Computer technician Florida. She would spend the next years playing the
William Rich, Appropriations quiet good wife while watching Jack kowtow to his
Allies - Lady Elaine, Ventrue of Boston father and the other captains. Tina saw that he could
be so much more and she began giving him advice.
She had learned a lot working in the speak-easy and that lasted for nearly 30 years. It took an outside
new how a lot of things worked. Jack listened to her mediator to calm things down…The Giovanni.
and began making some moves They made contact with Tina and said that
Soon with Tina's help, Jack had become his the Servitelli’s owed them some favors. They said that
father's right-hand man. Unfortunately, there were for a small price they could probably calm the
rumblings in the family that the old man was Servitelli’s down. Tina agreed and the war soon
thinking of going legit. Tina wasn't willing to risk her ended. Tina and the Giovanni have made several
new life on her father in law's sudden crisis of deals since then and business has become good again.
conscience especially as Prohibition was making all of During the 70’s and 80’s the Ventrue in St.
the families in St. Louis money hand-over-fist. She Louis lost the mob monopoly to the Brujah and the
began whispering dark thoughts to Jack about Malkavians. This happened with the embrace of
removing the weak part of the family. Jack tried to Pistol-Whip of the Brujah an assassin for hire, and
resist her, but in the end, she won, and Jack killed his the creation of “The Mastermind” by the Malkavians.
own father. He was now the head of the family and Pistol-Whip has never been much of a problem for
Tina was still his loving wife. Tina, and she has even employed the Brujah a few
Tina began to exert more influence on times. “The Mastermind” on the other hand has been
matters and soon she started making decisions a real nuisance, having started her own criminal
without Jack. She had also begun taking lovers from organization which has definitely been cutting into
the men who worked for her husband and she soon business.
began wondering why she kept Jack around at all. In Two other concerns have surfaced as of late.
1927, she arranged for Jack’s removal after she had Both are in the clan. First, there's Bruce whose casino
cemented her place as the head of the family. is doing very well for the clan but is now facing some
The various families in St. Louis had spent competition from the Brujah and the Toreador. Tina
most of the last several years trying to kill each other has offered to help if he'll sell her part of the boat but
in hopes of getting a bigger slice of the bootleg pie. he keeps refusing. It's starting to piss Tina off.
The Scaletti’s had finally become big enough to get The second is a snot-nosed punk in the clan
noticed and they began taking on some new talent. named Edward. He isn't part of Dante's brood and
What Tina didn’t know is that Scaletti’s were about therefore lacks the proper respect for his clan elder.
to be taken as new talent. The Ventrue all over Unfortunately, Dante can't whack him because the
America had been finding the mob to be quite useful Prince likes him and made him Keeper of Elysium.
and Dante Wellington decided to get into the game Tina sees Dante as the head of the clan, but
with the Scalleti's. Seeing a chance for more power she also recognizes that he might be holding the clan
Tina agreed to the embrace and was a welcomed back. It's only a matter of time before someone
addition to the clan. removes him and probably Andre. That leaves her
Tina was surprised at how little her life and Edward as the next in line (Bruce doesn't
changed. She continued to run the Scaletti family matter). She's fine to work with other clans as long as
although she did have to disappear from the public she is in charge. Tina's dealings with the Giovanni is
eye eventually. She ran the family through various dangerous, and she knows it. However, if they can get
ghouls and as World War II set in the family was her a better deal…
prospering quite well.
It was during this time that the Servitelli
family came upon the scene. No one knows where Image: Dark long hair, black eyes, dark red lipstick
they came from but the Servitelli's came on strong and carefully applied makeup with either a short-
seizing territory and whacking bosses. Tina herself skirted power suit or a slinky dress is how the
was hit but of course, they weren't trying to kill a Kindred of the city think of Tina. Her skin has still
vampire. The two families went to war. It was a war retained its olive complexion and her eyes can be
inviting or predatory. She speaks with an Italian Allies - Lewis Suchowljansky, Family Consigliere,
accent and when angered, which she is quick to do, personal advisor
she slips completely into Italian as she berates the Franklin Salvistori, Capo Bastone, right-
subject of her derision. hand man
Timothy Haze, Personnel assassin
Roleplaying Hints: Tina speaks with authority and Herd - Various underlings of the family
doesn’t take anything from anyone. She gives respect Finance - Money laundering in friendly banks
where respect is due and she can rub elbows with the Underworld - Don of crime family
less fortunate is she has to. Street - Street gangs looking to get made
Tina thought she was good at playing the long con Police - Dirty cops in various squads
but know that such an endeavor could last centuries
she’s not sure what to do.
Name: Christina Scaletti Bruce Kerns was born in St, Louis to a
Clan: Ventrue wealthy industrialist family in 1930. His father’s
Nature: Conniver company survived the Great Depression and picked
Demeanor: Autocrat up quite a bit of momentum during WWII. Bruce
Generation: 9th would start working at the factories that his father ran
Sire: Dante Wellington at a young age. Being showed no preferential
Embrace: 1928 treatment Bruce would have to start at the bottom
Apparent Age: 30’s just like anyone else.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4 As the years went on, Bruce rose to power in
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 his father’s corporation, inheriting it upon his
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 father’s death in 1953. Bruce sold the business off
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Intimidation and took his fortunes and traveled the world, taking
2, Leadership 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2 in various sights all while increasing his fortune
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Security 1 through various investments. Returning home in
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 1 (St. Louis), 1955, Bruce used his fortune to opened a nightclub,
Academics 1, Computer 1, Finance 4, Law 4, The River’s Gem.
Linguistics 2, Politics 4 The club was a success and Bruce soon drew
Disciplines: Dominate, 3, Fortitude 4, Presence 2, the attention of the cities Kindred, especially the
Potence 2 Ventrue. Approached by Dante Wellington in the
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Herd 2, Influence 2, summer of '57, Bruce was embraced into the clan.
Resources 4, Status 2 Bruce resisted his new position in life, but Dante and
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 his thug Andre whipped him into shape. The only
Humanity/Path: Humanity 4 one who didn't push him around was Edward Lang,
Willpower: 7 another neonate that really didn't agree with how
Merits: Eat Food things were done. Still, Bruce new which side his
Flaws: bread was buttered on so he towed the line in the
Derangements: clan like a good little Ventrue. In 1965, when Edward
Clan Disadvantage: Must feed from Italian men. became the Keeper of Elysium, Bruce had to distance
himself due to the fact that Dante wanted a different
member of the clan to get the position. They would
Backgrounds and Influences: not speak again for some time.
Resources - Mob take in, and racketeering. When The River’s Gem burned down in
1986 due to faulty wiring, Bruce opted not to rebuild,
took the insurance money and poured into a new to continue his fight against The Lazy Ace, but he
casino. The River’s Gem Casino opened with a bang doesn’t have an option at the moment.
in 1989 and Bruce gained more prestige in the clan
because of its success. Shortly after it opened, Bruce Name: Bruce Kerns
was approached by Maurice St. James of the Toreador Clan: Ventrue
who applied for a job dealing in his casino. Well Nature: Conformist
known as a great card shark and dealer Maurice said Demeanor: Competitor
he would be a boon to the club. Bruce would have Generation: 9th
hired him, but he spotted Andre watching the Sire: Dante Wellington
interaction. In an effort to save face Bruce had Embrace: 1957
Maurice thrown out. It was decision he would come Apparent Age: Mid 20 ’s
to regret as Maurice decided to open his own casino Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
with the Brujah, Jonathon Cross. The Lazy Ace, grew Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
to rival The River’s Gem.
Bruce's business was threatened as he was Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
locked in an influence war with two clans, all because Talents: Brawl 1, Dodge 1, Empathy 3, Leadership 1,
Dante couldn't get along with anyone in the city. Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2
Soon, Tina Scaletti got into the act, pressuring Bruce Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 1, Performance
to sell her a portion of the casino. She promised that 2, Security 1
this would solve his problems with the Ace, but Bruce Knowledges: Area Knowledge (The Mississippi
knew how the mafia worked and he didn't want any River), Academics 1, Computer 2, Finance 4, Law 3,
more to do with it than he had to. Growing tired of Linguistics 1, Politics 3
the pressures put on him from the rest of the clan Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Dominate, 3,
Bruce made contact with Edward in hopes of forming Fortitude 2, Presence 3
an alliance to hold the others at bay. Backgrounds: Fame 2, Herd 2, Resources 4,
During the purge, Bruce lost his main Retainers 4, Status 1
accountant, Charles which was somewhat upsetting as Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Bruce will have to find someone to replace him, But, Humanity/Path: Humanity 7
he also lost a small bookie outfit, one of many Andre Willpower: 5
forced him to take on. This one was run by a Caitiff Merits:
named Turk who as far as Bruce knew, no one else in Flaws:
the city had anything to do with. These two deaths of Derangements: Must feed from young socialites.
seemingly innocent Kindred have shaken Bruce.
Backgrounds and Influences:
Image: As a former club owner and current casino Resources - Kickbacks from the casino and personal
owner, Bruce dresses with more style than the rest of fortune.
the clan. His grooming habits are always with the Retainers - Albert Pint, General Manager of
current style and he walks with a slight strut when on operations of casino
the floor of his casino. Fame - Gregarious and generous gambler.
High Society - Friend of the cities high rollers.
Roleplaying hints: He acts and talks like a Ventrue Finance - Control of money going into city banks.
when the clan is around, but in secret, he hates most Underworld - Various mafioso's who frequent the
of them. He hates that he has to keep Edward at casino.
arm's length as he believes the two of them would Media - Special events and developments at casino.
make an Influence powerhouse. And he has no desire


EDWARD LANG and spent a great deal of time on the outs with his
Born to a wealthy family in Kansas City, MO. clan. Fortunately, he was old enough that he was the
In 1900, Edward Lang developed an interest in head of the Ventrue in the city and didn’t have to
construction and engineering at a young age. listen to any of them here. Edward was taught that
Attending a school for young designer, Edward deeds are what matters not this ridiculous concept of
received top marks for some of the plan's he had status and age.
come up with. He dreamed of being able to create After nearly a decade Edward was brought
one of his creations one day, but until that day came into the Ventrue clan. Lasher immediately kicked
Edward studied under his father, learning the tricks him out of the city saying that Edward needed to see
of the trade when it came to being a stockbroker. the rest of the world and experience the things Lasher
By 1928 Edward was a very successful broker, had taught him about. With nothing but his own
although his heart was never really into it. But in finances, Edward traveled to several cities seeing for
1929, Edward would watch his and his families lives himself what Lasher had spoken of. Edward
crumble. The Great Depression hit, and he and his eventually decided to head back to Missouri and try
father were wiped out. Neither his father or mother his luck in St. Louis, the city that supposedly
would live out the depression and Edward had no controlled much of the Midwest including Kansas
one to turn too. Soon, thereafter Edward was on the City.
verge of losing everything. Upon arrival, Edward introduced himself to
Desperate, Edward turned to his degree in Dante Wellington, the Ventrue Elder of the city. He
architectural study and tried to find a job in that could tell from Dante's demeanor that this would be
field. Eventually, he was hired on by Toklyn at best a shaky relationship. Dante accepted him into
Construction. It was a small organization that the city after making him bow and show proper
somehow managed to thrive during the Depression. respect. He also met Andre, Dante's whip and from
Edward was brought in as an assistant to the foreman the looks of it…thug. Others would come and go over
and his knowledge of engineering served him well. As the years but these two were constant. It was easier
the depression lifted Edward had the opportunity to for Edward to deal with the other clans than his own
go back to the stock market but he refused. Finally, and soon found himself in the position of liaison of
Edward was now doing something he enjoyed. After the Ventrue. His "fraternizing" with the so-called
some time, he became the head of the design lesser clans earned him nothing but icy stares from
department. the other Ventrue.
Edwards talents were getting him noticed and Feeling the need to make a mark in the city,
he soon began advancing as the company grew. Soon and to show up Dante, Edward began eyeing the
he was asked to meet with Lasher Toklyn the owner riverfront restoration project. He knew every clan in
of the company and a robust individual who the city was gearing up for a fight over the influences
appeared to be full of life. They spent hours that would be brought about by such a project. In
discussing architecture, design, and finance. Lasher 1947, when calls went out for architects to design a
liked Edward’s ideas and offered him a position monument of sorts, Edward used his pull in that
under himself in the company. Edward accepted and community to find out who was submitting designs.
Lasher and he celebrated with a special vintage of The work of one Eero Saarinen caught his eye.
wine that Lasher kept for just such an occasion. They Edward quickly arranged to meet with Saarinen.
would have that same vintage two more times that Through some Dominate and Presence, the two
week, blood bonding Edward to Lasher. collaborated and made some changes to the original
As Lasher’s ghoul, Edward learned of the design. Edward then manipulated the judging process
Ventrue clan, vampires, and the Camarilla. Unlike to make sure their design was picked. While the
most Ventrue Lasher was not an aristocrat and he various clans fought each other for the riverfront,
never wanted to be one. He hated those stuffed shirts Edward managed to manipulate the situation to make
it look like one clan had already taken over a section Edward was still on the outs with the Ventrue, but
that another wanted. found a sympathetic ear in Bruce Kerns, a young
Edward had a secret weapon in all of this; Ventrue who petitioned to have his casino, The
The Fey. For reasons Edward has never really River’s Gem, become an Elysium. The Prince
understood, the Fey approached him and offered to accepted this request, and Edward’s support earned
help him build his arch. They found him to be him an ally with Bruce. The two of them occasionally
reasonable and far less offensive than the rest of his meet behind Dante’s back, and wonder what it would
kind. Edward accepted and soon the Fey were aiding be like without Dante in the city.
him in hiding his trail and gaining influences for
him. Image: Standing about 6ft with a well-built frame,
By the time Edward was found out, Edward dresses more like a wealthy playboy than a
construction on the arch had already begun. businessman. Short blonde hair, blue eyes, a quick
Thankfully it was Prince Alexander who discovered smile, and a wry wit makes him more ingratiating
the situation and not Dante. Alexander was than the rest of this clan. He has a twinkle in his eye
impressed and he backed Edward’s play while keeping which could be the beginning of a new scheme or the
his secrets. Saarinen would die in 1961 while having side effects from prolonged exposure to The Fey.
surgery for a brain tumor, but Edward still kept the
project moving forward from the shadows. With Roleplaying Hints: Edward tries to be nice to
everything in place, the construction began on The everyone as he doesn’t want to make any more
Gateway Arch in earnest in 1963. enemies. He values others opinions and freely
In 1965 the Arch was completed and its associates with other clans. He has even dropped
opening to the public would come in June of 1967. olive-branches with the Anarchs, but he hasn’t gotten
The Kindred of the city marked the event with their far with them. Edward has begun to see himself as the
own private celebration, a celebration where Prince actual voice of the Ventrue clan.
Alexander immediately declared the Arch and the Edward takes his job as Keeper very seriously,
visitors center underneath to be Elysium. Alexie also especially when it comes to the Arch. He is quick to
announced Edward as the true power behind the punish a breach of etiquette in any Elysium.
arch. Edward graciously accepted the accolades and
was delighted to see Dante fuming in a corner. Dante
pulled Edward aside and demanded he hand over Name: Edward Lange
control of the arch to the clan. Edward refused and Clan: Ventrue
Dante, enraged to the point of a near frenzy began to Nature: Rogue
cause a scene. The Keeper of Elysium, Justin Laveille Demeanor: Visionary
tried to step in only to be tossed aside by Dante. Generation: 10th
Justin was now incensed but before things came to Sire: Lasher Toklyn
blows between the Ventrue and the Toreador, Alexie Embrace: 1939
used his own formidable Presence to calm the Apparent Age: Mid 20’s
situation. When it was done, Dante had lost face, Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Justin was stripped of Keeper, and Edward had not Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
only embarrassed his Elder, he had gained a great Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
deal of standing in the city and become the Keeper of Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 3,
Elysium. Dante seethed but, Edward didn’t care. Empathy 2, Intimidation 1, Leadership 2, Streetwise
They were in his Elysium now, and Dante would be 1, Subterfuge 2
hard pressed to ever touch him again. Skills: Animal Ken 1, Drive 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms
The next few decades would see little happen 2, Melee 2, Security 2
in the city of St. Louis as far as the status quo.
Knowledges: Academics 3 (Architecture), Computer Bureaucracy - Politicians wanting to look good with a
1, Finance 4, Law 4, Linguistics 1, Occult 2, Politics national landmark.
4, Science 4 (Engineering) Finance - Charitable contributions and tax-free
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 2, Dominate 1, shelters.
Fortitude 2 Presence 3 High Society - Charity functions hosted and attended
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (Local Fey), Influence 2 (the by the wealthy.
Gateway Arch), Mentor 4 (Lasher Toklyn, Ventrue Legal - The pro bono work of those helping the Arch.
Primogen of Kansas City), Resources 4, Retainers 3, Media - The drawing power of the Arch.
Status 2 (Keeper of Elysium) Political - Same as Bureaucracy.
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 Transportation – Edward has some pull with The
Humanity/Path: Humanity 7 Metrolink light rail system.
Willpower: 5
Merits: Iron Will, Lucky (charms granted to Edward
Flaws: Infamous Sire
Clan Disadvantage: Must feed from people of Native An accountant for Bruce who had Anarch
American ancestry sympathies. No one in the clan will mourn for him,
but they will use his death to their advantage.

Backgrounds and Influences:

Resources - Income from the Arch and other valuable
Lasher is the Ventrue Primogen of Kansas
Allies - Flopper McFlipsten, Area’s Knocker high
City and an ardent supporter of the Anarchs. He is
the Sire of Edward Lang and has enjoyed his Child’s
Mentor - Primogen Lasher Toklyn, Kansas City
success since it was Ventrue like Dante who drove
him to the Anarchs in the first place.
Retainers - Alice Secrist, Head of Friends of the Arch
Foundation, Ghoul, and others.


COTERIES the Anarchs have been huddled in East St. Louis
regrouping. They have to pick a leader and most are
THE ANARCHS looking at Bruiser, who is looking at Pistol-Whip,
who is not sure if it’s worth it anymore. Now Kansas
JENNIFER, MICKEY, GERALD, PREACHER, City is muscling in with Alison, and Gerald has
ALISON, STEVEN returned, but he creeps some of them out. Bruiser
The Anarchs have one of the most inter-clan won’t be pushed around by Alison and Pistol-Whip
makeups of the city, and they generally get along will back him against her. Preacher is trying for a
better than all of the others. Yet they still have their calm resolution, but Gerald sees him as the only
problems. Without Christopher, they have no leader, threat to a potential group of converts and will not
and the loss of Charles has cost them financially. allow him to get in the way. All of this is happening
Lester is in hiding, and no one knows what happened during the perfect time to strike at the elders. The
to Steven. next couple of weeks could make or break the
Weakened but not out of the fight, most of


THE FOUR Now they have fractured. Death’s Head’s
MEMBERS: JACKSON ROSTOV, SIR LANCE, manipulations have driven Adam out of the group
HORACE QUINN, ADAM with little warning on the heels of Christopher's
For decades, four of the city’s most notable loners destruction. Now the other three have no idea where
have operated together as…well, a pack, which is Adam has gone, or how to find him. Plus, they were
understandable. After all, one of them used to be complicit in the destruction of a Primogen, even if he
Sabbat. While they didn’t spend every waking hour was an Anarch. If their crime is found out, they could
together, they always kept in contact and were there become targets of a blood-hunt themselves.
for each other as confidants and allies. And together,
few could stand against them in combat.

THE UNDERWORLD quickly gained leverage over some of the crime in the
city. If the three of them could come together they
MASTERMIND” GRIMES, TINA SCALETTI could form a very powerful monopoly, with little
Not really a coterie, these three Kindred interference. The Giovanni are not allowed in the
control much of St. Louis’ criminal underworld to city, and the feds have always considered St. Louis'
the point that almost every other Kindred in St. Louis crime families to be secondary to larger cities like
has been frozen out. Tina controls the most, having Chicago, so they pay them little heed.
already been a boss when the gang wars in the But Tina feels that she has worked too hard
prohibition era ended. Although just a hitter, Pistol- to have to share her power with a thug and a nut.
Whip has contacts all over the underworld. The She's fine to leave Pistol-Whip and the Anarchs East
Mastermind is a new player on the field, but she has St. Louis, but no more than that. As for Mastermind,
Tina doesn’t know what to do about a crime lord problem, but they haven’t felt the brunt of it like
who operates more with computers and robots than Tina has.
muscle and bullets, but she’s going to have to find a What none of them know is that the
way to deal with Mastermind soon. Servitellis are actually werewolves, Glass-Walkers and
With the Chicago based Servitellis looming Shadow-Lords mostly. They already have some ties to
in the distance, Tina could use some friends though. The Garou in St. Louis who are fine if they take over
An alliance would be beneficial as she might not have the crime in the city, and they are actually working
to deal with the Giovanni, who have been helpful with the Giovanni, with the promise that both will
with the Servitellis, but the fact that they haven’t split the underworld of St. Louis. If the three
asked for anything yet has made her nervous. Pistol- underworld magnates of St. Louis don't come
Whip and Mastermind know of the Servitelli together when the threat is realized, they will be
outmatched and outmaneuvered on all fronts.


THE HARPIES Primogen member, but he would accept Leader of
The Harpies as a consolation prize. He has never
JUSTIN LAVIELLE, TERRI GARNER, understood how Catherine was chosen as she's more
JONATHAN CROSS, TINA SCALETTI a ruffian than a social provocateur. If a shakeup does
Catherine despises her job as the Leader of The occur, neither Tina nor Venus are content to sit by
Harpies. When she took the job, she thought the and watch Justin take over, or watch Catherine
Harpies were a bunch of squabbling wretches who continue to demean the Harpies with unworthy
did nothing but tear others down for their own petty applicants. Both know the only chance at any more
gains. She has yet to be proven wrong. power in the city will have to come from outside their
To offset the viciousness of Justin, Venus, clan, and the Harpies are a nice stepping stone.
and Tina, she has brought in Jonathan and Terri,
which served to disrupt the status quo. Now if she
could find someone from the Gangrel who would be
willing to play, she might be onto something.
And if Justin does become Primogen of the Toreador,
she can replace him with someone else, possible
Justin is currently eyeing becoming a


THE PRIMOGEN stand against Alexander and Vladimir Rostov. He
MEMBERS: LORD HADES, LAWRENCE, won't be on the front lines though. He'd rather back
DEATH’S HEAD, LUTHER WALSH, DANTE someone else's play and let them take the first salvo of
WELLINGTON retaliation. Lawrence just wants to keep the peace
Sadly, there is no greater powder keg in the with the Garou, and he won’t let bickering elders
city than The Primogen. None of them will mourn disrupt that.
the loss of Christopher and Genevieve, but two When it comes to new Primogen, they all see
buffers to some of the more combustible elements of George as being toothless, but at least he’s not an
the Primogen are now gone. Anarch. Still, he's going to have to show them
The most dangerous at the moment is Dante, something to get the support of all of them. Dante
who is motivated to take the city from Alexander at will never support a Brujah, but all the others could
all costs. He knows he will have to remove Hades as be swayed. As for the Toreador, none of the current
well, and the Rostovs, but he’s fine with that. He Primogen would be able to stand Justin, but Gloria
wants Hades dead more than anything else. Luther would have to show that she was actually committed
also feels that the Prince is no longer looking out for to the position over her career. If she can’t, the
the interests of the city, but he doesn’t trust any of Toreador may not get another Primogen for some
the other Primogen to take over. Plus, he knows that time.
Lawrence and Hades will never break with Alexander.
Lord Hades is fully willing to kill them all if
any of them become a threat to Alexander, and
Lawrence won’t let Luther get the upper hand on him
as he knows full well the Tremere will try to exact
revenge upon him. Death’s Head would have been
content to sit back, watch, and support whoever
made him the best offer, but with his newfound
benefactor, he's feeling confident in his abilities to


Alexander checked himself in the mirror, making bedroom made up for you?”
sure he had gotten every whisker. Satisfied, he opened Defeated again, Alexander nodded and finished
the bathroom door to find himself looking up at Olik, the knot on his tie. He made his way through the
the gentleman’s gentleman of the house. Alexander mansion. He didn't care for the aesthetics much.
knew he was looking at a Gargoyle, but the human Marble, hand-carved wooden fixtures, red-velvet plush
visage that Olik currently wore looked the part, with a upholstered chairs, long flowing curtains that covered
black waistcoat and tails, starch-collared white shirt, stained-glass windows, and tapestries and paintings
and black tie. Holding out a freshly pressed shirt and that spoke of old-world charm. It was too old-
tie, he anticipated Alexander’s request. fashioned for his tastes. He entered the study to find
“Thank you,” Alexander said. He took the clothes Lord Hades, the Malkavian Primogen, awaiting him.
and began to change his shirt. Tall and broad, Hades would have been intimidating
“Lord Hades is waiting in the study,” Olik said in even without the black hair framing his pale face, his
a deep yet proper voice. leather trench, and wide-brimmed hat.
"Thanks. I'll be down in a moment. You should “I’ve done as you asked,” Hades said. His voice
be down there too. You'll need to hear this," was deep, low, and he spoke slowly.
Alexander said as he buttoned the shirt. “Are they up to it?” Alexander asked.
“Yes, Chamberlain,” Olik said. “They are.”
Alexander, looking annoyed, stopped fiddling “Good. If they fail, we’ll be up to our asses in
with his tie. “Prince,” he said. “Prince. I’m the Prince pissed-off werewolves.”
of this city. I am the Prince of St. Louis. Just once. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”
Just once, could you acknowledge me by my proper
title?” “True, but we’ve got bigger problems,” Alexander
said as Olik entered the room. “Shut the door, Olik. I
“Prince?” don’t want to be interrupted.” Olik nodded and
“Yes.” pulled the door shut behind him.
“No.” The tale of the rising Antediluvians took
“I hate you.” Alexander about ten minutes. When he was done,
the two stone-faced, emotionless elders were still just
“Very good, sir,” Olik said. “Shall I have the guest that. They didn’t even blink when he spoke of
impending doom. Alexander wasn’t surprised. to me, dammit. I’m the damn Prince of this city, and
“I shall return to my duties now,” Olik said. that had better count for something.”
“Wait,” Alexander said. “I’m curious. You don’t “My meaning,” Olik said. “Was that he is not
technically have an Antediluvian. How do you feel downstairs. He is across the street. In the park.”
about this?” Alexander looked stunned. “He’s out? Outside?
“I doubt such creatures will be discerning as to By himself? Unsupervised?”
my lineage when they descend upon us all,” Olik said. “When the Master says he wishes to go for a walk
“He’s right,” Hades said. “We are all going to in the park alone, who am I to argue?” Olik asked.
die.” Alexander thought about arguing but realized he
“Well, this is cheery,” Alexander said. “Has didn’t have a counterpoint to that. If Vladimir
Vladimir said anything about what happened last wanted to be alone in the park, then that’s what was
week?” going to happen. But a conversation between them
was necessary.
Hades shook his head.
“All right. I’ll go find him,” Alexander said. “It’d
“Fine. I’m going down to speak with him,” be a shame if the most powerful being in the city got
Alexander said. mugged or something. Gentlemen.” With that,
“That would be futile,” Olik said. Alexander walked out of the room.
“No,” Alexander said. “No, it won’t be. He’ll talk


THE COURT views Linda's remoteness as a dereliction of her duty
but hopes that she will return to the fold.
KREIGER, LINDA ELLSTROM, LORD HADES, Alexander not only built St. Louis for
OLIK himself, but for Vladimir, who once was called
The Court represents a different type of Marduk, the God of Cities. While Vladimir seems to
power in the city; ancient power that spans have forgone the desires of civilization, Alexander
continents and deals with matters far above the knows that it is a necessity for Vladimir to succeed.
pettiness of The Camarilla and The Sabbat. But like He likes Olik and the two have a sarcastic
everything else in St. Louis, decay has begun to set in. relationship, and he sees Hades as his brother and the
It struck first with Erik, and then Pyotr. Now it is only person involved with the city who actually has
chipping away at the rest. his back. As for Linda, he is afraid she is on the verge
The Court serves Vladimir, although he of breaking away, which would hurt The Court on
rarely offers any directives to them. Yet their actions many levels.
are usually motivated by a desire to anticipate his Linda, for her part, doesn’t want to leave The
needs. He rarely interferes or participates in Kindred Court, but she sees them all as trapped in St. Louis.
politics, but he won't hesitate to if he actually feels Vladimir and Hades are stuck in the past, while
The Court is under threat. Alexander is lost in the future. Only Olik is focused
Olik has the most contact with Vladimir and on the present, but he will never leave Vladimir’s
answers only to him. He and Vladimir understand side. She wants to be by Vladimir’s side as well, but
each other in many ways and have formed a strong she won’t let herself become a prisoner again.
bond. He feels that Hades could be more if he Finally, there is Vladimir. An ancient
weren’t always moping or in torpor, and he generally creature, he knows full well he would be lost in this
feels that Alexander is foolish for being so caught up era and possibly to the Beast if it weren't for The
in mundane trinkets. He sees Linda distancing herself Court. He sees in Olik a Kindred spirit as neither of
from The Court as a blow, as she is the only other them wanted to be what they are. He regards Lord
one with real focus. Hades as one of the few people he can have a proper
Lord Hades is eternally grateful to Vladimir conversation with. He doesn’t understand
for harboring him and sees Vladimir as a peer whose Alexander’s obsession with gadgets, but he is grateful
mystical power is far beyond his own abilities in for having met him all those centuries ago. He knows
Necromancy. Yet he knows that Vladimir cannot Linda worries about them, and he knows her fears are
accomplish his goals without Hades' necromantic justified, but recent events have made all of the
prowess. He recognizes Olik’s worth as a servant but courses they have chosen up to this point impossible
still has trouble seeing him as a proper Kindred. His to deviate from. Justified or not, it’s time for her to
relationship with Alexander is rock-solid as the two put her concerns aside. Something terrible is coming
have become close, with Alexander's eternal optimism
playing off Lord Hades' never-ending pessimism. He


PRINCE ALEXANDER KREIGER Alexander realized how much he had been deprived
A part of a minor noble family from 12th in Europe.
century Bavaria, Alexander Kreiger was a devout Unfortunately for Alexander, his
Catholic who felt stifled by the limited opportunities explorations of the Middle East when he fell to a hail
for him at home. The second born son, Alexander of arrows during a battle with the enemy. Both sides
would never inherit a title, and he yearned for more suffering heavy losses, left their dead on the field that
than was available in the Dark Ages. Desiring more night. Alexander, thought dead, was left to gaze at the
schooling, Alexander became a monk at a young age. moon in the night sky while he bled to death.
He often displayed his devotion through often However, something else prowled the battlefield that
excessive penance and self-flagellation. But it still night, skulking through the darkness feeding from
wasn’t enough. When the call went out for the Third the dying. When the scavenger came upon Alexander
Crusade in 1289 AD, Alexander left the monastery to it must have sensed something different about the
follow the warriors of Germany into battle. His young man. Alexander wasn’t crying, begging, or
father, not wishing to lose his first-born son to war, praying. He was quietly observing the moon as it
provided Alexander with the funds and equipment to passed overhead. The scavenger introduced itself as
be a knight. Hassan and asked Alexander if he wished to know
A good soldier and tactician, Alexander more about the world than anyone should. Alexander
distinguished himself during the Crusade against the nodded and Hassan embraced him into the
forces of Saladin and he was a founding member of Malkavians.
The Teutonic Order. Alexander still wanted more Pulled off the battlefield by Hassan,
though. He was amazed to see the different weapons Alexander was taken to the vampire’s cave. Over the
and armor of his enemies. Marveling at their cities next week, Hassan would educate Alexander about
and the scientific knowledge they possessed, his new existence. Once fully acclimated, Alexander
returned to the Teutonic Order. Having been warned
about the effects that men of faith could have upon a
vampire, Alexander was quite disappointed at how Kindred represented Tzimisce of the area and didn’t
few of his order were truly faithful. Still, the want anything to do with the lesser clans.
discomfort he felt was enough to satisfy his penitent But before the gathering occurred something
ways. unusual happened. Alexander awoke in a blood sweat
Shortly thereafter he encountered another one night. His head pounding, Alexander could see
vampire, Lisette of Aquitaine, Countess of Lyons, a the aura of the land itself tremble. Stepping out into
French noblewoman who had accompanied her the night he was greeted by the sight of several other
husband to The Crusades to fight by his side. It was Kindred standing outside looking at the mountain
here that she met her end and was embraced by a range in the city distance. None knew why, but they
Toreador Saracen. Held in his Harem Linda was able all felt that something powerful had awakened.
to escape and diablerize her Sire after he was Soon the meeting was upon them and it was time to
weakened in battle against The Templars. Unlike pay homage the Voivode, the child of an ancient
Alexander, she sought no penance for her sins and Tzimisce, he was rumored to be the Grandchilder of
the two found themselves in several philosophical the Antediluvian of the Tzimisce clan itself. Indeed,
debates on the subject. They distanced themselves the Presence of this elder was amazing as he sat on a
from the knights but continued to follow them throne made from humans and commanded the
through the Holy Land. Soon they were joined by Cainites to step forth. It was obvious that this would
Constantinos Stelakas, a Cappadocian who wandered be nothing more than a humiliating experience for
the battlefields studying death. The three of them those not of the Tzimisce clan but Alexander knew he
would separate at the end of the Crusade, but they couldn’t refuse such might.
would reunite decades later. Alexander stepped forward first, but before
Alexander would stay with the Teutonic he could kneel the doors to the hall were flung open
Knights after the war spending the next 20 years and a strange looking man stepped in. He was dressed
traveling with them eventually find himself in in furs that loosely covered himself. He appeared
Transylvania in 1211 AD where the Teutonic Knights young and fit with long brown hair. His demeanor
had been asked to help defend the south-eastern was one of confusion as he looked around the hall.
border of Hungary. Exploring this new land, The chamberlain of the Voivode demanded this
Alexander was intrigued by the various Kindred who stranger announce himself but the stranger continued
resided here. In 1225, when the Teutonic Knights to observe his surroundings paying him no attention.
were expelled due to political missteps, Alexander Becoming enraged the Voivode demanded to know
parted ways with them as he was carving a niche for what clan the man represented. The man looked at
himself in these lands as a scholar. Alexander soon the symbol of the Tzimisce hanging around the
found himself involved in the struggles between the Chamberlain's neck and pointed at it. The Voivode
local Tzimisce lords and the Ventrue led Council of laughed and explained that the man must have been
Ashes. Alexander chose the Tzimisce and fought an accidental embrace that was left to the wilds and
beside them against The Ventrue. It was here that he ordered the man's destruction.
Alexander found himself in league with Constantinos When the guards closed in on him the man
and Lisette again. They would be joined by a Brujah let loose with a display of power that was awe-
who had fled Kievan Rus to escape the wrath of Baba inspiring. He quickly became a raging whirlwind of
Yaga. His name was Pyotr Dastrovik. death and destruction as every single Tzimisce was
In 1300, after the Tzimisce of the area had laid to waste, including the Voivode. The other
recently driven out a Ventrue interloper demanded Cainites were spared but they didn’t know what to
Cainites of the local clans in the area present do. The man looked at them and all except Alexander
themselves and declare fealty to the new Voivode. felt compelled to leave the hall.
Alexander and the others arrived in a small town that Alexander was frozen with an unnatural fear
was to play host to this gathering. The remaining and couldn’t move as the man came towards him. He
spoke to Alexander in what seemed to be multiple other Voivode’s of Transylvania, and the newly
languages, none of which Alexander recognized. formed Camarilla and Sabbat.
Seeming frustrated the man grabbed him by the head Alexander, yearning to take part in the
and they locked eyes. Alexander’s world became pain Renaissance that was sweeping through Europe, made
as he felt his mind being ripped apart and violated. more than one risky venture into Western Europe.
Every memory he had was pried from his head in These treks took years at time, and Alexander always
rapid succession. The pain was excruciating and returned with the newest books, inventions, and
delicious all at once. His penitent nature was in full ideas spawned by Europe's great thinkers. Still, a little
revelry as he suffered in a way he could never have piece of him was hurt every time he had to return to
imagined, and as all his sins were laid before him, his backward Transylvania. Amar was not at all interested
masochistic tendencies reached new levels. in Alexander's interests in technology and these
Alexander had no idea how long this process strange ideas he always returned with. But Alexander
took, but when he came too he was laying on the never gave up on trying to enlighten his master.
floor, blood seeping from his eyes and ears. He stood Amar's decision to leave Europe for The New
up and looked at the man who had now dressed in World in the 1600's was met by Alexander with
the clothes of those who he had killed. He remarked, mixed feelings. On one hand, he was finally getting
in German, that he was surprised Alexander had out of Transylvania. On the other hand, he was
lived. Alexander chalked it up to Fortitude. The man traveling to an undeveloped wilderness. But
replied that the fact that Alexander was enjoying it Alexander reasoned that new cities could be built,
probably helped. Alexander nodded and asked the grand cities formed on the ideas created during the
man his name. The man replied that he had many Renaissance. Using the contacts that he had made
names; Amar Utu, Marduk, Perun, Chernobog and during his travels, Alexander arranged for discreet
many others. Alexander know had an inkling of the travel for The Court throughout Europe. Amar
real power he was dealing with since those were the staged their destruction in Transylvania with the help
names of gods. The man said he needed a new name of a Tremere chantry head who was given credit for
for this age. Alexander recommended Amar Negrul the destruction of a powerful Tzimisce Court.
(Amar the Black). Amar accepted this name and Travelling under assumed names they became known
declared himself Voivode of this domain and that as the Vagabond Court a group of unknown elders
Alexander would serve him as his Chamberlain. with unknown loyalties who paused in a city long
Alexander, enamored by the pain Amar had caused enough to make an investment here or there, secure a
him, agreed immediately. Pyotr, Lisette, and boon from a needy Prince, or leave a suspected
Constantinos would be the next addition to Childer. After a decade in the wilderness, they
Vladimir’s Court. Over time the Court grew with the reached Frances where they took a fleet of ships to
addition of Erik, a Viking Gangrel, and Olik, an North America.
escaped Gargoyle. Upon arrival in North America, Amar guided
Over the next three hundred years, them into the wilderness. Evading Sabbat and
Alexander, now going by Alexi and pretending to be werewolves, the trek was dangerous and took many
Slavic, served, Amar fighting alongside the ancient weeks until they finally arrived upon the banks of a
vampire against numerous threats, supernatural or great river. The area was covered in great mounds
political. Ruling from a forgotten Teutonic fortress in that had been built centuries before by a now dead
the Carpathians that few knew about and less civilization. With the native population in the area
remembered due to powerful Obfuscate, The Court too small to support all of them, The Court split with
battled the minions of Kupala, while Amar kept the Erik leaving to travel the wilderness, and Lisette, now
demons maddening influence at bay. Amar rarely going by Linda Ellstrom, and Pyotr retuning to the
made appearances of any sort and Alexander became East Coast. Vladimir, Alexander, Constantinos, and
the face of The Court’s domain, negotiating with Olik sought refuge in an immense system of caves
that existed nearby. Amar and Constantinos entered and the French, but he had never been to Britain,
torpor, while Alexander and Olik looked after them. and as such he relished the idea of the United States
Finding himself alone to his own devices, defeating the British and throwing them out. Of
Alexander, now going by his given name, took the course, he realized that St. Louis would still be a
opportunity to set about building a proper city for European colony, something that was beginning to
Amar, a city that would move with the times and grate on him. After America had gained its
grow. His efforts were bolstered by the settling of the independence, St. Louis was handed over to the
area by the Cahokia and the establishment of Fort French. Alexander and The Court began a secret
Cahokia and Father Pinet's Jesuit mission. Cahokia power play with their contacts in France, and Linda's
became a large trading hub for the area and the city and Pyotr's influence in the states. Their efforts were
village swelled to over 3000 people with many rewarded in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. St.
business opportunities. Being the only active vampire Louis was now part of America, and it sat on the edge
elder in the area, Alexander was able to assert control of a massive wilderness that was yet to be explored or
over the village. Several other forts sprung up, settled.
providing Alexander the opportunity to spread his With the purchase, The Court reassembled
influence through the Illinois/Missouri area, but they in St. Louis in time for Amar's awakening. Alexander
were a means to an end as he wanted something beamed with pride as Amar and Constantinos awoke.
grander. As the Seven Year's War ended in 1763, Amar was none too pleased about the city and that
Alexander watched as his French allies were driven the unspoiled wilderness that he had brought them to
out by the British, his forts weakened, and his was now crawling with humans. But he did
influence waned. But it didn't matter. It had taken understand the city’s new importance. Alexander was
him nearly a century of traveling, string-pulling with told that he was now the Prince of St. Louis and that
European contacts, and manipulating events in New this city would pay fealty to The Camarilla. Amar
Orleans to arrange for the founding of a new trading retreated from politics as he had before.
post. Eventually, though, Alexander, while whispering Alexander ruled St. Louis with The Court making up
in the ears of Pierre Laclède and Auguste Chouteau, the bulk of the Primogen, which would expand over
returned to the area of the mounds, where the time with the additions of the Nosferatu Death’s
trading post of St. Louis was founded in 1764. Head, and Tremere Luther Walsh. When
Laclède, with Alexander in the shadows, was Constantinos awoke, Alexander adopted him into the
the undisputed leader of St. Louis as for several years Malkavians to serve as a clan elder. It was in 1850
no government recognized the outpost. Neither the when the first Ventrue Elder who sought to stay in
French or Spanish laid claim to St. Louis, even the city, Dante Wellington arrived and began a never-
though the French had handed the area over to the ending series of sparring matches with Alexander who
Spanish in 1763 and neither the Camarilla nor played the game if for no other reason than to stay
Sabbat were truly aware of its existence. Alexander's sharp.
biggest concern had always been the local werewolves, One of Amar’s Transylvanian brood, Trianna
but they seemed more concerned with fighting each had also made her way to St. Louis, Alexander
other than coming after him or his Childer. Wanting realized the presence of Tzimisce would arouse
to keep as low a profile as possible, Alexander was unwanted suspicion and concern within the
instrumental in keeping St. Louis out of Ottawa Camarilla. So, Alexander hatched a plan similar to
Chieftain Pontiac’s war against the British. A fact that the one he enacted with Hades. He told anyone who
Pontiac would come to learn as hasn’t forgotten as a asked about Trianna that she was a Malkavian who
Sabbat Bishop in Detroit. thought she was a Tzimisce. Amar made her go along
Until the Battle of St. Louis in 1780, St. Louis had with the deception and he took a new name for
been relatively unscathed by The American himself. Alexander concocted a story about a Russian
Revolution. Alexander had pull amongst the Spanish, Malkavian who lived halfway between the Russian
areas and Vladimir and Rostov so he took those as been purchased by Boeing, Alexander has gained
his Tzimisce name. Amar, now Vladimir agreed and quite a bit of power in that company as well. In fact,
played the role of a decrepit elder whenever he he has control over every airport in the area. It's
appeared in public, which was very rare. This ruse believed that Alexander's interest in aviation began
continues today, although a few know the truth, and when he helped bankroll Charles Lindbergh's flight
a few more suspect that Alexander hasn’t been quite across the Atlantic.
truthful with them. Contrary to the belief of a few, Alexander is
With a potent brood of elders, behind him, The Prince of St. Louis, not Vladimir. His power
Alexander extracted spoils from any vampire trying to stretches across all of Missouri and southern Illinois,
pass through St. Louis to settle the West, a practice Kansas City to Cahokia. He has overseen the affairs
that existed until the early 20th century when other of the Kindred of St. Louis with no input or
means of travel across the country became more influence from Vladimir, with one notable exception,
common. Blood was the preferred offering, but Lawrence being made the Gangrel Primogen. Horace,
money and influence were also acceptable. This Edward, and Catherine being given positions of
practice led many in the Camarilla to despise power were all his idea, although he’ll never admit to
Alexander and the denizens of St. Louis. None of Catherine that her current plight is his fault. He still
that mattered to Alexander as he set about creating sees Vladimir as his Lord and Master and Alexander’s
his dream. main purpose is to serve him by making sure the petty
Alexander's story follows the history of St. concerns of the Jihad do not distract him from his
Louis but with a few twists. His drive, need to be on own struggles.
the cutting edge and to never again be stagnant has
caused Alexander to act out against his own city at Image: Alexander is an attractive man with short
times. Desiring to modernize St. Louis, it was blonde hair. His years in the knighthood provided
Alexander who started the fire in 1849. The Cholera him with a fit, wiry frame before his embrace.
epidemic was a happy accident. Both allowed for the Alexander’s need to be on the cutting edge causes
city to be rebuilt and continue to grow. It was him to dress in the most current styles, which often
Alexander who conceived of the Riverfront puts him in good graces with the Toreador. He has a
Restoration project which inevitably led to the very affable ingratiating aura about him, but to the
building of the Gateway Arch. The Arch was an rare few who actually earn his wrath he can and will
unintended consequence as Alexander's true goal was openly display the power of a 1000-year-old Teutonic
to obliterate any remnants of the past including the Knight.
land which held the original St. Louis settlement. Roleplaying Hints: Unlike many of his clan
However, Alexander's power has benefited Alexander’s derangements are hidden well. Much like
the city in many ways. It was at his request that The Toad from Wind in the Willows, Alexander can just
Court used their influence to bring the 1904 World's be considered rich, jovial, and eccentric. He is a savvy
Fair to St. Louis. He helped fund many companies businessman and a powerful vampire and he has had
that would have international reach from St. Louis; no problems figuring out how to adapt his millennia
Monsanto, McDonnell Douglas, Energizer, and of experience to benefit his Lord and Master, his city,
Anheuser-Busch all started with help from Alexander and himself. Alexander has been known to be more
in some form or another. The latter was of some engaging to neonates than elders as often wants to
importance to Alexander (he was German after all), know what is on the horizon. Influence wars do not
and when the brewery was bought by InBev, it was upset Alexander. Assaults upon his status do not rile
thought that Alexander took a major hit. However, him. Direct threats to his persona are met with a wry
his Childer actually controls a major portion of smile. Assaults upon the Malkavians or Vladimir will
InBev, which in Alexander's mind means he still result in retribution. Breaking some new
controls the brewery. While McDonnel Douglas has technological wonder Alexander has purchased will
result in immediate Final Death from a high-tech Herd- Alexander has a number of staff working for
weapon, or a brain hemorrhage. him all over the city.
Resources- Alexander has acquired considerable
Name: Alexander Kreiger (Alexi Kregor) wealth throughout the ages.
Clan: Malkavian Industry-Alexander is a major mover and shaker in
Nature: Dabbler Midwest industries, several of which have a global
Demeanor: Visionary reach.
Generation: 6th Retainer- Several ghouls.
Sire: Hassan the Wise Police-Alexander has always made sure to control the
Embrace: 1191 police of St. Louis.
Apparent Age: Mid 30’s Politics-Many Missouri politicians owe Alexander
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 7 favors.
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 4 Bureaucracy- Alexander is able to get just about what
Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 6, Wits 4 he needs to be pushed through the local legislature.
Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Empathy 4, Travel- Alexander is an aviation and aerospace
Expression 4, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 4 magnate.
Skills: Drive 5, Firearms 5, Melee 5, Security 6,
Stealth 4, Survival 3
Knowledges: Area Knowledge 5, City Secrets 5, LINDA ELLSTROM
Academics 5, Camarilla Lore 5, Clan Lore Lisette of Aquitaine, Countess of Lyons, a
(Malkavian 5), Computers 4, Finance 4, Fey Lore 4, French noblewoman who accompanied her husband
to The Crusades to fight by his side. The year was
Investigation 2, Kindred Lore 6, Law 4, Linguistics 6
1148 when they arrived in the Middle East. Her
(Most modern languages and several ancient), Lupine husband led a column of Frenchman who marched
Lore 2, Occult 6, Politics 4, Sabbat Lore 2, Science 3 alongside the Knights Templar. When her husband
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 7, Celerity 4, was wounded and could no longer fight Lisette took
Dementation 7, Dominate 5, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate up the banner and the sword and continued the
7, Potence 4, Presence 5, Protean 3 Crusade without him and in doing so scored victories
Backgrounds: Allies 7, Contacts 6, Herd 5, Retainer in battle that he could not. Unfortunately, when the
5, Resources 6, Influence 7, Status 5 (Prince) Crusaders sieged Damascus, they failed to take the
city and many troops were lost including most of
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
Lisette’s. Lisette herself was captured and taken as a
Humanity/Path: Path of Vigor (Road of Humanity) slave and given to one of the Emir’s who placed her
7 in his harem.
Willpower: 10 Lisette suffered the indignities visited upon
Merit: Blush of Health her by the Emir, sustained only by the belief that God
Flaw: Deep Sleeper and her husband would come for her. Neither did.
Derangement: Obsessed with being on the cutting When word reached her that the Crusades had failed
edge, OCD (cleanliness), Masochistic and the crusaders were returning home, Lisette
despaired. She contemplated suicide rather than
letting the old, fat Emir touch her again, but her faith
Backgrounds and Influences: made that impossible. Instead, she resolved to
continue the fight against the Saracens any way she
Allies- Alexander can call upon members of the Court could. When the Emir came again she chose to try
at all times anywhere in the world. He is also greatly and please him rather than fight against him. The
respected by the Malakvians. Emir was pleased and Lisette began a slow rise
Contacts- Many elders throughout Europe and the through the harem into a top position. She learned
many of the Saracen’s customs rituals’ and she
United States, the Fey courts of the St. Louis area.
studied their forms of dance and fighting, two things


she was already familiar with. Soon thereafter they met Constantinos Stelakas, a
Lisette's ability to dance helped her to learn the Cappadocian studying death on the battlefields of
Raqs Sharqui and her skill at belly dancing was such The Crusades. When the Third Crusades ended the
that the Emir had her performing for friends and three of them traveled into Europe. With her duties
dignitaries. She was even "given" to said dignitaries on to God and France fulfilled, Lisette finally returned
more than one occasion, which was insulting, but home.
also an opportunity to get information from her Returning to France, she found her husband
subjects, and Lisette had learned that the right drink, still alive and re-married. He was old and fat now and
smoke, and touch could loosen the lips of the most hailed as great warrior of The Crusades who had only
devout Saracen. Nearly a decade passed and Lisette failed because of the sins of his wife. When Lisette
had amassed a great deal of information on the appeared to him he thought her an avenging angel
Cross’ enemies. and he begged her forgiveness. Repulsed by him,
Tragedy almost struck when the Emir she Lisette demanded the dowry her father had paid her
served fell dead from sickness. Lisette found herself husband decades ago. It was a small fortune, but The
handed off to another Emir, one who was not Count paid her immediately. She took the money
interested in her talents. She found herself locked and left the broken sobbing man where he lay.
away, but a certain Vizier, Ahmed, had noticed Lisette spent the next thirty years visiting
Lisette and he took it upon himself to visit her one herself upon those who had taken false credit for the
night. He had been watching Lisette’s methods of Crusades, but the list was short as many had passed
persuasion and seduction for some time and he was due to time and Lisette was able to start building an
impressed. Ahmed told her that he was the power influence base for herself in Latin Europe. Nearly a
behind the Emir and that he wanted to afford her the century passed as Lisette’s power grew in France. She
opportunity to become so much more than she was. had influence, power, and Childer. But one of her
Lisette didn’t know what he meant, but not wanting main power bases, The Templar Knights were in
her to waste away in the harem of a chaste man she decline, and on the verge of disgrace and collapse.
agreed. That night, in 1160, Lisette became a member Lisette’s association with the group was damaging to
of Clan Toreador. her in the eyes of the fickle Toreador. As the
Blood-bound to her Sire, Lisette served as his Templars crumbled at the end of the 13th century,
spy and when needed, his assassin. She seduced and Lisette cut her losses and left France, traveling to
killed a number of Ahmed’s enemies before The eastern Europe where she would reunite with
Crusaders returned in 1187. When Ahmed traveled Alexander, and Constantinos. They and other
too close to the frontlines of the war, Lisette saw her Cainites would fight on behalf of the Tzimisce against
chance. Summoning all of her faith and willpower the Ventrue, eventually succeeding. Shortly afterward
she was able to give away their location to the they would meet Amar Negrul and The Court was
Crusaders. Besieged by Knights Templars, Lisette formed.
held herself back while Ahmed was forced to fight the Over the next three hundred years, Lisette
knights. Ahmed called for her, but she drowned out would cement many alliances across Europe and
his pleas with prayer. When Ahmed killed the last rebuild her fortunes. Her travels always saw her
knight, Lisette fell upon the weakened vampire, return Transylvania and The Court. Where
diablerizing him. When she released her Sire’s Alexander served as Amar's Chamberlain and chief
decaying body she screamed at the night as she was diplomat, Lisette was what she was best at, a spy,
wracked with power, pain, loss, guilt, relief and hope provocateur, and assassin. Where Alexander had let
all at once. After her mind calmed down she took the his connections to the church wane, Lisette increased
armor of a fallen Templar and walked into the night. hers, becoming a person of great influence amongst
She made her way to the camp of some the Catholic Church. And while Alexander was
Crusaders where she deposited the decades of Amar's confidant, she was that…and more. She
information she had collected. It was here that she shared Amar with his Childer and whomever else he
ran into Alexander Kreiger, Malkavian, and a wanted but being part of a harem was nothing new at
Teutonic Knight. She thought that they made an this point. It was nothing more than pleasure as she
interesting pair as Alexander was consumed with had no desire to be bound to anyone else again,
guilt, but had done nothing wrong, while she had partially as Ahmed's death still troubled her to this
committed numerous sins with a clean conscience. day. But they were close and when Amar decided to
leave for the New World, only she knew the true whatever style is in vogue at the time. She is a
reason why. Toreador elder and she dresses like one always
Helping Alexander pull off the secretive wearing the latest fashions before the public is aware
travels of “The Vagabond Court”, Lissette arrived in of them. The fancy clothes she wears show off her
The New World as Linda Ellstrom in the mid-17th lithe frame, but don’t always convey the fitness and
century. She remained in the Colonies and helped flexibility she developed in the Emir’s harem. She
the Camarilla fight against The Sabbat, building speaks many languages fluently but tends to slip into
power for herself there. That power combined with French if she is upset.
what she had as Lisette in France was instrumental in Roleplaying Hints: Linda is still a woman of
the founding of St. Louis, but more so when it came faith, and she can come off as pious and cold to
to the Louisiana Purchase. When the Purchase was strangers. However, she is not a hypocrite and does
made, Linda was already in St. Louis serving as not judge others for the things she has done over the
Alexander’s Seneschal and elder of The Toreadors. years. If there is something about you that interests
Since the mid-19th century Linda spent much her, her demeanor changes completely. She will be
of her time globetrotting, enjoying herself, and warm and ingratiating, possibly flirtatious if you're
serving as “Vladimir’s” eyes and ears elsewhere in the attractive enough and she's in the mood. In fact,
world, and still, on occasion, she gets her hands dirty. Linda can be whatever she needs to be to get what she
She returns too St. Louis every few years for a few wants. Her lessons of seduction from the harem still
weeks, her only extended stay being during the serve her well these nights. But know that if she
renovation of the city for the 1904 World’s Fair. She cannot coerce you or seduce you, she just might kill
also helped build Kansas City, and as such spends you as somewhere in her extensive wardrobe is a set
some time there as well. of Templar armor and a medieval broadsword that
All of the problems that the clan has had in St. she knows how to use well.
Louis fell well below Linda’s concerns she doesn’t
care who the Primogen is, just as long as they serve Name: Linda Ellstrom (Lisette of Aquitaine)
Alexander well. Such pettiness is beneath someone Clan: Toreador
whose name is mentioned when discussions of a new Nature: Judge
Archon, or possibly Justicar of the Toreador come up. Demeanor: Director
Linda has heard these rumblings as well, but she’s not Generation: 8th through Diablerie
entirely sure she would take the position. She still Sire: Ahmed
regards herself as the Seneschal of St. Louis, and if Embrace: 1160
something did happen to Alexander she would be Apparent Age: 30
there in a heartbeat to assume command of the city. Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
There is only one problem; Linda has come Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance
to hate St. Louis. Every time she returns to the city 5
she sees her friends dream crumbling a little more. Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
She has tried to tell Alexander that something needs Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 5,
to change, but he has done nothing. She can see the Diplomacy 3, Dodge 5, Empathy 4,
pain in his eyes when she discusses the state of the Expression 2, Grace 4, Intrigue 5, Leadership
city, and the thought has occurred to her that his 3, Style 5, Subterfuge 5
need for penance has caused him to suffer silently as Skills: Acrobatics 4, Drive 2, Etiquette 5,
his vision dies slowly. Amar…Vladimir…whatever the Firearms 4, Melee 5, Performance 5 (Dance),
hell is called now is equally guilty as he has allowed Security 3, Stealth 4, Survival 3
his vendetta against an ancient evil blind himself to Knowledges: Area Knowledge 2, Camarilla Lore
everything else that is going on. Linda loves them 3, City Secrets 3, Academics 2, Camarilla
both, and she loved The Court, but it's becoming too Lore 5, Computers 2, Finance 4,
painful for her to see what has become of them. If the Investigation 2, Kindred Lore 5, Law 2,
rumors of a higher position in the Camarilla are true, Linguistics 5 (Most modern languages and
that may be her excuse to sever ties with The Court. several ancient), Lupine Lore 1, Occult 5,
Politics 4, Sabbat Lore 4
Image: Linda is an extremely attractive woman Disciplines: Auspex 5, Celerity 5, Dominate 5,
who usually wears her blonde hair cut short in Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 3, Obtenetration 1,
Potence 4, Presence 5, Protean 2, Quietus 3, Constantinos the wealth he needed to live if he
Thaumaturgy 5 would become an avatar of the God. Constantinos
Thaumaturgical Paths: The Lure of Flames 5 agreed and Hades led him to a room filled with gold.
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Contacts 5, Herd 3, With a new-found purpose in life, Constantinos left
Resources 5, Retainers 2, Influence 5, Status
the temple the next day to begin schooling in
4 (Clan Elder)
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 5 anything to do with death.
Humanity/Path: Path of Retribution 4 (Road of Constantinos now lived in the temple of
Heaven) Hades and studied medicine and the occult. He
Willpower: 10 became known in the area as a healer, but secretly he
Merit: Ambidextrous was also a killer. Many a time did Constantinos grant
Flaw: the sweet release of death to souls who were sick
Derangement: beyond healing or hope. He even paid his uncle a
visit some years later when he came down with an
Backgrounds and Influences:
Allies- The Court and Toreadors all over the illness. This was one of the only times that
world. Constantinos enjoyed killing another.
Contacts- Toreador elders throughout the States During these years, Constantinos’ doings
and Europe. came to the attention of the Cappadocians, a group
Resources- Linda is extremely wealthy. of vampires obsessed with death and decay. When
Herd- Linda has a large personal retinue that one of their members approached Constantinos he
travels with her at all times. saw in them the ultimate expression of death and
Retainers- Jean Valmont-Personal assistant
accepted their embrace. The year was 1150.
Ellis Tate-Driver/Pilot
Church- Linda has influence in several For the next 150 years, Constantinos traveled
archdioceses throughout the world. the Middle East and Europe, learning what he could
High Society- As an important socialite, Linda from the Cappadocians and other vampires about
can make or break a celebrity. death and the worlds beyond. While studying the
Politics-Linda can call in political favors from battlefields of the Crusade, Constantinos first met
Washington DC and Paris Alexander and Lisette, two Kindred he would travel
with for some time before finally parting to explore
Europe. They would be reunited on the fringes of
LORD HADES Eastern Europe in Transylvania along with Pyotr
Constantinos Stelakas was born in Athens Dastrovik of the Brujah and Amar Negrul, a powerful
Greece in the early twelfth century. Losing his family Tzimisce who would usurp the power of the local
to smallpox at a young age, Constantinos shut down Voivode. A Court was formed among them with
inside and cared little for anything while growing up, Amar as the ruler of this territory, and the others as
even when he was robbed of his inheritance by his his advisors. Caring little for politics, the court waged
uncle and thrown out on the streets. Broke and a war against the infernal forces of Kupala, a demonic
alone, he wandered Athens, living off whatever scraps entity that had spread its power throughout the
of food he could find. He soon wandered into the Carpathians and Eastern Europe. Constantinos grew
countryside. He became ill, and one night during a in power during this time and their numbers would
rainstorm he sought shelter in a cave. His fever grow with the addition of Olik, a Gargoyle freed from
climbing, he passed out in the cave, only to awaken to the Tremere, and Erik, a Gangrel of Viking descent.
a vision of something disturbing, yet glorious. In the 1400’s Constantinos’ clan would be
He awoke to find that he was in the presence assaulted from the inside by the traitorous Giovanni.
of the ancient Greek deity of death, Hades. Hades led Powerless to prevent the purge of his clan,
him further into the cave where Constantinos found Constantinos once again recoiled into despair. The
an actual temple to the God. Hades promised Giovanni sent emissaries to collect Constantinos but
they were quickly destroyed by Amar. A message was the other side, thus putting him into torpor quite
sent by Amar that any Giovanni who set foot in his often.
domain would meet instantaneous death. After a Even though he is considered the Malkavian
dozen more deaths, the Giovanni decided to wait Primogen, Hades shows little concern with city
before pursuing Constantinos. Beset by grief over the politics and makes few appearances. In 1847, a
loss of his clan, Constantinos entered torpor. He cholera epidemic began to flood the Shadowlands
awoke in the early 1600’s to hear stories of the newly with wraiths that were converted into specters by the
founded Camarilla and Sabbat. He is unconcerned creature from The Mounds. Lord Hades, realizing the
with these factions and is horrified to hear that the epidemic wasn’t natural, began to hunt for the source
Giovanni have grown in power exponentially. of the plague only to find the Nosferatu at its heart.
Having received signs that an ancient enemy Hades proceeded to exterminate the Nosferatu, with
of his was waking in a land far from here, Amar had the exception of the Primogen, Death’s Head, who
decided the time had come for the court to leave was not a carrier of the disease. Afterwards, it was
Europe and travel to the New World, where his Hades’ recommendations that led to a renovation of
enemy awaited. Upon arrival in the New World, they the city and the building of a modern sewer system.
slowly made their way into the interior of the country It was here that the city developed a respect for Lord
until they reached the Cahokia Mounds. Amar said Hades’ power and wisdom.
they would take up residence across the great river Still, some must push the boundaries. In
nearby. Knowing full well there were not enough 1940, Dante Wellington pitted the Malkavians and
humans here to satisfy all their appetites, the court the Brujah against each other while he swindled away
temporarily disbanded with Lisette, now going by control of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank. The
Linda, Pyotr, and Erik traveling on their own. When Brujah were outraged and Prince Alexander was
St. Louis was settled nearly 100 years later, Alexander embarrassed by what had happened, but rather than
would serve as its Prince and it would be aligned with have clan wars he simply agreed to let the Ventrue
the Camarilla. To alleviate the threat of the walk away with their spoils. When Hades awoke from
Giovanni, Constantinos started going by Lord Hades torpor he had a different view on the subject. He was
and was adopted into the Malkavians. He would sick and tired of people assaulting those he would call
enter torpor again shortly after the founding of St. family, and vowed this would never happen again.
Louis in 1764. Without the Prince’s permission, Hades
In 1824 Hades awoke to a rapidly expanding traveled to Dante’s haven and slaughtered all of his
city filled with many things he didn't understand. ghouls. He then beat Dante within an inch of his
Alexander took the time to educate him on modern unlife and dangled him by the throat out of his office
conveniences and what has been happening in the on the top floor of a 40-story building. Alexander
city, which now hosted all the Camarilla clans. The showed up but had little success in convincing Hades
werewolves were less of a threat now that they had not to drop him. It wasn’t until Vladimir appeared
more secure surroundings. Hades learned that and physically restrained Hades that Dante was safe.
somehow, Amar had been to this land eons before Enmity between these two still exists today. Hades
and had destroyed a powerful creature, rending its made his point clear, though; none take a stance
body and spirit separating into the physical world, against the Malkavians without risking the wrath of
Shadowlands, and spirit world. The physical form of Lord Hades.
the creature was locked away under the Cahokia In recent years, Lord Hades began to look for
Mounds under the watchful eye of the Garou, who a possible protégé, and believed he found her in Terri
along with Amar, now Vladimir, and Hades would Garner, a young woman who often visited the
set up an elaborate series of rituals to keep the cemeteries and spoke with the wraiths who dwelt
creature separated and weakened. Hades' parts of the there. Although Hades has never considered
ritual required him to spend a great deal of time on embracing someone, he wasn’t above having
Alexander do it for him. Unfortunately, another
Malkavian, who was promptly destroyed for Roleplaying Hints: Hades despairs every night at the
embracing without permission, took Terri for his own loss of his clan, and if it hadn’t been for The Court,
Childer. Hades asked that Terri be spared and he would have exposed himself to the sun ages ago.
Alexander agreed. Now, Hades watches Terri from As it stands now, he lives only to help Vladimir
afar, waiting until she matures a little more before he contain an ancient evil and to take revenge on the
starts teaching his secrets. Giovanni. He doesn’t seek out the Giovanni as he
The years passed by uneventfully until knows that they will eventually come to him. Hades
recently. A Native American artifact which was has also become very protective of the Malkavians. He
integral to the Garou’s third of the ritual was stolen may not be a Malkavian, but he is quite broken,
by a vampire. This was compounded by a maelstrom stalking through graveyards with little to no regard for
ripping through the Shadowlands, upheaval in the the living.
Umbra, and visions and nightmares for vampires all
over the globe. For a brief moment, the wards were Name: Lord Hades (Constantinos Stelakas)
weak enough for the creature to lash out. It released a Clan: Cappadocian (adopted by the Malkavians)
wave of power throughout the city, which gave it Nature: Survivor
some measure of control over certain members of the Demeanor: Curmudgeon
population. Vladimir had Alexander declared martial Generation: 7th
law while they conducted a purge of all who were Sire: ?
infected. Unfortunately, this meant the deaths of Embrace: 1150
dozens of vampires. The city was in chaos for almost a Apparent Age: ?
week. Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6
Now that the purge is over, Alexander is Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 1
calling a gathering to see what is left of the city. There Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
will undoubtedly be questions, and he is going to Talents: Alertness 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Empathy 5,
need Hades’ help in dealing with the other Primogen. Subterfuge 4
There is also the matter of the Garou’s missing Skills: Animal Ken 2, Melee 2, Security 2, Stealth 4,
artifact to be dealt with. Hades is entrusting that to Survival 5
Terri, hoping that she will show signs of her maturity. Knowledges: Alchemy 4, Area Knowledge 5, City
But to make sure he sent along an “insurance policy” Secrets 5, Academics 5, Camarilla Lore 3, Clan Lore
to help her (see Norman). (Malkavian 1), Investigation 2, Kindred Lore 5, Law
1, Linguistics 5, Lupine Lore 1, Medicine 5, Occult 5,
Image: Lord Hades' image is haunting at best. His Sabbat Lore 2, Spirit Lore 5, Thanatology 6
skin is beyond pale. He has deep set eyes with dark Disciplines: Auspex 3 Celerity 2, Fortitude 6, Mortis
circles beneath them. His black hair is long and 5, Necromancy 5, Obfuscate 1, Potence 4
stringy. He was a large man when he was embraced, Mortis Paths: Grave’s Decay 5, Corpse in the
standing nearly 6' 7" and weighing near three Monster 5, Cadaverous Animation 5
hundred pounds. Currently, he wears solid black Necromancy Paths: Sepulchre 5, Ash 5, Vitreous 2
clothing covered by a black overcoat and a wide- Backgrounds: Allies 5, Retainers 6, Herd 3,
brimmed hat. He rarely speaks, but when he does his Influence 3, Status 4
voice is slow and his words are thoughtful. His Virtues: Conviction 2, Instinct 3, Courage 4
movements are slow unless he is angered, at which Humanity/Path: Road of Bones 7
point he is unstoppable. More than one neonate has Willpower: 10
made a remark about Hades' resemblance to a certain Merit: Iron Will, Blase
professional wrestler. Hades doesn’t mind as it helps Flaw: Smell of the Grave, Touch of Frost, Eerie
play up his role as a Malkavian. Presence, Cold Breeze, Death Sight
Derangement: Depression, Obsession (Death) ripped away from him, and now he was floundering
and he came close on more than one night to giving
Necromantic Rituals: Lord Hades has access to most himself over to the Beast.
necromantic rituals. This pathetic state of existence lasted until
Olik was hunted down by the Voivode of the land
Backgrounds and Influences: himself, Amar Negrul. Olik found himself transfixed
Allies – Vladimir’s court and Clan Malkavian by the man, who expressed admiration of the
Retainers – Numerous wraiths Gargoyles abilities. He was impressed that Olik had
Herd – Cult follows avoided his Court and the werewolves of the land
Church – Large group of cultists position holders in while managing to survive. He said it was he who had
Church severed Olik’s connections to the Tremere and now
Health – Cultists in city morgue he was offering Olik sanctuary amongst his court.
Bureaucracy – Cultists in various city administrative Olik accepted.
positions Met by varying degrees of acceptance from
Occult – A large cult of death worshipers The Court, Olik confined himself to Amar’s castle
where he was given time to collect his thoughts and
find a new path in life. The nature that the Tremere
OLIK had programmed him with began to resurface, and
Olik took up the role of defender of the castle that he
Olik remembers nothing of his life before he
awoke one night as a Gargoyle, servants of Clan now resided in. He came to learn every part of his
new home, and after some time Amar began teaching
Tremere, towards the end of the 13th century. His
new life for the first few years was routine for a Olik magic which solidified his mastery over his new
Gargoyle; Serve the Masters. Protect the Masters. Kill domain. Studying things that would have been
for the Masters. It was this last edict that brought forbidden under the Tremere, Olik’s mind grew and
Olik to The Court. his opinions became valued by other members of The
Sent to serve a Tremere named Berthold and Court as they came to accept him.
help establish a chantry on the outskirts of Olik was none too pleased to leave Europe,
Transylvania, Olik was one of several Gargoyles who but Amar's commands were final. When Amar led
accompanied this Master to the lands of what was them to the great river of this new world, it was Olik
seen as an upstart Tzimisce Voivode who had no who watched over him and Constantinos as they slept
support from any of the other his clan. Berthold was deep in the caverns of the earth while Alexander
condescending and arrogant and he did little to hide indulged himself in flights of fancy. It was Olik who
these character flaws, which led to his almost fended off natives, werewolves, and the occasional
immediate destruction at the hands of the Voivode’s vampire. When Alexander's city began to take shape,
Court. Olik and the other Gargoyles rushed to help it was Olik who stalked the shadows, monitoring the
their Master as he was attacked but found themselves activities of the other vampires. Finally, when Amar
confused as the control that the Tremere held over awoke, it was Olik who helped him construct his new
estate and his lair in the caverns, and Olik has served
them was broken. Terrified, Olik fled into the
wilderness as the others were destroyed. as the steward of the estate ever since.
Surviving on his own for weeks, Olik hid in Olik, much like Amar, has little use for city
politics. Having had his fill of running around in the
the wilds of The Carpathian Mountains. Whatever
happened to him the night Berthold was destroyed woods, Olik rarely leaves the estate and when he does
made returning to the Tremere unthinkable. Every it's to go to the city, usually the rooftops of
night was a struggle as he avoided or fought other skyscrapers. That's not to say that Olik hasn't had any
creatures of the night to survive. But survival wasn’t influence on the Kindred of St. Louis. While Lord
enough. Olik’s whole purpose for existing had been Hades received the credit for snuffing out plague-
carrying Nosferatu, it was actually Olik who led him Alexander in public, he takes a secret delight in
to them. Some in The Court believes it was Olik referring to him as The Chamberlain rather than The
flying Alexander around that helped drive the Prince.
Prince's mania for flight and aeronautics. While few
in the city know of Olik's existence, only the Court Name: Olik
knows that Olik has embraced a brood of his own Clan: Gargoyle
while he guarded Amar and Constantinos in those Nature: Defender
caverns. Three Gargoyles are bound to him and The Demeanor: Curmudgeon
Court only, and they have served as information Generation: 9th
gatherers for The Court whenever there was an Sire: ?
absence of Nosferatu or the Nosferatu needed Embrace: 1295
watching. Apparent Age: ?
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
Image: Olik resembles a 7ft tall rough-hewn granite Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
statue with large wings, a beastly face, ram's horns, a Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
tail and no use for clothes. When he uses Obfuscate, Talents: Alertness 5, Are Knowledge 3, Athletics 1,
Olik appears as large, but human, butler of the estate, Brawl 5, Dodge 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2,
complete with a black-tie suit. He is stiff and rigid Subterfuge 1
when he walks unless he is hunting and then he tends Skills: Archery 4, Etiquette 4, Melee 3, Repair 3,
to move around on all fours, close to the ground. Security 5, Stealth 4, Survival 4
Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, City Secrets 5, Clan
Roleplaying Hints: While his appearance is beastly, Lore 2 (Tremere), Investigation 3, Linguistics 5,
Olik speaks in a most refined manner. He is quite Lupine Lore, Occult 3,
dour, pessimistic, and something of a snob, believing Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Flight 4, Fortitude
that most have a place and they should know it. Olik 4, Obfuscate 3, Potence 4, Protean 2, Thaumaturgy 5,
knows that he is one of the rare few who has been Visceritika 5
able to transcend their station. Olik may be seen as a Thaumaturgical Paths: The Hearth Path 5
steward by some, but he knows that he is much more Backgrounds: Allies 5
than that. He is Vladimir's (he calls him Vladimir Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 5, Courage 4
because Vladimir asked him to) confidant, as the two Humanity/Path: 7
are in some ways Kindred spirits. Still, he plays the Willpower: 8
role of steward to the hilt and he takes the role Merit:
seriously. His brood, and the estate ghouls and Flaw:
servants answer to him, and woe unto any who do
not do their job to his exacting standards. On a Backgrounds and Influences:
lighter note, Olik only accepts Vladimir as the ruler Allies- The Court
of the land, and while he would never cross


ALLIES accepted the challenge, only emerging from the
Shadowlands to feed, and help Terri if her life is in
NORMAN peril.
Norman is a Nagaraja and a part of The True Name: Norman Bagwell
Hand, or Manus Nigrum. Attached to a group of Clan: Nagaraja
Camarilla infiltrators, Norman passed through St. Nature: Deviant
Louis a number of times, often dealing with Trianna, Demeanor: Director
and finding a peer in Hades. His Kamut was recently Generation: 7th
part of operations in the area when the Week of Norman is quite old and powerful, but he will be
Nightmares struck. Now with the Manus Nigrum in a limited to the use of his abilities since he has to work
state of flux, Norman needed some time to clear his from the Shadowlands.
head. Thankfully Hades, in need of a favor, contacted Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 1, Mortis
him. Something powerful had gone missing in the 6, Necromancy 6, Thaumaturgy 6
city, but Hades couldn’t look for it due to other Necromantic Paths: Ash 5, Bone 3, Sepulchre 5,
concerns, so he has asked Norman to help out a Vitreous 5
neonate Malkavian named Terri. The only catch is Mortis Paths: Cadaverous Animation 5
the tensions on the streets. Hades has asked Norman Thaumaturgical Paths: Spirit Manipulation 5,
to help her mostly from the other side, pretending to Elemental Mastery 2, Hands of Destruction 5
be a wraith. Norman found this to be humorous and



The eldest of St. Louis’ Gargoyles, Olik, has The four of them have continued their duties
existed in the St. Louis area since Amar and The into the modern nights. Glimpses of them
Court arrived in the 17th century. Tasked with throughout the years have led some to believe that
guarding Amar and Constantinos while they there are more Nosferatu in the city than Death's
slumbered, Olik carried out his duties, but before St. Head lets on. Death's Head has seen the Gargoyles
Louis was founded in 1764 he had embraced three throughout the years and suspects that they could be
others into his bloodline. The first was Star, a Native working for someone other than the Tremere, and
woman who had been exiled from her tribe and was the Rostovs are at the top of his list. The Tremere
near death, freezing in the wilderness. Remembering don't know about the Gargoyle, but the Gargoyle who
little of her life beforehand, Star became Olik’s mate accompanied Luther into the city did. Spotting Jewel
and the two share a mutual blood-bond. Next was one night, it was hunted down and destroyed by Jewel
Jewel, a prostitute who had been fatally stabbed in the and Razor before it could report back to the Tremere.
outpost of Cahokia. Even though her memories were The Court and Amar's brood are the only Kindred in
gone, Jewel retained much of her personality and the city who know of the four Gargoyle’s existence.
femininity. Finally, there was Razor, a Spanish
trapper found dying in the wilderness after a mauling
from a bear.
The three of them learned their gifts quickly
and began spying on the local populace. When
Alexander returned with the founders of St. Louis, it
was the Gargoyles that kept him apprised of events all
over the countryside. As it would be some time before
any reliable Nosferatu arrived, Alexander used Olik’s
brood to keep tabs on the werewolves and any
vampires who might be passing through. Meanwhile,
Olik mapped many of the caverns and began making
preparations for a new lair for his master.


Roleplaying Hints: Star is clearly the matron of the
Rostov estates. She cares for everyone within their
STAR bounds, whether they want her to or not. She regards
Star was the first of Olik’s Childer, embraced
Jewel and Razor as her own children, and she does
near the turn of the 18th century. She doesn't
not permit back-talk from them, but at the same time,
remember her previous life, only knowing that she
she is incredibly protective of them. She is deadly in
was grateful to Olik when her transformation was
combat and much easier to provoke than any of the
done. Fierce and strong-willed, she soon aided Olik
in fending off enemies, particularly werewolves, while
spying on humans in the area. The two developed a
Name: Star
blood-blond which they share this night.
Clan: Gargoyle
In modern nights Star helps oversee the
Nature: Judge
estate with Olik. She rarely leaves, and when she does
Demeanor: Caregiver
she doesn’t go far, especially without her mate.
Generation: 10th
Sire: Olik
Image: Much like Olik, Star looks like she is roughly
Embrace: 1697
carved from Stone, with large wings, a tail, and small
Apparent Age: ?
antler-like horns. Her face is less bestial than Olik’s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
but clearly not human. She stands over six and a half
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0
feet tall, with a powerful frame and dark blue eyes. If
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
using Obfuscate to take a human appearance, Star
Talents: Alertness 4, Are Knowledge 3, Brawl 5,
assumes a large dark-haired woman who appears to be
Dodge 3, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2
Native American.
Skills: Archery 5, Etiquette 2, Melee 2, Repair 3,
Security 5, Stealth 4, Survival 3
Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, City Secrets 4, Clan promised to lobby Alexander for the Gargoyles to be
Lore 1 (Tremere), Investigation 3, Linguistics 5, recognized as a clan.
Lupine Lore, Occult 3
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Flight 5, Fortitude Image: Even though she is clearly not human, Jewel
4, Obfuscate 3, Potence 3, Protean 2, Visceritika 5 has kept much of her feminine form and while tall,
Backgrounds: Allies 5 slightly above six feet, she does not tower like Olik or
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 5 Star. Her skin is smooth, resembling smooth,
Humanity/Path: 6 polished malachite. Her wings and tail are smaller
Willpower: 6 than the other Gargoyles, and her facial features are
Merit: much more human. Her movements are graceful, and
Flaw: when she wants to she can sway with a sexuality that
many find irresistible. Her favored Obfuscate form is
Backgrounds and Influences: that of a knockout blonde woman and she wears
Allies- The Court, The Gargoyles specially cut dresses to accommodate her tail and

JEWEL Roleplaying Hints: Jewel speaks softly, and if she

likes you, playfully. She desperately wants to operate
Taken from the streets of Fort Cahokia, Jewel
out in the open, but she won’t do so unless
has little to remind her of her former life except for a
Alexander and Vladimir are willing to protect her
scar across her stomach. Jewel's smaller form gave her
and the other Gargoyles. She doesn’t trust the
an aptitude for reading and following people, which
Tremere and actively avoids them as she was
made her perfect for spying upon the humans and
discovered by one of their Gargoyles forcing her to
vampires of the outposts forming in the St. Louis
destroy the creature.
area. She became enamored with human society, and
many a night she listened to their music and watched
Name: Jewel
them dance and play. She even spied through the
windows of many of Cahokia's brothels and watched Clan: Gargoyle
the girls work. This particular habit allowed her to Nature: Visionary
give blackmail and leverage information to Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Alexander. By the mid-19th century, Jewel had learned Generation: 10th
enough of human society that she was able to take Sire: Olik
over a brothel, and in the modern nights, she runs an Embrace: 1730
escort service that has many high-priced clients. Apparent Age: ?
Jewel rarely stays at the estate, preferring the Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
city. In fact, tension has built between her and Star Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
and Olik due to the fact that she wants the Gargoyles Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
to be formally recognized in the city. Olik has Talents: Alertness 3, Are Knowledge 3, Brawl 3,
forbidden her from taking this matter to Alexander, Dodge 2, Empathy 3, Intimidation 3, Grace 2,
and Jewel knows it's out of fear of the Tremere. Jewel Leadership 1, Masquerade 2, Style 2, Streetwise 4
has made sure to steer clear of them after her Skills: Archery 3, Firearms 2, Etiquette 2, Melee 2,
carelessness allowed her to be found by a Tremere Masquerade 3, Performance 3, Security 2, Seduction
Gargoyle, forcing her to destroy the creature. 4, Stealth 4, Survival 3
Jewel has found one ally in her cause, Knowledges: Camarilla Lore 4, City Secrets 5, Clan
Catherine Rostov. Catherine has made use of Jewel's Lore 1 (Tremere), Computer 1, Finance 4,
talents in exchange for information to use as the Investigation 2, Law 3, Linguistics 3, Lupine Lore 1,
Leader of the Harpies. In exchange, Catherine has Occult Lore 2, Sabbat Lore 1, Politics 3
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Celerity 1, Flight 2, Fortitude can’t bring himself to stay away from the church. He
3, Obfuscate 3, Potence 2, Presence 3, Protean 2, still watches from the shadows and longing to actually
Visceritika 2 communicate with Preacher, but he has yet to.
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Influence 1, Resource 3
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 Image: A large, canine-faced, large-winged creature
Humanity/Path: 6 that moves around crouched on all fours, with a
Willpower: 7 spiked tail that sways back and forth in anticipation.
Merit: Razor's thick, mottled skin, fangs, and claws make
Flaw: him a monstrous sight.

Backgrounds and Influences: Roleplaying Hints: Razor almost never speaks unless
Allies- The Court, The Gargoyles it is in short, painful sounding, broken sentences.
Influences- Night Angel Escorts Razor stalks the night like a predator with no use for
Street-Contacts the girls still have on the streets modern comforts or socialization. Only beings of
High Society-Celebrities she caters too faith seem to bring something almost human out of
Politics-Politicians who have used her services. him, and he doesn’t understand why.
Finance-Money laundered through her agency.
Underworld- Criminals who use her services. Name: Razor
Resources- Jewel has made quite a bit of money over Clan: Gargoyle
the years. Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Monster
Generation: 10th
RAZOR Sire: Olik
Razor is more animalistic than any of his Embrace: 1743
brethren. Since becoming a Gargoyle, he barely Apparent Age: ?
speaks, and then in only broken sentences. Razor has Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
served many functions for the Gargoyles: spying upon Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Appearance 0
humans in the outposts and the camps, tracking and Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
fighting werewolves when necessary, and detecting Talents: Alertness 5, Are Knowledge 4, Brawl 5,
and tracking vampires. Razor tirelessly pursued these Dodge 5, Empathy 2
endeavors, knowing no other life. Nothing about Skills: Animal Ken 4, Hunting 4, Security 3, Stealth
human society has ever called to him, nothing except 5, Survival 5
the church. Long ago Razor took to listening to Knowledges: Clan Lore 1 (Tremere), Computer 1,
nightly sermons at St. Louis’ various churches, Investigation 2, Kindred Lore 1, Linguistics 1, Lupine
finding that the words spoken there were the only Lore 1, Occult Lore 1, Politics 3
things that soothed his beastly nature. Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 3, Flight 4, Fortitude
In the modern nights Razor patrols the areas 3, Obfuscate 4, Potence 4, Protean 3, Visceritika 4
around the estate most nights, but sometimes watches Backgrounds: Allies 5
over trouble areas. One such night saw him trailing Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 3, Courage 3
the Anarchs to a small Church where he heard Humanity/Path: 4
Preacher’s sermon for the first time. Now Razor Willpower: 4
returns to Preacher’s church on a weekly basis. Merit:
Unfortunately, this behavior has exposed him and Flaw: Irretractable fangs and claws
the other Gargoyles, as he has been spotted by the
Nosferatu. Now Razor is unsure as to how he should Backgrounds and Influences:
proceed. He fears destruction for being seen, but he Allies- The Court, The Gargoyles

CLAN TZIMISCE But as with all ghouls, they live to protect and serve
their masters.
The Rostovs are a Malkavian brood that lives
on the outskirts of St. Louis. They own an Eastern When Trianna left for Europe in the early
European trading company that traffics in antiquities. 20th century she was replaced by Catherine Rostov,
The figurehead of the clan has always been Vladimir, and soon her Childer Jackson and Gerald were
an eccentric Kindred who either dresses like medieval introduced. None of them were very involved in city
royalty or Bela Lugosi, but for the most part has politics and not at all in clan politics. Jackson became
always seemed harmless. He and his daughter first an occult go-to for anyone looking to avoid the
appeared in the city in the 1830s. Welcomed into the Tremere, and Gerald's fiery rhetoric made him
city, they kept a low-profile, and Trianna provided aid popular enough with the working class, that he had
when asked, using her contacts in Europe to get some pull on with the unions and emerging
ahold of foreign goods. Communist movement. Gerald eventually left,
As their estate was built, it was clear that the possibly due to the troubles caused by the Anarchs,
family employed a number of servants, amongst them whom he was quite friendly with. Catherine, on the
ghouls, revenants in fact. Some have been in the city other hand, was extremely antisocial until the
since the early 19th century, while others have come modern nights when she made a successful bid to
about more recently. All of them live at the estate, are lead the Harpies. Now that Gerald has returned, even
at least nominally involved in the trading company, though he still associates with Anarchs, The Rostovs
and quite wealthy. Some have created lucrative side could become a real force in the city and a boon for
businesses for themselves and are arguably more The Malkavians in these troubled times.
influential in the city than the vampires they serve.


… estate. In fact, many in the city tend to forget about
…. them, at least until Catherine became the Leader of
….. the Harpies and Jackson's quiet association with the
The Rostovs are Tzimisce. Old Clan Tzimisce Sheriff and Gerald's activities with the Anarchs. Now
is what some would call them. So, how does a Sabbat with the purge, it may become necessary for Vladimir
affiliated clan set up shop in in a Camarilla held city to step out of the shadows to help Alexander save his
hundreds of miles away from any Sabbat strongholds? throne.
A clan that is notorious for its fiendish ways and
territorial ways. A clan that can say some of its most
powerful members have never left Eastern Europe. A
clan that is unheard of in the Camarilla. How did the
Tzimisce come to St. Louis, and how have they not
been run out or destroyed by the Camarilla? Easy.
They hide in plain sight. They never deny that they
are Tzimisce, and the Malkavian who runs the city
tells everyone that they are Malkavians who just think
they are Tzimisce. But the great ruse is nearing an
end, as more and more Kindred in the city either
know or suspect the truth. What’s worse is that many
outside the city already know, and that has painted a
target on the city, a target that has resulted in the
deaths of many Kindred. When the truth comes out,
the Tzimisce will have much to answer for, But the
elder of the clan, Vladimir Rostov, couldn’t care less.
The Methuselah of the family, Vladimir, as
he is called now, brought Alexander to this land,
although he had no intention of the Malkavian
founding a city here. His reasons are known to only
The Court, and none of them speak of it. Rostov may
be immensely powerful, but he knows that he is a fish
out of water in this era, so he has brought Childer
into the world to help him sort through the ages. His
brood is small and in the New World only consists of
Catherine, who in turn brought Gerald and Jackson
into the clan. Trianna was a child of Vladimir as well,
but she somehow offended him. Her death was
The Rostov ghouls are in fact Rastafio
revenants who served Trianna during her tenure in
the Manus Nigrum. Vladimir had some relations with
the group but he never joined them. When he killed
Trianna, he kept the ghouls who use their magic to
purify the blood of The Tithe.
Vladimir's esoteric ways have made it so the
Rostovs are seen as anachronistic hermits that
associate with few, and none are welcome at the
CATHERINE ROSTOV impossibly strong man with the fangs standing in her
Catherine O’Shea was born in the city of St. living room. He apologized to her and said he was
Louis, MO in the year 1890. Her father was a sorry that she saw what she saw, but that he had to
groundskeeper for the Cathedral of Saint Louis. She rectify the situation. No witnesses. Catherine tried to
never knew her mother, who died in childbirth. They run, but her pursuer was too fast. As he grabbed her,
weren’t rich but they did make their way in the world. the door burst open and two men entered with
Due to her father’s connections to the Catholic shotguns and wooden stakes. A fight ensued, and
church, he was able to provide Catherine with a even though the two men were armed they were no
Catholic education. match for Catherine's assailant. Fortunately,
Catherine was thirteen years old when she Catherine had been boiling some water for dinner.
had her first encounter with the supernatural. From Grabbing the pot, she threw it on the man who
her window, she witnessed an impossibly strong man howled in pain. He was distracted long enough for
with fangs assault another man in the alley below. one of the men to plunge a stake into his heart. At
The strong man bit into the other one’s neck, and the thirteen years of age, Catherine had participated in
other one stopped moving. Catherine was too scared her first vampire slaying. One of her saviors, an
to move and watched the whole thing. When it was Englishman thanked Catherine for her help, told her
done the strong man carried the other man off and that this was a vampire they had been stalking for
disappeared. Catherine told her father but he told some time, handed her a card and told her to look
her to stop making up stories. No one would believe them up in a few years. The card read: The
her. But being a stubborn child, she wouldn’t let the Longfellow Detective Agency.
matter rest. For the next five years of her life, Catherine
Catherine told anyone who would listen learned all she could about monsters, superstition,
about what she saw, but no one believed her and and folklore. She discovered all she could about
soon it drew unwanted attention. One night when vampires and how to fight them. When her formal
her father was working late Catherine found the schooling finally ended she contacted Sir Stuart
Longfellow, who headed up a detective agency The woman pleaded to be allowed to kill
specializing in matters of the occult. He agreed to Catherine, but the man said no again. He said that it
take Catherine on as an apprentice and to teach her was Trianna's fault that the mansion had been found
how to combat the evils of the world. out and that the Longfellow Detective Agency had
Catherine had told her father that she was been providing a great service to the city. He was
working as a secretary, but his death from cancer a clearly upset about their death. He approached
few years later allowed her to fully throw herself into Catherine and slit his wrist. He told her to drink
her work. Over the next eight years, Catherine was from him and Catherine was powerless to refuse.
second to none in supernatural hunting. She took Drinking the man's blood, Catherine felt her bruises
down more than one vampire by herself. The healing and she felt more alive than ever. Stepping
organization as a whole took down nearly a dozen away from her, the man ordered her released.
vampires during this time. Trianna burst past him and slashed at Catherine's
In 1926 Longfellow’s group was gearing up throat. As Catherine's vision went dark, she heard the
for their biggest kill yet. They believed that The man say that he was most displeased.
Rostov Estate, a powerful Eastern European trading Catherine awoke sometime later in a large
group that had been in St. Louis since its inception, bed in a luxurious room. Her throat was healed but
was playing host to several vampires. They soon began she knew that she was no longer alive. She was a
heavy reconnaissance into the Rostov mansion, vampire now. Her apparent savior entered the room
perhaps too heavy because they were eventually and introduced himself as Vladimir Rostov, Lord of
noticed. As a result, the Longfellow detective agency this territory and the Master of the Rostov family. He
was firebombed in the May of 1926. Only Catherine apologized for his daughter's actions and said she had
survived. She knew that this had been perpetrated by been punished accordingly. He explained to
the Rostovs. Catherine that he did not wish for Longfellow to die.
Gathering some equipment, Catherine set His organization had been helping the city by killing
out for the mansion. She snuck in at dawn but didn’t vampires who were careless in exposing themselves to
get far, as she was tackled by humans who were the mortal world. Since they never really scratched
unnaturally strong. She shot one of them but he the surface of the population or society, he didn't see
didn’t die, and she watched in horror as his wounds a need to destroy them. He then told Catherine that
closed up before she was beaten into she was now a part of his family and a member of
unconsciousness. Clan Tzimisce. He said if she wanted he could grant
Catherine awoke that night chained to a wall her final death, but he hoped that she would consider
in a dark room. A woman who Catherine recognized staying on as his new protege.
as one of the Rostovs, Trianna, was in the room with Catherine couldn’t believe what she was
her. Catherine spat at her. The woman laughed and hearing. Leaping from the bed, she grabbed a candle
slapped Catherine, calling her a foolish little girl who holder and swung it at Vladimir. Evading her attacks
had meddled in something greater than she could easily, Vladimir grabbed her arm and dragged her
ever suspect. She threatened to feed Catherine to over to the window where he forced her to look
their dogs when a voice commanded that Catherine outside. She saw sights that she couldn’t believe. She
not be harmed. The woman turned white and spun was in an enormous fortress that appeared to exist in
to look at the man who had entered the room. a gigantic cavern that housed its own flora complete
Catherine managed to lift her head enough with trees. The castle seemed to be surrounded by
to see a man standing in the room. He was dressed in water, and the ceiling of the cavern showed the night
very elegant clothing and had a regal stance to him. sky. She looked down and saw the land around the
She didn’t know this who this was, but she was sure castle permeated with what appeared to be ghosts,
he must be a vampire. and other things. She could see the gardens
illuminated in the moonlight and lost her breath at
their beauty. She had to know what kind of creatures Catherine has maintained ties to other
could be capable of wielding such power. She hunter societies throughout the world (although they
dropped her weapon, accepted her new life, and don’t know she’s undead), and she has invested quite
never looked back. a bit of time acquiring power within the St. Louis
Catherine spent the next weeks learning of Archdioceses. Between these two resources,
the Camarilla, the Sabbat, and the Tzimisce. Vladimir Catherine usually has a good idea when supernatural
had forgone the study of their Discipline, Vicissitude, trouble is coming, which makes her presence a boon
in favor of the ancient magic of the clan. Magics that to the Rostov household and the city.
Catherine would learn only after she mastered the
lesser magics practiced by other clans. She soon Image: Catherine has long auburn hair and is quite
joined the ranks of the St. Louis Kindred, fully attractive. She stands about 5’6” tall with an athletic
participating in Alexander's Malkavian ruse as figure. Catherine only wears dresses for the most
Catherine Rostov. formal occasions, preferring clothes she can fight in.
Over the next few decades, Catherine became
well known as the bodyguard of Vladimir Rostov. She Roleplaying Hints: Catherine hates politics, and she
continued to practice the skills she had learned as a hates being associated with the Harpies, but she does
human and learned to complement them with her her job albeit with more than a hint of disdain. She is
new powers. Her relationship with Vladimir was loyal to her Sire above all others and she trusts no
much like a father-daughter relationship. They never one in the city save the Prince and Lord Hades. She
share blood. As such, she looked elsewhere for likes Lawrence, but she’s unsure of him at this time.
companionship. She found it in a fiery young man Catherine prefers actions to words, and her Irish
named Gerald Angelov. temper has gotten the best of her more than once.
Gerald studied the occult and preached on
the streets about the existence of an unseen world. Name: Catherine O’Shea
Catherine watched him many times, and she Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce
eventually got Vladimir’s permission to embrace him Nature: Judge
in 1937. She did so, and the two became lovers for Demeanor: Rebel
the next several years. Unfortunately, Gerald didn’t Generation: 7th
understand Vladimir’s need to hide from the public, Sire: Trianna Rostov (Catherine believes it was
and the two of them had many an argument over Vladimir, but he used Trianna’s blood before he
this. Gerald eventually left the city in the 60s. He destroyed her.)
wanted to explore other cities, but he has kept in Embrace: 1926
touch with Catherine over the years. Apparent Age: Late 30’s
Catherine has one other child in Jackson Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
McCray, a crippled college professor who Vladimir Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
made her embrace in 1935. Since then, Jackson has Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
spent much of his time studying magic with Vladimir Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
and he has never really connected with Catherine. Empathy 3, Intimidation 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge
In 1990 Vladimir decided that Catherine 1
needed to take a more active role in the city and had Skills: Archery 3, Drive 3, Firearms 4, Melee 5
Alexander make her the Leader of the Harpies. (Sword and Whip), Security 2, Stealth 3 Survival 3
Catherine despised the status game that vampires play Knowledges: Academics 1, Area Knowledge (St.
and never really forgave Vladimir for doing this to Louis) 2, Computers 1, Investigation 4, Kindred Lore
her. Still, she does her best in a position she hates. 4, Linguistics 4 (French, Italian, Russian, Romanian,
She has even employed the Gargoyle Jewel to get Spanish, German, Lithuanian, Polish), Occult 6,
information for her to use. Politics
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 4, Celerity 3, antiquities. His talents would get him noticed by
Dominate 2, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 2, Potence 2, someone of great power in the city.
Presence 2, Thaumaturgy 4 Jackson was working late in his lab studying
Thaumaturgical Paths: Spirit Manipulation 4 soil samples when a man walked in and introduced
Backgrounds: Mentor 5, Contacts 5 (Hunter himself as Vladimir Rostov. Jackson found that he
Societies), Influence 2, Status 3 (Leader of the couldn’t move or speak as the man began to explain
Harpies) about vampires, a secret society, and magical powers.
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-control 3, Courage 5 Vladimir then left, simply stating that if Jackson
Humanity/Path: Humanity 7 wanted to know more he just had to find the man.
Willpower: 7 The moment Jackson could move he went outside
Merits: Guardian Angel (Vladimir Rostov) only to find that the man was gone.
Flaws: Infamous Sire, Notoriety Jackson wrestled with the question of
Derangements: whether to look for the man or not for days. It took
very little research to track down the name Rostov.
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Defense of the Sacred Jackson went to Rostov Estates Trading Company
Haven, Deflection of Wooden Doom, Impressive and asked the female clerk if he could see Vladimir.
Visage, Ward versus Ghouls, Bone of Lies, Pavis of The woman, Maria Rostov, looked quite pleased and
Foul Presence he asked the man to follow her. Jackson did so as she
lead him to the roof of the building. Bewildered as to
Backgrounds and Influences: what was going on, Jackson was unprepared for what
Mentor- Vladimir Rostov happened next.
Contacts- Hunter Societies through the country Something swooped down from the sky and
Church- Bishop Gardener of Basilica Cathedral of carried him off! It looked like a Gargoyle. Jackson
Saint Louis. didn’t try to fight as he was carried over St. Louis. As
the creature soared over a residential neighborhood,
it’s destination became apparent as Jackson saw the
JACKSON ROSTOV large Gothic Mansion below. He was flown into the
mansion and dropped at Vladimir’s feet. A woman
Jackson McCray was born in 1900 in
with a shocked expression was standing in the room
Jefferson City, MO. His childhood was difficult
next to Vladimir. Vladimir simply smiled at Jackson.
because he was born a cripple with a gnarled leg. He
Jackson stood up dusted himself off and said that he
had a good home, but his family was poor.
must know. With that Vladimir looked at the woman
Jackson loved school and proved to be very smart,
who moved over to Jackson, embracing him. The year
always receiving top marks in all his classes.
was 1931.
Unfortunately, his leg and brains made him an easy
Jackson awoke as a member of the Tzimisce.
target for bullies. With no one to help him, Jackson
He was formally introduced to his Sire, Catherine
just learned to take it.
O'Shea. Vladimir told Jackson that he would serve as
Attending college on an academic
Vladimir's apprentice and that in time he would learn
scholarship, Jackson went to Washington University.
the most potent of magic but not until he had
He graduated with multiple degrees and soon began
mastered the lesser powers. For the first few weeks,
teaching at a St. Louis High School while he put
Jackson was educated on his new condition, the
himself through a graduate program. With a Master’s
politics of the city, and Alexander's Malkavian ruse.
degree under his belt, Jackson was hired at his Alma
Over the years Jackson came to feel quite
Mater as a professor. His teaching and research soon
alone in his own clan. Vladimir was a mentor but
had him on the fast track to a Doctorate. With his
little else to him, and he and Catherine were too
inquisitive mind, Jackson loved a mystery, and his
different. Then there was Gerald, Catherine’s first
research always centered around rare and unknown
child. He only liked Catherine and it seemed that he The four attacked Christopher Long, the
was jealous of Jackson being taught magic. After some Brujah Primogen, and Anarch leader. There was a
time, Gerald left the city. furious battle with Christopher and Branson, an
But Jackson would come to know some Anarch from Kansas City. They tried to take the two
Kindred whose company he enjoyed. First, there was alive but Adam frenzied and killed them both.
Adam, a Nosferatu of great size and strength. Jackson Everyone including Adam was shocked by his actions.
noticed that most treated Adam as if he was simple Looking confused and ashamed, Adam ran into the
and this struck a chord with his own abused sewers and hasn't been heard from since. The other
childhood. The two became close friends. three returned to their havens and waited for the
Second to come along was Horace Quinn, an purge to end. Something has gone drastically wrong
ex-Sabbat member who served as Sheriff of the city. in the city, and with Adam, and Jackson is
Due to his past, Horace was treated like an outsider, determined to find out what.
and Jackson was the first to extend the hand of
friendship to him.
Last but not least was The Knight. This Image: Jackson is of average height, heavy set, with
eccentric Malkavian walked up to Jackson and the glasses and a bushy beard. His left leg is twisted
others and began bestowing titles such as Wizard, causing him to walk with a permanent limp. Jackson
Ranger, and Barbarian upon them. They were never has picked up some of Vlad’s anachronism, and he
able to get rid of him, and after seeing him in a fight dresses like a professor from 50 years ago.
they just went with it.
The four of them soon became defenders of Roleplaying Hints: Jackson is brilliant, but he always
the city, and while Horace was the Sheriff, Jackson had a self-esteem issue, especially when it came to
was their leader. None knew of their allegiance to women. He was never assertive and only felt
each other and they have tried to keep it that way. comfortable while nose deep in a textbook. All of that
They often act in unison when dealing with threats is in the past now. Jackson’s time with The Four (the
too much for Horace to handle by himself. They name Horace gave their compatriots) have given him
always keep an ear to the ground and a keen eye out new outlets for his investigative skills and Vladimir’s
for trouble. The Four also know the truth about the tutelage has made him quite powerful. Jackson may
Tzimisce of the city. Horace had known since he walk with a limp, but it is a confident limp. Yet
entered the city, Lance knew that Vladimir was not Jackson knows the value of being underestimated, so
what he seemed, and Adam didn’t know, but he when around Kindred outside of his friends he still
didn’t care when he found out. Jackson knew they pretends to be meek and shy.
could all be trusted with his secret.
As of recently many things have been Name: Jackson McCray
happening that requires their special attention. First, Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce
they found out about a plot by the Anarchs to take Nature: Director
over Missouri and start another Free State. Then Demeanor: Pedagogue
Jackson noticed that Vlad was acting nervous, which Generation: 8th
was something he had never seen before. Sire: Catherine O’Shea
The next night martial law was declared on Embrace: 1931
the city, and they went to work. Kindred were getting Apparent Age: Early 20’s
killed all over the place and Jackson assumed that Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Vladimir was cleaning house for some reason. Still, Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
he didn’t do anything to the Anarchs, so they moved Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
in. Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 2, Empathy 4,
Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 1, Firearms 2, Melee 1 Etiquette 2
Knowledges: Academics 5, Area Knowledge (St. GERALD ROSTOV
Louis) 2, Camarilla Lore 3, Computers 2, Demon Originally from Bulgaria, Gerald Angelov's
Lore 2, Fey Lore, Finance 1, Investigation 4, Kindred family moved to Granite City, IL in 1906. His father
Lore 2, Koldunism 2, Linguistics 4 (Egyptian, French, didn’t like the idea of America but his mother saw a
Gaelic, Welsh, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Russian), better future for her son in the U.S. Gerald’s father
Lupine Lore 1, Occult 5, Sabbat Lore 2 instilled harsh values in his son. Things were so strict
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 4, Dominate 1, that Gerald could be nothing but a rebel.
Fortitude 1, Obfuscate 1, Potence 1, Protean 1, By the time Gerald was in high school, he
Thaumaturgy 5 had developed a serious problem with authority
Thaumaturgical Paths: Movement of the Mind 5 figures. Teachers, principals, police, they all reminded
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Mentor 5, Resources 1, him of his father, even after his father was long dead.
Status 1 He thought that all political and legal systems were
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 corrupt. He was a revolutionary before his time. As
Humanity/Path: Humanity 6 the Communist Revolution raged in Russia, Gerald
Willpower: 8 took to the streets with a similar message for the
Merits: Occult Library working man.
Flaws: Deformed-Misshapen Leg, Shy One night, while preaching his philosophies,
Derangements: Gerald saw a young woman being accosted. Rushing
to her aid, Gerald caused her attackers to flee. She
Thauaturgical Rituals: Communicate with Kindred was quite beautiful and she introduced herself as
Sire, Craft Bloodstone, Defense of the Sacred Haven, Catherine O’Shea. She said that she had been
Deflection of Wooden Doom, Encrypt Missive, watching him for weeks and that she liked his
Impassable Trail, Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion, passion. The two began seeing each other on a regular
Scent of the Lupine’s Passing, Sense the Mystical, basis.
Vessel of Transference, Ward versus Ghouls, Rite of A few months into their relationship,
Introduction, Bone of Lies, Infirm Inert, Pavis of Catherine told Gerald the truth about her life. She
Foul Presence, Scry, Soul of the Homunculi, Track told him of her lineage and the true power in the city.
Transgressor, Ward Versus Fae, Ward vs. Lupines, She wished for him to join her in eternity. He
Blood Contract, Court of Hallowed Truth, Nectar of accepted and joined the Kindred of St. Louis in 1931.
the Bitter Rose, Stone of the True Form, Ward Upon meeting Vladimir Rostov, Gerald was
Versus Kindred. taken aback by the true ruler of the land. He
appeared to be a man no older than himself, with
Backgrounds and Influences: long brown hair, dressed in very strange garb.
Allies – The Four Vladimir told him that he was not to ever discuss any
Mentor - Vlad goings on of the Tzimisce with anyone especially any
Resources - Small time magic store. that involved Vladimir himself. Gerald agreed and
University – Highly regarded researcher and source of Catherine began his education in Kindred society.
rare info to many school research functions, hence Gerald did not take to well to the Camarilla.
many favors owed by both students and faculty He saw it as the ultimate form of corruption and
Occult – Friends in the cities various occult circles decadence. He didn’t agree with the fact that
and most of the customers Vladimir ruled the city from the shadows, only
Finance – Equity based on land and business appearing as a decrepit old man. He hated pretending
Bureaucracy – Friends in the Zoning Boards for the to be a Malkavian. Gerald argued with Vladimir
city. many times, but was never sure if Vladimir was
listening, because he never got a reaction out of him.
Soon, Vladimir, had Catherine embrace a Gerald loved his new abilities and his new life. He
second Childer, Jackson McCray, who Vladimir took just wished he could have Catherine with him.
as a pupil in the arts of magic. Gerald didn't After years of wandering the country, they
understand why he was left out, and when he finally got orders to return to Detroit to begin
confronted Vladimir about it, he was told that he preparations for an assault on the Midwest. St. Louis
lacked discipline. He looked to Catherine who he was one of their targets. They made their way as fast
knew couldn't win this fight for him. It was then that as they could.
he decided to leave the city. Gerald was sent in first, and he was told that
Gerald wandered through the U.S. during the rest of the pack would remain outside of the city.
the sixties looking for a home while masquerading as A second operative independent of the pack would
a Caitiff. He thought he found one briefly in the arrive within a few weeks. When Gerald arrived in
Anarch Free States, but he soon recognized it as a the city he made contact with the Anarchs.
pale imitation of the Camarilla. It wasn’t until he met Christopher Long, their leader remembered him and
the Sabbat that he found his calling. remembered hearing that he had gone to the free
Gerald deliberately walked into Detroit states. Gerald was welcomed with open arms. Things
looking for the Sabbat, and he found them. He got were going well.
the shovel treatment and went through his creation Then the purge hit. Vampires were dying left
rights. He claimed his Tzimisce heritage, but without and right and the Anarchs got hit hard, costing them
Vicissitude his claim was suspect. When asked about Christopher, among others. Gerald knew it was
his lineage he found that he could say nothing about Vladimir’s doing. Now the Anarchs were floundering,
Vladimir, simply that he was from St. Louis. It took and Gerald toys with the idea of taking the mantle of
weeks of torture at the hands of the Tzimisce of leadership for himself, if for no other reason than to
Detroit to break the Dominate Vladimir had convert them all to the Sabbat. He also knows that
implanted in him. Gerald told them everything he the other clans will be quite upset about the purge
knew and he was welcomed into The Sabbat. He and now would be the perfect time for the Sabbat to
began to see the Sabbat for what it was. Perfection. hit the city.
Here was an ever-changing system that had a set Note: Gerald knows about Rostov Estates, but he has
structure that allowed for such change. There was no idea about the caverns below. All he knows is that
none of the complacency of the Camarilla or the Vladimir kept another haven elsewhere.
mass chaos of the Anarchs.
Soon word came from Sabbat elders that the Image: Gerald is 6’4 with a large frame, swarthy skin,
being who was now called Vladimir Rostov must be short black hair, and a neatly trimmed black goatee.
destroyed. A War Party was sent to St. Louis using He often dresses in black suits with crimson or black
information he provided them. Of the 4 packs that shirts underneath. He often wears sunglasses, yeas, at
went in only two members returned. The Sabbat night, and black gloves. His accent is exotic and he
pulled back and decided to bide their time. Gerald uses it as such when it comes to seduction and
was placed with the surviving pack members of Sex feeding. Gerald is a vampire, and he believes in
and Violence. playing the part.
During this time Gerald had kept in contact
with Catherine through postcards, and as he traveled Roleplaying Hints: Gerald is suave and cool. He
with his pack, he kept them up to date on city events relishes in his role as a predator surrounded by sheep,
through her responses. If there were ever to be an be it Kindred or kine. He does want Catherine and
assault on the city, Sex and Violence would lead the hopes her spirit survives the Creation Rites. He looks
way. forward to prying Jackson’s secrets from his shredded
Gerald also learned Vicissitude, which flesh, and he is looking to claim Vladimir’s blood as
Vladimir had forbidden his brood from learning.
his own. These thoughts are so distracting he risks Virtues: Conviction 4, Instinct 3, Courage 5
taking the Anarchs too lightly. Humanity/Path: Metamorphosis 5
Willpower: 7
Name: Gerald Angelov Merits:
Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce Flaws: Dark Secret (Vicissitude), Short Fuse
Nature: Rebel Derangements: Paranoia
Demeanor: Bravo
Generation: 8th Backgrounds and Influences:
Sire: Catherine O’Shea Allies- The Anarchs in various cities around the
Embrace: 1931 Midwest.
Apparent Age: Early 30’s Contacts- The Sabbat
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 OTHERS OF NOTE:
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 1 TRIANNA ROSTOV
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Trianna was one of the few Childer Amar
Empathy 1, Intimidation, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3 embraced while in Transylvania. Like so many other
Skills: Blind Fighting 2, Drive 1, Firearms 2, Melee 2 Old Clan Tzimisce she joined the Manus Nigrum and
Security 2, Stealth 3 Survival 3 joined their Shadow Crusade against Vicissitude,
Knowledges: Area Knowledge (St. Louis) 1, hoping to serve and gain the Antediluvians favor.
Camarilla Lore 2, Investigation 2, Kindred Lore 2, Amar never agreed with the Manus Nigrum and
Linguistics 2 (French, Italian), Occult 2, Sabbat Lore Trianna parted ways with him. She eventually came
2 to St. Louis to set up a new base of operations with a
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Auspex 1, Celerity 2, coven of Rafastio witches. She hoped to sway Amar to
Dominate 1, Fortitude 1, Presence 2, Protean 2, the cause, but he still refused. When she became
Vicissitude 2 erratic and dangerous, Amar destroyed her.
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 2


Swiftly dealing out the cards as only he could, Maurice looked up as his business associate Jonathan
Maurice St. James of the Toreador, owner of The Cross entered the room. “Johnny, how’s business out
Lazy Ace Casino, looked around the table at his there?” he asked.
distinguished opponents: Edward Lang, the Keeper of Looking nervous, Jonathan managed to nod and
Elysium, Sheriff Horace Quinn, and Leader of The smile before finally speaking up. “Good… it’s a good
Harpies, Catherine Rostov. The cards, gliding from night on the floor. Hello… everyone.” His eyes were
his hands, slid into near-perfect place in front of each locked on Horace, who glanced up at him.
of them. Picking up their cards, each observed the
hands they held. "Don't pay Johnny no mind, Sheriff," Maurice
said, dealing the new cards out to the players. "On a
“So, it’s at Lumiere’s?” Maurice asked. good day, you scare most of the people in the city.
“Yeah,” Edward said. “Don’t take it personally, After a massacre though...?"
your place is just too far out. I’m in,” he said tossing Horace slowly turned his head away from
some chips into the center of the table. Jonathan and fixed his gaze on Maurice who was
“Shouldn’t you two be setting up security?” studying his new cards.
Maurice asked. “After all, you’re the Sheriff, “Maurice said. “If
Horace shook his head and threw some chips anyone is going to oversee rampant slaughter it
into the center. should be you. Edward, you in?” Maurice asked, not
“Nope,” Edward said. “Alexander’s using his own even looking at the dapper Ventrue.
security force.” Edward’s eyes darted between the Sheriff and the
“Can’t say I blame him,” Catherine said as she gunman. Without even picking up his cards, Edward
threw some chips in. “According to the other sat back. “Fold,” he said.
Harpies, most of the city is baying for his blood. Placing his cards down in front of him, Maurice
There aren’t many he can still trust.” removed a cigar from his vest. Paying the players little
“Can you blame them?” Edward asked. “A lot of attention, he cut the cigar, placed it in his mouth and
Kindred died last week.” lit it. Then he spoke. “You see Sheriff, some in the
city think you have a lot of blood on your hands.
“I’m in,” Maurice said as he tossed some Granted, you would have just been following orders,
chips in. but still… you in?”
The four players discarded. Collecting the cards,
Picking his cards up and glancing at them, “Damn,” Edward said as he shuffled. “Body’s
Horace threw in some chips. barely cold.”
“Good,” Maurice said. “Don’t give me that, Edward,” Jonathan said.
Following Edward’s lead, Catherine threw in her “You’d feel the same way if Dante had been killed.”
hand. “Oh, to dream the impossible dream,”
"I'll see your bet," Maurice said. "And I'll raise." Edward said.
Throwing in some more chips he blew a puff of “Still, I wish Lindsay had been spared,”
smoke into the air. "Of course, if it wasn't you, then Jonathan said.
the Prince does have a secret hit squad. Which raises “Yeah, drug dealers all over the city are
the question. Why are you the Sheriff?" feeling the pinch now,” Catherine said.
Horace matched Maurice's chips, and then he “Oh, yeah?” Edward said as he began dealing.
raised with a substantial amount. The number of
chips he tossed in was eclipsed by the fact that the “She was a cokehead,” Catherine said.
Gangrel now sprouted claws. Everyone in the room looked at her. “Leader of the
Harpies,” she said pointing at herself. “I have heard
Maurice smiled and pulled his coat back, enough gossip about everyone in this city to last a
unveiling his pearl-handled revolvers. “As I said, lifetime."
Sheriff, you scare ‘most’ people in the city.”
"So, dish some out then," Maurice said.
“Elysium, gentlemen,” Edward said.
As they began examining their cards,
“I didn’t care for Genevieve,” Maurice said. Catherine thought for a moment before speaking.
“But she was my Primogen, and she did let me have “Lindsay was a coke addict. Genevieve had numerous
my own little place in the world.” Maurice spread his vices, not the least of which was heroin addicts.
arms wide gesturing to the casino they currently sat Steven was a pot-head,” she said, looking at Horace
in. “Now she’s dead. And I have to deal with Justin who nodded in agreement. “I don’t know about the
and Gloria fightin’ it out, while any other clans can Nosferatu, but Chuck over in the Ventrue was a
take pot-shots at us. I call.” Maurice threw an equal drunk and at least one of the Tremere was supposed
amount of chips into the pot. “So, what’s it gonna be, to be into mind-altering substances. And no telling
Sheriff? Am I looking to settle-up with you? Did you what the Caitiff were into.”
have anything to do with my Primogen’s death?”
“So, every clan lost someone,” asked
They stared at each other like it was high Jonathan.
noon. The slick western cowboy and the unkempt,
urban cowboy in his fedora. Each waited for the other “Every clan except the Malkavians,”
to make the first move, each showed no fear of the Catherine said.
other. After what seemed like an eternity to Jonathan, “Definitely bad optics for Alexander,”
Catherine, and Edward, Horace moved first. He Edward said.
shook his head and flipped his cards over. A straight “Fortunate for you, though,” Maurice said.
“Not really,” Catherine said. “I’m a
Looking down at the cards, Maurice pursed Tzimisce.”
his lips and threw his cards. “Beats me,” he said.
“Shoulda’ known. Gangrel around here don’t bluff.” “Right, sorry,” Maurice said. “You in, or out,
Covering his pistols again, he pointed at Horace’s Sheriff?
claws. “Put those away before you ruin my cards."
Horace smiled. His claws retracted.
“Still don’t make me feel better,” Maurice
said. “If it wasn’t you, then who? Who killed my
Primogen? Who killed Jonathon’s?” ANARCHS
“Who cares,” Jonathan said. “Christopher For all their troubles, the Anarchs have a
was a ticking time-bomb. Now maybe we can get number of opportunities before them that they can
someone respectable in the position.” take advantage of to disrupt the city.
complications will arise as Mastermind, The Servitelli
THE TITHE and The Giovanni come into play.
Numerous cities throughout the Metro East
area and all across Missouri pay tribute to Prince ANARCHS VS… ANARCHS?
Alexander with blood, money, or power. Blood is For all their talk of equality and brotherhood,
preferred. No one knows why, but the most popular Anarchs are just as petty and territorial as any
rumor is that Alexander has reached a point in his Kindred. The Anarchs of St. Louis are becoming
unlife where kine blood no longer provides resentful of Kansas City ordering them around.
sustenance (untrue, but Alexander has never disputed Alison’s presence could spark a fight between the
the rumor in hopes of making Kindred fear him factions, which could expose The Giovanni. All of
more). Some say he gives the blood to the Tremere to this especially true if Bruiser takes charge, as he’ll
keep everyone in line, but the Tremere vehemently send Alison packing. Depending on who sides with
deny this. whom, it could result in civil war for the St. Louis
Whatever the reason, numerous shipments of Anarchs.
Kindred blood are arriving in St. Louis at various
times. Generally, these shipments come during the ANARCHS VS. THE MALKAVIANS
day in the hands of ghouls. Shipping during the day If Alison gets control she’ll be compelled to
eliminates the threat of Anarchs and Sabbat, neither use the Anarchs to target Lord Hades in hopes of
of whom are known for using ghouls. Delivered to a exposing who and what he really is. This could be
small blood bank in Shaw, the blood is stored away achieved by harassing other Malkavians, who Hades is
for the whatever purpose awaits it. very protective of, or by a direct assault on Calvary
The Anarchs have two options for attacking Cemetry, which is believed to hold his haven. None
the shipments directly. The first is organizing a day of this will sit well with the potent elder who could
assault by a third party, or stalling the shipment in expose his true nature to a Giovanni operative.
route so they have to make the drop at night. The
second is assaulting the blood bank directly. This will LESTER
prove difficult, as the blood bank is controlled by the Lester is in possession of a very important
nearby Rostov Estates. The Anarchs will find talisman, one that many different Kindred will be
themselves up against a number of wards and a team looking for. If the Anarchs find out about the
of highly trained ghouls who are sustained by the Talisman they might try to sell it to the Tremere, but
blood brought into the bank. Of course, they could risk gaining the ire of the Gangrel. They might hold
run into one of the Rostov Revenants, or worse yet, on to and wait to see what happens with the
Kindred. However, a success would be a tremendous werewolves. If they return the talisman to Alexander
black eye to Alexander and gain possibly hundreds of or Lawrence, they will demand something substantial
pints of Kindred vitae for any number of uses. in return.


If Pistol-Whip were sufficiently motivated, Gerald will start trying to recruit out of the
she could take over The Anarchs. If that were to Anarchs. If he’s found out, the Anarchs will try to
happen, her first move would be to take a bigger part destroy him. This could bring the nearby Pack into
of the criminal underworld which would grow the play. The Anarchs may hate the Camarilla, but the
Anarchs' power and hurt the Ventrue, who is unlikely Sabbat are just as bad in their eyes. East St. Louis
to agree to an alliance. It would be up to the Anarchs could become a battleground between the two violent
to galvanize the rest of the city's gangs to start an all- factions.
out war with the mob. Of course, numerous


The Sabbat have two assets in play in St. MICKEY
Louis: Gerald Rostov and Gloria Adams. The two are Oddly enough, one of the most insignificant
compartmentalized and know nothing about each members of the city could expose the Sabbat threat.
other for the moment, but both know that a Nomad Gloria sees Mickey as her first target for recruitment,
Pack lies somewhere outside the city. Neither knows and so does Gerald. It’s not inconceivable that the
exactly where. two Sabbat operatives could be exposed to each other
While Gerald is supposed to recruit from through the young violinist. They might coordinate
within the Anarchs and help expose The Rostovs, their efforts from that point on, but they might try to
Gloria is supposed to recruit from within the destroy each other to prevent being exposed by the
Toreador. This could lead to a number of other. And Mickey is not exactly humble. If he
complications. suddenly has the attention of these two powerful
Kindred he might start bragging about it to anyone
GLORIA who will listen, allowing someone to put two and two
Gloria knows that recruiting all the Toreador together.
is impossible, so she will look outside the clan as well.
Given her looks, charisma, and power, Gloria could SEX AND VIOLENCE
easily start her own pack in a matter of months, but Hiding away in the Metro East area is Sex
only if she does so quietly. and Violence, waiting to hear from the city
Of course, there will be two stumbling operatives. While they wait they are not above stirring
blocks: Death's Head and Lawrence, the only two up trouble on the outskirts of the city, and they might
elders she might try to recruit. Lawrence will be start creating new packs from embrace or recruiting.
aghast at this and try to free her from The Sabbat. It's these packs that will be sent to St. Louis first when
Death's Head will politely refuse her request, and try the time comes.
to sway her to his side. He will not expose her, at least
not until he has something to gain from it. THE CAMARILLA
GLORIA AS PRIMOGEN Every facet of Kindred society in St. Louis
If Gloria takes over as Primogen of The was affected by The Purge. Numerous Kindred
Toreador, she will immediately request the right to perished for reasons that are still unknown. Now
embrace a new brood. If granted, this brood will be Prince Alexander has called a meeting of all the cities
embraced into The Sabbat. Gloria will need someone Kindred. Most, even Anarchs, will attend, looking for
to do her dirty work. Being Primogen would put her an explanation.
extremely close to Linda Ellstrom, whom the Sabbat
would love to convert or destroy. Gathered in the Museum of Westward Expansion
under the Arch, the scene plays out like this:
Outside of The Anarchs, Gerald will look to Tension fills the air as the Kindred of St.
create new Sabbat out of the nameless Kindred Louis awaits their Prince. Dividing the room and
surrounding the city. He will use them to start claiming a section for their own, each clan sits apart
harassing The Rostov Estates, looking for a weakness. from the others, with each eyeing the others warily.
He might even send them after Catherine, forcefully Only those who profess an allegiance to the Anarchs
recruiting her. over their own clan sit apart. Notably absent are half
Of course, if any of the elders expose the Nosferatu. Whether they have been killed or are
themselves at any time, Gerald will call in Sex and simply hiding in the room has yet to be seen.
Violence to destroy them.
Nervously pacing about the room is Edward and then she disintegrated right before my eyes. It
Lang, the Keeper of Elysium who wonders if his Arch was quite startling.”
is about to be destroyed in an all-out war. Across the “Disintegrated!” says Dante Wellington. “As
room from him is the Sheriff, Horace Quinn who in turned to ash? I’m impressed Alexander, I never
prowls silently looking for signs of trouble. Both of dreamed you were that powerful.”
them know this situation could get out of hand Mumbling begins to overtake the room but is silenced
quickly. as Lord Hades rises to his feet. In a low-rumbling
When Prince Alexander Kreiger enters the voice, he says, "The destruction of the afflicted came
room a wave of anger flows towards him. Surely. he by whatever means were necessary."
senses it. He seems unfazed, responding only with his Dante chuckles. “Oh, so you played
own Presence. Making his way to the front of the executioner for The Prince? How fitting.”
room, he ascends the stage set there for him and "Enough," says Lawrence. "I want to hear the
speaks into the microphone. "Thank you for coming. rest of this. How many of us actually died last week?"
No doubt you all seek an explanation for the Alexander nods at Lawrence and pulls out an
occurrences of last week," he says flatly. He seems iPad. Laying it on the podium he begins to read off a
tired, which is odd as few have ever seen him as number of names. Nearly a dozen Kindred from
anything but energetic. different clans are mentioned, except The Gangrel
“I’m sure you’ve all seen reports of the storms and The Malkavians.
and devastation in Asia last week. While I don’t When Alexander finishes the list George
know all the details, I can tell you that these events Paxton leaps to his feet. “You mentioned Lindsay, but
set off a wave of madness that gripped and destroyed not Christopher. Why?”
numerous Kindred throughout the world. St. Louis “Because Christopher’s death is a mystery to
was obviously no exception. Numerous Kindred died me. It was not ordered,” Alexander says. Those words
last week, and almost every clan was affected-“ may as well have been the shot from a starter pistol as
“Yours wasn’t!” shouts Pistol-Whip. “We lost the Anarchs, howling in rage charge at the Ventrue
Christopher, both the Anarchs and The Brujah.” who in return brandish a considerable amount of
“We don’t know that for sure,” says Death’s firepower.
Head. “I noticed the Rostov patriarch is absent. How “You had him killed didn’t you, you
fares Vladimir?” bastards!” shouts Bruiser.
“Vladimir is fine.” Alexander speaks more “Had him killed? If we were going to whack a
loudly. His attention fixes on Pistol-Whip and she Brujah I’d handle it personally,” says Andre Prowse.
sm. She always seems to find a chink in his Presence. The respective muscle of the Brujah and Ventrue
“Yes, you did. And no, we didn’t. Malkavians have a start to square off. But Alexander has had enough.
resistance to madness from outside sources. That isn't “You will all sit down NOW!” he bellows.
too far-fetched now, is it? Plus, a certain mastery of The directive was punctuated by an impressive punch
Auspex can afford one’s clan some protection.” of Presence. It was enough to make the Anarchs look
“Two Tremere died in the Chantry,” says around and see that they were surrounded by a
Luther Walsh. “Their Auspex didn’t help them.” number of Kindred who were not amused by their
Alexander looks out over the gathered behavior. Slowly everyone backs down, and peace is
Kindred. Their growing agitation is visible to the eye. restored.
“As I’m sure any who were with the afflicted saw, they “I make no apologies for what transpired last
became deranged to the point of being a danger to week,” Alexander says. “I will do whatever it takes to
themselves and others, not to mention The protect this city and its Kindred, even if that means
Masquerade. That’s why they were destroyed.” the destruction of those whose own weaknesses made
“It’s true,” says Justin Lavielle. “I saw them susceptible to this madness. And I promise you
Genevieve and she was raving like a madwoman… I will look into Christopher’s death. I have no more
to say on any of this. Thank you for listening. The While ancillae Cainites might want to
rest of the night is yours. Make something of it." scavenge influences, many of them already have a
With that, Alexander steps away from the podium start on that and might take this opportunity to
and makes his way to his clan. Music begins to play in increase their status by filling in for their fallen
the hall, and slowly the Kindred begin to mix, or clanmates in any way that their elders need. In some
leave. cases, the death of an elder has left the door open for
older ancillae to step in and run their clan.
The events described here will set off a series of
events that can be used as stories for different types of ELDER KINDRED
games. For the elders of the city, the purge has left
Prince Alexander weakened, but not as much as some
NEONATE KINDRED had hoped. With two Primogen opened up and a
With the death of so many Cainites, the neonates of number of contenders, an elder could easily gain a
the city find themselves with an unprecedented major boon by supporting a candidate. Others may
chance to move up in the world. The influences of seek to rally support for an overthrow of the Prince,
the dead are scattered about the city, and Alexander's establishing themselves as Prince, or even ruling the
confirmation of those who perished gives the young city
Cainites in the city a chance to scoop them up.



MARDUK AND to all. The battle continued, but Marduk was joined
by werewolves who helped bring the monster down.
TIAMAT Marduk used the last of his power to rip her apart,
sending her soul and her power into different realms
ANOTHER TIAMAT? while her empty husk of a body was buried on this
This is not the Tiamat from Diablerie: Britain. realm. Happy ending, right?
That was a Ventrue possessed by a demon who took Wrong. Marduk didn't know where he was.
the name when it heard of the legend. The creature By sealing her away he had weakened himself to the
presented here was the being who inspired the point that he couldn’t return home. He lived alone in
legend. the wilds of what would become the St. Louis area,
ALEXANDER KREIGER- thousands of years later. There were people, but not
It's funny. To Cainites, so many cities in The enough to form a city, and the werewolves had made
New World have their start in the Ancient World. So it clear they would not stand for such a thing. He
many cities here were started by someone from Rome, became angry and reverted to a primal state. A state
or Carthage, or some other long-dead civilization. St. that he lived in for some time as he hunted with the
Louis is no different. werewolves.
He never speaks of his past, not to me When his anger subsided, he met mages of a
anyway. I’m probably not supposed to know this different type here amongst the humans. It was they
much, but when we connect, and he rips my mind who helped him return home when he felt a strange
apart, learning all there is to know about the years he call to return that he couldn’t resist.
missed in torpor… well, it’s something of a two-way After that, things get kinda fuzzy. I don’t
street. I didn’t get it all, but I got enough to know the know much more. I know that Vladimir, as he allows
basics. He’s old. Unfathomably old. Like Babylonian, us to call him now, was eventually embraced into the
Sumerian old. Actually, I think he’s older than that, Tzimisce and he has often stated to me that he is a
but I can’t be sure. Anyway, he’s got anyone saying Child of Tzimisce, but that he has no love for the
they’re from Rome or Carthage beat, that’s for sure. clan and he doesn’t trust Vicissitude, which really
When I first met him, he said Marduk was one of his alienated him from the clan.
names. What I saw in his mind confirmed that. He As for Tiamat... her body is under the
was a god to ancient people. Or at least he had the mounds of Cahokia. Somehow, she regained
power of one. He was a wizard, a Mage, and he was a consciousness. She has been growing in power for
powerful one at that. He had gotten so powerful that centuries now. The Week of Nightmares weakened
he no longer aged, and no feat was beyond him. her prisons enough that she was able to reach out and
He was following in his father’s footsteps, as possess a number of my Kindred. Now it’s only a
daddy was a sorcerer too, but nowhere near as matter of time before she wakes up and we have one
powerful. He was limited for some reason, more than hell of a fight on our hands…
a man, but less than a true mage.
Marduk was there as the first cities were built.
In fact, he ruled above them as a god, and his city
Vladimir Rostov. Amar Negrul. Marduk and
grew strong and powerful. However, not everyone was several other names have been applied to the ancient
thrilled with the idea of civilization. One such being Kindred currently residing in the Rostov Estates. This
was Tiamat, a primordial goddess… the great evil as I Methuselah has shared only snippets of his history
referred to her before. She and Marduk had a with a few select individuals over the years. If those
tremendous battle. When Marduk saw the damage individuals sat down and compared notes, they still
that was being done to his city he enacted a powerful wouldn’t have the whole story, mostly because
ritual that transported them far away. They found Vladimir himself is having trouble remembering all of
themselves in a remote wilderness that was unfamiliar the details.
What Alexander said was correct. Vladimir Founding Eridu well over 7000 years ago in
was known as Marduk eons ago. He was a mage of lower Mesopotamia, Marduk was worshipped as a god
incredible power, reaching heights that mages today of cities. He was proud of his city, and he treated his
cannot comprehend, simply because the restrictions people well. But Tiamat sought to destroy all that
of reality didn’t exist in the ancient world. And his Marduk created. Yes, she could wade into the city in
power soon eclipsed that of his father, a sorcerer who the form of a great serpent and lay waste, but she
resented his son’s ability to wield true magic. preferred other methods. Tiamat used chaos and
Marduk was well acquainted with vampires, decay to erode the fabric of society physically,
having lived amongst them in a time when their mentally, and emotionally. Marduk battled Tiamat’s
numbers were few and their power was great. Marduk influence through mystical means while providing
had been singled out for embrace, but he refused, order and stability for his people.
knowing he would lose much of his power. He left Tiamat sent monster after monster into the
the city and traveled through the wilds of the land. city, but Marduk destroyed them all. But each time,
It was here that he met and fell in with a more damage was done, and more people suffered.
nomadic people who worshipped a great spirit called After slaying another of Tiamat’s children, Kingu,
Tiamat. Marduk, being something more than a man, who bore the Tablets of Destiny, Marduk knew
attracted Tiamat to the physical world. She was born Tiamat herself would come. Not wanting to see Eridu
of the sea and felt that humanity should move laid to waste, Marduk laid a trap for her. When she
through the world the same way the tides roll across came in the form of a great dragon, Marduk was able
the oceans; eternally and at the whims of nature. to use the power of the tablets to transport them both
Marduk, having seen the wonders and stability of a away so as not to destroy his city. They found
city, disagreed. The two had a friendly discussion on themselves battling across the gateways to various
the topic as something bloomed between them. realms only to emerge in a foreign wilderness. Tiamat
Taking Marduk as a lover, Tiamat hoped to make was weakened by the convergence of the great
him as wild as she. And for a time, Marduk was freshwater rivers nearby. Being a saltwater creature,
content with the life of a wanderer. His power grew, Tiamat couldn't travel across the fresh water and in
and so did hers. Both were seen as gods in the eyes of fact was weakened by it. To make matters worse, the
their people. land they fought on was a place of power for the
But as the years passed, the population of the Garou tribe known as the Croatan.
tribe grew, and they slowed. The elderly and young The Croatan attacked Tiamat, distracting her
suffered on the road. Marduk couldn’t bear their long enough for Marduk to sunder her, ripping the
suffering and he sought to settle a city. Tiamat had a essence of her spirit from her body and sending it to
different idea. She wanted to thin the herd, so she the Shadow World. Her body reverted to that of a
unleashed monsters against the people. Incensed by woman and fell dead. Marduk buried her where she
this, Marduk stood against the monsters and slew lay, then used The Tablets of Destiny themselves to
them all, including a great serpent whose bones and create powerful bindings upon her body in the earth,
skin he used to fashion shelter for the people as he her soul in the Shadoworld, and her essence and
set about plans for a city. power in the umbra. This was done at great cost, as
When Tiamat approached Marduk, there Marduk knew he was trapping himself in this foreign
were tears in her eyes. She did not understand his land. The gateways would now be closed to him, and
anger with her, nor why he had hurt her children. he didn’t have enough power by himself to simply
Marduk spurned her, calling her a monster and transport home.
rejecting her from that moment forth. Heartbroken, Marduk lived amongst the Croatan and the
Tiamat returned to the sea. Her sorrow turned to rage humans who were still settling the land for some
and thoughts of revenge. time. He lamented the loss of his people and home,
and as with Tiamat before him, his sadness turned to
rage. Marduk rejected civilization and lived as a wild Battles with her gave rise to stories of a thunder god,
man, surviving off the land alone. Even Marduk is Perun, who fought to protect the people.
unsure of how long he existed in this state. But it was here that Marduk was finally run
As time went on, the wounds on Marduk’s to ground by the creature known as Tzimisce and its
soul began to heal, and he found himself in the Childer Ionache and Byelobog. Led to Marduk by
presence of true mages of a different type. These Kupala, the three monsters waited until Marduk had
Shamans, (precursors to the Dreamspeakers as expended his energies fighting the Hag’s minions.
Marduk was a precursor to the Verbena) worked with Tzimisce defeated Marduk as he had learned
him to show him new avenues of power. Combining elemental magic from Kupala similar to those
the teachings of the Shamans and the Garou, it was Marduk had learned in The Pure Lands. In return,
here, in the “Pure Lands” as the Garou called them, Tzimisce’s use of Kupala’s power finally allowed the
that Marduk learned to speak with the spirits of the demon to spread into Russia. But it was not Tzimisce
land and harness their power. Marduk knew that who embraced Marduk. As punishment for refusing
with this new power and the aid of the Shamans and The Kiss once, Marduk was embraced by Ionache so
Croatan that he could finally return home. that he would always be less than he could have been
Before returning home, Marduk fashioned a under Tzimisce.
talisman, infusing it with power that would help the Left on the barren empty steppes, Marduk
Mages and Garou focus their power, strengthening was presumed to be trapped by the curse of the
Tiamat’s bindings should they weaken. Secondly, he Tzimisce clan to rule over an empty wasteland. His
filled multiple sacks with soil from the land of the power gone, Marduk survived only due to the soil he
Croatan so that he may remain in contact with the brought with him from The Pure Lands.
spirits there. Finally, with the help of the Shamans Constructing a large dais, he placed atop it a large
and the Croatan, Marduk was able to pull together bowl made from stone that he etched with protective
enough energy to transport home. He arrived in runes. In that bowl, he placed the soil he had brought
Eridu to find that his name was still venerated, and with him, and it was here that he slept during the
his battles with Tiamat had become legend. But his day.
affections for his city had cooled. He began to desire Enraged by the loss of his power, Marduk
to travel again, wanting to remember the good years laid waste to the countryside on multiple occasions.
he had spent with Tiamat. He would soon have his He still battled the Baba Yaga when she sent her
reason to leave. minions after him, but he did so with no regard for
The Tzimisce Antediluvian appeared before the humans around him. His antics gave rise to a new
him, and although Marduk pleaded with him to not mythology in Russia, that of The Black God,
be embraced, the horrid creature attempted to force Chernobog.
The Kiss upon him. Marduk fought the creature with Hidden away in a mountain lair, Chernobog
all his might. The creature was unprepared for the played the part of an evil god for centuries,
powers that Marduk had developed in the Pure Lands demanding tribute and punishing any who
and was wounded. Marduk took the opportunity to transgressed against him. He waged wars against
flee his beloved Eridu. He never returned again. Byelebog, the White God although the two never
Fleeing north to the untamed wilds of what came face-to-face. And he swore revenge upon
would be Transylvania, Marduk found no refuge, as Ionache for what he had done to him.
the land had been corrupted by the demon Kupala. Most importantly, he nurtured his hatred for
Continuing northward he found Kupala’s stench Tzimisce. He saw what the monster’s powers of the
everywhere. It wasn’t until he reached the steppes of flesh had done to it and those it took. Chernobog
Russia that the demon’s presence could no longer be refused to develop those abilities. He saw them as the
felt. He soon found out why as he found himself very incarnation of the Antediluvian itself.
engaged in battle with the great hag, Baba Yaga.
Finally, after thousands of years, Chernobog Upon setting foot in America, Amar knew he
felt the sleep of ages calling. His rage abated, he was home. He directed the Court deeper and deeper
moved his lair far from Baba Yaga and Byelebog’s into the wild until they finally found the site of
reach, sealing himself away in the Carpathians to Tiamat’s grave, now covered with mounds left by the
sleep for a millennium. civilization she destroyed. Amar immediately set
Upon waking in 1300 AD, the being that would about strengthening Tiamat’s bonds, but he knew
come to be called Amar Negrul first met those with that his vampiric powers were nowhere near as strong
whom he would found his first Court. He spent as the ones he had as a mage. Reinforcing the bonds
centuries ruling a small backwoods territory, fighting drained him and sent him into torpor.
Kupala’s minions, making life difficult for the local When Vladimir awoke he found that
Tzimisce and their get, and driving out foreign Alexander had settled St. Louis around him. Not
interlopers like the Tremere. It should be noted that having been a part of civilization for thousands of
Ionache ruled not far from Amar’s stronghold, and years it was quite a culture shock, but he let
he has not been seen since shortly after Amar awoke. Alexander have his way. He also agreed with
Across the world, something was happening Alexander when it was suggested that Tzimisce in the
that drew Amar’s attention. In the 12th century, a middle of a Camarillan country would cause some
people settled upon the land where Tiamat fell. They problems. Therefore, Alexander conceived of the
soon built a grand city that we today call Cahokia. great ruse that Amar was a Malkavian. Alexander
Maybe it was her hatred of cities, maybe it was the developed the identity of Vladimir Rostov and the
blood sacrifices the Cahokia people practiced, maybe Rostov family. It was easy enough for Vladimir, as all
it was both. In any case, Tiamat began to stir. After he had to do was to say he was Tzimsicze while
several millennia, even the Croatan had forgotten Alexander said he was really a Malkavian.
about Tiamat's grave and chalked their yearly rituals For the most part, Vladimir has avoided city
up to tradition. Tiamat's dreams began to infect the politics, concentrating on keeping Tiamat bound and
people of Cahokia, making them warlike and studying his vampiric nature. While not joining the
paranoid. The Croatan could do nothing to help Manus Nigrum, Vladimir did study Vicissitude and
them as they were engaged in a separate battle of their realized the truth of the discipline, confirming that it
own. When the Croatan destroyed themselves in an did tie him directly to the Antediluvian. Vladimir has
effort to seal away another menace, called The Eater spent centuries trying to find a way to separate
of Souls, their death was enough to fully wake himself from his clan, but the answers have eluded
Tiamat, who fortunately for all was still bound. him.
Awake now, she used what little power she had to While not present, his power has been felt on
infect the crops of Cahokia and plague them with multiple occasions, although the Kindred of St. Louis
disease. The mound builders were soon destroyed, had no idea that supernatural forces were at play. The
and Tiamat slept once again. New Madrid earthquake was one such example, as
Amar could feel all of this, and searched for the surging Mississippi swept over an encampment of
any clue as to the location of The Pure Lands, only to Nephandi who had heard Tiamat's whispers. A
have them revealed to him by a Gangrel named Erik. tornado once leveled a building in East St. Louis that
Amar began making plans to travel to the New was filled with Sabbat planning an assault, and other
World. He contacted a secret member of The Court, examples abound. Vladimir simply does not
a Tremere, the only Tremere allowed a Chantry in understand the concept of overkill.
Amar’s land. They conspired to fake The Court’s The Tithe was Alexander’s idea, but it wasn’t
death. That Tremere was Heinrich Engels who faked for his own benefit, it was for Vladimir’s, who hadn’t
and took credit for The Court’s destruction. It was been able to feed on humans for some time. The
then that The Court became The Vagabond Court Rostov ghouls, actually Rastafio ghouls, oversee
and their slow journey to America began.
preparation of the blood and use their Thaumaturgy free Tiamat? Worse than that, in this limited form, he
to detect the presence of Vicissitude. knows there is nothing he can do to stop either one.
Vladimir has felt Tiamat’s influence
throughout the years. He watched it erode Erik to the YOU, AS THE STORYTELLER, CAN
point that Vladimir knew he had to be destroyed. DETERMINE VLADIMIR’S POWER LEVEL.
That’s why he used his animalism to spark Lawrence’s
frenzy, although it didn’t go quite as planned. AND HAS LED AN ACTIVE UNLIFE.
However, Vladimir respects Lawrence and recognizes
his connection with the Garou, so upon Erik's death, Vladimir Rostov
he made Lawrence the new Primogen. Vladimir felt Name: Marduk, Amar Utu, Amar Negrul, Perun,
bad about Samuel’s death that night, especially since Chernobog and more…
it hurt relations with Pyotr, and has sent the Brujah Clan: Old Clan Tzimisce
spiraling for near two centuries. Nature: Survivor
Trianna Rostov was one of a few embraces Demeanor: Traditionalist
that Vladimir committed over the years, this one Generation: Originally 5th.
strictly for companionship. However, her erratic Sire: Ionache
behavior led him to believe that Tiamat had Embrace: 5000 BCE
corrupted her. Vladimir used Trianna’s blood to Sire Apparent Age: Early 30’s
Catherine for fear that too close of a connection Physical: Facing Vladimir in battle is akin to facing a
would draw Tiamat’s gaze to her, as it had Trianna. hurricane; Quick to roll in, devastatingly powerful,
The Week of Nightmares has brought still and unrelenting.
greater trouble to The St. Louis area. For the briefest Social: The gods of old were terrible to behold in
of moments, Tiamat was freed by the destruction their beauty, speaking with honeyed tongues, and
being waged in the Spirit World, sparked by the able to convince followers to die for them.
waking of the Ravnos Antediluvian on the other side Mental: Vladimir has several millennia of knowledge,
of the world. Vladimir was barely able to get the has seen through the lies of demons, and survived
wards back up. Before he did, she corrupted a against the most terrible of foes with his wits alone.
number of vampires. Vladimir ordered the city locked Talents, Skills, and Knowledge: Any that you see fit
down and began conducting the purge, using his to give Vladimir. Please note that modern skills like
Auspex to find and destroy all those corrupted. computers are not his forte as he is quite
Now Alexander is left to pick up the pieces, anachronistic. He speaks languages going back to
and Vladimir is considering revealing himself Enochian, and he is well versed on all supernatural
knowing that if he doesn’t the city may turn on creatures.
Alexander. Vladimir doesn’t want to have to conduct Disciplines: Vladimir has access to a wide array of
another slaughter of the city’s vampires to protect his disciplines, many of them at advanced levels.
friends. Plus, word has gotten back that the Garou Disciplines that Vladimir has demonstrated are:
have lost the talisman he created all those years ago, Animalism 7, Auspex 8, Presence 7, Thaumaturgy 5,
rendering the Garou useless in the binding process. Koldunic Sorcery 8
If Vladimir actually looked past the grounds Note: These stats are being left vague so that you as a
of his estate he would see Tiamat’s influence all over GM can decide how powerful this character really is
St. Louis: crumbling buildings, a breakdown of law should you use him.
and order, hatred flowing through the streets. All of Thaumaturgy Paths: Path of Blood 5, Path of the
these things could be signs of her impending arrival. Levinbolt 5, Path of Conjuring 5, Lure of Flames 5,
Now Vladimir looks out into the night Elemental Path 5, The Hearth Path 5, Green Path 4,
wondering which will destroy him first, the and several others.
awakening Tzimisce Antediluvian, or the soon to be
Koldunic Paths: Spirit 5, Earth 5, Air 5, Fire 5, wears little clothing, and what he wears is loose
Water 5, and possibly more. Keep in mind that these allowing for full freedom of movement.
powers were not learned from the teachings of Kupal,
but the elemental spirits of The Pure Lands. Roleplaying Hints: "The Old Man" Rostov is quirky,
Note: Vladimir was a mage for over a thousand years eccentric, and affable. He enjoys talking to younger
before being embraced. Following optional rules, Kindred, always wanting to know what the youth are
much of his magic changed over to disciplines over up to. Vladimir enjoys this because he knows it makes
time, accounting for his magical prowess. Also, since Alexander nervous, and in truth, he doesn't mind
Vladimir learned his basis for koldunism in The Pure speaking with younger vampires…to a point. When
Lands, he never calls upon Kupala when using his he is being himself he says little, preferring action,
powers. and doesn't necessarily trust those who prefer to use
Backgrounds: Allies 8, Retainers 8 words. Practiced at silent intimidation, he can make
Virtues: Conviction 4, Instinct 5, Courage 5 someone confess to anything by locking his eyes on
Humanity/Path: Road of the Beast 7 them. Second chances are rare with Vladimir, and if
Willpower: 10 attacked he will use his full might on his aggressors.
Merit: Unbondable Vladimir doesn't understand the world he finds
Flaw: Anachronistic himself in. He is a fantasy world wizard locked away
Derangement: One of Vladimir's extra levels of in the real world and as such always feels out of place.
Auspex allows him to scan someone's mind Technology frustrates him and he has no head for
completely, giving Vladimir a full look at their life mortal politics. The only joys he takes from the city
and knowledge allowing him to absorb what he are walking through the parks and gardens, and
needs. It costs a willpower and requires a sitting atop the Compton Hill Water Tower, looking
perception+empathy, the difficulty being the target's out at the city lights. Sometimes he sits atop the Arch,
willpower. The fact that Vladimir has used this power but from there he can see across the river and thinks
on Alexander more than once means that the two of Tiamat.
have developed a strong link. Alexander may have
gotten his desire for a city from Vladimir's past.
Vladimir doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effects, THE ROSTOV ESTATE AND ITS
but Linda might say that his behavior has been DENIZENS
similar to Alexander’s need for penance and that he Nestled away in the neighborhood of Shaw,
is still punishing himself for rejecting Tiamat all those close to the edge of Tower Park, is a mansion. It’s
years ago. large, but not huge, and very old, dating back to the
late 19th century with a gothic design. The grounds of
the estate are walled off from the rest of the
Image: Vladimir Rostov is an attractive man who neighborhood with a large yard, both front and back,
stands just shy of six feet with a powerful frame. His with a number of large trees of many varieties. This is
muscles are lean, his movements quick and agile. His the Rostov estate, home to an eastern European
hair is a dark brown and hangs well beyond his trading company that has a number of interests in St.
shoulders. He usually appears clean shaven, but he Louis. Everything from medical centers to
actually had quite the beard when he was embraced professional sports has benefitted from the
and it grows back every night. His eyes are dark philanthropic nature of the Rostovs.
brown, almost black, and his voice is deep but soft. The Rostov Ghouls are comprised of:
Playing up Alexander’s ruse, he dresses the part of a
movie vampire, complete with Victorian clothing and MARIA ROSTOV
cape. He uses Obfuscate to appear as an old frail man The matriarch of the family, Maria is a fierce
when playing the part. When in his haven, Vladimir defender of her home, family, and her lord, Vladimir.
She runs the trading port of Rostov Estates and is A cousin of Maria’s and her husband, Vasile
quite adept at getting her hands on hard to find is the father to all of her children. The marriage was
items, especially if they are of the occult. She is quite arranged, and Vasile rarely sees eye to eye with his
knowledgeable in the ways of spirits. wife. He does recognize her authority though and
Animalism 1, Auspex 2, Potence 2, Thaumaturgy 3 rarely crosses her in front of the children. A
(Blood Thaumaturgy 2, Spirit Manipulation 3) taxidermist and furrier by trade, Vasile has a number
of wealthy clientele who use his services. Vasile is
ANNA ROSTOV extremely knowledgeable about the fauna of the
Anna is Maria's first-born and next in line region, and werewolves, and he always carries silver
should something happen to Maria. Like her mother, with him.
Maria is very business oriented but prefers to center Animalism 2, Celerity 1, Fortitude 1, Thaumaturgy 2
her financial endeavors in the mundane world. In (Blood Thaumaturgy 2, Weather Thaumaturgy 2)
fact, she enjoys sports very much and is a partial
owner/investor in The Cardinals and The Blues. ROSTOV MANSION
Auspex 2, Potence 1, Thaumaturgy 1 (Blood The Rostov Mansion sits across from the
Thaumaturgy 1) Missouri Botanical Gardens off of Tower Grove
Avenue. It sits on an acre of land that is surrounded
MARCUS ROSTOV by an 8-ft. wrought-iron fence. Between the fence and
Marcus is Maria's son and the estate chef. In the house are a number of trees, hedges, and shrubs
fact, Marcus owns a small chain of restaurants that that mostly obscure any street side view of the
specializes in Italian food. Appearances on a number mansion.
of cooking shows have made him something of a local Anyone entering the grounds has to be
celebrity. Marcus is also quite good at blood buzzed in at the gates and then drive another
preparation and has catered a number of Alexander's hundred feet to reach the mansion. The drive is
parties. circular and following it will lead the visitor back out
Animalism, 1 Auspex 1, Potence 1, Thaumaturgy 2 again.
(Blood Thaumaturgy 2) The mansion itself was built in the mid-19th
century and is over 10,000 square feet, with three
JULIA ROSTOV levels and a basement that has a Gothic Revival feel
Julia Rostov is Maria’s daughter and has to it. The stone exterior gives way to an interior
thrown herself into the mystical side of her life as she covered in smooth marble and wood paneling. Six
has come to despise people and their mundane bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a master dining room,
world. She works closely with Jackson and has two kitchens, living room, family room, study, marble
developed something of a crush on him. fireplaces, game room, a few utility rooms, wine
Potence 1, Thaumaturgy 2 (Blood Thaumaturgy 2, cellar, meat locker, and an office make up the main
Lure of Flames 1) building. A three-car garage is attached to the north
side of the mansion. On the east side are a solarium
FRANCESCA ROSTOV and a greenhouse with a small artificial pond farther
Francesca is Maria's sister, responsible for back.
upkeep of the grounds of Rostov Estates. Extremely The office is located in the front of the house
knowledgeable about botany, she worked with Henry and is used mostly by Maria to run the trading
Shaw to plan his botanical garden, which is now business. It is here that she meets with the most elite
within Tower Park. clientele who are referred to her from her shop in
Animalism 1, Auspex 1, Potence 1, Thaumaturgy 2 Soulard. Marcus and Anna have offices off-site and
(Blood Thaumaturgy 1, Green Path 2) separate living accommodations elsewhere in the city.
Julia, Anna, and Vasile live solely at the Mansion, but underwater lake, Olik set about mapping the area and
Vasile has a workstation in the basement. its exits and entrances. When Vladimir finally awoke,
Rostov Estates has a reputation for being Olik told him of the cavern, knowing that he would
haunted, mostly due to the magic of the Rostovs, make use of it. He was right. Vladimir immediately
which amongst other things summons up numerous made plans to use the cave as his haven. It would take
spectral images and haunting sounds. Anyone caught thirty years of work by the Methuselah who
in the hedges of the estates at night might find summoned the spirits of the elements to help him,
themselves surrounded by ghostly images, strange Olik, and others. Together they constructed the series
lights, or creepy noises making them believe they are of structures that Vladimir uses as his sanctuary.
being followed… or hunted. Of course, the Rostovs A nightmarish fortress is carved into a
are ready, willing, and able to summon actual spirits, massive 300 ft. rock formation that hangs down from
but they rarely do so. A number of paranormal the ceiling. A150 ft. tall ziggurat, reminiscent of ones
investigations have been done at the mansion and its that were dedicated to Marduk thousands of years
grounds, always with dramatic results that no one but ago, sits on the island in the lake. An entire forest of
a few believes. The grounds are open on Halloween mutated fungus, fed by the Methuselah and the
as a "haunted trail" is created where children from all Gargoyles, gives off bioluminescent light that helps
over the city can explore the grounds, be scared, and illuminate the cavern. Veins of magma help shine
get lots of candy. The children are safe at all times as through areas on the walls, providing more
the Rostovs and the mansion staff, headed by Olik, illumination and heat. The entire edifice looks like
oversee the event. Even Vladimir takes an interest in something out of a fantasy world.
this event as the children move through the trail on a The fortress itself has numerous buttress
specific path, enacting a ritual that feeds off the supported battlements, connected by ramparts and
energy of the children provided by their fear and oriel windows from which one could look out upon
elation. That energy is then used by Rostovs in a the otherworldly cavern. Like a giant stalactite, the
number of rituals. formation is wider at the top, spanning nearly 30,000
Rostov Estates is, of course, an Elysium, and square ft., and narrowing to a point at the bottom
any Kindred caught there without express permission which hangs 50 ft. above the center of the ziggurat.
is at the mercy of the master of the house. Only Inside the fortress, much of the structure has been
Alexander, Linda, and Lord Hades have leave to hollowed out for a number of sleeping rooms, a
come and go as they please. Death's Head has tried to dozen at last count, a master bedroom for Vladimir, a
infiltrate the grounds, but he has never gotten past great hall that would fit 1000 people comfortably, an
Olik. alchemist laboratory, study, and other rooms. Every
As large and beautiful as Rostov Estates is, it room has furnishings, some more ornate than others.
is nothing more than a facade created to help The ziggurat is solid for the most part, but
preserve the ruse of who and what the Rostovs are. the top has a number of magic glyphs inscribed upon
While the ghouls live in the mansion, the vampires it. Amongst them is a teleportation rune that leads to
only pass through, traveling to and from… a secret room in the basement of Rostov Mansion.
Other runes allow for scrying and magical endeavors.
ROSTOV FORTRESS As powerful as Vladimir and The Court are,
none of this would be possible if not for the
As Vladimir slept upon first returning to St.
Louis, Olik explored the massive caves under the city. elemental spirits that Vladimir has to renew a pact
Deep beneath the earth, far beyond the point that a with every year. Atop the ziggurat, Vladimir performs
human could survive unassisted, Olik found an an ornate ritual in which he sacrifices his blood,
immense series of caverns formed by an underground animal blood, some of the energy collected during
river. They stretched for miles. Finding one that was Halloween at the Mansion, and a number of rare
immense, with a stream flowing into a small ingredients.
Vladimir resides in the fortress during most David Cove of the Tremere also searches for
days, as do Olik, Razor, and Star. Lord Hades visits the Talisman. As he carries the ashes of whoever was
occasionally, and Linda tries spends the occasional trying to buy it, he may search out a Necromancer to
day there. Catherine only comes down when get information from whoever it was he killed that
summoned, Jackson has never been, and Gerald night.
doesn't know it exists. Alexander rarely ever stays Gideon Sweet will not look for the Talisman
there as it lacks electricity, signal, or Wi-Fi. He keeps and will deny knowing anything about it.
pleading to install geothermal generators, but Jonathan Cross will inquire into Turk’s
Vladimir has consistently refused him. death, but will probably find out little.
Olik has sealed all entrances into the caverns This is one of the times that the insular
except two. The main opening from which the river nature of the clans could hurt the Kindred. Most
flows is guarded by a portcullis. The cave entrance everyone in the city knows Lester is a thief, and when
under Rostov Mansion is not guarded. Accessible word gets out about the talisman, he will
from a secret door in the wine cellar, a series of stairs automatically become the number one suspect. The
that stretch for a hundred feet lead into the caverns, Kindred who are looking for him may turn to the
where one would have to navigate a mile of Anarchs. They will be of no help as they are also
passageways to find the route that leads to the looking for Lester. Yet, if any of the Kindred were to
fortress. Needless to say, it's covered in wards against work together, they could find not only Lester, but
most creatures. Only the Court and The Rostovs are possibly Gideon as well. But the clans of the city are
admitted. too split. This could be an opportunity for player
characters to either bring the city together, or piece
together the information these Kindred have
THE TALISMAN themselves.
Vladimir Rostov, who created The Falcon’s
The race to find the talisman could involve
any number of kindred of multiple clans and ages. Eye, will not seek out the talisman himself. However,
The item that Lester stole was not a magic item he realizes its importance and he will recruit other
created by werewolves, or a Fetish. It was actually Kindred to do the job, Kindred who are not as
crafted by a Vladimir thousands of years ago and was wrapped up in the city’s politics and might be willing
left to the werewolves when the he departed. The to work together. Being a Kindred of means, he could
werewolves used its power to reinforce the wards that offer the player characters whatever they desire
bind the soul, power, and body of Tiamat.
Currently, Lawrence and the Gangrel will be The Falcon’s Eye
searching for the talisman, but Lawrence will have to Shaped like an amulet that hangs around the
split his time between the search and protecting the neck, with a sapphire gem in the center, the image of
caern. Horace has his own problems which means the a falcon is engraved upon it. When used by a being
that Bill, Hector, and Sharon may have to take point. with magical power on the full moon, the eye can
If Steven shows up it will complicate matters. If he focus and amplify their power by factors of ten. Any
hears about the talisman, he will seek it out to destroy supernatural being who knew the proper invocation
it for his mistress. would find that one success would count as ten
Terri Garner of the Malkavians is searching successes. The Eye can only be used on the bindings
for the Talisman with the help of her new friend of Tiamat and it cannot be used by a vampire.
Norman. She may seek help from others as she has
little idea what she is looking for. She might even
turn to Catherine Rostov, as she knows the Rostovs
have some experience in the mystical.


TIAMAT’S SERVANT Steven took to his new life. He relished the
Vladimir was almost successful in destroying all fact that he could move freely throughout the world.
those that Tiamat corrupted. Almost… One Kindred No longer tied to a machine he vowed that he would
was beyond his reach when he began his purge and see all that there was to see. He and Hector were
now that Kindred is returning to St. Louis. taken by wanderlust and traveled throughout the
STEVEN country.
During these travels, Steven came into
Born in St. Louis 1952, Steven James was the
son of Colonel Bartholomew James of the U. S. contact with the Anarchs. He liked their spirit and
whenever he had a chance to get away from Hector
Army. His father had been a military man all his life
he would accompany them. In doing so he eventually
and was a highly decorated soldier in Korea. He was a
was accepted into their ranks. This was something
stern commander and a stern father. Steven spent his
Hector disapproved of and it led to many arguments
youth living on various military bases in a home that
between them. Hector had also been in the military,
was run much like a boot camp. His father would
but unlike Steven, he still held on to some of that
accept nothing but perfection from his only son and
honorable nonsense. He was starting to remind
he fully expected Steven to be molded into a fine
young soldier by the time he was of age to join the Steven of his father.
military. Eventually, Hector returned to St. Louis and
Steven followed him there. There he met his
Steven spent his whole life preparing to
defend his country. Then Vietnam broke out and his Grandsire Lawrence, a powerful Gangrel Elder who
was feared in the city. He also met Lawrence’s other
father was sent overseas. Steven watched his father
child William Stewart, a good lawyer, but not much
leave that morning and he never felt prouder to be
of a fighter. There was also Horace, an ex- Sabbat City
his son. He was devastated 6 months later when his
Gangrel, who was kind of creepy. He was also the
father was killed. He spent the next few years focusing
Sheriff, which annoyed Steven’s Anarch sensibilities.
on graduating so he could enlist as soon as possible.
But it was William’s child who Steven would be the
And, sure enough, the moment he was eligible he
closest with. Sharon Potter a young hippie turned
signed up for the Army and a few months later
eco-terrorist would be like a sister to him. They had
Steven was in Vietnam. Steven stood out amongst the
other officers and was soon a platoon leader. much in common and spent quite a bit of time
Determined to avenge himself on those who killed
As the years past Steven fell in more and
his father, Steven was relentless in battle. Nothing
more with the Anarchs. The Anarchs in St. Louis
could stop him until he was shot by villagers he was
supposed to be protecting. were mostly Brujah. They were led by the Clans
Primogen Christopher Long. His relations with them
Steven's wounds were severe as his kidneys
drove a wedge between him and Hector. They had a
were nearly destroyed and he had to spend the next
very heated argument. When it was over Steven left
few years attached to a machine that kept him from
dying. He hated his life. He hated his father for intending to leave the area entirely. He wanted to go
to the Free States and help out in the fighting there.
showing him no other way to live. He hated his
He said goodbye to no one. That was a week ago.
country for doing this to him. He could feel nothing
but hate. Steven never made it to the free states. He
Late one night in 1974 he received a strange was on his way when he was hit hard by a strange
compulsion to visit the Cahokia Indian Mounds, a
visitor. The man introduced himself as Hector
site that was guarded by the Lawrence for the Garou.
Redhawk. He told Steven that he was impressed that
he had not given up yet. He told Steven that he He ran as quickly as he could, arriving at the mounds.
understood his suffering and that soon that suffering He was no longer in control of his actions as he
climbed atop the largest mound. He ran right past
would be no more. That night Steven became part of
the Gangrel.
Lawrence who didn’t even see him, and then he earth Roleplaying hints: Steven has a new-found
melded into the mound. confidence since his meeting with The Mistress who
It was here that she talked to him for the first he is now utterly devoted to. He longs for the
time. She had been trapped here for thousands of destruction of her enemies and spreading her word
years by powerful forces. Many rituals, laid by amongst his former friends. He will let nothing stand
powerful individuals, were placed upon this land. in his way.
Steven wept in the presence of the sheer power she
possessed and then he drank from her. It was a foul Name: Steven James
ichor that crept into his very soul. It corrupted him Clan: Gangrel
completely and his tears dried as he felt the raw Nature: Rebel
power flowing through his veins. He pledged himself Demeanor: Fanatic (formerly Gallant)
to her and she rewarded him well, for now, his Generation: 10th
powers now rivaled that of an elder. Sire: Hector
Suddenly she went silent. Steven could feel Embrace: 1974
her concern, and then he felt her anger. She warned Apparent Age: Late 20’s
him that another hunted her followers and that he Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
had sensed her awakening. She ordered Steven to flee Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2,
the area and to only return at her call. Ejected from Appearance 4
the earth Steven fled St. Louis. Keeping a very low Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
profile for some time he hid outside of St. Louis' Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3,
reach. She visited him in his dreams and explained Dodge 3, Scrounging 2, Subterfuge 4
that she was an ancient goddess, who was imprisoned Skills: Animal Ken 2, Demolitions 1, Drive
by the werewolves and a powerful being who has 2, Firearms 3, Melee 2, Security 1, Stealth 2,
survived through the ages and is now called Rostov. Survival 3
His might almost rivals hers and she needed Steven’s Knowledges: Computer 1, Lupine Lore 1,
help to destroy him. Steven agreed. Military Science 1, Occult 4
Now Steven is returning to St. Louis with Disciplines: Animalism 2, Celerity 3,
missions from his Mistress to carry out. One of them Daimonion 2, Fortitude 4, Obfuscate 2,
is to begin recruiting others to help him. He has Potence 1, Presence 2, Protean 4, Serpentis 2
Sharon in mind right now but there might be others. Backgrounds: Mentor 5 (The Mistress)
The other is to help free his Mistress. She is bound by Virtues: Conviction 2, Instinct 2, Courage 4
rituals cast over the Cahokia Mounds. Rituals that Humanity/Path: Path of Evil Revelations 5
have been weekend over the years as the mounds Willpower: 4
were destroyed. Steven knows that Rostov and Merit: As the Mistress rouses from her
another vampire with ties to the land of the dead slumber she is able to cloak Steven’s
reinforce the rituals. If he were able to disrupt or kill infernalism using her powers.
one of them then his mistress could free herself. Flaw: Dark Secret, Addiction (Marijuana)

Image: Much like his Sire, Hector, Steven is

usually dressed for comfort or combat. He's tall,
about 6'3", with a lean build and a light brown hair
and a scruffy countenance. Steven's a smooth talker,
but is at times immature, especially when he doesn't
get his way. The beast has marked him with a scruffy
pelt of fur on his torso.


Physical: Strength 9, Dexterity 10, Stamina 9 Should The Falcon’s Eye not be found, the
Social: Charisma 8, Manipulation 9, Appearance Garou will not be able to strengthen the bonds
9 around Tiamat's corpse. Soon, her body will awaken.
Mental: Perception 8, Intelligence 7, Wits 8 Weakened, she will lie low until she regains her
Talents: Alertness 7, Brawl 8, Dodge 9 strength, which she will do by consuming the blood
of mortals. In effect, until she is reunited with her
Skills: No modern skills are available to her.
soul and power, she is undead, much like a vampire,
Knowledge: Occult 10, and numerous lores. except she will be able to move during the day. She
Disciplines: Celerity, Fortitude, Potence, will have no magic, but when she devours a
Dominate, Serpentis and Auspex at extremely high supernatural creature, she will have access to its
levels. powers for a time. Even without that added power,
Willpower: 10 she will still have certain abilities and immunities.
Blood Pool: 50 Over the ages the bonds holding Tiamat’s
Health Levels: 15 soul and power have also weakened at times, allowing
Merits: Tiamat’s blows always do aggravated her to use more of her power, resulting in calamitous
damage. events that have already been described. After the
Week of Nightmares, the magics imprisoning her are
Flaws: She cannot cross fresh water on her own.
In fact, the presence of fresh water weakens her while holding on by a thread. But Tiamat’s body will still
salt water makes her stronger. Being caught in a need aid in freeing them, possibly corrupted
rainstorm would effectively reduce all of her stats by a Vampires, Garou, Mages. Should Tiamat be reunited
3. But even then, she’s still enough of a powerhouse to with her soul, she will no longer need to take or use
deal with most situations. blood, and she will have access to high levels of
Image: Tiamat appears as a gorgeous woman with Presence and Animalism. If she regains her power
green eyes that stare right through you, impossibly long then effectively add Obfuscate, Protean,
fingernails, and hair that always seems to be wet. Obtenetration, and Thaumaturgy all at extremely
Roleplaying Hints: Tiamat is a creature of chaos that high levels to her retinue. At this point, she will be on
wants to watch civilization burn. She despises order the verge of becoming a god again and will be nigh
and wants to reduce cities to rubble, allowing nature unstoppable.
to consume them. Her anger will cause her to lash
out at any who stand against her, and she will do
everything in her power to destroy Marduk.



The moon was but a few days from the full, “But things got worse,” Alexander continued.
and its light shone down upon Tower Grove Park. “I received a summons to attend a private conclave of
Alexander hardly needed the added light. The park dozens of Princes from all over the world. There I
was well lit, and he had little trouble seeing in the found out that all those storms out in Asia, the
dark. He strolled through the park, feeling the nightmares, and apparently the DEATH OF THE
invisible pull of Vladimir Rostov’s power. It didn’t WHOLE RAVNOS CLAN… were due to their
take Alexander long to find the Methuselah, who was Antediluvian waking up and laying waste to them.
sitting on bench close to a pond. Silently, he sat there But you knew that already, didn’t you? You knew they
watching a fountain spew water into the air. were waking up, not that you would have mentioned
Alexander walked towards the bench, knowing full it to us.” Alexander had to take a moment. He was
well that Vladimir had detected his presence the starting to get upset. Tossing a rock into the pond, he
moment his plane landed. The scene was almost turned back to Vladimir. “But we don’t have any
ridiculous enough to make Alexander laugh. There Ravnos. Do we? The deaths of this city had nothing
was a being several millennia old, with wild, long to do with Ravnos. Or did they?” He paused for some
hair, a full beard, untucked, barely buttoned shirt, time before he answered his own question. “No, it
slacks, and no shoes, just sitting in a park at 4 AM. was the thing under Cahokia, wasn’t it. It was
“You look like you're homeless,” Alexander Tiamat, wasn’t it?”
said. Vladimir looked up with a slight hint of
Vladimir showed no reaction. surprise on his face.
“I guess I should be grateful that you at least “What? I have a stupid amount of Auspex
have some clothes on.” too,” Alexander said. “Sometimes I pick things up.”
No reaction again. Alexander walked closer “Yes,” Vladimir said. “It was Tiamat. She
and stood where he could look Vladimir in the face. reached out and touched the minds of several who
“What’s that? How was my week? Well, let were already decaying on the inside.”
me tell you,” Alexander said. He began pacing in “I see.”
front of Vladimir as he related his story. “It started a “But she was only able to do that due to
week ago. I awoke from a bad dream into a Ravnos awakening and the destruction it caused in
nightmare. A very powerful person I know who is the spirit worlds, which got worse when Ravnos was
quite proficient in Auspex popped into my head and destroyed. Now that the storms have passed, the
asked me to lock my city down. I never question this bonds hold her again, but not for much longer.”
person, so I did as he said. Asked what was wrong, Alexander sat down next to Vladimir.
but he wouldn’t tell me. That’s okay though. I’m used “And I didn’t know about the Antediluvians,
to that.” at least not until it was happening. I suspect there are
Vladimir's eyes began to follow Alexander. others about, but they are keeping themselves
“So, I locked the city down. Only to find out hidden… including Tzimisce,” Vladimir said.
through several very upset phone calls that numerous “You always said he was still alive,” Alexander
Kindred in my city were dying. And I knew who was said.
killing them,” Alexander said. He stopped and looked “Yes. Alexander, I didn’t mean to make
directly at Vladimir for a moment before starting to things difficult. Things went out of control too fast,
pace again. “Trouble is, I didn’t know why, and it was and I had to act, but I should have thought… should
beyond maddening. Which is saying something when have told you… the others.”
it’s coming from a Malkavian elder.” Alexander almost fell off the bench. That was
A corner of Vladimir’s mouth turned up, almost an apology from the Methuselah.
which was about as close to a smile as Alexander ever “I’ve been in existence for thousands of years,
got out of him. and I still don’t have enough time,” Vladimir said.
This form that I was cursed with is too limiting, too
weak. I can’t stop her. And now, seeing what “It’s a good city, Alexander,” Vladimir said.
happened to the Ravnos, I know that my struggles “I’ve never told you that before.”
against Tzimisce have been in vain. He could “Not just the parks?”
consume me with but a thought, even though I never “No, not just the parks. Still, it deserved
indulged in that perverted power that courses better from us…from me.”
through my veins. I have truly damned Catherine, “But?”
and-“ “So many problems…so little time. And…and
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Alexander said leaping I’m tired, Alexander. I’m not sure I have it in me to
from the bench. "What the fuck is this? Angst? Is that come through a fight with her.”
what we are now? Angsty vampires? No. No way. I “Well, if you do make it through, chances are
don't do angst. In fact, I forbid that woe-is-me Tzimisce will kill you right after.”
nonsense from setting foot in my city." Vladimir chuckled. “All of my enemies are
Vladimir looked at him. It had been ages closing in. Maybe we’ll get lucky. Maybe they’ll get in
since anyone had addressed him like that. each other’s way long enough for us to dispatch
“Listen, we may not be able to do anything them.”
about Tzimisce. In fact, I'm not thrilled to meet “Maybe.”
Malkav either, but I am not letting that, “You will address the city tomorrow?”
that...Babylonian bitch torch my city. I say we fight." “Yes.”
"You don't know her power. If she gets free-“ “Should I be there? Should we finally end the
“Then let’s keep her locked away. The ruse?”
Werewolves are still willing to help. Granted they're “No. If I can’t handle them tomorrow then I
missing the Falcon's Eye, but we'll get that back. never deserved the title of Prince in the first place.”
Maybe we can get some mages-“ "Then we will meet afterward, all of us. It's
“There are none powerful enough,” Vladimir time you all knew the whole story. It’s time you all
said. “And the Traditions have been laid to waste.” knew what is really coming for us.” Alexander stood
“To hell with them. I’ve met a few of the tech and nodded. They began walking towards the estates.
mages. They could help. Hell, some think they helped “If we actually come out of this, are you
take down Ravnos. They might be able to help with saying you want to take a more active hand in the
her.” city?” Alexander asked.
“A dangerous gambit.” “Only if the Prince of the city allows it,”
“Not our first. But I’m not laying down and Vladimir said.
taking this. And neither are you. We are going to “He would.” Alexander said. “It’s a shame
fight, dammit!” we’re doomed. I’d love to see how the Primogen react
“And if your city is destroyed?” to you. The real you.” They both laughed.
“Then I get to build a new one. Win-Win.” “That alone might make it worth coming out
Vladimir stood and walked over to the of this,” Vladimir said. “Maybe The Court has one
water’s edge. last fight in it after all.”
“What’s wrong?” Alexander asked.


Rome of the West is falling
Often overlooked by Kindred and kine alike, St. Louis has
fallen from grace. As the city decays, Kindred of all ages
and clans ignore the obvious problems to wage their
personal Jyhads. Now it may be too late to solve the city’s
problems as something ancient stirs beneath it.

St. Louis By Night includes:

• The history of the city of St. Louis and the surrounding area and the
effect that Kindred have had upon it.
• Nearly 50 fully detailed characters.
• Coteries, maps, and story ideas.

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