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Committed to provide

Solutions for health

& productivity enhancement of

Our Motto
Innovation Quality Efficacy Economy Safety
An ISO 9001:2015 & GMP Certified Company
Regd. Off: F-12, Adarshini Plaza, 91, Adchini, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110017
Admin Off: 311-312, Tower 2, DLF Corporate Greens, Sector 74A, Gurugram, Haryana -122004
Tel: +91- 8010310907 Telefax: +91-124-4380572
Email: [email protected] Web.:
Intestinal Health Management

Product Range FORTE
Intestinal Function Modulator for Poultry

VamDia Forte is a synergistic combination of selective

Natural Range herbs having astringent, demulcent, sedative,
Intestinal Health Management - VamDia Forte 1 regenerative action and brewer’s yeast, that
Advanced Choline Function - Cholimarin 2 modulates intestinal functions and improves gut
Precise Management For Diarrhoea - VamDia Halo 3
Natural Vitamin-C Supplement - Vam - C 4
Liver Health Management - VamLiv 5 Recommended for:
Libido And Fertility Enhancer- Sperone 6 Improving gut functions for better GI immunity,
Respiratory Health Management - Respro 7
integrity, digestibility & nutrient absorption
Renal Health Management - Fitoneph 8
Loose Droppings Management - Clearshot 9
Repair of damaged GI mucosa for better
Natural Vitamin-C Liquid Supplement - Vam C Liquid 10 productivity
Immune Health Management - VamRes 11 Limiting the proliferation of pathogenic micro-
Liquid Vitamin Supplement - VamVit 12 organisms in gut
Mycotoxin Control Control of diarrhoea of specific and non-specific
Mycotoxin Inhibitor, Neutralizer And Eliminator - Myco-CC 13 origin
Bio-security Range Usage:
Disinfectant - Zo CLEAR 14 500 g to 2 kg per ton of feed.
Ensure thorough mixing in feed.
Biotechnology Range Recommended for use during pelletization.
Nucleotides For Poultry - Zymos-N 15
Organic Trace Minerals - Yeatrace 16
Organic Trace Minerals With Biotin - Yeatrace-B 17
Available in 1 kg metallised polyester pack
& 25 kg poly bag
Acidifier Range
Feed acidifier for control of Gram Negative pathogens-
Taminco Pro GIT Sf1 18
Feed acidifier for control of Gram Positive & Gram
Negative pathogens - Taminco Pro GIT SF3 19
Liquid acidifier for water Acidification-
Taminco Protaq Ll1 20
Dependable Water Acidification - Stabilac 21


Advanced Choline Function Precise Management For Diarrhoea


Synergistic Complex of Natural Choline,
Analogues & Silymarin
Innovative Precise Intervention
Against Poultry Diarrhoea
Breakthrough innovation in advanced choline function Highly concentrated scientific blend of extracts from
in poultry comprises of natural choline (phosphatidyl- novel herbs, fortified with Kaolin & Alum. Provides
choline), choline analogues & silymarin. Innovative precise intervention against loose droppings of specific
PHYSOPLEX technology helps in optimum and non - specific origin.
bioavailabilty of Choline & Silybin.
Recommended For:
Recommendation Prevention & control of diarrhoea of specific and
To provide enhanced Choline function for optimum non-specific origin
health and production Improvement in nutrient absorption by optimizing
To augment hepatic fat mobilization & lipid intestinal health
metabolism Controlling the occurrence of vent pasting
Prevention & control of fatty liver syndrome (FLS), Improvement of litter quality & to reduce fly menace
perosis and liver enlargement
To optimize liver functions through protecting liver Unique Features:
from oxidative damage No residual effect
To maintain optimum growth, FCR, carcass quality No withdrawal period required
in broiler birds Highly bioavailable
To maximize egg production & hatchability in layers No bacterial resistance
& breeders
To reduce mortality and to improve productivity Usage:
300 g per ton of feed
Comprehensive liver protection in FLS - mobilizes Presentation:
hepatic fat & protect liver from oxidative damage 25 kg Pack
Higher bioavailability compared to Synthetic Choline
Free from toxic Tri Methyl Amine, Non-corrosive
Non-hygroscopic - Doesn’t form lumps
Economical - low inclusion rate

500 g Cholimarin replaces 1 kg Choline Cholride 60%

25 kg Pack

2 3
Natural Vitamin - C Supplement Liver Health Management


TM with values of
Selenium &

Natural & Stable Vitamin-C with Bioflavonoids FORTE

Herbal Liver Tonic for Better Feed Utilisation
& Protection from Liver Disorders
Natural Vitamin C Synthetic Vitamin C
Antioxidant activity is Antioxidant activity is VamLiv Forte is a scientific combination of
almost six times higher narrow hepatostimulant, hepatoprotective, antihepatotoxic
than synthetic Vitamin-C
Highly stable and Quite unstable and less
and hepatoregenerative herbs blended with Vitamin
bioavailable to birds bioavailable B12, that enhances liver functions and protects birds
Works in aqueous phase It works only in aqueous from variable liver assaults.
as well as lipid phase phase and therefore lipid
giving broad spectrum phase is not guarded Recommended for:
protection from free Better growth, production and FCR
radicals Potentiation of liver functions
Thermostable, thus retains Gradually destroyed during Countering damaging effects of exo &
activity during storage and storage and quickly
pelletizing destroyed during pelletizing
endogenous toxins
Usage: LIQUID (Per day per 100 birds)
100-200 gm / ton of feed or 1:1 replacement of Chicks 5 ml
Synthetic Vitamin C or as directed by the Growers 10 ml
nutritionist. Layers/Broiler Finishers 20 ml
Administer by mixing in morning drinking water.
1 kg metallized poly pack PREMIX
250 g per ton of feed.
Ensure thorough mixing in feed.
Recommended for use during pelletization.

Available in 1ltr, 5 ltr HDPE container & 10 kg
poly pack
Vamliv Premix - 20 kg laminated paper polybag

Vitamin B12

4 5
Libido & Fertility Enhancer Respiratory Health Management

Sperone ResPro
with Bala, Tulsi
& Shilajeet

Libido and Fertility Enhancer for Breeders FORTE

Herbal Respiratory Tonic for Poultry

Respro Forte is a scientific combination of medicinal
Sperone is an unique herbo-mineral combination with herbs that potentiates the respiratory defense
aphrodisiac, libido and fertility enhancing properties for mechanism apart from providing expectorant, anti-
reproductive health management. inflammatory & antimicrobial action.
Benefits Recommended for:
U Enhances libido Regular usage for the prevention of respiratory
U Improves semen quality problems
U Increases semen quantity Prophylactic usage during risk periods
U More fertile eggs Assisting recovery from respiratory infections
U Better hatchability along with specific therapy
Usage Relief from respiratory distress
50 gm / 100 male breeder birds through feed for 10 Usage:
days in a month programme. Preventive
Packing 0 to 2 weeks 5 ml / 100 birds / day
500 g HDPE container. 3 to 4 weeks 7.5 ml / 100 birds / day
5 to 7 weeks 10 ml / 100 birds / day
7 weeks onwards 15 ml / 100 birds / day
POULTRY FEED SUPPLEMENT As a supportive tonic during disease condition
NOT FOR MEDICINAL USE 0 to 2 weeks 10 ml / 100 birds / day
3 to 4 weeks 20 ml / 100 birds / day
5 to 7 weeks 30 ml / 100 birds / day
7 weeks onwards 40 ml / 100 birds / day
To be given at least for 7 days.
To be started 3 days prior to vulnerable period in case of
high risk flock.

1 liter & 5 liter HDPE container



6 7
Renal Health Management Loose Droppings Management


Fit neph CLEAR

Comprehensive Solution for A potent shield for gut health
Optimum Renal Health
Recommended for:
Scientific blend of effective herbs having renal- Management of loose droppings of both specific
protective, diuretic, anti-oxidant, adaptogenic, anti- and non-specific origin.
toxic, anti-lithic, lithiolytic, effective in gout & anti-
inflammatory attributes to provide comprehensive renal Benefits:
health support round the year. Provides faster recovery when used along with
treatment options.
Recommended For: Improves litter quality.
Comprehensive management of renal health Reduces occurrence of vent pasting.
Promotes normal functioning of kidney Reduces fly menace.
Prevention & control of articular & visceral gout Helps in clean egg production.
Prevention & control of peritoneal ascites Usage schedule for optimum supportive action:
Prevention of nephrotoxicity & nephritis Inclusion rate for 1000 broilers per day through
Prevention & control of urinary tract infections water
Starter Grower Finisher
As Preventive 40-50 ml 150-200 ml 300-350 ml
(For 100 birds per day)
Chicks : 5 ml Inclusion rate for 1000 layers/breeders per day
Grower: 10 ml through water
Layer/Broiler Finisher: 20 ml Starter Grower Prelayer Layer
As a supportive during renal dysfunctions
(For 100 birds per day) 40-50 ml 150-200 ml 200-250 ml 250-300 ml
Chicks : 10 ml Presentation:
Grower: 20 ml 1 ltr HDPE bottle
Layer/Broiler Finisher: 40 ml

Available in 1 ltr & 5 ltr

8 9
Natural Vitamin - C Liquid Immune Health Management


Liquid FORTE
Liquid Vitamin-C fortified with Electrolytes Herbal Immunomodulator, Antistressor
& Dextrose & Rejuvenator for Poultry
Natural Vitamin C from Amla by VamRes Forte is a unique combination of
COLD EXTRACTION immunomodulatory, antistress, adaptogenic,
rejuvenating herbs and Shilajit, that boosts immune
response, fights stress and rejuvenates the birds for
Preservation Of Nutrients
better overall performance.
Raw material is not pasteurized at high
temperature hence the original nutrients and Recommended for:
essential enzymes are retained efficiently. Improving specific & non-specific immunity
Maximum Nutrition Protection against various stress conditions
Natural fruit sugars, vitamins, trace minerals, Improving egg quality, hatchability and day old
enzymes and other vital elements are extracted chick quality
gently and completely.
Easy To Absorb Usage:
Our cold-pressed extract is rich with easy-to- (Per day per 100 birds)
absorb vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes. Chicks 5 ml
Reduced Oxidation Growers 7.5 ml
Minimum exposure to heat and air resulting in Layers/Broiler Finisher 10 ml
Administer by mixing in morning drinking water.
minimum oxidation of ingredients.
Long Lasting Freshness
Shelf life of the product is increased. Presentation:
Available in 2 ltr HDPE container
1-2 ml per litre of water (or as directed by the
2 ltr. & 5 ltr. HDPE container

With better
adaptogenic &


Liquid Vitamin-C fortified with Electrolytes & Dextrose

Cold Extracted Vitamin C

from Amla with retained Essential Enzymes
& Nutrients

A Quality Product from T VOLUME

2 ltr. ISO 9001:2008
Acc. No. S 1 470196 AS

10 11
Liquid Vitamin Supplement Mycotoxin Inhibitor, Neutralizer
& Eliminator

Myco-CC Plus

Amla Mycotoxin Inhibitor, Neutralizer & Eliminator

Inhibits Mold Growth & Mycotoxin Synthesis
Water Miscible Vitamin Feed Supplement
Binds & Neutralizes Mycotoxin in GI tract
Composition: Biotransforms Mycotoxin in Liver
Each 5 ml contains
Vitamin A 250,000 IU
Vitamin D3 25,000 IU IMPROVED
Vitamin E 150 mg FORMULA
Vitamin C 500 mg
Amla extract 0.25 g Enriched with values of Phytogenic Substances & MOS

Usage: Composition:
5-10 ml per 100 birds for a week every month Phytogenic Substances
in drinking water or as advised by the Selective Organic Acids
veterinarian. Mannan Oligosaccharides
Activated Charcoal
Presentation: Treated HSCAS
Available in 500 ml & 1 liter HDPE bottle Antioxidants
Recommended For:
Comprehensive control of mycotoxicosis in poultry
l Bioneutralization of mycotoxins through hepatic
function modulation
l Protection of vital organs from ill effects of
l Control of mycotoxin associated losses in poultry
Prophylactic: 0.5 kg/ton of feed
Therapeutic: 1.0 kg/ton of feed
In case of serious problems the usage quantity to
be increased to 1.5-2.0 kg/ton of feed.
10kg laminated paper polybag

12 13
Disinfectant Nucleotides for Poultry

Zo Clear Zymos-N
A Breakthrough In Poultry Disease Control
An Extra Edge For Better Production
Disinfectant with a
Hydrolysed Yeast Nucleotides
Patented & Modified DDAC
Hydrolysed-Micronized Yeast Mannoglucans

Composition: Single Culture Enzyme Complex

Patented & modified Poly dimethyl ammonium
Better containment of disease outbreak Enriched with
Less risk of epidemic outbreak Bioactive Selenium
Lower mortality rates & Chromium
Better feed conversions
Better productivity
Less and more effective use of antibiotics
Quicker turn-around time in houses Strengthen the core to get more
Recommended For: Recommended for:
Broad spectrum disinfection against all poultry v Improvement in FCR, flock uniformity,
viruses, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, yeast and livability, better health & productivity
algae v Improvement in nutrient digestibility
Disinfection of drinking water for poultry v Enhancing tissue repair for better intestinal
Disinfection of hatching eggs functions
Disinfection of the air in poultry houses v Maintaining health of liver, immune system &
Foot and vehicle dips other vital organs by improving tissue integrity
Presentation : v Control of gut pathogens through competitive
500 ml HDPE bottle exclusion
300 gm per ton of feed
10 kg poly bag

14 15
Trace minerals for Poultry Trace minerals for Poultry

Organic Trace Minerals as Yeast Proteinates Organic Trace Minerals as Yeast Proteinates Biotin
Guaranteed Analysis:
Iron min. 2.0% Guaranteed Analysis
Manganese min. 4.0% Iron min. 2.0 %
Copper min. 0.5% Manganese min. 4.0 %
Zinc min. 4.0% Copper min. 0.5 %
Iodine min. 0.4% Zinc min. 4.0 %
Chromium min. 200ppm Iodine min. 0.4 %
Selenium min. 300ppm Chromium min. 200 ppm
Selenium min. 300 ppm
Benefits: Biotin min. 100 ppm
Better bioavailability of trace minerals The Biotin Advantage........
Better trace minerals’ retention Ensures embryo development
Better bond strength Improves hatchability
Peptide advantage: Prevents biotin deficiency in early chick life
Yeast peptide complex ensures better Maintains skeletal development, feathering & skin
bioavailability of trace minerals during times of health
stress. Prevents fatty liver & kidney syndrome (FLKS)
Usage: Usage:
Broilers - 500 g per ton of feed Broiler- 500 g per ton of feed
Layers < 45 weeks - 350 g per ton of feed Breeders - 1 kg per ton of feed
Ensure thorough mixing in feed for best results.
Layers > 45 weeks - 500 g per ton of feed Recommended for use during pelletization.
Breeders - 1 kg per ton of feed
Ensure thorough mixing in feed for best results. Pack & Presentation:
Recommended for use during pelletization. 10 kg laminated paper poly bag
10 kg laminated paper poly bag

16 17
Acidifier Range Acidifier Range

Feed acidifier for control of Gram Negative Feed Acidifier for Control of both
pathogens Gram Negative & Gram Positive Pathogens

Taminco Pro GIT SF1 is a scientific combination of Taminco Pro GIT SF3 is a scientific combination of
organic acids and their calcium salts for effective SCFAs (as calcium salts) & MCFA (Lauric Acid) for the
control of Gram Negative pathogens in feed & GIT. effective control of Gram Negative & Gram Positive
g Taminco Pro GIT SF1 reduces pH of feed and GIT Benefits:
to control gut pathogens mainly gram negative. g Taminco Pro GIT SF3 contains SCFAs and MCFAs
Taminco Pro GIT SF1 penetrates cell membrane in right proportion to control both Gram negative
of Gram negative bacteria and destroys it by and Gram positive pathogens.
reducing pH of bacterial cell. MCFAs facilitate and broaden the action of SCFA
Taminco Pro GIT SF1 stops multiplication of in the stomach and intestines.
bacterial cell by interfering with DNA replication. MCFAs alter the outer membranes of bacteria
Taminco Pro GIT SF1 controls bacterial population leading to membrane fluidity and even leaking of
in GIT. cellular content.
Taminco Pro GIT SF1 controls digestive upsets. More particularly Lauric Acid (C12) has a
Taminco Pro GIT SF1 improves performance. bactericidal effect in the intestines against the
gram positive bacteria (i.e. Clostridium
Composition: perfringens).
A scientific combination of Formic, Lactic & other
SCFAs as calcium salts Composition:
A scientific combination of formic, citric, lactic acid
and MCFA (Lauric Acid)
Formic Acid
22% 34%
Acetic Acid
15% Formic Acid
Citric Acid 27% Citric Acid
11% Lactic Acid
Lactic Acid
Calcium 13%
9% 14% Lauric Acid
5% Calcium
Usage: 16%
1-2 kg per ton of feed as per the farm conditions
and advice of veterinarian Usage:
1-2 kg per ton of feed as per the farm conditions
Presentation: and advice of veterinarians
25 kg paper bag
25 kg paper bag

18 19
Acidifier Range Dependable Water Acidification

Liquid Acidifier to control harmful microbes
in drinking water and in GIT
Taminco Protaq LL1 is a drinking water additive
formulated on the basis of lactic acid combined with A dependable solution for water safety
formic acid and acetic acid.
Benefits: STABILAC is a synergistic combination of Lactic acid,
g Protaq LL1 is a synergistic combination of Lactic Formic acid and Acetic acid and minimum inhibitory
acid, Formic acid and Acetic acid for efficient quantity of Copper Sulphate.
control of microbial population in water.
g Protaq LL1 contains Copper sulphate for effective
removal of biofilm.
g Protaq LL1 also works in GIT for bacterial control. STABILAC is highly stable combination of short
g Protaq LL1 enhances the Lactic Acid producing chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
Bacterial (LABs) population for better digestibility
and gut health. STABILAC effectively control Gram negative
g Protaq LL1 improves the action of antibiotics and Bacteria, Moulds & Biofilms in drinking water
g Protaq LL1 do not interfere with the feed and water STABILAC is non-irritant & non-corrosive
intake as seen with some of the water acidifiers.
Composition: Benefits
A scientific combination of Lactic, Formic & Acetic STABILAC acidifies water and intestinal tract
Acid with Copper Sulphate uniformly for longer duration
STABILAC improves health & productivity of
0.6% 5%
the birds
Formic Acid
Acetic Acid STABILAC doesn't alter the water taste and
Lactic Acid thereby doesn't lower the water intake by birds
Copper Sulphate
Usage: Dose
0.5 ml -1.0 ml per liter of water if the pH of water is 0.5 ml - 1.0 ml per litre of water if the pH of water
upto 8. is up to 8.
1.0 ml- 2.0 ml. per liter of water if the pH of water is 1.0 ml - 2.0 ml. per litre of water if the pH of water
above 8. is above 8.
Presentation: Presentation
25 ltr can 5 ltr


A Quality Product from

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