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Multiply Your

Experimental Possibilities
Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Multiply Your Experimental Impact

The innovative Agilent Cary

3500 UV-Vis will transform
your laboratory.

Designed from the ground

up, it will streamline your
experimental design and
amplify confidence in
your results.
The Cary 3500 UV-Vis will change
the way you: 100˚
– Monitor enzymatic reactions at
– Calibrate and determine sample
– Perform temperature ramping
– Quantify nucleotides and proteins


Streamline experimental design
– Simultaneously scan a full
wavelength range, on all eight
channels, in less than a second.
– Do four different temperature
experiments at the same time and

0˚ dramatically reduce analysis time.

– Accurately and quickly control the
temperature of your samples from
0 to 110 °C without water, noise,
or messy cables.
– Get through more samples faster-
reduce your thermal ramp time by
increasing the ramp rate without

sacrificing data quality.

Amplify confidence in your results

– Eliminate dilutions and reduce
errors by reliably measuring highly
absorbing samples.
– With no moving parts or alignment
requirements you can be sure of
reproducible, and accurate results
every time (even with small volumes).
– Simultaneously measure standards,
samples and controls, under exactly
the same conditions.
– Never miss critical information with
the unbelievably fast, 250 points per
second, data collection rate.

Multiple cells, multiple temperatures.
Measure samples at four
temperatures, simultaneously
The Cary 3500 Multizone UV-Vis has
no moving parts and allows up to four
temperature zones to be configured.
Each pair of cuvettes can be held at
a different temperature—so you can
do four experiments at once.
The module includes built-in, software-
controlled stirring. Sample temperature
can be accurately and reliably
controlled by high-performance,
Cary temperature probes that read the
temperature immediately adjacent to
where the sample is being measured.

Collect data once, interrogate

in multiple ways
With the xenon lamp generating
250 data points per second and the
wavelength drive moving at up to
2500 nm per second, you’ll never
miss vital data because your reaction
is faster than your instrument’s data
collection rate. Stationary cell positions
mean there are no data gaps, unlike
conventional multicell holders which
have to physically move between cells
and can miss critical data.
The powerful Cary UV Workstation
software allows you to interrogate
multivariate data sets and make the
most of your data.

Water-less temperature control
up to 110 °C
Integrated, air-cooled, Peltier-driven
temperature control does not require
a space consuming water circulator.
This means no messy plumbing,
no flood risk, silent operation, and
no maintenance.
The robust design has no moving parts
and permanent optical alignment that
requires no adjustment.
Fast and accurate temperature
measurements between 0 to 110 °C.
Experiments that had to be done at
slow ramp rates can now be done at
40 °C per minute, and even offer
improved accuracy and reproducibility.

Cary UV Workstation software delivers speed, data quality, and reliability

Set only the parameters that matter Over 50 built-in calculations Video guidance for new or
Choose from time-based kinetics, Analyze your data with one of more infrequent users
concentration, wavelength scanning, than 50 built-in calculations or create The built-in Help and Learning Center
or temperature-based measurements your own. reduces training time and effort by
and only see parameters you need providing easy to follow videos and
to set. information for all users.

Calibration standards and samples.
Create a standard curve and
measure samples in less than
1 second
Place your standards in the eight-
position multicell holder and fill the
other positions with samples.
All eight positions are measured
simultaneously, under the same
conditions. In the time that it normally
takes to collect only one spectrum,
the full calibration curve, and sample
concentration data instantly appear.
The double out-of-plane Littrow
monochromator and powerful xenon
lamp of the Cary 3500 UV-Vis allows
measurements of samples that
absorb up to 99.999% of the light.
This means faster results, with fewer
dilutions and fewer errors.

Small volumes, massive impact

A highly-focused beam of less than 1.5 mm width delivers
maximum accuracy
The extremely small and permanently focused beam of the Agilent Cary 3500
UV-Vis easily passes through small apertures.
The stationary multicell holder requires no alignment and will provide
repeatable measurements of up to eight microcuvettes every time, without
operator adjustment.

Temperature ramping.
Confidence at any temperature ramp rate
These plots (right) show the melting temperature of siRNA is not impacted by the
temperature ramp rate. Ramp your sample temperatures from 0.1 to 40 °C/min
with the same level of confidence.

Ramp Rate Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Average Standard Ramp rate
(°C/min) Tm (°C) Tm (°C) Tm (°C) Tm (°C) Deviation 0.030 1 °C/min
5 °C/min
10 °C/min
1 87.1 87.1 87.1 87.1 0.0 0.025 20 °C/min
30 °C/min
40 °C/min
5 87.0 86.6 86.5 86.7 0.2 0.020

10 86.7 87.1 87.0 86.9 0.2 0.015

20 87.1 87.1 87.1 87.1 0.0 0.010

30 87.1 87.0 86.6 86.9 0.2 0.005

Average Tm = 86.9 °C
40 86.6 87.0 87.0 86.9 0.2 0.000
76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94
Temperature (°C)

Accurate and fast temperature control

The unique Cary in-cuvette temperature probe
has a low mass, large surface area, and a
superfast feedback loop. The probe provides the
instantaneous temperature readings, direct from
the sample, that are key to the Cary 3500 UV-Vis’
ability to ramp the temperature of the sample
between 0 and 110 °C with incredible accuracy.
This accuracy is achieved even when ramping at
up to 40 °C per minute. Temperature accuracy is
independent of ramp rate, so you can rely on your
temperature readings, even when ramping faster
than you thought possible.
This all means more data, better data and
faster acquisition.

The Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis is designed as a modular system.
Two options are available:
Cary 3500 Compact UV-Vis
The Cary 3500 Compact UV-Vis is designed for measuring a single sample
and reference.

The Compact spectrophotometer is available in either an ambient, or a

temperature-controlled configuration.
Cary 3500 Multicell UV-Vis
The Cary 3500 Multicell UV-Vis is designed for measuring up to seven samples
and a reference (or other combinations in the eight cell positions).

The Multicell spectrophotometer is available in an ambient, temperature-

controlled, or multiple-temperature zone configuration.

The Agilent Cary 3500 UV-Vis is compatible with the Agilent

OpenLab software suite of products.
OpenLab provides technical controls to securely acquire and store data in
laboratories that must comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11, EU Annex 11, GAMP5,
ISO/IEC 17025, and the EPA’s 40 CFR Part 160 (and similar regulations in other
countries). These controls include access control and secure storage in a local or
central database, electronic signature workflows, and advanced audit trail review.

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This information is subject to change without notice.

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022

Published in the USA, October 13, 2022

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