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Present Tenses

1. She __________ (work) at the hospital as a nurse.

2. I usually __________ (go) to the gym on weekends.
3. She __________ (play) the piano in the living room at the moment.
4. They __________ (never visit) that museum before.
5. Cats __________ (purr) when they are content.
6. They __________ (play) football in the park at the moment.
7. It's getting late, and I __________ (still work) on my project.
8. She rarely __________ (drink) coffee, but today is an exception.
9. We usually have lunch at 1 PM, but today we __________ (eat) later.
10. The construction workers __________ (repair) the road right now.
11. She __________ (not see) her best friend in a while.
12. I __________ (never visit) that museum before today.
13. He __________ (travel) to Paris several times in his life.
14. John always __________ (help) his neighbors with their gardening.
15. I __________ (already read) that book.
16. He __________ (not visit) his grandparents in years.
17. The chef __________ (prepare) a special dish for tonight's menu.
18. She rarely __________ (cook) dinner during the week.
19. He __________ (live) in that house for over a decade.
20. We can't go outside because it __________ (rain) heavily.
21. They always __________ (eat) dinner together as a family.
22. The sun __________ (rise) in the east every morning.
23. Right now, I __________ (study) for my final exams.
24. The kids __________ (watch) their favorite TV show.
25. He __________ (read) three books this month.
26. She __________ (live) in this city for five years now.
27. I __________ (not eat) lunch yet today.
28. The train __________ (arrive) at 9:30 AM every day.
29. I can't talk right now; I __________ (have) a meeting.
30. She __________ (travel) to many countries in her life.
31. We __________ (just finish) our homework.
32. The sun __________ (set) in the west every evening.
33. The bus __________ (arrive) on time most of the time.
34. Look, it's raining! I __________ (wonder) if it will stop soon.
35. I can't talk, I __________ (have) a phone call with the client.
36. They __________ (just finish) their chores.
Past Tenses
1. She __________ (visit) her grandparents last weekend.
2. He __________ (finish) his homework before dinner.
3. By the time I arrived, they __________ (already eat) dinner.
4. He __________ (read) a fantastic book yesterday.
5. The kids __________ (play) in the garden when it started raining.
6. He mentioned that he __________ (not visit) that city before.
7. She __________ (visit) her aunt in Paris last summer.
8. While I __________ (read) a book, the phone suddenly rang.
9. By the time I arrived, they __________ (already eat) dinner.
10. The train had left when I __________ (reach) the station.
11. She __________ (study) diligently for her exams all week.
12. He __________ (finish) his project before the deadline.
13. She was happy because she __________ (find) her lost wallet.
14. She __________ (study) for her exams all evening.
15. We __________ (have) a great time at the party.
16. She felt relieved because she __________ (find) her lost keys.
17. They __________ (play) soccer when it started to rain.
18. I was tired because I __________ (work) late into the night.
19. We __________ (watch) a great movie on Saturday night.
20. They __________ (travel) to Europe two years ago.
21. While I __________ (read) a book, the phone rang.
22. She __________ (study) for her exams all day yesterday.
23. He said he __________ (never see) such a beautiful sunset before.
24. The train had already left when I __________ (reach) the station.
25. They __________ (go) to the beach last summer.
26. She __________ (visit) her friend in the hospital on Saturday.
27. While they __________ (have) dinner, the power went out.
28. I __________ (drive) to work when I heard the news on the radio.
29. When I arrived, they __________ (already leave) for the airport.
30. I realized I __________ (forget) my umbrella at home when it started
31. They __________ (watch) a thrilling basketball game yesterday.
32. I __________ (travel) to Asia two years ago.
33. They __________ (play) soccer when the storm began.
34. We __________ (have) dinner at the time of the power outage.
35. He said he __________ (never see) such an amazing sight before.
36. She was relieved because she __________ (find) her lost keys.
Future Tenses
1. While you __________ (watch) the game, I'll be cooking dinner.
2. By the end of the month, he __________ (read) ten books.
3. She said that by the time they arrive, she __________ (finish) her project.
4. They __________ (travel) to Japan next summer.
5. We __________ (meet) at the park at 3 PM.
6. While they __________ (have) dinner, I'll be at the gym.
7. By 6 PM, they __________ (drive) for several hours.
8. They __________ (visit) all the famous landmarks by the end of their tour.
9. I promise I __________ (call) you as soon as I arrive.
10. At 4 PM, she __________ (bake) a cake for the party.
11. She said that by the time they arrive, she __________ (prepare) a delicious
12. We'll call you after we __________ (complete) the renovation.
13. They __________ (graduate) from university in four years.
14. By the end of the month, they __________ (save) enough money to buy a
15. While you __________ (relax) at home, I'll be attending a meeting.
16. We __________ (have) a picnic at the beach next Sunday.
17. By next year, they __________ (save) enough money to buy a house.
18. At this time tomorrow, I __________ (attend) a conference.
19. I think he __________ (win) the competition.
20. We'll call you after we __________ (arrive) at the airport.
21. He __________ (start) his new job on Monday.
22. She __________ (visit) her grandparents next weekend.
23. We __________ (go) to the movies tonight.
24. They __________ (travel) to Europe next year.
25. Tomorrow at this time, I __________ (work) on my presentation.
26. At 3 PM, she __________ (practice) the piano.
27. By 10 PM, they __________ (drive) for hours.
28.They __________ (complete) their journey around the world in two years.
29. She __________ (start) her new job in a month.
30. At 9 AM, she __________ (work) on her project.
31. She said that by the time they arrive, she __________ (finish) her
32. We'll call you after we __________ (complete) our journey.
33. She believes she __________ (pass) the exam with flying colors.
34. They __________ (move) to a new house in the spring.
35. At this time tomorrow, I __________ (work) on a project.
36. By 8 PM, they __________ (drive) for a few hours.

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