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Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript
Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript
Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript
Ebook1,150 pages4 hours

Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript

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About this ebook

If you’re an existing Java developer who wants to go full stack or pick up another frontend framework, this book is your concise introduction to React. In this three-part build-along, you’ll create a robust Spring Boot backend, a React frontend, and then deploy them together.
This new edition is updated to Spring Boot 3 and includes expanded content on security and testing. For the first time ever, it also covers React development with the in-demand TypeScript.
You’ll explore the elements that go into creating a REST API and testing, securing, and deploying your applications. You’ll learn about custom Hooks, third-party components, and MUI.
By the end of this book, you'll be able to build a full stack application using the latest tools and modern best practices.

Release dateOct 31, 2023
Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React: Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript

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    Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React - Juha Hinkula


    Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React

    Fourth Edition

    Build modern web applications using the power of Java, React, and TypeScript

    Juha Hinkula


    Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 3 and React

    Fourth Edition

    Copyright © 2023 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Publishing Product Manager: Lucy Wan

    Acquisition Editor – Peer Reviews: Tejas Mhasvekar

    Project Editor: Amisha Vathare

    Content Development Editors: Lucy Wan and Shazeen Iqbal

    Copy Editor: Safis Editing

    Technical Editor: Anjitha Murali

    Proofreader: Safis Editing

    Indexer: Subalakshmi Govindhan

    Presentation Designer: Ganesh Bhadwalkar

    Developer Relations Marketing Executive: Priyadarshini Sharma

    First published: June 2018

    Second edition: May 2019

    Third edition: April 2022

    Fourth edition: October 2023

    Production reference: 1261023

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Grosvenor House

    11 St Paul’s Square


    B3 1RB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-80512-246-3


    About the author

    Juha Hinkula is a software development lecturer at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in Finland. He received an MSc degree in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki and has over 17 years of industry experience in software development. Over the past few years, he has focused on modern full stack development. He is also a passionate mobile developer with Android-native technology, and he uses React Native.

    I am really proud of the Packt editorial team for their outstanding work. Your constructive feedback and dedication have made this journey truly exceptional.

    I would also like to give special thanks to my editor, Lucy Wan. Your ability to provide constructive feedback and offer suggestions for improvement has been invaluable.

    I want to extend my gratitude to our technical reviewers, Dirk and Jose, for helping me grow as a writer and author. Your deep knowledge, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence have elevated my work beyond my expectations.

    Finally, I want to thank my wife and daughter for the time and space you've given me for writing.

    About the reviewers

    Dirk Wichmann is a software architect who has been working in IT for more than 20 years. Professionally, he deals mainly with topics relating to security and architecture. He has worked for various companies across the fields of energy supply, water, logistics, healthcare, and security. As a senior IT specialist, Dirk’s knowledge naturally includes the modern technology stack (for instance, Docker, Keycloak, and Jenkins). He loves agile approaches and clean code, as well as domain-driven design.

    Since the very beginning, Dirk has used Java and Spring in the development and design of software, but he is interested in all areas of the development process – backend, frontend, testing, operations, and so on. In recent years, he has focused increasingly on microservices with Spring/Spring Boot in the backend and React in the frontend.

    Jose Galdamez has worked on full stack web app projects since the year 2000, across a variety of organizations in the public sector, private sector, and academia. While he has spent most of that time working with loosely typed languages like JavaScript, PHP, and Perl, he has come around more to utilizing strongly typed systems like TypeScript and Java. The bulk of his expertise lies in updating legacy systems to be more reliable, maintainable, scalable, and user-friendly. Jose currently works as a software engineer for Clarity Innovations.

    This publication is the first on which Jose has had the chance to collaborate, and it is also one that he read and benefited from as a consumer, for his previous work.

    I’d like to thank my wife and two children for being loving and patient with me while I spent evenings and weekends ensuring every last detail for this book was perfect. I would also like to recognize my employer, Clarity Innovations, for pushing me to exceed what I thought was possible as an engineer while being surrounded and cheered on by the best minds in the business.

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    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

    To get the most out of this book

    Get in touch

    Part I: Backend Programming with Spring Boot

    Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Backend

    Technical requirements

    Installing Eclipse

    Understanding Gradle

    Using Spring Initializr

    Creating a project

    Running the project

    Spring Boot development tools

    Logs and problem-solving

    Installing MariaDB



    Further reading

    Understanding Dependency Injection

    Technical requirements

    Introducing dependency injection

    Using dependency injection in Spring Boot



    Further reading

    Using JPA to Create and Access a Database

    Technical requirements

    Basics of ORM, JPA, and Hibernate

    Creating the entity classes

    Creating CRUD repositories

    Adding relationships between tables

    Setting up a MariaDB database



    Further reading

    Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot

    Technical requirements

    Basics of REST

    Creating a RESTful web service with Spring Boot

    Using Spring Data REST

    Documenting a RESTful API



    Further reading

    Securing Your Backend

    Technical requirements

    Understanding Spring Security

    Securing your backend with a JSON Web Token

    Securing the login

    Securing the other requests

    Handling exceptions

    Adding a CORS filter

    Role-based security

    Using OAuth2 with Spring Boot



    Further reading

    Testing Your Backend

    Technical requirements

    Testing in Spring Boot

    Creating test cases

    Testing with Gradle

    Test-driven development



    Further reading

    Part II: Frontend Programming with React

    Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Frontend

    Technical requirements

    Installing Node.js

    Installing Visual Studio Code

    VS Code extensions

    Creating and running a React app

    Modifying a React app

    Debugging a React app



    Further reading

    Getting Started with React

    Technical requirements

    Creating React components

    Examining our first React app

    Useful ES6 features

    Constants and variables

    Arrow functions

    Template literals

    Object destructuring

    Classes and inheritance

    JSX and styling

    Props and state



    Stateless components

    Conditional rendering

    React hooks





    Custom hooks

    The Context API

    Handling lists with React

    Handling events with React

    Handling forms with React



    Further reading

    Introduction to TypeScript

    Technical requirements

    Understanding TypeScript

    Common types


    Using TypeScript features with React

    State and props


    Creating a React app with TypeScript

    Vite and TypeScript



    Further reading

    Consuming the REST API with React

    Technical requirements


    async and await

    Using the fetch API

    Using the Axios library

    Practical examples

    OpenWeather API

    GitHub API

    Handling race conditions

    Using the React Query library



    Further reading

    Useful Third-Party Components for React

    Technical requirements

    Installing third-party React components

    Working with AG Grid

    Using the Material UI component library

    Managing routing with React Router



    Further reading

    Part III: Full Stack Development

    Setting Up the Frontend for Our Spring Boot RESTful Web Service

    Technical requirements

    Mocking up the UI

    Preparing the Spring Boot backend

    Creating the React project for the frontend



    Further reading

    Adding CRUD Functionalities

    Technical requirements

    Creating the list page

    Fetching data from the backend

    Using environment variables

    Adding paging, filtering, and sorting

    Adding the delete functionality

    Displaying a toast message

    Adding a confirmation dialog window

    Adding the add functionality

    Adding the edit functionality

    Exporting the data to CSV



    Further reading

    Styling the Frontend with MUI

    Technical requirements

    Using the MUI Button component

    Using the MUI Icon and IconButton components

    Using the MUI TextField component



    Further reading

    Testing React Apps

    Technical requirements

    Using Jest

    Using the React Testing Library

    Using Vitest

    Installing and configuring

    Running our first test

    Testing our Carlist component

    Firing events in tests

    End-to-end testing



    Further reading

    Securing Your Application

    Technical requirements

    Securing the backend

    Securing the frontend

    Creating a login component

    Implementing REST API calls

    Refactoring duplicate code

    Displaying an error message

    Logging out



    Further reading

    Deploying Your Application

    Technical requirements

    Deploying the backend with AWS

    Deploying our MariaDB database

    Deploying our Spring Boot application

    Deploying the frontend with Netlify

    Using Docker containers



    Further reading

    Other Books You May Enjoy






    If you’re an existing Java developer who wants to go full stack or pick up another frontend framework, this book is your concise introduction to React. In this three-part build-along, you’ll create a robust Spring Boot backend, a React frontend, and then deploy them together.

    This new edition is updated to Spring Boot 3 and includes expanded content on security and testing. For the first time ever, it also covers React development with the in-demand TypeScript.

    You’ll explore the elements that go into creating a REST API and testing, securing, and deploying your applications. You’ll learn about custom Hooks, third-party components, and MUI.

    By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build a full stack application using the latest tools and modern best practices.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for Java developers who have basic familiarity with Spring Boot but don’t know where to start when it comes to building full stack applications. Basic knowledge of JavaScript and HTML will help you to follow along.

    You’ll also find this book useful if you’re a frontend developer with knowledge of JavaScript basics and looking to learn full stack development, or a full stack developer experienced in other technology stacks looking to learn a new one.

    What this book covers

    Part 1: Backend Programming with Spring Boot

    Chapter 1, Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Backend, explains how to install the software needed in this book for backend development and how to create your first Spring Boot application.

    Chapter 2, Understanding Dependency Injection, explains the basics of dependency injection and how it is achieved in Spring Boot.

    Chapter 3, Using JPA to Create and Access a Database, introduces JPA and explains how to create and access databases with Spring Boot.

    Chapter 4, Creating a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot, explains how to create RESTful web services using Spring Data REST.

    Chapter 5, Securing Your Backend, explains how to secure your backend using Spring Security and JWTs.

    Chapter 6, Testing Your Backend, covers testing in Spring Boot. We will create a few unit and integration tests for our backend and learn about test-driven development.

    Part 2: Frontend Programming with React

    Chapter 7, Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Frontend, explains how to install the software needed in this book for frontend development.

    Chapter 8, Getting Started with React, introduces the basics of the React library.

    Chapter 9, Introduction to TypeScript, covers the basics of TypeScript and how to use it to create React apps.

    Chapter 10, Consuming the REST API with React, shows how to use REST APIs with React using the Fetch API.

    Chapter 11, Useful Third-Party Components for React, demonstrates some useful components that we’ll use in our frontend development.

    Part 3: Full Stack Development

    Chapter 12, Setting Up the Frontend for Our Spring Boot RESTful Web Service, explains how to set up the React app and Spring Boot backend for frontend development.

    Chapter 13, Adding CRUD Functionalities, shows how to implement CRUD functionalities to the React frontend.

    Chapter 14, Styling the Frontend with MUI, shows how to polish the user interface using the React MUI component library.

    Chapter 15, Testing Your Frontend, explains the basics of React frontend testing.

    Chapter 16, Securing Your Application, explains how to secure the frontend using JWTs.

    Chapter 17, Deploying Your Application, demonstrates how to deploy an application with AWS and Netlify, and how to use Docker containers.

    To get the most out of this book

    You will need Spring Boot version 3.x in this book. All code examples are tested using Spring Boot 3.1 and React 18 on Windows. When installing any React libraries, you should check the latest installation command from their documentation and see whether there are any major changes related to the version used in this book.

    The technical requirements for each chapter are stated at the start of the chapter.

    If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code from the book’s GitHub repository at Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

    Download the example code files

    You can download the example code files for this book from GitHub at If there’s an update to the code, it will be updated in the GitHub repository.

    We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text

    : Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: "Import


    into the



    A block of code is set as follows:



    > <




    > <




    > <



    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:











    String brand, model, color, registerNumber;



    year, price; }

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    npm install component_name

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: "You can select the Run menu and press Run as | Java Application."


    Appear like this.


    Appear like this.

    Get in touch

    Feedback from our readers is always welcome.

    General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, email us at [email protected] and mention the book title in the subject of your message.

    Errata: Although we have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of our content, mistakes do happen. If you have found a mistake in this book, we would be grateful if you would report this to us. Please visit and fill in the form.

    Piracy: If you come across any illegal copies of our works in any form on the internet, we would be grateful if you would provide us with the location address or website name. Please contact us at [email protected] with a link to the material.

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    Part I

    Backend Programming with Spring Boot


    Setting Up the Environment and Tools – Backend

    In this book, we will learn about full stack development using Spring Boot in the backend and React in the frontend. The first part of this book focuses on backend development. The second part of this book focuses on frontend programming with React. In the third part, we will implement the frontend.

    In this chapter, we will set up the environment and tools needed for backend programming with Spring Boot. Spring Boot is a modern Java-based backend framework that makes development faster than traditional Java-based frameworks. With Spring Boot, you can make a standalone web application that has an embedded application server.

    There are a lot of different integrated development environment (IDE) tools that you can use to develop Spring Boot applications. In this chapter, we will install Eclipse, which is an open-source IDE for multiple programming languages. We will create our first Spring Boot project by using the Spring Initializr project starter page. Reading the console logs is a crucial skill when developing Spring Boot applications, which we will also cover.

    In this chapter, we will look into the following topics:

    Installing Eclipse

    Understanding Gradle

    Using Spring Initializr

    Installing MariaDB

    Technical requirements

    The Java software development kit (JDK), version 17 or higher, is necessary to use with Eclipse and Spring Boot 3. In this book, we are using the Windows operating system, but all tools are available for Linux and macOS as well. You can get the JDK installation package from Oracle ( or you can use OpenJDK versions as well. You can check the version of the installed Java SDK by typing the

    java –version

    command in your terminal.

    Download the code for this chapter from GitHub at

    Installing Eclipse

    Eclipse is an open-source programming IDE developed by the Eclipse Foundation. An installation package or installer can be downloaded from Eclipse is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. You can also use other IDE tools like IntelliJ or VS Code if you are familiar with them.

    You can either download a ZIP package of Eclipse or an installer package that executes the installation wizard. In the installer, you should select Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Figure 1.1: Eclipse installer

    If using the ZIP package, you have to extract the package to your local disk, and it will contain an executable


    file, which you can run by double-clicking on the file. You should download the Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers package.

    Eclipse is an IDE for multiple programming languages, such as Java, C++, and Python. Eclipse contains different perspectives for your needs, which are a set of views and editors in the Eclipse workbench. The following screenshot shows common perspectives for Java development:

    Figure 1.2: Eclipse workbench

    On the left-hand side, we have the Project Explorer, where we can see our project structure and resources. The Project Explorer is also used to open files by double-clicking on them. The files will be opened in the editor, which is in the middle of the workbench. The Console view can be found in the lower section of the workbench. This view is really important because it shows application logging messages.


    You can get Spring Tool Suite (STS) for Eclipse if you want, but we are not going to use it in this book because the plain Eclipse installation is enough for our purposes. STS is a set of plugins that makes Spring application development simple, and you can find more information about it here:

    Now that we have installed Eclipse, let’s take a quick look at what Gradle is and how it helps us.

    Understanding Gradle

    Gradle is a build automation tool that makes the software development process simpler and also unifies the development process. It manages our project dependencies and handles the build process.


    You can also use another project management tool called Maven with Spring Boot, but we will focus on using Gradle in this book because it’s faster and more flexible than Maven.

    We don’t need to perform any installations to use Gradle in our Spring Boot project since we are utilizing the Gradle wrapper within our project.

    The Gradle configuration is done in the project’s


    file. The file can be customized to fit the specific needs of the project and can be used to automate tasks such as building, testing, and deploying the software. The


    file is an important part of the Gradle build system and is used to configure and manage the build process for a software project. The


    file typically includes information about the project’s dependencies, like external libraries and frameworks that are needed for the project to compile. You can use either the Kotlin or Groovy programming languages to write


    files. In this book, we are using Groovy. The following is one example of a Spring Boot project’s



    plugins { id














    version =






    { mavenCentral() }


    { implementation







    } tasks.named(


    ) { useJUnitPlatform() }



    file typically contains the following parts:

    Plugins: The


    block defines the Gradle plugins that are used in the project. In this block, we can define the version of Spring Boot.

    Repositories: The


    block defines the dependency repositories that are used to resolve dependencies. We are using the Maven Central repository, from which Gradle pulls the dependencies.

    Dependencies: The


    block specifies the dependencies that are used in the project.

    Tasks: The


    block defines the tasks that are part of the build process, such as testing.

    Gradle is often used from the command line, but we are using the Gradle wrapper and Eclipse, which handles all the Gradle operations we need. The wrapper is a script that invokes a declared version of Gradle, and it standardizes your project to a given Gradle version. Therefore, we are not focusing on Gradle command-line usage here. The most important thing is to understand the structure of the


    file and how to add new dependencies to it. We will learn how to add dependencies using Spring Initializr in the next section. Later in this book, we will also add new dependencies manually to the



    In the next section, we will create our first Spring Boot project and see how we can run it using the Eclipse IDE.

    Using Spring Initializr

    We will create our backend project using Spring Initializr, a web-based tool that’s used to create Spring Boot projects. Then, we will learn how to run our Spring Boot project using the Eclipse IDE. At the end of this section, we will also look at

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