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37, A. W. Oduoya Street, EjigunAgbedeItele-Ota, Ogun State.
Tel:08060336866, 08057683449 Email: [email protected]


SECTION A - Instruction: Answer ONLY One question from this section
1. Write a letter to the chairman of your community telling him the need for library in your
2. You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic “Indeed Democracy is better that Military Rule”.
Write for or against the proposition
3. As the chairman of your youth forum, write a speech to be delivered on the occasion of your
forum’s five year anniversary.
Read the following passage carefully and answer questions on it
Awa peeped from behind the straw mat which was the door of her mother’s confine. The moon
was a perfect ball hanging inches above the leafy protrudes of the mango tree of the entrance of the
compound. When Awa was younger, she used to try plocking the golden ball from the sky with a stick. That
was along time ago she sighted. Life has changed suddenly; her father had died unexpectedly leaving his
wives and children in a state of shows and confusion
At the end of the fourty days of mourning, Awa’s mother left for her own village to attend to her
very ill mother. Awa was waiting for the entire compound to fall asleep. It was the night that would decide
her life. She had to get to that mango tree without being seen, only then she knew she would be free she
held the few pieces of clothing she possessed tightly to her chest and stepped gingerly into the moon-
washed compound. By the time she reaches the entrance she was sweating in spite of the cool of the night
Awa stepped quickly into the dirt track which linked to the rest of the world. She was on her way.
Awa knew her life was in danger but she was ready to take the risk. She stayed close to the ledger along
the road, ready to dash for cover at the sight or sound of any human or animal.
The moon proved a good companion, staying constantly with her. Occasionally, a thin veil of white
cloud would drift over its surface. Awa took delight in watching how the moon would burst out from
behind the cloud, puffing as it were hurring to get somewhere. The crickets kept up a deafening
orchestration of unfinished mites, while the frogs, in accompaniment, threw in their numbing bass notes of
regular interval. Awa did not stop to rest; fear of the living and the dead catching up with her, kept her
moving. She walked throughout the night.
The moon was getting paler as if it had done its duty by her and was leaving her to the care of the
sun which not quite ready to wake, was stretching sleepy pink fingers over the clouds in the distance. The
bush was giving way to little patches of vegetable garden. Fear clasped Awa’s chest in iron grips. She
struggled to breathe and there was no place to hide now. She had made it to Ojone’s compound before
the first call to prayer which would wake the whole village. Already in the distance, she could hear the
crow of the first cock to waken. She came to a turn in the road and there was Ojone’s compound; she
quickened her pace. A hungry looking dog sitting in the middle of the dirt track tried a few weary barks at
her, but she throw a stone at it slinked away.
A. What two expressions in the passage show poverty?
B. Give three words that show the sound of animals from passage
C. Why must Awa not be seen as she leaves the compound?
D. How would the night decide her life?
E. Why was Awa sweating?
F. ‘At the end of the forty day of mourning…’
i. What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage?
ii. What is its function?
G. What figure of speech is contained in the following expressions?
i. ‘…..the golden ball…..’
ii. ‘The moon proved a good companion…’
H. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same and can replace
if as it is used in the passage (i) Possesses (ii) gingerly (iii) duty (iv) struggled (c) turn (vi) weary
SECTION C – Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence.
1. While some workers felt that the terms were amicable; others thought that they were________ (a)
disagreeable (b) strange (c) bad (d) hostile
2. False witnesses castigate rather than______the accused. (a) exonerate (b) expose (c) appease (d)
3. It is obvious that many people prefer affluence to _________ (a) poverty (b) scarcity (c) thrift (d)
4. It is a fact that Pride is a less admirable quality than______ (a) humility (b) honesty (c) affection (d)
5. The honour that was conferred on the general has been_____ (a) withdrawn (b) confirmed (c)
rejected (d) destroyed
From the words lettered A – D, choose the word or group of words that is NEAREST IN MEANING to
the underlined word in the sentence
6. Modou is endowed with great potential (a) enlightened (b) gifted (c) provided (d) inspired
7. Collaboration is essential to the success of the team. (a) desired (b) indispensable (c) effective (d)
8. I really wish to assure you that we now have a reliable leader (a) realistic (b) dependable (c)
sensible (d) resolute
9. This is a chance of a life time (a) an advantage (b) am opportunity (c) a privilege (d) a possibility
10. Children often behave badly out of ignorance (a) illiteracy (b) inexperience (c) unfamiliarity (d)
From the words lettered A – D, choose the word that best complete each of the following sentences
11. A judge is required to ______justice fairly (a) defer (b) define (c) dispense (d) dispel
12. As a millionaire, he live in _______ (a) prudence (b) frugality (c) affluence (d) abundance
13. The truth of the obedience is______ (a) irreversible (b) irreparable (c) irrefutable (d) irretrievable
14. Public money should be used only for ________ purposes (a) discreet (b) legal (c) legitimate (d)
15. The members of parliament tabled an_______ to the constitution (a) adjustment (b) enactment (c)
amendment (d) annulment
16. The policeman tried to ________ money from the motorist (a)exert (b) exact (c) extort (d) extract
17. What I gave you was supposed to _______ your monthly earnings (a) expand (b) enlarge (c)
augment (d) complete
18. His ________ to violent video games is something to worry about (a) devotion (b) attachment (c)
addiction (d) commitment
19. Most people think that______ punishment should be abolish, even in murder cases (a) fatal (b)
sever (c) capital (d) corporal
20. The boy’s parents________ a sigh of relief when he was found (a) raised (b) uttered (c) heard (d)
1. Write five (5) sentences with a falling tone
b. Write two examples for each of the following prefixes (i) Un (ii) A (iii) Omni (iv) auto (v) fore
2. State five importance of record keeping
3. Make two sentences for each of the following prepositional phrase (i) with the car (ii) in the garage
(iii) behind the little (iv) in man (v) before the speeches
4. Write five (5) examples for the following consonant cluster (i) /kw/ (ii) J /u/
5. Write five (5) words z with stress on the first syllable
6. Use the following phrasal verbs to make a sentence (i) Ask out (ii) Break away (iii) sell out (iv) abide
by (v) Break even
7. Explain the types of tense.
8. Mention four (4) uses of ‘Shall and Should’
9. Write five (5) homophones with examples
10. List four punctuation marks and state their uses
37, A. W. Oduoya Street, EjigunAgbedeItele-Ota, Ogun State.
Tel:08060336866, 08057683449 Email: [email protected]


I have always known if small men must always think small and act small, whatever happens. You
give a man good money to go down to Iddu and argue a case and even furnish him with sound, convincing
arguments to bear up the case: yet let the judge merely open his mouth to yawn, art your little scoundrel
loses no time in collapsing on his pump.
It wasn’t that if I had looked around the town for people with guts – at least guts enough for the
kind of job I wanted done 0 I could not have found them. Add a little money into the bargain, and you’ll get
a man ready to stand up and tell the chairman of the tribunal to his face where his father’s father was
born. Now look what this wretch has gone to do before the tribunal. What bothers me is not so much that
he went up there to expose himself to ridicule at that he seems to have made nonsense of the whole case.
For what the chairman has done amounts to practically telling him that his evidence is useless and cannot
be upheld. Now was I expected to go there by myself and put forward convincing and well-argued points in
the way in which any sensible man ought to have? It’s a curse to be a small man.
Who could have been better qualified than Omonnigho Rukeme to argue a case against Mukoro
Oshevire, knowing full well that this was his best and indeed only good chance to average the disgrace
bought upon his father by Oshevire?
It wasn’t long before the war came to this state. Everybody remembers the incident. Oshevire had
long known from reports bought to him by his tappers that someone was stealing the latex from his rubber
plantation. It was also known that Uduefe Rukeme’s was the nest plantation to Oshevire’s and it was also
known that Rukeme was in the habit of going to his farm much earlier than anyone else did . and of course
being a poor wretched farmer, with only a very small plantation he either went alone to his farm or took a
son along. There aren’t many people like me who can afford to pay labourers to do the job. So one day a
trap was laid, and if caught! Rukeme was cornered practically emptying the latex from the cup on one of
Oshevire’s trees into the bucket well, he tried all he could to browbeat the labourer who caught him, but
the man made the report to Oshevire, who went straight to the Otota and was barely restrained from
taking the case to court. When the case was brought before the council, what didn’t the wily old fox to
disengage himself? He swore by the grey hairs of his head and penis, by his long-deceased grandfather,
even by the count of his own mother – may he not live to bear the next cock crow, if he even so much as
stepped close to Oshevire latex! Of course everybody knen that Uduefe Rukeme was a thief. But the
council gave him the benefit of his oath and of the vigour and conviction with which it had been sworn. We
even found ourselves blaming it all on the visual error of the labourer, asking the man, on Rukeme’s
invitation, to produce concrete evidence of the theft!
Yet for the people at large, Rukeme’s past record alone was enough to determine a verdict; before
the week was out a song had already been composed and popularized, about ten aging but click little
fingers sticking with rubber!
a.(i) Where was the trap laid?
(ii) What Aid the trap catch?
b. With what five thing did Uduafe Rukeme swear to prove his innocence?
c. (i) Did the people believe Uduefe?
(ii) How do you know?
d. Which bargain did the writer want a little money added to?
e. Why did the writer say that it’s a curse to be a small man?
f. Who could have been better qualified than Omonigho Rukeme to argue a case against Mukoro
i. What figure of speech is contained in the expression above
ii. What is its meaning
g. …………Uduefe Rukeme’s was the next plantation to Oshevire’s
i. What grammatical name is given to this expression as if is used in the passage?
ii. What is its function
h. For each of the following words, first another word or phrase that means the same and can replace
it as if is used in the passage. (i) furnish (ii) scoundrel (iii) bothers (iv) ridicule (v) browbeat (vi)
restrained (vii) disengage
1. In two sentences, one for each. summarize the reasons why Uduefe was not presented
2. In two sentences, summarise the reasons why the writer was unhappy about the way the case was
3. In one sentences, summarize the reason why it was necessary for Omonigho Rukeme to handle the
case better
From the word lettered A – D. Choose the word that best complete each of the following sentences
1. Adamu is a good friend on_______ I can rely (a) who (b) whose (c) which (d) whom
2. ________we shall go together (a) if you had come early (b) if you came early (c) although you come
early (d) if you come early
3. He knew_______ (a) that they wanted (b) if they wanted (c) at where they wanted (d) (d) what they
4. The breakdown of our marriage was no fault of________ (a) me (b) my (c) I (d) mine
5. The national basketball team________ expected back from England this evening (a) are (b) were
(c) was (d) is
6. “Ladies and gentlemen, let us come together to know ______better (a) each other (b) one another
(c) us (d) ourselves
7. ________ I prepare the food, please set the table. (a) When (b) While (c) Since (d) Although
8. Daughters confide________ their fathers more than sons do (a) on (b) in (c) to (d) about
9. Bola________ won the beauty contest, is my sister (a) that (b) who (c) which (d) whom
10. He eats ________ (a) quite rather fact (b) rather too fast (c) rather very fast (d) quite very fast
From the lettered A – D, choose a word or group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
underlined word.
11. Johnson is consistently assertive but his twin brother is rather_______ (a) cautions (b) reserved (c)
cowardly (d) respectful
12. It is amazing how Jude became so proud, his parents have always been_______ (a) friendly (b)
generous (c) humble (d) reserved
13. If you do not drive with care you may be charged for _______ (a) overspeeding (b) drunkenness (c)
recklessness (d) ignorance
14. He didn’t lose the fight because of his bravery but for his_______ (a) ignorance (b) strength (c)
cowardice (d) rashness
15. The crops the farmer planted will be _________ in three month’s time (a) sold (b) weeded (c)
harvested (d) uprooted
From the lettered A – D, choose a word that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentences
16. Amina said that she married a doting man (a) funny (b) nagging (c) loving (d) uncaring
17. The prosecutor was accused of obstructing justice (a) retaining (b) stopping (c) hindering (d)
18. Though there is no void on campus, the students are restore (a) quiet (b) chaotic (c) restless (d)
19. The man preaches humility without matching it with action (a) salvation (b) honesty (c) modesty (d)
20. The accident victim was bleeding profusely (a) slowly (b) extremely (c) excessively (d) abundantly
1. Mention five (5) formation of possessive case and give two examples each
2. List ten (10) words associated with press
3. Write five (5) sentences with a rising tone
4. Write a simple poem and indicate its rhyme scheme
5. Write three (3) examples for each of the following diphthongs: (i) /au/ ii. /ei/ iii. /eə/
iv. /iə/ v. /ai/
6. Write the meaning of the following phrasal verb with example
i. Put up with
ii. Lash out on
iii. Zero in on
iv. Make up for
v. Cash in on
7. Write five (5) sentences with a falling tone
8. Change the following active voice to passive voice
i. Queen does the job
ii. If was doing my assignment
iii. John killed the dog
iv. The students were expelled by the school authority
9. Mention four (4) uses of the possessive nouns
10. Explain the classification of personal pronoun

Answer only one question from this section
1. Write a letter to the principle of your school, complaining about the state of your school library
2. Write an article suitable for publication in your school magazine on the need for change in the
educational scheme work
3. Write a letter to your friend in another country, narrating how you spend your last mid-term break

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