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Boris has a bag that only contains red sweets and green sweets.

Boris takes at random 2 sweets from the bag.

The probability that Boris takes exactly 1 red sweet from the bag is

Originally there were 3 red sweets in the bag.

Work out how many green sweets there were originally in the bag.
Show your working clearly.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


There are 16 sweets in a bowl.

4 of the sweets are blackcurrant.
5 of the sweets are lemon.
7 of the sweets are orange.
Anna, Ravi and Sam each take at random one sweet from the bowl.

Work out the probability that the 5 lemon sweets are still in the bowl.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


A bag contains X counters.

There are only red counters and blue counters in the bag.

There are 4 more blue counters than red counters in the bag.

Finty takes at random 2 counters from the bag.

The probability that Finty takes 2 blue counters from the bag is

Work out the value of X.

Show clear algebraic working.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


Pippa has a box containing N pens.

There are only black pens and red pens in the box.
The number of black pens in the box is 3 more than the number of red pens.

Pippa is going to take at random 2 pens from the box.

The probability that she will take a black pen followed by a red pen is

Find the possible values of N.

Show clear algebraic working.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


Becky has a biased 6-sided dice.

The table gives information about the probability that, when the dice is thrown, it will land on each

Becky is going to throw the dice 200 times.

Work out an estimate for the number of times that the dice will land on an even number.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


Felix has 10 cards.

There are 5 red cards, 4 blue cards and 1 green card.

Felix takes at random one of the cards.

He does not replace the card.
Felix then takes at random a second card.

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

(b) Work out the probability that Felix takes at least one blue card and no green card.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


A bag contains only red beads, blue beads, green beads and yellow beads.

The table gives the probabilities that, when a bead is taken at random from the bag,
the bead will be blue or the bead will be yellow.

The probability that the bead will be green is twice the probability that the bead will be red.

Sofia takes at random a bead from the bag.

She writes down the colour of the bead and puts the bead back into the bag.

She does this 180 times.

Work out an estimate for the number of times she takes a red bead from the bag.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


Toy cars are made in a factory.

The toy cars are made for 15 hours each day.
5 toy cars are made every 12 seconds.

For the toy cars made each day, the probability of a toy car being faulty is 0.002

Work out an estimate of the number of faulty toy cars that are made each day.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


Sophie takes an examination.

If she fails the examination, she will resit.

The probability that Sophie passes the examination on her first attempt is 0.7
If she fails the examination on any attempt, the probability she passes on the next attempt is 0.9

Work out the probability that Sophie takes at most 2 attempts to pass the examination.


(Total for question = 3 marks)


Jack plays a game with two fair spinners, A and B.

Spinner A can land on the number 2 or 3 or 5 or 7

Spinner B can land on the number 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6

Jack spins both spinners.

He wins the game if one spinner lands on an odd number and the other spinner lands on an even

Jack plays the game twice.

Work out the probability that Jack wins the game both times.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


A bowl contains n pieces of fruit.

Of these, 4 are oranges and the rest are apples.

Two pieces of fruit are going to be taken at random from the bowl.

The probability that the bowl will then contain (n – 6) apples is

Work out the value of n

Show your working clearly.

(Total for question = 6 marks)


Grace has a biased 5-sided spinner.

Grace is going to spin the arrow on the spinner once.

The table below gives the probabilities that the spinner will land on red or on blue or on green.

The probability that the spinner will land on orange is 3 times the probability that the spinner will land on

(a) Work out the probability that the spinner will land on orange.

Grace spins the arrow on the spinner 150 times.

(b) Work out an estimate for the number of times the spinner lands on blue.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


There are 54 fish in a tank.

Some of the fish are white and the rest of the fish are red.

Jeevan takes at random a fish from the tank.

The probability that he takes a white fish is

(a) Work out the number of white fish originally in the tank.

Jeevan puts the fish he took out, back into the tank.
He puts some more white fish into the tank.

Jeevan takes at random a fish from the tank.

The probability that he takes a white fish is now

(b) Work out the number of white fish Jeevan put into the tank.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


A box contains 15 counters.

There are 4 red counters, 5 green counters and the rest are yellow counters.

Niklas takes at random a counter from the box and writes down the colour of his counter.
He then puts the counter back into the box.

Sasha then takes at random a counter from the box and writes down the colour of her counter.

Work out the probability that the counters taken by Niklas and Sasha both have the same colour.


(Total for question = 3 marks)


Marcus plays two games of tennis.

For each game, the probability that Marcus wins is 0.35

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

(b) Work out the probability that Marcus wins at least one of the two games of tennis.

(Total for question = 5 marks)


In group C, there are 6 girls and 8 boys.

In group D, there are 3 girls and 7 boys.

A team is made by picking at random one child from group C and one child from group D.

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

(b) Work out the probability that there are two boys in the team.

After the first team has been picked, a second team is picked.
One child is picked at random from the children left in group C and one child is picked at random from the
children left in group D.

(c) Work out the probability that there are two boys in each of the two teams.


(Total for question = 7 marks)


There are 7 red counters in a bag.

The rest of the counters in the bag are blue.

There are more blue counters than red counters in the bag.

Two counters are to be taken at random from the bag.

The probability that there will be one counter of each colour is

Work out the total number of counters in the bag before any counters are taken from the bag.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


Here is a biased 5-sided spinner.

When the spinner is spun, it can land on red, blue, green, brown or yellow.

The table gives the probabilities that the spinner lands on red or on blue or on green.

When the spinner is spun once, the probability that the spinner lands on brown is 0.06 more than the
probability that the spinner lands on yellow.

Jenine spins the spinner 150 times.

Work out an estimate for the number of times the spinner lands on yellow.

(Total for question = 4 marks)


There are 20 glasses in a cupboard.

13 of the glasses are large
7 of the glasses are small
Roberto takes at random two glasses from the cupboard.

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

(b) Work out the probability that Roberto takes two small glasses.


(Total for question = 4 marks)


Harry has two fair 5-sided spinners.

Harry is going to spin each spinner once.

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

(b) Work out the probability that at least one of the spinners will land on green.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


Ding is going to play one game of snooker against each of two of his friends, Marco and Judd.

The probability tree diagram gives information about the probabilities that Ding will win or lose each of
these two games.

(a) Work out the probability that Ding will win both games.

(b) Work out the probability that Ding will win exactly one of the games.


(Total for question = 5 marks)


Emilie takes part in two races.

The probability that she wins the first race is 0.7

The probability that she wins the second race is 0.4
The outcomes of the two races are independent.

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

(b) Work out the probability that Emilie wins exactly one of the two races.

Emilie is going to take part in a third race.

If she wins both of the first two races, the probability that she will win the third race is 0.6

If she wins exactly one of the first two races, the probability that she will win the third race is 0.3

(c) Work out the probability that Emilie will win exactly two of the three races.


(Total for question = 8 marks)


Magnus and Garry play 2 games of chess against each other.

The probability that Magnus beats Garry in any game is

The probability that any game between Magnus and Garry is drawn is

The result of any game is independent of the result of any other game.

(a) Complete the probability tree diagram.

For each game of chess,
the winner gets 2 points and the loser gets 0 points,
when the game is drawn, each player gets 1 point.
(b) Work out the probability that, after 2 games, Magnus and Garry have the same number of points.

Magnus and Garry now play a third game of chess.

(c) Work out the probability that, after 3 games, Magnus and Garry have the same number of points.

(Total for question = 8 marks)

In a bag there are only red bricks, blue bricks, green bricks and orange bricks.

The number of green bricks in the bag is the same as the number of orange bricks.

Jiao takes at random a brick from the bag.

The table gives the probability that Jiao takes a red brick and the probability that he takes a blue brick.

(a) Work out the probability that Jiao takes an orange brick.

Jiao puts the brick back into the bag.
There are 91 red bricks in the bag.

Jiao is going to build a tower using all the red bricks and all the blue bricks but no other bricks.
The tower will be in the shape of a cuboid.
There will be 4 bricks in each layer of the tower.

(b) Work out how many layers the tower will have.


(Total for question = 6 marks)


There are 32 students in a class.

In one term these 32 students each took a test in Maths (M), in English (E) and in French (F).
25 students passed the test in Maths.
20 students passed the test in English.
14 students passed the test in French.
18 students passed the tests in Maths and English.
11 students passed the tests in Maths and French.
4 students failed all three tests.
x students passed all three tests.
The incomplete Venn diagram gives some more information about the results of the 32 students.

(a) Use all the given information about the results of students who passed the test in Maths to find the
value of x.

x = ...........................................................
(b) Use your value of x to complete the Venn diagram to show the number of students in each subset.

A student who passed the test in Maths is chosen at random.

(c) Find the probability that this student failed the test in French.


(Total for question = 5 marks)

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