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Final Year BTech-Part-II- 2022-23 (CBCS pattern)
Subject: Railway, Airport & Harbour Engg

Sl. Questions

1 Calculate the actual length of the runway from the following data:
Airport elevation: R.L.105
Airport reference temperature: 280C
Basic length of runway: 800m
Highest point along the length: R.L 98.2 Lowest point along the length: R.L 95.2. Check
the total correction for elevation plus temperature as per ICAO

3 What are the imaginary surfaces? What is their significance and list the types of imaginary

4 What is significance of Wind Rose Diagram in finding orientation of runway and

demonstrate the Type-I wind rose diagram with neat sketch.

5 At an airport site at sea level with standard atmospheric conditions, the runway lengths
required for take-off and landing are 2000 m and 2400m respectively. The proposed airport
is situated at an altitude of 150m. If the airport reference temperature is 250C and the
effective runway gradient is 0.35 percent, calculate the length of runway to be provided.

06 Design an exit taxiway joining a runway and a parallel main taxiway. The total angle of
turn is 350 and the maximum turn-off speed is 80 kmph. Assume radius of entrance curve
=731m, runway width=45m, taxiway width=22.5m. Draw a neat sketch showing all the
design elements. Assume the separation clearance as 217.75m

07 Draw a neat cross-section of runway showing all component parts. Explain the ICAO
recommendations with respect to runway transverse and longitudinal gradients for A, B, C,
D and E types of airports.

08 What is significance of Wind Rose Diagram in finding orientation of runway and

demonstrate the Type-II wind rose diagram with neat sketch.

09 The monthly mean temperature of the atmosphere at a particular site where an airport is to
be developed, are given below. Determine the airport reference temperature. If the site is at
mean sea level determine the actual runway length. The runway is assumed to be level.
10 Design an exit taxiway joining a runway and a parallel main taxiway. The total angle of
turn is 30 degrees and the maximum turn-off speed is 80 kmph. Assume runway
width=45m, taxiway width=22.5m and separation clearance as 198.70m. Use Table-1 for
obtaining the radius of entrance curve. Draw a neat sketch showing all the design elements.

Table-1: Radius of entrance curve

Speed (kmph) 65 80 95

Radius (m) 517 731 941


12 Draw the Type-I Wind Rose Diagram using the data given below. Find the orientation of
the runway and wind coverage.

Direction Duration of Wind (%)

6.0-25 25-40 40-60

kmph kmph kmph
N 7.4 2.7 0.2
NNE 5.7 2.1 0.3
NE 2.4 0.9 0.6
ENE 1.2 0.4 0.2
E 0.8 0.2 0
ESE 0.3 0.1 0
SE 4.3 2.8 0
SSE 5.5 3.2 0
S 9.7 4.6 0
SSW 6.3 3.2 0.5
SW 3.6 1.8 0.3
WSW 1 0.5 0.1
W 0.4 0.1 0
WNW 0.2 0.1 0
NW 5.3 1.9 0
NNW 4 1.3 0.3

Sl. Contents CO BT
No No Level

01 Draw a typical layout of artificial harbour and explain briefly, the CO 5 03

function of Jetty, Quay walls and turning basin.

02 Draw a typical layout of artificial harbour and explain briefly, the CO 5 03

function of Jetty, Quay walls and turning basin.

03 What are dolphins? Describe their types. CO 5 02

04 What are the fenders? Why are they used? Describe various types of CO 5 02
fenders with sketches.

05 Draw a neat sketch of dry dock (plan and section) and label all CO 5 03
components, and explain the working principle of dry dock.

06 What is breakwater? Explain mound type of breakwater with neat CO 5 02


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