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no Year Paper Title Journal Algorithm/Tech Dataset Inference

Name nique used

1. 2021 An Enhanced IEEE Xplore K-Means filter, The dataset is a The Accuracy(in
Bank Genetic Bank dataset %) that was
Customers Algorithm and used for churn observed with
Churn Artificial Neural prediction different
Prediction Network challenges. algorithms are
Model ANN - 85.80
K-Means ANN -
GA K-Means
ANN - 100

2. 2022 Predicting 2022 5th ANN algorithm The dataset The accuracy in
Banking International contains predicting using
Customer Conference information the ANN
Churn based on about the algorithm - 86.4
on Artificial Computing customers in
Neural Network and banking sector,
Informatics and the
(ICCI) features that
whether the
customer left
the bank or

3. 2022 Customer International Exploratory 3 types of There are still

Churn Conference Data Analysis datasets are some works to
Prediction in on Applied (EDA), required be performed for
the Iranian Artificial pre-processing consisting of the future, such
Banking sector Intelligence and Bi-LSTM. training data, as using hybrid
(ICAPAI) validation data, neural networks
and test data. in form of the
time series
algorithm, and
designing an
auto-self tuner
DNN-based to
tune the
with any size of
4. 2020 Churn 2020 11th Deep Neural The dataset, In this study, we
Prediction in International Network and which is real classified
Payment Conference Terminal world data from payment
Terminals on Classification Parsian Bank in terminals via
Using RFM Information Iran, consist of RFM model and
model and and 3600 payment DNN. To show
Deep Neural Knowledge terminals from the efficiency of
Network Technology August 2019 to our method, we
(1K T) September compare the
2019 results of DNN
by DT and NB
with and without

5. 2022 Customer 2022 Machine Data set used Furthermore,

Churn International learning are Churn and there are
Conference Non churn data working towards
on sets developing a
Using Machine Information machine learning
Learning: and model by
Commercial Communicat incorporating
Bank of ion additional
Technology attributes for the
Ethiopia for customer churn
Developmen prediction using
t for Africa different machine
(ICT4DA) learning

6. 2020 Prediction of 2020 SVM and MLP Four segments Accuracy (in %)
Customer International networks of clients of the SVM - 99.6
Status in Joint chosen Polish MLP - 99.3
Corporate Conference bank have been Our results show
Banking Using on Neural considered in that the
Neural Networks this study. proposed
Networks (IJCNN) dynamic
model related to
a few preceding
months could
predict the
behaviour and
decisions in a
precise way
7. 2008 Churn 2008 Linear This algorithm Continuing
prediction with International Discriminant can deal with research should
Conference complicated aim at improving
Linear Boosting
on Machine binary the effectiveness
Discriminant Learning algorithm classification and
Boosting and problems, such generalization
algorithm Cybernetics as churn ability of
prediction with LD-Boosting.
an extremely

8. 2023 Machine 2023 Machine Random Forest

Learning and International Learning and and Deep
Conference Learning were
Deep Learning Deep Learning
on applied to a
technique used Computation technique is public domain
in Customer al used Telecoms
Churn Intelligence dataset
Prediction and

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