PTR 326 Theoretical Lecture 1

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Introduction to

Petroleum Drilling
Engineering II

Lecturer: Mohammed Ariwan Jamal

Course Name & Code: Petroleum Drilling Engineering II
(PTR 326)
6th Semester (3rd Grade Fall Semester)
Week #1/Lecture #1 (Theory & Practical)
Email: [email protected]
Contact Information:

• Lecturer: Mohammed Ariwan Jamal

• Email: [email protected]

• Working Time: Sunday to Thursday (8:30 A.M to 5:00 P.M.)

• Office Hours: Tuesday, 15:00-17:00

• Office: 322 / Main Building / Tishk International University (TIU)

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General Rules and Recommendations:
• Be punctual, attend classes on time.

• Respect yourself, other students and lecturer.

• Meet deadlines. There is no extension for assignment deadlines.

• Prepare in advance, consult the provided lecture notes, textbooks and references.

• Participate actively in the class discussion and activities. Ask questions!

• Take notes. Your focus and attention is essential.

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Course Format
• The course will be taught in English.

• Petroleum Drilling Engineering II (PTR 326) consists of:

1. Theoretical Lecture: Sundays from 11:00 to12:50 at Hall214

2. Practical Session: Sundays at 214/(L. 103)
• Group A 13:30 to 15:20
• GroupB 15:30 to 17:20 (Exempt and Retake Students)

• The practical application will be in form of Tutorials and Video Demonstrations

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Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

• Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of drilling hydraulics, including the ability to

perform calculations for pressure loss in the rig system.

• Apply knowledge in well casing design by conducting necessary calculations, adhering to selection
criteria, and illustrating various casing string types and their functions.

• Describe the functions of well cementing and showcase proficiency in illustrating different types
of cementing techniques.

• Identify and list the parameters essential for testing and designing a cement slurry.

• Utilize various laboratory apparatus to measure different cementing properties and perform tests
to assess the effectiveness of cement slurries
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Course Book / Textbook
• Fundamentals of Sustainable Drilling Engineering
Hossain, M.E. and Al-Majed, A.A., 2015. Fundamentals of sustainable drilling engineering. John Wiley & Sons

• Petroleum Engineering, Drilling and Well Completions

Gatlin, C., 1960. Petroleum engineering, drilling and well completions. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NEW JERSEY, PRENTICE-HALL INC., 1960. 341 P.

Other course materials / references

• Well Control – Theory and Equipment
Hussain Rabia: Surface Well Control – Theory and Equipment. Entrac Petroleum Ltd. Publications, London, UK, 2017.ISBN

• Hussain Rabia: Well Engineering and Construction

Hussain Rabia: Well Engineering and Construction.2001.

• SPE:
• OnePetro:
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Course Evaluation Criteria
• Quiz (1 Before Midterm 1 After Midterm) (10%)

• Assignments (5%)

• Tutorials (10%)

• Report, Field Trip (5 %)

• Presentation (5 %)

• Midterm (25%)

• Final (40%)

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Pet. Drilling Eng. I Course Content
• Introduction to Drilling Engineering and role of Drilling Engineers in the Field

• History of Drilling and Drilling Methods (Cable Tool and Rotary)

• Types of Rotary Drilling Rigs

• Drilling Personnel and Companies

• Rotary Drilling Rig Systems and Components, Drill String Components and Types of Drilling Bits

• Introduction to Drilling Fluids, Types of Drilling Fluids, Laboratory Tests on Drilling Fluids (Density,
Viscosity, Yield Point, Gel Strength, Filtration, Sand Content, pH, … etc.)

• Functions of Drilling Fluids and Drilling Problems Dependent on Mud Control.

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Course Content
• Drilling Hydraulics and Flow Regimes

• Pressure Loss Calculation of the Rig System

• Hydrostatic Pressure Calculations

• Introduction to Casing, Selection of Casing Setting Depths and Casing Sizes

• Casing Design considering loading conditions, casing weight, grade, …etc.

• Types of Casing and Casing String Components

• Introduction to Cementing and Cement Properties

• Laboratory Tests on Cement Slurry and Cement Additives

• Types of Cementing, Cementing Process and Cement Volume Calculations

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Introduction to Drilling Rig Hydraulics
• Rig hydraulics refers to the study and application of fluid mechanics principles within the context
of drilling rigs used in the oil and gas industry. It involves the understanding of how fluids,
typically drilling mud or drilling fluid, behave within the rig's hydraulic system.

• The primary goal is to optimize the performance of the drilling process by controlling the flow and
pressure of the drilling fluid throughout the various components of the rig.

• Key aspects of rig hydraulics include:

1. Pressure Control: Rig hydraulics is crucial for maintaining proper pressure within the wellbore.
Controlling the pressure helps prevent blowouts and ensures the stability of the well during
drilling operations.

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Introduction to Drilling Rig Hydraulics (Cont.)
2. Circulation System: The hydraulic system is responsible for circulating drilling fluid from the
surface, down the drill string, and back to the surface. This circulation helps remove drill
cuttings, cools the drill bit, and provides support to the wellbore.

3. Cooling and Lubrication: Rig hydraulics is essential for cooling and lubricating the drilling tools,
especially the drill bit. This helps in preventing overheating and premature wear of the drilling

4. Bit Hydraulics: Understanding rig hydraulics is crucial for optimizing the hydraulics around the
drill bit. Proper hydraulics assist in efficient cuttings removal and improve the rate of
penetration (ROP).

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Introduction to Drilling Rig Hydraulics (Cont.)
5. Pressure Loss Calculations: Rig hydraulics involves calculating pressure losses in the entire
drilling system. This includes frictional losses in the drill pipe, drill collars, and other

The importance of rig hydraulics lies in its role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and success of
drilling operations.

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Introduction to Drilling Rig Hydraulics (Cont.)
Properly managed rig hydraulics contribute to:

• Well Control: Preventing the uncontrolled release of formation fluids (blowout) by maintaining
appropriate pressure in the wellbore.

• Efficient Drilling: Optimizing drilling parameters, such as rate of penetration, which contributes to
faster and more cost-effective drilling operations.

• Tool Longevity: Enhancing the lifespan of drilling tools by providing adequate cooling and

• Cuttings Removal: Efficient removal of drill cuttings from the wellbore, preventing potential
issues such as stuck pipe or reduced drilling efficiency.

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