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I. Pronunciation
Câu 1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. started B. decided C. missed D. competed
Câu 2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?
A. wrestler B. medal C. record (n) D. event
Câu 3. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. player B. athlete C. event D. medal
Câu 4. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?
A. gymnastics B. basketball C. medalist D. champion
II. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each question.
Câu 5. We often __________ 200m races at school.
A. play B. run C. do D. take
Câu 6. ___________ many people at the match yesterday?
A. Did there be B. Was there C. There were D. Were there
Câu 7. We __________ really happy because our team _________ the final match.
A. were / win B. are / win C. were / won D. was / won
Câu 8. Our team’s new trainer is an Olympic ___________.
A. medal B. champion C. record D. gym
Câu 9. My brother was a silver ___________. He came second in the race.
A. player B. record C. skier D. medalist
Câu 10. I sometimes __________ part in swimming competitions in my neighborhood.
A. break B. play C. take D. win
Câu 11. Manchester United _________ three goals in the final match and won the title.
A. beat B. scored C. played D. broke
Câu 12. I ________ on a banana skin and _________ on the street.
A. slept / fall B. slip / fall C. sleep / fell D. slipped / fell
Câu 13. School ___________ five minutes ago. Students are going back home.
A. finish B. finished C. finishes D. is finishing
Câu 14. “How was your weekend?” – “______________”.

A. Great, thanks. B. No, I watched a film on TV.
C. I’m fine, thank you. D. It sounds boring.
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
Câu 15. What does this sign mean?

A. No left turn B. No stopping C. No entry D. No U-turn

Câu 16. What is this email about?

A. Players who have a problem getting to the Fyfield match should contact Paul.
B. Anyone who wants to play in the Fyfiled game needs to speak to Paul.
C. Team members who are not available for the Fyfiled match must phone Paul.
D. Anyone must check and phone Paul before the Fyfield match.
IV. Read the following passage and do as direct.
Sepak takraw is a 500-year-old sport from Malaysia. The name comes from two languages.
Sepak means kick in Malay, and takraw means ball in Thai.
This is an exciting and fast game, and it’s a combination of volleyball, football and
gymnastics. There are two teams and each team has got three players. The rules are very similar to
volleyball, but you can’t use your hands or arms. You must kick or hit the ball with your feet, legs or
body. You can touch the ball only once before you hit it to the other team. It isn’t easy to hit the
ball with your body. You must jump high and move quickly, and you must use some difficult
gymnastic moves.
Many people in Asia play sepak takraw, and it’s now becoming popular around the world. It
isn’t easy to play, but it’s an amazing sport to watch.
True/False Questions:
Câu 17. The name of the sport comes from Malaysian.

A. True B. False
Câu 18. There are six players take part in the game.
A. False B. True
Câu 19. You can hit the ball with your body.
A. False B. True
Câu 20. Almost all people in Asia play sepak takraw.
A. False B. True
Choose the correct answer:
Câu 21. What can’t players use to hit the ball?
A. legs B. arms C. feet D. body
Câu 22. Sepak takraw has similar rules to which sport?
A. football B. gymnastics C. volleyball D. basketball
V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Millions of people love the sport of basketball in the United States and around the world,
but few people stop to think about who invented it, why, where and when. James Naismith was the
person who invented the game. He was born in 1861 in Ontario, Canada and he loved ___ (23)___
sports in school. After he grew up, he ___(24)___ a sports education teacher before he moved to
the state of Massachusetts in the U.S. He invented basketball for two reasons. First, he wanted his
students to have ___(25)___ indoor activity they could play during the winter months when it was
too cold to play outside. Second, he believed that basketball was ___(26)___ than football. The very
first game of basketball was played ___(27)___ December 21, 1891 when James asked his college
class to play a new kind of game that he invented. Some of his students ___(28)___ very excited
about this strange new sport, but they played anyway. After the game, someone suggested that
the new game should be called the “Naismith Game”, but James Naismith decided to call it “Basket
Ball” (which later became “basketball”).
Câu 23. Choose the correct answer.
A. playing B. to play C. plays D. played
Câu 24. Choose the correct answer.
A. becomes B. became C. become D. becomed
Câu 25. Choose the correct answer.
A. some B. a C. the D. an
Câu 26. Choose the correct answer.
A. the safer B. safest C. safer D. the safest
Câu 27. Choose the correct answer.
A. on B. in C. at D. by

Câu 28. Choose the correct answer.
A. are B. were C. was D. be
VI. Supply the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
Câu 29. Everyone was silent as the president announced the __________ of the competition. (win)
Câu 30. There were about 11,500 __________ from 206 countries competing in 33 sports in Tokyo
Olympics 2021. (athletics)
Câu 31. Michael Phelps is the most ___________ Olympian with a total of 28 medals. (success)
Câu 32. My sister won a(n) ___________ dancing competition against a lot of athletes from different
countries. (nation)
Câu 33. Some _____________ boats have a boat engine, which can be very useful if stuck in a
windless location. (sail)
Câu 34. What an _________ day! I woke up late, missed the bus, and forgot my documents at home.
VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.
Câu 35. suitable / should / of / You / choose / shoes / a / running / pair / for / . /
Câu 36. hold / This / 80,000 / can / stadium / people / more than / . /
VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
same as the sentence printed before it.
Câu 37. James first played cricket when he was ten. And now he is eighteen. (AGO)
James __________________________________________________________________________
Câu 38. Did many people come to the party last night? (THERE)
Were ______________________________________________________________________________
Câu 39. She last went to the cinema two years ago.
The last time she went _______________________________________________________________
Câu 40. My father started playing tennis in high school. (WAS)
My father started __________________________________________________________________________


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