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The Peace Treaty by and between Her Majesty Queen Victoria, her successors and heirs and the

Confederation of Independent States within The United States of America, Articles of Confederation, 1781. The Peace Treaty is written in the Spirit of Peace and Reconciliation of all Past Conflicts.

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We, the men and women that are in the World, but not of the World within the Independent States hereby autograph this document called and known as The Peace Treaty. The voice that resonates from these writings agree to abide by these Articles, whether by independent Autograph, peaceful inhabitant autograph or the authorized Representative for a Nation, State or Country which is binding on the leaders of said Nation, State, or Country and the Governments thereof.

ARTICLE ONE We, the men and women that are in this World are made up of flesh and blood with a soul within this body, guided by the Spirit that binds us all, and are charged with the comprehension that all desire peace among our neighbors. We are also charged with the comprehension that each body is with the basic rights of food, water and shelter and are free to pursue these necessities without encumbrance nor hindrance of other bodies bound together in a mass force to take without asking, but to restore the balance of these basic rights for others and themselves which is the very spiritual essence of peace. We are also charged to refrain from allowing the Law to go beyond the voice of reason and is used to restore peace, and not used to cause chaos, feed the addiction and insecurity of greed, abuse the minds of other bodies which is nothing more than dysfunction within Nations, States and Countries which causes Wars and Death, violating these basic rights. Natural Law and Natures One True Source has spoken these Words over the ages of men and women. Quote - Sinderesis is a natural power of the soul, set in the highest part thereof, moving and stirring it to good and abhorring evil. And therefore sinderesis never sinneth nor erreth. And this sinderesis, our Lord put in man, to the intent that the order of things should be observed. For, after St. Dionyes, the wisdom of Yahweh joined the beginning of second things to the last of the first things: for angel is of a nature to understand without searching of reason, and to that nature man is joined by sinderesis, to which sinderesis may not wholly be extincted neither in man, ne yet in damned souls. But, nevertheless, to the use and exercise thereof, it may be let for a time, either through the darkness of ignorance, or for undiscreet delectation, or for the hardness of obstinacy. First by the darkness of ignorance, sinderesis may be let that it shall not murmur against evil, because he believe evil to be good, as it is in heretics, the which, when they die for the wickedness for their error, believe they die for the very truth of their faith. And by undiscreet delectation sinderesis is sometime so overlaid, that remorse or grudge of conscience for that time can have no place. For the hardness of obstinacy sinderesis is also let, that it may not stir to goodness, as it is in damned souls, yet it may not be said that it is fully extinct to all intents. For they always murmur against the evil of the pain that they suffer for sin, and so it may not be said that it is universally, and to all intents, and to all times extinct. And this sinderesis in the beginning of all things that may be learned by speculation or study: and ministreth the general grounds and principles thereof: and also all things that are to be done by man. An example of such things as may be learned by speculation appeareth thus: sinderesis saith that every whole thing is more than any one part of the same thing and that is a sure ground that never faileth. And an example of things that are to be done, or not to be done: as where sinderesis saith no evil is to be done, but that goodness os to be Page 2 of 11 Intellectual Property copyright @ 2011/6014

done and followed, and evil to be fled, and such other. And therefore sinderesis is called by some men the law of reason, for it ministreth the principles of the law of reason, the which be in every man by nature, and that he is a reasonable creature - unquote. It is time to bind ourselves in the Light of the Words of the One True Source and put away these childish things. We must overcome our carnal instincts and bind ourselves to the higher calling of Love and not Fear, Peace and not Violence, Choice and not Force, Comprehension and not Ignorance, Empathy and not Selfishness, Service and not Self Worship, Dedication and not Laziness, Equal Trade and not Theft, Respect and not Domination, Honor and not Disgrace, Self and not Ego. We must know that our time on this Planet called Eden is limited, and our most Precious Possession. In this Universe, nothing is wasted, all energy never dies. Therefore, The Peace Treaty is written, and can be used in various ways for the purpose of Prosperity for all, and not a few.

ARTICLE TWO History: Gold and Silver coin has been used by many cultures in the past as a medium of exchange by and between the people within those cultures. This type of medium of exchange has served its purpose. Other cultures have found ways to take the wealth of those Nations and States through various means. One of the most popular ways of extracting wealth is called The Paper Gimmick. One group of people lends paper and demands Gold and Silver in return. Vanity and not humbleness is the drive for this type of Contract. The affirmed and bonded General Post Masters for The General Post Office for The United States of America say, That Gold and Silver is Yours, as The United States of America does not need it nor her States in the original Confederation. Time, honor and Intellectual Property is our most precious value, for it is all men and women having in their possession that no other can control without violating the most basic Laws of Nature. The time of another on Eden can only be removed by Natural means holding harmless the time of others. Honor is the standing that all have with their brothers and sisters that no one but themselves can remove. A peaceful inhabitant can maintain Lawful Standing, and therefore is one of the stipulations of this Treaty.

ARTICLE THREE Disqualifications: 1: Those with the Belligerent against ones Government or with an earned resident alien enemy status.

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ARTICLE FOUR Terms and Conditions of this Treaty: 1: This Treaty is in force as a means of Peace by and between the Signatories, whether by peaceful inhabitants, or by Nation-State in Common-Law. Corporations may use Napoleonic Code, but only within their Corporations as a means of regulatory control over its employees and absent Authority over peaceful Inhabitants and Nationals within this Confederation of States for The United States of America and Her Majestys Government, Nationals or Subjects. 2: This Treaty is not to be used against the Nationals and Citizens as a means of War. 3: This Treaty is not to be used as a means of War against Nations and States by their Nationals and Citizens. 4: This Treaty is not to be used as a weapon against Nationals, Citizens, Nations or States by men and women acting in honor as peaceful inhabitants. 5: The Terms and Conditions of this Treaty can be upheld by the Universal Postal Union, The General Post Office Council for The United States of America on the rural free delivery routes, independent and abutting all other jurisdictions, venues and surveys on shared territory by and between the United States of America, also known as the UNITED STATES and the U.S., al et al, and any other Post and Postal Delivery Body together with Corporations known as United Parcel Service and Federal Express, wherein this Treaty is regulated and implemented equally by all Post Bodies if they so become a signatory thereof .

ARTICLE FIVE Corrections of violations for this Treaty: 1: Treaty violations can be corrected by local, state and federal law enforcement against their employees and Public Officers, residents and resident aliens. 2: Peaceful Inhabitants, Nationals and Citizens within Independent States for The United States of America are under the appellate jurisdiction of the General Post Master Council for the correction of Treaty violations.

ARTICLE SIX Current conditions of Trade: 1: Paper currency and electronic currency is used by most if not all Nations and States. 2: Gold and Silver cannot be redeemed by the paper or electronic currency.

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3: Governments are in debt perpetually with the current system giving the delusion of control to those implementing this same system thereby perpetuating a dream world affecting everyone. Example: Government A goes into debt with the high cost of capital raising an Army. Government B stays at peace and prospers. Government A has to pay the Investors C for the Army. Government A invades Government B to pay back Investors C.

ARTICLE SEVEN Solutions: 1: Government A does not raise an Army, Investors C invest in Government A and B, no one dies, Investors C get the same return on their investment. Government A and B trade by and between each other, Investors C get a greater return on their investment. 2: The people do not convert their labor into a debt against their brother. The time of the people is an asset called a voucher, signed or autographed by the receiver of the value of labor and services that are liquidated into paper currency by the Post Offices, and spent in the Markets, thereby neutralizing The Paper Gimmick. A: Investors are no longer, Government A and B prosper. B: Government A and B can support itself. C: Government A and B are never in fear of a revolution, Military coup and overthrow. D: The People protect the Government. E: Time is more precious than Gold and Silver.

The stipulations of The Peace Treaty 1: By autographing The Peace Treaty, it is agreed the choice of either converting your labor into a Debt against anyone or any Entity, or 2: Keeping your labor as an asset by voucher and liquidating that asset at your Post Office, in any currency/medium of exchange traded in that jurisdiction, and 3: No State nor Nation will ever convert their Labor into a debt against its peaceful inhabitants and Nationals in this Confederation of Independent States for The United States of America. 4: All with autograph on The Peace Treaty agree to never bear false witness against thy neighbor nor against thyself when implementing this Agreement to uphold the dignity of the Trade Process.

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5: The Peace Treaty is binding upon all parties unless a 30 day Notice of Revocation is sent to the rest of the parties for whatever reason. Any Post Body can autograph The Peace Treaty at anytime and implement the conditions therein without authority from any other Post Body. If The Peace Treaty is intended for implementing War, any autograph with the intent of war is strictly forbidden. 6: The Peace Treaty is not intended to trespass on the Intellectual Property of any of the signatories and is not transferred to any Post Body or delivery system, nor can the vouchers suffer monetization a first or second time nor be loaned to a third party. Anyone falsifying a voucher will suffer loss of limb. The Peace Treaty in time of War: The Peace Treaty and Friendship established between The Confederation for The United States of America and Her Majesty Princess Winona Mae Marzocco, and which we have implemented to be written in this Great Registry and sealed with our General Post Office seal at our General Post Master Council on the two hundred and twenty second day in the year six thousand and fourteen, trusting in Yahweh it will remain permanent. .1. We declare that all Parties have agreed that The Peace Treaty consisting of these twenty six Articles shall be inserted in this Great Registry and delivered to Princess Winona Mae Marzocco now at our Council, with whose Approbation it has been made and who is duly authorized on their Part, to treaty with us concerning all the Matters contained therein. .2. If any of the Parties shall be at War with any Nation whatever, the other Party shall not take a Commission from the Enemy nor fight under their Colors. .3. If any of the Parties shall be at War with any Nation whatever and take a Prize belonging to that Nation, and there shall be found on board Nationals, or Effects belonging to any of the Parties, the Nationals shall be set at Liberty and the Effects returned to the Owners. And if any Goods belonging to any Nation, with whom any of the Parties shall be at War, shall be loaded on Vessels belonging to the other Party, they shall pass free and unmolested without any attempt being made to take or detain them. .4. A Signal or Pass shall be given to all Vessels belonging to all Parties, by which they are to be known when they meet at Sea or on land and air, and if the Commander of a Ship of War of any party shall have other Ships under his Convoy, the Declaration of the Commander shall alone be sufficient to exempt any of them from examination. .5. If any of the Parties shall be at War, and shall meet a Vessel at Sea, on land and air belonging to the other, it is agreed that if an examination is to be made, it shall be done by sending a boat,

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vehicle, or flying object, which must be manned with two or three Men only, and if any Gun shall be Bred and injury done without Reason, the offending Party shall make good all damages. .6. If any Nationals shall bring or their effects to Her Majesty, the Nationals shall immediately be set at Liberty and the effects restored, and in like manner, if any National, or their effects and bring them into any of the Ports of The United States of America, they shall be immediately released. .7. If a Vessel of any Party shall put into a Port of the other and have occasion for Provisions or other Supplies, they shall be furnished without any interruption or molestation. If a Vessel of The United States of America shall meet with a Disaster at Sea and put into one of Her Majestys Ports to repair, she shall be at Liberty to land and reload her cargo, without paying any Duty whatever. .8. If a Vessel of Her Majesty shall be cast on Shore on any Part of our survey on the same territory, she shall remain at the disposition of the Owners and no one shall attempt going near her without their Approbation, as she is then considered particularly under our Protection; and if any Vessel of Her Majesty shall be forced to put into our Ports, by Stress of weather or otherwise, she shall not be compelled to land her Cargo, but shall remain in tranquility until the Commander shall think proper to proceed on his Voyage. .9. If a Vessel of any of the Parties shall have an engagement with a Vessel belonging to any of the other Nations at peace with Her Majesty and or The United States of America within gunshot of the Forts of the other, the Vessel so engaged shall be defended and protected as much as possible by the General Post Master Council until she is in safety; And if any Her Majestys Vessels shall be cast on shore on the ports of The United States of America or any coast thereabout, the People belonging to her shall be protected, and assisted until by the help of Yahweh, they shall be sent to their survey, abutting the rural free delivery routes of The General Post Office for The United States of America. .10. If any Independent States in the Confederation for The United States of America shall be at War with any other Independent State, and any of the Vessels sail from the Ports of The United States of America, no Vessel belonging to the enemy shall follow until twenty four hours after the Departure of the Vessels; and the same Regulation shall be observed towards Her Majestys Vessels sailing from The United States of America Ports. .11. If any Ship of War belonging to Her Majesty shall put into any of our Ports, she shall not be examined on any Pretence whatever, even though she may have fugitive Slaves on Board, nor shall the Council or Commander of the Place compel them to be brought on Shore on any pretext, nor require any payment for them. Page 7 of 11 Intellectual Property copyright @ 2011/6014

.12. If a Ship of War of any Party shall put into a Port of the other and salute, it shall be returned from the General Post Master Council, with an equal Number of Guns, not with more or less. .13. The Commerce with Her Majesty shall be on the same footing as is the Commerce with The Confederation for The United States of America Union, or as that with the most favored Nation for the time being, and their Nationals or Subjects shall be respected and esteemed and have full Liberty to pass and re-pass our survey and Sea Ports whenever they please without interruption. .14. Merchants of any Party shall employ only such interpreters, & such other Nationals to assist them in their Business, as they shall think proper. No Commander of a Vessel shall transport his Cargo on board another Vessel, he shall not be detained in Port, longer than he may think proper, and all Nationals employed in loading or unloading Goods or in any other Labor whatever, vouchers shall be liquidated at the Customary rates, not more and not less. .15. In case of a War among the Parties, the Prisoners are not to be made Slaves, economic or otherwise, but to be exchanged one for another, Captain for Captain, Officer for Officer and one private Man for another; and if there shall prove a deficiency, it shall be made up by the payment of one hundred coubits for each Prisoner wanting; and it is agreed that all Prisoners shall be exchanged in one Month from the Time of their being taken, and that this exchange may be effected by a Merchant or any other Officer authorized by any of the Parties, and all agree that all captures by any party are declared neutral and noncombatant status to the conclusion of the war. Any nuclear device or chemical warfare, or any weapon of mass destruction including law and statutes are hereby forbidden. .16. Merchants shall not be compelled to buy or Sell any kind of Goods but such as they shall think proper; and may buy and sell all sorts of Merchandise but such as are prohibited to the other Nations. .17. All goods shall be weighed and examined before they are sent on board, and to avoid all detention of Vessels, no examination shall afterwards be made, unless it shall first be proved, that contraband Goods have been sent on board, in which Case the men or women who took the contraband Goods on board shall be punished according to the Usage and Custom of the Country and no other Person whatever shall be injured, nor shall the Ship or Cargo incur any Penalty or damage whatever. .18. No vessel shall be detained in Port on any pretence whatever, nor be obliged to take on board any Article without the consent of the Commander, who shall be at full Liberty to agree for the Freight of any Goods he takes on board. Page 8 of 11 Intellectual Property copyright @ 2011/6014

.19. If any of the Nationals, under their Protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the General Post Master Council shall decide between the Parties and whenever the General Post Master Council shall require any Aid or Assistance from the Independent States to enforce the Councils decisions, it shall be immediately granted to the Council if the disputes occurred on the rural free delivery routes. .20. If a National, foreign or within this Union should kill or wound a peaceful inhabitant, whether in their National or Citizen status, or on the contrary if a peaceful inhabitant shall kill or wound a Citizen, National or Subject, the Law of the Independent State wherein the injury shall have occurred, the Trial shall take place and equal Justice shall be rendered, the General Post Master Council assisting at the Trial, and if any Delinquent shall make his escape, the General Post Master Council shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever. .21. If a National or Subject for Her Majesty shall die on our rural free delivery routes and no Will shall appear, the General Post Master Council shall take possession of his Effects, and if there shall be no General Post Master Council, the Effects shall be deposited in the hands of some Person worthy of Trust, until the Party shall appear who has a Right to demand them, but if the Heir to the Person deceased be present, the Property shall be delivered to him without interruption; and if a Will shall appear, the Property shall descend agreeable to that Will, as soon as the General Post Master Council shall declare the Validity thereof, time not to exceed one year. .22. The Consuls of The United States of America shall reside in any Sea Port of our Dominions the General Post Master Council shall think proper; And they shall be respected and enjoy all the Privileges which the Consuls of any other Nation enjoy, and if any Nationals for Her Majesty shall contract any Debts or engagements, the Consul shall not be in any Manner accountable for them, unless he shall have given a Promise in writing for the payment or fulfilling thereof, without which promise in Writing no Application to him for any redress shall be made. .23. If any differences shall arise by any Party infringing on any of the Articles of The Peace Treaty and Harmony shall remain notwithstanding in the fullest force, until a friendly Application shall be made for an Arrangement, and until that Application shall be rejected, no appeal shall be made to Arms. And if a War shall break out among the Parties, Nine Months shall be granted to all the Nationals for the Parties, to dispose of their Effects and retire with their Property. And it is further declared that whatever indulgences in Trade or otherwise shall be granted to any of the Nationals and peaceful inhabitants shall be equally entitled to them. .24. After a clear oath or affirmation is made by anyone to change their current status to a National or Citizen for one of the Independent States within this Confederation for The United States of America, or a National or Subject for Her Majesty, that peaceful inhabitant, National and Citizen Page 9 of 11 Intellectual Property copyright @ 2011/6014

shall never be presumed, express or implied, to be a part of or subject to the U.S. Charter nor a citizen of the United States, unless said peaceful inhabitant expressly volunteers of his or her own free will into the U.S. Charter, which at that time, the peaceful inhabitants obligations are not that of this Confederation. .25. The rural free delivery routes shall be shared equally with Her Majestys State, Government, Nationals, or Subjects, or any other party to this agreement, so therefore, the rural free delivery routes will also be known as the royal free delivery routes. However, the declared address format shall not be altered unless it is agreed by all parties as to avoid confusion for the General Post Office. .26. The General Post Master Council, the Nationals, and Nationals for other Independent States within this Confederation for Independent States for The United States of America and Her Majestys State, and Her Majestys Government, Nationals or Subjects shall agree and recognize the Land previously known as Turtle Island, now known as the New Jerusalem, without trespass on the Mohawk Claim, the Mounds Builders, abutting any other Nation under right of claim by Treaty...

In conclusion This, The Peace Treaty, is a bilateral agreement by and between the parties where one party cannot alter or amend the agreement without the express consent of all other parties. Furthermore, The Peace Treaty shall be perpetual as The Articles of Confederation Union is perpetual for an ever lasting peace. Now, therefore, it is declared, that all former Subjects are free and Independent, the Revolutionary War by and between Her Majesty and her former subjects is declared terminated by The Peace Treaty, and all claims have been satisfied and equally agreed upon so that all Nations shall have peace, choice as established by the One True Source, and the Law of Nations have been restored. The Peace Treaty ends all wars involving the original United States and Her Majesty, undeclared wars and conflicts with all entities around the world. Furthermore, Honor and Dignity has been restored to the Throne, and all other Nations involved in these conflicts and Wars. Terrorism is no longer considered a perpetual war that can never be extinguished.

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So declared and agreed upon by at least two parties on the two hundred and twenty second day, in the year of Yahweh six thousand fourteen, translation October twenty eighth in the year of our Lord, two thousand eleven.

Plenipotentiary for Her Majesty Queen Winona Mae Marzocco, Head of Government, Private Attorney General

and the autographs for the General Post Master Council for the Confederation for Independent States for The United States of America Union

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