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Eye Gaze and Self-attention: How Humans and Transformers Attend

Words in Sentences

Joshua Bensemann∗, Alex Yuxuan Peng, Diana Benavides-Prado, Yang Chen,

Neşet Özkan Tan, Paul Michael Corballis, Patricia Riddle, and Michael Witbrock
University of Auckland

Abstract therefore, not directly observable. For this study

we have focused on the overt attention measure of
Attention describes cognitive processes that eye gaze, with words at the center of an eye fixa-
are important to many human phenomena in-
tion being the words that we assume were being
cluding reading. The term is also used to de-
scribe the way in which transformer neural
networks perform natural language processing. While attention in human reading processes and
While attention appears to be very different transformers appear to be completely different, this
under these two contexts, this paper presents paper will present an analysis showing the rela-
an analysis of the correlations between trans- tionship between the two1 . Specifically, attention
former attention and overt human attention
in well-known transformers such as BERT (De-
during reading tasks. An extensive analysis
of human eye tracking datasets showed that vlin et al., 2019), and its derivatives are closely
the dwell times of human eye movements were related to humans’ eye fixations during reading.
strongly correlated with the attention patterns We observed strong to moderate strength correla-
occurring in the early layers of pre-trained tions between the dwell times of eyes over words
transformers such as BERT. Additionally, the and the self-attention in transformers such as BERT.
strength of a correlation was not related to We have explored some reasons for these different
the number of parameters within a transformer.
correlation levels and speculated on others.
This suggests that something about the trans-
formers’ architecture determined how closely This analysis is part of an ongoing research line
the two measures were correlated. where we attempt to overcome attention limits in
transformers. When using transformers, both mem-
1 Introduction ory and computational requirements grow quadrat-
ically as the sequence length increases because
Attention is a process that is associated with both
every token attends to all other tokens. In previous
reading in humans and with Natural Language Pro-
work, we have used the attention mechanisms of
cessing (NLP) by state-of-the-art Deep Neural Net-
pre-trained transformers as attention filters that can
works (DNN) (Bahdanau et al., 2015). In both
reduce a sequence length for a sentiment analysis
cases, it is the words within a sentence that are
task by 99% while still maintaining 70% accuracy
attended to during processing. In DNNs, attention
(Tan et al., 2021). Our motivation for this paper
results from mechanisms built into the network.
was to explore the possibility of using models of
Specifically, in the current state-of-the-art method
eye gaze as an alternative filter. Strong correlations
Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017), this attention
between the attentions produced by transformers
process is the result of the dot product of two vec-
and the overt attention of humans would suggest
tors that represent individual words in the text. For
that models of eye movements could potentially be
humans, attention processes are more complex as
used in computationally inexpensive methods for
they can be broken into overt and covert attention
approximating transformer attention. Alternatively
(Posner, 1980). Overt attention is characterized by
we could use eye movements to train transformer
observable physical movements of which eye gaze
attention towards overt attention patterns2 .
is a well known example that is relevant to read-
ing (Rayner, 2009). Covert attention, on the other
hand, is characterized by mental shifts in focus and, Code and Full Results available at
∗ 2
Email: [email protected] See appendix for a preliminary attempt.

Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, pages 75 - 87
May 26, 2022 ©2022 Association for Computational Linguistics
1.1 Transformers random words from a sequence are hidden during
Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017) have domi- input. The model then has to predict what word
nated the leader boards for NLP tasks since their was hidden based on the context of surrounding
introduction to the deep learning community. Addi- words. BERT was also trained to perform Next
tionally, transformers have had an impact on com- Sentence Prediction (NSP) during MLM, forcing
puter vision (Dosovitskiy et al., 2021), including words from one sentence to attend to words in other
generative networks (Jiang et al., 2021). The gen- sentences. BERT achieved state-of-the-art perfor-
eral superior performance of transformers at these mance in multiple NLP benchmarks following this
tasks is due to its attention mechanism: training regime, which led to its widespread adop-
QK> BERT’s impact on the field can be seen in the
Attention(Q, K, V) = softmax √ V
n number of subsequent models that are its direct
(1) descendants. Examples include models such as
where the word vectors representations of the text RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), which uses BERT’s
sequence Q are compared to those from sequence architecture but was trained via different methods.
K. This is used to determine the amount of informa- Other models, such as ALBERT (Lan et al., 2020),
tion word representations from the former should were created to condense BERT for faster perfor-
incorporate from the latter. If the query and key se- mance with minimal accuracy loss. Even mod-
quence are the same, as in a transformers encoder, els such as XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) extended
it is called self-attention. The results of the atten- BERT’s architecture to include recurrence mecha-
tion process are then multiplied by sequence V to nisms introduced in other models (Dai et al., 2019).
get the final outputs from the attention layer. V In turn, some of these descendant models have
contains different representations for the words in been used to create other models. For example,
K. BIGBIRD (Zaheer et al., 2020) was built using
The more relevant a word in K is to those in Q, RoBERTa as its base.
the more attention Q words allocate to that word.
Research has examined the Q x K part of the at- 1.2 Combining Transformers and Eye Gaze
tention mechanism to understand how transformers
process information. Vaswani et al. (2017) showed There is a growing field of research that combines
that transformers could use words in Q to learn pre-trained transformers with eye-tracking data.
anaphora resolution by appropriately attending the Researchers have used outputs from BERT as fea-
word "its" in K. tures for machine learning models to predict eye
The introduction of transformers was quickly fixations. In some instances, these outputs are com-
followed by a proliferation of pre-trained models bined with other features (Choudhary et al., 2021);
using the transformers architecture. Arguably, the in other instances, BERT itself is fine-tuned to pre-
most famous of these models is BERT, a.k.a. the dict eye fixations. For example Hollenstein et al.
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans- (2021a) have shown that BERT can be effective at
formers model (Devlin et al., 2019). BERT was predicting eye movements for texts written in mul-
designed to encode information from whole pas- tiple languages, including English, Dutch, German,
sages of text into a single vector representation. Its and Russian.
bidirectional structure means that each word token Given the strong relationship between eye gaze
is placed in the context of the entire sequence in- and attention, it is unsurprising that there have been
stead of just the tokens appearing before it. This attempts to compare eye gaze to attention generated
structure provided an increase in performance on in transformers. Sood et al. (2020a) compared eye
the GLUE benchmarks (Wang et al., 2019b) over movements in reading comprehension task to three
mono-directional models such as the original GPT different neural networks, including XLNet. After
(Radford et al., 2018). fine-tuning XLNet, they compared attention from
To ensure that the model learned to attend to the the last encoder layer to eye gaze and reported a
sequence as the whole, BERT was trained using non-significant correlation. However, their compar-
Masked Language Modeling (MLM), a task in- ison only reported the correlation for the final atten-
spired by the Cloze procedure (Taylor, 1953) from tion layer of the network, while other studies com-
human reading comprehension studies. In MLM, paring transformer attention to human metrics have
indicated that the strength of an association can 1998) and fine-tuned on human eye-tracking data.
differ by layer (Toneva and Wehbe, 2019). There- The model’s output was used to neuromodulate
fore, the present study calculated correlations with (Vecoven et al., 2020) a task-specific model via
eye movements from all layers of the transformers. multiplicative attention.
With that said, our results focused on the first layer Eye gaze data itself can be used to inspire new
as it generally produced the strongest correlations ways for neural networks to perform NLP tasks
to eye gaze data. (Zheng et al., 2019). For example, it is well known
Following the work of Sood et al. (2020a), the that the human eye does not fixate on every word
present study is a large-scale analysis of the rela- during reading (Duggan and Payne, 2011). Nev-
tionship between attention in pre-trained transform- ertheless, humans, until recently, performed well
ers and human attention derived from eye gaze. We above machines in many NLP tasks (Fitzsimmons
compared the self-attention values of 31 variants et al., 2014; He et al., 2021). These observations
from 11 different transformers, including BERT, its imply that the word skipping process is not detri-
descendants, and a few other state-of-the-art trans- mental to reading tasks. Some researchers have
formers (Table 1). No fine-tuning was performed; exploited this process by explicitly training their
models were the same as those reported in their models to ignore words (Yu et al., 2017; Seo et al.,
respective papers. Using the BERT-based models 2018; Hahn and Keller, 2016). For example, Yu
with their original parameter weights allowed us to et al. (2017) trained LSTM models to predict the
investigate the effect that training regime had on number of words to skip while performing senti-
how closely the attention was related to overt eye- ment analysis and found that the model could skip
based attention. Using non-BERT models allowed several words at a time and still be as accurate, if
us to examine what effect model architecture had not more accurate, than the non-skipping models.
on this relationship. Finally, the different datasets Additionally, Hahn and Keller (2018) showed that
enabled an exploration into how the human partic- the skipping processes could be modelled using
ipants’ task also affects this relationship. Results actual eye movements and achieve the same result.
showed significant correlations between attention These word skipping models exploit overt attention
in the first layer of the transformers and total dwell only, and it would be interesting to know what hap-
time. These correlations were unrelated to the size pens if skipping was modelled on covert attention
of the model. instead.
Other research exploring the relationship be-
2 Related Work tween DNNs and human data has examined how
There have been attempts to combine DNNs with closely the metrics used to measure eye movement
eye data to perform various tasks. Some basic tasks are related to metrics used for machine language
include predicting how an eye will move across models. Studies of this type require identifying
presented stimuli, whether text-based (Sood et al., comparable processes between the two different
2020b) or images in general (Ghariba et al., 2020; systems and a suitable dataset. For example, Hao
Li and Yu, 2016; Harel et al., 2006; Huang et al., et al. (2020) compared model perplexity to psy-
2015; Tavakoli et al., 2017). These predictions can cholinguistic features.
be used to create saliency maps that show what There have even been comparisons of DNN at-
areas of a visual display are attractive to the eye. tention to what humans attend to during reading
In turn, saliency maps can be used to either un- tasks. Sen et al. (2020) compared the attention of
derstand biological visual processes or be incorpo- humans during a sentiment analysis task to RNN
rated as meta-data into machine learning models. models. Crowdsourced workers were asked to rate
The later endeavor has led to some improvements sentiments of YELP reviews and then highlight
in task performance. In a recent example, Sood the important words for their decision-making pro-
et al. (2020b) achieved state-of-the-art results in a cess. They found correlations between the RNN
text compression task by creating a Text Saliency outputs and human behavior. The strength of these
Model (TSM) using a BiLSTM network that out- correlations diminished as the length of the text
puts embeddings into transformer self-attention lay- increased.
ers. The TSM was pre-trained on synthetic data Closely related to our study is the work of Sood
simulated by the E-Z reader model (Reichle et al., et al. (2020a) who attempted to compare eye gaze
to the attention mechanisms of three different neu- and provide a direct comparison to previously re-
ral network architectures. One of the models was ported work.
the BERT-based transformer, XLNet (Yang et al.,
2019). The other two networks were bespoke CNN 3.1 Datasets
and LSTM models. All models were trained on the Six different datasets were used in our study. In
MovieQA dataset (Tapaswi et al., 2016), and atten- all cases, eye-tracking data were captured from
tion values were taken from the later levels of the participants performing reading tasks in English.
networks. Several questions for the original dataset
The GECO Corpus (Cop et al., 2017) contains
were selected for human testing, where the par-
data from 19 Dutch bilingual and 14 English read-
ticipants’ eye gazes were tracked while they read
ers who read "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" by
and answered the questions. Sood et al. (2020a)
Agatha Christie across four sessions. Comprehen-
observed that the attention scores from both the
sion tests occurred between sessions. The bilingual
CNN and LSTM networks had strong negative cor-
participants completed two sessions in English and
relations with the eye data. However, there was
two in Dutch. We selected all English sessions for
no significant correlation between eye gaze and
our analysis, regardless of the participant’s bilin-
gual status.
Finally, there has been recent work using trans-
The PROVO Corpus (Luke and Christianson,
former representations to predict brain activity. For
2018) contains 55 passages (average of 2.5 sen-
example, Toneva and Wehbe (2019) used layer rep-
tences). Passages were taken from online news
resentations of different transformers, including
articles, magazines, and works of fiction. Partici-
BERT and Transformer-XL, to predict activation
pants were 84 native English speakers instructed to
in areas of the brain. They found that the mid-
read for comprehension.
dle layers best predict the activation as the con-
The ZuCo Corpus (Hollenstein et al., 2018) is a
text (sequence length) grew. Toneva and Wehbe
combined reading, eye-tracking, and EEG dataset.
(2019) tentatively suggested that this means there
Data was captured from 12 native English speakers
is a relationship between the layer and the type
who could read at their own pace with sentences
of processing occurring. To their surprise, they
presented one at a time. The participants completed
also found that modifying lower levels of BERT
three different tasks. Task 1 was a sentiment anal-
to produce uniform attention improved prediction
ysis task. Task 2 was a standard reading compre-
hension task where questions were presented after
Schrimpf et al. (2021) performed a similar anal-
reading the text. Task 3 was also a reading com-
ysis using many of the models included in the
prehension task; however, the question appeared
present study. They found that the output of some
onscreen while the participant was reading.
transformers could be used to predict their partic-
We also used data from Sood et al. (2020a).
ipants brain behavior to almost perfect accuracy.
They collected data from 32 passages taken from
Prediction performance differed by model size and
the MovieQA (Tapaswi et al., 2016) dataset. In
training regime, with GPT-2 performing best (Rad-
Study 1, 18 participants answered questions from
ford et al., 2019). Surprisingly, Schrimpf et al.
16 passages under varying conditions such as multi-
(2021) found that untrained models also produced
choice, free answer with text present, and free an-
above chance prediction, leading them to suggest
swer from memory. In Study 2, 4 participants an-
that the architecture of transformers captures im-
swered multi-choice questions from the remaining
portant features of language before training occurs.
16 passages.
3 Analysis of Self-Attention Against Eye Additionally, we used data from Frank et al.
Gaze (2013) where 48 participants read 205 sentences
from unpublished novels for comprehension. The
All analyses used HuggingFace’s (Wolf et al., 2020) dataset contains eye movements from both native
version of the transformer and associated tokenizer. and non-native English speakers. Participants oc-
The models’ weights were identical to those down- casionally answered yes/no questions following a
loaded from HuggingFace; no fine-tuning was con- sentence.
ducted. All analyses report Spearman correlations The final dataset comes from Mishra et al. (2016)
(Coefficient, 2008) to avoid data normality issues who conducted a sarcasm detection task. The
Table 1: List of models used in this paper

Model Pre-trained models in Huggingface repository

ALBERT (Lan et al., 2020) albert-base-v1, albert-base-v2, albert-large-v2, albert-xlarge-v2, albert-xxlarge-
BART (Lewis et al., 2020) facebook-bart-base, facebook-bart-large
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, bert-large-cased, bert-
BIGBIRD (Zaheer et al., 2020) google-bigbird-roberta-base, google-bigbird-roberta-large
DeBERTa (He et al., 2021) microsoft-deberta-base, microsoft-deberta-large, microsoft-deberta-xlarge,
microsoft-deberta-v2-xlarge, microsoft-deberta-v2-xxlarge
DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019) distilbert-base-uncased, distilbert-base-cased, distilbert-base-multilingual-cased
Muppet (Aghajanyan et al., 2021) facebook-muppet-roberta-base, facebook-muppet-roberta-large
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) roberta-base, roberta-large
SqueezeBERT (Iandola et al., 2020) squeezebert-squeezebert-uncased
XLM (Conneau et al., 2020) xlm-roberta-base, xlm-roberta-large
XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) xlnet-base-cased, xlnet-large-cased

dataset was taken from a wide variety of sources, all RoBERTa (Aghajanyan et al., 2021), trained using
short passages containing a maximum of 40 words. multitask learning with tasks from four domains:
Participants were non-native English speakers who classification, commonsense reasoning, reading
were highly proficient in English. comprehension, and summarization. Finally, we
have included XLM-RoBERTa (Conneau et al.,
3.2 Models 2020), a multilingual version of RoBERTa.
Table 1 lists the 31 variants from the 11 differ-
ent bidirectional transformers models that we used. 3.2.2 Compact Models
Our analysis method required all tokens to attend to ALBERT (Lan et al., 2020): A Lite BERT is a
all other tokens in a sequence. Therefore, unidirec- BERT-based model that uses two tricks to reduce
tional models such as GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) the number of parameters and time taken required
were excluded as they prevent tokens early in a se- to train the model. 1) Factorized embedding pa-
quence from attending tokens later in that sequence. rameterization - decomposing the large vocabu-
We grouped the models into three types: 1) Basic lary embedding matrix into two small matrices; 2)
models have the same architecture as BERT. 2) Cross-layer sharing - parameters for all layers are
Compact models are those designed to be smaller shared.
versions of basic models. 3) Alternative models DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019): This model used
are those that greatly differ from the basic models. a Teacher – Student method for the distillation
of knowledge (Buciluǎ et al., 2006; Hinton et al.,
3.2.1 Basic Models 2015). Sanh et al. (2019) started with a full model
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019): On release, BERT and kept every second layer to create the student.
was state-of-the-art. It was trained using MLM, in The student was then trained on original training
which 15% of tokens were masked. Training also data. This procedure resulted in an almost as pow-
incorporated NSP by forcing the model to predict erful model but half the size.
whether two sentences were contiguous or not. Our SqueezeBERT (Iandola et al., 2020): Squeeze-
analysis includes a multilingual BERT and both the BERT is Bert but with grouped convolutional lay-
cased and uncased versions of English BERT. ers instead of feed-forward layers. The model was
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019): RoBERTa has an trained using the same methods as ALBERT.
architecture identical to BERT but was trained for
longer, with larger batch sizes and more data. The 3.2.3 Alternative Attention Mechanisms
MLM examples were dynamically generated dur- DeBERTa (He et al., 2021): DeBERTa differs from
ing a batch, unlike BERT which used the same others on this list in that it decouples attention by
mask patterns every time a sample was used. The word semantics from attention by word location.
NSP task was dropped as it did not affect perfor- Version 2 of the model used a form of adversar-
mance. ial training to improve model generalization and
We have also included the MUPPET version of surpassed human performance on Super GLUE
benchmarks. We have used the RoBERTa based into sub-words, those sub-words were also aver-
versions in this analysis. aged to produce a single value. The special tokens
One problem with transformers is the quadratic [CLS] and [SEP] were used for the attention calcu-
memory, and computational growth as sequence lations but dropped from the final word-level atten-
length increases because every token attends to all tion vector. Finally, attention was normalized by
other tokens. Some have dealt with this problem sentence by calculating the proportion of attention
by modifying the attention patterns to approximate allocated to each word.
this full attention pattern without requiring all of Dwell time was used for the overt human atten-
the attention comparisons. BIGBIRD (Zaheer et al., tion data. Dwell time is a measurement of the total
2020) is an example that uses this attention approx- time that a participant’s eye fixated on a word. This
imation. The model uses a combination of global, choice was necessary for consistency between anal-
sparse, and random attention. Again, we have used yses as it was the only measure to appear in all
the RoBERTa based version of the model. datasets. Dwell time data was extracted for each
word in a sentence, with one sentence being pro-
3.2.4 Alternative Architectures
duced for each participant in the original data. The
XLNet (Yang et al., 2019): This model is a BERT dwell time data were also normalized by sentence
extension using random permutations of word or- by calculating the dwell time proportion for each
der during training. The model also incorporates word. The data from individual participants were
the recurrence mechanism used in Transformer-XL then averaged to create one normalized sentence
(Dai et al., 2019). for each sentence in the text.
BART (Lewis et al., 2020): BART is an encoder-
Data from the transformers and human partici-
decoder model that is to recover data from cor-
pants were then matched so that each word in the
rupted text input. BART has approximately 10%
text had a sentence normalized attention score from
more parameters than comparable BERT models
the transformers and the average participant. After
and no final feed-forward layer. Pre-training was
matching, all the words from a text were pooled
based on corrupting the inputs using token masking,
and used to calculate the Spearman correlation val-
token deletion, token infilling, sentence permuta-
ues. One-word sentences were removed as both
tion, and document rotation.
scores were always 1.0, which inflated the correla-
3.3 Analysis Method tion scores.
The transformer data were created by converting
3.4 Results and Discussion
the original texts into sentences and then tokeniz-
ing those sentences to create sequences. The next There were significant positive correlations be-
step was inputting tokenized sequences into the tween the total dwell time and the attention from
transformer and extracting the attention matrices all layers of the different models. This finding was
produced for each attention head. In terms of Equa- an apparent departure from the results of Sood et al.
tion 1, we took the output of the softmax function (2020a) who reported a non-significant correlation
before it was multiplied by V as that provided a of -.16 between the last layer of XLNet and their
normalized value indicating what proportion of at- dataset. For comparison, we obtained a .428 cor-
tention each token payed to all others. relation for their Study 1 data and .327 for their
The attention value for each token was calcu- Study 2 data from XLNet’s last layer. Although
lated by averaging across attention heads and ma- they did not directly specify the normalization they
trix rows. This calculation produced a single vector used, we suspect that the difference in results is due
representing the amount of attention allocated to to us using sentence-level normalization and Sood
each token by all others in the sentence. Our pro- et al. (2020a) using paragraph normalization. For
cedure differs from Sood et al. (2020a) who used comparison, we ran the same procedure using para-
the maximum attention from each word instead of graph normalization and obtained non-significant
the mean. Some preliminary analyses suggested correlations just as they did. In general, many of
that the mean attention values provided more stable the correlations obtained using sentence normal-
results across datasets. The results using the maxi- ization become much weaker when using the para-
mum values are available on our GitHub repository graph normalization. This finding corresponds well
for comparison purposes. If a word was tokenized with the Sen et al. (2020) finding that attention for
Figure 1: The relative position of the layer with the highest correlation. 0 is the first layer, 1 is the last layer. There
are multiple dots for each model because each dot represents the highest correlation from a different dataset.

Figure 2: The correlations between the first layer attention patterns and eye gaze data from all models. The box
plots represent the spread of correlation values across datasets.

non-transformer neural networks became less cor- cases this was the first layer (position 0). Notable
related with eye movements as the length of the exceptions to this rule are the multilingual versions
text increased. All analyses presented here refer to of BERT and RoBERTa (i.e., XLM) and many com-
sentence-level correlations. Paragraph-level analy- pact models. Although further studies are needed,
ses can be found in our GitHub repository. the finding that multilingual variants of models do
not behave like monolingual variants is in line with
Our first analysis investigated which attention some previously reported studies (Conneau et al.,
layer was most closely correlated with the eye gaze 2020; Hollenstein et al., 2021b; Vulić et al., 2020),
data. Figure 1 shows the relative position of the where some studies report multilingual benefits and
layer with the highest correlation by model. In while others do not.
many cases, the highest correlation was produced
by the earlier layers of each model, in 66.2% of Further investigations found that when the first
Table 2: First layer correlations By dataset. Strongest correlations have been bolded.

Model GECO Mishra Provo Sood S1 Sood S2 ZuCo S1 ZuCo S2 ZuCo S3 Frank et al
albert-v1 0.744 0.754 0.497 0.450 0.326 0.501 0.580 0.325 0.652
albert-v2 0.748 0.739 0.492 0.460 0.329 0.503 0.585 0.326 0.637
bart 0.729 0.758 0.526 0.451 0.323 0.511 0.550 0.313 0.638
bert-cased 0.802 0.783 0.668 0.584 0.410 0.643 0.679 0.328 0.744
bert-multilingual-cased 0.753 0.727 0.525 0.459 0.338 0.489 0.622 0.324 0.603
bert-uncased 0.816 0.791 0.710 0.626 0.434 0.693 0.722 0.324 0.746
birdbird-roberta 0.775 0.774 0.600 0.511 0.363 0.582 0.565 0.319 0.693
deberta-v1 0.731 0.735 0.511 0.432 0.310 0.502 0.533 0.289 0.549
deberta-v2 0.824 0.770 0.708 0.601 0.423 0.688 0.712 0.306 0.660
distilbert-cased 0.786 0.772 0.623 0.523 0.378 0.629 0.632 0.341 0.670
distilbert-multilingual-cased 0.742 0.740 0.513 0.452 0.337 0.487 0.620 0.333 0.602
distilbert-uncased 0.796 0.780 0.649 0.576 0.396 0.649 0.678 0.319 0.725
roberta 0.709 0.755 0.523 0.453 0.329 0.504 0.537 0.291 0.632
roberta-muppet 0.712 0.763 0.527 0.460 0.329 0.501 0.542 0.297 0.665
squeezebert 0.730 0.769 0.505 0.458 0.320 0.499 0.549 0.348 0.650
xlm 0.690 0.715 0.391 0.358 0.271 0.379 0.476 0.313 0.532
xlnet 0.678 0.736 0.436 0.369 0.287 0.408 0.470 0.297 0.584

layer did not produce the highest correlation, the larity, results in Table 2 reports a single value per
first-layer correlation value was on average, 0.055 model type that is an average for each size variant.
lower than the best correlation value. In 75% of Table 3 shows the highest correlation by dataset. In
cases, this difference was less than 0.082. There- most cases, this model was either BERT-uncased
fore, the first layer value appears to be a good rep- or DeBERTa-V2.
resentation of the correlation between the model While the number of parameters is not what de-
and the eye gaze data. An extreme example of termines the correlations, comparing across models
this were the ALBERT variants, which, likely due in Figure 2 suggests that training is essential for
to weight sharing during training, have virtually determining those relationships. For example, the
identical correlations from attention values from BERT models have identical architectures to vari-
each of its levels (Figure 3). Due to its general best ous RoBERTa models, yet Table 2 shows that the
performance, the first layer results have been used BERT correlations were consistently higher than
at the best performance for all models. Analyses the RoBERTa based models. The other clear ex-
using the actual best performance can be observed amples of training effects can be seen in the dif-
in our GitHub repository, although those results are ferences between DeBERTa V1 and V2, where V2
highly similar to those reported here. models use the Scale-invariant-Fine-Tuning (SiFT)
Our next analysis compared performance across algorithm introduced in the original paper. Interest-
models based on the first layer correlations. Figure ingly, the addition of the SiFT algorithm allowed
2 shows that, in general, the size of the model does DeBERTa V2 to surpass human performance on
not determine the correlation between the human the SuperGLUE benchmarks (Wang et al., 2019a),
eye and transformer attention. Evidence for this and Table 3 shows that this model was often the
can be seen in minor differences between various- second-highest correlated model. While it would
sized variants of the same model. For example, be great to find a direct relationship between how
the cased and uncased versions of BERT-base and human-like a model’s performance is and how cor-
BERT-large are very similar, despite the large vari- related its attention patterns are to eye movements,
ant containing 340 million parameters compared that is not the case. Excluding the compact models,
to the base variants’ 110 million. Similar obser- the BERT descendants outperform it on many of
vations can be observed across the other models, the benchmarks, yet only DeBERTA comes close
especially DeBERTa, where the largest variants to having stronger correlations to human eye move-
have 1.5 billion parameters, and the smaller ones ments. In most cases, attention patterns less corre-
contain less than 1/3 of that number. This observa- lated with overt human attention produced better
tion was confirmed with a non-significant sign test overall performance on NLP tasks.
(p = .090) that compared each variant to the next Tables 2 and 3 show the rankings by correlation
smallest variant in its model type. Due to this simi- are similar between datasets, with BERT-uncased
Table 3: The three models with strongest correlation to eye-tracking data for each dataset. The uncased version of
BERT produced the strongest correlation in 7 out of 9 cases.

GECO Mishra Provo Sood S1 Sood S2 ZuCo S1 ZuCo S2 ZuCo S3 Frank-et-al

1 deberta-v2 bert-uncased bert-uncased bert-uncased bert-uncased bert-uncased bert-uncased squeezebert bert-uncased
2 bert-uncased bert-cased deberta-v2 deberta-v2 deberta-v2 deberta-v2 deberta-v2 distilbert-cased bert-cased
3 bert-cased distilbert-uncased bert-cased bert-cased bert-cased distilbert-uncased bert-cased distilbert-multilingual distilbert-uncased

producing the highest correlation in all but two

cases. In one of the exceptions, the GECO dataset,
BERT-uncased, was ranked second. In the other ex-
ception, ZuC0 Task 3, the ranking was much lower.
In general, the correlations from ZuCo Task 3 differ
greatly from the other datasets. The correlations
are lower for all models, and the model rankings
are very different, with two of the compact models,
SqueezeBERT and DistillBERT, ranking highest,
and BERT-uncased, ninth. Task 3’s participants
were the same as Tasks 1 and 2. Those first two
tasks produced results closer to the other datasets, Figure 3: The average correlations across layers for
meaning Task 3’s lower correlations were likely bert-base-cased and albert-base-v1.
due to the task itself.
Interestingly, in Task 3, the participants were
to text information entering the eyes. In contrast,
presented with the question on the screen, allowing
the middle layers correspond to specific processing.
them to direct their eye gaze to find the informa-
With that said, not all transformers produced the
tion they required. This contrasts with most of
strongest correlations from their first layer. For
the other datasets where the questions about the
example, as mentioned above, Figure 3 shows the
data were presented after reading. The only excep-
data from ALBERT-V1 where the correlations from
tions to this were some tasks by Sood et al. (2020a)
all levels were relatively the same.
where the question appeared on screen in Study 2
and in 2/3s of the tests in Study 1. Furthermore, 4 Conclusion
the correlations from Sood et al. (2020a) Studies
2 and 1 were also the second and third lowest of This paper analyzed the correlations between atten-
the datasets, respectively (Table 2). While further tion in pre-trained transformers and human atten-
study is needed, the lower correlations from SOOD tion derived from eye gaze. We found correlations
et al. and ZuCo Task 3 may indicate that while between the two that were generally stronger in
transformer attention patterns produce strong cor- the earlier layers of the model and, in most cases,
relations when reading typically, the relationship strongest in the first layer. These correlations were
drops when the reader actively searches for infor- unaffected by the model’s size, as different sized
mation. variants of models produced similar correlations.
Our final analysis looked at correlations across The training the models received did appear to
levels of BERT (Figure 3). The results of Toneva matter, although the present study cannot deter-
and Wehbe (2019) suggest that the middle layers mine the full extent of that relationship. We found
of BERT provided the best features for predict- that correlations were weaker from eye-tracking
ing brain activity in humans. They speculated that studies where the participants could actively guide
these relationships could mean that the middle lay- their reading towards seeking the information they
ers of BERT could be related to the kinds of pro- needed than when presented with questions after
cessing that occurs in those brain levels. Our re- reading. While we found a relationship between
sults show that the attention patterns from BERT’s overt human attention and attention in some pre-
first layer were closely related to eye gaze data. trained transformers, additional research would be
Again, while speculative, our results combined required before models of eye gaze could be used
with Toneva and Wehbe (2019) would suggest that to replace attention in transformers.
for BERT at least, the lower levels correspond best
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A Investigating the Effect of Injecting 0.94
Eye Gaze Bias During Training

Test accuracy
As a preliminary experiment, we investigated the 0.90
effect of injecting human eye gaze bias during train-
ing on test accuracy. We used the BERT model (De-
vlin et al., 2019) and the sarcasm-detection dataset 0.86
published in Mishra et al. (2016) as a case study. No bias With bias
(a) Large training set without pre-training
A.1 Method
The Mishra et al. (2016) dataset was originally
proposed to predict non-native English speakers’
understanding of sarcasm by using eye-tracking in-

Test accuracy
formation. The dataset contains information on the 0.93

fixation duration of each word for each participant. 0.92

We injected the eye-gazing bias during training by 0.91
optimising the following loss function: 0.90
No bias With bias
(b) Large training set with pre-training
L = H(y, ŷ) + αH(p, p̂) (2)
where H(y, ŷ) is the cross-entropy loss of the
binary classification task of sarcasm detection, and
H(p, p̂) computes the divergence of the first-layer 0.80
Test accuracy

attention values from the distribution of the nor- 0.78

malised fixation duration values given a sentence. 0.76

The hyperparameter α controls the weight of the 0.74
second term in the loss function. 0.72
No bias With bias
Our experiments only used the fixation dura-
(c) Small training set without pre-training
tion values from Participant 6 because they had
the highest overall accuracy for sarcasm detection 0.88
(90.29%). All the hyperparameters were tuned on a 0.86
validation set extracted from the training set before
Test accuracy

being applied to the entire training set.
A.2 Results
The results are plotted in Figure 4. As expected, the
models fine-tuned from pre-trained BERT models 0.78
No bias With bias
had significantly better test accuracy on both the (d) Small training set with pre-training
small and large training sets than models trained
from scratch on the Mishra et al. (2016) dataset. Figure 4: Comparison of the BERT models trained
with eye gaze bias against the models trained without
A t-test confirmed that when the models were
in terms of test accuracy. Models in plots (a) and (b)
trained on the large training set without pre- were trained on 693 examples, and the results were ob-
training, an eye gaze bias injection during train- tained after 20 runs. Models in plots (c) and (d) were
ing hurt the performance (p < .05). With pre- trained on only 70 examples, and the experiments were
training, both models in Figure 4(b) performed repeated 50 times. The same test set (300 examples)
better than the best participant in the Mishra et al. was used for all the experiments.
(2016) dataset. The bias injection still lowered
the mean accuracy, although the difference was improves text compression performance, whereas
no longer statistically significant. When the small using eye gaze data to regulate sarcasm detection
training set was used to train the models, we found decreased performance. It is unknown whether the
no significant difference after the bias injection. difference in results is due to our task choice or to
Comparing our results to Sood et al. (2020b) our method of using human data.
suggests that training a model to predict eye gaze

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