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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C1582/C1582M − 11 (Reapproved 2017)´1

Standard Specification for

Admixtures to Inhibit Chloride-Induced Corrosion of
Reinforcing Steel in Concrete1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1582/C1582M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

ε1 NOTE—Standard designations were corrected editorially in July 2017.

1. Scope* 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This specification covers material for use as chloride- 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
corrosion-inhibiting admixtures for concrete. C39/C39M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylin-
drical Concrete Specimens
1.2 Results of the tests conducted to meet this specification C78/C78M Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete
are not to be used to rank the expected field performance of (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)
various chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixtures. C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units gregates
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each Concrete
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining C150/C150M Specification for Portland Cement
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance C157/C157M Test Method for Length Change of Hardened
with the standard. Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete
C231/C231M Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the Concrete by the Pressure Method
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the C260/C260M Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- for Concrete
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- C403/C403M Test Method for Time of Setting of Concrete
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use. (Warning— Mixtures by Penetration Resistance
Fresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic and may C494/C494M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for
cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon prolonged Concrete
exposure.2) C666/C666M Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor- Rapid Freezing and Thawing
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- C1152/C1152M Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the Mortar and Concrete
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- G15 Terminology Relating to Corrosion and Corrosion Test-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical ing (Withdrawn 2010)4
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. G109 Test Method for Determining Effects of Chemical
Admixtures on Corrosion of Embedded Steel Reinforce-
ment in Concrete Exposed to Chloride Environments
G180 Test Method for Corrosion Inhibiting Admixtures for
Steel in Concrete by Polarization Resistance in Cementi-
tious Slurries
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
C09.23 on Chemical Admixtures. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved June 15, 2017. Published July 2017. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as C1582/C1582M – 11. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/C1582_C1582M-11R17E01. the ASTM website.
2 4
Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing, The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

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C1582/C1582M − 11 (2017)´1
2.2 American Concrete Institute Standard:5 TABLE 1 Physical Requirements of Concrete Containing a
ACI 211.1 Practice for Selecting Proportions of Normal, Chloride-Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixture
Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete Time of setting, allowable deviation from control, h:min
Initial: not more than 3:30 earlier or later
Final: not more than 3:30 earlier or later
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—Refer to Terminologies C125 and G15 for Age Compressive strength, Flexural strength,
definitions of terms used in this specification. min. % of control:A,B min. % of control:A,B
3 days 80 80
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 7 days 80 80
3.2.1 chloride-ion content, n—the acid-soluble chloride-ion 28 days 80 80
content, measured according to Test Method C1152/C1152M, 6 months 80
1 year 80
of a powder sample taken at a depth equal to the depth of
reinforcement. Length change, max. shrinkage (alternative requirements)C
Percent of control: 135
3.2.2 completion of testing, n—for Test Method G109, when Increase over control, percentage points: 0.010
the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the mean integrated
Relative durability factor, minimum %: 80
macrocell current in the control beams is greater than or equal
to 150 coulombs (C); and (2) the mean chloride-ion content of The values in the table include allowance for normal variation in test results. The
objective of the 80 % relative strength is to require a level of performance
the test beams is greater than or equal to the critical chloride- comparable to that of the control concrete. Reinforced concrete, subjected to
ion content. brackish water, salt spray and/or deicers, requires a water-cement ratio of 0.40 or Discussion—Refer to the Appendix for additional less for long-term durability. This durability requirement results typically in com-
pressive strengths in excess of what is required structurally. If high-strength
explanation of the methodology used to evaluate the perfor- concrete is needed for structural purposes, mixture proportions may need to be
mance of a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture. adjusted when using a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture.
The compressive and flexural strength of the concrete containing the admixture
3.2.3 control beams, n—beams subjected to the treatment in under test at any test age shall not be less than 90 % of that attained at any
Test Method G109 that are made from concrete without the previous test age. The objective of this limit is to require that the compressive or
flexural strength of the concrete containing the admixture under test shall not
chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture. decrease with age.
3.2.4 critical chloride-ion content, n—the mean chloride- For the alternative requirements (see Specification C494/C494M), the percent of
control limit applies when length change of the control concrete is 0.030 % or
ion content in the unreinforced control beams at t50 plus the greater, and the increase over control limit applies when length change of the
standard deviation. control concrete is less than 0.030 %.
3.2.5 reinforced beams, n—beams used to measure macro-
cell corrosion current according to Test Method G109.
3.2.6 t50, n—time when the mean integrated macrocell
current of the control beams reaches 50 C. 4.2.2 The performance property retesting shall consist of
time of setting and compressive strength at 3, 7, and 28 days.
3.2.7 t150, n—time when the mean integrated macrocell
Purchasers having special requirements are allowed to require
current of the control beams reaches 150 C.
additional tests currently in this standard.
3.2.8 test beams, n—beams subjected to the treatment in
4.3 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall

Test Method G109 that are made from concrete with the
state in writing that the admixture supplied for use in the
chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture.
project is identical in all essential respects, including
3.2.9 unreinforced beams, n—beams without reinforcement concentration, to the admixture tested under this specification
that are subjected to the cyclic ponding and drying treatment in and found to comply therewith.
Test Method G109 and used to determine chloride-ion content.
4.4 Tests for uniformity and equivalence shall be made on
4. General Requirements the initial sample in accordance with Specification C494/
C494M, and the results retained for reference and comparison
4.1 For initial compliance with this specification, test- with the results of tests of samples taken from elsewhere within
concrete made with the chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admix- the lot or subsequent lots of admixture supplied for use in the
ture shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 1. project.
4.2 The purchaser is allowed to require a limited retesting to
confirm current compliance of the admixture to specification 5. Corrosion-Inhibiting Performance
requirements. The limited retesting covers physical and chemi- 5.1 In addition to producing concrete that meets the require-
cal properties and performance of the admixture. ments in Table 1, the test admixture must show corrosion-
4.2.1 The physical properties retesting shall consist of inhibiting performance as summarized in Table 2 when tested
uniformity and equivalence tests for infrared analysis, residue in accordance with Test Method G109 with reinforcing bar
by oven drying, and specific gravity as described in Specifica- depths and mixture proportions as specified in Sections 10 and
tion C494/C494M. 11 of this specification, or in accordance with Test Method
G180 using 0.5 M NaCl as specified in Section 15.
Available from American Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, Farmington 5.2 The following requirements must be attained when Test
Hills, MI 48333-9094, Method G109 is used:

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C1582/C1582M − 11 (2017)´1
TABLE 2 Corrosion-Inhibiting Requirements by the purchaser and is allowed to be rejected if it fails to
When evaluated using Test Method G109 conform to any of the applicable requirements of this specifi-
Mean integrated macrocell current of test beams, # 50 cation.
Mean corroded area of test beams, fraction of # 1⁄ 3 9.4 Packages or containers varying more than 5 % from the
specified mass or volume are allowed to be rejected. If the
When evaluated using Test Method G180 average mass or volume of 50 packages taken at random is less
Mean 1/Rp compared to controlB # 1⁄ 8 than that specified, the entire shipment is allowed to be
At completion of testing using Test Method G109 and based on a minimum of rejected.
three specimens of control and test concrete, and discarded specimens are not
included. 9.5 When the admixture is to be used in non-air-entrained
Test Method G180 at 0.5 M NaCl with four control and four test specimens. concrete, it shall be rejected when the purchaser desires if the
test concrete containing it has an air content greater than 3.5 %;
when the admixture is to be used in air-entrained concrete, it
shall be rejected when the purchaser desires if the test concrete
5.2.1 At completion of testing (see 3.2.2), the mean inte-
containing it has an air content greater than 7.0 %.
grated macrocell current of the test beams must be less than or
equal to 50 C. TEST METHODS
5.2.2 At completion of testing, the mean corroded area of NOTE 1—These tests are based on arbitrary stipulations which make
the top reinforcing steel in the test beams must be less than or possible highly standardized testing in the laboratory and are not intended
equal to 1⁄3 of the mean corroded area of the top steel in the to simulate actual job conditions.
control beams. 10. Test Specimens
5.2.3 At the completion of testing, the mean chloride-ion
content of the test beams must be greater than or equal to the 10.1 Two types of concrete are used to make test specimens.
critical chloride-ion content. One, the control concrete, is made without the chloride-
corrosion-inhibiting admixture. The other concrete, the test
5.3 If Test Method G180 is used, the average polarization concrete, is made with the chloride-corrosion-inhibiting ad-
resistance, Rp, of the test specimens with the corrosion inhibi- mixture. Do not use cement that causes the air content of the
tor shall be at least 8 times greater than that of the control control concrete made without the subject admixture to exceed
specimens. 3.0 %.
6. Packaging and Package Marking 10.2 Make specimens for measuring compressive strength,
flexural strength, resistance to freezing and thawing, and length
6.1 When the admixture is delivered in packages or
change in accordance with Specification C494/C494M. Pre-
containers, the proprietary name of the admixture and the net
pare three separate batches of each concrete mixture in
mass or volume shall be plainly marked thereon. Similar
accordance with Specification C494/C494M, and report the
information shall be provided in the shipping information
mean test results from the three batches.
accompanying packaged or bulk shipments of admixtures.
10.3 When corrosion performance will be determined by
7. Storage Test Method G109, make specimens for corrosion testing and
7.1 Store the admixture so as to permit easy access for chloride-ion analysis from a separate batch of each concrete.
proper inspection and identification of each shipment, and in a For each concrete mixture, make at least three beams with steel
suitable weather-tight building that will protect the admixture reinforcement in accordance with Test Method G109, and
from dampness and freezing. make at least three beams of the same size without reinforce-
ment (Note 2). The reinforcement shall be deformed bars
8. Sampling and Inspection designation No. 4 [13] with a nominal diameter of 1⁄2 in. [12.7

mm] and the cover depth shall be 1.0 6 0.1 in. [25 6 3 mm].
8.1 Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with
Subject all beams to the same cyclic ponding and drying
Specification C494/C494M.
treatment described in Test Method G109.
NOTE 2—The reinforced beams are used to determine the macrocell
9. Rejection corrosion current as a function of time, and the unreinforced beams are
9.1 For initial compliance testing, the purchaser is allowed used to determine the chloride-ion content at specified times.
to reject the admixture if it fails to meet any of the applicable 11. Specimen Preparation
requirements for this specification.
11.1 Mixture Proportions—Proportion all concrete mixtures
9.2 For limited retesting, the purchaser is allowed to reject to conform to the requirements described in 11.1.1 through
the admixture if it fails to meet any of the requirements of the 11.1.5. Unless otherwise specified, include the chloride-
Uniformity and Equivalence Section of Specification C494/ corrosion-inhibiting admixture with the first increment of
C494M and of the applicable parts of Table 1 of this standard. mixing water that is added to the mixer.
9.3 An admixture stored at the point of manufacture, for 11.1.1 The water-cement ratio shall be 0.50 6 0.01 and the
more than 6 months prior to shipment, or an admixture in local cement content shall be between 550 and 650 lb/yd3 [325 and
storage in the hands of a vendor for more than 6 months, after 385 kg/m3]. The test and control mixtures are to have water and
completion of tests, shall be retested before use when requested cement contents equivalent to within 6 1 % by mass.

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C1582/C1582M − 11 (2017)´1
11.1.2 Cement shall meet the requirements of a Type II 12.3 Time of Setting—Test Method C403/C403M. Store the
cement according to Specification C150/C150M. time-of-setting specimens at 73.5 6 3.5 °F [23.0 6 2.0 °C]
NOTE 3—Type II cement is used to limit the tricalcium aluminate (C3A) during the test period.
content and is not intended as design guidance for specific projects.
13. Tests of Hardened Concrete
11.1.3 The grading of the coarse aggregate shall comply
with size number 7 or 8 of Specification C33, that is, the 13.1 Compressive Strength—Test Method C39/C39M. Mea-
nominal maximum size is 1⁄2 in. [12.5 mm] or 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm]. sure compressive strength at ages of 3 days, 7 days, 28 days, 6
For the first trial mixture, refer to ACI 211.1 for guidance on months, and 1 year. For each test age, divide the mean strength
the amount of coarse aggregate to use based on the fineness of the test concrete specimens by the mean strength of the
modulus of the fine aggregate. control concrete specimens and multiply the quotient by 100.
NOTE 4—Tabulated values of coarse aggregate content given in ACI 13.2 Flexural Strength—Test Method C78/C78M. Measure
211.1 are intended to ensure workable mixtures with the least favorable flexural strength at ages of 3, 7, and 28 days. For each test age,
combinations of aggregate likely to be used. It is suggested, therefore, that divide the mean strength of the test concrete specimens by the
for a closer approximation of the required proportions, the volume of mean strength of the control concrete specimens and multiply
coarse aggregate (in the dry-rodded condition) per unit volume of concrete
the quotient by 100.
selected from ACI 211.1 be increased by about 0.07 for the first trial
mixture. 13.3 Resistance to Freezing and Thawing—Test Method
11.1.4 For air-entrained concrete, the air content of the fresh C666/C666M, Procedure A. Calculate the relative durability
concrete shall be 6 6 1 % as measured according to Test factor in accordance with Specification C260/C260M.
Method C231/C231M. For concrete that is not air-entrained, 13.4 Length Change—Test Method C157/C157M as modi-
the air content of the fresh concrete shall be less than 3.5 % as fied by Specification C494/C494M.
measured according to Test Method C231/C231M.
11.1.5 The slump shall be greater than or equal to 3 in. [75 14. Corrosion Testing When Using Test Method G109
mm] and less than or equal to 8 in. [200 mm] as measured 14.1 General—Test the corrosion performance of the rein-
according to Test Method C143/C143M. The use of a water- forced control beams and the reinforced test beams according
reducing admixture is not prohibited to obtain the required to Test Method G109, except as noted in this specification.
slump, but the same quantity must be used in the control Subject the reinforced and unreinforced beams to the same
concrete and in the test concrete. cyclic ponding and drying process that is described in Test
11.2 Quantity of Concrete—Prepare concrete mixtures with Method G109. Chloride-ion content measurements are made
and without the chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture in when the mean integrated macrocell current in the control
sufficient volume to produce specimens needed for performing beams reaches 50 C and 150 C. The criteria for completion of
the tests listed in Table 1 and for corrosion testing. testing are specified in 3.2.2.
NOTE 5—The required quantity of concrete for each batch depends on NOTE 6—Appendix X1 provides a flowchart to explain further the
the number of extra specimens that are cast. It is recommended that more corrosion testing procedure. The flowchart includes references to the
than the required minimum number of specimens be cast in case some of corresponding section numbers in this specification.
them are faulty. If one time of setting specimen and the minimum number
of 6- by 12-in. [150- by 300-mm ] cylinders, 3- by 4- by 16-in. [75- by
14.2 Tests at t50—Measure the integrated macrocell current
100- by 410-mm] freezing and thawing prisms, 6- by 6- by 21-in. [150- by in the reinforced beams as specified in Test Method G109.
150- by 535-mm] flexural beams, and 3- by 3- by 11.25-in. [75- by 75- by When the mean integrated macrocell current of the reinforced
285-mm] length-change prisms are made, the required volume of concrete control beams reaches 50 C, determine the mean chloride-ion
is 3.1 ft3 [0.087 m3]. Twice this amount is used typically to allow for extra content of the companion unreinforced control beams in
specimens. The minimum of three reinforced beams and three unrein-
forced beams for corrosion testing requires about 1.1 ft3 [0.029 m3] of
accordance with 14.2.1 and 14.2.2.
concrete. Additional unreinforced beams are recommended for chloride 14.2.1 Obtain powder samples for chloride-ion content
ion analysis in the event that specimens are faulty, and additional analysis by drilling into the sides of three unreinforced control
reinforced beams are recommended to ensure that the criterion in 14.6.3 beams at the level of the reinforcing steel in the reinforced
is satisfied at the completion of testing. Each additional beam requires beams. For each beam, drill holes at three locations directly
about 0.2 ft3 [0.005 m3] of concrete.
below the plastic dam (see Fig. 1(a)). Use a 1⁄2-in. [13-mm]
11.3 Admixture Dosage—Add the chloride-corrosion- drill bit, and locate the center of each hole so that it coincides
inhibiting admixture at the dosage recommended by the with the depth of the center of the bar in the reinforced beams.
manufacturer. Discard the powder obtained from the outermost 1.0 6 0.1 in.

11.4 Specimen Fabrication and Curing—Make and cure test [25 6 3 mm] of each hole, clean powder from the drill bit, and
specimens for measuring strength, resistance to freezing and collect at least a 10-g powder sample from each hole. Discon-
thawing, and length change in accordance with Specification tinue cyclic ponding of the tested unreinforced control beam
C494/C494M. Make and cure specimens for corrosion testing after chloride-ion content sampling.
and chloride-ion determination in accordance with Test 14.2.2 Measure the acid-soluble chloride-ion content of
Method G109. each powder sample in accordance with Test Method C1152/
C1152M. Compute the mean and standard deviation of the nine
12. Tests of Freshly Mixed Concrete
chloride-ion measurements. Calculate the critical chloride-ion
12.1 Slump—Test Method C143/C143M. content as the mean plus the standard deviation of the nine
12.2 Air Content—Test Method C231/C231M. measurements.

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C1582/C1582M − 11 (2017)´1

FIG. 1 Sampling of Unreinforced Beams for Chloride-Ion Content Determination

14.3 Tests at t150—Continue the cyclic ponding and drying 14.4 Completion of Testing—If the mean chloride-ion con-
process and measurement of the integrated macrocell current in tent of the test beams at t150 is greater than the critical
accordance with Test Method G109. When the mean integrated chloride-ion content, testing is completed. Perform a destruc-
macrocell current of the reinforced control beams reaches 150 tive examination of the control and test beams as described in
C, determine the mean chloride-ion content of the unreinforced 14.6.
test beams in accordance with 14.3.1 and 14.3.2.
14.3.1 Obtain one 10-g powder sample from each of three 14.5 Additional Testing—If the mean chloride-ion content of
unreinforced test beams using the sampling procedure in the test beams at t150 is less than the critical chloride-ion
14.2.1. Drill the hole in each beam so that it is below the dam content and the mean integrated macrocell current of the test
and near one end (see Fig. 1(b)). If additional cyclic ponding beams is less than 50 C, continue corrosion testing according to
and drying is required in accordance with 14.5, fill the holes Test Method G109 for the additional number of cycles deter-
with the epoxy of the kind that was used to seal the beams. mined in 14.5.1. If the mean integrated macrocell current of the
Ensure that surfaces surrounding the holes are sealed. test beams at t150 is more than 50 C, the admixture fails to meet
14.3.2 Measure the acid-soluble chloride-ion content of this specification.
each powder sample in accordance with Test Method C1152/ 14.5.1 Based on the mean chloride-ion content of the test
C1152M. Calculate the mean chloride-ion content of the three beams determined at t150 and assumed chloride-ion content of
samples from the test beams. zero at start of testing, estimate the additional cyclic ponding

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C1582/C1582M − 11 (2017)´1
time required to obtain a chloride-ion content equal to or aggressive agent is present in the concrete; the exterior coating does not
greater than the critical chloride-ion content. Use linear ex- properly seal around the bottom bars; or the bottom of the test specimen
is cracked.
trapolation for this estimate. If the estimated time is more than
12 cycles of ponding and drying, obtain powder samples 14.7 Evaluation of Results—At completion of testing,
according to 14.5.2 after an additional testing time of 12 evaluate whether the test concrete satisfies the performance
cycles. If one or more of the control beams crack before criteria.
reaching the planned additional cycles of ponding and drying, 14.7.1 If the mean integrated macrocell current of the test
stop testing, obtain powder samples from the unreinforced test beams is less than 50 C, the performance criterion in 5.2.1 is
beams according to 14.5.2, and perform a destructive exami- satisfied.
nation of the control and test beams as described in 14.6. 14.7.2 If the mean percentage of corroded area of the top
14.5.2 After additional cyclic ponding and drying, deter- reinforcing bars extracted from the test beams is less than 1⁄3
mine the chloride-ion content in the test beams by sampling the mean percentage of corroded area of the control beams, the

from one drill hole in each of three unreinforced test beams as performance criterion in 5.2.2 is satisfied.
described in 14.2.1. Locate the center of the new hole in each 14.7.3 If after five years of corrosion testing, the chloride-
beam so that it is below the dam but no closer than 2 in. [50 ion content in the test beams is less than the critical chloride-
mm] to the hole drilled previously (see Fig. 1(b)). If additional ion content, the admixture does not qualify as a chloride-
cyclic ponding and drying is required in accordance with corrosion-inhibiting admixture under this specification.
14.5.6, fill the holes with epoxy, and ensure that surfaces 14.7.4 If one or more of the control beams crack and the
surrounding the holes are sealed. mean chloride-ion content of the test beams is less than the
14.5.3 Measure the acid soluble chloride-ion content of critical chloride-ion content, the admixture does not qualify as
each powder sample in accordance with Test Method C1152/ a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture under this specifica-
C1152M. Calculate the mean chloride-ion content of the three tion.
samples from the test beams.
14.5.4 If the mean chloride-ion content calculated in 14.5.3 15. Corrosion Testing When Using Method G180
is equal to or greater than the critical chloride-ion content, 15.1 Test 4 control specimens and 4 specimens with inhibi-
testing is completed. Perform a destructive evaluation of the tor in accordance with Test Method G180, except that a 0.5 M
control and test beams in accordance with 14.6. NaCl shall be used.
14.5.5 If the mean chloride-ion content is less than the
critical chloride-ion content and the control beams are not 16. Report
cracked, make a new estimate of the time to reach the critical
chloride-ion content. Repeat the procedure starting at 14.5.2 16.1 For each mixture, report:
until the mean chloride-ion content is equal to or greater than 16.1.1 The mixture proportions, cement content, water-
the critical chloride-ion content, or the total time of corrosion cement ratio, quantities of admixtures, slump, and air content.
testing exceeds five years. 16.1.2 The mean values of the tests listed in Table 1.
14.5.6 If testing is stopped because of cracking in control 16.2 When Test Method G109 is used for corrosion testing,
beams and the mean chloride-ion content of the test beams is report the following:
equal to or greater than the critical chloride-ion content, 16.2.1 Corrosion data including individual macrocell cur-
perform a destructive evaluation in accordance with 14.6. rent values for all beams as described in Test Method G109.
14.6 Destructive Examination—Cut each reinforced beam 16.2.2 The times in weeks from start of cyclic ponding and
longitudinally above and below the top reinforcing bar using a drying for control beams to reach an integrated macrocell
water-cooled diamond tipped concrete saw. Use care not to cut current of 50 C and 150 C (t50 and t150, respectively) and the
the bar. Break the test beam in half and extract the top total time at completion of testing, if longer than t150 .
reinforcing bar. Avoid wetting the top bar during extraction. If 16.2.3 The mean integrated macrocell current of the rein-
the bar is wetted, dry immediately and store in an environment forced control and test beams at completion of testing calcu-
at less than 50 % relative humidity until inspection according lated according to Test Method G109.
to 14.6.2. 16.2.4 The percentage of corroded area for all reinforcing
14.6.1 Make additional saw cuts, and extract the bottom bars, and include photographs of the extracted reinforcing bars.
bars from each beam. If the bars are wetted, dry immediately 16.2.5 The average percentage of corroded area for the
and store in an environment at less than 50 % relative humidity control beams and the test beams.
until inspection according to 14.6.2. 16.2.6 The acid-soluble chloride-ion content values, the
14.6.2 Visually inspect the top- and bottom-reinforcing calculated mean, and standard deviation from the unreinforced
bars, photograph the bars, and estimate the percentage of control beams sampled at t50.
corroded area on each bar as instructed in Test Method G109. 16.2.7 The acid-soluble chloride-ion content values and the
14.6.3 If the corroded area on the bottom bars from any test calculated mean from unreinforced test beams at t150, any
beam is greater than 1 % of the exposed area, the test results intermediate sampling time, and the completion of testing.
from that beam are invalid. Substitute the results of a valid 16.3 When Test Method G180 is used for corrosion testing,
backup beam if available. report the following:
NOTE 7—Bottom bar corrosion can occur in situations such as: when an 16.3.1 Dosage of inhibitor added in mL/L.

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16.3.2 Mean 1/Rp’s and standard deviations for control and
inhibitor specimens.
17. Keywords
17.1 admixture; chloride; corrosion inhibitor; corrosion test-
ing; macrocell current


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 General same ponding and drying treatment. At least three replicate
X1.1.1 The testing procedure used to evaluate a chloride- beams of each type are used for each measurement, but it is
corrosion-inhibiting admixture is complex. This appendix pro- recommended that more beams be made in case specimens
vides supplementary information to explain the process. have to be discarded. The evaluation can be time-consuming
and costly. Therefore, it is wise to have back up specimens
X1.1.2 When reinforced concrete is exposed to chloride rather than having to repeat the entire evaluation.
ions, the reinforcement is vulnerable to corrosion if the
chloride-ion content exceeds a threshold value. For the same X1.2 Completion of Testing
exposure, the onset of corrosion can be delayed by restricting
the penetration of chloride ions or by altering the electro- X1.2.1 The cyclic ponding and drying procedure is contin-
chemical reactions at the surface of the steel bars so that higher ued and corrosion current is measured according to Test
chloride-ion content is needed to initiate corrosion. The latter Method G109 until the mean integrated macrocell current in

condition is the basis of a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admix- the reinforced control beams reaches 50 coulombs (C). The
ture covered by this specification. An admixture that only time when this occurs is called t50, and at this time the
restricts chloride-ion penetration, under the prescribed testing chloride-ion content is measured in the unreinforced control
conditions, is not classified as a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting beams. Powder samples are obtained by drilling holes in the
admixture. sides of the unreinforced control beams at a depth correspond-
ing to the depth of the steel reinforcement in the test beams.
X1.1.3 Performance of chloride-corrosion-inhibiting ad- The three powder samples from each beam are tested for
mixtures is evaluated by means of Test Method G109. Beams acid-soluble chloride ion according to Test Method C1152/
are made with a top reinforcing bar and two bottom reinforcing C1152M. The average and standard deviation(s) of the nine
bars. The top bar is connected to the bottom bars by an external chloride-ion determinations are calculated. The standard devia-
circuit. Under the conditions of test, a corrosion macrocell is tion of these determinations is used to establish the critical
created in which the top bar (the anode) undergoes corrosion. chloride-ion content in the test beams (see the definitions in
The rate of corrosion is evaluated by measuring the current 3.2).
between the top bar and the bottom bars. Corrosion is induced
by subjecting the beams to a cyclic treatment composed of X1.2.2 The cyclic ponding and drying treatment is contin-
ponding with a salt solution and air drying. At the middle of the ued until the mean integrated macrocell current in the control
ponding cycle, the corrosion current is measured. From the beams reaches 150 C, and this time is called t150. At t150 the
history of current versus time, the total charge is calculated chloride-ion contents of the test beams are measured and the
(integrated macrocell current), and this quantity (measured in mean integrated macrocell current of the test beams is deter-
coulombs) is indicative of the amount of corrosion that has mined. One powder sample is taken from each of three beams.
occurred from the start of the cyclic ponding and drying The average chloride-ion content in the unreinforced test
treatment. beams determines whether corrosion testing is completed. If
the mean chloride-ion content in the test beams exceeds the
X1.1.4 The corrosion performance of the test concrete
critical chloride-ion content, testing is completed and the
containing the chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture is com-
corrosion performance of the test concrete is evaluated. This
pared with that of the control concrete. The two mixtures are
situation is indicated as Case 1 on the left side of Fig. X1.1.
similar in all respects, except for the presences of chloride-
The top graph is a schematic plot of the integrated macrocell
corrosion-inhibiting admixture. For each mixture, two types of
current versus time, and the lower graph is a schematic of the
beams are used: one is reinforced in accordance with Test
chloride-ion content. The bottom graph shows that at time t150
Method G109 and the other is made without reinforcement.
the chloride-ion content in the test beams exceeds the critical
The reinforced beams are used to evaluate the corrosion
activity, and the unreinforced beams are used to evaluate the
chloride-ion content at a depth corresponding to the depth of X1.2.3 If at t150 the mean chloride-ion content in the test
the top reinforcement. Both types of beams are subjected to the beams is less than the critical value, the cyclic-ponding drying

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NOTE 1—The top graphs show the integrated corrosion current history, and the bottom graphs show the chloride-ion content.
FIG. X1.1 Schematic to Illustrate when Corrosion Testing is Completed and to Illustrate the Required Performance in Terms of Inte-
grated Macrocell Current

treatment is continued until the chloride-ion content exceeds critical value. The integrated macrocell current of the test
the critical value. This condition is indicated as Case 2 on the beams is calculated and the corrosion area of the top steel is
right side of Fig. X1.1. When the chloride-ion content in the compared with the control beams. To satisfy this specification,
unreinforced test beams exceeds the critical value, the corro- two conditions have to be satisfied:
sion performance of the test concrete is evaluated. If one or X1.3.1.1 The integrated macrocell current of the test beams
more control beams crack, testing is stopped and the chloride- has to be less than or equal to 50 C; and
ion content of the test beams is evaluated. If the chloride-ion
content is less that the critical value, the admixture is not X1.3.1.2 The mean percentage of corroded area of the top
classified as a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture. In bar has to be less than 1⁄3 of the mean percentage of corroded
addition, if after 5 years of corrosion testing, the chloride-ion area in the control beams.
content of the test beams is less than the critical value, the
admixture is not classified as a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting X1.4 Flowchart
admixture. X1.4.1 Fig. X1.2 is a flow chart to summarize the corrosion
X1.3 Chloride-Corrosion-Inhibiting Criteria testing process used to evaluate a chloride-corrosion-inhibiting
admixture. The numbers within the boxes refer to the sections
X1.3.1 At the completion of testing, the mean chloride-ion
within the text.
content of the test beams has to be equal to or greater than the

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FIG. X1.2 Flowchart of Corrosion Testing Procedure


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Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
C1582/C1582M – 04, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved July 1, 2011.)

(1) Added Test Method G180 as an alternate short-term test (2) Clarification of criteria that pertains to Test Method G109
method for corrosion inhibitors with corresponding additions in 3.2.2, 5.2, 10.3, Section 14, 16.2 and Table 2.
and revisions, or both, to Referenced Documents, 5.1, 5.3,
Table 2, and new Section 15 and 16.3.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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