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No. 04/S.R.O.12024 Date: I,J.O2.ZO24

In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 7 of the
Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules, 2oo4 read with Clause 53 of
Manual of Procedure for Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2009 and all
other powers enabling in this behalf , the High Court of Judicature for
Rajasthan hereby amends the Manual procedure for Alternative
Dispute Resolution,2009 as under :-

1. Short title and commencement:- (i) It shall be called the Manual of

Procedure for Altemative Dispute Resolution (Amendment), 2024.

(ii) It shall come into force with immediate effect

2. Amendment of Clause 34 z- Existing Clause 34 of the Manual shall be

substituted by the following :-
"34 Reasonable Costs of arbitration.- That simultaneously with the
framing of time schedule as aforesaid and filing of the claim and counter
claim, reasonable amount of fees if not already agreed by the parties and
their nominee arbitrators, shall be fixed in consultation with the parties by
explaining to them the method of determining that amount as per the
Fourth Schedule appended to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
inserted by the Arbitration Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015, with the
provision of secretarial assistance allowance of Rs. 750/ -per day upto the
clairn of Rs. 20 lacs, Rs. 1500/- per day above the claim of Rs. 20 lacs and
upto Rs. 10 crores and Rs. 25001- per day above the claim of Rs. l0
Provided that the fee prescribed by clause 34 substituted as above shall be
payable with effect from 23.10.2015, the date on which the arbitration and
Conciliation (Amendment) Act,2015 came into force.

The 'sum in dispute' in a claim or counter- claim shall be separate and not
cumulative. Consequently, arbitrators shall be entitled to charge a separate
fee for the claim and the counter-claim in an ad hoc arbitration
proceeding, and the fbe ceiling contained in the Fourth Schedule will
separately apply to both, when the fee structure of the Fourth schedule has
been made applicable to the ad hoc arbitration.

By order of Hon'ble the Chief Justice

c'?'i],,;'*-)' vMn'
(Chandra Prakash Shriillllf"(
No. Gen./Xv / ttol ZoozlSc-r/ B r t Date:1$.02.2024

Copy forwarded to the

(1) Secretary General, Supreme Couft of India, New Delhi.

(2) Registrar-cum-Principal secretary to
Hon'ble the chief Justice,
Rajasthan High Court.
(3) Registrar General, All High Courts.
(4) All the Private secretary to Hon'bre Judges, Rajasthan High
Court, Jodhpur/Jaipur Bench, Jaipur.
(5) Principal Secretary to Government, Law Department-cum-Legal
Remembrance, Rajasthan, Jaipur with the request to kindly
obtain the permission from the Bhasha Vibhag for publication of
this Notification in English as a specia! case and convey the
same to the Superintendent Government central press, Jaipur
under intimation to this office.
(6) The Superintendent, Government Central Press Rajasthan
Jaipur for publication in the next issue of the Rajasthan
Rajpatra. Exemption for publication of the Notification in Hindi
is being obtained from the Bhasha Vibhag through the Law
Secretary. A copy of such Gazette may kindly be sent to this
office immediately.
(7) Registrar (Admn.), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/laipur Bench
(8) Director, Rajasthan State Judicial Academy, Jodhpur.
(9) All Registrars, O.S.D (F&I), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Jaipur
Bench Jaipur/ H.Q. Delhi.
(10) A11 the District Judges with direction to circulate amongst to all
the courts of their judgeship including Special Courts and
(11) Registrar(Classification), Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur with the
request for upload the same on the official website.
(12) The Secretary Bar Council of Rajasthan, Jodhpur.
(13) Member Secretary Rajasthan State Legal Seruice Authority,
(14) Financial Advisor, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur.
(15) All Joint Registrar/ Deputy Registrars/ Assistant Registrar
Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/ Jaipur Bench, Jaipur.
(16) Court Officer, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur/Jaipur Bench,
(17) The President, Rajasthan High Coutt Advocates Association/
Lawyers Association, Jodhpur/ Jaipur Bench, Jaipur.
(18) The President, Bar Association, Jaipur.
(19) Advocate General/ Additional Advocate General, Rajasthan High
Court, lodh pur/Jaipu r.
(20) Senior Librarian, Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur Bench Jaipur,
with the direction to update the Manual of Procedure for
Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2009
(21) All Administrative Officer Judicial, Rajasthan High Court,
Jodhpur/Jaipur Bench, Jaipur.

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