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Position applied for: Waitress or Kitchen assistant

Country applied for: Dubai

Personal data
First and last name Samara Baatyrbek kyzy
Nationality, Gender Kyrgyz/ female
Country & city of Bishkek
Date and place of birth 1999 year Osh
Age / Height / Weight 24 1,60 50
Status / Children -
No. Passport / Expiry AC3166320 09.02.2028
Contact details E-mail:
Tel: +996990551262 Whatsapp: +996990551262
[email protected]
Health / Smoker Excellent No
Yes, I have experience abroad. I worked as a waitress for the first time in
Do you have experience 2019 at Antalya Queens Park Le Jardin hotel. In 2021, I participated in the
overseas? If yes, where? civilization exchange program organized by the Foreign Turks and Relatives
Community (YTB) in Istanbul.

Language Written Spoken Understanding

English Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate
Russian Upper-intermediate Fluent Fluent
Arabic -
Chinese -
Turkish Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Basic Basic Basic
Укажите уровень английского языка и других:

2 - Average, not at ease communicating 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion: German

4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease: Turkish, Russian, 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary: Kyrgyz (native language),
English Turkish, Russian

Year of graduation/City/
Education - Institution Specialization Duration
Communication 2017-
“Manas” 2022, Bishkek
Radio-TV and Cinema 2022

Укажите опыт работы в сфере обслуживания ресторанно-гостиничного бизнеса, магазины,

начиная C ПОСЛЕДНЕГО МЕСТА РАБОТЫ, сверху вниз.

Work experience
Position Cashier
Company’s name Hypermarket “Frunze”
Period (month, year) / City / 05/06/2021-01/09/2021 Osh
Responsibilities I worked as a cashier during the 2021 summer vacation. My duties there
included going to work every day at 8 am, checking in, opening the safe
with the security guards, greeting the customers, passing the tovars they
received through the safe and calculating the money they paid. After the
work was done, I would calculate the money from the sale and put it in the
safe under the supervision of security guards.

Position Waitress
Company’s name Queen’s Park Le Jardin
Period(month, year) / City / 03/06/2019-01/10/2019 Turkiye, Antalya
Responsibilities During the 2019 summer vacation, I worked as a waitress at a hotel in
Antalya. The place we worked was a restaurant. I was working at lunch
time. Our responsibilities there were as follows: Our duty was to prepare
the tables until the guests arrived, distribute spoons, forks, knives, glasses
and napkins to the tables, greet the guests with a smiling face when they
arrived, and show them where to sit. Then we would take the guests'
orders and bring them. We would clean the tables after the guests finished
their meals. It was our most important duty to always attach importance to

Position Kitchen helper

Company’s name Kyrgyz-Turkish “Manas” University’s kitchen
Period(month, year) / City / 10/11/2017-20/04/2018
Responsibilities When I came to university, I started working for the first time. My first job
was as a kitchen assistant. I was working part time after class. My job was
to help the kitchen staff. I was cleaning the plates, spoons and glasses that
the students used and washed during their meals and putting them back in
their places. I was also responsible for the hygiene of kitchen utensils.

Important information
The fields below must be filled up
Parents or relatives (name, phone number) Abdyldaeva Upol- sister
Do your parents know and agree that you will go to work in a Yes
different country? (yes / no)
1. I give my consent for the Company to obtain and verify information from or with any source, as you
deem appropriate for the assessment of my application for employment.
2. I declare that all information given by me in this application for employment and any sheets attached
hereto are true to the best of my knowledge and I have not willfully suppressed any material fact. I
accept that if any of the information given by me in this application is in any way false or incorrect, my
application, may be rejected, any offer of employment may be withdrawn or my employment with the
Company may be terminated summarily or I may be dismissed from the Company.
Date: 19/ 12 /2023

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