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Management Information System

Course Title:

Course ID: MIS 442

Section: 06
Semester: Autumn
Date Of Submission: 10/12/23
Table of Content
Acknowledgment 01
Introduction 01
Unnormalized Relation 02
Normalization Relation 02
Customer and order linked 03
Inside the process 03
ERP Diagram 04
Organizational Risks and Rewards 04
Automation 04
Business process Redesign 04
System Analysis 04
Conversion 05
Pilot 05
Prototype 05
Conclusion 05

It is not possible for a single person to carry out a plan of this magnitude on them
own. I would therefore want to thank my teacher Dr. Mohammad Naveed Ahmed for
enlightening me conceptually with pristine clarity throughout the classes. This
report would have been impossible without your guidance and commitment to


As a marketing manager of an ERP development firm. “Shajgoj” have asked to develop the ERP
for them. Shajgoj is a local brand that is bringing international brand cosmetics to Bangladesh. It
won the Daily Star ICT Startup of the Year in 2021. Most recently, it became one of the only two
Bangladeshi startups to have backing from Sequoia Capital India, raising 21 crores.
Unnormalized relation:
“Shajgoj” gives me their data about their organization.

⮚ Order: order ID, amount.

⮚ Product: Product name, product ID, product price.
⮚ Suppliers: supplier’s ID, suppliers name, suppliers address, suppliers phone.
⮚ Manufacture: manufacturing id, manufacturing country, manufacturing code,
manufacture raw materials.
⮚ Customer: customer ID, customer name, customer phone number, customer address.
⮚ Employee: Employee ID, employee name, employee salary, employee address.

Normalization relation:

Order Product Suppliers Manufacture Customer Employee

Order ID Product name supplier’s ID manufacturing customer ID Employee ID
Amount product ID suppliers manufacturing customer employee
name code name name
product price suppliers manufacture customer employee
address raw materials phone salary
suppliers manufacturing customer employee
phone country address address

Customer and order linked:

Here, in order table order id is primary key in the cell. individually customer and product id also
primary key. When we establish a relationship between customer and order than we have to
consider customer id and product id against the order column as a foreign key.

customer product
customer product
ID(pk) ID(pk)

Order ID (pk)
Customer ID
Product ID
Inside the process:
Here, order and customer id is primary key and it’s collaborate with manufacture table as a
foreign key.

order Customer
Order customer
id(pk) ID(pk)


manufacture raw
Order id(Fk)

customer ID(Fk)

ERP diagram:
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a business management system which integrates several
domains of enterprise business processes. Among several ERP domains, inventory is one of the
basic requirement domains of an enterprise. Here,
Whole order process:
1. Customer → Order → manufacture → supplier → product


Product → supplier → manufacture → Order → Customer

Bonus to employee:
2. Customer →Order→ Employee→ Sales→ Bonus
Bonus →Sales→ Employee →Order
Organizational risks and rewards:
Usually the larger the risk a business takes, the bigger the potential rewards are. Taking risks is a
key element for any entrepreneur but you need to know which ones are sensible risks and which
ones are not. Carefully planning a risk that is taken and spending time to find out all of the
potential hazards is key.

Automation: In “shajgoj” the risk is less also the return is less. So in shajgoj follow

Business Process Redesign:

1. Identify the process: Shajgoj app- products are available for the customers.
2. Analysis Existing process: Products are finished so stock out.
3. Design the new process: Automatics alert to the management that products are low
4. Implement the new process: Implement the system.
5. Continuous measurement: feedback- positive.
Systems Analysis:
1. Analysis of problem to be solved by new system
✔ Defining the problem
✔ Identifying causes
✔ Specifying solutions
✔ Identifying information requirements

2. Feasibility study- Shajgoj system include feasibility study.

3. Role of end user- is the customers accept the system?

✔ System testing- Idea to functionality testing.
✔ Acceptance testing- Shajgoj and customers both have to accept the

4. Systems proposal report- Customers feedback.

5. Information requirements – Shajgoj needs customers phone number and email id.

Conversion: Pen and pencil are used along with the recently established ERP by Shajgoj.
Pilot: This system is used shortly to the organizational department. If there was no issue than
this system applicable to the whole organization.

Prototype: Total system implemented. There was a problem why we play with big data. So
made a demo with small data.
Conclusion: Shajgoj follows the new ERP process. So with the short data ERP prototype
created. If it’s works properly than this types use to the whole organization.

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