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Featuring Articles by

Ed Greenwood
Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb
and Gary Gygax
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he 1996 Dragon" Magazine Annual was our first stab at If your characters survive this one, let us know. We ll bring the
adding a regular special issue to our yearly production. We old girl back again for a third course.
considered it a success, since there were no deaths among the No matter how delicious the meal, presentation makes a
staff directly attributable to the extra workload. In some ways, world of difference. This year we're pleased to present a cover
the Annual has become an event not unlike Thanksgiving by Chesley-award-winning artist Todd Lockwood, You might
dinner-a celebration that requires an enormous amount of remember his cover gracing our recent Issue #238, and you're
effort from the cook but with a result well worth that effort sure to see much more of his work in future, particularly in
Once the letters began to arrive last year, we knew we had 1998's Alternjty™ game line. The fabulous artwork doesn t stop
something worth doing again, even if the work aggravated at the edges of our cover, however. By now you've already
some ulcers and prompted some, er, premature hair loss. (This skipped to the back and have seen, among other notables,
year we've hired an associate editor who promptly shaved Tony DITerlizzi's spectacular illustrations for ' Pox of the Planes,"
himself bald upon arrival. Clever lad.) this year's addition to the Planescape* setting. Watch for issue
As this is our second Annual, we can now confidently claim #242 in December, when Tony demonstrates his artistic range
that we're following the path of tradition. In fact we're deviating with a beautiful cover in a different but no less fantastic vein.
only very slightly from the menu from last year. Within these While our featured adventure and our departments tend to
pages you'll find an outstanding example of each of our eight stick to the "generic" ADBD game, there's no denying the
regular departments. From James Wyatt's useful additions to appetite most players have for a favorite shared-world setting,
the low-level illusionist s repertoire in "Arcane lore~ to the be it the glorious Birthright" campaign, the heroic Dragonlance"
newest heroes of the Forgotten Realms setting in Kate Novak world, or the mysterious Ravenloft setting. This year we offer a
and Jeff Grubb's "Rogue's Gallery/' here are the staples of the few special treats for dessert, served by the original creators of
AD&D" game diet the new spells, magical items, characters, the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk' settings. We ll sample the
monsters, rules, and DMing tips that broaden your own cam¬ magic of the ancient elves of Myth Drannor, courtesy of Ed
paign each month. Greenwood, before we savor a taste of the vintage days of the
Wholesome as they are, what fun are all the rules in the Greyhawk campaign, served forth by none other than Lhe origi¬
world without a challenging adventure? Our sister publication. nal author of the AD&Dgame, Gary Gygax,
Dungeon’ Adventures, cooks up a veritable banquet of AD&D Make yourself comfortable, and prepare to partake of this
game scenarios every other month, and for this special occa¬ year's feast. We hope you'll enjoy it so much that you'll remain
sion we steal a bite from her plate. In a sequel to last years with us each month throughout the coming year.
'Wyrmsmere/ ace designer Christopher Perkins brings us Let's eat.
"Dragonwyr/' in which your heroes-somewhat more powerful
than when last they ventured beyond
Neriendor-must once again defy the
wishes of the green dragon Toxin.

Publisher Editor Associate Editor Art Director

Pierce Watters Dave Gross Chris Perkins Larry Smith

Editorial Assistant Advertising Director Production Manager Advertising Manager SuInscriptions Manager
Jesse Decker Bob Henning Roger Mangelson Judy Smith a Sharon Whiting

Printed in the U&A

Dragon Magazine 3
Volume XXII, No. 11
Annual #2

Arcane Lore
James Wyatt
From the spellbook of the thief/illusionist
Jannes come these Fantastic Phantasms."
Page 10

Bazaar of the Bizarre

Oren Schnurr
Here are some "Magical Cups and Flasks"
to hold that brew that is true.
Page 16

Campaign Classics
Dale Donovan & Bill Slavicsek
For players of the Dark Sun“ and Player's Option™
rules alike, here are the "Mindscapes ofAthas and Beyond."
Page 22

Dragon s Bestiary
Belinda Ashley
Your heroes will find only cold comfort
in the clutches of these "Arctic Monsters."
Page 32

Dungeon Mastery
Lloyd Brown
What happens between adventures
is often the "Talk of the Town."
Page 40

Ecology of...
Johnathan M. Richards
Everything you wanted to know about
"The Ecology of the Shambling Mound."
Page 48

Rogues Gallery
Kate Novak Q Jeff Grubb
From the pages o/Finder's Bane
andTymora's Luck comes "Finder'sBand."
Page 54

4 1997 Annual
Christopher Perkins
The wicked Toxin is at it again in
this sequel to last year's "Wyrmsmere."
Page 60

Cry Havoc
Jason Asbel
Converting the Birthright" War Cards
to the Battlesystem™ rules.
Page 74

Hark, the Herald

Steven Brown
A new Saga" character role (andAD&D* game
character kit) for the Dragonlance' setting.
Page 82

The Magic of
Myth Drannor
Ed Greenwood
Powerful items and spells from
the lost empire of the elves.
Page 88

Founding Greyhawk
Gary Gygax
The creator of the Greyhawk’ campaign
recalls the earliest days of its existence.
Page 96

Pox of the Planes

Ed Bonny
The hags have cornered the market
on larvae and altroloths.
Page 100

Villains of
Gothic Earth
James Wyatt
Eight monstrous adversaries from
the age of Victorian horror.
Page 112

Dragon Magazine 5
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a Annual 1997


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I ayglaJSIII 11 as i u i m
Level: 1
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
Comparable to but less debilitating
than the 2nd-Ievel blindness and deafness
spells, the anaesthesia spell creates a
numbness in the affected creature,
unless that creature makes a saving
throw vs. spell. Unlike its more powerful
Fantastic Phantasms relatives, this spell does not prevent the
creature from receiving any sensory
input, but instead affects only a certain
area of the creature's body, chosen by
by James Wyatt the caster when the spell is cast, limited
illustrated by Aaron Williams to one limb, one side of the torso, etc.
This numbness is not immediately
noticeable by the affected creature. This
■■any of these new illusionist spells, you from somewhere?'), depending on
anaesthesia has several possible effects.
iTOthe work of a dual-classed circumstances and personality. An addi¬
First, if a thief is trying to lift an item
thief/illusionist named iannes, create tional saving throw is allowed against the
from the affected area, the thief's pick
illusions that require careful adjudica¬ effects of the caster's suggestions. This
pockets chance of success is increased
tion by the Dungeon Master In cases save is adjudicated as are saves against
by 35%. Second, if the caster affects a
where the saving throw is listed as other iilusions—if the subject has reason
person's weapon arm or a part of a
"Special/ the saving throw against the to disbelieve the suggested memory, a
monster's body used as a natural
spell is based on disbelief, according to save should be allowed, with penalties or
weapon, attacks made using the affected
the guidelines for illusion spells in bonuses based on the plausibility of the
area are at -2 to hit and damage for the
Chapter 7 of the Players Handbook. "memory/ If a suggested recollection is
duration of the spell. Third, the spell can
clearly impossible (e.g., a suggestion that
temporarily negate any ill effects of pain
Acquaintance the subject and the caster met in a city
suffered by the creature, if the pain is
lilusion/Phantasm the subject has never visited, or a sug¬
localized to a single part of the body.
Level: 1 gestion that they met before the subject
The spell can be negated before its
Range: 10 yards was born) the spell is automatically bro¬
expiration only through a dispel magic or
Components: V, S ken. In this case, the subject does not
by the spellcaster.
Duration: Permanent necessarily fee! any hostility to the caster
Casting Time: 3 but might question his sanity.
Area of Effect: 1 person (see below) The "memory' implanted by this spell
Saving Throw: Neg. can involve only casual acquaintance
Level: 1
The acquaintance spell creates vague with the caster Suggestions that the
Range: 30 yards
recollections of previous positive associ¬ relationship between the subject and
Components: V, S, M
ation in the mind of the subject. These caster was especially significant (e g., the
Duration: Special
recollections may concern either the caster saved the subject's life, or the two
Casting Time: 2
caster or some object touched or held had a romantic involvement) automati¬
Area of Effect: 1 creature
by the caster, but in either case the sub¬ cally negate the spell. The spell does not
Saving Throw: Neg.
ject must be specified and within the allow the caster to control the behavior
This spell interferes with the affected
range of the spell when it is cast Specific of the subject, only to Influence the sub¬
creature's sense of smell, unless the crea¬
memories cannot be implanted by the ject's memories or emotions. Regardless
ture makes a saving throw vs. spells. The
spell itself, but the subject can be influ¬ of any supposed memories of friendly
creature's sense of taste is dampened
enced to "remember" tbe circumstances encounter present circumstances can
but not eliminated, as if the creature had
of his or her earlier interaction with the always influence the subject's reactions
a bad cold. Creatures who detect intrud-
caster or object through conversation. for the worse. ('Gee, he was a nice guy
ers or track by scent are unable to per¬
The subject is allowed a normal saving back then, but he's turned into a real
form those functions while affected by
throw when the spell is first cast. If this jerkT) The subject is in no way charmed,
anosmia. Tine spell lasts uniil removed by
saving throw fails, the subject feels gen¬ just predisposed to be friendly.
a dispel magic or by the caster.
eral good will toward the caster, even if The spell affects only humans, demi-
The material component of the spell
the caster makes no further attempt to humans, and those humanoids (if any
is a peppercorn.
converse with the subject. The subject exist) who are actually involved in social
might approach the caster ("Don't I know interaction with the caster's society.

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Illusory Savor
Level: 1
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/ievel
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 400 sq. ft. t 100 sq. ft./3evel
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates an illusion of smell
or taste, according to the wishes of the
caster at the time the spell is cast An illu¬
sion of smell fills the area of effect, while
an illusion of taste affects individual crea¬
tures who are within the area of effect at
the time of casting. {The caster can limit
the area of effect as desired but may not
select individuals to be affected within
the area.) A taste illusion persists for the
spell's full duration, even if affected crea¬
tures leave the area of effect.
Most human, humanoid, and demi-
human creatures rely on their senses of
sight and (secondarily) sound, almost to
the exclusion of the other senses.
Therefore this spell is difficult to use
effectively against such beings. Many
animals and monsters, however, place
much more reliance on their sense of
smell and are thus easier to mislead
using this spell-perhaps even more so
than with a phantasmal force or audible
ing throw is based on disbelief, as for glamer Horses can easily be spooked by
Dancing Shadows
other illusion spells. the scent of wolves or distracted by the
Level: 1 odor of a mare in heat, while blood¬
hounds could be totally put off the track
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/level Engagement
by a stronger and more attractive odor
Components: S Illusion/Phantasm
covering the party's trail. (This spell can
Duration: 3 rounds/level Level: 1
duplicate the effects of such thiefly prizes
Casting Time: 1 Range: 10 yards
as aniseed, catstink, or dog pepper-see
Area of Effect: 100 sq, ftVIevel Components: V, S
The Complete Thief's Handbook, pages
Saving Throw: Special Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 round/leve!
99-100-or even the stench of a
When cast in an area of dim or flick¬ Casting Time: 1
troglodyte or ghasL) An individual in a
ering light the dancing shadows spel] Area of Effect: 1 person
restaurant could be made to think some¬
causes the shadows in the area of effect Saving Throw: Neg.
thing was fouling his food or drink, or
to move as if alive. To creatures within The engagement spell causes the sub¬
poisoned food could be made to taste
the radius of the light source, the motion ject to "remember" an important commit¬
wholesome and normal.
is indistinct, but it is almost certain to ment to be in a different place about a
Saving throws are calculated as for
arouse suspicion that some kind of crea¬ half-hour ago. Unless threatened or
other illusion spells. Note particularly
ture is lurking in ihe shadows. The danc¬ engaged in combat, the subject slaps his
that the caster must have some experi¬
ing shadows automatically move away forehead, bolts up from his seat, and
ence of a smell to be able to reproduce
from a moving light source, with a pref¬ rushes out the door to this supposed pre¬
it beiievably {particularly as regards spe¬
erence to move away from the caster's vious engagement which is some dis¬
cial odors of the sort mentioned above).
location, but the caster does not have tance away, stopping suddenly after a
The material component is a bit of garlic
control over their specific movement (but number of rounds equal to the caster's
or musk.
neither does the caster need to concen¬ level, as the "prior commitment" is forgot¬
trate on maintaining the spell). Creatures ten, and spending another ld4 rounds
who see the dancing shadows receive a trying vainly to remember what it was Jaimes' Impressive Demeanor
-1 to all surprise rolls and a -1 to morale (hence, the spell's duration). After this peri¬ Hlusion/Phantasm
for the duration of the spell. od the subject returns to whatever she Level: 1
Range: 0
Only somewhat intelligent creatures was doing when the spell was cast.
(those with an Intelligence rating of 3 or A saving throw is allowed when the Components: V, S
more) are affected by this spell. The sav¬ spell is cast; success negates the spell. Duration: 2d6 rounds + 2 rounds/level

12 Annual 1997
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Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: l creature
Saving Throw: None
When the shadow cloak spell is cast,
shadows in the area gather around the
creature touched (or the caster), conceal¬
ing the subject. This effect allows the
creature to hide in shadows as a thief
with the chance of success of an aver¬
age thief of the caster's level (see Table
19 in the Dungeon /Waste/'™ Guide), modi¬
fied by race and Dexterity according to
the tables in the Player's Handbook. Thus,
a 4th-Ievel caster would bestow the abil¬
ity to hide with a 25% chance of suc¬
cess. If the recipient of the spell is a thief,
the thief's hiding ability is increased by
6% per level ot the caster-so a 4th-level
mage could give an average 7th-level
thief a 67% (43% + [4 x 6% = 24%| =
67%) chance to hide in shadows, or
slightly worse than an average 11th-
level thief! No character can have more
than a 95% chance to hide in shadows
through the use of this spell.
This spell fails in broad daylight or
total darkness, only in situations of dim
or flickering light. The material compo¬
nent is a small square of gray cloth.

False Thoughts
Casting Time: 1 The phantom touch spell creates an Illusion/Phantasm
Area of Effect: the caster illusion of some sensation on the skin of Level: 2
Saving Throw: Meg. the affected creature. This may be a tap, Range: 0
Si milar to the change seif spell, Jannes' poke, soft caress, sting, or scratch, for Components: V, S
impressive demeanor alters the appear¬ example. Pain may be caused, but not Duration: 8 hours
ance of the caster, The transformation is enough to inflict damage or break the
Casting Time: 2
subtle, however, and does not disguise concentration of a spellcaster. As with illu¬
Area of Effect: The caster
the caster. Instead, the caster simpiy sory savor, this is less effective on a crea¬
Saving Throw: Neg.
looks much more impressive, causing all ture relying on its sense of sight (though
When this spell is cast, the caster's
onlookers to react with a certain amount a tap on the shoulder, as if from behind, thoughts are protected from reading
of respect or awe (adding elements of can be an appropriate distraction) but
(through spells such as ESP or a psioni-
phantasm to the basic illusion). Any intel¬ becomes much more formidable if the cist's telepathic abilities) by a shield of
ligent (3 or higher Intelligence) creature affected creature is in complete darkness
false thoughts. These iilusionary thoughts
within the "Detail" visibility range (10 or blinded. The caster can affect one
always seem benign and uninteresting,
yards under a dear daytime sky) who creature per experience level. The entire
but they are appropriate to the circum¬
looks at the caster must make a saving outer skin surface of an affected charac¬ stances and fully believable.
throw vs. spells or be awed by the caster. ter is vulnerable to this illusion. The illu¬
Anyone trying to read the caster's
This awe is manifested in a desire to sion can be maintained as long as
thoughts through magical or psionic
avoid angering or upsetting the caster, desired, as long as the caster concen¬
means is allowed a saving throw vs.
and a reluctance to initiate hostilities trates on doing so to the exclusion of
spell to penetrate the false thoughts. If
against this impressive figure (see also other activities (i.e., phantasmal force).
this save is successful, the caster's true
the psionic Telepathic devotion awe). Saving throws are calculated as for
thoughts can be read.
other illusion spells. The material com¬
Phantom Touch ponents are a wisp of fine cloth and a
Illusion/Phantasm piece of bark. Hn
Level: I
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards/level Shadow Cloak
Components: V, S, M lilusion/Phantasm James Wyatt is a freelance game designer
Duration: Special Level: 1 who eats thanks to a day job as a technical
Casting Time: 1 Range: 0 writer and multimedia guy He lives in
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Components: S, M Middleton, Wl, with his wife, Amy, their son,
Saving Throw: Special Duration: 1 round + I round/level Carter, and two dogs.

14 Annual 1997


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containers that hold these liquids are
largely ignored. What good Is rain in the
desert if you don't have a basin in which
to catch it before it soaks into the sand?
Legends and traditions have lent
great importance to cups, pitchers, and
other containers for liquids. The most
celebrated item in the Arabian Nights
looked like a lamp for maintaining and
burning oil. Arthurian knights sought a
simple cup called the Holy Grail as the
most valuable relic in existence. When
Oliver Cromwell melted down the crown
jewels of England, the only item he
allowed to survive was a pitcher used to
anoint the king during the coronation.
Naturally, something on the order of
Aladdin's lamp would quickly unbalance
any campaign, but the containers pre¬
sented in this article can add spice to
any AD&D game and be a boon to
clever PCs who realize that, sometimes,
the magic is not in the potion but in that
which holds it.

Bartender's Friend
A bartender's friend can come in nearly
any form, from a porcelain mug, to a
glass bottle, to a wooden keg. The com¬
mand words for such an item are usually
simple and obvious words in the com¬
mon tongue or the language of the
item's creator (i,e>, "heat/ "stir/ etc.) A Magical Cups & Flasks
bartender's friend may be commanded
to steadily heat or cool its contents at a
rate of 10 degrees Fahrenheit per round by Oren Schnurr
until commanded to stop and then main¬
illustrated by Chris Adams
tains that temperature until it is emptied
or a new command word is spoken. It hot desert countries, where a glass of
Another command word mixes its con¬
cannot reach a temperature above 212 good, chilled wine may be worth more
tents homogeneously but will not keep
degrees nor drop below 32 degrees than gold to a decadent Pasha. In more
them mixed afterward. For example, oil
and water separates again at a normal temperate dimes, mages sometimes give
rate). Finally, a bartenders friend may be them to innkeepers in exchange for very
commanded to fill itself to the top with special services,
whatever liquid or combination of liquids XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 3,000
is contained within it at that time. This
final ability may generate no more than Cormian's Viewing Bowl
one gallon of liquid each day and func¬ This container's powers do not func¬
tions only for nonmagical, drinkable liq¬ tion unless the bowl is filled with pure
uids, Thus, magical potions, poisons, water and stands undisturbed, so that
dragon blood, and the like can not be the waters are still, with no ripples. Once
generated in this manner. Only one these conditions are met, the bowl's
command may be used each turn (not magic may be activated by speaking the
counting commands to stop heating or proper command word and dropping a
cooling), but there is no limit to the bit of blood or earth into the water. The
number of times the item can function. blood or earth must come from a single
Bartender's friends a re especially valued in creature or location; if contaminated

16 Annual 1997
1 ■'jj & 1

lid ii=g J ii 1 il F-ff 1V/.1 il i lift
rsT] Tj
The first flasks of delusion are generally black. If it contains a magical potion (or
attributed to an elf who called himself dissolved magical powder, etc.), the
Lufrednow. He became notorious for fin¬ third sapphire changes color to repre¬
ing used potion flasks with grape juice sent the magical aura of the contents
and trying to pass them off as magical (colorless for Illusion/Phantasm; brown
potions. He eventually created potion for Conjuration/Summoning; red for
makers to make his ruse more believ¬ Invocation/Evocation; orange for
able. Since then, numerous profiteers Divination; yellow for Enchantment/
have duplicated his efforts, and many Charm; green for Alteration; violet for
potion makers now appear in intelligent Abjuration; black for Necromancy; white
monsters' treasure hoards or garbage for indeterminable or no school). All
heaps, beside the bones of charlatans appropriate colors appear separately
who were too smart (and too slow) for rather than mixed, so if the contents of
their own good, the cup project auras of Abjuration and
XP Value: 100; 200 w/visual effects Necromancy magic, one half of the gem
CP Value: 500; 1,000 w/visual effects turns violet and the other half turns
with matter from any other source, noth¬ black. In any case, the discoloration of
ing is revealed. As the ripples from the each sapphire slowly fades back to blue
blood or earth dissipate, an image of the once tiie offending substance is
location or creature and immediate sur¬ removed or neutralized.
roundings magically appears in the With the proper command word, the
waters. These scenes last until the water goblet can dispel magic on its contents
is disturbed again. Creatures viewed this only. This power may be used any num¬
way have a chance to detect the scrying ber of times. Once a day, with another
as If they were being viewed through a command word, the goblet may be used
crystal ball. in a toast that will enthrall or bless (the
It is believed that the mage-king goblet holder chooses which) a group of
Cormian was the first to create a viewing listeners. Once a year, yet another com¬
bowl. He changed the punishment for mand word gives such a toast the force
many crimes to blood letting and used of a limited wish.
the bowl to discover criminals' associates XP Value: 6,000 CP Value: 75,000
and meeting places. Once he was sure of
their identities and locations, Cormian Water Purifier
managed to eliminate every major These beautiful pitchers are almost
thieves' guild and other criminal organi¬ Goblet of the Emperor always made of fine crystal, though glass
zation in his capita! city in a single day of The royal goblet of Emperor Terrin or porcelain versions are also possible.
carefully planned raids. the First, designed by Lord High Wizard Any liquid kept in such a pitcher for at
XP Value: 750 CP Value: 3,500 Martea Notlln, was supposed to be least one turn is purified, as per the purify
unique, but Martea actually made a total food and drink spell, At tire same time, it is
Mask of Delusion of five such goblets, The first was forged cooled somewhat (to approximately five
Tints item can appear as any sort of in the perfect shape to receive his mag¬ degrees Farhenheit below room tempera¬
potion flask and is almost always found ics, without attention to aesthetic detail, ture), and its taste is slightly improved
full of some liquid. The flask itself faintly After that, he improved on each cup (usually made slightly sweeter). After the
radiates magic of an indeterminable design until he finally managed to cre¬ first turn, the pitcher maintains the tem¬
nature, but any liquid kept inside it radi¬ ate one forged in the shape of a perature of its contents so long as they
ates magic very strongly as long as it is leviathan, the personal symbol of the remain within it,
within the flask, Even after being poured emperor. Rumors that other mages have These pitchers are surprisingly simple
from the flask, the liquid continues to modeled goblets with similar powers to make, largely due to the research of a
radiate magic for one round per hour after Martea's first design are uncon¬ lone hedge wizard named Ezmerelda
that it was stored inside, up to a maxi¬ firmed, In any case, these rare goblets Northington, who one day took it upon
mum of six days. The magical aura sur¬ are always masterfully crafted from gold herself to do something about her
rounding the "potion" behaves exactly as and platinum studded with tiny dia¬ town's murky, foul-tasting well water.
though it were affected by a Nystul'smag¬ monds, They are without exception Unfortunately, a side effect of the simple
ical aura spell, except that the duration is magnificent and ostentatious. Three bril¬ creation process is that the pitcher
as noted above, Fully 20 percent of such liant sapphires are set around the iip of doesn't distinguish between "contami¬
flasks also cause the "potion* inside to a goblet of the emperor, each seeming to nants." it treats all liquids (including
bubble mysteriously and glow with a glow with an inner light. Everything that juice, milk, ale, etc.) as contaminated
faint, pulsing light. These visual effects enters this goblet is subjected to the water for purposes of its purify food and
last as long as the magic aura, Real equivalent of the purify food and drink drink spell. Thus, a pitcher full of expen¬
potions poured into a flask of delusion are and neutralize poison spells, if the goblet sive wine turns into pure, sweet, cool
affected the same as any other liquid, contains contaminated liquid even for water within a single turn.
but they still function as usual, regardless an instant, one of the sapphires turns XP Value: 250 GP Value: 1,000
of the presence of the false aura. black; if it contains poison, two turn

18 Annual 1997
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Potion Cloaker Courtier's Bane
A potion cloaker is a rare item This Item appears to be an ordinary
designed to sneak potions into areas crystal wine glass, but when the proper
where magical items are not allowed-or command word is spoken, the wine
out of places where they are supposed to inside the glass becomes a poison (40%
stay. Any container that can be sealed, type G, 30% type FI, 20% type 1,10% type
from a leather wineskin, to a glass bottle, j; roll once for each item, not for each
to a crystal vial, may serve as a potion time the command word is used). A
cloaker. Such items radiate alteration different command word changes the
magic whenever their power is not in wine into a potion of healing instead (heals
use, but when the proper command 2d4+2 hp damage). The glass may trans¬
word is spoken, the potion cloaker actually form only one glass of wine per day and
displaces its magic in time, along with is effective only when it is mostly full with
that of any liquid inside it. Both the truly excellent wine. The wine s color is
potion cloaker and its liquid contents not changed by the transformation, and
immediately lose all their magical prop¬ the taste and smell change very little,
erties and, in fact, become completely only by an intelligent being making an though a detect magic spell reveals that
non-magical. Normally, magics lost in active attempt to open it. the transformed wine radiates alteration
this way are restored after 1d6 turns, According to the legend of 5kagrir, magic. A single person must consume
even if the nonmagical potion cloaker the powerful troll lord said to be larger more than half of the transformed wine
passes through anti-magic areas, is tar¬ and stronger than a giant, a pint of the directly from the courtiers bane itself for
geted by dispel magic etc. If the potion horrid creature s blood was poured into the concoction to have any effect. Thus, if
cloaker comes in contact with anti-magic a security vial when the rest of the body poured into another glass before some¬
when the magic is due to be restored, was destroyed. The legend indicates one drinks it, the wine loses its healing or
the magic cannot return and is lost for¬ that Skagrir s life force is strong enough poisonous properties.
ever. Further, every time a potion cloaker to regenerate its entire body from this The first courtier's bane was created
is used, there is a 5% chance that the single pint of blood in less than a year. when a powerful queen asked the wisest
potion inside it loses its enchantment The whereabouts of this vial if it in fact mage in her court for a way to transform
permanently, and a further 5% chance exists, are unknown. wine into deadly poison. Unwilling to cre¬
that both potion and container become XP Value: 800 GP Value: 4,000 ate something that could be used only for
completely nonmagical. Note also that harm, the mage built a wineglass with
magic is restored only to the potion Martyr Glass both poisoning and healing powers-and
cloaker itself and whatever fraction of the later used it to save the queen s life.
This item always appears as a simple
original potion remains within it. XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 5,000
crystal wineglass. Despite a faint aura of
Firias Bloodstone is credited with the conjuration magic, it reveals no magical
most dramatic use of a potion cloaker
properties until it is physically shattered.
During the reign of King Marcus III, she At this time, the creature who breaks it,
used one to smuggle a potion o/invuiner- and any creatures within 25 feet who
abiiity past various anti-magic wards, wish that creature well, receive the ben¬ Oren Schrturr has recently been working
quaffed it when its magic had returned, efits of a bless spell. The real importance as an intern at R.Talsorian Games, in
and proceeded to bowl over several of a martyr glass, however, is its role at California.
dozen of the king's suddenly harmless the center of a complex ceremony. The
guards. As a finale, she took Marcus
type of ceremony varies from glass to
hostage in his own throne room and glass (much like command words) but
escaped with a king's ransom (literally). generally requires at least five partici¬
XP Value: 1,500 GP Value: 7,500 pants, and always culminates with one
person swearing a solemn oath before
Security Vial shattering the martyr glass. At this point,
Any liquid kepi inside a security vial is
the person who broke the glass receives
held in stasis, never souring or aging,
the benefits of a bfess spell so long as he
so long as the vial remains closed.
keeps his oath. Furthermore, he is
Furthermore, though it appears to be
responsible for keeping the oath as if
made from fragile glass or crystal, a under the sixth-level wizard spell geas.
security vial is nigh indestructible. It need
Note that these biess effects are not
not make item saving throws except
cumulative with each other nor with
under the most extreme circumstances,
other biess spells or effects.
makes ail such saving throws at +4, and
Priests of numerous religions have
uses the item saving throws for metal in
created and used martyr glasses for vari¬
every category except add (for which it
ous reasons, most often for ceremonies
saves as rock crystal, with its usual +4
of initiation into particularly high ranks
bonus). The stopper for a security vial
in the priesthood,
forms an airtight and watertight seal
XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 4,000
with the opening and can be opened

20 Annual 1997

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mpaign Classics

Updates for Both Core and Player's Option™ Rules

by Dale Donovan and Bill Slavicsek
illustrated by Steve Bryant

in ce the publication of The Way of the mechanic that everyone who plays the When attacking a nonpsionic mind (a
Psionidst: Psionic Abilities and Powers AD&D game knows how to use and character with no PSP pool), one suc¬
(from the Dark Sun* Expanded and Revised understands implicitly. cessful attack opens the target's mind.
Campaign Setting) and the AD&D1 The same rules apply to psionics, A psionic mind under attack remains
game's Player's OptionSkills and Powers giving psionidsts and wild talent player- dosed until it is reduced to 0 PSPs,
book, we discovered that a few concepts characters MTI lACOs (mental attack unless the attacker achieves a critical
needed clarification, a few rules needed numbers) and MACs (mental armor mental hit.
adjustments, and a few omitted items classes). In physical combat, if a 3rd-
needed to be included. This article level fighter decides to take on a 10th- Achieving a Critical Mental Hit
addresses all of these needs, and the level warrior, he had better have some To achieve a critical mental hit and
updated material presented here should companions to help him, or he's going immediately open a dosed mind, the
be considered “offidaT changes to the to lose the battle. The lOth-ievel warrior attacker must meet three conditions:
original Player's Option and Dark Sun has a better THACO, better weapons and
material. In addition, you'll also find new armor, and more hit points than his 1. The attacker must roll a natural 18,
material herein, including a complete 3rd-level opponent. The same holds true 19, or 20 when making the MTHACO roll,
character-point PC-generation system when two psionidsts enter psionic 2. The roll must exceed the target
for psionic characters. Of course, if combat. number by 5 or more.
you're happy with the system as it is,
you needn't add rules that you don't Psionic Combat 3. Either the target must fail a saving
like. Use the rules that appeal to you Psiontc combat is used by psionidsts throw vs. paralyzation or the attacker
and work for your game, and freely to "open" dosed minds so that other must cause damage equal to or exceed¬
ignore the rest, for that is the spirit of the psionic powers can be employed against ing 25% of the defender's PSP pool max¬
Player's Option products. them. Such combat between psionidsts imum total, This means that the attacker
As you read the following pages, you'll should be a rare and momentous occa¬ must determine damage first, to show
notice some new terms that haven't sion, full of danger for both participants. whether a saving throw is allowed.
appeared before. The most important of During combat in the physical world,
these is the critical mental hit an attack when a warrior of higher level confronts Example: A 3rd-level psionidst with an
that allows the Immediate opening of a a lower-level fighter, the higher-level war¬ MTHACO of 18 can achieve a critical mental
closed mind. The Player's Option psionics rior has a distinct advantage. The same hit against a target with a MAC 3, since he
system is designed to work just as physi¬ holds true for battles on the psionic plane can roil a 20 and hit that target and exceed
cal combat in the ADBDgame-a rule (also referred to as the mindscape). the ~5 or more" rule. He can't achieve a

22 Annual 1997
critical mental hit against a target with a
MAC 2 (or better), however as he cannot
meet that same "5 or more" stipulation.

Example: Ulcen achieves a critical men¬

tal hit on Fenka, rolling a natural 18 or
higher and exceeding the target number by
5 or more. Fenka has a maximum of 40
PSPs. She mustfail her saving throw vs. par-
alyzation or Ulcen must inflict enough men¬
tal damage to cause Fenka to lose 25% of
her PSP maximum in a single attack (10 or
more PSPs in this case) for Fenka's mind to
become opened, Fenka can attempt a save
if the damage is less than 25% of her PSP
maximum (10 PSPs)r but not if it's equal to
25% or more.

The Five Psionic Attacks

The following changes have been
made to the five psionic attacks,
*> Ego whip inflicts 2-7 points of
psionic damage (ld6+1) for every 4
PSPs the attacker spends. The maximum
damage is limited by the attacker's level;
a 3rd-level psionicist can spend up to 12
PSPs (cost x level = 4 x 3 - 12) for 3d6+3
points of damage,
*:♦ id Insinuation inflicts 3-10 points
of psionic damage (ld8+2) for every 6
PSPs the attacker spends. This is limited
by the attacker's level; a 3rd-level psion-
icist can spend up to IB PSPs (cost x
level = 6 x 3 = 18) for 3d8+6 points of
*> Mind Thrust inflicts 1-4 points of
psionic damage (1d4) for every 2 PSPs
the attacker spends. This is limited by
the attacker s level; a 3rd-level psionicist
can spend up to 6 PSPs (cost x level = 2
x 3 = 6) for 3d4 points of damage,
*> Psionic Blast inflicts 5-16 points of
psionic damage (ld12+4) for every 10
PSPs the attacker spends. This is [imited
by the attacker's level; a 3rd-level psion-
icist can spend up to 30 PSPs (cost x
level = 10 x 3 = 30) for 3dl2+12 points
of damage,
*> Psychic Crush inflicts 4-13 points
of psionic damage (1d10+3) for every 8
PSPs the attacker spends. This is limited tiply the effect by. For example, if you fevel psionicist and he wants to put every¬
by the attacker's level; a 3rd-level psion- want to multiply the effect of a mind thing he can into the attack, (His player sets
icist can spend up to 24 PSPs (cost x thrust by 3 (at a cost of 6 PSPs), place a 1d6 under the card, hiding the face-up 4, his
level = 8x3 = 24) for 3d1G+9 points of die with a 3 showing, limit as determined by his levelf The base
damage. Psionic Attacks Rules Change: The cost of a mind thrust is 2, so if the attack suc¬
Psionic Attack Reminder: It is strongly number of PSPs an attacker puts into a ceeds, Ulcen must pay 8 PSPs (2x4 = 8) for
recommended [hat every player and DM psionic attack must be declared before 4d4 points of psionic damage. If the attack
create a set of psionic combat cards-with the attack roll is made. The cost for fail¬ fails, the cost to Ulcen is 4 PSPs (8 + 2 = 4).
the name of each attack and defense ing the attack is one-half of the declared
written on a separate index card. To PSPs. The Open Mind
secretly indicate how many PSPs you Example: Ulcen decides to attack with a When a mind is voluntarily opened,
want to spend on an attack, place a die mind thrust (His player places a mind thrust there is no adverse effect (unless the
that shows the number you want to mul¬ card face down in front of him.) He's a 4th- psionicist uses a power that causes one).

Dragon Magazine 23
When a mint! is forced open by psionic barrier defense (costs 5 PSPs), it can Speed of Psionics
attack, however, the target suffers dose its mind in the next round by Psionic combat literally takes place at
because of it, spending 10 PSPs (5x2 = 10). the speed of thought. Psionic attacks are
An opened mind is vulnerable to if the mind opened by a critical men¬ made at the point in the combat round
pslonic powers; the round in which a tal hit doesn't have enough PSPs determined by the initiative roll lor that
mind is opened, the attacker can use a remaining or doesn't want to spend PC The psionic defense chosen by the
psionic power on it. them, it remains open for 1d4+1 rounds. PC remains in effect for the entirety of
A mind that has been forced open After that, a successful Wisdom check the combat round, regardless of the PC's
(such as when suffering from a mental with a "3 penalty closes the mind, One initiative result.
critical hit) is stunned. The victim check can be made per round. Psionic powers require more concen¬
receives a +2 penalty to his or her ini¬ Rules concerning a mind opened by trated effort, in many cases affecting the
tiative in the next round (only), and in reducing it to 0 PSPs remain the same physical world or even the body of the
that round he or she can spend PSPs to (page 11 of WotP and page 149 of S&P). psionicist hersell. Some DMs may feel
become closed, [f the opened mind that psionicists have an unfair advan¬
doesn't have enough PSPs, it remains Psionic Attacks vs. tage over spellcasters in that the psionic
open for ld4+1 rounds (see below). Psionic Defenses powers have no initiative modifiers like
When a psionic attack clashes with a the casting times for magical and clerical
Closing the Open Mind psionic defense, use the attack tables in spells, (On the other hand, spelleasters
Closing a non-psionic mind hasn't either version of the revised psionic seldom have to roll dice to determine if
changed. Sec page 10 in The Way of the rules to find the attacker s modifier. The their spells work every time they
Psion last (WotP) or page 149 in the Skills modifier is applied to the attacker's attempt to use them, which al! psioni-
& Powers (S&P) book. JV1THAC0 roll. cists must do with all their devotions
Here are the new rules for closing a and sciences,)
psionic mind. Example: Fenka attacks Ulcen with a psy¬ For those DJVls who wish to impose a
Ef the mind was opened by a critical chic crush Ulcen defends with a thought few "speed bumps" in the paths of
mental hit, the target can dose its mind shield. The resulting modifier is -4. This is psionic PCs, the following initiative modi¬
in the following round by spending PSPs applied to Fenka1 s MTHACO roil. She needs a fiers can be applied. Using a psionic devo¬
equal to double the cost of the last 14 or better. She rolls a 16.16-4-12. Ulcen's tion adds a +1 penalty to the psionicist'
defense it used. So, if a mind was defense holds, and Fenka's attack fails. initiative; employing a psionic science
opened in the round it used the mental incurs a +3 penalty to the initiative result

24 Annual 1997
For example, if Fenka's player gets a 3* Determine Mental Armor Class
3 on her dlO initiative roll and Fenka Completing the conversion of the
Table 1: Base MAC
successfuliy uses the detonate science psionic mind flayer to the S&P psionics Intelligence Base MAC
on a zombie, the effect of the power will system is simple. Determine the individ¬ Non- (0) 5-6
not occur until the "6" portion of the ual creature's MAC using the charts Animal (1-2) 5—6
round (3 + 3 = 6). above. The number of disciplines, devo¬ Semi- (3-4) 7-8
tions, sciences, psionic attacks, and Low (5-7) 8-9
Monsters a Psionics psionic defenses remain the same for Average (8-10) 8-10
With the exceptions of the Dark Sun simplicity The Power Score is replaced Very (11-12) 8-9
Monstrous Compendium Volume Two and with the target's or the psionic power s High (13-14) 7-8
the Monstrous Compendiumy Annual, MAC score, and the number of PSPs is Exceptional (15-16) 6-7
Volume Three, no MTHACG or MAC sta¬ determined as described. Genius (17-18) 5-6
tistics exist for psionic-using monsters in Note that inherently psionic creatures Supra (19-20) 4-5
the AD&D game. The reason for this such as the mind flayer being discussed Godlike (21+) 2-3
omission is that the Player's Option here needn't follow all the rules regard¬
psionics system is a strictly optional vari¬ ing the arrangement of psionic disci¬ Table 2: Quick MACS for
ant of the one in the Complete Psionics plines, sciences, and devotions that PCs High-Psionic Creatures
Handbook. To help convert creatures do. Just as some creatures have magical,
Roll ldIO Modifier
from CPH rules to the Player's Option spell-like abilities (such as the magical
1—2 +1 MAC
rules, here is a quick system for deter¬ mind flayer and most dragons, as two
3-4 No modifier
mining the MTHACO of any psionic crea¬ examples) that do not follow the rules of
ture in the game. 5-6 -1 MAC
magely or priestly spellcasting, so too do
7-8 -2 MAC
some creatures possess psionic powers
9 -3 MAC
Quick MACs for Monsters that operate in the same "rule-breaking"
10 -4
To determine a monster's MAC manner.
(Mental Armor Class), find its intelligence Therefore, the S&P psionic mind flayer
on Table 1, This provides a range for the (or at least this particular iilithid) from the Table 3: MAC Quick MACs
monster's base MAC score. Then roll for Monstrous Manual is as follows: for low-Psionic Creatures
a MAC modifier on either Table 2 (for a
Roll 1d10 Modifier
creature with psionic abilities beyond Mind Flayer
1 +2 MAC
those of a wild talent) or Table 3 (for MTHACO: 11
2-3 +1 MAC
creatures with psionic abilities equiva¬ MAC: 2
4-5 No modifier
lent to wild talents or nonpsionic Psionic Attacks: Ego Whip, id
6-8 -1 MAC
beings}. insinuation (as listed in the MM; the S&P
9 -2 MAC
system gives a lOth-levei psionicist all
10 -3 MAC
Quick MTHACOs for Monsters five psionic attacks).
Finding a monster's MTHACO score Psionic Defenses: All
requires three steps: Psionic Proficiencies: Contact (neces¬ ■fable 4: MTHACO Modifier
sary for all pslonicists), plus others if the
Intelligence Modifier
1. Determine the Base MTHACO DM so chooses
< Exceptional None
The base MTHACO (Mental To hit Disciplines: 4
Exceptional -1 bonus
Armor Gass 01 of any psionic creature is Sciences: 5
Genius -2 bonus
based on the creature's level, as found Devotions: 15 PSPs: 50 + 3d 10*
Supra-genius -3 bonus
in the Monstrous Compendium (MQ or Psychokinesis
Godlike -4 bonus
Monstrous Manual (MM) books. For Devotions: control body, levitation
example, a psionic mind flayer Psychometabolism
(MM/251) is a lOth-levei monster, so if Sciences: body equilibrium Additional Notes on Converting
has the same MTHACO as a lOth-levei Psychoportation Psionics Monsters to S&P Rules
psionicist. (See 55P/149 or WotPns to Sciences: probability travel, teleport To determine the new" PSP totals for
determine psion icists' MTHACO scores). Devotions: astral projection. psionic monsters in the MM tome and
The chart gives the base MTHACO for a Telepathy other published sources, treat the crea¬
lOth-levei psionicist of 11. Note that a Sciences: domination, mindlink. ture as an S&P psionicist equal to the
monster's level is not equivalent to its Devotions: awe, ESP, post-hypnotic creature's given level and calculate the
Hit Dice. suggestion. being's PSPs as such |(15 PSPs at 1st
level + any Intelligence bonus) + (IdG +
2, Modify MTHACO for Intelligence * Unis PSP number differs significantly applicable int bonus)/level|. The chart
Next, this base MTHACO is modified from the total given in the Monstrous for determining PSP bonuses appears
by the creatures Intelligence. Consult Manual tome. The number was reduced on 55+7144,
Table 4. In the case of the psionic mind to bring the iilithid more in line with For a more detailed treatment of any
flayer, the creatures genius-level Player's Option psion icists. While an iilithid such psionic creature or a major psionic
Intelligence gives a bonus of -2 for a should be a terrifying opponent, a mind villain in a campaign, a DM can treat the
modified MTHACO of 9. flayer with 300+ PSPs is far too powerful. being fully as a psionicist, following all

Dragon Magazine 25
the PC-creation and advancement rules the efforts of PC psionics users; in this methods listed in the Skills 8 Powers
for psionics given in the Player's Option case, granting the undead a -2 MAC book. Similarly, subabilities (if used),
rules (or those provided below). This puts bonus is not unreasonable. backgrounds, and racial abilities are
all psionicists, whether human or illithid, Non-lntelligent undead (such as zom¬ determined per the existing Skills 8
PC or NPC, on more even ground. bies and skeletons) and all other mind¬ Powers rules.
For other creatures that are not given less creatures are handled differently.
any psionics statistics, or even those Such beings cannot be attacked psioni- Class Abilities
that may not "officially" possess psionics, cally, as they have no minds to assault A psionicist receives 30 Character
the guidelines below detail how to and thus no MAC and no PSPs. They are, Points to spend on class abilities.
determine the creature's MTHACO. (The however, vulnerable to the physical Abilities cost 5-15 points each. Any
creature's MAC can be determined as effects of psionic powers. A skeleton unspent points (up to five) can be spent
above.) and a violet fungus would both be later in the character-creation process or
For Non- to Semi-Intelligent creatures, immune to a psychic crush psionic retained for use during the game.
possessing psionic capabilities is nor¬ attack, but both would be vulnerable to All psionicists use the saving-throw
mally impossible. While some few the detonate psychokinetic science. and MTHACO tables on S8P/149 and the
exceptions to this rule exist (such as the Experience Levels table on S8P/144.
brain mole, yellow mold, gray ooze, and Psionicists 8 Character Points Further, psionicist PCs use the THACO
the thought eater), these beings evolved Many AD&D game players have chart on the same page, unless they pur¬
to occupy the specific ecological niche asked why the revised psionics system chase superior combat abilities described
of psionic predators. Most Non- in the Player's Option: Skills 8 Powers book below. All psionicist PCs also use the
Inteiligent creatures are considered to didn't include a character-point PC gen¬ Psionic Progression table on 5&P/154,
be mindless and thus immune to many eration system like those for the other unless they purchase additional psionic
but not all psionic effects (see below). classes. The answer is that there were capabilities as described below.
Creatures of Low to High Intelligence several reasons; the first was space. A Psionicists use six-sided dice to deter¬
that are determined to possess psionics lot of information was crammed into the mine their hit points, unless they pur¬
use the MTHACO table are limited to Skills 8 Powers book, and there wasn't chase superior dice below.
wild-talent status are their psionic abili¬ any more room. Another reason was Unless stated otherwise, each of the
ties must follow all pertinent rules. The that the Player's Option line was always abilities below can be purchased only
"level" of such wild talents equals the intended to be modular, allowing play¬ once and only during the character-cre¬
creature's Hit Dice minus two (HD - 2). ers and DMs to use the new rules that ation process.
Creatures of Exceptional to Godlike they liked without locking them into a Armor Use (5/10): For 5 points, the
Intelligence use the psionicist MTHACO lot more rules they might not want to psionicist can employ small shields and
table, with their HD - 2 determining incorporate into their games. And the padded, leather, hide, or studded leather
their base level, modified by consulting focus of the new psionics system was armor. As a 10-point ability, the psionicist
the MTHACO Modifiers chart given the rules, not Character Points. Perhaps can use the above plus medium shields
above. These beings may be wild talents the most important reason, though, was and brigandine, chain mail, ring mail,
or full-fledged psionicists as determined that we wanted the two versions of this scale mail, or metal lamellar armor. If the
by the DM. In either case, these beings system (one in Skills 8 Powers and the psionicist does not choose this ability at
still use the psionicist MTHACO chart. other in the revised Dark Sun boxed set) all, the character can wear no armor and
to be identical. This would keep confu¬ employ no shields whatsoever.
Psionics vs. Undead & Mindless sion over the new rules to a minimum. Bonus Psionic Attack (10): The psion¬
Creatures Once we decided the two versions of icist has one more psionic attack (of the
Questions have been raised over our new rules had to be identical, that player's choice) than his level normally
whether psionic powers effect the ruled out a character-point generation would allow. This does not grant the PC
undead and mindless creatures. These system since the Dark Sun set did not any extra attacks in a combat round, nor
are really two separate-if sometimes deal with Character Points in any way. does it allow the PC any extra psionic
overlapping-subjects. Unfortunately, this left Skills 8 Powers defenses or powers.
As the existence of the psionic lich users without a means to create psionicist For example, a Ist-level psionicist
(MC Annual Vol. One) demonstrates that and wild-talent PCs using the Character- with this ability would possess two
a sentient undead mind can still use Point system. Since this article discusses psionic attacks and one psionic defense
psionics. It's a logical extension to rules suggestions for the Player's Option rather than one of each. This ability is
assume that psionics are totally effective psionics rules, the information below is useless without the "Contact" ability
against intelligent (rated above Non-) presented to fill that gap. Thanks to below.
undead such as liches, vampires, mum¬ Dragon* Magazine's own Skip "Sage Bonus Psionic Defense (10): The
mies, shadows, and so on. These and all Advice" Williams and reader Emery psionicist has one additional psionic
other intelligent undead beings are sus¬ Wilson for blazing part of this particular defense than normal for the character's
ceptible to psionics powers and psionic trail. It should be noted, though, that the level. This does not grant the PC any
attacks. Against the latter, their minds rules below differ significantly from what extra psionic attacks or powers. For
are considered nonpsionic, closed minds has been published previously. instance, a Ist-level psionicist with this
unless the undead possesses some ability would possess one attack and
psionic abilities itself. Some DMs may The Basics two defenses instead of one attack and
consider the unliving nature of such The PC's ability scores are deter¬ one defense. This ability is worthless
creatures' minds to be a hindrance to mined by the DM s choice of generation without the "Contact" ability below.

26 Annual 1997
Combat Bonus (10): The psionidst
now uses the priest's THACO chart for
physical combat
Contact (5/10): This ability costs five
Character Points for psionidst PCs and
10 Character Points for wild-taient char¬
acters, The character with this ability
receives the contact non weapon profi¬
ciency and gains psionic attacks and
defenses as in the Skills 8 Powers book.
This ability can be purchased at any
point in the PCs career when sufficient
Character Points are available. Note that
wild-talent characters can never possess
more than three psionic attacks and
three psionic defenses whereas psionh
cists can gain all five of each,
A psionic character without this
ability cannot engage in psionic combat
as the PC has no means to contact other
minds and no way to defend himself
from outside psionic attack. Therefore,
ihe character is considered to be a
closed, nonpsionlc mind for purposes of
psionic combat, in other words, □ single
successful psionic attack roll (i.e., defeat¬
ing the character's MAC) opens the PC's
mind to further invasion by any psionic
In addition, a psionic character with¬
out tiiis ability can use on[y those psionic
powers (devotions and sciences) that
affect the character himself or inanimate
objects. As the character does not pos¬
sess the ability to touch another living
mind, no psionic power that affects
another living being can he used by Ihe
Without this ability, the "Psionic
attack of choice/ "Bonus psionic attack/
"Bonus psionic defense/ and "Psionic
defense of choice" abilities detailed here
are useless.
Detect psionics (5/10): This ability
costs five points for psionicists and 30
points for wild talents. The character can
detect psionics in use and/or creatures
actively using psionic abilities within 90r
and in line-of-sight when the character
spends a full round concentrating. all sciences in the psionicists primary dis¬ hours of training per week. Any students
For example, a psionic PC using this cipline. "This ability decreases the PSP cost who do not receive the minimum hours
ability could not detect an unconscious regardless of success or failure of the leave the PC and spread the word of the
intellect devourer but could detect a power's attempted use, but in no case master's apathy, forever ending the
githyanki using a psionic power or can the cost for attempting a power be stream of students to the master. The
engaging in psionic combat that was decreased to less than 1 PSP. This ability maximum number of students attracted
within range and visible. has no effect on psionic combat. is equal to one half the maximum num¬
Decreased PSP Costs (5/10): The Followers (5/10): For five points, the ber of henchmen that the PC can have
psionicist s mind is very efficient allowing psionidst becomes a contemplative according to the PC s Charisma score (or
the PC to use PSPs more economically. master at 9th level. At this point, one Charisma/Leadership subability). If the
For five points, the cost to use or main¬ 1 st-level psionidst arrives each month, psionidst builds a meditative sanctuary,
tain alE psionic devotions in the PCs pri¬ seeking instruction. Students must be the number of students attracted equals
mary discipline is decreased by one. For fed and boarded, but serve without pay the full number of henchmen that the
IQ points, this decrease also extends to as long as each receives at least 10 PC could attract. Note that, in either

Dragon Magazine 27
ers, although acquiring other henchmen Unarmed Combat Specialization (5):
Psionics-Related Errata and hirelings remains possible* This ability is available only to those
from Skills & Powers Guarded IVTind (5/10): The character's psionicists who choose to take neither
Collected below are the psionics* inner strength grants bonuses to saving of the Weapon use" abilities detailed
related errors that have been corrected throws vs. all spells of the enchant¬ below. These psionicists may specialize
with the second printing of the Skills 8 ment/charm school and sphere. For five in one of the unarmed combat methods:
Powers book. Most of the changes are points, a +1 bonus is granted vs. those punching (pommeling in the Players
minor, but they should help clear up spells, be they wizardly or clerical; for 10 Option; Combat 8 Tadics book), wrestling
any confusion. points, a +2 bonus is applied to saving or martial arts. This specialization grants
throws vs. all such spells. a -hi bonus to attack rolls and a +2
First Printing Hit-Point Bonus (TO): Psionicists with bonus to damage rolls when the psioni-
Page 146, col 1, 2, sentence 2: this ability roll eight-sided dice to deter¬ cist makes an appropriate unarmed
Change "That mind is now open" to "A mine their hit points instead of the nor¬ attack.
mind with 0 PSPs is open/ mal six-sided dice. They still receive only Note that psionicists also must pur¬
Page 146, Table 75: The second col¬ 2 hp per level for reaching 10th level chase proficiency in the unarmed com¬
umn heading should be 'MTHACO and each level beyond. bat style normally to specialize (see
Bonus/ Al! the bonuses should have Penetrating Mind (10): The psionicist s "Proficiencies" below), This five-point
minus signs, not plus signs. strong will enables the character to pen¬ ability does not grant the PC a cheap
Page 148, column 1, 3: Cross-index etrate physical barriers more easily than specialization, but only allows the player
the attack with the defense on Table other psionicists. Two inches of lead or to spend the CPs on a specialization that
76, iron, four inches of obsidian, or two feet would not normally be allowed to the
Page 148, Table 76: Reverse all plus of rock is required to block the psion i- psionieist PC.
and minus signs. cist's dairsentient and telepathic powers. Warrior Constitution Bonus (10): The
Page 155, column I, 1: The bonus Note that most powers require line of psionieist gains bonus hit points from
proficiencies are contact and mental sight to be used on a target, and this abil¬ high Constitution scores (or the
armor, ity does nothing to negate a blocked line Constitution/Fitness subability) as if the
Table 76: Psionic Attacks vs. Psionic of sight. Further, this ability has no effect character were a warrior. For example, a
Defenses has been causing some con¬ on psionic combat and does not grant psionieist with a 18 Constitution (or
fusion too. If you have the first print¬ immunity to magical or psychic barriers Constitution/Fitness} would receive +4
ing of the Player's Option; Skills 8 that may block psionic powers, hp per level, rather than +2 hp.
Powers book, the modifier you obtain Psionic Attack of Choice (10): The Weapon Use (5/10): For five points,
from this chart applies to the attacker s psionieist devotes extra time to or pos¬ the psionieist is eligible to use only the
mental attack roll, not the MTHACO sesses superior natural ability with one of following weapons: hand crossbow,
target number. Your PCs MTHACO the five psionic attacks. The psionicist dagger, dart, dirk, knife, scourge, sickle,
doesn't change, simply apply the mod¬ gains a +1 bonus to mental attack and and short sword. For 10 points, the
ifier from Table 76 to the result of your damage roils when using that psionic psionieist can use the above plus the fol¬
d20 roll. attack. The psioniclist's player chooses the lowing: short bow, club, light crossbow,
particular attack. Note that this ability is hand/th rowing axe, javelin, quarterstaff,
Second Printing useless without the "Contact" ability sling, spear, and war club. Note that this
Page 148, column 1, 3: Delete the above. ability grants no proficiency with these
last sentence of this paragraph. Psionic Defense of Choice (10): The weapons; it merely determines the
The second printing of the book psionieist has exceptional talent with or "pool" of weapons from which the char¬
reverses the + and - signs on Table 76 has developed a stronger version of one acter may choose weapon proficiencies,
on page 148. This means that the of the five psionic defenses. This ability If the character does not take this
modifier obtained from the table now grants the psionieist a +2 bonus to the ability at all, the psionieist can use no
applies to the attacker s MTHACO tar¬ PC's MAC when using that defense, weapons at all with proficiency, relying
get number, not the result of the d20 which is chosen by the player. Note that solely on his body and mind for protec¬
roll. The effect is the same-Mind without the "Contact" ability above, this tion. (See the "Unarmed combat special¬
Thrust is still the best attack against ability is worthless, ization" ability above for an option
Mind Blank, for example-only the PSP Bonus (10/15): Instead of rolling regarding this.)
nomenclature is different. six- sided dice to determine PSPs, the 10- Players are allowed to carry over no
point ability allows the character to roil more than five CPs from this stage of
case, these students fulfill the rofe of eight-sided dice. The 15-point ability character creation to other parts of the
henchmen and should be treated as notes a truly potent psionic mind and process.
such NPCs. the player rolls 10-sided dice to deter¬
For IQ points, the psionicist becomes mine hts character's PSPs rather than Psionics & Subabilities
a well-renowned contemplative master the normal six-sided dice. If your campaign uses the subabilities
and can attract Ist-level psionicists as Range Boost (10): The ranges of all from Players Option:Skills 9■ Powers,
above regardless of the PC's experience powers in the psionicist s primary disci¬ Constitution/Fitness, Intelligence/ Reason,
level. Atl other limits above still apply. pline are increased by 25D/o. All powers and Wisdom/Intuition determine a psion”
If a character doesn't choose this abil¬ with ranges of Gf self, or touch are unaf¬ icist's initial PSP allotment. Wild-talent
ity, the PC never attracts psionic follow¬ fected by this ability. This ability has no checks use the same subabilities to deter¬
effect on psionic combat. mine the probability of psionic powers.

28 Annual 1997
Wisdom/Willpower determines a the folEowing: Contact, detect psionics, spy. There also exists the possibility of
character's base MAC, and intelligence/ and guarded mind. These abilities can creating psionicist kits for particular
Reason determines the PCs MAC be purchased at any time when the wild- campaigns.
modifier taient PC has the requisite number of Wild-talent PCs can come from any
Character Points available. In all other social rank and any kit as befits their
Wild Talents ways, wild-talent PCs follow the normal random nature, race, and class.
A psionic wild talent can be pur Skills & Powers character-generation
chased by any PC (with DM approval) for rules. Proficiencies
15 Character Points. The character need Newly created psionicists receive 8
not then roll a wild-talent check but Kits & Social Ranks Character Points for nonweapon profi¬
must roll on the chart on S&P/156 to If your campaign uses the social ciencies and 6 CPs for weapon proficien¬
determine which wild talent he or she ranks and/or the PC kits from the Skills & cies, and as a nonwarrior, must pay 3
gains. If this rule is used in your cam- Powers book, the foliowing information CPs per weapon proficiency. Note that
paign, it's suggested that any PC whose applies to psionic characters. the contact proficiency is, in this charac¬
players wishes the character to have a Few psionicists develop from a social ter-generation system, a class ability and
wild talent meet the Ability Requirements rank beiow Upper Middle Class, as such cannot be purchased with nonweapon-
of a psionicist: Constitution II, Intelli¬ individuals seldom have sufficient time proficiency Character Points (unless the
gence 12, and Wisdom !5. This guide¬ or opportunity to practice the intricate DM rules otherwise). In any case, the
line prevents wild talents from becom¬ mental exercises required to release cost for the contact is as above.
ing too common in a campaign. Of psionic potential as they are too busy Treat a psionicist as a member of the
course, such PCs remain merely wild tal¬ working to make a good life for them¬ "rogue and priest" group regarding
ents, not psionicists. selves or simply striving to stay alive weapon proficiencies as defined on
A Character Point also may be used and put food onto the table. 5&P/W3. A psionicist cannot normally
to reroll a normal wild-talent check that Similarly, some kits are more suitable take any weapon or fighting-style spe¬
fails. As noted above, wild-talents can for psionic characters than others cial izations as the extensive training for
never possess more than three psionic although none are barred to psionic such would detract from the PC's com¬
attacks and three psionic defenses. characters. This list includes the most plex meditations. Psionicists can special¬
From the list of Class abilities above, likely kits for psionicist PCs: diplomat, ize only in one unarmed combat style
wild-talents are able to purchase oniy merchant, mystic, noble, scholar, and and only if they never take proficiency

Dragon Magazine 29
mal rules regarding traits and disadvan¬
Table 5; Additional Skills & Powers Proficiencies tages still apply.
Generalist Group Traits: Alertness, animal empathy,
Proficiency Cost Base Score artistic ability, empathy, light sleeper,
Mental Armor 3/5* N/A lucky, obscure knowledge (psionic pow~
ers are very obscure on many worlds,
Psionicist Group such as Toril, the home of the Forgotten
Proficiency Cost Base Score Realms" setting), and precise memory.
Gem Cutting 4 7 Disadvantages: Bruise easily, compul¬
Harness Subconscious 3 6 sive honesty, deep sleeper, fanaticism,
Meditative Focus 3 8 phobias (one who engages in mental
Musical Instrument 2 7 combat regulariy might suffer lasting
Reading/Writing 2 8 effects of lost battles in this way), power¬
Rejuvenation 3 7 ful enemy, tongue-tied, and unlucky.
Religion 2 7 Your psionic PC should now be ready
to join her compatriots in the neverend-
* The cost to the left of the slash is the cost for psionic characters (both wild tal- Ing battle against evil, greed, and cruelty.
ents and psionicists) and the cost to the right of the slash is the cost for all non-
psionic characters.

in any weapon (see "Unarmed combat Traits & Disadvantages Dale Donovan & Bill Siavicsek would like
specialization" above). Tucked away within the Non weapon to thank Kevin Melka and ail who partici¬
The costs and base scores for the Proficiencies chapter of the Skills8 Powers pated in the psionics seminar at the 1996
other non weapon proficiencies from the book are two new features to the AD8D Gen Con* Game Fair pr their input on this
Skills 8 Powers psionics section appear In game: traits and disadvantages. These article.
Table 5. Al[ proficiency rules from the personality quirks help flesh out a char¬
Skills & Powers book still apply. acter, and they can certainly do so for a
Players may carry over up to five CPs psionic PC Below are lists of both traits
from this portion of the character-gener¬ and disadvantages that are particularly
ation process for other purposes. well suited for psionic characters. All nor¬

By Aaron Williams

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by Belinda G. Ashley
illustrated by C.H. Burnett

S itter wind, frostbite, wet snow cling¬

ing like lead weights to your boots,
and difficult terrain. The only thing you
and your friends want now is to find a
sheltered spot to rest, build a fire, and
get a hot kettle boiling for some tea. But
there's no rest for the weary. Not when
creatures, like those that follow, prowl
the wilderness, searching for an easy
Ultimately, this edge of fear and near
exhaustion in the PCs is exactly what a
crafty DM wants to maintain in an arctic
campaign. The rugged terrain and freez¬
ing temperatures of the arctic are a nat¬
ural challenge to the best outfitted PC
party. The next step for a DM is to intro¬
duce monsters that not only work logi¬
cally in their habitat, but set new heights
of apprehension for the PCs as well.
However, the problem many arctic
adventures suffer is that there are only a
handful of monsters that dwell in cold
climates. Players who have been around
the AD&D game long enough will be
familiar with these few monsters. And
even with the best of role-playing, sea¬
soned gamers often impart their knowl¬
edge on their (supposedly) unknowing
PCs. So what's a DM to do? Give the
players new monsters to battle. But not
just any monsters. Give them beasts that
will leave their PCs wishing they had
spent their last copper on a tour to the
When working with new monsters, a
DM should be aware of the monsters'
weaknesses and strengths and how
these relate to a party. A group of well-
organized PCs that fight as a team will
be thoroughly weakened by crystal
skeletons. Groups that stress the impor¬
tance of the individual can easily fall
prey to snow spiders and growlers. And
few but elves and half-elves have any
immunity to the ice lizard's attack. The
key to using these creatures in play lies
in their ability to surprise and baffle the
players. If the players are sweating
about their predicament, the DM can be
assured that the PCs are sweating too.
The four creatures that follow share sim¬
ilar habitats and unusual tactics in com¬
bat. By using these tactics wisely, a DM
can wreak havoc on the most organized
group of PCs.

32 Annual 1997
Snow Spiders
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any subarctic
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any except midday
DIET: Carnivore
ARMOR CLASS: 6 (Queen, 4)
MOVEMENT: 15, swim 12 (Queen, 12, swim 8)
HIT DICE; 4+3 (Queen, 6+1)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3 and add
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Surprise and camouflage
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 35% (Queen, 50%)
SIZE; 5(277 tall)
MORALE: Elite-14 (Queen, Fanatical8)
XP VALUE: 975 (Queen, 1,400)

Snow spiders look like muscular, furry, eight-legged arachnids,

but they are warm-blooded mammals who stalk the forests
and tundra of the north. Their fur is white on the head and semi-hibernation, coming out a few times during the season at
back, and striped pale grey or brown along the legs, making night. Temperatures over 50° F make snow spiders sluggish,
the perfect camouflage in snowy regions. Two almond-shaped raising their AC to 8 and slowing their movement rate to 8, In
pale blue or amber eyes, a mouth of razor sharp teeth, and a the colder months, the pack roams for days looking for prey.
large upright head with a flexible neck like that of an owl dis¬ Packs consist only of males; the only female is the queen.
tinguish them further from true spiders. Snow spiders' furry feet She is larger and slower than the males, has thicker skin, and
have three clawed foes facing forward and one back. Webbing lacks the camouflage markings on the legs. She digs the den
between the toes helps them cross snow drifts, and they are for the pack while they bring her food. The queen never leaves
excellent swimmers. the vicinity of the den and spends her life guarding and enlarg¬
ing the den and rearing the young. Twice a year, the queen
Combat: Snow spiders are cunning predators, hunting in packs gives birth to one or two kits. Males are raised within the den
of 5-15. The hours just before dawn and right after sunset arc for one year, whereupon they join the pack. Female kits are
their preferred times to hunt. Snow spiders may choose between usually taken from the den into the wilderness to die. There are
two different attacks, biting and impaling. While their bite two exceptions. When a pack reaches approximately 20 mem¬
causes only 1-3 hp damage, their acidic saliva causes an addi¬ bers, the queen raises the next female born. After one year, the
tional 1-6 lip corrosive damage, A victim who successfully saves female young and several younger males strike out to start a
vs, poison suffers half damage. However, the snow spider's pack of their own. The other exception is when the queen
favorite attack is impaling. Sheathed within the heel of each foot reaches old age. When the queen feels her time waning, she
is a B’-long spike of bone. When prey is in range, the spider leaps produces a single female kit. After the kit matures, the young
forward, unsheathes its spikes, and strikes the victim feet-firsi, female kills the queen and eat her, thus becoming the new
delivering 3d8 hp damage. Snow spiders can leap 10’ vertically queen. The old queen does not fight her offspring, and the
or 15r horizontally. The spikes are also used for climbing trees or males do not partake in the feast. This is not the only instance
rocky hillsides, and for securing their footing over ice. of cannibalism within the pack. When food is very scarce, the
A hunting pack works as a team, scouting ahead, setting pack turns on the weakest male, killing and eating him.
ambushes, and attacking in concert Snow spiders can make a Snow spiders communicate with a clicking, chirring sound
deep resonant chirring sound as a scare tactic, scattering mem¬ as well as a simple sign language used during hunting. Because
bers of a flock or herd into the rest of the waiting pack. When of physical limitations, they cannot speak another language
in their terrain and season, they have an 85% chance of going but can be taught to understand one.
unseen. Their sense of smell and hearing is average, but they All treasure found in the lair is incidental, coming from vic¬
have keen eyesight and receive a + 1 bonus to their surprise roll. tims that have been dragged to the lair for consumption.
Snow spiders' fur is flammable, and the creatures suffer dou¬
ble damage against normal fires. They still retain their magic Ecology: Locals sometimes collect the saliva of a spider to use
resistance bonus against magical fires, plus any saving throws as an add. However, they are difficult to capture and more dif¬
allowed. Non-magical cold does not affect them. ficult to keep. Snow spiders do not eat anything that they did
not kill. A single snow spider does not survive well In captivity,
Habitat/Society: Snow spiders live in cold regions where as It relies heavily on the social interaction of the pack. The
snow is on the ground for most of the year. They make their captive spider curls up in a corner, refusing to move or take live
homes in well-hidden burrow dens dug deep into rocky prey, and eventually starves itself to death.
hillsides. During the summer months, they go into a stale of

Dragon Magazine 33
Crystal Skeletons
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any arctic or subarctic region
FREQUENCY: Very rare
INTELLIGENCE: Semi-intelligent (2-4)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: M (5'—7')
MORALE: Special

Crystal skeletons are human or demi-human skeletons that

have been transformed by a series of spells into pale blue ice.
Little is known about the creation of these fell creatures, opportunity to damage the largest number of foes, attacking
though most sages agree that animate dead, a specialized with maddening glee. They are immune to cold-based attacks
delayed shatter (see below), and protective magics are involved. and are turned by priests as 2-HD creatures. Crystal skeletons
It is argued that create water and control temperature 10' radius fight to the death and never need to check morale.
are also needed for the creation, suggesting that not only are
there dark arts at play, but unholy prayers as well. Habitat/Society: Crystal skeletons are only found in cold
Unlike normal skeletons, crystal skeletons are semi-intelli- regions where snow and ice are common. They have no soci¬
gent and have been known to track their victims endlessly, ety and exist purely at the whim of their evil creators. Though
plotting the best routes and ambushes. Crystal skeletons they are compelled to follow orders of their creator, they are
understand the language of their creator as well as the native not beyond independent thought. They are not passive
tongue they spoke when they were alive. They communicate undead, waiting motionless in a crypt or graveyard, but a rest¬
with their creator with nods or shakes of their head and share less guard, stalking an area in frustrated anger. Sages believe
a telepathic bond with others of their kind. There is no record that crystal skeletons exist in an agitated state because they
of crystal skeletons communicating with others, though it is are good-aligned souls trapped in an evil union of magics. This
thought possible. would account for their suicidal attacks, as once destroyed,
their souls are free to rest in peace once again.
Combat: Crystal skeletons do not use weapons. Instead they
attack twice per round with their dagger sharp fingers. As with Ecology: Because crystal skeletons are undead and unnat¬
other skeletons, they suffer half damage from edged or pierc¬ ural creations, they play no role in ecology or nature.
ing weapons and are immune to sleep, charm, hold, fear, and
any other mind-affecting spells. Blunt weapons inflict normal
damage. Holy water causes 2-8 hp damage per vial. New Spell
However, crystal skeletons are not created for their fighting Delayed Shatter
abilities but for their destructive powers. Crystal skeletons head This spell is similar to the second-level Wizard shatter spell
unerringly for the most densely occupied area of a group to in the Player's Handbook. The differences for delayed shatter
fight. With so few hit points and poor THACO, they are easily are as follows: it is a third-level spell and has a casting time
dispatched. Once destroyed however, they explode into razor- of 3, the spell can be cast only on a single object, and the
sharp shards of ice. Each explosion covers a 10' radius and duration lasts until the object on which the spell was cast is
inflicts 3d4+2 hp damage. Victims of a blast receive a saving destroyed. All other statistics are the same as shatter. Since
throw vs. paralyzation. If the save is made, only half damage is this spell cannot be cast on magical items, it is assumed that
suffered. Spells or psionics that cause non-living matter to shat¬ this is the first spell cast to create a crystal skeleton.
ter make the skeletons explode with double the force, increas¬
ing range to 20' radius and damage to 6d4+2. One round after
the blast, the shards vaporize into steam. Shards embedded in
flesh at the moment of vaporization cause additional damage.
If the previous save was successful, only 1-3 hp damage is
taken; if failed, the victim suffers 1-6 hp damage.
Organized and cunning, crystal skeletons realize their
greatest threat is their exploding bodies and wait for the best

34 1997 Annual

$xoun^ and strong in the bloodline or' Drawn to the side of one Of cerilia’s
Arfduiras, §aeiin of Rohrmarch has foremost hero-kin^s, gaelin can only
watched many q-ood soldiers die in watch anxiously as a valiant, dyin^
A ___£j.L^
battle. As a priest of the^ war-qod w man <^asps out his last few words; The
cuiraecen, he knows he must'harden ,youn^ priest strains to hear what
himself to the sights
and sounds of u v
battle-knowledge, what lore of kin^shij
and accept them as part ofithc 1 ife h *This brave man would pass on to his
Tt A f Vi a r; C+ii 1 1 ir4- 'tf #4 ivt bn. v
anxious successor. One word only, but
it drowns out the sounds of battle rising
up^overthe rampartsi"Win!”
Tundra Lizards
CLI MATE/TERRAIN: Subarctic, arctic
DIET: Omnivorous
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1 -3/1 -6
MORALE: Unsteady (5-7)

Tundra lizards are warm-blooded creatures that roam the cold

legions of the north- To survive the bitter chill, tundra lizards are
covered in thick plates of leathery skin and have a special heat- without draining, they freeze and die. This harsh departure
draining ability. During the winter, their skin is white along their from the world has earned them their name.
backs and legs, and pale green on their stomachs. In areas where Tundra lizards do not attack creatures larger than them¬
the snow melts during the short summers, tundra lizards turn a selves unless cornered, preferring to trip attackers and run
mottled brown and white. Because of their coloration, they are away A trip is a special attack, rolled as a called shot against
95% undetectable by all but the most observant. Rangers and base AC 10, modified for Dexterity and magic. If tripped, a crea¬
those who are familiar with the tundra lizard (i.e., those living in ture must spend one round regaining its footing, if no other
the arctic or subarctic climates) have 20% bonus to detect. course than fighting presents itself, tundra lizards attack fiercely
Tundra lizards have long snouts to burrow into mouse and wilh long daws and sharp teeth.
rabbil warrens, and long daws to rip open dens. Despite their
dense skin, they arc quick and agile. They have a keen sense Habitat/Sodety:Tundra lizards are territorial and roam over
of smell similar to that of dogs, and almond-shaped silver eyes vast quantities of land dur ing their daily travels. They are active
with 60' infravision. Their tails are short, but their limbs are through spring, summer and fall but go into semi-hibernation
long and muscular. Males have a ridge of small spikes along during winter. Daytime is their preferred time to hunt, though
the center of their backs and are usually larger than females. they have been known to attack at night as well. Tundra lizards
Though meat is their preferred meal, tundra lizards eat almost are loners except when mating or rearing their young. They
anything, even refuse left by people or carcasses from another's mate once a year during the early fall. The female carefully
kill. They will not, however, eat rotting or poisoned meat. digs a den, concealing the entrance with rocks, and gives birth
to 3-4 live young in the spring. After the young are one month
Combat:Tundra lizards drain heat from other warm-blooded old, the father leaves the den while the mother continues to
mammals to survive in the harsh terrain of the north, storing the protect and feed her young. The mother never brings a kill to
heat as energy, Excellent stalkers, tundra lizards track their prey the den. instead she regurgitates the food for the youngsters.
across the snow-covered valleys and mountains until an oppor¬ The juveniles leave the nest after eight months to find their
tunity arises to use their special ability, tundra lizards emit a own territory. Tundra lizards live between 10-15 years.
pleasant smell similar to lavender from their pores, causing sleep
to all air-breathing creatures within a I0r radius. They can pro¬ Ecology: Tundra lizards are quick to pick off the old and sick,
duce this affect four times per day. Target creatures receive a -2 so they are not prone lo overfeeding in one area. Few animals
to their saves. When a tundra lizard collects warmth from a host will attack a tundra lizard, partially because their tough hides
body, it drains 1 point of Constitution and 1d3 hp. It must touch are difficult to penetrate and partially because when eaten, the
the victim to absorb the heat. This collection takes two rounds, sacs which hold the sleep poison burst, putting the predator
during which time the tundra lizard does not move. If forced to into a deep slumber. In the harsh world of the north, an
move within this time period, it does so at half the movement unguarded sleeping creature is an easy meal.
rate. Tundra lizards must receive a minimum of 4 Constitution Their hides are good for making small shields, pauldrons,
points and 4 hp per day to sustain their metabolisms, sometimes and breastplates but are too hard for other apparel. Tundra
draining all they need from one victim. Constitution points lost lizards are also killed for their sleep sacs. Alchemists use these
to tundra lizards are regained at 1 point per week; hit points lost sacs to create very potent sleep potions.
can be regained normally or by any cure spell or potion. Tundra lizards are sometimes given as "gifts" to an unwary
Anything less than the minimum daily drain causes the opponent as a means to weaken or even kill the opponent
lizard to weaken, shiver, and move sluggishly. After three days without anyone the wiser.

36 1997 Annual
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CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Arctic, aquatic
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
HIT DICE: 11+3
NO, OF ATTACKS: See below
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Special, see below
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Sonic attack, drowning
SIZE: G (40'-50' in diameter)
MORALE: Steady (11-12)
XP VALUE: 7,000

Growlers are amorphous beings whose lives are spent at sea.

Looking like miniature icebergs, they are often found floating
among normal ice formations near shore. Though most of its the water to drown the creature, (See the PHB for rules on
massive body is sponge-like and rubbery, a growler has a hard, "Holding Your Breath") The carcass is then slowly pulled through
flat, movable plate of cartilage along its back; this plate is AC the exterior skin into the body to be devoured at leisure, A crea¬
0, Around the edges of the plate are rows of heat sensory ture may make a Strength check to attempt to pull free of a
organs. Growlers have no eyes but use these sensors to detect growler's hold. Growlers have a Strength score of 18. When
small amounts of heat and can locate prey out to 100 feet. attempting to break free, both the victim and the growler make
Growlers can transform from a tall, jagged iceberg to a fiat, ability checks; the highest successful roll wins. Growlers do not
wide ice floe in one turn. Morphing in this manner helps the absorb living prey. Digestion of medium to large prey takes 1 d4
growler maneuver. By increasing its vertical dimensions above days, after which time a body can not be resurrected. Metal and
water, it creates a "sail" to catch the wind. Growlers also move gemstones are not consumed.
by water propulsion. Water is inhaled through a special valve Blunt weapons cause only half damage to growlers. Magic
and exhaled through mini "jets" that line the bottom of the bonuses to blunt weapons still cause damage. Other weapons
growler. This system doubles as a growler s respiratory system, inflict normal damage.
passing water over its gills. Growlers cannot breathe air.
Because of their understanding of tides and wind, growlers Habitat/Society: Growlers live, reproduce, and die in the arctic
are superior sailors with the equivalent of seamanship and nav¬ seas. They stay dose to land, where they feed on bears, seals,
igation proficiencies at a score of 18 each, making the chance wolves, and other sea-reliant creatures. Their preferred prey
of any ship out-maneuvering them quite slender. Growlers do though, are intelligent beings. Frost giants, humans, and demi-
not sleep and are highly aware of their surroundings, so they humans are all favorites because growlers like the planning
can be surprised only on a roll of a natural 1. needed to capture intelligent creatures. Growlers have been
Growlers gain their name from the low rumbling noise they known to torture victims-stunning them, swimming from
make when attacking and feeding They communicate by a lim¬ shore, releasing them, only to stun them again. Growlers are a
ited form of telepathy. Though growlers have no monetary need menace to small boats as well, capsizing craft smaller than
nor care for treasure, anything deemed valuable is collected and themselves. Those who do not freeze immediately in the icy
used as bait to lure unsuspecting victims to their death. waters are stunned and devoured. Growlers must devour
approximately 800 pounds of meat per week.
Combat: Growlers are aggressive carnivores, relying on their Growlers do not mate and are gcnderless* Once a year,
Intelligence, cunning, and telepathic abilities to capture prey during the winter solstice, growlers split In half, creating two
Rotting carcasses or other "treasures" are left on their shell-like identical creatures (size Hr 20r) of 5 HD, THACO 15. All other
backs to attract other carnivores such as bears or wolves. Once attributes are the same. They live approximately 30-40 years.
a creature steps onto the growler, it attacks. By moving air
quickly through its body, via air ducts along its surface, a growler Ecology: Despite their mean disposition, growlers support a
makes an ear-shattering sonic attack. Any creature within a 20' number of creatures and plants along their submerged surfaces.
radius must make a save vs, death or be stunned tor one round Cold water algae and krill are just two of the many small vari¬
and become deaf for 1 d4 rounds, A victim with a successful save ety of marine life that makes a growler its homebase, A growler
avoids the stun but is still deafened for 1 d4 rounds. Growlers can will work with other intelligent evil beings provided food is its
attack with a sound burst every other round. Once the victim is reward. Such relationships do not last long, for growlers believe
stunned, the growler folds its body across the victim, holding it themselves too intelligent to slave for another and eventually
firm against the shell, and submerges just far enough beneath try to consume their partner.

38 1997 Annual

“The demon dactyl came awake.

“The tangible, corporeal body felt good to the wandering spirit.The dactyl could feel its blood, hot
blood, coursing through its wings and mighty legs, could feel the twitching of its mighty muscles.The
creature flexed and stretched, extended its wings to their full glory, reached and clawed at the air with
its humanlike arms. The demon extended its fingernails, transformed them into hooked claws, and
grew its teeth—two pointed canines extending down over its bottom lip. Every part of the demon
was a weapon, devastating and deadly.

“And undeniably powerful though this monster appeared, this demon’s real strength lay in its mind
and its purpose, the tempter of souls, the twister of hearts, the maker of lies. How long had it been?
The creature remembered that long-ago time now, savored the thoughts of the streaming blood as
army after army had joined in delicious, desperate battle.

“Its thoughts turned from its enemies to those it would summon as minions. The wicked goblins
certainly, so full of anger and greed, so delighting in murder and war, The fomorian giants of the moun¬
tains.,. And the powries, yes, the powries, the cunning, warlike dwarves who hated the humans above
all others. A line of drool hung low from the dactyl’s mouth as it considered its former and future
allies, its army of woe.The dactyl threw back its head and opened wide its mouth, screeching for the
sheer joy of the return, for the thoughts of the chaos it would bring again to the quiet human kingdoms
of Corona.’’


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Stories That Define Imagination

A Division of Ballantine Books
h ttp' //w w w.rmTddm h rey/
Talk of the Town
by Lloyd Brown
illustrated by Susan Van Camp

dventurers don't spend all of their ideas about how to flesh out a briefly- edge of a full-scale war with the druids,
time slaying dragons and recovering met village). for example. When used concurrently
priceless jewels, nor are they the only Another method is to have the action with a city or town adventure, these
ones in the campaign world to whom happen when the PCs are off-stage. The events provide red herrings, as the play¬
interesting things happen. Most cam¬ events may not directly involve the PCs, ers assume that the DM wouldn't men¬
paigns center on the working people but they can certainly be a source for tion anything unusual about the town
who interact directly with the PCs—the rumors and speculation about town. unless it was directly related to the story.
smiths, innkeepers, merchants, and ware- When the PC rogue is slumming, check¬ If this technique is used often enough, the
house guards that PCs speak with or buy ing for rumors about the dwarven kings players will begin to think carefully about
from daily. There are also the farmers lost crown, he'll hear stories about the what decisions they make.
who feed them, the ranchers who raise strange visitors who are staying upstairs This chart is designed to help DMs
and train the horses the characters buy, at the inn, or the search for Farmer who wish to add a quick encounter to
the functionaries who crank the gears of Token's lost little boy. These things are an adventure already in play, or to pro¬
the government. Ordinary events may be much more in the front of people's minds vide some detail to an otherwise run-of-
very important in the lives of these peo¬ than stories their parents told them about the-mill town on the roadside. For an
ple: much more Important than rumors any lost treasure when they were kids. existing, permanent part of the cam¬
about a lost treasure these people will By using these mundane events, the paign, the DM should choose an event
never be able to chase after. DM reminds the players that their char¬ that does not conflict with his future
The best use of these daily events is acters are not the source of all progress plans for the town and its people. The
to allow some interaction in the daily life in the game world, and that events hap¬ DM should only roll If he is creating a
of the town in a situation that isn't relat¬ pen which have nothing at all to do with new locale or wishes to randomly
ed to a larger adventure. These events them. This sort of verisimilitude is what change the center of his campaign
can help develop a campaign by intro¬ makes the campaign come alive in the (rarely advisable).
ducing an NPC or two or br inging to the players' minds. This chart was inspired by a similar
players' attention some other aspect of These events can serve other purpos¬ description of events in the Oriental
the DM's world. These are not crucial es as well. They may be used to introduce Adventures rules, which describes events
plot drivers, just a means to add life and an NPC who serves as the hook for a on a daily, monthly, and yearly scale.
character to city adventuring. The DM "real" adventure later on. One of the nat¬ Oriental Adventures also mentions other
can also use an event or two to help ural events may be the result of the tam¬ events that have more bearing in an
bring character to a new town or city the pering with nature of a wizard, or priest Oriental society. DMs may wish to read
PCs are passing through (see "Dot to Maybe the frequent storms in the area the section on events in that book for
Dot" in Dragon Magazine #226 for other are conjured by a wizard or priest on the more inspiration.

40 Annual 1997
Event Descriptions more powerful. The undead is most likely
Table 1: Random Events
Protector Leaves: A benefactor of the to arise in the city cemetery, but couid
also appear at the site of a battle, acci¬ Roll (5<J10> Event
town leaves or is killed. This protector Protector Leaves
can be a great variety of things: a storm dent, or crime. It might also be a false
6 Drowning
giant, a band of rangers, a couatl, a rumor, a fraud of a cunning rogue, a per¬
7 Collapse
druid, or a good dragon. Mundane pro¬ son buried alive, or a friendly ghost who
8 Undead Monster
tectors might include nobility, a band of rises to guard the town against other
9 Humanoid Skirmishes
knights, or the sheriff. This departure is hazards. PCs might be asked to investi¬
10 Tribute Due
not necessarily a permanent move. The gate or wish to check up on it them¬
11 Death
protector could be torn away pursuing selves, It might even be a revenant,
12 Public Execution
enemies of the town. The storm giant searching for a PCI
13 Murder Attempt
might be visiting relatives on a nearby Humanoid Skirmishes: Outlying
14 Kidnapping
mountain, The druids might be conven¬ farms or ranches have been attacked by
15 Insect Plague
ing to discuss matters important to the one of the neighboring tribes of
16 Flooding
whole reaim. A temporary loss might humanoids, A small band of humanoids
17 Fire
make people nervous, but with a little might have developed a taste for pork
18 Major Theft
luck the town survives without its pro¬ and decided that the humans can spare
19 Earthquake
tector. The protector's absence certainly one or two animals. In this case, the
20 Nearby Village Attacked
demands a call for some action on the humans usually have the morale advan¬
21 Tax Collection
part of the PCs, tage and the advantage of cover and
22 Canal
Drowning: Even in the most desolate can usually drive off the invaders after
23 Public Punishment
of places, people drown either from Inflicting some light casualties. The PCs
24 Extreme Weather
falling down steep wells, being caught in might be asked to make a retaliatory
25 Press Gang
a strong current, or possibly just swim¬ strike to dissuade the humanoids from
26 Moat
ming out too far. Sometimes the per¬ repeating the event. They might also be
27 Search
son's body has not been found, and a asked to return a valuable item that was
28 Duel
shoreline vigil has been assembled. In carried off.
29 Opening
this event, PCs might look for the per¬ Tribute Due: A group of bandits, a
30 Races/Gamcs
son, be on site to hear screams for help, dragon, or a giant might demand tribute
31 Marriage
or meet an interesting NPC related to to keep them from destroying the town,
32 Agricultural Event
the victim somehow. The tribute varies in amount according
33 Birth
Collapse: Occasionally, a building of to the size of the town and the power of
34 Road
some sort suffers damage, shows cracks, the oppressor, ll might include livestock
35 Wall
or just collapses. This structure might be and foodstuffs, dry goods, coins, and art
36 Faith Magic Casting
a bridge, a dam, a public building, or a objects, It could be a small <hest or a
37 Bard
famous residence. For this minor event, large train of wagons that must have lo
38 Gladiatorial Games
there should be no loss of life, but it be delivered outside of the city or town
39 Local Hero
should be a visual spectacle, possibiy to a predetermined location. The tribute
40 Pilgrims
occurring in the middle of day where is due on a regular date most often, but
41 Bridge
everyone can see it, or emitting a horri¬ chaotic oppressors will appear or send
42 Warga mes
ble groaning and creaking for days emissaries irregularly to demand pay¬
43 Sage
before stress causes a sudden thunder¬ ment. The tribute might also be a token
44 Holy Man
clap crack running down the side, The payment given to a good guardian such
45 Holiday
town worries about whether the struc¬ as a storm giant, a lammasu, or a couatl
46 Fair/Carnival/Circus
ture will hold up, immediate repairs or for protection from monsters. The pay¬
47 Ambassador
temporary accommodations are made, ments these monsters demand are
48 Garrisoning of Town
and emergency meetings are held. The much lighter than tribute and often con¬
49 Holy Artifact
collapse might have been an act of sab¬ sist of things more useful for survival
Enemy Killed
otage, either from another nation of the than piles of gold or silver. If the PCs are 50
same race, a humanoid tribe, or another, low in level, they might find themselves
unknown enemy, PCs might be asked to guarding the tribute from bandits. They
check out this possibility, even if it really might be asked to contribute money of pass away. This event assumes that nat¬
was a natural occurrence involving age their own. Stronger groups might be ural causes are the occasion (foul play is
or poor construction. hired to kill or drive off the oppressor if mentioned elsewhere). Disease and
Undead Monster. This incident is a the town has confidence in the PCs’ death, although curable in a fantasy
little more serious than the threat of ability to succeed. world, are sometimes not lo be over¬
humanoids or the occasional giant Death: Unfortunately, life has other come, especially for the poor and lion-
eagle, because undead often have many facets as well. The PCs might be affected magical tinkers, stevedores, and smiths
immunities, so commonly armed towns¬ by a death outside of the party. Whether that make up most of the world. After
folk might be ineffective, regardless of kind innkeeper or great nobility, death death, people are often buried. Cultures
courage. The monster might be an ani¬ cannot be avoided forever. The PCs differ, and the deceased might be cre¬
mated dead body, a free-willed minor might lose an ally, a neighbor, or a mated, entombed, set out to sea in his
undead such as a ghoul, or something friend. Or, a complete stranger might own boat, or something entirely different

Dragon Magazine 41
taken away from home and is being
held for ransom. Folk will spread rumors
about the victim running away and fak¬
ing the kidnapping, talk will arise about
other such incidents and everybody will
speculate on the outcome. The resolu¬
tion can be that the kidnapper is caught
by the police, he returns the victim in an
honest trade, or he kills his captive with
or without collecting the ransom. PCs
might be asked to rescue the victim,
oversee the transfer of money, or hunt
down the kidnappers afterward.
Insect Plague: A plague of insects has
made a meal out of a farmer's crops.
The crops are partially or completely
destroyed, and the insects have moved
on. The DM must remember that the
insects must go somewhere (unless con¬
jured by a magical speli), and the PCs
might encounter them again if they
leave town. Food prices might go up
slightly, but one or more farmers have
lost a serious part of their livelihood; the
family's personal economy will he bleak.
This crisis could push a poor family into
abject poverty or reduce the amount a
landowning noble can spend on his
levies or adventuring prospects.
Flooding: Excessive rain has turned
the roads and fields to mush. Traffic
might be impossible in some areas, diffi¬
cult in others. There is little or no struc¬
tural damage, but there might be some
loss of crops. This flooding is not of epic
proportions, just excessive puddling in
low places. If characters must move
through the flooded areas, their move¬
ment is reduced by one-third.
Fire: A building in town or a local
farmhouse has caught on fire. The
damage might be minor or devastating.
Historically, communities rallied around a
(like disintegrated in a high-magic world). have a personal grudge against (or fire and rescued what they could and
If the deceased was a popular person, somebody who has been executed fought the fire with buckets of water or
the entire dty might attend the burial before!). sand, since a fre could easily burn out of
ceremony. Murder Attempt: An attack on a control and destroy an entire city. As the
Public Execution: Someone has been prominent citizen or one known to the DM wishes, the fire could have run itself
determined by a court judge or magis- PCs leaves the victim seriously wounded out or been contained by the efforts of
hate to have committed a capita! or close to death. The person might be in the locals, making a few average men
offense and is being executed. The exe- the care of a temple or hospital, hovering the heroes for a change. If the PCs are
cution could be by a variety of means: near death. A poisoned crossbow bolt present, they might try to rescue a person
hanging, drowning beheading burning might leave the victim unharmed, but trapped inside, fight the fire with water or
drawing and quartering pressing to only inches away from a painful fate. The magic, or organize the work effort.
death, and others have been used histor¬ victim might be the person who hired the Major Theft: A valuable item, a ship¬
ically. In a fantasy worid, the convicted party, someone they had a fight with ment, or a large sum of cash has disap-
could be made to stare at a medusa and only a week ago, or a former guide or peared. The theft is bad news for
be broken up once he was petrified, he other person associated with them. Any strangers and might mean trouble for
might be disintegrated by magic, or killed of these situations cause trouble for the the PCs. The police might or might not
by a stay living spell. PCs might wish to party until the matter is cleared up. have suspects, but everyone who knows
witness the event if the person was Kidnapping: A husband, a wife, or a of the crime suspects someone in partic¬
somebody they brought to justice or child—or even a valuable pet!—has been ular of taking the item, and most people
voice their opinion if asked, if a PC is

42 Annual 1997
actually arrested over Lhe crime, Lhe a NPC they know might ask them to Landowning PCs might be helped or hin¬
other characters might well wish to check up on the neighbors. dered by the path of the new canal.
solve it for themselves before their Tax Collection: Some or all citizens Public Punishment: Less extreme
friend is tried. They might also uninten¬ are required to pay a tax, The tax might than an execution, the punishment of a
tionally come across the Item elsewhere, be seasonal, related to a specific occa¬ criminal might still be a public spectacle.
not knowing about the mad hunt for it sion, or a now tax on goods or services. He might be locked into a stockade and
in town—that is, until they try to sell it] Visitors might or might not be required berated and abused by anyone passing
Earthquake: A minor tremor scares a to pay, The tax creates muttering and by (these people should remember that
few people, shakes some loose knick- discontent, but the extent of the reaction the victim, most likely a neighbor, will
knacks off of shelves, and starts rumors is determined by the general state of the be released soon). The criminal might be
about volcanoes, timber hulks or worse nation. Taxes are often low compared to flogged or beaten. For serious crimes the
things, but does no real damage. The the outrageous quanlitics of gold carried criminal might be maimed: cutting off
cause can be whatever the DM wishes, by adventurers but can be a major obsta¬ the hand of a thief or gouging out a per¬
but most areas in the real world are sub- cle to the common people. Depending on son's eyes have been ordered as pun¬
ject to the occasional tremor, even the monetary system used in the cam¬ ishment. If the DM wishes, the wizard
though most are too light to even be paign, goods might be collected instead spell blindness might substitute for the
felt. Soon after, a building might crack or of coins for those unable to pay. Taxes latter, and merciful regimes might allow
collapse, as above. are often raised to cover public works or for a priest to cure wounds to stop
Nearby Village Attacked: Humanoids, military spending. bleeding from a severed hand.
a nation at war, monsters, or unfriendly Canal: Newer farms and more people Extreme Weather: Snow, fog, rain,
demihumans have attacked a nearby might mean that a canal must be dug to sleet, or wind can limit visibility (and
community. There might be no more bring them water. Possibly the river has reduce the effectiveness of missile fire)
news and the entire town will worry changed course and the water has of characters who find themselves out¬
about relatives, friends, business invest¬ moved instead of the people. Either doors, The exact penalties depend on
ment, or their own town. Word might way, a canal is being built to channel the weather conditions and are clearly
have spread about the results of the fresh water to a large group of people. described in the DMG, The lack of visi¬
attack: minor losses, some fires, or com¬ PCs in dire need of cash might help dig, bility might cause some concern over
plete devastation. PCs might have their serve as guards against humanoids attacks by humanoid tribes, monsters or
own interest in the nearby town. If not, and monsters, or use magic to assist. enemy nations. Rain might also lead to

Dragon Magazine 43
flooding, and wind or snow might bring likely, they use the facility just like any go out of their way seeking rumors.
about the collapse of an old building. other citizen. Married or promiscuous PCs might find
Press Gang: A press gang, looking for Races/Games: People compete indi¬ themselves with a surprise announce¬
unwitting citizens to beat into submis¬ rectly as well as against each other. ment at this time, but the DM is advised
sion, is recruiting reluctant people for Archery contests, foot races, horse races, not to force something that affects a PC
induction into the army or navy. Navies, and wide variety of track & field events this much without being certain that a
especially, use this method, because might be held. Many of these involve birth is a role-playing challenge that the
once the ship sets sail, it will be weeks or throwing an exceptionally heavy item, player would be willing to accept.
months before any draftees find a like a shotput or hammer. Like gladiato¬ Road: Trees are being cleared and the
chance to desert. By then, the hapless rial games, races or contests produce an terrain is being flattened for a road. Hie
souls have learned a worthwhile skill instant temporary hero. He might be the road s width will vary with its perceived
and might even sign up again voluntar¬ youth who grooms the PCs' horses, a son importance, ranging from a track little
ily PCs might be beset by a press gang, or daughter of a retired adventurer, or a wider than a wagon to 50r or more if the
a valuable NPC might have been shang¬ member of a rival adventuring group. road is being built to allow for military
haied while the PCs were elsewhere, or The people might ask the PCs to judge movement. Roads might or might not be
a noble might wish to hire the PCs to events, donate prize money, or allow the paved, but more often are not. Bricks,
stop this illegal practice (if it is illegal in town to use part of their land, if they own gravel, or large flagstones might surface
the DM s world), a temple or any large common area. the road if subject to heavy wheeled traf¬
Moat: Having discovered that a They could always compete, of course. fic. Roads must always have a beginning
strong wall is not enough, the people Marriage: Sometime between birth and an end and neither one needs to be
might decide that a moat must be dug and death, most people become hus¬ in the immediate area. Like any other
around the town, A strong lord could dig bands or wives. A wedding is always a major construction project, PCs can help
a moat around his castle, be it in or near happy occasion (except perhaps for for¬ out in a variety of ways here.
the town. A moat provides the same mer lovers) and feasting and celebrating Wall: The town might build its first
opportunity for drudgery work for the are expected. PCs might know (or be!) wall to keep out invaders or might add
PCs as a canaL the bride or groom and might attend as to the existing wall to cover homes and
Search:Agroup of concerned citizens guests or participants. If they are guests, shops that have sprung up outside the
or a gathering of the constabulary has gifts might be appropriate. This situation walls due to growth. Existing walls might
joined together to search for a lost child, might cause some squirming among the also need to be replaced for different
an escaped convict, a suspected crimi¬ players. They can hardly give a bride a reasons. The wall might also surround a
nal, stolen treasure, a rumored lycan- suit of old armor or dagger Tf. They large temple complex or fortress in or
thrope, or possibly even escaped slaves. probably have to purchase a new or near the town.
Any strangers are questioned closely, original gift and this decision can be Faith Magic Casting: A temple in the
and those that prove honorable might Interesting to role play. area is gathering its worshippers to cast
be asked to help. A search can provide Agricultural Events: Certain events a faith magic spell. Nearly any of the
players with a chance to get on the throughout the year are noteworthy for faith magic spells mentioned in the
good side of important persons in the their demand on the manpower of the Tome of Magic are appropriate, or it could
community. They need not solve the town. Harvest, shearing, or lambing be a new spell unique to the DM s world.
problem (but that certainly wouldn't might employ every able-bodied person Whatever the spell, the people gathered
hurt) but need only try hard and share in for a couple of weeks. This much activity know many, if not all, of the others there
the disappointment of the town if the raises spirits, encourages teamwork and and the casting will be a grand social
problem can't be solved. brings the people together. The people event. PCs might be members or even
Duel: A duel might be a druidic duel are busy but happy for the work. priests of the temple casting the spell.
for position, a duel of honor between Although not exactly agricultural, this Priest characters are naturally expected
nobles, or a type of trial by combat. PCs event might also include events note¬ to help with organization and services.
might find themselves involved in a worthy to hunters or fishermen, like the Before the actual casting, the priests
duel, acting as seconds or judges, called return of migratory birds, fish, or whales. might insist on a service and many
upon to cure the losers or asked to bring Birth: The arrival of children is always blessings of the more mundane variety.
to justice someone who practices illegal noteworthy among the elves and Afterward, the priest thanks all of the
duels. Such a person might be deadly in dwarves, who rarely have children, and participants and probably serves a meal.
one on one combat and would not hes¬ in societies with demihuman popula¬ There are congratulations all around.
itate to issue a challenge that would be tions, there are grand announcements The crowd slowly dissolves, and the
illegal to accept but just as dangerous to of their birth, especially for rare multiple gathering becomes quite festive. The
refuse in some cultures births. Among any race, the birth of a common man is again a hero, having
Opening: A new temple, a school, a noble heir might change the status of an protected his church or worked some
library, a hospital, or a town meeting hall older illegitimate or adopted child, or magic, and the people want to
is being opened for the people to use. It another relative of the father (or mother celebrate.
could be a first, a replacement or an in some societies). People gossip about Bard: A famous bard might visit the
expansion of existing facilities, in most the paternity of such children, especially city, either as a destination or part of a
cases, it will need workers or volunteers. if the supposed father is old or often longer journey. The DM can refer to the
PCs might make donations, round up absent This talk provides much amuse- Complete Bard's Handbook for ideas on
help, or be asked to provide help in the ment and speculation for the common the bard's musical abilities, fame, and
construction of the new building. Most folk, who will bring it up to PCs who statistics. She might be only a mediocre

44 Annual 1997
musician but well known for scandalous members. Gladiatorial games area a about the dedication of the pilgrims or
escapades or revolutionary thoughts or great way for a DM to introduce a new tile interesting places they will pass
ideas- She might be a masterful singer PC or player. through to reach their destination.
and command high prices for perfor¬ Local Hero: A local hero-ad venturer Merchants welcome peaceful pilgrims
mances. Of course, not all entertainers or phony adventurer-returns to his with open arms, for they will need food,
□re actual bards. The "bard" might be a hometown or the setting of a great vic¬ supplies, and services. Some groups
0-level character or member of another tory. He probably saved the town at might include troublemakers, depending
class with exceptional talent and ability. some point in the past, or at least peo- on the faith and alignment of the power
Gladiatorial Games: These can range pie think he did. The hero might even be they serve. PCs might have to monitor
from simple wrestling matches on a dirt a local person who has travelled to the the group for trouble, guide the group
pit to enormous jousting tournaments capital to represent the town in some through dangerous terrain or hostile ter¬
involving the neighboring knights and contest, whether skill at arms, poetry, ritory (to or past the town) or mediate
nobles. Many communities will see a music, or whatever. He might have between the pilgrim leaders and the city.
take-on-all-comers wrestling contests become famous and is returning to Bridge: A new bridge is being built
sometimes set up in the town markets. share his new wealth with his friends across a river that formerly could be
Fencing, boxing, or martial arts are com¬ and family. He might be coming to say crossed only by ford or ferry. The bridge
mon as well. These contests are rarely goodbye and return io the capital to could be a replacement for one torn
fatal, but can be very brutal. Injuries are keep doing whatever it was that took away by flooding, destroyed in a war,
common and clerics arc not always on him away. He might have been a former or collapsed naturally due to age.
hand to help out the wounded. Betting is party member, a relative of one of the Depending on the government of the
rampant at these games, with the gov¬ party, or a complete stranger. area, the workers could be hired, term
ernment either partaking or trying to sup¬ Pilgrims: The pilgrims are seeking a porary conscripts, volunteers, or slaves.
press it with varying degrees of energy holy relic or site and the PCs' city is en They might be of the same race as the
and success. The winner of these games route. There might be enough pilgrims townspeople or might be foreigners
is quite popular for some time within the to overwhelm the capabilities of the brought in for the job. In addition to the
city, at least until he loses to somebody city's inns and hostels, and they might duties of other construction projects, PCs
else the nexttime around. PCs might join have to make a temporary camp or ask might have to dear out hostile underwater
in, watch for a rival, or use the games as to stay with locals. Some of these locals races or bargain for permission with
an opportunity to seek out new party might join their journey when they hear neutral races such as lizard men.

Dragon Magazine 45
Holiday: A local holiday might cele¬
brate a town hero, the birth of a child, or
an ancient religious occasion. Holidays
are not always annual events, but might
be a spontaneous command of the ruler
to celebrate nearly any event The event
might be marked by gift-giving, parades,
or religious ceremonies. PCs can use the
occasion to host a party, give servants
the day off, or visit their neighbors.
Fair/Carnival/Circus. A seasonal or
travelling fair comes to the city. There
will be acrobatic shows, captured mon¬
sters on display, and feats of dexterity
and strength. Jugglers, clowns, and
tightrope walkers will amaze and enter¬
tain the townsfolk. PCs might have their
fortunes told, have their pockets picked,
or encounter old friends. A fair is a
chance to relax, have fun, and might be
win a prize or two.
Ambassador. A nearby race or nation
might send an ambassador to learn
about the city, teach about his own cus¬
toms and otherwise ease relations
between the two peoples. His coming
might presage an increase in immigra¬
tion or follow such an increase. Some
people welcome the new people, seeing
them as iifegivers to an old town or
trade, others will see them as rivals or
Garrisoning of Town: Either the gov¬
ernment has decided that the town is a
position of military Importance and is
stationing troops there permanently, or
the situation has changed to make
troops there unnecessary. The garrison
are army troops if there is no coast or
major port, or army or navy (or both) if
the place has a major port. The attitude
of the people depends on their relations
Waigames: Stationed troops might will dictate how long the sage remains in with the military and the government. If
be training, it might be time for seasonal the city. Visiting relatives might mean a troops are moving in, civil positions will
or annual militia exercises, or troops few days to a couple of weeks; extensive open for capable locals (possibly PCs).
could be stepping up alertness in prepa¬ research might involve a long-term resi¬ Recruitment officers will search the town
ration for a conflict. Either way, the fields dency. If the PCs have previously suffered for skilled warriors and either draft them
and open spaces in or near the town will from lack of background Information or offer them incentives, possibly com¬
see much movement of armed troops, when adventuring, the sage's appear¬ missions for skilled warriors. Generally,
who do not appreciate trespassers in ance might coincide with an adventure, withdrawing troops causes hardships for
their training areas, PCs must be careful or he might prove frustrating and leave many merchants. Many of these mer¬
with surreptitious or nighttime activities again the day before they need him. chants might decide to head elsewhere
as they might be mistaken for spies if Holy Man: Not quite a saint or an with their goods, making certain items
caught in suspicious circumstances. avatar, but still a venerated member of a hard to find.
Sage: A master of academics or a stu¬ popular faith might visit the town. He Holy Artifact. A holy artifact might be
dent of some field of study might visit the might be coming to visit the temple, taken on a tour of the cities where the
city for field research, a lecture, or per¬ passing through on his way to some¬ faith's followers are common. The item is
sonal matters. He is well-versed, or at where else, or on a quest. He will stop at not one of the artifacts described in the
least sounds well-versed in one or more the temple of the appropriate faith, DMG but a mundane artifact of impor¬
areas of knowledge. He might be helpful might give a special service or speech tance only to those followers of the
and respectful, conceited and haughty, or and will meet important worshippers same faith or possibly a rival faith^the
expensive and reclusive. The DM should (that is, those who donate large amounts tombstone of a martyr, the robe of a
decide on the reason for the stay, as it of time or money). saint, or an ancient papyrus scroll, now

46 Annual 1997
blank, that was used to resurrect the might offer to pay the PCs a large sum to they recently undertook a partially suc¬
king. The artifact travels with several steal or destroy the item. The Item might cessful expedition against the enemy,
priests and guards, as welt as a retinue of suddenly and temporarily gain magical thus tying up that adventure. Freedom
lower level functionaries with menial powers of healing or protection, making from oppression allows the town to
duties who are along for the ride, all fob it more mysterious and valuable. breathe a collective sigh of relief.
lowing the orders of a senior priest. PCs Enemy Killed: A hated enemy, mon¬
might help guard the item while it stays ster, or humanoid chief is killed or cap¬
in town, host the item and the followers tured. His body might be brought back
if one or more of the PCs are priests, or to town by the militia, the regular mili¬
be caught up in any of several adven¬ tary, or a band of adventurers. He could Lloyd has an exciting, challenging career
tures concerning the item itself. Suppose, even have been killed by a faction within as a pizza delivery driver He says, ''Nothing
for example, the PCs somehow discover his own organization. His death might stimulates the brain quite like driving 500
the item has been replaced by a fakeE mean the roads are free to use, the trib¬ miles a week within a five-mile-radius area"
The priests and guards might wish to kill ute no longer needs to be paid, or the
the PCs, buy their silence, discredit them, rebellion is squashed. The enemy might
or convert them. A rival priesthood be the one that got away from the PCs if

By .Aaron;



DRAGON Magazine 47

4S Annual 1997
T he doors of the meeting-hall
slammed open, and out staggered a
motley group of robed men, choking for
air, tears streaming from their eyes.
Billowing smoke followed them out the
doors, carrying with it the most foul
stench this side of the Abyss. One man
slumped back against the outside wall,
his legs no longer strong enough to
support him. Sliding into a rather undig¬
nified position in the filth of the street,
he gasped for breath and sputtered out

the words he desperately, at that
moment, wanted to say:
This meeting ... of the Monster
Hunters ... Association ... is hereby
Several others staggered over to him.
'I'm terribly, terribly sorry," muttered
Zantoullios. "I must have gotten the mix¬ JHAM0LINC
ture wrong. Perhaps if I had added more
beholder eyes and eased off on the
skunk glands ...?'
"Never mind," replied Dreelix, getting
back up to his feet. 'I think it best if you
perfected it in your own lab before pre¬
senting it to the Association."
Now that the fresh air outside had by Johnathan M. Richards
cleared his lungs, Dreelix was starting to
feel his old self. Brushing dirt from his illustrated by Valerie A. Valusek
robes, he pulled himself to his not-too-
considerable height and did his best to The next morning found a handful of bother, and no need to hear all about
look imperious. 'In fact, I'm banning you Monster Hunters flying rapidly through the creature's life history, favorite foods,
from demonstrating further untested the air, courtesy of Dreelix's own and mating rituals! The sooner we get
mixtures during Association meetings, enchanted carpet. They sped over the back to Old Gumphrey with its brain, the
and charging you for the cost of clean¬ city, past acres upon acres of farmland, sooner he can start on those potions of
ing out the meeting hall! Grindle, make and on toward the forested lands to the longevity for us."
a note of that." east. Finally, Dreelix lowered the carpet 'Well then, it might help to know that
Grindle the Coin-Counter sidled up, into a clearing, where a green-clad druid a shambling mound's brain is not even
ledger in hand, and scribbled furiously. waited for them, playing a cheerful located in its head," said Willowquisp,
"Got it," was his only reply. melody on a hand-carved flute. arms crossed and a smirk on his face.
Willowquisp approached, lecture "Greetings, Delbert," Dreelix said, as he "What?" squeaked Dreelix. "What
notes in hand. 'What about my notes on watched everyone disembark from his nonsense! Where else would it be?"
the shambling mound?" he asked. "We'll carpet. "I trust you're ready to aid us?" 'Right in his chest cavity," replied
all need to be briefed before tomorrow's "Aye, for the agreed price," responded Willowquisp, poking Dreelix in the
Hunt." the druid, scratching at his beard. Dreelix breastbone, 'right about there."
"It can wait," replied Dreelix. "You can nodded to Grindle, who handed over a Dreelix let out a heavy sigh. "Oh, all
brief us on the road, tomorrow." cloth bag wrapped around a set of silver right," he said, a look of exasperation on
"But-" began Willowquisp. scimitars. Delbert inspected the weapons, his face. "Tell us about the shambling
"I've already formally closed the ran an expert hand over their edges, and mound, but make it quick."
meeting," snapped Dreelix, as if that announced, 'They'll do just fine." Willowquisp returned to his notes.
explained everything. "Now let's get out "Well then, lead us to our prey. Spells "Shambling mounds are born during
of here. I want everyone planning on ready, men, and look alive!" intense electrical storms," he began,
attending the Hunt to meet here at sun¬ As Delbert prepared and cast his locate 'when the full fury of the elements is at
rise tomorrow. Laggards will be left animals and plants spell, Willowquisp its peak. A bolt of lightning strikes a
behind!" With that, he stormed off, head pulled out his notes and looked toward patch of rotting vegetation and imbues
held high and nose upturned. Dreelix, who was rolling up his carpet. it with a primal consciousness, an
Same old Dreelix, thought Willowquisp, 'Perhaps now you're ready to hear about awareness of self, and the ability to alter
shaking his head sadly and returning his the shambling mound?" its shape, to move, to grow.
notes to a side-pocket in his robes. Dreelix sighed. 'Is it really necessary? "Exactly why this is so remains a mys¬
The druid leads us to it, we throw a tery. Certainly, all attempts at artificially
♦ ♦ ♦ charm plants spell or two at it, chop off its creating a shambling mound have
head, and there you go! No fuss, no failed. Lightning bolt, chain lightning, and

Dragon Magazine 49
even lightning strike spells have proven normal, and while all shambling mounds sense is somewhat like being able to see
Ineffectual in providing the spark of life. have the ability to grow, they tend to a three-dimensional contour image of
Some wizards postulate that it requires a keep the same basic body proportions. everything around it. The exact range of
bolt of elemental energy from the quasi¬ "Even though shambling mounds this sense is unknown. It is unlikely that
plane of lightning itself,1 while certain maintain a humanoid appearance, do a shambling mound is able to distin¬
priests speculate that shambling not let that fool you into making guish colors, but they do seem to differ¬
mounds can be created only by the will assumptions about their body makeup. entiate between light and dark.
of the gods. While neither case has been First of all, with the exception of the "While shambling mounds can use
proven to date, the priests7 claim of brain, a shambler's body parts are all their senses in all directions at once,
godly intervention might help explain roughly homogeneous. The vegetation they operate as if they were normal
why the shambling mound always takes making up the head is basically no humanoids-turning to 'face' a threat,
on a humanoid form; it might simply be different from the vegetation making up attacking only from the front, and so on.
created in the deity's image, as was man the arms, legs, or torso. Therefore, cut Certainly, it seems the mound could
himself."2 an arm off a shambling mound, and it attack someone directly behind it as
"Boring/ commented Dreelix under merely redistributes the vegetable mass easily as it could someone in front, but
his breath. Willowquisp ignored him and of its body to grow a new one.4 The for one reason or another it will always
pressed on. same thing is true of any extremity, turn around and face its enemy before
"In any case, the initial lightning including the head. This brings up attacking. The reason for this may have
strike imparts the spark of intelligence in another point-the head of a shambling much to do with the reason it adopts a
the rotting vegetation. The part actually mound is merely ornamental. As previ¬ humanoid form in the first place.
struck by the lightning houses the crea¬ ously noted, it does not house the brain, "One speculation is that the sham¬
ture's intelligence. For lack of a better and, although it often sports facial fea¬ bling mound is, in fact, inhabited by the
term, this is the creature's brain. The rest tures, a shambling mound's face is not spirit of a deceased human or demi-
of the vegetation in contact with the the center of its senses. Rather, its sen¬ human. This would explain the mound's
brain is soon sculpted into a humanoid sory organs are spread evenly through¬ preference for a humanoid shape, but
body. Thus, the shambling mound as it out its body. it would also make it a form of undead,
is normally seen is formed. "The senses of a shambling mound and no shambling mound has ever been
"All shambling mounds conform to are unusual. It is a well-documented fact successfully turned by a priest. It is
the same basic humanoid structure. As that they can hear. Their bodies are cov¬ unaffected by holy water as well, so the
their name suggests, they are shaped ered with tiny plant fibers able to pick up odds are that there is no truth to this
like mounds, roughly six feet in diame¬ sound waves in the air. Thus, they are supposition/5 *
ter at the bottom at 'birth,' tapering to a able to 'hear' in all directions at once, "Then why even mention it?"
two-foot-diameter 'head.' Two arms and which makes it difficult to sneak up demanded Dreelix. "Come on, man, the
two legs are formed, and-almost behind one. Their sense of hearing is spell's going to wear off before we even
always-crude facial features.3 Digits are unique in that they are not discomfited get to the mound at this rate!"
usually present on the 'hands,' but this is by loud noises, whether the irritating "Point taken," admitted Willowquisp.
less common on the 'feet.' In fact most scream of a shrieker or the painful blast "Lead on, Delbert; I'll finish the briefing
shambling mounds don't really have of an adult androsphinx. as we walk." To Dreelix he added, "I'm
feet at all, but rather two trunklike legs. "As with their sense of hearing, sham¬ about to get to the combat part."
The brain is located in the center of the bling mounds are able to 'see' in all "About time," mumbled Dreelix.
torso, where it is protected by the heav¬ directions at once, but their 'sight' is not The party snaked through the forest,
iest vegetation. like the sense of sight as we know it. following the druid's lead. Willowquisp
"To the best knowledge, no shambling Instead, they sense electrical fields. It is a continued: "The mound's vegetable
mound ever started life smaller than the known fact (perhaps more well known body gives it some unique properties.
dimensions I just mentioned; it is to sages than to the general populace, The wet muck throughout its body pro¬
believed that a lesser amount of vegeta¬ but a known fact nonetheless) that liv¬ tects it from fire damage, and since most
tion cannot hold the spark of life ing beings generate fields of electricity of the plants making up its body are
endowed by the lightning strike. around them, and these are the fields already dead and decaying, cold usually
Occasionally, though, a shambling that the shambling mound senses. It is has little effect on it as well/ For the
mound will be 'born' much larger than believed that the mound's electrical same reason, shambling mounds do not

1. This would require a dimensional rift or gate 4. Such a redistribution of the mound's veg¬ shambling mound would require the following mod¬
connecting the Prime Material Plane to the quasi- etable mass leaves the mound the same size it was ifications: turned according to its hit dice (so turned as
elemental plane of lightning, making the 'birth' of a initially, but the vegetable fibers making up its body a spectre, initially); immune to charm, hold, sleep, poi¬
shambling mound a rare event indeed. are now not quite as tightly packed together. As a son, and death magic; holy water causes it 1 d8+2 hp
2. If this is the case, shambling mounds are result, each time a shambling mound "regrows" a damage (its damp, vegetable nature absorbs the liq¬
probably the creations of a deity of decay, consid¬ missing appendage, it suffers a +1 penalty to its uid, so it inflicts more damage than usual). The crea¬
ering that they are made of rotting vegetation. Armor Class. Appendage regeneration takes a full ture would retain all of its normal characteristics,
3. The level of detail of a mound's facial features round of concentration, during which the mound including XP earned for defeating it. This would be an
varies from individual to individual. Some have no cannot engage in melee. appropriate form of undead for the spirits of nature-
features whatsoever, while others redistribute their A full 12 hours in contact with damp, rotting loving beings such as elves, halflings, druids, or
vegetable mass in order to come up with the best vegetation restores a mound to its normal Armor rangers. Even if shambling mounds are not normally
possible 'face" they can-berries or flowers where Class. During this time, the mound incorporates the undead creatures in your campaign world, having a
the eyes would be, large leaves for ears, and so on. new foliage into its body, making it as dense as it unique undead mound as the result of a curse aimed
Some have gone so far as to include twig "teeth' or once was. at a specific individual makes for a memorable depar¬
"beards' made of moss. This might be a deliberate 5. There's no reason why the shambling mound ture from the ordinary shambling mound.
attempt at deception, or it might be instinctual couldn't be a form of undead, if that's the way you 6. Half or no damage, depending on whether it
behavior. wish to run them in your campaign. An undead makes its saving throw.

50 Annual 1997
need sunlight to survive, unlike most Rain forests, swamps, and marshes limited to brown mold (on subterranean
plants. make up their normal living areas, shambling mounds only), russet mold,
"In addition, the pliability of the although some have been known to yellow mold (small patches, never a
mound's body makes it immune to blunt lair in damp, underground locations. colony), phycomids, and obliviax.13
weapons. Piercing and slashing weapons, Continued contact with water and/or However, most mold growths found on
for that matter, tend to cause little dam¬ rotting vegetation has a beneficial effect a shambling mound are of the small,
age to shambling mounds.7 on the mound: 12 hours of immersion in harmless variety.14
"In terms of magical attacks, the water (including exposure during a rain¬ "Unfortunately, shambling mounds
shambling mound is naturally affected fall) or among damp foliage completely are often the homes of various forms of
by such plant-based spells as charm heals any damage suffered by the crea¬ animal life, as well. While some of these
plants, hold plant and anti-plant shell. The ture, and the mound emerges fully are relatively inoffensive, others add an
elemental plant spirits known as night¬ restored and at the peak of its abilities. extra dose of danger to an otherwise
shades or wood woses can summon "Mounds need not sleep but often already dangerous creature. These
shambling mounds after elaborate ritu¬ spend hours immersed in their elements, include spiders, centipedes, rot grubs,
als.8 Communication with a mound is whether they need to be healed or not. throat leeches, ear seekers, and giant
possible with a speak with plants spell, This may have a soothing effect on the ticks.15 When the near-helpless victim is
although the mound's low intelligence beasts, or they might need to do so in being smothered into the body of the
makes for limited conversation. They order to maintain the composition of shambling mound, he is vulnerable to
have no language of their own and, in their forms. Often, they remain flattened attacks by any animals living on the
fact, make no vocalizations at all (not and immobile in their shallow pools of swamp creature."
surprising, since they lack vocal cords). water or bogs, waiting for some unsus¬ "As if suffocation wasn't enough to
"Some spells affect shambling mounds pecting creature to walk over them, at worry about," snickered Zantoullios.
in unusual ways. As part of the mound's which point they rise up and attack. "Agreed," said Willowquisp. He con¬
body is composed of muck and mud, a "Although they often have very tinued: "Shambling mounds are solitary
transmute mud to rock spell paralyzes it for human-like hands, with well-defined dig¬ creatures, seldom found together in
a short while.9 A part water spell cast its, shambling mounds have never been groups. They are completely sexless,
directly on a shambling mound sends the known to use weapons, nor do they and do not reproduce at all, not even by
water soaked into its plant mass flowing wear armor or use magical items of any budding or other asexual methods com¬
out of its sides. While this causes no dam¬ kind. Occasionally, such items are found mon to plants.16 Each mound is a sepa¬
age to the creature, it does make it more in their lairs, but these are incidental rate entity, unique to itself, and having
vulnerable to fire than normal.10 treasures left behind by previous victims. very little to do with others of its kind.
"Perhaps the most famous unusual "It should come as no surprise that "When there are more than one in
spell effect associated with the sham¬ shambling mounds have a heavy odor the same area, it is usually because
bling mound is the lightning bolt and sim¬ of decay about them. In swamp-like there is an abundance of food. Mounds
ilar spells. Due to the creature's affinity environments, this is not a disadvan¬ are omnivorous, eating a wide variety of
to lightning, electricity-based attacks tage, since the surrounding area gener¬ plant life, and any animals (or adventur¬
actually cause the mound to grow in ally smells more or less the same as the ers) foolish enough to get in their way.
size and power, adding one foot to its mound.12 Mounds eat through a network of roots
overall height.11 The mounds suffer no "Rotting vegetation is a breeding and tendrils located throughout their
damage from electrical spells, absorbing ground for many types of mold and fun¬ bodies, so it isn't uncommon to see one
the entire energy of the spell to trigger gus, and the shambling mound is no feeding with its appendages or torso,
their growth. This is the only way sham¬ stranger to either. Often these growths usually immediately after crushing its
bling mounds ever grow larger, for they comprise a part of the vegetation that victim into its body and waiting for it to
do not grow naturally with age. makes up a mound's body, living in a suffocate. In fact, the head is used least
"Shambling mounds most often live in kind of symbiosis with the mound. Such of all in feeding, as it is generally imprac¬
wet areas where vegetation is abundant. growths can consist of but are not tical for the creature to do so.

7. Piercing and slashing weapons do only half¬ 11. Each electrical attack also adds one hit die least 15 Hit Dice before such an arrangement was
damage when they hit at all, but the creature's 0 and associated hit points to the mound. feasible.
Armor Class reflects the fact that most weapon 12. In such areas, due to the creature s ability to 14. There shouldn't be more than one type of
strikes cause it no serious damage. blend in with its environment and remain silent, 'monster' fungus/mold in symbiosis with a sham¬
8. See the Monstrous Compendium* Annual, even when moving, its enemies suffer a -3 penalty bling mound at any given time.
Volume One. to their surprise rolls. However, in underground 15. Spiders include normal-sized ones, as well as
9. Transmute mud to rock causes 2d8 hp damage locations, the odor of decomposition that always the 'hairy' and 'large' varieties. Centipedes include
to the mound and immobilizes it for 1d4 rounds. accompanies a shambling mound often gives it the huge, giant, and normal types. Again, don't
During this time it shifts the plant fibers of its body away. This adds a bonus of +2 to its opponents' sur¬ overdo it by having too many types of animals liv¬
around the petrified mud caused by the spell, until prise rolls. ing on or in a single shambling mound.
it has reformed its entire body away from the rock 13. Shambling mounds are immune to the spore 16. While they do not reproduce, neither do
formation. Until it has done so, the mound is unable effects of the russet and yellow strains of mold. they age. Shambling mounds are immortal, and
to attack, but this is a once-per-encounter effect, as Obliviax patches in a symbiotic relationship with a while they certainly can be killed, if left alone
once the mound has freed itself from the rock it no shambling mound will not drain that creature's they have the potential to live forever. This is
longer has mud making up its body and therefore is memory. Similarly, a phycomid will use a shambling because they are not made up of living material,
immune to the spell thereafter. However, over time mound as a host organism, sprouting its mush¬ which ages and dies over time, but rather decom¬
(1-6 hours, depending upon conditions), exposure room-like growths in the mound, but this does not posing material, which is already dead. The rotting
to its natural environment restores the muck nor¬ harm the mound. vegetation comprising a mound's body is constantly
mally found in these creatures. Creatures like green and olive slime will not being replenished by its time 'healing' in water,
10. Shambling mounds finding themselves in become symbiotic partners with a shambling bogs, or damp vegetation. As long as the environ¬
this predicament suffer half or no damage from fire, mound, as they eat away at the plant material in the ment exists to support these periodic 'baths,' the
depending on the saving throw. This effect also lasts mound s body, eventually killing it. Violet fungi is shambling mound can live indefinitely.
only until the mound has a chance to soak up water usually too large a growth to make up part of a
again in its natural environment. mound's body; the mound would have to have at

Dragon Magazine 51
"Shambling mounds have been he commands the shambler to stand "Pshaw!" retorted Willowquisp. "You
around for a long time. Because of the still, then walks up to it and tries to know Dreelix. As it is, he was enraged
way they are brought to life, they may carve the brain out of its stomach." that we didn't go back after the mound
have been a part of the planet much "Oh, no," groaned Buntleby, covering once he was safely in stasis. A com¬
longer than any of the intelligent his closed eyes with a hand over his pletely wasted trip,' he called it. And
humanoid races. Indeed, some priests forehead. what's worse, now we ll have to pay the
consider the shambling mound an "Oh, yes, my friend, oh yes indeed. druid again if we want him to sniff us
experiment by the gods, a trial life form Dreelix gets a face full of spores, out another shambler."
before they committed themselves to breathes them in, and starts sprouting Buntleby smiled into his wineglass.
the creation of the humanoids. mushrooms out of his nose!" "So when's the next Hunt?"
"In any case, the mound existed in Buntleby almost choked on his bis¬ "Just as soon as Grindle can get his
mankind's early history, for recent cuit at that moment, and had to take a hands on enough new silver scimitars to
archaeological digs have unearthed quick swig of wine to get it down. pay off the druid. Tomorrow, if we're
records of a god worshiped by a tribe of Finally, he got out, "So then what?" lucky."
savages. By the description of the god, "Well, we knew we had to have a "Let me know for sure, will you,
his powers, and the ceremonies per¬ cure disease cast on him, but none of us Willowquisp? I definitely want in on this
formed by the savages, it seems likely could do so, so we-" one!"
that the god' was a shambling mound, "What about the druid?" interrupted
worshiped as a god of death, decay, and Buntleby.
disease, and fed a series of sacrifices to Willowquisp shook his head. "No.
appease its anger. The odds are that this Outside a druid's purview."
wasn't an isolated incident, and that this "Ah, of course. I'm sorry, please Johnathan M. Richards was introduced
type of deification' of the mound has continue." to the AD8DH game by his cousins Harry
occurred before in many primitive cul¬ "So we had to put him in temporal sta¬ and Tom 20 years ago. He's still trying to
tures." sis until we could bring him to a temple figure out how to get that glowing sword
Willowquisp folded his notes and back here in the city. Fortunately, out of the alcove in the far wall across the
returned them to the pocket in his robe. Grindle knew the command words to 801 octagonal pit of acid.
"Done?" asked Dreelix, startled by the Dreelix's carpet."
sudden silence. "And I don't suppose Dreelix was
"Quite," retorted Willowquisp, noting grateful that you saved his life?"
that once again his efforts were falling
on deaf ears.
"Good timing, too," added Delbert,
pointing to a clearing ahead of them.
"There's your mound."
Dreelix rubbed his hands together
greedily. "Excellent!" he hissed.
"Gentlemen, let's get to it!"

♦ ♦♦

"Well, how did it go?" asked Buntleby

of his friend Willowquisp the next day,
as the two sat eating a shared meal at
their favorite outdoor cafe.
"A travesty, a fiasco, a complete and
total failure," replied Willowquisp, shak¬
ing his head sadly back and forth. Then
he broke into a wide grin. "Dreelix was
furious! You should have seen him
stomping up and down after we all fled
the scene!"
"I'd loved to have been there," admit¬
ted Buntleby, smiling. "So what hap¬
"Well, 1 gave my briefing, and as
usual, Dreelix paid attention to only half
of it, at best. So when the druid located
a shambler for us, he went charging in
with his charm plants spell. Got the sham¬
bler all right; didn't count on the white
growths interspersed throughout the
shambler's body being phycomids. So

52 Annual 1997
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Finder's Band

by Kate Novak & Jeff Grubb

illustrated by Rags Morales

T hey have traveled the Realms and

journeyed to the furthest planes.
Is in the service of another (more pow¬
erful) god does not bother Finder much,
each other), and grown in their abilities
and understanding.
They have hobnobbed with gods though it sometimes makes for interest¬ The list of their foes have grown with
and fought fetid horrors of the Abyss, ing adventures. their abilities and adventures: the fol¬
They have roamed the streets of Sigii Joel is the least experienced of the lowers of lyachtu Xvim and their Dark
and battled the Zhentarim. One of their three: A young master bard from an Stalkers: Walinda, the cruel and beauti¬
number has been beyond the stars illustrious family, he broke ranks with ful priestess of Bane; the foul and
themselves. They have been the allies of his heritage to embrace a new faith with deluded baneliches; the Biack Network
some gods, pawns of others, the sworn new ideas toward music and creation. of the Zhentarim; the legions of the the
foes of stilt more. They arc legends En Only recently has he stepped away from Blood Wars, and some of the Greater
the making. They are the friends and his studies in familiar Berdusk and ven¬ Gods themselves. Their allies are equally
allies of Finder, god of change, and they tured forth into the world beyond. Still, notable: Randal Morn and his freedom
are detailed herewithin. his level-headed approach and honesty fighters; the saurials of the Lost Vale;
Finder is a young god by the eternal has served him well in his travels, certain notable factions of godforbidden
definition of the great power, and a Jas has traveled the farthest, from Sigii itself, the divine Tymora, and great
weak one, a mere demipower that Waterdeep to the back streets of Lathander Morninglord, God of the
inherited the portfolio of the now-dead Saerloon, from the northern wastes of Dawn. And of course, the demi-god
Moander. Finder is in many ways still Faerun to the worlds that lay beyond the Finder, still discovering what it means to
mortal, still holding onto the trappings crystal sphere. She has seen many be a god. The story of Joel, l lolfy, and
of his previous life, and is only now friends die, and she has hardened her Jas, and their adventures with Finder,
learning what it means to be a powerful heart against the eventuality of being may be found In the books Finder's Bane
deity of Faerun. For that reason he is hurt again. Yet a blight beacon of hope and Tymom's Luck. The abilities listed
more friendly, more easily amused, and shines beneath the world-weary mask herein are those for the characters after
more tolerant than gods who carry she portrays, and she is a trusted their experiences as Finder's Band.
more weighty portfolios, and those who companion.
have listened to the prayers and suppli¬ Holly is the youngest but has spent
cations of their followers for aeons. much of her life at war. A native of
Finder has traveled with these indF Daggerdale, she joined Randal Morn in
viduals and sought their aid in a wide his continual battle against the forces of
matter of affairs. They include Joel the Zhentil Keep. Wise in the ways of war, Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb are the
Rebel Bard: most-favored of Finder's the young paladin remains honorable authors of the Finder's Stone Trilogy and the
priests: Jas, a former spelljammer cap¬ and honest, and only recently lias she Harper's Novels Masquerades, Finder's
tain and deep-hearted cynic; and Holly learned to see the world in terms more Bane, and Tymora's Luck. Jeff is also the
Flarrowslough, a paladin dedicated the varied than simple black and white. author of Lord Toede, the co-author of
service of lathander Morninglory. The Together they have fought alongside Cormyr—a Novel, and designer of more
fact that one of his trusted companions each other (and occasionally against game products than one can shake a stick at

54 Annual 1997
Joel the Rebel Bard
5th-Level hard, 5th Level Priest of Finder

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 17
Charisma; 16
AC: 8
Hit Points: 22
Alignment: CG
Special Attacks: Speil Use
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: 6'CT

Weapon Proficiencies: Short sword, dagger, crossbow,

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Artistic ability-musical composi¬
tion +1, storytelling; direction sense; etiquette; languages-
common, elven common; musical instrument-birdpipes, harp;
reading/writing; religion-Faerunian; singing +1.
Commonly Memorized Spells: In his training as a bard,
Joel learned the mage spells change self and audible glamer. As
a priest of Finder, Joel has major access to the spheres of all,
charm, divination, elemental, and traveler. He has minor
access to the spheres of creation and healing. Also as a priest
of Finder, Joel has the following powers granted by his god:
turn undead, charm person, ghost pipes, dispel silence, and slow
rot. As Finder's most favored priest (one of precisely two), name. Jedidiah conferred on Joel the title of Rebel Bard in
Finder has gifted Joel with the ability to cast a few spells out¬ honor of the audacity he showed in breaking with the musi¬
side these spheres, notably: entangle, faerie fire, light, speak with cal establishment of Berdusk. On his pilgrimage to the Lost
animals, and charm mammal. Vale, he became embroiled in the plot to resurrect the evil
Appearance: Joel is a tail, slender, handsome human god Bane, and later in a mission to rescue the Luck-
male of 21 winters. He has blue eyes, a freckled complexion Goddesses, Tymora and Beshaba.
and bright red, waist-length hair. He wears his hair loose Equipment: Birdpipes, short sword, leather armor. During
when entertaining and pulled back into a ponytail at the his adventures, Joel has on occasion iost all his worldly
nape of his neck when traveling. He vacillates between goods. At least once in such case Finder has been known to
keeping dean-shaven and sporting a small, sparse mous¬ restore his priest's beloved birdpipes to him and re-equip
tache. In clothing, he favors the color blue: a shirt of light him with the bare essentials.
blue silk (worn over his leather jerkin), pants of a dusky Magical Items: On occasion, the Rebel Bard has been
azure, and a cape and vest of deep blue, trimmed with gold. entrusted with a piece of the finder's stone. The stone is a
His vest is cinched with a sturdy sword-belt, from which magical artifact that can send out a beacon to locate a
hangs his scabbard and birdpipes. known person (or occasionally an object of power), and is
Background: Joel haiis from Berdusk. His family tree is said to help the lost find their way. In addition, in the outer
laden with bards back ten generations, and his immediate planes the stone serves Joel as a greater power key.
family is extremely influential in the local church of Mini, God Role-Playing Notes; Joel is very personable and ready to
of Music, Between his natural talent and considerable family help out good people in need. He is more than willing to
pressure, he received his title as master bard at the relatively play the showman when on the stage, but is open and hon¬
young age of eighteen. While still at barding college, how¬ est with people In day-to-day life, a trait that both endears
ever, he became disenchanted with the constraints of tradi¬ him to others and makes him vulnerable to being dragged
tional music, and he scandalized his teachers and family into their problems, He despises tyranny and dislikes rigid
with revised versions of the previously sacrosanct hymn to social class structures and hierarchies. His primary goal in life
M1II1. it was during this time he met Jedidiah of Finder, an is to spread Finder's message to the Realms by encouraging
elderly bard of a young god, who had long conversations all artists (regardless of field, whether professional and ama¬
with the talented youth about how music must change and teur) to give art a chance to grow and change. His greatest
grow, or else grow stale. Convinced of Jedidiah’s wisdom worry is that he will prove unworthy of the faith that Finder
and the teaching of Finder, Joel abandoned his career as a has in him. Joel's adventures have taken him to the outer
bard to become Finder's priest. At this, his family broke all planes and the famed extraplanar city of Sigil, but he is most
ties with the youth, such that Joel no longer uses his family comfortable traveling in Faerun.

DRAGON Magazine 55
Jas (Jasmine)
5th-Level Fighter

Hit Points:
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses:
Magic Resistance

Weapon proficiencies: Arquebus, dagger, mace, short

sword, throwing dagger, weaponless combat
Nonweapon proficiencies: Appraising; direction sense;
disguise; endurance; gaining: language-common, Gift;
navigation; reading/writing.
Special Attacks: Jas has combined her fighting and
flying abilities so that she can drop from the sky, delivering
a blow with her feet to the head or shoulders of her target.
The attack deals 2d4 hp damage, if the attack is unexpected,
Jas gains a +3 bonus to hit. She cannot use this attack when
carrying a passenger.
Appearance: Jas is an attractive human woman in her Jas has spent the past decade traveling to different spheres
late twenties. Her figure is lean and muscular from years of and soon had her own spelljamming vessel, a captured illithid
travel and fighting. She wears her straight, dark black hair nautiloid, Jas only recently returned to Toril, where she was
very short, and her brown eyes have a cold, hard glint to kidnapped by a priestess of the evil god Bane, which led to her
them. Sprouting from her back are wings that enable her to meeting Holly and Joel.
fly. The wings are magical, and their shape and color change Equipment: Jas travels light. She carries a short sword
depending on which sphere or plane Jas is in. Following is a and dagger and prefers black leather armor. Having lost
list of some of the shapes the wings have taken: Toril-white most of her possessions in an attack on her spelljammer,
dove-wings, her feathers tinged with dusty pink highlights; Jass only current keepsake is a black crystal paperweight
%/Mnetallic gargoyle wings, colored copper, with a green¬ full of drifting stars-a gift from the paladin Holly
ish patina: Phlogiston-pink butterfly wings; Astral plane-silver Harrowslough.
hummingbird wings; Ethereal p/ane-dragonfly-like wings, Magical items: Jas carries a sword +7 luck blade-a gift
clear with blue veins; A/borea-eagle-shaped wings with pea¬ from Tymora* (its wishes have been used.) Jasmine's wings
cock-like feathers; Abyss-red bat-wings with gold speckles; are also magical, and radiate magic a magical aura as a
Ouf/onds-falcon-wings, colored brown, white, and red powerful artifact. The wings cannot be dispelled or otherwise
Ysgard-very large, pure white moth-wings; Elysium-long, modified by spells.
fiery plumes shaped and colored like a phoenix's. The Role-Playing Notes: On the surface Jas appears fun-loving,
appearance of Jasr wings does not apparently affect her if sarcastic and worldly. She generally avoids growing close
speed or maneuverability: she has adapted to their mal¬ to people, and looks out for herself and her own needs first.
leable nature over the years. She is shrewd and cynical, but not particularly introspective.
Background: Jas's parents were paladins from Faerun; both Jas's wanderings are a futile attempt to forget the family and
were murdered when Jas was quite young. She was raised in many friends she has lost, Jas was actually once more
Waterdeep by a friend of her parents, a tavern keeper named powerful, but much of her life energy was drained by a fetch
Luna, While Luna was kind, Jas remained emotionally in the Abyss, and occasionally she feels depressed by her
detached from everyone and everything, scarred by the loss sense of weakness, (Before the loss of life energy, she was
of her parents. She ran off in her late teens to search for an Sth-level fighter,) She remains sensitive about her wings
adventure to fill the void in her life. During that time she and is abrupt, even insulting to those inquiring about them.
gained her wings through mysterious circumstances. Jas is To her own dismay, Jas still grows attached to certain rare
more than mildly embarrassed by the wings, and has only told individuals whom she admires. On these occasions, she is a
a few very dose friends how she had gotten them. Later Jas steadfast ally even against her own better judgment
was befriended and taken from Toril by the spelljamming sor¬
ceress Meredith, who had also been a friend of Jass parents.

56 Annual 1997
Holly Harrowslough
5th-Level Paladin

Strength: 13
Dexterity: 9
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 17
AC: 1
Hit Points: 35
Alignment: LG
Special Attacks: Nil
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: 5'1Gm

Weapons proficiencies: Hand crossbow, dagger, long

sword, scimitar, short sword.
Nonweapon proficiencies: Fire-building; healing: hunting;
languages-common, goblin; local history-Daggerdale;
reading/writing; riding-horse, Religion-Faerun.
Appearance: Holly is a pretty sixteen-year-old human girl.
She has dark brown skin, bushy brown hair she wears fairly
short, and dark brown eyes that sparkle with the joy of life.
She has a tall, sturdy frame and a muscular build. When
operating as one of Randal Morn's operatives, she disguises
herself as a shepherdess in a long skirt and simple tunic
woven from brown wool. If there is potential for battle, she
will wear full plate armor iniaid with the red and yellow sun During the rebellion against the Zhentiiar, Holly was
pattern of Lathander on the breastplate. When relaxing, she chosen by Lathander to prevent the resurrection of the evil
prefers bright yellow or red clothing. Her favorite outfit is a god Bane, and she joined Joel to reach that end. Joel often
silk blouse embroidered with the scarlet and gold peacock compares the paladin's relationship to Lathander with his
pattern common to Lathander s priests. own relationship to Finder.
Background: Holly's father was a faris (a holy warrior) Equipment: Zakharan scimitar + T (the scimitar may cast a
from Zakhara and her mother a farmer from Daggerdale. light spell in the outer planes), hand crossbow, dagger.
Holly's father taught her a strong respect forJustice and law, Magical Items: Plate mail +2 (a gift from Lathander).
and told wonderful tales of the holy and just knights of his Role-Playing Notes: Holly is a friendly young woman,
distant homeland, dedicated to his god, Hajama the willing to help those in need. However, she puts her duty
Courageous. Both Holly's mother and father were supporters and dedication to Lathander before all else. Gifted with the
of Randal Morn s rebellion against the occupying forces of paladin’s ability of determining the alignment and intentions
Zhenti! Keep, which controlled the dale under a puppet ruler. of others, she is wise enough to have learned by sixteen that
Holly accompanied her father on raids and helped her moth¬ distinguishing between good and evil is not as simple as
er patch the wounds of others from those raids, so that the telling black from white.
young woman learned early in life both the martial and heal¬ Growing up in Daggerdale, under occupation of an enemy
ing arts. force, has heightened tier reactions and intuition, such that
At fifteen Holly joined the Order of the Aster, a fellowship she is prepared to leap into battle at the drop of a helmet and
of knights dedicated to Lathander's church, which held equally prepared to lay low and wait for best moment to
similar beliefs to Hajama s. Shortly thereafter, she journeyed strike. Holly is proud of her Daggerdale heritage and knows
to Shadowdale to receive religious training at the temple of a good deal about the region from her family and her service
Lathander. While Holly was in Shadowdale, Holly's to the Rebel Lord. She has some second-hand knowledge of
parents, unde and grandmother were killed in an ore raid on Zakhara from her father. Years of living in the dangers of
their Daggerdale farm. The ores had been equipped and Daggerdale have made it difficult for Holly to refrain from
supported by agents of Zhenti I Keep. Holly was given leave using her ability to sense evil, which causes her splitting
to aid Lord Randal Morn in his rebellion against the Zhentiiar headaches and nausea when she is trapped in the presence
and served the Rebel Lord as a messenger, warrior, and spy. of evil beings. She trusts her friends completely and believes
She proved extremely capable in the last, due to her youth that once her word is given, it should not be broken.
and innocent appearance.

DRAGON Magazine 57
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Chris Perkins has “graduated” from
regular DUNGEON® Adventures contribu¬
tor to become its editor It is not true
that the publisher insisted he shave his
head for the job.

“Dragonwyr” is an AD&D®game
adventure designed for four or more
PCs of levels 7-10 (about 45-50 total
levels). This module can be played as a
stand-alone adventure or as the sequel
to “Wyrmsmere,” which appeared in
Dragon® Magazine Annual #7. The pre¬
dominantly good-aligned party should
include a full range of character classes,
although a druid or ranger would prove
especially beneficial.
“Dragonwyr” begins in the fortified
town of Neriendor, a locale familiar to
those who completed “Wyrmsmere.” The
PCs are hired by Aryzon Silvercloud (a
procurer of adventurers’ gear) to ascer¬
tain the fate of the green dragon Toxin.
Neriendor’s “green nemesis” has not
been sighted for many months, and
Aryzon wants information on Toxin’s
whereabouts and present activities. The
PCs should search for signs of the green
dragon in the woods west of Neriendor,
taking with them Aryzon’s crystal
claw—a magical item capable of detect¬
ing evil dragons within a one-mile
radius. Equipped with potions of green
dragon control (provided by Aryzon),
the PCs must venture to Toxin’s lair

and use the potions to coerce Toxin into
revealing her true intentions. If they
are successful, the PCs learn that Toxin
has stolen a pair of red dragon eggs and
plans to smuggle them into Neriendor
unnoticed. Once the eggs are carefully
stashed, Toxin intends to inform the
dragon parents of the eggs’ location and
let the red drakes raze the town of
Neriendor with their fiery breath.
For the Players

On the edge of the frontier lies the

Wyrmspotting fortified town of Neriendor, its
palisades a bastion against the harsh
monsters and cold tyranny of winter.
Outside, the wind rips through your
heavy clothing, diminishing to a
Artwork by Terry Dykstra breeze as you pass through the gates.
Cartography by Diesel Within the town walls, your only
reminders of the cruel weather are
the heaps of snow upon the rooftops
and the downy flakes falling from the
gray sky.

60 Dungeon Adventures

Cold and hungry, you find respite local townsfolk. Over the years, the
green dragon has learned to give
New Magical Items
at a familiar inn. The next day, with
full stomachs and dry boots, you visit. Silvercloud a wide berth. Toxin's cau¬
tion has not prevented her from con¬
Aryzon’s Crystal Claw
Aryzon Silvereload’s adventuring
cocting schemes to terrorize the forti¬ This delicate charm looks like a
shop. The half-elven proprietor greets
fied town, but Aryzon seldom affords small, 4''-long dragon's claw carved
you warmly, although his silver hair
his verdant foe the opportunity to act from a chunk of transparent, multi¬
and piercing blue eyes are further
on her sinister ambitions. Aryzon rou¬ faceted quartz crystal. Attached to
reminders of the chill winter season*
tinely sends well-armed groups of the claw is a thin platinum necklace
The message you received at the inn
adventurers into Toxin's woodland (worth 250 gp). The claw bestows
the night before was clear: Aryzon
^ domain” to thwart her evil machina¬ upon its possessor the following abili¬
needs brave heroes to complete a
tions and keep the green dragon dis¬ ties:
perilous quest, and you're the best
tracted. This effort has helped preserve *> Detect chromatic dragons within
candidates in town*
the peace in Neriendor, despite Toxin's a one-mile radius. The daw turns
unyielding presence in the nearby color to correspond to the closest
woods* Aryzon himself remains in the dragon within range (white, red,
town to ensure that Toxin makes no black, green or blue).
For the DM
blatant advances* *> Affords +4 to saves vs, dragon
Aryzon SiIvereload is a benevolent For the last several months, Toxin breath (including breath weapons
procurer of adventurers' gear and a has been preoccupied with her latest from fire drakes, ice lizards, and other
veritable fountain of local lore* No one scheme. She has been waiting for the dragonettes).
in Neriendor knows that Aryzon is the nght moment to steal two red dragon *t* Affords 5% magic resistance.
offspring of a silver dragon male and a eggs from the mountaintop lair of This protection is cumulative with
cloud dragon female. He mingles with Flame rule and Ashfyre, two reclusive other devices such as rings of magic
the humans and demihumans of red dragons who recently moved to the resistance or robes of the archmagL
Neriendor in the guise of a middle-aged mountain range west of Neriendor *> Endows the wearer with the fol¬
half-elf, secretly guarding tho town Once she has the red dragon eggs in lowing spelLlike abilities, each usable
against evil. For complete information her clutches, the conniving and secre¬ once/day; change self ldig, ESP\ fear;
on Aryzon’s backgr ound, the DM is tive Toxin plans to smuggle them into infravision, levitate, magic missile,
referred to “Wyrmsmere” in Dragon Neriendor, then tip off the red dragons tonguest water breathing. All spells
Magazine Ann ual # /. to the eggs' location. To deliver the are cast at 6th level.
Aryznn Silverclmid (mature adult eggs, Toxin has called upon her were- XP Value: 8,000 GP Value: 24,000
silver/cloud dragon): [NT genius (18); boar henchmen. These evil minions
AL LN; AC -5; MV 9, fly 36 (C), jump 3; have visited Neriendor before in human Basilisk Ring
HD 17; hp 102; THACO 4; #AT 3 spe¬ guises and know where to stash the The ring is engraved with a
cial; Ding ldlO+7/ldlO+7/3dl2+7; SA eggs so they’ll not be seen by locals. basilisk eye symbol, hence the name.
breathe ice blast {140f x 30' x 30 ; Toxin knows that red dragons have It allows its wearer to become an
8d6+14 hp damage) or paralytic cloud fiery tempers, and she believes they inanimate statue at will. In this
(50' x 40' x 20'; paralysis lasts ld8+7 will destroy Neriendor whether their state, the wearer retains his senses
rounds), tail slap, wing buffet, kick, cast eggs are returned safely or not. Aryzon but cannot move. The effect lasts for
spoils; SD assume cloud form (AC —8; will be forced to defend the town, leav¬ as long as the ring user desires, but
MV fly 12 (A): MR 50%), immune to ing him weakened or dead by the time this power cannot be exercised more
cold, cast spells; MR 35%; SZ G (82 Toxin finally swoops in to plunder than three times/day. Any spells cast
long, 36' tail); ML 17; XP 22,000; Neriendor's food and wealth* upon the user are "'preserved” while
MM/19 (d rago n, s i 1 ver), MM/81 Aryzon is not aware of Toxin's most in statue form; thus, a haste spell
(dragon, cloud). recent scheme, hut he is concerned by cast before the ring’s activation would
Spells (cast at 9th-level): color recent reports* The arrival of the red still be in place during and after the
spray, comprehend la nguages; know dragons presents a new threat, while the ring wearer reverts to flesh* for the
alignment, mirror image; clairvoyance, green dragon sightings have dropped full duration of the spell.
protection from normal missiles. measurably, leading Aryzon to suspect The ring cannot be used to turn
Dragon abilities: call lightning that trouble may be brewing* One possi¬ someone else to stone forcibly*
(twice/day), control winds (3 times/ bility is that Toxin, feeling threatened by XP Value: 4,000 GP Value: 12,000
day), create water (twice/day), control the red dragons' arrival or weary of the
weather (once/day), feather fall brutal winter, fled to a safer and warmer
(twice/day), obscurement (3 times/day), dime* Given Toxin's territorial nature, useful items in their possession. The
polymorph self (3 times/day), solid fog Aryzon doubts this is the case and sus¬ first is Aryzon’s crystal claw (see side-
(twice/day), stinking cloud (twice/day ), pects she's plotting something nefarious. bar) given to the characters by the
wall of fog (once/d ay). For this reason, he plans to send skilled dragon himself The other items are
Aryzon and the green dragon Toxin adventurers into the green dragon’s ter¬ three potions of green dragon control
are bitter adversaries. In fact, Aryzon’s ritory to uncover her latest scheme. recovered by the stalwart heroes during
presence in Neriendor is the only thing If the heroes successfully completed the “Wyrmsmere” mission. In all likeli¬
that keeps Toxin from troubling the “Wynnsmere,” they might have some hood, the potions were returned to

Dragon Magazine 61

Aryzon at the conclusion of ❖ Toxin has been known to use Roughly 20 minutes after Aryzon’s
“Wyrmsmere,” in which case Aryzon several magical items from her hoard, claw changes color, the characters are
gives the party all three potions to use among these a small collection of ioun met by four burly trappers heading
on Toxin. If the heroes are meeting stones and magical rings. back to Neriendor with a sled full of
Aryzon for the first time, he not only animal furs and pelts. The trappers do
furnishes them with the potions but In Search of Toxin not impose on the party in any way;
also lends them the crystal claw. If he they only want to get their goods back
cannot offer the crystal claw as a You leave Neriendor the day after to Neriendor as quickly as possible.
reward for their assistance, Aryzon asks meeting with Aryzon. Your food and
the PCs to complete the quest “as a equipment are replenished, and once
again you step out into the cold. Through the blowing snow you see
favor, for the good of the town.” four figures approaching. They look
Whatever items they take from Toxin’s Winter’s icy touch greets you as you
walk through the town gates and set human, but it’s hard to tell at this
hoard are theirs to keep. distance. It’s also clear that they are
The party’s mission is to confront forth in search of Toxin. The hunters’
path that leads to the western woods dragging something large and cum¬
Toxin and use the potions of green bersome behind them. As they draw
dragon control to conduct a civil is buried beneath great drifts of snow.
The trees that mark the forest’s edge closer, you see that they are indeed
interrogation. Their goal is to uncover humans. The four men are burly and
the dragon’s latest scheme and, if lurch under the weight of the ice
clinging fiercely to their boughs. strong, clothed in animal hides. They
possible, thwart it. Aryzon knows the pull a makeshift sled heavily piled
location of Toxin’s lair but cannot antic¬ Tromping through the bleak land¬
scape, you find yourselves searching with animal furs and pelts. The
ipate what perils the party will face en bearded furriers have spears slung
route. He relays the following pieces of for cover against the harsh wind and
blowing snow. over their backs and moose horns tied
information: to their belts. They grunt at you in
❖ Toxin is an old dragon, embittered The day fades to dusk, and the cold
turns colder still as stars appear in the passing—a greeting, but not a
by her repeated failure to plunder the particularly cheerful one.
town of Neriendor. She is otherwise darkening sky. Huddling around a
reclusive, plotting ways to increase her crackling campfire, you plot your
wealth and the size of her dominion. course through the woods toward the The furriers are actually wereboars
❖ Toxin’s left eye is blinded by a fallen Archaques Monastery, known to heading east to Neriendor. Buried under
cataract, but she is otherwise hale. She locals as Dragonwyr. The fiercest of the heavy pile of furs and pelts are two
has a wizard’s spellcasting ability, enemies awaits you there, biding time 3’-diameter eggs of burnt russet hue
speaks several languages fluently, and in the icy cold. A shivering half-sleep (red dragon eggs). If the characters sig¬
often feigns injury to give her enemies encroaches, followed by a brief morn¬ nal them to stop, the furriers groan with
a false sense of security. ing’s respite before you press onward exhaustion and comply. They let their
❖ The green dragon lives in the through winter’s bitter wrath. ropes slacken and stare at the party
ruins of Archaques Monastery, hidden with weary eyes. If questioned, the fur¬
in the woods west of Neriendor. The The journey to Toxin’s lair is indeed rier named Neldryd says, “We’re headin’
benevolent monks who once occupied frought with peril. The trip to to Neriendor to sell our goods, friend.
the monastery were devoured by the Dragonwyr takes three days and two Three weeks in the cold, and all we got
dragon over 10 years ago. Huntsmen nights on foot through unfamiliar and to show fer it are these mangy furs!”
living outside Neriendor’s walls refer to unrelenting terrain. There are two With a hungry grin, the furrier
the ruins as Dragonwyr—a name Toxin planned encounters on the second day, named Feryk adds, “All I can think of is
has since adopted herself. detailed in the “Fur Trappers” and “Ice gettin’ back to Neriendor and stickin’
❖ Toxin has enslaved a number of Cold Killers” sections below. If the PCs my feet in a hot fire!” to which the other
woodland monsters, many of which choose to fly to Dragonwyr via magic, furriers laugh sullenly. If the characters
guard her lair against intrusion. The ignore these two encounters. However, ask the furriers for information, the
dragon has few (if any) trusted servi¬ such expediency only deprives the PCs wereboars can verify that the party is
tors, but she occasionally “honors” a of a golden opportunity to put a serious headed in the right direction, that
loyal henchman by choosing him as her crimp in Toxin’s plans ... Dragonwyr is an old ruin occupied by a
familiar. The dragon is able to spy on “real nasty” green dragon and her “bug¬
her other minions through this one Fur Trappers bear minions,” and that red dragons
familiar’s eyes. have been seen flying over the distant
This encounter occurs during the
❖ Over the years, Aryzon has sent mountains. “Bloody fire lizards!” grunts
morning of the second day. The only Neldrys. “Could use some of their
other parties to spy on Toxin. Some of
indication of danger is Aryzon’s crystal flamin’ breath right now, I tell ya.” This
these groups perished, lured by the
claw, which suddenly turns a bright is followed by more weary laughter as
dragon’s hoard and forced into direct
conflict with Toxin herself. Those ruby red. (If the claw has been packed the furriers continue on their way.
away, this important clue may go unno¬ The wereboars become belligerant if
who’ve survived have observed Toxin’s
ticed.) The change in the claw’s color the PCs tamper with their furs. If the
duplicitous and treacherous nature in
the way she treats her minions and tor¬ suggests the presence of a red dragon characters discover the eggs, Neldryd
within one mile. This alarm might be says, “Those are giant eagle eggs,
tures her captives.
cause for great concern and have the friend. Worth a fair coin in Neriendor if
characters looking skyward for trouble.

62 Dungeon Adventures

we get 'em there in one piece.” They Ice Cold Killers method of attack is with his bow. His aim
attack characters outright if the true In late afternoon on the second day, is unhampered by foliage and wind. The
nature of the eggs is revealed* (The the characters crest an icy snowdrift voadkyn wears a ring of fire resistance
unhatched red dragons are the cause of only to see three winter wolves tearing given to him (as a token gift) by the
the crystal claw’s color change. There into the warm flesh of a snowy elk. The green dragon Toxin. The ring is cursed
are no other red dragons in the area.) wolves, angered by the disturbance, and cannot be removed until the wearer
Ideally the characters should not be attack at once* is slain or a remove curse is cast upon it.
too concerned about the furriers or The winter wolves are controlled by In addition to its normal powers, the ring
their sled. The DM should play the imposes a -4 penalty on all saving
an evil voadkyn—an 8-tall giant wearing
furriers as benign huntsmen returning throws vs. eu eh an tment/'ch a rm magic.
thick animal furs and a pair of fierce bull
from a long and difficult foray. The horns. The giant-kin has left the wolves If tbe winter wolves are slain, the
party will have another encounter with to feed but returns at the first hint of voadkyn attempts to flee, charging
the wereboars later. If combat does trouble, appearing three rounds after the headlong through the snow if necessary
erupt, the DM should pull no punches. wolves attack the PCs, The voadkyn is to elude pursuers. The voadkyn knows
The adventure can proceed even if the the woods well, using the naturally
non-communicative, allowing his wolves
wereboars are defeated here, although to continue fighting while he creeps for¬ blowing snow the same way a priest
the characters may be saddled with a ward (using liis white skins for camou¬ uses an obscure ment spell. His move¬
pair of red dragon eggs that must be flage) and moves within arrow range. ment rate remains 12 regardless of the
kept relatively warm* win by conditions; characters who
The voadkyn is armed with a large long
Wereboars (4): 1NT average (9); AL a item pi. to follow him through the drifts
bow +2 that fires three magical ice mis¬
N(E); AC 4; MV 12; HD 5+2; hp 37, 34, siles per round (ld8+l hp damage each). and blowing snow suffer a 3-point move¬
32, 31; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d6 or by Treat these as magic missiles with ment rate penalty. The giant, though
weapon type +2 (Strength 18 bonus); SA regards to brooches of shielding, shield allied with Toxin, rarely reports to the
lycanthropy; SD silver or magical spells and other magical defenses. The dragon directly, fearing her wrath.
weapons to hit; SZ M; ML 13; XP 650; The encounter seems to end when the
bow is too large and awkward to be
MM/235 (lycanthrope); spear. Their wielded effectively by human-sized char¬ voadkyn and his wolves are defeated, (If
names are Neldryd, Feryk, Grendyl and the PCs are beaten, the adventure is
acters. In melee combat, the voadkyn
SterryniT and they carry nothing of value. probably over.) However, the blood and
wields a huge clubT but his preferred

Dragon Magazine 63

the carcasses of the dead are enough to see the dark, ice-glazed ruins of dragons of the eggs’ location. Toxin
attract the attention of two giant eagles Archaques Monastery, its crumbling knows of the abishai’s immunity to fire,
circling innocuously overhead. As the walls half-buried in the deep white making it the ideal choice as herald.
characters gather their gear and their snow. Through the foliage you can The PCs have a full day before Toxin
injured, the eagles descend and attack. barely discern the buttresses of a sets the last phase of her scheme in
The attack is meant to scatter and large edifice and smaller structures in motion, which means they can still save
frighten away the survivors, allowing poor repair. Perched atop the solemn Neriendor from destruction if they stop
the eagles to feed on the dead and cathedral are several hideous gar¬ Toxin from alerting the red dragons.
injured. The giant eagles are tenacious goyles with icicles hanging from their
and aggressive, refusing to flee until hooked noses. These small, stone The Abbey (Areas 1-4)
reduced to 50% of their hit points. sculptures stare blindly toward the The bugbears and ogre magi living in
Voadkyn: INT high (13); AL NE; AC blanketed forest—grim, lingering the old library (areas 3-4) have pledged
5; MV 12; HD 7+7; hp 49; THACO 13 reminders of the monastery’s forlorn their allegiance to the green dragon in
(11 with long bow +2); #AT 1 or 3; Dmg nature. Within the grounds, you see exchange for plunder and, of course,
2d6+3 (club) or Id8+l/ld8+l/ ld8+l (ice no sign of movement except steady their lives. The humanoids are wary
missiles); SA -4 penalty to opponents’ gusts of blowing snow. creatures who respond quickly to any
surprise rolls; SD camouflage (90% sign of trouble. If intruders are detected
invisible in natural habitat); resistant anywhere within the compound, the
to fire (granted by ring); MR 90% resis¬ Some areas of the monastery lie in humanoids quickly hunt down the inter¬
tant to sleep and charm spells; SZ L; ruin. What remains are the monks’ dor¬ lopers. Toxin’s familiar, Ghalraug, is also
ML 12; XP 1,400; MM/148; long bow of mitories (vacant), the old library (used the bugbear leader, and through his
ice missiles +2, large club, cursed ring as shelter by Toxin’s bugbear and ogre eyes she can watch the battle unfold.
of fire resistance, pouch containing magi minions), and the cathedral, in If Toxin is slain, the humanoids pil¬
three 500-gp gems. which the dragon herself lairs. lage what they can from the monastery
Winter wolves (3): INT average (8); The cold weather coupled with Toxin’s before fleeing into the woods. They fight
AL NE; AC 5; MV 18; HD 6; hp 45, 40, old age has made her listless and sleepy. characters for custody of the dragon’s
34; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SA However, that is not why she hasn’t been hoard until they are outnumbered, at
frost breath (6d4 hp damage to all with¬ seen flying over the woods west of which point they flee. The ogre magi are
in 10'; usable once/turn); SD immune to Neriendor. Ever since the red dragons particularly cowardly, retreating if
normal cold; SZ L; ML 13; XP 975; appeared in the mountains, Toxin has reduced to 50% of their hit points. The
MM/362 (wolf). been lying low, taking great pains to bugbears would sooner fight to the
Giant eagles (2): INT semi- (3); AL ensure that the reds know nothing of death than surrender, even when greatly
N; AC 7; MV 6, fly 48 (D); HD 4; hp 22, her presence. Although Toxin is fairly outmatched. The dragon herself, her
20; THACO 15; #AT 3; Dmg Id6/ld6/ certain that she could destroy both red wits dulled by the cold, spends most of
2d6; SA dive attack (+4 to hit, inflict dragons, she needs them alive—for now. her day resting in the cathedral (area
double damage with talons); SD cannot By stealing two of their precious dragon 11). If her familiar is slain, Toxin suffers
be surprised; SZ L; ML 13; XP 420; eggs and placing them in within 2d 10 hp damage. She remains in her
MM/27 (bird). Neriendor’s walls, Toxin hopes the red lair, eager to meet her familiar’s slayer.
dragons will set the town ablaze in their Due to the blowing and drifting
Archaques Monastery rage, leaving the town ripe for conquest. snow, melee and missile combat is
Toxin’s plan is half-fulfilled. Two severely impaired outdoors. The DM
As the PCs near the monastery, days before the PCs arrived, Toxin used may impose a -2 penalty on all attack
Aryzon’s crystal claw changes from a monster summoning Ill spell (cast rolls made by the characters, as well as
transparent to vibrant emerald green, from a scroll) to conjure three tasty a 3-point penalty to movement. The
signifying the presence of a green dragon hippogriffs and used them to lure the bugbears and ogres have adapted to the
within one mile. Attempts to pinpoint hungry red dragons away while she blistering cold and deep snow and suf¬
the dragon’s location using magic are snatched two dragon eggs under the veil fer no such penalties.
thwarted by Toxin’s persistent non¬ of an invisibility spell. With the eggs in
detection ioun stone that renders her her clutches, Toxin then returned to the 1. Courtyard. Characters who wan¬
undetectable by means of clairaudience, monastery and handed them over to her der across the snow-covered courtyard
clairvoyance, locate object and ESP wereboar henchmen. Accustomed to the without the aid of invisibility magic or
spells, crystal balls, and other detection harsh climate, the wereboars bundled camouflage are spotted by the bugbears
magic. When the characters finally up the eggs in thick pelts, placed them peering through the library windows
reach the ruined monastery (the morn¬ on a makeshift sled, and headed off to (area 4). The bugbears alert the other
ing of the third day), the DM should Neriendor in the guise of fur trappers. humanoids in areas 3-4. Three rounds
read or paraphrase the following: The PCs encountered these so-called after the intrusion is detected, 2d6+13
trappers earlier in the adventure. bugbears and all three ogre magi
The light of dawn brings little Toxin is waiting for the wereboars to emerge from the library to confront and
warmth as you trudge to the edge of a reach Neriendor. Once she has afforded annihilate the intruders.
steep ravine. Beyond this gully, them ample time to reach the town,
through the snow-covered trees, you Toxin plans to send a messenger 2A. Ruins. These areas of the com¬
(Scarra the abishai) to inform the red pound has collapsed into nothing more

64 Dungeon Adventures

than heaps of rubble buried under

mounds of snow. There is nothing of
value within these ruins. However, the
ruins provide light cover (-2 AC bonus)
against missile attacks.

2B, Ruined Buildings. Years of

neglect coupled with the weight of the
snow have caused the wooden ceilings of
these buildings to collapse, filling each
ch am ber wi tl 1 t i m be r a n d m a so n ry.
There is nothing hidden or valuable
under the debris,

2C. Monk Dormitories, These

chambers were set aside for the monks
who once occupied Archuques. Now these
rooms am empty. The simple cots that
once served the monks were taken by the
bugbears and placed in areas II and 4.

21). Secret Door, Tins secret portal

was built in the event the monks needed
to escape the monastery undetected. The
door loads to the outside, in a corner
behind the Archaques cathedral. The
door is frozen shut and requires a suc¬
cessful Strength chock at -4 to push
open. The secret doer may be detected
normally (although neither the dragon
nor her minions have detected it yet).

3, Library, Main Floor. The door on

the ground floor is made of heavy oak
and barred from the inside* If can with-
s ta tid 50 h p da m a go befo re s under hlg.
Characters who pound on the door
invite the wrath of the occupants on
bo Lb floc>r s. Ihir bughcars armed with
heavy cross bo w s r em a i n i n s i do t h e r ooir i
at all times, their weapons trained on
the door, ready to fire at intruder's.
The chamber’s walls are lined with
thick wooden shelves that rise from
floor to ceiling. Many of the shelves
have lie on smashed and burned by the
bugbears. Most of the original furniture
(tables, chairs and ladders) was also
destroyed and fed to the fire. A pile of
charred timber and animal hones domi¬
nates the middle of the floor, around
which 15 plain cots have been placed.
In one corner, a stone staircase ascends
to the second door (area 4).
There are normally L5 bugbears sta¬
tioned here. Eleven of the bugbears,
i ncl udi ng the h ngb ear sergea n L Monastery
Gh a 1 r a ug, exit the b u i 1 d i ng to h u n t
down intruders. Four of the bugbears, One Square = 10 Feet
as stated above, remain behind to
gu ar d the Ii hr ary e n tr a n ee.
Second Floor

Dragon Magazine 65

Ghalraug (bugbear sergeant): INT items: a sack holding 1,446 gp, a potion the more daring approaches involves
very (12); AL CE; AC 5 (chain mail); MV of extra healing, a poison potion (save or descending through the 50' x 20’ hole in
12; F6; hp 57; THACO 15 (12 with two- die) with a NystuVs magic aura cast on the cathedral ceiling, directly above
handed sword +1); #AT 3/2; Dmg 2d4+l it, a wand of illumination (56 charges), area 8. The roof of the cathedral is cov¬
(claws), ldlO+4 {two-handed sword +1, a rod of security (3 charges), a scroll of ered with ice and snow, and only PCs
strength & specialization bonuses), or by protection from lycanthropes, a magical with the mountaineering proficiency
weapon type +11 (with potion); SA sur¬ scroll {passwall cast at 12th level) and a and proper climbing gear can scale or
prise, specialized with two-handed sword; wind fan. Used to repel a green dragon’s walk across it. Thieves may opt to use
S 17 (+1/+1); SZ L; ML 15; XP 650; breath, the wind fan reduces damage their Climb Walls ability instead.
MM/32; chain mail, two-handed sword from the breath weapon by half. Toxin Either way, penalties for armor, encum¬
+7, potion of fire giant strength (+11 did not consider this problem when she brance and surface conditions still
damage bonus), pouch containing 160 gp. gave the “trinket” away. apply. Magic provides a safer means of
Bugbears (14): INT very (11); AL Ogre magi (3): INT exceptional (16); entry. Fly, passwall, and dimension door
CE; AC 5 (4 with shield); MV 12; HD AL LE; AC 4 or 2; MV 12, fly 18 (C); HD spells are particularly useful here.
3+1; hp 18 each; THACO 17; #AT 1; 5+2; hp 40, 36, 33; THACO 15; #AT 1; Toxin does not discourage outsiders
Dmg 2d4 (claws) or by weapon type; SA Dmg ldlO or by weapon type; SA spell¬ from entering her lair. She also expects
surprise; SZ L; ML 13; XP 270; MM/32; like abilities; SD regenerate 1 hp/round; regular reports from the ogre magi and
wooden shield, battle axe, heavy cross¬ SZ L; ML 14; XP 975; MM/212 (ogre); bugbears living in the library. Thus,
bow, 2d6 heavy quarrels, pouch contain¬ long sword +7, pouch containing ld6 there are few natural or magical obsta¬
ing IdlOO gp. gems (worth ldlO x 100 gp each), key to cles preventing the PCs from reaching
trunk (one of three; see above). The ogre her lair (area 11). However, the cathe¬
4. Library, Upper Floor. The con¬ magi can cast the following spells (at dral is not without its traps and perils;
tents of this chamber are relatively 5th-level): charm person (once/day), it should be noted, however, that Toxin’s
intact, and the room itself is lighted by darkness 10' radius, fly (for 12 turns), minions are careful to avoid these
four lanterns suspended from the ceil¬ invisibility (at will), polymorph self, known “danger zones.”
ing by brass chains. Against the walls sleep (once/day). They can also assume
are eight oak writing desks once used gaseous form and cast cone of cold (8d8 5. Southwest Annex. The tiled
by the monastery's scribes, but all of hp damage) each once/day. cathedral floor is covered with debris
the desks are presently empty and Ogre mage #1 (Akorai) wears a ring and puddles of melted snow. Several of
bare. Tattered tapestries hang between of protection +2, lowering his AC to 2 the tiles are chipped and cracked. A
eight shattered windows (two per wall). and granting +2 on all saving throws. faded tapestry hanging on the western
The tapestries, though handsome in This ogre also wields a wand of light¬ wall depicts three monks drinking from
their day, are worthless. ning (19 charges) in battle. clay goblets. In its present condition,
This room is typically occupied by 10 Ogre mage #2 (Shivilin) wears a the tapestry is worthless.
bugbears and three ogre magi that have robe of scintillating colors, a ring of Stairs lead up to the cathedral’s
assumed bugbear form. The ogre magi warmth, and a necklace of missiles (two stone balcony, supported by crumbling
killed the tribal leader of the bugbears 5-HD and one 9-HD missile remaining). pillars 15' overhead (see area 13 for
and usurped his position; the bugbears Ogre mage #3 (Tuala) carries a details).
are aware of the ogres’ true nature but javelin of piercing and possesses an The 20' x 30’ section of floor at the
consider them worthy leaders. The ogre ioun stone (dark blue ellipsoid) that base of the stairs is trapped with a
magi like to take the battle outside, absorbs 60 hit points of magic missile magic mouth spell placed there by
where they are quite comfortable in the damage before burning itself out. Toxin. The “mouth” forms on one of the
cold. They fly and render themselves Bugbears (10): AC 5 (4 with shield); nearby pillars and says with a draconic
invisible, then blast their foes with hp 18 each; see area 3 for full statistics hiss, “Who dares violate my sanctuary?”
cones of cold before using their less dev¬ and equipment. The sound can be heard by Toxin in
astating magic. They save their sugges¬ .
area 11 See that area for details.
tion spells should they need to flee, The Cathedral (Areas 5-14)
coercing the PCs into letting them go. 6. Altar. Positioned in this large
The cathedral itself serves as Toxin’s
Tucked under one desk is a wooden alcove is an altar chiselled from a slab of
lair, and most of the dragon’s humanoid
trunk containing treasure given to the white marble. Engraved upon the sur¬
minions are wise not to disturb their
ogre magi by the green dragon. The face of the altar are the words “Melos
mistress during “sleeping hours” in the
trunk has three locks and three keys, tahn hanarrim.” This ancient human
and each ogre mage carries one of the language was crafted by the monks of
The cathedral itself is cold and
keys! The trunk is also trapped, for Archaques Monastery, and this brief pas¬
uninviting. The structure looks like it’s
opening it without the proper keys sage is the only surviving remnant of
crumbling under its own weight,
releases a 120-cubic-foot cloud of chlo¬ their creation. A comprehend languages
although structurally there’s no risk of
rine gas that inflicts 4d6+4 hp damage spell provides the following translation:
utter collapse. The interior is filled with
(save vs. breath weapon for half dam¬ “Strength lies in brotherhood.”
debris from collapsed pillars, balconies
age). The gas is contained in a glass Characters who quietly inspect the
and sections of roof.
capsule strapped to the inside of the alcove or the altar will not be spotted by
Characters may enter the cathedral
trunk’s lid and cannot be disabled by a Toxin in area 11. The dragon has lost
by various means, but Toxin has pre¬
thief. The trunk contains the following most of her vision in one eye, and the
pared traps to snare the unwary. One of

66 Dungeon Adventures

shadows of the cathedral all but obscure 15% chance of knocking down one of 10. Southeast Annex. The 30' x 30’
her view of the west end. However, the cathedral’s pillars. The collapse of section of floor enclosed by the pillars is
noises resonate easily in the cathedral, two consecutive pillars is enough to unusual in that its tiles are made of red
and the dragon’s hearing is sharp. If she trigger the collapse of a section of the and black flagstones arranged in a
detects the PCs, she does not give away overhead balcony (the section supported mosaic-like pattern. In the middle of
her presence until the intruders by the fallen pillars). Anyone standing the floor is a red stone protrusion
approach the illusory wall concealing her underneath at the time of this collapse roughly l'xl'x 1' easily mistaken for
lair or until Toxin herself is detected. must make a Dexterity check or suffer the base of a shattered pedestal.
The tapestries on the north and 6d6 hp damage from falling stonework. The floor is actually a “tattooed”
south walls are poorly maintained and Scarra the abishai watches the PCs trapper brought here and fed by the
plain. Growing on the back of the north¬ from area 14. The baatezu is reluctant dragon. The creature’s musculature is
ern tapestry is a patch of brown mold to confront a well-armed group of adven¬ particularly strong, allowing it to wrap
that absorbs the heat of any warm¬ turers and has more pressing obligations itself quickly around its prey (-3 sur¬
blooded creature approaching within 5' to its mistress, Toxin. As Toxin’s messen¬ prise penalty).
of it. A ring of warmth provides com¬ ger, Scarra is more concerned with Hanging on the wall east of the trap¬
plete immunity from the attack. (The remaining out of sight. If the PCs are per is a faded tapestry depicting the
ogre mage Shivilin has such an item.) sufficiently distracted by the elemental, monastery in more glorious times.
Brown mold: INT non-; AL N; AC 9; Scarra attempts to gate ld3 green Trapper: INT high (13); AL N; AC 3;
MV 0; HD n/a; THACO n/a; #AT 0; Dmg abishai (30% chance of success). MV 3; HD 12; hp 78; THACO 9; #AT 1;
special; SA absorb heat for 4d8 hp dam¬ Whether the gate opens or not, Scarra Dmg 4 + victim’s AC; SA suffocation
age (per round); MR immune to all teleports to area 11. If spotted, attacked (six rounds); SD immune to heat- and
spells save disintegrate, plant-based or otherwise threatened, Scarra teleports cold-based attacks; SZ H (30’ x 30'); ML
magic and cold spells; SZ M (8' diame¬ to safety without attempting to open a 11; XP 3,000; MM/229 (lurker).
ter); ML n/a; XP 15; MM/255 (mold). gate. (See area 14 for details.)
Earth elemental: INT low (5); AL 11. Dragon’s Lair. Attempts to spy
7. Northwest Annex. This unlit N; AC 2; MV 6; HD 12; hp 82; THACO 9; on the dragon through windows or mag¬
comer of the cathedral appears uninhab¬ #AT 1; Dmg 4d8 (-2 hp/die to flying ical scrying are thwarted by Toxin’s
ited and contains nothing of discemable creatures); SA structural damage; SD +2 invisibility spell and her nondetection
value. A tattered tapestry depicting a or better weapons to hit; SZ L (12' tall); ioun stone. The huge archway that
procession of monks hangs on the west ML 16; XP 6,000; MM/99 (elemental). forms the entrance to Toxin’s lair is also
wall, and a flight of stairs ascends to the veiled by a permanent illusion of a 30'
cathedral’s overhanging balcony (area 9. Northeast Annex. The floor in wall (cast from a scroll at 15th-level of
13). The 20' x 30' area at the base of the this part of the cathedral has been ability). The spell completely obscures
stairs is trapped with a magic mouth gouged away, forming a circular earthen the archway, creating a surface carved
spell identical to the one in area 5. pit 20’ in diameter and 20* deep. (The with a decorative sun-like fresco.
floor tiles and excavated rock were When she detects intruders, Toxin
8. Rubble Heap. added to the “heap” in area 8.) Toxin first uses her detect magic spell to
Lying in the middle of the dark¬ uses the pit to contain slaves, many of gauge the number of magical items in
ened cathedral is a tall mound of whom are brought to her by the ogre their possession. When PCs approach
snow-covered debris-timber and slate magi and bugbears. These slaves are the wall, either to inspect it or search
tiles mainly. Snowflakes fall steadily usually charmed by the dragon, toyed for secret doors, Toxin employs her ESP
through the gaping hole in the vaulted with for a short while, and then snapped spell to glean the PCs’ intentions. If she
roof, adding their miniscule weight to up and devoured. A few of these prison¬ deems them a threat or learns that
the heap before you. ers are handed over to Scarra (Toxin’s they have Aryzon’s crystal claw, she
green abishai ally) or the trapper in area breathes a cloud of chlorine gas encom¬
If Toxin has been alerted to the pres¬ 10. Presently, there are no slaves in the passing the entire group. The dragon
ence of intruders, she watches them pit. Characters who search the floor of has the still calm of a statue up until
closely through the illusory wall hiding the pit find a rusty dagger, a dead wand the moment she strikes. If the illusory
her lair (area 11). When the PCs of secret door and trap location, and a wall is detected and disbelieved, the
approach within 10’ of the rubble heap, ring of idiocy hidden in the dirt. The PCs may have a round to quaff Aryzon’s
the dragon uses this debris as raw cursed ring was left here deliberately by potions before the green dragon can
material for the assembly of an earth Toxin. When worn, the ring reduces the strike. If the PCs are not cautious and
elemental. The dragon conjures the ele¬ wearer’s Intelligence to 3. The effect per¬ the dragon sees the potions, she casts
mental with the aid of stone of control¬ sists until a remove curse spell is cast. her shatter spell immediately, destroying
ling earth elementals. There is enough Anyone struck dumb by the ring becomes all breakable containers in a 3' radius.
stone among the debris to form the ele¬ an easy mark for the dragon’s charm Scarra the abishai, lurking in area
mental fully. Hidden behind her illusory person spell (should she feel inclined to 14, teleports to this chamber in the
wall, the dragon silently orders the ele¬ have someone polish her scales). midst of the confrontation. The abishai
mental to attack until destroyed or until Hanging on the east wall of the roosts on a window ledge but avoids
the intruders are slain or driven away. annex is another tattered tapestry melee. Toxin has already informed the
Every attack by the earth elemental depicting a monk kneeling before a win¬ abishai of its task. When the order is
that misses its intended target has a dow with the sun shining down on him. given, Scarra flies through the

Dragon Magazine 67

window (or teleports a safe distance) This 50’ high sepulchre has but one Wraiths (4 total): INT very (12); AL
and heads toward the mountains to lingering enchantment left behind by LE; AC 4; MV 12, fly 24 (B); HD 5+3; hp
inform the red dragons of the where¬ the monks of Archaques Monastery. No 35, 32, 26, 25; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg
abouts of their stolen dragon eggs. undead may enter this sanctified cham¬ ld6; SA energy drain; SD silver or mag¬
If the PCs call a truce, Toxin speaks ber; intelligent undead simply avoid the ical weapons needed to hit; MR immune
to them only if she has not been injured area, while mindless undead collapse to sleep, charm, death and cold-based
and only if they relinquish Aryzon’s into heaps of flesh and bone when spells; SZ M; ML 15; XP 2,000; MM/365.
crystal claw (“as a gift”). This item she entering the area.
prizes above anything else the PCs Toxin (very old female green 13. Balcony. This 15'-high balcony
could offer. If necessary, she uses her dragon): INT exceptional (15); AL LE; of sculpted stone is supported by mas¬
suggestion spell to coerce a PC into sur¬ AC -5; MV 9, fly 30 (C); HD 18; hp 103; sive stone pillars rising from the cathe¬
rendering the item. Toxin wants the THAC0 3; #AT 3+special; Dmg ld8+9/ dral floor. Some of these pillars have
claw for added protection, just in case ld8+9/ 2dl0+9; SA breath weapon (50’ fallen, weakening or causing sections of
the red dragons pose a threat to her. x 40' x 30' cloud; 18d6+9 hp damage); the balcony to crumble. The balcony is
If she succumbs to the power of the tail slap (2d8+9 hp damage; save vs. not in danger of further collapse unless
potions of dragon control. Toxin can be petrification or be stunned for ld4+l additional pillars are knocked down
coerced into revealing her scheme as rounds); wing buffet (ld8+9 hp damage; (say, by the elemental in area 8).
well as her intention to send Scarra the make a Dexterity check or be knocked
abishai to the red dragons living in the prone); SD regenerate 1 hp/tum (grant¬ 14. Abishai’s Perch. This 20' x 30'
mountains. Since the abishai is instru¬ ed by ring), ioun stones (see below); MR section of balcony serves as Scarra’s lair.
mental to her plan, Toxin will not invite 40%; SZ G (80' body, 72' tail); ML 15; XP The abishai wears a basilisk ring, an
the baatezu to attack the PCs. Once she 18,000; MM/67. engraved brass band borrowed from
regains her free will, Toxin orders the Natural abilities: entangle Toxin. The ring allows its wearer to
abishai to teleport to the mountains and (once/day), plant growth (once/day), become an inanimate statue at will. In
lure the red dragons to Neriendor with suggestion (once/day), warp wood (3 this state, the wearer retains his senses
news concerning their stolen eggs. times/day), water breathing (at will). but cannot move. The effect lasts for as
Unless the PCs act decisively, the Spells memorized (cast at 15th long as the ring user desires, but this
abishai will probably escape, leaving the level): color spray, detect magic (x2), power cannot be exercised more than
PCs with little option but to travel back feather fall, magic missile, sleep, taunt, three times/day. Any spells cast upon
to Neriendor and track down Toxin’s ventriloquism; ESP, invisibility (already the user are “preserved” while in statue
wereboar henchmen. If the PCs defeated cast), shatter, strength (+1 to hit, +1 form; thus, a haste spell cast before the
the wereboars en route to Toxin’s lair, damage). ring’s activation would still be in place
and they mention this fact to Toxin, the Magical items: ring of regeneration during and after the wearer reverts to
green dragon commands the abishai to (piercing right ear), ring of wizardry flesh, for the full duration of the spell.
lure the red dragons to Neriendor any¬ (worn on left claw; doubles 1st- and 2nd- The abishai uses its change self spell
way. If Scarra is also slain, Toxin level spells), stone of controlling earth to turn itself into a human monk, then
becomes truly outraged and attacks. elementals (resembling a clear crystal; employs the ring to transform itself into
The charm ability of Aryzon’s potions set into Toxin’s ring of wizardry), peri¬ a statue. If attacked, it reverts to flesh
has the same limitations as the charm apt of proof against poison (embedded in and assumes its true form long enough
monster spell. Toxin cannot be coerced fang), four ioun stones (noted below). to strike once and teleport to area 11.
or tricked into injuring herself or Ioun stones: red sphere (bestows Scarra (green abishai): INT average
attacking Scarra, and any promises she protection from fire, as the third-level (10); AL LE; AC 3; MV 9, fly 12 (C); HD
makes to spare Neriendor from the red priest spell); pale green lozenge (affords 5+2; hp 37; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg
dragons’ wrath lasts only as long as the nondetection, as the third-level wizard Id4/ld4/ld4+l; SA poison (save or die),
potion’s effect. If reduced to 50 hit spell), black star (absorbs 62 hp of elec¬ dive (+2 to hit for double damage); SD
points, Toxin knocks out the nearest trical damage), yellow spindle (+1 to +1 or better weapons to hit; regenerate
wall with the snap of her tail and (one saves vs. all forms of petrification). 1 hp/round; immune to fire and poison;
round later) flies off to recuperate. half damage from cold and gas attacks;
The room itself is unfurnished, giv¬ 12. Staircases. Both of these stair¬ MR 30%; SZ L (7’ tall); ML 8; XP 9,000;
cases connect Toxin’s lair to the cathe¬ Planescape® Monstrous Compendium
ing the dragon room to move and
stretch her wings. Toxin is careful not dral balcony (area 14). Lurking in each Appendix/18 (baatezu, lesser).
to hide her wealth here; too many crea¬ stairwell are two wraiths (four total). Spell-like abilities (usable one at a
tures know Dragonwyr’s location. These are the remains of high-level time, once/round, at will): advanced
However, she does keep 10 locked adventurers slain and devoured by illusion, animate dead, change self
trunks (3' x 2’ x 2*) spaced around the Toxin who now serve the dragon unwill¬ charm person, command, infravision,
outer wall, nine of which contain 5,000 ingly. The wraiths are unable to enter know alignment (always active), pro¬
cp. The tenth holds 182 gems (1 gp area 11 due to enchantments placed duce flame, pyrotechnics, scare, sugges¬
each), 76 pieces of fake jewelry (1 gp upon that sanctum by the monastery’s tion, teleport without error.
each) and a necklace of strangulation. original inhabitants, but they try to
Toxin destroyed the keys to these “torture” their slayer with their foul Leaving the Monastery
trunks, which she uses to test her whisperings. However, Toxin simply The objective of this encounter is not
minions’ loyalty. ignores them. to destroy the green dragon but to

68 Dungeon Adventures

confront her and unveil her scheme. If

Scarra the abishai escapes, the PCs will
have dilfieulty finding the baatezu in
time to thwart the last phase of Toxin's
plan. Their only remaining option is to
return to Neriendor and retrieve the
stolon dragon eggs before the red
dragons destroy the town.
Toxin will do everything she can to
prevent the characters from returning
to Neriendor, Aryzon's potions can be
used to hold Toxin at bay until the PCs
makes good their escape from
Dragon wyr. If the PCs reduce Toxin to
50 hp or less, she withdraws and trou¬
bles them im further, fearing for her life,
I f the PCs destroy the abishai in
time, Toxin herself flics to the red drag¬
ons, risking herself to see her plans
realized (and counting upon her magic
items to protect her}-Even if the PCs
somehow manage to slay both the
dragon and her messenger, the red drag¬
ons invariably come to Neriendor intent
on (hiding their missing brood.
Whether or not the PCs need to
return to Neriendor depends on
whether the wereboars were successful
in reaching the town with the stolen
d r agt) n eggs. I f the c h a me to r s d e fea to d
the were boars earlier in the adventure
(see “Pur Trappers”), the green dragon's PCs have several hours to track down *> The two fire dragons were driven
plan hinges solely on whether or not the we reboars and find the red dragon off by a third dragon with scales of
her abishai is able to lure the red eggs. In this case, proceed with the “Egg silvery-blue. This great drake (Aryzon
dragons to Neriendor, Hunt” section. Silvercloud) (lew in out of nowhere and
The journey back to Neriendor
single-handedly drove away the larger
should be less perilous than the trek to Fires of Wrath of the fire-breathing dragons with the
Dragon wyr-Those wishing to make the
Read the following if the red dragons aid of its breath weapon (an icy blast of
three-day journey more expedient may
have already attacked the town: air). Thu other fire dragon seemed
roly on flying or teleportalive magic.
enraged by this and pursued. The
You have arrived too late, A cold
dragons have not appeared since.
Neriendor wind carries the smell of ash and
The DM should not draw attention
smoke across the snow-blanketed
to Aryzon's absence unless the PCs
I f the PCs are forced to trudge back path leading to the blackened gates of
attempt to locate him. If the PCs ask
to Neriendor through the winter's snow, Neriendor. Much of the town remains
a be m t, th e four" f u i ■ tr appera” (we re -
it takes them three full days from the intact, and surely the devastation
boars), they learn the following:
time they leave the monastery until the should be greater All seems quiet
* The proprietor of the Inn of the
time they reach Nencoder's gates-time now, however, as you draw nearer.
Laughing Yak recalls that four surly
enough for Toxin or her abishai to trick
The PCs have no trouble entering trappers visited his establishment,
the red dragons Flamerule and Ash Tyre
the scorched town. Among the eating and drinking themselves into a
into attacking the town. When the PCs
destroyed buildings are Aryzon’s shop, stupor. They left late that night, pre¬
arrive, the red dragons have already
and any attempt to track down Aryzon sumably to another place in town.
struck once, and entire blocks of
is met with failure. His remains are not ♦> A militia soldier assigned to the
Neriendor have been razed. Blackened
among the dead, and no one in town Night Watch recalls four drunken furri¬
timber, blowing ash and charred corpses
has seen him since the “fire dragons” ers stumbling toward the east end of
are lingering reminders of the brutal
attacked. If the PCs make further town,
assault. In this event, proceed with the
inquiries concerning the dragons, they Flamerule and Ashfyrc (adult red
“Fires of Wrath” section.
learn the following; dragons): INT exceptional (15); AL CE;
If the PCs reach Neriendor within
<* The “fire dragons” descended from AC -5; MV 9, fly 30 (C); HD 17; hp 101,
one day's time after Toxin or her
the clouds, striking without warning. 91; THACO 3; #AT 3+special; Dmg
abishai escape to warn the red dragons,
Within seconds, roofs were set ablaze ldl0+6/ldl0+6/3dl0+6; SA breath
Neriendor is still untouched, and the
and people were running for their lives. weapon (90' long x 5' wide cone of fire;

Dragon Magazine 69

militia should realize that lycanthropcs

can only be harmed by silver and/or
Grugthum's magical weapons. Since the militia is
ill-equipped to fight the monsters, the
Smithy PCs arc pretty much on their own.

4A. Storage Shed. This room is

One Square = 5 Feet cluttered with barrels of water, ropes,
ladders, shovels, old suits of armor, and
c/V crates. Many of the crates contain
horseshoes, iron spikes and similarly
fashioned items.
Sitting in the middle of the room is
the fur-laden sled belonging to the
wereboar “furriers,” Many of the furs
have been discarded onto the dirt floor,
suggesting that the dragon eggs were
12d 10+6 hp damage); wing buffet; tail in this adventure. Characters can pur¬ indeed hidden beneath them. The eggs
slap; kick; snatch; SD immune to fire; chase equipment here at standard PUB have since been moved to area 4F.
MR 85%; SZ G; ML 17; XP 15,000; prices. The store and its contents are
MM/68 > destroyed in “Fires of Wrath’’if the PCs 4B, Smithy. A blazing hearth domi¬
Flamerule’s spell e and spell-like abil¬ are unable to warn Aryzon in time. nates this uncomfortably warm, lamp-
ities C cast at 111h level): affect, normal I i t eh a in b e r, Po siti o n e d in Iron t of t h e
fires (8 times/d ay), detect magicf heat 2, Inn of the Laughing Yak. This hearth arc the blacksmith’s bellows and
met ah pyrotechnics (3 times/day), sleep, is a the largest and most reputable inn anvil. A large mallet leans against the
strength. in town. The proprietor, Valstaf Dyarrik anvil, a barrel of cooling water rests
Ashfyre’s spells and spell-like abili¬ (0-ievu! human), is a generous and well- nearby, and iron tools hang from hooks
ties (cast at 11th level): affect normal res pcctcd man. He has a special fond¬ on every wall. Dangling amid the tools
fires (3 timos/dayj, feather fall, heat ness for music and often lets the are three suits of plate mail armor
metal, locate object, magic missile, talented Aryzon “warm the inn” with (sized for humans), a suit of splint mail
pyr o t ech rues (3 tim es/d ay)- his zither playing. + / (sized for a human), and a suit of
ring mail (sized for a dwarf). There are
Egg Hunt 3* Town Barracks. This stone also four non-magical shields mounted
building houses the town militia. Before above the hearth.
If the characters return to Neriendor
the red dragons’ attack (see “Fires of Grugthum the dwarf and the two
before the red dragons1 attack, they can
Wrath”), the militia numbers 60 men. most powerful wereboars (No I dry d and
begin their search for the red dragon
After the attack, this number is Feryk) are encountered here. Grugthum
eggs (or make preparations to repel the
reduced to 47, All militia men are 1st- knows that harboring such dangerous
i m p e nd i ng dragon a ttack). The PC swill
level fighters with limited combat expe¬ creatures within Nerien dor’s walls is
probably seek out Aryzon S Overcloud,
Silver cloud suggests that the PCs com¬ rience. The Captain of the Guard, punishable by incarceration and makes
A vatu s Dyarrik (Valstaf’s brother), is a no bones about slaying the party to
plete one of two courses of action,
5th-level fighter with a grim serious¬ guard his secrets and save his own hide.
depending on what they’ve managed to
achieve so far: search Neriendor for the ness about him. Grugthum (Sth-level dwarven
stolen dragon eggs (and the wereboars) fighter): AL NE; AC 1 (chain mail +4);
4, Wereboars’ Lair. This sturdy MV 6; F8; hp 65;THAG0 13 (base); #AT
or ready the town for an. aerial assault.
Aryzon will not accompany the PCs, stone building is one of Neriendork 2; Dmg 1d8+8 (Strength bonus, special¬
many smithies. Jutting out from the ization, battle axe +3); S 18/73 (+2/+3), D
just in case the red dragons appear and
front of the building is an iron-wrought 9, C 15, 1 13, W 11, Ch 7; SD +4 to saves
he’s forced to assume his true form, (As
sign reading “Grugthum’s Metalworks.” vs. magic and poison; 60f infravision;
a side note, Aryzon always turns invisi¬
The blacksmith, Grugthum, is dwarven. ML 11; XP 2,000; chain mail +4, battle
ble before becoming a dragon to keep
He is also Toxin’s willing spy in axe +3, key to iron strongbox in area 4E
his “cover.”)
Neriendor, hiding his wicked intentions Wereboars (2): INT average (9); AL
Using Ary z on’s crystal claw to guide
behind a gruff and stolid veneer. N(E); AC 4; MV 12; HD 5+2; hp 37
them, the PCs should have no trouble
All of the doors leading into the (Neldryd), 34 (Feryk); THAC0 15; #AT
finding the red dragon eggs and their
smithy are barred shut from the inside, 1; Dmg 2d6 or by weapon type +2
wercboar guardians (area 4 below). 1 f
A barred door can be opened by force (Strength 18 bonus); SA lycanthropy;
they successfully retrieve the eggs and
(by inflicting 45 hp damage to the door) SD silver or magical weapons to hit; SZ
bring them back to Aryzon, proceed
or by magical means (such as a knock M; ML 13; XP 650; MM/235 (lycan-
with the “Day of Dragons” section.
spell). Characters can also find ways to Lhrope); spear.
enter the smithy using magic (,wraith-
Keyed Encounters (Areas 1-4)
form, passwall, and dimension door 4C. Storage. These small rooms con¬
1. Aryzon’s Adventuring Gear, spells are but a few options). tain unworked rails of iron and other
This is Aryzon’s shop and a focal point PCs who seek help from the local

70 Dungeon Adventures

metals used by Grugthum. Hanging on

the walls are countless iron chains (from
5' to 50f long) fashioned by the dwarf.
There is little else of interest here.

4D, Hallway. This L-shaped hall is

unlit Hanging from the ceiling by hooks
are dozens of chains. The chains are
each Iff long, hang more inches above
the floor, and spaced so close together
that anyone walking down the hall can't
help but create rattling noises. This
" a 1 arm systern ” do vi sod by Grugt h u m
alerts the wereboars in area 4F when
someone is drawing near. A silence spell
effectively negates the noise.

4E* Kitchen. Grugthum is a poor

cook, and his cleaning skills are even
w<)rse. Th i s k i I,ch en is 111 E,hy and
unkept. Dirty dis hes and crck:kery are
strewn about haphazardly, and soot
from the 11replace covers the floor

4F, Grutfthum’g Bedroom. The

dwarfs bedroom is furnished with an
iron-framed cot suited to his broad dwar-
vcn stature. Next to the lied is a locked
iron strongbox containing Grugthunrfs
treasure (given to him by Toxin in
exchange for his unyielding loyalty). The
treasure consists of 259 pp and a pol¬
ished 5,000-gp ruby The dwarf considers
this gem his most prized possession.
The room is occupied by the we ro¬
ll oars Grendyl and Sfcerrym in hybr id
form. They attack the PCs on sight.
Placed in front of the blazing fire¬ Aryzon has the characters remove the the dragon, Aryzon does not wish to
place are the two red dragon eggs. The eggs from Neriendor, giving him time to reveal his true nature to anyone and
dwarf has instructed the wereboars to turn 1 nvisible, assume drage11 fc11-m, and does his best to allay any suspicions.
keep the lire stoked so the eggs stay meet them in the open. Silvercloud, in The adventure ends with a sudden
w ar m, (T h e d warf d o es n Jt wa n t the his dragon form, then carries both eggs reprise. Assuming she wasn’t slain at
rightful owners of the eggs descending to Dragonwyr (Toxin's lair) and lures Dragon wyr, Toxin herself flies to
upon him with a vengeance because the tile red dragons there instead. Neriendor, hoping to plunder the razed
mi born d ra k e s p t1 r i s h e d of frostbite.) <* If the red dragons have already town in the wake of the red dragons’
Once the wereboars are dispatched, the attacked Neriendor once, Silvercloud terrifying assault. Toxin has no way of
PCs may either remove the 175-lb. eggs returns after successfully driving away knowing whether the attack occurred
or wait for the local militia to arrive, Flamerulc and Ashfyre. The mighty without surveying Neriendor herself
Wereboars (2): hp 32 (Grendyl), 31 Silvercloud descends into the ruined (and she’s too impatient and expectant
(Sterrym); see area 4B for full statistics. town to inform the people of Neriendor about the matter to send a messenger).
that the larger dragon Flamerule has Toxin naturally assumes that
been slain but warns that his mate may Silvercloud is still alive, but she's con¬
Day of Dragons yet return. Silvercloud himself is vinced the battle with the red dragons
This event allows the PCs to see the injured, and PC cloiics may offer to heal will have weakened him enough to
dragon Silvercloud for the first time. This him. Once healed, Silvercloud agrees to leave the town vulnerable.
encounter unfolds in one of two ways: take the eggs back to the mountai ns. Toxin relies on her ring of regenera¬
<* If the PCs find the eggs before the This act spares Neriendor from tion to regain hit points lost in her ear¬
red dragons reach Nericndor, the PCs Ashfyre’s vengeance in the short, term; lier battle with the PCs, As long as
may offer to take the eggs far away for the moment, she lacks the courage to she’s above 50 hp, Toxin feels strong
from Neriendor themselves or approach confront Flamerule’s slayer again. enough to oppose the town directly If
Aryzon for help. Realizing the impor¬ The DM should allow players to any other ogre magi minions are still
tance of quick and decisive action, m ak e th ei r o wo su ppo si t io n s regardi n g alive (see “Archaques Monastery” for
Aryzon the shopkeeper and Silvercloud details), they will be riding on Toxin’s

Dragon Magazine 71

back, serving as her reinforcements. ing that her scheme has been thwarted. asks them not to reveal what they know
Her preferred targets (in prioritized “Next time, Silvercloud!” she bellows. to anyone living in Nonendor. Aryzon
order) are Silvercloud, the PCs, the “You won't be so fortunate next time!* fears that his friends would feel slighted
militia, and the townsfolk. She Once the dragon threat to Neriendor not having been told all these years, and
demands that all treasures of worth be is alleviated, the adventure is over Aryzon does not want to be treated any
brought before her, vowing death and Silvercloud flies off, only to return differently than before.
carnage if her demands are not met. sometime later in his better-known If the PCs are interested in continu¬
If Aryzon is still injured, he is hard- half-elven guise. Townsfolk are in shock ing their wilderness explorations around
pressed to repel his green nemesis. over the recent series of events: the Neriendor, Aryzon gladly directs them to
Instead, he uses his mirror image spell appearance of the dragons, the foul the known lairs of other dangerous mon¬
to confuse Toxin and tries his best to wereboars, and the treachery of a local sters. Unless she is destroyed once and
lure her within range of the PCs’ blacksmith. The look upon the PCs as for all, Toxin continues to plague
attacks, for only with their help can he great heroes, affording them every cour¬ Neriendor in years to come, devising
defeat his enemy. Toxin withdraws if tesy for the duration of their stay. even more insidious schemes by which
reduced to 30 hp or less. (Aryzon will be If his shop is destroyed in “Fires of she can gain her revenge. il
too tired and injured to pursue her.) The Wrath;7 Aryzon resides at the Inn of the
ogre magi, if present, fight until shun. Laughing Yak until he finds the time to
If Aryzon is healed measurably (to 70 rebuild. (The half-elf has many friends
hp or more), Toxin sees the strength in in town who will help him.) If tbe PCs
his soaring frame and withdraws, realiz¬ learn Aryzon's secret, Silvercloud kindly

By Aaron Williams

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72 Dungeon Adventures
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Converting War Cards to Battle system® Rules
by Jason Asbell
illustrated by L.A. Williams

Ml layers have this uncanny knack for wanting to do some- system to convert statistics between War Cards and
IT thing that isn't really covered well in the rules. If they don’t, Battlesystem rules (in both directions) could address these prob¬
lems. What follows is a system which should make this easier.
the DM will. Imagine planning for a large war in a Birthright*
campaign, only to find that the War Cards that come with the It isn't perfect, but it is fair and should account for most situa¬
game don't really fit the troops everyone had in mind? In fair¬ tions in a reasonably run campaign.
ness, this is usually not intentional. Sooner or later, in every
campaign that includes a political element (as Birthright does}
one player-character fighter wants to raise an army-and not
Unit Size and Formation
To make this conversion system work, a premise from the
just any army, mind you. He wants to raise his version of the
Birthright rulebook must be modified: that the basic human
Modern Model Army. He wants to specify everything, from
infantry unit consists of 200 soldiers. In considering how a unit
armor and weapons to uniforms and special training. While the
performs on the battlefield, many factors come into play. Most of
Birthright War Cards are a quick but abstract means of dealing
these factors are reflected on the War Cards and are easily
with large-scale combat, the AD&D* Battle system1"’ rules sup¬
defined in Battlesystem terms. One that can be defined in
port a greater degree of detail and tactical control. On the
Battlesystem but not in War Cards is the formation of the unit,
other hand, using the Battlesystem rules to best advantage can
which determines what percentage of the unit's force can be
require an investment in miniatures, paint, battlefield topology,
brought to bear against an opponent. Most infantry units of the
and time to realize those advantages. A War Cards battle can
time periods historically reflected in the Birthright setting fought
be played in under an hour with nothing more than the mate¬
in squares or nearly-square rectangles. Cavalry units, on the
rials that come with the Birthright boxed set.
other hand, often presented significantly more frontage than
So what does a paladin lord who wants an elite mounted
depth. The result of this difference is that a cavalry unit can bring
force composed entirely of his faithful shield-brethren do? Why
a higher proportion of its force to bear than can an infantry unit.
should a DM be limited to those units that have War Cards
To simplify this difference, rather than using the number of indi¬
already printed for them? If he decides to create his own spe¬
viduals within a unit, it works better to focus on the Battlesystem
cials, how does he specify the War Cards numbers for those
“hits per figure" (hB) as it compares to the War Cards "hit" (hWC).
"special" units? Or, if the DM wishes to run a miniatures battle
using Battlesystem rules, how does he convert from War Cards
units to Battlesystem units? Unit Hits (Damage Potential)
In the Battlesystem rules, a group of miniature
The Battlesystem rules have a relatively easy
figures represents one unit Each of those
means of converting normal AD&D" game
figures can endure a certain amount of
statistics into unit statistics. Therefore, a WFfo
'RAGON Magazine 75
unit might have a different AD value
Table 1: Melee Attack Conversions when it is in melee than when it is
War Cards Melee/Charge BattleSystem AD charging or using a missile attack ability.
1 4 War Cards represents represents these
2 6 with ratings of "Melee/ "Charge/
3 8 "Missile/ and "Defense."
4 10 Tables with their accompanying
5 12 notes, are the result of a detailed com¬
6 2d8 parison of how various units would be
7 2d10 represented in both systems,
8 2d 12
Unit Size
Notes The number of soldiers in a unit
❖ War Cards Charge value uses same table as melee rating but at a +1 bonus. might seem crucial when figuring their
Thus, a cavalry unit wielding AD8 long swords for both charge and melee are Melee game combat statistics, but the impor¬
3, Charge 4, If the unit used AD10 lances when charging, it would be Melee 3, tant thing to consider is the number of
Charge 5. soldiers in the line of battle. Due to lim¬
❖ In War Cards, Regular Infantry units gain a +1 bonus to their Melee value for ited communications, units tend to be
attacks against pikes and irregulars. arrayed in squares, or columns or rec¬
❖ In War Cards, Pike-armed units gain a +1 to their Attack and Defense values tangles that are nearly square. Only
against mounted units. Human and demi-human pike units may not be charged. those at the front take part in combat;
(Humanoid units, even orogs, do not have the discipline to put forth the thicket of the rest simply add momentum and act
pikes that would prevent a mount from charging home, so they can be charged. as reinforcements. Cavalry units gener¬
Their weapons are still more effective against mounted units.) ally deploy in shallow lines to maximize
*> Orogs gain +1 to their Melee value at night. the line of battle, ftui they also tend to
be smaller units than the infantry and
damage before being removed. Tougher numbers, and there are 300 peasants therefore do not have the same prob¬
creatures are represented by figures that and serfs in this unit. lems maintaining cohesion. Historically,
can absorb more damage. This damage When converting a Battlesystem unit to missile units could take advantage of
potential is reflected in "hits." The aver¬ a War Cards unit, strive to keep the num¬ massed fire, but they did not do so.
age human, goblin, or ore, is represented ber of hWC per unit between two and Instead, the front ranks would fire, then
by one 1-hit (hB) figure for every 10 sol¬ four. Occasionally you might have a very step back to reload while the rear ranks
diers, while a unit of ogres would have small unit with only one hWC, but 4 hits stepped forward to fire, and so forth,
one 3-hit figure for eveiy 10 ogres. The per unit should be an absolute maximum, with an emphasis on maintaining a con¬
War Cards system represents the same if a conversion suggests that a force sistent rate of fire rather than discharg¬
damage potential at the unit level by would have more than four hits, it should ing the missiles of the entire unit at one
assigning a number of 'hits' that a unit be represented as two separate units. time. This tactic was still in use through
can absorb as a whole. Most units can Special note on hits and converting the Napoleonic era and later, until the
endure 2 hits (hWC) before being units: Vos and Rjurik regular infantry advent of trench warfare and heavier
destroyed, although some can suffer and scout units have one more hWC arms made it obsolete in World War I,
only one or as many as four. than others. This can either result from Historical warfare allows some useful
Converting these 'hits” from system to larger units or more powerful individu¬ comparison with the Birthright setting.
system is fairly simple. The standard als making up the units, Since these The 200 men of the Anuirean Infantry
infantry units in War Cards have 2 hWC races are fierce warrior peoples in rough unit armored and armed with partisans
and represent 200 soidiers. Assume for frontiers, more powerful individuals and halberds, would most likely deploy
simplicity that, for humans, irregular makes more sense. Thus, Vos and Rjurik in a rectangle 25 men wide and 8 men
troops are level o, regular troops are level regular infantry and scouts are the same deep. This formation is wide enough to
1, and elite troops are level 3. In the size as other Cerilian units but contain have good frontage, deep enough to
Battlesystem rules, 200 level 0 or level I 2nd-level fighters rather than Ist-ievei resist flanking actions, and close enough
soldiers would appear as 20 figures of l fighters. This achieves the desired resuit to square to be effectively managed by
hB each. Thus, I hWC equals 10 hB. A of having more hits without significantly officers. The 100 men of the Anuirean
unit of Anuirean knights, with 3 hWC, affecting combat ability as a unit. Also, Knights unit might also present a 25-
thus has 30 hB. In AD&D terms, each of scout units tend to be smaller than most man frontage but would be only four
those elite knights is a 3rd-level fighter units. Anuirean and Rjurik scout units ranks deep to take maximum advan¬
riding a heavy warhorse, which translates both number 100 men each. tage of the shock value of cavalry. Hie
in Battlesystem rules into one 3-hB figure 300-man levy, on the other hand, would
for each 10 men. Thus, for the purposes most likely be arranged nearly square-
of conversion, the Anuirean Knights War Combat 20 men by 15 men-because the densely
Card unit actually represents only 100 sol¬ To handle the actual combat both packed formation would bolster the
diers. An Anuirean Levy, on the other systems have attack and defense rah questionable morale of the untrained
hand, also has 3 hWC. But this rabble of ings. Battlesystem rules use attack Dice troops and that formation would be eas¬
semi-armed peasants can hold itself (AD) to reflect attack capability and ier for similarly untrained officers to
together in a fight only through sheer Armor Rating (AR) to reflect defense. A keep under some degree of control. The

76 Annual 1997
Anuirean Archers could take maximum
advantage of their firepower deploying
Table 2: Missile Attack Conversions
50 men wide by 4 men deep, but this War Cards Missile Battlesystem AD
formation would be extremely vulnera¬ 1 4 or 6*
ble to attack by opposing infantry and 2 6
cavalry, as well as being hard Lo com¬ 3 2x6
mand, so it would likely be placed by its 4 8 or 2 x 6
officers in the same 25 men by 8 men 5 10 or 12
formation as the Anuirean infantry. The 6 2d8
formation and morale rules for the 7 2d10
Battlesystem rules address this some¬ 8 2d12
what, and it really does not come into
play in the War Cards rules, except that Notes
there may be certain units with more ❖ Reduce the War Cards Missile rating by -1 for mounted units, due to
staying power" than others. For exam¬ decreased accuracy and rate of fire.
ple, the Gorgon's Orog Infantry are ❖ Both iongbows and shortbows are 2 x AD6 weapons. Longbows are Missile
Defense 3, Melee 3, the same as 'nor¬ 4, shortbows Missile 3.
mal* Orog infantry, but they have 3 Bow-armed elves and sling-armed hatflings gain a +1 bonus on War Cards
hWC instead of 2. This difference is the Missile ratings, due to racial advantages.
result of a larger unit ❖ The War Cards System does not track ammunition. Units with limited ammu¬
nition for missile attacks (spearmen with only 1 spear, axemen with hand axes, etc.)
Casualties use half their Missile value.
What happens to a unit that suffers ❖ If the use of a missile attack affects a unit's melee capability (such as a soldiers
casualties depends on how many hWC armed with a single spear, using daggers as a backup weapon), then either ignore
the unit has. A unit with 1 hWC is the missile capability entirely or reduce the unit's Melee value by one category after
destroyed if it suffers a single hit. You it uses a missile attack. (The spear/dagger unit would be represented in Battlesystem
may wish to make exceptions for special rules as being AD6 in melee with a single AD6 missile attack that reduces it to AD
units, such as a War Card representing a 4 in melee. This same unit in War Cards would be either Melee 2 or Melee 1, Missile
group of adventurers or a dragon. All 1 at all times.)
other units suffer reduced Melee, Missile, ❖ All bow-armed units except elves gain a +1 to Missile attacks against
and Charge values when they take casu¬ mounted units. (It is a well-known fact that wounding or killing the mount, which is
alties. In general, when a unit suffers I rarely as well armored as the rider, is just as effective as wounding or killing the
hit, those values should be halved (round rider when it comes to reducing the effectiveness of a cavalry unit. Elves are noL
up). An exception to this rule is that trained for this tactic, so Given archers don't gain this bonus. Crossbows don t have
Charge values should always be higher this benefit, since their reduced rate of fire and higher penetrating power negates
than Melee values. Thus, a cavalry unit this tactic somewhat.)
that has Melee 3 and Charge 4 normally,
should have Melee 2 and Charge 3 after Move value. Units that normally fight in always have only one morale icon.
a hit. If a unit can withstand three or tight formation, such as most infantry Converting in the other direction is
more hWC, taking a second hit should units and all pike units, suffer a -1 io slightly more difficult, since there is such
reduce the three combat values to a third their War Cards Move vaiue. Elves may a wide range of ML ratings. Use the
of their original values (round to nearest move through any terrain without Battlesystem rules for morale. In general,
whole number). Again, Charge values penalty (i.e., it costs elven units only 1 assume irregulars, militia, and levies are
should be higher than Melee values, but movement point to move in any terrain). 0-level humans; regulars, scouts and
this balance is not critical after the second Halfiing units have the ability to travel nonhuman units are 1 st-level fighters
hit, A four-hWC unit can endure three through the Shadow World, allowing (with the exception of Vos and Rjurik
hits. After this point, the combat values rapid movement across large distances. Infantry, and Rjurik Scouts, which are
should be one-fourth of the original val¬ This ability is difficult to adjudicate at the 2nd-ievel fighters); and elite troops are
ues (round to nearest whole number). It is tactical or strategic level and should be 3rd-level fighters. Archers, artillerists,
acceptable for Charge value to be the dealt with or ignored at the DM's option. crossbowmen and pikemen should gain
same as Melee value. It is possible for a bonuses for special equipment.
unit to have a 0 value. This does not Morale
mean that the unit is not capable of exe¬ Units with a Battlesystem Morale (ML)
cuting that form of attack, only that its
Unit Costs
lower than 10 have only one War Card
attack value is 0 when compared to a The last important factor in convert¬
morale icon. ML between 10 and 16 con¬
defending unit s defense value. ing units for a Birthright campaign is
verts to two morale icons. ML of 17 or
their cost. Muster Cost is the cost to raise
higher gives three morale icons. Elves
Movement and outfit a unit, and Maintenance Cost,
and dwaives are treated as though their
For movement rates, 1 War Cards the ongoing cost to keep the unit in
ML is 3 higher when assigning morale
Move equals 6" of Battlesystem move¬ fighting form-wages, weapons and
icons. Gnolls and Goblins are treated as
ment. Units that are exceptionally armor upkeep, etc. These costs are not
though their ML is 3 lower when assign¬
mobile, such as Scouts and Skirmishers, exactly reflective of the price to buy
ing morale icons. Mercenary humans
gain a +1 bonus to their War Cards equipment-a unit of irregulars could be

Dragon Magazine 77
Table 3: Defense Conversions should require special role-played pric¬
ing. In general, Llndead will be raised
War Cards Defense BattleSystem AR using the Legion of Dead Realm Spell
1 10 and their Muster cost is the cost of that
2 9 spell. Since they only exist for the dura¬
3 8 tion of the spell, they have no
4 6-7 Maintenance cost. Undead raised by
5 5 other means (multiple castings of
6 4 Animate dead or a special ability) which
7 3 do not have a limited lifetime' would
8 2 require no muster cost, only the neces¬
Notes sary spellcasting, but would need to be
Khinasi and Goblin units suffer a -1 penalty to their Defense ratings (goblins maintained, at half the cost of a similar
because of their lower-quality equipment, Khinasi due to their tactics-oriented living unit, minimum I GB per unit.
around maneuver and quickness rather than the static punch/counterpunch tactics
of the other races.)
Brecht elite units and most Khinasi units are slightly more maneuverable than Army Size
other races, due to their concentration on lighter armor and maneuver tactics, hut Another thing to consider which
their superiority is not enough to provide a rules modifier. many players would like to ignore is
how large an army a domain can rea¬
sonably support without creating undue
outfitted for the 1 GB muster cost but cost 1 GB less to muster. Dwarves cost strain on the population. As it is possible
the horses and armor of a unit of the same as their human equivalent
for a domain to generate money by
Knights would cost far more than 6 GB (Guards are Elite Infantry, Crossbows are many means, it is not as simple as just
(the knights, being lesser nobility, specia] elite archers). Elves cost double being able to pay for the maintenance
already own their own equipment). for their Muster Cost but have the same costs for every unit. Toward this end, a
Muster and maintenance costs cover the Maintenance Cost as compared to a sim¬ new cost, called the Population Cost
administrative details and support while ilar human unit. Halflings, when avail¬ for each unit should be defined. The
in the field as well as equipment. To able, cost 1 GB more than their human
Population Cost of a given unit is equal
arrive at muster costs for units, consider equivalents for both Muster and
to its number of hits. The Population
the questions in Table 4. Each 'yes* Maintenance Costs. For Goblins, the first Level of a domain is equal to twice the
answer is worth the cost indicated on two questions are worth 0 5 GB each, sum of its province levels. Note that
the table. (round up after adding them up). Goblins holdings generate income but do not
Maintenance Cost is half the Muster are available as mercenaries for the change the population of a domain. A
Cost, rounded down, with a minimum of same price as regularly mustered troops,
wealthy domain can afford better troops
1 CB and a maximum of 2 GBs. so the last question should be ignored than a poorer domain of the same pop¬
Irregulars (who do require special train¬ for goblin troops. Gnolls cost 1 GB more
ulation, but the number of troops the
ing but nothing else), end up costing 1 Muster Cost than a human equivalent^ population can support remains approx¬
GB to muster and 1 GB to maintain (1/1}. they're more powerful creatures, and imately the same-the wealthy domain
Scouts require special training and quite greedy. Despite being generally has the advantage of better troops, plus
equipment, as do all regular infantry larger than humans, Orogs do not being able to attract mercenaries from
units. This explains why Levies are 0/1 exhibit significant military advantages
abroad. The sum of the Population Costs
cost, Knights are 6/2, and most regular and cost the same as human troops. for all units controlled by the domain
infantry are 2/1. Ogres should never be available except may not exceed the Population Level,
as mercenaries (and only one per army
Thus, a domain with a single level 4
Exceptions at a time-the mercenary bands do not province (Population Level 8) could sup-
Khinasi city-based regular infantry get along well with each other), and port 4 units of irregulars (Population
are not elite but cost 1 GB more to these units should cost an extra 2 GB Cost 2 each), or some other combination
muster than those of other humans and Muster Cost and 1 GB Maintenance that adds to 4. A larger domain can sup¬
Khinasi light cavalry cost 1 GB less to Cost over human Mercenary Infantry.
port a larger army. Units employed as
muster (3 GB Muster, 2GB Maintenance). Extremely special units, like single-entity mercenaries do not count against this
Brecht knights are much more lightly large creatures such as giants or drag¬
number, as they are supported more by
armed and armored than others and ons, should not be available for hire and the treasury of the domain than its pop¬
ulation. Undead and special-case units
do not count, for similar reasons,
Table 4: Muster Cost Checklist
Question Cost if "Yes"
Does this unit require special training? 1 GB Battlesystem to War Cards
Does this unit require special equipment? 1 GB Conversions
is this an elite unit? 2 GB Now that we've covered the various
is this a mounted unit? 2 GB aspects of units, lets look at some
Does this unit have siege engines? 2 GB examples of converting Battlesystem
If this a mercenary unit? 2 GB units to their War Cards equivalents:

78 Annual 1997
Lifebane-Cerilian Dragon
Battle system Statistics
AD 12 AR 3 Hits 8
ML n/a MV 12730"
Radiates Fear, AD 2d12 breath
weapon in a 2" x 4" x 81' cone.

War Card
Move 5 Defense 7
Melee 5 Morale 3 icons Hits 1*
Lifcbane's breath weapon acts as same
as a fireball spell (for purposes of
Battlesystem rules) and is usable during
the Magic phase on any single unit in the
same area as Ufebane. Lifebane's Fear
effect is automatic during the Magic
phase, as a fear spell, on all units
(friendly or enemy) in the same area as
him during the Magic phase Friendly
units may make a rally attempt immedi¬
ately. For a "Hero" creature, 20 HD trans¬
lates to 1 hit/ so even though he's a
dragon and very powerful, Lifebane has
but 1 hit in a unit level battle. If Lifebane
suffers a hit, he is removed from the com-
bat but is not actually slain unless it is a
"D" result (similar to the effect of the
Adventurers" card). Lifebane is immune to
all F or R results from magic. As an alter¬
native, Ufebane could be considered an
"Adventurer stacked with a particular
unit, and the Adventurers War Card used,
but this would not give the full effect that
a dragon would have on the battlefield.
Lifebane is too special to have a Muster
Cost and Maintenance Cost, and he does
not affect the population-unless he
grows hungry.

The Necromancer's
Battlesystem Statistics
AD6 AR 8 Hits 1
ML n/a MV 12"
Hits sustained from missile fire are

War Card War Card War Card

Move 2 Defense 3 Move 1 Defense 2 Move 2 Defense 3 Missile 1
Melee 2 Morale 3 icons Hits 2 Meiee 3 Morale 3 icons Hits 2 Meiee 1 Morale 2 icons Hits 6*
Immune to all F or R results, +1 Immune to all F or R results. No (3 units of 2 hits)
Defense vs. missile attacks. (Note: Muster Cost or population effect, but 1 or
Sticklers for detail could revoke this +1 G8 Maintenance Cost. Move 2 Defense 3
Defense rating against Artillerists, as Melee 2 Morale 2 icons Hits 6*
their missiles are ballistae or even larger
Human Irregular Spearmen * (3 units of 2 hits}
weapons.) Mo Muster Cost or population Battlesystem Statistics Due to limited ammunition, range,
effect, but 1 GB Maintenance Cost, AD 6 AR 8 Hits 1 and the effect on melee capability make
ML 10 MV 12" it unlikely that the thrown spear attack
The Necromancer's Zombies Special: AD 6 spear missile attack, would be used, so it is a valid option to
once only 17273", after this attack, ignore the possibility. These units total 3
Battlesystem Statistics
meiee value drops to AD 4. GB Muster Cost, 3 GB Maintenance Cost,
AD 8 AR 9 Hits 2
and 6 Population Cost.
ML n/a MV 6"

Dragon Magazine 79
Human Regular Axemen Goblin Shortbowmen tlefield to define a figure for each indi¬
Battlesystem Statistics {20 figures) Battle system Statistics vidual adventurer,
AD 6 AR 7 1 Hits (40 figures)
ML 12 MV 12'
Anuirean Knights
AD 4 AR 9 Hits 1
Throwing axe attack, twice oniy ML 11 MV 9 War Cards (2)
27476". 2 x AD 6 missile attack 10715720" Move 2 Defense 4 Charge 6
Meiee 4 Morale 3 icons Hits 6*
Regular Axemen War Card War Card *{2 units of 3 hits)
Move 1 Defense 3 Missile 1 Move 1 Defense 2 Missile 3
Meiee 3 Morale 2 icons Hits 2 Meiee 1 Morale 1 icon Hits 4* Battlesystem Statistics (40 figures,
(Except for the missile capability, the *(2 units of 2 hits) two units of 20)
Anuirean infantry War Card could be Use the Gobiin Archers card. They AD [12]10 AR 6 Hits 4
used. Usage of throwing axes has histori¬ should be 2 GB Muster Cost, 1 GB ML 17 Move 15"
cal significance, though. Since these were Maintenance Cost, and 2 Population
noted as regular troops, they usuaiiy fight Cost each.
Anuirean infantry
in close order formation and therefore War Cards (6)
suffer the reduced movement restriction. War Cards to Move 1 Defense 3
For anyone who wonders how battie Battlesystem Conversions Melee 3 Morale 2 icons Hits 12*
axes could be used in close order forma¬ *(6 units of 2 hits)
tion, read about the shield-wall tactics of Adventurers
the Saxon housecarls which may be War Card Battie system Statistics
found in any good accounting of the bat¬ Move 4 Defense +2 Missile +2 (120 figures, 6 units of 20)
tle of Hastings in 1066.) These units total Melee +2 Morale 3 Icons Hits 2 AD 8 AR 8 Hits 1
2 GB Muster Cost, 1 GB Maintenance For adventurers, use the Battlesvstem ML 12 Move 12"
Cost, and 2 Population Cost. rules for describing heroes on the bat¬
Anuirean Archers
War Cards (2)
Move 2 Defense 2 Missile 4
Meiee 2 Morale 2 icons Hits 4*
*(2 units of 2 hits)

Battlesystem Statistics (40 figures,

two units of 20)
AD 6 AR 9 Hits 1
Move 12 ML 13
2 x longbow attack 7714721 ”

Dwarf Crossbowmen
War Card
Move 1 Defense 4 Missile 4
Melee 2 Morale 3 icons Hits 2

Battlesystem Statistics (20 figures)

AD 6 AR 7 Hits 1
ML 14 Move 6"
Heavy crossbow attack 8716724".

Jason Asbei is a 17-year veteran of the

D&D- and AD&D" games, most of that time
spent as DM. When not working as a soft¬
ware engineer, Jason runs the domain
action half of a Birthright campaign.

80 Animal 1997
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A New Role for the Fifth Age™ Game
by Steven Brown
Tut another bracer under that corner," Dani Skiiborne ordered, Draconlance Saga novels, has always been filled with wonder
"Do you want the whole stage to collapse before he even arrives!?" and mystery. As the Age of Mortals opens, however, a host of
/Is usual, the people of Fallow were working, and working hard. enigmatic personalities have risen to positions of power and
The town was a small farming community remarkable only for the influence. Looking at figures such as the Shadow Sorcerer and
fact that it clung to life on the thin strip of arable land where the the Master of the Tower, and considering events such as the
Northern Wastes meet the Turbidus Ocean. raising of the Silvanesti shield, the sealing of Thorbardin, and
Life was a constant struggle to survive, so the residents could cer¬ the return of the Dark Knights' "Vision" despite the absence of
tainly be forgiven for their inability simply to relax and have a good their goddess, it is easy to conclude that life after the Second
time. Even on the eve of the Festival of the Fields, Fallow's only Cataclysm has many more questions than before-and even
holiday, everyone in town had at least three important tasks to accom¬ fewer answers.
plish before sundown. In every house jackets were being mended and Perhaps the most enigmatic of all these new personalities is
gowns were being sewn. Festive dishes simmered on stoves and, when the Herald. Shortly after the dawn of the Fifth Age, this "singer
the cook was absolutely sure no prying eyes were about, secret ingre¬ of songs and teller of tales" began to appear at inns, gather¬
dients were lovingly added. Most importantly, however, a dozen hardy ings, festivals, and celebrations across Ansalon. He claimed to
men and women labored In the town hall to complete construction of have no recollection of his own past. "My memories are those
a small stage, though they could scarcely believe why. of Krynn" he tells his audience before each tale. "Her history is
Even if Fallow appeared on any maps, which it didn't, the Festival my life."
of the Fields would be of little concern to anyone outside the town. While his stories occasionally dash with popular opinion,
The event was a celebration of the harvest, similar to holidays in any most scholarly critics agree that the Herald's tales are com¬
number of small villages across the continent. This made it unlikely pletely accurate. More importantly, audiences are captivated
that anyone would journey to this remote location to peiformat the by his performances; his stories are so captivating, his descrip¬
festival, and even more unlikely that a storyteller of distinction would tions so lush, his emotions so true, that listeners feel they have
make the trip. actually born witness to the events he relates.
Still, when the town awoke, three hours before the sun rose, every Dressed in the same plain robes one would expect any
single man, woman, and child knew he was coming. They knew that wandering bard to wear, the Herald crisscrosses the continent,
tonight they would celebrate the Festival of the Fields with tales told arriving just as an audience has gathered, telling tales that
byAnsalon's greatest bard-the Herald! always seem to have a direct bearing on local events, then
leaving as quietly as he came. Part of the mystery
The world of Krynn, setting for the behind this man is that he is never seen
Dragonlance; Fifth Age11, game as well as the actually traveling from place to place; he

82 1997 Annual
simply departs one town and appears at so much about events decades or even One of the strangest notions regard¬
the next in a day or two. Another oddity centuries old? And why does his arrival ing the Herald's identity is also quickly
is that, although he has no known so often augur events of great historic becoming one of the most popular,
schedule, the folk in the towns he visits significance? Groups of ail religions, educational
always know when he is coming. They There has been rampant speculation backgrounds, and ages believe that the
simply awaken one morning with the as to the Herald's true identity. However, Herald is the living embodiment of the
certain knowledge that the Herald will since the man himself is difficult to track Tobril (the book containing the gods’
be performing that evening or the next. and nearly impossible to predict, a defin¬ divine plan for Krynn). It is said that in
Visitors to these towns are shocked to itive answer seems unlikely to be forth¬ the Second Cataclysm, the burst of pure
see whole communities laying down coming. Still, there are several theories. chaos that reshaped the world itself, the
their usual work to prepare for the com¬ One popular theory is that the Herald celestial constellation that held the
ing event, everyone pitching in to cook is the avatar of the god Gilean, placed on Tobril was freed and given human form
a smail feast or build a suitable venue Krynn shortly before the Second on Krynn-the Herald, Knowing nothing
for the bard. Cataclysm. Supposedly, the god of all other than the past, present, and future
More often than not, a visit from the knowledge knew that he and his of Krynn, he is naturally drawn to events
Herald comes within days of an event of brethren would soon have to withdraw of importance, His new human form,
local or even global significance. His from the world, so he created the Herald however, will not let him simply observe
tales are filled with lessons designed to as a resource for his followers in the days the unfolding drama; feeling a kinship
comfort and prepare his audience for to come. There is even a small group to the mortals of Krynn, the Herald is
coming events, or with advice on how to that believes that the Herald is actually compelled to share bits of his memory
prevent a looming catastrophe. In the Gilean himself. They believe that their that he hopes will guide them through
sixth year following the Second deity has found some way to circumvent the coming days.
Cataclysm (6 s.c,), the Herald spoke to a the agreement the gods made with Finally, there are persistent stories
group of draconians who were planning Chaos and has returned to Krynn in this that the Herald is actually Raistlin
to revolt against Malys, telling them form to disguise his subterfuge. Majere in disguise. Adherents to this the¬
tales of a community recently founded A group of young ascetics have ory are quick to point out that the leg¬
in Teyr, run by the draconian hero Kang. expressed the belief that the Herald is endary mage is "the Master of Past and
He appeared on Southern Ergoth late in Astinus Lorekeeper, the former master Present.” Who else would have such
the year 11 s.c„ spreading tales of the icy of their Order of Ascetics and the Great detailed knowledge of Krynn's history?
destruction that white dragons bring to Library of the Ages. The new leader of They also point out the similarities in
their newly settled homes. When the Order, Bertram, himself a former dress and manner between the Herald
Gellidus arrived a few months later, pupil and associate of Astinus', has not and Raistlin, both preferring voluminous
many lives were saved by the knowl¬ commented publicly on this assertion. robes that hide their faces, and both
edge gleaned from the stories, Privately, however, he is said to have with a habit of simply appearing when
The Herald has also been known to chastised his students for perpetuating and where they are needed most.
give advice to important individuals. He such ludicrous notions intoning, "We are Who is the Herald really? Only the
spent several days with Dunbar chroniclers of truth, not common rumor- bard himself can answer that question.
Mastersmate shortly before the wizard mongers!" When it is posed to him, though, he sim¬
stepped down as head of the Order of In the town of Solace, a small, deeply ply reflects, "Who I am is meaningless.
White Robes and disappeared in 7 s.c. devoted group fanatically subscribes to What matters is who you think I am," He
Those close to Dunbar say that the the notion that the Herald is a young then relates the tale of Hollowvale, a
Herald mainly told anecdotes of the sea, man named Master Lor. He is the son of small town that was once terrorized by a
pleasant nostalgia for the wizard, and a local councilman who, at a very young band of goblins. The townspeople vastly
fantastic tales of bird-men known as the age, developed into a prescient of phe¬ outnumbered their tormentors, but none
Kyrie. It is likewise rumored that he vis¬ nomena! ability. His ability to see distant among them was able to rally his neigh¬
ited Hylo many times in the years fol¬ places and times, and his heartfelt desire bors to coordinated action. One day a
lowing the Kender Flight, paying special to help the people in his visions, led Lor young man came to town and saw the
attention to a young kender named to run away from home several times a trouble. As he ate in the local tavern,
Billee Juniper. Many say that when Billee month. While his parents and their where he urged those he met to defend
assumed providence over the kender, retainers did their best to keep track of their town; he suggested a possible
she changed her name to Belladonna the boy, one day he simply disappeared. strategy and even offered to lend his
because of a story the Herald told her. Young Master Lor was deeply loved by sword to the fight. The townsfolk not
Though no one is certain how he all the people of Solace, and his disap¬ only took his advice but also elected
knows when to arrive at a significant pearance was a heartbreak felt keenly him leader of the undertaking, following
site, and many are mistrustful of his by the entire community. With his grow¬ him with a loyalty bordering on zealotry,
motives, it is clear that the Herald knows ing powers of prognostication, no one The young man's plans were not bril¬
the ebb and flow of events on Ansalon doubted that he would fare well in the liant, his ability with a sword was
better than anyone else. world. Still, nothing has been heard of mediocre at best, but he led the people
Lor since well before the Second of Hollowvale to a resounding victory
Who is the Herald? Cataclysm. Perhaps it is merely their over the goblin raiders. Why? As a mat¬
Who is the man under the worn collective worry, but this group is con¬ ter of coincidence, the young man's
cloak? Where did he learn to spin yarns vinced that the Herald is really their name was Tanis. He was no relation to
with such conviction? How can he know missing Master Lor. the Hero of the Lance (he was not even

Dragon Magazine S3
a halfelf) but the people thought be that they would ride all day for the their heroes to have a unique tie to not
was. That made all the difference. opportunity to actually see him perform, just the world but also the history of
but no one knows for sure when or Krynn.
That the Herald would soon arrive was where that will be-but there are a very These heroes have spent quite a long
miraculous enough. Since he traveled by few who have an inkling. time following and studying the Herald,
some unknown (presumably magical) Occasionally, when someone feels his tales, and his storytelling technique,
method, though, little thought was given to not only the joy and pain of the charac¬ as described above. A Keeper of the
how he might cross the seemingly endless ters in the Herald's story, but the pulse Word can easily fit into a party of more
expanses of sand to the south; he would and breath of the taie itself, a curious adventurous heroes; his skill is in finding
simply arrive at the appointed time. So it bond is created. The tales he hears call tales and anecdotes that are apropos to
was a complete shock fo every living soul to him, begging to be shared with other any situation, telling stories that are not
when a lone cloaked figure leading a hag¬ audiences, urging him to learn them, to only entertaining but that also contain a
gard horse walked out of the desert and into master their every detail and spread kernel of practical, helpful information.
the town square. them like dandelions on a summer He is likely to spend his entire life trav¬
No one remembered exactly why breeze. At the end of the performance, eling the countries of Ansalon, spinning
Fallows founders decided to settle in such a the person is filled with a certain knowl¬ yarns in the towns he visits. If he does so
remote location, but their descendants had edge of a time and location when the with a band of heroes, he will at the very
no choice but to stay. The fields produced Herald will appear again. It may not be least gather more exciting tales to add
barely enough sustenance to feed the dozen his next performance, but it is the next to his store.
or so families and their livestock; there was one that the individual would be able to
never enough surplus even to consider mak¬ reach. Roleplaying
ing the perilous trip across the Wastes to the Those that answer this call become A Keeper of the Word is motivated by
more populated parts of Ansalon. Needless students of the Herald, following him, the joy of his art; telling a tale well is its
to say, the town did not receive many visi¬ learning his tales, telling and retelling own reward. This is not so much a pro¬
tors. them to hone their own storytelling skills, fession as a calling. The stories of the
Fora very long moment everyone simply working desperately to duplicate every Herald called out to this hero in an
stood stock still and silently stared at the nuance of their new master's flawless almost spiritual way. He is devoted to
man, who seemed content to wait to see performances. Known as "Keepers of the sharing that feeling with as many peo¬
what the people of Fallow would finally do. Word," these students are the only ones ple as he can.
It struck Dani Skilbome that the man might who can accurately predict in advance Heroes with this role should be gen¬
be injured or suffering from sun poisoning, when the Herald will appear. Though erally friendly and outgoing; they enjoy
or perhaps he was merely insane, Whatever they know one another well, the Keepers meeting and talking to people. They
the case, no progress would be made by usually travel alone so that each may love performing. While Keepers of the
engaging him in a mass staring contest She take the opportunity to stop and tell the Word are likely to become engaged in
approached him while her neighbors con¬ stories he's learned to those he meets on all manner of quests, searches, and
tinued to gawk. the way, and to spread the news of the adventures, they always believe that the
"Welcome to Fallow, stranger/ she Herald's upcoming appearance. most important part they can play in
began hesitantly, Often a Keeper of the Word will these endeavors is supplying useful
“F-festivair the man croaked. His voice travel Ansaion for one or two years, fol¬ information to their comrades. They do
was sharp and diy enough to spark a kin¬ lowing the trail of the Herald. However, not necessarily shy away from physical
dling fire. once he has mastered a substantial involvement; they simply consider their
Holding out a bottle of water, Dani con¬ repertoire of tales, songs, and anec¬ knowledge to be their biggest asset.
tinued incredulously, You 've arrived just in dotes, his knowledge of his teacher's One aspect of this role that may give
time. The celebration begins in an hour; and plans are replaced with an itinerary of some players pause is the hero's vast
you're not going to believe the highlight- his own, Sometimes he continues to knowledge of Krynn's history. If a player
we didn't know ourselves 1til this morning." wander from town to town, sometimes is not at least fairly well acquainted with
"H-herald?" he asked, he finds a tavern or inn in need of an the Draconlance Saga, he might be bet¬
'Why ... yes." Dani answered, oddly dis¬ entertainer, but he devotes the rest of ter off playing the bard or street per¬
turbed at the stranger's familiarity with local his life to teaching the lessons he former role from Heroes of Defiance
events. learned from the Heraid-though occa¬ (neither of which relies as heavily on
"G-good. Traveled s sofar... hate to m- sionally he feels the old call, before his established history). However, if the
miss the show." A smite cracked the former master appears in the area. No Narrator is willing to pay the player a lit¬
stranger's sunburned lips, then he fell face- matter how many years a Keeper of the tle extra attention, giving him hints as to
first onto the dusty common. Word has been telling a particular tale, appropriate tales and knowledge his
he never tires of hearing it from the hero would know, this role can be
The Herald's Host Herald's own lips. enjoyable for a new player to take.
One of the best known figures on Because there is such a large volume
Ansalon, the Herald Is considered by Role: Keeper of the Word of established history (no fewer than 60
many to be the greatest bard ever to This is a new role for use in the novels and short story collections), this
draw breath. The power of his presence Draconlance: Fifth Age game. Although role can also be problematic for
and the value of his messages are leg¬ rules for a Bard role are presented in the Narrators, if a hero in your Fifth Ace
endary from the Worldscap Mountains Heroes of Defiance boxed set, the Keeper game chooses this role, sit down with the
to the Forest of Gunthar. Many folk say of the Word role is for players who want player and discuss which books or other

84 1997 Annual
source materials you have each read.
Decide ahead of time what, if any,
AD&D" Kit Conversion Preferred Schools: Keepers of the
Word are intrigued by all schools of
sources he may quote. After ail, though Keeper of the Word
magic They are as likely to study one
Keepers of the Word are well trained, The Dracqnlance: Fifth Age game
as another, but as a result of their ten¬
they are not all knowing. Each Keeper uses the new Saga™ rules. However, this
dency to specialize, they usually know
has a few historical figures or geographic game would never have been possible
spells from no more than four different
regions whose tales he specializes in; in without the many fans who supported
ail other aspects of history, he is merely the Dracqnlance products produced for
Barred Schools: No schools are
well-versed, rather than expert. the AD&D game. For those who use
barred for Keepers of the Word.
those rules for their Fifth Age adven¬
Equipment: There is no specific
Requirements tures, we present an AD&D kit convert¬
equipment associated with Keepers of
In order to qualify for this role, a hero ing the Keeper of the Word role.
the Word. Other than sturdy traveling
must first fulfill the requirements of all If there is any confusion during con¬
clothes and a tome in which to keep
bards. He must have a Spirit score of at version, assume that Keepers of the
their tales, they have only gear befitting
least 4 and a Presence score of at least 5. Word follow the usual rules for bard
their social status.
The crux of a Keeper of the Word's player characters.
Special Benefits: Because Keepers of
activities is being able to recall tales that Secondary Skills: Keepers of the
the Word usually have at least one area
are appropriate for practically any situa¬ Word come from all backgrounds. The
of expertise, a PC using this kit can
tion. He must remember hundreds or one thing they have in common is an
select one historical figure or geo¬
thousands of stories and be able to draw abiding love of storytelling. Any sec¬
graphic region that he has studied
analogies and connections between ondary skills are allowed, but the most
extensively. When rolling to see if the
events that, on the surface, seem to common ones are farmer, sailor, and
Keeper knows something about an
have very little in common. It takes a scribe.
obscure subject within his field, he
particularly well-trained mind to do this, Weapon Proficiencies: Keepers of
receives a +25% bonus. Also, because
often on the spur of the moment, so a the Word are allowed the normal range
Keepers train under the greatest bard
hero choosing this role must have an of weapons available to bards. As a
ever to walk Krynn, they gain a +3
Reason score of 6 or higher. whole, however, the group is pacifists.
bonus when using their bardic abilities
The second part of a Keeper of the Most Keepers carry nonlethal weapons
for formal performances.
Word's role is performing, often before and use them only when other options
Special Hindrances: Keepers of the
very large crowds. He must not only be have been exhausted. They consider
Word are so devoted to their art that
proficient at, but also comfortable with their greatest weapon to be the power
they ignore developing their martial
holding the attention of dozens or hun¬ of their tales.
skills almost entirely. As a result, they
dreds of people at a time. To reflect his Nonweapon Proficiencies: Required:
gain weapon proficiencies al half the
years of practice, as well as the lessons Ancient history, languages (modern).
rate bards usually do (only 1 slot every
learned training under the greatest bard Recommended: Dancing, disguise, eti¬
8 levels). Furthermore, their lives are so
on all of Krynn, a hero with this role quette, juggling, languages (ancient), rid¬
dedicated to telling their tales that
must have a Presence code of JET or UA," ing, and additional musical instruments.
Keepers must succeed at a Wisdom
Heroes with a "W code are comfortable Skill Progression: Keepers of the
check to refrain from spontaneously
entertaining crowds of 50-75 people, Word are a studious and intellectual tot:
beginning a performance whenever
while those with an "A" code are not they develop their Read Languages
they are in a relaxed social situation.
daunted by an audience of any size. ability first and foremost While the
Races: Unlike most bards, Keepers
Detect Noise and Climb Walls abilities
of the Word can come from any race.
Advantages can be very useful to a hero who
The only requirement is that the tales
The main advantage that a Keeper of spends his career traveling, Keepers
of the Herald have touched them
the Word has in any situation is his generally have little or no use for the
deeply and changed them forever.
knowledge of Krynn's past. These Pick Pockets ability.
heroes use history's example to provide
them with insight into the difficulties in
which they and their companions find Keepers of the Word are as interested to distract enemy troops or to calm a
themselves. If the situation pertains to a In sharing their knowledge as they are startled group of characters.
Keeper s area of expertise, the Narrator with accumulating it. They constantly Finally, a Keeper of the Word gains the
should allow him simply to know all but search for audiences and almost never same advantage ail bards do, the ability
the most obscure information. For more walk away from an opportunity to hone to attempt the "Enthrall An Audience'
genera! circumstances, the hero may their skills just a little more. As a result, action. This is a Presence action, opposed
attempt a Reason action to see what, if heroes with this role gain an automatic by Perception, which allows the Keeper
any, useful information he recalls. The trump bonus for Presence actions to per¬ to so engross his listeners lhaL they fail to
difficulty rating of this action is left up to form their tales. The situation must be a notice other minor events happening
the Narrator, but it should exceed des¬ forma! performance, though the audi¬ around them-such as other heroes
perate only in the most esoteric cases. If ence does not necessarily have to be sneaking into an off-limits room or
the action succeeds, the Narrator should large. For instance, the bonus would abducting someone at the edge of the
provide the player with useful informa¬ apply when telling tales around a camp¬ crowd. The Narrator determines the diffi¬
tion or a practical action he can attempt fire, or when addressing any kind of culty according to the circumstances. The
to defuse his current predicament raiiy, but it would not apply to attempts listener who would be hardest to distract

Dragon Magazine 85
(highest Perception, acute senses, etc.) decide the Herald is, his Presence should the Wosfes, stood mouthing the words the
provides the opposition. be no lower than 10A, and his Reason Herald spoke, mimicking his every gesture,
should be no lower than 9B, with knowl¬ trying to capture it allforfuture reference.
Disadvantages edge of at least the sorcerous school of Gregor had been suffering only from
Because Keepers of the Word focus Summoning, As to other magical abili¬ slight dehydration. He would have to rest for
all their attention on learning historical ties, dozens of reports tell of him using a week or so in town, buthe would be ready
tales and practicing their storytelling practically all of the schools and spheres to leave after that. As she watched his
technique, there is little time left for to some degree. expressive hands flit through the air and his
sharpening their physical skills. A hero Regardless of who he really is, the full lips silently speak, she hoped he might
who chooses this role must devote such Herald is a very important figure in the stay longer. He was a hearty soul, raised on
great a portion of his life to his art that Fifth Age. He has inspired a small army a farm she guessed. He would fit in well in
he is unable to develop his martial skills of students who can be found telling Fallow. Besides, as entertaining as this
fully. As a result, any hero who begins their tales in taverns in every major unique performance was, it would be even
play as a Keeper of the Word may have town on the continent. More importantly, better to have a full-time bard living in town.
only one of his physical codes be higher the Herald seems to appear only in "Enraged at the perverse defilement," the
than "C," A hero who changes to this places where some important incident is Herald intoned, " the metallic dragons rose
role during the game may ignore this about to occur. Every time the heroes into the sky, bent on rescuing their eggs and
rule, but he may no longer attempt to hear that he will be performing locally, seeking revenge on the forces of the Dark
raise any of his physical codes no matter they should begin to wonder what event Queen,"
how many quests he completes, looms on the horizon. One thing still puzzled Danl. According
Furthermore, the hero must spend at it would certainly be possible to to Gregor, the Herald generally appeared
least one year of game time following design a series of adventures where the only In places where great things were
the Herald to his various appearances heroes themselves are the Important about to happen. She had lived In Fallow
before he can claim any of the role's event' that the Herald is following. If her entire life and nothing of interest, let
advantages, they are on an important mission sneak¬ alone significance, had ever happened,
One weakness that all Keepers of the ing through enemy territory (one of the "The tide of the war was about to
Word suffer is a compulsive desire to tell Dragon Realms or a city controlled by change. One by one, lands that had been
their tales, They simply can't turn down the Knights ofTakhlsls), it would be quite smothered in misery and despair, crushed
an opportunity to perform. A hero with vexing to find that their moves are being under the heels of the Dragonarmies,
this role wants to entertain practically mirrored by someone as conspicuous as regained the will to fight their oppressors.
every character he meets, and he must the Herald. This rebirth of hope spread on the wind, fly¬
make a challenging Reason action to Another possible way to fit the Herald ing from town to town as the Good drag¬
keep from breaking into song (or start¬ into a campaign is to make him the only ons, absent from Ansalon for centuries,
ing to weave a tale) whenever he is in a available source of information on a crit¬ passed overhead In shimmering formations
relaxed social situation (such as at a tav¬ ical matter. If the heroes absolutely must of gold, silver, and bronze."
ern, party, or festival). know the truth about a historical event, The crowd rose to its feet as one. The
they would have the unenviable task of applause was as heartfelt as it was raucous,
Using the Herald in Play having to guess where the Herald will and it ended as abruptly as It began. The
Narrators will find that the Herald can next appear, getting there in time, and entire town frozen into amazed silence by
be an effective tool in their bag of story¬ somehow convincing him to answer the phalanx of metallic dragons that flew
telling tricks. He is integrally linked to any their questions. If they are only a few low over the waves of the Turbldus Ocean
event of importance on Ansalon. If your hours late, the bard has left the stage and roared directly overhead. They came
heroes are involved in events that will and the town, completely disappearing from the Dragon Isles and were headed
have significant repercussions on the peo¬ until his next performance. Any Keepers generally southeast with determination In
ple and places around them, the Herald of the Word who were there, though, their eyes. It was just as the Herald had
can have a place in your adventures. can relate the tale accurately. described, But why were the dragons return¬
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to this In the end, there are as many ing now? What threat brought them out of
application is the very mystery that roles for the Herald to play in your their self-imposed exile?
makes the Herald so interesting. After Dragonlance: Fifth Age game as there When the people of Fallow turned to ask,
all, how can a Narrator involve a char¬ are stories of Krynn’s past. Whether he however, the stage was empty.
acter if he doesn't know who he's really is an enigmatic figure haunting the
dealing with? The answer is that no one periphery of your stories or the guiding
knows who the Herald is, not Palin, inspiration behind one or more of the
Goldmoon, Mirielle Abrena, nor any of heroes in the party, the Herald not only
the Dragon Overlords. This articles con¬ has a part in your stories but he knows Steven "StanC Brown recently took all of
tains five possible explanations as to the exactly how they will end. his worldly possessions on a cross-country
Herald's identity. Pick the one you like Danl leaned against a tree at the back of tour; settling with them in Renton, WA. When
best (or create your own), and define the the crowd, watching a performance unlike he isn 't rearranging various shelves of books
Herald along those lines. Some or all of any she had ever seen. The Herald was and CDs> he works as the Lead Designer for
these theories may be disproved as the every bit as good as she knew he would be. the Dragonlance product group♦
Fifth Age campaign progresses, but The townspeople were mesmerized as he
nothing heightens a mystery more than wove a tale of the War of the Lance. Next to
a good red-herring. Whomever you her, Gregor, the stranger who rode, out of

86 1997 Annual
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Spells and Magical Items of the Ancient Realms
by Ed Greenwood
illustrated by Jim Crabtree
E lminster looked around the silent vault In the soft, unending light
the old, damp walls seemed to be watching him. The young,
be allowed a chance to set them awry. Here you can do Cormanthor
a little less damage."
hawk-nosed man looked across the heaped, frozen fire of gems so Elminster gave her a wry smile. "My thanks for that"
deep and numerous that it would take ten minutes of strolling to The elven sorceress raised a wrinkled brow. "Make no mistake,
reach the far end of the long and lustrous pile they formed. man: what lies around us here can stay you as surely as what, spitsfrom
7 thought" he said slowly, "that in any elven test i d be taken into any ho wling dragon 's jaws Elves are magic; and their magic defines
the deep places of the forest to stand at the shadowed hearts of rings them. To mock is to diet swiftly... and, just perhaps, interestingly."
of trees so old that that their cloaks of moss would be thicker than the FJminster's smile did not change. "Have my thanks again, regard¬
length of my arm. That's the sort of place I see when l think of elven less/’ he repliedlooking around at hovering scepters and carved
magic at its strongest and of the true essence of what it is to be an elf." horn cups that bristled with as many wands as human mantle-mugs
He turned his head suddenly to fix the Srinshee with a frowning held tapers. Here and there amid the piles of beautiful things the pale
gaze. "So why are we here instead, in a tomb full of old baubles?" fire of enchanted blades winked at him, silently beckoning. He drew
The little elven sorceress did not-quite-smile as she met his gazer in a deep breath.
but there was a definite twinkle in her old eyes. Well/' he said, letting it out slowly as he shook his full sleeves
"You area human; what you can best understand of elven magic back from his wrists. "We may as well get started."
is battle-spells and oldr cold things that store enchant¬ The Srinshee/s old face broke into a real smile
ments within themselves. Out among the treesforces then, forjust a moment before she turned away to
are at work too precious by far for any man to hide it

jragon Magazine 89
El minster's visit to the Vault of Ages and certain other sources of ancient established Houses. Her personal man¬
(the preceding paragraphs of which power in the realm, such as the Vault of tle, built level by level, is typical of that
don't actually appear In the text) may be Ages, if these were nearby. There were of many common Cormanthan elves,
the only occasion during the novel highly-secret spells of the eighth and and has the following properties:
Eiminster in Myth Drannor when we see ninth levels that could augment mantles First Level: unseen servant/magic missile
him literally knee-deep in magical so as to have multiple powers of each Second Level: locate object/strength.
items-but every chapter is laced with level. There were also spells—some
elvcn magic for as the Srinshee said, known to have been used by human The Lady Cilivren Doedance, whom
"Elves are magic, and their magic mages in the waning days of Myth we also see but briefly, is the matron of
defines them/ Drannor—that could alter the focal gem an important House of Cormanthor, and
Far too much magic is paraded past of a mantle to make it serve a new a 10th level fighter/llth level wizard.
readers to explore fuliy here, and some owner. One such spell is rumored to be The powers of her mantle, level by level,
of the major and enduring magics (such somewhere in Candlekeep, and another are:
as the klira or lore-gem, and the Mythal recently changed hands for over a mil¬ First leve\: featherfall/burning hands,
itself) will be detailed In a forthcoming lion golden lions in Skullport Second Level: ESP/web,
boxed set dealing with Cormanthyr at its It is rumored that certain mages Third Level: protection from normal
height (450 years or so after the events (Malchor Harpell is one name men¬ missiles/lightning bolt (11 d6; its efficacy
of my novel). tioned) and senior Harpers might even has increased with her level, though It
We do, however, glimpse some mag¬ have the spells necessary to create a was first added to her mantle when she
ics in the pages of Elminster in Myth mantle from scratch—and there is a was of much lower level than she is
Drannor that powerful elves may use long-standing legend in Waterdeep that when we see her).
against adventurers anywhere in Faerun, some gargoyle, drainpipe, roof minaret, Four Level: dimension door/ice storm.
even today. Here follow a few of them. or loose attic floorboard conceals the Fifth Level: major creation/cone of cold.
I've omitted non-elven magics used by lost spellbook of the wizard Nunnichlea
Elminster, such as a spell echo and of Secomber, who is rumored to have The modern-day possessor of a Myth
Mystra s unraveling (the secrets of which cast her own mantles less than three Drannan gem should always have it
are revealed in "Return of the Wizards hundred years ago. She lost her wits and examined for possible mantle enchant¬
Three," which appeared in Dragon* lived out her last days in the alleys of ments, and should also be aware that
Magazine issue #230). the City of Spfendors-and her magical many Cormanthan spells that bear the
The student of magic should note accoutrements were never found. same names as modern-day Faerunian
that both mantles and spelFwebs are Most sages know that the basic form spells differ in small but often important
forerunners of the fabled mythals. The of Cormanthan mantles was an invisible ways from the spells later developed
curious should also be aware that some aura protecting the 'wearer" and all from them.
of the former, if worn or cast in particu¬ items worn or held solely by him. A man¬
lar places, can awaken the ancient frag¬ tle had one automatically-functioning Spell-Webs
ments of mythals or other spell-webs. defensive power (or will-activated utility One of the most striking creations of
power) of each level, and one offensive Cormanthan archmages were their great
Mantles spell of each level Attacks and utility glowing spell-webs. Elminster worked on
Elves of Cormanthor employed per¬ powers could be called forth by silent many during his apprenticeship to the
sonal "mantles" of continuous magical effort of will alone, attacks once per day, Masked (before he wore the mysterious
protection. These were centered upon a and utilities thrice (one mantle power mask himself) wifhout ever knowing the
gem worn next to the skin. Upon cre¬ can be awakened per round-and this root spell that brought them into being.
ation, each mantle permanently "drank" can be accomplished in addition to Spell-webs took hours or days to
l hit point from its caster. Thereafter, the spellcasting, if casting time doesn't con¬ weave, and were "glowing nets or inter¬
mantle permanently "drank" another hit sume the entire round). woven cages of glowing force-lines that
point at each level augmentation and Only the "wearer" of a mantle can one could walk along as if striding along
yet another point (temporarily) during modify or augment it, and thus all of its a broad wooden beam, regardless of
each day in which any power of the powers must be magics the wearer can whether one was upside down, or walk¬
mantle was awakened. The focal gem personally wield. Cormanthan mantles ing tilted sharply sideways. Multiple spells
could be any sort of gemstone that had "grew" with the increasing personal pow¬ could be cast into the glowing fabric of
been immersed in the tears of its bearer, ers of their wearers, being augmented these cages, placed in particular spots
and the mantle would function only for level by level as the wearer grew magi¬ and for specific reasons, so that triggering
that being. cally stronger (a loss of sanity or magical the collapse of the web would unleash
Cormanthan mantles varied greatly ability did not, however, diminish or oth¬ spell after spell at preset targets, in a par¬
in powers and strength, depending on erwise alter existing mantle powers). ticular order. The Master rarely revealed
the magical abilities of their wearers; all of the magics he'd placed in a web
many mantles could call on the powers Sample Mantles before its triggering displayed their true
of magical items borne by their wearer, The first Is that of Nlaea, maid to the natures, and had never shown either
or spells memorized by them. The Lady Alaglossa Tornglara, whom we see apprentice how to start such a web.'
Coronal's mantle could even tap into the briefly toward the end of the novel, Speli-webs thus allowed lone mages
power of his thrones (the Living Seat on Nlaea is a moon elven servant and 5th- to muster a sequence of ready (cast but
the isle of Estel and the Throne of the fighter/4th-leve! mage, valued highly by ‘hanging") spells beyond the number
Coronal in the Chamber of the Court) her lady but ignored by elves of the they couid memorize at any one time.

90 1997 Annual
They also enabled a wizard to call on lazily around among the other items in A Selection of
the skills of apprentices or even other, the spheres ... one of the Starym Cormanthan Spells
hired mages (without necessarily reveal¬ snapped out a single ringing word-or Out of the many spectacular magics
ing to them the overall purpose or pow¬ perhaps it was a name-and every item hurled past the noses of readers of
ers of a web). of magic in his sphere went off at once, Elminster in Myth Drannor, a bare handful
Cast spells shimmered in a spell-web tearing apart the very air in a darksome of the most spectacular surviving spells
like small, bright cobwebs, and were rift of glimmering stars that sucked in of the elves appear hereafter. Elminster
always hung at junctions of the force¬ the sphere, the items, the red mist, and warns those who hunger for new magics
lines that served as the 'strands” of the much of the gardens and front face of that finding these will prove very difficult
web. Falling through a web could disrupt the tower before it vanished with a high indeed.
it and "leak” magics from it (wasting sighing sound. The other Starym mage
their energy harmlessly). laughed in triumph before he said the Body Switch
A web was always fashioned with two word that awakened the items in his (Alteration)
adjacent strands ending in protruding sphere. They rose, like flies disturbed
Level: 8
points, with a gap between them that a from carrion on a hot day, and spat a Range: 1 mile
mage (or a designated being, who need deadly volley of bright beams into the Components: V, S
not have any magical abilities) could tower-which burst apart amid deafen¬ Duration: Instantaneous
bridge with his finger. Doing so 'set off' ing thunders, raining down stones all Casting Time: 2
the web: 'its magic snarled forth, trailing around and releasing a cloud of crimson Area of Effect: Special
sparks as the web dissolved itself, dis¬ dust as some ancient magic or other Saving Throw: None
charging spell after spell." failed. The rift in the wake of these This spell affects the caster and a tar¬
A web could launch attacks at a dis¬ beams was small, sucking in only the get being, or two beings (one of whom
tant foe, create a farscrying effect in items themselves and the sphere that must be willing to undergo the spell, and
which to watch the result, boil a kettle had contained them before it vanished; touched by the caster). It switches the
back in its caster's tower, and then no doubt this was the way the spell was positions of one being with the other by
whisk its creator elsewhere. Most mages supposed to work." means of a teleport without error. The dis¬
erected simple webs as defenses for their As far as Elminster knows, the spells tant being 'switched' with must be a
towers or spell-vaults, so that an intruder that spun araemyths are now lost-but creature the caster (or the willing
would trigger a formidable series of he knows full well that they may just be touched being) has physically touched
attacks and traps. A few sought to wage waiting, hidden behind the quiet eyes of at some previous time, and he or she
war with them, or to change the realm. elven archmages in Evermeet, Evereska, can't be casting a spell or be under the
or a hundred other places in FaerOn. effect of an active globe of invulnerability
Araemyths He does know that araemyth was a or anti-magic shell at the time the body
One of the most frightening and ninth-level spell that required two full switch is attempted, or else the body
spectacular spells ever employed by rounds to cast. It brought into being a switch fails. The switch is literally between
Cormanthan archmages were the sphere that could hold one magical item the spots the two beings are standing in;
spheres known as araemyths. We see and/or spell (already memorized by its the caster can't divert either being (i.e.,
them in use by two Starym mages caster) per level of the caster. Only items into a cell or adjacent room).
attacking the tower of the wizard or spells introduced by the caster would This spell gave rise to several similar
Mythanthar: 'Fingers flew and the very enter it; all others would pass through human and elven magics.
air around the two elves crackled and the sphere as if it didn't exist, having no
flowed, like oil sliding down the inside of effect on it or items within it. An arae¬
a water-filled bowl. Tiny motes of light myth transformed both spells and items
flickered here and there as the mages (wherefore only potions, wands and
Level: 8
snatched out pinches of this and hand¬ other relatively minor items were cus¬
Range: 30 yards
fuls of that, and began dancing the mea¬ tomarily used) into beams of destructive
Components: V, S, M
sures of a long and intricate spell. As the force dealing ld20 hp damage per spell
Duration: 3 rounds
twin magics unfolded, two glowing level or item ability or charge, and
Casting Time: 1 round
clouds of pale green radiance faded into directing them in a single volley where
Area of Effect: Special
being above the heads of the Starym- the caster desired (using the caster's
Saving Throw: Special
shedding enough light to show the THACO, but multiple items could be fired
This spell brings into a being a col¬
sweat glistening on corded necks and in a cluster so that missing a target was
umn of white fire from the cupped
working jaws. Then, with a silent flour¬ almost impossible). The beams could
palms of its caster. The column wriggles
ish, one cloud coalesced into a sphere penetrate all known substances and
like an eel straight upward for 60 feet,
and began to spin. The second followed magical barriers, and so this spell was
and there splits into three long, serpen¬
an instant later, and two globes of force favored when attacking the defenses of
tine necks that grow huge, glowing
hung in the air above the busy elven a hostile, aroused wizard. white dragonlike maws (eyeless
mages ... they were almost stumbling in Some magics could destroy an arae¬
'clamshell' heads) at their ends. The
haste as they plucked scepters, wands, myth, but it is known that a dispel magic
heads shake themselves, and then
gems, and various small and winking spell was not one of them.
stretch out their necks to bite at targets
items out of their sashes and hurled up to 80 feet distant from the junction of
them up into the spheres above their ♦ ♦ ♦
the necks. This process of manifestation
heads. Each item floated there, drifting

Dragon Magazine 91
takes the entire round after the round of exist indefinitely in addition to the full its intended target (spells cannot harm it,
casting, but the bite attacks of the gar- spell roster the caster can normally and are absorbed by it without taking
gajaws will be the very first thing to memorize) or doubling its effects (dura¬ full effect), but can't actually strike until
occur at the beginning of the third tion, area of effect, and damage). To the caster dies (though beings who blun¬
round. accomplish this, the lifequench drains der into contact with it, or through it, wiil
Gargajaw attacks have no effect on life-force from a large, old tree (or other suffer its full effects at any time).
living matter but they harm all undead, large plant) or a creature of greater than A blood dragon is set to attack a par¬
nondiving, and once-living material as if animal intelligence (of any size, species, ticular being, and will do so until the
a disintegrate spell had struck such items and age). spell expires, blindly pursuing its target,
(a lO’-cube, of multiple items if the situa- The living thing to be drained must but can harm all other beings it comes
tion warrants, can be affected). The spell be touched by the lifequench caster, into contact with along the way.
can thus be used to strip a foe of armor which requires a successful attack roll If It is actually a conjured cloud of cor¬
and weapons without actually causing the target is free to move. It is the open rosive venom that withers living flesh
the target physical harm. (It is more ing gesture of casting, so if the caster info a gray rotting mass. A blood dragon
often used to penetrate walls or destroy misses, the spell need not be cast and flows along surfaces (il can climb or
buildings or restraints upon the caster s wasted. After casting occurs, however, descend cliffs, and cross water or fog as
freedom; one mage once used a garga¬ the target receives a saving throw vs. well as it can solid ground, but must
jaws to destroy an entire human castle spell. If it fails, all life is instantly drained always be in contact with a given sun
armory.) from them. If it succeeds, the spell fails face) at MV 14, takes no falling damage,
Cargajaws strike at THACO 5, and and is wasted. Such saving throws arc is AC -6, vanishes if dealt 77 tip dam¬
each jaw may attack a different target. modified as follows: +1 per hit die or age, and "bites" once per round at
Struck items successfully saving vs. spell level of the target being above 7; and, THACO 4.
are undamaged, but if attacked on a for plants not considered monsters, use In the first round of action, its bite
later round, their saving throws are at a the lifequench caster's saving throw vs. deals 6dl2 hp damage; in the second,
- I penalty per jaw attack they have spell, making the roll at a -3 penally. 5d 12; in the third, 4d12; in the fourth,
already withstood. The spellcasting process is extremely 3d12; in the fifth, 2d 12; and in the sixth,
If a gargajaws spell is cast In a con¬ simple, but beings of good alignment 1d12 hp damage.
fined space where there is no room for risk their ethical standing by use of this Magical barriers (including mantles)
the white fire to freely rise and split, only magic. In Cormanthor, this spell was of fifth level and above will halt a blood
one head will be created, but every item only to be used in direct defense of the dragon temporarily; each "bite" il does
struck by it must successfully save twice realm or of an imperiled elven elder, by disrupts UI4+1 of the spell levels (or
for each attack (if either save fails, disin¬ decree of the Coronal. abilities) of such a barrier; when the bar¬
tegration occurs; if both saves fail, twice rier is reduced lo zero, it ceases to exist
the normal amount of matter is affected; Blood Dragon and the blood dragon can freely attack, If
a cubic volume 20 feet on a side). This (Evocation/Necromancy) the target being, or an item or being on
single gargajaws looks identical to any Level: 9 the far side of such a barrier, bears the
one of a triple jaws (not being larger or Range: 1 mile slightest trace of the shed blood of the
brighter), and any living being struck by Components: S, M caster of the blood dragon the dragon
it, or within five feet of any part of a suc¬ Duration: 6 rounds (after caster's death) can pass through the barrier as if it
cessful "bite" attack on non-living matter, Casting Time: 4 doesn't exist (neither barrier nor dragon
suffers impact shock damage of Id4+1 Area of Effect: One target being affect each other in any way).
hit points. It is not possible for the caster Saving Throw: None
to deliberately choose this form of the This deadly spell, shared among the Magical Items
spell in unconfined situations. elder Houses of Cormanthor, is very sel¬ Less ephemeral than cast spells are
The material components of a garga¬ dom used because it requires the death items that bear enchantments. A few
jaws spell are a piece of ferrous metal, a of its caster. Though it is sometimes that tend to see battle use have traveled
stone, and a rod, spar, or long shard of called the Doom of the Purebloods, any widely in the Realms and still see service
glass. All of these may be of any size, true elf (not half-elven) can successfully to this day; a selection of such useful
type, or origin, and are consumed in the cast it. It is usually employed as a magics follows.
spellcasting. doomed elf's revenge magic.
The material components of this spell Avarphyn
Lifequench are the life-blood of its caster and a The powerful, long-established fami¬
(Alteration, Necromancy) piece of the tooth of any sort of dragon. lies or 'Houses" of Cormanthor custom¬
Level: 8 When the spell Is cast, the dragon arily develop defensive bracers, known
Range: Touch tooth must be brought into contact with as avarphyn. These objects are custom¬
Components: V, S some part of the fresh-flowing blood. It arily only for the use of the head of the
Duration: Permanent vanishes and unleashes the magic: a house; his or her consort (the "first
Casting Time: 2 smoke-like eruption of streaming force made" avarphyn is customarily in pen¬
Area of Effect: Special that rises up above the dying caster with dant form, for the use of a House
Saving Throw: Neg. a roar. matron); the heir, and the next three
This perilous spell augments another The force takes the shape of a silent elves in line for succession to lordship of
magic already memorized by the life- blood-red, glistening, wingless dragon the House, plus any war-leader of the
quench caster, either duplicating it (it can with gore-dripping jaws. It may menace House who is full kin to the family.

92 1997 Annual
Such bracers typically possess an Typical minor abilities include: detect Storm-Sword
armor class augmentation (typically +1 invisibility, feather fail gaze reflection, Perhaps the deadliest of mass-
to +3; never more than +4) and an abil¬ knock, neutralize poisonr, produce fiame, produced enchanted blades known to
ity to glow upon demand (as in the spell sending, spider climb, standfast (the ability Cormanthans, the storm-swords are
faerie fire, either the entire surface of one to ignore repulsion spells and other long swords typically borne only by the
or both bracers, or just the outlines of enforced retreats, and to stand up rather heads, heirs, and war-captains of power¬
the House sigil on one or both bracers). than falling; note that use of this power ful elven Houses, These weapons are
The armor class protection operates doesn't protect the user from physical extremely expensive to create, and their
continuously and automatically; the damage suffered because they remain special powers can be employed only
glow operates whenever desired, with¬ upright and where they are); water once every nine days, within a one-hour
out limit. breathing, water walk, and web. period.
All avarphyn also possess minor and Typical major abilities include: duo- A storm-sword is a long sword +2
major magical abilities, typically six of dimension, flyJree action, ironguard, repub which protects its bearer against all
the former and three of the latter. The sion, reverse gravity (centered on wearer lightning damage. Harmless but impres¬
use of any major ability makes the but doesn't affect wearer), spell turning, sive purple lightnings play about it;
avarphyn go "dead" (no powers or prop¬ and teleport without error when drawn, it snarls and crackles, and
erties will function) for I full turn after House Echorn avarphyn (such as the can pierce any known magical barrier
usage of the ability ceases. Use of any bracers worn by Delmuth Echorn when (breaching prismatic magics one layer
major ability more than three times in he battled Elminster) had the following per blow, without dealing any harm to
24 hours will allow a fourth function- powers: an AC bonus of +2; feather fall, the storm-sword wielder).
ing-but when it ceases, the avarphyn is fly; free action, ironguardt knock, neutralize The special power of a storm-sword is
stripped of that power permanently (bar¬ poison, spider climb, and water walk {fly, to fire lightning bolts (one forked bolt per
ring re-enchantment). free action, and ironguard being the round, the bolts parting 10 feet from the
Alt major and minor abilities may be major abilities). Echorn was a very fertile tip of the blade and each streaking 100
used for a maximum of 1 continuous house; several hundred pairs of such feet from that point, with each bolt deal¬
turn at a time; if this period Is exceeded, bracers survive today, though many of ing 9d6 hp damage to all creatures it
the particular power ceases to function them are in baelnorn- or watch ghost- strikes). In certain places (such as in the
instantly, and remains "dead" for 1 full guarded tombs. Chamber of the Court, or amid massed
turn, though ail other avarphyn powers XP Value: varies (typically 6,000) senior Cormanthan elves, with their
may be called upon during this time. CP Value: varies (typically 25,000) mantles), this power is almost useless¬

ly AGON Magazine 93
but on the open battlefield it can be danced and spun/ This bright manifes¬ resculpt the skin of battered or marred
deadly indeed. tation heralds the unleashing of a back¬ faces with its fingertips; Raeran thuds
If there is a natural or conjured storm lash field. The wielder of the scepter can Cloak, which banishes blight from frees
in the sky overhead as a storm-sword is 'fire" the sphere in a straight line away whose trunks it is wrapped around, or
wielded, any bolts it hurls will be of dou¬ from the scepter at any time after it plants it is draped over; the Dowsing Eye
ble strength (9d12 hp damage}. forms. It travels at MV Fly 9, and will det¬ of House Clatharla, a clear crystal sphere
Once a lightning holt has been fired, onate whenever it comes into contact through which one can see the course of
the wielder of a storm-sword can elect with any enchanted item, or the scepter- waterfiows, on the surface or under¬
to replace any future bolt with a dimen¬ wielder wills it to burst. At that point, a ground; every handspan of their travel
sion door power, affecting him and any spherical, 60-radius backlash field is cre¬ dearly lit to display "beaver-dams and
creature he touches and desires to move ated, as a rapidly-fading blue radiance snags and sources of foulness;" and
with him. shot through with harmless sparks. Any Liluths Summertongue, a magical long
XP Value: 25,000 magic items (but not artifacts) and sword +3 that banishes magical dark¬
GP Value: 110,000 magic-using beings within the field as it ness, and destroys the undead known as
forms, or who enter it during the turn shadows at a touch (it also deals triple
Wyrmtongue Scepter between its creation and dwindling to damage to wraiths, spectres, ghosts,
Early on in the novel, Elminster nothing, are affected by a backlash watchghosts, vampires in gaseous form,
encounters a scepter looted from an effect for 1 full day (no saving throw): and all other non-corporeal undead).
efven tomb. He recognizes at least one any magic they unleash will have its The elves of Cormanthor loved magic,
of its powers (a backlash field, something normal effects-but also strike at them, and even a jelly pot or boot-horn might
that Mystra herself, in her guise of with precisely the same force and preci¬ bear its enchantment It will also, of
Myrjala, once employed in his presence), sion (i,e. the same damage they deal, course, be a thing of beauty, for one
and gains possession of it, but never has they also receive). could not be an elf of fair Cormanthor
time to explore its abilities in detail. Only one scepter power can be and not craft things that human eyes
In form, it is "a chased and fluted sil¬ unleashed per round, and the backlash find beautiful. Thousands of enchanted
ver rod. One of its ends tapered into a field can only be created twice in every things made by elven hands in the city
wavering tongue like a stylized flame, 24-hour period (attempts to use it more that became Myth Drannor might yet
and the other ended in a sky-blue gem often carry no penalty, but simply fail). come to light from hiding-places all over
as large as the gaping mouth of the Like the majority of Cormanthan Faerun. Watch for them; beware them
nearest ... adventurer. In between, a scepters, wyrmtongue scepters can be ... and cherish them. From realm to
slender, almost iifefike dragon curled willed to float motionless in midair realm across fair Toril, we shall not see
around the barrel of the scepter, its eyes when released by their wielder (a their like again,
two glowing gems. One was green, and scepter of unknown type was recently
one amber-and at the tip of its curling spotted hovering 60 feet off the ground
tail was yet another gemstone, this one in a certain glade near the ruins of Myth
ale-brown in hue" Drannor-but it seems well-guarded by
When a wielder of the scepter touches monsters waiting to dine on adventurers Ed Greenwood has just returned from a
the emerald eye at the same time as the who approach). visit to the Realms full of wise sayingsi He
large sapphire in the butt of the scepter, Several dozen of these scepters were tells us that the latest catch-phrase among
the scepter's tongue emits a siient beam made, and employed by the High Court adventurers is The best adventures all seem
of white light that has no effect on living Mages of Cormanthor or agents they to involve failing down stairs," This saying
humans, but sears undead for 6d4 hp designated, to deal with hostile wizards has spread like misused spellfire and now
damage per strike. The beam travels in (both intruders and traitors within the threatens to overshadow such perennial
a straight line for 90 feet, hut stops (not realm). One scepter is said to lie hidden favorites as "Quick, Agnes-check the mapr
rebounding) whenever it strikes a solid somewhere in the Royal Palace in Suzail, (to be uttered while failing, of course) and
object. Once fired/ it hangs in the air for in present-day tormyr. "Use the spelt fool I1'
a round, moving as the tip of the scepter XP Value: 50,000
is moved. It can thus readily be swung GP Value: 225,000
so as to strike targets, and has an effec¬
tive THAC0 of 8, Treasures Yet Unseen
Touching the faceted piece of amber Many of the items Elminster exam¬
that forms the scepter's other eye at the ined in the Vault of Ages haven't been
same time as the sapphire is touched seen since the fall of Myth Drannor and
produces another silent, straight beam may yet lie in the dark depths of that
of light from the scepter's tongue that subterranean storehouse.
deals 2d4+2 hp electrical damage when In the brief time he searched amid the
it hits, but if can t arc or be deflected m treasures (some 20 years or so before
route as a lightning bolt can be (THAC0 8, the creation of the Mythal) the Srinshee
three beams per round). identified items (considered "old" by the
Touching the alestone tail-gem and elves then) such as the Crown of
the sapphire in unison causes the Darshee, which enables its wearers to
scepter to emit "a humming sphere of appear as they had done when younger;
blue radiance in which small sparks Oiinsivvers Gage, a glove that could

94 1997 Annual
&:GrelgnW^ awaitedHequel
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Fo jnOinq Qneyliawk
The Creation and Development of
the Greyhawk® Campaign; 1972-75
by Gary Gygax

I t was late in the year 1972, near the start of winter

Wisconsin then is cold and dreary, but ail the current local
about that later on. At the time under consideration, the first
level only had been drafted.
regulars of the Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association, meet¬ That drawing took up all my spare time during the follow¬
ing at my house, were as cheerful as if the finest spring ing day. It was a level that had lots of corridors and rooms, few
weather were at hand. For some time the club had pretty much squares penciled in to indicate solid stone. There were, how¬
dropped historical wargaming for playing the Chainmail™ ever, only about 20 encounters on it, for I was truly a novice
game. Now they were about to launch into an altogether dif¬ Dungeon Master and quite unprepared for the avid plundering
ferent variety of fantasy gaming, and the enthusiasm was that was about to begin. Closeted in my little study at 330
unbounded. They knew their stuff on the tabletop, understood Center Street in Lake Geneva, I hastily completed sketchy notes
the combat system and magic recognized the monsters, but on the monsters and treasure to be found there on level one
had yet to venture into the subterranean depths of a castle of the dungeons of Castle Greyhawk, while the assembled
dungeon. So, waiting with impatience for me to finish were the players waited impatiently at the dining room table.
stalwarts Don Kaye, Rob and Terry Kuntz, Ernie Gygax, and A word about the naming of the castle and campaign. It was
newly interested Elise Gygax. A mere handful that would in a done for Chief Blackhawk, the Indian leader of the Fox and
few months swell into ten times that number. Sauk tribes in the Illinois-Wisconsin area in the mid-1800. As
an amateur historian, I was much interested in the Native
Model Castle to Greyhawk Dungeons Americans, and I always felt that Blackhawk was a brave and
Late the night before I had gone down into the basement, tragic example of the fate of the original inhabitants of the
measured out my tabletop gaming model of Tastfe continent I envisioned a fantasy world setting where the main
Bodenstadt," and from those measurements plotted out a draft city would be in a location similar to that of Chicago, a port city
of castle ruins. Most unsatisfactory! The darn castle didn't mesh on a great lake, on a continent similar in form to North
well at all with the scale of the sheets of graph paper I was America, and the world generally vague but something like
going to use. The castle was square, and 1 fully intended to use the actual earth. But 1 didn't want the players to know that gen¬
every bit of the rectangular paper that would map the under¬ eral formulation, so Greyhawk" served the purpose without
ground mazes I had outlined in name, and thus in vague form. giving away the show, so to speak, or misleading the group
The ruined upper works were secondary stuff anyway, so I just either. After all, this was to be a fantastic world of magic and
elongated a couple of curtain walls, and solved the 'problem/ monsters, a medieval sort of place not anything at all like
In this first incarnation, Castle Greyhawk was to have no sub¬ North America at anytime In regards to culture and society.
stantial above-ground presence, A few rats and minor bandit That explained, let us return to the first adventure.
nuisances only, with entrances fo the real adventure area
below hidden by rubble, so the ‘upper works' received short The First Bold Adventurers
shrift. Entrances here, here, and there. Four minor encounter Early evening, and the first adventurers to explore the ruins
areas, and a pit area where an adventurer of incautious sort of Greyhawk Castle set forth. AH were humans. Rob and Terry
might slide down and take damage, but possibly find another were the fighters Robilar and Terrik, Don and Ernie were the
hidden entrance to the first level. All done! magic-users Murlynd and Tenser, Elise was a cleric, but I have
There were to be nine exploration levels when the dungeon lost her 31' x 5" index card with the character stats, and I can¬
construction was finished, I had listed names that went some¬ not recall the name she chose. The group slew a few rats,
thing like this: #1 Barracks, #2 Storerooms, #3 Cells, #4 Torture found stairs leading down, and entered the dungeon with
Chambers, #5 Maze, #6 Labyrinth, #7 Catacombs, #8 Crypts, torches flaring. What was that noise? (Early on 1 used a lot of
#9 Arena, and an Invisible Monster" bottom level illusionary sounds in the dungeons but found in
where the triumphant heroes would receive their ^ N the long run they helped, not hindered the PCs,
reward and next adventure, as it were. More ^0, so out they went!) Anyway, all were tense,

96 1997 Annual
edgy, and wide eyed. No surprises, a pit frequency and deadliness of tricks and assist, went back to the sixth level well
avoided, much exploring and mapping, traps, as the levels descended, the skill of once too often. They opened the ceil of
and-among5t other denizens of the play and arsenal of weapons more than the female black dragon, saw what they
dark underground trashed-a group of kept pace with my Dungeon Masterly had done, and ran off at highest speed,
kobolds decimated and sent fleeing, and impediments to progress. Because they losing her in the labyrinth and escaping
a great treasure chest full of copper were seemingly always present and unharmed. Not satisfied, certain that
pieces hauled out. Great disappointment ready for another go at it, and very able more heaps of wealth awaited, they
that, for they had deemed it the best of players too, Rob, Ernie, and to a slightly snuck back, thought to open "her"
the loot, and twas but a trifle. lesser extent Terry, soon had the highest- hidden den, made a really big location
A few hours later, with loot counted level PCs. After some truly memorable error, and instead activated the secret
and divvied up, experience points adventures on ever-deeper levels, a door that triggered the male black
awarded, and planning for the next recounting of which would be inappro- dragon s release. Out it roared, itching to
expedition completed, the players priate herein, save for one I can not resist slay after its incarceration. A distant
turned on me! "So when is the next telling, those three managed to attain response Indicated that its mate had
adventure?" I suggested that a couple of the then-bottom-most of the dungeons heard and was coming. The adventurers
days later would be best, because I beneath the castle, were desperate. The male dragon spat,
wanted to get another level finished and the PCs struck to subdue. A few
and“TomorrowI" and "Yes, tomorrow!" Monte Haul Prime! hirelings died, the others suffered dam¬
After some grumbling from Don, who A short digression to relate the tale I age, and the dragon took its lumps to
had a regular job and couldn't make it, call "The Sack of the Sixth Level." This the tune of about 40% of its hit points.
the others browbeat me into an after¬ level was a labyrinth with a lot of were- The percentile dice rolled out, and the
noon adventure session. So when ! had boars and other shape-shifting creatures score was over 50! The players groaned,
seen some out and others off to bed, I lurking around. To the east were several the add flew, their characters bashed
went back to the study and went to large open areas, all alike of course, and back. Everyone concerned was sorely
work on adding a few more encounters on the western faces of the seemingly battered now, but the black dragon had
to level one and roughed out level two. solid areas of stone forming these big suffered over 80% damage. Surely it
The characters had come dangerously chambers were secret doors. These would now roll over and beg for mercy
near a flight of stairs leading down, and accessed six secret rooms. These hidden Again come the dice, and the score is
there was, of course, no lower level at places were filled with gold, jewels, over 901 The PCs fled with the dragon in
the bottom of those stairs. The level fin¬ scrolls, potions, other magical items, and pursuit, Robilar, bringing up the rear,
ished, but lacking encounters, I crashed enchanted weapons. All save two, that was inspired to grab a gargoyle he had
on the studio couch around 2:00 a.m., or is. The second and fourth of these six forced into his service and toss it on his
so to get a few hours sleep. As with Don, secret chambers held a mated pair of back in a sort of fireman's carry.
I had to get some work done that day the oldest and largest black dragons For the third time the great black
before resuming important things like held in stasis, freed when the secret dragon belched forth its acid stream,
playing the Dungeons & Dragons" game. door was opened, that act also trigger¬ and fortunately for Robilar, the gargoyle
I had earlier put together a list of ing a lowering of a large wall section for took the brunt of that attack. It was
names I thought would suit the game. the good dragon to exit. changed to a mess running off his armor
Then I polled my kids. My youngest Well, soon enough Tenser, Robilar, as Robilar managed to round a corner
daughter, Cindy, was champion of the and Terrik found the level. They slew and head for safety. They had discov¬
name noted, and I, loving alliteration, some of the wereboars, did this and ered previously that there was a shaft
agreed. So with the first adventure went that, but kept coming back to the larger that went upwards of several hundred
the now-famous name, Dungeons & chambers in the east. Ernie, for no dis- feet in the far eastern portion of the
Dragons, which the group instantly cernable reason other than his own level. With his boots of levitation, the flee¬
abbreviated to D&D. The third D8D hunches, had Tenser search for secret ing fighter could easily ascend this small
adventure would follow dose on the doors in exactly the right area, and all space, leaving any pursuit behind.
heels of the second, as Don Kaye too quickly found the monetary treasure Because the reunited pair would take
showed up in the evening, and others chamber. Such looting! They brought time out to greet each other, I had
happily joined in hunger for excitement, back lower level PCs a second time so as allowed the whole party to evade pur¬
loot, and the ever-desirable experience to clean it out to the last copper! As suit. Robilar, separated from the others,
points. An ogre lurking in the shadows of might be expected, these three villains would have the first check for a random
the second level sent the troops hasten¬ then began checking elsewhere, figuring wandering monster, of course, seeing as
ing back from a descent to lower depths. similar locations might have similar how there had been considerable com¬
More night work followed for the next secret entrances-which 1 had foolishly motion. The result was positive, and the
couple of weeks as I hastened to create done. So, one by one, the other four dice couldn't have been better. A purple
the fullness of Castle Greyhawk, hordes of treasure were discovered and worm was indicated, and it could be only
In a relatively short time, I managed looted. How they managed to miss the one place ... coming down the shaft! So
the task. It followed the general plan two dragons 1 could not understand, and Robilar "deflated" his boots, dropped and
stated above, and the group, increasing I was forced to grin and bear it, being a ran for his life, right back into view of the
by a couple of players every week or so, fair DM, fairly outwitted. Revenge was at black dragons, naturally.
roamed and romped joyfully through the hand! Both spat, missed, and took up pur¬
levels. Although I increased the strength Greed overcame caution, so one day suit. In his haste to allow his character to
and numbers of the monsters, the the three, with a train of henchmen to escape, Rob forgot that the passageway

Dragon Magazine 97
down which he said Robilar was fleeing that he was nowhere to be found, but pencil. Red was an arms dealer, green
happened to be the very one in which a through inquiry of Robilars henchmen, an inn, blue a tavern, brown a merchant,
large black pudding had taken up resi¬ Tenser discovered that the one he yellow a money changer, and so on.
dence in a depression in the floor. It ate sought had earlier set out to explore the Such places, and a handful of guilds,
those boots of levitation off his feet as lower levels of the castle. RobilaTs asso- temples, other public buildings, fre¬
Robilar ran across, and delivered suffi¬ ciates-Rob now had a handful of other quented streets and byways, and
cient additional damage to put the poor PCs—were worried, I informed Tenser notable places were eventually named,
fighter near his end. Without hesitation, Tenser went to see as discovered by exploring PCs and
It wasn't the end, for the evasive whether he could find his comrade. hastily given such identity by the DM
action worked, and Robilar soon Other DMs can attest to the fact that With more players continually joining
rejoined the others, who had encoun¬ players manage strange feats indeed for the campaign, the map was over¬
tered no additional monsters to deal their PCs. Ernie somehow, after a couple whelmed with scrlbblings and notations,
with. Battered, sans a fair amount of of hours wandering off into other areas, Thus the City of Greyhawk had to grow.
magical items and equipment, and with¬ had Tenser follow the route taken by ! quadrupled the map. The City of
out any loot, the survivors beat their Robilar, He received magical items akin Greyhawk now filled four sheets of
hasty retreat. Thereafter, they avoided to the +3 goodies gained by his fore¬ graph paper, one for each city quadrant,
the former "Labyrinth 1/ for it had runner, and then Tenser too was shak¬ with slums and thieves quarter, mer¬
become The Black Dragon Level." A cou¬ ing his head in strange land, pondering chants quarter and high, and a citadel
ple of additional forays were made, but what to do next. area now clearly show. Various temples
the dragons were tough [Jucky dice too], And what of Terry Kuntz and Terrik? and wizards' dwellings also became
and had no discernable treasure, so for You guessed it. Not long after, and I kept major features at this time. Nonetheless,
years thereafter the pair ruled supreme my eyes glued to the pair who had much of the map remained dark blocks
there. However, in the previous looting, already "graduated" to see that they of unnamed buildings on like arteries.
the three discoverers went up a couple of made no sign nor signal, the fighter too Crooked alleys, lanes, and angling
levels each, and some of the other play¬ delved into the lowest levels of streets were mostly nameless, save by
ers' PCs managed to gain a level also, Greyhawk Castle bent on finding and their identity as "the way to the Green
from which lesson I learned never to rescuing his missing fel!ows-or, at Dragon Inn" or "the dose that encircles
have so much treasure so unguarded. worst, bringing their corpses back in the wizard's tower/
hopes of being restored to life again. This form was reasonably satisfactory
Down and Out Instead, a third PC in succession, and for me as constant DM, as with notation
With malice aforethought, I had put with no help from his comrades, and notes, I could keep from major
in a series of long, slanting passages attained the distinction of "falling clear gaffes in handling the bands of PCs
that took the unwary characters to through to China." seeking adventures in the city. It was
lower levels unbeknownst to the player, There were now three high-level just after creating the map that the
Rob, playing solo with fighter Robilar, ( I I th to 12th, as I recall) PCs in the cam¬ group grew so large that I could not
went exploring and without meaning to paign, safely returned after separate har¬ properly manage it, so 1 asked Rob
followed these ways right down to the rowing outdoor adventures, and quite Kuntz to join me as a co-DM. He agreed.
lowest level of Castle Greyhawk. There, able to tell others of what occurred. This brings us to a time in mid-1974,
invisible stalkers and other minions of Furthermore, Don Kaye’s magic-user when the D&D game had been available
the secret master of the castle herded was only a couple of levels behind those commercially for about six months. The
him to the center, where a magically three, and a couple of other regulars three fop players, already mentioned,
enabled "slide" carried Robilar down had risen nearly as high. With a really had "beaten" Castle Greyhawk, and 1
through the earth and out again on the large group of lesser-level PCs, ranging needed to do major revisions not only
other side of the world, exiting in a from meager 1st and 2nd to strong 5th on the castle but also to the rules.
strange temple in a land very much like and 6th, it was time to reconsider the
Cathay (China), where nobody could whole dungeon. Before going into that, 1 New Castle, Bigger Dungeons
understand him, and from whence he will digress to discuss the community in The castle comes first. Because of
would have to adventure his way back which the PCs dwelt and adventured. the number of new players coming to
to Greyhawk over land and sea. Before each adventure session, the initial level
being launched, though, as a fighter City Sketch to Sketchy City of Greyhawk Castle had to be much
Robilar had found +3 armor; shield, and Immediately after the initial adven¬ enlarged. Using a couple of sheets of
sword] and as he careened down that ture, I realized I had overlooked detail¬ 17" x 22" graph paper, I drafted a com¬
chute to elsewhere he saw none other ing the place where equipment was pur¬ plete, mostly undamaged castle above
than Zagyg the Mad Archmage waving chased, lodgings kept, and so forth. To ground. It had multiple levels, and a lot
bye-bye to him from a sphere of force manage for the time, I "fudged" a city, of encounters, the higher up, the more
above, granting by that gesture one making notes and a line map as I went dangerous. Then, using the same sort of
whole experience level to Robilar for his along. From this came a single sheet of paper I drew a new first level that could
accomplishment. graph paper with a walled city. The accommodate both bands of fledgling
Later that day, Ernie as Tenser, of crooked streets were mostly unnamed. adventures and the initiated. Four sepa¬
course, sought for Robilar to go adven¬ Blocks of buildings were mostly filled in rate descent areas were created with
turing with him. In the campaign it was in the dull gray of pencil marking. Only designation by the cardinal directions.
the next day, as 1 did not equate real the major points were indicated. These Each had multiple flights of stairways
time with game time, I informed him were done in various shades of colored leading lower, some ending several levels

98 1997 Annual
farther down. Three were "guarded" by half of the needed material beneath the The Complete Milieu
dungeon denizens-elves, dwarves, a expanded new first level. To complete with Room to Grow
very large and strong ogre. One descent the gigantic new dungeon plan, 1 cut This brings us nicely to the end of the
area only, that most difficult to find, was back to about half of my usual Dungeon time period indicated, the year 1975. As
deserted and free of "charge" by some Mastering time, and Rob doubled his. In of then, both Castle Greyhawk and the
guardian. The vast majority of the space, relatively short order, the 'new and City of Greyhawk were formed into the
however, was filled with passages, improved" Castle Greyhawk came into shape they retained in the campaign
chambers, and rooms. The Inhabitants being before the year s end. What a joy run by myself and Rob Kuntz for many
there awaited encounter with the neo¬ for allf years to come. To accommodate my
phytes just learning the basics of dun- But that didn't mean I was now able play of Mordenkainen, Yrag, Bigby et al,
geoneering. So the fledglings sought to get back to the fun of DMIng. In the and the rest of the crew with very
their fortunes there, while the veterans course of all that really intensive play, I powerful PCs, Rob began a second
ignored such trivial stuff and headed had found a lot needed to be done for series of adventuring areas, outdoors
straight for the depths where the big the D&D game, so 1 began to write the and subterranean as well. One of these
treasures could be found. manuscript for the Greyhawk supplement. areas is described In the module WG5
As was indicated in the Gord short Having myself adventured mainly In Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure.
story, "Heart of Darkness/ Castle Rob s campaign, a lot of the ideas I now Similarly, I too did separate areas for
Greyhawk indeed had a fifth descent wanted to put on paper came from him, Rob's PCs and the other top regulars,
area. In the very center of the first level, so we agreed on a co-authorship of the and many of these were published by
where most explorers entered via the work. Because 1 had, in fact, previously TSR, Inc. The one least popular with the
circular stone steps there, was a hard-to- begun compiling material from about Greyhawk Campaign players was Isle of
discover secret entrance to the continu¬ the time the original game was released, the Ape, very nearly the most beloved by
ation of that spiral stairway. It went something over half of the content was me as the DM.
down al! the way to the ninth level, with mine, but Rob's contribution was indeed Do E have the original material writ¬
some side exits along the route access¬ considerable. So, again, I took a back ten about above? Well, most, if not all of
ing some intermediate levels not gener¬ seat in DJVling to Rob while writing the it. Tine original one-page map of the city
ally accessible save from this shaft. Tin is work. might have gone missing, but I think I
was the route taken by the very When It was finally done, I found that can find the rest. As for the castle dun¬
strongest of the PCs, naturally. there was no problem in picking up the geons, of course! The main problem is
The side entrances to the second and castle, but when city adventuring was that the lot is in typical DM form, quite
lower dungeon levels were basically the order of the day it was pretty difficult suitable for the campaign's directors to
insular. That is, each led to a series of to follow what Rob had been doing manage when immersed in the action,
seven lower levels that were distinct, so there. Thus I determined to do a really but rather cryptic now after all these
that there was North #2 through #8, big map of the City of Greyhawk, in a years. Hundreds of different players with
East #2 through #8, South #2 through scale small enough to allow writing in yet more PCs adventured In city and cas¬
#8, and West #2 through #8. Again, the names of arteries, building number tle, blasted buildings, created construc¬
plenty of space for progressing PCs to Identifiers, and all the like. Out came the tions, wiped out walls, closed passages,
adventure and gain experience. These big sheets of graph paper, the rulers and created new ones, trashed monsters,
sets of levels had few interconnections, pencils, and work commenced. It was a brought in others, and who can say
save at the very bottom, where each project that was never to see final com¬ what else!
eighth level had a connection down to pletion for a multitude of reasons. First, Battered and now-neglected, these
the ninth, central, level. the map was so large that it covered the first two campaign creations remain as
From nine on, the levels of Castle whole playing table, and that was a legends of the D&D game, and I am
Greyhawk progressed straight down good-sized one indeed, able to accom¬ proud to say they brought as much
for another dozen or so tiers, with modate a dozen or more players with enjoyment to so many others as they
mostly cave and cavern areas featured, the DM having an end for himself. did to me.
because large monsters with long-range Second, it demanded so much time and
weapons need space in which to oper¬ effort of detail it wasn't worth it. Third,
ate. Not surprisingly, a number of these PC activity in the city made the setting
levels also had magical transportation change unexpectedly. Fourth, to use the
places that sent PCs off to distant lands, new map meant it had to be completed Goiy Gygax became active in role-playing
other dimensions, strange worlds, or dif¬ properly and then folded or cut into games when he authored the D&D game as
ferent times, (The general design served manageable, concealable portions. Fifth, its co-creator. He later created the AD&D*
so well that I have recently used it as the we weren't doing the fourth, and play game and many D&D and AD8D modules
basis for a new set of dungeon levels I went on apace in the old version of the and accessory including the Greyhawk set¬
am currently in process of creating for a city, thus altering the yet unfinished new ting. He is the author of numerous novels,
new fantasy role-playing game.) one. Sixth, we (and here I must properly short stones, and even more magazine arti¬
say I) gave up. Outside of the "Odd cles, mostly dealing with gaming.
Dungeon Construction Alley/Strangeways' area and a couple of
and City Planning others depicted on the big map, we
To manage all of this new construc¬ went back to the four-sheet, general ver¬
tion, a cannibalization of my original sion and remained with it for most City
dungeon, and Rob Kuntz's, gave about of Greyhawk adventuring.

Dragon Magazine 99
Night Hags, their Wares,
and their Servants
by Ed Bonny
illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi

sk most planar folk what they think about night hags, and you'll hear pretty much the
same answer; “A crafty bunch of evil old crones/ Who else are better suited to snatch
up larvae and sell the stinking worms for a tidy bit of jink? Talk to the celestials, and they'll
tell you they hate hags because "hagsYe the villains who perpetuate the foul races of the
Lower Planes by bartering larvae to the fiends.* Rends think a little more kindly of hags,
because there's no one better at delivering quality larvae. The night hags don't care much
of what anyone thinks of them. As long as they continue to acquire knowledge, wealth and
ultimately greater personal power with the selling of larvae, nothing else really matters. The
mistresses of the Grey Waste sit secure in the comfort that ruling the Larva Trade means
ruling the plane.
Scholars who study the Lower Planes have wondered why no one has ever
sought to control the Gray Waste as others have on Baatezu or some layers of
the Abyss. To date, not one infernal fiend-lord has risen up to claim the Gray
Waste for its own. Some say it's the despairing, wilhsapping effect of the
Waste that stops anyone from even wanting to try to conquer it, but
that's just not true. Fact is, the night hags rule the Gray Waste, but they
don't rule by any obvious show of force. Hags are more careful, con¬
trolling this gloomy plane via their skillful manipulation of the
larva trade. You see, by playing the various factions in the
Blood War off each other, the hags have secured their
position as the planar rulers of the Gray Waste,

1997 Annual
1)rac;o\' Magazine
Sure, larvae can be found on all the The Larva Trade The larva trade is the sole occupation
lower planes, but for some reason they If is no secret why larvae are the for most hags, and it consumes much of
aren't as purely evil as the ones found on most sought-after commodity In the their time and attention. Larvae are
the Cray Waste Hie baatezu don't care Lower Planes. Larvae serve as the base gathered from across the blasted plains
much for Baatorian larvae. Sure, the of the Gray Waste and sold either by a
stock from which most fiends are gener¬
plane is lawful evil but that's the whole ated. They are truly the foundation for pre-arranged contract or openly to the
problem. Larvae from Baator are just too much of the populations of the Lower highest bidder. On any given day, thou¬
rigid, too difficult to control-no doubt sands of small "one-hag" markets can be
Planes. With sometimes millions of
tainted by the Prime version of [awful fiends slain daily in the Blood War, the found scattered throughout the planes,
evil Most don't seem to adapt well to the baatezu and tanar'ri continually require but none can compare with the Grand
baatezu's promotion process, so the large quantities of larvae to rebuild their Larva Emporium located on Oinos,
baatezu are forced to buy more flexible, armies. As the millennia pass, the fiends The Emporium is the grandest bazaar
"purely" evil larvae from the night hags. where baatezu and tanar'ri rub elbows
keep asking for more and more larvae,
Seems neutral evil larvae make the best with fiches to purchase the finest larvae
and so far the
baatezu, but you won't see the baatezu hags have in all the planes, it js said that the
boasting that they rely heavily on hag lar¬ Emporium is where future pit fiends and
been able
vae. You may also be wondering why balors can be found, and where one
to meet
tanar'ri even need hag larvae. After all, demand needs a discriminating eye to make that
the not-so-picky tanar'ri promote almost successful purchase, ideally situated
with little
all their chaotic evil larvae into fiends. So along the River Styx, the Grand Larva
or no
why would they buy anyone eise's Emporium is-without a doubt-the
worms? For one, most chaotic evil larvae commercial center of the Lower Planes.
Liches also
are unable to keep their new tanar'ri Overseen by perhaps the longest-
have a
forms for tong before reverting back into minor role surviving hag covey, the market is a
larvae and merging with the plane. The daily bustle of hags and their varied
in the
tanar'ri are better off buying more stable, clientele arguing over prices and quality.
neutral evil larvae who keep their new Hags bring in their herds and pay the
forms. The tanar'ri claim that the only covey a day s rent for a place in the mar¬
reason they buy from the hags is to make ket, Marraenoloth skiffs arrive by the
it hard for the baatezu to get larvae. The hundreds to discharge passengers
tanar'ri state that they simply end up fur¬ who ve come to shop or browse for the
ther frustrating the baatezu by forcing day, A well-armed (and probably well-
them into a larvae purchasing rivalry. paid) force of yugoloth mercenaries
Who wins out overall? There's only one keeps the peace here. Bashers disrupt¬
place to get the best larvae and only one ing trade are immediately executed—no
group that's got them for sale. The night questions asked.
hags aren't too The Emporium boasts a wide-variety
worried about of larva by-products, including a distilled
their future. larva liqueur commonly called "Yellow
Wurm Stout" as well as an aromatic
larva perfume for the selective female
fiend known simply as "Evil." Larva is not
the only commodity sold there-it is
rumored that one can purchase Blood
War weapons and armor, dark magics,
slaves, and all sorts of contraband.
trade, as they must There's even a coffee house the size of a
purchase Larvae from small Prime town known as The Blood
the night hags to main¬ Grind, run by the tiefling Malraxus, who
tain their unnatural claims to brew the best Abyssal coffee
undead state. (For an this side of Carceri. Visitors to the Grind
can order a hot pot of black coffee,
interesting example of
invite over a "friendly" fiend to share in
this use of larvae, see
"Knight of the Scarlet a steaming mug and catch up on the lat¬
Sword' in Dungeon* est news on the Blood War—provided
Adventures issue #65.) With the fiend is willing to talk.
such a high demand for Outside of the Emporium, night hags
their product, a body can prefer to act as lone operatives when
only speculate how marketing their larvae. Not only does
this free them from dealing with their
*. wealthy the night
troublesome sisters, but this way, a hag
hags have become
can keep all the jink for herself. A hand¬
over the ages.
ful of larva cooperatives" can always be

102 1997 Annual

found throughout the Waste, where cov¬ fact that traveling to the Prime tends to War. Every day, fiendish armies rage
eys of hags temporarily work together attract the attention of annoying Prime across the surface of the Gray Waste,
for a greater, combined profit. These heroes, who often end up causing more destroying everything in their path. The
arrangements inevitably fall apart after trouble for the hag than what the spe¬ hags try to discover where the next skir¬
a short time because of in-fighting cial larva is worth. mish is expected and then avoid that
among the sisters. Hags often employ When selling larvae, hags alone set area. But given the unexpected nature
lesser beings such as mephits, imps, the market prices, and they seek pay¬ of war, it often happens that a battle will
tieflings, and sometimes even a modron ment primarily in the form of gold or tumble across a hag holding market,
to perform the minor but necessary day- vital information. They've also been seen killing both the hag and her larvae as
to-day tasks of book-keeping, larvae bartering for magical items, future well as all her customers.
herding, and message-delivery. Loyal favors, or even a customer's own spirit, Entrepreneurs: Whenever there's
servants are always sought after but provided it comes from a really evil sort. jink to be made, there's bound to be cut¬
very often poorly paid (if paid at all). All this puts the hags in a better position ters out there who want a cut of the
Servants seeking to terminate their to have things their way, whether it is to profits. Larva entrepreneurs appear from
employment with a hag are more often blackmail a poor berk they've got the time to time, seeking to get a chunk of
than not written into the dead-book. dark on or to sell some acquired Blood the larva trade for themselves. They
Night hags dislike seeing their employ¬ War battle plans to one side or the other. never seem to survive for very long
ees leave. The hags prefer to keep their though. Sometimes a rogue fiend grows
trade secrets inside the family business. tired of fighting in the Blood War and
Night hags harvest larvae in one of decides he wants to profit off it instead.
two ways. The easiest method is to Both prime and planar mortals have
wander the expanses of the Gray Waste s© y©u + HINR tried to get in on the act. No one ever
searching for the wriggling things. The HE m IG H + S + ©P IN takes any of them too seriously.
typical hag sets out with her servants +© SAY 'ELL® ©NCE IN A WHILE?

gathering larvae, branding them, and

adding the sickly, liquid slugs to her N®! WHY HE D © N'+ EVEN BUY E LARVAE AN Ym ©RE!
herd. An odd phenomenon about larvae AND AF+ER ALL I’VE D®NE F®R Him,
on Oinos is that new larvae tend to
materialize spontaneously near or with¬ WHY +HA-KS GRA+I + UDE F©R Y©U!

in large numbers of their wormy — an impeRium hag, vomiss,

brethren. For some unknown reason, C©m PLAI N I N G AB©U+ EX " CU S +© III E R G RA 2 Z * +
larvae rarely appear singly. Hags try to
take advantage of this apparently
natural occurrence by keeping several Trade Disruptions They're usually written into the dead-
large herds around for extended peri¬ Primes have, of course, good reason book before they complete their first
ods. It is not uncommon for a herd of to be terrified of night hags. They are deal. (The hags come down real hard on
larvae to double in size every few days pretty nasty witches. However by planar these berks.) It's anyone's guess as to
simply because of this "attraction factor/ standards, hags are not an overly strong what fools out there will try their hand
Poor quality larvae are weeded out to race. Even with their impressive immuni¬ at the larva trade next but lately mem¬
be destroyed or sold at a discount, usu¬ ties and magic resistance, night hags bers of the Merkant sect have been seen
ally to clueless liches. possess a mere 8 Hit Dice and a rela¬ studying up on hags and asking all sorts
Extremely opportunistic hags are tively poor Armor Class (AC 0). Their few of questions about larvae. Makes a body
known to travel ethereally to worlds on offensive spells would have difficulty wonder, doesn't it?
the Prime to seek out wholly evil mor¬ overcoming most fiends' magic resis¬ Celestial Crusaders: Celestials are
tals. When an evil Prime is located, the tance. And it's no secret that a lone hag always figuring out ways to weaken
hag tortures the Prime while he sleeps, could easily be overwhelmed in battle fiends without drawing any unwanted
persisting until he dies. The hag then by a handful of mezzoloths or other sim¬ attention to themselves. Some celestials
seizes the fleeing Prime's evil spirit and ilarly powered fiends. It's a wonder then figure that it's best to deal with fiends
retreats back to the Waste, where the that some force for good or evil hasn't when they start out as "weak worms"
victim is turned into a special kind of come along already and kicked the hags rather than fight them after they've
larva more powerful and evil than ordi¬ out of the Gray Waste permanently. been promoted into more powerful
nary larvae. It is rumored that these spe¬ Over the years, various special inter¬ fiends. These celestials conduct covert
cial larvae are always transformed est groups have sought to disrupt the military strikes against the hags target¬
directly into lesser fiends by baatezu and larva trade or commandeer it for their ing both larvae and hags, in the hopes
tanar'ri rather than having them start off own greedy purposes. Trade interrup¬ of eventually reducing the total fiend
their fiendish existence as mindless tions are not common on the Waste but population. It seems to make sense at
lemures and manes. For this obvious when they occur, they can have dire first, but no one can prove yet if the
reason, fiends actively seek out hags repercussions throughout the entire celestials' efforts are having any real
who collect these precious larvae. While Lower Planes. Fiends get more than a bit effect except maybe to stir up the night
extremely profitable for night hags, the edgy should their precious larva supply hags' wrath.
significant effort that goes into acquiring appear to be drying up. Minor Intrusions: Less serious inter¬
an evil spirit in this manner discourages Blood War: By and large, the greatest ruptions to the larva trade also occur
most hags from this practice. It is also a disruption to the larva trade is the Blood on a regular basis and often without

Dragon Magazine 103

warning. Larva-rustling Ilches may get all sorts of cutters out to kill the Anthraxus
ambush a hag, steal her herd, and then weakened hags. AL NE; AC -10; MV 15; hp 233;
flee through a portal with their ill-gotten The transformation of a yugoloth THACO -1; #AT 4 or 1; Ding 2d6+11 (x4)
booty. Sometimes a party of good does little to affect the fiend's mental or special; MR 120%; S 23,1 24, D 20, W
adventurers stumbles across a hag facilities. Altraloths in general remain 20, C 19, Ch 5.
deciding it would be best to put the foul true to their base yugoloth nature, as Anthraxus the Diseased often dis¬
crone out of business permanently. wholly evii and avaricious as ever if not plays himself as an uitroloth, but his real
These minor attacks and thefts usually more so. By becoming more powerful, appearance is that of a lO'-tall man in a
disturb only a single night hag. Rarely do these yugoloths are now better able to rotting gray suit and cape. He has a
they disrupt the larva trade on any satisfy their foul personal agendas as ram's head grossly deformed by disease.
noticeable scale. Hags that fail to prop¬ they see fit. Some altraloths are very Foamy spittle drips constantly from his
erly address these lesser threats are active in the affairs of the Lower Planes mouth, and the matted wool on his
scorned by their sisters for being weak while others prefer to slink among the body pulls away from his skin in hand¬
and inept. shadows and act as unseen manipula¬ fuls. Anthraxus's skin is covered with fes¬
tors of fiends and mortals. It is believed tering boils which continually burst
Altraloths: Champions that no more than a half a dozen or so spraying out foul yellow pus while peel¬
of the Night Hags altraloths currently exist. ing Anthraxus' skin away from the
There are rare times in the long his¬ Being yugoioths, altraloths take no fleshy tissue underneath.
tory of the night hags when they are damage from acid, fire, iron, and poison Anthraxus was originaliy an uitroloth
faced with so desperate a situation or attacks; haif damage from gas attacks; created to eliminate swarm of meddle¬
such a dire threat that either singly or and double damage from cold attacks. some paladins. Seems like a few hags
united, they cannot overcome it. During All altraloths can enact the following had somehow offended the Order of the
these extreme times, night hags may spell-like abilities at will, in addition to Planes Militant, and the unforgiving pal¬
form an unusually cooperative covey any other innate abilities possessed: adins of that sect sought a swift and just
in order to create a champion to deal alter self, animate dead, cause disease, retaliation against them. After several
with these threats. The champion is charm person, improved phantasmal force, large-scale holy crusades across the Gray
always a fiend of the hags’ choosing, produce flame, and teleport without error. Waste, the night hags created Anthraxus
whom they enhance via an arcane ritual. innate abilities or resistances altered by to rid them of this plague of paladins.
A champion is always taken from only the hags are found under each Once Anthraxus had fulfilled his contract
one type of fiend-yugoloth. Whether altraloth's particular entry. with the hags, he Immediately wrested
other fiends can be substituted in the Note: The use of aitraioths in an indi¬ control of the yugoioth's Wasting Tower
process is unknown. vidual campaign will vary from setting from its previous owner to become the
No one knows the dark as to just to setting. Some DMs may want to have ruling Oinoloth. The diseased fiend ruled
how hags tumbled onto the magical these powerful yugoloths work from Khin-Oin for centuries, controlling the
recipe of transforming yugoloths into behind the scenes much like the Lords tower's myriad precious secrets. But this
super-fiends. Some say that the hags' of the Nine and not come into direct recently came to an end when he was
goddess, Cegilune, developed it to give conflict with a party. DMs running this deposed. Some say a dozen or so
her followers another tool to maintain kind of campaign wifi find the Plots & ultroloths united in their hatred for the
their dominance in the Waste. A Sigilian Coals and Followers & Resources sec¬ altraloth and violently ejected Anthraxus
historian points to the existence of the tions below to be most helpful. Other from the tower. Of those usurpers, the
gehelreths and reports that the mysteri¬ DMs wili want to have their players clever uitroloth Mydianchlarus betrayed
ous baernaloths were once looking for combat an altraloth as the climax to an them all and took over Khin-Oin to
ways to improve yugoloth stock much adventure. This is where an aitraloth's become the Oinoloth. The other talk on
the way Apomps did, No one puts much statistics and abilities will be more useful this matter says that Mydianchlarus
faith in these tales, since everyone to the DM. spoke a seductive lie in the ear of
knows that Cegilune could care less for Anthraxus-a lie so deviously ingenious
her hags' welfare and that baernaloths The General of Gehenna that it compelled the altraloth to do the
don't seem to have much to do with the Not much is known of the General impossible and leave Khin-Oin. Either
yugoloths anymore. More likely, a covey except maybe for the hushed whispers way it happened, Mydianchlarus is the
of quick-witted night hags were caught one hears in the pubs of Sigi!. Questions new Oinoloth and Anthraxus despises
in a serious situation and came up with naturally arise as to whether the General him for it.
the idea of a fiendish champion on their is, in actuality, an uitroloth or altraloth. Combat: Anthraxus is a truly formida¬
own. Whatever the truth is, the hags Sages who study fiends assert in cau¬ ble foe in battle, and it is believed he
won't tell and the yugoloths don't even tious whispers that the General simply would have little trouble dispatching a
speak of it. They want the whole thing could not be an uitroloth. How else greater powers avatar. He fights with
kept in the dark and for good reason. could he single-handedly manipulate blinding speed, attacking four times each
There's a secret involved that no hag the Blood War unless he possessed skills round with both fists. Any physical con¬
ever wants the multiverse to know. The and abilities far beyond those of his tact between Anthraxus and another’s
process is extremely enervating for the other uitroloth brethren? And so the skin conveys a terrible rotting disease
night hags involved, reducing them to a General remains an enigma to this day. (no save) to the recipient. All beings,
state of near-poweriess from which it Almost nothing is known about him per¬ including those normally immune to dis¬
takes many months-if not years-to sonally. Perhaps the only thing that can ease (such as paladins and Cerilian elves),
recover. If news of that got out, you'd be said is that he is the Blood War. are infected by this rotting disease. The

104 1997 Annual

victim suffers 1d4 hp damage each the staff would secure more than a few yugoloth race that would end the Blood
round as painful blisters instantly appear Prime worlds. War and unite all the Lower Planes
all over the body, then burst, peeling the Anthraxus regenerates an astonish¬ under his control. Who better, reasons
poor sod's skin off. The disease is highly ing 5 hp/round while on any of the Anthraxus, to rule over lawful and
contagious and will infect anyone com¬ Lower Planes. Elsewhere, he regenerates chaotic evil than one who is master of
ing in direct physical contact with an 1 hp/round. Fie can only be harmed by both and influenced by neither. Of
infected victim. Only curative spells of weapons of +4 or greater enchantment. course, this could be just some barmy
sixth-level or higher can cure this wast¬ Followers & Resources: Anthraxus talk, but certain high-up folk on the
ing disease. Many healers running to the prefers to have no followers. Since his good planes are nervous that he might
aid of an afflicted comrade very soon dethronement at Khin-Oin, the faithless actually succeed.
find themselves suffering the same fate. yugoloths that served under the former
For this reason alone, Anthraxus prefers Oinoloth all deserted him. But this Bubonix
hand-to-hand combat. fiendish lord, despondent as he is with¬ AL NE; AC -10; MV 18; hp 219;
Anthraxus has the following spell-like out his position, is not without his THACO -3; #AT 2 or weapon; Dmg
abilities available at will: airwalk, animate resources. During his time as Oinoloth, 2d4+10 (x2) or by weapon; MR 110%; S
object bind[ caii lightning, color spray Anthraxus constructed numerous hid¬ 22, I 19, D 21, W 20, C 21, Ch 12.
(7/day), control winds, death fog, detect den keeps and safehouses throughout Patiently camped outside the still-
invisibility, detect He, detect magic, detect the Lower Planes which he filled with under-construction Tower of Incarnate
poison, detect scrying, ESP, fear, fire storm magical items and money. He uses these Pain on Carceri is the altraloth, Bubonix.
(1/day), geas, know alignment, mass sug¬ riches to finance the obsessive schemes This unique yugoloth eventually sees him¬
gestion (1/day), non-detection, passwall, that bring him ever closer to reclaiming self becoming the self-styled counterpart
pass without trace, read magic, shape- Khin-Oin.
change, shout, symbol-any type (1/day),
well LUV, you KN ©W 1 HA + fi +0 BRAG.
wait of fire, wall of ice, wall of force. Note
that all Anthraxus' detect spells, ESP,
bu+ i DID mAicE 'im WHU+ HB IS +0DAY.
know alignment, non-detection, pass with¬
out trace, and read magic abilities are
He'll always be mE PRIDE 'N J®Y
always active. Anthraxus can gate in 1 -2
ultroloths once every turn. The ultroloths
are not under the altraloth's control but
will usually comply with his orders Plots & Goals: Anthraxus has
rather than face Anthraxus' wrath. only one current goal, and that is to
Anthraxus suffers no damage from cold gain control of Khin-Oin and once again to the General of Gehenna and has even
attacks. become the Oinoloth. The current has gone so far as to call himself the
Additionally, Anthraxus can transfix Oinoloth is not nearly as powerful as Overlord of Carceri. So far, things have
one being with no saving throw Anthraxus but has adequate forces to gone his way. This diseased altraloth has
allowed; this power also overcomes repel any direct attacks put forth by the grown wealthy and powerful supplying
magic resistance less than 50%. A trans¬ altraloth. Anthraxus currently travels the misinformation and yugoloth mercenar¬
fixed being cannot move or take any Lower Planes, petitioning the powers to ies to the tanarYi lords. It is not known
physical or mental action (including serve as their proxy. With the might of a what yugoloth form Bubonix had prior to
psionics) for as long as Anthraxus wills god behind him, Anthraxus might just being transformed, but it is believed that
it. Only one being may be transfixed at succeed were it not that most powers he was an arcanaloth.
any time. would never trust a yugoloth. This proxy Bubonix appears as a 12'-tali hideous
Anthraxus also wields the Staff of the idea is not the altraloth's sole scheme, humanoid covered in putrid black lumpy
Lower Planes. The Staff is an artifact however, Anthraxus is also seeking out sores. The altraloth is the living embodi¬
made from the defiled bones of a pit "wild cards" to incorporate into his plots ment of the plague after which he is
fiend and a balor that functions as a staff and confound Mydianchlarus. He hopes named. His body exudes a strong stench
of beguiling, casts mass charm (3/day), that by employing a team or teams of of decayed, rotted flesh causing anyone
and fulfill another's wish (1/day). The powerful cutters to force their way into within 10’ radius to save vs. poison at -4
staff causes 3d6+14 hp damage to any the tower and keep the Oinoioth's or suffer a -2 to THACO and AC due to
being hit in combat. Fiends struck by the forces distracted, Anthraxus will be able extreme nausea. Bubonix always wears
staff must save vs. death magic or be to confront the Oinoloth directly. This a military uniform of the purest white,
instantly polymorphed into a larva (MR sounds like a good plan, except that the which somehow is not stained from the
applies at half). Only Anthraxus or a altraloth cannot find any cutters foolish constant flow of blackest pus oozing
night hag can use the staff's powers. enough to take up such a suicide mis¬ from his sores.
Any other being touching the staff must sion. Anthraxus even says he'll grant Combat: A very cunning combatant,
save vs. polymorph at -6 each round of wishes to helpful bloods should he suc¬ Bubonix cautiously sizes up his oppo¬
contact or be transformed into a larva. ceed in becoming the Oinoloth again. A nents before he wades into battle. He
The staff was fashioned by Anthraxus's tempting offer, if failure did not guaran¬ favors overkill tactics that cause the
hag creators at his request when he lost tee certain death for the volunteers. most chaos in battle to confuse his ene¬
the title of Oinoloth. Some in the It has been overheard that should mies. This is a tactic some say he
Merkant sect have speculated that the Anthraxus succeed in taking Khin-Oin, learned from his dearest companion, the
price for the hags' cooperation in making he will enact his new plans for the tanarri princeling Fraz'urb lu. When in

Dragon Magazine 105

close combat, this altraloth can either Followers & Resources: Bubonix is construction will no longer be a secret.
use his massive claws to tear into an unique among altraloths in that he This invites many curious bashers and
opponent or swing whatever weapon retains an altraloth as his supreme lieu¬ meddlesome celestials to investigate.
he fancies at the time. Currently, tenant—another diseased champion, Bubonix is frustrated to no end over this
Bubonix's preferred weapon is an aasi- called Cholerix. Cholerix has two primary as he does not see himself being con¬
mon sword that he took off a planetar tasks. She oversees the yugoloth army sidered an equal to either the General or
spy who wandered too close to the encamped around the tower and per¬ the Oinoloth until he gets his own tower.
tower. At will, Bubonix can cast sonally meets with tanar'ri lords to forge Plots & Goals: Bubonix plans to com¬
advanced illusioni, continual darkness, con¬ mercenary contracts on behalf of plete the unholy triumvirate of pure evil
trol temperature (one-mile radius), dispel Bubonix. Cholerix remains loyal to that will one day be comprised of him¬
good, fear; fly, heat metal, unholy word Bubonix only as long as her exorbitant self, the General of Gehenna, and the
(3/day), invisibility; magic missile (10 mis¬ salary is paid-a condition that Bubonix Oinoloth. What that means for the mul-
siles), shape change (to any humanoid seems more than willing to fulfill. tiverse is anyone's guess, but it doesn't
form), telekinesis, wall of force, and warp Cholerix's vital services have proved bode well. The Commander is slowly
wood. Thrice per day, Bubonix can invaluable to the Overlord's operations becoming a significant force on the
employ any two of these abilities in a and have filled his coffers with gold Lower Planes, but he is far from being as
single combat round. Bubonix can gate many times over. At Bubonix's call powerful as the General. This is a situa¬
in 2-8 arcanaloths three times a are thousands upon tion Bubonix hopes to rectify when the
day with a 100% chance of thousands of yugoloth Tower of Incarnate Pain is completed.
success. He can be harmed mercenaries organized Bubonix feeds the tanar'ri lords mis¬
only by weapons of +3 or into armies for sale to information on baatezu troop size and
greater enchantment. the highest bidders. deployment in order to create fears of
Bubonix is immune to Most of these are sta¬ impending baatezu invasions. The anx¬
mind-affecting spells. tioned on the Gray Waste, ious Abyssal lords then hire on more
but some are stationed yugoloth mercenaries than necessary.
around the Tower of While never discussed, it is extremely
Incarnate Pain to protect probable that Bubonix and the General
the tower and the altraloth. exchange information on the Blood War
Bubonix's yugoloth for each other's mutual benefit.
armies on Carceri are
constantly harassed by Xengahra
the native gehelreths. AL N (evil tendencies); AC -9; MV 18
Apomps, the gehelreth (Fly 48, MC B); hp 177; THAC0 5; #AT 2;
power, bears no love for Dmg 1 d10+7; MR 90%; S 19, I 18, D 18,
yugoloths and seeks to W 19, C 19, Ch 22.
waylay Bubonix whenever Were it not for the expression of utter
possible. Currently, the despair that hangs upon this altraloth's
gehelreths have destroyed haggard face, a blood might believe her¬
the tower only a handful self in the presence of a true solar, the
of times. But the most powerful of aasimon. No one
Overlord's hands are knows why any night hag wanted
tied. Should he bring Xengahra to take this form or what pur¬
in too many forces pose he originally served. Perhaps the
to protect the hags created the altraloth in mockery of
tower, then the servants of good, or perhaps they
the tower's used Xengahra to achieve a long, forgot¬
ten agenda. If one chooses to believe the
current chant, the night hags involved in
his creation were more than a little
barmy, and they got what they deserved
in the end. After his contractual agree¬
ment expired, Xengahra slew his cre-
ators-an act that made him a despicable
expatriate cast out of the Gray Waste.
As an outcast, Xengahra has taken to
roaming the Outlands these past few
centuries. Most of the folk he has
encountered learned first hand that his
presence means death, and they have
given him many infamous titles. Near
the gate-towns that border the Upper
Planes of Good, he is known as the
Death-Bringer, as he is rumored to drain

106 1997 Annual

away life from even the heartiest of or restoration spells, can reverse the effects marraenoloths petitioned the night hags
celestials. Near the gate-towns of the of the starvation. for a protector. In exchange for an
Lower Planes, he is called the Fallen One Followers & Resources: Xengahra has altraloth champion who would defend
who spreads only despair and death no followers, but he does have a signifi¬ the marraenoloths, the hags demanded
wherever he walks. Whatever he is cant number of admirers. Most notable free and unrestricted ferry service on the
called, few in the Planes truly welcome among these are members of the Bleak River Styx forever. The marraenoloths
the coming of the despairing "solar." Cabal and the Doomguard. The former complied, and Ceriic was soon after
Combat: Xengahra has few combat admire the altraloth for what they see as brought into existence. The altraloth
skills and will generally attempt to flee Xengahra's utter acceptance of existence ingeniously put a stop to the gehelreth
combat if not cornered. If pressed into without hope, while the latter laud the attacks, and the gehelreths never again
a physical fight, he will still use innate altraloth as a true example of entropy in bothered the marraenoloths. To this day,
abilities to overcome an opponent. action. Sometimes these factions send how Ceriic ended the gehelreth threat
Xengahra does not use weapons or out emissaries to consult with the remains a mystery.
magical items, At will, the altraloth can altraloth on pertinent matters relative to Ceriic is known by many names
enact these abilities: command, compre¬ decay and despair. What Xengahra says throughout the planes and prime
hend languages, creeping doom (1/day), to these curious visitors is unknown but worlds: the Stygian Boatman, the
detect Invisibility, detect magic (always he has never dismissed or attacked Ferryman, and Charon, to name just a
active), dimension door, dispel magic, members of the factions who sought him few. He appears as a large, skeletal mar-
enlarge (or Its reverse reduce), fear, finger out. Faction members wisely keep a safe raenoioth standing just T tall with bright
of death, mirror image, project image, read distance from the altraloth, lest they wish green eyes that glow malevolently.
magic, reverse magic (1/day), shape it to be their final conversation. Combat: Ceriic prefers to avoid phys¬
change (3/day into any aasimon), wind Plots & Goals: As the living embodi¬ ical combat if other tactics can be
walk, word of recall. Xengahra can only ment of hopelessness, Xengahra has no employed, if no chance of escape is
be hit by weapons enchanted to +3 or purpose in life. The altraloth had long available and Ceriic is forced Into melee,
greater, Xengahra can communicate ago given up any interest In anything. he fights with one claw or with his skiff
telepathically but prefers to use his The aura which so greatly affects the liv¬ pole which inflicts 3d6 hp damage and
melancholy, solar-like voice when con¬ ing world around him is believed to be causes paralyzation to its victim for 3d4
versing with others, the source for his loneliness and eternal rounds (save at -4 to avoid paralyza-
Even with all of these abilities, despairing. Recently, Xengahra has cho¬ tion). Should an opponent be standing
Xengahra has little need to worry about sen to stay in naturally lifeless areas of on his skiff, Ceriic manipulates the skiff
his poor combat skills. More deadly than the Outlands such as barren deserts and to defeat an opponent. The skiff
any of his spell abilities is the entropic rocky badlands. Were Xengahra to responds instantly to Cerlic's mental call
aura that surrounds the altraloth. The return to the Gray Waste, he would dis¬ and can move in any direction he
aura affects ail life within a 20' radius cover that neither the yugoloths nor the desires, or shrink and grow instantly to
around him. Non-intelligent plant life night hags would take much of an inter¬ any size. It has been reported that more
instantly withers and turns to ash, while est in him. Both groups are simply too than a few bashers standing on Cerlic's
intelligent or monstrous plants suffer 2d6 absorbed in current affairs to concern skiff were plunged into the Styx when
hp damage per round spent in the aura- themselves with an altraloth that went Ceriic shrunk the skiff to the size of a
no saving throw is allowed in either case. awry ages ago. gold piece. In the face of an overwhelm¬
Living beings are also affected (no save) ing enemy, Ceriic will always flee using
however magic resistance applies. A suc¬ Ceriic teleport without error. The altraloth can
cessful MR check must be made each AL NE; AC -5; MV 12; hp 140; THACO also enter the Astral, Ethereal or Prime
round to avoid injury. Affected beings suf¬ -1; #AT 2; Dmg 2d8 (x2) or by weapon; Material Planes from anywhere in the
fer from a terrible physical wasting due to MR 120%; S 18, I 20, D 19, W 18, C 17, Outer Planes.
magically induced starvation. Each round Ch 9. At will, Ceriic can use the following
an affected being loses 5% of his body Much of the travel across the Lower spell-like abilities; levitate, magic missile (15
weight and a loss of one point to Planes takes place on the River Styx. missiles), any power word (3/day), and
Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength, Where portals are far and few between, prismatic spray (3/day). Once per day,
When the character has lost'40% of his one can always hire a marraenoloth fer¬ Ceriic can gate 3d8+1 marraenoloths
body weight, he collapses to the ground, rymen to take a cutter from one end of with a 100% chance of success. The
unable to fight, walk, or even crawl away. Baator to the other end of the Abyss. altraloth's horrifying gaze causes fear in
The effects of this aura are devastating to Most travelers go unmolested on these all who look upon him (save vs. spell at a
behold, as the victim's flesh visibly shriv¬ trips, but this was not the case ages ago -4 penalty). While on the River Styx,
els, pulling his skin tight around his bones. when the marraenoloths came under Ceriic can summon one 30-HD water ele¬
A being dies of starvation when any score repeated and devastating attacks by mental with full hit points. Composed
drops to 0 or when reduced to 45% of his hordes of gehelreths under orders from entirely of water from the River Styx, the
original body weight. A starving being their vengeful lord Apomps. The being strikes twice a round and causes
who steps out of the aura no longer suf¬ besieged marraenoloths initially sought 6d36+6 hp damage per blow. Any being
fers from the aura’s effects. Surviving vic¬ aid from the greater yugoloths, but that struck is affected as if he touched the
tims can fully recover with normal eating proved fruitless. The ferrymen simply River Styx (e.g„ suffers memory loss).
and bed rest. (One week of rest restores could not afford the impossibly high fees Only one such elemental can be called
5% weight loss and one point in each that the ultroloths demanded for their up at a time, and only one may be sum¬
ability.) No magical healing, not even heal protection. It was then that the desperate moned per turn.

Dragon Magazine 107

Like all marraenoloths, Cerllc's listed require a sage to guess that that this just marraenoloths would rather die than
magic resistance applies to first level might be Cerlic s rumored fortress. call for his aid.
spells. This resistance drops by 5% for Plots B Goals: Cerlic prefers to spend
every spell level above first level Cerlic is his time ferrying passengers along the Typhus
immune to the memory sapping powers Styx and collecting exorbitant fees. He " AL I\1E; AC-1; MV 12; hp 201; THAC0
of the River Styx, can be summoned to any shore of the special; #AT 2; Dmg 2d6+9 (x2) or by
Followers & Resources: AH mar- River Styx by merely calling his name. weapon; JV1R 75%; S 21, 1 20, D 20, W 8,
raenoloths are considered Cerlie's fol¬ Tine altraloth responds to all calls. The C 20, Ch 13.
lowers but they are in no sense bound summoner who cannot pay the The hags who created Typhus were
to serve the altraloth. altraloth's fee is immediately attacked in a bind. They were threatened with the
It has always been strongly believed Cerlic charges 10 pp per passenger per greatest danger to the iarva trade they
that Cerlic maintained a safehouse planar layer crossed and 100 pp per pas¬ had ever known. A few centuries ago,
where he stored his collected fees, A senger for each plane crossed. A trip the lich power Mellifleur attempted to
planewalker recently returned to Sigit spanning many planes and layers could seize control of a large part of the larva
from the Astral Plane, saying she saw a cost a king's ransom for each traveler. trade for his followers. In what may
stronghold, built entirely Cerlic will accept magical items in have been the largest assembly of liches
of black ice, which was exchange for a cash payment, Ceriic's in one place, the undead wizards arrived
staffed with "raft-riding fees may be high, but passengers on the Gray Waste and successfully slew
skeletons/ It doesn't who pay their fare need never night hags by the thousands.
worry about treachery from In their haste to create a champion,
the altraloth. Cerlic never the hags mishandled the magical
betrays his passengers, as is energies used in the altraloth creation
often the case when traveling ceremony. The result was far different
with ordinary marraenoloths. than what the hags expected. Their new
For this reason, the altraloth is champion, called Typhus, had amazingly
lx (if/#0 considered the safest method enhanced fighting abilities, but they
for traveling the came at a serious loss of wisdom. The
Lower Planes. Other night hags ended up with a great, mis¬
than ferrying shapen yugoloth warrior possessing
important lower excellent combat skills but whose poten¬
planar figures back tial greatness is severely hampered by
(f and forth in the his poor judgment. Typhus was abie to
Blood War, Cerlic smash the liches off the Gray Waste and
plays no part in then set about building an army of his
"■ v\r the pol itics of the own. The altraloth stands 12‘ high and
Lower Planes. looks much like a hunch-backed mez-
As the defender of all zoloth with a noticeable limp.
\ marraenoloths, Cerlic Combat: This altraloth has been gifted
\ Y ■'' % responds to all their with one of the greatest combat minds in
! Vi rat calls for assistance. the planes. In battle Typhus acquires
j! ^ , Payment for his fantastic insights, instantly knowing the
A / fw assistance comes best tactics to use on an opponent. In
game terms, the altraloth automatically
wjth a steep
price, usua|tyin hits an opponent on any roil except for
4 Jiundreds a I (which automatically misses). This
I or ihousands specialized THACO cannot be adversely
0 A ft of platinum affected by the weapon he is using or
X' | pieces-a his opponent's AC. Typhus wields the
price so Sword of Carceri, a lesser artifact forged
of red steel with the blood of gehefreths.
The Sword of Carceri is a long sword +5
regardiess of the plane it is on and caus¬
es triple damage to gehelreths. It causes
double damage to undead and fiends,
including tieflings. Open wounds caused
by the sword bleed uncontrollably (addi¬
tional 3 hp/round) until magically
healed. Only a yugoloth can wield the
Sword of Carceri. Any non-yugoioth who
tries to touch it or otherwise cany it is
affected by a pianeshift (no save) and
transported to a random layer of
Carceri. The sword is left behind.

108 1997 Annual

Beings within a 10' radius of Typhus wisdom. To this end, he has set himself identities, This ability also provides her
must save every round of become up as a rival to both the General of with the natural attacks, innate abilities,
infected with a severe case of typhoid Gehenna and Bubonix but is not taken locomotion, and special defenses of the
fever. The infected victim immediately seriously by either. Typhus often creates form chosen. Taba gains the resistance
begins to burn up with fever losing one elaborate military plans for the Front of her new form if it is better than her
point of Constitution every turn until with the goal of ending the Blood War. own natural defenses, such as a gelu-
death occurs. Normal curative magics All of these have failed spectacularly, but gon's immunity to cold. Taba usually
can cure this disease. the aitraloth manages to survive with chooses to be one of the more powerful
At will. Typhus can cast burning most of his forces intact. The pathetic fiends, such as balors and pit fiends,
hands, doudkil! (2/day), darkness 15’ aitraloth has been the butt of many jokes when fighting-unless it would be more
radius, detect invisibility, detect magic throughout the lower planes. appropriate to be a lesser fiend. Taba
(always active), dimension door (2/day), will never revert to her original form for
dispel magic, flame strike (3/day), harm, Taba any reason. She possesses the following
hold person, mirror image, sleep, and trip. AL NE; AC -9; MV 21; hp 183; THACO innate abilities usable at will regardless
Thrice per day, the aitraloth can gatem -3; #AT as form chosen; Dmg see of her current form: cloudkill(1/day), con¬
2d4 mezzoloths with a 90% chance of below; MR 130%; S 21,1 22, D 25, W 23, tinual darkness, death fog (1/day), detect lie
success. Typhus can be struck only by C 21, Ch 24. (always active), dimension door, heal
weapons of +3 enchantment or greater. So you want to sneak into Nessus? (3/day), lower resistance, magic missile (10
Typhus is immune to paralysis, poison, Or perhaps you want to get inside of missiles), passwall, reverse gravity (1/day),
and ail magic from the charm/enchant¬ Grazz't's fortress to take back that arti¬ symbol-any (1/day), true seeing, and
ment school. He suffers only half dam¬ fact he stole from your people. You're wraithform. She is immune to all illu¬
age from cold attacks. not quite sure how you will ever be able sion/phantasm magics, Taba has never
Followers & Resources: Typhus com¬ to do it. Then you hear the chant from been seen gating in yugoloths for assis¬
mands a rag-tag army known as The some mysterious hag who heard your tance. The aitraloth regenerates 2 hp/
Infernal Front. It is a bizarre collection of plans. She might know someone who round on the Lower Planes.
the misbegotten and forgotten of the could help, if you can pay her price. Followers & Resources: Anyone wish¬
Blood War comprised mostly of baatezu, Don't ask the hag who will be your ing to inquire about Taba's services must
tanar'ri, tieflings, humans, slaadi, and guide. It’s all hush-hush. She won't tell contact one of her night hag creators.
even a handful of rogue modrons. Why you anything except one name-Taba, They are believed to number a dozen or
they want to fight for Typhus is anyone's That’s all you need to know berk. And so and are perhaps the longest-surviv¬
guess. Some like the idea of fighting in rest assured, Taba will get you in. This ing hag covey that has ever existed.
the Blood War, others like the idea of a aitraloth never fails. These hags always have their ears open
third army not aligned to Baator or the Little is known about Taba's history or for possible customers and will only
Abyss, and still others are just in it for the even her true form. It's not even known approach someone if they feel he can
pay. Typhus's army is if she is a female but pay the steep price. Only the hags know
much larger than the that's the form how to contact Taba and will do so
greatest ALL RIGH + , s® we she's most when paid in full. Even then, Taba does
armies of RUSH E D A LI + + LE. often not guarantee that she will take the job,
most Prime WE NEEDED A BL®® DY HER® FAS + . seen in. even though she will gladly take their
worlds but Attempts money. This thrill-seeking aitraloth turns
appears pitifully i CAN’+ SAY +HA+ I’m S0RRY to divine down any job if she does not believe it
small when HE WASN’ + PERFEC+, information is challenging enough.
stacked up about her Plots a Goals: Truly yugoloth to her
against the near IN +HE END, HE G®+ +HE automatically black heart, Taba is primarily interested in
infinite armies of ]©B DONE, fail. She is the acquiring wealth. Unlike the other
Baator and the HE DID. ultimate master altraloths, Taba possesses an adventur¬
Abyss. Occasionally, spy and thief, ous spirit. She enjoys accepting very
an Abyssal Lord will I G©+ N® REGRE + S. with the ability to hazardous missions and derives great
hire Typhus and his take the shape of pleasure when these missions are accom¬
Infernal Front to -AGHAS + UA any fiend. With plished. However, even with all her pow¬
fight on his side DISCUSSING TYPHUS' this ability, ers, she does not always succeed. The
in the Blood TRffiUBtED EARLY YEARS she is easily high-level fiends are constantly on guard
War. Typhus able to slip for espionage and one serious lapse
accepts any such into and out could easily spell the altraloth's end.
offer, since he needs the jink to keep of the depths of any of the Lower Planes Bloods can hire her for a variety of
the Front from falling apart. without notice. In fact, her approach to services, usually as guide to sneak them
Plots & Goals: Typhus is an amiable infiltration and espionage is practically in somewhere they could not normally
enough fiend but an extremely unpre¬ foolproof, She speaks all lower planar enter on their own. Taba has a few con¬
dictable one too. A sudden insight into tongues with no accent and can radiate ditions that must be met before she
the Blood War will excite him so much any evil alignment she chooses. begins a job. First of all, details and
that he becomes frenzied trying to put Combat: Taba's shapechange ability intents of the mission must be revealed
his plans into action. Such is the price he allows her to take on the guise of any to her. Second, she must be obeyed
pays for his high intelligence and low fiend-even letting her assume individual completely in all circumstances by those

Dragon Magazine 109

who accompany her. One misstep or some mefamorphic incantations have Birth: The cauldron must be kept at
willful act could jeopardize the mission. lasted a month or longer. This would boiling temperatures for the entire time
She despises failure. Of course, hiring explain the existence of the more pow¬ until the aItraloth's birth' occurs. Hags
the altraloth does not make a trip to erful altraioths. usually imprison fire mephits under the
Nessus easy but Taba knows the right When the incantation is finished, the cauldron, using the mephits' fiery bodies
palms to grease, the less deadly paths to drained hags are often severely exhaust¬ to maintain the necessary temperature.
take, etc. Those who hire her must be ed and in no shape to defend them¬ After 6d6 months of steeping, the
wary. If she believes there is no way to selves, None of their innate abilities func¬ process finishes with the violent explo-
succeed in her current mission, shell tion for ld8+l days, and their immuni¬ sion of the cauldron spraying out larva
abandon it without hesitation and move ties and magic resistance are completely juice and chunks of heated metal.
on to the next mission especially if one suppressed for a like amount of time. It Anyone within 251 of the bursting caul¬
of her 'employers* blundered the opera¬ is not known how long it takes hags to dron suffers 3dl0+10 worth of damage
tion. This may mean stranding a party fully recover from participating in this from flesh-rending shrapnel plus an
on Cania with a horde of baatezu in hot evil ceremony. Night hags maintain the additional 2d8 hp damage from the
pursuit. Those she abandons never live utmost secrecy about their participation caustic larva juice. (The larvae have long
to report her treachery. In the past, Taba taking great care to keep themselves since dissolved, surrendering their magi¬
has also been paid to retrieve or deliver well-hidden until their strength returns, cal energies to the champion.) Emerging
artifacts, kidnap high ranking fiends, lest someone take slay them from the cauldron is the newest hag-
and other fiend-related matters. She while they are weakened champion—an altraloth.
won't enter any powers' realms or visit Complications: Complications during
the Upper Planes as she rightfully fears the entire process can have disastrous
powers and consequences for all involved.
celestials. <* Minor interruptions during the cast¬
She even refuses V ing (such as a visiting fiend who demands
to work for aasimars attention) merely add on another day s
because of their dose Jj / worth of casting. An outright attack that
blood-ties to good, Taba disrupts the casting hags ends the
actively limits her business /fpjsl process and kills the yugoloth inside.
affairs to the Lower Planes. y *> If the temperature in the cauldron
falls below boiling, the yugoloth dies,
Recipe for an Altraloth and the hags each lose 1 d4 Hit Dice per¬
Once a yugoloth has been manently. Hags always employ safe¬
chosen and the terms of the guards to prevent any cooling.
contract approved by both the •> Even if all goes well, there is still a
hags and the yugoloth, then slight chance (5%) that the process will
the mefamorphic process is fail for no apparent reason. A failure
begun. First a huge cauldron Is usually occurs 1d4 months into the
filled with water from the River process and causes the cauldron to
Styx and putrid larva. A huge explode with the same spectacular
fire is lit results as a successful "birth," except
under that the yugoloth dies.
the AV: *:* Magical or physical attacks on
the cauldron cause its premature
N explosion, instantly killing the
yugoloth inside and permanently
^ enervating the contributing hags.
*> Magical precautions have
been woven into the transforming
incantations by the night hags that
virtually guarantee the loyalty of their
new creation. An altraloth who attacks
sealed within the one of its mistresses or who ignores the
cauldron with melted y conditions of the contract immediately
wax made from the slimy suffers wracking pain, losing 25% of its
larval residue. Wards are hit points every round. This continues
placed around the cauldron and until death occurs, the altraloth ceases its
the hags begin their incantations to attack, or the champion submits again to
imbue their champion with magical ! the contract's conditions. Only the com¬
power. The incantations take one full pletion of its contract can free an
day of casting for each alteration made altraloth from this restriction.
to the yugoloth. The night hags volun¬ Should one of the altraloth s hag
tarily donate their life force to empower creators die during the time of the con-
the yugoloth. There are rumors that traded period of servitude, the altraloth

110 1997 Annual

also dies, it is therefore in the altraloth's ble despite the obvious benefit of con¬ Change Alignment: Some hags have
best interests to see to the well-being of trolling a powerful being. altered the alignment of the yugoloth into
its mistresses until the contract has Add Hit Dice: Hit Dice are added to one more suitable for the fiend's mission.
expired. the creature's total hit dice. Change Ability Score: Any of the
Add Spell Ability: Hags can imbue the altraloth s ability scores can be raised or
Alterations aitraloth with a permanent spell ability lowered.
The aitraloth process enhances usable once a day. The same ability may Change Physical Attacks: If the
yugoloths and imbues them with abili¬ be added more than once but must be altraloth s appearance was changed, the
ties and powers. No abilities the paid for each time. hags may also have to alter the fiend s
yu go loth possesses going into the Augmented Hit Points: The aitraloth mode of attack usually increasing the
process are lost unless that ability is has full hit points for whatever HD it number of attacks allowed per round
modified by the night hags. Note that possesses. Note that altraloths can also such as if extra limbs were added.
changes made to a yugoloth are perma¬ receive bonus hit points for high Change Magic Resistance: The fiend
nent and cannot be undone. In game Constitution scores as fighters do. may have its magic resistance raised (or
terms, the hags involved must surrender Enhance Existing Ability: A yugoloth s lowered). MR may exceed 100%.
a portion of their life force (Hit Dice) to existing innate ability can be upgraded to immunity: An aitraloth can be ren¬
bring about the desired transformation. a more powerful version, should one dered completely immune to certain
Regardless of what a hag desires, no exist. For example, a marraenoloth's alter effects: cold, electricity, gasr magic mis¬
hag can surrender her last Hit Die in the self ability can be enhanced to polymorph sile, weapons of less than +4 enchant¬
process (e,g., be reduced below 1 HD). self or shapechange. ment, or one specialty school of magic.
Listed here are the modifications that a Change Size or Appearance: The
hag can bring about and the required altralottfs mass size can be increased by
cost in life force for each modification. up to 100% or reduced to 50% of the
Given the high cost in hagly life force fiend's original size and mass.
and the other Inherent dangers The aitraloth can also be made to Ed Bonny is the author of Heroes of
involved, it is understandable why so have any humanoid form. Especially cre¬ Athas/t from the 1996 Dragon Magazine
very few altraloths exist Not many hags ative hags have been known to indulge Annual and Tlanar Heroes/ from issue
wish to risk being rendered this vulnera¬ themselves wickedly with this option. #235.

By Aaron Williams

Dragon Magazine ill

by James Wyatt
illustrated by Brad McDevitt

T he Masque of the Red Death rules expand the rules of the

Raven loft setting into the world of Gothic Earth. Gothic
appendix. Such creatures as the living brain Rudolph Von
Aubrecker, the haif-golem Desmond LaRouche, and the meazel
Earth is much like our own Earth in the period of the 1890's, Salizarr would fit perfectly into the world of Gothic Earth. These
but it has been invaded by a supernatural evil called the Red can appear as simple monstrous opponents, or the DM can
Death. No one has ever encountered the Red Death or battled adapt them for use as Darklords in their own right.
it directly but its minions work wherever there are human
beings, corrupting them., feeding on them, and seeking to
exterminate any and all resistance to the power of their evil The Abomination
master. Appendix II in A Guide to Gothic Earth describes several Yuan-ti Abomination, Chaotic Evil
"Villains of Gothic Earth/ lords of evil who are among the most Armor Class: 0 Strength: 19
powerful minions of the Red Death. These lords and their ser¬ Movement: 9 Dexterity: 9
vants are generally the focus for Masque of the Red Death Hit Dice: 9 Constitution: 17
adventures, as Player Characters seek to foil their plans and Hit Points: 55 Intelligence: 18
exterminate them. THACO: 11 Wisdom: 17
Here are eight more such villains, lords of evil in their own No. of Attacks: 1 Charisma: 5
right, yet servants of a more powerful master. TTiey represent Damage/Attack: 1 -6
a variety of monster types, including a yuan-ti and a beholder, Special Attacks: Constrict, spells, poison bite
and maintain lairs in widely scattered parts of the world, from Special Defenses: Spells, immune to poison, danger sense
Montreal to Madagascar to Indonesia. Adventurers can first Magic Resistance: 20%
encounter them in their home territory, or they might intrude
upon their minions carrying out their masters' foul plans Combat
halfway across the globe. The Abomination, once human, has been transformed by a
Many of these villains could easily be used in a traditional deadly curse into a monstrous snake-like creature. His head is
Ravenloft campaign or even any other AD&D ' campaign. In the that of a human man, with noble features and a leering smile,
same way, villains detailed for the Ravenloft setting are easily his inhuman eyes partially hidden behind pince-nez spectacles.
adaptable to Gothic Earth. This is particularly true of From his otherwise human-seeming mouth jul a
the "Children of the Night" detailed in the sec¬ pair of vicious fangs, dripping with poison.
ond Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium’ I, / Below this head, his neck quickly takes

112 1997 Annual

on the appearance of a huge constrictor Holling always desired material
snake, covered in scales with a dia¬ wealth, but also lived for the enjoyment
mond-shaped pattern of olive, light of such wealth in the form of power
green, and black. His body is fully 15 over others as well as all the comforts
feet long and powerfully muscled, able wealth could buy him in sophisticated
to squeeze the life out of even a power¬ English society Cut off from human
ful human or large animal. society by his monstrous form (which no
The Abomination has all the powers magical or psionic ability can ever alter),
and abilities of a yuan-ti abomination. isolated in his ruined temple, the
Like all human-headed yuan-ti, he can Abomination that was Holling has no
cast the following spells once per day: wealth, no pleasures of society, and very
cause fear; darkness 15' radius, snake little power over humans.
charm, sticks to snakes, neutralize poison, The Abomination continues to manip¬
suggestion, and polymorph other. In addi¬ ulate and enslave humans, however,
tion, he can use ESP at will and cast sleep through his yuan-ti agents and the ability
once per day. His innate danger sense to create histachii by forcing humans to
gives him a +2 bonus to his surprise drink his venom in a potent herbal mix¬
roils. He is completely immune to all ture. His purposes, If any, are unclear, but
forms of toxins, suffering no damage or it seems that the Abomination is moti¬
other ill effects from poison. vated by the same lust for power and
Normally, the Abomination attacks wealth that drove him during his human
by constricting his intended victims in search of these riches, and enslaved the life, though these things are forever
his monstrous coils. A successful attack natives of the jungle as well Any argu¬ beyond his grasp. In his dealings wilh
against the victim's normal AC indicates ment or resistance on the part of humans, the Abomination is capable of
that the victim is wrapped in the crea¬ colonists or natives was met with fierce great subtlety befitting his high Intelli¬
ture's tail, suffering 1-6 hp damage per reprisals from the governor. Eventually, gence, and he often works through pure-
round until the victim can break free. as Holling's men pressed farther and far¬ blood agents that seem human in order
Releasing the Abomination's hold on a ther into the jungle with the help of their to bend other humans to his service.
victim requires a successful Bend native slaves, they discovered what The town of Hollingsford has disap¬
Bars/Lift Gates roll. Once a victim is held Holling had been searching for: an peared into the jungle in the five years
in his coils, the Abomination can attack ancient temple, covered over with vines since Rolling's disappearance.
with his poisonous bite, gaining a +4 and collapsed into rubble, yet certainly—
bonus to his attack roll A successful hit Holling thought—filled with riches. Grepik
injects type E poison into the victim. The Holling arrived at the scene with haste, Jermlaine Eider, Neutral Evil
victim saves against this poison with a then ordered his men into the temple, Armor Class: 7 Strength: 8
-3 penalty and dies instantly if the save oblivious to the palpable fear of the Movement: 15 Dexterity: 19
fails. If the save succeeds, the victim still natives. The first group to enter the tem¬ Hit Dice: 1 Constitution: 9
suffers 20 hp damage. ple died amidst screams of torment, but Hit Points: 8 Intelligence: 15
Holling would not be dissuaded. He sent THACO: 19 Wisdom: 17
Lair another group in. These too perished, No. of Attacks: 1 Charisma: 10
The Abomination dwells in an their screams echoing in the surround¬ Damage per Attack: 1-2 (dart) or 1-4
ancient temple complex in the heart of ing jungle. At last Holling ordered his (spear)
the jungle in British North Borneo. He remaining soldiers to round up 50 Special Attacks: Surprise, beating, cause
rarely ventures out from these ruins natives and slaughter them outside the disease, drain magic items, stone
because of his monstrous appearance, entrance to the temple, hoping to pla¬ shape
but he operates instead through human cate whatever evil dwelt therein. As Special Defenses: Save as 4 HD monster
and yuan-ti agents. Holling and his soldiers stood amid the Magic Resistance: Nil
The Abomination can mentally con¬ blood of the helpless natives, a dark,
trol any snake, yuan-ti, or other snake¬ serpent-like form writhed out from the Combat
like monster (ophidian, hebt-no-onna, temple before them, engulfing them in Standing only 14 inches tall, Grepik is
etc.) within one mile of his temple. its shadowy grasp. The wicked Holling hardly an imposing figure. His strength
was immediately transformed into the lies in his stealth and in the magical abil¬
Background snakelike Abomination, while his brutal ities he possesses as a servant of the
The Abomination was once human, soldiers became yuan-ti halfbreeds and Red Death. Grepik appears as a tiny
an Englishman by the name of Edward purebloods. humanoid with baggy, leathery skin of
Holling, the founder and governor of a The Abomination still resides in that gray-brown color, an elongated bald
small colonial town in British North temple in the heart of the jungle of North head, and muscular arms and legs. He
Borneo. As governor of Hollingsford, Borneo, surrounded by yuan-ti slaves. talks in a squeaky voice, and he speaks
as the city was called, Holling ruled The temple holds no riches, however, English only haltingly (which is better
with brutality and unchecked greed. and part of Rolling's curse is that any than most of the jermlaine under his
Convinced that enormous stockpiles of gold brought into the temple is trans¬ leadership).
gold lay hidden in the jungle, Holling formed immediately and irrevocably into Grepik, like alt of his kind, prefers to
drove his own people into the ground in lead. ambush weak victims rather than fight

Dragon Magazine 113

Grepik has discovered the joys of tor¬
menting surface dwe!lers-and eating
their sweets! The jermlaine capture and
torment the occasional human miner, as
well as engaging in stealing and other
pranks, trying their best to escape
human notice.
Despite the relatively innocuous
lifestyle of these jermlaine, even these
creatures have not escaped the notice of
the Red Death. Even the minor hin¬
drance of human mining operations
means another obstacle, however small,
in the way of human progress, and it is
possible that the Red Death is grooming
Grepik for more important work in the

Grethiyn Graymalk
Sth-ievel Githyanki Necromancer,
Chaotic Evil
anyone fairly His stealth imposes a -5 Armor Class: 10 Strength: 12 necromancy. Grethiyn s psionic abilities
penalty to opponents’ surprise rolls, and Movement: 12 Dexterity: 9 are summarized above. He regains one-
makes him undetectable (75%) even Hit Dice: 5d4 Constitution: 16 tenth of his total PSPs (21 PSPs) per hour
under the best of conditions. He carries a Hit Points: 18 Intelligence: 18 of sleep or deep meditation, PSP recovery
quiver full of needle-like darts which he THACO: 19 Wisdom: 15 being slightly dampened on Gothic Earth.
can throw up to 120 feet, inflicting 1-2 No. of Attacks: 1 Charisma: 12 In addition to his spells and psionic
hp damage on a hit. He also wields a Damage per Attack: By weapon powers, Grethiyn can use a plane shift at
small spear that causes 1 -4 hp damage. Special Attacks: Spells, psionics will. Because of the nature of Gothic
Like all jermlaine elders, Crepik can Special Defenses: spells, psionics Earth, however, this ability allows him
drain the magic from a magical item if Magic Resistance: Nil only to enter the Border Ethereal, which
he can handle it for 1-4 rounds. Also, Psionics Summary he has learned is an effective way to
the touch of his left hand causes a debil¬ Level 5; Dis 2/Sci 3/Dev 10; Attack/ avoid pursuit or other complications.
itating disease like that carried by giant Defense All/All; MTHACO 14; MAC 4; Grethiyn can also animate dead by touch
rats; he keeps the hand wrapped in rags PSPs 212 three times per day, creating up to ten
most of the time to prevent carelessly Psychometabolism: (s) death field, skeletons or five zombies.
infecting anyone. life draining, (d) adrenaline control, cell
adjustment displacement double pain, Lair
Lair flesh armor, mind over body Grethiyn resides in a large mansion
Grepik's lair is a vast network of tiny Telepathy: (s) mindlink, (d) conceal in the city of Boston. Within that house,
tunnels that twist between larger caverns thoughts, ESP, inflict pain, mind bar he is truly master. He has absolute conn
and mine shafts through much of north¬ Note: If the psionics rules in The mand over any undead creature within
ern Appalachia, Within these small tun¬ Complete Psionics Handbook are being the house, whether or not he animated
nels, Grepik has total control over the used, rather than the updated rules in it himself. He can cast each of his mem¬
rock, allowing him to expand or contract Player's Option™: Skills and Powersr the orized spells twice within the house, and
a tunnel, open a pit, or cause a cave-in. contact devotion should replace conceal when he enters the house his memory
In these areas, he can also use distance thoughts. If the DM wishes to avoid of all speils previously cast that day is
distortion at will and phase through up to psionics entirely, Grethiyn's psionic abil¬ instantly restored. Within the house,
100 feet of solid rock. Grepik's powers ities can be replaced with equivalent Grethiyn gains 20% magic resistance
are not effective in mine shafts, naturai magical abilities or simply ignored. and regenerates 2 hp per round.
caverns, or other areas that were not Grethiyn can be completely stain only if
carved by jermlaine hands. Combat the house is first burned to the ground.
Not being native to this plane, Grethiyn has assembled a coterie of
Background Grethiyn Graymalk possesses powerful minions to do his bidding within Boston.
Grepik and his followers have been magical and psionic abilities unknown to Much of this work is directed toward
living deep in the mountains of ordinary inhabitants of Gothic Earth. He is filling the coffers at Graymalk mansion,
Appalachia for years, and their ances¬ a 5th-leve1 specialist necromancer, and and much of the rest simply toward
tors for hundreds of years before that. can cast spells with their ordinary casting spreading chaos in the city, but Grethiyn
Only within the last decade or so has time and without having to make a profi¬ has not forgotten that his ultimate pun
Crepik discovered openings leading ciency check. He can cast four first-level, pose is to escape from Gothic Earth, and
from his extensive warren of tunnels three second-level, and two third-level he pays very close attention to any clue
into several coal mines in the area of spells each day, but at least one spell of that might lead him in that direction.
West Virginia and Ohio. In that time each level must belong to the school of Also doing his bidding is a virtual army

114 1997 Annual

of animated undead, "recruited" as the Inspection. Most of the time, a heavy
need arises, usually for specific tasks. black cloak and top hat shroud his
unusual character even further.
Background Now, a former student of Dr. Earl, a
Grethiyn Graymalk was brought to Frenchman called Jean-Marc Tessant,
Gothic Earth by a metaphysician named has arrived in Boston to visit his former
Dr Julius Earl, who created an electrical professor. Grethiyn has taken note of
device that could open a portal to the the scientist's arrival and will be working
Astral plane. The device malfunctioned, to prod Tessant into reconstructing Dr.
allowing Grethiyn to enter the Prime Earl's research to enable Grethiyn to
Material realm of Gothic Earth before return home.
short-circuiting and exploding in a
shower of sparks. Grethiyn slowly tor¬ Musaf ibn-Talir
tured and killed the misguided scientist, Jackalwere, Chaotic Evil
and only then, upon trying to return to Armor Class: 4 Strength: 12
his home in the Astral Plane, did he dis¬ Movement: 12 Dexterity: 15
cover that he was trapped. Enraged, he Hit Dice: 4 Constitution: 13
stormed out into the city of Boston, Hu Points: 21 Intelligence: 13
using his magic and psionics to create THACO: 17 Wisdom: 12
havoc and destruction around him, No. of Attacks: 1 Charisma: 14
venting his anger and frustration. When Damage per Attack: 2d4
a police carriage full of officers waving Special Attacks: Gaze causes sleep Bezetha (on which is built much of the
pistols started chasing after him, he Special Defenses: Iron or magical weapon northern part of the modern city), an
shrugged off their bullets and slaugh¬ to hit archaeologist named Barclay discovered
tered them. This battle calmed him, Magic Resistance: Nil a subterranean complex of tunnels and
however, and he disappeared into the chambers, leading eventually to great
city, disguising himself to appear as Combat white halls supported by immense pil¬
close to human as possible. Then he As a jackalwere, Musaf ibn-Talir's lars—a quarry thought to be the source
began plotting his escape. most insidious ability is the power to of rock for Solomon's Temple. Though it
Shortly after his arrival on Gothic change his shape, switching at will shows signs of human presence in the
Earth, Grethiyn was contacted by her¬ between human, jackal, and hybrid years since it was used as a quarry, it is
alds of the Red Death and offered great forms. As a jackal, he is indistinguish¬ now home only to wild animals—and to
power in exchange for his service. able from the normal animals which Musaf ibn-Talir.
Grethiyn readily accepted, planning to haunt the deserts of Palestine. In hybrid Within the quarry, ibn-Talir's sleep-
betray his unknown "master" as soon as form, he has the head and claws of a inducing gaze is irresistible: his victims do
an opportunity presented itself, but jackal on a humanoid body covered not get a saving throw against its effects
eager to achieve any power which could with short fur He walks erect standing a once they meet his gaze. He can com¬
help him win his escape from Gothic little over five feet tall. In human form, mand any of the numerous jackals in the
Earth, As a servant of the Red Death, ibn-Talir is a small man, about 5‘3’r, with cavern complex to obey him, which they
Grethiyn was granted the ability to to olive skin, black hair, a weathered face, do without question. Within the quarry,
animate dead with a touch, as well as and squinting eyes. Unlike most jack- he regenerates 1 hp per round, and his
other special powers within his lair (see alweres, he cannot alter his human piercing cry acts as afear spell (with nor¬
above}. He has gained great power but appearance—he always appears in the mal saving throws allowed).
is now all the more strongly bound to form he had before his curse took effect.
Gothic Earth because of his servitude to Musaf ibn-Talir prefers to do battle in Background
the Red Death. his hybrid form, attacking with his fierce Musaf ibn-Talir was once a normal
Three months have passed since bite. He can also bite in his jackal form, human, a native of Jerusalem whose
Grethiyn s arrival. The mystery of his ini¬ though his smaller mouth inflicts only cruelty was exceeded only by his cow¬
tial reign of terror is marked "unsolved" 1d4 hp damage. In human form, ibn- ardice. He began his criminal career as
by the Boston police. Grethiyn has Talir may be armed with an army pistol an ordinary street thug, robbing his vic¬
adopted a human identity, posing as an or rifle. tims (predominantly European tourists,
Estonian man called Eero Grethiyn, a In all of his forms, the gaze of the archaeologists, and missionaries) in dark
man of fine breeding and unusual jackalwere acts as a powerful sleep spell alleys and desolate locations. He
accent. His English is poor, but his Anyone who meets his gaze, regardless attacked only single victims, preferring
knowledge of Boston and American of level, must save vs, spell or fall asleep. elderly gentlemen and delicate Victorian
customs is growing rapidly. His ornate Also regardless of his form, Ibn-Talir is ladies-those who would offer little resis¬
robes and weapons have been exchanged immune to nonmagical weapons unless tance. He usually left bis hapless victims
for an expensive suit and a handy navy they are forged of cold iron. dead rather than run the risk that they
pistol. His very unfashionable mane of could bring about his arrest and convic¬
hair ("Oh, it is all the rage in Europe!") Lair tion by the local authorities.
covers the pointed tips and serrated Jerusalem is built around three val¬ As ibn-Talir continued his life of crime,
edges of his ears, and spectacles help to leys, its buildings climbing up their sur¬ he became more interested in the killing
shield his gleaming black eyes from rounding hills. Under one of these hills, of his victims than in the robbery itself.

Dragon Magazine 115

Growing ever less concerned with the place is still considered a 'lair of evil,"
valuables possessed by those he however, imposing the usual penalties
robbed, he derived greater and greater to fear, horror, madness, and powers
pleasure from inflicting pain on them checks (A Guide to Gothic Earth, page
before dispatching them. Finally, he 108).
ceased robbing altogether, killing for
pleasure. Sometimes he would even Background
stoop to scavenging-he would follow The race of beholders, a common ter¬
another thug until he had mugged some ror in many AD0D worlds, is generally
poor soul, wait for the mugger to leave, unknown on Gothic Earth. It is not
then step in to finish the victim off in as known whether the being worshiped in
slow and painful a manner as possible. the forest highlands of Madagascar is a
Soon ibn-Talir began hearing whis¬ native of Gothic Earth, perhaps a trans¬
pered voices as he lurked in the dark¬ formed human like other villains
ened alleys of Jerusalem. The whispers described in this article, or perhaps a
told him of great power to be had in the plane-travelling or even spelljamming
service of a dark master, and encouraged creature trapped here by accident or
his practice of killing for its own sake. At design, in any case, it has made its pres¬
first he thought he was going mad and ence known on the island only since the
ignored the whispers, but finally he could mid-1880s, roughly coinciding with the
take it no longer-he acknowledged them beginning of French control. The natives
and embraced their offer, becoming a maximum), flesh to stone (to 30 yards), of the island, certainly under the influ¬
servant of the Red Death. He took the disintegrate (to 20 yards), fear (as wand), ence of the beholder's charm person abil¬
physical form of a scavenger, a jackal, but slow (single target), cause serious wounds ity, recognized it as an avatar or mani¬
gained enough power to make him a (to 50 yards), and death spell (single tar¬ festation of the god Ndrionohary,
hunter in his own right, preying on get, 40-yard range). Its large central eye believed to be the creator of earth and
humans for his own pleasure while serv¬ emits an anti-magic ray with a range of sky, god of the sun, moon, and rain, and
ing the Red Death by spreading evil, vio¬ 140 yards, covering a 90-degree arc in giver of life to humankind. Whatever its
lence, and pain in the world of Gothic front of it. motives, the beholder did nothing to dis¬
Earth. Each eyestalk is AC 2 and can with¬ suade the villagers from this belief and
stand 5-12 (1 d8+4) hp damage before has ruled the village as Ndrionohary
Ndrionohary' being severed. The small eyes atop the ever since.
Beholden Lawful Evil stalks are AC 7. Damage to the small Ndrionohary does not seem to have
Armor Class: 0/2/7 Strength:13 eyes and eyestalks is not subtracted a revolutionary agenda-nor really any
Movement: FI 3 (B) Dexterity: 14 from the creature's total hit points. agenda whatsoever beyond the basic
Htr Dice: 45-75 hp Constitution: 16 Ndrionohary's central eye is also AC 7, satisfaction of its needs for food, power,
Hit Points: 75 Intelligence: 17 and accounts for 25 hp of the creature's and service. It does seem to thrive on
THACO: 5 Wisdom: 15 total. Its body is AC 0 and 'holds' the the adoration of the villagers, and the
No, of Attacks: 1 Charisma: 13 creature's remaining 50 hp. monster enjoys bending them to its will.
Damage per Attack: 2-8 When Ndrionohary is attacked, roll
Special Attacks: Magic percentile dice to determine the location Juliette Preduit
Special Defenses: Anti-magic ray of the attack: 01-75: body (AC 0); Wererat Neutral Evil
Magic Resistance: Nil 76-85: central eye (AC 7); 86-95: eye- Armor Class: 6 Strength: 17

stalk (AC 2); 96-00: smaller eye (AC 7). A Movement: 12 Dexterity: 13
Combat called shot may of course target a spe¬ Hit Dice: 3+1 Constitution: 12
Though worshiped as a god, the crea¬ cific location on the creature, with the Hit Points: 20 Intelligence: 15
ture called Ndrionohary is a standard normal penalties for such an attack. THACO: 17 Wisdom: 11
ADBD beholder in virtually all respects. It No. of Attacks: 1 Charisma: 9
is a large spherical being, fully the size of Lair Damage per Attack: by weapon (human
a human man, with a large central eye The creature called Ndrionohary or hybrid forms) or 1 -4 (rat form)
set above a gaping, tooth-filled maw, resides in a small village on the island of Special Attacks: Surprise, expanded dam¬
and ten smaller eyes set on eyestalks on Madagascar. The island is a limited pro¬ age with shotgun
top of its armor-plated body It floats tectorate under the 'care' of France, Special Defenses: Silver or magical
about slowly by levitation. though later in the decade, between weapon to hit (hybrid and rat forms)
The beholder's ten small eyes have 1895 and 1896, Madagascar is destined Magic Resistance: Nil
the usual powers for these creatures, to be invaded and annexed by France.
equivalent to the spells unless otherwise The inhabitants of the village revere the Combat
noted: charm person, charm monster, beholder as a god, and they are all Juliette Preduit is a wererat, a human
sleep (only one target), telekinesis (250 ib. under its charm. They bring it regular with the ability to assume the form of a
sacrifices, consisting of game, fruits, and giant rat or that of a hybrid rat-woman.
the occasional European explorer. In her human form, she is far from the
1 This section of this article was inspired and
Informed by Michael John Wybo M's article. The Ndrionohary has no unusual powers typical wererat-she is tall, muscular,
Deities of Africa/ in Dragon Magazine #215, within the village where it resides. The and stern where most wererats are

116 1997 Annual

pack. About ten years ago, however, her
leadership was challenged by an under¬
ling, and a schism in her clan resulted.
Tired of the constant struggles between
packs and within her own, Preduit took
her loyal followers aboard a steamship
bound for the greatest French-speaking
city outside of France: Montreal.
For a few years, Preduit and her pack
preyed with impunity on residents and
sailors in the busy port of Montreal. In
the last two years, though, Preduit and
her wererats have come to the attention
of a dan of sea wolves that have domi¬
nated the seaport in that city for
decades (see "Mysterious Cities" in
Dragon Magazine #240 for details), and
bitter warfare has erupted between the
two races of lycanthropes. In the midst
of this supernatural conflict, the humans
of the city remain the unfortunate vic¬
short, wiry, and shifty She dresses in tims of both parties, but it might be only access to spells as a fourth-level mystic,
masculine clothes that smell of sweat a matter of time before Preduit and the with major access to the Combat sphere
and the sewers. seawolf pack leader come face-to-face and minor access to the spheres of All
Preduit is a brutal fighter, preferring and determine which group of lycam and Healing (reversed spells only), A typ¬
the blast of a shotgun to the rapiers and thropes will rule the nights in Montreal ical complement of spells for a raid is as
knives of other wererats, Her strength through the turn of the century, follows: cause light wounds (x2), bless;
and size in rat form give her a significant chant, spiritual hammer
bite attack as weil; this is the only way Sheldra if encountered underwater, Sheldra
Preduit can pass on her lycanthropy to 4th-Ieve! Sahuagin Mystic (Shaman)), can attack five times, adding the daws
humans. Lawful Evil on her feet to the ciaw-daw-bite routine.
In both her hybrid and her rat forms, Armor Class: 5 Strength: 16 In addition, she has the ability to charm
Juliette is immune to attacks from non- Movement: 12, Sw 24 Dexterity: 10 sharks at will to do her bidding. When
magical weapons, unless they are made Hit Dice: 4 Constitution: 13 faced with humans in primitive diving
of pure silver Hit Points: 21 Intelligence: 14 gear, she seeks to cut air lines and oth¬
THACO: 18 Wisdom: 15 erwise foul the equipment to drown the
Lair No. of Attacks: 3 or 5 Charisma: 7 hapless divers.
Juliette Preduit is the leader of a Damage per Attack: 1-2/1-2/1-4 +1
Parisian wererat clan that has found a (kicks 1-4/1-4 +1) Lair
new home in the sewers of Montreal. Special Attacks: Fear, spells Sheldra and her clan of sahuagin
The city's entire sewer system is her lair, Special Defenses: Spells dwell In an underwater village near the
and within those tunnels her powers Magic Resistance: Nil mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. She has
increase dramatically. She gains the abil¬ no exceptional powers within her lair, at
ity to use a stinking cloud spell at will and Combat least in part because she is new to the
is herself immune to its effects. She can Sheldra is a sahuagin shaman, a leadership of her dan.
also summon swarm at will, conjuring a priestess of their diabolical shark deity.
writhing mass of rats to sweep over her She is a sterling physical example of her Background
enemies. Finally, she can dimension door race, towering to 6r4" in height, with A tiny dan of sahuagin is all that
freely anywhere within the limits of the black and green scales covering her mus¬ remains of a tribe which raided the
city's sewers. cular body. Her face has been ritually entire eastern seaboard before the time
scarred to look almost as though she of Columbus. This small group has sur¬
Background were wearing a mask. She wears a sea- vived only by abandoning the ancient
Paris is well-known for the tales of weed necklace hung with shark's teeth sahuagin practice of raiding coastal
shapechanging rat-men making their and a piece of coral carved in the shape towns, settling into more peaceful and
homes in its sewers, in fact, vast num¬ of a shark, isolationist ways instead. The clan's
bers of wererats reside in the city's sew- Sheldra can attack with daws and a most recent leader, a four-armed mutant
ers, prevented from dominating the sur¬ bite, inflicting one extra point of damage named Kruthen, was a firm proponent
face of the city perhaps only by the per attack because of her Strength. More of this policy, but Sheldra, the clan
tremendous rivalry that exists between often, she prefers to leave the physical shaman, a member of a new genera¬
different dans or packs of the creatures. battle to the sahuagin she leads, lending tion, longed to restore her people to
Juliette Preduit was born and raised in her aid in the form of her mystical pow¬ their former glory.
Paris' sewers, and by her strength and ers. Twice per day, she can cause fear as Sheldra's opportunity came when
cunning quickly rose to lead a large the fourth-level wizard spelt She has Kruthen was caught in a fishing net in

Dragon Magazine 117

the Chesapeake Bay, hauled to the sur¬ Lair
face, and imprisoned for research at the Praskovia’s body is buried in the
U.S, naval base in Norfolk, Virginia. Russian cemetery on the west side of
Assuming the leadership of the cian by Sitka. Though her spirit is essentially
tribal custom, Sheklra began a crusade nomadic, she has certain additional
of vengeance against the humans of the powers within the cemetery and it is
coastlands, ostensibly seeking to rescue treated as her lair for all purposes,
Kruthen but in actuality simply living out Within the graveyard, Praskovia can use
her lifelong dream of leading her people an emotion spell at will, and can also ani¬
into battle. mate dead once per day, calling forth
Sheidra is not a born leader; in fact, nine skeletons from the graves around
most of her clan are not entirely com¬ her.
fortable around her. She has a grating
personality, but she has the rightful Background
claim to the clan leadership in Kruthen's Praskovia Voronov was, in life, the
absence, and most of her people share wife of a prominent member of the
her desire to raid the humans, so for Russian colony of New Archangel, which
now she is unchallenged. But she dreads became Sitka upon the transfer of
the inevitable day when she loses con- Alaska to the U.S, A bitter and hateful
trul-if Kruthen actually turns up to take person by all accounts, Praskovia des¬
his rightful place, or if he is discovered to perately wanted to return to Russia
be dead, proving that the dan needs to when the U.S, soldiers arrived to take
speak except when In control of a host,
select a new military leader. She is hor¬ possession, but her husband, Arkady,
when she speaks Russian in a loud, blus¬
rendously insecure of her leadership as tery voice. forced her to remain with him. Arkady, a
a result, agonizing over every leadership When she is not in control of a body, much more optimistic and idealistic per¬
decision. son ihan his wife, was outspoken in his
Voronov does not engage in combat
Sheidra believes that her race is vastly criticism of the rowdy American soldiers
and Is immune to most attacks. In this
superior to humanity and intends to and protested loudly to their comman¬
state, only spells such as banishment or
demonstrate that fact to the measly der on several occasions. Praskovia,
dismissal can affect her (and then only if
humans who think they can hold a the spell caster has some means of see¬ unfortunately, bore the brunt of the ret¬
sahuagln leader captive. She delights in ing the invisible spirit), driving her from ribution leveled by the soldiers,
inflicting pain and suffering on the sur¬ the area, She cannot be turned or One night while Arkady was away at
face-dwellers, but behaves as a gruff but harmed by any other physical or magi¬ a protest meeting, a group of soldiers
gentle mother toward her own people. broke into lire Voronov house, then tor¬
cal attack,
Sheidra loves alcohol, which she can only Voronov's most deadly ability, of tured and killed Praskovia. Arkady, in his
gain by raiding humans. She won't allow grief, fried to swim out to a French ship
course, is her power to dominate a
any of her clan to drink the stuff because body, taking control completely away that was anchored near the city, seeking
of its effect on the body and mind, but asylum and transport back to Russia,
from the body's owner. She dues this by
she hoards it for herself when she comes but he drowned In the cold water,
entering an orifice of the body-mouth,
across it in a raid. nose, or ear-and, in effect, binding the Praskovia's spirit could not rest, and she
person's mind and spirit, making him became an odem, possessing human
Praskovia Voronov2 victims in order to feed on the emotions
helpless though still aware. She then
Odem, Chaotic Evil uses the body to stir up as much anger of hot anger-since it is her own anger
Armor Class; n/a Strength: n/a and frustration that sustain her spirit in
and conflict as she can, blustering in her
Movement: 9 Dexterity: n/a unlife.
loud Russian voice, pushing and provok¬
Hit Dice: n/a Constitution: n/a
ing others, and generally stirring up
Hit Points: n/a Intelligence: very
THACO; n/a Wisdom: n/a While in possession of a body,
No. of Attacks: 1 Charisma: n/a
Praskovia Is immune to most magic. A
Damage per Attack:
w/s/i or magic jar can drive her from the After several years of enduring rejections,
Special Attacks: Domination body, but other mind-affecting magic is revisions, and tong waits for publication of
Special Defenses: Immune to physical articles that have been accepted, James
useless against her. Other spells and
damage weapons can harm the possessed body, Wyatt is finally becoming one of the regular
Magic Resistance: See below contributors to Dragon"- Magazine and
but even the death of the body does not
Dungeon" Adventures. Maybe now he'll
harm the odem, simply forcing it to find
Combat a new victim. There is one additional, slop following us around at conventions.
Praskovia Voronov is an odem, an unique way to expel Praskovia from a
evil undead spirit that can take control body she has possessed: if one of the sil¬
of the living in order to work her will on ver wedding crowns kept in St. Michael's
the world. As a spirit, she is normally cathedral in Sitka is held over the head
invisible, though to adepts able to per¬ 2 Voronova was inspired by the character of the
of the possessed victims, Praskovia can¬ same name in James Michener's novel, Alaska, but
ceive the invisible she appears as a not remain in the body, the two characters have very little in common. See
white, vaporous cloud. She cannot also "Mysterious Cities" in Dragon Magazine #240,

I 18 1997 Annual
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A Glimpse at TSR in 1998
O reetings adventurers! Dave thought
it would be a good idea if I wrote a
Marvel* Super Heroes
We are very proud to announce the
There are so many exciting enhance¬
ments that can he made to the character
short overview of some of the great stuff generators, map makers, and so on that
release of our Marvel roiepiaying game.
we have planned for 1998 and beyond. we don't reaily see an end in sight to
This will be a completely new treatment
So here goes! how excellent a tool this can become. So
of roiepiaying in the exciting Marvel uni¬
our strategy with this product is to com
verse, this time using the award-winning
The Alternity™ Game Saga® system which has been so suc¬
tinue to enhance it, releasing new ver¬
Of course we're very excited about sions on an annual or semi-annual basis
cessful with our Dragonlance: line. So
the upcoming release of the Alternity according to what you tell us you'd like
get ready, it's clobberin' time!
game, which will be our big push into to see in it. And we ll develop an
science fiction roleplaying. By the time AD8D® Campaigns upgrade program so that when new ver¬
the Alternity game is released in May of sions come out, you won't have to pay
Of course, none of this diminishes our
1998, we wiil have worked on it for full price, just as you'd expect with any
enthusiasm for the ongoing efforts in the
nearly three years. This is not something software application expected to have a
lines we already have up and running.
that was slapped together to go after the long life. You'll see in our product catalog
The Forgotten Realms" setting will keep
obvious sci-fi gap in the market. We that version 2 of this product is antici¬
growing bigger and better, the Ravenloit"
took our time and even released a pre¬ pated for summer of '98, If you have
setting will become scarier, the Birthright"
view version of the game to get your Ideas for version 3, let us know. We'd
campaign will be coming back better
feedback before the formal launch. The love to hear your thoughts!
than ever with a relaunch in the summer,
response has been overwhelmingly pos¬ We have some ideas for some other
and fans of the Dragon lance setting will
itive, and now we re ready to go forward CD ROM products as well. Wouldn't it be
watch with anticipation as the next chap¬
with the full line. We plan to use a prod- great if there were a Forgotten Realms
ter of Krynn begins to unfold. With the
uct format that's similar to what has atlas and encyclopedia on a CD ROM?
core AD&D" line, we will continue to pro¬
worked so well for the ADBD" game, Or some great toois for playing RPGs on
vide exciting adventures suitable for any
with the Alternity game itself serving as the internet? Or if we could help you put
fantasy roleplaying setting; in particular
a core set of rules suitable for any mod- your campaign on a web site and con¬
we re going to try a new concept for the
ern or science fiction setting, and Star nect it to ours? While we certainly don't
1 i n e—a m i n i -se ri es I Th e Island of Jakandor
Drive will be the first campaign setting believe that electronic products will ever
will be released as a three-part adventure
that we publish and support. With talent take the place of face-to-face roleplay-
and source book. Check it out, and let us
like Bill Slavicsek, Rich Baker, and Kim mg, we do believe a set of well-designed
know what you think of this approach.
Mohan on this project, you won't be dis¬ electronic products could add a fascinat¬
appointed with the results. Electronic Gaming ing dimension to the game.
One of the biggest opportunities for The RPC A® Network
The Return of Greyhawk
us to make your role-playing experience
Another exciting release that jumps Last but not least, let's not forget the
more exciting is to take advantage of the
right off the catalog at you is the return electronic media. We don't plan on cre¬
Role Playing Games Association® (RPGA)

of the Greyhawk"' setting! Yes, the origi¬ Network. As anyone who s familiar with
ating computer games ourselves—well
nal roleplaying campaign of the great Wizards of the Coast knows, we're big
leave that market for the electronic
Gary Gygax himself returns to a store believers in organized play programs.
game companies that know how to do
near you, starting with Return of the Eight We have huge plans for the Network,
that so well-but we would like to
in June of 1998. Following immediately including a focus on getting retailers
develop some CD ROM products that
thereafter will be the Player's Guide to involved. If you're not a member, now's
directly support the true roiepiaying
Greyhawk, the primary campaign setting the perfect time to sign up, 'cause we re
experience. The first product in this series
product, in July. Of course there will be a ready to play]
was the CD ROM Core Rules product,
regular release of Greyhawk support Stay on target,
which was released in 1996. As we've
products after that. I want to thank all continued to work with this product and
the Greyhawk fans who sent me email Peter D, Adkison
use it in our own campaigns, we've
expressing their support and enthusi¬ CEO & Janitor,
started to develop a vision for this prod¬
asm through their "Save the Gerthr Wizards of the Coast and TSR
uct to evolve as the ultimate roleplaying
campaign. mavra@wizards,com
toolbox for Dungeon Masters and players.

120 1997 Annual


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