Melrda 375-4

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Kieran Richards

1950s – Modern time

From the 19550s the music industry has changed tremendously from the way that people listen to
there music to how people get paid. The way that celebrities also rose to fam has drasically changed
over the years

In the 1950s there was an emergence of rock and roll, which had its most significant impact on the
Uk music industry. on the 14th of November 1952 the first Uk chart was published it included names
such as elves Presley, bill Halley and al Martino. Towards the end of the decade the Beatles were
formed changing music as we know it today.

The 1960s were often considered the golden age of British music. Bands such as the Beatles, the
rolling stones and the who dominated at the top of the charts. The driving force of these band where
the likes of labels, they were responsible for many bands rise to fame during this period however it
would cost them large percentages of their earnings

The 1970s was where new musical genres started to Eries such as punk disco and NewWave/.
Record labels such as island records and EMI were begging in to take up a more significant role in the
industry and abbey road and trident had become legendary. In the 70s music programs became
more popular like ready steady go and top of the pop making it easier to spread music on a mass

The 1980s was where there was a massive rise in mtv and music videos. The completely transformed
the way music was marketed and consumed. This was also the introduction of digital recording and
sampling technology which further proppled the industry. The first mtv video was buggles video
killed the radio.

In the 1990s there was a shift towards independent record label, this was due to bands and artits
desiring more creative control over their work. There was also a new genre brit pop which featured
band like blur, oasis and pulp, it rose in popularity a lot throughout the decade

The begging of the 21st century saw the rise of digital music. With the launch of iTunes in 2001 as
well as the introduction to mp3 players. Later in the decade serves like Spotify (2008) and YouTube
(2005). This decade saw illegal downloads become a significant issue within the industry

2010s-modernday saw a continued growth with all streaming with Spotify being the dominant
service within the industry. The introduction of social media platforms such as Facebook twitter
Instagram and TikTok meant artists had new ways to promote their music and to connect with there
fans, covid-19 had a significant impact on the industry with live events being cancelled there was a
shift to a more digital approach

Part b 1.2

1)how the growth of the internet has changed how music is released, distributed and promoted in
the UK’s recorded music industry from 2000 to the present day

The growth of the internet had a significant impact on the industry as it changed the way it was released,
distributed and promoted
The rise of the internet changed the way music was distributed. The introduction of the online music
stores has made it easier for artists and labels to realise they're music globally however this led to a
decrease in physical sale and an increase in digital scaled.

Social media provides musicians and labels to market and promote their music to fans in a new way.
Platform like TikTok and Instagram have become a key marketing tool. It allowed artists to directly
connect with their fans, provide samples of their new tracks and build a following

Streaming services such as Spotify have changed the way people consume music. Streaming services have
become the main way fans discover, listen and share music. Services also led to shifts in revenue,
meaning that song streams became a significant source of income

The internet also led to an increase in piracy. In the music industry piracy is the illegal download through
file sharing. This has had a negative impact to the industry due to it leading to a decline in sales and

The rise of the internet enabled musicians to bypass the traditional methods of distribution channels and
sell their music directly to the consumer. That means that artist is given greater control over their music
and the ability to build a loyal fan base without relying on a label

2)how marketing and promotion strategies have changed from 2000 to the present day in the UK’s
recorded music industry

The marketing and promotion strategies in the uks recorded music industry have changed significantly
from 2000 to present day due to the digital revolution.

With an increase of digital platforms such as Spotify the traditional formats like vinyl and cs have gone
out of fashion. This led to an increase in the digital markets as it makes it easier to distribute.

The increase in social media use on platforms such as TikTok have created new opportunities for
marketing and promotion of songs. Both artists and record labels can now reach significantly widen
audiences. They can also reach and engage fans directly

Brands and artist can now collaborate using social media to promote their products and music. This is
now an important part of marketing strategies as influencers have built up large following who trust their
opinions and aspire to be like them

With the technology of modern-day data collection such as watch time and engagement giving labels a
better understanding of their audiences. They can also specifically target audiences. They can track a
listener's data and behaver and use this to target ads and promotions to generate the most clicks

Due to a decline in physical album sales, live events like concerts and festivals have increased in
popularity and is now a very important revenue source this means that there is a larger focus on
promoting events.

Brands and labels are partnering more to promote music, and this can take form in a produce placement
sponsorship or cobranded events

3) how the global uptake of mobile phone technology has impacted how music is released,
distributed and promoted within the UK’s recorded music industry from 2000 to the present
The use of mobile phones has had a significant impact on the way music was released
promoted and consumed around in the Uk.

Digital distribution has become a primary mean of realising music. Online services such as
iTunes have made it significantly easier to for consumers to purchase and download music
to their phones directly. However, this has led to a decrease in physical music sales like cds
and vinyl records due to the shift to more digital and service-based music

Phones have made it easier for promotion due to social media. Platforms such as twitter
and Facebook and Instagram allow labels and artist to promote their music using their
platforms for no cost. These platforms are now crucial for promoting new tracks concerts
and tours

With mobile devices also came the introduction of streaming Services. Services nsuch as
Spotify, apple and amazon music haver became the main way people stream and listen to
music. Mobile phones are the most common way that these services are used
With the advances in technolagy it has never been easier for artists to create music at home
in studios or on the go. Mobile DAWs like garageband and FL studio mobile allow musicians
to record mix and even master their tracks on their smart devices.

4)how the change in formats (such as: vinyl, tape, CD, mp3, streaming) has impacted how
music is released, distributed, and promoted in the UK’s recorded music industry from 2000
to the present day
The music industry has undergone significant changes in the way that music was released
distributed and promoted since the early 200s. At the forefront of this transformation was
recorded music industry.

With the rise of digital technology, the traditional methods of music distribution have fallen
out of favour for the new modern channels such as streaming services downloads and
digital stores. This is due to these channels offering a much greater convenience to the
consumer and they have changed the way music is consumed.

Social media has changed the way music is promoted, from posters on walls to trailers and
sneak peaks at the artist's new top hit. It's also shown to their fans directly allowing the
people who are likely to listen to the songs. They can also use their platform to promote live
gigs and events.
Music videos also have changed the format in which music its consumed. The rise of
YouTube and other video sharing platform has meant that that artists can now use these
forms of content to content to promote their tracks
Live streaming has become increasingly popular way for artists to connect with their fans
especially with the pandemic. Platforms such as YouTube allow artists to live stream events
like concerts and gigs from anywhere in the world to anywhere. This has created an
additional stream of revenue for them
Unlike old methods of consumption, new streaming services offer recommendations for
music that is simpler to what you listen to leading to a more personalised listing expierince
with artists and music you may never have come across

5) how artists’ relationships with their audience and the industry have changed in relation to how
music is released, distributed and promoted in the UK’s recorded music industry from 2000 to the present

One of the most significant nt changes in the rise of digital music platform such as Spotify. Platforms like this have made it
easier for artists to distribute straight to their fans, bypassing the traditional record label distribution system. In turn this
has allowed artists to have more control over their own music and cam connect with their fan base in new ways. But it has
made artists earn less from there music as the revenue created from there streams is less than that of its physical

Social media has had a significant impact on the relationship between artists and audience. Platforms such as instagram
has meant that artists have been provided with new ways to connect with their fans. It also made direct promotion easier
as they can promote their music directly to those who would be interested

Due to the rise in streaming, there has been changes to the way music is promoted. Playlists have become crucal way for
artists to reach their audience's. Some labels and artist have started creating their own created playlists to as a showcase
for their best and new songs.

However, it is very competitive as big names dominate on streaming service and It can be hard to break into this category
this is why social media can help as having a good connection with fans can allow you to grow massively

6) how the different methods for releasing, selling and consuming music from 2000 to the present
day in the UK’s music industry has changed

Physical s ales have declined in the early 2000s. Where CDs were dominate for years that now falls om services such as
Spotify and apple music. In 2020 physical sales only account for 17% of the market were as in the year 2000- it was 77%
with most people not owning the methods to play these physical copy

Scene apple iTunes release in 2004 digital downloads have quickly become the common way to consume music. Digital
downloads peaked in 2012 but have declined in popularity thanks to streaming services

In recent years streaming has become the dominant way of consuming music services like sportify YouTube and apple
music have changed it due to the consumer being able to stream millions of songs with one monthly subscription fee. In
2020 streaming accounted for 80% of the in-music market
Task 3 - AC1.3 - 3 Draw conclusions from the findings in 1.2 in relation to the future of the UK recording industry

In conclusion from 2000s there has been massive change in the way music is consumed, distributed and promote. This si
due to the rise in social media. Many things have changed. With the likes of consumption moving to a more online and
streaming focused whereas prior hard copies were the main way / only way of consumption. Live events are can now be
broadcasted to a live audience creating more revenue for the artists. Due to the presence of the new services have
distribution on a global scale has never been easier and artists can reach a wider audience with this. Promotion as once
where it would rely on radio word of mouth and posters can now be mass distributed to millions using platforms like
Instagram and TikTok. In the future I predict that in the coming years musi will become completely digital, not only as its
easier to consume but also as it sustainable for the planet. I believe that eventuaslly music may no longer be consumed, as
we eveolve the thirst for knowledge becomes greater, most humans may no longer consume music. In the meanwhile, I
believe genres like techno and edm will overwhelm the industy and will become the most consumed genres

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