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Basic >>

“I’m a medic, let me help you up.”

Name: Irecel Haleer

Age: 37 Sweeps
Gender: F
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Bi
Caste and Shade: Cerulean (True Cerulean)

Appearance >>
“Stop looking at it, look at me. Look at me.”

General: A cerulean blooded lead paramedic with several EMTs under her command.
Standing tall and confident at 6’04”(Before Horns) she stands out on scenes with
her heavy jacket and confident aura. In addition to her attire in the back of the
ambulance, she is also a member of Mercy teams as a TACMED, providing aid during
high-octane scenarios such as shootings or bank robberies while the threat still

Height: 6’04”
Build: Athletic

Horns: Two horns standing tall with inverted points on either side.
Hair: Slick black hair, more often than not in the form of a ponytail.
Clothing: While more often than not in her work uniform as seen above, in her off-
hours she usually falls back to sweatpants and a T-shirt as a more comforting
alternative to the heavy nylon she usually wears. Although rare, Irecel has also
been spotted wearing Kevlar & dark attire as a certified TACMED.

Mutations: N/A

Personality >>
"You are my mission. I will not abandon you."

General: Rather than taking lives, Irecel has taken an oath to save them. She will
do all she can to prevent those around her from succumbing to the grave. She has
several sweeps of medical experience under her belt and understands the ins and out
of troll anatomy, including experience with sea dwellers.

Likes: Her job, those who yield to the flashing lights

Dislikes: Losing a patient in her care, those who do not yield to the flashing

Interests: Despite often working 36-48 hour shifts, her free time is often spent at
home playing menial video games, studying her craft, or taking showers for several
hours on end. Due to the intensity of her career and being on-call 24/7, her social
life takes severe hits. She does not have the time of day to socialize in person
due to how often she’s called in, even on her days off.

Quirk >>
"I’m here now, you’re going to be alright."

Handle: valiantHeart
Text Color: #023f78
Quirk: Lowercase ‘t’s replaced with ‘+’
Quirk Example: The quick brown fox jumped over +he lazy dog.

Fighting Capabilities >>

"It’s okay, you’re safe now. I promise."

Powers: N/A

Strife Specibus: IV-kind

Weaknesses: A medic with no combat experience. If ever engaged in a 1 on 1 fight

she would surely lose.
Strengths: Although unethical & illegal, Irecel theoretically holds ultimate mercy
over those in her wagon.

Background >>
"I need you to stay strong, alright?"

Backstory: During her youth, Irecel very noticeably took a different route from
most trolls in terms of specialty. While many would go off to master a weapon of
their choice or gain a cult following online, Irecel dedicated busy days and
sleepless nights studying the art of medicine. However, she was not interested in
stationary doctoring. Having patients brought to you wasn’t where she was
interested. Her line of duty is to keep the patient alive long enough to seek
proper attention.

During her education, Irecel practiced rapid response, CPR, both basic and
advanced first aid, and use of an AED. Most of her equipment can be found in a bag
strapped around her back. Knee Pads, jacket, hoodie, and turtleneck are also common
sights on the troll.

While her primary concern is keeping those alive, don’t mistake this for
weakness. If anyone were to be in a prime position to take your life, it would be
her. Not straightforward, of course. She would stand no chance in any direct
confrontation. Instead, she would lull you into a sense of trust, and give you just
a little extra anesthesia. An overdose. Lulling the heart into a permanent slumber,
she can simply claim it was faulty medication. An investigation would ensue, of
course. However nothing could ever be proven.

Irecel’s lusus was a North American Black Bear. However, life goes on and her lusus
was lost to old age not long ago.

During the Empire's infancy, trolls engaging in large-scale warfare wasn't uncommon
whatsoever. However, there was a time where the wounded either healed on their own
or perished, cast away as weak and disposable. The Corpsman brought to her Chain of
Command a proposition of rather than leaving the wounded to die, to have dedicated
teams traverse the fields of battle to assist & heal the wounded. Even if they
could no longer fight, their experience in the field could be used to train future
generations of soldiers.

Although skeptical, her CoC decided to entertain her idea. They placed her in
charge of a small team of personnel under her banner. She was tasked with training
them and had sixteen weeks to do so before they would be placed along the
frontlines of war to prove themselves. The Corpsman spent countless days and nights
with this team, training them in triage, field surgery, and stabilization. The day
came that this new, experimental team would be dropped into the heat of war.
Frontlines warfare. Although her CoC had no expectations, it very quickly became
apparent that trolls, when they had the peace of mind that somebody would help them
if they got hurt, engaged with a more aggressive performance. Morale was noticeably
higher and the wounded who were brought back, although unable to fight another day,
were able to fill other jobs in service.

The after-action report from the skirmish caught the attention of her CoC, who
compared it to hundreds of other skirmishes and battles from recent history. The
team lead by The Corpsman proved invaluable. Casualties were lower than expected,
with less than 25% of predicted deaths. Many of those injured were able to return
to service and those who returned uninjured expressed to their own command that
they wanted their own medical teams for future operations.

The performance quickly spread amongst the Brass of the empire, who saw extreme
potential in medical teams. As such, The Corpsman's sign, the Star of Life, was
accepted as an honorary insignia for these teams. Although thousands of sweeps have
passed and the original Corpsman has long since fallen to the test of time, her
bloodline is still strong and can be traced almost too easily in comparison to
other trolls. Every single member of the Corpsman's lineage had found themselves in
the medical field in one way shape or form. Be they combat medics on the
frontlines, nurses, doctors, or paramedics.

Residence >>
"Don’t move, I’m gonna patch you up."

Hive location: Irecel, due to her low income rate, lives in a lowblood hivestem.

Hive description: A rundown apartment fit for a bronzeblood. Her caste allows her
to modify it with more of the latest-and-greatest gadgets, but under the spec and
span it’s still a lowblood apartment. Creaky floors, rowdy neighbors, and annoying
landlords. Despite the ‘Highblood glamor’, her apartment is noticeably riddled with
piles of dirty clothes, empty water bottles, and trash she has yet to take out.

Optional/Extra >>
"Show me where it hurts."

Theme Song(s): Am I High RN (Quinn XCII), I Fall Apart (Post Malone)

Voice Claim:
Fun Facts:
Over 9,000 hours of medical experience.
Seadweller certified
‘Mercy Team’ Certified
Safe & Sound

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