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Published in Canada by
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First Canadian Edition published in 2005

Second Canadian Edition published in 2009
Third Canadian Edition published in 2012
Fourth Canadian Edition published in 2016

Social Research Methods, Second Edition was originally published in English

in 2004. Adapted from a work originally published by Oxford University Press, Ltd.
This adapted version has been customized for Canada only and is published
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© Alan Bryman 2004.

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Bryman, Alan, author
Social research methods / Alan Bryman, Edward Bell. – Fifth Canadian edition.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-0-19-902944-0 (softcover).–ISBN 978-0-19-902951-8 (PDF)

1. Social sciences–Research–Textbooks. 2. Social sciences–Methodology–

Textbooks. 3. Textbooks. I. Bell, Edward A. (Edward Allan), 1955-, author II. Title.

H62.B78 2019 300.72 C2018-904714-3


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1 2 3 4 — 21 20 19 18
Brief Contents
Guide to the Book vii
Special Features of the Book ix
Acknowledgments xviii
Preface xix

PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

1 General Research Orientations 2
2 Research Designs 27
3 Research Ethics 50

Appendix to Part I The Ideal Stages of Research 69

PART II Quantitative Research

4 The Nature of Quantitative Research 74
5 Survey Research: Interviews and Questionnaires 95
6 Structured Observation 133
7 Quantitative Sampling 146
8 Quantitative Data Analysis 170

PART III Qualitative Research

9 The Nature of Qualitative Research 198
10 Ethnography and Participant Observation 216
11 Interviewing in Qualitative Research 239
12 Content Analysis 271
13 Qualitative Data Analysis 305

PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative

Divide and Some Practical Advice
14 Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 324
15 Writing Up Social Research 346
16 Conducting a Research Project 360

Appendix Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 373

Glossary 403
References 410
Index 426

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Guide to the Book vii
Special Features of the Book ix
Acknowledgments xviii
Preface xix

Appendix to Part I: An Overview of the

PART I Fundamental Issues Research Process 69
in Social Research
1 General Research Orientations 2
Chapter overview 2
PART II Quantitative Research
Introduction 3 4 The Nature of Quantitative
Theory and research 4 Research 74
Deductive and inductive approaches 6 Chapter overview 74
Epistemological considerations 9 Introduction 75
Ontological considerations 13 The main steps in quantitative research 75
General orientations: Quantitative and qualitative Concepts and their measurement 76
research 16 Reliability and measurement validity 81
Influences on the conduct of social research 17 Reflections on reliability and validity 85
Key Points 24 The main goals of quantitative researchers 85
Questions for Review and Creative Application 24 Critiques of quantitative research 89
Interactive Classroom Activities 25 Key Points 92
Relevant Websites 26 Questions for Review and Creative Application 92
Interactive Classroom Activities 93
2 Research Designs 27 Relevant Websites 94
Chapter overview 27
Introduction 28 5 Survey Research:
Research designs 29 Interviews and Questionnaires 95
Bringing research orientation and design together 46 Chapter overview 95
Key Points 48 Introduction 96
Questions for Review and Creative Application 48 Open or closed questions? 96
Interactive Classroom Activities 49 Types of questions 98
Relevant Websites 49 Rules for designing questions 100
Issues related to conducting
3 Research Ethics 50 interviews 109
Chapter overview 50 Questionnaires 116
Introduction 51 Secondary analysis of survey data 122
General ethical principles 52 The feminist critique 128
Conclusions 66 Key Points 129
Key Points 67 Questions for Review and Creative Application 130
Questions for Review and Creative Application 67 Interactive Classroom Activities 131
Interactive Classroom Activities 67 Relevant Websites 132
Relevant Websites 68

bry29440_fm_i-xx.indd 12/21/18 12:05 PM

Contents v

6 Structured Observation 133 Criteria for evaluating qualitative research 204

Chapter overview 133 The main goals of qualitative researchers 206
Introduction 134 Critiques of qualitative research 211
Problems with survey research 134 Some contrasts between quantitative
So why not just observe behaviour directly? 135 and qualitative research 212

The observation schedule 136 Key Points 213

Strategies for observing behaviour 137 Questions for Review and Creative Application 214

Issues of reliability and validity 137 Interactive Classroom Activities 214

Field experiments as a form of structured Relevant Websites 215

observation 141
Criticisms of structured observation 143 10 Ethnography and Participant
Key Points 143 Observation 216
Questions for Review and Creative Application 143 Chapter overview 216
Interactive Classroom Activities 144 Introduction 217
Relevant Websites 145 Access 217
Roles for ethnographers 223
7 Quantitative Sampling 146 Field notes 227
Chapter overview 146 The rise of visual ethnography 229
Introduction 147 Institutional ethnography 231
Sampling error 149 Sampling 232
Types of probability sample 150 The end 234
The qualities of a probability sample 153 Can there be a feminist ethnography? 235
Sample size 155 Key Points 236
Types of non-probability sampling 158 Questions for Review and Creative Application 237
Limits to generalization 163 Interactive Classroom Activities 237
Content analysis sampling 164 Relevant Websites 238
Reducing non-response 165
Key Points 167 11 Interviewing in Qualitative
Questions for Review and Creative Application 168 Research 239
Interactive Classroom Activities 168 Chapter overview 239
Relevant Websites 169 Introduction 240
Differences between structured and qualitative
8 Quantitative Data Analysis 170 research interviews 240
Chapter overview 170 Unstructured and semi-structured interviewing 241
Introduction 171 Focus groups: An introduction 250
A small research project 171 Conducting focus groups 251
Key Points 194 Size of groups and selecting participants 251
Questions for Review and Creative Application 194 Asking questions and level of moderator
Interactive Classroom Activities 195 involvement 254
Relevant Websites 196 Group interaction in focus group sessions 256
Limitations of focus groups 257
PART III Qualitative Research Online interviews and focus groups 258
Feminism and interviewing in qualitative
9 The Nature of Qualitative Research 198 research 262
Chapter overview 198 Qualitative interviewing (without immersion in a
Introduction 199 social setting) versus ethnography 264
Theory and concepts in qualitative research 201 Key Points 267
vi Contents

Questions for Review and Creative Application 268 Quantitative research and constructionism 328
Interactive Classroom Activities 269 Research methods and epistemological and
Relevant Websites 270 ontological considerations 328
Problems with the quantitative/qualitative contrast 329
12 Content Analysis 271 Mutual analysis 331
Chapter overview 271 Quantification in qualitative research 332
Introduction 272 Multi-strategy research 332
Personal documents 273 Two positions in the debate over quantitative and
Government documents 277 qualitative research 334

Official documents from private sources 279 Approaches to multi-strategy research 334

Mass media outputs 279 Reflections on multi-strategy research 341

Virtual outputs and the Internet as objects of Key Points 343

analysis 280 Questions for Review and Creative Application 343
What things need to be analyzed? 282 Interactive Classroom Activities 344
Coding 284 Relevant Websites 345
Content analysis without a pre-existing coding
scheme 287 15 Writing Up Social Research 346
Readers and audiences—active or passive? 290 Chapter overview 346
Two approaches to the study of language 290 Introduction 347
Advantages of content analysis 300 Writing up quantitative research: An example 347
Disadvantages of content analysis 300 Writing up qualitative research: An example 350
Key Points 301 Postmodernism and its implications for writing 353
Questions for Review and Creative Application 302 Writing up ethnography 354
Interactive Classroom Activities 303 Key Points 357
Relevant Websites 303 Questions for Review and Creative Application 357
Interactive Classroom Activities 357
13 Qualitative Data Analysis 305 Relevant Websites 358
Chapter overview 305
16 Conducting a Research Project 360
Introduction 306
Chapter overview 360
General strategies of qualitative data analysis 306
Introduction 361
Key Points 320
Know what is expected by your institution 361
Questions for Review and Creative Application 320
Identifying research questions 361
Interactive Classroom Activities 321
Using a supervisor 362
Relevant Websites 322
Managing time and resources: Start thinking early
about the research area 363
PART IV Transcending the Searching the existing literature 363
Quantitative/­ Preparing for research 365
Qualitative Divide and Writing up research 366
Some Practical Advice Interactive Classroom Activities 372
Relevant Websites 372
14 Revisioning Quantitative and
Qualitative 324 Appendix: Using IBM SPSS Statistics
Chapter overview 324 and NVivo Software 373
Introduction 325
The natural science model and qualitative Glossary 403
research 326 References 410
Quantitative research and interpretivism 327 Index 426
Guide to the Book
The Preface that begins this new edition has
Who would benefit from two purposes: to provide an entrée into the world
reading this book? of social research methods, and to make the case
that research methods are something to get excited
This book was written for undergraduate students
about. The rest of the text is divided into four parts,
taking a research methods course in social science
which are followed by an appendix.
disciplines such as sociology, criminology, social
PART I comprises two scene-setting chapters
work, politics, history, and education. It covers a
that deal with basic ideas about the nature of social
wide range of methods, approaches to research, and
research, and a chapter on research ethics. It also
ways of carrying out data analysis.
includes an appendix that outlines the stages of
Research methods are not tied to any particular
nation, and the principles underlying them transcend
national boundaries. The same is true of this book.
• Chapter 1 examines issues such as the nature of
The original text by Alan Bryman was written with
the relationship between theory and research
the needs of UK post-secondary students in mind,
and the degree to which a natural science ap-
but it was widely adopted in Europe and Canada as
proach is an appropriate framework for the
well. Feedback from adopters and reviewers sug-
study of society. It’s here that the distinction
gested that the book could be made even more useful
between quantitative and qualitative research
for C­ anadian instructors and students through the
is first encountered: the two are presented as
addition of Canadian and, more broadly, North
different research orientations with different
American examples, sources, and research studies.
ways of conceptualizing how people and so-
Edward Bell’s adaptations have preserved the qual-
ciety should be studied. This chapter also in-
ities that contributed to the book’s initial success—its
cludes a discussion of research questions: what
clarity, comprehensiveness, and presentation of social
they are, why they are important, and how
research methods in an international context—while
they are formulated.
expanding on those strengths by incorporating ele-
• Chapter 2 introduces the idea of a research
ments that are integral to North American, and espe-
design, along with the basic frameworks
cially Canadian, courses in the social sciences.
within which social research is carried out (ex-
perimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and
case study designs).
Structure of the book • Chapter 3 deals with research ethics for all
In social research, an important distinction is made types of social research.
between the quantitative and qualitative approaches • The Appendix to Part I outlines the stages of
to inquiry. This distinction lies behind the struc- research in an ideal scenario (with the caveat
ture of the book and the way it approaches issues that real-world research is never quite so
and methods. Since both perspectives are crucial in straightforward). These first three chapters and
developing an understanding of social phenomena, appendix provide the basic building blocks for
both receive full-blown treatment and analysis. the rest of the book.
viii Guide to the Book

PART II consists of five chapters concerned with semi-structured or unstructured) and focus
quantitative research. groups, in which groups of individuals are
interviewed on a specific topic.
• Chapter 4 presents the fundamentals of quan- • Chapter 12 applies qualitative approaches to
titative research and provides the context for content analysis, a method used in the study
later chapters. of “documents” ranging from books, letters,
• Chapter 5 focuses on structured interviewing and newspapers to movies, chat lines, and
and the design of questionnaires. It delves television shows. It also examines two ways to
into how to write questions for both question- analyze language: conversation analysis and
naires and interviews. It also discusses how discourse analysis.
to ­compose a self-completion questionnaire, • Chapter 13 explores some approaches to
using data from already-completed question- the analysis of qualitative data, including
naires and interviews. grounded theory and coding.
• Chapter 6 covers structured observation, a
method developed for the systematic observa- PART IV moves beyond the quantitative/quali-
tion of behaviour. tative division to explore what the two approaches
• Chapter 7 deals with quantitative sampling: have in common, how they may complement each
how to select a sample and the considerations other, and how they may be combined in the same
involved in assessing what can be inferred research project.
from different kinds of samples.
• Chapter 8 presents a range of basic non-­ • Chapter 14 proposes that the distinction be-
technical tools for quantitative data analysis. tween quantitative and qualitative research
The emphasis is on how to choose a method of may be less fixed than is sometimes supposed,
analysis and how to interpret findings. In order and presents some ways in which they can be
to keep the focus on methodological concepts combined to produce multi-strategy research.
and interpretations, formulae are not discussed. • Chapter 15 provides guidance on writing up
research, an often-neglected area in the teach-
PART III presents five chapters on aspects of ing of the research process.
qualitative research. • Chapter 16 offers advice on conducting a re-
search project, taking readers through the
• Chapter 9 plays the same role for Part III that main steps involved.
Chapter 3 does for Part II. It provides an over-
view of the nature of qualitative research and Finally, the Appendix presents an easy-to-access
hence the context for the other chapters in this resource for successful research.
• Chapter 10 discusses ethnography and partici- • The appendix explains how to use IBM
pant observation. The two terms are often used SPSS Statistics Software (SPSS) and NVivo
interchangeably to refer to the immersion of ­software to perform, respectively, the quan-
the researcher in a social setting, a technique titative data analyses described in Chapter 8
that is the source of some of the best-known and the qualitative data analyses discussed
studies in social research. in Chapter 13. The SPSS material has been
• Chapter 11 examines the kinds of interview updated to the latest version of IBM SPSS
that qualitative researchers conduct (typically ­(released in 2018).

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Special Features of the Book
Several features make this fifth Canadian edition especially helpful to students:

Brief Contents
Guide to the Book
Special Features of the Book
ix NEW! Organization. This fifth edition has
Acknowledgments xviii
Preface xix
been reorganized to better reflect how social
PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research
1 General Research Orientations 2 research as a discipline is taught across
2 Research Designs 27
3 Research Ethics 50 Canada today.
Appendix to Part I The Ideal Stages of Research 69

PART II Quantitative Research

4 The Nature of Quantitative Research 74
5 Survey Research: Interviews and Questionnaires 95
6 Structured Observation 133
7 Quantitative Sampling 146
8 Quantitative Data Analysis 170

PART III Qualitative Research

9 The Nature of Qualitative Research 198
10 Ethnography and Participant Observation 216
11 Interviewing in Qualitative Research 239
12 Content Analysis 271
13 Qualitative Data Analysis 305

PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative

Divide and Some Practical Advice
14 Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 324
15 Writing Up Social Research 346
16 Conducting a Research Project 360
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 255

Appendix Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 373

In this exchange, the moderator focuses on the topic If in doubt, the best advice is to err on the side of
Glossary 403 to be addressed but is also able to pick up on what minimal intervention.
the group says.
References 410
How involved should the moderator or facilitator Recording and transcription
Index 426
be? As with question structuring, above, the most Recording is even more important with focus groups
common approach is middle-of-the-road. There is a than it is in other forms of qualitative research. Writ-
tendency to use a fairly small number of very general ing down not only exactly what is said but who says
questions to guide a focus group session. Obviously, it is too difficult. In an individual interview you may
if the discussion goes completely off topic it may be be able to ask a respondent to “hold on” while you
necessary to refocus the participants’ attention, but write down a response, but this is not feasible in an
even then the moderator must be careful, because interview where several people are speaking rapidly,
bry29440_fm_i-xx.indd 12/21/18 12:05 PM apparent digressions can often reveal something of and would almost certainly break the flow of the
significance. More direction is probably needed if the discussion.
participants are not addressing the research ques- Transcribing focus group sessions is also more
tions, or if a particularly meaningful point made by complicated and hence more time-consuming than
one participant is not followed up by the others. it is with other interview forms. Sometimes voices
Both intervention and non-intervention carry are hard to distinguish, making it difficult to deter-
risks. The style of questioning and moderating de- mine who is speaking. Also, people sometimes talk
pends on the nature of the research topic; if it is over each other, which can make transcription even
embarrassing for some participants, for example, more problematic. Therefore a very high-quality
additional direction may be required from the mod- recording device, capable of picking up even faint
erator. Levels of interest and knowledge among the voices from many directions, is a necessity. Focus
participants can make a difference as well. Limited group transcripts always seem to have more missing
interest or knowledge on the part of participants bits than transcripts from other sorts of interview,
may require a somewhat more structured approach. mainly because of audibility problems.

Research in the News

NEW! Research in the News boxes. These boxes Teachers not comfortable talking about residential schools
Emily Milne, a sociology professor at Edmonton’s discussing Indigenous culture in class. But she

outline a research story that has appeared in a MacEwan University, conducted qualitative inter-
views with 100 Indigenous and non-Indigenous
also noted that some teachers did not feel confi-
dent enough to address topics relating to Indigen-
parents and teachers in southern Ontario. The ous people, and were wary of giving offence. “The

major media outlet, illustrating how social research purpose of the study was to document the inter-
viewees’ perceptions of Ontario government
problem is that when you have people that are un-
comfortable and intimidated, the result is that we
policy directives designed to introduce Indigen- have educators that may not be doing it at all,” she

can have real impacts on our everyday lives. ous history, culture, and experiences into the cur-
riculum (Canadian Press, 2017).
said (Canadian Press, 2017). Milne recommended
that “Indigenous coaches” be used by teachers as
Milne found that the teachers she spoke to a learning resource. Some of the challenges she
were generally quite willing to incorporate In- identified included how to use appropriate, cul-
digenous perspectives into their classroom turally sensitive terminology when discussing In-
activities, and she observed that Indigenous par- digenous issues, and how to present the history of
ents were in favour of non-Indigenous teachers residential schools.

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x Special Features of the Book

48 PARTIFundamentalIssuesinSocialResearch

• Thereisanimportantdistinctionbetweenagen- • Replicability,validity(measurementandexternal),
eral research orientation (quantitative versus andtheabilitytoestablishcausationareimport-
qualitative)andaresearchdesign. antcriteriaforevaluatingthequalityofquantita-
• Thenomotheticapproachtoexplanationinvolves tivesocialresearch.
discoveringgenerallawsandprinciples. • Four key research designs are experimental,
• Nomothetic explanations must satisfy three cri- cross-sectional,longitudinal,andcasestudy.
teria of causation: correlation, time order, and • Threats to the establishment of causation are of
non-spuriousness. particularimportanceinnon-experimental,quan-
• Qualitative researchers usually take the idio-
graphic approach to explanation, which entails
• External validity is a concern with case studies
NEW! Expanded end-of-chapter
questions. Questions designed to
creating a rich description of a person or group (generalizability) and laboratory experiments
based on the perceptions and feelings of the (findings may not be applicable outside the re-
peoplestudied. searchenvironment).

QuestionsforReview(R)andCreativeApplication(A) test understanding of key concepts

Criteria for the evaluation of social research
R Explainthetimeordercriterionofcausation.
have been expanded to include
both review and application
A A survey researcher finds that people with high ethics protocols. How could you conduct the ex-
self-esteemmakemoremoneythanpeoplewithlow periment?Provideasmuchdetailaspossible.
R Whatisaquasi-experiment?
A You want to know whether the legalization of questions. These different question
marijuana in Canada will affect national crime
R Whatisaspuriouscorrelation?
A Youareatadancepartywherealotofalcoholis
types have been indicated with R
Cross-sectional design
R Whatismeantbyacross-sectionalresearchdesign?
and A icons, and are grouped under
A Howcouldyouuseacross-sectionaldesigntode-
the amount of time spent studying and grades?
headings that mirror the structure
R Whatisanomotheticexplanation?
A Come up with a nomothetic explanation for why
Assess the degree to which your method can es-
tablishcausality. of the chapter.
studentssometimesdropoutofuniversity. Longitudinal design(s)
R Why might a longitudinal research design be su-
R Whatisanidiographicexplanation?Howdoquali- periortoacross-sectionalone?
tativeresearchersproducethem? A How could a qualitative researcher use a longi-
A Assumethatyourbestfriendjustdroppedoutof tudinaldesigntostudypeopleactiveinalocalen-
university.Comeupwithanidiographicexplana- vironmentalmovement?
tionofhowthathappened. Case study design
R Whatisacasestudy?
Research designs
A Pickaparticularcase(itcanbeanyperson,group,
Experimental design orevent)andexplainhowaqualitativeresearcher
R Howaretrueexperimentsabletoestablishcausal could study it. Then describe how a quantitative
connectionsbetweenvariables?Explain. researcher could gather information on the case
A You want to know whether the amount of time that is relevant to the findings of the qualitative
spent on social media affects loneliness levels investigator.

bry29440_ch02_027-049.indd 11/20/18 11:35 AM

Ethnography and Participant Observation

Chapter Overview
Ethnography and participant observation require extended involvement in the activities of the people
under study. This chapter explores:
• the problems of gaining access to different settings and ways of overcoming them;
• whether covert research is practicable and acceptable;
• the role of key informants;
• the different roles that ethnographers can assume in the course of their fieldwork;
• the function of field notes and the forms they can take;
• the role of visual materials in ethnography;
• bringing an ethnographic study to an end; and
• the issue of feminist ethnography.

Chapter-opening vignettes. At the Do you like to travel to places you’ve never been to
before? Have you ever observed a group of people
Ethnography and participant observation involve
placing yourself in a social environment that may be
you don’t know very well and wondered what it would foreign to you, and staying there for an extended period

beginning of each chapter, the topics to be be like to be a member of their group? Have you ever
witnessed profound human suffering and asked your-
of time. What kinds of groups or social settings intrigue
you? Non-governmental organizations? Political move-

addressed are introduced in an informal self how things ended up that way and how the people
suffering managed to endure? Would you like to give
ments? Sports teams? Criminal gangs? Hospital emer-
gency rooms? Women’s shelters? All of these can be
such people a voice or expose the hardships that they subjects of ethnographic and participant observation

and provocative way to help students grasp face? If so, doing or at least reading about ethnography
and participant observation should interest you.

the real-world relevance of key issues.

▲ Photo by Matt McClain for The Washington Post via Getty Images

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Special Features of the Book xi

202 PART III Qualitative Research

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

The influence of same-sex marriage on social institutions and
lesbian and gay relationships
What happens to the institution of marriage on themselves as individuals. Extended family
when the law changes to allow same-sex members, people at work, and society in general
couples to marry? This is a research question seemed more accepting of them after they were
posed by Green (2010), who used qualitative married. One lesbian remarked, “It was absolutely
methods to examine three different predictions incredible, overwhelming, just, even my mother. . . .
regarding same-sex marriage. Social conserva- [P]eople we hadn’t talked to in years would phone
tives maintain that gay marriage will contribute and ask if it was okay to come to the wedding. . . .”
to further decline in the nuclear family, increase (Green, 2010, p. 413).
marital infidelity, and lead to less stable mar- But contrary to both the critical feminist/
riage bonds. Critical feminists and queer theor- queer theory position and the lesbian and gay
ists argue that it will produce same-sex marriage assimilationist views, married same-sex couples
institutions with the same problematic charac- did not completely buy into the conventional
teristics as those found in heterosexual mar- heterosexual idea of marriage. For one thing,
riage: obligatory monogamy, gender-specific there was more support for non-monogamous
social roles, and conventional expectations for sexual relationships among those interviewed
child-rearing. Lesbian and gay assimilationists than in the public at large, although the support
offer a similar prediction, but one that sees con- was more pronounced among the male inter-
ventional marriage norms as largely positive: viewees. In fact, some couples were monogamous
same-sex marriage will strengthen ties between before marriage but not after. Said one gay man,
gay couples, encourage monogamy, and help to “So, it sounds kind of backwards to the traditional
stabilize queer families. model, but the fact that we’re legally married to
Green explored the various positions on gay each other and permanently committed makes us
marriage by conducting 30 semi-structured inter- both feel very secure about [having sexual rela-
views with people from two Ontario cities who tions outside of marriage]” (Green, 2010, p. 419).
were in same-sex marriages; half the interviewees Green also found that the people in same-sex
Methods in Motion: Applications were lesbians and the other half gay men. Con-
trary to the social conservative position, many
marriages claimed to have an egalitarian division
of labour regarding household chores and yard

to Canadian Society. These boxes interviewees reported that their relationships

with their spouses were strengthened after they
work, and relatively equal power relationships
within the marriage, although he emphasized
exchanged marriage vows, and that they came to that further research was needed to substantiate
highlight recent Canadian research value stability and permanence in their relation- those claims. Green speculated about the future
ship more after they were married. One gay man of same-sex marriage, in particular whether it can
that illustrates how the methods said: “I think it’s just the sense of commitment
that you feel. You’ve made a vow and, it’s hard to
retain its unique characteristics if queer institu-
tions continue to gain acceptance by the larger

discussed in the chapter have been describe, it definitely feels different than prior to
[marriage]” (Green, 2010, p. 411). The people stud-
society and in the process lose their oppositional
tenor. Like other predictions for social change,
ied also mentioned that being married bestowed those regarding gay marriage can be tested only
used to study Canadian society. a sense of legitimacy on their relationship and with the passage of time.

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General Research Orientations

Chapter Overview
The aim of this chapter is to examine the fundamental assumptions upon which social research is based.
An important distinction commonly drawn by practitioners of social research—between the quantitative
and qualitative approaches—is explored in relation to those considerations. We will consider:
• the relationship between theory and research—in particular, whether theories and the hypotheses
derived from them are tested by gathering data (a deductive approach) or whether data gathering
is used as a means to create theory (an inductive approach);
• epistemological issues, such as whether a natural science model like the one used in chemistry
or biology is suitable for the study of the social world;
Chapter overviews. Each chapter opener
• ontological issues, such as whether the social world should be regarded as a reality external to
individuals over which they have little or no control, or as something that social actors may fashion
includes an overview that serves as a route
into their personal realities;
• how values and practical issues impinge on the research process; and map, alerting readers to what they can
• how these issues relate to both quantitative and qualitative research; a preliminary discussion,
followed up in Chapter 14, suggests that although the quantitative and qualitative orientations are expect to learn.
different, they complement each other.

Soon-Yi wants to find out why Indigenous people in The list of topics she could collect information on
Canada are more likely to live in poverty than other seems endless.
Canadians, but doesn’t know where to begin. Should Maybe rather than beginning her study by accumu-
she start by examining the history of colonialism and lating data, it would it be better to start out with some
conflict between Indigenous peoples and settler- hunches and then gather information to see whether
colonizers, such as disputes over land claims and treat- they are supported by evidence. For example, perhaps
ies, residential schools, or anti- Indigenous prejudice? the discrepancy in economic conditions is a manifesta-
Or how about gathering aggregate data on present tion of a centuries-old system of international domin-
conditions like residence patterns, economic activ- ance and exploitation. Similarly, it could have arisen
ities, the age structure, or educational trajectories? through a clash of civilizations and cultures. Then there

▲ LeonWang/Shutterstock

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xii Special Features of the Book

3 | Research Ethics 55

Oral History Consent Form

Consent to Participate in an oral history interview being conducted by students enrolled in [course] at
____________ University. This is to state that I agree to participate in a program of research being con-
ducted by 45 students under the supervision of Dr. ________ of the Department of _________________
University ([telephone number], email: [email address]).
PURPOSE: I have been informed that the purpose of the project is to explore the history of those parts of
the _________ area that have been demolished or otherwise “lost” to us due to urban change. Students have
formed into teams of 3 to 5 and will be exploring specific sites of memory such as ________, stories of im-
migration and displacement, and the former [site]. We will be working closely with [organization] and the
80 Part II Quantitative Research
[organization] which are developing exhibitions on the [site] and [topic] in [year], based in part on these
student projects.
PROCEDURES: The interview will be conducted at participants’ homes, at facilities provided by ________
University or at another appropriate place. Interviewers will record participants’ life stories using video, or
audio depending on the preference of the interviewee. Participants can choose to discuss any aspect of their
lives and they may refuse to answer any questions. Interviews normally take about 1.5 hours, but participants
BOX 4.2 A multiple-indicator measure
may take as long as they would like andof
are another
free to stop atconcept
any time.
RISKS AND BENEFITS: Describing difficult experiences can be upsetting and emotionally difficult. As the
In Hay’s (2014) studystudent projects will (see
of secularization contribute to two exhibitions,
Box 1.3), frequencyasofwell as a website,
religious with yourwas
attendance, permission,
measured your story will
be heard.
religious pluralism was measured using a single, with the question, “Do you currently attend church
CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: Please review the following conditions and options with the inter-
five-point Likert item that formed part of an exten- temple or mosque?” Respondents who answered
viewer. Feel free to ask questions if they appear unclear.
sive survey of Canadians’ value systems. However, “yes” were then asked: “How often?” The response
___I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent at any time during the interview and discontinue
secularization (the from
that pointvariable
forward. in Hay’s choices were: “once a week or more” (given a code
analysis) was measured withofseveral
In terms different
identification andindi- of 5ofafter
reproduction reverse-coding),
my interview, “monthly”
I agree to (please choose(4), “every
cators in order to tap into different
this interview.
the concept. One dimension,
public access: of mayfew
My identity
religiosity, was meas-
be revealed (3),publications
in any “once or twice a year” that
or presentations
“never” (1). A third dimension, concerned with the
(2), may
and result from
Examples. In general, undergraduates lack
ured by averaging the___Iresponses
agree to thetopossible broadcasting and
three 10-point reproductionbelief
participants’ of sound in and
theimages of myofinterview
religion their par-by any method
items indicating the
and in any media by participants of this research project. I consent that my interview, or portions of it, be
importance respondents ents, had the response categories “believe all of
made available on the Internet through Web pages and/or online databases of the project.
placed on: (a) “believing in God;” (b) “obeying God, it” (4), “believe most of it but not all” (3), “believe
___I agree that transcripts and/or recordings of my interview will be stored at a local archive for long-term
both the time and the resources required
doing what he wishes;” and (c) “relating to God some by
mayinbe accessed parts but disbelieve others” (2), andit“don’t

to carry out a full-scale research project.

preservation. Your interview researchers and the public by viewing at the Centre for
a personal way.” A _______
second and/or at a local
dimension, ________-area
relating to archive holding
believe any of the preservation copy.
it” (1).
___ Anonymity: My identity will be known only to the interviewer and the course instructor; others will
dimension of the concept
not gain access to my identity unless they gain special permission from me, the interviewee. Once the stu-

dentiality) may not necessarily

(e.g.,is respecting
dent project
(though a copyscore
completed in confi-
of the on other
[month/year], tagsand/or
the audio
may be given
to allow therecording
video materialwillto be stored quanti-
be destroyed
Then it is necessary to go through the infor-
to you).
by the student This makes it all the more important to
include examples of how professional
dimensions (e.g., fiscalInhonesty
cases whereor family
photographs mation again
edu- or documents to lookorfor
are scanned incidences of the theme or
cation), so that for each
___respondent onestudent
I agree to let the can have a copy
researcher category,
family and to record
photographs andthe appropriate
documents for usenumbers on project
in the student
multidimensional “profile.” a computer spreadsheet. This approach is sometimes
However, in muchOR
is a tendency to rely on
quantitative research, there
___ aI agree
singleto indicator for researcher
let the student each
called post-coding. Post-coding can be an unreliable
copy because there
family photographs and may be inconsistencies
documents in
for use in their assignment
and for their being archived with the interview recording. I likewise give permission to let future researchers
researchers have done their work and the
concept. This is quite adequate for some
use these images purposes,
in their in
publications. the judgments of different coders, which leads to both
particular when one isI measuring
variable such as age. Some
HAVE CAREFULLY an uncomplicated
studies, like
error and lack
of validity.
of this kind of coding.
Box 4.3 pro- AND
lessons they have learned in the process.
research on secularization in Canada (see Box 4.2),
INTERVIEWEE: When Schuman and Presser (1981; see Box 5.1)
employ both single- and NAME
ures of concepts. WhatSIGNATURE
(please print)
is crucial is that the measures
meas- asked an open question about the features of a job
that people like, the answers were to be grouped into Most of the major topics discussed in the
be reliable and valid representations of the concepts 11 codes: pay; feeling of accomplishment; control of
text are illustrated with several examples
Date and Birthplace (optional)
they are supposed to be gauging.
INTERVIEWER: work; pleasant work; security; opportunity for pro-
NAME (please print) motion; short hours; working conditions; benefits;
Coding unstructured data satisfaction; other responses. Each of these 11 cat-
Many forms of social science data are essentially un-
structured and unorganized, including answers to
egories was assigned a number: 1 for pay; 2 for feel-
ing of accomplishment; 3 for control of work; 4 for
from published research, both in-text and in
If at any time you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact _________, Chair

numbered boxes throughout each chapter.

open questions in interviews and questionnaires,
of the Research and Department
Ethics Committee, pleasant ofwork, and so
_______, on. University at [phone number] or by
the content of newspaperemailarticles.
at [emailTo address].
make sense of Murphy and Fedoroff (2013) used a combination
the information, researchers must go through it all, of fixed-response and open-ended questions to ex-
deriving themes or FIGURE
categories3.2of behaviour
A consent to form
formthe plore how 30 registered sex offenders viewed their
basis for codes (the labels or titles given to the themes experiences with either the Ontario or the National
or categories): for example, “hostile to outsiders,” or Sex Offender Registry. People on these registries have
“not hostile to outsiders.” Next, the researcher usually to report annually to their local police and receive
assigns numbers to the codes. This may be a largely a yearly visit from the police at their residence, but
arbitrary process in the sense that the numbers are unlike in the United States, the registries themselves

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38 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 2.3 Evaluation research

A key question asked in evaluation research is at its completion. The researchers also did a quali-
whether a new policy initiative or organizational tative analysis of the project by conducting five
change achieved its goals. Ideally, to answer that focus groups at the conclusion of the program. The
question the design would have one group that is quantitative results indicated that the participants
exposed to the treatment—the new initiative—and had higher levels of perceived overall health and
80 groupPart II Quantitative Research
a control that is not. Since it is often not feas- sense of community, and lower levels of physical
ible or ethical to randomly assign research partici- pain, when the program was over. The themes
pants to the two groups, such studies are usually that emerged from the focus groups included the
quasi-experimental. For instance, data gathered conclusions that the program provided the seniors
Boxes. Special feature boxes from people before a change may be compared
BOX 4.2 A multiple-indicator with structure and discipline, facilitated coping, re-
measure of another concept
with data acquired after; the “before” people quired hard work and effort, brought out their art-
provide in-depth examples of how become the control group, the “after” people the istic side, promoted social involvement, and made
In Hay’s (2014) study of secularization (see Box 1.3), frequency of religious attendance, was measured
experimental group. This approach has the added a positive contribution to the community.
the various research methods religious pluralism was measured using a single,
advantage that the two groups are basically the
with the question, “Do you currently attend church
Quantitative quasi-experimental designs in
five-point Likert item that formed part of an exten- temple or mosque?” Respondents who answered
discussed in the book have been same, making random assignment unnecessary. evaluation research go back a long way, but as the
sive survey of Canadians’ value systems. However, “yes” were then asked: “How often?” The response
Such a design was used to evaluate the effect Phinney et al. (2014) study indicates, evaluations
used in real research situations. secularization (the dependent variable in Hay’s
of a community arts program on the well-being of
choices were: “once a week or more” (given a code
based on qualitative research have also emerged.
analysis) was measured with several different indi- of 5 after reverse-coding), “monthly” (4), “every
older adults in the Vancouver area (Phinney et al., Although there are differences of opinion about
The boxes also list the advantages cators in order to tap into different dimensions of
2014). Over three years, four groups of participants
few months” (3), “once or twice a year” (2), and
how qualitative evaluation should be carried
the concept. One dimension, religiosity, was meas- “never” (1). A third dimension, concerned with the
and disadvantages of a particular took part in the collective creation of a physical out, there is consensus on the importance of,
ured by averaging the responses to three 10-point participants’ belief in the religion of their par-
work of art or a performance that was presented first, understanding the context in which an inter-
method, summarize important items indicating the importance respondents
to the public. Baseline quantitative measures of
ents, had the response categories “believe all of
vention occurs and, second, hearing the diverse
placed on: (a) “believing in God;” (b) “obeying God, it” (4), “believe most of it but not all” (3), “believe
well-being were taken in the first year of the pro- viewpoints of the stakeholders (Greene, 2000).
points, discuss methodological doing what he wishes;” and (c) “relating to God in
gram, with the same measures administered again
some parts but disbelieve others” (2), and “don’t
For example, Pawson and Tilley (1997) advocate
a personal way.” A second dimension, relating to believe any of it” (1).
controversies, and offer practical
advice. dimension of the concept (e.g., respecting confi- simply tags to allow the material to be stored quanti-
In quantitative studies, data are collected on to difficulties in holding down a job and thus
dentiality) may not necessarily score high on other tatively. Then it is necessary to go through the infor-
two or more variables, which are then examined poverty? Or is it a bit of both? To take another
dimensions (e.g., fiscal honesty or continuing edu- mation again to look for incidences of the theme or
to detect patterns of association. This approach example, a study of 1000 men found that those
cation), so that for each respondent one can have a category, and to record the appropriate numbers on
sometimes makes it difficult to show cause and who had two or more orgasms a week exhibited
multidimensional “profile.” a computer spreadsheet. This approach is sometimes
effect because the independent and dependent a 50 per cent lower mortality risk compared with
However, in much quantitative research, there called post-coding. Post-coding can be an unreliable
variables are measured simultaneously, making men who had on average less than one orgasm
is a tendency to rely on a single indicator for each procedure because there may be inconsistencies in
any demonstration of time order (showing that per week. It may be tempting to conclude that
Special Features of the Book xiii

106 PART II Quantitative Research

Practical Tip | Common mistakes when asking questions

Over the years, the authors of this book have read Attitudes are complex, and most respondents
many projects and dissertations based on struc- will not be simply “satisfied” or “not satisfied.” For
tured interviews and questionnaires. A number one thing, people’s feelings about such things
of mistakes recur regularly, among them the vary in intensity. An improvement would be to re-
following: phrase the item as:

How satisfied are you with opportunities for

• Excessive use of open questions. While resist-
promotion in your firm?
ance to closed questions is understandable,
open questions are likely to reduce the re- Very satisfied ____
sponse rate and cause analysis problems. Keep Satisfied ____
them to a minimum. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ____
• Excessive use of yes/no questions. Sometimes Dissatisfied ____
students include lots of questions that call Very dissatisfied ____
for a yes/no response (usually a sign of inad- This sort of format also makes it possible to
equate thinking and preparation). The world calculate some widely used statistics that are dis-
rarely fits into this kind of response. Take a cussed in Chapter 8.
question like:

Are you satisfied with the opportunities for

• Too many questions that allow respondents to
choose more than one answer. Although there Practical tips. Most chapters include at
are times when such questions are unavoid-
promotion in your firm?
able, the replies they produce are often diffi- least one set of practical tips on how to
Yes __________ No __________ cult to analyze.
approach regular tasks or avoid common
circumstances depicted in the scenario. For example, paid work for unpaid care?). The specificity of the mistakes.
Kingsbury and Coplan (2012) used vignettes to exam- situation facing Jim and Margaret increases as the
ine how some Ontario mothers of preschool chil- vignette develops. The first question (a) does not
dren reacted to hypothetical accounts of their child’s say whether they are prepared to move; the second
shyness and aggression. The researchers hypoth- (b) says that they are; and in the last question (d) they
esized that mothers would look more favourably on have in fact moved and are facing a new dilemma.
gender-congruent behaviours (such as shyness in girls) Many aspects of the issues tapped by the ques-
than gender-incongruent ones (physical aggression in tions in Box 5.4 can be accessed through attitude
girls), especially if they held more traditional attitudes items. For example:
toward sex roles. The findings provided some support
for the hypotheses, although the results were mixed. When two heterosexual working spouses decide
Box 5.4 outlines a vignette designed to tease out that one of them should quit work to care for
respondents’ norms concerning several aspects of ailing parents, the wife should be the one to give
family obligations, including the nature of the as- up her job.
sistance required (direct involvement or simple pro- Strongly agree _____
vision of resources); geographical considerations; Agree _____
the choice between paid work and unpaid care; and Undecided _____
among heterosexual couples, the gender question Disagree _____
(should it be the man or the woman who gives up Strongly disagree _____

110 PART II Quantitative Research

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Checklist of issues to consider for a structured interview schedule or questionnaire
☐☐ Is a clear and comprehensive introduction to ☐☐ Are questions relating to the research topic
the research provided for respondents? asked near the beginning of the interview or
☐☐ Are there any questions used by other re- questionnaire?
searchers that would be useful? ☐☐ Have the following been avoided?
☐☐ Will the questions provide answers to all the • ambiguous terms in questions or response
research questions? choices
☐☐ Are there any questions not strictly relevant • long questions
Checklists. Most chapters also to the research questions that could be • double-barrelled questions
• very general questions
include checklists of points to dropped?
• leading questions
☐☐ Has the questionnaire been pre-tested with
keep in mind when engaging in some appropriate respondents?
• questions that include negatives
• questions using technical terms
a particular activity, whether ☐☐ If a structured interview schedule is used, are
the instructions clear? For example, with filter ☐☐ Do respondents have the knowledge required
devising a structured interview questions, is it clear which question(s) should to answer the questions?
be omitted? ☐☐ Is there an appropriate match between ques-
schedule, conducting a focus tions and response choices?
☐☐ Are instructions about how to record re-
group, or doing a literature sponses clear (for example, whether to tick ☐☐ Are the response choices properly balanced?
or circle; whether more than one response is ☐☐ Do any of the questions depend too much on
review. Checklists reinforce allowable)? respondents’ memories?
key points and remind students ☐☐ Has the number of open questions been
If using a Likert scale approach:
of things they need to consider ☐☐ Can respondents indicate levels of intensity ☐☐ Are some items that have to be
in their replies, or are they forced into “yes or
when doing their own research. no” answers?
reverse-scored included, in order to identify
response sets?
☐☐ Have questions and their answers been kept ☐☐ Is there evidence that the items really do
on the same page? relate to the same underlying cluster of atti-
☐☐ Have socio-demographic questions been tudes, so that the items can be aggregated?
left until near the end of the interview or ☐☐ Are the response choices exhaustive and not
questionnaire? overlapping?

However, there are several possible departures from as well, and to administer a structured interview to a
this pattern. focus group would be very unusual. In most survey
research a specific individual is the object of ques-
xiv Special Features of the Book

11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 269

A Online focus groups are appropriate for research Qualitative interviewing alone versus
involving sensitive issues. Identify three issues ethnography
that, because of their sensitive nature, would R Outline the advantages and disadvantages of
be better researched with online rather than in- qualitative interviewing (without immersion in a
person focus groups, then explain why the online social setting) compared to ethnography.
technique would be more appropriate. A Is one method more in tune with the research
needs of qualitative researchers than the other?
Feminist research and interviewing in Explain, using the topic of intimate partner vio-
qualitative research lence to illustrate your answer.
R Why are qualitative interviews so prominent in
feminist research?
A Explain why focus groups may be superior to other
methods of inquiry for giving a voice to highly mar-
ginalized women.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. The instructor divides the class into groups of 6–10 the world views of the participants on the topic
people. Each group is to conduct interviews using chosen.
the focus group method. The group first decides
on a general topic (e.g., legalization of marijuana, 2. Each member of the class is given five minutes to

Interactive classroom activities. Appearing at

domestic violence, racism, prevalence of rape cul- think of a general topic that would be appropri-
ture, climate change, etc.), and then produces a list ate for a semi-structured, one-on-one qualitative
of five general questions that will be posed by the interview (e.g., views on gay marriage, how the In-

the end of each chapter, these offer students and

moderator, who is chosen by group members from ternet impacts one’s life, life goals and how they
within the group. The moderator conducts the might be achieved, etc.). Each person then con-
focus group interviews with the other members structs a five-point interview guide that could be

instructors the perfect opportunity to put the

of the group for about 20–30 minutes. When the used in a semi-structured interview. The instructor
interviews are finished the class as a whole then then uses a random method to pair students up
reconvenes, with the instructor asking each group: so they can take turns interviewing each other on

concepts learned in each chapter into practice in

their selected topics. Each interview is to last for a
a. whether shared meanings and conclusions minimum of 15 minutes. When the interviews are
emerged from their focus group discussions, completed, the class as a whole reconvenes for a
and if so, to explain what they were and how

the classroom.
general discussion of:
they developed;
b. whether the moderator’s control of the discus- a. difficulties in getting the interview to flow
sion was excessive, about right, or too weak, smoothly, and how those difficulties may be
and what the consequences of that were; resolved;
c. to explain the advantages of the focus group b. illustrations of how topics that were not on the
method compared to one-on-one qualitative interview guide made their way into the inter-
interviews for researching the topic chosen; view anyway, and how that helped or hindered
d. to explain the disadvantages of the focus group the investigation of the topic; and
method compared to one-on-one qualitative c. the sorts of topics that could be usefully re-
interviews for researching the topic chosen; and searched using semi-structured interviews,
e. to explain how the focus group method may be and which topics would be better pursued
better than structured interviews for exploring using ethnography or structured interviews.

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14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 343

Key Points
• It’s important not to exaggerate the differences methods can be used to analyze the rhetoric of
between quantitative and qualitative research. quantitative researchers.
• Connections between358 epistemology and ontology
PART IV Transcending • Some qualitative
the Quantitative/Qualitative Divideresearchers employ
and Some Practical quantifica-
Advice Key points. Each chapter concludes
on the one hand, and research methods on the tion in their work.
other, are not fixed or absolute.
• Qualitative research can exhibit featuresHypothetical
• Although the practice of multi-strategy research
normally results hasandincreased, not all writers
conclusions support
café. it. is shown the picture or clip, and each
The class
with a summary of its most
associated with a natural science model. • The view that there are epistemological and onto-
are given for points “f” and “g.”
• Quantitative research can incorporate an interpre-
student then writes up a description of the physi-
logical impediments to the combination of quan-
Once that is done, students leave their groups cal setting that is depicted (maximum 250 words).
significant points.
tivist stance. titative and qualitative research is a barrier to
and the class is reconvened. Each person in the Three volunteers then read their descriptions to the
• The artificial/natural contrast used to distinguish multi-strategy research.
class is given 15–20 minutes to write a brief Intro- rest of the class. Next, the instructor facilitates a
quantitative and qualitative research is often • There are several different ways of combining
exaggerated. duction to their group’s article. The Introduction
quantitative and qualitative discussion based
research; someon the
canfollowing questions:
should not
• A quantitative research approach canexceed
be used250to words and should be
be planned writ-
in advance, others cannot.
in such a manner a. How are the three descriptions similar? How
analyze qualitative data, and researchthat it attracts the reader’s
attention, gives a clear indication of the article’s are they different?
b. Why are the three descriptions not identical?
Questions for Review ( ) and Creative Application ( )
focus, and R highlights the significance of the find- A
How would you account for the differences?
ings. When completed, the instructor asks for three
The natural science model and qualitative
volunteers who are willing Research
to give a brief methods
verbal and epistemological
c. What is “interpretiveand omnipotence”? Do
research synopsis of their group’s study ontological
and have considerations
their any of the descriptions assume interpretive
R Under what circumstancesIntroduction
can some qualitative
read by the rest How
R of theclosely tied are research
class. Volun- omnipotence?
methods to epis-
research use a natural science
with good keyboard skillstemological
are then asked and ontological
to d. positions?
Which of the descriptions is most realistic?
A A qualitative researcher finds that many of the A You decide to do a secondary e. Can analysis
one everof quanti-
determine whether a particu-
transcribe the three Introductions into electronic
homeless people she encounters in her fieldwork tative data taken from the General lar Social Survey,
description is more realistic than another?
format so they can be shown on the classroom
have addiction issues. How might she use that find- Victimization Study. You have Does nothe
term “realistic” even have a definite
screen. The first of the three volunteers then gives
ing to launch a quantitative study? theoretical position when youmeaning? begin, but decide to
a synopsis of their group’s study, and their Introduc-
see if there is any association between gender and
Quantitative research and tion is shown on the screen. Thefear
interpretivism instructor
of crime. fa- does f.your
thenHow Would the person
approach deviate
or persons depicted in the
cilitates a discussion of the Introduction. The other picture or clip describe the setting in a way
R Under what circumstances can some quantitative from a strictly positivist orientation to research?
two Introductions are presented in the same way. that differs from how the three volunteers de-
research exhibit characteristics of interpretivism? scribed it? How so? Why would the person or
A A quantitative researcher finds Inthat
an alternative
25 per cent version
of Problems withthat
of this exercise the quantitative/qualitative
persons depicted have a different description?
the people aged 18–25 in awouldnationalbe sample
appropriate contrast
have for small classes, the in-
g. How could you learn about how the people in
no intention of voting in thestructor collects
next federal all the Introductions
election, R Outline some thatofthethe ways in which the quantita-
class produced and provides written comments on the picture or clip view the setting?
while the figure for people aged 65 and over is tive/qualitative contrast is not as hard and fast as
only 10 per cent. Explain this
eachdifference, making
one, returning is often
them in a later supposed.
class. h. If multiple interpretations of a physical setting
reference to how people at different ages may per- A Explain how grounded theory are possible,could
methods wouldbeinterpretations of people’s
ceive the political process differently.
2. Prior If you
to class, were
the instructor used to
selects develop
a picture or aa theory of actions and experiences
the relationship be- in the setting be even
to write up your answer in a brief
clip ofwould tween body
a person or persons shaming and the more
in a physical use ofnumerous and variegated? Explain.
social media,
it be appropriate to describe it asthat
setting qualitative
would beinappropriate
then fordescribe how this sort
qualitative i. What are the can
of research implications
be of the responses to
nature? Explain. research—for example, a market, thought
a sportsof facility,
as a forma of theorythe testing.
previous question for qualitative research?

Quantitative research and constructionism The mutual analysis of quantitative and

R Relevant Websites
Under what circumstances can some quantitative qualitative research
research be constructivist? R How might a researcher take a qualitative ap-
A The London
You do a quantitative content
ines the portrayal of women
of Economicsproach
that exam-
provides tips
and Political
on successful
A What
to quantitative
are some aca-
In this YouTube video, Jackie Hammill of the Univer-
sity of Prince
implications GilbertEdward Island outlines how to organize
and Mulkay’s
Relevant websites. A list
cials. How might your study
demicbe constructivist
research in
and writing. (1984) work (on how scientists
for the qualitative analysis
write up their
your activities when
starting the research for a paper
university course, and how to write things up as
of websites offering further
/11/28/lupton-30-tips-writing you go along.

Nick Fox of the University of Sheffield gives advice on information or elaboration
writing up a qualitative study. If you found the above video helpful, you may want to is provided at the end of
and_structure_a_qualitative_paper_Powerpoint_ look at the next one in the series as well. This YouTube

11/20/18 11:57 AM
each chapter.

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Special Features of the Book xv

Terms in italic type are defined elsewhere in the Glossary. are broken down into component parts, which are then

action research Same as participatory action research.

assigned names.
coding frame or coding manual A list of the codes to be
Glossary. Learning a new subject usually
involves learning some new terminology,
adjacency pair Two kinds of talk activity that are linked used in the analysis of a particular set of data. For answers to
together, such as an invitation and a response. a structured interview schedule or questionnaire, the coding
analytic induction An approach to the analysis of quali- frame delineates the categories used for each open question.
tative data in which the collection of data continues and
the hypothesis is modified until no cases inconsistent with
With closed questions, the coding frame is essentially in-
corporated into the fixed answers from which respondents or at least new meanings for familiar
it are found. must choose; hence the term “pre-coded question.”
arithmetic mean What everyday language refers to
as the “average”: the sum of all the scores divided by the
concept A general or abstract idea; a category that serves
to organize observations and ideas about some aspect of
words and phrases. To help you keep track
number of scores. Also known simply as the mean.
of new terms and concepts, key terms are
the social world.
biographical method See life history method. concurrent validity A type of validity that is tested by
bivariate analysis Examination of the relationship be- relating a measure to an existing criterion or a different
tween two variables, as in contingency tables; correlation.
CAQDAS An abbreviation of “computer-assisted (or
indicator of the concept to see if one predicts the other;
one of the main forms of measurement validity. bolded the first time they appear in each
computer-aided) qualitative data analysis software.” connotation A term used in semiotics to refer to the
case study A research design that entails detailed and in-
tensive analysis of either a single case or (for comparative
meanings of a sign associated with the social context
within which it operates: a sign’s connotations are supple-
chapter and are defined in the glossary
purposes) a small number of cases. mentary to its denotation and less immediately apparent.
causality A connection between variables in which one
variable changes as a result of a change in another, as op-
constant An attribute on which cases do not differ; com-
pare with variable.
near the end of the book.
posed to a mere correlation between them. constructionism, constructionist An ontological pos-
cells The areas in a table where the rows and columns ition (the antithesis of objectivism) according to which
intersect and data are inserted. social phenomena and their meanings are continually being
census A count of an entire population; by contrast, a created by social actors; also known as constructivism.
sample counts only some units of a population. construct validity (1) Same as measurement validity;
chi-square test Chi-square (χ2) is a test of statistical sig- (2) a type of measurement validity that is established by
nificance used to establish confidence that a finding dis- determining whether the concepts being measured relate
played in a contingency table can be generalized from a empirically in a manner that would be predicted by rel-
probability sample to the population from which it is drawn. evant theories.
closed, closed-ended question A question in an content analysis An approach to the analysis of docu-
interview schedule or questionnaire that presents the re- ments and texts that seeks to quantify content in terms of
spondent with a fixed set of possible answers to choose predetermined categories in a systematic and replicable
from; also called a fixed-choice question. manner. The term is sometimes used in connection with
cluster sampling A procedure in which the researcher qualitative research as well; see qualitative content analysis.
first samples sets of cases (“clusters”) and then samples units contingency table A table made up of rows and col-
within them, usually using a probability sampling method. umns that shows the relationship between two variables.
code, coding In quantitative research, codes are the tags Usually, at least one of the variables is a nominal vari-
used to assign the data on each variable to a category of able or ordinal variable. Each cell in the table shows the
the variable in question. Numbers are usually assigned number or (more often) the percentage of cases for that
to each category to allow easier computer processing. In specific combination of the two variables.
qualitative research, coding is the process in which data control group See experiment.

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Textbooks today do not stand on their own: they are only the central elements in a complete learning and
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Dashboard™ is a text-specific integrated learning In addition to the functionality of Dashboard as
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xvi Special Features of the Book

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• Printable checklists • Excel workbook
• Researcher’s Toolkit
• FAQs for each part of the research process At the end of each chapter, you may notice the
• List of “Dos and Don’ts” of research
logo along with a list of materials;
• Set of vignettes highlighting potential
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Additional Materials
In addition to the above materials, OUP Canada offers these resources free to everyone using the textbook:
Special Features of the Book xvii

For Students
Student Study Guide
A comprehensive online study guide provides detailed chapter summaries, learning objectives, lists of key
terms and concepts, self-assessment quizzes, and links to useful media resources.

For Instructors
Online Instructor’s Manual
This revised online resource includes comprehensive outlines of the text’s chapters, additional assignments,
classroom activities designed to encourage student engagement, and teaching aids that will enhance the
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PowerPoint Slides
Hundreds of slides for classroom presentation—newly updated and enhanced for this edition—summarize key
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Online Test Generator

A comprehensive electronic test item file—employing cutting-edge test generator technology that gives
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approximately 1500 questions in multiple-choice, short-answer, and true/false formats.

How to use this book

Social Research Methods can be used in many ways. Some instructors, for reasons of time or preference, may
not want to include all chapters or all sections of a specific chapter. Following is an overview of the major topic
areas and the parts of the book where they are addressed:

• Wider philosophical and methodological exposure to them will reinforce the textual
issues are discussed at some length in Chapter 1. material and may be useful for later work.
­Instructors who do not wish to use this contextual • The quantitative/qualitative distinction is
material can largely ignore the chapter, except used in two ways: to organize the discussion of
for the section on formulating a research ques- research methods and data analysis, and to intro-
tion. Those who do want to emphasize issues of duce some wider philosophical issues that have
context should also see Chapter 14. a bearing on social research. Chapter 1 reviews
• Practical issues involved in doing quantitative the main areas of difference between quantita-
research are the subject of Part II. Chapter 2 is tive and qualitative research, while Chapter 14
a useful introduction to this topic because it explores ways of integrating the two. If time is a
maps out the main research designs used in both concern, the latter chapter can be skimmed.
quantitative and qualitative research. • Writing up research is as much a part of the
• Practical issues involved in doing qualitative research process as data collection and analysis.
research are the subject of Part III. Again, Chapter 15 discusses a variety of issues related
Chapter 2 outlines the most common designs. to writing and should be drawn to students’
• Data analysis is covered in Chapters 8 (quanti- attention even if it is not discussed in class.
tative) and 13 (qualitative), and a guide to the • Specific advice on doing a research project.
use of computer software for these purposes can As we have already noted, the whole book is
be found in the Appendix. There is an additional relevant to student projects, but Chapter 16
guide to using Excel for data analysis on the addresses this subject directly. If time is a factor,
accompanying Dashboard. Even if the module the Appendix to Part I briefly overviews the
is taught without actual computer applications, stages of research for students.
Normally, writing the Acknowledgments for a book I’ll miss Alan Bryman, but at the same time I’m
is a rather pleasant task. One can look back on all the sustained by knowing that working with him has
hard work that was done by a network of people, and changed my outlook on the world for the better.
reflect on one’s good fortune that the immense task And of course he touched many others as well. Alan
of producing a book was made possible by the kind- was given a very fitting tribute in the International
ness of others. I feel that gratitude now in writing Journal of Social Research Methodology (2018, 21[3],
this, but it is intermingled with a sense of sadness 267–274), which attested to the tremendous impact
because while this edition of the book was being pre- his work had on a broad range of people, in many
pared, Alan Bryman passed away. fields. As a further tribute, I’d like to dedicate this
Alan died on 20 July 2017. I was in Europe at the edition of the book to his memory.
time, biding my time between conferences. Even Others who contributed to this new edition in-
though we had never met in person, his death was still clude developmental editor Amy Gordon, who got
quite touching to me. We had exchanged emails and the ball rolling and always took an optimistic view
other electronic materials over the years, and he had of challenging circumstances. Her patience, intelli-
given me a standing invitation to visit him in England gence, organizational skills, and attention to detail
whenever I had the opportunity. In the communica- were invaluable. Leslie Saffrey did an amazing job as
tions we shared Alan was always friendly and collegial, copy editor. Her diligence and professionalism shine
and never hesitated to devote his considerable talents through on every page. Jayne Baker, University of
to whatever I asked of him. It is with considerable Toronto Mississauga; Meridith Burles, U ­ niversity
regret that I never made my way to England to see him. of Saskatchewan; Alicia Horton, University of the
Still, as co-authors of this book a special kind of Fraser Valley; Neda Maghbouleh, University of
bond developed between us. Alan greatly expanded my ­Toronto; Heather Mair, University of Waterloo; Oral
knowledge of research methodology and of the social Robinson, University of British Columbia; and sev-
sciences in general. One thing about him that I greatly eral anonymous reviewers provided detailed feed-
admired was how he dealt with the tensions that some- back on this edition, and in so doing vastly improved
time arise between people taking different epistemo- the quality of the book and saved me from serious
logical, ontological, and methodological approaches errors and omissions. Thank you. To be sure, the
to social research. For Alan there was no blind loyalty shortcomings that remain are mine alone.
to a particular way of doing research; he simply took My family was a constant source of comfort and
the position that what really mattered was finding the inspiration as I worked on this manuscript, and they
best method or methods to address a particular re- continue to nurture me. Much is owed to my wife
search question. And he was a master at showing how Jennifer, to my children Ted and Angelica, and to
seemingly incompatible approaches actually had many Brooke.
things in common and could complement each other. Edward Bell
There are some answers to the “Why are you
Why Study Research Methods? here?” question that I seldom get from students.
At this point in your life you probably haven’t devoted Consider the following. The acquisition of know-
much thought to social research methods. In all like- ledge through research always goes beyond coming
lihood you are reading this book in conjunction with up with new ideas or getting more information or
the first methods course you have ever taken. That developing novel ways of looking at society, how-
means you are about to experience something new. ever important those things may be. To produce or
Since you are going to expend considerable time and acquire knowledge is a political act. It is tied in with
effort doing something you’ve never done before, it the exercise of power. Social research always has pol-
would make sense to pause for a moment and ask itical ramifications, because it always implies, subtly
yourself the following existential questions: Why am or not so subtly, that some ways of organizing society
I here? Why should I read this book? Why should I are better than others. Some researchers are happy
study social research methods? What’s the point of it to leave their political involvement at that level: an
all? Pondering those questions will make what is to implication in their work that certain social struc-
come much more meaningful for you. tures or practices should change or be preserved.
So why are you here? When I ask my students Others go so far as to engage in advocacy, taking part
that question (usually on the first day of classes) in public campaigns to persuade governments and
they often tell me that a solid background in social the public at large that some sort of action should be
research methods is indispensable if they are to de- taken. Whichever position the researcher takes, the
velop a sophisticated understanding of the topics politics of research cannot be avoided. What varies is
they are passionate about. how loudly the trumpet is sounded, which is a matter
What are you passionate about? Does it matter to for the individual researcher to decide. Debates about
you that literally billions of human beings struggle to the wisdom of social researchers becoming advocates
survive on less than $2.50 per day, while others are are part of the storied history of the social sciences,
so wealthy that they can’t relate to ordinary people? some of which will be told in this book.
Do you have an interest in gender equity, environ- We often hear that “knowledge is power,” and in
mental sustainability, crime, single motherhood, many ways that is true. Dictators know this best;
ethnic tension, labour relations, racism, the living they all try to limit access to knowledge in order to
conditions of Indigenous people, changing notions preserve their control over others. In fact, the power-
of the family, sexual mores? In order to come up with ful in any society may try to inhibit free inquiry
informed, thoughtful analyses of these and other and the flow of ideas. But the “knowledge is power”
social issues, and to be capable of evaluating the maxim leaves several questions unanswered. What
claims made by others on these topics, it is crucial is knowledge? How can it be acquired? How are we
to be familiar with the various research methodol- to tell the difference between a sound idea and one
ogies used in the social sciences to investigate these that should be ignored? How can we gather informa-
subjects. Just as learning how clothes are made can tion that will help us understand our subject matter,
help you tell the difference between a good pair of and what sorts of information should we seek? How
jeans and a shoddy pair, understanding where social should that information be analyzed and evaluated?
knowledge comes from will help you distinguish be- Are there some things that we will never fully under-
tween valid claims and fatuous ones. stand, regardless of how hard we try?
xx Preface

This book explores a variety of answers to those takes in ideas and evaluates them, but also as some-
questions, which will make it somewhat different one who projects ideas onto the world. Start think-
from your other readings and textbooks. In most ing of yourself as a researcher: someone who has the
courses in the social sciences, students spend their potential to examine the human condition and con-
time absorbing, and sometimes challenging, claims tribute to our understanding of it. That’s far more
made about the social world. For example, you may interesting and impactful than just reading other
learn that men are more likely to commit violent people’s work, although reading is an essential part
crimes than women. You may come to understand of the process.
what it feels like to be homeless. Or perhaps you’ll When can you start being a researcher? At vari-
encounter a theory explaining why some countries ous points in your university career you will prob-
are rich and powerful while others are not. That ably be called on to do some small research projects.
sort of endeavour—learning about and reflecting The knowledge you will gain by learning about social
on claims to knowledge—is clearly worthwhile, but research methods can put you at an advantage with
it will not be our central concern. Instead, we will that sort of assignment, and it could even be an
focus on how those types of claims are generated entrée to more sophisticated work if you decide to go
and how they gain acceptance as knowledge. In on and develop your research capabilities in gradu-
other words, instead of exploring the body of facts, ate school or in some other way.
concepts, theories, and interpretations that social Although it is important to acknowledge that
scientists use to make sense of the world, we’ll look social research and its attendant methodologies
at how all those things are acquired or created. One have political ramifications, we shouldn’t lose sight
of the most profound questions that can be asked of of the fact that it is the height of folly to pursue one’s
someone making a claim to knowledge is, “How do political goals with bad social science. To reduce
you know that?” That simple question is at the heart suffering and promote human flourishing we need
of this book. And like so many simple questions, it rigorous social research, which is dependent on
has no simple answer. sound research methods. Learning how to take
To produce knowledge, we need a m ­ ethodology— good field notes, getting instruction on how to con-
a way to get it. And if you accept the premise that struct effective survey questions, using appropriate
knowledge is power, then learning about research sampling procedures, and a host of other methodo-
methods means learning about how to become logical issues are not trivial matters. In fact, doing
powerful, or at least more powerful. You could even those sorts of things properly are prerequisites to
say that “methodology is power,” and you wouldn’t acquiring the knowledge needed to achieve one’s
be far off the mark. broader social goals. Without good methodolo-
How could methodology be power? For one thing, gies we have very little to offer that is not available
if you know how knowledge is generated, you won’t elsewhere.
be fooled as easily as someone who doesn’t know. If you want to learn about how knowledge is cre-
Another way to put this is that learning about re- ated in the social sciences, or if you aspire to make an
search methodologies is an excellent way to enhance impact on the world by doing social research your-
your critical thinking skills—skills that are essential self, reading this book is a good way to start. I hope
in any situation where power is exercised, which is it will at least pique your interest in how social re-
everywhere. searchers do what they do, and what the implications
Another way in which methodology can be power of social research are. To paraphrase Gore Vidal: the
is that it can help to make you a producer of ideas. more one learns, the more interesting consciousness
Start thinking of yourself not only as someone who becomes.
The first two chapters of the text will acquaint
you with a number of fundamental concepts
that feature prominently throughout the
book, in particular the notion of a general re-
search orientation and the idea of a research
design. In Chapter 1, two general orientations
are identified—the quantitative and qualita-
tive approaches—along with a variety of con-
siderations that affect the practice of social
research. Chapter 2 presents various kinds of
research design and identifies some criteria
used to evaluate social research. Together
these chapters provide the basic conceptual
building blocks that we will return to later in
the book. Chapter 3 provides a discussion of
research ethics, which are a primary concern
for every kind of social research and affect
every stage of the inquiry. Part I concludes
with an appendix that provides an overview
of the research process.

Fundamental Issues in Social Research

© kendo_OK/
General Research Orientations

Chapter Overview
The aim of this chapter is to examine the fundamental assumptions upon which social research is based.
An important distinction commonly drawn by practitioners of social research—between the quantitative
and qualitative approaches—is explored in relation to those considerations. We will consider:
• the relationship between theory and research—in particular, whether theories and the hypotheses
derived from them are tested by gathering data (a deductive approach) or whether data gathering
is used as a means to create theory (an inductive approach);
• epistemological issues, such as whether a natural science model like the one used in chemistry
or biology is suitable for the study of the social world;
• ontological issues, such as whether the social world should be regarded as a reality external to
individuals over which they have little or no control, or as something that social actors may fashion
into their personal realities;
• how values and practical issues impinge on the research process; and
• how these issues relate to both quantitative and qualitative research; a preliminary discussion,
followed up in Chapter 14, suggests that although the quantitative and qualitative orientations are
different, they complement each other.

Soon-Yi wants to find out why Indigenous people in The list of topics she could collect information on
Canada are more likely to live in poverty than other seems endless.
Canadians, but doesn’t know where to begin. Should Maybe rather than beginning her study by accumu-
she start by examining the history of colonialism and lating data, it would it be better to start out with some
conflict between Indigenous peoples and settler-­ hunches and then gather information to see whether
colonizers, such as disputes over land claims and treat- they are supported by evidence. For example, perhaps
ies, residential schools, or anti-­Indigenous prejudice? the discrepancy in economic conditions is a manifesta-
Or how about gathering aggregate data on present tion of a centuries-old system of international domin-
conditions like residence patterns, ­e conomic activ- ance and exploitation. Similarly, it could have arisen
ities, the age structure, or educational trajectories? through a clash of civilizations and cultures. Then there

▲ LeonWang/Shutterstock
1 | General Research Orientations 3

is the question of how to gather the information to many social researchers put it, is reality “out there,” in-
address those theories. Should she consult mainly his- dependent of the person who perceives it, or is it so-
torical sources? How about living in an Indigenous com- cially constructed?
munity for a while and recording her interactions and Then there are the broader questions: What, if any-
observations? Or would it be better to stay where she is thing, can be done about the issue of poverty among
and select a few individuals for interviews in which they Indigenous Canadians? Can society be changed so that
could talk about their life stories? Or maybe she should Indigenous poverty is eliminated, or at least reduced?
design a detailed questionnaire on prejudice and send Or are the social forces that affect our lives so strong
it out to large random samples of Indigenous and non-­ that we have no choice but to conform to them, like
Indigenous people? leaves in a windstorm?
Soon-Yi wonders about the ethical implications of A great many social thinkers and researchers have
each of these approaches. She also puzzles over what confronted the same issues that Soon-Yi is pondering.
she should do if it turns out that Indigenous people In fact there are a number of rich intellectual traditions
take positions on her research topic that differ from that can be drawn on to make sense of these matters
her own. Should she try to determine whose perspec- and to assist people in making the kinds of methodo-
tive better reflects reality, and if so, how would she do logical and practical decisions that all researchers have
that? Can those sorts of issues ever be resolved? Are to make. In this chapter you will be introduced to that
there “right” and “wrong” answers on such matters? As body of ideas and the debates surrounding them.

Introduction commands, and the results were astounding—many

people appeared to be willing to inflict severe pain
This book is about social research. It would be easy on innocent others. Similarly, Bell’s (2007) study
to “cut to the chase” and get on with explaining what of the western Canadian separatist movement was
the various research procedures are, when each is ap- motivated in part by a desire to know how much
propriate, and how to implement them. But the prac- public support the movement had, and it produced
tice of social research does not exist in a vacuum, evidence that the movement was more popular than
sealed off from philosophical and political debates previously thought.
and contested assumptions. As we will see, the ex- In other instances, research is driven by what is
planations of social phenomena that scholars offer seen as a pressing social problem. In fact the disci-
and their choices of research methods often depend pline of sociology came into being in the eighteenth
on the positions they take on those issues. and nineteenth centuries partly as a way of under-
The way in which social research is done may also standing the social crises and societal upheavals
be affected by what is motivating the researcher to of the day, and that tradition has continued to the
conduct the study. A variety of motives can come present time. Nagra and Maurutto (2016), for ex-
into play. Quite often the goal is to assess the ad- ample, investigated the difficulties young ­Canadian
equacy of a particular social theory, such as a theory Muslims experience at border crossings and airports,
of prejudice or crime. In other cases the aim is to while Lyon and Frohard-Dourlent (2015) explored
gather information to create theories; for example, how same-sex partners in common-law relationships
a researcher may pose as a street person to find out in Canada experience the relatively new socio-legal
how the homeless are treated by the public, as Orwell environment in which formal marriage is an option.
did in Paris and London in the 1920s (Orwell, 1933). Yet another stimulus for research is personal experi-
Sometimes simple “fact-finding” or exploratory work ence (Lofland & Lofland, 1995). Sugiman (2004),
is carried out. For instance, Milgram’s (1963) famous who is a “sansei” or third-generation Japanese,
study of obedience was done partly to see how far examined Japanese-Canadian women’s experiences
subjects would go in obeying an authority figure’s of internment during the Second World War after
4 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

hearing about the personal histories of her family 15–25 decreases, the crime rate also decreases.”
and friends. Relational statements come in two forms:
Regardless of the motivation for doing research, a. deterministic, which means the two vari-
the data gathered are usually viewed in relation to ables always go together in a particular way;
theories of some kind. That’s because theories are an for example, “as the number of people aged
attempt to “make sense of it all,” to find order and 15–25 decreases by 1 per cent, the crime
meaning in a seemingly infinite mass of informa- rate also shrinks by 1 per cent.” If research
tion. How is that done? uncovers an instance in which the variables
are not related in this way, the relational
statement must be modified.
Theory and research b. probabilistic, which means the two vari-
The connection between theory and research is ables go together with some degree of regu-
not straightforward. There are several issues at larity, but the relationship is not inevitable;
stake here, but two stand out: first, the form of the for example, “regions of the country where
theory; and second, the relationship between data the number of people aged 15–25 is decreas-
and theory. ing are more likely to experience a decline
in the crime rate than regions in which the
Degree of abstraction number of people in that age category is
The term “theory” is used in a variety of ways, but its increasing.” Here, finding a case that does
most common meaning is an explanation of observed not fit the pattern does not mean that the
regularities or patterns. For example, one could try to theory must be modified; this could simply
come up with a theory to explain why schizophre- be one of the times when the variables are
nia is more common in the working class than in not related in the usual way.
the middle class, or why more men than women are
alcoholics. Theories are composed of interrelated There are different types of theories. One distinc-
and usually verifiable statements or propositions. tion that is sometimes made is between theories of
The statements and propositions come in varying the middle range (Merton, 1967) and grand theories.
forms, and different types may be combined in the The former are more limited in scope, and can be
same theory. Here are three common components of tested directly by gathering empirical evidence. For
a theory: instance, Durkheim’s (1897/1952) theory of suicide,
which maintains that suicide is a function of the level
1. Definitions specify what the key terms in the of social integration, is a theory of the middle range.
theory mean; for example, “Attachments are One way to test it would be to compare suicide rates
stable bonds between people who are fond of for married people with those for single, divorced,
each other.” or widowed individuals. Merton’s (1938) anomie
2. Descriptions outline the characteristics of the theory, which suggests that crime is more common
phenomena of interest; for example, “Attach- when a society instills a desire for wealth in everyone
ments to parents and other family members but provides insufficient means for all to achieve it,
tend to decline in adolescence. Later, often is another theory of the middle range. Such theories
after age 25, new attachments develop as a represent attempts to understand and explain a lim-
person marries or lives with a romantic part- ited aspect of social life.
ner, becomes a parent, or gets a steady job.” Grand theories, by contrast, are general and
3. Relational statements connect two or more abstract. They include theories such as s­tructural-
variables, so that knowing the value of one functionalism, symbolic interactionism, critical
variable conveys information about the other; theory, post-structuralism, feminism, and so on.
for example, “As the proportion of people aged Grand theories generally offer few direct indications
1 | General Research Orientations 5

of how to collect evidence to test them, but they pro- how an abstract theory like Giddens’s structuration
vide ways of looking at the world that can be the theory (1984) can be applied to a specific situa­
inspiration for a wide variety of research programs. tion and yield some important insights.
For example, standpoint theory was developed by Although theory plays a crucial role in the social
Dorothy Smith (2004; 2005) and others from a gen- sciences, not all studies make reference to it. For ex-
eral feminist perspective. This theory maintains that ample, some qualitative writers focus on providing
the way we view the world and make our way in it is a rich description of the experiences of a group of
largely determined by our placement in various hier- people without trying to come up with a compre-
archies of status and power. One offshoot of stand- hensive theory that would explain those experiences.
point theory has been an increased willingness to Nonetheless, as Box 1.2 shows, social scientists are
examine the views and perceptions of poor or mar- often under pressure from their peers to relate their
ginalized groups in society. Similarly, Box 1.1 shows work to theories of some kind.
As Box 1.2 indicates, some social scientists will
reject research that has no direct connection to
theory in either the grand or the middle-range
sense of the term. However, non-theoretical work
BOX 1.1 Grand theory and social can provide insights that are useful or revealing in
research their own right. McKeganey and Barnard’s (1996)
research on British sex workers and their clients is
Giddens’s (1984) structuration theory attempts a case in point. The authors related their research
to bridge the gulf between notions of structure findings to investigations of people in the sex
and agency in social life. This theoretical issue ­industry in several other countries, and what they
is explored in empirical research by Dinovitzer describe offers good illustrations of ideas that form
et al. (2003) on the educational attainment of an important part of the sociologist’s conceptual
immigrant youth. The specific focus of their re- toolkit. Although it is not possible to tell whether
search was suburban Toronto immigrants in the the authors had the concept in mind when they col-
years 1976 to 1995. The data were quantitative, lected their data, their book offers real-life examples
generated through structured interviews. The of Goffman’s (1963) notion of “stigma” and the way
goal of the researchers was to tease out the stigmatized individuals, in this case sex workers and
relative influence on educational attainment their clients, manage a spoiled identity. Their analy-
of structural variables (such as class, gender, sis also sheds light on Hochschild’s (1983) concept
and the youths’ family background) and indi- of “emotional labour,” a term she coined to refer to
vidual variables over which the young people what flight attendants do when they feign friendli-
had more control (such as studying and cutting ness in order to deal with difficult passengers. Sim-
classes). ilarly, several other non-theoretical studies provide
The authors found that educational achieve- data that could eventually be used to evaluate or
ment is affected by two structural variables devise a theory.
(gender and father’s occupation) and one indi- Our discussion of what theory is and its im-
vidual factor (intellectual investment), and that portance invites consideration of another question:
bilingual ESL students do better than young im- What is the relationship between theory and re-
migrants for whom English is a first language. search? Up to this point we have focused primarily
They are not brighter, nor do they work harder, on how theory can guide research, in particular on
but they have greater parental supervision, how the collection and analysis of data can be used
and—perhaps partly as a consequence—they to test theories. But this notion of research as essen-
plan better. tially “theory testing” does not provide a complete
picture of what social scientists do. Theory may also
6 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 1.2 The need for theory

Teevan and Dryburgh (2000) collected data from

57 male adolescents concerning their participa-
tion in deviant activities, such as truancy, theft,
vandalism, and fighting, and asked them why they
acted the way they did. Then the boys were read
specially adapted sociological explanations of
such behaviour and asked what they thought of
them. In effect, they were asked to evaluate the
sociologists’ theories as if they were sociologists
themselves. The idea was to give marginalized
people a voice and to see the issue in question
from the point of view of those studied—two
common approaches in qualitative research.
Some journal reviewers liked the idea but thought
that the findings’ relevance for sociological theory
needed to be explored. Eventually the authors
brought a variety of social theories to bear on the
data they had gathered, and in doing so provided
a critical assessment of existing explanations for
delinquency and conformity.

A young person painting graffiti on a wall. Some

call this behaviour vandalism, while others consider

it art. What social theories might you invoke to ex-
plain what this person is doing? How might the young
person explain it? Do you think his explanation would
have anything in common with your social theories?

follow upon or arise from the collection and analysis Note that the researcher starts by coming up with
of data. Here we begin to see two different ways to go a theory that seeks to explain a particular phenom-
about acquiring knowledge: the deductive and induc- enon, and then deduces specific hypotheses from it
tive approaches. that are tested with empirical data (see Box 1.3 for
a concrete example) and then are either confirmed
or rejected. In the case of the research described in
Deductive and inductive Box 1.3, which examined several theories simul-
approaches taneously, some hypotheses were supported while
The deductive method is the most common ap- others were not. If the data gathered do not support
proach to social research. The sequence of steps the researchers’ hypotheses, the theory may have to
taken in deductive research is depicted in Figure 1.1. be revised or rejected.
1 | General Research Orientations 7

It is also important to bear in mind that when Deductive approach

the deductive approach is put into operation, the Theory
researcher does not necessarily follow the exact
linear sequence shown in Figure 1.1. For example, a
new hypothesis may come to mind during the data-­ Observations/Findings
gathering stage; or the relevance of the data for a
second theory may become apparent after the data
have been collected. Although the sequence outlined
Inductive approach
in Figure 1.1 is a common one, it is only a general
model, one that is not strictly followed in all cases. Observations/Findings
In fact, some research makes no attempt to follow
the sequence outlined in Figure 1.1. Some investiga-
tors prefer an inductive approach in which theories Theory
and interpretations are the outcome of research. In FIGURE 1.2 Deductive and inductive approaches to
inductive social science, the researcher begins not by the relationship between theory and research
coming up with a theory to be tested, but by gather-
ing or examining data relevant to the phenomenon
being investigated; see Figure 1.2, which illustrates
the difference between induction and deduction. The When the inductive method is used, data are
Research in the News box on page 9 provides an ex- gathered not to test a theory, but to come up with
ample: Bikos offered her interpretations and conclu- the information required to construct a theory or in-
sions regarding police culture after she had gathered terpretation. That’s why with induction, data gather-
qualitative information on the topic. ing comes first, and the effort to create concepts and
theories out of it comes later. After some theoretical
reflection a researcher may decide to collect more
data to establish the conditions under which the
11. Theory newly developed theory does or does not hold. This
strategy of moving back and forth between data and
theory is often described as iterative. The practice of
deriving theories from qualitative data is sometimes
22. Hypotheses
referred to as grounded theory.
In actual research situations it is impossible to
conduct a study that is purely deductive or purely in-
33. Data collection ductive. Just as deduction always entails an element
of induction (theories do not emerge from a pristine
mind unaware of previous findings) so the inductive
44. Findings process always entails a modicum of deduction (no
researcher will be totally unaware of theories and
perspectives that might be applicable to the phe-
55. Hypotheses confirmed or rejected nomenon he or she is observing). Often some com-
bination of both can be found in the same research.
Although some researchers using induction
65. Revision of theory ­undoubtedly try to develop theories, sometimes the
results of their research are little more than empir-
ical generalizations, however useful they may be.
FIGURE 1.1 The process of deduction An ­example is a Statistics Canada finding that the
8 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 1.3 A deductive study

For millennia, religion has been the basis for be-

liefs about our place in the cosmic order, what it
means to be human, how we should treat each
other, and whether anything exists beyond the
material, physical universe. However, in many
Western countries a process of secularization

Guenter Guni/iStockphoto
has occurred in which fewer and fewer people
embrace religious beliefs and practices, a pro-
cess that became especially marked after the
middle of the twentieth century. To be sure,
religion has not disappeared in Western coun-
tries, including Canada. In fact about 26 per cent Veiled women in Iran, a society that has experienced
of Canadians attend religious services once a far less secularization than many Western countries.
month or more frequently (Statistics Canada, Do you think that some of the theories examined in
2013). Nonetheless, several indicators suggest Hay’s (2014) research can help to explain the high
that the proportion of Canadians who are firmly levels of religiosity found in Iran? For example, could
the acceptance of religious beliefs and practices
religious is considerably lower than it was sev-
there be related to cultural factors that favour so-
eral decades ago. What can account for this pro-
cietal cohesion over personal autonomy? Could low
found social change?
levels of religious pluralism be a factor?
Hay (2014) has taken a deductive approach
to this issue. As in all deductive research, his
goal was “theory testing.” He started by propos- indicators of factors that were relevant to each
ing some theories, derived testable hypotheses of the theories.
from them, and then set out to determine which, There was limited support for deprivation-­
if any, of the hypotheses were supported by the compensation theory, but there was strong sup-
data. He reviewed seven well-known theories of port for three other theoretical positions. One
secularization, and deduced specific hypotheses theory that gained support involves the idea that
from each one. For instance, the deprivation-­ a growing acceptance of personal autonomy in
compensation theory holds that the existential spiritual and moral matters has led to increased
security that affluent people in developed soci- levels of secularization. A second position that
eties enjoy through health care and education, was consistent with the results holds that the re-
long life expectancy, and the absence of military ligious pluralism found in wealthy countries cre-
conflict shields many of us from the traumas that ates a situation in which it is very difficult for a
draw people toward religion. The hypothesis he particular faith group to make the claim that it is
derived from this theory was that people who the “one true religion,” which casts doubt on all re-
have experienced real tragedy in their lives are ligious doctrines and so increases levels of secu-
more likely to be religious than people who have larization. A third theory that was substantiated
no direct exposure to such things. Hay then ana- by the data maintains that increasing acceptance
lyzed contemporary survey data that included of human evolution and the belief that observable
measures of religious beliefs and practices, phenomena are purely material or physical in
as well as a number of variables that provided nature has reduced levels of religiosity in Canada.
1 | General Research Orientations 9

Research in the News

Police culture: An inductive study
Police forces have faced severe criticism recently the workplace, along with racism, homophobia,
for their workplace culture and practices. The and sexism. Police culture in general was com-
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for monly described by her informants as being
the RCMP and the national Auditor General’s Office characterized by a “high-school mentality.” She
have published damning reports on sexual harass- determined that the toxic work environment
ment and other forms of abuse that officers have that the police find themselves in “damages
endured on the job. In an article that appeared in many of its officers physically, mentally, and
the Globe and Mail Lesley Bikos (2017), a former spiritually.”
member of the London, Ontario, police service, de- Bikos concluded that a crucial factor that per-
scribed her research into noxious aspects of police petuates the toxic work environment in police
culture across a variety of police organizations. departments is a lack of protection for officers
Bikos conducted in-depth interviews with who want to speak out against the infractions
officers from 23 different police services. Her that they have experienced or witnessed. The
research was inductive in that her goal was not “small percentage of bad-apple officers” who
to test a pre-existing theory. As a former officer wreak havoc in the workplace would not be such
she had some familiarity with the subject matter a problem if better mechanisms for reporting
before she began her study, but her interpreta- and investigating objectionable behaviours were
tions and conclusion largely took shape after she in place. Other factors that she identified that
had collected some rich, detailed interview data, could contribute to a change in police culture in-
which she used to make sense of the social con- cluded greater training and professionalization
text in which police culture evolves. in the force, civilian involvement in promotional
Her interviews with officers unearthed many decisions and internal investigations, and better
accounts of sexual assault and intimidation in communication across ranks.

number of people in same-sex marriages in this knowledge. A fundamental debate in this context
country increased from 42,030 in 2011 to 48,740 in is whether the social sciences should follow the
2016 (Statistics Canada, 2017), which a researcher same principles and procedures as the natural sci-
could use in the context of a discussion of the ences. Three broad positions on these matters have
changing forms of the family in Canada. emerged: the positivist, interpretivist, and critical
The next section examines some epistemological approaches to social science.
issues that affect the conduct of social research.
One epistemological position that affirms the im-
Epistemological portance of following the natural sciences is pos-
considerations itivism. Although definitions of the term vary,
Those who do social research base their work on a positivism is generally taken to entail the following:
number of epistemological assumptions—notions
of what can be known and how knowledge can be 1. Only phenomena confirmed by the senses
acquired. A related epistemological issue pertains to (sight, hearing, etc.) can be accepted as know-
the question of what should be regarded as acceptable ledge: this is the principle of empiricism.
10 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Ideas must be subjected to the rigours of em- philosophers of science and social science differ
pirical testing before they can be considered quite sharply over how best to characterize scientific
knowledge. practice, and since the early 1960s positivism has ac-
2. A key purpose of theory is to generate hypoth- quired some negative connotations. One reason for
eses that can be tested and thereby allow ex- dissatisfaction was the fact that certain researchers
planations of observed laws and principles to in the positivist tradition ignored some fundamen-
be assessed (deduction). tal differences between human beings and the often
3. Knowledge can also be arrived at through the inanimate or not fully conscious entities studied
gathering of facts that provide the basis for by natural scientists. Unlike subatomic particles or
generalizations or laws (induction). plants, for example, we humans have thoughts, feel-
4. Science must (and presumably can) be “value- ings, and values—perhaps even some capacity for
free.” That is, it must be conducted in such a volition. Those aspects of human behaviour were
way that different researchers, given the same often not addressed in the leading positivistic theor-
data, will always reach the same conclusions, ies of the day. The positivist idea that science can or
no matter how different their values might be. should be value-free was also a source of dissatisfac-
In the past this “value-free” quality was called tion. Critics pointed out that “neutral” social scien-
“objectivity”; today it is more likely to be tists often took moral positions on social issues, at
called intersubjectivity. least implicitly. For example, theories implying that
5. There is a clear distinction between scientific social equilibrium or harmony is normal seemed to
statements, which describe how and why cer- suggest that social change is not needed or not de-
tain social phenomena operate the way they sirable. Critical social science, discussed below, even
do, and normative statements, which outline went so far as to claim that it is the duty of the re-
whether certain acts or social conditions are searcher to help bring about social change in order
morally acceptable. Only scientific statements to create a better world.
have a place in the domain of science; norma-
tive statements belong in the realm of philoso- Interpretivism
phy or religion. This idea is implied by point Interpretivism to some extent grew out of the epis-
1 above, because the truth of moral claims temological critique of positivism, and provides an
cannot be confirmed by the senses. alternative to the sort of social science typically done
by positivists. Interpretive researchers maintain that
It is possible to see in these five points a link with it is the role of social scientists to grasp the subjective
some of the issues already raised about the relation- meanings of people’s actions. They make the point
ship between theory and research. Positivism as- that people act on the basis of the meanings that they
sumes a fairly sharp distinction between theory and attribute to their acts and to the acts of others. Indi-
research and includes elements of both deduction viduals use their own common-sense constructs to
and induction. One role of research is to test theor- interpret the reality of their daily lives, and it is those
ies and gather the information necessary for the de- interpretations that motivate their behaviour.
velopment of scientific laws. Positivism also implies Interpretivists claim that it is the job of the social
that it is possible to collect observations without any scientist to gain access to the “common-sense think-
reference to pre-existing theories, and to develop ing” of the people they study and hence to understand
new theories purely on the basis of those observa- people’s actions and their social world from the point
tions. Finally, theories and propositions not directly of view of the actors. Thus any thoughts constructed
testable through empirical observation are often not by the social scientist to grasp this social reality must
considered to be genuinely scientific. be founded on the common-sense interpretations
A common mistake is to treat positivism as syn- of those they study: people living their daily lives
onymous with science and the scientific. In fact, within their own social world (Schutz, 1962, p. 59).
1 | General Research Orientations 11

In order to gain access to other people’s perspectives, 1994). In research terms, according to Blumer (1962,
interpretivists commonly immerse themselves in the p. 188), “the position of symbolic interaction re-
social environments frequented by the people they quires the student to catch the process of interpreta-
study, or at least conduct lengthy interviews with tion through which [actors] construct their actions.”
them. The insights gained by the researcher com- Taking an interpretative stance can result in
monly follow from the information derived in this surprising findings, or at least findings that appear
way, so the process used tends to be inductive. surprising if the researcher’s position is outside
Many interpretive social scientists argue that the the particular social context being studied. Box 1.4
subject matter of the social sciences—people, groups, ­provides an interesting example.
and institutions—is fundamentally different from
that of the natural sciences. For them it follows that
the study of the social world requires a different logic
and research procedure, one that reflects what they
see as the distinctiveness of humans as against other BOX 1.4 Interpretivism in practice
living things or inanimate objects. This clash reflects
a division between the positivist emphasis on the ex- Foster (1995) conducted ethnographic re-
planation of human behaviour and society, and the search using participant observation and semi-­
interpretivist preference for an empathetic under- structured interviews in a housing estate in East
standing and interpretation of human existence. This London referred to as Riverside, a residential
division, which precedes the emergence of modern complex experiencing a high level of crime ac-
social science, finds expression in Max Weber’s cording to official statistics. However, she found
(1864–1920) notion of Verstehen (which means “em- that residents did not perceive the estate to be
pathetic understanding”). Weber described soci- a high-crime area; nor were they overly anxious
ology as a “science which attempts the interpretive about becoming victims of crime. Those percep-
understanding of social action in order to arrive at tions could be attributed to a number of factors,
a causal explanation of its course and effects” (1947, but a particularly important one was “informal
p. 88). Weber’s definition seems to embrace both ex- social control,” which was used in conjunction
planation and understanding, but the crucial point with more formal methods such as policing.
is that the task of “causal explanation” is undertaken People expected a certain level of crime, but
with reference to the “interpretive understanding felt fairly secure because informal social control
of social action.” This is a different emphasis from a worked to keep the level of crime contained.
more Durkheimian view in which the external forces Informal social control has several aspects.
that affect behaviour may not be perceived by those One is that neighbours often look out for each
involved, or at least may have no meaning for them. other. In the words of one of Foster’s inter-
Symbolic interactionism is an example of a viewees: “If I hear a bang or shouting I go out. If
sociological perspective that falls under the heading there’s aggravation I come in and ring the police.
of interpretivism. The ideas of the founders of sym- I don’t stand for it” (Foster, 1995, p. 575). Another
bolic interactionism—in particular George Herbert aspect of informal social control is that people
Mead (1863–1931), who maintained that the individ- often feel secure because they know each other.
ual’s self-concept emerges through an appreciation of A second respondent said: “I don’t feel nervous
the perceptions of others—have been hotly debated. . . . because people do generally know each
Symbolic interactionists argue that interaction takes other. We keep an eye on each other’s proper-
place in such a way that individuals are continually ties. . . . I feel quite safe because you know your
interpreting the symbolic meaning of their environ- neighbours and you know they’re there . . . they
ment (including the actions of others) and acting look out for you” (Foster, 1995, p. 575).
on the basis of that imputed meaning (cf. Collins,
12 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Of course, as the example in Box 1.4 suggests, reality) into a Klasse für sich (a class for itself, one
when social scientists adopt an interpretive stance, with an awareness of its exploitation).
they are not simply revealing how members of a Critical social scientists also believe that research
social group interpret the world around them. The should be action oriented. It should involve praxis:
social scientist almost certainly aims to place those putting one’s theoretical and academic positions into
interpretations into a social scientific framework. practice. The idea of praxis is contained in Marx’s
Thus there is a double interpretation going on: the famous dictum that “philosophers have only inter-
researcher is interpreting others’ interpretations. preted the world in various ways; the point, how-
Indeed, there is even a third level of interpretation, ever, is to change it [emphasis in original]” (Marx,
because the researcher’s interpretations have to be 1845/1998, p. 574). This exhortation applies not only
further interpreted in terms of the concepts, theor- to positivism, but also to interpretive perspectives on
ies, and literature of the social sciences. Thus, in social life.
Box 1.4 the idea that Riverside was not perceived as A critical perspective has been adopted by a wide
a high-crime area by residents was Foster’s interpret- variety of scholars, including those engaged in fem-
ation of her subjects’ interpretations. She then had inist, post-colonial, anti-poverty, anti-racism, and
the additional job of placing her findings into a social queer studies. Another example is participatory
scientific framework, which she accomplished by re- action research, which is discussed in Box 1.5 and
lating them to existing concepts and discussions in examined again in later chapters. Institutional eth-
criminology: concepts such as informal social con- nography and critical discourse analysis, examined
trol, neighbourhood watch schemes, and the role of in Chapters 10 and 12, respectively, are further ex-
housing style as a possible cause of criminal activity. amples of critical social science.
The aim of this section has been to outline how
Critical approaches to social science epistemological considerations are related to re-
Like interpretivism, critical social science developed search practice. As noted, a key concern is whether
in part as a reaction to positivism. Social scientists a natural science or positivist approach can supply
who adopt a critical approach use a diversity of re- legitimate knowledge of the social world. We’ve seen
search methods, including those used by positiv- that positivists often use the deductive method, al-
ists and interpretivists, and may use a deductive though they concede that it is possible to generate
or inductive approach. But they disagree with the theories using induction. By contrast, we’ve seen that
positivist notion that researchers should take a interpretive researchers typically adopt an inductive
value-neutral stance regarding their subject matter. strategy, and that critical social scientists may use
In fact they maintain that research and knowledge either one. Another important issue involves the
should not be considered as ends in themselves, but purpose of social research, in particular whether
as means to be used to rid the world of suffering and social scientists, in both their academic work and
oppression (Neuman, 2003). their roles as citizens, should be actively engaged in
Marxists, for example, argue that those who own issues of social justice.
the means of production deceive, constrain, and It is important not to overstate the connections
exploit the weak. The masses could be free if social between epistemological issues and research prac-
scientists, by asking embarrassing questions and tice: they represent tendencies only. Particular epis-
making pointed arguments, would uncover exploit- temological principles and research practices do not
ation, expose hypocrisy, and reveal to the general necessarily go hand in hand in a neat, unambiguous
populace the nature and extent of their oppression. manner. Often hybrid approaches are taken, which
This would transform the masses from what Marx combine different positions and approaches. This
called a Klasse an sich (a class in itself, an objective point will be made again on several occasions.
1 | General Research Orientations 13

BOX 1.5 Participatory action research (PAR)

The origins of participatory action research (some- Participants first reflect on a social problem and
times referred to as “action research,” “emancipa- how it might be studied and rectified, and then use
tory research,” or “participatory research”) are the results of that process as the basis for social
found in the immediate post–Second World War action. Once action has been taken, participants
era in the work of Lewin (1946) and others who discuss the consequences of the action and how
sought to bring social science to bear directly on it might be used to generate more knowledge and
specific social problems. In the early 1970s, PAR inform further action. In this way a social situa-
began to take on a more explicitly activist orien- tion is improved by the people directly affected
tation when people in Latin America, Africa, Asia, by it, who work in collaboration with others. The
and elsewhere became disillusioned with the abil- process has the potential to transform the partici-
ity of conventional social science to improve social pants personally, intellectually, and even spirit-
conditions in their countries. These individuals ex- ually. Debbink and Ornelas (1997), for instance,
panded the methodology of PAR such that local describe how some Alberta dairy farmers worked
people affected by the issue at hand acted as part- together with Mexican campesinos (poor farm-
ners and co-equals with professional social sci- ers) and an activist intellectual to bring donated
entists and government officials. All three groups Alberta cattle to a poor, rural Mexican commun-
worked together to devise research questions, ity. Similarly, Frisby et al. (1997) outline how some
choose research methods, gather and analyze low-income women in British Columbia teamed
data, and undertake a course of action to amelior- up with social scientists and local recreation dir-
ate the problem (Smith, 1997; Frisby et al., 1997). ectors to improve poor women’s access to physical
Of all the approaches to social science, PAR is activity services. In both cases, people directly af-
the one most closely associated with social and fected by a problem and researchers from outside
political activism. In fact working for social jus- the community interacted as equals to produce
tice is built into the methodology of PAR itself. knowledge and address a social issue.

with the constructionist position. People holding

Ontological considerations this view are in sympathy with Nietzsche’s famous
There are two ontological debates that are of particu- aphorism that there are no facts, only interpretations
lar interest to social scientists. The first is concerned (1883/1968, p. 267). Such people maintain that there
with the following questions: Do social phenomena is no objective social reality against which our con-
have an objective reality, independent of our percep- ceptions and views of the world may be tested. (The
tions? Or is what passes for reality a set of mental discussion of postmodernism in Chapter 15 fur-
­constructions? If you answer “yes” to the first ques- ther examines this viewpoint.) A ­middle-ground or
tion, you are in the objectivist camp. People on this “soft constructionist” position is also possible, and
side of the debate maintain that there is such a thing is held by many. It maintains that there may be an
as social reality, and that it is the job of social scien- objective social reality, but that many of our ideas do
tists to discover what that reality is. An affirmative not r­ eflect it: instead those ideas are constructed to
answer to the second question means that you agree ­justify or rationalize various forms of domination.
14 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 1.6 Constructionism in action

Lantz and Booth (1998) examined media treat- women’s lifestyles cause breast cancer was con-
ment of the apparent rise in the incidence of breast structed as a social fact by popular-magazine
cancer that began in the early 1980s and found writers.
that its depiction as epidemic can be treated as Similarly, Hallgrimsdottir et al. (2006, p. 266)
a social construction. They analyzed a variety of argue that the media “contributes to constructing,
popular magazines and noted that many of the reproducing and deepening the social stigmas
articles drew attention to the lifestyles of modern associated with working in the sex industry.” The
women, such as delaying first births and having authors compared media depictions of sex-trade
careers. The authors also argued that the articles workers in Victoria, British Columbia, from 1980 to
ascribe blame: “Women are portrayed as victims 2004 with accounts provided by street sex workers,
of an insidious disease, but also as victims of their escorts, and others in this sector. Whereas the media
own behaviours, many of which are related to the portrayed such people as wicked and blameworthy
control of their own fertility” (1998, p. 915). in the earlier years, and as exploited, trapped, and
This article concludes that, as a social category, innocent girls more recently, the sex workers them-
the breast cancer epidemic was represented in selves interpreted their work lives very differently.
popular magazines in a particular way—one that Although there was considerable heterogeneity in
blamed the victims and their lifestyles, particu- their experiences and attitudes toward their trade,
larly in the case of young women. Yet in fact fewer many saw sex work as a largely mundane matter
than 20 per cent of cases of breast cancer were of earning a living. Because they are marginalized
in women under the age of 50. Lantz and Booth’s and stigmatized, however, their voices are seldom
study is fairly representative of a constructionist heard; most people have their ideas about the sex
ontology in suggesting that the idea that young trade constructed for them by the media.

Box 1.6 provides two illustrations of the less strin- organization has rules and regulations and adopts
gent form of constructionism. standardized procedures for getting things done.
A second debate revolves around these questions: A division of labour assigns people to different jobs.
Is social reality akin to the physical world as most There is a hierarchy of authority, a mission state-
people see it—largely fixed and “out there,” some- ment, and so on. Objectivists see any organization
thing that individuals and groups have to confront as possessing a reality external to any of the specific
but over which they have little or no control, like individuals who inhabit it; they may leave, but it will
a snowstorm? Or is social reality not necessarily stay. Moreover, the organization represents a social
pre-existing and fixed, but rather created through order in that it exerts pressure on individuals to con-
our actions? A “yes” to the first question indicates form to organizational requirements. People learn
support for a variant of objectivism, while a “yes” to and apply the rules and regulations and follow the
the second affirms a kind of constructionism. In this standardized procedures. They do the jobs to which
chapter we’ll focus mainly on this second debate: they are appointed. If they do not do these things,
whether social reality can be created. they may be reprimanded or even fired. The organ-
Some social scientists suggest that social phe- ization is therefore a constraining force that acts on
nomena confront individuals as external facts and inhibits its members. To a large extent, this is
beyond their reach or influence. For example, an the “classic” way of conceptualizing an organization.
1 | General Research Orientations 15

An alternative ontological position challenges can negotiate their roles to the point where they are
the suggestion that things such as organizations are allowed to operate on patients. But not all writers
external realities confronting social actors who have adopting a constructionist position are similarly pre-
limited power to influence or change them. Strauss pared to acknowledge the existence or importance of
and colleagues (1973), for example, carried out an objective reality. It is precisely this split between
­research in a psychiatric hospital and proposed that seeing the social world as an objective reality and
its organization was best conceptualized as one of seeing it as a subjective reality in a continuous state
“negotiated order.” Instead of viewing order as a pre-­ of flux that Giddens sought to straddle in formulat-
existing characteristic, they argued that it is worked ing his idea of structuration (recall Box 1.1).
at and created to some extent, and that the rules are The constructionist perspective that maintains
far less extensive and less rigorously imposed than that social reality can be negotiated also suggests
might be supposed from an objectivist account of that the concepts people employ to help them
organizations. understand the natural and social world are social
Indeed, Strauss and colleagues saw rules more as products whose meaning is constructed in and
general understandings than as commands (1973, through social interaction. For example, a concept
p. 308). Precisely because relatively little of the ac- such as “masculinity” is treated as a social construc-
tivity of doctors, nurses, and other personnel is spe- tion. This implies that masculinity is not a distinct,
cifically set down or prescribed, the social order of timeless, and universal entity, but something whose
a hospital is an outcome of agreed-upon patterns of meaning is built up through interaction. That mean-
action that are themselves the products of negotia- ing is likely to be ephemeral, in that it will vary over
tions among the different parties involved. For in- time and place. The construction of one’s masculin-
stance, the official rules may say that only a doctor ity may even have to be “recuperated” from time to
can increase medication; however, some nurses are time, such as when Canadian politicians endeavour
routinely given this power, even though this is never to restore their public gender identities (Maiolino,
actually stated in the regulations. The social order is 2015). This sort of social construction can be seen
in a constant state of change because the hospital is particularly well in discourse analysis, examined in
“a place where numerous agreements are continually Chapter 12. As Potter (1996, p. 98) observed: “The
being terminated or forgotten, but also are continu- world . . . is constituted [emphasis in original] in
ally being established, renewed, reviewed, revoked, one way or another as people talk it, write it, and
[and] revised. . . . In any pragmatic sense, this is the argue it”. This sense of constructionism frequently
hospital at the moment [emphasis added]: this is its sparks an interest in how social phenomena are
social order” (Strauss et al., 1973, pp. 316–317). The represented.
authors argued that a preoccupation with the formal
properties of organizations (rules, organizational Relationship to social research
charts, regulations, and roles) makes it hard to rec- Questions of social ontology cannot be divorced from
ognize the degree to which order in organizations issues concerning the conduct of social research.
has to be established in everyday interaction. This Ontological assumptions and commitments affect
informal organization arises because there cannot be both the way research questions are formulated and
rules for every possible contingency, and because the the way the research is carried out. For example, a
existing rules are sometimes problematic. However, researcher who sees organizations as objective social
this is not to say that the formal properties of organ- entities that act on individuals is likely to emphasize
izations have no effect on individual action. their formal properties. Alternatively, a researcher
Although Strauss and colleagues stressed the who is interested in the negotiated, changing nature
active role of individuals in the social construction of organizations is likely to focus on the active in-
of reality, they did not push the argument to an ex- volvement of people in reality construction. In each
treme. For example, they did not claim that nurses case, a different research design is required.
16 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

General orientations: • incorporates the practices and norms of the

natural science model and of positivism in
Quantitative and qualitative particular; and
research • generally embodies a view of society as an ex-
ternal, objective reality.
Many writers on methodological issues distinguish
between quantitative and qualitative research. We By contrast, qualitative research:
have done so above without explicitly describing
the difference between the two. The most basic dif- • takes a predominantly inductive approach to
ference is that quantitative research uses numbers the relationship between theory and research,
and statistics in the collection and analysis of data, in which the generation of theories and inter-
while qualitative research relies mainly on words pretations is the main goal;
and other non-numerical symbols. Some writers see • rejects the use of the natural science and positiv-
the distinction between the two types of research as ist models in social research and replaces them
fundamental; others believe it to be no longer useful with methodologies that seek to determine how
or even “false” (Layder, 1993, p. 110). Although this individuals interpret their social world; and
issue has been vigorously debated, we’re convinced • embodies a view of social reality as a constantly
that there is a meaningful difference between quan- shifting and emergent property of individuals’
titative and qualitative research. That difference will creations.
be a recurring theme in this book, both because it is
a useful way of classifying various research methods There is even more to the quantitative/qualitative
and because it is a helpful reference point for a range distinction than this contrast suggests. The nature
of issues in the practice of social research. of quantitative and qualitative research respectively
On the surface, it seems that the main difference will be outlined in greater detail in Chapters 4 and 9.
between quantitative and qualitative research is that Then in Chapter 14 their contrasting features will
quantitative researchers rely more on formal and be further explored as we examine the effects of the
mathematical measurement and analysis techniques commitment to a positivist epistemology in quanti-
than qualitative researchers do. But many sociol- tative research and the rejection of that epistemology
ogists and others suggest that the differences are by qualitative researchers.
deeper than merely the amount of quantification. For Although it is useful to contrast the two general
many writers, quantitative and qualitative research orientations, it is important not to hammer a wedge
differ in their epistemological foundations and in between them. For example, although quantitative
other respects too. Indeed, when we look at the areas research tends to be deductive and qualitative work
that were the focus of the last three sections—the inductive, there are notable exceptions to that gen-
relationship between theory and research, epistemo- eral rule. It may seem perverse to introduce a basic
logical considerations, and ontological issues—we set of distinctions and then suggest that they are
can see quantitative and qualitative research as problematic, but a recurring theme of this book is
forming two distinctive general orientations to the that discussing the nature of social research is just as
conduct of social research. Table 1.1 outlines the complex as conducting research itself. We can out-
differences between quantitative and qualitative re- line the typical philosophical assumptions and re-
search in terms of the three areas. search practices of the two general orientations, but
Thus quantitative research: the full reality is messier than those neat categories
would suggest. Issues become more complicated the
• usually entails a deductive approach to the deeper we delve into them.
relationship between theory and research in For example, we’ve seen that qualitative research
which theory testing is a prime objective; is typically described as being more concerned with
1 | General Research Orientations 17

TABLE 1.1 | F
 undamental differences between quantitative and qualitative
research strategies
Quantitative Qualitative
Role of theory in research Mainly deductive; testing of theory Mainly inductive; generation of theory
Epistemological orientation Natural science model; positivism Interpretivism
Ontological orientation Objectivism Constructionism

generating theories than testing them. However,

Influences on the conduct
there are many studies in which qualitative research
is used to test rather than generate theories. An ex- of social research
ample is Hier’s (2002) investigation of Toronto rave You can now see how social research is influenced
scenes, with their all-night dancing and ampheta- by a variety of factors. Figure 1.3 summarizes the in-
mine use. Hier wanted to show that the regulation fluences examined so far, but adds three more: the
of raves was a contest between a city that feared impact of values, politics, and issues related to the re-
increased drug use and rave supporters, who even- search question.
tually won the day by arguing that banning raves
would drive the drugs underground with even worse Values
consequences. Similarly, although Wilson’s (2002) How might the values, personal beliefs, and feel-
study of the same topic is broadly interpretivist, ings of researchers affect their work? Perhaps one
with its examination of how ravers view their social would expect social scientists to be completely
situation, it includes some objectivist overtones. For value-free and objective in their studies. Research
example, in exploring the effects of technology, in- that simply reflects the personal views of its prac-
cluding the Internet, on the scene, he was describing titioners would be biased and invalid, and thus
a world that is “out there” and as having a formal, unscientific. Durkheim (1858–1917) wrote that
objective quality. It is thus another example of quali- social facts are objects whose study requires
tative research that does not have all the features out- that all “preconceptions must be eradicated” (1938,
lined in Table 1.1. p. 31). Since values are a form of preconception, his
The point here is that quantitative and qualitative point implies that they should be suppressed when
research represent different research orientations, conducting research. But is that humanly possible?
and that the two approaches may be quite different Social researchers never work in a moral or evalu-
in terms of the role of theory, epistemological issues, ative vacuum: they are always influenced by value
and ontological concerns. Once again, however, the presuppositions that have implications for the con-
distinction is not hard and fast: studies that have the duct of social research. This view is increasingly
broad characteristics of one research strategy may ­accepted among social researchers. Indeed, it is
also have some of the characteristics of the other. now recognized that values can intrude at any or
Also, it is becoming more commonplace for research
projects to combine both within a single research Issues related to the
project, as we will see in Chapter 14. Theory research question Epistemology

Finally, lest there be any doubt about it, the

position taken in this book is that both general Social research
­orientations—the quantitative and the qualitative—
are invaluable in the quest for knowledge and under-
standing. And both have profound social and polit- Values Politics Ontology
ical importance. FIGURE 1.3 Influences on social research
18 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

all points in the process of social research, includ- Researchers are increasingly prepared to forewarn
ing the following: readers of their biases and assumptions and to ex-
plain how these may have influenced their findings.
• choice of research area Since the mid-1970s many researchers have pub-
• formulation of the research question lished “insider” accounts of what doing research is
• choice of method really like, as opposed to the generalities presented
• formulation of the research design and data in social research methods textbooks (like this one).
collection techniques These accounts frequently function as “confessions”
• data collection of personal biases and reveal the pride that research-
• analysis of data ers take in telling readers how open they are in re-
• interpretation of data vealing them.
• conclusions Still another approach is to argue for con-
sciously value-laden research. Some writers on social
There are, therefore, numerous points at which ­research celebrate what Mies (1993, p. 68) called
bias and the intrusion of values can occur during the a “conscious partiality.” For example, Tastsoglou
course of research. For example, researchers may de- and Miedema (2003) clearly adopted a feminist,
velop affection or sympathy for the people they are ­anti-racist a­ pproach in studying immigrant women
studying. It is quite common for researchers who in the Maritimes. A similar perspective allowed Pratt
spend a great deal of time with the people they study and Valverde (2002) to describe a large Canadian
to become so close to their subjects that they find it newspaper as a “notorious tabloid,” “obsessed” with
difficult to disentangle their role as social scientists what it called bogus refugees. It is also exemplified in
from their concern for the participants’ well-being. Hallgrimsdottir et al.’s (2006) condemnation of the
Equally, social scientists may be repelled by the media’s role in stigmatizing sex workers in British
people they are studying. In his research into an Columbia. In fact, some feminist researchers would
­African society known as the Ik, a social anthropol- consider it inappropriate (as well as difficult) to do
ogist was appalled by what he saw as their cruelty research on women in an objective, value-neutral
toward each other (Turnbull, 1973). Although he way because that would be incompatible with their
was able to identify the desperate social and political values. Instead, many feminist researchers argue for
conditions that they faced, it was clear that he had research that exposes the conditions of women’s dis-
misgivings about what he witnessed, particularly advantage in a male-dominated society, as Demaiter
during his early time with them. and Adams (2009) did in their study of women in
One way of dealing with the problem of values and the IT sector, featured in the Methods in Motion box
bias is to recognize that research cannot be value- on page 19. Some feminist writers argue that only
free, and to try to ensure that values in the r­ esearch ­research on women intended for women is consistent
process are acknowledged and made ­explicit. This with women’s wider political needs.
is part of a larger process of reflexivity or self-­ The significance of feminism in relation to values
reflection that researchers are encouraged to carry goes further than this, however. Several feminist
out. As Turnbull (1973, p. 13) put it at the ­beginning social researchers in the early 1980s proposed that
of his book on the Ik: quantitative research is incompatible with feminist
ideals. For writers such as Oakley (1981), quantitative
The reader is entitled to know something of research is bound up with the male value of control,
the aims, expectations, hopes, and attitudes as seen in the researcher’s control both of the research
that the writer brought to the field [in his case, participant and of the research context and situation.
Western values about the family], for these will Moreover, the research process is seen as a one-way
surely influence not only how he sees things affair in which researchers extract information from
but even what he sees. their subjects and give little if anything in return.
1 | General Research Orientations 19

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Women in male-dominated occupations: How do they fare?
Demaiter and Adams (2009) did a qualitative The authors found that, by and large, the
study of how Canadian women cope in the male-­ women they interviewed did not perceive their
dominated world of information technology (IT) gender to be a barrier to their career advance-
workplaces. As is typical of qualitative research, ment. One database analyst, for example, stated:
the study involved only a relatively small number “Yes, I’ve never felt that I was at a disadvantage (or
of people: interviews were conducted with 11 suc- an advantage) because I am a woman” (Demaiter
cessful women in eight IT organizations located & Adams, p. 41). Yet when asked to elaborate
in four different provinces. The authors acknow- on their experiences, many of the women sug-
ledge that the “small sample size and the unique- gested that gender was in fact an issue in their
ness of study participants prevent generalization” workplace. For example, one interviewee said, “I
(Demaiter & Adams, p. 39), which is commonly mean you have to be super smart, super intelli-
the case with this sort of research. However, as gent, like way above average to go beyond a cer-
we will see in later chapters, it is not necessarily tain level because the glass ceiling is definitely
the goal of qualitative research to come up with there” (Demaiter & Adams, p. 43). Demaiter and
findings that can be generalized to some larger Adams concluded that the women in their study
population. Instead, qualitative researchers seek may have been successful in their careers partly
to find out how the subjects of the study perceive because they were, to a certain extent, oblivious
their world by allowing them to speak for them- to the gendered nature of their workplace—they
selves. The sorts of insights that can be derived forged ahead undaunted by the gender barriers
from research of this kind are difficult to attain in they faced.
quantitative research, which normally requires re- In addition to providing a window from which to
search participants to choose from a fixed set of view women’s experiences in male-dominated oc-
responses. cupations, this study illustrates a point raised in the
For the interviews, Demaiter and Adams used a Preface to this book, namely that issues of power
semi-structured format that included open-ended and politics inevitably enter the picture whenever
questions. The interviews were conducted in three social research is done. What differs from study
different ways: eight by telephone, two in person, to study is the extent to which the political im-
and one by email. Here again the authors were plications are explicit. In the case of this project,
open about the limitations of their methods: “We the political elements of the study are never far
acknowledge the fact that the mixed format [for from the surface. For instance, the authors write
interviews] . . . is not ideal” (Demaiter & Adams, that the women’s “tendency to downplay the sig-
p. 40). The authors are not alone in having to settle nificance of gender” in their career histories may
for a methodology that wasn’t exactly what they serve to “prevent meaningful change” (Demaiter &
would have preferred. In fact, virtually all stud- Adams, p. 31), which suggests that the researchers
ies in the social sciences involve methodological see their work as informing a larger discussion on
compromises of one sort or another, partly be- gender relations in Canadian society, an issue that
cause the resources available to do the research has important political dimensions. Again, virtu-
are always limited. Nevertheless, the results can ally all research in the social sciences is to some
still be highly informative if wise methodological degree relevant to politics in the larger sense of
decisions are made. the word.
20 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

For many feminists, such a strategy borders on in society; some social scientists may favour
exploitation and is incompatible with the value
­ increased government intervention in eco-
that feminism attributes to sisterhood and non-­ nomic affairs, while others defend the free
hierarchical relationships. market; sociologists and political scientists in
The antipathy toward quantitative research re- Quebec may be split between sovereigntists
sulted in a preference for qualitative research among and federalists.
certain feminists. Qualitative research was seen not • A related issue involves research funding.
only as more consistent with the values of femin- Much social research is funded by organiz-
ism, but as more adaptable to those values. Feminist ations such as private firms or government
qualitative research came to be associated with re- departments that may have a vested interest
fusing to take a value-neutral approach and relating in the outcomes of the research. The very fact
to the people under study as human beings rather that these organizations fund some research
than research instruments. This stance demonstrates projects but not others opens the door to pol-
how strongly values can affect the process of social itical influence. Such organizations may seek
investigation. In more recent years, however, femin- to invest in studies that will be useful to them
ist attitudes toward quantitative research have been or supportive of their operations and world
softening, especially when it is employed in conjunc- views. They will often call for researchers to
tion with qualitative research (Oakley, 1998). This tender bids for an investigation in a certain
issue will be revisited in Chapters 5 and 14. area. When social researchers take part in
There are, then, different positions that can be such exercises, they enter a political arena,
taken in relation to values and value-free research. since their research may be designed to please
Few writers today believe it is possible to be truly the funding body. As a result, as Hughes
objective. There is a greater awareness of the limits (2000) observed in relation to research in the
of objectivity, and some of the more categorical pro- field of crime, an investigation of gun crimes
nouncements on the subject, such as Durkheim’s, among the “underclass” is more likely to re-
have fallen into disfavour. At the same time, giving ceive funding than one concerned with mis-
free rein to one’s political beliefs and value positions demeanours committed by agents of the state.
can be problematic. Researchers today still have to Morgan (2000) pointed out that research
fight the all-too-human propensity to demonize funded by government is typically empirical
those whose values are different from their own, and and quantitative; it tends to be concerned with
they still struggle with the temptation to summarily the short-term costs and benefits of a particu-
reject research findings when the researcher’s ideo- lar policy or innovation; and it is generally
logical or moral positions are not compatible with uncritical in the sense that the underlying
their own. government policies are not questioned: all
the government wants to know about is the ef-
Politics in social research fectiveness of their implementation. Political
At various places in this book we take the position issues often arise when the funding agency
that social research has political implications. Here itself is trying to secure a continuous stream
are some examples of the ways in which social re- of government funding.
search may be political: • Gaining access to research subjects can also be
a political process, especially in the case of or-
• Social researchers often take sides. There are ganizations. Access to organizations is usually
many ways this can happen. To consider just mediated by gatekeepers concerned not only
a few: feminist researchers may focus on the about the researcher’s motives but also about
disadvantages that women face and the possi- what the organization stands to gain from the
bilities for improving the position of women investigation, what it will lose by participating
1 | General Research Orientations 21

in terms of staff time and other costs, and the participate nevertheless reported annoyance
potential risks to its image. Often, gatekeepers with being asked about sexual orientation.
seek to influence how the investigation will • There may be pressure to restrict the publica-
take place: what kinds of questions can be tion of findings. Hughes (2000) cited a study
asked; who can and cannot be a focus of study; of plea bargaining in the British criminal jus-
the amount of time to be spent with each re- tice system as a case in point. The researchers
search participant; the interpretation of the had uncovered what were deemed at the time
findings; and the form the reports will take, to be disconcerting levels of informal plea bar-
even to the point of asking to approve drafts. gaining, and they concluded that the formal
• Public institutions, such as police departments, judicial process was being weakened. The
schools, and hospitals, as well as most com- English legal establishment sought to thwart
mercial firms, are concerned with how they the dissemination of the findings and was
are going to be represented in publications. persuaded to allow publication only when a
Consequently, gaining access is almost always panel of academics confirmed the validity of
a matter of negotiation and as such inevitably the findings. Similarly, the editors of academic
turns into a political process. The product of journals may refuse to publish pieces that do
such negotiations is often referred to as “the not conform to their own ideological or polit-
research bargain,” and in many cases there is ical preferences.
more than one bargain that has to be struck.
Once in the organization, researchers often This is just a small handful of the ways in which pol-
discover layers of gatekeepers. For example, itics intrudes in the research process.
let’s say a provincial government grants a re-
search team permission to talk to the boys in Issues related to the research
a group home. Before the research can begin, question
the head of the home has to be brought onside, Some important determinants of how research is
then the staff, and then the actual adolescents. conducted follow from the research question one is
Frequently, one of the staff is then given the trying to answer. Specifically, the choice of research
responsibility of dealing with the fieldwork- orientation, design, or method has to match the
ers. A suspicion that the researchers are really specific research question being investigated. For in-
working for management then has to be over- stance, if a researcher is interested in measuring the
come. And it is unwise to assume that simply impact of various possible causes of a social phenom-
because gatekeepers have granted access, enon, a quantitative strategy is probably appropriate.
a smooth passage will ensue in subsequent Alternatively, if the focus is on the world views of
dealings with the people to be studied. Per- members of a certain social group and how those
haps the most powerful of the boys will turn views develop, a qualitative research strategy—one
out to be the key gatekeeper. Researchers may sensitive to the way participants interpret their social
find themselves used as pawns if subgroups at- world—may be the way to go. If a researcher is in-
tempt to enlist them in advancing a particular terested in a topic on which little or no research has
goal. Research participants who doubt the util- been done, a quantitative strategy may be difficult to
ity of social research may even try to obstruct employ because there is little prior literature from
the research process. For example, in Beagan’s which to draw leads about possible causes. A more
(2001) study of “everyday inequalities” among qualitative, exploratory approach may be preferable
Canadian medical students, some of the
­ because that type of investigation is typically associ-
­students refused to complete a survey when ated with the generation of theory rather than theory
they heard she was asking about the treatment testing (see Table 1.1) and with a relatively unstruc-
of gays and lesbians, and one student who did tured approach to the research process.
22 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

A related dimension that has important im- takes may differ depending on whether the study is
plications for how the research will be conducted quantitative or qualitative in orientation. Quanti-
involves the nature of the topic and of the people tative questions usually ask whether a particular
being investigated. A researcher who wants to study variable or set of variables has an influence on the
individuals involved in illicit activities—for ex- phenomenon of interest. Duncan’s (2010) question,
ample, price fixing, shoplifting, or drug dealing— for example, reveals that her study was designed to
may find it difficult to develop the rapport with inquire into whether personal income affects the
them that is needed to conduct a social survey. It is likelihood that one will join a voluntary association,
not surprising, therefore, that researchers in these and if so, whether that relationship varies depending
areas tend to use a qualitative strategy. On the other on the neighbourhood in which one lives. Implied
hand, it’s unlikely that the hypotheses in Box 1.3 on in her questions is a certain causal model that may
secularization could have been tested using a quali- apply to some larger population, one that extends
tative approach. beyond the people studied. This is the deductive
method at work.
Formulating a research question Qualitative research questions tend to be less
Creating a research question is like picking a destin- specific, and are generally not designed to evaluate
ation for a hike: where you will start out, the route causal models of this kind. They tend to be “open-
you will take, and what you will experience along ended, evolving, and non-directional” (Creswell,
the way are largely determined by the endpoint you 2013, p. 138). The reason for this is that qualitative
are trying to reach. What you stand to accomplish researchers usually want to allow multiple interpret-
with a particular research study and how you will ations and perspectives to emerge from the people
accomplish it are profoundly affected by the goal you and settings they are examining. Also, since qualita-
have in mind, which is expressed in your research tive social scientists often use the inductive method,
question. they don’t have a fully preconceived notion of what
A research question states the purpose of the they expect to find, making it pointless to ask a
study in the form of a question. This is useful because specific question at the beginning of a study. Flex-
a question can often be more evocative and stimulat- ibility in exploring whatever one encounters in the
ing than a simple declarative statement. A question course of doing the research is essential if one is to
arouses curiosity and challenges the researcher to uncover the meanings and interpretations held by
find ways to answer it. Here are some examples of the people studied, and the processes by which they
research questions taken from a quantitative study of develop. For instance, Charpentier and Quéniart’s
voluntary associations in Canada: “Does individual (2017) research question, “What does it mean to
income level affect whether an individual is a vol- older women to grow old in a land of immigration?”
untary association member? Does this effect differ was purposely open-ended because their goal was to
between neighbourhoods?” (Duncan, 2010, p. 578). give the women they studied a voice, not to march
Here are two research questions taken from a quali- them through specific topics and issues that they as
tative study of older immigrant women in Quebec: researchers may have considered to be important.
“What does it mean to older women to grow old in a The data they collected allowed them to discern cer-
land of immigration? What are the effects of immi- tain themes and patterns of response offered up by
gration on their living conditions, especially when the participants in their study, which is the goal of
they have immigrated after 50?” (Charpentier & the inductive method.
Quéniart, 2017, p. 437). Quantitative research may start with the choice
The process of formulating and assessing research of a general area of interest: for example, male
questions is something of an art, but here are some homosexuality. At this stage, a very general research
general thoughts. As you may have noticed in the re- question might be “How do people in general feel
search questions quoted above, the form the question about gays?” This broad research area would have to
1 | General Research Orientations 23

be narrowed down: for example, to “How does the do the people under study deal with those who vio-
Canadian adult population react to the portrayal late group norms? In cases where people are pun-
of gays in television dramas?” But even that is too ished for their violations, how do the offenders make
broad, so the next level of specification might be sense of the punishment they receive, and how does
something like “Do young straight men react dif- it affect how they feel about the other members of
ferently than young straight women to the portrayal the group?”
of gay male romance on television program X? If No single study can answer all the research ques-
so, do those differences reflect a more fluid sexual tions that will occur to the researcher. Only a small
identity on the part of young women as compared number of them can be selected. The need to narrow
to young men?” Such questions could be linked to the topic is not only a matter of the time available
larger theories of sex roles, sexual orientation acqui- and the cost of doing research. It is also a reflection
sition, socialization, and the tolerance of difference of the need for a clear focus.
in society. As suggested above, the research questions may
Research questions in qualitative inquiries may change as the study progresses, for a number of rea-
become more specific over time too, but that usually sons. The discovery of a new data source may change
occurs primarily after the researcher has started the focus a bit, as might some of the initial findings.
to gather data. A general research question may be For instance, if in the study of male homosexual-
retained throughout the study, but more specific ity the researchers find that having a gay relative
sub-questions normally evolve as the research un- in the immediate family makes a large difference
folds. For example, ethnographic research may begin in people’s attitudes, the research question and the
with a general question such as “What is going on attendant methodology and theoretical orientation
here?” (Wolcott, 2008, p. 73), but as the researcher may be revised. The research question may also
learns more about the people to be analyzed, more change because of limitations in time and other
specific questions usually come to mind. These ques- resources available to the researcher. Box 1.7 offers
tions could be something like the following: “How some tips on developing research questions.

BOX 1.7 Considerations when developing research questions

A good research question will: can make a contribution to the existing know-
• be as clear as possible so that it will be under- ledge on the topic;
standable to others; • be linked to the other research questions in the
• be researchable: it must allow for the develop- study, so that you can develop a single argument
ment of a research design and the collection of or at least a set of related arguments; this is hard
data; this means that extremely abstract terms to do with unrelated research questions; and
may not be suitable; • be neither too broad (no research project can
• relate in some way to existing studies that sug- do justice to all aspects of a topic) nor too
gest how your question may be approached. narrow (unable to make a meaningful contribu-
Even with a topic that has not been widely re- tion to an area of study).
searched, there will probably be some relevant If you are unsure about how to formulate re-
literature (for example, on related or parallel search questions (or about other aspects of research),
topics). Establishing connections with existing look at journal articles or research monographs to
studies will help to show how your research see how other researchers have handled them.
24 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Research questions set realistic boundaries for re- • the literature search;
search. A poorly formulated research question can • decisions about the kind of research design to
result in unfocused and substandard research. No employ;
matter how well designed a questionnaire is or how • decisions about what data to collect and from
skilled qualitative interviewers are, clear research whom;
questions are required to avoid going off in unneces- • the analysis of the data; and
sary directions and tangents. Research questions are • the writing up of the findings.
crucial because they guide:

Key Points
• Quantitative and qualitative research constitute • Theory can either precede research and data
different approaches to social investigation and gathering (the deductive method) or emerge out
carry with them important epistemological and of it (induction).
ontological assumptions. • Feminist researchers in the past have tended to
• Epistemological considerations loom large in the prefer a qualitative approach, although this situa-
choice of a research strategy. To a great extent, tion is changing now.
the issues revolve around the advantages and • Values can impinge on the research process in
­disadvantages associated with the natural science various ways; as a consequence, research often
(in particular positivist), interpretivist, and critical has political dimensions.
­approaches to science. • The political dimensions of research relate to the ex-
• Ontological considerations, such as objectivism ercise of power at different stages of an investigation.
versus constructionism, also constitute import- • Issues related to the research question can also
ant dimensions of the quantitative/qualitative affect decisions about research methods. Clear­
contrast. ­research questions improve the chances of success.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Theory and research RR What is the inductive method, and how can it be
RR What is a “theory,” as the term is used in this used to come up with theories or interpretations
chapter? of social phenomena?
AA Name a social regularity or pattern (e.g., women AA How could you use induction to analyze in-class
are more likely to suffer from eating disorders interactions between professors and students?
than men), then provide a social theory that might What sorts of theories or interpretations might you
explain it. Be sure to comment on how the theory come up with if you were to use induction in that
would explain the phenomenon. setting?

RR What is the purpose of gathering data if the de-

ductive method is used? Epistemological considerations
AA Name one specific hypothesis that can be derived RR What is meant by the terms “positivism,” “interpre-
from the theory you mentioned to address the tivism,” and “critical social science”?
previous bullet. Provide an example of a hypo- AA How could you use each of these three approaches
thetical research finding that would support the to social science to do a study on how social media
hypothesis. usage shapes a person’s self-image?
1 | General Research Orientations 25

Ontological considerations Influences on the conduct of social research

RR What do the terms “objectivism” and “construc- RR How might someone’s personal values influence
tionism” mean? the topics they choose to research?
AA Provide an objectivist account of why women are AA Explain how values might have affected Demaiter
more likely to pursue a career in nursing than men. and Adams’s (2009) decision to do research on
Then compare and contrast it with a construction- women in the information technology sector (see
ist view of this issue. the Methods in Motion box on p. 19).

General research orientations: Quantitative Research questions

and qualitative research RR What are the main characteristics of a good re-
RR Outline the main differences between quantitative search question?
and qualitative research in terms of the relation- AA Imagine that you are curious about the connec-
ship between theory and data, epistemological tion between growing up in an economically poor
considerations, and ontological issues. neighbourhood and joining a street gang. Pro-
AA Illustrate your answer by describing how quantita- duce a research question that would be appro-
tive and qualitative researchers could conduct a priate for a quantitative study on this topic. Then
study on academic achievement among transsex- construct a research question that a qualitative
ual high school students. ­researcher might use.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Divide the class into small groups of students. produce. In other words, pretend that you did
Each group is to select a social phenomenon, the research in each of the three ways and came
human behaviour, or experience that they think is up with some findings. You may have a different
especially interesting or important to understand. set of findings for each of the three approaches.
The groups then come up with a research ques- Use your imagined findings to generate three
tion or questions that could be used as a focal answers to your research question(s), one for
point for research. For example, “What causes each of the three approaches to science.
eating disorders?” Or, “What is it like to be a victim
of domestic violence?” The students can pick any Once those tasks have been completed, each
topic they like. group is to select a spokesperson(s) to report their
Each group then explains how they would re- group’s work to the rest of the class. Those listen-
search the topic they have chosen. They are to do ing are to ask questions and offer a critique of the
that by answering the following questions, draw- group’s presentation.
ing on the knowledge they’ve gained in class and
from reading this chapter: 2. The class is divided into three groups in order
to conduct a debate. The first group must make
a. Have your social or cultural values influenced the case for position “a” below; the second group
your choice of subject matter? Explain. argues in favour of position “b”; and the third
b. Can your topic be researched scientifically? group can choose either “a” or “b.” Each group is
Explain. (Hint: Think of the different ways in given 20 minutes to prepare its case.
which social researchers define “science.”)
c. Explain how a positivist, an interpretive re- a. The social researcher’s most important duty is
searcher, and a critical social scientist would to explain the social world, not to change it. The
conduct research on the topic you’ve chosen. search for practical applications such as posi-
Provide as much detail as possible. tive social change is best left to other people
d. Make up some results that researchers in because it may create political bias on the part
each of the three approaches to science might of the researcher, such as when findings are
26 Part I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

ignored or rejected simply because they come have positive social change as its primary goal
from people who do not share the researcher’s is not worth doing.
political views.
b. The social researcher’s most important duty After all groups have made their arguments,
is to make the world a better place by ridding each one is allowed time for rebuttal. When that
society of things such as racism, economic is finished, the class votes to decide which group
inequality, and sexism. Research that does not made the strongest case.

Relevant Websites
A good way to become familiar with how research is Canadian Journal of Education
done is to read articles published in academic jour-
nals. You may not be able to fully understand the
American Journal of Sociology
methodologies and data analyses at this stage of
your academic career, but reading articles will help
you become familiar with formal research presenta- American Sociological Review
tions. Below are the Web addresses for some leading
Canadian and international social science journals. Social Forces
You may not be able to access articles in a particu-
lar journal directly; it may be necessary to sign on to
Qualitative Sociology
your institution’s library server first.

Canadian Journal of Sociology British Journal of Sociology
index International Journal of Sociology
Canadian Review of Sociology Here are some websites you can visit to learn more
Canadian Political Science Review about participatory action research:
International Institute for Environment and
Canadian Journal of Political Science Development
journal-of-political-science-revue-canadienne-de- Community-Based Research Canada
Canadian Social Work Review The Tavistock Institute
Native Social Work Journal (Websites accessed 14 October 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Research Designs

Chapter Overview
A research design is a framework for the collection and analysis of the data that will be used to answer
the research questions. It must satisfy certain criteria, and the form it takes depends on the research
questions being asked. This chapter will discuss four prominent research designs:
• experimental and related designs (such as the quasi-experiment)
• cross-sectional designs, including survey research, its most common form
• longitudinal designs, such as panel and cohort studies and various forms of qualitative research
• case study designs

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go It’s not hard to feel a little like Alice when you start
from here?” out on the journey that is a research project, especially
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get if the voyage is one you are somewhat reluctant to
to,” said the Cat. undertake (this is not at all uncommon). Where should
“I don’t much care where—” said Alice. I be going with this study? How can I get there? How
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said can I tell if I’m on the right track? Such questions flood
the Cat. the mind at the beginning of the trip. As Alice learned,
“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an finding the right way starts with knowing where you
explanation. want to end up. In research, a lot depends on what you
“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only want to accomplish with the project, which in turn de-
walk long enough.” pends on the sort of research question you have posed.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland In this chapter we’ll explore what kinds of destination
­(Carroll, 1865/2009, p. 56) are possible, some ways of getting to them, and some
techniques for determining whether you are on the
right path.

▲ Ditty_about_summer/Shutterstock
28 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Introduction watched changes, the level of violence would

have to change as well. You would have to ob-
Once a general research orientation has been chosen, serve that, in general, the greater the number
the next step is to select a research design. A re- of violent movies watched, the higher the level
search design is a broad structure that guides the of violence.
collection and analysis of data. Choosing a research 2. Time order. The proposed cause must precede
design involves decisions about what you want to the effect in time. Assume that you do find a
accomplish with the study. Is one of your goals to correlation between watching violent movies
describe the causal connections between variables? and real violence. You would also have to show
Will you explore how a social phenomenon changes that the increase in the watching of violent
over time, and how it may be linked to other events movies came before the increase in violence. If
and situations? Will it be important to search out the you found that the increase in the watching of
meanings that the research subjects attach to certain violent movies occurred after the level of vio-
things, and how they act on those meanings? Do you lence went up, your explanation would have to
want to be able to generalize your findings to people be rejected.
and groups that were not part of the study? How 3. Non-spuriousness. Alternative explanations
these questions are answered will affect your choice for the correlation observed have to be ruled
of research design. out. “Spurious” literally means false or illegit-
Another important consideration in choosing imate. A common source of spuriousness is
a research design is the kind of explanation you a variable that influences both the proposed
would like to develop. Quantitative researchers often cause and the effect. Suppose our data reveal
explain a phenomenon in terms of causes and ef- that people who are violent tend to watch a lot
fects that are expressed in laws and principles. Such of violent movies, and that people who reject
laws and principles are usually fairly general, and violence watch very few violent films, i.e., that
are meant to apply to people who were not part of the two variables are correlated. Can we con-
the study. For example, a study that finds that men clude from this that watching violent movies
are more likely than women to approve of pornog- causes people to be more violent? In order to
raphy may explain that result with a neo-Darwinian answer that question, we would try to deter-
theory of erotic attraction and sexual disgust. This mine whether some third factor is the cause of
sort of explanation is supposed to apply to human- the correlation between the number of violent
ity in general, not just to the people who participated movies watched and the level of violence. For
in the study. This approach to explanation is called instance, could it be that people who are vio-
nomothetic. lent to begin with seek out violent movies? If
Nomothetic explanations have to satisfy three cri- so, then pre-existing violent tendencies affect
teria of causation. In other words, three conditions both the watching of violent movies (your
have to be satisfied before the explanation is con- proposed cause) and the level of violence (the
sidered acceptable. Suppose you are trying to explain effect). If that is the case, the correlation be-
why some people are more violent than others, and tween watching violent movies and the level
your explanation involves the idea that the propen- of real violence is spurious, and your explan-
sity to be violent is influenced by watching violent ation does not hold up. As a further illustra-
movies. For this to be accepted as a causal explan- tion of spuriousness, imagine that you live in
ation, it would have to meet the following criteria: a summer resort community where there is
ample opportunity for swimming. Throughout
1. Correlation. The proposed cause and the the calendar year, there is probably a correla-
proposed effect have to vary together. In our tion between the number of ice-cream cones
example, as the number of violent movies sold on a particular day and the number of
2 | Research Designs 29

people swimming: as one increases the other you’ve selected a case to investigate, how will you
also increases. But does purchasing ice-cream get data on it? Do you use participant observation?
cones cause people to go swimming? Of course Do you observe from the sidelines? Do you conduct
not. Those two things are influenced by a third interviews? Do you examine documents? Do you ad-
factor: warm weather. minister questionnaires? Any or all of these methods
can be used.
Quantitative researchers choose research designs
that help to satisfy these three criteria. Qualitative
researchers, on the other hand, aim for different Research designs
kinds of explanations. They usually seek to produce
a rich description of a person or group based on Experimental design
the perceptions and feelings of the people studied, When people hear the word “research,” the use of
rather than to discover general laws and principles. experiments often comes to mind. However, true ex-
They may also try to get a sense of how those phe- periments are fairly rare in sociology, though they
nomena develop over time and how they can result can be found in areas such as social psychology and
from interpersonal interactions or one’s position in studies of organizations. Researchers in social policy
a power hierarchy. These sorts of accounts are called may also use them to assess the impact of reforms
idiographic explanations, and they usually involve a or new policies. The main reason for discussing ex-
detailed “story” or description of the people studied periments here is that a true experiment involves a
that is based on empathetic understanding. Bowen systematic comparison of what happens when one
(2015), for instance, used this approach to determine set of participants has a particular experience or
how off-street sex workers in Vancouver viewed the treatment while another does not, a logic that can
experience of transitioning from the sex industry also be found in other research designs. The greatest
into “square” (non-sex) occupations and lifestyles. strength of experiments is that they can be effective
On the basis of the insights gained from the study, in establishing causation (sometimes referred to as
she revealed that people who are in the process of internal validity), especially when they are used to
leaving the industry or who are contemplating leav- isolate the effects of a small number of factors. This
ing are often stigmatized and humiliated for their does not mean that the experimental method is ne-
past behaviours, and that the voices of such people cessarily the best design to use. As we shall see below,
must be heard if government transition programs experiments, like other methodological approaches,
are to be effective. Qualitative researchers will have their strengths and weaknesses when they are
choose research designs that will produce these sorts used in social research, and are better suited to some
of idiographic explanations. research topics than others.
Once a design has been selected, a specific method
for collecting data has to be chosen. There are many Manipulation
different ways of gathering data. One way is to use a If experiments are so strong in establishing caus-
preset instrument, such as a self-completion question- ation, why do social researchers not make more
naire or a structured interview schedule. Another is use of them? The reason is simple: to conduct a
to utilize a less formalized method like participant true experiment, it is necessary to do something to
observation or ethnography in which the researcher people and observe the effects. To put the matter
takes part in the activities of a group of people, some- more formally, an experiment manipulates an
times even living among them for a time. ­independent variable to determine its influence
Consider one of the research designs to be covered on a dependent variable. Typically, some subjects
in this chapter: the case study. It entails a detailed are allocated to a “treatment” group in which the
exploration of a specific case, which could be a com- independent variable is changed or manipulated,
munity, an organization, a person, or an event. Once while others are placed in a “control” group where
30 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

no manipulation takes place. The dependent vari- the rise of second-wave feminism in the 1960s?
able is then observed and measured. The problem is ­Unfortunately not: experiments are generally lim-
that many of the independent variables of concern ited to relatively simple, short-term manipulations
to social researchers cannot be manipulated. For of independent variables (see Brannigan, 2004).
example, some sociologists maintain that a coun- A further reason is that even where social scien-
try’s national character is affected by whether the tists are successful in using experiments to iden-
country came into existence through revolution tify causal variables, the perceptions and feelings
(for ­example, Lipset, 1990). In order to test this idea of the participants—which provide information
experimentally, revolution would have to be in- vital to a full understanding of the phenomenon
duced in some randomly selected areas to produce in ­question—are usually not examined in depth
new countries, while in others no revolution would (Dobash & Dobash, 2000).
be fomented. The researcher would then compare Before moving to a more complete discussion of
the national characters of the revolutionary coun- experimental designs, it is important to introduce
tries with the non-revolutionary ones. Needless a basic distinction between laboratory and field
to say, such experimental manipulations would ­experiments. The former take place in artificial set-
usually be impossible to carry out. tings, whereas the latter occur in real-life surround-
This example also illustrates a second reason ings such as classrooms and factories. The Rosenthal
why experiments are so rare in sociology: ethical and Jacobson (1968) study described below is a well-
concerns often preclude them. Suppose you are in- known example of a field experiment.
terested in the effect of poverty-induced poor nutri-
tion on children’s academic performance. In order Classic experimental design
to examine this issue experimentally, you could Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) tried to determine
select a number of six-year-olds and randomly what effect teachers’ expectations had on their
assign them to one of two groups. Those in the first students’ academic performance. In addition to
group would be underfed for a month, while those illustrating the classical experimental design, their
in the second would be given ample, nutritious study is a good example of research that gets a lot
diets. Then you would test the two groups to see if of attention, is then subject to intense methodo-
they differed in academic ability. Although sound logical scrutiny (see Brannigan, 2004, pp. 80–89
from a methodological standpoint, such a study for critiques), and ultimately provides the impetus
would clearly raise serious ethical problems (and for further research designed to improve on the
did, when it was discovered that similar nutrition original.
studies were performed on Indigenous students at The research was conducted in a US school where
residential schools in British Columbia, Manitoba, many poor and minority-group children were en-
Alberta, Ontario, and Nova Scotia in the 1940s and rolled. In the spring all the students were given a test
1950s). In fact, as we will see in Chapter 3, ethical and told it was designed to identify “spurters”—that
issues may arise even when the experimental ma- is, students who were likely to experience a sudden
nipulation appears to be innocuous and is of very improvement in their academic performance. At the
short duration. beginning of the following academic year, the teach-
Another reason why experiments are uncom- ers were given the names of the spurters in their
mon in sociology is that many of the things of classes. But this was a ruse: the students identified as
interest to sociologists—gender roles, political spurters were simply selected at random; they were
preferences, the formation of social movements, not chosen on the basis of their test performance.
and so on—have complex, long-term causes that The test was re-administered eight months after the
cannot be easily simulated in experiments. Could original one, allowing the authors to compare the
the experimental method be used to explain so-called spurters with the other students on things
2 | Research Designs 31

such as IQ scores, reading ability, and intellectual To capture the essence of the classical experi-
curiosity. Since Rosenthal and Jacobson believed mental design, the following simple notation is used:
that there was no initial difference in ability between
the spurters and the others, any improvements were • Obs: an observation made of the dependent
attributed to the fact that the teachers had been led variable. There may be more than two obser-
to expect the spurters to perform better. The authors vations but, to simplify, the design shows the
report that the teachers’ expectations that the spurt- most common configuration: pre-test and
ers would show superior academic performance ac- post-test; here, IQ test scores before the experi-
tually caused those students to do better than the mental manipulation and after.
others, presumably because they received differen- • Exp: the experimental treatment (independ-
tial treatment from the teachers. ent variable); here, the creation of teacher
The Rosenthal and Jacobson study includes most expectancies. No Exp refers to the absence of
of the essential features of what is known as the an experimental treatment and represents the
classical experimental design. Subjects (in this case, experience of the control group.
students) are randomly assigned to two groups. The • T: the timing of the observations made in re-
experimental manipulation (different levels of the in- lation to the dependent variable; here, the time
dependent variable, here heightened teacher expect- when an IQ test is administered
ations) is carried out on the experimental group or
treatment group (the spurters). The other group is not What is the purpose of the control group? Surely
given the treatment and thus forms a control group. it is what happens to the spurters (the experimental
The dependent variable—academic performance—is group) that really matters. For this study to be a true
measured before the experimental manipulation to experiment, however, it must control for (in other
make sure that the two groups really are, on average, words, eliminate) rival explanations of its causal
equal at the start (see Figure 2.1). If they are equal, findings, leaving teacher expectations as the only
and because of random assignment they should be, factor that could have created any differences in per-
the researchers can feel confident that any differ- formance between the two groups. Of course, student
ences in student performance found between the two performance is a complex phenomenon, with many
groups after the manipulation were due to the treat- causes, but the present study wanted to examine only
ment. Everything else about the two groups is pre- one of those causes (teacher expectations). The pres-
sumed to be the same, leaving differences in teacher ence of a control group and the random assignment
expectations as the only possible explanation for any of subjects to the experimental and control groups
differences that are found between the spurters and help to eliminate rival explanations for differences
non-spurters. in academic performance, which in this case are any
explanations other than different teacher expecta-
tions. To see this, consider some threats that would
8 months
pose serious challenges to the study’s conclusions
Experimental T1 T2
if there were no control group or random assign-
Obs1 Exp Obs2
spurters IQ Teacher IQ
ment. The following list is based on a book written
expectancies by Cook and Campbell (1979). In each situation, the
possibility of a rival interpretation of Rosenthal and
Jacobson’s findings is proposed, but the presence of
Control Obs3 No Exp Obs4 both a control group and random assignment greatly
group IQ No teacher IQ
reduces the threat. As a result, confidence in the
finding that teacher expectations influenced student
FIGURE 2.1 Classical experimental design performance is enhanced.
32 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

• History. This refers to events other than the they got older, regardless of the effect of teacher
manipulation of teacher expectations that expectancies. But the control group would also
might have caused the spurters’ scores to rise. mature, so maturation effects cannot explain
For example, suppose that the school’s princi- the differences between it and the control group.
pal had taken steps to raise standards in the • Selection. When subjects are not assigned ran-
school. Without a control group, we could not domly to the experimental and control groups,
be sure whether it was the teachers’ expecta- variations between them in the post-test may
tions or the principal’s action that produced be due to pre-existing differences between the
the increase in spurters’ grades. With a control two groups. For example, if all the best stu-
group, we can say that the principal’s action dents were given the spurter label, it might
should have had an effect on the control sub- have been their pre-existing academic ability
jects too, and therefore that the differences rather than teacher expectations that caused
between the experimental and control groups them to do better. However, since a random
can be attributed to the effect of teacher ex- selection process was employed here, the “se-
pectations alone. lection” risk is greatly reduced. With random
• Testing. This threat refers to the possibility assignment, the top students would make up
that subjects may become more experienced roughly the same proportion of the spurter
at taking a test or sensitized to the aims of group as the non-spurter group, cancelling
the experiment as a result of the pre-test. The out the effect of pre-existing academic ability.
presence of a control group, which presumably However, even with the use of random assign-
would also experience the same things, dimin- ment, if the number of people in each group
ishes this possibility. is relatively small, there is still a risk of pre-­
• Instrumentation. This threat refers to the possi- existing differences between the experimental
bility that changes in the way a test is adminis- and control groups.
tered can account for an increase (or decrease)
in scores between a pre-test and post-test; for Even if all these threats have been overcome, fur-
example, perhaps the teachers know their stu- ther issues may arise. First there is the question of
dents better or are more friendly the second whether the variables used in the study have been
time they give the test. Again, if there is a con- adequately measured. This refers to the matter of
trol group, the people in that group should be measurement validity, a topic addressed in detail in
affected as well. Chapter 4. In the case of the Rosenthal and Jacob-
• Mortality. A particular problem for studies that son (1968) study, there are potentially two aspects
span a long period of time is the risk that some to this question. First, has academic performance
subjects will leave the experiment before it is been adequately measured? Reading scores seem to
over: for example, some students might move correspond to what they are supposed to be measur-
to a different school, or experience a long-term ing. However, given the controversy surrounding IQ
illness. Since this problem is likely to affect tests and what they measure, we may feel unsure that
the control group too, it may not make a dif- gains in IQ test scores can be regarded as strongly
ference to the results. However, experimenters indicative of academic performance. Similarly, to
should try to determine whether mortality has take another of the authors’ measures, is intellec-
affected the experimental and control groups tual curiosity a valid measure of academic perform-
differently. ance? Does it really measure what it is supposed to
• Maturation. Quite simply, people change over measure?
time and the ways in which they change may Another question is whether the experimental
have implications for the dependent variable. manipulation really worked. In other words, was
The spurters might have improved anyway as the identification of some schoolchildren as spurters
2 | Research Designs 33

enough to create the conditions needed for the hy- the result that their responses are affected as
pothesis about teacher expectations to be tested? The they become more test-wise. Consequently, the
study depended on the teachers’ remembering the findings may not be generalizable to groups
“information” they were given about the spurters that have not been pre-tested, and, of course,
for the duration of the experiment, but it is possible in the real world people are rarely pre-tested.
that as time went on some of them came to doubt or This may have occurred in the Rosenthal and
forget it; in that case, the manipulation would have Jacobson research, since all students were pre-
been contaminated. tested at the end of the previous academic year,
A second set of issues concerns the generaliz- so the students new to the school in the fall
ability of a study’s findings. In other words, do the (when the teachers were told about spurters)
study’s conclusions apply to other people, settings, presumably were not pre-tested.
or time periods? These matters pertain to the study’s • Reactive effects produced by the experimental
external validity. Cook and Campbell (1979) iden- arrangements. People are frequently, if not in-
tified five major threats to the external validity and variably, aware of the fact that they are par-
hence the generalizability of findings derived from ticipating in an experiment. Their awareness
an experiment: may influence how they respond to the experi-
mental treatment; for example, they may react
• The representativeness of the study participants. by behaving in a socially acceptable manner
To what social and psychological groups can a rather than sincerely and spontaneously,
finding be generalized? Can it be generalized to which could affect the generalizability of the
a wide variety of individuals who differ in eth- findings. Since Rosenthal and Jacobson’s sub-
nicity, social class, religion, gender, and type jects do not appear to have been aware that
of personality? In the Rosenthal and J­ acobson they were participating in an experiment,
study, the students were largely from poorer this problem is unlikely to have been signifi-
groups and a large proportion from ethnic cant. The issue of reactivity and its potentially
minorities. This may limit the generalizability damaging effects is a recurring theme in many
of the findings. types of social research.
• The effects of the setting. Can the results of a
study be applied to other settings (in Rosenthal Then there is the question of replicability. A study
and Jacobson’s case, to other schools)? There is is replicable if others are able to repeat it and get the
also the wider issue of whether expectation ef- same results. Sometimes replications are conducted
fects can also be discerned in non-educational to make sure that the original research was carried
settings. out properly; this is especially important if a study’s
• History effects. This threat raises the question results do not match prior findings on the topic. For
of whether the findings can be generalized to replication to be possible, the initial researcher must
the past and into the future. The Rosenthal and spell out all the research procedures in great detail.
Jacobson research was conducted more than Rosenthal and Jacobson laid out their procedures
50 years ago. Would the findings still apply and measures in detail, and anyone carrying out a
today? Also, their investigation was conducted replication could obtain further information from
at a particular juncture in the school year. them. Consequently, their research is replicable, al-
Would the same results have been obtained if though there has never been an exact replication.
the research had been conducted at different Clairborn (1969) conducted one of the earliest rep-
points in the year? lications and followed a procedure very similar to
• The effects of pre-testing. As a result of being pre- Rosenthal and Jacobson’s, although the study was
tested, subjects in an experiment may become carried out in three middle-class suburban schools,
sensitized to the experimental treatment, with and the timing of the creation of teacher expectancies
34 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

was different from the original study. Clairborn also randomly assigned, were not told this. The data
failed to replicate Rosenthal and Jacobson’s findings, showed that women scored lower than men when
casting doubt on the external validity of the original informed of this “fact.” When told that the test was
research and suggesting that the first two threats to to compare Canadians and Americans, there was
external validity referred to earlier in this chapter no gender difference. Without the chance to ran-
may have limited the applicability of the findings. domly assign subjects, there would always be some
Virtually all experiments in the social sciences doubt that the treatment (being told that women
involve deception of some kind. In the Rosenthal score lower than men on the test) rather than a pre-­
and Jacobson study, for example, the experimenters existing difference between the two sets of subjects
told the teachers that certain students were spurters, actually caused the women to do less well than the
which simply was not true. But could the experi- men. Also, laboratory experiments are more easily
ment have been carried out without any deception? replicated because they are less bound to a natural
For example, could the experimenters have told the milieu that could be difficult to reproduce.
teachers that they were testing the effects of teacher However, laboratory experiments also suffer from
expectations on student achievement? Could they a number of limitations. Many of those shortcomings
have given the teachers a list of students and said, arise from low external validity. For instance, the ex-
“Pretend that these students are gifted, although perimental setting may not mirror real-world experi-
they are not any more gifted, on average, than the ences and contexts, despite the fact that the subjects
students not on the list. We want to see whether you are very involved in most experiments and take them
would treat such children differently, and whether very seriously. In addition, the treatment effects may
differential treatment affects their academic per- be unique to the people in the study; others may not
formance.” Surely, that sort of approach would not react the same way. In the case of Fisher and Ma’s
have produced authentic behaviour on the part of the (2014) study described in Box 2.1, for example, the
teachers, and the teachers might well have refused to subjects were drawn from an online panel and hence
participate under those conditions for ethical and may not be representative of the general population,
practical reasons. Clearly, some form of deception if only because their willingness to go online and
was necessary for the experiment to work. their facility with the Internet may have made their
But deception raises ethical concerns—it is basic- responses to the experimental stimuli distinctive.
ally a form of lying. Chapter 3 will discuss the ethical They were also volunteers, who generally differ from
implications of using deception in social research, non-volunteers (Rosnow & Rosenthal, 1997, ch. 5). In
as well as other sorts of ethical dilemmas facing re- addition, the fact that they were given an incentive to
searchers in the social sciences. participate (they were paid a small fee) might have fur-
ther distinguished them from others since not every-
The laboratory experiment one would be equally motivated to earn the reward
One of the main advantages of laboratory over field given to those who participate. There was no effect
experiments is the researcher’s greater control over of pre-testing because, as in many experiments, the
the research environment. In particular, it is easier to participants described in Box 2.1 were not pre-tested.
randomly assign subjects to different experimental However, it is quite possible that reactive effects oc-
conditions in the laboratory than in a real-life curred: the subjects knew they were in an experiment,
situation, which enhances the researcher’s ability and that may have affected their behaviour.
to establish nomothetic causation. For example,
Walsh and colleagues (1999) were able to tell some Quasi-experiments
randomly assigned university students in Eastern Quasi-experiments have some characteristics of
Canada that previous results on the mathematics test the experimental model but lack some of the fea-
they were about to take showed that women perform tures that help the researcher establish causation.
less well than men on such tests. Other students, Several different types of quasi-experiments have
2 | Research Designs 35

BOX 2.1 A laboratory experiment

It is commonly recognized, both in scientific circles from a village in Africa that had just been struck
and in everyday life, that there are tangible bene- by a mudslide, making her a homeless orphan.
fits associated with being physically attractive. It is People experiencing the “low severity” manipula-
also well known that attractive people are thought tion were told of the mudslide, but were informed
to possess more positive attitudes and behavioural that the young girl’s home and parents were not
traits than the less attractive; hence the “beauti- harmed by it. The results indicated that subjects
ful is good” stereotype. Yet two researchers at the in the low severity condition who were presented
University of Alberta (Fisher & Ma, 2014) found that with the “attractive” version of the girl’s photo-
under certain experimental conditions, partici- graph showed lower levels of empathy toward her
pants felt less empathy toward an “attractive” child. than those shown the less attractive image: the
The researchers wanted to know whether the opposite of the “beautiful is good” stereotype. In
attractiveness of children in need affects the em- the high severity condition, physical attractive-
pathy that non-relatives feel toward them. In one ness had no effect on the level of empathy. The
version of the study, the perceived attractiveness researchers reasoned that when severe harm is
of a young girl was manipulated by showing one not imminent, people perceive attractive chil-
group of participants a picture of her that had not dren to be more socially competent and hence
been altered. A second group was shown a version more capable of taking care of themselves. But
of the picture that had been digitally modified to when children are in grave danger or distress,
make the girl appear less attractive. A “high se- those superficial considerations are overridden by
verity” of need condition was created by telling strong feelings of compassion and a desire to help,
some participants that the child in the picture was regardless of how attractive the child may be.

been identified (Cook & Campbell, 1979). Not all groups may not have been equivalent on all relevant
of them can be covered here, but a particularly in- characteristics before the independent variable was
teresting type are “natural experiments,” in which introduced. For instance, in the earthquake example,
­experiment-like conditions are produced by natur- there may have been some pre-existing differences
ally occurring phenomena or changes brought about between the two cities before the earthquake struck
by people not doing research. When that occurs, re- that contributed to post-earthquake differences. So
searchers can gather data in much the same way they if the stricken city showed an increase in civic pride,
do in experiments. For example, if an earthquake hit perhaps that was not because of the earthquake, but
a particular city, but a city of comparable size and because it had a more charismatic mayor than the
composition a short distance away was spared, the neighbouring city. However, the results of such stud-
conditions for a natural experiment would be present. ies are still compelling because they are real rather
The effects of the natural disaster on civic pride or at- than artificial interventions in social life, making
titudes toward local political leaders could be meas- them high in external validity.
ured by comparing the two cities on those variables. St Helena in the South Atlantic provided a fascin-
However, in natural experiments, it is usually im- ating natural laboratory for the examination of vari-
possible to randomly assign subjects to experimental ous claims regarding the effect of television violence
and control groups. The absence of random assign- on children when TV was introduced to the island for
ment casts doubt on any causal inferences, since the the first time in the mid-1990s. The findings—from
36 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

video footage showing young children at play during allows researchers to estimate the strength of environ-
school breaks, from diaries kept by about 300 of the mental and genetic influences on a variety of attitudes
children, and from ratings by teachers—suggested and behaviours (Plomin et al., 2013). The presence
that the introduction of television was not followed of greater behavioural or attitudinal similarities
by an increase in the number of aggressive acts ob- among monozygotic than dizygotic twins suggests
served (Charlton et al., 1998, 1999). The research- a ­genetic influence. For example, recent behavioural
ers suggest that in environments such as St Helena, genetic studies indicate that social and political atti-
where children are closely watched by the commun- tudes are affected not only by societal and situational
ity and are expected to avoid violence or aggression, factors, but also by genes (Alford et al., 2005; Bell &
television may have little effect on their behaviour. Kandler, 2017; Bell et al., 2009, 2012). Additional ex-
Another type of natural experiment can be found in amples of quasi-experiments are presented in Box 2.2.
twin studies, which are commonly used in behavioural Quasi-experimental designs have been particu-
genetic research. Monozygotic (popularly known as larly prominent in evaluation research studies, which
“identical”) twins share 100 per cent of their genetic examine the effects of organizational innovations such
structure, whereas dizygotic (“fraternal”) twins have as a longer school day or greater worker autonomy in a
in common only about 50 per cent of the genes that plant (see Box 2.3). Sometimes the results are surpris-
vary between human beings. This natural difference ing. A quasi-experimental investigation on the effect of

BOX 2.2 Quasi-experiments

A common type of quasi-experiment compares real social world, and as such have to meet goals
data collected before and after a policy shift by that are very different from those of experimental
government or industry. For example, the num- research. That makes it next to impossible for gov-
bers of car accidents before and after the lowering ernments to randomly assign people to different
of a speed limit can be compared. If the number conditions. Therefore, they usually have to make
goes down after the speed limit has been lowered, do with quasi-experimental evaluations of policy
the policy would appear to be a success, but one changes. A criminologist may want to randomly
cannot be sure because there is no control group assign criminals to jail or home custody and then
not experiencing the change. Perhaps the change compare the two forms of detention, but the po-
was caused by something other than the reduction tential for some of the at-homes to reoffend would
in the speed limit, such as increased media cover- be seen as too great a risk. Because minor crim-
age of car accidents. inals are more likely to get home custody than
Another example might involve the installa- are more serious criminals, a fair test is not pos-
tion of cameras to detect speeding. If the cameras sible without random assignment. Similarly, when
are placed only in randomly selected places and Canada abolished the death penalty, it was not for
not in others, the research changes from a quasi- the purpose of conducting an experiment: aboli-
to a real experiment, since the locations with- tion was a policy decision. Data could be examined
out cameras would constitute a control group. as if the change were part of a quasi-experiment,
Governments find it difficult, however, to subject for example, by comparing the murder rate before
some people to one condition and others to an- and after capital punishment was abolished; but
other. The prison system, schools, and other insti- the legislation was definitely not intended for that
tutions controlled by governments are part of the purpose.
2 | Research Designs 37

support for people who take care of the elderly (Demers, comparison: at the very least, an experiment allows
1996) showed that the extra support made caregivers the researcher to compare the results obtained from
feel less depressed, but more burdened. Demers was an experimental group with those obtained from a
not sure why, although she speculated that perhaps control group. In the case of the Fisher and Ma (2014)
the help was seen as something else to be coordinated experiment in Box 2.1, the research compared the ef-
and managed. The situation that Demers found herself fects of different levels of a child’s physical attract-
in—not being sure how to interpret her findings—is iveness and distress on the level of empathy felt by an
actually quite common. It’s one thing to come up with observer. The advantage of such comparisons is that
findings like hers, but another to explain them. The they permit a better understanding of the phenom-
solution usually involves doing more research. enon in question than would be possible if it were
Quasi-experiments are also used to evaluate the examined under one condition alone. The argument
effectiveness of institutional policies. For example, that in certain situations greater physical attractive-
Hanson et al. (2004) wanted to know whether treat- ness in children evokes less empathy is much more
ing sex offenders after they are released from prison persuasive when the empathy felt for attractive chil-
has any effect on their chances of reoffending. A total dren can be compared with that elicited by those per-
of 724 convicted male sex offenders were divided into ceived to be less attractive. While the experimental
two groups: those who underwent mandatory treat- design is typically associated with a quantitative re-
ment after release to community supervision, and search strategy, the specific logic of comparison pro-
those who were released prior to the implementation vides lessons of broad applicability and relevance.
of the mandatory treatment program. (Some of the
latter group had received treatment during or prior Cross-sectional design
to incarceration, although the extent of that treat- Many people associate cross-sectional designs with
ment was not known.) This division was not perfect, questionnaires and structured interviewing. How-
since the men in the first group may have differed ever, other data-gathering techniques may also be
in some relevant way from those in the second; the used in cross-sectional research, including struc-
fact that some in the latter category received treat- tured observation and analysis of official statistics
ment is also an issue. In any case, the results showed or diaries. These will be covered in later chapters,
that, after an average 12-year follow-up period, there but we will outline the basic structure of the cross-­
were equal rates of reoffending in both groups: about sectional design here. In cross-sectional studies,
20 per cent for sex crimes, which was not very en- observations are taken at one point in time—there
couraging for the professionals who treat offenders. are no before-and-after comparisons. Also, cross-­
sectional designs do not involve any manipulation
Significance of experimental design of the independent variable: they are like snapshots
As we noted at the outset of this section, true experi- taken of a group or phenomenon at one point in time.
ments are rare in sociology, but they are worth dis- A cross-sectional design entails the collection of
cussing because, where they are practicable, they allow data (usually quantitative) on more than one case.
researchers to isolate the causal influence of a particu- Researchers are interested in variation between dif-
lar variable—a goal to which researchers using other ferent people, families, nation-states, and so on, and
designs also aspire. Cross-sectional designs of the kind variation can be established only when more than
associated with survey research (discussed below) one case is examined. Researchers employing this
offer another way of evaluating causal hypotheses. design usually select many cases, for at least two
reasons. For one thing, a larger number makes it
Logic of comparison more likely that variation will be encountered in all
It is important to draw attention to a significant the variables of interest. A second reason is that cer-
general lesson that an examination of experiments tain statistical techniques are likely to require large
reveals. A central feature of any experiment is a sample sizes (see Chapter 7).
38 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 2.3 Evaluation research

A key question asked in evaluation research is at its completion. The researchers also did a quali-
whether a new policy initiative or organizational tative analysis of the project by conducting five
change achieved its goals. Ideally, to answer that focus groups at the conclusion of the program. The
question the design would have one group that is quantitative results indicated that the participants
exposed to the treatment—the new initiative—and had higher levels of perceived overall health and
a control group that is not. Since it is often not feas- sense of community, and lower levels of physical
ible or ethical to randomly assign research partici- pain, when the program was over. The themes
pants to the two groups, such studies are usually that emerged from the focus groups included the
quasi-experimental. For instance, data gathered conclusions that the program provided the seniors
from people before a change may be compared with structure and discipline, facilitated coping, re-
with data acquired after; the “before” people quired hard work and effort, brought out their art-
become the control group, the “after” people the istic side, promoted social involvement, and made
experimental group. This approach has the added a positive contribution to the community.
advantage that the two groups are basically the Quantitative quasi-experimental designs in
same, making random assignment unnecessary. evaluation research go back a long way, but as the
Such a design was used to evaluate the effect Phinney et al. (2014) study indicates, evaluations
of a community arts program on the well-being of based on qualitative research have also emerged.
older adults in the Vancouver area (Phinney et al., Although there are differences of opinion about
2014). Over three years, four groups of participants how qualitative evaluation should be carried
took part in the collective creation of a physical out, there is consensus on the importance of,
work of art or a performance that was presented first, understanding the context in which an inter-
to the public. Baseline quantitative measures of vention occurs and, second, hearing the diverse
well-being were taken in the first year of the pro- viewpoints of the stakeholders (Greene, 2000).
gram, with the same measures administered again For example, Pawson and Tilley (1997) advocate

In quantitative studies, data are collected on to difficulties in holding down a job and thus
two or more variables, which are then examined poverty? Or is it a bit of both? To take another
to detect patterns of association. This approach example, a study of 1000 men found that those
sometimes makes it difficult to show cause and who had two or more orgasms a week exhibited
effect because the independent and dependent a 50 per cent lower mortality risk compared with
variables are measured simultaneously, making men who had on average less than one orgasm
any demonstration of time order (showing that per week. It may be tempting to conclude that
the cause actually precedes the effect in time) hard male orgasm leads to longer life expectancy, but
to prove. For example, there is a well-­supported it is also possible that the causal arrow points in
­negative relationship between social class and the other direction: men who are ill (and thus at
serious forms of mental illness: more poor people greater mortality risk) are less likely to be sexually
are mentally ill than rich people. But there active in the first place (Houghton, 1998, p. 14).
is also a debate about the nature of that relation- This finding and the preceding one are similar,
ship: Does being poor lead to stress and therefore showing what Blaxter (1990) called “an ambiguity
to mental illness? Or does being mentally ill lead about the direction of causal influence.” There is
2 | Research Designs 39

CCTV deters car crime. For instance, it serves as

a direct deterrent to offenders (fewer people are
willing to commit crimes if they think they will
be filmed and caught), which encourages greater
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

usage of parking lots, which in turn increases

personal surveillance, which itself deters crime.
Examples of contexts relevant to the interven-
tion include time (such as when the parking lot
fills up and empties during rush-hour periods, or
slow times during the day), and the availability of
other nearby venues for offenders to commit car
As a researcher studying the effects of a music program, crimes. The kind of evaluation research advocated
what questions would you ask participants before and by Pawson and Tilley maps the different combina-
after the program in order to gauge its impact on their tions of cause and context in relation to different
health? Would you focus on their objective health outcomes.
indicators, or the subjective perception of their own Evaluation research is not limited to examining
health? What might be the benefit of doing both?
whether an initiative has achieved its stated goals.
In fact, some approaches are “goal free” (Scriven,
a pluralistic methodology that examines not only 1991) in that the people doing the evaluation are
the context but also the mechanisms that allow not told what the purpose of the program is. This
programs to work. Tilley (2000) provided an ex- allows evaluators to assess its overall impact, in-
ample of the approach in an evaluation of the use cluding unforeseen consequences, rather than
of closed-circuit television (CCTV) in parking lots. limit their attention to how well it achieved
He observed that there are several ways in which specific, preconceived goals.

only an association between the two variables—no administering research instruments (struc-
clear causal link. However, as will be shown below tured interview or self-completion question-
and in Chapter 8, there are a number of ways for naire, etc.), and the analysis of data.
researchers to draw cautious inferences about • Establishing causality can be problematic.
causality using cross-sectional designs. As was just suggested, it may be difficult to es-
tablish causal direction from the resulting data.
Replicability, causal inferences, Cross-sectional research designs can identify
and ­external validity associations that are indicative of causation,
How does cross-sectional research measure up in but other designs may have to be employed to
terms of replicability, the ability to establish causa- substantiate causal inferences.
tion, and external validity? • External validity is strong when the sample is
a random one. When non-random methods
• Replicability characterizes most cross-­sectional of sampling are employed, external validity
research, so long as the researcher spells out becomes questionable, an issue addressed in
the procedures for selecting respondents, Chapter 7.
40 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Why are some Canadians politically conservative and others liberal?

Bell and his colleagues (2009) did a behavioural “nurture” interact in the formation of political
genetic study of political attitudes and behaviours attitudes.
that addressed the issue of why some Canadians These sorts of studies are uncommon in soci-
tend to have conservative or right-leaning atti- ology, political science, or anthropology, although
tudes, while others are more liberal or left ori- they are conducted more frequently in psychology
ented in their political views. The methodology and the health sciences. They have far-reaching
used in the study (the details of which go beyond implications for the social sciences, in particular
the scope of this book) was a kind of natural ex- for disciplines in which biological influences are
periment comparing monozygotic (identical) seldom examined. The standard paradigm in the
twins, who are essentially genetic clones of each latter fields of study assumes that some combin-
other, with dizygotic (fraternal) twins, who share ation of socialization, culture, and situational fac-
only about 50 per cent of the genetic material that tors can explain the origins of most attitudes and
varies between human beings. The researchers behaviours. Researchers using behaviour genetic
examined how similar the identical twins were in methods, on the other hand, acknowledge that
their political attitudes, and compared that with those sorts of influences are crucial, but argue
how similar the fraternal twins were on that score. that a more complete understanding of the human
If identical twins are more similar on the character- condition can be achieved by considering both
istic under examination than the fraternal twins, biological and environmental factors.
that would indicate that genetic factors or other If behaviour genetics and other approaches that
biological influences have some impact on the consider both biological and environmental influ-
trait in question. The results of the study showed ences were to be more widely adopted in the social
that the identical twins were in fact much more sciences, that could have a major impact on the theor-
similar in their political attitudes than the frater- etical perspectives that are developed and rise to
nal twins, which suggests that genetic factors do prominence in academe. For example, a blend of Dar-
play a role in the formation of these attitudes. The winian evolutionary theory and sociological conflict
study also found that environmental factors (such theories is a possibility (e.g., Sanderson, 2001). Such
as educational influences and media effects) in- approaches have the potential to promote consili-
fluenced political orientations, although it did not ence or the unity of knowledge, (Bell & Kandler, 2017)
test for specific environmental ­influences. Taken which in this case would take the form of a closer re-
as a whole, the results indicate that “nature” and lationship between the social and biological sciences.

Variables that cannot be manipulated socioeconomic status are “givens” and not really
amenable to the kind of manipulation necessary
As noted in the section on experimental design, for a true experimental design. Fictitious manipu-
in much (if not most) social research it is not lations are possible, such as when an experimenter
possible to manipulate the variables of interest. digitally alters photographs to produce different
This is a key reason why most quantitative social ages or ethnicities, perhaps to see the effects on job
research employs a cross-sectional design rather
­ offers, but the manipulation is limited to the exter-
than an ­experimental one. To more or less all in- nal signs of age and ethnicity, missing the more sub-
tents and purposes, things like ethnicity, age, and jective and experiential aspects.
2 | Research Designs 41

However, the very fact that certain variables are accounts of factors that affected their past and
givens provides a clue as to how to make causal in- present behaviour.
ferences in cross-sectional research. Many of the
variables of interest can be assumed to be tem- Structure of cross-sectional designs
porally prior to other variables. For example, in a A cross-sectional design collects data on a series of
relationship between ethnic status and alcohol con- variables (Obs1, Obs2, Obs3, Obs4, Obs5, . . . Obsn) for
sumption, the latter cannot be the independent vari- different cases (people, households, cities, nations,
able because it occurs after ethnicity. Ethnicity still etc.) at a single point in time. The effect is to create
cannot be said with certainty to be the cause, how- a data set that comprises variables Obs1 to Obsn and
ever: it is just a possible cause. In other words, even cases case1 to casen, as in Figure 2.2. Each cell in the
though researchers are unable to manipulate things matrix has data in it.
like ethnic status or gender, causal inferences can
still be cautiously drawn from cross-sectional data. Longitudinal design(s)
The current discussion of the cross-sectional With a longitudinal design, cases are examined at a
design places it firmly in the context of quantitative particular time (T1) and again at a later time or times
research. But qualitative research can also use a form (T2, T3, and so on), but without the manipulation
of cross-sectional design. For example, Beardsworth of an independent variable that characterizes ex-
and Keil (1992) carried out a study of the dietary be- periments (see Box 2.4). When used in quantitative
liefs and practices of vegetarians. They administered research, it allows insight into the time order of vari-
“relatively unstructured interviews,” which were ables and is better able to deal with the problem of
“guided by an inventory of issues,” with 76 vegetarians “ambiguity about the direction of causal influence”
and vegans (1992, p. 261). The interviews were taped that plagues cross-sectional designs. Because poten-
and transcribed, yielding a large body of qualitative tial independent variables can be identified at T1, the
data. The research was not preoccupied with quanti- researcher is in a better, if not perfect, position to
tative criteria such as establishing causation, external infer that the effects identified at T2 or later occurred
validity, replicability, measurement validity, and so after changes occurred in the independent variables.
on. Nonetheless, the conversational interview style In all other respects, the points made above about
made the study more externally valid than research cross-sectional designs are the same as those for
using more formal instruments of data collection. longitudinal designs. In spite of its heightened abil-
The study was concerned with the factors that in- ity to show cause and effect, the longitudinal design
fluence food selection, like vegetarianism. The very is not frequently used in quantitative social research
notion of an “influence” carries a strong connotation because of the additional time and cost involved.
of causality, suggesting that qualitative researchers
can also be interested in the investigation of causes
and effects, although they do not use the language Obs1 Obs2 Obs3 ... Obsn
of quantitative research with its talk of independ-
ent and dependent variables. As well, the emphasis
was much more on understanding the experience of Case2
something like vegetarianism than is often the case Case3
with quantitative research.
This qualitative research bears many similarities
to the cross-sectional design in quantitative re- Case5
search. It entailed interviewing quite a large number ...
of people at a single point in time. And, as with Casen
many quantitative studies using a cross-sectional
design, the examination of people’s past and current FIGURE 2.2 The data rectangle in cross-sectional
eating habits was based on the subjects’ retrospective research
42 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 2.4 Longitudinal research and the case study

Case study research frequently includes a longi- A longitudinal element also occurs when a
tudinal element. The researcher can be a partici- case that has been studied is returned to at a
pant observer in an organization for an extended later time. A particularly interesting example of
length of time, or may do ethnographic research this occurred in “Middletown,” a pseudonym for
with a community for many months or years, or an American Midwest town first studied by Lynd
may conduct structured or qualitative interviews and Lynd (1929) in 1924–5 and restudied in 1935
with individuals over a prolonged period. More- during the Depression to see what changes had
over, the researcher may be able to inject an addi- occurred (Lynd & Lynd, 1937). In 1977, the com-
tional longitudinal element by analyzing archival munity was again restudied, this time in a post–
information and asking respondents to recall Vietnam War setting (Bahr et al., 1983), using
events that occurred before the study began, thus the same research instruments but with minor
discovering some history. changes.

Longitudinal studies can take different forms. There are two basic types of longitudinal design:
For example, Goyder et al. (2003) examined how the panel study and the cohort study. With the
gender-influenced evaluations of occupational pres- former, the same people, households, or other groups
tige had changed over 25 years. Some of the earlier are studied on at least two different occasions. One
male advantage had disappeared; indeed, some oc- example is the National Longitudinal Survey of
cupations showing a female incumbent were rated Children and Youth (NLSCY), described in Box 2.5,
more highly than the same occupation with a male in which the same children were studied in succes-
incumbent. Baer et al. (2001) did a 15-nation study sive years. Another is the three-wave study of family
examining whether membership in clubs and associ- structure and children’s socioeconomic attainment
ations had changed over time. Kerr (2004) and Kerr (Seabrook & Avison, 2015) discussed in the Research
and Michalski (2007) investigated hyperactivity in in the News box (p. 43). A panel study, especially
Canadian children as they grew older and its sources one at the household level, needs rules for handling
in poverty and family structure. new entrants (e.g., as a result of marriage or elderly

BOX 2.5 The National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth

This panel study is a long-term effort to monitor Resources Development Canada. The study hopes
Canadian children’s development and well-­being to follow the subjects until they are 25 years old,
as they mature from infancy to adulthood. It began and to contribute to the development of policies
with a representative sample of children 11 years that help children live healthy, active, and reward-
of age or younger in 1994–5 being interviewed, ing lives (see Michaud, 2001). The data for Cycle 8,
with follow-ups every two years. Statistics Canada which began in September 2008, were released in
­collects the data, with direction provided by Human November 2010 (Statistics Canada, 2010).
2 | Research Designs 43

relatives moving in) and exits (e.g., as a result of some subjects may die, some may move away, and
marital break-up or children leaving home). some may simply choose to withdraw at later stages
In a cohort study people sharing the same experi- of the research. For instance, in the study by Din-
ence, such as being born in the same year or gradu- ovitzer et al. (2003) on the educational attainment of
ating from a particular school at the same time, are immigrant youth, researchers were able to talk to only
studied over time, but the same people may not be 65 per cent of those originally surveyed 19 years ear-
studied each time. For example, Walters (2004) used lier. Comparing those who participated in the second
the 1982, 1986, 1992, and 1995 National Graduates round with those who were lost from the study, the
Surveys to examine trends in the economic fortunes authors found no significant differences. That sort of
of Canadians graduating from post-secondary insti- comparison is a common practice; when no difference
tutions. The same people were not selected for the is found, the losses are treated as random and thus ac-
sample each year, but the information was still useful ceptable to ignore. The main problem with attrition
in understanding each graduating cohort, as well as is that those who leave the study may differ in some
the similarities and differences between cohorts. important respects from those who remain, so that
Panel and cohort studies share similar features. the latter do not form a representative group. How-
In social sciences such as sociology, social policy, and ever, there is some evidence from panel studies that
human geography, quantitative research using these attrition declines with time (Berthoud, 2000); in other
designs usually takes the form of repeated survey words, those who do not drop out after the first wave
research using a self-completion questionnaire or or two of data collection tend to stay on the panel.
structured interview. Used in this way, panel and Second, there are few guidelines for deter-
cohort studies can both illuminate social change and mining the best timing for further waves of data
improve the understanding of causal influences. collection. Finally, there is evidence of a panel con-
Panel and cohort studies also share similar prob- ditioning effect, whereby continued participation in
lems. First, there is the problem of sample attrition: a longitudinal study affects respondents’ behaviour.

Research in the News

Family structure and children’s socioeconomic attainment in Canada
Seabrook and Avison (2015) conducted a panel attainment than children from stable two-parent
study of single-parent and two-parent families families. Another key finding was that, regardless
residing in London, Ontario. Interviews were con- of family structure, where mothers had higher
ducted in 1993, in 1994, and between 2005 and levels of education, the children were more likely
2008. The goal of the study was to determine the to graduate from college or university.
effect of variables such as family structure and The study caught the attention of the Globe
mothers’ education levels on the socioeconomic and Mail, which discussed the findings in an arti-
ranking of their children’s occupations upon cle on the election promises of the major polit-
reaching adulthood and their children’s likelihood ical parties in Canada (Anderssen, 2015). Jamie
of graduating from college or university. Surpris- Seabrook, the lead author, was quoted as saying,
ingly, the results indicated that children who grew “More attention should be paid to addressing dis-
up in temporally stable single-mother families parities in education and family income than con-
and those who were raised in households that cerns about the kind of families kids grow up in.”
began as single-parent but transitioned to a two-­ “If I prioritized,” he added, “education would be
parent structure actually had higher occupational right at the top.”
44 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Menard (1991) cited a study of family caregiving in • a sector of the economy, such as the seafood
which 52 per cent of respondents attributed a change processing industry in rural New Brunswick
in the way they cared for relatives to their participa- examined in Knott’s (2016) research on differ-
tion in the research. ent types of mobile labour.
As suggested above, qualitative research may also
incorporate elements of a longitudinal design. For There is a tendency to associate case studies with
example, it is used in ethnographic research when qualitative research, such as Pratt and Valverde’s
the ethnographer is in a location for a lengthy period (2002) study of the Toronto Somali community.
of time or when interviews are carried out on more Exponents of the case study design often favour
than one occasion in order to examine change. In an methods like participant observation and unstruc-
example of the latter, Smith et al. (2004) described a tured interviewing, which are viewed as particularly
study of the experiences of citizenship for 110 young helpful in generating an intensive, detailed examin-
people. They were interviewed in depth in 1999 and ation of a case. However, case studies can also use
then re-interviewed at two-year intervals to exam- quantitative methods, or some combination of quan-
ine changes in their lifestyles, feelings, opinions, titative and qualitative.
and ambitions in relation to citizenship issues. Only With a case study, the case is an object of interest
64 people participated in all three waves of data col- in its own right and the researcher aims to provide
lection, illustrating the high rate of sample attrition an in-depth elucidation of it. Sometimes it is diffi-
in this style of research. cult to distinguish case studies from other research
designs because almost any kind of research can be
Case study design construed as a case study. Even research based on
The basic case study design entails a detailed and in- a national, random sample of Canadians could be
tensive analysis of a single case. A case may be: considered a case study of Canada.
What distinguishes a true case study is the goal
• a single community, as in Hughes’s (1943) clas- of finding and revealing the features of the case.
sic study of Drummondville, a textile town in Collecting in-depth, often qualitative data that may
Quebec, or in Pratt and Valverde’s (2002) re- be unique to time and place is characteristic of this
search on Somalis in Toronto; sort of research. Case studies are often idiographic in
• a single family, as in Lewis’s (1961) study of the nature, seeking to provide a rich description of the
Sánchez family in Mexico; subject matter, like Shalla’s (2002) study of how Air
• a single organization, such as the automobile Canada’s customer sales and service agents became
factory studied by Rinehart (1996), or a group victims of airline restructuring.
within an organization, like the nurses in a When the predominant research orientation is
Hamilton hospital researched by White (1990); qualitative, a case study tends to take an inductive
• a person, as in Nemni and Nemni’s (2006) approach to the relationship between theory and re-
study of Pierre Trudeau or Foran’s book on search. If a mainly quantitative strategy is adopted,
Mordecai Richler (2010); such research is the research is often deductive, guided by specific
characterized by use of the life history or bio- research questions derived from social theories.
graphical approach (see Chapter 11);
• a single event, like the fight against locating a Measurement validity, causal inference,
home for recovering addicts in a Richmond, external validity, and replicability of
British Columbia, neighbourhood (Huey, case studies
2003), or the Alberta election analyzed by Bell The question of how the case study fares on the re-
et al. (2007); search design criteria of measurement validity, estab-
• a state or province, as in Laplante’s (2006) lishing causation, external validity, and replicability
study of the rise of cohabitation in Quebec; or depends in large part on whether the researcher feels
2 | Research Designs 45

these criteria are appropriate for their work. Writers up in Samoa seems to have been motivated
of qualitative case study research tend to play down by her belief that it represented a unique case
or ignore the salience of these factors (cf. Stake, and thus could challenge the then popular
1995). Those influenced by the quantitative research nature-over-nurture hypothesis. She reported
tradition see them as more significant, and usually that, unlike adolescents in most other societies,
try to develop case studies that meet the criteria. Samoan youth did not suffer a period of anxiety
One question that has generated a great deal of and stress in their teenage years. She explained
discussion concerns the external validity or gener- this by their culture’s strong, consistently en-
alizability of case study research. How can a single forced standards of conduct and morality. These
case possibly be representative of other cases? For factors were of interest because many readers
example, would the findings from a study of the To- thought they might contain lessons for the West.
ronto police department be generalizable to all large • The revelatory case. The basis for the revelatory
urban police departments in Canada? The answer, case exists “when an investigator has an oppor-
of course, is that the findings probably cannot be tunity to observe and analyse a phenomenon
applied to other police departments. Case study previously inaccessible to scientific investiga-
researchers do not usually delude themselves into tion” (Yin, 1984, p. 44). This can happen when
thinking that it is possible to identify typical cases previously unavailable evidence becomes ac-
that can represent a class of objects, whether factor- cessible, as was the case with certain KGB files
ies, mass media reporting, police services, or com- after the fall of the Soviet Union.
munities. In other words, they typically do not think
that a case study is a sample of one. Cases may also be chosen for mundane reasons,
such as convenience, and still provide an adequate
Types of case context for answering certain research questions or
Yin (1984) distinguished three types of case, each of examining key social processes. To take a concrete
which relates to the issue of external validity: example, Russell and Tyler (2002) studied a Girl
Heaven store in the UK (which caters to 3- to 13-year-
• The critical case. Here the researcher has a old girls) not because it was a critical or unique case,
clearly specified hypothesis, and a case is chosen or because it offered a context never before studied,
on the grounds that it will allow a better under- but because of its capacity to illuminate the links be-
standing of the circumstances under which the tween gender and consumption and the commodifi-
hypothesis does or does not hold. The classic cation of childhood in modern society. Indeed, often
study by Festinger et al. (1956) of a dooms- it is only at a very late stage in the research that the
day/UFO cult is an example. The fact that the singularity and significance of the case becomes ap-
world did not end allowed the researchers to parent (Radley & Chamberlain, 2001).
test propositions about how people respond to As we have mentioned, one of the standard criti-
thwarted expectations. What did cult members cisms of the case study is that its findings cannot be
do when, after quitting their jobs, leaving their generalized. Case study researchers argue strenu-
homes, and waiting on a mountaintop, nothing ously that this is not the purpose of their craft.
happened? Did they sneak down and move to A valid picture of one case is more valuable than a
another town? No: they decided that their faith potentially less valid picture of many. Their aim is to
had saved humankind and that their new role generate an intensive examination of a single case,
was to tell others of that miracle so more people which may or may not be used for theoretical analy-
could be converted to their religion. sis. Pratt and Valverde (2002) studied only Somalis
• The extreme, even unique, case; a common focus and expressed a hope that others would study other
in clinical studies. Margaret Mead’s (1928) well- immigrant groups in other places. Their central con-
known (albeit controversial) study of growing cern was the richness of the data and the quality of
46 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

the theoretical reasoning that the case allowed. As approach is associated with a qualitative research
we have noted, sometimes case studies are primarily strategy. As illustrated in Box 2.6, comparative case
inductive, used as information to generate theories. study work is often quantitative in orientation.
Other times they may be deductive in nature, pro- The strength of comparative designs is that
viding the data required to assess theories. they highlight the similarities and differences be-
Problems can arise when the research involves tween cases, which can be used to assess or gener-
comparison of two or more cases. Dyer and ­Wilkins ate ­t heories. They exhibit certain features similar to
(1991), for example, argued that a m ­ ultiple–case ­experiments and quasi-experiments, which also rely
study approach means that less attention is paid to on the capacity to establish comparisons.
the specific details of a particular case, and more to
the ways in which multiple cases can be contrasted.
Furthermore, the need for comparison often leads
Bringing research orientation
the researcher to choose an explicit focus at the and design together
outset, when it might be advantageous to adopt Finally, we can bring together the two general re-
a more open-ended approach. A preference for search orientations covered in Chapter 1 with the
contextual insight and a less structured research research designs outlined in this chapter. Table 2.1

BOX 2.6 Comparative research: Cross-cultural studies

Phenomena such as voting behaviour or crime cities may be very different in terms of ridership,
victimization in two or more countries can be safety, cleanliness, and so on.
compared using the same research instruments, A strength of cross-cultural research is that it
seeking similarities and differences and a deeper helps to illustrate how social scientific findings may
understanding of social reality in different na- be culturally specific. For example, Wilson’s (2002)
tional contexts. At the very least such research examination of Ontario raves made frequent com-
supplies a replication. parisons to the earlier rave scene in Britain. How-
Cross-cultural research is more expensive than ever, the UK scene was primarily an outgrowth of
other approaches. It also presents other problems. working-class struggles, whereas Canadian raves
When using existing data such as official statistics appealed more to middle-class, culturally alien-
or survey evidence, the researcher must ensure ated youths. Similarly, Baer et al. (2001) found
that the variable categories and data-collection that joining clubs and voluntary organizations in-
methods are comparable. When new data are creased toward the end of the last century in the
being collected, the researcher must ensure that US, West Germany, and the Netherlands, was stable
data-collection instruments (for example, ques- in Canada and 10 other countries, but decreased in
tionnaires and interview schedules) are translated Spain. Finally, Young and Dugas (2012) compared
properly. Even when translation is carried out Canadian print media coverage of climate change
competently, there may still be a problem with issues in English-language publications with those
insensitivity to specific national and cultural mi- in written in French, and found that the different
lieus. For example, the London “tube,” the Toronto environmental and media cultures in the two lan-
“subway,” and the Montreal “métro” differ in more guage communities contributed to important differ-
than name: public transit experiences in the three ences in how climate change topics were narrated.
2 | Research Designs 47

shows the typical form associated with each com- studies, research that concentrates on a specific
bination of research orientation and research design, issue over time, and ethnography, in which the
along with a number of examples that either have researcher charts change in a single case, contain
been encountered so far or will be covered in later elements of both designs. Such studies are per-
chapters. Table 2.1 also refers to research methods to haps better conceptualized as longitudinal case
be introduced in later chapters, but not referred to studies rather than as belonging to one category
so far. The Glossary provides a quick reference for or another. A further point is that there is no typ-
unfamiliar terms. ical form in the qualitative research orientation/
The distinctions are not always perfect. In experimental research design cell. Qualitative re-
particular, in some qualitative research it is not search in the context of true experiments is very
obvious whether a study is an example of a longi- unusual; a quasi-experimental design is a more
tudinal design or a case study design. Life history realistic alternative.

TABLE 2.1 | Research strategy and research design

Research design Quantitative Qualitative
Experimental Typical form: Most experiments involve Experiments are not used in qualitative
quantitative comparisons between research, although they may inspire
experimental and control groups on or be inspired by qualitative findings.
the dependent variable. Example: the For example, a qualitative study of the
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) study teachers who participated in the Rosenthal
discussed in this chapter. and Jacobson (1968) study discussed in
this chapter would be enlightening.
Cross-sectional Typical form: Survey research and Typical form: Qualitative interviews or
structured observation on a sample at a focus groups at a single point in time are
single point in time are two forms; content two forms; qualitative content analysis
analysis of a sample of documents is of a set of documents relating to a
another. Example: Box 1.3. single period is another. Example: the
Beardsworth and Keil (1992) study of
vegetarianism discussed in this chapter.
Longitudinal Typical form: Survey research on a Typical form: These include ethnographic
sample on more than one occasion, as research over a long period, qualitative
in panel and cohort studies, is one form; interviewing on more than one occasion,
content analysis of documents relating or qualitative content analysis of
to different time periods is another. documents relating to different time
Example: Box 2.5. periods. Such research is longitudinal
when the main purpose is to map change.
Example: the Lynd and Lynd (1929) study
of “Middletown” discussed in this chapter.
Case study Typical form: Survey research is conducted Typical form: The intensive study done
on a single case with a view to revealing by qualitative interviewing of a single
important features about its nature. case, which may be an organization,
Example: the Bell et al. (2007) study of person, family, or community. Example:
the 2004 Alberta provincial election. Box 1.4.
 I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Key Points
• There is an important distinction between a gen- • Replicability, validity (measurement and external),
eral research orientation (quantitative versus and the ability to establish causation are import-
qualitative) and a research design. ant criteria for evaluating the quality of quantita-
• The nomothetic approach to explanation involves tive social research.
discovering general laws and principles. • Four key research designs are experimental,
• Nomothetic explanations must satisfy three cri- cross-sectional, longitudinal, and case study.
teria of causation: correlation, time order, and • Threats to the establishment of causation are of
non-spuriousness. particular importance in non-experimental, quan-
• Qualitative researchers usually take the idio- titative research.
graphic approach to explanation, which entails • External validity is a concern with case studies
creating a rich description of a person or group (generalizability) and laboratory experiments
based on the perceptions and feelings of the (findings may not be applicable outside the re-
people studied. search environment).

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Criteria for the evaluation of social research among 15-year-olds at summer camp. You decide to
RR Explain the time order criterion of causation. conduct an experiment, and have followed proper
AA A survey researcher finds that people with high ethics protocols. How could you conduct the ex-
self-esteem make more money than people with low periment? Provide as much detail as possible.
self-esteem. You are tempted to conclude from this
that self-esteem influences earning power. But can RR What is a quasi-experiment?
time order be established using this design? Explain. AA You want to know whether the legalization of
marijuana in Canada will affect national crime
RR What is a spurious correlation? rates. How could you use the quasi-experimental
AA You are at a dance party where a lot of alcohol is method to research this issue? Explain.
being served. You abstain from drinking, but notice Cross-sectional design
that the people with the craziest dancing style are
RR What is meant by a cross-sectional research design?
the most likely to go to the washroom and vomit.
AA How could you use a cross-sectional design to de-
Should you conclude that dancing crazily induces
termine whether there is an association between
vomiting? Explain.
the amount of time spent studying and grades?
Assess the degree to which your method can es-
RR What is a nomothetic explanation?
tablish causality.
AA Come up with a nomothetic explanation for why
students sometimes drop out of university. Longitudinal design(s)
RR Why might a longitudinal research design be su-
RR What is an idiographic explanation? How do quali- perior to a cross-sectional one?
tative researchers produce them? AA How could a qualitative researcher use a longi-
AA Assume that your best friend just dropped out of tudinal design to study people active in a local en-
university. Come up with an idiographic explana- vironmental movement?
tion of how that happened. Case study design
RR What is a case study?
Research designs
AA Pick a particular case (it can be any person, group,
Experimental design or event) and explain how a qualitative researcher
RR How are true experiments able to establish causal could study it. Then describe how a quantitative
connections between variables? Explain. researcher could gather information on the case
AA You want to know whether the amount of time that is relevant to the findings of the qualitative
spent on social media affects loneliness levels investigator.
2 | Research Designs 49

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. This activity involves some friendly competition. together (e.g., it would be the severity of the fire for
Divide the class into small groups. Each group the fire trucks and damage example given above).
is given 15 minutes to come up with as many
­e xamples of spurious correlations as they can 2. Divide the class into small groups. Each group is to
(e.g., the correlation between the number of fire
trucks at a fire and the amount of fire damage). a. pick a social phenomenon or experience of in-
Examples given in this chapter or in previous terest (e.g., sex work, homelessness);
classes are not allowed. After the time is up, a b. provide a nomothetic explanation for it; and
spokesperson from each group presents the c. provide an idiographic explanation for it.
group’s spurious correlations to the rest of the
class, and the ­instructor judges whether each The groups are to go into as much detail as pos-
one is in fact an example of a spurious correla- sible. When that is completed, each group is paired
tion. The instructor also keeps a record of all with another group (A and B, C and D, E and F, etc.)
groups’ accepted ­correlations. The group with such that Group A presents its results to the rest of
the most accepted correlations wins. the class, while Group B has the task of providing
Once that has been done, the class examines a critical evaluation (enumerating both strengths
each correlation individually. The instructor asks and weaknesses) of Group A’s arguments. Then the
for volunteers to name an antecedent third factor reverse: Group B presents and Group A critiques.
that might be causing the two variables to vary Repeat for Groups C and D, E and F, and so on.

Relevant Websites
The National Longitudinal Survey of Children and The Human Genome Project site offers some basic
Youth site provides information on an ongoing, longi- information on this 13-year project and its implica-
tudinal study in Canada. tions for understanding human behaviour.
ref/92-135/surveys-enquetes/nationalchildren- Genome/index.shtml
The Behavior Genetics Association, an international
The Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences site, organization, provides a forum for the dissemination
maintained by Athabasca University, “has 1000 entries of behavioural genetic research and offers methodo-
covering the disciplines of sociology, criminology, pol- logical workshops.
itical science and women’s study with a commitment
to Canadian examples and events and names.”
(Websites accessed 16 October 2018)

The Research Methods Knowledge Base provides a

detailed discussion of various types of experimental

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Research Ethics

Chapter Overview
Before research on human subjects can begin, researchers must demonstrate that what they are about
to do is ethical. This is no small task, given that ethical considerations pertain to all research meth-
ods and come into play at every stage of research, from the recruitment of subjects to the publishing
of the results. This chapter examines some general ethical principles and their applications to real re-
search situations. The backdrop for the discussion is the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for
Research Involving Humans (TCPS2) (2014), which governs most research practices in Canada. The TCPS2
was prepared by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineer-
ing Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
(SSHRCC). It identifies three core principles, which are complementary and mutually reinforcing:
• Respect for persons stipulates that people’s autonomy and their freedom to choose what will
happen to them must be ensured. Research participants must therefore be made aware of what
the study will entail, so that their consent is not only freely given but fully informed. Consent must
also be ongoing; thus participants should be allowed to withdraw from the study at any time.
• Concern for welfare covers all aspects of a person’s life as well as the welfare of groups and com-
munities. To protect the welfare of individuals and groups, a favourable balance between the risks
and benefits of research must be sought.
• Justice requires that people be treated fairly and equitably, so that no segment of the population
bears an undue burden of the risk associated with research, and no part of society is excluded from
the benefits that research may bestow.

Each of these principles provides valuable guidance and can be used to identify research activities and
practices that should be avoided for moral reasons.

You may be surprised to learn that there are strin- who take pleasure in abusing the volunteers who partici-
gent formal policies in place to ensure that research in pate in their studies. While it is true that those who do re-
Canada is conducted in an ethical manner. Why, you ask? search are generally honourable people, every research
Surely researchers are decent people, not mad scientists situation has an ethical dimension to it, and sometimes

▲ AP Photo/Jae C. Hong
3 | Research Ethics 51

the ethical implications of a procedure are not obvious. quite acceptable when they were done, and it was only
In fact the history of the social sciences is riddled with with the passage of time that the consequences for par-
studies in which well-meaning researchers harmed their ticipants were recognized. How is that possible? And why
subjects in some way. In many cases the studies seemed are ethical dilemmas still endemic to social research?

Introduction how to put this principle into practice is anything but

simple. For example, defining “harm” and outlining
As noted in Chapters 1 and 2, choosing a general re- its limits is more complicated than you might think.
search orientation and selecting a research design We all know that research participants should not be
are matters that are normally dealt with very early in killed in the process of being studied, but is any and
the research process. Another issue to be addressed all harm unjustifiable? What about milder forms of
in the initial stages of a study, and one that should be harm, such as short-term anxiety or embarrassment?
kept in mind in every phase of the project, is research Is it morally acceptable to subject people to tempor-
ethics. How the ethics of a study are handled affects ary discomfort if the research has the potential to
the integrity of the project as well as the reputation of improve our understanding of society or human
the social sciences as a whole, so understanding re- behaviour in general? Similarly, most people would
search ethics is crucial. If you have read the first two say that telling lies is generally not a good thing, in
chapters of this book you will have a basic under- part because it may cause harm to the person who
standing of how research is conducted and will be in is lied to. But what about situations in which some
a good position to grapple with the ethical dilemmas temporary deception is necessary in order to create
that researchers typically face. a research environment in which people feel free to
The first priority of a social researcher should be to behave in a natural or unguarded way? Typically, it
ensure that the people being studied are not harmed is these sorts of “grey areas” that are debated in the
by their participation. This idea is similar to a fun- discussion of research ethics, although egregious
damental precept among physicians and surgeons: ethical violations have been known to occur.
“First do no harm.” Notice the word “First”: it means Each method of social research comes with its own
that the prevention of harm should override any other set of ethical issues. However, it’s worth considering
goal. The same principle lies at the heart of research some general principles that pertain to all social scien-
ethics in the social sciences. What it means is that tific research. In Canada, most research must comply
the welfare of research subjects should take prior- with the TCPS2 (CIHR, NSERC, & SSHRCC, 2014). Dif-
ity over everything else, including the acquisition of ferent academic organizations may also have their
knowledge, even if that knowledge would expand our own ethical policies and procedures. For example,
understanding of humanity or lead to improvements sociologists in Canada are encouraged to follow the
in the human condition. To some degree this princi- Code of Ethics of the Canadian Sociological Associ-
ple conflicts with the concept of academic freedom. ation. Research in Canada is also subject to Canadian
But minimizing the risks of participation and strik- law, in particular the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
ing a proper balance between the risks and benefits of (See “Relevant Websites” at the end of this chapter.)
research is compatible with social scientists’ freedom Before a research project involving human sub-
to choose the topics of their research and, within rea- jects begins—even before potential subjects are
sonable bounds, the methods to be used. asked if they would like to participate in the study—a
It may seem obvious that research participants research ethics board (REB) must review and approve
should not be harmed by taking part in research ac- the project. REBs are normally made up of research-
tivities, whether they be experiments, field research ers from a variety of disciplines and usually include
studies, or any other kind of social scientific investi- a community member from outside the institution
gation. As with many moral rules, however, knowing under whose auspices the research will take place
52 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

(which in the case of social research is usually a uni- have contact with the drug users, a move that would
versity). If the institution with which the research- have made it all but impossible to conduct the study.
ers are affiliated administers research funds issued Indeed, some researchers claim that the advent of
by any of the three agencies that created the TCPS2 REBs has had serious, deleterious consequences for
(CIHR , NSERC , & SSHRCC), then its REB must abide by the social sciences as a whole (e.g., van den Hoonaard
the TCPS2 in making its judgments. What this means & Tolich, 2014). The fact that TCPS2 acknowledges
in practice is that REBs at virtually every university the right of researchers to appeal REB decisions is a
in Canada use the TCPS2 in making their decisions tacit admission that at times they can be overly re-
and recommendations. strictive. In any event, a strong case can be made that
REBs may approve a research project, request REBs perform a valuable function in protecting the
modifications, or reject it outright. If the research is rights of research participants, as the discussion to
to be conducted over an extended period of time, the follow will show.
REB may also hold periodic reviews, or at least require
that the researchers file an annual report. In addi-
tion, REB members themselves are required to follow
General ethical principles
procedures outlined in the TCPS2. For example, they The first thing to note regarding general principles
must avoid any conflict of interest, such as having a is that researchers themselves disagree on the ethical
financial stake in a project that is up for approval. acceptability of certain research practices. There are
Van den Hoonaard (2001) has suggested that disputes from the 1960s that are still being rehashed
it may be more difficult to get ethics approval for today. Also, although the TCPS2’s codes and guidelines
qualitative research than for quantitative studies. provide some direction, they often allow for a degree of
Qualitative research is sometimes considered less flexibility. Nonetheless, there is little disagreement that
scientific than the quantitative kind, and ethics com- recognizing the ethical implications of doing social re-
mittees may prefer the epistemology of the latter, search is crucial if informed decisions are to be made.
with its derived hypotheses and specific plans. This The TCPS2 outlines three core principles for the
can be a fatal problem, because if the REB rejects conduct of research involving human subjects: re-
the research proposal, the work can neither receive spect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice.
funding nor be carried out. Also, whereas in quanti- Although they are listed separately, there is consider-
tative research data are usually collected one-on-one, able overlap between them.
in qualitative research a whole group may be under
observation, including some people who might not Respect for persons
want the attention. One REB allowed a researcher to The principle of respect for persons maintains that
go ahead with her ethnographic work but required humans should not be treated as mere “objects” or
that she turn her head when someone who had not means to an end. Even if the end is a worthy one,
explicitly agreed to be part of the study entered her it cannot justify the use of unethical means. As we
field of vision. This directive is an example of what noted above, even if the knowledge a researcher is
some researchers would consider an overzealous at- seeking will be of benefit to all humankind, the wel-
tempt to prevent harm. fare of the individuals and groups under study is of
Another example of possible REB overreach in- paramount importance. Researchers must recog-
volving ethnographic research occurred in Van- nize that people have rights, including the right to
couver, where researchers sought permission to do be treated with dignity by social researchers. Respect
observational fieldwork and in-depth interviews for persons is arguably the most fundamental of all
with intravenous drug users (Small et al., 2014; see the principles considered here.
Box 16.2). The ethnographers were told by their REB, The starting point of respect for persons in re-
which cited safety concerns, that they had to provide search is the stipulation that subjects must give free,
police with the names of the observers who would informed, and ongoing consent to participate in the
3 | Research Ethics 53

study. Most researchers now adhere to the principle It also typically contains assurances of confidential-
that potential research subjects should not only be ity along with a description of how the data will be
asked for their permission before they are placed in stored and the form in which the results are to be
a study, but should also be informed of all the risks published. A sample from a research study in which
and benefits to which they would be exposed. To one of the authors of this book participated is shown
assess those risks and benefits, prospective partici- in Figure 3.1.
pants need a basic idea of what the study will entail. Prospective subjects should be encouraged to
In most quantitative studies and in some forms think about the project; they should also be given a
of qualitative research, potential participants are chance to ask questions and seek clarification if ne-
given an information sheet or letter of information cessary. If they have all the information required and
outlining what the research is about, how it will be are willing to participate, a consent form is sometimes
conducted, and what the risks and benefits of par- provided for them to sign. This form may include a
ticipation are. The document normally includes the brief synopsis of the study and state explicitly that re-
names of the people in charge of the research, their search subjects are free to leave the study at any time
institutional affiliation, and contact information. without penalty. Consent must be freely given and

Letter of Information: A study of personality in adult twins

Dear _________:
You recently participated in a research project conducted by Dr. _________ at the University of _________,
in which you completed a number of questionnaires. We are very grateful for your participation in our re-
search. At this time, we would like to in invite you to take part in a further research study examining relation-
ships between different measures of personality.
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete the following questionnaires: the
Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Deadly Sins Scale, the AQ-9 (a measure of attitudes toward mental illness),
the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, the Political Issues Questionnaire, and the Self-Report Altruism Scale.
Each of these is a paper-and-pencil personality questionnaire, and each will take between approximately 5 to
15 minutes to complete.
Most of the items in the questionnaires require you to indicate the extent to which different statements are
descriptive of you or your twin. Please feel free to complete the items at your own pace, in your own home.
It is not necessary to fill out all of the questionnaires in one sitting. We do, however, ask that you fill out the
questionnaires by yourself rather than with your twin, as we are interested in your unique responses.
There are no known risks involved in participating in this study. Participation in this study is voluntary. You
may refuse to participate, and to not answer any questions that you do not feel comfortable addressing. You
may withdraw from the study at any time.
Once you have completed as many of the questionnaires as you wish to complete, please mail them back to us
in the provided self-addressed stamped envelope. The questionnaires will then be stored in a locked cabinet in
Dr. _________’s office until they have been scored. At that point, they will be shredded. Only Dr. _________
and his research assistant will have access to the questionnaires and to the response sheets. Your name will
never be given out nor will it appear in any written report about the study. All of your responses will be kept
completely confidential.
Once we have processed your questionnaires, you will be sent $25.00 and your name will be entered into a
draw for a chance to win one of ten $100.00 prizes. At the completion of the study, we will send you a summary
of the study’s findings, if you so request.
If you have questions regarding any aspect of this study, you are welcome to contact Dr. _________ by tele-
phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) or by email ([email protected]). If you have any further questions about the manner
in which this study is being conducted or about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the
Director of the Office of Research Ethics at the University of _________ by telephone (xxx-xxx-xxxx) or via
email ([email protected]).
Completion and return of the questionnaires indicates your consent to participate in the study.
Thank you for your interest in this study. This letter is yours to keep for future reference.
Dr. _________, Professor of _________, University of _________

FIGURE 3.1 A letter of information

54 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

cannot be coerced. Sometimes the consent form and want the participants to behave naturally and au-
the information document are merged into one, as thentically. If participants were to be fully informed
illustrated in Figure 3.1. A consent form taken from a regarding the purpose of the experiment, it would
Canadian study involving qualitative interviews con- be difficult to avoid the reactive effects that occur
ducted by university students is shown in Figure 3.2. when people know they are being observed. For this
In some forms of qualitative research, such as reason, experiments usually involve some deception.
ethnography and participant observation, provid- For example, Milgram (1963) designed a series of
ing information sheets and consent forms may be studies in an effort to understand the brutality that
impractical; in some cases it might even defeat the occurred in Nazi concentration camps during the
purposes of the study. In cases where a formal agree- Second World War. In particular, he wanted to know
ment between the researchers and the informants how a person could be led to cause extreme harm to
might signal a lack of trust, less formal approaches an innocent human being, and whether being or-
such as verbal assurances and ad hoc explanations dered to do so by an authority figure had anything to
may be employed. Whichever method they choose, do with it. Milgram devised a laboratory experiment
researchers must provide REBs with documentation in which a supposedly reputable researcher (the au-
outlining how informed consent will be obtained. thority figure) asked participants to act as “teachers”
The principle of free and informed consent seems who would punish “learners” by giving them increas-
straightforward, but putting it into practice can be ingly severe electric shocks whenever they gave in-
difficult and usually involves some ethical trade- correct answers to questions. Neither the shocks nor
offs. Homan (1991, p. 73) observed that abiding by the howls of pain coming from the “learners” were
this principle “is easier said than done.” At least two real, but the “teachers”/subjects did not know this.
major points stand out here: Some of them were further disadvantaged in that
they could not see the “learners”: they could only hear
• It’s extremely difficult to give prospective par- the shrieks of pain supposedly coming from them.
ticipants absolutely all the information re- In all instances, the “teachers” were told that the
quired to make an informed decision about shocks were part of the study and would not cause
their involvement. Relatively minor transgres- any permanent harm, despite the increasingly shrill
sions of the principle of informed consent are cries of pain. The experiment continued until the
pervasive in social research: for example, not “teacher”/subject refused to administer more shocks.
giving all the details about the study for fear of In the version of the study in which the “teachers”
contaminating people’s answers to questions. could not see the “learners,” a substantial majority
On the other hand, Hessler et al.’s qualitative (62 per cent) of the former administered the strong-
study of adolescent risk behaviour (2003) in- est shocks possible. Further, in one variant of the
cluded a consent form that was quite elaborate. experiment, the subjects were given the option of
• In ethnographic research, the researcher is ordering another person (actually an accomplice of
likely to come into contact with a wide spec- Milgram’s) to administer the shocks; in this situ-
trum of people, and ensuring that absolutely ation, more than 90 per cent of them ordered the
everyone has the opportunity to give informed greatest shocks possible. Many of the participants
consent is not practicable. Even when all par- were visibly upset as they carried out the experi-
ticipants in a certain setting are aware that they menter’s orders, but they still did what the authority
are being observed, it’s unlikely that all of them figure told them to do.
will have been similarly (let alone identically) Milgram saw these results as shedding light on
informed about the nature of the research. the circumstances that led to the horrors of the
Nazi concentration camps. It appeared that ordin-
Experiments are particularly problematic when ary, everyday people were willing to inflict serious
it comes to informed consent because researchers harm on innocent others if ordered to do so by an
3 | Research Ethics 55

Oral History Consent Form

Consent to Participate in an oral history interview being conducted by students enrolled in [course] at
____________ University. This is to state that I agree to participate in a program of research being con­
ducted by 45 students under the supervision of Dr. ________ of the Department of _________________
University ([telephone number], email: [email address]).
PURPOSE: I have been informed that the purpose of the project is to explore the history of those parts of
the _________ area that have been demolished or otherwise “lost” to us due to urban change. Students have
formed into teams of 3 to 5 and will be exploring specific sites of memory such as ________, stories of im-
migration and displacement, and the former [site]. We will be working closely with [organization] and the
[organization] which are developing exhibitions on the [site] and [topic] in [year], based in part on these
student projects.
PROCEDURES: The interview will be conducted at participants’ homes, at facilities provided by ________
University or at another appropriate place. Interviewers will record participants’ life stories using video, or
audio depending on the preference of the interviewee. Participants can choose to discuss any aspect of their
lives and they may refuse to answer any questions. Interviews normally take about 1.5 hours, but participants
may take as long as they would like and are free to stop at any time.
RISKS AND BENEFITS: Describing difficult experiences can be upsetting and emotionally difficult. As the
student projects will contribute to two exhibitions, as well as a website, with your permission, your story will
be heard.
CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: Please review the following conditions and options with the inter-
viewer. Feel free to ask questions if they appear unclear.
___I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent at any time during the interview and discontinue
from that point forward.
In terms of identification and reproduction of my interview, I agree to (please choose one):
___Open public access: My identity may be revealed in any publications or presentations that may result from
this interview.
___I agree to the possible broadcasting and reproduction of sound and images of my interview by any method
and in any media by participants of this research project. I consent that my interview, or portions of it, be
made available on the Internet through Web pages and/or online databases of the project.
___I agree that transcripts and/or recordings of my interview will be stored at a local archive for long-term
preservation. Your interview may be accessed by researchers and the public by viewing it at the Centre for
_______ and/or at a local ________-area archive holding the preservation copy.
___ Anonymity: My identity will be known only to the interviewer and the course instructor; others will
not gain access to my identity unless they gain special permission from me, the interviewee. Once the stu-
dent project is completed in [month/year], the audio and/or video recording will be destroyed by the student
(though a copy of the interview may be given to you).
In cases where family photographs or documents are scanned or photographed:
___ I agree to let the student researcher copy family photographs and documents for use in the student project
___ I agree to let the student researcher copy family photographs and documents for use in their assignment
and for their being archived with the interview recording. I likewise give permission to let future researchers
use these images in their publications.
NAME (please print)
Date and Birthplace (optional)
NAME (please print)
If at any time you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact _________, Chair
of the Research Ethics Committee, Department of _______, _______ University at [phone number] or by
email at [email address].

FIGURE 3.2 A consent form

56 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

authority figure—a finding that may have important shown that empirical, theoretical, or technological
implications for the understanding of human atroci- expertise is no guarantee of moral wisdom. But do
ties and ultimately their prevention. Nonetheless, listen carefully to the arguments of experienced re-
the study involved a number of ethically question- searchers. It is incumbent on you to consider what
able elements. For one thing, the “teacher”/subjects is at stake in any research situation, especially the
themselves suffered at least short-term harm; most probable harms and benefits to the research sub-
felt very uncomfortable administering what they jects, and to think about the effects—both good and
believed to be powerful shocks, and while the ex- ill—that the knowledge produced by the study would
periment was in progress many participants came generate for the world at large.
to doubt the experimenter’s claim that the “learners” Deception can be a controversial issue in quali-
were not suffering any serious harm. tative research as well. Punch (1994, p. 91), for
Another issue was the deception that the subjects example, observed that “some dissimulation is in-
experienced: they were told that the experiment was trinsic to social life and, therefore, to fieldwork.”
investigating how people learn, not how people come He quoted Gans (1962, p. 44) in support: “If the re-
to commit cruel acts, and they were led to believe that searcher is completely honest with people about his
the shocks were real. Thus to the extent that the par- activities, they will try to hide actions and attitudes
ticipants were not fully informed about the purpose they consider undesirable, and so will be dishonest.
of the experiment, they were lied to, although once it Consequently, the researcher must be dishonest to
was over they were debriefed (informed of the decep- get honest data.”
tion and the reason for it). Most people would agree Goode (1996) argued that judgments about de-
that in everyday life, lying and deception should be ception should be considered on a case-by-case
avoided. On the other hand, the experiment would basis. Some writers argue that if all ruses were dis-
not have worked had the subjects known the truth allowed, a great deal of useful information—about
from the outset. Imagine the outcome if subjects had terrorists, cults, drug gangs, white-collar criminals,
been told, “We’re going to see whether you are willing and so on—would be inaccessible, because finding
to inflict severe pain on an innocent person.” But does out about their activities often requires some kind
that justify the deception? Was the knowledge gained of disguised observation. Some social reformers
worth the psychological discomfort the subjects ex- might add that exposing the sins of the powerful
perienced when they believed they were causing in- would be another acceptable use of deception, but
nocent persons to suffer? This is the sort of question that argument opens the door to its use in other
that researchers and REB members must ponder. situations. Would it be acceptable to use deception
It must be emphasized that Milgram is not alone to expose the transgressions of the underclass and
in his use of deception: in fact, most social research the less powerful? Is lying to a priest to uncover
experiments involve some kind of pretense. How- pedophilia more acceptable than lying to an animal
ever, it is unlikely that an REB in North America rights activist to reveal a plan to destroy a mink
would allow a similar study to proceed today. For coat factory?
that reason Milgram’s experiment has rarely been Sometimes it may be beyond the power of a quali-
replicated, except in other parts of the world where tative researcher to obtain informed consent. For ex-
research ethics codes are less stringent. ample, Van Maanen (1991) used his experience as a
As you think about the ethics of Milgram’s study, ride operator in Disneyland as the basis for a study
keep in mind that REBs are not infallible and that he produced many years after he had been employed
REB members sometimes disagree among themselves there during school vacations. He never went back
about the ethics of a particular study. As a student, and asked permission from the people he described
you need to make up your own mind about ethical in his work; to do so would have been close to impos-
issues. Don’t feel obliged to accept the ethical claims sible. Is a lack of subject consent acceptable in such a
of more experienced social researchers; history has situation? Is it a form of deception?
3 | Research Ethics 57

Although the use of deception can be controver- especially if the study involves children who are very
sial in both quantitative and qualitative research, young. ­Exceptions include situations in which older
there is consensus on a number of criteria regarding children fill out questionnaires that the parents or
its use. First, deception should be used only as a last guardians have seen and approved.
resort. Second, if deception is used, that use should be
as sparing as possible. Finally, where feasible, anyone Concern for welfare
deceived should be debriefed as quickly as possible; “Welfare” in this context covers all aspects of the
specifically, the researcher must reveal the deception well-being of the person, group, or community af-
and explain why it was used. What might have hap- fected by the research, including physical, mental,
pened had Milgram’s subjects not been debriefed? emotional, spiritual, social, and economic well-being.
Another issue regarding informed consent is A very basic “welfare” concern in social research in-
whether the researcher is obliged to reveal the names volves respect for privacy and confidentiality. REBs
of all those who have sponsored the project, whether normally require that the identities and records of
individuals or organizations. At one Ontario univer- subjects remain confidential to prevent any embar-
sity, ethical rules prohibit any reference to the names rassment or harm, especially harm to their reputations
of research sponsors on the information sheet. This or personal relationships. This injunction means that
rule reflects the possibility that some people might feel the research subjects should not be identifiable when
pressured or coerced if they knew that the research the findings are published, although exceptions may
was sponsored by (for example) the Canadian Cancer occasionally be made in the case of historical work or
Society. But another university considers it unethical of studies dealing with public figures. In quantitative
not to supply that information, on the grounds that it research, subjects are usually identified by code num-
is necessary to enable the participant to give informed bers rather than names when the data are processed;
consent. For instance, some people might not want their actual identities are stored in a secure location.
the government to know anything about them, so if In such studies research participants are normally
a department such as Fisheries and Oceans Canada told on the information sheet that the data they pro-
were funding the study, they would want to be in- vide will form part of a statistical aggregate (as in
formed so they could decide not to participate. Yet “50 per cent of respondents expressed some dissatis-
even if the sponsor’s name is revealed, participants’ faction with their romantic partner’s listening skills”)
ability to give informed consent may not be guaran- and therefore they will not be personally identifiable.
teed, since the name may be virtually unknown to the Researchers have to be especially resourceful in
general public. Ethical issues are never simple. situations where participants prefer to remain an-
Only people competent to make a decision about onymous. One method that is sometimes employed
participating in a research study should be asked to is the random response technique, which was origin-
give their consent. That category normally includes ally designed for interview situations in which the
most adults, although for reasons of illness, other respondent is asked about controversial or illegal
incapacitation, or language difficulties some adults activities. One reason for developing this technique
may not be capable of making an informed decision was to protect researchers as well as respondents
and must have a competent person make the decision from the risk that police would examine the data and
on their behalf. Similarly, children are not ordinar- then bring the researchers into court as witnesses.
ily considered capable of giving informed consent. (Can some harm be anticipated here, as when the
Parents or legal guardians are usually given the still-free criminals repeat their crimes?)
information sheet as well as an opportunity to ask The random response process begins with
questions and seek clarifications about the research ­respondents flipping a coin but not revealing the
before signing the consent form for their child. ­results. About half of them should get heads, half
Quite often a parent or guardian is required to be tails. All respondents are then instructed: “For the
present when the child interacts with the researcher, following question, if you have heads you must say
58 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

BOX 3.1 What about research using the Internet?

A great deal of research is now done online (see

Chapters 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12). All the ethics guide-
lines discussed in this chapter apply to online
research, with a handful of exceptions. One ex-
ception involves material that is publicly available
and protected by law, such as Statistics Canada
­public-use files or data in public archives. In such

Michael Simons/123RF
cases the researcher is not required to obtain in-
formed consent, although he or she must obey the
relevant laws and regulations. Another exception
applies to online information that is publicly ac-
cessible and does not involve any expectation of
As a researcher, consider how you could conduct
privacy. Such material would include films, news-
online research in an ethical way. What kinds of steps
paper materials, official publications, third-party
would you need to take to secure the informed con-
interviews, and any other online research that does sent of your participants and to protect your data?
not entail direct interaction with research subjects.
Any situation that does involve direct contact
with research participants, including online sur- be quite easy, for example, for a researcher to pose
veys and interviews, is subject to the same ethics as a regular participant in a self-help chat room
protocols as in-person research. The same goes for sex addicts, and use the material as data for a
for gaining access to online materials in situa- qualitative study. But doing so would be equiva-
tions where there is a reasonable expectation of lent to joining an in-person discussion group and
privacy, as in the case of social media that may not revealing one’s identity as a researcher. (The
limit access to materials unless the creator’s per- ethical implications of covert research will be dis-
mission is granted, such as Facebook, Instagram, cussed later in this chapter.)
and LinkedIn. Internet chat room discussions, Sending research data over the Internet is an-
email, and the postings of organizations having other concern. If data containing identifiable in-
restricted memberships, such as self-help groups, formation are to be transferred via the Internet,
fall into this category as well. In these sorts of situ- the data should be encrypted to ensure the sec-
ations, both researchers and research participants urity of the information. Even when sensitive data
have to be especially vigilant, since it is relatively are merely stored on a computer that is connected
easy to conduct covert research online. It would to the Internet, encryption should be considered.

yes, regardless of whether it is true or not. With tails used cocaine. Here the excess is 10 per cent, presum-
you should answer the question truthfully.” Then ably representing people who got tails and have used
comes the question: “Have you ever used cocaine?” the drug. Then, since one would expect roughly the
Even if no one had in fact used it, roughly 50 per cent same number of cocaine users in the heads group,
should say yes because they got heads. that figure must be doubled to get the percentage of
Assume that 60 per cent of respondents say yes. the total sample who had used cocaine.
The excess over the 50 per cent (heads who had to One of the authors of this book did this as a
say yes) can be used to calculate how many people class exercise and had students raise their hands to
3 | Research Ethics 59

say yes or no. When the behaviour in question was that the benefits of the research outweigh any harm
shoplifting after the age of 16, 80 per cent answered that may come to the subjects. Virtually all codes of
“yes,” meaning a 60 per cent (30 per cent plus an- ethics allow covert research as a last resort, but most
other 30 per cent) shoplifting rate. When the topic state that it should be avoided “as far as possible.”
was post-puberty homosexual behaviour, however, Those who use this method argue that it is neces-
“yes” responses came out at only 50 per cent. Here sary to prevent research participants from changing
there are several possibilities: no one had engaged in their behaviour because they know they are being
the activity; a few had, but because heads and tails studied. Still, where informed consent has not been
rarely come out exactly 50–50, they were concealed obtained prior to the commencement of the re-
in the difference; some “heads” students were afraid search, permission to use the data gathered should
their classmates would think a raised hand was an be obtained post hoc whenever possible. That is a
admission; or perhaps some “tails” students who had general rule, but it is often broken in dealing with
engaged in the activity did not want to give any indi- dangerous subjects such as pimps and other crimin-
cation that they had, fearing that a “yes” response als. Where such permission has not been obtained,
would be interpreted as an admission. it is absolutely crucial to maintain the anonymity of
In qualitative research, dealing with privacy and the people observed.
confidentiality issues is quite different, especially One difficulty with the arguments justifying the
if the study involves in-depth analysis of a small use of covert methods is the assumption that it is im-
number of people. Pseudonyms are typically used possible to obtain the data using other means. Covert
to protect people’s identities, but quite often the observers sometimes base their judgments on the
detailed description of the physical and social set- anticipated difficulty of gaining access to a setting
ting, which qualitative researchers usually include rather than the actual experience of being denied
to provide the needed context for the study, can entry. For example, Homan justified his use of covert
offer enough clues to identify some of the partici- participant observation of a religious sect on the
pants. The study of an American town that Vidich grounds that sociologists are viewed very negatively
and Bensman (1968) called “Springdale” (not its real by group members; hence “It seemed probable that
name) is instructive in this regard. Their book was the prevalence of such a perception would prejudice
uncomplimentary about the town and many of its the effectiveness of a fieldworker declaring an iden-
leaders, and many people felt that its tone was pa- tity as sociologist” (Homan & Bulmer 1982, p. 107).
tronizing. To make matters worse, it was possible to One of the most famous and controversial cases of
identify individuals in the published account. The covert research can be found in Humphreys’s Tearoom
town’s inhabitants responded with a Fourth of July Trade (1970), a study that Desroches (1990) partially
parade in which many of them wore badges citing replicated in Canada using less contentious methods.
their book pseudonyms, and an effigy of Vidich was The researchers (Humphreys himself and police acting
set up so that it was peering into manure. The towns- for Desroches) observed homosexual encounters in
people also announced their refusal to cooperate in public toilets (“tearooms”), taking the roles of “watch
any more social research; they were clearly upset by queens”—people who watch out for possible intruders
the publication, and to that extent were harmed by it. while other men meet and engage in sexual activity.
Another area of controversy surrounding privacy Such “voyeurism” was offensive to some critics.
and confidentiality in qualitative studies pertains to As part of his research, Humphreys recorded some
covert research: investigations in which the people of the participants’ car licence numbers. He was then
being observed are not informed that they are part able to track down their names and addresses, thus
of a study. In spite of the widespread insistence on further compromising their privacy, and ended
informed consent and privacy rights, and the rec- up with a sample of 100 active tearoom-trade par-
ognition that covert observation is especially prone ticipants. To reduce the risk of being recognized,
to violations of those principles, covert studies still Humphreys waited a year before contacting the re-
appear from time to time. The defence is usually spondents whose licence numbers he had written
60 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

down, and also changed his hairstyle. After this de- The ethical quandaries surrounding privacy
ception, he then conducted an interview (Desroches and confidentiality inherent in qualitative research
did not do this) with a sample of the men about their are also illustrated in the work of O’Connell
health issues (a ruse), including some questions Davidson and Layder (1994). These researchers
about marital sex. He did not tell them he knew about conducted a small-scale ethnographic project on a
their activity, nor did he debrief them when the study sex worker, whom they called Desiree, and her cli-
was finished. Humphreys learned that many of the ents and assistants. While Desiree and the women
men he observed were actually married, respected who served as her receptionists were fully aware of
members of the community—a finding that allowed O’Connell Davidson’s status, the clients were not.
him to challenge a popular stereotype of the day. Both researchers admitted their invasion of client
Was his research ethical? Those who say “yes” privacy and failure to obtain consent from them,
argue that he had no choice but to do covert re- but were “untroubled” by the intrusion because the
search because very few people engaging in gay sex clients were anonymous to O’Connell D ­ avidson
in those days were willing to talk about it; in fact, and she was not “in a position to secure, store
sexual acts between men were against the law and or disclose information that could harm them”
the people committing them were subject to prison (O’Connell Davidson & Layder, 1994, p. 214). The
sentences. Humphreys’ supporters also maintain fact that there was no harm to participants was re-
that the knowledge his studies produced led to a garded as the litmus test of the ethical status of the
better understanding of human sexuality and the research. They offered a further defence by saying
treatment to which stigmatized individuals are that ethical transgression is pervasive: “Virtually
subjected. His detractors argue that the knowledge all social research is intrusive and exploitative
gained did not justify the deception and invasion to some degree” (O’Connell Davidson & Layder,
of privacy that his subjects experienced. The debate 1994, p. 215). There was an acknowledged commit-
continues to this day. ment to attend to the concerns of Desiree and her
Regardless of one’s position on the ethics of Hum- receptionists, as well as considerable sympathy for
phreys’s work, the public reaction when it was first them, but these sentiments did not extend to her
published illustrates what can happen to the reputa- clients:
tion of social researchers as a whole if there is a per-
I have . . . no personal liking and no real
ception that one of their kind has committed serious
sympathy for them. I have a professional
ethical violations. The following is an excerpt from
obligation to preserve their anonymity and
an article written in the Washington Post in 1970,
to ensure that they are not harmed by my re-
shortly after the controversy erupted:
search, but I feel no qualms about being less
than frank with them, and no obligation to
We’re so preoccupied with defending our pri-
allow them to choose whether or not their
vacy against insurance investigators, dope
actions are recorded. (O’Connell Davidson &
sleuths, counterespionage men, divorce de-
Layder, 1994, p. 215)
tectives and credit checkers, that we overlook
the social scientists behind the hunting blinds Although an effort was made to follow ethics
who’re also peeping into what we thought were protocols, it appears that not all the participants re-
our most private and secret lives. But they are ceived the same level of ethical protection, and that
there, studying us, taking notes, getting to the researchers believed that not all research sub-
know us, as indifferent as everybody else to the jects deserved the complete range of ethics cover-
feeling that to be a complete human involves age. This sort of arrangement is more common than
having an aspect of ourselves that’s unknown. one might think and has far-reaching implications.
(Von Hoffman, 1970) It also illustrates how difficult it can be to resolve
3 | Research Ethics 61

ethical dilemmas in social research. Do sex-trade research. Ethical issues arise if the sponsor places
clients have a right to choose to be excluded from conditions on the methodology to be used or the
research studies? What if they are abusing the publication of the results, or has certain expecta-
sex workers? What if they are not? Does it matter tions regarding the findings. In the United States,
whether such studies contribute to a better under- a social researcher was asked by the owner of an
standing of the sex industry—for instance, by re- apartment building to do a study of the behaviour
vealing the physical risks that people in the sex trade of tenants in “singles” apartments after neighbours
take? Such questions must be weighed carefully and complained about bad behaviour (Bailey, 1994).
are not easily answered. The sponsor in this case made it clear that the re-
Sometimes a researcher may feel obliged to dis- search was expected to show that the tenants were
regard concerns about privacy and confidentiality in fact good people and desirable neighbours. Per-
if the research uncovers evidence of serious harm haps the most famous Canadian case of a sponsor
or criminal activity. In his ethnographic research, trying to influence the research process involved
Totten (2001) wanted to know how youth gang Dr Nancy Olivieri, who took part in research on a
members interpreted the violence they perpetrated drug designed to treat thalassaemia, a blood dis-
against their girlfriends, and how they accounted for ease. She claimed that the drug was not effective
their racist and homophobic activities. One under- and had harmful effects, and wanted to inform the
lying factor he observed was their mental construc- research participants. A controversy arose when
tion of masculinity, which included the belief that the pharmaceutical company that sponsored the
such activities are acceptable for men. Most had lived research denied her claims and cited a confiden-
on the street, were themselves victims of severe child tiality agreement that she had signed that would
abuse and neglect, and had witnessed their ­mothers be violated if she were to contact the participants.
being beaten. They saw their own violence as af- Another famous case involved three Canadian
firming their masculinity. scientists who claimed that their supervisors at
That was the sociology, but what about the wel- Health Canada had tried to coerce them into ap-
fare of the people concerned? Here the researcher proving certain drugs for use on cows and pigs
was in some instances compelled to act. By law, he even though the scientists objected that the drugs
had to report any abuse suffered by children under could have harmful effects on humans; the scien-
the age of 16, regardless of whether they were gang tists were subsequently fired, although one was
members or their victims. Second, those deemed at later reinstated. In 2010, the head of Statistics
risk of suicide had to be referred to mental health– Canada resigned over the federal government’s
care providers. Finally, some of the gang members decision to discontinue the mandatory long-form
were on probation or living in treatment facilities, census and replace it with a voluntary version,
so the relevant authorities also had to be informed. which in his view would not be adequate to fulfill
Totten handled the confidentiality issue by studying Statistics Canada’s mandate.
only the boys who agreed to those limitations on People conducting social research should be
confidentiality. mindful of the perils of sponsored research. The
Another aspect of the “concern for welfare” cri- TCPS2 states that financial considerations do not
terion, one that can affect the larger community reduce the need to abide by the principles that
or even the society as a whole, involves sponsored underlie its policies, and that the scientific integrity
research. Most social research in Canada is funded of the research process must be upheld. Any conflict
either by SSHRCC or by the university with which of interest, including a financial conflict of interest
the researcher is affiliated, but other government involving a relationship with a sponsor, must be re-
agencies, private individuals, corporations, unions, ported to the appropriate REB. Most fundamentally,
and non-profit organizations can also sponsor the public good, in particular the welfare of the
62 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

The effect of ethics reviews on qualitative research
Did the implementation of formal ethics reviews and consent forms to sign. Such difficulties are
stifle social research in Canada? Van den Hoonaard often not addressed in national ethics regulations.
and Connolly (2006) examined this issue by gath- Indeed, the authors point out that the original TCPS
ering information on Canadian master’s theses (1998) contained 476 paragraphs, of which only
completed in anthropology in the 10 years from four pertained to “natural observation research.”
1995 to 2004. The mid-point in that time span— Van den Hoonaard and Connolly (2006) found,
2001—marked the year that the first edition of the contrary to expectation, that the number of an-
Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethics in Human thropology master’s theses actually increased
Research (TCPS) (CIHR , NSERC , & SSHRCC , 1998) was in the 10-year period under investigation, and
implemented on a national basis. The authors chose that the number of research projects involving
anthropology theses in part because a large portion research participants (as opposed to archival
of the research done in that discipline is qualitative, documents, secondary data sources, and so on)
and qualitative researchers have been the most also increased. This suggested that ethics reviews
vocal about the negative consequences that strin- did not put a brake on anthropological research,
gent ethics policies may have on social research. although the authors noted that the data did not
One of the major complaints of qualitative include cases in which research was abandoned
researchers is that ethics policies in Canada and because ethics rules were too strict. More omin-
elsewhere have been designed according to a ously, however, they noted that the proportion
bio-medical model that calls for standard re- of theses involving only qualitative interviewing
search protocols, signed consent forms, and other rather than full-blown ethnography had increased
elements that are not compatible with qualitative since 2001. They suggested that this trend might
and especially ethnographic studies. In qualita- be a consequence of overly stringent ethics regu-
tive research, topics and even methodologies lations on ethnographic research.
may emerge out of the research process itself, so The most recent Tri-Council Policy Statement
information sheets on the goals of the research, (TCPS2), which came into effect in December 2014,
consent forms outlining the risks and benefits was created with substantial input from qualita-
of participation, and other features of the bio-­ tive researchers. There is now an entire chapter on
medical model can in many cases seriously inter- qualitative research, and the new guidelines rec-
fere with the research: imagine how members of ognize that requiring formal consent documents
an outlaw motorcycle gang would respond to a and other elements of the bio-medical model may
researcher who handed them information sheets not be appropriate in all research situations.

research participants, “takes precedence over the in- or group should be exploited in the research pro-
terests of researchers and sponsors” (CIHR , NSERC , & cess or systematically excluded from its benefits.
SSHRCC , 2014, p. 151). This is a major concern in health research, in which
care has to be taken that poor or vulnerable people
Justice are not treated as guinea pigs for the benefit of
Justice in the context of research ethics includes others, whether some interest group or the larger
the idea that the burdens and benefits of research society. Similarly, medical researchers should
should be spread evenly across society. No person not arbitrarily exclude from their studies certain
3 | Research Ethics 63

categories of people (such as members of specific line. For example, in the Rosenthal and Jacobson
ethnic, gender, or age groups), especially if such (1968) study of teacher expectations discussed in
people stand to benefit from experimental drugs or Chapter 2, it is at least possible that the pupils not
other treatments. identified as “spurters” (students expected to excel
With regard to social research, inclusiveness is quickly) were adversely affected in their intellectual
usually not a pressing issue, partly because social development by the increased attention given to the
scientific studies lack the immediate life-and-death “spurters.” After all, teachers have limited time and
consequences that are common in medical research, energy, and time spent with the “spurters” meant
and also because vulnerable and exploited groups time away from everyone else. Was that a violation
are often sought out for study, particularly by soci- of research ethics? Was the harm suffered by the
ologists and anthropologists. However, there is “non-spurters” outweighed by the knowledge gained
always a risk that members of disadvantaged groups by the researchers? Similarly, in the Festinger et al.
will be abused, mistreated, or disrespected by the (1956) study of a doomsday/UFO cult, the research-
researchers who study them. For example, some ers joined the group at a crucial time (close to the
street people might resent an ethnographer’s im- projected end of the world), thereby deluding group
plication, however subtle, that they need “help” of members into thinking that they had succeeded in
some kind, or the assumption that the researcher recruiting new converts. Was that ethical? Was the
has a superior sort of wisdom or political insight. harm to the cult members less important than the
Some Western anthropologists have been barred understanding of cults gained through this research
from re-entering the countries where they did their project?
fieldwork because the locals found them to be intru- One of the problems with trying to balance harms
sive and disrespectful. and benefits is that it is not possible to identify all
Justice in a research context also includes the the circumstances in which harm is likely—although
principle of minimizing harm to participants. As that fact should not be taken to mean that there’s
we suggested above, it is a rule of thumb when harm no point in seeking to protect research s­ubjects.
is expected that it must not outweigh the potential Kimmel (1988) noted this in connection with the
benefits of the research. But as the examples dis- 1939 C ­ambridge–Summerville Youth Study: an
cussed earlier have shown, harms and benefits can ­experiment conducted on 506 boys aged 5 to 13 who
be difficult to judge correctly, and assessments of were identified either as likely to become d­ elinquent
them ultimately involve value judgments as well or as having an average likelihood in that regard. The
as scientific decisions. Most social scientists are boys were randomly assigned either to an experi-
not curing cancer or ending racism. How much mental group in which they would receive preventive
suffering or harm, if any, can be justified in social counselling, or to a no-treatment control group. In
scientific research? That is a key ethical question the mid-1970s the boys (by then men) were exam-
facing both researchers and the REBs that oversee ined and the results were quite shocking:
their work.
Treated subjects were more likely than controls
Research likely to harm participants is regarded
to evidence signs of alcoholism and serious
by almost everyone as unacceptable. But what is
mental illness, died at a younger age, suffered
“harm”? Harm can mean a number of things, includ-
from more stress-related diseases, tended to be
ing physical harm, loss of self-esteem, stress, or even
employed in lower-prestige occupations, and
a mild sense of shame. And what does “likely” mean:
were more likely to commit second crimes.
a 1 per cent chance? 10 per cent? 50 per cent?
(Kimmel, 1988, p. 19)
Researchers should do their best to anticipate and
guard against consequences for research partici- In other words, the treatment itself may have
pants that are expected to be harmful or disturbing. had unintended negative consequences, although
But it’s not always easy to know where to draw the given the complex and long-term nature of the
64 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

forces that cause delinquency it seems likely that humiliating smocks and headgear to wear, and had
non-experimental factors contributed to the results. to address the “guards” in a respectful manner re-
Nonetheless, the findings do illustrate the difficulty gardless of how they were being treated. The aim of
of anticipating harm to participants. Might a ques- the study was to see whether taking on the role of
tionnaire on marital happiness lead a respondent “guard” would create feelings of omnipotence and
to question and eventually leave a marriage? Could lead to belligerent behaviour, and whether being
asking a grade eight boy in gym class about steroid treated like a prisoner would produce feelings of sub-
use encourage him to experiment with a drug that servience, self-alienation, resentment, and hostility.
until then was unknown to him? Some interviewees In short, the aim of the study was to see whether
may be uncomfortable answering any question; placing ordinary people in these roles would lead to
some may find the cut and thrust of a focus group stereotypical prison behaviour.
discussion stressful, especially if they inadvertently The study was designed to last two weeks. Zim-
reveal more than they had intended. Does it follow bardo describes what happened:
that such studies should not be conducted? Is the
At the end of only six days we had to close
risk of harm, even mild harm, worth the potential
down our mock prison because what we saw
increase in knowledge that this kind of research
was frightening. It was no longer apparent to
may make possible? That is the crux of the issue
us or most of the subjects where they ended
when a researcher seeks a proper balance between
and their roles began. The majority had indeed
harms and benefits. Most ethical codes maintain
become “prisoners” or “guards” no longer able
that if there is any prospect of harm to participants,
to clearly differentiate between role-playing
and if the risks of the research are greater than the
and self. There were dramatic changes in vir-
risks of everyday life, informed consent is a min-
tually every aspect of their behavior, thinking
imum requirement.
and feeling; human values were suspended,
Clearly, the principle of justice in social research
self-concepts were challenged, and the ugli-
is closely tied in with the precepts discussed ear-
est, most base, pathological side of human
lier, in particular the notions of informed consent,
nature surfaced. We were horrified because we
privacy, and confidentiality. People are certainly
saw some boys (“guards”) treat other boys as
less likely to be harmed if they know what to expect
if they were despicable animals, taking pleas-
in a research situation, and if they know that their
ure in cruelty, while other boys (“prisoners”)
participation is voluntary. Thus it is particularly
became servile, dehumanized robots who
important to inform subjects of their right to with-
thought only of escape, of their own individ-
draw from the study at any time—and to honour
ual survival, and their mounting hatred of the
that right.
guards. (Zimbardo, 1971; quoted in Aronson,
A good illustration of what can go wrong when
1992, pp. 10–11; emphasis added)
subjects are pressured into remaining in a study
can be found in the Stanford mock prison A whole host of ethical issues come into play in
study (Haney, Banks, & Zimbardo, 1973). In this ex- this experiment, but let’s focus on the right to leave a
periment, psychologically healthy male university study at any time. Many of the “prisoners” wanted to
students were randomly selected to be either “guards” leave long before the study was terminated. Yet they
or “prisoners” in a simulated prison set up in the were given every indication that they had no choice
basement of a university building. “Guards” were but to stay in the study, and were convinced that for
given uniforms, wooden batons, and reflective sun- all practical purposes they were in a prison. A few
glasses (to avoid eye contact with the “prisoners” and were allowed to leave early, but only after showing
thus to dehumanize them), and were told to instill signs of extreme stress and even hysteria. It’s hard to
fear in the “prisoners.” The “prisoners” were given see how this was not a violation of research ethics.
3 | Research Ethics 65

Looking back on what he had created, Zimbardo medical research, so those sorts of questions rarely
himself was appalled. have to be considered.
Another point this experiment illustrates is Benefit in the social sciences is typically in-
the need for REB s. Like the Milgram (1963) study, direct; in most cases it follows from an increase in
Zimbardo’s research was conducted before the era knowledge. However, direct benefits can accrue, for
of compulsory ethics reviews. REB s are absolutely instance in cases where research findings inspire
necessary because even well-meaning researchers positive social reform or contribute to beneficial so-
like Zimbardo and Milgram may be completely cietal conservation. One way to maximize the bene-
unaware that their work raises ethical ­problems— fit derived from social research is to conduct it in a
even if those problems seem quite obvious to methodologically sound manner. It is considered un-
others. For example, it simply did not occur to ethical to put research subjects through the rigours
Zimbardo that his experiment was causing his re- of participation if the study is not designed or con-
search participants harm. It was not until a student ducted properly and therefore is of little or no value.
research assistant told him she thought the treat- As you will learn as you make your way through this
ment of the “prisoners” was awful that he relented book, researchers can disagree over what constitutes
and brought the study to an end. Presumably, an a sound methodology. Nonetheless, each methodo-
REB review would have spared the “prisoners” logical perspective assumes that there are optimal
­considerable agony. ways of doing the research, and if these are ignored
Another issue related to harm to participants it’s doubtful that anyone, including the researcher,
concerns payment for participation. In general, it is will get the maximal benefit from it. Maximizing
considered unethical to offer payment if that would benefit is also related to the inclusiveness principle
lead subjects to take risks they would not otherwise discussed above: no group or individual should be
accept. Similarly, payment should not put undue arbitrarily excluded from research.
pressure on people to take part or remain in a study, Finally, justice in the conduct of social research
and for that reason should not exceed the sorts of includes fairness in the adjudication of research pro-
benefits to which subjects are accustomed. posals by REBs. The procedures and protocols that
The participants in the Dinovitzer et al. (2003) REBs use have to be reasonable and equitable, and
study of educational attainment among immigrants their decisions unbiased. In order to achieve those
(discussed in Chapters 1 and 2) were offered $5 to ends, REBs must be independent of the institutions
participate. It seems unlikely that anyone answered in which they function. This means, for example,
the questionnaire simply for the small amount of that universities cannot overturn the decisions of
money involved. Still, some REBs do not allow sub- their REBs.
jects to be paid for their participation, except to As we noted above, sometimes REBs can be over-
cover the costs of taking part (parking, etc.). The cautious in trying to protect the interests of research
purpose of this rule is to prevent poor people from participants. This is often a concern in survey re-
“selling themselves” to researchers. Few would be search, which normally involves minimal risk to
critical of Beagan’s (2001) offer to medical students participants. J. Paul Grayson, a sociologist at York
for a chance at a $200 draw (which technically got University, conducted a study in which he found
around the payment rule) for taking part in her evidence that the excessively formal and legalistic
study of discrimination. But would offering $10,000 letters of introduction that some universities re-
for testing a promising drug with potentially danger- quire researchers to send to prospective participants
ous side effects be acceptable? What about selling a lowers participation rates (Charbonneau, 2005). Low
kidney for research purposes? Fortunately, the risk response rates may result in sample sizes that are
of harm to participants in social scientific research too small for analysis and can lead to additional ex-
is usually not as severe as the risks associated with penses for follow-up.
66 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

Research in the News

Protecting the confidentiality of research participants: A legal challenge
Protecting the confidentiality of the people who many people in the area surrounding wind project
participate in social research is an important were bothered by its construction and operation,
aspect of research ethics. As discussed above, if and a few years later filed a class action lawsuit
participants’ identities are revealed, or if informa- against the company.
tion that could expose their identities is published, Maillé volunteered to act as an expert witness
that constitutes a violation of privacy that can for the people who launched the lawsuit. But as
result in serious harm to people’s personal rela- the legal proceedings unfolded, she was ordered
tionships and reputations. by a judge to provide the company that owned
Confidentiality is also necessary for purely the wind farm with the raw data from her study,
scientific reasons. When research participants are declaring it to be evidence relevant to the case.
assured that the information they provide will be To protest the judge’s order, over 200 Quebec re-
treated confidentially, it fosters a sense of trust be- searchers signed an open letter published in Le
tween researchers and participants. Without that Devoir newspaper stating that if Maillé had to
trust, people may be reluctant to provide the data turn over her confidential data, that would set a
social researchers need to conduct their inquiries. precedent that would seriously impede scientific
For most researchers, protecting the confi- inquiry in the province (Le Devoir, 2016). Ultim-
dentiality of their data is not a problem if proper ately, in 2017, the Superior Court of Quebec ruled
procedures are followed. But recently there have that she would not have to give up her data to the
been legal challenges to research confidentiality court. The decision that was hailed as a victory for
in Canada. research participants, the researchers who rely on
When Marie-Ève Maillé was a graduate stu- them, and the general public that benefits from
dent in Quebec in 2010, she interviewed 93 people open inquiry and scientific discovery.
affected by a large wind farm in the province that
was operated by a private company. When she Sources: Kondro, W. (2016, 22 November). Canadian researcher in legal
conducted the interviews, she followed good re- battle to keep her interviews confidential. Retrieved from
search practice by telling the interviewees that battle-keep-her-interviews-confidential; Castonguay, P. (2017, 7 June).
their identities would remain private. The data Quebec ruling reaffirms research data confidentiality. U­ niversity Affairs.
Retrieved from
collection was particularly sensitive because ruling-reaffirms-research-data-confidentiality/

Conclusions the researcher to convince the REB that it would be

appropriate to go ahead with the study.
These ethical principles, and the larger discussion of Another kind of challenge arises when profes-
research ethics contained in the TCPS2 (CIHR , NSERC , sional researchers disagree on the ethical status of a
& SSHRCC , 2014), provide an invaluable guide for particular practice, such as the covert methods used
the conduct of social research. Their implementa- by Humphreys (1970) in his Tearoom Trade study.
tion can be challenging, however, especially when There is no simple answer to these ethical dilemmas,
acquiring informed consent might lead participants especially if there is no way to measure harms and
to behave less naturally than they otherwise would. benefits directly. However, it is incumbent on re-
Balancing risks and potential benefits can also be searchers to be vigilant in protecting the rights of re-
problematic. But be that as it may, wherever the prin- search participants, and to maximize the benefits and
ciples outlined above are not followed, the onus is on minimize the harm that is created by their research.
3 | Research Ethics 67

Key Points
The TCPS2 outlines three core principles for the eth- Most social research in Canada has to abide by
ical conduct of research: those principles. In most cases, before social re-
search can be conducted it has to be approved by a
• Respect for persons demands that research par-
Research Ethics Board (REB) that uses the TCPS2 to
ticipants be able to give free, informed, and on-
guide its decisions. It may be difficult to measure
going consent.
harms and benefits in social research, so the imple-
• Concern for welfare includes all aspects of the
well-being of individuals, groups, and commun- mentation of these principles is rarely simple and
ities affected by the research. straightforward.
• Justice covers all dimensions of fairness in the Researchers may disagree on how the three core
treatment of research subjects and researchers principles are to be implemented, but they still must
themselves. do everything they can to comply with them.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

RR Explain what is meant by “harm to participants.” RR Can deception in social research ever be justified?
Does it refer to physical harm alone? Explain.
AA What harm might be suffered by a person complet- AA Assume you are participating in survey research
ing an online questionnaire on the topic of illegal that seeks to determine the degree to which par-
drug use? Would the harm be so severe that the ticipants possess sexist attitudes. Would some de-
study should not be conducted? Explain. ception regarding the purposes of the research be
AA What harm may be suffered by a person participat- justified? Explain.
ing in qualitative interviews on the topic of lived
racism? Would the harm be so severe that the RR What is meant by “balancing risks and potential
study should not be conducted? Explain. benefits”?
AA List the risks and potential benefits of Milgram’s
RR What are some of the difficulties involved in imple- (1963) “electric-shock” experiments. Did the po-
menting the principle of informed consent when tential benefits outweigh the risks? Explain.
doing ethnographic research? AA List the risks and potential benefits of Humphreys’s
AA Assume you are doing ethnographic research at a (1970) Tearoom Trade study. Did the potential
homeless shelter. Is it necessary to get informed benefits outweigh the risks? Explain.
consent from every person you interact with or ob-
serve? Explain.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. After reviewing the three core principles for eth- b. Can the knowledge generated by this study be
ical research with the class, the instructor will used to explain real-life situations?
show the film version of either Milgram’s Obe- c. Was this study ethical?
dience or Zimbardo’s Quiet Rage: The Stanford
Prison Experiment. Before viewing the film, stu- After the film has been shown, an open class
dents are given the following questions to think discussion is held to address the first two questions.
about as they watch it: Once that is completed, the instructor informs the
class that a debate will be held to answer the third
a. What scientific knowledge did this study pro- question, and divides the class into three groups.
duce? In other words, what can we conclude Group 1 must argue that the study was ethical;
from this study? Group 2 must argue that the study was not ethical;
68 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

and Group 3 can choose either of the first two pos- 2. Using the classroom screen, the instructor can walk
itions. All groups are to justify their positions as the class through the TCPS2 tutorial available at
best they can, and are encouraged to allude to the­
material discussed in this chapter. Once all three didacticiel/ (accessed 18 October 2018). It
groups have argued their case, a vote is held to de- includes multidisciplinary examples, some inter-
termine how the class as a whole views the ethics of active features, audio and video downloads, and
the study, i.e. whether, on balance, they find it to be a quiz.
ethical or not.

Relevant Websites
The TCPS2 (CIHR , NSERC , & SSHRCC , 2014) is avail- This link leads to the Canadian Charter of Rights and
able online. This site includes a TCPS2 tutorial that Freedoms.
provides an excellent introduction to the document
and gives users the opportunity to apply ethical prin- html
ciples to case studies involving research with human
Quiet Rage is a documentary film about the Stanford
mock prison study.
(Websites accessed 18 October 2018)
Visit the Canadian Sociological Association website
to read its Code of Ethics.

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
APPENDIX TO PART I | An Overview of the Research Process 69

An Overview of the Research Process

You now have some notion of how and why social projects. In other cases, the process of inquiry may
research is done. Before moving on to the rest of the begin with simple curiosity: as one wag put it, if you
book, which expands on many of the points raised in walk by a house with its curtains closed and wonder
the previous three chapters, let’s step back and take a what goes on inside, you’d probably make a good
look at the big picture. social scientist.
What follows could be described as the “ideal” Not all research begins with lofty motivations.
stages of research. They are ideal not because they In fact, the reasons for conducting a study are often
represent the best way to do things, but rather to quite mundane. For example, research may be done
indicate that they are an abstraction, a simplification to enhance the career of the researcher, especially if
of a more complex reality. There is no single best way it is supported by substantial funding. Sometimes
to do research, any more than there is a single best researchers compete with one another to see who
way to build a house or paint a portrait. Sometimes can produce the most publications or get the most
the order of the tasks presented in the overview of attention for their work. More generally, research
the research process on p. 70 can be rearranged. may be motivated by “sheer egoism,” a reason that
Also, it’s not uncommon to go from one step to the topped the list of motivations for writing drawn up
next and then backtrack to adjust something in a by George Orwell (1946/2004). Graduate students
previous step. Nonetheless, some general points and (and some undergraduates) may do research simply
observations can be made that outline how research to fulfill degree requirements. In most instances, the
may progress from its initial stages to its completion. motivations for doing research are some combina-
tion of the exalted and the mundane.

In the beginning: Motivation

Where does research begin?
The research question(s)
Sometimes research begins with a sense of Once the decision has been made to do research in
wonder, a feeling of amazement with the social world a particular area, the first task is to come up with a
that is accompanied by a strong desire to understand research question, or a set of research questions, that
it. Sometimes it begins with a sense of crisis, as when will give the study a focus or goal. A good research
a society is strained to the breaking point and schol- question should allow you to contribute to the exist-
ars are looking for solutions. This motivation has ing knowledge of the topic, if only in a modest way.
been around since the beginnings of social science As we have mentioned earlier, research questions
in the eighteenth century. Since then, the chal­lenges in quantitative studies tend to be more precise and
posed by urbanization, industrialization, ethnic explicit than those found in qualitative research, al-
conflict, and gender inequality (to name only a few) though qualitative researchers must have at least a
have provided the impetus for countless research general idea of what they are trying to accomplish.
70 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

An Overview of the Research Process


Research Question(s)

Literature Review

Choose general orientation

Quantitative Qualititative
(choose design) (choose design)

Experiments Ethnography
Surveys Participant observation
– Structured interviews Unstructured interviews
– Questionnaires Semi-structured interviews
Structured observation Life history
Case studies Oral history
Narrative analysis
Ethics review Focus groups
Content analysis
Gather data – Ethnographic
– Semiotics
– Hermeneutics
Analyze data
– Conversation analysis
– Discourse analysis

Ethics review
– Do the findings support the hypotheses?
– Implications for existing theories? Gather data
– New hypotheses, concepts, or theories
generated? Analyze data
– Implications for further research?


– Do the findings provide a new interpretation
of a person, group, setting, event, or text?
– Implications for existing theories?
– New hypotheses, concepts, or theories
– Implications for further research?
– Do the findings illustrate group processes
or social conflict in a new way?
APPENDIX TO PART I | An Overview of the Research Process 71

With both types of inquiry, it’s fairly common to

Picking a research design
revise research questions as the project proceeds, es-
pecially in the early stages. from the ones available within
a general research orientation
Literature review Once your research orientation has been decided, a
Chances are you won’t be the first person to investi- number of research designs are available for consider-
gate your topic or to use the methodology you have in ation. Some of the designs listed in the figure were not
mind. Reading up on what others have done will help discussed in the first three chapters of the book, but
you understand your subject matter more fully and will be described later. Consult the Glossary for brief
will prevent you from venturing into territory that has descriptions of any designs you are not familiar with.
already been thoroughly explored. A good knowledge The choice of the research design depends on a
of the literature may also reveal contradictions or gaps number of things, but your first concern should be
in the existing understanding of your topic, which can to find a design that’s appropriate for your research
form the basis of your project. Sometimes a review of questions. For example, if you’ve chosen to explore
the literature can lead to substantial revisions in re- political attitudes using quantitative methods and
search questions: for example, if you encounter a find- want to be able to apply your findings to some larger
ing that lacks a compelling explanation and decide to population, a survey design would be appropriate.
make it the focus of your inquiry. Reviewing the liter- Similarly, if you want to do a qualitative study of how
ature may also spark ideas about how various method- professional jazz dancers cope with the pressures of
ologies could be applied to your area of interest. auditions, then unstructured or semi-structured
interviews would be a reasonable choice of design.
Another consideration is whether a cross-sectional
Choosing a general research or longitudinal design would be most appropriate to
orientation: Quantitative answer the research questions.
Other factors that affect the choice of design in-
and/or qualitative clude things like the availability of resources such as
Once you’ve come up with your research question(s) funding and time. If you can’t afford to select a large
and reviewed the existing literature in the area, you probability sample, a full-blown survey analysis will
can decide on your general research orientation. be out of reach. Likewise, ethnography might be your
However, it’s not uncommon to decide on a particu- design of choice, but time and travel constraints could
lar orientation even before reviewing the literature rule that out. In most cases, some sort of comprom-
or formulating any questions. For example, research- ise has to be made between the best possible research
ers specializing in qualitative studies are likely to design and what is feasible under the circumstances.
start with the assumption that their research will be
qualitative rather than quantitative in nature. Like-
wise, a researcher who has done a number of survey
Ethics review
projects may start by designing a study with surveys As we emphasized at various points in Part I of this
in mind, and may not even review the qualitative lit- book, ethics are an important consideration at every
erature relevant to the topic of interest. stage of a research project, including the writing up
Of course it’s also possible to combine quantita- of results. Once a research design has been picked,
tive and qualitative approaches in a single study, as researchers in most cases have to present an ethics
the arrows below “Choose general orientation” in the committee with a proposal that outlines how eth-
figure suggest. In practice, however, most studies are ical considerations will be handled in each phase of
predominantly of one sort or the other. the study. Note that this step can usually be skipped
72 PART I Fundamental Issues in Social Research

if the research does not involve human or animal

subjects, for instance, if the goal is to offer a new in-
terpretation of a body of theoretical work without Finally, what does it all mean? At this point an effort
gathering empirical data. is usually made to relate the findings of the study to
existing theories, knowledge, or interpretations of
the topic. This is where you enter the debate about
Gather data the subject matter with other scholars.
Data gathering can begin as soon as the ethics com- Quantitative social scientists will discuss whether
mittee grants its approval. Sometimes a pilot study is their findings support their hypotheses (if they
conducted to determine whether the chosen method had specific hypotheses to begin with—not all of
of data collection needs any refinement. For ex- them do). Support for a hypothesis could provide
ample, a pilot study can be used to find out whether substantiation for a particular theory. For instance,
the questions prepared for use in a survey are clear findings indicating that economic development leads
enough for respondents to understand, or whether to greater similarity in gender roles would support a
potential participants in a qualitative study react version of modernization theory. If the hypotheses
strongly to the presence of the observer. are not supported or if the findings are not consistent
with the theory, a case can be made that the theory
has to be revised or abandoned. Sometimes the
Analyze data findings will generate new hypotheses, concepts, or
In quantitative studies, data analysis usually begins theories. In virtually all cases, the researcher will be
after all the data have been gathered. In qualitative able to suggest ways in which further research could
research, by contrast, the process is often iterative, be beneficial—perhaps different variables should be
with preliminary data analysis leading to a change examined, or maybe the key variables need to be
in either the kind of information to be sought or the measured differently.
way it is to be gathered. That is why there is a two- Qualitative researchers will discuss whether their
headed arrow between “Gather data” and “Analyze findings suggest a new interpretation or conceptual-
data” in the qualitative section of the figure. At this ization of the subject matter, or whether they pro-
stage software may be used (for example, SPSS for vide a new illustration of group processes or social
quantitative analysis or NVivo for qualitative). conflict. For example, findings derived from inter-
views with 16-year-old mothers might reveal some-
thing new about how young people view sexuality
Findings and their relationships with their peers—something
The findings are the results of the data analysis. quite different from what is currently believed. Like
For instance, a quantitative researcher might find quantitative work, qualitative analysis may produce
that support for a particular government policy new hypotheses or theories. Similarly, qualitative
is strongly associated with age and ethnicity. Or a researchers can usually outline the ways in which
qualitative study of heroin addicts in Vancouver’s further research would be desirable—for instance,
downtown east side might find that they resent the by expanding the study of 16-year-old mothers to
people from whom they purchase their drugs. include 16-year-old fathers.
Part II of this book is concerned with quantita-
tive research. Chapter 4 sets the scene by ex-
ploring its main features. Chapter 5 focuses on
structured interviews and questionnaires—
two of the most widely used data-gathering
techniques in quantitative research—and
includes guidelines on how to ask questions
using those instruments. Chapter 6 discusses
structured observation, a method that takes
a systematic approach to the study of people
in their natural surroundings. Quantitative
­sampling—the selection of people or other
units of analysis to be included in the sorts
of study discussed in Part II—is the topic of
Chapter 7, and an overview of quantitative
data analysis is provided in Chapter 8. These
chapters describe the essential tools for doing
quantitative research, from basic methodo-
logical principles to practical applications.

Quantitative Research

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The Nature of Quantitative Research

Chapter Overview
This chapter is concerned with quantitative research, one of the two principal investigative orientations
taken in the social sciences. The emphasis here is on what quantitative research typically entails, though
departures from this ideal type will be outlined later on. This chapter explores:
• the main steps of quantitative research, presented as a linear succession of stages;
• the importance of measurement in quantitative research, and the ways in which measures are
devised for concepts;
• procedures for checking the reliability and validity of those measures;
• the primary goals of quantitative researchers: measurement, establishing causality (sometimes
referred to as internal validity), generalization, and replication; and
• some criticisms of quantitative research.

For his class project, Mario wants to ask some fellow be offended by the question? And when they do answer,
students questions about a topic that’s always fascin- how will he know if they’re telling the truth? Is there a
ated him: drug and alcohol use, and how it might affect second method he could use, such as observing people
a person’s self-image. But how will he get the informa- in a local pub, to see if their behaviour is consistent with
tion he needs? He quickly jots down a few notes, but the survey data? And once he’s asked the basic ques-
soon realizes that coming up with effective questions tions about consumption, how will he approach the
is more difficult than he imagined. His first question self-image part of his research? What exactly should he
reads: “Do you take drugs?”; but he quickly realizes that be asking about? Should the information be recorded
“drugs” is too vague, since for some people that would in numeric form? If so, how do you do that? When he
include things like Aspirin and cough medicine. And has finished analyzing the data, will he be able to say
what about alcohol? Isn’t alcohol a kind of drug too? that his findings apply to some larger population, such
Now he begins to think about other potential problems. as all university students? In this chapter we will ex-
What if some people refuse to say what their level of plore how researchers deal with the kinds of issues that
drug and alcohol consumption is? Would some people Mario is facing.

▲ pidjoe/iStockphoto
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 75

Introduction 11. Theory

In Chapter 1, quantitative research was outlined as

22. Hypothesis
a distinctive research strategy involving particu-
lar epistemological and ontological assumptions.
It should be clear by now that much more than the 33. Research design
presence of numbers distinguishes a quantitative
from a qualitative research orientation. In very broad 44. Devise measures of concepts
terms, quantitative research entails the collection of
numerical data, a deductive relationship between
55. Select research site(s)
theory and research, a preference for the natural sci-
ence approach to inquiry (positivism in particular),
and an objectivist conception of social reality. This 65. Select research participants
chapter spells out the main steps in quantitative re-
search, and outlines how some of its main concerns,
75. Administer research instruments/collect data
such as measurement validity, are addressed.

85. Process data

The main steps in
quantitative research 95. Analyze data
Figure 4.1 outlines the main steps in quantitative re-
search. This is very much an ideal account of the pro-
5. Findings/conclusions
cess: research is rarely as linear or straightforward
as the figure implies. However, it represents a useful
starting point for coming to grips with the main 11
5. Write up findings/conclusions
facets of quantitative methods.
Some of the steps were covered in previous
FIGURE 4.1 The process of quantitative research
­chapters. The fact that the model starts off with a
theory signifies a broadly deductive approach to the
relationship between theory and research. That a In step 3 a research design is selected, a topic
­hypothesis is derived from the theory and then tested ­explored in Chapter 2. This choice has implications
is also indicative of the deductive method. This ap- for a variety of issues, such as the external ­validity of
proach was used by Schieman and Narisada (2014) the findings and the ability to impute c­ ausality. Step 4
in a study examining the extent to which working entails devising measures of concepts, a process often
Canadians perceive a sense of mastery or control referred to as operationalization, a term derived
over their lives. The authors first present a theor- from physics to refer to the operations p ­ erformed to
etical framework and then several hypotheses that measure something (Bridgman, 1927). Further as-
follow from it, which are tested using survey data. pects of this issue are explored later in this chapter.
However, a great deal of quantitative research does The next two steps involve choosing a research
not specify a hypothesis beforehand; instead there site or sites and the selection of participants or other
may simply be a loosely defined set of concerns in units of analysis to be included in the project. In the
relation to which the social researcher collects data. study of delinquency among male adolescents de-
This was the case for Gazso-Windlej and McMullin’s scribed in Box 1.2, Teevan and Dryburgh’s (2000)
(2003) study of how time, resources, and patriarchy first choice as a research site was a school where they
contribute to the unequal spousal sharing of domes- had connections. When they had to arrange for per-
tic labour in Canada. mission slips to be signed, however, they decided to
76 Part II Quantitative Research

restrict their study to boys old enough to give their the research? Do the findings support the theory? If
own permission. Finally, because of a less-than- not, should the theory be revised? Should it be aban-
eager response, all boys who were willing to partici- doned entirely?
pate became part of the project. In bigger studies, Then the research must be written up in step 11.
especially those in which the findings are expected Until it enters the public domain in some way, as a
to be applicable to some larger population, an elab- paper to be presented at a conference, a report to
orate sampling process (discussed in Chapter 7) may the agency that funded the research, or as a book
be used to select research participants, although this or journal article to be read by other researchers or
approach is rare in experimental research. students, it cannot have an impact beyond satisfy-
Step 7 is the administration of the research instru- ing the researcher’s personal curiosity. In writing up
ments. In experimental research, this usually means the findings and conclusions, researchers must do
pre-testing subjects, manipulating the ­independent more than simply relay their results to others: they
variable for the experimental group only, and must convince readers that the research conclusions
post-testing. In cross-sectional research using survey are important and the findings robust. A significant
research instruments, it involves interviewing the part of doing research is convincing others of the rel-
members of the sample with a structured interview evance and validity of one’s findings.
schedule (a list of questions or statements to which the Once the findings have been published they
person being interviewed responds) or distributing become part of the stock of knowledge in their
a self-completion questionnaire. In research using domain. Thus there is a feedback loop from step 11
structured observation, this step involves watch­ back to step 1. The presence of both an element of
ing the setting of interest and the people in it, and deduction (steps 1 and 2) and induction (the feed-
then recording the types of behaviours observed. back loop) is indicative of the positivist foundations
Step 8 simply refers to the fact that the informa- of quantitative research. The emphasis on the trans-
tion collected must be systematically recorded so lation of concepts into measures (step 4) is also a fea-
that it can be analyzed. With some information this ture of positivism, and it is to that important phase
can be done in a relatively straightforward way. For of the research that we now turn. As we will see, cer-
example, for information relating to matters such as tain considerations follow from the need for meas-
people’s ages, incomes, and the number of years they urement in quantitative research—in particular,
spent at school, the information does not have to be finding valid and reliable ways to measure concepts.
transformed: the scores can simply be recorded in
a computer file. For other variables, processing the
data entails coding the information—that is, trans-
Concepts and their
forming it into numbers to facilitate quantitative measurement
data analysis. This consideration leads into step 9:
analysis of the data. In this step, the researcher What is a concept?
chooses among various statistical techniques to test Concepts are ideas or mental representations of
for relationships between variables, tries to deter- things. They are the building blocks of theory and
mine whether the measures are reliable, and so on. represent the points around which social research is
Next, in step 10, the researcher must interpret the conducted. Just think of the numerous concepts that
results of the analysis; it is at this stage that the “find- have already been mentioned so far in this book:
ings” emerge. Here the researcher must consider the
reasons why the research was done in the first place, emotional labour, secularization, hyperactiv-
in particular how the results may be used to answer ity, academic achievement, teacher expecta-
the research question(s). If there is a hypothesis, is it tions, charismatic leadership, crime, research
supported? What are the implications of the findings ethics, gatekeepers, drug and alcohol use, and
for the theoretical ideas that were the background to self-image
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 77

Each represents a label given to elements of the consistency relates both to time and to the
social world that seem to be significant and to have people using the measure. A measure’s results
common features. As Bulmer succinctly puts it, con- should not be affected by either the time when
cepts “are categories for the organization of ideas it is administered or the person who admin-
and observations” (1984, p. 43). One item mentioned isters it. With regard to time, this rule means
in Chapter 2 but missing from the list above is IQ. It that the measure should generate consistent
has been omitted because it is not, strictly speaking, results unless the phenomenon or characteris-
a concept. It is a measure of the concept of intelli- tic being measured has changed. For example,
gence. This is a rare case for social science, a measure measures of worker morale administered at
so well known that the measure and the concept are different times should indicate the same level
almost synonymous. of morale unless the morale itself has changed.
A concept can be either an independent or a Similarly, those measures and the data they
­dependent variable. In other words, a concept can produce should be the same regardless of who
be presented as a possible cause of a certain aspect is using them. Whether a measure actually
of the social world (independent), or it can repre- possesses this consistency pertains to the issue
sent something needing an explanation (depend- of reliability, which will be examined later in
ent). Often the same concept will be an independent this chapter.
variable in one context and a dependent variable in • Measurement provides the basis for estimates
another. The concept “social mobility,” for example, of the nature and strength of the relation-
can be used in either capacity: as a possible explan- ship between variables (for example, through
ation of certain attitudes (are there differences be- correlation analysis, which will be examined
tween the downwardly mobile and others in their in Chapter 8).
political attitudes?) or as something to be explained
(why are some people upwardly mobile and others Indicators
not?). Equally, concepts may be used for descriptive Concepts used in quantitative research are given
or comparative purposes. For instance, a researcher two types of definition. One is a nominal definition,
might be interested in changes in the amount of which describes in words what the concept means,
social mobility in Canada over time, or in variations much as a dictionary definition does. For example,
among nations in their levels of social mobility. a nominal definition of “crime” might be: “any vio-
lation of the Criminal Code of Canada.” By contrast,
Why measure? a concept’s operational definition (from the idea of
There are three main reasons for the attention given operationalization, discussed above) spells out the
to measurement in quantitative research: operations the researcher will perform to measure
the concept. For example, one way to measure the
• Measurement allows for delineation of fine dif- incidence of crime is to use statistics provided by
ferences between people in terms of the char- police forces; another is to ask a sample of people
acteristic in question. This is very useful since, whether they have been victims of certain crimes.
although it is often easy to distinguish between To measure a concept it is necessary to have an
people in terms of extreme categories, finer dis- indicator or indicators that stand for or represent the
tinctions are much more difficult to recognize. concept. Sometimes the term indicator simply refers
Clear variations in levels of job s­atisfaction— to a measure in the ordinary sense: for example, the
people who love their jobs and people who hate total income reported on a tax return is an indicator
their jobs—are easy to see, but small differences of a person’s wealth. However, sometimes it refers
are much more difficult to detect. to an indirect measure of a concept that cannot be
• Measurement provides a consistent device or tapped easily or directly. For example, absenteeism
yardstick for gauging such distinctions. This may be used as an indirect measure of employee
78 Part II Quantitative Research

morale. Income declared for tax purposes may be • A single broad, general indicator may not cap-
a direct measure of personal income, but if used as ture all the meaning in the underlying con-
an indicator of social class, it becomes an indirect cept. If you were to ask people how satisfied
measure. they are with their work, for instance, you
There are a number of ways to devise indicators, might miss the complexity of the situation.
for example: People who answer “not satisfied” may like
some parts of their work, just as those who
• through questions that are part of a structured claim to be “satisfied” may dislike specific as-
interview schedule or self-completion ques- pects of their work.
tionnaire. The questions can be concerned • Alternatively, a more specific question may
with the respondents’ attitudes (e.g., toward a cover only one dimension of a particular con-
social issue like immigration), their personal cept. For example, to measure job satisfac-
experiences (e.g., stress), their behaviours (e.g., tion, is it sufficient to ask people how satisfied
leisure pursuits), and so on; they are with their pay? Almost certainly the
• by developing criteria for classifying observed answer is “no,” because for most people there
behaviour (e.g., pupil behaviour in a classroom); is more to job satisfaction than just satisfac-
• through the use of official statistics (e.g., those tion with pay. In this case, a single indicator
from Statistics Canada); and will miss things like satisfaction with benefits,
• by developing classification schemes to ana- with the work itself, and with other aspects of
lyze the content of written material (e.g., the work environment. By asking a number of
Sobel’s [2015] assessment of Canadian citizen- questions, the researcher can get access to a
ship guides issued between 1947 and 2012 as wider range of issues covered by the concept.
indicators of how the federal government de- • Multiple indicators of a concept allow for
fined what it means to be a Canadian and how sophisticated data analyses, such as factor
naturalized citizens were expected to behave). analysis and cluster analysis. Factor analysis
provides an indication of the extent to which
Indicators can be derived from a wide variety of (a) multiple measures really are measuring a
sources and methods. Very often a researcher has single concept as opposed to more than one
to consider whether one indicator of a concept suf- concept; and (b) individual items are measur-
fices. Instead of relying on a single indicator, the re- ing the concept in question. Bell et al. (2009),
searcher may use several to tap a concept. One way for example, used factor analysis to develop
to do that is to combine a number of Likert items measures of political attitudes. Cluster analy-
(see Box 4.1). sis allows researchers to determine whether
people or other units of study can be grouped
Using multiple-item measures in together on the basis of shared characteristics.
survey research Kennedy et al. (2013), for instance, identified
The main advantage in using a multiple-indicator four clusters of Edmonton residents based on
measure of a concept is that there are potential prob- the sustainable consumption behaviours in
lems in relying on just a single indicator: which they engaged (see Box 4.1).
• Multiple indicators can help to weed out
• A single indicator may misclassify some indi- ­response sets (see Chapter 5), which can
viduals if the wording of the question leads to occur if, for a variety of reasons, a person’s
a misunderstanding of its meaning. If there are response does not reflect his or her real pos-
several indicators, however, it is possible that ition on the matter examined. For example,
the other items will allow proper classification someone may “agree” with an item or set of
of the person. items just to appear cooperative or friendly.
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 79

BOX 4.1 Likert items

The investigation of attitudes is a prominent area There are several points to remember in com-
in survey research. One of the most common tech- bining Likert items. The following are particularly
niques for investigating attitudes is the Likert scale. important:
Named after Rensis Likert, who developed the • The items must be statements, not questions.
method, it is typically a multiple-indicator meas- • The items must all relate to the same object (in
ure of the intensity of feelings about a particular the example above, sustainable consumption).
topic. In its most common format, it comprises a • The items that make up the scale should be
series of statements (known as “items”) on an interrelated.
issue or theme. Usually, each respondent is asked • It is useful to vary the phrasing so that some
to indicate his or her level of agreement with the items imply a positive view of the phenom-
statement. The format for indicating level of agree- enon of interest and others a negative one.
ment is normally a five-point scale from “strongly For example, in the 2007 Alberta Survey
agree” to “strongly disagree,” but seven-point and ­conducted by the Population Research Lab-
other formats are used as well. There is usually a oratory at the University of Alberta, attitudes
middle position of “neither agree nor disagree” or toward body checking in minor hockey were
“undecided” indicating neutrality on the issue. A measured using five-point Likert items. One
respondent’s reply on each item is scored and then item read: “Body checking is the main cause
the scores are aggregated to form an overall score. of injuries for children in organized minor
Variations on the typical format of agreement hockey.” A second was: “Body checking is an
are scales referring to evaluation (for example, essential part of the game of organized minor
“very poor” to “very good”) and frequency. Ken- hockey.” The first implies a negative view of
nedy et al. (2013) used the latter in a study of body checking, the second a more positive
sustainable consumption that was conducted in one. Under these conditions, it would be logic-
Edmonton. Respondents were presented with sev- ally inconsistent to answer every question
eral items such as “Leave vehicle at home to avoid the same way, so if someone has done that it
driving,” “Buy local food,” and “Actively encourage indicates that response set may be a problem.
others to reduce their consumption,” 12 of which A respondent who either agreed or disagreed
were selected for analysis. Participants in the with all the items could not be answering
study chose either “Never,” “Rarely,” “Sometimes,” truthfully, and might have to be excluded from
“Often,” or “Always” as their response. the study.

Multiple indicators can be used to test for this. Dimensions of concepts

For instance, if on a particular item someone As was suggested earlier, the concept of interest may
agrees that unemployment is the most import- have multiple facets or dimensions, which are often
ant problem facing Canadians today, but later revealed in the theories and research associated with
also agrees that Canada has bigger problems it. In developing a measure for a concept, its differ-
than unemployment, that’s an indication of ent aspects or components should be considered.
response set. In such situations the researcher Bryman and Cramer (2001) demonstrated this ap-
may chose to exclude the person’s responses proach with reference to the concept of “profession-
from the data set. alism.” The idea is that people scoring high on one
80 Part II Quantitative Research

BOX 4.2 A multiple-indicator measure of another concept

In Hay’s (2014) study of secularization (see Box 1.3), frequency of religious attendance, was measured
religious pluralism was measured using a single, with the question, “Do you currently attend church
five-point Likert item that formed part of an exten- temple or mosque?” Respondents who answered
sive survey of Canadians’ value systems. However, “yes” were then asked: “How often?” The response
secularization (the dependent variable in Hay’s choices were: “once a week or more” (given a code
analysis) was measured with several different indi- of 5 after reverse-coding), “monthly” (4), “every
cators in order to tap into different dimensions of few months” (3), “once or twice a year” (2), and
the concept. One dimension, religiosity, was meas- “never” (1). A third dimension, concerned with the
ured by averaging the responses to three 10-point participants’ belief in the religion of their par-
items indicating the importance respondents ents, had the response categories “believe all of
placed on: (a) “believing in God;” (b) “obeying God, it” (4), “­believe most of it but not all” (3), “believe
doing what he wishes;” and (c) “relating to God in some parts but disbelieve others” (2), and “don’t
a personal way.” A second dimension, relating to believe any of it” (1).

dimension of the concept (e.g., respecting confi- simply tags to allow the material to be stored quanti-
dentiality) may not necessarily score high on other tatively. Then it is necessary to go through the infor-
dimensions (e.g., fiscal honesty or continuing edu- mation again to look for incidences of the theme or
cation), so that for each respondent one can have a category, and to record the appropriate numbers on
multidimensional “profile.” a computer spreadsheet. This approach is sometimes
However, in much quantitative research, there called post-coding. Post-coding can be an unreliable
is a tendency to rely on a single indicator for each procedure because there may be inconsistencies in
concept. This is quite adequate for some purposes, in the judgments of different coders, which leads to both
particular when one is measuring an uncomplicated measurement error and lack of validity. Box 4.3 pro-
variable such as age. Some studies, like Hay’s (2014) vides an example of this kind of coding.
research on secularization in Canada (see Box 4.2), When Schuman and Presser (1981; see Box 5.1)
employ both single- and multiple-indicator meas- asked an open question about the features of a job
ures of concepts. What is crucial is that the measures that people like, the answers were to be grouped into
be reliable and valid representations of the concepts 11 codes: pay; feeling of accomplishment; control of
they are supposed to be gauging. work; pleasant work; security; opportunity for pro-
motion; short hours; working conditions; benefits;
Coding unstructured data satisfaction; other responses. Each of these 11 cat-
Many forms of social science data are essentially un- egories was assigned a number: 1 for pay; 2 for feel-
structured and unorganized, including answers to ing of accomplishment; 3 for control of work; 4 for
open questions in interviews and questionnaires, and pleasant work, and so on.
the content of newspaper articles. To make sense of Murphy and Fedoroff (2013) used a combination
the information, researchers must go through it all, of fixed-response and open-ended questions to ex-
deriving themes or categories of behaviour to form the plore how 30 registered sex offenders viewed their
basis for codes (the labels or titles given to the themes experiences with either the Ontario or the National
or categories): for example, “hostile to outsiders,” or Sex Offender Registry. People on these registries have
“not hostile to outsiders.” Next, the researcher usually to report annually to their local police and receive
assigns numbers to the codes. This may be a largely a yearly visit from the police at their residence, but
arbitrary process in the sense that the numbers are unlike in the United States, the registries themselves
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 81

BOX 4.3 Coding an open question

Foddy (1993) asked a small sample of his students to do with the difficulty of coding an open question;
to state their fathers’ occupations; then he re- it is also due to a lack of specificity in the question.
quested three details: nature of business, size of If Foddy had asked, “How many employees are
business, and whether their father was the owner (were) there in your father’s place of employment?”
or an employee. The replies to the “size of business” a more meaningful set of answers would have been
question were particularly varied, including “big,” forthcoming. Whether his students would have
“small,” “very large,” “3000 acres,” “family,” “multi- known this information is, of course, yet another
national,” “200 people,” and “Philips.” The problem issue. However, his experience illustrates some
here is obvious: these categories do not provide a potential problems with asking an open question,
useful measure of size. The problem has only partly particularly one that lacks a clear reference point.

are not available for public viewing. The responses to Coding is also used in qualitative research, but its
the open-ended questions were analyzed to discern role and significance there are somewhat different
whether there was consensus or disagreement among (see Chapter 13).
participants and to identify recurrent themes. About
two-thirds of the offenders who commented on the
matter stated that being on a sex offender registry
Reliability and measurement
was not a great burden or even an intrusive experi- validity
ence, and about half said that having to register was
“fair,” given the crimes they had committed. How- Reliability
ever, some offenders objected to the manner in which Reliability is concerned with the consistency of meas-
the police conducted their annual visits. ures. The term has at least three different meanings.
When coding, you should observe three basic
principles (Bryman & Cramer, 2001): Stability over time
“Stability” refers to whether the results of a measure
• The categories must not overlap. If they do, the fluctuate as time progresses, assuming that what is
numbers assigned to them will not denote dis- being measured is not changing. This means that
tinct behaviours or types of responses. if one administers a measure to a group and then
• The list of categories must be exhaustive, cover- re-administers it perhaps an hour later, there should
ing all possibilities. If it does not, some material be little variation in the results. Most thermometers
cannot be coded. That is why many classifica- have this kind of reliability.
tion schemes, such as those used to code open The most obvious way of testing for the stability
questions, include the category “other.” of a measure is the test–retest method. This involves
• There should be clear rules about how codes administering a test or measure on one occasion and
are to be applied, with examples of the kinds then re-administering it to the same sample on an-
of answers that may be subsumed under a par- other occasion, that is:
ticular category. Such rules are meant to pro- T1 T2
mote a coder’s consistency over time in how
Obs1 Obs2
the material is assigned to categories and, if
more than one person is coding, that the vari- One would expect to find a high correlation be-
ous coders are consistent with each other. tween Obs1 and Obs2. For example, those who score
82 Part II Quantitative Research

high on the first observation should also score high Its value varies from 1 (denoting perfect internal reli-
on the second, and those who score low on the first ability) to 0 (denoting none). The value .80 is typically
should score low on the second. Imagine a m ­ ultiple- employed to mark the minimum acceptable level of
indicator measure that is supposed to tap a con- internal reliability, though many writers work with
cept called “designerism” (a preference for buying a lower value. Berthoud (2000, p. 169), for instance,
goods and especially clothing with “designer” labels). wrote that a minimum level of .60 is “good.” In the
The measure would be administered to a sample of case of George and Chaze’s (2014) battery of items
­respondents and then later re-administered. If the to measure discrimination against foreign trained
correlation between Obs1 and Obs2 is low, the measure engineers in Canada, alpha was .92 for both the
is unstable, implying that it cannot be relied upon. international and locally trained subsamples. In a
However, there are a number of problems with study of environmental values among Chinese- and
this approach to evaluating reliability. Respondents’ Anglo-Canadians by Deng et al. (2006), the alphas
answers at T1 may influence how they reply at T2: for ranged from .50 to .89 for various variables. The
instance, perhaps answering a question on designer study of domestic labour by Gazso-Windlej and
goods increases some respondents’ interest in them. ­McMullin (2003) could only achieve alphas aver-
Yet giving an answer at T1 is not supposed to affect later aging .50 for its Likert-style items measuring gender
measurements. Second, events may intervene between ideology, although the study was only exploratory.
T1 and T2 that influence the degree of consistency. For The use of Cronbach’s alpha has grown as a result of
example, if a long span of time is involved, changes in its incorporation into computer software for quanti-
the economy or in respondents’ personal financial cir- tative data analysis.
cumstances can influence their views about designer Another way of testing for internal reliability is
goods and their predilection for them. the split-half method. Take the Likert items used
There are no clear solutions to these problems, by Kennedy et al. (2013) in their study of sustain-
other than introducing a complex research design able consumption (see Box 4.1). The 12 indicators
and so turning the investigation of reliability into would be divided into two halves of 6, allocated on
a major project in its own right. Perhaps for these a random or an odd-numbered item/even-numbered
reasons, many, if not most, research projects do not item basis. The degree of correlation between the
include tests of stability over time. scores on the two halves for all respondents would
When such tests are done, they may indicate that then be calculated. If the 12 items are consistent, a
there is no problem, even when a substantial amount respondent’s score on the two groups of indicators
of time has elapsed. Berthoud (2000), for example, should be similar, perhaps high on both, or low on
was pleased that an index of illness achieved high both. A perfect positive correlation and therefore
test–retest reliability even though the tests were con- complete internal consistency would yield a correla-
ducted a year apart. tion coefficient of 1; no correlation and therefore no
internal consistency would produce a coefficient of
Internal reliability (or internal consistency) 0. The meaning of correlation and correlation coeffi-
The key issue here is whether multiple measures cients will be explored in much greater detail later
that are administered in one sitting are consistent— on. The chief point at this stage is that the correla-
in other words, whether respondents’ scores on any tion coefficient establishes how closely respondents’
one indicator tend to be related to their scores on scores on the two groups of indicators are related.
the other indicators. For example, on a scale cre-
ated to measure attitudes toward liberal democracy, Inter-observer consistency
people who agree with the statement that voting is When more than one researcher is taking part in
an important right should also agree that freedom of an activity involving subjective judgment, such as
speech is an important right. Cronbach’s alpha coeffi- the recording of observations or the translation of
cient is a commonly used test of internal reliability. data into categories, their judgments may differ. This
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 83

problem can arise in a number of contexts: for ex- (for example, people) are known to differ. Assuming
ample, if answers to open-ended questions have to that as job satisfaction goes down, absenteeism goes
be categorized, or in structured observation when up, a researcher seeking to establish the concurrent
observers have to decide how to classify subjects’ validity of a new measure of job satisfaction might
behaviour. Is the person under observation “afraid,” look to see if people who are satisfied with their jobs
“concerned,” or “just thinking” when reading about are less likely to be absent from work than those who
the spread of yet another deadly new virus? Prob- are not satisfied. If there is no difference in absentee-
lems arise if all observers do not classify a particu- ism between those who are satisfied and those who
lar behaviour in the same way. Cramer (1998, ch. 14) are not, doubt is cast on whether the new measure is
provides a very detailed treatment of inter-observer really gauging job satisfaction.
consistency and the techniques that can be used to
maximize it. Construct validity
Some writers advocate that researchers estimate the
Measurement validity construct validity of a measure, which involves seeing
As we noted in Chapter 2, measurement validity whether the concepts used in the research relate to
refers to whether an indicator (or set of indicators) each other in a way that is consistent with what their
devised to gauge a concept really does so. When theories would predict. For example, ­suppose that a
people argue about whether an IQ score really meas- researcher wants to establish the c­ onstruct validity
ures or reflects someone’s level of intelligence, they of the new measure of job satisfaction. Drawing on a
are raising questions about the measurement valid- theory maintaining that job satisfaction is influenced
ity of the IQ test in relation to the concept of intelli- by the stimulation that comes from performing sev-
gence. Whenever students and their teachers debate eral different activities, he or she may anticipate that
whether multiple-choice examinations provide an people who do routine jobs are less satisfied with
accurate measure of academic ability, they too are their jobs than those who have greater opportunities
raising questions about measurement validity. Estab- for variety, complexity, and creativity. If these vari-
lishing face validity, concurrent validity, construct ables correlate in the expected way, then the meas-
validity, and convergent validity shows that you have ure in question has construct validity. On the other
in fact measured what you wanted to measure. hand, some caution is required if the relationship is
weak or non-existent, for example, if those who do
Face validity routine jobs are just as satisfied as those with jobs
At the very minimum, a researcher who develops a new ­involving a lot of variety. If so, the measures used
measure should establish that it has face ­validity—that may be invalid, or the deduction that is made from
is, that it appears to reflect the content of the concept the theory may be misguided, or the theory itself
in question. Face validity can be established by asking may be in need of revision. Whatever the problem
those with expertise in a field to act as judges to deter- may be, it’s probably best to seek another measure
mine whether, on the face of it, the measure seems to and try again.
reflect the concept concerned. Alternatively, research-
ers can assess their own measures for face validity, as Convergent validity
Kennedy et al. (2013) did in their study of sustainable In the view of some methodologists, the validity of
consumption (see Box 4.1). Establishing this sort of a measure ought to be gauged by comparing it to
validity is essentially an intuitive process. measures of the same concept developed through
other methods. For example, if a questionnaire asks
Concurrent validity managers how much time they spend on various
The researcher can also seek to gauge the concurrent activities (attending meetings, touring their organ-
validity of the measure by employing a criterion rel- ization, informal discussions, and so on), its valid-
evant to the concept in question but on which cases ity may be determined by directly observing the
84 Part II Quantitative Research

managers to see how much time they actually spend surveys measure the crimes that people experi-
on those activities. ence, as well as some things that may not be crimes;
An interesting instance of convergent invalid- they also omit certain crimes (for example, when
ity is described in Box 4.4. Crime surveys were a stolen item is presumed to be “lost”) and rely
consciously devised to serve as a check on official on respondent memory, which can be faulty (see
police statistics. The two sets of data are collected Chapter 5). Police statistics, on the other hand,
in quite different ways: official crime statistics are measure the crimes that people are willing to call
collected as part of the bureaucratic processing of the police about, plus the crimes the police them-
offenders in the criminal justice system, whereas selves discover; therefore, not all crimes end up in
crime victimization surveys provide data from official police statistics. Figure 4.2 illustrates some
interviews with members of the general public. In of the problems associated with crime rates that
the case reported in Box 4.4, a lack of convergent are based on police statistics. At any step along
validity was found. This illustrates a problem with Figure 4.2, some potential crimes drop away. For
the convergent approach to testing validity: it’s example, if a criminal act goes unnoticed, or is no-
not easy to establish which of the two measures ticed but not recognized as criminal, or is noticed
provides the more accurate picture. In the case of and recognized as criminal but is not reported to
crime statistics, the two methods are really meas- the police, it does not enter the official statistics. As
uring somewhat different things. Victimization you can see, a substantial amount of crime—often

BOX 4.4 A case of convergent invalidity: Crime statistics

It is widely known that the victimization data show

more crime than the official police reports because
many Canadians do not report their experiences
with crime to the police, for a variety of reasons (in-
convenience, embarrassment, etc.). To take one ex-
ample, for robbery the victimization rate reported
Michael Dwyer / Alamy Stock Photo

in the surveys is almost three times the official rate.

But for auto theft, the police data show 50 per cent
more thefts, because the GSS does not gather data
on the theft of company cars or cars taken from car
dealerships (Silverman et al., 2000, p. 58). So there
will probably always be a discrepancy between
Police gathering evidence at a murder scene. The police statistics and victimization surveys on the
crime will definitely be entered into the official crime amount of crime that exists. Another illustration
statistics. Why will it become part of the ­ official of a lack of concurrence between two methods of
record while other crimes might not? data gathering pertains to murder rates. The police
report 15 per cent more homicides in Canada than
Official police reports and national crime victim- does the Mortality Database drawn from death
ization studies often provide very different indi- certificates (Gabor et al., 2002); some officials in
cations of the amount of crime in society. As part charge of the latter may be reluctant to classify
of the General Social Survey (GSS), Canadians certain deaths as homicides because doing so
are asked about their victimization experiences. might upset the relatives of the victims.
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 85

11. A criminal offence validity of many measures are never tested. When
a new multiple-indicator measure is devised, there
may be an examination of face validity and a test
22. Member of the public for internal reliability, but in many cases no further
is witness to or victim
of a crime
testing takes place.
It should also be remembered that, although reli-
ability and validity are analytically distinguishable,
they are related: if a measure is not reliable, it cannot
33. Recognition of offence be valid. For example, a multiple-indicator measure
as criminal by a member
of the public lacking internal reliability is probably measuring
two or more different things and therefore is not a
55. Police decisions valid indicator of the single concept it is supposed to
about patterns of
surveillance be measuring.
44. Reporting of offence
by a member of the

6 Police discretion
The main goals of quantitative
7 Recording of offence To understand the social order one must be able to
by police
go into the world and measure things like preju-
dice, the incidence of homelessness, attitudes
toward the federal government, or the distribu-
8 Notifiable crimes tion of wealth in society. It would be awfully hard
recorded by the to make sense of such phenomena or to evaluate
police—”the crime
rate” theories and interpretations of them without ac-
FIGURE 4.2 The social construction of crime quiring data on them: that is, without measuring
s­ tatistics: Eight steps them. It’s not surprising, then, that the reliabil-
Source: Adapted from a figure in Beardsworth et al. (n.d.) ity and validity of such measurement are matters
of concern.

Establishment of causality
referred to as “the dark figure”—is not included in (internal validity)
crime statistics (Silverman et al., 2000). The “true” Most quantitative research involves a search for
volume of crime at any one time is almost always a causal explanations. Quantitative researchers are
contested notion (Reiner, 2000). rarely satisfied with merely describing how things
are: they are keen to find out why things are the way
they are—an emphasis also found in the natural sci-
Reflections on reliability ences. Researchers examining prejudice, for instance,
and validity may want not only to describe it but also to explain
There are, then, a number of ways to investigate the it, which means finding its causes. They may seek to
merit of measures devised to represent social scien- explain prejudice in terms of personal characteristics
tific concepts. However, the discussion of reliability (such as a low level of education) or social character-
and validity is potentially misleading because not istics (such as low social mobility). In the resulting
all new measures of concepts are submitted to the reports, prejudice is the dependent variable, the one
rigours just described. In fact, the reliability and to be explained, and levels of education and social
86 Part II Quantitative Research

mobility are independent variables, the ones tested sense or prior theory, as in the example concern-
as possible causal influences on prejudice. ing level of education and prejudice in the previous
When an experimental design is employed, the paragraph. However, there is always the risk that the
independent variable is the one that is manipulated, inference is wrong, that the variable purported to be
and there is little ambiguity about the direction of the cause did not precede the dependent variable in
causal influence. However, with cross-sectional time (see Box 4.5).
designs of the kind used in most social survey re- Good quantitative research inspires confidence
search, there is often ambiguity about the direction in the researcher’s causal inferences. Research of the
of causal influence because the data on all variables more experimental type is often better able to estab-
are collected simultaneously: this means that in lish causality than cross-sectional research because
many instances we cannot say with full confidence with the former it is easier to demonstrate the direc-
that a particular independent variable preceded the tion of causal influence and to control for other in-
dependent one in time, one of the three criteria of dependent variables. However, as we saw in ­Chapter 2,
nomothetic causation mentioned in Chapter 2. To experiments may not be appropriate for many of the
refer to independent and dependent variables in the topics of interest to social scientists. Instead, quanti-
context of cross-sectional designs, we must infer the tative researchers who employ cross-sectional designs
temporal sequence of variables based on common often use techniques that allow them to make at least

BOX 4.5 The case of displayed emotions in convenience stores

Following a review of the literature, Sutton and between staff and customers; semi-structured
Rafaeli (1988) hypothesized a positive relation- interviews with store managers; casual conversa-
ship between the display of positive emotions by tions with store managers, supervisors, executives,
staff to retail shoppers (smiling, friendly greet- and others; and data gathered through posing
ing, eye contact) and the level of retail sales. In as a customer. The qualitative investigation sug-
other words, when retail staff are friendly and give gested that the relationship between the display
time to shoppers, higher sales follow. Sutton and of positive emotions and sales was indeed nega-
Rafaeli had data from 576 convenience stores in tive, but that sales were likely to be a cause rather
a US national retail chain. Structured observation than a consequence of the display of emotions. In
of the retail workers provided data on the display stores with high levels of sales, staff were under
of positive emotions, and quantitative sales data greater pressure and encountered longer lineups
provided information for the other variable. at checkouts. Therefore they had less time and in-
The hypothesis was not supported; indeed, clination for the pleasantries associated with the
stores in which retail workers were less inclined display of positive emotions.
to smile, be friendly, and so on, had better sales. Thus the causal sequence was not
Sutton and Rafaeli (1992, p. 124) considered restat-
More positive emotions → More retail sales
ing their hypothesis to make it seem that they had
found what they had expected (which would have but
raised ethical concerns) but fortunately resisted
More retail sales → Fewer positive emotions
the temptation. Instead, they conducted a qualita-
tive investigation of four stores in order to under- This study highlights the main difficulty a
­ ssocia­-
stand what was happening. They used several ted with inferring causal direction from a c­ ross-
methods: unstructured observation of interactions sectional research design.
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 87

tentative causal inferences, such as statistical controls applied to the population from which the sample was
(see Chapter 8). The rise of longitudinal ­research drawn. The goal of arriving at generalizable findings
almost certainly reflects a desire on the part of quan- in this way can be seen as a parallel to the goal of
titative researchers to improve their ability to gener- developing scientific “laws” in the natural sciences.
ate findings that permit a causal interpretation. Probability sampling, explored in Chapter 7, is
normally the first choice among researchers seek-
Generalization of findings ing a representative sample. This procedure largely
In quantitative research, researchers usually want eliminates bias by using a random selection process.
to generalize their findings beyond the people who Random selection does not guarantee a represent-
participate in the study and the particular context ative sample, but it does improve the chances of
in which the research is conducted. These concerns getting one. Here it is important to emphasize that
pertain to external validity, an issue introduced in even a perfectly representative sample would be rep-
Chapter 2. resentative only of the population from which it was
A particularly important matter in this regard is selected: strictly speaking, therefore, results obtained
whether a study’s findings are applicable in settings from that sample cannot be generalized beyond that
outside the research environment—in particular, population. This means that, if the population from
everyday or natural social settings. Sometimes the which a sample is taken is all inhabitants of a particu-
research setting is so artificial or so different from lar town, city, or province, generalizations should be
real life that we may question whether the results ac- made only to the inhabitants of that town, city, or
tually tell us anything about the sorts of things that province. It may be very tempting to see the find-
people normally experience. The more the social ings as having a wider applicability, so that results
scientist intervenes in natural settings or creates un- from a sample representing a city such as Vancouver
natural ones, such as a laboratory (or even just a spe- or T­ oronto could be considered relevant to similar
cial room for interviews), the greater the chance that cities. Even so, no inferences should be made beyond
the findings will be externally invalid. Measurement the population from which the sample is selected.
validity and plausible evidence of causation cannot The concern with the generalizability of research
guarantee this form of external validity. findings is particularly strong among quantitative
A second concern with external validity is researchers using cross-sectional and longitudinal
whether the results of a study can be generalized designs. Experimental researchers are concerned
beyond the people or cases analyzed by the re- about generalizability too, as the discussion of exter-
searcher. The researchers conducting the study in nal validity in Chapter 2 suggested, but people doing
Box 1.2 asked 57 adolescent male volunteers about experiments usually give greater attention to estab-
their delinquency and examined whether any of lishing causation than to external validity.
the currently popular sociological theories of delin-
quency could explain their behaviour. How far can Replication
the findings of this study be generalized? To other The natural sciences are often depicted as seeking to
male adolescents who attended the same school? To reduce to a bare minimum the contaminating influ-
all Canadian male adolescents? If the findings are ence of the scientist’s biases, values, characteristics,
fully externally valid, they can be applied to any and expectations. Were those influences allowed to
population of interest. If they possess no external affect research, the claims of the natural sciences to
validity, the findings apply only to the 57 boys stud- provide a definitive picture of the world would be
ied and to no one else. Usually, external validity falls seriously undermined. Scientists also try to mini-
somewhere between these extremes, and it is in this mize if not eliminate routine errors in the conduct
context that how people are selected to participate in of their research. To guard against such problems,
research becomes crucial. If a representative sample scientists believe that they should be able to replicate
of people is selected (see Chapter 7), the researcher one another’s research. If a certain finding cannot be
can be confident that the results of the study may be reproduced after repeated tries, serious questions are
88 Part II Quantitative Research

raised about its validity. Likewise, researchers in the affect his or her findings would appear to be all the
social sciences often regard the ability to replicate as greater in the case of the social world. Consequently,
an important criterion for judging research. It’s easy researchers usually take care to spell out all research
to see why: the risk that the researcher’s values will procedures so that others can replicate them.

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

How the “field” may influence men’s bodies, their self-acceptance,
and their views on cosmetic surgery
Ricciardelli and Clow (2009) examined two rarely people think they were lazy, and that men with
studied topics: men’s attitudes toward their higher levels of self-deprecation were more likely
physical appearance and their views on whether to believe that their appearance decreased their
it is appropriate for men to have cosmetic sur- ­self-confidence. The results also showed that the
gery. The purpose of the study was to determine men with high scores on the self-deprecation meas-
whether men’s self-confidence, self-deprecation ure were more likely to dislike and be embarrassed
(feelings of low self-esteem), and levels of comfort by their bodies, while lower self-confidence was as-
regarding their bodies affected their assessment sociated with a higher willingness to have cosmetic
of their physical appearance and their acceptance surgery. In the open-ended responses, those who
of cosmetic surgery. The people participating in were in favour of cosmetic surgery often used the
the research were 103 Canadian men who lived in third person to describe their feelings: for example,
the greater Toronto area. Although the sample was “if surgery could boost their esteem they should do it”
small in size and not selected at random (which (Ricciardelli & Clow, 2009, p. 123). The authors specu-
meant that the results could not be generalized to lated that such men were distancing themselves from
any larger population; see Chapter 7), the findings the notion of cosmetic surgery because the culture
were informative nonetheless. around them deemed such body modifications to be
One of the strengths of the study was that it appropriate for women but not for men. By using the
combined quantitative and qualitative methods. third person, the authors suggest, the men were seek-
For the former, the authors used 18 Likert items ing to protect their male gender identity.
(see Box 4.1 for examples of these sorts of meas- Following Bourdieu (1987), the authors saw their
ures) administered online. The items were used results as illustrating the impact of the “field”—the
to gauge the men’s perceptions of their physical totality of the individual’s social networks as well
appearance, their satisfaction with their bodies, as the society at large—on self-evaluation, in this
how others judged their bodies, and their views case on judgments about the acceptability of one’s
on cosmetic surgery. The items were analyzed body and physical appearance. They also suggest
using multiple regression (a topic discussed in that their study shows social and self-acceptability
­Chapter 8). The qualitative element of the study to be closely associated with the body, and the
was a single, open-ended question that asked the field as influencing the value and meaning given
men to “please describe your feelings towards cos- to certain physical attributes. They also conclude
metic surgery.” The answers were analyzed with that it is a mistake to think that only women are
the intention of identifying common themes. highly conscious of their bodies and feel judged
The quantitative findings indicated that the men on the basis of their physical characteristics; men
expressing high self-confidence were less likely to too face negative consequences if they have the
believe that their physical appearance made other “wrong” kind of physical features.
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 89

Unfortunately, replication tends to be considered from exponents of qualitative research. The criticisms
pedestrian and uninspiring. It is not a high-status ac- pertain to quantitative research as a general research
tivity in either the natural or social sciences, and stan- strategy, and to specific methods and research de-
dard replications are rarely accepted for publication signs with which quantitative research is associated.
in many academic journals. A further reason for the
low incidence of published replications in the social Criticisms of quantitative research
sciences is the difficulty of ensuring that the condi- To give a flavour of the critique of quantitative re-
tions are precisely the same as those in the original search, six criticisms are covered briefly here:
study. If there is room for doubt on that score, any dif-
ferences in findings may be attributed to the design of • Quantitative researchers fail to distinguish
the replication rather than to a deficiency in the ori- people and social institutions from “the world
ginal study. Nonetheless, it is crucial that the methods of nature.” Some critics object to the idea of
used to generate findings are made explicit, so that treating the social world as if it were no dif-
replication is possible. Providing all the information ferent from the natural order. They argue that
needed to conduct a replication is often regarded as an because people interpret the world around
important quality of quantitative research. them, their actions and experiences cannot
An example of the benefits of replication can be be studied using the methods employed in the
found in Goyder et al.’s (2003) study of occupational natural sciences. They claim that science is
prestige conducted in the Kitchener–Waterloo area applicable only to entities and processes lack-
of Ontario. The authors replicated research done ing this sort of self-reflection, such as chemical
25 years earlier (Guppy & Siltanen, 1977), taking elements, photosynthesis, and the circulation
great pains to ensure that the methodologies of the of blood. But many quantitative researchers
two studies were as similar as possible. The replica- maintain that humans (and other animals)
tion not only provided a check for biases and routine really are part of the world of nature, and that
errors; given that a quarter-century had passed since it is simply wrong to think that our existence
the original study, it also provided a measure of how cannot be usefully analyzed using science. For
much attitudes had changed with regard to occupa- instance, they would claim that consciousness
tional prestige and gender. As reported in Chapter 2, itself is amenable to the scientific method, as
the authors concluded that the earlier male advan- are emotions, decision-making processes, and
tage in occupational prestige had disappeared by so on. The debate continues.
the time the replication was done; in fact, women in • The measurement process produces an artifi-
people-oriented jobs enjoyed higher prestige than cial and false sense of precision and accuracy.
men did in the more recent study. If the authors For example, quantitative research presumes
had not taken care to ensure accurate replication of that different individuals responding to the
the original study, it would be impossible to know same question on a survey are interpreting
whether the differences in the findings represented its key terms in the same way. Yet a question
actual social change or were simply a by-product of such as “What is your social class?” can be in-
using different methodologies. terpreted in at least two ways: as a reference to
current wealth, or as a reference to ancestry
going back generations. Many methodologists
Critiques of quantitative find significant variations in respondents’ in-
research terpretations of such terms. Researchers often
Every approach to research has its strengths and attempt to solve this problem by using ques-
weaknesses. Over the years quantitative research, tions with fixed-choice answers—“Are you
along with its epistemological and ontological foun- upper class, middle class, working class?” and
dations, has been the focus of criticism, particularly so on—but this approach provides “a solution
90 Part II Quantitative Research

to the problem of meaning by simply ignoring in their everyday lives. But is this the case?
it” (Cicourel, 1964, p. 108). Quantitative social How can ­researchers who pose a set of ques-
researchers counter that there are ways to test tions ­ designed to measure attitudes toward
for shared meanings, although they would federal–provincial relations, for example, be
concede that this issue deserves more attention sure that respondents have sufficient interest
than it usually gets. in the topic to produce meaningful responses?
• The reliance on instruments and procedures ­Similarly, there may be an important d ­ ifference
produces a disjuncture between research and ­between what people say to researchers and
everyday life. This issue relates to the question what they actually do in real life (see Box 4.6).
of external validity. For example, many meth- ­Another criticism, introduced in Chapter 2, is
ods of quantitative research rely heavily on directed at experimental research that relies
research instruments such as structured inter- on ­controlling situations to determine causal
views and self-completion questionnaires. ­connections. According to Brannigan (2004),
As Cicourel (1982) pointed out, researchers such research can produce only small, short-
tend to assume that survey respondents have term manipulations of independent variables;
both the knowledge they need to answer the yet much of everyday life is affected by long-
questions and a sense that the topic matters term, ongoing social processes.

BOX 4.6 Gap between stated and actual behaviour

A study of racial prejudice conducted many years though it is unlikely that this point had a signifi-
ago by LaPiere (1934) illustrates that there may be cant bearing on the findings and their implications
a difference between what people say and what for survey research. On the other hand, the results
they actually do. LaPiere spent two years travel- might have been just another example of the wide-
ling with a young Chinese student and his wife, ob- spread difference between holding a prejudiced
serving from a distance to see if they were refused attitude and engaging in a discriminatory act. An
entry at hotels and restaurants. Of 66 hotels ap- experimental study of prejudice among college
proached, only one turned the couple away; of 184 students (Frazer & Wiersma, 2001) showed that
restaurants and diners, none refused entry. in hypothetical situations the students hire black
LaPiere then allowed six months to elapse and white applicants of varying abilities equally,
before sending questionnaires to the hotels and but a week later recall the black applicants as less
restaurants visited. One question asked: “Will you intelligent than the whites even though the two
accept members of the Chinese race as guests in groups were equal. In the real world, peer pres-
your establishment?” Of the establishments that sure can make an unprejudiced person discrimin-
replied, 92 per cent of restaurants and 91 per cent ate, to “go along,” while a prejudiced person may
of hotels said no. LaPiere’s simple though striking not discriminate for fear of a lawsuit.
study clearly illustrated a gap between reports The gap is usually worst when predictions
of behaviour and actual behaviour. The fact that of future behaviour are involved. In 2004 the
the question asked was somewhat unclear is not ­Canadian Blood Services reported that 28 per cent
usually noted in connection with this widely cited of Canadians said they intended to give blood in
study. “Will you . . .?” can be interpreted in two the next year, but only 3.7 per cent actually did.
ways: as a question about the future or as a ques- And in any election many people say that they
tion about current policy. Why the more obvious intend to vote—and even reveal their preferences
formulation “Do you . . .?” was not used is not clear, to ­pollsters—but then do not follow through.
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 91

• The analysis of relationships between variables perceptions of the people to whom the findings
promotes a view of social life that is remote purportedly pertain. A related issue arises
from everyday experience. Blumer argues that when valid quantitative findings are achieved,
studies designed to bring out the relationships but the explanation for them is not informed
between variables omit “the process of inter- by an empathetic understanding of the people
pretation or definition that goes on in human involved. For example, it’s empirically true
groups” (1956, p. 685). This symbolic interac- that in many developed countries today much
tionist assessment incorporates the first and larger proportions of children are born to
third criticisms above, that the meaning of unwed parents than was the case in previous
events to individuals is ignored and that the decades. Many researchers conclude from
connection to everyday contexts is missing. this that marriage is losing its popularity in
Quantitative researchers recognize those risks, certain sectors of society, such as among the
but claim that their research does not pre- poor in inner-city areas. However, in-depth
clude a search for how people interpret their field research conducted by Edin and Kefalas
everyday existence. For example, quantitative (2005) suggests that among the poor single
sociologists sometimes ask respondents what mothers they studied in Philadelphia, mar-
they think about social inequality, and try to riage is in fact highly valued, but is expected
link the responses with variables such as age, to happen later in life, after the children have
gender, class, and ethnicity. Nonetheless, more been born. “What is striking about the body
thorough and research participant–centred in- of social science evidence,” they write, “is
quiries into questions of meaning are usually how little of it is based on the perspectives
undertaken by qualitative sociologists. and life experiences of the women who are its
• Explanations for findings in quantitative stud- subjects. . . . [S]urveys, though they have me-
ies may be provided without examining the ticulously tabulated the trend, have led us to a

Research in the News

Among married people, which generation is more
likely to engage in extramarital sex?
Quantitative methods can be used to investigate vir- a close analysis of the data suggests otherwise.
tually any topic, including extramarital sex. Accord- While overall levels of extramarital sex have not
ing to an article in the National Post (McArdle, 2017), changed, who engages in it has. Wolfinger has re-
in the United States attitudes toward extramarital vealed that people under the age of 55 are having
sex and the number of married people having extra- less of this kind of sex than they did in the 1990s,
marital sex seem to have remained constant over while those older than that are actually having
the past 30 years. Based on an examination of the more. Wolfinger speculates that this may be due
results of the American General Social Survey over in part to cohort effects. Baby boomers (who
the past three decades, sociologist Nicholas Wolf- make up the majority of the 55 and over group)
inger notes that about 15 per cent of respondents grew up in a time of great sexual freedom and
over those years answered “yes” to the question, seem to have retained those ideas and practices
“Have you ever had sex with someone other than in their later years. Those born after them are
your husband or wife while you were married?” more likely to marry later in life, and are appar-
One might be tempted to conclude that not ently more faithful.
much has changed on this topic in 30 years, but
92 Part II Quantitative Research

dead end when it comes to fully understand- or given—at least at a particular point in
ing the forces behind it” (Edin & ­Kefalas, history—rather than created by individuals
2005, p. 5). through negotiation, although the latter view
• Quantitative researchers tend to assume an is not universal among quantitative research-
objectivist ontology. As we saw in Chapter 1, ers. People on the quantitative side reply that
quantitative researchers often assume that it is not a mistake to assume that some things
a reality exists that may be independent of may exist and have certain characteristics re-
the observer or of individual consciousness. gardless of how we perceive them. Again, the
They may also see the social order as fixed debate is ongoing.

Key Points
• Quantitative research can be characterized • Quantitative research has the following key goals:
as a linear series of steps moving from theory measurement, the establishment of causality, gen-
to conclusions, but the process described in eralization, and replication.
Figure 4.1 is an ideal from which there are • Quantitative research has been criticized by quali-
many departures. tative researchers. These criticisms tend to revolve
• Examining the reliability and validity of measures around rejecting the view that a natural science
is important for assessing their quality. model is appropriate for studying the social world.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

The main steps in quantitative research The main goals of quantitative
RR What are the main steps in quantitative research? researchers
AA Assume you are conducting a study to determine RR Outline the main goals of quantitative research-
which variables influence poverty. Name one ­variable ers. What is to be gained by achieving them?
that might have an impact on the chances that a AA Assume you have to design a study that will
person will live in poverty, and use it to derive a spe­ examine why some people vote in national elec-
cific ­hypothesis that can be tested with survey data. tions while others do not. Name two independent
variables that would be appropriate to use in this
Concepts and their measurement study. What steps can be taken to ensure that your
RR Why may multiple indicators of a concept be pref- findings will be applicable to some larger popula-
erable to using a single indicator? tion, i.e., to people who will not be participating in
AA Describe three different ways to measure the con- your study?
cept “homophobia.”
The critique of quantitative research
Reliability and validity RR Explain how the techniques used by quantitative
RR Name and define four different kinds of measure- researchers may produce findings that are not
ment validity, providing an illustration of each one. applicable to everyday life.
AA How might a researcher measure the concept “satis- AA You are using surveys to conduct research on al-
faction with university student housing”? How could cohol consumption among stay-at-home moms.
the test–retest method be used to establish reliabil- Might there be a gap between stated and actual
ity? What drawbacks might there be to the use of behaviour on this topic? Why? What could you do
this method in the example you have provided? to reduce or eliminate the gap?
4 | The Nature of Quantitative Research 93

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Divide the class into groups of seven or more. .pl?Function=assembleInstr&lang=en&Item_
Each group is to do the following: Id=111455, accessed 22 October 2018. The
scale is made up of the 12 items (variables HLP_
a. Come up with a causal statement that involves Q15 through HLP_Q26) given below:
two variables, for example, “Being a victim of
racism affects one’s self-esteem.” i. I did not feel like eating; my appetite was
b. Provide a nominal and an operational defin- poor.
ition for each variable (in this example, “racist ii. I felt that I could not shake off the blues
victimization” and “self-esteem”). even with help from my family or friends.
c. Explain how each operational definition has iii. I had trouble keeping my mind on what I
face validity. was doing.
d. Explain, giving concrete examples, how con- iv. I felt depressed.
current, construct, and convergent validity v. I felt that everything I did was an effort.
could be established for both of the operation- vi. I felt hopeful about the future.
alizations proposed in point b. vii. My sleep was restless.
e. Explain, giving concrete examples, how the oper- viii. I was happy.
ationalizations could be tested for reliability. ix. I felt lonely.
f. Describe a methodologically sound way in x. I enjoyed life.
which participants could be selected for the xi. I had crying spells.
study. xii. I felt that people disliked me.
g. Describe the extent to which the study would
have external validity, and in particular the For each item, respondents are asked how
extent to which the findings could be general- often they “felt or behaved this way during the
ized to people who were not studied. past week.” The fixed responses are: (1) Rarely or
none of the time (less than 1 day); (2) Some or a
little of the time (1–2 days); (3) Occasionally or a
Once these steps are done, each group presents
moderate amount of time (3–4 days); and (4) Most
its work to the rest of the class. A different person
or all of the time (5–7 days). The response scores
in the group is to speak to each of the seven points
are summed (with items vi, viii, and x reverse
mentioned above. After speaking to each point,
coded) to produce an overall depression score.
group members should pause to allow the rest of
The measurement validity of each individ-
the class to comment on what was just presented,
ual item is to be assessed by the class. The class
with both strengths and weaknesses to be discussed.
is asked to come up with at least one strength
2. The instructor engages the class as a whole in a and one weakness for each item.
discussion of measurement validity by: c. Asking the class whether this list of items
covers all aspects (dimensions) of depression
a. Asking for a nominal definition of the psycho- contained in the class’s nominal definition. If
logical concept of “depression.” Student feed- it does not, the class is to construct additional
back is sought until a working definition of items that would rectify the problem.
depression is achieved. d. Mentioning that in one study, the Cronbach’s
b. Assessing the measurement validity of a dep­- alpha coefficient for these 12 items was .82,
ression scale used by Statistics Canada (avail- and asking the class to interpret that result.
able at
94 Part II Quantitative Research

Relevant Websites
The Statistics Canada site provides access to a wide helps economically developing nations enhance
variety of quantitative information about Canada. their research output on child development.
It also offers up-to-date figures on things such as
the inflation rate, the level of unemployment, and
The Web Center for Social Research Methods pro-
­Canada’s population.
vides examples and discussion of Likert scaling.
The Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy scallik.php
(CRISP), at the University of New Brunswick, conducts (Websites accessed 20 October 2018)

policy research on Canadian children and youth, fos-

ters training in quantitative research methods, and

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Survey Research: I­ nterviews
and Questionnaires

Chapter Overview
Survey research is one of the most commonly used data-gathering techniques in the social sciences.
Surveys can take the form of either interviews, in which participants are asked questions orally, or
­questionnaires, which respondents read and fill out themselves. One of the strengths of survey research
is that it allows for standardization in the asking of questions and the categorization of the answers given.
This chapter explores:
• the reasons for the widespread use of surveys, including a consideration of the importance of stan-
dardization to the process of measurement;
• issues associated with asking questions in surveys:
»» whether to use open or closed questions
»» different kinds of questions that can be asked in structured interviews and questionnaires
»» rules to bear in mind when designing questions
»» optimal question order
»» how questionnaires can be designed to minimize error and make answering easier for respondents
»» projection or vignette questions in which respondents are asked to reflect on a hypothetical
scenario presented to them
»» the importance of pre-testing questions
»» the use of questions taken from previous research
• the different ways to do survey research, such as using more than one interviewer, conducting
interviews by telephone, or using the Internet or email to administer questionnaires;
• various prerequisites of structured interviewing, including establishing rapport with the inter-
viewee; asking questions exactly as they appear on the interview schedule; keeping to the question
order as it appears on the schedule; and recording exactly what is said by interviewees;
• problems with survey research, including the influence of the interviewer on respondents and the
possibility of systematic bias in answers (known as response sets);

▲ AndreyPopov/iStockphoto
96 PART II Quantitative Research

• the advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire compared to the structured interview;
• researcher-driven diaries as a form of survey research;
• secondary analysis of survey data; and
• a feminist critique of structured interviews and questionnaires.

I never do surveys,” said Anna-Lise as she hung up “Well, sometimes they give you a statement to respond
the phone. to rather than a question. And I guess they do the ‘On a
“Why?” I asked. scale from 1 to 5’ thing because they want to compare re-
“For one thing, they always call at dinnertime, when sponses between individuals in a way that is meaningful, or
I’m tired and hungry.” they may want to put a number on what people in general
“Maybe that’s because most people are home at think of the issue, by calculating a mean or something.”
dinnertime,” I said. “They turn phone conversations into numbers? Very
“That doesn’t make it any more comfortable. And weird.”
they always ask questions in the weirdest ways, like: ‘On “Ever step on a scale to weigh yourself? Hey, there’s
a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being strongly dislike and 5 another kind of scale! Or how about the numbers that
being strongly like, how do you feel about blah, blah, appear on the gas pump when you’re filling up, or num-
blah.’ Why can’t they just ask you your opinion on some- bers showing the time in the bottom right-hand corner of
thing and let you say what you want? That would be way your computer? Same idea—turning things into numbers.”
more interesting.” “I still say the whole thing is very weird.”

Introduction they are presented with a set of fixed alternatives

from which they have to choose an appropriate
A common method of acquiring data in quantitative answer (see Boxes 4.1 and 4.2 in the previous chapter
research involves the use of interviews and question- for examples of closed questions, including Likert
naires, which have become familiar aspects of everyday scale items). What, then, are some of the advantages
life. There are job interviews, media interviews, and and limitations of the two formats?
police interviews, and one is often asked to complete
a questionnaire before getting medical treatment or Open questions
after using a service of some kind. Research interviews Open questions present both advantages and disadvan-
and questionnaires share some common features with tages to a survey researcher. By and large, however, prob-
the everyday variety, although greater care is usually lems associated with the processing of answers tend to
taken to elicit information that is valid and reliable. limit their use, especially in quantitative research.
The information gathered often pertains to matters
such as behaviour, attitudes, norms, beliefs, and values. Advantages
Open questions, by allowing respondents to answer
in their own terms, have certain advantages over
Open or closed questions? closed ones:
One of the most significant considerations in survey
research is whether to ask a question in an “open” or • They allow for replies that the survey researcher
“closed” format. With an open question, respondents might not have contemplated and therefore
can reply however they wish. With a closed question, might not have offered as fixed-choice options.
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 97

This makes them useful for exploring new or Closed questions

changing areas.
• They make it possible to tap the participants’ The advantages and disadvantages of closed ques-
unprompted knowledge and understanding of tions are in many respects implied in the consider-
issues. ations relating to open questions.
• The salience of particular issues for respondents
can also be examined. Advantages
• They can generate fixed-choice format answers Closed questions offer the following advantages:
(a point we will return to later in this chapter).
• They minimize intra-interviewer variability
Disadvantages and inter-interviewer variability.
Open questions also present problems for a survey • Some respondents may not understand what
researcher: a question is getting at; the available answers
may provide some clarification.
• It’s more time-consuming to record the an- • Because interviewers and respondents are
swers in an open interview. not expected to write or speak extensively
• The answers have to be coded (see Chapter 4), and instead are to select an answer from a
which can also take a lot of time and effort. range of possible responses, closed questions
• Many prospective questionnaire r­espondents can be answered quickly and easily, reducing
may be put off by the need to compose an answer, ­response rate issues. They are also are easier
because of the bother and inconvenience. to process.
• Because of the difficulty of writing down
exactly what respondents say in an interview, All of the above points illustrate how closed ques-
there may be more inaccuracies in the record- tions promote standardization in both the asking of
ing of answers. One obvious solution is to use questions and the recording of answers. Standard-
a recording device such as a digital audio re- ization means that variations in replies are due to
corder, but this can make some respondents “true” or “real” variations in the characteristic being
nervous, and transcribing recorded answers measured rather than extraneous factors. Still, there
takes a long time. (Issues with transcription is always a chance that some responses to closed
will be discussed in Chapter 11.) questions will be inaccurately measured, and there
• They run the risk of intra-interviewer variabil- are a number of reasons for this. Some prominent
ity, whereby an interviewer is not consistent in sources of error in survey research are:
asking questions or recording answers, either
with different respondents or with the same 1. poorly worded questions;
respondent. 2. interviewer error in asking a question;
• They also face inter-interviewer variability, 3. misunderstanding on the part of the inter­­viewee;
which may occur when there is more than one 4. interviewee lapses in memory;
interviewer (the usual case). If interviewers are 5. interviewer error in recording information;
not consistent with each other in the ways they 6. mistakes in entering the data into a computer
ask questions and/or record answers, measure- file; and
ment error can occur. 7. biases related to the characteristics (such as
gender or “race”) of the interviewers and/or
Needless to say, these sources of error are not mu- the interviewees.
tually exclusive; they can coexist, compounding the
problem even further. Closed questions reduce the To take a simple illustration, a closed question
incidence of these problems. on alcohol consumption among students will show
98 PART II Quantitative Research

that students vary in the amount of alcohol they con- the word “soon” in a question can vary widely
sume. Most measurement will contain an element of from person to person.
error, so it is helpful to think of the measured varia- • In interviews, a large number of closed ques-
tion in alcohol consumption as made up of two com- tions reduces conversation and gives the
ponents: true variation and error. In other words: interview an impersonal feeling, reducing
measured variation = true variation + v­ ariation
due to error
The aim is to keep the error portion to a min-
Types of questions
imum (see Figure 5.1), since error reduces the valid- Structured interviews and questionnaires generally
ity of a measure. Standardization in interviews and contain several different types of question. There are
questionnaires means that two sources of variation various ways of classifying them, but here are the
due to error—items 2 and 5 in the preceding list—are main forms:
likely to be less pronounced.
Variation due to error can come from several • Personal, factual questions. These are ques-
other sources. tions that ask respondents to provide personal
information, such as their age, occupation,
Disadvantages marital status, and income. This also includes
Closed questions also present certain disadvantages, questions about their behaviour, such as the
however: frequency of their attendance at religious ser-
vices or how often they go out to a movie.
• Respondents’ answers may lack spontaneity • Factual questions about others. It’s usually
and authenticity. It is also possible that the an- better to interview the person directly than to
swers provided do not cover all the potential rely on the second-hand accounts of others,
replies. One solution is to use an open question because respondents’ knowledge of others’
to generate the categories (see Box 5.1). ­Another behaviour may be distorted or inaccurate
is to include “other” as a response option and (Beardsworth & Keil, 1997). However, if the re-
category and then invite respondents who searcher is interested in the respondent’s own
choose it to elaborate on their choice. Closed perceptions of how someone else acts or feels,
questions may irritate respondents who are questions on that topic are appropriate.
unable to find an answer category that they feel • Factual questions about an entity or event.
applies to them. In theory, all possible answers Sometimes respondents will act as informants
should be provided. about some phenomenon or event with which
• Respondents may differ in their interpretation they are familiar, particularly when informa-
of answers; for example, the understanding of tion is not readily available from other sources.
Asking people about what they witnessed at
a riot—how many people were there, the ap-
True variation proximate ages of people engaged in looting—
is an example. This sort of question can lead to
Variation due to error
problems because in everyday life most people
are not careful, systematic observers, and they
may have biases that affect their perceptions
True variation Variation due and recollections.
to error • Questions about attitudes. A five-point Likert
FIGURE 5.1 A variable with little error and one with scale is one of the most common formats for
considerable error measuring attitudes. Often the responses to a
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 99

BOX 5.1 A comparison of results for closed and open questions

Schuman and Presser (1981) conducted an experi- the answers they had received to the open-ended
ment to determine whether responses to closed question, and re-administered the questions to
questions could be improved by asking the ques- two large samples. The question (with revised re-
tions first in open-ended format and then develop- sponse categories) and the answers they received
ing categories of reply from respondents’ answers. were as follows:
They asked a question in both open and closed “This next question is on the subject of work.
formats about what people look for in work, using People look for different things in a job. Which one
different samples for each. They found consider- of the following five things do you most prefer in a
able disparities between the two sets of answers. job? [closed question] What would you most prefer
They then revised the closed categories to reflect in a job? [open question]”


Answer % Answer %
Work that pays well 13.2 Pay 16.7
Work that gives a feeling of 31.0 Feeling of accomplishment 14.5
Work where there is not too much 11.7 Control of work 4.6
supervision and you make most
decisions yourself
Work that is pleasant and people 19.8 Pleasant work 14.5
who are nice to work with
Work that is steady with little chance 20.3 Security 7.6
of being laid off
96% 57.9%
of sample of sample
Opportunity for promotion 1.0
Short hours/lots of free time 1.6
Working conditions 3.1
Benefits 2.3
Satisfaction/liking a job 15.6
Other/dk/na 4.0 Other responses 18.3
100% 100%

With the revised form of the closed question, open question matched the categories offered in
Schuman and Presser found that a much higher the closed one. Also, the distributions were some-
proportion of the answers to the open question what different: for example, twice as many re-
corresponded to the closed categories. They spondents cited a feeling of accomplishment with
argued that the new closed question was superior the closed format as with the open one. Nonethe-
to its predecessor and also superior to the open less, the experiment demonstrated the desirabil-
question. However, it was still disconcerting to find ity of generating forced-choice answers from open
that only 58 per cent of the answers given to the questions.
100 PART II Quantitative Research

number of Likert items are aggregated to form What is this question seeking to tap? Car ownership?
a composite measure of an attitude. Access to a household car? Use of a company car? The
• Questions about beliefs. For example, in Hay’s ambiguity of the word “have” means that a “yes” answer
(2014) study of secularization in Canada (see could signify any of the three. If you want to find out
Box 1.3), one item used to measure moral au- whether a respondent owns a car, you need to ask spe-
tonomy pertained to the belief that “it is up cifically about ownership. Be as specific as possible.
to the individual to decide what is right and
wrong.” The response categories were: “Agree How would you answer it?
strongly” (5), “Agree somewhat” (4), “Neither Rule of thumb number three is to put yourself in the
agree nor disagree” (3), “Disagree somewhat” position of the respondent. Ask yourself the question
(2), and “Disagree strongly” (1). and try to work out a reply. If you do this, there is at
• Questions about knowledge. Sometimes ques- least a chance that the ambiguities inherent in a ques-
tions are designed to “test” respondents’ know- tion like “Do you have a car?” will become evident.
ledge in a certain area. For example, a poll For example, you may remember that you have access
sponsored by Historica Canada in 2015 deter- to a car that you don’t actually own. Putting yourself
mined that about one-quarter of the people in the position of the respondent can reveal the diffi-
surveyed did not know what year Confedera- culty of answering poorly constructed questions.
tion took place, and a similar number could not
identify Canada’s first prime minister (Ipsos Specific rules when designing
Reid, 2015). questions

Avoid ambiguous terms in questions

Rules for designing questions If possible, avoid terms such as “often” and “regu-
Over the years, numerous rules have been devised in larly” as measures of frequency. They are ambiguous,
connection with the dos and don’ts of asking questions. and different respondents will take them to mean
Yet mistakes persist. So here are three simple rules of different things. It may not always be possible to get
thumb, followed by some more specific guidelines. a specific number from respondents, but that should
be your goal. Consider a question asked of people
General rules of thumb who have said that they own a cellphone:
Keep the research questions in mind
The questions you ask in a questionnaire or struc- How often do you use your cellphone to place
tured interview should be designed specifically to a call?
answer your research questions. Focusing on the Very often _____
research questions will help protect you against the Quite often _____
pain of realizing too late that a particular research Not very often _____
question was not addressed in your study. It will also Not at all _____
reduce the risk of pursuing issues that are irrelevant,
which would be a waste of your time as well as that of The problem with this question is that, with the
your respondents. exception of “not at all,” all the terms in the response
categories are ambiguous. Instead, ask about actual
What exactly do you want to know? frequency, such as:
Rule of thumb number two relates to the first one.
It’s important to focus on exactly what you want to How often do you use your cellphone to place
know. Consider this seemingly harmless question: a call?
(Please tick whichever category comes closest to
Do you have a car? the number of times you use your cellphone.)
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 101

More than 10 times per day _____ While there may well be symmetry between
5–9 times per day _____ the two ideas in this answer—pleasant work and
1–4 times per day _____ nice people—there is no necessary correspondence
A few times a week _____ between them. Pleasant work may be important
A few times a month _____ for people who are indifferent to their co-workers.
Almost never _____ For an example of a triple-barrelled question, see
Box 5.2.
Alternatively, you could simply ask respondents to
estimate the number of times per day they use their Avoid very general questions
cellphone to make a call. It may be tempting to ask a very general question
It’s also important to bear in mind that certain when what is needed is a response to a specific issue.
common words, such as “dinner,” mean different A question such as
things to different people. For some, dinner is a light
How satisfied are you with your job?
midday meal, whereas for others it is a substantial
evening meal. In such cases it is necessary to clearly seems harmless, but it lacks specificity. Does it
define the terms that are being used. refer to pay, working conditions, the nature of
the work, or all of these? Respondents are likely
Avoid long questions to vary in their interpretation of the question,
Most methodologists agree that long questions are and this will be a source of error. A favourite gen-
undesirable. Interviewees can lose track of long ques- eral question comes from Karl Marx’s Enquête
tions, and respondents completing a questionnaire ouvrière, a questionnaire sent to 25,000 French so-
may be tempted to skim or even skip over them. How- cialists and others (whether any were returned is
ever, Sudman and Bradburn (1982) suggested that this unknown). The final question (the one-­hundredth!)
advice is more applicable to attitude questions than to reads:
those asking about behaviour. They argued that when
What is the general, physical, intellectual, and
the focus is on behaviour, longer questions can have
moral condition of men and women employed
certain positive features in interviews: for example,
in your trade? (Bottomore & Rubel, 1963,
they are more likely to provide memory cues and fa-
p. 218)
cilitate recall because of the time it takes to ask them.
By and large, however, it’s best to keep questions short. If you find it difficult to come up with precise
questions to replace very broad, general ones, you
Avoid double-barrelled questions might take inspiration from Blauner (1964), who
How satisfied are you with your pay and work- provides a very detailed and nuanced description
ing conditions? of job satisfaction among American factory workers
based on some 80 specific questions.
The problem here is obvious: people may be satis-
fied with one but not the other. Not only will the Avoid leading questions
respondent be unclear about how to reply, but the Leading or loaded questions push respondents in a
answer provided may pertain to pay, to conditions, or particular direction, for example:
to both.
Would you agree to cutting taxes, even though
The same rule applies to fixed-choice answers.
welfare payments for the neediest sections of
In Box 5.1, one of Schuman and Presser’s (1981) an-
the population might be reduced?
swers is:
Phrasing the question in this way is likely to make it
Work that is pleasant and people who are nice difficult for some people to agree, even if they do feel
to work with. that taxes are too high.
102 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 5.2 Matching questions and answers in closed questions

A publisher inserted a feedback questionnaire into Elegance:

copies of a novel, including a series of ­Likert-style Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
items regarding the book’s quality. In each case,
readers were asked to indicate whether a particu- Seamlessness:
lar attribute was “poor,” “acceptable,” “average,” Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
“good,” or “excellent.” ­However, the items were Imaginativeness:
presented as questions that, strictly speaking,
Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
­demanded “yes” or “no” answers. For example:

Was the writing elegant, seamless, imaginative? This approach would also solve the additional
problem of the “triple-barrelled” question that asks
None of the response options provided by the about three distinct aspects of the writing, leaving the
publisher could be considered logical answers reader unable to express differing opinions of each.
to the questions that were posed. The questions It could be argued that readers would understand
would have been better presented as statements, that they were being asked to rate the book in terms
for example: of each attribute. The problem is that the impact of
a disjunction between question and answer is simply
Please indicate the quality of the writing in not known—which means that any conclusions
each of the following categories: drawn by the publisher might well be wrong.

Avoid questions that actually ask two they intended. There may be situations when it’s im-
(or more) questions possible to avoid using a negative, but questions like
the following should be avoided as far as possible:
The double- and triple-barrelled questions cited ear-
lier clearly transgress this rule, but there are also more Do you agree with the view that university
subtle versions of the problem. A question such as students should not have to take out loans to
finance their education?
Which party did you vote for in the 2015 fed-
eral election? Instead, the question should be asked in a positive
form; for example: “Do you find it acceptable that
provides an illustration. What if the respondent did
some university students have to take out loans to fi-
not vote in that election? The question is really two
nance their education?” Questions with double nega-
questions, which should be asked separately:
tives are never appropriate, because it’s impossible to
Did you vote in the 2015 federal election? be sure that respondents have interpreted them cor-
Yes     rectly. The following provides an example:
Would you rather not drink non-alcoholic beer?
If YES, for which political party did you vote?
Minimize technical terms
Avoid questions that include negatives
Use simple, plain language and avoid jargon. Don’t
The problem with questions that include negative
ask a question like this:
terms such as “not” is that some respondents may
miss the negative and give answers opposite to what Do you sometimes feel alienated from your work?
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 103

The problem here is that many respondents may Don’t overstretch people’s memories
not be familiar with the term “alienated,” and even
if they are, they may not understand it in the same It might be useful to know exactly how many times
way. The same goes for acronyms and abbreviations: respondents have used their cellphones in the previ-
avoid them whenever possible. ous month, but few people will be able to give you an
accurate answer for such an extended period of time.
Ensure that respondents have For this reason it’s important to choose a suitable time
the requisite knowledge frame, such as per day in the case of cellphone use.
There is little point in asking about matters unfamil-
iar to respondents. For example, it’s doubtful that Carefully consider using “Don’t know”
meaningful data regarding opinions on foreign af- as a closed answer option
fairs can be gained from people who do not follow One area of controversy regarding closed questions
international political issues. is whether the answer set should include a “don’t
know” or “no opinion” option when asking ques-
Ensure that the answers provided tions concerning attitudes. The main argument for
for a closed question are balanced including a “don’t know” option is to ensure that
It’s important that the range of answers provided respondents will not be forced to express views that
for a closed question be properly balanced between they don’t actually hold. Many recommend offering
positive and negative options. A set of responses the “don’t know” option in the form of a filter question
like this to remove those respondents who have no opinion
on the topic. Filter questions are used to determine
Excellent _____
whether it is appropriate to ask certain questions of
Good _____
a particular respondent. The interviewer could ask
Borderline _____
the filter question, “Do you have an opinion on this
Poor _____
issue?” of everyone and then ask the second question
is weighted toward a favourable response. “Excel- only of those who say that they do have an opinion.
lent” and “Good” are both positive; “Borderline” is a The alternative argument in connection with the
neutral or middle position; and “Poor” is a negative “don’t know” option is that it offers an easy way out
response. A second negative response choice, such as for respondents. A series of experiments conducted
“Very poor” is needed. in the US found that many respondents who claim to
have no opinion on a topic do in fact hold one (Kros-
Ensure answers provided for a closed nick et al., 2002). Respondents with lower levels of
question do not overlap education are especially likely to select the “don’t
Care must be taken to ensure that answers to closed know” option; and later questions in a questionnaire
questions are mutually exclusive. For example, a (see the next section for question-order effects) are
question on the respondent’s age with a set of re- the most likely to elicit a “don’t know” response. The
sponses like this researchers concluded that data quality is not en-
hanced by the inclusion of a “don’t know” option and
20–30 _____ that it may prevent some respondents from express-
30–40 _____ ing an opinion that they do actually hold.
40–50 _____ Pay close attention to question order
50–60 _____
Quite a lot of research has been directed at finding
would confuse anyone with an age of 30, 40, or 50, out how responses are affected by asking questions
as these answers each fit into two of the supplied at different points in an interview schedule. Results
options. have varied and few if any consistent effects have been
104 PART II Quantitative Research

found. Mayhew (2000) tells an interesting anecdote experiments do not always reveal clear-cut effects,
on question order in a crime survey. By mistake, half even in cases where effects might legitimately have
of the respondents were asked the question “Taking been expected. Nonetheless, two general lessons
everything into account, would you say the police in have emerged:
this area do a good job or a poor job?” twice: once
early on, and once again later, in the context of ques- • Unless the study is designed to test q
­ uestion-
tions on contact with the police. Almost a quarter order effects, all respondents should receive
(22 per cent) of those respondents gave a more positive questions in the same order.
rating the second time. Mayhew suggests that as the • Researchers should be sensitive to the possible
interview wore on, respondents became more sensi- effects that a question could have on subse-
tized to crime-related issues and more sympathetic quent questions.
to the pressures on the police. As appealing as this
explanation sounds, it cannot account for the 13 per In addition, the following rules about question
cent who gave a lower rating the second time around. order are sometimes proposed:
That is quite a reliability issue. (See also Box 5.3.)
It’s hard to draw any general lessons from • Early questions should be directly related to
question-order research, at least in part because the announced research topic. This removes

BOX 5.3 About question order

Imagine that there are two pollsters: one who Set Two:
favours the federal New Democratic Party and 1. The recent free trade deal the federal govern-
another who favours the Conservatives. The key ment signed with the European Union will help
question in both their surveys is: “In the upcoming create jobs in Canada.
federal election, which party do you intend to vote 2. Canada’s mounting debt is mortgaging the
for?” That question would be followed by an alpha- future of its children.
betical list of the main political parties. Look at the 3. Lower taxes would benefit everyone, espe-
two sets of Likert items that follow (assume there cially hard-working Canadian families.
are five response options ranging from “Strongly 4. Our laws should protect law-abiding citizens,
agree” to “Strongly disagree”), and imagine that not criminals.
the items immediately preceded the voting ques-
For those who do not follow politics closely, the
tion. Try to determine whether these items would
first set would probably increase the number of re-
influence ­responses to the voting question and, if
spondents saying they would vote NDP, while the
so, how.
second would likely do the same for the number
Set One: declaring their intention to vote Conservative.
1. Canada must do more to reduce global warming. Although most pollsters avoid such blatant biases,
2. The environment should be the federal gov- sometimes more subtle influences on respondents
ernment’s top priority. go unnoticed. In any event, this is an interesting
3. Corporate taxes should be increased to pay for exercise because it illustrates the importance of
social assistance for Canada’s poorest families. question order in survey research: if it is necessary
4. Canada must do more to protect Indigenous to use these items, they ought to be presented
rights. after the voting question.
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 105

the risk that respondents will be put off by ap- the interviewer arrives at the scheduled point.
parently irrelevant questions asked at an early A different answer may be offered at the latter
stage in the interview. It also means that per- juncture because of question-order effects.
sonal questions about age, social background,
and so on should not be asked at the beginning Avoid provoking response sets
of an interview. This issue (see also Chapter 4) is especially relevant
• Questions likely to be important or meaning- to multiple-indicator measures, where respondents
ful to respondents should be asked early in the reply to a battery of related questions or items. A re-
interview, to stimulate their interest and atten- sponse set exists if responses are motivated by some-
tion. This suggestion may conflict with the thing other than the person’s actual feeling about the
previous one if questions about the research items. They can result from psychological predispos-
topic are not of interest to respondents. itions like acquiescence (a desire to be “cooperative”
• If possible, questions that may cause embar- or to please the researcher) or laziness, and in such
rassment or anxiety should be left for later in cases are evident when someone responds to a series
the schedule—although not to the very end. of items in the same way, regardless of the content of
Respondents should not leave the interview (or the items. To avoid acquiescence, researchers using
complete the questionnaire) with misgivings multiple-item measures may include some items
or negative feelings about the research. that logically call for opposite positions, so that if re-
• With a long schedule or questionnaire, ques- spondents are consistent in their attitudes, they can
tions should be grouped logically in related neither agree with all the items nor disagree with all
sections, and should not jump back and forth of them. This also requires the respondent to care-
from one topic to another. fully read each question. Similar procedures may be
• Within each group of questions, general ques- used to avoid the effects of laziness or boredom. For
tions should precede specific ones. If a specific example, when visiting a doctor’s office for the first
question comes first, the aspect of the general time, patients usually have to fill out a form with a
question that it highlights may be discounted long list of diseases, indicating whether they have ever
by respondents who feel they have already cov- suffered from them. Someone may begin carefully,
ered it. For example, if a question asking how reading the list and checking off “No, No, No, . . . ,”
people feel about their salary precedes a gen- but eventually tire of the task and just tick “No” for
eral question about job satisfaction, some re- the remaining items without reading them closely.
spondents may discount the issue of pay when Those who persist in choosing the same answer re-
responding to the job satisfaction question, gardless of the question may have to be removed from
since they have already addressed it. the study. Response sets may also stem from a desire
• It is sometimes recommended that questions to be liked or respected by the interviewer, so in-
dealing with opinions and attitudes precede structing interviewers to avoid both becoming overly
questions about behaviour and knowledge. friendly with respondents and appearing judgmental
This is because questions that tap opinions and about their replies can help. Using vignettes can also
attitudes may be affected by the latter sorts of help reduce answers motivated by social desirability.
questions. For instance, if a husband reports
that he does only 20 per cent of the house- Consider using vignette questions
work, making that statement can affect how he when appropriate
responds when asked if housework should be Closed questions that are used to examine ethical
shared equally between spouses. standards and beliefs may be employed in conjunction
• If a respondent provides an answer to a ques- with the vignette technique. It involves presenting
tion that is to be asked later in the interview, the respondents with one or more scenarios and asking
question should still be asked later on, when them how they would respond if confronted with the
106 PART II Quantitative Research

Practical Tip | Common mistakes when asking questions

Over the years, the authors of this book have read Attitudes are complex, and most respondents
many projects and dissertations based on struc- will not be simply “satisfied” or “not satisfied.” For
tured interviews and questionnaires. A number one thing, people’s feelings about such things
of mistakes recur regularly, among them the vary in intensity. An improvement would be to re-
following: phrase the item as:

How satisfied are you with opportunities for

• Excessive use of open questions. While resist-
promotion in your firm?
ance to closed questions is understandable,
open questions are likely to reduce the re- Very satisfied ____
sponse rate and cause analysis problems. Keep Satisfied ____
them to a minimum. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied ____
• Excessive use of yes/no questions. Sometimes Dissatisfied ____
students include lots of questions that call Very dissatisfied ____
for a yes/no response (usually a sign of inad- This sort of format also makes it possible to
equate thinking and preparation). The world calculate some widely used statistics that are dis-
rarely fits into this kind of response. Take a cussed in Chapter 8.
question like:
• Too many questions that allow respondents to
Are you satisfied with the opportunities for choose more than one answer. Although there
promotion in your firm? are times when such questions are unavoid-
able, the replies they produce are often diffi-
Yes __________ No __________ cult to analyze.

circumstances depicted in the scenario. For example, paid work for unpaid care?). The specificity of the
Kingsbury and Coplan (2012) used vignettes to exam- situation facing Jim and Margaret increases as the
ine how some Ontario mothers of preschool chil- vignette develops. The first question (a) does not
dren reacted to hypothetical accounts of their child’s say whether they are prepared to move; the second
shyness and aggression. The researchers hypoth- (b) says that they are; and in the last question (d) they
esized that mothers would look more favourably on have in fact moved and are facing a new dilemma.
gender-congruent behaviours (such as shyness in girls) Many aspects of the issues tapped by the ques-
than gender-incongruent ones (physical aggression in tions in Box 5.4 can be accessed through attitude
girls), especially if they held more traditional attitudes items. For example:
toward sex roles. The findings provided some support
for the hypotheses, although the results were mixed. When two heterosexual working spouses decide
Box 5.4 outlines a vignette designed to tease out that one of them should quit work to care for
respondents’ norms concerning several aspects of ailing parents, the wife should be the one to give
family obligations, including the nature of the as- up her job.
sistance required (direct involvement or simple pro- Strongly agree _____
vision of resources); geographical considerations; Agree _____
the choice between paid work and unpaid care; and Undecided _____
among heterosexual couples, the gender question Disagree _____
(should it be the man or the woman who gives up Strongly disagree _____
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 107

BOX 5.4 A vignette to establish family obligations

Jim and Margaret Robinson are a married couple in moving right now could have a bad effect on
their early forties. Jim’s parents, who live several their children’s education.
hundred kilometres away, have had a serious car What should Jim and Margaret do? Should
accident and they need long-term daily help. Jim they move or should they stay?
is their only son. He and his wife both could get • move
transfers to work nearer his parents. • stay

a. What should Jim and Margaret do? c. Why do you think they should move/stay?
• move to live near Jim’s parents d. Jim and Margaret do go to live near Jim’s
• have Jim’s parents move to live with parents. A year later Jim’s mother dies and his
them father’s condition gets worse so that he needs
• give Jim’s parents money to help them full-time care.
pay for daily care Should one of either Jim or Margaret take an
• let Jim’s parents make their own arrange­­ extended leave from work to take care of Jim’s
ments father? IF YES: Who should, Jim or Margaret?
• do something else (specify) • Yes, Jim should give up his job.
• don’t know • Yes, Margaret should give up her job.
b. In fact, Jim and Margaret are prepared • No, neither should give up their jobs.
to move and live near Jim’s parents, but • don’t know/depends
teachers at their children’s school say that Source: Adapted from Finch (1987, p. 108).

The advantage of the vignette over this kind of It is also difficult to establish how far respondents’
attitude item is that it anchors the choice in a more answers reflect their own normative views or indeed
realistic situation and thus reduces the risk of an how they themselves would act when confronted
unreflective reply. Finch (1987) also argued that on with the kinds of choices outlined in the scenarios.
a sensitive topic like this, some respondents may Often what people say they would do in a particu-
feel uncomfortable or fear that they will be judged lar situation turns out to be very different from what
on their replies. The fact that the vignette is about they actually do. People are not necessarily being
other people (and imaginary ones at that) creates a dishonest—predicting behaviour, whether our own
certain distance between the questioning and the re- or someone else’s, is often more difficult than we
spondent, and hence the chance for a more candid would imagine.
answer. One obvious requirement of the vignette
technique is that scenarios must be believable. Run a pilot study
Finch also pointed to some limitations with this It is always desirable to conduct a pilot study before
style of questioning, however. It may be impossible collecting data from respondents: not just to ensure
to establish what assumptions are being made by that individual questions operate well but also to
the respondents about the characters in the scenario ensure that the research instrument as a whole is ap-
(such as their age, ethnicity, and number of children propriate. Pilot studies may be particularly crucial in
at home) and the significance of those assumptions research using questionnaires, since there will be no
for the validity and comparability of people’s replies. interviewer present to clear up any confusion.
108 PART II Quantitative Research

Practical Tip | Getting help in designing questions

When designing questions, be empathetic: put yourself in the position of the people who will be ­answering
them. This can be difficult, because the questions may not always apply to the person ­producing them—
for example, to a young student doing a survey of retired people. Even so, you need to think about how
you would reply. This means concentrating not just on the questions themselves but also on the links
between the questions. For example, do filter questions work in the expected way?
Then try out the questions on some friends or classmates, as in a pilot study (see the next section).
Ask them to be critical and to consider how well the questions connect to each other. Also, look at some
questionnaires and structured interview schedules designed by experienced researchers. Those research-
ers may not have asked questions on your particular topic, but the way they have asked their questions
should give you an idea of what to do and what to avoid.

Here are some specific uses of pilot studies in • A pilot study may also offer an opportunity to
survey research: consider the overall structure of the study. If
the questions do not flow well, it may be neces-
• If the study is going to employ mainly closed sary to move some of them around.
questions, a researcher can pose open ques-
tions in pilot qualitative interviews and then The pilot should not be carried out on people who
use them to generate the fixed-choice answers. may become members of the sample in the full study,
• Piloting an interview schedule can give inter- since participation in the pilot could affect their re-
viewers some experience in using it and help sponses in the study proper. If the population you
them develop confidence. are investigating is small, you don’t want to be forced
• If everyone (or virtually everyone) who an- to exclude certain people, since that could affect the
swers a question gives the same answer, the re- representativeness of the sample. If this is an issue,
sulting data are not likely to be useful. A pilot do the pilot study on respondents from a different
study gives you an opportunity to identify but similar population. Beagan (2001) did this in her
such questions and modify them as necessary study of medical students.
to elicit more varied answers.
• In survey interviews, it may be possible to Consider using existing questions
identify questions that make respondents feel Finally, it is sometimes possible to use questions that
uncomfortable and to detect any junctures have been employed by other researchers for at least
where interest tends to flag. part of the questionnaire or interview schedule. This
• Questions that respondents tend to skip or may seem like stealing, but it is a legitimate research
have difficulty understanding (more easily practice so long as the original source is cited. One
recognizable in an interview than in a ques- advantage of using existing questions is that they
tionnaire context) should become apparent. If may have already been piloted and tested for their
certain questions are frequently skipped, it may reliability and validity. Robinson et al. (1999), for ex-
be because of unclear or threatening phrasing, ample, provide an extensive set of survey questions
poorly worded instructions, or confusing po- that have been used to measure political attitudes,
sitioning in the interview schedule or ques- along with measures of their reliability and validity.
tionnaire (see Box 5.5). Whatever the cause, A further advantage is that existing questions
missing data are undesirable and a pilot study allow for comparisons with other research. For in-
may be very helpful in identifying problems. stance, in psychology it is quite common to use
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 109

BOX 5.5 A bad questionnaire

How would you fix this questionnaire? Now there are just a few more questions.
“Hello. I am taking a sociology course on research 7. If one were planned, would you fight having an
methods and would like to ask you some ques- AIDS hospice on your street?
tions. Would that be ok?” Yes No
1.   Were you ever scared that you were 8. How does your spouse feel about AIDS victims?
HIV-positive? Compassionate Sympathetic
Yes No Concerned Angry Don’t know

For questions 2 to 6, please answer Agree or 9. Elizabeth Taylor has raised much money for
Disagree. AIDS research. Should people be doing more
fundraising in this area?
2. As a religious person, I feel sorry for AIDS victims. Yes No
3. I think victims of any disease deserve com-
10. Do you know any AIDS victims?
Yes No
4. I think the new legislation will be a boon to
AIDS victims. Finally I need a few facts for comparison purposes.
5. The government should not allocate more
11. How old are you?
money to AIDS research.
12. Did YOU graduate from high school?
6. People with AIDS and other sexual diseases
Yes No
should be quarantined.
13. Did you EVER have yourself tested for AIDS?
If you agree, has your viewpoint changed since the
Yes No
1980s when AIDS first widely emerged?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Yes No

standardized personality and intelligence tests; these examining questions used by others may provide
permit comparisons between different samples and ideas about how best to approach your own ques-
allow different researchers to make consistent meas- tions, even if you eventually decide to modify those
urements. Similarly, some of the questions used in used by other researchers.
Bell et al.’s (2009) study of the heritability of political
orientations were taken from earlier studies. They
were either used verbatim or slightly revised to make
Issues related to conducting
them suitable for the sample to which they were ad- interviews
ministered. Walklate (2000, p. 194) described how in In addition to crafting good questions, there are
developing a survey instrument for victims of crime, other issues to be considered when doing research
she and her colleagues used “tried and tested ques- using structured interviews and questionnaires.
tions taken from pre-existing criminal victimization These are addressed below.
surveys amended to take account of our own more
localized concerns.” Existing questions can also be Interview contexts
used to investigate whether change has occurred In a traditional interview, an interviewer stands
over time by comparing current results with those or sits in front of the respondent, asks a series of
arrived at in earlier time periods. At the very least, questions, and writes down or keys in the answers.
110 PART II Quantitative Research

Checklist of issues to consider for a structured interview schedule or questionnaire
☐☐ Is a clear and comprehensive introduction to ☐☐ Are questions relating to the research topic
the research provided for respondents? asked near the beginning of the interview or
☐☐ Are there any questions used by other re- questionnaire?
searchers that would be useful? ☐☐ Have the following been avoided?
☐☐ Will the questions provide answers to all the • ambiguous terms in questions or response
research questions? choices
☐☐ Are there any questions not strictly relevant • long questions
to the research questions that could be • double-barrelled questions
dropped? • very general questions
• leading questions
☐☐ Has the questionnaire been pre-tested with
• questions that include negatives
some appropriate respondents?
• questions using technical terms
☐☐ If a structured interview schedule is used, are
the instructions clear? For example, with filter ☐☐ Do respondents have the knowledge required
questions, is it clear which question(s) should to answer the questions?
be omitted? ☐☐ Is there an appropriate match between ques-
☐☐ Are instructions about how to record re- tions and response choices?
sponses clear (for example, whether to tick ☐☐ Are the response choices properly balanced?
or circle; whether more than one response is ☐☐ Do any of the questions depend too much on
allowable)? respondents’ memories?
☐☐ Has the number of open questions been
limited? If using a Likert scale approach:
☐☐ Can respondents indicate levels of intensity ☐☐ Are some items that have to be
in their replies, or are they forced into “yes or r­ everse-scored included, in order to identify
no” answers? response sets?
☐☐ Have questions and their answers been kept ☐☐ Is there evidence that the items really do
on the same page? relate to the same underlying cluster of atti-
☐☐ Have socio-demographic questions been tudes, so that the items can be aggregated?
left until near the end of the interview or ☐☐ Are the response choices exhaustive and not
questionnaire? overlapping?

However, there are several possible departures from as well, and to administer a structured interview to a
this pattern. focus group would be very unusual. In most survey
research a specific individual is the object of ques-
More than one interviewer or interviewee tioning by one interviewer. Indeed, it is usually ad-
Multiple interviewers are rare in social research be- visable to discourage as far as possible the presence
cause of the considerable cost involved in dispatch- or intrusion of others during the interview. Studies
ing more than one person to conduct an interview. in which more than one person is being interviewed
In the case of focus groups it is more common, but tend to be conducted by qualitative researchers, al-
in that instance there is more than one interviewee though that is not always the case. For example,
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 111

Pahl’s (1990) study of patterns in the control of part of the study. Since lack of a phone is most
money among couples employed structured inter- likely to be a feature of poorer households, the
viewing first of the couples and then of husbands and potential for sampling bias exists. Also, many
wives separately. people choose to be ex-directory (they pay to
have their telephone numbers not listed in a
Alternatives to in-person interviews telephone book) or they use only cellphones
It is customary in academic social research not in- and for that reason are not listed. This pre-
volving national samples to use face-to-face inter- sents a problem if the researcher is using a
views. However, telephone interviewing is the norm directory to select respondents. A solution
in fields such as market or government research. to the latter problem is random-digit dial-
Telephone interviews have several advantages over ling. With this technique (used in the annual
the face-to-face variety: ­A lberta Survey conducted at the University of
­A lberta, as well as in the General Social Survey
• They are far cheaper and quicker to adminis- administered by Statistics Canada), a com-
ter than in-person interviews, which may re- puter randomly selects telephone numbers
quire the interviewers to spend a great deal of within a predefined geographical area. This
time travelling to meet with respondents; this method can give you access to ­ex-directory
is a particular problem when a sample is geo- households, though it’s important to note that
graphically dispersed. in some areas it is prohibited by law to contact
• Telephone interviews are easier to supervise cellphones in this way.
than the personal kind. This is a particular ad- • Respondents with hearing impairments are
vantage when several interviewers are calling likely to find telephone interviews more diffi-
from the same location at the same time, since cult than personal interviews.
supervisors may be able to detect interviewer • A telephone interview is unlikely to be sustain-
errors, such as rephrasing questions or probing able beyond 20 to 25 minutes, whereas per-
inappropriately. Face-to-face interviews can sonal interviews can be conducted for longer
be recorded for the purpose of assessing data periods of time (Frey, 2004).
quality, but the recording of interviews raises • There is some evidence that telephone inter-
issues of confidentiality and so must be treated views fare less well than personal interviews in
with caution. obtaining data on sensitive issues such as drug
• Telephone interviewing can also reduce bias and alcohol use, income, tax payments, and
arising from the characteristics of the inter- health. The evidence is not entirely consistent
viewers or interviewees (for example, gender, on this point, but when many questions of this
class, and ethnicity). The remoteness of the kind are to be asked, a personal interview may
interviewer in telephone interviewing removes be superior (Shuy, 2002).
this potential source of bias to a significant • Telephone interviewers cannot see the re-
extent, since the interviewers’ “race” and gen- spondents and therefore cannot respond to
eral appearance cannot be seen, although their signs of puzzlement or unease on their faces.
gender is usually apparent. In a personal interview, the interviewer may
respond to such signs by restating the question
On the other hand, telephone interviewing suffers or attempting to clarify its meaning, though
from certain limitations when compared to the per- this has to be handled in a standardized way as
sonal interview: much as possible. A further issue is that inter-
viewers may be able to collect subsidiary infor-
• People who do not have a telephone or other- mation, such as whether the home in which the
wise cannot be contacted by phone cannot be interview was conducted is in need of repair.
112 PART II Quantitative Research

That sort of information cannot be acquired (CAPI) and computer-assisted telephone inter-
over the telephone. viewing (CATI). The use of CAPI has been growing
• Frequently, the target of the research is a specific lately, mainly because of the increased portability
individual in a household or firm: for example, and affordability of laptop computers and other elec-
the person in a certain role or position, or some- tronic devices, and the availability of quality soft-
one with particular characteristics. It is probably ware packages.
more difficult to ascertain by telephone inter- With computer-assisted interviewing, the ques-
view whether the correct person is replying. tions in the interview schedule appear on the screen,
• The telephone interviewer cannot employ the interviewer keys in the reply, and the computer
visual aids such as “show cards” from which shows the next question. This approach is espe-
respondents select their replies (see Box 5.6). cially useful when filter questions are asked. In the
Similarly, ­diagrams or photographs cannot be 2015 Canadian Election Study (funded by Elections
used. Canada), respondents were asked the filter question,
“The federal election was held on Monday, O ­ ctober 19.
There is some evidence that the quality of the data In any election, some people are not able to vote be-
gathered through telephone interviews is inferior to cause they are sick or busy, or for some other reason.
that produced by face-to-face interviews. According Others do not want to vote. Did you vote in the recent
to Holbrook et al. (2003), a series of experiments in the federal election?” Only those who said yes were then
US using long questionnaires found that respondents asked, “Which party did you vote for?” Once the re-
interviewed by telephone were more likely to express sponse to the filter question has been keyed in, the
no opinion or give “don’t know” as an answer; give the computer will automatically go to the next relevant
same answer to a series of linked questions; express question, eliminating inappropriate items where ne-
socially desirable opinions; be apprehensive about the cessary. This removes the possibility of interviewers
interview; and be dissatisfied with the time taken by inadvertently asking meaningless questions or fail-
the interviews (even though they were shorter than ing to ask some that should be asked. In this way,
the face-to-face kind). Also, telephone interviewees computer-assisted interviewing improves standard-
tend to be less engaged in the interview process. ization in the asking and recording of questions.
Computer-assisted interviewing makes it easier to
Computer-assisted interviewing perform other tasks as well. For example, sometimes
Today it is common to use computers in the inter- it is beneficial to randomize the order in which cer-
view process. There are two main formats for such tain items are presented to the respondent in order
interviews: computer-assisted personal interviewing to determine whether the responses given depend
on the order in which the items are listed. Automatic
randomization was used in the Goyder et al. (2003)
study of occupational prestige done in southwestern
BOX 5.6 Two show cards Ontario. As the authors put it: “The deck was elec-
Card 4 (age) Card 6 (for various items) tronically shuffled for each new respondent.” An-
a. Less than 20 1. Strongly agree other advantage of computer-assisted interviews is
b. 20–29 2. Agree
that if interviewers are out in the field all day, the
data can be sent to the research office electronically.
c. 30–39 3. Undecided
d. 40–49 4. Disagree Using online (email) personal interviews
e. 50–59 5. Strongly disagree
Online interviews run a higher risk of respondent
f. 60–69 dropout than other forms do. However, Mann and
g. 70 and over Stewart (2000, pp. 138–139) have suggested that it
is possible to develop a relationship of mutual trust
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 113

when using them. This can be accomplished by regu- replies are often more detailed than in face-to-
larly sending messages to respondents assuring them face interviews; and
that their responses are helpful and significant, espe- • online interviewees’ answers tend to be more
cially since online interviewing is still an unfamiliar considered and grammatically correct because
experience for most people and takes longer than they have more time to ponder and tidy up
other forms. It is worth the trouble because online answers. Whether this is a positive feature is
interviews make it relatively easy for the researcher debatable. There is the obvious advantage of a
to go back to interviewees for further information or “clean” transcript, but there may be some loss
reflections—something difficult to do with face-to- of spontaneity.
face interviews.
A further issue for the online personal interviewer On the other hand, Curasi found that some online
is whether to send all the questions at once or to con- responses were short on detail, perhaps because re-
duct the interview on a question-followed-by-reply plies had to be typed, not just spoken. The full signifi-
basis. The problem with sending all at once is that cance of the difference between email and face-to-face
respondents may read through them and reply only interviewing is still being explored by researchers.
to the most interesting ones. Bampton and Cowton Webcam technologies like Skype may offer fur-
(2002) reported that conducting email interviews by ther possibilities for online personal interviews,
sending questions in small batches takes the pressure making the online interview similar to the telephone
off interviewees to make a quick reply, gives them the version and quite comparable to an in-person inter-
opportunity to provide considered replies (­a lthough view because those involved in the exchange can see
there can be a loss of spontaneity), and gives the each other. However, one of the main advantages
interviewers greater opportunity to respond to inter- of the email interview is lost: respondents’ answers
viewee answers. need to be transcribed.
There is evidence that prospective online inter-
viewees are more likely to agree to participate if agree- Conducting interviews
ment is solicited prior to sending the actual questions. Know the interview schedule
Another way to encourage respondents to participate Before interviewing anybody, an interviewer should
is for the researcher to use some form of ­self-disclosure, have a thorough knowledge of the interview sched-
such as directions to a website that contains detailed ule. Interviewing can be stressful, and it is possible
contact information. It also helps to provide personal that under strain standard interview procedures can
material about the researcher (such as a photo), as well cause interviewers to get flustered and leave questions
as information relevant to the research topic (Curasi, out or ask the wrong questions. All interviewers need
2001; O’Connor & Madge, 2001, 2003). Such steps are to be fully trained to reduce interviewer variability in
necessary because unsolicited emails (“spam”) are asking questions, a potential source of error. Fowler
often seen as a nuisance and can result in an immedi- (1993) cited evidence to suggest that a training period
ate refusal to take the message seriously. shorter than one full day is rarely sufficient.
Curasi (2001) conducted a comparison in which
24 interviews carried out through email corres- Introducing the research
pondence were contrasted with 24 parallel face-to- Prospective respondents have to be offered a credible
face interviews. The interviews were concerned with rationale for participating in the research, in par-
shopping online. She found that: ticular for giving up their valuable time. This aspect
of conducting interviews is of special significance
• face-to-face is better than online for main- at a time when survey response rates appear to be
taining rapport with respondents; declining. The introductory rationale may be either
• because greater commitment and motivation spoken by the interviewer or printed for the re-
are required to complete an online interview, spondent to read. It is usually spoken if interviewers
114 PART II Quantitative Research

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

The process of institutionalization in sexual assault and rape crisis centres
Beres et al. (2009) wanted to determine the extent principles, political goals, and operating policies
to which the process of institutionalization has af- had been abandoned in recent years, the auth-
fected sexual assault and rape crisis centres (SAC / ors mailed a questionnaire to 115 Canadian SAC /
RCC s) in Canada. “Institutionalization” refers to the RCC s, of which 53 (46 per cent) responded. Cen-
adoption of formal organizational and operational tres in all provinces except Prince Edward Island
procedures, and is something that many social participated in the study, as did organizations in
movements experience over time. The process has both urban and rural areas. Unlike most research
advantages and disadvantages; the former include involving questionnaires, the unit of analysis (the
more efficient use of resources and the generation “what” or “whom” is being studied) in this study
of more predictable organizational outcomes. But was the organization rather than the individual.
very often institutionalization is accompanied by a The authors found that even though there was
dilution of the movement’s ideology, which makes some evidence of institutionalization—in particu-
its ideas less oppositional and more in keeping lar, a drift toward a non-gendered social service
with conventional thinking. Institutionalization model rather than a social change orientation—
also tends to make charismatic leadership less SAC /RCC s in Canada for the most part retained
likely, and can reduce the willingness of the organ- their feminist identity and called for political and
ization to achieve large-scale social change. social change. For example, a majority of centres
Beres and colleagues noted that the SAC /RCC s presented themselves as “feminist” to the com-
that sprang up in Canada in the 1970s were dedi- munities in which they operated, and 68 per cent
cated to feminist principles and sought funda- were involved in organizing for political and
mental social change in order to eradicate sexual social causes. However, recent funding shortages
violence against women. As organizations they have led many of them to rely increasingly on the
eschewed hierarchy and tended to favour collect- unpaid efforts of women volunteers to achieve
ive decision making. To find out whether those their political goals.

“cold call” potential respondents at their homes, is important not to take it too far. Too much rapport
either in person or by telephone. A written ration- can result in the interview going on too long and can
ale is common to alert respondents that someone also lead respondents to tailor their answers to please
will be contacting them to request an interview. the interviewer. Thus, achieving the appropriate rap-
In many cases, respondents may be presented with port between interviewer and respondent is a deli-
both modes—for example, researchers will send re- cate balancing act.
spondents a letter inviting them to participate in a
study and then call or speak to them in person. Topics and issues to include in an
introductory statement
Rapport In an introductory statement to a prospective
As suggested earlier, interviewers need to establish interviewee:
a rapport with respondents. A relationship must be
forged fairly quickly to encourage respondents to • Clearly identify yourself.
participate in and persist with the interview. While • Identify the auspices under which the research
this injunction essentially invites the interviewer to is being conducted (for example, a university, a
be friendly with respondents and put them at ease, it government agency).
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 115

• If you are a student doing research for a thesis, Some general tactics with regard to probes are as
make that fact clear. follows:
• Indicate what the research is about in broad
terms and why it is important, and give an • If further information is required, usually in
indication of the kind of information to be the context of an open-ended question, stan-
collected. dardized probes should be employed, such as
• Indicate how the respondent has been selected “Can you say a little more about that?” or “Are
(for example, by a random process, by conven- there any other reasons why you think that?”
ience, because of special characteristics). • If, with a closed question, the respondent re-
• Provide reassurance about the confidentiality plies in a way that does not match one of the
of any information given by the respondent. pre-designed answers, the interviewer should
• Explain that participation is voluntary. repeat the fixed-choice alternatives and make
• Reassure respondents that they will not be it clear that the answer must be chosen from
identified or identifiable. This can usually be those provided.
achieved by pointing out that when the data • When the interviewer needs to know about
are aggregated or analyzed at the group level, something that requires quantification, such
individual participants cannot be identified. as the number of visits made to a doctor in
• Give the respondent the opportunity to ask the last four weeks or the number of banks in
questions; be sure to provide a contact tele- which the respondent has accounts, but the
phone number or email address. If in person, respondent answers in general terms (“quite
simply ask if the respondent has any questions. often” or “I have several”), the interviewer
needs to persist for a more precise answer.
These suggestions are also relevant to the cover- With fixed-response surveys, this will usually
ing letter that should accompany online and mailed entail repeating the response options. The
questionnaires. The latter should also include a interviewer should not suggest an answer on
stamped, pre-addressed return envelope. the basis of the respondent’s reply since the re-
spondent may not be comfortable with the idea
Probing of disagreeing with the interviewer.
A highly problematic area for researchers em-
ploying a structured interview method is probing In a face-to-face interview, the interviewer may
respondents who need help with their answers. This use “show cards” (see Box 5.6) instead of reading
may occur if respondents do not understand the out a series of fixed-choice alternatives. Sometimes
question and then struggle to provide an adequate called “flash cards,” they display all the answers from
answer, or if they do not provide a complete answer which the respondent is to choose and are handed to
and have to be probed for more information. For ex- the respondent at different points in the interview.
ample, in the 2013 Alberta Survey, respondents were There are several situations in which it may be bene-
asked “What is your religion, if any?” If they an- ficial to use show cards:
swered “Christian,” the probe available for all inter-
viewers was: “Any particular denomination?” • Sometimes there is a very long list of possible
A potential problem with some probes is that answers; for example, respondents may be
some interviewers may be more inclined to use it asked about which social media sites they use
than other interviewers, and the probe itself may most frequently. To read out a list of sites would
affect the response given, which could lead to reli- be tedious and it is probably better to hand the
ability problems. A bigger problem arises if different respondent a list from which to choose.
interviewers use different probes, although proper • Some people are not keen to divulge personal
organization and training should preclude that. details such as their age or income. One way of
116 PART II Quantitative Research

reducing the impact of such questioning is to • making call-backs on a sample of respondents

present respondents with age or income ranges (usually about 10 per cent) to make sure they
with a letter or number attached to each (see were interviewed and to ask about the inter-
Box 5.6). A similar approach may be used with viewer’s conduct.
other sensitive topics such as sexual practices.
However, this procedure will obviously not be
appropriate if the research requires exact fig-
ures pertaining to sensitive topics. A questionnaire is essentially a structured interview
• Sometimes, during the course of an interview, without an interviewer. Questionnaires can be de-
respondents will be presented with a series of livered and retrieved in several different ways. One
statements or questions to which the same pos- way is by mail. That is how Anderson et al. (2006)
sible responses apply—for example: “strongly studied family physicians in southwestern Ontario,
agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly and how Bell et al. (2009) distributed question-
disagree.” It would be t­ime-consuming and naires to twins in their research on the heritability
off-putting to read out all five possible answers of political attitudes. Sometimes respondents will be
over and over again, but it might also be ex- asked to deposit their completed questionnaires at a
pecting too much of respondents to ask them specified location: for a study conducted in a busi-
to keep all the possible answers in their heads ness organization, for instance, the location might be
for the entire batch of questions to which they their supervisor’s office. Researchers may hand out
apply. Providing a show card listing the pos- questionnaires to students in a class and collect them
sible responses is an obvious solution. there as well, as Smith and McVie (2003) did in their
longitudinal cohort study on crime. And of course
Prompting questionnaires can also be filled out online, which
Prompting occurs when the interviewer suggests a was an option for the 2016 Canadian census. Online
specific answer to a particular interviewee. It is very platforms like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and soft-
rare and should be used only as a last resort. An ex- ware such as Survey Monkey are becoming increas-
ample of unacceptable prompting would be to ask ingly popular among social researchers.
an open-ended question and then suggest a possible In many ways the questionnaire and structured
answer to a respondent who appears to be struggling interview are very similar. The obvious difference is
to think of an appropriate reply. In all situations, that with questionnaires, respondents must read the
interviewers should do what they can to allow re- questions themselves and record their own answers.
spondents to come up with their own replies. Other- Because there is no interviewer to administer it,
wise the data gathered will not be authentic—they the research instrument has to be especially easy to
may also reveal more about the interviewer than the follow and the questions particularly easy to answer.
interviewee. As a result, questionnaires tend to differ from struc-
tured interviews in the following ways:
Assessing interviewers
Researchers use various ways to determine whether • They have fewer open questions because closed
an interviewer has been trained properly, including: questions are easier to answer.
• They have easy-to-follow designs to minimize
• checking individual interviewers’ response the risk that a respondent will inadvertently
rates; miss a question or part of one.
• recording a sample of interviews; • They are shorter to reduce the risk of “re-
• examining completed schedules to deter- spondent fatigue” (it’s much easier for a tired
mine whether any questions are being left respondent facing a long questionnaire to
out and ensure that they are being completed abandon it than it is for a tired interviewee to
properly; and ask an interviewer to leave).
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 117

Advantages of the questionnaire over especially true with questionnaires, since there is no
the structured interview interviewer to help respondents with questions they
cannot understand.
Cheaper, quicker, more convenient
to administer Greater risk of missing data
Interviewing is expensive and time-consuming. The Incomplete questionnaires are more common. It is
cost is obviously less pronounced when compared also easier for respondents to decide not to answer a
to telephone and email interviews, but even there question when they are on their own than when they
the questionnaire enjoys cost advantages. A class of are with an interviewer; questions that respondents
400 students can fill out questionnaires in one class find boring or irrelevant are especially likely to be
period, and the number of people accessing a ques- skipped. Questionnaire respondents are more likely
tionnaire online is virtually unlimited. Even with a than interview participants to become tired of an-
team of telephone interviewers, it takes a long time to swering questions that are not fully salient to them,
conduct personal interviews with such large sample and to abandon the project entirely. Put positively,
sizes. However, it is important to remember that when a research issue is important to the respondent,
questionnaires may not be filled out immediately a high response rate is possible. This means that
(respondents usually complete them at their conven- when the questions are highly relevant, a question-
ience). In many situations it is necessary to send out naire may be a good choice, especially because of its
follow-up letters and/or duplicate questionnaires to much lower cost.
those who fail to complete them in a timely manner.
Cannot probe
Absence of interviewer effects There is no opportunity to probe respondents to elab-
We have already noted that interviewer characteris- orate on an answer. However, this problem mainly
tics may affect respondent answers. Obviously those applies to open questions, which are not widely used
sorts of effects are not an issue with questionnaires, in questionnaire research.
since there is no interviewer present. Similarly, with
a questionnaire, no one is there to read the questions Difficult to ask a lot of questions
to the subject in the wrong order, to present them in Long questionnaires are rarely feasible because of the
different ways to different respondents, or to state the risk of respondent fatigue. They may also discourage
items with varying emphases from person to person; prospective respondents from participating at all.
the problems those practices can cause are precluded.
Probably of greater importance is the tendency Difficult to ask other kinds
for people to exhibit a social desirability bias when of questions
an interviewer is present, giving “politically correct” Long or complex questions should be avoided as far
rather than genuine responses. Research summar- as possible, since some respondents find them diffi-
ized by Tourangeau and Smith (1996) strongly sug- cult to follow.
gests that respondents tend to report more drug use
and alcohol consumption and higher numbers of Questionnaire can be read
sexual partners and abortions when responding to as a whole
questionnaires than in structured interviews. When respondents are able to read the whole ques-
tionnaire even before answering the first question,
Disadvantages of questionnaires none of the questions asked is truly independent of
versus structured interviews the others. It also means that the researcher cannot
be sure that questions have been answered in the cor-
Cannot explain the question rect order, raising the possibility of q
­ uestion-order
It’s always important to ensure that the ques- effects, although some software packages can mini-
tions asked are clear and unambiguous, but this is mize this problem.
118 PART II Quantitative Research

Not appropriate for some kinds embedded questionnaire, respondents must select
of respondents and/or type their answers. To return the question-
naire, it must be attached to a reply email.
Respondents whose literacy is limited or whose fa- The chief advantage of the embedded question-
cility with the language used is restricted may not be naire is that it requires less computer expertise.
able to answer a questionnaire. The second of these Knowing how to read and then return an attachment
difficulties cannot be entirely overcome with an requires a certain facility with online communica-
interview, but the difficulties are likely to be greater tion that is still not universally possessed. Also,
with a questionnaire. the recipients’ operating systems or software may
not be able to handle attachments, or respondents
One last problem: Who filled may refuse to open them because of concerns about
out the questionnaire? viruses. On the other hand, since most email soft-
With mailed or online questionnaires, the researcher ware allows only limited formatting, the appearance
can never be sure whether the questions were an- of embedded questionnaires tends to be rather dull
swered by the designated respondent or someone and featureless, although this situation is rapidly
else. It is also impossible to prevent other members changing. Furthermore, it is slightly easier for re-
of a household (for example) from helping the re- spondents to type answers into an attachment that
spondent answer the questions. uses well-known software such as Microsoft Word
because if the questionnaire is embedded in an email
Online social surveys the alignment of questions and answers may be lost.
As mentioned, the number of surveys being adminis-
tered online has grown considerably. There are both Web surveys
pros and cons with online surveys as compared to Web surveys invite prospective respondents to visit
mailed questionnaires (see Box 5.7). There is also a a website where the questionnaire can be found and
crucial distinction between surveys administered by completed online. The Web survey has an import-
email (email surveys) and surveys administered via ant advantage over the email survey in that it can
the Web (Web surveys). In the case of the former, use a much wider variety of embellishments, such
the questionnaire is sent via email to a respondent, as “radio buttons” and pull-down menus of possible
whereas with a Web survey, the respondent is answers. With open questions, the respondent is in-
directed to a website in order to answer it. vited to type directly into a boxed area.
However, the advantages of the Web survey go
Email surveys beyond appearance and format. As with interview
With email surveys it is important to distinguish software, questionnaires can be designed so that
between embedded and attached questionnaires. when there is a filter question, it skips automatically to
When the questions are embedded in the body of the the next appropriate question. The questionnaire can
email, there may be an introduction to the question- also be programmed either to show only one question
naire followed by a graphic that partitions the intro- at a time or to allow the respondent to scroll down
duction from the questionnaire itself. Respondents and look at all the questions in advance. If a question
may be asked either to indicate their replies using is missed, the software may provide a prompt telling
simple notation, such as an “X,” or to delete alterna- the respondent that it was not answered and that a
tives that do not apply to them. If a question is open, response is needed. Finally, respondents’ answers
they are asked to type in an answer. When finished, can be automatically programmed to download into
they simply hit the reply button to return the com- a database, eliminating the daunting task of coding
pleted questionnaire. a large number of questionnaires. Software packages
An attached questionnaire arrives as an attach- designed to produce questionnaires with all the fea-
ment to an email that introduces it. As with the tures just described are now widely available.
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 119

BOX 5.7 Advantages and disadvantages of online surveys

compared to mailed questionnaires

This box summarizes the main advantages and dis- population still differs in significant ways from
advantages of online surveys, both email and Web the non-online population, it remains a difficulty.
varieties, compared to mailed questionnaires. • Confidentiality and anonymity issues. It is
Note that all three share one disadvantage rela- standard practice for survey researchers to
tive to personal and telephone interviews: namely, indicate that replies will be kept anonymous.
that the researcher can never be certain of who is However, with email surveys the addresses of
actually answering the questions. the respondents are known, which may make it
difficult for people to believe that their identity
Advantages really will be protected.
• Low cost. Even though mailed questionnaires • Multiple replies. With Web surveys, there is a
are inexpensive to administer, online surveys risk that some people may complete the ques-
cost even less. tionnaire more than once, although software is
• Faster response and processing. Online surveys available that can reduce that possibility. There
can be returned considerably faster than mailed is much less risk of this with email surveys.
questionnaires. Researchers also appreciate
the automatic skipping of irrelevant questions
that is possible when they use filter questions,
as well as the opportunity for immediate down-
loading of replies into a database.
• Fewer unanswered questions. There is evi-
dence that online questionnaires are com-
pleted with fewer unanswered questions than

mailed questionnaires.
• Better response to open questions. Open ques-
tions are more likely to be answered online,
and online replies are usually more detailed.
Have you ever participated in an online survey,
Disadvantages either through email or via the Web? If so, were you
• Low response rate. Typically, response rates concerned about a possible lack of anonymity? Did
this affect how you answered the questions?
for online surveys are lower than those for
comparable mailed questionnaires.
Sources: Adapted from Cobanoglu et al. (2001); Kent and Lee (1999);
• Restricted to online populations. This restric- ­S chaeffer and Dillman (1998); Sheehan and Hoy (1999); Sinclair et al.
tion should ease over time, but since the online (2012); Tse (1998).

Web surveys are also advantageous in that they such as people with eating disorders or extreme pol-
may give researchers access to unique populations, itical views (Wright, 2005).
such as people who share a particular interest. Web Potential respondents need to be directed to the
surveys are particularly useful for reaching stigma- website containing the questionnaire. One way to do
tized populations who are difficult to reach offline, this is to email them, as Andrews et al. (2007) did
120 PART II Quantitative Research

in their study of academic integrity (i.e., cheating

and plagiarism) in Canadian and American dental
schools. It may be most efficient to send the email BOX 5.8 Closed question with a
invitation to someone who can forward it to large vertical or a horizontal
numbers of potential participants. In the Andrews format?
et al. study the invitation was sent to academic deans
who then forwarded it to faculty members and stu- The following question is taken from the 2015
dents. For surveys in which participation must be Canadian Election Study—Mailback Survey:
restricted, it may be necessary to set up a password
system to filter out people for whom the question- Which party do you feel closest to?
naire is not appropriate. Conservative Party 1
Liberal Party 2
Designing the questionnaire NDP 3
No matter the medium of delivery, there are im- Bloc Québécois 4
portant considerations that must go into a ques- Green Party 5
tionnaire’s visual design. These are discussed Other (specify) ________ 6
Which party do you feel closest to?
Clear presentation
Conservative 1 Liberal 2
Make sure that the layout is easy on the eye and that NDP 3 Bloc Québécois 4
it facilitates answering all the questions applicable Green Party 5
to the respondent. Using a variety of styles (differ- Other (specify) ________
ent fonts and print sizes, boldface, italics, capitals,
etc.) can enhance the questionnaire’s appearance so Source: Fournier, P., Cutler, F., Soroka, S., & Stolle, D. (2015), accessed
3 November 2018.
long as they are used consistently. Thus all general
instructions should appear in one style, all head-
ings in a second, all specific instructions (e.g., “Go
to question 7”) in a third, and so on. Mixing print
styles or uses (e.g., using a particular style for both will be placed in the wrong space (for an example,
general instructions and specific questions) may see Box 5.8). Also, a vertical format more clearly
confuse respondents. distinguishes questions from answers. Although
potential problems can be reduced through judi-
Vertical or horizontal closed answers? cious use of spacing and print variation, a further
Bearing in mind that most questions in a ques- advantage of the vertical format is that it may fa-
tionnaire are likely to be closed, you will need cilitate coding, especially when pre-codes appear
to decide whether to arrange the fixed answers on the questionnaire.
vertically or horizontally. Usually a vertical ar-
rangement is used unless respondents are asked Clear instructions about how to respond
to choose their answer from a row of numbers or On questionnaires in which selection responses
abbreviations, as is often done with Likert scales. are not automated, always be clear about how re-
Many writers prefer a vertical format because it spondents should indicate their replies to closed
reduces the risk of confusion. With a horizontal questions. Are they supposed to place a tick by the
format there is a significant risk, especially if the appropriate answer, or are they to underline it?
respondent is in a hurry, that the required tick Should they circle it? Is it acceptable to choose more
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 121

than one answer? If not, this should be indicated in of adolescent risk behaviour that produced rich nar-
the instructions, for example: ratives of the participants’ everyday lives. Sometimes
this method is supplemented by a personal interview
(Please choose the ONE answer that best rep-
in which the researcher will follow up on points raised
resents your views by placing a tick in the ap-
in the diary: for example, by asking the diarist what
propriate box.)
he or she meant by certain remarks. Diary data may
If this is not made clear and some respondents also be used in conjunction with information derived
choose more than one answer, their replies cannot from surveys, as in ­Robinson and Lee’s (2014) examin-
be counted and will have to be treated as if they were ation of the effect of new information technologies on
missing. If choosing more than one category is ac- people’s social lives and mass media use.
ceptable, this too must be made clear, for example: Corti (1993) distinguished between “structured
diaries” and “free-text diaries.” Either can be em-
(Please choose ALL answers that represent
ployed by quantitative as well as qualitative re-
your views by placing a tick in the appropriate
searchers. Structured diaries, such as those used by
boxes. You may tick more than one box for each
O’Sullivan et al. (2006) to examine sexual practices
­question—choose as many as apply to you.)
among college students, have the general appearance
It is a common error for such instructions to be of a questionnaire with largely closed questions. At
omitted and for respondents to be unsure about how the end of each day the students in the study indicated
to reply. whether they had engaged in sexual activity that day,
and if they had, they used a checklist to mark which
Keep question and answers together sexual activity had been performed, whether they
This simple rule may seem obvious, but it is often used a condom, how safe from HIV infection they felt
transgressed: a question, or the question and the an- during the sexual encounter, and so on.
swers that accompany it, should not be split between Sullivan’s (1996) research on the domestic division
two separate pages. A common error is for a question of labour provides another illustration of a structured
to appear at the bottom of a page and the responses diary. The kind of diary Sullivan used is often de-
on the next page. The danger here is that the re- scribed as a “time-use” diary because it is designed for
spondent will either (a) fail to answer the question or recording, more or less at the time of the actual behav-
(b) pay insufficient attention to the question and give iour, how long people engage in activities such as food
a superficial answer (this problem is especially likely preparation, child care, or eating. Sullivan also asked
when a series of questions with a common answer couples to record on a five-point scale the amount of
format is being used, as with a Likert scale). enjoyment they derived from those kinds of activities.
Recording events as they happen is often con-
Researcher-driven diaries as a sidered a more accurate approach than recording
form of questionnaire them at the end of the day, largely because there is
When the researcher is interested in precise ac- less risk of forgetting. However, it is more intrusive
counts of behaviour, what Elliott (1997) called the than end-of-day reporting or answering a question-
­researcher-driven diary can be used as a kind of naire because it is a constant interruption and may
questionnaire. The researcher asks participants to even change people’s behaviour. For example, one
record their perceptions, feelings, or actions with can become preoccupied with the behaviours under
regard to certain experiences shortly after they occur. study and thus engage in them in a more thoughtful
­Laurenceau and Bolger (2005) used the diary method or premeditated way.
to study marital and family processes. Hessler et al. Sometimes diaries can be constructed as part of
(2003) used researcher-driven diaries in an email study a larger structured interview. This was the approach
122 PART II Quantitative Research

taken in the 2015 Time Use study, which was part Advantages and disadvantages of the diary
of the General Social Survey conducted for Statistics as a method of data collection
Canada. A 24-hour diary was produced by asking
people what they were doing on a certain day, start- The studies illustrating the use of diaries discussed
ing at 4:00 a.m. The first question was: “Last [day of above suggest potential advantages:
the week] at [4:00 a.m.], what were you doing?” (Most
people say “sleeping,” and are later asked how much • When fairly precise estimates regarding fre-
time they spent sleeping, and what time they went quency and/or amount of time spent in differ-
to sleep.) Sometimes questions such as “Where were ent forms of behaviour are required, the diary
you?” or “Who was with you?” are asked as well. may provide more valid and reliable data than
An example of a free-text diary is provided in questionnaires.
Crook and Light’s (2002) study in which university • When information about the sequencing of
students were asked to keep a diary for a week, div- different types of behaviour is required, it is
ided into 15-minute intervals, of the different kinds likely to perform better than questionnaires or
of study and learning activity in which they engaged, interviews.
where the activity took place, and the study resources • A diary is useful for collecting data on behav-
used (for example, the library). The various activities iour that is personally sensitive, such as sexual
were grouped into three types: classes, private study, activity.
and social study (that is, study with a peer). They were
able to show the very different amounts and patterns On the other hand, the diary method may present
of study typically undertaken during a day. the following problems:
Using free-text recording of behaviour carries
the same kinds of coding problems as those associ- • Diaries tend to be more expensive than per-
ated with open-ended survey questions—namely, the sonal interviews because of costs related to
time-consuming nature of the exercise and the risk recruiting diarists and ensuring that they are
of introducing error while coding answers. However, using their diaries properly.
the free-text approach is less likely to be problematic • There is a risk of attrition as diarists tire of the
when, as in the case of Crook and Light’s (2002) re- task, which raises reliability issues.
search, diarists are given instructions about what is • Failure to record details quickly enough can
required and the behaviours of interest are specific and result in errors or omissions.
concrete. It would be much more difficult to code free-
text entries relating to more general behaviours such as However, diary researchers such as Sullivan
the domestic activities studied by Sullivan (1996). argue that the information collected through diaries
Corti (1993) recommended that people doing re- is more accurate than that collected through inter-
search involving diaries should: views or questionnaires on the same topic.

• provide explicit instructions for diarists;

• be clear about the time periods in which the
Secondary analysis
behaviour of interest is to be assessed (for ex- of survey data
ample, daytime, certain 24-hour periods, par- Survey research, including questionnaires, can be
ticular weeks), and indicate that in the diary extremely time-consuming and expensive to con-
template; duct, and is usually well beyond the means of most
• supply a model of a completed section of a students. This is where secondary analysis comes in.
diary; and Large amounts of quantitative data already exist,
• provide brief checklists of “items, events, or collected by individual social scientists and by or-
behaviour” to jog the memory. ganizations such as government departments and
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 123

BOX 5.9 Existing data sets

Many important studies have been conducted used by Walters (2004) and Marin and Hayes
through secondary analysis of existing data. Among (2017).
the high-quality data sets used by researchers in 4. The Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
Canada are the following: developed by Citizenship and Immigration
Canada and Statistics Canada to provide data
1. The National Longitudinal Survey of Children
for the study of immigrants’ long-term earnings;
and Youth, which contains data on young
used by Li (2003) and Mata and Pendakur (2017).
people up to age 25; used by Brannigan et al.
5. The Canadian Election Studies, which pro-
(2002), Kerr (2004), Beran et al. (2008), and
vide data for all federal elections from 1965
Ames et al. (2015).
to the present; they are available through the
2. The National Population Health Survey, begun
Inter-University Consortium for Political and
in 1994–5 and planned to continue for 20 years;
Social Research; scores of publications have
it examines health and health care in Canada;
been produced using these surveys, for example,
used by Légaré et al. (2014).
Gidengil et al. (2006), Goodyear-Grant and Cros-
3. National Graduates Surveys, which ask
kill (2011), and Kevins and Soroka (2018).
­graduates about their employment two years
after finishing their post-secondary education; These are only a few of the available data sets.

university-affiliated research centres (see Box 5.9). tiny fraction of the cost involved in collecting
The latter include the Institute for Social Research at new data.
York University, and the Institute of Urban Studies • High-quality data. Most of the data sets em-
at the University of Winnipeg. Sources such as these ployed for secondary analysis are of extremely
make raw statistical data available on topics such as high quality. First, the sampling procedures
income, fertility, crime, and unemployment, as well have often been rigorous, in many cases pro-
as a host of other social and political issues. Using ducing samples that are as close to represen-
secondary data rather than collecting your own has tative as is reasonably possible. ­ A lthough
the additional advantage of sparing an already over-­ those responsible for these ­studies face the
surveyed public yet another round of questions. For same problems of non-­response as anyone
this reason, secondary analysis should be considered else, well-established ­procedures are usually
not just by students but by all social researchers. in place for following up n ­on-­respondents
Indeed, some granting agencies require applicants and thus keeping this problem to a minimum.
proposing to collect new data to demonstrate that Second, the samples are f­ requently national in
relevant data are not already available in an archive. scope, or at least cover a wide variety of regions,
which is a highly desirable—and costly—­
Advantages of secondary analysis feature. Third, many data sets have been gener-
There are several reasons for considering secondary ated by highly ­experienced researchers and, in
analysis a serious alternative to collecting new data. Its the case of some of the large data sets, gathered
advantages have been enumerated by Dale et al. (1988): by social research organizations with strong
control procedures to check on data quality.
• Cost and time. As we noted above, secondary • Opportunity for longitudinal analysis. An-
analysis often offers good-quality data for a other valuable feature of secondary analysis is
124 PART II Quantitative Research

that it can provide an opportunity for longi- • Subgroup analysis. When samples are large (as
tudinal research. Sometimes, as with the in the GSS) there is an opportunity to study sub-
General Social Survey (GSS ; see Box 5.10), a groups. A sample of 100 people, for example,
panel format (in which the same subjects are might include only three people over age 85.
examined at different times) is used to chart No quantitative researcher wants to talk about
trends over time. Similarly, because certain those three seniors, as in “only 33 per cent of
interview questions are recycled and asked of the aged are in good health”: that amounts to
different samples each year, shifting opinions one person. With a national sample of 2000,
or changes in behaviour can be identified. the numbers are increased twenty-fold to 60.

BOX 5.10 General Social Survey features

Introduction on specific policy issues of current interest. The GSS

In 1985, Statistics Canada introduced the General is a continuing research project that operates on
Social Survey (GSS), which covers major topics an annual cycle. Each annual survey classifies sub-
such as the health of Canadians and their levels of jects by age, sex, education, and income. Core con-
social support. The GSS has two principal object- tent areas, however, cannot be treated adequately
ives: first, to gather data regularly on Canadian every year. Therefore they are usually covered
social trends; and second, to provide information every five years. The content by cycle is as follows:

Cycle Year Topics

1 1985 Health, Social Support
2 1986 Time Use, Social Mobility, Language
3 1988 Personal Risk, Victim Services
4 1989 Education and Work
5 1990 Family and Friends
6 1991 Health (Various Topics)
7 1992 Time Use, Culture, Sport and Unpaid Activities
8 1993 Personal Risk, Alcohol and Drug Use
9 1994 Education, Work, Transition into Retirement
10 1995 Family Effects of Tobacco Smoke
11 1996 Social Support, Tobacco Use
12 1998 Time Use
13 1999 Victimization, Spousal Violence, Senior Abuse, and Public Perceptions of
Alternatives to Imprisonment
14 2000 Access to and Use of Information Communication Technology
15 2001 Family History
16 2002 Social Support and Aging
17 2003 Social Contact with Family, Friends, and Neighbours; Involvement in
Formal Organizations; Political Activities and Volunteer Work; Values and
Attitudes; Trust in Public Institutions
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 125

Even though this number is still small, it will Cross-cultural research can address that issue.
allow a more meaningful estimate of seniors’ A study of religiosity by Kelley and De Graaf
health. It is impossible to reach such a number (1997) is an example. The authors described
in a small study unless the group in question is the process as follows:
the specific focus of the research.
• Opportunity for cross-cultural (international) Data are from the 1991 “Religion” module of
analysis. It’s easy to forget that many findings the International Social Survey Programme
may not apply to countries other than the (ISSP) . . . a module containing exactly the same
ones in which the research was conducted. questions, answer categories, and sequencing

18 2004 Criminal Victimization

19 2005 Replication of Time-Use Study
20 2006 Family Life in Canada
21 2007 Life transitions experienced by Canadians over the age of 45, such as those
relating to employment, family composition, social networks and housing
22 2008 Social Networks, Social and Civic Participation
23 2009 Victimization
24 2010 Time-Stress and Well-Being
25 2011 Family
26 2012 Caregiving and Care Receiving
27 2013 Giving, Volunteering and Participating; Social Identity
28 2014 Canadians’ Safety (Victimization)
29 2015–16 Time Use
30 2016 Canadians at Work and Home
31 2017 Family
32 2018 Caregiving and Care Receiving
33 2018 Giving, Volunteering and Participating

Collection Methods data, primarily in the form of tables and charts,

Telephone interviewing is the major form of data col- along with initial analyses and findings. Public-use
lection for three reasons: low cost, ease of monitor- microdata files, together with supporting docu-
ing interviewers, and data quality. The sample size mentation, are available for secondary analyses.
for each cycle of the GSS is now approximately 25,000 These files contain individual records, screened to
households, generally one person per household. ensure confidentiality.

GSS findings form the basis of a series of publica-
tions that present national and regional summary Source: Statistics Canada (2013), accessed 3 November 2018.
126 PART II Quantitative Research

for all countries surveyed. . . . The samples • Reanalysis can offer new interpretations. It’s
are all large, representative national samples easy to think that once a set of data has been
of adults. The most common procedure is to analyzed, the data have in some sense been
hold face-to-face interviews . . . followed by a used up. In fact, data can be analyzed in so
leave-behind self-completion questionnaire many different ways that there is almost always
containing the ISSP module . . . (1997, p. 642) additional insight to be gained from them. For
example, a secondary analyst may look at rela-
Kelley and De Graaf’s results were based on a tionships between variables that have not been
secondary analysis of data from 15 nations. Oppor- previously considered, prompting a reconsider-
tunities for such cross-cultural analysis appear to ation of the data’s relevance (see Box 5.11). Also,
be increasing. For example, common core questions new methods of quantitative data analysis, with
may be used in national surveys conducted in several the potential of allowing different interpreta-
countries. Both the US and Britain have the equiva- tions of the data, are continuously emerging. As
lent of our GSS. This allowed Grabb and Curtis (2004) awareness of such techniques spreads, and their
to create a body of literature comparing the US and potential relevance is recognized, researchers
Canada, revealing cross-national regional differences can apply them to existing data sets.
where national differences were widely expected. • It fulfills the wider obligations of the social
­researcher. For all types of social research,
• More time for data analysis. Precisely because ­research participants give up some of their
data collection is time-consuming, the analysis time, usually for no reward. It’s not unreason-
of the data is often rushed. It might seem that able that the public should expect the data they
data collection would be the difficult phase and provide to be mined to the fullest. Making data
the analysis relatively straightforward, but this available for secondary analysis enhances the
is not always the case. Working out what to chances that they will be put to maximal use.
make of the data requires considerable thought
and, often, willingness to learn unfamiliar sta- Limitations of secondary analysis
tistical techniques. Freedom from the task of The foregoing list of benefits sounds almost too good
collecting fresh data means that data analysis to be true. But there are some drawbacks to analyz-
can be better planned and executed. ing data gathered by others:

BOX 5.11 Secondary analysis and new research questions

Secondary analysis can involve topics that in all may be related to feelings of guilt, irregular eating
likelihood were not envisaged by those responsible patterns, and concerns about body shape. Similarly,
for the data collection. In a secondary analysis of Bell and Kandler (2017) did a secondary analysis
data on dietary choices, attitudes, and practices, of American twin data that showed that political
Beardsworth et al. (2002) added gender as a focus orientations, party identification, and interest in
that had not been examined in previous analyses. politics could not be fully explained by socio-
The study showed that women were more likely logical factors, and that those political characteris-
than men to adopt a “virtuous” pattern of eating, tics were still highly heritable after the sociological
one in keeping with Western ethical and nutritional variables were taken into account. Both of these
principles. The article also showed that adherence studies provide examples of profitable extensions
to these principles had a negative side in that it of prior research using existing data.
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 127

• Lack of familiarity with the data. With data col- Similarly, people could be coming from adjoin-
lected by others, a period of familiarization is ing neighbourhoods to commit crimes in a com-
necessary to come to grips with a wide array of munity they perceive as more vulnerable than
variables, the ways in which they were coded, their own. Group data cannot evaluate these
and various aspects of their organization. possibilities. To avoid the ecological fallacy, the
With large data sets this period can be quite unit of analysis (individual, group, neighbour-
prolonged. hood, etc.) of the data must be the same as the
• Complexity of the data. Some of the best-known unit of analysis of the statement or hypothesis.
data sets employed for secondary analysis, such For example, to test the hypothesis that people in
as the GSS, are very large both in the numbers group X are more likely to commit crimes than
of cases and in the numbers of variables they people not in group X, you would need data on
contain. Sometimes the sheer volume of data individuals, not neighbourhoods or regions.
can present problems, and here too a period of • No control over data quality. The point has
acclimatization may be required. Also, some of been made on several occasions that second-
the most prominent data sets employed for sec- ary analysis offers researchers the opportunity
ondary analysis are hierarchical, meaning that to examine data of far higher quality than they
the data are collected and presented at the level could collect themselves. However, this point
both of the household and of the individual applies mainly to reputable data sets such as the
(and sometimes at other levels as well). Different GSS and others. With lesser-known data sets,
data may apply to each level. Thus at the house- more caution may be necessary with regard
hold level, data on variables such as the number to data quality, although certain fundamental
of cars may be included, while at the individual checks on quality are usually undertaken by
level, data on income and occupation are found. the archives in which the data are deposited.
The secondary analyst must decide which level • Absence of key variables. Because secondary
of analysis to use; if the decision is to analyze analysis entails the analysis of data collected by
individual-level data, the individual-level data others for their own purposes, one or more of
must then be extracted from the data set. the secondary analysts’ key variables may not be
• The ecological fallacy. This can be a problem if present, or may be measured differently in dif-
data gathered by region or neighbourhood (such ferent years. Walters (2004) had this problem in
as census data) are used to make statements a study of incomes earned by graduates of vari-
about individuals. The term “ecological fallacy” ous kinds of post-secondary programs; therefore
comes from the common practice of acquiring he had to modify the original data. Similarly, an
data for a geographical area, such as the crime analyst might want to see if a known relation-
rate in a particular neighbourhood. Coleman ship between two variables holds even when
and Moynihan (1996) provided an example of other variables are taken into account, but might
this fallacy as it relates to the relationship be- find that those other variables are not part of the
tween ethnicity and crime. They observed that data set. Considering more than one independ-
findings showing a higher incidence of crime ent variable at a time is a form of multivariate
in neighbourhoods with high concentrations of analysis, a topic we will touch on in Chapter 8.
ethnic minorities had been used to imply that
members of such minority groups were more The need for survey data as a check
likely than others to commit crimes. However, and counterpoint to official statistics
individual data are needed to examine this hy- Official government statistics are important sources
pothesis, which may or may not be true. For ex- of data for secondary analysis. Some of these sources,
ample, it may not be the members of the minority such as the census, are based on interviews and ques-
groups who are responsible for the high levels of tionnaires conducted by state-run organizations.
offending, but their n ­ on-minority neighbours. Others, such as the police data sometimes used to
128 PART II Quantitative Research

calculate the crime rate, are better understood as in- intoxicated, official estimates of the incidence of those
formation gathered by state agencies to record what behaviours will almost certainly increase. Moreover,
they have done in the process of conducting their during such crackdowns police officers may be less
duties. Here we explore potential deficiencies in the likely than usual to let perpetrators off with a warning.
latter and how survey data may sometimes provide a Zero-tolerance programs have the same result. This
needed correction to them. illustrates how variations over time in official crime
To be sure, official statistics offer the social re- statistics may not be the result of variations in the
searcher certain advantages: frequencies of the activities tracked, but may simply
reflect changes in the willingness to expend resources
• The data are often based on whole populations on surveillance or to proceed with prosecutions.
rather than samples, making it possible to Problems with official statistics may also stem
obtain a complete picture of the population in from factors related to “race,” ethnicity, and class.
question. For example, there may be variations in the likeli-
• There is a greater prospect of analyzing the hood that members of the public will report a crime
data both longitudinally and c­ ross-culturally. when the perpetrator is a member of a particular
Because the data are compiled over many ethnic group (Are Indigenous people more likely
years, it’s possible to chart trends over time than others to be noticed and reported?), and for a
and perhaps to relate them to broader social variety of reasons police may be less inclined to in-
changes. As well, official statistics from differ- vestigate white-collar crime than street crime.
ent nations can be compared for a specific area These deficiencies in official statistics may be offset
of activity. Durkheim’s (1897/1952) famous by using other sources of data when performing sec-
study of suicide, for example, was the result ondary analysis, most notably those derived from
of a comparative analysis of official statistics interviews and questionnaires that are based on rep-
from several countries. resentative samples. A good example of this is the
utilization of victimization surveys (such as the afore-
However, as mentioned in the previous chapter (see mentioned GSS victimization studies) in criminology,
Box 4.4), some forms of official statistics can be very which may be used in conjunction with official police
misleading if they record only those individuals who statistics. Both types of data have their strengths and
are processed by the agencies responsible for compiling weaknesses, so a judicious use of both may be required
the statistics, such as the police. Crime rates have been to understand the full extent and consequences of crim-
a particular focus of attention and concern among inal activity. Boivin and Leclerc (2016), for instance,
critics of the use of official statistics, but other official point out that survey research indicates that only a
statistics suffer from the same problem. For example, small fraction of domestic violence cases is reported to
official unemployment statistics may misrepresent the the police, and seek to explain why by analyzing inci-
“real” level of unemployment. People who have given dent reports compiled by Quebec police officers.
up trying to find work are often missed in the statistics,
while those who work in the “underground or informal
economy” (and thus are not actually unemployed) may
The feminist critique
be included in the unemployment statistics. In addi- Some feminist and other anti-oppressive social re-
tion, the definition of “unemployment” used by those searchers maintain that standard survey research
who compile official statistics may not be exactly the methods create an asymmetrical relationship in
same as the ones used by social researchers. which the researcher extracts information from the
Measurement problems may also arise if policies respondent and gives nothing in return. For example,
regarding the phenomenon to be counted vary over textbook advice of the kind offered in this chapter says
time. For example, if a local government decides to that it is important to establish a rapport with par-
devote more police resources to monitoring activ- ticipants, but that interviewers should guard against
ities such as drug use, the sex trade, or driving while becoming too familiar with them. Thus, participants
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 129

who ask questions (for example, about the topic of the special training in the handling of sensitive topics
study or the research process) should be politely but has contributed to this change. Moreover, survey re-
firmly rebuffed lest the answers bias their subsequent search in several countries has proven to be highly
responses. Feminist scholars in the past have criticized instructive about issues of concern to feminists, such
such practices as hierarchical and even exploitative. as the frequency and causes of phenomena such as
On the other hand, as we noted in Chapter 1, there violence against women and children (Brownridge
has been some softening of attitudes toward quan- et al., 2017; Walby & Myhill, 2001), and the challenges
titative research among feminist researchers. This faced by sexual assault and rape crisis centres (Beres
has come about in part because the way research et al., 2009; see the “Methods in Motion” box in this
is conducted has evolved in response to criticisms chapter). Such research would seem to be consistent
from feminists and others. Paying more attention to with the goals of most feminist researchers, and is
issues such as privacy in the interview and providing potentially of great value for both women and men.

Research in the News

The Changing Face of Canada
In 1967 Canada changed its immigration policy, about 48 per cent were visible minorities, as people
becoming the first country in the world to use a from South Asian countries, Jamaica, Trinidad,
points system. Before that time, the Canadian gov- Ghana, Nigeria, and other non-European nations
ernment gave preferential treatment to people made Canada their home. Between 2000 and 2006,
from Western European nations and other coun- that number increased to almost 80 per cent.
tries where a majority of the population was of Frank Trovato, an Alberta sociologist and dem-
European descent. But starting in 1967, educa- ographer, says in the article that the change to the
tion, occupational qualifications, and the ability points system “had significant effects on shaping
to speak Canada’s official languages became in- the social demographic fabric of Canadian soci-
creasingly important criteria for admission. ety,” and that the new policy was a precursor to
In an article in the Edmonton Journal (Simons & the Multiculturalism Act of 1971, which formally
Clancy, 2017), Canadian sociologist Monica Boyd’s proclaimed Canada to be a multicultural country.
findings, based on data from Statistics Canada, Canada’s point system and its larger immigration
provide the demographic context for the story. She policy over the past half century are recognized
explains that prior to 1970, only 9 per cent of im- globally as a major success story, with many coun-
migrants were people of colour. But in the 1970s tries adopting a similar system.

Key Points
Survey research is one of the most widely used • While open questions undoubtedly have advan-
data-gathering techniques in the social sciences. tages in survey research, closed ones are typically
Surveys include interviews, in which a researcher en- preferable. They facilitate the asking of the ques-
gages in a verbal discussion with the participant, and tions, the recording of answers, and coding. This
point applies especially to questionnaires.
questionnaires, which respondents read and fill out
on their own. This kind of research permits standard- • Open questions of the kind used in qualitative
ization in the asking of questions and the categoriz- interviewing can play a useful role in formulating
ation of answers. fixed-choice answers.
130 PART II Quantitative Research

• Learning the rules of question asking will help you • Online surveys take two major forms: Web surveys
avoid some serious problems. and email surveys.
• Question order is very important and some gen- • The researcher-driven diary is an alternative to
eral rules should be followed. using questionnaires and interviews, especially
• Response sets are a potential problem in both when the research questions are concerned
structured interviews and questionnaires, but with specific behaviours rather than attitudes or
steps can be taken to lessen their impact. opinions.

• Always put yourself in the position of the re- • The visual presentation of closed questions and
spondent when devising questions. their general layout are important considerations
in designing questionnaires.
• Ensure that the survey questions generate data ap-
propriate to the research questions. • Secondary analyses allow researchers to conduct
their inquiries without having to collect new data.
• A pilot study can identify problems in question
formulation. • Very often, secondary analysis involves high-
quality data sets taken from large, representative
• Structured interviews can be administered in
person, over the phone, or online.
• Secondary analysis presents a few disadvantages,
• It is important for interviewers to keep to the
such as the absence of theoretically important
wording and order of questions. Training in the
asking of questions, the recording of answers,
and how to establish rapport with respondents is • Official statistics, especially those relating to
essential. crime, can be problematic for secondary analysis.
• Questionnaires reduce some of the problems en- • The problems associated with official statistics
countered in structured interviews, but they also may be offset by using survey data taken from rep-
have weaknesses. resentative samples.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Open or closed questions? Response sets
RR Why are closed questions preferred to open ones RR What are response sets and why is it important to
in survey research? know about them?
AA Compose a closed question to measure people’s AA Name and define three kinds of response set, pro-
attitudes toward recycling, then list possible short- viding an original example of each one.
comings of the question.
Vignette questions
Types of questions RR In what circumstances are vignette questions es-
RR What are the main types of question likely to be pecially appropriate?
used in a structured interview or questionnaire? AA Make up a set of vignette questions to examine an
AA Compose a closed question to measure attitudes addiction of your choice.
toward gun control, using a seven-point Likert scale.
Pre-testing questions
Question order RR Why is it important to pre-test questions?
RR Explain why question order may significantly AA Compose an open question that could be used in a
affect answers. pilot study to generate closed questions on the topic
AA Construct three survey questions to illustrate how of what people find attractive in a romantic partner.
question order may significantly affect answers.
Place them in two different orders, and explain Using existing questions
how placing them in a different order may make a RR Why should researchers consider using questions
difference in how people respond to them. devised by others?
5 | Survey Research: I­ nterviews and Questionnaires 131

AA Assume you are doing a study on the frequency of What disadvantages do they have compared to
tobacco smoking among university students, and traditional research methods?
that there are already widely used questions on AA If you were asked to participate in an online survey
this topic that have been administered to the gen- concerning cheating on university exams, would
eral public. Would it be necessary to devise your you agree to do it? Explain why or why not, then
own questions, or could you rely on the existing explain how researchers could increase the re-
ones? Explain. sponse rate for the study.

Interviews The diary as a form of questionnaire

RR Why might a survey researcher prefer a structured RR In what circumstances is it preferable to use
interview to an unstructured one? a diary approach rather than a conventional
AA In an interview study examining sexist attitudes, questionnaire?
would it be best to use only female interviewers, AA Construct five items that would be appropriate
only male interviewers, or both? Explain. for a structured research diary designed to record
people’s food intake over a 24-hour period.
Interview contexts
RR In what circumstances is it preferable to con- Other researchers’ data
duct structured interviews with more than one RR What is secondary analysis? What are its advan-
interviewer? tages and disadvantages?
AA Assume you have unlimited time and money to do AA Assume that you will be conducting a secondary
an interview study on gender differences in career analysis of survey data on the topic of gender dif-
aspirations. Would it be better to do in-person ferences in attitudes toward same-sex marriage.
interviews or telephone interviews? Explain. List three variables that may not be part of an
existing data set on this topic, and explain why
Questionnaires you think they may not be included in an existing
RR What advantages do questionnaires have over data set.
structured interviews? What disadvantages do
they have compared to structured interviews? Official statistics
AA Assume your professor just asked you to fill out a RR What are the drawbacks to using official police
questionnaire in class that will be used in a pub- statistics to estimate crime rates?
lished research paper. What ethical issues are in- AA You are planning to do research on the personal
volved in this situation? and social factors that contribute to intimate part-
ner violence. What problems would arise if you
Online social surveys relied entirely on official police statistics for your
RR What advantages do online surveys have over data? Explain.
traditional research methods for collecting data?

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Students work in pairs for 15 minutes to design 2. Divide the class into an even number of small groups.
an opening statement to be given to prospective Each group is to compose a 10-item structured inter-
participants in a study on shoplifting committed view schedule designed to address the following re-
by university students. All relevant details are to search question: “Does the use of illegal drugs have
be included—e.g., how the potential respondents an impact on university students’ grades?” Each
were selected, how confidentiality will be main- group is then paired with another group. A person in
tained, and so on. Students are then asked to write Group A verbally administers the survey to a person
their statements on the board/screen, with the in Group B, and then another person in Group A ad-
rest of the class commenting on the strengths and ministers it to a different person in Group B, and so
weaknesses of the statements. on, until several people have been interviewed. After
132 PART II Quantitative Research

each person is interviewed, he or she comments revised versions solve all the problems contained
on the experience—e.g., on whether the questions in the original question, or if further revision
were clear, whether they felt embarrassed, whether would be appropriate.
the fixed responses adequately covered what came 4. The class is divided up into small groups. Each
to their mind when they were asked the questions, group is asked to come up with 10 survey ques-
and so on. The exercise is then repeated, with people tions designed to measure attitudes toward a
in Group B interviewing people in Group A. Once all controversial topic (e.g., assisted suicide, gay mar-
class groups are finished, the instructor leads an riage, animal rights, etc.) and to gather basic socio-­
open discussion that starts with the question “What demographic data. Once that has been done, each
did you learn from this exercise?” group puts its questions up on the board/screen,
3. The instructor reads each question, one at a time, and the rest of the class provides a critique. Once
from Box 5.5. After each question is read, the class all groups have had their turn, the groups get
is asked to point out its flaws. All members of the together again and revise their questions to ad-
class are then given two minutes to come up with dress the concerns raised by their classmates. Each
a revised version of the question. Individual stu- group presents its questions to the class a second
dents are called on to produce their revised ver- time, with commentary on how the previous weak-
sions, which are written on the board/screen. The nesses have been corrected. The class again offers
class is then asked to comment on whether the a critique to each group.

Relevant Websites
The Canadian Election Study site gives you access justice system and experiences of criminal victimiz-
to structured interviews and questionnaires and ation in Canada.
the numerical data derived from them for Canadian
elections going back as far as 1965. pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=4504
The Inter-University Consortium for Political and
This YouTube video explains how to make an online Social Research is an international association of
survey using Google Docs. about 700 academic institutions and research organ- izations that “provides leadership and training in data
access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social
In the General Social Survey on Time Use, 2015
science research community.” Click on “Find Data” to
Questionnaire, you can find an example of a research
access over 500,000 digital files for examples of ques-
diary that forms part of a larger structured interview.
tions used in a wide variety of social research projects.
Id=217656&UL=1V& The UK Data Service provides a searchable databank
of questions used on social surveys in the UK.
The General Social Survey on Victimization, 2014
Questionnaire contains the questions used by Sta-
tistics Canada to assess perceptions of our criminal (Websites accessed 20 October 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Audio clips • Web links

• Student self-quiz • Printable checklist • Videos • Activities
Structured Observation

Chapter Overview
Structured observation is a relatively underused method in social research. It entails the direct obser-
vation of behaviour, which is analyzed using categories that are devised before the observation begins.
This chapter explores:
• the limitations of survey research for the study of behaviour;
• different forms of observation in social research;
• the potential of structured observation to contribute to our understanding of social behaviour;
• how to devise an observation schedule;
• different strategies for conducting structured observation;
• issues of reliability and validity in structured observation;
• field studies, in which a researcher intervenes in actual social life and records what happens as a
consequence of the intervention;
• ethical issues in the above; and
• some criticisms of structured observation.

Kate has just arrived at a “meet and greet” reception She notices that the people who look ­middle-aged
held by her university’s social sciences division as part tend to be talking to other people who look
of Orientation Week. The invitation said that professors ­middle-aged. Are they profs? A group has gathered
and even the dean would be in attendance. Laid out on around a ­middle-aged woman in a business suit who
a long table in the centre of the room are fruit and vege- is holding forth about student grades in the social
table snacks, cheese and crackers, wine, beer, and fruit ­sciences compared to the humanities. Is she the dean?
juices, as well as tea and coffee. Being naturally curious, Kate also notices that in the past 10 minutes, the woman
Kate decides that instead of schmoozing she will take who might be the dean has talked to seven people who
a glass of wine and make her way to a deserted part of appear to be profs, but only two who look like students.
the room. The people who look like students seem far more likely

▲ rawpixel/123rf
134 PART II Quantitative Research

to be talking to other students than to profs. Shifting her to one. As a test of the latter observation she sets the
attention to the table in the centre of the room, Kate timer on her watch so she can do a formal count for
notices that the middle-agers who are drinking alco- 10 ­minutes. To her horror, the woman who appears to be
hol have almost all chosen wine rather than beer, and the dean walks all the way across the room and asks her
that the women prefer white to red by a factor of two brusquely, “Are you doing some kind of study?”

Introduction behaviour—such as criminal activity—are inherently

difficult to observe. Another reason is that many social
As illustrated in Chapter 5, in survey research, be- researchers want to generalize their findings, which
haviour must be inferred from what the respondent means selecting large, random samples to provide
reports. But as we have noted in previous chapters, information that can be extrapolated to some popula-
such inferences can be problematic because what tion of interest. Normally it is not feasible to adopt that
people say and what they do are not always the same sort of methodology in a structured observation study.
thing. Structured observation offers a possible solu-
tion to that problem by observing behaviour directly.
Explicitly formulated rules are used to make the ob-
Problems with survey research
servations and to record the information gathered. Chapter 5 dealt with several aspects of survey research,
Although structured observation may appear to including the problems typically associated with it.
be a logical alternative to survey research, it has not Box 6.1 summarizes some of the main problems. Also
attracted a large following and tends to be used only recall that practitioners have developed, with varying
in research settings such as classrooms, courts, and degrees of success, ways of dealing with these short-
hospitals. One reason for this is that certain types of comings or at least of reducing their impact.

BOX 6.1 Problems with using survey research to investigate behaviour

• Problems of meaning. People may vary in their For example, men who recently underwent sur-
interpretations of key terms in a question. Does gery for prostate cancer may not want to admit
“watching television” include having it on in the to any incontinence.
background while you are making dinner? • Gap between stated and actual behaviour.
• Problems of memory. Respondents may not re- How people say they would behave and how
member certain aspects of their behaviour, or they actually behave is often inconsistent (see
they may have false memories of it. For e
­ xample, Box 4.6). Husbands, for example, traditionally
people may underestimate the number of alco- overestimate how much time they devote to
holic drinks they consume in a typical week. housework. Perrucci et al. (2000) found two
• Social desirability bias. Perhaps the most im- quite different kinds of racial relations on a
portant shortcoming of survey research is predominantly white university campus, be-
that respondents will often give answers that haviours they described as “front stage” and
they think will reflect well on them; for ex- “back stage.” The “back stage” behaviour,
ample, overestimating donations to charity or which showed less than full acceptance of
under-reporting traffic tickets. racial minorities, did not become apparent
• Threatening or embarrassing questions. These until questionnaires were supplemented by
may lead to replies that are not fully truthful. direct observation.
6 | Structured Observation 135

So why not just observe possible to examine the frequency with which each
group asks questions and answers them, talks or
­behaviour directly? keeps silent, and so forth. Similarly, age and gender
An obvious solution to the problems identified in differences could be explored in relation to Bales’s
Box 6.1 is not to rely on research instruments such as categories 11 (“Shows tension”) and 2 (“Tension re-
surveys, but to observe people’s behaviour directly. lease”). Or the same categories could be used to com-
Structured observation (sometimes called “system- pare “authoritarian” and “shared” leadership styles.
atic observation”) is one way to do that. (See Box 6.2 For example, is there less tension and thus less need
for other types of observation research.) Using this for tension relief with an “authoritarian” leadership
method, the researcher formulates explicit rules out- style, or with a “shared” one? A scheme like this
lining what behaviours are to be observed and how could also be used to help leadership trainees im-
the observations are to be recorded. Each person in prove their leadership skills.
the study is observed for a predetermined period of If an observer coded what was happening in
time following rules set out in a document (similar the group as a whole every 15 seconds, the coding
to a structured interview schedule) that is usually for a 12-minute period might look something like
called an observation schedule. The data collected in Figure 6.2. Notice how often a question tends to
this way, like survey data, can then be treated as vari- be followed by an answer and a negative affect by a
ables for analysis. smoothing positive affect (Bales organized his cat-
One of the classic schedules for the observation egories so that the codes assigned to linked behav-
of small-group behaviour was developed by Bales iours such as these add up to 13). In many cases,
(1951) (see Figure 6.1). Suppose you wanted to com- two types of leaders emerge: a task specialist and a
pare leaders and followers in terms of their behav- socio-emotional leader who is more responsible for
iour: using Bales’s observation schedule, it would be group members’ feelings.

BOX 6.2 Other types of observation research

• Participant observation. This is one of the setting. Bell’s (2007) study of western ­Canadian
best-known methods of social science re- separatists is an example of this sort of obser-
search, especially in sociology and anthro- vation. If the subjects are not aware that they
pology. It is primarily qualitative and entails are being observed and analyzed, such re-
the relatively prolonged immersion of the search can be called unobtrusive ­observation.
observer in a particular social setting (for ex- However, Bell’s subjects knew that he was
ample, a group, organization, or community). studying them. Non-participant observation
The main goal is usually to elicit the meanings may be either structured or unstructured (see
that the people being observed attribute to below); Bell’s approach was unstructured.
their environment and behaviour. Participant • Unstructured observation. As its name implies,
observers vary considerably in how much they unstructured observation does not follow
participate in the social settings in which formal rules for either making or recording ob-
they locate themselves. (For a more detailed servations. Instead, the observer records the
discussion, see Chapter 10.) subjects’ behaviour in as much detail as pos-
• Non-participant observation. This term ap- sible, and then develops a narrative account
plies to situations in which the observer does (story) of that behaviour. Most participant ob-
not take part in what is going on in the social servation is unstructured.
136 PART II Quantitative Research

1 Helps, rewards, affirms others

The observation schedule
2 Tension release, jokes, shows satisfaction
Devising a schedule for recording observations is
3 Agrees, concurs, complies
clearly a crucial step in a structured observation
4 Gives direction project. The considerations are very similar to those
5 Gives opinion, evaluation involved in creating a structured interview schedule.
6 Gives orientation, repeats, clarifies For example:
7 Asks orientation, for repetition/clarification
• A clear focus is necessary, meaning that the
8 Asks opinions
research problem needs to be clearly stated.
9 Asks for direction, possible ways of action The observer must know exactly who is to be
10 Disagrees, withholds help observed and which specific behaviours are to
11 Shows tension, withdraws
be recorded.
• As with the production of a closed question for
12 Shows antagonism, deflates, defends self
a structured interview schedule, the categories
of behaviour must be both mutually exclu-
Sum of 13: Balancing task areas (neutral affect)
sive (not overlapping) and exhaustive (every-
6 + 7 Communication
thing must have a category). What if someone
5 + 8 Evaluation
knocks on the door to ask about emptying the
4 + 9 Decision
trash can while the study is underway? Per-
haps the best approach is to have a category
Sum of 13: Balancing socio-emotional reactions
of behaviour coded “Other” or “Interruption.”
(−) (+)
Pilot studies help to reveal possible problems
10 + 3 (Dis)agreement
associated with a lack of exhaustiveness.
11 + 2 Tension (reduction)
• The classification scheme must be easy to use.
12 + 1 (Dis)integration
Complex systems listing many types of be-
FIGURE 6.1 Small-group interaction process: haviour may be unworkable. Much like inter-
Adapted from Bales (1951)
­ bservation schedule for an imaginary study of
O viewers using a structured interview schedule,
small-group interaction observers need to be trained, but even a well-
Source: Adapted from Bales (1951).
trained observer can become flustered or con-
fused if faced with too many options.
• Problems can arise if the observation schedule
requires too much interpretation on the part

7 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 8 5 10 2

5 8 5 12 1 9 9 4 4 5 4 4

10 11 12 12 2 1 1 11 2 8 8 5

5 10 10 2 1 3 2 1 3 6 2 1

FIGURE 6.2 Coding sheet for imaginary study of small group

Note: Each cell represents a 15-second interval and each row represents 3 minutes.
6 | Structured Observation 137

of the observer. For example, in Bales’s scheme ORACLE (Observational Research and Class-
it can be difficult to distinguish between a cat- room Learning Evaluation) project (Galton
egory 10, “Withholds help,” and a category 11, et al. 1980). In this research, eight children
“Withdraws.” If interpretation is needed, clear (four of each gender) and their teacher were
guidelines and considerable training and ex- observed at regular intervals. A mechanical
perience are required. device made a noise every 25 seconds, signal-
ling the observer to record what the teachers
or pupils were doing (in accordance with the
Strategies for observing observation schedule).
There are different ways to observe and record
Issues of reliability and validity
Compared with interviews and questionnaires,
• Recording incidents means waiting for some- structured observation “provides (a) more reliable
thing to happen and then recording what fol- information about events; (b) greater precision re-
lows from it. Essentially, this is what LaPiere garding their timing, duration, and frequency; (c)
(1934; see Box 4.6) did when he waited for a greater accuracy in the time ordering of variables;
Chinese couple to negotiate entry to a hotel or and (d) more accurate and economical reconstruc-
restaurant and then noted whether they were tion of large-scale social episodes” (McCall, 1984,
allowed in or not. p. 277). This is a very strong endorsement, but there
• A wide variety of behaviours can be observed are issues of reliability and validity to consider. Some
and recorded in either short or long periods of them are similar to those faced by any researcher
of time. In research reported in Chapter 2, seeking to develop measures in social research (es-
­children in St Helena were videotaped over pecially survey research), while others are specific to
a two-week period during their morning, structured observation.
lunch, and afternoon breaks. The tapes were
then coded using “the Playground Behav- Reliability
iour Observation Schedule, an instrument One thing practitioners of structured observation
for recording the occurrence of 23 behaviours have been concerned with is inter-observer con-
(e.g., games; fantasy play; character imitation; sistency. Essentially, this entails considering how
­anti-social and pro-social behaviour) and their closely two or more observers of the same behaviour
behaviour groupings (i.e., whether the behav- agree on how to code it (see Boxes 6.3 and 6.4).
iour was undertaken by an individual, a pair, A second consideration is intra-observer con-
by 3 to 5 children, or 6 or more). . . . A separ- sistency: the degree of consistency in the appli-
ate schedule was completed for each 30-second cation of the observation schedule by a single
segment” (Charlton et al., 1998, p. 7). observer over time. Consistency is difficult to
• Time sampling is another approach to the achieve because people tend to behave differently
observation of behaviour. Since it is usually depending on the context. Reliability may also
not possible to observe a situation continu- be threatened by factors such as observer fatigue
ously for extended periods of time, research- and lapses in attention. However, observers can be
ers generally sample the times at which they trained to get highly reliable results using complex
make their observations. The times at which coding schedules. The procedures for assessing
the observations are made are chosen in ad- intra-­
observer reliability across all possibilities
vance, either systematically or randomly. An are broadly similar to those used to assess inter-­
example is a study of schools known as the observer consistency.
138 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 6.3 Observing the effects of ADHD on childhood friendships

Normand and colleagues (2013) studied how The results indicated that children with ADHD
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) committed a higher proportion of illegal man-
may affect friendships among children aged 7–13. oeuvres in the car race, and that, unlike those
Children from the Ottawa–Gatineau region were without ADHD, increased the proportion of rule
recruited to participate, about two-thirds of whom violations over time. Similarly, in the card-­sharing
had a diagnosis of ADHD. The recruited children task, ADHD children made a greater proportion
were asked to invite their best friend to participate of self-centred and insensitive proposals, and
as well. The research was conducted at two differ- increased their level of insensitive proposals.
ent time periods, six months apart. One aspect of When choosing games, children with ADHD made
the study involved structured observation of the a higher proportion of insensitive proposals. All
friendship pairs engaging in three dyadic activ- in all, it appeared that the ADHD children were
ities: a rule-based car race in which each child at a marked disadvantage with regard to the be-
controlled a toy vehicle; a sharing activity involv- haviours associated with creating and sustaining
ing trading cards; and a game-choice task in which healthy friendships.
the friendship pair had to decide on which of sev- Given the importance of high-quality friend-
eral games offered they would play at the end of ships for personal well-being, the researchers
the session. During these interactions, observers recommended a number of interventions to help
counted various types of behaviour that correlate children with ADHD, including having parents
with childhood friendship quality and satisfaction, coach their children on the importance of rule
such as the number of rule violations committed in following, sensitivity to others, and comprom-
the first task, and the number of self-centred or in- ise when interacting with friends or potential
sensitive negotiation tactics used in the other two. friends.

BOX 6.4 Cohen’s kappa
Faulty administration of any measure can obviously
Cohen’s kappa is a measure of the level of affect its validity. However, ensuring measurement
agreement between two people’s coding de- validity—that is, ensuring that an indicator is meas-
cisions that takes into consideration the possi- uring what it is supposed to measure—can be diffi-
bility that agreement will occur by chance. cult even when the measure is administered properly.
It can be applied to any coding. Much like The second point simply means that structured
Cronbach’s alpha (see Chapter 4), the coeffi- observation demands attention to the same kinds
cient varies from 0 to 1. The closer it is to 1, of issues (assessing face validity, concurrent valid-
the higher the agreement and the better the ity, and so on) that interviews and questionnaires
inter-observer consistency. As a rough rule do. The first—error in implementation—relates to
of thumb, a coefficient over .75 is considered two matters in particular:
“very good”; from .6 to .75, “good”; “fair” ranges
from .4 to .59. • Is the observation schedule being administered
as directed? This is the equivalent of ensuring
6 | Structured Observation 139

that structured interviewers follow instruc- • Do people change their behaviour when they
tions exactly. Variability between observers know they are being observed? If they do, that
or over time makes the measure unreliable would constitute one of several kinds of “reactive
and therefore invalid. Observers should have effect” that can occur in various forms of research
a thorough understanding of how the observa- (see Box 6.5). If people adjust the way they behave
tion schedule is to be implemented. because they know they are being observed

BOX 6.5 Reactive effects in social research

What sort of challenges

might you face as a re-
searcher who is observing

this class? Might the class

behave differently because
of your presence?

Webb et al. wrote about “reactive measurement quasi-experiments showed that each time work-
effect” (1966, p. 13). It occurs when subjects’ ing conditions improved (e.g., through improved
awareness that they are participating in research lighting), productivity went up, at least tempor-
leads to changes in their behaviour that confound arily. But it also went up after working conditions
the investigator’s data. Response sets, social desir- deteriorated! It appeared that performance im-
ability bias, and political correctness can all cause proved simply because the workers were aware of
reactive effects. If a respondent reacts to some being observed and analyzed, not because of the
characteristic of the interviewer (e.g., gender or experimental manipulation itself: this is known
ethnicity), that is another example of a reactive as the “Hawthorne effect.” A well-known general
effect. Here are a few more: problem in experimental studies is that some in-
dividuals will seek out cues about the aims of the
• The Hawthorne effect. The classic studies illus- research, and then adjust what they say and do to
trating this effect were done at the Hawthorne conform with what they believe to be the purpose
Works (located near Chicago) in the 1920s (see of the study. That is a problem, even if such partici-
Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939). A series of pants are mistaken about the aims of the research.

140 PART II Quantitative Research

• Role selection. Webb et al. argued that par- knows certain crucial details, such as which
ticipants may be tempted to adopt a particu- subjects have received the treatment and
lar kind of role in research. Some people with which have not (single blind means that only
no strong opinion on a particular item may the subjects are kept in the dark). Here, hiring
develop one when asked, in order to appear others to collect the data can help.
knowledgeable. Even telling them how import-
ant they are to the research can encourage Reactive effects are likely to occur in any re-
some display of “expertise.” Other, fairly opin- search in which participants know they are the
ionated individuals may back off a bit, scared focus of investigation. Webb et al. called for greater
by the audio recorder, perhaps, or not wanting use of what they called unobtrusive measures:
to come on too strong to a stranger. non-reactive methods that leave participants un-
• Researcher presence as a change agent. The aware that they are being studied. Records can be
simple fact that the researcher is present may checked at hospitals and courts, for instance, re-
change the situation that is being observed. For moving the reactivity, but for ethical reasons per-
example, if an observer is sitting in a classroom, mission must first be obtained, and getting such
that means a chair is being occupied that other- permission may be difficult or impossible.
wise might have been empty, which in turn may Alternatively, the usual tools of social research
cause changes in space and privacy for those can be used. A confidentiality guarantee backed up
sitting nearby. When Whyte (1955), in his study by reminders may help, as may anonymous ques-
of “Cornerville,” joined one of the neighbour- tionnaires and telephone (rather than in-person)
hood’s bowling teams, he in effect removed one interviews, although these have their own down-
of his subjects from the team and turned that sides. It also helps to phrase questions so that they
person into a rival on an opposing team. are as non-threatening and non-judgmental as pos-
• Trying to help or to be nice to the researcher. sible; for example: “Many people did not have time
­Although it is often assumed that research par- to vote in the referendum or could not make up their
ticipants are always passive, this is not true, even minds. Did you vote?” If you want to allow more men
in experiments. Some research subjects may try to admit they fear being out late at night, don’t ask
to please the researcher. An old saying holds how afraid they are. Use a vignette: “John does not
that if you ask friends to do push-ups, they will like to walk alone at night in his neighbourhood.
ask “what?” or “why?” But subjects in an experi- There is a lot of crime there, and police officers are
ment (especially students, the usual pool from rarely if ever seen. Is John almost a copy of you, a lot
which subjects are drawn) will ask “where?”! In like you, a bit like you, not at all like you?”
fact, subjects generally try to do what they think Finally, although it is good to be aware of the
they are supposed to do, although a few may shortcomings resulting from reactive effects,
deliberately do the opposite. Some will even remember that no study is perfect, and that an
ask “Was I good?” at the end of the experiment. ­imperfect study can still be an important source of
Such behaviour can be problematic if it affects knowledge. Also, maintain the same level of skep-
the phenomenon being studied. ticism when the results you encounter please you
• Different researchers may elicit different as when they displease you. For example, research
­reactions. Some may get the data they want showing that university men are more violent than
by communicating, often unconsciously, their university women in heterosexual romantic rela-
expectations. This is why experiments are sup- tionships should be held to the same methodo-
posed to be double blind, so that no one (not logical standards as research showing no gender
even the person administering the experiment) differences (for ­example, Katz et al., 2002).
6 | Structured Observation 141

(perhaps because they want to be seen in a fa- Another famous field experiment was conducted by
vourable light by the observer), their behaviour Rosenhan (1973). He was one of eight researchers who
would have to be considered atypical or not au- posed as patients and were admitted to mental hos-
thentic. However, as McCall (1984) noted, there pitals in the US. Each pseudo-patient was instructed
is evidence that participants become accustomed to claim that he or she was “hearing voices,” and each
to being observed and that researchers tend to was accordingly diagnosed with schizophrenia. As
become less intrusive the longer they are in the soon as they were admitted, the pseudo-patients were
field. However, these effects are likely to persist instructed to cease exhibiting any symptoms. Even
when the behaviour under observation involves though they were all “sane,” it took many of them
sensitive issues such as sexuality or deviance. quite a long time to be released. The length of hospital-
ization varied between 7 and 52 days, with an average
of 19 days. In four of the hospitals, pseudo-patients
Field experiments as a form of approached psychiatrists and nurses with a request
structured observation for release and recorded the nature of the response:
A field experiment is a study in which a researcher 71 per cent of psychiatrists moved on with their heads
directly intervenes in a natural setting to observe the averted and 88 per cent of nurses did ­likewise. To
consequences of that intervention. That’s what LaPiere Rosenhan this indicated that a mental patient becomes
(1934) did when he arranged for a Chinese couple to powerless and depersonalized. This study is highly
seek entry to hotels and restaurants in order to ob- controversial, in part because of its use of deception,
serve the effects (although his study was an imperfect the ethical implications of which were discussed in
experiment because there was no control group of Chapter 3. Also, in this sort of research, opportunities
non-Chinese people). In a field experiment—unlike to employ an observation schedule are limited because
most types of structured observation—participants excessive use will blow the observer’s cover. The most
do not know that they are being studied. that can usually be done is limited coding.

Research in the News

Logjams in Quebec courts
McGill sociologist and criminologist Jason There are strong incentives for police to issue court
­Carmichael wanted to collect data on the factors citations in instances of domestic abuse; lawyers
that affect sentencing for people convicted of drunk and their clients are increasingly likely to contest
driving, so he sent research assistants to a Montreal criminal charges for a variety of offences; and
courthouse to gather information on the topic. But ­politicians often introduce changes like mandatory
as he told The Canadian Press, there were so many minimum sentences without following through
delays and cancellations in the court system that with the needed infrastructure and money. All of
it was not possible to collect the data he needed. these can cause delays in the justice system.
“Every day, one out of five cases scheduled would ac- But there is pressure to reform the process.
tually take place, and even that one would get post- A recent Supreme Court of Canada decision has
poned. It was one of the most dysfunctional things I upheld the right of an accused person to be tried
have ever heard of in my life” (Valiante, 2017). within a reasonable amount of time, which is de-
Funding is always a problem in the judicial fined as 18 months for provincial criminal cases.
system, but Carmichael maintains that there are Many of the stakeholders are hoping that the
systemic delays that play an even larger role. ruling will help to break up the legal logjam.
142 PART II Quantitative Research

Checklist for structured observation research
☐☐ Are the research questions stated clearly? ☐☐ Are the categories of behaviour exhaustive?
☐☐ Does the observation schedule indicate pre- ☐☐ Do the different categories of behaviour allow
cisely the kinds of behaviour to be observed? you to answer the research questions?
☐☐ Have observation categories been designed ☐☐ Has a pilot study using the observation sched-
to minimize the need for observers to inter- ule been conducted?
pret what is going on? ☐☐ Are the coding instructions clear?
☐☐ Has any overlap in the categories of behav- ☐☐ Is it easy to log the behaviour while it is
iour been eliminated? happening?

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Systematic social observation of the police
Schulenberg (2014) describes her experiences in that a person was a complainant or victim; 2, that
using systematic social observation (SSO) to study they were a ­suspect or person of interest; 3,
decision-making processes and the use of discre- that they were a disputant whose status as a victim
tion among members of a Canadian regional police or a suspect was unclear, and so on. Informal de-
service. With this method, structured observation briefing sessions with officers were used to create
is employed to gather behavioural information on detailed descriptions of how the officers interpreted
the people studied, while participant observation each citizen encounter and how they felt about it
techniques are used to collect field notes and de- afterward. In addition, narratives were created
velop narratives that provide detailed descriptions that provided a thick description of the citizens’
of how situational factors and the personal char- interactions with police. The narratives included
acteristics of the people observed affect the phe- information on things like whether the citizens had
nomenon of interest. Since SSO is a method that weapons or showed signs of mental illness, and how
yields both quantitative and qualitative data it has the police took action to deal with the situation.
the potential to provide highly meaningful infor- The “SSO of police work,” Schulenberg writes, “is
mation on a topic, but it is rarely used because of not for the faint of heart. Beyond witnessing human
the heavy burdens it places on the researcher. nature, dead bodies, and citizens in crisis, SSO
In Schulenberg’s case, she was interested in how ­requires a high level of commitment, involvement,
police officers dealt with the anti-social and crim- and personal sacrifice” (308). She found herself
inal behaviour they encountered while on parole. ­immersed in police culture, and had to contend
To ­research her topic she went on 74 “ride alongs” with a feeling that she may have become overly
with officers, which allowed her to collect infor- sympathetic to the police and their beliefs and
mation on the 406 police–citizen interactions that values. At the same time, she found some ­aspects
took place in the 637 hours she spent in the field. of what she experienced to be highly objection-
A comprehensive observation schedule was used to able. Her status as a single woman made her the
record the behaviours she witnessed. For example, target of sexual propositioning and rude gestures,
a number of codes were used to describe the role which she either ignored or deflected with choice
played by the citizens in the encounter: 1 indicated comebacks of her own.
6 | Structured Observation 143

Criticisms of structured that according to Weber (1947) is crucial in

understanding human thought and action.
observation In a similar vein, contextual factors such as
Some problems with structured observation have events in the larger world may be given insuffi-
already been mentioned in our discussion of its re- cient attention as possible influences on the
liability, validity, and generalizability. Other criti- observed behaviour.
cisms include the following: • There is a tendency for structured observation
to generate many small bits of data. As a result
• There is a risk of imposing an inappropriate ob- it can be difficult to find general themes that
servation schedule on the setting in question; this illustrate the bigger picture behind the scat-
risk is especially great in settings about which tered bits of data. This problem is compounded
little is known. This problem is similar to that of by the fact that observers may not know the
closed-question answer categories that do not fit meanings the actors attach to their behaviours.
the question format. One solution is to precede
the structured observation with a period of un- On the other hand . . .
structured observation, so that appropriate vari- The previous section made it clear that there are lim-
ables and categories can be identified in advance. itations to structured observation. However, it’s also
• Because it concentrates on directly observable important to remember that when overt behaviour is
behaviour, structured observation in itself the focus of analysis and issues of meaning are less
cannot get at the intentions behind ­behaviour. salient, structured observation is almost certainly
When intentions are of interest, observers more accurate and effective than asking people to
must impute them. Essentially, the problem report their behaviour in a survey. Structured obser-
is that structured observation cannot tell the vation may work best when accompanied by another
observer very much about the meanings that method, especially one that can probe for the rea-
people attach to their behaviours—­information sons behind people’s behaviours.

Key Points
• Structured observation is an alternative to survey-­ • Reactive effects must be taken into account, but
based measures of behaviour. should not be exaggerated.
• It involves explicit rules for recording behaviour. • The field experiment is a form of structured obser-
• Structured observation has generally been ap- vation, but can involve ethical difficulties.
plied to a narrow range of behaviours, such as that • Problems with structured observation include de-
occurring in schools, courts, and hospitals. termining the meaning that people give to their
• It shares with survey research many common behaviour and ensuring that the framework for
prob­lems concerning reliability, validity, and gen­ recording the observations is valid.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Observing behaviour AA You want to observe children in an elementary
RR Under what circumstances might structured ob- school playground to examine the extent to which
servation be a better way to gather data than they exhibit aggressive behaviours and the condi-
questionnaires or structured interviews? Explain. tions that may lead to aggression. Explain the pros
144 PART II Quantitative Research

and cons of using structured versus unstructured research that is used to examine how parents treat
observation to conduct this research. their children while they shop in a large depart-
ment store?
The observation schedule
RR What goals and considerations should be kept in Field experiments as a form of structured
mind when constructing an observation schedule? observation
AA Construct an observation schedule containing five RR What are field experiments and what ethical con-
items that could be used to observe fan behaviour cerns do they pose?
at a hockey game, and a second schedule to be AA What ethical issues should you consider if you do
used for observing people attending a figure skat- a field experiment that involves posing as a con-
ing competition. Then explain how and why they fused traveller who does not speak English or
are different. French at a busy Canadian airport?

Strategies for observing behaviour Criticisms of structured observation

RR Discuss three different strategies for observing and RR Can structured observation ever reveal the in-
recording behaviour in structured observation. tentions that lie behind the observed behaviour?
AA Explain how time sampling could be used to make Explain.
observations of people as they interact while park- AA Assume you are using structured observation to do
ing their cars in a busy parking lot. a study of people participating in a protest march.
Your observation schedule includes categories of
Issues of reliability and validity behaviour that are peaceful in nature, and others
RR How do the considerations of reliability and valid- that are violent. Explain why in this study it may be
ity in structured observation mirror those encoun- crucial to consider the intentions that lie behind
tered in survey research? the behaviours observed.
AA What are reactive effects? How might reactive
effects be problematic in structured observation

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Divide the class into small groups. Each group is administered and how issues of reliability and
to come up with a detailed mock proposal for a validity will be taken into account.
structured observation study that involves gain- e. What findings are expected from the study.
ing access to a specific location, group, or organ-
ization, for example, a mental hospital, school Each group presents its mock proposal to the rest
playground, casino, and so on. The proposal must of the class for comment and critique.
include a discussion of the following:
2. The instructor gives a brief synopsis of the field
a. A specific research question that the study experiment conducted by Rosenhan (1973). The
seeks to answer, a draft of which is to be class is then divided into three groups. Group 1
produced. must argue (a) that the study was ethical and (b)
b. Whether the research will be overt or covert, that the methodology used was superior to any
and the ethical implications of that aspect of other methodology that could have been used
the study. to conduct the study, citing specific examples of
c. How access to the location, group, or organiza- other methodologies that would have been less
tion will be acquired. effective. Group 2 must argue (a) that the study
d. The formal observation schedule that is to was not ethical and (b) that other methodolo-
be used, a draft of which is to be produced, gies would have worked equally well or better,
along with an explanation of how it is to be citing specific examples of those alternative
6 | Structured Observation 145

methodologies. Group 3 makes the case that there groups 2 and 3. Once all groups have presented,
is no methodology that can be ethically applied each group is given some time to assess and cri-
to research Rosenhan’s topic, and that therefore tique the other groups. Each group then presents
no one should be allowed to conduct the study. its critique to the rest of the class, with a general
After some time for preparation, group 1 pre- discussion to follow.
sents its case to the rest of the class, followed by

Relevant Websites
At Bonkers Institute, Rosenhan describes the famous This is a short YouTube video of structured observa-
field experiment he conducted in mental hospitals. tion being done on children.

(Websites accessed 21 October 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Audio clips • Web links

• Student self-quiz • Printable checklist • Videos • Activities
Quantitative Sampling

Chapter Overview
Sampling principles are not exclusively the concern of survey and other quantitative researchers. The
qualitative work you will read about in Part III also involves working with samples, but the nature of
qualitative sampling is often rather different from the quantitative kind, so a discussion of the former has
been placed in that part of the book. This chapter explores:
• the role of sampling in relation to the overall process of doing quantitative research;
• why generalizable findings (that is, findings that can be applied to some larger population) require
a representative sample;
• the idea of a probability sample: one using a random selection process;
• the main types of probability sample: simple random, systematic, and stratified random, and the
multi-stage cluster sample;
• the main issues involved in deciding sample size;
• different types of non-probability sampling, including quota sampling, which is widely used in
market research;
• potential sources of sampling error in survey research;
• sampling in structured observation research, where times and contexts are sampled; and
• raising response rates.

Do you like to spend more time and money than is ac- costs involved make that impossible. In other areas of
tually necessary to accomplish something? Most people life, reducing the time and money you devote to a pro-
would say no, including social researchers, who inevit- ject normally means a reduction in the quality of the
ably face the prospect of doing their work with limited final product—think of building a house on a limited
time and physical resources. Ideally, researchers would budget. Fortunately, this is not necessarily the case with
study huge populations, such as all women in Canada social research. With proper sampling techniques you
or all adults living in the Atlantic provinces, but the can vastly reduce the time and resources needed to

▲ Nickbeer/iStockphoto
7 | Quantitative Sampling 147

complete the research without seriously compromising even calculate the probability that sample-based statis-
the findings. You might think of sampling as “how to do a tical findings are in error. This chapter introduces you to
lot with very little.” Under the right conditions, you can the techniques that make this possible.

Introduction these samples would not do. Why? There are various
reasons, but the following stand out:
The term “sampling” refers to the selection of a
subset of a population for research. Since only in • If you distribute questionnaires in your classes,
very rare instances can an entire population be anyone not taking a course with you will be
studied, sampling has an impact on virtually all excluded. How many music or engineering
the research discussed in this book. As we will see majors take sociology?
below, how the sampling is conducted determines • If you go out looking for people to interview,
what information is acquired and influences the your sample will exclude anyone who happens
researcher’s interpretation of the results in import- to be somewhere else at that particular time.
ant ways. Some students will be at work, others will have
The key terms used in sampling are explained skipped classes that day, and many will have a
in Box 7.1. We’ll begin with a discussion of sam- timetable different from yours. Some students
pling in studies involving structured interviews may never need to go where you are.
or questionnaires, and then consider the tech- • Your decisions about which people to ap-
niques used for other methods of quantitative re- proach may be influenced by your judgments
search. Finally, ways to increase response rates are about how friendly or cooperative they appear
presented. to be. Gender, “race,” and age are only a few of
Suppose you are wondering about your fellow the factors that could have an impact on your
students’ attitudes on certain matters, or perhaps selection of prospective respondents.
about their behaviours or backgrounds. To exam-
ine any of these areas, either structured interviews The problem with these sampling methods is that
or questionnaires would be appropriate. However, they make the choice of possible participants de-
let’s say that there are around 30,000 students at pendent on non-universal criteria: availability in one
your university. It would be a huge undertaking for case and personal judgment in the other. In the lan-
you to arrange for all of them to fill out a question- guage of sampling, this means that the sample would
naire, and the time and energy required to interview be biased: it would not represent the population
30,000 people would be prohibitive. It’s almost cer- from which it was selected. It is extremely difficult
tain that a sample of students would have to suffice. to remove bias altogether and get a truly represent-
In fact, the need to sample is almost universal in ative sample, but steps should be taken to keep it to
quantitative research. a minimum.
But would any sample do? What if you gave ques- Three sources of bias can be identified:
tionnaires to everyone in your classes? Or if you
stood in a busy location on campus and then inter- • Not using a random method to pick the sample.
viewed anyone who agreed to speak with you? ­Essentially, a random method is one in which each
If your goal is simply to get some experience in element has the same chance of being selected,
data gathering and analysis, or to conduct a pilot like numbers from a lottery cage (­although in
study, these samples would be fine. However, if the some circumstances that principle may be vio-
object is to get a representative sample, one that can lated for technical reasons; for example, in order
be used to make inferences about all 30,000 students, to get a sufficiently large number of people from
148 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 7.1 Basic terms and concepts in sampling

• Element or unit: A single case in the popu- • Probability sample: A sample selected using
lation. In the social sciences that element a random process such that each unit in the
or unit is usually a person, but many other population has a known chance of being
things can be sampled as well: nations, cities, selected. The aim of probability sampling is to
regions, schools, firms, and so on. Finch and keep sampling error (see below) to a minimum.
Hayes (1994), for example, based part of their • Non-probability sample: A sample selected
research on a random sample of wills of de- using a non-random method. Essentially, this
ceased people. implies that some units in the population are
• Population: All the cases about which you are more likely to be selected than others.
seeking knowledge, or all the cases to which • Sampling error: An error of estimation that
your conclusions are meant to apply. For ex- occurs if there is a difference between the char-
ample, if you are studying voting behaviour, acteristics of a sample and those of the popula-
the population might be all the people in a tion from which it was selected. Sampling error
particular jurisdiction who are eligible to vote. can occur even when a random method is used.
If the topic is hyperactivity among young chil- For example, if valid measures indicate that
dren, the population might be all children aged 45 per cent of a national probability sample is
2 to 11. (Note that “population” in this context in favour of more public funding for the arts, but
means something different from “population” the actual figure in the population is 49 per cent,
in the everyday sense.) the difference is caused by sampling error.
• Sampling frame: The list of elements from • Non-response: A situation that occurs when-
which the sample will be selected. ever some unit selected for the sample refuses
• Sample: The elements selected for investiga- to participate in the study, cannot be contacted,
tion, a subset of the population. The method or for some other reason does not supply the
of selection may involve probability or non-­ required data.
probability sampling (see next column). • Census: Data collected from all elements in
• Representative sample: A sample that is a the population rather than from a sample.
microcosm of the population, one that “repre- The phrase “the census” typically refers to the
sents” its essential characteristics. A sample enumeration of all (or nearly all) members of
such as this is most likely to be selected when a the population of a nation-state—that is, a na-
probability sampling process is used (see next). tional census.

a small subgroup into the sample). As we saw cases or is otherwise inaccurate, the sample de-
above, if a random method is not used, there is rived from it may not represent the population,
a risk that the selection process will be affected even if a random sampling method is employed.
by human judgment, so that some members of • Some people in the sample refuse to participate
the population are more likely to be selected than or cannot be contacted—in other words, there is
others. This source of bias is eliminated through non-response. The problem with non-response
the use of probability sampling, described later is that those who agree to participate may differ
in this chapter. from those who refuse or cannot be reached in
• The sampling frame or list of potential subjects is ways relevant to the subject matter being inves-
inadequate. If the sampling frame excludes some tigated. If that is the case, the sample may not be
7 | Quantitative Sampling 149

representative. For example, if you are studying If the sample is representative, the sample of 50
rates of criminal victimization and people who should also be equally split in terms of this variable
have been victims of violent crime decline to (see Figure 7.1). If there is a small amount of sampling
participate, that would skew the results. error, so that the sample contains one person too
many who does not watch reality TV and one too few
If the data are available, a researcher can check to who does, the distribution would look like Figure 7.2.
see how non-respondents differ from the population. Figure 7.3 shows a more serious over-representation
It is often possible to do this in terms of characteristics in the sample of people who do not watch reality pro-
such as gender or age, but these are not the only pot- grams. This time there are three too many who do
entially relevant factors; in the case of a sample of uni- not watch them and three too few who do. Finally,
versity ­students, for example, you might want to find Figure 7.4 shows a very serious over-representation of
out whether non-respondents reflect the entire stu- people who do not watch reality TV: 35, as opposed to
dent body in terms of faculty of r­ egistration. H
­ owever, 25 if the sample were perfectly representative.
it is usually impossible to check c­ haracteristics that It’s important to appreciate that the possibility of
go beyond basic demographic categories, such as sampling error can never be completely eliminated.
attitudes toward separatism or patterns of smoking Even with a well-crafted probability sample, a degree
behaviour, because population data are generally not of sampling error is likely to creep in, just as flipping
available on these topics. a coin 100 times is likely to yield more 49Heads/
51Tails and 51Heads/49Tails results combined than
50Heads/50Tails outcomes, even though the latter is
Sampling error the most probable single result. Ask your instructor
To appreciate the significance of sampling error to take a minute for an in-class experiment in which
for achieving a representative sample, consider a coin is flipped 20 times and you’ll see the surpris-
­Figures 7.1 through 7.4. Imagine a population of 200 ingly large number of outcomes that are not 10Heads/
people and a sample of 50. Imagine as well that the 10Tails. However, probability sampling stands a
topic is whether people watch reality TV programs, better chance than non-probability sampling of
and that the population is divided equally between minimizing sampling error, so it’s very unlikely that
those who do (100) and those who do not (100). the sample will end up looking like Figure 7.4 when

Watch reality TV Do not watch reality TV Watch reality TV Do not watch reality TV

FIGURE 7.1 A sample with no sampling error FIGURE 7.2 A sample with very little sampling error
150 PART II Quantitative Research

Watch reality TV Do not watch reality TV Watch reality TV Do not watch reality TV

FIGURE 7.3 A sample with a fair amount of FIGURE 7.4 A sample with a lot of sampling error
­sampling error

it is used. Moreover, probability sampling allows you This is known as the sampling ratio and is expressed as
to employ tests of statistical significance that will
permit you to make inferences about the population n/N
from which the sample was selected, with a known
probability of error. This topic will be ­addressed in where n is the sample size and N is the population size.
Chapter 8. The key steps in devising a simple random sample
are as follows:

Types of probability sample 1. Define the population. Here N is all full-time

Imagine a study on the social variables related to students at the university: 9000.
alcohol consumption, to be done at a university 2. Select or devise a comprehensive sampling
that has 9000 full-time students. This hypothet- frame. In this case, let’s assume that (a) the office
ical example will be used in the illustrations that that keeps student records has a list of all full-
follow. time students and (b) you have access to it (and
all proper ethics protocols have been followed).
Simple random sample 3. Decide on the sample size (n) you will use; here
The simple random sample is the most basic form n is 450.
of probability sample. With it, each unit of the 4. List all the students in the population and
population has an equal probability of inclusion assign them consecutive numbers from 1 to N,
in the sample. Suppose there is enough money here 1 to 9000.
to interview 450 students at the university. This 5. Using a table of random numbers, or a com-
means that the probability of inclusion in the puter program that can generate random num-
sample is bers, select n (450) different random numbers
from 1 to N (9000).
450 6. The students who match the n (450) random
, that is, 1 in 20
9000 numbers constitute the sample. Two points
7 | Quantitative Sampling 151

are worth noting here. First, there is almost no on to the next one. This means that the student as-
opportunity for bias, since in this case the selec- signed the number 45 will be the first to be included
tion process is entirely random: students are not in the sample. Moving down the first column,
selected on the basis of subjective criteria such as the ­student assigned the number 3189 will be next;
whether or not they look friendly and approach- the student assigned 5768 next; and so on.
able. Second, selection does not depend on To avoid interviewing the same person twice,
availability: students do not have to walk by the ignore any random number that appears more than
interviewer in order to be included in the sample. once and continue down the list. This procedure pro-
The process of selection takes place without their duces what is called a simple random sample without
knowledge, and they do not know they will be replacement: no number is placed back in (replaced
asked to be part of a social survey until they are after having been selected) for a second chance at
contacted by someone associated with the study. inclusion. Since virtually all simple random samples
in social research are like this, the qualifier “without
Step 5 mentions the possible use of a table of replacement” is usually omitted. Strictly speaking,
random numbers, found in the back of many statis- “without replacement” means that the result is not a
tics books or generated by computer software. Such true simple random sample, as those chosen later have
tables are usually made up of columns of five-digit a greater chance of being selected than those selected
numbers; for example: earlier. (The first person chosen has one chance in 9000
of being selected; removing that person means person
09188 08358 two has one chance in the remaining 8999. Thus the
90045 28306 450th person chosen will have one chance out of the
8551 people remaining; a chance of one in 8551 is
73189 53840
greater than a chance of one in 9000.) R ­ esearchers
75768 91757 generally overlook this p ­ roblem, since it is a small one
54016 87941 compared with other sampling problems.

The first thing to notice is that, since these are Systematic sample
five-digit numbers and the population size is just A systematic sample is selected directly from the
9000 (a four-digit number), the only random num- sampling frame, without using random numbers.
bers that might be appropriate are the two that begin In the present case, 1 student in 20 is to be selected
with zeros, 09188 and 08358 (and the former is al- (450/9000). That “1 in 20” figure is called the sam-
ready larger than the largest possible case number pling interval. A random start begins the process,
for this study). To deal with this, drop one of the which in this case can be achieved by selecting at
digits in each number—say the first digit. Using only random a number from 1 to 20, possibly by using the
the last four digits gives us the following: last two digits in a table of random numbers. With
the 10 random numbers above, the first relevant one
9188 8358 is 54016, since it is the first one where the last two
0045 8306 digits yield a number in the desired range (1–20),
namely 16. This means that the sixteenth student in
3189 3840
the sampling frame is the first one to be included
5768 1757 in the sample. Thereafter, take every twentieth stu-
4016 7941 dent on the list; the sequence of case numbers would
be: 16, 36, 56, 76, 96, 116, and so on. Who is the last
Still, one of the resulting numbers—9188— person in the sample? Case number 8996.
e­xceeds 9000; no student has that case number. In systematic sampling, it is important to ensure that
The solution is simple: ignore that number and go there is no inherent ordering or pattern in the sampling
152 PART II Quantitative Research

frame, a feature called periodicity. For example, imagine criterion (in this case faculty) and selecting either a
that the sampling frame was set up such that case 1 was simple random sample or a systematic sample from
male, case 2 female, case 3 male, case 4 female, and so each of the resulting strata. In the present example,
on for all cases. In the example above, that would yield five faculties mean five strata, with the sample in each
a sample of 450 females and 0 males, in all likelihood a stratum being one-twentieth of the total for each fac-
very unrepresentative sample. If there is any pattern to ulty, as in Table 7.1, which also shows a hypothetical
the list, arrange the cases in random order or choose a outcome of a simple random or systematic sample,
different sampling method. one that does not exactly mirror the population.
Note that with systematic sampling, not every The advantage of stratified sampling is clear: it
possible combination of cases has an equal chance ensures that the sample is distributed in the same
of being selected. Once that first case number (here way as the population in terms of the stratifying
16) is chosen, every case number in the sample must criterion. Using a simple random or systematic sam-
end in 6, and no even-numbered prefixes will qual- pling approach may result in a distribution like that
ify, such as 26, 86, or 166. of the stratified sample, but it is unlikely. On the
other hand, this strategy requires that the relevant
Stratified random sampling criteria for stratification be known in advance of the
In the imaginary study of university students dis- research, which is not always the case.
cussed earlier, the student’s discipline may be relevant Two more points are relevant here. Stratified sam-
to what you will be researching. Generating a simple pling is feasible only when it is relatively easy to iden-
random sample or a systematic sample may yield one tify and allocate units to strata. Five strata based on
in which, for example, the proportion of kinesiology physical activity level, from “competitive athletes”
students in the sample is the same as that in the ­student at one end to “couch potatoes” at the other, would
population, but usually it is not an exact match. Thus be very hard to set up, because it would require an
if there are 1800 students majoring in kinesiology, a initial study just to get the population data on activ-
sampling ratio of 1 in 20 should produce 90 students ity level that you would need to create these strata.
in the sample from this faculty. But because of sam- Second, more than one stratifying criterion can be
pling error there might be, say, 85 or 93. used at the same time. In our example, we could
So long as data are available on each student’s fac- stratify by faculty and gender, or faculty, gender, and
ulty of registration, it’s possible to ensure that ­students whether students are undergraduates or postgrad-
are exactly represented in terms of their faculty uates, and so on, as long as the criteria are easy to use
membership by using stratified random sampling. and relevant to the research question. But this ap-
In the language of sampling, this means stratify- proach is practicable only when data on the relevant
ing the population (dividing it into subgroups) by a stratifying criteria are available for the population.

TABLE 7.1 | The advantages of stratified sampling

Hypothetical simple random
Faculty Population Stratified sample or systematic sample
Humanities 1800 90 85
Social sciences 1200 60 70
Natural sciences 2000 100 120
Business 1800 90 84
Engineering 2200 110 91
TOTAL 9000 450 450
7 | Quantitative Sampling 153

Does your school have an accessible list of female Prince Edward Island. An alternative solution would
undergraduate engineering students? be to select a stratified cluster sample, which combines
the notion of stratified sampling discussed in the pre-
Multi-stage cluster sampling vious section with cluster sampling. In our example,
In the previous example, the students to be inter- we could first group all universities by region—for ex-
viewed all attend the same university. However, im- ample, Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairies,
agine a national sample of students. A major problem and British Columbia—and then randomly sample
with large populations is the general lack of an ad- two universities from each region. The next step would
equate sampling frame. Is there a list somewhere of be to sample 500 students from each of the 10 uni-
all students registered at Canadian universities? No. versities, yielding a total sample size of 5000. (Again,
Without a sampling frame, it’s impossible to select a technical adjustments would be required because the
simple random or systematic sample. clusters are not of equal size.) These are the stages:
One way to deal with these problems is to employ
cluster sampling. With cluster sampling, the primary • Group the universities into five regions.
sampling unit (the first stage of the sampling proced- • Sample two universities from each region.
ure) is not the individuals or units of the population • Sample 500 students from each of the 10
to be studied, but an aggregate of them, known as a universities.
cluster. Imagine you want a nationally representative
sample of 5000 students. One solution is to sample Cluster sampling if done properly can be very ef-
universities and then students from each of the sam- fective. Its greatest merit is that it solves the problem
pled universities, with a probability sample at each of having no adequate sampling frame. The student
stage. For example, you could randomly sample 10 study described above does not require a list of all
universities from the entire population of universi- university students in Canada, something that would
ties, yielding 10 clusters, and then interview 500 ran- be very hard to come by. With cluster sampling, no
domly selected students at each of the 10 universities such list is ever required.
selected, to create a sample of 5000 students. (This With large populations, cluster sampling is very
would require “probability proportionate to size” economical compared to simple random or system-
sampling because each university has a different atic sampling when doing in-person interviews be-
number of students, but that technique goes beyond cause of reduced travel costs—research participants
the scope of our discussion here.) tend to cluster geographically. Using this technique
Suppose the result of sampling 10 universities is for research based on telephone interviews has less
the following: of an economic advantage now than it once did be-
cause long-distance phone charges are so low, and of
• Alberta course if the research is to be done on the Internet,
• McGill travel expenses are not an issue.
• Simon Fraser The advantages of multi-stage cluster sampling
• Winnipeg should be clear by now. However, as suggested above,
• Dalhousie even a very rigorous sampling strategy cannot elimin-
• Guelph ate all sampling error, as the example in Box 7.2 shows.
• Brandon
• Western
• Nipissing
The qualities of a
• Toronto probability sample
Many researchers prefer probability samples be-
Note the absence of universities in Saskatchewan, cause they allow one to make inferences from the
Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and sample to the population from which it was selected.
154 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 7.2 Generalizing from a random sample to the population

If an average of 9.7 units of alcohol is consumed in This consideration is important because sam-
the previous seven days by respondents in a prob- pling theory tells us that about 95 per cent of all
ability sample, would a similar figure be found in sample means lie within (+ or −) 1.96 standard
the population? The answer is complex but it is errors of the population mean (see Figure 7.5). In
sketched out here and in Box 7.3. Assume for the other words, we can be 95 per cent confident that
sake of illustration that it would be possible to our sample mean lies within 1.96 standard errors
take an infinite number of random samples of the of the population mean.
same size from a population. Not all the resulting To illustrate further, if a sample has been
sample means would be perfect estimates of the selected according to probability sampling princi-
population mean. We can never know the popu- ples, we can be 95 per cent certain that the popu-
lation figure with 100 per cent certainty, but we lation mean lies between
can imagine another study with a sample mean of
(a) [the sample mean] – [1.96 times the stan-
9.6 units, another with 9.8, and so on. These out-
dard error of the mean]; and
comes, as long as there are enough of them and
(b) [ the sample mean] + [1.96 times the stan-
the sample size is sufficiently high, will take the
dard error of the mean].
form of a bell-shaped curve known as a normal
distribution (see Figure 7.5) with the sample This is known as the 95 per cent confidence
means clustering around the population mean. Of interval. If the mean level of alcohol consumption
the sample means not exactly at the population in the previous seven days in our sample of 450
mean, half will be below the population mean students is 9.7 units and the standard error of the
and half above it. Moving to the left or to the right mean is 1.3, we can be 95 per cent certain that the
(away from the population mean), the curve tails population mean lies between
off, reflecting the smaller and smaller number of
9.7 – (1.96 × 1.3)
samples generating means that depart consider-
ably from the population mean. The variation of and
sample means around the population mean is the
9.7 + (1.96 × 1.3)
sampling error and is measured using a statistic
known as the standard error of the mean. This that is, between 7.152 and 12.248 units of alcohol.
is an estimate of the amount by which a sample Under certain conditions, the standard error of
mean is likely to differ from the population mean. the mean in a stratified sample is smaller than in
other probability samples. In other words, stratifi-
cation may inject an extra increment of precision
Number of samples

into the probability sampling process (for example,

stratifying by university when levels of alcohol con-
sumption vary widely between universities), since it
eliminates a possible source of sampling error.
By contrast, a sample without stratification
–1.96 Population +1.96 may exhibit a larger standard error of the mean
SE mean SE than a comparable sample with stratification. This
Value of the sample mean occurs because a possible source of variability be-
FIGURE 7.5 A distribution of sample means tween students is disregarded.
7 | Quantitative Sampling 155

In other words, with probability samples, the sample sample sizes are 100 (minimum) and then 400, 900,
findings can be generalized to the population. This is 1600, and 2500. These sample size increases cut the
not to say that the sample and population character- sampling error by half, then by one-third, then by
istics are exactly the same, but the first can be used one-fourth, and then by one-fifth respectively. (The
to estimate the second with a known probability of reason has to do with the square roots involved in
error. In the example of alcohol consumption in the the denominator of the calculation; thus the ori-
sample of 450 students (in the previous section), the ginal square root, 10, for a sample of 100 becomes
mean number of units consumed by the sample (X) 20, 30, 40, and 50 [the square root of 2500], yield-
can be used to estimate the population mean (µ) with ing the one-half, one-third, one-quarter, and one-
a known margin of error. Greek letters are used to fifth.) Notice that the increases in precision become
denote population characteristics; the Latin alpha- less pronounced (going from 100 to 400 reduces
bet (the one used to write in English), for sample sampling error by half, but 400 to 900 reduces it by
characteristics. only one-third) and thus the rate of reduction in the
To expand on this point it is necessary to use standard error of the mean declines. Sample size is
some basic statistical ideas. These are presented in likely to be profoundly affected by considerations of
Boxes 7.2 and 7.3 but these can be skipped if all you time and cost at such a juncture, since striving for
need is a broad idea of sampling procedures. smaller and smaller increments of precision becomes
increasingly uneconomic as ever-larger samples
become less and less cost efficient.
Sample size Fowler (1993) warned against simple acceptance of
“How large should a sample be?” “Is the sample big this size criterion and argued that it is not normal for
enough?” No issue in sampling raises more ques- researchers to be able to specify in advance “a desired
tions than sample size. Decisions about sample size level of precision” (p. 34). Moreover, since sampling
are not straightforward, as we will see below. At the error is only one component of any error entailed in
same time, the quest for the perfect sample is usually an estimate, the notion of a desired level of precision
constrained by the practical considerations of cost is not realistic. Instead, to the extent that this notion
and time. affects decisions about sample size, it usually does so
in a general rather than a calculated way. It is usually
Absolute and relative sample size cost that ultimately determines sample size.
People unfamiliar with the field may be surprised to
learn that it is the absolute size of a sample that is Non-response
important, not the proportion of the population that Considerations about sampling error do not end
it makes up. This means that a national probability with issues of sample size. It’s also important to bear
sample of 1000 Canadians has about as much valid- in mind the problem of non-response.
ity as a national probability sample of 1000 Amer- The response rate can be defined as the percent-
icans, even though the latter involves a much larger age of the sample that actually participates in the
population. study. It is often a good deal less than 100 per cent,
Increasing the size of a sample increases the pre- partly because there are usually some people in the
cision of the estimates derived from it; for instance, sample who will either refuse or be unable to partici-
a larger sample size means that the 95 per cent con- pate, who cannot be contacted, or who turn out to be
fidence interval referred to in Box 7.2 is narrowed. unsuitable for the study. Others will be excluded if
However, a large sample cannot guarantee precision, they leave a large number of questions unanswered,
so it might be better to say that increasing the size of or if they do not take the interview or questionnaire
a sample probably increases the precision of the esti- seriously.
mates it can create. In other words, as sample size in- Unfortunately, survey response rates have been in
creases, sampling error tends to decrease. Common “steep decline” for decades (Johnson & Wislar, 2012),
156 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 7.3 Sampling distributions

Assume a population of five cases (scores = 6, 8, appears where 12 and 14 meet: [12 + 14]/2 = 13.
10, 12, 14) from which a random sample of two Now count the number of the sample means in the
cases is selected. The five scores sum to 50 and table; there are 25. There is only one mean of 14,
therefore the mean of the population is 50/5, or in the bottom right corner, but five means of 10, on
10. Taking all possible random samples of two the diagonal. Thus five of the 25 sample means, or
cases with replacement (meaning that after a case 20 per cent of them, have a value of 10, the same
is chosen it goes back into the pool, so that two as the population mean. Sample means of 9 and
6s or two 14s are possible), and calculating the 11 are the next most frequent at 32 per cent (a
means of each sample of size two, the following combined total of 8 of 25 means). With 8 and 12,
set of means results: another 24 per cent (6 of 25) are now counted. So
sample means of 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 represent 76
Value of first observation per cent of all possible sample means. The sample
in sample means furthest from the population mean, the 6
6 8 10 12 14 and 14 (in each corner), are the rarest, at 4 per
6 6 7 8 9 10 cent (1 of 25) each.
Value of second Those percentages are really probabilities.
8 7 8 9 10 11
observation in The probability of getting a sample mean of 7
10 8 9 10 11 12
sample is 2 chances in 25 or, as it is usually expressed, 8
12 9 10 11 12 13 ­chances in 100 or 8 per cent.
14 10 11 12 13 14 The logic of a confidence interval should now
be more apparent. A researcher normally takes
Thus the 7, where 6 and 8 meet, is the mean only one sample, but most random sample results
of those two values, namely: [6 + 8]/2 = 7; the 13 stay close to the population value. In our example,

with the added problem that there has been no con- research topic) and may have to be taken into ac-
sensus among researchers regarding how to define count in the analysis. Researchers sometimes take
and calculate response rates. In their research on steps to determine the level of non-response bias, as
sustainable consumption in the Edmonton area, Schieman and Narisada (2014) did when they con-
­Kennedy et al. (2013) reported a response rate of cluded that it was not an issue in their study.
69 per cent. Schieman and Narisada (2014), who Given that 100 per cent response rates are rare,
used a national sample of the Canadian workforce sample size may have to be adjusted. For example, if
to examine people’s sense of mastery over their lives, the goal is a sample of 450 students and earlier surveys
achieved a response rate of about 40 per cent. How- suggest that the response rate will be approximately
ever, non-­response bias (the extent to which people 80 per cent, it may be advisable to sample 575 indi-
included in the sample differ from the population as a viduals, on the assumption that approximately 115
whole) is increasingly considered to be more import- (20 per cent) will not participate, leaving 460 and
ant than the response rate itself (Johnson & Wislar, still room for some additional refusals.
2012). Are the people who cannot be ­contacted richer How far should researchers go to boost response
and on vacation? Are they ill and in hospital? Such rates? Smith (1995) showed that response rates are af-
differences may be important (depending on the fected by things like the subject matter of the research,
7 | Quantitative Sampling 157

76 per cent of the sample means are within (±) 2 example, suppose that the population mean value
units of the population mean. When plotted, these for testosterone is 10 and athlete X comes in at 14.
results don’t exactly take the shape of the bell While that is a possible (non-drugged) outcome, it
curve shown in Figure 7.5, but you can see the is rare. So if the doping committee is willing to be
broad outline. Including more and more cases in wrong 4 per cent of the time (the frequency with
the sample shapes the lines into a normal curve. which an honest 14 occurs), the athlete can be ac-
With a real sample, an extension can be cre- cused. With a reputation at stake, however, a 4 per
ated on each side of the sample mean to make it cent chance of error is too high. That is why the
more likely to be correct than if the sample mean tests allow for only much less likely errors.
by itself were used. The extension for a 95 per
cent confidence interval is equal to 1.96 times Sample
the standard error of the mean. (In Box 7.2 the Mean Frequency %
sample mean was 9.7, and the extensions were 14 1 4
± [1.96 × 1.3] or ± 2.548). The extensions around 13 2 8
the sample mean create what is called an interval. 12 3 12
There is only a 5 per cent chance that the interval
11 4 16
does not include the population mean for a 95 per
10 5 20
cent confidence interval.
9 4 16
This is basically how athletes using banned
8 3 12
substances are caught. They provide one bio-­
7 2 8
sample (actually two, but one is a backup), which
the authorities then check against a more so- 6 1 4
phisticated version of the table to the right. For ∑ 25 100

the type of respondent, and the effort expended on respond to a questionnaire usually results in an im-
obtaining the cooperation of prospective respondents. proved response rate, at little additional cost.
Later in the chapter, a number of steps that can im-
prove response rates to questionnaires (which are par- Heterogeneity of the population
ticularly prone to poor response rates) are discussed. Yet another consideration is the heterogeneity of the
However, boosting response rates can be expensive. population from which the sample is to be taken.
Teitler et al. (2003) discussed the steps taken to in- When a population is heterogeneous with regard
crease the response rate of a US sample that was hard to characteristics relevant to the topic under study,
to reach, namely both unwed parents of newborn chil- as a whole country or city normally is, the samples
dren. They found that although increasing the sample drawn are likely to be highly varied. When it is rela-
from an initial 68 per cent to 80 per cent of all couples tively homogeneous, such as a population of students
meant that the final sample more closely resembled or members of a particular occupation, the amount
the population from which it had been taken, dimin- of variation is less. Generally, the greater the hetero-
ishing returns set in. This does not mean that steps geneity of a population, the larger a sample should be
should not be taken to improve response rates, how- in order to maximize the chances that all groups will
ever. For example, following up on people who do not be adequately represented.
158 PART II Quantitative Research

Kind of analysis these small groups, as Dinovitzer et al. (2003) did to

guarantee sufficient social class variation. Similarly,
Finally, researchers should bear in mind the kind of the Canadian Election Study usually over-samples
analysis intended. An example is a contingency table the less populous provinces (such as Prince Edward
showing the relationship between two variables. In a Island) in order to make interprovincial compari-
2 × 2 table there are four cells into which the cases sons. This illustrates how sample size depends in
can fall, let’s say, gender (M/F) × whether the person part on the analysis to be conducted.
voted in the last election (Y/N). Suppose there were
only 10 males and 10 females in the sample, and that
50 per cent of the men and 50 per cent of the women
Types of non-probability
voted, showing no relationship between gender and sampling
voting. But suppose the sample by chance included Non-probability sampling includes all forms of sam-
one more woman who voted and one more man pling that are not conducted according to the canons
who did not. Now the figures show that 40 per cent of probability sampling outlined earlier. It covers a
of men voted versus 60 per cent of women—quite wide range of different types of sampling strategy, at
a difference. To prevent such a small change in the least one of which—the quota sample—is claimed by
sample from having such a major impact on the es- some practitioners to be almost as good as a prob-
timate, a larger sample is required. You would prob- ability sample. This section covers three common
ably want to have at least 50 males and 50 females. non-probability samples: the convenience sample;
Because the population is approximately half male the snowball sample; and the quota sample.
and half female, this is easy to achieve. But what if
the variable is religion? Fifty Roman Catholics (or 50 Convenience sampling
Anglicans) are easy to find in any random sample of A convenience sample is one that is used simply
1000, but what about 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses or 50 because the elements are readily available to the re-
Hindus? One strategy to achieve statistically mean- searcher. Imagine a professor in a faculty of educa-
ingful results is to randomly over-sample some of tion who is interested in the qualities that teachers

Research in the News

Foreign workers in Saskatchewan
In Saskatchewan, there has been a 310 per cent workers tend to be underemployed in the sense
increase in the number of foreign workers in that they may have educational and occupational
the labour force since 2005, with 11,000 people credentials that do not match the sorts of jobs they
coming to the province on temporary work per- are able to find in Saskatchewan. For example,
mits (Charlton, 2017). professional engineers and communications spe-
Researchers at the University of Regina and cialists may find themselves working in the retail
the University of Saskatchewan, including business trade. “What’s eye-opening here is that the prov-
administration professor and Regina city council- ince itself, it’s a missed opportunity of the skills and
lor Andrew Stevens, used a non-random sampling the resource that we have brought here,” Stevens
method involving community partners to examine said (Charlton, 2017). Finding adequate housing,
how successfully provincial programs have facili- accessing health-care facilities, and learning about
tated the workers’ integration into the local econ- workplace safety regulations and other aspects of
omy. One issue that has come to light is that foreign workers’ rights have also been a problem.
7 | Quantitative Sampling 159

want in their principals, and who has several classes in Florida was based on a convenience sample, as
made up of teachers working part-time toward mas- was MacKinnon and Luke’s (2002) study of cultural
ter’s degrees. Now suppose that she decides to admin- change, and Beagan’s (2001) study of medical stu-
ister a questionnaire to those students—a sample of dents mentioned in earlier chapters.
convenience. Chances are that she will receive all or Convenience samples are also good for pilot
almost all of the questionnaires back, thus achieving ­studies. Imagine that part of the education professor’s
a high response rate. However, the use of the conven- research involves developing a battery of questions to
ience sampling strategy makes it impossible to gen- measure the leadership preferences of teachers that
eralize the findings to teachers as a whole: the very she plans to use later, with a different sample. Since it
fact that her students are taking this degree program is highly desirable to pre-test such a research instru-
marks them off as different from teachers in general. ment before actually using it, administering it to a
(In addition, of course, it’s ethically questionable for group that is not part of the main study is a legitimate
a researcher to ask people who are dependent on her way of exploring issues such as whether respondents
for a grade to take part in her research.) will reply honestly to questions on sensitive topics,
This is not to suggest that convenience samples and whether the questions are clear and comprehen-
should always be avoided. In fact, they are used more sible. A convenience sample may also be used to test
often than you might think. Mairs and Bullock’s newly created scales for reliability and to generate
(2013) research on sexually risky behaviour and ideas for further research. Box 7.4 contains another
HIV testing on the part of Canadian “snowbirds” illustration of how a convenience sample may be used.

BOX 7.4 A convenience sample

Suppose you want to study university under- convenience sample, because the choices of univer-
graduates to find out the extent of their part-time sity, faculty, degree program, and course are made
employment while at school. To save time and purposively rather than randomly. Because of the
effort you decide to conduct the study at your own way the questionnaires are administered (in class),
university. You could use probability sampling to there is a very high response rate. On the other
get participants, but you think the research is not hand, students who are absent from class do not get
important enough to justify the cost. Instead you a chance to fill out a questionnaire. An important
choose five faculties, and within each, one or two question is whether absence from class is connected
of the specific degree programs it offers: anthro- in some way to part-time work, the latter variable
pology, visual arts, chemistry, electrical engin- being the focus of your study. In other words, is
eering, French, kinesiology, media studies, and ­absence higher among students who work part-time,
psychology. This choice of subjects is designed to perhaps because they are working at the time of the
maximize variety in the types of degree programs class? Are some students too tired to go to class be-
represented while providing similar numbers of cause of their part-time work? If so, you will probably
males and females (since in particular degree underestimate the proportion of students who work
programs one gender frequently predominates). part-time. Also, because you have selected a con-
Questionnaires can then be given to students in venience sample, you must say so in your research
first-, second-, third-, and fourth-year courses. report, acknowledging that the results cannot be
Together, these procedures represent a good generalized to Canadian students as a whole or even
attempt at generating a varied sample. It is a to the student population at your university.
160 PART II Quantitative Research

Snowball sampling marijuana users for what is often regarded as a classic

study of drug use.
Snowball sampling is a form of convenience sam- Becker’s comment on creating a snowball sample
pling, but worth distinguishing because it has at- is interesting: “The sample is, of course, in no sense
tracted quite a lot of attention over the years. With ‘random’; [indeed] it would not be possible to draw
this approach, the researcher makes initial contact a random sample, since no one knows the nature
with a small group of people who are relevant to the of the universe from which it would have to be
research topic and then uses them to establish con- drawn” (Becker, 1963, p. 46). What Becker is saying
tact with others. Tastsoglou and Miedema (2003) here is that there is no accessible sampling frame
used this approach to create a sample of immigrant for the population from which the sample is to be
women in the Maritimes. Bowen (2015) used it to taken. The difficulty of creating such a sampling
recruit informants for her study of people in the frame means that a non-probability approach is
Vancouver area who either had experienced the tran- the only feasible one. Moreover, even if it were pos-
sition from off-street sex work to “square” (non-sex) sible to create a sampling frame of marijuana users
work, or were simultaneously employed in both. And or British visitors to Disney theme parks, it would
Whalen and Schmidt (2016) chose snowball sampling almost certainly become obsolete very soon, be-
to recruit participants for their study of Newfound- cause those populations are constantly changing.
land women whose male partners were away from People become and cease being marijuana users
home, working in the Alberta oil industry. Box 7.5 all the time, while new theme park visitors arrive
describes the generation of a snowball sample of every minute.

BOX 7.5 A snowball sample

In The Help, which is set in Mississippi in the early

1960s, Emma Stone’s character, Skeeter, wants to
Dreamworks Pictures/Kobal/Shutterstock

interview black maids who work for white families

in order to expose the latter's racism. Most maids
are afraid to speak out, fearing retribution. Even-
tually one maid comes forward and introduces
Skeeter to some other maids willing to be inter-
viewed. How was snowball sampling useful in this
scenario? What are some other research situations
in which snowball sampling would be useful?

Becker reported on how he generated a sample of users who would be willing to discuss their
marijuana users: experiences with me . . . Although in the end
half of the fifty interviews were conducted
I had been a professional dance musician . . . with musicians, the other half covered a
and my first interviews were with people I wide range of people, including labourers,
had met in the music business. I asked them machinists, and people in the professions.
to put me in contact with other [marijuana] (1963, pp. 45–46)
7 | Quantitative Sampling 161

The problem with snowball sampling is that it is political opinion polling in some countries. The aim
very unlikely to be representative of the population, of quota sampling is to produce a sample that reflects
although, as Becker’s experience suggests, the very a population in terms of the relative proportions of
notion of a population is problematic in some cir- people in different categories (gender, ethnicity, age,
cumstances. However, snowball sampling is gener- socioeconomic status, region of residence, etc.), or in
ally used not within a quantitative research strategy, combinations of these categories. Unlike a stratified
but within a qualitative one: both B­ ecker’s work on sample, however, a quota sample is not random, since
marijuana users and Bryman’s (1995, 1999) studies the final selection of people is left up to the inter-
on theme parks used a qualitative research frame- viewer. Information about the stratification of the
work, and concerns about the ability to generalize Canadian population or about certain regions can be
do not loom large in qualitative research. Indeed, obtained from sources such as the census and from
Tastsoglou and Miedema (2003) warned their read- surveys based on probability samples such as the
ers not to generalize from their 40 women to all im- General Social Survey.
migrant women in the Maritimes, much less to those Once the categories and the numbers of people
in the rest of Canada. This is not to suggest that to be interviewed within each category (the quotas)
snowball sampling is entirely irrelevant to quantita- have been decided, interviewers merely have to
tive research: when the researcher needs to focus on select people who fit those categories. The quotas
relationships between people, tracing connections are typically interrelated. As in stratified sampling,
through snowball sampling can be a better approach the population may be divided into strata covering
than conventional probability sampling. Statistically several characteristics (for example, gender, employ-
small groups—gay francophone lawyers in New ment, and age) all at once (see Table 7.2). Census
­Brunswick, for ­example—are researchable with a data can identify the number of people who should
snowball approach. Taking a random sample from be in each subgroup; thus the numbers to be inter-
that population would not be feasible. viewed in each subgroup reflect the population.
­Interviewers can then seek out individuals who fit
Quota sampling the subgroup quotas. Accordingly, an interviewer
Quota sampling is not common in academic may be told to find and interview five 25- to 44-year-
social research, but it is used intensively for com- old u
­ nemployed females at an assigned location,
mercial purposes such as market research and in such as a mall.

Practical Tip | Sample size and probability sampling for students

For most quantitative researchers sample size does matter: the bigger the sample, the more representa-
tive it is likely to be (provided the sample is randomly selected), regardless of the size of the population
from which it is drawn. However, students have to do their research with very limited resources, and a
truly random sample may not be feasible for them. The crucial point is to be clear about your sampling
decisions and to justify what you have done. Explain the difficulties that you would have encountered in
generating a random sample. Explain why you could not increase your sample size. Above all, though,
don’t make claims about your sample that are not warranted. Never claim that your sample is represent-
ative, or randomly selected, unless that is true. Also, even if your sample is small, it may have some good
features: the range of people included, a good response rate, high levels of honesty. Make sure to play
up these positive features while being honest about the sample’s limitations. This is what professional
researchers do.
162 PART II Quantitative Research

TABLE 7.2 | S
 trata for gender, age, and Structured observation and sampling
Structured observation, like survey research, neces-
Older, female, Younger, female, sitates decisions about sampling. However, the issues
unemployed (5%) unemployed (4%) that have to be considered are not limited to sampling
Older, female, Younger, female, people. Several other sampling issues may be involved:
employed (17%) employed (20%)
Older, female, Younger, female, • If the structured observation is to take place in
other (7%) other (1%) public areas, there will be no sampling frames
Older, male, Younger, male,
(lists of people who frequent those areas). It would
unemployed (3%) unemployed (6%) be very difficult, for example, to get a complete
list of people who walk along a particular street,
Older, male, Younger, male,
or of men who frequent certain “tearooms.” One
employed (15%) employed (15%)
can, however, choose the people by using a table
Older, male, other (6%) Younger, male, other (1%) of random numbers: for example, the third,
then seventh, then eighteenth person seen in the
A number of criticisms are frequently levelled at public area. The same table can be used to estab-
quota samples: lish random samples of time, place, or activity.
• Time sampling involves an observer recording
• The proponents of probability sampling whatever is happening at a particular time,
argue that because the choice of respondent for example, in a pub every 15 minutes after
is left to the interviewer, a quota sample is not a random start time. This can be done on one
likely to be representative. As noted earlier, in person or on several individuals at once and
their choice of people to approach, interviewers the 15-minute figure can be varied using a
may be unduly influenced by their perceptions table of random numbers. It may be necessary
of friendliness or willingness to make eye con- that individuals watched on more than one day
tact (many people will look at the ground and not be observed at the same time of the day; the
shuffle past as quickly as possible, not wanting observation periods may have to be randomly
to be bothered). selected. For example, it would be an error to
• People who are in an interviewer’s vicinity at observe a certain pupil in a school classroom
interview times, therefore available to be ap- always at the end of the day, when most stu-
proached, may not be typical. There is a risk, dents are tired, since tiredness could give a
for example, that people not in full-time paid false impression of that pupil’s behaviour.
work may be over-represented, especially in
malls, making the sample unrepresentative. Time sampling should be combined with the next
• Judgments about eligibility may sometimes strategy:
be incorrect, for instance regarding the re-
spondent’s age, and even more so for social • Random sampling of specific places: for ex-
class. For example, someone who is actually ample, in a pub near the entrance, at the bar, by
young enough to be eligible but looks older the pool table, outside where the smokers con-
may not be asked because the quota of the gregate, the washroom area, and the booths.
older group is filled. In such cases an element • “Behaviour sampling,” whereby an entire group
of bias is introduced. is watched and the observer records a particular
• It is not appropriate to calculate a standard kind of behaviour. Thus in that same pub, the re-
error term from a quota sample; in fact, most searcher can observe the nth pick-up (second, then
statistical estimates are meaningless unless fifth, etc.) after the previous one was observed,
random sampling has been used. using a random number table to determine the n.
7 | Quantitative Sampling 163

Considerations relating to probability sampling of university students’ budgeting and personal

derive largely from concerns about external valid- finance habits apply to today’s students. Ever-­
ity. For example, if a structured observation study increasing costs have changed the ways students
is conducted over a relatively short span of time, ­fi nance their education, increasing their reliance
questions are likely to arise concerning the stabil- on part-time work, parents, and loans. But even
ity or representativeness of the findings over longer when there is no definable or r­ ecognizable source
periods. If the research is conducted in schools, for of relevant change, there is still the possibility
instance, observations conducted toward the end (even the likelihood) that the findings are time
of the school year, when examinations are likely to specific. Changes over time are a major reason why
loom large for both teachers and students, may pro- it is important to conduct replications.
duce different results than observations made at a
different point in the academic year. Consequently, Sampling problems
consideration has to be given to the timing of the ob- There is some evidence that quota samples are often
servations. Furthermore, how are the sites in which biased. They under-represent people in lower social
structured observation is to take place selected? Are strata, people who work in the private sector and
they representative? Using a random sampling pro- manufacturing, and people at the extremes of income;
cedure to select the schools would assuage any wor- and they over-represent women in households with
ries in this connection. However, gaining access to children and people from larger households (Butcher,
settings such as schools and business organizations 1994). On the other hand, ­probability samples may be
is usually difficult; thus settings that are willing to biased as well: for e­ xample, they may u
­ nder-represent
grant access may not be representative. men and employed people (Marsh & Scarbrough,
1990), perhaps because such people are often both
more difficult to contact and busier, thus less willing
Limits to generalization to participate.
An important point, often not fully appreciated, is Other errors related to sampling (see Figure 7.6)
that even when a sample is selected using probability include the following:
sampling, any findings can be generalized only to the
population from which the sample was taken. This is • Sampling error, discussed earlier in this chapter
an obvious point, but it is easy to think that findings and defined in Box 7.1, arises because it is rare to
from any study have a broader applicability. If the end up with a perfectly representative sample,
study is based on a random sample of adult Calgar- even when probability sampling is employed.
ians, for example, its findings cannot be generalized • Sampling-related error arises from activities
to the whole province of Alberta, much less to other or events related to the sampling process. Ex­
regions of Canada. The opinions of Calgarians may amples include an inaccurate sampling frame
be very different from those of Edmontonians or and non-response; each reduces the generaliz-
people who live in Lethbridge, and even more dif- ability or the external validity of findings.
ferent from the opinions of Montrealers or residents
of St John’s.
One issue rarely discussed in this context, and
almost impossible to assess, is whether there is a
time limit on the findings generated. Quite aside
from the fact that findings cannot (or at least
should not) be generalized beyond the population
sampled, is there a point at which one should say, Sampling Sampling-related Data collection Data processing
error error error error
“Well, those findings applied then, but do they
apply now?” To take a simple example: no one FIGURE 7.6 Four sources of error in quantitative
should assume that the findings of a 1980 study research
164 PART II Quantitative Research

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Using stratified random sampling to study women’s participation in the paid labour force
Over the past 40 years, families in Canada and labour force within that two-year period, and
several other countries have made the transition whether those factors have changed over time.
from a “male breadwinner” model to one in which They found that after controlling for a number of
women are full participants in the paid labour ­s ocioeconomic influences, the greater a woman’s
force. Gaudet et al. (2011) used the 2001 General level of education, the more likely she was to be
Social Survey (Cycle 15 on Family History) to ex- in the paid labour force within two years. They
plore Canadian women’s participation in paid work also found that this relationship did not change
after childbirth, focusing on the years 1970–99. This significantly in the years under study. They noted
­General Social Survey used a stratified sampling that this pattern suggests that women at lower
technique in which the 10 provinces were divided levels of education are more likely to suffer the
into 27 geographical areas or strata. Random-digit effects of poverty and other negative life-course
dialling was used in each stratum to select the events associated with being out of the labour
sample, which was considered to be representative force. Another key finding was that for the 1995
of the target population of ­non-institutionalized to 1999 cohort, women whose spouses were in
people over the age of 15 in the 10 provinces. The re- the highest and lowest income categories were
searchers noted that since the 1970s, it has become more likely to return to work than those whose
increasingly common for women to engage in paid spouses had middling levels of income. This sug-
work within two years of giving birth. gests that women’s decisions to return to work
Gaudet et al. wanted to know what fac- were also affected by how much money their
tors influenced women’s proclivity to enter the spouses earned.

Content analysis sampling Ontario metropolitan newspapers analyzed every

article of any kind contained in 19 randomly selected
There are several phases in the selection of a sample editions of each paper, yielding a total sample of 7129
for content analysis. Applying content analysis to the articles.
mass media is explored here but the basic principles
have broader applications. Sampling dates
Sometimes the decision about dates depends on when
Sampling media the phenomenon of interest occurs. For example,
Many studies of the mass media specify a research the time for studying squeegee kids in Toronto was
problem in the form of “examining the representa- dictated by their initial proliferation and then their
tion of X in the mass media.” The X might be trade legislated disappearance (Parnaby, 2003). It would be
unions, women, food scares, crime, or drunk driving. impossible to study squeegee kids before they appeared
But which mass medium to choose—­newspapers, on the scene, or to continue after their removal. Sim-
television, radio, chat rooms, social media? If news- ilarly, the time to study western Canadian separatism
papers, will the study focus on tabloids, broadsheets, (Bell, 2007) was when the movement was active, not
or both? Will it include Sunday papers, or free news- when it was in a dormant phase. The matter of dates
papers? Will it examine feature articles and letters to is more open with an ongoing general phenomenon
the editor, or news stories only? Buchanan’s (2014) such as crime. In such cases probability sampling can
study of the decline of local news coverage in two be used to sample dates: for example, a systematic
7 | Quantitative Sampling 165

sample can be generated by randomly selecting one November only, there might have been a preoccupation
day and then selecting every nth day thereafter. with Christmas fare, while findings from a summer
The time span analyzed in content analysis often issue might have been affected by the greater availabil-
depends on the research questions. Warde (1997) was ity of certain foods, such as particular types of fruit.)
interested in changes in representations of food (what
should be eaten and how it should be eaten) in food
columns in five of the most widely read weekly maga-
Reducing non-response
zines that explore topics related to household cuisine. There is little consistent evidence on whether response
He looked at two years, 20 years apart, and within rates are lower for interviews conducted over the tele-
each year at the February, May, August, and November phone rather than face-to-face (see Table 7.3). How-
issues to ensure that seasonal factors did not overly in- ever, there is a general belief that telephone interviews
fluence the findings. (If he had selected magazines from achieve slightly lower response rates than personal

TABLE 7.3 | C
 omparing the strengths of different ways of contacting members of the
chosen sample
Face-to-face Telephone Posted
interview interview questionnaire Email Web
Resource issues
Is the cost of the mode of ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
administration relatively low?
Is the speed of the mode of ✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
administration relatively fast?
Is the cost of handling a dispersed ✓ (✓✓ if ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓
sample relatively low? clustered)
Sampling-related issues
Does the mode of administration ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
tend to produce a good response

Is the researcher able to control ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓

who responds (that is, the person
targeted is the one who answers)?
Is the mode of administration ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓ (because ✓ (because
accessible to all sample members? of need for of need for
respondents respondents
to be to be
accessible accessible
online) online)
Is the mode of administration less ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
likely to result in non-response to
some questions?
Notes: Number of ticks indicates the strength of the mode of administration of a survey in relation to each issue. More ticks correspond
to more advantages in relation to each issue. A single tick implies that the mode of administering a questionnaire does not fare well in
this area. Two ticks imply that it is acceptable and three ticks that it does very well. This table was influenced by Czaja and Blair (1996).
166 PART II Quantitative Research

Practical Tip | Response rates

The lower the response rate, the more likely it is that questions will be raised about the representativeness
of the sample. Mailed questionnaires in particular are often associated with low response rates, and as
Mangione’s classification given on this page illustrates, some authorities consider a response rate below
50 per cent unacceptable. Then again, a great deal of published research achieves only a low response rate,
so don’t despair. The key point is to recognize and acknowledge the negative implications of a low rate.
Also, response rates are usually an issue only with randomly selected samples. Samples not selected
using probability methods are not expected to be representative of a population even if all the people
selected participate. But here again, it is necessary to acknowledge the limitations of the sample.

interviews (Shuy, 2002; Frey, 2004). Developments in Over 85% excellent

telephone communications such as the growing use
70–85% very good
of call screening and cellphones have certainly had an
adverse effect on telephone survey responses. 60–69% acceptable
Interviewers in both types of study play an import- 50–59% barely acceptable
ant role in maximizing the response rate for a survey Below 50% not acceptable
study. The following points should be borne in mind:
Because of the tendency for mailed questionnaires to
• Interviewers should be prepared to keep call- generate lower response rates than structured inter-
ing back if interviewees are unavailable. This views (and the implications this has for the validity
requires taking into account people’s likely of findings), a great deal of thought and research has
work and leisure habits: there is no point in gone into improving response rates for the former.
daytime calling for people who work during The following steps are frequently suggested:
the day. People living alone may be reluctant to
answer the door, especially after dark. • Write a good covering letter explaining the
• Reassure people that you are not a sales- reasons for the research, why it is important,
person. Because of the unethical tactics of and why the recipient has been selected; pro-
organizations whose representatives say vide guarantees of confidentiality.
they are doing market or social research, • Make it personal by including the respondent’s
many people have become very suspicious of name and address in the covering letter, and by
anyone who says she would “just like to ask a ensuring that each letter is individually signed.
few questions.” A cover letter addressed to “Occupant” will put
• When conducting in-person interviews, dress most people off. The downside of the personal
in a way that is acceptable to a wide spectrum approach is that it may raise concerns: How
of people. did they know about me? Will my responses
• Make it clear that you are happy to find an really be confidential? The researcher should
interview time to suit the respondent. try to deal with any potential fears in the letter.
• The mailed questionnaires should always be
Improving response rates to mailed accompanied by a stamped return envelope or
questionnaires (at the very least) return postage.
Mangione (1995, pp. 60–61) classified response rates • Don’t allow the questionnaire to appear unneces-
to mailed questionnaires as follows: sarily bulky. Some researchers reduce the size of
7 | Quantitative Sampling 167

the questionnaire to fit a booklet format. As with formats, although fewer and fewer people lack these
structured interviewing, begin with questions characteristics. Other factors that make such surveys
most likely to be of interest to the respondent. problematic include the following:
• Follow up individuals who do not reply at
first, possibly with two or three further mail- • Many people have more than one email
ings. The importance of reminders cannot be address.
­overstated—they do work. One approach is to • Some households have one computer but sev-
send out a reminder letter to non-respondents eral users.
two weeks after the initial mailing, reasserting • Internet users are a biased sample of the popu-
the nature and aims of the survey and sug- lation in that they tend to be better educated,
gesting that the person contact a member of the wealthier, younger, and more urban than non-
research team to obtain a replacement copy of users, although these differences are dimin-
the questionnaire should the original one have ishing in importance as the Internet becomes
been lost. Then, two weeks after that, those who more accessible (Hallett & Barber, 2014).
still have not responded should be sent another • Few sampling frames exist for the general online
letter along with a second copy of the question- population, and most of these are likely to be
naire. These reminders have a demonstrable either confidential or too expensive to acquire.
effect on the response rate. Some writers argue
for even more than two mailings of reminder Such issues make it difficult to satisfy all the
letters. If a response rate is worryingly low, fur- criteria for conducting probability sampling. The
ther mailings are certainly desirable. chief problem with virtual sampling strategies is
• Monetary incentives increase the response rate that the representativeness of the sample is almost
but can be deemed unethical. They are most ef- always in question. However, open source software
fective if they arrive with the questionnaire (as like Amazon Mechanical Turk is making it easier
opposed to after its return). Apparently, most for social researchers to gain access to online par-
respondents will not take the money and dis- ticipants, and one could argue that virtual sampling
card the questionnaire. The evidence also sug- provides better access to large populations than
gests that quite small amounts of money have other forms of convenience sampling. Regardless of
a positive impact on the response rate, but that the type of sampling chosen, it is always necessary to
larger amounts do not necessarily improve the discuss the limitations of the method used.
rate any further. Online surveys are becoming more popular and
have potential if only for their low cost. Several prob-
Virtual sampling issues lems have been identified with Web and email sur-
A major limitation of online surveys is that not veys, but methodologists are beginning to come to
everyone is online and has the technical ability grips with them and may gradually develop ways of
to handle questionnaires in either email or Web overcoming their limitations.

Key Points
• Probability sampling is a mechanism for reducing • Randomly selected samples are important be-
bias in sample selection. cause they permit generalizations to the popula-
• Key technical terms in sampling include repre- tion of interest.
sentative sample, random sample, non-response, • Sampling error generally decreases as sample size
population, and sampling error. increases.
168 PART II Quantitative Research

• Under certain circumstances, quota samples can • Sampling and sampling-related error are just two
be an alternative to random samples, but they sources of error in social survey research.
have some deficiencies. • Response rates vary by the medium of communi-
• Convenience samples can provide useful data, but cation and most can be improved by persistent
have limited generalizability. ­follow-up procedures.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

RR What do each of the following terms mean: “popu- AA You are doing a study on the relationship between
lation”; “probability sampling”; “sampling frame”; body acceptance and social media use among
and “representative sample”? young women, and will use an online question-
AA You have been asked to organize your high school naire to gather your data. Assume that you have
reunion this year, and want to select a sample of chosen an appropriate method to generate a prob-
your classmates to pick a venue for the event. How ability sample. What could you do to maximize the
could you create a sampling frame and select a response rate? What characteristics of the sample
random sample of 50 people? should be the same as those of the population in
order to get meaningful results (e.g. the ethnic
Probability sampling breakdown)?
RR Why does probability sampling offer a greater
chance of selecting a representative sample than Non-probability samples
non-probability sampling? RR What are the main kinds of non-probability sample,
AA A researcher positions herself on a street corner and and how are they selected?
asks every fifth person who walks by for an interview AA Which form of non-probability sample is likely to
until she has a sample of 250. Would the results be be the least useful if your goal is to market a new
generalizable to any specific population? Explain. type of cellphone? Which is likely the most useful?
RR What are the main types of probability sample?
How is each one selected? Limits to generalization
AA You want to conduct an interview survey of 500 RR Besides selecting a probability sample of adequate
people in Winnipeg that would give you findings size, what factors should be taken into considera-
that are generalizable to all adults in the city. tion before generalizing the results of a study to a
What type of sample should you select? Why? particular population?
AA You just completed a study on Islamophobia in
Sample size Canada using appropriate sampling techniques.
RR Explain why non-response bias may be a more For how long can you consider your results to be
important consideration in sampling than the re- applicable to Canadian society? Explain.
sponse rate.

Interactive Classroom Activities

The number of exercises chosen here will depend on have to travel to get to campus, which is recorded
the amount of class time available and the inclina- and then shown on the blackboard/screen, along
tions of the instructor. It may be advisable for the in- with the gender of the student. The data are then
structor to determine population and sample sizes in treated as population data. (For very large classes,
advance to simplify the calculations. a subset of the class can be randomly selected for
this using a “numbering off” procedure.) The in-
1. The instructor gives each student in the class (or structor or a volunteer then adds up the total kilo-
a predetermined number of participants) an ID metres travelled for all participants, which is used
number, and asks them how many kilometres they to calculate the population mean. Each member
7 | Quantitative Sampling 169

of the class then uses a random number table to 3. Each person in the class calculates the gender break-
select simple random samples of increasing size, down for each sample selected in ­exercise 1, and
for example, n = 1, n = 10, n = 20, n = 40, and so compares it to the overall gender breakdown of the
on, which are used to calculate sample means. population. The class is asked: How do these break-
The class is then asked: How does the size of the downs differ by sample size? What does it mean to
sample affect its accuracy? Which sample size has “stratify” a population by gender? Would stratifying
the least amount of sampling error? Why? be necessary in order to have the gender breakdown
2. Each member of the class then selects a sys- of the samples match that of the population?
tematic sample (every nth case, using a random 4. The mean number of kilometres travelled by all
start) the size of which matches that of the largest females in the population is calculated, as is the
simple random sample selected in exercise 1. For mean for all males. The means for women and
example, if the population size was 80 and the lar- men are then calculated for each sample selected
gest simple random sample selected had a size of in exercise 1. The class is asked: How is the accur-
40, every second case (80/40) would be selected acy of the means affected by sample size? Would
for the systematic sample. The class is asked: How it be appropriate to stratify by gender for this
close is the mean of the systematic sample to that variable? Why or why not? How could a gender-­
of the largest simple random sample? Why are the stratified sample be selected to calculate the
two sample means not always the same? mean number of kilometres travelled to campus?

Relevant Websites
Statistics Canada provides a good general intro- These YouTube videos illustrate how to select a
duction to sampling. Both probability and non-­ simple random, stratified, and cluster sample.
probability sampling techniques are described here.
Test your knowledge of sampling by doing the exer-
cises provided.
ch13/5214895-eng.htm feature=related

Statistics Canada provides the sampling techniques (Websites accessed 23 October 2018)

used for the 2015–16 General Social Survey Time Use


More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Quantitative Data Analysis

Chapter Overview
This chapter presents some of the most basic and frequently used methods for analyzing quantitative
data. To illustrate them, we’ll use an imaginary data set on attendance at a gym—the kind of data set that
could be generated from a small research project suitable for most undergraduates.
The chapter explores:
• the importance of anticipating questions of analysis early in the research process, before all the
data have been collected;
• the different kinds of variables generated in quantitative research (knowing how to distinguish
them is crucial in deciding which statistics to use);
• methods for analyzing a single variable (univariate analysis);
• methods for analyzing relationships between two variables (bivariate analysis); and
• analysis of relationships among three or more variables (multivariate analysis).

If you’re like many students in the social sciences, the for a while. Feel better now? If not, remember that the
idea of learning about statistics doesn’t fill you with joy. best way to learn a new language is to start with the
How about communing with nature? Yes, that would be basics. That’s what we’ll do in this chapter. In fact, we’re
much better—open fields, wild winds, the bright sky, not going to go beyond a basic level, and we won’t even
a riot of colour provided by the plants and animals be using any formulas—we’ll leave that for your statis-
around you. On the other hand, it’s often said that tics courses. What we will do is introduce the logic of
­mathematics is the language that nature speaks, and statistics, which will give you the conceptual founda-
statistics is a form of applied mathematics. ­Communing tions you need to do quantitative data analysis. We’ll
with nature via statistics can be just as invigorating as also discuss some important ways of organizing quan-
communing any other way, especially if you work at it titative data. Think of it as a new language class.

▲ Igor Stevanovic/123rf
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 171

Introduction She secured the permission of a gym close to

her home to contact a sample of its members by
Once a sample has been selected and the numerical mail. The gym had 1200 members and she decided
data have been gathered, the next step is to analyze to take a simple random sample of 10 per cent
the information you have. Here we will discuss some of them (that is, 120 members). She mailed ques-
basic ways to do that. We’ll avoid the formulas that tionnaires to members of the sample with a cov-
underpin those techniques, in order to keep the ering letter testifying to the gym’s support for her
discussion focused on methodological issues. One research; the letter also included a Web address
chapter could not do justice to the topic of numerical that allowed participants to fill out the question-
data analysis in any case; readers are advised to con- naire online. One thing she wanted to know was
sult books that provide more detailed and advanced how much time people spent on each of the three
treatments (for example, Agresti & Finlay, 2009; main types of activity in the gym: cardiovascu-
Healey & Prus, 2016). lar workouts, weightlifting, and other activities
Before we begin, a warning is in order. The big- (for example, stretching exercises). She defined
gest mistake in quantitative research is to think that each of these carefully in the covering letter and
data analysis decisions can wait until after the data asked members of the sample to note down how
have been collected. Data analysis is carried out after long they spent on each of the three activities on
that stage, but it’s essential to be fully aware of what their next visit. She ended up with 90 completed
techniques will be used before data collection begins. questionnaires out of the 120—a ­response rate of
Interview schedules, questionnaires, observation 75 per cent.
schedules, and coding frames should be designed The entire questionnaire ran to four pages; 12
with the data analysis in mind, for two main reasons: of the questions along with the responses of a fic-
tional respondent are provided in Box 8.1. Ques-
• The statistical techniques that can be used tions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were pre-coded; the
depend on how a variable is measured. Inap­ respondent simply had to circle the appropriate
propriate measurement may make it impossible code. With the others, specific figures were re-
to conduct certain types of data analysis. quested, which were later transferred to the code
• The size and nature of the sample also impose column.
limitations on the kinds of techniques that are
suitable for the data set. Missing data
The data for all 90 respondents are presented
in Box 8.2. Each of the 12 questions is desig-
A small research project nated initially as a numbered variable (var00001,
The discussion of quantitative data analysis provided var00002, etc.); the number corresponds to the
here is based on an imaginary piece of research car- question number in Box 8.1 (var00001 is question
ried out by an undergraduate for her honours thesis 1, var00002 is question 2, etc.). An important issue
on leisure in modern society. She chose that topic in data analysis is how to handle the “missing
because of her enthusiasm for gyms and workout fa- data” generated when respondents do not reply
cilities, and her interest in how and why such venues to a question—whether because they accident-
are used. She had a hunch that they might be indica- ally skip it, because they do not want to answer
tive of a “civilizing process” and used this theory as a it, or because it does not apply to them. For ex-
framework for her findings (Rojek, 1995, pp. 50–56). ample, respondent 24 failed to answer question 2
She was also interested in issues relating to gender on age. This was coded as 999, a number chosen
and body image, and suspected that men and women because it cannot be mistaken for a person’s age
differ in their reasons for going to a gym as well as in and is also easy to remember. Also, question 9 has
their activities there. a large number of 8s, because for this variable an
172 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 8.1 Part of a completed questionnaire on use of a gym

Questionnaire Code
1. Are you male or female? (please tick)
Male ✓ 1 2
2. How old are you?
21 Years 21
3. Which of the following best describes your main reason for going to the gym?
(please circle one code only)
Relaxation 1
Maintain or improve fitness ✓ 2
Lose weight 3
Meet others 4
Build strength 5
Other (please specify) 6
4. When you go to the gym, how often do you use the cardiovascular
equipment (treadmill, step machine, bike, rower)? (please tick)
Always ✓ 1
Usually 2
Rarely 3
Never 4
5. When you go to the gym, how often do you use the weights? (please tick)
Always ✓ 1
Usually 2
Rarely 3
Never 4
6. Generally, how frequently do you go to the gym? (please tick)
Every day 1
4–6 days a week 2
2 or 3 days a week ✓ 3
Once a week 4
2 or 3 times a month 5
Once a month 6
Less than once a month 7
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 173

7. Do you usually go with someone else to the gym or usually on your own?
(please circle one code only)
On my own ✓ 1
With a friend 2
With a partner/spouse 3

8. Do you have sources of regular exercise other than the gym?

Yes No ✓ 1 2
If you have answered No to this question, please proceed to question 10.
9. If you have replied Yes to question 8, please indicate the main source of regular
exercise in the last six months from this list. (please circle one code only)
Sport 1
Cycling on the road 2
Jogging 3
Long walks 4
Other (please specify) 5
10. During your last visit to the gym, how many minutes did you spend on the
cardiovascular equipment (treadmill, step machine, bike, rower)?
33 minutes 33
11. During your last visit to the gym, how many minutes did you spend on weights?
17 minutes 17
12. During your last visit to the gym, how many minutes did you spend on other activities
(e.g., stretching exercises)?
5 minutes 5
Source: Rojek (1995).

8 means “not applicable”—many people did not Types of variables

answer this question, having been filtered out by
the previous one (that is, they do not have other Look at the different questions and notice that some
sources of regular exercise). Everyone answered of them call for answers in real numbers: questions
questions 10, 11, and 12, so there are no missing 2 (age), and 10, 11, and 12. Questions 1 (gender)
data for those variables; if there were, it would be and 8 yield either/or answers, which are called
necessary to code the missing data with another ­dichotomies (only two possible responses). The rest
number that could not be mistaken for an actual of the questions take the form of lists of categories,
number of minutes. The various missing data but there are also differences among them. Some of
codes are stored in the information for each vari- the answers can be rank ordered: see questions 4, 5,
able so they cannot be read by the computer as and 6. Thus for question 6 the category “every day”
anything other than missing data. implies greater frequency than “4–6 days a week,”
174 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 8.2 Gym survey data

Case var00001 var00002 var00003 var00004 var00005 var00006 var00007 var00008 var00009 var00010 var00011 var00012

1 1 21 2 1 1 3 1 2 8 33 17 5
2 2 44 1 3 1 4 3 1 2 10 23 10
3 2 19 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 27 18 12
4 2 27 3 2 1 2 1 2 8 30 17 3
5 1 57 2 1 3 2 3 1 4 22 0 15
6 2 27 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 34 17 0
7 1 39 5 2 1 5 1 1 5 17 48 10
8 2 36 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 25 18 7
9 1 37 2 1 1 3 1 2 8 34 15 0
10 2 51 2 2 2 4 3 2 8 16 18 11
11 1 24 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 0 42 16
12 2 29 2 1 2 3 1 2 8 34 22 12
13 1 20 5 1 1 2 1 2 8 22 31 7
14 2 22 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 37 14 12
15 2 46 3 1 1 5 2 2 8 26 9 4
16 2 41 3 1 2 2 3 1 4 22 7 10
17 1 25 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 21 29 4
18 2 46 3 1 2 4 2 1 4 18 8 11
19 1 30 3 1 1 5 1 2 8 23 9 6
20 1 25 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 23 19 0
21 2 24 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 20 7 6
22 2 39 1 2 3 5 1 2 8 17 0 9
23 1 44 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 22 8 5
24 1 999 1 2 2 4 2 1 4 15 10 4
25 2 18 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 18 7 10
26 1 41 3 1 1 3 1 2 8 34 10 4
27 2 38 2 1 2 5 3 1 2 24 14 10
28 1 25 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 48 22 7
29 1 41 5 2 1 3 1 1 2 17 27 0
30 2 30 3 1 1 2 2 2 8 32 13 10
31 2 29 3 1 3 2 1 2 8 31 0 7
32 2 42 1 2 2 4 2 1 4 17 14 6
33 1 31 2 1 1 2 1 2 8 49 21 2
34 2 25 3 1 1 2 3 2 8 30 17 15
35 1 46 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 32 10 5
36 1 24 5 2 1 4 1 1 2 0 36 11
37 2 34 3 1 1 3 2 1 4 27 14 12
38 2 50 2 1 2 2 3 2 8 28 8 6
39 1 28 5 1 1 3 2 1 1 26 22 8
40 2 30 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 21 9 12
41 1 27 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 64 15 8
42 2 27 2 1 2 4 2 1 4 22 10 7
43 1 36 5 1 1 3 2 2 8 21 24 0
44 2 43 3 1 1 4 1 2 8 25 13 8
45 1 34 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 45 15 6
46 2 27 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 33 10 9
47 2 38 2 1 3 4 2 2 8 23 0 16
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 175

48 1 28 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 38 13 5
49 1 44 5 1 1 2 1 2 8 27 19 7
50 2 31 3 1 2 3 2 2 8 32 11 5
51 2 23 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 33 18 8
52 1 45 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 26 10 7
53 2 34 3 1 2 2 3 2 8 36 8 12
54 1 27 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 42 13 6
55 2 40 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 26 9 10
56 2 24 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 22 10 9
57 1 37 2 1 1 5 2 2 8 21 11 0
58 1 22 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 23 17 6
59 2 31 3 1 2 3 1 1 4 40 16 12
60 1 37 2 1 1 2 3 2 8 54 12 3
61 2 33 1 2 2 4 2 2 8 17 10 5
62 1 23 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 41 27 8
63 1 28 3 1 1 3 3 2 8 27 11 8
64 2 29 2 1 2 5 2 1 2 24 9 9
65 2 43 3 1 1 2 1 2 8 36 17 12
66 1 28 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 22 15 4
67 1 48 2 1 1 5 1 1 4 25 11 7
68 2 32 2 2 2 4 2 2 8 27 13 11
69 1 28 5 1 1 2 2 2 8 15 23 7
70 2 23 2 1 1 5 1 1 4 14 11 5
71 2 43 2 1 2 5 1 2 8 18 7 3
72 1 28 2 1 1 4 3 1 2 34 18 8
73 2 23 3 1 1 2 1 2 8 37 17 17
74 2 36 1 2 2 4 2 1 4 18 12 4
75 1 50 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 28 14 3
76 1 37 3 1 1 2 2 2 8 26 14 9
77 2 41 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 24 11 4
78 1 26 5 2 1 5 1 1 1 23 19 8
79 2 28 3 1 1 4 1 2 8 27 12 4
80 2 35 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 28 14 0
81 1 28 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 20 24 12
82 2 36 2 1 1 3 2 2 8 26 9 14
83 2 29 3 1 1 4 1 1 4 23 13 4
84 1 34 1 2 2 4 2 1 8 24 12 3
85 1 53 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 32 17 6
86 2 30 3 1 1 4 1 2 8 24 10 9
87 1 43 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 24 14 10
88 2 26 5 2 1 4 1 1 1 16 23 7
89 2 44 1 1 1 4 2 2 8 27 18 6
90 1 45 1 2 2 3 3 2 8 20 14 5
Source: Rojek (1995).

which in turn is a greater frequency than “2 or 3 days neither more nor less of something than “maintain
a week,” and so on. Compare this to questions 3, 7, or improve fitness” is.
and 9 where the categories can’t be rank ordered. In In short, different types of variables can be gener-
the case of question 3, for instance, “relaxation” is ated in the course of research. The three main types
176 PART II Quantitative Research

are distinguished by looking at the relationship be- the unit is the minute and the difference be-
tween the categories of the variable as manifested by tween the categories is a one-minute inter-
any one individual. The three are: val. Thus a person who spends 32 minutes
on cardiovascular equipment is spending one
• Nominal variables. These variables, also minute more than someone who spends 31.
known as categorical variables, are composed That difference is the same as the difference be-
of categories that have no relationship to one tween someone who spends 8 minutes and an-
another except that they are different. In the other who spends 9 minutes on the equipment.
case of religion, for example, the categories At the interval/ratio level of measurement, it
might be Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, is possible to say that two scores are equal or
Muslim, Hindu, Other, and No Religion. Any not equal (as at the nominal level), for example,
two research participants will be either in 32 ≠ 31; that they have greater or lesser values
the same category or in different categories: (as at the ordinal level), for example, 32 > 31,
no other kind of comparison is possible. This 8 < 9; and that the distance or amount of dif-
means that the order of the categories is arbi- ference between them can be specified, for ex-
trary: it could have begun with No Religion ample, 32 − 31 = 1. This is the highest level of
and ended with Roman Catholic. Switching measurement, the one that allows the widest
the order has no implications for the way the range of analysis techniques, including addi-
data are interpreted. tion, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
• Ordinal variables. With these variables the  Sometimes a distinction is made between
different categories can be rank ordered. That interval and ratio variables. Ratio variables are
means that “greater than” (>) and “less than” interval variables with a fixed and non-arbitrary
(<) statements can be made about the categor- zero point (as in a wind speed of 0 kilometres per
ies and the people in them. For example, in hour). Many social science variables exhibit this
question 5 “always” indicates greater frequency quality, for example, income, age, and years of
than “usually,” which indicates greater fre- school completed. In the discussions that follow
quency than “rarely,” and so on. Note also that we will use the more inclusive term “interval/
it would be illogical to re-order the categories ratio,” but to understand, take two i­ncomes:
as, say, “always, never, sometimes, usually.” $30K and $45K. They are nominally unequal
 The distance or amount of difference between and the first is less than the second, in fact
the categories, however, may not be equal across $15K less. But with that real 0, one can also say
the range. Thus the difference between the cat- that the first is 2/3 of the second (or the second is
egories “always” and “usually” is probably not 1.5 times the first). The first income can also be
the same as the difference between “usually” said to stand in a 2:3 ratio to the second.
and “rarely,” and so on. This is because no unit of
measurement is used for this question. Ordinal The three main types of variable and illustra-
variables are similar to words that have either a tions from the gym survey are provided in Table 8.1.
comparative “er” or a superlative “est” attached Strictly speaking, items that have Likert-style re-
to them, as in “slimmer” and “slimmest.” sponse categories (see Box 4.1) produce ordinal vari-
• Interval/ratio variables. These are variables ables. H
­ owever, many writers argue that they can be
for which a unit of measurement exists and treated as though they produce interval/ratio vari-
thus the distances or amount of difference ables because of the relatively large number of cat-
between the categories can be made identical egories they generate. For a brief discussion of this
across the range of categories. The values take issue, see Bryman and Cramer (2001, pp. 58–59).
the form of actual numbers (such as 1, 2, 7.5, etc.). Figure 8.1 provides guidance about how to identify
In the case of variables var00010 to var00012, variables of each type.
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 177

TABLE 8.1 | T
 ypes of variable
Type Description Examples in gym study Variable name in SPSS
Nominal Variables whose categories cannot be var00001 gender
rank ordered; also known as categorical var00003 reasons
var00007 accomp
var00008 othsourc
var00009 exercise
Ordinal Variables whose categories can be rank var00004 carduse
ordered but the distances between the var00005 weiuse
categories are not equal across the range var00006 frequent
Interval/ratio Variables where the distances between var00002 age
the categories are identical across the var00010 cardmins
range var00011 weimins
var00012 othmins

Are there more than two categories? Univariate analysis

Univariate analysis refers to the examination of one
variable at a time. This section will outline several
Yes No Variable is dichotomous
common approaches.

Frequency tables
Can the categories be rank ordered?
A frequency table provides the number and percent-
age of people (or whatever else constitutes a case in
Yes No Variable is nominal/ the study) belonging to each of the categories of the
variable in question and can be created for all three
Are the distances between the categories equal? variable types. An example of a frequency table for a
nominal variable is provided for var00003 (reasons)
in Table 8.2. The table shows, for example, that 33
Yes No Variable is ordinal members of the sample go the gym to lose weight and
that they represent 36.7 per cent (percentages are often
Variable is interval/
rounded in frequency tables) of the entire sample.
ratio Frequency tables are typically created using soft-
FIGURE 8.1 Deciding how to categorize a variable
ware. A very commonly used software program
for statistical analysis is IBM SPSS Statistics (SPSS).

TABLE 8.2 | Frequency table showing reasons for visiting the gym
Frequency Per cent Valid per cent Cumulative per cent
Valid Relaxation 9 10.0 10.0 10.0
Fitness 31 34.4 34.4 44.4
Lose weight 33 36.7 36.7 81.1
Build strength 17 18.9 18.9 100.0
Total 90 100.0 100.0
178 PART II Quantitative Research

TABLE 8.3 | Frequency table showing ages of gym members

Frequency Per cent Valid per cent Cumulative per cent
Valid 20 and below 3 3.3 3.4 3.4
21–30 39 43.3 43.8 47.2
31–40 23 25.6 25.8 73.0
41–50 21 23.3 23.6 96.6
51 and over 3 3.3 3.4 100.0
Total 89 98.9 100.0
Missing User 1 1.1
Total 90 100.0

In the Appendix at the end of this book you will Diagrams

find instructions for using SPSS to perform the data
­analyses discussed in this chapter. Diagrams are sometimes used to display quanti-
When an interval/ratio variable (such as age) is tative data. With nominal or ordinal variables, the
put in frequency table format, some of the categor- bar chart and the pie chart are two of the easiest to
ies may be combined in some way: 20–29, 30–39, use. A bar chart of the data in Table 8.2 is presented
and so on. Be sure that the categories you create in Figure 8.2. The height of each bar represents the
don’t overlap (as in 20–30, 30–40, etc.): if they do, number of people in each category. Figures 8.2, 8.3,
you’re likely to end up with some 30-year-olds in and 8.4 were produced with SPSS.
the first group and some in the second. This would Another way of displaying the same data is in a pie
violate the mutually exclusive rule, discussed chart (Figure 8.3). This type of diagram also shows
in ­Chapter 5, that no one should be able to fall the size of the different categories but more clearly
into more than one category (required for telling brings out the size of each relative to the total sample.
whether two cases are equal or not equal). Also The percentage of the whole sample that each slice
recall from Chapter 5 the exhaustive rule: every- represents is also given in this diagram.
one must have a category, even if it is only “missing
data” or “not applicable.” 40
Table 8.3 shows an example of a frequency table
for an interval/ratio variable: var00002 (age). Not
to group people in terms of age ranges would mean
40 different categories (one for each year from 18

to 57), which is too many to meaningfully ­describe. 20

By creating five categories, you make the dis-
tribution of ages easier to comprehend. Notice
that the sample totals 89 people, and that the
“Valid per cent” column is based on a total of 89
rather than 90 because this variable contains one 0
missing value (from respondent 24). Use the “Valid Relaxation Fitness Lose weight Build strength
Main reasons for visiting the gym
per cent” column to cite percentages because the
“per cent” column includes missing values in the FIGURE 8.2 Bar chart showing main reasons for
calculations. visiting the gym (SPSS output)

bry29440_ch08_170-196.indd 12/21/18 12:09 PM

8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 179

Relaxation 50
Build strength 10.0 %



Lose weight
36.7% 10

FIGURE 8.3 Pie chart showing main reasons for 20 and 21–30 31–40 41–50 51 and
under over
visiting the gym (SPSS output) Ages of gym visitors

FIGURE 8.4 Histogram showing the ages of gym

To display an interval/ratio variable such as visitors (SPSS output)
var00002 (age), a histogram is often employed. Figure
8.4 uses the same data and categories as Table 8.3. As
in a bar chart, the bars represent the relative size of be used with both interval/ratio and ordinal
each of the age bands, but there is no space between variables. It cannot be used with nominal data
the bars. This is to distinguish histograms, which because those sorts of scores cannot be rank
show interval/ratio variables, from bar charts, ordered.
which are used with nominal and ordinal variables. • Mean. This is the average as it is understood in
everyday use: that is, the sum of all numbers
More univariate analysis in a distribution, divided by the number of
Measures of central tendency scores. The mean for var00002 is 33.6, mean-
Measures of central tendency provide, in one ing that the average age in our sample of gym
number, a typical or “average” score for a distribu- visitors is about 34. This is slightly higher than
tion or group of scores. Three measures of central the median because a few considerably older
tendency are commonly used: the mode, the median, members (especially respondents 5 and 10)
and the mean. Whether a particular one can be used inflate it. The mean is vulnerable to such out-
depends on the level of measurement. liers (extreme values at either end of the dis-
tribution), which exert considerable upward
• Mode. This is the value that occurs most or downward pressure on the mean. In such
frequently in a distribution. The mode for instances the median is recommended, as it
var00002 (age) is 28, meaning that there are is not affected in this way. (Some researchers
more 28s than any other score. The mode can exclude outliers and then calculate the mean,
be used with all types of variable but it is most noting the removal in the text.)
applicable to nominal data.
• Median. This is the mid-point in a distribution Measures of dispersion
of scores, derived by arraying all the scores in The amount of variation in a sample—that is, its
order (typically from the lowest to the highest) dispersion—can be just as important as its typical
and then finding the middle one. If there is value. Two in-class tests can have the same mean of
an even number of values, the median is cal- 60 per cent, but on one most people scored between
culated by taking the mean of the two middle 50 and 70, while on the other the grades are evenly
numbers in the distribution. In the case of dispersed from the low 20s to 100 per cent. (In the
var00002, the median is 31. The median can language of testing, the first test would be described
180 PART II Quantitative Research

as one that does not discriminate: the brightest average amount of time spent on the cardiovascu-
and least bright students get fairly close marks.) In lar equipment (26.5 minutes) higher than for the
the gym study, is there more or less variability in the weights (14.9 minutes), there is more deviation from
amount of time spent on cardiovascular equipment the mean too. The standard deviation is also affected
compared with weights? by outliers, which are sometimes excluded.
The most obvious way of measuring dispersion is
by calculating the range. This is simply the differ- Bivariate analysis
ence between the maximum and the minimum value Bivariate analysis examines whether there is a rela-
in a distribution of interval/ratio scores. (Range can tionship between two variables. Several techniques
be applied to an ordinal variable too, but in that case are available for examining relationships, but their
it is more definitional than descriptive: for example, use depends on the level of measurement of the two
a range from “Working class” to “Upper class.”) The variables being analyzed. Figure 8.5 details the main
range is 64 minutes for the cardiovascular machines types of bivariate analysis according to the types of
and 48 minutes for the weights. This suggests that variable involved.
there is more variability in the amount of time spent
on the former, probably because some people spend Contingency tables
almost no time on cardiovascular equipment. How- Contingency tables are probably the most flexible of
ever, like the mean, the range is influenced by out- all methods of analyzing relationships in that they
liers, such as respondent 41, who spent 64 minutes can be employed in relation to any pair of variables,
on the cardio equipment. from nominal to interval/ratio. They are not the most
Another measure of dispersion is the standard efficient method, however, especially for interval/
deviation, which is a measure of variation around ratio data, which is the reason why the method is not
the mean. It is calculated by taking the difference recommended in all the cells in Figure 8.5. A con-
between each value in a distribution and the mean, tingency table is like a frequency table except that it
squaring it, dividing the total of these squared allows two variables to be analyzed simultaneously,
­differences by the number of values, and then taking so that relationships between them can be examined.
the square root. The standard deviation for var00010 It is normal for contingency tables to include percent-
(cardmins) is 9.9 minutes and for var00011 (weimins) ages, since they make the tables easier to interpret.
it is 8.0 minutes. This indicates that not only is the Table 8.4 examines the relationship between gender

Nominal Ordinal Interval/ratio

Nominal Contingency table + chi-square (χ ) 2 Contingency table Contingency table + chi-square (χ2)
+ Cramér’s V + chi-square (χ2) + Cramér’s V. If the interval/ratio
+ Cramér’s V variable can be identified as the
dependent variable, compare
means with eta.
Ordinal Contingency table + chi-square (χ2) Kendall’s tau-b Kendall’s tau-b
+ Cramér’s V
Interval/ratio Contingency table + chi-square (χ2) Kendall’s tau-b Pearson’s r
+ Cramér’s V. If the interval/ratio
variable can be identified as the
dependent variable, compare
means with eta.

FIGURE 8.5 Methods of bivariate analysis, one variable on top, other variable on side
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 181

and reasons for visiting the gym using our survey TABLE 8.4 | Contingency table showing
data. “Gender” is the presumed independent variable the relationship between
and for that reason becomes the column variable—a gender and reasons for
common preference among researchers. “Reasons” visiting the gym
is the presumed dependent or row variable (but see
Box 8.3). In this case, gender is assumed to influence
reasons for going to the gym; reasons for going to the Male Female
gym cannot influence gender. The percentages are Reasons No. % No. %
column percentages, representing the independent Relaxation 3 7 6 13
variable. The number in each cell is calculated as a Fitness 15 36 16 33
percentage of the total number in its column. Thus in Lose weight 8 19 25 52
the case of the top left-hand cell, the 3 men—of 42 in Build strength 16 38 1 2
all—who go to the gym for relaxation represent 3/42
Total 42 100 48 100
or 7 per cent of the men in the sample.

BOX 8.3 Relationships not causality

Analyzing associations between variables usually

reveals relationships, not causes (although find-
ing associations helps in the search for causes).
Similarly, the direction of causation cannot be
determined by merely establishing that a rela-
tionship exists between two variables. Indeed,
in some cases what appears to be a causal influ-
ence working in one direction may actually work
the other way round. An example of the problem
of causal direction was presented in Chapter 4,
where Sutton and Rafaeli (1988) expected to find
that a display of positive emotions (for example,
smiling or friendliness) by retail checkout staff
caused increased sales. In fact, the relationship
appeared to flow in the opposite direction: levels
of retail sales seemed to exert a causal influence
on the display of emotions. The more sales, the
busier the staff, and the less time and inclination
they had to smile!
At times one may feel confident in inferring

a causal direction: the relationship between age

and voting behaviour, for example. It is impossible
for the way people vote to influence their age; so, if
The old adage “practice makes perfect” suggests the two variables are related, age is the independ-
causality. Although this young woman regularly
­ ent variable. It is not uncommon for researchers,
practises her painting technique, are there variables when analyzing their data, to draw inferences
other than practice that could influence her success about causal direction based on assumptions
as a painter? of this kind. However, some relationships may
182 PART II Quantitative Research

be spurious or non-causal: that is, the relation- environment, influences both breastfeeding and
ship between two variables may be caused by a cognitive abilities. She found greater support for
third variable. For example, Rippeyoung (2013) the spurious effect position, observing that there
examined whether the effects of breastfeeding were no significant differences in breastfeeding
can explain the gaps in cognitive ability between rates between the three economic groups. Spur-
“non-poor,” “near poor,” and “poor” children in ious relationships are discussed in more detail
Canada (a purportedly causal relationship), or later in this chapter.
whether a third factor, a rich educational home

Contingency tables are generated to look for when plotted on a scatter diagram, the values of the
patterns of association. In this case, there are clear two variables will approximate a straight line (even
gender differences in reasons for visiting the gym. though they may be scattered as in Figure 8.9), not a
As our student anticipated, females are much more curve. A scatter diagram should be created to test for
likely than males to go to the gym to lose weight. linearity before Pearson’s r values are used in a study.
They are also somewhat more likely to go to the
gym for relaxation. By contrast, men are much more Scatter diagrams
likely to go to the gym to build strength. There is Scatter diagrams are shown in Figures 8.6 through
little gender difference in terms of fitness as a reason. 8.9. If one variable can be identified as likely to be
the independent variable, it is by convention placed
Pearson’s r on the X-axis, the horizontal axis.
Pearson’s r is a statistic used to examine relation- The scatter diagrams are based on the information
ships between two interval/ratio variables. Its chief in Box 8.4, which gives imaginary data for five inter-
features are as follows: val/ratio variables. The scatter diagram for variables
1 and 2 is presented in Figure 8.6 and shows a per-
• The coefficient has values from 0 (which indi- fect positive relationship, which yields a Pearson’s r
cates that there is no linear relationship what- correlation of +1. This means that as one variable in-
ever between the two variables) to +1 or −1 (the creases, the other variable increases as well, and the
first indicating a perfect positive relationship, value of one variable perfectly predicts the value of the
the second a perfect negative). other. If the correlation is below 1, at least one other
• The closer a positive coefficient is to 1, the variable is affecting the relationship between them,
stronger the relationship; the closer it is to possibly affecting variable 1 as well as variable 2.
zero, the weaker the relationship. The scatter diagram for variables 2 and 3
• Similarly, the closer a negative coefficient is to (Figure 8.7) shows a perfect negative relationship,
−1, the stronger the relationship is; the closer it which yields a Pearson’s r correlation of −1. This
is to zero, the weaker the relationship. means that as one variable increases, the other de-
• The sign of the coefficient (positive or negative) creases, and that the values of one variable perfectly
indicates the direction of a relationship. N
­ egative predict the values of the other. Here, as in the previ-
means that as one variable is going up, the other ous case, the line could be extended beyond the data
is going down; it doesn’t matter which is which. to predict what would happen to either variable if
Positive means that the two are going in the the other moved beyond the range shown, although
same direction, either both up or both down. it is risky to go beyond what is known. Also, because
social data usually include so many exceptions that
For Pearson’s r to be used, the relationship be- few cases fall exactly on the line, predictions based
tween the two variables must be broadly linear: on them tend to be general rather than specific.
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 183

12 60

10 50

8 40
Variable 1

Variable 3
6 30

4 20

2 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Variable 2 Variable 2

FIGURE 8.6 Scatter diagram showing a perfect FIGURE 8.7 Scatter diagram showing a perfect
positive relationship negative relationship


BOX 8.4 Imaginary data from

five variables to show
different types of 20
Variable 5


Variables 10
1 2 3 4 5
1 10 50 7 9
2 12 45 13 23 0
0 10 20 30
3 14 40 18 7 Variable 2
4 16 35 14 15
FIGURE 8.8 Scatter diagram showing two variables
5 18 30 16 6
that are not related
6 20 25 23 22
7 22 20 19 12
8 24 15 24 8
9 26 10 22 18
10 28 5 24 10
Variable 4

If, as in Figure 8.8, there is no apparent pattern in

the scatter diagram, there is no or virtually no cor- 10
relation between the variables. In the case of vari-
ables 2 and 5, the correlation is close to zero, at −.041.
This means that the variation in the dependent vari-
able is probably associated with variables other than 0 10 20 30
the one used in this analysis. Variable 2
If a relationship is strong, a clear pattern will be FIGURE 8.9 Scatter diagram showing a strong
evident in the variables. This is the case with variables ­positive relationship
184 PART II Quantitative Research

2 and 4, whose scatter diagram appears in Figure 8.9. var00006 (frequent; see Table 8.1). Using Kendall’s
There is clearly a positive relationship; in fact, the tau-b to calculate the correlation between the first
Pearson’s r is .88 (positive correlations are usually pre- two variables—frequency of use of the cardiovascu-
sented without the + sign). This means that the varia- lar and weights equipment—it turns out to be very
tion in the two variables is very closely connected, but low. A slightly stronger relationship is found between
that other variables also have some influence. var00006 (frequency of going to the gym) and
Going back to the gym survey, the correlation be- var00010 (cardmins, the amount of time spent on
tween age (var00002) and the time spent on weights, the cardiovascular equipment): close to .4. Another
weimins (var00011), is −.27 (see Table 8.5): a weak option for relating two ordinal variables is to use
negative relationship. This suggests that older people Spearman’s rho (though it can only accommodate a
tend to spend less time on such equipment than small number of ties: that is, cases with the same
younger ones, but that other variables also influence rank on a variable). It ranges from −1, a perfect nega-
the time people spend there. tive relationship, to +1, a perfect positive relation-
ship. For example, look at the participation rank (A)
Kendall’s tau-b and popularity rank (B) of a group of seven people.
Kendall’s tau-b is designed for pairs of ordinal vari-
ables, but is also used (as Figure 8.5 suggests) when Person Mary John Bill Sally Kim Susan Joe
one variable is ordinal and the other is interval/ratio. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(Notice the general rule that data can be moved B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
down a level, interval to ordinal, but not up.) It is
exactly the same as Pearson’s r in terms of possible Spearman’s rho is 1.0; knowing a person’s partici-
outcomes in that the computed value of Kendall’s pation rank perfectly predicts the popularity rank.
tau-b can be positive or negative, and varies from It is called a rank correlation coefficient to remind
0 to ±1. In the gym study there are three ordinal vari- you of its ordinal character and to distinguish it
ables: var00004 (carduse), var00005 (weiuse), and from Pearson’s r.

TABLE 8.5 | Correlations output for age, weimins, and cardmins (SPSS output)
Correlations of p < 0.05 are “flagged” with asterisks

  AGE Pearson Correlation 1.000 –.273 ** –.109
Sig. (2-tailed) . .010 .311
N 89 89 89
  WEIMINS Pearson Correlation −.273 ** 1.000 –.161
Sig. (2-tailed) .010 . .130
N 89 90 90
  CARDMINS Pearson Correlation −.109 –.161 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .311 .130 .
N 89 90 90
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Shows strength of Shows level of statistical

relationship as indicated Shows number of cases, less any significance of computed
by Pearson’s r cases for which there are missing value of Pearson’s r
data for either or both variables
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 185

Cramér’s V Amount of explained variance

Cramér’s V is suitable for examining the strength Squaring eta, Kendall’s tau-b, Spearman’s rho, and
of a relationship between two nominal variables (see Pearson’s r produces statistics that measure how
Figure 8.5). Its coefficient ranges from 0 to 1. It is much of the variation in one variable can be ex-
always positive because nominal categories cannot plained or predicted by the other variable. Thus if r
be rank ordered; their values cannot go up or down. is −.27 (the correlation between weimins and age),
The value of Cramér’s V for the relationship be- r2 is .0729. This can be expressed as a percentage by
tween gender and reasons for going to the gym multiplying r2 by 100: thus 7.29 per cent of the varia-
(var00003, reasons) is .503, a moderate relationship. tion in the time spent on weights can be predicted by
Cramér’s V is usually reported with a contingency age. This also shows that a strong correlation like .7
table and a chi-square test (see below). It is not nor- explains only 49 per cent of the variance. For nom-
mally presented on its own. inal data, squaring Cramér’s V (.503 for gender and
reasons) provides an approximation of the explained
Comparing means and eta variance, so about 25 per cent of the variation in rea-
There are many other bivariate statistics but we will sons for visiting the gym is attributable to gender.
present just one more. To examine the relationship
between an interval/ratio variable and a nominal Statistical significance
variable (if the latter can be construed as the in- and inferential statistics
dependent variable), one can compare the means of One difficulty with working on sample data is a lin-
the interval/ratio variable for each subgroup of the gering worry about whether the findings can be gen-
nominal variable. As an example, consider Table 8.6, eralized to the population from which the sample
which presents the mean number of minutes spent was drawn. As we saw in Chapter 7, there is always
on cardiovascular equipment (var00010, cardmins) the possibility of sampling error, even when prob-
for each of the four categories of reasons for going to ability sampling procedures are followed (as in the
the gym (var00003, reasons). The four means shown gym survey). If this happens, the sample is to some
suggest that people who go to the gym for fitness or degree unrepresentative of the wider population.
to lose weight spend considerably more time on this To make matters worse, there is no practical way of
equipment than those who go to the gym to relax or finding out for sure how extensive the sampling error
to build strength. is, as no one can afford the time or money to study
The statistic eta can be calculated with these vari- every case in the population—that’s why a sample is
ables; it expresses the level of association between used in the first place. This is where various tests of
them. Since one variable is nominal (meaning no statistical significance come in.
rank ordering), its values are always positive; and What is a test of statistical significance? It provides
it has a range from 0 to 1. The eta for the data in an indication of the risk we are taking when we use
Table 8.6 is .48, a moderate relationship between the a particular sample statistic to estimate a population
two variables. characteristic (see Box 8.5). For example, the mean

TABLE 8.6 | C
 omparing subgroup means: Time spent on cardiovascular
equipment by reasons for going to the gym
Time Relaxation Fitness Lose weight Build strength Total
Mean number of minutes spent 18.33 30.55 28.36 19.65 26.47
on cardiovascular equipment
N 9 31 33 17 90
186 PART II Quantitative Research

BOX 8.5 What is the level of statistical significance?

There is always a chance that a rejected null hy- where none exists in the population. Therefore,
pothesis is actually true. The amount of risk as- we would have less confidence in generalizing
sociated with rejecting a true null hypothesis is with that level of significance than with p = .05.
called the level of statistical significance. The If we want a more stringent test than the latter
maximum acceptable risk in the social sciences is p-level provides (for instance, because of concern
5 chances in 100. This means that, in 100 samples, about the use that might be made of the results),
about 5 of them would exhibit a relationship when we can choose the p = .01 level. This means that
there is not one in the population. (We have to say the risk is 1 in 100 that the results could have
“about” 5 because this is based on probabilities, come about by chance alone (i.e., as a result of
not certainties.) Any one sample of the 100 sam- sampling error). If p = .01 has been chosen, the
ples might be one of those five, but the risk is fairly null hypothesis should not be rejected if the re-
small. This significance level is denoted by p = .05 sults are statistically significant at the p = .05
(p means “probability”). level but not the p = .01 level. In what instances
A significance level of p = .1 means that about would it be appropriate to choose p = .01 rather
10 in 100 samples would show a relationship than p = .05?

age of the people in the gym sample is 33.6 years. associated with rejecting the null hypothesis
Using the concept of the standard error of the mean, (implying that there is a relationship in the
the 95 per cent confidence interval for the population population) when in fact the null is correct
mean extends from 31.72 to 35.47 years of age. The (there is no relationship in the population).
risk that this range does not contain the population Levels of statistical significance are expressed
mean is 5 per cent. Chapter 7 (see Box 7.2), in its dis- as probability levels: that is, the probability of
cussion of the standard error of the mean, revealed rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact
some of the ideas behind statistical significance. The true. The convention among most social re-
rest of this section looks at tests of significance for searchers is that an acceptable level of statistical
measures of bivariate association. All the tests have a significance is p .05, meaning that there are at
common structure, illustrated in the following steps. most 5 chances in 100 that the sample shows a
relationship not also found in the population.
• Set up a null hypothesis. A null hypothesis is a This risk level varies, depending on the circum-
hypothesis that is to be disproved; for example, stances. For example, 5 chances of error in 100
that there is no association between two vari- would be too many in the case of a drug being
ables, or that two populations do not differ on tested for its efficacy, especially a drug with side
some characteristic. In the context of our gym effects. Probably p would be set at .00001, ac-
survey, a null hypothesis might state that there cepting only one chance in 100,000 of an error.
is no relationship between gender and reasons • Determine the statistical significance of the
for visiting the gym. If your data lead to a re- findings. Use a statistical test such as chi-
jection of the null hypothesis, you will have square (pp. 187–89).
indirect support for the research hypothesis • Decide whether to reject or not reject the null
that there is a relationship in the population. hypothesis. Reject the null if the findings are
• Establish an acceptable level of statistical sig- statistically significant at the .05 level—that is,
nificance. This is essentially the level of risk if the risk of error (i.e., getting a relationship as
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 187

strong as the one that was found when in fact finding might be statistically significant, but is it im-
there is no relationship in the population) is no portant? Recall that statistical significance gets easier
higher than 5 in 100. Such results are unlikely to achieve as sample size goes up. Also, it is important
to have occurred by chance alone. to appreciate that tests of statistical significance can
be conducted only on probability samples.
Two types of error are possible when inferring
statistical significance (see Figure 8.10). A Type I Correlation and statistical significance
error occurs when a null hypothesis that is actually Examining the statistical significance of a correlation
true is rejected. This means that the results are the from a randomly selected sample provides informa-
product of chance, and that the researcher was mis- tion about the likelihood that the correlation exists
taken in concluding that there was a relationship in in the population. For instance, with a ­Pearson’s r of
the population. The level of significance is the prob- −.62 in the sample, what is the likelihood that there
ability of making a Type I error, so a p = .05 level of is no relationship between the two variables in the
significance means a greater likelihood of making a population? How likely is a −.62 to occur by chance
Type I error than a p = .01 level of significance does. alone, that is, because of sampling error?
The second type of error occurs when the null hy- Whether a correlation coefficient is statistically
pothesis should be rejected but is not. This is called a significant or not is affected by two factors:
Type II error. These errors are more likely when the
significance level is .01 than when it is .05, because • the size of the computed coefficient
using .01 makes it less likely that the null will be re- • the size of the sample
jected. The two types of error cannot be minimized
at the same time; if you decrease the chances of mak- This second factor may appear surprising, but it
ing a Type I error, you increase the chances of making is true for all statistics. The larger a sample, the more
a Type II error, and vice versa. Researchers usually likely it is that a computed correlation coefficient is
make the conservative choice and seek to minimize statistically significant. Thus, even though the cor-
Type I error; this makes it less likely that the null will relation between age and the amount of time spent
be rejected in error, and hence less likely that the re- on weight machines in the gym survey is just −.27—a
search hypothesis will be erroneously supported. fairly weak relationship—it is statistically significant
If an analysis reveals a statistically significant find- at the p = .01 level. This means that there is only one
ing, this does not mean that the finding is important. chance in 100 that there is no relationship between
It simply means that the results are probably not due age and weights in the population. Because the statis-
to chance alone. For example, a study may find a cor- tical significance of a correlation coefficient depends
relation between time spent jogging per week and the so much on the sample size, it is important always to
amount of money spent on running shoes. Such a examine both the correlation coefficient and the sig-
nificance level. This is true for any calculated statistic.
This treatment of correlation and statistical sig-
Type I Type II
(risk of rejecting the (risk of failing to reject nificance applies to both Pearson’s r and Kendall’s
null hypothesis when the null hypothesis when tau-b. A similar interpretation can also be applied to
it should be confirmed) it should be rejected)
Cramér’s V and the chi-square test.

0.05 Greater Lower The chi-square test

risk risk
p level The chi-square (χ2) test is applied to contingency
0.01 Lower Greater tables like Table 8.4. It is a measure of the likelihood
risk risk that a relationship between two variables in a sample
would also be found in the population. The test works
FIGURE 8.10 Type I and Type II errors by calculating for each cell in the table an expected
188 PART II Quantitative Research

Research in the News

Big data in Canada
“Big data” is a term that lacks a specific definition. unfortunately lost her pregnancy after 27 weeks.
As the first word suggests, it refers to large data sets, Yet Internet ads for things like baby clothes and
some of which are so huge that conventional data breast pumps kept coming, which worsened her
processing systems are unable to handle them. The grief (Anderssen, 2014). The ethics surrounding big
expression also pertains to large quantities of data data become even murkier when the techniques
gathered in ways that to date are not commonly are used by governments for surveillance purposes,
used by social scientists. This would include largely a practice that is surprisingly common even in lib-
electronic methods to acquire information on things eral democracies. What makes the matter ethically
like credit card use, cellphone use and location, complex is that there can be clear social benefits to
email activity, bodily functions as recorded by mon- the use of big data, such as the contribution it can
itors strapped to the body for prolonged periods, make to medical research or crime prevention.
and above all Internet use. Big data sources also A research project is underway to study the
tend to be unstructured in that the data gathered ethics and social consequences of big data in
must be put in some meaningful or systematic con- Canada. Based in the Surveillance Studies Centre
figuration before they can be used, which is often at Queen’s University, a five-year research pro-
accomplished with complex algorithms. gram will examine a wide range of topics such as
If you’ve ever Googled a topic, say “cosmetics” how big data are used in marketing, in intelligence
or “lawnmowers,” and then found advertisements gathering for national security, and in the creation
for those products on the websites you visit, that of databases used by political parties to win elec-
means than someone or some organization has tions (Dhillon, 2015). In a similar vein, Ryerson
placed you in a big data set. That may be useful for University (n.d.) recently created its Privacy and
you, but things can quickly go wrong. A pregnant Big Data Institute, which engages in education, re-
graduate student in Charlottetown did an Internet search, and commercialization in matters related
search for topics relating to birth and babies, but to privacy, security, and data analytics.

frequency—that is, one that would occur on the basis of less than one chance in 10,000 of rejecting a true null
chance alone. Think of the days of the week and crime: hypothesis (that is, inferring that there is a relationship
one might expect that 14.29 per cent (1/7) of all crimes in the population when none exists). We can be ex-
would occur on each day of the week. That is what would tremely confident that there is a r­elationship between
be expected if there were no relationship between day gender and reasons for visiting the gym among all gym
of the week and crime. The data say otherwise; more members, since the chance of obtaining a sample that
crimes are committed on Friday and Saturday. The chi- shows this c­ hi-square value when there is no relation-
square value, which for the data in Table 8.4 is 22.726, is ship among all gym members is less than 1 in 10,000.
calculated by taking the differences between the actual But a chi-square value is also affected by the
and expected values for each cell in the table and then number of cases. You want a large chi-square to
summing those differences (the ­operation is slightly reject a null hypothesis, and a larger n makes this
more complicated than this, but the details need not easier to achieve. This is why it is necessary to look
concern us here). The chi-square value means nothing at the data and not just at the final statistic. Exam-
by itself and can be meaningfully interpreted only in ine Table 8.7, which shows the level of self-esteem
relation to its associated level of statistical significance, for three categories of people (those who engage in
which in this case is p < .0001. This means that there is contact sports, those who engage in non-contact
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 189

TABLE 8.7 | H
 ow chi-square is affected by increasing the size of n and not affected by
changes to column headings
Contact Non-contact No Contact Non-contact No Contact Non-contact No
Self-esteem sports sports sports sports sports sports sports sports sports
H 7 3 10 14 6 20 24 26 50
M 5 10 15 10 20 30 10 20 30
L 12 13 25 24 26 50 14 6 20
x = 1.93, not sig.
x = 5.08, p < .05
x = 5.08, p < .05

sports, and those who do not engage in any sports). made up of two types: variation within each of the four
Because the independent variable is nominal, chi- subgroups that make up the independent variable, and
square is more appropriate than Kendall’s tau-b. variation between them. The latter is often called the
Note the information in the bottom row of the table. explained variance (explained by the group one is in)
The first two parts of Table 8.7, A and B, show and the former the error variance. A test of statistical
that just by doubling the size of the sample, the re- significance for the comparison of means entails relat-
sults change from being very likely due to chance in ing the two types of variance to form what is known as
A (thus the null hypothesis of no relationship cannot an F statistic, which expresses the amount of explained
be rejected) to less than 5 chances in 100 that they oc- variance in relation to the amount of error variance. In
curred by chance in B, and thus a rejection of the null. the case of the data in Table 8.6, the resulting F statistic
This is problematic because it suggests that one could is statistically significant at the p < .001 level. This find-
collect more and more data until the null can be re- ing suggests that there is less than one chance in 1000
jected. Now look at the last part of the table, C. Why that there is no relationship between the two variables
was it included? When the data from B for high and among all gym members.
low self-esteem are switched around in C, which in
most instances should mean something, chi-square Multivariate analysis
stays the same. This illustrates the point that statis- Multivariate analysis entails the simultaneous analy-
tical significance pertains only to whether the results sis of three or more variables, and can only be intro-
may have resulted from chance alone, and says noth- duced here. It is sometimes called elaboration as it is
ing about practical significance or importance. There more complicated and creates a more valuable picture
is a big practical difference between a situation in than bivariate analysis: one rarely finds an adequate
which half the respondents at all levels of sports par- explanation of a particular phenomenon by looking at
ticipation have low self-esteem and one in which half only one possible cause. (For more information on the
have high self-esteem, but that makes no difference techniques, consult a textbook on quantitative data
to the level of statistical significance—it remains the analysis: for example, Agresti & Finlay, 2009; Healey
same in each situation. The practical implications of & Prus, 2016.) There are three main contexts in which
a finding go beyond its level of statistical significance. multivariate analysis is used. Each is explained below.

Comparing means and statistical Is the relationship spurious?

significance To establish a relationship between two variables,
A test of statistical significance called analysis of not only must there be logical and temporal evidence
variance can be applied to the comparison of means of a relationship but the relationship must be shown
in Table 8.6. This procedure entails treating the total to be non-spurious. A spurious relationship exists
amount of variation in the dependent variable— when there appears to be a relationship between two
amount of time spent on cardiovascular e­ quipment—as variables, but the relationship is not real: it is being
190 PART II Quantitative Research

produced because each variable is itself related to a Controlling in this instance might involve taking only
third variable. Think about the positive relationship people who had high levels of physical vibrancy, and
between the number of fire engines at a fire and the seeing whether there is still a positive relationship be-
fire damage: the more engines, the greater the devas- tween income and self-esteem among them.) If physical
tation. Does this positive association mean that the vibrancy were an intervening variable, that would
number of fire engines present causes the amount weaken or eliminate the association between income
of fire damage? Of course not. The size of the fire and self-esteem. Also, notice the “control” word? Yes,
accounts for both the number of engines respond- the purpose of controls is to make cross-sectional re-
ing and the damage. Variation in the two variables search more like an experiment in which random as-
(number of fire engines and amount of damage) is signment makes all other things equal or controlled.
caused by a third factor, the size of the fire.
Consider a social science example. Assume there Is there an interaction?
is a positive relationship between income and voting If the relationship between two variables holds for some
behaviour such that the more income a person has, groups or situations but not for others, an interaction
the more likely he or she is to vote for a conservative exists. The word “interaction” is used in a statistical
party. Does this mean that having more money causes sense here, one that is different from its everyday mean-
people to move to the right? Or could this relationship ing. In statistical terms, if the effect of one independent
be explained by age (see Figure 8.11)? The older one is, variable varies at different levels of a second independ-
the more likely one is to have a higher salary; and the ent variable, there is an interaction. In the gym study,
older one is, the more conservative one tends to be. If for example, is the relationship between age and other
the apparent relationship between income and voting sources of regular exercise (var00008, othsourc) dif-
behaviour is in fact a function of age, that relationship ferent for men and women? Table 8.8 shows the rela-
is spurious. See Box 8.3 for another example. tionship between age and other sources of exercise and
includes both men and women. (Age has been broken
Is there an intervening variable? down into just three age bands to make the table easier
An intervening variable suggests that the relation- to read.) The table suggests that the 31-to-40 age group
ship between the two original variables is not a direct is less likely to have other sources of regular exercise
one. Assume that there is a positive relationship be- than the 30-and-under and 41-and-over age groups.
tween income and self-esteem—the higher one’s However, Table 8.9, which breaks the relationship
income, the more positive one feels about oneself. But down by gender, suggests that the patterns for males
maybe there is more to it than that. Maybe income af- and females are somewhat different. Among males,
fects overall levels of physical vibrancy (richer people the pattern shown in Table 8.9 is very pronounced (the
tend to be more physically fit and to smoke less than
poorer people), which in turn affects self-esteem:
TABLE 8.8 | C
 ontingency table showing
income → physical vibrancy → level of self-esteem the relationship between age
If this is true, what should happen to the relationship and whether gym visitors
between income and self-esteem if physical vibrancy have other sources of r­ egular
is controlled? (To control means to hold constant. exercise (percentages)
Other source of 30 and 41 and
exercise under 31–40 over
Other source 64 43 58
Income Voting behaviour No other source 36 57 42
N 42 23 24
FIGURE 8.11 A spurious relationship
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 191

TABLE 8.9 | C
 ontingency table showing the relationship between age and whether
gym visitors have other sources of regular exercise for males and ­females
Male Female
Other source of exercise 30 and under 31–40 41 and over 30 and under 31–40 41 and over
Other source 70 33 75 59 50 42
No other source 30 67 25 41 50 58
n 20 9 12 22 14 12

31-to-40 age group is less likely to have other sources The ANOVA section of the output indicates a signifi-
of exercise than the other two age groups), but for fe- cance or p-value of .010, which is the significance level of
males the likelihood of having other sources of exercise the model as a whole. Our model at this point consists of
declines with age. We can say that the relationship be- only one independent variable (age). The final section of
tween age and having other sources of exercise is mod- the output, “Coefficients,” has two subsections: “Unstan-
erated by gender. Another way to put this is that there dardized coefficients” and “Standardized coefficients.”
is an interaction between age and gender. The unstandardized coefficient for age is −.245, which
represents the estimated change in the dependent vari-
Other uses for multivariate analysis able for each unit change in the independent variable. In
Multivariate analysis can also be used to determine our example, the model predicts that for each one-year
how much of the variation in the dependent variable is increase in age, the time spent on weights decreases by
explained or predicted by the independent variables. .245 minutes. The standardized coefficient of −.273 indi-
In addition, it provides a test to find out which, if any, cates that for every standard deviation increase in age,
of the independent variables are significant predict- the time spent on weights decreases by .273 standard
ors after controlling for the others. These uses will be deviation units. Standardized coefficients (sometimes
illustrated by examining multiple linear regression. called beta weights) are useful in comparing the effect
Our brief discussion of this topic will also acquaint of independent variables that may be measured in dif-
you with some key concepts in multivariate analysis. ferent units: the higher the standardized coefficient, the
Consider the variable weimins, the number of more important the independent variable is considered
minutes spent on weights. What might cause it to to be. Finally, the significance level for age is shown to be
vary? One relevant factor might be age. Perhaps the .010, indicating that the probability that the association
older people get, the less likely they are to work out between age and weimins is due to chance alone is 1 in
using weights. To test this idea, we could perform a 100: this suggests it’s a pretty safe bet that there is a rela-
bivariate regression with weimins as the dependent tionship between those two variables in the population.
variable and age as the independent variable. As we have noted, a single cause or independent
The first part of Table 8.10 shows an R square variable is rarely if ever enough to provide a good ex-
value of .074, which indicates that age by itself ex- planation for anything. Let’s see what happens if we
plains 7.4 per cent of the variation in weimins—not put a second independent variable—gender—into the
very much. The value of R square tends to be some- model. Normally, the variables used in linear regression
what inflated, especially if the sample size is small (as have to be at the interval/ratio level of measurement, but
in our example) or the number of independent vari- a special procedure allows us to use nominal variables
ables is large (Agresti & Finlay, 2009, p. 366). A more like gender as well. Such variables have to be converted
realistic estimate is the adjusted R square, which in to indicator or “dummy” variables, a process that goes
our case has a value of .064 or 6.4 per cent.
192 PART II Quantitative Research

TABLE 8.10 | SPSS output showing results of bivariate regression

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .273a .074 .064 7.72123
Predictors: (Constant), age

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 417.236 1 417.236 6.999 .010b
Residual 5186.719 87 59.617
Total 5603.955 88
Dependent variable: weimins
Predictors: (Constant), age

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 23.209 3.218 7.213 .000
age −.245 .093 −.273 −2.645 .010
Dependent variable: weimins

beyond the scope of our discussion here. Assume that units in weimins for each standard deviation increase
the dummy variable we have created is called gender2. in age (controlling for gender2). The significance level
Table 8.11 shows the output generated after gender2 for age is .003, which means that age remains signifi-
was added to the model. The “Model Summary” cant even when gender2 is held constant. Had the sig-
shows that the R-square value has increased to .228 nificance level exceeded .050, we would have had to
(or that 22.8 per cent of the variation in weimins can consider dropping age from the model.
be explained or predicted by the new model), and that The “Coefficients” section shows an unstandard-
the more conservative adjusted R-square has risen to ized coefficient of 6.251 for gender2. Because of the way
.210 (or 21.0 per cent). This indicates that by adding this dummy variable was coded, the coefficient means
gender2 we have produced a much better model, al- that, holding age constant, the model estimates that the
though the majority of the variation in weimins is average time men spend on weights is 6.251 minutes
still unaccounted for. The ANOVA significance level greater than that spent by women. The standardized
is .000, which indicates that the findings for the coefficient of .393 tells us that according to the model,
new model as a whole (which includes both age and the average time men spend on weights is .393 standard
gender2 as independent variables) have a probability deviation units higher than that of women (controlling
of less than 1 in 1000 of being due to chance alone. for age). Also, gender2 has a p-value of .000, indicating
The “Coefficients” sections show an unstandard- that the association observed between it and weimins
ized coefficient of −.260 for age, which means that, (after controlling for age) has a probability of less than
controlling for gender2, for each one-year increase in 1 in 1000 of being due to chance alone. Had the signifi-
age, the model predicts a decline of .260 minutes spent cance level been greater than .050, we would have had
on weights. The standardized coefficient for age is good reason to exclude gender2 from the model. But
−.289, indicating a decrease of .289 standard deviation with these results, it stays in.
8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 193

TABLE 8.11 | M
 ultiple regression output with gender2 (gender dummy variable)
in the model
Model R R-square Adjusted R-square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .478a .228 .210 7.09088
Predictors: (Constant), gender2, age

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1279.830 2 639.915 12.727 .000b
Residual 4324.125 86 50.281
Total 5603.955 88
Dependent variable: weimins
Predictors: (Constant), gender2, age

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 20.831 3.010 6.920 .000
age −.260 .085 −.289 −3.053 .003
gender2 6.251 1.509 .393 4.142 .000
Dependent variable: weimins

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

A multiple regression analysis of Indigenous people’s attitudes toward the police
Indigenous people in Canada have substantially of Indigenous attitudes toward the police using the
lower incomes than other Canadians, have higher 2009 Victimization Study, which is part of Statistics
incarceration rates, experience more racism than Canada’s General Social Survey and is based on a na-
other ethnic groups, and are far more likely to be vic- tionally representative sample (see Box 5.10).
tims of homicide than non-Indigenous people (Cao, To measure confidence in the police, the author
2014). All these factors suggest that understanding created an index by combining the responses to
the relationship Indigenous people have with the six items that indicated how well, on average, par-
police is important in coming to terms with the larger ticipants believed their local police enforced laws,
issue of the plight of Indigenous people in Canada. were responsive, were approachable, provided in-
An important indicator of the status of I­ndigenous– formation to reduce crime, cared about neighbour-
police relations is the level of confidence Indigenous hood safety, and treated people fairly. The results
people have in the police, in particular how confi- indicated that both Indigenous and non-­Indigenous
dent they are that they will receive fair treatment by people were more likely to have ­favourable than
police services in Canada. Cao (2014) examined this unfavourable attitudes toward the police. However,
issue by performing a multiple regression analysis Indigenous people had levels of confidence in the
194 PART II Quantitative Research

police that were lower than those for non-Indigenous trust, contact with police, total criminal victimiza-
people on all six measures, and all the differences tions, and several socio-demographic variables. Cao
were statistically significant. In the multivariate an- suggests that “the differential confidence between
alyses, the association between being Indigenous Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people found here is
and having lower levels of confidence in the police only the tip of the iceberg in the complicated rela-
on the composite measure remained significant at tionship between the police and Aboriginal people”
p < .05 even after 13 relevant variables were con- (516), and that “the dominant mythology of Canada
trolled for, including visible minority status, social as a non-racist nation must be challenged” (517).

Checklist for performing and writing up quantitative data analysis
☐☐ Have missing data codes been specified for inferences are included, are their limitations
all variables? outlined?
☐☐ Are the statistical techniques used appro- ☐☐ If the data come from a cross-sectional
priate for the level of measurement (that is, design, have unsustainable inferences about
nominal, ordinal, or interval/ratio)? causality been resisted?
☐☐ Are the most appropriate and powerful tech- ☐☐ Does the analysis go beyond univariate to
niques for answering the research questions include bivariate and even multivariate
used? analyses?
☐☐ If the sample is not randomly selected, are ☐☐ Are the research questions answered, and
inferences about a population avoided? If only the analyses relevant to them presented?

Key Points
• Think about data analysis before designing re- • Become familiar with computer software such as
search instruments. SPSS , which is discussed in the Appendix.
• Know the difference between nominal, ordinal, • Don’t confuse statistical significance with import-
and interval/ratio variables. Techniques of data ance or practical significance.
analysis are applicable to some types of variable
and not others.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

RR What are missing data and how do they arise? AA Imagine answers to the following questions in an
AA You are using a variable that is measured with a interview survey. Which of the three types of vari-
five-point Likert scale. What codes could be used able would each generate (nominal, ordinal, or
to designate missing data? Explain why they would interval/ratio)?
be appropriate.
1. Do you enjoy going shopping?
Types of variables Yes ____
RR Define each of the three types of variable ­outlined Unsure ____
in this chapter (nominal, ordinal, and interval/ No ____
ratio), and provide an example of each one.

bry29440_ch08_170-196.indd 12/21/18 12:09 PM

8 | Quantitative Data Analysis 195

2. How many times have you shopped in the last RR In what circumstances is each of the following used:
month? Please write the number here ____. Pearson’s r, Kendall’s tau-b, Cramér’s V, Spearman’s
rho, eta?
3. For what items do you most enjoy shopping?
AA Your study indicates that the Pearson’s r coeffi-
Please tick one only.
cient for the association between the variables
Clothes (including shoes) ____
“years of formal education” and “income” is 0.6.
Food ____ How much of the variation in income can be pre-
Things for the house/apartment ____ dicted by years of formal education?
Presents or gifts ____
Entertainment (CDs, videos, etc.) ____ Statistical significance
RR What does “statistical significance” mean and
4. How important is it to you to buy clothes with
how does it differ from “importance” or “practical
designer labels?
Very important ____
AA What does it mean to say that an eta of .42 is statis-
Fairly important ____ tically significant at p < .05?
Not very important ____
Not at all important ____ RR What does the chi-square test achieve?
AA Your results indicate that the chi-square statis-
Univariate analysis tic for the variables “gender” and “highest level
RR What is an outlier? How does the presence of an of education achieved” has a significance level of
outlier affect the mean and the range? p = .12. What does that mean?
AA You have just gathered data that include a vari-
able measuring the participants’ ethnic identity. Multivariate analysis
Which measure of central tendency would be most RR Define and provide an example of each of the
appropriate for this variable? Explain. following:

Bivariate analysis • a spurious relationship

RR Can one infer causality from bivariate analysis? • an intervening variable
Explain. • a statistical interaction
AA You have just found out that people who watch vio- AA The results from your multivariate model that
lent movies are more likely to commit a violent crime uses “gender” and “father’s occupation” to predict
than people who do not watch those movies. Can annual personal income has an adjusted R square
you conclude from this that watching violent movies value of .44. What does that mean?
causes people to commit violent crimes? Explain.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. These activities require student access to SPSS , and each variable. Each student’s frequency dis-
may be facilitated by the instructor demonstrat- tributions should match those shown on the
ing the techniques to the class on the classroom screen by the instructor.
screen, one at a time. Step-by-step instructions for d. Recode the age variable following the instruc-
each procedure are provided in the Appendix. Each tions in the Appendix, then provide a variable
student is to do the following: label and value labels for the new variable.
The instructor puts the frequency distribution
a. Enter the data for the gym study, provided in for the new variable on the screen so students
Box 8.2, into an SPSS file. Save the file to a flash can check that they have created the variable
drive or some other reliable storage device. properly. Save the file.
b. Provide variable names, variable labels, and e. Produce the bar chart, histogram, and pie chart
value labels for each variable, as appropriate. shown in Figures 8.2 to 8.4. The class is asked to
Then specify missing values for the age variable. interpret each figure.
c. Check that the data have been entered cor- f. Create the contingency table shown in Table 8.4,
rectly by doing frequency distributions for and include a chi-square test. The class is asked:

bry29440_ch08_170-196.indd 12/21/18 12:18 PM

196 PART II Quantitative Research

What information is conveyed by the contingency ANOVA table, the unstandardized and standard-
table? What do the chi-square results indicate? ized coefficients for age and frequent, and the
g. Produce the correlation matrix shown in Table 8.5. significance levels for age and frequent.
The class is asked to interpret the correlation
coefficient and significance level shown in 2. This activity does not require access to SPSS . After
each cell. Then they are asked: Why is there a presenting an overview of multivariate analysis,
diagonal of “1s” in the table? Why is some of the instructor divides the class into small groups.
the information in the table redundant? Each group is to come up with a real or hypothet-
h. Produce the regression output shown in Table ical example of:
8.10. The class is asked to interpret the R a. a spurious relationship;
square and adjusted R square values, the sig- b. an intervening variable; and
nificance level shown in the ANOVA table, the c. a statistical interaction.
unstandardized and standardized coefficients
The examples must be original, i.e. they cannot be
for age, and the significance level for age.
taken from the textbook or lecture materials.
i. Introduce a second variable into the regression
analysis by including the variable that measures Each group must then explain, at least conceptually,
the frequency with which patrons go to the gym how a researcher would go about testing for each
(frequent). For the purposes of this exercise, one. That is, they are to explain how one can deter-
disregard any level of measurement issues. The mine if a particular relationship is spurious, whether
class is asked to interpret the R square and ad- a certain variable is in fact an intervening variable,
justed R square values, then compare them to and whether an interaction exists, and illustrate that
what was found for the bivariate regression with the examples they just came up with. Once the
done in exercise h above, explaining any sim- groups have completed their work, they present
ilarities or differences. The class is then asked their material to the rest of the class for comment
to interpret the significance level shown in the and critique.

Relevant Websites
Statistics Canada offers a useful introduction to To learn more about big data, visit the Surveillance
quantitative data gathering and analysis. Studies Centre (Queen’s University) website.
Information on big data is also available from the
This YouTube video explains levels of measurement. website of Ryerson University’s Privacy and Big Data Institute.
This YouTube video illustrates the notion of correlation. (Websites accessed 23 October 2018)

If you’d like to do further work with SPSS software,

the IBM site offers some free trial downloads.

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Audio clips • Web links

• Student self-quiz • Printable checklist • Videos • Activities
Part III of this book is concerned with quali-
tative research. Chapter 9 explores its main
features, while Chapter 10 deals with ethnog-
raphy and participant observation, two im-
portant ways of collecting qualitative data.
Chapter 11 discusses qualitative interviewing
and focus groups, which are also valuable
ways to acquire qualitative information,
while Chapter 12 looks at content analysis, a
method of assessing texts (in the broad sense
of the word) derived from a variety of sources.
The final chapter in Part III, Chapter 13, illus-
trates the various ways in which data analysis
is conducted in qualitative research. The dis-
cussion provided in these chapters gives you
some important background knowledge that
will help you understand qualitative social
science research, as well as some practical
instructions on how to conduct it.

Qualitative Research

© kendo_OK/
The Nature of Qualitative Research

Chapter Overview
Qualitative analysis uses mainly words and images as data rather than numbers. Qualitative researchers
tend to produce inductive, constructionist, and interpretivist studies, although they do not necessarily
subscribe to all three of those perspectives. This chapter will consider:
• the main steps in qualitative research (although they are not followed as closely as the stages of
quantitative research);
• the relationship between theory and research in qualitative studies;
• the role of concepts in qualitative research;
• criteria for evaluating qualitative research;
• the main goals of qualitative researchers: seeing through the eyes of research participants; rich de-
scription; presentation of context, including the presence of conflict; concepts and theories as the
outcomes of research; and seeing social life and interaction as processes rather than static events;
• some common criticisms of qualitative research; and
• the main contrasts between qualitative and quantitative research.

Imagine that you are a non-Indigenous person par- although important, doesn’t address the core issues
ticipating in the National Inquiry into Missing and involved. How important would it be for you, in order
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. While some to reach a full understanding of this event, to find out
estimates maintain that the number of victims since what the murder meant to the victim’s family and
1980 is well into the thousands, you have been ap- friends? What would be the most appropriate way to
pointed to provide an in-depth study of one particular get the information you need to conduct the study? If
woman who was killed in northern Saskatchewan five it involves interviewing people who knew the victim,
years ago. Imagine as well that you’re free to gather how could you get access to them? What sort of inter-
the “facts” of the crime—time of death, physical view would you use? What would you talk about?
cause of death, the victim’s whereabouts before the Would it be useful to weave a historical account of col-
murder, and so on—but you feel that such information, onialism in Canada into your analysis? How would you

▲ MarkHatfield/iStockphoto
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 199

construct your research so as to not harm those who to fully understand what happened? This chapter dis-
have already experienced hardship? Will consultation cusses how qualitative researchers deal with these
and community involvement improve the research? sorts of questions as they conduct their analyses.
Finally, is it even possible for a non-Indigenous person

Introduction research classics as Whyte’s (1955) study of

street corner life in a slum community and
As the opening vignette suggests, with qualitative Gans’s (1962) research on residents in the
research one moves beyond “the world of brute facts throes of urban redevelopment.
toward the realm of human meanings” (Bochner & • Qualitative interviewing. This is a very broad
Ellis, 2003, p. 509). This is accomplished with a focus term used to refer to in-depth, semi-­structured
on words and images rather than numbers, but there or unstructured interviewing. Qualitative
are other attributes of qualitative research you should researchers conducting ethnographic or par-
know about. The following are also significant: ticipant observation research typically also
engage in a substantial amount of qualitative
• It usually involves an inductive view of the interviewing.
relationship between theory and research: • Focus groups. Several people are interviewed
qualitative researchers usually start with field together, often using a semi-structured format.
research and then develop theories and con- • Language-based approaches such as discourse
cepts from it. and conversation analysis, including critical
• It is normally interpretivist in that it seeks to discourse analysis.
understand the social world through other • Qualitative analysis of texts and documents,
people’s interpretations of it. which falls under the general heading of con-
• Qualitative writers are often constructionist in tent analysis.
that they understand social life to be an out- • Participatory action research. Here, profes-
come of the interactions and negotiations be- sional researchers and others collaborate with
tween individuals, rather than a fixed s­ tructure the people directly affected by a social problem
to which individuals must conform and adapt. to understand the issue and to take action to
• Its approach is naturalistic in that qualitative resolve it.
researchers try to minimize the disturbance
they cause to the social worlds they study. Each of these approaches will be examined in
detail in later chapters. Quite often, qualitative stud-
Although all qualitative research tends to share ies will use a multi-method approach. For example, in
these features, qualitative researchers can also differ addition to conducting qualitative interviews, an eth-
significantly in both approach and subject matter. nographer may analyze texts and documents as well.
The following are different varieties of qualitative
research: The main steps in
qualitative research
• Ethnography/participant observation. These The sequence of steps in the qualitative research pro-
are two very similar approaches to qualitative cess is outlined in Figure 9.1. These steps illustrate, in
data collection. In both cases, the researcher general terms, how research may progress from data
is immersed in a social setting for some time, gathering to conceptualization and theorization, a
observing and listening to people in order to process that is examined in detail in Chapter 13. The
gain an appreciation of their culture and ex- work of Lyon and Frohard-Dourlent (2015) on how
periences. It has been employed in such social same-sex common-law partners view conventional
200 Part III Qualitative Research

11. General research question(s) physical posters, and word of mouth. There
were 22 people, 12 women and 10 men, chosen
for the study, all of whom were unmarried
and living with their same-sex partner in the
22. Selecting relevant site(s) and subjects Greater Toronto Area.
• Step 3: Collection of relevant data. The authors
conducted in-depth, open-ended interviews in
33. Collection of relevant data
which the participants were encouraged to talk
about their current and former romantic rela-
5b Collection of further data tionships, their views on marriage, how their
relationships were viewed by friends and rela-
44. Interpretation of data tions, their levels of social support, and their
future relationship goals. The interviews typ-
ically lasted from 90 to 120 minutes.
• Step 4: Interpretation of data. One of the key
55. Conceptual and theoretical work
findings to emerge from the data analysis was
5a Tighter specification of that participants felt that their relationships
the research question(s) were not viewed as having the same level of legit-
66. Write up findings/conclusions imacy as those of married same-sex couples.
One participant stated that “if I were straight
FIGURE 9.1 An outline of the main steps of qualita- I might not be that into marriage. But for our
tive research queerness, I think for some of our families . . .
it’s necessary to take us seriously as a couple”
notions of marriage will be used as an example of (Lyon & Frohard-Dourlent, 2015, p. 413). The
how this is done: researchers also found that several of the people
interviewed explained their qualms about mar-
• Step 1: General research question(s). Since 2005, riage in personal rather than ideological terms.
all same-sex couples in Canada have had the Instead of discussing the social or political im-
right to get married. While some people in the plications of marriage, opposition to it often
LGBTQ community view the change in the law took the form of personal preferences. For ex-
as a victory for marriage equality, others have ample, one interviewee said that “it’s nice that
reservations. For instance, the legal right to people ask [if we will get married], but I say ‘No,
marry may bring with it conventional assump- we’re not into it,’” (p. 417) and left it at that.
tions of what marriage is supposed to entail, • Step 5: Conceptual and theoretical work.
such as the belief that child-rearing and mon- No new concepts emerged from Lyon and
ogamy are key features of the institution. Lyon ­Frohard-Dourlent’s work, but their article pro-
and Frohard-Dourlent (2015) conducted quali- vided good illustrations of key terms used by
tative interviews to explore how unmarried researchers in this area, such as “heteronorma-
gay couples who cohabit deal with the tension tive,” “heterosexist,” “homonormativity,” and
that exists between the acceptance of marriage “queer-based meaning systems.” In terms of
as a civil right and how having that right may theory, they proposed that the hard-fought
impact the nature of LGBTQ relationships. political battle for marriage equality that was
• Step 2: Selecting relevant site(s) and subjects. won by mainstream LGBTQ movements may
Participants were recruited through blogs and have made people in same-sex relationships
websites (including the University of Toronto reluctant to criticize marriage as an institu-
online announcements board), email lists, tion, which in the long run could influence
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 201

conceptualizations of what constitutes appro- same-sex variety, which allowed readers to

priate attitudes and behaviours for people in reflect on the implications of the institution
LGBTQ romantic relationships. (See also the of marriage for society as a whole.
Methods in Motion box.)
• Step 5a: Tighter specification of the research An important part of qualitative research con-
question(s); and cerns how the theory and concepts of the study relate
• Step 5b: Collection of further data. Usually the to the research data. It is to that issue that our discus-
initial collection and interpretation of data sion now turns.
lead to a sharpening of the research ques-
tion(s), which is followed by additional data
gathering to address the more specific con-
Theory and concepts
cerns contained in the revised research ques- in ­qualitative research
tions. The authors’ account of the trajectory Most qualitative researchers treat theory as some-
of their research does not state explicitly that thing that emerges out of the collection and analysis
they collected additional data after starting to of data. Practitioners of grounded theory—a common
interpret the information that was gathered, approach to the analysis of qualitative data—stress the
but this may have taken place spontaneously importance of using data to develop theoretical ideas.
in the process of interviewing. When this does But some qualitative researchers argue that qualita-
occur, there can be an interplay between inter- tive data can and should play a role in testing theories
pretation and theorizing on the one hand, and as well. Silverman (1993) maintains that there is no
data collection on the other. For instance, once reason why qualitative research cannot be employed
a particular interpretation has been made, to test theories specified in advance of data collection.
further data may be collected to determine Besides, much qualitative research entails the testing
whether the interpretation is valid. This strat- of theories in the iterative process described above.
egy is frequently described as iterative, and is In Figure 9.1, the loop back from step 5a, “tighter
a defining characteristic of grounded theory, specification of the research question(s),” to step 5b,
discussed next and in Chapter 13. “collection of further data,” implies that a theoretical
• Step 6: Writing up findings/conclusions. In position may emerge in the course of research that
any form of research, an audience has to spurs the collection of further data to test it. This os-
be convinced of both the credibility and cillation between testing emerging theories and col-
the significance of the interpretations of- lecting data is a defining feature of grounded theory.
fered. Researchers are more than just con- However, it is presented as a dashed line in Figure 9.1
duits for what they see and hear. Lyon and because it is not always carried out: generation of
­Frohard-Dourlent made clear to their read- theory still tends to be preferred over theory testing.
ers how the institution of marriage can both Unlike quantitative researchers, most qualita-
lend legitimacy to same-sex relationships tive researchers do not consider the measurement of
and at the same time invoke social expect- concepts to be a central part of their work, although
ations for the people in those relationships concepts are still very much a part of the landscape.
that they may not accept. This may have led Other differences can be seen in the way concepts are
some research participants to feel ambivalent developed and employed. Blumer’s (1954) distinc-
about marriage or even make contradictory tion between “definitive” and “sensitizing” concepts
statements about it as they tried to navigate captures one of those differences. Blumer argues that
a relatively new legal terrain and the mul- fine nuances in the form a concept can assume and
tiple messages and meanings that surround alternative ways of viewing its manifestations may
it. Also, the authors used heterosexual mar- be lost in the process of operationalization. For that
riage as a backdrop to their analyses of the reason, Blumer recommends that social researchers
202 Part III Qualitative Research

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

The influence of same-sex marriage on social institutions and
lesbian and gay relationships
What happens to the institution of marriage on themselves as individuals. Extended family
when the law changes to allow same-sex members, people at work, and society in general
couples to marry? This is a research question seemed more accepting of them after they were
posed by Green (2010), who used qualitative married. One lesbian remarked, “It was absolutely
methods to examine three different predictions incredible, overwhelming, just, even my mother. . . .
regarding same-sex marriage. Social conserva- [P]eople we hadn’t talked to in years would phone
tives maintain that gay marriage will contribute and ask if it was okay to come to the wedding. . . .”
to further decline in the nuclear family, increase (Green, 2010, p. 413).
marital infidelity, and lead to less stable mar- But contrary to both the critical feminist/
riage bonds. Critical feminists and queer theor- queer theory position and the lesbian and gay
ists argue that it will produce same-sex marriage assimilationist views, married same-sex couples
institutions with the same problematic charac- did not completely buy into the conventional
teristics as those found in heterosexual mar- heterosexual idea of marriage. For one thing,
riage: obligatory monogamy, gender-specific there was more support for non-monogamous
social roles, and conventional expectations for sexual relationships among those interviewed
child-rearing. ­Lesbian and gay assimilationists than in the public at large, although the support
offer a similar prediction, but one that sees con- was more pronounced among the male inter-
ventional marriage norms as largely positive: viewees. In fact, some couples were monogamous
same-sex ­marriage will strengthen ties between before marriage but not after. Said one gay man,
gay couples, encourage monogamy, and help to “So, it sounds kind of backwards to the traditional
stabilize queer families. model, but the fact that we’re legally married to
Green explored the various positions on gay each other and permanently committed makes us
marriage by conducting 30 semi-structured inter- both feel very secure about [having sexual rela-
views with people from two Ontario cities who tions outside of marriage]” (Green, 2010, p. 419).
were in same-sex marriages; half the interviewees Green also found that the people in same-sex
were lesbians and the other half gay men. Con- marriages claimed to have an egalitarian division
trary to the social conservative position, many of labour regarding household chores and yard
interviewees reported that their relationships work, and relatively equal power relationships
with their spouses were strengthened after they within the marriage, although he emphasized
exchanged marriage vows, and that they came to that further research was needed to substantiate
value stability and permanence in their relation- those claims. Green speculated about the future
ship more after they were married. One gay man of same-sex marriage, in particular whether it can
said: “I think it’s just the sense of commitment retain its unique characteristics if queer institu-
that you feel. You’ve made a vow and, it’s hard to tions continue to gain acceptance by the larger
describe, it definitely feels different than prior to society and in the process lose their oppositional
[marriage]” (Green, 2010, p. 411). The people stud- tenor. Like other predictions for social change,
ied also mentioned that being married bestowed those regarding gay marriage can be tested only
a sense of legitimacy on their relationship and with the passage of time.
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 203

regard their concepts not as “definitive” but as of a concept can be as a guide to empirical inquiry. If
“­sensitizing”—providing “a general sense of r­ eference it is too general, it will fail to provide a useful start-
and guidance in approaching empirical instances” ing point because its guidelines are too broad. If it is
(1954, p. 7). For Blumer, concepts should provide a too narrow, it is likely to repeat some of the difficul-
very general idea of what to look for, allowing the ties he identified with “definitive” concepts. How-
researcher to discover the variety of forms that the ever, his view is important in that it illustrates the
phenomenon identified by the concept can take. value of beginning with a broad definition of a con-
But Blumer’s distinction is not without problems. cept and then narrowing it down during the course
It is not clear how useful a very general formulation of data collection (for an example, see Box 9.1).

BOX 9.1 The emergence of a concept in qualitative research:

The case of emotional labour
Sean Locke/iStockphoto

Is this woman’s smile spontaneous and sincere, or is she just doing her job?

Hochschild’s concept of emotional labour—labour and in the developing area of the sociology of emo-
that “requires one to induce or suppress feelings in tions. She gathered data on emotional labour by ex-
order to sustain the outward countenance that pro­ ploring how airline workers manage to keep smiling
duces the proper state of mind in others” (1983, p. 7)— at truly obnoxious customers. Hochschild’s initial
has become very influential in the sociology of work conceptualization emerged from a questionnaire
204 Part III Qualitative Research

she had created on a related topic. To develop the attendants in the San Francisco Bay Area”
idea of emotional labour she gained access to Delta (Hochschild, 1983, p. 15).
Airlines, and in the course of her investigations she: For a contrasting occupational group also in-
• watched training sessions for flight attendants volved in emotional labour, she interviewed five
and had many conversations with both trainees debt collectors. Her book explored topics such as
and experienced attendants; the human costs of emotional labour and the issue
• interviewed airline personnel such as man- of gender in relation to it. It’s clear that Hochschild’s
agers and advertising agents; concept of emotional labour began with a some-
• examined Delta advertisements spanning 30 what imprecise idea that was gradually developed
years; to address its wider significance. The concept has
• observed the flight attendant recruitment pro- been picked up by other qualitative researchers in
cess at Pan American Airways (because she had the sociology of work. For example, Leidner (1993)
not been allowed to do this at Delta); and did an ethnographic study of a McDonald’s restau-
• conducted “open-ended interviews last- rant and an insurance company to investigate how
ing three to five hours each with thirty flight organizations seek to “routinize” emotional labour.

Criteria for evaluating or evaluated according to criteria quite different

from those used in quantitative research. Lincoln
­qualitative research and Guba (1985) and Guba and Lincoln (1994), for
In Chapters 2 and 4 we noted that reliability and valid- instance, argued that it is necessary to assess the
ity are important criteria for establishing and assessing quality of qualitative research in new ways, using
the quality of quantitative research. But many quali- new terms. They proposed two primary criteria for
tative writers argue that these criteria are not directly assessing a qualitative study: trustworthiness and
applicable to their work (Finlay, 2006). For example, authenticity. The latter in this context refers to the
since measurement is not a major concern among degree to which the research is transformative and
qualitative researchers, measurement validity seems to emancipatory for the people studied and society at
have little bearing on their investigations. As was fore- large. Here we will focus on trustworthiness, which
shadowed briefly in Chapter 2, qualitative researchers is made up of four criteria:
have taken a variety of stances on these issues.
One approach is to adopt most of the core ideas • credibility
used to assess quantitative research without making • transferability
any special adjustments. This is what Mason (2002) • dependability
does, using terms such as “validity,” “reliability,” • confirmability
and “generalizability” (external validity) in much
the same way that quantitative researchers do: for We’ll consider each of these terms individually.
example, “If your research is valid, it means you are
observing, identifying, or ‘measuring’ what you say Credibility
you are” (2002, p. 39). Others have used terms sim- The idea of credibility is tied to the notion that differ-
ilar to those employed in quantitative research but ent people may interpret the social world in different
invested them with somewhat different meanings ways. Since there can be several possible ways of ex-
(e.g., LeCompte & Goetz, 1982). periencing or coming to terms with a particular social
Many writers take a different approach, sug- situation or event, the researcher has to ensure that
gesting that qualitative studies should be judged the interpretations presented in the study ring true to
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 205

the people observed. The establishment of credibility • Researchers may show pre-publication ver-
entails both following proper research procedures and sions of their articles or books to their subjects.
submitting the findings to the people studied for con- Skeggs (1994), for example, asked the young
firmation that the account is consistent with the way working-class women who were the focus of
they see their world. The researcher is, after all, de- her ethnographic study to comment on draft
scribing their reality. This practice of getting ­feedback chapters (see Box 10.9 for further details).
on the study from the participants involved is referred • Researchers may provide the study partici-
to as respondent validation, member ­validation, pants with an opportunity to ask questions
or member reflection. about the methods and findings of the re-
The aim of respondent or member validation is search, offer feedback and criticism, and even
to seek corroboration or criticism of the researcher’s collaborate with the researcher on producing
observations and interpretations. It can take several the final product (Tracy, 2010).
different forms:
In each case, the goal is to confirm that the re-
• Each research participant may be provided searcher’s findings and impressions are congruent
with an account of what he or she said to the with those of the people on whom the research was
researcher or others. For example, in a study conducted and, if there are discrepancies, to find
that explored issues of trust between moth- out why. However, the idea is not without practical
ers of children with disabilities and school difficulties:
principals, Shelden et al. (2010) gave all re-
spondents a summary of the findings by either • Respondent validation may lead some research
telephone or email. They also asked each par- participants to respond defensively and even
ticipant if their views were represented in the demand censorship.
findings, and whether verbatim quotes were • Bloor (1997, p. 45) observed that research par-
accurate. ticipants who develop relationships of “fondness

Research in the News

What’s missing in media portrayals of violent crime
In 2017, a Canadian veteran of the war in Afghan- the person who committed the murder-suicide.
istan shot and killed his wife, his mother, and his The lives and circumstances of the other three
daughter, and then killed himself. Many of the media people who died were largely overlooked and
accounts of the tragedy focused on the perpetra- forgotten. Another thing that was missing was
tor, in particular on the fact that he had suffered an acknowledgment that the murders were part
from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) brought of the larger societal issue of deadly violence
on by his combat experience. A common narrative against women (Renzetti, 2017). As Mount Allison
in the media portrayals of the event involved the University sociology professor Ardath Whynacht
idea that Canadian soldiers suffering from PTSD and put it, “There were four victims that day and
other combat-related ailments typically cannot get we’re talking only about the services that could
the help they need, despite the significant sacrifices have helped him, and not, for example, services
they have made in Canada’s military operations. that might have helped his spouse be safer, in
Lost from view in these media accounts trying to leave that relationship and get space”
was the fact that there were victims besides (Renzetti, 2017).
206 Part III Qualitative Research

and mutual regard” with the researcher may be A team of three researchers collected data over four
reluctant to criticize the study. days through observation, interviews, photography,
• It’s doubtful that research participants can and video records. The researchers conducted sev-
validate all of a researcher’s analysis, since it eral trustworthiness tests, including respondent
will be written for social scientists and will validation. In addition, they submitted their draft
therefore include many specialized references, manuscript and data set to three peers whose task
concepts, theories, and contextual issues it “was to criticize the project for lack of sufficient
unfamiliar to them. Skeggs (1994, p. 86), for data for drawing its conclusions, if they saw such
example, reported that the “most common re- a void” (1988, p. 456). The same study highlighted
sponse” among her subjects was “Can’t under- some problems with this approach, among them the
stand a bloody word it says.” fact that, because qualitative research generates ex-
tremely large data sets, validation is very demanding
Transferability for the auditors. That may be the major reason why
Because qualitative research typically entails in-depth, auditing has not been widely used.
intensive study of a small number of people, qualitative
findings tend to flow out of the context in which the ob- Confirmability
servations are made. As Lincoln and Guba (1985, p. 316) Objectivity is a difficult if not impossible standard to
put it, whether the findings “hold in some other con- live up to in social research. For that reason, the con-
text, or even in the same context at some other time, firmability criterion is designed to ensure that the
is an empirical issue.” Instead of trying to come up researcher has acted in good faith. In other words, it
with findings that can definitely be applied to other should be apparent that personal values or theoretical
times, places, and people, qualitative researchers are inclinations did not blatantly and unduly sway either
encouraged to produce what Geertz (1973) called the conduct of the research or the findings derived from
thick ­description: rich, detailed accounts of a group’s it. Lincoln and Guba suggest that establishing confirm-
­culture or people’s experiences. Lincoln and Guba ability should be one of the objectives of auditors.
argued that thick description provides others with
the database they need in order to assess the possible Overview of the criteria issue
transferability of findings to other milieus. There is a general recognition that quantitative re-
searchers’ notions of reliability and validity cannot be
Dependability applied to qualitative research without some modi-
Lincoln and Guba proposed that to establish depend- fication, although critics vary in their views on how
ability, researchers should adopt an “auditing” ap- much modification is necessary. To bolster their ac-
proach. That is, they should keep complete records of counts, qualitative researchers may use some of the
all phases of the research process—problem formu- strategies advocated by Lincoln and Guba, such as
lation, selection of research participants, fieldwork thick description and respondent validation exercises.
notes, interview transcripts, data analysis decisions,
and so on—and ensure that the records are access- The main goals of
ible. Peers would then act as auditors, possibly during qualitative researchers
the course of the research and certainly at the end, to
make sure that proper procedures have been followed Seeing through the eyes
and to assess the degree to which the study’s inter- of the people being studied
pretations and theoretical inferences can be justified. Many qualitative researchers try to view the social
Auditing has not, however, become a popu- world through the eyes of the people they study.
lar ­approach to enhancing the dependability of Hiller and DiLuzio (2004) went so far as to analyze
quali­­tative research. A rare example is a study of be­­­ the interview experience itself from the perspective
haviour at an American “swap meet,” where second- of the interviewees. Studying internal migrants in
hand goods are bought and sold (Belk et al., 1988). Canada, they examined what interviewees got out of
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 207

the process and found, for example, that they liked • Hallgrimsdottir et al.’s (2006) study of sex-
the fact that it allowed them to meet people who trade workers, which revealed that, contrary to
valued them and validated their life experiences. media depictions, these workers often see their
Qualitative researchers maintain that “(1) . . . face- occupation in a mundane light (for example, as
to-face interaction is the fullest condition of partici- simply a way to make a living); and
pating in the mind of another human being, and • McDonough and Polzer’s (2012) examination of
(2) . . . you must participate in the mind of another the daily struggles of municipal employees fol-
human being (in sociological terms, ‘take the role of lowing the creation of the “mega-city” of Toronto,
the other’) to acquire social knowledge” (Lofland & which showed that rather than creating a leaner,
Lofland, 1995, p. 16). This tendency reveals itself in fre- more efficient workforce, the restructuring led
quent references to empathy. Here are some examples: many manual workers to question their commit-
ment to excellence on the job, while white-collar
• Armstrong (1993) carried out research on Brit- employees felt they had to do extra work just to
ish soccer hooliganism through participant maintain professional standards of service.
observation. He described his work as rooted
in “Verstehende sociology—trying to think On the other hand, sometimes qualitative research
oneself into the situations of the people one is confirms popular notions of a particular group. For
interested in . . . in this case the ‘hooligan.’ This example, Bell (2007) found that media depictions of
approach involves recognizing social phenom- the western Canadian separatist movement as decid-
ena as due not to any single or simply identifi- edly right wing were essentially correct.
able cause and attempting to make sense from The empathetic effort to see the world through the
the [multi-causal] social actors’ viewpoint” eyes of their subjects can present researchers with prac-
(Armstrong, 1993, pp. 5–6). tical problems. For example: How far should one go to
• For their research on teenaged girls and vio- develop empathy? What if the research subject’s ex-
lence, Burman et al. (2001, p. 447) “sought to perience includes participation in illegal or dangerous
ground the study in young women’s experi- activities? There is also the risk that the researcher will
ences of violence, hearing their accounts, and be able to see through the eyes of some of the people in
privileging their subjective views.” a particular social scene but not those of others, such
as people of another gender or culture. These and other
The goal of seeing through the eyes of the people practical difficulties will be addressed in later chapters.
under study is often accompanied by the closely re-
lated goal of probing beneath surface appearances. Description and the emphasis on context
After all, by taking the position of those under study, Qualitative researchers are much more inclined than
researchers may be able to see things in a way that their quantitative colleagues to include descriptive
an outsider with little direct contact would not. This detail when reporting their research. However, they
insight is revealed in: are not exclusively concerned with description. They
also try to explain, and what they endeavour to ex-
• Foster’s (1995) research on crime in a housing plain may pertain to issues of power and exploitation.
complex in East London, which found that the For example, Skeggs (1997, p. 22) tried to answer this
residents do not see crime as a serious problem question: “Why do women who are clearly not just
where they live; victims of some ideological conspiracy, consent to a
• Taylor’s (1993, p. 8) study of female intravenous system of class and gender oppression which appears
drug users, which showed that they are not “pa- to offer few rewards and little benefit?”
thetic, inadequate individuals” but “rational, Many qualitative studies do provide a detailed ac-
active people making decisions based on the count of what goes on in the setting under investiga-
contingencies of both their drug-using careers tion. On the surface, some of this detail may appear
and their roles and status in society”; irrelevant; indeed, there is a risk of becoming too
208 Part III Qualitative Research

embroiled in descriptive detail. Lofland and Lofland unfold over time. Qualitative evidence often conveys
(1995, pp. 164–165), for example, warned against a strong sense of change and flux. As Pettigrew (1997,
what they called “descriptive excess” in qualitative p. 338) put it, process is “a sequence of individual
research, whereby the amount of detail overwhelms and collective events, actions, and activities unfold-
or inhibits the analysis of the data. ing over time in context.” Qualitative research using
But one of the main reasons for providing de- participant observation is particularly well suited to
scriptive detail is that it permits a contextual the study of process. Ethnographers are typically im-
understanding of social behaviour. This implies mersed in a social setting for a long time—in many
that we cannot understand the behaviour of mem- cases, for years. Consequently, they are able to observe
bers of a social group without some knowledge how events develop over time and how the different
of the specific environment in which they oper- elements of a social system (such as values, beliefs,
ate. Behaviour that appears odd or irrational may and behaviour) interconnect. Tracing interdependent
make perfect sense when understood in the context streams of actions and events allows the researcher to
within which it takes place. The emphasis on con- present social life as a process (see Box 9.2).
text in qualitative research goes back to the clas- A sense of process can also be developed through
sic studies in social anthropology, many of which semi-structured and unstructured interviewing in
demonstrated how seemingly illogical practices which participants are asked to reflect on the activities
(e.g., a magical ritual that accompanies the sowing leading up to or following an event. McKee and Bell
of seeds) make sense when they are understood as (1985, p. 388), for example, used a “largely unstruc-
part of the society’s belief system. The provision of tured, conversational interview style” with 45 couples
descriptive detail is also a manifestation of qualita- in which all the husbands were unemployed, to
tive researchers’ desire for naturalism: that is, their show how both husbands and wives adapted to the
belief that researchers should study the social world ­situation. The various accommodations they made
as it actually is, rather than relying on contrived were not an immediate effect of unemployment but
settings such as formal interviews or experiments. were gradual and incremental responses over time.
The life history approach is another form of qualita-
Emphasis on process tive research that can be used to show process. One of
Qualitative research tends to view social life in terms the best-known studies of this kind is Lewis’s (1961)
of processes. This tendency reveals itself in a number classic study of a poor Mexican family, in which he
of ways, but the main one is the qualitative research- conducted extended taped interviews with family
er’s concern with showing how events and patterns members to reconstruct their life histories.

BOX 9.2 Process in youth shelters

Karabanow (2002) described his experiences in a period of years provided the basis for an analysis
two Canadian shelters for homeless and runaway of the evolution of their organizational processes.
youth. As a participant observer, he was able to This example shows the development of a sense
monitor routine activities there and describe the of process in at least two ways. First, observation
shelter culture. In addition he carried out in-depth of the shelters over time made it possible to bring
interviews with three levels of shelter workers out developments and interconnections between
and used agency archival materials. The dramatic events. Second, connecting these events with his-
transformations in the shelters’ external environ- torical and other data made it possible to show how
ment and internal operations that took place over the shelters were affected by the larger society.
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 209

Flexibility and limited structure unstructured approach. It allows researchers to im-

merse themselves in a social setting with a general
Many qualitative researchers are disdainful of ap- research idea in mind and then gradually, through
proaches that impose a predetermined set of assump- observation, narrow it down to a more specific topic.
tions on the social world. This position is closely Another advantage of the unstructured nature of
related to the preference for seeing the world through most qualitative inquiry is that it offers the prospect
the eyes of the people under study. After all, a struc- of flexibility. The researcher can change the direc-
tured method of data collection must be planned tion of the investigation much more easily than in
ahead of time on the basis of the researcher’s prior ru- quantitative research, which tends to have a built-in
minations and expectations regarding the nature of a momentum once the data collection is underway.
social reality that he or she may never have encoun- (If you send out hundreds of postal questionnaires
tered before. This structure limits the degree to which and realize only after getting some back that you
the researcher can genuinely adopt the world view left out an important issue, it’s not easy to rectify
of those being studied, and can lead to serious mis- the situation.) Structured interviewing and struc-
understandings. Keeping structure to a minimum is tured observation can offer some flexibility, but it
supposed to enhance the likelihood that the research will be limited by the requirement that interviews be
will reveal the perspectives of the people being ob- as comparable as possible. O’Reilly (2000) wrote that
served. This approach allows aspects of people’s social the focus of her research on British people on the
world that are particularly important to them to come Costa del Sol (in Spain) shifted in two ways over
to light—aspects that might never even cross the mind the duration of her participant observation: from the
of a researcher using a more structured method. For elderly to e­ xpatriates of all ages; and from perma-
that reason, qualitative research tries to avoid limit- nent residents to less-permanent populations such as
ing areas of inquiry, and the research questions it asks tourists. She made these changes because the elderly
tend be fairly general (see step 1 in Figure 9.1). and permanent migrants turned out to be less dis-
Ethnography, with its emphasis on partici- tinctive than she had supposed. See Box 9.3 for a
pant observation, is particularly well suited to an further illustration of how the unstructured data

BOX 9.3 Emerging concepts

Along with some colleagues, Bryman undertook As one of the interviewees said, “It’s like going
an evaluation of new staff appraisal schemes in through the motions of it [appraisal]. It’s just get
four universities. The research entailed collecting it over with and signed and dated and filed and
both quantitative and qualitative data, the former that’s the end of it” (Bryman et al., 1994, p. 180).
derived from large numbers of interviews with ap- On the basis of these findings the researchers
praisers, appraisees, senior managers, and many suggested that the attitudes toward appraisal and
others. In the course of conducting the interviews the behaviour of those involved in it were charac-
and analyzing the data, the team became increas- terized by “procedural compliance”—a term that
ingly aware that many of those interviewed ex- the researcher coined and defined as “a response
pressed a certain cynicism about the appraisal to an organizational innovation in which the
project. For some it was a belief that nothing of technical requirements of the innovation . . . are
any significance happens as a result of an ap- broadly adhered to, but where there are substan-
praisal meeting; for others it was a feeling that tial reservations about its efficacy and only partial
the appraisal process itself is not very meaningful. commitment to it” (1994, p. 178).
210 Part III Qualitative Research

collection style of qualitative research can suggest a deep understanding of the people or groups being
alternative avenues of inquiry or ways of thinking. studied. But qualitative researchers’ goals often go
beyond simply understanding. They may also wish
Ultimate goals to do research in order to pursue social justice and
The goals of qualitative research mentioned above— bring about social change, as mentioned in our dis-
seeing through the eyes of others, bringing out a sense cussion of critical approaches to science in Chapter
of process, and having a flexible and unstructured 1. Box 9.4 illustrates how people doing participatory
method of inquiry—are essentially immediate or action research can use qualitative methods to ad-
proximate goals that are used as means of achieving dress a serious social problem. Indeed, qualitative

BOX 9.4 The use of qualitative methods in participatory action research

Type 2 diabetes among Indigenous children and researchers to marginalize Indigenous experi­
youth is a growing problem, one with import- ences and ways of knowing. The goal was to make
ant implications for the quality of life among In- the members of the community equal partners in
digenous people in Canada. Sharma et al. (2011) the research, and in so doing allow them to bring
sought to do something about it, but rather than their own issues and perspectives to bear on it.
approach the issue from the perspective of con- The various participants decided collectively
ventional social science, they used the methods of that the project would take the form of a short
participatory action research (PAR) to address it. film to be created by five Indigenous youths aged
Instead of devising the methodology themselves 14–16. The film featured interviews with elders
and then seeking consent from prospective re- suffering from diabetes, a description of what dia-
search participants, they first consulted members betes is, and some tips on healthy eating. The pro-
of the community where the research would take duction of the film involved a constant negotiation
place to get their permission to do a study on the of the relationship between the professional re-
topic, and then asked for their views on what an searchers and the youths. The former tried to stay
appropriate methodology might be. After gaining in the background as much as possible, although
permission to go ahead with the project from the they did end up editing the first version of the film.
band and chief of a rural Indigenous commun- In order to enhance the collaborative nature of the
ity in British Columbia, Sharma et al. held focus project, the professional researchers then showed
groups with several community groups, includ- the edited version to the youths and removed
ing elders with diabetes, the Chief and Council, a any parts that the young people thought were
health-care services team, and some Indigenous inappropriate. This illustrates several aspects of
youths to determine how the study would be con- PAR : explicit recognition of the power differentials
ducted. This was done in an attempt to neutralize that often characterize conventional research; an
the power differential between the researchers attempt to minimize those differentials in order to
(who were non-Indigenous and had PhDs, secure address the subject matter from the perspective
middle-class incomes, and Western cultural out- of the people participating in the research; and
looks) and the members of the community. It was full participation by the group that is the focus
especially important to recognize the potential of the inquiry in order to produce knowledge and
for exploitation in this research, given the history actions that are beneficial to them and not just to
of colonialism in Canada and the tendency of past the professional researchers.
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 211

studies have shed light on a wide range of societal that qualitative social scientists experience when
injustices in Canada, including racism (Branker, they revisit ground previously covered by another
2017), homophobia (Abramovich, 2016), and poverty researcher (often referred to as a “restudy”) do not
(Coloma & Pino, 2016). inspire confidence in the replicability of qualitative
research (Bryman, 1994). Qualitative researchers
answer that the replicability criterion is largely irrel-
Critiques of qualitative evant to their research goals because it is not con-
research sistent with their epistemological and ontological
Just as quantitative research has been criticized by positions. For example, they maintain that it is to be
people in the qualitative tradition, the latter has been expected that different researchers will view a par-
taken to task by quantitative social scientists. Some ticular situation or event differently, and then take
of the more common criticisms of qualitative re- the study in different directions.
search are discussed below.
Issues of generalization
Too subjective It is sometimes suggested that the scope of qualita-
Quantitative researchers sometimes criticize quali- tive findings is restricted. Because research based on
tative research for being too impressionistic and participant observation or unstructured interviews
subjective. By this they usually mean that qualitative typically involves only a small number of individuals
findings depend too much on the researchers’ values in a single organization or locality, it may be diffi-
and opinions about what is significant. A related cult to know whether the findings can be applied to
contention stems from the close personal relation- other people or other settings. Can just one or two
ships that many researchers strike up with the people cases be representative of some larger population?
they study, which can lead to bias. Also, because Can Karabanow’s (2002) study of two Canadian
qualitative researchers often begin in a relatively shelters for homeless youth (Box 9.2) be considered
open-ended way and then gradually narrow down generalizable to all youth shelters in the country? In
their research questions or problems, they may not the case of research based on qualitative interviews
explain clearly at the outset why they came to focus rather than participation, are those who were inter-
on one area rather than another. viewed representative of some larger population?
Do the interview findings from sex-trade workers in
Difficult to replicate Victoria (Hallgrimsdottir et al., 2006), for example,
Some quantitative researchers argue that the prob- apply to sex workers in Toronto?
lem of subjectivity is made worse by the difficulty of The answer to these questions in most qualitative
replicating a qualitative study, even though replica- research studies is “probably not.” But a case study is
tion is uncommon in the social sciences, regardless not a sample of one drawn from a known population.
of the research methods used. Because it is unstruc- The people interviewed in qualitative research are
tured and relies on the researcher’s ingenuity, and not necessarily meant to be representative of some
because it may examine processes and situations that larger group. In fact, with some social groups, such
are in flux, qualitative work is almost always impos- as workers in the sex trade, it may be impossible to
sible to replicate. What is observed and heard often enumerate the population in any precise manner,
depends on the researcher, as does the choice of what which makes the selection of a representative sample
to concentrate on; different researchers may choose impracticable.
to observe different things and as a result they may Moreover, in most cases it is not the purpose of
come up with different findings. Also, the behaviour qualitative research to produce generalizable know-
of the people being observed or interviewed is likely ledge. Such research normally stands on its own, pro-
to be affected by the characteristics of the researcher viding in-depth analysis of a person or a small group
(personality, age, gender, and so on). The difficulties of people—something that quantitative research
212 Part III Qualitative Research

rarely does. Also, qualitative research can contribute TABLE 9.1 | Common contrasts between
to the creation of generalizable knowledge insofar quantitative and qualitative research
as it produces theories or concepts that can be as-
Quantitative Qualitative
sessed using other research methods. For instance,
Numbers Words
Williams (2000) argued that qualitative researchers
are often in a position to produce generalizations re- Point of view of Points of view of
researcher research participants
garding the people or events studied (a group of drug
users or soccer hooligans, a strike) that “can be seen Researcher distant Researcher close
to be instances of a broader set of recognisable fea- Theory testing Theory development
tures” (2000, p. 215). In addition, Williams argued Structured Unstructured
that a researcher studying the hooligans who follow a Generalizable knowledge Contextual understanding
certain soccer club will often draw comparisons with Hard, reliable data Rich, deep data
the findings of other researchers who have studied Macro Micro
comparable groups. He or she might also draw com- Behaviour Meaning
parisons with followers of other professional sports Artificial settings Natural settings
teams, or with violent groups in contexts other than
sport. Such generalizations will always be limited
and somewhat more tentative, though no less useful, • “Numbers” versus “Words.” Quantitative re-
than the statistical generalizations produced by searchers set great store by precise, numerical
quantitative research. measurements of social phenomena. They use
those measurements to calculate statistics to
Lack of transparency understand social life, whereas qualitative re-
Another criticism of qualitative research is that it may searchers use mainly words in their analyses
be less than transparent about what the researchers of society.
actually did and how they arrived at their conclusions. • “Point of view of researcher” versus “Points of
For example, qualitative research reports are some- view of participants.” In quantitative research,
times unclear about how the subjects were chosen for investigators are in the driver’s seat; their con-
observation or interview. This contrasts with the ten- cerns structure the investigation. In qualitative
dency of quantitative researchers to include detailed research, the investigation is structured by the
accounts of sampling procedures in their reports. people being investigated: their ­perspective—
Though, since qualitative research does not claim what they see as important—provides the
generalizability the way quantitative research does, point of orientation.
sampling procedures are less relevant to their work. • “Researcher is distant” versus “Researcher is
close.” In quantitative research, researchers
tend to be less involved with their subjects and
Some contrasts between in some cases, as in research based on online
quantitative and or mailed questionnaires, they may have no
direct contact at all. Quantitative researchers
qualitative research often consider this distance desirable, because
Several writers have used tables to contrast quantitative they want to be as objective as possible and
and qualitative research (for example, Hammersley, feel their objectivity would be compromised
1992). Table 9.1 highlights the main differences. As if they were to become too involved with the
with any summary of a large body of material, the people they study. By contrast, qualitative re-
table outlines general tendencies. The full picture is searchers seek involvement with the people
more nuanced: there are exceptions to these general they study in order to promote a more equali-
points, as we will see in Chapter 14. tarian relationship, which among other things
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 213

helps them see the world through the eyes of as “hard”—robust and unambiguous—because
the participants. they strive for precision when devising their
• “Theory and concepts tested in research” versus measurement techniques. Qualitative research-
“Theory and concepts developed from data.” ers, by contrast, claim that their contextual ap-
Before data collection begins, quantitative re- proach and often prolonged involvement in a
searchers typically have a theory in mind that setting mean that the information they collect is
they want to test. In qualitative research, concepts rich, nuanced, and very detailed.
and theories develop as the data are collected. • “Macro” versus “Micro.” Quantitative research-
• “Structured” versus “Unstructured.” Quantita- ers often seek to uncover large-scale social
tive research is typically highly structured to trends and connections between variables; as we
maximize validity and reliability; in qualita- noted above, their research is generally designed
tive research, the approach is less structured in to be applicable to large populations. Qualitative
order to allow the researcher to get a sense of researchers are usually concerned with in-depth
the meanings people derive from their every- analysis of small-scale aspects of social reality,
day lives, and to permit the development and such as personal interaction, although these may
elaboration of concepts and theories as the be linked to larger social and political issues.
data are collected. • “Behaviour” versus “Meaning.” It is sometimes
• “Generalizable knowledge” versus “Contextual suggested that quantitative researchers focus
understanding.” Whereas quantitative research- more on people’s behaviour, and qualitative
ers want their findings to be applicable to some researchers more on the meaning of that be-
larger population, qualitative researchers focus haviour for the actor.
on understanding the behaviour, values, and • “Artificial settings” versus “Natural settings.”
beliefs of the people in their study. Qualitative Whereas quantitative research is often con-
findings usually develop out of the context these ducted in a contrived context, such as an experi-
people find themselves in; hence the insights ment or a formal interview setting, qualitative
gained may or may not apply to other people. researchers investigate people in their natural
• “Hard, reliable data” versus “Rich, deep data.” environments, such as social gatherings or
Quantitative researchers often describe their data workplaces.

Key Points
• Qualitative research does not lend itself to a clear four conditions: credibility, transferability, depen­
set of linear steps. As a research strategy it tends dability, and confirmability.
to be more open-ended than is typically the case • Most qualitative researchers try to see the
with quantitative research. social world through the eyes of their research
• In qualitative research, theories and concepts are participants.
outcomes of the research process. • Like all approaches to social research, qualitative
• There is considerable unease about the direct ap- methods have both strengths and weaknesses. Their
plication of reliability and validity criteria to quali- major strengths include the development of empa-
tative research. Many writers prefer alternative thetic understanding, rich description of context,
criteria. and emphasis on process. Weaknesses include a
• Lincoln and Guba (1985; 1994) propose two key cri- reliance on the researcher’s own perspectives when
teria to evaluate a qualitative study: trustworthi- making research decisions, difficulties in replication,
ness and authenticity. Trustworthiness requires limited generalization, and lack of transparency.
214 PART III Qualitative Research

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

The main steps in qualitative research AA Why would it be important to provide a rich de-
RR Do research questions have the same character- scription of the context in which new immigrants
istics and significance in qualitative research as in to Canada find themselves in order to understand
quantitative research? Explain. poverty in immigrant communities?
AA Imagine that you want to do a qualitative research
project on homelessness in your city. Come up The critique of qualitative research
with a general research question that could be the RR What are some of the main criticisms of qualitative
starting point for your inquiry. research? Are those criticisms valid? Explain.
AA Sometimes qualitative studies are criticized be-
Theory and concepts in qualitative research cause they are difficult to replicate. Explain why
RR Is the approach to theory in qualitative research critics see replication as a problem, then make
primarily inductive or deductive? Explain. the case that this criticism reflects a misunder-
AA Explain how a researcher could use grounded standing of methods and purposes of qualitative
theory research to investigate how feelings of guilt research.
arise among victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Some contrasts between quantitative
Evaluating qualitative research and qualitative research
RR Why do qualitative researchers reject the notions RR “The difference between quantitative and qualita-
of validity and reliability used in quantitative tive research revolves entirely around the concern
research? with numbers in the former and with words in the
AA Explain how respondent validation might be used latter.” To what extent is this statement accurate?
in a study of friendship networks among teenagers Explain.
working at a fast-food restaurant, and what diffi- AA The claim is sometimes made that quantitative
culties might arise in using this technique. research focuses on behaviour while qualitative
work is primarily concerned with meaning. How
The main goals of qualitative researchers might quantitative researchers investigate issues
RR What are the main goals of qualitative research- of meaning, and qualitative practitioners study
ers? Explain. behaviour?

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Divide the class into small groups. Each group is g. Make up some qualitative data; for example,
to do the following: imagine how the person or persons studied
might interpret the phenomenon under study.
a. Come up with a topic that could be researched
using qualitative methods. Each group then presents a summary of their
b. Produce a research question that could be discussions to the rest of the class for comment
used to investigate the topic. and critique.
c. Select a hypothetical person or group to be
studied. 2. Divide the class into six groups. The groups are to
d. Describe some qualitative methods that could marshal arguments making the following points:
be used to study the topic.
e. Explain what verstehen means, and how it a. Group 1: Qualitative research is too subjective
could be achieved in their research project. to be of any scientific value.
f. Explain how the research will be able to exam- b. Group 2: The idea that qualitative research is
ine the topic as a process. too subjective to be of any scientific value is
9 | The Nature of Qualitative Research 215

false and is based on a misunderstanding of rarely be applied to people or groups not

the purposes of qualitative research. studied.
c. Group 3: Qualitative research is difficult or im- f. Group 6: Qualitative research can produce
possible to replicate, so any conclusions based knowledge of tremendous value regardless
on it cannot be trusted. of whether the results can be generalized to
d. Group 4: Qualitative research can be used to other people or groups.
produce valid knowledge.
e. Group 5: Qualitative research produces Each group presents its position to the class.
knowledge that is of little of no value be- General class discussions on the positions taken are
cause the results of qualitative studies can held after Groups 2, 4, and 6 have made their case.

Relevant Websites
The International Institute for Qualitative Meth- Examples of qualitative studies can be found in the
odology, based at the University of Alberta in journal Qualitative Research and in the Qualitative
Edmonton, sponsors conferences and re­s earch Sociology Review; you may have to access these
training programs involving qualitative re- journals through your institution’s library server.
search methods. It also publishes the International
­Journal of Qualitative Methods, which is available
free online.
(Websites accessed 25 October 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Ethnography and Participant Observation

Chapter Overview
Ethnography and participant observation require extended involvement in the activities of the people
under study. This chapter explores:
• the problems of gaining access to different settings and ways of overcoming them;
• whether covert research is practicable and acceptable;
• the role of key informants;
• the different roles that ethnographers can assume in the course of their fieldwork;
• the function of field notes and the forms they can take;
• the role of visual materials in ethnography;
• bringing an ethnographic study to an end; and
• the issue of feminist ethnography.

Do you like to travel to places you’ve never been to Ethnography and participant observation involve
before? Have you ever observed a group of people placing yourself in a social environment that may be
you don’t know very well and wondered what it would foreign to you, and staying there for an extended period
be like to be a member of their group? Have you ever of time. What kinds of groups or social settings intrigue
witnessed profound human suffering and asked your- you? Non-governmental organizations? Political move-
self how things ended up that way and how the people ments? Sports teams? Criminal gangs? Hospital emer-
suffering managed to endure? Would you like to give gency rooms? Women’s shelters? All of these can be
such people a voice or expose the hardships that they subjects of ethnographic and participant observation
face? If so, doing or at least reading about ethnography research.
and participant observation should interest you.

▲ Photo by Matt McClain for The Washington Post via Getty Images
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 217

Introduction recommendations about it. The following comment

makes this point well:
Truly remarkable insights into the human condition
have been achieved by researchers who have im- Every field situation is different and initial
mersed themselves in a social setting for extended luck in meeting good informants, being in the
periods of time (sometimes for years). Different terms right place at the right time, and striking the
are used to describe this process. Discussions about right note in relationships may be just as im-
participant observation have been fairly standard in portant as skill in technique. Indeed . . . many
textbooks on social research, but more recently writ- unsuccessful episodes are due as much to bad
ers on research methods have preferred the word eth- luck as to bad judgement. (Sarsby, 1984, p. 96)
nography. In both cases, researchers interact with the
people they are studying, listening to what they say in However, this statement should not be taken to
conversation and asking them questions. Typically, mean that forethought and an awareness of alterna-
participant observers and ethnographers gather fur- tive approaches are irrelevant. It is with those issues
ther data through documents and interviews, espe- that the rest of this chapter is concerned. Issues in-
cially on matters that are not directly observable, or volving the conduct of interviews by ethnographers
about which they are unclear. Desroches (1990), for are reserved for Chapter 11.
example, included interviews with 15 investigating
officers with his video recordings of sexual activities
in Canadian public washrooms.
The terms “participant observation” and “eth- One of the most important and yet most difficult
nography” are essentially synonymous, although steps in ethnography is gaining access to the social
here “ethnography” will be used in a broader sense, setting one wants to research. How to gain access de-
including participant observation; the latter will pends on several things, one of which is whether the
refer specifically to the observational component of setting is relatively open (public) or closed (private
ethnographic research. or restricted) (see Lofland & Lofland, 1995). Closed
This chapter outlines some of the main ­decisions settings generally include organizations of various
that ethnographers must make, along with some kinds, such as firms, schools, cults, and social move-
of the many contingencies they face. However, ments. Open settings are areas where anyone can
given the diversity of the experiences that confront gain access, such as libraries, parks, and sidewalks,
ethnographers and the variety of ways in which they but even there it can be quite difficult to make obser-
deal with those experiences, it’s difficult to general- vations and talk to people. “Open” does not neces-
ize about this kind of research or to provide specific sarily mean easy access to people.

Practical Tip | Micro-ethnography

In doing research for an undergraduate project or master’s thesis, it’s generally not feasible to conduct
a full-scale ethnographic study, if only because of time limitations. Nevertheless, it may be possible
to carry out a form of micro-ethnography (Wolcott, 1990), focusing on one specific aspect of a group.
For example, if you were interested in call centres, you might focus on how staff members manage to
interact and discuss work problems with one another despite continuous incoming calls and monitoring
by supervisors. A shorter period of time (from a couple of weeks to a few months) can be spent in the
organization—on either a full- or a part-time basis—to achieve this more limited goal.
218 PART III Qualitative Research

Overt versus covert ethnography medical school that although he was “an ‘open’
observer with regard to doctors and students,” he
One way to ease the access problem is to assume a was “a ‘disguised’ observer with regard to the pa-
covert role: in other words, to not disclose that you tients.” Also, some ethnographers move between
are a researcher. Getting access can be very prob- the two roles (see Box 10.1).
lematic, and the adoption of a covert role removes Another interesting case is provided by Glucks-
some of the difficulties. These two distinctions— mann (1994), who in the 1970s left her academic post
open versus closed setting, and overt versus covert for a job on a factory assembly line in an effort to
role—suggest a fourfold distinction in forms of eth- find out why feminism appeared not to be relevant
nography (see Figure 10.1); an example of Canadian to working-class women. In a sense, she was a covert
research is given for each of the four types. observer, but her motives for the research were pri-
Three points should be noted about Figure 10.1. marily political, not academic. At the time she was
First, the “open versus closed setting” distinction is undertaking the research she had no intention of
not hard and fast. Sometimes the process of gain- writing the book, which was eventually published
ing access in “open” settings can take on an almost under a pseudonym. Was she an overt or a covert ob-
formal quality; for instance, if you are talking to a server (or neither, or both)? Whichever description
gang leader in the street, you may have to answer applies, this is an interesting case of what might be
some pointed questions about your goals. Also, termed “retrospective ethnography”: using obser-
“closed” organizations and social movements some- vations that were gathered before the decision was
times create contexts that have a public character, made to conduct a study.
such as meetings arranged for members or pro- A third point with regard to Figure 10.1 is that
spective recruits. Bell (2007) attended many western the preferred choice is an overt role. There are sev-
Canadian separatist meetings and rallies that were eral reasons for this. As Box 10.2 reveals, these rea-
open to the public, and was able to get a lot of infor- sons have to do with practical and especially ethical
mation on the movement and its leaders that way. considerations. The ethics of covert research, which
Second, the “overt versus covert” distinction were addressed in depth in Chapter 3, involve issues
can vary from context to context even within the of deception, lack of informed consent, and invasion
same research project. Although ethnographers of privacy, since the researcher has essentially fooled
may seek access through an overt route, many the participants into believing that they are not being
of the people with whom they come into con- observed for research purposes. Because of the eth-
tact may be unaware of their status as research- ical problems (and some of the practical difficulties)
ers. A
­ tkinson (1981, p. 135) noted in connection that beset covert research, the bulk of the following
with his research on the training of doctors in a discussion of access issues focuses on overt research.

Open/public setting Closed setting

Overt role Type 1 Type 2

Wilson’s (2002) study of Toronto raves Karabanow’s (2002) study of two
Totten’s (2001) study of youth gang members Canadian youth shelters (Box 9.2)
Restoule et al.’s (2013) research
on Indigenous students

Covert role Type 3 Type 4

Desroches’s (1990) updates on homosexual Lauder’s (2003) discussion of covert
activities in public washrooms research on the Heritage Front

FIGURE 10.1 Four types of ethnography

10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 219

BOX 10.1 Perils of covert observation: Field notes in the lavatory

shifted positions from covert to overt observer at

least in part because of those difficulties:

Right from the start, I found it impossible to

Toronto Star Archives/Toronto Star via Getty Images

keep everything that I wanted to remem-

ber in my head until the end of the working
day . . . and so had to take rough notes as
I was going along. But I was stuck “on the
line,” and had nowhere to retire to privately
to jot things down [except the washroom].
[Eventually] . . . my frequent requests for “time
out” after interesting happenings or conver-
sations in the bakehouse and the amount of
During her undercover stint at Fiera Foods, Sara time I was spending in the lavatory began
Mojtehedzadeh worked on the croissant production to get noticed. I had to pacify some genu-
line. What kinds of difficulties might researchers inely concerned work-mates . . . and “come
face when attempting to collect information without out” as an observer—albeit in a limited way.
revealing their true identity and purpose? I eventually began to scribble notes more
openly, but still not in front of people when
Ditton’s (1977) research in a bakery provides an in- they were talking. When questioned about
teresting case study of the practical difficulties in- this, as I was occasionally, I coyly said that
volved in taking notes during covert observation, I was writing things down that occurred to
as well as an illustration of an ethnographer who me about “my studies” (Ditton, 1977, p. 5).

Access to closed settings based, it seemed like the perfect place to start.
McDonald’s had other ideas, however, and
Gaining access to most organizations requires stra- only after tenacious pestering and persuasion
tegic planning, hard work, and sometimes luck. In se- did I overcome corporate employees’ polite
lecting a case study for an ethnographic investigation, demurrals, couched in terms of protecting
the researcher may employ several criteria, depending proprietary information and the company’s
on the research area of interest. One may choose a image. (Leidner, 1993, pp. 234–235)
certain case or setting because of its “fit” with the re-
search questions, but there is no guarantee of access. This kind of determination is necessary when-
Sometimes sheer perseverance pays off. Leidner ever the target is a specific organization or group
(1993) was determined that McDonald’s would be one (e.g., a particular religious sect or social movement).
of the organizations in which she conducted ethno- Rejection can mean having to find a completely
graphic research on the routinization of service work: ­different research topic.
On the other hand, for many research questions
The company was a pioneer and exemplar of you are likely to find that several potential cases
routinized interaction, and since it was locally will be suitable. Organizational researchers have
220 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 10.2 The covert role in ethnography

Advantages • Anxiety. Ethnography is frequently a stressful

• Easier access. Adopting a covert role can help research method, and worries about detec-
with access problems; no special permission to tion only add to the anxiety. Moreover, if the
gain entry to a social setting or organization ethnographer is found out, the whole research
may be needed. project may be jeopardized. In extreme cases,
• Less reactivity. Because participants do not such as covert research on gangs, being found
know they are being observed by a researcher, out could even put the researcher’s life at risk.
they will speak and act more naturally than • Ethical problems. Covert observation trans-
they would otherwise. gresses two important ethical tenets: de-
ception of participants and failure to obtain
Disadvantages informed consent (see Chapter 3). It can also
• The problem of taking notes. It is difficult and involve a violation of privacy. Indeed, many
sometimes impossible to take notes without writers think covert investigations can harm
revealing that you are conducting research. the practice of research in general, since inno-
However, notes are very important to an ethnog- cent researchers may be tarred with the same
rapher, and it’s too risky to rely on memory alone. brush as outed covert observers, who are con-
• The problem of not being able to use other sidered snoops or voyeurs (or worse). On the
methods. If the researcher is in a covert role, other hand, covert participant observation may
steering conversations in a certain direction be justified in some situations, as Lauder (2003)
can increase the risk of detection, and it is es- concluded regarding his investigation of the
sentially impossible to conduct interviews. neo-Nazi Heritage Front.

developed a range of tactics, some of which may seem you would not consider acceptable). However,
rather unsystematic but are still worth considering: this strategy carries a risk of making the re-
searcher a cheap consultant. Some writers on
• Use friends, contacts, and colleagues to help research methodology do not recommend
gain access; as long as the organization is offering something in return, although it is
relevant to the research question, the route commonplace among researchers on formal
should not matter. organizations.
• If possible, get someone in the organization to • Provide a clear explanation of your aims and
vouch for you and the value of your research. methods. Suggest a meeting to deal with the
Such people are considered “sponsors.” If per- participants’ concerns and explain what will
mission is granted at a lower level of the hier- happen in terms that people who are not fam-
archy, you may still need clearance from top iliar with social research can understand.
management or senior executives. People who • Be prepared to negotiate; almost no one gets
must grant their permission for you to gain complete access.
access are sometimes called gatekeepers. • Be frank about the amount of people’s time
• Offer something in return: for example, a you are likely to need. Time is an important
final report (if you provide a working draft, issue for commercial organizations, and for
people may ask you to make changes that many non-profit groups too.
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 221

Access to open settings of Whyte’s (1955) early field encounters in Boston’s

North End in his classic case study Street Corner So-
Gaining access to people in open settings is similar ciety. The following incident occurred in a hotel bar:
in many ways. For instance, sometimes ethnograph-
ers have their paths smoothed by “sponsors” and I looked around me again and now noticed a
“gatekeepers.” In seeking access to a group of soccer threesome: one man and two women. It oc-
hooligans, Giulianotti (1995; see Box 10.3) sought curred to me that here was a maldistribution
out someone who could play both roles for him. of females that I might be able to rectify. I ap-
Later, he was able to call on existing acquaintances to proached the group and opened with some-
ease his entrée into a second group. In seeking access thing like this: “Pardon me. Would you mind
to female intravenous drug users, Taylor (1993) con- if I join you?” There was a moment of silence
tacted a drug counsellor who introduced her to some while the man stared at me. He then offered to
local users and accompanied her on her first few re- throw me downstairs. I assured him that this
search visits. A “research bargain” (Becker, 1970) was would not be necessary and demonstrated as
struck in which Taylor agreed in return to see any much by walking right out of there without
of the counsellor’s clients who preferred to discuss any assistance. (Whyte, 1955, p. 289)
issues with a woman.
“Hanging around” is another common access Wolf (1991) used a hanging-around strategy to
strategy. An example of the difficulties that await the gain access to Canadian outlaw bikers. On one occa-
researcher using this approach can be found in one sion he met a group of them at a motorcycle shop and

BOX 10.3 Access to soccer hooligans

Giulianotti (1995) sought access to two groups of out a sponsor who could ease his entry into the
soccer hooligans. Access to one was reasonably group. After some abortive attempts, he was
smooth in that he was a close friend of three of the finally introduced to someone at a game and
47 men caught by the police engaging in unruly this contact gave him access to more supporters.
behaviour at a soccer game. In addition he had Eventually, he was able to negotiate access to
known and socialized with many others at school, the group as a whole by striking a “research bar-
and in terms of “age, attire, and argot” he was sim- gain”: he would provide details of what rival fans
ilar to the people he was studying. Gradually his thought of them. Giulianotti described his overall
contacts multiplied and eventually he “began so- research strategy as:
cializing freely with the gang at [soccer] matches,
regularly introducing myself to new re-
travelling to and from matches within the main
search acquaintances; renegotiating asso-
grouping” (1995, p. 4).
ciation with familiar casuals; talking with
Access to the other group of supporters was
them, drinking with them, and going to
much more difficult for three reasons: absence
matches with them; generally participating
of prior acquaintanceships; his background and
with them in a variety of social situations;
accent; and a high level of negative newspaper
but disengaging myself from . . . participat-
publicity about them at the time he was seek-
ing in violence, within and outside of [soccer]
ing access, which made the hooligans wary of
match contexts. (Giulianotti, 1995, p. 3)
people writing about them. Giulianotti sought
222 PART III Qualitative Research

expressed an interest in hanging out with them. But • If the people being studied have concerns or
he tried to move too quickly in seeking information suspicions about the researcher, they may
about them and was forced to abandon his plans. appear to go along with the research but in
Eventually, Wolf’s hanging-around strategy led to fact sabotage it, engage in deception, provide
his being approached by the leader of a biker group misinformation, or not allow access to “back
(Rebels MC), who acted as his sponsor. To bring this regions” (Goffman, 1956).
off Wolf ensured that he was properly attired in biker
garb, although this was not difficult for him as he There are three ways to smooth the path for on-
had been a motorcyclist and had absorbed biker cul- going access to closed settings:
ture long before he started his research. Attention to
dress and demeanour can be a very important con- • Play up your credentials: talk about your past
sideration when seeking access to either public or work, your experience, your knowledge of the
closed settings. group, and your understanding of its problems.
As these anecdotes suggest, gaining access to • Don’t give people a reason to dislike you: be
social settings is a crucial first step in ethnographic non-judgmental when hearing about informal
research. But it is also difficult and in some cases activities or about the organization; make sure
dangerous—for example, when the group in ques- that information given to you doesn’t get back
tion is engaged in violent or criminal activities. Cau- to others, whether bosses or peers.
tion is essential when choosing an access strategy. • Help out occasionally with work, or offer
advice without being critical.
Ongoing access
Access problems do not end after initial contact and Similar considerations apply to research in public
entrée to the group. Maintaining access is an on- settings:
going activity and is likely to prove a persistent prob-
lem in closed contexts such as organizations. • Make sure you have a plan for allaying people’s
suspicions. Giulianotti (see Box 10.3) simply
• People will be suspicious, perhaps seeing the said that he was doing research on soccer fans
researcher as an instrument of top manage- for a book.
ment (it’s very common for members of or- • Be prepared for tests of either competence
ganizations to believe that researchers have or credibility. When doing research on gang
been put in place to check up on them). When members in a poor community, Horowitz
Sharpe (2000, p. 366) began research on sex wrote that she was frequently told “confiden-
work in a red-light area, she was thought to be tial” stories (which turned out to be fictional)
“anything from a social worker to a newspaper to see if she could keep a secret (Gerson &
reporter with hidden cameras and micro- Horowitz, 2002).
phones.” When conducting her research on the • Be prepared for changes in circumstances. Both
British on the Costa del Sol, O’Reilly (2000) Giulianotti (Box 10.3) and Armstrong (1993)
was suspected of being a tax inspector. found that newspaper exposés of the kinds of
• Group members will worry that what they say activities they were studying led to worries that
or do may get back to bosses or colleagues. Van they were not what they said they were.
Maanen (1991) noted that when conducting
ethnographic research among police officers, Key informants
it’s not unusual to observe activities that reflect Ethnographers rely heavily on informants, especially
badly on the police and may even be illegal. In those who develop an understanding of the research
such situations the researcher can establish and are able to identify situations, events, or people
credibility by using discretion. likely to be helpful to the investigation. Whyte (1955)
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 223

again provides an extreme example, quoting a key welcome a beer and a chat about “It,” or tell me
informant named Doc: who I “ought to ’ave a word wi.’” (Armstrong
1993, pp. 24–25)
You tell me what you want to see, and we’ll
arrange it. When you want some information, Unsolicited offers of information are highly at-
I’ll ask for it, and you listen. When you want tractive to ethnographers because of their apparent
to find out their philosophy of life, I’ll start an spontaneity. However, as Hammersley and Atkinson
argument and get it for you. If there’s some- (1995, pp. 130–131) observed, it’s important to rec-
thing else you want to get, I’ll stage an act for ognize that such offers may on occasion be staged for
you. (1955, p. 292) the ethnographer’s benefit.
Solicited accounts can be obtained in two ways: by
Doc was also helpful in warning Whyte that he interviewing (see Chapter 11) or by casual question-
was asking too many questions, telling him to “go ing during conversations (though in ethnographic
easy on that ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘why,’ ‘when,’ ‘where’ stuff” research the boundary between an interview and a
(1955, p. 303). Taylor (1993) said that in her partici- conversation is by no means clear). When the eth-
pant observation of 50 female drug users, she carried nographer needs specific information on an issue
out intensive interviews with 26 women, 8 of whom that does not lend itself to direct observation or that is
were key informants. not cropping up during “natural” conversations, so-
Key informants can also provide support that licited accounts are likely to be the only way forward.
helps with the stress of fieldwork. However, undue
reliance on them can lead researchers to see social
reality through their eyes only rather than viewing
Roles for ethnographers
things from the perspectives of several group mem- Related to the issue of ongoing access is the question
bers or the group as a whole. of the role an ethnographer adopts in relation to the
In addition, ethnographers encounter many social setting and its members. Often the various
other people who will act as informants whose ac- roles in fieldwork are arrayed along a continuum
counts may or may not have been solicited. Some from complete involvement to complete detachment
researchers prefer unsolicited information because (see Figure 10.2). It should also be noted that the full
of its spontaneity and naturalism. Very often, re- gamut of roles may be employed at different times in
search participants develop a sense of the events or the course of a single ethnographic project, and for
encounters that the ethnographer will want to see. different purposes.
Armstrong (1993), in the course of his research on For example, the participant observer can be any
soccer hooligans, would sometimes get tips from a of the following:
group of Sheffield United fans who called themselves
“Blades”: • Complete participant. The ethnographer is a
fully functioning member of a social setting
I often travelled on the same coach as Ray but one whose true identity is unknown to
[an informant]; he would then sit with me at members: in other words, a covert observer.
matches and in pubs . . . giving me background
information. Sometimes he would start con-
versations with Blades about incidents which Involvement Detachment
he knew I wanted to know about and after-
wards would ask “Did you get all that down Complete Participant-as- Observer-as- Complete
then?” . . . There was never one particular in- participant observer participant observer

formant; rather, there were many Blades . . . FIGURE 10.2 Classification of participant observer
who were part of the core and would always roles (Gold 1958)
224 PART III Qualitative Research

In such cases the ethnographer is engaged in role carries the risk of overidentification with the
regular interaction with people and partici- group being studied (see Boxes 10.5 and 10.6), but
pates in their daily lives but assumes the re- at the same time it offers an opportunity to get close
searcher’s role in private to write down notes to people. The observer-as-participant role carries
once the situation has unfolded. This is what the risk of not understanding the social setting
Humphreys (1970) did when he studied male and its people sufficiently and therefore making in-
homosexual encounters in public washrooms. correct inferences. In an interesting variant of this
• Participant-as-observer. The ethnographer par- problem, Hessler et al. (2003) cautioned observers
ticipates as described above, except that mem­­bers (in a study of adolescent risk behaviour) against the
of the social setting are aware that the ethnog- temptation to act as counsellors to respondents.
rapher is studying them, such as in G ­ iulianotti’s Gans (1968) would add that even if it were pos-
research (see Box 10.3). sible, it is probably undesirable to adhere to a single
• Observer-as-participant. The researcher is role over the entire course of a project, since this
mainly an interviewer and observer, and par- would limit the ethnographer’s flexibility in hand-
ticipates only marginally in the group’s activ- ling situations and people. In addition, the risks of
ities. This was Bell’s (2007) role in his study of either excessive involvement or excessive detach-
western Canadian separatists. Ethnographic ment would loom large.
research on the police is often similar, since
the opportunities for genuine participation Active or passive?
are limited by legal and safety restrictions. How active or passive should the ethnographer be?
Norris (1993) described how as an observer- In most studies—even when the researcher is mainly
as-­participant, he concentrated on gathering an observer rather than a participant—­involvement
two types of data: “naturally occurring inter-­ in the group’s activities will be unavoidable from
officer talk” and “detailed descriptions of how time to time. For example, Fine’s (1996) research
officers handled ‘live’ incidents” (1993, p. 126). on the work of chefs in restaurants was carried out
For other examples of situations in which largely through semi-structured interviews. In spite
minimal participation may be appropriate, see of this limited participation, he sometimes found
Boxes 10.4 and 10.6. himself in the kitchen washing dishes to help out
• Complete observer. The final possibility is no during busy periods. Similarly, in a study of boun-
interaction with the people observed. Most cers, the participant observer will not have the
writers do not include this as a form of eth- luxury of deciding whether to become involved in
nography, since by definition there is little fights, since involvement comes with the territory
or no involvement or participation. There (Winlow et al., 2001).
may be less risk of reactivity (subjects be- Sometimes ethnographers feel they have no
having unnaturally because they know they choice about getting involved because a failure to
are being observed) because the researcher participate might suggest a lack of commitment
is at a distance; but there is also greatly re- to the group. In such situations, standing back could
duced potential for understanding because lead to a loss of credibility in the eyes of the people
the researcher does not ask questions or try studied. This situation can arise especially when
in any way to get into the heads of the people the activities are illegal or dangerous. On the other
under study. hand, many writers counsel against active partici-
pation in criminal or dangerous activities. Both­
Each approach has advantages and disadvantages. Armstrong (1993) and Giulianotti (1995; see Box 10.3)
In the case of covert ethnography, some of these are refused to fight while doing their research into
discussed in Box 10.2. The participant-as-observer soccer hooliganism. The latter wrote: “My own
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 225

BOX 10.4 Virtual ethnography

What challenges might an

ethnographer face when
studying a virtual ­ com-
mu­nity as opposed to an
offline community? Would

these issues affect how

active or passive the eth-
nographer must be?

Hallett and Barber (2014) argue that the study of touch with him. The student didn’t have a phone,
online spaces should be included in e ­ thnographic and email messages often went unanswered. The
research because people’s “natural habitat” researcher soon learned that the most depend-
now includes their “online habitat.” Facebook, able means of communication was Facebook,
Twitter, email, instant messaging, Skype, You- which the student checked many times a day.
Tube, blogs, and so forth are now predominant ­Facebook also proved to be an invaluable source
places for participating in social networks and of ethnographic information about the organiza-
acquiring information and interpretations of the tion, how it established a sense of community, and
world. Despite that fact, most ethnography is how its members viewed the plight of undocu-
conducted offline; the authors themselves only mented students. The author states that he “had
ventured into cyberspace after their attempts considered asking participants to journal about
to use solely in-person methods proved to be how they spent time and perceived the educa-
unworkable. tional process. I soon realized that students were
In researching an organization for undocu- already ‘journaling’ on their ­Facebook pages, and
mented college students in California, one of the these posts were more natural than I may have re-
authors began by researching the life history of a ceived if they had used paper and pencil to write
particular student, but found it difficult to keep in at my request” (316).

rules are that I will not get involved in fighting or criminals or those involved in dangerous actions:
become a go-between for the two gangs in organ- it is much more difficult for someone in such a
izing fights” (1995, p. 10). That is an illustration of role to decline to participate in group a­ctivities
why it is not a good idea to do covert research on (see Box 10.5).
226 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 10.5 Overidentification with the people one is studying

Sometimes, as a result of prolonged immersion in A related issue for Hobbs was involvement in
the lives of the people being observed, coupled illegal activity, which may be tempting if one be-
with a commitment to seeing through their eyes, comes overly acculturated to a group in which
ethnographers become so wrapped up in the criminal actions are known to occur:
world of the people they are studying that they
A refusal, or worse still an inquiry concerning
forget their role as researchers. Under such cir-
the legal status of the “parcel,” would provoke
cumstances the ethnographer may find it diffi-
an abrupt conclusion to the relationship. Con-
cult to maintain a social scientific perspective on
sequently, I was willing to skirt the bound-
the collection and analysis of data. For example,
aries of criminality on several occasions, and
when Schulenberg (2014) conducted participant
I considered it crucial to be willingly involved
observation of Canadian police officers while
in “normal” business transactions, legal or
doing “ride alongs” with them, she had to contend
otherwise. I was pursuing an interactive, in-
with a feeling that she may have become overly
ductive study of an entrepreneurial culture,
accepting of the officers’ beliefs and values. Sim-
and in order to do so I had to display entre-
ilarly, Hobbs (1988, p. 6) wrote of his fieldwork
preneurial skills myself. . . . [My] status as an
that he “often had to remind himself that [he] was
insider meant that I was afforded a great deal
not in a pub to enjoy [himself] but to conduct an
of trust by my informants, and I was allowed
academic inquiry, and repeatedly woke up the
access to settings, detailed conversations,
following morning with an incredible hangover,
and information that might not otherwise
facing the dilemma of whether to bring it up or
have been available. (1988, pp. 7, 15)
write it up.”

BOX 10.6 Annoyance or animosity toward the people one is observing

Overidentification with the people one is ob- Nonetheless, she felt she “was gathering good
serving is not the only risk that participant ob- data, despite [her] feelings of being an outsider”
servers face in relation to the social situations (2000, p. 120). Similarly, although Bell (2007)
they study. Lee-Treweek (2000) carried out re- spent more than a year observing ­western
search on auxiliary caregivers in two homes Canadian separatists, at no point was he ever
for the elderly. In one of them she reacted in a tempted to join the group. The lesson here is
way that was the opposite of overidentification. that overidentification is not inevitable, and
She disliked the home and found the staff un- that researchers must be careful not to let either
appealing because of their uncaring approach positive or negative feelings for the people they
and lack of sympathy for the elderly residents. study distort their findings.
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 227

Field notes small amounts of time away from the group to write
down your observations. In that case you must take
Because of the frailties of human memory, ethnog- care not to make the participants anxious or suspi-
raphers must jot down their observations. These cious (see Box 10.1).
should be fairly detailed summaries of events and To some extent, strategies for taking field notes
behaviour, and the researcher’s initial reflections on depend on how clearly delineated the ­research ques-
them. The notes need to specify the key dimensions tions are. As we noted in Chapter 9, most qualitative
of whatever is observed or heard. Here are some gen- research begins with general research questions,
eral principles: but there is considerable variation in their speci-
ficity. Obviously, when there is a clearly focused
• Write down notes, however brief, as soon as research question, the ethnographer’s observations
possible after seeing or hearing something should be oriented to it. At the same time, it’s im-
interesting. portant to maintain a fairly open mind, so that
• Write up full field notes at the end of the day the study’s flexibility with respect to the themes it
at the very latest, including details such as ­explores—a strength of qualitative r­ esearch—is not
­location, the people involved, what prompted impaired.
the exchange or event, and date and time In the context of her research on female drug
of day. users, Taylor (1993, p. 15) explained that in her
• You may also use an audio recorder to take early days in the field she tended to listen rather
notes from later, but you will have to allow than talk because she “did not know what ques-
plenty of time for transcription. tions [she] wanted to ask.” Armstrong (1993,
• Notes must be vivid, clear, and complete. If in p. 12) wrote in connection with his research on
doubt, write it down. soccer hooliganism that his research “began with-
out a focus” and that as a result “he decided to
It’s obviously best to take notes as soon as some- record everything.” Therefore a typical Saturday
thing significant happens. However, wandering would mean 30 pages of handwritten notes. Such
around with a notebook and continually scribbling open-endedness usually cannot last long, because
in it can make the people you are observing feel trying to record the details of absolutely every-
self-conscious. Thus it may be necessary to take thing is so tiring. Eventually the ethnographer

Research in the News

An ethnographic study of Kensington Market in Toronto
A group of anthropologists at the University of understanding Canadian diversity, and, also, the
Toronto has started an ethnographic study of the history of Toronto” (Warren, 2016). Members of
city’s Kensington Market (Warren, 2016). Associ- the research team have gathered field notes at
ate Professor Joshua Barker stated that this is the “Pedestrian Sundays” in the market, during which
first time this sort of research has been conducted people are free to explore the neighbourhood on
on a Toronto neighbourhood, although a similar foot without the headaches of traffic and parking.
methodology has been used to examine various They have also consulted with community groups
districts in American cities. Barker stated that to get their views on what should be done with the
Kensington is “really an important community for study’s findings.
228 PART III Qualitative Research

begins to narrow down the focus of the research, • Full field notes. These are the main data source
sometimes by relating the emerging findings to in ethnographic research. Full notes should
the social scientific literature on the topic. This be written as soon as possible, usually at the
approach is implied by the sequence suggested in end of the day. Provide as much detail as pos-
Figure 9.1. sible about events, people, conversations, and
For most ethnographers, the equipment needed so on. A particular comment from a subject
for observation consists mainly of a notepad or an account of an event that you witnessed
and pen (for example, Armstrong, 1993, p. 28). may not seem very important at the time, but
­A n audio recorder may be useful but, as we have its significance may become apparent later on,
noted, transcribing what you record will take time, once you have developed an interpretive struc-
and care must be taken to ensure the audio record- ture. Without good notes, valuable data may
ings are not disseminated, as they may uninten- be lost. Write down, in brackets, initial ideas
tionally identify research participants. In addition, about your interpretations, impressions, and
recording may be more obtrusive than writing feelings.
notes. A­ lthough participants usually grow accus-
tomed to the presence of the researcher over time, It’s worth adding that in field notes the ethnog-
speaking into a recording device can rekindle fears rapher’s presence is frequently evident. This can be
about participating; and in some gatherings it may seen in Whyte’s account (above) of almost being
be difficult to use one because of extraneous noise. thrown down the stairs. However, in the finished
Photography can be an additional source of data, work the ethnographer is sometimes written out of
and pictures do help to stir the ethnographer’s the picture. Field notes, except for brief passages, are
memory, but in some kinds of research (especially primarily for the researcher’s own use (Coffey, 1999),
involving crime and deviance) photography may whereas the written report is for public consumption
not be feasible. and has to be presented as a credible account of the
social setting and culture in question. References to
Types of field notes the ethnographer should be limited; otherwise the
Some writers have found it useful to classify the types report will look more like an account of his or her
of field notes generated in the process of conducting activities than those of the group purportedly under
ethnography. The following classification is based on study. This issue will be addressed in further detail
categories suggested by Lofland and Lofland (1995) in Chapter 15.
and Sanjek (1990):
Analytic memos
• Mental notes. These are particularly useful Most of the previous discussion focused on the
when it is inappropriate to be seen taking writ- mechanics of note taking. But content is even more
ten notes; however, they should be put into important. Notes can be taken on the setting, the
writing at the earliest opportunity. people, the methodological problems encountered,
• Jotted notes (also called scratch or rough notes). and so on. In addition it’s possible to create analytic
The researcher makes very brief notes to jog memos recording some initial thoughts on what all
the memory about events that should be writ- those observations might mean. Analytic notes help
ten up more fully later. Lofland and Lofland to bridge the gap between the data and the concepts,
(1995, p. 90) described jotted notes as “little interpretations, and theories that researchers de-
phrases, quotes, key words, and the like.” velop to make sense of what they are observing. Such
Such notes need to be written inconspicu- memos should be dated and reviewed regularly. They
ously, preferably out of sight, since writing should also be kept separate from notes on actual ob-
in front of research participants may be off-­ servations because they are comments on data, not
putting for them. data themselves.
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 229

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Contemporary consequences of the historic relationship between Indigenous
people and Euro-Canadian power structures
Browne (2007) used ethnographic methods and quiet, and introverted. A common interpretation
participant observation to examine how the his- was that the patients’ behaviour stemmed from
toric political, social, and economic inequalities cultural factors. As one nurse put it, “[This patient]
experienced by Indigenous women affected their wouldn’t look at me. She wouldn’t answer anything.
present-day interactions with nurses in a hospi- She would nod occasionally. . . . I mean, it’s a cultural
tal in western Canada. She explored how socially thing” (2169). One of the patients explained things
constructed notions of culture, “race,” and ethni- differently: “. . . a lot of native women, especially,
city can influence the quality of the health care don’t want to say anything, don’t talk. . . . I know my
that Indigenous women receive. Browne, who is mom, for example, had a lot of fear in her from resi-
both a nurse and a researcher, spent nine months dential school” (2170). Browne points out that these
conducting the study, which involved doing in- misunderstandings can have serious health conse-
depth interviews with 14 registered nurses (four of quences, as in the case of an Indigenous woman
whom were Indigenous) and 14 Indigenous female who did not mention that her intravenous needle
patients. She also shadowed the nurses as they had not been removed before she left the hospital.
worked with the Indigenous patients. Her study shows how routine micro-level inter-
One thing Browne noted was that the nurses actions, such as those between patients and nurses,
tended to ignore or downplay historically based may be influenced by larger, historically based rela-
power inequalities when they tried to make sense of tionships such as those between Indigenous people
their patients’ demeanour, which was often passive, and the dominant Euro-Canadian society and state.

The rise of visual ethnography Qualitative researchers have used visual materials
in at least three ways:
The use of visual materials in social research is by
no means new. For many years cultural anthropol- • as memory aids in the course of fieldwork,
ogists have used photographs in their portrayals of where they essentially become components of
traditional societies. However, books such as Pink’s the ethnographer’s field notes
(2001) Visual Ethnography suggest that the use of • as sources of data in their own right
photos in social research has entered a new phase. • as prompts for discussion by research participants
In Chapter 12 we will discuss visual materials
(primarily photographs) that were produced some Pink (2001) drew an important distinction be-
time before the research began. Here we will con- tween two positions on visual materials. The trad-
sider visual materials that are produced more or less itional framework is a realist one in which the
exclusively for research purposes: research-driven material simply captures an event or setting that
images, mainly photographs but also video record- then becomes a “fact” for the ethnographer to in-
ings and other visual media. It’s worth noting that terpret along with other data. The image and what
although the term “visual ethnography” is increas- it represents are presented as unproblematic, as
ingly popular, it does not always refer to the kind of a window on reality. This has been the dominant
sustained immersion in a social setting that is the framework within which visual resources have
subject of this chapter. been produced and analyzed. By contrast, Pink also
230 PART III Qualitative Research

drew attention to a position that she described as bullfighter, it appealed to many connoisseurs of
­reflexive. This entails an awareness of and sensi- the sport who saw in it various artistic and other
tivity to the ways in which researchers themselves meanings. For Pink, it held additional significance
determine what the visuals reveal. This sensitivity in terms of her interests in gender and the broader
requires a grasp of the ways in which researchers’ discipline of social anthropology (for more infor-
personal ­characteristics—age, gender, social back- mation on this photograph see Pink, 2001, p. 101,
ground, academic proclivities, and so on—may in- and
fluence what images they choose to record, and how pink.html [accessed 26 October 2018]).
those images are presented. Photovoice is an approach to visual ethnography
This approach to the visual is frequently collab- that takes collaboration with research partici-pants
orative in the sense that research participants may even further. Using this technique, the participants
be involved in decisions about what visuals should be take photographs of their daily experiences and in-
recorded and how they should be interpreted. Fur- terpret them in terms of their own perspectives and
ther, it acknowledges that different people may inter- identities, which transfers a measure of power and
pret the images in different ways. In Pink’s research control away from the researcher to them. Since
on Spanish bullfighters, enthusiasts interpreted the photovoice may be used with people from margin-
images she took of bullfights in terms of bullfighter alized communities, those who employ it often do so
performance. Other viewers might see the same with the intention of creating social change, which
images in a different interpretive framework—for can be undertaken through an exhibition of the
example, one centred on animal rights and cruelty. photographs. When used in this way, photovoice is
Plate 10.1 presents an image called The Bullfight- a form of participatory action research (discussed
er’s Braid, from Pink’s research. Showing a female in Chapter 9).
Holtby et al. (2015) used photovoice in their re-
search on queer and trans youth in the Kitchener–
Waterloo area. The researchers used the technique
to explore how these young people confronted the
“hostile gaze” that is often directed at people in the
LGBTQ community. The 15 people in the study were
given training in photography and then asked to
take five to ten pictures that reflected their experi-
ences as queer or trans youth. The participants were
then invited to discuss their photos by responding
to questions such as, “What is seen here?” and
“How could this image be used to educate people?”
One of the themes to come out of the discussion
was invisibility, whereby participants were not rec-
ognized as having the gender or sexual identity that
they held. This experience was particularly painful
when it occurred within the LGBTQ community
itself. To illustrate invisibility, one participant took
Pink, Visual Ethnography, 2001

a photograph of empty clothing arranged to make

it appear as if a person’s body were missing. An-
other example of the use of photovoice is described
in Box 10.7.
Visual research methods require researchers to
PLATE 10.1 The Bullfighter’s Braid “read” images while being sensitive to the context
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 231

BOX 10.7 Photovoice in a study of hospital wards

Radley and Taylor (2003a; 2003b) were interested month or so later at home. On each occasion, pa-
in the role that the physical setting of a hospital tients were asked about all the photographs and
ward plays in patient recovery. Nine patients in a which ones best reflected their experience in the
ward were asked to take photographs on the ward hospital.
a few days after their surgery. Each patient was Most of the images taken appear to be very
supplied with a camera and asked to take up to mundane, neither striking nor interesting. How-
12 photographs of things in the hospital that they ever, the photos took on considerable significance
found personally significant. The only constraint in the interviewees’ narratives on the positive and
was not to include people in their photographs negative aspects of their time in hospital. For pa-
(because of hospital restrictions). The research- tients, the pictures became part of the stories they
ers stayed with the patients while they took their offered about how they made the transition from
photographs. Patients were interviewed a day the hospital setting to their homes, which can be
after the photos were developed, and again a an important aspect of recovery.

in which they were generated; the potential for how they affect the personal experiences of the in-
multiple meanings among researchers, study par- dividuals involved. The approach can be explicitly
ticipants, and others; and the potential for the re- change oriented in that previously unrecognized
searcher to influence the image and its presentation. opportunities to transform institutions may come
In addition, researchers usually include non-visual to light as the research runs its course, and the re-
research methods, such as interviews, in their in- searcher may even collaborate with the people stud-
vestigations. This raises the question of the relative ied in an effort to create institutional relationships
significance of words versus images in the analy- that serve them better.
sis of data and the presentation of findings. Since For example, Restoule and colleagues (2013)
words are the traditional medium, it’s easy to slip combined Anishinaabe methodology (which
into seeing the visual as less important, but this is honours Indigenous elders’ wisdom and places
not always justified. Finally, visual research meth- a strong emphasis on representing and serving
ods raise certain ethical issues, such as invasion of the people involved) with institutional ethnog-
privacy and anonymity. raphy to examine how well Indigenous students in
­Ontario made the transition from high school to
post-secondary institutions. They first established
Institutional ethnography that although the vast majority of young Indigen-
Canadian sociologist Dorothy Smith has developed ous people hoped for a post-secondary education,
an approach called institutional ethnography and that their parents were in favour of it as well,
(Smith, 2005) that explores how institutional dis- a much smaller proportion of Indigenous youth
courses (typically texts found in the workplace) relate than non-Indigenous youth actually graduated
to people’s everyday experiences with institutions, from those institutions. The researchers found that
and how examining institutional relationships may some informants declined to identify as Indigen-
reveal larger systems of social control and power in ous in their applications, citing a lack of trust in
a society (Devault, 2006). Institutional relationships government institutions, which itself indicated
are analyzed in detail, with the aim of finding out a problematic relationship between prospective
232 PART III Qualitative Research

Indigenous students and post-secondary bureau-

cracies. ­Participants also stated that the promo-
tional information provided by universities did Informants in ethnographic research are usually
not address concerns felt by Indigenous applicants, selected through a version of purposive sampling
although a majority of informants who made it to that involves searching for people who are likely to
college or university said they felt welcome once be a rich source of information on the group or set-
they got there. In keeping with the activist orienta- ting under study. Sometimes it is obvious who these
tion of institutional ethnography, a member of the people are, as in the case of political or religious
research team took some of the recommendations movements in which the key players and organiza-
made by Indigenous youth to a university assistant tional insiders are well known. In other situations,
registrar for discussion. Box 10.8 provides another it may take some digging to discover who would be
illustration of this type of ethnography. a knowledgeable informant. However, once such

BOX 10.8 Institutional ethnography

Campbell (2000) did institutional ethnographic such a joke” (Campbell, 2000, p. 138). The lack of
research to investigate how people with disabil- assistance put the woman’s relationship with her
ities in Victoria, British Columbia, interacted with partner in jeopardy because he had to devote
local health-care providers. She was particularly what little time they could spend together to
interested in how that interaction was influenced doing heavy housework for her.
by government regulations and policies. The In another case, a woman confined to a wheel-
health-care system in the province was in a state chair suffered because she qualified for only 12
of transition at the time and had been subject to physiotherapy and massage sessions a year—the
funding reductions associated with government same number as a person without a disability. The
deficits and debt. As is typical in this kind of re- institutional justification given was that all cit-
search, Campbell’s goal was not only to describe izens had to be treated equally. Campbell makes
how the situation was perceived by the people the point that “generic” rules about health care,
experiencing it, but also to give them—in this which essentially establish “relations of ruling” in
case both people with disabilities and health-care the health-care system, are created by and for the
­providers—the means to transform the situation able-bodied and thus do not serve the needs of
themselves. Both groups were trained as research- people with disabilities (Campbell, 2000, pp. 141,
ers and paid for their involvement. 143). The texts used to implement government
The study focused on Home Support services health policies (such as assessment forms), Camp-
and especially how access to those services af- bell argues, serve to bolster the government’s
fected the lives of disabled people. One person legitimacy in the face of challenges from dissent-
mentioned that because of government criteria, ing parties such as the disabled, who would bene-
she was unable to get the support she needed: “I’m fit from a more inclusive system of health-care
dog tired. And I just get the basics done. My partner delivery. Bringing such matters to light can be a
is away. I’ve been on my own since August and it’s first step in improving service provision for people
been hard because my home care was cut off two with disabilities or anyone else who is ill served by
years ago because I’m not sick enough—which is an institution.
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 233

people are identified it may be difficult or even Theoretical sampling

impossible to get them to open up about the topic
of the study. Ethnographers often face opposition, Another type of purposive sampling is theoretical sam-
or at least indifference, to their research and for pling, advocated by Strauss and Corbin (1998). In their
that reason are usually willing to listen to anyone view, because of its reliance on statistical rather than
who is prepared to divulge information or views. theoretical criteria, probability sampling is not appro-
One way to get access to such people is through priate to qualitative research. Theoretical sampling is
snowball sampling (see ­Chapter 7) in which a meant to be an alternative strategy, used “in order to
viable contact is used to identify others who may discover categories and their properties and to suggest
be willing to provide information on the topic of the interrelationships into a theory. Statistical sampling
the study, who are then used to establish further is done to obtain accurate evidence on distributions of
contacts, and so on. Snowball sampling was a com- people among categories to be used in descriptions and
ponent of Taylor’s (1993) strategy. Her female drug verifications” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 62).
users were In theoretical sampling, the researcher simul-
taneously collects and analyzes the data, decides
eventually obtained by a mix of “snowballing what data to collect next and where to find them,
techniques” . . . and my almost continuous pres- and develops a theory in the process. Data collec-
ence in the area. . . . Rather than ask to be intro- tion is influenced by the emerging theory and—
duced or given names of others I could contact, unlike quantitative data collection—is an ongoing
when I met a woman I would spend as much time process, subject to change as the study progresses
with her as she would allow, participating in her (Breckenridge & Jones, 2009). For Charmaz (2000,
daily round, and through this come to meet p. 519), theoretical sampling is a “defining property
others in her social circle. My continued pres- of grounded theory” and is concerned with refining
ence in the area also led other women drug users ideas rather than boosting sample size.
to approach me when I was alone. . . . In addi- Moreover, theoretical sampling can involve not
tion, the drug worker in the area would mention only people but also settings and events. This can be
my presence and interest to women with whom seen in Strauss and Corbin’s (1998, p. 201) definition:
he came in contact and facilitate introductions “Data gathering driven by concepts derived from the
where possible. (Taylor, 1993, p. 16) evolving theory and based on the concept of ‘making
comparisons,’ whose purpose is to go to places, people,
Ethnographers who take on a role closer to that of or events that will maximize opportunities to discover
observer-as-participant rely somewhat more on variations among concepts and to identify categories
formal requests for the names of other people who in terms of their properties and dimensions.”
may have relevant information and who can be Figure 10.3 outlines the main steps in theoretical
contacted. sampling. Data collection (observing, interviewing,
Probability sampling is almost never used in and collecting documents) continues until the point
ethnographic research and is rarely employed even of theoretical saturation is reached: “This means,
in qualitative research based on interviews. In many until (a) no new or relevant data seem to be emer-
cases, a probability sample is not feasible because it ging regarding a category, (b) the category is well
is difficult, if not impossible, to map “the population” developed in terms of its properties and dimensions
from which a random sample may be taken. Instead, demonstrating variation, and (c) the relationships
ethnographers have to ensure that they gain access among categories are well established and validated”
to as wide a range of individuals as possible, so that (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 212). In the language of
many different perspectives and ranges of activity grounded theory, a category operates at a somewhat
can be analyzed. higher level of abstraction than a concept in that
234 PART III Qualitative Research

General research question

The end
Knowing when to stop is not an easy or straightforward
Sample theoretically
matter in ethnography. Because of its unstructured
nature and the absence of specific hypotheses for test-
Collect data ing (other than those that may emerge during data
collection and analysis), there is a tendency for ethno-
graphic research to lack an obvious end point. Only
Analyze data (concepts, categories)
occasionally will there be a natural end to the research;
this was the case with Hier (2002) and Wilson (2002),
Theoretical saturation in that the rave scene was waning when they studied
it. Sometimes the rhythms of the ethnographer’s occu-
pational career or personal and family life—the end of
Generate hypotheses
a sabbatical leave, the need to submit a doctoral thesis
FIGURE 10.3 The process of theoretical sampling by a certain date, exhaustion of funding—necessitate
withdrawal from the field: Taylor (1993) wrote that
it may group together several concepts that have one factor contributing to her departure from the field
common features denoted by the category. was the lengthy illness of her youngest son.
Saturation means that previous interviews/obser- Also relevant is the fact that ethnographic re-
vations have both formed the basis for the creation of search can be highly stressful for many reasons: the
a category and confirmed its importance. Thus there nature of the topic, which may place the fieldworker
is no longer any need to collect data in relation to that in tense situations (as in research on crime); the mar-
category. Instead, the researcher should move on and ginal position of the researcher in the social setting;
generate hypotheses out of the categories that are form- the constant need to maintain a front; the often pro-
ing, and then collect data related to those hypotheses. longed absence from one’s normal life. Ethnograph-
ers may simply feel that they have had enough.
Not just people An important reason for bringing fieldwork to
As we pointed out in the last section, ethnographic a close is that reasonable answers to the research
sampling is not just about people. Time and context questions have been formulated. The ethnographer
may also be sampled. Attending to time means that may even feel a strong sense of déjà vu toward the
the ethnographer must make sure that people or end of data collection if new data simply reiterate
events are observed at different times of the day and what has already been discovered. In the language of
different days of the week, to avoid drawing infer- grounded theory, all the researcher’s categories may
ences valid only for particular times (mornings, for become thoroughly saturated, although Glaser and
example, or weekdays rather than weekends). Strauss’s (1967) approach suggests that one should be
Because behaviour is influenced by contextual certain that there are no new questions to be asked
factors, it is also important to observe in a variety and no new comparisons to be made.
of locations. For instance, soccer hooliganism is not In sum, the reasons for bringing ethnographic
a full-time occupation. To understand the hooli- research to a close can range from personal factors
gans’ culture and world view, writers like Armstrong to matters of research design. Whatever the reason,
(1993) and Giulianotti (1995) had to ensure that they disengagement has to be managed. For one thing,
interacted with their subjects in a variety of contexts this means that promises must be kept (was a report
other than soccer stadiums, such as the pubs where promised as a condition of entry?). It also means
they engaged in general socializing. Rosenhan (1973) that ethnographers must provide good explanations
had to do the same in his study of psychiatric hospi- for their departure. Subjects may know that the re-
tals (see Chapter 6). searcher is not a permanent presence in their social
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 235

setting, but over a long period of time they can forget, and thoughts, or interprets them from the stand-
especially if there has been genuine participation in point of men in the society or of the male re-
activities within that setting; therefore farewells may searcher” (Reinharz, 1992, p. 52) is rejected; and
have to be arranged. It’s also essential to remember • it understands women in context.
the ethnographer’s ethical commitments, such as
the need to ensure that persons and settings are kept Similarly, Skeggs (2001, p. 430) observed that many
anonymous—unless, of course, there has been an feminist researchers have considered ethnography
agreement that the social setting can be disclosed (as “with its emphasis on experiences and the words,
often occurs in studies of religious sects and cults). voice and lives of the participants” well suited to the
goals of feminism.
Such commitments and practices go only part of
Can there be a feminist the way. Of great significance to feminist researchers is
ethnography? whether the ethnography allows for a non-exploitative
This heading is in fact the title of a widely cited article relationship between the researcher and the researched.
in which Stacey (1988) rebuts the view that there can One of the main elements of such a strategy is for the
be a distinctively feminist ethnography. Reinharz ethnographer not to treat the relationship as a one-way
(1992) considered feminist ethnography important process of extracting information from others, but as
to feminism because: one in which the researcher can provide something in
return. Skeggs’s (1994; 1997) ethnographic research on
• it documents women’s lives and activities, young women represents one such attempt to create
which were previously regarded as marginal a non-exploitative relationship with the people being
and subsidiary to men’s; studied (see Box 10.9). Another way to do this is through
• it understands women from their perspective, so institutional ethnography (Smith, 2005), discussed
that research that “trivializes females’ activities ­earlier, which has its roots in feminist methodologies.

BOX 10.9 A feminist ethnography

Skeggs’s (1997) longitudinal ethnographic study gender positioning) and institutions (education
of 83 working-class white women was “based on and the media) frame and inform their responses
research conducted over a total period of 12 years and how this process informs constructions of
including 3 years’ full-time, in-the-field participant their own subjectivity” (Skeggs, 1994, p. 74). This
observation. It began when the women enrolled in comment, like the previous one, reflects a com-
a ‘caring’ course at a local college and it followed mitment to documenting women’s lives and al-
their trajectories through the labour market, edu- lowing their experiences to come through, while
cation, and the family” (1997, p. 1). also pointing to the significance of context.
The elements of a distinctively feminist eth- Skeggs felt that her relationship with the women
nography can be seen in the following comments was not exploitative. For example, she wrote that
by the author: the research enhanced the women’s “sense of self-
• “This ethnography was politically motivated to worth” giving them “the opportunity to be valued,
provide space for the articulations and experi- knowledgeable, and interesting.” She claimed she
ences of the marginalized” (Skeggs, 1997, p. 23). was able to “provide a mouthpiece against injus-
• The “study was concerned to show how young tices” and listen “to disclosures of violence, child
women’s experience of structure (their class and abuse, and sexual harassment” (Skeggs, 1994, p. 81).
236 PART III Qualitative Research

Stacey (1988), however, argued on the basis of her resources for developing a sense of their self-
fieldwork experience that the various situations she worth. More importantly, the feminism of
encountered as a feminist ethnographer placed her the research provided a framework [for them
to see] . . . that their individual problems are
in situations of inauthenticity, dissimilitude, part of a wider structure and not their personal
and potential, perhaps inevitable betrayal, fault. (Skeggs, 1994, p. 88)
situations that I now believe are inherent
in fieldwork method. For no matter how Similarly, Reinharz (1992, pp. 74–75) argued that,
welcome, even enjoyable the fieldworker’s although ethnographic fieldwork relationships may
presence may appear to “natives,” fieldwork sometimes seem manipulative, they often involve
represents an intrusion and intervention into a clear undercurrent of reciprocity. The researcher
a system of relationships, a system of relation- may offer help or advice to her research partici-
ships that the researcher is far freer to leave. pants, or she may give a public airing to normally
(Stacey, 1988, p. 23) marginalized voices (although the ethnographer is
usually the mouthpiece for such voices and as such
Stacey also argued that when the research is may impose a particular “spin” on them). In some
written up, it is the feminist ethnographer’s inter- cases, such as in Campbell’s use of institutional eth-
pretations and judgments that come through and nography to research the experiences of people with
have authority, not those of the women who were disabilities (Box 10.8), the researcher may even work
studied. Skeggs responded by acknowledging that directly with study participants in an effort to help
her academic career was undoubtedly enhanced them improve their lives.
by the study, but added that Stacey’s views present The question of whether there is or can be a fem-
women research participants as victims. Skeggs inist ethnography is clearly a subject of ongoing
maintained that: debate. The fact that female researchers are in careers
that place them in a fairly desirable socioeconomic
The young women were not prepared to be position while their subjects are often situated in
exploited; just as they were able to resist less-advantaged sectors of society is an issue that
most things which did not promise economic is not easily resolved. Of course, male researchers
or cultural reward, they were able to resist who study the socially marginalized face the same
me. . . . They enjoyed the research. It provided problem.

Key Points
• The ethnographer is typically a participant ob- • Field notes are important memory aids for the
server who also uses interviews and documents. ethnographer.
• The ethnographer may adopt an overt or covert • Visual materials such as photographs and videos
role, but the latter comes with serious ethical have attracted considerable interest among eth-
difficulties. nographers in recent years, not just as adjuncts to
• The method of access to a social setting depends data collection but as objects of interest in their
in part on whether it is open (public) or closed (pri- own right.
vate or restricted). • Ethnography conducted from a feminist stand-
• Key informants frequently play an important role point has become increasingly popular, although
in ethnography, but care is needed to ensure that the possibility of a feminist ethnography as such is
their impact on the research is not excessive. open to debate.
10 | Ethnography and Participant Observation 237

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Access Field notes
RR “Covert ethnography can make it easier to gain RR Why are field notes important for ethnographers?
access to certain settings and therefore has What are the main types of field notes and why is it
much to recommend it.” Explain how this may useful to distinguish between them?
be true, then outline the shortcomings of covert AA Assume you are doing the ethnography of the
research. start-up mentioned earlier, and have observed
AA Assume that you have decided to do an ethno- that no one in the company is over the age of 25.
graphic study of a tech start-up company that Write an analytic memo that explains the signifi-
has just arrived in your community. Explain how cance of that fact.
you could gain access to the company, how you
would approach potential informants, and how The rise of visual ethnography
you would interact with members of the company RR How can visual materials be used in ethnography?
once ongoing access was achieved. AA The start-up described earlier has just found out
that it has successfully negotiated a business deal
RR What is the role of key informants in ethnographic with a major corporation. You take a photograph
research? Is there anything to be concerned about of several members of the start-up at the meeting
when using them? where the deal was announced to all employees.
AA Assume that you are doing the ethnographic study Would the photograph provide an unproblematic
of the start-up mentioned above and have been image of reality? Discuss.
present in the company for several weeks, but the
CEO refuses to speak to you. What could you do to Sampling
ensure that your study will produce enough infor- RR What is theoretical sampling? How can it be used
mation to provide a meaningful analysis of the ac- in ethnographic research?
tivities and culture of the start-up? AA You’ve decided to do an ethnographic study of
a women’s shelter that will be shut down in six
Roles for ethnographers months because of a lack of government fund-
RR How does it happen that some ethnographers ing. How could you use snowball sampling to gain
overidentify with the people they are observ­ access to informants?
ing? What are some consequences of over­­­
identification? Can there be a feminist ethnography?
AA With regard to the ethnography of the tech start- RR What are the main features of feminist ethnography?
up mentioned earlier, outline the benefits and AA Assess Stacey’s argument regarding the possibility
drawbacks to approaching this research as a com- of feminist ethnography, taking into consideration
plete participant, a participant-as-observer, an Skeggs’s research (or that of any other feminist
observer-as-participant, and a complete observer. ethnographer).

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Hold a class discussion to decide on a setting or • Group 2 prepares a mock funding proposal to con-
group for which ethnographic research would be duct a participant-as-observer study of the site.
appropriate, for example, biker gang, religious or- • Group 3 prepares a mock funding proposal to con-
ganization, sports team, dating service, and so on. duct an observer-as-participant study of the site.
Divide the class into three groups: Each group must do the following:

• Group 1 prepares a mock funding proposal to a. Explain how its methodology would be superior
conduct a covert study of the site. to that employed by the other two groups—for
238 PART III Qualitative Research

example, Group 1 would explain how a covert class, who are to take the role of a funding
study is superior to a participant-as-observer committee that will decide whether the pro-
study and an observer-as-participant study. ject will be funded.
b. Discuss the ethical implications of the pro-
posed research. 2. As homework, each person in the class is re-
c. Explain how access to the site could be gained. quired to “hang out” at a public, safe location on
d. Explain what the researchers’ demeanour and campus (e.g., residence dining hall, campus café,
dress would be as they interact with people at weight room, library space, etc.) for 30 minutes as
the site. a complete observer. On an appointed date, each
e. Explain how they would record the data they ­student gives a five-minute mini-presentation on
get, for example, with field notes, photographs, his or her experience. The presentation should:
video recording, and so on.
f. Explain how the study will make a valuable a. highlight anything of significance that was ob-
contribution to knowledge. served; and
g. Upon completion of these tasks, each group b. provide suggestions as to how a more in-depth
presents the mock proposal to the rest of the ethnographic study of the site could be conducted.

Relevant Websites
For examples of ethnographic studies, take a look at
the journal Ethnography and the Journal of Contem-
The ethnographic study discussed in the Research in
porary Ethnography (you may have to log on to your
the News box can be found at the Ethnography Lab
institution’s library server to access them).
website. kensington-market/
(Websites accessed 26 October 2018)
At the Digital Ethnography website, explore this
topic, and in particular the use of videos in ethno-
graphic projects.

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Interviewing in Qualitative Research

Chapter Overview
This chapter is concerned with interviews in qualitative research. Two types are discussed: unstructured
and semi-structured. This chapter is concerned mainly with interviews with individuals, but the focus
group method is also examined. The highlights of this chapter include:
• the differences between structured and qualitative interviewing;
• the main characteristics of and differences between unstructured and semi-structured interviewing;
• how to devise and use an interview guide for semi-structured interviewing;
• the kinds of questions that can be placed in an interview guide;
• the importance of recording and transcribing qualitative interviews;
• the potential uses and pitfalls of online interviewing;
• how focus groups should be conducted, including matters such as the number of participants, how
to select them, and how direct the questioning should be;
• issues concerning the interactions between participants in focus group discussions;
• some practical difficulties with focus group sessions, such as loss of control over the proceedings
and the potential for unwanted group effects;
• the significance of qualitative interviewing and focus groups in feminist research; and
• the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative interviewing relative to ethnography.

Practice makes perfect, so why not hone your quali- does qualitative research. A good way to start a discus-
tative interviewing skills in casual, everyday conver- sion is to ask other people where they grew up, or what
sations? It’s often said that the art of conversation their most memorable experiences were; then get
is dying in modern times, but if you approach every them to expand on their answers, taking care to draw
discussion you have as a qualitative interview in the out how they felt about the experiences, what the ex-
making, that may change. Everyday conversation periences meant to them, how they affected their lives,
rarely has a narrowly restricted purpose, and neither and so on. If you’re with a group of people at a party or

▲ RoosterHD/iStockphoto
240 PART III Qualitative Research

on a long trip, you can even hold an impromptu focus spark some very good research ideas. Just remember
group session, secretly appointing yourself the mod- that institutional ethics approval will be required if
erator. Besides being good practice, chance conversa- your casual conversations morph into actual qualita-
tions and seemingly inconsequential interactions can tive research.

Introduction hand, is much less structured and tends to be

more open-ended. It also allows greater free-
The interview is probably the most widely used dom to modify and add research ideas once the
method in qualitative research. Since interviews investigation has begun.
were not discussed in detail in previous chapters, we • There is greater interest in the interviewee’s
will give them our full attention here. perspectives and concerns in qualitative inter-
Ethnography usually involves a substantial viewing; in quantitative research, the inter-
amount of qualitative interviewing, and this un- view is driven mainly by the research agenda
doubtedly contributes to its wide use. But it is possible of the person conducting the study.
to conduct qualitative interviews without doing a • In qualitative interviewing, going off on a tan-
full-blown ethnographic study. In fact, the flexibil- gent is often encouraged. The interviewer may
ity of the qualitative interview and its relatively low vary both the order and the wording of ques-
cost compared to ethnography make it an attractive tions, and may even ask unplanned questions
option for many researchers. Although interviewing, to follow up on interviewees’ replies; the addi-
transcribing interviews, and analyzing transcripts are tional replies may provide new insight into what
all very time-consuming, they don’t intrude on re- the interviewee sees as relevant and important.
searchers’ personal lives to the degree that spending In quantitative research, departing from the
extended periods of time with research subjects does. interview schedule is usually discouraged be-
There are two main types of qualitative inter- cause it diverges from the specific research plan
view: unstructured and semi-structured. A variety and may affect reliability and validity.
of specialized interview forms fall under those two • Qualitative interviewing tends to be flexible,
headings and will be explored below, including focus responding to the direction in which inter-
groups, oral history interviews, and life history viewees take the interview and perhaps ad-
interviews. justing the emphases in the research as a result
of the issues that emerge during the interview.
By contrast, structured interviews are typ-
Differences between ically inflexible, because of the need to stan-
­structured and qualitative dardize the interactions with all interviewees.
• In qualitative interviewing, the researcher
­research interviews wants rich, detailed answers; in structured
Qualitative interviewing is quite different from interviewing the interview is normally de-
interviewing in quantitative research: signed to generate specific answers that can be
coded and processed quickly.
• In quantitative research, the approach is highly • In qualitative interviewing, it is not uncom-
structured to maximize reliability and valid- mon for the interviewee to be interviewed
ity in measuring key concepts. The researcher more than once (see Box 11.1 for an example).
usually has a clearly specified set of research In structured interviewing, unless the re-
questions that the interview is designed to search is longitudinal in character, the person
answer. Qualitative interviewing, on the other is usually interviewed only once.
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 241

BOX 11.1 Unstructured interviewing

Malbon (1999, p. 33) described his strategy for motivations and histories; and to decide how
interviewing “clubbers” (people who frequent to approach the night(s) out that I would be
nightclubs) as follows: spending with the clubber. . . . The main con-
tent of the second [more relaxed] interview
interviews were taped. The first interview was consisted of comments, discussion, and ques-
designed . . . to put the clubber at ease while tions about the club visits . . . and the nature of
also explaining fully and clearly in what ways the night out as an experience. . . . [D]iscussion
I was hoping for help; to begin to sketch in occasionally diversified . . . to cover wider as-
details of the clubbers’ clubbing preferences, pects of the clubbers’ lives.

freely, with the interviewer pursuing points

Unstructured and that seem worthy of follow-up. Unstructured
semi-structured interviewing interviewing tends to be similar in character
As we have noted, there are two main types of quali- to a conversation.
tative interview: • In a semi-structured interview the researcher
has a list of questions or fairly specific topics
• In an unstructured interview the researcher to be covered (an interview guide), but the
uses at most a memory aid: a small set of self- interviewee still has a great deal of leeway in
prompts to investigate certain topics. The deciding how to reply (see Box 11.2 for an illus-
interviewer may ask just a single question; tration). Questions may not follow the exact
then the interviewee is allowed to respond order in the guide, and some questions not

BOX 11.2 Semi-structured interviewing

Wright et al. (2014) used qualitative interviewing number of long-term benefits for the participants
to assess the success of an after-school arts pro- that went beyond developing their theatre skills.
gram that was offered to Canadian youth living Here are some sample interview questions, along
in low-income communities. The study indicated with sample probe questions that were used to
that the program, which involved having the get the respondents to elaborate on their initial
youth participate in theatre productions, had a replies:

Interview questions Probe questions

Did you enjoy the art program? What activities did you like?
Did you like the instructors?
Do you have many friends/get along with others Do you sometimes get into arguments with others
your age? your age?
What do you do when you get into arguments?
Have you been getting along with your parents? Do you sometimes get into arguments? About what?
242 PART III Qualitative Research

included on the list may be asked in response In semi- and unstructured interviews, the process
to what the interviewee says. Sometimes lines is designed to bring out how the interviewees them-
of thought identified by earlier interviewees selves interpret and make sense of issues and events.
are taken up and presented to later ones. None- Bell (2007), for example, wanted to understand what
theless, all the questions on the list are usually western Canadian separatists thought of Canadian
asked and similar wording is used from inter- federalism and the federal party system. Tastsoglou
viewee to interviewee. Box 11.3 illustrates how and Miedema (2003) sought to understand the
these features of qualitative interviewing are meaning of community from the perspective of im-
used in life history research. migrant women, and Smith (2008) examined the

BOX 11.3 Life history interviews

One special form of interview associated with quali- the growing popularity of “narrative interviews”
tative research is the life history interview. It is often (discussed in Chapter 13) in which the person
combined with personal documents such as diaries, studied, instead of responding to an interviewer’s
photographs, and letters. Subjects are invited to look questions, “tells a story.” In the past this approach
back in detail across their entire life course and to was associated with the study of a single life, or
report their experiences and how they understood perhaps two, but today it is increasingly applied to
their world. Valuable insights may be gained from a several lives in a single project. M. Atkinson (2002;
life history regardless of whether other people have 2004), for example, conducted narrative inter-
had the same experiences as the person described views with women tattoo enthusiasts.
in the work. It also has the advantage of illustrat- P. Atkinson (2004) observed that the duration
ing process: how events unfold and interrelate in of life story interviews varies considerably from
people’s lives over long periods of time. study to study, but that it usually takes two or
An example of the life history interview ap- three sessions lasting 60 to 90 minutes each. He
proach is provided by Lewis (1961) in his research provided a catalogue of questions that can be
on the Sánchez family and their experiences in a asked, and divided them into the following groups
Mexican slum: (1990, pp. 43–53):
I asked hundreds of questions of [the five mem-
• birth and family of origin (e.g., “How would you
bers of the Sánchez family]. . . . While I used a
describe your parents?”)
directive approach to the interviews, I encour-
• cultural traditions (e.g., “Was your family differ-
aged free association, and I was a good listener.
ent from others in town?”)
I attempted to cover systematically a wide
• social factors (“e.g., What were some of your
range of subjects: their earliest memories, their
struggles as a child?”)
dreams, their hopes, fears, joys, and sufferings;
• education (e.g., “What are your best memories
their jobs; their relationship with friends, rela-
of school?”)
tives, employers; their sex life; their concepts of
• love and work (e.g., “How did you end up in the
justice, religion, and politics; their knowledge
work you do or did?”)
of geography and history; in short, their total
• inner and spiritual life (e.g., “What are the
view of the world. (Lewis, 1961, p. xxi)
stresses of being an adult?”)
Miller (2000) points out that a recent resur- • major life themes (e.g., “What were the crucial
gence of interest in the life history method reflects decisions in your life?”)
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 243

• vision of the future (e.g., “Is your life fulfilled The chief problem with the oral history inter-
yet?”) view (a problem it shares with life ­history in­
• closure questions (e.g., “Have you given a fair terviews in general) is the possibility of bias caused
picture of yourself?”) by memory lapses and distortions. Sugiman (2004)
A variant of the life history interview is the pointed out in her work on ­Japanese-Canadian
oral history interview, a technique often used by women interned during the Second World War
historians. It is usually somewhat more specific in that remembering is a social and even political
tone than the interviews described above in that act, involving recalling, forgetting, transforming,
the subjects may be asked to reflect on certain his- and shaping of recollections. On the other hand,
torical events or eras they have lived through. The oral history testimonies can give a voice to groups
emphasis is often on how the individual’s life was that are typically marginalized in historical re-
affected by those things. The information gath- search (this is true of life history interviews in
ered is sometimes combined with other sources of general), either because of their lack of power or
data, such as documents. because they are regarded as unimportant.

meanings of pain for professional wrestlers. Projects • Multiple–case study research generally
like these, unlike quantitative studies, are usually needs some structure to ensure cross-case
not designed to test hypotheses or theories. In short, comparability.
qualitative research is not just quantitative research
without the numbers. Preparing an interview guide
There is a growing tendency to refer to semi-­ An interview guide is much shorter and less detailed
structured and unstructured interviews collectively than a structured interview schedule. In fact, it is
as in-depth interviews or qualitative interviews, al- often simply a brief list of memory prompts for areas
though the semi- and unstructured types can pro- to be covered in unstructured interviewing and
duce very different results. The choice of one type a somewhat more elaborate list of issues to be ad-
rather than the other is affected by a variety of factors: dressed or questions to be asked in semi-structured
interviewing. What is crucial is that the actual ques-
• Researchers who feel that using even the most tioning is flexible, allowing interviewers to pursue
rudimentary interview guide hinders genuine leads offered by research participants as they begin
access to the world views of members of a social to open up and reveal their view of the social world.
setting are likely to favour an unstructured ap- In preparing for qualitative interviews, Lofland
proach. But even here the interview is rarely and Lofland (1995, p. 78) suggested that researchers
completely unstructured: the researcher usually ask themselves “Just what about this thing is puz-
has at least a general topic that is to be discussed. zling me?” This question can be applied to each of
• If the researcher is beginning the investiga- the research questions generated; it can also serve
tion with a fairly clear rather than a general as a mechanism for generating research questions.
focus, it is likely that the interviews will be Lofland and Lofland suggested that puzzlement may
­semi-structured, so that they can address more be stimulated in various ways: by recording random
specific issues. thoughts in different contexts (writing them down
• If more than one person is to carry out the as quickly as possible); through discussions with
fieldwork, semi-structured interviewing may colleagues, friends, and relatives; and, of course, by
be preferred, to ensure that interviewing styles reading the existing literature on the topic. The for-
are comparable. mulation of the research question(s) should not be
244 PART III Qualitative Research

so specific as to close off the alternative avenues of group, etc.); such information is useful for put-
inquiry that may arise during fieldwork. Premature ting people’s comments into context.
closure of the research focus would be inconsistent
with qualitative research’s prime purpose: to explore There are also some practical details to attend to
the world view of the people being studied, rather before the interview begins:
than to test the researcher’s own ideas about that
world. • Become familiar with the research setting,
The interview guide should: which in many cases will be the everyday sur-
roundings of the interviewees. This will help to
• establish a certain amount of order, so that put their comments in context.
questions flow reasonably well, but still allow • Get a reliable recording device. Qualitative
for changes in the order of the questions and researchers (with the possible exception of
the impromptu asking of different questions; ethnographers and people doing participant
• include questions or topics that address the re- observation research) nearly always record
search questions (without being too specific); and then transcribe their interviews. This is
• use language that is comprehensible and fam- important for the detailed analysis required
iliar to those being studied; in qualitative research, and to ensure that the
• not ask leading questions—that is, questions interviewees’ answers are captured in their
that imply a “correct” or socially acceptable own terms. Simply taking notes makes it too
answer (for example, “Have you ever done easy to lose specific words and phrases.
something really stupid, like taking crack?”); • Make sure as far as possible that the interview
and takes place in a setting that is quiet (so that the
• include prompts to remind the researcher to quality of the recording will be as good as pos-
record basic information about the participant sible) and private (so that the interviewee won’t
(name, age, gender, etc.) as well as more specific worry about being overheard).
information that is relevant to the research • Prepare for the interview by cultivating the
questions (position in company, number of traits of a quality interviewer suggested by
years employed, number of years involved in a Kvale (1996) (see Box 11.4).

BOX 11.4 Kvale’s ten traits of an effective interviewer (plus three others)

Kvale (1996) proposed that a successful inter- • Open: responds to what the interviewee
viewer has ten characteristics: ­considers important; is flexible
• Knowledgeable: is thoroughly familiar with the • Steering: knows what needs to be found out
topic of the interview • Critical: is prepared to challenge what is said
• Structuring: tells the interviewee the purpose of when, for example, there is an inconsistency in
the interview; asks if the interviewee has questions the interviewee’s replies
• Clear: asks simple, easy, and short questions; • Remembering: relates what is said to what has
no jargon previously been said
• Gentle: lets people finish; gives them time to • Interpreting: clarifies and extends the meaning
think; tolerates pauses of interviewees’ statements but without impos-
• Sensitive: listens attentively both to what is said ing meaning on them
and to how it is said; is empathetic
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 245

To Kvale’s list of traits, please add the following • Non-judgmental: does not communicate (even
three: subtly) a moral judgment about what an inter-
• Balanced: does not talk too much, which can viewee has said or done; negative judgments
make interviewees passive, but does not talk may cause people to withhold information
too little, which can cause interviewees to feel that could be useful to the study, while positive
that their responses are not satisfactory judgments may encourage them to focus on
• Ethically sensitive: for example, assures the pleasing the interviewer rather than providing
interviewee that all answers will be treated authentic commentary

After the interview, make notes about: General More Interview Formulate
research specific topics interview
area research questions
• how the interview went (was interviewee talk- questions
ative, cooperative, nervous, etc.?);
• where the interview took place; Review/
• any other feelings about the interview (did it interview
open up new avenues of interest?); and questions

• the setting (noisy/quiet, many/few other people

in the vicinity).
Pilot guide

The steps required to formulate questions for an

interview guide in qualitative research are presented Identify novel
in Figure 11.1. issues

Kinds of questions
The kinds of questions asked in qualitative inter- interview
views are highly variable; Kvale (1996) suggested questions
nine. Most interviews contain virtually all of them,
although those that rely on lists of topics are likely to
Finalize guide
follow a somewhat looser format. Kvale’s nine types
are as follows: FIGURE 11.1 Formulating questions for an
i­ nterview guide for social research
• Introducing questions. “Please tell me about
when your interest in X first began”; “Have you launched the interviewee into a detailed de-
ever . . . ?”; “Why did you go to . . . ?” scription of shoplifting techniques.
• Follow-up questions. These get the interviewee • Probing questions. These follow up what has
to elaborate on an answer; for example: “What been said through direct questioning, for ex-
do you mean by that?”; even, “Yeesss?” Kvale ample: “Can you say some more about that?”;
suggested repeating significant words in an “You said earlier that you prefer not to do
answer to stimulate further explanation, an X. Can you say what kinds of things have
approach used by Davies (2000) in a study of put you off it?”; “In what ways do you find X
female offenders. One of Davies’s interviewees ­disturbing?” Box 11.2 provides more examples.
mentioned the use of foil to block detection of • Specifying questions. “What did you do then?”;
security tags on clothing, so she asked, “You “How did (name) react to what you said?”;
mentioned security tags and foil?” which “What effect did (event) have on you?”
246 PART III Qualitative Research

• Direct questions. “Do you find it easy to keep the past and factual matters come first, then ques-
smiling when serving customers?”; “Are you tions about feelings, and finally questions of process
happy with the way you and your husband and summing up.
decide how money should be spent?” Such
questions are perhaps best left until later in the • Initial open-ended questions. “What events
interview, in order not to influence the direc- led to . . . ?”; “What was your life like prior
tion of the interview too much. to . . . ?”; “Is this organization typical of others
• Indirect questions. Before asking an indirect you have worked in?”
question—for example, “What do most people • Intermediate questions. “How did you feel
around here think of the ways that manage- about . . . when you first learned about it?”;
ment treats its staff?”—be sure to ask the inter- “What immediate impact did . . . have on your
viewee for his or own view (“How do you feel life?”; “What do you like most/least about
about . . . ?”). working here?”
• Structuring questions. “Now I would like • Ending questions. “How have your views
to move on to a different topic. Could you about . . . changed?”; “What advice would
describe . . .?” you give to someone who is undergoing a
• Silence. A pause will give the interviewee an similar experience . . . ?”; “If you had to do
opportunity to reflect and amplify an answer; it over, would you choose to work for this
just don’t pause for so long that the interviewee organization?”
feels embarrassed.
• Interpreting questions. “Do you mean that your Most questions are likely to be of the intermedi-
leadership role had to change from one of en- ate kind, and some categories are likely to overlap.
couraging others to a more directive one?”; “Is Nonetheless, these are useful distinctions to bear in
it fair to say that you don’t mind being friendly mind.
toward customers most of the time, but you Remember as well that interviews include differ-
find it more difficult when they are unpleasant ent kinds of topics, such as the following:
or demanding?”
• Values: of the interviewee, of the group, of the
As this list suggests, one of the main jobs of the organization
interviewer is listening: being attentive to what the • Beliefs: of the interviewee, of individual others,
interviewee is saying or not saying. The interviewer of the group
must be active without being intrusive—a difficult • Behaviour: of the interviewee, of others
balance. This means that the interviewer can’t just • Formal and informal roles: of the interviewee,
sit back and relax, even if the interview is being re- of others
corded. In fact, the interviewer must be attuned and • Relationships: of the interviewee, of others
responsive not just to what is said and not said, but • Places and locales
also to what the interviewee is doing. This is im- • Emotions: particularly of the interviewee, but
portant because body language can indicate that also of others
the interviewee is becoming uneasy with a line of • Encounters
questioning. An ethically sensitive interviewer does • Stories
not place undue pressure on an interviewee and is
prepared to cut short any line of questioning that is Try to vary the types of questions you ask (see
clearly a source of anxiety. Kvale’s nine types) and, where appropriate, the topic
It’s likely that the kinds of questions asked will areas (see the list above). Vague or overly general
vary in the different stages of a qualitative interview. questions are usually best avoided; as Mason (2002)
Charmaz (2002) distinguished three types of ques- pointed out, they only force interviewees to puzzle
tion in this connection. Note that questions about over them or to ask for clarification.
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 247

Vignette questions can be used to ground inter- they felt that drug users should engage in (such as using
viewees’ ideas and accounts of behaviour in particu- prophylactics when having sex) and then about how
lar situations (Barter & Renold, 1999). By presenting they felt the hypothetical users would behave (when,
interviewees with concrete and realistic scenarios, for example, there was an opportunity for unprotected
the researcher can elicit a sense of how certain con- sex). Hughes argued that a scenario approach is par-
texts mould behaviour. Hughes (1998) employed the ticularly valuable with sensitive topics and for eliciting
technique in a study of perceptions of HIV risk among a range of responses to different contexts.
intravenous drug users. Context is important for this
topic because drug users’ willingness to engage in Using an interview guide: An example
risky behaviour is influenced by situational factors. Box 11.5 is taken from a study of visitors to Disney
Scenarios depicting risk behaviour were presented and theme parks (Bryman, 1999). The interviewees were
respondents were asked about the kinds of behaviour a man in his sixties and his wife who was two years

BOX 11.5 Part of the transcript of a semi-structured interview

Interviewer: OK . What were your views or feelings American Adventure. Now whether we were there
about the presentation of different cultures, as on an unusual day in that respect I don’t know, but
shown in, for example, Jungle Cruise or It’s a Small we saw plenty of black Americans in the Magic
World at the Magic Kingdom or in World Showcase Kingdom and other places, but very few if any in
at Epcot? that World Showcase. And there was certainly
little mention of black history in the American Ad-
Wife: Well, I thought the different countries at
venture presentation, so maybe they felt alienated
Epcot were wonderful, but I need to say more than
by that, I don’t know, but they were noticeable by
that, don’t I?
their absence.
Husband: They were very good and some were
better than others, but that was down to the host Interviewer: So did you think there were any spe-
countries themselves really, as I suppose each of cial emphases?
the countries represented would have been respon-
Husband: Well, thinking about it now, because I
sible for their own part, so that’s nothing to do with
hadn’t really given this any consideration before
Disney, I wouldn’t have thought. I mean some of the
you started asking about it, but thinking about it
landmarks were hard to recognize for what they
now, it was only really representative of the de-
were supposed to be, but some were very well done.
veloped world, you know, Britain, America, Japan,
Britain was ok, but there was only a pub and a Welsh
world leaders many of them in technology, and
shop there really, whereas some of the other pavil-
there was nothing of the Third World there. Maybe
ions, as I think they were called, were good ambas-
that’s their own fault, maybe they were asked to
sadors for the countries they represented. China, for
participate and didn’t, but now that I think about
example, had an excellent 360-degree film showing
it, that does come to me. What do you think, love?
parts of China and I found that very interesting.
Wife: Well, like you, I hadn’t thought of it like that
Interviewer: Did you think there was anything
before, but I agree with you.
lacking about the content?

Husband: Well I did notice that there weren’t many Source: Bryman, A. (1999). Global Disney. In P. Taylor & D. Slater (Eds.), The
black people at World Showcase, particularly the American century. Oxford: Blackwell.
248 PART III Qualitative Research

younger. They had visited Walt Disney World, and frequently interested not only in what people say
were very enthusiastic about the visit. but also in the way they say it. If this aspect is to be
The sequence begins with the interviewer asking fully woven into an analysis, the complete series of
what is considered a “direct question,” in terms of exchanges in an interview must be available. Also,
the nine question types suggested by Kvale (1996). because interviewers are supposed to be highly
The replies are very bland and do little more than alert to what is being said—following up on inter-
reflect the interviewees’ positive feelings about esting points, prompting and probing where ne-
their visit to Disney World. The wife acknowledges cessary, drawing attention to any inconsistencies
this when she says, “. . . but I need to say more than in the interviewee’s answers—it’s best if they don’t
that, don’t I?” Interviewees frequently know that have to concentrate on writing down what is said
they are expected to be expansive in their answers. as well. In addition, recording interviews allows
This sequence occurred about halfway through scrutiny by other researchers, who can evaluate the
the interview, so by then the interviewees were original analysis or even conduct a secondary an-
primed to recognize that more details were ex- alysis, which can help to counter accusations that
pected. There is a tinge of embarrassment that the the findings were influenced by the researcher’s
answer is so brief and not illuminating. The hus- values or biases. Recording also makes it possible
band’s answer is more expansive but not particu- for the data to be reused in ways other than those
larly enlightening. intended by the original researcher; for example, to
Then the first of two important prompts by be analyzed using new theoretical ideas or analytic
the interviewer follows. The husband’s response strategies.
after the initial prompt is more interesting in that As with just about everything in social research,
he begins to wonder whether black people are there is a cost (apart from the financial cost of
under-­represented at attractions like the Amer- buying recording equipment) in that the use of a
ican A ­ dventure. The second prompt yields fur-
ther useful reflection, this time that Third World
countries are under-­represented in World Show-
Practical Tip | T
case. The couple are clearly aware that it was the
prompting that led them to these reflections: “I
hadn’t really given this any consideration before A student doing research for a thesis may not
you started asking about it.” This is the whole point have the resources to pay for professional tran-
of prompting: to get the interviewee to think more scription, and unless he or she is an accurate
about the topic and to provide an opportunity for a touch typist, transcription can take a lot of time.
more detailed response. It isn’t a leading question, The usual estimate is five to six hours per hour
since the interviewees were not asked whether they of speech, although using transcription soft-
thought the Disney company failed to recognize ware along with a foot pedal for stops and starts
the significance of black history or ignored the makes the task much easier. ­Speech-to-text
Third World. There is no doubt that the prompts software, an emerging technology that tran-
elicited the more informative replies, which is pre- scribes spoken words directly into a text file,
cisely their role. is also available, although it is not yet widely
used and at present has certain drawbacks,
Recording and transcription ­especially for focus groups. The important
The point has been made several times that in thing is to allow sufficient time for transcription
qualitative research the interview is usually audio-­ and to be realistic about how many interviews
recorded and then transcribed (not just listened can be transcribed in the time available.
to) whenever possible. Qualitative researchers are
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 249

recorder can upset respondents, who may become example, one transcript contained the following
self-­conscious or alarmed at the prospect that their passage:
words will be preserved in that way. Most people will
I think unless we want to become like other
allow their interviews to be recorded, though it’s not
countries, where people have, you know,
uncommon for a small number to refuse. When that
democratic freedoms . . .
happens (or when the recording device malfunc-
tions), the interview can still proceed with the inter- But the actual words on the audiotape were:
viewer taking notes. Among those who do agree to
I think unless we want to become like other
be recorded, some will still be fearful and as a result
countries, where people have no democratic
their interviews may not be as informative as they
freedoms . . . (1995, p. 294)
otherwise would be.
Another consideration, as we have seen, is the Clearly, steps need to be taken to check on the qual-
time required to transcribe a recorded interview. ity of transcription.
There is some debate over who should do the tran- In qualitative research there is often wide varia-
scribing: the interviewer (more familiar with what tion in the time that different interviews take. For
was actually said) or someone else (less time-­ example, in Wilson’s rave study (2002), the inter-
consuming) (Rafaeli et al., 1997, p. 14). Furthermore, views lasted between 45 minutes and four hours.
the vast amounts of text produced must then be Shorter interviews are not necessarily inferior, with
read. Beardsworth and Keil (1992, p. 262) reported the exception of those in which the interviewee was
that their 73 interviews on vegetarianism generated
“several hundred thousand words of transcript ma-
terial.” Clearly, even though transcription has the
Practical Tip | T
 ranscribing sections
advantage of keeping the interviewee’s (and inter-
of an interview
viewer’s) words intact, it does so by piling up the
text to be analyzed. It’s no wonder that writers like It’s not always necessary to transcribe every
Lofland and Lofland (1995) advise researchers not word of an interview. Quite often you will find
to leave the analysis of qualitative data until all the that large portions of a particular interview
interviews have been completed and transcribed. (even all of it) won’t be useful, perhaps be-
Insights may be gained by examining the content of cause the interviewee was reticent or because
early interviews, and it may be useful to pursue those the comments made were not as relevant to
points in greater detail in later interviews. Thus there the research topic as you had expected. There
are good grounds for making analysis an ongoing seems to be little point in transcribing such
activity. Also, to wait until all interviews have been material. Before you begin transcribing, there-
completed may make the task of transcription seem fore, listen to the interviews closely once or
overwhelming. twice, and then transcribe only the portions
Transcription may seem a relatively unprob- that seem useful or relevant. The same applies
lematic matter of converting the spoken word into to focus group research, which is often more
written form. However, given the importance of difficult and time-consuming to transcribe
transcripts in qualitative research, the process because of the number of speakers involved.
should not be taken lightly. Transcribers need to be The downside is that you may miss things, or
trained in much the same way that interviewers are. certain comments may emerge as significant
Moreover, even experienced transcribers can make only later on. If that happens, you will have
mistakes. Poland (1995) provided some fascinating to go back to the recording to get the needed
examples of the errors that can result from factors material.
such as mishearing, fatigue, or carelessness. For
250 PART III Qualitative Research

non-cooperative or anxious about being recorded. construct meaning together through their verbal
Indeed, when a long interview contains very little of and non-verbal symbolic interactions. Interpreta-
significance, it may not be worth the time and cost tions emerge out of those interactions; they are not
of transcription. Thankfully, such occasions are rela- simply “out there” in the minds of the study partici-
tively rare. People who have agreed to be interviewed pants, waiting to be discovered.
are usually cooperative, and most loosen up once Ajodhia-Andrews (2016), in her research on how
they get over their initial anxiety about the micro- six Canadian children with disabilities viewed their
phone. As a result, even short interviews are often experiences at school, makes this co-construction of
quite revealing. understanding explicit and even weaves it into her
Flexibility in the interview
After coding and searching for emerging
Flexibility in interviewing means more than being
themes and patterns, participants and I col-
responsive to what interviewees say and following
laboratively told, re-told, wrote, and re-wrote
up on the interesting points they make. A flexible
their narratives, negotiating which pieces of
interviewer is able to vary the order of questions and
stories to include, what they thought of sur­
clear up inconsistencies in answers. Flexibility is also
facing themes and interpretations. . . . Through
important when audio recording equipment breaks
this dialogue and debate participants and I
down, or when an interviewee refuses permission for
co-constructed narratives together, whereby
recording to take place.
I also became part of the conversations, re-
Another common problem for interviewers is
sponding to their stories and experiences,
knowing when to switch off their recording equip-
thus shaping and re-storying their narra-
ment. Often an interviewee will resume talking
tives. These narratives become unique to the
about the topic of interest as soon as the machine
interaction between myself and participants;
is turned off. It’s usually not feasible to switch the
if participants shared their stories and under-
machine back on again, so try to keep it going as
standings with any other person/researcher,
long as possible. If that fails, take some notes either
the narratives would never be conveyed and
while the person is talking or as soon as possible
told in the same way. . . . (Ajodhia-Andrews,
after the interview. Such “unsolicited accounts” can
2016, p. 262)
often be the source of revealing information. This is
certainly what Parker found in his study of organ-
izations: many interviewees offered “unrecorded
Focus groups:
comments prefixed with a silent or explicit ‘well, if
you want to know what I really think.’ . . . Needless An introduction
to say, a visit to the toilet to write up as much as Most people think of an interview as an exchange
I could remember followed almost immediately” between one interviewer and one interviewee. The
(2000, p. 236). focus group technique, however, involves speaking
with more than one (usually at least four) inter-
Being reflexive about how qualitative viewees at the same time. Essentially it is a group
data are co-constructed interview in which the interviewees can speak to and
Finally, when transcribing and later interpreting interact with one another.
qualitative interviews, researchers should reflect on
how their own interactions with participants have • Most focus group researchers work within
affected what was said, how it was said, and what was a qualitative research tradition. They try
left unsaid. Qualitative interviewing is more than to provide a fairly unstructured setting in
simply digging out pre-existing verbal gems from which the person who runs the focus group,
interviewees. The interviewee and the interviewer usually called the moderator or facilitator,
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 251

guides the session but does not intrude. A

Conducting focus groups
focus group offers several advantages. One
of the most important is that it allows the A number of practical aspects of conducting a focus
researcher to develop an understanding of group are considered below.
why people feel the way they do. In indi-
vidual interviews, subjects are often asked How many groups?
about their reasons for holding a particular How many focus groups are needed? Table 11.1 pro-
view, but a focus group allows participants vides some data on this question, and on some other
to probe one another’s reasons. This can be aspects of focus groups (cf. Deacon et al., 1999). As
more ­ i nformative and revealing than the it suggests, there is a good deal of variation in the
question-followed-by-answer method of or- number of groups required for a particular study, but
dinary interviews. For example, an individual it generally ranges from 10 to 15.
who has already answered a certain question A single group is unlikely to be sufficient, since
may decide, after hearing others’ answers, to the responses may not be typical of other groups.
qualify or modify that response in some way. Nonetheless, there are good reasons for limiting
Some people may want to voice agreement the number of groups (besides saving time and re-
with a view they might not otherwise have sources). Once the moderator is able to anticipate
thought of. These possibilities permit focus fairly accurately what the next group is going to say,
groups to elicit a wide variety of perspectives enough groups have participated. This notion is sim-
on an issue. ilar to theoretical saturation in grounded theory,
• In conventional one-to-one interviewing, discussed in Chapters 10 and 13.
interviewees are rarely challenged; they may One factor that can affect the number of groups
say things that are inconsistent with earlier required is whether the researcher thinks that
replies or that patently cannot be true, but the range of views is likely to be affected by socio-­
interviewers are often reluctant to point out demographic factors such as age, gender, or social
such deficiencies. In a focus group, partici- class. Many focus group researchers like to ensure
pants may argue and challenge one another’s that different demographic groups are included,
views. Arguing often produces more realis- which usually requires a large number of groups.
tic accounts of what people think, because In connection with the research described in Box
it forces them to defend and possibly revise 11.6, Kitzinger (1994) wrote that a large number of
their views. groups is preferred in order to capture as many dif-
• A focus group offers an opportunity to study ferent perspectives as possible. On the other hand,
how individuals collectively make sense of a conducting more groups increases the complexity of
phenomenon and construct meanings of it. It the analysis. For example, Schlesinger et al. (1992,
is a central tenet of theoretical positions such ­p. 29; see Table 11.1 and Box 11.7) reported that their
as symbolic interactionism that meanings 14 tape-recorded hour-long sessions produced more
and understandings are not derived by indi- than 1400 pages of transcription for analysis.
viduals in isolation: rather, they develop out
of interactions and discussions with others. In
this sense, focus groups reflect the processes
Size of groups and selecting
through which meaning is constructed in participants
everyday life, which allows them to be more How large should a single focus group be? Morgan
naturalistic than individual interviews (Wil- (1998) suggested six to ten members. To control for
kinson, 1998). On the other hand, it is not clear the problem of “no-shows,” researchers often find
whether these new meanings persist beyond themselves over-recruiting (for example, Wilkinson,
the focus group session. 1999a, p. 188). Morgan recommended small groups
252 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 11.6 Focus group in action: AIDS in the Media research project

Focus groups were part of Kitzinger’s research on individuals drawn together simply for the pur-
the representation of AIDS in the mass media. The poses of the research, we elected to work with
focus groups were concerned with how “media pre-existing groups—people who already lived,
messages are explored by audiences and how worked or socialized together” (Kitzinger, 1993,
understandings of AIDS are constructed. We were p. 272). As a result, the people in each group were
interested not solely in what people thought but known to each other: a team of civil engineers
in how they thought and why they thought as they working on the same site, six members of a re-
did” (Kitzinger, 1994, p. 104). tirement club, five intravenous drug users, and so
Details of the groups are given in Table 11.1. on. The sessions themselves were “conducted in
Since one goal of the research was to empha- a relaxed fashion with minimal intervention from
size the role of interaction in the construction of the ­facilitator—at least at first” (Kitzinger, 1994,
meaning, it was important to provide a platform p. 106). Each session lasted approximately two
for doing that. Accordingly, “instead of work- hours and was tape-recorded.
ing with isolated individuals, or collections of

TABLE 11.1 | Composition of groups in focus groups research

AUTHORS (2011) ET AL. (2002) (1993, 1994) (2010) (1997) (2000) ET AL. (1992)
Area of Bisexual A contextual Audience Extent of public Understanding Housing Responses
research people’s understanding responses consultation on and identification experiences of women
experience of pre- to media the introduction of with sustainable of Kurdish to watching
with mental adolescent messages street surveillance development and Somali violence
health smoking about AIDS cameras, and refugees in
services behaviour perceptions of their Vancouver
effectiveness in
preventing crime
Number of 8 Not specified 52 4 8 (each group Not 14
groups had two specified
Size range of 3–9 Probably 12 Not specified 5–10 6–10 10–15 5–9
groups but appears to
be 3, 9, or 10
Average Not n.a. 6.75 7 Approximately 8 n.a. 6.6
(mean) size specified
of groups
Criteria Age, sexual 4 groups out No, but groups People identified Age, ethnicity, None, Experience
(if any) for orientation of 32 Quebec made up in promotional gender, except of violence,
inclusion communities of specific campaigns and occupation/ being Scottish/
groups (e.g., justificatory retired, rural/ recent English,
retirement arguments urban location immigrant ethnicity, class
club members, relating to street
male sex surveillance
workers) cameras
Natural No No Yes Some No No Some
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 253

when the participants are likely to have a lot to say, experience, and so on. The aim is to look for any vari-
as often occurs when they are emotionally involved ation in how the different groups discuss the matter
with the topic, when the topic is controversial or at hand. For example, to examine women’s responses
complex, or when exploring personal interpreta- to scenes of violence, Schlesinger et al. (1992) showed
tions. A larger group is appropriate when the re- 14 groups (see Table 11.1 and Box 11.7) four levels of
searcher wants “to hear numerous brief suggestions” mass-media violence: incidental violence, moderate
(Morgan, 1998, p. 75). violence, marital violence, and an extremely vivid
For most topics there is no need to select a par- sexual assault scene. The authors concluded:
ticular kind of participant; however, the topic should
be relevant to those taking part. A wide range of Having a particular experience or a particu-
people is often required, but participants may be put lar background does significantly affect the
into separate groups on the basis of age, gender, edu- interpretation of a given text. The four pro-
cation, whether they have (or have not) had a certain grams screened are obviously open to various

BOX 11.7 Asking about violence

• Initially, participants were given the opportun-

ity to discuss the film in terms of things such as
its purpose, its realism, and its storyline.
Stígur Már Karlsson /Heimsmyndir/iStockphoto

• The questioning then moved on to reactions

to the characters: the woman who was raped,
the three rapists, the female lawyer, the male
• Participants were then asked about their reac-
tions to particular scenes, including the rape;
the female lawyer’s decision to support the
case after initially not supporting it; and the
Semi-structured interviewing offers researchers and victory in court.
interviewees a degree of flexibility in shaping the • Participants were asked for their reactions to
course and content of an interview. What are some the inclusion of the rape scene.
difficulties that researchers might face when con- • Finally, they were asked to give an assessment
ducting a semi-structured interview that they might of the film’s value, in particular whether the
not face when conducting a structured interview? fact that it was American made a difference to
their reactions.
Researchers usually want to inject some structure While the research by Schlesinger and col-
into their focus group sessions. An example can leagues examined a lot of specific topics, initial
be seen in the research conducted by Schlesinger questions were designed to generate relatively
et al. (1992; see Table 11.1) on women viewing a open-ended reactions. Such a general approach
film that featured varying levels of violence. For to questioning is fairly common in focus group
a rape scene, reactions were gleaned through research. It allows the investigator to address the
“guiding questions” under five main headings, research questions, ensures that there is some
the first three of which had several more specific comparability between sessions, and permits par-
elements: ticipants to raise issues that they see as significant.
254 PART III Qualitative Research

readings. However, on the evidence, how they takers. They then sought out participants in various
are read is fundamentally affected by various social clubs. They defended this new approach on the
­socio-cultural factors and by lived experience. grounds that, because their research questions con-
(Schlesinger et al., 1992, p. 168; emphasis in cerned shopping in relation to the construction of
original) identity and how it relates to people’s sense of place,
recruiting people who knew each other would be
A slight variation on this approach is Kitzinger’s highly appropriate. Recruiting people from natural
(1994) study of reactions to media representations of groups is not always feasible, however, because of the
AIDS (see Box 11.6 and Table 11.1). Her groups were difficulty of getting everyone in the group to par-
made up of people in a variety of situations. Some ticipate. Morgan (1998) revealed another downside:
were what she called “general population groups” (for because people in natural groups know one another,
example, a team of civil engineers working on the they may share certain assumptions that they feel no
same site) but others were made up of people likely to need to explain or justify. He suggested that in cases
have a special interest in AIDS, such as male sex work- where it is important that such assumptions are
ers and intravenous drug users. Increasingly, focus made explicit, a group of strangers is a better choice.
group practitioners try to discern patterns of variation
by putting together groups with particular attributes.
A further issue in designing a focus group is
Asking questions and level
whether to select people who are unknown to each of moderator involvement
other, or to use natural groups (for example, friends, There are different questioning strategies and ap-
co-workers, or students in the same class). Some re- proaches to moderating focus group sessions. Most
searchers prefer to exclude people who know each lie somewhere between a rather open-ended style
other, fearing that known status differences or and a more structured one. Macnaghten and Jacobs’s
pre-existing patterns of interaction would contamin- (1997) middle-of-the-road approach to question
ate the session. Others prefer to select natural groups structuring can be seen in the following passage in
whenever possible. Holbrook and Jackson (1996) re- which a group of working women express cynicism
ported that, for their research on shopping centres, about government and experts regarding the reality
they initially tried to secure participants who were of environmental problems (in this passage “F” is
unknown to each other, but this strategy attracted no “female” and “Mod” is “moderator”):

F: They only tell us what they want us to know.

Practical Tip | Number of focus And that’s just the end of that, so we are left
with a fog in your brain, so you just think—
what have I to worry about? I don’t know what
Even one focus group session takes a long time they’re on about.
to arrange. It also takes a long time to tran- Mod: So why do Government only tell us what
scribe the recordings made during the session. they want us to hear?
Thus most students will not be able to conduct F: To keep your confidence going. (All together)
as many focus group sessions for a project Mod: So if someone provides an indicator
or dissertation as a professional researcher which says the economy is improving you
would. In your report, make sure to justify the won’t believe it?
number of groups used in your research, ex- F: They’ve been saying it for about 10 years, but
plaining why the data are still significant even where? I can’t see anything!
though you had to make do with a relatively F: Every time there’s an election they say the
small number of groups. economy is improving. (Macnaghten & Jacobs,
1997, p. 18)
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 255

In this exchange, the moderator focuses on the topic If in doubt, the best advice is to err on the side of
to be addressed but is also able to pick up on what minimal intervention.
the group says.
How involved should the moderator or facilitator Recording and transcription
be? As with question structuring, above, the most Recording is even more important with focus groups
common approach is middle-of-the-road. There is a than it is in other forms of qualitative research. Writ-
tendency to use a fairly small number of very general ing down not only exactly what is said but who says
questions to guide a focus group session. Obviously, it is too difficult. In an individual interview you may
if the discussion goes completely off topic it may be be able to ask a respondent to “hold on” while you
necessary to refocus the participants’ attention, but write down a response, but this is not feasible in an
even then the moderator must be careful, because interview where several people are speaking rapidly,
apparent digressions can often reveal something of and would almost certainly break the flow of the
significance. More direction is probably needed if the discussion.
participants are not addressing the research ques- Transcribing focus group sessions is also more
tions, or if a particularly meaningful point made by complicated and hence more time-consuming than
one participant is not followed up by the others. it is with other interview forms. Sometimes voices
Both intervention and non-intervention carry are hard to distinguish, making it difficult to deter-
risks. The style of questioning and moderating de- mine who is speaking. Also, people sometimes talk
pends on the nature of the research topic; if it is over each other, which can make transcription even
embarrassing for some participants, for example, more problematic. Therefore a very high-quality
additional direction may be required from the mod- recording device, capable of picking up even faint
erator. Levels of interest and knowledge among the voices from many directions, is a necessity. Focus
participants can make a difference as well. Limited group transcripts always seem to have more missing
interest or knowledge on the part of participants bits than transcripts from other sorts of interview,
may require a somewhat more structured approach. mainly because of audibility problems.

Research in the News

Teachers not comfortable talking about residential schools
Emily Milne, a sociology professor at Edmonton’s discussing Indigenous culture in class. But she
MacEwan University, conducted qualitative inter- also noted that some teachers did not feel confi-
views with 100 Indigenous and non-Indigenous dent enough to address topics relating to Indigen-
parents and teachers in southern Ontario. The ous people, and were wary of giving offence. “The
purpose of the study was to document the inter- problem is that when you have people that are un-
viewees’ perceptions of Ontario government comfortable and intimidated, the result is that we
policy directives designed to introduce Indigen- have educators that may not be doing it at all,” she
ous history, culture, and experiences into the cur- said (Canadian Press, 2017). Milne recommended
riculum (Canadian Press, 2017). that “Indigenous coaches” be used by teachers as
Milne found that the teachers she spoke to a learning resource. Some of the challenges she
were generally quite willing to incorporate In- identified included how to use appropriate, cul-
digenous perspectives into their classroom turally sensitive terminology when discussing In-
activities, and she observed that Indigenous par- digenous issues, and how to present the history of
ents were in favour of non-Indigenous teachers residential schools.
256 PART III Qualitative Research

Group interaction in focus This sequence brings out the emerging consensus
around the question of who has heart attacks and
group sessions why. However, as Kitzinger (1994) suggested, argu-
Kitzinger (1994) observed that reports of focus mentative interaction in focus groups can be equally
group research frequently fail to take group inter- revealing. In such cases moderators can play an im-
action into account. This is surprising, given that portant role in identifying differences of opinion
such interaction is a distinguishing feature of focus and exploring with participants the factors that lie
groups. Wilkinson reviewed more than 200 fo- behind them. Disagreement can give participants a
cus group studies, published between 1946 and 1996, chance to revise their opinions or to think about why
and concluded: “Focus group data is most commonly they hold them. A passage from Schlesinger et al.
presented as if it were one-to-one interview data, (1992; see Table 11.1) illustrates. The group is made
with interactions between group participants rarely up of women with no experience of violence, and the
reported, let alone analyzed” (1998, p. 112). debate concerns a rape scene in a film:
In the context of her research on the coverage
Speaker 1: I think . . . that they could’ve ex-
of AIDS in the mass media, Kitzinger (1994) drew
plained it. They could easily leave [out] that
attention to two types of interaction in focus
rape scene.
groups: complementary and argumentative. Com-
Speaker 2: But it’s like that other film we
plementary interaction allows collective interpret-
watched. You don’t realize the full impact, like,
ations and understandings to develop, with each
the one we were watching, the first one, until
participant building on the preceding remark, as
you’ve got the reconstruction.
in the following passage taken from Morgan and
Speaker 3: Yeah, but I think with that sort
Spanish’s (1985, p. 414) research on heart-attack
of film, it would cause more damage than it
would good, I mean, if someone had been
raped, would you like to have [to] sit through
No. 1: But I think maybe what we’re saying here
that again?
is that there’s no one cause of heart attacks,
there’s no one type of person, there’s probably The debate then moved on to consider the signifi-
umpteen different types of heart attacks and cance of the scene for men:
causes coming from maybe smoking, maybe
Speaker 1: Men would sit down and think,
obesity, maybe stress, maybe design fault, her-
“Well, she asked for it. She was enjoying it and
editary, overwork, change in life style. Any of
look, the men around enjoyed it.” (Schlesinger
these things in themselves could be . . .
et al., 1992, pp. 51–52)
No. 2: And when you start putting them in
combination [unclear]. It seems, then, that behind the unease some of the
No. 3: Yeah, you may be really magnifying women expressed about the rape scene was the idea
each one of these particular things. that some men might enjoy it and identify with the
No. 2: Yeah, and depending on how, and in onlookers depicted in the film. This interpretation
each person that magnification is different. came out because of an earlier disagreement within
Some people can take a little stress without the group, which allowed the women to give a fuller
doing any damage, some people can take a account of their reactions to the scene.
little smoking, a little drinking, a little obesity, In sum, as Kitzinger (1994) argued, drawing
without doing any damage. But you take a attention to patterns of interaction in focus groups
little of each of these and put them together allows a researcher to determine how group par-
and you’re starting to increase the chances ticipants view the issues at hand. The posing of
of damage. And any one of these that takes a questions by focus group members as well as the
magnitude leap increases the chances. agreement and disagreement among them help to
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 257

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Social capital and Indigenous education
Many scholars have expressed concern over the same age as me, I’m nervous around them” (Milne
fact that in Canada, Indigenous people are less 2016, p. 276).
likely to graduate from high school than non-­ Another key finding was that class differences
Indigenous individuals, and likewise that Indigen- among Indigenous participants were linked to how
ous youth have lower levels of participation in well they were able to pursue the educational in-
post-secondary educational institutions (e.g., terests of their children with school authorities.
Milne, 2017). To look into this issue, Milne (2016) Lower-class individuals (defined as having at most
conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 edu- a high school education and a household income
cators and 24 parents/guardians of students from of less than $30,000) encountered a great deal of
off-reserve schools in southern Ontario. Twenty difficulty in getting their children’s educational
of the teachers identified as Indigenous, as did 20 needs met. They were hesitant to approach school
of the parents/guardians. Lareau and Weininger’s officials about their children’s progress and tended
(2003) concept of “cultural capital,” which main- to stay away from the schools. When asked about
tains that certain kinds of knowledge, skills and what role she played in her children’s education,
competence give people an advantage in negoti- one low-income parent said that she “doesn’t know
ating how they are treated in formal institutions, how to go about that kind of stuff” (Milne 2016,
served as the theoretical backdrop to the study. p. 281). Middle-class Indigenous parents (who had
The interviews revealed that the legacy of col- a post-secondary education and incomes between
onialism, especially the intergenerational, trau- $30,000 and $112,335) were much better able to
matic effects of attending residential schools, navigate the educational system on their chil-
created a high level of mistrust of educational dren’s behalf. A middle-class mother, after having
institutions on the part of Indigenous people. This a confrontation with her daughter’s teacher, told
was evident in a remark made by one of the In- him “you’re fired,” and insisted that the principal
digenous parents: “I have the worst fear of teach- move the child to a different class immediately.
ers, to be honest with you. Even if the teacher’s the She got her way.

bring out this knowledge. The resolution of disagree- researchers often see it as an advantage. However,
ments also forces participants to explain why they the question of control raises questions about
hold the views they do. the extent to which a researcher should allow the
participants to “take over” the discussion. There
is clearly a delicate balance to be struck in decid-
Limitations of focus groups ing how involved moderators should be and how
Focus groups are particularly useful in illustrating much a set of prompts or questions should be al-
how meaning is jointly constructed. What, then, are lowed to influence the conversation. What is not
their chief limitations? clear is the degree to which it is appropriate to
surrender control, especially when there is a set
• The researcher probably has less control over of research questions to be answered.
the proceedings than in individual interviews. • An unwieldy amount of data is sometimes
As we have seen, not all writers on focus groups produced. For example, Bloor et al. (2001) sug-
perceive this as a problem; indeed, feminist gested that one focus group session can take up
258 PART III Qualitative Research

to eight hours to transcribe—somewhat longer to impress each other or avoid embarrassment, and
than an equivalent personal interview, because were influenced by peer pressure. But this does not
of variations in voice pitch and the need to mean that such data are tainted: in fact, it may be
identify who says what. Also, group recordings the gulf between privately and publicly held views
often include inaudible comments from par- that is of interest.
ticipants sitting too far from the microphone,
and these also affect transcription. • Madriz (2000) proposed that there are cir-
• The data may be difficult to analyze. Develop- cumstances when individual interviews are
ing an analysis strategy that incorporates both more appropriate. One is when participants
the themes of the discussion and the patterns are likely to disagree profoundly with each
of interaction is not easy. other; another is when participants are not
• Focus groups are difficult to arrange. It may comfortable in one another’s presence (for
be hard to get people to agree to participate, example, people in hierarchical relation-
and harder still to get them to show up. Very ships). Finally, because of the potential for
small payments, such as gift cards, are some- focus groups to cause discomfort among par-
times offered to induce participation, but it is ticipants (for example, when intimate details
still common to find that some people will not of private lives need to be revealed), an indi-
turn up. vidual interview or even a questionnaire may
• Group effects may be a problem. This category be better.
includes the obvious challenge of dealing
with participants who either are too reticent
to speak up or hog the stage. Krueger (1998)
Online interviews and focus
suggested that the people running the focus groups
group should make it clear to participants that Conducting qualitative interviews and focus groups
other people’s views are definitely required; for online has become increasingly common as more
example, he suggested saying something like and more members of the general public become
“That’s one point of view. Does anyone have familiar with the Internet. At the time of writing,
another point of view?” (1998, p. 59). As for online focus groups appear to be attracting greater
those who are reluctant to speak, Krueger rec- attention than online personal interviews, perhaps
ommended that they be actively encouraged to because of the time and administrative effort that
say something. can be saved by conducting focus groups online.
There is less to be gained in that regard with online
It would be interesting to know whether agree- personal interviews, unless face-to-face interviews
ment among focus group participants is more would require a great deal of travel.
common than disagreement; if that is the case, one Doing this sort of research online has its pros
reason might be group pressure to conform. It’s also and cons. Selecting participants may be difficult,
possible that participants are more likely to express since everyone taking part must have access to the
socially acceptable views in a group setting than in necessary hardware and software. Carefully selected
individual interviews. Morgan (2002) cited a study websites, online bulletin boards, and chat rooms are
in which group interviews with boys on the topic potential sources of recruitment.
of relationships with girls were compared with in-
dividual interviews with boys on the same subject. Online qualitative interviews
Alone, the boys expressed a degree of sensitivity Markham (1998) conducted Internet interviews
that was not evident in the group context, where with people she recruited after “lurking” (reading
they tended to express more macho views. This sug- but not participating) for some time in computer-­
gests that in the group setting the boys were trying mediated communication forums such as chat
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 259

rooms. Questions were asked and answered in real more difficult with larger numbers, and as Adriaens-
time rather than via email, which could have meant sens and Cadman (1999) suggested, large groups can
delays of hours or days. Markham used an interview present administrative problems.
guide, and the interviews lasted between one and Before starting an online focus group session,
four hours. Such interviews are a challenge for both moderators are advised to send out a welcome
interviewer and interviewee because neither party message introducing the research and laying out
can pick up on visual cues (puzzlement, anxiety) or some of the ground rules for the discussion. There
auditory cues (sighs, groans). is evidence that participants respond more posi-
One of Markham’s research interests was the re- tively if the researchers reveal something about
ality of online experiences. This can be seen in the themselves (Curasi, 2001). This can be done in the
following brief sequence (Markham is Annette): opening message or by creating links to a personal
Annette: How real are your experiences in the In online focus groups, participants respond
Internet? more or less immediately to whatever has just been
Sherie: How real are experiences off the Inter- “said,” whether by the moderator or by other par-
net? (1998, p. 115) ticipants. As all are simultaneously online, contri-
butions can be responded to as soon as they appear
Markham noted that her notion of “real” was dif- on the screen (and with some forms of software,
ferent from that of her interviewees. For her, “real” the contributions can be seen as they are being
carried connotations of genuineness and authenti- typed). As Mann and Stewart (2000) observed, be-
city, but for her interviewees it had more to do with cause several participants can type in a response
distinguishing experiences that occur offline (real) to something at the same time, the convention
from those online (not real). These distinctions be- of taking turns in regular conversation is largely
tween life online and life offline are likely to become sidelined.
less significant as everyday life is increasingly lived Online focus groups are unlikely to replace their
on the Internet. face-to-face counterparts, but they are likely to be
Hanna (2012) reports that Internet interviews used for certain kinds of research topics and/or
using webcam technologies such as Skype can be samples. As regards the latter, people who are dis-
as effective as in-person qualitative interviews, persed or inaccessible are especially suitable for
and that they have advantages similar to telephone online focus group research; slow typists are not.
interviews. No travelling is needed with Skype As Sweet (2001) pointed out, the most appropriate
interviews, they can be postponed and re-scheduled topics for online research are likely to be those in-
without difficulty, and the interviewee is allowed to volving sensitive issues or Internet use itself (as in
stay home and thus feel safe and secure. Moreover, Box 11.8).
both audio and visual aspects of the interview are Much research on the Internet treats the tech-
easily recorded. The use of technologies like Skype nology as a given, but some studies examine how
to conduct qualitative interviews is still relatively it is interpreted by users. Hine (2000, p. 9), for in-
rare, so their impact on qualitative research remains stance, presented the Internet “as a product of cul-
to be seen. ture . . . shaped by the ways in which it is marketed,
taught, and used.” Box 11.9 summarizes the main
Online focus groups advantages and disadvantages of conducting focus
Mann and Stewart (2000) suggested that an online groups and personal interviews online compared to
focus group should have between six and eight administering them in person. The two methods are
people. Larger groups make it difficult for some combined because the tally of advantages and dis-
people to participate, especially those with limited advantages applies more or less equally well to both
keyboard skills. Also, moderating the session can be of them.
260 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 11.8 An online focus group study

O’Connor and Madge (2001; 2003; see also Madge Kerry: I feel the same. Like the HV [health
& O’Connor, 2002) employed conferencing software visitor] is judging even though she says she isn’t
in a virtual focus group study that examined the Kerry: Although my HV has been a lifeline as
use of an online information website for parents. I suffer from PND [post-natal depression]
Initially, the researchers set up a Web survey on Amy: Also, there are some things that are so
the use of the site. When respondents sent in their little that you don’t want to feel like you’re
questionnaires, they were thanked for their par- wasting anyone’s time. Asking the HV or GP
ticipation and asked via email whether they were might get in the way of something mroe
willing to take part in an in-depth interview. Of the important, whereas sending an e-mail, the
155 respondents who returned the questionnaires, person can answer it when convenient.
16 agreed to be interviewed and were sent the soft- Amy: My HV is very good, but her voice does
ware to install on their computers. The researchers sound patronising. I’msure she doesn’t mean
tried to ensure that each group was asked more or it, but it does get to me . . .
less the same questions. For each session, the re- Kerry : Being anon means that you don’t get
searchers introduced themselves and asked par- embarrassed asking about a little point or
ticipants to do likewise. In addition, they placed something personal. (O’Connor & Madge,
descriptions and photographs of themselves on a 2001, p. 10.4)
website to which participants were directed. An im-
This extract reveals a good flow without inter-
portant part of the process of building rapport was
vention by the researchers. It contains several mis-
the fact that both of the researchers were mothers.
takes (“mroe,” “I’msure”), but they are retained to
They found that the relative anonymity afforded by
preserve the authenticity of the interaction. Another
the Internet gave participants greater confidence
plus is that there is no need to transcribe the ma-
in asking embarrassing questions, a finding that
terial because it is already in textual form. Also, the
has implications for online focus groups in general.
fact that participants appear to relish the anonym-
This can be seen in the following excerpt:
ity of the Internet has implications for online focus
Amy: I feel better asking BW [Babyworld] groups, since participants may find it easier to ask
than my health visitor as they’re not going to naive questions or make potentially embarrassing
see how bad I am at housekeeping!!! comments online than in face-to-face focus groups.

BOX 11.9 A
 dvantages and disadvantages of conducting focus groups and
individual interviews using an online, text-based format rather
than face-to-face

Advantages • People who would otherwise be inaccessible

• Online interviews and focus groups are much (for example, in another country) or reluctant
less expensive to conduct than their face-to- to participate (for example, busy senior exec-
face equivalents. utives) are more easily brought into the study.
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 261

• Interviewees and focus group participants are • Only people with access to online facilities and
able to read and reread their statements (and who are comfortable using them are likely to
in focus groups, those of the other participants participate.
as well). • It is more difficult for the interviewer to estab-
• Audio recording is not required; this elim- lish rapport with interviewees, though this is
inates both interviewee apprehension and less of a problem when the topic is of particular
the need for time-consuming and expensive interest to the participants.
transcription. • Probing is more difficult, though not impos-
• Records of online interviews are more accur- sible. Curasi (2001) reported some success in
ate because nothing has to be transcribed eliciting further information from respondents,
and problems of mishearing don’t arise. This but working online makes it easier for them to
is a particular advantage with focus group ignore or forget about such requests.
discussions. • There is less spontaneity in responding since
• Participants can use pseudonyms to conceal interviewees are able to reflect on their an-
their identity, making it easier for them to dis- swers more carefully than is possible in a
cuss embarrassing issues or to divulge poten- face-to-face situation. However, this can be
tially unpopular views. construed as an advantage in some respects
• In focus groups, shy or quiet people may find since interviewees are likely to give more con-
it easier to participate and overbearing partici- sidered replies.
pants are less likely to predominate, though • There is a tendency for non-response rates to
variations in keyboard skills may still prevent be higher in online personal interviews.
equal participation. • The researcher cannot be certain that the par-
• Focus group participants are less likely to be ticipants are who they say they are (though
influenced by factors such as the age, eth- this may sometimes be the case in face-to-face
nicity, appearance, and (if pseudonyms are interviews as well).
used) possibly even the gender of the other • Online interviews and focus groups require
participants. considerable commitment from interviewees
• Similarly, interviewees and focus group partici- and participants if they have to install software
pants are less likely to be affected by the char- and remain online for extended periods of
acteristics of interviewers or moderators, and time. This is especially problematic if they have
the latter are less likely to be affected by the to pay for the software (though reimbursement
participants’ characteristics; in this way, reac- may be possible).
tivity is reduced. • The interviewer/moderator may not be aware
• Online focus groups and interviews allow that the interviewee/participant is distracted
people to participate in an environment that by something and in such circumstances will
is “anonymous, safe and non-threatening” continue to ask questions as if they have the
(O’Connor & Madge, 2001, p. 11.2); this may be person’s full attention.
especially helpful for vulnerable groups. • Online connections may be lost and long break-
• Similarly, researchers do not need to enter downs may ensue, interrupting the flow of the
potentially unsafe environments to reach the discussion.
people they are studying. • Interviewers cannot rely on body language to tell
them when someone is puzzled or (in the case of
Disadvantages focus groups) losing interest in the discussion.
• Online focus groups and interviews take longer Sources: Adapted from Adriaenssens and Cadman (1999); Bampton and
Cowton (2002); Clapper and Massey (1996); Curasi (2001); Mann and Stew-
than their face-to-face counterparts. art (2000); O’Connor and Madge (2001); Sweet (2001); Tse (1999).
262 PART III Qualitative Research

Feminism and interviewing in responses as indicating a “false consciousness”; in

other words, she concluded that they did not really
qualitative research understand how gender relations work. When An-
Unstructured and semi-structured interviewing are dersen wrote an article based on her findings, the
prominent in feminist research. The popularity of women wrote a letter rejecting her account, af-
qualitative research is attributable in part to the idea firming that women can be fulfilled as wives and
that it allows researchers to realize many feminist mothers. A similar situation confronted Millen
goals. One writer has observed: “Whilst several brave (1997) when she interviewed 32 female scientists
women in the 1980s defended quantitative methods, using semi-­structured, in-depth individual inter-
it is nonetheless still the case that not just qualita- viewing. As Millen put it:
tive methods, but the in-depth face-to-face interview
has become the paradigmatic ‘feminist method’” From my external, academically privileged
(Kelly et al., 1994, p. 34). Feminist researchers ad- vantage point, it is clear that sexism pervades
vocate a framework for conducting interviews that these professions, and that men are assumed
establishes: from the start by other scientists, to be com-
petent scientists of status whilst women have
• a high level of rapport between interviewer to prove themselves, overcome the barrier
and interviewee; of their difference before they are accepted.
• a high degree of reciprocity on the part of the These women, on the other hand, do not
interviewer; generally view their interactions in terms
• the perspective of the woman being inter- of gendered social systems. There is there-
viewed; and fore a tension between their characterization
• a non-hierarchical relationship. of their experience and my interpretation of
it . . . . (1997, pp. 5.6, 5.9)
Feminist researchers continue to uphold these prin-
ciples. However, more and more feminist research- Two important issues arise from these two ac-
ers are now recognizing the potential of quantitative counts. First, how can such a situation come about? If
research (and the structured interview) to achieve the researchers were genuinely committed to seeing
feminist goals. through the eyes of others, the “tension” to which
A dilemma arises when feminist researchers Millen referred should not have developed. Yet it
have to decide what to do if their own “under- did, and this suggests that qualitative researchers are
standings and interpretations of women’s ac- more affected by their own perspectives and research
counts would either not be shared by some of the questions than textbook accounts of the qualitative
research participants, and/or represent a chal- research process would suggest. Second, given that
lenge or threat to their perceptions, choices, and feminist research is often concerned with the wider
coping strategies” (Kelly et al., 1994, p. 37). We political goal of emancipation, a tension between
will examine the first of these situations, in part participants’ world views and the researcher’s pos-
because its implications go beyond feminism to ition raises moral questions about the appropriate-
the tricky question of how far the commitment to ness of imposing an interpretation not shared by the
seeing through the eyes of those being studied can research participants themselves. For researchers to
or should be stretched. Two examples are relevant. place their own interpretations above those of the
Reinharz (1992, pp. 28–29) cited a study by Ander- participants can hardly be regarded as consistent
sen in which 20 “corporate wives” came across in with the principle of non-hierarchical interview
their interviews as happy with their lot and sup- relationships.
portive of feminism only in relation to employ- These issues have a significance that extends be-­
ment discrimination. Andersen interpreted their yond feminism. Any qualitative researcher—feminist
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 263

or not—may have to decide what to do when she or However, not all writers accept the argument
he strongly disagrees with the views of the people that focus groups are more natural than in-
under study. dividual interviews. Even when pre-existing
groups are used, gathering people to discuss
The focus group as a feminist method a certain topic (such as a television program)
The use of focus groups by feminist researchers has is not inherently naturalistic, the critics claim,
grown considerably (see Box 11.10), and Wilkinson because the interaction is so unusual and con-
(1998, 1999b) has argued for its great potential in this trived. In real life, people are rarely asked to
regard. Three aspects of the method are particularly discuss, in a group, issues not of their choosing.
compatible with the ethics and politics of feminism: • Feminist researchers have expressed a pref-
erence for methods that study the individual
• Focus group research is less artificial than within a social context. The tendency for most
many other methods because it features group methods to treat the individual as an isolated
interaction, which is a normal part of social entity devoid of a social context is disliked by
life. The tendency to recruit participants from many feminist researchers, who prefer to ana-
naturally occurring groups reinforces the real- lyze “the self as relational or as socially con-
istic quality of such research, since people are structed” (Wilkinson, 1999b, pp. 229–230).
able to discuss matters in situations that are • As we noted earlier, feminist researchers are
normal for them. As a result, there is greater suspicious of methods that exploit participants
likelihood that the researcher’s findings will and put the researchers in a position of power
resonate with the “lived experience” of women. over the respondent. Wilkinson observed that

BOX 11.10 The focus group: A model of women-centred research

In Canada, feminist research using focus groups mothers on welfare after their support services
includes Cassano and Dunlop (2005), Wane were reduced and enhanced measures were put in
(2004), Ristock (2001), Little (2001), Wachholz and place to force them to look for work. She was able
Miedema (2000), and Carter et al. (2016). Cassano to dispel some of the myths about these women
and Dunlop examined South Asian–Canadian and drew attention to some of the ways they were
women’s perspectives on balancing work and forced to cope, from going hungry some days to
family life, which led to a recommendation that a moving in with abusive ex-partners. Wachholz
day centre for seniors and children be established. and Miedema examined how immigrant women
Wane’s focus groups revealed that black Canadian felt about the police intervention that followed
feminism encompasses a broad range of meanings official reports of spousal abuse. The “solution”
and paradigms, but is united in its efforts to bring a often brought with it the harm of extra economic
black feminist voice to both the creation of know- hardships for immigrant women who were already
ledge and the struggle against oppression. Ristock socioeconomically vulnerable. Finally, Carter and
examined how 70 feminist counsellors responded colleagues used focus group data to reveal how
to clients reporting abuse in a lesbian relationship, women living with HIV in British Columbia have
and found that even feminist models and ther- to negotiate access to treatment facilities, and in
apies for heterosexual violence may need revision particular how HIV stigma, racism, and class bias
in such instances. Little looked at Ontario single may prevent them from getting the care they need.
264 PART III Qualitative Research

the risk of exploitation is greatly reduced in more fleeting contacts, although qualitative research
focus groups because the participants are able interviews can last many hours and re-interviewing
to take control of the discussion and even sub- is not unusual.
vert the goals the researcher had for the ses-
sion. As a result, participants’ points of view Learning the local language
are much more likely to be revealed in a focus Becker and Geer (1957) argue that ethnographers are
group than in a traditional interview. like social anthropologists visiting a distant land: to
understand its culture, they must have a good grasp
Wilkinson did not argue that the focus group, or of its language. To penetrate the culture of particular
indeed any method, is inherently feminist: only that group, it’s particularly important to be familiar with
focus groups have considerable potential for feminist its “argot”: its informal slang and special uses of words.
research. A key point is that they allow the voices of Learning that informal language takes prolonged ob-
highly marginalized women to be heard. According servation. See Chapter 12 for more on language analysis.
to Madriz (2000, p. 843), for example, focus groups
constitute a relatively rare opportunity for women of Things taken for granted
colour in lower socioeconomic classes to “empower Because interviews rely primarily on the inter-
themselves by making sense of their experience of viewees’ accounts of their world, elements of that
vulnerability and subjugation.” world that the interviewees take for granted may not
be mentioned. For example, a street sex worker may
never mention her relationship with the police, and
Qualitative interviewing an interviewer may never think to ask about it. By
(without immersion in a social contrast, an ethnographer immersed in the street
scene may learn that sex workers have to deal with
setting) versus ethnography police surveillance on a regular basis, and that it is
The aim of this section is to compare the merits and an important part of their daily lives.
limitations of interviewing in qualitative research
(without immersion in a social setting) with those Deviant and hidden activities
of ethnography. They are probably the two most There are certain activities that most people are re-
prominent methods of data collection in qualitative luctant to talk about in one-on-one interviews:
research, so there is some value in assessing their drug-taking, violence, shoplifting, illegal commerce,
relative strengths. hooliganism, and so on. For that reason, much of what
is known about criminal and deviant subcultures has
Advantages of ethnography compared been gleaned from ethnography. Ethnographers have
to qualitative interviewing also uncovered information about workplace resist-
Seeing through others’ eyes ance practices (such as working-to-rule and industrial
As we noted in Chapters 1 and 9, seeing through sabotage) and groups that support deviant ideologies,
others’ eyes is one of the main purposes of qualita- such as white supremacists. Ethnographers are better
tive research. On the face of it, ethnographers would positioned than interviewers to infiltrate the social
seem to be especially well placed to gain insight into worlds of people who are wary of talking to outsiders.
social reality in this way, because of their prolonged
immersion in particular social settings. Ethnog- Sensitivity to context and flexibility
raphers are not only in much closer contact with Extensive contact with a social setting allows the
people for a longer period of time than interviewers ethnographer to map the context of people’s behav-
are: they also participate in many of the same kinds iour. Interacting with people in a variety of different
of activity as the people they are studying. Research situations makes it possible to connect behaviour
that relies on interviewing alone is likely to entail and context.
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 265

Naturalistic emphasis around in other people’s homes, waiting for the violence
to unfold? Reactivity would impinge in a big way, since
Ethnography can be more naturalistic because the perpetrators would do their best to hide their violence.
researcher confronts members of a social setting in
their natural environments. Interviewing, which Reconstruction of events and future plans
tends to interrupt the normal flow of events even In-depth reconstruction of past events and plans for
when it is informal, is often less naturalistic. It’s no future behaviour is not possible through observation
surprise that when discussing naturalism as a trad- alone. Qualitative research entails reconstruction of
ition in qualitative research, Gubrium and Holstein events when interviewees are asked to think about
(1997) referred mostly to ethnography. how a series of previous activities might have created a
current situation. Beardsworth and Keil used the sym-
Advantages of qualitative interviewing bolic interactionist notion of career to understand how
in comparison to ethnography people become vegetarians. In fact, most qualitative
Issues resistant to observation studies ask about events that occurred before the study
Many issues are simply not open to observation, so began; for example, questions may be asked about the
asking people about them may be the only way to get early family experiences of gang members, recent im-
information about them. For example, consider domes- migrants, or sex workers. Some call this “retrospective
tic violence. Would it be feasible for a researcher to hang interviewing.” See Box 11.11 for a further example.

BOX 11.11 Information through interviews: Research on sex work

McKeganey and Barnard (1996) discussed their [Then] after it happened I thought it was
strategies for conducting research into sex workers bad, I didn’t like it but at least I was getting
and their clients. Their approach was largely that paid for it. I’d been abused by my granddad
of the observer-as-participant (see Figure 10.2), when I was 11 and it didn’t seem a million
in that their research was based primarily on inter- miles from that anyway. (1996, p. 25)
views with sex workers and their clients, supple-
One area of particular concern to McKeganey and
mented by (frequently accidental) observation of
Barnard was the spread of HIV/AIDS infection and
interactions and overheard conversations. The
its implications for sex workers and their work.
interviews they conducted were especially im-
This topic was specifically addressed in the inter-
portant in gaining information on matters such as
views. For example:
how the sex workers had moved into that line of
work; permitted and prohibited sex acts; links with I’ve got a couple of punters who’ll say “I’ll
drug use; experience of violence; and manage- give you so and so if you’ll do it without [a
ment of identity. In the following passage, a sex condom].” But never, I always use a condom
worker reconstructs her movement into the trade: for anal sex, oral sex and even for hand jobs;
there’s no way I’ll let them come anywhere
I was 14 and I’d run away from home. I ended
near me. (1996, p. 66)
up down in London where I met a pimp. . . .
He’d got me a place to stay, buying me things You still get the bam-pots [idiots] asking for
and everything and I ended up sleeping with sex without. I had one the other night—I
him as well. . . . One night we got really drunk said, “where have you been living—on a
and stoned and he brought someone in. . . . desert island?” (1996, p. 66)
266 PART III Qualitative Research

Reactive effects any sustained absence from work and other personal
Reactive effects are by no means straightforward. As
with structured observation (see Chapter 6), it can Greater breadth of coverage
be anticipated that the presence of an ethnographer Interviewing may allow access to a wider variety of
will lead people to behave unnaturally (although people and situations. In ethnographic work, the
ethnographers, like researchers using structured ob- researcher is invariably limited to a fairly restricted
servation, typically find that their subjects become range of people, places, and incidents. An ethnog-
accustomed to their presence and over time begin rapher observing a large organization, for example,
to behave more naturally). Ethnography also suffers is unlikely to have extensive knowledge of operations
from the related problem that an observer disturbs outside the area under study.
the very situation under study, sparking conversa-
tions and interactions, both with and about the ob- Specific focus
server, that otherwise would not occur. As we noted in Chapter 9, qualitative research
sometimes begins with a specific focus; Silverman
Less intrusive in people’s lives (1993) was even critical of the notion that it should
Ethnography can be costly in that the researcher is be regarded as an open-ended form of research.
likely to take up more of the participants’ time than Qualitative interviewing seems to be better suited
would be the case with interviews alone. Interviews in for dealing with a specific issue, since an interview
qualitative research can sometimes be very long, and can address a particular matter in detail. Research
as we have noted, re-interviewing is not uncommon. by Bryman et al. (1996) had a very specific focus:
Nevertheless, the impact of undergoing an interview namely, conceptions of leadership among police of-
is probably still less than the impact of having to ficers. Because of its clear focus, it was more appro-
deal with an ethnographer on a regular basis. Eth- priate to conduct the research using semi-structured
nography can be especially intrusive in terms of time interviewing than ethnography, since issues involv-
when it is conducted in organizational settings, be- ing leadership are unlikely to emerge naturally on a
cause it disrupts the rhythm of the work day. regular basis.

Longitudinal research easier Overview

Interviewing can be carried out within a longitud- When Becker and Geer (1957, p. 28) proclaimed over
inal research design somewhat more easily than eth- half a century ago that the “most complete form of
nography because repeat interviews may be easier the sociological datum . . . is the form in which the
to organize than repeat visits to the ethnographer’s participant observer gathers it,” Trow (1957, p. 33)
research settings. reprimanded them for making such a universal
Ethnography can be used for longitudinal stud- claim. He argued that “the problem under investiga-
ies, but the time that ethnographers can spend away tion properly dictates the methods of investigation.”
from their normal lives is usually not more than two The latter view is very much the one taken in this
or three years, and this limits the extent to which an book. Specific research methods are appropriate for
ethnographic study can be longitudinal. When re- some issues but not for others. Our discussion of the
search is conducted on an episodic basis, however, a merits and limitations of ethnography versus quali-
longer time period may be feasible. Armstrong’s (1993) tative interviews is meant to draw attention to some
research on soccer hooligans, mentioned several times of the factors that researchers should take into ac-
in Chapters 9 and 10, entailed six years of participant count if given the opportunity to choose one method
observation, but since hooliganism was not a full-time or the other. The points raised can also be used to
occupation for his subjects, the research did not require evaluate existing research.
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 267

Checklist of issues to consider in qualitative interviewing
☐☐ Have you thought about how you will present point of view rather than imposing a frame of
yourself in the interview, such as how you will ­reference on them?
dress? ☐☐ Has the setting in which the interviews
☐☐ Is there a clear and comprehensive way of will take place been checked out? Has the
introducing the research to interviewees? recording equipment been put through
☐☐ Does the interview guide clearly relate to the a dry run? Have all aids to be used (e.g.,
research questions? visual aids, film clips, case studies) been
☐☐ Has a pilot test been done with some
­appropriate respondents? ☐☐ Is there a plan in place if the interviewee does
not turn up for the interview?
☐☐ Have the interviewers been fully trained?
☐☐ Does the interview guide contain a good For a focus group:
­ ixture of question types (e.g., probing,
­specifying, and direct questions)?
☐☐ Have you planned what you will do if not all
participants turn up for the session?
☐☐ Do the interviews allow novel or unexpected
themes and issues to arise?
☐☐ Have the questions been designed to encour-
age group interaction and discussion?
☐☐ Is the language in the questions free of
☐☐ Is there a strategy for dealing with silences
and for particular participants who are reluc-
☐☐ Are the questions relevant to the people tant to speak?
being interviewed?
☐☐ Is there a strategy for dealing with partici-
☐☐ Have the questions been designed to elicit pants who speak too much and “hog” the
i­n-depth responses so that interviewees are discussion?
not tempted to answer simply “yes” or “no”?
☐☐ Is there a strategy to follow if the discussion
☐☐ Do the questions offer a real prospect of goes off on a tangent?
seeing the world from the interviewees’

Key Points
• Interviewing in qualitative research is typically un- • The selection of focus group participants requires
structured or semi-structured. several decisions—in particular, whether to use
• Qualitative interviewing is meant to be flexible natural groups.
in order to explore the world views of research • The focus group moderator generally tries to give
participants. free rein to the discussion. However, there may be
• If an interview guide is used, it should allow some contexts in which it is necessary to ask specific
flexibility in the way questions are asked. questions.
• Qualitative interviews should be recorded and • Group interaction is an important aspect of focus
then transcribed. groups.
• Qualitative interviews can be conducted online. • The Internet offers significant opportunities for
• The focus group allows the researcher to explore gaining access to potential focus group participants.
the joint production of meaning.
268 PART III Qualitative Research

• Qualitative interviewing is a popular method of • Whether to use ethnography or qualitative interviews

data collection in feminist studies; some writers alone depends mainly on the research questions to
also consider focus groups well suited to feminist be addressed. Still, ethnographers usually conduct
research. some interviews in the course of their investigations.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Differences between structured interviews Introduction to focus groups
and qualitative interviews RR What advantages can a focus group offer com-
RR How does qualitative interviewing differ from pared to an individual qualitative interview?
structured interviewing? AA Come up with three general topics that would be
AA You’ve decided to use qualitative interviewing appropriate for focus group research, and explain
to examine the way varsity athletes view their how the data generated from focus groups on
coaches. Explain how using this form of inter- those topics might differ from what would be pro-
viewing would be more advantageous than struc- duced through individual qualitative interviews.
tured interviewing for this topic.
Conducting focus groups
Unstructured and semi-structured RR Are there any circumstances in which it is an ad-
interviewing vantage to select participants who know each
RR What are the differences between unstructured other? Explain.
and semi-structured interviewing? AA You’ve decided to conduct a focus group using uni-
AA Devise a semi-structured interview guide that versity students to explore the topic of cheating
could be used to conduct research on what non-­ on exams. Would it be better to use students who
Indigenous Canadians think about the Truth already know each other, or students who don’t?
and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. The Explain.
guide must cover the topic of racism in Canadian
society. Group interaction in focus group sessions
RR Why is it important to examine group interaction
RR Qualitative data may be “co-constructed” by the when analyzing focus group data?
researcher and the interviewee. What does that AA “The interaction that takes place in a focus group
mean? is not more ‘natural’ than what transpires in a one-
AA Invent a hypothetical scenario in which the inter- on-one qualitative interview.” Discuss.
pretation of an event (e.g., the death of a loved
one) emerges out of the interaction between a Qualitative research using online personal
researcher and an interviewee. The scenario must interviews
include at least three exchanges between inter- RR What are the pros and cons of doing online per-
viewer and interviewee. sonal interviews?
AA Can online, text-based personal interviews really
RR Why is it important to record and transcribe quali- be personal interviews? To what extent does the
tative interviews? absence of direct contact mean that the online
AA Imagine that you are reviewing a 50-page tran- interview cannot be a true interview? Explain.
script of an interview you just did, and you real-
ize that the interview ended up covering many Qualitative research using online focus
issues that you had no intention of examining groups
before the interview began. Explain how this RR Is the role of the moderator in online focus groups
could strengthen your research, then explain how different from that in the face-to-face variety?
it could be a weakness. Explain.
11 | Interviewing in Qualitative Research 269

AA Online focus groups are appropriate for research Qualitative interviewing alone versus
involving sensitive issues. Identify three issues ethnography
that, because of their sensitive nature, would RR Outline the advantages and disadvantages of
be better researched with online rather than in-­ qualitative interviewing (without immersion in a
person focus groups, then explain why the online social setting) compared to ethnography.
technique would be more appropriate. AA Is one method more in tune with the research
needs of qualitative researchers than the other?
Feminist research and interviewing in Explain, using the topic of intimate partner vio-
­q ualitative research lence to illustrate your answer.
RR Why are qualitative interviews so prominent in
feminist research?
AA Explain why focus groups may be superior to other
methods of inquiry for giving a voice to highly mar-
ginalized women.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. The instructor divides the class into groups of 6–10 the world views of the participants on the topic
people. Each group is to conduct interviews using chosen.
the focus group method. The group first decides
on a general topic (e.g., legalization of marijuana, 2. Each member of the class is given five minutes to
domestic violence, racism, prevalence of rape cul- think of a general topic that would be appropri-
ture, climate change, etc.), and then produces a list ate for a semi-structured, one-on-one qualitative
of five general questions that will be posed by the interview (e.g., views on gay marriage, how the In-
moderator, who is chosen by group members from ternet impacts one’s life, life goals and how they
within the group. The moderator conducts the might be achieved, etc.). Each person then con-
focus group interviews with the other members structs a five-point interview guide that could be
of the group for about 20–30 minutes. When the used in a semi-structured interview. The instructor
interviews are finished the class as a whole then then uses a random method to pair students up
reconvenes, with the instructor asking each group: so they can take turns interviewing each other on
their selected topics. Each interview is to last for a
a. whether shared meanings and conclusions minimum of 15 minutes. When the interviews are
emerged from their focus group discussions, completed, the class as a whole reconvenes for a
and if so, to explain what they were and how general discussion of:
they developed;
b. whether the moderator’s control of the discus- a. difficulties in getting the interview to flow
sion was excessive, about right, or too weak, smoothly, and how those difficulties may be
and what the consequences of that were; resolved;
c. to explain the advantages of the focus group b. illustrations of how topics that were not on the
method compared to one-on-one qualitative interview guide made their way into the inter-
interviews for researching the topic chosen; view anyway, and how that helped or hindered
d. to explain the disadvantages of the focus group the investigation of the topic; and
method compared to one-on-one qualitative c. the sorts of topics that could be usefully re-
interviews for researching the topic chosen; and searched using semi-structured interviews,
e. to explain how the focus group method may be and which topics would be better pursued
better than structured interviews for exploring using ethnography or structured interviews.
270 PART III Qualitative Research

Relevant Websites
A YouTube video of a qualitative interview uses the A YouTube video of a focus group discusses the
life history approach to examine the experiences of Trump presidency.
a Holocaust survivor.
A YouTube video demonstrates how to moderate a
focus group.
A YouTube video of a focus group discusses the issue
of race and politics in the United States, and in par-
This YouTube video provides basic tips on qualitative
ticular Barack Obama’s political appeal.

(Websites accessed 29 October 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Audio clips • Web links

• Student self-quiz • Printable checklist • Videos • Activities
Content Analysis

Chapter Overview
Content analysis involves the examination of various documents and texts, which may be printed, visual,
aural, or virtual. It can be quantitative, focused on coding data into predetermined categories in a sys-
tematic and easily replicable manner, or qualitative, seeking to uncover deeper meanings in the materi-
als. Although both approaches are discussed, this chapter deals primarily with the qualitative variety.
It considers:
• the kinds of research question that content analysis can answer;
• the features of documents or texts that are commonly analyzed;
• how to code (a key part of content analysis);
• semiotics and hermeneutics;
• active and passive audiences;
• conversation analysis and its roots in ethnomethodology;
• the assumptions and analytic strategies of discourse analysis, including critical
discourse analysis; and
• the advantages and disadvantages of content analysis.

Rebecca and her boyfriend, Daniel, were sitting at “You ever notice how the women look in those ads?”
home watching TV on a Saturday night. Neither was Rebecca fumed. “They’re always in bathing suits or
in a ­particularly good mood; both thought there shorts, even if they’re standing on a ski hill in winter. And
must be a more exciting way to spend the weekend. by some miracle they all have perfect bodies.” “Yeah,”
“Have you ever noticed that there are way more food said Daniel. “It’s a little different with the guys. A lot of
­commercials—burgers, pizza, chicken—at night than them look like dorks, doing stupid things. But some guys
in the daytime?” Rebecca asked. “Are there?” Daniel re- look cool, and they’re the ones who get the girls. They’re
plied. “I know hockey games always seem to come with better-looking and taller than the dorks.” “We could
a lot of beer ads.” probably do a study comparing men and women in

▲ Ken Hawkins / Alamy Stock Photo

272 PART III Qualitative Research

beer commercials,” Rebecca said, her mood beginning active or passive, the age of the people, how attractive
to lighten. “We could even throw in a comparison with they are, overtly sexual or non-sexual behaviour—that
detergent ads. Ever see a man selling detergent?” “You kind of thing.” “That wouldn’t be too hard to do,” Reb-
could do that,” Daniel said. “You’d just have to find a way ecca answered. “Sounds like a lot more fun than watch-
to categorize the portrayals—flattering or unflattering, ing this stupid stuff.”

Introduction For example, interviews with the family of the ac-

cused are rare; such inattention is itself notable,
There can be similarities between quantitative and revealing what is and is not important to writers
qualitative approaches to social research, and even and publishers.
where there are differences the two orientations can Another common theme in content analysis is
sometimes be combined or at least used in a comple- change in the coverage of an issue over time. For
mentary fashion. Content analysis in some ways is example, Buchanan (2014) found that in the period
a blend of the two. It examines forms of communi- 1894–2005 there was a significant decrease in the
cation to see what they reveal about a society, a cul- amount of local news featured in the Toronto Star
ture, or even the relationships between individuals. and the Ottawa Citizen, and that both papers had
Meanings and interpretations are important aspects increased their national news coverage over this
of content analysis, but so is formal categorization period.
of the communications, which often includes some Content analyses of this kind yield a predomin-
quantification. For example, suppose you are inter- antly quantitative description of the characteristics
ested in how newspapers cover crime. You come up of a communication. Those who perform content
with the following questions: analysis in this way claim to be objective and sys-
tematic, clearly specifying the rules for the cat-
• Do certain newspapers report more crimes egorization of the material in advance. Researchers
than others? try to create transparency in the coding procedures
• How much crime is reported? Where in the so that personal biases intrude as little as possible.
paper do crime stories appear—on the front The coding rules in question may, of course, reflect
page, or inside? the researcher’s interests and concerns and there-
• Do columnists as well as reporters write about fore be a product of subjective bias to some degree,
crime? but once the rules have been formulated, it should
• Are some crimes given more attention than be possible to apply them without bias.
others? Content analysis can be performed on unstruc-
• Do more crime stories appear during the week tured information, such as transcripts of semi- and
or on weekends? unstructured interviews, and even qualitative case
• What sorts of crime predominate in newspaper studies of organizations (for example, Hodson,
articles (crimes against the person, property 1996). Until recently it was used mainly to examine
crime, crimes in which society is the victim)? printed texts and documents, but other sorts of ma-
terials may also be analyzed. If you were interested
Most content analysis of the media is likely in gender roles or representations, for example, you
to entail several research questions, generally might look at:
­revolving around the same five W’s that are the
basis of any news report: who (does the report- • differences in the degree to which men and
ing); what (gets reported); where (does the issue women are sexualized on the covers of popular
get reported); why (does the issue get reported); magazines (Hatton & Trautner, 2013);
and when (does it get reported). But researchers • websites showing pictures of men and women,
are also interested in what media coverage omits. such as dating sites;
12 | Content Analysis 273

• animated cartoons (Thompson & Zerbinos, written to communicate with other people, diarists
1995); and presumably write for themselves. When written for
• lyrics of popular songs (e.g., to look for changes wider consumption, diaries are difficult to distin-
in the representation of women) (Marcic, 2002). guish from another kind of personal document: the
autobiography. Used with a life history or biograph-
Here we will call all such materials “documents,” ical method, diaries, letters, and autobiographies
and define them as any data source that: (whether solicited or unsolicited) can be either pri-
mary sources of data or adjuncts to other sources
• can be “read” (including visual materials such such as life story interviews. However, this chapter
as photographs); and is primarily concerned with unsolicited documents.
• was not produced specifically for the purpose The distinction between biographies and auto-
of social research. biographies can sometimes break down. Walt
Disney provides a case in point. The first biography
Documents are important because they are unobtru- of Disney, written by his daughter, Diane Disney
sive and non-reactive. The fact that the subjects don’t Miller (1956), almost certainly included information
know they are being studied removes a common from Mr Disney himself. Subsequent biographies
threat to the validity of the data. were very similar, because of the tight control exer-
In discussing the different kinds of documents cised by the Walt Disney Corporation over the pri-
used in social science, Scott (1990) distinguished be- mary materials in the Disney archive (letters, notes
tween personal and official documents and, within of meetings, and so on) out of which the biographies
the latter group, between private and state documents. were fashioned. As a consequence, even though Walt
These distinctions are used in much of the discussion Disney never wrote an autobiography in the conven-
that follows. Scott also enumerated four criteria for tional meaning of the term, he (and, later, his com-
assessing the quality of documents (1990, p. 6): pany) clearly controlled what was written about him.
In evaluating personal documents, the authentic-
• Authenticity. Is the evidence genuine and of ity criterion is obviously important. Is the purported
unquestionable origin? author of the letter or diary the real author? In the
• Credibility. Is the evidence free from error and case of autobiographies, the increasing use of “ghost”
distortion? writers has made this a standard question. But the
• Representativeness. Is the evidence typical of same kind of problem can arise with other docu-
what it is supposed to represent (for example, ments. For example, in the case of Augustus Lamb
social life at a particular time and place)? If (Box 12.1), Dickinson (1993, pp. 126–127) noted that
not, is the extent of its uniqueness known? there are “only three letters existing from Augustus
• Meaning. Is the evidence clear and com­­ himself (which one cannot be certain were written
prehensible? in Augustus’s own hand, since the use of amanuen-
ses was not uncommon).” This raises the question of
Note that this use of “authenticity” is different whether Augustus was in fact the author of the let-
from how the term was used in Chapter 9 to assess ters, especially in the light of his apparent learning
qualitative research. difficulties.
Turning to the issue of credibility, Scott (1990)
observed that there are at least two major concerns
Personal documents with respect to personal documents: their factual ac-
curacy and whether they express the true thoughts
Diaries, letters, and autobiographies and feelings of the writer. The case of Augustus
Diaries and letters are often used by historians, but Lamb suggests that a definitive, factually accurate
they have been given less attention by other social account is at the very least problematic. Scott recom-
researchers (see Box 12.1). Whereas letters are mended a healthy skepticism regarding the sincerity
274 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 12.1 U
 sing historical personal documents:
The case of Augustus Lamb

What sorts of dilemmas do you

face if you use historical personal
documents as primary sources for

Dickinson (1993) provided an interesting account same time, she found that the people around
of the use of historical personal documents in him had difficulty coming to terms with his con-
the case of Augustus Lamb (1807–36), the only ditions, in large part because of the challenge
child of the novelist Lady Caroline Lamb and her of finding words to describe him that were con-
husband, the second Viscount Melbourne, who sistent with his high social status.
was prime minister of the UK from 1834 to 1841. The chief sources of data were “letters from
It is possible that Augustus suffered from epi- family and friends; letters to, about and (rarely)
lepsy, though he seems to have had other med- from Augustus” (1993, p. 122). Other sources in-
ical problems as well throughout his short life. cluded the record of the post-mortem examina-
­Dickinson was drawn to him because of her in- tion conducted on his remains and extracts from
terest in nineteenth-century reactions to non-­ the diary of his resident tutor and physician for
institutionalized people with mental disabilities. the years 1817–21. Despite the many sources she
In fact, Dickinson doubted that Augustus was consulted, Dickinson still could not conclude with
mentally disabled, and suggested the somewhat certainty that she understood definitively what
milder diagnosis of “learning difficulties.” At the Augustus was like.

with which the writer reports his or her feelings. illustration is Sugiman’s (2004) suggestion that the
Famous people who are aware that their letters or reason many Japanese-Canadian women interned
diaries will be of interest to others may be very care- during the Second World War did not write down
ful about how much of themselves they reveal in their experiences was to shield their children from
their writings. Similarly, adolescent diary-keepers that painful episode in their family histories.
are often aware that their parents could “accident- Representativeness is clearly a major concern in as-
ally” read what they write. In short, what is not said sessing these materials. Since literacy rates were very
can be of great importance. A particularly poignant low in the past, letters, diaries, and autobiographies
12 | Content Analysis 275

were largely the preserve of a small class of wealthy, difficult to decipher. Also, as Scott (1990) observed,
literate people. Moreover, because boys were more letter writers tend to leave much unsaid when they
likely to receive an education than girls, the voices of take it for granted that the people they are writing to
women tended to be under-represented in documents have the same values, assumptions, and information
of that kind. Some researchers also argue that in the as they do.
past it was less socially acceptable for women than Researchers often have to search long and hard for
men to write diaries and autobiographies. Therefore new or surprising materials in diaries. However, this
such historical documents are likely to be biased in was not the case with the diaries of William Lyon
terms of their applicability to the society as a whole. Mackenzie King. When the King diaries were first
A further problem is the selective survival of released to the public in the 1970s, they caused a sen-
documents like letters. What proportion are dam- sation (see Box 12.2).
aged, lost, or thrown away? How representative are
suicide notes of the thoughts and feelings of all sui- Visual objects
cide victims? It seems that only a relatively small per- There is a growing interest in the use of visual ma-
centage of suicide victims leave notes, and some of terials, especially photographs, in social research (see
the notes that are written may be destroyed by the Box 12.3). One of the main reasons why photographs
victims’ relatives, especially if they contain accusa- are of interest to social researchers is their potential
tions against family members. to reveal important information about families.
Finally, understanding the meaning of the docu- As Scott (1990) observed, many family photos are
ments we do have is often problematic. Some pages in taken as records of ceremonial occasions such as wed-
a letter or diary may be missing or damaged, or the dings and graduations, or of recurring events such
writer may have used abbreviations or codes that are as reunions and holidays. Scott distinguished three

BOX 12.2 The Mackenzie King diaries

William Lyon Mackenzie King was prime minister in their proper historical context, the practice of
of Canada for 21 of the 27 years between 1921 and spiritualism was quite common when King was a
1948. He was an avid diarist for most of his life, young man in the late nineteenth and early twen-
recording his thoughts and feelings about both tieth centuries.) Sensationalism aside, the King
personal issues and national and international diaries are a valuable primary source of infor-
events. The contents of the diaries suggest that mation for a significant portion of Canadian and
he did not expect them to be made public. They world history.
reveal his political views in considerable detail, Nevertheless, the publication of the King diaries
but also a side of the man that shocked many does raise ethical questions. Is it a violation of pri-
people when the transcripts were released. King vacy rights to publish or quote from someone’s diary,
believed strongly in psychic phenomena and especially if the person is ­deceased and cannot
spiritualism—he attended séances, consulted raise objections? King’s diaries are now available
mediums, and believed that he was in communi- online at Library and Archives Canada:
cation with various deceased persons, including
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his own mother. prime-ministers/william-lyon-mackenzie-king/
He also believed that he could commune with his Pages/diaries-william-lyon-mackenzie-king.aspx
deceased dog, Pat. (To place these revelations (accessed 29 October 2018).
276 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 12.3 Photographs in social research

This photo of Niviaqsarjuk (left), Suzie

(centre), and Jennie (right) was taken
by Geraldine Moody at Fullerton (in
what is now Nunavut) in 1904, although
JD Moodie / Library and Archives Canada / C-001823

the names of the women depicted

were unknown to Library and Archives
Canada until 2002. How might photos
like this one be used as data? What
issues around representation or ethics
might arise when Indigenous cultures
are represented by people who are
not community members? How might
community consultation help mitigate
these issues?

Photographs can play a variety of roles in social data about the field in which the researcher is
research. They can be used in qualitative research, interested, as in the work of Blaikie (2001) and
as well as in surveys and experiments. Three Sutton (1992, see Box 12.4).
prominent roles photographs can play are the • As prompts. Photographs may be used as
following: prompts to entice people to talk about what
• As illustrations. Photographs may be used to they see in them. Both researcher-created
illustrate points and thus to enliven what might photographs and previously existing ones may
otherwise be rather dry discussions of findings. be used in this way. Sometimes research par-
This was certainly the case with some classic ticipants may volunteer their own photographs.
reports by anthropologists. For example, Riches and Dawson (1998) found
• As data. Photographs may be data in their own in their interviews with bereaved parents that
right. When produced for research purposes, many parents showed them pictures of their
they essentially become part of the research- deceased children, likely the same pictures
er’s field notes. When based on extant photo- they had shown to neighbours and friends
graphs, they may become the main source of when they were first grieving their loss.
12 | Content Analysis 277

types of home photograph: idealization (a formal issue of what is not photographed, as suggested by
portrait of a wedding party or the family in its finery); Sutton’s idea that unhappy events at Disney theme
natural portrayal (an informal snapshot capturing parks may not be photographed at all. Awareness
action as it happens, though there may be a con- of what is not photographed can reveal the “men-
trived component); and demystification (depicting tality” of the person(s) behind the camera. It’s clear
the subject in an atypical—often embarrassing— that the question of representativeness is much
situation). Scott suggested that researchers need to more fundamental than the issue of what survives,
be aware of these different types in order to avoid because it points to how the selective survival of
being deceived by the superficial appearance of photographs may be part of a reality that family
images. One must probe beneath the surface: members (or others) deliberately seek to fashion.
As in Sutton’s example, that manufactured reality
There is a great deal that photographs do not
itself may then become a focus of interest for the
tell us about their world. Hirsch [1981, p. 42]
social researcher.
argued, for example, that “The prim poses and
solemn faces which we associate with Victor-
ian photography conceal the reality of child Government documents
labour, women factory workers, whose long
The state is a source of much information of poten-
hours often brought about the neglect of their
tial significance for social researchers. It produces
infants, nannies sedating their charges with
a great deal of quantitative statistical information.
rum, and mistresses diverting middle class
For example, Bell et al. (2007) used government
fathers.” (Scott, 1990, p. 195)
voting records as well as census information to ana-
As Scott argued, this means not only that the lyze the issue of one-party dominance in Alberta.
photograph must not be taken at face value when The state is also the source of a great deal of textual
used as a research source, but that the viewer must material of potential interest, such as official reports.
have considerable knowledge of the social context For instance, in his study of the issues surrounding
in order to get its full meaning. Sutton (1992) makes synthetic bovine growth hormone, Jones (2000) used
a similar point in Box 12.4. In fact, we may wonder transcripts of a Canadian senate inquiry on the topic.
whether photographs in such situations can be of any Briefly, Monsanto, the manufacturer, lost the battle
use to a researcher. At the same time, a researcher’s to have the hormone accepted for use; health groups
interpretations should not be accepted uncritically. claimed that it was unnecessary and, worse, that it
For example, the “prim poses and solemn faces” of posed a health risk both to cows and to the humans
Victorian portraits might well “conceal” a bleak and who drank their milk. Abraham (1994) used similar
miserable reality; but is that all? Could they not also materials in his research on the role of self-interest
conceal moments of human warmth or compassion? and values in scientists’ evaluations of the safety of
Or fun? medicines, specifically the drug Opren. The author
A particular problem for the analyst of photo- described his sources as “publicly available tran-
graphs, according to Scott, is judging representa- scripts of the testimonies of scientists, including
tiveness. Photos that survive the passage of time—in many employed in the manufacture of Opren, Parlia-
archives, for example—are very unlikely to be rep- mentary debates, questions and answers in Hansard,
resentative for the simple reason that somebody and leaflets, letters, consultation papers and other
at some time decided they should be preserved. documentation disposed by the [drug regulatory
The discussion in Box 12.4 suggests that decisions authority]” (Abraham, 1994, p. 720). His research
about which photos to keep or post online may re- showed inconsistencies in the scientists’ testimonies,
flect the needs and biases of the people who make suggesting that self-interest can play an important
those decisions. Another problem relates to the role in such situations. He also used his findings to
278 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 12.4 Photographs of the Magic Kingdom

This family seems to be enjoying

their vacation, but should we con-
clude that their holiday was fun in

every respect? How can the know-

ledge that a photo may not provide
a complete record of an event or
experience affect how we approach
the use of photographs as data?

Sutton (1992) noted a paradox about visitors to other words, positive feelings about an experience
Disney theme parks. The Magic Kingdom is sup- may be a post hoc reconstruction, substantially
posed to be “the happiest place on Earth,” and aided by the photos that are not thrown away or
employees (“cast members”) are trained to en- deleted. Thus photographs may provide an incom-
hance visitors’ experiences. Yet it is clear that plete, somewhat distorted record.
some people do not enjoy themselves while visit- Similar observations can be made with regard
ing. Time spent waiting in lines is a particularly to pictures posted on social media. How common
common gripe for “guests” (Bryman, 1995). None- is it to see Facebook photographs of people having
theless, because people expect their visit to be unpleasant experiences on their holidays? With
momentous, they take photographs that support social media, the purpose of photo-assisted recon-
their assumption that Disney theme parks are struction seems to be expanding: now photos may
happy places. When they return home, they “dis- be used not only to create happy memories, but also
card photographs that remind them of unpleasant to present a public image of oneself as a fun-loving,
experiences and keep those that remind them of interesting person. Clearly, holiday photos repre-
pleasant experiences” (Sutton, 1992, p. 283). In sent more than an objective account of a vacation.

argue that the scientific ethos of “objectivity” has criterion requires us to consider whether the docu-
limited applicability in areas where self-interest may mentary source is biased. This is exactly the point
be a factor. of Abraham’s (1994) research: such documents can
In terms of Scott’s (1990) four criteria, such ma- be interesting precisely because of the bias they
terials can certainly be seen as authentic and as reveal. Equally, this point suggests that caution is
having meaning (in that they are clear and compre- necessary in attempting to treat them as depictions
hensible to the researcher). However, the credibility of reality.
12 | Content Analysis 279

Official documents from One of the clearest themes to emerge was the
apparently incompatible interpretations of the
private sources same events and processes among the three
Official documents available from “private sources” sub-groups within the company—senior exec-
vary widely, but a common category is company utives, HQ personnel staff, and regional per-
documents. Companies (and organizations gen- sonnel managers. . . . These documents were
erally) produce many documents, some of which not produced deliberately to distort or obscure
are in the public domain; the latter include annual events or processes being described, but their
reports, press releases, advertisements, and public effect was to do precisely this. (1994, p. 160)
relations material both in printed form and on
the Web. Other documents, such as company The perspectives that members of the different
newsletters, organizational charts, minutes of
­ groupings expressed in the documents reflected
meetings, memos, correspondence (internal and their positions in the organization. Consequently,
external), and manuals for new recruits, may not although the authors of the documents were able to
be accessible to the public. This kind of material confirm their authenticity, their contents could not
is often used by organizational ethnographers in be regarded as “free from error and distortion,” as
their investigations, but the difficulty of gaining Scott put it. In other words, the accounts that docu-
access to it means that many other researchers ments provide may not be completely objective. They
have to rely on public domain documents. Even have to be analyzed critically and compared with
if the r­esearcher is an insider with the organ- other sources of data. As Forster’s study suggests, the
ization, ­ certain private documents may remain different stances taken by the authors of documents
inaccessible. can be used to develop insights into the processes
Private documents also need to be evaluated and factors that lie behind their creation.
using Scott’s four criteria. As with the materials con- Issues of representativeness are also important.
sidered in the previous section, documents deriving Did Forster have access to a complete set of docu-
from private sources such as companies are likely to ments? It could be that some had been destroyed, or
be authentic and meaningful (in the sense of being that he was not allowed access to certain sensitive
clear and comprehensible to the researcher). How- ones. This is not to say that such documents necessar-
ever, issues of credibility and representativeness are ily exist, but a healthy skepticism is often warranted.
still likely to require scrutiny.
People who write documents generally want to
convey a particular point of view. An interesting
Mass media outputs
illustration is provided by a study of career develop- Newspapers, magazines, television programs,
ment issues in a major retail company (Forster, films, and other mass media are potential sources
1994). Forster analyzed company documentation for social scientific analysis. For example, Parnaby’s
as well as interviews and a questionnaire. Because (2003) study of how Toronto tried to deal with its
he was able to interview many of the authors of the squeegee kids examined 200 newspaper articles
documents, “both the accuracy of the documents that appeared between 1995 and 2000. Hallgrims-
and their authorship could be validated by the in- dottir et al. (2006) looked at how newspapers in
dividuals who had produced them” (1994, p. 155). Victoria, BC, characterized sex-trade workers in
In other words, the authenticity of the documents the province, while Harding (2006; 2010) analyzed
was confirmed and apparently the credibility as press coverage of Indigenous people and their insti-
well. However, Forster also said that the documents tutions. Bhuyan et al. (2017) used documents pub-
revealed divergent interpretations of key events and lished by Citizenship and Immigration Canada as
processes: well as articles from the Toronto Star, the Globe and
280 PART III Qualitative Research

Research in the News

Syrian refugees in Manitoba
From 1 January 2015 to 30 April 2017, 77,090 refu- Winnipeg Free Press. She added that housing refu-
gees arrived in Canada, 6305 of whom made their gees in permanent, safe accommodations rather
homes in Manitoba. Of the latter group, about than temporary housing is particularly important
60 per cent were of Syrian origin (Olukoju, 2017). to their well-being. Permanent housing makes it
University of Manitoba sociologist Lori Wilkin- easier for adults to get into language classes, and
son led a research team examining how well Syrian it expedites children’s enrollment in school. Acqui-
refugees are adapting to their new surroundings sition of the host language is crucial for their in-
in Manitoba. The researchers report that over tegration into the community, and it is something
80 per cent of the newcomers are satisfied with that virtually all the new arrivals had to contend
their current housing. “Housing Syrian refugees in with as over 97 per cent could not speak English
Manitoba is a good news story,” Wilkinson told the or French when they arrived.

Mail, and the National Post to investigate how the tone or ideological bent. Finally, although the lit-
use of language in those sources is related to the de- eral meaning of mass media outputs is often clear, it
velopment of social ideologies and the implemen- usually takes some reflection and theoretical analysis
tation of government policies on immigration. All to appreciate the broader societal impact these forms
of these studies are examples of critical ­discourse of communication can have.
analysis (discussed later in this chapter) in that
they examined the social and political implica-
tions of the materials they examined, an approach
Virtual outputs and the
that can be taken with virtually any medium of Internet as objects of analysis
communication. “Text” is a word that has up to this point been used
Films, television shows, and magazines have sim- sparingly in this chapter. It originally referred to a
ilar potential for research. For example, when Coté written document, but in recent years it has been
and Allahar (1994) examined magazines aimed at applied to an increasingly wide range of phenomena
adolescents, they concluded that these “teenzines” including theme parks, technologies, paintings, and
turned adolescents into uncritical consumers and buildings. Contemporary writers and researchers
diverted them from protesting against their lack of regard such “texts” as materials that can be inter-
adult privileges. preted to produce “readings.”
Authenticity is sometimes difficult to ascertain in Websites and webpages are further examples of
the case of mass media outputs. The authors are not “texts” that can be “read.” The vastness of the Inter-
always identified, as in the case of a TV news report, so net and its growing accessibility make it a valuable
it is sometimes difficult to know whether a given ac- source of documents for both quantitative and quali-
count was prepared by someone in a position to know tative data analysis. Hier (2000), for example, exam-
all the facts. Credibility is frequently an issue, and as ined a Toronto-based racial supremacy website and
the examples used in this section show, it is often the found that it allowed people access to racist ideas in
uncovering of error or distortion that is the object- a relatively anonymous way (e.g., without having to
ive of the analysis. Representativeness may not be an subscribe to a hard-copy newsletter). For that reason
issue with newspaper or magazine articles, since many he feared that it might be more successful in reaching
publications make a point of maintaining a consistent ordinary citizens than non-Internet sources would be.
12 | Content Analysis 281

The use of images on websites can also be quite re-

vealing. Crook and Light (2002) analyzed the photo- Practical Tip | Referring to Websites
graphs in 10 university prospectuses and found that
It is becoming the common practice in aca-
although there were many photos of students appar-
demic work, when referring to websites, to
ently studying, the setting was rarely a library carrel
include the date they were consulted. This
or a dorm room. Instead, students were usually
convention is closely associated with the fact
shown in “social” learning situations that allowed
that websites often disappear and frequently
them to appear active and engaged, frequently out
change, so that if subsequent researchers
of doors. The authors argued that those less typical
want to check or follow up a Web reference,
learning contexts were chosen because they are more
they may find that the site has changed or even
seductive. In a study of Web-based family photog-
disappeared. Citing the date(s) the site was vis-
raphy, Pauwels (2008) concluded that digital tech-
ited can help to relieve anxieties about citing
nology has made it easier for families to “construct
Web sources.
fictions and fantasies” and to project their values and
norms than was the case when paper-based family
albums were more common.
Other forms of Internet-based communication, access to only a portion of the Web; there is evidence
such as email lists, discussion groups, and chat that even the combined use of several search engines
rooms, have also been used as objects of analysis. For gives access to just under half of the sites that exist,
their study of online social support groups, Nettle- and there is no way of knowing if they are a biased
ton et al. (2002) examined the interactions between sample. Finally, websites are notorious for a kind of
people who use those sorts of virtual communica- “webspeak” that makes it difficult to comprehend
tions. Similarly, social media such as Facebook, what is being said without some insider knowledge.
Twitter, and YouTube have been analyzed by social Researchers basing their investigations on web-
researchers. Clayton et al. (2013), for instance, found sites need to recognize these limitations as well as
evidence that Facebook use may lead to conflict be- the opportunities available. Scott’s suggestions invite
tween romantic partners that can contribute to nega- consideration of why a website was constructed
tive relationship outcomes such as cheating. Even in the first place: for commercial reasons? Polit-
sexting (sending sexual text messages) has been the ical reasons? In other words, you should be no less
subject of analysis (Drouin et al., 2014). skeptical about websites than about any other kind
Websites clearly have huge potential, but it’s im- of document. Employing both traditional printed
portant to keep Scott’s criteria in mind. First, auth- documents and website materials will allow you to
enticity: anyone can set up a website, so you have no cross-validate sources.
guarantee that a person offering information (such
as financial advice) is an authority. Second, credibil- Beyond Scott’s criteria
ity: is the information on the site credible, or might So far, most of the biases discussed in the context
it be distorted for some reason? For example, a site of Scott’s criteria have been of the personal type—
that encourages you to buy stock held by its author someone may write a flattering if somewhat unreal-
might exaggerate its value. Third, given the constant istic autobiography, pictures for public display may
flux of the Internet, it’s doubtful that one can ever be chosen in order to create a favourable impression,
know how representative websites on a certain topic and so on. Keep in mind that there may be larger cul-
are. New websites are continually appearing, others tural and political biases involved in the creation and
disappearing, still others being modified. Online use of any type of text or document. Hales (2006), for
searching is like trying to hit a target that is not only example, points out that a colonialist mentality often
moving but also in a constant state of metamorphosis. pervades research conducted on subject or subordin-
In a related vein, any one search engine can provide ated peoples. Where there is a power differential
282 PART III Qualitative Research

Checklist for evaluating documents

Have the following questions been answered? ☐☐ Is the document typical of its kind? If not, is it
possible to establish how atypical it is and in
☐☐ Who produced the document? what ways?
☐☐ Why was the document produced? ☐☐ Is the meaning of the document clear?
☐☐ Was the person or group who produced the ☐☐ Can the events or accounts presented in the
document in a position to write authorita-
document be corroborated?
tively about the subject?
☐☐ Are there different interpretations of the
☐☐ Is the material genuine? document from the one you offer? If so,
☐☐ Did the author have an axe to grind or a par- what are they? Have you discounted them?
ticular slant to promote? If so, why?

between the researcher and those who are being Words

studied, one would do well to ask, “Why is the re-
search done? How is it done? Who defines, initiates Determining the frequency with which certain
and conducts the research? On/with/for whom is the words are used is often the first step in content an-
research carried out? What topics are addressed? alysis. Jagger (1998), for example, searched dating
Who benefits and how? Who interprets for whom advertisements and counted words such as “slim”
and who represents whom?” (Hales, 2006, p. 243). and “non-smoker” to compare women and men with
Many sources of information, including much of the respect to what each deemed desirable in a date (see
research in the social sciences, serves some larger if Box 12.5). Simple counting of particular words can
unstated political or cultural purpose. Kempf (2006), reveal emphasis, style of writing or presentation, and
for example, in an analysis of history textbooks and even the overplaying of certain events. For example,
Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines from 1860 Dunning et al. (1988) noted a tendency for the Brit-
to 2006, concludes that a lot of this material showed ish press to sensationalize disturbances at soccer
a disrespect for Indigenous perspectives and ways of matches by using emotive words such as “hooligans”
knowing, and in effect provided a rationalization for and “louts” to refer to audience members, and terms
the mistreatment of Indigenous Canadians. such as “battle” to refer to a game; less dramatic
terms such as “fans” or “contest” would have encour-
aged more neutral responses among readers.
What things need to be A variation on the search for individual keywords
analyzed? is the search for pairings of keywords. The growing
Obviously, what is to be analyzed depends on the availability of the written news media online greatly
specific research questions. In mainly quantita- facilitates this kind of search. Hier (2002) found
tive studies, these elements are usually specified “rave” and “drug use” to be frequently linked, which
in advance in order to guide both the selection of may have encouraged readers to believe that raves
the media to be assessed and the construction of the must be controlled. Parnaby (2003), on the other
coding schedule. They usually include words, sub- hand, noted that “squeegee kids” and “homelessness”
jects and themes, and value positions, as discussed were not paired, even though many of the “kids”
next. were in fact homeless; as a result of this omission,
12 | Content Analysis 283

BOX 12.5 Finding love: Then and now

Jagger (1998) reported a content analysis of 1094 as the medium of choice for people whose in-­
dating advertisements in four newspapers with a person activities do not provide adequate oppor-
general readership. The sample was chosen over tunities to meet a romantic partner. Since space
two four-week periods in 1996. Three research is not at a premium, such sites allow participants
questions drove the study: to give far more information than was the case
with newspaper ads, and of course the provision
• What is “the relative significance of monet-
of photographs means that verbal descriptions
ary resources and lifestyle choices as identity
of physical appearance have become far less
markers and desirable attributes for men and
important than they once were. However, many
sites still feature “dating profiles” in which people
• How do men and women vary in the ways they
have a few paragraphs to describe themselves
choose to market themselves and describe
and to outline what they would like to find in a
their preferred (or ideal) partners in terms of
partner, and the content of these profiles is some-
the body?
what similar to the older-style ad descriptions.
• To what extent are “traditional stereotypes of
There are even sites that provide tips on writing a
masculinity and femininity . . . still in operation”
good dating profile.
(1998, p. 799)?
Not surprisingly, a major concern with people
Jagger noted the tendency for considerable who engage in online dating is the misrepresenta-
percentages of both men and women to market tion of personal characteristics by potential mates
themselves in terms of their lifestyle choices (film (Hall et al., 2010). Most users want an in-person
preferences, clubs frequented, sports activities, meeting before getting involved in a romantic
etc.). She also found that women were far more relationship (Finkel et al., 2012), and not without
likely than men to stress the importance of eco- reason. Hitsch et al. (2010) compared the informa-
nomic and other resources in a preferred partner. tion provided in online dating sites with American
There was also a somewhat greater propensity for national averages, and found that both men and
women to market themselves in terms of physical women on the sites claimed higher than average
appearance. As an aside, men were just as likely heights, and that women but not men indicated
to market themselves as “slim,” suggesting that lower than average weights. Using self-reports
certain preferences in body shape were not ex- of probable misrepresentation on dating sites,
clusive to one gender. More generally, her results Hall et al. (2010) found that men were more likely
pointed to the significance of the body in iden- than women to be deceptive about their personal
tity construction for both men and women. In a assets (e.g., income), but that there was no gender
later publication, Jagger (2001) reported the find- difference in misrepresentation of relationship
ings from a qualitative content analysis of a sub-­ goals (e.g., interest in pursuing a serious rela-
sample of the 1094 advertisements. tionship). Women were found to be more likely to
Much has changed in the years since Jagger misrepresent their weight, while men, contrary to
did her research. The Internet dating site has expectation, were more likely to mislead about
eclipsed the classified newspaper advertisement their age.
284 PART III Qualitative Research

he argued, the “kids” were constructed “as a social meaningful relationships with family members. “I
problem requiring a law and order resolution” (2003, just keep going because I think someday my son will
p. 281). The search for pairings of keywords can be a need me,” said one farmer (Sturgeon & Morrissette,
starting point for a more in-depth analysis. 2010, p. 199). Surprisingly, only a small proportion of
farmers mentioned their spouses or life partners as
Subjects and themes the people who made their lives bearable; others such
A more interpretative approach is required to code as siblings, children, and extended family members
text in terms of subjects and themes. At this point, were more likely to be cited.
the analyst is searching not just for the obvious or
manifest content, but also for some of the underlying
or latent content as well. This occurs if the researcher
wants to probe beneath the surface to ask deeper As the foregoing has implied, coding is a crucial part
questions about what is happening. In reports on of content analysis. There are two main elements to a
crime, for example, is the victim blamed along with content analysis coding scheme: designing a coding
the accused? Is the occupation of the accused or the schedule and creating a coding manual. To illus-
victim stated? If not, is it implied in an address or a trate, imagine that you are interested in crime re-
picture? Why is it that news stories about men who ports in a local newspaper. To simplify, assume that
have been mugged sometimes mention their marital your study is limited to crimes where the victim is a
status? In seeking to answer these sorts of questions, person rather than an organization, and that it con-
the quantitative aspects of content analysis can serve siders these variables:
as a starting point for a study in which qualitative
research becomes the central focus of the endeavour. 1. nature of the offence(s)
2. gender of suspect
Value positions 3. occupation of suspect
A further level of interpretation is likely when the re- 4. age of suspect
searcher is seeking to demonstrate that the writer of a 5. gender of victim
particular text has taken a certain value position. For 6. occupation of victim
example, is a journalist who writes about crime sym- 7. age of victim
pathetic or hostile to the accused? Is all the blame put 8. depiction of victim
on the accused, with the implication that punish- 9. position of news item in the paper
ment is appropriate? Or is the focus on social condi-
tions, with the assumption that less blame should be Content analysts are normally interested in a
placed on the criminal? If there is no manifest indi- much larger number of variables, but this simple
cation of the writer’s value positions, can inferences illustration can help to get across how a coding
be made from the latent content? schedule and coding manual operate.
Another way in which content analysis can reveal
value positions is through the coding of ideolo- Coding schedule
gies, beliefs, and principles. For instance, Sturgeon The coding schedule is a form onto which the data
and Morrissette (2010) examined suicide ideation are entered (see Figure 12.1). Each of the columns in
among Manitoba farmers who called a rural crisis Figure 12.1 is a dimension (indicated by the column
line. The data were gathered from forms that were heading) to be coded. The blank cells on the coding
filled out by the crisis line counsellors (which are form are the places in which codes are to be writ-
similar in design to the coding manual depicted ten. One row is used for each media item coded. The
in Figure 12.2). One of the themes that emerged as codes can then be transferred to a computer data
codes were developed was “family salvation,” which file for analysis with a software package such as IBM
involved the belief that life is worth living if one has SPSS Statistics (SPSS).
12 | Content Analysis 285

Case Day Month Nature of Gender of Occupation Age of Gender Occupation Age of Depiction Nature of Position
number offence I suspect of suspect suspect of victim of victim victim of victim offence II of news

FIGURE 12.1 Coding schedule

Coding manual both inter-coder and intra-coder, is always a con-

cern (see below).
On the face of it, the coding schedule in Figure 12.1 Here is a news report of a fictional r­oad-rage
seems bare, providing little information about what incident. Two male motorists, one a retired
is to be done or where. This is where the coding schoolteacher aged 68, the other a 26-year-old
manual comes in. It is a set of instructions to coders ­assembly-line worker, got into an argument and the
that includes all possible categories for each dimen- worker allegedly punched the retired man, causing
sion to be coded. It provides a list of all the dim­ him to fall, hit his head, and suffer a concussion.
ensions; the different categories subsumed under There was no second offence. The coding of the in-
each dimension; the numbers (that is, codes) that cident would then appear as in Figure 12.3 and the
correspond to each category; and guidance to coders data would be entered into a computer program
on what should be taken into account in coding a such as SPSS .
particular dimension. Figure 12.2 shows a coding Suppose a second article, appearing the next
manual that corresponds to the coding schedule in day, described how an unemployed 34-year-old
Figure 12.1. female reportedly took an 86-year-old woman’s
Our coding manual includes the occupation of purse and then knocked her down. The code is pro-
both the suspect and the victim of the crime, using vided in Figure 12.4 but with a few errors. Can you
a simple social-class scheme. The offences are clas- spot them? Forms like these would be completed
sified according to the categories used by the police for each news item within the chosen period(s) of
in recording crimes. (Since police statistics have study.
been criticized for weak reliability and validity—
recall Chapters 4 and 5—a comparison between Potential pitfalls in devising
police data and crime reports in local newspapers coding schemes
is a possible research topic.) Finer distinctions can The potential dangers in devising a content analy-
be used, but unless you are planning to examine a sis coding scheme are similar to those involved in
large sample of news items, broader categories are designing structured interview and observation
preferable. Note also that the coding schedule and schedules. Points to recall include the following:
manual permit the recording of two offences for any
incident. If there are more than two, you will have • Mutually exclusive categories. There should
to make a judgment concerning the two most sig- be no overlap in the categories supplied for
nificant offences. each dimension. If the categories are not mu-
The coding manual is crucial because it provides tually exclusive, coders will not know how
a complete listing of all categories for each dimen- to code an item that fits into more than one
sion to be coded, as well as guidance on how to in- category.
terpret the dimensions. It is on the basis of these • Exhaustive categories. Every possible dimen-
lists that a coding schedule of the kind presented sion should have a category.
in Figure 12.1 is created. Detailed rules about how • Clear instructions. Coders should be clear
to code should be formulated, because reliability, about what factors to take into account when
286 PART III Qualitative Research

Nature of offence I 12. Other

01. Violence against the person 13. Unemployed
02. Sexual offences 14. Homemaker
03. Robbery 15. Student
04. Burglary in a dwelling 16. Retired
05. Burglary other than in a dwelling 17. Unknown
06. Theft from a person
07. Theft of bicycle Age of suspect
08. Theft from shops Record age (–1 if unknown)
09. Theft from vehicle
10. Theft of motor vehicle Gender of victim
11. Other theft and handling stolen goods 1. Male
12. Fraud and forgery 2. Female
13. Drug offences 3. Unknown
14. Other offences
Occupation of victim
Gender of suspect Same as for occupation of suspect
1. Male If not applicable, code as 99
2. Female
3. Unknown Age of victim
Record age (–1 if unknown)
Occupation of suspect
01. Professionals, administrators, officials and managers in Depiction of victim
large establishments; large proprietors
1. Victim responsible for crime
02. Lower-grade professionals, administrators, and officials;
2. Victim partly responsible for crime
higher-grade technicians; managers in small business
and industrial establishments; supervisors of non-manual 3. Victim not at all responsible for crime
4. Not applicable
03. Routine non-manual employees in administration and
Nature of offence II (code if second offence mentioned in relation to
04. Personal service workers
the same incident; code 0 if no second offence)
05. Small proprietors, artisans, etc., with employees
Same as for Nature of offence I
06. Small proprietors, artisans, etc., without employees
07. Farmers and smallholders; self-employed fishermen
Position of news item
08. Lower-grade technicians, supervisors of manual workers
1. Front page
09. Skilled manual workers
2. Inside
10. Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers (not in
3. Back page
11. Agricultural workers

FIGURE 12.2 Coding manual

Case Day Month Nature of Gender of Occupation Age of Gender Occupation Age of Depiction Nature of Position
number offence I suspect of suspect suspect of victim of victim victim of victim offence II of news
001 24 11 01 1 10 26 1 16 68 2 00 2

FIGURE 12.3 Completed coding schedule

12 | Content Analysis 287

Case Day Month Nature of Gender of Occupation Age of Gender Occupation Age of Depiction Nature Position
number offence I suspect of suspect suspect of victim of victim victim of victim of of- of news
fence II item
002 25 12 06 1 13 32 2 16 86 3 01 2

FIGURE 12.4 Completed coding schedule with errors

assigning codes. Sometimes these have to be qualitative in nature. Kennedy (2006), for example,
very elaborate. In the sort of content analysis in his study of the Canadian fathers’ rights move-
described in the previous section, coders gen- ment called “Fathers For Justice,” used content an-
erally have little or no discretion in deciding alysis in conjunction with participant observation
how to code the units of analysis. and semi-structured interviews to examine how
• A clear unit of analysis. For example, in the the movement developed a collective identity. The
imaginary study of the reporting of crime in content analysis was conducted on documents such
the local press, there is both a media item (for as position papers submitted to government agen-
example, one newspaper article) and a topic to cies, newsletters, pamphlets, and minutes from
be coded (one of two offences). In practice, a meetings, and was used mainly to make sense of the
researcher is interested in both but needs to data gathered through participant observation and
keep the distinction in mind. interviews. Similarly, Bell (2007) used pamphlets,
speeches, newsletters, and other texts to arrive at
To enhance the quality of a coding scheme, it an overall assessment of western Canadian separa-
is advisable to conduct a pilot study to identify tism as a neo-liberal movement. The processes by
difficulties, such as finding there is no code to which the themes are extracted in this kind of con-
cover a particular case (not exhaustive). A pilot tent analysis are often left implicit, although they
test will also help to reveal if one category of a are usually illustrated with quotations from the text
dimension includes an extremely large percentage in question.
of items. When this occurs, it may be necessary Lynch and Bogen (1997) examined core socio-
to break that category down to allow for greater logical textbooks and found that they contained
specificity. recurring themes that presented an upbeat and
As we have mentioned, the reliability of coding is scientific view of the discipline—one that, in the
a further concern. An important part of pre-testing researchers’ view, was biased and value laden. Seale
the coding scheme is examining consistency between (2002) examined newspaper reports about people
coders (inter-coder reliability) and, if time permits, with cancer. One of the phases of his analysis en-
intra-coder reliability. The process of gauging reli­ tailed an “ NVivo coding exercise, in which sec-
ability is more or less the same as in structured tions of text concerning themes of interest were
observation, discussed in Chapter 6. identified and retrieved” (Seale 2002, p. 109). He
was especially interested in gender differences in
Content analysis without a the representation of sufferers, and demonstrated
that stories about men were much more likely than
pre-existing coding scheme stories about women to discuss the role that the
Content analysis may be undertaken before any individual’s character played in dealing with the
specific decisions have been made regarding how disease.
the information available for analysis will be coded. Altheide (1996) outlined an approach he called
In such cases the data are searched in order to find ethnographic content analysis (ECA). He described
underlying themes, making the study primarily his approach as differing from quantitative content
288 PART III Qualitative Research

analysis in that the researcher is constantly revising • The signifier is the thing (here the yellow light)
the themes or categories distilled from the examina- that points to an underlying meaning.
tion of documents. As he put it: • The signified is the meaning to which the signi-
fier points (“caution: stop if possible”).
ECA follows a recursive and reflexive move- • The denotative meaning is the manifest or ob-
ment between concept development- vious meaning of a signifier and as such indi-
sampling-data, collection-data, coding-data, and cates its function (here to regulate traffic).
analysis-­interpretation. The aim is to be sys- • A connotative meaning is one that can arise in
tematic and analytic but not rigid. Categor- conjunction with the denotative meaning (for ex-
ies and variables initially guide the study, but ample, “speed up to beat the coming red light”).
others are allowed and expected to emerge • Polysemy refers to the notion that signs can be
during the study, including an orientation to interpreted in many different ways.
constant discovery and constant comparison
of relevant situations, settings, styles, images, Semiotics seeks to uncover the hidden meanings
meanings, and nuances (1996, p. 16; emphases that reside in texts, broadly defined. Consider, by way
in original). of illustration, the curriculum vitae (CV) in academic
life. The typical academic CV contains information on
While more quantitatively oriented analysis matters such as degrees earned; previous and current
typically entails applying predefined categories to posts; administrative responsibilities and experience;
the sources, ECA allows for greater refinement of teaching experience; research experience; research
those categories as well as generation of new ones. grants acquired; and publications. It can be seen as a
For example, Parnaby’s (2003) study of squeegee system of interlocking signifiers denotatively provid-
kids included a reflexive examination of the docu- ing a summary of the individual’s experience (its sign
ments used (newspapers, magazines, government function). At the connotative level, it is an indication
documents, official reports), which was done while of an individual’s value, particularly in connec-
the process of forming and confirming theoretical tion with employability. Every CV is capable of being
concepts was still under way; it was a process of con- interpreted in different ways and is therefore poly-
tinuing discovery and comparison. In addition, ECA semic, but there is a shared code among academics
emphasizes the context within which documents are whereby certain attributes of CVs (such as lists of
generated. For instance, a study of newspaper re- publications) are seen as especially desirable and are
ports of crime would require some understanding of therefore less contentious in terms of their mean-
news organizations and the work that journalists do ing. Applicants for posts know this and design their
(Altheide, 2004). CVs to highlight the desired qualities and downplay
others, so that the CV becomes a presentation of self,
Semiotics as Miller and Morgan (1993) suggested.
Another form of predominantly qualitative content Box 12.6 outlines a semiotic study (Gottdiener,
analysis is semiotics, the science of signs. In social 1997) in which the “text” was Disneyland. The chief
research, semiotics involves analysis of the signs and strength of semiotics lies in its invitation to see beyond
symbols encountered in everyday life. It can be ap- and beneath the apparent ordinariness of everyday life
plied to documentary sources as well as many other and its manifestations. The main difficulty with semi-
kinds of data. The main terms employed in semiotics otic analysis is that, although it may offer a compelling
are as follows: exposition of some aspect of everyday life, the inter-
pretation may be somewhat arbitrary. For example,
• The sign is something that stands for some- Gottdiener’s association of “Adventureland” with col-
thing else, such as a yellow traffic light; it has onialism/imperialism might not be shared by other
two components, a signifier and a signified. analysts. However, the results of a semiotic analysis
12 | Content Analysis 289

BOX 12.6 A semiotic Disneyland

Joshuaraineyphotography /

Visitors see this plaque as

they enter Disneyland in
California. How does it sup-
port Gottdiener’s notion of
a semiotic Disneyland?

Gottdiener (1997, pp. 108–115) proposed that the Disneyland visitor as pedestrian (walking with
Disneyland can be fruitfully explored through others in a group) and the Los Angeles resident as
semiotic analysis. He concluded that its meaning passenger (a car is necessary; danger on the con-
is based on the contrast between the alienated gested freeways). A further component of his re-
daily lives of nearby Los Angeles residents and the search entailed analysis of the connotations of the
life they experience at the theme park. He iden- different “lands” that make up the park. He sug-
tified, through this principle, several sign systems gested that each land was associated with one or
contrasting the park with the surrounding en- more signifiers of capitalism, for example:
vironment: transportation, food, clothing, shelter,
entertainment, social control, economics, politics, • Frontierland: predatory capital, conquering
and family. The first of these sign systems— • Adventureland: colonialism/imperialism
­transportation—revealed a difference between • Tomorrowland: state capital for space exploration

may be no more arbitrary than those of any other in- influential in the formation of interpretivism as
terpretive approach. Indeed, it would be surprising an epistemology (see Chapter 1) and has much in
not to be struck by a sense of arbitrariness in semi- common with Weber’s notion of Verstehen. The cen-
otics, given its emphasis on the principle of polysemy. tral idea behind hermeneutics is that the analyst of a
text must seek its meanings from the perspective of
Hermeneutics its author, considering the social and historical con-
The hermeneutic approach has been used in under- text within which the text was produced.
standing and interpreting the Bible, but it has also Phillips and Brown’s (1993) hermeneutic study of
been employed in the analysis of other texts. It was the corporate image advertisements of a Canadian
290 PART III Qualitative Research

synthetic crude oil company was a “formal analysis Two approaches to the study
of the structural and conventional aspects of the text”
(1993, p. 1563). For them this meant examining the of language
texts of the advertisements in terms of their constitu- In this section two approaches to the study of lan-
ent parts and the writing conventions they reflected. guage are examined: conversation analysis (CA)
They also relied on a large database of magazine and and discourse analysis (DA). While CA and DA do
newspaper articles relating to the company for addi- not exhaust the range of possibilities for study-
tional documentary materials. They showed how ing language, they do represent two of the most
corporate image advertisements were used to mobil- prominent approaches, and each includes both
ize support for company activities from government quantitative and qualitative aspects. Both have de-
and the public, and to ward off the environmental veloped a technical vocabulary and a set of tech-
legislation that threatened them. niques. This section outlines some of their basic
elements and draws attention to their contrasting
Readers and audiences—
active or passive? Conversation analysis
Audience reception is a prominent area of inquiry The roots of CA lie in ethnomethodology, a socio-
in media and cultural studies. The key question is logical approach to communication focusing on
whether audiences/readers are active interpreters of the “practical, common-sense reasoning” that
what they see or hear. Do they passively accept the people use in their everyday lives. It includes no-
meanings that authors or designers infuse into their tions of cause and effect (“if I do this, then that
texts, as in the oil company advertisements just de- will happen”) and the generalizations that allow
scribed, or do they resist those meanings and strive people to perform everyday tasks. This process of
for independent readings? Do they arrive at a middle reasoning and communication is presented as a way
point that incorporates both passive and active ele- in which social order is created. Social order is not
ments? Much of the research on this issue suggests seen as a pre-existing force constraining individ-
that audiences frequently come up with readings ual action, but as something that is worked at and
different from those intended by authors (see Fenton achieved by people through interaction. Garfin-
et al., 1998, for a summary of some of this research). kel, one of the pioneers of conversation analysis,
Although the idea of the “active audience” has claimed that the role of sociology is not to uncover
not gone unchallenged (see, for example, McGuigan, “objective” social facts as Durkheim suggested, but
1992), it is so well supported that many of the inter- to see them as an accomplishment, as the eventually
pretations of texts offered by social scientists have taken-for-granted patterns established through the
been questioned. This suggests caution in reading activities of ordinary people going about their daily
Giulianotti’s (1997) study of “fanzines” or Hier’s lives (Garfinkel, 1967, p. vii).
(2002) examination of city council minutes to Two ideas are particularly central to ethnometh-
understand the rave issue. Would other social sci- odology and find clear expression in CA: indexi-
entists arrive at the same interpretations? Do their cality and reflexivity. The former suggests that the
interpretations match those of the original readers meanings of words or utterances, including pauses
or audiences? The social researcher is always putting and sounds, depend on the context in which they
a personal “spin” on the texts analyzed. The same is are used. Reflexivity means that talk is not a “mere”
true of all social science data: the conclusions derived representation of the social world, standing for
from questionnaire or ethnographic data reflect the something else, but is itself a reality. In these ways,
author’s interpretations, not the complete set of pos- ethnomethodology fits squarely with two aspects
sible interpretations. The point is that close scrutiny of qualitative research: a preference for a context-
and critical thinking are always required. ual understanding of action (see Chapter 9) and an
12 | Content Analysis 291

ontological position associated with construction- naturalistic analysis without prior theoretical com-
ism (see Chapter 1). mitments) are married to traits associated with
In the years following its introduction, ethnometh- quantitative research.
odological research sought to conduct fine-grained However, the emphasis on context in CA is some-
analyses of the sequences of interaction revealed in what at variance with contextual understanding as it
conversations recorded in naturally occurring con- is normally thought of in qualitative research. For CA
texts. As such, CA is a multifaceted approach, part practitioners, context refers to the specific here-­and-
theory, part method of data acquisition, part method now context of immediately preceding talk, whereas
of analysis. The predilection for the analysis of talk for most qualitative researchers it has a much wider
gleaned from naturally occurring situations sug- focus, encompassing phenomena such as the broader
gests that CA fits well with another preoccupation culture of the group within which the social action
among qualitative researchers: a commitment to occurs, including their values, beliefs, and typical
­naturalism (see Chapter 9). modes of behaviour. This is precisely the kind of
Conversation analysts have developed a variety attribution that CA practitioners seek to avoid. To
of ways to study talk. Psathas (1995, p. 1) described import elements that are not specifically grounded
them as “rigorous, systematic procedures” that can in the here and now of what has just been said during
“provide reproducible results.” Such a framework a conversation is to risk imposing an understanding
brings to mind the procedures used to generate that is not grounded in the participants’ immediate
valid, reliable, and replicable findings in quanti- concerns. It is no wonder, therefore, that writers like
tative research. It is not surprising, therefore, that Gubrium and Holstein (1997) treated CA as a sep-
CA is sometimes described as having a positivist arate tradition within qualitative research, whereas
orientation. Thus some features that are broadly Silverman (1993) found it difficult to fit CA into
in tune with qualitative research (contextual and broad descriptions of qualitative research.

Research in the News

Changes in Canadian households
For the first time ever, one-person households are increased so markedly in recent years, the per-
the most common living arrangement in Canada. centage of people living on their own may have
This development was revealed in a recent data re- been even higher. Andy Yan, director of the City
lease by Statistics Canada, which showed that about Program at Simon Fraser University, added that
28 per cent of all households in the country are “there is also the impact of changing gender roles,
made up of people living alone (Lee-Young, 2017). which are shifting the picture of age and living on
What might account for the change? Accord- your own” (Lee-Young, 2017). Marina Adshade, an
ing to Yue Qian, a sociologist at the University economist at the University of British Columbia,
of British Columbia, there are “multiple, but also has pointed out that there are important conse-
perhaps competing, reasons for the rise in one-­ quences to the shift in living arrangements. For ex-
person households.” “The population is aging,” he ample, “when we release a 50-year-old man from
said, “and elderly people are more likely to live the hospital after a heart attack, it used to be that
alone. At the other end, young people are delaying he could go into the care of his wife. What hap-
marriage, as well as staying single” (Lee-Young, pens now? The census is about finding out where
2017). Professor Qian also noted that if the price we should allocate resources. It’s really import-
of real estate in major metropolitan areas hadn’t ant” (Lee-Young, 2017).
292 PART III Qualitative Research

Assumptions of conversation analysis Transcription and attention to detail

Analysts often begin practising conversational an- The transcript in Box 12.7 includes some basic sym-
alysis when they notice something significant about bols used by conversation analysts:
the way a speaker says something, and this recogni-
We:ll   A colon indicates that the sound that
tion generates interest in the function that the turn
occurs directly before the colon is prolonged.
of phrase serves. To illustrate, Clayman and Gill
More than one colon means further prolonga-
(2004) referred to the way a child will often begin
tion (e.g., Ye: : : :s).
a conversation with an adult by saying “You know
what, Daddy [or whoever]?” The question generally .hh   A row of h’s preceded by a dot indicate
produces a “What?” reply that allows the child to an intake of breath. If no dot is present, it
find a slot in a sequence of communications, or to means breathing out. The more h’s, the longer
inaugurate such a sequence. The use of a question, the breath.
rather than a declarative statement, may reflect the
(0.8)  A figure in parentheses indicates a
child’s lesser power.
period of silence, usually measured in tenths
Once such a focus has been identified, conversa-
of a second. Thus (0.8) indicates eight-tenths of
tion analysts typically follow certain basic assump-
a second of silence.
tions. Heritage (1984; 1987) proposed three:
you and knowing   An underline indicates an
• Talk is structured. Talk comprises patterns, emphasis in the speaker’s talk.
and participants are implicitly aware of the
you- you   A hyphen means the speaker was
rules that underpin these patterns. As a result,
interrupted or stopped speaking.
conversation analysts do not attempt to infer
the motivations of speakers from what they (.)   Indicates a very slight pause.
say, or to ascribe their talk to purely personal
characteristics. Such information is unneces- The attention to detail in the sequence of talk
sary, since the conversation analyst is oriented in Box 12.7 is striking, but what is significant in
to the underlying structures that are revealed it? Silverman (1994) drew two main inferences.
in pauses, emphases, questions followed by an- First, P initially tries to deflect any suggestion that
swers, and so on. there may be a special reason why she needs an
• Talk is forged contextually. Talk must be ana- HIV test. As a result, the disclosure that she has
lyzed in terms of its context and understood in been engaging in potentially risky behaviour is de-
terms of the talk that has preceded it. layed. Second, P’s use of “you” depersonalizes her
• Analysis is grounded in data. Conversation behaviour. Silverman argued that sequences like
analysts shun prior theoretical schemes and these show how “people receiving HIV counselling
argue that the characteristics of talk and social skilfully manage their talk about delicate topics”
order must be derived from the data. (1994, p. 75). The hesitations are designed by pa-
tients to establish that issues like these are not the
In doing a project based on CA, it is important not subject of normal conversation. The rather general
to collect too much data. The real work of CA is the replies to questions indicate that the speaker is not
painstaking analysis that its underlying theoretical the kind of person who immediately launches into
stance requires. It may be that just one or two por- a discussion about difficult sexual matters with a
tions of transcribed text will be sufficient to answer stranger. As an aside, Silverman suggested that
the research questions. P’s hesitancy and depersonalization are minimal.
12 | Content Analysis 293

in an organized manner, with smooth transitions be-

tween speakers.
BOX 12.7 C
 onversation analysis Of course, things sometimes go wrong, as when
showing a question and people speak at the same time. Silverman (1993,
answer adjacency pair p. 132) described some repair mechanisms for in-
stances in which turn-taking conventions are not
Silverman (1984, p. 72) provided the following followed. For example, when a turn transfer does not
extract from a conversation between an HIV occur at an appropriate point (such as when some-
counsellor (C) and a patient (P): one does not respond to a question), the first speaker
1. C: Can I just briefly ask why: you thought may speak again, perhaps reinforcing the need for
about having the other person to speak (possibly by rephrasing
2. an HIV test done: the question).
3. P: .hh We:ll I mean it’s something that you have The crucial point to note about such repair mech-
these anisms is that they allow the rules of turn-taking
4. I mean that you have to think about these to be maintained even after the rules have been
da:ys, and breached.
5. I just uh:m felt (0.8) you- you have had sex
Adjacency pairs
6. several people and you just don’t want to go One feature of turn-taking is the tendency for
on (.) an exchange to have two linked phases known as
7. not knowing. an a­ djacency pair; for instance, a question fol-
lowed by an answer, as in Box 12.7; an invitation
followed by a response (accept/decline); or a greet-
ing followed by a returned greeting. The first phase
assumes that the other part of the adjacency pair
Others stall more, lie, or totally refuse to answer will be forthcoming, for example, that an invita-
(1994, p. 76). tion will get a response. The second phase is of in-
terest to the conversation analyst not just because
Some basic characteristics it invites a response in its own right but because
of conversations compliance with the model indicates recognition
There are recurring features in the way talk is organ- of the way one is supposed to respond to the in-
ized that can be discerned in sequences of conversa- itial phase. In this way “intersubjective under-
tion. Among them are the following. standings” are continuously reinforced. This does
not mean that the second phase always follows
Turn-taking the first. Failure to respond a­ ppropriately—for ex-
One of the most basic features of everyday conver- ample, when one answers a question with another
sation is the fact that the participants take turns question—has itself been the focus of attention for
speaking. Only one speaker tends to talk at a time, conversation analysts.
the other listening, and turns are taken with min-
imal gaps between them (Hutchby & Wooffitt, 1998, Preference organization
p. 47). Turn-taking is particularly important to con- Some responses are clearly preferred to others. An
versation analysts because it points to the existence example is when an invitation or a request is prof-
of shared codes indicating the ends of utterances. fered: acceptance is the preferred response and re-
Without such codes, conversation could not proceed fusal the non-preferred response. To illustrate, Potter
294 PART III Qualitative Research

varying patterns. (Keep in mind that status hierarch-

ies can sometimes determine who the interrupters
BOX 12.8 Conversation analysis in are, who defers to the interrupters, etc.) Your class
action: A non-preferred could go to an eating area on campus to collect data,
response each student listening to different conversations. To
catch body movements, video recordings can be used
1. B: Uh if you’d care to come over and visit a (Heath, 1997), so long as ethical protocols have been
little while followed.
2. this morning I’ll give you a cup of coffee.
3. A: hehh
A final note on conversation analysis
4. Well CA considers it illegitimate to invoke cultural fac-
5. that’s awfully sweet of you, tors when analyzing conversations. However, some
6. I don’t think I can make it this morning. hh researchers see that principle as unnecessarily re-
uhm strictive. In many exchanges, much of the talk is
7. I’m running an ad in the paper and-and uh I informed by the participants’ shared knowledge of
have to contexts, including cultural contexts, yet the pro-
8. stay near the phone. (Atkinson & Drew, 1979, hibition against cultural arguments limits CA to
p. 58; quoted in Potter, 1996, p. 59) research questions that pertain to talk itself. On
the other hand, CA reduces the risk of making un-
warranted speculations about what is happening in
social interaction, and has contributed to our under-
(1996, p. 59) contrasted a sequence in which an offer standing of how social order is created—one of the
is met with a straightforward acceptance—“thank classic concerns of social theory.
you”—with a sequence (reproduced in Box 12.8) in
which an invitation is declined. Discourse analysis
According to Potter, A’s response is fairly typical Discourse analysis incorporates aspects of CA, but
of rejections, which have their own standard fea- is more flexible and can be applied to forms of com-
tures. For example, A delays the start of his or her munication other than talk. It puts less emphasis
response and fills it with “hehh.” In addition, the on naturally occurring talk, so the language used in
rejection is “softened” by A’s saying “I don’t think research interviews can also be a legitimate subject
I can make it” (which suggests that acceptance is still of analysis. According to Potter, DA “emphasizes
possible) and then offering an explanation for his or the way versions of the world, of society, events and
her failure to provide the preferred response. The key inner psychological worlds are produced in dis-
point is that the participants recognize the prefer- course” (1997, p. 146). For continental philosophers
ence structure of this kind of adjacency pairing and such as Foucault (1926–84), “discourse” refers to
that this recognition affects the response (hesitancy, the way a particular set of linguistic categories
acknowledgment of the invitation, explanation of ­relating to an object frames people’s understanding
failure). Acceptance of an invitation does not have to of that object.
be justified, whereas refusal generally does, in order For example, a certain discourse concerning
to protect the relationship between the two par- mental illness can produce particular conceptions
ties from the harm that the non-preferred response of what mentally ill persons are like, the nature of
might otherwise do. their illness, how they should be treated, and who
Conversational patterns can be a good subject for is legitimately entitled to treat them. In this way
student research to see if different groups, such as discourse serves to justify the power of those who
men and women, or students and professors, exhibit provide such treatment as well as the treatment
12 | Content Analysis 295

regimens they prescribe. This discourse is much variety of actions are performed during the first few
more than language: it is part of the social world of moments:
mental illness.
Several different approaches fall under the DA • The callers spell out the details of their
heading (Potter, 1997). The version discussed here concerns.
is one associated with writers such as Potter (1997), • The callers seek to establish, in collabora-
Potter and Wetherell (1994), and Billig (1991). This tion with the “experts” on the line (the child
version of DA exhibits two distinctive features at the protection officers) that the incidents they
level of epistemology and ontology (Potter, 1997): are reporting do in fact require some kind of
• It is generally anti-realist in that it denies the • The callers convey the idea that the activity
existence of an external reality awaiting a de- they are describing is serious and that they are
finitive portrayal by the researcher. It therefore concerned about it, but not so concerned that
disavows the notion that researchers can arrive the police should be contacted immediately.
at accurate and objective accounts of the social • The child protection officers show a willing-
world. ness to treat the reports as serious, without
• It is constructionist in that it gives priority to making judgments as to their actual truth or
the version of reality propounded by mem- seriousness.
bers of the social setting being investigated.
More specifically, it recognizes that discourse Analysis of these brief moments of conversa-
analysis entails a selection from many pos- tion shows that the flow of discourse achieves a
sible interpretations of a given situation. For number of objectives for both parties and in that
example, is a person who speaks to herself sense constitutes action. On the other hand, as
dangerous or harmless? Is she more in need of Gill (1996) suggested, what is said is always a way
treatment or social support? In the process of of not saying something else. Either way, discourse
answering such questions, a particular reality can be seen as providing a solution to a problem
is constructed. (Widdicombe, 1993).
DA shares with CA a preference for locating con-
Discourse is not simply a neutral device for im- textual understanding in terms of the situational
parting meaning. After all, there are many things that specifics of talk. As Potter (1997, p. 158) put it, dis-
people seek to accomplish when they talk or write. course analysts prefer “to see things as things that
DA is concerned with the strategies they employ in are worked up, attended to, and made relevant in
order to create different kinds of effect. This is illus- interaction rather than being external determin-
trated in three basic questions that DA asks: ants.” However, DA practitioners are less wedded to
this principle than are conversation analysts.
• What is this discourse doing? Discourse analysts resist the idea of codifying
• How is it constructed to make this happen? their procedures and argue that such codification
• What resources are available to perform this is probably impossible. Potter (1997, pp. 147–148)
activity? (Potter, 2004, p. 609) described his work as “a craft skill, more like bike
riding or chicken sexing than following [a] recipe.”
This action orientation is revealed in a study of Gill (2000) suggested adopting a posture of “skep-
the first few moments of telephone calls to the help- tical reading.” This means searching for a purpose
line of the UK’s National Society for the Prevention lurking behind the way things are said or presented.
of Cruelty to Children. Through analysis of these call Gill proposed that DA can be usefully thought of in
openings, Potter and Hepburn (2004) showed that a terms of four main themes, outlined in Box 12.9.
296 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 12.9 Four themes in discourse analysis

Gill (2000) drew attention to four prominent 3. Discourse is a form of action. As Gill put it,
themes in DA : language is considered “a practice in its own
right” (2000, p. 175). Language is a way of ac-
1. Discourse is a topic. In other words, discourse
complishing acts, such as attributing blame,
is a focus of inquiry itself and not just a means
presenting oneself in a particular way, or get-
of gaining access to the aspects of social re-
ting an argument across. Moreover, a person’s
ality that lie behind it. This idea contrasts
discourse is affected by the situation he or she
with the view traditionally taken by research
is in. For instance, the reasons given for want-
interviewers, in which language simply reveals
ing a job may vary depending on whether the
what people think, or serves as a mechanism
job seeker is talking to a prospective employer,
for learning about their behaviour and the rea-
a family member, or a friend.
sons for it.
4. Discourse is rhetorically organized. DA practi-
2. Language is constructive. Discourse is a way of
tioners recognize that discourse is concerned
constituting a particular view of social reality.
with “establishing one version of the world in
Moreover, in order to create that view, choices
the face of competing versions” (Gill, 2000,
have to be made regarding the most appropri-
p. 176). In other words, the version of events that
ate way of presenting it, and these choices re-
a person presents is intended to persuade others.
flect the disposition of the person concerned.

Producing facts with the very large number of cases diagnosed each
year. Instead, they could have pointed to the abso-
In this section, the emphasis is on the strategies lute number of people who are cured (2500), but the
employed to convey allegedly factual knowledge. impact would have been less dramatic. It’s also worth
Among them is quantification rhetoric: the various noting that the phrase “a quarter of a million” not
ways in which statements involving numbers or only exaggerates the number of new cases (adding
quantities can be made to either support or refute 7000 to the actual 243,000) but also sounds signifi-
arguments. The interest in this issue lies partly in cantly larger.
the importance of quantification in everyday life, but
also in the tendency of many social scientists to use Reading the detail
this strategy themselves (John, 1992). In their analy- Discourse analysts, like conversation analysts, attend
sis of data such as the portions of transcript cited in to the details of discourse. For example, Potter and
Box 12.10, Potter et al. (1991) and Potter and Weth- Wetherell (1994) suggested that the description of
erell (1994) show how these sorts of devices are used. the three “curable cancers” as “amongst the rarest
cancers” was deployed to make the point that these
Using variation as a lever are atypical cancers, and that it would be unwise to
The authors drew attention to the phrase “1 per cent generalize from them to all cancers.
of a quarter of a million” because it incorporates two
different types of quantitative expression: a relative Looking for rhetorical detail
expression (a percentage) and an absolute frequency Attention to rhetorical detail entails sensitivity to the
(quarter of a million). The difference is important, way arguments are constructed. During the editing
because it allowed the program makers to empha- of the film, the program makers’ discourse suggested
size the very low cure rate (just 1 per cent) compared they were looking for ways to present a convincing
12 | Content Analysis 297

BOX 12.10 D
 iscourse analysis in action: Producing facts through
quantification rhetoric

The study of the television program Cancer: Your had cast doubt on whether their research, much
Money or Your Life (Potter et al., 1991; Potter of it funded by charities, resulted in successful
& Wetherell, 1994) used a variety of sources, treatment:
Commentary: The message from these sci-
• a video recording of the program; entists is clear—exactly like the public—
• the observations of one of the people they hope their basic research will lead to
making the program (who acted as a par- cures in the future—although at the moment
ticipant observer while it was being made); they can’t say how this will happen. In the
• drafts of the script; meantime, their aim is to increase scientific
• recordings of editing sessions; knowledge on a broad front and they’re cer-
• entire interviews (of people such as cancer tainly achieving this. But do their results jus-
research specialists and heads of charities) tify them getting so much of the money that
conducted for the program; and has been given to help fight cancer? When
• research interviews with some of the latter faced with this challenge the first thing the
people as well as some of the people in- charities point to is the small number of can-
volved in making the program. cers which are now effectively curable.
With regard to the coding process, the authors
reported that they [on screen: Dr. Nigel Kemp Cancer Research
made a list of about a dozen keywords and
phrases that related to the sequence—­ Kemp: The outlook for individuals suffering
percentage, cure rates, death rates, 1 per from a number of types of cancer has been
cent, etc.—and then ran through each of totally revolutionized. I mean for example—
the interview and interaction files, looking children suffering from acute leukemia—in
for them with a standard word-processor. . . . the old days if they lived six months they
Whenever we got a “hit” we would read the were lucky—now more than half the chil-
surrounding text to see if it had relevance to dren with it are cured. And the same applies
our target sequence. When it did we would to a number of other cancers—Hodgkin’s
copy it across to an already opened coding Disease in young people and testicular tu-
file . . . noting the transcript page numbers mours in young men. (Potter & Wetherell,
at the same time. If we were not sure if the 1994, pp. 52–53)
sequence was relevant we copied it anyway,
At this point a table showing the annual inci-
for, unlike the sorts of coding that take place
dence of 34 types of cancer begins to scroll on
in traditional content analysis, the coding
the screen. The total incidence is 243,000, and the
is not the analysis itself but a preliminary
individual incidences range from placenta (20)
to make the task of analysis manageable.
to lung (41,400). The three forms of cancer men-
(Potter & Wetherell, 1994, p. 52)
tioned by Kemp and their levels of incidence are
Following is a sequence used in the research. highlighted in yellow: childhood leukemia (350),
It occurred roughly halfway through the program, testis (1000), and Hodgkin’s disease (1400). The
following interviews with cancer scientists who program continues while the table is scrolling.
298 PART III Qualitative Research

Commentary: But those three curable types sometimes—the outlook is very bad and ob-
are amongst the rarest cancers—they rep- viously one is frustrated by the s[low], rela-
resent around 1 per cent of a quarter of a tively slow rate of progress on the one hand
million cases of cancers diagnosed each but equally I think there are a lot of real
year. Most deaths are caused by a small opportunities and positive signs that advan-
number of very common cancers. ces can be made—even in the more intract-
able cancers. (Potter & Wetherell, 1994, p. 53)
Kemp: We are well aware of the fact that
[pause] once people develop lung cancer
Source: Excerpts from Analyzing Qualitative Data © 1994 Routledge.
or stomach cancer or cancer of the bowel ­Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Books UK.

argument to show that cancer remains largely in- historical political struggles are among the issues
curable in spite of the money spent on it. The pro- raised by these researchers (Blommaert & Bulcaen,
gram makers very consciously devised the strategy 2000). They also bring to their work a commit-
outlined in the discussion of “using variation as a ment to social change and the empowerment of the
lever” of playing down the numerical significance of oppressed.
the cancers that are amenable to treatment. ­Another Harding, for instance, has examined how dis-
element of their strategy was to employ a tactic course has been used to suppress the aspirations
that Potter et al. (1991) called a “preformulation,” of Indigenous peoples in Canada since the 1860s.
the discounting of a possible counterargument, as In one study (2006), he compared Canadian news-
when the commentary says: “When faced with this paper coverage of Indigenous peoples’ activities in
challenge the first thing the charities point to is the the mid-nineteenth century with coverage from the
small number of cancers which are now effectively late twentieth century. He concluded that although
curable.” instances of overt racism in Canadian papers de-
clined in this period, the press continued to serve
Critical discourse analysis dominant interests by portraying Indigenous people
There may be important political conflicts and as a threat to white power and dominance. One way
social justice issues underlying the texts examined in which this occurred was through the framing
by discourse analysts. For example, the makers of of the text with a binary opposition of “us” versus
the television program analyzed by Potter and col- “them.” An article published in the 1860s stated,
leagues in Box 12.10 infer that despite lavish fund- “To allow these [Indigenous] people all the privil-
ing, cancer researchers have had limited success eges of others [with regard to homesteading] would
in producing cures, which one could take to mean be to throw the whole Colony [of British Columbia]
that scarce societal resources are being misallo- into confusion. Just imagine our 80,000 Indians . . .
cated. While misallocation of funds is certainly a being allowed to locate land wherever they please”
political issue, notions of power and exploitation (Harding, 2006, p. 213). Another binary opposition
are not confronted directly or in any depth in their evident in press coverage was “reason” versus “emo-
research. tion.” Press coverage in the more recent era depicted
Those who conduct critical discourse analysis, a non-Indigenous judge presiding over an Indigen-
by contrast, are much more explicit in exposing the ous land claims case as someone who would “rule”
political nature of the texts they examine. The effect and offer “insight” by making his “decision” using
of power hierarchies, structural inequalities, and “common sense” and a “firm” interpretation of “the
12 | Content Analysis 299

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Interpreting the Highway of Tears
Morton (2016) conducted a critical discourse that Indigenous women often lack the resources
analysis of two billboards placed on the “High- needed to travel independently by car or public
way of Tears,” a stretch of road (Highway 16) in transport. Also missing from the signs, she points
central British Columbia that is infamous for the out, is any indication of why Indigenous women
large number of Indigenous women who have need to travel the highway in the first place, which
disappeared while hitchhiking on it. The first bill- typically includes gaining access to social services
board was co-sponsored by the Province of British such as women’s shelters, health care, and educa-
Columbia, the regional district of Kitimat-Stikine, tion. Morton asserts that what is and is not stated
and the Gitxkan First Nation. The second was on the billboards are equally significant.
co-sponsored by the province and the Aboriginal A key issue Morton addresses in her analysis
Women’s Action Network. is that the billboards in no way try to portray the
Morton analyzed the images, text, and other social and political position Indigenous women
symbols on the billboards. The first road sign in- find themselves in, and there is no attempt to set
cludes the words “HITCHHIKING/Is it Worth the the tragedy of the Highway of Tears in its appropri-
Risk?” in large letters, with the statement, “ain’t ate socio-historical context. Morton sees the “inter-
worth the risk sister” in smaller, less distinct print. section of race, gender, mobility and violence”
The second billboard reads in part, “GIRLS DON’T (2016, p. 300), all in the larger setting of European
HITCHHIKE /on the/Highway of Tears.” Morton ob- conquest and colonialism, as a more realistic inter-
serves that one thing the billboards do is identify pretive frame to use when trying to remedy what
hitchhiking as a form of “contentious mobility,” happens on the Highway of Tears. But rather than
one which any prudent, responsible person would taking a sociologically informed approach to the
avoid. But nowhere on the signs are there sug- issue, the billboards imply that the disappearance
gestions for alternative, legitimate forms of of Indigenous women along this route is merely the
transportation, nor is there any acknowledgment result of reckless behaviour or misadventure.

rule of law” (217). Indigenous individuals, however, caseloads, rather than personal incompetence, were
on hearing of his ruling, are described as dealing offered as explanations.
with the death of their “dream,” and as people who
“argue,” cry “tears,” “vow to fight,” and use tactics of Overview
“confrontation” (217). DA draws on insights from CA, particularly when
Similarly, Harding (2010) has shown how in analyzing strings of talk. The CA injunction to focus
recent media accounts of the death of a young girl on the talk itself and the ways in which intersubject-
in the care of an Indigenous child welfare agency, ive meaning is arrived at in sequences of talk is also
the organization’s Indigeneity was made “hyper- incorporated into DA . However, DA practitioners
visible” and its social workers and officials were por- break with their CA counterparts when they specu-
trayed as incompetent. Yet when a child in the care late on motives, which is quite evident in the critical
of a non-Indigenous agency died, the ethnicity of its discourse analysis discussed above. It is precisely this
social workers and administrators was largely invis- practice of speculating on things that are not directly
ible, and systemic factors such as poverty and high discernible in the sequences of talk that conversation
300 PART III Qualitative Research

analysts reject, as when Schegloff (1997, p. 183) wrote have been at least partly influenced by antici-
of DA: “Discourse is too often made subservient to pation of such scrutiny and thus may contain
contexts not of its participants’ making, but of its some reactive error.
analysts’ insistence.” For their part, discourse ana- • Content analysis is a highly flexible method,
lysts object to the restrictions that CA imposes, be- applicable to several different kinds of un-
cause those restrictions cause conversation analysts structured information. Although it is pri-
to “rarely raise their eyes from the next turn in the marily applied to mass media outputs, it has a
conversation, [which] is not an entire conversation much broader applicability.
or sizeable slice of social life but usually a tiny frag- • Content analysis can permit the study of social
ment” (Wetherell, 1998, p. 402). groups that are difficult to access. For example,
Writing from a critical realist position, Reed much of what social scientists know about the
(2000) argued that discourses should be exam- social backgrounds of elite groups, such as
ined in relation to social structures such as the company directors and top military personnel,
power relationships that create the discourses. comes from content analyses of publications
This approach, which is exemplified in the work of such as Who’s Who and the business pages of
critical discourse analysts, shows how discourses newspapers.
work through existing structures, and expands
discourse from a self-referential concept in which
nothing of significance exists outside itself into a
Disadvantages of content
“generative mechanism.” That position is perhaps analysis
closer to the classic concerns of the social sciences Like all research techniques, content analysis suffers
than the anti-realist stance taken by some CA and from certain limitations:
DA researchers.
• A content analysis can only be as good as the
documents it explores. Recall that Scott (1990)
Advantages of content recommended assessing documents in terms
analysis of criteria such as authenticity (the document
Content analysis has several advantages: is what it purports to be); credibility (there are
no grounds for thinking that its contents have
• In its most quantitative form, it is a very trans- been distorted in any way); and representative-
parent research method, making replication ness (the specific documents examined are rep-
relatively easy. It is because of this transpar- resentative of all possible relevant documents).
ency that content analysis is often said to be an • Even in quantitative content analysis, it’s
“objective” method of analysis. almost impossible to devise coding manuals
• It allows for longitudinal analysis. For ex- that do not require some interpretation by the
ample, a crime study can be expanded to coder. It seems unlikely that there is ever a per-
examine changes in newspaper crime report- fect correspondence of interpretation between
ing over two different time periods. different coders.
• Content analysis is an unobtrusive, non-­ • Problems of interpretation are especially likely
reactive method. Newspaper articles and tele- to arise when the aim is to identify latent
vision scripts are generally not written with meanings (as opposed to the more readily ap-
the expectation that a content analysis might parent manifest meanings). For example, in
one day be carried out on them. On the other searching for traditional markers of masculin-
hand, if the object of analysis is an interview ity and femininity (see Box 12.5), the potential
transcript or ethnography, its content may for conflicting interpretations is magnified.
12 | Content Analysis 301

A related distinction is sometimes made be- media, but it was by far the most frequently
tween mechanical analysis (in particular, inferred discipline (not directly mentioned,
counting certain words) and analysis that but apparently the discipline under discus-
emphasizes themes in the text, which entails sion). Again, however, the reasons behind
a higher level of abstraction and a correspond- this phenomenon could only be a matter for
ingly greater risk of measurement invalidity. speculation (Fenton et al. 1998).
• Content analysis may not be helpful in an- • Some content analysis studies are accused of
swering “why?” questions. For example, being atheoretical, and it’s easy to see why. The
Jagger’s analysis of dating advertisements
­ emphasis on measurement in content analysis
clearly showed that both men and women put can easily lead researchers to focus on what is
less emphasis on the “attractiveness, shape measurable rather than what is theoretically
and size” they desired in a partner than they significant or important. However, content
did on their own appearance (1998, p. 807; analysis is not necessarily atheoretical. Jagger
see Box 12.5). But further research would be (1998), for instance, placed her findings on
needed to determine why this was the case. dating advertisements in the context of cur-
Similarly, Fenton et al. (1998) found that rent ideas about consumerism and the body.
sociology was only the fourth-most common And Harding’s (2006; 2010) content analysis
discipline explicitly referred to (after psychol- of media portrayals of Canadian Indigenous
ogy, economics, and social policy) when social people was underpinned by theoretical ideas
science research was reported in the mass pertaining to racism and ethnic conflict.

Key Points
• Depending on how it is done, content analysis can • The design of a coding schedule and preparation
be mainly quantitative or qualitative in nature. of a coding manual are crucial steps in content an-
• It’s important to have clear research questions and alysis. In quantitative content analysis, this is done
to be explicit about what is to be analyzed. before the materials are examined.
• Documents (as the term is used here) provide • Content analysis can be particularly challenging
many different kinds of information and can take when it is used to search for latent meanings and
the form of personal documents, official docu- themes.
ments from state or private sources, and output • Semiotics and hermeneutics are qualitative ap-
from the mass media. proaches to content analysis.
• Such materials can be used for both quantitative • There is disagreement over whether readers of
and qualitative research. documents are active or passive consumers of the
• Documents may be in printed, visual, digital, or messages they receive.
any other retrievable format. • Both conversation analysis (CA) and discourse
• Many researchers believe that almost anything analysis (DA) approaches make language itself a
can be “read” as a “text.” focus of research.
• Criteria for evaluating the quality of documents • CA is a systematic approach based on the principle
include authenticity, credibility, representative- that talk is structured by certain rules.
ness, and meaning; some may be more relevant • Practitioners of CA avoid making inferences
than others, depending on the nature of the about talk that are not grounded in its immediate
document. context.
302 PART III Qualitative Research

• DA shares many features with CA but comes in • Critical discourse analysis situates texts in the con-
several different versions and can be applied to a text of larger social structures such as power hier-
wider variety of phenomena. archies and systems of inequality.
• DA sees discourse as a means of conveying mean- • As with all research methods, there are advan-
ing and generally relates meaning in talk to con- tages and disadvantages to content analysis.
textual factors.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

RR What types of material may serve as “documents” AA You will be comparing the content provided by
in social research? the print version of a major national newspaper
AA Should there be a fifth criterion for assessing docu- in Canada with what it offers in its online version.
ments? If so, what should it be? How might the content differ? How might it be
Personal documents
RR List the different kinds of personal documents and Manifest and latent content
rank them in terms of Scott’s four criteria. RR What is the difference between manifest and
AA Go online and take a look at the Mackenzie King latent content? What are the implications of that
diaries. What themes would you want to ana- distinction for content analysis?
lyze if you were to do a content analysis of this AA Record the first two minutes of any TV news pro-
information? gram. Present a summary of its manifest content,
and then an account of its latent content.
Official government documents
RR How might official government documents be Coding
biased? How do these documents fare in terms of RR What potential pitfalls need to be guarded against
Scott’s criteria? when devising coding schedules and manuals?
AA You’ve decided to do a content analysis of Question AA You are planning to do a content analysis of day-
Period in the House of Commons, using Hansard as time TV commercials. What themes would you
a source. Pick an issue to be analyzed, and explain examine? Explain why your themes are important.
what words or expressions you would search for to
provide information on it. Semiotics
RR What is the difference between denotative and
Official documents deriving from private connotative meaning?
sources AA Why are “used” cars sometimes referred to as
RR What kinds of documents may be considered pri- “pre-owned”?
vate official documents? How do these documents
fare in terms of Scott’s criteria? Conversation analysis
AA You’ve chosen to analyze the private documents RR Explain what each of the following means:
of a major oil company, but the company will only “turn-taking,” “adjacency pairs,” “preference or-
provide you with materials that have been cleared ganization,” “repair mechanism.” How do they
by its public relations department. Prepare a relate to the production of social order?
summary of what you do not expect to find in the AA Evaluate the argument that CA should examine a
documents. participant’s motives.

Mass media outputs Discourse analysis

RR How might mass media outputs be biased? How RR In what ways may DA be anti-realist and con­
do they fare in terms of Scott’s criteria? structionist?
12 | Content Analysis 303

AA You’ve decided to pursue a career in journalism Advantages and disadvantages of content

because you believe that discourse is a form of analysis
action. Explain. RR Explain how content analysis can be used as a
form of longitudinal analysis.
Critical discourse analysis AA How might the need for coders to interpret mean-
RR Why do critical discourse analysts make reference ing undermine latent content analysis?
to power structures, systems of inequality, and other
political and sociological factors in their work?
AA Should all researchers doing CA and DA make
reference to macro political and social factors in
their studies? Explain.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. The class is divided up into small groups. Each 2. The class is divided up into small groups. Each
group selects a topic of interest that has been group searches the Internet for a five-minute clip
reported in newspapers—for example, a school of a movie or television drama that it considers to
shooting, an act of terrorism. Each group then: be worthy of analysis. Each group then:

a. searches the Internet for newspaper accounts a. decides on at least three themes in the clip
of the event, and selects three for analysis; that are noteworthy, as well as other aspects
b. decides on at least three themes in the ac- of it that seem relevant—for example, under-
counts that are noteworthy, as well as other lying racist assumptions, gender stereotypes,
aspects of the stories that seem relevant—for jingoism;
example, number of victims, type of weapons b. produces both a coding schedule and a coding
used; manual to do a content analysis of the clip; the
c. produces both a coding schedule and a coding former should be created in such a way that the
manual to do a content analysis of the three number of instances of a particular theme can
accounts; be recorded;
d. creates a numerical summary of the three arti- c. creates a numerical summary of the clip based
cles based on the data gathered in the coding on the data gathered in the coding schedule;
schedule; and and
e. discusses salient interpretations that arose out d. discusses salient interpretations that arose out
of the content analysis, and if possible, relates of the content analysis, and if possible, relates
them to hypotheses or theories (either original them to hypotheses or theories (either original
or already established in the literature) that or already established in the literature) that
may follow from the content analysis. may follow from the content analysis.

The class as a whole then reconvenes. Each The class as a whole then reconvenes. Each
group presents the results of its analysis to the group presents the results of its analysis to the
class, which is encouraged to ask questions and class, which is encouraged to ask questions and
provide critical commentary. provide critical commentary.

Relevant Websites
Information on ethnomethodology and conversation
analysis can be found at the EMCA wiki page.
304 PART III Qualitative Research

The journal Discourse & Society is an international An overview of the software available to do content an-
journal that features articles on discourse analysis alysis can be found at the Audience Dialogue website.
(you may have to go through your institution’s library
sever to access the material). The Discourse and Rhetoric Group at Loughborough
University provides a tutorial on conversation analysis.
A YouTube video describes how to do qualitative
content analysis. (Websites accessed on 30 October 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Audio clips • Web links

• Student self-quiz • Printable checklist • Videos • Activities
Qualitative Data Analysis

Chapter Overview
Analyzing qualitative data from interviews, participant observation, content analysis, or any other qual-
itative source is never straightforward. For one thing, such data typically take the form of a large body
of unstructured textual material. Moreover, whereas quantitative research has clear-cut rules for data
analysis, this is not the case in qualitative research. This chapter will examine some general approaches
to qualitative data management. The most significant recent development in this area is the use of com-
puter software for coding: the main feature of qualitative data analysis. This software, often referred to
as computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS), eliminates many, if not most, of the
clerical tasks associated with the manual coding and retrieving of data. Although there is no industry
leader among the different programs available for qualitative data analysis, this chapter introduces a
relatively new entrant that is having a big impact: QSR NVivo (discussed in detail in the Appendix).
This chapter will explore:
• grounded theory as a general strategy of qualitative data analysis; its main features, processes,
and outcomes are presented along with some criticisms;
• coding as a key process in grounded theory and in qualitative data analysis more generally; there
is an extended discussion of what it entails and some of its limitations;
• some of the debates about the desirability of using CAQDAS;
• the criticism that coding tends to fragment data; and
• the idea of narrative analysis, an approach that is gaining a following because it reduces that

Einstein once famously said that the most incompre- science, is all about finding those patterns and then ex-
hensible thing about the universe is that it is com­ plaining them.
prehensible. What is it that allows us to understand how Qualitative social research may seem a long way
the universe works? The simple fact that it shows cer- away from Einsteinian physics, but in essence the “con-
tain regularities or patterns. Science, including social cepts” and “categories” that qualitative researchers

▲ Ken Hawkins / Alamy Stock Photo

bry29440_ch13_305-322.indd 12/21/18 12:12 PM

306 PART III Qualitative Research

look for as they navigate through vast seas of data are we use the right methodology. This chapter explores
simply patterns. This suggests that the social world of how qualitative researchers make sense of the data
meanings, perceptions, and feelings is not chaotic, but they gather, including how some of them use it to gen-
has a coherence to it that we can know and describe if erate theory.

Introduction General strategies of

Making sense of the words contained in field notes, ­qualitative data analysis
interview transcripts, or other documents presents
some challenges not seen in numerical analysis, but Analytic induction
the qualitative research process provides oppor- One difference between qualitative and quantitative
tunities to pursue emergent lines of thought and data analysis is that, with the latter, analysis occurs
interpretation that would be largely impossible in after all the data have been collected. Qualitative an-
quantitative studies. One challenge of qualitative alysis, on the other hand, is often iterative (as noted
research is that it rapidly generates a large, cumber- in Chapter 9), meaning that analysis takes place after
some database. Miles (1979) described qualitative some of the data have been collected and then the im-
data as an “attractive nuisance”—attractive because plications of that analysis shape further data collection.
of their richness and the insight that may be gained Analytic induction is an example of a type of
from them, but also a nuisance because that very qualitative research that uses an iterative process. It
richness can create analytical difficulties that are not begins with a rough definition of a research ques-
always acknowledged. tion, proceeds to a hypothetical answer, and then
Finding a path through a thicket of prose is not moves to data collection. What makes it unique is
easy, especially for researchers confronting such that analytic induction seeks universal explanations
data for the first time. “What do I do with it now?” of phenomena that permit no exception. If a case in-
is a common refrain. In large part this is because consistent with the hypothesis is encountered, the
there are few well-established and widely accepted analyst either redefines the hypothesis to exclude
rules for the analysis of qualitative data. Learning the deviant or negative case or reformulates the hy-
the techniques of quantitative data analysis can be pothesis and proceeds with further data collection.
challenging too, but at least there are unambiguous With each new deviant case they find, analysts must
rules for handling such data. Analytic procedures for choose again between reformulation and redefini-
qualitative data analysis have not reached the same tion. Data collection continues until no new incon-
degree of codification, and many feel that would be sistent piece of evidence is found. It is, in effect, a
undesirable anyway (cf. Bryman & Burgess, 1994). special case of grounded theory, one that holds 100
Nevertheless, there are some broad guidelines per cent of the time. But it is also rare, as the re-
(Okely, 1994) which we will explore. This chapter has quirement to be able to explain all cases means that
two main sections: the explanation may become too broad to be useful.
While analytic induction is an extremely rigor-
• General strategies of qualitative data analysis: ous method of analysis, it is not favoured by many
analytic induction and grounded theory current qualitative researchers. In Canada it has
• Basic operations in qualitative data ­analysis: been used by Whitehead and Carpenter (1999) in a
coding and narrative analysis, the latter qualitative study on unsafe sexual behaviour in the
­d iffering in style from both grounded theory military. They found that the greater the social and
and the secondary analysis of qualitative cultural distance between sex partners, the greater
data the likelihood of condom use.
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 307

One further problem with analytic induction is concept or category. Glaser and Strauss (1967)
that (unlike grounded theory) it does not provide advised writing a memo (see p. 311) on each
useful guidelines on the number of cases required concept/category after a few phenomena have
before the absence of negative cases can be assumed been coded. Comparison also entails sensitiv-
and the validity of the hypothetical explanation ity to differences between emerging concepts/
(whether reformulated or not) can be confirmed. categories.
• Theoretical saturation: the point at which
Grounded theory there is nothing to be gained by further re-
Grounded theory is defined as “theory that was viewing of old data or collection of new in-
derived from data, systematically gathered and formation to see how it fits with emerging
analyzed through the research process” (Strauss & concepts or categories; new data are no longer
Corbin, 1998, p. 12). Its two central features are its illuminating.
development of theory out of data, and an iterative or
recursive approach in which data collection and an- Coding in grounded theory
alysis proceed in tandem, repeatedly referring back Coding in grounded theory entails reviewing tran-
to each other. scripts and/or field notes and giving labels (names)
Grounded theory is by far the most widely used to items that seem to share a similar theme, to be of
framework for analyzing qualitative data. Yet there potential theoretical significance, and/or to be par-
is considerable controversy about what it entails ticularly salient within the social worlds under inves-
(Charmaz, 2000). For example, it is vague on the tigation. As Charmaz (1983, p. 186) put it, “Codes . . .
difference between concepts and categories. As we serve as shorthand devices to label, separate, compile,
will see later in this chapter, it seems that the former and organize data” (emphases in original). This coding
term is increasingly being replaced by the latter, and process differs from the coding used in the analysis of
this inconsistent use of key terms is not helpful either quantitative data (e.g., social survey data) in two ways.
to practitioners of the craft or to people trying to First, whereas quantitative analysis often involves test-
understand the overall process. ing a pre-existing theory, grounded theory uses coding
Against such a background, defining grounded as an important first step in the generation of theory.
theory is not easy. As well, grounded theory cannot Second, whereas in quantitative analysis coding is
be described here in all its facets; we will simply out- more or less a way of managing data that have already
line its main features. been at least broadly categorized, in grounded theory
(and other approaches to qualitative data analysis),
The basic features of grounded theory coding is more tentative and fluid. The data are treated
Some of the basic features of grounded theory have as potential indicators of concepts/categories, and the
been introduced in earlier chapters: indicators are repeatedly compared to see which con-
cepts/categories they fit with best. Ad hoc compromises
• Coding: the key process in grounded theory, may have to be made when more than one researcher is
whereby data are broken down into component doing the coding (Tastsoglou & Miedema, 2003).
parts and given names. It begins soon after the Strauss and Corbin distinguished three types of
initial collection of data. According to Char- coding:
maz: “Unlike quantitative research that re-
quires data to fit into preconceived standardized • Open coding: “the process of breaking down,
codes, the researcher’s interpretations of data examining, comparing, conceptualizing, and
shape his or her emergent codes in grounded categorizing data” (Strauss & Corbin, 1990,
theory” (2000, p. 515, emphasis in original). p. 61); this process stays very close to the data
• Constant comparison: continuous comparison and yields the concepts that are later grouped
of new and existing data within a particular together to form categories. Thus concepts
308 PART III Qualitative Research

Research in the News

Childhood abuse and suicide
Mike Sosteric, a sociology professor at Athabasca abuse. And over 90 per cent of people who commit
University, has been studying human flourishing suicide do so while battling some form of mental
and the factors that may prevent people from illness. “If we want to understand why people
reaching their full potential for almost 20 years. commit suicide,” he writes, “we have to understand
“Suicide,” he writes, “is the ultimate subversion what makes them depressed” (Sosteric, 2017).
of human potential” (Sosteric, 2017). Youth aged Sosteric maintains that depression is a compli­
15–19 who are struggling with mental illness and cated phenomenon characterized by a complex
addictions have the highest risk of suicide. Also at causal chain, but he holds that it is related to
high risk are middle-aged men and young Indigen- neurobiological and endocrine damage that re-
ous people struggling with the intergenerational sults from the stress created by living in a violent
effects of colonization and residential schools. environment, especially if the violence is encoun-
A key determinant of teenage suicide is what tered in childhood and adolescence. The first thing
Sosteric calls “toxic socialization,” which refers to to be done to reduce the trauma that can lead to
a process of physical or emotional abuse experi- suicide, he suggests, is to eliminate toxic socializ-
enced in childhood and adolescence. Unfortu- ation that takes the form of violent child-rearing
nately abuse of this nature is fairly common, with practices such as spanking and psychologically
one in three Canadians experiencing it before they humiliating parental behaviours such as sham-
reach their fifteenth birthday. Young people subject ing. It is also important for children and adults to
to such abuse are 12 times more likely to develop learn that the violence perpetrated against them
addictions, to suffer from depression, and to try to is never acceptable, and that counselling can help
kill themselves than those who are not exposed to to deal with the distress they have experienced.

such as anger, jealousy, or affection could form frames the account. In the case of hardship and
the category “emotion.” loss, the core category might be “adaptation.”
• Axial coding: “a set of procedures whereby data
are put back together in new ways after open The three types of coding are really different
coding, by making connections between cat- levels of the same process, each relating to a differ-
egories” (Strauss & Corbin, 1990, p. 96). This is ent point in the process of elaborating concepts and
done by linking codes to contexts, consequences, categories. Not all grounded theory practitioners
patterns of interaction, and apparent causes. operate with this threefold distinction; the notion
Thus the category of emotion, above, could be of axial coding has been especially controversial
linked to the contexts in which it is expressed: because it is sometimes perceived as closing off the
for example, contexts of hardship or loss. coding process too quickly. Charmaz (2004) pre-
• Selective coding: “the procedure of selecting the ferred to distinguish between open or initial coding
core category, systematically relating it to other and selective or focused coding. The former tends to
categories, validating those relationships, and be very detailed and may produce as much as one
filling in categories that need further refine- code per line of text. It is crucial at this stage of the
ment and development” (Strauss & Corbin, research to be open-minded and to generate as many
1990, p. 116). A core category is the focus around new ideas, and hence codes, as necessary to organize
which other categories are integrated—what the data. Selective or focused coding emphasizes the
Strauss and Corbin called the storyline that codes that (a) appear most frequently and (b) seem
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 309

most revealing. Combining the initial codes gener- Overall, then, the process of coding begins with
ates new codes. The data are then re-explored and the data themselves and then gradually moves to
re-evaluated in terms of the selected codes. Pidgeon more selective and abstract ways of conceptualizing
and Henwood (2004) provided a useful example in the phenomenon of interest.
their study of 60 mother–daughter relationships:
Outcomes of grounded theory
The initial coding led to the development of a The following are the products of different phases of
long and varied, but highly unwieldy, list of in­ grounded theory.
stances under the label “Relational Closeness.” . . .
[A] closer reading and comparison of the individ- • Concepts: the “building blocks of theory”
ual instances indicated a much more mixed view (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 101), the discrete
of the emotional intensity of the relationships, phenomena produced through open coding
ranging from a welcome but painful sense of • Categories: at a higher level of abstraction, sub-
gratitude and debt to a stance of hypersensitivity sume two or more concepts. An especially cru-
and a desire to flee from a relationship which in- cial category may become a core category (see
volved “confinement” or “smothering.” . . . [T]his Box 13.1).
subdivision was retained and coded through • Properties: attributes or aspects of a category
their respective labels “Closeness” and “Over- • Hypotheses: initial hunches about relationships
closeness.” (Pidgeon & Henwood, 2004, p. 638) between concepts

BOX 13.1 Categories in grounded theory

Whiting et al. (2014) used grounded theory to ex- behaviour, one of the categories that emerged was
plore how male perpetrators of intimate partner “remorse.” One interviewee stated, “I have always
violence (IPV) perceived their actions. The re- been upset by the abusive behaviours,” while an-
searchers suggest that examining the perpetra- other said, “I was in the wrong forever [sic] putting
tor’s point of view is important in order to fully my hands on her” (Whiting et al., 2014, p. 282). The
understand IPV and develop effective therapies authors mention that a finding of perpetrator re-
and interventions. morse is rare in studies of IPV, possibly because
Qualitative interviews with 13 men were con- researchers do not want to appear to be softening
ducted, with three research questions guiding or excusing violence. They take the position that
the analysis: How do men who have been violent violence is inexcusable and make their views on
describe their relationship in terms of abuse? that issue quite clear in the article, and also point
What do men believe contributes to the violence? out that the offenders’ remorse may simply be
How do they feel about the violence in their re- an attempt at manipulation. Nonetheless, the
lationship? Prior to open coding, the data were researchers make the case that counsellors and
examined to identify “significant statements” or other professionals should take the remorse ex-
“meaning units.” Open coding was then performed pressed by perpetrators as a starting point to help
by labelling the selected statements with descrip- them develop empathy for their victims and to
tors. Following that, axial coding was done to reflect on how IPV goes against their values and
group the data into “identifiable categories that self-image. Doing so may reduce the tendency to
tied together” (Whiting et al., 2014, p. 279). rationalize IPV and could ultimately result in less
Although it was not uncommon for perpetra- physical abuse.
tors to try to justify or rationalize their violent
310 PART III Qualitative Research

• Theory: “a set of well-developed categories . . . Processes Outcomes

that are systematically interrelated through 1 Research question
statements of relationship to form a theor-
etical framework that explains some relevant
2 Theoretical sampling
social . . . or other phenomenon” (Strauss &
Corbin, 1998, p. 22). In grounded theory
there are two levels of theory: substantive and 3 Collect data
formal. A substantive theory pertains to a cer-
tain empirical instance of a phenomenon such
4 Coding 4a Concepts
as racial prejudice in a hospital setting (see
Box 14.1). A formal theory is at a higher level
of abstraction and has applicability to several 5 Constant comparison 5a Categories
substantive areas, such as prejudice generally
or in a variety of spheres. The generation of 6 Saturate categories
formal theory requires data collection in dif-
ferent settings.
7 Explore relationships 7a Hypotheses
between categories
The various elements are portrayed in Figure 13.1.
Any diagram is only an approximation, but this is
8 Theoretical sampling
particularly true in this instance, partly because
there are different approaches to grounded theory
and partly because it is difficult to convey diagram- 9 Collect data
matically the iterative nature of grounded theory—
in particular, the recursive relationship between data
10 Saturate categories
collection and analysis (indicated by arrows pointing
in both directions). The figure implies the following:
11 Test hypotheses 11a Substantive theory
• The researcher begins with a general research
question (step 1).
12 Collection and analysis of 12a Formal theory
• Relevant people and/or incidents are theoreti- data in other settings
cally sampled (step 2).
FIGURE 13.1 Processes and outcomes in grounded
• Relevant data are collected (step 3).
• Data are coded (step 4), which may, at the level
of open coding, generate concepts (step 4a). about c­ onnections between categories emerge
• There is a constant movement backward and (step 7a).
forward among the first four steps, so that • Further data are collected via theoretical sam-
early coding suggests a need for new data, pling (steps 8 and 9).
which leads to theoretical sampling, and so on. • The collection of data is likely to be governed
• Through constant comparison of indicators by the theoretical saturation principle (step 10)
and concepts (step 5) categories are generated and the testing of the emerging hypotheses
(step 5a). It’s crucial to ensure a fit between (step 11), which leads to specification of sub-
indicators and concepts. stantive theory (step 11a). See Box 13.2 for an
• Categories become saturated in the course of illustration.
the coding process (step 6). • The substantive theory may eventually be ex-
• Relationships between categories are ex­ plored using grounded theory processes in a
plo­red (step 7) in such a way that hypotheses different setting from the one in which it was
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 311

BOX 13.2 Grounded theory in action

Charmaz (1997) used grounded theory to examine idea of “identity dilemmas”: the ways in which
the identity dilemmas of men with chronic but not men approach and possibly resolve the assault
terminal illnesses. She outlined clearly the chief on their traditionally masculine self-images.
steps in her analysis, which were: She showed that men often use strategies to
• interviews with men and a small number of re-establish earlier selves in order to preserve
women; their identities, at least in their own eyes;
• exploring the interview transcripts for gender • further interviews designed to refine the
differences; categories;
• searching for themes in the men’s interviews • rereading personal accounts of chronic illness
and published personal accounts such as auto- with a particular focus on gender;
biographies. An example was the theme of • reading a new group of personal accounts; and
“accommodation to uncertainty,” as the men • making “comparisons with women on selected
found ways of dealing with the unpredictable key points” (Charmaz, 1997, p. 39).
paths of their illnesses; Charmaz proposed a substantive theory that
• building “analytic categories from men’s def- helped to explain the importance of notions of
initions of and taken-for-granted assumptions masculinity in maintaining an identity for chron-
about their situations” (Charmaz, 1997, p. 39). ically ill men.
Of particular significance in her work is the

generated (step 12). In this way a formal theory Memos

(step 12a)—relating to more abstract categor-
ies not specifically examined in the research— An important aid to grounded theory research is the
can be generated. memo: a note that researchers write for themselves
or colleagues as a reminder of what a ­particular con-
Note that Step 12 is relatively uncommon, because cept or category refers to. Memos can be very useful
researchers using the grounded theory approach in helping researchers to crystallize their ideas and
typically concentrate on one particular setting. keep track of their thoughts on various topics; they
Sometimes researchers who use grounded also help to shape the researchers’ reflections on
theory procedures produce surprising findings, as broader issues. For an illustration, see Box 13.4.
Box 13.3 shows. When you read grounded theory
studies, keep in mind that some authors will claim Criticisms of grounded theory
to have used the “grounded theory” approach when Grounded theory has limitations:
in fact they have not used it at all (Charmaz, 2000)
or have used just one or two features of it (Locke, • Some question whether researchers can fully
1996). Concepts and categories are at the heart suspend their awareness of existing theories
of the grounded theory approach, but coding, or concepts until the late stages of analysis
theoretical sampling, and theoretical saturation when their theories are supposed to emerge.
are also key features. Again, Box 13.2 provides an Most social researchers are sensitive to the
illustration. conceptual armoury of their disciplines and
312 PART III Qualitative Research

BOX 13.3 S ome counterintuitive results arising from a grounded

theory approach

One of the key insights of qualitative research get information on the demographic characteris-
is that people often interpret their situations in tics of the participants and she makes no mention
ways that an outsider might not expect. Take the of their nationality. Like many other virtual inter-
example of women with eating disorders. You actions, the ones she observed were probably not
might think that they would definitely want to limited to people from a single country, although
change their eating habits, but Whitehead (2010) much of what she describes is applicable to Can-
found that that is not always the case. Instead, she adian society.
found that some women suffering from anorexia Taking a grounded theory approach to the
nervosa and bulimia do not want to change that issue, Whitehead identified five practices that con-
aspect of their lives, and in fact may seek to de- tributed to the development of a collective iden-
velop a collective identity with women in similar tity: encouraging surreptitious eating behaviours
situations by interacting with them on pro–eating by sharing stories about how they had hidden their
disorder (Pro-ED) websites. These sites are contro- bulimia from their partners or family members;
versial in that they do not present eating disorders focusing on domestic tasks such as cooking (for
in a negative light or recommend that sufferers example, sharing recipes for dishes that are deli-
seek treatment, but instead foster a sense of soli- cious but not calorific and that are easily purged);
darity and companionship for people who already encouraging the idea that beauty, in particular
have the condition and who do not want to change. thinness, is essential to self-worth; promoting
Some openly revel in their situation, such as one friendships among people with eating disorders
woman who wrote that “Ana [anorexia] loves me, and even casting the disorder as a friend; and
She may use me, But she won’t forget me. I am not drawing inspiration from celebrity women who
her victim, I am one of her lovers. Every day I pray to have battled eating disorders or who are simply
be loved above the rest” (Whitehead, 2010, p. 617). thin and beautiful. One of the author’s main con-
The research involved the author regularly clusions is that these practices are “gendered” in
visiting pro-ED websites and closely monitoring the the sense that they reinforce and reproduce dom-
postings made there. Since the research was not inant norms and stereotypes about what it means
conducted in person, Whitehead was not able to to be a woman.

it seems unlikely that this awareness can be can make it difficult for a researcher with a tight
put aside. In fact, few people today believe deadline to carry out a genuine grounded theory
that theory-neutral observation is possible. It analysis, given the constant interplay of data col-
is generally agreed that what is “seen,” even lection and conceptualization that it requires.
in research, is conditioned by what is already • It isn’t clear that the grounded theory method
known about the social world under study (in necessarily results in theory. It offers a rigor-
terms of both social scientific concepts and ous approach to the generation of concepts
general, everyday ones). Many writers con- and categories, but it is often difficult to see
sider it an advantage to build on the work of what theory, in the sense of an explanation of
others. something, is put forward. Moreover, although
• In practical terms, the time required to tran- lip-service is frequently paid to the idea of gen-
scribe recordings of interviews, for example, erating formal theory, most grounded theories
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 313

BOX 13.4 A memo

In their research into the bus industry, Bryman, • the survival of attitudes and behaviour pat-
­Gillingwater, and McGuinness (1996) noticed that terns, particularly among bus drivers, that
managers frequently mentioned that their compan- are seen as inappropriate to the new en-
ies still followed officially discontinued rules and vironment (for example, lack of concern for
practices. Managers often suggested that “in­herited” customer service) and that hinder service
characteristics were holding them back in their innovation; and
efforts to adapt to a new competitive environment. • high wages from the earlier era, which make
“Inheritance” is what Strauss (1987) called an in vivo it possible for competitors who pay their
code: one derived from the language of people in the drivers lower wages to enter the market and
social context under study, as opposed to a sociologi- charge less for their services.
cally constructed code, which is a label created by the
Sample comments:
researcher. The following memo outlines the concept
of inheritance, provides some illustrative quotations, “I suppose another major weakness is that
and suggests some properties of the concept. we are very tied by conditions and practi-
ces we’ve inherited.” (Commercial Director,
Memo for inheritance Company G)
Inheritance: Many of our interviewees “We have what we’ve inherited and we now
suggest that they have inherited certain have a massive surplus of double decks [i.e.,
company traits and traditions that they too many buses of the wrong size]. . . . We
themselves would not have chosen. The key have to go on operating those.” (Managing
point about this inheritance is that our inter- Director, C
­ ompany B)
viewees see it as hindering their ability to
respond to a changing environment. Managing Director of Company E said the
company had inherited staff steeped in old
Inherited features might include: attitudes: “We don’t have a staff where the
• expensive and often inappropriate fleets of message is ‘the customer is number one.’”
vehicles and depots;

pertain only to the specific social phenomenon from coding and memos to the very idea of al-
under investigation—not to a broader range of lowing theory to emerge from data, have also been
phenomena. very influential. It is striking that one of the main
• Grounded theory tends to invite researchers to developments in qualitative data analysis in recent
code their data into discrete chunks. However, years—the use of computer software—has implicitly
some commentators believe that this kind of promoted grounded theory, because the software
fragmentation results in a loss of context and programs have in many cases been written with its
narrative flow (Coffey & Atkinson, 1996); we processes in mind (Lonkila, 1995).
will return to this point later in this chapter.
Basic operations in qualitative
That said, and even though many studies do not data analysis
use it consistently, grounded theory is probably the Coding (or indexing) is the starting point for most
most influential overall strategy in use today for forms of qualitative data analysis. The princi-
qualitative data analysis. Many of its core elements, ples involved have been well developed by writers
314 PART III Qualitative Research

concerned with grounded theory and other perspec- in more than one way. An outburst of anger,
tives. Among the issues they consider in developing for example, can be seen as an emotion, a
codes (cf. Lofland & Lofland, 1995) are the following: cause of stress, or the beginning of a new level
of integration. As a first stage, Charmaz (2004)
• Of what general category is this datum an recommended “line by line coding,” in which
instance? virtually every line in the transcript (or other
• What does this datum represent? data source) has a code attached to it: this way,
• What is this datum about? the qualitative researcher does not lose contact
• What question does this datum suggest? with the data and the perspectives and inter-
• What sort of answer to that question does this pretations of those being studied. Although
datum imply? the line-by-line approach almost always results
• What is happening here? in a proliferation of codes, this should not be
• What are people doing? alarming. What qualitative researchers need to
• What do people say they are doing? do is ask what these codes have in common so
• What kind of event is going on? that they can be combined into higher-order
and more abstract codes.
Steps and considerations in coding • Review the codes, possibly in relation to the
Following are some guidelines for coding: transcripts. Are two or more words or phrases
being used to describe the same phenomenon?
• Code as soon as possible (that is, as data are If so, remove one of them. Do some of the
being collected), as grounded theory suggests. codes relate to concepts and categories in the
This may sharpen an understanding of the data existing literature? If so, would it make sense
and help with theoretical sampling. It can also to use the existing terms? Are there connec-
help to alleviate the feeling of being swamped tions between the codes? Is there evidence that
by the data. At the very least, begin transcribing respondents believe one thing tends to be asso-
recorded interviews at a relatively early stage. ciated with or caused by something else?
• Read through the initial set of transcripts, field • Consider more general theoretical ideas in rela-
notes, documents, and so on, without taking tion to codes and data. Now you can start gen-
any notes or considering any interpretations. erating some general theoretical ideas about
Only when you have finished should you con- the data. Try to outline connections between
sider jotting down a few general notes about concepts and any developing categories. Con-
what seems especially interesting, important, sider in more detail how they relate to the ex-
or significant. isting literature. Develop hypotheses about the
• Do it again. Read through the data again, but linkages you perceive and go back to the data
this time make marginal notes about signifi- to see if they can be confirmed.
cant remarks or observations—as many as • Finally, keep coding in perspective. It’s only one
possible. Initially, they will be very basic: per- part (albeit an important part) of the analysis:
haps keywords used by respondents or themes a mechanism for thinking about the meaning
in the data. Now you are coding: generating of the data and for reducing the data to a man-
terms that will help in interpreting the data. ageable size. The larger task of interpretation
• Don’t worry about generating too many codes— awaits, including forging interconnections be-
at least in the early stages of analysis. Some will tween codes, reflecting on the overall import-
be fruitful, others not. The important thing is ance of the findings for the research literature,
to be as inventive and imaginative as possible; and pondering the significance of the coded
tidying up can be done later. Remember that material for the lives of the people who are the
any one datum can, and often should, be coded subjects of the research.
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 315

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Using grounded theory to make sense of storytelling among
Arabic-Canadian immigrant families
Grounded theory methodology was used by my son, I feel like I’m . . . talking to myself, so it’s . . .
­A shbourne and Baobaid (2014) to examine every- two ways, umm, teaching him and a relief for me
day storytelling on the part of adolescents and and especially when he comes up with question
their parents. The participants were members of that I, I never thought about it” (­A shbourne & Bao-
­Arabic-Canadian immigrant families who moved to baid, 2014, p. 10). Storytelling was responsive in
Canada from nine different Muslim majority coun- that the timing of the communication or the form
tries. The authors sought to answer three research it took was deliberately chosen in order to have
questions: “What are immigrant ­Arabic-Canadian a desired effect. An adolescent daughter said
parents’ and adolescents’ experiences of tell- “because I’m comfortable with her [mom], but I
ing stories to each other? What do these experi­ always maybe change it around because I have
ences suggest about storytelling between parents to talk in a mannered way with my mom, maybe
and adolescents more generally? What do these if I’m telling my friends, or my sister and brother,
experiences suggest about broader cultural in- I wouldn’t talk as mature in a way, I would talk
fluences on parent–adolescent interaction?” more teenager slang” (Ashbourne & Baobaid,
(­A shbourne & Baobaid, 2014, p. 5). Four categories 2014, p. 12).
emerged from the study that were used to develop Cultural factors came into play in storytelling
a preliminary substantive theory. The categories when adolescents experienced a clash between
pertained to the content of the stories and how it their personal ethnic culture and the dominant
related to where and when the stories were told; Canadian culture, and when parents endeavoured
the storytellers’ intentions and skills; the respon- to warn or protect their children. Another adoles-
sive nature of storytelling; and how ethnic culture cent daughter explained how “It’s like a different
and language can influence intergenerational environment at school . . . and I’m like surrounded
storytelling. by . . . non-Muslims . . . and like sometimes a guy
The authors found that the adolescents were would come hug me, and I’m like ‘okay,’ you know,
selective in their storytelling in that they tended and then like I won’t be able to tell my mom
to relate stories from their everyday life that por- that, cause she’d get mad, she’d be like ‘you, you
trayed their behaviour as positive or virtuous. shouldn’t let a guy hug you’ and stuff, so I would
When they did recount experiences that reflected have to kind of hide that from her” (Ashbourne &
poorly on themselves, it was often done to mini- Baobaid, 2014, p. 14).
mize a negative reaction that might accrue if the The preliminary theory that Ashbourne and
parent came to hear about the events from an- Baobaid used to make sense of the emergent cat-
other person. Parents tended to tell stories about egories suggested that storytelling is grounded
their own experiences as adolescents, frequently in parent–adolescent relationships, and is in-
with the goal of offering a lesson on the conse- terpreted and expressed through pre-existing
quences of making good or bad choices. cultural and linguistic norms. The authors also
Both parents and adolescents tried to use maintained that storytelling may strengthen or
storytelling to enhance their relationship with weaken connections between family members,
their listeners and to promote mutual ­well-being. and can have varying effects depending on the
This often took the form of parents’ offering advice storyteller’s manner of relating a story and the lis-
to their children. One mother said: “When I talk to tener’s response.
316 PART III Qualitative Research

Turning data into fragments some of the main packages can be downloaded from
the distributors’ Internet sites.
The coding of materials such as interview transcripts There is no one correct approach to coding data.
typically entails writing marginal notes on them and As we suggested earlier, grounded theory conceives
gradually refining those notes into codes and then of different types of code. Coffey and Atkinson
cutting and pasting (sometimes in the literal sense, (1996) pointed to three different levels of coding, ap-
with scissors and glue). It entails cutting transcripts plied below to a passage from an interview that first
into chunks of data (and of course carefully identi- appeared in Box 11.5 (p. 247).
fying the origins of each chunk with, for example,
name, position in organization, date) for later data • First there is a very basic coding, which, in the
retrieval. Although word-processing programs can case of the Box 11.5 material could be liking
be used for this task, CAQDAS is becoming increas- or disliking the visit to a Disney theme park.
ingly popular. However, such a coding scheme is unlikely
CAQDAS has been a growth area in terms of both to provide anything more than a superficial
the proliferation of programs and the numbers of analysis.
people using them. Most of the best-known programs • A second level involves a deeper awareness of
allow analysts to code text and later retrieve it, tasks the content of what is said and is organized
that were once done manually. For example, the soft- around the focus of the research. An example
ware can search for all chunks of text relating to a might be countries “well-represented” and
code, and then cut and paste them together. Human “missing” at Disney World.
input is still crucial, however. CAQDAS cannot help • A third level moves slightly away from what
with decisions about the codes, or the coding of text- the respondent says to explore broader analytic
ual materials, or the interpretation of findings. As themes. The responses in the Box 11.5 tran-
with quantitative data analysis software such as IBM script were coded in terms of characteristics
SPSS Statistics (SPSS), someone must still choose the such as enthusiasm (“uncritical enthusiasm”),
variables to be analyzed and the ­analytic techniques attitudes toward the Disney Corporation (“not
to be used, and then make sense of the results. Each critical of Disney”); comments made about
form of software requires creativity. CAQDAS differs typical visitors (“visitors’ ethnicity”); and
from SPSS largely in terms of the type of data that can the nature of critical comments (“aesthetic
be used with it. critique,” “ethnicity critique,” “nationality cri-
There is no CAQDAS industry leader, but NVivo is tique”). Interestingly, the passage also reveals
a package that most researchers would at least know the potential for a code employed by Coffey
by name. Earlier versions of the software became and Atkinson (1996, pp. 43–45): the use of a
very popular in the 1990s. The Appendix outlines “contrastive rhetoric” (making a point about
how to use NVivo for qualitative data analysis. one thing by comparing it to something else).
To use or not to use CAQDAS? With a very small data This feature occurred when the husband made
set, it is probably not worth the time and trouble re- a point about the representation of British cul-
quired to become familiar with new software. ­Catterall ture, which he regarded as poor compared to
and Maclaran (1997) have argued that CAQDAS is not that of China.
very suitable for focus group data because the code and
retrieve function tends to hide the communication As Coffey and Atkinson (1996) observed, follow-
process typical of focus groups. On the other hand, ing Strauss and Corbin’s account (1990) of grounded
learning new software will give you skills that you may theory, codes should not be thought of purely as
need in the future. CAQDAS is likely to be too expen- mechanisms for the fragmentation and retrieval
sive for personal purchase, though there are student of text. They can do more than simply manage the
and educational discounts. Demonstration copies of data gathered. For example, examination of the

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13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 317

interconnections between codes may reveal that said. (For a general critique of qualitative data an-
some are dimensions of a broader phenomenon. For alysis packages see Box 13.5.) By plucking chunks of
example, “ethnicity critique” came to be seen as a text out of the context in which they appear, such
dimension of “ideology critique,” along with “class as a particular interview transcript, the social set-
critique” and “gender critique.” In this way, a map ting can be lost. A second criticism of coding is
of the more general or formal properties of the con- that it results in fragmentation of the data, causing
cepts under development can be started. the narrative flow to be lost (Coffey & Atkinson,
1996). Sensitivity to this issue has been heightened
Problems with coding since the late 1980s by a growing interest in nar-
One of the most common criticisms of coding quali- rative analysis (see later in this chapter). Riessman
tative data is the risk of losing the context of what is (1993) became concerned about fragmentation when

BOX 13.5 Lack of agreement about the utility of CAQDAS

Whereas the use of computer software is almost retrieving text—that owes a great deal to
universal in quantitative data analysis, among grounded theory. In their view, the emergence
qualitative data analysts it is often avoided, for of grounded theory as a new standard is incon-
several reasons. sistent with a key strength of qualitative re-
• Some writers worry that because qualitative search: its flexibility.
data analysis packages make it so easy to • On the other hand, several writers have ex-
quantify coded text, qualitative research will tolled the virtues of such packages:
become subject to the reliability and validity • CAQDAS , like NVivo, invites thought about
criteria of quantitative research (Hesse-Biber, “trees” of interrelated ideas—a useful feature
1995). in that it encourages the analyst to consider
• Others feel that CAQDAS reinforces and even possible connections between concepts.
exaggerates the tendency toward a fragmenta- • Quantitative researchers often criticize the
tion of the textual materials (Weaver & Atkinson, tendency toward “anecdotalism” found in much
1995), destroying the natural flow of interview qualitative research—that is, the tendency to
transcripts and field notes. Awareness of con- use quotations from interview transcripts or
text is crucial to many qualitative researchers, field notes with little sense of how represent-
and they are concerned by the prospect that ative they might be. CAQDAS makes it possible
this awareness may be pushed to the sidelines. to count the frequency with which a particular
Stanley and Temple (1995) suggested that most form of behaviour occurs or a particular view-
of the coding and retrieval features needed for point is expressed in interviews.
qualitative data analysis, such as search, cut, • CAQDAS enhances the transparency of qualita-
and paste, already exist in word-processing tive data analysis. How qualitative data were
software. Using Microsoft Word, for example, analyzed is often unclear in published reports
would save not only money but also the time (Bryman & Burgess, 1994). CAQDAS may force
required to learn new software. researchers to be more explicit and reflect-
• Coffey et al. (1996) argued that the style of ive about the process of analysis, and may in-
qualitative data analysis in most CAQDAS pre- directly encourage replication, a feature often
sumes a methodology—based on coding and lacking in qualitative analysis.
318 PART III Qualitative Research

coding themes in her structured interview study on Narrative analysis

divorce and gender:
The term “narrative analysis” covers a wide variety
Some [interviewees] developed long accounts
of approaches based on the search for and analysis
of what had happened in their marriages to
of stories that people tell to understand their lives
justify their divorces. I did not realize these
and the world around them. It has become particu-
were narratives until I struggled to code them.
larly prominent in connection with the life history or
Applying traditional qualitative methods, I
biographical approach. However, as Box 13.6 shows,
searched the texts for common thematic ele-
narrative analysis is not exclusively concerned with
ments. But some individuals knotted together
telling life histories. As Roberts (2002) observed, the
several themes into long accounts that had co-
term is often used to refer both to the research ap-
herence and sequence, defying easy categoriz-
proach itself and to the accounts that it examines—
ation. I found myself not wanting to fragment
the stories that people tell about their lives and other
the long accounts into distinct thematic cat-
events. In general, narrative analysis entails sensitiv-
egories. (Riessman, 1993, p. vi)
ity to the connections between people’s accounts of
Riessman’s account is interesting because it sug- past, present, and future events and states of affairs;
gests several possibilities: that the coding method to people’s sense of their place in those events and
can fragment the data; that some forms of data situations; to the stories they generate about them;
may be unsuitable for coding; and that research- and to the significance of context for the unfolding
ers can produce narrative analysis, since what she of events and people’s sense of their roles in them.
provided in this passage is precisely a narrative. The way people forge connections between events
Interest in narrative analysis certainly shows signs and the sense they make of those connections are the
of growing and in large part this trend parallels raw material of narrative analysis. Riessman (2004b)
the rebirth of interest in the life history approach helpfully distinguished four models of narrative
(see Box 11.3). Nonetheless, coding is unlikely to analysis:
become less prominent, for several reasons: it is
widely accepted in the research community; not all • Thematic analysis examines what is said rather
analysts are interested in research questions that than how it is said.
lend themselves to narratives; grounded theory • Structural analysis emphasizes the way a story
and the techniques associated with it are very in- is told. Issues of content do not disappear, but
fluential; and the growing use of computer soft- attention is focused on the use of narrative
ware for qualitative data analysis frequently invites mechanisms to increase the persuasiveness of
a coding approach. a story.
Regardless of analytical strategy, it is unaccept- • Interactional analysis looks at the dialogue be-
able to simply say: “This is what my subjects said tween the teller of a story and the listener. The
and did; isn’t that incredibly interesting?” Interpret- co-construction of meaning by the two parties
ation and theorizing are necessary. Many research- is especially prominent, although content and
ers worry that focusing on those tasks may prevent form are also taken into account.
them from doing justice to what they have seen and • Performative analysis analyzes narrative as
heard, or lead them to contaminate their subjects’ a performance and explores the use of words
words and behaviour. Those are real risks, but they and gestures to get a story across. This model
must be balanced against the fact that findings ac- of narrative analysis also examines audience
quire significance in an intellectual community only responses to the narrative.
when they have been subject to reflection. The re-
searcher has to do more than simply take notes or With narrative analysis, attention shifts from
record answers. “What happened?” to “How do people make sense
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 319

BOX 13.6 Tattoo narratives

How can narratives be


used to analyze a social

trend such as the in-
creasing p­opularity of
tattoos for women?

As part of a three-year participant observation feminist theories about bodies, he found that these
study of tattooing, Atkinson (2002, 2004) elicited women are not misfits, and that they use tattoos to
tattoo narratives from the women he interviewed. signify their “established” or “outsider” construc-
The great increase in the numbers of women getting tions of femininity. Ideas about femininity, including
tattoos has clearly challenged the standard “mascu- conformity to and resistance against cultural norms,
linity” explanations of male tattooing. Drawing on are crucial in explaining women’s tattooing.

of what happened?” Proponents of narrative an- how she applied narrative analysis to conventional
alysis argue that most approaches to the collection interview transcript material, and then began to un-
and analysis of data ignore the fact that people per- cover the stories her interviewees were telling her.
ceive their lives in terms of continuity and process, In this case, Riessman was applying a narrative ap-
and that efforts to understand social life that do not proach to materials gathered in a conventional way
take that fact into account may misunderstand the for conventional purposes. Other researchers start
perspective of those being studied. Narrative a­ nalysis out with the intention of conducting a narrative an-
is obviously suitable for life history research, but its alysis and deliberately ask people to recount stories
applications can be much broader. For example, it (for example, Miller, 2000). While stories can emerge
can also be applied to accounts of shorter episodes in response to questions not designed to elicit a nar-
and their interconnections. rative, certain kinds of question are especially likely
Some researchers apply narrative analysis to to produce them. Riessman (2004a) suggested that
interviews. In her account of her “click moment” as prompts such as “Tell me what happened” followed
a narrative researcher, Riessman (1993) described by “And then what happened?” are much more
320 PART III Qualitative Research

likely to elicit a narrative account than “When did observation), but it has also become an interviewing
X happen?” While some narrative researchers prefer approach in its own right. Also, as we will see in con-
to start people off by asking them to tell their story nection with the writing of ethnographic research
of an event, Riessman argued that it is usually neces- (see “Writing up ethnography” in Chapter 15), there
sary to keep asking follow-up questions to stimulate is growing recognition of ethnography as a narrative
the flow of details and impressions. For example, designed to tell a story about a way of life.
in her study of divorce, she often asked: “Can you Narrative analysis has been criticized. Bury (2001),
remember a time when . . . ?” and then followed it while noting the increased interest in illness narra-
up with “What happened that makes you remember tives (accounts of illnesses people have experienced),
that particular moment in your marriage?” argued that there has been a tendency for narrative
Coffey and Atkinson (1996) argued that a narra- researchers to treat such stories uncritically. For ex-
tive should be examined in terms of the functions ample, he suggested that the frequent references in
that it serves for the teller. The aim of narrative illness narratives to coping with and “normalizing”
interviews is to elicit interviewees’ reconstructed illness may often represent attempts to convince the
accounts of connections between events and links audience (whether the interviewer or the reader of
between events and contexts. Miller (2000) proposed the narrative) of the subject’s competence; in other
that narrative interviews in life story or biographical words, such accounts may be motivated more by the
research are far less concerned with eliciting facts desire to be seen as a fully functioning member of
than with drawing out interviewees’ reflections and society than by the desire to give a realistic account
interpretations, as revealed in their accounts of their of coming to terms with a medical condition. How-
lives or families. ever, as Bury recognized, the social conditions that
Narrative analysis, then, is an approach to the prompt such narratives and the forms the narratives
analysis of qualitative data that examines the stories take are themselves revealing. In drawing attention
that people use to explain events. It can be applied to the motives behind illness narratives, he was not
to data that have been acquired through a var- seeking to undermine narrative analysis but to show
iety of research methods (notably semi-structured how the range of issues addressed in this form of re-
and unstructured interviewing and participant search can be expanded.

Key Points
• The collection of qualitative data frequently results • Coding is a key process in most qualitative data
in the accumulation of a large volume of information. analysis strategies, but it may have the effect of
• Qualitative data analysis is not governed by codi- fragmenting and decontextualizing information.
fied rules to the same extent that quantitative data • Narrative analysis emphasizes the stories that
analysis is. people tell in the course of interactions with a
• There are different approaches to qualitative data qualitative researcher; it has become a strategy
analysis; grounded theory is probably the most for producing and analyzing qualitative data in its
prominent. own right.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

General strategies of qualitative data RR What are the main features of grounded theory?
analysis What are the different types of coding used in
RR What are the main components of analytic grounded theory?
induction? AA You are conducting grounded theory research
AA Why is analytic induction a rarely used approach? on divorced couples, using data derived from
13 | Qualitative Data Analysis 321

qualitative interviews. What concepts might Basic operations in qualitative data analysis
emerge when you begin open coding? RR What are the main steps in coding?
AA Is narrative analysis the answer to the problem
RR What is theoretical sampling? of data fragmentation that results from coding?
AA Charmaz wrote that theoretical sampling “rep- Explain.
resents a defining property of grounded theory”
(2000, p. 519). Why do you think she feels this way? Narrative analysis
RR Explain how the emphasis on stories in narrative
RR What are some of the main criticisms of grounded analysis represents a distinctive approach to the
theory? production and analysis of qualitative data.
AA How realistic is the assumption in grounded AA Come up with a research question pertaining to
theory that a researcher can begin to collect data gender roles that can be answered using narrative
without being influenced by existing theories and analysis.
concepts? Explain.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. Each student in the class is paired up with an- students are asked to share with the rest of the
other student. For 20 minutes, one student in the class the concepts, constructs, hypotheses, and in-
pair conducts a qualitative interview with the terpretive frameworks they have developed. Then
other on the topic of what the interviewee hopes the instructor facilitates an open discussion of the
to be doing with his or her life in 10 years’ time, strengths and weaknesses of the grounded theory
why they have chosen those goals, how they approach to qualitative research.
hope to achieve their goals, and so on. The inter- 2. Each student in the class is paired up with an-
viewer takes field notes the whole time. When the other student. For 20 minutes, one student con-
­20 minutes are up the roles are reversed: the inter- ducts a qualitative interview with the other using
viewer becomes the interviewee. Once the second the “narrative analysis” technique. The topic to be
interview is completed, each person in the class is addressed is the interviewee’s most memorable
asked to: childhood or adolescent experience, and how that
experienced shaped their lives over time. Students
a. conduct “open coding” of their field notes, identi- are reminded that their goal as interviewers is to get
fying “concepts” and “categories” where possible; the interviewees to “tell their stories”—i.e., to pro-
b. write at least one “analytic memo” that de- vide narratives that illustrate how their lives have
scribes noteworthy themes that have emerged been a process rather than a series of disconnected
in their data; events and experiences. When the 20 minutes are
c. put the concepts and categories together to up the students reverse roles, with the interviewer
form a tentative hypothesis or interpretative becoming the interviewee. Once the second set
framework; of interviews has been completed, the instructor
d. identify topics that would benefit from further asks students to share any difficulties they encoun-
questioning or investigation. tered in conducting the interviews, in particular
any issues they had in establishing and sustaining
Each student then re-interviews their inter­
the flow of the narrative. The class is also asked
vie­wee for 20 minutes. When both interviews have
for suggestions as to how such difficulties could be
been completed, students conduct open, axial, or
overcome. The instructor then leads a general class
selective coding, as appropriate, on all the data
discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the
they have gathered. They then revisit their ori-
narrative analysis approach to qualitative research
ginal hypotheses or interpretive framework, and
compared to the grounded theory method.
revise as needed. When the process is complete
322 PART III Qualitative Research

Relevant Websites
A wealth of information is available at the website of If you’d like to experiment with NVivo software, trial
the Grounded Theory Institute. downloads are available at the NVivo website.
These YouTube videos discuss grounded theory,
­including coding and constant comparison. (Websites accessed 1 November 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
This section explores areas of research that
transcend the quantitative/qualitative divide.
Chapter 14 invites readers to consider the
distinction between those two approaches to
social research in greater depth, and makes
the point that some of the differences be-
tween them alluded to in earlier chapters may
not be as fundamental as one might think. The
aim here is not to deny the distinction, but to
show that in addition to differences, there are
some similarities between the two. Chapter
15 looks at issues relating to the writing up
of social research, and discusses some fea-
tures of good writing in both quantitative and
qualitative fields. Finally, Chapter 16 offers
practical advice on completing a small-scale
research project. These chapters return to
issues raised in earlier sections of the book,
probing them more extensively and making
connections between them.

Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative
Divide and Some Practical Advice

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Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative

Chapter Overview
This chapter is concerned with how far the quantitative/qualitative distinction should be taken. Although
there are many differences between the two research strategies, there is also much that unites them, as
we will see when we discuss how they can be combined. This chapter explores:
• aspects of qualitative research that can contain elements of the natural science model;
• aspects of quantitative research that can contain elements of interpretivism;
• the idea that research methods are more independent of epistemological and ontological assump-
tions than is sometimes supposed;
• ways in which the quantitative/qualitative contrast may break down;
• studies in which qualitative research is used to analyze quantitative research and vice versa;
• the use of quantification in qualitative research;
• arguments against the combination of quantitative and qualitative research;
• two versions of the debate on combining quantitative and qualitative research, one concentrating
on methods of research and the other on epistemological issues;
• different ways in which multi-strategy research has been carried out; and
• the claim that multi-strategy research is not inherently superior to research employing just one
research strategy.

Philosophers of science sometimes use the term have a unity of form and purpose that will allow for a
“­consilience” to refer to the notion that there is a unity more thorough and profound understanding of natural
or compatibility between all branches of knowledge. and social phenomena. This chapter is written in a sim-
The word came into wide usage after the biologist E.O. ilar spirit, seeking to show that quantitative and quali-
Wilson published Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge tative research strategies have a great deal in common
(1998), in which he argued that the natural sciences, the and can complement each other. It makes the case that
social sciences, and even the humanities may one day both are required to gain knowledge of the social world.

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14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 325

As you progress through your academic career, you researchers and can ultimately be quite destructive.
may be tempted to take a dismissive attitude toward Drawing on the insights of multiple perspectives is
approaches and methodologies that are different from much more conducive to good research and produces a
your own. Try to resist that temptation: giving in to it deeper level of understanding.
can lead to needless tensions and rivalries between

Introduction how social research is carried out. It’s not impossible

to conduct a study of drug dealers by using question-
Given the emphasis we have placed on the distinc- naires, but for practical reasons such a strategy is
tion between quantitative and qualitative research, it unlikely to succeed. The rest of this chapter will dem-
might appear perverse at this stage to suggest that onstrate why the distinction between quantitative and
the differences between them are sometimes exag- qualitative research should not be overstated.
gerated. The dichotomy has been maintained to this It is of course possible to combine the two ap-
point for two simple reasons: proaches so that their various strengths can be cap-
italized on and their weaknesses compensated for.
• There are differences between quantitative and Indeed, the number of studies that combine different
qualitative research strategies. strategies has been increasing since the early 1980s.
• Contrasting the two is a useful way of organiz- However, not all research methodologists would
ing research methods and approaches to data agree that such integration is either feasible or desir-
analysis. able. In discussing the combination of quantitative
and qualitative strategies, this chapter looks at three
As we have seen in earlier chapters, certain epis- main issues:
temological and ontological positions may be associ-
ated with particular research methods: for example, • the arguments against integrating quantitative
a natural science epistemology is often paired with and qualitative methods
social survey research, and an interpretivist epistem- • the different ways in which quantitative and
ology with qualitative interviewing. However, the qualitative strategies have been combined
connections posited in Chapter 1 between epistem- • whether a combined research strategy is ne-
ology and ontology, on the one hand, and research cessarily superior to one relying on a single
method, on the other, are best thought of as ten- approach
dencies rather than definitive connections. The use
of a structured interview or self-completion ques- This chapter uses the term multi-strategy ­research
tionnaire does not necessarily imply an exclusive for work that integrates quantitative and qualitative
commitment to a natural science model; nor does approaches (sometimes referred to as m
­ ixed-methods
ethnographic research necessarily mean an inter- research). This term does not refer to the use of sev-
pretivist epistemology. eral quantitative methods in a single study, or the
Research methods are much more free floating integration of two or more qualitative methods—
than is sometimes supposed. A method of data collec- for example, combining structured interviewing
tion like participant observation can be employed in with structured observation, or ethnography with
such a way that it is in tune with constructionism, but semi-structured interviewing. In the current dis-
it can also be used in a way that reveals an objectivist cussion, “multi-strategy research” refers only to
orientation. Also, it’s easy to underestimate the im- studies that combine qualitative and quantitative
portance of practical considerations in determining methods in the same project.
326 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

• Hypothesis and theory testing. Following from

The natural science model
the last point, qualitative researchers typically
and qualitative research test hypotheses or theories generated in the
One of the chief difficulties in linking issues of epis- course of conducting their research, as in an-
temology and ontology with research methods is the alytic induction or grounded theory. This is
frequent characterization of the natural sciences as well within the bounds of a natural science
inherently positivist in orientation. But the term model, even if the natural sciences tend to be
“positivism” is often used in a polemical way, usually deductive. Also, there is no reason why hy-
as an unhelpful criticism of another’s work. More- pothesis or theory testing in qualitative social
over, qualitative research itself frequently exhibits research cannot be done with previously speci-
features associated with a natural science model. fied hypotheses or theories. In fact, this has
This tendency is revealed in several ways: been done on many occasions. For example,
Wilson’s qualitative study of raves (2002) used
• Empiricist overtones. Although empiricism theory as a departure point. The research by
(see Chapter 1) is typically associated with Festinger et al. (1956) on a doomsday cult
quantitative research, many qualitative re- used the qualitative technique of participant
searchers place a similar emphasis on the im- observation to test a theory about how people
portance of direct, sensory contact with social respond when a belief they zealously endorse—
reality. They frequently stress the importance in this case, the imminent end of the world—
of direct experience with social settings, and is disconfirmed. The authors argued that it is
advocate understanding social reality via that possible to imagine a number of conditions
contact. The very idea that theory should be that, if met, would lead group members to em-
grounded in data is central to empiricism. It’s brace their belief even more fervently after its
not surprising, therefore, that some writers disconfirmation. They thought that the cult
claim to detect “covert positivism” in qualita- would provide an ideal opportunity for testing
tive research. their theory. The researchers (and hired ob-
Another example of empiricist overtones servers) pretended to be converts and gained
can be seen in the idea that social reality must entry to the group in order to make first-hand
be studied from the vantage point of the re- observations. The theory was substantiated
search participants. The fact that ethnograph- when cult members decided that their faith
ers rely on extended contact to gain access to had saved the world and began proselytizing—
their subjects’ perspectives implies acceptance an activity they had not engaged in before.
of the empirical notion that meaning is access- • Realism. Critical realist ethnography (Porter,
ible to the senses. The empiricism of qualitative 1993; Barron, 2013; see Box 14.1) illustrates
research is perhaps most notable in conver- how ethnographic studies can be based on
sation analysis (examined in Chapter 12), an epistemological and ontological positions that
approach that starts with precise transcrip- have considerable affinity with those found in
tions of speech and applies rules of analysis to the natural sciences. It also relates to the previ-
them. The analyst is actively discouraged from ous point in providing a further illustration of
speculating about intention or context; in other hypothesis testing in qualitative research.
words, the empiricist notion that one should
not stray too far from the data is strictly upheld. In addition, some qualitative researchers include
• A specific problem focus. Qualitative research explicitly quantitative elements in their research.
can investigate quite specific, tightly defined Miller (2000), for example, engaging in what he
research questions of the kind normally asso- called neo-positivism, made theoretically based
ciated with the natural science model. ­predictions about people’s lives using the life history
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 327

BOX 14.1 Critical realist ethnography

Critical realism (Bhaskar, 1975; 1979; 1986) pre- spent three months as a staff nurse. He found that
sents a view of reality that in many ways is in racism was expressed in the form of remarks made
keeping with the ontological approaches taken behind the backs of members of racial minorities.
in the natural sciences, despite important differ- However, it did not intrude into work relationships,
ences (Gorski, 2013). Critical realist ethnography, because more weight was given to achievements
for example, maintains that the social world has and performance (such as qualifications and
a form and structure that exists independently of medical skills) than to “race” when judging mem-
our perception of it and which affects human con- bers of professions. In terms of critical realism,
sciousness and behaviours in complex ways. This one possible structural mechanism (racism) was
sort of ethnography is also based on the idea that countered by the operation of another structural
the descriptions and explanations presented by mechanism (professional ideology). Only on rare
social researchers are inherently provisional and occasions did racial tension surface.
fallible, and as such should be subject to empir- Similarly, Barron (2013) used the critical realist
ical scrutiny, and on the notion that researchers paradigm in his ethnographic study of ethnic iden-
should seek to uncover causal tendencies to ex- tity among white British and Pakistani-British chil-
plain their subject matter. dren. He concluded that his previous ethnographic
These sorts of positivist-friendly assumptions work on the topic, although insightful, could have
are evident in the work of Porter (1993; 2002), who been improved by acquiring a broader range of
took a critical realist stance in his ethnographic empirical data, a practice that has important par-
study of racism in a large Irish hospital where he allels in the natural sciences.

method. Another illustration is Charmaz’s (2000) structured interviews and questionnaires. For ex-
suggestion that in spite of the differences that de- ample, there is a huge literature on political attitudes,
veloped between Glaser (1992) and Strauss (for ex- and many indexes and scales have been designed to
ample, Strauss & Corbin, 1998)—who were major measure them (see Robinson et al., 1999). The wide-
proponents of grounded theory—both maintained spread inclusion of questions about attitudes in
that an objective, external reality exists (the position social surveys suggests that quantitative researchers
taken in the natural sciences). Each posited a social are interested in matters of meaning too.
world beyond the researcher and maintained that It may be objected that survey questions do not
it was the job of the social investigator to reveal its really tap issues of meaning because they are based
nature and functioning. on categories devised by the designers of the inter-
view schedule or questionnaire and not by the par-
ticipants themselves. Two points are relevant here.
Quantitative research First, the notion that qualitative research is better
and interpretivism at gaining access to the point of view of those being
Qualitative research would seem to have a studied is generally assumed rather than demon-
near-monopoly on the ability to study meaning.
­ strated. Qualitative researchers frequently claim
But is it really the case that only qualitative research to have tapped into participants’ world views be-
makes it possible to see the social world through the cause of their extensive participation in the daily
eyes of the people studied? That contention seems at life of their subjects, the length of time they spend
odds with the widespread study of attitudes using in the setting under investigation, or the lengthy
328 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

and intensive interviews they conduct. However, the cancer were in women under 50, and the mean age at
explicit demonstration that interpretative under- diagnosis was 65. This inconsistency allowed Lantz
standing has been accomplished—for example, and Booth to uncover how the media drew a con-
through respondent validation (see Chapter 9)—is nection between youthful lifestyles (working outside
rarely undertaken. Second, if the design of attitude the home, postponing parenthood, greater sexuality)
questions is based on prior questioning that seeks to and breast cancer—a connection consistent with the
bring out the range of possible attitudinal positions articles’ “blame the victim” theme. The quantitative
on an issue, attitudinal questions can certainly pro- content analysis of articles on breast cancer played
vide access to meaning. an important part in revealing the social construc-
Also, the practice in much survey research of tion of beliefs about the disease. More generally, this
asking respondents the reasons for their actions example shows how quantitative research can con-
implies that quantitative researchers are frequently tribute to constructionist research.
concerned with uncovering meaning. For example,
in the research on delinquency in Box 1.2, the boys
were asked to give the reasons for their actions Research methods and
in their own words and then to choose the socio- ­epistemological and
logical theories that came closest to explaining
them. E­ xamples such as these point to the possibil-
­ontological considerations
ity that the gulf between quantitative and qualitative That each research method does not carry with it a
­research is not as wide as is sometimes supposed. full cluster of epistemological and ontological com-
mitments can be seen in studies on social research
itself. For example, Platt’s (1986) historical research
Quantitative research on American sociology suggested that the alleged
and constructionism connection between conservative functionalist
We noted in Chapter 1 that a keynote in qualita- theory (which is often associated with positivism)
tive analysis is constructionism: how people build and survey research is greatly exaggerated. Her re-
up images or representations of the social world. search indicated that “the two originated independ-
Qualitative content analysis plays an important ently, and that leading functionalists had no special
role in developing an understanding of how people propensity to use surveys and leading surveyors no
construct their visions of reality, in the same way special propensity for functionalism” (Platt, 1986,
that discourse analysis (Chapter 12) does using p. 527). Moreover, Platt’s general conclusion on the
materials such as newspaper reports and television use of research methods in American sociology
programs. ­between 1920 and 1960 is very revealing:
Lantz and Booth’s (1998) research on the social
construction of breast cancer provides an example. Research methods may on the level of theory,
As Box 1.6 makes clear, much of their understand- when theory is consciously involved at all,
ing of the representation of breast cancer came reflect intellectual . . . post hoc justifications
from a qualitative content analysis, but they con- rather than . . . carefully chosen fundamen-
ducted a quantitative content analysis as well. The tal assumptions. Frequently methodological
latter showed that 80 per cent of the women in the choices are steered by considerations of a prac-
photographs attached to breast cancer articles were tical nature . . . and are just slogans and aspira-
under age 50, and that 85 per cent of the anecdotes tions. . . (1996, p. 275)
and case stories related to women in this age group.
This emphasis on younger women helped to create Again, even when there are discernible links be-
the impression that they were the most at risk. But in tween research methods and assumptions about
reality, fewer than 20 per cent of new cases of breast knowledge, the connections are not absolute.
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 329

Further evidence of the autonomy of research Theories and concepts tested in

methods is the fact that both quantitative and quali- ­research versus those emerging
tative approaches may be employed in a single piece from the data
of research, a point that will be illustrated later in
this chapter. A related point concerns the characterization of
quantitative research as driven by theory testing.
Experimental investigations probably fit this model
Problems with the well, but survey-based studies are often more ex-
­quantitative/qualitative ploratory in nature. Although concepts have to be
measured, specific hypotheses are frequently not
contrast identified in advance. Surveys ask so many questions,
The contrasts between quantitative and qualitative and there are so many possible correlations and ways
research drawn in Chapter 9 suggest a sharp distinc- of organizing the findings, that hypotheses are often
tion between the two (see, in particular, Table 9.1). not formulated until after the data collection has
Here is a more nuanced view. taken place. The analysis of quantitative survey data
is often more exploratory than is generally appreci-
Behaviour versus meaning ated and consequently offers many opportunities for
A distinction is sometimes drawn between a quan- generating theories.
titative focus on behaviour and a qualitative focus The common depiction of quantitative research as
on meaning. Yet, as noted, quantitative research fre- an exercise in theory testing also fails to take into
quently seeks to study meanings in the form of atti- account how often its findings can result in new
tudes. In recent decades the social sciences in general theoretical departures and contributions. Reflect-
have increasingly recognized the importance of exam- ing on his career in survey research, Glock (1988,
ining not only what people do, but also how they think pp. 45–46) provided the following example from
and make sense of the world. The “cognitive revolution” his study of American church involvement. Having
in psychology has made people’s thoughts and feelings found that women, older persons, the poor, and
the topic of extensive research. The use of rational those without families were more religiously active
choice theory and game theory in economics, political than people not in those categories, he suggested
science, and sociology reflects a similar emphasis on that such people might have more time than others
examining how people think and make choices. Many to become involved. Alternatively (or in addition),
different perspectives in the social sciences now ac- these religiously active people might be compen-
knowledge the importance of meanings and interpret- sating for some kind of deprivation relative to their
ations in understanding social phenomena. counterparts—a conflict view that Marx would have
Looking at the other side of the divide, qualitative appreciated. Since the existing data did not allow
researchers frequently, if not invariably, examine be- him to rule out either explanation, he collected new
haviour, although they also pay close attention to the data to test them: in this way his original quantita-
context in which it occurs. Qualitative researchers tive data led to new research ideas. Quantitative re-
often seek to interpret people’s behaviour in terms of search commonly follows this path.
the norms, values, and culture of the group or com-
munity in question. In other words, quantitative and Numbers versus words
qualitative researchers alike are typically interested Even the most basic distinction between quantitative
both in what people do and in what they think, even and qualitative research—numbers versus words—is
if they go about their investigations in different ways. problematic. Qualitative researchers will sometimes
The degree to which quantitative and qualitative re- undertake to quantify a limited amount of their
search reflect the “behaviour versus meaning” dis- data in an effort to determine the generality of the
tinction should not be overstated. phenomena they are describing. After observing
330 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

doctor–patient interactions in public and private of their replies. For example, Phoenix reported one
oncology clinics, for example, Silverman (1985) young black woman as saying that she had liked the
quantified some of his data to show that patients in interview, adding: “I had the chance to explain how
private clinics have more influence over what goes I feel about certain things and I don’t really get the
on in the consultations. Still, Silverman warned that opportunity to do that much” (Phoenix, 1994, p. 61).
such quantification should reflect the research par- Another interviewee said it was a “good interview”
ticipants’ own ways of understanding their social and added: “I have never talked so much about
world. myself for a long time, too busy talking about kids
It has often been noted that qualitative research- and their problems” (Phoenix, 1994, p. 61). While
ers engage in “quasi-quantification” when they such qualitative interviews are clearly valuable in al-
use terms such as “many,” “often,” and “some” (see lowing the perspectives of people whose voices are
p. 332). The only difference in studies like Silver- normally silent to surface, they don’t fit the defin-
man’s is that the researcher makes such estimates of ition of “naturalistic” used by critics of quantitative
frequency more precise. social science. Thus it would be incorrect to assume
that artificiality is a problem only in quantitative
Artificial versus natural research.
The distinction between artificial and natural is sim- As we noted in Chapter 11, focus group research
ilarly open to criticism. It is often assumed that be- is often described as more natural than qualitative
cause much quantitative research employs research interviewing because it resembles the way people
instruments (such as questionnaires) that offer only discuss issues in real life. Natural groups (people al-
limited and indirect indicators of people’s lives, its ready known to each other) are often used to empha-
account of the social world is artificial. Qualitative size this element. Whether focus group participants
research tends to be considered more naturalistic in see their interaction as “natural” is unclear, however.
that it focuses on observing people in their natural In particular, since the participants are often paid
settings, behaving as they normally do. This would strangers who have travelled some distance to dis-
seem to be particularly true of ethnographic re- cuss topics they rarely if ever talk about, it’s clear that
search, since the participant observer studies people this sort of research may not be as natural as some
in their normal social worlds and contexts, as they have assumed.
go about their everyday activities. However, when In participant observation, the researcher can be
qualitative research is based on interviews, the “nat- a source of interference, making the research situ-
ural” label is less applicable. Interviews still have to ation less natural than it might appear. It’s difficult
be arranged and interviewees have to be taken away to estimate how much impact reactivity has on the
from activities they would otherwise be engaged in, research findings in such cases, but once again the
even when the interviewing style is of the more con- naturalism of such studies is questionable. When
versational kind. Furthermore, little is known about the ethnographer also engages in interviewing (as
interviewees’ reactions to and feelings about being opposed to casual conversation), the naturalistic
interviewed. quality is definitely compromised, although the re-
Phoenix (1994) reported on the responses of inter- search will probably be somewhat less artificial than
viewees to in-depth interviews in connection with it would be if quantitative methods were used.
two studies: one focusing on mothers under the age These observations cast doubt on the rigidity of
of 20 and the other on the social identities of young the quantitative/qualitative distinction. Once again,
people. Although many of her subjects seemed to this is not to suggest that the usual contrasts are un-
enjoy being interviewed, they were clearly conscious helpful: only that they should not be exaggerated.
of the fact that they had been engaged in interviews Quantitative and qualitative research strategies are
rather than conversations. This was revealed in some not absolutely divergent.
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 331

Mutual analysis has been a popular method, such as the study of

social movements, religious sects, and cults. Hod-
The divisions between quantitative and qualitative son’s approach was one solution to the problem of
research are also undermined when one approach is comparing ethnographic studies in a given area.
used to analyze research conducted using the other. However, he largely ignored contextual factors in
order to explore relationships between variables ab-
A qualitative approach to stracted from the studies.
quantitative research Among the key issues in a study of this kind is
There has been growing interest in using some of the selection of works suitable for analysis. Hodson
the methods associated with qualitative research to chose to analyze just books, excluding articles be-
examine quantitative research. In part, this trend cause they usually contain only a limited amount
reflects qualitative researchers’ growing interest in of information. To qualify for selection, a book had
ethnography. The qualitative study of quantitative to meet three criteria: “(a) the book had to be based
research is part of this trend because it reveals that on ethnographic methods of observation over a
the written account of research constitutes not only period of at least 6 months, (b) the observations
the formal presentation of findings but an attempt to had to be in a single organization, and (c) the book
persuade readers of the credibility of those findings. had to focus on at least one clearly identified group
This is true of the natural sciences as well; research of workers” (Hodson, 1999, p. 22). The application
by Gilbert and Mulkay (1984) showed that scien- of these criteria resulted in the exclusion of 279
tists, when writing up their findings, took pains to out of the 365 books he had considered. A second
demonstrate that proper procedures were followed. crucial issue was the coding of the studies. Hodson
They also learned from interviewing scientists that stressed the importance of knowing the subject
the research process was influenced by the scientists’ area, adopting clear coding rules, and pilot testing
personal biographies. the coding schedule. In addition, he recommended
One way in which a qualitative approach has checking the reliability of coding by having 10 per
been applied to quantitative studies is through what cent of the documents coded by two people. The
Gephart (1988, p. 9) called ethnostatistics: “the study process was time-consuming; each book took at
of the construction, interpretation, and display of least 40 hours to code.
statistics in quantitative social research.” For ex- Among the many attractions of this approach
ample, Gephart showed that the use of statistics in is the fact that it allowed a single researcher to in-
itself can be regarded as a rhetorical device, because vestigate a varied set of organizations and provided
quantification makes social research look more like more in-depth data than is typically gathered by
natural science—an association that tends to give it quantitative researchers. It also allowed for the test-
greater legitimacy and credibility. This is just one ex- ing of hypotheses derived from established theor-
ample of the way qualitative research can shed light ies: for example, the “technological implications”
on the nature of quantitative research. approach, which sees technology as having an
impact on the experience of work (Hodson, 1996).
A quantitative approach to However, the loss of social context is likely to make
qualitative research Hodson’s approach unattractive to many qualita-
When Hodson (1996) conducted a content analysis tive researchers.
of workplace ethnographies (discussed below), he Of particular significance is Hodson’s remark
essentially applied a quantitative content analysis that “the fundamental contribution of the systematic
to qualitative research. This type of research, some- analysis of documentary accounts is that it creates
times called meta-ethnography, may have potential an analytic link between the in-depth accounts of
in other areas of social research where ethnography professional observers and the statistical methods
332 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

of quantitative researchers” (Hodson, 1999, p. 68). interview transcripts, and accounts of encounters
In other words, the application of quantitative meth- between people say little or nothing about the
ods to qualitative research may provide a meeting prevalence of the phenomena that such evidence
ground for the two research strategies. is supposed to indicate. There is also the related
risk that the researcher may attribute undue sig-
nificance to a particularly striking statement or
Quantification in unexpected activity.
qualitative research At least partly in response to these problems,
As we noted in Chapter 9, perhaps the most basic qualitative researchers sometimes undertake a lim-
difference between quantitative and qualitative re- ited quantification of their data. Gabriel (1998) col-
search is the “numbers versus words” distinction. Yet lected 377 stories about organizational culture in
most qualitative research does contain some quan- the course of 126 interviews in five organizations.
tification. Three observations are worth making He identified different types of stories and noted
about quantification in the analysis and writing up the frequency of each type. For instance, there were
of qualitative data. 108 comic stories (usually a mechanism for the
disparagement of others); 82 epic stories (survival
Thematic analysis against the odds); 53 tragic stories (undeserved mis-
Chapter 13 noted that qualitative data analysis often fortune); and 40 gripes (personal injustices). The
takes the form of a search for themes in transcripts stories could have been presented as anecdotes, but
or field notes. The choice of themes to look for is simple counting conveyed a clear sense of their rela-
often determined by how frequently certain inci- tive prevalence.
dents, words, phrases, and so on recur. This process Using actual numbers can counter the criticism
may also account for the prominence given to some that qualitative data are too anecdotal and do noth-
themes over others. In other words, a kind of implicit ing to indicate the extent to which certain beliefs
quantification probably influences both the identifi- or behaviours occur. The precision of numbers also
cation of themes and the elevation of some themes makes them superior to the estimates of frequency
over others. that must be inferred from quasi-quantification
terms such as “some” or “many.”
Quasi-quantification in qualitative We may see greater use of quantification in
research qualitative research in the future as a result of the
As we have noted, qualitative researchers engage in growing use of software programs for qualitative
“quasi-quantification” when they use terms such as data analysis. Most of the major software programs
“many,” “frequently,” “rarely,” and “some,” which by make it possible to produce simple counts for the
definition are based on the relative frequency of the use of a particular word or the incidence of a coded
phenomenon of interest. As expressions of quantity, theme. In many cases, they can also produce simple
however, these terms are imprecise, and it’s often cross-tabulations—for example, showing which sex
difficult to tell why they are being used at all. When uses the passive voice more often.
quantification is needed to support a point, it may be
better to use actual numbers.
Multi-strategy research
Combatting anecdotalism through The ways in which quantitative and qualitative re-
limited quantification search can complement each other can be seen most
Qualitative research is sometimes criticized for clearly in multi-strategy research, which by defin-
the anecdotal nature of its data, which leaves the ition involves combining the two modes of investiga-
reader with no way of assessing their generalizabil- tion. However, there are two basic arguments against
ity. Brief sequences of conversation, snippets from this sort of research.
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 333

Research in the News

Gender stereotypes not good for women or men
According to a popular theory of gender roles, instance, he was given more authority than was
whenever a new type of job comes on the scene, the case if a woman first performed the job.
people tend to think of it as gender neutral, in This sort of bias held over time and actually
other words, as something that is not necessarily had negative consequences for both men and
a “woman’s job” or a “man’s job.” But that gender women. Doering explained that “interacting
neutrality breaks down once one interacts with with just one male manager or female manager
someone working in the new role. For example, if changed how clients treated their next manager.
a man is first encountered in the position, the role If clients were first paired with a woman, they gave
tends to be associated with male stereotypes. the next manager less authority—regardless of
Laura Doering, a professor at the Rotman whether that subsequent manager was a man or a
School of Management, University of Toronto, and woman” (Hansen, 2017). This suggests that gender
her research partner Sarah Thébaud of the Univer- bias not only detracts from women’s authority; it
sity of Santa Barbara decided that they would test also puts men in an unfavourable position. She
the theory empirically (Hansen, 2017). The data recommended that when interacting with clients
they used came from a Central American micro- and co-workers, high-status individuals in the
finance bank. Their study indicated that what organization should play up the value of people
starts out as a gender-ambiguous position does occupying female-typed roles. This will help to
indeed become associated with the gender of the “nudge clients and other employees toward more
person who first takes on the role. If the person equitable treatment” (Hansen, 2017) of those who
originally associated with the job was male, for occupy a new role.

Arguments against multi-strategy decision to employ (for example) participant obser-

research vation is not simply a choice about data collection but
a commitment to an epistemological position that is
Arguments against multi-strategy research tend to consistent with interpretivism and incompatible with
be based on the following assumptions: positivism or a natural science model in general.
This view has led some writers to argue that
• Particular research methods are associated multi-strategy research is not feasible. An ethnographer
with particular epistemological and onto- may collect questionnaire data about a slice of social life
logical positions. not amenable to participant observation, but this does
• Quantitative and qualitative research strat- not represent an integration of quantitative and quali-
egies are inherently incompatible on epistemo- tative research because the epistemological positions of
logical and ontological grounds. the two methods are irreconcilable. The chief difficulty
with this kind of argument is that the idea of research
These two positions are briefly reviewed below. methods carrying fixed epistemological and onto-
logical implications is very difficult to sustain.
The embedded methods argument
Advocates of the first position, outlined earlier in this The paradigm argument
chapter, argue that every research method is firmly The paradigm argument is closely related to the
rooted in a particular set of epistemological and ­previous one. It conceives of quantitative and quali-
ontological commitments. According to this view, a tative research as paradigms. A paradigm is a set of
334 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

beliefs and assumptions about how the world works • An epistemological argument, as in the em-
and how knowledge of it is to be gained. Kuhn (1970) bedded methods and paradigm positions dis-
popularized the term in his portrayal of natural sci- cussed above, sees quantitative and qualitative
ence as going through periods of revolution, whereby research as grounded in incompatible epis-
“normal” science (science carried out in terms of the temological principles (and ontological ones
prevailing paradigm) is increasingly challenged by too, though these tend to be given less atten-
new findings inconsistent with the assumptions and tion). According to this version, multi-strategy
established findings of the discipline. The increas- research is not possible in principle.
ing frequency of such anomalies eventually sparks a • A technical argument perceives research meth-
crisis, which in turn sparks a revolution. The period ods as independent of any specific epistemo-
of revolution comes to an end when a new paradigm logical position. According to this view, a
gains acceptance and a period of the new “normal” research method from one research strategy
science sets in. An important feature of paradigms can be pressed into the service of another:
is that they are incommensurable: inconsistent with quantitative and qualitative methods can be
each other because of their divergent assumptions fused. This is the position taken by most re-
and methods. Disciplines in which no paradigm has searchers whose work is mentioned in the next
emerged as pre-eminent, such as sociology and other section.
social sciences, are deemed “pre-paradigmatic.”
The paradigm argument maintains that quantita- The technical argument views the two research
tive and qualitative research approaches are based on strategies as compatible, and multi-strategy research
incompatible paradigms in which epistemological as both feasible and desirable. It is in that spirit that
assumptions, values, and methods are inextricably we will now consider the ways in which quantitative
intertwined (Morgan, 1998). Therefore, when re- and qualitative research can be combined.
searchers combine participant observation with a
questionnaire, they are not really combining quan-
titative and qualitative research, since the paradigms
Approaches to multi-strategy
are incompatible: the integration is only superficial research
and within a single paradigm. Hammersley (1996) proposed three approaches to
The problem with the paradigm argument, as with multi-strategy research:
the embedded methods claim, is that it rests on a con-
nection between method and epistemology that has • Triangulation: the use of quantitative research
not been demonstrated. Moreover, although Kuhn to corroborate qualitative research findings or
(1970) argued that paradigms are incommensurable, vice versa
it is by no means clear that quantitative research and • Facilitation: the use of one research strategy to
qualitative research are fully separate paradigms. As aid research using another
we have suggested throughout this chapter, there are • Complementarity: the use of two different re-
areas of overlap and commonality between them. search strategies so that diverse aspects of an
investigation can be combined

Two positions in the debate The logic of triangulation

over quantitative and Triangulation entails using more than one method
in the study of social phenomena. The term has
­qualitative research been used somewhat more broadly by Denzin (1970,
There are two opposing arguments regarding the p. 310) to refer to an approach that uses “multiple ob-
question of whether quantitative and qualitative re- servers, theoretical perspectives, sources of data, and
search can be combined. methodologies,” but the emphasis has tended to be
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 335

on methods of investigation and sources of data. One appearing mature and establishing relationships
of the reasons Webb et al. (1966) called for greater with the other sex, and tended to think of designer
use of unobtrusive methods is their potential for tri- drinks as targeted at immature younger drinkers.
angulation (see Box 6.5). Triangulation can operate These connections with age were confirmed by the
within and across research strategies. It was origin- quantitative evidence, which also corroborated the
ally conceptualized by Webb et al. (1966) as a way of suggestion from the qualitative evidence that the
developing additional measures, resulting in greater consumption of designer drinks was largely associ-
confidence in findings, and was strongly associated ated with a desire to get drunk.
with a quantitative research strategy. However, tri- In this study the use of triangulation appears
angulation can also take place within qualitative to have been planned, but this need not always be
research. In fact, ethnographers often check their ob- the case. Researchers may start out using different
servations with interview questions to look for pos- research strategies for different purposes but in the
sible misunderstandings. Bloor (1997) reported that process discover that they have generated quantita-
he tackled the process of death certification in two tive and qualitative findings on related issues, and
ways: interviewing clinicians responsible for certi- that they can treat their overlapping results as a tri-
fying causes of deaths, and asking the same people angulation exercise.
to complete dummy death certificates based on case Whether triangulation is planned or unplanned,
summaries he had prepared. Increasingly, triangu- there is always the possibility that the two sets of
lation refers to the cross-checking of findings from findings will not corroborate one another. In the
both quantitative and qualitative research (Deacon event that the results are inconsistent, the solution is
et al., 1998). not to arbitrarily decide which set of findings is cor-
An illustration of a triangulation approach is rect. Usually, further research is required to resolve
Hughes et al.’s (1997) study of the consumption of the matter.
“designer drinks” (fortified wines and strong white Deacon and colleagues (1998) used several quan-
ciders) by young people. The authors used two main titative and qualitative research methods to gather
research methods: information, without intending to conduct a triangu-
lation exercise. But analysis of their data revealed
• Qualitative method: eight focus groups with 56 an inconsistency: the quantitative data suggested a
children and young adults, with each discus- broad consensus between journalists and social sci-
sion lasting around two hours entists on the reporting of social scientific research
• Quantitative method: a survey administered in the media, but the qualitative findings suggested
in two parts to a multi-stage cluster sample of some conflict of approaches and values between the
824 12- to 17-year-olds. The first part was an two groups. Instead of favouring one set of findings
interview and the second was a questionnaire over the other, the researchers r­ e-examined the data
designed to elicit more sensitive information. and found that social scientists tended to answer
questions about media coverage of their work differ-
The results achieved with the two research ently, depending on the research instrument. In re-
strategies were mutually reinforcing. The qualita- sponse to survey questions they typically expressed
tive findings showed age differences in attitudes relief that the coverage was not as bad as they had ex-
toward designer drinks and other types of alcohol: pected, whereas in interviews they tended to empha-
the youngest people (12- and 13-year-olds) tended size “war stories” of wounding encounters with the
to adopt a generally experimental approach; the media. In general, then, the questionnaires showed
14-and 15-year-olds thought of drinking as a way of social scientists to be relatively pleased with the re-
having fun and losing inhibitions, and felt that de- porting of their research, but their replies were more
signer drinks met their needs well; the oldest group negative when they were encouraged to reflect on
(16- and 17-year-olds) were mainly concerned with specific problems in the past.
336 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Another example of triangulation can be found in family counsellors that supported her hypoth-
Fenton et al.’s (1998) study of the same topic. It em- esis that “the process of incest in structurally
ployed both quantitative and qualitative methods: different families may vary” (Phelan, 1987,
p. 39). ­Similarly, Bell’s (2007) study of western
1. content analysis of news and current affairs Canadian separatism started out as a quali-
coverage (local and national newspapers, TV, tative investigation involving attendance at
and radio) separatist events and hanging out with separa-
2. mailed questionnaires soliciting social scien- tists. A
­ nalysis of these data led to the hypoth-
tists’ views about media coverage and their esis that support for separatism was associated
own practices (674 replies) with a neo-liberal ideology and a partisan dis-
3. mailed questionnaires soliciting the views of like for the ruling federal Liberal Party, a view
social scientists identified in the content an- that was later substantiated in a multiple re-
alysis as having received media coverage (123 gression analysis using survey data.
replies) • By aiding measurement. The in-depth know-
4. semi-structured interviews with 20 of the ledge of social contexts acquired through
latter qualitative research can be used to inform
5. semi-structured interviews with 34 journalists the design of survey questions for structured
identified in the content analysis interviewing and self-completion question-
6. semi-structured interviews with 27 represent- naires. Johnson and colleagues (2003) used
atives of funding bodies and government data from unstructured interviews to develop
7. observing journalists’ movements and activ- highly structured questions for later interviews
ities at three conferences with adolescent smokers. Walklate (2000) ex-
8. focus group analysis of audience reception of plained that for her research on fear of crime
media coverage (13 focus groups) and safety issues in high-crime areas, a survey
using traditional questions about victimiza-
Qualitative research facilitates tion was used. However, the questions were
­quantitative research amended to reflect the local context following
Here are two ways in which qualitative research can six months of interviews, ethnography, and
serve as a guide for quantitative research: examination of local newspapers. Similarly,
the survey questions that Bell (2007) used in
• By suggesting hypotheses. Because of its ten- his study of western Canadian separatism were
dency toward unstructured, open-ended prompted in part by his experiences in gather-
methods of data collection, qualitative re- ing qualitative data.
search is often a source of hypotheses that
can be tested using a quantitative strategy. An Quantitative research facilitates
example is Phelan’s (1987) research in which ­qualitative research
she conducted qualitative interviews and con- One way in which quantitative research can prepare
versations with people attending a treatment the ground for qualitative work is through the se-
program for families dealing with incest. lection of people to be interviewed. This can occur
After a considerable amount of qualitative in several ways. In the case of Fenton et al.’s (1998)
data had been collected, Phelan became aware research on the reporting of social science research
of differences between biological fathers and in the mass media, discussed above, a media con-
stepfathers in how they interpreted their in- tent analysis (method 1) was used as a source of
cestuous acts, and in the frequency with which data. However, it also served as a means of identify-
certain behaviours occurred. Q ­uantifiable ing journalists who had reported relevant research
data were collected through interviews with (method 5). In addition, replies to questions in the
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 337

general survey of social scientists (method 2) were or qualitative research had priority, and which one
used to help identify two groups of social scientists, came first in the sequence. Sometimes research uses
those with high and those with low levels of media both strategies and several methods, but no single
coverage of their research, who were then inter- one is dominant.
viewed with a semi-structured approach (method
4). Similarly, Jamieson (2000) administered a ques- Static and process features
tionnaire to a sample of young men on their crim- Together, the characteristics listed in Table 9.1 sug-
inal activity. On the basis of their replies, qualitative gest that quantitative research presents a static pic-
interviews were conducted with equal numbers of ture of social life, while qualitative research presents
young men in each of three categories: those who had a more dynamic picture, emphasizing process. In
never committed a criminal offence; those who some contexts “static” may be considered a negative
had offended but not recently; and persistent offenders. term, but in this case it’s positive. In fact, it is the
regularities revealed by quantitative research that
Filling in the gaps allow for the analysis of process. A multi-strategy
When the researcher cannot rely on either a quanti- research approach makes it possible to combine the
tative or a qualitative method alone, a multi-strategy two. An illustration is provided by MacKinnon and
approach can be used to fill in the gaps. For example, Luke’s (2002) study of cultural change from 1981
ethnographers may employ structured interviewing to 1995. Their main method of data collection was
or self-completion questionnaires if not everything survey research, but to complete the picture they
they need to know is accessible through direct ob- also examined census and public opinion data, as
servation, or if they have difficulty gaining access to well as newspaper articles on historical events. They
certain groups of people. found that levels of homophobia and anti-Semitism
Morgan (1998) suggested a two-step approach to decreased over that period, but that sympathy for
planning multi-strategy research: Indigenous people also declined. They cautioned
that their small sample (70) and what were essen-
• The priority decision. Will the princi- tially “good guesses” meant that their conclusions,
pal data-gathering tool be qualitative or “like the interpretations of an ethnographer [were]
quantitative? subject to alternative interpretations by others”
• The sequence decision. Should the “comple- (MacKinnon & Luke, 2002, p. 332).
mentary” method be used first, as a prelim-
inary to the principal method, or second, as a Researcher and participant
follow-up? perspectives
Sometimes researchers want to gather two kinds of
These decisions yield four possible types of re- data: qualitative data that show the general perspec-
search design (see Figure 14.1). tives of the people they are studying, and quantita-
One difficulty with using Morgan’s typology is tive data on specific issues. For example, Milkman
that it may be difficult to know whether quantitative (1997) was interested in the meaning of industrial
work: in particular, whether factory conditions
Priority had changed since the 1950s, when they were por-
Quantitative Qualitative
trayed very negatively. To find out, she employed
semi-structured interviews and focus groups with
Preliminary M1 M2 General Motors production workers. She was also
Follow-up M3 M4 interested in a “buyout” plan that the company’s
management introduced in the mid-1980s after it
FIGURE 14.1 Morgan’s classification of approaches had initiated a variety of changes to work practices.
to multi-strategy research The plan offered workers the opportunity to give up
338 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

their jobs for a substantial cash payment. In 1988 Another illustration is provided by Barnard and
and again in 1991, Milkman carried out a question- Frischer’s (1995) research on HIV-related risk behav-
naire survey of workers who had accepted the com- iour among drug injectors. Structured interviews
pany’s buyout offer. The surveys inquired about the with 503 injectors revealed that “females report[ed]
reasons for taking the buyout, how those taking it significantly higher levels of needle sharing, sexual
had fared since leaving General Motors, how they activity, and AIDS awareness than their male
felt about their current employment, and differences counterparts,” and that “women . . . ­co-habiting
among social groups (in particular ethnic groups) in with sexual partners who [were] themselves inject-
current earnings relative to those at General Motors. ors, [were] particularly likely to report high levels of
risk behaviour and also AIDS awareness” (­Barnard &
The problem of generality Frischer, 1995, p. 357). What produced this relation-
As we noted above, there is a tendency in qualita- ship between gender, risk behaviour, and cohabita-
tive research to present findings without evidence tion? Semi-structured interviews with 73 injectors
indicating how typical they are, or how the group suggested that the relationship between these vari-
under study compares with some larger popula- ables could be explained “by the tendency for women
tion. Partly to counter this problem, Tastsoglou and to be in sexual relationships with men who them-
Miedema (2003) used quantitative national data on selves inject and with whom they are unlikely to use
women’s volunteer work to compare their admittedly condoms” (Barnard & Frischer, 1995, p. 360). Here
non-random sample of immigrant women with the qualitative data were used to shed light on relation-
Canadian population; they found that the immi- ships among variables derived from quantitative
grant women actually volunteered more than the research.
national average.
Studying different aspects
Qualitative research may help to of a phenomenon
interpret the relationship There is a tendency to think of quantitative re-
between variables search as best suited to the investigation of “macro”
A frequent problem for quantitative researchers is phenomena (such as social mobility and social
how to explain relationships between variables. One stratification) and qualitative research as more ap-
strategy is to look for an intervening variable: one propriate for “micro” issues (such as interactions
that is influenced by the independent variable but between wait staff and their customers). The macro/
in turn has an effect on the dependent variable. For micro distinction can also be discerned in Table 9.1.
example, in a relationship between ethnicity and oc- In the example outlined in Box 14.2, Wajcman and
cupation, education may be an intervening variable: Martin (2002) used a quantitative method in the
form of a questionnaire survey to explore the career
ethnicity → education → occupation
patterns of male and female m ­ anagers. However,
This sequence implies that the variable ethnicity they also carried out ­qualitative, ­semi-structured
has an impact on education (for example, ethnic interviews to explore how managers made sense of
groups differ in their levels of education), which in their career patterns in terms of their identity. Thus
turn has implications for the jobs that people in dif- the choice of methods was determined by the re-
ferent ethnic groups attain. Qualitative work could search question.
examine how different ethnic groups perceive edu- The use of multi-strategy research to study differ-
cation, which could lead to a fuller understanding ent aspects of a phenomenon can also be seen in the
of education as an intervening variable. It could family obligations studies conducted by Finch (1985)
also provide leads to a different theoretical perspec- and Mason (1994). Focusing on the distribution
tive on the general topic of ethnicity, education, and within families of the obligation to care for relatives,
occupation. this research had two main data collection elements:
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 339

BOX 14.2 C
 ombining survey research and qualitative interviewing
in a study of managers

similar than different in terms of career orienta-

tions and attitudes: contrary to what many had
anticipated, women’s career experiences and
orientations were not found to be distinctive.
They then examined the qualitative interviews for
narratives of identity and found that both male
Weekend Images Inc/iStockphoto

and female managers depicted their careers in

“market” terms (they responded to the require-
ments of the managerial labour market by devel-
oping their skills and experience). But whereas for
men narratives of career meshed seamlessly with
narratives of domestic life, for women there was
Why do the findings from structured interviews some-
a disjuncture. Female managers found it harder
times differ from those derived from semi-structured
to reconcile managerial identities with domes-
or unstructured interviews?
tic ones and more often had to opt for one or the
Wajcman and Martin (2002) used a questionnaire other. In this way, choices about career and family
to survey male and female managers (470 in were still gendered. This example illustrates how a
total) in six Australian companies and conducted multi-strategy approach can work to reveal much
­semi-structured interviews with 136 managers in more than could have been gleaned through the
each company. The survey evidence showed that use of one method alone.
male and female managers were generally more

a survey of a sample of nearly 1000 people by struc- social processes they expressed. (Mason, 1994,
tured interview, and semi-structured interviewing pp. 90–91)
with 88 people. A major component of the survey
interviewing was the use of the vignette technique What were the two sets of research questions to
described in Box 5.4. Mason described the purpose which Mason referred? The survey was designed to
of integrating quantitative and qualitative research elicit information about “‘the proper thing to do’
as follows: for relatives in a variety of circumstances” (Mason,
1994, p. 90). Through the semi-structured inter-
From the beginning . . . we were using the views, Mason tried “to discover what people actually
two parts of our study to ask different sets of did in practice for their own relatives, and also the
questions about family obligations. Not only processes by which they came to do it and make
were we employing different methods to gen- sense of it: did a sense of obligation or responsibility
erate different types of data, but we also antici- have a role in the process? How did people in prac-
pated that these would tell us about different tice work out what to do for their kin, or ask of their
aspects of family obligations. . . . [O]ur view kin?” (Mason, 1994, p. 90).
was that an understanding of kin obligations In multi-strategy research, then, the different
in practice would require an analysis of the re- methods may be geared to addressing different kinds
lationship between the two data sets and the of research questions. The study on the reporting of
340 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

social science research in the British mass media by reached through method 3 to be elaborated
Fenton et al. (1998), discussed earlier, is a further ex- and more fully understood.
ample of a project that used quantitative and quali- • Questions about reception. For example: How
tative research to answer different types of questions: do readers/viewers interpret media reporting
of social science research? (method 8).
• Questions about coverage. For example: How • Questions about the communication environ-
much coverage is there of social science re- ment. For example: What are the policies of
search? What gets covered? Where? (method 1). universities, government departments, and
• Questions about the production of media cov- funding bodies concerning the media report-
erage. For example: What kinds of attributes ing of research? (method 6).
do journalists look for when deciding whether
to write an item on social science research? This form of multi-strategy research entails
(methods 5 and 7). making decisions about which kinds of research
• Questions about social scientists’ attitudes to question are best answered using a quantitative
media reports of research. This includes re- method and which by a qualitative method. (Box 14.3
porting of research in general (method 2) provides another example.) It also requires that re-
and of their own research (methods 3 and 4). searchers think about how best to interweave the dif-
Method 4 was designed to allow the findings ferent elements, especially since, as was suggested in

BOX 14.3 Q
 ualitative and quantitative methods combined to study
children’s knowledge of learning difficulties

Nowicki et al. (2014) combined qualitative and quan- understanding that often cannot be verbalized but
titative approaches in a study that examined how may manifest itself in recognition tasks. To do this
children aged 9–11 viewed the causes of classroom the students were given cards on which were writ-
learning difficulties. The study was conducted at five ten each of the 42 statements. They were asked
schools in a medium-sized Ontario city where stu- to place the cards in groups based on similarity,
dents with learning issues were fully integrated with and to produce labels for each group they had cre-
other students in the classroom. The researchers ated. The cluster analysis showed that five distinct
employed the technique of concept mapping, which clusters of statements could be identified, and that
combines qualitative interviewing with cluster an- the clusters were meaningful, coherent categories
alysis, a statistical procedure. The qualitative inter- that indicated a surprising level of understand-
viewing of individual students formed the first phase ing of learning difficulties. The clusters had the
of the study, with the focal question being “Why do themes fate, family stress, neurological problems,
some children have learning difficulties?” After edit­ information processing difficulties, and issues re-
ing for redundancy and clarity, this produced 42 lated to motivation and instruction. It turned out
unique statements, or a mean of 1.2 responses per that the students were more astute in identifying
student. This result was in keeping with previous a diverse range of possible causes of learning dif-
qualitative research that indicated that children ficulties when given a list of statements produced
at this age have a very limited store of “explicit” by their peers than they were in verbalizing the
knowledge of learning difficulties, which refers to causes on their own. This study illustrates how
­knowledge that can be verbalized on one’s own. combining qualitative and quantitative methods
But the researchers also tested the chil- may produce more informative results than em-
dren’s “implicit” knowledge of the topic, a type of ploying just one of those approaches.
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 341

the context of the discussion about triangulation, the However, multi-strategy research is not necessar-
outcomes of mixed-method research are not always ily superior to one-method or one-strategy research.
predictable. Four points must be borne in mind:
Like unplanned triangulation, this category of
multi-strategy research is more or less impossible • Multi-strategy research must be competently
to plan in advance. Essentially, it offers quantitative designed and conducted: otherwise its findings
researchers an alternative to either revising their hy- will be suspect, no matter how many methods
potheses or filing the inconsistent results away (and are employed.
probably never looking at them again). • Multi-strategy research must be appropriate
for the research questions asked. There is no
point in collecting additional kinds of data on
Reflections on multi-strategy the assumption that “more is better.”
research • Multiple methods are likely to take consider-
There can be little doubt that multi-strategy research ably more time and financial resources than
is becoming more common. Two particularly signifi- research using just one approach, and spread-
cant factors in this development are: ing resources too thinly can dilute the effect-
iveness of the research.
• a growing willingness to see research meth- • Not all researchers have the skills and train-
ods simply as techniques of data collection, ing required to carry out both quantitative and
unencumbered by epistemological and onto- qualitative research, and their “trained incapa-
logical baggage; and cities” may prevent them from integrating the
• a softening in the attitude toward quantitative different forms of research.
research among feminist researchers who in
the past had resisted its use (see Chapter 5 for a Multi-strategy research is not a panacea. It may
discussion of this point). provide a better understanding of a phenomenon
than if just one method is used. It may enhance
Other factors are relevant, but these two are espe- confidence in the findings, and it may even im-
cially important. An example of their operation can prove the chances of access to research settings.
be found in research on audience reception of media Milkman (1997, p. 192), for example, suggested in
and cultural texts. In the past, researchers in the area her research on a General Motors factory that her
relied mainly on qualitative methods (in particular, promise of “hard,” quantitative data facilitated her
focus groups), but lingering unease regarding the entry to the plant even though she had no experience
reliability and generalizability of their findings has with this method. But the general point remains:
led some to recommend using quantitative research ­multi-strategy research, while offering great poten-
methods in tandem with qualitative methods (for tial in many instances, is subject to constraints sim-
example, Schrøder, 1999). ilar to those in research relying on a single strategy.

Methods in Motion | Applications to Canadian Society

Combining quantitative and qualitative research to understand
poverty and mental health among bisexuals
Although bisexuals form the largest sexual min- colleagues (2016) sought to rectify this by using a
ority group, there is relatively little research on multi-strategy approach to examine the empirical
the experiences of bisexual people. Ross and relationships between bisexuality, poverty, and
342 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

mental health among a sample of 302 adult bisex- results, and to explore possible theoretical con-
uals living in Ontario. nections between poverty, bisexuality, and mental
The research grew out of an awareness that health.
previous studies had shown that low socio- In the quantitative part of the study, Ross and
economic status was associated with higher risk her associates found that a sizeable proportion
of negative mental health outcomes, and that (25.7 per cent) of all study participants lived below
people with a minority sexual orientation (gays, the LICO poverty line, and that poverty was asso-
lesbians, and bisexuals) tended to have lower in- ciated with depression and PTSD. Bisexuals living
comes than heterosexuals, although some data in poverty also experienced more discrimination,
indicated that non-heterosexual women earned and after demographic controls were introduced
more on average than heterosexual women. Pre- they were more likely to be open about their
vious research also found that bisexuals were sexual orientation.
more likely to live in poverty than lesbians or The qualitative data analysis gave rise to four
gays, and had more health problems than people models of the pathways by which poverty and
with other sexual orientations. Earlier studies also bisexuality may intersect with mental health.
indicated that bisexuals experienced discrimina- One male participant described being gang
tion in the form of homophobia, heterosexism, raped at age 15, which led to a “lost decade” of
biphobia, and monosexism, with the latter two substance abuse and risky sexual behaviours at
forms of prejudice coming not only from hetero- a stage in his life that might otherwise have been
sexual individuals but also from lesbian and gay devoted to advancing his education and develop-
people. ing his job credentials. This and other accounts of
Ross et al. gathered quantitative data with early life experiences were used by the research-
an online survey that measured whether partici- ers to produce a model in which bisexuality and
pants had incomes below the Low Income Cut- poverty impact adolescent development, which
Off (LICO), a widely used indicator of poverty. The in turn affects both mental health and subse-
survey also included measures of mental health quent poverty. Other participants discussed how
issues such as depression, anxiety, ­post-traumatic biphobic or homophobic discrimination resulted
stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidality. Variables in job loss, promotion denials, or lack of hiring,
measuring “outness” (how open a person with a which led the authors to develop a theoretical
minority sexual orientation is about their sexual model in which bisexuality affects employment
identity) and perceived discrimination were experiences and earning potential, which then in-
included on the survey as well. In addition, in- fluences mental health in a reciprocal way. Other
formation was collected on the participants’ models explored how bisexuality and poverty
demographic characteristics such as their age, may impede access to social support and mental
sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and racial/ health services, which can contribute to poor
ethnic/cultural identity. mental health.
After the quantitative data were collected, This study provides a good example of how
Ross and her co-researchers acquired a quali- quantitative and qualitative approaches can
tative perspective on the matter by conducting complement each other, and how a combination
semi-structured interviews with a subset of the of the two may be used to generate empirically
survey participants. The interviews were designed based theories that can be the subject of further
to provide a social context for the quantitative research.
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 343

Key Points
• It’s important not to exaggerate the differences methods can be used to analyze the rhetoric of
between quantitative and qualitative research. quantitative researchers.
• Connections between epistemology and ontology • Some qualitative researchers employ quantifica-
on the one hand, and research methods on the tion in their work.
other, are not fixed or absolute. • Although the practice of multi-strategy research
• Qualitative research can exhibit features normally has increased, not all writers support it.
associated with a natural science model. • The view that there are epistemological and onto-
• Quantitative research can incorporate an interpre- logical impediments to the combination of quan-
tivist stance. titative and qualitative research is a barrier to
• The artificial/natural contrast used to distinguish multi-strategy research.
quantitative and qualitative research is often • There are several different ways of combining
exaggerated. quantitative and qualitative research; some can
• A quantitative research approach can be used to be planned in advance, others cannot.
analyze qualitative data, and qualitative research

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

The natural science model and qualitative Research methods and epistemological and
research ontological considerations
RR Under what circumstances can some qualitative RR How closely tied are research methods to epis-
research use a natural science model? temological and ontological positions? Explain.
AA A qualitative researcher finds that many of the AA You decide to do a secondary analysis of quanti-
homeless people she encounters in her fieldwork tative data taken from the General Social Survey,
have addiction issues. How might she use that find- Victimization Study. You have no preconceived
ing to launch a quantitative study? theoretical position when you begin, but decide to
see if there is any association between gender and
Quantitative research and interpretivism fear of crime. How does your approach deviate
RR Under what circumstances can some ­quantitative from a strictly positivist orientation to research?
research exhibit characteristics of interpretivism?
AA A quantitative researcher finds that 25 per cent of Problems with the quantitative/qualitative
the people aged 18–25 in a national sample have contrast
no intention of voting in the next federal election, RR Outline some of the ways in which the quantita-
while the figure for people aged 65 and over is tive/qualitative contrast is not as hard and fast as
only 10 per cent. Explain this difference, making is often supposed.
reference to how people at different ages may per- AA Explain how grounded theory methods could be
ceive the political process differently. If you were used to develop a theory of the relationship be-
to write up your answer in a research report, would tween body shaming and the use of social media,
it be appropriate to describe it as qualitative in then describe how this sort of research can be
nature? Explain. thought of as a form of theory testing.

Quantitative research and constructionism The mutual analysis of quantitative and

RR Under what circumstances can some quantitative qualitative research
research be constructivist? RR How might a researcher take a qualitative ap-
AA You do a quantitative content analysis that exam- proach to quantitative research?
ines the portrayal of women in detergent commer- AA What are some implications of Gilbert and Mulkay’s
cials. How might your study be constructivist in (1984) work (on how scientists write up their findings)
nature? for the qualitative analysis of quantitative research?
344 Part IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

RR What is ethnostatistics and why is it used? Opposing arguments about combining

AA How can ethnostatistics inform the debate about quantitative and qualitative research
whether quantitative and qualitative research are RR What are the epistemological and technical argu-
based on incompatible paradigms? ments regarding the prospect of combining quan-
titative and qualitative research? What are their
RR What is a meta-ethnography? implications for multi-strategy research?
AA Assess the significance of Hodson’s (1996; 1999) re- AA Explain how multi-strategy research could be car-
search on workplace ethnographies. How can it be ried out on the topic of white-collar crime.
used to evaluate the embedded methods argument?
Approaches to multi-strategy research
Quantification in qualitative research RR What are the chief ways in which quantitative and
RR What is meant by quantification in qualitative qualitative research have been combined?
research? AA Traditionally, qualitative research is depicted as
AA Should there be more quantification in qualitative having a preparatory role in relation to quantita-
studies? What are some drawbacks to increased tive research. To what extent do the different forms
quantification in qualitative research? Explain of multi-strategy research reflect this view? How
your answer to these questions as they would per- can quantitative studies of conservative political
tain to a qualitative content analysis of a local gay attitudes be a precursor to qualitative research?
pride parade.
Reflections on multi-strategy research
The argument against multi-strategy RR Why has multi-strategy research become more
research prominent?
RR What is multi-strategy research? AA Is multi-strategy research necessarily superior
AA What are the strengths and weaknesses of the em- to single-strategy research? Describe a specific,
bedded methods and paradigm arguments against hypothetical instance in which it would be su-
multi-strategy research that combines quantitative perior, and one in which it would not.
survey approaches with qualitative interviewing?

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. The instructor divides the class into small groups. that could be employed (e.g., correlation,
Each group: ­cross-tabulation, regression), and so on;
a. selects a general topic that could be re- d. discusses how qualitative methods could be
searched using quantitative methods—e.g., incorporated into the research at each step
variables that predict people’s participation in in the process—for example, by holding focus
political activities; groups with young people to explore how they
b. develops a theory or hypothesis pertaining feel about politics and their participation in it;
to their general topic—for example, young acquiring and analyzing qualitative data to de-
people are less likely to participate (vote, run velop testable hypotheses on the topic; using
as a candidate, etc.) in national elections than the qualitative data to create survey questions;
older people, and this occurs because of a or doing qualitative research to make sense of
sense of alienation from conventional political quantitative findings; and
parties and any other organization that has a e. considers the following question: “Does quanti-
pronounced power hierarchy; tative research differ from qualitative research
c. produces an outline of how the research could in fundamental, irreconcilable ways? Explain.”
be conducted, including sample selection,
wording for key survey questions (if applic- The class as a whole then reconvenes. Each
able), description of statistical techniques­ group presents a summary of its discussions to the
14 | Revisioning Quantitative and Qualitative 345

class, which is invited to ask questions and provide certain psychological traits or demographic
critical commentary on each group’s presentation. characteristics; or generating hypotheses that
could be tested using quantitative methods; and
2. The instructor divides the class into small groups. d. considers the following question: “Does quali-
Each group: tative research differ from quantitative re-
a. selects a general topic that could be re- search in fundamental, irreconcilable ways?
searched using qualitative methods—for ex- Explain.”
ample, how people with eating disorders view
themselves and their relationships with food; The class as a whole then reconvenes. Each
b. produces an outline of how the research could group presents a summary of its discussions to the
be conducted, including the recruitment of in- class, which is invited to ask questions and provide
formants; questions that could be explored in critical commentary on each group’s presentation.
qualitative interviews (if applicable); commen-
tary on whether ethnographic research would 3. A class debate is held to evaluate the following
be appropriate; a consideration of how narra- statement: “Quantitative research differs from
tive analysis might be used; and so on; qualitative research in fundamental, irreconcil-
c. discusses how quantitative methods could be able ways.” The instructor divides the class into
incorporated into the research at each step in three groups. The first group must present argu-
the process—for example, by coding qualita- ments supporting the statement, the second must
tive data; addressing the issue of how prevalent oppose it, and the third can chose to either sup-
certain eating disorders are among particular port or oppose the statement. At the conclusion of
social groups or in the larger society; examin- the debate a class vote is held to determine which
ing whether people with eating disorders share group presented the most convincing case.

Relevant Websites
In this YouTube video, one of this book’s authors (the
late Professor Alan Bryman) discusses ­multi-strategy
For examples of multi-strategy research, see the
research in the social sciences.
Journal of Mixed Methods Research (to access the
journal you may have to go through your institution’s
library server).
Professor Ashutosh Varshney speaks about the use
(Websites accessed on 1 November 2018)
of quantitative and qualitative methods in the study
of conflict in this YouTube video.

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Writing Up Social Research

Chapter Overview
One of the main tasks of any researcher, regardless of the project’s size, is to provide a written account of
the study’s methods, findings, and conclusions. Writing effectively is crucial, because an audience must
be persuaded that the research is credible and important. This chapter explores:
• why writing, and especially good writing, is important to social research;
• how quantitative and qualitative research are typically written up;
• the influence of postmodernism and its implications for writing; and
• key issues in the writing of ethnography, an area in which discussions about writing have been
especially prominent.

As with other skills, the best way to become ­proficient you will understand the subject matter and the more
at writing up social research is to do it as often as familiar you will become with the structure and flow
you can. And be patient with yourself—even the best of social science writing. In the process, you will come
­writers edit and revise their work many times over to recognize that some works are better written than
before they consider it finished. It’s also helpful to get a others and you will begin to absorb the techniques of
knowledgeable person to read what you’ve written and good writing as if by osmosis. Becoming a collector of
offer advice. words also helps. Keep a good dictionary on hand (or
There are structural and technical requirements that online) while you read, and be sure to look up any word
vary depending on the type of research you’ve done, but that you aren’t sure you understand, even if it isn’t a
it’s equally important to pay attention to the quality of technical term. Finally, and perhaps most important, try
your writing as writing. Writing, even the formal variety, to bring your enthusiasm for your topic to the page. If
shouldn’t be thought of as drudgery: consider it an art your exuberance has waned by the time you start writ-
to be cultivated. ing, think about how your project relates to some larger
One of the best ways to become a good writer is to societal or theoretical issue, and keep that in mind as
become a great reader. The more you read, the better you write.

▲ tunart/iStockphoto
15 | Writing Up Social Research 347

Introduction Writing up quantitative

Up to this point we’ve focused our energies on ­research: An example
how to do good research. In this chapter we’ll look To illustrate some of the characteristics of writing
at how to share the fruits of your research labours up quantitative research for academic journals, we
with others, which typically involves presenting will use the article by Kelley and De Graaf (1997)
your work in written form. This is an important that was referred to in Chapter 5. The study is
matter because regardless of how well your research based on a secondary analysis of survey data on
is ­conducted, readers have to be convinced that its religion in 15 nations and was accepted for pub-
findings are valid and worth knowing about, and lication in one of the most prestigious journals in
that requires good writing. sociology—the American Sociological Review. The
We will begin by considering whether quan- vast majority of articles published in academic
titative and qualitative research studies call for journals have undergone a blind review process
different approaches to writing. Two published in which two or three peers read the draft article
articles are examined to uncover some helpful fea- and then comment anonymously on it; their as-
tures, one based on quantitative research and the sessments then help the editors decide whether it
other on a qualitative study. When Bryman (1998) is worthy of publication.
compared qualitative and quantitative research Many articles are rejected. With highly presti-
articles, he found the differences between them to gious journals, that is the fate of more than 90 per
be less pronounced than the methodological liter- cent of them. Moreover, it is unusual for an arti-
ature had led him to expect. One difference he did cle to be accepted on its first submission. Usually,
notice, however, was that quantitative researchers the referees will suggest areas that need revising
often gave more detailed accounts of their research and the author must then respond to that feed-
design and methods than qualitative researchers. back. A revised version may then be sent back to
This was surprising, because in books, qualita- the referees for further comment. At that point,
tive researchers usually provide detailed accounts the author will often have to revise the draft yet
of these areas. Wolcott (1990) also noticed this again. Thus an article like Kelley and De Graaf ’s
tendency: is not just the culmination of a research process:
it is also the product of a reviewer feedback pro-
Our [qualitative researchers’] failure to render cess. The fact that it was accepted for publication
full and complete disclosure about our data-­ when so many others are rejected shows that it met
gathering procedures gives our methodologically-­ the standards of the journal. This does not mean
oriented colleagues fits. And rightly so, especially that the article is perfect, but passing the refereeing
for those among them willing to accept our con- process is an indication that it does possess certain
tributions if we would only provide more careful crucial qualities.
data about our data. (1990, p. 27) The article has the following components, aside
from the Abstract and Bibliography:
Simply to inform readers that a study is based
on a year of participant observation or a par- 1. Introduction
ticular number of semi-structured interviews 2. Theory
is not enough to establish credibility, as we shall 3. Data
see. Similarly, there are a number of things to be 4. Measurement
­considered in writing up quantitative research that 5. Methods and models
go beyond mentioning sample sizes and signifi- 6. Results
cance levels. 7. Conclusion
348 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Introduction this proposition. In this sentence, the authors

move away from the idea of uniform social
The opening four sentences of the Introduction at- change in the West that was the focus of the
tempt to grab the reader’s attention, give a clear previous sentence, and indicate that there
indication of the article’s focus, and provide an indi- may be differences between societies on this
cation of the likely significance of the findings. This characteristic.
is what the authors wrote: • In the fourth sentence the authors estab-
lish their specific contribution to this area of
Religion remains a central element of modern study: they will explore the passing on of reli-
life, shaping people’s world-views, moral stan- gious beliefs between generations in different
dards, family lives, and in many nations, their countries.
politics. But in many Western nations, mod-
ernization and secularization may be eroding So, in just four sentences the authors outline the
Christian beliefs, with profound consequences contribution they propose to make and situate it
that have intrigued sociologists since Durk- within the established literature on the topic. This is
heim. Yet this much touted secularization quite a powerful start.
may be overstated—certainly it varies widely
among nations and is absent in the United Theory
States (Benson, Donahue, and Erickson 1989: In the Theory section, existing ideas and research
154–7; Felling, Peters, and Schreuder 1991; on the topic of religious socialization are presented.
Firebaugh and Harley 1991; Stark and Ian- The authors point to the impact of parents and other
naccone 1994). We explore the degree to which people on children’s religious beliefs, but then assert
religious beliefs are passed on from generation that “a person’s religious environment is also shaped
to generation in different nations. (Kelley & by factors other than their own and their parents’
De Graaf, 1997, p. 639) religious beliefs, and hence is a potential cause of
those beliefs” (Kelley & De Graaf, 1997, p. 641). The
This is an impressive start: in just over a hundred authors go on to argue that “prominent among these
words, the authors set out both what the article is ‘unchosen’ aspects of one’s religious environment is
about and what its significance is. Look at what each birthplace” (Kelley & De Graaf, 1997, p. 641). Their
sentence achieves: ruminations on this issue lead them to propose the
hypothesis that contextual factors have an impact
• The first sentence presents the research as on religious beliefs. They suggest that family back-
addressing an aspect of modern society that ground has a greater impact on a person’s religious
touches many people’s lives. beliefs in predominantly secular societies than in
• The second sentence notes that in many Western devout societies. In the former, they suggest, parents
nations Christian belief may be eroding in re- and other family members are more likely to isolate
sponse to secularization and modernization, and children from secularizing influences. In devout so-
that this could have “profound consequences.” At cieties, by contrast, such insulation is less necessary
the same time, it makes the point that this topic and the influence of national factors greater. These
has long been of interest to sociologists and, by hypotheses are derived directly from the research
mentioning Durkheim, one of sociology’s most questions, which are stated in the article’s Abstract:
venerated figures, implicitly underlines the im- “How much does a nation’s religious environment
portance of the authors’ research. affect the religious beliefs of its citizens? Do reli-
• The third sentence introduces the idea that the gious nations differ from secular nations in how be-
extent of secularization may have been exag- liefs are passed on from generation to generation?”
gerated and cites several articles in support of (Kelley & De Graaf, 1997, p. 639).
15 | Writing Up Social Research 349

Data beliefs. They also address the ramifications of their

findings for the theories about religious beliefs in
In the Data section the authors outline the data sets modern society outlined in the Theory section:
they used. The sampling procedures are outlined
along with sample sizes and response rates. Our results also speak to the long-running
debate about US exceptionalism (Warner
Measurement 1993): They support the view that the United
Under Measurement, Kelley and De Graaf explain States is unusually religious. . . . Our results
how their main concepts are measured. The concepts do not support Stark and Iannaccone’s (1994)
are religious belief; parents’ church attendance; secular “supply-side” analysis of differences between
and religious nations (that is, the scoring procedure nations which argues that nations with re-
for indicating the degree to which a nation is reli- ligious monopolies have substantial unmet
gious or secular on a five-point scale); other contex- religious needs, while churches in religiously
tual characteristics of nations (for example, whether competitive nations like the US do a better job
or not it is a former communist nation); and individ- of meeting diverse religious needs. (Kelley &
ual characteristics (for example, age and gender). De Graaf, 1997, p. 655)

Methods and models The final paragraph spells out inferences about
Methods and Models is a very technical section, the impact of social change on a nation’s level of re-
which outlines both the different ways in which ligious belief. The authors suggest that factors such
the relationships between the variables can be con- as modernization and the growth of education de-
ceptualized and the implications of using different press levels of religious belief, resulting in a precipi-
­multivariate data analysis methods. tous rather than gradual fall in levels of religiosity.
In their final three sentences, they discuss societies
Results undergoing such change:
In the Results section the authors provide a gen-
eral description of their findings and then consider The offspring of devout families mostly remain
whether their hypotheses are supported; it turns out devout, but the offspring of more secular fam-
they are. The significance of other contextual char- ilies now strongly tend to be secular. A self-­
acteristics of nations and individual differences are reinforcing spiral of secularization then sets
discussed separately. in, shifting the nation’s average religiosity ever
further away from orthodoxy. So after gen-
Conclusions erations of stability, religious belief declines
In the final section, Conclusions, Kelley and abruptly in the course of a few generations to
De Graaf return to the issues that have been driving the modest levels seen in many Western na-
their investigation, namely those presented in the tions. (Kelley & De Graaf, 1997, p. 656)
Introduction and Theory sections. They begin with
a strong statement of their findings: “The religious It may be argued that these reflections are some-
environment of a nation has a major impact on the what risky, because the data from which the auth-
beliefs of its citizens: people living in religious na- ors derived their findings are cross-sectional rather
tions acquire, in proportion to the orthodoxy of their than longitudinal. They were clearly extrapolating
fellow citizens, more orthodox beliefs than those from their scoring of the 15 nations in terms of levels
living in secular nations” (Kelley & De Graaf, 1997, of modernization to the impact of social change on
p. 654). They then reflect on the implications of the national levels of religiosity. However, these final
confirmation of their hypotheses for understanding sentences make for a strong conclusion, which may
the process of religious socialization and religious inspire further research.
350 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Lessons Writing up qualitative

What lessons can be learned from Kelley and ­research: An example
De Graaf ’s article? Now consider an example of a journal article based
on qualitative research: a study of vegetarianism by
• A strong opening statement can both grab the Beardsworth and Keil (1992), discussed in Chapter 2.
reader’s attention and act as a signpost indicat- The research was based on semi-structured inter-
ing what the article is about. views and published in the Sociological Review, a
• It’s important to spell out the rationale for the leading British journal.
research (in this case, the authors point to the The structure runs as follows:
continued significance of religion in many so-
cieties and refer explicitly to the literature on 1. Introduction
religious beliefs and secularization). 2. The analysis of the social dimensions of food
• The research questions and any hypotheses de- and eating
rived from them should be clearly formulated. 3. Studies of vegetarianism
(As we noted in Chapter 4, not all quantitative 4. The design of the study
research is driven by hypotheses.) 5. The findings of the study
• The nature of the data, the measurement of 6. Explaining contemporary vegetarianism
concepts, the sampling, the research methods 7. Conclusions
employed, and the approaches to the analy-
sis of the data should be clearly and explicitly What is immediately striking about the struc-
summarized. ture is that it is fairly similar to that of Kelley and
• The presentation of the findings should be De Graaf’s (1997) article. Nor should this be surpris-
oriented very specifically to the research ques- ing. After all, a structure that runs
tions and their related hypotheses.
• The conclusion should return to the research Introduction → Literature review → Research
hypotheses and spell out the implications of design/methods → Results → Discussion →
the findings both for them and for the theories Conclusions
cited. This is an important point: linking the
findings of the study to the hypotheses and is not associated with any particular research strat-
theories introduced earlier allows the authors egy. As we will see, however, the presentation and
to discuss whether the hypotheses or theories discussion of the results tend to be more interwoven
are supported, and what the implications are in articles based on qualitative research.
for further research.
There is also a clear sequential process con- The first four sentences give an immediate sense of
necting the formulation of the research hypotheses, what the article is about:
the description of the data, the presentation of the
findings, and the presentation of the conclusions. The purpose of this paper is to offer a con-
Each stage follows from its predecessor. The struc- tribution to the analysis of the cultural and
ture used by Kelley and De Graaf is a common one sociological factors that influence patterns of
in quantitative research reported in social science food selection and food avoidance. The specific
journals, although sometimes a separate Discus- focus is contemporary vegetarianism, a com-
sion section is included between the Results and the plex of inter-related beliefs, attitudes and nu-
Conclusion. tritional practices which has to date received
15 | Writing Up Social Research 351

comparatively little attention from social sci- Studies of vegetarianism

entists. Vegetarians in Western cultures, in
most instances, are not life-long practitioners The review of the social scientific literature on
but converts. They are individuals who have vegetarianism includes opinion poll and survey
subjected more traditional foodways to critical data pointing to the likely proportion of vegetar-
scrutiny, and subsequently made a deliberate ians in the British population at the time of writ-
decision to change their eating habits, some- ing; d
­ ebates about animal rights; a sociological
times in a radical fashion. (Beardsworth & analysis of vegetarian ideas; and a reference to
Keil, 1992, p. 253) a survey r­esearch study of vegetarians in the US
(Dwyer et al., 1974).
Like Kelley and De Graaf’s, this is a strong intro-
duction. Look at what each sentence achieves: The design of the study
The first sentence of the section describing the
• The first sentence makes it clear that the re- study’s design forges a link with the preceding one:
search is concerned with the study of food. “The themes outlined above appear to warrant fur-
• The second sentence describes the specific re- ther investigation, preferably in a manner which
search focus, the study of vegetarianism, and allows for a much more richly detailed examination
makes a claim for attention by suggesting that of motivations and experiences than is apparent
this topic has been under-researched by sociol- in the study by Dwyer et al.” (Beardsworth & Keil,
ogists. Interestingly, this is almost the opposite 1992, p. 260). This opening gambit allows the auth-
of the claim made by Kelley and De Graaf in ors to suggest that the literature in this area is scant
their second sentence, in that the latter point to and that there are many unanswered questions. In
a line of sociological interest in religion going this way they distance themselves from the one ex-
back to Durkheim. Both are legitimate strat- isting sociological study of vegetarians and justify
egies for gaining the attention of readers. their preference for qualitative research. The authors
• Interest is further piqued by the idea of vege- then explain:
tarians as converts.
• The fourth sentence elaborates on the idea that • who was studied and why;
for most people vegetarianism is a choice rather • how respondents were recruited and the diffi-
than a tradition into which they were born. culties encountered with recruitment;
• the semi-structured interviewing approach
Again, just a hundred words are enough to give and its rationale;
readers a clear idea of the focus of the research and • the number of people interviewed and the
alert them to the fact that the authors’ work is a sig- interview context; and
nificant contribution to the literature on a subject • the approach to analyzing the interview tran-
that has not been widely studied by sociologists. scripts, largely through identifying themes.

Analysis of the social dimensions of The findings of the study

food and eating The chief findings are outlined under separate
A review of existing theory in the area of food serves headings: Respondents’ characteristics, Types of
as a backdrop to the issue of vegetarianism. Beards- vegetarianism, The process of conversion, Motiv-
worth and Keil propose that “there exists a range ations, Nutritional beliefs, Social relations, and
of theoretical and empirical resources which can Dilemmas. For example, in the final sentence re-
be brought to bear upon the issue of contemporary porting findings relating to nutritional beliefs, the
vegetarianism” (1992, p. 255). authors write:
352 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Just as meat tended to imply strongly nega- (Beardsworth & Keil, 1992, p. 290). The sentence
tive connotations for respondents, concepts neatly encapsulates one of the article’s main
like “fruit” and “vegetable” tended to elicit themes—vegetarianism as a response to food
positive reactions, although less frequently ambivalence—and through the reference to “the
and in a more muted form than might have carefully arranged message” alludes to semiotic
been anticipated on the basis of the an- analyses of meat and food.
alysis of the ideological underpinnings of
“wholefoods” consumption put forward by Lessons
­Atkinson (1980, 1983), or on the basis of the What lessons can be learned from Beardsworth and
analysis of vegetarian food symbolism ad- Keil’s article?
vanced by Twigg (1983: 28). (Beardsworth &
Keil, 1992, p. 276) • As in Kelley and De Graaf’s paper, strong
opening sentences attract attention and give a
Explaining contemporary good indication of the nature and content of
vegetarianism the article.
The authors then discuss the meaning and signifi- • The rationale for the research is clearly iden-
cance of the findings in light of the study’s research tified, a key point being the paucity of socio-
questions on food selection and avoidance. The re- logical investigations of vegetarianism.
sults are also related to many of the ideas encoun- • Research questions are specified but—in keep-
tered in the two literature sections. The authors ing with the general orientation of qualitative
develop an idea emerging from their research which research—they are somewhat more open-
they call “food ambivalence.” This concept encapsu- ended than in Kelley and De Graaf’s article.
lates the anxieties and paradoxes concerning food The research questions revolve around the
that can be discerned in the interview transcripts issue of vegetarianism as a dietary choice and
(for example, the idea that food can be construed the motivations for that choice.
simultaneously as a source of strength and energy • The research design and methods are outlined.
and as a source of illness). Vegetarianism is in many In fact they are spelled out in greater detail
respects a response to the dilemmas associated with than is usually the case with qualitative re-
food ambivalence. search articles.
• The presentation and discussion of the find-
Conclusions ings are geared to the broad research ques-
In the Conclusions section the authors return to tions that sparked the researchers’ interest in
many of the ideas and themes that drove their re- vegetarianism. The “explaining contemporary
search. They spell out the significance of the idea vegetarianism” section provides an oppor-
of food ambivalence, which is probably the arti- tunity to explore the idea of food ambivalence
cle’s main contribution to research in this area. and its dimensions. The inductive nature of
The final paragraph outlines the importance of qualitative research means that the concepts
food ambivalence for vegetarians, but the authors and theories generated by an investigation
are careful not to imply that it is the sole reason must be clearly identified and discussed, as in
for the adoption of vegetarianism. In the final this case.
sentence they write that “for a significant seg- • The conclusion elucidates in a more specific
ment of the population [vegetarianism] appears way the significance of the results for the re-
to represent a viable device for re-­establishing search questions. It also explores the impli-
some degree of peace of mind when contem- cations of food ambivalence for vegetarians,
plating some of the darker implications of the emphasizing one of the article’s major theor-
carefully arranged message on the dinner plate” etical contributions.
15 | Writing Up Social Research 353

Postmodernism and its interest in the way “privilege” is conveyed in ethno-

graphic texts and how voices, particularly of marginal
­implications for writing groups, are suppressed. Others forms of qualitative
Postmodernism is an extremely difficult idea to pin research have developed these themes as well, in-
down. It questions the very notion of a pre-existing cluding critical discourse analyses such as Harding’s
external reality that can be revealed by dispassion- (2006; 2010) study of Canadian media depictions of
ate social scientists, and does not consider any single Indigenous peoples, discussed in Chapter 12.
account of social reality to be authoritative. “Know- The concerns in these and other traditions have led
ledge” of the social world is relative; thus, as Rosenau to innovations in writing ethnography (Richardson,
(1992, p. 8) put it, postmodernists “offer ‘readings’ 1994). An example is the use of a “dialogic” form of
not ‘observations,’ ‘interpretations’ not ‘findings’.” writing that seeks to raise the profile of the multipli-
For postmodernists, a report of findings in a city of voices that can be heard in the course of field-
journal article represents merely one perspective work. As Lincoln and Denzin put it:
on the topics investigated, so they are interested in
investigating the bases and forms of those sorts of Slowly it dawns on us that there may . . .
knowledge claims. While all types of social science be . . . not one “voice,” but polyvocality; not
writing are potentially in the postmodernist’s line one story, but many tales, dramas, pieces of
of fire, texts produced by ethnographers have been fiction, fables, memories, histories, autobiog-
particularly frequent targets. The ethnographic text raphies, poems, and other texts to inform our
“presumes a world out there (the real) that can be sense of lifeways, to extend our understand-
captured by a ‘knowing’ author through the careful ings of the Other. . . . (1994, p. 584)
transcription and analysis of field materials (inter-
views, notes, etc.)” (Denzin, 1994, p. 296). Post- As an example of the postmodern preference for
modernists claim that such accounts are problematic allowing a variety of voices to come through within
because there “can never be a final, accurate rep- an ethnographic text, Manning (1995) cited Stoller’s
resentation of what was meant or said, only differ- (1989) research in Africa. Manning (1995, p. 260) de-
ent textual representations of different experiences” scribed the text as a dialogue, not a monologue by
(Denzin, 1994, p. 296). the ethnographer, one “shaped by interactions be-
However, it would be wrong to depict the grow- tween informants or ‘the other’ and the observer.”
ing attention given to ethnographic writing as ex- This postmodern preference for seeking out mul-
clusively a product of postmodernism. Atkinson and tiple voices and turning the ethnographer into a “bit
Coffey (1995) argued that other intellectual trends in player” reflects postmodernists’ mistrust of “meta-­
the social sciences also stimulated this interest. One narratives”—that is, positions or grand accounts
such trend was concerned with distinctions between that implicitly question the possibility of alternative
rhetoric and logic and between the observer and the versions of reality. By contrast, “mini-narratives,
observed; another, with doubts about the possibility micro-narratives, local narratives are just stories that
of a neutral language through which the natural and make no truth claims and are therefore more accept-
social worlds can be revealed. Atkinson and Coffey able to postmodernists” (Rosenau, 1992, p. xiii).
also pointed to the antipathy within feminism toward Postmodernism has also encouraged a growing
the image of the neutral “observer-author” who as- reflexivity about the conduct of social research,
sumes a privileged stance in relation to members of and the growing interest in the writing of ethnog-
the social setting under investigation. This stance is raphy is very much a manifestation of this trend (see
regarded as one of domination by the observer-author Box 15.1). Reflexivity can be discerned in the way
over the observed that is inconsistent with the goals of ethnographers turn inward to examine the truth
feminism (revisit Chapters 10 and 11 for an elabora- claims inscribed in their own classic texts (the focus
tion of this general point). This concern has led to an of our next section).
354 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

BOX 15.1 What is reflexivity?

Reflexivity has a number of meanings in social sci- ethnicity and ethnic conflict, and her power rela-
ence. To ethnomethodologists it refers to the fact tionship with the Kenyan grandmother she inter-
that speech and action do more than merely act as viewed distorted her research conclusions and
indicators of deeper phenomena (see Chapter 12). interpretations. She made an earnest effort to
Another meaning of the term carries the connota- “peel off [her] own subjectivities” and went back
tion that social researchers should reflect on the five years later to re-interview the woman, which
implications that their methods, values, biases, produced more textured and nuanced insights
and decisions have for the knowledge of the social than her original work. “Self-reflexivity,” she
world that they generate. Reflexivity entails sensi- writes, “is a fitting instrument for researchers
tivity to the researcher’s cultural, political, and to unpack how our own subjectivities impinge
social context. A person conducting a study is not on our framing of a narrative. It also enables
just someone who extracts knowledge from ob- us to examine and debunk our reproduction of
servations and conversations with others and then self-evident ‘truths’ and thus make room for al-
transmits that knowledge to an audience. Rather, ternative readings and . . . polyvocality” (van Sta-
the researcher is implicated in the construction of pele, 2014, p. 16).
knowledge both through the interactions with the There has been a growing trend toward re-
people observed and through the ways in which flexivity in social research, documented in books
an account of those interactions is constructed in that collect details on the inner workings of the
the form of a written text. actual research process as distinct from the often
Van Stapele (2014), for example, came to sanitized versions presented in research articles.
realize that her background as a white, Euro- The confessional tales referred to in Box 15.2 are
pean researcher, her pre-existing notions of manifestations of this development.

In the end, postmodernism produces an acute production of ethnographic texts has become a focus
sense of uncertainty. In questioning how one can of interest in its own right, particularly the rhetorical
ever know or capture a social reality that belongs to conventions employed in their production.
another, it points to an unresolvable tension that af- Ethnographic texts are designed to convince read-
fects ethnographic work in particular. To quote Lin- ers of the reality of the events and situations described,
coln and Denzin (1994, p. 582) again: “On the one and the plausibility of the analyst’s explanations. The
hand there is the concern for validity, or certainty ethnographic text does not simply present a set of
in the text as a form of . . . authenticity. On the other findings: it endeavours to provide an “­ authoritative”
hand there is the sure and certain knowledge that all account, with strong claims to truth, of the group or
texts are socially, historically, politically, and cultur- culture in question. Stylistic and rhetorical devices
ally located. Researchers, like the texts they write, are used to persuade the reader to enter into a shared
can never be transcendent.” framework of facts, interpretations, observations,
and reflections. Ethnographic writing, like the writ-
ing found in reports of q ­ uantitative social research,
Writing up ethnography is typically realist in orientation: the researcher tries
The term “ethnography,” as we noted in Chapter 10, to present an authoritative, dispassionate account of
refers to both a method of social research and the an external, objective reality. In this respect, there
finished product of that research. In recent years, the is very little difference between the writing styles
15 | Writing Up Social Research 355

of quantitative and qualitative researchers. Van from the personal subjectivity of the author/ethnog-
Maanen (1988) described ethnography texts that rapher (for example, suspicion that, as a fieldworker,
conform to this model (one of three he identified; see he or she might have become too involved with the
Box 15.2) as realist tales. This is the most common people under study). To this end, when writing up
form of ethnographic writing, though its realism can their ethnographic work, authors play up their aca-
take different forms. Van Maanen distinguished four demic credentials and qualifications, their previous
characteristics of realist tales: experiential authority, experience, and so on. All this enhances the impres-
typical forms, the subject’s point of view, and inter- sion that they are reliable witnesses.
pretive omnipotence. Another way in which authors often seek to
underline their experiential authority is by empha-
Experiential authority sizing the intensity of their research work: they spent
In ethnography, as in much quantitative research so many months in the field, interviewed countless
writing, the author disappears from view. Readers are individuals, worked hard to establish rapport, and so
told what the members of a group—the only people on. Drawing the reader’s attention to the hardships
directly visible in the text—say and do. An invisible of the fieldwork—the dangerous setting, the poor
author provides the narrative, giving the impression food, the disruptive effect on normal life, the feel-
that the findings presented are what any reasonable, ings of isolation and loneliness, and so on—creates
similarly placed researcher would have found. Read- sympathy for the author or (less charitably) deflects
ers have to accept that this is what the ethnographer potential criticism of the findings.
experienced. This strategy essentially plays down the Also worth mentioning are the extensive quo-
risk that the findings will be suspected of bias arising tations from conversations and interviews that

BOX 15.2 Three forms of ethnographic writing

Van Maanen (1988) distinguished three major with presenting findings than with detailing how
types of ethnographic writing: research is carried out. Very often the confes-
• Realist tales: apparently definitive, confident, sional tale is published separately from the pro-
and dispassionate third-person accounts of a ject’s findings: for example, it may appear as a
culture and the behaviour of its members. This is chapter in a book of similar tales, while the main
the most prevalent form of ethnographic writing. findings are written up in realist tale form.
• Confessional tales: personalized accounts in • Impressionist tales: accounts that feature
which the ethnographer is fully implicated in “words, metaphors, phrasings, and . . . the ex-
the data-gathering and writing-up processes. pansive recall of fieldwork experience” (Van
These are warts-and-all accounts of the trials Maanen, 1988, p. 102). There is an emphasis
and tribulations of doing ethnography. They on stories of dramatic events that provide “a
have become more prominent since the 1970s representational means of cracking open the
and reflect a growing emphasis on reflexivity in culture and the fieldworker’s way of knowing
qualitative research. Several of the sources re- it” (Van Maanen, 1988, p. 102). However, as Van
ferred to in Chapter 10 are confessional tales (for Maanen noted, impressionist tales “are typ-
example, Armstrong, 1993; Giulianotti, 1995). ically enclosed within realist, or perhaps more
However, confessional tales are less concerned frequently, confessional tales” (1988, p. 106).
356 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

invariably form part of the ethnographic report. Events I witnessed or took part in ranged from
These quotations serve not only as evidence in sup- the very routine (sitting around drinking coffee
port of the author’s findings, but also to establish the and eating junk food) to accompanying various
credibility of the report in that they demonstrate the women on visits to . . . the HIV clinic; I accom-
author’s ability to engage people in talk. Copious de- panied them when they were in court, and even
scriptive details—of places, patterns of behaviour, went flat-hunting with one woman. I went shop-
contexts, and so on—suggest that the author was ping with some, helping them choose clothes
ideally placed to bear witness to the people and ac- for their children and presents for their friends.
tivities described in the study. I visited them in their homes, rehabilitation
centres, and maternity wards, sat with them
Typical forms through withdrawals, watched them using
Authors will often generalize about recurring fea- drugs, and accompanied them when they went
tures of the group under study in order to illustrate “scoring” (buying drugs). (Taylor, 1993, p. 16)
a typical behaviour or thought pattern. Examples
based on particular incidents or people may be used, Interpretative omnipotence
but basically the emphasis is on recurrent forms of When writing ethnography, authors rarely suggest
behaviour. For example, in her conclusion to her alternative interpretations of an event or pattern of
ethnographic research on female drug users, cited behaviour. Instead, they tend to portray the phenom-
several times in Chapter 10, Taylor wrote: enon in question as having a single meaning or sig-
nificance, which only they have been able to identify.
Yet the control exercised over women through The evidence is carefully marshalled to support the
the threat to remove their children highlights singular interpretation placed on the event or pat-
a major factor differentiating female and male tern of behaviour. It seems obvious or inevitable that
drug users. Unlike male drug users, female anyone would draw the same inferences the author
drug users, like many other women, have two drew when faced with such evidence.
careers: one in the public sphere and one in the The above characteristics imply that the research
private, domestic sphere. (1993, p. 154) process is only the first stage in the creation of a con-
vincing realist tale. Persuading readers that one has
This statement portrays a pattern among women in fact figured out the nature of a different culture
drug users, making any individual woman import- also requires that the written ethnography represent
ant only insofar as she can be seen as illustrating the the fieldwork in an effective way. Recall that for post-
general tendency. modernists, any realist tale is merely one “spin”—one
interpretation that has been formulated in relation to
The subjects’ points of view the culture in question.
A commitment to seeing through the eyes of their
subjects is important for qualitative researchers be-
cause it is part of their strategy for getting at the
Practical Tip | Referring to
meaning of those people’s social reality. However, it
is also helps to establish the authority of the ethnog-
rapher. Claiming to have taken the subjects’ points If you include a website in your bibliography,
of view implies that the author can speak authori- the entry should contain the date it was last
tatively about the group in question. Ethnographies consulted. This is done because someone who
frequently include numerous references to the steps reads your work and then checks out the site
taken by the ethnographer to get close to the people may find that it is no longer there or that it has
under investigation, and their success in that regard. changed.
In her research on female drug users, Taylor wrote:
15 | Writing Up Social Research 357

Key Points
• Good writing is probably just as important as good there is no external social reality. It is intended
research practice. Indeed, it should probably be merely to point out that readers’ understanding of
considered part of good research practice. that reality is profoundly influenced by the way the
• In writing up research, a clear statement of the re- writer represents it.
search questions and an effective structure for the • While postmodernism in particular has promoted
report are essential. recognition of this last point, writers working
• The writings of social scientists are designed to do within other traditions have also drawn attention
more than simply report findings; they must also to it.
convince and persuade. • Quantitative and qualitative research articles are
• Our emphasis on the importance of writing to broadly similar in structure, as are the rhetorical
convince and persuade is not meant to imply that devices used to produce them.

Questions for Review (R) and Creative Application (A)

Writing up quantitative research: Postmodernism and its implications
An example for writing
RR Why are strategies to convince and persuade im- RR Why has postmodernism stimulated interest in the
portant in writing up quantitative social research? writing up of social research?
A Read an article based on quantitative research in AA What is reflexivity? Explain why reflexivity would
a Canadian sociology journal (such as the Cana- be especially important when doing research on
dian Journal of Sociology or the Canadian Review socially marginalized groups such as Indigenous
of Sociology). To what extent does it exhibit the people living in poverty.
characteristics identified in Kelley and De Graaf’s
(1997) article? Writing up ethnography
RR What are the main characteristics of the realist
Writing up qualitative research: tale in ethnographic writing? What other forms
An example can such writing take?
RR How does the structure of Beardsworth and Keil’s AA Assume you have done ethnographic work with
article differ from that of Kelley and De Graaf’s police officers by doing a series of “ride alongs”
piece? with a team of two officers, one of whom is male
AA Read an article based on qualitative research in a and the other female. Write a one-page, hypothet-
Canadian sociology journal. To what extent does ical realist tale about what you have observed,
it exhibit the characteristics identified in Beards- then criticize it from a postmodern perspective.
worth and Keil’s (1992) article?

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. The class is divided into small groups. Each group is c. Data
asked to think of a topic of interest that could be re- d. Measurement
searched using quantitative methods—e.g., gender e. Methods and models
differences in attitudes toward global warming. f. Results
The groups then produce a research question per- g. Conclusions
taining to their chosen topic. The following tem-
plate is used to sketch out an article that could be Starting with point “b” (Theory) and proceed-
produced to address the research question: ing to point “g” (Conclusions), each group comes
up with two or three sentences for each point that
a. Introduction
describe how that aspect of their study could be
b. Theory
358 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

approached. Hypothetical results and conclusions café. The class is shown the picture or clip, and each
are given for points “f” and “g.” student then writes up a description of the physi-
Once that is done, students leave their groups cal setting that is depicted (maximum 250 words).
and the class is reconvened. Each person in the Three volunteers then read their descriptions to the
class is given 15–20 minutes to write a brief Intro- rest of the class. Next, the instructor facilitates a
duction to their group’s article. The Introduction discussion based on the following questions:
should not exceed 250 words and should be writ-
ten in such a manner that it attracts the reader’s a. How are the three descriptions similar? How
attention, gives a clear indication of the article’s are they different?
focus, and highlights the significance of the find- b. Why are the three descriptions not identical?
ings. When completed, the instructor asks for three How would you account for the differences?
volunteers who are willing to give a brief verbal c. What is “interpretive omnipotence”? Do
synopsis of their group’s study and have their any of the descriptions assume interpretive
Introduction read by the rest of the class. Volun- omnipotence?
teers with good keyboard skills are then asked to d. Which of the descriptions is most realistic?
transcribe the three Introductions into electronic e. Can one ever determine whether a particu-
format so they can be shown on the classroom lar description is more realistic than another?
screen. The first of the three volunteers then gives Does the term “realistic” even have a definite
a synopsis of their group’s study, and their Introduc- meaning?
tion is shown on the screen. The instructor then fa- f. Would the person or persons depicted in the
cilitates a discussion of the Introduction. The other picture or clip describe the setting in a way
two Introductions are presented in the same way. that differs from how the three volunteers de-
In an alternative version of this exercise that scribed it? How so? Why would the person or
would be appropriate for small classes, the in- persons depicted have a different description?
structor collects all the Introductions that the g. How could you learn about how the people in
class produced and provides written comments on the picture or clip view the setting?
each one, returning them in a later class. h. If multiple interpretations of a physical setting
are possible, would interpretations of people’s
2. Prior to class, the instructor selects a picture or a actions and experiences in the setting be even
brief video clip of a person or persons in a physical more numerous and variegated? Explain.
setting that would be appropriate for qualitative i. What are the implications of the responses to
­research—for example, a market, a sports facility, a the previous question for qualitative research?

Relevant Websites
The London School of Economics and Political Sci- In this YouTube video, Jackie Hammill of the Univer-
ence Impact Blog provides tips on successful aca- sity of Prince Edward Island outlines how to organize
demic research and writing. your activities when starting the research for a paper for a university course, and how to write things up as
/11/28/lupton-30-tips-writing you go along.
Nick Fox of the University of Sheffield gives advice on
writing up a qualitative study. If you found the above video helpful, you may want to
and_structure_a_qualitative_paper_Powerpoint_ look at the next one in the series as well. This YouTube
15 | Writing Up Social Research 359

video outlines how to read articles and books when

preparing a paper for a university course. SQZLo&feature=relmfu

(Websites accessed on 2 November 2018)

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Videos • Activities

• Student self-quiz • Audio clips • Web links
Conducting a Research Project

Chapter Overview
The goal of this chapter is to guide you through a small-scale research project from beginning to end. The
guidance offered goes beyond the discussions presented in previous chapters in that it focuses on the
practical aspects of doing research. A wide variety of issues is explored, including:
• time management when doing research;
• generating research questions; and
• dealing with existing literature on your subject.

When one of the authors of this book was a graduate and motivation will pick up even if they were minimal
student and had his first meeting with his dissertation when you began. It also helps if you think of the project
advisor, the advisor listened to his research proposal, as a series of small jobs rather than one monumental
offered a few suggestions, and then said, somewhat undertaking.
acerbically, “Just do it!” (This was years before that The same goes for the writing. Try to write some-
phrase became a marketing slogan.) thing related to the project—anything—every day.
Those three words contain a lot of wisdom. It’s easy And for your first draft, allow yourself to be sloppy.
to overthink things and waste time worrying that your Don’t worry about finding the perfect word or crafting
plans aren’t worthwhile or that you’re not up to the the perfect sentence or ensuring that the logic flows
task. Just assume that with proper guidance and a lot flawlessly. Those issues can be dealt with later, at the
of hard work, you’ll be just fine. But you must follow editing stage. When Michael Jackson was asked about
through with concrete actions, every day. Dreaming is how he wrote his songs, he replied, “Don’t get in the
not enough. way of the music.” That advice applies to completing a
Don’t wait for the perfect time to start. There is no research project too: don’t get in the way of the ideas.
such thing. Imagine you’re at work and your boss has Just let them flow. Write first and evaluate later. Just
given you an unbreakable deadline. You’ll find that do it.
once you get absorbed in the task, your inspiration

▲ Geber86/iStockphoto
16 | Conducting a Research Project 361

Introduction may have specific requirements concerning things

like binding and page margins, as well as the format
This chapter provides advice for those readers carry- for referencing, the inclusion of an abstract, the struc-
ing out their own small-scale research projects. Pre- ture of the presentation, plagiarism, and deadlines.
vious chapters have provided helpful information
about the methodological and conceptual choices
available and how to implement them. Here we offer
Identifying research questions
some hands-on advice on how to generate research Most students want to conduct research in areas of
ideas and take them through the various stages of personal interest. This is not a bad thing; as we noted
development to produce a successful project of your in Chapter 1, many professional social research-
own, such as an honours thesis or a course assign- ers want to do the same thing (see also Lofland &
ment. The advice is tailored for students engaged Lofland, 1995, pp. 11–14). However, even open-ended
in empirical research, that is, studies in which they qualitative research must begin with the formulation
either collect new data or analyze existing data. of research questions. Although Chapter 10 referred
Although the discussion is mainly geared toward to some studies that were not driven by specific re-
undergraduate projects, students in graduate pro- search questions, open-ended research is risky. It
grams will also find the observations helpful. can lead to the collection of data that will never be
used, and to serious problems in data organization
and analysis. The lack of focus can also cause the
Know what is expected by project to take too long or even to be abandoned. So,
your institution unless your supervisor or instructor advises you to
Quite often a course instructor will have specific the contrary, you need to formulate some research
guidelines and requirements for class projects. Look questions that are not completely open-ended. What
them over carefully and follow them. People doing is it about your area of interest that you want to
undergraduate theses and students in graduate school know? Figure 16.1 illustrates some steps that can be
should be aware that their institution or department taken to select research questions. If you need ideas

Research area
(Example: Concerns about risks to personal safety)

Select aspect of research area

(Causes of the variations in concerns about risks to personal safety)

Possible research questions

(What personal safety risks are of greatest concern to people? Do age, gender, social class, or education affect the percep-
tion of risk? Do parents worry more than non-parents about risks to personal safety? What is the main source of people’s
knowledge about issues relating to such risk—newspapers, television, family? Do concerns about these risks have an impact
on how people conduct their daily lives, and if so in what ways? Do worries about personal safety result in fatalism?)

Select research questions

(What personal safety risks are of greatest concern to people? Do age, gender, social class, or education affect the percep-
tion of risk? Do parents worry more than non-parents about risks to personal safety? Why?)

FIGURE 16.1 Steps in selecting research questions

362 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

for research, talk things over with your advisor or greatly. Of course, students also vary in what they
course instructor, or take a look at the list of sources ask of their advisors. Our advice here is simple: use
for research questions provided in Box 16.1. supervisors or advisors to the fullest extent allowable
and give due consideration to their suggestions. Such
people are usually well versed in the research process
Using a supervisor and can provide help and feedback at all stages of the
Most institutions will assign a student writing a thesis project, subject to your institution’s strictures in this
or dissertation to a supervisor or advisor. However, the regard. If they criticize your research questions, inter-
kind and amount of assistance you can expect varies view schedule, early drafts, or whatever, try to respond

BOX 16.1 Marx’s (not Karl) sources of research questions

What types of research questions

could emerge from a close investiga-

tion of new media technologies and

social networking websites?

Marx (1997) suggested the following possible develop some research questions pertaining to
sources of research questions: the phenomenon in question, including ques-
tions about the validity of the conventional
• intellectual puzzles and contradictions
wisdom on the topic.
• the existing literature
• the counterintuitive; for example, cases in which
• replication
social scientific truths seem to fly in the face of
• a feeling that a certain theoretical perspective or
common sense, as they did when a doomsday
notable piece of work is misguided (in this case you
cult began to proselytize rather than slink away
would explore the reasons for the shortcomings)
in embarrassment when “doomsday” passed and
• a social problem in need of a social scientific
life carried on as usual (Festinger et al., 1956)
(for example, sociological) explanation
• “empirical examples that trigger amazement”
• “gaps between official versions of reality and
(1997, p. 114); for example, atypical events,
the facts on the ground” (1997, p. 113). Exam-
cases that contradict widely accepted theories,
ine the standard explanations offered by gov-
and so on
ernments, the media, or social researchers for
• new methods and theories—how can they be
social phenomena such as poverty, substance
applied in new settings?
abuse, international conflict, or anything else
• “new social and technical developments and
of interest. Are those explanations consistent
social trends” (1997, p. 114)
with what you know or have experienced? If not,
16 | Conducting a Research Project 363

positively. Criticism isn’t a personal attack. Such com- can your institution help with the cost of
ments are usually accompanied by the reasons for photocopying, postage, stationery, and so on?
them and some suggestions for revision. Be thankful Can it lend you hardware to record and tran-
for the opportunity to address problems before your scribe interviews? Does it have the necessary
work is formally examined. Supervisors have to go software, such as IBM SPSS Statistics (SPSS)
through the same process themselves whenever they or NVivo? This kind of information will help
apply for a research grant or submit an article or book you decide whether your research design and
for peer review. methods are financially feasible and practical.
Students who get stuck or fall behind in their The fictional “gym study” in Chapter 8 is an
work will sometimes avoid their supervisors. But the example of a project feasible within the kind of
longer they wait, the harder it is to ask for help. Then, time frame usually allocated to undergraduate
because the work has been put off, it has to be rushed projects. However, it would require resources
at the end, and in some cases is never completed. Try for photocopying covering letters and ques-
to avoid this situation by confronting any difficul- tionnaires; postage both for sending the ques-
ties head-on and getting advice on how to deal with tionnaires out and for follow-up letters; and
them as soon as possible. return postage for the questionnaires. In addi-
Undergraduate students doing course projects tion, quantitative data analysis would require
should follow the same basic advice. Consult your software such as SPSS.
course instructor if you run into difficulties, and the
sooner the better. Even if there are no apparent prob-
lems, it’s always worthwhile to discuss your research
Searching the existing
with your instructor, who may pick up on issues that literature
you have missed. Online bibliographical databases (accessible at most
university libraries) are an invaluable source of refer-
ences. The best one for sociology students is probably
Managing time and resources: Sociological Abstracts; databases for other disciplines
Start thinking early about the are available as well. They normally allow searches
by keyword (topic), author, title, journal, and other
research area descriptors. The focus is easily narrowed by speci-
Students are usually asked to start thinking about a fying language, year, and type of presentation. For
potential research topic well before they are expected example, “English, post-2010, journal articles only”
to start work on the project. That thinking is worth can be searched and listed from latest to earliest. The
doing, because all research is constrained by time. “journal articles only” restriction removes papers
Two pieces of advice are relevant here: presented at meetings and dissertations, which are
too hard for most students to access in any event.
• Work out a timetable, preferably with your Searches can be conducted using keywords in differ-
supervisor or instructor, detailing the differ- ent combinations with the Boolean operators “and,”
ent stages of the research (including the litera- “or,” and “not.” Thus a search for material on “sexism
ture review and the writing up). The timetable and universities” will produce articles that deal with
should specify the different stages and the both topics in the same piece. Choosing “sexism or
specific dates for starting and finishing them universities” will produce those articles plus arti-
(see Figure 16.2 for an example of a quantita- cles on each one alone. That is probably not a good
tive research outline). Some stages are likely to choice—it’s too broad. “Universities and sexism
be ongoing—for example, searching the litera- or prejudice” is better because it expands the first
ture for references (see below)—but that should option above to cover university prejudice in addi-
not delay the development of a timetable. tion to university sexism. Finally, “not” restricts the
• Find out what resources, if any, are available search. “Sexism not universities” will find articles
for carrying out your research. For example, about sexism in places other than universities. You
364 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Issue(s) to be researched

Review literature/theories relating to topic/area

Formulate research question(s)

Consider whether a social survey is appropriate (if not, consider an alternative research design)

Consider what kind of population is appropriate

Consider what kind of sample design is appropriate

Determine whether there is a sampling frame available

Decide sample size

Decide on mode of administration (face-to-face, telephone, postal, email, web)

Develop questions (and devise answer alternatives for closed questions)

Review questions and assess face validity

Complete ethics protocols

Pilot study to test the questions

Revise questions

Finalize questionnaire/schedule

Sample from population

Administer questionnaire/schedule to sample

Follow up non-respondents at least once

Transform completed questionnaires/schedules into computer readable data (coding)

Enter data into statistical analysis program such as SPSS

Analyze data

Interpret findings

Consider implications of findings for research questions, existing theories, future research,
and the discipline as a whole.

FIGURE 16.2 Steps in conducting a social survey study

16 | Conducting a Research Project 365

can experiment with the use of keywords and Bool- your credibility as someone knowledgeable in your
ean options; if you don’t find what you need, ask a chosen area.
librarian for help. As you explore the existing literature, look for an-
Following these procedures will produce a list swers to the following questions:
of journal articles in which the keyword(s) ap-
pears, with full citation details and an abstract, • What is already known about this area?
and sometimes a link to a full-text download. • What concepts and theories are relevant?
Other databases are more specialized: examples • What research methods and strategies have
include the Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly been employed in studying this area?
(formerly the Canadian Periodical Index), the LGBT • Are there any significant controversies?
Life with Full Text, Family & Society Studies World- • Are there any inconsistencies in the findings
wide, and Contemporary Women’s Issues. Mark relating to this area?
the records you want and email them to yourself • Are there any unanswered research questions?
for a permanent record. The bibliographies in the
articles you find can provide additional sources While reading, take good notes, and be sure to
to examine. record full citations for all the materials you consult.
A particularly interesting tool is the Social Sci- It’s infuriating to find that you’ve forgotten some
ences Citation Index, which looks forward from the detail, such as the volume number of an article, when
original article to later ones that cite it, revealing what you come to assemble your bibliography. Also keep
others have thought of it. Perhaps some who cited the in mind that your written review of the literature
article were critical; perhaps others accepted or ex- should be critical as well as descriptive. How does a
panded on it. In this way a history of the research particular article relate to others you have read? Does
in the area of interest can be built up. To some pro- it contradict them? Are there any apparent strengths
fessors, this index provides a measure of how often or deficiencies—for example, in the methods used or
they have been cited. To those granting tenure and the conclusions drawn? What theoretical ideas influ-
raises, it can be a crude indicator of merit, following enced the author(s)?
the logic of “more citations, better researcher.” In some areas of research you will find huge num-
The library catalogue is an obvious tool for find- bers of references. Try to identify the major ones
ing books, even those held at other universities. and work outward from there. Move on to the next
Again, ask a librarian if you run into difficulty. How- stage of the research at the point you identified in
ever, since books are often dated, checked out, or your timetable (see above). This is not to say that
too specialized for student papers, the above sources your literature search will cease: only that you need
may be preferable. The rule of thumb is similar to the to force yourself to move on. Ask your supervisor or
idea of theoretical saturation in qualitative research: instructor for advice on whether you need to extend
stop searching when the same items keep appearing. your search of the literature.
Why review the existing literature? The most ob-
vious reason is to find out what is already known
about your area of interest, in order to avoid “re-
Preparing for research
inventing the wheel.” In addition, the process of In choosing a methodology you need to consider its
reviewing the literature will help you revise and ethical implications and what you will do to prevent
refine your research questions. Beyond this, the ex- any potential ethical violations. Keep in mind the
isting literature on your topic will help you develop various ethical issues discussed in Chapter 3 and
an argument regarding the significance of your re- flagged throughout this book.
search and where it will lead. The metaphor of a story Don’t begin collecting data until you have clearly
is sometimes used in this context (see below). A com- identified your research questions, and design your
petent review of the literature will help to establish data collection instruments with those questions
366 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Practical Tip | Reasons for writing a literature review

The following are reasons for writing a literature 5. to find additional variables to include in the
review: research
1. to find out what is already known in a research 6. to search for further research questions
area, and what remains to be researched 7. to view examples of how findings can be
2. to learn from other researchers’ mistakes interpreted
3. to learn about different theoretical and meth- 8. to compare and contrast your findings with
odological approaches to the research area those of other researchers
4. to get help in developing an analytic framework 9. it’s expected

in mind. If at all possible, conduct a small pilot study in rushed, last-minute writing. Writing under that
to see how well your research instruments work. You kind of pressure is not ideal, to say the least. How you
will also need to think about access to research sites. present your findings and conclusions is a crucial
If the research requires entry to a closed setting such aspect of the research process, and if you fail to pro-
as an organization, you need to get permission at the duce a convincing account of your findings because
earliest opportunity. This usually takes so long that of time pressures, you will not do your work justice.
many advisors do not recommend using closed set-
tings for student research. You also need to consider Get feedback
how you will go about gaining access to people. This Try to get as much feedback on your writing as pos-
issue leads you into sampling considerations, such as sible, and respond positively to whatever comments
the following: you receive. Your supervisor or instructor is likely to
be the main source of feedback; show as many drafts
• Whom do you need to study in order to answer of your work as regulations allow, leaving plenty of
the research questions? time for a response. You will not be the only student
• Is an adequate sampling frame available? seeking advice, and if comments are rushed, they
• What kind of sampling strategy is feasible— may not be particularly helpful. You can also ask
probability, quota, theoretical, convenience? others in your program or class to read your drafts
and comment on them, and they may ask you to do
the same. Their comments may be very useful, but
Writing up research those from your supervisor or instructor are likely to
Once the data gathering and analysis have been com- be the most valuable.
pleted, the findings must be conveyed to an audience.
The first bit of advice is to . . . Avoid sexist, racist, and other
­prejudicial language
Start early Remember that writing should be free of sexist,
There are good reasons for beginning the writing racist, and other prejudicial language. The Social Sci-
process early on. It forces you to think about issues ences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
such as how best to present and justify the research publication On the Treatment of the Sexes in Research
questions, and how to structure the discussion of the (1985), by M. Eichler and J. Lapointe, is helpful.
literature cited. A second reason is entirely practical:
many people find it difficult to get started and tend Structure your writing
(often unwittingly) to use procrastination strategies. A 10,000- to 15,000-word research project entailing
But putting off the inevitable almost always results data collection is typically structured as follows.
16 | Conducting a Research Project 367

BOX 16.2 Safety in research

In 2002, a 19-year-old sociology student was sup- imminent (for example, through body language),
posed to interview a homeless person in Man- withdraw from the situation. Further guidelines on
chester. Because of safety concerns, her advisor these issues can be found in Craig (2004).
recommended that she take a friend with her and Sometimes researchers may be unaware of
conduct the interview in a public place. When she possible hazards. Lankshear (2000), for instance,
did not return, she was reported missing (Barkham found out only after her study had begun that her
& Jenkins, 2002). Four days later she showed up in research in a hospital laboratory could expose
Dublin, where she claimed to have fled after the her to dangerous pathogens. Be sure to do a thor-
man robbed her; however, it was later suggested ough risk assessment of the research environment
that her disappearance might have been sparked before you undertake your project.
by a family argument. Finally, once you’ve assessed the risk and
Whether or not her story was true, there is an are sure that you will not be placing yourself in
important lesson in it: social research can place harm’s way, it may be necessary to convince your
you in potentially dangerous circumstances. Avoid instructor, advisor, or research ethics board (REB)
situations where personal harm is a real possibil- that your safety will not be compromised. Small
ity. Just as you should ensure that no harm comes et al. (2014), who did ethnographic research with
to research participants, individuals conducting people in Vancouver who inject themselves with
research should not place themselves in unsafe illegal drugs, were told by their REB that they had
situations. The advice given by the student’s to consult with local police about safety issues and
­advisor—to take someone with you and conduct provide police with the names of the ethnograph-
the interview in a public place—is sensible. Keep ers who would be observing the drug users. The
your cellphone nearby and switched on. Establish researchers had to go to great lengths to convince
a routine whereby you keep in regular contact the REB that proper precautions would be taken
with friends or family members. Even in seem- and that they would not be in danger, and that
ingly safe conditions, a researcher can be faced involving the police in their safety would make it
with a sudden outburst of abuse or threatening very difficult to recruit participants and ensure the
behaviour; you can’t always predict how people confidentiality of the results. Eventually the board
will react to a particular trigger, such as an inter- relented and the study went ahead as planned,
view question. If there are signs that trouble is but only after a prolonged review process.

Title page Table of contents (if applicable)

Your institution or class may have specific require- Your institution or class may have recommendations
ments for the title page. Typically it should include or prescriptions about the form the Table of Contents
your name, your instructor’s name, the course, and should take.
the date, as well as the title of the paper.
An abstract
Acknowledgments An abstract is a brief (less than one page) summary
You may want to acknowledge the help of people of your work. Not all institutions or instructors ask
such as gatekeepers who gave you access to an organ- for this component, so find out if it is required. Most
ization and those who read your drafts and provided journal articles include abstracts; draw on them for
you with feedback or advice. ideas and models.
368 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Keil’s (1992) opening sentences do rather well in this

Practical Tip | Non-sexist writing regard (see Chapter 15).

One of the biggest challenges (though by no Literature review

means the only one) when trying to write in an
As we have seen, the Literature Review section pro-
inclusive way is how to avoid those awkward
vides an overview of the main ideas and research
“she/he” and “his/her” formulations. The easi-
done in the area of interest. However, your review
est solution is to write in the plural where pos-
should do more than simply summarize the relevant
sible. For example:
I wanted to give each respondent the
opportunity to complete the questionnaire • Remember that, whenever appropriate, your
at a time and location that was convenient approach should be critical.
for him or her. • You should use your review of the literature
to show why your research questions are im-
This sentence, although grammatically
portant. For example, suppose that the basis
correct, can be rephrased as:
for your research questions is the idea that al-
I wanted to give all respondents the oppor- though a lot of research has been done on X
tunity to complete their questionnaires at (a general topic or area, such as food consump-
times and locations that were convenient tion), little research has been done on Y (an
for them. aspect of X, like vegetarianism). In that case
the literature review is where you should jus-
tify this assertion. Alternatively, it may be that
Introduction there are two competing positions with regard
The purpose of the Introduction is to explain what to Y and you are going to investigate to see
you are writing about and why it is important. It which one provides a better understanding.
should also: In the literature review, you should outline the
differences between the competing positions.
• describe in general terms the theoretical per- The literature review, then, locates your own
spective you have chosen to take; research within a tradition of related research.
• explain your choice; and • Bear in mind that you will return to points
• outline your research questions (remember made in the review when you present your
that in qualitative studies, research questions findings and write up the conclusions.
are often more open-ended than is the case • Don’t try to get everything you’ve read into
with quantitative work). the literature review. Forcing it all in (because
of the effort you’ve put into finding and read-
The opening is often the most difficult of all. ing the material) will not help. The literature
Becker (1986) strongly advised against “vacuous” review is there to assist you in developing an
opening sentences on the model of “This study deals argument, and if you stuff it with material of
with the problem of careers.” This kind of sentence “is passing relevance you will undermine your
evasive, pointing to something without saying any- ability to get your argument across.
thing, or anything much, about it. What about ca- • Recall that reading the relevant literature
reers?” (Becker, 1986, p. 51). To those concerned that should continue more or less throughout the
too much detail might give away the plot, he coun- research process. This means that a litera-
tered that it is much better to give readers a quick ture review written before the data collection
and clear indication of what is going to be presented. begins is provisional. If you find that you want
Kelley and De Graaf’s (1997) and Beardsworth and to revise your initial review, go ahead.
16 | Conducting a Research Project 369

• Additional reflections on producing a literature achieved (if relevant); specific procedures used (for
review are presented in Box 16.3. They were example, in the case of an online questionnaire,
derived from a review of qualitative studies of whether and how non-respondents were contacted
­organizations, but they also apply to quantita- for follow-up); and, where relevant, the nature of
tive research. the questionnaire, interview schedule, partici-
pant observation, observation schedule, or coding
Research methods frame. Although copies of these usually appear in
The term “research methods” is a kind of catch- an appendix, you should comment on matters such
all for several things that need to be outlined: re- as your style of questioning or observation and
search design; sampling approach; how access was why you asked the questions you did. Other issues

BOX 16.3 Presenting qualitative research literature

In their examination of journal articles reporting Each of these strategies is designed to leave
qualitative research on organizations, ­Golden-Biddle room for the writer to make his or her own contri-
and Locke (1993; 1997) argued that good articles in bution to the field.
this area develop a story; that is, a clear and com-
• Problematizing the situation. The literature
pelling framework around which the writing is
is then criticized by identifying a problem, for
structured. This idea is very much in tune with Wol-
cott’s (1990, p. 18) advice on writing up qualitative
»» Incomplete. There is a gap in the existing
research: “determine the basic story you are going
to tell.” Golden-Biddle and Locke suggest that es-
»» Inadequate. The existing literature has over-
tablishing how your research relates to the existing
looked useful ways of looking at the phenom-
literature on the topic is an important component of
enon; alternative perspectives or frameworks
storytelling. They identified two things that are done
are then introduced.
to effectively review the literature and convey the
relevance and significance of your research: According to Golden-Biddle and Locke, the au-
thors they studied used their accounts of the litera-
• Constructing inter-textual coherence. The
ture in various ways:
author shows how existing contributions to the
literature relate both to each other and to the re- »» They demonstrated their knowledge and
search that will be reported. Golden-Biddle and competence by referring to prominent writ-
Locke distinguished three approaches to the co- ings in the field.
herence question: »» They developed their review of the litera-
»» Synthesized coherence. The author pieces ture in such a way as to highlight the contri-
together theory and research previously re- bution they would make in the article.
garded as unconnected. »» They explained how the gaps or problems
»» Progressive coherence. The author traces they identified in the literature corres-
the building of consensus in a particular ponded to their research questions.
area of knowledge.
The idea of writing up research as storytelling
»» Non-coherence. The author emphasizes dis-
serves as a useful reminder that reviewing the lit-
agreements in the contributions to a certain
erature, which is part of the story, should link seam-
research program.
lessly with the rest of the article.
370 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

to be discussed in this section include procedures Discussion

for note taking and data analysis. When discuss-
ing each of these matters, you should describe and If you are including a Discussion section, it should
defend the choices you made: for example, why you address the implications of the findings for your re-
decided to use an online questionnaire rather than search questions. If you have specified hypotheses,
a structured interview, or why you chose a particu- as Kelley and De Graaf (1997) did, the discussion
lar population for sampling. should revolve around whether or not they were
confirmed. If they were not, you might speculate
Results about the reasons. Was the sample too small? Did
In the Results section you present the gist of your you forget a key variable? In this section you can also
findings. If you will be including a separate Dis- bring out the main theoretical contributions of your
cussion section, the results should generally be pre- research and explore their implications.
sented with little or no commentary on how they
relate to the claims made in the literature. If there is Conclusion
no Discussion section to follow, you need to include The main guidelines for the Conclusion are as follows:
some reflections on the significance of your findings
for your research questions and for the literature. • A conclusion is not the same as a summary.
Bear the following points in mind: However, it is frequently useful to briefly re-
capitulate your main arguments at the be-
• If you are presenting tables, graphs, and so on, ginning of the Conclusion section. Once that
you need to comment on each one; otherwise is done, hammer home to readers the signifi-
readers will be left wondering why they were cance of your research.
included. Don’t just summarize what a table • This is the place to draw attention to any lim-
shows: direct the reader to the parts of it that itations of your work that cannot be rectified
are especially striking from the point of view without unduly expanding the scope of the
of your research questions. Ask yourself what research.
story you want the table to convey; then relay • You may also suggest avenues for further
that story to your readers. research.
• Whichever approach you choose, remember
not to include all your results. You should Two things to avoid are (a) engaging in speculations
present and discuss only those findings that that either take you too far from your data or cannot
relate directly to your research questions. be substantiated by the data, and (b) discussing issues
Omitting some of your findings can be pain- or ideas that have not already been introduced.
ful, but it’s necessary to ensure that the thread
of your argument is not lost. This is especially Appendices
true in the case of qualitative research. As one Researchers often have some material that would
experienced qualitative researcher put it: “The help readers assess their work, but is too detailed or
major problem we face in qualitative inquiry technical to include in the main text. Such material—
is not to get data, but to get rid of it!” (Wol- questionnaires, coding frames, observation schedules,
cott, 1990, p. 18). If you don’t leave out some letters sent to those sampled, letters to and from gate-
of your results, you will not only obscure your keepers, and so on—can be included in appendices.
argument but run the risk that your account
of your findings will appear too descriptive References
and lack an analytical edge. This is why it’s es- Be sure to include all the sources cited in the text.
sential to use the research questions as a focus Follow the format suggested by your department
and to orient your presentation of the findings or instructor. The format is usually an author-date
to them. system such as the one used in this book.
16 | Conducting a Research Project 371

Checklist of issues to consider for writing up research
☐☐ Is there a good correspondence between the ☐☐ Do the conclusions clearly establish what
title of the project and its contents? your research contributes to the literature?
☐☐ Have you clearly specified your research ☐☐ Have you explained the limitations of your study?
questions? ☐☐ Do your conclusions consist solely of a sum-
☐☐ Have you clearly linked the literature cited to mary of findings? If so, rewrite them, explain-
your research questions? ing their significance.
☐☐ Is your discussion of the literature critical and ☐☐ Do the conclusions provide clear answers to
not just a summary of what you have read? your research questions?
☐☐ Have you clearly outlined your research ☐☐ Have you broken up the text in each chapter
design and research methods? Make sure you or section with appropriate subheadings?
have explained: ☐☐ Have you provided signposts so that readers
• why you chose a particular research design know what to expect next, and why it is there?
or method; ☐☐ Does the writing avoid sexist, racist, and other
• why you implemented your research design prejudicial language?
in the way you did (for example, how the ☐☐ Have you checked to ensure that the text
interview questions relate to the research does not make excessive use of jargon?
questions, or why you observed people in ☐☐ Have you included all the necessary appendi-
particular situations); ces (for example, interview schedule, letters
• how you selected your research participants; requesting access, communications with re-
• whether you experienced any problems with search participants)?
cooperation (for example, response rates);
☐☐ Does the list of references include all the
• if your research required access to an or-
items referred to in your text?
ganization, how and on what basis the
agreement was achieved; ☐☐ Does the format of the references follow pre-
cisely the style required by your institution or
• any difficulties encountered in imple-
menting your research;
• the steps taken to ensure that the research ☐☐ Have you met all requirements regarding
was ethical; and matters such as word count (so that the paper
• how the data were analyzed. is neither too long nor too short) and inclusion
of an abstract and table of contents?
☐☐ Have you presented your data in such a way that
they clearly relate to your research questions? ☐☐ Have you ensured that you do not quote ex-
cessively when presenting the literature?
☐☐ Are your interpretations of the data fully sup-
ported with tables, figures, or segments from ☐☐ Have you fully acknowledged the work of others,
transcripts? so that you cannot be accused of plagiarism?
☐☐ Have you acknowledged, preferably in an
☐☐ Is every table and/or figure properly labelled
Acknowledgments section, the help of others
with a title and number?
where appropriate (for example, your super-
☐☐ Is every table and/or figure commented on in visor, people who helped with interviews,
the text? people who read drafts)?
☐☐ Does the discussion of the findings relate to ☐☐ Finally, have you checked to make sure that
the research questions? your tenses, margins, pagination, and capital-
☐☐ Does that discussion show how the findings ization are consistent? Many forms may be
shed light on the literature presented? acceptable, but all must be used consistently.
372 PART IV Transcending the Quantitative/Qualitative Divide and Some Practical Advice

Finally those who have been promised one. Maintain the

confidentiality of the information given and the ano-
Remember to fulfill any obligations you have in- nymity of informants and other research participants
curred, such as supplying a copy of your report to by securing and later destroying all the primary data.

Interactive Classroom Activities

1. The instructor reviews the various aspects of a 2. The instructor, or better yet a reference librarian,
good research question. The class is then divided provides a detailed description of the procedures
into small groups. Each group is to select a topic of for using the databases available via the insti-
interest—for example, sexual assault on Canadian tution’s library system. The steps taken can be
university campuses. The group then carefully shown on the classroom screen.
constructs a research question or set of research 3. In situations where students have ready access to
questions based on the topic. Once completed, the Internet, each student uses library databases
each group takes turns putting its questions on to find five articles that address the research
the classroom screen or board for class discussion question(s) his or her group came up with in ex-
and critical comment. The class is asked a series ercise 1. Once completed, the groups then recon-
of evaluative questions such as: Is the question(s) vene so students can compare the articles they
clear? Could anything be done to improve the found with those selected by the other members
question(s)? Should additional questions be asked? of their group.

Relevant Websites
Databases such as Sociological Abstracts, PsycINFO, In this YouTube video, Jared Wright walks you through
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Social Work the steps that need to be taken to write a sociological
­Abstracts, the Canadian Periodicals Index Quarterly, research paper.
LGBT Life with Full Text, Family & Society Studies World-
wide, Contemporary Women’s Issues, and the Social Sci-
In this YouTube video, David Taylor discusses how to
ences Citation Index (through the Web of Knowledge)
choose and narrow down a research topic.
are all accessible online. To use them, log on to your
institution’s library server and call them up from there.
(Websites accessed 2 November 2018)

This YouTube video from the University of Maryland

discusses the fundamentals of doing a literature

More resources are available on Dashboard.

Visit for:

• Student Study Guide • Flash cards • Audio clips • Web links

• Student self-quiz • Printable checklist • Videos • Activities
Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

Chapters 8 and 13 described a number of methods variables are in bold italics (e.g., gender or ­reasons).
for analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Labels (longer versions of names; see pp. 376–77)
This appendix illustrates how to perform those an- given to variables or values are in bold but are not
alyses using IBM SPSS Statistics (SPSS) and NVivo italicized (e.g., reasons for visiting or male). A right-­
software.* pointing arrow (→) means “left-click once with the
mouse” to make selections. Box A.1 ­presents a list of
basic operations in SPSS.
Quantitative data If you have SPSS software loaded onto the hard
analysis using SPSS disk of the computer you are using, click on the SPSS
The gym survey described in Chapter 8 will be icon on the Desktop screen or find the program
used to illustrate how SPSS software is used. Learn- using the Start button in the bottom left-hand corner
ing new software requires some perseverance, but of the screen. If you don’t have SPSS software on your
is well worth the effort. It would take far longer to computer, it may be available from a special server
perform the calculations by hand (even on the small provided by your university.
gym survey sample of 90) than to learn the soft- After SPSS loads, an opening dialogue box with
ware. With more advanced techniques and larger a number of options may appear. If so, for the pur-
samples, the time saved is even more substantial. poses of this exercise disable it: → Close. This will
Imagine calculating the mean age of 2500 people give you the SPSS Data Editor, made up of two com-
by hand! ponents: Data View and Variable View. Move be-
tween these two by selecting the appropriate button
at the bottom left of the screen. The Data View pro-
Getting started in SPSS vides a spreadsheet grid into which data are entered
(see Plate A.1). The columns represent variables—in
Introduction our example, information about the characteris-
SPSS is the software most widely used for this kind tics of each person in the gym study sample, such
of analysis, probably because it is relatively straight- as gender and age. Until data are entered, each
forward. It has been in existence since the mid-1960s column simply has var as its heading. The rows
and over the years has undergone many revisions, represent cases, which can be people (as in this ex-
particularly since the arrival of personal computers. ample) or other units of analysis. Each block in the
The version used in preparing this section is IBM grid is referred to as a cell. Note that when the data
SPSS Statistics 25. are entered in the SPSS spreadsheet, they will look
SPSS operations and other on-screen terms are different: for example, 1 becomes 1.00 (this can be
presented in bold (e.g., Analyze). The names given to ­adjusted if necessary).
* All screen captures in this appendix are reprinted Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International
Business Machines Corporation.
374 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

BOX A.1 Basic operations in SPSS

• IBM SPSS Statistics Data Editor. This is the mode • Value Label. This is a label attached to the
in which data may be entered and subsequently code used when entering the data. Thus for
edited and defined. It is made up of two screens: var00001, the label male can be attached to
Data View and Variable View. Move between 1 and the label female to 2. In output, such as
these two views by selecting the appropriate a frequency table or chart, the labels for each
button at the bottom left of the screen. value appear, making the interpretation of
• Data View. This is the spreadsheet into which the output easier than if the code were used. It is
data are entered. It appears when SPSS is started. generated from the Variable View.
• Variable View. Another spreadsheet, this one • Missing Values. If data for a particular ­variable
displays information about each of the vari- are missing, you must specify how missing
ables (such as the variable name, the variable values are coded so that the computer can omit
labels, and value labels) and allows that infor- them from the calculations. Missing values are
mation to be changed (see below). generated from the Variable View.
• IBM SPSS Statistics Viewer. After a statistical • Analyze. This is the button on the menu bar
­analysis or the production of a graph (some- along the top of the Data Editor from which
times called a “chart” in SPSS), the output is (via a drop-down menu) the method of analysis
deposited here. The output window super- is selected. Note that whenever a menu item
imposes itself over the Data Editor after an an- appears with a right-pointing arrowhead after
alysis has been performed or a graph has been it, a further sub-menu is available.
generated. • Graphs. This is the button (at the top of the Data
• Variable Name. This is the name given to a vari- Editor) used to get access to the Chart Builder
able (for example, gender). Until they are given (via a drop-down menu), which can be used to
names, variables are referred to as var00001, create various graphs and charts.
var00002, and so on. Once a variable is given a • Chart Builder. This feature is used to make
name, the name appears in the column for that charts and graphs. A very useful tutorial is
variable in the Data View window. It is gener- available from the Data Editor by clicking Help
ated from the Variable View. → Topics. Use the search engine to find Tutorial
• Variable Label. This is a label attached to a → Creating and editing charts.
particular variable, and is optional. It is usually • Chart Editor. This is used to make various
longer than the variable name and therefore changes to graphs. To activate it, double-click
more explanatory. Spaces can be used (for ex- anywhere in the graph. A small Chart Editor
ample, reasons for visiting). The label appears window appears along with a version of the
in any output generated and comes from the main graph and stays until the Chart Editor is
Variable View. exited.

Entering data in the Data View number in that cell—that is, 1. This number goes
To input the data given in Box 8.2 into the Data directly into that cell and into the box beneath the
View, make sure that the top left-hand cell in the toolbar. Although you can use the mouse, many
grid is highlighted (Plate A.1). If it is not, simply people find it easier to use the arrow keys on their
click once in that cell. Then type the appropriate keyboard to move from cell to cell. If you make
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 375

a mistake, simply click once in the cell in ques- data from the gym survey entered (though only
tion, type in the correct value, and hit the Enter part of the data set is visible). The first row of data
key. The last piece of data goes into the bottom contains the coded answers (provided by the first
right-hand cell of what will be a perfect rectangle respondent) from the completed questionnaire in
of data. Plate A.2 shows the Data View with the Box 8.1.

Each row represents a case. Each column represents a variable.


Editor Data View

For the Variable View to examine each

variable in detail, click on this tab.

This row shows the data for the first person

who answered the questionnaire in Box 8.1.

PLATE A.2 The Data

View with the “gym
study” data entered
376 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

To proceed further, SPSS works in the following Defining variables: Variable names,
typical sequence for selecting variables and analyzing missing values, variable labels, and
data. value labels
1. Make a selection from the menu bar at the top Once you have finished entering the data, prepare the
of the screen, for example, → Analyze. variables. The following steps explain how this is done:
2. From the menu that will appear, make a selec-
tion, for example, → Descriptive Statistics. 1. → Variable View tab at the bottom left of the Data
3. This will bring up another menu where you Editor [opens the window shown in Plate A.3]
will specify which statistics you want, for ex- 2. To name a variable, click on the current variable
ample, Frequencies. name (for example, var00003) and type a name
4. This will bring up a dialogue box in which you for it (for example, reasons). This name, which
provide further information, such as the vari- cannot include spaces, is the identification
ables to be analyzed. needed for instructing the computer to perform
5. Very often, further information is needed; → a an analysis with this variable. It can be any-
button that brings up a sub-dialogue box. thing you like, but you should choose a name
6. Provide the information in the sub-dialogue that indicates what the variable is measuring.
box and then go back to the dialogue box. 3. To give the variable a more detailed designa-
Sometimes, a further sub-dialogue box is re- tion, known in SPSS as a variable label, → the
quired before you can return to the dialogue cell in the Label column for this variable. Then
box. type in the label (for example, reasons for
­visiting). This label will appear on your output,
When you have finished going through the entire just as a designer label appears on a piece of
procedure, → OK. The toolbar beneath the menu bar clothing. If no variable label is specified, the
allows shortcut access to certain SPSS operations. variable name will be used for the output.

To insert Value Labels for var00003, click here.

The Data Editor
Variable View
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 377

4. Provide “value labels” for the values of the vari-

ables, where appropriate. The procedure gener-
ally applies to variables that are not interval/ratio
(the interval/ratio level of measurement is called
“scale” in SPSS terminology). Scale variables do
not need value labels unless you are grouping
them in some way. To assign value labels, → in
the cell in the Values column for the variable in
question. A small button with three dots on it ap-
pears. → the button. The Value Labels dialogue
box appears (Plate A.4). → the box to the right of
Value and begin to define the value labels. To do
this, enter the value (for example, 1) in the area to
the right of Value and then type in the value label PLATE A.5 The Missing Values Dialogue Box
(for example, relaxation) in the area to the right
of Label. Then → Add. Do this for each value.
When finished, → OK. A variable name for ques- In the Missing Values dialogue box, enter
tion one on the questionnaire could be gender; the missing value (0) below Discrete missing
the variable label “gender of respondent;” and the values and then → OK.
value labels, 1, “male” and 2, “female.” The com- 6. Designate the level of measurement of the vari-
puter reads only numbers (male is 1; female, 2) so able. Reasons is a nominal variable. To enter
the value labels are optional, but if you omit them this information, → the cell for this variable in
the output will tell you about 1s and 2s instead of the Measure column. A drop-down menu will
males and females. appear; → Nominal.
5. Designate missing values. In the case of reasons,
missing data are given a value of 0. To assign To simplify the following presentation, reasons
the missing value, → the cell for this variable is the only variable for which a variable label, value
in the Missing column. Again, → the button labels, missing values, and the level of measurement
that has three dots on it. This will generate are defined.
the Missing Values dialogue box (Plate A.5).
Saving the data
To save the data for future use, make sure that the
Data Editor is the active window. Then, → File → Save
As. The Save Data As dialogue box will appear. It
needs a name for the data, which is placed after File
name and a place to save the data—for example, onto
a USB drive or the hard drive of your computer. To
select the destination drive, → the downward pointing
arrow to the right of the box by Look in. Then choose
the drive on which to save the data and → Save.
This procedure saves the data and any work done
on it—for example, value labels and missing values
specifications. If you do more work on the data,
Remember to click here after entering such as creating a new variable, the data must be
each Value and Value Label.
saved again or the new work will be lost. SPSS gives
PLATE A.4 The Value Labels Dialogue Box you a choice of renaming the data—in which case
378 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

there will be two data files (one with the o

­ riginal weights, and other activities). Adding them up gives the
data and one with the revised data)—or keeping total number of minutes spent on various activities in
the same name. In the latter case the original file the gym, and a new variable, totalmin, can be created
is lost but its name is retained and applied to the for that purpose. To do this, take the following steps:
modified file.
1. → Transform → Compute Variable . . . [opens
Retrieving data the Compute Variable dialogue box shown in
To retrieve a data file, → File → Open → Data . . . . The Plate A.6]
Open Data dialogue box will appear. Go to the loca- 2. Under Target Variable, type totalmin
tion in which the data are deposited to retrieve the 3. Under Function group, → Statistical; under
file containing the data, and then → Open. Functions and Special Variables, → Sum; then →
the button with an upward-pointing arrowhead
Computing a new variable to send it into the box under Numeric Expression
The total amount of time a respondent spent in the 4. From the list of variables at the left, → cardmins
gym is made up of three variables: cardmins, weimins, → adjacent button [puts cardmins in box after
and othmins (questions 10, 11, and 12 respectively SUM]; → weimins → button [puts weimins in
in Box 8.1, referring to cardiovascular equipment, box after cardmins]; → othmins → button [puts

PLATE A.6 The Compute Variable Dialogue Box

Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 379

othmins in box after weimins]; be sure to put 1. → Transform → Recode into Different Vari-
commas (but not spaces) between the variable ables [opens the Recode into Different
names, and to delete any “?” that remain in the Variables dialogue box shown in Plate A.7]
Numeric Expression box 2. → age → adjacent button [puts age in the
5. ‑→ OK Numeric Variable → Output Variable box];
→ box beneath Output Variable Name
The new variable totalmin is created and appears and type agegp → Change [puts agegp in
in the Data Editor. the Numeric Variable → Output Variable
box]; → Old and New Values . . . [opens the
Recoding variables Recode into Different Variables: Old and
Sometimes you will need to recode variables—for New Values sub-dialogue box shown in Plate
example, to group scores together, as was done to A.8]
produce Table 8.3 for an interval/ratio variable 3. If there are missing values for a variable (as
(var00002, now given the variable name age). SPSS in this case), in the Old Value box, → the
offers two choices: change age, or keep age as it is and circle by System- or user-missing, and in
create a new variable. The latter option is appropriate the New Value box, → System-missing, then
here, because you may need the data for age in its ori- → Add
ginal form for some other analysis. We will preserve 4. In the Old Value box, → circle by Range:
the original variable and create a new one, agegp, for LOWEST through value and type 20 in the
age groups, with five age categories, as in Table 8.3. box. In the New Value box, → circle by Value

Original name Recoded name

of variable. of variable.

Click here to specify how

values are to be recoded.

PLATE A.7 The Recode Into Different Variables Dialogue Box

380 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

and type 1; → Add [the new value appears in The new variable agegp is created and appears in
the Old → New box] the Data View. To generate value labels for the five
5. In the Old Value box, → first circle by Range age bands and a variable label, repeat the ­approach
and type 21, and in the box after through type ­described above for those procedures.
30. In the New Value box, → circle by Value
and type 2; → Add
6. In the Old Value box, → first circle by Range Using SPSS for data analysis
and type 31 and in the box after through type
40. In the New Value box, → circle by Value Generating a frequency table
and type 3; → Add To produce a frequency table like the one in Table 8.2:
7. In the Old Value box, → first circle by Range
and type 41, and in the box after through type 1. → Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Fre-
50. In the New Value box, → circle by Value quencies . . . [opens the Frequencies dialogue
and type 4; → Add box shown in Plate A.9]
8. In the Old Value box, → circle by Range: value 2. → reasons → adjacent button [puts reasons into
through HIGHEST and type 51 in the box. Variable(s) box]
In the New Value box, → circle by Value and 3. → OK
type 5; → Add → Continue [closes the Recode 4. The table then appears in the IBM SPSS Statis-
into Different Variables: Old and New Values tics Viewer (see Plate A.10)
sub-dialogue box shown in Plate A.8 and re-
turns to the Recode into Different Variables Note that in the Frequencies dialogue box, the
dialogue box shown in Plate A.7] variable name appears. If you would prefer to work
9. → OK with variable labels (which provide more information

PLATE A.8 The Recode Into Different Variables: Old And New Values Sub-Dialogue Box
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 381

on what the variable measures), go into the Data Generating a bar chart
Editor, → Edit → Options → General, and in the top
left-hand corner you can select variable labels to be To produce a bar chart like the one in Figure 8.2:
used. Similarly, if you prefer that the variables be
arranged in alphabetical order, you can specify that 1. → Graphs → Chart Builder → Define Variable
there. Properties [opens the Define Variable Prop-
erties dialogue box shown in Plate A.11]
2. → reasons → adjacent button [puts reasons in
Click here to send selected the Variables to Scan box]
variables into Variable(s) list. 3. → Continue [opens the Define Variable Prop-
erties sub-dialogue box shown in Plate A.12].
This allows you to edit properties such as vari-
able labels, value labels, and so on before creat-
ing a graph, or to enter that information if you
have not already done so. We’ve already entered
all the information needed, so exit this box.
4. → Graphs → Chart Builder → OK [opens the
Chart Builder dialogue box shown in Plate A.13]
5. → Gallery → Bar, and drag the type of bar
chart you want into the “canvas,” the large area
above the Gallery
Select variable(s) to be 6. Drag reasons into the X-Axis? box at the
analyzed from here.
bottom of the canvas
PLATE A.9 The Frequencies dialogue box 7. → OK

Number of cases in each category.

Percentage of cases in each category.

Percentage of cases in each category
taking missing values into account.

PLATE A.10 The IBM SPSS Statistics Viewer

382 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

PLATE A.11 The Define

Variable Properties
Dialogue Box

As mentioned earlier, for some useful details on 3. Drag reasons into the Slice by? drop zone at
this procedure, do the tutorial available in the Data the bottom of the canvas
Editor at Help → Topics. Use the search engine to 4. → OK
find Tutorial → Creating and editing charts. 5. Double-click anywhere in the chart to bring up
the Chart Editor (Plate A.14)
Generating a pie chart 6. → Elements → Show Data Labels. This will
To produce a pie chart like the one in Figure 8.3: place the percentage in each category in the
appropriate slice of the pie (see Plate A.15).
1. → Graphs → Chart Builder → OK [opens the
Chart Builder dialogue box] This pie chart is in colour, but if you only have
2. → Gallery → Pie/Polar, and drag the pie chart access to a monochrome printer, you can change
into the “canvas,” the large area above the Gallery the colours into patterns. Get into the Chart
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 383

PLATE A.12 The Define Variable Properties Sub-Dialogue Box

PLATE A.13 The Chart Builder Dialogue Box

384 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

PLATE A.14 The Chart Editor

PLATE A.15 The Chart Editor Showing Pie

Chart Percentages

Editor, which enables editing of all figures: → Edit ages to be grouped together. The general procedure
→ Properties → Variables. By reasons for visiting for doing this is → Graphs → Chart Builder → OK
(the variable label) → Style: Colour, and → Style: → Gallery → Histogram, and drag the histogram
Pattern → Apply. Use the same procedure for all into the “canvas.” Then, → Element Properties
charts. → Statistic: Histogram → Set Parameters. However,
since we have already recoded age into the categories
Generating a histogram we want, you can use the newly created agegp vari-
Producing the histogram in Figure 8.4 is just as able. Although technically it is an ordinal variable,
simple, except that it requires you to define the to create a histogram it is necessary to define agegp
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 385

as a scale (interval/ratio) variable by right-clicking When the Print dialogue box appears, make sure
on it in the Variables list while in the Chart Builder. Selected output under Print Range is selected.
Drag agegp into the X-Axis? drop zone at the bottom
of the canvas; → OK. Other ways of presenting inter- Generating the arithmetic mean,
val/ratio data, such as measures of central tendency median, standard deviation, and range
and dispersion, will be d­ iscussed below. To produce the mean, median, standard deviation,
and the range for an interval/ratio variable like age,
Printing output follow these steps:
To print all the output in the IBM SPSS Statistics
Viewer, make sure that the Viewer is the active 1. → Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Explore
window and then → File → Print . . . . When the . . . [opens the Explore dialogue box]
Print dialogue box appears, → OK. To print just 2. → age → the button to the left of Dependent
some of the output, hold down the Ctrl button on List [puts age in the Dependent List box];
the keyboard and click once on the parts of the → Statistics under Display; → OK
output you want to print. The easiest way to do this 3. The output also includes the 95 per cent confi-
is to select the elements from the output summary dence interval for the mean, which is based on
in the left-hand segment of the Viewer shown in the standard error of the mean. The output is
Plate A.10. Then bring up the Print dialogue box. in Table A.1.

TABLE A.1 | Explore output for age (SPSS output)

Valid Missing Total
N Per cent N Per cent N Per cent
AGE 89 98.9% 1 1.1% 90 100.0%
Statistic Std. Error
AGE Mean 33.5955 .9420
95% Confidence Lower bound 31.7235
Interval for mean Upper bound 35.4675
5% Trimmed mean 33.3159
Median 31.0000
Variance 78.971
Std. deviation 8.8866
Minimum 18.00
Maximum 57.00
Range 39.00
Interquartile range 14.0000
Skewness .446 .255
Kurtosis 2.645 .506
386 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

Generating a contingency table selected, simply → at the relevant point. → Con-

tinue [closes the Crosstabs: Cell Display
To generate a contingency table like Table 8.4, follow sub-dialogue box and returns to the Crosstabs
this procedure: dialogue box shown in Plate A.16]
4. → Statistics . . . [opens the Crosstabs: Statis-
1. → Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Cross- tics sub-dialogue box shown in Plate A.18]. For
tabs . . . [opens the Crosstabs dialogue box example, suppose Cramér’s V is needed (be-
shown in Plate A.16] cause of having two nominal variables). → Chi-
2. → reasons → button by Row(s) [reasons ap- square → Phi and Cramér’s V → Continue
pears in the Row(s) box]; → gender → button by [closes the Crosstabs: Statistics sub-dialogue
Column(s) [gender appears in the Column(s) box and returns to the Crosstabs dialogue box
box]; → Cells [opens the Crosstabs: Cell Dis- shown in Plate A.16]
play sub-dialogue box shown in Plate A.17] 5. → OK
3. Make sure Observed in the Counts box is
selected. Make sure Column under Percent- The resulting output is in Table A.2. Cramér’s V is
ages is selected. If either of these was not just one of the available statistics.

If a variable can be identified as a likely

independent variable, place it here.

PLATE A.16 The Crosstabs Dialogue Box

Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 387

TABLE A.2 | Contingency table for reasons for visiting by gender (SPSS output)
Valid Missing Total
Case Processing
N Per cent Summary Per cent N Per cent
reasons for visiting * 90 100.0% 0 .0% 90 100.0%


male female Total
reasons for
visiting relaxation Count 3 6 9
% within GENDER 7.1% 12.5% 10.0%
fitness Count 15 16 31
% within GENDER 35.7% 33.3% 34.4%
lose weight Count 8 25 33
% within GENDER 19.0% 52.1% 36.7%
build strength Count 16 1 17
% within GENDER 38.1% 2.1% 18.9%
   Total Count 42 48 90
% within GENDER 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

This is the χ2 value Asymp. Sig.
referred to in the Value df [(2-sided)]
Pearson Chi-Square 22.726a 3 .000
Likelihood Ratio 25.805 3 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 9.716 1 .002
N of Valid Cases 90
2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.20.

Since this is not a 2 × 2 table, interpret Cramér’s V

Approx. Shows level of statistical
Value Sig. significance of computed value
Nominal by Phi .503 .000 of Cramér’s V

Nominal Cramer’s V .503 .000

N of Valid Cases 90
Shows strength of relationship
388 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

Must be selected for number of cases identified as likely to be the independent variable, it
in each cell to be included in table. is by convention placed on the X-axis (the horizontal
axis). Since age is bound to be the independent vari-
able, follow these steps:

1. → Graphs → Chart Builder → OK → Gallery

→ Scatter/Dot
2. Drag the Simple Scatter diagram into the
3. Drag age into the X-Axis? box at the bottom
of the canvas
4. Drag cardmins into the Y-Axis? box at the left
side of the canvas
5. → OK

Generating Pearson’s r
Select to give the percentage To produce Pearson’s r, in particular the correla-
of cases of each category of
tion between age, weimins, and cardmins shown in
the column variable.
Table 8.5, follow these steps:
PLATE A.17 The Crosstabs: Cell Display
Sub-Dialogue Box 1. → Analyze → Correlate → Bivariate . . . [opens
the Bivariate Correlations dialogue box
shown in Plate A.19]
Select to provide the 2 statistics
2. → age → button → weimins → button → card-
for the contingency table.
mins → button [age, weimins, and cardmins
should now be in the Variables box]; → Pear-
son (if not already selected) → OK

The resulting output is shown in Table A.3.

To produce Kendall’s tau-b, follow the same pro-
cedures, but instead of selecting Pearson, → Kend-
all’s tau-b. Spearman’s rho is another option.

Comparing means
To produce a table like Table 8.6, follow these steps:

1. → Analyze → Compare Means → Means . . .

[opens the Means dialogue box shown in Plate
Select to generate Phi/Cramér’s V.
2. → cardmins → button to the left of Dependent
PLATE A.18 The Crosstabs: Statistics List → reasons → button to the left of Inde-
Sub-Dialogue Box pendent List → Options [opens the Means:
Options sub-dialogue box]
Generating scatter diagrams 3. → Anova table and eta under Statistics for First
The production of scatter diagrams, known as scat- Layer → Continue [closes the Means: Options
terplots in SPSS, is illustrated in the relationship sub-dialogue box and returns to the Means
between age and cardmins. If one variable can be dialogue box shown in Plate A.20]; → OK
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 389

All variable(s) to be
correlated go here.

Select Pearson , Kendall's tau-b, or Spearman

depending on the kinds of
variables being analyzed.

PLATE A.19 Bivariate ­Correlations Dialogue Box

TABLE A.3 | Correlations output for age, weimins, and cardmins (SPSS output)
CORRELATIONS Correlations of p < 0.05 are “flagged” with asterisks
AGE Pearson Correlation 1.000 −.273 ** −.109
Sig. (2-tailed) . .010 .311
N 89 89 89
WEIMINS Pearson Correlation −.273 ** 1.000 −.161
Sig. (2-tailed) .010 . .130
N 89 90 90
CARDMINS Pearson Correlation −.109 −.161 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .311 .130 .
N 89 90 90
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Shows strength of Shows number of cases, less Shows level of

relationship as any cases for which there statistical significance
indicated by are missing data for either of computed value of
Pearson’s r or both variables Pearson’s r
390 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

Dependent variable(s) go here.

Independent variable(s) go here.

PLATE A.21 The Linear Regression Dialogue Box
PLATE A.20 The Means Dialogue Box
Generating a contingency table
with three variables To perform a bivariate regression in SPSS:
To create a table like Table 8.9, do as follows:
1. → Analyze → Regression → Linear [opens the
1. → Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Cross- Linear Regression dialogue box shown in
tabs . . . [opens the Crosstabs dialogue box Plate A.21]
shown in Plate A.16] 2. → weimins → button to the left of the Depen-
2. → othsourc → button by Row(s) [othsourc ap- dent box
pears in the Row(s) box] 3. → age → button to the left of the Indepen-
3. → age3 (assume this is the name given to a newly dent(s) box
created variable with age recoded into the 4. → OK. The output appears in Table 8.10.
three categories listed in Table 8.9); → button
by Column(s) [age3 appears in the Column(s) To perform multiple regression, simply add addi-
box]; → gender → button in Layer 1 of 1 box tional independent variables to the model. Once you are
[gender appears in the box under Layer 1 of 1]; in the Linear Regression dialogue box (described above
→ Cells [opens the Crosstabs: Cell Display and shown in Plate A.21), just click on whatever variable
sub-dialogue box shown in Plate A.17] you would like to add, then click the arrow button to put
4. Make sure Observed in the Counts box has the variable in the Independent(s) box along with age.
been selected. Make sure Column under Per-
centages has been selected. If either has not,
simply click at the relevant point. → Con- Questions for Review
tinue [closes the Crosstabs: Cell Display sub-­
dialogue box and returns to the Crosstabs Getting started in SPSS
dialogue box shown in Plate A.16] • Outline the differences between variable
5. → OK names, variable labels, and value labels.
• In what circumstances is it appropriate to
The resulting table looks somewhat different from recode a variable?
Table 8.9 in that gender appears as a row rather than • In what circumstances is it appropriate to
as a column variable. create a new variable?
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 391

Exercises: Data analysis with Qualitative data analysis

SPSS (see Table 8.1 to identify
the variables)
using NVivo
Using the gym survey data, create:
To illustrate how to use NVivo software, version 10,
• a frequency table for the variable exercise; we will use the interview transcripts from a study
• a bar chart and pie chart for exercise and of visitors to Disney theme parks, discussed in
­compare their usefulness; ­Chapter 13. This illustration of NVivo and its functions
• a histogram for cardmins; addresses just its most basic features. There is a very
• measures of central tendency and dispersion good help facility included with this program as well as
for cardmins; tutorials that are recommended for more in-depth in-
• a contingency table and Cramér’s V for gender struction. As in the discussion of SPSS, in the following
and exercise; account → signifies “left-click once with the mouse.”
• a scatter diagram for age and cardmins;
• Pearson’s r for age and cardmins; Getting started with NVivo
• Kendall’s tau-b for carduse and weiuse; and On opening NVivo, you will be presented with a
• a difference of means analysis for reasons and welcome screen (Plate A.22). This screen shows any
totalmin. existing NVivo projects and is the springboard for

PLATE A.22 The Opening Screen

392 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

either opening one of the existing projects or starting fieldwork notes. NVivo 10 can accept documents in
a new one. If you are starting a new project, as in the both rich text (.rtf) and Word (.doc, .docx) formats.
example that follows, → File → New Project. The New To import the documents (see Plate A.23), → Inter-
Project dialogue box appears and you are asked to nals (below Sources at the top of the Navigation
provide a Title for your project. For this exercise, the view) → External Data on the ribbon (see Plate A.24
title “Disney Project” was chosen. You are also asked for a description of how to find the ribbon and other
to give a Description of the project, although this is key areas of the screen) → Documents button on the
an optional feature. When you have done this, → OK. find bar [opens the Import Internals dialogue box]
You then need to import the documents you → Browse to locate the documents that are to be im-
want to code. In this case, they will be interview ported. → the documents to be imported (you can
transcripts from the project on visitors to Disney hold down the Ctrl key to select several documents;
theme parks, referred to in Box 11.5 and Chapter 13. if you want to select all of them, hold down the Ctrl
Other kinds of documents can be imported such as key and tap the A key); → Open. The documents

2. Select External Data and then 3. In the Import Internals dialogue

1. Select Documents. This brings up the box, click on Browse… to locate
Internals. Import Internals dialogue box. the documents to be imported.

4. Select the documents to be 5. Click on Open. The

imported from the location documents will then be
identified in step 3. imported into NVivo.

PLATE A.23 Stages In Importing Documents Into NVivo

Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 393

Ribbon—contains the main

NVivo commands. The Find
bar changes when you select
a different command.

Find bar—to search for items

in your NVivo project.

List view—displays the

contents of your folders.

Detail view—here you can

examine contents of your
documents, nodes, etc.

Quick coding bar.

Navigation view—provides
access to documents,
nodes, etc.

PLATE A.24 The Document Viewer And Its Components

will then be visible in the document viewer (this is There are several ways of going about the coding
the term used to describe the general screen shown process in NVivo. The approach taken in relation to
in Plate A.24). Once the documents have been im- the coding of the Disney Project was as follows:
ported, they can be read and edited. All you need to
do is to double-click on the yellow icon to the left of • The interviews, both in printed form and in
each interview in the list view. the document viewer (Plate A.24), were read
through. The viewer is treated as having a
Coding number of different components or sections
Coding your data is obviously one of the key phases and these are highlighted in Plate A.24.
in the whole process of qualitative data analysis. For • Some codes that seemed relevant to the docu-
NVivo, coding is accomplished through nodes. NVivo’s ments were created.
help system in earlier releases defined coding as “the • The documents were then coded using NVivo.
process of marking passages of text in a project’s
documents with nodes” (emphasis added). Thus An alternative strategy is to code while browsing
nodes are the route by which coding proceeds. In the documents.
turn, the latest release defines a node as “a collection
of references about a specific theme, place, person or Creating nodes
other area of interest.” When a document has been The nodes that were relevant to the passage in Box 11.5
coded, the node will incorporate references to those are presented in Figure A.1. Prior to NVivo 9, when
portions of documents in which the code appears. creating a node, the researcher had to choose either
Once established, nodes can be changed or deleted. a free node or a tree node. The latter is a node that is
394 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

organized in a hierarchy of connected nodes, whereas 1. In the document viewer → Create in the ribbon
free nodes were not organized in this way. This dis- 2. → Node in the find bar [opens the New Node
tinction has been dropped in versions after NVivo 9, dialogue box shown in Plate A.25]
and the software assumes that a tree node is being 3. Enter the node Name (Not critical of Disney)
created. Two points are crucial to note here for users and a Description (the latter is optional)
of earlier releases of the software. First, the tendency 4. → OK
now is not to refer to “tree nodes” but to treat them
as hierarchically organized nodes. Second, free nodes Creating hierarchically organized nodes
(that is, nodes that are not hierarchically organized) To create a hierarchically organized node, the in-
can still be created; they are simply nodes without itial process is exactly the same as with a non-­
“children” (to use the latest NVivo terminology). hierarchically organized node. The following example
Notice that there are three groups of hierarchi- will show how to create the hierarchically organized
cally organized nodes and two non-hierarchically node Class critique, which is a child of the hierarch-
organized nodes in Figure A.1. The nodes can be cre- ically organized node Ideological critique, which
ated in the following way. is itself a child of the hierarchically organized node
­Critique (see Figure A.1). The following steps will
Creating non-hierarchically organized generate this node.
This sequence of steps demonstrates how to create 1.  In the document viewer → Create in the ribbon
the non-hierarchically organized node Not critical 2.  → Node in the find bar [opens the New Node
of Disney. dialogue box shown in Plate A.26]
3.  Enter the node Name (Critique) and a
­Description (the latter is optional)
Hierarchical nodes Critique
4.   → OK
5.  → Critique in the list of nodes in the list viewer
Aesthetic Ideological Content Other
6.  → Node in the find bar [opens the New Node
critique critique critique critique dialogue box shown in Plate A.26]
7  Enter the node Name (Ideological critique)
and a Description (the latter is optional). This
Class Ethnicity Gender Nationality node will form a child of the hierarchically or-
critique critique critique critique
ganized node (make sure that in Hierarchical
name it reads Nodes\\Critique, as this will
mean it is a child of Critique). See Plate A.26.
8.  → Ideological critique in the list of nodes in
Visitors’ Visitors’ Visitors‘ Visitors‘ the list viewer
age gender class ethnicity 9.  → Node in the find bar [opens the New Node
dialogue box shown in Plate A.26]
10.  Enter the node Name (Class critique) and a
Description (the latter is optional). This node
will form a child of the hierarchically organ-
Educational Recreational Ideological Other
significance significance significance significance ized node (make sure that in Hierarchical
name it reads Nodes\\Critique\Ideologi-
Non-hierarchical nodes
cal critique, as this will mean it is a child of
Uncritical enthusiasm
Ideological critique, which is itself a child of
Not critical of Disney Critique). See Plate A.26.
FIGURE A.1 Nodes used in the Disney Project 11.  → OK
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 395

1. Select Create. 2. Select Node.

3. In the New Node dialogue box, 4. Click on OK.

enter the node Name and a
Description (latter is optional).

PLATE A.25 Stages In Creating A Non-Hierarchically Organized Node

Applying nodes in the coding process want to use has been created, NVivo 10 allows you
Coding is carried out by applying nodes to segments to drag and drop text into it (see Plate A.27). To do
of text. Once you have set up some nodes (remember this, highlight the text to be coded and then, holding
that you can add and alter them at any time), you down the left-hand button, drag the text over to the
can look at a document in the viewer and highlight appropriate node in the list view.
the area of the document that you want to code; then Alternatively, you can highlight the text you want
right-click on the mouse while holding the cursor to code and right-click over it. Then → Code Selec-
over the highlighted text. If the node that you want tion → Code Selection at Existing Nodes, which
to use has not been created yet, highlight the text opens the Select Project Items dialogue box (see
you want to code, right-click on the highlighted text, Plate A.28). → the node(s) you want to use. Thus, in
and then → Code Selection → Code Selection at the example in Plate A.28, the tick by Uncritical en-
New Node . . . . This opens the New Node dialogue thusiasm will code the highlighted text at that node.
box. You can then create a new node in the manner If you also wanted to use a hierarchically organized
outlined in the previous sections. If the code you node, you would need to find the appropriate parent
396 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

3. If the node is a child of an existing

1. Click on 2. Click on node, make sure that the appropriate
Create Node node has been selected

4. In the New Node dialogue box, 5. Click on OK

enter the node Name and a
Description (latter is optional) Hint. Ensure that the
correct sequence of
children has been
selected here
Ensure that Nodes
has been selected

PLATE A.26 Stages in creating a hierarchically organized node

in the list of nodes within the list view and then → coding stripes. Selecting this feature allows you to
the plus sign to the left of it. To uncode at any point, see multi-coloured stripes that represent portions of
simply highlight the passage to be uncoded, and coded text and the nodes that have been used. Over-
→ the button with a red cross in it in the quick coding lapping codes do not represent any problem at all.
bar (see Plate A.24). Alternatively, you can right-click To activate this feature, → View in the ribbon
on the highlighted text and → Uncode. and then → Coding Stripes in the find bar → Nodes
Recently Coding. Plate A.29 shows these stripes.

Coding stripes We can see that some segments have been coded at
It’s very helpful to be able to see the areas of text two or more nodes (for example, Visitors’ ethnicity
that have been coded and the nodes applied to and Ethnicity critique). All the nodes that have been
them. To this end NVivo has a useful aid called used are clearly displayed.
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 397

Hint. To uncode at
any time, highlight the
text to be uncoded and
click on this button.
This will clear the
coding at that point.

Highlight text to be coded …drop into the appropriate

and holding down the left- node, in this case PLATE A.27 Using Drag and Drop
hand button of the mouse… uncritical enthusiasm. to Code

3. Click on OK.

1. Highlight the text to be coded, 2. Select the appropriate node

right click and from the menu, select by clicking on the box to the
Code Selection and then select left of the node.
Code Selection at Existing Nodes.
This brings up the Select Project
Items dialogue box.
PLATE A.28 Coding in NVivo
398 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

PLATE A.29 Coding Stripes

Searching text 3. → on the + to the left of Ideological critique

Once you have coded your data, however preliminary [this brings up a list of all branches of the node
that coding may be, at some point you will want to Ideological critique]
conduct a search of your data. For instance, suppose 4. Double-click on Ethnicity critique
that you want to retrieve all occurrences of a particu- 5. All instances of coded text at the node Ethnic-
lar node. NVivo allows you to trawl rapidly through all ity critique will appear at the bottom of the
your documents and find all the text that was coded at screen, as in Plate A.30.
a particular node. This is very easy to do in NVivo 10.
To search for the intersection of two nodes
To search for occurrences of a single node This section is concerned with searching for se-
These steps describe how to conduct a search for sequen- quences of text that have been coded at two nodes:
ces of text that have been coded in terms of the node Aesthetic critique and Not critical of Disney. This
Ethnicity critique. The stages are outlined in Plate A.30. type of search is known as a Boolean search. It will
locate text coded in terms of the two nodes together
1. In the document viewer → Nodes in the navi- (that is, where they intersect), not text coded in
gation view. This will bring up your list of terms of each of the two nodes. The steps are as
nodes in the list view. follows:
2. If you cannot find the parents of Ethnicity cri-
tique, → on the little box with a plus sign (+) to 1.  In the document viewer, → Queries in the
the left of Critique [this brings up a list of all navigation view
branches of the node Critique] 2.  → Query tab in the ribbon
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 399

1. Click on Nodes. 2. Locate the node to be

analyzed and double click on it.

PLATE A.30 Stages in Retrieving Text from a Node

3.  → Coding . . . from the menu of options 1. → Home on the ribbon

[opens the Coding Query dialogue box 2. → Find . . . [opens the Find Content dialogue
shown in Plate A.31] box shown in Plate A.32]
4.  → Coding Criteria tab 3. Type magic kingdom to the right of Text.
5.  → Advanced tab 4. To the right of Look in, make sure Text has
6.  In the Define more criteria panel, → Coded been selected.
at from the drop-down menu 5. → Find Next
7.  → Select. You then need to choose the two
nodes to be analyzed from the Select Project Text searching can be useful for the identification
Items dialogue box. of possible in vivo codes (introduced in Chapter 13).
8.  Once the nodes have been selected, → OK You would then need to go back to the documents to
which returns you to the Coding Query dia- create nodes to allow you to code in terms of any in
logue box → Add to List vivo codes.
9.  Make sure AND has been selected immedi-
ately below Define more criteria Output
10.  → Run To find the results of coding at a particular node,
→ the Nodes button in the bottom left. This will
To search for specific text bring up your node structure. Find the node that you
NVivo can also perform searches for specific words are interested in and simply double-click on it. This
or phrases, often referred to as “strings” in computer will bring up all text coded at that node along with
jargon. For example, to search for magic kingdom, information about which interview(s) the text comes
you would: from.
400 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

3. Select Coding. This brings up

the Coding Query dialogue box.
2. Select Query.
4. Select the Coding
Criteria tab.

5. Select the
Advanced tab.

8. Choose the nodes to

be analyzed from the
Select Project Items
dialogue box and
click on Add to List.
They will appear here.

7. Click on Select (opens

the Select Project Items
dialogue box).

6. Select Coded at.

1. Click on 9. Ensure AND has 10. Click on Run.

Queries. been selected. PLATE A.31 The Coding
Query Dialogue Box
(searching for the
intersection of two

1. Select Home. 3. Insert text to be searched for 2. Select Find.

4. Select Find Next. PLATE A.32 The Find

Content D
­ ialogue Box
Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software 401

Memos 5. To the right of Name, type in a name for the memo

(e.g. Gender critique). You can also provide a brief
In Chapter 13 we noted that one feature of the
description of the document in the window to the
grounded theory approach to qualitative data analy-
right of Description, as in Plate A.33.
sis is the use of memos in which ideas and illustra-
6. → OK
tions might be stored. Memos can be easily created
in NVivo. The steps, which are outlined in Plate A.33,
are as follows: Saving an NVivo project
When you have finished working on your data, you
1. In the navigation view, → Sources will need to save it for future use. To do this, on the
2. Under Sources → Memos menu bar at the top, → File → Save. This will save
3. → Create tab on the find bar all the work you have done. You will then be given
4. → Memo [opens the New Memo dialogue box the opportunity to exit NVivo or to create or open
shown in Plate A.33] a project without worrying about losing all your

4. Select Memo. This brings up

2. Select Memos. 3. Select Create. the New Memo dialogue box.

1. Select Sources. 5. Enter the memo Name 6. Click on OK.

and Description here.

PLATE A.33 Stages in Creating a Memo

402 Appendix | Using IBM SPSS Statistics and NVivo Software

hard work. You might also consider backing up the

Opening an existing NVivo project
To retrieve a project you have created, at the Wel- (Websites accessed 2 November 2018)
come screen, → File → Open. This opens the Open
Project dialogue box. Search for and then select the
project you want to work on. Then → Open. Alterna- Questions for review
tively, simply click on the project you want to retrieve
on the opening screen. Learning NVivo
You can also open a NUD*IST project, or one de- • What is a node?
signed using an earlier release of NVivo, by selecting • What is the difference between a hierarchically
the appropriate project type from the drop-down organized node and a node that has not been
menu to the right of File name. hierarchically organized?
• What is in vivo coding?
Final thoughts • Do nodes have to be set up in advance?
As with SPSS, space limitations allow us to introduce • In NVivo, what is the difference between a
only the most basic features of the NVivo software. In document and a memo?
so doing, we hope to have given readers unfamiliar • How do you go about searching for a single
with CAQDAS a sample of how the system works. node and the intersection of two nodes?
No doubt some will decide that they prefer the tried- • Why might it be useful to display coding
and-tested scissors-and-paste approach. On the stripes?
other hand, the software warrants serious considera- • How do you search for specific text?
tion because of its power and flexibility.
For useful online help with NVivo, see the Online
QDA website and the CAQDAS Networking Project
website at:
Terms in italic type are defined elsewhere in the Glossary. are broken down into component parts, which are then
assigned names.
action research Same as participatory action research. coding frame or coding manual A list of the codes to be
adjacency pair Two kinds of talk activity that are linked used in the analysis of a particular set of data. For answers to
together, such as an invitation and a response. a structured interview schedule or questionnaire, the coding
analytic induction An approach to the analysis of quali- frame delineates the categories used for each open question.
tative data in which the collection of data continues and With closed questions, the coding frame is essentially in-
the hypothesis is modified until no cases inconsistent with corporated into the fixed answers from which respondents
it are found. must choose; hence the term “pre-coded question.”
arithmetic mean What everyday language refers to concept A general or abstract idea; a category that serves
as the “average”: the sum of all the scores divided by the to organize observations and ideas about some aspect of
number of scores. Also known simply as the mean. the social world.
biographical method See life history method. concurrent validity A type of validity that is tested by
bivariate analysis Examination of the relationship be- relating a measure to an existing criterion or a different
tween two variables, as in contingency tables; correlation. indicator of the concept to see if one predicts the other;
CAQDAS An abbreviation of “computer-assisted (or one of the main forms of measurement validity.
computer-aided) qualitative data analysis software.” connotation A term used in semiotics to refer to the
case study A research design that entails detailed and in- meanings of a sign associated with the social context
tensive analysis of either a single case or (for comparative within which it operates: a sign’s connotations are supple-
purposes) a small number of cases. mentary to its denotation and less immediately apparent.
causality A connection between variables in which one constant An attribute on which cases do not differ; com-
variable changes as a result of a change in another, as op- pare with variable.
posed to a mere correlation between them. constructionism, constructionist An ontological pos-
cells The areas in a table where the rows and columns ition (the antithesis of objectivism) according to which
intersect and data are inserted. social phenomena and their meanings are continually being
census A count of an entire population; by contrast, a created by social actors; also known as constructivism.
sample counts only some units of a population. construct validity (1) Same as measurement validity;
chi-square test Chi-square (χ2) is a test of statistical sig- (2) a type of measurement validity that is established by
nificance used to establish confidence that a finding dis- determining whether the concepts being measured relate
played in a contingency table can be generalized from a empirically in a manner that would be predicted by rel-
probability sample to the population from which it is drawn. evant theories.
closed, closed-ended question A question in an content analysis An approach to the analysis of docu-
interview schedule or questionnaire that presents the re- ments and texts that seeks to quantify content in terms of
spondent with a fixed set of possible answers to choose predetermined categories in a systematic and replicable
from; also called a fixed-choice question. manner. The term is sometimes used in connection with
cluster sampling A procedure in which the researcher qualitative research as well; see qualitative content analysis.
first samples sets of cases (“clusters”) and then samples units contingency table A table made up of rows and col-
within them, usually using a probability sampling method. umns that shows the relationship between two variables.
code, coding In quantitative research, codes are the tags Usually, at least one of the variables is a nominal vari-
used to assign the data on each variable to a category of able or ordinal variable. Each cell in the table shows the
the variable in question. Numbers are usually assigned number or (more often) the percentage of cases for that
to each category to allow easier computer processing. In specific combination of the two variables.
qualitative research, coding is the process in which data control group See experiment.
404 Glossary

convenience sample A sample that is selected because of discourse analysis An approach to the analysis of talk
its availability to the researcher; a form of non-probability and other forms of communication that emphasizes the
sample. way language can create versions of reality.
conversation analysis The fine-grained analysis of dispersion The degree of variation in a set of scores.
talk (recorded in naturally occurring situations and then Commonly used measures of dispersion include the range
transcribed) to uncover the underlying structures in and the standard deviation.
interaction that make social order possible. Conversation ecological fallacy The error of assuming that infer-
analysis is grounded in ethnomethodology. ences about individuals can be made from data on the
correlation An approach to the analysis of relationships characteristics of groups.
between interval/ratio variables and/or ordinal variables empiricism An approach to the study of reality ac-
that seeks to assess the strength and direction of the rela- cording to which only knowledge gained by observation
tionship between the variables concerned. Pearson’s r and through the senses is acceptable.
Spearman’s rho are both correlational measures. The cor- epistemology, epistemological A branch of philoso-
responding term measure of association is often used phy concerned with what constitutes knowledge and how
with nominal variables. knowledge is to be acquired; see positivism, realism, and
covert research A term frequently used in connection interpretivism.
with ethnographic research in which the researcher does not eta A test of the strength of the relationship between two
reveal his or her true identity and/or intentions. Such re- variables. The independent variable is usually a nominal
search may violate the ethical principle of informed consent. variable while the dependent variable must be an interval
Cramér’s V A statistical measure used to assess the variable or ratio variable.
strength of the relationship between two nominal variables. ethnography, ethnographer, ethnographic Like par-
critical discourse analysis A type of content analysis ticipant observation, a research method in which the re-
that brings issues such as power hierarchies, structural in- searcher is immersed in a social setting for an extended
equalities, and historical political struggles to bear on the period of time, observing behaviour, asking questions,
analyses of texts. and analyzing what is said in conversations both between
critical realism A realist epistemology according to subjects and with the fieldworker. As a term, “ethnog-
which the study of the social world should be concerned raphy” is more inclusive than “participant observation,”
with the identification of social structures in order to which emphasizes the observational component. Written
change them and thereby counteract inequalities and accounts of ethnographic research are often referred to as
injustices. Unlike positivism, which is an empiricist epis- ethnographies.
temology, critical realism maintains that the structures ethnomethodology A sociological perspective con-
may not be directly perceivable. cerned with the way social order is established and main-
cross-sectional design A research design in which data tained through talk and interaction; the intellectual
are collected at a single point in time. foundation of conversation analysis.
deduction, deductive An approach to inquiry that evaluation research Research that concentrates on the
begins with the statement of a theory from which hypoth- evaluation of real-life interventions, such as policy changes.
eses may be derived and tested; compare with inductive. experiment A research design that rules out alternative
denotation A term used in semiotics to refer to the prin- explanations of findings deriving from it (in other words,
cipal and most manifest meaning of a sign; compare with that possesses internal validity) because it involves (a)
connotation. both an experimental group, which is exposed to a treat-
dependent variable A variable that is caused (or as- ment, and a control group, which is not, and (b) random
sumed to be caused) by an independent variable. assignment to the two groups.
diary A written memoir. Three types of diary are dis- experimental group See experiment.
cussed in this book: personal diaries that are spontaneously external validity A type of validity that is achieved if the
produced and can be analyzed as personal documents; results of a study can be generalized beyond the specific
diaries written at the behest of a researcher; and diaries research context in which they were generated.
written by researchers to log their activities and reflections. face validity A type of validity that is achieved if, on in-
dichotomous variable A variable with just two categories. spection, an indicator appears to measure the concept in
dimension An aspect of a concept. question.
Glossary 405

facilitator See moderator. induction, inductive, inductivist An approach to in-

factor analysis A statistical technique used for large quiry that begins with the collection of data, which are
numbers of indicators to establish whether there is a ten- then used to develop theories, hypotheses, and concepts;
dency for groups of them to be interrelated. It is often used compare with deductive.
with multiple-indicator measures to see if they cluster into informed consent The principle that prospective par-
one or more groups (factors). ticipants in social research should be given as much in-
field experiment A study in which the researcher dir- formation as they need to make a sound decision about
ectly intervenes in and/or manipulates a natural setting to whether to participate in a study; a key principle in social
observe what happens as a consequence. research ethics.
field notes A detailed ethnographic account of events, institutional ethnography A type of ethnography that
conversations, and behaviour, and the researcher’s initial explores how institutional discourses (typically workplace
reflections on them. texts) relate to people’s everyday experiences with insti-
focus group A form of group interview in which there tutions, and how institutional relationships intersect with
are several participants (in addition to the moderator/ larger systems of social control and power in a society.
facilitator), there is an emphasis in the questioning on a inter-coder reliability The degree to which two or more
­particular topic or related topics, and interaction within individuals agree on the coding of an item; a frequent con-
the group and the joint construction of meaning is cern in the coding of answers to open questions in research
observed. based on questionnaires or structured interviews.
frequency table A table that displays the number and/ internal reliability or internal consistency The degree
or percentage of units (for example, people) in different to which the items that make up a scale or index are con-
categories of a variable. sistent or correlated.
gatekeeper A non-researcher who controls researchers’ internal validity A type of validity that is achieved if
access to a research setting. there is sufficient evidence that a causal relationship exists
generalization, generalizability To generalize a re- between two or more variables.
search finding is to apply it to people or groups who were interpretivism, interpretivist An epistemological pos-
not in the study. ition that requires the social scientist to grasp the subjective
grounded theory An approach to the analysis of quali- meanings that people attach to their actions and behaviours.
tative data in which the goal is to use the data to gener- intersubjectivity A condition in which two or more ob-
ate theory; the data collection and analysis proceed in an servers of the same phenomenon are in agreement as to
­iterative (recursive) fashion. what they have observed. Empiricists assume that inter-
hermeneutics An approach to the interpretation of subjectivity is possible insofar as knowledge is based on
texts that emphasizes the need to understand them from data acquired through the senses.
the perspective of their authors. interval variable A variable for which the intervals be-
hypothesis An informed speculation, which is set up to tween the categories are identical and quantifiable.
be tested, about the possible relationship between two or intervening variable A variable that is affected by an-
more variables. other variable and in turn has a causal impact on a third.
IBM SPSS Statistics software A computer program that Taking an intervening variable into account often facili-
facilitates the management and analysis of quantitative tates the understanding of the relationship between two
data. variables. An intervening variable is the “Y” in “X Y Z.”
idiographic An approach to understanding that seeks interview guide A brief list of memory prompts regar­
specific, unique knowledge about a person or group, typ- ding areas to be covered in unstructured and semi-­
ically concerning interpretations or meanings held by the structured interviewing.
persons studied. interview schedule A collection of questions designed
independent variable A variable that has (or is assumed to be asked by an interviewer; always used in a structured
to have) a causal impact on a dependent variable. interview.
index See scale. intra-coder reliability The degree to which an individual
indicator Something employed to measure a concept; it coder is consistent over time in the coding of an item; likely
may refer to any measure, but sometimes it means an in- to be an issue in the coding of answers to open questions in
direct measure used when no direct measure is available. research based on questionnaires or structured interviews.
406 Glossary

Kendall’s tau-b A test of the strength of the relationship multivariate analysis The examination of relationships
between two ordinal variables. among three or more variables.
key informant Someone who offers the researcher, usually narrative analysis An approach focused on the search
an ethnographer, particularly perceptive information about for and analysis of stories that people use to understand
the social setting, important events, and individuals. their lives and the world around them.
life history interview An unstructured interview that is naturalism, naturalistic A style of research designed to
similar to an oral history interview, but designed to gather minimize disturbance to the natural or everyday social world.
information on the entire biography of a respondent. negative relationship A relationship between two vari-
life history method A method (often referred to as the ables in which one decreases as the other increases.
biographical method) that emphasizes the inner experi- nominal variable A variable comprised of categories that
ence of individuals and its connections with larger societal cannot be ranked; also known as a categorical variable.
events throughout the life course. It usually entails life his- nomothetic An approach to explanation that utilizes
tory interviews and the use of personal documents as data. general law and principles, which are said to apply to some
Likert item, Likert scale A widely used format in which population beyond the people studied.
respondents are typically asked their degree of agreement non-probability sample A sample selected using a
with a series of attitude statements that together form a non-random sampling method. Essentially, this means
multiple-indicator measure. The scale is designed to meas- that some units in the population are more likely than
ure the intensity of respondents’ feelings about an issue. others to be selected.
longitudinal research A research design in which data non-response Occurs if someone in a sample refuses to
are collected on at least two separate occasions. participate in the study, cannot be contacted, or for some
mean See arithmetic mean. other reason does not supply the required data.
measure of central tendency A measure that summar- null hypothesis A hypothesis of no relationship between
izes the magnitude of a set of scores; examples includes the two variables; the hypothesis that the researcher hopes to
arithmetic mean, median, and mode. disprove.
measure of dispersion A measure (such as the range or objectivism, objectivist An ontological position ac-
standard deviation) that summarizes the amount of varia- cording to which social phenomena have an existence in-
tion in a set of scores. dependent of social actors or their perceptions; compare
measurement validity The degree to which a measure of with constructionism.
a concept actually measures what it is supposed to meas- observation schedule A device used in structured ob-
ure; see also face validity and concurrent validity. servation that specifies the categories of behaviour that are
median The mid-point in a set of scores that is arranged to be observed and gives instructions on how behaviour
in order. should be allocated to those categories.
member validation See respondent validation. official statistics Data compiled by (or on behalf of)
missing data Data that are not available, for example, state agencies in the course of conducting their business.
when a respondent in social survey research does not ontology, ontological A branch of philosophy concerned
answer a question. These are referred to as “missing values” with the nature of reality: for example, whether social en-
in IBM SPSS Statistics software. tities can and should be considered objective entities with
mode The score that occurs most frequently in a set of a reality external to specific social actors, or as social con-
scores. structions built up through the perceptions and actions of
moderated relationship A relationship between two these actors. See objectivism and constructionism.
variables is said to be “moderated” when the effect of the in- open, open-ended question In an interview schedule
dependent variable varies at different levels of a second in- or questionnaire, a format that does not present the re-
dependent variable (also known as a statistical interaction). spondent with a set of possible answers to choose from;
moderator The person who guides the questioning of a compare with closed question.
focus group, also called a facilitator. operationalization The way in which a concept is meas-
multiple-indicator measure A measure that uses more ured empirically; for example, one could operationalize
than one indicator. the concept “level of education” with a survey item that
multi-strategy research Research that combines quan- asks people to indicate their highest level of education
titative and qualitative approaches. by choosing from categories such as “some elementary,”
Glossary 407

“high school,” “university graduate,” etc.; see also oper- scientists can simply uncover, and argues that no single
ational definition. account of social reality can be authoritative. Postmodern-
operational definition A definition that spells out the ists prefer qualitative methods.
operations that are to be performed to measure a concept. pre-coded question Another name for a closed ques-
oral history interview A largely unstructured interview tion; used because a numerical code has been pre-assigned
in which respondents are asked to recall and reflect on to each of the predetermined answers (hence there is no
events they have experienced. need for a coding frame).
ordinal variable A variable whose categories can be probability sample A sample, selected at random, in
rank-ordered, but the distances between the categories are which each unit in the population has a known chance of
not equal or known across the range. being selected.
outlier An extreme value (either very high or very low) purposive sampling A form of non-probability sam-
in a distribution of scores. If a variable has an outlier, it pling in which cases are selected on the basis of their
will distort both the arithmetic mean and the range. ability to provide information relevant to the topic of the
paradigm A cluster of beliefs and assumptions, often study.
unstated, that influence views on what should be studied, QSR NVivo A CAQDAS package that derives from but
how research should be done, and how results should be goes beyond NUD*IST (Non-numerical Unstructured
interpreted. Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing).
participant observation Research in which fieldworkers qualitative content analysis An approach to construct-
are immersed in a social setting for an extended period of ing the meaning of documents and text that allows cat-
time, observing behaviour, asking questions, and analyz- egories to emerge out of data analysis and recognizes the
ing what is said in conversations both between the people significance of the context in which items appear.
under study and with the researcher. It usually includes qualitative research Inquiry that uses mainly words,
interviewing key informants and studying documents. In images, and other non-numerical symbols as data and
this book, “participant observation” refers to the observa- involves little or no quantification. As a research strategy
tional aspect of ethnography. it tends to be inductivist, constructivist, and interpretivist,
participatory action research Research in which local but qualitative researchers do not always subscribe to all
people affected by a particular social problem collaborate three features; compare with quantitative research.
as equals with professional researchers and government quantitative research Inquiry using quantitative
officials to generate knowledge pertinent to the problem data-gathering techniques and statistical analysis. As a
and to take action to ameliorate it. research strategy it tends to be deductivist and objectivist
Pearson’s r A measure of the strength and direction of and to incorporate a natural science model of the research
the relationship between two interval/ratio variables. process (in particular, one influenced by positivism), but
personal documents Documents not written for an quantitative researchers do not always subscribe to all three
official purpose that provide first-person accounts of the features; compare with qualitative research.
writer’s life and events within it. Examples include diaries, quasi-experiment A research design that resembles an
letters, and autobiographies. experiment but does not meet all the requirements and
population All cases or people covered by a theory or therefore does not exhibit complete internal validity.
explanation; the universe of units from which a sample is questionnaire A collection of written questions or re-
selected. sponse items that the respondent completes without the
positive relationship A relationship between two vari- aid of an interviewer.
ables whereby both move in the same direction, either in- quota sample A type of non-probability sample that
creasing or decreasing simultaneously. matches the proportions of people in different categories
positivism, positivist An epistemological position that in the population.
advocates using the methods of the natural sciences in the random assignment The random allocation of research
study of social reality. participants to either the experimental or the control
postal questionnaire A questionnaire that is sent out group(s) in an experiment.
and returned by regular (non-electronic) mail. random sampling The form of sampling in which
postmodernism A position that questions the notion all units of a population have the same chance of being
of a pre-existing external reality that dispassionate social selected.
408 Glossary

range The difference between the maximum and the sampling frame A listing of units in the population
minimum score in a set of scores associated with an inter- from which a sample is to be selected.
val or ratio variable. scale A term usually used interchangeably with index to
ratio variable An interval variable with a true zero refer to a multiple-indicator measure in which the scores
point. an individual respondent gives for each component indi-
reactivity, reactive effect The effect on research partici- cator are summed to produce a composite score for that
pants of knowing that they are being studied, which may person.
result in atypical or inauthentic behaviour. secondary analysis The analysis of data (quantitative or
realism, realist An epistemological position according qualitative) by researchers other than those responsible
to which reality is independent of the senses but is to some for their collection, often for purposes that the latter may
degree accessible to the researcher’s tools and theoretical not have envisaged.
speculations. See also critical realism. semiotics An approach to the analysis of documents
reflexive, reflexivity Terms used to refer to social re- and other materials that emphasizes the importance of
searchers’ awareness of the implications that their meth- signs and symbols, seeking out their deeper meaning and
ods, values, biases, decisions, and mere presence in the exploring their intended effects.
situations they investigate have for the knowledge they semi-structured interview A type of interview in which
generate. the interviewer has a series of questions in the general
relationship An association between two variables form of an interview guide and is able to vary the sequence
whereby the variation in one variable coincides with vari- of questions. The questions are typically more general than
ation in another variable. those specified by a structured interview schedule, and the
reliability The degree to which a measure of a concept is interviewer usually has some latitude to ask further ques-
stable or consistent. tions in response to replies that appear significant.
replication, replicability The degree to which a study sensitizing concept A concept that is not fixed in ad-
can be repeated using the same methods. vance (as with an operational definition) but rather is
representative sample A sample that is similar to the treated as a guide that suggests what may be relevant or
population in all important respects. important in an investigation.
research design The term used in this book to refer sign A term used in semiotics. Each sign has two parts:
to a framework for the collection and analysis of data. the signifier (manifestation of a sign) and the signified (the
The choice of research design reflects the goals that the deeper meaning to which the signifier refers).
researcher hopes to achieve (for example, generaliza- simple random sample A sample in which each unit
tion, establishing causality, or producing empathetic selected from the population, and each combination of
understanding). units, has an equal probability of being included.
respondent validation A process whereby researchers snowball sample A non-probability sample in which
provide the people on whom they conducted research with the researcher makes initial contact with a small group of
an account of their findings and request their feedback on people connected to the research topic and then uses them
it; sometimes called member validation. to establish contact with others.
response set A term for the tendency for some people, social desirability bias Distortion of data caused by re-
when responding to multiple-indicator measures, to re- spondents’ efforts to construct accounts that conform to a
spond to every item in the same way, suggesting that their socially acceptable model of behaviour.
answers are motivated by something other than their Spearman’s rho [ρ] A measure of the strength and dir-
actual feelings. Three of the most common response-set ection of the relationship between two ordinal variables.
effects are “acquiescence,” “social desirability,” and “laziness spurious relationship A relationship in which two vari-
or boredom.” ables are correlated but not causally related. It is produced
sample The segment or subset of the population selected by the impact of a common third variable on each of the
for research. The selection may be based on either prob- two variables. When the third variable is controlled, the
ability or non-probability sampling. relationship disappears.
sampling error Differences between the characteristics standard deviation A measure of how widely the scores
of a random sample and the population from which it is that make up a set are dispersed around the arithmetic
selected. mean.
Glossary 409

standard error of the mean An estimate of the degree to theoretical saturation In grounded theory, the point
which a sample mean is likely to differ from the population where emerging concepts have been fully explored and
mean. no new insights are being generated. See also theoretical
statistical significance (test of) A test (such as the chi- sampling.
square test) that allows analysts to estimate the probability thick description A term coined by Geertz (1973; see
that the results of a study of a randomly selected sample Chapter 9) to refer to detailed accounts of a social setting or
are generalizable to the population from which the sample people’s experiences that can form the basis for general state-
was drawn. Note that statistical significance has nothing ments about a culture and its significance in peoples’ lives.
to do with substantive significance or importance. Using a transcription, transcript The verbatim written record of
test of statistical significance to generalize from a sample a taped interview or focus group session.
to a population is known as statistical inference. triangulation The use of more than one method or source
stratified random sample A sample in which units are of data so that findings may be cross-checked.
randomly sampled from a population that has been previ- trustworthiness A general criterion (composed of four
ously divided into sub-groups (strata). more specific criteria) used by some writers in assessing
structured interview One in which all respondents are the quality of qualitative research.
asked exactly the same questions in the same order with turn-taking In conversation analysis, the idea that
the aid of a formal interview schedule. taking turns to speak is a rule that helps to maintain order
structured observation Often called systematic obser- in everyday conversation.
vation, this is a research method in which the researchers univariate analysis The analysis of one variable at a
follow explicitly formulated rules regarding not only what time.
they should look for, but when and where, and how they unobtrusive measures, unobtrusive methods, unobtru-
should record what they have observed. sive observations Measures that do not cause reactivity
survey research A research design in which data are col- because they do not make research participants aware that
lected from respondents, mainly by questionnaire or struc- they are being studied.
tured interview; typically, the data are then examined to unstructured interview An interview in which the
detect relationships among variables. interviewer is free to explore any topic, although an
symbolic interactionism A theoretical perspective in interview guide is often used. The questioning is usually
which social interaction is understood to be based on the informal and the content, phrasing, and sequencing of
meanings that actors attach to their actions and the con- questions may vary from one interview to the next.
texts in which they occur. validity A research criterion concerned with the integ-
systematic sample A probability sampling method in rity of the conclusions generated by a particular study.
which units are selected from a sampling frame at fixed There are several types of validity: see, in particular, meas-
intervals (for example, every fifth unit). urement validity, internal validity, and external validity.
text A written document or, in more recent years, any- When used on its own, validity is usually taken to refer to
thing (from paintings to buildings to theme parks) that measurement validity.
may be “read” and analyzed for its symbolic value. variable An attribute or characteristic that may vary
theoretical sampling A term used mainly in the context over time or from case to case. See also dependent variable
of grounded theory to refer to sampling carried out in such and independent variable; compare with constant.
a way that emerging theoretical considerations guide the vignette technique A method in which people are pre-
collection of data and/or the selection of cases (usually re- sented with “vignettes” (hypothetical scenarios) and then
search participants). This process is supposed to continue asked how they would respond if they faced the circum-
until a point of theoretical saturation is reached. stances depicted in the scenarios.
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Note: Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
Abraham, J., 277–8 Barron, I., 327
abstract, 347, 348, 367 Beagan, B., 21, 65, 159
access: ethnography and, 236; to research subjects, 20–1 Beardsworth, A.: et al., 126; and T. Keil, 41, 249, 265, 350–2, 368
accuracy, 137; documents and, 273, 279 Becker, H., 160, 161, 368; and B. Geer, 264, 266
acknowledgments, 367 behaviour: quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 329; quanti-
activism, 13 tative research and, 213; questions on, 98, 101, 105; sampling
adjacency pairs, 293, 403 and, 162; stated v. actual, 90, 134
Adriaenssens, C. and L. Cadman, 259 Behaviour Genetics Association, 49
Adshade, Marina, 291 Belk, R. et al., 206
advisors, 362–3 Bell, E., 3, 135, 164, 218, 224, 226, 242, 287, 336; et al., 40, 44, 78,
Ajodhia-Andrews, A., 250 109, 116, 207, 277; and C. Kandler, 126
Alberta Survey, 79, 111 Beres, M.A. et al., 114
Altheide, D.L., 287–8 Berthoud, R., 82
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, 116, 167 beta weights, 191
American Sociological Review, 347 Bhuyan, R. et al., 279
analysis: bivariate, 170, 180–5, 403; cluster, 78; conversation, bias, 18; documents and, 281; non-response, 156; qualitative
199, 271, 290–4, 299–300, 301, 302, 404; critical discourse, research and, 211; questions and, 97; sampling, 111, 147–9;
12, 199, 271, 280, 298–9, 300, 302, 404; factor, 78, 405; inter- social desirability, 105, 134, 139, 408
actional, 318; multivariate, 127, 170, 189–93, 406; mutual, bibliographies, 365; websites and, 356
331–2; narrative, 305, 318–20, 406; performative, 318; sec- Bibliography section, 347
ondary, 122–8, 130, 408; structural, 318; thematic, 318, 332; Bikos, Lesley, 9
unit of, 114, 127, 287; univariate, 170, 177–80, 409; see also biographical method, 273, 403; see also life history
content analysis; data analysis; discourse analysis Blaxter, M., 38
analytic induction, 306–7, 326, 403 Bloor, M., 205–6, 335
Anderson, K. et al., 116 Bloor, M. et al., 257–8
Andrews, K. et al., 119–20 Blumer, H., 11, 91, 201–3
anecdotalism, 317, 332 Boivin, R. and C. Leclerc, 128
anonymity, 57, 140 Bourdieu, P., 88
ANOVA , 191, 192, 193 Bowen, R., 29
anxiety: covert research and, 220 Boyd, Monica, 129
appendices, 370 Brannigan, A., 90
Armstrong, G., 207, 224, 227, 234, 266 Browne, A.J., 229
Ashbourne, L. and M. Baobaid, 315 Bryman, A., 161, 247–8, 278, 347; et al., 209, 266; and D. Cramer,
association, 39 79–80, 176; D. Gillingwater, and I. McGuiness, 313
Atkinson, M., 319 Buchanan, C., 164, 272
Atkinson, P., 218, 242; and A. Coffey, 353 Bullfighter’s Braid, The (photograph), 230
attitudes: quantitative study of, 327–8; questions on, 98–100 Bulmer, M., 77; et al., 207
auditing, 206 Bury, M., 320
authenticity, 213, 354; documents and, 273, 278, 279, 300, 301;
mass media and, 280; qualitative research and, 204; websites Cambridge-Summerville Youth Study, 63–4
and, 281 Campbell, M., 232, 236
autobiographies, 273–5 Canadian Election Study, 112, 123, 132, 158
authority, experiential, 355–6 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), 50
average. See mean Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy (CRISP), 94
Canadian Sociological Association: Code of Ethics, 51, 68
Baer, D. et al., 42, 46 Cancer: Your Money or Your Life (film), 297–8
Bales, Robert, 135, 136 Cao, L., 193–4
Bampton, R. and C.J. Cowton, 113 CAQDAS . See computer-assisted qualitative data analysis soft-
Barker, Joshua, 227 ware (CAQDAS)
Barnard, M. and M. Frischer, 338 Carmichael, Jason, 141
Index 427

Carroll, Lewis, 27 comparison: constant, 288, 307; experiments and, 37

Carter, A. et al., 263 complementarity: quantitative/qualitative distinction and,
case studies, 27, 29, 44–6, 403; causation and, 44; comparison 334, 337
of two or more cases, 46; critical, 45; extreme or unique, 45; complete observer, 224
generalizability and, 45, 45–6; longitudinal research and, 42; complete participant, 223–4
qualitative research and, 47; quantitative research and, 47; computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), 112
replicability and, 44; revelatory, 45; types of, 45–6; validity computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS),
and, 44, 45 305, 316, 317, 402, 403; see also NVivo; software
Cassano, R. and J. Dunlop, 263 computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), 112
categories, 233–4; clear instructions and, 285–7; coding and, concepts, 15, 74, 307–8, 403; categories v., 233–4; coding and,
307–8; core, 309; exhaustive, 136, 178, 285; grounded theory 80–1; defining, 76–7; definitive/sensitizing, 201–3, 408; di-
and, 233, 307, 309, 311; mutually exclusive, 136, 178, 285; mensions of, 78, 79–80, 404; grounded theory and, 307, 309,
structured observation and, 135, 136, 142; variables and, 176, 311; indicators, 77–8; measurement of, 76–81; multiple-item
177, 178 measures and, 78–9; qualitative research and, 198, 200–1,
Catterall, M. and P. Maclaran, 316 201–3, 213; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 329;
causality, 74, 403; cross-sectional designs and, 41, 86–7; direc- quantitative research and, 76–81; in research reports, 349
tion of, 38, 41, 86, 181, 182; experiments and, 86; quantitative conclusions, 72; in research reports, 201
research and, 85–7; relationships v., 181–2 Conclusion section, 349, 350, 352, 370
causation: case studies and, 44; criteria of, 28–9; cross-sectional confessional tales, 355
designs and, 39; experiments and, 29; quantitative research confidence interval, 156, 157, 186; 95 per cent, 154
and, 38–9 confidentiality, 57–61, 66, 140, 372
census, 148, 161, 403; 2016 Canadian, 116; mandatory long- confirmability, 204, 206, 213
form, 61 conflict of interest, 62
Charlton, J., 158 connotation, 41, 403
Charlton, T. et al., 35–6 “conscious partiality,” 18
Charmaz, K., 233, 246, 307, 308–9, 311, 314, 327 consent, informed, 52–3, 54, 57, 405; covert research and, 59,
Charpentier, M. and A. Quéniart, 22 220; form for, 53–4, 55, 62
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 51, 68 consilience, 324
charts: bar, 178, 178; pie, 178, 179; in SPSS , 381–2, 382–4 consistency: inter-observer, 82–3, 137; internal, 82, 405;
chi-square test, 185, 187–9, 403 intra-observer, 137; qualitative research and, 81
children: informed consent and, 57 constructionism, 13–14, 15, 291, 403; qualitative research and,
Cicourel, A., 90 16, 198, 199; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 325;
Clairborn, W., 33–4 quantitative research and, 328
Clayman, S. and V.T. Gill, 292 content, manifest/latent, 284
Code of Ethics (Canadian Sociological Association), 51, 68 content analysis, 271–302, 403; active/passive audiences and,
codes, 80, 403; sociological constructed, 313; in vivo, 313 290; advantages of, 300; coding and, 271, 272, 284–7, 300;
coding, 76, 305, 320; axial, 308; basic principles of, 81; content disadvantages of, 300–1; documents and, 273–7; ethno-
analysis and, 271, 272, 284–7, 300; fragmentation of data graphic, 287–8; of language, 290–300; media and, 272,
and, 313, 317–18; free-text diaries and, 122; grounded theory 279–80; qualitative research and, 272–3, 328, 407; quan-
and, 307–9, 311; levels of, 316–17; “line by line,” 314; NVivo titative research and, 272; sampling and, 164–5; subjects
and, 393–8; open, 307–8, 309; open questions and, 81, 97; and themes, 284; value positions, 284; virtual outputs and,
pilot tests and, 287; potential pitfalls, 285–7; pre-testing and, 280–1; websites, 303–4; without pre-existing coding scheme,
287; problems with, 317–18; qualitative data analysis and, 287–90; words and, 282–4
313–14, 317–18; quantitative research and, 80–1; reliability context: conversation analysis and, 291; ethnography and, 264;
and, 331; selective, 308–9; structured observation and, 135, qualitative research and, 207–8, 213
136; types of, 307–9 contingency tables, 158, 180–2, 403; example, 181, 190, 191; in
coding frame, 171, 403 SPSS , 386–8, 390
coding manual, 284, 285, 300, 301, 403; sample, 286 control group, 29–30, 31, 403
coding schedule, 284, 285, 301; sample, 286, 287 controls, 190
coding stripes, 396, 398 conversation analysis, 199, 271, 290–4, 301, 302, 404; adjacency
coefficients: Cohen’s kappa, 138; correlation, 82, 187; Cronbach’s pairs and, 293; assumptions of, 292; attention to detail and,
alpha, 82; Pearson’s r, 182, 184, 187, 388, 407; unstandardized 292–3; cultural factors in, 294; discourse analysis v.,
and standardized, 191, 192, 193 299–300; empiricism in, 326; preference organization,
Coffey, A. and P. Atkinson, 316, 320 293–4; symbols, 292; transcription and, 292–3; turn-taking
Cohen’s kappa, 138 and, 293
coherence: non-, 369; progressive, 369; synthesized, 369 Cook, T. and D. Campbell, 31–2, 33
cohort studies, 27, 43 correlation, 28, 82, 404; statistical significance and, 187
coin-flipping, 149 Corti, L., 121, 122
Coleman, C. and J. Moynihan, 127 Coté, J. and A. Allahar, 280
428 Index

cover letter, 166 Dinovitzer, R. et al., 43, 65, 158

Cramer, D., 83 discourse, 294–5, 296, 300
Cramér’s V, 185, 187, 404 discourse analysis, 15, 199, 271, 290, 294–300, 301–2, 328, 404;
credibility, 213; documents and, 273–4, 278, 279, 300, 301; mass conversation analysis v., 299–300; critical, 12, 199, 271, 280,
media and, 280; qualitative research and, 204–6; websites 298–9, 300, 302, 404; producing facts and, 296–8; themes
and, 281 in, 296
crime: official statistics, 84, 85, 127–8; rate, 128 discussion: in research reports, 352
criminal activity: ethnography and, 224–5, 226, 264 Discussion section, 350, 370
critical discourse analysis, 12, 199, 271, 280, 298–9, 300, 302, 404 Disney, Walt, 273
critical theory, 4 dispersion, measures of, 179–80, 404
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, 82 distribution, normal (bell-shaped curve), 154
Crook, C. and P. Light, 122, 281 documents, 273, 301; authenticity and, 273; checklist for, 282;
cross-cultural research, 46; secondary analysis and, 125–6 company, 279; content analysis and, 273–7; credibility and,
cross-sectional research, 27, 37–41, 47, 404; causality and, 40, 273–4; government, 277–8; official, 273; personal, 242,
86–7; controls in, 190 273–7, 407; private, 273, 279; quality of, 273, 300, 301; state,
Curasi, C., 113, 261 273
Doering, Laura, 333
Dale, A. et al., 123 “don’t know” answers, 103, 112
data: “big,” 188; hard v. rich 213; missing, 171–3, 406; photo- Duncan, L., 22
graphs as, 276; report writing and, 349; sending over the Dunning, E. et al., 282
Internet, 58 Durkheim, E., 4, 11, 17, 128
data analysis, 72, 171; bivariate, 180–5; checklist for, 194; focus Dyer, W. and A. Wilkins, 46
groups and, 258; multivariate, 349; qualitative, 305–20;
quantitative, 72, 76, 170–94; in SPSS , 373–91, 380–90; uni- Eady, A. et al., 252
variate, 177–80; websites, 196; see also software ecological fallacy, 127, 404
databases, 363, 365, 372 Edin, K. and M. Kefalas, 91–2
data collection, 29, 72, 365–6; cross-cultural research and, 46; Einstein, Albert, 305
diaries as method of, 122; qualitative, 200, 201; theoretical elaboration, 189
sampling and, 233 Elliott, H., 121
data sets, 123 embedded methods argument, 333
Data View, 373, 374–6 empathetic understanding, 11, 29, 91
dates: sampling and, 164–5 empathy, 207
Davies, P., 245 empiricism, 9–10, 326, 404
Deacon, D. et al., 335 encryption: Internet and, 58
Debbink, G. and A. Ornelas, 13 epistemology, 9–13, 24, 289, 324, 404; critical social science, 12;
debriefing, 56, 57 interpretivism, 10–12, 12; positivism, 9–10, 12; qualitative
deception, 51, 34, 54–6, 57, 141, 220 research and, 16, 17; quantitative/qualitative distinction and,
deduction, 2, 6–7, 16, 24, 326, 404; case studies and, 44; posi- 334; quantitative research and, 16, 17; research methods and,
tivism and, 10, 76; process of, 7; research questions and, 22; 328–9
theory and research and, 7, 75 errors: measurement, 80, 97; sample size and, 155; sampling,
definition: nominal, 77; operational, 77; theory and, 4 146, 148, 149–50, 154, 155, 163, 167, 168, 185, 408; sampling-
Demaiter, E.I. and T.L. Adams, 18, 19 related, 163, 168; standard, 154, 155, 157, 162, 186; survey
Demers, A., 37 research and, 97–8; Type I, 187; Type II, 187
Deng, J. et al., 82 eta, 185, 404
denotation, 404 ethics, 50–67; codes of, 51, 59; concern for welfare, 57–62; covert
Denzin, N., 334 research and, 218, 220; deception and, 34, 54–7; ethnog-
dependability, 204, 206, 213 raphy and, 235; experiments and, 30; general principles of,
description: qualitative research and, 207–8; theory and, 4; 52–66; Internet and, 58; justice, 62–6; respect for persons,
thick, 206, 409 52–7; review, 62, 71–2
Desroches, F., 59, 60, 217 ethnicity: official statistics and, 128
deterministic statements, 4 ethnographic content analysis (ECA), 287–8
deviant activities: ethnography and, 264 ethnography, 11, 29, 199, 208, 216, 217, 325, 404; access and,
Dhillon, S., 188 217–23, 236; active/passive, 224–5; closed settings, 217,
diagrams, 178–9; data analysis and, 178–9; scatter, 182–4, 219–20; covert/overt, 217, 218, 220, 236; critical realist, 327;
183, 388 ending, 234–5; ethics and, 52, 54, 235; feminist, 235–6;
diaries, 37, 96, 273–5, 404; free-text, 121, 122; researcher-driven, institutional, 12, 231–2, 235, 236, 405; interviews and, 240,
121–2, 130; structured, 121; time-use, 121–2 264–6, 268; longitudinal designs and, 44, 266; meta-, 331;
Dickinson, H., 273, 274 micro-, 217; open setting, 217, 221–2; open v. closed setting,
dimensions, of concepts, 78, 79–80 217, 218; retrospective, 218; roles in, 223–5; sampling and,
Index 429

232–4; structure and, 209; types of, 218; virtual, 225; visual, Gabriel, Y., 332
229–31; writing and, 346, 353, 354–6; see also participant Galton, M. et al., 137
observation Gans, H.J., 56, 199, 224
ethnomethodology, 271, 290–1, 404 Garfinkel, H., 290
ethnostatistics, 331 gatekeepers, 20–1, 220, 221, 405
evaluation research, 36–7, 38–9, 404 Gaudet, S. et al., 163
exhaustive rule, 178, 285 Gazso-Windlej, A. and J. McMullin, 76, 82
experimental group, 31, 37, 38, 76, 404 Geertz, C., 206
experiments, 27, 29–37, 51, 329, 404; causality and, 86; classic, generalizability, 47, 146, 405; case studies and, 45–6; experi-
30–4, 31; ethics and, 30; field, 30, 141, 143, 405; informed ments and, 33; qualitative research and, 204, 211–12
consent and, 54; laboratory, 30, 34; logic of comparison, 37; generalization, 7, 74, 405; multi-strategy research and, 338;
manipulation and, 29–30, 31; natural, 35–6; notation in, 31; quantitative research and, 87, 213; sampling and, 154, 155,
qualitative, 47; quantitative, 47; quasi-, 34–7; random assign- 163, 185
ment, 31; significance of, 37; validity and, 29, 32, 33, 34 General Social Survey (GSS), 84, 91, 111, 124–5, 127, 164; 2015
explanations: idiographic, 29, 47; nomothetic, 28, 47; research Time-Use Study, 122, 132; Victimization Study, 132, 193
designs and, 28 genetics, behavioural, 36, 40
George, U. and F. Chaze, 82
Gephart, R., 331
Facebook, 225, 281
Gerson, K. and R. Horowitz, 222
facilitation: quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 334, 336–7
Giddens, A., 5, 15
facilitator, 250–1, 254–5
Gilbert, G. and M. Mulkay, 331
feedback, on writing, 366
Gill, R., 295, 296
feminism, 12, 20, 353; ethnography and 235–6; focus groups
Giulianotti, R., 221, 222, 224–5, 234, 290
and, 263–4; interviewing and, 262–4, 268; qualitative re-
Glaser, B. and A. Strauss, 234, 307
search and, 20, 24; quantitative research and, 341; survey
Glock, C., 329
research and, 128–9; values and, 18–20
Glucksmann, M., 218
Fenton, N. et al., 301, 336–7, 340
Goffman, E., 5
Festinger, L. et al., 45, 63, 326
Golden-Biddle, K. and K. Locke, 369
field notes, 216, 227–8, 236, 306, 405
Goode, E., 56
field studies, 133
Gottdiener, M., 288–9
Finch, J., 107, 338
Goyder, J. et al., 89, 112
findings, 72; grounded theory and, 311; postmodernism and, 353; Grabb, E. and J. Curtis, 126
quantitative research and, 76; research reports and, 201, 350 Grayson, J. Paul, 65
Findings section, 351–2 Green, A.I., 202
Fine, G., 224 grounded theory, 7, 201, 305, 306, 307–13, 320, 326, 405; coding
Fisher, R. and Y. Ma, 34, 35, 37 and, 307–9; criticisms of, 311–13; defining, 307; outcomes of,
flexibility, 209–10, 250, 264 309–11, 310; theory and, 310, 312–13
focus groups, 110, 199, 239, 240, 250–61, 267, 405; advantages of, group effects, 258
251; artificial v. natural, 330; conducting, 251; feminism and, Guba, E. and Y. Lincoln, 204
263–4; group interaction in, 251, 256–7, 258, 267; interviews Gubrium, J. and J. Holstein, 291
v., 258; limitations of, 257–8; moderators and, 250–1, 254–5,
257, 259, 267; number of, 251, 254; online, 258, 259, 260; Hales, J., 281–2
online v. face-to-face, 260–1; questions in, 254–5; recording Hallett, R. and K. Barber, 225
and transcription, 255, 258; research on, 252; selection of Hallgrimsdottir, H. et al., 14, 18, 207, 211, 279
participants in, 253–4; size of, 251–3, 259 Hammersley, M., 334
Foddy, W., 81 Hammersley, M. and P. Atkinson, 223
Foran, C., 44 Haney, C., C. Banks, and P. Zimbardo, 64–5
Forster, N., 279 Hanna, Paul, 259
Foster, J., 11, 207 Hansen, D., 333
Foucault, M., 294 Hanson, R.K. et al., 37
Fowler, F., 113, 155 Harding, R., 279, 298, 299, 301
Fox, Nick, 358 harm: ethics and, 51, 63–4, 65
fragmentation: coding and, 313, 316, 317–18 Hawthorne effect, 139
Frazer, R. and U. Wiersma, 90 Hay, D., 8, 80, 100
frequency tables, 177–8, 405; in SPSS , 380–1 Health Canada, 61
Frisby, W. et al., 13 Help, The (film), 160
Frohlich, K. et al., 252 Heritage, J., 292
F statistic, 189 hermeneutics, 271, 289–90, 301, 405
funding, research, 20 Hessler, R. et al., 54, 121, 224
430 Index

Hier, S., 17, 234, 280–1, 282, 290 in-depth, 243; interviewers, 110–11, 116, 244–5; introductory
Highway of Tears, 299 statement and, 114–15; longitudinal, 266; narrative, 242;
Hiller, H. and L. DiLuzio, 206–7 online, 112–13, 260–1; oral history, 240, 243, 407; probing,
Hine, V., 259 115–16; prompting, 116; qualitative research and, 239–67;
histograms, 179, 179; in SPSS , 384–5 quantitative v. qualitative, 240; rapport and, 114; retro-
Historica Canada, 100 spective, 265; semi-structured, 208, 239, 240, 241–3, 247,
history, 32; effects, 33 272, 253, 262, 325, 408; telephone, 111–12, 166–7, 259; un-
Hitsch, G. et al., 284 structured, 41, 199, 208, 239, 240, 241, 242–3, 262, 272, 409;
Hobbs, D., 226 see also qualitative interviews; structured interviews
Hochschild, A., 5, 203–4 interview schedule, 76, 108, 110, 113, 135, 171, 240, 405
Hodson, R., 331–2 Introduction section, 348, 350–1, 352, 368
Holbrook, B. and B. Jackson, 254 invalidity: convergent, 84; see also validity
Holbrook, A. et al., 112 iterative, 7, 72, 201, 306
Holtby, A. et al., 230
Homan, R., 54; and M. Bulmer, 59 Jagger, E., 282, 283, 301
Huey, L., 44 Jamieson, J., 337
Hughes, E., 44 Johnson, J. et al., 336
Hughes, G., 20, 21 Jones, K., 277
Hughes, K. et al., 335 journals: publication and, 21, 89, 347; searching articles in, 365;
Hughes, R., 247 social science, 26
Human Genome Project, 49 justice: ethics and, 50, 62–6
Humphreys, L., 59, 66, 224
hypotheses, 6, 186, 405; grounded theory and, 309; multi- Karabanow, J., 208, 211
strategy research and, 336; qualitative research and, 326, Kelley, J. and N. De Graaf, 125–6, 347–50, 368, 370
336; quantitative research and, 76 Kelly, L. et al., 262
Kendall’s tau-b, 184, 187, 406
IBM SPSS Statistics (SPSS), 177–8, 194, 196, 284, 316, 363, 373–91, Kennedy, E. et al., 78, 82, 83, 156
405; basic operations in, 374; data analysis with, 380–90; Kennedy, R., 287
getting started in, 373–80 Kerr, D., 42; and J. Michalski, 42
idiographic explanations, 29, 48, 405 key informants, 216, 222–3, 236, 406
illegality: ethics and, 57 keywords, 282, 284, 314, 363, 365
incentives, 34, 167 Kimmel, A., 63–4
incidents, 266, 310, 332; recording, 137 Kingsbury, M. and R. Coplan, 106
index, 405; see also scale Kitzinger, J., 251, 252, 254, 256
indexicality, 290 Knott, C., 44
indexing. See coding knowledge, xix, xx; consilience and, 324; creation of, 212
indicators, 77, 405; multiple, 78–9, 80, 85, 105, 406 Krueger, R., 258
induction, 2, 7, 7, 9, 24, 352, 405; case studies and, 44; positivism Kuhn, T., 334
and, 10; qualitative research and, 16, 198, 199; quantitative Kvale, S., 244–5, 248
research and, 76; research questions and, 22
informants, key, 216, 222–3, 236, 406 labour, emotional, 5, 203–4
information sheet, 53 Lamb, Augustus, 273, 274
instrumentation, 32 language: as constructive, 296; content analysis and, 290–300;
interaction, 190–1; focus groups and, 256–7, 267 conversation analysis and, 290; discourse analysis and, 290;
International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), 125–6 sexist, racist, and other prejudicial, 366, 368
Internet, 17, 259; content analysis and, 280–2; ethics and, 58, Lankshear, G., 367
188; focus groups and, 258–61; interviews and, 258–61; sam- Lantz, P. and K. Booth, 14, 328
pling and, 167; see also websites LaPiere, R.T., 90, 137, 141
interpretivism, 10–12, 198, 405; qualitative research and, 16, Laplante, B., 44
199; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 324, 327–8 Lareau, A. and E. Weininger, 257
intersubjectivity, 10, 405 Laurenceau, J.-P. and N. Bolder, 121
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, laws, 28
123, 132 Lee-Treweek, G., 226
interval, confidence, 156, 157, 186; 95 per cent, 154 Leidner, R., 204, 219
interviewer effects, 117 Lett, D. et al., 252
interview guides, 239, 243–5, 247–8, 267, 405 letters; cover, 166; as data, 273–5; of information, 53, 53
interviews, 95; computer-assisted, 112; conducting, 109–16; Lewin, K., 13
contexts of, 109–13; email, 112–13; ethnography and, 240, Lewis, O., 44, 208, 242
264–6, 268; face-to-face, 111–12, 260–1; focus groups v., 258; library catalogue, 365
Index 431

life history, 44, 208, 318, 406; documents and, 273; interviews, measurement validity, 47, 75, 406; case studies and, 44; quantita-
240, 242–3, 406 tive research and, 83–5; structured observation and, 138–9
Likert, Rensis, 79 measures: of central tendency, 179, 406; of dispersion, 179–80,
Likert items/scale, 78, 79, 96, 110, 176, 406; format of, 79, 406; multiple-indicator, 78–9, 80, 85, 105, 406; unobtrusive,
98–100, 120, 121; question order and, 104 140, 409
Lincoln, Y. and N. Denzin, 353, 354 media: content analysis and, 272, 279–80, 282; sampling and,
Lincoln, Y. and E. Guba, 204, 206 164; see also social media
listening, 246 median, 179, 406; in SPSS , 385
literature review, 69–71; report writing and, 351, 366, 368–9 memos, 311, 313; analytic, 228; in NVivo, 401
literature search, 363–5 Menard, S., 44
Little, M., 263 Merton, R., 4
Lofland, J. and L. Lofland, 208, 228, 243, 249 methodology: as power, xx
longitudinal research, 27, 41–4, 47, 87, 406; qualitative inter- Methods and Models section, 349
viewing and, 266; secondary analysis and, 123–4 Mies, M., 18
Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB), 123 Miles, M.B., 306
lying, 34 Milgram, S., 3, 54–6, 65
Lynch, M. and D. Bogen, 287 Milkman, R., 337–8, 341
Lynd, R. and H. Lynd, 42 Millen, D., 262
Lyon, K. and H. Frohard-Dourlent, 3, 199–201 Miller, Diane Disney, 273
Miller, N. and D. Morgan, 288
McArdle, M., 91 Miller, R.L., 242, 320, 326–7
McCall, M.J., 137, 141 Milne, Emily, 255, 257
McDonough, P. and J. Polzer, 207 Miraftab, F., 252
McKee, L. and C. Bell, 208 mixed-methods research, 325; see also multi-strategy research
McKeganey, N. and M. Barnard, 5, 265 mode, 179, 406
Mackenzie King, William Lyon, 275 moderator, 250–1, 254–5, 257, 267, 406; of online focus
MacKinnon, N. and A. Luke, 159, 337 group, 259
Macnaghten, P. and M. Jacobs, 252, 254 Mojtehedzadeh, Sara, 219
Madriz, M., 258, 264 Moody, Geraldine, 276
Maillé, Marie-Ève, 66 Morgan, D., 251–3, 254, 258, 337, 337; and M. Spanish, 256
Mairs, K. and S. Bullock, 159 Morgan, R., 20
Malbon, B., 241 mortality, 32
Mangione, T.W., 166 Morton, K., 299
manipulation: cross-sectional designs and, 37, 40; experiments multiple linear regression, 191, 193–4; examples of results,
and, 29–30, 31, 32–3 192, 193
Mann, C. and F. Stewart, 112, 259 multi-strategy research, 324, 325, 332–4, 341, 343, 406; ap-
Manning, P., 353 proaches to, 334–41; arguments against, 333–4; different
Markham, A., 258–9 aspects of phenomena, 338–41; facilitation and, 334, 336–7;
Marx, G.T., 362 filling in gaps, 337; generality and, 338; micro/macro issues
Marx, Karl, 12, 101 and, 338; participants and, 337–8; planning, 337; research-
Marxism, 12 ers and, 337–8; static and process features, 337; triangulation
Mason, J., 204, 246 and, 334–6
Mason, J., 246, 338–9 multivariate analysis, 127, 170, 189–93, 406
maturation, 32 Murphy, L. and J. Fedoroff, 80–1
Mayhew, P., 104 mutual analysis, quantitative/qualitative, 331–2
Mead, George Herbert, 11
Mead, Margaret, 45 Nagra, B. and P. Maurutto, 3
mean: arithmetic, 385, 403; eta and, 185; population, 154; narrative analysis, 305, 318–20, 406
sample, 154, 156; in SPSS , 385, 388, 390; statistical signifi- narratives: illness, 320; meta-, 353; mini-, 353
cance and, 189 National Graduates Survey, 123
meaning: connotative, 288; denotative, 288; documents and, National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous
273, 275, 278, 279, 300, 301; manifest/latent, 300; media and, Women and Girls, 198–9
280; qualitative research and, 213; quantitative/qualitative National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY),
distinction and, 329; quantitative research and, 327–8; semi- 42, 49, 123
otics and, 288 National Population Health Survey, 123
measurement: concepts and, 76–81; direct/indirect, 77–8; naturalism, 406; conversation analysis and, 291; ethnography
multiple-item, 78–9, 85; quantitative research and, 85, 212; and, 265; focus groups and, 251, 263; qualitative research
qualitative research and, 336 and, 199, 208; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 330
Measurement section, 349 natural science model, 326–7
432 Index

Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC), 50 participant observation, 11, 29, 135, 199, 208, 216, 325, 407; arti-
Nemni, M. and M. Nemni, 44 ficial v. natural, 330; roles in, 223, 223–4; as term, 217
neo-positivism, 326 participants: of focus groups, 253–4, 259, 261; in qualitative
Nietzsche, F., 13 research, 212; in quantitative research, 75–6
nodes: in NVivo, 393–6, 398–9 participatory action research (PAR), 12, 13, 199, 210, 230, 407
nomothetic explanations, 28, 47, 406 Pauwels, L., 281
non-response, 123, 148, 406; bias, 156; reducing, 165–7; sample Pawson, R. and N. Tilley, 38–9
size and, 155–7 payment; ethics and, 65; focus groups and, 258
non-spuriousness, 28–9 Pearson’s r, 182, 184, 187, 407; in SPSS , 388
“no opinion,” 103, 112 periodicity, 152
Normand, S. et al., 138 Perrucci, R. et al., 134
Norris, C., 224 Pettigrew, A., 208
“not applicable,” 173, 178 Phelan, P., 336
note-taking: covert research and, 220; qualitative interviews Phillips, N. and J. Brown, 289–90
and, 245 Phinney, A. et al., 38
Nowicki, E. et al., 340 Phoenix, A., 330
null hypothesis, 186–7, 406 photographs, 275–7, 278; ethnography and, 229–31; field notes
NVivo, 305, 316, 322, 363, 391–402, 407; coding in, 393–8; get- and, 228; on websites, 281
ting started, 391–3; memos in, 401; opening in, 402; output, photovoice, 230, 231
399; saving in, 401–2; searching in, 398–9 Pidgeon, N. and K. Henwood, 309
pilot studies, 107–8, 130, 136, 159, 287, 366
Oakley, A., 18 Pink, S., 229–30
objectivism, 13–14, 406; quantitative/qualitative distinction Platt, J., 328
and, 325; quantitative research and, 16, 75, 92 Poland, B.D., 249
objectivity, 10, 212, 278, 279 police: statistics, 127–8, 285
observation research: non-participant, 135; systematic, 135; policies: evaluation research and, 38–9; quasi-experiments and,
systematic social, 142; types of, 135; unobtrusive, 135, 409; 36, 37
unstructured, 86, 135, 143; see also participant observation; politics: research and, 20–1, 24
structured observation polysemy, 288, 289
observation schedules, 133, 135, 136–7, 143, 171, 285, 406 population, 146, 148, 407; generalizing to, 154, 185; heterogen-
observer-as-participant, 224, 233 eity of, 157; large, 153, 167, 213; mean, 154; stratification of,
O’Connell Davidson, J. and D. Layder, 60 152, 154, 161
O’Connor, H. and C. Madge, 260 Porter, S., 327
Olivieri, Nancy, 61 positivism, 9–10, 11, 12, 407; conversation analysis and, 291;
omnipotence, interpretive, 355, 356 covert, 326; neo-, 326; quantitative/qualitative distinction
ontology, 2, 13–15, 24, 291, 324, 406; constructionist position, and, 326; quantitative research and, 16, 75, 76
13–14; objectivist position, 13–14; qualitative research and, post-coding, 80
16, 17; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 324, 328–9; postmodernism, 346, 353–4, 356, 407
quantitative research and, 16, 17; “soft constructionist” pos- post-testing, 31, 32, 76
ition, 13–14 Potter, J., 15, 294, 295; et al., 297–8; and A. Hepburn, 295; and
operationalization, 76, 406–7 M. Wetherell, 296
opinion polls, 161 Pratt, A. and M. Valverde, 18, 44, 45–6
ORACLE (Observational Research and Classroom Learning praxis, 12
Evaluation), 137 preference organization, 293–4
oral history interviews, 240, 243, 407 preformulation, 298
O’Reilly, K., 209, 222 pre-testing, 76, 33, 34, 287
Orwell, George, 3, 69 principles, 28
O’Sullivan, L. et al., 121 privacy: covert research and, 220; ethics and, 57–61; Internet
“other,” as response option, 98 and, 58
outliers, 179, 407 privilege, 353
probabilistic statements, 4
Pahl, J., 111 probability sampling, 163, 167, 185, 407; ethnography and, 233;
panel conditioning effect, 43–4 qualities of, 153–5; sampling error and, 149–50; types of,
panel studies, 27, 42–3 150–3; validity and, 163
paradigm argument, 333–4 probing, 115–16
paradigms, 333–4, 407 problematizing the situation, 369
Parker, M., 250 production, means of, 12, 179
Parnaby, P., 164, 279, 282, 288 prompting, 116, 248; photographs and, 276
participant-as-observer, 224 Psathas, G., 291
Index 433

pseudonyms, 59, 261 questions: ambiguous terms in, 100–1; attitudes and, 98–100;
publication, 76; journals and, 21, 89, 347 balanced answers to, 103; behaviour, 98, 101, 105; beliefs and,
Punch, M., 56 100; closed (closed-ended), 95, 97–8, 102, 129, 403; closed
v. open, 96, 99; common mistakes in, 106; design rules for,
Qian, Yue, 291 100–9; direct, 246, 248; double-barrelled, 101, 102; ending,
QSR NVivo. See NVivo 246; existing, 108–9; factual, 98; filter, 103, 118; focus group,
qualitative interviews, 199, 239–67, 267–8; checklist for, 267; 254–5; follow-up, 245; formulating, 245; general, 101; general
ethnography v., 264–6, 268; feminism and, 262–4; length indirect, 246; intermediate, 246; interpreting, 246; inter-
of, 249–50; online, 258–9; recording and transcription, views and, 245–7; introducing, 245; knowledge and, 100,
244, 248–50; setting of, 244; structured interviews v., 240; 103; leading/loaded, 101–2, 244; long, 101; negative, 102;
as term, 243; websites about, 270; see also focus groups; open (open-ended), 81, 83, 95, 96–7, 106, 129, 246, 406; order
interviews of, 103–5, 130; overlapping answers, 103; overstretching
qualitative research, 16, 24, 198–213, 407; case studies and, 47; people’s memories, 103; personal, 98, 105; pilot studies and,
content analysis and, 272–3, 328, 407; context in, 207–8; cri- 107–8; pre-coded, 171, 407; pre-testing, 95; probing, 245;
tiques of, 211–12; cross-sectional design and, 41; data analy- prompting, 116, 248; response sets and, 105, 130; specific,
sis in, 72, 305–20; description in, 207–8; design and, 27, 47; 101; standardization and, 97, 98, 112, 129; structuring, 246;
empiricism and, 326; ethics and, 52, 56, 59, 62; evaluating, technical terms and, 102–3; triple-barrelled, 101, 102; two (or
204–6, 213; feminism and, 20, 24; flexibility and, 209–10; more) questions, 102; types of, 98–100; vignette, 95, 105–7,
goals of, 198, 206–11; inductive approach and, 44; longitud- 247; yes/no, 106; see also research questions
inal designs and, 44; multi-method approach, 199; mutual Quiet Rage (film), 68
analysis and, 331–2; natural science model and, 326–7; pro-
cess and, 70, 71, 208; quantification and, 332; quantitative “race”: official statistics and, 128
research and, 212–13, 326–7, 331–2, 336–7; questions in, Radley, A. and D. Taylor, 231
22, 23; reliability and, 204, 206; report writing and, 350–2; random assignment, 31, 32, 35, 407
sample size and, 19; steps in, 199–201, 200; theoretical work random-digit dialling, 111
in, 200–1; types of, 199; validity and, 204, 206; see also quan- randomization: interviewing and, 112; see also samples/
titative/qualitative distinction sampling, random
quantification: content analysis and, 272; qualitative research random response technique, 57–9
and, 332; quasi-, 330, 332 range, 180, 385, 408
quantification rhetoric, 296, 297–8 reactive effects/reactivity, 33, 54, 139, 266, 330, 408; documents
quantitative/qualitative distinction, 2, 16–17, 324, 343; artifi- and, 273; ethnography and, 220; measurement, 139;
cial v. natural, 330; behaviour v. meaning, 329; debate over, participant observation and, 224; quantitative/qualitative
334; epistemological argument against, 334; multi-strategy distinction and, 330; structured observation and, 139–41,
research and, 332–4; mutual analysis, 331–2; numbers v. 143; threat to external validity, 33
words, 329–30, 332; problems with, 329–30; technical argu- realism, 408; critical, 300, 404; ethnographic reports and,
ment against, 334; theory testing and, 329 354–5; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 326; visual
quantitative research, 16, 24, 38, 74–92, 407; concepts and, materials and, 229
76–81; conclusions and, 72; correlation and, 28–9; construc- realist tales, 354–6; experiential authority, 355–6; interpretive
tionism and, 328; content analysis and, 272; critiques of, omnipotence, 355, 356; subjects’ point of view, 355, 356;
89–92; cross-sectional designs and, 41; data analysis and, typical forms, 355, 356
72, 76, 170–94; deductive approach and, 44, 75; design and, reality: ontology and, 13–15
47, 76; epistemological assumptions of, 75; ethics and, 52; recordings, 261; field notes and, 227, 228; focus groups and, 255
feminism and, 20, 341; generalization and, 87, 213; goals Reed, M., 300
of, 85–9; internal validity, 85–7; interpretivism and, 327–8; References section, 370
longitudinal designs and, 41; measurement as goal of, 85; reflexivity, 18, 290, 354, 408; postmodernism and, 353; in quali-
measurement validity and, 83–5; mutual analysis and, 331–2; tative interviews, 250; visual materials and, 230
ontological assumptions of, 75; process and, 70, 71; qualita- regression: multiple linear, 191, 193–4; in SPSS , 390
tive research and, 212–13, 331, 336–7; questions in, 22; reli- Reinharz, S., 235, 236, 262
ability and, 81–3; replication and, 87–9; report writing and, relational statements, 4
347–50; steps in, 75–6, 75; variables in, 170, 173–7; see also relationships, 338, 408; causality v., 181–2; direction of, 181, 182;
quantitative/qualitative distinction linear, 182; moderated, 406; negative, 38, 182, 183, 406; posi-
quasi-experiments, 27, 34–7, 139, 407 tive, 86, 182, 183–4, 183, 190, 407; spurious, 28, 182, 189–90,
questionnaires, 29, 37, 116–22, 130, 171, 325, 407; “bad,” 109; 190, 408
checklist for, 110; clear presentation and, 120; design of, reliability, 74, 77, 85, 408; coding and, 331; content analysis
120–1; embedded/attached, 118; focus groups v., 258; in- and, 285, 287; inter-coder, 285, 287, 405; internal, 82, 405;
structions for, 120–1; mailed, 119, 166–7, 209, 407; online, inter-observer consistency, 82–3; intra-coder, 285, 287, 405;
116, 118–20; quantitative research and, 76; reminders, 167; official statistics and, 285; qualitative research and, 204,
respondent problems with, 120–1; response rate and, 166–7; 206; quantitative research and, 81–3; stability and, 81–2;
sample, 172–3; structured interviews v., 116, 117–18 structured observation and, 133, 137
434 Index

Renzetti, E., 205 Ross, L. et al., 341–2

replicability, 47, 74, 408; case studies and, 44; cross-sectional R square, 191, 192
design and, 39; experiments and, 33–4; qualitative research Russell, R. and M. Tyler, 45
and, 211; quantitative research and, 87–9
reports: checklist for, 371; qualitative, 350–2; quantitative, safety: research and, 367
347–50; research, 346–57, 366–72; as storytelling, 369; struc- samples/sampling, 76, 147–9, 408; absolute/relative size of, 155;
ture of, 366–72 attrition, 43; behaviour, 162; cluster, 146, 153, 403; content
representativeness: documents and, 273, 274–5, 279, 300, 301; analysis, 164–5; convenience, 158–9, 168, 404; dates, 164–5;
media and, 280; photographs and, 277; sampling and, 87, distributions and, 156–7; element, 148; ethnography and,
146, 147, 148, 408; threat to external validity, 33; websites 232–4; media, 164; multi-stage cluster, 153; non-probability,
and, 281 146, 148, 158–63, 166, 406; non-response and, 148–9; prob-
research: action, 403; comparative, 46; conducting, 360–72; ability, 87, 146, 148, 153–5, 163, 407; purposive, 232–3, 407;
covert, 58, 59, 216, 218, 220, 404; deductive and induct- qualitative, 146; quantitative, 146–68; quota, 146, 158, 161–2,
ive approaches, 6–9; emancipatory, 13; epistemological 163, 168, 407; random, 44, 147–8, 167, 407; representative,
considerations, 9–13; evaluation, 36–7, 38–9, 404; general 87, 146, 147, 148, 408; simple random, 146, 150–1, 171, 408;
orientations towards, 16–17, 71; influences on, 17–24; macro/ size of, 146, 155–8; snowball, 158, 160–1, 233, 408; stratified
micro issues, 213; market, 146, 161; motivations for, 3–4, 69; cluster, 153; stratified random, 146, 152–3, 161, 409; struc-
ontological considerations, 13–15; participatory, 13; partici- tured observation and, 162–3; systematic, 146, 151–2, 409;
patory action, 12, 13, 199, 210, 230, 407; politics and, 20–1, theoretical, 233–4, 310, 311, 409; time, 137, 162; unit, 148;
24; positivism and, 10; preparing for, 365–6; process, 69–72; virtual, 167
resources for, 363; sponsored, 61–2; theory and, 2, 4–6, 7, sampling error, 146, 148, 149–50, 154, 163, 167, 168, 185, 408;
10; time for, 363; values and, 17–20, 24; writing up, 366–72; sample size and, 155
see also ethnography; longitudinal research; multi-strategy sampling frame, 148, 150, 152, 153, 162, 167, 408
research; observation research; qualitative research; quanti- sampling interval, 151
tative research; reports sampling-related error, 163, 168
“research bargain,” 21, 221 Sanjek, R., 228
research centres, university-affiliated, 123 saturation, theoretical, 233, 234, 251, 307, 311, 409
research design, 27–48, 51, 71, 408; causality and, 28–9; quan- scatter diagrams, 182–4, 183; in SPSS , 388
titative research and, 76; research orientation and, 46–7; in Schegloff, E., 300
research reports, 351; types of, 29–46 Schieman, S. and A. Narisada, 76, 156
research ethics boards (REBs), 51–2, 56, 65, 367; confidentiality Schlesinger, P. et al., 251, 252, 253–4, 256
and, 57; fairness and, 65 Schulenberg, J.L., 142, 226
research questions, 21–4, 69–71; ethnography and, 23; formulat- Schuman, H. and S. Presser, 80, 99
ing, 22–4; identifying, 361–2; new, 126; qualitative research science, 89, 305; natural v. “normal,” 334; positivism and, 10; as
and, 200, 201; in research reports, 350, 352; sources of, 362; “value-free,” 10, 20; see also natural science model
steps in selecting, 361; survey questions and, 100 Scott, J., 273, 275–7, 278, 281–2, 300
research sites: qualitative research and, 200; quantitative re- Seabrook, J. and W. Avison, 43
search and, 76 Seale, C., 287
respect for persons, 50, 52–7 selection, 32
response rate, 156–7, 165, 166–7, 168; declining, 155–6; online self-concept, 11
interviews and, 261 self-reflection/self-reflexivity, 18, 354
response sets, 78–9, 95, 105, 130, 139, 408 semiotics, 271, 288–9, 301, 408
Restoule, J. et al., 231–2 sentences, opening, 352, 368
Results section, 349, 370 setting (threat to external validity), 33
revision, 347 settings, open/closed, 217, 218, 219–20, 221–2; artificial, 213, 330;
Ricciardelli, R. and K. Clow, 88 natural, 213
Riches, G. and P. Dawson, 276 Shalla, V., 44
Riessman, C.K., 317–18, 319 Sharma, S. et al., 210
rights, 52 Sharpe, K., 222
right to withdraw, 50, 64 Shelden, D. et al., 205
Rinehart, J., 44 show/flash cards, 112, 115–16
Rippeyoung, P., 182 signified/signifier, 288
Ristock, J., 263 signs: semiotics and, 288, 408
Roberts, B., 318 Silverman, D., 201, 266, 291, 292, 293, 330
Robinson, J.: et al., 108; and C. Lee, 121 Skeggs, B., 205, 206, 207, 235
role selection, 140 Skype, 113, 259
Rosenau, P.M., 353 Small, W. et al., 52, 367
Rosenhan, D.L., 141, 234 Smith, D.J. and S. McVie, 116
Rosenthal, R. and L. Jacobson, 30–4, 63 Smith, Dorothy, 5, 231
Index 435

Smith, N. et al., 44 Sudman, S. and N. Bradburn, 101

Smith, R., 242–3 Sugiman, P., 3–4, 243, 274
Smith, T.W., 156 suicide: Durkheim on, 4, 128; letters, 275
social desirability bias/effect, 105, 134, 139, 408 Sullivan, O., 121
social facts, 17 supervisors, 362–3
social media: content analysis and, 281; ethics and, 58; ethnog- Surveillance Studies Centre, Queen’s University, 188, 196
raphy and, 225; photographs on, 278 survey research, 27, 95–130, 409; common errors in, 97–8; email;
social order, 14–15, 290 118, 130, 167; feminist critique of, 128–9; forms of, 95; limit-
social problems, 3 ations of, 133; online, 116, 118–20, 130, 167; online v. mailed
social science: critical, 10, 12; interpretivism and, 10–11, 12; questionnaires, 119; open v. closed questions, 96–8; pilot
positivism and, 10, 11 studies and, 130; problems with, 134; quantitative/
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada qualitative distinction and, 329; response rates to, 113;
(SSHRCC), 50 sample data from, 174–5; secondary analysis of, 96, 122–8;
Social Sciences Citation Index, 365 steps in conducting, 364; victimization, 84, 109, 128, 193;
Sociological Abstracts, 363 Web, 118–20, 130, 167
Sociological Review, 350 Sutton, R.I., 277, 278; and A. Rafaeli, 86, 181
sociology: as discipline, 3; Durkheim on, 11; Weber on, 11 Sweet, C., 259
software, 194; computer-assisted qualitative data analysis symbolic interactionism, 11, 91, 251, 409; see also interpretivism
(CAQDAS), 305, 316, 317, 402, 403; qualitative data analysis
and, 316; speech-to-text, 248; statistical analysis, 177–8; see table of contents, 367
also IBM SPSS Statistics; NVivo tables: contingency, 158, 180–2, 190, 191, 386–8, 390, 403; fre-
Sosteric, Mike, 308 quency, 177–8, 380–1, 405; in research reports, 370
Spearman’s rho, 184, 408 Tastsoglou, E. and B. Miedema, 18, 160, 161, 242, 338
split-half method, 82 Taylor, A., 207, 221, 222, 223, 227, 233, 234, 356
sponsors, 61–2, 220, 221, 222 Teevan, J. and H. Dryburgh, 6, 75–6
SPSS . See IBM SPSS Statistics Teitler, J. et al., 157
stability, 81–2, 163 testing (threat to experiment conclusions), 32
Stacey, J., 235, 236 test-retest method, 81–2
standard deviation, 180, 408; in SPSS , 385 texts, 280, 301, 409; content analysis and, 280–1; qualitative
standard error of the mean, 154, 186, 409 research and, 199
standardization: survey questions and, 97, 98, 112, 129 themes: content analysis and, 284
standpoint theory, 5 theoretical saturation, 233, 234, 251, 307, 311, 409
Stanford mock prison study, 64–5 theories, 2, 4–6, 10, 24; content analysis and, 301; deductive
statistical significance, 185–9, 194, 409; level of, 186, 191 approach and, 6; definition, 4; descriptions and, 4; formal,
statistics, 170; ethno-, 331; inferential, 185–9; official, 11, 37, 84, 310; grand, 4–5; grounded theory and, 310, 312–13; induct-
127–8, 130, 406 ive approach and, 7; of the middle range, 4; non-theoretical
Statistics Canada, 7–9, 58, 94, 169, 196, 291; General Social studies v., 5; positivism and, 10; qualitative research and,
Survey (GSS), 111, 124–5; mandatory long-form census, 61 16–17, 201–3, 213; quantitative/qualitative distinction and,
Stevens, Andrew, 158 329; quantitative research and, 76; reports and, 348; substan-
stigma, 5 tive, 310; testing of, 5, 7, 76, 201, 213, 326; types of, 4–5; see
Stoller, P., 353 also specific theories
Strauss, A. and J. Corbin, 233, 307–8, 316; et al., 15 Tilley, N., 39
stress, 234 time management, 363
structural analysis, 318 time order, 28
structuration theory, 5 time sampling, 137, 162
structured interviews, 29, 37, 95, 130, 209, 325, 409; coding and, title page, 367
285; qualitative interviewing v., 240; questionnaires v., 116, Totten, M., 61
117–18 Tourangeau, R. and T.W. Smith, 117
structured observation, 37, 76, 133–43, 209, 325, 409; checklist transcription, 41, 249, 312, 409; of audio field notes, 227, 228;
for, 142; coding and, 135, 136; criticisms of, 143; field experi- conversation analysis and, 292–3; focus groups and, 255,
ments, 141; limitations of, 134; measurement validity and, 258; open questions and, 97; of qualitative interviews, 248
138–9; reactive effects and, 139–41, 143; reliability and, 133, transferability, 204, 206, 213
137, 287; sampling and, 137, 146, 162–3; strategies for, 137; transparency: qualitative research and, 212, 272
validity and, 133, 138–41 treatment group, 29, 31, 334–6, 341, 409
Sturgeon, R. and P. Morrissette, 284 Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research
subjectivity: qualitative research and, 211 Involving Humans (TCPS2), 50, 51, 52, 62, 68; general ethical
subjects (of research studies): point of view of, 355, 356; select- principles of, 52–66
ing, 200 Trovato, Frank, 129
subjects: of content analysis, 284 Trow, M., 266
436 Index

trustworthiness, 204, 213, 409 Wane, N., 263

Turnbull, P., 18 Warde, A., 165
turn-taking, 293, 409 Warren, M., 227
twin studies, 36, 40 Webb, E.J. et al., 139, 140, 335
typical forms, 355, 356 webcam technologies, 113, 259
Type I error, 187 Weber, Max, 11, 143
Type II error, 187 websites: content analysis, 280–1, 303–4; ethics, 68; ethnog-
raphy, 238; NVivo, 402; qualitative data analysis, 322;
unit: of analysis, 114, 127, 287 qualitative interviews and, 270; qualitative research, 215;
unobtrusiveness, 335, 140, 409; content analysis and, 300; docu- quantitative data analysis, 196; quantitative/qualitative dis-
ments and, 273; observation and, 135, 409 tinction, 345; quantitative research, 94; referring to, 281, 356;
research design, 49; sampling, 169; social science journals,
validation, respondent/member, 205, 408 26; structured observation, 145; survey research, 118–20,
validity, 21, 74, 85, 409; case studies and, 44, 45; concurrent, 83, 130, 132, 167; writing up research, 358–9; see also Internet
138, 403; construct, 83, 403; convergent, 83–5; cross- welfare, concern for, 50, 57–62
sectional design and, 39; documents and, 273; experiments White, J., 44
and, 34; external, 33, 39, 44, 45, 47, 76, 87, 163, 404; face, 83, Whitehead, K., 312
138, 404; internal, 29, 74, 85–7, 405; measurement, 32, 44, 47, Whitehead, P. and D. Carpenter, 306
406; official statistics and, 285; qualitative research and, 204, Whiting, J. et al., 309
206; structured observation and, 133, 138–41 Whynacht, Ardath, 205
values: research and, 17–20, 24 Whyte, W.F., 140, 199, 221, 222–3, 228
van den Hoonaard, W.C., 52; and A. Connolly, 62 Wilkinson, Lori, 280
Van Maanen, J., 56, 222, 355 Wilkinson, S., 263–4
van Stapele, N., 354 Williams, M., 212
variability: inter- and intra-interviewer, 97 Wilson, B., 17, 46, 234, 326
variables, 28, 409; bivariate analysis and, 180–1; categorical, Wilson, E.O., 324
176; categorizing, 177; causality and, 181–2; concepts as, withdraw, right to, 50, 64
77; cross-sectional design and, 40–1; dependent, 29–30, “without replacement,” 151
181, 404; dichotomies, 173, 404; experiments and, 29–30; Wolcott, H., 347
independent, 29–30, 76, 86, 181, 405; interval/ratio, 176, Wolf, D., 221–2
177, 178, 180, 182, 194, 405, 408; intervening, 190, 405; Wolfinger, Nicholas, 91
multi-strategy research and, 338; multivariate analysis and, words: content analysis and, 282–4; qualitative research and,
189–91; nominal, 176, 177, 178, 179, 185, 194, 406; ordinal, 212; quantitative/qualitative distinction and, 329–30; see also
176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 184, 194, 407; quantitative research keywords
and, 170; in SPSS , 376–7, 378–9, 379–80; types of, 173–7; uni- Wright, R. et al., 2014, 241
variate analysis and, 177–9 writing: ethnographic reports, 354–6; postmodernism and,
variance: amount of explained, 185, 189; analysis of, 189; 353–4, 356; qualitative research and, 350–2; quantitative
error, 189 research and, 76, 347–50; research reports, 346–57, 366–72;
Verstehen, 11, 207, 289 revising and, 347; structure of, 366–70; websites about,
victimization surveys, 84, 109, 128, 193 358–9
Vidich, A. and J. Bensman, 59
vignette technique/questions, 95, 105–7, 140, 409 Yan, Andy, 291
visual materials, 229, 230–1, 236, 275–7; on websites, 281 Yin, R., 45
Von Hoffman, N., 60 Young, N. and E. Dugas, 46
YouTube videos: content analysis, 304; focus groups, 270;
Wachholz, S. and B. Miedema, 263 multi-strategy research, 345; qualitative data analysis, 322;
Wajcman, J. and B. Martin, 338, 339 qualitative interviews, 270; quantitative data analysis, 196;
Walklate, S., 109, 336 quantitative/qualitative distinction, 345; research projects,
Walsh, M. et al., 34 372; sampling, 169; structured observation, 145; writing up
Walters, D., 127 research, 358–9

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