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Lavya - Year 9
Thai Sikh International School
Critical Thinking Research Project
Ms. Mary Jane Sevilla
17 June 2022


Human trafficking is defined as the use of pressure, deception, or compulsion to gain

labour or a commercial sex act. Millions of men, women, and children are trafficked each year

around the world. Children make up about 20% of all victims of human trafficking globally. 1 A

truly cruel number.

I want to talk about this topic because it is a major problem that slows the progress of our

society as a whole. When I researched about this topic, I found how cruelly people are treated

around the globe, and it forced me to consider the reasons people would even do such a horrible

thing. I want to show to the world the terrible atrocities some of us carry out in order to put an

end to it.

Anyone who is a victim of human trafficking might suffer physical, emotional, and

psychological harm. It has the ability to have a long-term effect on a person's life 2, perhaps

even ruining it forever due to the trauma involved. Trafficking victims are frequently subjected

to difficult and extreme physical conditions, such as excessive work, employment without

sufficient protection or equipment, and the use of force by their traffickers. Victims may also be

at risk for health issues like as HIV/AIDS, illnesses, and substance dependence. 3

Human trafficking is a crime that provides the traffickers with huge amounts of money. 8

It has high monetary gains for the traffickers while they have to put in zero to no effort. It is also

relatively low risk due to the fact that the victims are pressured by their traffickers to not inform

Stop The Traffik, “The Scale of Human Trafficking,” STOP THE TRAFFIK, June 21, 2017,
Micah Hartmann, “Causes & Effects of Human Trafficking,” The Exodus Road, July 6, 2021,
“Understanding the Impact of Human Trafficking & Modern-Day Slavery,” Human Trafficking Search
(akanksha, August 3, 2017),

the police and since the traffickers force their victims into places and cultures with which they

are unfamiliar. 94

The purpose of this research is to show the effects of human trafficking on society,

economy, and people’s mental is believed that 20.9 million people are trafficked

worldwide.5 On top of that, online recruitment grew by 22%. During the lockdowns, the net was

reported as the leading recruitment source for all forms of trafficking, as the percentage of

victims from common recruitment sites such as strip clubs (-46%), foster homes (-70%), and

schools (-38%) decreased dramatically. Most significantly, there was a considerable increase in

the number of potential victims who were recruited into trafficking using Facebook and

Instagram (120 percent). Over the previous year, there was a 125 percent increase in recruitment

reports on Facebook, and a 95 percent increase on Instagram.6

I believe that human trafficking is something very damaging, causing mental and

physical trauma to its victims, that it has negative impacts on humanity and our society as a


Following the completion of this research paper, I hope to have a better understanding of

human trafficking and why it should be eradicated. I hope that this research report will help to

raise awareness about this critical topic.

Human trafficking is prevalent in today's culture, yet most people are unaware of it.

Millions of individuals throughout the world are victims of human trafficking, which deprives

them of their human rights and values. The primary goal of this document is to educate

individuals about the hazards and dangers associated with human trafficking.
“‘Why Can't Victims of Trafficking Just Walk Away?" " Stop the Traffik,” STOP THE TRAFFIK,
February 21, 2020,
Safe Horizon, “Human Trafficking Statistics & Facts,” Safe Horizon, April 29, 2020,
“Analysis of 2020 National Human Trafficking Hotline Data,” Polaris, January 13, 2022,

The main 3 question focused on during this research are:

● How do traffickers traffic people?

● How to protect yourself from trafficking?

● What effects does trafficking have on trafficked people?

In order to reach my aims, I will use the internet to find all the background information I

need, and along with that I also plan to use surveys to generalise how people perceive human

trafficking. I expect the outcome to be a reduction in the amount of human trafficking that takes

place as more people will be aware of the danger it poses and will know how to overcome it.


Many people believe that survivors of human trafficking suffer from a variety of negative

consequences like mental illnesses. One reason for this is that studies and interviews of survivors

have revealed that the trauma induced by human trafficking leads to mental illnesses. One such

study that shows mental problems states that survivors suffer depression, hopelessness, sorrow

and unhappiness, and uncontrollable and sudden sobbing.7 This shows us that people who have

been trafficked and survived it have faced negative consequences in the form of mental trauma.

By looking at all this evidence we can see that survivors of human trafficking suffer from a

variety of negative consequences including mental illnesses.

Many people believe that survivors of human trafficking suffer extreme physical trauma.

One reason people believe that is because of the things the victims have to go through. Dr. Ligia
“Human Trafficking Task Force e-Guide,” OVC TTAC: Office for Victims of Crime Training &
Technical Assistance Center, August 3, 2017,

Kiss, lecturer of social epidemiology, says “We had very high levels of violence reported, as

well. We had almost half of the sample reporting physical or sexual violence, or both of them.

Almost half the men reported physical violence. And 44 percent of the adult women interviewed

reported sexual violence. Among children these numbers are very high, as well, with 36 percent

of children reporting either physical or sexual violence or both,”.8This quote shows us that

people who have been trafficked and survived it have had to survive severe physical trauma and

violence. By looking at all this evidence we can see that survivors of human trafficking suffer

extreme physical trauma. In conclusion, we can see that human trafficking has various negative

effects on its victims causing it to be considered one of the worst crimes.

However, human trafficking is a very profitable business. This is because it earns the

traffickers millions of dollars every year, while others suffer. The evidence for it is provided by

the ILO which states that in the private sector, forced labour creates an annual profit of $150

billion dollars.9This shows us that human trafficking is a highly profitable and lucrative crime,

giving the traffickers such high amounts of cash that they cannot not traffic. Along with the fact

that traffickers don’t have to work at all, except forcing their victims to work. All this evidence

shows us that human trafficking is a highly profitable and lucrative business.

Along with being profitable, human trafficking is also very low risk. One reason this is

because victims are scared of their traffickers. The prospect of deportation, threats, fear of

retaliation, and other penalties, are things that cause victims to be hesitant to expose the

traffickers. 10 This shows us that there are many parts to human trafficking that make it a low-risk
Joe DeCapua, “Trafficking Victims Suffer Mentally, Physically,” VOA (Trafficking Victims Suffer
Mentally, Physically, February 19, 2015),
“Ilo Says Forced Labour Generates Annual Profits of US$ 150 Billion,” Economics of forced labour: ILO
says forced labour generates annual profits of US$ 150 billion, May 20, 2014,
“Why Is Human Trafficking Said to Be a Low-Risk and Highly Profitable Criminal Activity?
Delatnost?,” atina, August 3, 2017,

crime when compared to others, and that traffickers use fear and violence to control their

victims. This makes trafficker easy to carry out too. All this shows us that human trafficking is

also very low-risk for the traffickers. In conclusion, this shows that human trafficking is

profitable along with being very low-risk for the traffickers allowing it to easily be one of the

largest crime industries.


The secondary research approach will be used to acquire background material and

discover different viewpoints on the topic, whereas the primary research method will be a single


To obtain the information I required, I relied heavily on the Internet for background

material. I used an online tool to check the date of the sources to guarantee that my sources are

current. My main sources are Stop The Traffik and Safe Horizon, sources I considered as

credible, since they are non-profit organisations. As a result, I judged the material to be

trustworthy, credible, and current. I explored numerous viewpoints from the sources and

included them in my study to ensure that my report was free of prejudice and inaccuracies. As a

result, I judged the material to be reliable, reputable and recent. I explored numerous viewpoints

from the various sources and included them in my study to ensure that my report was free of

prejudice and inaccuracies, even though it was hard to do so due there being few pros of human


My primary method will be an online survey conducted using the website google forms.

Teenagers, adults, middle-aged persons, and the elderly will be the target of my research.

Respondents will come from all across the world. The grounds for selecting such a group are to


provide a variety of experiences depending on different time frames. As a result, their replies

will be distinct.

The questionnaire will consist of 7-10 questions that will first determine the respondents'

age group, gender, and then their level of awareness about the subject.

Permission from our Critical Thinking teacher is required before I conduct my survey so

that I may examine the accuracy and relevancy of my survey questionnaires. The questionnaire

transcript will be attached to my appendices.

Furthermore, I feel that using these approaches, the legitimacy and validity of my project

work will increase.


Human trafficking is a profoundly harmful practice that causes emotional and physical

anguish to its victims, as well as bad consequences for mankind and society as a whole.

The following conclusions can be made referring to the following questions:

● How do traffickers traffic people?

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, human traffickers use and exploit

people's vulnerabilities to seduce them into forced labour and sex trafficking. Human traffickers

prey on those who are looking for a better life, who are unemployed, have an unstable family

situation, or who have been sexually or physically abused in the past. Traffickers entice victims

with promises of a high-paying career, a loving relationship, or new and exciting prospects, then

employ physical and psychological abuse to keep them under their control.11
“The Traffickers,” National Human Trafficking Hotline, September 26, 2014,

● How to protect yourself from trafficking?

Based on the survey data, we can see that most individuals believe that to protect yourself

from human trafficking they have to be wary of their surroundings, and they also have to stay

away from strangers. This implies that they do not know how to protect themselves from being

trafficked. However, the National Human Trafficking Hotline states that the people should assess

the current risk and identify any existing or future safety issues, along with trying to develop

ways to minimize or mitigate the threat of harm of human trafficking.12

● What effects does trafficking have on trafficked people?

According to Dr. Kiss, human trafficking has devastating effects on the victims. Nearly 60%

of the individuals Dr. Kiss interviewed, for example, showed depressive symptoms. Post-

traumatic stress disorder was also prevalent, with over half of the participants experiencing

anxiety. She also stated that there were also reports of extremely high levels of violence. Almost

half of the respondents said they had experienced physical or sexual violence, or both. Almost

half of the guys said they had been physically abused and 44 percent of the women reported

sexual violence.13

Ultimately, this research shows that human trafficking has various and extreme negative

effects on its victims. Both primary and secondary data collected showed human trafficking as

negative. Morals and ethics are a prime determinant, thus placing this view towards people. This

“Safety Planning Information,” National Human Trafficking Hotline, January 12, 2019,
Joe DeCapua, “Trafficking Victims Suffer Mentally, Physically,” VOA (Trafficking Victims Suffer
Mentally, Physically, February 19, 2015),

research paper shows the terrible consequences of human trafficking on human life, and the

evolution of humanity as a whole.


DeCapua, Joe. “Trafficking Victims Suffer Mentally, Physically.” VOA. Trafficking Victims
Suffer Mentally, Physically, February 19, 2015.

DeCapua, Joe. “Trafficking Victims Suffer Mentally, Physically.” VOA. Trafficking Victims
Suffer Mentally, Physically, February 19, 2015.

Hartmann, Micah. “Causes & Effects of Human Trafficking.” The Exodus Road, July 6, 2021.

Human Trafficking Statistics & Facts. Safe Horizon, April 29, 2020.

Human Trafficking Statistics & Facts. Safe Horizon, April 29, 2020.

Human Trafficking Task Force e-Guide. OVC TTAC: Office for Victims of Crime Training &
Technical Assistance Center, August 3, 2017.

Ilo Says Forced Labour Generates Annual Profits of US$ 150 Billion. Economics of forced
labour: ILO says forced labour generates annual profits of US$ 150 billion, May 20, 2014.

Safety Planning Information” National Human Trafficking Hotline, January 12, 2019.

Stop The Traffik. “The Scale of Human Trafficking.” STOP THE TRAFFIK, June 21, 2017.

The Traffickers. National Human Trafficking Hotline, September 26, 2014.

Understanding the Impact of Human Trafficking & Modern-Day Slavery. Human Trafficking
Search. akanksha, August 3, 2017.

Why Can't Victims of Trafficking Just Walk Away? “Stop the Traffik.” STOP THE TRAFFIK,
February 21, 2020.

Why Is Human Trafficking Said to Be a Low-Risk and Highly Profitable Criminal Activity?
atina, August 3, 2017.


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