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fresh encounter

Published by Life Way Press®

© 2009 G. Richard Blackaby, Henry T. Blackaby, and Claude V. King
Reprinted 2013

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ISBN 978-1-4158-6687-0
Item 005189421

Dewey decimal classification: 269


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Table of Contents

P r eface 5

I n t roductory Session 8

Unit 1:
God’s Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 12

Unit 2:
God’s People Tend to Depart from Him 38

Unit 3:
God’s Loving Discipline 64

Unit 4:
Repentance: Returning to God 92

Unit 5:
Prayer and Revival 118

Unit 6:
People God Uses in Revival 144

L e a de r H e lps 172
Henry Blackaby is founder and president emeritus of Blackaby Ministries
International, an organization built to help people experience God. He travels
throughout the world to aid churches in reviving their love for God and lead believers
to sense God’s call upon their lives.

Richard Blackaby is president of Blackaby Ministries International and the

oldest son of Henry and Marilynn Blackaby. During his ministry, he has served as
a pastor, seminary president and presently travels extensively to lead believers into a
deeper relationship with God.

Claude King is the discipleship specialist at LifeWay Christian Resources.

An Invitation to a Fresh Encounter with God
There is much joy and hope associated with “beginnings.” The birth of a new baby, a new romance, a wedding, a
new job … But we don’t live in a perfect world and inevitably life unfolds in ways we had not anticipated. Too often
the journey that began with such hope and promise can be spoiled by sin. Parents become estranged from their
children, couples split up, a family is torn apart by divorce, a job degenerates into drudgery. But there is always the
hope of a second chance. Isn’t it wonderful when life offers a chance to get it right? When reconciliation occurs?
When broken relationships are healed?
Most people who become Christians experience tremendous excitement and joy as they enter into an amazing,
loving relationship with Almighty God. In those early weeks of their salvation, new Christians devour God’s Word
and excitedly learn to pray with God and worship Him. But the world we live in is a broken world. Believers are not
exempt from the challenges of the economy, pain of disease, struggles in our relationships, and effects of sin. Some
Christians begin to feel as if God is distant from them and wonder where the vibrancy of their faith has gone. They
may continue to regularly attend worship, live moral lives, and serve in their churches, but God seems distant. As a
result, many churches are filled with professing Christians who are not experiencing the power of God in their lives.
Today’s world is in a spiritually deplorable condition. The primary reason is not because of the morally deadening
influence of the media, corruption in business, or the lack of godly leaders in government but is due to the fact that
there are lifeless, powerless churches dotting the landscape which are making little difference for God’s kingdom.
Contemporary believers wonder why the mighty movements of God recorded in Scripture and Christian
history are noticeably absent today. Today’s pastors are burning out at epidemic levels as they experience the
demoralizing futility of attempting to lift their church members out of their spiritual lethargy. While some
individuals and churches are experiencing a fresh wind of God’s Spirit, many others are asking, “Is there a word
from the Lord? What does God want us to do?” Throughout history God has always had a response for those
who sought Him. “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and wondrous things you do not know”
(Jeremiah 33:3).
But across America and around the world, God’s people are crying out for a fresh encounter with Him.
Everywhere we travel we hear churches pleading with God to revive them, their nation, and the world. The
widespread dissatisfaction with today’s church cannot be solved by best-selling books, church conferences, or an
endless stream of Christian trends. When the church seems powerless, only God can make a difference.
As in biblical times, being in God’s presence is an awesome, life-changing experience. But because our hearts
tend to wander from God, we are often in need of a fresh encounter with Him. We need to be revived. Through
salvation, God has granted new life to us through the death and resurrection of Christ. But when we disobey Him,
we need His power to renew our relationship once again.
While God is always present in a believer’s life, revival is a sacred event when the Holy Spirit draws
unmistakably near to His people. Revival involves a fresh encounter with God, and entails a serious, irrevocable
accountability. Revival does not call for minor adjustments. It elicits a humble, on-your-face response to our Creator.
Revival does not result from an encounter with a doctrine but a response to a Person—God Himself.
In Fresh Encounter, you will be taught what the Bible says about God’s requirements for fellowship with
Him. As you read Scripture, the Holy Spirit will assist you to understand and apply what it says. Instead of merely
studying Bible verses; you will encounter the living God, because every encounter with God’s Word is a meeting
with its Author.

Fresh Encounter: Preface 5

The goal of Fresh Encounter begins with seeing Christians and churches revived. A revival can only occur
among God’s people. But once believers experience a revival, they should work with God to see a spiritual
awakening occur in the world. A spiritual awakening occurs when large numbers of people are saved and the
culture of a city or community begins to change. Unfortunately, we have not witnessed a spiritual awakening in
North America in many generations. But if today’s Christians are revived then the Lord can work through them to
accomplish the miraculous results of a spiritual awakening.
Our hope is that believers will be so revived because of the truths taught in this study that God can use them
to affect a spiritual awakening in their communities, their cities, and the world.

Study Tips
The intent for this material is to help you come face-to-face with holy God and, as a result, to be forever
transformed. The Scriptures you will study provide a glimpse into God’s heart so you can view sin the way He sees
it. God’s pattern for revival and spiritual awakening will be laid out as it is found in Scripture. The following are a
few ideas to help you maximize your experience as you study.

1. Prepare your heart to receive whatever God reveals to you (Hosea 10:12).
Every truth you encounter has the potential to produce spiritual fruit in your life. If your heart is resistant to
God’s word, you will struggle with some of the scriptures that are presented. If you have cultivated your heart to be
receptive to God’s word, your life will be changed.

2. Join with a small group to study this material together.

While God does revive individuals, there is a powerful dynamic that occurs when people seek the Lord together
(Malachi 3:16). This material is designed as a group study. You certainly can work through it individually, but there
is an added dimension to sharing the experience with others. A Leader’s Kit is available with DVDs designed for
viewing and discussing in a group setting. The Holy Spirit will speak to you as you hear what God is saying to
others. As you sense others’ hearts cry to live holy lives that glorify God, you will receive fresh impetus to live
your own life in obedience to the Lord.

3. Faithfully do the homework each week.

Your relationship with God is the most important thing in your life. It deserves your time and best effort. Scripture
promises you will reap what you sow. Your present walk with God is the result of how you have cultivated it. Be sure
you take this opportunity to receive everything God intends for you. Arrange your schedule so you can gain the
maximum benefit from the next six weeks of study. Carefully set aside enough time to read each day’s material. This
study covers some of the most challenging truths in the Christian life. Read them slowly and meditate on them.
Don’t try and to do five days’ reading in one sitting. Let the truths soak into your life throughout the week.
Memorize the Scripture for each week. Each verse has been carefully selected. Having these verses in your mind
will help you recall the truths presented as you go about your daily life.
Experience God cleansing and filling you with His Word. Each unit has a list of Scriptures in “Cleansing
by washing with water through the Word.” Pray through each verse and allow the Holy Spirit to rid your life of
anything that is robbing you of what God intends for you. He will take each Scripture and reveal to you how you
need to adjust your life in accordance with God’s desire.

6 Fresh Encounter: Preface

At the end of each unit you will find a section entitled “Encountering God in Prayer.” Meditate on what you
have learned and ask the Holy Spirit to identify how you must live your life differently from now on. Use these
times to enjoy fellowship with God as He adjusts your life to Himself and His will.
Write down the lessons learned. Take notes in the margins of this book or in a separate journal. At the close of
each unit, review what God said to you. You may want to keep a summary of your notes in your Bible where you can
be regularly reminded of what God is teaching you. Don’t file those notes away until God has completed everything
He spoke to you about as you studied this material.

4. Enlist people to pray for you and your group as you go through the study.
Prayer has been a key element to every revival. Be sure others are praying for you as you seek the Lord.

5. Expect God to do a fresh work in your life.

James 4:8 promises that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. Since the original version of Fresh
Encounter (1993) by Henry Blackaby and Claude King much has happened in the Christian community and
around the world. This new edition has been significantly revised. It has benefited from Richard Blackaby’s work of
updating the study to include what we have learned as we have walked with many Christians and churches as they
encountered God. God has granted each of us the enormous privilege of traveling around the world and visiting
numerous Christians and churches who experienced a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit. We have seen what God can
do through one individual or church that is wholly yielded to Him. We believe there are enough Christians and
churches in the world today to reach humanity for Christ, if only each Christian and every church would surrender
fully to God. For that to happen, a mighty revival must sweep through the churches. That is the focus of much of
our ministry today and that is why we wrote Fresh Encounter.
We are delighted you have chosen to undertake this study! We have seen these truths challenge people from all
around the world and set them free. Our prayer is that you will become keenly aware that God stands before you
and invites you to be cleansed from your sin. He wants you to begin a qualitatively deeper and more vibrant walk
with Him than you have ever experienced. So let’s begin this study together, expecting to hear from God and to
experience a profound refreshing of our souls and a deepening of our walk with God.
May we continue to tremble with holy fear when God speaks (Isaiah 66:2), and may we be filled with hope and
anticipation for what God is going to do in our day among His people for His glory.

Henry and Richard Blackaby, Claude V. King

For more information on Blackaby Ministries International, please visit

For more information about the Fresh Encounter Group Study Kit or to download the Fresh Encounter teaching
videos, please visit

Fresh Encounter: Preface 7


fresh encounter

Introductory Session
Small-Group Discussion Guide

Leaders: As you begin this new study, ensure that everyone has a Fresh Encounter workbook.

Open in prayer.
As you begin this study, it will be vital to become familiar with the others participants as you learn how God
desires to bring about revival in your church. Each week, start your gatherings with prayer. Today, ask if
anyone has a specific spiritual need or burden. Keep prayer requests focused on issues of spiritual growth.
Ask someone to lead the group in prayer as you embark on this spiritual journey together.

View Introductory Session of the Teaching DVD

Truths to Remember

Scriptures to Read

Quotes to Remember

Actions to Take

If you missed this session, go to to download this and any other session of
Fresh Encounter.

10 Introductory Session: Small-Group Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide
When you hear the word “revival,” what image or definition comes to mind?
After the introductory video from Henry and Richard, do you have a different definition
in mind now?

For some, the possibility of encountering God might seem exciting and to others it may
seem somewhat improbable. Discuss how you view such a radically personal encounter
with God.

Have you ever been involved in a church when a sudden movement of God occurred? Describe
the experience to the group.
How would such an experience affect your church today?

Henry described the need to come into this study with an expectancy of what God can do in our lives.
Thinking about your walk with God as it is today, what might be the result if you experienced a “fresh
encounter” with God?
What would be different?

How would others see a change in your life?

Some of us have participated in discipleship studies in the past. Some studies have a profound effect
and others have caused little change in our lives.
What do you hope to learn about God that will deepen your knowledge of Him, increase
your love for Him, or bring about a reviving of your church?

Richard said on the video that life is a sum of the choices we make. What choices need to be made
by believers today to come into a closer walk with God?

Ask someone to read James 4:8 and discuss the promise made by God.

Henry described the secret that many other believers have found is “an intimate fresh encounter with God.”
Do you know a believer who obviously has a deep relationship with the Lord? Describe how that person's
life is different from other Christians you know.

Invite everyone in the group to finish this sentence: “By the end of this study, I hope that …”
Use the responses to the sentence as the prayer requests of the group members. Lead a
closing prayer by asking God to grant a fresh encounter to each person.

Close in prayer.

Introductory Session: Small-Group Discussion Guide 11


Scripture-Memory Verse
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn
from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJ V

Unit Overview
day 1: Revival and Spiritual Awakening
day 2: God’s Pattern for Revival, Part 1
day 3: God’s Pattern for Revival, Part 2
day 4: Revival for All People
day 5: Where Are You?

12 Fresh Encounter
Cleansing by Washing with Water Through the Word
The apostle Paul declared, “Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her, to make her holy, cleansing
her in the washing of water by the word. He did this to present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot
or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless” (Ephesians 5:25-27). The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to
address the sins in our lives and to make us holy and pure. The Spirit also takes God’s promises in Scripture and
works them into our lives to make us like Christ. At the beginning of each unit, you will find Scripture verses
on which we encourage you to meditate. Throughout the week, return to these verses daily and open your heart
to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you about each truth.

Wash Out
Are there actions, behaviors, habits, or sins that need to be cleansed from your life? Your family? Your church?
Confess them to God. Resolutely turn away from those activities and surrender your life to God.

Soak In
Are there biblical truths, beliefs, or promises that God wants you to apply to your life? Whenever you see
something in Scripture that is not yet fully operative in your life, stop and pray that God will work that truth
into your life and into the lives of those around you. Are there behaviors and attitudes that your family or
church needs to adopt?
> Psalm 24:3-5
> Psalm 15:1-5
> Micah 6:8
> 2 Peter 1:3-9
> Titus 2:11-14

Keep the verses above in mind as you work through the Bible studies this week. Use the space below to keep a
list of the specific lessons you learn from your studies and how God is applying these lessons to your life.

14 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening in Wales

Evan Roberts was deeply concerned about the spiritual condition of Wales, his native land. Roberts began his adult
life working at a local coal mine. For 13 years he prayed daily that God would revive the churches of his country. In
1904 Roberts surrendered to God’s call on his life and enrolled in a Bible college. Roberts became actively involved in
a group of students who regularly met to pray for revival and to promote spiritual renewal in area churches.
At the end of a midweek service, Seth Joshua, an evangelist, closed the meeting by praying, “Lord, bend us.” The
Holy Spirit drove those simple words into Evan Roberts’ heart. Over and over Roberts prayed, “O Lord, bend me!”
Roberts sensed God calling him to return to his home church in Loughor to lead the young people in a series of
meetings. The pastor would not allow Roberts to address the entire congregation that had gathered for the weekly
meeting but announced that anyone who wished to remain afterward could hear what Roberts had to say. On that
evening, October 31, 1904, 17 people stayed behind to hear Roberts. His message had four points:

• You must put away any unconfessed sin.

• You must put away any doubtful habit.
• You must promptly obey the Spirit.
• You must publicly confess Christ.1

All 17 people pledged to follow these guidelines. The Holy Spirit began to work powerfully in this group.
Soon crowds were gathering at the church each evening. God’s people began to repent of their sin and renew their
relationship with Him. Unbelievers came to the services, and many put their faith in Christ. Roberts and other
preachers spread out across Wales to speak in churches and saw revival spread. Within two months 70,000 people
had become Christians. Within six months, 100,000 people had been born again and added to the churches.
God’s activity among His people exerted a profound impact on the community at large. Taverns were closed for
lack of business. The crime rate dropped so dramatically that the police had to find new uses for their time. People
repaid delinquent debts and made restitution for thefts and other transgressions. There was even a work slowdown
in the coal mines as the pit ponies reportedly could no longer understand the reformed language of the converted
coal miners! Soon the world took notice of what God was doing in Wales. Before long, similar revival movements
occurred worldwide. It all started when God drew 17 of His people back to Him. Once they returned to God in
complete surrender, their community, then their nation, and ultimately the world felt the impact.

Revival and Spiritual
Two extremely important terms we will study are revival and spiritual
awakening. Both terms have been defined in many different ways. In the space
provided, write your own definitions for both.


Spiritual Awakening:

The word revival can be understood in a variety of ways. It has been used to
describe a series of church meetings held for purposes of evangelism or spiritual
renewal. This term can also refer to a renewed interest in something, such as classical
music or retro car styles. Sometimes the word revival is used to describe a spiritual
What is biblical revival? The word revive consists of two Latin words: re, meaning
Revive means to live again. again, and vive, meaning to live. Therefore, revive means to live again or be brought
back to life, health, or vitality. Revival may describe a return to spiritual health
after a period of decline. Revival is not a creation of life but a return to vigorous life.
Bearing that in mind, we will use revival to describe what God does to His people as
He draws them back into a vibrant relationship with Himself. God revives His people
by convicting them of their sin, leading them to repent and return to Him. Then they
experience the restoration of their spiritual vitality.

Here is a working definition for this study:

Revival is a divinely initiated work in which God’s people pray, repent of their sin,
and return to a holy, Spirit-filled, obedient love relationship with God.

Take a moment and identify at least three key words or phrases in the
definition above. Beside each phrase, make a note of why it is important in
a definition of revival.




16 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Write the four bullet points from Evan Roberts message in the opening
story on a note card and post it somewhere in your home or office as a
daily reminder of remaining pure before God.





What impact would a great revival have on your city?

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening occurs when a large number of people or a high percentage of
a population are born again in a relatively short period of time. In Wales 100,000
people were converted in six months, beginning in 1904. During the 1857-58 revival
in New York, approximately 1 million people joined the churches in one year out of a
national population of 30 million.2 Spiritual awakening generally grows from a period
of revival among God’s people. Some common by-products of spiritual awakenings
are widespread social reform, a marked decrease in crime and unethical behavior, and
improvements in society through the efforts of reinvigorated Christians and churches.

Consider the state of churches today, as well as the condition of your

nation. Do you think there is a current need for revival and spiritual
awakening? Why or why not?

Which statement would you use to describe society today?

[ ] Judgment is imminent without revival.

[ ] Society is desperately wicked.
[ ] There is still time for things to change.
[ ] There is no need for revival at this time.
[ ] God is making significant progress today. “If My people who are
[ ] The need for revival is greatly overstated today.
called by My name will
humble themselves, and
pray and seek My face,
God’s Invitation to Revival
and turn from their wicked
Revival and spiritual awakening are the Lord’s work. God determines the time and ways, then I will hear from
way in which He will revive His people. Yet He has also clearly established the terms heaven, and will forgive
by which He brings revival and spiritual awakening. their sin and heal their
2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJV

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 17

Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 in the margin. What four things does God require of
His people before He will revive them?





When God’s people meet His requirements, what three things does God
promise to do?



We pray that you will 3.

encounter God in such a

Beside each of the three previous answers, place an R beside those that
way that revival will begin
address revival and an S beside those that address spiritual awakening.
with you.

From our vantage point, we believe churches today are desperately in need of revival.
Likewise, countries around the world are in profound need of a spiritual awakening.
God has established His terms. However, God’s people must believe Him and obey
Him. As you study this course, we pray that you will encounter God in such a way
that revival will begin with you.

Encountering God in Prayer

Review 2 Chronicles 7:14. Ask God what you must do to meet the requirements so
that He will forgive your sin and heal your nation. Which portion of the verse should
you focus upon in prayer today? As God brings specific things to your mind, write
them down. Passionately pray that God’s requirements will soon be met in your life.

God’s Pattern for

Revival, Part 1
“I am the Lord, I do not Created for a Love Relationship
change; Therefore you are God created people to experience a love relationship with Him. Tragically, people
not consumed, O sons of
often reject the Creator’s divine invitation by refusing to put their trust in Him. Even
those who once enjoyed fellowship with the Lord can choose to turn away from Him.
Malachi 3:6, NKJV

18 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

That is why people need revival. Although we can leave God on our own volition, we “You will call to Me and
cannot return to Him without His help. come and pray to Me, and
I will listen to you. You will
God’s nature remains constant (Malachi 3:6). He is beyond our human
seek Me and find Me when
understanding, yet He has promised that those who seek Him will find Him
you search for Me with all
(Jeremiah 29:12-13). Although it is impossible to predict exactly what God will do in your heart.”
light of His absolute sovereignty, patterns and principles are found in the Scriptures Jeremiah 29:12-13
and throughout history that help us understand the ways God relates to people. The
following is an overview of the seven stages that occur in revival.

A Cycle of Sin and Revival in the Book of Judges

The Book of Judges presents a clear pattern for revival. As you read this biblical
account, you will observe the repetitive cycle God’s people experienced in their walk
with Him:

1. The people followed God.

“The people worshiped the Lord throughout Joshua’s lifetime and during “You have seen what I did
the lifetimes of the elders who outlived Joshua. They had seen all the Lord’s to the Egyptians and how
great works He had done for Israel.” Judges 2:7 I carried you on eagles’
wings and brought you to
God did not deliver the Israelites from bondage merely so that they could go and live Me. Now is you will listen
to Me and carefully keep
comfortably in the promised land. Rather, God rescued them so that they would
My covenant, you will be
be free to enjoy a special relationship with Him (Exodus 19:4-6).Joshua’s generation
My own possession out of
experienced God’s incredible power exercised on their behalf. Joshua was a strong all the peoples, although
spiritual leader who never wavered in his trust in God. The people he led also chose all the earth is Mine, and
to trust and follow Joshua’s God; as a result, they experienced continual victory. you will be My kingdom of
priests and My holy nation.
2. The people forsook the Lord. These are the words
“The Israelites did what was evil in the Lord’s sight. They worshiped the that you are to say to the
Baals.” Judges 2:11
Exodus 19:4-6

We cannot live on yesterday’s walk with God. Neither our parents’ faith or our own
earlier relationship with Him can serve us in the present. Every day we must choose
to walk with God intimately and obediently. The Israelites had heard their parents
speak of God’s glorious provision and protection, yet turned their devotion elsewhere.
To love anything or anyone more than God is to forsake Him.

What are the things we most often love more than God?

3. God defeated the people through their enemies.

“The Lord’s anger burned against Israel, and He handed them over to
marauders who raided them. He sold them to the enemies around them, so
that they could no longer resist their enemies.” Judges 2:14

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 19

God loves us. He knows our relationship with Him brings life and our rejection of
Him causes death. Therefore, when we stray, He brings whatever is necessary to bear
on our lives so that we return to Him (Deuteronomy 28:25). He does not allow us
to remain comfortable in our sin and rebellion. He removes His hedge of protection
from us and allows us to experience the pain and despair that come with alienation
from our Creator (Isaiah 5:1-7).

4. The people cried out for help.

“They suffered greatly. The Lord was moved to pity whenever they groaned.”
Judges 2:15,18

While prosperity will not generally motivate God’s people to cry out to God,
God is an expert at setting tribulation more often brings us to our knees. Revival begins when people recognize
people free. their sin and their hearts return to God. Only when we realize our desperate need for
God are we in a position to fully enjoy God’s presence in our lives.

5. God had compassion and delivered them.

apostasy: an intentional “The Lord raised up judges, who saved them from the power of their
rebellion or departure from
marauders. The Lord was moved to pity.” Judges 2:16,18
one’s religious beliefs

God is an expert at setting people free. When we cry out to Him, His heart is
“The Israelites did what invariably moved with compassion. Regardless of how many times we reject Him and
was evil in the Lord’s
’s sight; break our promises to Him, His infinite love compels Him to reach out to and save us.
they forgot the Lord their The previous pattern of obedience, apostasy, discipline, despair, deliverance, and
God. … The Lord’s anger restoration was repeated throughout the Book of Judges. Read Judges 3:7-11 as an
burned against Israel, and illustration of this cycle.
He sold them to Cushan-
rishathaim king of Aram
of the Two Rivers, and Reading Judges 3:7-11, what impresses you about the way God’s people
the Israelites served him rejected Him and had to be restored through His intervention? How does
eight years. The Israelites their pattern compare with the way God’s people respond to Him today?
cried out to the Lord. So
the Lord raised up Othniel
… as a deliverer to save
In your own words, write the five stages of the Israelites’ departure and
the Israelites. The Spirit of
return to God, demonstrated in the Book of Judges. Refer to pages 19-20 if
the Lord was on him, and
he judged Israel. Othniel
went out to battle, and 1.
the handed over Cushan-
rishathaim king of Aram 2.
to him, so that Othniel
overpowered him. Then the 3.
land was peaceful for 40
years.” 4.
Judges 3:7-11

20 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Seven Phases of Revival
Throughout this material we will present a sevenfold pattern for revival we find in
Scripture. Notice that the following pattern begins and ends with God, who works in
and through His people to redeem a lost world.

Diagram of Revival

Phase 1: God is on mission to redeem a lost world.

God calls people into a love relationship with Him, and He accomplishes His
work through them. God is constantly working to bring people around the world
into a saving relationship with Himself (see John 3:16). Once we enter a personal “God loved the world in
relationship with God, He shares His heart’s desire for man’s redemption with us and this way: He gave His One
begins to involve us in His mission. As we walk with God, He gives us the desire and and Only Son, so that
the power to serve Him by showing others how they can be saved and serve Him. everyone who believes
in Him will not perish but
God’s primary call on our lives is not to activity but to a relationship with Him.
have eternal life.”
We must fight against the confusion of defining Christianity as a set of activities to be
John 3:16
performed. God desires for us to act according to our faith, but being a “good person”
should be an outworking of our relationship with Him. Only as we walk closely with
God can we receive the divine enabling to accomplish what He asks of us.

Have you been tempted to serve God without walking closely with Him? If
so, what was the result?

Phase 2: God’s people tend to depart from Him, turning to substitutes for His
presence, His purposes, and His ways.
The most destructive condition that plagues God’s people is their chronic tendency
to depart from God. Despite all the heavenly resources and blessings our Lord makes

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 21

available to us, we inexplicably choose to wander from His protection. We are far too
easily enticed by the world’s empty promises and shallow temptations. Tragically, we
jettison our priceless walk with God for whatever captures our momentary interest.
Tragically, we jettison our
priceless walk with God
What are some things in the past that have led you to wander from a close
for whatever captures our
walk with God?
momentary interest.
[ ] Work/business [ ] Addictions
[ ] Selfishness [ ] Laziness
[ ] Pride [ ] Entertainment
[ ] Ignorance of God’s will [ ] Other:

Phase 3: God disciplines His people because of His love.

As His people invariably rebel against Him, God could remain serenely indifferent
to the inevitable plight of His creatures. He could mock our frail attempts to live
independent of Him, knowing the dire consequences we face. But God does not
remain unmoved by His people’s plight. His love compels Him to actively work in
our lives to make the result of sin patently unappealing in order to lead us back to
Himself. God will do whatever is necessary to draw us back to Himself.

It is often difficult for us to associate God’s discipline with His love. Read
Hebrews 12:4-11 and identify whom God disciplines and why.

“You have forgotten the Whom?

exhortation that addresses
you as sons: My son, Why?
do not take the Lord’s
discipline lightly, or faint
when you are reproved
by Him; for the Lord What are some ways God has used to draw you back to Himself when you
disciplines the one He departed from Him?
loves, and punishes every
[ ] Loss of job/income [ ] Health problems
son whom He receives.”
[ ] Relationship turmoil [ ] Emotional pain
Hebrews 12:5-6
[ ] Natural disaster [ ] Other:

Tomorrow we will examine the final four stages of the revival process.

From the first three stages, which stage do you feel you are in right now?

Now give an example from your life when you have been in one of the other
two stages.

22 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Encountering God in Prayer
Reflect on how God led you and worked through your life in the past. Consider times
when you clearly knew God was calling you to serve Him in a particular way. Is there
any way you have departed from Him and His will for you? Would you be able to say
that you are currently in the center of God’s will for your life? Take time to pray and
make certain that today you are walking with God exactly as you should.

God’s Pattern for

Revival, Part 2
Yesterday we examined the first three phases in God’s pattern for revival. Today we
will look at the final four phases.

Without looking back, try to list the first three phases of revival.

Phase 1: God eagerly waits for His

children to return to Him.
Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4: God’s people cry out to Him for help.

God’s discipline becomes increasingly intense until His people cry out to Him. He
is patient and will not force Himself on people or on a church. Like the father of “The son said to him,
the prodigal son, God eagerly waits for His children to return to Him. He seeks ‘Father, I have sinned
the gentle restoration of His people; but if they will not respond, He increases the against heaven and in
intensity of His discipline until they can no longer ignore Him or what He is saying your sight. I’m no longer
(see Deuteronomy 28:15-68). It takes enormous determination and stubbornness to worthy to be called your
son.’ But the father told
refuse to repent and return to God after all He does to draw people back to Himself.
his slaves, ‘Quick! Bring
But consider the attitudes displayed in the parable of the prodigal son. In Luke
out the best robe and put
15:17-19, the wayward son prepares himself to beg for his father’s mercy. He is ready to it on him; put a ring on
be a servant in his father’s house rather than live under the disgrace of his new-found his finger and sandals on
poverty. As he approaches his father, he is met with compassion. He is not even able his feet. Then bring the
to finish his prepared speech to convince his father to accept him into the household. fattened calf and slaughter
Read how, the scene plays out in Luke 15:21-23 in the margin. it, and let’s celebrate with
a feast, because this son of
The father did not desire his son's prepared speech. He only wanted to restore the
mine was dead and is alive
relationship. We should take heart from Jesus’ teaching that when we are prepared to
again; he was lost and is
cry out for God’s mercy, our Heavenly Father is ready to answer. Our hearts should found!’ So they began to
be ready to seek's God's favor the moment we recognize sin in our lives. celebrate.”
Luke 15:21-23

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 23

Check all of the reasons you believe people often have to experience
hardship before they return to God.

[ ] Stubbornness [ ] Ignorance of God’s ways

[ ] Arrogance and pride [ ] Selfishness
[ ] Enjoyment of sin’s pleasures [ ] Other:

Phase 5: God calls His people to repent and return to Him or perish.
Repentance is one of the most positive words in Scripture! It means there is hope for
Repentance is one of the fallen sinners. It signifies that change is possible and there is a remedy for sin. God
most positive words in has given no other options for our relationship with Him. Returning to Him is
Scripture! nonnegotiable. Partial, halfhearted, or delayed repentance are all contradictions in
terms and unacceptable. Refusing to repent invites negative consequences. Godly
repentance, on the other hand, leads to forgiveness and restoration.

Does the word repent normally have a positive or negative connotation for
you? Explain why.

Repentance must occur at the heart level. It is not merely changing our behavior
outwardly while inwardly we are bitter for being caught in our misadventures in
morality. Without returning back to God, He may allow us to suffer under the full
consequences of our sin. These consequences could be the breakdown of relationships,
illness, or even death. Sin is serious and always carries the ability to destroy our lives.

Phase 6: God revives His repentant people by restoring them to a right relationship
with Him.

“Restore the joy of Your Revival is God’s people returning to Him, their source of life. Repentance returns
salvation to me, and give us not to a system but to a person—God! It also brings forgiveness, freedom, and
me a willing spirit.” purity. The ultimate result of repentance is renewed fellowship with God. From this
Psalm 51:12 revitalized relationship flow joy and abundant life (see Psalm 51:12).

Why is the experience of God’s forgiveness so powerful?

List evidence in your life that you have been restored to a right relationship
with God (for example, joy, peace, understanding Scripture)?

Phase 7: God exalts His Son, Jesus, among His people and draws unbelievers to
saving faith in Him.
When God’s people are rightly related to Him, He displays His glory through their
lives to a watching world. Spiritual awakening becomes a natural by-product of a

24 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

revived people. God receives glory when His people walk closely and obediently with
Him. Nonbelievers take notice and are drawn to the God who is being glorified.

Do you find it easy and natural to witness to nonbelievers? Yes No

If you answered no, take time to examine your life. List areas of your life
in which Jesus is not being glorified through your actions or attitudes.
Beside each item you list, write how you plan to change.

List three persons with whom you would like to share the gospel.




God’s Purpose for Revival

We should learn to identify the seven phases because of God’s purpose in bringing
revival to His people. Knowing that we are given to wander from Him, God has
prepared for our return. There are two primary reasons revival is critical for believers.
1. God takes delight in our love, and He receives glory from our worship of and
obedience to Him. If we have strayed, revival brings us back to walk closely
with God so that our lives are pleasing to Him once more.
2. G od chooses to accomplish His redemptive purposes through consecrated
people. To be useful to Him, we must walk closely with Him.

God is not indifferent to our departure from Him. He will pursue us and do whatever
is necessary to bring us back into a loving, obedient relationship with Himself.

What are the two purposes of revival?


2. “ ‘Now, because you

have done all these
God Pursues a Love Relationship things’—this is the Lord’s
declaration—‘and because
Life’s greatest mystery is why God loves His rebellious creation. Why does God I have spoken to you time
continue to reach out to a stubborn, arrogant, foolish people? Why would He pay and time again but you
the ultimate price to obtain redemption for people who were oblivious to what He wouldn’t listen, and I have
was doing? Why would the God of heaven care whether His people choose to have called to you, but you
fellowship with Him (see Jeremiah 7:13)? But God does care! wouldn’t answer.’ ”
Jeremiah 7:13
Christian history testifies that God’s amazing love causes people’s hearts to melt
in shame and remorse for the calloused way they have responded to His compassion.

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 25

David Brainerd, an 18th-century missionary to the American Indians, claimed it was
his preaching on God’s love that reduced his listeners to tears rather than his sermons
on God’s judgment.3 Even a glimpse of God’s incredible love for us should drive us to
our knees in awe and profound gratitude. Likewise, we should grieve when we realize
we have not responded to such love from God.

What thoughts come to your mind as you consider all God has done to
reach out to you?

Recall a recent time when you experienced God’s forgiveness for one of
your failings. Place a check mark beside the word(s) that describe the

[ ] Hope [ ] Love [ ] Peace [ ] Comfort

[ ] Help [ ] Relief [ ] Gratitude [ ] Other:

How should a recognition of God’s love for us change the way we live?

God Calls People to Join Him in His Work

Besides revitalizing our relationship with the Lord, revival also prepares us to carry
out God’s will. Throughout history God has brought people into close relationships
Christians are called by
with Him so that they became useful instruments in His hand to redeem a lost world.
God for His pleasure and
His purposes.
In Christ, God established a new covenant with a new people—the church. This
relationship is based on faith, not on keeping the law. Through Peter, God echoed His
promise given to the Hebrews long before:
“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His
possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out
of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

Christians are called by God for His pleasure and His purposes. God intends for
them to shine the light of Christ in a spiritually dark world. He wants the church
“The Spirit Himself testifies to continue what He began with the people of Israel. God continues in His quest to
together with our spirit redeem a lost world. Let’s look at some ways God uses His church to accomplish His
that we are God’s children, redemptive activity.
and if children, also heirs—
heirs of God and co-heirs We are a chosen generation.
with Christ—seeing that we
As God’s people, we are chosen to be trophies of His amazing grace. We are set
suffer with Him so that we
apart, not because we deserve it but because we belong to Him. We are not our own
may also be glorified with
Him.” but privileged to belong to God's family (see Romans 8:16-17)! As our Father, God
Romans 8:16-17 deserves and expects our obedience to His purposes to redeem our generation.

26 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

We are a royal priesthood.
God did not establish a kingdom with a priesthood—a population ministered to by a
few priests who know the secrets of relating to Almighty God. Rather, every believer
is a royal priest who enjoys constant access to God. Royal implies that each person has
a direct relationship with the King and belongs in the royal family. During biblical
times the priests equipped God’s people to properly worship and serve God. The
priest also brought a word from God to the people and represented the people before
God. We have the exalted assignment and high privilege to act as God’s ambassadors.

We are a holy nation.

The word holy means set apart for God’s exclusive use. We are to be separated from
the values and ways of the world. Our outlook on life should be different from
unbelievers. We are to reflect God, His character, and His ways. We are commanded
to live honorably among unbelievers so they will glorify God (see 1 Peter 2:11-12).
But today’s church is not impacting the world for God's kingdom. Just as the
Israelites forgot their calling and became entangled in worldly values and pursuits,
Christians today are disoriented to what God asks of them. Churches continue
holding services, building larger buildings, and launching new programs; but the
world becomes increasingly dark and hostile to God. We desperately need reviving.

How does the perspective of your identity as a “royal priest” change the
way you relate to other believers?

Many unbelievers today say they have rejected the claims of Christianity
because of the way Christians live their lives. What are some ways God’s
people repel unbelievers from God instead of drawing them to Him?

God is on mission to redeem a lost world. He could use any method but has chosen to
work through a people consecrated to Himself. When God’s people turn away from
their covenant relationship with Christ, they are no longer prepared to serve God and
bring Him glory. God disciplines them to draw them back to Himself. Once God’s
people repent and return to Him, He forgives them and uses them once again to
accomplish His purposes. God takes our relationship with Him extremely seriously
because it gives our lives meaning and purpose as we relate to Him and serve Him.

Encountering God in Prayer

Take a moment to reflect on what kind of priest you have been for God. Have
you been faithful, always prepared to follow His leadership? Have you been royal,
reflecting the King you serve? Have you been holy, keeping yourself untainted by the
world so that you could be a consecrated instrument in God’s hand? If you have not,

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 27

pray and ask God to consecrate you afresh for his service. If you have been serving
God faithfully, ask God to take your consecration and your service to a deeper level.

Revival for All People

The Shantung Revival
In the 1920s Christian missionaries in north China were grieved over the
lethargic condition of their churches. Members showed little interest for spiritual
concerns. They began to wonder if many of the people in the churches had accepted
Christianity intellectually but had never been spiritually born again. They began to
devote one day a month to praying together for revival.
In March 1927 the Chinese Southern Revolutionary Army burned Nanking, and
missionaries were ordered to Chefoo for possible evacuation. While the missionaries
were together, waiting to learn whether they could continue their work, they began to
study the Scriptures and ask the Lord why they had been removed from their field.
Some of the displaced missionaries asked Marie Monsen, an evangelical Lutheran
missionary from Norway, to join their prayer meetings. God used her to challenge
them to get right with Him. The group spent days before God confessing every
known sin. They were reconciled with one another as God drew His people back to
Himself. Marie asked the missionaries three penetrating questions:

1. Have you been born of the Spirit?

2. What evidence do you have of the new birth?
3. Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit?4

What are your answers to Marie Monsen’s three questions?




plumb line: a cord with

The hunger for spiritual vitality caused the missionaries to do much soul-searching.
a lead weight at the end
One missionary, observed, “We felt an electric excitement, a feeling that God was
to determine a straight
perpendicular line preparing us for something we had never known before.”5 Once God’s people drew
close to Him, He used them to powerfully impact China for Christ.
God set His plumb line against the lives of the Chinese church leaders, and they
saw how short they fell of His expectations. An evangelist for 25 years, Mr. Chow,
realized he was trusting in his good works for salvation but not in Christ. He gave his
life to Christ and henceforth refused to be paid for his preaching.6 Lucy Wright, a
missionary nurse for 9 years, realized she had only joined the church but had not been

28 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

born again. She turned her life over to Christ for the first time.7 By 1932 thousands of
people in China were coming to Christ. One example was a school where six hundred
girls and nine hundred of one thousand boys professed faith in Christ in 10 days.
Revival produces exponential results. New converts went everywhere telling
people what Jesus had done for them. Those who turned to Christ took down
their “house gods” and burned them. The hearts of God’s people were full of praise
and thanksgiving. Joyful singing filled the services. New hymns were written, and
Scriptures were put to music. Believers developed an insatiable hunger for God’s
Word. Classes met nightly to study the Bible. Enrollment in Bible schools and
seminaries dramatically increased. Spiritually stagnant churches were reinvigorated.
Church attendance multiplied, and members enthusiastically participated in worship,
prayer, and discipleship. Prayer meetings lasted two or three hours as people were
reconciled with God and prayed for unbelievers. Broken families and relationships
were healed.8 Once God’s people realized how far they had drifted from Him, they
enthusiastically returned, and soon vast regions of China felt the impact.

Marie Monsen asked three simple questions. Why did they have such a
dramatic impact on the missionaries and churches in China?

Once people have their

relationships with God
List some of the ways revival impacted churches in China during the made right, their other
Shantung Revival. relationships are inevitably

The Shantung Revival affected people in China in a variety of ways. From the saving
of the lost to the mending of families to the reinvigorating of stagnant churches—
God impacted China. When God brings revival, every human relationship can be
restored to the way God intends. Once people have their relationships with God
made right, their other relationships are inevitably affected.

Revival Impacts Individuals

God intends for individuals to enjoy close communion with Him. When people One individual, no matter
like Joseph, Elijah, David, Mary, Peter, or Paul walked closely with God, they not how ordinary, who is
only experienced God’s joy, peace, and power but also witnessed God doing amazing totally surrendered and
things in and through their lives. One individual, no matter how ordinary, who is consecrated to God,
can become a powerful
totally surrendered and consecrated to God, can become a powerful instrument in
instrument in His hand.
His hand.
Sin, however, impairs our fellowship with God and hampers our effectiveness
in doing His work. Out of His grace, God chose to walk with David and bless him.
Ultimately, God raised the lowly shepherd boy to become a king and a great blessing

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 29

to his people. Then David grievously sinned against God and against Uriah. This
is how David described the consequence of his sin:
“When I kept silent, my bones became brittle
from my groaning all day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy on me;
my strength was drained as in the summer’s heat.”
“Do not banish me from Psalm 32:3-4
Your presence or take
Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore the joy of Your Read Psalm 51:11-12 in the margin. When David repented of his sin, God forgave him
salvation to me, and give and restored His presence and joy in David’s life.
me a willing spirit.”
Psalm 51:11-12 How did David feel when he was estranged from God because of his sin?

What feelings have you experienced when you held on to your sin?

Revival Impacts Families

God designed the family to be a source of joy, peace, refuge, and safety. In the context
of family, a husband and a wife can experience a loving, trusting relationship (see
Genesis 2:24-25). When God called Abraham, He promised to use his family to be
a blessing to all the families of the earth (see Genesis 12:3). The family is the primary
“ ‘As for Me, this is My
setting where God wants children to be taught about Him (see Deuteronomy 6:6-9).
covenant with them,’ says
the Lord: ‘My Spirit who
God’s truths and promises are to be passed down from one generation to the next (see
is on you, and My words Isaiah 59:21).
that I have put in your However, sin erects barriers between husbands and wives (see Genesis 3:7). Sin
mouth, will not depart from leads to anger, even murder (see Genesis 4:8). It causes adultery and divorce between
your mouth, or from the spouses and estrangement between children and parents (see Matthew 19:3-9). When
mouth of your children,
God brings revival, marriages are restored and broken families are mended. Only
or from the mouth of your
God can soften the hearts of spouses, parents, and children (see Malachi 4:6). He can
children’s children, from
now on and forever,’ says
empower them to forgive one another and equip them to love as Christ loves.
the Lord.”
Isaiah 59:21 What do you think would happen to your family if God brought revival?

Revival Impacts Churches

Christ is the head of the church (see Colossians 1:18) and is the one who builds the
church (see Matthew 16:18). God adds people to the body as it pleases Him so that
members are interdependent with one another (see 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). God
intends for congregations to be united in caring for one another and in boldly sharing
their faith (see Acts 4:31-33).

30 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Why do churches dwindle and die? They lose sight of their purpose and neglect
their relationship with the head of their church. Sin causes division among members.
Churches can become so focused on gaining numbers, collecting offerings, or
building buildings that they forget that Christ should receive glory from all the
churches do. Congregations can become like the church at Laodicea, which claimed,
“I’m rich; I have become wealthy, and need nothing.” Yet this church did not realize
that God saw them as “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).
Just as sin binds individuals and families, it deceives and destroys congregations. Just as sin binds
individuals and families,
When the church in Ephesus needed revival, the risen Christ cautioned:
it deceives and destroys
“Remember then how far you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first.
Otherwise I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place—unless
you repent” (Revelation 2:5).

Why was repentance so important as the first step for the church
at Ephesus?

What are some reasons churches get off track from what God originally
called them to do?

What might it take for churches to return to God’s plan for them?

Revival Impacts Nations

Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) again to see what it says about reviving nations:
"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and
pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear
from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

How would you describe the spiritual and moral condition of your nation
today? Circle all that apply:
Healthy Desperately sick Experiencing God’s judgment
Deceived Needs reform Continually becoming more depraved
Blind Beyond hope Experiencing revival
Apathetic Close to judgment

Did you notice what God said must happen before the land would be healed? He
did not say, “When the media experience positive changes” or “When government
is reformed.” God did not even say, “When Christians pray for their nation to be
revived.” The Lord made it clear that the nation would be healed when God’s people
repented of their sin. The reason nations need revival is that God’s people have not
been the salt and light God intended for them to be (see Matthew 5:13-16). When

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 31

Christians see how wicked their nation is becoming, it is not the time to point a
condemning finger at unbelievers. Rather, it ought to break Christians’ hearts that
their presence is not making a more significant difference in their land. It should not
be surprising when unbelievers behave according to their nature. It is tragic when
It should not be surprising Christians do not act according to theirs.
when unbelievers behave
according to their nature. In what ways should the church have a strong spiritual impact on
It is tragic when Christians the nation?
do not act according to

Why do unbelievers often exert a more powerful influence over a

nation than believers do?

Revival is a return to the life God originally provided. For individual Christians,
it brings them back to the state of enthusiastic obedience to their Lord they had
when they first became followers of Christ. Revival returns the spiritual life and
vitality they once enjoyed before sin robbed them of it. For families, it is returning to
God’s intention when He first fashioned them into families. It involves restoration,
Revival is a return to the forgiveness, and reestablishing a pure commitment to follow Christ. For churches, it
life God originally provided. is a return to God’s purpose when He first assembled the congregation. It involves
corporate repentance by His people. Finally, national revival happens when God’s
people return to Him and unbelievers feel the impact of God’s presence and work.
Tomorrow we will examine the symptoms of a person or group’s need for revival.

Encountering God in Prayer

Take time to examine your Christian walk. If you’ve kept a journal, review your
spiritual journey. Are you as close to God now as you have ever been? Are your
marriage and family fulfilling every purpose God has for them? Is Christ being
glorified in your church? Is your nation conducting itself in such a way that God
would be pleased to bless it? If not, spend time in prayer, asking God to show you in
what ways you and others must return to God.

Where Are You?

Revival in Korea
According to Jonathan Goforth, the Korean revival of 1907 began when the Central
Presbyterian Church held an eight-day series of meetings for universal prayer. Many
of its members sensed that God was about to renew the church, yet each meeting
concluded in the normal fashion. As the final service drew to a close, Elder Keel

32 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

suddenly rose to his feet. People were startled when this greatly respected church
leader confessed, “I am an Achan.”8 (See Joshua 7.) He tearfully admitted that a Achan: an Israelite who
disobeyed God and
year earlier he had managed the financial affairs of a deceased friend’s widow. In
brought judgment upon all
the process he stole some of the estate’s money. He admitted his sin, vowed to make
of Israel in Joshua 7
immediate restitution, and acknowledged that his sin was hindering the Spirit’s
work in their church. Immediately, a powerful conviction of sin swept over the
congregation, and people lined up to confess their sins. Revival burst forth.
Keel had faithfully served the Lord for years and was highly respected by his
congregation. But he had fallen. Sin had crept into his life through what he perceived
to be a small act. No one had discovered his dishonesty, yet he knew his spiritual
vitality had waned. He was a faithful church member, but he lacked God’s blessing
until he confessed his sin. Then the Holy Spirit immediately convicted many others in Revival came to the church
the church that they had allowed sin into their lives and were no longer experiencing and then spread out to
God’s power. Revival came to the church and then spread out to the nation when one the nation when one man
man was willing to confess and repent of his sin. was willing to confess and
repent of his sin.
God Used an Ordinary Businessperson
When God approached Abraham, it was not merely to have fellowship with Him.
God intended to use Abraham’s life to bless generations to come. The Bible tells us
that God invited Abraham to become involved in accomplishing His purposes.

Look up and read Genesis 12:1-3; 17:1,7-9. Answer the following questions.

Who is the focus of these Scriptures—God or Abraham?

In Genesis 17:1 how was Abraham to walk before God?

“Moses went up the
mountain to God, and the
Lord called to him from
the mountain: ‘This is what
Describe the effect God’s covenant with Abraham was to
have on Abraham’s children. you must say to ... the
Israelites: You have seen
what I did to the Egyptians
and how I carried you on
In calling Abraham, God was setting His plan in motion to redeem an entire world. eagles’ wings and brought
you to Me. Now if you will
God told Abraham to follow Him, to be blameless, and to teach his children to
listen to Me and carefully
follow God. God kept His promises and built Abraham’s descendants into a nation.
keep My covenant, you will
Ultimately, the Lord brought salvation to all humanity through one of Abraham’s be My own possession out
descendants—Christ. of all the peoples … and
Throughout history God has called people to Himself so that He had a holy you will be My kingdom
people through whom to work. When God delivered the Israelites from slavery in of priests and My holy
Egypt, it was not so that they could become wealthy and comfortable in the promised nation.’ ”
Exodus 19:3-6
land. Read the call God gave His people in Exodus 19:3-6 (in the margin).

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 33

We know God brought the Israelite people to a land of prosperity, but more
importantly, God said, “I ... brought you to Me.” God’s plan for Israel was not
primarily a place but a relationship. That is what made them unique from any other
people. From their relationship with God, the Israelites would be God’s special
messengers of salvation to the entire world.

Who have been the ordinary people God has used to express His love and
message of salvation to you?

See if you can list, from memory, the seven phases of revival. If you can’t
remember them all, look back at the diagram on page 21.








Now put a check mark beside the stage that best describes your present
spiritual condition.

The phases of revival are cyclical. We begin by walking closely, excitedly, and
obediently with Christ. But then sin lures our trust away from God and toward
substitutes. Even as we turn away from God, He relentlessly pursues us and attempts
to draw us back to Himself. God said to His people, through His prophet Jeremiah:
“ ‘I did give them this command: Obey Me, and then I will be your God,
and you will be My people. You must walk in every way I command you
so that it may go well with you.’ Yet they didn’t listen or pay attention but
walked according to their own advice and according to their own stubborn,
evil heart. They went backward and not forward. Since the day your
ancestors came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have sent all My
servants the prophets to you time and time again.” Jeremiah 7:23-25

What does this Scripture indicate about God?

34 Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

What does this Scripture indicate about God’s people?

When people do not respond to God’s loving appeals, He disciplines them. God
has numerous ways to reprimand His people. He can allow defeat in our lives
or disasters. He can afflict our health or remove our prosperity. Because God is
sovereign over nature, He can use it to gain His people’s attention. God’s intent is
to make any substitute for God so undesirable that we return to Him. When our
discomfort becomes unbearable, we repent and cry out to God for deliverance. Then
God forgives and delivers by restoring us to a healthy relationship with Himself.
Afterward we are in a place to be useful to Him in accomplishing His divine purposes.
Unfortunately, it often does not take long before we allow sin to reenter our lives as
the cycle of rebellion and return repeats itself.
As you continue in this study, keep in mind that this is not merely a picture of
the way ancient people walked with God. A study of revival is more relevant than
A study of revival is more
reading this morning’s newspaper. People need revival today as much as they did two relevant than reading this
thousand years ago. It is our prayer that your heart will be sensitive to all that the morning’s newspaper.
Holy Spirit will say to you through this study. Though you may have begun this study
with a concern for your children or church or nation, revival always begins with you.
Once we are rightly related to God, He works through us to accomplish His
redemptive purposes for our family and church and nation. If you decided to
undertake this study so that you could understand how God might revive others, you
have missed the point. Revival begins with us. So open your heart and mind to all
God wants to do in your life and then watch and see how God uses your submissive
life to draw others to Himself.

Encountering God in Prayer

Turn to page 21 and look at the diagram of the seven phases of revival. Identify where
your life presently lines up. Ask yourself, Where would God see my life right now?
Prayerfully ask the Lord how your life has come to be where it is spiritually. Was there
a particular sin you allowed into your life? Have you disobeyed Him? What must you
do to return to a healthy, vibrant walk with God once again? Do it today.

1. Malcom McDow and Alvin Reid, Firefall: How God Has Shaped History Through Revivals (Nashville:
B&H Publishing Group, 1997), 278.
2. Arthur Strickland, The Great American Revival (Cincinnati, OH: Standard Press, 1934), 16.
3. Jonathan Edwards, The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Pennsylvania: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1834),
4. Bertha Smith, Go Home and Tell (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 1995), 43.
5. C. L. Culpepper, The Shantung Revival (n.p., n.d.), 9.
6. Smith, Go Home and Tell, 44–45.
7. Ibid., 48–50.
8. Adapted from Culpepper, The Shantung Revival, and Smith, Go Home and Tell. See these books for
more information.
9. Jonathan Goforth, When the Spirit’s Fire Swept Korea (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House,
1958), 8.

Unit 1: God's Pattern for Revival and Spiritual Awakening 35

Session 1
Small-Group Discussion Guide

Open in prayer.
Ahead of time, ask someone to be prepared to pray. Invite prayer requests and ask the group for prayer requests
that pertain to personal and corporate revival. Listen for how God is presently working in their lives through
the study so that the group will know how to pray for them. Once people have had an opportunity to share, call
on the person appointed to pray.
Before you began this week’s study, what were your views of revival and spiritual
awakening? Has your perspective changed in any way after the first week?

What was most intriguing, challenging, or offensive as you began this study on revival?

View Session 1 of the Teaching DVD

Truths to Remember

Scriptures to Read

Quotes to Remember

Actions to Take

If you missed this session, go to to download this and any other session of
Fresh Encounter.

36 Session 1: Small-Group Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide
In the introduction to our homework, the story of Evan Roberts and Seth Joshua was told. Remember that
Evan Roberts asked the people who stayed after the service to pray about four issues. They were:
• You must put away any unconfessed sin.
• You must put away any doubtful habit.
• You must promptly obey the Spirit.
• You must publicly confess Christ.
What is your personal reaction to being confronted by these issues?

Read 2 Chronicles 7:14. What are God’s people called upon to do when seeking God’s
reviving power?

Discuss the seven stages of revival from the diagram on page 21. What stage do you feel is the most
common one for churches to be in today?

Discuss the Blackabys’ definition of revival: “Revival is a divinely initiated work in which God’s people
pray, repent of their sin, and return to a holy, Spirit-filled, obedient love relationship with God.”
Why do God’s people struggle to be faithful to our God who loves us so deeply?

What are some reasons for which churches tend to depart from God?

Invite people to share an experience they have had with one of the seven phases of revival. You don’t need
to evaluate or correct their sharing. Just ask questions to help clarify what they experienced.

Read 1 Peter 2:9 and discuss God's calling on the lives of believers. How will understanding our calling
reorient a Christian to live in a closer relationship to Christ?

In day 3 you listed persons with whom you would like to share the gospel. Ask a volunteer to give the first
name of someone on their list and to pray for that person.

Day 4 discussed how revival can come to all levels of human interaction, beginning with the individual
and extending to an entire nation.
Which of the four categories—individual, family, church, or nation—most intrigues you? Why?

How would our community and city operate differently if revival came to our church?

Invite people to share, in light of the first week’s study, what they sense God may want to do in their lives,
their families, their church, and their nation.

Close in prayer.

Session 1: Small-Group Discussion Guide 37

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