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CHAPTER ONE ‘’ THE CONCEPT OF INVESTMENT REITs invest in commercial or residential properties and pay Institutional Investors, also

Institutional Investors, also called as Retail Investor or Small

regular distributions to their investors from the rental income Investor’’
Investing – is a means of gradually increasing one’s wealth. The received from these properties. REITs trade on stock exchanges
fundamental tenet of investing is the expectation of a positive and thus offer their investors the advantage of instant liquidity. - They are also someone who invest in securities and
return in the form of income or statistically significant price assets on their own, usually is smaller quantities.
appreciation. V. ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS - Alternative investments is a - They typically buy stocks in round numbers such as 25,
catch-all category that includes hedge funds and private equity. 50, 75 or 100. The stocks they buy are part of their
The main goal of investing - is to create a profit over a Hedge funds are so-called because they can hedge their
predetermined time period or to acquire an additional source of portfolio and do not represent those of any
investments bets by going long and short on stocks and other
income. organization.
investments. - Private equity enables companies to raise capital
without going public. Hedge funds and private equity were - They are also known as ‘’retail investors’’ , an
Investing is the process of buying financial assets with the typically only available to affluent investors deemed ‘’accredited professional investors who buys and sells securities or
potential to increase in value while controlling risk and following a investors’’ who met certain income and net worth requirements. funds that contain a basket of securities
long-term investment strategy However, in recent years, alternative investments have been
introduced in fund formats that bare accessible to retail investors.  Return of capital
What is Investing?
 Return on capital
VI. OPTIONS and OTHER DERIVATIVES - Derivatives are financial  Liquidity
- investing is the process of using money to invest for a
instruments that derive their value from another instrument, such
while in projects or endeavors with the goal of making
as stock or index. Options contracts are popular derivative that I. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT - Investment management is the
a profit (i.e., profits that surpass the amount of the
gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell practice of managing assets to achieve specified investment goals.
initial investment)
security at a fixed price within a specific time period. Derivatives
- EEBNIt is the process of distributing resources, most The assets in questions are frequently liquid or categorized as
usually employ leverage, making them a high-risk, high-reward
commonly capital, or money, with the goal of making a securities but can include other commodities
profit or achieving other objectives
VII. COMMODITIES - Commodities include metals, oil, grain and
• TYPES OF INVESTMENTS management services include managing portfolios of various
animal products, as well as financial instruments and currencies.
They can either be traded through commodity futures- which are investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other
I. STOCKS - A buyer of a company’s stock becomes a fractional
agreements to buy or sell a specific quantity of a commodity at a securities, to generate returns over the long term.
owner of that company. Owners of a company’s stock are known
as its shareholder and can participate in its growth and success specified price on a particular future date- or ETFs. Commodities
can be used for hedging risk or for speculative purposes These services often offer a range of options to help clients
through appreciation in the stock price and regular dividends paid
achieve their financial goals, including:
out of the company’s profits.
a. ASSET ALLOCATION - Asset allocation divides an investment
II. BONDS - Bonds are debt obligations of entities, such as
• Investing involves deploying capital (money) toward projects or portfolio among various asset categories, such as stocks, bonds,
government, municipalities, and corporations. Buying a bond
activities that are expected to generate a positive return over and cash
implies that you hold a share of an entity’s debt and are entitled
to receive periodic interest payments and the return of the
bond’s face value when it matures. b. FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS - Financial statement
• The type of return generated depends on the type of project or analysis is an essential process that aids decision making. External
asset; real estate can produce both rents and capital gains; many
III. FUNDS - Funds are pooled instruments managed by stakeholders gain insights into an organization’s overall health
stocks pay quarterly dividends; bonds tend to pay regular interest.
investment managers that enable investors to invest in stocks, and value by examining a company’s financial statements.
bonds, preferred shares, commodities, etc. • In investing, risk and return are two sides of the same coin, low
c. STOCK SELECTION - A stock selection strategy could be ideal for
risk generally means low expected returns, while higher returns
Two types of funds investors looking to maximize gains. One can leverage those
are usually accompanied by higher risk.
perceived advantages without hedging or diversifying into
Mutual funds do not trade on an exchange and like, stocks, are
• Investors can take the do-it-yourself approach or employ the different industries by purchasing stocks and placing them in a
valued constantly throughout the trading day.
services of a professional money manager. portfolio based on their strengths.
ETFs - trade on stock exchanges and, like stocks, are valued
• Whether buying a security qualifies as investing or speculation d. INVESTMENT MONITORING - Tracking investments and
constantly throughout the trading day.
depends on three factors- the amount of risk taken, the holding measuring the portfolio’s performance compared to measurable
IV. INVESTMENT TRUSTS period, and the source of returns. objectives is essential.
- Trust are another type of pooled investment. Real Estate
CHAPTER TWO ‘’INTRODUCTION TO INVESTMENT e. Portfolio Strategy and Implementation- Must be able to select,
Investment Trusts (REIT’s) are one of the most popular in this
category. MANAGEMENT’’ prioritize, and overseas programs and projects that adhere to the
organization’s strategic objectives and delivery capacity
What is an Individual Investor? - ‘’An individual who purchases
small amounts of securities for themselves, as opposed to an
11 . Purchase or Lease the appropriate Investment Company
IV. OPERATING AN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY You will need a computer, a phone, an internet connection, and
Starting your investment firm can be quite profitable. You can promotional materials to establish your own investment
succeed with proper preparation, execution, and hard effort. company.
1. SELECT A NAME FOR YOUR INVESTMENT COMPANY 12. Create Marketing Materials for your Investment Company
- The first step in establishing your investment firm is to select a - You will need marketing materials to acquire and retain clients
unique business name. for your investment firm.
2. Create a Business Plan for your Investment Company 13. Purchase and Install the software the required to
- Developing your plan guarantees you thoroughly understand run your investment firm
your market and strategy. The strategy also includes a road map You will need a financial analysis program to make
for you to follow and, if necessary, submit to funding sources to informed selections regarding which stock markets to
raise funds for your firm. invest in.
3. Choose your Investment Company’s Legal Structure
14. Open for Business
- Select a business structure for your investment firm and register
- You are now prepared to start your investment firm.
III. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INVESTMENT it, as well as your business name, with the Secretary of State in
MANAGEMENT each state where you do business.
4. Obtain Start up Capital for your Investment Company Chapter Three: Portfolio Management
BOOST INCOME COSTLY - Personal savings, family and friends, credit card financing, bank
Investment managers can Investment management services loans, crowdsourcing and angel investors are the primary sources Portfolio Mnagement – the art and science of selecting
help to increase the income can be expensive in the form of of finance for an investment firm to consider. and overseeing a group of investments that meet the
from an investment high expense ratios and sales long term financial objectives and risk tolerance of a
portfolio by identifying charges. 5. Choose a location for your company client, a company,or an institution
investments with higher - When looking for a place for your investment firm, finding a
returns and implementing location that will benefit your organization is critical such as a city Active Portfolio management - requires strategically
strategies to maximize with a robust economy receptive to new enterprises. buying and selling stocks and other assets in an effort
income. to beat the performance of the broader market.
6. Register your Investment Company with the Internal Revenue
Minimizes Tax Liabilities Management Abuses Passive portfolio management- seeks to match the
Service (IRS)
Investment managers can In some cases, investment returns of the market by mimicking the make up of an
-You must register your company with the IRS, which result in the
help minimize tax liabilities managers may abuse their index or indexes.
by reducing taxes on position and engage in unethical IRS awarding you an Employer Identification Number (EIN)
investment income and or illegal practices, such as insider PASSIVE vs ACTIVE i. PASSIVE MANAGEMENT - Is the long-term
7. Establish a Business Bank Account
short term or long-capital trading or misinterpreting set-it-and-forget-it approach. Purchasing one or more exchange-
- Opening a bank account in the name of your investing
gains. investment risks. traded fund (ETF) index funds could be part of it. This is
organization is critical.
Reduces Risks Volatile Investments sometimes known as index investment or indexing. Modern
Investment managers can Investments in financial markets 8. Apply for a Business Credit Card portfolio theory (MPT) can assist those who construct indexed
help to manage risk in are subject to volatility and can - To help you separate personal and company costs, you could portfolios in optimizing the mix. ii. ACTIVE MANAGEMENT -
an investment portfolio by lose value. Investment managers obtain a corporate credit card for investing firm. Involves actively purchasing and disposing of individual stocks and
diversifying investments and may be unable to prevent or other assets in an effort to outperform an index. Generally
implementing strategies to mitigate losses in all cases. 9. Obtain the necessary Business Licenses Permits speaking, closed-end funds are actively managed.
reduce volatility. - To establish an investing firm, you must first register with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and obtain the Discretionary Management - This type of portfolio management
Outperforms the Market
necessary state securities license. allows professionals to make decisions about a client's holdings
Investment managers can
without the need for ongoing authorization from the investor.
help to outperform the 10. Purchase Commercial Insurance for your Investment
market by actively managing Company Non-Discretionary Management - This approach requires the
an investment portfolio and -The sort of insurance required to run your investment firm is investor to be actively involved in every decision, including what
making informed investments are bought and sold.
determined by the type of business you run.
investment decisions.
 Portfolio Selection - This involves an investor deciding repay its debt on time. This will lead to good credit rating. Credit
which assets to include in their portfolio. It requires risk is the result of deteriorating financial health of the company.
KEY ELEMENTS OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT I. ASSET balancing risk and return expectations while iv. Liquidity Risk- This is the result of the business not being able
ALLOCATION - refers to the placement of assets within accounting for external factors, such as inflation to earn good revenue to meet its financial obligations and
various accounts, such as tax-advantaged or taxable and taxes, to ensure a favorable outcome. maintain high working capital.
accounts. is based on the understanding that different types of  Portfolio Implementation - Poorly timed and managed v. Interest Risk Rate – The fluctuation in the interest rates in an
assets do not move in concert, and some are more volatile than portfolio executions can result in significant transaction economy can affect the business’s borrowing capacity. vi.
others. A mix of assets provides balance and protects against risk costs. When executing a portfolio, it is essential to Inflation- The inflation leads to erosion of value of the cash flow in
consider both explicit and implicit costs. future.
II. DIVERSIFICATION - Involves spreading the risk and reward of TYPES OF RETURN
individual securities within assets class, or between asset classes. 3.Feedback
i. Capital gains- The value of any wise investment will increase
III. REBALANCING - It is used to return a portfolio to its original  Monitoring and Rebalancing - A portfolio over time. Therefore, if the assets are sold later on, their worth
target allocation at regular intervals, usually annually. This is done manager should regularly monitor and evaluate will be higher than their acquisition price, resulting in a capital
to reinstate the original asset mix when the movements of the risk exposures within the portfolio to rebalance it gain.
markets force it out of kilter. according to the strategic asset allocation. ii. Dividends- they are a steady source of income for investors
 Performance Evaluation - Evaluating a portfolio who invest in shares of companies giving regular dividends which
IV. TAX-EFFICIENCY - A potentially material aspects of portfolio using absolute and relative returns gives a are a part of the profits set aside for investors.
management relates to how your portfolio is shaped to minimize complete picture of its strengths and iii. Interest- Borrowers like individuals or corporates borrow
taxes in the long term. This pertains to how different retirement weaknesses. money for meeting expenses or capital requirements. The lenders
accounts are used, how long securities are held on for, and which
give the funds to get interest on the principal amount which is a
securities are held. Chapter FOUR: Risk and Return of Investment return on investment for the lenders. iv. Rental Income- Any
property rented out can earn rent on a regular basis, which is also
Financial Risk and Return - in investing are perhaps the most
a return in the real estate property.
crucial parameters considered by investors while choosing an
v. Return from currency trading- Profits earned from trading in
investment option
exchange rates by using the difference is exchange rate of
Risk - can be defined as the uncertainty related to the investment, different currency is also a form of return for those who do
market, or company. Investors want profits, and the risks can currency trading.
potentially reduce the profits, sometimes even making a loss for
1. Planning them.

 Identification of Objectives and Constraints - Identify Return on investment, or ROI. - It can be defined as the monetary
the investment objectives, which refer to any desired profits from making a particular investment. Individuals should
outcomes for the client regarding return and risk. ideally favor investments that yield larger returns, such as equities
 Investment Policy Statement - Draft an of companies like Google, Amazon, etc
effective investment policy statement that provides
Risk and Return in Financial Management
valuable direction for investors' resource allocation
decisions. High risk – High returns
 Capital Market Expectations - To help investors assess
the potential investment returns and determine the Low risk – Low returns
long-term outlook, formulate expectations for risk and
return of various asset classes. • TYPES OF RISK
 Asset Allocation Strategy - There are two strategies to
i. Market Risk – It is also called systematic risk and arise due to
consider here, strategic and tactical. A strategic asset
various market related factors like economic and political
allocation strategy is a long-term strategy that
problems, interest rate and currency fluctuations, etc
necessitates regular rebalancing to ensure you do not
ii. Specific Risks – They are related mostly to company itself. They
deviate from your goals
may be controlled through diversification a monitoring.
2. Execution iii. Credit Risk – This is related to credit worthiness of the
company or business. If the financial conditions of the business is
good, it will be able to meet its current and future obligations and

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