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cut – decrease

hike, boost – increase

accord – agreement

nab – arrest

bare - expose, reveal, announce

cite - enumerate, mention

body – committee

dip- decrease, go down

feud - quarrel, dispute

curb - restrain, control, stop

bid, ask - invite, request

probe, grill - investigate, question

quit – resign

quiz - question, exam

cop – policeman

balk - impede, thwart

link – connect

junk - discard, throw away

lull – calm

nix – reject

rift – disagreement

sans – without

hit - attack, assai

hail – welcome

beefed up – strengthened
urges - calls for, bats for

bags – wins

tilt -contest

lands, extols – praises

keynotes - keynote speaker

confab – conference

rules – dominates

smut - duty, literature, pornographic

vs – against

hits - reaches Ex. AUF hits 10,000 mark

scribes - writers, journalists

hone – prepare

crown - championship, title

sluggers - baseball players

spikers, netters – volleyball

nod – approval

gabfest - speech tilt

oust – dismiss

fires – dismiss

slated to = scheduled

rules out – disregard

hurdle – pass

carpet - big welcome

sked – schedule

nets – captures

ban – prohibition
eyes = considering

lifts - removes, abolishes

inked – signed

raps – charges

backs - rallies, supports

bucks - scrapped, disapproves

allays – lessons

upholds – approves

triggers – starts

prods – urges

Accord – agreement
Allay –to calm
Apiece – each
Assail – to attack with arguments
Aussie – Australian
Balk – impede, thwart
Bare – expose, reveal
To bat – speak for, defend
Benedict – a married man
Bid, ask – invite, request
Blast –criticize
Body–committee, organization
Bog down –to encounter unexpected difficulty in reaching an agreement over
an issue
Cite –enumerate, mention, accuse
Clinic –an informal class where participants keen on a subject (often a game)
learn pointers from an expert
Confab – conference
Cop –police
Bandwagon –the winning side or a steadily mounting campaign has every
indication of winning popular support
To eye–to consider
Feud – dispute, quarrel
Flay– Criticize
Foil – thwart, reject
Fringe benefits – additional or supplementary job concessions made by
management to labor such as commissary, free rides to and from work, apart
from those required by law
Gab – Conference
axe – to be dismissed
Gimmick – a device or trick to sell something or put over an idea
Grid – to prepare, brace
Grill – investigate, question
Hail – Welcome
Ham –overacting actor, an amateur
Couch – to express in words; include (as couched in strong language
Crown – Championship
Curb – restrain; control
Dip – go down (as the temperature dips), decline, decrease
To dog – to continue to trouble
Draw fire – to be criticize
Dry run – rehearsal for an event
Due – Scheduled
Ex – Former
Memo – Memorandum
Mum – silent, noncommittal
Nad – arrest, capture
Nix – Reject
Okay – approve, accept
Pan – a book or article)– criticize severely
Panacea – universal remedy, cure-all
Peg– fixed at a certain amount or level
Pit – Oppose
Post – Position
Power – Electricity
Probe – Investigate
Prod – to goad or to prick
Quasi–seemingly, to a certain degree
Quit – Resign
Quiz – Question
Ratify – sanction, approve, confirm
Raze – Destroy
Revamp – to renovate, to change
Rift – disagreement, separation
Row – dispute, fight, disagree, quarrel
Rule – Decision
Tryst – clandestine meeting
Urge – Advocate
Underscore – to stress
Vet - Veterinarian
Vie – to challenge or content compete
hike – Increase
Inquiry – Investigation
Junk – to throw away, dispose of
Kegler – bowling aficionado
Kin – Family
Kitty – Collection
Lair – shelter or nest
Leaf – Tobacco
Letup – temporary easing up
Link – Connect
Lull – Calm
Meet – conference (n.) convene (v.)
Scan – Examine
Scribe – a news paperman
Set – Schedule
Shift – Transfer
Sked – Schedule
Slay – Murder
Smut – Pornography
Sortie – any swift movement, mission
Spark – Encourage
Spawning grounds – breeding grounds
Stir – incite, induce
Stopgap – a temporary solution
Spelunker –one who explores and studies caves
Spurn – turn down
Stymie – to frustrate or hold up proceedings
Swap – Exchange
Tiff – slight quarrel, argument
Tilt – Exchange
Thwart or foil – frustrate, oppose
Try – Attempt
Void – Nullify
Vow– pledge, promise

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