Auction Management System Project Report

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Data Warehouse

Auction Data Analysis

Submitted to:

Sir Nadeem Zafar

Submitted by:
M.Saud Saleem 144-R-BSCS-19 [email protected]

M.Omer Azhar 97-BSCS-18

Semester: 7

Section: Morning
Scenario......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Executive summary: ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Analysis ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Source System Analysis (SSA) ................................................................................................................... 3
Source Entity Analysis (SEA):..................................................................................................................... 4
Requirements:............................................................................................................................................... 4
Data Warehouse Business Requirement (DWBR):.................................................................................... 4
Data Warehouse Data Requirements (WDR):........................................................................................... 4
Data Warehouse Technical Requirements (WTR): ................................................................................... 4
Technical Architecture: ................................................................................................................................. 5
Data Modeling Standards : ........................................................................................................................... 5
Data Model ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Analysis snapshots: ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Schema generation ................................................................................................................................... 7
Analysis\ .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Snapshots of Data Integration: ................................................................................................................. 8
Auction Data Analysis (System)

Zain traders is an auction company. It has many auction centres spread in many cities of
Pakistan. It organizes auction events at these centers and sells products like furniture,
electronics, precious jewellery and artworks e.t.c. Zain traders wants to analyze that in which
cities, they are achieving maximum sales. They have many auction centers in spread in many
caities of Pakistan. Each city has a unique city id and name. When customers buy the products,
Zain traders save their data such as, customer name, phone number, identity card , city.

They have hired you as a data analyst to perform these analysis. You perform analysis on
Auction Center. Each center has a center id, center incharge, city, center contact. For products
ypu perform analysis on product name, product category, unique id, product price. You are
required to perform the analysis on weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

Executive summary:

The purpose of this document is to report on the Data Warehousing project named Auction
Data Analysis System which is undertaken to deliever a proof of concept data
warehouse. Auction Data Analysis System is a full scale DWH model that can be
implemented in order to determine,which product was sold from which center and at what
price. How many product categories are provided in those respective auction centers. It
contains Auction Fact table which holds the record of those dimensions. Time level
grain holds data of date, weekly, quarterely, monthly and yearly.

Source System Analysis (SSA)
The source system are:

 Center which contains the data of the auction center

 Auction_FT which contains total amount, total sales, data of product and centers
Source Entity Analysis (SEA):
The source entity is:

 Auction which shows all the auction canters, products and product
categories(electronics, durniture, accessories, )

Listed the following requiremtns are listed below:
 Analysis must be down to the lowest grain ,i.e. Date and even to the highest (Year).
 Admin must add new records
 Admin must add/remove/modify auction products.

Data Warehouse Business Requirement (DWBR):

Listed following are the Data Warehouse Data Requirements:
 The system must be able to show which types of products are available.
 How many sale is achieved.
 Which type of auction centers provides more products
 Which product category is sold most.
 Which centers in which city.

Data Warehouse Data Requirements (WDR):

Listed following are the Data Warehouse Data Requirements:
 The data integrity must not be violated otherwise the systems runs a risk for crashing
in data warehouse.
 Data should be loaded in pre-determined intervals instead of continuously intervals.
This will keep the system optimized.
 Referential integrity must not be violated otherwise the data must be re-entered and

Data Warehouse Technical Requirements (WTR):

Listed following are the Data Warehouse Technical Requirements:
 The query tool must be capable of handling queries that fetch bulks of data.
 The system must be robust enough to withstand analysis that digs deeper to the lowest
 The system must be able to identify fact tables among the flat files.
 System must be able to make a data model of provided data.
Technical Architecture:
Technical architecture includes:
 Microsoft Visual Studio’s data tools analysis services.
 SQL Server Enterpriser(For OLTP).

Data Modeling Standards :

Some of the standards followed in the Data Modeling are as follow:
 The error must be generated if we not follows i.e foreign keys have been named
exactly as the primary keys to avoid any confusion.
 Table names have been named with “_DT” or “_FT” to identify if it is a Dimension
table or a Fact table.
 All the id attribute of fact tables char data only.
Data Model
Analysis snapshots:

Schema generation

Snapshots of Data Integration:

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