Up PCSJ Prelims 2018 Exam Paper 202

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1 Which of the following is not correctly 2) फ आफ

matched? 3) फ घ
(a) Navtej Singh Johar V Union of India - 4) घ ग क
Section 498 -- A, IPC :
(b) K N Mehra V State of Rajasthan - Section क :
378, IPC (a) 4,1, 2, 3
(c) Niharendu Datt Majumdar V Emperor - (b) 2, 4, 1,3
Section 124 - AIPC : (c) 1, 3, 4,2
(d) State of Haryana V Raja Ram - Section (d) 3, 2, 1,4
361, IPC
क ? 3 In which of the following cases, the
(a) घ- 498 - Supreme Court has remarked that
क, "husband is not the master of his wife"?
(b) क आफ - 378 (a) Joseph Shine V Union of India
(b) Sarla Mudgal, President, Kalyani V :
(C) 124 - क, Union of India
(c) Lily Thoinas V Union of India
(d) आफ 361 (d) Kailash Singh V Priti Pratihar
2 Consider the following cases and arrange क क
them in chronological order: क ‘ क ?
1) W Kalyani V State through inspector of (a) फ घ
Police (b) , ,क घ (c)
2) Yusuf Abdul Aziz V State of Bombay घ
3) Joseph Shine V Union of India (d) क -
4) V Revthi V Union of India 4 'A' with intent to murder, administered a
Select correct answer from the code given fatal dose of poison to 'Z', and then while
below : 'Z' was still alive, a stranger 'B', without A's
Code : knowledge attacked 'Z' and shot himn
(a) 4,1,2,3 dead
(b) 2, 4, 1,3 (a) 'A' and 'B' both would be guilty of
(c) 1,3,4,2 murder
(d) 3, 2, 1,4 (b) 'A' would be guilty of culpable homicide
ख क औ क and 'B' would be guilty of murder
क : (c) 'A' would be guilty of an attenipt to
1) क आफ murder and 'B' would be guilty of murder
(d) 'A' would be guilty of instigating 'B' to (d) क
commit murder and 'B' would be guilty
of murder 5 'A', a police officer tortures 7. Disclosure of identify of a victim of rape is
'क क क आ , क क क punishable under –
ख क' क औ क' ' , क (a) Section 376 - D, IP
‘ख 'क क क ‘ क (b) Section 376 - EIPC
औ क ग (c) Section 228, IPC
(a) 'क' औ 'ख' क ग (d) Section 228 - A, IPC
(b) 'क' आ क क ग औ 'ख' क क क क क क
क ग :
(c) 'क' क क ग औ 'ख' क: (a) 376 - घ,
ग (b) 376 - ,
(d) 'क क क क क ग औ (c) 228,
'ख' क ग (d) 228 - क,

5 'Z' in order to induce, 'Z' to confess that he 8. No right of private defence of property isit
cominitted a crime 'A' is guilty of an available against the offence of:
offence under (a) Criminal breach of trust
(a) Section 325 of the Indian Penal Code (b) Theft
(b) Section 326 of the Indian Penal Code (c) Robbery
(c) Section 330 of the Indian Penal Code (d) Criminal Trespass
(d) Section 331 of the Indian Penal Code क क क :
' क क ' 'क क क क (a) आ क गक क
क क , क क (b) क क
' क क ग क (c) क क
? (d) आ क क क
(a) क 325
(b) क 326 9 Match List - I with List - Il and select the
(c) क 330 correct answer using the code given below
(d) क 331 the lists:
List - 1
6 'A' who was entrusted by 'B' with certain A) Delivery of Property
blocks for printing a catalogue, prints B) Taking of Property
catalogue of rival's firm with the same C) Entrustment of Property
block 'A' is guilty of: D) Convertibility of property got innocently
(a) Criminal breach of trust to one's own use
(b) Criminal misappropriation List -- II
(c) Cheating 1) Criminal breach of trust
(d) Theft 2) Criminal misappropriation of property
' क ' ' क - क क क 3) Theft
क क फ क - 4) Extortion Codes :
क ' ABCD
(a) आ क- गक (a) 4 3 1 2
(b) आ क गक (b) 3 4 1 2
(c) क (c) 4 2 3 1
(d) 3 1 2 4 क क
– I – II क क क क क ग औ
ग क क गक क आ औ क क क ग
क : क ग ?
-1 (a) घ
A) क (b) क क फ
B) क (c) क क ग
C) क (d) क
D) क क क क
क ग 12. What is the rank of India in the year 2018
– II Global Hunger Index?
1) आ क ग (a) 103rd
2) क आ क ग' (b) 118th
3) (c) 92nd
4) (d) 751th
क : 2018 क ख कक क
(a) 4 3 1 2 (a) 103
(b) 3 4 1 2 (b) 118
(c) 4 2 3 1 (C) 92
(d) 3 1 2 4 (d) 75

10. Voyeurism is defined under which Section 13. Who became the fifth Indian to be inducted
of the Indian Penal Code? in the ICC Hall of fame recently?
(a) Section 354 - A (a) Anil Kumble
(b) Section 354 - B (b) Sunil Gavaskar
(c) Section 354 - C (c) Rahul Dravid
(d) Section 355 (d) Kapil Deo
क क क क आ आफ
फ आ ?
(a) 354 -क (a) क
(c) 354 - ग (b) ग क
(b) 354 - ख (c)
(d) 355 (d) क

11. In which case, the Supreme In case, the 14. Where the fourth BIMSTEC Summit was held
Supreme Court unanimously ruled that in 2018 with the theme "towards a
individual autonomy and intimacy and peaceful, prosperous and sustainable
identity are protected under fundamental development of Bay of Bengal Region"?
rights? (a) Kathmandu, Nepal
(a) Navtej Singh Johar V Union of India (b) Thailand
(b) Suresh Kumar Kaushal V Naz foundation (c) India
(c) Castle Rock V Gonzales (d) Myanmar
(d) None of the above
ग क ख क " , , 2017 आ
क क ओ " क
क आ क ग ? (a)
(a) क , (b) क
(b) (c)
(c) (d)
18. Which one of the following countries hosted
15. What is the purpose of signing on MOU I International Solar Alliance on 11th
between India and South Korea on March, 2018?
November 5, 2018? (a) Bhutan
(a) For strengthening co-operation in the (b) China
field of tourism (c) India
(b) For strengthening co-operation in the (d) Pakistan
field of Science क क 11
(c) Both (a) and (b) , - 2018 क क?
(d) None of the above (a)
5 , 2018 क क क (b)
ओ क क ? (c)
(a) क गक क क (d) क
(b) क गक क क
(c) (a) (b) 19. Who won the 2018 Australian Open
(d) क Women's Single title:
(a) Caroline Wozniacki
16. Which Indian actor has been honoured with (b) Serena Williams
Distinguished Fellow Award in Boston in (c) Simona Halep
the year 2018? (d) Elina Svitolina
(a) Amir Khan : 2018 आ ख क ख क
(b) Anil Kapoor ?:
(c) Anupam Kher (a) क क
(d) Naseeruddin Shah (b)
2018 क क (c)
फ क क ग ? (d)
(a) आ ख
(b) क 20. Which of the following section of the Code
(c) ख of Civil Procedure, 1908 defines
(d) jurisdiction'?
(a) Section 2(9)
17. United Nation's Climate Change (b) Section 9
Conference, November, 2017 was held in - (c) Section 15
(a) Polland (d) Not defined
(b) Marrakesh , 1908 क ख क
(c) Paris ' क क क ?
(d) Bonn (a) 2 (9)
(c) 15 23. Which of the following is not correctly
(d) matched?
(a) Presentation of plaint - Section 26;
21. Assertion (A): A civil court has jurisdiction Order 4, Rule 1
to try all suits of civil nature (b) Inter pleader suits Section 88; Order 35,
Reason (R) : The cognizance of a civil suit Rule 1
should be expressly barred Select the (c) Friendly suit Section 90; Order 35
correct answer using the code given below: (d) Equitable set-off - Order 20, Rule 19(3):
Code : ख क ?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the (a) क - 26: आ 4, 1
correct explanation of (A) : (b) - 88; आ 35, 1
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not (c) - 90; आ 35
the correct explanation of (A) ) (d) क - आ 20, 19 (3)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true 24. Which of the following statement/s is/are
क (A) : क क क correct?
क क क 1 The expression "decreeincludes a final
क (R) : क order
ग क क 2 Garnishi is a person who is hable to pay a
: debt to a decree-holder or to deliver any
क : movable property to him Select the correct
(a) (A) औ (R) औ (R), (A) क - statement using the code given below:
क Code :
(b) (A) औ (R) औ (B), (A) क (a) lionly ;
क (b) 2 only
(c) (A) , क (R) ग (c) both (1) and (2) ,
(d) (A) ग , क (R) (d) Neither (11) nor (2)
ख क क / ?
22. The maxim "Invito beneficium non datur" 1" क ग आ
(The law confers upon a man no rights or 2ग क ऋ क
benefits which he does not desire) relates 3 ग क क क
to which of the provision under the Code of क क क
Civil Procedure, 1908 ? ग क क क :
(a) Section 26 क :
(b) Order 6, Rule 1 (a) क 1
(c) Section 148-A (b) क 2
(d) Order 23, Rule 1 (c) 1 औ 2
" फ ' ( क (d) 1औ 2
क क क फ क क
क ) , 1908 25. Which section of the Code of Civil
क क ख ? Procedure, 1908 is clearly in the nature of a
(a) 26 power to issue a writ of certiorari?
(b) आ 6, 1 (a) Section 11
(c) 148-क ' (b) Section 105
(d) आ 23, 1 (c) Section 115
(d) Section 122 क :
, 1908 क क (a) 2, 3 औ 4
क क क क क ? (b) 1, 2 औ 3
(a) 11 (c) 1, 3 औ 4
(b) 105 (d) 1, 2 औ 4
(c) 115
(d) 122 28. Match List - I with List - II and sel correct
answer using the code given below the
26. It is a fundamental principle of pleadings lists:
that pleadings should contain a statement List - 1
of material facts and material facts only A) Objections to jurisdiction
Which of the following case has defined B) Addition of Parties
material facts ? C) Constructive res judicata :
(a) Udhav Singh V Madhav Rao Scindia D) Temporary injunction
(b) A R Antulay V R S Nayak List -- II
(c) State of Haryana V State of Punjab 1) Razia Begam V Sahebjadi Anwar Begam
(d) State of Uttar Pradesh V Nawab Hussain 2) Kiran Singh V Chaman Paswan
क कआ क 3) American Cyanamid Co V Ethicon Ltd
क औ क , क 4) Workmen V Board of Trustees, Cochin
क ' क क Port Trust
क ? Code:
(a) ABCD
(b) आ आ क (a) 2 1 4 3
(c) आफ आफ (b) 1 3 2 4
(d) आफ (c) 4 2 3 1
(d) 3 4 1 2
27. Which of the following combinations are –I क – II क औ क
correctly matched ? ग क क :
1 Judgement and decree - Section 34, CPC -
2 Costs - Section 35, CPC A) क क आ
3 Institution of suits - Section 26, CPC B) क क
4 Legal representative - Section 50, CPC C) आ क -
Select correct answer using the code given D)
below : -II
Code: 1) ग ग
(a) 2, 3 and 4 2) क
(b) 1, 2 and 3 3) क क क
(c) 1, 3 and 4 4) क आफ ,क
(d) 1, 2 and 4 क :
ख क ? ABCD
1 औ 34, (a) 2 1 4 3
2ख 35, (b) 1 3 2 4
3 क क - 26, (c) 4 2 3 1
4 क 50, : (d) 3 4 1 2
ग क क :
29. Suits relating to constitutional validity of -1 - II क क क
statutory instruments are provided in – ग क क गक क क
(a) Order 27 A, Rule 1-A of the CPC -1
(b) Order 34, Rule 1 of the CPC A) क ख क क क
(c) Order 32 A, Rule 3 of the CPC B) ”
(d) Order 37, Rule 2 of the CPC C) क ,
क ख क क क D) क क
(a) आ 27 क, 1-क क ग 1) 144
(b) आ 34, 1 क ग 2) 148-क
(c) आ 32 क, 3 क ग 3) 151
(d) आ 37, 2 4) 9
क :
30. Following is not a 'Public Officer' -' ABCD
(a) Every Judge (a) 2 1 3 4
(b) Every member of All India Service (b) 1 2 4 3
(c) Every officer in pay of Government (c) 2 3 1 4
(d) Every gazetted officer in military not (d) 3 4 1 2
under the government service
ख क क 32. A civil court cannot issue commission in me
(a) following case –
(b) ख क (a) For examining a person
(c) क क क - (b) For examining accounts:
(d) क क क क (c) To execute partition
(d) To execute a decree
क क
31. Match List - I with List -- II and select the क
correct answer using the code given below (a) क क क
the lists: (b) ख क क क
List - 1 (c) क क क
A) Right lodge caveat (d) क क
B) Restitution
C) Inherent power of court 33. Which section of the CPC prohibits arrest or
D) Suits of civil nature detention of woman in the execution of a
List - II decree of money?
1) Section 144 (a) Section 55
2) Section 148-A (b) Section 56
3) Section 151 (c) Section 59
4 ) Section 9 (d) Section 60
Code : क क क क
ABCD क ग क
(a) 2 1 3 4 क ?
(b) 1 2 4 3 (a) 55
(c) 2 3 1 4 (b) 56
(d) 3 4 1 2 (c) 59
(d) 60 (d) आ 41

34. In which one of the following cases, it is 37. Assertion (A) : An agreement the object of
held that "Inherent powers has not been which is opposed to the law, is void Reason
conferred on a court, it is a power inherent (R): A valid contract requires that parties
in a court"? must contract for a lawful object Select the
(a) Rajni Bai V Kamla Devi correct answer from the code given below:
(b) Satyabrat Biswas V Kalyan Kumar Kisku Code :
(c) PC Jairath V Amrit Jairath (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
(d) Manohar Lal V Seth Hiralal correct explanation of (A)
ख क क (b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not
ग क " क the correct explanation of (A)
क ग , ? (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(a) क (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(b) क क क क क (A): क क
(c) ,
(d) क (R) : क क क क
क क
35. On which one of the following grounds ग क क : क :
under the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 a (a) (A) औ (R) औ (R), (A) क
warrant of arrest against a judgement क
debtor' may be cancelled by the court? (b) (A) औ (R) औ (R), (A) क
(a) Serious illness क
(b) Appearance in marriage of his son (c) (A) , क (R) ग
(c) To cast vote in general elections (d) (A) ग , क (R)
(d) None of the above
, 1908 क ग क 38. Match List - I) with List - II and select the
आ ऋ क ग क correct answer using the code given below
क क ? the lists:
(a) ग List -- I (Content)
(b) क A) Dominates the will of the other
(c) आ क क B) At the desire of the promisor
(d) क C) Contract to do or not to do something
D) Where a person lawfully does anything
36. Section 114 of the Code of Civil Procedure for another person
should be read with : List - II (Concept)
(a) Order 46, Rule 1 1) Consideration
(b) Order 47, Rule 1 2) Quasi-Contract
(c) Order 47, Rule 3 3) Undue influence
(d) Order 41 4) Contingent contract
क 114 क क क Code :
(a) आ 46, 1 (a) 2 3 4 1
(b) आ 47, 1 (b) 3 1 4 2
(c) आ 47, 3 (c) 4 2 1 3
(d) 1 4 2 3 (c) When it comes to the knowledge of
acceptor and proposer both
Iक - II क औ क (d) When it comes to the knowledge of the
: ग क क : third party
-1( ) ख क क ? क
A) क क ग क
B) क (a) ग क आ
C) क क क क क (b) कक आ
D) कक क क क (c) ग औ क क :
कक आ
-1( क )– (d) क क आ
1) फ
2) क - 41. Following is a case on Promissory Estoppel-
3) क (a) Kedar Nath V Gorie Mohamed
4) क : (b) Delhi Cloth and General Mills Ltd V
ABCD Union of India "
(a) 2 3 4 1 (c) Both (a) and (b)
(b) 3 1 4 2 (d) None of the above
(c) 4 2 1 3 क क
(d) 1 4 2 3 (a) क ग
(b) घ
39. An agreement, which is enforceable by law (c) (a) औ (b)
at the option of one or more of the parties (d) क
thereto, but not at the option of the other
or others - : 42. Which of the following is not correctly
(a) is 'a void contract matched?
(b) is an illegal contract (a) Coercion - Chikkam Amiraju V Chikkam
(c) is a voidable contract Seshamma
(d) is an unenforceable agreement (b) Liquidated damages - Dunlop
क , क क क क क Pneumatic Tyre Co V New Garage & Motor
क , क Co
क क क क (c) 'Impossibility of performance - Alopi
(a) Parshad & Sons V Union of India
(b) (d) Public Policy - Hadley V Baxendale
(c) क ख क ?
(d) क (a) - क क
(b) क - क क
40. Which of the following statement is ग क
correct? The communication of an (c) क -
acceptance is complete, as against the घ
acceptor - : (4) क -
(a) When it comes to the knowledge of the
acceptor 43. With reference to 'fraud and
(b) When it comes to the knowledge of the 'misrepresentation', which of the
proposer statement/s is/are correct ?
1. Both render the contract voidable (d) क , क क
2. Fraud renders a cause of action in tort
for damages 45. Consider the following statements -
3. Simple misrepresentation is also a tort 1. Performance of a legal duty is no
Select the correct answer using the code consideration for a promise
given below : 2. Forbearance to sue has always been
Code: regarded as valuable consideration
(a) 1 and 2 3. It is not necessary that consideration
(b) 2 and 3 should be adequate to the promise
(c) 1 and 3 Which of the above statement/s is/are
(d) 1, 2 and 3 correct?
'क ' औ ' क क क (a) Only 1
/ ? (b) 2 and 3
1 क क (c) 1, 2 and 3
2 क क क क क (d) 1 and 2
क ख क क ----- --
3 क क ग क 1. क कक क क क
क : फ
क : 2. फ
(a) 1 औ 2 ग
(b) 2 औ 3 3. फ क क आ क
(c) 1 औ 3
(d) 1, 2 औ 3 क क ?
(a) क 1
44. 'A' promises 'B' to drop a prosecution (b) 2 औ 3
which he has instituted against 'B' for (c) 1, 2 औ 3
robbery and 'B'1 promises to restore the (d) 1 औ 2
value of the things taken
(a) The agreement is void, as the 46. The Indian Contract (Amendment) Act, 1997
consideration for it is unlawful : has amended :
(b) The agreement is void as the value of (a) Section 26 of the Indian Contract Act
the things taken is uncertain (b) Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act
(c) The agreement is void, as its object is (c) Section 28 of the Indian Contract Act
unlawful (d) Section 75 of the Indian Contract Act
(d) The agreement is void, as the object of ( ) , 1997
it is illegal क
'क क, क 'ख' क (a) क 26 क
क , क 'ख' क (b) क 27 क
, औ 'ख' ग क क (c) क 28 क
(d) क 75 क
(a) क , क क फ
47. Change of the nature of the obligation in a
(b) क , क ग क contract is known as
(a) Rescission
(c) क , क क (b) Novation
(c) Renovation 3) Tinn V Hoffinan & Co
(d) Alteration 4) Hadley V Baxendale
क क क क Codes :
(a) ख ABCD
(b) (a) 1 4 2 3
(c) (b) 2 4 3 1
(d) (c) 3 4 12
(d) 1 2 3 4
48. Under Section 68 of the Indian Contract Act, -I - II क क क
the minor – ग क क गक क क
(a) is personally liable -1
(b) only minor's property is liable A) फ क
(c) minor personally and his property both B)
are liable C) क क - ग
(d) none of the above is correct D)
क 68 क ग -II
क 1) क
(a) 2)
(b) क कक 3) फ क
(c) क क 4)
(d) क क :
49. 'Continuing Guarantee' has been defined (a) 1 4 2 3
under (b) 2 4 3 1
(a) Section 124 of the Indian Contract Act (c) 3 4 1 2
(b) Section 129 of the Indian Contract Act (d) 1 2 3 4
(c) Section 146 of the Indian Contract Act
(d) Section 148 of the Indian Contract Act 51. An agreement of wager is -
' ' (a) voidable
(a) क 124 क ग (b) unlawful
(b) क 129 क ग (c) void
(c) क 146 क ग (d) void and unlawful
(d) क 148 क ग क :
(a) क
50. Match List - I with List - II and select the (b)
correct answer using the codegiven below (c)
the lists : (d)
List - I
A) Doctrine of frustration : 52. In which of the following sections, the
B) Special damages Indian Contract Act embodies the rule of
C) Anticipatory breach of contract Clayton's case relating to appropriation of
D) Cross-offer payments ?
List - II (a) Section 62
1) Taylor V Caldwell (b) Section 59
2) Hochester V De la Tour (c) Section 58
(d) Section 61 क क क , ख
क ग क क
क क क (a) ग क
ग क ? (b)
(a) 62 (c)
(b) 59 (d)
(c) 58
(d) 61 56. Assertion (A) : Where an accused person
has pleaded guilty and has been convicted
53. The court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate may on such plea, there shall be no appeal
pass – Reason (R): A person who deliberately
(a) Any sentence except imprisonment for pleads , guilty cannot be aggrieved by
life being convicted
(b) Sentence of imprisonment not Select the correct answer using the code
exceeding three years given below:
(c) Sentence of imprisonment for a term Code :
upto seven years (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
(d) Sentence of imprisonment for a term correct explanation of (A)
not exceeding ten years (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not
क क the correct explanation of (A)
(a) आ क क क (c) (A) is True, but (R) is False
(b) क क क (d) (A) is False, but (R) is True
(C) क कक क क (A) : क
(d) क क क क औ
क ग , क ग
54. Which of the following is not correctly क (R) : क क क
matched? क , क
(a) Complaint - Section 2(d), CrPC क
(b) Police report - Section 2(1), CrPC ग क क :
(c) Contents of Judgement - Section 354, Cr क :
PC (a) (A) औ (R) (R), (A) क
(d) Victim Compensation Scheme - Section क
357, Cr PC (b) (A) औ (R) औ (R), (A) क
ख क ? क
(a) - 2 (घ), (c) (A) , क (R) ग
(b) - 2 ( ), (d) (A) ग , क (R)
(c) क - 354,
(d) क क - 357,
57. With reference to the “Charge” which of
55. A Criminal Proceeding which is not the statement is / are correct?
compoundable can be quashed by – 1) Every charge under the code of Criminal
(a) The Judicial Mapistrate First Class Procedure, 1973 states the offences with
(b) The District and Session Judge which the accused may be charged
(c) The High Court 2) If in the course of same transaction,
(d) The Supreme Court more offences than one are committed by
the same person, he can be charged at one 59. Match List - I with List -- II and select the
trial correct answer using the code given below
Select the correct answer using the code the lists:
given below: List - I
Code: A) Anticipatory bail
(a) 1 only B) Cognizance on complaint
(b) 2 only C) Language of Courts
(c) Both 1 and 2 D) Security of good behaviour from
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 HDMAN habitual offenders
"आ ' क ,क क / ? List - II
1) , 1973 क कआ 1) Section 272, Cr PC
क क क 2) Section 110, Cr PC:
आ क 3) Section 438, Cr PC
2) क क , क क 4) Section 190, Cr PC
क क ग क Code :
क क आ ग ABCD
क (a) 2 4 1 3
ग क क : (b) 1 3 4 2
(a) क 1 (c) 4 2 3 1
(c) 1औ 2 (d) 3 4 1 2
(b) क 2'
(d) 1औ 2 - I क - II क क
क ग क क
58. In the case of a continuing offence a free ce :
a fresh period of limitation commences – -1
(a) from the date of the offence A)
(b) on the first day on which such offence B)
comes to the knowledge of any police C) क "
officer D) आ क क
(c) on the first day on which the identity of - II
the offender is known to the person 1) 272,
aggrieved by the offence 2) 110;
(d) at every moment of time during whi the 3) 438,
offence continues 4) 190,
क क , क :
(a) क ख (a) 2 4 1 3
(b) क क क (b) 1 3 4 2
क क (c) 4 2 3 1
(c) क क (d) 3 4 1 2

(d) क क क 60. Which of the following section of the Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1973 has been
amended by the Criminal Law
(Amendment) Act, 2018?
(a) Section 163 (a) ख क क ख 6 क
(b) Section 173
(c) Section 183 (b) ख क क ख 3 क
(d) Section 193
, 1973 क ख क (c) ख क क ख 9 क
आ क ( ) , 2018
क ग ? (d) क
(a) 163
(b) 173 63. Which provision of the Cr PC resembles
(c) 183 with Habeas Corpus writ?
(d) 193 (a) Section 91
(b) Section 93
61. The inaxim "Nemo debet bis vexari pro (c) Section 97
eadem causa" finds place in which of the (d) Section 96
following section of the Code of Criminal क क
Procedure 1973? क क ?
(a) Section 299 (a) 91
(b) Section 300 (b) 93
(c) Section 301 (c) 97
(d) None of the above (d) 96
"क क क कक ग
" क ", , 1973 64. When a search is required to be conducted
क ख क क ? outside India, a criminal court may require
(a) 299 under section 166 - A of the code of
(b) 300 Criminal Procedure to issue a –
(c) 301 (a) Search Warrant
(d) क (b) Letter of requisition
(c) Letter of request
62. When an appeal has been filed under (d) Written order
Section 374 of the Code of Criminal क 166 - क क ग
Procedure, 1973 against a sentence passed क क
under Section 376-D of the Indian Penal क क
Code, the appeal shall be disposed of – (a)
(a) Within a period of six months from the (b)
date of filing of such appeal (c)
(b) Within a period of three months from (d) ख आ
the date of filing of such appeal
(c) Within a period of nine months from the 65. "The bail is rule, jail is exception” This rule
date of filing of such appeal is laid down by the Supreme Court in:
(d) Within a reasonable period (a) Joginder Singh V State of UP
क क 376 - घ क (b) Pritam Singh V State of Punjab
क , 1973 क (c) Moti Ram V State of MP
374 क ग ख क ग , (d) Rajumari V State of UP
क ग " , क ग " क
क ग –
(a) ग (c) Salim Bhai V State of Maharashtra
(b) (d) Daryao V State of UP
(c) ख क , क
(d) क क क क क 90 क
ख क क क ?
66. The provision of examination of arrested (a) क क
person by medical officer is provided under (b) क
which section of the Code of Criminal (c)
Procedure? (d)
(a) Section 53
(b) Section 54 69. “Dasti" Summons for Service on the
(c) Section 55 defendant can be given to the plaintiff
(d) Section 64 under
ग क क (a) Order 5 Rule 9 - A, CPC
क क क ग ? (b) Order 5 Rule 9, CPC
(a) 53 (c) Order 4 Rule 7, CPC
(b) 54 (d) Order 6 Rule 6, GPC
(c) 55 " क क क
(d) 64 क
(a) आ 5 9क क ग
67. Under Section 164 - A of the Code of (b) आ 5 9, क ग
Criminal Procedure, 1973 the victim of rape (c) आ 4 7, क ग
shall be sent to a registered medical (d) आ 6 6, क ग
practioner for examination within from the
time of receiving the information relating t 70. The case of Dudh Nath Pandey V State of
commission of such offence – UP is related to :
(a) 6 hours (a) Res gestae
(b) 12 hours (b) Plea of alibi
(c) 24 hours (c) Admission
(d) 36 hours (d) Accomplice
, 1973 क 164 - क क ग क
क क क क (a)
क क क (b) क क
क क क कक ग – (c) क
(a) 6 घ (d) -
(b) 12 घ
(c) 24 घ 71. The constitution was finally signed by the
(d) 36 घ members of the Constituent Assembly on –
(a) 24 January, 1950
68. In which of the following case, the Supreme (b) 26 November, 1949
Court held that written statement can (c) 17 October, 1949
subinitted even after expiry of 90 days from (d) 10 December, 1948
i date of Service of Summons? क क
(a) Kailash V Nanhku आ
(b) Harish Chandra Bajpai V Triloki Singh (a) 24 , 1950 क
(b) 26 , 1949 क (b) क
(c) 17 , 1949 क (c) क
(d) 10 , 1948 क (d) क - क

72. The short title of the Constitution 75. Justice K S Puttaswamy (Retd) V Union of
"Constitution of India" is mentioned under India (2017) was decided by –
Article – (a) a Bench of 9 Justices
(a) 1 (b) a Bench of 7 Justices
(b) 5 (c) a Bench of 11 Justices
(c) 393 (d) a Bench of 5 Justices
(d) 394 क ( ) घ
क " क ग (2017) क ग –
(a) क
(a) 1क ग (b) क
(b) 5क ग (c) क
(C) 393 क ग (d) क
(d) 394 क ग
76. In which of the following case, majo
73. In educational institutions reservation of judgement of the Supreme Court held that
seats in favour of Scheduled Castes and Aadhar not only gave them a unique
Scheduled Tribes is governed by – identity but also a life dignity?
(a) Article 15 (4) of the Constitution (a) Justice K $ Puttaswamy (Retd) V Union
(b) Article 16 (4) of the Constitution of India,
(c) Article 29 (2) of the Constitution (b) B L Kapoor V State of Karnataka
(d) Article 14 of the Constitution (c) Joseph V Union of India
(d) None of the above
क क आ : ख क क क
(a) क 15 (4) क क आ क
(b) क 16 (4) कग ?
(c) क 29 (2) (a) क ( ) घ
(d) क 14 (b) क क क
(c) फ घ
74. Which of the following lias been described (d) क
by Justice Gajendragadkar as the "very
foundation and corner stone of the 77. In which case, the Supreme Court has
democratic way of life uishered in this observed that “Social morality also
country by the Constitution" changes from age to age"?
(a) Preamble (a) Maneka Gandhi V Union of India
(b) Fundamental Rights (b) NALSA V, Union of India
(c) Fundamental Duties (c) A K Kraipak V Union of India
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy (d) A K Gopalan V State of Madras
क क ग ग क क क क क" क
क" क क - "?
क क आ आ - "? (a) क ग घ
(b) ग आफ reasonableness of restrictions under Article
घ 10 (2)
(c) क क क घ- Reason (R): Directive Principles of State
(d) क ग Policy have been declared superior to the
Fundamental Rights
78. Match List - I with List - II and select the Codes :
correct answer using the code given below (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is : the
the lists: correct explanation of (A)
List - I (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not
A) Article 39 A the correct explanation of (A)
B) Article 213 (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
C) Article 44 (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true
D) Article 50 क (A) :, क क
List - II क, 19 (2) क
1) Ordinance issuing power of the Governor क क
2) Uniform Civil Code क (R) : क - क क
3) Separation of Judiciary from Executive घ क ग
4) Free Legal Aid क :
Code: (a) (A) औ (R) औ (R), (A) क
(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) (A) औ (R) (R), (A) क
(b) 4 1 3 2 क
(c) 4 1 2 3 (c) (A) , क (R) ग
(d) 1 9 4 3 (d) (A) ग , क (R)
-Iक - II क क
ग क क गक 80. Match List - I with List -- II and select the
-I correct answer using the codes given below
A) 39 क the lists:
B) 213 List - I
C) 44 A) Power to grant pardon
D) 50 B) Executive power of the Union
-॥ C) Power to appoint Prime Minister
1) क क क D) Appointment of Attorney General
2) ग क List - II
3) क क क क क 1) Article 76
4) क क 2) Article 75
क : 3) Article 53
AB CD 4) Article 72
(a) 1 4 2 3 Codes:
(b) 4 1 3 2 ABCD
(c) 4 1 2 3 (a) 4 2 3 1
(d) 1 4 3 2 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 1 2 3 4
79. Assertion (A) : Directive Principles of State (d) 1 3 2 4
Policy are relevant for determining the
-Iऔ - II क क औ क 82. The Supreme Court is the guardian of the
ग क क क 'Rule of Law' This observation has been
क : made by the Supreme Court in
-1 (a) Rupa Ashok Hurra V Ashok Hurra
A) क (b) In Re, Arundhati Ray
B) घ क क क (c) BALCO-Employees Union V Union of
C) क क India
D) क (d) Bejoy Kumar Mohanty V Jadu
- II ' क क क
1) 76 क ग
2) 75 a) क क क
3) 53 b) ; क
4) 72 c) क घक
क : d) क क
(a) 4 2 3 1 83. Arrange the following cases of the Supreme
(b) 4 3 2 1 Court of India relating to 'Personal Liberty'
(c) 1 2 3 4 in correct chorological order
(d) 1 3 2 4 i) Maneka Gandhi V Union of India
ii) ADM Jabalpur V Shivakant
81. What is the correct chronological order in iii) A K Gopalan V State of Madras
which the following provisions were (a) iji, ii, i
incorporated into the Constitution of India (b) ii, i, iii
through amendments? (c) ii, iii, i
1) Right to education as fundamental right (d) i, ii, iii
2) Certificate for appeal to Supreme Court ' ग क
3) Nagar Palika Act ख क क
4) Free Legal Aid Select the correct answer ग
using the code given below: i) क ग घ,
(a) 4,2,3,1 ii) क
(b) 4,3,2, 1 iii) क ग
(c) 1, 3, 2, 4 (a) ii, iii
(d) 3, 1, 2,4", (b) ii, i, iii
क क ग (C) ii, iii, i
ख क क ? (d) i, ii, ill
1) क क क क
2) क क - 84. The principle of “Collective Responsibility
3) ग क has been incorporated in :
4) क क ग क क ग (a) Article 75
क : (b) Article 74
(a) 4, 2, 3,1 (c) Article 73
(b) 4, 3, 2,1 (d) Article 76
(c) 1, 3, 2,4 " क 'क क ग
(d) 3,1, 2,4 (a) 75
(b) 74
(c) 73 (a) Armory V Delamire
(d) 76 (b) Bridges V Hawkeswath
(c) R V Moor
85. Assertion (A) : Right to education is a (d) R C Cohen's case
fundamental right Reason (R): Our "क क क क
Constitution had no provision for education क क क क ख फ क
before making right to education as a " क ख क
fundamental right क क ग
Codes : (a) आ
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the (b)
correct explanation of (A) (c) आ
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not (d) आ क
the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is false, but (R) is true 88. Which one of the following theories has
(d) (A) is true, but (R) is false been proposed by Savigny to explain • legal
क (A) : क क क क क personality?
क (R) : क क क क क (a) Realist Theory
क (b) Fiction Theory
(c) Bracket Theory
क : (d) Purpose Theory
(a) (A) औ (R) औ (R), (A) क ख क - क
क क क क क ग
(b) (A) औ (R) , (R), (A) क ?
क (a)
(c) (A) ग , क (R) (b) क क
(d) (A) , क (R) ग (c) क क
86. Which one of the following is not included
in Article 21 of the Constitution of India? 89. Which one of the following jurists has
(a) Right to die rejected customary law as law?
(b) Right to life (a) Austin
(c) Right to Livelihood (b) Kant
(d) Right to dignity (c) Keeton
ख क क 21 (d) Savigny
? ख क ग क क
(a) क क क क ?
(b) क क (a) आ
(c) क क क (b) क
(d) क क – (c) क
87. "Persons in possession of an object have
better title over it, against the whole world 90. Who is the author of the book “Taking
except the real owner” This principle has Rights Seriously"?
been illustrated in which one of the (a) Hart
following cases? (b) Dworkin
(c) Kelsen 3) Dictates of reasoning
(d) Julius Stone 4) Theory of Justice
" कग कक खक क ? 5) System of Rules
(a) Codes :
(b) क ABCD
(c) क (a) 2 3 1 4
(d) (b) 4 2 5 1
(c) 3 1 4 2
91. “Some shared morality is essential to the (d) 3 2 1 4
existence of any society" is the assertion of -Iक – II क क
(a) Fuller ग क क गक क
(b) Hart क :
(c) Kelsen -1
(d) Justice Krishna Iyer A)
क क क क क B) आ
आ क ', - क क ? C) क
(a) फ D)
(b) – II
(c) क 1) क
(d) क 2)
3) क क आ
92. Who propounded that 'Animus domini' is 4) क
an essential element of possession? 5) क
(a) Savigny क :
(b) Salmond ABCD
(c) Pollock (a) 2 3 1 4
(d) Ihering (b) 4 2 5 1
क क क, 'आ क आ (c) 3 1 4 2
क क कआ क ? (d) 3 2 1 4
(b) 94. Arrange the following stages of
(c) क development of law according to Maine :
(d) ग 1) Customary law
2) Law made by the ruler under divine
93. Match List - I with List - Il and select the inspirations
correct answer using the codes given below 3) Codification
the lists: 4) Knowledge of law in the hands of priests
List - I – Select the correct order of development
A) Thomas Aquinas using the code given below:
B) John Austin (a) 4-2-1 -3
C) Kelsen (b) 2-1-4-3
D) Rawls (c) 3-1-2-4
List - II (d) 4-3-2-1
1) Normative order क क ख क क क
2) Command Theory क :
1) ग ग क क
2) क ग आ क क
3) क :'
4) क क (a) कक
ग क क गक क क (b) क क क
क क : (c) क
(a) 4-2-1-3 (d) क क
(b) 2-1-4-3
(c) 3-1-2-4 98. What does the doctrine of precedent
(d) 4-3-2-1 mean?
Choose the correct answer from the
95. "Justice is the first virtue of social options mentioned below:
institution is the observation of whom? (a) A previous case which may be taken as
(a) R Pound a rule for subsequent cases
(b) Aristotle (b) A decision of a sub-ordinate court is
(c) John Rawls binding on the other subordinate court
(d) Mahatma Gandhi (c) A decision of one High Court is binding
" क क ग "- क on the other High Court
क क ? (d) An authority to be followed by all courts
(a) आ क क ? ग
(b) क क :
(c) (a) क क क क
(d) ग क क
(b) क क
96. "The search for natural law will continue as क
long as there perceived to be injustice in (c) क क
the world" is the statement of: क
(a) Hobbes (d) क
(b) Justice Holmes
(c) Lord Lloyd of Hampstead 99. Jurisprudence is the "Scientific Synthesis of
(d) Rousseau : essential principles of law" - is the
" क ग गक क statement of the following:
ख ग - क क क ? (a) H L A Hart
(a) (b) Julius Stone
(b) (c) Friedmann
(c) ऑफ (d) C K Allen
(d) “ क क क
"- ख क क :
97. Duguit has built up his doctrine on the (a)
basis of division of labour and social (b)
cohesion It is known as the doctrine of - : (c)
(a) Grund Norm (d) क
(b) Social Solidarity
(c) Positivism 100. “Law is reason free from all Passion” This
(d) Social Plan Theory statement is of the following
(a) Socrates (d) Section 132
(b) Plato क क
(c) Roscoe Pound क ग , क ग ग क क
(d) Aristotle क क क )क
" क "- क क : क क ग ?
(a) क (a) 135
(b) (b) 134
(c) क (c) 136
(d) (d) 132

101 In which case, the Supreme Court has given 104. In which of the following Accomplice' is
preference to constitutional morality over declared competent witness?
social morality? (a) Section 114 of the Indian Evidence Act
(a) Navtej Singh Johar V Union of India (b) Section 111 of the Indian Evidence Act
(b) Indian Young Lawyers' Assn V Union of (c) Section 123 of the Indian Evidence Act
India (d) Section 133 of the Indian Evidence Act
(c) Sayara Bano V Union of India ख क ' - क क
(d) Government of NCT of Delhi V Union घ क ग ?
of India (a) क 114
क क क क (b) क 111
ऊ क क क ? (c) क 123
(a) घ (d) क 133
(b) ग घ
(c) घ 105. Which special provisions regarding proving
(d) ग आफ आफ घ of records have been inserted in the Indian
Evidence Act by Information Technology
102. The case of Pakala Narayan Swami V: Act, 2000?
Emperor relates to : (a) Section 56 - A and 56 - B
(a) Doctrine of estoppel (b) Section 65 - A and 65 - B
(b) Accomplice (c) Section 55 - A and 55 - B
(C) Dying declaration (d), Section 35 - A and 35 - B
(d) Cross - examination ख क क क
क क - क गक , 2000
(a) क ग ?
(b) - (a) 56 - क 56 - ख
(C) क कक (b) 65 - क 65 - ख
(d) - (c) 55 - क 55 - ख
(d) 35 : क 35 - ख
103. Which section of the Indian Evidence Act
provides that no particular number of 106. Assertion (A): Proviso to Section 132,
witnesses shall in any case be required for Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is a facet of rule
the proof of an fact? against self-incrimination
(a) Section 135 Reason (R) : Policy of Section 132, Indian
(b) Section 134 Evidence Act is to procure evidence for
(c) Section 136
doing justice Choose the correct answer 1) Section 159
from the code given below: 2) Section 154
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the 3) Section 32 (1)
correct explanation of (A) 4) Section 141
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not Code:
the correct explanation of (A) ABCD
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false (a) 1 3 4 2
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true, (b) 3 2 4 1
क (A) : 1872 क (c) 4 1 2 3
132 क क क क क (d) 1 2 3 4
क -I - II क क क
क (R) : क 132, क ग क क गक क क
क क क -1
ग क क क : A) क क
(a) (A) (R) (R), (A) क - B) क घ
क C) क
(b) (A) (R) (R), (A) क D) ग :
क II
(c) (A) , क (R) ग 1) 159
(d) (A) ग , क (R) 2) 154
3) 32 (1)
107. If a witness, who is unable to speak, gives 4) 141
his evidence in writing in the open court, क :
evidence so given shall be deemed to be - ABCD
(a) Documentary evidence (a) 1 3 4 2
(b) Oral evidence (b) 3 2 4 1
(c) Primary evidence (c) 4 1 2 3
(d) Secondary evidence (d) 1 2 3 4
क , ,
ख खक क ग 109. Which of the following is not correctly
ग – matched?
(a) (a) Presumption as to document thirty
(b) खक years old Section 90
(c) क (b) Burden of proving that person is alive
(d) क who has not been heard of for: seven years
- Section 108
108. Match List - I with List – II and select the (c) Dumb Witnesses Section 119
correct answer using the code given below (d) Presumption as to dowry death -
the Lists: Section 113-A
List I ख क ?
A) Refreshing the memories (a) क
B) Dying declaration 90
C) Leading question (b) क क क क
D) Hostile witness ग 108
List - II (c) क 119
(d) क 113-क
113. "A confession even consists of
110. In which one of the following cases, conversation to oneself, for it is not
constitutional validity of Section 27 of the necessary for the relevancy of a confession
Indian Evidence Act was challenged on the that it should be communicated to some
basis of being violative of Article 20 (3) of other person", was held in the case of
the Indian Constitution? (a) Shankaria V State of Rajasthan
(a) State of UPV Deoman Upadhyay (b) Boota Singh V State of Punjab
(b) State of Bombay V Kathikalu (c) Sahoo V State of UP
(c) Inayatullah V State of Maharashtra (d) Nishikant Jha V State of Bihar
(d) Nandini Satpathi'V P L Dani " क क क ,
ख क क क क क क क
क 27 क क क आ क ' क ग
क 20 (3) क क घ '
कक ग ? (a) क '
(a) (b)
(b) क क (c)
(C) (d) क
114. A is tried for murder of B by intentionally
111. Palvinder Kaur V State of Punjab relates to shooting him dead The fact that A was in
which of the following? the habit of shooting at people with intent
(a) Dying declaration to murder him-
(b) Confession (a) is relevant
(c) Relevancy of Judgements (b) is irrelevant
(d) Entries in the books of account (c) is relevant but cannot be proved
क ख (d) None of the above
क ? कक खक ग क क
(a) क कक क ककक क कआ
(b) क ग ग क आ
(c) क ग (a) ग
(d) ख क क (b) ग
(c) ग क क क
112. Which of the following sections of Evidence (d) क
Act, 1872 deals with conclusive Proof?
(a) 41, 112 and 113 115. Even a student may be treated as an
(b) 112 expert under Section 45 of the Indian
(c) 113 Evidence Act 1872, it was held by the Apex
(d) 112 and 113 Court in –
क ख क (a) Bhoginbhai Hirbhai V State of Gujarat
क ख (b) Kanpur University V Samir Gupta
(a) 41,112 113 andother Ram Prakash V State of Punjab
(b) 112 (d) Nathu Singh V State of UP
(c) 113
(d) 112 113
क क , 1872 क 119. Which of the following Articles of UNO
45 क ग क क provides that the statute of ICJ is base
क – Permanent Court of International Justice?
(a) ग ग (a) 90
(b) क ग (b) 91
(c) क (c) 92
(d) (d) 102
ख क क
116. Res Gestae is allowed as an exception to : क क क
(a) Confession क आ ?
(b) Dying declaration (a) 90
(c) Hearsay evidence (b) 91
(d) Documentary evidence (c) 92
क क क क ग : (d) 102
(a) क क
(b) क कक क 120. Under which Article of the UN Charter, the
(c) क 'members of the United Nations have
(d) क agreed to abide by the decisions of the
Security Council?
117. When the first session of the United (a) Article 24
Nations General Assembly was held? (b) Article 25
(a) January 10, 1946 (c) Article 26
(b) January 10, 1945 (d) Article 27
(C) January 10, 1947 क क क ग क
(d) January 10, 1948 क ?
क क आ ? (a) 24
(a) 10, 1946 (b) 25
(b) 10, 1945 (c) 26
(c) 10, 1947 (d) 27
(d) 10, 1948
121. The budget of the International Court of
118. Which one of the following organs of the Justice is approved by:
United Nations Organisation perform (a) The General Assembly
Legislative functions? (b) The General Assembly and the ICJ
(a) The Trusteeship Council (c) The Security Council
(b) The Security Council (d) The Secretary General of the UN
(c) The General Assembly क क
(d) The Economic and Social Council (a)
ख घक क ग क (b) :
क क क ? (c)
(a) (d) क
(c) 122. The members of the Economic and Social
(d) आ क क Council are elected for three years How
many members are elected every year?
(a) Two-third 125. Each member of the Security Council shall -
(b) Three fourth have
(c) One third (a) 4 representatives
(d) None of these (b) 5 representatives
आ क औ क क क (c) 2 representatives
क क क (d) 1 representative
क - ? क क क ग
(a) (a) 4
(b) (b) 5
(c) क (c) 2 –
(d) क (d) 1

123. Which one of the following mentions that 126. Who has said, “We are a World in Pieces,
"Every one has the Right to a We need to be a World at Peace"
Nationality""? (a) Kofi Annan
(a) Geneva Convention, 1951 (b) Bon Ki Moon
(b) United Nations High Commissioner for (c) Antonio Guterres
Refugees (d) Michelle Bachelet
(c) European Council on Refugees and “ ख , क
Exiles आ क " क क क ?
(d) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (a) क फ
ख क ख क" कक (b) क
क क ? (c) ग
(a) , 1951 (d)
(b) क फ
(c) क आ 127. When did the Sustainable Development
(d) आफ Goals of UNDP came into effect?
(a) March, 2016
124. Sources of International Law are (b) May, 2015
mentioned in the following article of the (c) January, 2016
statute of the International Court of (d) September, 2017
Justice-" क क ( ) क
(a) Article 38 क : क ?–
(b) Article 35 (a) , 2016
(c) Article 36 (b) , 2015
(d) Article 34 (c) , 2016
क क ख (d) , 2017
क क ख क ग ,
(a) 38 128. International Panel on Climate Change is
(b) 35 the leading international body established
(c) 36 by:
(d) 34 (a) United Nations Environmental
(b) United Nations Development
(c) World Maritime Organisation (d) Articles 1 and 4 of the UN Charter
(d) United Nations Environmental and we क क क
Maritime Organisation both ग
क (a) क 2 3
क क (b) क 1 2
क ? (c) क 2 4
(a) क (d) क 1 4
(b) क क
(c) ग 132. Who was the first lady chief guest at
(d) क औ Deepotsava organized in the year 2018 by
ग the Uttar Pradesh Government at
129. Which of the following executes the (a) Kim Jung Sook
decisions of the International Court of (b) Soon
Justice? (c) Aung San Suu Kyi
(a)' Military Staff Committee (d) None of the above
(b) General Assembly क 2018 आ
(c) ICJ itself क क ?
(d) Security Council (a) क ग क
ख क क (b)
क क ? (c) आग क
(a) फ (d) क
(c) 133. Match List - I with List - II and select the
(d) correct answer using the code given below
the Lists :
130. The basis of United Nations Organisation is List - I
(a) Sovereign equality A) Doctrine of subrogation
(b) Economic and Social advancement of all B) Rule against perpetuity
the people C) Feeding the grant by estoppel
(c) Cultural, economic and social D) Doctrine of accumulation
advancement of all the people List - II
(d) None of the above 1) Section 92
घक आ 2) Section 14
(a) - 3) Section 43
(b) ग क आ क क 4) Section 17
(c) ग क क क, आ क क Code:
(d) क (a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 2 3 1
131. Purposes and principles of the United (c) 1 3 2 4
Nations are laid down in (d) 3 2 4 1
(a) Articles 2 and 3 of the UN Charter -I - II क क क
(b) Articles 1 and 2 of the UN Charter; ग क क गक क क :
(c) Articles 2 and 4 of the UN Charter -I
A) क 136. Which one of the following is not an
B) क immovable property?
C) (a) Right to collect tendu leaves
D) क (b) Right to catch fish
-II (c) Right to Worship
1) 92 (d) Right of easement
2) 14 ख क ?
3) 43 (a) क क क क
4) 17 (b) क क क
क :: (c) आ क क क
ABCD (d) ख क क
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 4 2 3 1 137. In which one of the following cases, it was
(c) 1 3 2 4 held that partition is not a transfer of
(d) 3 2 4 1 property?
(a) V N Sarin V Ajeet Kumar, AIR 1986 SC 432
134. The Transfer of Property Act does not (b) Roked Chand V Smt Rajeshwari Devi,
contemplate: AIR 2009 NOC 3009
(a) Actual notice (C) Abdul Jabbar V Venkata Shashtri, AIR
(b) Implied notice 1969 SC 1147
(c) Notice in transaction (d) None of the above
(d) Imputed notice क क ग क
ख क क ?
(a) क आ आ 1986
(a) क 432
(b) (b) क आ आ
(c) क ग 2009 ओ 3009
(d) (c) क , आ आ 1969
135. Under Transfer of Property Act, 1882 when (d) क
can an unborn person acquire vested
interest on transfer for his benefit? 138. In which one of the following Sections of
(a) Upon his birth the Transfer of Property Act, the doctrine
(b) Upon completing his majority age ctrine of Consolidation is incorporated?
(c) Upon his marriage (a) Section 60
(d) None of the above : (b) Section 61
, 1882 क (c) Section 62
फ क क ग क (d) Section 63,
क क ? क क क ग
(a) क क क ग ?
(b) क आ (a) 60
(c) क (b) 61,
(d) क (c) 62
(d) 63
139. Match List - I with List - II and select 141. Choose the correct statement :
correct answer using the code given below (a) Tenancy at sufferance is the smallest
the lists: interest which a person may probably get
List - 1 List – II main immovable property
A) Premium 1) Mortgage (b) Tenancy at sufferance may normally
B) Universal donee 2) Gift arise out of an agreement between the
C) Redemption 3) Lease parties
D) Purchaser 4) Sale (c) Transfer or will of tenancy at sufferance
Code : is possible
ABCD (d) None of the above
(a) 3 2 1 4 क :,
(b) 2 3 4 1 (a) आ ग क
(c) 4 1 2 3 क क क
(d) 1 4 3 2
–Iक - II क क (b) आ ग क क
ग क क गक क क क
क : (c) आ गक
-1 - II (d) क
A) 1) क
B) क - 2) 142. Which of the following is an actionable
C) 3) claim?
D) 4) (a) Copyright of a book
क :- (b) Muslim woman's claim for unpaid
ABCD dower
(a) 3 2 1 4 (c) Right to get damages under law of Torts
(b) 2 3 4 1 (d) Claim for mesne profits paid
(c) 4 1 2 3 ख क ?
(d) 1 4 3 2 (a) क कक क
(b) क क
140. Which of the following is not an essential (c) क क ग क क क
element of lease? क
(a) Party (d) क
(b) Property
(c) Partial Transfer 143. What shall be deemed to be a lease in
(d) Complete Transfer cases of agriculture lease in the absence of
ख क क आ क ? written contract or local usage?
(a) क (a) From month to month
(b) (b) Of Eleven months
(c) आ क (c) From year to year
(d) (d) Of twelve years
ख क क
क क क
(b) 11 क
(c) (b) 21 April, 2018
(d) 12 क (c) 1 September, 2018
(d) 1 July, 2018
144. Which of the following sections of the आ क ( ) , 2018
Transfer of Property Act provides for the
doctrine of substituted security? (a) 11 ग , 2018
(a) 72 (b) 21 , 2018
(b) 73 (c) 1 , 2018
(c) 74 (d) 1 , 2018
(d) 75
क ख क 148. In case of criminal misappropriation,
क क क subsequent intention must be
(a) Fraudulent
(a) 72 (b) Dishonest
(b) 73 (c) Innocent
(c) 74 (d) Illegal
(d) 75 आ क ग क आ

145. Which property cannot be transferred? (a) क

(a) A public office (b)
(b) A mere chance to succeed (C)
(c) A mere right of re-entry (d)
(d) All of the above
क क क ? 149. The 'doctrine of joint liability as envisaged
(a) क क by Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
(b) क क क is : based on the decision of the following -
(c) क क क (a) Barendra Kumar Ghosh V Emperor
(d) क (b) Mulcahy VR
(c) Pandurang V State of Hyderabad
146. Doctrine of election comes under chapter (d) Reg V Cruise
of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 – , - 1860 क 34 क ग
(a) VII ' क ख
(b) II क आ
(c) IV (a) क घ
(d) V (b) क आ
क , 1882 क (c) ग
------ क ग आ (d) ग
(a) VII
(b) II 150. Which of the following combinations are
(c) IV correctly matched?
(d) V 1) Harbour - Section 51 - A, IPC
2) Wrongful Loss - Section 23, IPC
147. The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018 (3) Gang rape on woman under twelve
comes into force from – years of age - Section 376 - DB,IPC
(a) 11 August, 2018 4) Gang rape - Section 376-D, IPC
Select the correct answer using the code given
(a) 1, 3 and 4
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
ख क ?
1) - 51-क,
2) - 23,
3) क आ क क क
ग- 376-घ ख,
4) क ग- 376-घ,
ग क क :
(a) 1, 3 औ 4
(b) 1, 2 औ 3
(c) 2, 3 औ 4
(d) 1, 2 औ 4

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