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Preface 2008 – revised wind load requirements.

PEC 2 – covers the basic safety rules for the safeguarding - Delineation bet PEC 1 and PEC 2
of persons during the installation, operation, and - Chapter 2 of PEC 2000 incorporated in Chapter
maintenance of electric supply and communication 1.
facilities, and associated equipment. - 5 chapters
- Chapter 2 clarified to be applicable to AC and
- Rules are intended to provide a standard of
DC electric supply stations.
safe practices for electric cooperatives, public
- Clearances for DC were added in table
and private utilities, utility commissions, or
- In Chapter 3 , three-zone wind map introduced
other boards of bodies having control over
to have 3 basic wind levels.
safe practices employed in the design,
- Monopolar operation as possible alternative of
installation, operation, and maintenance of
archipelagic country.
electric cupply, communication, street and
- Minor changes in Chapter 4 and 5.
area lighting, signal, or railroad utility
facilities. 2020 – 6th edition
- Not intended as a design specification or as an
- 5 chapters
instruction manual.
- Wind loading requirements
National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) – Standard for - New loading requirements involving 4 wind
outdoor electrical installation during American zones
occupation. - Appendix B to illustrate requirement of RA
11361 specific to the Section 5 on Power Line
Philippine Association of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineers (PAMEE) – started the 1st edition of PEC 2.
RA 11361 – Anti-Obstruction of Power Lines Act of 2019
Philippine Society of Electrical Engineers (PSEE) –
charter member of PAMEE, continued the task. Salient changes in 2020 editions:

1974, 1983, 1988, 2000, 2008, 2020 – Editions of PEC 2 Chapter 1 – delineation od PEC 1 and 2

1974 – 1st edition year of publication - New terms in Article 1.2: Are Lighting,
Authorized Person, Vertical Conductor,
- 3 chapters
Delivery Point, Effectively Grounded Neutral,
1983 – Change in units of measurement, contents and Exclusive Control and Exclusive Control of
content numbering. Utility, Premises, Premises Wiring (System),
Supervised installation, Supported Facility and
- Metric sizes of electrical wires and cables, as Utility.
approved by the 1979 Metric System Board, - Article 1.3 references was updated.
were adopted.
- Original 3 chapters were expanded to 6 Chapter 2 – safety clearance zone to live parts behind
chapters. solid portion of station were revised, new figure was
- Decimal Systems for numbering the contents. added.

1988 – new presentations, provisions, classifications, - Section Taut-String Distances was
voltage ranges and loading for better coordination and added.
clarity. - Illumination requirements

- Vertical line on the outer side of the page for Chapter 3 – 3 zone wind map in 2008 was revised to 4
changes. zone wind map.
- 6 chapters
- 300 kph, 270 kph, 240 kph, 185 kph.
2000 – required minimum clearance for overhead lines
Chapter 4 – Section Clearance of energized
- Min. final clearance regardless of temp. and parts and controls from penetrable ventilation openings
span. was added.
- Horizontal clearances to buildings are given
- Section added to prohibit supply and
with 2 conditions : with/without wind
communication cables in the same conduit
ducts, unless owned by the same utility.
- Clearance values for emergency and
- Section4.6.3.6 added to allow communication
temporary installation.
cables in the same duct if all utilities involved
- 6 chapters
are in agreement.
Chapter 5 – new rule requiring qualified operators f - Wiring within a supply station or in an
mechanized equipment working in the vicinity of underground facility that is a) installed in
energized equipment and lines were added. accordance to chapter 1 or chapter 3 b)
necessary for the operation of the supply
- New provision requiring the use of controls to
station or underground facility
mitigate exposure to radio frequency was
- Utility facilities installed, maintained, and
added as Section Antennas.
controlled by utilities on surface or
Power Line Corridor - The land beneath, the air spaces underground mine sites
surrounding, and the area traversed by power lines. - Similar systems to those listed above that are
under the exclusive control of qualified
RA 11361 Anti-Obstruction of Power Lines Act of 2019 – persons and authorized by regulating or
This act ensures the continuous and uninterrupted controlling body.
transmission and distribution of electricity and the
protection of the integrity and reliability of the power
Not Covered:
The horizontal, vertical, and oother similar clearance
- Utilization equipment or premises
requirements that constitute the PLC shall be determined
wiring located beyond utility service
by the Board of Electrical Engineering (BEE) and
points to buildings or outdoor
approved by the Department of Energy in accordance
with the current PEC.
- Underground mine wiring or
January 29, 2020 – Public consultation was held for installation in ships, railways rolling
approval of PRC. equipment, aircraft, automotive
June 11, 2021 – Resolution 08 series of 2021 was signed - Luminaires not installed or maintained
and approved. under exclusive control by utilities
August 2, 2021 – PEC 2 is published in official gazette. - Industrial complex or utility interactive
systems that are not controlled
August 17, 2021 – effectivity date of PEC 2. exclusively under utilities or qualified
Page 331 – Form of PEC2 revision proposals. persons or are located on the premises
wiring side of the service point.
RA 7920 – New Electrical Engineering Law – emergency installations
Table of Contents
Article 3.4 – may be decreased for emergency
Chapter 1 – General installation.
Chapter 2 – Safety Rules for installation and Chapter 4 ( - burial depth requirements may be
maintenance of electric supply stations and equipment waived for the duration of emergency.
Chapter 3 – Safety rules for the installation and Grade N construction – minimum strength of material
maintenance of overhead electric supply and and constructions for emergency installations.
communication lines – Temporary Overhead installation
Chapter 4 – Safety rules for the installation and
maintenance of the underground electric supply and Mandatory – shall
communication lines Should – indicated provisions that are normally and
Chapter 5 – Work rules for the operation of electric generally practical for specified conditions.
supply and communication lines and equipment. Footnotes – have the same force and effect required or
Covered: allowed by the rule that specifies the use of the table.

- Supply and communication facilities Exception – may be substituted for one or more
- Generation, Transmission, and distribution of requirements
electricity, lumens, communication signals, - Alternative to applied requirements/
and communication data safe option
- Utility facilities and functions of utilities that
A) generate energy or signals or accept energy Recommendation – desirable but not mandatory
or signals from another entity. B) provide the Note and example – illustrative purposes
energy or signals through a delivery point to
another entity. - Not considered as part of code
- Street and are lights that provide a supply of
Recommendation, exception, note – same indention
- Utility facilities and functions on the line side Board of Electrical Engineering – final interpretation
of the service point
Article 1.2 – Definitions Grounded Conductor – conductor that is intentionally
Administrative Authority – government authority
exercising jurisdiction over application of this code. Grounding Conductor – a conductor used to connect
equipment or the wiring system with a grounding
Ampacity – current-carrying capacity, expressed in
amperes, of an electric conductor under stated thermal
conditions. Insulated conductor – a conductor covered with
dielectric equal or greater than the voltage of a circuit.
Anchorage – A secure point of attachment to which the
fall protection system is connected. Lateral Conductor – wire or cable entirely supported on
one structure and extending in a general vertical,
Area Lighting – electrical installation that provides
horizontal, or a diagonal direction.
lumens o public or private property.
Lateral Conductor – may be attached directly to the
Authorized Person – A person authorized by the
structure or supported away from the structure.
controlling utility to perform specific duties.
Line Conductor – overhead supply or communication
Automatic – Self acting, operating by its own
Line Conductor – A wire or cable intended to carry
Backfill – sand, crushed stone, or soil, placed to fill an
electric currents, extending along the route of the line,
supported by poles, towers, or other structures, but not
Ballast Section (Railroads) – section of material, trap including vertical or lateral conductors.
rock, provides support under railroad tracks.
Open Conductor (Open Wire) – type of electric supply or
Bonding – Electrical interconnecting of conductive parts, communication line in which the conductors are bare,
designed to maintain common electrical potential. covered, or insulated, do not have ground shielding, and
are individually supported at the structure.
Cable – Conductor with insulation, or a stranded
conductor w/ or w/o insulation and other coverings or a Vertical Conductor – wire or cable riser attached to a
combination of conductors insulated from one another. pole or a vertical portion of a lateral conductor.

Cable Jacket – A protective covering over the insulation, Conducting Shield – envelope that close a conductor and
core or sheath of cable. provides an equipotential surface in contact.

Cable Sheath – A conductive covering applied to cables. Conduit – A structure containing one or more ducts.

Cable Terminal – provides insulation egress to Conduit System – combination of ducts, conduits,
conductors (Termination). manholes, handholes, and vaults joined to form an
integrated whole.
Circuit – system of conductors which an electric current
is intended to flow. Current-carrying Part – a conducting part intended to be
connected in an electric circuit to a source of voltage.
Circuit Breaker – A switching device capable of making,
carrying, and breaking currents. Breaking currents when Noncurrent carrying part – not intended to be
short circuit. connected

Clearance – Clear distance between two objects De-energized – disconnected from all the sources of
measured surface to surface usually filled with gas or air. electrical supply by open switches, disconnectors,
jumpers, taps, or other means.
Climbing – Vertical and horizontal movement to access
or depart the worksite. Delivery Point – The point at which one utility delivers
energy or signal to another utility.
Common use – simultaneous use by two or more utilities
of the same kind. Designated Person (Designated employee) – A qualified
person designated to perform specific duties under the
Conductor – material in a form of cable, wire or busbar conditions existing.
suitable for carrying electric current.
Disconnecting or Isolating Switch – A mechanical
Bare Conductor – Metallic conductor without covering. switching device used for changing the connections in a
Bundled Conductor – assembly of two or more circuit or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a
conductors used as a single conductor. source of power.

Subconductors – individual conductors of bundled Duct – A single enclosed raceway for conductors or
conductors. cables.

Covered Conductor – Conductor covered with dielectric Effective Ground / Effectively Grounded – Bonded to an
less than the voltage of a circuit. effectively grounded neutral conductor or to a grounding
system designed to minimize hazard to personnel.
Effectively Grounded Neutral Conductor – a conductor Guarded – Covered, fenced, enclosed or protected by
that is intentionally connected to the source transformer means of suitable covers or casings
neutral directly or through an impedance to limit phase-
Handhole – An access opening
to-ground fault current and has not less than four
grounds in each 1.6 km of line. Harness – component with a design of straps
Electric Supply Equipment – equipment that produces, In service – lines and equipments are considered in
modifies, regulates, controls, or safeguards a supply of service when connected to the system and intended to
electric energy. be capable of delivering energy or communication
Electric Supply Station – Any building, room, or separate
space within which electric supply equipment is located. Insulated – separated from other conducting surfaces by
Generating stations and substations but nit pad- a dielectric offering a high resistance
mounted equipment and installations in manholes or
vaults. Insulation (As applied to cable) – insulate conductors
from other conductors, conducting parts or the ground.
Generating Station – A plant wherein electric energy is
produced by conversion from some other form of energy Insulation Shielding – An envelope that encloses the
by means of suitable apparatus. Not including power for insulation of a cable and provides equipotential surface
communication systems. in contact with the cable insulation

Substation (Switching Station) – An enclosed Insulator – Insulating material in a form designed to

assemblage of equipment support a conductor

Enclosed – Surrounded by case, cage, or fence Isolated – Not readily accessible to persons unless
special means for access are used.
Energized (Live) – Electrically connected to a source or
potential difference Isolated by elevation – elevated sufficiently so that
persons may safely walk underneath.
Equipment – general term for fittings, devices,
appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and similar terms in Isolator- Disconnecting or Isolating switch
connection with electric supply or communications Jacket – A protective covering over the insulation, core,
system. or sheath of cable.
Exclusive control – Covers installation, ownership, Joint Use - Simultaneous use by two or more utilities.
restricted access, operation and maintenance
Lanyard – A flexible line
Exclusive control of utility – energized facilities are
separated from public areas by a spatial or a physical Lightning Arrester – Surge Arrester
barrier, responsible for connection/disconnection of Limited Access highways – fully controlled and partially
facilities. controlled highways controlled by government authority
Exposed – Not isolated or guarded. Communication lines located in the communication
Fall Arrest System – An assemblage of equipment such space – used for public or private signal or
as line worker’s body belt, aerial belt, or full body harness communication services not exceeding 400 V to 750 V
to limit the force a worker can experience during a fall. and not exceeding 150 W. When operating at not more
than 90 V ac to 150 V dc no limit is placed.
Fall Prevention System – positioning device system
intended to prevent a worker from falling from an Communication lines located in supply space – may
elevation. operate at any voltage, include supply circuit of any
voltage, be included within a supply conductor.
Fall Protection Program – intended to protect workers
from injury. Electric Supply Lines – wires, conductors and cables used
to transmit electric energy 400 V
Fiber-optic Cable-communication – fiber optic cable
meeting the requirements for communication line Joint-Use Lines – overhead or underground lines
containing or supporting facilities of 2 or more utilities.
Fiber optic cable supply – – fiber optic cable located in
the supply space of overhead or underground facilities. Line-Worker’s Body Belt – belt consists of a belt strap
and D-rings
Fireproofing – application of fire-resistant coverings
Manhole – a subsurface enclosure that personnel may
Grounded – connected to or in contact to earth or enter
connected to some extended conductive body that
serves instead of the earth Manhole Cover – A removable lid

Grounded System – A system of conductor where atleast Manhole Grating – Grid that provides ventilation
one conductor or point is intentionally grounded. Manual – operated by personal intervention
Minimum Approach Distance – closest distance a Final Sag – sag of conductor under specified conditions
qualified employee is permitted to approach of loading and temp applied, inelastic deformation.

Multigrounded/Multiple Grounded System – a system Separation – distance bet. Two objects filled with solid
of conductors in which a neutral conductor is or liquid material.
intentionally grounded.
Service Drop – overhead conductors bet electric supply
Neutral Conductor – a system of conductor other than a or communication line and the structure to be served
phase conductor that provides a return path for current
Service Point – point of connection bet. The facilities of
to the source.
the servicing utility and the premises wiring.
Out of Service – lines and equipment are considered out
Shield Wire (Overhead ground wire, static wire or surge
of service when disconnected from the system and not
protection wire) – wires which may not be grounded,
intended to be capable of delivering energy or
strung parallel to and above phase conductors to protect
communication signals
power system from lightning strikes.
Overvoltage – voltage is higher than the highest value
Shoulder – potion of the roadways contiguous with the
Pad-mounted Equipment – general term describing traveled way for emergency used
enclosed equipment, the exterior of which enclosure is
Side-Wall pressure – crushing force exerted on a cable
al ground potential
during installation
Positioning Device System – hardware that allows a
Single Grounded System/Underground System – a
worker to be supported on an elevated vertical surface
system of conductor in which one conductor is
Positioning Strap – a strap with snap hooks intentionally grounded

Premises – land located on the user side of a service Spacer Cable – assembly of one or more conductors
point, utility service point of demarcation separated from each other and supported from a
messenger by a insulating spacers.
Premises Wiring (System) – Interior and exterior wiring
Spacing – distance measured center to center
Prestressed-Concrete Structures – concrete structures
that include metal tendons Span Length – horizontal distance bet. Two adjacent
points of a conductor
Pulling Iron – anchor secured in the wall, ceiling or floor
of a manhole Span Wire – auxiliary suspension wire that serves to
support one or more trolley
Pulling Tension – longitudinal force exerted on a cable
during installation Structure Conflict – line situated with respect to the
second line
Qualified – having been trained in and having
demonstrated adequate knowledge of the installation, Supervised Installation – where conditions of
construction, or operation of lines maintenance and supervisions ensure that only qualified
persons monitor and service the system.
Qualified Climber – A worker who understands the
methods in climbing techniques Supported Facility – any components of an overhead line
system that is supported on, but is not intended to
Raceway – any channel designed expressly and used
provide structural strength, the supporting structure
solely for holding conductors
- Conductors, line hardware, equipment
Random Separation – Installed with less than 300 mm
hanger brackets, and switches
separation and without deliberate separation.
Supporting Structure – main supporting unit used to
Remotely Operable – capable of being operated from a
support supply and communication conductors, cables,
position external to the structure
Restricted Access – exclusive control is maintained
Readily Climbable – supporting structure having a
Roadway – portion of highway, shoulders sufficient handholds or footholds.

Divided Highways – has 2 or more roadways Not Readily Climbable – supporting structure not
meeting the requirements of readily climbable structure,
Rural Districts – All places not urban. Thinly settled areas pole, tower legs, handholds or footholds with no less
within city limits. than 2.45 m bet. Lowest handhold and ground. Guy
Sag – distance measured vertically from a conductor, wires.
midpoint of the span Surge Arresters – protective devices for limiting surge
Initial unloaded sag – sag of conductor prior to the voltages
application of any external load.
Susceptiveness – characteristics of communication Vault – structurally solid enclosure including all sides,
circuit that determine the extent to which is adversely top, and bottom.
affected by inductive fields.
- Associated with underground electric
Switch – device for opening or closing or for changing the supply
connection of a circuit. - Located above or below ground or in a
Switchboard – switchgear assembly that consists of one
- Entry is limited to personnel
or more panels
Voltage – effective potential difference between anytwo
Tag – Accident prevention tag used for the purpose of
conductors or bet, a conductor and ground.
personnel protection to indicate
- Expressed in nominal values
Transferring (as applied to fall protection) – acts of
moving one distinct object to another. Voltage of Circuit not effectively grounded – the highest
nominal voltage bet. Any tow conductors of a circuit.
Transformer Vault – isolated enclosure either above or
below ground with fire resistant wall, ceilings, and floor. Voltage of constant-current circuit – highest normal full-
load voltage of a circuit
Transitioning (As applied to fall protection) – The act of
moving from one location to another on equipment. Voltage of an effectively grounded circuit – the highest
nominal voltage available belt bet. Any conductors of the
Traveled Way – portion of roadway for vehicle
circuit and ground
movement, exclusive of shoulders, full time parking.
Voltage to ground of a grounded circuit - the highest
Underground System - a system of conductors in which
nominal voltage available belt bet. any conductors and
no conductor or point is intentionally grounded.
the point or conductor of the circuit that is grounded.
Unloaded Tension – Initial / Final
Voltage to ground of an underground circuit - the
Initial – longitudinal tension in a conductor prior to highest nominal voltage available bet. any two
application of external load. conductors of the circuit concerned

Final - longitudinal tension in a conductor prior after it Voltage to ground of a conductor of a grounded circuit
has been subjected for an appreciable period or - the nominal voltage bet. any conductors and the point
equivalent loading or conductor of the circuit that is grounded

Urban Districts – Thickly settled areas or where

congested traffic often occurs.

Utility – An organization responsible for the engineering

Voltage to ground of a conductor of an ungrounded
and supervision of a public or private electric supply
circuit – the highest nominal voltage bet. such conductor
Public Utility – entity that performs one or more utility or any other conductor.
service for the benefit of multiple customers
Wire Sizes – expressed in mm^2
- Investor-owned,
- Solid round conductors, is equal to the
municipality/government owned,
square of the conductor diameter in
cooperative-owned utility, public
mm multiplied by a constant 0.7854.
utility districts, irrigation districts,
lighting districts, traffic signal or other Worksite (As applied to fall protection) – The location
signal utilities on the structure where after the worker has completed
the climbing, the worker is in position to perform the
Private Utilities - entity that performs one or more utility
assigned work or tasks.
service for its own facilities, large industrial complex,
large campus, military complex, railroad system, trolley Article 1.4 – Grounding methods for electric supply and
system or extensive gas or oil field. communications facilities
- Generates or transmits power that is Section 1.4.3 – Point of connection of grounding
delivered to another utility. conductor

Utility Interactive System – electric power production Part – DC system that are required to be
system, that is operating in parallel with and capable of grounded
delivering energy to a utility supply sytem.
DC System 750 volts and below – connections shall be
Utilization equipment – an electrical installation that made only at supply station.
uses electric or light energy for electronic,
- 3 wire dc system connections shall be
electromechanical…..on the premises wiring side of the
made to the neutral
service point
DC system over 750 volts – connections shall be made at Guys shall be connected to one or more of the ff:
both the supply and load stations
- Grounded metallic supporting structure
- The connection shall be made at the - Effective ground on nonmetallic
neutral of the system supporting structure
- Line conductor that has at least 3
Part – AC current system that are required to be
ground connections in each kilometer
of line in addition to the ground
AC system 750 volts and below – point of grounding connections at individual services
connection on a wye-connected 3 phase 4 wire system
Common grounding of messengers and guys on the
or on a single phase, 3 wire system shall be the neutral
same supporting structure
- One grounding conductor that is
- Grounding connections shall be made
grounded at that structure
at the source and the line side of all
- Separate grounding c
service equipment.
- conductors or grounded messengers
AC System over 750 volts (Nonshielded) – grounding bonded together and grounded at that
connection shall be made at the neutral of the source. structure
- One or more grounded line conductor
- Additional connection along length of or ground messenger that arc bonded
the neutral. together at the structure and multi-
AC System over 750 volts (Shielded) – Surge Arrester grounded at intervals specified in rule
Cable-Shielding interconnection a and b

- Cable without insulating jacket Common crossing structures – messenger and guys that
- Cable with insulating jacket are required to be grounded shall be bonded together at
that structure and grounded in accordance to rule
Surge Arrester Cable-Shielding interconnection – cable 1
shielding grounds shall be bonded to surge arrester
grounds If an objectionable flow of current occurs

Cable without insulation jacket – connection shall be -Determine the source of the objectionable conductor
made at the neutral of the source transformer and at current and take action necessary to reduce the current
cable termination points. to an acceptable level at its source

Cable with insulating jacket – Additional bonding and -Abandon one or more grounds
connections bet. the cable insulation shielding or sheaths -Change location of grounds
and the system ground are recommended
- Interrupt the continuity of conductors between ground
Bonding transformers or reactors – may be substituted - Subject to the approval of the administrative authority,
for direct ground connection at one end of the cable. take other effective means to limit the current
Separate Grounding Conductor – used an adjunct to a
cable run underground

- Shall be connected either directly or

through the system neutral to the The system ground of the source transformer shall not
source transformers, source be removed.
transformer accessories, and cable
Fences – shall be designed to limit touch, step, and
accessories where these are to be
transferred voltages in accordance with industry
- Shall be located to the same direct
burial or conduit run as the circuit - Grounding connections shall be made
conductor. either to the grounding system of the
enclosed equipment or to a separate
3 connections per km – messenger wires arc adequate
for system grounding conductors.

Live connections per km, exclusive of service grounds –

messenger wires are not adequate
Connection of the grounding conductor shall be made by Conductive – All outer surfaces of made electrodes shall
matching grounded and grounding conductors. be _____.

- Brazing Driven rods:

- Welding
Total length of min. 2.45 mm
- Mechanical and compression
connections Iron, zince coated steel, or steel rods diameter of min. 16
- Ground clamps mm
- Ground straps
- Soldering only with lead sheaths Coper clas, stainless steel, or stainless steel-clads rods
diameter of min. 13 mm
System Grounding conductors for a single-grounded
system – short time ampacity adequate for the fault. Min. 1.85 m – spacing between multiple rods

- Continuous ampacity shall not be less Min. 2.45 – Driven depth.

than the full-load current of the system Buried Wire (made electrode):
1/5 - System Grounding conductors for Multi-grounded 4.00 mm diameter or larger
ac systems shall have continuous total ampacities at each
location at not less than ___ of the conductors to which Buried in depth min. of 450 mm
they are attached to. 30 m min. total length
3.5 mm^2 copper - Grounding conductors for instrument Straight
transformers shall not be less than ____.
Buried strips of metal (made electrode):
Grounding conductors for primary surge arresters –
shall have an adequate short time ampacity of excess 3.0 m min. length
current caused by or following a surge.
Surface min. 0.47 m^2
14 mm^2 copper or 22 mm^2 aluminum – individual
Buried in depth min. 450 mm
arrester shall be no smaller than ____.
Min 6.00 mm – ferrous metal
Arrester grounding/ 30% – ________ may be copper-
clad or aluminum-clad steel wire having not less than Min 1.5 mm – nonferrous metal
____ of the conductivity of solid copper or aluminum of
Buried plates or sheets (made electrode):
the same diameter.
Surface min. 0.185 mm^2
Grounding conductors for equipment, raceways, cable,
messenger wires, guys, sheaths, and other metal Depth of min 1.5 m
enclosures for wires – shall have a short time ampacities
adequate for the available fault current and operating 0.046 mm^2 – pole butt plate area
time for the system fault protective device Wire wrap:
- If no overcurrent device the grounding Exposed length min. of 3.7 m
conductor shall be not less than 8.0
mm^2 copper Not be smaller than 14 mm^2

Galvanized steel wire not smaller than 22 mm^2 30 m min. length – concentric neutral as grounding
( – grounding conductor for fences. electrode

Not less than 8.0 mm^2 – unguarded grounding 100 ohm-meter – radial sensitivity of semi-conducting
conductors shall have a tensile strength of _______ soft jacket
drawn copper. Radial Sensitivity – measurement on a unit length of
Not less than 2.45 m – the guards should extend for cable, of the resistance bet. concentric neutral and
_____ above the ground or platform from which the surrounding conducting medium.
grounding conductors are accessible to the public. - Resistance of unit times the surface
area of the jacket divided by the
average thickness of the jacket over the
Nonmetallic – grounds should be of _______ materials. neutral conductors. Expressed in
600 V - transposition connections and bonding jumpers meters.
shall be insulated for ______. Concrete encased electrode (made electrodes) – a
metallic wire, rod, or structural shape, meeting rule
900 mm below grade – reinforcing bar that extends
atleast ______, constitute an effective and acceptable (e) and encased in concrete, that is not insulated
type of grounding electrode. from direct contact with earth, shall constitute an
acceptable ground electrode.
Concrete depth below grade: min. 300 mm 14 mm^2 copper – a bond not smaller than _____ or
equivalent shall be placed between the communication
Depth: 750 mm
grounding electrode and the supply sytem neutral
If wire is copper: min. 22 mm^2 or 9.0 mm (9.525 mm) di grounding electrode where separated electrodes are
used in or on the same building.
If wire is galvanized steel : 50 mm^2
Min. 2.213 m – metal fences
Length: min. of 6.1 m
Min. 2.13 – fence fabric
Directly embedded poles (made electrodes) – backfill is
native earth, concrete or conductive 1.8 fence fabric – combination of ____ or more and
extension utilizing 3 or more barbed wire.
- Min. of 1.5 m of embedded length
exposed to earth. W/o nonconductive R value =< table (b) (1) – metal chain link fence
R1+H => R + 1.5 = impenetrable barriers
30 mm^2 – In ground connections, if the copper wire is
Safety clearance to electric supply station impenetrable
carried beyond the surface concrete, it shall be no
smaller than.
Nom. V BIL Dimesion “R”
3.0 m or more – made grounds structures should be
separated by ___ from piplines used form transmission 13.8 110 3.1
of flammable liquids or gasses at 1030 kpa.
34.5 200 3.2
HVDC – High-voltage direct current
69 350 3.5
3 grounds – In multigrounded system, electrodes should
11 lux/ 1-1/2 hours – emergency lighting/ min/ duration
total not less than ____ in each km of the entire line,
excluding grounds and individual services. 2.13 m – head room
25 ohms – resistance of individual made electrodes 300 mm – floor openings in excess of ____ height shall
should meet the requirements of 1.4.7 and not exceed be provided with railing.
75 mm – top rails should be unobstracted for a distance
Spark gap – where secondary neutral is not ____
interconnected with primary surge arresters grounding
conductor as in rule, interconnection may be Illumination Levels
made through ____ or device that performs equivalent Generating station (Interior) Lux
Highly critical areas occupied most of the time 270
Gap: undergrounded
Areas occupied most of the time 160
60 hz, twice primary circuite voltage but not more than
10 kV. Critical areas occupied infrequently 110

1 and 6.1 – In underground or single grounded system, Areas occupied infrequently 55

atleast _ other grounding connection on the secondary Generating Station (Exterior)
neutral shall be provided with it grounding electrode
located at a distance of not less than ___ from the surge Building pedestrian main entrance 110
Critical areas 55
600 V – primary and secondary grounding conductor
Areas occupied occasionally by pedestrian 22
should be insulated for ___.
Areas occupied occasionally by vehicles 11
Gap: Multigrounded
Areas occupied infrequently 5.5
6o hz, not exceeding 3kv, 1 grounding electrode at a
distance min. 1.8 from primary and surge arrester. Remote areas 2.2

6.1 m – made electrodes used for grounding surge Substation

arresters of ungrounded supply systems operated at
Control building interior 55
potentials exceeding 15 kV phase to pahse should be
located atleast ____ from buried communication lines. General 22
Copper, not less than 2.00 mm^2 , by bolted clamp – Remote areas 2.2
grounding conductors
ANSI-B15.1-2000 – Safety standard for mechanical Nonshielded insulated conductor of not more than
power transmission apparatus – safeguarding pulleys 2500 v and bare conductors of more than 150 V -isolated
by elevation rule 2.3.5
750 V dc system greater than _____ shall be grounded
More than 150 V or 60 A – shall be classified as
300 V phase to phase – guards live parts
disconnecting fuses
Min. 2.6 m – indeterminate potential verticle clearance
above grade
7.6 m – switchgear shall not be located within
Guards if less than 100 mm:
horizontally indoors
Completely enclose the parts
3.0 m – switchgear shall not be located within outdoors
Not be close to live parts
2 – enclosed switchgear shall have ___ egress
Except Insulating is less than 2,500 v
90 degress or min. 900 mm – switchgear door opening
Gurads more than 100 mm:
More than 1 high voltage source – safety sign for metal
Shall extend atleast 2.6 m above the floor enclosed switch gear

Min. 1.07 m – railings or fences More than one voltage source – safetysign for motor
control center
Min. 900 m not more than 1.20 m^2 – railing or fences
horizontal distance Antistatic type – carpeting in switch boards

Less than 2.6 m – nearest point of guard zone Common neutral – conductor used as a common neutral
for primary and secondary circuits shall be effectively
150 mm – toe boards grounded
8000V ph to ph – Nonshielded insulated conductors 600 volts – safety signs in bridges
Min. 1.5 m – taut strings distance 300 v – safety signs and barriers in readily climbable
750 mm – working space shall not be less than structures

900 mm – ebergized parts in front of switch board shall Min. 2.5 m – steps permanently installed
not be less than 2.45 m – standoff brackets lowest brackets and ground
25% - lower flammable limit or 2 lowest brackets

8% or less – total entrapped volatiles Special construction o f min. 600 v and max 5 kw

Class 1 Div 1 Group D – unventilated space inside or - 8.00 mm^2 medium hard-drawn
above coal storage copper
- 750 mm climbing space
Class 2 Group F Div 1 or 2 – Tunnels beneath stockpiles - 600 mm above supply circuit
Class 2 Div 1 – portable lamps - 600 mm vertical clearance bet. the
support arm
Flammable liquid – flash point below 38 c 275 kpa, class - Min. 1kv breakdown arrester
1 liquid - Fuses 10 A min. 600 v
- 400 mm vertical separation
Combustible liquid – greater than 38 c not exceeding 275
kPa 3.0 m vertically – overhead trolley
Class 1a – flash point below 23, boiling point below, 38 750/ 3.6 m – trolley contact conductor energized at more
than ___ shall be suspended in ways the conductor will
Class 1b – flash point below 23
not come within ____ of the ground.
Class 1c – flashpoint at ot above 23 below 38
Third rails – shall be protected by adequate guards
Class 2 – 38-59 composed of wood.
Class 3a – 60 – 92 Exceeds 30 m – crossing span, catenary construction

Class 3b – 93 above 4.8 m trucks/ 2.7 m above pedestrians – open supply

conductors of 0-750 v
4.6 m – outdoor storage spacrs
Trucks – vehicle exceeding 2.5 in height
7.6 m – hydrogen strorage space
Measured ground clearance (MGC) - Calculated sag
Class 2 div 1 group g – sulfur dust in suspension
change from 28 c to max sag due to thermal loading (CSC)
Racks – frames designed to support cells or trays - ground clearance @ max sag (CGC)
1.0 – force coefficient or shape factor for cylindrical Service drop conductors:
3.0 m verticle clearance from the highest roof
430 Pa – horizontal wind pressure
2.45 m – not means of acces if bottom rung
Total load – resultant of vertical and horizontal load
900 m – in any direction from windows
@10C plus 0.73 N/m
1.8 m wide – clear zoen for 3 stroies of 15 m height
0.73 N/m – additive constant
ADDSS (All Dielectric Self Supporting) – fiber optic cable
5.5 m min – grainbins all direction
that is entirely dielectric
4.6 m – grainbins an dope supply 0-22 kv
Constant current circuits – basis normal full load voltage
1.15 – a allowance for 3 standard deviations
Min. 1.2 m – clearance from fire hydrants
1.03 – b nonstandard atmospheric conditions
4.6 m – whre there are curbs
C – margin safety
Min. 150 mm – redirectional curbs
1.2 – margin safety vertical clearance
Min. 3.6 m – nearest track rail
1.0 – margin safety horizontal clearance
Min 2.13 m – may be allowed whre supporting structure
Is not controlling obstruction 1.15 – k configuration factor
Min. 2.13 m – industrial sidings 6.1 m – vertical clearance minus assumed height of rail
15 C – conductor temp for trolley and electrified railroad
contact conductors 4.6 m – horizontal clearance above the rail minus
2.45 m – insulator rule inserted atleast ___ from Reference Vertical Horizontal
the ground in metallic suspension ropes Distance (m) (m)
100 mm per kv -additional clearances bet. 22 and 470 kv Buildings 2.70 0.90

3% for each 300 m in excess of 1000 m above sea level – Signs,

50 kv chimneys,
radio, tv,
50 – max conductor temp antennas,
Point Conductor temp Sag Wind displacement tanks, not
bridge or
A 15 initial none building 2.70 0.90
B 15 initial 290 pa
bridges 2.70 0.90
C 15 final none
D 15 final 290 pa structures of
another line 1.80 1.50
E1 50 or max final none Dimension A 5.5
E2 0 final none Dimension B 4.3 4.3
Span length m vertical spacing bet. conductors
Min. 1.5 m – horizontal clearance bet. crossing or 0-45 100
adjacent wires over 45-60 150
10 mm per kv – boltage bet wires exceeding 22 kv over 60 -75 200
over 75 - 90 300
0 mm – reference height of supply lines

600 mm – reference height of communication lines

Min. 300 mm – spacing bet messeneger
Conductor or Cable Horizontal clearance displaced wind
Min. 100 mm – clearance bet. conductors cables
open supply conductor, 0 -750 1.1 m
Min. 1.0 m or 1.5 – buckram construction
Rule b Above 750 v 1.1 m
750 mm – 6 pin cross arm spacing of 370 mm may be
Rule c Above 750 v 1.1 m used to provide a _____ climbing space

Open supply conductor over 750-22kv 1.4 m

Min. 75 mm – wires alongside installation

Bet. supply conductors and cooms eqipment Jacketed multi-conductor – cable with a jacket enclosing
the entire assembly
Vertical Clearance
Supply voltage (kV) m 1/8 / 50 mm – vertical runs shall have a clearance of ____
Grounded of the pole but not less than _______ from exposed
conductor and throught bolts.
hardware and 25 mm – verticle clearance of effectively cpmmunication
supports 0.75 m cables may have a clearance of ____.
0 - 8.7 1.00 m
Grade b, C, N – order of grades for supply and
1 plus 0.01 per kv
communication conductors and supporting structures
over 8.7 inexcess if 8.7 kv

300 mm – lowest point of loop shall be atleast ______

above the highest communication cable

Vertical clearances of span wires

Carrying luminaires or
Carrying trolley conductors
traffic signals
not not
effectively effectively
effectively effectively
grounded grounded 300 kph – orange
grounded grounded
polilio island, catanduanes, eastern samar, batanes,
support 500 mm 500 mm 500 500 mm eastern side of sierra madre, east of northern samar
Below 270 kph – blue
support 1000 mm 600 mm 600 600 mm 240 kph – yellow
Above messengers
carrying Occidental Mindoro, busuanga, antique, guimaras,
Below messengers 500 mm 100 mm 300 100 mm
carrying southern Iloilo, southern cebu, Siquijor,negros oriental,
communications negros occidental, Biliran, leyte, smar,southern
cables 1000 mm 100 mm 300 100 mm
leyte,camiguin,Compostela valley, agusan delnorte,
From terminal box gusan del sur
of communication
From 500 mm 100 mm 300 100 mm 185 kph – green
brackets, bridle Palawan, Zamboanga, Lanao, Misamis, Davao delsur,
wire rings, or drive 410 mm 100 mm 100 100 mm davao del norte, davao occidental, Cotabato, sultan
kudarat, Sarangani, basilan, Maguindanao, sulu tawitawi

Figure – Basic wind speed pp 149

Max 13.3 kn – breaking strength

33.33 – percent of rated breaking strength

1.00 m above 1.8 below m – guarded

0.80 – strength factor

ANSI O5.1-2008 – stress level of natural wood poles

ANSI O5.2-2006 or ANSI O5.3-2008 – stress level of sawn

of laminated woods
Conduit system

75 mm of concrete

100 mm of masonry

3.1 kN – crossarm 300 mm of well tamped earth

80% - design tensionshall not be more than 300 mm min – radial separation

35% - initital tension without external 14.5 k pa – in designing structures not subject to
vehicular loading the live load should be not less than
25%- final tension without external
30% - live loads shall be increased by
Min 50 mm^2 – trolley contact conductor is copper open
supply 4.3 m – 9 m – Variable spacing

Min 22 mm^2 if sislicon bronze – trolley contact

conductor open supply Manhole
2 times max load – strength for climbin gdevcies Horizontal – min 900 mm

Vertical – min 1.83 m

Min 650 mm diameter – round access openings supply


Min 600 mm diameter – round acces opening

communication cable

Min 650 mm by 560 mm – rectangular access

ANSI – American National Standards Institute

AEIC – Association of Edison Illuminating Companies

NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturers Association

ASTM – American Society for Testing and Material

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

Standard for Supply Cable

PNS-BPS – Philippine National Standards of the Bureauof

Product Standards
Min 60 mm^2 if copper – exceeding 750, trolley contact
conductors 75 mm – horizontal runs shall be supported atleast ____
above the floor
Min 2 mm^2 if silicon bronze – exceeding 750, trolley
contact conductors Joint-Use Manholes and Vaults
ph-to-ph supply
surface to surface
0 to 15k 150 mm
15001 - 50k 230 mm
50001-12k 300 mm
12001 and above 660 mm
1.5 m – supply cables should not be installed within ____
of a swimming pool

150 mm – machine compaction

Supply cable, conductor, duct burial

Depth of burial
ph-to-ph voltage
0 - 600 600 mm
601-50k 750 mm
50001 and above 1070 mm

Max 22 kv – grounded supply

Max 5.3 kv – ungrounded supply

200 mm – equipment shall not be installed closer than
___ on the back of a fixed ladder

Temporary overvoltage control device -T00CD

85% - dc relative humiity

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System – SCAD

Zone 1 – 300 kph

Zone 2 – 270 kph

Zone 3 – 240 kph

Zone 4 - 185 kph

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