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Designation: D6735 − 01 (Reapproved 2009)

Standard Test Method for

Measurement of Gaseous Chlorides and Fluorides from
Mineral Calcining Exhaust Sources—Impinger Method1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6735; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


The bias and precision statements included in Section 14 of this test method are based on field test
measurements at limestone calcining sources. Procedures for assessing the test-specific bias and the
precision at each source are included in the body of the method.
Additional optional procedures are included in Appendix X1 that can be used to demonstrate the
bias and precision of the method for specific source categories. These procedures were used to develop
the bias and precision statements included in Section 14 and may be applied when using the method
at sources where no previous test data have been acquired.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This method will measure the concentration of gaseous 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, and other gaseous chlo- D1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis of
rides and fluorides that pass through a particulate matter filter Atmospheres
maintained at 177°C (350°F). This method is specific for D2986 Practice for Evaluation of Air Assay Media by the
sampling combustion effluent from mineral calcining industries Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) Smoke Test
and other stationary sources where the reactive/adsorptive (Withdrawn 2004)3
nature of the particulate matter may affect measurements. D3195 Practice for Rotameter Calibration
1.2 This method utilizes ion chromatography to quantify the D6348 Test Method for Determination of Gaseous Com-
aqueous samples, and thus measures only the C1- and F- ions. pounds by Extractive Direct Interface Fourier Transform
Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
1.3 Based on a one-hour sampling run, the method will 2.2 EPA Standards:4
provide results of known accuracy and precision for chloride Method 1—Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary
and fluoride in-stack concentrations of 0.5 ppm (v) dry or Sources
greater. Extending the run duration and sampling a greater Method 2—Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volu-
volume of effluent will extend the range to lower concentra- metric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube)
tions. Method 3—Gas Analysis for Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen,
1.4 This method includes optional post-test quality assur- Excess Air, and Dry Molecular Weight
ance procedures to assess the bias of the test results, and Method 4—Determination of Moisture Content in Stack
optional paired sample train runs to assess the precision of test Gases
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D22 on Air the ASTM website.
Quality and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.03 on Ambient The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Atmospheres and Source Emissions.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2009. Published December 2009. Originally United States Environmental Protection Agency Code of Federal Regulations,
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as D6735 - 01. DOI: 40 CFR Parts 60 and 63, available from the Government Printing Office,
10.1520/D6735-01R09. Washington, DC.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D6735 − 01 (2009)
Method 301—Field Validation of Pollutant Measurement 3.2.16 spiked train, n—a train in which HCl(g) or HF(g) has
Methods from Various Waste Media been added after the test run to determine measurement system
3. Terminology 3.2.17 “u” tubes, n—connecting tubes constructed of either
3.1 See Terminology D1356 for definition of terms used in glass or TFE-fluorocarbon to assemble the impinger train.
this test method. 3.2.18 volatile compounds, n—compounds that are gases at
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: the effluent temperature.
3.2.1 analyte spike, n—the optional procedure contained in
this method to assess bias attributed to the measurement 4. Summary of Test Method
system. The analyte spike procedure consists of adding a 4.1 Sampling:
known amount of the certified compressed gas into the 4.1.1 This method involves collecting an integrated sample
impinger train upstream of the particulate filter after the end of of stack gas in a series of five midget impingers. Two of the
a run. five impingers contain 0.1 N H2SO4, two are empty and one
3.2.2 blank train, n—an impinger train that is assembled and contains silica gel.
recovered but does not collect effluent gas. The blank train 4.1.2 Sampling is conducted from a single point within the
provides an estimate of the amount of contamination that can stack or duct at a constant sampling rate of 2 L/min (65 %) for
occur during a field test. a period of at least one h per sample run.
3.2.3 certified compressed gas, n—an HCl or HF gas stan- 4.1.3 The sampling system heated components must be
dard that is certified by the manufacturer to a known degree of maintained at a temperature of 350 6 15°F (177 6 8°C). The
accuracy. For HCl and HF compressed gas standards the sampling system is conditioned before conducting the first run
accuracy is often certified to 5–10 % of the certified value. by sampling 120 L of stack gas at 2 L/min, and then discarding
the impinger solutions.
3.2.4 conditioning run, n—a sampling run conducted before
4.1.4 A test is comprised of three or more sample runs.
the first run of the test series. The impinger contents from the
conditioning run are not analyzed nor included in the test NOTE 1—The conditioning run is to minimize HCl and/or HF adsorp-
results. tion during the ensuing sampling runs by passivating active sites in the
probe and filter box components.
3.2.5 cylinder gas analysis, n—a procedure to verify the NOTE 2—The impingers from the conditioning run are rinsed thor-
concentration of the certified compressed gas and to provide oughly with deionized water before recharging to start the first run.
the direct cylinder value. See Rinsing the probe and filter assembly must not be performed.
NOTE 3—The particulate matter from mineral calcining facilities
3.2.6 direct cylinder value, n—the value of the certified adsorbs HCl and HF to varying degrees. The amount of adsorption
cylinder gas, or the value obtained from conducting the depends on process parameters and the physical/chemical properties of the
cylinder gas analysis. See dust. Measures such as turning the probe nozzle opening away from the
stack or duct flow minimize collection of particulate matter on the filter
3.2.7 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), n—approximately material and thus reduce the adsorption of HCl and HF. Other measures
188 compounds or groups of compounds identified in Title III that reduce collection of particulate matter are acceptable. Such measures
of the Clean Air Act Amendments. include installing a shrouded large pore sintered filter (> 20 microns) on
the end of the probe. This apparatus will reduce collecting particulate
3.2.8 impinger train, n—a series of midget impingers con- matter while allowing gases and small particles to enter.
nected together by glass or TFE-fluorocarbon u-tubes.
4.2 Analysis:
3.2.9 midget impinger, n—cylindrical glass (or other appro- 4.2.1 Quantification of chloride and fluoride ions is accom-
priate material) containers that hold approximately 50 mL. plished by analyzing an aliquot of the impinger solution using
3.2.10 mineral calcining industry, n—industries that use ion chromatography.
thermal devices to remove CO2 and other compounds from 4.2.2 The total mass of chloride or fluoride ions collected in
non-ferrous mineral material. the impinger solution sample is a product of the ion chromato-
3.2.11 paired runs, n—two impinger trains operated simul- graphic (IC) output in either mg or µg and the total volume of
taneously at the same sampling location. the sample. For example, if the IC analysis for chloride is 0.02
mg, and the total sample volume is 100 mL, then the total mass
3.2.12 partition ratio, n—the amount of a substance at
of chloride collected for the run is equivalent to 2 mg
equilibrium with its gas and particulate phases.
(assuming a 1-mL injection into the IC).
3.2.13 proportional controllers, n—a temperature control 4.2.3 Use the following equation to determine the total mass
device that uses a sensor to make small adjustments to the of chloride or fluoride ions in the sample.
power output. These types of controllers prevent wide fluctua-
tions in the temperature of the heated measurement system ~ IC/IV! * ~ SV! 5 mg of ion in total sample (1)
components. where:
3.2.14 reagent blank, n—a 20–30 mL sample of the 0.1 N IC = ion chromatographic results in mg,
H2SO4 impinger solution that is diluted to 100 mL. IV = volume of sample injected into ion chromatograph in
3.2.15 sampling system leak check, n—a procedure that tests mL, and
SV = sample volume in mL.
the sampling system for negative pressure leaks.

D6735 − 01 (2009)
4.2.4 The equivalent in-stack concentration of the sample is 6.2 Analytical Interferences—Ensuring that the chromato-
equivalent to the mg catch of anion in the impinger solution graphic conditions are optimized for separating chloride and
sample divided by the gas sample volume at standard condi- fluoride from other ions minimizes analytical interferences.
7. Apparatus
5. Significance and Use
7.1 Sampling—See Fig. 1.
5.1 This field-test method provides chloride and fluoride 7.1.1 Sample Probe Assembly, including a probe liner of
concentration results on a dry basis. Concentration data for borosilicate glass, stainless steel, or TFE-fluorocarbon of (1)
gaseous chlorides and fluorides are assumed to be hydrochloric sufficient length to reach the gas sampling point, (2) of physical
acid gas, and hydrofluoric acid gas when calculating mass integrity to minimize adsorption of HCl and/or HF, and (3)
emission rates. heated and controlled to sustain the sample temperature at 350
5.2 Mass emission rates of HCl and HF can be calculated if 6 15°F (177 6 8°C). The internal diameter of the probe liner
the effluent volumetric flow rate is known. Volumetric flow should be between 0.25-0.5 in. (0.1-2 cm). The probe assembly
rates can be calculated by conducting EPA Methods 1–4 or shall minimize collection of particulate matter but allow gases
their equivalents. and small particles to pass.

5.3 This field test method provides data having bias and NOTE 5—The assembly could consist of an in-stack large pore sintered
filter (>20 microns) with a shroud, or a nozzle that is positioned away
precision for HCl consistent with the values in Section 14. In from the flow stream.
addition, the test-specific bias can be assessed for each test by NOTE 6—A specially designed probe that utilizes fore and aft indepen-
conducting the post-test quality assurance check. The proce- dent heater and heater controllers has proven to be capable of maintaining
dure is identified as optional, and the performance of this the 350°F temperature throughout the length of the probe. This is crucial
procedure depends on the test specific data quality objectives, when a portion of the probe is inserted into a hot stack but the remainder
of the probe is out of the stack at a much cooler relative temperature. Use
and end use of the data. of this probe design will minimize or eliminate moisture condensation and
5.4 The test-specific precision may be determined by con- thus adsorption of HCl and HF.
ducting paired-runs. Paired runs aid in identifying possible 7.1.2 Particulate Filters, rated at 0.3 µm (or less), and
suspect data and provide backup in the event one train is having an efficiency of 95 % or greater in accordance with
invalidated. Performing paired runs depends on the test- Practice D2986. The filters are placed immediately after the
specific data quality objectives. heated probe in a heated and temperature-controlled compart-
5.5 The reaction of gaseous HCl with ammonia (NH3) to ment. A TFE-fluorocarbon-glass filter (75 % TFE-
form solid ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is well known. At fluorocarbon, 25 % glass), or an ultra high purity quartz filter
stack temperatures common to the exits of baghouses and ESPs must be used to remove particulate matter.
at mineral calcining facilities (that is, 250 to 450°F or 121 to 7.1.3 Particulate Filter Holders, filter holders and supports
232°C), an equilibration between the gaseous HCl/NH3, the should be made out of TFE-fluorocarbon or TFE-fluorocarbon
condensed NH4Cl(s), and the effluent particulate matter can coated stainless steel.
exist. It is impossible to know the exact partition ratio between NOTE 7—The TFE-fluorocarbon filter holder and filter support must be
the gas and particulate phases of these compounds in the capable of withstanding the 350°F (177°C) filter temperature.
sampling system. Furthermore, it is very difficult to control the
7.1.4 Impingers, five midget impingers (about 50 mL vol-
effects of these partitioning reactions within the various sam-
ume) with straight stems and with leak-free glass connections.
pling system components.
The first and fourth impingers in the train are empty, the second
NOTE 4—Use of this method is cautioned when trying to quantify HCl two impingers each contain 15 mL of 0.1 N H2SO4 absorbing
(g) in the presence of ammonium chloride and ammonia. solution, and the fifth contains silica gel. Silicone grease may
be use to aid joining the impinger connections.
6. Interferences 7.1.5 Silica Gel (or equivalent), used to protect the dry gas
6.1 Sampling Interferences: meter and pump. The silica gel is not part of the sample.
6.1.1 The particulate matter (dust) from mineral calcining 7.1.6 U-Tubes, glass or TFE-fluorocarbon connecting tubes
industries adsorbs HCl and HF to a varying degree, which will to assemble the impinger train.
reduce the amount of gaseous chloride and fluoride ions that 7.1.7 Leak Free Sample Connector, sample line to connect
reach the impinger solutions. the silica gel impinger to the pump and gas-metering device.
6.1.2 Condensed water vapor in the probe and filter area due 7.1.8 Rate Meter, flow measurement device sufficient to
to heater failure or poor heating will reduce the amount of maintain constant rate sampling at 2 L/min 65 % or less.
gaseous chloride and fluoride ions reaching the impinger 7.1.9 Volume Meter, capable of measuring the volume of gas
solutions. sample at a flow rate of 2 L/min with an accuracy of 62 %, and
6.1.3 Improper filter seating in the filter holder will allow a resolution of 0.01 L or better.
leakage of particulate matter into the impinger solutions. This 7.1.10 Pump, leak free diaphragm type or equivalent ca-
may result in more chloride and fluoride ions reaching the pable of maintaining a sampling rate of 2 L/min at the static
impinger solutions. pressure encountered in the stack or duct.

D6735 − 01 (2009)

FIG. 1 Sampling Train Configuration

7.1.11 Thermocouples or Other Temperature Measure 7.2.3 100 mL Graduated Cylinders, to measure the volume
Device, to monitor the temperature of the probe and filter of the impinger samples.
accurate to within one degree. 7.3 Reagent Preparation:
NOTE 8—Position thermocouples to indicate the sample gas tempera- 7.3.1 Class A Volumetric Flasks, Graduated Cylinders and
ture at the probe outlet. Ambient temperature or the length of probe Pipets, to prepare the acid absorbing solution and to prepare
inserted into the stack or duct should not adversely affect the accuracy of the diluted calibration standards for the ion chromatograph.
the probe temperature measurements. It is recommended that dual heaters
and temperature controllers be used in the sampling probe. Determine the 7.4 Instrumentation:
filter temperature by inserting a thermocouple into the filter holder behind 7.4.1 Ion Chromatograph, operated under conditions that
the filter or attached directly to the exterior of the filter holder. The tester satisfy the requirements of 11.4.
must prevent the thermocouple sensor from the direct radiant heat from
the heater element, and allow sufficient time for the actual filter assembly
to reach thermal equilibrium before beginning sampling. 8. Reagents and Materials
7.1.12 Barometer, capable of measuring the atmospheric 8.1 All reagents must conform to the specifications estab-
pressure to within 2.5 torr (0.1 in. Hg, 10.1 Kpa). lished by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the
7.1.13 Ice, for impinger ice water bath. American Chemical Society (ACS reagent grade). When such
7.2 Sample Recovery: specifications are not available, the best available grade shall
7.2.1 Polyethylene Wash Bottles, to contain the deionized be used.
water or acid impinger solution. 8.2 Sampling:
7.2.2 Polyethylene Sample Storage Bottles, to store the 8.2.1 Water, deionized (DI), distilled. See Specification
samples. D1356.

D6735 − 01 (2009)
8.2.2 Acidic Absorbing Solution, 0.1 N Sulfuric Acid high temperature, elevated height, or high concentrations of
(H2SO4). To prepare 100 mL of the absorbing solution for hazardous or toxic pollutants. Exercise appropriate safety
impinger solutions, slowly add 0.28 mL of concentrated H2SO4 precautions to avoid accidents when working under these
to about 90 mL of water while stirring. Adjust the final volume conditions.
to 100.00 mL in a volumetric flask using additional water. 9.4 Concentrated Sulfuric Acid—Take precaution in the
Shake well to mix the solution. (2.8 mL in 1 L for larger handling and use. Always add the acid to the water in small
volume of reagent). quantities until thoroughly mixed.
8.3 Sample Preparation and Analysis:
8.3.1 Water—Same as in 8.2.1. 10. Calibration and Standardization
8.4 Analysis: 10.1 Ion Chromatograph—Prepare successive dilutions
8.4.1 Halide Salt Stock Standard Solutions—Prepare con- from the nominal 1000 mg/L (8.4.1) stock chloride and fluoride
centrated stock solutions from solid reagent grade sodium solutions at concentration levels ranging from 0.2 mg/L to 5
chloride (NaCl), and sodium fluoride (NaF). Dry the solid at mg/L (or other appropriate concentration range) using the
110°C for two or more hours and then cool to room tempera- appropriate volumetric glassware. For example:
ture in a desiccator immediately before weighing. Weigh the 10.0 mL of 1000 mg/L diluted to 1 L = 10 mg/L (working standard)
solid to 0.01 mg. Prepare a nominal 1000 mg/L solution of 10 mL of 10 mg/L diluted to 500 mL = 0.2 mg/L
10 mL of 10 mg/L diluted to 200 mL = 0.5 mg/L
target compound by dissolving 1650 mg of the NaCl solid 20 mL of 10 mg/L diluted to 200 mL = 1 mg/L
(2200 for NaF) in slightly 1 L of deionized water and then
bring to exactly 1 L volume. Use the following equation to 11. Procedure
calculate the actual stock solution concentration.
11.1 Pretest Preparations and Evaluations—Prepare at least
X 5 Y* ~ 35.45/58.44! (2) two sets of impinger trains to conduct paired sampling runs or
where: a single train if sequential runs will be conducted. Preparing
X = concentration of resulting salt solution in additional impinger trains may minimize turn around time
units of mg in 1 L, between runs.
Y = mg of NaCl dissolved in 1 L, and 11.1.1 Flow Rate and Moisture Determination—Perform
(35.45/58.44) = the available C1- ions dissociated from a EPA Methods 1 through 4 or equivalent if effluent volumetric
solution of NaCl. flow rate data are needed.
11.1.2 Preliminary Leak Check—Conduct a sampling sys-
Prepare a fluoride stock solution using this similar calcula-
tem leak check from the probe tip through the entire sampling
system for each sample train. Pull a vacuum equal to that
X 5 Y* ~ 18.99/41.99! (3) expected during the sampling run. Leakage rates in excess of
where: 1 % of the sampling rate (that is, 20 mL/min for a 2
L/min-sampling rate) are unacceptable. If a leak is determined,
X = concentration of resulting salt solution in
isolate the impinger train from the probe and filter to determine
units of mg in 1 L,
Y = mg of NaF dissolved in 1 L, and the source of the leak. If no leak is found in the impinger train,
(18.99/41.99) = the available F- ions dissociated from a the leak is in the probe and filter assembly. Re-seat all of the
solution of NaF. connecting fittings and conduct the leak check again.
11.1.3 Conditioning Run—Assemble the impinger train(s)
Alternately, solutions containing a certified nominal concen- and conduct a conditioning run by collecting 120 L of gas over
tration of 1000 mg/L NaCl and NaF may be used. a one-hour period. Follow the sampling procedures outlined in
11.2.4. Ensure that the impinger train is cooled in an ice water
9. Hazards
bath to condense the stack gas HCl and HF.
9.1 Target Analytes—HCl (g) and HF(g) are mucus mem-
NOTE 9—For the conditioning run, water can be used as the impinger
brane irritants. Therefore, avoid exposure to these chemicals.
9.2 Certified Compressed Gaseous Calibration Standards— 11.1.4 Conditioning Run Sample Recovery—Remove the
Compressed gaseous HCl and HF are dangerous goods, are impinger train from the filter box. Leave the probe and filter
difficult to ship and to transport, can cause problems with box in position. Do not recover the filter or rinse the probe
OSHA and MSHA regulations at various mineral calciner before the first run. Thoroughly rinse the impingers with DI
facilities, can become airborne due to damage at the valve water and discard these rinses.
stem, and the contained gas is an asphyxiant. These cylinders
must not be used at elevated sampling locations, and great care NOTE 10—Leaving the probe in the stack and the filter assembly intact
allows an impinger train to be easily removed and replaced with a fresh
should be exercised during their use. Shipping compressed
impinger train.
gases is problematic and can carry significant fines. The NOTE 11—The probe and filter assembly are conditioned by the stack
decision to use compressed gases in the application of this test gas and never recovered or cleaned until the end of the testing.
method should be considered carefully. 11.2 Sampling:
9.3 Sampling Locations—This test method may involve 11.2.1 Assemble Train—Charge the second two impingers
sampling at locations with high positive or negative pressures, with 15 mL of 0.1 N H2SO4, (the first and fourth impingers

D6735 − 01 (2009)
should be empty at the start of each run). Place a fifth impinger 11.2.7 Post-Test Analyte Spike—Quality Assurance Bias
containing silica gel or other applicable drying agent in front of Check—This optional procedure consists of adding a quantita-
the dry gas meter. Assemble the impinger train and connect it tive mass of either HCl or HF gas from the certified com-
to the probe and filter box. Ensure that there is sufficient ice in pressed gas cylinder into the sampling train upstream of the
the ice water bath. filter. For practical purposes, paired runs should be conducted
11.2.2 Temperature Equilibrium—Adjust the probe and fil- if the spike procedure is performed.
ter to 350°F (177°C). Locate the sensing thermocouple (1) Spike Procedure—After a successful post-test leak-
within the filter holder behind the filter support, (2) by check, connect the spike assembly to the impinger train so that
attaching directly on the exterior filter housing or on the the spike gas is delivered upstream of the particulate matter
connecting fittings at the inlet to the filter. Allow the tempera- filter and into the impinger train. Connect the compressed gas
ture to equilibrate before beginning each run (or conditioning standard to the inlet of the spike assembly using TFE-
run). fluorocarbon tubing.
NOTE 12—The sampling system temperature must be 350 6 15°F (177 NOTE 14—Purge the spike assembly (TFE-fluorocarbon tubing and
6 8°C). Most test equipment is not configured to control the temperature fittings) with the gas before completing the final connection to the sample
in such a narrow range. Sampling equipment with on/off controllers box filter inlet.
should be examined carefully to determine if the required temperature Record the dry gas volume reading, turn on the
tolerances of this method can be maintained. The use of proportional
controllers for the probe and filter compartment heaters is usually required sample pump and adjust the sample flow rate to 2 L/min.
so that wide variations in temperature do not occur, and the temperature Introduce enough volume so that a mass of HCl or HF
requirements of the method can be met. equivalent to the concentration level of interest is added.
11.2.3 Leak-Check—Conduct a leak check through the im- Alternately add a minimum of 0.5 to 2 mg or more (where
pinger train. A leakage rate in excess of 1 % of the sampling indicated) of chloride or fluoride ions into the train.
rate (that is, 20 mL/min for a 2-L/min sampling rate) is The spike gas is delivered to the filter box at a rate
unacceptable. See 11.1.2 for suggestions to repair the leak. greater than the 2 L/min. The spike gas is drawn into the train
by the sample pump at a rate of 2 L/min, and the excess spike
NOTE 13—The leak check is conducted from the probe tip through the gas is vented through the probe into the stack. This procedure
impinger train before beginning the conditioning run, and then from the allows the sampling train to operate identically to that during
impinger train back thereafter provided that the probe/filter box assembly
connections remain intact at the end of each run (that is, the impinger train actual sampling.
is removed from the filter after the run). NOTE 15—Purge the regulator used to deliver the gas to the spike
11.2.4 Sample Collection: assembly with dry air or nitrogen before and after each use to avoid
adsorption and corrosion of the stainless steel interior by the acid gases. Ensure that the probe and filter box are equilibrated
at the proper operating temperature. Record the initial dry gas Determine the direct analysis value of the spike gas
meter volume. Put the probe into the stack and turn the sample cylinder using the spike procedure (11.2.7). Flow the gas into
pump on. Adjust the flow rate to 2 L/min. the sampling train without the filter in place. Analyze the Record—(1) the temperature of the heated sample in triplicate in accordance with Sections 11 and 12 of
components, (2) the sample flow rate, and (3) the accumulated this method.
dry gas meter volume at least every 5 min. Maintain and record Calculate the Spike Delivered—Example calcula-
the temperature and the sample rate for the duration of the run. tion:
The heated components must be maintained at 350 6 15°F Cyl ~ dir! ppm ~ v ! 5 100 ppm ~ v ! (4)
(177 6 8°C).
100 ppm ~ v ! ~ dry! * ~ 36.5/24.05! 5 151.8 mg/DSCM for HCl At the end of the run disconnect the impinger train
from the back half of the filter. Record the final dry gas meter 151.8 mg/DSCM*DSCM of spike delivered
11.2.5 Post-Test Leak Check—Conduct a leak check through 5mg HCl delivered into train
the impinger train from the front of the first impinger through where:
the volume meter. A leakage rate in excess of 1 % of the
Cyl (dir) = direct cylinder analysis from or tag
sampling rate (that is, 20 mL/min for a 2 L/min sampling rate)
value, and
is unacceptable, and the run is invalid. The leak check vacuum
mg/DSCM = conversion from cylinder ppm (v) to mg/
must be equal to that encountered during the sampling run.
DSCM ppm (v) * MW/24.05 (at standard
Gently release the vacuum on the train, turn off the pump, and
disconnect the impinger train from the meter box. Leave the
NOTE 16—If the spike procedure is to be followed by additional runs,
probe and filter box heat on. Connect a new impinger train as then the probe/filter box assembly must be purged of spike gas before
soon as allowable, and conduct the leak check procedure beginning the next sample run. This is accomplished by connecting a
before starting the next run. sample train and sampling gas for a period of 10 min or greater. This purge
11.2.6 Three or more sampling runs constitute a test. A test train is not analyzed, and may be reused again as a purge train.
can be comprised of either three (or more) pairs of samples, or If the average value of the results provided by
three (or more) single samples. The test specific data quality and above are within 610 % of the certified
objectives determine the appropriate conditions for each test. cylinder tag value, then use the cylinder tag value as Cyl (dir).

D6735 − 01 (2009)
11.3 Sample Recovery—After the post test leak-check, dis- 12. Calculations
connect the impinger train from the heated filter compartment. 12.1 Gas Sample Volume—Calculate the sample volume in
Quantitatively transfer the contents of the first (water knock- accordance with the following equation:
out) impinger, the second and third 0.1 N H2SO4, acid
impingers, and the fourth impinger into a graduated cylinder. L final 2 L starting 5 Dry L Gas Sample Volume ~ actual conditions!
Rinse the impingers and the connecting u-tubes with distilled (5)
deionized water and add these rinses to the graduated cylinder. 12.2 Total mg of HCl, HF per Sample—Calculate the total
Note the sample volume on the recovery data sheet, and mass of anion per sample in accordance with the following
transfer the contents to a polyethylene bottle. Seal the bottle, equation:
label and mark the liquid level.
~~ IC/IV! * ~ SV!! 2 RB 5 Total mg anion (6)
NOTE 17—The total contents should approximate 100 mL.
NOTE 18—The 100-mL volume is guidance, however, excessive rinse
volumes will result in an increase in the apparent detection limits. The IC = ion chromatographic results in mg,
method detection limits are directly proportional to the total collected IV = volume of sample injected into ion chromatograph in
liquid volume submitted for IC analysis. mL,
11.4 Blanks: SV = sample volume in mL, and
11.4.1 Blank Train—Assemble a sampling train. Charge the RB = reagent blank mg value (if RB ≤ detection limit then
impingers with absorbing solution and allow the train to sit for RB in 12-2 = 0). RB must be less than 1 µg/mL for use
one hour or more. Recover this blank train as described in 11.3. in this equation.
Use about the same amount of water to recover this train as that 12.3 Calculate the Equivalent Flue Gas Concentration—
is used for actual sample trains. Acquire one blank train at each mg/DSCM—Calculate the equivalent flue gas concentration of
facility. HCl and HF (this assumes all gaseous chlorides and fluorides
11.4.2 Reagent Blank—Save for analysis a portion of the collected are HCl and HF) in accordance with the following
acidic absorbing solution equal to that amount used in the equation:
impingers. Dilute this sample with DI water to simulate the Total mg anion/Total sample volume DSCM 5 mg/DSCM of anion
amount of sample plus rinses collected during the actual test
run. Seal the bottle and mark the liquid level. Acquire one
blank for each test series and each set of reagents prepared. mg/DSCM*K 5 mg/DSCM for HCl
11.5 Sample Analysis—Determine the exact sample volume where:
(to within 61 mL) by pouring the contents of the polyethylene K = 36.5/35.5 for the ratio of HCl to Cl-
sample bottle into a graduated cylinder (for sample volumes
greater than 100 mL) or a 100–mL volumetric flask. and:
11.5.1 Ion Chromatograph—Operate the ion chromatograph K = 20.01/18.99 for the ratio of HF to F-, and
and detector under conditions that facilitate near baseline DSCM = dry standard cubic meters of gas collected.
separation of chloride and fluoride ions from each other and To correct to standard sample volume use the following
from other eluting anions (that is, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, correction:
sulfate, and bromide).
L ~ dry! collected* ~ Tstd/Tmeas! * ~ Pmeas/Pstd! * ~ 1 3 1023 ! 5 DSCM
11.5.2 Instrument Stabilization—Establish a stable baseline
and analyze a deionized water blank. Analyze the blank to (8)
ensure that the analytes of interest are not present as instrument where:
background. Tstd = 293 K, and
11.5.3 Instrument Calibration—Prepare a calibration curve Pstd = 29.92 in. Hg (101.32 Kpa).
by conducting duplicate analysis of chloride/fluoride standards
at concentration levels ranging from 0.2 mg/L to 5 mg/L (or 12.4 Calculate the Equivalent Flue Gas Concentration—
other appropriate level). See 8.4 and 10.1 of this standard. ppm (v)(dry)—Calculate the equivalent flue gas concentration
of HCl and HF in ppm (v) in accordance with the following
11.5.4 Establish Calibration Curve—Determine the peak
area (or height) for each duplicate standard injection. The
deviation from the mean for each duplicate injection should not @ mg/DSCM* ~ 24.05/mw! # 5 ppm ~ v !~ dry! HCl or HF (9)
exceed 5 %. Use either linear regression or response factors to where:
establish the calibration. A regression coefficient of greater
24.05 = L/mol @ standard conditions (101.32 kPa (29.92 in.
than 0.98 or a % RSD of the response factors of 5 % or less
Hg) and 20°C),
indicates a valid calibration curve. Report the calibration curve
MW = 36.5 g/mol for HCl, and
results in the final report. MW = 20.01 g/mol for HF.
11.5.5 Analysis—Analyze the field samples, quality assur-
ance spike sample if conducted, blank train and reagent blank 12.5 Calculate the Mass Emission Rate—g/h—Calculate the
using the calibration curve. Analyze the QA spike sample twice mass emission rate (if required) in accordance with the
and determine the percent deviation from the mean of the following equation:
measurement results. mg/DSCM*Q* ~ 1 3 1023 ! *60min 5 g/h (10)

D6735 − 01 (2009)
where: of EPA Method 301 statistical analyses to the data set, the
mg/DSCM = derived from 12.3, and method is able to achieve an RSD (See Appendix X1—Eq
Q = effluent volumetric flow rate in DSCM/min. X1.1-X1.4) of from 15 to 38 % for HCl for effluent concen-
To convert to lb/h use to convert use 453,592 mg/lb. trations of less than 10 ppm (v) dry.
14.1.2 Test Specific Repeatability—An assessment of test-
NOTE 19—Concentration data may be corrected to any oxygen diluent specific repeatability can be obtained by conducting a series of
level. For example, to correct the concentration data to 7 % O2 use the paired runs or by determining the precision from the three or
following equation:
more consecutive runs where temporal variations in HCl and/or
ppm ~ v ! @ 7 % O 2 5 ppm ~ v ! actual* ~~ 20.9 2 7 ! / ~ 20.9 2 % HF are not present. Conduct of paired-run testing is recom-
2O 2 actual!! (11) mended when test results are required for critical decisions at
12.6 Calculate the Percent Recovery of the Optional QA concentrations below 10 ppm (v) dry.
Spike—Calculate in accordance with the following equation: 14.1.3 Precision in Other Applications—The achievable
precision of this method will likely be source and source tester
% R 5 CX/ ~ CY1CZ! *100 (12) specific. Additional procedures to determine the method pre-
where: cision for applications beyond those enumerated in 14.1.1 are
% R = percent recovery of the spike, included in Appendix X1.
CX = mass in mg of CI or F ions in the spiked sample, 14.2 Bias:
CY = mass in mg of Cl- or F- ions of spike added in 14.2.1 Bias in General Use—Based on a series of intra-
accordance with Eq 4, and laboratory tests conducted at lime plants, and application of
CZ = mass in mg of Cl- or F- ions in unspiked sample. EPA Method 301 statistical analyses to the data set, the method
NOTE 20—The unspiked sample value is the resulting sample value had a statistically insignificant bias at sources with effluent
from the unspiked train when conducting paired runs, or if sequential
samples are acquired, the average of the unspiked runs can be used for this
concentrations of HCl less than 10 ppm (v) dry. The accuracy
value. Using the second approach is only appropriate if the effluent of the method based on spike recoveries for 48 sampling runs
concentration does not vary appreciably with time. is 20 % or better for effluent concentration levels of 10 ppm (v)
dry or less.
13. Report 14.2.2 Test Specific Bias—An assessment of potential test-
13.1 The format of the test report is often subject to local or specific bias is provided for each test series by the “Post-Test
regional guidelines, but must contain the following information Analyte Spike—Optional Quality Assurance Bias Check” in-
in the report body or appendices. cluded in 11.2.6.
13.1.1 Temperature of effluent; 14.2.3 Bias in Other Applications—Bias will likely be
13.1.2 Temperature of sampling probe and filter (recorded at source category specific, in part, because of the reactivity of the
least every 5 min); dust for different industries. Additional procedures to deter-
13.1.3 Volume of gas sampled and dry gas meter tempera- mine the potential method bias for applications beyond those
ture and pressure; enumerated in 14.1.1 are included in Appendix X1.
13.1.4 Moisture content of the effluent—(if required by NOTE 21—Supporting data for method precision and bias are available
test); from the National Lime Association,5 as provided in three separate
13.1.5 Results of IC calibration—lab report; method evaluation reports.
13.1.6 Results of IC analysis—lab report;
13.1.7 Equivalent flue gas concentration in mg/DSCM and 15. Keywords
in ppm (v) dry per run; 15.1 analyte spiking; gaseous chlorides and fluorides; HCl ;
13.1.8 Mass emission rate per run (if required by test); and HF; hydrochloric acid gas; hydrofluoric acid gas; hydrogen
13.1.9 Results of blanks and QA analyses. chloride; hydrogen fluoride; impinger method; mineral calcin-
ing; paired trains
14. Precision and Bias
14.1 Precision (Repeatability and Reproducibility):
14.1.1 Precision in General Use—Based on a series of 5
Available from National Lime Association, 200 North Glebe Road, Suite 800,
intra-laboratory tests conducted at lime plants, and application Arlington, VA 22203.

D6735 − 01 (2009)

(Nonmandatory Information)



These procedures have been included as a means to generate additional data regarding the accuracy
and precision of this method.

These procedures aid in determining method performance from source category to source category
and will demonstrate the bias and precision of the method. Use of the statistical criteria will enable
evaluation the data validity in different test applications.

Two separate procedures are described below. The quadruplet sampling approach, which has been
adapted from EPA Method 301 (40 CFR part 63, Appendix A), and direct comparison to Fourier
transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) Spectroscopy (Test Method D6348 or equivalent).

X1.1 Quadruplet Replicate Sampling System Procedure— Di = the mg difference in the analytical results for each pair
This procedure uses four replicate sampling trains to determine of spiked samples, and
the analytical bias and precision of this method. In this N = the number of pairs (in this case N = 6).
application, four sampling trains are operated simultaneously.
After the sampling run is completed, two of the sampling trains X1.1.8 Calculate the percent relative standard deviation for
are spiked and two remain unspiked. A total of 6 sample runs the unspiked samples in accordance with the following equa-
are required using the quadruplet sampling train configuration. tion:
% RSD 5 ~ SDu /M u ! 3 100 (X1.3)
X1.1.1 Assemble two separate sets of sampling trains as
diagrammed in Fig. 1. where:
X1.1.2 Conduct six sequential one-hour runs using this SDu = standard deviation of unspiked samples, and
quadruplet sampling arrangement. Use the procedures for Mu = the mean of the unspiked sample results.
pre-test and sampling as described in 11.1 and 11.2 of this X1.1.9 Calculate the percent relative standard deviation for
method. the spiked samples in accordance with the following equation:
X1.1.3 After completing each of the six sets of runs, recover % RSD 5 ~ SDs /M s ! 3 100 (X1.4)
two of the four trains as described in 11.4 of this method.
X1.1.4 Conduct the QA spiking procedure described in
SDs = standard deviation of spiked samples, and
11.2.6 of this method using the remaining two of the four
Ms = the mean of the spiked sample results.
trains. Recover the trains as described in 11.4 of this method.
NOTE X1.1—If the underlying effluent concentration changes signifi-
X1.1.5 Analyze the samples as described in 11.5 and cantly during these tests, the precision may be affected adversely. This
Section 12 of this method. apparent imprecision should not be attributed to method imprecision.

X1.1.6 Precision—Calculate the standard deviation of un- X1.1.10 Bias—Calculate the numerical value of the bias
spiked results in accordance with the following equation: using the results from the analysis of the spiked and unspiked
samples in accordance with the following equation:
SDu 5 @ Σ ~ Di2 ! /2N # 2 (X1.1)
B 5 M s 2 M u 2 Cs (X1.5)
SDu = standard deviation of unspiked samples,
Di = the mg difference in the analytical results for each pair Ms = the mean of the spiked sample results in mg,
of unspiked samples, and Mu = the mean of the unspiked sample results in mg, and
N = the number of pairs (in this case N = 6). Cs = the mean of the spiked amount added to each spiked
train in mg.
X1.1.7 Calculate the standard deviation of the spiked results
in accordance with the following equation: X1.1.11 Calculate the standard deviation of the mean in
accordance with the following equation:
SDs 5 @ Σ ~ Di2 ! /2N # 2 (X1.2) 1
SDM 5 @ SDs 2 1SDu 2 # 2 (X1.6)
X1.1.12 Test the bias using the t-statistic by comparing to
SDs = standard deviation of spiked samples, the critical value of the two-sided t-distribution at the 95 %

D6735 − 01 (2009)
confidence level and n-1 degrees of freedom in accordance of HCl or HF calibration gas mixtures, or both by comparison
with the following equation: to other independent gas standards, (3) verification of the
concentration of HCl and/or HF calibration gas mixtures by
t 5 B?/SDM (X1.7)
wet chemical analysis, (4) performance checks of gas dilution
Critical t 2 value 5 2.201 for 12 samples systems used to dilute calibration standards to the levels
necessary to approximate the effluent concentrations, and (5)
verification of proper FTIR sampling system operating tem-
B = bias from Eq X1.5, and peratures and conditions.
SDM = standard deviation of the mean from Eq X1.6.
X1.2.4 Precision—Calculate the standard deviation of the
X1.1.13 Compare the t value from Eq X1.7 to the critical
six pairs of sample runs using the following equation:
t-value of 2.201.
X1.1.14 If the t-value from Eq X1.7 is greater than 2.201, SD 5 @ Σ ~ Di2 ! /2N # 2 (X1.9)
calculate a correction factor in accordance with the equation: where:
Cf 5 @ 1/ ~ 11 ~ B/Cs!! # (X1.8) SD = standard deviation of the paired samples,
Di = the mass in mg difference in the analytical results for
each pair of samples, and
B = bias from Eq X1.5, and N = the number of pairs (in this case N = 6).
Cs = the mean of the spiked amount in mg.
X1.2.5 Calculate the percent relative standard deviation
X1.2 Comparison to Fourier Transform Infrared Measure- using the following equation:
ment Results— This procedure provides a comparison between % RSD 5 ~ SD/M ! 3 100 (X1.10)
FTIR measurement results and the results provided by this
method. where:
X1.2.1 Conduct the sampling and analysis procedures de- SD = standard deviation of the paired samples, and
tailed in Sections 11 and 12 of this method. Six paired-train M = the mean of the paired samples.
sample runs are required for this procedure. X1.2.6 Bias—Compare the results provided by each of the
X1.2.2 Simultaneously conduct FTIR measurements using hourly average FTIR results to those provided by this method.
either Test Method D6348 or EPA Method 321, or both. The Compare results on a ppm (v) (dry) basis.
FTIR measurements must be validated in accordance with the X1.2.7 Acceptable results are indicated if the difference
analyte spiking procedures contained in Annex A5 of Test between the results provided with this method and the FTIR
Method D6348 or as prescribed in Section 9 of Method 321. measurement results are within 630 %, or 65 ppm (v)
The spike concentration requirements and spiking procedures (whichever is greater).
must be followed.
NOTE X1.3—The criteria for agreement of the two methods of 630 %,
NOTE X1.2—Test Method D6348 requires that the analyte spikes must or 65 ppm (v), whichever is greater, reflects consideration of (1) the
approximate the effluent concentration within 650 % (that is, if the native expected precision of the impinger method, (2) the expected bias of the
concentration is 5 ppm (v), the spike concentration level should be 5 ppm impinger method of 620 % of the mean of the measured values or 62
(v) 6 2.5 ppm (v) and the spike gas must represent 10 % or less of the ppm (v), whichever is less restrictive (3) the accuracy of the HCl and HF
total sample gas flow rate (volume) during the spike procedure. Method calibration gases which are no better than 65 % of the certified tag value
321 requires spikes at the level of the effluent concentration or at a (4) the error associated with quantitative dilution of the FTIR calibration
concentration of 5 ppm (v). The spike gas must represent 10 % or less of standards which is approximately 2 % (5) the acceptable spike recovery
the total sample gas flow rate (volume) during the spike procedure. Spikes for the FTIR measurements of 630 %, and, (6) other unquantified errors
at significantly higher concentrations are not representative of the method such as those associated with the FTIR linearzation procedure.
performance at the level of concern and do not ensure that the FTIR
NOTE X1.4—Over the time period when both methods are in simulta-
measurements are valid.).
neous operation the results provided by the FTIR indicate an average
X1.2.3 Additional measures are required to ensure that the concentration of 5 ppm (v), and the results provided by this method are 2
FTIR data are unbiased when low concentration measurements ppm (v), then the percent difference is:
of HCl and/or HF are made. These measures include: (1) ? 2 2 5?/5 3 100 5 60 % ~ this would exceed the 30 % tolerance!
collecting reference spectra at concentrations bracketing or (X1.11)
closely approximating the effluent concentrations for inclusion However, the absolute difference is 3 ppm (v). Therefore, the results
as FTIR calibration points, (2) verification of the concentration provided by this method would be acceptable.

D6735 − 01 (2009)
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