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Assignment set-1
Q-1: a. Define Computers?
b. What are the key characteristics of each generation of computers. Explain.
Ans-1: Computer: Computer is an electronic machine that compute an input to a desired
output. Computer can compute large data in a few seconds that has helped human managing
big calculations. Parts of computer can be divided in three parts
1- Input devices: Key Board, mouse
2- Processing device: Central processing unit (CPU)
3- Out Put device: Monitor, printer etc.
Characteristics of computer:
1- Speed: Computer is electronic device which calculate big data very fast. Speed unit
of computer is MHz (Mega Hartz). This mean10 lacs instructions in one second.
Latest computers are much more faster and can process 1 billon and more
instructions in just one second.
2- Storage: computer can store large data and we can retrieve data instantly.
3- Accuracy: Computers are accurate in calculation. The results depend on the
accuracy of input data, if input is correct, out put will be according correct.
4- Reliability: Computers are reliable.
5- Automatic: Computers can calculate automatically without human interference.
6- Diligence / Endurance : Computer can work for long ours without failure. It
performs the operation with same speed after long hours also.
Generations of Computers:
1st Generation of computers: (1942-1955): 1st generation of computer were vacuum tube
based. Vacuum tubes were used for circuitry and magnetic drums for storing data. In these
computers only one task could be done at one time. ENIAC, EDVAC are examples of this
2nd Generation Computers: (1955: 1964): Vacuum tubes were replaced with transistor in 2nd
generation computers. The size of the transistor is small so the size of the computer was reduced
many folds. These computers used magnetic cores as primary memory and magnetic disc as
secondary storage device. IBM1401, IBM7090 are examples of this.
3rd generation Computers: (1965-1974): The Integrated Circuit (IC) was used in 3rd
generation of computers. It consists of single chip with the components like transistors and
resistors fabricated on it.
In the first and second gen of computers the punch cards and printout were used to ineract with
computers. 3rd and 4th gen onwards keyboards are used.
Example: NCR395, B6500
4th Generation Computers: (1975-till date): Microprocessors (containing millions of
transistors) are being used in 4th generation computers as a processing unit. This generation led
to the growth of large scale integration (LSI), Very large scale Integration (VLSI) and ultra
large scale integration (ULSI) technology which contains million of transistors in one unit.
This resulted as smaller size of computers and cheaper.
This generation computer also adopted graphical user interface mouse and hand-held devices.
IBM worked with Microsoft in 1980s to develop PC (Personal computer) which we use today.
MSDOS (Microsoft Disk Operating system) was integrated with IBM computers. Later
Microsoft developed Microsoft Windows for computers which have many improvements and
being used till today.
5th Generation of Computers: The fifth generation computers use technology of AI (Artificial
Intelligence). In which computer accepts local languages, learn and analyse the inputs and
process the inputs extremely fast speed. It uses ULSI (Ultra large scale Integration) technology
which consist millions of transistors to achieve this high speed. The output of these computers
is in the form of graphics, speech etc. These days fifth generation computer use is increasing

Q-2: Convert (1D7F)16 to an Octal system number and (5A9.63)16 to a decimal system
First we will concert hexadecimal to decimal
(1D7F)16 = (1x163)+(13x162)+(7x161)+(15x160 ) = 4096+3328+112+15 = (7551)10
and now we will convert decimal to octal number
(7776)10 to octal
8 7551 Remainder
8 943 7
8 117 7
8 14 5
8 1 6
0 1

So the octal no is (16577)8

(5A9.63)16 to a Decimal Fraction number
5 A 9 .6 .03
5X162 10X161 9X160 6X16-1 3X16-2
1280 160 9 0.375 0.01172
SUM= 1280+160+9+0.375+.01172 = (1449.38672)10
Hence the decimal fraction number of hexadecimal fraction number (5A9.63)16 IS =

Q-3: Discuss the advanced formatting options available in MS Word.

How would you create a custom template and apply it quickly to slides?

Ans-3: Advanced Formatting options of MS word

Other than the basic formatting options, there are some advanced options in MS
1- Creating a table: From menu bar, go to insert option, select table, select number
of rows, number of columns.

1.1 After inserting table select table, table design menu bar will appear, we can
select desire design of the table.

1.2 Adding row and column: we can add or delete rows and columns from the lay
out menu bar.

1.3 Auto fit behaviour: when we draw table autofit behaviour also appears we
can select the option as per our requirement.
1.4- Shading and or highlighting of the contents.
1.5- First row, total row, fist column, last column, banded row, banded column option
is also available in the advance feature of the word.
1.6-Splitting cells: From table layout menu click on split cell tab and split the cell in
desired columns and rows.
2-Styles : Style are the shortcut to formatting. Style enable to a group of formatting to
be stores as a single style and applied across the document.
 From Home tab, select create style, give name of the style and make your own
style as per the requirement.
 Apply style. After applying style will be applied to whole document.
 Mange style : we can mange style by selecting manage style widget.
Thus there are many other options in the Manage style :
a) Recommended tabs
b) Restrict tabs
c) Default tabs
We can use them as per our requirement.

3-Template: Templates are preformatted documents. All predefined themes and

styles can be stores in the template. User can simply open a document based on the
template all the themes and style defined apply to the document.
To created template:
 Open new document
 Create template as per the requirement, font size, font style etc
 Save document as ‘save as’
 Dialogue Box opens
 Name the template and as save as dropdown list select template or word
97, 2003 template.
 Specify the path where template to be saved.
 Click save, template is saved now.
The templates which are saved in word default template location can be accessed from office
For other locations we should use explorer to go to the template and right click on the saved
template, open new. The saved template will open as a new document for working.
4- Foot notes and end Notes: Foot notes are given at below of the page to give the name
of reference take in the document. The end note is given at the end of the document. To
create footnote following procedure is used:
 Go to the reference tab on menu bar.
 Select foot note or end note whichever is required
 On the right below corner of the widget option are given for the foot
note. Use appropriate option.
Q-4: Explain various design strategies for Software System Design.
What are the four quality measures for building software products?
Sofware system design strategies: There are two strategies used in software system design
1- Functional strategy: Software system is designed keeping functional point view.
Starting with a high level view and progressively refining this in to a more detailed
design. The system state is centralised and shared between the functions operating
on that state. Methods such as Jackson structured programming (JSP) and the
Warnier-Orr method are techniques of functional decomposition where the
structure of the is used to determine the functional structure used to process that
2- Object oriented strategy : The system is viewed as a collection of objects rather
than as functions.Object oriented design is based on the idea of information hiding
and has been described by Meyer, Booch and Jacobsen and many others.
An object oriented design, the system state is decentralised and every object
manages its own state information.

Four quality measures for building software products:

1- Correspondence: Correspondence measures how well the delivered system
matches with the need of the operational environment, as described in the
original requirement statement.
2- Validation: Validation is the testing process which ensures that needs of
the customer are fulfilled in the software.
3- Correctness: It is the measurement of consistency of the software output or
we can say adherence to the specifications that determine how user can
interact with the software and how the software should behave when it is
used correctly.
4- Verification: Verification is a process of evaluating software mediation
products to see whether they meet the requirements set out at start of the

Q-5: Enlist the main functions of the operating system. Describe various components of
operating systems.
Ans-5: Main functions of operating system are as under:
1- Resource management: this function of operating system allocates resources such
as CPU time, main memory, secondary storage, and input and output devices for
One cane view resource management in two points of view:
 Resource Manager, and
 Extended machine
Resource Manager : Operating system manage the different parts of system
Extended Machine: Operating system provides a virtual machine to users that
is more convenient to use.
2- Data management: The term data management itself describes those operating
system functions that control the flow of data from an input/output (I/O) device to
the processing program's data buffer and vice versa. Application program deals with
file name, storage location within the file. the operating system knows where the
data is stored and it communicate with the input and output devices when required.
3- Job Management: Job Management controls the order and time in which
applications are run and is more sophisticated in the mainframe environment where
scheduling the daily work has always been routine. For example the reminders and
massages send automatically at scheduled time by banks and other agencies. IBM
developed JCL (job control language) decades ago and in use still.
4- Task Management: Multitasking is requirement of every desktop today so that we
can open multiple application at one time and use them quickly as and when
required. Today every operating system is capable to do so.
5- Device Management: As the name suggests, operating system’s device
management feature controls the peripheral devices connected to operating system.
It sends and receive commands to and from them, The software routine that deals
with device is called “driver” and the operating system requires drivers for the
peripheral attached to the computer. When a new device is added, that device’s
driver is installed in to the operating System.
6- User Interface: User interface is the property of operating system by which user
interacts with the operating system. Graphical interface is given in most of the
devices to interact with the users. The most important components of the user
interface are the command interpreter, the file system, online help, and application

Components of operating system: Following are the components of operating


1- Process Management: Operating system manages many programs such as like

printer spooler, name servers, file server etc. each of these activities is
encapsulated in a process. A process includes the complete execution context
(Code, data, PC registers, OS resources in use etc). The five major activities of
process management are:
 Creation and deletion of user and system processes
 Suspension and resumption of processes
 A mechanism for process synchronisation
 A mechanism for process communication
 A mechanism for deadlock handling
2- Main Memory Management: The major activities of memory management are
i. Keep track which part of memory is being used by whom.
ii. Decide which processes are loaded in to memory when memory
space becomes available.
iii. Allocate and deallocate memory space as needed.
3- File Management: The major activities of file management are :
i. Create and delete files
ii. Creation and deletion of directions
iii. The support of primitives for manipulating files an directions.
iv. The mapping of files in to secondary storage
v. Backup of files in stable storage area.
4- I/O system Management: I/O sub system hides the peculiarities of specific
hardware devices from the user. Only the device driver knows the peculiarities
of specific device to which it is assigned.
5- Secondary Storage Management: the three major activities of an OS in regard
to secondary storage management are:
i. Scheduling the request for memory access
ii. Managing the free space available on the secondary storage
iii. Allocation of storage space when new files have to be written.
6- Networking: the communication network design must consider routing and
connection strategies and problem of contention and security.
7- Protection System: OS system must protect the various processes must be
protected from one another’s activities.
8- Command interpreter system: Command interpreter is an interface of the OS
with the user. The main function of command interpreter is to get and execute
the command of next user.

Q-6: Discuss the TCP/IP protocol layers with the help of a diagram. Explain how the internet
Ans-6: Communication between computer on a network is done through protocol suit. The
most widely used and available protocol suit is TCP/IP protocol suit. A protocol suits consist
of a layered architecture where each layer depicts some functionality which can be carried out
by a protocol. Usually, each layer has more than one protocol option to carry out the
responsibility that the layer adheres to. TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol/Internet
protocol) is normally considered to be a 4 layer system. 4 layers are as follows 1-Application
layer, 2- Transport Layer, 3-Internet Layer, 4- Network interface and hardware. These layered
representation leads to the term stack which refers to stack of layers in protocol suits.
Application Applications

Transport TCP/UDP

Internet IP ICMP


Network Network Inter Face and

interface and hardware

TCP/IP Protocol stack- Each Layer represents a package of function

1- Application Layer : Application layer is provided by the program that uses TCVP/IP
for communication. An application is a user process cooperating with another process
usually on a different host. Example of application include Telnet and FTP file transfer
protocol. The interface between application and transport layers is defines by pot
number and sockets.
2- Transport Layer: The most used transport layer is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
which provides connection oriented reliable data delivery, duplicate data suppression,
congestion control, and flow control. Another transport layer protocol is the User
Datagram Protocol. It provides connectionless, unreliable best effort service. This
transport protocol is where fast data transfer is required and loss of some data is
3- Internetwork Layer ( Also called Internet Layer): Primary component of Internet layer
is Internet Protocol. Many of the TCP/IP routing protocols are also classified as Internet
4- Network interface layer: Also called the link layer or Data Link layer is the interface to
the actual network hardware. This interface may or may not provide reliable delivery
and may packet or stream oriented. In fact
How internet Works: the most important thing about internet is that it can potentially connect
our computer to any other computer. Anyone who has access to the internet can exchange text,
data file and programmes with any other user. For all practical purpose everything that happens
on the internet is the variation of one of these activities. Internet itself is the pipeline that carries
the data from one computer to another.
If we want to send email to someone, we type the email address of that person. The massage is
then broken into small pieces called “packets”. Packets are basic unit of measurement on the
internet. There is special purpose computer called “Router” on the internet which will decide,
what is the best path to send these packets to destination. Once these packets reached on the
destination, these are assembled again in to original massage.
There is no central administration of internet but there are formal bodies within the internet
that performs coordinating functions.

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