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Politeness of Directive Speech Acts on Social Media Discourse and

Its Implications for Strengthening Student Character Education

in the Era of Global Education

Harun Joko Prayitno1*, Miftakhul Huda2, Nabilatul Inayah3, Ermanto4,

Havid Ardi5, Giyoto6, Norazmie Yusof7
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Padang, Indonesia
[email protected]
[email protected]
Faculty of Tarbiyah, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Surakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam
[email protected]
Corresponding Author

Received: 16 August 2021

Accepted: 30 September 2021
Date Published Online: 31 October 2021
Published: 31 October 2021

Abstract: Social media is one of the most influential media in all sectors and structures of socio-cultural
life, government law politics, science and technology, and especially education. One of the direct
impacts on education is strengthening vs. reducing student character education. The purpose of this
research is to (a) explore forms of directive speech acts, (b) identify politeness strategies for directive
speech acts; and (c) formulate the implications of the politeness strategies directive speech acts of the
#sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media towards student’ character building in the era of global
computing-communication. This research is qualitative using hermeneutical psychopragmatic
techniques. The object of this research was directive speech acts uttered in the #sahkanRUUPKS
comments on social media 2019-2020. Data were conducted through documentation technique, note-
taking technique, observation technique, and theoretical triangulation technique. Data were analyzed
using politeness model of Brown-Levinson and Leech supported by analysis of politeness model of
Indonesian socio-cultural harmony. The results of this research indicated that the form of public’s
directive speech acts in supervising government policy plan through social media appeared to be
actualized into suggesting, criticizing, reminding, appealing, calling, and reminding. The realization of
the category of directive speech acts of politeness indicated that the Indonesian people are participatory
and accommodative towards a new plan of policy that brings benefits and good for all. The category of
the politeness strategies of directive speech acts are begging and asking had a small frequency because
to control the government policy plan which is essential to the value order of people's lives requires
strict harmonious control. The Indonesian people had a trend to use positive politeness methods in
providing input to the government. The public at the general level still showed social awareness and
sensitivity towards government policy plans that are circulated through social media coverage. The
forms and intentions developing on social media can be wrapped into teaching materials to strengthen
character education and the values of politeness for children in the learning process at school. This can
be carried out by criticizing the news circulating on social media through positive politeness strategies
and wisdom maxim. The wisdom maxim instilled in children is a vital pillar in strengthening children's
character education in the era of global communication.
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Keywords: Character Education, Directive Speech Acts of Politeness, Global Education Era, Positive
Politeness Strategies, Principle of Social Harmony.

1. Introduction

The nature of language is to enlighten life, nourish the mind, rejoice, users, dignify life, and
humanize speech partners. In the context of the pragmatic study, the goal and intention of language
contain speech acts (Prayitno, H.J., 2019; Thuruvan & Yunus, 2017). Speech acts have the power to
influence speech partners to behave in a certain way or the otherwise (Adams, 2009; Beaver, 2007;
Blum-Kulka, 1987). Speaking is a way to detect an individual’s personality, what distinguishes between
one creature and another. Speech acts have an important role in shaping a good relationship among
human beings because language is a means of communication used among humans as social beings
who cannot live alone. Further, according to (Ekawati, 2017), a language shows a correlation of humans
with his nation. As in sociolinguistics, language is perceived as a social behavior used by
communication in everyday life for that the language is used by human beings to connect with others
(Yuliana et al., 2013; Singh, A., Pakirnathan, P. G., & Suppiah, S. M., (2018).
One of the manifestations of language is speech acts. Speech act as plays a pivotal role in human
life (Shah, 2017). The role of speech acts in industry 4.0 and digital transformation has changed the
order of information dissemination. Changes in the information order are the fastest to change and have
the most influence on socio-cultural life, government politics, and educational arrangements, social
media, for instance. Social media has the swiftest role, moves without boundaries, difficult to control.
Communication expert, Alibasyah (2018), states that the present time is the era of social presence such
as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as a need for the wider community to obtain all kinds
of information quickly and without time and space boundaries. This social media allows people to
comment and share their opinions freely without agony (Putri et al, 2016). Twitter is one of the most
widely used means of communication, especially as a medium to express information limitlessly for the
wider community regarding information or policies that may cause counterproductive.
Twitter is a social media that is mostly used and favored by the community, especially the
millennial group, including school-age children. Basri's research results (2017) show that Twitter-only
teenager users reached 74%. In fact, global active users of this social media service per December 2014
reached 284 million. Overall, the number of Twitter users in Indonesia has reached 50 million users
(Juditha, 2015). This condition is due to its easy use and Twitter has faster access to information
dissemination compared to other social media. In general, Twitter is used as a means of communication
and information dissemination. The information dissemination is inseparable from the current issues
and the form of the language contained. The use of language for each community differs according to
ethnicity, culture, and community background. According to Sumarno (2008: 19), the form of language
can be uttered by any society that influences other society even though each individual is still motivated
by the applied rules at all levels of society. Given the influence of social media that can change people's
behavior patterns, they experience shifts in both existing culture, ethics, and norms (Cahyono, 2016).
Thoughts, feelings, and volition can be expressed in the form of language to meet the needs of
one's life. The language used bears a variety of purposes. On the other hand, expressing the same
intention can be built or expressed through various forms of language. The delivery of one's thoughts,
feelings, volitions, and intentions can be conveyed through the form of speech acts. One of the most
dominant forms of speech acts used by the wider community in the world is directive speech acts
(Prayitno, Jamaludin, & Jha, 2020). All language statements essentially have the power to the instructor,
otherwise, prohibit the communication speech partners from doing what is intended.
In the context of the statement or the form of the language used on Twitter, #sahkanRUUPKS,
in essence, can be interpreted as a variety of intentions. These intentions are suspected to criticize,
provide input, order, condemn, prohibit, suggest, order, even ridicule, and other purposes. The form of
language action used in the discourse raises pros and cons. Some are less or even impolite, such as
expressing hatred, attacking each other personally, and so forth. It happens because it is not appropriate
or deviates from cultural norms and the principle of language politeness (Prayitno, 2010).
The intention delivery requires consideration of ethics, norms, culture, or other applicable rules
so that it is not merely uttering what is desired. According to Muslim (2017), when speaking, things
that need to be considered are not only rules but also in a more dominant direction, such as how to speak
well and politely. Positive characters are manifested in the significant role of culture and language in
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

language politeness (Lestari & Prayitno, 2016). The value of politeness is regarded as an understanding
of social and psychological aspects that need to be appraised in speaking, not related to the talent that
is inherited from generation to generation (Noor & Prayitno, 2016).
Good or polite and effective or appropriate communication needs to be built with two main
communication principles, which are the cooperative principle and politeness principle. The
cooperative principle emphasizes the importance of information correctness, method appropriateness,
objective accuracy, and information adequacy. Politeness principles place the importance of humility,
generosity, unsustainability, conscience in conveying good intentions both lingually and non-lingually.
The fulfillment of these two principles can be observed when someone performs directive speech acts
in disseminating information through social media. Communication through social media requires
language choices and politeness in regards to politeness in politics (Prayitno et al, 2019). Criticism and
demands on political issues developing in social media require the fulfillment of these two principles.
Some aspects evoke someone to make directive speech acts, namely social status, superiority and
inferiority, pride, and face-saving principles. These factors become the basic idea that there is a
pragmatic meaning in every remark uttered by a speaker in communication to convey a specific purpose
(Fatma et al, 2020).
Politeness in language, commenting, and expression has a vivid presence in the world of
education, especially those related to strengthening children's character. Speakers in various media and
especially on social media when conveying their intentions and disseminating information need to
consider the cooperative principles and politeness principles so as not to cause dysfunction,
disorientation, and disharmony for the wider community. Speech acts, both lingual and non-lingual,
need to follow the cultural elements of its user community (Prayitno, 2015). If someone can place
himself in any circumstances, then he is deemed to be polite (Halim, 2015). A speech uttered by a
speaker has an influence or a certain effect on his speech partners (Zakiyah, 2015, Prayitno, 2011).
Principally, school-age children are individuals who are still in the growth and development
process. One of the speech aspects that affect children's development is language acquisition
development. A source of language acquisition is the use of the language of the wider community and
the education community. The selection and development of teaching materials in schools can be
formulated from various sources. Effective teaching resources and materials are resources and materials
that involve students and their environment in learning. Christidamayan and Kristanto (2020)
emphasize that an effort to improve student learning is by involving students and their environment in
formulating a problem through critical thinking. The indirect learning resource that has a very
significant influence on children's development is the use of speech acts in various social media.
Speech acts on social media grow and develop rapidly. The growth in quantity and the
development of meaning shifting move very dynamically without time and space boundaries. Directive
speech acts of politeness found in #SahkanRUUPKS comments on Twitter need to be well managed
with scientific principles so they can be used as teaching materials for strengthening character education
in learning Indonesian about language politeness and religious education. Comments on this discourse
need to be elaborated into speaking techniques and strategies so that they can be used as sources and
teaching materials that can control and establish students to have optimum competence (Sumarti, 2015,
Ardianto, 2013).
A good education system builds a strong foundation for children's growth and development in
adapting to the environment and children's learning resources. Children’s knowledge, skills, and
creativity obtained from their learning environment will strengthen the capacity and motivation of the
young generation to keep learning as lifelong learners (Syamsuar and Reflianto, 2019). The politeness
strategy in the TV One Talk Show discourse has a significant effect on children's language politeness
(Syah, 2017).
The era of global computing has accelerated global communication. An era that has a very fast
influence without space-time boundaries on the educational process, character education, interpersonal
development, and the psychological development of children as a unity. One of which is the use of
comments and expressions of the wider community towards one of the government policies through the
ratification of the #sahkanRUUPKS regulation. Therefore, this research is urgently needed as it aims to
explore forms of directive speech acts of politeness, identify techniques of directive speech acts of
politeness on #sahkanRUUPKS discourse on social media, and formulate its implications for character
building in the era of global computing-communication, a communication era without boundaries. The
study of directive speech acts politeness on social media discourse about #sahanRUUPKS will provide
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

benefits to readers of speech act politeness strategies on social media so that it will strengthen student
character education in the era of global education.

2. Method

The main approach used in this research is the descriptive-qualitative pragmatic approach.
Research that prioritizes inductive processes and generalizations. A pragmatic approach that analyzes
and examines intention regarding situations of remarks (Elmita & Ratna, 2013). The main data source
of this research was the social media Twitter. This research used a descriptive method because it
produces the meaning of remarks based on the context as is (Zaim, 2014, Tojo & Takagi, 2017). The
object and data of this research were directive speech acts of politeness contained in comments about
#sahkanRUUPKS on social media Twitter in the 2019-2020 timeframe.
The data collection technique was performed using a note-taking technique, observation
technique, documentation technique, source triangulation technique, and expert triangulation. The data
analysis technique was carried out using the pragmatic matching technique, extensional matching, and
enforced by referential holistic matching techniques. Pragmatic matching was conducted by connecting
the speech intention of the commenter with the context of the socio-political government, cultural,
economic, education that entails the comment. Extensional matching places the context of the comment
as a means of determining intention. Holistic referential matching was done by analyzing and examining
the intention of a comment as a whole or unity based on the complexity of the context that accompanies
the comment.
Analysis of the results is presented by the process of sorting, assembling, organizing, merging,
formulating the various meanings of comments about #sahkanRUUUPKS based on linguistic markers
and contextual markers. The process of interpreting intention looked upon Searle's politeness strategies
and Brown & Levinson's politeness strategies and was supported by the politeness principle of socio-
cultural harmony (Çağrı & Işık, 2020; Kobylski et al., 2018; Omar, Ilyas, & Kassem, 2018) .

3. Results and Discussion

The results and discussion of this research focus on three main findings; (1) forms of directive
speech acts of politeness in #SekanRUUPKS discourse on Twitter, (2) techniques and strategies for
directive speech acts of politeness, and (3) its implications as teaching materials to strengthen student
character education.
3.1 Forms of Directive Speech Acts of Politeness on #SahkanRUUPKS Comments

A form of speech acts in the pragmatic study is capable of developing multiple purposes. The
meaning of the narrative is largely determined by the context that accompanies it (Brown, 2015;
Kecskes, 2017; Weninger, 2018). The form and category of the intention of directive speech acts of
politeness in the #sahkanRUUUPKS comments generally contained suggesting, reminding, calling, and
the most dominant was criticizing. Research data show that the most spoken category was in the form
of advising with the criticizing intention. The use of the criticizing category in this discourse illustrates
that the general public perceived RUUPKS (sexual violence eradication bill) as one of the bill's products
which is very important within the social and cultural behavior framework of the Indonesian people.
The forms and categories of directive speech acts of politeness intentions are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Form and Category of the Intention of Directive Speech Acts of Politeness

Form Frequency Percentage Intention Category

Commanding 14 11,3 % Ordering, instructing
Asking 1 0,8 % Asking
Begging 10 8,13 % Begging
Inviting 17 13,8 % Calling, demanding, encouraging
Advising 81 65,8 % advising, criticizing, reminding,
appealing, calling, reminding

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Social media has the fastest and most powerful influence in the era of global communication
and computing. Social media is currently used for various purposes and interests, from introducing,
inviting, to influencing (Fatma, 2020; Prayitno, H.J., 2019; Zhong, 2018). Speech acts in the political
field are typically presented in social media (Tsoumou, 2020; John, Brooks, & Schriever, 2019). The
intentions and messages in mesTren netizen about #sahkanRUUPKS on social media Twitter
experienced a very dynamic movement. It was influenced by the issues that were being discussed at
that time regarding sexual violence and the actions are done by one of the perpetrators and the
community that supported the ratification of the RUUPKS. In September, for instance, there were
several actions carried out by students all over Indonesia, such as in Yogyakarta with the
#GejayanMemanggil. The next three months, there was a decreasing trend in speech because in that
month no cases or actions were being discussed. So, in January of the following year, it reappeared with
a case of harassment committed by a community member.
Directive speech acts become the most widely used form of language when communicating and
has various types (Prayitno et all, 2019, Darmayanti et all, 2015). The analysis of directive speech acts
of politeness in this research refers to the directive speech act theory proposed by Searle. The results of
the research in Table 1 illustrate that controlling a legal product cannot be done only by 'request' (0.8%)
or 'begging' (8.13%) or even by 'calling' (13.8%). Control needs to be realized with a clear intention,
which is 'criticizing', 'demanding', or 'encouraging' (65.8%). Most of these demands were intended to
'appeal, 'call' and 'remind'. The meaning of speech in the media can influence and suggest speech
partners or participants in the speech context (Etae, Krish, & Hussin, 2016; Van Vaerenbergh &
Holmqvist, 2013).

Fig. 1 Graph Trend of Netizen #SahkanRUUPKS on Twitter

a. Commanding Category

1) Ordering Type

The nature of speaking is to tell the speech partner to do something or the otherwise. The
speaker's strategy of ordering speech partners to do something can be realized through various forms of
speech act category (Lestari & Prayitno, 2016; Thuruvan & Yunus, 2017). Remarks (1) include the
directive speech acts of ordering type. It was found on the linguistic marker Segera (immediately)
#SahkanRUUPKS. The context of the discourse occurred because Pn was angry with the government
for holding up the RUUPKS ratification. Commanding is something that is desired by speakers of
speech partners in the hope that the speech partners do what the speakers want or assume (Darwis,
2018). The results of other research conducted by (Elmita & Ratna, 2013), in their research found
directive speech acts of ordering type with linguistic markers Coba Baca berapa hasilnya Sayang (Read
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

the results, darling). When compared to other research results, there are similarities in the two remarks,
there are differences in speech act strategies.

Remark [1] “Segera #SahkanRUUPKS. Semakin ditunda akan

semakin banyak lagi korban. Ingat korban bs terjadi
pada siapa saja” (##SahkanRUUPKS immediately.
Delaying this bill will make more victims. Remember
anyone can be victims) @lulukhamida
Context Pn assumed that the delay of the Sexual Violence
Eradication Bill will only make more victims
Implicature Pn ordered Sexual Violence Eradication Bill to be
immediately ratified

2) Instructing Type

Remark (2) was conveyed using a directive speech acts of instructing. This type of is marked
by mari ramaikan kembali tagar #SahkanRUUPKS (Let’s trend the #SahkanRUUPKS hashtag). The
context of the remark in the data above occurred because many victims of sexual violence did not dare
to open their voices and experienced deep trauma. It was also shown by the results of research by
Achsani and Rustyaningsih (2018) that the directive speech acts in the instructing category with
linguistic marker please.

Remark [2] “Mari ramaikan kembali tagar #SahkanRUUPKS di 2020

sebagai pengingat bahwa ada banyak korban perkosaan
yang tidak berani buka suara dan mengalami trauma tanpa
pendampigan dan pemulihan” (let’s trend
#SahkanRUUPKS hashtag in 202220 as a reminder that
there are many voiceless victims and experience deep
trauma without help and recovery) @kabarSEJUK
Context Pn assumed that many sexual violence victims could not
tell the stories and experienced deep trauma without any
help and assistance to recover so Pn instructed Mt (I this
case is the other Twitter users) to use the
#SahkanRUUPKS hashtag
Implicature Pn instructed rape victims to have assistance and
recovery process

b. Asking category

Remark (3) includes the directive speech acts of asking. It is indicated by linguistic marker of kami
meminta #SahkanRUUPKS (we demand #SahkanRUUPKS). The context of the remark in the data
occurred because there were many perpetrators of sexual violence feeling innocent and roaming freely
around without appropriate punishment according to their actions. The asking category is one of the
options for a strategy that is relatively subtle and polite because it provides space for choice for speech
partners (Prayitno, H.J., 2019; Van Der Bom & Grainger, 2015).

Remark [3] “Kami meminta #sahkanRUUPKS. Kita tidak bisa

mengunggu lebih banyak lagi korban jatuh. Kita tidak bisa
membiarkan lebih banyak lagi pelaku bebas berkeliaran.
Kita tidak bisa lagi membiarkan lebih banyak korban tidak
tertangani.” (We aski for #sahkanRUUPKS. We cannot wait

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

for another victims. We cannot let perpetrators roam freely.

We cannot let other victims neglected) @psi_id

Context Pn assumed that sexual violence perpetrators could not be

let roam freely and the victims neglected

Implicature Asking for ratification

c. Begging Category

Remark (4) is the directive speech acts of begging. It is marked by a linguistic marker of Dear
@DPR_RI, mohon untuk #SahkanRUUPKS (Dear @DPR_RI, please #SahkanRUUPKS). There was
also a codeswitching from English to Indonesian. The discourse context in the data occurred because
Pn assumed that teenagers in Indonesia do not have clear guarantees from sexual violence. The begging
method for men and women shows the difference. In the begging, men tend to be direct and clear,
whereas women tend to convey it indirectly (Fitriani, 2015).

Remark [4] “Dear @DPR_RI, mohon untuk #SahkanRUUPKS

karena remaja butuh jaminan keamanan yang jelas”
(Dear @DPR_RI, please #SahkanRUUPKS because
teenagers need a clear guarantee) @arifvoyager

Context Pn begged for the sexual violence eradication bill to

pass so that teenagers are secured

Implicature Begging for ratification

d. Inviting Category

1) Calling Type

Remark (5) can be categorized as directive speech acts if calling. It is marked by jadi, ayo dukung
pengesahan RUUPKS (Let support the ratification of the Sexual Violence Eradication bill). The context
in the data occurred because Sexual Violence Eradication bill has been included in the 2019 Priority
Bill of National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) yet the government only promised to ratify it and
continued to postpone. Pn assumed that Sexual Violence Eradication bill must create gender-friendly
democracy for the Indonesian people. The intention of calling speech act provides a choice of space for
speech partners to fulfill the invitation or vice versa (Abbas, 2013; Westbrook, 2007), (Lee & Bailey,
2020), (Farnia, Farhangi, & Saeedi, 2020).

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Remark [5] “RUU Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual telah masuk di

dalam prolegnas RUU Prioritas tahun 2019. Jadi, ayo
dukung pengesahan RUUPKS sebagai bagian dari
langkah konkret untuk menciptakan demokrasi yang
ramah gender bagi kita semua! #Gerakbersama
#sahkanRUUPKS #Pawai8Desember” (Sexual Violence
Eradication bill has been listed in the priority bill of
Prolegnas 2019. So, let’s support the ratification of Sexual
Violence Eradication bill as a step to create democracy
that is-gender-friendly for all of us #Gerakbersam
#SahkanRUUPKS) @rizabdali

Context Pn assumed that the ratification of the Sexual Violence

Eradication bill is a concrete step to create a democracy
that is gender-friendly so that Pn called others to support
the ratification of the Sexual Violence Eradication bill

Implicature Calling to eradicate violence

2) Demanding Type

Remark (6) is categorized as directive speech acts of demanding. It is indicated by linguistic markers
kami mendesak Panja Komisi VIII menepati janji!. (we demand the working committee of Commission
VIII to keep their promises!) The context of the speech in the data occurred because Pn assumed that
Commission VIII of DPR did not keep its promise to immediately ratify the RUUPKS. The results of
research by Achsani and Rustyaningsih (2018) show the directive speech acts of demanding with the
linguistic marker of pokoknya (The point is).

Remark [6] “Kami mendesak Panja Komisi VIII menepati janji!

#SahkanRUUPKS” (We demand the working
committee of Comission VIII to keep their promises!)

Context Pn demanded the working committee of Commission

VIII of DPR to their promises to ratify the Sexual
Violence Eradication bill

Implicature Demand working committee

3) Encouraging Type

Remark (7) is an encouraging type of directive speech act. It is marked by linguistic markers Saatnya
dorong #sahkanRUUPKS (It's time to encourage the #sahkanRUUPKS). The context in the data
occurred because Pn assumed that there were many cases of sexual violence with an unclear settlement,
and in general the media only covered the beginning of the incident, without following the case process
of sexual violence to the end. The intention type of encouragement is grounded more on the
consideration of the speaker's willingness so that the speech partner has a keenness to decide or do
something that is intended (Brown, 2015; Lee, Lee, & Chun, 2018), (Rahmawati, Octaviani, Kusmanto,
Nasucha, & Huda, 2021), (Norasiqin, Rahimullah, Mansor, Latip, & Mohamad, 2020).

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Remark [7] “Cuma mau ngingetin, awal tahun 2019 kmren, seorang
ustadz memperkosa 23 santri laki-laki di padang, sumbar.
Sampe skg banyak dari kita ga tau perkembangannya
gimana. Karena kita ga punya paying hukum memadai, sama
ya krn dia bukan seorang.. Auklah. Saatnya dorong
#sahkanRUUPKS” (as a reminder, at the beginning of 2019,
a Muslim preacher raped 23 students in padang, West
Sumatra. To date, most of us have no clue about the process.
Because we have no adequate law, it is same with…I don’t
know. It’s time to encourage #sahkanRUUPKS) @lini_ZQ

Context Pn stated that a Muslim preacher raped his students and

there was no clear process of the case. It is because
Indonesia has no adequate law regarding sexual violence.
Therefore, Pn encouraged the ratification of the Sexual
Violence Eradication bill

Implicature Encourage ratification immediately

e. Advising Category

1) Suggesting Type

Remark (8) is categorized as a directive type speech act of suggesting. It is indicated by a linguistic
marker fokus ke kampanye #Sahkanruupks aja supaya korban-korban pelecehan dan perkosaan bs
didampingi (focus on the #Sahkanruupks campaign so that victims of assault and rape can be assisted).
The context of the speech occurred at that time when a case of sexual harassment was perpetrated by
an Indonesian citizen named Rynhard in America. He was suspected of committing same-sex
harassment. The case attracted a lot of attention from Indonesian netizens and began comparing legal
processes in Indonesia and America regarding cases of sexual harassment. Pn asked Indonesian citizens
to not only focus on the Rynhard case but to continue to voice the #sahkanRUUPKS which was
considered more important. Seeing that victims of sexual harassment in Indonesia are not properly
accompanied by the authorities and are forced to bury their dreams. The research results of Prayitno et
al. (2017) show that the directive speech act of suggesting category tends to be proposed with linguistic
markers and should not demean people recklessly.

Remark [8] “Kalau kita Cuma fokus ngatain reynhard bejat, back
off, udah banyak, fokus ke kampanye #Sahkanruupks
aja supaya korban-korban pelecehan dan perkosaan
bs didampingi dan tidak mengubur mimpi buruknya
sendiri.” (If we only focus on mocking damned
reynhard, back off, it’s already many of them, focus
only on #Sahkanruupks campaign so that victims of
harassment and rape can be assisted and must bury
their dreams) @rumaulidya

Context Pn stated to not only focus on Rynhard case but also

appeal on the ratification of the sexual violence
eradication bill so that victims can be assisted and
bury their trauma

Implicature Suggest the ratification

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

2) Criticizing Type

Criticism is responding to something that is less pleasing. In the context of the data obtained
below, the speaker criticized the government as if it was concerned with the interests of corruptors
rather than victims of sexual violence. The government is in a hurry to ratify the RKUHP that has just
been drafted, rather than immediately ratifying the RUUPKS that has been drafted for a long time.

Remark [9] “Nasib koruptor lebih penting ketimbang nasib korban

kekerasan seksual, gitu khan? #SahkanRUUPKS” (The
corruptors is more important than the victims of sexual
violence, right? #SahkanRUUPKS) @tunggalp

Context Pn stated that the government was more concerned with

curroptors rather than the victims of sexual violence

Implicature Criticize government

Speech (9) is categorized as a directive speech act of advising in criticizing type. It is indicated
by Pn giving an insinuation to the government who was more concerned with the corruptors by rushing
through the RKUHP that the public did not know when it began to be discussed. Meanwhile, the
RUUPKS, which is far more important considering the many incidents of sexual violence in Indonesia
and has been planned for a long time, has not been ratified. The same context occurs with the results of
research by Yuliana et al. (2013) with comparative linguistic markers. Type of criticizing intention is
used when something stated or done by the speech partner is detrimental to the speaker or the wider
community (Chong, 2017; Mullen, 2016).

3) Reminding Type

Remark (10) is a reminding type of directive speech act. It is marked by linguistic markers tak
sedikit yang berakhir pada kematian (many that end with death). The context of the speech occurred
because according to the speakers, sexual violence continues and there is no firm law to regulate it. Not
a few victims of sexual violence have resulted in death. It is because it affects the psychological state
of the victim who feels failure in life (Fajri, 2017).

Remark (10) “Korban perkosaan terus bertambah, tak sedikit yang

berakhir pada kematian. Negara harus bertanggung
jawab! #SahkanRUUPKS” (The rape victims continues
to increase, many of them that end with death. The state
must take the responsibility #SahkanRUUPKS)

Context Pn stated that many rape victims eventually died and it

kept increasing

Implicature Remind the state

4) Appealing Type

Remark (11) is included in the directive speech act of appealing type. It can be seen from the
linguistic marker mungkinkah perilaku tersebut sudah menjadi rape culture (maybe this behavior has
become a rape culture). The context of the speech occurred as a result of Pn was concerned about the
dominant sexual violence case and blaming the victim, which later could become a culture of rape. This

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type of speech acts according to the research results of Prayitno et al. (2017) is described by the teacher
to the students.

Remark [11] “Bila di suatu lingkungan perilaku kekerasan seksual

dianggap wajar, dan bahkan menyalahkan korban,
mungkinkah perilaku tersebut sudah menjadi rape
culture?” (If sexual violence in certain environment has
been considered acceptable, and even blame the victim,
is is possible that this behavior has become rape
culture?) @YayasanPulih

Context Pn stated that sexual violence is considered acceptable

and blame victims, it may become a rape culture

Implicature Appeal the state

5) Calling Type

Remark (12) is categorized as a directive speech act of calling because it is marked by the UU
penghapusan kekerasan seksual adl payung hukum yang dibutuhkan u mencegah n melindungi hal
korban sec maksimal (The sexual violence eradication bill is an umbrella to prevent and protect victims
maximally). What was written by Pn shows things were considered true by Pn and therefore Pn called
for it with the aim that Mt had the same thoughts or at least provided comments on what was stated by
Pn. This type of speech acts of calling as a representation for the public interest (Dynel & Poppi, 2019;
Mirhosseini, Mardanshahi, & Dowlatabadi, 2017).

Remark [12] “UU penghapusan kekerasan seksual adl payung

hukum yang dibutuhkan u mencegah n melindungi hal
korban sec maksimal #SahkanRUUPKS” (The sexual
violence eradication bill is an umbrella to prevent and
protect victims maximally #SahkanRUUPKS)
Explicator Pn stated that RUU PKS could protect victims
Implicature Call the state

6) Reminding Type

Remark (13) is categorized as a reminding type of directive speech act. It is indicated by the
linguistic marker mau sampai kapan (how long). The context of this speech occurred because according
to Pn, the DPR allowed sexual crimes to continue blindly by not affirming the punishment for the
perpetrators of sexual crimes. This type of reminding intent is used when the speech partner does
something not according to the speaker's desire or common desire (Prayitno et al., 2020; Vasilishina,

Remark [13] “@DPR_RI mau sampai kapan kejahatan seksual

membabi buta di negeri kita tercinta Indonesia
#SahkanRUUPKS” (@DPR_RI how long the sexual
crimes will go blindly in our nation Indonesia
#SahkanRUUPKS) @alffian_dhanz

Context Pn stated that sexual crimes went blindly in Indonesia

Implicature Remind the DPR

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

3.2 Politeness strategy of #SahkanRUUPKS comments on Twitter

The strategy of speaking is an important aspect of language fluency. The choice of strategy to
speak in the social media media can carry the intention of speaking politeness. According to Maros &
Rosli (2017), positive politeness is used to serve various communicative purposes, especially
emphasizing hospitality. The types of positive politeness found are emphasizing, involving speakers
and speech partners in activities, and seeking agreement. Paying attention was the least used in the
positive politeness category. On the other hand, in the negative politeness category, there were two
types of speech, namely using hedges or interrogative sentences, avoiding the use of 'I' and 'you' t using
hedges or interrogative sentences were the most spoken.
In proper communication, the use of polite language is an important way of communication in
this global communication era. It is done to respect the interlocutor or speech partner. In addition, this
way of communicating will maintain good relations between speakers and speech partners
(Georgalidou, 2008; Liang, 2021), (Zali, Mohamad, Setia, Mariam, & Baniamin, 2020). In line with
Rahayu & Suryadi (2019) that politeness cannot be separated from social life because every participant
in communication is expected to apply politeness in conversation. One of the important principles in
the language is the principle of politeness (Mufiddah, 2019). According to Brown and Levinsion, there
are four politeness strategies, namely direct strategy, positive politeness, negative politeness, and
indirect strategy.

a. Positive Politeness Strategies

Positive politeness strategies are used by speakers to speech partners to express the same
opinion or show the same fate so that it seems more familiar and makes communication easier. This
strategy is used so that the speaker's desire is considered a shared will by the speech partner (Aliyah,
2017; Holmes, Arif & Fong, 2009).

1) Strategy in Emphasizing

The use of the emphasizing strategy (14) in the commentary discourse of ratifying RUU PKS
was found by using an exclamation point (!). The speaker firmly emphasized that cases of sexual
violence are the responsibility of the state, which has been considered negligent by society in handling
cases of sexual violence. The same thing was also found in research conducted by (Elmita et al., 2013),
which in their research found linguistic markers, coba sebutkan Bulan masehi! (mention the month of
AD!) which means trying to emphasize that Mt mentions the month correctly and clearly.

Remarks [14] “Korban perkosaan terus bertambah, tak sedikit yang

berakhir pada kematian. Negara harus bertanggung
jawab!#SahkanRUUPKS”( Rape victims keeps
increasing, many that end with death. The state must
take the responsibility #SahkanRUUPKS)

Type of Emphasize the language and rape consequences


2) Strategy in Using Markers as the Same Group Members

The use of the greeting bro in speech (15) is as a group marker. The use of bro shows the
closeness of the relationship between Pn and Mt. It is a strategy to reduce the social distance between
Pn and Mt (other Twitter social media users). This was found in the results of research conducted by
(Pramujiono, 2011) which found positive politeness by using a marker as a member of the same group,
namely using the greeting bang as a marker of the speaker's familiarity with the speech partner. Using

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

markers as members of the same group consists of two ways, namely by using special greetings and
various expressions that come from certain groups.

Remark [15] “Bro, sudah saatnya kita turut #gerakbersama untuk

menekan angka kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan
mendorong segera #SahkanRUUPKS” (bro, it’s time
for us to demand #gerakbersama to press the number
of sexual violence on women and encourage the
#SahkanRUUPKS immediately) @lakilakibaru

Type of Use linguistic markers of the same group members


3) Strategy in Seeking Agreement

The use of the phatic category of ya in remark (16) confirms that the speaker sought an
agreement with the speech partner. This loosens order becomes not coercive but attempts to make
speech partners agree. The same context was found in research conducted by (Iskandar and Rusminto,
2017) that positive politeness strategy data of seeking agreement with lingual markers, do not forget to
read books at home. When compared with the data found by researchers, there is a similar phatic or
marker, namely the word yes to seek agreement.

Remarks [16] “Buat siapapun yang berpikir #TolakRUUPKS adalah

jihad, maka #SahkanRUUPKS adalah jihad. Sebab
#RUUPKS tidak mendorong zina, seks, bebad dan
LGBT. Perbanyak membaca ya biar nggak gampang
berburuk sangka” (To anyone thinks that
#TolakRUUPKS is jihad, then #SahkanRUUPKS is
jihad. Because # RUUPKS prohibit adultery, free sex
and LGBT. Read a lot to avoid any prejudice)

Type of Used marker of the same group member


4) Strategy in Involving Speakers and Speech Partners in Communication

The use of phatic categories or marker mari (let’s) and kita (we) (pronouns that indicate the
involvement of speakers and speech partners) in remark (17) causes positive affective responses to all
speech partners, namely users of Twitter. They moved using the hashtag #SahkanRUUPKS. Mari has
a very positive persuasion effect compared to the word ayo (come on). Even though the two words (let's
and come on) both mean to invite the speech partner to take some action, the words let's and come on
have a different persuasive effect. Ayo tends to emphasize the speech partner more and position the
speech partner inferiority than the speaker, while mari does not contain emphasis or coercion, more
politely invites because the position of the speech partner is superior compared to the speaker. Likewise,
the kita pronoun is better because it involved speakers and speech partners together in an activity. It is
like research conducted by (Alibasyah, 2018: Saman, Shariff, & Nasaruddin, 2019), found data using a
positive politeness strategy involving speakers and speech partners in activities with a linguistic marker
ayo kita Makan Kue (let's eat cake). If seen, there are similarities with the data found by researchers,
namely using the word ayo even though it causes different persuasion effects.

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Remark [17] “Mari kita #Gerakbersama melawan kekerasan

seksual dan mendukung untuk segera
#SahkanRUUPKS karena kita #SemuaBisaKena, kita
semua bisa jadi korban” (Let’s #Gerakbersama to
defend sexual violence and support the
#SahkanRUUPKS because #SemuaBisaKena, we all
might be victims) @aruspelangi

Type of Involve speech partner in communication discourse


5) Type of Attention Strategy

The use of the word sick in remark (18) shows that the speaker paid attention and followed
Reynard's case. It is also shown by the way speakers compare the two countries handling cases of sexual
violence. This type of strategy is commonly used to give attention and side to speech partners (Brown,
2015; Vasilishina, 2017).

Remark [18] “Kasus Reynard bikin merinding sikk, dan disini

keliatan bagaimana media luar memeritakan kasus
seperti ini, dan sikap Negara maju dalam menangani
kasus ini, tampak sekali perbedaannya
#SahkanRUUPKS” (Reynard case make me
goosebumps sikk, and here appeared to be strager
cover the case and the state keep moving in handling
this case, it shows significant difference
#SahkanRUUPKS) @cokordamayun

Type of Pay attention to speech partner


b. The strategy of Negative Politeness

1) Strategy Using Hedges or Interrogative Sentences

The use of the question form in remark (19) shows the speaker refined his speech in criticizing
the government or this country. Furthermore, a speaker will use a hedge to avoid direct statements or
questions that sound too harsh or emphatic. A hedge or a fenced word that serves as a smoother for the
meaning of statements in Indonesian (Rusmini, 2017).

Remark [19] “Kasus yuyun speechless. Gadis 14tahun, diperkosa

14orang. Apa yang sebenarnya negeri ini lindungi?
#sahkanRUUPKS (yuyun’s case makes you
speechless, 14-year old girl was raped by 14
perpetrators. What’s happening in this country?)
@aliansiremaja” @iienainggolan

Type of Pay attention to speech partner


2) Strategy to Avoid Using the Words "I" and "You"

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

It can be seen (20) use an impersonal form, namely by not mentioning the speaker and the
interlocutor. In the speech, the speaker called the speech partner (Twitter social media user who did not
support RUUPKS ratification) as 'setan' (devil).


COK) @mochisuck

Type of Pay attention to speech partner


3.3 The Influence Factor of Realization of Directive Speech Acts of Politeness on

#SahkanRUUPKS Comments

Context factor is one of the central factors in pragmatic studies. The context and dynamics that
develop in society are the driving force for the use of speech acts that aim to provide control over an
event or a regulation (Etae et al., 2016; Sukarno, 2018). Judging from the speech that has been analyzed
above, several factors influence the speakers to do the speech, which is as follows.

Factor Frequency % Explicator

Social 73 59,3 % Lebih bijaksana kita berfokus pada
penanganan kasus dan pemulihan korban
kekerasan seksual #stopkekerasanseksual
(It is wiser for us to focus on cases handling
of sexual violence victims)
Politic 47 38,2% Apa yang harus dilakukan korban agar
#DPR_RI danpemerintah #SahkanRUUPKS?
kenapa bisa kilat sahkan revisi UU KPK dan
RKUHP tapi tutup mata dan telinga pada
kepentingan korban? Kepentingan siapa yang
saat ini yang saat ini kalian bela wahai
@DPR_RI dan pemerintah (What must be
done by victims for #DDPR_RI an
government to #SahkanRUUPKS? Why you
can revise UU KPK and RKUHP in a blink of
an eye but go blind and deaf on vicitm’s
sake? Whose interest is now in your favor?
@DPR_RI and government?)
Religion 3 2,4% Buat siapapun yang berpikir #TolakRUUPKS
adalah jihad, maka #SahkanRUUPKS adalah
jihad. Sebab #RUUPKS tidak mendorong
zina, seks, bebas dan LGBT. Perbanyak
membaca ya biar nggak gampang berburuk
sangka (To anyone thinks that
#TolakRUUPKS is jihad, then
#SahkanRUUPKS is jihad. Because #
RUUPKS prohibit adultery, free sex and
LGBT. Read a lot to avoid any prejudice)

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Three main factors influence the use of directive speech acts of politeness in this discourse,
namely social, politic, and religion. The social factor is the main influence. The increasing number of
female victims of sexual violence who did not get adequate assistance, instead, treated as if it were them
who invited or tempted the perpetrator to commit sexual violence. Many victims were the target of
bullying and insults from the community as if the wrong one was victims. It is because a woman is
synonymous with "arousing" a man either by dressing or by other things. The speech was also triggered
by the speaker's sympathy for the victim who was getting worse and the fate of the perpetrators who
roam freely. This social factor can be influenced by several things according to (Nurbaiti, 2017), namely
gender, education, age, relationships among speakers, and the media for delivering the speech. The
same thing was found in this study, where the factors of gender, education, and age are more dominant.
For example, from the gender factor. Men tend to comment on the handling of victims and current cases,
while women tend to demand women's rights, which they feel have been underestimated and are always
being belittled.
The second factor is the political factor. Speakers in terms of this factor explained the
government's negligence in ratifying the PKS Bill which was considered more important than the
RKUHP which had taken many victims until death. If we can see the history of the PKS Bill, it was
included in the discussion from 2014 and has been included in the 2019 Priority Bill Prolegnas but in
fact, it has not been ratified until now. It what makes speakers fight for #SahkanRUUPKS which is to
prevent more and more victims. From a political point of view, speakers assumed that the government
is more concerned with the welfare of council members than for victims of sexual violence
Religious factor also influences the use of this remark. Speakers who criticize the community
for not supporting the ratification of the RUUPKS will bring adultery, such as being pro against LGBT,
legalizing abortion, to freedom of dressing that is contrary to religious teachings. The dominant social,
political, and religious contexts are used as a means of controlling action or policy that is detrimental
to the community. All three are social control interrelations that can influence speech partners (Kobylski
et al., 2018; Schlaefli, Rest, & Thoma, 2008; Thambu, Prayitno, & Zakaria, 2020).

3.4 Implications for Strengthening Children's Character Education

Social media is one of the media that has experienced very fast development and very high
frequency of use by children in the current era of global communication-computing (Ratih, Tamatea,
Buckworth, Prayitno, & Akib, 2019; Syah & Harsono, 2020). As consequence, this media has a very
fast influence on children's character education. Therefore, a well-planned effort is needed to stimulate
various ideas from students in the teaching and learning process (Yasin et al, 2016). According to Hanna
(2014), to maximize language learning one must follow and apply language principles and make them
a guide in the teaching and learning process.
The selection of teaching materials greatly influences the process and results of strengthening
children's character education. The selection of teaching materials must pay attention to the
characteristics and needs of students so that what is conveyed can be well-received (Teguh et al, 2019).
One component that can help children understand what is being studied and achieve predetermined
competencies is teaching materials (Pramita, 2015). The era of global communication with no
boundaries as it is today is not only teaching materials that can help students understand what is being
learned. In the current era of global computing, students are required to foster collective and cohesive
awareness that can build trust from within children, which can mature social skills, which can empower
students in decision making, who have socio-spiritual talents, and who can instill strong character and
smart (Prayitno, 2016).
The directive speech acts of politeness in the #SahkanRUUPKS comments can be used for
teaching materials for Indonesian language learning materials for the first grade of Senior High School
and Vocational Schools related to the ability to provide criticism, opinions, and call according to basic
competencies in connecting problems/issues, points of view, and arguments of several parties and
conclusions from the debate to find the core of the debate and indicators in developing issues and
responding to emerging issues. The utilization of teaching materials based on the use of language that
is developing in the community is very important. It is intended so that education that takes place
formally in schools and the development of a socio-political culture that occurs in society can
complement each other in the framework of children's education. The process of education and child
development is strongly influenced by the socio-cultural and political factors that accompany it (Noh,
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
Volume 17, Number 4, October 2021

Katni, Hatoya, Nurjan, & Rohmadi, 2020; Prasetiyo, Budimansyah, & Roslidah, 2016; Subaidi, 2020;
Walker, Roberts, & Kristjánsson, 2015).
The use of social media as teaching material is essentially aimed at (a) developing circulating
issues in the debate text read; and (b) developing issues, students can respond to these issues in the
debate text that has been read. These two main abilities in the era of global communication are very
important (Ang, 2017; Gertsog, Danilova, Korneev, Savchenkov, & Uvarina, 2017; Ratih, Prayitno,
Sutopo, Tamatea, & Adhantoro, 2019). This is in line with the nature of language learning which is not
merely learning to use the language according to automatic mechanistic rules but rather learning using
language learning according to the context and dynamics of the times.

4. Conclusions

The use of directive speech acts in the #SahkanRUUPKS commentary on Twitter can be
identified as having the intention of ordering, instructing, requesting, asking, inviting, demanding,
encouraging, suggesting, criticizing, reminding, appealing, calling, and warning. The categories of
advising speech acts predominantly used are in the form of suggesting, criticizing, reminding,
appealing, calling, and warning. The positive politeness strategy of the type emphasizes, using markers
as members of the same group, seeking agreement, involving speakers and speech partners in activities,
and paying attention are strategic choices in the era of global communication. The directive speech acts
of politeness in social media discourse need to be processed into teaching materials and conveyed to
children properly so that social media can foster collective and cohesive awareness, build children's
trust, mature community life skills, and independent students in decision making in dealing with
ongoing problems in the era of global computing. This study provides a novelty of directive speech act
politeness in social media discourse and its implications for strengthening student character education
in the era of global education.

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