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(a) advantage:
employees will not have any unexpected tax liabilities in respect of the taxable benefits that have been payrolled

tax would generally be due under PAYE

(b) initial plc

employment income

salary 180000
less: occup -8000
bonus 24000
staff cante 0

employmen 196000

Subsequent plc
employment income
salary 205000
less: occupational pension
car 8750
living acc 3000
beneficial 1867

employmen 218617

living accomodation
basic 1600
additional 1400

Jason will have to pay 10178 more in income tax if he takes the offer to work with subsequent plc
if jason took the offer from subsequent plc then he would have to pay 6128 more income tax liability
fits that have been payrolled


employmen 68584
savings in 300

less: -9350

less: PA -12570

taxable in 46964

employment income

salary 65000
car 3488
mobile ph 96

employmen 68584


TATL -19500
balancing -900


profit share
1st 1700
2nd 7650


government gilts

(b) because poppy's tax is payrolled then all the tax would be collected through PAYE

company pension scheme

(a) the income tax liability would be the same because the occupational pension is an exempt benefit

(b) class 1 NIC would be the same both for kioni and nikio Ltd

(c) revised corporation tax liability would be of 15200

personal pension scheme

£ rate band extension

director's 67500 57700
dividend i 68000

personal a -4820


NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 20000 20% 4000
4980 40% 1992
dividends 0 0
dividends- 66000 33.75% 22275

income tax liability 35807

2 67500
37700 13.25% 4995.25
17230 3.25% 559.975


3 employer class 1

4 76990 19% 14628.1 corporation tax liability

empt benefit

(a) revised income tax liability

income tax 165000

dividend i 13300 39.35% 5234

revised inc 170234

(i) the base cost would be 510000 and the excess amount would be covered in the annual exempt amount of 12300

non savings income dividend income total
£ £ £
employmen 400000 400000
property i 9600 9600
dividends 1950 1950

409600 1950 411550

less: PA 0 0

taxable in 409600 1950 411550

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 137700 20% 27540
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI-additio 159600 45% 71820
dividends 1950 0% 0

income tax liability if he makes 144280

al exempt amount of 12300

rate band extension

paul and palu Ltd

business is run as a limited company

TATP 175000
direcotrs -8000


corporation 31730

paul's income tax liability

non savings income dividends total

£ £ £
director's 8000 8000
dividends 135270 135270

8000 135270 143270

less: PA 0 0

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 8000 20% 1600
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividends- 27700 8.75% 2424
dividends- 105570 33.75% 35630

income tax 39654

no NIC would be calculated because the amount is 8000

if paul runs business as a sole trader

taxable pro 175000
less: PA 0


NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI-additio 25000 45% 11250

income tax 63710

class 2 164

class 4 £
37700 10.25% 3864
124730 3.25% 4054


non savings income
self emplo 75350
employmen 68660
self emplo 11800
property i 6288

less: PA 0

taxable in 162098

self employment 30th june 2022

TATP 106900
less: balan 8850
less: overl 22700

self emplo 75350

employment 1 aug 2022

salary 63600
rent paid 4140
running co 1440
workplace 0
car -520

employmen 68660

self employment 1 feb 2023

TATP 55700
less: capit -26200

self emplo 29500

in 2022/23 11800

property income

rent 6600
insurance -312

property i 6288

(i) HMRC should give a compliance check notice within 12 months from the date at which they received the tax return

(ii) as robinette has a business so she need to maintain the records for five years
h they received the tax return 14th august 2024

non savings income

employmen 32265
self emplo 16100
pension in 10750
property bu 3500

less: PA -12570

taxable in 50045

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 42200 20% 8440
NSI-HRB 7845 40% 3138

income tax 11578

employment income

salary 33750
pension co -2025

school-mar 540
long servi 0
loan 0

employmen 32265

self employment

trading pro 14800
last 5 mon 6900
balancing -1900

less: overl -3700


personal pension
rate band 42200

pension income

rent receiv 10800
expenditur -7300

property bu 3500

capital gains tax liability

property 1

sales proc 122000
less: purch -81400


property 2

sales proc 98000
less: purch -103700


net gains 34900

less: AEA -12300


CGT 6328


employment income

salary 290000
less: occup -14000
bonus 45500
company g 0
home enter 1180
workplace 0
beneficial 1333
health clu 990
milage all -1625

premium b 0
NSI certific 0

total inco 323378

less: loss re -58000

less: PA 0

taxable in 265378

mileage allowance

10000 0.45 4500
4500 0.25 1125

by employer

allowable deduction 1625

Richard Tryer

non savings income savings income dividends

£ £ £
employment income 68738
property income 7375
building society interest 1260
dividends 5800

76113 1260 5800

less: PA -12570

taxable income 63543 1260 5800

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 25843 40% 10337
savings income starting rate band 500 0% 0
S-HRB 760 40% 304
dividends starting rate band 2000 0% 0
dividends-HRB 3800 33.75% 1283

income tax liability 19464

less: PAYE -19130

workings income tax payable 334

employment income

salary 41030
car benefits 3454
fuel benefits 4934
living accomodation 13200
furniture 2420
running cost 3700

employment income 68738

property income

premium 5040
rent 3320

roof replacement -84
ceiling repairs -400
insurance paid -501

property income 7375




employment with red plc

salary 36000
less: PA -12570

taxable in 23430

income tax 4686

class 1 NIC 3104

disposal income
salary 36000
less: incom -4686
less:class 1 -3104
less: travel -1500

disposal i 26710

self employment

fees 36000
mileage al -2070

less: PA -12570

taxable in 21360

income tax 4272

class 2 NIC 164

class 4 NIC 2189

disposal income

fees 36000
less: incom -4272
less: class -164
less: class -2189

disposal i 29375
Lucy would have a higher amount of disposable income if she chooses self employment

(a) daniel's trading income

1st may 2022 to 31st october 2022


1st november 2022 to 5th april 2023


total tradi 30750

(b) Francine

beneficial 1373
less: intere -240
less: intere -825

taxable ben 308

2021/22 2022/23
£ £
trading profit 14700 0
business property 4600 0
building society inter 1300 900
chargeable gain 0 14500

loss relief 2021/22 -20600

loss relief 2022/23 -15400

0 0

loss mamorandum
loss 68800
less: 2021/ -20600
less: 2022/ -15400

loss carrie 32800


(a) the contract is for a limited time

he is not taking any financial risk
he will be only working for Xpee plc
he will have to do his work personally

(b) he is treated as a self employed

incomet 40000
less: annua -3600

less: PA -12570

taxable in 23830

income tax 4766

class 2 164
class 4 2443

(c) (i) if george is treated as an employee then the income tax liability would be deducted through PAYE

(ii) class 1 employee NIC would be payable


he would have to pay additional NIC of 205

deducted through PAYE

employment income
salary 270000
bonus 41000
mileage al 8350
professiona -630
golf club 0
employer's 0

employmen 318720

property i 11340

savings in 2500

less: PA 0
less: qualif -140

taxable in 332420

10000 0.45 4500
11000 0.25 2750


by employer 15600

taxable ben 8350

property income
rent receiv 12000
washer dry -420
dishwasher 0
allowable -1640
furnished 1400

property i 11340

(b) Petula has unused pension of 4000 to be able to carry forward in the year 2023/24 because her total income had ex
ecause her total income had exceeded £312000

(a) Tonie was previously a resident in UK as she spent 46 to 90 days so she required 3 ties to be matched to be a reside
she only had two ties which were spending more than 90 days in previous years and spending more time in the UK

(b) the contract is reletively for a longer period

she is required to do her work personally
she will only be working for Droid plc
Tonie is not taking any financial risk


employment income
employmen 72585

property i 9670

savings in 1250

total inco 83505

less: PA -12570

taxable in 70935

salary 74400
mileage al 345
leasing cos -2160

employmen 72585

mileage allowance
by HMRC £
2300 0.45 1035
by employer
2300 0.6 1380

taxable ben 345

property income
rent receiv 10080
washer dry -380
dishwasher 0
allowable -1110
furnished 1080

s to be matched to be a resident in UK for the tax year 2022/23
spending more time in the UK then any any other country

property purchased personally

employmen 60650
property i 26600

total inco 87250

less: PA -12570

taxable in 74680

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 36980 40% 14792

less: mortg -2400

income tax 19932

rent receiv 31200
mortgage i 0
allowable -4600


if purchased via private limited company

employmen 60650
dividends 6000

total inco 66650

less: PA -12570

taxable in 54080

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 10380 40% 4152
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividends- 4000 33.75% 1350
income tax 13042

conclusion: if KAT purchases the property via limited liability company then she will save £4116 compared to purchase the pro
compared to purchase the property perosnally

employment income with firstly plc

salary 57240
bonus 0
less: occup -3434
beneficial 1183
van 2700
home entertainment system
use 660
gift receiv 3860

employment 62209

beneficial loan
average method
95000 1267

precise method

home entertainment
use 660
mv 3860
use 3740

employment income with secondly plc

employment income

salary 19695
personal p 0
living acc 6750
furniture 816
working at 0

employment 27261

living accomodation
higher of:
annual val 2600
rent paid 6750

furniture 816

total empl 89470


(i) if sammi is provided with the company car then the benefits would be of 29600 and that would be calculated at the
so her income tax liability would be of 13320
she would not have any national insurance contribution

(ii) if she receives an extra director's remunaration then she would have to pay an extra 45% on 27000
additional class 1 employee NIC would be of 878

(b) smark Ltd provided the company car

employers class 1A NIC would be of 4455

only 15% of the leasing would be allowed for corporation tax purpose

additional director's remunaration

the employers class 1NIC would increase by 15.05%
corporation tax liability would decrease
hat would be calculated at the rate of 45%

45% on 27000

income 260000
less: acquis -127000
legal fees -1800
renovation -50000
legal fees i -2600
loan intere -3000

less: PA -12570

taxable in 63030
NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 25330 40% 10132

income tax 17672

class 2 599

class 4 £
37700 10.25% 3864
25330 3.25% 823

class 4 NIC 4687

(c) capital gains tax liability

sales proc 260000
less: legal -2600

less: acquis -127000
less: legal -1800
less: renov -50000

less: AEA -12300

CGT liability £
37700 18% 6786
28600 28% 8008
capital gain 14794

(a) if carol does not accepts the offer

salary 44000
less: occup -2200

less: PA -12570

taxable in 29230

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 29230 20% 5846

class 1 employee £
31430 13.25% 4164

(b) income tax liability based on self employed contract

income 60000
less: expen -7200

less: PA -12570

NSI-BRB 40230 20% 8046

income tax 8046

class 2 164

class 4 £
37700 10.25% 3864
2530 3.25% 82

class 4 3946

(a) advantages of 5th april as accounting date

the application of basis period rule owould simplify
no overlap profits would be there

advantages of 30th june as accounting date

he'll get a longer interval of 9 months
which will help him plan as he will get more time

(b) TATP accrual basis

net profit 20175
food and ut 4500
dep 1250
car expens 3269
capital all -4553

TATP 24641

main pool private use total
£ £ £ £
furniture 3500
less: AIA -3500 3500

car 9000

WDA -1620 1053

TWDV cf 7380

total allowance 4553

2 cash basis

revenue 39635
food and ut -16777

private us 4200
furniture 3500
dep 0
car 5250
other expe 1085

TATP cash 17223

10000 0.45 4500
3000 0.25 750

3 conclusion
in cash basis Idris is been charged 7418 less than compared to accrual basis

(a) tax adjusted trading profit- cash basis

revenue 64500
less: food a -25000
flat rate e 7800

car expens -4750
equipment 0

tax adjuste 42550

10000 0.45 4500
1000 0.25 250


(b) accrual basis

revenue 74500
less: food a -16250

less: car -1800
less: capit -1862

TATP 54588

capital allowance
main pool private use car allowance
£ £ £
car 14000
equipment 350
less: AIA -350 350

0 14000

WDA -2520 1512

TWDV cf 11480

total allowances 1862

Alfred and Amaia

(a) Alfred's tax adjusted trading profit

tax adjuste 63000
less: mark -5000
less: leas -1435
client ente 0
capital all -118520

revised tax -61955

capital allowance

main pool allowance

£ £ £
plant and 116000
less: AEA -116000 116000

car 24000

WDA -2520 2520

TWDV cf 21480

total allowance 118520

(b) Amaia

non savings income

employmen 80938
property i 14350

total inco 95288

less: PA -12570

taxable in 82718

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 45018 40% 18007
less: mortg -520

income tax 25027

less: PAYE -19240

income tax 5787

employment income

salary 80000
car 938
job relate 0

employmen 80938

property income
rent 15600
less: -1250

property i 14350

(a) income tax liability 2022/23

non savings income

employmen 310318
beneficial 1350
property i 12980

less: PA 0

taxable in 324648

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 41700 20% 8340
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI-additio 170648 45% 76792

less: finan -1500

income tax 128552

£ working
director's 328318 loan
less: occup -18000 1440
less: intere -90
beneficial 1350 1350
property i 12980

property income
profit 14855
less: agent' -1875


working personal pension

2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

available 40000 40000 40000 4000
less: used -30000 -30000 -30000
10000 10000 10000 30000
contributi -30000

personal p 4000

rate band extension


(b) it is a relevant income for pension

there will be no finance cost
the cost on purchase of use of furniture in FHA would be an allowable expense

(a) income tax payable

non savings income savings income dividends total

£ £ £ £
trading in 11592 11592
property bu 8240 8240
employmen 70065 70065
building society interest 1260 1260
dividends 2800 2800

89897 1260 2800 93957

less: PA -12570 -12570

taxable in 77327 1260 2800 81387

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 39627 40% 15851
savings in 500 0% 0
savings in 760 40% 304
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividends 800 33.75% 270

income tax 23965

less: PAYE -11513

income tax 12452

self employment

trading income 3840
for april 2 12060
less: capit -432

trading income 11592

property business profit

premium 5040
rent receiv 3840

less: SBA -84
less: roof -400
less: insur -156

property bu 8240

if fleur remained as a sole trader

income tax 46460
class 2 164
class 4 6618

total 53242

trading in 135000
less: PA 0

taxable in 135000

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 97300 40% 38920

income tax 46460

class 2 164

class 4
37700 10.25% 3864
84730 3.25% 2754


if fleur runs as a limited company

income tax 25243
corporation 18259
class 1 em 2972
employer c 3898

total 50372

director's 35000
dividends 70000

less: PA -10070
taxable in 94930

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 24930 20% 4986
dividends-s 2000 0% 0
dividends-b 10770 8.75% 942
dividends- 57230 33.75% 19315

income tax 25243

corporation 18259

given increased forecast of trading profit of £135000, incorporating the business would result in saving of overall income tax a
saving of overall income tax and NIC of £2870 for fleur.


trading in 130000
less: PA 0

if she chooses to make a personal pension contribution

less: perso -40000

£ 90000
trading in 130000
less: PA -12570


extension of rate band

40000 20% 8000

personal allowance 5028

reduction in income tax 13028


total tax reduction 13028

disposal made by dembe

gain 67000

CGT 18760

disposal made by KATO

16350 18% 2943

36350 28% 10178

overall CGT 5639
legal fees -2000

total CGT s 3639

(c) on first death there will be no inheritence tax payable because spouse transfer is exempt

on second death when the estate is transferred to childern

chargeable 880000
less: nil ra -650000
less: resid -350000

chargeable 0
Fang,Hong and Kang

(a) Fang
start of period
1-Aug-20 to 31-Jul-21
12 months

2020/21 1-Aug-20 to 5-Apr-21

8 months

2020/21 1-Aug-20 to 31-Jul-21

12 months


2021/22 current year basis

1-Aug-21 to 31-Jul-22
12 months

overlap prof 30640 common 8 month period

the trading expenditure will be treated as incurred on 1 august 2020 provided as it was incurred within the previou

taxable income taxable gain
2021/22 2021/22 loss mamorandum
£ £ 2021/22
trading pro 29700 chargeable 17800 £
loss: bf -2600 less: tradin 11600 cy loss 45800
less: taxab -31000
27100 6200 less: taxab -11600
property i 3900 less: AEA -6200
loss cf 3200
31000 0
loss relief -31000 capital loss 0

0 taxable gai 0
personal a wasted

taxable in 0

total Kang Ling Ming
£ £ £ £
y/e 30 june 2021 148800 49600 49600 49600

148800 49600 49600 49600

y/e 30 june 2022

1st july 2021 to 31st 45600 15200 15200 15200

1st november 2021 to 91200 45600 45600 0

136800 60800 60800 15200

trading income assesments

Kang Ling Ming

£ £ £
2021/22 y/e 30 jun 49600 49600 0

Ming's cessation:

y/e 30 june 2021 49600

period ended 31so october 15200

loss relief overlap prof -29400

s incurred within the previous seven years and woould have been allowed if te trade has already been commenced

employment income
salary 122400
bonus 8100
mileage al 2763
car benefit 1285
overseas e 0
mobile ph 80
living accomodation
annual val 4828
additional 1824

total inco 141280

less: PA 0

taxable in 141280

mileage allowance
10000 0.45 4500
1440 0.25 360


by employer

taxable ben 2763

car benefits
22.2 22%

list price 10013 22% 1285

living accomodation
additional benefit
price 142000
improveme 24200

limit -75000

91200 1824

(b) P60
this notice will include wai's taxable income, final tax code and QAZ's name and address
this should be provided by 31st may 2023

this will include all the taxable benefits provided by QAZ plc
this should be provided by 6th july 2023
Samson and Delilah

(a) Samson's income tax liability

non savings income savings income total

£ £ £
salary 112000 112000
building society interest 4800 4800

total income 112000 4800 116800

less: PA -4170 -4170

taxable in 107830 4800 112630

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 70130 40% 28052
savings inc 500 0% 0
savings in 4300 40% 1720

income tax 37312

personal allowance
allowance a 4170

Delilah's income tax liability

non savings income savings income total

£ £ £
employmen 213248 213248
partnershi 34240 34240
building society interest 4800 4800

247488 4800 252288

less: intere -6200 -6200
less: perso 0 0

taxable in 241288 4800 246088

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 43780 20% 8756
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI-additio 85208 45% 38344
savings-add 4800 45% 2160

income tax 94180

salary 184000
less: payro -3000
car benefit 32248
gift hampe 0
travelling 0

employmen 213248

car benefit
16 34

list price 67200 34% 22848
additional chauffeur 9400


delilah's s 34240

gift aid donation

4864 net
6080 gross

rate band extension


(b) tax saving of samson if the society interest waas on delilah's name

£ working
salary 112000 personal allowance
12000 6000 6570
less: PA -6570
taxable in 105430

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 67730 40% 27092

income tax 34632

there would be a saving of £2680 if the building society interest was in the name of delilah

(a) 2020/21
danh was not a resident in uk. He would have been a resident if he had 3 or more ties because he spent betwwen 9

danh was a resident in UK because along with the two ties he had an additional ties which was spending more than

(b) Danh-income tax liability

non savings income total

£ £
self emplo 73176 73176
property i 10420 10420
partnership -1470 -1470
qualifting i -875 -875

total inco 81251 81251

less: perso -12570 -12570

taxable in 68681 68681

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 30981 40% 12392

less: mortg -2000

income tax 17932

net profit 70200
depriciatio 2300
motor exp 1100
accountan 0
new lease 1460
use of offi -700
capital all -1184

trading in 73176
partnership -1470
less: qualif -875

property income

rent receiv 14400
mortgage i 0
allowable -3980

property i 10420
s because he spent betwwen 91 to 120 days in UK and he was not a resident in previous three tax years. Danh only had two ties.

which was spending more than 90 days in previous tax years.

h only had two ties.
NA style

tax years basis of assesment £
2019/20 1 jan 2020 to 5th april 2020 12600

2020/21 first 12 months

1st jan 2020 to 31 dec 2020 39000

2021/22 current year basis 27600

2022/23 current year basis 31315

overlap profits
2020/21 12600
2021/22 13800


1 non savings income savings income dividends total
£ £ £ £
trading profits 31315 31315
building interest 700 700
interest from gilts 370 370
dividends 5200 5200

total income 31315 1070 5200 37585

less: personal allowa -12570 -12570

taxable income 18745 1070 5200 25015

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 18745 20% 3749
savings str 1000 0% 0
savings bas 70 20% 14
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividends 3200 8.75% 280

income tax 4043

2 there will be two POA's in respect of tax year 2023/24


first will be payable at 31 jan 2024

second will be payable at 31 july 2024

balancing 843

(a) reduction in poa

current 31804 15902

revised 21724 10862

overall red 5040

claim must be made by 31st january 2023

£ £
old CGT 12860

revised 46000
less: AEA -12300

reduction 6120

basic tax point is when the goods are made available to the customer, in Zhi's case it's 12 december 2022
if the sales invoice is issued on 1st feb 2023 will not affect because the invoice is issued within 14 days
therefore, Zhi can't reduce the amount of VAT payable

(d) PAYE and NIC

1st employee
PAYE 300

employee 199
employer 226

2nd employee

PAYE 2000

employee 163
employer 753

redction 3641
s 12 december 2022
ed within 14 days

(a) tax evasion is avoiding the payment of tax through illegal practices whereas on the other hand tax avoidance mean

(b) emerald will not have any income tax on employment income because her salary is only of £6000 which is covered

class 1 NIC
952.5 13.25% 379

(c) overall saving

emerald sa 6000
employer N 561
AIA 14000
bonus 10000
employer N 1505


income tax 14429.7

NIC saving 1042.145
her hand tax avoidance means to legally delay the payment of tax by identifying the loop holes.

nly of £6000 which is covered in personal allowance


employment income

salary 144000
bonus 35100
car benefit 2214
car benefit 1183
beneficial 0
home enter 1480
payroll de -1000
professiona -560
golf club 0

employmen 182417

partnershi 20930

property i 1700
dividend i 440
NSI certific 0

total inco 205487

less: perso 0

taxable in 205487

1st car 0.4
16 16%

2nd car
3.4 19%


(i) martin's deadline for making an amendment in his tax return is upto 31st january 2025
(ii) if HMRC intend to raise a compliance check then it has to send martin notice upto 26 december 2024
december 2024
Richard feast

net profit 32200
car expens 3297
car expens 0
parking fin 280
property e 3240
decorating 0
decorating 1320
legal fees 2590

less: capit -3780

tax adjuste 39147

capital allowance

main pool private use allowances

£ £ £
car 1 14000
car 2 16800

WDA -2520 756

WDA -3024 3024

TWDV cf 13776 11480

total allowances 3780

class 1 employer NIC 5553
less: employment all -5000

class 1 employer NIC 553

class 1A
car benefit 2352

class 1A NIC 354

(i) the latest date of submitting the tax return by paper is 31st october 2022
the latest date of submitting the tax return electronically is 31st january 2023

(ii) if HMRC intends to carry a compliance check then they have to send richard a notice within 12 months of the date t
within 12 months of the date that they received the tax return

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22
£ £ £ £
trading income 27750 27000 16900 9835
employment income
bank interest 3250 3250 3250 3250

total income 31000 30250 20150 13085

less: personal allowa -12570 -12570 -12570 -12570

taxable income 18430 17680 7580 515

chargeable gain 38000

at the time of cessation

loss -11000
overlap pro -6750

trading los -17750





the basis period will move straight forward
there will be no overlap proifts

(b) tax adjusted trading loss

tax adjuste 10930
decoration -3100
SBA -2196
capital all -12159
tax adjuste -6525

structure a 2928

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool private use allowance

£ £ £ £

car 19200
heating sy 5100
water syst 4200

AIA -9300 9300

laptop 2600
AIA -2600 2600

-864 259

TWDV cf 18336

total allowance 12159


tax adjusted trading l -11653
royalty -500
capital allowance -5477

tax adjusted trading l -17630

capital allowance

main pool personal use allowances

£ £ £

car 1 10400

car 2 17800

computer 1257
office furn 2175
AIA -3432 3432
10400 17800

WDA -1404 1404

WDA -801 641

TWDV cf 8996 16999

total allowance 5477


(b) taxable income

2021/22 2022/23 2023/24

£ £ £
trading profit 21600 0 11650
building society interest 52100 3800 1850

73700 3800 13500

less: loss relief 0
against trading profit -21600
against other income -50000

2100 3800 13500

less: perso -2100 -3800 -12570

taxable in 0 0 930

taxable gain 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24

£ £ £
chargeable gains 53600 0 12500
less: trading loss relie -10300

43300 0 12500
less: AEA -12300 0 -12300

31000 0 200

less: capital loss bf -200

31000 0 0

capital loss of £3200 will be carried forward against future gains.

Problematic Ltd

(a) £
(i) sales proc 54400
less: cost -18880

unindexed 35520

less indexa -6900

chargeable 28620

number cost indexed cost
£ £
purchase 15000 12600 12600
indexation 1714

15000 12600 14314

rights issue 5000 11000 11000

20000 23600 25314

indexation 6911

20000 23600 32225

disposal -16000 -18880 -25780

4000 4720 6445

(ii) £

sales proc 171000

less: index -127000

chargeable 16200

(b) the new base cost of the asset acquired would be of £127000 (154800-27800)
Volatile Ltd

(a) (i) timing of the relief

(ii) to the extent to which the qualifying charitable donations could be used

(b) y/e y/e

p/e 31/12/21 12/31/2022 12/31/2023 p/e 30/9/24
£ £ £ £
trading profit 44000 0 86500 78700
proprty business profi 9400 6600 6500 0
chargeable gain 5100 0 0 9700

58500 6600 93000 88400

loss relief: current year -6600

carried back previous -58500
carried forward -8700

loss current year

loss carried back -88400
3 months to 31/12/2023 -23250

0 0 61050 0

less: OCD wasted wasted -1200 0

taxable total profits 0 0 59850 0

loss mamorandum

loss in y/e 73800
current yea -6600
carried bac -58500
carried fo -8700

remaining 0

loss in y/e 186800

carried bac -88400
carried ba -23250

remaining 75150

Maison Ltd

operating p 892900
non deduct 22340
lease prem -715
capital all -70500

tax adjuste 844025

property b 28685

loan intere 1460

property 77985

taxable tot 952155

corporation 180909

capital allowance
main pool 12037
building co 0
ventilation 6700
heating sy 3900
furniture a 43550
refrigerato 3380
SBA 933

capital all 70500

property business income

rent 30500
insurance -1035
initial repa 0
advertising -780

property b 28685

chargeable gains

1st property 2nd property

£ £
gain 109800 gain 26000
less: index -31815 less: index -36855

chargeable 77985 chargeable 0

Harbour Ltd

operating p 715500
depriciatio 11760
amortisati 1300
lease prem -806
interest pa -16400

tax adjuste 711354

less: capit -440667

trading pro 270687

property i 9800

chargeable 104300

taxable tot 384787

corporation 73110

capital allowance

special rate pool allowance

£ £
plant and 548000
AIA -333333 333333


FYA 50% -107333.5 107333.5

total allowance 440667

property income

rent 10400
insurance -600

proeprty i 9800
Aeode, Bianca and Charon


y/e y/e
31-Mar-22 31-Mar-23
£ £
trading profit 0 67800
property business in 0 23400
chargeable gains 5800 16200

total profits 5800 107400

loss relief-current yea -5800 0

loss carried forward -100800

qualifying charitable wasted -6600

taxable total profits 0 0

moon ltd

trading pro 19700
less: loss re -19700

taxable tot 0

loss mamorandum

property lo 26400
used -5800

trading los 111300

loss carrie 131900

used -100800
surrendere -19700

carried fo 11400

tax adjuste 256300
advertisem -5800
lease 765
capital all -8266

revised tra 242999

capital allowance
laptop 5200
car 1 2232
car 2 834


(c) Charon Ltd

property 1

sales proc 368000
less: cost -147000
extended c -39000

unindexed 182000
indexation -118776

chargeable 63224

property 2

sales proc 167000
less: cost -172000

capital loss -5000

Mixture Ltd

(i) mixture Ltd augmented profits for the year 31 march 2023 is £515000 which has exceeded the required threshold o

(ii) corporation tax liability would be of 89300

as mixture Ltd is a large company four quarterly instalments would be there of 22325

1st instalment 14 october 2023

2nd instalment 14 january 2024
3rd instalment 14 april 2024
4th instalment 14 july 2024

(b) expenditure qualified

staircase 0
sprinkler 16400
doors and 0
ventilation 27100
machinery 76600
building al 9200
movable pa 33800
decorative 0


rent receiv 15800
lease 16560
less: adver -900
insurance -1750

property b 29710
eeded the required threshold of £500000 (1500000/3) because it has 2 51% companies in the group
Alimag Ltd

income tax liability

non savings income dividends total
£ £ £
directors 30000 30000
dividends 70000 70000

total inco 30000 70000 100000

less: PA -12570 -12570

taxable in 17430 70000 87430

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 17430 20% 3486
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividends 18270 8.75% 1599
dividends- 49730 33.75% 16784

income tax 21869

class 1 em 17430 13.25% 2309
class 1 em 20900 15.05% 3145

income tax liability for magnus

dividends total
£ £
30000 30000
less: PA -12570 -12570
17430 17430

income tax liability

dividends s 2000 0% 0
dividends b 15430 8.75% 1350

income tax 1350

no class 1 NIC would occur because Magnus doesn't have any other income

corporation tax liability of Alimag Ltd

trading pro 180000
less: direc -30000
less: emplo -3145

TTP 146855

corporation 27902

overall saving if revised profit extract is used

original 76284
revised 56575

overall sav 19709

Hopi Ltd

income tax liability for kaya Ltd if she took it as director's remuneration

non savings income dividends total

£ £ £
director's 30000 30000
additional 25000 25000
dividends 45000 45000

total inco 55000 45000 100000

less: perso -12570 -12570

taxable in 42430 45000 87430

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 4730 40% 1892
dividends s 2000 0% 0
dividends h 43000 33.75% 14513

income tax 23945

class 1 em 37700 13.25% 4995
class 1 em 4730 3.25% 154

revised class 1 employee 5149

revised cla 45900 15.05% 6908

corporation tax of Hopi Ltd

tax adjuste 80000
less: additi -25000
less: NIC -3763

taxable tra 51237

corporation 9735

if Kaya receives it as an additional dividend income

original inc 13431
additional 8438

income tax 21869

no changes will be there in class 1 employee and employer

Jogger Ltd

(a) Jogger Ltd's tax adjusted trading profit

operating profit 1052482
depriciation 58840
less: capital allowanc -1167182

tax adjusted trading l -55860

capital allowance

main pool short life special rate pool

£ £ £ £
TWDV bf 26600 21167
car 11800
integreal features 1300000
AIA -1000000

50% FYA -150000

second hand machinery 12500

zero emission car 9000

FYA -9000

disposal of car -11700

disposal of lorry -8600

29800 12500 9467

WDA main pool -5364

WDA special rate -568
WDA short life -2250

transfer of additional 50% FYA balance 150000

TWDV cf 24436 10250 158899



interest income 33060
property income 126000
disposal of shares 83467

total profit 242527

less: trading loss -55860

taxable total profits 186667

corporation tax liabili 35467

property income shares

rent 44000 proceeds 150000

lease prem 82000 less: cost -47660

property i 126000 102340

less: index -18873

gain 83467




Online Ltd
(a) online Ltd's taxable trading profits
operating profit 896700
depriciation 21660
amortisation 9000
leasehold property -7380
capital allowance -9824

trading profit 910156

chargeable gain 60381
total profits 970537
property loss -12500
QCD -6800
taxable total profits 951237
capital allowace

main pool special rate pool allowance

£ £ £ £

TWDV cf 56700 13433

purchased a car 13700

disposal of car -17200

disposal of all items in special rate pool -9300

53200 4133

WDA main pool -9576 9576

WDA special rate pool -248 248

TWDV cf 43624 4133

allowance 9824

sales proc 90600
less: cost -25519

less: capita -4700

chargeable 60381

share pool
number cost indexed cost
£ £
purchase 40000 49300 49300
indexation 3599

40000 49300 52899

sold -22000 -27115 -29094.45

18000 22185 23804.55

indexation 1714

18000 22185 25519

less: sold -18000 -22185 -25519

0 0 0
Stretched Ltd

(a) 1st y/e 31/12/22

2nd p/e 31/3/23

y/e 31/12/22 p/e 31/3/23

£ £
tax adjusted trading p 514000 128500
less: capital allowanc 0 -50338

514000 78162
property business 36000 9000
chargeable gain 41000

total profit 591000 87162

less: loss -330000
less: QCD 0 -5000

taxable total profits 261000 82162

corporation tax 49590 15611

due dates 1-Oct-23 1-Jan-24

capital allowance

main pool allowance

£ £ £

car 7500

office equipment 50000

super deduction -50000 50000

WDA -338 338

TWDV cf 7162

allowances 50338
Starfish Ltd

(a) tax adjusted trading loss

loss before taxation -190000
depriciation 34400
donation to political 300
qualifying charitable 1350
impairment loss 0
entertaining custome 3600
entertaining employe 0
conselling expenses 0

less: capital allowanc -2300

trading loss -152650

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowance

£ £ £ £
TWDV bf 23600 13200
laptop 2600

disposal -27500
car -9600

balancing alowance -1300 -1300

balancing charge 3600 3600

total allowance 2300

(b) 4 month y/e y/e y/e

31-Mar-19 31-Mar-20 31-Mar-21 31-Mar-22
£ £ £ £
tax adjusted trading p 2600 51600 53900 14700
bank interest 600 1400 1700 0

total income 3200 53000 55600 14700

less: CY
less: loss relief 0 -13250 -55600 -14700

3200 39750 0 0
less: QCD -800 -1000 wasted wasted

taxable profits 2400 38750 0 0

9 month 3 month
31-Dec-22 31-Mar-23
£ £
49900 0
0 0

49900 0

0 0
wasted wasted

0 0
Mooncake Ltd

(a) the timing and the cashflow in the way which relief is obtained
to the extent where the entire qualifying charitble donations is used

(b) tax adjusted trading loss

operating loss -93820
depriciation 7230
lease of office equip 0
lease of car 510
entertaining staff 0
entertaining oversea 8720
qualifying charitable 1600
capital allowance -3240

tax adjusted trading l -79000

capital allowance
main pool allowance
£ £
TWDV cf 43200

van -11800
car 1 -8100
car 2 -5300

WDA -3240 3240

total allowances 3240

31-Mar-22 31-Mar-23
£ £
trading profit 138200 0
property business in 23700 0
chargeable gain 0 0
161900 0
less: trading loss -79000

82900 0
less: QCD -1400
81500 0

corporation tax 15485 0

(ii) loss carried forward to 31 march 2024

property lo 4400
capital loss 4900
Retro Ltd

loss before -80340
food hamp 0
gift to cus 0
QCD 1100
impairment 0
leaseing co 660
fine for he 5100
interest 0
capital all -50420
SBA -12000

trading los -135900

capital allowance
main pool special rate pool allowance
£ £ £
TWDV cf 39300
car 1 14700
delivery va 21769
super dedu -28300 28300

car 2 12400
FYA -12400 12400


WDA -9720 9720

TWDV bf 44280

allowance 50420

SBA 12000

(b) y/e p/e

31-Aug-21 31-Mar-22
£ £
tax adjusted trading p 56600 47900
bank interest 1300 0

57900 47900
loss: CY -47900
loss: carried back -33775

24125 0

less: QCD -540 wasted

taxable total profits 23585 0

(c) loss mamorandum

loss 31 ma 135900
less: curre -47900
less: carri -24125

loss carrie 63875

Lucky Ltd

(a) when the company starts any trading activity or earns an income which is taxable that date is considered as a starti

operating p 716903
advertising 0
depriciatio 14700
amortisati 9000
premium d -1300
capital all -364594

total inco 374709

interest i 700

taxable tot 375409

corporation 71328

main pool allowances
£ £
computer 6300
super dedu -8190 8190

integreal f 291200
AIA -291200 291200

office equ 49566

-64436 64436

car 12800

WDA -768 768

TWDV cf 12032

total allowance 364594

t date is considered as a starting date of an accounting period for corporation tax purpose
Last orders Ltd

operating l -276480
depriciatio 9460
counsellin 0
pension co 0
employer c 0
class 1A 0
unpaid bon 10400
lease of ca 0
entertainin 1920
overseas c 440
QCD 800
capital all -10600

tax adjuste -264060

property i 22800
chargeable 34500

total inco 57300

loss relief -57300

QCD wasted

property business income
rent 32000
less insura -1500
repairs -7700

property i 22800

chargeable gain
sales proc 126800
less: cost -79400

less: index -12900

Wretched Ltd

(a) wretched Ltd is a resident in UK because the company is incorporated in UK regardless it's central management is o

trading los -141200
advertising -7990
lease prem -2296
capital all -4784

revised tra -156270

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowance

£ £ £
laptop 1200
super dedu -1560 1560

car 1 8300
car 2 12300
car 3 18800

20600 18800

WDA main pool -2472 2472

WDA special rate pool -752 752

TWDV cf 18128 18048

allowance 4784

property loss

rent receiv 4200
less: adver -2100
repairs -5900

property bu -3800

capital loss

sales proc 21400
less: cost -26200

capital loss -4800

ss it's central management is overseas.
Music Plc

trading pro 92000
interest i 12000
chargeable 23000


corporation 24130

chargable gain
net charge 120000
less -65000

unused capi -32000

chargeable 23000
Jump Ltd

(a) Jump Ltd's tax adjusted trading loss

operating l -144700
depriciatio 8100
employee t 0
employee 0
staff party 0
lease of ca 180
accountan 0
issue of sh 3800
renewal of 0
entertaini 1700
overseas c 790
political pa 900
capital all -3330

tax adjuste -132560

capital allowance
main pool special rate pool allowances
£ £ £ £

TWDV cf 12100 5700

car1 -9300
car2 -6100

-3600 -3600
WDA -270 270

TWDV cf 5730

balancing allowance -3330


(i) the main factor which will influence the choice of loss relief will be the timing that when the cashflow should be use

(ii) the maximum loss that can be relived against seven month period would be of £42400

(iii) maximum trading loss surrendered will be of £23625 and £126000

hen the cashflow should be used
Solo Ltd

operating l -151300
premium -2150
balancing 4300

tax adjuste -149150

trading profit 0
property business 9480
chargeable gain 10798

total income 20278

less loss relief
current year -20278

taxable total income 0

corporation tax 0

property business profit

rent receiv 10400
less insura -920

property bu 9480

disposal of shares

number cost indexed cost

£ £ £
purchased 20000 27000 27000
indexation 10827
20000 27000 37827

20000 27000 37827

less -5500 -7425 -10402
14500 19575 27425

sales proceeds

purchased 4800
sold -4600


less: -10402

chargeable gains 16198

y/e three month period ended
31-Dec-21 31-Mar-22
£ £
trading profit 35900 12300
property business in 12100 4200
chargeable gain 0 0

48000 16500

less: loss relief 3 month -16500

less: loss relief 9 mon -36000

12000 0
QCD: -1200 wasted

taxable total profits 10800 0

Ash Ltd


(i) accounting period of Ash Ltd

12 months 1-Feb-21 to 31-Jan-22

2 months 1-Feb-22 to 31-Mar-22

year ended 31 march 2023

(ii) ash Ltd was first incorporated in UK and it's directors were also UK based even if 2 of the directors moved overseas

profit befo 305500
depriciatio 14700
gift to cus 3500
gift to staff 0
qualifing c 1100
impairment 0
lease 1890
fine for br 6400
renewal of 0
interest pa 0

less: quali -1100

taxable tot 331990

corporation 63078

disposal p 150000
less: index -38004

cy trading -19700
capital loss -8800
group relie -20800

taxable tot 62696


number cost indexed cost

£ £
purchased 20000 24800 24800
rights issue 5000 5750 5750

25000 30550 30550

indexation 7454

25000 30550 38004

less: -25000 -30550 -38004
e directors moved overseas, Ash Ltd would still be a UK resident because of it's incorporation and also company's board meetings are held
pany's board meetings are held in UK
Clueless Ltd

(a) revised computation of corporation tax

profit befo 382610
depriciatio 15740
client ente 400
qualifying 900
portable p 0
box of cho 1650
capital all -58182

trading pro 343118

loan intere 32800

chargeable 92603

total tradin 468521

less: OCD -900

taxable tot 467621

corporation 88848

capital allowances

main pool special rate pool allowances

£ £ £ £
TWDV bf 12400 13500
new computers 42300
super deduction -54990 54990

car 11800

disposal -9300

12400 16000

WDA -2232 2232

WDA car -960 960
TWDV cf 10168 15040

total allowances 58182

chareable gain

sales proc 70000
less: index 20860

deemed pr 90860

sales proc 200000

less: deem -90860

less: index -16537

chargeable 92603
Long Ltd

(a) Long Ltd

operating p 384400
depriciatio 43050
amortisati 5000
lease of ca 540
less: dedu -3410
less: capit -58730

trading pro 370850

chargeable 8500

total profit 379350

less: group -34900

taxable tot 344450

corporation 65446

capital allowance

main pool allowances

£ £
TWDV bf 44800

lorry 36800
super dedu -47840 47840

new car 15700


WDA -10890 10890

TWDV cf 49610

allowances 58730
road Ltd
operating l -26100
donations 2800
capital all -11600

loss to be -34900

available t 94838

interest i 4300
less: QCD -2400


corporation 361
Lena Ltd

(a) capital allowance

main pool allowances

£ £ £

car 30000

lorries 640000
-832000 832000

WDA -2700 2700

car 54000
FYA -54000 54000

TWDV cf 27300

total allowances 888700


(i) from 1 april 2013 to 31 march 2017 the company was treated as non resident because neither the company was inc
the company was treated as a resident from 1 april 2017 to 31 march 2023 because the company's central manage

Thames Ltd 72600
Zambezi Ltd 17000
y/e 31 may 2023 89000
yangtze Ltd 0

group relief 178600

(i) as nile owns a company so the threshold would be divided to £1500000/2 that will be of £750000 each company of

corporation 166820
less: insta -101200
final insta 65620

due date 14-Jul-23

e neither the company was incorporated in UK nor it's central management was in UK
he company's central management was in UK and also was incorporated in UK

e of £750000 each company of any of the company's augmented profits exceeds this they would be considered as large company
ed as large company

taxable gains

house 31000
copyright 24300

less: AEA -12300


losses bf -25000

taxable gai 18000

1 total exempt chargeable

occupied 34 34
travelling 18 18
employment overseas 24 24
occupied 11 11
elsewhere in UK 30 30
travelling 22 18 4
elsewhere in UK 26 18 8
occupied 17 17
employment overseas 12 12

travelling 7 7
last 9 months 9 9

210 179 31

PRR 179000
sales proc 308000
less: cost -93000
less: legal -5000

PRR -179000

chargeable 31000

2 copyright
sales proc 80300
less: -56000

chargeable 24300

3 exempt 0

4 exempt 0

(a) if he doesn't sell his business

sales proc 47560
less: AEA -12300


12600 10% 1260
22660 20% 4532

CGT liabilit 5792

if he sells his business

qualifing for BADR Not qualifing

£ £
freehold shop 60000

gain on painting 47560

less: loss on warehouse -14000
less: AEA -12300

60000 21260

60000 10% 6000
21260 20% 4252

CGT 10252

(b) Renaldo

sales proc 92000
commissio -4600

cost -20240

chargeable 67160

(a) if no reliefs are available

disposal 522000
less: cost -258000
less: enha -99000

chargeable 165000

disposal 3675000
less: -537600

chargeable 3137400

share pool

number cost
£ £
purchased 500000 960000
bonus 750000 0

1250000 960000
less: -700000 -537600

(b) freehold warehouse

rollover relief would be available

BADR will be available

disposal 47000
less: AEA -12300

chargeable 34700

CGT liability
14185 18% 2553
20515 28% 5744

CGT liabilit 8297

(b) pola ltd

investor's relief not in investor's relief
£ £
shares sold 37300
residential property 47000

less:AEA -12300

37300 34700

CGT liability
37300 10% 3730
34700 28% 9716

CGT liabilit 13446

aplo ltd
£ 2.15
sales proc 59000
less: cost -86000

investment 47000

less AEA -12300

CGT tax 1386

David and angela

CGT computation for David brook

house 36988
shares in b 0

less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 24688

CGT liabilit 4444

period of occupation

total months exempt chargeable

occupied 42 42
elsewhere 45 45
occupied 84 84
unoccupie 60 60
last month 9 9

240 180 60

sales proc 381900
less: acquis -86000

PRR -221925

chargeable 73975

shares in b 0

Angela brook

BADR other gains residential property

£ £ £
house 36988
shares 26400
sale of offi 3700

total charg 3700 26400 36988

AEA -12300

taxable gai 3700 26400 24688

CGT liability
qualifying 3700 10% 370
other gains 6855 10% 685
19545 20% 3909
residential 24688 28% 6913

capital gains tax liabil 11877

sales proc 62400
less: cost -36000

chargeable 26400

remaining rate band


BADR -3700

remaining 6855

(a) Bill
proceeds 260000
less: cost -112000

gift relief -123333

chargeable 24667

less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 12367

capital gain 1237


sales proc 265000
less: cost -136667

AEA -12300


capital gain 23207

(b) if gift relief is not made

proceeds 260000
less: cost -112000

less; AEA -12300


capital gain 13570


sales proc 265000
less: cost -260000

less: AEA -5000

chargeable 0

(a) house adjustment is exempt as th transfer between spouses are at nil gain nil loss


sales proc 98400
less: acquis -39000

gain 59400
less: gift h -50600

chargeable 8800


lower of:

normal computataion

sales proc 12200
less: cost -2100



chargeable 10100

gift of land

sales proc 78400
less: cost -26460

chargeable 51940

ABC ltd

sales proc 100600
less: cost -57143

less: AEA -12300


capital gain 3116

share pool

number cost
accquired 1000 60000
rights issue 400 20000

1400 80000
sales -1000 -57143

holiday cottage

disposal 110000
selling cost -1000

less: cost -64700

less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 32000

capital gains tax liabil 8960

Fogo Ltd

investment property
(a) £
sales proc 625000
less: cost -500000

indexation -134500

indexation 0


sales proc 560000
less: cost -100000

indexation -59300

gain 400700

net gain
investment 0
warehouse 400700
shares -25000

net gain 375700

Pere and Phil

(a) PET
transfer of value 420000
less: avail 2016/17 -3000
2015/16 -3000
marriage exemption -5000


gross chargeable amo 409000
payable on death
gross chargeable amo 409000
less: available nil rat -325000


IHT payable 33600

taper relief -26880

IHT payable on death 6720

(b) phil's capital gains tax liability

sales proc 496700
less: cost -420000
less: enha -5200

less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 59200

CGT liability
23550 18% 4239
35650 28% 9982

capital gains 14221


(a) shares CLT

£ 27-Jan-22
before the 64000 £
after the t -4500 transfer of 400000

PET 59500 less: NRB -325000

less: avail 2021/22 -3000
2020/21 -3000 75000

gross charg 53500 IHT payable 18750

gross charg 418750

additonal IHT payable on death

gross charg 418750

less: nil ra -271500


IHT payabl 58900

no taper re 0

tax already -18750

IHT payabl 40150

death estate
value 623000
less: funer -3000


exempt leg -150000

chargeable 470000

RNRB -90000

IHT payabl 152000

property 970000
building so 387000
ISA 39000
certificates 17000
life policy 225000

less: incom -12800
less: unsec -1200


less: Nil r -325000


IHT liability 519600



9-Oct-15 14-May-21
£ £
transfer of value 35000 420000
less: avail 2015/16 -3000 2021/22 -3000
2014/15 -3000 2020/21 -3000

29000 414000

NRB -29000

gross chargeable tran 0 414000

IHT payable on death

14-May-21 2-Aug-21
£ £
gross charg 414000 260000

less: availa -296000 0

118000 260000

IHT liability 47200 104000

James daughter will be responsible to pay the IHT liability IHT liability is payable by trustees

death estate

chargeable 870000

IHT liability 348000

the personal reperestatives will pay the tax

y is payable by trustees

(a) PET
gross charg 211000

death estate

gross chagr 800000
less: NRB -439000


IHT payabl 144400

nil rate band
at death 325000
less: Gct -211000

spouse's fu 325000


(b) shares
before tran 1200000 0.6
after trans -200000 0.2

transfer of 1000000


nil rate ba -325000


IHT paid b 168750

gross charg 1168750

additional IHT on death

gross charg 1168750

less: availa -325000


IHT liability 337500

less: taper -135000

lifetime IH -168750

IHT payabl 33750

Jack and Tom

(a) the disposal of the shares qualifies for the investor's relief as the following conditions are

he has sold the ordinary shares of an unlisted company

the shares were subscribed 17 march 2016
Jack is not an employer or employee of the company

capital gains tax liability

sales proc 151107
less: cost -13119

chargeable g 137988
less: curre -1572
less: AEA -12300


CGT liabilit 12412

(b) the trust pays the tax

transfer of value 450000
less: avail 2022/23 -3000

less: NRB -325000


IHT payabl 24400

if tom pays the tax

transfer of value 450000
less: avail 2022/23 -3000

less: NRB -325000


IHT payabl 30500

gross charg 480500

2 if tom made the cash gift of £200000 to trust instead to his daughter then it would have become a chargeable lifeti

there would be no inheritence tax payable as the entire amount would be covered into nil rate band of 2020/21

however the amount of £200000 would be used to check the available nil rate band at the time of additonal IHT pa
ve become a chargeable lifetime transfer instead of potentially exempt transfer

o nil rate band of 2020/21

t the time of additonal IHT payable on death


(a) IHT payable on death

transfer of value 416000
less: avail 2016/17 -3000
2015/16 -3000
less: marr -1000

gross charg 409000

additional IHT payable on death

gross charg 409000

less: NRB a -325000


IHT 33600

less: Taper -20160

IHT payabl 13440

death estate

value 1050000
less: mortg -230000

main resid 500000


less: RNRB -175000

less: trans -175000

IHT payabl 388000

property 1 property 2 property 3
£ £ £
chargeable gains 100000 150000 150000

less: PRR -18333 0 -20625

chargeable gains 81667 150000 129375

letting relief is only available when the owner is living in the property and lets out a part of it, Aurora was absent du
rt of it, Aurora was absent during the time of letting hence no letting relief is available
Ginger and Nigel

(a) the disposal is at undervalue, so only gift relief would be available

the chargeable amount would be of (4-2.39) i.e. of £1.61
AEA is of 12300
Ginger can transfer 7640 shares to his daughter without incurring any capital gains tax liability

(b) if innocent makes the disposal

chargeable 65000
less: cost -2000


CGT 6300

if Nigel makes the disposal

chargeable 65000
less: cost -30800


CGT 6840

there would be a tax saving of £540 if innocent makes the disposal rather than Nigel
Mick stone

(a) machinery
proceeds 522000
less: cost -258000
less: repla 0

chargeable 264000


proceeds 3675000
less: cost -537600

chargeable 3137400

working share pool

number cost
500000 960000
750000 0

1250000 960000
-700000 -537600

(b) free hold warehouse

possible relief
rollover relief may be available in respect of chargeable gain

rolling Ltd

details required is to have a holding of minimum 5% in the company


(a) disposal of residential investment property

chargeable 47800
less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 35500

14185 18% 2553
21315 28% 5968

CGT liability 8521

payment date


1 Pola Ltd
Qualifying for BADR Not Qualifying for BADR
£ £
shares 37300
investment property 47800

less: AEA -12300

37300 35500

CGT liability
qualifying 37300 10% 3730
residential 35500 28% 9940

CGT liability if Pola 13670

2 Alpa plc

shares -28200
residential 47800
less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 7300

CGT liability
less: POA -8521

CGT repayb -7207



Palu Ltd's corporation tax liability

tax adjuste 175000
less: direc -8000


corporation 31730

Paul's income tax liability

non savings income dividends total

£ £ £
director's 8000 8000
dividends 135270 135270

total inco 8000 135270 143270

less: PA 0 0 0

taxable in 8000 135270 143270

income tax liability

non saving 8000 20% 1600
dividends-s 2000 0% 0
dividends-b 27700 8.75% 2424
dividends- 105570 33.75% 35630

income tax 39654

no NIC would be payable because £8000 is covered in the starting rate band

if he runs as a sole trader

TATP 175000
less: PA 0

taxable in 175000
income tax liability
37700 20% 7540
112300 40% 44920
25000 45% 11250

income tax liability 63710

class 2 164
class 4 37700 10.25% 3864
124730 3.25% 4054

class 4 NIC 7918

runs as a b 71384
runs as a s 71792

there would be tax increase -408

Richard Tryer

car benefit employment income
£ Non savings income
£ salary 41030 £
list price 17900 car benefit 3454 employment income 68738
fuel benefi 4934 proeprty income 7375
car benefit 4654 living acc 13200 building society interest
less: priva -1200 furniture 2420 dividends
running co 3700
car benefit 3454
68738 total income 76113
fuel benefi 4934
less: PA -12570

living accomodation taxable income 63543

higher of:
annual val 3600 income tax liability
rent paid 13200
property income savings sta
savings HR
£ dividends
premium 5040 dividends-
rent 3320
less: roof replacemen -84
less: repairing -400
less: insurance -501

property i 7375
Non savings income Savings income Dividends Total
£ £ £
1260 1260
5800 5800

1260 5800 83173


1260 5800 70603

37700 20% 7540
25843 40% 10337
500 0% 0
760 40% 304
2000 0% 0
3800 33.75% 1283

income tax liability 19464

less: PAYE -19130

income tax payable 334


(a) died 31-Mar-23

previous s 31-Mar-16

transfer of value 253000
less: AA 2021/22 -3000
2020/21 -3000

GCT 247000

less: NRB -185000


IHT payabl 24800

taper relief 0

IHT payabl 24800

death estate

residential 970000
insurance 225000

less: avail -78000

chargeable 1117000

IHT payabl 446800


(a) there would be no unexpected income tax liabilities

disadvantathe tax would be collected through PAYE

(b) income tax liability if he takes the offer of initial plc

salary 180000
less: occup -8000
bonus 24000
meals 0

less: PA 0

taxable in 196000

income tax liability if he takes the offer of subsequent plc

salary 205000
occupation 0
car benefit 8750
living acc 3000
beneficial 1867

employmen 218617

basic char 1600

additional 1400


he would have to pay £10178 more if he takes the offer of subsequent plc

(a) if property purchased personally

salary 60650
property i 26600

less: PA -12570

taxable in 74680

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 36980 40% 14792

income tax liability 22332

rent 31200
other expe -4600


if purchased through limited liability company

salary 60650
dividend 6000

total inco 66650

less: PA -12570

taxable in 54080

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 16380 40% 6552

income tax liability 14092

purchased 14092
purchased 22332

tax saving 8240

(b) the annual exempt amount would not be available if purchased or disposed via company

(a) Dembe's income tax liability and NIC

trading pro 130000

less: PA -12570

taxable in 117430

income tax liability

non saving 77700 20% 15540
non saving 39730 40% 15892

income tax liability 31432

working reduction in income tax liability

personal allowance income tax 13028

rate band extension

basic 77700
higher 190000

(b) Disposal made by Dembe

67000 28% 18760

Disposal made by Kato

proceeds 65000

less: AEA -12300

taxable gai 52700

CGT liability
16350 18% 2943
36350 28% 10178

CGT liabilit 13121

over all CGT saving 3639

(c) £
combined e 880000
less: RNRB -350000
less: NRB -650000

payable at 40% 0
original i.e. without pension contribution
trading pro 130000

less: PA 0

taxable in 130000

income tax liability

37700 20% 7540
92300 40% 36920

income tax liability 44460


if he remains self employed

revised inc 46460
class 2 (r 164
class 4 6618

total 53242


revised TA 135000

less: PA 0

taxable in 135000

income tax liability

37700 20% 7540
97300 40% 38920

income tax liability 46460


revised inc 25243
class 1 em 2972
class 1 em 3898
corporation 18259

total 50372

income tax liability personal allowance

£ 2500
director's 35000 10070
dividends 70000

less: PA -10070
taxable in 94930

income tax liability

24930 20% 4986
2000 0% 0
10770 8.75% 942
57230 33.75% 19315

income tax liability 25243

conclusiongiven increased in forecast to £135000, incorporating her business would bring an overall tax saving of £2870.
erall tax saving of £2870.

(b) employed by initial plc

salary 180000
occupation -8000
bonus 24000
free meals 0

employmen 196000
less: PA 0

taxable in 196000

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI- additi 46000 45% 20700

income tax liability 73160

employed by Subsequent plc

salary 205000
occupation -9000
car benefit 8750
living acc 3000
loan 1867

taxable in 209617
NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI-additio 59617 45% 26828

income tax liability 79288

living accomodation
annual val 1600

additional 1400

he would have to pay £6128 more in income tax liability if he takes up the employment by subseqent plc
nt by subseqent plc


salary 65000
car benefit 3488
mobile ph 96

employmen 68584

savings in 300

loss reliefs -9350
less: PA -12570

personal a 46964


trading los -19500
capital all -900

revised tra -20400


3 months -1700
9 months -7650


company's personal pension contribution

the income tax liability would be the same as the company's pension contribution is exempt
the employee and the employer will also remain the same
corporation tax liability would be of £15200

personal pension contribution

NSI Dividends Total

£ £ £
director's 47500 47500
additional 20000 20000
dividends 68000 68000

67500 68000 135500

less: PA -4820 -4820

taxable in 62680 68000 130680

NSI-BRB 57700 20% 11540
NSI-HRB 4980 40% 1992
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividend-H 66000 33.75% 22275

income tax liability 35807

rate band extension

class 1 employee NIC

37700 13.25% 4995
29800 3.25% 969

class 1 employee NIC 5964

class 1 employer NIC 8789

corporation tax liabili 14628


salary 33750
occupation -2025

school pla 540
clock 0
beneficial 0

employmen 32265

trading pro 16100

pension in 10750

property i 3500

total inco 62615

less: perso -12570

taxable in 50045

NSI-BRB 42200 20% 8440
NSI-HRB 7845 40% 3138

income tax liability 11578

trading profit

less: overl -3700

trading pro 16100

rate band extension


capital gains tax

£ £
property 1 122000
less: cost -81400


property 2 98000

total 34900
less: AEA -12300


capital gains tax liabil 6328


(a) if purchased personally

employmen 60650
property i 26600

total inco 87250

less: perso -12570

taxable in 74680

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 36980 40% 14792

income tax liability 22332

less: mortg -2400
working 19932
property income

property i 31200
less: allow -4600

less: mortg -2400


if purchased via limited liability company

employmen 60650
dividends 6000

total inco 66650

less:PA -12570

taxable in 54080

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 10380 40% 4152
dividends 2000 0% 0
dividends- 4000 33.75% 1350


personally 19932
via compa -15816

tax saving 4116


(a) if she remains employed

salary 44000
occupation -2200

employmen 41800
less: PA -12570

taxable in 29230

NSI-BRB 29230 20% 5846

income tax liability 5846

class 1 employee NIC

31430 13.25% 4164

income 47000
extra deliv 13000
expenses -7200

less: PA -12570

taxable in 40230

NSI-BRB 40230 20% 8046

class 2 164

class 4
37700 10.25% 3864
2530 3.25% 82

class 4 NIC 3946

employed self employed
£ £
income 44000 52800
occupation -2200 0
class 1 NIC -4164 -4110
income tax -5846 -8046

disposal i 31790 38244

self employment is the better option


(a) cash basis

revenue 64500
household -17200
car benefit 4750
equipment 0

TATP 52050

(b) accrual basis

revenue 74500
household -16250

running co -1800
capital all -1862


capital allowance

main pool allowances

£ £

AIA -350 350

-2520 1512


self employment employment self employment

£ £ £
trading pro 106900 salary 63600 trading pro 55700
capital all -8850 running co 1440 capital all -26200
living acc 4140
98050 workplace 0 29500
less: overl -22700 mileage al -520
profit from 75350 68660

less: PA 0

taxable in 162098
property income



george's work is based on a fixed contract
george cannnot work for any other client
george has to do his work personally
george has the contract for a minimum period

(b) if he is treated as self employed

income 41000
less: capit -3600

less: PA -12570

taxable in 24830

NSI-BRB 24830 20% 4966

class 2 164

class 4 24830 10.25% 2545


NSI S D Total
£ £ £ £
employmen 68738 68738
proeprty i 7375 7375
savings income 1260 1260
dividends 5800 5800

total inco 76113 1260 5800 83173

less: PA -12570 -12570

taxable in 63543 1260 5800 70603

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 25843 40% 10337
S- starting 500 0% 0
S-higher ra 760 40% 304
dividends s 2000 0% 0
dividends h 3800 33.75% 1283

income tax liability 19464

less: PAYE -19130

income tax payable 334

employment income

salary 41030
car benefit 3454
fuel 4934
living acc 13200
furniture 2420
running co 3700

employmen 68738

property income

premium 5040
rent 3320
less: SBA -84
insurance -501
ceiling repa -400

property i 7375

net profit 32200
running ric 3297
running che 0
parking fin 280
property e 3240
decorating 0
decorating 1320
purchase o 2590

less: capit -3780

TATP 39147

capital allowances

main pool private use allowances

£ £ £
car 1 14800
car 2 16800

16800 14000

WDA -3024 3024

WDA -2520 756

TWDV cf 13776 14000

allowances 3780

employer class 1 NIC

36900 15.05% 5553
employment allowan -5000

class 1A £
2352 354

(a) the application of basis period will move straight forward

there would be no overlap profits

(b) TATL

TATP 10930
decoration -3100
SBA -2196
capital all -12159

TATL -6525


main pool special rate pool private use allowances

£ £ £ £

car 19200

heating sy 5100
water syst 4200

AIA -9300 9300

laptop 2600
AIA -2600 2600

WDA -864 259

TWDV cf 18336

allowances 12159

(d) employment income

salary 56200
professiona -320
health club 0
occupation -2810
personal p 0

employmen 53070
less: loss re -6525

less: PA -12570

taxable in 33975

trading los -11653
patent roya -500
capital all -5477

revised TA -17630

capital allowances

main pool special rate pool private use allowances

£ £ £ £

car 1 10400

car 2 17800

computer 1257
furniture 2175

AIA -3432 3432

10400 17800
WDA -1404 1404
WDA -801 641

TWDV cf 8996 16999

allowances 5477

(a) taxable benefit in respect of living accomodation

£ £
basic charge-annual v 6300

cost 182000
limit -75000

furniture 2480


taxable benefit of 5 4550

old loss sha 600
new loss sh 1350

loss relief 1950

taxable in 44430
NSI-BRB 38500 20% 7700
NSI-HRB 5930 40% 2372

less: PAYE -10800

income tax -728

rate band

child benefit

£ £
benefit received 2636
trading income 57000
less: gift donation -800

less: -50000


actual child benefit 1634

(d) overall saving

property i 2000 20% 400
child benef 2636 20% 527
tax cost t 2000 20% -400

overall sav 527

AUY man

(a) Auy will be treated as an automatic resident in UK as he spends 190 days in each tax year in UK
Bim will be treated as a resident because she spents 90 to 120 days in UK, also fulfills 2 sufficient ties test which are

net profit 87780
depriciatio 3400
entertaini 0
salary allo 4000

less: capit -12938

TATP 82242

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool private use allowance

£ £ £ £
TWDV bf 3100

car 1 21000

car 3 14200
car 4 11600

17300 11600 21000

WDA -3114 3114
WDA -696 696
WDA -1260 1008

car 2 10150
AIA -10150 8120

TWDV bf 14186 10904 19740

total allowances 12938

Total Auy Bim

£ £ £
salary 4000 0 4000
interest on 4500 2800 1700
PSR 73742 58993.6 14748.4
total 82242 61794 20448

(c) class 4 by Auy

37700 10.25% 3864
11524 3.25% 375

class 4 NIC 4239

class 4 by Bim
7878 10.25% 807
2 sufficient ties test which are Bim has a house in UK and she has spent more than 90 days in previous tax years

employment income
salary 234000
occupation -28000
car 1425
beneficial 530
gold watch 0

less: PA 0

taxable in 207955

NSI-BRB 38223 20% 7645
NSI-HRB 112300 40% 44920
NSI-additio 57432 45% 25844

income tax liability 78409

car benefits


by employer

taxable ben 1425

beneficial loan

less: intere -910

beneficial 530

personal pension

taxable in 207955
occupation 28000
employer c 11000

annual all 40000

less: 3477.5

less: -28000

personal 523

rate band extension


class 1 NIC
(b) £
37700 13.25% 4995
185155 3.25% 6018


year £
31-Jul-23 second PO 3530

31-Jan-24 balancing 6391

31-Jan-24 first POA 4005

(c) 31-Oct-23

(d) 12 months from the date when the return is received by HMRC

pension contribution would be of:

gross contr 42000

higher of

therefore £38650 would qualify for tax relief

trading pro 38650
less: PA -12570


income tax 5216

Basil palm

gross contr 40000

higher of

therefore 40000 would qualify

employmen 242000
less: PA 0


77700 20% 15540
112300 40% 44920
52000 45% 23400

income tax liability 83860


property i 24550
less: PA -12570


income tax 2396


David brook

house 36988
shares in b 0

less: AEA -12300


CGT liabilit 4444



disposal p 381900
less: cost -86000

PRR -221925

chargeable 73975
total exempt chargeable
42 42
£ 45 45
disposal p 62400 84 84
less: cost -36000 60 60
9 9
chargeable 26400
240 180 60


Angela brook

BADR Other gain Residential property

£ £ £
property 36988
warehouse 3700
shares 26400
3700 26400 36988
less: AEA -12300

3700 26400 24688

3700 10% 370
6855 10% 685
19545 20% 3909

property 24688 28% 6913

CGT liability 11877


(a) Bill CGT liability

proceeds 260000
less: cost -112000

less: gift h -123333

less: AEA -12300


CGT liabilit 1237

Belle CGT liability

proceeds 265000
less: cost -136667

chargeable 128333
less: AEA -12300


CGT 23207

(b) Bill CGT liability

proceeds 260000
less: cost -112000

qualify for 148000

less: AEA -12300


CGT liabilit 13570


proceeds 265000
less: cost -260000

less: AEA -5000

taxable gai 0

(a) house inter spouse is exempt

proceeds 98400
less: cost -39000

gift relief -50600

chargeable 8800

antique bracelet

disposal p 12200
less: cost -2100



gain is of 10333

proceeds 78400
less: cost -26460

chargeable 51940

self employment

trading pro 100000

less: PA -12570

taxable in 87430

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 49730 40% 19892

income tax liability 27432

class 2 NIC 164

class 4 37700 10.25% 3864
49730 3.25% 1616

class 4 NIC 5480

via limited liability company

entire through director's remuneration

director's 88109
less: PA -12570

taxable in 75539

income tax liability

NSI-BRB 37700 20% 7540
NSI-HRB 37839 40% 15136

income tax liability 22676

class 1 employee NIIC

37700 13.25% 4995
37839 3.25% 1230

employee NIC 6225

no corporation tax liability because entire profit is withdrawn in the form of direcotr's remuneration


corporation 19000

dividends 81000

dividends 81000
less: PA -12570

taxable in 68430

income tax liability

dividends s 2000 0% 0
dividends-b 35700 8.75% 3124
dividends 30730 33.75% 10371

income tax liability 13495

mix package

NSI D total
£ £ £
remunerat 8000 8000
dividends 50000 50000

total inco 8000 50000 58000

less: PA -8000 -4570 -12570

taxable in 0 45430 45430

income tax liability

dividends s 2000 0% 0
dividends b 35700 8.75% 3124
dividends- 7730 33.75% 2609

income tax liability 5733

corporation tax liability

profits 100000
remunerati -8000
pension co -10000


corporation 15580

sole trader 33076

limited liabiity company

director's 40792
dividends 32495
mixed pac 21313

mixed package appears to be the most beneficial

s remuneration
Harbour Ltd

PBT 715500
depriciatio 11760
amortisati 1300
leasehold b -806
interest -16400
capital all -440667

property i 9800

chargeable 104300

TTP 384787

corporation 73110

capital allowances

AIA FYA special rate pool allowances

£ £ £ £
long life as 548000
AIA -333333 333333

-107334 107334

TWDV bf 107333

allowances 440667
Mixture Ltd


(i) mixture Ltd is classified as a large company in year ended 31 march 2023 because it's augmented profits are £5150

(ii) corporation tax liability

TTP 470000

corporation 89300

the company will have to pay quarterly instalments of £22325

due dates 14-Oct-22 14-Jan-23 14-Apr-23 14-Jul-23


staircase 0
sprinkler 16400
doors and 0
ventilation 27100
machinery 76600
building al 9200
movable pa 33800
decorative 0

rent receiv 15800
lease 16560
advertising -900
insurance -1750

property b 29710
augmented profits are £515000 and it has two other 51% group companies so the threshold of 1500000 would be divided by three and eac
ld be divided by three and each company's threshold would be of £333333 mixture ltd crossed this threshold and hence is classified as a l
d and hence is classified as a large company
Online Ltd


operating p 896700
depriciatio 21660
amortisati 9000
leasehold p -7380
capital all -9824

chargeable 60381

total profit 970537

proeprty bu -12500
QCD -6800

TTP 951237

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowances

£ £ £ £
TWDV bf 56700 13433

car 13700

disposal -17200 -9300

53200 4133

WDA -9576 9576

WDA -248 248

TWDV cf 43624 3885

allowances 9824

disposal of shares

number cost indexed cost

£ £
purchased 40000 49300 49300
indexation 3599

40000 49300 52899

sold -22000 27115 -29094

18000 76415 23805

indexation 1714

18000 76415 25519

-18000 -76415 -25519

proceeds 90600
less: cost -25519

capital loss -4700

chargeable 60381
Streched Ltd

(a) y/e p/e

31-Dec-22 31-Mar-23
£ £
TATP 514000 128500
capital all 0 -50338

514000 78162
property bu 36000 9000
chargeable 41000 0

total profit 591000 87162

loss relief -330000 0
QCD 0 -5000

261000 82162

corporation 49590 15611

due date 1-Oct-23 1-Jan-23

Last orders

operating l -276480
depriciatio 9460
coounsellin 0
pension con 0
class 1 NIC 0
class 1A 0
bonus unpa 10400
lease of ca 0
uk supplier 1920
overseas c 440
QCD 800
balancing -10600

TATL -264060

(b) £
property i 22800
chargeable 34500

total profit 57300

less: loss c -57300


property income

rent 32000
insurance -1500
repairs -7700

property i 22800


proceeds 126800
less: cost -79400
less: index -12900

chargeable 34500
Wretched Ltd

loss -141200
advertisin -7990
premium -2296
capital all -4784

revised tra -156270

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowance

£ £ £

computers 1200
super dedu -1560 1560

car 1 8300
car2 12300
car 3 18800

20600 18800

WDA -2472 2472

WDA -752 752

TWDV cf 18128 18048

allowances 4784

property income loss

rent 4200
advertising -2100
repairs -5900

property i -3800

capital loss
proceeds 21400
cost -26200

capital loss -4800

Retro Ltd

loss before -120000
depriciatio 27240
gift to emp 0
gift to cus 0
political d 420
QCD 680
impairment 0
car lease 660
fine for br 5100
legal fees 0
interest pa 0
capital all -58910

TATL -144810

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowances

£ £ £
TWDV bf 39300

car 1 14700

delivery va -36790 36790

car 2 12400
FYA -12400 12400


WDA -9720 9720

TWDV cf 44280

allowances 58910

y/e p/e
31-Aug-21 31-Mar-22
£ £
TATP 56600 47900
bank intere 1300 0
57900 47900

loss relief -47900


33775 0

QCD -540 wasted

TTP 33235 0

(c) £
loss relief 144810
current pe 0

loss carry -47900

5 months -24125

loss cf 72785
Music plc

(a) Alto, Bass, Cello, Echo, Flute will be a part of capital gains group

(b) music plc owns atleast 51% of Alto,Bass,Cello and Echo

for the year ended 31 march 2023 Alto,Bass and Echo would be a part of 51% group comapny
cello Ltd would be included in 31 march 2024 as it is bought in the current year
Fluet limited indirectly is also a part of 51% group company

TATP 92000
bank inters 12000
chargeable 23000

TTP 127000

corporation 24130
Jump Ltd

operating l -144700
depriciatio 8100
employee t 0
pension 0
staff party 0
lease of ca 180
accountan 0
issue of sh 3800
renewal of 0
entertaini 0
overseas c 790
political d 800
capital all 3330

TATL -127700

(b) the maximum loss relief of this year would be against total profits of £42400
the ross relief of 31 may 2022 is restricted to 5 months that would be of £33250
the loss of £23625 would be offset against the total profits of Hop Ltd
Ash Ltd


(i) accounting period

1-Feb-21 to 31-Jan-22
1-Feb-22 to 31-Mar-22

y/e 31-Mar-23

(ii) Ash Ltd will be an UK resident company because it is incorporated in UK although the directors have moved oversea

PBT 305500
depriciatio 14700
gift to cus 3500
QCD 1100
impairment 0
lease costs 1890
breach of d 6400
renewal of 0
interest pa 0

less: QCD -1100

TTP 331990

corporation 63078.1

(c) Cedar Ltd

£ working
disposal p 150000
less; index -38004 number indexed cost
£ £
111996 20000 24800
capital loss -8800 rights issue 5000 5750
trading los -19700
group relie -20800 25000 30550
indexation 7454
TTP 62696
25000 38004
ectors have moved overseas but the board meetings and the central control is in UK.
Lena Ltd

(a) capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowance

£ £ £
Additions not qualiying for AIA
car 30000

Additions qualifying
for super deduction

new lorries -832000 832000


WDA -2700 2700

Additiona qualifying for FYA

car 54000
FYA -54000 54000

TWDV cf 27300

allowances 888700


(i) from 1 april 2013 to 31 march 2017 mekong Ltd was treated as non resident because both it's incorporation and it's
from 1 april 2017 to 31 march 2023 it would be treated as a resident because it's central management is based in U

(ii) group relief

Thames Lt y/e 31 mar 72600

Zambezi Lttwo month 17000

y/e 31 may 89000

Yangtze Lt not qualifying

(c) Nile Ltd

(i) Nile Ltd is not required to pay quarterly in the year ended 31 march 2022 because it's augmented profits did not re
Nile Ltd was required to pay quarterly in 31 march 2023 because it had one 51% group company so the augemente

TTP 878000

corporation 166820

instalment -101200

final insta 65620

due date 14-Jul-23

both it's incorporation and it's central management was based overseas
tral management is based in UK as the directors held board meetings in the UK
augmented profits did not reach £1500000 and it also didn't have any 51% group company in previous year so it was not required to pay
p company so the augemented profit threshold was divided and was of £750000 and it crossed this mark in the previous year so it was req
so it was not required to pay quarterly.
the previous year so it was required to pay quarterly


estate 800000
less: NRB -439000


IHT payabl 144400





(b) £
before tran 1200000
less: left -200000

annual exe2022/23

less: NRB -325000


IHT payabl 168750

GCT 1168750

additional after death

GCT bf 1168750
NRB -325000

taxable am 843750
IHT liability 337500

less: taper -135000

less: lifeti -168750

additional 33750

(a) PET
wedding -1000
annual exe -3000

GCT 409000

NRB -325000


IHT at deat 33600

less taper r -20160

IHT payabl 13440

death estate

property 1050000
mortgage -230000

less: RNRB -350000


IHT payabl 388000

property 1 property 2 property 3
£ £ £
gains 100000 150000 150000
less: PRR -18333 0 -95625

letting reli 0 0

chagreable 81667 150000 54375

Letting relief is only available when the part of the property is occupied and the rest of the property is let out. Auro
of the property is let out. Aurora was absent so no letting relief is available

(b) initial plc

salary 180000
occupation -8000
bonus 24000
meals 0

employmen 196000

less: PA 0

taxable in 196000

income tax liability

37700 20% 7540
112300 40% 44920
46000 45% 20700

income tax liability 73160

Subsequent plc

salary 205000
occupation -9000
car benefit 8750
accomodati 1600
accomodati 1400
beneficial 1867


less: PA 0

taxable in 209617

income tax liability

37700 20% 7540
112300 40% 44920
59617 45% 26828

income tax liability 79288

Jason has to pay a liability of £6128 more if he takes an offer from subsequent plc rather than initial plc
her than initial plc

if company makes a pension contribution

there will be no change in income tax liability

there will be no change in national insurance contribution
the corporation tax liability would be reduced as 20000 in pension would be an allowable dedecution so the new lia

if kioni makes personal pension contribution

NSI D total
director's 47500 47500
additional 20000 20000
dividends 68000 68000

67500 68000 135500

less: PA -4820 -4820

taxable in 62680 68000 130680 working

rate band extension
income tax liability 170000
57700 20% 11540
4980 40% 1992
2000 0% 0
66000 33.75% 22275

income tax liability 35807

class 1 employee NIC

37700 13.25% 4995
29800 3.25% 969

class 1 employee NIC 5964

class 1 employer

class 1 em 8789
corporation tax
76990 19% 14628
able dedecution so the new liability would be of £15200

rate band extension


income tax liability

salary 33750
occupation -2025
additional 540
clock 0
interest fr 0

employmen 32265

self employment

profit 14800
final five y 6900
capital all -1900
overlap pro -3700


self emplo 16100

pension 10750

property i 3500

total inco 62615

less: PA -12570

taxable in 50045

income tax liability

42200 20% 8440
7845 40% 3138

income tax 11578

capital gains tax liability

122000 98000
-81400 -103700

40600 -5700

less: AEA -12300



capital all -118520
main pool allowances
tax adjuste -61955 £ £

-116000 116000

2520 2520


95288 15600
less: PA -12570 -1250

37700 20% 7540

45018 40% 18007

less; -520



salary 44000
occupation -2200

less: PA -12570

income tax liability 29230 20% 5846

class 1 employee 31430 13.25% 4164

income 47000
additional 13000
van leasing -4400
replacemen -2800

trading in 52800
less: PA -12570


income tax liability £

40230 20% 8046

class 2 164

class 4 37700 10.25% 3864

2530 3.25% 82

class 4 NIC 3946

employed self employed

salary 44000 0
trading in 0 52800
NIC -4164 -4110
income tax -5846 -8046
pension -2200 -2400

disposal i 31790 38244


dep 11760
amortisati 1300 333333.3
lease -806
rent 9800 special rate pool allowances
chargeable 104300 £ £
interest -16400
capital all -440667 548000
less:AIA -333333 333333


chargeable 60381
less: QCD -6800
less: losses -12500 TWDV bf

951237 additions
not qualifying for AIA:



disposal of special rate pool

capital allowance

main pool special rate pool allowances

£ £ £ £
56700 13433

ying for AIA:



f special rate pool -9300

53200 4133
-9576 9576
-248 248


less: capita -4700

total ic
40000 49300

40000 52899
-22000 -29094

18000 23805

18000 25519
trading los -141200
advertisin -7990
premium -2296
capital all -4784


capital allowances

main pool special rate pool allowances

£ £ £ £

additions: not qualifying for AIA

car 1 8300
car 2 12300
car 3 18800

qualifying for super deduction
laptop 1200
super dedu -1560 1560

20600 18800

WDA main pool -2472 2472

WDA special rate pool -752 752

total allowances 4784

property income

rent 4200

property i -3800

loss on disposal

pbt 305500
dep 14700
Qcd 1100
gift to cus 3500
impairment 0
leasing 1890
breach 6400
renewal of 0
interest 0

less: qcd -1100


corporation 63078.1
disposal 150000
less: cost -38004
(c) Cedar
number indexed cost capital loss -8800
£ trading los -20800
20000 24800 less: loss re -19700
20000 24800
5000 5750 62696

25000 30550

25000 38004


cash basis


cash basis 4200
dep 0
car expens -5250
interest -1085
furniture -3500

most beneficial is using cash basis


revenue 64500
food -25000
plus privat 7800
car -4750
equipment 0



running co -1800
equipment 0
capital all -1862
less; -16250


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