Dec 2023 Newsletter

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Edition 18

Dec 2023 Newsletter


In this festive season, let us remember the main donors Dr.

Prasanna Raju & Mrs Sumithra Raju and Mr Prabhakar Raju &
Krupa Raju for their generosity, kindness & loving heart, without
their help and giving we would not be able to carry on the work
we do on their behalf.


Tribal Healthcare In Salur wishes one and all a very
Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tribal Healthcare In Salur Team

How do I live a purpose filled joyful life?

Joy filled life is anchored in our personal relationship with Jesus and consequently what we do in our relationships
with people. True joy in life is found in being immersed in 5 aspects of serving God.

Part 2 - Discipleship (being equipped and equipping others to be Christ like)

The word disciple translates as ‘to become a learner or pupil’. The pupil learns from, emulates and grows into the
likeness of the teacher. We are created by God to have the Spirit of Christ in us and to be like Him (Romans 8:29, 2
Corinthians 3:18). A disciple learns from the Word of God about Jesus Christ, personally experiences His grace,
matures in His knowledge and obey God’s Will.

For a disciple, the Word of God is as much a necessity for his spirit as the food that nourishes the body. By God’s
grace, the disciple becomes more and more like Christ, living a life of faith and obedience. In a wider sense, the
word disciple connotes anyone who chooses to follow Christ whole heartedly.

The disciple begins the journey after being born again with the Spirit of God. So, discipleship is relational, a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus promised to teach us everything we need to know in this world through the Holy
Spirit. Unless we have this teacher-pupil relationship with Jesus, everything else is futile. His wisdom gets transferred
to us in discipleship.

Like the branch of the vine which continually draws its life giving/saving sap from the living vine, in faith we shall
receive from Jesus His character and His will to do God’s work (John 15:5). Discipleship is growing in faith and
fellowship in Jesus Christ. The outcome is that the disciple’s thoughts and behavior are changed to consistently do
what Jesus commands us to do. The walk of a self- proclaiming Christian without Christ is inevitably Christianity
without true discipleship.

In discipleship, a disciple’s (both) “inner” and “outer” worlds are actively engaged. It is an unending, intentional and
willing participation of the believer in being transformed into the image/likeness of Christ. The mind has a key role
to play in one becoming a disciple. What one thinks, one becomes (Proverbs 23:7).

The heart manifests the thought process of the mind. From the contaminated ungodly world, the mind has to be
extricated and elevated to the purity of Christ. To be right in what one does, one must first set right one’s thinking
about God through discipleship.

Jesus was a master teacher who used both theory and practical applications (parables) to teach His disciples the
depths of wisdom in the Word of God. The disciple has to equip oneself with necessary skills as an apprentice of
Jesus to teach others the riches of the God’ Word. Jesus had commissioned Christians to make others His disciples
(Matthew 28:19-20). Discipleship is the foundation of the body of Christ (Church) for its survival. Developing
disciples is serving God. Disciples are the servants and stewards of God for the expansion of His kingdom in the
hearts of people.

A disciple must be securely rooted in the facts of Christ’s birth, death, resurrection and ascension. The disciple must
believe that he is the redeemed child of God and that Christ dwells in him. He walks with the empowerment of the
Holy Spirit and lives a holy life witnessing for the glory of Christ.
He exhibits Christ-like love for all, friend and foe alike (John 13:34-35). He meditates upon the Word of God. He
prayerfully connects with God for strength, wisdom and guidance to live as a Christian.

Disciples are expected to make more disciples. The goal of discipleship is to develop believers who will walk by faith
and profess their faith. Holistic discipleship involves discipling a believer in the Word, the relationship with Christ
and the ministry of saving souls. Evangelism which is spreading the gospel by public preaching or personal witness
must be grounded in Christian discipleship.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ to disciple others.

In gratitude for His grace

P L N Raju

Pilgrim's progress
John Bunyan was born in 1628. He was a tinker like his father. He went into Cornwall’s army, on return he was
married. His wife brought with her two books ,of which he read Man’s pathway to Heaven and practice of pity. He
joined Christian Fellowship and began to preach. Lay preaching was illegal at that time, so he was arrested and sent
to Bedford prison for 12 years. In prison 1678-1684 he wrote Pilgrim's progress.

John Bunyan got the inspiration from Martin Luther and John Calvin two great influential theologians during the
Reformation. Justification is by Faith alone not by good works. Faith in God and the gift of God’s Grace freely given
which erases the sins of humanity rather than the good works.

John Bunyan later became the Pastor of Bedford. One night after 70 miles cycle ride in a torrential rain he was taken
ill and died. Pilgrim's Progress story is symbolic of the man’s journey through life It is the personification of human
virtues and vices. All the characters in this book are revealed their personality and their pursues which are not very
difficult to find in our daily life. That is why it has earned the great reputation as one of the best allegorical novel
book after Bible. It is a dream. He explains that he fell asleep in the wilderness and dreamed of a man named
Christian he was the central character. He was tormented by spiritual anguish.

So, he journeys from City of Destruction to Celestial City along the way he faces many obstacles including Slough of
Despondent eventually he was successful in his journey and allowed into Heaven. Christian was an average normal
man grew aware of his sins by reading Bible and his awareness became a burden on his back. An evangelist visits
him and urges him to leave the city of destruction to gain salvation which can only be found in the Celestial City.
Seeking to remove the burden on his back he left the city of destruction and his family behind he sets of his journey
with a heavy nap sack, a big book and a scroll. On his way he falls into a bog called slough of despondent, but he is
saved. He meets a worldly-wise man who urges him a happy existence without religion, but Christian refuses and
meets Faith. Faith is a gift from God like any gift we need to receive it.

A word of caution : Faith doesn’t shield us from fearful situations, but it does equip us to face these situations in a
different way. It is a challenge to all of us. Walking along for salvation they found Christ’s tomb and the Cross at this
all his burdens falls to ground. Christian falls asleep and loses his scroll or certificate which is the ticket or the
passport to the Celestial city.
Providing Artificial Limbs
All these 5 Gentlemen and the lady are affected by Leprosy at varying ages, and gradually developed advanced
Leprosy. Due to lack of awareness, leprosy developed to other parts of the body, as a result deformities set in.
Initially all of them had difficulty to bear weight on their feet due to deep seated foot ulcers , finally resulting with
below knee amputation of the legs.

In addition to Leprosy, poverty made it difficult to come to the hospital and get the Artificial legs. This will cost
money. When they heard that T.H.I.S ,( Tribal Healthcare in Salur) will provide and fit the Artificial Legs, all of them
came forward.

T.H.I.S motto is, as Jesus our savior said in John15:2 “MY COMMANDMENT IS THIS LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE

We were extremely happy to provide what they need, training with their artificial leg including hospital stay. We are
glad to see all of them will lead near normal life with self respect and even be able to work and provide for their

Dr Bethapudy Ratna Sunder Rao

Dr (Mrs) Kanakavalli Rao Bethapudy

Success Story - Bevara Ramana

Bevara Ramana is 43 years old. He hails from Veeragottam village, Srikakulum Mandal. He lives with his wife and
daughter. Both his parents died when he was a boy. As a result, there was no body who could care for him. He was
sent out to work and earn money. As a result, he could not go to school. Besides there was no body to encourage
him to study. He studied up to 2 class.

He contracted Leprosy when he was 12 years old. He took Multi Drug Treatment consisting of 4 different drugs
called MDT at Veeragottam. He was cured of Leprosy but the deformities he developed remained with him. They
were claw hands on both sides, loss of sensations of his both feet and hands. As a result, he developed deep seated
ulcers on both feet, his left foot was worse than the right. He feet ulcers were not healing, so he opted for below
knee amputation of his left leg.

Now after the successful amputation of his left leg, he able to walk and gain confidence. He is slowly going to work
now, earn some money for the family and live with SELF RESPECT.
Success Story of Manthiripuddi Narayana
History: 65 years old from Parvathipuram near village. He staying along
with relatives, unmarried father and mother was expired in the
childhood. He has affected leprosy was since the age of 20 years. And
taken treatment from Philadelphia Leprosy Hospital, Salur, the duration
of the medicine 3 years multi drug therapy (MDT).

Deformities: After treatment he struggled with bad ulcers for a long

time and was later admitted in hospital for dressing and after healed
some gap again getting ulcer on the foot. Very bad condition of the leg,
unfortunately loss of Below Knee LEFT LEG amputation and another leg
also very weakness and loss of sensation. Both hand claw fingers. So
very difficult to hold any things.

Rehabilitation: After amputation unable to walk and unable get the

artificial limb, when contact to Krupa benevolent very happy to donated
for the artificial limb and prevention of deformities and he can manage
and peacefully himself to walk around.

Donated: Late Yeddu Prabhakar Raju (Krupa Benevolent Fund)

Success Story of A Shymala

History: A Shymala 35 years old, she staying at Beemsigh near
Vizianagaram district, In the time age 25 years old she got leprosy
patches and taken 1 years of MDT in Government hospital, Vizianagaram
Andhra Pradesh. She is 8th class passed and she got training in VTC in

Deformities: Then after she was struggle with chronic ulcers Right leg,
and unfortunately loss of LEFT BK amputation and another leg having
ulcer and complicated to walking and hand are good condition.

Rehabilitation: She requires for artificial limbs and prevention of

deformities and replacement of the artificial limb. she can walk and
manage herself. And she requested to pray for daughter and husband.
After got the limbs she very useful and joyful of the life

Donated: Late Yeddu Prabhakar Raju (Krupa Benevolent Fund)

Success Story of Narava Ramana
History: 40 years old from Leprosy colony Narava at Vizianagaram, unmarried father and
mother was expired in the childhood. He has affected leprosy was since the age of 12 years.
And taken treatment from Philadelphia Leprosy Hospital, Salur, the duration of the medicine
2 years multi drug therapy (MDT).

Deformities: After treatment he was struggle with bad ulcers and removed on Right leg and
after some time another leg also, unfortunately loss of Left Leg Below Knee amputation.
Soon after amputation very difficult to manage because of both leg amputation and nobody
caring for him. After that he went leprosy colony staying sick room. And both hand was
weakness and loss of fingers. Now very difficult to hold any things.

Rehabilitation: Especially pray for him miserable life. After amputation unable to walk and
get any things in room. After provided for artificial limbs he can walk with crutches to move
to around. He thanks to Krupa benevolent fund. Now he can happy and manage some things

Donated: Late Yeddu Prabhakar Raju (Krupa Benevolent Fund)

Success Story Of Alabolu Ramesh

Ramesh is a young 23 years old man. His father died and his mother’s name is Alabolu
Gowramma. He is from the village Mathiyavalsa, in Vangara Mandel, Srikakulum District.

When he was 16 years old, he contracted Leprosy with white patches. He took 16 months of
Multi-Drug Therapy , commonly called MDT treatment at Philadelphia Community Hospital,
Salur, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh.

His leprosy was cured but developed claw hand deformities of both hands and complete
loss of sensation in both legs. Subsequently he developed chronic deep seated right foot
ulcer, needing below knee amputation of his right leg.

Following that he developed further complications of his left leg and both hands. With
complications he had a difficult life.

He received surgical treatment for his claw hands and fitted with an artificial leg for his right

Now he can walk almost fully normal and with near normal function of both hands he has
gone back to work and live with restored self-respect in the community.

Donated: Late Yeddu Prabhakar Raju (Krupa Benevolent Fund)

Success Story of RP [Smiling Through Adversity]
R.P graduated as a teacher in 1955. He worked as a teacher in his native
village . He is married with young children. Life was going smoothly and he
was the main bread winner for the family. Initially he noticed few pale whitish
patches over his legs and arms. He did not think of much and carried on for
some years. However the patches increased in number and they were
getting larger. Mr R.P noticed there was some alteration in touch sensation
and some patches were completely numb with no sensation. He saw a
doctor who gave him some ointment for a fungal infection which Mr. R.P
applied. However the patches kept on growing in number. He was advised to
see a Leprosy doctor which he did. He was then told he has Leprosy. At that
time there was only a single drug called Dapsone and he was told to take it
for many years.

With no hope of a cure in a short time of one or two years, Mr. R.P’s world
literally collapsed around him. He lost his job, his standing in the community,
his wife and his children and had to leave home for a hostel for Leprosy
patients in a different place away from his family.

The community in the Hostel was entirely new to him, besides he was a
graduate and a teacher. He had a great difficulty in adjusting with the new
community in the Hostel. Gradually he settled in the hostel but was always
missing his wife and children. Over the years he has seen his children growing ,
goes to his home but only for a short time. His wife remained devote to him
and raised the children on her own.

In 2008 when I met him for the first time, he told me that his children are grown up and married and Mr. R. P has
grand children who come and visits him often. That is his joy and is proud in the face of adversity, to see his grand-
children free of disease, living in the community with dignity and respect.
The History Of The Leprosy Mission
Leprosy Mission is an International Charity which is initially based in UK
now has 32 member countries worldwide.

Leprosy Mission is the oldest and largest leprosy focused organization.

Leprosy Mission was started by a teacher from Ireland Wellesley Cosley

Bailey ( 1846-1937) in 1874. He went to India in 1873 to join his
brother and work in the Police Force. He stayed with a German
Missionary for awhile.. It is here he saw the suffering of the people
afflicted with Leprosy.

God called him then. He shared his feelings with his fiancée Alice who
joined him from Dublin in India. They both got married in Bombay. In
1874 MISSION TO LEPERS was born and the Baileys started touring
various countries including Canada, USA and other European countries
telling the suffering of the people afflicted with leprosy. Gradually
donations increased and the Mission to Lepers started caring more than
100 people afflicted with leprosy in India.

At that time there were no medicines for leprosy and dressing the
wounds and caring the leprosy patients and improving their living

The Mission to Lepers became an International Organization and other

counties like Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil joined .

In 1965 The Mission to Lepers changed its name to The Leprosy

Mission as the word Leper appear to be derogatory.
60% of world leprosy patients are in India. The actual number of leprosy
patients almost impossible as leprosy is a very secretive disease.

Leprosy is present in about 120 countries. There are about 5.5 million cases in the world and 2-3 million cases have
deformities like claw hands, foot drop, eye problems and loss of sensations over hands and legs with deep seated
foot ulcers.

It is estimated for every 2-3 minutes I case of leprosy is diagnosed some where in the world. India initially had 30
hospitals of its own just for leprosy , however as leprosy is going down in numbers The Leprosy Mission ( TLM) now
has just 12 hospitals dedicated to Leprosy in India..

The Leprosy Mission offers diagnosis, treatment and specialist care including reconstructive surgery, physiotherapy .
Its aim is to transform and empower the lives of leprosy patients.
The History Of The Leprosy Mission [Continued]
Leprosy is a disease of poverty, so The Leprosy Mission also offers
rehabilitation, education, vocational training, business loans, sanitation and
water supply to thousands of people regardless of religion, ethnicity and
promotes equality and social justice. Personal Involvement:

My family and myself are closely associated for a number years with Wellesley
Family the founder of The Leprosy Mission. They live in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Wellesley’s grandson Raymond Bailey and his family are friends to Dr Bill Abel
and Margaret his wife who are our family friends and God- Parents to my
daughter Sunila.. Raymond visits my family whenever he visits Bill Abel family.
Sadly, Both Bill and Margaret passed away, but Raymond Bailey continue to visit
us in Norwich. Sadly, Raymond also passed away.

The people you see in the photos include Kanakavalli (my wife) Bill Able,
George , Molly , Margaret and Raymond Bailey , Grandson of Wellesley Bailey
the founder of The Leprosy Mission.

Dr. Ratna Sunder Rao Bethapudy

Norwich 2023

Why Salur?
My name is Dr. Sunder Rao Bethapudy and my wife is DR. ( Mrs) Kanakavalli Rao Bethapudy. We both retired in
2008 as Paediatricians in Norwich, U.K after working for 45 years. We always wanted to help the poor with our skills
as doctors. We prayed how we can help the poor and marginalised community. We started our work as an out-reach
programme of Philadelphia Community Hospital at Salur in 2008 in a small way.

I have always thought Why Salur? Is our work acceptable to our Lord? In the Book of Acts 5:33-39, the Jews wanted
to put Jesus’s disciples to death. But Gamaliel , a teacher of Law addressed the members of Sanhedrin, that a
certain man named Theudas appeared with 400 followers. He was killed and the group dispersed. Another man
Judas appeared with followers and he too was killed and his movement came to nothing. Leave these 12 disciples
alone and if their moment is of human it will fail but if it is from God no body can stop these men and you can not
fight against God.

Now the work at Salur has doubled and spread to neibouring towns like Parvathipuram, Bobbili and villages like
Panasalapadu, Peda cheepuruvalsa, china cheepuruvalsa, tribal villages.
Our Visit To Salur
We visited Salur in September 2023 to continue our charitable work which we have been doing at Salur since 2008.

We work mainly through The Leprosy Mission , Philadelphia Community Hospital is part of Leprosy Mission Trust
India, New Delhi.

Our work is based on what Jesus Christ , our Lord has said 2000 years ago ‘’ Love one another as I have loved you

We do mainly outreach work like visiting Leprosy Colonies, supporting village clinics , providing Artificial Limbs,
Cataract surgeries freely to the needy and poor people.

Our work this time mainly consists of visiting Leprosy colonies at Parvathipuram, Bobbili and Salur, supporting
Philadelphia Community Hospital in setting up a new Nursing school and visiting a tribal village and school very
deep in the Eastern Ghat forest travelling 60 miles.

At Parvathipuram Leprosy Colony: we were delighted to see old familiar faces we knew from our previous few visits,
offered prayers and distributed saris to the ladies and clothes to gentlemen. Some needed help with their vision and
one man needed help with repair of his artificial limb which has been sorted out.
Our Visit To Salur [Continued]
At Bobbili Leprosy Colony: we were again happy to see old familiar faces we knew from our previous visits. We
offered prayers and distributed saris to ladies and clothes to Gentlemen.

There were children living in the colony and we gave them clothes of various sizes and school bags.
Our Visit To Salur [Continued]
At Salur Leprosy Colony: This colony is very much isolated from the surrounding residential houses, full of uncut
growth of foliage all around their living houses and the church.

The church flooring was erratic and unfinished which we gave money for replastering. There is a veranda which they
use for sitting on the floor meal after Sunday service, next to the church , the leader requested us for a gate so that
dogs and other animals may not enter into the area while they are eating.

We obliged and set up a gate for this. The church building was falling apart, and we gave money in repairing the
walls of the church. Finally, the leader requested us to provide money for their weekly big meal after the church
service for the whole year. This we provided for the leprosy colony inhabitants.
Our Visit To Salur [Continued]

They were happy and we were happy.

We had a peaceful night at the hospital’s guest house and a good breakfast.
Next day:

Visiting Hospital patients : We visited the hospital leprosy in patients and

distributed clothes, spoke to them casually as they are all from the neighboring
Visiting a Tribal Village: Next day we drove more that 60 miles
deep into Eastern Ghat forest, into neighboring Oridhisa state,
visiting a tribal village and a school. The school is very much
isolated, and children have to come from neighboring villages
which are situated deep in the forest . They must walk nearly 5
to 10 Kilometers to come to the school though the hills. And
the forest has wild animals like bears, antelopes .

We distribute school bags to the children which whey were


Finally, that afternoon we said goodbye to the hospital staff

and departed to Vishakapatnam.

It was a wonderful trip to Salur as it brought back lot of distant

memories of the staff, patients and the hospital.

Dr Ratna Sunder Rao Bethapudy

Dr ( Mrs) Kanakavalli Rao Bethapudy

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