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An investment house and an investment bank are financial institutions that play key roles in the world of finance,

investment, and capital markets. While the terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

Investment Bank: Investment House:

Primary Functions: Investment banks primarily Primary Functions: The term "investment
focus on providing a range of house" is broader and less
financial services to specific compared to an
corporations, governments, investment bank. It can
and institutional investors. refer to various financial
These services include institutions, including
underwriting, mergers and investment banks, asset
acquisitions (M&A) advisory, management firms, and
securities trading, and asset other entities involved in
management managing and investing
Underwriting: Investment banks assist Asset Management: Investment houses often
companies in issuing new manage funds, portfolios,
securities (stocks or bonds) and assets on behalf of
to raise capital. They individuals, institutions, or
underwrite these securities, even pension funds. They
meaning they commit to make investment decisions
buying the entire issue at a to achieve returns for their
predetermined price and clients.
then sell them to investors in
the market.

Mergers and Acquisitions Investment banks advise Wealth Management: Some investment houses
(M&A): companies on buying or focus on providing
selling other companies. comprehensive financial
They assist in negotiations, services to high-net-worth
valuation, and structuring individuals, including
deals. investment advice, estate
planning, and financial
Trading and Sales Investment banks engage in Mutual Funds and Investment houses may
buying and selling financial Hedge Funds operate or sponsor mutual
instruments on behalf of funds and hedge funds,
clients and for their own pooling money from
accounts. multiple investors to invest
in a diversified portfolio of
Research: Investment banks often Private Equity: Some investment houses
conduct financial research, engage in private equity
analyzing markets, activities, investing in
industries, and specific private companies and
securities. This research is providing capital to support
used to provide insights to their growth.
clients and support trading
Investment banking

- It is a specific branch of banking that helps businesses raise funds and provides them with financial advice and
- It provides substantial financial advising, capital raising, government and financial institution services, financial
and risk management services, and help to enterprises.
- An investment bank is a type of financial services firm that serves as a middleman in large and sophisticated
financial transactions.
- When a new firm is ready to launch its initial public offering (IPO) or when a company combines with a rival, an
investment bank is approached.
- For large institutional clients like pension funds, it also serves as a broker or financial advisor.

Investment bank Do

- Example: Company ABC wants to merge with another company. How will it know that the other company will
benefit from it? Or how is it going to raise the desired funds? And who is going to handle the complete
documentation and help in figuring out new investment plans?
- Well, the short answer to all these questions is an investment bank.
- Investment banks play a vital role in in making a company go big by acting as a risk taker or say, middleman.
- Investment banking focuses on two main areas:
1. M&A (Merger and Acquisition) Advisory – it is the process of assisting corporations and institutions in the
location, evaluating and completing company acquisitions.
2. Underwriting – is a procedure used by banks to get funds from investors for a client mostly in the form of
equity or debt securities.

Investment bank work

- Investment banks are divided into two types :

1. Sell – the sell side shares of newly issued IPOs, provides market-making services, places new bond issues,
and assists customers with transactions.
2. Buy – trade securities such as shares and bonds in order to maximize profits. Its collaborates with hedge
funds, mutual funds and pension funds.

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