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grammar review Answer key Level 1

1 9
1 is 4 is 1 aren’t / are not
2 is 5 are 2 doesn’t like
3 are 6 are 3 work
4 don’t have
2 5 finishes
1 Their 4 Her 6 goes
2 My 5 His
3 Its 6 your 10
1 He’s parents are engineers. (His parents are
3 engineers.)
1 is 4 are 2 Katya favorite hobby is skiing. (Katya’s favorite
2 are 5 is hobby is skiing.)
3 is 6 is 3 Ours names are Jessica and Ben. (Our names are
Jessica and Ben.)
4 4 My parents friend’s are from Japan. (My parents’
1 a 5 The friends are from Japan.)
2 an 6 the 5 They can watch a movie at Michaels house.
3 – 7 an (They can watch a movie at Michael’s house.)
4 the 6 Hers brother’s home is in Sydney, Australia.
(Her brother’s home is in Sydney, Australia.)
1 Who 4 What 11
2 How 5 What 1 Hi! My nickname’s Don.
3 Where 6 When 2 They aren’t expensive. / They’re not expensive.
3 What time’s your train?
6 4 Martin isn’t busy. / Martin’s not busy.
1 How do you pronounce your last name? 5 no contraction possible
2 Where is your sister’s husband from? 6 When’s your class?
3 Can you speak Italian? 7 no contraction possible
4 What time does your class finish? 8 There’s a sale at the supermarket.
5 What do you have for lunch?
6 Does Kelly like her job? 12
1 Caroline’s sister usually checks her email every day.
7 2 I rarely drink coffee in the afternoon.
1 can’t speak 4 can’t ride 3 Joe always watches TV on Sunday morning.
2 can cook 5 can’t cook 4 Lindsey and Julia sometimes get up late during the
3 can ride 6 can speak week.
5 She often writes letters on weekends.
8 6 I never spend a lot of time on the phone.
1 Does—d 4 Does—b
2 Are—a 5 Do—c
3 Is—f 6 Do—e

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