Spatialities and Temporalities of The Global Elements

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Spatialities and Temporalities of the Global: Elements for a Theorization

Article in Public Culture · December 2000

DOI: 10.1215/08992363-12-1-215

310 1,607

1 author:

Saskia Sassen
Columbia University


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Spatialities and Temporalities
of the Global: Elements for a
Saskia Sassen

T he multiple processes that constitute economic globalization inhabit and

shape specific structurations of the economic, the political, the cultural, and
the subjective. Among the most vital of their effects is the production of new spa-
tialities and temporalities. These belong to both the global and the national, if
only to each in part. This “in part” is an especially important qualification, as in
my reading the global is itself partial, albeit strategic. The global does not (yet)
fully encompass the lived experience of actors or the domain of institutional orders
and cultural formations; it persists as a partial condition. This, however, should
not suggest that the global and the national are discrete conditions that mutually
exclude each other. To the contrary, they significantly overlap and interact in ways
that distinguish our contemporary moment.
These overlaps and interactions have consequences for the work of theoriza-
tion and research. Much of social science has operated with the assumption of
the nation-state as a container, representing a unified spatiotemporality. Much
of history, however, has failed to confirm this assumption. Modern nation-
states themselves never achieved spatiotemporal unity, and the global restruc-
turings of today threaten to erode the usefulness of this proposition for what
is an expanding arena of sociological reality. The spatiotemporality of the
national, upon closer inspection, reveals itself to be composed of multiple spa-

This essay is a revised version of the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology’s Distin-
guished Lecture, “The State and the New Geography of Power,” delivered at the American Anthro-
pological Association meetings, Philadelphia, 5 November 1998.

Public Culture 12(1): 215–232

Copyright © 2000 by Duke University Press

Public Culture tialities and temporalities that are at best organizable into something approxi-
mating a spatiotemporal order — one, for instance, that can now be distin-
guished from the global.
Crucial to the project of this essay will be its conception of the dynamics of
interaction and overlap that operate both within the global and the national and
between them. Each sphere, global and national, describes a spatiotemporal order
with considerable internal differentiation and growing mutual imbrication with the
other. Their internal differences interpenetrate in ways that are variously con-
flictive, disjunctive, and neutralizing. The theoretical and methodological task of
this essay will be one of detecting/constructing the social thickness and specificity
of these dimensions with the aim of developing a suitably textured understanding
of dynamic spaces of overlap and interaction. Given the complexity and specificity
of both the global and the national, their interlacing suggests the existence of fron-
tier zones—from the perspective of research and theorization, these analytic bor-
derlands are sure to require independent theoretical and methodological specificity.
Given the historically constructed meaning of the national as a dominant condi-
tion that mutually excludes both other nationals and the nonnational, these fron-
tier zones are likely to be marked by operations of power and domination. A pos-
sible outcome of these dynamics of interaction between the global and the
national, I suggest, is an incipient and partial denationalization of domains once
understood and/or constructed as national.
Theoretically and operationally, these processes seem thus far to have favored
certain kinds of subjects and topics as strategic and capable of illuminating the
issues at hand. In the domain of the global economic, transnational corporations,
financial markets, and (in my analysis at least [Sassen 1998, chap. 4]) immigrant
workers are emblematic subjects. At a greater level of complexity, so are the
question of sovereignty in the context of globalization and the formation of border-
crossing networks of global cities.1
These are the elements I begin to explore in this essay. I will focus especially
on analytic operations that I have found to be helpful, if not necessary, to explain-
ing the dynamics of national-global overlap and interaction. As my past research
has made me more familiar with the global than the national, the global will pro-
vide my angle of entry into these issues.

1. Many more such subjects and topics have already been identified and conceptualized in other
domains. See, for example, Appadurai 1996 and Palumbo-Liu 1999.

Analytic Operations Spatialities and
Temporalities of the
There is a specificity to the conditions and contents of the global. Two elements
that are key to its formulation are the degree of economic globalization’s embed-
dedness in the national and the specificity and social thickness of the global.2 The
global economy cannot be taken simply as given, whether what is given is a set of
markets or a function of the power of multinational corporations. To the contrary,
the global economy is something that has to be actively implemented, repro-
duced, serviced, and financed. It requires that a vast array of highly specialized
functions be carried out, that infrastructures be secured, that legislative environ-
ments be made and kept hospitable. These requirements need to be produced or
secured, even in the case of what we might consider merely the cross-border
spread or imposition of particular national forms, whether Anglo-American
accounting standards or U.S. styles of food and entertainment.
Not everyone would agree with this assessment, however. Much scholarship on
economic globalization has either rejected what I am calling its specificity—some
reject even its reality—or confined its conceptualization to cross-border trade and
capital flows, thereby denuding it of most of its social thickness.3 Among those
who do grant it a specific presence, the tendency has been to understand economic
globalization in terms of the technological achievements of hypermobility and the
neutralization of distance (Ohmae 1996). Arguments about the compression of
time—real-time simultaneity and instantaneous integration—have become the
predictable commentaries on such descriptions.
What both of these mainstream accounts tend to leave out of the analysis is
that global-economic features like hypermobility and time-space compression
are not self-generative. They need to be produced, and such a feat of production
requires capital fixity (Harvey 1982), vast concentrations of very material and
not so mobile facilities and infrastructures. As such, the spatiotemporality of eco-
nomic globalization itself can already be seen to contain dynamics of both mobil-
ity and fixity (Sassen 1998, chap. 10; Brenner 1998). While mobility and fixity
may easily be classified as two distinct types of dynamic from the perspective of
mainstream categories, they in fact enjoy no such distinction. Each presupposes
the other, thereby raising empirical, theoretical, and political questions that defy
the explanatory power of unified theories of hypermobility and time-space com-

2. William Sewell has developed the notion of “thickening the social.” In a slight play on the terms I
argue here that we need to bring social thickness to our analysis of globalization. This can be particularly
helpful in identifying sites that allow for complexity in an inquiry about economic globalization.
3. See Smith et al. 1999 for a fairly broad range of positions.

Public Culture pression. The global city is emblematic here, with its vast capacities for control-
ling hypermobile dematerialized financial instruments and its enormous concen-
trations of those material and human, mostly place-bound, resources that make
such capacities possible. Cities demonstrate one way in which economic global-
ization can be said to be nationally embedded, in this instance institutionally and
locationally so.4
If the global is indeed rich in content and characterized by a diversity of con-
ditions, then its insertion in an institutional world that has been historically con-
structed as overwhelmingly national is eventful. Indeed, it is what gives meaning
to the notion of overlap and interaction among the multiple spatialities and tem-
poralities of the national and the global. These insertions remain in process, con-
tinuously producing new specificity, which already differs greatly today from
what it was only fifteen years ago.
The extent to which global conditions today resemble the conditions of earlier
eras is a subject of much debate (Arrighi 1994; Political Power and Social Theory
1999). Of interest here is Fernand Braudel’s (1984) examination of the times and
spaces of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Europe. His treatment of the distinctive-
ness of the period’s major cities—the “supervilles”—highlights a coexistence of
several spatialities and temporalities. But these tended to define mutually exclusive
zones; for the most part, only cores and peripheries were articulated to each other,
and then by relations of hierarchy. What I am positing is different from Braudel’s
mutually exclusive zones. For instance, within global cities today, the capital fixity
that makes possible hypermobility instantiates a spatiality and temporality that is
distinct from that of the circulation of hypermobile dematerialized financial instru-
ments. The two coexist without either fully containing the global economic, which
overlaps both.5
Global processes are often strategically located/constituted in national spaces,
where they are implemented usually with the help of legal measures taken by state
institutions. The material and legal infrastructure that makes possible the global
circulation of financial capital, for example, is often produced as “national” infra-
structure—even though increasingly shaped by global agendas. This insertion into

4. In a different domain, I read Appadurai’s (1996) account of global cultural disjunctures as a

conceptualization of the spatialities and temporalities of the global that captures this specificity of
conditions and contents, so that disjunctures internal to the global are revealed.
5. On the other hand, what Appadurai identifies as disjunctural in global cultural flows has a global
economic parallel in the disjuncture between financial market deregulation and the compensation of
investor losses that result from financial crises that (we now know) are a regular outcome of deregulation.

the national of global projects, originating both domestically and externally, begins Spatialities and
a partial unbundling of national space. It is only partial, as the geography of eco- Temporalities of the
nomic globalization is strategic rather than diffuse,6 as well as for the reason that Global
national space was never unitary or fully integrated to begin with, despite its insti-
tutional construction as such.7 These developments signal a transformation in the
particular form of the articulation of sovereignty and territory that has marked the
recent history of the modern state and interstate system, beginning with World
War I and culminating in the Pax Americana period.8 I suggest that one way to
conceptualize these insertions of the global into the fabric of the national is as a
partial and incipient denationalization of that which historically has been con-
structed as the national or, rather, of certain properties of the national (Sassen
1996b, chap. 1).9
Whether the combined embeddedness and specificity of the global actually
achieves these temporal and spatial unbundlings and whether particular construc-
tions of the national have greater capacities for resistance or accommodation than
others are the concerns of the second half of this essay. Its first half considers the
specificity and complexity of those frontier zones born of the interactive overlap-
ping of global and national orders.

6. There is disagreement in the literature on this point. Some authors see globalization as a uni-
versal and universalizing condition, especially when it comes to the sphere of consumption. In my
research I have tended to focus on the operations necessary to the management and coordination of
the global economy as well as those that organize the appropriation and control of profit. From this
angle, the geography of globalization is partial and not all-encompassing, though it is strategic. These
two different angles can be interpreted as instantiations of different spatialities within the global.
7. The doctrine of extraterritoriality was developed precisely to accommodate the nonunitary
condition of the national and to secure the extension of state authority beyond the geographic bound-
aries of national territory (Mattingly 1988).
8. There is considerable disagreement as to the impact of economic globalization on the national
state (see for instance Smith et al. 1999; Olds et al. 1999). Simplifying, one could say that on one side
are those who argue that not much has changed for the state (Krasner 1999) and on the other are
those who argue that the state is losing much of its significance (Ohmae 1996). Both of these posi-
tions share assumptions that I reject, in particular that the national and the global are two mutually
exclusive zones for theorization, empirical specification, and politics.
9. Further, insofar as the global is constitutive of as well as constituted through a distinct spa-
tiotemporal order, and insofar as the dominant, though not exclusive, spatiotemporal order over the
last several decades has been the national, we can conceptualize the global as a denationalized spa-
tiotemporal order — both in the sense of the denationalizing of elements of the national and in the
sense of a novel order distinct from the national. The national here is to a large extent linked to the
territorial state and those of its organizational capacities necessary for the territorializing of capital.
See also Harvey 1982; Brenner 1998.

Public Culture Analytic Borderlands

Specifying such borderlands has its own particular challenges: What are the
activities that distinguish borderlands? How are their contents produced? What
theoretical tools are needed to resist the collapse of these zones into thinly linear
demarcations of difference?10
Far more work on this issue has been done in fields other than those dealing
with the global economy. For instance, Homi Bhabha’s (1994) explorations and
theorizations of spaces of intersection and “in-between” forms of difference
make a large contribution to our understanding of borderlands. I also read such
an effort in an extraordinary new book by David Palumbo-Liu (1999, 1) in which
he posits that his construction “Asian/American,” at once implying both exclu-
sion and inclusion, “marks both the distinction installed between ‘Asian’ and
‘American’ and a dynamic, unsettled, and inclusive movement.”
For a political economist, the analytics and the contents of such borderlands
are of course quite different. Most of my effort has focused on the intersection
between systems of representation that are sufficiently diverse as to render their
interaction analytically inconsequential for mainstream analysts. For instance, I
have argued that globalization has contributed to a series of economic activities
that take place in national contexts but that are sufficiently novel in some of their
features (organizational or locational) so that while they do not appear to violate
existing regulatory frameworks, they cannot be said to comply with them either.
I describe the in-between spaces these practices bring into being as “regulatory
fractures.” Such fractures include, for example, financial operations that, without
violating regulations, destabilize national governments — as speculative attacks
by foreign hedge funds on the Thai currency did in mid-1997: No regulations
were violated, yet this was war. Another example is the informal economies
growing in major cities of the highly developed world. Frequently, these are rep-
resented as having little to do with the global economy; instead, they are con-
strued as remnant economic practices imported by immigrants from developing
countries to global cities. In my research, I have found such economies largely to

10. I have developed the concept of analytic borderlands in Sassen 1996a. It entails opening up a
line (represented or experienced as dividing two mutually exclusive zones) into a border zone that
demands its own theorization and empirical specification and that can accommodate its own distinct
practices. My notion of the global city is one instantiation, clearly one on a rather macro level. The
work I am doing currently on the state (Sassen 1999) concentrates on another, particularly the notion
of incipiently denationalized (highly specialized) institutional orders that negotiate between the
world of the exclusive sovereign authority of national states over their national territories and the
implantation of global operations in those same territories and institutional orders.

be an outcome of the new types of organizational, spatial, and temporal require- Spatialities and
ments that are in fact entailed by the growth of those cities’ global sectors Temporalities of the
(Sassen 1998, chap. 8).11 Replete with such regulatory fractures, global cities Global
include dense and complex borderlands marked by the intersection of multiple
spatiotemporal (dis)orders.

Interactions and Overlaps A vital concern for research into these borderlands is
the discernment and preservation of the complexity produced of the combined
thickness and specificity of the national and the global. An important contribu-
tion in this area is Arjun Appadurai’s thesis of global cultural disjunctures (1996,
chap. 2), in particular his insistence that disjunctures themselves interact dynam-
ically and uncertainly. The relationship between cultural and economic levels,
Appadurai argues, is irreducible to a one-way process “set wholly by, or confined
wholly within, the vicissitudes of international flows of technology, labor, and
finance.” In consequence, analysis of these circumstances cannot be accom-
plished merely by “modest modification of existing neo-Marxist models of uneven
development and state formation.” Today social actors are likely to live, and enti-
ties likely to operate, in overlapping domains of the national and the global. The
distinct formations produced of these dynamics require empirical specification
and theorization on their own terms.
In my own research on the global economy I have increasingly come to see that
much of what we think of as a new economic dynamic—for example, that the global
is dominated by finance—in fact emerges from the juxtaposition of the national and
the global. This is especially so, perhaps, when it comes to the discrepant temporali-
ties that distinguish institutional and organizational settings associated with the
national as constructed in developed countries during the post–World War II era from
those associated with the global as constructed during the last decade.

Juxtaposed Temporalities and New Economies The question of temporality in

the economy raises the familiar issue of how technology has altered the duration

11. The deregulation of leading sectors in the context of economic globalization requires
significant legislative changes and enormous resources. Because of the high stakes and the power of
those involved, a growing number of countries have been willing to do this, often at significant cost to
the national treasuries and to the taxpayers that finance them. At the bottom of the economic system
the work of deregulation has been a low-cost operation in samizdat. Where the will to deploy these
resources is lacking, as it frequently is, costs are absorbed by the workers, families, and communities
involved. What we describe as deregulation at the top of the system is informalization at the bottom.
See Sassen 1998, chap. 8.

Public Culture of a variety of economic practices. Accounts of how technology has accelerated
economic practice abound, but acceleration is not the whole story. Discrepancies
between the rates of acceleration affecting different economic activities can
engender differing temporalities, and it is these differences that should be of the
greater interest to us. The ascendancy of finance and the dematerialization of
many economic activities assume their full meaning only when we juxtapose the
uneven temporalities they foster—juxtapositions that illustrate, for example, the
disjuncture of digital and material temporalities.
Such a disjuncture can be seen through a comparison of the different capital
forms mobilized in, for example, the production of a car versus the provision of a
financial service. Profit is realized from automobile manufacture in about nine
months; the duration of a financial service transaction could be a day or less.12
These are produced temporal orders each embedded in a complex institutional
world belonging, I would argue, to a distinct spatiotemporal configuration. In the
gap between the two orders lies a world of business opportunities. This is not
necessarily a new event (see Arrighi 1994 for a discussion of Marx’s cycles of
capital), but the divergence between the organizations of manufacturing capital
and financial capital is part of the specificity that characterizes the overlap of the
national with the global today. The sharper the differentiation between these two
temporalities grows (with dematerialization/digitalization), the more abundant
the business opportunities become. This is one way in which economic globaliza-
tion today is constituted: Temporal features of finance capital empower it to sub-
ject other forms of capital to its rhythms.
The emergence of new profit opportunities at these interfaces of discrepant
temporalities in advanced economies occasions new questions for theory and
research. Insofar as much of this activity happens in cities, enriching them with
new sources of growth and hierarchies of profitability, much new critical and ana-
lytic effort is directed at the city. As new ventures stake claims in cities’ border-
zones — spaces belonging to none of the sectors whose converging unevenness
creates their profitability — borderzones have become the sites of analytic inter-
est and complexity.

12. I should add that through the manufacturing of products such as cars or airplanes, etc., an
enormous amount of capital gets concentrated under one form of management. Market economies
always face the challenge of securing the concentration of sufficiently large amounts of money so
that they may function as investment capital. In the case of Volkswagen, for instance, the manufac-
turing of cars secured vast amounts of capital that was not continuously used at a similar level of
intensity over the nine-month production cycle and hence allowed its financial services division to
use that capital for shorter term operations.

Excavating the Temporality of the National Spatialities and
Temporalities of the
I would like now to focus on one aspect of the foregoing discussion, the tem-
porality of the national. As a master image of globalization, accelerated time
has already become a distinct object of study. If the temporality of the national
has, by contrast, remained submerged, an unnamed condition, it is partly
because it is our given condition, the assumed temporality of much social sci-
entific practice. If the institutional orders that embed the national are traversed
by the global, however, the national may well be said to contain a deteriorating
The time of the national is elusive; it needs excavating. It is constructed of a
past filled with the nation’s founding myths and a future set to inherit the state as
the necessary consequence of the nation — that is, the national is a time that
looks to the past and inherits a future. As such, work that interrogates the past
and locates it in the present is especially compelling. Jean and John Comaroff
(1997) situate their work against a broader set of conceptual and historiographic
practices in a way that instructs us in the temporality of the national: “While, at
least in one obvious sense, the making of the modern world has run its course, its
grand narrative has been rendered all the more enigmatic by the sheer unexpect-
edness of its closing scenes . . . the jury is still very much out on some of the
enduring issues of social theory” (xiv). Theirs is “an account of a colonial past
that reaches into the present — each chapter carries forward into this century —
and contemplates the fashioning of the future” (xvi). What I take from this vol-
ume, pace the matter that it is a colonial past, is the notion that the past is unset-
tled, not in the sense that it yields only imperfect knowledge or data, but in the
sense that it lives.
The past is not a linear sequence that can be retraced and left behind. Nor is
it present simply in the sense of having fostered path-dependence — that is, of
having established the constraints of what will be possible in future. As
Michel-Rolph Trouillot has observed, often “the legacy of the past” in fact is
not given to us by the past at all. Building on Trouillot’s observation, I would
add that the temporality of the national is organized by “the assumption that
history requires a linear and cumulative sense of time that allows the observer
to isolate the past as a distinct entity” (Trouillot 1995, 7). Along a similar line,
David Palumbo-Liu’s (1999) work examines how the term American in the
hyphenated identity marker Asian-American is construed as settled and pre-

13. This is ongoing, unfinished research; see Sassen 1999.

Public Culture ceding Asian in what is constructed as lineal time. Asian is made to seem
belated and unsettled. In fact, Liu argues, the relation is not lineal but mutually
By examining a similar tension between global and national, we discover that
the dynamics contributing to the formation of global economic systems provide
clues to the temporality of the national as well. For instance, the privatization of
resources and regulatory functions that distinguishes the current global eco-
nomic era also accomplishes a shift in temporalities that globalization scholars
often overlook. When a firm moves from the public sector to the private sector
much more happens than a mere shift in ownership. Insofar as the shift happens
through foreign investment, the norm in much of the world, it is likely to entail
entry into global economic circuits — that is to say, an institutional world that
operates under different conditions of velocity and territoriality. There is also a
shift in the location of regulatory functions, from a public bureaucracy to a cor-
porate office. This means a shift from a bureaucratic temporal order, in principle
subject to the slow moving and rule-bound public accountability of governmental
processes, to the accelerated dynamic of private “regulatory” functions and mar-
kets (Sassen 1999).
The same growth of private or self-regulation signals also a shift in institu-
tional orders. Scholarship on public settlement mechanisms, such as courts, has
given us good insight into how public institutional orders function. Although
guided by a set of questions not directly concerned with temporality, this research
nonetheless often yields a sense of the temporal organization of public institu-
tions, suggesting the degree to which privatization ushers firms into different
temporal orders. Private international commercial arbitration provides a good
example. In past work I have emphasized the privatizing of “justice” that takes
place through this type of arbitration (Sassen 1996b). Reconsidering this issue in
the terms under discussion here brings to the fore the fact that different forms of
arbitration entail discrepant temporal orders, as can be immediately seen in the
way in which the avoidance of national court systems ensures quick adjudica-
tions and settlements.

Cross-Border Spatialities

A specific kind of materiality underlies the world of new business activities,

including those that have been digitalized. Even the most globalized and demate-
rialized business sectors, such as global finance, inhabit both physical and digital
space. Such firms’ activities are simultaneously partly deterritorialized and partly

deeply territorialized; they span the globe, yet they are strategically concentrated Spatialities and
in specific places.14 Temporalities of the
The strategic geography of this distribution fluidly traverses borders and spaces Global
while installing itself in key cities. It is a geography that explodes conventional
notions of context and traditional hierarchies of scale. It does so, in part, through
the unbundling of national territory. We can therefore understand the global econ-
omy as materializing in a worldwide grid of strategic places, uppermost among
which are major international business and financial centers. This global grid can
further be understood to constitute a new economic geography of centrality, one
that cuts across national borders and across the old North-South divide.15
The most powerful of these new geographies of centrality is the inter-
urban geography that joins major international financial and business centers:
New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, Frankfurt, Zurich, Amsterdam, Los Angeles,
Sydney, Hong Kong. Recent expansions of the network have incorporated
São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Bombay, Bangkok, Taipei, and Mexico City. As the
magnitude and intensity of transactions among these cities — particularly in
financial services, markets, and investing — have increased, economic inequal-
ities between nodal cities and others in their own countries have also
increased. The growth of global markets for finance and specialized services,
the increasing need for international investment services, the reduced role of
government in the regulation of international economic activity and the corre-
sponding ascendance of other arenas and institutional organs, notably global
markets and corporate headquarters — all these signal the abundance of ener-
getic economic processes that routinely travel a transnational urban system
(Sassen 2000).

14. The space economy of leading information industries raises a very specific question of control
and governance. In these industries, more so than in many others, a significant volume of transac-
tions and markets operates in electronic space that is not subject to conventional jurisdictions. The
questions of control and regulation raised by the electronic and telecommunications side of this new
space economy lie beyond much of the current discussion about the shrinking role of the state in a
global economy. Once transactions begin to happen within these new technologies, speed alone cre-
ates problems of control that are new and can be handled through neither conventional state-centered
nor nonstate forms of authority. The most familiar case is that of the foreign currency markets where
volumes made possible by multiple transactions in a single day have left the existing institutional
apparatus, notably central banks, impotent to affect outcomes in these markets the way they once
expected to. There are other, empowering sides to this story (see, for example, Indiana Journal of
Global Legal Studies 1996).
15. For concrete applications of these propositions, see, for instance, Knox and Taylor 1995;
Short and Kim 1999. A key aspect of the spatialization of global economic processes which I cannot
develop here is digital space (but see Sassen 1998, chap. 9).

Public Culture The cities that compose the interurban system are not simply in a relation of
competition to each other. Elements of a division of labor exist among them as
well. In earlier research I found that there was far less competition and far more
specialized and strategic collaboration among New York, London, and Tokyo,
especially in the financial sectors, than is usually recognized (Sassen 2000). By
the late 1990s, it has become evident that a cross-border system defines relations
among these cities. In some cases the system is becoming formalized, as with the
strategic alliance between London’s and Frankfurt’s financial markets and the
current effort to create an alliance among eight of the leading stock markets in
continental Europe. Hierarchy also characterizes the network. New York and
London are, doubtless, the world’s leading international business and finance
centers, while Tokyo remains the main exporter of capital, though other centers
surpass it in the provision of services.
These features of the global economy underline the need to rethink the distinc-
tion between the global and the local, notably the assumption about the necessity
of territorial proximity to the constitution of the local. This means rethinking spa-
tial hierarchies that are usually taken as given, such as local < national < global.
For example, both international professionals and immigrant workers operate in
contexts that are at the same time local and global, disrupting conventional hierar-
chies of scale. The new professionals of finance belong to a cross-border culture in
many ways embedded in a global network of local places—particular interna-
tional financial centers among which people, information, and capital circulate
regularly. Further, as financial centers, London, New York, Zurich, Amsterdam,
and Frankfurt—to mention just a few—are all part of an international yet highly
localized work subculture. We see here a relation of intercity proximity operating
without shared territory: Proximity is deterritorialized. Similarly, many immi-
grants belong to cross-border networks connecting specific work locales with their
home communities (Basch et al. 1994; Mahler 1996). Though in a manner differ-
ent from that of financiers, these immigrants nonetheless also experience a deter-
ritorialized local culture, a proximity relation not predicated on geography.
This type of analysis signals a spatial configuration of major new transnational
economic processes diverging in significant ways from the duality of global-
national presupposed in much analysis of the global economy. Economic global-
ization does indeed extend the economy beyond the boundaries of the nation-
state and hence reduces the state’s sovereignty over its economy. But these
boundaries are not simply geographic; they are also institutional and located
inside the national rather than at its geographic borders.

Global cities and their transnationally oriented markets and firms mediate Spatialities and
relations between nation-states, as well as the relations of those nation-states to Temporalities of the
the global economy. They destabilize a hierarchy that we have tended to accept Global
as given: one enlarging from the subnational to the national and from the national
to the international.16 In so doing, these cities instantiate denationalized spatiali-
ties and temporalities.

A Partial Unbundling of the National?

National state authority has long been represented as territorially exclusive and
absolute. When global actors, whether firms or markets, overlap and interact with
the national, they produce a frontier zone in the territory of the nation. Not merely
a dividing line between the national and the global, this is a zone of politico-
economic interaction where new institutional forms take shape and old forms are
altered. It would be mistaken to say that such zones are characterized simply by
the reduction of regulation or less government. For instance, in many countries,
the need for autonomous central banks in the current global economic system has
required a thickening of regulations in order to delink central banks from the
influence of the executive branch of government.
The highly charged interactions of frontier zones make for epochal change.
But not only global firms and markets shape these interactions, as is implied
in much of the literature on the declining significance of the nation-state
under globalization. States themselves shape these interactions, and not merely
by resisting them (Mittelman 1996). Moreover, this exercise reconfigures states
(Sassen 1996b, chap. 1; Sassen 1999). This reconfiguration may be guided by global
standardization, as in the case of the growing convergence of central banks, or by
national idiosyncrasies, as in the case of the different responses of Argentina,
Indonesia, and Malaysia to the financial crisis of 1997–98.17
In addition to the inadequacy of simple theses of the declining significance of
the state, research on economic globalization is sometimes troubled by its prob-
lematic acceptance of a merely quantitative measure of globalization. Simply
16. Of interest here is the new scholarship on space, particularly the effort to spatialize/rescale
social processes which began with David Harvey’s pathbreaking work. See Soja 1989; Taylor 1996;
Brenner 1998. One of the challenging but possibly more fruitful venues is to engage the scholarship
on subnational or regional supranational areas, and what generally is referred to as “area studies,”
and to renegotiate its area focus with scales not contemplated in many of these studies. See Appadu-
rai 1997.
17. For an elaboration, see Sassen 1996b and Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1996.

Public Culture counting the share of foreign inputs in national economies to establish whether
globalization is or is not significant overlooks distinguishing features of the cur-
rent phase of the global economy. It is indeed the case that in most developed
countries the share of foreign in total investment, the share of international in
total trade, and the share of foreign in total stock market value are all very small.
However, to infer from this that economic globalization is not really a significant
issue misses at least three crucial features. First is that economic globalization is
strategic rather than all-encompassing: It does not require majorities to succeed.
Second is that most global processes materialize in national territories and do so
to a considerable extent through national institutional arrangements, from legisla-
tive actions to corporate agendas, and are thereby not necessarily counted as for-
eign. Third, in theoretical terms, such an inference denies the possibility that the
global economic may be enacted through a specific spatiality, which while imbri-
cated with the national has its own sociological reality. Economic globalization
entails sets of practices that destabilize other sets of practices, such as some of the
practices by which national state sovereignty has been constituted. By their
enactment, global practices produce distinctive and complex spatialities that can-
not simply be subsumed or measured under the national.
Thinking about the global in terms of distinct spatialities embedded in the ter-
ritory of the national yet retaining their own specificity helps us analytically to
apprehend that a global dynamic or process may partly operate through a national
institution. Thus we cannot simply assume that because a transaction takes place
in national territory and in a national institutional setting it is ipso facto intelligi-
ble in the terms of the national. In my reading, the imbrication of global actors
and national institutions is far too complex for that. For example, the case of cen-
tral banks today illustrates a key aspect of the process whereby national
economies accommodate a global economic system. A country’s central bank can
be a key institution for implementing — in its national economy — some of the
new rules of the global game, notably the standards of IMF conditionality. This
means that national institutions can become home to some of the operational
rules of the global economic system. They become part of the spatiality of the
global, raising interesting research questions as to how this is distinguished from
the idea of national institutions becoming tools of global capital as, for instance,
in Marxist conceptions of neocolonialism or comprador bourgeoisie.18
Another distinctive feature of the global economy today is the intermixture of
laws securing the exclusive territoriality of national states—and this to an extent

18. I thank Arjun Appadurai for this observation.

not seen in the nineteenth century (Ruggie 1993; Kratochwil 1986)— with laws Spatialities and
institutionalizing the rights of foreign firms and legalizing a growing array of Temporalities of the
crossborder transactions. The combination of these sets of laws facilitates a Global
growing and increasingly institutionalized participation by supranational organi-
zations in national matters, while engaging nation-states in the implementation
of processes of globalization.
We can see here the overlapping and intersecting dimensions of the global and
the national at work. My argument is that the tension between (1) the necessary,
though partial, location of globalization in national territories and institutions
and (2) an elaborate system of law and administration that has constructed the
exclusive national territorial authority of sovereign states has been partly negoti-
ated through (1) processes of institutional denationalization inside the national
state and national economy and (2) the formation of privatized intermediary
institutional arrangements that are only partly encompassed by the inter-state
system and are, in fact, evolving into a parallel institutional world for the han-
dling of crossborder operations.19 The imperative for research is to identify pre-
cisely what remains national today in what has historically been constructed as
national, to decode what national means today, and to ascertain the new territor-
ial and institutional conditionalities of national states.


Specifying the processes that constitute economic globalization through this par-
ticular type of conceptualization brings to the fore how strategic economic pro-
jects have emerged in the play between two master/monster temporalities and
spatialities. One of these — that of the national state as a historic institution, a
master temporality often thought of as historic time — is a deteriorating spatio-
temporality. Another, the global, is a spatiotemporal (dis)order in the making.
Conceiving of globalization along these lines confronts theory and research
with fresh challenges. The transnational processes that compose economic glob-
alization, in tandem with the partial localization of the global in national territo-
ries, undermine a key duality running through conceptual frameworks and meth-
ods prevalent in the social sciences: that the national and the nonnational are

19. There are parallels here, in my reading, with a totally different sphere of state activity and
transnational processes; that is, the role of national courts in implementing instruments of the inter-
national human rights regime and the incorporation in several new national constitutions of provi-
sions that limit the national state’s presumption to represent all its people in international forums. See
Franck 1992 on the constitutional issue and Henkin 1990 on human rights.

Public Culture mutually exclusive conditions. As we observe the global economy transcend the
authority of the national state even as it roots itself into national territories and
institutions, we see more clearly that “national economy” is only a particular ter-
ritorialization of capital—a particular spatiotemporal order.

Saskia Sassen is a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and is Cen-

tennial Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. Her two most
recent books are Guests and Aliens (1999) and an edited volume, Cities and their
Crossborder Networks (2000).

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