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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

12 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Complete the sentences with be going to and the verb in parentheses.

Example: A I ’m going to go (go) to Alaska next summer.

1 I _________ (buy) a camera for my trip.

2 _________ you ____________ (speak) English on your vacation?
3 _________ I __________ (be) late?
4 What _________ you __________ (do) tomorrow afternoon?
5 I _____________________ (not drive). My friend will take me.

2 Complete the email. Use be going to and the verbs in parentheses.

Hi Sophie,

I want to see you too. Today is Friday already! Wow. Tomorrow I ’m going to get up
(get up) early and I 1____________ (go) to a fast food restaurant for breakfast. Then
I’m going to go shopping. I 2_________________ (not go) to the mall. I’m going to
go to a store near my apartment. I don’t have any bread. In the afternoon, I
__________ (call) my mother and I 4______________ (write) a long email to my
cousin. He’s in Russia. My friend Aaron wants to come over for dinner. I
_____________ (make) pasta. Do you want to join us for dinner?


Grammar total 10


3 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

play get make take do go

Example: take photos

1 ________ homework
2 ________ video games
3 ________ a letter
4 ________ friends
5 ________ shopping
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

12 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

4 Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

next year tonight tomorrow night

tomorrow next month next weekend

Example: Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday.

1 This year I didn’t take a vacation. I’m going to take a long vacation _________.
2 This is the third Sunday of the month. I visit my mother the fourth Sunday of the
month. I will visit her __________.
3 This is January. My birthday is in February. That’s __________.
4 A Are you free after dinner tomorrow? Let’s watch a movie.
B OK. I don’t have plans for _____________.
5 A You studied all afternoon. Are you finished?
B No. We have a test tomorrow. I’m going to study more __________ after dinner.

Vocabulary total 20


5 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: question
1 birth day
2 com pu ter
3 to morr ow
4 pro blems
5 some where

6 Match the words with the same sound.

play relax see help lose phone
Example: snow phone
1 speak ________
2 have ________
3 use ________
4 rain ________
5 friend ________
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 30
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

12 Reading and Writing A

1 Read Sandra’s letter and underline the correct words.

Dear Ronald,

I’m going to go camping in the mountains next month. I’m going to go alone. I’m
going to take my cell phone, of course. I’m not going to call my friends, but I’m going
to text my family every morning. My phone has a camera, so I’m also going to take a
lot of pictures. I’m going to send pictures to my family with my text messages.

I’m not going to take any books or magazines. I’m going to take a map of the park.
I’m going to camp in the campgrounds. I want to make new friends there. I’m going
to take water, and I’m going to get more at the campgrounds. Water is free at the
campground. Camping costs $8.00 a night. I’m going to sleep in a tent. I’m not going
to buy anything. I’m going to take all my food with me.

I’m not going to have any trouble. I went camping alone last May. It was great. I’m
going to leave on June 14th, and I’m going to come back on the 30 th, so I’m going to
be gone for two weeks.


Example: Sandra is going to go camping on the beach / in the mountains.

1 She is going to go alone / with friends.
2 She is / isn’t going to call her friends.
3 She’s going to send email / text messages to her family.
4 She is going to take a book / a map.
5 She is going to get food / water at the campgrounds.
6 She is going to be there for two / three weeks.

2 Read the text again and choose the correct answer to the questions.
Example: Where is Sandra going to sleep?
A at the campgrounds  B in hotels C in the car
1 When is she going to go camping?
A next week B next month C next year
2 What is Sandra going to send her family?
A postcards and text messages B email and photos C text messages and
3 Where is she going to get water?
A from the river B from a lake
C at the campgrounds
4 How much does water cost?
A a dollar B it’s free C eight dollars
5 What is Sandra going to pay for?
A food B maps C a place to camp
6 What does Sandra want to do at the campgrounds?
A make new friends B buy food C send email
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

12 Reading and Writing A

7 When did Sandra go camping alone before?

A last May B last June C last July
8 When is she going to leave?
A June 4th B June 14th C June 30th
9 When is she going to come back?
A June 4th B June 14th C June 30th

Reading total 15


1 Answer the questions about the future.

What are you going to do after this test?
What are you going to do tonight?
Where are you going to go next Sunday?
When are you going to take a vacation?
Where are you going to go on vacation?

2 Now answer the questions about tomorrow.

What time are you going to get up tomorrow?
Where are you going to eat breakfast?
Who are you going to see?
Are you going to eat lunch alone?
What are you going to do tomorrow night?

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

12 Listening and Speaking A


1 Listen to Pete and Olivia. Check () True of False.

1 Olivia joined a gym last month.
True False
2 Olivia is going to go to the gym after work.
True False
3 Pete goes to the gym at lunch time.
True False
4 Pete is going to eat fast food next month.
True False
5 Olivia is getting married next month.
True False

2 Listen to five conversations and check () the correct answers.

1 When is Cara leaving to visit her sister?
A tomorrow morning B next week
2 Does Andy have a good camera?
A Yes B No
3 Who is going to take a boat ride with Kevin?
A Lisa B Nell
4 What is Patricia going to buy?
A lunch B clothes
5 Is Valerie going to go camping with her children this summer?
A Yes B No

Listening total 10


1 Ask your partner these questions.

1 When are you going to take your next vacation?
2 Who are you going to see tomorrow?
3 What are you going to do on New Year’s Day?
4 What time are you going to go to bed tonight?
5 Where are you going to have lunch tomorrow?

2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

12 Listening and Speaking A

3 Your partner has a planner with information about Judy’s next vacation. Ask
questions and write the plans.
Where / go?
When / leave
What / do
What / buy
When / get back

Judy’s vacation
get back:

4 Read the planner with information about Jared’s next vacation and answer your
partner’s questions.
Jared’s vacation
place: Chiang Mai, Thailand
leave: December 6th
activities: shopping, visit elephant camp
shopping: bag for girlfriend
get back: December 20th

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

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