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Aquilino Pimentel vs Attys. Llorente and Salayon Adm. Case No.

4680 August 29, 2000 Facts: Petitioner, Aquilino Pimentel who was then running for Senator in the 1995 elections filed a complaint for disbarment against respondents Antonio M. Llorente and Ligaya P. Salayon for gross misconduct, serious breach of trust, and violation of the lawyer's oath. This is in connection with the discharge of their duties as members of the Pasig City Board of Canvassers. Salayon, then election officer of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC), was designated chairman of said Board, while Llorente, who was then City Prosecutor of Pasig City, served as its ex oficio vice-chairman as provided by law. Petitioner alleges that, in violation of R.A. No. 6646, 27(b), respondents tampered with the votes received by him, through illegal padding. He maintains that, by signing the Statements of Votes (SoVs) and Certificate of Canvass (CoC) despite respondents' knowledge that some of the entries therein were false, the latter committed a serious breach of public trust and of their lawyers' oath. Respondents denied the allegations and alleged that the preparation of the SoVs was made by the canvassing committees which the Board had constituted to assist in the canvassing. They claimed that the errors pointed out by complainant could be attributed to honest mistake, oversight, and/or fatigue. The Integrated Bar of the Philippines, to which this matter had been referred, recommended the dismissal of the complaint for lack of merit. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration was also denied. He then filed petition before this Court. Issue: Whether or not respondents were guilty of misconduct and violation of the lawyers oath. Holding: What is involved here is not

just a case of mathematical error in the tabulation of votes per precinct but a systematic scheme to pad the votes of certain senatorial candidates at the expense of petitioner in complete disregard of the tabulation in the election returns. Despite the fact that these discrepancies, especially the double recording of the returns from 22 precincts and the variation in the tabulation of votes as reflected in the SoVs and CoC, were apparent on the face of these documents and that the variation involves substantial number of votes, respondents nevertheless certified the SoVs as true and correct. Their acts constitute misconduct. As a lawyer who holds a government position may not be disciplined as a member of the bar for misconduct in the discharge of his duties as a government official. However, if the misconduct also constitutes a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility or the lawyer's oath or is of such character as to affect his qualification as a lawyer or shows moral delinquency on his part, such individual may be disciplined as a member of the bar for such misconduct. In this case, by certifying as true and correct the SoVs in question, respondents committed a breach of Rule 1.01 of the Code which stipulates that a lawyer shall not engage in "unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct." By express provision of Canon 6, this is made applicable to lawyers in the government service. In addition, they likewise violated their oath of office as lawyers to "do no falsehood." The above committed acts would have merited suspension were it not for the fact that this is their first administrative transgression and in the case of Salayon, after a long public service. Under, the circumstances the Court find respondents guilty of misconduct and imposes on each of them a fine in the amount of P10,000.00 with a warning that commission of similar acts will be dealt

with more severely.

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