Presentation Topic (Electrolytic Cell)

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Electrochemical Cells

Chap: Electrochemistry
(Presentation topic:Electrolytic Cell)

Table of contents.
• What is Electrolytic Cell?

•Working principle of Electrolytic Cell

• Types of Electrolytic Cells

• Applications of Electrolytic Cell Presented By: Mr.Naeem

Cells: Cells are the containers of liquid containing of
electrodes .
Liquid in Cells: Acts as an electrolyte
Electrolyte: The molten or aqueous solutions of acids ,
bases or salts having the capability to conduct electricity
Exp: NaCl(aq), NaCl(l), HCl(aq), NaOH(aq)
Electrodes: Piece of metals/non-metals having the
capability to conduct electricity
Introduction about Electrochemical Cells

Electrochemical Cells:
An apparatus which convert electrical Energy into
chemical energy or chemical energy into
Electrical energy via redox reaction

Electrochemical Cell : A) Electrolytic Cell

B) Galvanic or Voltaic Cell
Electrolytic Cell: Electricity is used to force the chemicals to undergoe a redox
> Non spontaneous reaction occurs(Electrolysis)
> Endothermic redox reaction
> No salt Bridge is used Non-spontaneous Rn: The
reaction which is driven by an external source
but not itself
> Inert electrodes are used
> Uses battery source
> Exp: Electroplating, Electrolysis of water, purification of Na-metal from Molten NaCl,
Recharging of batteries
Non- Spontaneous Reaction
Non- Spontaneous Reaction
Working principle of an E.Cell
Electrical energy is used to drive the Non-spont reaction.

Electrolysis of Molten NaCl

°In molten state> Ions move freely.
° Battery> As an external source to drive a
non- Spontaneous reaction
° Anoins move towards the anode(+)
° Cations move towards the cathode(-)
° Oxidation (Removal of electrons) occurs at anode(+)
° Reduction ( Gaining of electrons) occurs at Cathode(-)
Migration of ions towards their respective
Electrodes in an Electrolytic Cell
Working principle of an E.Cell
2NaCl(s) + ∆H —----> 2Na+(g) + 2Cl-(g)

Reaction At Anode:

(Oxidation occurs) Anode: A piece of metal

connected to +ve terminal of battery.
2Cl-(g) —--> Cl2 (g) + 2e-

Reaction At Cathode:

(Reduction occurs ) Cathode: A piece of metal

2Na+(g) + 2e- —-> 2Na(g). Connected to the -ve terminal of battery..

Working principle of
Types of an Electrolytic Cell
Electrolytic Cell> Two types
1) : Down’s Cell 2) : Nelson's Cell
° Electrolyte > Molten NaCl ° Electrolyte > Aqueous NaCl

° Cathode> Iron(Fe) ° Cathode > may be same metal or different

° Anode > Graphite(C). Metal depends upon electrolytic

° Used to extract the metals( Na, Mg and Ca) process

° Used to prepare NaOH ,

Electrolysis of water and electroplating
Application of An E. Cell
→ To prepare caustic soda(NaOH) at commercial
→ To extract the sodium(Na), Magnesium(Mg)
and Calcium(Ca) metal.
→ To purify copper(Cu)
→ Electroplating of copper(Cu), Silver(Ag), Gold(Au) , Nickel(Ni)
and chromium(Cr).
→ Electrolysis of water
→ To prepare Chlorine gas
→ To Anodized Aluminium
Purification of copper
Extraction of Na-metal

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