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Best Journal of Administration and Management

Vol. 1, No. 1, July 2022.

Administration process of goods storage

In warehouse
Anggun Octaviani
Business Administration, Management Indonesia Academy, Semarang , indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

The purpose of this study was to determine the administrative process
Article history:
of storing goods in the warehouse, to find out the obstacles faced
Received May 15, 2022 during the administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse,
Revised June 8, 2022 to find solutions to the problems faced during the administrative
Accepted June 9, 2022 process of storing goods in the warehouse. The research methodology
used is descriptive qualitative which aims to describe the conditions
Corresponding Author: and analyze the administrative process of storing goods in the
warehouse. In this study, data related to the author's study are sourced
Anggun Octaviani, from library studies, field studies, and documentation techniques. The
Business Administration, results of research regarding the administrative process of storing
Management Indonesia goods in warehouses, the authors draw the following conclusions:
Academy, The administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse is very
Semarang, indonesia. important, because it can affect the improvement of the company's
Email: quality. Starting from receiving goods from production, checking
[email protected] quality by quality control, then the packing process until finally the
goods are stored in the warehouse, besides that document archiving is
also very necessary in this process, because documents are evidence
of receipt of incoming goods. Reporting also greatly affects the
calculation of inventory in the warehouse. The administrative process
for storing goods in the warehouse is in accordance with the
standards set by the company, but in practice it is still not effective.
The obstacles that occur in the administrative process of storing
goods in the warehouse are the occurrence of errors in writing the
item code and the lack of the number of items on the stock card with
actual goods, the delivery of documents that are not on time resulting
in delays in making daily reports, and controlling the stock of goods
not good, so that the data on the stock of goods stored with the actual
goods stored does not match. Solutions made by warehouse staff in
overcoming the obstacles faced in the administrative process of
storing goods in the warehouse, namely checking and re-checking
before the goods are placed in the stock area, asking and reminding
packing operators to be on time in submitting documents, being more
thorough in submitting documents. stock control and stock recording
must be accurate.
Keywords: administrative process, goods storage, warehouse


The company is an organization founded by a person or group of people and also an entity whose
activity is to produce or distribute to meet human economic needs. In a company engaged in industry has a
goal to market the products produced. The company management is required to be more professional in
carrying out their duties by making the right decisions. Every company must have a special unit in charge of
The warehouse is a very important place for the flow of goods within the company. In addition, the
warehouse is a temporary storage place before the goods are sent. Warehouses have added value, such as
maintaining the quality of goods, at an optimum cost, monitoring the movement of goods and the status of
goods, providing communication media with consumers regarding goods and balancing the flow of goods
inventory. For this reason, the warehouse also requires administrative activities, in managing goods data.
Administration is a basic need, especially in the activities of receiving, processing, storing various
data. Every activity in the warehouse needs to be recorded in documents, from receipt to distribution of
goods. The document guarantees the security of the company's assets for the management of goods in the
warehouse. So that warehouse officers or other employees cannot enter and remove goods without the
support of documents related to the warehouse process. Warehouse administration documents must also be
approved by the authorities for the management of goods in the warehouse, so that these documents are more
accurate and the level of supervision and control is better. If the warehouse administration in the company is
not considered and carried out properly, it can result in losses due to lack of control and supervision of goods
going in and out of the warehouse. With warehouse administration, it will be easier to ensure the number of
items owned and facilitate storage of goods.
The quality of the goods that will be sent to consumers must be in accordance with consumer
demand, even must be able to provide more satisfaction, as expected by consumers. Good quality of goods,
influenced by the way of receiving, handling, and storage in the company's warehouse. More and more goods
coming in and out of the warehouse require administration in managing goods properly and producing good
products as well.
An important factor in ensuring a smooth production process is that there are sufficient products
available in the warehouse. Too much inventory or too little inventory is not profitable for the company. For
this reason, warehouse administration is needed that meets good criteria in terms of receiving, handling, and
storing goods. Based on the things that have been listed, the authors feel interested in conducting research
with the title "administrative process for storing goods in the warehouse".

According to Sofjan Assauri (2016), Revealing: The process is a series of activities carried out to
produce a product, in the form of goods or services or ideas, in a way, or approach, or method. The
implementation of a process is often referred to as a work system, which is carried out with a reflection as a
management commitment in an effort to achieve goals.
In addition, according to Inu Kencana Syafiie (2015), defines the notion of process: The process is a
collection of work activities that should be structured, systematic, harmonious, and orderly in accordance
with space and time that are interrelated to process and how to solve certain problems which then result in a
certain output or service in accordance with the expertise and available resources. So it can be concluded that
the process is an activity to achieve the goal. The different definitions according to Sofjan Assauri and Inu
Kencana Syafiie. As according to Inu Kencana Syafiie, the process is more towards structured, systematic,
harmonious and orderly activities.
According to Khaerul Umam (2014), expressing the meaning of administration: Administration
comes from the words ad and ministrate which means to serve, assist, fulfill, implement, implement, control,
organize, direct, produce, use, manage, regulate, manage, seek, utilize. In Arabic, the term yudabbiru is
known, which means directing, implementing, managing, running, engineering, driving, ruling, regulating,
serving, managing well, making plans, and doing business. In French it is called administer. From this word
the word is formed. objects, namely administration and the adjective administrativus which in English is
translated as admistration”.
According to Inu Kencana Syafiie (2015), there are a number of elements related to administration.
These elements are as follows:
1) Organization, which is a forum for all cooperative business activities.
2) Management, namely activities to move a group of people and mobilize work facilities. These
relationships include:
a) Planning
b) Decision Making
c) Supervisor
d) Coordination
e) Supervision
f) Completion and improvement of the structure and work procedures

3) Relationship Management, namely the realization of good relations and support from the community for
cooperative efforts.
4) Finance, namely managing aspects of financing and financial accountability.
5) Supplies, namely planning, procuring, and regulating the use of goods for work purposes.
Warehouse administration is managing warehouse data such as data ordering goods, inventory data,
expenditure data, demand data to forecasting demand. In addition, the warehouse administration is to
maintain the condition of the goods stored in order to maintain the quality of the goods. Careful and thorough
warehouse administration determines the effectiveness and efficiency of a company's logistics activities.
According to Ricky Martono (2015) Warehouse is a place for temporary storage and retrieval of
inventory to support operational activities for the next operation process, to distribution locations, or to final
There are several warehouse functions as follows:
1) Storing items temporarily while waiting for their turn to be processed
2) Monitoring the movement and status of goods
3) Minimize the cost of moving goods, equipment and employees
4) Provide a medium of communication with consumers regarding goods
5) The point of balancing the flow of inventory and goods
There are two types of warehouses, which are as follows:
1) General Warehouse
Warehouse is a place to store inventory for a long period of time. The goal is to keep the goods in
good condition until the goods are used. Its function is to store inventory in the manufacturing process. The
activities of handling and moving goods in the warehouse are relatively few. The type of inventory placed in
general warehouses is usually inventory for anticipation and fluctuations.
2) Distribution Warehouse
Warehouses that accept goods in various types and quantities (can be from various sources), store
goods according to various consumer demands. The role of the distribution warehouse is the process of
handling and shipping goods according to the agreed time, not storing goods for a long time.
According to Willem Siahaya (2014: 88), there are several types of manufacturing warehouses, as
1) Operational Warehouse
The operational warehouse is used to store raw materials and spare parts needed to process and support
production and work in process.
2) Equipment Warehouse
Equipment warehouse is used to store equipment to support and expedite the production process which is
located near the production line.
3) Distribution Warehouse
Distribution warehouses are used to store finished goods that are ready to be sent to distributors or
4) Seasonal Warehouse
Seasonal warehouses are warehouses that are incidental when warehouse operations and distribution are
There are several activities carried out by warehouse workers, in general these activities are
routinely carried out, as follows:
1) Goods Receipt
Receipt of goods is an activity consisting of unloading goods from delivery vehicles, opening
material packages, checking material conformity with the list of shipments of goods, conducting quality
inspections of goods, deciding the quality of goods, and handling goods to be stored in warehouses.
2) Put-away
Put-away is the activity of sending goods from the location of receipt to the location of inventory
placement. This activity can be done manually by human hands or with the help of tools, such as forklifts.

The selection of the tools used is based on the size of the inventory. The success of the put-away activity
must look at the weight of the goods, the speed of delivery, the nature, treatment, and weight of the goods.

3) Goods Storage
The purpose of inventory storage is to ensure:
a) Adequate capacity and efficiency of storage space usage.
b) Control of material quality and quantity during storage.
c) Supply of material requirements for users.
d) Tidiness and maintenance of storage places and tools.
e) Safety of people and the environment around the storage area.
Storage can be divided based on the function of the area in the warehouse. For example, raw
material warehouses, finished goods warehouses, warehouses with special treatment for temperature and
properties, areas rented by certain companies, areas based on suppliers, dimensions, or prices.
4) Retrieval
This activity includes, receiving and processing orders, finding locations for placing goods, placing
goods in storage, taking goods ordered, checking the physical condition and quantity of goods until the
delivery of goods to the delivery department. Pay attention to the rules of FIFO (First In First Out), the
equipment used, recording the status of the goods taken.
5) Packing or Packaging
This activity includes packing the goods after being picked up in the retrieval process, then the
goods are handed over to the transport vehicle, the delivery of other goods to be sent to the destination, to the
preparation of documentation for the delivery of goods.
The purpose of packing is to protect the goods, facilitate the handling process, and adapt to the next
handling tool. After the goods are packaged, the goods are sent by the transportation department. Material
expenditure and delivery activities include:
a) Transfer of goods from storage to packaging
b) Physical checking, type, quantity and condition of goods
c) Loading of goods
d) Collection of goods needed according to consumer demand
e) Transportation of goods to the destination
FIFO (First in, First out) is a method for retrieval of goods that are first stored will be taken first.
This method is most widely used in the industrial world. Industries whose inventories know a time limit for
use use the FIFO method to reduce.


The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive qualitative research is
research that is used to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected properly
without intending to make generally accepted conclusions or generalizations (Sugiyono, 2012). According to
Mukhtar (2013) descriptive qualitative research method is a method used to find knowledge of research
subjects at a certain time. The writer in this study used descriptive qualitative research because the researcher
wanted to know and get the depth of information related to the topic (Sugiyono, 2012)
Data collection techniques in this study are observation and interviews. Observations in this study
are participant observation. Interviews in this study, namely through semi-structured interviews, the
interviewer has prepared a topic and a list of interview guide questions before the interview activity is carried
out, researchers need to explore further a topic based on the answers given by participants. Data collected
from interviews with informants.
The data analysis model in this study follows the concept of activities in qualitative data analysis
carried out interactively and continuously at each stage of the research until it is complete. The components
and data analysis in this study are:
a. Data reduction.
The data obtained from the report is quite large, so it needs to be recorded carefully and in detail.
Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the things that are important,
looking for themes and patterns.
b. Data Presentation
After the data is reduced, the next step is to display the data. In qualitative research, the presentation
of data can be done in the form of a short, chart, relationship between categories, and with a narrative text.
By displaying the data, it will be easier to understand what happened and plan further work based on what
has been understood
c. Verification or Data Inference
The initial conclusions put forward are still tentative, and will change if strong evidence is found to
support them at a later stage. However, if the conclusions raised at an early stage are supported by valid and
consistent evidence when the researcher returns to the field to collect data, then the conclusions put forward
are credible conclusions.


a. Goods Storage Administration Process in Warehouse
The administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse starts from the production operator
who will produce the goods which will then be submitted to the quality control section for a physical
inspection of the quality of the goods. After passing the quality control inspection and the goods are declared
as good goods, the goods will be received by the packing section operator, in the packing section the goods
will be packaged according to the specified standards and procedures in the company. After the goods are
packed by the packing operator, the goods will be handed over to the warehouse staff for storage.
After the goods are received by the warehouse staff, the warehouse staff re-examines the number of
goods that have been packed by the packing operator, this is so that the goods that have been packed are not
less or more. The goods that have been checked will be moved to the customer area neatly and appropriately,
which the warehouse staff then records to the stock card. Recording of stock cards is very important because
with stock cards warehouse staff can find out the inventory of goods stored in the warehouse.
Furthermore, warehouse staff make daily reports, the data of which is obtained from documents
from packing operators, in addition to daily reports, warehouse staff also make reports every month, this
monthly report is a benchmark for companies to increase company productivity. Then, monthly reports are
distributed to the production department and given to superiors who are used as presentation materials every
month. Complementary documents for warehousing activities are documented or archived according to the
bantex provided. This archiving activity is carried out to make it easier for staff or other staff to find the
required documents. This document archive is sorted according to the date of entry of the document. So
document archiving is more organized and neat.
The explanation of the administrative process for storing goods in warehouses at automotive
companies is as follows:
1) Production Operator
The production operator fills out the idouhyo document, then the production operator continues to
produce goods according to the idouhyo document and goes through several processes until it becomes a
finished product, and each time it passes through the production process the production operator fills in the
idouhyo document. If the production operator receives a notification of a shortage of goods from the
warehouse staff, the production operator adds goods according to the number of goods needed to complete
the shortage of goods.
2) Quality Control
Quality Control receives finished goods from production which are equipped with idouhyo
documents. After that, quality control checks the physical goods, quality control ensures that the goods
checked are of good quality and do not have defects or problems with the goods. Goods that have defects or
problems are usually called not good or reject goods. Items that are not good include lumps, uneven painting,
and curved items. This check is very important before the goods are stored in the warehouse, because if not
good goods are mixed with good goods, it will cause a decrease in the quality of the goods. After all the
goods are checked, the quality control fills out the idouhyo document, to indicate the goods have passed the
checking process.
3) Packing Operators
Goods that have passed the inspection by quality control and have been declared as good goods are
taken by the packing operator, then the goods are brought by the packing operator to the packing area to
proceed to the packing process. Before carrying out the packing process, the packing operator prepares the
equipment needed for packing. The equipment needed for packing is polyethylene to provide boundaries

between goods, trolleys for placing goods and also moving goods to the warehouse area, standard boxes
according to the goods being packaged, and also packing operators are required to use safety gloves.
After the packing equipment is ready, then the item is ready to be packed. The packing operator
places the box on the trolley, then puts or arranges the goods in a standard box and places a boundary
between the goods and polyethylene so that the goods do not collide with each other directly. The packing
operator must be careful when carrying out the packing process, and calculate the goods packed according to
After the goods are packed, the packing operator records the number of packaged goods on the
internal slip transaction document. The internal transaction slip contains the item code, process code, number
of items and idouhyo number. The packing process is needed before the goods are stored in the warehouse
because the packing process makes it easier for warehouse staff to store goods. Making identity for goods by
packing operator. If the packaged goods do not have an identity, it is feared that the goods will be mixed. The
identity of the item is in the form of a label that has a serial number, item code, and number of items. Making
labels using the MCFrame system. The MCFrame system is software that combines basic functions to meet
the diverse needs of the manufacturing industry. In making the label, it is adjusted to the code of the
packaged goods.
After the label is made, the packing operator attaches the label to the box based on the code of the
item being packaged. After the goods are identified, the packing operator will hand over the goods
accompanied by idouhyo and internal slip transactions to the warehouse staff. And placing the goods in the
goods placement area after the packing process using a trolley to move them.
4) Warehouse Staff
After the goods go through the packing process, the goods will be placed in the area using a trolley,
the warehouse staff will check the suitability of the goods stored in the warehouse. Starting from checking
conformity with the label and the goods, the name of the goods and the code of the goods. In addition,
warehouse staff must pay attention to the quantity of goods with the number of goods labeled must be really
appropriate, checking the quantity of goods is done manually. This check is very influential with the
inventory of goods stored in the warehouse. If the warehouse staff finds a discrepancy in the quantity of
packaged goods, shortages or excess goods, the warehouse staff separates the unsuitable boxes, then confirms
to the production operator.
After the quantity is completed and in accordance with standard packing, the warehouse staff brings
the goods to the stock area according to the layout and customer area. The customer area is the area where
the goods are placed according to customer orders, the customer in question is the area of Yamaha, Honda,
Kawasaki, and Suzuki. Then the warehouse staff moves the boxes that have been filled with goods and
arranged according to FIFO (first in first out). What is meant by FIFO (first in first out) is the storage of
goods carried out with the system of goods entering first, which are also issued first. The purpose of FIFO
(first in first out) is to prevent goods from being buried for too long and to avoid a decrease in the quality of
goods due to storage for too long, so that goods are taken more regularly.
Furthermore, the warehouse staff records the goods on the stock card after the goods are arranged in
the appropriate area. Stock cards are very important because they can monitor every item stored in the
warehouse. For this reason, warehouse staff are required to write down every incoming goods transaction. On
the stock card there is the date of the goods entered, the name of the goods, the code of the goods, the number
of goods, and the name of the operator who recorded the stock card. In recording stock cards must require
accuracy and the recording must be accurate. If the recording is not accurate then it will greatly affect the
inventory, and the difference in the number of actual goods with those on the stock card.
Making warehouse reports as a reference for calculating the balance of goods stored in the
warehouse. This report is made daily and monthly. Reports made every day are obtained from internal slip
transactions received from packing operators, to find out the number of goods that enter the warehouse.
While monthly reports are made at the end of each month after stock taking, this report aims to determine the
number of goods that have been shipped and the number of goods available in the warehouse, besides this
report is a reference to improve warehouse performance.

This monthly report is a calculation of daily reports, delivery reports, and also the stock of goods in
the warehouse. Daily reports or monthly reports are made in Microsoft Excel. The difference between daily
reports and monthly reports, if daily reports are made every day with existing documents, then monthly
reports are made every month by combining data from daily reports, sales data and delivery plan data, which
are then submitted to the superiors. And this report is distributed to the production department. As a
consideration to increase productivity in meeting customer demands.
After the document is input, the warehouse staff will archive according to the existing bantex, and
sort by the date the document was archived. In addition, the warehouse staff is in charge of collecting expired
goods or goods that have been stored for more than 6 months and have rust on the goods, to be destroyed or
melted down which is then exported to be managed into raw materials and can be reprocessed.
b. Constraints Faced in the Administration of Goods Storage in the Warehouse
In the administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse, several obstacles are encountered,
as follows:
1) Packing Document Writing Error
Errors in writing item codes on documents made by packing operators can hamper the storage of
goods. If an error in writing the item code occurs, it is feared that it will be mixed with other items, this can
affect the quality decline in the warehouse, as well as delivery errors, resulting in complaints from customers.
In terms of writing this document, the company still uses the manual method so that errors often occur. This
writing error can also make it difficult for warehouse staff to input data, and become one of the factors for
delays in reporting.
2) Late Delivery of Packing Documents
Delivery of documents that are not timely by the packing operator can hinder the making of daily
reports, in addition if document delays are always experienced, this creates a buildup of documents and can
waste time, when there is a buildup there is a possibility of incomplete documents or loss, this will affect the
data with the goods actual.
3) Poor Goods Stock Control
Inadequate stock control of goods by warehouse staff, according to stock data stored goods are not
available, it turns out that when checked the actual goods are still there. This problem can make it difficult
for warehouse staff when calculating stock or making deliveries.

c. The Solutions Needed To Overcome The Constraints Faced In The Administrative Process Of
Goods Storage In The Warehouse
1) Repair or Correction of Writing Document Packing
Manual re-examination carried out by warehouse staff, this inspection requires accuracy. The
warehouse staff adjusts the actual goods with the documents received from the packing operator, if they find
a document writing error, the warehouse staff immediately confirms to the packing operator and the packing
operator corrects the document by adjusting it to the actual goods.
2) Completion of Completeness of Packing Documents
Ask the operator to complete documents every time you store goods, and remind you to always
submit documents for storage of goods on time because these documents will affect the inventory of goods.
However, the solution did not work well, because these problems often occur, making it difficult for
warehouse staff to process packing documents.
3) Improvement of Goods Stock Control
Poor stock control can affect storage data for goods, for that warehouse staff control stock carefully
by calculating the actual goods received, adjusting item codes, item names, and then carrying out activities to
record stock cards accurately according to existing items, so that the goods actual with the data on the card
stock is balanced.
Based on the research that has been done, the authors draw the following conclusions:
a. The administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse is very important, because it can affect the
improvement of the company's quality. The administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse starts
from receiving goods from production, checking quality by quality control, then the packing process until
finally the goods are stored in the warehouse, besides that document archiving is also very necessary in this
process, because documents are proof of receipt of incoming goods. Reporting also greatly affects the
calculation of inventory in the warehouse. The administrative process for storing goods in warehouses at
automotive companies is in accordance with the standards set by the company, but in practice it is still not
b. The obstacles that occur in the administrative process of storing goods in the warehouse are the occurrence
of errors in writing the item code and the lack of the number of items on the stock card with actual goods,
the delivery of documents that are not on time resulting in delays in making daily reports, and controlling
the stock of goods not good, so that the data on the stock of goods stored with the actual goods stored does
not match.
c. Solutions made by warehouse staff in overcoming the obstacles faced in the administrative process of
storing goods in the warehouse, namely checking and re-checking before the goods are placed in the stock
area, asking and reminding packing operators to be on time in submitting documents, being more thorough
in submitting documents. stock control and stock records must be accurate.

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