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EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501


Scientific Opinion on Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems1

EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ)2, 3

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy

Carbapenems are broad-spectrum β-lactam antimicrobials used for the treatment of serious infections in humans.
To date only sporadic studies have reported the occurrence of carbapenemase-producing (CP) bacteria in food-
producing animals and their environment. The bacteria and enzymes isolated include VIM-1 producing
Escherichia coli and Salmonella Infantis from pigs and poultry in Germany, OXA-23-producing Acinetobacter
spp. from cattle and horses in France and Belgium, and NDM-producing Acinetobacter spp. from pigs and
poultry in China. In the German S. Infantis and E. coli isolates, the VIM-1-encoding genes were located on
IncHI2 plasmids. A methodology including selective culture is proposed for the detection of CP strains of
Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. The choice of selective media for the surveillance of carbapenem
resistance for testing animal and food samples needs to be experimentally evaluated and validated. Biochemical
and phenotypic tests for the confirmatory identification of CP bacteria are available. For CP bacteria in animals
and food, active/passive monitoring and/or targeted surveys should cover key zoonotic agents, animal pathogens
and indicator organisms. Priority should be given to broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening pigs, veal calves and
meat thereof. Because there are no data on the comparative efficacy of individual control options, prioritisation
is complex. Continued prohibition of the use of carbapenems in food-producing animals would be a simple and
effective option. As genes encoding carbapenemase production are mostly plasmid-mediated, and co-resistance
may be an important issue in the spread of such resistance mechanisms, decreasing the frequency of use of
antimicrobials in animal production in the EU in accordance with prudent use guidelines is also of high priority.
The effectiveness of any control measures should be monitored by targeted surveys, using selective isolation
methods and pre-enrichment of samples. Control measures should be proactively implemented at national and
international levels to prevent CP strains become widespread in livestock.

© European Food Safety Authority, 2013

carbapenemases occurrence, detection , transmission, animals, control options

On request from EFSA, Question No EFSA-Q-2013-00010, adopted on 5 December 2013.
Panel members: Olivier Andreoletti, Dorte Lau Baggesen, Declan Bolton, Patrick Butaye, Paul Cook, Robert Davies,
Pablo S Fernández Escámez, John Griffin, Tine Hald, Arie Havelaar, Kostas Koutsoumanis, Roland Lindqvist, James
McLauchlin, Truls Nesbakken, Miguel Prieto, Antonia Ricci, Giuseppe Ru, Moez Sanaa, Marion Simmons, John Sofos
and John Threlfall. Correspondence: [email protected]
Acknowledgement: The Panel wishes to thank the members of the Working Group on Carbapenem resistance in food
animal ecosystems: Patrick Butaye, Teresa Coque, Beatriz Guerra-Román, Henrik Hasman, Annemarie Kasbohrer, Anna
Pelagia Magiorakos, Vivi Miriagou, Laurent Poirel and John Threlfall for the preparatory work on this scientific opinion
and EFSA staff: Ernesto Liebana and Pietro Stella for the support provided to this scientific opinion.

Suggested citation: EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards), 2013. Scientific Opinion on Carbapenem
resistance in food animal ecosystems. EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501, 70 pp. doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3501
Available online:

© European Food Safety Authority, 2013

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) asked the Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) to
provide a scientific opinion on the carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems. Carbapenems
are broad-spectrum beta (β)-lactam antimicrobials mostly used for the treatment of serious infections
in humans, frequently in hospitalised patients, and are considered last-line therapy for infections
caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. In particular, the panel was asked: (i) to define
the carbapenemase-producing (CP) bacterial strains and genes relevant for public health and linked to
food-producing animals or food-borne transmission; (ii) to review the information on the
epidemiology of acquired resistance to carbapenems, including the genes coding for such resistance, in
food-producing animals and food; (iii) to perform a critical analysis of the methods (phenotypic and
genotypic) and the interpretive criteria currently used for detection (isolation and identification) and
characterisation of CP bacterial strains; (iv) to make recommendations for the harmonised monitoring
and reporting of resistance (phenotypic and genotypic) caused by carbapenemases in food and food-
producing animals in the EU; and finally, (v) to identify possible means of preventing or minimising
the further emergence and spread of CP bacterial strains transmitted via the food chain, including
consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

The BIOHAZ Panel concluded that the production of carbapenemases may confer diverse β-lactam
resistance phenotypes depending on a variety of factors such as the bacterial species, variant of the
enzyme, expression level due to different promoters, copies of carbapenemase-encoding genes and the
presence of additional non-enzymatic resistance mechanisms. Although a wide variety of CP strains
with several different mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems and with a diversity of acquired genes
encoding carbapenem-hydrolyzing ß-lactamases have been identified in bacterial isolations from cases
of human infection worldwide, to date only sporadic studies have reported the occurrence of CP
bacteria in food-producing animals and their environment. The bacteria and enzymes therein include
VIM-1-producing Enterobacteriaceae (Escherichia coli and a putative strain of Salmonella Infantis
from pigs, poultry and their environment in Germany), OXA-23-producing Acinetobacter
genomospecies 15TU from cattle in France and Acinetobacter spp. from horses in Belgium, and
NDM-producing Acinetobacter spp. from pigs and poultry in China.

Genes encoding carbapenemase production in Acinetobacter spp. from animals have been located on
both the chromosome (Acinetobacter genomospecies 15TU from cattle in France) and on plasmids
(A. lwoffii and A. baumannii from pigs in China). In the putative S. Infantis and E. coli isolates
associated with food animals in Germany, the VIM-1-encoding genes were located on IncHI2

Factors that favour the emergence of carbapenem resistance include the increased consumption of
carbapenems in humans driven in part by the worldwide spread of ESBLs in Enterobacteriacae, the
location of carbapenem-encoding resistance genes on mobile genetic elements, and positive selection
due to co-resistance with other commonly-used antibiotics.

For the detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriacae (CPE) the screening cut-off values of
0.125 mg/l for meropenem, 1 mg/l for imipenem and 0.125 mg/l for ertapenem are recommended. If
disk diffusion is used, applying zone diameters of 25 mm for meropenem, 23 mm for imipenem, and
25 mm for ertapenem would be indicative of non-susceptibility to carbapenems. The Panel further
noted that pre-enrichment by incubation of samples in selective broth containing a carbapenem at a
low concentration (e.g. meropenem, 0.125 mg/L) may increase sensitivity. This methodology has not
yet been validated, and any method proposed would have to be subjected to thorough experimental

A methodology including selective culture is proposed for the detection of CP strains of

Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. A variety of in-house and commercially available selective
media has been used for the active surveillance of carbapenem resistance in hospitals. The choice of
the media for testing animal and food samples needs to be experimentally evaluated and validated.

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Biochemical and phenotypic tests for the confirmatory identification of CP bacteria among isolates
exhibiting non-susceptibility to carbapenems are available. The sensitivity and specificity of these
assays may vary considerably in different settings. The identity of the genes responsible for the
carbapenemase production should be determined by molecular methods. The Panel further considers
that plasmid and strain typing should be undertaken to acquire better knowledge on the epidemiology
of genes encoding carbapenemase production among bacteria from food-producing animal
populations, food thereof and evironmental samples.

The Panel noted that there are comprehensive requirements for the collection and reporting of
antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data, including resistance to carbapenems, laid down in European
legislation. Technical specifications and reporting manuals prepared by EFSA recommend reporting of
isolate-based data, and recommend mandatory phenotypic monitoring of Salmonella spp. and indicator
E. coli with a broadened test panel also covering meropenem. Active monitoring and/or additional
targeted surveys for CP bacteria in animals and food should cover key zoonotic agents and indicator
organisms of the commensal flora. Priority should be given to broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening
pigs, veal calves, and the derived fresh meat of domestic origin. Dairy cattle, raw milk and aquaculture
products may be also included in targeted surveys. For active monitoring all isolates of Salmonella
spp. and E. coli collected within the compulsory monitoring programme, as required by European
legislation, should be screened for meropenem resistance using standardized microdilution methods.
Specific targeted surveys for the detection of CP organisms in the food animal ecosystem should be
implemented at the EU level. For passive monitoring, diagnostic isolates of veterinary origin (at least
those classified as microbiologically resistant to 3rd- or 4th-generation cephalosporins on the basis of
epidemiological cut-off values) should be subjected to phenotypic testing for carbapenem resistance
and carbapenemase production, and subsequent molecular identification and characterization of the
carbapenemase production genes present. For correct interpretation of results relating to carbapenem
resistance, the sampling strategy (active vs. passive monitoring) and the selection procedure applied
for each isolate (randomly selected isolate vs. isolate from selective media) should be reported. Results
of phenotypic methods used for testing for carbapenemase production as well as the results from
further characterisation of resistance genes should be reported for each isolate. Methods involving pre-
enrichment and selective plating should be used in specific surveys to increase sensitivity for
populations with a low prevalence of CP microorganisms.

Because there are no data on the comparative efficicacy of individual control options in reducing the
potential public health risks caused by CP bacteria related to food-producing animals, prioritisation is
complex. At present, carbapenems are not licensed for use in food-producing animals in the EU and
other parts of the world, and therefore one simple and effective control option to minimise the further
emergence and possible spread of such strains transmitted via the food chain would be to continue to
prohibit the use of carbapenems in food-producing animals. Furthermore, as genes encoding
carbapenemase production are mostly plasmid-mediated, and co-resistance may be an important issue
in the spread of such plasmid-mediated resistance mechanisms, decreasing the frequency of use of
antimicrobials in animal production in the EU in accordance with prudent use guidelines is also of
high priority. The effectiveness of any control measures should be monitored on a regular basis by
targeted surveys of food-producing animals and foods for CP bacteria, using selective isolation
methods and pre-enrichment of samples as necessary.

Finally the Panel strongly recommends that control measures to contain the spread of CP bacteria in
food-producing animals should be proactively implemented at national and international levels. Such
plans should be agreed to prevent CP strains become widespread in livestock.

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 3

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Abstract .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Summary .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of contents ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Background as provided by EFSA ........................................................................................................... 6
Terms of reference as provided by EFSA ................................................................................................ 7
Assessment ............................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1. Structure of and activity of penems and carbapenems ............................................................ 8
1.2. Carbapenem resistance.......................................................................................................... 10
1.2.1. Resistance due to production of carbapenemases ............................................................. 10
1.2.2. Resistance due to other mechanisms ................................................................................ 13
1.3. Scope of opinion ................................................................................................................... 13
1.4. Significance and public health threat of human infections with carbapenemase-producing
bacteria .............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.5. Risk factors ........................................................................................................................... 14
1.6. Incidence of human infection................................................................................................ 15
1.6.1. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae from EARS-Net data ............................... 16
1.6.2. Carbapenem resistance in the United States ..................................................................... 16
1.6.3. Carbapenem resistance worldwide ................................................................................... 16
1.7. Reservoirs of carbapenemase-producing bacteria and encoding genes ................................ 16
1.7.1. Reservoirs of bacteria ....................................................................................................... 16
1.7.2. Reservoirs for carbapenemase production-encoding genes .............................................. 17
1.8. Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................... 20
2. The epidemiology of carbapenemase-mediated resistance in food-producing animals and foods 20
2.1. Carbapenemase-producing microorganisms relevant for public health that have been linked
to food-producing animals, foodborne transmission and wildlife...................................................... 21
2.1.1. Carbapenemase-producing microorganisms from food-producing animals and their
environment ................................................................................................................................... 21
2.1.2. Carbapenemase-producing Salmonella spp. isolates from cases of human infections ..... 22
2.1.3. Carbapenemase-producing Salmonella spp. isolates from wildlife .................................. 23
2.2. Carbapenemase-encoding genes relevant for public health that have been linked to food-
producing animals, foodborne transmission and wildlife .................................................................. 23
2.3. Mobile genetic elements involved in transmission of carbapenem resistance relevant for
public health that have been linked to food-producing animals, foodborne transmission and
wildlife .............................................................................................................................................. 24
2.4. Data on occurrence of carbapenem resistance in food-producing animals and foods. ......... 25
2.4.1. Harmonised EU monitoring of resistance: EFSA Community Summary Report. ........... 25
2.4.2. Data from other published studies designed to detect carbapenem resistance ................. 25
2.5. Evidence of transmission of carbapenemase-producing strains and/or carbapenem
resistance genes to humans by consumption or handling of contaminated food or through the food
animal production environment. ........................................................................................................ 27
2.6. Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................... 27
3. Critical analysis of the methods for detection of carbapenemase-producing bacteria (isolation and
identification), and characterisation of carbapenemase-encoding genes and associated mobile
elements.................................................................................................................................................. 28
3.1. Selective isolation of carbapenemase-producers .................................................................. 28
3.2. Interpretative criteria for phenotypic testing for non-susceptibility to carbapenems. ........... 34
3.3. Phenotypic and biochemical confirmation of carbapenemases ............................................ 35
3.4. Characterisation of carbapenemases and typing of plasmids carrying carbapenemase-
encoding genes ................................................................................................................................... 37
3.4.1. Molecular detection and characterization of carbapenemase genes. ................................ 37
3.4.2. Detection and characterization of plasmids harbouring carbapenemase genes. ............... 39
3.5. Molecular typing of isolates. ................................................................................................. 39

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

3.6. Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................... 40

4. Recommendations for a harmonised monitoring of resistance (phenotypic and genotypic) caused
by carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food and food producing animals. ........................................ 41
4.1. Purpose of the suggested harmonised monitoring ................................................................ 42
4.2. General approaches of the suggested harmonised monitoring .............................................. 42
4.2.1. Targeted surveys ............................................................................................................... 43
4.2.2. Active monitoring ............................................................................................................. 43
4.2.3. Passive monitoring ........................................................................................................... 43
4.2.4. Combined monitoring activities ....................................................................................... 44
4.3. Bacterial species, food animal species and/or food products to be considered for monitoring
of resistance caused by carbapenemase-producing bacteria from a public health perspective .......... 44
4.3.1. Prioritisation of bacterial species ...................................................................................... 44
4.3.2. Prioritisation of food-producing animals and food categories.......................................... 44
4.4. Analytical methods in routine monitoring ............................................................................ 45
4.5. Sampling design .................................................................................................................... 45
4.6. Sample size calculation ......................................................................................................... 46
4.6.1. Sample size for detecting a certain prevalence level within the isolates collected ........... 46
4.6.2. Sample size for the detecting a hazard in a population with a certain prevalence level ... 46
4.7. Recommendations on data collection and reporting of data ................................................. 47
4.8. Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................... 47
5. Possible control options for preventing or minimising the further emergence and spread of
carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains transmitted via the food chain. .......................................... 48
5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 48
5.2. Use of carbapenems and other antimicrobials in food-producing animals and human
medicine ............................................................................................................................................. 48
5.3. Containment measures .......................................................................................................... 49
5.4. Measures after targeted investigations (root-cause analysis) ................................................ 49
5.5. Summary and conclusions .................................................................................................... 50
Conclusions and recommendations ........................................................................................................ 51
References .............................................................................................................................................. 55
Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................... 69

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems


Carbapenems are last-resort antimicrobials in the treatment of highly drug-resistant Gram-negative
infections in humans. Carbapenem resistance is much feared in human medicine since it results in loss
of activity of nearly all β-lactam antibiotics. Moreover it is usually present in bacteria already resistant
to a range of critically important antimicrobials (e.g., aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones), leaving few
therapeutic options.

Carbapenemases are now seen as a new and potentially emerging problem in food-producing animals.
The prevalence of such resistance in bacteria from animals is largely unknown. To date three
publications have reported the presence of carbapenem resistance in bacteria from animals, including
food-producing animals (pigs, bovines and horses) in three different EU Member States (Germany,
France and Belgium). Most significantly from a food safety perspective, a carbapenemase has been
recently identified in Salmonella in different pig and broiler farm origins in Germany. This is most
probably only the tip of the iceberg since there is limited surveillance on carbapenem resistance
amongst bacteria from food-producing animals. Carbapenems are usually not included in the antibiotic
panels of national surveillance programmes, nor in the panels of diagnostic laboratories dealing with
veterinary samples.

EFSA (BIOMO Unit) has recently produced Technical specifications on the harmonised monitoring
and reporting of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella, Campylobacter and indicator Escherichia coli
and Enterococcus spp. bacteria transmitted through food4. In this report there is reference already to
the methods needed for screening for this type of resistance:

“Detection of the existence and spread of carbapenem-resistant bacteria in animal populations is

considered extremely important for the assessment of potential zoonotic risks. It is therefore
recommended that phenotypic testing for carbapenem resistance in Salmonella and E. coli should be
performed consistently. The detection of carbapenem resistance is not straightforward, since
carbapenemases belong to several different classes of beta-lactamases and no single test is likely to
give high sensitivity as well as high specificity for all types of enzymes.

Therefore, as an additional check for the presence of carbapenemases, and in an attempt to

circumvent some of these methodological difficulties, the inclusion of meropenem at two
concentrations in the harmonised panel is suggested. Meropenem is considered optimal for inclusion
as the single compound for detection of carbapenem resistance, with ertapenem being included in the
optional third panel which MSs may voluntarily choose to include in their monitoring programme”.

Actions to limit the spread of resistance are only possible when the prevalence of such resistance is
low. This is particularly relevant to carbapenems. It is therefore of utmost importance to initiate
studies to determine when and where this resistance is present, and to limit its dissemination
throughout the food chain.

In view of the above, there is a need to:

Assess the public health risk posed by carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains in food-
producing animals and food.

Assess the need to establish harmonised monitoring of carbapenemase-producing bacterial

strains in food- producing animals and food in the EU.

Recommend measures to limit the spread of strains exhibiting resistance to carbapenems in

the food chain.


EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 6

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

It is the intention to request participation of ECDC and EU Reference laboratories in this working


EFSA requests the BIOHAZ Panel to review the topic of carbapenem resistance in bacteria of animal
origin (with a focus on food-producing animals) and to assess the public health implications of such
resistance. In particular to:

1. Define the carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains and genes relevant for public health and
linked to food-producing animals or food-borne transmission;

2. Review the information on the epidemiology of acquired resistance to carbapenems, including

the genes coding for such resistance, in food-producing animals and food.

3. Perform a critical analysis of the methods (phenotypic and genotypic) and the interpretive
criteria currently used for detection (isolation and identification) and characterisation of
carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains.

4. Make recommendations for the harmonised monitoring and reporting of resistance

(phenotypic and genotypic) caused by carbapenemases in food and food-producing animals in
the EU.

5. Identify possible means of preventing or minimising the further emergence and spread of
carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains transmitted via the food chain, including
consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 7

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems


1. Introduction
Carbapenems are broad-spectrum beta(β)-lactam antimicrobials mostly used for the treatment of
serious infections, frequently in hospitalised patients, and are considered last-line therapy for
infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria, e.g. the extended-spectrum
β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp.

1.1. Structure of and activity of penems and carbapenems

Penems and carbapenems are β-lactams sharing similar core structures (Table 1). The β-lactam ring is
characteristically fused to an unsaturated five-membered ring that, in the case of penems, contains
sulphur (2,3-dihydrothiazole ring), while in carbapenems the unsaturated ring includes a carbon at
position 1 (2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrole ring).

Carbapenems have been isolated from fermentation products of various streptomycetes. Thienamycin,
isolated from Streptomyces cattleya, was the first among the naturally occurring carbapenems. The
compound exhibited excellent activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but was
unstable in aqueous solutions. Thus, thienamycin derivatives with adequate stability have been
developed by the pharmaceutical industry. The latter group includes all clinically available
carbapenems, such as imipenem, meropenem, ertapenem and doripenem.

All carbapenems exhibit broad antimicrobial spectra against a variety of Gram-positive, Gram-
negative and anaerobic microorganisms. Compared with imipenem, meropenem and doripenem, the
spectrum of activity of ertapenem is slightly more limited, lacking activity against non-fermenters
(Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter spp.).

Carbapenems are vital for the effective therapy of community-acquired and healthcare-associated
infections caused by MDR bacteria. Resistance to this class of antibiotic compromises the therapeutic
options for patients by leaving only a few or in some cases no other antimicrobials with which to treat.
These may often exhibit variable effectiveness and frequently provoke significant adverse reactions.
There are only a very limited number of new antimicrobial agents in the antibiotic pipeline; thus the
problem resulting from the lack of availability of effective antibiotics for therapy is considerably
accentuated (ECDC and EMEA, 2009).

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Table 1: Structure of carbapenems and penems

Carbapenems Thienamycin





Penems Faropenem

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

1.2. Carbapenem resistance

Intrinsic resistance to carbapenems is attributed to a variety of mechanisms mediated by inherent
properties, including low permeability of bacterial membranes, low affinity of penicillin binding
proteins (PBPs) in different species, presence of multidrug efflux pumps and species-specific
carbapenem-inactivating enzymes.

Acquired carbapenem resistance is due to the acquisition of exogenous genetic material containing
gene(s) coding for carbapenemase production (CP) (i.e. enzymes capable of hydrolysing carbapenems
and conferring detectable increase in levels of resistance to carbapenems). In this respect, carbapenem
Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) may vary widely, ranging from full susceptibility to high-
level resistance according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) or the European Union
Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) clinical breakpoints and according to
bacterial species (see Section 3.2 below).

For the purpose of this document, carbapenem-non-susceptible (CNS) bacteria are defined as those
exhibiting MICs above the epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFF) established by EUCAST (see
Table 5 below), and the term „acquired carbapenemases‟ is used to indicate carbapenemases produced
by bacteria as a result of the acquisition of gene(s) coding for their production.

1.2.1. Resistance due to production of carbapenemases

Carbapenemases hydrolyse all ß-lactams including the carbapenems and frequently aztreonam. Based
on their hydrolytic mechanism, carbapenemases are classified into two distinct groups, the serine
carbapenemases (with an active site serine) and the metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) (with Zinc [Zn] ions
in the active site). The group of serine carbapenemases includes enzymes that belong to the molecular
classes A and D while the metallo-enzymes belong to class B of the Ambler classification (Ambler et
al., 1991). According to the updated functional classification scheme (Bush and Jacoby, 2010),
carbapenemases belong to subgroups 2f (class A), 2df (class D), 3a and 3b (class B) (Table 2).

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Table 2: Classification of carbapenemases

Molecular Functional Enzymes Bacterial species

class group/subgroup
Class A 2f Acquired
SME Serratia marcescens
NMC Enterobacter cloacae
IMI Enterobacter cloacae
KPC Klebsiella pneumoniae
Klebsiella oxytoca
Escherichia coli
Enterobacter spp.
Salmonella Cubana
Citrobacter freundii
Serratia marscescens
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas putida
GES Klebsiella pneumoniae
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
SFC Serratia fonticola
Class D 2df Acquired
OXA-23, -24/40, -58-type Acinetobacter baumannii
Acinetobacter genomospecies 15TU
Proteus mirabilis
OXA-48-type Klebsiella pneumoniae
Klebsiella oxytoca
Escherichia coli
Enterobacter spp.
Serratia marscescens
Citrobacter freundii
Providencia rettgeri
Salmonella enterica
OXA-54 Acinetobacter baumannii
OXA-55 Shewanella oneidensis
OXA-62 Shewanella algae
OXA-23-type (-103, -105) Pandoarea pnomenusa
OXA -134 Acinetobacter radioresistens
Acinetobacter lwoffii
Class B
B1 3a Acquired
VIM Enterobacteriaceae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Acinetobacter baumannii
IMP Enterobacteriaceae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Acinetobacter baumannii
NDM Enterobacteriaceae

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 11

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Molecular Functional Enzymes Bacterial species

class group/subgroup
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Acinetobacter baumannii
Acinetobacter lwoffii
SPM Pseudomonas aeruginosa
GIM Pseudomonas aeruginosa
SIM Acinetobacter baumannii
BcII Bacillus cereus
CcrA Bacillus fragilis
BlaB Chryseobacterium meningosepticum
IND-1 Chryseobacterium indologenes
SFB-1 Shewanella frigdimarina
SLB-1 Shewanella livingstonens
B2 Intrinsic
CphA Aeromonas hydrophila
ImiS Aeromonas veronii
Sfh-1 Serratia fonticola
B3 3b Intrinsic
GOB-1 Chryseobacterium meningosepticum
FEZ-1 Legionella gormanii
THIN-B Janthinobacterium lividum
CAU-1 Caulobacter crescentus
BJP-1 Bradyrhizobium japonicum
L1 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
*CHDLs: Carbapenem hydrolysing class D -lactamases

Production of carbapenemases may confer diverse -lactam resistance phenotypes depending on a

variety of factors such as the bacterial species, variant of the enzyme, expression level due to different
promoters (conferred by insertion sequence (IS) elements preceding genes coding for the production
of carbapenemases), copies of carbapenemase-encoding genes and the presence of additional non-
enzymatic resistance mechanisms.

Many carbapenemase-producing (CP) strains frequently carry additional resistance determinants to

other non-β-lactam antibiotics, making these organisms „extensively drug-resistant‟ (XDR) or „pan
drug-resistant‟ (PDR) (Magiorakos et al., 2012). They commonly remain susceptible to only a few
classes of antimicrobials, for example the polymyxins, tigecycline, fosfomycin, and nitrofurantoin.

A diversity of acquired genes encoding carbapenemhydrolyzing ß-lactamases of Ambler class A (such

as KPC, GES types), class B (such as VIM, IMP, GIM, SPM, and NDM types) and class D (such as
OXA-23, -40, -48, and -58 types) exist. These enzymes confer reduced susceptibility or resistance to
almost all ß-lactams, including carbapenems. Low levels of resistance to carbapenems are more often
observed among Enterobacteriaceae than in other bacterial species exhibiting such resistance.

One of the milestones in the emergence of carbapenemases in Enterobacteriaceae was the detection of
a novel carbapenemase, designated as „Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase‟ (KPC) according to the
bacterial species from which it was originally isolated (Yigit et al., 2001). Such carbapenem-
hydrolysing ß-lactamases confer resistance to almost all ß-lactams (Nordmann et al., 2011a).
Subsequently, most acquired carbapenemases have been detected and reported in carbapenemase-

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) globally (Nordmann et al., 2009; Bush and Jacoby, 2010;
Nordmann et al., 2011a). The broad resistance profile in bacteria that is associated with the production
of carbapenemases is significant in human infections, and poses a major on-going public health threat.

Multidrug resistance is now increasingly emerging in Enterobacteriaceae, not only amongst

nosocomial but also community-acquired infections. One of the most important emerging resistance
traits corresponds to the production of the carbapenemases (see above). The current and extensive
worldwide spread of genes encoding for such enzymes in Enterobacteriaceae is a particularly
important cause of concern (CDC, 2013a). This is because such genes are, in most cases, also
associated with genes coding for resistance to non-ß-lactam antibiotics, therefore leading to MDR
isolates (Nordmann et al., 2011a). The high rate of transmissibility of the genes encoding CP, which
are for the most part located on self-conjugative plasmids carrying co-resistance determinants, and of
bacteria that produce carbapenemases, underscores the need to rapidly identify the carbapenemase
producers, to correctly implement infection control measures, and to prevent the horizontal transfer of
these, as well as secondary transmission.

1.2.2. Resistance due to other mechanisms

Decreased susceptibility to carbapenems among Gram-negative bacteria is mostly attributed to
enzymatic inactivation of carbapenems by carbapenemases. Carbapenem non-susceptibility (CNS) can
also be due to other resistance mechanisms such as (a) ESBL or AmpC hyperproduction, (b) reduced
hydrolysis of carbapenems, particularly ertapenem, by ESBLs e.g. CTX-M-15, (c) outer membrane
impermeability due to porin alteration or loss by point mutations or deletions, (d) decreased
permeability due to pleiotropic mutations that influence the expression levels of porins or non-specific
efflux, (e) presence of efflux pumps, and (f) reduced affinity of penicillin-binding proteins.

1.3. Scope of opinion

In this opinion the focus will be on CP bacteria with acquired genetic elements encoding the
production of carbapenemases that could be transferred from food-producing animals (and derived
foods) to humans either directly, or indirectly through other pathways. The rationale for this approach
is discussed in 1.2.1.

It is important: (i) to assess whether animals, particularly food-producing animals, and more generally
the environment around animal production, might also provide the conditions required for the
emergence of carbapenemase-mediated resistance; (ii) to evaluate whether specific reservoirs for CP
bacteria or carbapenemase-encoding genes exist; and (iii) to identify factors that could favour the
emergence and/or spread of carbapenemase-mediated resistance in food-producing animals and
derived foods, and thus to humans through the food chain.

1.4. Significance and public health threat of human infections with carbapenemase-
producing bacteria
Acquired carbapenemases have been found in all screened species of Enterobacteriaceae and also in
non-fermenters, such as Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp. (Patel and Bonomo, 2013).

Enterobacteriaceae are a family of Gram-negative bacilli that are part of the normal flora of the human
and animal intestine and are the cause of community-acquired and healthcare-associated infections.
Amongst the Enterobacteriaceae, certain species, within which resistance to antimicrobials is of
particular concern, require special mention.

Of these, Escherichia coli is a cause of community-acquired infections (e.g. community-acquired

urinary tract infections), commonly occurs in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals and is shed
in their faeces, and may therefore spread throughout the ecosystem. A further genus that should be
highlighted is non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., organisms of which are, for the most part, transmitted
zoonotically. Although in general antimicrobial treatment is not recommended for human
salmonellosis, in cases of extraintestinal development of the illness, or when patients are

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immunologically compromised, treatment can be necessary. Salmonella spp. can also act as a reservoir
of resistance genes.

Klebiella pneumoniae is the first bacterial species in which blaKPC was found. This organism is a
frequent cause of healthcare-associated infections e.g. pneumonias, bacteraemias, and has a well-
documented propensity to accumulate antibiotic resistance determinants (Paterson and Bonomo,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous, non-fermenting Gram-negative rod commonly found in water

and soil, is an opportunistic human pathogen and a major cause of healthcare-associated infections and
infections in the immunosuppressed.

Another genus of bacteria, which has recently emerged as an organism of clinical importance, is
Acinetobacter spp., most frequently Acinetobacter baumanni, especially strains that are MDR.
Acinetobacter spp. are typically soil and water organisms. They have also been isolated from food and
the environment; they were previously mostly reported as the cause of infections in tropical climates
and in victims of natural disasters, as well as war casualties and were previously considered colonisers
in hospital environments. Acinetobacter spp. have now emerged as an important cause of healthcare-
associated infections, especially because of their resistance profile and their ability to accumulate
mechanisms of resistance, thereby making them resistant to most, if not all antimicrobials, including
the carbapenems. Such resistance compromises the treatment of patients, since there are often no
effective antibiotics with which to treat them, or may result in delayed appropriate therapy, when such
therapy is possible (Munoz-Price and Weinstein, 2008). This development is extremely worrisome, as
such organisms can survive environmental desiccation for long periods of time, making eradication
from hospitals difficult thus promoting transmission to patients and causing healthcare-associated
infections and outbreaks of infection in hospitals (Maragakis et al., 2008; Munoz-Price and Weinstein,

A variety of carbapenemases have now been reported in Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenters such
as P. aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. These include the MBL, class A carbapenemases such as
KPC, and carbapenem-hydrolysing class D -lactamases (CHDLs) oxacillinases (OXA) (Souli et al.,
2008; Patel and Bonomo, 2013).

1.5. Risk factors

Various risk factors have been identified as being associated with the emergence and increasing rate of
carbapenem resistance in many parts of the world. One such risk factor is the increased consumption
of carbapenems (ECDC, 2011). Causes of this increase in consumption are multifactorial, but one of
the strong drivers is the worldwide spread of ESBLs in Enterobacteriacae during the last 15 years
(Pitout, 2009; Woodford et al., 2013b). This global and apparently uncontrolled phenomenon has led
to a dissemination of enterobacterial strains that are resistant to broad-spectrum ß-lactams and often
co-resistant to numerous other antibiotic families. Carbapenems are the antibiotics of choice for
treatment of infections with such MDR microorganisms, leading to a vicious cycle of antibiotic use
and resistance (Paterson and Bonomo, 2005).

High and increasing rates of ESBL-producing bacteria represent an indirect risk for the spread of
carbapenem resistance mechanisms. This is because carbapenems are the antibiotics of choice with
which to treat patients infected with these types of MDR microorganisms. Uncontrolled use and
misuse of antimicrobial agents in addition to the high rates of MDR microorganisms (e.g. ESBL-
producing Enterobacteriaceae), all drive the large use of carbapenems (ESAC-Net interactive
database5). The result is an interminable cycle of antimicrobial use, antimicrobial selection pressure
and high rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).


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The emergence and spread of carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae (CNSE), and CPE has
also been identified as a public health threat for a number of reasons. As discussed in 1.2.1 above,
CPE are commonly susceptible only to the polymyxins (e.g. colistin), fosfomycin and variably
susceptible to tigecycline, although there have been recent reports of fosfomycin-resistant
(Karageorgopoulos et al., 2012) and colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (Marchaim et al., 2011). This
limits the antimicrobial armamentarium to be used to treat an infected patient, since only a few and
sometimes no effective antimicrobials remain, but also causes inadequate choice or delayed
administration of antimicrobial therapy which are associated with poorer patient outcomes, increased
morbidity, mortality, increased length of stay and increased costs in MDR organisms (Ibrahim et al.,
2000; Cosgrove et al., 2003; Anderson et al., 2006; Maragakis et al., 2008; Roberts et al., 2009; de
Kraker et al., 2011).

An additional concern is that these bacteria, and the mobile genetic elements (MGE) therein, are
highly transmissible, rapidly disseminating within hospitals after being introduced. This secondary
transmission can quickly lead to outbreaks, epidemics and, if left unchecked, to endemicity
(Grundmann et al., 2010; Nordmann et al., 2011a).

Lastly, studies performed for CPE and CNSE have shown that infection or colonization has been
associated with in-hospital mortality rates of 40-50% (Patel et al., 2008; Gasink et al., 2009; Marchaim
et al., 2010; Chitnis et al., 2012). The risk posed by infections with these MDR microorganisms
becomes even greater when considering the very limited number of new antimicrobial agents that are
in the developmental pipeline (Boucher et al., 2009; ECDC and EMEA, 2009; Livermore et al., 2011).

1.6. Incidence of human infection

CPE have, in little more than a decade, spread globally (Gupta et al., 2011; Nordmann et al., 2011a;
Canton et al., 2012) and they are now categorised as “microorganisms with a threat level of urgent” by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (CDC, 2013a). The dissemination of MGE
within these bacteria (e.g. transposons and plasmids), and epidemic strains that harbour such resistance
elements, occurs through human population mobility and, more specifically through patient transfer
between healthcare facilities, not only within the same country, but also across borders (ECDC, 2011).

Complete knowledge of the geographical distribution and magnitude of CNSE and CPE is unavailable
for many reasons. Heterogeneous processes of clinical culturing, microbiological practices, detection,
surveillance, reporting, notification of CNSE and CPE as well as when and if molecular testing is
performed, likely contribute to the lack of complete data that exist worldwide. Most surveillance data
report carbapenem resistance only for K. pneumoniae. Since molecular testing is not always performed
and CNSE are frequently found to be CP, carbapenem resistance (or CNS) is frequently used as a
surrogate marker for the presence of carbapenemases.

Data from Europe originate from that collected and reported by the European Antibiotic Resistance
Surveillance System (EARS-Net)6. EARS-Net reports annual rates of AMR in bloodstream infections
(BSI) and infections of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from hospitals in Europe, and brings together data on
drug-resistant isolates and isolates with intermediate resistance7. These data originate from clinical
microbiological laboratories across Europe, reporting antimicrobial susceptibility results only (no
molecular mechanisms are reported) for seven invasive bacterial pathogens, including K. pneumoniae
and E. coli. EARS-Net classifies carbapenem-resistant and carbapenem-intermediate isolates as
„carbapenem-resistant‟, so carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) will be used with regard to
EARS-Net data. Data from EARS-Net likely represent “the tip of the iceberg” of the total burden of
CRE and CPE, for a number of reasons. EARS-Net collects only data on invasive bacterial isolates
and since these bacteria also cause non-invasive infections, EARS-Net data probably correspond to
only a fraction of the total number of infections.


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1.6.1. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae from EARS-Net data

A trend analysis on EARS-Net data from 2005-2010 looked at carbapenem resistance in K.
pneumoniae isolates in Europe (Magiorakos et al., 2013). In this six-year period, eighteen countries
reported at least one carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolate. Of these, six countries were
included in the trend analysis since they reported carbapenem susceptibility data for K. pneumoniae
isolates for at least three years during 2005–2010 and had a 1% or higher percentage of reported
resistance for any of these years and for which a significantly increasing or decreasing trend was
observed. The number of countries with ≥1% carbapenem resistance amongst invasive K. pneumoniae
isolates, increased from two in 2005 (Greece, 27.8%; Germany, 3.1%) to five in 2010 (Greece, 49.8%;
Cyprus, 16.4%; Italy, 12.5%; Hungary, 5.9%; Portugal, 2.2%). Significantly increasing trends were
observed for Greece, Cyprus, Hungary and Italy (p < 0.01). Germany showed a decreasing trend (p <
0.01), since that country had not reported any carbapenem-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates in 2010.

Twenty-eight countries reported to EARS-Net in 2011, out of which 15 reported one or more
carbapenem-resistant isolates. Twenty-three countries reported percentages of carbapenem-resistant
isolates under 1%, two between 1 and 5%, one between 10-25% and two above 25%, the highest being
Greece with 68.2%. Trends for 2008-2011 for 22 countries showed a significant increase for three
countries, Greece, Hungary and Italy (ECDC, 2012).

1.6.2. Carbapenem resistance in the United States

Data from the USA on CRE are reported by the National Nosocomial National Healthcare Safety
Network (NHSN) (formerly National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System, NNIS) and from
other surveillance systems such as the Surveillance Network-USA (TSN) and Meropenem Yearly
Susceptibility Test Information Collection Program (MYSTIC). The 2009 MYSTIC summary showed
a significant increase in carbapenem resistance of clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae from 0.6% in
2004 to 5.6% in 2008 (Rhomberg and Jones, 2009). The overall proportion of carbapenem resistance
in Enterobacteriaceae in acute-care hospitals in the U.S. increased from 1.2% in 2001 to 4.2% in 2011
and more specifically carbapenem resistance in K. pneumoniae increased from 1.6% to 10.4% during
the same time period (CDC, 2013b).

1.6.3. Carbapenem resistance worldwide

Reports of autochthonous, community cases and environmental isolations of CPE are being
increasingly published, demonstrating that there is likely dissemination and penetration of CPE
beyond the hospital into the community and environment in many countries and particularly in the
South-East Asia (Kumarasamy et al., 2010; Picao et al., 2013).

1.7. Reservoirs of carbapenemase-producing bacteria and encoding genes

1.7.1. Reservoirs of bacteria

Variants of KPC, VIM, IMP, NDM, and OXA-48 families have been the predominant types identified
among human isolates (Nordmann et al., 2011a; Tzouvelekis et al., 2012). Most of these enzyme
family types have been encoded by plasmid-located genes from Enterobacteriaceae (mainly K.
pneumoniae), and by chromosomally- or plasmid-located genes from P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii or
Aeromonas spp. (Walsh et al., 2005; Poirel and Nordmann, 2006; Nordmann et al., 2011a; Nordmann
et al., 2011b; Canton et al., 2012; Poirel et al., 2012b). Sporadic reports of Vibrio cholerae carrying
blaNDM have recently been documented (Darley et al., 2012). Available information is summarised in
Table 3.

An outstanding public health threat is the possible large-scale dissemination of carbapenemase

producers from the hospital to the community, and more widely to the environment. So far, only
sporadic studies have reported the occurrence of carbapenemase-encoding genes in bacteria isolated
from animals (VIM-1, OXA-48 and NDM-1 producing Enterobacteriaceae and NDM-1 or OXA-23-
producing Acinetobacter spp.) or environmental samples (Fischer et al., 2012; Kempf et al., 2012;

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Poirel et al., 2012a; Wang et al., 2012; Fischer et al., 2013a; Shaheen et al., 2013; Stolle et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2013; Zurfluh et al., 2013).

Bacterial communities from aquatic environments including hospital sewage, wastewater treatment
plants (WWTP), lakes, or rivers may also contribute to the dissemination of carbapenemase-encoding
genes of clinical relevance, such as class A β-lactamase KPC-2, which is increasingly recovered from
Aeromonas and enterobacterial species at hospital sewage in different countries (Valverde et al., 2012;
Picao et al., 2013; Zurfluh et al., 2013), GES-5 identified from a bacterial community of activated
sludge in a WWTP (Girlich et al., 2012a), BIC-1 from P. fluorescens (Girlich et al., 2010a), and IMI-2
from Enterobacter asburiae recovered in rivers of different countries (Aubron et al., 2005); class B β-
lactamases VIM-1, VIM-2, VIM-13 from P. aeruginosa, P. alcaligenes, K. pneumoniae and diverse
environmental species from rivers and lakes (Quinteira and Peixe, 2006; Scotta et al., 2011); IMP-8,
IMP-10, and IMP-13 from Tunisian polluted rivers (Chouchani et al., 2013; Zurfluh et al., 2013),
NDM-1 from diverse Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp. and Aeromonas spp., and V. cholerae
from wastewaters, and Achromobacter spp., Kingella denitrificans, and P. aeruginosa from tap water
(Walsh et al., 2011); and class D OXA-23 from A. baumannii isolates recovered from the Seine river
at a hospital wastewater discharge site (Girlich et al., 2010b).

Contamination of vegetables, manure and farm facilities with contaminated water of anthropogenic
origin might facilitate the penetration of highly promiscuous broad-host range plasmids in specific
settings where some of these species may occur (e.g. Salmonella spp. in poultry, E. coli in livestock,
Klebsiella spp. in dairy cattle, Aeromonas spp. and Vibrio spp. in aquaculture)8. Similarly aquaculture
using water from contaminated rivers would result in a risk for the emergence and spread of
carbapenemase producers in such settings.

Aeromonas spp. possess naturally-occurring carbapenemases, the genes for which could, in theory, be
mobilised by genetic elements. The same considerations apply to other environmental species also
possessing intrinsic carbapenemases (Stenotrophomonas spp., Flavobacteriaceae, etc). Aeromonas is
unique in that the species has often been shown to be an intermediate reservoir of acquired clinically-
relevant resistance genes (Girlich et al., 2011); for instance there have been many examples of
plasmid-encoded ESBLs found in Aeromonas spp., and a plasmid-borne NDM-1 carbapenemase-
encoding gene has also been identified in this species (Walsh et al., 2011). This phenomenon has not
been described for other genera. Thus other environmental species (e.g., Vibrio spp., Acinetobacter
spp. and Pseudomonas spp.) or even some Enterobacteriacae may also have to be considered in
screening regimens. In this respect a strain of P. fluorescens with a new carbapenemase (BIC-1), so far
never identified in strains from humans, was reported in 2010 (Girlich et al., 2010a).

Besides the risk of contaminated soil and water, the colonisation of wildlife by CP bacteria through
contact with sewage, human faeces, or animal manure might facilitate the global spread of resistance
genes, with consequences for public health, animal welfare, and ecosystem functions (Pesapane et al.,

The occurrence, both in animals, including domestic pets and in healthy humans, of CP bacteria might
be underestimated, taking into account the “silent” and successful dissemination of certain species of
carbapenemase producers documented among humans (Gijon et al., 2012; Viau et al., 2012). Also,
only a few studies performed by groups dealing with the environment or animals have taken this topic
in consideration.

1.7.2. Reservoirs for carbapenemase production-encoding genes

Environmental bacteria are of clinical and veterinary concern as reservoirs of both acquired and also
chromosomal genes coding for carbapenem resistance. The direct or indirect transmission of such
genes from environmental bacteria to micro-organisms of clinical importance is a possibility, although
the frequency of such transmission has not been quantified. A remarkable number and diversity of

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chromosomal-encoded carbapenemases (mainly MBLs) are produced by a wide variety of

environmental species of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes such as, for example, Bacillus
cereus, Aeromonas spp., Stenotrophomonas spp., Chryseobacterium spp., Legionella gormanii,
Janthinobacterium spp., Pseudomonas spp., Sphingobacterium spp., Acidovorax spp., Caulobacter
spp., Cupriavidus spp., Sphingomonas spp., among many others (Docquier et al., 2002; Aubron et al.,
2005; Girlich et al., 2010b; Henriques et al., 2012). Functional metagenomics studies have disclosed
carbapenemase orthologs from bacteria in an Alaskan soil never inhabited by humans highlighting the
huge pool of carbapenem resistance genes in the environment, which seems to predate the introduction
of carbapenems in the therapeutic arsenal (Allen et al., 2009; Gonzalez and Vila, 2012).
Environmental bacterial species carrying acquired CP genes have also been reported (Scotta et al.,
2011). These genes may be captured and mobilized among human and animal adapted populations by
IS, class 1 integrons, or transposons (e.g.Tn3-like) that enable their expression in different bacterial
hosts better adapted to humans and animals such as Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp. and
Acinetobacter spp., which are also hosts of acquired CP genes (Aubron et al., 2005; Walsh et al.,
2005; Poirel and Nordmann, 2006; Bogaerts et al., 2010; Girlich et al., 2010a; Endimiani et al., 2011;
Gundogan et al., 2011; Nordmann et al., 2011a; Nordmann et al., 2011b; Canton et al., 2012; Girlich
et al., 2012a; Hamouda et al., 2012; Kempf et al., 2012; Poirel et al., 2012b; Smet et al., 2012; Wang
et al., 2012; Bonnin et al., 2013; Naas et al., 2013; Zurfluh et al., 2013).

To date, the main ISs associated with the capture of CP genes such as ISKpn7 (blaKPC genes), IS1999
(blaOXA), or ISAba125 and ISAba1 (blaOXA, blaNDM) have also been associated with other bla
determinants in Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonadaceae, highlighting their
ability to acquire a wide diversity of genes of different origin (Aubert et al., 2006; Hamidian et al.,
2013). Other ISs as IS26, and IS1111-like variants (e.g. IS5045, IS4321) which are widely spread
among plasmids and genomes of species of the above mentioned species, have been frequently
associated with different genetic context-carrying blaIMP-, blaVIM-, blaKPC-, blaOXA- or blaNDM-genes
generating composite transposons, thereby enhancing the possibilities of transfer among diverse
bacterial communities by different mechanisms (Tzouvelekis et al., 2012). Some plasmids of
Enterobacteriaceae (e.g. IncFI/FII, IncI, IncL/M, IncA/C, IncQ), Pseudomonas spp. and
Achromobacter xylosoxidans (pNOR-like), or Acinetobacter spp. are able to spread in a broad host
range of bacterial species, and are abundant among humans and animals, probably as a consequence of
previous selection by antibiotics, heavy metals and other pollutants. They have been implicated
repeatedly in recent independent acquisition events and thus are able to acquire new genes from
environmental bacteria and to spread among humans, animals and the environment (Carattoli, 2009;
Bertini et al., 2010; Girlich et al., 2010b; Andrade et al., 2011; Carattoli, 2011; Zhou et al., 2011; Chen
et al., 2012; Girlich et al., 2012a; Bonnin et al., 2013; Di Pilato et al., 2013; Naas et al., 2013).

Exposure to antibiotics, metals and other environmental pollutants may enhance the mobilization of
resistance genes (Kristiansson et al., 2011). Also, concentrations representing action limits used in
environmental risk assessment may be enough to exert a significant selective pressure on genes of
clinical relevance. Of particular concern is the release of antibiotics used in human and veterinary
medicine into sewage and manure distribution systems as they can be associated with sewage sludge,
contamination of rivers, liquid manure and farm soil (Tello et al., 2012).

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Table 3: Bacterial reservoirs of acquired carbapenemases of clinical importance and identified


Enzyme Functional Molecular Target species Representative Source

family group or class enzymes
GES 2f A Enterobacteriaceae, GES-4, -5, -6, -11, - HH, WWTP
Pseudomonas spp., 14
Acinetobacter spp.
KPC 2f A Enterobacteriaceae, KPC-2 to KPC-13 HH, HV, SW,
Pseudomonas spp.
SME 2f A Serratia marcescens SME-1 to SME-3 HH
IMI 2f A Enterobacter spp., IMI-1 to IMI-3 R, HH
Escherichia coli
NmcA 2f A Enterobacter cloacae NmcA HH
SFC 2f A Serratia fonticola SFC-1 E
BIC 2f A Pseudomonas fluorescens BIC-1 R
OXA 2df D Acinetobacter spp. OXA-23 group AN, R, HV, head
(OXA-23, -27, -49) lice
2df D Acinetobacter spp. OXA-24 group (OXA-24/-40, HH
-25, -26, -40, -72 )
2df D Acinetobacter spp. OXA-58 group (OXA-58, -96, HH
-97, -164)
2df D Acinetobacter spp. OXA-143 HH
2df D Acinetobacter spp. OXA-235 HH
2df D Enterobacteriaceae OXA-48 group HH, AN
(OXA-48, -181, -204,
IMP 3a B Enterobacteriaceae, IMP-1 to IMP-33 HH, R
Pseudomonas spp.
VIM 3a B Enterobacteriaceae, VIM-1 to VIM-34 HH, HV, AN, SW,
Pseudomonas spp., R
Brevundimonas spp.,
Rhizobium spp.
NDM 3a B Enterobacteriaceae, NDM-1 to NDM-8 HH, AN, SW, R
Pseudomonas spp.,
Acinetobacter spp.,
Vibrio spp.
SPM 3a B Pseudomonas aeruginosa SPM-1 HH
GIM 3a B Pseudomonas aeruginosa GIM-1 HH
SIM 3a B Acinetobacter baumannii SIM-1 HH
AIM 3a B Pseudomonas aeruginosa AIM-1 HH
DIM 3a B Pseudomonas stutzeri DIM-1 HH
KHM 3a B Citrobacter freundii KHM-1 HH
TMB Achromobacter TMB-1 HH
FIM 3a B Pseudomonas aeruginosa FIM-1 HH
HH = hospitalized patients; HV = healthy human; AN = animal; SW = sewage; WWTP = wastewater treatment plant;
R = rivers; E = environment

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1.8. Summary and conclusions

Carbapenems are broad-spectrum beta (β)-lactam antimicrobials mostly used for the treatment
of serious infections in humans, frequently in hospitalised patients, and are considered last-
line therapy for infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.

Production of carbapenemases may confer diverse -lactam resistance phenotypes depending

on a variety of factors such as the bacterial species, variant of the enzyme, expression level
due to different promoters, copies of carbapenemase-encoding genes and the presence of
additional non-enzymatic resistance mechanisms.

Carbapenem MICs may vary widely ranging from full susceptibility to high-level resistance
according to CLSI or EUCAST clinical breakpoints. Low levels of resistance to carbapenems
are more often observed among Enterobacteriacae.

A diversity of acquired genes encoding carbapenem-hydrolyzing ß-lactamases has been

identified. Such enzymes confer reduced susceptibility or resistance to almost all ß-lactams,
including carbapenems.

The emergence and spread of carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae and

carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriacae have been identified as major public health

Many carbapenemase-producing strains frequently carry additional resistance determinants to

other non-β-lactam antibiotics, making these organisms „extensively drug-resistant‟ or „pan

The focus of this Scientific Opinion is on carbapenemase-producing bacteria with acquired

genetic elements encoding carbapenemase production and that could be transferred from food-
producing animals (and derived foods) to humans directly, or indirectly through other

Factors that favour the emergence of carbapenem resistance include the increased
consumption of carbapenems in humans driven in part by the worldwide spread of ESBLs in
Enterobacteriacae, the location of carbapenem-encoding resistance genes on mobile genetic
elements, and positive selection due to co-resistance with other commonly-used antibiotics.

2. The epidemiology of carbapenemase-mediated resistance in food-producing animals

and foods
Few studies have reported the presence of CP bacteria in food-producing animals and their
environment (Fischer et al., 2012; Poirel et al., 2012a; Smet et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012; Fischer et
al., 2013a; Woodford et al., 2013b; Zhang et al., 2013). No reports of such bacteria from animal-
derived food products are available.

Additional studies in which the isolation of CRE in livestock or food were reported, but presented
inconsistencies in some of the methodologies. These reported: (i) Salmonella serovars Teko,
Weltevreden and Saintpaul, from vegetables in India (Singh et al., 2007); (ii) Salmonella Paratyphi B
variant Java, S. Saintpaul and Salmonella Virchow from buffalo calves and beef in India (Singh et al.,
2012); and (iii) E. coli from oysters, water, shrimps and pond environment in Brazil (Vieira et al.,
2008; Vieira et al., 2010). These studies have therefore not been considered further in this Opinion.

Most Salmonella spp. infections are considered to be directly or indirectly zoonotic in origin, and thus
reports of CP isolates of this species from cases of human infections and other animal sources (i.e.

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wildlife) have been included in this Opinion and are discussed below (Miriagou et al., 2003; Savard et
al., 2011; Cabanes et al., 2012; Le Hello et al., 2013; Pfeifer et al., 2013; Rasheed et al., 2013;
Woodford et al., 2013b). It has not been possible to elucidate if the carbapenemase-encoding genes
described above were acquired in animal, environmental or clinical settings. In respect of wildlife, a
CP Salmonella Corvallis isolate from a wild bird in Germany (Fischer et al., 2013c) has also been

In addition, the isolation of NDM-1-producing E. coli isolates from companion animals (cats and
dogs) in the USA (Shaheen et al., 2013), OXA-48 in E. coli and K. pneumoniae from dogs (Stolle et
al., 2013), and OXA-23-like-producing A. baumannii from human head lice in Senegal (Kempf et al.,
2012) have been described, but isolates from these origins are out of the scope of the Opinion and will
not be discussed further.

The real prevalence of carbapenemase-encoding genes in zoonotic bacteria or commensals is


2.1. Carbapenemase-producing microorganisms relevant for public health that have been
linked to food-producing animals, foodborne transmission and wildlife
The following CP microorganisms relevant for public health and linked to food-producing animals or
foods have been described.

2.1.1. Carbapenemase-producing microorganisms from food-producing animals and their

Nine CP isolates (BY1-BY9) of Acinetobacter genomospecies 15TU were detected in 2010 on a dairy
cattle farm in France (Poirel et al., 2012a). These isolates harboured the blaOXA-23 gene and encoded
the OXA-23 enzyme. With one exception, all isolates were resistant to penicillins, penicillins/β-
lactamase inhibitors, carbapenems, but susceptible to cefotaxime and exhibited reduced susceptibility
to ceftazidime (MICs 16-32 for both antimicrobials; BY1 showed higher MICs for carbapenems). All
isolates were resistant to tetracyclines, kanamycin and fosfomycin. They were susceptible to
fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, amikacin, tobramycin and sulphonamides. The
isolates showed six distinct pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns (6 genotypes). The isolate
BY1 represented a single clone. Acinetobacter genomospecies 15TU is known to be phylogenetically
related to A. lwoffii, and has been reportedly isolated from sewage, freshwater aquaculture habitats,
trout intestines and frozen shrimps in a previous study (Guardabassi et al., 1999).

Nine Gram-negative non-fermentative Acinetobacter bacteria belonging to different species (see 1.4)
resistant to imipenem (MIC>8 µg/mL) were identified in a study in different chicken farms (cloacal
swabs) and one pig slaughterhouse (carcass swabs) in China. Among these isolates, an A. lwoffii
isolate producing NDM-1 (isolate SGC-HZ9) recovered from a chicken anal swab was identified. The
isolate was resistant to all tested β-lactams (excepting aztreonam), ciprofloxacin, tetracyclines,
kanamycin, and chloramphenicol, and susceptible to gentamicin and polymyxin B (CLSI, 2008). No
molecular typing data on the isolate were provided (Wang et al., 2012).

An A. baumannii isolate (GF216) which produced NDM-1 was recovered from a sick pig in a Chinese
swine farm. The isolate was resistant to all tested β-lactams, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol,
tetracyclines, kanamycin, tilmicosin and erythromycin, being susceptible to gentamicin and colistin.
No molecular typing data on the isolates were provided (Zhang et al., 2013).

Two isolates of Acinetobacter spp. producing OXA-23 were collected from different hospitalised
horses in a University Faculty in Belgium. One of these horses had been previously treated with
penicillin. These isolates showed MICs for imipenem of 16 µg/ml, and together with other β-lactams,
were also resistant to tetracyclines, sulphonamides, trimethoprim and gentamicin, but susceptible to
colistin). Both isolates showed the same PFGE pattern (Smet et al., 2012).

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Three CP Salmonella spp. isolates were obtained from two fattening pig farms and one broiler farm in
Germany (Fischer et al., 2013a). The isolates from the two pig farms were from swine single faeces
(isolates R27) or from the farm environment (isolate R25). The poultry-related isolate (R3) was
collected from a dust sample. The isolates were classified as Salmonella enterica group C, antigenic
formula “6,7:-:-“9 and on this basis are herewith referred to as „putative S. Infantis‟. The multi locus
sequence type ST3210 and the two highly related PFGE-patterns are typical of Salmonella Infantis
(6,7:r:1,5) (Hauser et al., 2012). The Salmonella isolates R3, R25 and R27 showed decreased
susceptibility to carbapenems (non-wild type by the EUCAST ECOFF), but had MIC values below the
clinical breakpoint (CLSI, 2011). The three isolates produced VIM-1 carbapenemase and carried both
the AmpC-encoding gene blaACC-1 and blaVIM-1. When Salmonella R3 was grown in liquid medium
with carbapenems (1 to 16/8 µg/ml imipenem/ertapenem) the isolate was able to grow and showed
clinical resistance (clinical breakpoints CLSI vs. EUCAST, imipenem ≥ 4 vs. >8 mg/L, ertapenem ≥ 1
vs. >1 mg/L). All isolates showed additional resistance to chloramphenicol, streptomycin,
sulphonamides and trimethoprim and susceptibility to colistin, fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin and
tigecycline (CLSI, 2011). S. Infantis is among the top ten Salmonella spp. serovars implicated in
human salmonellosis worldwide (Hendriksen et al., 2011; EFSA and ECDC, 2013). The serovar has
been implicated in several outbreaks, and broilers, layers and pigs are important reservoirs (Hauser et
al., 2012; EFSA and ECDC, 2013). Isolates of this serovar have also caused disease with severe
symptoms (septicaemia, fatal cases) and nosocomial outbreaks.

Several E. coli isolates (31) from pig faeces, flies, manure and bootsocks taken in one of the German
swine farms cited above also produced VIM-1. These isolates showed slightly decreased susceptibility
to carbapenems (above the EUCAST ECCOFFs), together with resistance to streptomycin,
sulphonamides, and in all except one isolate, to tetracycline. Like the Salmonella isolate R27, the E.
coli isolates R178 and R29 were also able to grow in medium with concentrations of carbapenems
larger than or equal to the CLSI breakpoints. All isolates were positive for the blaACC-1 and the blaVIM-1
genes. These isolates were identified as E. coli sequence type (ST) 88 which belong to the E. coli
phylogenetic group A, and showed highly similar XbaI PFGE patterns and three different plasmid
profiles. E. coli ST88 is commonly isolated from chickens, cattle, turkeys and humans in Germany
(Fischer et al., 2012, 2013a; Fischer et al., 2013d; Fischer et al., 2013b).

2.1.2. Carbapenemase-producing Salmonella spp. isolates from cases of human infections

Reports of CP, non-typhoidal clinical isolates of Salmonella spp. from cases of human infection are
still scarce. Information on such isolates is presented below.

The first description of a CP Salmonella spp. was a S. Cubana isolate (S. Cubana 4707) collected from
a stool sample taken from a chronically ill 4-year old patient in 1998 in the USA (Miriagou et al.,
2003). The patient had been hospitalised several times, and there was no history of recent travel before
hospitalization. This isolate produced KPC-2 and exhibited resistance to most β-lactam antibiotics,
including oxyimino-cephalosporins and imipenem. The isolate was also resistant to streptomycin,
trimethoprim, and sulphamethoxazole. In the previous hospitalisations (three times in the six months
previous to the isolation), the patient had been treated with ceftriaxone and ceftazidime, but not with

CP S. Saintpaul (1 isolate) and Salmonella Kentucky (1) from a patient returning to France from Egypt
in 2009 have also been described (Le Hello et al., 2013). The patient was co-infected with S. Kentucky
resistant to ciprofloxacin and 3rd-generation cephalosporins (carrying blaCMY-2), and with S. Saintpaul
which produced OXA-48. One of the subsequent S. Kentucky isolates (obtained from the same patient
more than one year later) also contained the blaOXA-48 carbapenemase gene, although the isolate was
phenotypically susceptible to imipenem (MIC 0.75 mg/L). This isolate was also resistant to
azithromycin but susceptible to colistin and tigecycline. In the same study, S. Kentucky isolates (5)
producing VIM-2 was described. All isolates were recovered from human clinical samples (one blood,


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two urine and two faecal cultures) in 2010 in Morocco. They showed resistance to ciprofloxacin and
3rd-generation cephalosporins, and decreased susceptibility to imipenem (MIC 1-3 mg/L). Also S.
Kentucky carrying blaOXA-48 was isolated from a patient from Morocco in a German hospital (Pfeifer et
al., 2013).

Salmonella Westhampton resistant to imipenem and producing NDM-1 was isolated from urine and
faecal samples from a French patient who was transferred from India to a hospital on Reunion Island
in 2011. This isolate also carried blaCTX-M-1 and blaTEM genes. E. coli and Klebsiella isolates showing
an ESBL phenotype, but no imipenem resistance were obtained from the same patient. No data on the
presence of blaNDM-1 in these isolates were presented (Cabanes et al., 2012).

Monophasic S. Senftenberg (antigenic formula 3,19:g,s,t:−) resistant to imipenem and producing

NDM-1 was isolated from clinical samples (perirectal culture) of a patient transferred from an Indian
hospital to the USA. The isolate was only susceptible to tetracyclines, tigecycline, and trimethoprim-
sulphamethoxazole. From the same patient, K. pneumoniae producing NDM-1 had been isolated one
month previously, but the plasmids on which the gene was located in both isolates were different
(Savard et al., 2011).

Although Salmonella spp. is in general regarded as a zoonotic pathogen, to our knowledge there are no
indications that the infections involving CP strains described above were derived from food-producing
animals directly or from foods thereof.

2.1.3. Carbapenemase-producing Salmonella spp. isolates from wildlife

Wildlife may also be a reservoir for CP Salmonella spp. In this respect, Fischer et al. (2013c) have
recently reported the isolation in Germany of a NDM-producing S. Corvallis from a wild black kite.
The isolate, NRL-Salm-12-1738, multilocus sequence type ST1541, showed carbapenem susceptibility
values that suggested the presence of a carbapenemase (zone diameters of 24, 20 and 24 mm and
MICs of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.125 mg/L for, respectively, imipenem, ertapenem and meropenem; non-wild-
type by the EUCAST cut-off values, but susceptible or intermediate according to the CLSI clinical
breakpoints). When the isolate was grown in liquid medium supplemented with imipenem (Luria-
Bertani broth with 16 mg/L imipenem), it showed full resistance (clinical breakpoints CLSI versus
EUCAST, imipenem ≥4 versus >8 mg/L). This isolate also exhibited resistance to chloramphenicol,
kanamycin, tetracyclines, trimethoprim, streptomycin, sulphonamides and fosfomycin, carried the
plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance gene qnrS, but was susceptible to tigecycline and

2.2. Carbapenemase-encoding genes relevant for public health that have been linked to
food-producing animals, foodborne transmission and wildlife
As described above, the following CP-encoding genes relevant for public health and which have been
linked to food-producing animals or foods have been described:

The blaOXA-23 gene was found in isolates of Acinetobacter genomospecies 15TU from a dairy cattle
farm in France (Poirel et al., 2012a), and was also detected in Acinetobacter spp. from two horses in
Belgium (Smet et al., 2012).

The blaNDM-1 gene was found in A. lwoffii from a chicken in a broiler farm (isolate SGC-HZ9) (Wang
et al., 2012) and A. baumannii from a pig farm (isolate GF216) (Zhang et al., 2013) in different
regions of China.

The blaVIM-1 gene was found in S. Infantis from German broiler and pig farms, and E. coli from one of
the same pig farms (Fischer et al., 2012, 2013a).

In other Salmonella spp. isolations from humans and other sources, the following genes have also been

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The detection of blaKPC-2 gene in a S. Cubana isolate made in 1998 in the USA (Miriagou et al., 2003).
blaVIM-2 in five S. Kentucky isolates from clinical human samples in Morocco (Le Hello et al., 2013).
blaOXA-48 in isolates of S. Saintpaul and S. Kentucky from the same patient, with more than one year
between both isolation dates, supporting the “in vivo” transfer of the gene (Le Hello et al., 2013). This
gene was also found in a S. Kentucky isolate from a patient from Morocco hospitalised in Germany
(Pfeifer et al., 2013).

The blaNDM-1 gene has been also found in Salmonella spp. from human clinical samples in USA and
Reunion Island, in both cases in patients previously hospitalized in India (Savard et al., 2011; Cabanes
et al., 2012; Rasheed et al., 2013), and S. Corvallis from a black kite in Germany – see above (Fischer
et al., 2013c).

2.3. Mobile genetic elements involved in transmission of carbapenem resistance relevant for
public health that have been linked to food-producing animals, foodborne transmission
and wildlife
The following mobile genetic elements involved in the transmission of CP-encoding genes relevant for
public health and linked to food-producing animals or foods have been so far described:

The Acinetobacter genomospecies 15TU isolate BY2, collected from cattle in France carried blaOXA-23
located in the Tn2008 transposon. In other eight isolates (BY-1, BY2-9) the ISAbaI element of
Tn2008 was truncated by the ISAcsp2 IS. The gene appears to be chromosomally-located (Poirel et al.,

pAL-01 is a 270 kb self-transferable plasmid which carries the blaNDM-1 gene (partial sequence of
the plasmid, accession number JN616388), isolated from A. lwoffii SGC-HZ9 from a chicken in China.
The incompatibility (Inc) group of the plasmid could not be determined. The gene is attached to an
intact ISAba125 insertion element that seems to play a role in the expression of the carbapenemase.
The gene aphA6 is located upstream the ISAba125 (Wang et al., 2012).

pNDM-AB (accession number KC503911) is a 47 kb self-transferable plasmid found in an A.

baumannii GF216 isolate that carries the blaNDM-1 gene. The isolate was obtained from a pig in China.
The Inc group of the plasmid could not be determined. Together with the blaNDM-1 gene, the plasmid
also harboured aphA6, ble and msr(E)-mph(E), and a copy of the ISAba125 element (Zhang et al.,

pRHR-27 is a 300 kb incHI2 plasmid from the S. Infantis isolate R27 collected from a German pig
farm (see above). The blaVIM-1 was located in a class 1 integron together with aacA4 (aac (6‟)-Ib) and
aadA1 in its variable region, and qac/sul1 in its 3‟CS conserved segment. This integron forms part of
a Tn402-like transposon. The plasmid also carries the blaACC-1, strA/B, catA1, and a trimethoprim
resistance gene. The pRH27 plasmid was neither self-transferable nor mobilisable under the conditions
used (Fischer et al., 2013a). An indistinguishable plasmid has been found in other S. Infantis isolates
from environmental samples from pig and poultry farms (Fischer et al., 2013a; Fischer et al., 2013d;
Fischer et al., 2013b).

pRHR-178 (HG530658) is a 220 kb IncHI2 plasmid isolated from the E. coli isolate R178, collected in
a German pig farm. Like in pRH27, the blaVIM-1 is located in a class 1 integron forming part of a
Tn402-like transposon (accession number HE663536). The plasmid also carries the blaACC-1, and
strA/B genes, and was not transferable. The same plasmid has been found in other E. coli isolates
collected within the same farm from pig faecal samples, manure and a fly (Fischer et al., 2012, 2013a;
Fischer et al., 2013d; Fischer et al., 2013b).

In other Salmonella spp. isolates obtained from human clinical samples and from non-food producing
animals, the following plasmids have been detected:

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pST4707, a self-transferable plasmid of between 36 – 63 kb, in which both blaKPC-2 and blaTEM-1 genes
were co-localized, from the isolate of S. Cubana described above. Genes encoding resistance to
streptomycin, trimethoprim and sulphonamides were also present on the plasmid (Miriagou et al.,

A 30 kb IncW plasmid carrying blaVIM-2 within the In58 integron (containing also aacC7, aacC1 and
aacA4 genes) in five isolates of S. Kentucky, and a 70 kb IncL/M plasmid in a S. Saintpaul isolate (Le
Hello et al., 2013).

An IncL/M plasmid in a monophasic S. Senftenberg isolate. In this isolate the armA gene
(aminoglycoside resistance) was also located on this IncL/M plasmid (Rasheed et al., 2013).

pRH-1738 is an ∼180 kb IncA/C conjugative plasmid found in a strain of S. Corvallis (from a wild
kite) in which both the blaNDM-1 carbapenemase gene flanked by ISAb125 and the bleBML gene
(accession number HG007972), and a blaCMY-16 AmpC gene were located. On the same plasmid, two
class 1 integrons (carrying dfrA1-aadA5 or aacA4) as well as floR, tet(A), strA/B, and sul1, sul2 were
co-localized (Fischer et al., 2013c).

2.4. Data on occurrence of carbapenem resistance in food-producing animals and foods.

2.4.1. Harmonised EU monitoring of resistance: EFSA Community Summary Report.

To date carbapenems have not been included in the antibiotic panels of national surveillance
programmes, nor in the panels of antibiotics used by veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Because
screening for resistance to carbapenems has not been compulsory in official European Union (EU)
surveillance activities, there are no data on resistance to this class of antimicrobial in the EFSA
Community Summary reports.

2.4.2. Data from other published studies designed to detect carbapenem resistance
As stated above, few studies have reported the presence of CP bacteria from food-producing animals
and their environment (Fischer et al., 2012; Poirel et al., 2012a; Wang et al., 2012; Fischer et al.,
2013a; Fischer et al., 2013d; Fischer et al., 2013b; Woodford et al., 2013b; Zhang et al., 2013). The
available data have come from studies conducted within several research projects in different
countries, but not as a result of monitoring programmes. Thus, the methods used to detect the isolates
were different. In some cases the studies focused on the isolation of ESBL/AmpC producers. When
such isolates were subjected to tests for their susceptibility to carbapenems they were recognised as
carbapenemase producers (Fischer et al., 2012, 2013a; Fischer et al., 2013d). In other investigations,
the primary purpose was the identification of carbapenemase producers. The following studies have
been published.

In a study conducted in one dairy farm in France in 2010, samples taken from 50 dairy cows were
tested. The screening of the samples was done using selective Drigalski Agar plates (BioMerieux)
with 1 µg/mL imipenem. Nine of the samples were positive for CPE Acinetobacter; all isolates
produced OXA-23 (Poirel et al., 2012a).

In a survey on chicken farms (8), duck farms (6) and one pig slaughterhouse in Eastern China (Oct-
Dec. 2010) in total 396 samples were collected. The samples were screened with selective brain heart
infusion agar plates with 8 µg/ml imipenem, looking for non-fermenting Gram-negative isolates. In
total, nine isolates (eight from pig samples, one from a chicken) from different bacterial genera
(Stenotrophomonas, Myroides, Chryseobacterium, and Acinetobacter) were non-susceptible against
carbapenems. One A. lwoffii producing NDM-1 was isolated from one of the broiler samples. The
antibiotic usage records for the chicken farm indicated that penicillin, cefotaxime, cefradine,
tilmicosin, doxycycline, and neomycin had been used (Wang et al., 2012).

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Within a survey of Gram-negative bacteria from pig (5), broiler (3) and duck (1) farms conducted in
South China (2011-2012), 1293 samples (single animals) were collected. The screening method used
for isolation is not available. Isolates were tested for their susceptibility to carbapenems by growth on
brain-heart infusion agar plates with 2 µg/ml meropenem. Isolates that grew on the media (276) were
tested for the presence of blaNDM-1 and other carbapenemases. As described above one isolate from a
pig with pneumonia and sepsis was positive for blaNDM-1. Treatment records of the farm revealed the
use of ß-lactams including 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and quinolones.
Data on the remaining isolates have as yet not been published (Zhang et al., 2013).

Although testing for reduced susceptibility to carbapenems among isolates from food and food-
producing animals has as yet not been included as part of the Danish Integrated Antimicrobial
Resistance Monitoring and Research Programme (DANMAP), two recent studies have been conducted
on E. coli subpopulations to test for isolates with reduced susceptibility to carbapenems. In a
collection from 2011, 138 cephalosporin resistant E. coli from pigs and cattle as well as meat from
these animals and from poultry were subjected to phenotypic testing using discs containing
meropenem, ertapenem and imipenem. None of these isolates showed reduced susceptibility to any of
the three antimicrobials. Similar, in a collection from 2012, 249 cephalosporin-resistant E. coli from
pigs and meat from pigs, cattle and poultry were tested and found negative for the presence of
carbapenemase genes by Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) by the use of the ResFinder Web tool
(see below) (DANMAP, 2012).

From longitudinal studies conducted in swine (n=7) and broiler (n=7) farms in Germany (Laube et al.,
2013a; Laube et al., 2013b), 2 fattening pig farms and 1 broiler farm were found to be positive for CP
Salmonella spp. One of these farms was also positive for CP E. coli. The three farms were distributed
in different locations in the same German Federal Region, with no apparent epidemiological link. The
screening of the samples was done using selective MacConkey agar with 1 µg/mL cefotaxime, looking
for ESBLs/AmpC producing isolates (Fischer et al., 2012, 2013a). When the isolates were tested for
their susceptibility against a broad panel of ß-lactams, the production of carbapenemases was
suspected and confirmed.

In a study carried out on hospitalised horses in Belgium in 2012, faecal samples collected from 20
horses were analysed for the presence of CP bacteria. The samples were screened using MacConkey
agar plates with 1 µg/ml imipenem. In two of the samples Acinetobacter spp. isolates showing
resistance to carbapenems were detected (Smet et al., 2012).

In a recent study, 184 Salmonella isolates belonging to the collection of the German National
Reference Laboratory for Salmonella (mainly food and animal isolates) that showed clinical resistance
to 3rd-generation cephalosporins (MICs ≥ 4mg/L for cefotaxime, and had been collected since 2006)
were tested for their susceptibility to carbapenems (imipenem, meropenem and ertapenem). Only one
of these isolates (S. Corvallis from a wild bird) showed susceptibility values (over the EUCAST cut
off values) that suggested the presence of carbapenemases (in this case the presence of NDM-1 was
confirmed) (Fischer et al., 2013c).

Kempf et al. (2012) performed a study in 2010 in Senegal, in which fecal samples from human head
lice (354 samples), human faecal samples (717) and animal faecal samples (118) were screened for the
presence of A. baumannii by means of real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction targeting the blaOXA51-like
gene. Samples positive for A. baumannii were further screened for blaOXA23-like and blaOXA24-like genes.
A. baumannii was detected in the head lice samples (4%), human stool samples (5.4%) and the animal
stool samples (5%). No blaOXA24 gene was detected in the isolates (cultured from 14 head lice, 39
human and seven animal stool samples). Six of the isolates from the human faecal samples and three
from the lice were positive for the blaOXA23-like gene. None of the A. baumannii from the animal
samples was positive for any of the bla genes tested.

In a study in Switzerland (Stephan et al., 2013), investigations to determine the occurrence of CPE in
food-producing animals in Switzerland were presented. Faecal samples from pigs (200), cattle (150)

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and sheep (110), collected from individual healthy food-producing animals at slaughter (one animal
per farm), as well as pooled faecal samples from poultry flocks (99 herd-level pooled faecal samples
of chicken at the entry of a large slaughterhouse from the crates of 99 poultry flocks) were collected
and investigated. In 16 of the samples (three sheep, five cattle and eight poultry) there was growth on
Brilliance CRE agar. The isolates recovered were Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, A. baumannii, E.
coli and Citrobacter freundii. The E. coli (4) and the C. freundii (4) isolates showed imipenem MICs
between 0.19 and 1.5 μg/ml. None of the genes screened (genes encoding for VIM, GIM, Sim, NDM-
1, IMI, KPC, OXA-48, OXA-40-like OXA-51-like and OXA-58-like) were present in these

Within another study conducted in Ethiopia (Kumsa et al., 2012) to determine the presence of
Acinetobacter species in lice and Melophagus ovinus (sheep ked) of animals in 2011, cattle (207),
sheep (85), dogs (47) and cats (16) were examined for ectoparasites. DNA from different
Acinetobacter species was detected in lice (11.1%) and keds (86.4%): Acinetobacter soli in
Linognathus vituli of cattle, Acinetobacter lowffii in M. ovinus of sheep, Acinetobacter pittii in
Heterodoxus spiniger of dogs, one new Acinetobacter spp. in M. ovinus and two new Acinetobacter
spp. in H. spiniger of dogs were detected. None of the carbapenemase resistance-encoding genes
tested for blaOXA-23, blaOXA-24, blaOXA-58, blaNDM-1 and blaOXA-51 were found in any of the lice and sheep

2.5. Evidence of transmission of carbapenemase-producing strains and/or carbapenem

resistance genes to humans by consumption or handling of contaminated food or
through the food animal production environment.
As yet transmission of CP strains and/or resistance genes to humans by the handling of contaminated
food or through the food animal production environment or food chain has not been reported.
Nevertheless, as the bacterial species within which CP strains have been identified are common in
food-producing animals and their environment, in foods, and in humans, the spread of such strains
both from food producing animals to humans, and vice-versa, is a real possibility. Likewise, as the
genes encoding resistance to carbapenems have been located on transmissible plasmids and are
themselves transmissible by a variety of mechanisms (see 3.4.2 below), both intra- and inter-species
transfer is also likely. Furthermore, when such genes are plasmid-located, linkage to other more
common resistance genes such as those encoding co-resistance to tetracyclines, aminoglycosides,
penicillins or cephalosporins (Fischer et al., 2012, 2013a) can favour their selection and spread when
such antibiotics are used in a hospital or veterinary environment (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards
(BIOHAZ), 2011; Liebana et al., 2013; Woodford et al., 2013b).

A classic example of the rapidity of the spread, in the farm environment, of a plasmid encoding
resistance to ESBL and other β-lactam antibiotics was that initially described by Liebana et al. (2006).
In this study both the conjugative IncK, CTX-M-carrying plasmid, and strains carrying this pCT-like
plasmid, were shown to spread rapidly among cattle on the farm. Later, they have also been reported
among other farm animals and hospitals in different countries (Valverde et al., 2009; Cottell et al.,
2011; Dhanji et al., 2012; Stokes et al., 2012). Results indicated that horizontal plasmid transfer
between strains as well as horizontal gene transfer between plasmids contributed to the spread of
resistance. Furthermore, some ESBL clones were shown to persist for several months, suggesting that
clonal spread also contributes to the perpetuation of resistance. Although there is no suggestion that
strains on this farm were resistant to carbapenem antibiotics, the study demonstrates how rapidly such
ESBL-producing strains and plasmids coding for ESBL production can spread in a farm environment,
and how unrelated antibiotic selection pressure can contribute to the transmission and establishment of
such strains.

2.6. Summary and conclusions

Harmonised monitoring of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-producing animals has
as yet not been undertaken in the EU. EU-wide validated data on the occurrence of such
resistance are therefore not available.

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Transmission of carbapenemase-producing strains and/or resistance genes to humans through

the food animal production environment or food chain has as yet not been reported, but is
considered likely should these strains/genes spread more widely in food-producing animals.

Few studies have reported the presence of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-

producing animals and their environment. Genes identified have included blaVIM-1 in
Enterobacteriaceae and blaNDM-1 and blaOXA-23 in Acinetobacter spp. No such carbapenemase-
producing isolates have been identified in food derived from food-producing animals.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates of Acinetobacter spp. have been detected on a dairy cattle

farm in France, in chickens on farms and pigs at slaughterhouse in China, and in horses in
Belgium. The carbapenemase-encoding genes identified included blaNDM-1 and blaOXA-23.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates of putative Salmonella Infantis have been identified in

food-producing animals (pig faeces) and their environment (pig and broiler farms) in
Germany. The isolates carried both an acquired AmpC-encoding gene blaACC-1 and an
acquired carbapenemase-encoding gene blaVIM-1. E. coli producing VIM-1 carbapenemase was
also identified in one of these pig farms (pig faeces and environment). These AmpC-encoding
and carbapenemase-encoding genes were located on IncHI2 plasmids.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates belonging to Salmonella Cubana, S. Kentucky, S.

Saintpaul, S. Senftenberg and S. Westhampton producing KPC-2, VIM-2, OXA-48 or NDM-1
have been recovered from cases of human infection, although the origin of the genes (animal,
environmental or clinical settings) cannot be determined. All these serovars are regarded as
potentially zoonotic in origin.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates from companion animals and from a wild bird have also
been reported. Genes identified have included blaOXA-48 and blaNDM-1 in Enterobacteriaceae and
blaOXA-23 in Acinetobacter spp.

A wide variety of antibiotic resistance-encoding genes, including genes mediating resistance

to a range of β-lactam-antibiotics, have been co-located on carbapenemase-encoding plasmids
belonging to different incompatibility groups.

3. Critical analysis of the methods for detection of carbapenemase-producing bacteria

(isolation and identification), and characterisation of carbapenemase-encoding genes
and associated mobile elements.

3.1. Selective isolation of carbapenemase-producers

CP bacteria in food-producing animals have been so far identified in the context of existing
surveillance systems for the detection of ESBLs or AmpCs. Specific surveys for the monitoring of
carbapenemase producers have not been conducted and there is no experience on that issue. By
analogy to what has been described in humans, the timely identification of carbapenemase producers
is critical for the success of interventions (preventing introduction or reducing the incidence of
carbapenemase producers in a specific setting). Thus, active surveillance is imperative in order to limit
the dissemination of CP micro-organisms through (i) identification of reservoirs and (ii) early
recognition of transmission events.

Active surveillance of cultures along with point prevalence surveys has been shown to be the most
effective approach (Ben-David et al., 2010; Ciobotaro et al., 2011). Various versions of screening
culture-based or molecular-based methodologies have been proposed (Landman et al., 2005;
Schechner et al., 2009; Nordmann and Poirel, 2013). In-house prepared agar media (e.g. MacConkey,

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SuperCarba) supplemented with a carbapenem (meropenem or ertapenem) or chromogenic media (e.g.

CHROMAgar, chromID CARBA, Brilliance CRE) are suitable for this purpose (Landman et al., 2005;
Samra et al., 2008; Adler et al., 2011; Moran Gilad et al., 2011; Girlich et al., 2013b; Kotsakis et al.,
2013). The latter media have been evaluated and exhibit variable sensitivities and specificities for
different Gram-negative bacteria and carbapenemase types. The different selective media are listed in
Table 4, together with details on the carbapenem included in the media and their reported sensitivity
and specificity.

Isolates obtained from the initial screening are considered as non-susceptible to carbapenems and then
are further investigated by phenotypic, biochemical and molecular assays (Nordmann et al., 2012c;
Nordmann and Poirel, 2013).

One of the in-house prepared selective agar media for the screening of carbapenemase producers is
McConkey agar supplemented with meropenem (0.5 g/ml). Although the diagnostic values for this
screening medium have not been determined it has been successfully used and exhibited high
sensitivity during active surveillance (Sypsa et al., 2012; Adler et al., 2013). Colonies obtained on
meropenem-containing MacConkey agar plates are visualized macroscopically as members of
Enterobacteriaceae, or as non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli; further identification is needed to the
species level. One disadvantage of this medium is that the shelf-life of the plates is limited (one-two
weeks) due to the instability of meropenem, and thus they should be prepared regularly.

CHROMagar KPC screening medium (CHROMagar company, Paris, France), which contains a
carbapenem as the selective agent for resistance, was specifically designed for screening KPC
producers. Using this medium, CP isolates with MIC values >16 µg/mL can be detected (Samra et al.,
2008). The main problem associated with the use of this medium is that many carbapenemase
producers, including those producing KPC-type enzymes, do not exhibit high MICs to carbapenems.
Therefore the sensitivity of CHROMagar KPC screening medium appears to be quite low (Carrer et
al., 2010).

SUPERCARBA medium has been developed to overpass the two main shortcomings of ChromID
ESBL and CHROMagar KPC screening medium listed above, these being the lack of detection of
isolates fully susceptible to broad-spectrum cephalosporins and of those exhibiting low MICs of
carbapenems (Nordmann et al., 2012a). Hence, selection is based on a carbapenem (ertapenem) and
not a cephalosporin. Furthermore the concentration of ertapenem is low (0.25 µg/ml), thus
significantly enhancing sensitivity. Nevertheless, the specificity remains good, since SUPERCARBA
medium has been supplemented with cloxacillin, which inhibits production of class C
cephalosporinases, and that may confer reduced susceptibility to ertapenem when combined with some
permeability defects. In addition, the SUPERCARBA medium contains zinc, thereby enhancing the
production of MBLs and therefore constituting a significant advantage compared to the other media in
order to detect those MBL producers showing low MICs to carbapenems.

Brilliance CRE (Oxoid, Basingstoke, U.K) is a chromogenic medium that contains a modified
carbapenem and it is designed to detect carbapenem-non-susceptible bacteria. Results from several
studies have shown that Brilliance CRE agar is a reliable selective medium, since it allows growth of
the vast majority of the CP enterobacterial isolates, even those exhibiting low levels of resistance to
carbapenems (Wilkinson et al., 2012; Girlich et al., 2013b; Kotsakis et al., 2013; Stuart et al., 2013).
The specificity of Brilliance CRE is considered adequate and comparable to that of the
SUPERCARBA. It should be noted that one of the advantages of this screening medium is its
chromogenic ability to differentiate microorganisms to the genus or species level by colony color and

ChromID CARBA (bioMerieux) is a chromogenic medium that contains a mixture of antibiotics as

selective agents for the detection of carbapenemase producers. This culture medium appears so far to
show the best performance among the chromogenic media in terms of sensitivity and specificity
(Wilkinson et al., 2012).

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As reported by several investigators, the sensitivity of all three chromogenic media is affected by the
difficulties in detecting OXA-48 producers which exhibit low carbapenem MICs. Therefore, a novel
chromogenic medium, chromID OXA-48 (bioMerieux), has been developed for the efficient detection
of OXA-48 producers. Indeed, this medium exhibits high sensitivity for the detection of OXA-48
positive micro-organisms. Because growth of isolates producing either class A or B carbapenemases is
inhibited (Girlich et al., 2013a), in most instances chromID OXA-48 should be used in combination
with an additional selective medium.

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Table 4: Selective media for the screening of carbapenem-non-susceptible isolates.

Media Company Carbapenem Sensitivity (%)a Specificity (%)a References

McConkey In house Meropenem NDc NDc (Sypsa et al., 2012)
+carbapenem (0.125-0.5mg/L) (Adler et al., 2013)
SuperCarba In house Ertapenem 96.5 60.7 (Nordmann et al., 2012a)
(0.25mg/L) 100 (class A) (Girlich et al., 2013b)
92 (class B)
100 (class D)
CHROMagarKPC/ CROMagar NAd 88 70 (Wilkinson et al., 2012)
Colorex KPC 43 67.8 (Girlich et al., 2013b)
70 (class A)
58.8 (class B)
11.6 (class D)
Brilliance CRE Oxoid NAd 82 60 (Wilkinson et al., 2012)
94 71 (Stuart et al., 2013)
85 72 (Kotsakis et al., 2013)
76.3 57.1 (Girlich et al., 2013b)
85 (class A)
78.4 (class B)
69.8 (class D)
chromID CARBA bioMerieux NAd 96 76 (Wilkinson et al., 2012)
chromID OXA-48 bioMerieux NAd 70.1 100 (Girlich et al., 2013a)
94.7 (class D)
0 (class A+B)
sensitivity and specificity values are indicative and not comparable due to differences on the collections of isolates used for the evaluation, different types of carbapenemases, inoculum, and
assay conditions.
studies evaluating the optimal concentration are still ongoing.
ND: not determined.
NA: commercial information not available.

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An algorithm has been proposed for the detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriacae by

the “EUCAST subcommittee for detection of resistance mechanisms and specific resistances of
clinical and/or epidemiological importance”11. Since CPE may exhibit low level of resistance to
carbapenems, the ECOFF values were taken into consideration in order to set a screening cut-off for
the three carbapenems.

ECOFFs are determined from the MICs or inhibition zone diameter distributions of bacterial
populations. They are defined as the values identifying the upper limit of the wild type population (i.e.
characterized by the absence of acquired and mutational mechanism of resistance to a specific
antimicrobial agent). The screening cut-off values are the lowest MICs or inhibition zone diameters
identified in the non-wild type population possessing acquired mechanisms of resistance to a specific
agent. For Enterobacteriaceae, the screening cut-off value is of 0.125 mg/l for meropenem, 1 mg/l for
imipenem and 0.125 mg/l for ertapenem. If disk diffusion is used, applying zone diameters of 25 mm
for meropenem, 23 mm for imipenem, and 25 mm for ertapenem would be indicative of non-
susceptibility to carbapenems. Screening cut-off values for imipenem and meropenem have not yet
been defined for Acinetobacter spp. Based on expert opinion, a decision has been made by the WG
that values above the ECOFFs should be used as screening cut-offs for the latter micro-organism.

The use of ertapenem for screening confers high sensitivity but suffers from low specificity. On the
other hand, for imipenem the MICs of wild-type population for several bacteria, such as Proteae,
overlaps with the bacterial population bearing a carbapenem resistance mechanism. Screening with
meropenem offers a good balance between sensitivity and specificity. Stability of carbapenem
antimicrobials might be a problem because of their short active life.

A similar approach can be adopted for the monitoring of carbapenem resistance and identification of
carbapenemase producers in animals and the environment. Specifically designed surveys for the
detection of carbapenemase producers should be conducted. Pre-enrichment by incubation of samples
in selective broth containing a carbapenem at a low concentration (e.g. meropenem 0.125 mg/L) may
increase sensitivity (see also workflow in Figure 1). Cephalosporin-based pre-enrichment of the
samples has been already recommended for the screening of ESBL-producers (EFSA Panel on
Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), 2011). A similar pre-enrichment approach using a carbapenem has not
been validated for the screening of carbapenemase producers of animal origin, and any method
proposed would have to be subjected to thorough experimental verification. In that respect, the
proposed methodology is based on the CDC guidelines for screening of carbapenem resistance in
Enterobacteriaceae (CDC, 2012) and on expert opinion.

Methods for application for two different uses are presented below:

(i) investigation of resistance for any given isolate from monitoring and/or surveillance schemes,

(ii) specifically designed surveys for detection of CP organisms


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Figure 1: Proposed methodology for the detection of carbapenemase-producing non-susceptible

Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp.

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3.2. Interpretative criteria for phenotypic testing for non-susceptibility to carbapenems.

Imipenem, meropenem and ertapenem breakpoints were established during the EUCAST
harmonisation period in 2006, and doripenem breakpoints during the European Medicines Agency
(EMA) registry process in 2008. In 2009 EUCAST reviewed all the relevant breakpoints on the basis
of MIC distributions of wild-type organisms, MICs of MBL- and KPC-producing organisms,
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) data and a review of current literature and concluded that
there were not enough data to support a change in current breakpoints12. The point was made that
breakpoints had been set as clinical breakpoints, and not for detection of carbapenem-inactivating

In 2010, following a report from the US SENTRY Programme and analysing results from a study of
27,415 Enterobacteriaceae collected world-wide from a wide variety of infections, CLSI reduced
breakpoint levels to ertapenem, imipenem and meropenem to levels similar to those of EUCAST
(CLSI, 2010). The current EUCAST13 and CLSI (2013) carbapenem breakpoints for
Enterobactericaeae for imipenem, ertapenem and meropenem are shown in Tables 5 and 6 below.

Table 5: EUCAST12 and CLSI (2013) MIC and zone diameters (ZD) for testing for phenotypic
resistance to imipenem, ertapenem and meropenem in Enterobacteriaceae.

MIC Breakpoints Breakpoints ECOFF Screening cut-off
S I R S R (WT ≤ X mg/l)
Imipenem ≤ 1 mg/l 2 ≥ 4 mg/l ≤ 2 mg/l > 8 mg/l ≤ 1.0 mg/l > 1 mg/l
Meropenem ≤ 1 mg/l 2 ≥ 4 mg/l ≤ 2 mg/l > 8 mg/l ≤ 0.125 mg/l > 0.125 mg/l
Ertapenem ≤ 0.5 mg/l 1 ≥ 2 mg/l ≤ 0.5 mg/l > 1 mg/l ≤ 0.064 mg/l > 0.125 mg/l

ZD Breakpoints Breakpoints ECOFF Screening cut-off

S I R S R (WT ≥ Y mm)
Imipenem ≥ 23 20-22 ≤ 19 ≥ 22 mm < 16 mm ≥ 24 mm <23 mm
Meropenem ≥ 23 20-22 ≤ 19 ≥ 22 mm < 16 mm ≥ 25 mm < 25 mm
Ertapenem ≥ 22 19-21 ≤ 18 ≥ 25 mm < 22 mm ≥ 29 mm < 25 mm

Table 6: EUCAST12 and CLSI (2013) MIC and zone diameters (ZD) for testing for phenotypic
resistance to imipenem, and meropenem in Acinetobacter spp.

MIC Breakpoints Breakpoints ECOFF Screening cut-off
S I R S R (WT ≤ X mg/l)
Imipenem ≤ 4 mg/l 8 ≥ 16 mg/l ≤ 2 mg/l > 8 mg/l ≤ 1.0 mg/l not defined*
Meropenem ≤ 4 mg/l 8 ≥ 16 mg/l ≤ 2 mg/l > 8 mg/l ≤ 2.0 mg/l not defined*

ZD Breakpoints Breakpoints ECOFF Screening cut-off

S I R S R (WT ≥ Y mm)
Imipenem ≥ 16 14-15 ≤ 13 ≥ 23 mm < 17 mm ND not defined*
Meropenem ≥ 16 14-15 ≤ 13 ≥ 21 mm < 15 mm ND not defined*
ND: not determined
*: screening cut-off values for imipenem and meropenem have not yet been defined. Values above the ECOFFs are proposed as
screening cut-offs for Acinetobacter spp.


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The recently published technical specifications on the harmonised monitoring and reporting of AMR
in Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., indicator E. coli and Enterococcus spp. transmitted through
food (EFSA, 2012a) made a recommendation to include a carbapenem as a complementary
antimicrobial to be inserted into the harmonised panel of antimicrobials used for test. Because of
methodological difficulties a suggestion was made to include meropenem in the harmonised
antimicrobial panel and then further test isolates which are non-susceptible to meropenem against
imipenem and ertapenem in secondary panel. The point was also made that ertapenem is not advised
as indicator of carbapenem resistance (Cohen Stuart et al., 2010).

3.3. Phenotypic and biochemical confirmation of carbapenemases

Once suspected, CP isolates are recovered on a plate, the next step is to characterize whether or not
they are actually producing a carbapenemase. For this purpose, various phenotypic and biochemical
methods for the detection of CP organisms have been described. A brief overview of these methods
and their principles is presented below.

Modified Hodge test: The cloverleaf or modified Hodge test (MHT) has been extensively used for the
detection of carbapenemase activity (Lee et al., 2001). The assay is based on the inactivation of
imipenem or meropenem by whole bacterial cells or crude cell extracts.

MHT performs well for detection of KPC and OXA-48 producers (Pasteran et al., 2009; Nordmann et
al., 2012c). However, i) its specificity is low against high-level AmpC producers or CTX-M producers
accompanied also with porin loss (Pasteran et al., 2009) and ii) it exhibits relatively low sensitivity for
producers of MBLs, especially NDM (though supplementing culture media with zinc may improve
performance) (Girlich et al., 2012b). The assay is time-consuming and cannot distinguish the type of
carbapenemase involved. MHT is still the only carbapenemase-detecting method proposed by the
CLSI for screening purposes, although according to EUCAST the method is not recommended due to
the aforementioned reliability problems and interpretation difficulties14.

Detection of carbapenemase producers based on specific inhibitors: The relevant tests are based
on inhibition of MBLs by various chelating agents capable of depriving the enzymes from the
hydrolytically essential zinc ions. EDTA, dipicolinic acid, 2-mercaptopropionic acid and
mercaptoacetic acid have been used as inhibitors, the former two being the most common (reviewed in
(Miriagou et al., 2010; Nordmann et al., 2012c)). Phenotypic detection of class A carbapenemases
(KPC) production is based on the inhibitory effect of tazobactam, boronic acid derivatives
phenylboronic (PBA) and 3-aminophenylboronic acid (APBA) (reviewed by Miriagou et al.(2010) and
Nordmann et al. (2012c)). Performance of tests utilizing PBA is considered superior to those with
APBA (Tsakris et al., 2011; Miriagou et al., 2013).

The MBL-detecting assays are actually diffusion tests using disks containing a hydrolyzable -lactam
(typically a carbapenem, imipenem or meropenem) and/or a MBL inhibitor (Arakawa et al., 2000;
Yong et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2003; Kimura et al., 2005). The double disk synergy test (DDST) is
similar to that used for ESBL detection. Two disks containing predefined amounts of the -lactam and
the inhibitor are placed close to each other. Formation of a synergy image is indicative of MBL
production. The method is considered highly sensitive even with isolates with low carbapenem
resistance levels. The main drawback is that interpretation is subjective and results cannot be
quantified. Therefore, the combined disk test (CDT) is currently preferred by most laboratories. In the
CDT format, the -lactam disk is potentiated with an inhibitor and the diameter of the inhibition zone
is compared with that of the -lactam disk alone. Increase of the inhibition zone diameter above a pre-
defined cut-off value denotes MBL activity (Tsakris et al., 2010; Giske et al., 2011).

Detection of class A carbapenemases by the CDT synergy test using boronic derivatives combined
with imipenem or meropenem exhibits high sensitivity for K. pneumoniae and E. coli (Tsakris et al.,

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2010; Giske et al., 2011). A major drawback of these methodologies is that boronates also inhibit
cephalosporinases and in that respect the CDT performance is suboptimal (false positives), especially
with AmpC hyperproducing enterobacterial isolates. This problem can be overcome by the use of
cloxacillin-containing plates or disks (Giske et al., 2011; Nordmann et al., 2012c).

Carbapenemase detection by lowering carbapenem MICs using a chelating agent or a boronate

derivative can be performed in either liquid or solid media (reviewed by Nordmann et al. (2012c)). In
tests utilizing liquid media the suspected micro-organism is cultured in carbapenem-containing broth
in duplicate (absence and presence of inhibitor). In tests using solid media gradient diffusion
methodology (e.g. Etest bioMerieux, MIC Test Strip Liofilchem) is used and double sided strips are
utilized containing a carbapenem on one side and „carbapenem + EDTA or boronate‟ on the other.
Strips containing different concentrations of carbapenems (imipenem or meropenem) and inhibitors
are commercially available and can efficiently detect carbapenemase producers exhibiting both low
and high level resistance.

Generally, the inhibitor-based assays are considered reliable for the identification of MBL-producers,
although there have been studies reporting failures to detect VIM production among A. baumannii
strains (Ikonomidis et al., 2008; Loli et al., 2008; Picao et al., 2008). False positive results have also
been reported in P. aeruginosa due to the strong antimicrobial activity of EDTA against the species
(Chu et al., 2005) and A. baumannii isolates due to the presence of OXA-type carbapenemases (Segal
and Elisha, 2005). In addition, double carbapenemase producers (e.g. MBL plus KPC) may “deceive”
the conventional CD tests frequently appearing negative for one or even both carbapenemases due to a
masking effect. Inclusion of a carbapenem disk (imipenem or meropenem), potentiated with both
inhibitors for class A (boronate) and class B (EDTA or DPA) carbapenemases, may facilitate the
correct identification of carbapenemases in such isolates (Miriagou et al., 2003; Tsakris et al., 2011).
An additional shortcoming of this type of methods is that there is no inhibitor-based method for the
detection of class D CP bacteria.

Enzymatic properties of OXA-type carbapenemases have prevented the development of specific

phenotypic tests. High-level resistance to temocillin has been suggested to be predictive of production
of OXA-48 but the specificity of this feature remains to be more extensively evaluated (Nordmann et
al., 2012c). For other authors, high level of temocillin resistance should be used as part of an algorithm
to identify carbapenemases, rather than as a single test (Woodford et al., 2013a). Thus, the definitive
identification of carbapenemase OXA producers requires molecular techniques (Nordmann et al.,

Biochemical-enzymatic detection of carbapenemases producers:

A recent development for an accurate identification of CPE corresponds to the Carbapenemase
Nordmann-Poirel (Carba NP) test (Nordmann et al., 2012b). This biochemical test, which is applicable
to isolated bacterial colonies, is based on in-vitro hydrolysis of imipenem. Hydrolysis of imipenem is
detected by a change of the pH value of the indicator (red to yellow/orange). Although not as yet
extensively used, this test has been found to be 100% sensitive and specific, as for molecular
techniques. It detects not only all known carbapenemases (either belonging to Ambler A, B and D
classes) in Enterobacteriaceae but, in contrast to molecular techniques, may also identify newly-
emerging carbapenemases. The Carba NP test has the additional advantage of being both inexpensive
and very rapid, and can be easily implemented in different laboratories, as there are no requirements
for specific equipment or of specialized personnel.

A similar method, the Blue-CARBA, also based on in-vitro hydrolysis of imipenem, has been
proposed by Pires et al. (Pires et al., 2013). In this case, the carbapenemase activity can be determined
directly from bacterial culture without bacterial extraction. As described by the authors, sensitivity and
specificity of the method was also 100% for Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp., and
Acinetobacter spp.

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Detection of carbapenemase activity can be made using a UV spectrophotometer which is available in

many microbiology laboratories. It is based on several steps including an 18-h culture (that can be
shortened in some cases to 8 h), a protein extraction step followed by measurement of imipenem
hydrolysis using an UV spectrophotometer (Bernabeu et al., 2012). This spectrophotometry-based
technique has been shown to have a 100% sensitivity and a 98.5% specificity for detecting any kind of
carbapenemase activity (Bernabeu et al., 2012). This technique can differentiate with accuracy
carbapenemase- from non-carbapenemase-producers among CNS isolates (i.e. outer membrane
permeability defect, overproduction of cephalosporinases or/and ESBLs). It can be implemented in
any reference laboratory but this technique still requires time.

Recently the use of mass spectrometry for the detection of carbapenemase activity has been proposed,
based on the analysis of the degradation of a carbapenem molecule (Burckhardt and Zimmermann,
2011; Hrabak et al., 2011). This method was shown to have a 97% sensitivity and 98% specificity
(Hrabak et al., 2011). Although this technique has to be further evaluated, matrix-assisted laser
desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-Tof) equipment is increasingly used
in diagnostic bacteriology laboratory.

The recent EFSA report with technical specifications (EFSA, 2012a) further recommended that
isolates with a carbapenemase phenotype (i.e. with apparent resistance to meropenem or imipenem)
should be re-tested phenotypically against these antimicrobials to confirm such resistance using discs
or gradient strips for synergy between carbapenems and EDTA (indicating a probable MBL) and for
inhibition by boronic discs (indicating the possible presence of KPC enzymes).

3.4. Characterisation of carbapenemases and typing of plasmids carrying carbapenemase-

encoding genes

3.4.1. Molecular detection and characterization of carbapenemase genes.

Apart from the above phenotypic or biochemical techniques, molecular technologies (either in-house
or commercial) may be used as alternative methods. Molecular detection of CP genes can, in principle,
be performed by various molecular methods such as microarrays, real-time PCR, multiplex PCR and
WGS. There are two main problems related to such molecular tests: i) they may not be affordable for
all laboratories and also require some specific expertise, and ii) such tests only detect „known‟ genes.
Thus any new and emerging carbapenemase-encoding gene will be missed unless the „new‟ gene has
been identified and corresponding sequence data are implemented in the test. Most importantly this
potential lack of detection may result in false negatives, since isolates tested by such molecular
techniques and for which negative results have been obtained will be flagged as “carbapenemase-
negative” unless an additional accurate and definitive non-molecular test has been used. Favouring
molecular detection methods is the fact that they are able to detect presence of variably expressed
genes, which might not always be detected by phenotypic methods.

Regardless of which technique is chosen for detection and characterisation of carbapenemase genes,
there will be both advantages and disadvantages in relation to costs, accuracy, speed and availability.
Such methods are listed in Table 7 and further elaborated upon below.

Microarray, Real-Time PCR and multiplex PCR analysis are based on oligo or primer hybridization to
conserved parts of a given carbapenemase gene group and will often only identify (sub-)groups of
genes, rather than specific gene variants. In addition, these three methods rarely detect all known
carbapenemase gene groups at the same time. An advantage of PCR-based methods is that they are
relatively cheap and fast to perform, even on larger strain collections. Also, the instruments required to
perform these analyses is often available in many microbial laboratories or can be acquired at
relatively low costs. Identification of specific gene variants beyond (sub-group) level requires
individual PCR protocols covering the complete sequence of the relevant genes followed by Sanger
sequencing and bioinformatic sequence analysis as especially multiplex PCR protocols are prone to
create false positive reactions. As opposed to this, WGS holds the possibility to detect and perform

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bioinformatic analysis of all genes present in the isolate, including CP genes. Web-based tools such as
ResFinder15 have been developed in order to allow easy detection of resistance genes including
carbapenemase genes based on WGS data. Bench top sequencers are not common in routine microbial
laboratories, and the cost of sequencing equipment and WGS is currently higher than is the case for
the other three methods, but the combined cost of the various phenotypic and genotypic tests that are
usually required to fully characterise the resistance genes (and other relevant genes) present in the
organism is usually greater than the cost of WGS, so investment in this technology is likely to lead to
reduced longer-term costs.

Table 7: Methods for detection and characterization of carbapenemase-encoding genes

Method Specification Comments References

Micro arrays Commercially available Often only the gene related to (Woodford et al.,
DNA arrays have been the carbapenemase phenotype is 2011)
designed. In these, the detected at the group level.
most common gene Further analysis using methods
(groups) associated with like PCR and sequencing (see
carbapenemase below) is also required.
production are detected. Furthermore, many less
common gene groups are not
included in the array design at
the moment. Micro arrays
detection is more expensive
than multiplex PCR. Analysis of
sequence data from PCR
products may therefore be
necessary to identify any gene
variants, in accordance with
Genebank databases.
Commercial arrays can be
purchased from at least one

Multiplex PCR Several different Often only the gene related to (Dallenne et al., 2010;
multiplex PCR assays the carbapenemase phenotype is Poirel et al., 2011;
have been developed to detected at the group level. Hong et al., 2012;
detect carbapenemases. Further analysis using methods Kaase et al., 2012;
Multiplexing allows for such as PCR and sequencing Bogaerts et al., 2013)a
parallel screening for (see below) are also required.
several genes at the same Multiplex PCR assays are often
time. not as robust as singular PCR
and can in some instances
produce unspecific DNA
Multiplex PCR is relatively
cheap and fast to run.


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(Single) Specific PCR reactions Single PCR protocols can be

Polymerase Chain have been designed for designed to cover a complete
Reaction (PCR) detection of all relevant gene. This enables subsequent
and sequencing carbapenemase genes. DNA sequencing. Because a
strain might carry more than one
To identify individual carbapenemase gene, there is a
carbapenemase variants, risk of not detecting all genes
PCR products should be present when using only one or
sequenced and compared few PCR assays. Single PCR
to previously sequenced assays are in general more
genes. robust than multiplex PCR, but
they require more resources to
cover the same spectra of genes
as the multiplex PCRs.

Whole genome Genomic DNA WGS generates data ideally (Zankari et al., 2012)
sequencing (WGS) sequences can be containing information on all
generated on various genes present in an isolate,
sequencing platforms. including carbapenemase
Benchtop sequencers production genes.
exist where smaller Bioinformatic analysis is
number of isolates can be required to identify the relevant
sequenced within a few carbapenemase production
days. genes.

a) Other commercial methods based on hibridisation are also available.

3.4.2. Detection and characterization of plasmids harbouring carbapenemase genes.

Horizontal transfer of carbapenemase genes is an important factor contributing to the dissemination of
such genes within the bacterial ecosystem. In Enterobacteriaceae, horizontal transfer of AMR is, in
most cases, mediated by plasmids. In order to better understand the epidemiology of such plasmids,
methods for their detection and characterisation are necessary. Some carbapenemase genes (blaVIMs,
blaGIMs, blaGES-5, blaSIM-1, blaIMP-19) have been shown to be located on integrons, but horizontal transfer
of these will normally also be dependent on plasmid localization and co-mobilization. Enterobacterial
and Acinetobacter plasmids can be classified through characterization of their replicons, relaxases
and/or other genes in plasmid scaffold (plasmid multi locus sequence type) (Carattoli et al., 2005;
Bertini et al., 2010; Alvarado et al., 2012)16. Genes conferring reduced susceptibility to carbapenems
have been found located on many different groups of plasmids (recently reviewed by Carattoli
(2013)). Many of these plasmid groups are the same as have been associated with genes conferring
resistance to cephalosporins (ESBL- and AmpC- producing Enterobacteriaceae). Detection and
characterization of these plasmids has been recently presented in considerable detail (EFSA Panel on
Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), 2011) and will therefore not be further described here.

3.5. Molecular typing of isolates.

The purpose of molecular typing is to determine genetic characteristics of isolates at the subspecies
level in order to identify genetic relatedness and/or to allow source tracking/attribution and
surveillance. Several genotyping methods are available. The principles on which these are based on
and their discriminatory power are very different, which greatly influences the choice of the method
according to the intended use.

Phenotypic tests are relatively easy to perform, but lack discriminatory power. Within serovars, and
phage types of, e.g., Salmonella spp., many different genetically-related clusters of isolates can occur
that can be identified by genotyping methods. Macrorestriction DNA analyses followed by PFGE

See also and

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allow identification of lineages or clusters of epidemiologically-related isolates within. It is intended

for tracing outbreaks in a limited time period and less suitable for performing phylogenetic analyses.
Multi Locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA) was developed as a sequence-based
method with similar discriminatory power to PFGE. Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) is a
sequence-based method targeting five to seven highly conserved genes. This method has generally less
discriminatory power than PFGE or MLVA but is the most reliable method to determine genetic
relatedness of epidemiologically-unrelated isolates.

With the recent emergence of WGS, the full genetic information of a set of strains can be extracted
and gene content (including MLST genes) or variations in chromosomal mutations (Single Nucleotide
Polymorphisms, SNP) can be compared, which may be relevant for typing purposes (Didelot et al.,
2012). In principle, SNP analysis allows for bacterial typing with high typeability and discriminative
power, but also presents a challenge in relation to defining criteria for detecting outbreaks and

The choice of the molecular typing method to be used is determined by knowledge of the
epidemiological relatedness of the isolates and the main purpose of typing – outbreak recognition and
investigation, source attribution or surveillance. Next to phenotypic methods such as serotyping and
phage typing, PFGE, MLVA and WGS can be used to identify clonal clusters of isolates that are
related to a certain „outbreak‟ in a restricted timeframe. MLST is the method of choice to identify
relatedness of isolates of the same species from different backgrounds (e.g. animal versus human) and
their evolutionary history.

Finally, new approaches allowing high-throughput bacterial typing as Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) coupled with chemometrics have been
recently suggested as a reliable and alternative method to accurately discriminate particular E. coli
clones (Sousa et al., 2013).

3.6. Summary and conclusions

A methodology including selective culture is proposed for the detection of carbapenemase-
producing strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp.

Pre-enrichment by incubation of samples in selective broth containing a carbapenem at a low

concentration (e.g. meropenem 0.125 mg/L) may increase sensitivity. This methodology has
not yet been validated, and any method proposed would have to be subjected to thorough
experimental verification.

A variety of in-house and commercially-available selective media has been used for the active
surveillance of carbapenem resistance in hospitals. The choice of the media for testing animal
and food samples needs to be experimentally evaluated and validated.

Meropenem offers a good balance between sensitivity and specificity and has been
recommended to be included in the harmonised antimicrobial panel for the surveillance of
AMR in isolates from food-producing animals, food thereof and environmental samples.

Biochemical and phenotypic tests for the confirmatory identification of carbapenemase-

producing bacteria among isolates exhibiting non-susceptibility to carbapenems are available.
The sensitivity and specificity of these assays may vary considerably in different settings.

The identity of the genes responsible for the carbapenemase production should be determined
by molecular methods.

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Plasmid and strain typing should be undertaken to acquire better knowledge on the
epidemiology of genes encoding carbapenemase production among bacteria from food-
producing animal populations, food thereof and environmental samples.

4. Recommendations for a harmonised monitoring of resistance (phenotypic and

genotypic) caused by carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food and food producing
Pathogens possessing carbapenemases can cause significant problems for human health and as such
have focused great interest amongst different stakeholders. Commensal bacteria encoding carbapenem
resistance also provide a reservoir of resistance genes which may enter the food chain. Early detection
of the presence of carbapenemase gene-carrying bacteria in the agricultural or veterinary sector will be
very important to limit the spread at a very early stage. Targeted studies may provide crucial
information in designing cost-effective measures to reduce the burden of disease in humans related to
infection with CP bacteria.

As yet only a few findings of resistance to carbapenems in different livestock populations have been
reported (See Chapter 2.1). The situation in both animals and humans is most likely underestimated,
taking into account the “silent” and successful dissemination of certain species of CP bacteria reported
among humans (Gijon et al., 2012; Viau et al., 2012). Therefore, monitoring of all sectors is
considered important, especially given the considerable impact that CP bacterial infections may have
on human health. This emphasises the need to ensure that methods are sufficiently sensitive to allow
detection of low numbers of CP bacteria in the sample. Recently, the CDC has made recommendations
for the control of the spread of CRE in hospitals (CDC, 2012). Selective pre-enrichment may be
required to detect very low numbers of these types of organisms. A harmonized monitoring
programme will deliver important baseline information on the presence and prevalence of resistance.
Based on repeated monitoring, trends over time can be assessed. The basic general principles of
harmonized monitoring of AMR in Salmonella spp. and E. coli, as laid down in the Community
legislation (Directive 2033/99/EC17 and implementing Decision 2013/652/EU18) and EFSA‟s
recommendations (EFSA, 2012a), also apply to monitoring resistance caused by carbapenemases.
Some additional considerations are important for this type of resistance, as currently knowledge is
very limited and emergence of this new hazard needs to be adequately addressed. The following
sections address these specific considerations.

Besides E. coli and Salmonella spp., which are the main target species recommended by EFSA for
monitoring AMR, other micro-organisms should also be considered. Spread of MDR Klebsiella spp.
in farms can cause animal health problems, as reported in the USA and Canada (Kim et al., 2005).
This bacterial species can be isolated from faeces of cows and other sites in farms. Besides problems
with mastitis, an increase in the antibiotic resistance rates of Klebsiella spp in cattle has been
reported19. Other members of the family of Enterobacteriaceae (e.g. Morganella spp., Proteus spp.,
Enterobacter spp., Providencia spp.) belonging to the normal flora of the gastro-intestinal tract should
be considered in monitoring activities as they may carry (multidrug) resistance genes and can cause
severe nosocomial infections. Similarly, Acinetobacter spp. has been isolated from several reservoirs,
and has recently emerged as a pathogen of clinical importance due to its ability to accumulate
resistance mechanisms, including to the carbapenems.

OJ L 325, 12.12.2003, p.31-40.
OJ L 303, 14.11.2013, p.26-39.
19 and

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4.1. Purpose of the suggested harmonised monitoring

Harmonised monitoring of carbapenem resistance caused by acquired carbapenemases has several

to detect the existence, and determine the prevalence of CNS bacteria in food-producing
animal populations and derived food, including imported from outside the EU;

to describe the geographical distribution of CNS bacteria within the EU;

to detect changes in presence and prevalence of CNS bacteria over time;

to detect and identify CP bacteria amongst CNS bacteria;

to identify the genes responsible for the CP amongst CNS bacteria;

to detect emergence of new carbapenemase-encoding genes amongst CNS bacteria with a

potential relevance to public health;

to determine the effect of interventions on the prevalence of carbapenemase-mediated


These objectives may complement the general aims for monitoring AMR in bacteria of animal origin
in the EU. In this document the drafted monitoring is restricted to livestock and food of animal origin.
Other sources, like companion animals, environmental contamination and food of plant origin might
be relevant, but out of the scope of this document.

4.2. General approaches of the suggested harmonised monitoring

EFSA specifications (EFSA, 2012a) recommend mandatory phenotypic monitoring of Salmonella spp.
and indicator E. coli with a broadened test panel covering also meropenem. Furthermore, a two-step
strategy has been recommended to further characterize those isolates of E. coli and Salmonella spp.
showing resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins and carbapenems. To improve detection of
ESBL/AmpC-producing bacteria, analytical methods using selective media have been recommended.

Decision 2013/652/EU foresees, among other requirements, compulsory testing of randomly selected
isolates of Salmonella spp. and E. coli for resistance to meropenem and further characterization and
classification of those isolates showing resistance to meropenem. Whereas specific monitoring of
ESBL- or AmpC- producing E. coli using more sensitive selective methods will be compulsory
according to this Decision, specific monitoring for CP microorganisms, using more sensitive detection
methods (e.g. using selective pre-enrichment), is up to the individual Member State (MS).

Due to the high public health relevance of carbapenem resistance, several approaches may be
combined to monitor the emergence of such resistance in livestock and food. The importance of the
implementation of current recommendations needs to be highlighted and additional specific
approaches need to be defined in order to overcome the problems of detection due to the
heterogeneous expression of different enzymes coding for CP. EUCAST is in the process of
developing some guidelines to improve the detection of different mechanisms of resistance, including
those conferring CP20.

In current monitoring activities, a sample size of 170 randomly selected isolates is regarded as suitable
for detecting trends in changes of prevalence over time. This sample size is not sufficient for the
timely detection of the emergence of new resistance patterns in the case of no reports or only sporadic


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findings (as observed for CP microorganisms in animals). Consequently, harmonised monitoring of

resistance caused by the production of carbapenemases needs to go beyond the existing
recommendations and legal requirements for routine phenotypic surveillance. Specifically, different
approaches should be combined, including passive and active surveillance as well as targeted surveys
and additional usage of sensitive and specific methods.

4.2.1. Targeted surveys

In order to increase the probability of detection of emerging AMR determinants, active surveys should
target those animal and food categories where the risk of development and spread of resistant isolates
are highest. For this, information on risk factors contributing to the presence of resistance caused by
carbapenemases would be desirable, but is largely unknown. One approach would be to apply those
criteria, already suggested for ESBL/AmpC-producing bacteria (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards
(BIOHAZ), 2011). In that document, the recommendation was to include those animal species and
farms with the highest consumption of 3rd and 4th-generation cephalosporins in the survey, as
carbapenems are not licensed for usage in animals. In case detailed data on antimicrobial consumption
are not available, other risk factors such as type of production, health status or holding size could be
used for a targeted selection of samples instead as a proxy. For animal categories where trade is
suspected to be a risk factor, farms can be targeted according to the origin of the animals received
(EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), 2011; Nawaz et al., 2012). As these data are largely
not available, a more practical approach could be to select those animal species and food products
where resistance to β-lactams or cephalosporins has been most frequently observed, or those with the
highest potential for consumers‟ exposure. This would address the public health risk related to those
pathogens showing multiple drug resistance.

Targeted surveys can either be included into active monitoring programs, where additionally more
sensitive methods are applied to screen samples taken for CP isolates, and/or running surveys in
populations not covered by routine monitoring. For the latter, a combination of routine methods and
more sensitive methods should be envisaged.

As recommended for ESBL/AmpC-monitoring (EFSA, 2012a), a way forward could be represented by

organising an EU baseline survey with the major objective to determine the presence of CP E. coli in
specific food-producing animals at slaughterhouse and in food samples at retail. Conducting such an
EU baseline survey would in any case have the added value of building capacity in those countries that
have no or very limited experience with the detection of carbapenem resistance.

4.2.2. Active monitoring

All isolates of Salmonella spp. and E. coli collected within the compulsory monitoring program, as
required by Community legislation (Decision 2013/652/EU) or recommended in the technical
specifications prepared by EFSA (EFSA, 2012a) should be screened for meropenem resistance using
standardized microdilution methods. Other members of the family of Enterobacteriaceae (e.g.
Klebsiella spp., Morganella spp., Proteus spp., Enterobacter spp., Providencia spp.) and
Acinetobacter spp. may be considered in future monitoring activities. Microorganisms that are
classified microbiologically resistant to 3rd or 4th generation cephalosporins or carbapenems based on
the ECOFF should be subjected to phenotypic and molecular identification and characterization of the
carbapenemase-encoding genes present.

4.2.3. Passive monitoring

Subjecting all Gram-negative diagnostic isolates of veterinary origin (at least those that are classified
as microbiologically resistant to 3rd or 4th generation cephalosporins on the basis of ECOFF values) to
phenotypic testing for CNS would be desirable. When CNS bacteria are identified, testing for CP, and
further molecular identification and characterization of the genes involved is recommended. As
diagnostic submissions are likely to originate from animals with a health problem and treated with

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antimicrobials prior to sample collection, these samples could also be indicative of the emergence of
carbapenemase-mediated resistance.

Furthermore, Salmonella spp. isolates collected within official control programs not subject to active
monitoring for AMR as required by legislation (e.g. food, feed) may be tested for carbapenem
resistance. Of special interest may be isolates from imported products or food types (e.g. seafood and
meat) considered of higher risk and not covered by routine monitoring or specific surveys (Lavilla et
al., 2008; Gundogan et al., 2011; Nawaz et al., 2012).

4.2.4. Combined monitoring activities

Immediate implementation of screening for CNS of all Enterobacteriaceae from active monitoring,
and at least Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. with cephalosporin resistance from passive
monitoring is recommended. Additionally, directing CNS bacteria to more specific phenotypic and/or
genotypic characterization is recommended.

In a next step, targeted surveys using more sensitive methods for detection of CNS bacteria should be
run in those populations where active monitoring is required by legislation. Finally, similar targeted
surveys should be started to investigate the presence of CNS bacteria within other relevant
populations. This should include imported foods from countries where carbapenem resistance is
known to be prevalent in bacterial isolates from cases of human infection.

4.3. Bacterial species, food animal species and/or food products to be considered for
monitoring of resistance caused by carbapenemase-producing bacteria from a public
health perspective
In defining combinations of bacteria/animal/food to become subject to mandatory AMR monitoring,
the approach followed by EFSA (2012a) was to prioritise potential consumers‟ exposure. Routine
AMR monitoring focuses on domestic productions, covering Salmonella spp. and E. coli in poultry
(separated by production type), cattle and pigs and products thereof on a regular basis. Complementary
monitoring AMR in poultry meat imported from third countries at the EU level has also been proposed
(EFSA, 2012b, a). For those food-producing animal species and their derived fresh meat (e.g. lamb,
duck, geese, goats) for which consumption is more specific to certain MSs, a threshold mechanism,
calculated on the basis of the animals slaughtered, has been introduced for the monitoring to become
performed consistently in a given MS (EFSA, 2012a).

4.3.1. Prioritisation of bacterial species

Monitoring for CP bacteria in animals and food should cover zoonotic agents, animal pathogens and
indicator organisms of the commensal flora. Monitoring of E. coli and Salmonella spp. for AMR has
been recommended by EFSA (EFSA, 2007, 2008, 2012a, b, c) and will be compulsory starting in 2014
(Commission Implementing Decision 2013/652/EU). Other members of the family of
Enterobacteriaceae (e.g. Klebsiella spp., Morganella spp., Proteus spp., Enterobacter spp.,
Providencia spp.) as well as Acinetobacter spp. might additionally be considered in carbapenemase

4.3.2. Prioritisation of food-producing animals and food categories

As foreseen by the EU legislation and recommended in a number of EFSA scientific reports, AMR
monitoring should be performed in Salmonella spp. and E. coli isolates in all major food-producing
livestock species and products thereof. It should target those animal and food categories where the risk
of development and spread of resistant isolates are highest. As information on risk factors contributing
to the presence of resistance caused by carbapenemases is largely unknown, focus is put on the major
food-producing animal species. This should take into account different production types, reflecting the
widely differing treatment regimes, management practices, and hygienic conditions (EFSA, 2012a).

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As a priority, animal species already covered by active monitoring for AMR due to current EU
legislation, such as broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening pigs, veal calves, and the derived fresh meat of
domestic origin, preferably sampled at retail, should be addressed in active monitoring and/or
additional targeted surveys for CP bacteria. The inclusion of the breeding level is considered of special
relevance for carbapenemase monitoring as occurrence of CP bacteria in the top level of the animal
pyramid may contribute to a rapid and wide spread introduction into the production level, as observed
for ESBL/AmpC-producing bacteria. Dairy cattle and raw milk samples should also be addressed in
targeted surveys, due to the specific use of cephalosporins in dairy cattle, and to the risk posed by
potential consumption of raw milk. Aquaculture products may also be included in targeted surveys,
due to the possible presence of resistant bacteria in the aquatic environment. Although not the primary
focus of this document, as carbapenem resistance genes may be spread via effluents (Picao et al.,
2013; Zurfluh et al., 2013) the inclusion of vegetables in targeted surveys could be considered.

EFSA (2012a) recommended additional AMR monitoring in imported food from countries outside the
EU. In the absence of specific data on CNS bacteria, and because of the high prevalence of
cephalosporin resistance, priority should be given to poultry meat imported from countries outside the
EU (EFSA, 2012a). Other types of imported food which may be of special relevance are fishery and
aquaculture products, as well as vegetables and fruits, usually consumed raw. Finally, with regard to
passive monitoring, isolates of Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp. from all animal and food
isolates should be included into the carbapenem resistance monitoring.

4.4. Analytical methods in routine monitoring

The current procedure of testing a randomly selected commensal E. coli or Salmonella spp. isolate
recovered from non-selective media provides continuity with previous routine monitoring
recommendations (EFSA, 2012a). Inclusion of meropenem into the test panel will provide continuous
information on the possible spread of the resistance pattern.

More specific methods involving pre-enrichment and selective plating should be used in targeted
surveys to increase sensitivity for populations with a very low prevalence of CP microorganisms.
Current knowledge on the available methods has been summarised in Chapter 3.

The recommendations developed by EUCAST to improve the detection of different mechanisms of

resistance, including those conferring resistance to carbapenems, should be taken into account to the
best extent possible. Additionally, consideration should be given to a more detailed analysis of all
isolates showing non-susceptibility to carbapenems above the ECOFF value.

4.5. Sampling design

The principles, already fixed for routine monitoring aiming to estimate the prevalence of AMR in the
studied populations and changes thereof, apply also for active monitoring for carbapenem resistance.
A randomised sampling strategy should be used for active monitoring programmes and targeted
surveys which ensures the representativeness of the entire population (EFSA, 2012a) and facilitates
estimation of the magnitude of the problem. Use should be made of the principles already described
for routine AMR monitoring in Salmonella spp. and E. coli (EFSA, 2012a). This includes the selection
of the epidemiological units, the stage of sampling, the type of sample and the selection of isolates for
susceptibility testing. One sample for each epidemiological unit should be used for the targeted study
using selective media.

As regards CP, additionally a risk-based approach should be used involving all isolates from
diagnostic submissions showing cephalosporin resistance. Isolates from animals, previously treated
with antimicrobials should not be excluded from testing but information should be recorded.

Furthermore, animal pathogens should be continuously screened for cephalosporin resistance and
those isolates showing results above the ECOFF value should be subject to further testing for CP and
more detailed characterisation and classification.

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As regards frequency of sampling, annual sampling would be optimal, but more intensive sampling
every second or third year was considered an option (EFSA, 2012a). As foreseen in Community
legislation, active monitoring should be performed in the major food producing species every second
year involving phenotypic testing for meropenem resistance. This should be complemented by a
targeted survey searching with sensitive methods for CPE.

Targeted studies in other populations of special interest, including for example the breeding level for
broilers and turkeys, should be run at least once and repeated if new information becomes available,
e.g. from the production level, passive monitoring or other research activities.

4.6. Sample size calculation

Considerations for sample size calculations have been described in previous EFSA recommendations
(EFSA, 2007, 2008, 2012a) and are not repeated here. In the current community legislation, a sample
size of 170 randomly selected isolates is fixed for detecting trends in changes of prevalence over time.
For the specific monitoring for ESBL/AmpC/carbapenemase-producing Salmonella spp. and E. coli,
300 samples (one from each epidemiological unit) should be tested using more sensitive methods
(Commission Implementing Decision 2013/652/EU).

As regards carbapenem resistance, sample size calculation has to focus on the detection of this new
resistance pattern and has to take into account the impact of imperfect tests. Two scenarios are
discussed below:

collection of a reasonable number of random isolates for routine screening for phenotypic

testing of samples with selective media for the detection of the resistance above a certain
prevalence level within an epidemiological unit (e.g. a flock) or population (e.g. broilers).

4.6.1. Sample size for detecting a certain prevalence level within the isolates collected
The number of biological samples to be collected from each animal population in order to achieve 170
isolates depends on the prevalence of the bacteria species monitored. Whereas for commensal bacteria
this will be achieved by active monitoring of random samples, for other bacterial species targeted
investigations are necessary. For feasibility reasons, a passive surveillance scheme may be
implemented using isolates deriving from diagnostic testing or surveillance activities. At least 170
isolates from each E. coli, Salmonella spp. (if available) and other members of the Enterobacteriaceae
family should be collected from each animal population and production type.

No screening system is available which will detect all CP isolates, and most probably those showing
non-susceptibility to meropenem will be detected. Testing of 170 isolates would allow detection of at
least one positive isolate, given a prevalence of around 2% within the isolates tested (95% C.I.).
Testing of more isolates would be desirable, since it would allow the detection of positive isolates in
conditions of a lower within-isolates prevalence level.

4.6.2. Sample size for the detecting a hazard in a population with a certain prevalence level
As currently only few findings of CP bacteria in livestock have been reported, targeted surveys may be
designed with the purpose of confirming that the prevalence of CP bacteria is likely not above a
certain level.

For example, when using a test with 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity, and assuming an
underlying prevalence of 2%, the detection of at least one positive sample would require testing of 165
samples. In a similar scenario, using a test with a reduced sensitivity of 80% would require increasing
the number of samples tested to 186 samples.

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If the prevalence was lower (1% or 0.5%), using a test with 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity
would require testing of respectively 332 or 665 samples in order to detect one positive sample. The
number of samples required would further increase to 665 or 748 samples if the sensitivity of the test
was reduced to 80%.

Similar considerations can be applied to detect the presence of a CP isolate within a farm or flock (as
we assume that the within flock prevalence may be low), which highlights that testing of several
pooled samples from the same epidemiological unit would increase the overall sensitivity.

4.7. Recommendations on data collection and reporting of data

There are already comprehensive requirements for the data collection and reporting of AMR data laid
down in Directive 2003/99/EC, in the technical specifications and reporting manuals prepared by
EFSA (EFSA, 2012a)) recommending reporting of isolate based data.

This type of reporting has to be developed further to cover results of testing of animal pathogens from
passive monitoring activities as this is currently not covered by community legislation or EFSA
recommendations. For isolates from diagnostic submissions, information on antimicrobial treatment
before sampling should be provided.

All isolates with phenotypic CNS should be further analysed in the National Reference Laboratory and
reporting of data should include these confirmatory results.

As regards reporting on CNS, for correct interpretation of the results it is important that the sampling
strategy (active vs. passive monitoring) and the selection procedure for each isolate (randomly selected
isolate vs. isolate from selective media) applied are reported. In cases where selective methods have
been used, such methods should be described in detail. Results of phenotypic resistance testing for
cephalosporins and carbapenems, synergy testing as well as further characterisation of resistance
genes should be reported for each isolate.

4.8. Summary and conclusions

Requirements for the collection and reporting of antimicrobial resistance data, including
resistance to carbapenems, are laid down in European legislation.

Technical specifications and reporting manuals prepared by EFSA recommend reporting of

isolate-based data, and recommend mandatory phenotypic monitoring of Salmonella spp. and
indicator E. coli with a broadened test panel also covering meropenem.

Since some carbapenemase-producing strains have been identified in food animals and their
environment, more detailed investigation is now required to determine the extent and
distribution of such strains in the food animal ecosystem.

Active monitoring and/or additional targeted surveys for carbapenemase-producing bacteria in

animals and food should cover key zoonotic agents and indicator organisms of the commensal
flora. Priority should be given to broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening pigs, veal calves, and the
derived fresh meat of domestic origin. Dairy cattle, raw milk and aquaculture products may be
also included in targeted surveys.

For active monitoring, all isolates of Salmonella spp. and E. coli collected within the
compulsory monitoring programme, as required by European legislation, should be screened
for meropenem resistance using standardized microdilution methods.

Specific targeted surveys for the detection of carbapenemase-producing organisms in the food
animal ecosystem should be implemented at the EU level.

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For passive monitoring, diagnostic isolates of veterinary origin (at least those classified as
microbiologically resistant to 3rd- or 4th-generation cephalosporins on the basis of
epidemiological cut-off values) should be subjected to phenotypic testing for carbapenem
resistance and carbapenemase production, and subsequent molecular identification and
characterization of the carbapenemase production genes present.

For correct interpretation of results relating to carbapenem resistance, the sampling strategy
(active vs. passive monitoring) and the selection procedure applied for each isolate (randomly
selected isolate vs. isolate from selective media) should be reported. Results of phenotypic
methods used for testing for carbapenemase production as well as the results from further
characterisation of resistance genes should be reported for each isolate.

Methods involving pre-enrichment and selective plating should be used in specific surveys to
increase sensitivity for populations with a low prevalence of carbapenemase-producing

The recommendations developed by EUCAST to improve the detection of different

mechanisms of resistance, including those conferring resistance to carbapenems, should be
taken into account to the best extent possible. Additional consideration should be given to a
more detailed analysis of all isolates showing non-susceptibility to carbapenems above the
ECOFF value.

5. Possible control options for preventing or minimising the further emergence and
spread of carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains transmitted via the food chain.

5.1. Introduction
Public health risks caused by CP bacteria are primarily determined by (i) the frequency of the
occurrence (prevalence) and the quantity of these organisms in food-producing animals and food, (ii)
the genetic characteristics of the carbapenemase genes involved, and (iii) the frequency and magnitude
of transmission from animals/foods to humans. In the first instance proposed mitigation measures must
therefore be targeted at preventing the introduction of such strains into food-producing animals,
secondly, at reducing the prevalence and quantity of such organisms in food-producing animals and
foods thereof, and thirdly, in reducing their transmission from contaminated animals/foods to humans.

In contrast to possible control options to reduce the public health risk caused by the transmission
through the food chain or via the food-producing animal environment of ESBL- and/or AmpC-
producing bacterial strains to humans (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), 2011; Liebana
et al., 2013), the impact of similar measures for CP bacteria are difficult, if not impossible, to assess.
This is primarily because, as discussed above, CP microorganisms are only just emerging in food-
producing animals and their environment, and the prevalence of such strains in the food chain is
supposedly very low.

In view of the importance afforded to carbapenems in the treatment of human infections with multiple
drug-resistant or pan drug-resistant pathogens in health care settings or the community (see above), the
control options discussed below should be considered.

5.2. Use of carbapenems and other antimicrobials in food-producing animals and human
All efforts should be made to continue to regard carbapenems as Critically-Important Antimicrobials
(CIAs) (WHO, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2012), that should be reserved specifically for the treatment of
severe MDR disease in humans, and not used in food-producing animals.

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At present carbapenem antibiotics are not licensed for use in food-producing animals in the EU, North
America, and Australasia. Information on the permitted use of such antibiotics in food-producing
animals in third countries is not readily available. In any event, the use of such antibiotics in food
animals globally should be actively discouraged.

Mirroring what has been observed with ESBL-encoding genes, carbapenemase genes are often located
on genetic structures (plasmids, transposons, integrons) bearing genes conferring resistance to other
antibiotics, co-selection both in animals and in the environment is a real possibility. In addition, co-
resistance is an important issue in CP microorganisms, and carbapenemases are mostly plasmid-
encoded (with several antibiotic resistance genes co-located on such plasmids).

The importance of the prudent use of antibiotics in combating the development of resistance to
antimicrobials in food-producing animals has been well-documented (Anthony et al., 2003; ECDC et
al., 2009; EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), 2011). Decreasing the frequency of use of
antibiotics in animals is currently being afforded high priority in numerous fora. Efforts to minimise
overall antibiotic usage, in particular of cephalosporins, in food-producing animals must be actively
continued. This is also important in relation to carbapenem resistance in light of the co-resistance
issues documented above.

Recommendations for reducing total antimicrobial use in animals have been made previously (EFSA
Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), 2011), and should be followed in accordance with prudent
use guidelines. Furthermore, since carbapenemase production genes and genes encoding resistance to
certain heavy metals such as zinc are sometimes linked, the use of compounds containing such
elements should also be minimised.

5.3. Containment measures

Strains of bacteria exhibiting resistance to antibiotics and the resistance genes therein can spread from
the hospital environment to the animal population by a variety of routes – waste-water, human/animal
contact, etc. Measures addressing such routes of transmission, and which would be able to minimise
the potential spill-over of CP organisms from humans to food-producing animals are therefore
particularly important.

Control measures to contain the spread of CP bacteria in food-producing animals should be

proactively implemented at both national and international levels, and should involve inter-
departmental communication between human and veterinary authorities. Such plans should be agreed
to prevent CP strains become widespread in livestock.

As an example, containment plans were formulated in several countries in the EU in the early 2000s to
combat the possible introduction of AmpC-producing Salmonella Newport into the EU from the USA.
Such plans included restrictions on the index case farm, intensive investigations of all trading links
and contiguous premises, and risk management decisions on compensation. If necessary such plans
could be revisited in anticipation of the appearance of CP strains in livestock.

Measures for the containment of CP organisms at the farm level may range from identification and
isolation of carriers, animal quarantine through to destruction of infected flocks / herds. Restrictions in
the movement of personnel (farm staff, veterinarians, produce delivery staff, etc.) between farms,
implementing increased farm biosecurity, controls on animal trade (of CP carriers) and trade of animal
by-products, or by improving hygiene throughout the food chain (directing products to heat treatment;
specific harvesting requirements; implementing general post-harvest controls for food-borne
pathogens) may also be considered.

5.4. Measures after targeted investigations (root-cause analysis)

Where the presence of a CP strain is confirmed, more detailed epidemiological investigations should
be started immediately, as long as findings are rare events. Where possible such activities should be

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 49

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

targeted at identifying the point of introduction of the CP strain, the level of spread which has occurred
within a farm, between farms, their environment and the staff. Farms from which animals have been
received should be included in the analysis. In case of findings in foodstuffs, the farms from which
these had originated should be included into the targeted search.

The most sensitive methods should be used for all investigations and isolates showing CP, and should
be targeted for detailed genotypic comparison.

In cases where containment measures are taken as recommended in chapter 5.3., targeted surveys
should be started to verify the efficiency of the measures taken.

Because of the importance of carbapenems in human medicine, should resistance to such antibiotics be
identified in bacteria from food-producing animals in targeted surveys, then specific containment
measures, such as the ones described in Chapter 5.3 above, may be considered.

5.5. Summary and conclusions

Because there are no data on the comparative efficacy of individual control options in
reducing the potential public health risks caused by carbapenemase-producing bacteria related
to food-producing animals, prioritisation is complex.

All efforts should be made to continue to regard carbapenems as Critically-Important

Antimicrobials that should be reserved specifically for the treatment of serious infections with
multidrug-resistant bacteria in humans, and not used in food-producing animals.

As carbapenems are not licensed for use in food-producing animals in the EU and other parts
of the world, one simple and effective control option to minimise the further emergence and
possible spread of such strains transmitted via the food chain would be to continue to prohibit
the use of carbapenems in food-producing animals.

As already stated for reducing ESBL/AmpC resistance, restriction of usage of cephalosporins/

systemically active 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins to very specific circumstances and
prohibition of off-label use might be a highly effective control option to reduce selection

As long as findings of carbapenemase-producing strains are rare events in food-producing

animals, each positive finding should be thoroughly investigated.

As genes encoding carbapenemase production are mostly plasmid-mediated, and co-resistance

may be an important issue in the spread of such plasmid-mediated resistance mechanisms,
decreasing the frequency of use of antimicrobials in animal production in the EU in
accordance with prudent use guidelines is also of high priority.

The effectiveness of any control measures should be monitored on a regular basis by targeted
surveys of food-producing animals and foods for carbapenemase-producing bacteria, using
selective isolation methods and pre-enrichment of samples as necessary.

Control measures to contain the spread of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-

producing animals should be proactively implemented at national and international levels, and
should involve inter-departmental communication between human and veterinary authorities.
Such plans should be agreed to prevent carbapenemase-producing strains become widespread
in livestock.

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 50

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems


General conclusions

Carbapenems are broad-spectrum beta (β)-lactam antimicrobials mostly used for the treatment
of serious infections in humans, frequently in hospitalised patients, and are considered last-
line therapy for infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.

Production of carbapenemases may confer diverse -lactam resistance phenotypes depending

on a variety of factors such as the bacterial species, variant of the enzyme, expression level
due to different promoters, copies of carbapenemase-encoding genes and the presence of
additional non-enzymatic resistance mechanisms.

Carbapenem MICs may vary widely ranging from full susceptibility to high-level resistance
according to CLSI or EUCAST clinical breakpoints. Low levels of resistance to carbapenems
are more often observed among Enterobacteriacae.

A diversity of acquired genes encoding carbapenem-hydrolyzing ß-lactamases has been

identified. Such enzymes confer reduced susceptibility or resistance to almost all ß-lactams,
including carbapenems.

The emergence and spread of carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae and

carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriacae have been identified as major public health

Many carbapenemase-producing strains frequently carry additional resistance determinants to

other non-β-lactam antibiotics, making these organisms „extensively drug-resistant‟ or „pan

The focus of this Scientific Opinion is on carbapenemase-producing bacteria with acquired

genetic elements encoding carbapenemase production and that could be transferred from food-
producing animals (and derived foods) to humans directly, or indirectly through other

Factors that favour the emergence of carbapenem resistance include the increased
consumption of carbapenems in humans driven in part by the worldwide spread of ESBLs in
Enterobacteriacae, the location of carbapenem-encoding resistance genes on mobile genetic
elements, and positive selection due to co-resistance with other commonly-used antibiotics.

Answer to ToR1 and ToR2. Define the carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains and genes
relevant for public health and linked to food-producing animals or food-borne transmission.
Review the information on the epidemiology of acquired resistance to carbapenems, including
the genes coding for such resistance, in food-producing animals and food.

Harmonised monitoring of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-producing animals has

as yet not been undertaken in the EU. EU-wide validated data on the occurrence of such
resistance are therefore not available.

Transmission of carbapenemase-producing strains and/or resistance genes to humans through

the food animal production environment or food chain has as yet not been reported, but is
considered likely should these strains/genes spread more widely in food-producing animals.

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 51

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

Few studies have reported the presence of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-

producing animals and their environment. Genes identified have included blaVIM-1 in
Enterobacteriaceae and blaNDM-1 and blaOXA-23 in Acinetobacter spp. No such carbapenemase-
producing isolates have been identified in food derived from food-producing animals.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates of Acinetobacter spp. have been detected on a dairy cattle

farm in France, in chickens on farms and pigs at slaughterhouse in China, and in horses in
Belgium. The carbapenemase-encoding genes identified included blaNDM-1 and blaOXA-23.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates of putative Salmonella Infantis have been identified in

food-producing animals (pig faeces) and their environment (pig and broiler farms) in
Germany. The isolates carried both an acquired AmpC-encoding gene blaACC-1 and an
acquired carbapenemase-encoding gene blaVIM-1. E. coli producing VIM-1 carbapenemase was
also identified in one of these pig farms (pig faeces and environment). These AmpC-encoding
and carbapenemase-encoding genes were located on IncHI2 plasmids.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates belonging to Salmonella Cubana, S. Kentucky, S.

Saintpaul, S. Senftenberg and S. Westhampton producing KPC-2, VIM-2, OXA-48 or NDM-1
have been recovered from cases of human infection, although the origin of the genes (animal,
environmental or clinical settings) cannot be determined. All these serovars are regarded as
potentially zoonotic in origin.

Carbapenemase-producing isolates from companion animals and from a wild bird have also
been reported. Genes identified have included blaOXA-48 and blaNDM-1 in Enterobacteriaceae and
blaOXA-23 in Acinetobacter spp.

A wide variety of antibiotic resistance-encoding genes, including genes mediating resistance

to a range of β-lactam-antibiotics, have been co-located on carbapenemase-encoding plasmids
belonging to different incompatibility groups.

Answer to ToR3. Perform a critical analysis of the methods (phenotypic and genotypic) and the
interpretive criteria currently used for detection (isolation and identification) and
characterisation of carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains.

A methodology including selective culture is proposed for the detection of carbapenemase-

producing strains of Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter spp.

Pre-enrichment by incubation of samples in selective broth containing a carbapenem at a low

concentration (e.g. meropenem 0.125 mg/L) may increase sensitivity. This methodology has
not yet been validated, and any method proposed would have to be subjected to thorough
experimental verification.

A variety of in-house and commercially-available selective media has been used for the active
surveillance of carbapenem resistance in hospitals. The choice of the media for testing animal
and food samples needs to be experimentally evaluated and validated.

Meropenem offers a good balance between sensitivity and specificity and has been
recommended to be included in the harmonised antimicrobial panel for the surveillance of
AMR in isolates from food-producing animals, food thereof and environmental samples.

Biochemical and phenotypic tests for the confirmatory identification of carbapenemase-

producing bacteria among isolates exhibiting non-susceptibility to carbapenems are available.
The sensitivity and specificity of these assays may vary considerably in different settings.

EFSA Journal 2013;11(12):3501 52

Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

The identity of the genes responsible for the carbapenemase production should be determined
by molecular methods.

Plasmid and strain typing should be undertaken to acquire better knowledge on the
epidemiology of genes encoding carbapenemase production among bacteria from food-
producing animal populations, food thereof and environmental samples.

Answer to ToR4. Make recommendations for the harmonised monitoring and reporting of
resistance (phenotypic and genotypic) caused by carbapenemases in food and food-producing
animals in the EU.

Requirements for the collection and reporting of antimicrobial resistance data, including
resistance to carbapenems, are laid down in European legislation.

Technical specifications and reporting manuals prepared by EFSA recommend reporting of

isolate-based data, and recommend mandatory phenotypic monitoring of Salmonella spp. and
indicator E. coli with a broadened test panel also covering meropenem.

Since some carbapenemase-producing strains have been identified in food animals and their
environment, more detailed investigation is now required to determine the extent and
distribution of such strains in the food animal ecosystem.

Active monitoring and/or additional targeted surveys for carbapenemase-producing bacteria in

animals and food should cover key zoonotic agents and indicator organisms of the commensal
flora. Priority should be given to broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening pigs, veal calves, and the
derived fresh meat of domestic origin. Dairy cattle, raw milk and aquaculture products may be
also included in targeted surveys.

For active monitoring, all isolates of Salmonella spp. and E. coli collected within the
compulsory monitoring programme, as required by European legislation, should be screened
for meropenem resistance using standardized microdilution methods.

Specific targeted surveys for the detection of carbapenemase-producing organisms in the food
animal ecosystem should be implemented at the EU level.

For passive monitoring, diagnostic isolates of veterinary origin (at least those classified as
microbiologically resistant to 3rd- or 4th-generation cephalosporins on the basis of
epidemiological cut-off values) should be subjected to phenotypic testing for carbapenem
resistance and carbapenemase production, and subsequent molecular identification and
characterization of the carbapenemase production genes present.

For correct interpretation of results relating to carbapenem resistance, the sampling strategy
(active vs. passive monitoring) and the selection procedure applied for each isolate (randomly
selected isolate vs. isolate from selective media) should be reported. Results of phenotypic
methods used for testing for carbapenemase production as well as the results from further
characterisation of resistance genes should be reported for each isolate.

Methods involving pre-enrichment and selective plating should be used in specific surveys to
increase sensitivity for populations with a low prevalence of carbapenemase-producing

The recommendations developed by EUCAST to improve the detection of different

mechanisms of resistance, including those conferring resistance to carbapenems, should be
taken into account to the best extent possible. Additional consideration should be given to a

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

more detailed analysis of all isolates showing non-susceptibility to carbapenems above the
ECOFF value.

Answer to ToR5. Identify possible means of preventing or minimising the further emergence
and spread of carbapenemase-producing bacterial strains transmitted via the food chain,
including consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

Because there are no data on the comparative efficacy of individual control options in
reducing the potential public health risks caused by carbapenemase-producing bacteria related
to food-producing animals, prioritisation is complex.

All efforts should be made to continue to regard carbapenems as Critically-Important

Antimicrobials that should be reserved specifically for the treatment of serious infections with
multidrug-resistant bacteria in humans, and not used in food-producing animals.

As carbapenems are not licensed for use in food-producing animals in the EU and other parts
of the world, one simple and effective control option to minimise the further emergence and
possible spread of such strains transmitted via the food chain would be to continue to prohibit
the use of carbapenems in food-producing animals.

As already stated for reducing ESBL/AmpC resistance, restriction of usage of cephalosporins/

systemically active 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins to very specific circumstances and
prohibition of off-label use might be a highly effective control option to reduce selection

As long as findings of carbapenemase-producing strains are rare events in food-producing

animals, each positive finding should be thoroughly investigated.

As genes encoding carbapenemase production are mostly plasmid-mediated, and co-resistance

may be an important issue in the spread of such plasmid-mediated resistance mechanisms,
decreasing the frequency of use of antimicrobials in animal production in the EU in
accordance with prudent use guidelines is also of high priority.

The effectiveness of any control measures should be monitored on a regular basis by targeted
surveys of food-producing animals and foods for carbapenemase-producing bacteria, using
selective isolation methods and pre-enrichment of samples as necessary.

Control measures to contain the spread of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-

producing animals should be proactively implemented at national and international levels, and
should involve inter-departmental communication between human and veterinary authorities.
Such plans should be agreed to prevent carbapenemase-producing strains become widespread
in livestock.

Fruit and vegetables, particularly those which are more prone to bacterial contamination and
are usually consumed raw, should be assessed for contamination with bacteria with acquired

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Carbapenem resistance in food animal ecosystems

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AMR Antimicrobial drug resistance
BIOHAZ Biological Hazards (EFSA Panel on)
BIOMO Biological Monitoring (EFSA Unit on)
BSI Bloodstream infections
CIAs Critically-Important Antimicrobials
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA)
CDT Combined Disk Test
CHDLs Carbapenem hydrolysing class D -lactamases
CLSI Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (USA)
CNS Carbapenem-non-susceptible / carbapenem non-susceptibility
CNSE Carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae
CP Carbapenemase-producing / carbapenemase production
CPE Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
CRE Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
EARS-Net European Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance System
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
ECOFF Epidemiological cut-off value
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
EMA European Medicines Agency
ESBL Extended Spectrum Beta (β)-Lactamase
EU European Union
EUCAST European Union Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
FTIR-ATR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance
Inc Incompatibility group
IS Insertion sequence
KPC „Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase‟
MALDI-Tof Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)- Time-of-flight mass
spectrometry (Tof)
MBL Metallo β-lactamase
MIC Minimal Inhibitory Concentration
MDR Multidrug-resistant
MGE Mobile genetic elements
MLST Multi locus sequence typing
MLVA Multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis
MS(s) Member State(s)
MYSTIC Meropenem Yearly Susceptibility Test Information Collection Program
NHSN National Nosocomial National Healthcare Safety Network
NNIS National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System
OXA Oxacillinases
PBP Penicillin binding protein
PDR Pan drug-resistant

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PK/PD Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (modelling)

PFGE Pulsed field gel electrophoresis
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
ST Sequence type
TSN Surveillance Network-USA
WGS Whole Genome Sequencing
WWTP Wastewater treatment plant
XDR Extensively drug-resistant
ZD Zone diameter

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