Elective 1 - Miss Rutch

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Remedial Instruction in Speaking

➢ The class will be grouped into two groups and each group.
➢ The students will be given 10 minutes to perform the task.

Facial expression=10%
Clarity and tone of voice=20%
Creativity and organization=20%
Intonation and diction=30%
Total: 100%

I have here 5 sets of words and phrases. What I

want you to do is to read the words and phrases
with proper intonation and expression.

In the first set, you raise your voice in the syllable First set:
that is being stressed. 1. handsome
2. admirable
3. interesting
4. adventure
5. cafeteria

In the second set, you read the words and Second set:
phrases from low, normal to high tone of voice. (Low, Normal, High)
1. Stop!
2. Ouch!
3. Wait!
4. Oh my God!
In the third set, you read the phrases with the 5. I hate you!
rising and falling intonation.
Third set:
1. Will you allow me to go?
2. That’s expensive
3. What’s your problem?
4. Are they still in the room?
5. What did you have for breakfast?
In the fourth set, read the phrases. Pause shortly
if there is(/) and stop(#). Fourth set:
1. You’re nothing/ but a second-rate/ trying
hard/ copycat.#
2. I deserve an explanation/ I deserve an
acceptable reason.#

In the last set, read and the phrases from slow,

medium to rapid speed. Fifth set:
(Slow, Medium, Rapid)
1. I don’t like you!
Remedial Instruction in Speaking

➢ The class will be divided into 4 groups.
➢ Each group will be given 10 minutes to present the task.
➢ The teacher will read a short story in the class.
➢ Each group will select one representative to retell the story that is being discussed by the

Facial expression=10
Clarity and tone of voice=20%
Creativity =20%
Intonation and diction=30%
Total: 100%



Cass was a fat lass.

She had a sad cat.
The cat sat on her lap.
The cat saw a sack.
The sack was full of yarns.
The cat played with the yarns.
Remedial Instruction in Reading

➢ The teacher will prepare some unfamiliar words written in a piece of paper
and put it in a box.
➢ Inside the box of the unfamiliar words there are 5 pieces of paper with the
written word “Return all what you have”.
➢ If the student will be able to read the word he/she pick from the box that
would be 1 point for that student but if he/she cannot read the word she will
return the word in the box and pick another one.
➢ And if the student pick the “Return all what you have” the student will
return all the words and lose all the points.


• Emigrate Further
• Course Points
• Capitol Rule
• Feeble Fame
• Immigrate Flame
• Weak Return
• Brake Quit
• Hear Boxer
• Loose Lost
• Principle Week
• Plain Plain
• Father Flower
• Feather Come
• Stationary Activity
Remedial Instruction in Reading


➢ The teacher will provide a short story.

➢ The class will be divided into 4 groups to read the story according to the rule.
➢ The teacher will raise a green flag to inform the first group to start reading then the teacher will
raise a red flag if she wanted them to stop reading.
➢ The first group who will perform it well they will gain points.
➢ If they read it without following the rules they will be given a consequence given by the other
➢ The consequence would be a form of question and if the first group cannot answer there will be
no points for them.

Facial expression=10%
Clarity and tone of voice=20%
Creativity and organization=20%
Intonation and diction=30%
Total: 100%
Remedial Instruction in Writing


➢ The student will be given 10 minutes to read the short story given by the teacher.
➢ And after reading the teacher will give them another 10 minutes to create their own Poem
regarding from the story they have read.

Grammar=50 Points
Clarity=30 Points
Creativity=20 Points
Total: 100 Points
Remedial Instruction in Writing


“Focus on Me and You will Find!”

 The teacher will divide the class into two (2) groups.
 Each group will be given a copy of the narration.
 Each group will write down the adverbs found in the narration.
 Each group will use the adverbs in a sentence.
 Each group should construct one (1) own sentence in each adverb.
 Each group will be given one-fourth (1/4) sheet of manila paper and a marker.
 Each group must have one (1) representative to present their output in the class.
 Each group will be given five (5) minutes to do the task.

Correctness of Answer - 15 pts.
Presentation - 10 pts.
Teamwork - 5 pts.
TOTAL 30 pts.

Remedial Instruction in Listening


“Hear Me Out!”

➢The teacher will divide the class into two (2) groups.
➢The teacher will post a table on the board.
➢Each group will be given twenty (20) words.
➢Each group will categorize and pronouns the words from which vowel sound they belong.
➢Each member of the group will paste the word one by one on the board.
➢Each group will be given five (5) minutes to do the task.
➢The group who will get the highest score will be the winner.

Words: Praise, Heave, Music, Plan, Plot, Hug, Raisin, Grease, Human, Mask, Block, Plug, Crime,
Scope, Help, Slid, Cloak, Thrive, Fresh, Shift

Remedial Instruction in Listening

“Read, Relay and Write ”

➢ The teacher will divide the class into three (3) groups and each group must
choose 5 representatives.
➢ The teacher will give paper strips that contain sentences.
➢ The first person in each group has to read the sentences that the teacher will
give and he/she will relay it to the second person and so on.
➢ The last person will walk like a duck upon going and writing the sentences on
the board.
➢ The last person will go back to his/her line and read the sentences all
➢ The group who finished first will receive an additional 10 points.
(Remedial Instruction Activities)

Submitted to: Miss Rutchelyn Lovitos

Submitted by: Jorelene G. Penalosa

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