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The World Of Drakkenheim

Written by
Monty Martin & Kelly McLaughlin
Lead Design: Monty Martin, Kelly McLaughlin
Writing and Rules Development: Monty Martin,
Kelly McLaughlin
Additional Writing Contributions: Joe O’Gorman,
Jillian Danaitis
Editing: Chris Walz, Phil Beckwith
Art Direction: Ona Kristensen, Matthew DeMino
Graphic Design: Martin Hughes
Standard Edition Cover Illustrator: Nathaniel Himawan
Special Edition Cover Illustrator: Kme
Interior Illustrators: Alberto Dal Lago, Brent Hollowell,
Daniel Correia, David Jones, Erel Maatita, Erika Nosé,
Felipe Pérez, Fesbra, Gabrielius Bubnelis, Giuseppe De iure,
Grzegorz Wlazło, Humble Squid, Ignacio Corva, Isabeau
Backhaus, Isabell Bartnicki, Isabell Bartnicki, Janna Sophia,
Jokubas Uogintas, Kalinin Illia, Kerstin Evans, Maria Arteta, “Who are these people? Academy Mages?
Mariana Livraes, Marius Bota, Marzena Nereida Piwowar, Hooded Lanterns? I don’t recognize any of them
Mateusz Wilma, Matthew DeMino, Mike Pape, Muhammad so they must not be very important.”
Fajri, Oksana Kerro, Olivia Hintz, Ona Kristensen, Rafael
Dantanna, Renan Ribeiro, Richard Lay, Romain Kurdi,
Suzanne Helmigh, Tanya Podolskaia, Urte.sin, Victor Garcia,
Vincenzo Pratticò, Will Hallett
Cartographers: Damien Mammoliti, Kme, Vita Naumavičienė
Product Design: Simon Sherry, Josh Orchard Ghostfire Gaming Operations
Project Manager: Phil Beckwith
Managing Director: Matt Witbreuk
Financial Controller: James Atkins

Ownership & Copyright Strategy & Communications Manager: Hannah Peart

General Manager of Operations: Nick Ingamells
Media Content Manager: Ben Byrne
Creative Commons: This work includes material taken
Media Editor: Dante Szabo
from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by
Ghostfire Gaming Discord Community Managers:
Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at The SRD Ian “Butters” Gratton, Nelson “Deathven” Di Carlo,
5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Tom “Viking Walrus” Garland, Caleb “Connendarf ”
International License available at Englehart, Cameron “C4Burgers” Brechin

Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim © 2023,

The Dungeon Dudes. All rights reserved.
Ghostfire Production Studio
Head of Production: Simon Sherry
Reference to copyright material in no way constitutes a challenge Lead Producer: Joe Raso
to the respective copyright holder of that material. The Dungeon Producer: Kerstin Evans
Dudes, The Dungeon Dudes logo, Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Principal Graphic Designer: Martin Hughes
Drakkenheim, and the Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim Graphic Designer: Josh Orchard
logo are trademarks of the Dungeon Dudes. Principal Art Director: Suzanne Helmigh
Art Direction Team: Marius Bota, Ona Kristensen
Ghostfire Gaming and the Ghostfire Gaming logo are Lead Developer: Mark McIntyre
trademarks of Ghostfire Gaming Pty Ltd. Lead Game Designer Shawn Merwin

Chapter 1: The World of Drakkenheim......7 Terene................................................114 Monk: Way of the Arcane Hand.........161
Using This Book..................................7 Overview.......................................... 114 Monk: Way of the Serpent................ 163
Themes of Drakkenheim......................7 History............................................. 114 Paladins............................................164
The Continent.....................................12 Factions and Figures......................... 115 Paladin: Oath of Hexes.................... 165
History of the Continent.................... 12 Locations and Landmarks................. 117
Rangers............................................ 166
Religion and Gods.............................. 16 Cities and Settlements....................... 117
Ranger: Urban Ranger...................... 167
Faith of the Sacred Flame...................16 Adventures in Terene......................... 117
Old Faiths........................................ 22 Orleone..............................................118
Overview.......................................... 118 Rogue: Smuggler..............................169
The Amethyst Academy.......................28
Factions and Figures.........................119 Sorcerers...........................................170
The Edicts of Lumen............................ 32 Sorcerer: Delerium Soul.................... 171
Locations and Landmarks................ 120
Everyday Life...................................... 34 Cities and Settlements...................... 120 Warlocks........................................... 172
Planes of Existence............................. 38 Adventures in Orleone...................... 120 Warlock: Cosmic Patron...................173
Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetteer.....41 Netherwind....................................... 122 Warlock: Flesh Patron...................... 174
Westemär............................................41 Overview..........................................122 Wizards............................................176
Overview...........................................41 Factions and Figures.........................123 Wizard: Malfeasant......................... 177
History.............................................44 Locations and Landmarks.................123
Tools and Tool Feats..........................178
Factions and Figures......................... 45 Cities and Settlements...................... 124
Locations and Landmarks................. 50 Adventures in Netherwind................ 124 Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim......... 183
Cities and Settlements........................53 Lands Beyond.................................... 125 Spell by Class................................... 184
Adventures in Westemär.................... 59 Contaminated Spells by Class........... 185
Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters..... 127
Drannsmund Map...............................61 New Spells.................................... 186
People of the Continent......................128
Todesfeld Map....................................62 Contaminated Spells........................ 194
Humans.......................................... 128
Elyria..................................................64 Dragonborn and Tieflings: Continental Regalia...........................199
Overview..........................................64 Arcane Ancestries............................ 129 Six Swords of Caspia.........................200
History............................................. 67 Elves and Half-Elves: Seals of Elyria....................................201
Factions and Figures.........................68 Otherworldly Origins....................... 129 Appendix A: Monsters......................... 202
Locations and Landmarks................. 73 Dwarves: Shaped by Stone............... 130
Deep Dregs.................................... 202
Cities and Settlements....................... 75 Halflings, Gnomes, and Goblins:
Adventures in Elyria.......................... 77 Small Places..................................... 131
Entropic Watcher............................ 206
Lumen Map........................................78 Uncommon Ancestries...................... 131
Liminal Herald................................ 207
Caspia............................................... 80 Apothecary....................................... 132
Lurker on the Threshold.................. 208
Overview..........................................80 Creating an Apothecary ...................133
Eldritch Crawler.............................. 209
History............................................. 82 Apothecaries in Drakkenheim ...........133
Apothecary...................................... 134 Maw Vermin.................................... 210
Factions and Figures.........................84
Class Features...................................135 Far Dweller....................................... 211
Locations and Landmarks.................88
Cities and Settlements.......................89 Optional Rule: Multiclassing............ 136 Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters....... 212
Adventures in Caspia.........................91 Apothecary Esoteric Theories........... 136 Doctor.............................................212
Tower of Swords Map.........................93 Apothecary Spell List....................... 139 Surgeon............................................212
The Eastern Vales...............................94 Apothecary Occult Practices............. 140 Plague Doctor..................................213
Overview..........................................94 Alienist............................................140 Minstrel.......................................... 214
History............................................. 95 Chemist........................................... 141 Reaver..............................................215
Factions and Figures.........................96 Exorcist........................................... 142 Flamekeeper.....................................215
Locations and Landmarks.................98 Mutagenist...................................... 143 Amethyst Academy Wizard............... 216
Cities and Settlements.......................99 Pathogenist..................................... 145 Academy Outcast............................ 216
Adventures in the Eastern Vales........100 Reanimator..................................... 146
Liege............................................... 217
Isles of Skye....................................... 101 Barbarians........................................149 Scalebreaker Knight......................... 218
Overview..........................................101 Barbarian: Path of the Haze Rager.... 150 Clawstrider Ranger.......................... 218
History............................................ 102 Barbarian: Path of the Old Gods....... 151
Silver Order Paladin......................... 219
Factions and Figures........................ 103 Bards................................................ 152 Steelfang Mercenary....................... 220
Locations and Landmarks................ 105 Bard: College of Doomsayers.............153
Hooded Lantern Ranger....................221
Cities and Settlements......................106 Clerics............................................... 154 Lion Guard.......................................221
Adventures in Skye........................... 107 Cleric: Shadow Domain....................155
Legendary Figures............................ 222
Liberio.............................................. 108 Druids............................................... 156
Druid: Circle of Contamination.........157 Appendix C: Contamination................ 230
Locations and Landmarks................109
Factions and Figures.........................110 Fighters............................................. 158 Appendix D: Delerium..........................232
Adventures in Liberio.........................111 Fighter: Commander........................ 159 The Haze......................................... 233
Liberio Map........................................112 Monks.............................................. 160 Magic Items....................................234
4 Guide to Drakkenheim 4
To whom it may concern,
There has been an incident! I just want you to know that this time it is
not entirely my fault. My name is Sebastian Crowe, you probably know me as
the greatest sorcerer on the continent. If the stories you heard involve
a rat problem in Drakkenheim, that was the other Sebastian Crowe. So
here is the deal: my friends and I have been working diligently to contain
the horrible contamination within Drakkenheim, and have been doing an
exceptional job. Now before you congratulate me, I should have you know
that some other, not-so-great people thought it would be fun to trade
delerium all over the continent. The Haze is spreading, people are dying,
and everyone keeps yelling at me to make decisions and it all sounds really
important and I’m just not well equipped to deal with such drastic decision
making alone! Furthermore, the monsters are getting really, really bad, and
I have almost died. Many times. Despite my vast magical powers, I can usually
only manage to be in a few places at once, not everywhere. The Academy
Directorate seems upset. The Hooded Lanterns seem upset. At this point,
I think it’s safe to assume that everyone is upset.

So, I’m begging you! Whether you are one of those brute warriors from the
Isles of Skye or Netherwind, or a great commander from the civil war. Maybe
a fancy bard from Caspia, or a lizard-riding ranger from Terene, just come
to Drakkenheim, please. We need you! I know you apothecaries are all hiding
in your labs mixing poisons, but we have enough issues going on and we need
your brains on this matter post-haste.

So come to Drakkenheim! The air is toxic, the water is contaminated, and

you can’t sleep within a few miles of the city, but as the smartest man I
ever knew once said “What’s the worst that could happen?”



Introduction 5
6 Guide to Drakkenheim
Chapter 1: The World of Drakkenheim

RAKKENHEIM IS NO MORE. Struck by an el-
dritch storm of falling stars upon that woeful eve, the
once-majestic capital is now a monster-haunted ruin
Themes of Drakkenheim
contaminated by otherworldly magic. The political order of In the world of Drakkenheim, the personal stories of the player
the wider world lies in shambles, torn apart by religious schism characters are cast against a dark fantasy world of political
and looming military conflict. Meanwhile, insidious horrors intrigue and eldritch terror. These core concepts underpin the
creep out of the shadow of Drakkenheim into a world unpre- world of Drakkenheim:
pared for such nightmares.
The meteor which struck Drakkenheim left behind massive
deposits of delerium. These iridescent crystals of vast magical
Using This Book potential are found throughout the ruins, but radiate contami-
nated energies that can induce madness and monstrous trans-
Sebastian Crowe’s Guide to Drakkenheim is a sourcebook for formations. Despite these dangers, delerium is ideally suited to
creating player characters and adventures in the world of crafting magic items and fueling mighty new spells. Highly sought
Drakkenheim. Written for players and Game Masters alike, this after by arcanists of all kinds for its otherworldly power, delerium
book offers options for characters and adventures compatible with commands a high price within occult circles and underground
any Fifth Edition game, whether you’re running the Dungeons markets alike. Many prospectors risk everything collecting
of Drakkenheim campaign, another fantasy setting, or are a few fragments, but the true origins of the strange mineral
adapting this material to your own world. remain unknown.
You’ll need a copy of the Core Rules for Fifth Edition to The irradiating energies of vast quantities of delerium produce
properly use this book. When reading this book, text in bold a magical effect known as the Haze. Characterized by a prismatic
usually references a creature or nonplayer character stat block, fog, the Haze prevents characters from benefiting from a long rest
while text in italics often indicates spells or magic items. Many in any area where it manifests, and gradually contaminates any
new monsters, items, and spells are described in sections of this who remain within its environs for longer than a day or so.
book, otherwise, consult the Fifth Edition core rules. Where a Appendix D: Delerium covers the crystals in detail.
spell name has an asterisk (*) preceding it, this indicates that the
spell is original to this book and can be found in the Magic of
Drakkenheim chapter.
Content warning
What You’ll Find Within Drakkenheim is a dark fantasy world. We recommend players
Continental Gazetteer. This section of the book explores the and Game Masters have an open conversation at the start of
wider world around Drakkenheim. It expands on the lore, the campaign to discuss their lines and veils. In support of
people, history, characters, and locations found in Westemär, this conversation, please note references to the following are
Caspia, and Elyria — a continent gripped by political intrigue common in this setting:
and conflict between mages, nobility, and priests. h Violence, murder, blood, gore, cannibalism, and body horror
Drakkenheim Characters. This chapter features a complete h Degenerative mutations which cause physical disfigurement
guide to creating player characters ready to embark on and madness/insanity
adventures in the world of Drakkenheim. It features new h Rats, spiders, insects, demons, undead, ghosts, and other monsters
subclasses for each core class presented in the Core Rules, h Natural disasters, large-scale loss of life, civil war, displaced
special feats which allow characters to wield tools in expanded persons, refugees
ways, and introduces the Apothecary, an all-new playable h Moral ambiguity, social/ political manipulation, religious
class possessing medical expertise and occult magic. zealotry, military nationalism
Magic of Drakkenheim. New spells for Apothecaries and core Explicit sexuality, sexual assault, racial prejudice, systemic racism,
classes, as well as a selection of dangerous and deadly Con- homophobia, or transphobia are not topics we want to explore in
taminated Spells, which characters may cast at their peril! In this world. Any inferences of such are wholly unintentional.
addition, the chapter presents a collection of powerful artifacts
central to the setting’s story.

Horrors Beyond Drakkenheim Realms in Conflict
Since the meteor fell, most foolishly believed the madness and The destruction of Drakkenheim fifteen years ago has thrown the
mayhem of the accursed city was confined to the ruins. They were world into chaos, but the seeds of conflict have long been sown.
gravely wrong. Delerium crystals are slowly making their way The people who inhabit the world of Drakkenheim are filled
out of Drakkenheim into neighboring towns and distant nations. with foibles and flaws. The squabbling nobility of the conti-
Whether smuggled in lead-lined chests by successful prospectors, nent ceaselessly scheme to increase their power, wealth, and
carried downstream by the waters of the Drann River, or abscond- influence. Many aim to position themselves to take the throne
ed from the ruins by a fugitive monster, not every fragment ends of their nations, and their monarchs have imperial ambitions of
up in the hands of those who would use them wisely. Even the their own. The tools of their political maneuvering include alli-
smallest shard can cause chaos in a sleepy hamlet. Few common- ances sealed with marriages, threats of military power, economic
folk understand the threat posed by the eldritch crystals, let alone superiority, defamation, slander, subtlety, and assassination.
possess the means or skill to combat the ensuing terror. As a result, the political order of the continent rests upon a
While tales of these horrors spread across the continent, rival bed of unstable alliances, festering feuds, bitter rivalries, and
factions vehemently disagree over whether the crystals should old grudges. Peace endures for brief periods only because of
be destroyed, harnessed, or worshiped. These growing divisions clumsily negotiated treaties backed up by the threat of armed
threaten outright war. retaliation, or because the belligerents need time to lick their
wounds, rebuild their armies, and refill their coffers.
Eldritch Contamination People don’t always act in logical ways, and several historical
disasters have been caused by bad choices. Those in power are
Characters in the world of Drakkenheim will encounter Eldritch
rarely able to set aside their differences and work together, even
Contamination caused by chaotic magic, otherworldly creatures,
in the face of a mutual threat. Many have fundamental differ-
and the corrupting presence of delerium. Abilities, equipment,
ences in their moral outlooks and competing visions for the way
and spells that protect against diseases, magic, and poison do not
the world ought to be. However, in most cases, they simply do
work against contamination. It doesn’t heal naturally and can’t
not want to share power with others. In the desperate situations
be removed with low-level spells such as lesser restoration.
where these groups must work together to survive, they jockey
Appendix C: Contamination explains the rules for Eldritch
to come out on top over their rivals after the threat has passed,
Contamination and the horrific mutations it can cause.
or find a way to create a lasting advantage from the crisis.
Many of the new player character options introduced in
Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters, as well as spells included in
Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim offer characters tools to defend Westemär
and overcome contamination – or wield it against their foes. Westemär is at the forefront of the current conflicts, as Drakken-
heim was its imperial capital. When the city was destroyed,
King Ulrich IV and his immediate heirs were lost. They are
Contaminated Player Options presumed dead, but their ultimate fate is unknown. Festering
divisions between the king’s two surviving siblings plunged the
Contamination is meant to impose a long-term problem for player nation into a ten-year-long civil war. In a cruel twist of fate, the
characters that affects their choices between long rests, adventures, war led to the deaths of both the king’s siblings and their heirs.
and during their downtime. The player character options in this Today, the political order of Westemär lies in tatters. Lacking
book have been designed and balanced with this in mind. They re- any clear claimant to the throne, nobles ruling its duchies and
ward characters with great power now, if they are willing to assume cities are quickly posturing to form their own petty kingdoms
the deadly risk of Contamination in the future. Characters must — or make a bid for the throne themselves.
consider carefully whether gaining a Contamination level willingly Meanwhile, the city of Drakkenheim is a desolate urban
to cast a Contaminated spell is worth the risk as they might face a ruin, haunted by all manner of eldritch abominations, undead
monster with powerful contamination abilities of their own. monstrosities, and otherworldly demons.
The new Contaminated Spells and the Malfeasant wizard,
Circle of Contamination druid, Haze Rager barbarian, and
the Delerium Soul sorcerer may be too powerful when used in
one-shot adventures, short-term campaigns, or adventures set Nourished by the fertile valleys along the Vita River, the
outside the world of Drakkenheim where characters will not Elyrian peninsula was the cradle of human civilization on the
themselves face the threat of contamination on a regular basis. continent. During antiquity, the tyrannical sorcerer-kings
In such cases, we recommend Game Masters consider carefully ruled the blood-soaked Arcane Empire from these lands, and
the balance of their campaigns before permitting player charac- dominated the other people and nations of the continent with
ters to utilize these options. their magical supremacy. The fires of a new religion inspired
In addition, if you’re running the Dungeons of Drakkenheim the population to throw off the yoke of their oppressive rulers,
campaign, Game Masters may require player characters adopt marking the beginning of the modern era, which saw the land’s
these subclasses only after completing a personal quest or in re- redemption and resurrection as the nation of Elyria.
sponse to a dramatic discovery. In such cases, the character must Today, Elyria is the heartland to the Faith of the Sacred
advance first using a different subclass, then retrain their subclass Flame. After its monarchy dissolved a century ago, it is now
to one of these contaminated options after an appropriate moment under the de facto authority of Divine Matriarch Mercy V,
in the campaign. the leader of the faith. As the religion itself holds influence
throughout the continent, today Elyria projects power far

8 Guide to Drakkenheim
beyond its borders, influencing other nations both through the for the next decade. Venus Joplin II has held this position for
military might of its knightly orders and through the counsel the last three decades and has positioned herself as the longest
and urging of many Flamekeepers. running High King the nation has ever seen.

Caspia Edicts of Lumen

The proud nation of Caspia is made up of six rival houses all The nations of the continent are party to the Edicts of Lumen,
descending from the great founder Rex Caspian. They host a landmark treaty signed after decades of bloody conflict. The
the most impressive warriors and monster slayers in the con- agreement establishes the balance of power between noble rul-
tinent and have constant contests and rivalries over which of ers, the clergy of the Sacred Flame, and the arcane spellcasters
the houses is the strongest. They are a nation built on wars, of the Amethyst Academy. Under the Edicts of Lumen, arcane
victories, and blood; Caspians care more about battles and spellcasters are barred from holding noble titles. The Edicts
trophies than they do magic or religion. of Lumen do not outlaw magic, but do restrict who can teach
Despite being a bickering nation of bitter rivalries, and petty magic and provide magical services.
wars amongst themselves, they have a reputation for coming The Edicts of Lumen maintain peace and stability in the
together when greater threats linger on their borders, and no continent by reflecting the shared political will of all those party
nation has ever successfully invaded or defeated the Caspians. to it, but the voluminous document has many flaws, oversights,
Caspia elects its High King based on a contest and vote every and loopholes. Many try to work around or flout its restrictions
ten years. Known as the Kingsmoot, this contest sees each of the without triggering another catastrophic war. Recent disasters
six great houses put forward their greatest triumphs, victories, have tested the Edicts of Lumen, however, and they may not
and trophies in hopes of winning their seat as the ruler of Caspia hold conflict at bay much longer.

Factions of Drakkenheim Elyria, the order adheres to the traditional religion of the Sacred
Flame, but operates throughout the world in small bands of
Five factions clash over the ruins of Drakkenheim, each vying questing knights dispatched on holy missions. However, the order
for control over the ruins and the delerium found there. Their has recently assembled en-masse, deploying an entire company
agents are regularly encountered in the world at large seeking to of warriors to the ruins of Drakkenheim. They are tasked with
recruit new heroes to join their cause and additional resources to destroying the unholy magic that has taken root there.
aid their embattled forces in the fallen capital.
Followers of the Falling Fire
Hooded Lanterns The Followers of the Falling Fire are a breakaway sect of the
Formally known as the 4th Provisional Expeditionary Force Sacred Flame who believe the meteor signaled a celestial proph-
to Reclaim the Capital, the Hooded Lanterns are an irregular ecy. They believe delerium are sacred stones that will prepare
military drawn up from veterans of the Civil War and remnants the faithful to meet a greater darkness yet to come. The pres-
of the old Drakkenheim City Watch. Led by the dour Lord cient augur Lucretia Mathias has inspired masses of devout
Commander Elias Drexel, they wage a guerrilla war against common-folk to embark on a dangerous pilgrimage to the cra-
the monsters, bandits, and scavengers who have taken root in ter’s edge in Drakkenheim, where they might take their place
their nation’s capital. Each has pledged their swords, hearts, and in a divine plan. Although their faith is based in the teachings of
lives to restore their home and rebuild the Realm of Westemär. the Sacred Flame, they have been branded mad heretics by the
mainstream clergy for their blasphemous worship of delerium.
Queen’s Men
The Queen’s Men are a loose affiliation between a hundred Amethyst Academy
gangs of brigands, outlaws, and scoundrels, all who swear fealty The Amethyst Academy is a magical school for sorcerers
to the enigmatic Queen of Thieves. These reprobates prey and wizards. The Academy’s students learn magic in remote
upon the pilgrims, prospectors, and explorers drawn to the city, castles and secluded universities, directed by a shadowy
extort and rob adventurers, smuggle delerium to disreputable cabal of powerful archmages. The Academy also operates
clients in distant lands, and plunder the fantastic treasures and an enterprising mage guild that controls the manufacture of
incredible wealth left behind in the city. The Queen of Thieves magical wares and orchestrates an influential arcane syndicate
dreams of building an influential and powerful criminal empire that provides occult counsel to the nobility of the continent.
forged in the anarchy and lawlessness of the ruins, and sabotages By law, the Amethyst Academy takes guardianship over any
the other factions at every turn. children born on the continent who display magical ability,
whether they are a royal heir or commoner. They instruct these
young magelings in magic, and through disciplined education
Silver Order most become wizards. A child who bristles against Academy
The Knights of the Silver Order are a regiment of paladins and training — or who by chance was not taken in by the Academy
righteous knights oath-bound to combat supernatural evil, dark and develops their own magic without scholarly instruction —
magic, and otherworldly incursions. Founded in the nation of typically becomes a sorcerer.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 9

Mysterious Magic
Chaotic otherworldly forces underpin the cosmos in the World of
Drakkenheim. The true nature of magic is only dimly understood
by its mortal inhabitants, and spellcasters among them are
exceptionally rare. Barely one in every thousand people can cast
spells, and of these, the majority only master cantrips and first-
level spells in their entire lifetimes.
Everyday people aren’t used to monsters, and they don’t under-
stand magic. Monsters exist, but the common folk tremble at their
sight. Planar cosmology is mysterious and unknowable, but sages
have still developed many conflicting (and wildly incorrect) theories.

The arcane magic of sorcerers and wizards draws upon other- Distant Gods
worldly planar energies. The ability to tap into these forces is In the world of Drakkenheim, the gods are silent and distant.
reliant on a recessive genetic trait in mortals; these individuals are Gods do not manifest physically nor speak with worshipers, and
called mageborn. Mageborn parents often pass their magical gift do not interfere in earthly matters. Rather than follow a pan-
on to their offspring, but not always. The genes can lie dormant theon of gods who communicate clearly with their worshipers,
for generations, or emerge unexpectedly in a family with no prophets and priests have established the world’s religions based
magical history. Signs a person is mageborn typically begin in on interpretations of divine forces, signs, and omens. Alignment,
early childhood as random displays of wild magic, and spellcasting cosmology, and religion are nebulous concepts, and in Drakken-
ability manifests fully during puberty. There are several recorded heim, prophecies fail as often as they are fulfilled.
cases where the trait did not develop until adulthood, but such Divine spellcasting powers are not granted by gods direct-
individuals are rare curiosities indeed. ly. Instead, clerics, druids, and paladins learn to cast spells
In the world of Drakkenheim, the primary difference be- by channeling the supernatural forces of light and shadow
tween a sorcerer and a wizard comes from their education and which underscore the cosmos. In theory, divine spellcasting
training; the origin of their powers is the same. Mortals who lack is attainable by anyone, but in practice only exceptionally
the mageborn gene cannot become sorcerers or wizards under gifted individuals master even the lowest-level divine spells.
any circumstances. Many view divine spellcasting as a disciplined and sacred
technique attainable only by those with sufficient will and
devotion, and only after years of meditation and training.
Other Magic Users Its practitioners are not considered mageborn.
Violating one’s religious tenets does not cause a cleric, druid,
Warlocks gain their magic from a pact with an otherworldly or paladin to lose their powers. However, a personal crisis of
patron, but fickle fey, diabolical fiends, and tyrannical dragons faith brought on by some discordant change in behavior and
do not dole out their power to just anyone. Nevertheless, this is morality could cause an individual to lose their divine spell-
one of the only ways a non-mageborn person can wield power- casting powers. More often, a cleric, druid, or paladin who
ful arcane magic. Although warlocks are not necessarily mage- commits grave transgressions against their gods is shunned,
born themselves, a warlock will always sire mageborn children. excommunicated, and made to face retribution from other
Taking up an eldritch pact infuses their body with a subtle members of their faith.
arcane taint which manifests in their descendants, occasionally
resulting in children visibly marked by extraplanar influences,
such as tieflings. On the other hand, sometimes sorcerers and Faith of the Sacred Flame
wizards do not pass their magical gift to their own offspring. In Across the continent, a single faith has emerged as the domi-
such cases, their progeny may seek an eldritch pact to reclaim nant religion: the Faith of the Sacred Flame. The tenets of the
their magical birthright. religion speak a message of truth and justice inspired by the
No one quite knows by what means bards work their musical righteous sacrifice of a noble paladin. The leader of the Faith is
magic. Amongst arcane spellcasters, their magic is the rarest and the Divine Matriarch Mercy V, who keeps Saint Tarna’s Cathe-
most mysterious. dral in the Holy City of Lumen.
Apothecaries blend scientific and occult knowledge to create
magical effects, and need not themselves be mageborn
There are many other magical techniques, some of which Old Gods and Primal Magic
allow characters to cast a small smattering of cantrips and spells, The magic of druids is sometimes referred to as primal magic
represented by rangers, or subclasses and feats that grant spellcast- due to its connection to nature, earth, life, and death. However,
ing features. These characters are not usually mageborn, because the gods of the Old Faiths are said to represent such forces,
their magic relies on using material components and know-how to and many druids are worshipers of these ancient deities. Thus,
activate latent magic already present in the environment around primal magic can be considered a form of divine magic. Even
them, rather than drawing on a connection to extraplanar energy. certain warlocks might consider their magic primal depending
Mages typically view such individuals as dabblers. on their otherworldly patrons.

10 Guide to Drakkenheim
for how we ran the adventures in this book, but be warned:
spoilers abound! We’ve also created a wealth of instruction
This book expands the world originally presented in our videos for players and game masters covering everything
adventure Dungeons of Drakkenheim. If you own a copy of that about tabletop roleplaying games, from character building to
book and are planning to run the campaign, you’ll find a wealth designing campaigns.
of information herein to broaden the scope of the campaign, The world of Drakkenheim is a vast and ever-expanding
taking the conflict beyond the walls of Drakkenheim. place, and this book focuses on the wider world beyond the
Dungeons of Drakkenheim is confined to the city of Drakken-
dark city. We’ve done our best to include as many locations and
heim itself, and covers the factions, conflicts, and locations within
nonplayer characters from the Shadows of Drakkenheim and Fate
that city in detail. This book references characters and the original
of Drakkenheim campaigns, and we’ve included many more com-
five factions from that campaign, including the Amethyst Acad-
pletely new places for you to explore in your own game.
emy, the Followers of the Falling Fire, the Knights of the Silver
Order, the Queen’s Men, and the Hooded Lanterns, and focuses We think of our original livestream campaign as the “first
on how these factions operate in the world at large. draft” of our world, and as the world of Drakkenheim has
If you don’t have a copy of Dungeons of Drakkenheim, don’t grown, we’ve occasionally made the odd change… and several
worry! We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure this work stands retcons, too! If you’ve watched the original series and notice an
on its own, whether you wish to use the new player options inconsistency between this book and the show (there are many),
in your own campaign, or create adventures in the world of the version in this book takes precedence. On the flipside, you
Drakkenheim which take place outside (and far away from) should feel empowered to alter, change, and expand the material
the cursed city itself. here, especially if doing so builds stronger connections or better
The material in this book is meant for both players and Game stories for you and your players.
Masters. As such, the secrets behind the origins of the meteor, the The events of our original campaigns are non-canonical
secrets of delerium, and the true prophecies of Lucretia Mathias with regards to this book, so several elements of Drakkenheim
remain unrevealed herein. The explanations behind these myster- strongly connected to the original characters have been altered
ies can be found within Dungeons of Drakkenheim! or removed. If you wish, the original “Drakkenforce” and
“Duskwardens” characters may appear in your campaign as
The Original Drakkenheim Campaign rival adventurers, but their stories have been set aside for now so
your players may take center stage.
The material in this book is based on the Dungeons of
Drakkenheim live stream campaign broadcast by the Dungeon
Dudes which ran from October 2018 to December 2019, and Media to Inspire You
the follow up campaigns Shadows of Drakkenheim (which The following works had a deep impact on us in designing
ran from January 2020 to December 2021), Untold Tales this setting.
of Drakkenheim (played in 2020 and 2021), and Fate of
Drakkenheim (which began in 2022). Games: Fallout: New Vegas, Darkest Dungeon, and the Dragon
It featured Kelly McLaughlin as Sebastian Crowe and Age, Sid Meier’s Civilization, Crusader Kings video game
Wilhelm Wolfsbane, Jill Danaitis as Veo Sjena and Rudi series, and the Warhammer Fantasy tabletop game setting.
Whittaker, Joe O’Gorman as Pluto Jackson and Wrath, with Literature. The Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski
Monty Martin as Game Master. (alongside the games and television series) A Song of Ice and
You can watch it on the Dungeon Dudes YouTube Channel Fire by George R. R. Martin, The Broken Earth trilogy by
( and find it on most major N.K. Jemisin, The Color Out of Space and The Shadow over
podcast platforms. Check it out if you’re looking for inspiration Innsmouth by H.P. Lovecraft.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 11

The Continent
hough there are distant lands beyond its shores, adven- are always told differently depending on the speaker’s point
tures in the world of Drakkenheim take place within the of view. Details may be omitted intentionally or by accident,
continent. Once dominated by the Arcane Empire, these or even just lost to time. Even ancient and immortal creatures
lands are now made up of several independent nations. Joined such as dragons and fiends respond evasively when asked
by shared history, faith, trade, and treaty, these realms can be about mortal origins, offering capricious conjecture and vague
staunch allies, but are just as often bitter foes. explanations at best.
The world of Drakkenheim does not have a name: its Nevertheless, these great events have defined the politics,
inhabitants simply call it “the world” or “the earth”. In turn, conflicts, and culture of the continent today.
the continent itself does not have a name, and is simply known
as “the continent.” In everyday conversation, most people talk
about the continent as a divided place of different realms. Origins of Magic
Since the earliest days remembered to history, a few rare indi-
viduals have been born with the power to work arcane magic.
Legends say that magic came to mortals through a primordial
pact with eldritch entities now forgotten in a time long before
History of the Continent the great civilizations of the world. The ancient warlocks were
tainted by their arcane covenants; their offspring were excep-
The pre-history of this world is lost, and even the early days of tionally likely to manifest sorcerous talents. They too in turn
history are more myth and legend than matters of fact. Mortals passed their magical powers down to their children. However,
don’t really know where they originated, and various cultures such inborn magic did not come with the pact-sealed control of
and religions have wildly different stories explaining the creation the original warlocks. When the inscrutable beings that whis-
of the world. The Faith of the Sacred Flame teaches the world pered the first secrets of magic fell mysteriously silent, magic
arose from the separation of light and shadow, and the destiny of became a wild and untamable force as successive generations
all mortals is to be the light in a world of darkness. The ancient of sorcerers were born with otherworldly and chaotic powers.
beliefs of the Old Faith tell tales of a feuding family of primeval Most struggled to control their abilities, causing magic to be
deities who shaped the world and sowed the seeds of life. Esoteric met with fear, superstition, and awe.
mages who study the cosmos speculate the world is the product of Over time, a few determined sorcerers sought novel ways
chaotic clockwork, illusions made real, or other strange theories. to stabilize their magic. Fearing themselves a danger to their
The events recorded here should be regarded as the own communities, these spellcasters exiled themselves into
predominant narrative amongst historians within the setting, the wilderness. Some traveled high into the mountains, others
and not necessarily the full and complete truth. While many deep into the forests, and a few wandered the deserts and
may speak with personal certainty about past events, such tales tundras. These early sorcerers forged a deep bond with nature

by tapping into the energies of faerie realms and elemental gave her life to defeat his demonic army. Although Xandor’s
planes, and by seeking the wisdom of the Old Gods. As they successor, Calstryx VII, tortured and executed many of Saint
eschewed their arcane magic, they came to understand the first Tarna’s followers, they could not suppress her holy teachings.
secrets of druidic magic. To this day, however, the druids guard The clerics and paladins of the Sacred Flame spread a new
their secrets carefully. The first practitioners of druidic magic religion of hope and light to long-oppressed people crying out for
discovered that even those without the inborn gifts of magic freedom and justice.
could harness the elements, although mastering them demands While the reign of the sorcerer-kings did not immediately end
a formidable spiritual will nurtured through years of training. with Saint Tarna’s campaign, her deeds ushered in the decline
of the Arcane Empire. Indeed, the sorcerer-kings had become
Rise of the Sorcerer-Kings decadent and indulgent despots after centuries of magic-fueled
inbreeding. Over three hundred years of rebellion, unrest, and
Meanwhile, other mageborn observed that not only were their conflict, territories once held firmly in the sorcerer-kings’ grip
sorcerous abilities passed down to their children, the spells they seceded from their empire and won their hard-fought independ-
could cast were as well. These resourceful mageborn families ence. The Nightmare City of Nox fell to the Faith of the Sacred
craved greater power, and so sought out advantageous pairings. Flame and was reborn as the Holy City of Lumen, and the last
Great dynasties emerged with scions who could cast spells such of the sorcerer-kings fled the continent for distant lands.
as scorching ray, fireball, and wall of fire, while another emerged
with powers such as lightning bolt, wind wall, and chain
lightning. Nevertheless, this was an imperfect process, and most Mage Hunts
sorcerers were still vexed by their wild magic. When the iron rule of the sorcerer-kings ended, those born with
Centuries later, in the southern shadow of the Drakeclaw arcane magical ability faced intense discrimination from the
Mountains, the leaders of eight sorcerous families found the now-widespread Faith of the Sacred Flame. Even today, arcane
perfect means to harness the chaotic magic plaguing their magic is often viewed as a capricious menace, and many common
households. By joining their lineages with dragons, they learned folk consider a mageborn child a terrible curse. Still, several noble
they could bolster and refine the magic coursing through their houses maintained the legacy of their estates and bloodlines from
blood. While it took several successive generations of careful the time of the sorcerer-kings. These noble houses used their
matchmaking, eventually the inborn arcane power of their
magic to advance themselves politically, economically, and social-
offspring was utterly unmatched. Children were born bristling
ly, much to the ire of their religious subjects.
with crackling energy and magical flames, and by puberty could
During the late fourth century, Divine Matriarch Mercy
weave spells that their great-grandparents could barely muster
I endorsed a series of brutal pogroms against mageborn,
after a lifetime of experience. Some could compel a legion of
proclaiming that such measures were necessary to ensure the
soldiers to obey their will with a mere whisper, while others
Arcane Empire would never return. Noble and common families
could render armies into ashes in an instant.
alike were driven out of their homes, their properties and lands
These impudent and rash youths saw no reason for patience
or discipline when their ancestry had bestowed them with seized, and parents even murdered their own children upon
such innate mastery, and seized the reins of power from their discovering their offspring’s magical abilities.
forebears. The foremost among these mighty spellcasters set In response, an underground organization of sorcerers formed
about conquering the continent with destructive magical wars to rescue young mageborn from their hostile communities.
which scarred the land. Since arcane magical abilities are an Precursors to the modern Amethyst Academy, these mages
inheritable genetic trait, these new mage-lords and their favored worked from hidden strongholds and secret schools to safeguard
thralls passed down both political and magical power to their other mageborn and protect the knowledge of arcane magic.
heirs. The Arcane Empire was born.
While history calls the masters of the Arcane Empire the
sorcerer-kings, during their own time, they called themselves gods
Edicts of Lumen
and ruled over their people accordingly. Fearing that others could Over time, the Amethyst Academy secured allies amongst the
rise with powers to rival their own, the sorcerer-kings suppressed nobility by providing them clandestine magical services and occult
the faith of the Old Gods, jealously hoarded arcane lore, and counsel, crafting enchanted heirlooms, protecting their castles with
demanded other spellcasters submit to them as vassals. They arcane wards, and teaching their heirs magic. When the Faith of the
treated those without arcane power as little more than serfs and Sacred Flame discovered these schemes, a renewed series of vicious
chattel. In time, they turned to darker pacts with fiendish beings inquisitions and vengeful witch-hunts began. Divine Matriarch
to maintain their grip on power. Many powerful magical artifacts Justice VII anointed the Knights of the Silver Order specifically to
in the world were forged and great monuments rose as terrible hunt down the Amethyst Academy and their leaders. What had
tyrants built their wicked empire with blood and magic. been a shadow conflict between paladins and sorcerers for centuries
spilled into outright war between noble houses who championed

Fall of the Sorcerer-Kings the Faith, and those which supported the Amethyst Academy.
Four decades of bloody conflict ended with the Edicts of
During the darkest days of the Arcane Empire, a warlord in Lumen. Enacted three hundred years ago, this landmark treaty
service to the sorcerer-kings turned against their wicked ways. stopped the murderous suppression of arcane magic by the
Called to righteousness by heavenly angels, Saint Tarna became religious ministry. The agreement established the new balance
the First Paladin. She slew Sorcerer-King Ulban V and warred of power between mages, the Faith, and the nobility throughout
for twelve years against his heir, Xandor XIII. She ultimately the continent which remains to this day.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 13

Historical Timeline
Circa - 10,000 A great winter grips the world. The dwarven people Year 381 Vowing tyrannical mage-lords will never rule again,
delve deep into the earth to survive the frozen the newly-established Divine Matriarch Mercy I
surface, and the first human warlocks make pacts of the Sacred Flame endorses persecution against
with eldritch entities so that their magic can help arcane spellcasters.
them survive.
Year 399 John Tolan becomes king of the Eastern Vales and
Circa - 7,000 The ice recedes. unites the nation under his name.
Circa - 4,000 The elves arrive in this world through strange star-gates. Year 421 Saint Arrah correctly predicts the return of Tarna’s Comet.
Circa - 900 Sorcerer-King Solis seals the First Blood Pact with Year 440 King John Tolan passes away and his son John Tolan
ancient dragons and founds the Arcane Empire. II attempts to move the kingdom to the Shadowfens,
Year - 666 Sorcerer-Queen Nahmar builds the Spire of Nox in building a massive castle in the swamp.
the ancient capital of the Arcane Empire, and makes Year 463 House Ava reunites the city-states of the old Arcane
the Second Blood Pact with a fiendish entity. The Empire into the new nation of Elyria.
descendants of her family and vassals become the
first tieflings. Year 480 Amarodial the Bitterheart destroys Tolan Keep in the
Eastern Vales and kills John Tolan II, leaving no ruler
Year - 500 Dwarves return to the surface. They build great
to the Eastern Vales. The dragon promptly claims the
strongholds in the mountains to protect themselves ruins of Tolan’s Keep, as well as all of Tolan’s wealth
from the sorcerer-kings. as their property.
Circa - 300 After her disastrous invasion of the Isles of Skye,
Circa 500 Following a century of persecution, a group of
Sorcerer-Queen Kaestelaria VIII loses control of the
surviving mages form the Amethyst Academy as a
Eastern Vales, which become independent realms.
secret society to protect themselves.
Year - 12 A golden comet leads Tarna to the archangels
Gabriella and Michael in the Pale Teeth Mountains. Year 510 Kristoff Karn conquers the Eastern Vales. He attempts
Tarna becomes the First Paladin. to invade what is now Orleone, and the battle of the
Lion Guard sees many casualties. Orleone forms its
Year 1 The Martyrdom of Saint Tarna, who saved the world own nation to stand against the conquest of Karn.
from the madness of Sorcerer-King Xandor XIII. After
her martyrdom, her followers share how to channel Year 511 Rex Caspian unites the nearby city-states along the
the Sacred Flame and war against the sorcerer-kings. Middle Sea to repel the invasion of Karn.

Year 36 The Citadel of Glitter Peak is destroyed in a massive Year 538 Rex Caspian passes away. Caspia fractures into six king-
landslide, killing thousands of dwarves. doms, each ruled by one of Rex Caspian’s six children.

Year 65 The Song of Fire is penned by the Mystic Theurge. Year 555 A war host of giants of Netherwind attempt to slay
Glasyadriel, the white dragon of the mountains, but
Year 87 Calstryx VII hunts down the Mystic Theurge and are frozen in place upon the mountainside.
publicly executes the sage. All the original copies of the
Song of Fire are destroyed, but Tarna’s teachings survive. Year 578 Castle Drakken is constructed.
Circa 100 Worship of the Sacred Flame is outlawed by Sorcerer- Year 623 Vladimir von Drakken begins his conquest of Westemär.
King Khirad III under pain of death. However, the many
bloody martyrdoms spread the faith like wildfire. Year 627 Fleeing the genocide of the von Drakken conquests,
many elves flee to the Isles of Skye to reclaim the
Year 299 Rule of the sorcerer-kings finally crumbles when realm of Eladria.
Sorcerer-King Moil VII flees the continent for distant
lands in the face of revolt. Year 630 The Scalebreaker Legion is founded.
Year 306 The triumphant Faith of the Sacred Flame Year 647 Vladimir von Drakken is assassinated by his daughter,
reconsecrates the capital city of the Arcane Empire Carmen. She takes the throne of Westemär and rules
and renames it Lumen. The Faith creates the calendar from Drakkenheim.
still in use today.
Year 678 The Knights of the Silver Order are ordained by
Year 320 A group of monks devoted to the Sacred Flame Divine Matriarch Justice VII to hunt down the
attempt to destroy Vulmungoth the ancient red Amethyst Academy.
dragon, knowing its ties to the sorcerer-kings. Their
attempt ends in a failure, and only a handful of Year 688 Carmen von Drakken passes away, leaving the
monks make it off the Drakeclaw Mountains. kingdom to her heirs.

Year 359 Human settlers in Netherwind treat with the giants Year 697 Along with the ancient gold dragon Argonath, Saint
living in the mountains in hopes of establishing a Vitruvio saves Drakkenheim from a marauding army
peaceful option for occupying the land. The giants are led by chromatic dragons that descended upon
divided on the matter. Westemär from the eastern vale. Argonath gave their
life in that battle, and Saint Vitruvio subsequently dies
Year 370 The giants of Stonerest in the Giantfrost Mountains slaying the half-dragon warlock behind the terrible
banish all half-giants and human-allied giants from scourge. Their bones and equipment have been kept
their city, setting off the Giant Wars. as holy relics since.

14 Guide to Drakkenheim
Circa 700 Bloody wars break out between noble houses Year 1,093 Lucretia Mathias pens an essay predicting the early
supported by the Amethyst Academy and houses return of Tarna’s Comet, and that its earthly arrival
supported by the Faith of the Sacred Flame. The Mage heralds the dawn of a new age for the faithful of
Wars ravage the continent for the next forty years. the Divine Light. Her apocalyptic predictions are
extremely unpopular within the mainstream clergy,
Year 743 The Edicts of Lumen are sealed by Divine Matriarch and her writings are suppressed.
Truth II, the six Great Houses of Caspia, Queen Hilde-
garde I von Drakken of Westemär, and King Laertes Year 1,099 Assassination of Divine Matriarch Courage IX. The
Ava I of Elyria, and the Amethyst Academy Directorate. aftermath threatens the outbreak of civil war in Elyria,
and the office of Divine Matriarch remains vacant for
Year 745 The six Great Houses of Caspia hold the first Kingsmoot. four years.
Year 789 The clans from Skye sail to the mainland in Year 1,103 Appointment of Divine Matriarch Mercy V. Winning
their longships attempting a brutal takeover of a controversial vote over Lucretia Mathias, she is the
Drannsmund in Westemär. While they cannot take youngest Flamekeeper in history appointed to hold
the city, their invasions ravage the Crystal Coast for the position at the age of 22.
decades to come.
Year 1,111 The meteor strikes Drakkenheim on Autumntide 16th
Year 821 Albrecht von Drakken invades Caspia. at 8:13 PM.
Year 822 After the death of Albrecht von Drakken during his Year 1,112 Under orders from Mannfred von Kessel, Lord Com-
failed invasion of Caspia, House von Drakken goes mander Elias Drexel leads a failed military attempt
extinct, setting off a succession crisis in Westemär. to reclaim Drakkenheim, which results in thousands
Year 854 Tarna’s Comet is sighted again. of soldiers dying in the Haze. The few who return are
stricken with madness.
Year 965 Helena I, first monarch of the House von Kessel
dynasty, claims the throne of Drakkenheim. Year 1,114 After two more military expeditions to reclaim
Drakkenheim fail disastrously, the disagreements
Year 973 At the urging of Divine Matriarch Temperance IV, between Mannfred and Cecilia von Kessel boil over
Elyria starts the War of the Sword against House into a full-blown succession crisis, setting off the
Joplin of Caspia. The Grand Paladin of the Silver Westemär Civil War.
Order kills the High King of Caspia in a duel.
Year 1,116 Lucretia Mathias completes her pilgrimage to
Year 1,001 After the death of King Marcus Zachary II, the Elyrian Drakkenheim, personally reaching the Crater’s Edge.
royal line goes extinct. The Divine Matriarch Humility She returns to Elyria to spread her teachings.
III appoints the Lord Regent of Elyria and forms the
Parliament of Lords. Year 1,119 Mannfred von Kessel is assassinated. Cecilia von
Kessel dies mysteriously. The civil war fizzles out with
Year 1,012 House Jagger of Caspia attempts to claim the jungles no clear successor.
of Terene as Caspian land. They are repelled by the
Clawstrider Rangers in the Reptile Wars. Year 1,120 Lucretia Mathias is branded a heretic and excommu-
nicated by the Divine Matriarch of the Church of the
Circa 1,070 The Church of the Sacred Flame begins selling Sacred Flame. She returns to Drakkenheim.
spellcasting services to recoup the debts of Elyria.
Year 1,123 The 4th Provisional Expeditionary Force to Reclaim
Year 1,085 Scalebreaker Commander Callisto defends Caspia the Capital — the Hooded Lanterns — are established
against Amarodial and their children, slaying four and make their first forays into Drakkenheim.
young dragons with his legion. Amarodial survives
and flees back to their castle in the last known Year 1,126 Springtide 4 — The Dungeons of Drakkenheim
attempt the dragon made against Caspia. campaign begins.

Vulmungoth, Doom
of the Mountain

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 15

Religion and Gods
n the world of Drakkenheim, gods do not physically manifest
in the world, intervene in mortal affairs, or speak directly with Background
mortals. Myths and legends passed down from distant eons Myths about the Sacred Flame have ancient roots, but the
past tell such tales, but such events have not occurred in recorded contemporary religion began a thousand years ago with the
history. Instead, the inspired words of prophets, oracles, mystics, valiant Saint Tarna. Today, the story of Saint Tarna is told and
and heroes laid the foundations for the world’s many religions. To- retold through religious texts, poetry, songs, and depicted in
day, those faiths form the foundation for the culture and customs statues and paintings. Everyone living in the continent has
found throughout the continent. heard some version of the tale.
Powerful extraplanar entities such as archangels, demon During the twilight of the Arcane Empire, a wicked woman
lords, and outsiders do exist, but only occasionally interact with known as Tarna the Terror served Sorcerer-King Ulban V.
mortals. They meddle in earthly matters by making magical Although most of her life she was a vicious warlord and dark
pacts, sharing arcane knowledge, and offering dark counsel, but champion who led brutal wars and indulged in wanton vices,
rarely reveal their true motives or origins. Some even claim to a glimmer of light flickered within her dark heart. She slew
be gods. When asked questions regarding the true nature of the Ulban rather than carry out his genocidal will though she knew
cosmos or divinity, however, angels and demons alike speak in it would mean her own life. Ulban’s heir, Xandor XIII, banished
cryptic riddles. her to the pits of the Dungeons of Nox to fight and die against
his monstrous pets for his entertainment. Though grievously
wounded several times over, none of Xandor’s monstrosities
could slay Tarna, and she escaped his dungeon.
Tarna fled south, seeking refuge in the Witherbleach Desert.
Faith of the Sacred Flame There she believed the hidden ancient druids of the Old Gods
might tend her injuries. She searched for days and nights for
“The Faith” is the dominant religion throughout the continent. them to no avail. Finally, as she lay dying upon the cracked
Most humans are adherents to the Faith or were raised within and dry earth, Tarna saw a golden comet streaking through the
its influence, though how strongly they hold their convictions night sky. Emboldened by faith, she pressed on in spite of her
varies greatly. Also known as the Divine Light, its teachings and wounds. She followed the comet to a sacred place deep in the
beliefs are tightly woven into the social and political fabric of Pale Tooth Mountains. There, she met the archangels Gabriella
Caspia, Elyria, Westemär, and their neighboring domains. and Michael, who healed her body and shared with her many

sacred truths. The Angels told her that she had been chosen, Followers of the Sacred Flame believe that the universe
and that despite the darkness she had spread through the world, emerged through the separation of light and shadow in equal
she would be reborn as an instrument of the Sacred Flame. In measure, out of which came the elements which formed the
her, all mortals would know that light may still shine through world. They teach that mortals struggle to be righteous because
the darkest night, and that no one is beyond redemption. they are incomplete beings of light and shadow. When mortals
Swearing a sacred oath to tear down darkness and injustice die, their souls pass into the Shadowlands and wander until their
before the angels, she was imbued with the Divine Light of the spirits become whole — either light or shadow. The religion
Sacred Flame. That night, she became the First Paladin. claims the Sacred Flame guides the soul to the place where
Taking up the mantle of warlord once more, but this time dawn breaks over the Shadowlands. There, their spirits join the
for the cause of righteousness, Tarna fought for twelve years Divine Light. This congregation of brilliant souls is a beacon of
against Sorcerer-King Xandor XIII. She taught others to wield hope and compassion for all mortals. Manifest in the sun and
the Divine Light, and they became paladins and clerics in stars, the Divine Light drives back the chaos and darkness of
turn. Eventually, Tarna gave her life to defeat an arch-demon the cosmos and allows future life to flourish.
summoned by Xandor XIII. Her catastrophic sacrifice set forth However, spirits heavy with sin, guilt, regret, and hate do not
a burst of holy power which banished the demon and the Spire follow the light. These souls are drawn into the most terrible
of Nox along with it. place in the Shadowlands, the Abyss. There, they become
After Tarna’s death, one of her esoteric followers known only demons who spread darkness. As so many mortals have failed
to history as the Mystic Theurge penned the Song of Fire, the to follow the Divine Light, gradually shadows and demons have
first holy text of a new religion. Meanwhile, the sorcerer-kings darkened this world. After all, a roaring flame shines through the
tried to suppress the burgeoning faith the First Paladin inspired, night only so long as it has fuel to burn. Nothing is needed for
but met their match in the divine might of the new clerics, the shadows to reign save the absence of light. The light must
monks, and paladins of the Sacred Flame. Preaching a message be sustained lest the universe fall to shadow unending.
of hope, redemption, and justice for the oppressed, the Sacred The faith does not have an open-minded view toward
Flame set alight a wave of rebellions and revolutions which other religions, and teaches that the Old Gods are not divine.
dispelled the darkness of the Arcane Empire. Instead, the official doctrine of the faith describes these beings
The faith spread like wildfire to all corners of the continent. as primeval demons, pointing to the web of associations
As the empire fractured into disparate realms around the third between these so-called gods, fiendish creatures, and wicked
century, the burgeoning faith began to organize into a formal fey. Followers of the Sacred Flame typically believe people who
religion. The first Divine Matriarch was chosen to lead the keep the Old Gods are misguided at best, and dangerous cultists
Flamekeepers. These women would be the custodians of Tarna’s at worst.
legacy, charged with leading the faithful for generations to come.
The clergy laid its roots in the City of Nox, transforming the
wretched metropolis into Lumen, City of Light, the holy capital
of the Sacred Flame. Today, faith in the Sacred Flame unites
the great nations of the continent.
Common Sayings of the Faith
Beliefs and Tenets “Flame be with you.”
Faithful of the Sacred Flame do not worship a god; devotees Wishing another a fond farewell and good luck.
pray for guidance from a transcendent divine force which they
believe is the source of all light and goodness. Symbolized as the
“Your flame casts too long a shadow.”
Sacred Flame, this brilliant beacon inspires mortals to act with
Indicates that someone is acting in a self-righteous manner which
benevolence, honor, and righteousness. The religion brings a
could hurt others.
message of dutiful hope: even the smallest flame may light the
way through the darkest night. The core tenets of the religion
are conceptualized as follows: “Fire burn it.”
h The Hearth spreads compassion. One must nourish the hun-
Vain exclamation expressing anger, surprise, or frustration (used
in the same manner as the modern phrase “damn it”)
gry, offer shelter from the cold, and give succor to those who
suffer. Spiritual warmth glows brightly when the community is
gathered together before the Flame as neighbors. “The smallest light burns brightly
h The Lantern illuminates the way of truth. The light reveals in the deepest darkness.”
what is hidden by darkness, and shows the way to understand- A reminder to the faithful that no matter how hopeless the situation
ing. One should not silence truth, nor speak falsehoods. has become, small actions and faith can change the world.
h The Torch displays the duty of all faithful to uphold the
cause of justice. One cannot abide when evil stirs, nor stand “Do not confuse the glimmer of gold for
idle when corruption spreads: callousness and indifference the spark of the Sacred Flame.”
permit selfishness, greed, and hate to multiply. A warning to followers of the Sacred Flame
h The Candle symbolizes hope and redemption. Show those to shy away from greed.
who are in darkness the light. Offer mercy to the guilty; no
shadow is absolute so long as a flickering flame remains.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 17

Rites and Worship
Passages from During rites of worship the Faith’s believers join hands in a
circle around a roaring fire and sing hymns. Flamekeepers
the Song of Fire and their acolytes lead these gatherings, calling or reciting
passages from scripture, and the faithful respond as a chorus.
Larger congregations will stand to form several concentric rings
“And so Saint Tarna spoke, raising her blade before the throng around massive bonfires or the great braziers which burn in
‘Let evil flee before righteousness; let the innocent live in peace. the chapels and cathedrals of the Sacred Flame. Many rituals
Let the day come when none need fear or live in ignorance. For are held at sunset, so the sight of a burning fire as the sun sets
that day, I give my life gladly.’” against the night can remind worshipers of how the Sacred
Flame holds darkness at bay. These nightly rituals conclude
“We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of the
with worshipers lighting candles or small lanterns from the
Sacred Flame. The world is lighted by it. Its warmth spreads
central brazier as they depart home, which symbolize the hope
everywhere, and burns in every righteous heart.”
all must carry within themselves.
“As the moon rose over the Pale Teeth. Michael said unto Tarna, Most worshipers plan a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Lumen
‘Act with Truth in all things; to do so is to Follow the Flame.’ ” at least once in their lives.
It is custom to cremate the dead. Rather than cemeteries,
“Then Gabriella spoke, the light washing her angelic
which are typically rare, the faithful create a crematory garden
countenance: ‘Act with Compassion in all things; to do so is to
with scattering plots near most chapels, usually watched over
Keep the Flame.’ ”
by statues of Saint Tarna and other martyrs. Ashes and bone
“Together the angels stood and sang together: ‘Act with fragments are gathered and kept in an ossuary beneath a church
Righteousness in all things; to do so is to Spread the Flame.’ ” or cathedral. Skulls are typically preserved so that Flamekeepers
may commune with the dead when needed. However, followers
“All is but ashes in the dust when the last ember dies.” of the Sacred Flame believe that the bodies of clerics and
“The Divine Light of the Sacred Fire reveals the Way through paladins should be preserved after their deaths, should the
the Shadow of Death.” spirits of these noble warriors need their earthly bodies again.
As such, many cathedrals and chapels lie atop large catacombs
where the remains of these holy figures are kept.

Symbols Religious Hierarchy

A goblet of fire or a lit candle represents the Sacred Flame in The clergy of the Faith of the Sacred Flame is tightly organized:
holy symbols.
The holy text of the faith is called the Song of Fire.
Saint Tarna is typically depicted as a silver-haired warrior Flamekeepers
bearing a longsword. She is often shown in battle against Ordained priests of the Sacred Flame are known as Flame-
demons, sorcerers, and witches, sometimes astride her keepers. These clerics of the Sacred Flame are predominantly
griffon, Aarak. women; they wear flowing vestments of white, yellow, and gold.
Flamekeepers take vows of poverty, eschewing all personal
Chapels and Holy Sites possessions and living on the commonwealth of the faith. Most
chapels of the Sacred Flame are ministered by a Flamekeeper.
In Caspia, Elyria, Westemär, and the Eastern Vales, most towns In the past century, some Flamekeepers have started
have at least one chapel devoted to the Sacred Flame. Often accepting tithes of coin in exchange for their divine spellcasting
at the heart of their communities, these domed sanctuaries are services. Ostensibly, the funds are used to support their
built around a hallowed brazier set alight with a golden continual communities and provide a modest lifestyle for the clergy.
flame. It is considered a grave omen if a chapel’s flame goes out. However, this matter has become increasingly controversial
Major cathedrals to the Sacred Flame are found in large cit- since Saint Tarna gave her divine blessings freely to any who
ies, and many are brilliant architectural wonders in their own sought her out in earnest need. Detractors argue the practice
right, decorated with painted murals, stained-glass windows, makes the ministry no different from the mercantile mages of
and statues depicting the saints and martyrs. Such buildings the Amethyst Academy.
house impressive altars with stone basins and use magical oils
to fuel their impressive central flames which endlessly burn
day and night. In addition to this major cathedral, bigger
“The Divine Matriarch seems like she has a good
towns and cities usually have one chapel for every five hun-
heart, but contrary to popular belief, I am under
dred people who reside there.
the distinct idea that too much light can be just
The small shrines in most villages are usually simple bonfire
as dangerous as too much dark.”
pits decorated with stone slabs. Such shrines are the largest
worship buildings found dedicated to the Sacred Flame in the
Isles of Skye, Terene, and Netherwind.

18 Guide to Drakkenheim

High Flamekeeper Irma

High Flamekeeper Pyre Priests

A High Flamekeeper is appointed to lead congregations While most Flamekeepers are women, anyone capable of
in major cities, or train new Flamekeepers in monasteries. casting divine spells can join the clergy as a Pyre Priest.
Others are assigned to knightly orders, noble houses, and These ministers may have great influence and renown within
other holy missions of great importance. This rank is only the clergy, but can never be nominated to higher office.
bestowed to devout clerics of the Sacred Flame who can cast They serve many important functions as dignitaries, guardi-
spells of 5th level or higher, and who have served as Flame- ans, scribes, and aiding religious rites.
keepers for at least ten years.
At any given time, one third of the High Flamekeepers
remain in Lumen, forming a group known as the Inner Flame.
Lay Ministry
The Inner Flame is responsible for managing the administrative Smaller villages rely on lay ministers to keep their shrines, lead
functions of the church as a whole, and appoints both High rites and prayers, and teach the faith, but these individuals
Flamekeepers and Flamekeepers to their positions. The rarely have actual divine spellcasting powers.
positions are constantly shifting in response to the different
callings of individual clerics. Divine Matriarch
The highest authority amongst the priesthood of the Sacred
Acolytes Flame is the Divine Matriarch, who tends Saint Tarna’s
Cathedral located within the holy city of Lumen.
Those with aptitude to cast divine spells may join the clergy The current Divine Matriarch is Mercy V. She has held
as acolytes. Many gather in remote monasteries to practice the position for two decades since the assassination of her
and meditate on their divine spellcasting abilities. Once they predecessor, Courage IX. She is described in detail in the
can master cantrips and 1st-level divine spells, they are sent to gazetteer entry for Elyria.
assist other Flamekeepers in chapels and cathedrals. Once they The Divine Matriarch is chosen by the Circle of Flame, a
demonstrate the ability to cast the spells bless and continual synod consisting of 139 High Flamekeepers drawn from every
flame, an acolyte must complete a special test involving a major city on the continent. Once confirmed by the synod, the
pilgrimage to Lumen and weeks of fasting. Then they rise into Divine Matriarch serves their term for life, and takes up a new
the rank of Flamekeeper. name representing one of the virtues of Saint Tarna, such as
Justice, Humility, Truth, Charity, or Faith.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 19

Clerics of the Sacred Flame
Through deep spiritual discipline and steadfast devotion, some
faithful may become living vessels for the Sacred Flame. These
rare individuals hold the power to channel its light in the earthly
realm to work divine magic. As clerics of the Sacred Flame, they
become enlightened healers, custodians of truth and knowledge,
or fiery beacons of light. However, not every cleric of the
Sacred Flame becomes a Flamekeeper or participates in the
organization and politics of the religion.

Monks of the Sacred Flame

Many monasteries have been erected throughout the continent, of-
ten close to holy sites, or places of religious importance. Monks who
tend to these shrines and monasteries have meditated on the Sacred
Flame, acquiring the ability to channel limited divine powers
through their body and mind. Although not outright divine spell-
casters, the traditions of monks of the Sacred Flame date back to
the Arcane Empire, when devoted worshipers who channeled the
Flame through martial practice fought against the sorcerer-kings. Shadow Cults
Throughout the ages, various so-called “shadow faiths” and
Paladins of the Sacred Flame heretical sects have emerged surrounding the Sacred Flame,
some of which embrace an opposing force, alternatively called
Legend claims Saint Tarna was the First Paladin. These warriors
hold deep reverence amongst the faithful, as only truly virtuous the Darkness or Shadow. These cults develop their own myster-
souls can wield the Sacred Flame as she once did. Paladins of the ies and esoteric practices. They sometimes devote themselves
Sacred Flame swear sacred oaths of devotion, redemption, and to worshiping enigmatic god-like beings such as the Phantom
vigilance. Inspired by Saint Tarna’s example, many join knightly Queen, the Night Serpent, the Lord of the Undead, and power-
orders ordained for righteous purposes and relinquish any noble ful entities who inhabit the Shadowlands or the Abyss.
titles or land claims. Such companies of holy warriors and their Some of these chthonic entities seek to devour the light and
martial retainers embark on quests and crusades to destroy plunge the world into darkness unending. However, not all of
supernatural forces of evil and root out creatures of otherworldly these faiths are evil, with practitioners who view shadow and
darkness. The most well-known and decorated amongst these light as part of a necessary balance. Regardless, followers of the
militant fellowships are the Knights of the Silver Order. Sacred Flame condemn these beliefs, banishing their rites and
practices. In the same manner that deep faith and contempla-
tion leads followers of the Sacred Flame to become clerics and
Other Spellcasters and the Faith paladins, one may also channel the Shadow itself. Clerics are
One of Saint Tarna’s foremost disciples was mageborn. Known heralds of twilight, trickery, magic, and death, and paladins of-
as the Mystic Theurge, she learned to channel the Divine Light ten invoke dark oaths to vengeful causes or ambitious conquest.
of the Sacred Flame through her arcane magic. The Mystic Followers of the Shadow Faith may even become warlocks,
Theurge wrote the Song of Fire, the holy text of the Sacred Flame embracing dark and fiendish patrons.
which chronicles Tarna’s life and deeds. The fact that the Mystic
Theurge was mageborn is greatly suppressed within the faith.
The Falling Fire
The Followers of the Falling Fire are a religious sect of the
Sacred Flame who believe the meteor that struck Drakkenheim
signaled a heavenly prophecy, and consider Delerium a holy
sacrament. Called to pilgrimage by the prescient testament
of their leader, Lucretia Mathias, zealous masses of devout
commonfolk now journey to the crater’s edge to take their place
in a divine plan.
Lucretia Mathias was once a prominent High Flamekeeper
who read omens in the night sky, and was regarded as one of
the most learned and wise amongst the clergy. She channeled
immense divine power, and invoked miracles which have not
been witnessed in a generation. A decade before the meteor
destroyed Drakkenheim, she beheld a vision of a falling star
which would arrive on earth and signal a great upheaval for the
faithful. Despite her reputation, her visions were dismissed as an
apocalyptic fantasy and largely suppressed at the time.

20 Guide to Drakkenheim
Following the assassination of Divine Matriarch Courage IX
twenty years ago, many considered Lucretia Mathias to be her
most likely replacement. Already one of the most senior High
Flamekeepers at the age of seventy, her appointment seemed Passages from the
inevitable when she was nominated alongside the relatively
unknown and much younger Esmeralda Poe. However, Testament of the Falling Fire
Lucretia Mathias lacked any connection to the Elyrian nobility,
and her open proclamations and criticisms of them had rendered “One day soon, we will near the end of our world
her extremely unpopular. In an unexpected upset, the Circle of — an age where great heroes will be needed. These holy stones
Flame elected Esmeralda Poe, who became Divine Matriarch were heaven-sent so we might prepare our spirits to meet the
Mercy V, the youngest Flamekeeper to assume the position. all-consuming shadows. In our darkest moment, the Sacred
Afterwards, Lucretia Mathias retreated from public life to Flame will set alight our blazing hearts as one.”
contemplate the cosmos and await the falling star. Her visions
proved true; right down to the hour. However, even Lucretia did “The Divine Light will show you the way, but whether you
not expect the actual destruction the meteor would cause, nor did follow is always a matter of faith.”
she anticipate it would strike her birthplace, Drakkenheim. “I see in you hope. I see in you truth. I see in you justice. Take
She spent several years after the meteor struck contemplat- up the mantle of the Falling Fire, and become more than
ing the heavens and several strange stones recovered from what you are.”
the city. Her conclusion was dire indeed: the world stands on
the precipice of darkness unending. Yet, within delerium, she “You will spark the light. You will bring salvation. There is no
saw the spark of salvation. Though the stones are the stuff of higher purpose, nor any greater cause.”
chaos, black charcoal and midnight oil may fuel a great flame. “You seek to find yourself, but know that you were never truly
Perhaps if taken up by righteous souls, the crystals might lost. The Flame has always shone to guide you. Open your eyes
become an earthly vessel for the Sacred Flame itself. Rather and see its light.”
than fall to all-consuming shadows, she prophesied a New Age
of Heroes which could meet the coming night. Lucretia spoke “By your faith and by your flame, we may spark a new future.
widely about her beliefs and discoveries, and her fiery sermons A new age of heroes is upon us, but we must steel our hearts by
galvanized a throng of loyal supporters who proselytized her the Sacred Flame to meet the end of our times.”
new creed across Elyria, Westemär, and Caspia. As her support “The Divine Matriarch cannot speak for the Sacred Flame,
grew, she resolved to make a pilgrimage to the crater itself to and indeed, neither could Saint Tarna herself. It is not the
confirm her revelations. place of mortals to speak for the Sacred Flame; we can only
Meanwhile, the mainstream clergy reacted to delerium with help others listen and see. It is the Divine Light that lights our
disgust and horror. When Lucretia returned from her pilgrim- path, not hollow words.”
age bearing a delerium crystal embedded in her body, Mercy V
declared her a heretic. Lucretia was defrocked and excommu- “When the angels came upon Saint Tarna, she asked for
nicated. However, she refused to be silenced. Escaping Elyria, their forgiveness and redemption. They told her it was not
she expanded her original writings and published them as the theirs to give, for redemption is found only in the Sacred
Testament of the Falling Fire. This religious essay proclaimed Flame. Let the Sacred Flame set your heart alight, and you
a radical new doctrine for the faith, and called upon all devout shall be redeemed.”
believers to make pilgrimage to the Crater in Drakkenheim. “The Flamekeepers ought fear the corruption brought upon
Only a handful of devoted acolytes made the difficult journey them by gold more than they ought fear any influence from the
at first. The numbers have grown recently, and in the last year, sacred stones of the falling star.”
hundreds have traveled to Drakkenheim to heed Lucretia
Mathias’s call. Those who finish their pilgrimage partake in a
controversial rite known as the Sacrament of the Falling Fire.
They take refuge in Saint Selina’s Abbey, guiding new arrivals
to the crater. Meanwhile, they collect delerium. They do so not
for greed or power, but a supposed holy purpose, for they regard
the strange stones as “sacred charcoal” from which the light of
the Sacred Flame may take earthly spark. “We all have to believe in something. Me? Wine and
Most Followers of the Falling Fire are devout commoners bubble baths, generally. Much more reasonable than
who have given up their homes and former livelihoods to make jamming delerium in your chest.”
pilgrimage to Drakkenheim. Others are former clergy who
have broken from the mainstream faith. Lucretia Mathias’s
proclamations are dramatic, but underscoring her writing is a
scathing criticism of the religious ministry itself which promises
a return to the core values of the religion. Even before the
meteor struck, many faithful in Westemär were developing
suspicions and contempt for the Elyrian-dominated priesthood,
which they increasingly saw as decadent and dimmed by
political ambition.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 21

Old Faiths Beliefs and Tenets
Amongst those who keep the Old Faiths, the exact nature of

hese disparate religions are dedicated to a pantheon of their beliefs and tenets vary based on the gods they follow.
primal deities who have whispered to mortals through Indeed, the notion of the “Old Faith” is a moniker given by the
nature for untold generations, such as primal Nodens, Faith of the Sacred Flame, and those who worship the Old Gods
vengeful Kromac, honorable Nuada, and nurturing Danu, but do not see themselves as part of a singular religion. Indeed, even
there are countless more. These worshipers’ beliefs and practices two communities worshiping the same Old God might have
vary widely based on the tenets of their patron god, but myths extremely different rites, practices, and beliefs.
often surround the elements, seasons, land, and ancestor worship. Regardless, several practices are common among those who
Many such beliefs originated with the ancient peoples of the Con- keep the Old Gods. Shrines and temples are often built in
tinent, such as the dwarves. Others are closely connected to mys- remote and wild places, among cairn stones, faerie rings, ancient
terious entities who inhabit extraplanar worlds such as Dreamland trees, and other natural landmarks. Worshipers often make of-
or the Faerie Otherworlds, and are often kept by the elves. ferings to the Old Gods, such as a bowl of herbs, bones, or blood.
The pantheon of the Old Gods forms an interrelated family, Animal and even human sacrifices are not unheard of, as well as
yet the stories and myths of the Old Gods make varying claims rituals where worshipers mark or scar their bodies. Many times,
as to how exactly the gods relate to one another. At least half of rituals are performed in accordance with the seasons or celestial
the Old Gods claim to be the ones who made the world and all movements, such as during an equinox or full moon.
life upon it. Followers of the Old Gods do not necessarily believe there is
balance in nature, or seek any notion of harmony. Their rites

Background and rituals are appeasements to their gods to spare them from
nature’s uncaring brutality, and a grim reminder of the animal in
Legends, myths, and devotion to the Old Gods transcend every human heart.
recorded history. Ancient stories tell of them walking the
world, drawing mortals into their schemes and conflicts.
The worship of the Old Gods rose to prominence alongside Religious Hierarchy
sorcery, as the first druids sought the wisdom of the gods to The Old Gods do not form a tightly organized religion — there
harness magic. is no central authority. Conclaves and communes in remote
However, during the rise of the Arcane Empire, the sorcer- areas spring up around the worship of one of the Old Gods.
er-kings positioned themselves as gods, above the old pantheon. Tapping into the fundamental forces of the cosmos to work
They drove the druids deeper into the wilderness, and expelled divine powers is a path which requires tremendous will, dedication,
temples and shrines to the Old Gods from any city they ruled. and faith, but also knowledge of ancient rites, prayers, and rituals.
During the darkest days under the sorcerer-kings, many com- The followers of the Old Gods take passing down these rites very
monfolk came to believe the Old Gods had abandoned them for seriously, and often a cleric, druid, or paladin of the Old Gods has a
some unknown trespass. Since then, the organized religion of the mentor or instructor. Later in life, such individuals bear the burden
Sacred Flame has swept the settled lands and cities of the conti- of passing on their traditions, and many seek out a young acolyte or
nent. However, there are still a few who remember the old ways. apprentice to instruct in their ways.

22 Guide to Drakkenheim
“I hear Druids live in the desert. Sounds Paladins devoted to the Old Gods are exceptionally rare; a
incredibly uncomfortable.” paladin devoted to an Old God may know of only one other
person who keeps the same oath and traditions as them, likely
the person who taught them. Alternatively, a circle of druids
may choose a new initiate or warrior to become a paladin to
defend their grove as champion.
Clerics and Druids Paladins who keep the Old Faiths tend to follow Lugh or
Druids were the foremost amongst the priests of the Old Gods. Nuada, but paladins dedicated to Dian Cheht and Gaibhne
Today, druids are most often associated with Arwyn, Danu, are not unheard of.
Kromac, Nodens, and occasionally Morrigan. Clerics can be
found dedicated to all of the Old Gods.
Warlocks are known to take the Old Gods as their
Monks otherworldly patrons, especially Arwyn, Morrigan,
Secret shrines and communes devoted to the Old Gods can Ogham, Phantasia, and Shegorach.
be found throughout the continent where people come to
dedicate their lives to the god. These devoted monks can be
found representing just about any of the Old Gods, but the
most notable monasteries are ones to Danu, Dian Cheht,
Lugh, and Ogham.

Old Gods
Deity Associated Animals Symbols Weaponry Portfolio
Arwyn the Moon Hunter CG, CN Stag, deer, faun, elk, Crescent moon, stars Spear, longbow Hunting, rangers
Danu, Mother Earth NG, LN Elephants, cattle, Cornucopia, bushel of Sickle Natural life, fertility,
butterflies, doves, bears grain, fruits animals
Dian Cheht the Healer LG, LN Snakes A rod with a coiled Dart, dagger Medicine, healing,
snake poison
Gaibhne the Smith LN Moles, groundhogs, Anvils, hammers, Warhammer Craft, masonry, stone,
beavers, gophers volcanoes earth, forges and
Kromac the Ravager CN, CE Wolves, lions, boars Fangs, claws, teeth, Battleaxe Slaughter, feasting,
fur beasts, monsters
Lugh the Sun NG, N Eagles The sun, a bonfire Morningstar Agriculture, fields,
harvest, community,
leadership, fire
Morrigan the Witch N, LE, NE, CE Ravens, spiders Skulls, spellbooks, Flail, whip Fate, death, sorcerous
pentagrams magic, warlocks
Nodens the Tempest CN, CE Krakens, sharks, Crashing waves, a Trident, spear Storms, sea, water,
dragon turtles shipwreck, coral, monsters of the deep
lightning bolts
Nuada the Silver Handed LG, NG, LN Horses, hounds A silver hand, sword, Shortsword, War, justice
a banner longsword, lance
Ogham the Sage LG, LN, LE Owls, foxes Eyes, octagrams, Quarterstaff Arcane magic, wizardry,
stone tablets knowledge, science
Phantasia the Dreamer CG, CN, CE Cats, fireflies, swans, Clouds, paintbrushes, Shortbow Sleep, dreams,
and songbirds harps, bells nightmares,
imagination, creativity,
music, art
Shegorach the Trickster CG, CN, CE Racoons, rats, and Dice, bones, masks, Mace (a jester’s Mischief, luck,
rabbits diamonds stick) deception, mockery,
laughter, revelry, wine

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 23

Arwyn the Moon Hunter Dian Cheht the Healer
Arwyn stalks the fey realms and edges of dreams, hunting mon- Dian Cheht is usually depicted as a serpent-headed figure.
sters and nightmares. She is the sister of Phantasia, the daughter Other appearances depict more human elements with only an
of Danu, and fierce enemy of Kromac. She is often depicted as ophidian nose and eyes. A few show a full snake-like head upon
a woman carrying a longbow with legs like a faun and silvery a human body. Some simply represent the god as a serpent
antlers. In most artwork she is surrounded by stars and the moon. formed in a circle eating its own tail which represents the endless
Her eyes appear as starry pools of night and her bow is said to fire cycle of life and death.
pure starlight. They sometimes call the moon the Eye of Arwyn.
Worship A few notable apothecaries on the continent pay tribute to Dian
Many who worship Arwyn adorn their heads with crowns of Cheht for guidance in their practices. Dian Cheht’s druids often
antlers and paint their faces with deer’s blood. Places of worship practice healing magic, and have been well known to help those
tend to be found in wooded groves and are often seeded with in need. A druid of Dian Cheht is easily identifiable; more often
plants that attract deer and stags. Oftentimes carvings of moons than not they keep snakes as pets, often coiled around them
and stars can be found upon shrines to Arwyn, and worshipers everywhere they go.
attend midnight gatherings on nights lit by the full moon.
Ritual Rituals invoking Dian Cheht often involve invocations
A common ritual for Arwyn’s faithful is to slay a deer on the eve performed when healing another. However, the rituals of Dian
of the spring solstice. Practitioners will feast on the meat of the Cheht are no mere superstitions, but rather sound practices
deer, create garments from its pelt, and splash its blood upon couched in mysticism.
a holy site. This is meant to bring good hunts and safe travels The ritual most commonly associated with Dian Cheht occurs
for hunters through the remainder of the year. A superstition when a family member or close friend has fallen ill. Loved ones
is that no hunter should attempt to hunt under the new moon, of the sick or wounded fast for two days, then drink an ounce of
as Arwyn slumbers during this time, and it is bad luck to hunt snake blood to tap into the wisdom of the Old God.
without her watchful eye.

Danu, Mother Earth Gaibhne the Smith

Adherents of the Old Gods believe that all life sprang from Many dwarven legends claim the dwarves were fashioned in the
her creation, though varying myths attribute Gaibhne, Lugh, forge of the deep earth by Gaibhne in the primordial days of the
Nodens, and Kromac as both her consorts and children. Danu is earth itself. Aided by the dwarves and giants he meticulously
sometimes depicted as a being with the face of an elephant, four crafted, Gaibhne is also the mason who laid the very founda-
arms, each clutching one of the elements, and large butterfly- tions of the earth itself. His followers say it was a wedding gift
like wings. Some depictions differ and instead show this god as to Danu, so she might pour her heart into it and fill it with life.
having a face similar to a cow or even depicted as a motherly Myths surrounding the two gods often position them as mother
bear. Many believe the planet is Danu in her true form, and that and father to all life.
the center of the earth is her glowing heart that warms all things.
Worship Effigies to Gaibhne hang in many blacksmiths’ workshops.
The worship of Danu often surrounds harvests, birthdays, Even ones who do not worship the Old Gods often have a motif
marriages, and family gatherings. Shrines to Danu are often of a beaver or gopher somewhere in their shops. Many smiths
found in places with flourishing edible plant life, such as fruits, believe it is good luck to keep these animals in your view when
grains, corn, nuts, and legumes. Other shrines boast impressive you are smithing. More devout worshipers have been known to
gardens filled with all manner of fragrant flowers to attract the keep beaver tails or gopher pelts on their belts while they work.
butterflies sacred to Danu. Even hardworking farmers who
follow the Sacred Flame might have a small token or keepsake
of Danu as a good luck charm. Ritual
Dwarves have often paid tribute to Gaibhne whenever they
enter a mine to offer them safe passage and a prosperous haul.
Ritual They will sprinkle crushed iron dust on themselves and burn the
At the changing of the season, worshipers of Danu conduct a se- tip of their left ring finger, showing their devotion to the forge
ance in the fields of their community. They bring flowers which and flame. You can always tell a dwarven worshiper of Gaibhne
represent the season and pray for prosperity. Often communities by the blackened finger on their left hand.
will gather on the edge of their farms and gardens, and hold the
changing of seasons as a collective event. It is common for mid-
wives to recite poems and chants to Danu during childbirth.

24 Guide to Drakkenheim
the Moon Shegorach
Hunter the Trickster
Kromac the Ravager
Kromac is the Beastfather and Ravager. He brought monsters
into the world; lycanthropes are his chosen children. He is fierce
enemies with Arwyn, as he wishes to take the moon for himself.
He is depicted as a giant wolf or sometimes a hybrid wolf-man.
In art he is usually depicted bathed in blood, lighted by a silvery
full moon. It is believed that each full moon is an offering from
the cosmos to Kromac, who slowly devours the moon bite by
bite until a new one is formed.
Worship Phantasia
the Dreamer
the Sage

Those who worship Kromac often adorn themselves with animal

furs and paint blood on their face whenever heading into battle
or setting off on a dangerous task. The animal blood and hides
bring them closer to their god. The more animalistic one can be,
the closer they are to Kromac.

Many worshipers hold a seance on the eve of a brutal battle.
Warriors who worship the Beastfather often howl at moons or sit
around fires growling and imitating beasts while druids splash Kromac
the Ravager
them with boar or bear blood. The warriors drink blood from the
head of the beast or from the skulls of rivals they have slain.

Lugh the Sun Nuada

the Silver
The light of the world stems from Lugh. Embodied as the Handed
sun itself, Lugh and Danu are the sustainers of all life. Some
organizations of the old pantheon place Lugh as the head of the Danu,
gods. He is depicted as either simply the sun itself, or sometimes Mother Earth
an otherworldly being of light with six feathered wings and one
hundred eyes.
the Tempest
Lugh’s faithful often keep shrines atop open hilltops where the
sun can easily shine down upon it. Many keep stringed together
eagle feathers in their homes and keep symbols of a blazing red
sun upon their mantles.
Worship of Lugh is considered especially blasphemous
amongst the Faith of the Sacred Flame, who view the Old God
as a perverse personification of light and fire.

the Smith
Every year on the longest day, worshipers will dance around
their shrines and drink honeyed mead and eat fresh fruits in Dian Cheht
a joyous celebration of the sun and all it offers. Often, they the Healer
infuse their drinks with herbs and wild mushrooms and strip
themselves of all clothes and belongings and bask in the sun to the Sun
be one with Lugh.

“Magic is similar to worship and rituals in a lot of

ways, only ours actually has specific purposes and Morrigan
outcomes, this is all just hearsay and random acts the Witch
for no reason at all.”

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 25

Morrigan the Witch Ritual
Morrigan pulls the strands of fate and measures the length The night before a sailor sets out to the sea, they bathe naked
of each mortal life. She is the Crone-Goddess and the Moth- in the waters they plan to sail, allowing the ocean to gain their
er-Witch. Sister to Danu, Morrigan wove magic into the fabric scent and know them. The sailor will adorn their bedchamber
of the world itself. She is depicted as a woman with a mane of with seashells and other aquatic treasures. Dinner is a small cup
feathers, raven-like wings sprouting from her back, and her of water from the sea and fresh fish, often raw.
hands are formed into clawed talons. She is often accompanied When they arrive safely after a voyage, the sailor must soak
by ravens. Alternatively, Morrigan is occasionally portrayed as a their clothes in vinegar for a day to rid it of the sea, and not take
half-woman, half-spider with many red eyes upon her head and any of Nodens’ domain with them onto land.
long spindly limbs. The Mother-Witch is sometimes conflated
with various demonic and shadowy entities.
Nuada the Silver-Handed
Worship Nuada is a valiant warrior-goddess. She is depicted as a golden-
Those who worship Morrigan often do so in hopes of prolonging haired figure with large, feathered wings wearing shimmering
their life, learning occult secrets, and appeasing her desires in silver armor. She brandishes a flashing blue blade, and carries a
exchange for her blessing. Worshipers are superstitious about feather-emblazoned shield. She rides a pegasus and leads a host
killing spiders, and instead will welcome the presence of a spider of valkyries into battle against giants, demons, and trolls. Her
in their home as a protector and guardian. They tend to keep followers identify angels as members of her warhost.
ravens and will wear raven feathers in their hair or on their caps. Scholars have pointed out the striking similarities between
Nuada and Saint Tarna. Indeed, there are heretical claims
which suggest Saint Tarna is an entirely mythological figure
Ritual inspired by tales of Nuada, or even propose the blasphemous
When someone is fearful they have reached the end of their idea that the entire Faith of the Sacred Flame is a greatly
life, or that fate is playing a cruel hand for them, they often cut distorted cult of Nuada.
their palms and spill their blood into a boiling pot filled with
raven feathers.
Many paladins and warriors devoted to the Old Gods worship

Nodens the Tempest Nuada and strive to be courageous and ruthless like her.
Knights devoted to Nuada often incorporate a pegasus into
Nodens claims all water as his domain. His worshipers insist their heraldry. Often these warriors have a horse or war
that it is by his doing that all life came to be, and that Danu is hound they keep as a pet; the companion is treated as a
his rightful bride. Nodens controls the seas and weather, and sacred blessing. Sometimes worshipers have been known to
is often depicted as an ancient tentacle-bearded king wearing feed their hounds better than they themselves eat, as each of
an eyepatch. He carries a spear or trident and rides upon a these creatures represents a part of Nuada, and to treat these
fearsome and foul-tempered giant seahorse. Two great gulls animals with respect ensures your survival in your battles.
perch on his shoulders, one whispering the knowledge of the
deep, the other the fate of every sailor. Ritual
When one of Nuada’s faithful dies in battle, they are placed in
Worship a boat with pegasus wings painted on the sides. Their horse
Sailors still utter prayers to Nodens lest he send storms to or hound, if they survived their companion, is humanely slain
take their ships during their voyages. Sea captains, pirates, in a somber ceremony and placed in the boat alongside them,
sailors, and fishermen often wear a shark’s tooth around their and their blood used to cover the body of the deceased. They
neck whenever they set out to sea. They believe the tooth are then sent out towards the setting sun, which is a gate to
disguises them as a sea-dwelling creature and helps them the Shadowlands. It is believed that there Nuada appears and
avoid Nodens’ wrath. carries her warrior and their trusted animal into the next life.
More devout worshipers believe it must be the tooth of a
shark you yourself have caught and slain, otherwise Nodens will
see through your disguise and sink your ship into the sea. These
seafaring folk commonly tattoo krakens or tentacles upon their
body in honor of Nodens. Their homes often have seashells or
dried starfish as decorations.

26 Guide to Drakkenheim
Ogham the Sage Worship
Some speculate the first warlock pacts were made to Ogham, Dreamcatchers are often placed in the windows of worshipers
who granted them otherworldly powers of the cosmos. As the of Phantasia to help draw in good dreams and protect sleepers
keeper of all secrets and god of knowledge, Ogham is depicted from nightmares. Sprigs of lavender are placed on windowsills,
as a wizened man with a third eye on his forehead and an as the scent is believed to aid the sleeper’s spirit in transcending
endless beard, woven with clay braids counting every event to Dreamland, and also ensures their soul is not lost there
that has ever occurred. Alternatively, he is thought to be a during the night. Cats are often kept as pets by worshipers of
floating eye soaring through space with swirling motes of energy Phantasia, and worshipers must allow them to sleep upon the
surrounding his alien form, observing all of existence, time, and bed to ward off nightmares and evil spirits.
space at once. Ogham is also sometimes depicted as a hybrid
human-owl creature carrying a stack of stone tablets said to
contain the ultimate truth of all things.
If a worshiper is suffering from nightmares, they must capture
a firefly in a jar and place it next to their bed, chew on lavender
Worship root, and place the chewed root under their pillow as they sleep.
Ogham’s followers believe owls to be good omens; to hear an owl This will ensure the nightmares are warded off by the firefly and
at night is a sign of good luck in the day ahead. Foxes are also a absorbed into the root instead. In the morning, after bad dreams
sign of good fortune. It is said that if you ever find a fox in the have gone, the root is to be planted in the forest or a garden
wild you must follow it, as they are the guides of destiny and where the bad dreams become new lavender plants.
knowledge, and where they go is the correct path of your destiny.
Amongst the mages of the Amethyst Academy, there are a
handful who are faithful to Ogham. Wizards devoted to Ogham
will often keep owl familiars.
Shegorach the Trickster
Shegorach’s worshipers claim that he created life as the greatest
joke of all, so that he could be endlessly entertained by mortal
Ritual suffering and struggles. He is also a god of luck, revelry, and
The most important sacrifice a worshiper of Ogham can make wine. Depictions of this god change depending on where you go
is to put out one of their own eyes. Every priest and druid and whom you talk to. Some have represented him as a large fat
of Ogham performs this rite, and it is customary for elders to beast with rat-like features, others have depicted him as a grim
eventually blind themselves so they may see the spiritual world jester laughing, or a masked entity with many limbs. Shegorach
of knowledge more fully. is often equated with He Who Laughs Last, a demonic figure.
Ogham’s most zealous followers despise books, viewing them
as impermanent and soft repositories of knowledge — they are
inappropriate vessels for writing. Instead, they etch records on
stone tablets, and raise great stone monoliths to record their People who worship Shegorach see signs and omens in the
learning and legends. presence of raccoons or rabbits. Whenever one of these crea-
tures crosses the path of a worshiper, they believe Shegorach
has brought them good luck. However, having rats in your
home is a sign that Shegorach is upset with your deeds and
Phantasia the Dreamer you must appease him by placing coins, some fresh bones, or
Phantasia dreams of all the things that never were. It is said that delectable treats on an altar outside your door.
she knows the desires of every mortal. Rather than knowing all
that has happened, Phantasia knows all that could have been,
but was not. Phantasia sees all the possibilities laid before each
A common practice among the Trickster’s worshipers is to
person like an eternal web of choices and consequences.
adorn themselves with strange masks on the eve of autumn’s
She sends dreams to sleepers to fulfill their needs, spur their
harvest. Some devout have even been known to try to trick
creativity, or teach them lessons and guide them, but she also
others by releasing rats into their homes, and then stealing the
sends nightmares to taunt and torment those who have been led
coins or food placed out to appease the god.
astray. She is the ultimate muse, inspiring painters, poets, and
musicians to create masterpieces, and bringing invention and
innovation to mages, smiths, and apothecaries. It is believed
that all major innovations are because of her will and design.

“Okay, you got me. Phantasia seems interesting. But

just because I have a firefly in a jar next to my bed,
you shouldn’t read too much into it.”

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 27

The Amethyst Academy

he Amethyst Academy is the only research institute Many founding members of the Amethyst Academy were
and educational organization dedicated to arcane magic descended from former vassals of the sorcerer-kings. They
on the continent, and the foremost in the entire world. preserved the vast magical lore once sequestered for the mighty
While its outward purpose is to instruct young sorcerers and rulers alone. The sorcerer-kings had been raw talents, who had
wizards in magic, the Academy is much more than a secluded suppressed the study of magic for fear others would rise against
boarding school for witchcraft and wizardry. The Amethyst them, preferring to keep power solely in their bloodlines. This
Academy operates an enterprising mage guild which controls knowledge could now be developed and studied within the
the manufacture of magical wares, develops new magical prac- Amethyst Academy. Other founding members were the elves,
tices with cutting-edge experimentation, and orchestrates an who brought their ancient and hitherto unknown arts. Thus,
influential arcane syndicate. The exclusive syndicate provides the Amethyst Academy would be the cradle in which the arcane
magical counsel to the nobility of the continent. practice of wizardry was born.
Every member of the Amethyst Academy is an arcane
spellcaster. Considered aloof by the common folk, the mages are
extremely influential and tremendously wealthy. Bound by Edict
After clandestinely operating for centuries, the Amethyst Acad-
Hidden Beginnings emy was formally recognized with the signing of the Edicts of
Lumen. The Edicts of Lumen bestow extensive protections, full
The Amethyst Academy began around the 5th century as an autonomy, and economic advantages to the Amethyst Acade-
underground network to locate children born with magical my, but also require the Academy to observe strict standards of
abilities and protect them from persecution endorsed by the mercantile neutrality and political non-intervention.
Faith of the Sacred Flame. The mages used divination magic Since the Edicts, Academy mages may work magic without
to find children who manifested magical talents, rescued them fear of oppression from church or state, though the organization
from their fearful and paranoid communities, and educated remains withdrawn as it increasingly turns its attention to global
them in hidden strongholds and far-away castles so they might affairs and extraplanar happenings. While the Amethyst Acad-
wield their abilities with trained and refined control. emy outwardly upholds the Edicts of Lumen, in recent years
The school gradually grew into a secret society in its own right. some have claimed the mages furtively skirt its restrictions and
Sequestered in unseen universities to hide from the mage-slaying disregard the terms which forbid dark magical practices. Others
Knights of the Silver Order, the mages pooled their knowledge. suspect the mages are weaving an arcane conspiracy to control
They conducted research into arcane and cosmological phenomena, commerce and influence politics while shielding themselves
developing what would become the modern practice of wizardry. from the wrath of the Faith of the Sacred Flame.

Magical Education Discoveries with Delerium
When the Academy determines a child is mageborn, they The Amethyst Academy wizards were the first to discover
dispatch their purple-robed emissaries to collect the youth around delerium’s vast magical potential. Their continued research aims
the age of six. The children become both students and wards of to fully catalog delerium’s supernatural qualities and unknown
the Academy, whether they are royal heirs or commoners. Typ- dangers, and further develop methods for crafting magical
ically, the Academy leaves a dowry or grant as compensation to weapons and arcane machines using the crystals.
their family. For those of common station, an invitation to join the They procure enormous quantities to fuel their esoteric
Amethyst Academy means being brought out of an unremarkable experiments and eldritch industries. Rather than risk their own
rural life of modest means and stepping into a world of magic, members’ lives in the ruins of Drakkenheim, the Academy
wealth, and prestige. The young sorcerers and wizards are raised usually obtains delerium through various grey market sources.
within Academy dormitories, trained in magic, and inducted into The mages hire mercenaries to carry out specific recovery
the Mage Guild once they come of age. They receive a wondrous operations, and only dispatch their own small survey teams to
education unlike anywhere else in the world, learning art, history, Drakkenheim on rare occasions.
mathematics, languages, sciences, and philosophy. The trade of delerium is so widespread largely because the
Until the age of ten, students undergo mental and physical crystals are so valuable to the Academy, making delerium
conditioning to help them control and focus their magical crystals a de facto currency.
abilities. Once they have tamed the wild sorcery that is their
birthright, they are schooled in wizardry. The young mages are
held to high standards by exacting instructors over the course of Secluded Schools
a ten-year curriculum. The Amethyst Academy is not a singular place. The Academy
Occasionally, some depart after their studies to pursue their claims to operate eight magical schools, each a fortress in its own
own interests, but many more find a place within the Amethyst right. A few are well-known places, and their respective entries
Academy’s hierarchy. Those who navigate the byzantine and are found in the following sections of the Gazetteer.
competitive organization live a lavish lifestyle surrounded by h Paradox Castle in the Eastern Vales
magical wonders. h Enigma Ziggurat in Liberio
While they may overlook a rustic old hedge-mage teaching h Starspire Observatory in the Isles of Skye
their nephew a few cantrips in a remote backwater, the h The now-lost Inscrutable Tower of Drakkenheim in Westemär
Amethyst Academy goes to great lengths to control magical
education. The Academy zealously hoards a vast collection of Each has well-protected teleportation circles, but the sigil
spellbooks and sequesters arcane magical lore within hidden sequences are known only to Academy mages who can cast 5th-
libraries restricted to only their members. Academy leaders level spells.
believe others would use magic in a reckless and irresponsible The location of the other strongholds is a closely-guarded
manner given the chance. Though their core mission in the secret. Rumors claim one is buried underneath a mountain of
world — the education of young mages — helps ensure new ice near the North Pole, and another lies at the bottom of the
spellcasters develop their skills, it also predisposes students to Middle Sea in a great glass dome. One is built upon the moon.
follow the Academy’s ideological principles. The last is apparently a moving fortress with no fixed location.
Accounts vary about its nature: one story says it is a magical
village built on the back of a colossal flying whale, while others
Arcane Enterprise say it is a mist-shrouded mansion which walks upon giant
birdlike legs.
Wealthy nobles and well-connected warlords commission the
mages to craft enchanted armaments for their soldiers and
arcane wards for their estates. Furthermore, the Academy
provides counsel on magical matters. By custom and by treaty,
the Amethyst Academy assigns a Master Wizard to serve as
court mage to ruling monarchs and high-ranking vassals. The
court mages assist the nobility using their magic, while also
acting as informants and lobbyists for the Academy’s interests.

Covert Actions
The Amethyst Academy conducts business with utmost secrecy,
especially when dealing with outsiders. They often correspond
via magically conveyed messages (using sending spells) or
arrange clandestine meetings (often using project image spells).
A secret network of teleportation circles connect their remote
strongholds, each protected by powerful arcane wards. This
extensive use of magical teleportation and communication
enables the Amethyst Academy to operate in a far-reaching
manner unmatched by any other organization, despite the
mages’ relatively small numbers.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 29

Academy Ranks Grandmasters
Most Academy mages are wizards. However, bards, sorcerers, These are powerful sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards who have
and warlocks are often found within their numbers. Members the ability to cast 9th-level spells. They lead the Amethyst
wear purple robes with gold and silver detail. Many carry all Academy’s most important projects, and can access almost every
manner of arcane implements: staves, wands, and spellbooks. spell and resource available to the institution. There are only a
They wear the symbol of the Academy prominently. handful of Grandmasters in the entire world: beyond the eight
Academy Rings. Members of the Amethyst Academy each members of the Academy Directorate, there are no more than
wear a set of rings made from exotic arcane metals. The number twenty Grandmasters alive today.
of rings worn corresponds to the highest-level spell they can cast. In the rare event of a vacancy amongst the Directorate, the
Known as academy rings, these are magic items which identify Master Wizards may nominate three Grandmasters for the
the spellcaster as an Academy graduate, and often permit access remaining Directorate’s consideration. Since the Directorate
to Academy strongholds. A set of five or more functions as a ring must unanimously choose one of the three nominees to join
of spell storing. Each additional ring allows an additional level them, the open position can take decades to fill.
of spells to be stored, and some sets allow control over a shield Amongst the notable Grandmaster Wizards is Eldrick Rune-
guardian. However, each set is made for a specific individual, weaver. The foremost master of abjuration magic alive, Eldrick
and only that person may attune to that set of rings. Runeweaver (a human archmage) is one of the three current
nominees to the Directorate. Alongside his foremost pupil
River (a tiefling mage), he is currently leading the Academy’s
Wards expedition to the ruins of Drakkenheim, hoping his success
Children taken in by the Academy who have not yet started there will secure his position amongst the Academy’s leadership.
their apprenticeship.
The Directorate
Apprentices The Academy Directorate consists of eight exceptionally
Apprentices are mages-in-training who are learning 1st- and powerful archmages. Sequestered away in secret strongholds of
2nd-level arcane spells. Once they master 2nd-level spells, they their own design, these highly reclusive figures rarely involve
begin their journeyman year where they work as an assistant to themselves in the day-to-day affairs of the Academy. Many
a Master Mage. After completion, the apprentices graduate and Academy mages do not know their names, and only a few high-
are invited to become full members of the Amethyst Academy. ranking members ever meet them in person.
The typical apprenticeship takes eight to ten years. The Directorate seldom even encounter one another
physically, either. Whispers tell they gather at a stone circle on
the moon via project image spells whenever they must confer
Guild Mages as one body. At all other times, they communicate via sending,
These rank-and-file Academy mages are capable of casting dream, and telepathic bond spells.
at least 3rd-level spells, though some new members can only The Directorate are:
cast 2nd-level spells. Most guild mages work as researchers h Adrianna Modera, Archmage of Drakkenheim (believed
and craftspeople for the Amethyst Academy. Few Academy missing or dead following the destruction of the city, her
members attain any rank higher than guild mage. position has remained unfilled for the past 15 years.)
h Alabaster, Archmage of Liberio

Master Mages h Amaranthyst the Ultraviolet, Archmage of the Moon

h Lasaia Nightbreeze, Archmage of the Eastern Vales
An Academy member in good standing is declared a Master h Marigold Kettleborn, Archmage of Caspia
Mage when they demonstrate the power to cast 5th-level spells. h Penumbra, Archmage of Terene
While some truly exceptional individuals can attain this rank at h Xel’vohca the Ancient, Archmage of Elyria
a young age, for most reaching this point represents a lifetime of h Zodiac Allsight, Archmage of Skye
achievement and dedicated study. As such, Master Mages are Most Academy members believe few, if any, members of
responsible for instructing apprentices, leading arcane research the Academy Directorate are human, or even mortal beings as
and manufacturing projects, and acting as emissaries for the several Directors have held their positions since the founding
Amethyst Academy. of the Amethyst Academy hundreds of years ago, including
Xel’vohca, Zodiac, and Amaranthyst. However, how these
directors have extended their lifespans are the subject of wild
rumors and speculation amongst the mages, ranging from
repeated use of the clone spell, demonic pacts, to blasphemous
undead transformations. Indeed, there may be some truth to
“I only got to see the inside of the great
these claims. The individual members of the Directorate are
Inscrutable Tower after its destruction. Shame.”
described in the Continental Gazetteer.
These Archmages are colleagues but also fierce rivals. There
is no single leader amongst the Directorate. Instead, their
byzantine rules grant each archmage full executive powers over
the entire Amethyst Academy, but also the ability to veto the

30 Guide to Drakkenheim
resolutions of any other member of the Directorate. In practice,
this means the Directorate must have unanimous agreement on Malfeasant Mages
most major decisions. Imagine standing in a room with seven Malfeasant mages are spellcasters who have used magic to com-
other wizards: you can cast any spell you want, but any other mit crimes (such as murder or robbery), perform blasphemous
one could counterspell your magic, whilst a third responds with magic (as defined by the Articles of Malediction in the Edicts of
destructive magic to annihilate you both. Meanwhile, a fourth Lumen), or betrayed the Amethyst Academy (such as exposing
intercedes with their own abjurations and so on and so forth. their secrets, stealing magic items, or conspiring against the
The Directorate is often excruciatingly slow to reach Directorate). They are outcast from the Academy and carry a
any consensus. Meanwhile, individual members use what death sentence in any nation bound by the Edicts of Lumen.
personal authority and resources they can to increase their The Academy typically only dispatches its own agents to
personal influence and their own magical might over the other dispose of malfeasant wizards who might be in possession
archmages. The archmages constantly plot and scheme against of Academy property or valuable research; most are hunted
each other more than anyone else. Each knows that if any one down by the Silver Order or hired mercenaries. Historically,
of them were to wrest control of the Amethyst Academy, they apprehending fugitive malfeasant mages is one of the few
would possess power akin to the sorcerer-kings of old. instances in which the Academy and the Silver Order cooperate.

Court Mages
The powerful noble houses that rule the continent are served
by court mages appointed by the Amethyst Academy. Under
the agreements of the Edicts of Lumen, every noble who holds
a rank above a count is guaranteed the services of a permanent
court mage, but any lesser nobles who can afford their salary
may also procure the services of a court mage.
Amongst many noble families, a mageborn child is often regard-
ed as a tremendous boon. Although their children cannot inherit
the family rank and title, the lowliest baron to the most influential
duchesses readily dispatch their mageborn children to the Ame-
thyst Academy for arcane schooling. Once these young mages
complete their training, most take up an assignment as the court
mage of their own household. In this way, the Amethyst Academy
and the nobility have built close ties. The noble household gains
the services of a loyal spellcaster to serve as arcane counsel and
a close confidant, and the Amethyst Academy gains an intimate
connection to the political machinations of the nobility. Although
mageborn scions can live a life where they enjoy both the trappings
of nobility and the freedom to practice their magic, many help
advance the goals of their relatives as adventurers.
However, this practice has come under criticism from
members of the Faith of the Sacred Flame, who claim that such
familial connections allow the Amethyst Academy to foster an
undue influence over the nobility by exploiting the bonds of
blood. They suspect that the Amethyst Academy has become
quite adept at positioning itself as an elite finishing school for
noble children. Suspicious Flamekeepers say that most court
mages return to their families thoroughly indoctrinated, willing
to use their magic to influence their parents, siblings, and
cousins, pushing the Academy’s own political agenda.

Mages Beyond the Academy

While the purple-robed wizards would have it otherwise, several
groups of mages exist outside of the Academy’s hierarchy.

This term is used to describe arcane magic-users who develop
their spellcasting abilities outside Academy institutions.
Nevertheless, such individuals are exceptionally rare. They are
most often warlocks or sorcerers, as few outside the Amethyst
Academy possess the knowledge and resources to instruct
Malfeasant wizard
others in wizardry. Deidrick Mors

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 31

The Edicts of Lumen
he Edicts of Lumen are a landmark treaty between the
Amethyst Academy, the continental nobility, and the Articles of Neutrality
Faith of the Sacred Flame. Signed three centuries ago in
the year 743 by Divine Matriarch Truth II, the six Great Houses “The Nations of this agreement recognize the Amethyst Academy,
of Caspia, Queen Hildegarde I von Drakken of Westemär, King so long as the Mages remain neutral and impartial with regards
Laertes Ava I of Elyria, and the Amethyst Academy Directorate, to the political affairs of the Nations. The Mages are hereby
this agreement put an end to brutal wars fought over the use of granted certain Protections under the Law, are held Exempt from
arcane magic by separating the political and economic powers of Taxation, retain the Right to Practice Magic, and may freely travel
clergy, mages, and nobles. between any Lands under this Agreement.”
The full text is an utterly byzantine and cumbersome
document thousands of pages long. The original signed treaty
has long been preserved in Saint Tarna’s Cathedral, but many
h These articles ensure that mages do not face persecution
copies have been made since. Nevertheless, the Edicts of when traveling the continent.
Lumen comprise six main articles:
h Mages and mageborn often still serve as court mages and on the
royal council of most nations, but their role here is meant to be
that of an advisor rarely given the final decision in any matter.
Articles of Inheritance
“...within the Nations party to this Agreement, all Mageborn are
Articles of Guardianship
hereby stripped of their noble titles, barred from any rank, and
must relinquish any land ownership claims.” “The Nations hereby grant the Mages of the Amethyst Academy the
Right of Guardianship over all Mageborn Children. These Magelings
h These articles form the key stipulation of the Edicts of Lumen. shall be entrusted as Wards of the Amethyst Academy, who are charged
They are designed to avoid the coalescing of power that lead to with boarding, protecting, and instructing these Magelings in Magic
the sorcerer kings of old - a legitimate concern in light of how until they come of age. No exceptions are given to Mageborn children
the concentration of both political and magical power amongst of any Station, not a single noble House, nor any Royal family.”
ruling houses often results in tyranny and injustice.
h The Amethyst Academy closely monitors noble houses for h After their instruction, adult mageborn are free to depart the
signs their scions may be mageborn. If a ruling noble has Amethyst Academy if they wish. Most, however, opt howev-
hidden their mageborn ancestry, the grave situation triggers er, opt to remain part of the organization to some degree.
Clause Five of the Articles of Umbrage (described below). h Those who manifest magical abilities as adults aren’t
h The terms extend to royalty as well. Indeed, royal compelled to join the Amethyst Academy by these articles
successors in particular face much greater scrutiny at the but are invited and welcomed into its ranks should they
hands of the Academy to ensure no mageborn sits upon the choose to do so. Otherwise, the Academy generally leaves
throne of any nation. such hedge-mages to their own devices, so long as these
independent spellcasters abide the Edicts of Lumen.

Articles of Enterprise and the Amethyst Academy. The Faith is given the role of
mediator and judge, and the Academy the role of investigator
and cross-examiner. The objective of the trial is to determine
“The Nations recognize the right of the Amethyst Academy to if the accused is indeed mageborn, and how much their
conduct its own affairs and govern itself within the stipulations household should be held to account.
of this Agreement. Within the Nations party to this Agreement, h These trials are often an utter debacle. If the accused refuses
the Amethyst Academy shall have sole authority over any Guild to appear before the court, the only recourse is armed conflict.
practicing Arcane Magic, any School for Instruction in Arcane h The Articles of Umbrage close by stating that should the
Magic, and all Manufacture for Sale of Arcane Artifacts, so long Academy Directorate be found to be in gross violation of the
as such Services are available to All at a Fair and Equal Cost.” Edicts of Lumen, they will be purged by a combined force of
the nobility and priesthood.
h Arcane spellcasters who wish to craft magic items for sale
or offer their magical services for hire are required to pay a
portion of their profits to the Academy. Furthermore, they are
required to use the prices set forward by the Guild, and can’t Enforcing the Edicts
give discounts or cheaper prices to anyone. The Edicts of Lumen are a signed contract which establish a set
h The Academy takes enforcement of the Articles of Enterprise of shared conventions and laws for all participating nations and
extremely seriously, and dispatches enforcers to shake down people, not a magical pact. While magic is often used to inves-
hedge mages behind on their payments. tigate violations of the agreement, resolve disputes, and enforce
h There is a notable loophole in the Articles of Enterprise: the penalties and punishments, no arcane spell or divine invocation
secondary market. A merchant who buys and then resells renders its terms supernaturally binding. The mutual agreement
magical items may do so without paying Academy dues, so and cooperation of the signatories enforce the Edicts of Lumen,
long as they aren’t crafting any magical items themselves. backed up by the threat of another catastrophic continental war.

Articles of Malediction Other Spellcasters and the Edicts

Although apothecaries, bards, druids, and warlocks are not
“...the Nations forbid the Academy from teaching any Students necessarily mageborn, the Edicts of Lumen do not acknowledge
magical practices such as Summoning Demons and creating Undead or distinguish them, only discussing the magic of “mages” and
Creatures. Mages working any Arcane Magic to influence, control, “mageborn.” As a result, the Edicts of Lumen do not allow for
or harm members of the Nobility or Clergy shall be Put to Death.” nuanced interpretations of what constitutes “arcane magic”.
Amongst Edict scholars, some believe this is a major flaw in the
h The provisions against necromancy and demonology pertain manner the treaty was originally written. In practice, the noble
specifically to the teaching of such magic, not studying or using houses rarely test the letter of the law against the spirit of the
it — the Academy argued that banning such magic entirely law. As a result, no ruler has dared bestow their estates and titles
would impair their ability to understand and contain it. upon an heir with any sort of magical ability since the Edicts
h Enforcement of these articles has been a vexing challenge. were signed. Few are willing to stake their lives and lineages to
Those who conduct such magic in secret can often evade argue a technicality before a court of their peers.
notice for years or decades. During the drafting of the Edicts, it was raised whether
or not the Edicts should impose restrictions on clerics and
paladins of the Sacred Flame. However, it was argued — quite
Articles of Umbrage loudly by the Faith — that such restrictions were unnecessary.
Divine spellcasting cannot be passed down to one’s progeny:
each individual must take up the mantle themselves, a task
“... and if by any means a Noble Estate comes under the Rule of that requires considerable devotion and faith. Further-
a Mageborn, the Nations and Households party to this Agreement more, the Faith noted that their oaths and dogma already
shall immediately Muster Arms against them.” ask the clergy to forswear their noble claims, pledging their
allegiance and service to their faith ahead of their household.
h Most of the Articles of Umbrage concern the means to deal However, there have been a handful of instances where a pal-
with minor infractions and petty violations of the Edicts in a adin or cleric took up regency or acted as the custodian of their
peaceful manner. family title. In such cases, the title was passed on immediately
h Clause Five of the Articles of Umbragecalls upon all noble when another suitable scion came to prominence.
houses to take up arms against any noble household ruled by
a mageborn. Vassals sworn to serve a higher lord — such as
a duke ruling under a royal monarch — may disavow their
fealty to a mageborn lord. Under the agreement, a vassal
cannot be compelled to give any aid, including taxes and “Rangers have access to nature magic, but
levies, to a mageborn. skirt under the Edicts of Lumen as “Dabblers”.
h Invoking the article calls the accused to trial before Must be nice.”
representatives of the nobility, the Faith of the Sacred Flame,

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 33

Everyday Life
Languages Calendar
A wide variety of languages and dialects are spoken throughout The common calendar in use today was developed by the Faith
the continent, based on culture and geographical location. of the Sacred Flame in the mid-3rd century. It has 365 days,
Nevertheless, there are several common languages: twelve months of about thirty days each, and a seven-day week.
Median: Common language used by the nations of the The years count from the Martyrdom of Saint Tarna, and the
continent, including Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär. The meteor struck Drakkenheim on 16 Autumntide, Year 1,111.
language arose as the Old Tongue evolved into regional By default, campaigns set in the world of Drakkenheim begin
dialects, but most folk of the continent can communicate well roughly fifteen years later on 4 Springtide, Year 1,126.
enough regardless of where they were born.
Old Median: Ancient language spoken during the reign of the
sorcerer-kings. Rarely spoken today, but often found in old Months
tomes and records. Threshold January
Jordic: Language common in northern regions of Netherwind,
Thawing February
often used by dwarves, giants, and mountainfolk.
Sidhe: The language used by ancient elves. Springtide March — Vernal Equinox
Tylwyth: Spoken by gnomes, goblins, and fey creatures. Hearthstone April
Draconic: Ancient tongue of dragonkind. While occasionally Sowing May
used in arcane writings, true dragons find mortal Highsummer June — Summer Solstice
pronunciations of this language clumsy and offensive. Midyear July
Mortals be warned: far from flattering a true dragon, these
Sunbreak August
creatures are known to devour non-dragons who attempt
speaking draconic in their presence. Autumntide September — Autumnal Equinox

Celestial, elemental, and fiendish beings have their own Reaping October
languages, but these are not used by the people of the continent Rimewind November
except in the most esoteric contexts. Sages, scholars, and Midwinter December — Winter Solstice
acolytes occasionally use these languages for arcane or religious
tomes, but the magical nature of these languages makes it
difficult for mortal tongues to form them properly. Days of the Week
Otherworldly beings from eldritch places communicate in Moonday
utterly incomprehensible ways, which mortals can perceive Tidesday
only through maddening whispers, vivid hallucinations, and Windsday
other spasmodic sensations. Though some of these beings do Earthsday
have their own disturbing speech and writing, no mortal living Fireday
in the world can understand or speak these languages without Starsday
magical aid. Sunday

Naming the Days and Months Education
Common folk school their own children, sometimes organizing
For clarity and simplicity during play, the world of informal community groups. Typically, people grow up learning
Drakkenheim uses the real-world calendar. While using fantasy the trade and profession of their parents — which for the vast
names for the days and the months feels fun and immersive, majority of people in rural communities is agriculture. Children
you might consider using the modern names for the months raised in urban areas with guilds and trade organizations can
and days when tracking time in-game. In our experience, using become an apprentice around the age of ten. From then on,
familiar names helps communicate the passage of time more their education is focused entirely on their craft.
clearly to many players. Nobles arrange private tutors for their children. Elyrian lords
often ask a Flamekeeper to teach their children history and
religion. Westemär’s dukes and duchesses ask their court mages
to arrange lessons on geography, philosophy, science, mathemat-
Holidays and Holy Days ics, and languages, while the master-of-arms schools them in the
arts of war. Caspian princes in particular are known to pay exor-
All Hallow’s Eve. Held on the last day of Reaping. bitant sums to have their heirs trained by famous adventurers.
Angelmeet. Held on the first day of Midyear to mark There exist a few secular institutions for higher learning, such as
Saint Tarna’s meeting with the angels. It is traditionally Altbruke University in Westemär and the Leto College in Caspia,
accompanied by feasting and the giving of gifts. but most advanced education occurs within monasteries of the
Tarna’s Wake. This holiday is celebrated during the first and Sacred Flame or the arcane schools of the Amethyst Academy.
last week of each year, resulting in a fortnight of ceremonies,
religious gatherings, and holy rituals held to commemorate
Saint Tarna’s martyrdom.

Stars and Seasons Spellcasting Nonplayer Characters

High-level NPCs and spellcasters are exceptionally rare in the
The seasons across the continent correspond to the seasons of
world of Drakkenheim. Most are reclusive hermits or members
the northern hemisphere in the real-world Earth, though the
of secret societies and cloistered priesthoods. However, others
climate becomes more tropical in the southernmost reaches of
occupy prominent positions of power in churches, holy orders,
the continent.
mage guilds, and courts. Despite their few numbers, such
The people of the continent know they live on a round
people still have a profound impact on society.
planet which orbits a fiery sun, and that their world has several
Player characters seeking out spellcasting allies may readily
planetary siblings. A single blue-white moon hovers above
find someone capable of casting 3rd- or 4th-level spells in most
during the night, passing through phases from full to new
large towns and cities. This is usually a Flamekeeper tending
moon each month. Legends say that once or twice a few great
a Chapel of the Sacred Flame, or mage from the Amethyst
mages of the Amethyst Academy have traveled to these places,
Academy on a local assignment.
but what they found there are the subject of wild stories and
Establishing contact with someone capable of casting
speculation, and seldom fact.
5th- or 6th-level spells is only possible in the largest cities.
The tyrannical sorcerer-kings named many planets and stars
Such individuals are often High Flamekeepers who head the
after themselves during antiquity, and saw their own deeds in
Cathedrals of the Sacred Flame. The Amethyst Academy
the constellations. In ages since, local traditions have given new
also appoints wizards and sorcerers to serve as Court Mage to
names to some stars. Perhaps the most well-known celestial
powerful dukes, duchesses, and petty royalty.
object is Tarna’s Comet, which appears every 433 years as a
Nonplayer characters capable of casting 7th- or 8th-level
golden streak in the night sky.
spells are only encountered as major figures in the world,
occupied with great affairs and undertakings of dramatic import.
Such NPCs may only be sought out with considerable effort by
Trade and Currency player characters with well-established reputations.
Only a handful of living mortals can cast ninth-level spells.
If there’s one thing that flows between the nations of the Many are legendary figures, such as the eight Directors of
continent more often than blood, it’s gold. Throughout the cities the Amethyst Academy, the Divine Matriarch of the Sacred
and towns of the continent, great guilds have formed around Flame, and the prophetic Lucretia Mathias. Others are
all areas of industrial and economic production, from bakers, secretive recluses, who turn their attention away from earthly
blacksmiths, and cobblers to tailors, tanners, and wainwrights. squabbles to contemplate the cosmic order, fighting unseen
Merchants travel by caravan on land and caravel by sea to battles against supernatural foes whose very nature threatens
exchange all manner of spices, silks, and luxury goods. to tear the world asunder. A handful are diabolical villains,
The nations of the continent mint their own coins in gold, plotting the means to use their unfathomable abilities to seize
silver, and copper. Trade flourishes through the continent, espe- power for themselves.
cially via water around the Middle Sea. The Gazetteer notes the
major imports and exports that flow between each region.

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 35

Magic is common currency for nobility, clergy, wealthy
merchants, and adventurers, but not regularly encountered by
most other people on the continent. Everyone is aware that
magic is real and will experience magical effects a few times
throughout their lives, though incredibly few understand its
mysterious workings. Common folk know that if a child shows
signs of magical abilities, it is only a matter of time until the
purple-robed mages of the Amethyst Academy arrive to take
them as a ward.
There was a time when arcane magic users faced extreme
persecution from the Faith of the Sacred Flame, and echoes of
Crime and Punishment
those prejudices remain. Superstitions and misconceptions are Throughout the continent, justice exists to serve the interests
common. People who are not extensively schooled in magical of the powerful and protect the wealthy, rather than meting
lore don’t know how to distinguish between the different types out what is right and fair. Common folk accused of a crime can
of spellcasters — they are collectively referred to as ”mages.” expect swift judgment without much opportunity to plead their
When everyday folk encounter a spellcaster who is not case; criminal trials are the privilege of well-connected and
visibly a priest or paladin of the Sacred Flame, they assume affluent merchants and nobles. Indeed, many judges, barristers,
that individual is a mageborn sorcerer performing arcane magic. and magistrates spend their time arbitrating civil or business
If the mage isn’t wearing the purple robes of the Amethyst disputes over contracts, small land disputes, and property rather
Academy, they are often mistrusted. However, apothecaries or than criminal actions. Guards and militias exist to keep the
witches sometimes dwell near rural communities or backwater peace in cities, not to investigate crimes. When a dangerous
towns brewing potions, telling fortunes, and treating illnesses fugitive remains at large, ruthless brigands stalk the highways,
and ailments. These caretakers have the hard-won trust of their malfeasant wizards work dark magic, or a rogue monster
communities thanks to the vital services they provide to others. threatens a community, local authorities must rely on bounty
More astute individuals can detect the signs of obvious hunters, adventurers, or knightly orders.
enchantment or bewitchment especially tavern owners, Common criminals are beaten, flogged, and locked in a pillory
merchants, and the nobility, who interact with mages and magic for a few days. Amputation of the hands or tongue is a typical
more often. Folk in the cities of Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär punishment for thieves and charlatans, while murderers and
are no more (or less) intimidated by a brandished spell than they worse are executed. Jails are used solely to detain prisoners
are by a brandished sword. awaiting trial or execution, or for political prisoners held as
People believe (correctly) that witches, trolls, and faeries live hostages. While many castles hold gaols and dungeons, the
in the deep forests; dragons, giants, and manticores dwell in the nations of the continent do not build dedicated prisons for the
far mountains, and that there are unseen worlds where demons mass incarceration of common folk.
and evil spirits dwell. They know stories about blood-drinking Nobles are rarely punished for committing crimes of any sort
vampires, evil warlocks, and the righteous paladins who battle against common folk, perhaps paying a small fine or restitution
against them. Just as common folk don’t know the difference at most — even for murder. A noble who commits a crime
between different types of spellcasters, few can distinguish against another noble will likely face trial, where severe offens-
between different types of extraplanar and monstrous es can see them stripped of their station or exiled, but rarely
creatures. In conversation, it is common to refer to almost any executed. However, many avoid punishment through bribes
otherworldly monster as a “demon,” whether the creature is in and political influence.
fact an aberration, monstrosity, or a devil.
While the myths and legends shared amongst common
folk describe otherworlds and faerie realms, the workings
Magic and the Law
of other planes and dimensions is a topic dimly understood. Beyond the stipulations of the Edicts of Lumen, casting
Only educated sages and acolytes can identify and distinguish spells and using magic items isn’t illegal in any nation on the
between such places. Journeys to these realms are the stuff of continent. On the other hand, those who use magic to commit
heroes and legends. other crimes such as robbery, theft, or murder are burned at
the stake or hanged, regardless of the severity of their offense.
Depending on the individual’s status within their respective
organizations, their allies may take extensive steps to cover up
their crimes or find ways to exonerate them.
In high-profile trials between powerful nobles, it isn’t unheard
of for spells such as detect thoughts, zone of truth, suggestion, or
even more powerful divination magic to be invoked. However,
in such cases, law and custom decree that two spellcasters are
present to ensure impartial use of these magics — one a mage
of the Amethyst Academy, and the other a Flamekeeper of the
Sacred Fire.

36 Guide to Drakkenheim
Typical Settlements
Dueling Styles of the Continent Across the continent, the vast majority of people live a rural life
The prominent nations of the continent have each developed in small villages and farming communities of no more than five
distinctive styles and customs for duels. The most accomplished hundred people. Most consist of ten to twenty multigenerational
duelists are trained in each of the three dominant dueling forms. families. These families work fields, orchards, pastures, ranches,
Westemär Duel: The Westemär duel is the most and stables. Along the major roads between cities, a traveler on
straightforward of the three. Each of the participants chooses foot will pass through a village like this roughly every hour, and
their preferred weapon and style, either with sword, spell, or on a full day of travel one might move through one or two larger
whatever means suits them. The duel is performed one on one towns of a thousand people or more. Travel between the great
without outside interference. cities usually takes a few weeks on foot.
Elyrian Duel: An Elyrian Duel is a testament of might
and combat expertise. Each participant must choose a melee
weapon of their choice. Arcane magic and outside interference
are illegal. Many have noted that this specific dueling style is Most villages in Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär are led by a burgo-
entirely designed to force a mage to fight on the terms of a Silver master or reeve who collects taxes and reports to the local baron.
Order knight. It is also significant that while arcane magic is not Communities commonly have a small town council who manage
allowed, the Elyrian style makes no mention of divine magic. local matters and settle disputes between the common folk.
Caspian Duel: A Caspian Duel is the least aggressive of
the dueling styles. While this seems contrary to their typical
traditions, Caspians enjoy dueling so much that they developed
Towns with a population of a thousand or more people will have a
a means to reduce the amount of dead Caspian knights by
Chapel of the Sacred Flame, led by a human Flamekeeper and
making their duels a form of contest. The most common options
a handful of acolytes. The larger towns might have two or three.
are either that both participants must quest on a monster hunt
Outside Elyria, many towns may have a shrine or two to the old
and return with the head (or similar trophy) of their kill, or that
gods, usually tended by a hermit druid or acolyte. Minor chap-
both participants must face a similar monster, such as a troll,
els, isolated monasteries, and shrines dot the countryside.
and see which knight defeats their foe the fastest. The former is
often chosen between dueling houses and involve entire hunting
parties, while the latter is the option presented when two Caspian Magic
knights are trying to prove which is the more capable warrior. Amateur apothecaries, hedge-wizards, or witches may dwell
in some remote towns, offering their services as a herbalist,
alchemist, or sage. Typically, such individuals finished their
studies at the Amethyst Academy without distinction, and
returned to their communities to practice magic undisturbed.

Villages will at best have a few lookouts to keep watch: a
handful of human guards or scouts, led by a veteran acting
as sheriff. Beyond this, most villages will have to muster up a
militia of commoners.

Goods and Services

Most villages will have a tavern or public house, but only larger
towns can support inns and hostels. Nevertheless, along the
major highways folk in most villages are willing to board a few
travelers in exchange for a few coins and bits of gossip.
Each town has a trading post, a blacksmith, and a mill, and
a few other businesses, typically a brewer, butcher, carpenter,
shoemaker, and a tanner or furrier.

“Pluto promised me we would go see his home town

someday. I still hope to do that. I’ve heard great,
Shield of House
probably largely exaggerated things.”
Joplin of Caspia

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 37

Planes of Existence
hroughout history, the Academy’s sages have put forth the mortal world. For those who wander into other worlds, the
differing theories to explain the order of the cosmos. journey home is an adventure in itself.
These include bizarre concepts such as the “great wheel,”
the “world axis,” the “conjunction of the spheres,” and “planar
orbits” to explain magical phenomena and catastrophes. There is Siderealms
no consensus; every theorist is quick to point out the glaring flaws These worlds are metaphysically close to the Mortal World, such
and logical inconsistencies in competing theories. that some creatures can pass through the Ethereal Plane into the
Mortal World, and rarely vice-versa. These Siderealms imperfect-
Planar Travel ly reflect the geography of the Mortal World, but altered in ways
appropriate to that plane. A castle in the Mortal World might be
Most mortal knowledge of the planes comes from contact with an overgrown faerie palace in the Otherworld, a haunted ruin in
extraplanar creatures via summoning magic or divination spells the Shadowlands, filled with whimsical fantasies in Dreamland,
such as contact other plane. While there are countless ley lines and composed of fire or ice in the Elemental Planes.
and thin places where the unwary might slip between worlds,
deliberate planar travel by mortals is the stuff of legends.
The knowledge and material components for the plane shift Ethereal Plane
spell are jealously guarded by the highest-ranking members of A truly liminal space, the Ethereal Plane lies on the metaphysical
the Amethyst Academy and the Faith of the Sacred Flame. Un- “borderland” of the Siderealms.
fortunately, the means to create the tuning forks needed for the
spell were lost during the fall of the Arcane Empire. Since then,
powerful mortal spellcasters have devoted their lives to discover-
ing a new method for creating tuning forks without successes. A This strange realm is the mortal unconscious made manifest. It
potential breakthrough may come from promising experiments is a world of thoughts, dreams, and nightmares, inhabited by
with delirium recovered from Drakkenheim. The form these nightmarish creatures. Dreamland is effectively the Astral Plane
tuning forks take is described in the entry for each plane below. of the world of Drakkenheim; spells such as astral projection
allow characters to travel here.
Mortals who physically enter Dreamland find the experience
Mortal World not unlike a lucid dream, and they can exert a subconscious
influence on the plane itself. Often, this causes apparitions,
The mortal world is a sphere of rock orbiting a fiery sun. Several visions, and imagined creatures or places to appear or disappear.
other moons and planets join this cosmic dance, all suspended in an Upon returning to the waking world, mortal travelers recall
endless Astral Void. Far away, the sparkling stars are other suns. their experiences in Dreamland in the same manner as they
Only a single tuning fork attuned to the Mortal Plane is do dreams, thus their memories of such experiences quickly
known to exist, and today it is lost in the Inscrutable Tower of become hazy and difficult to remember.
Drakkenheim. As such, while it is possible to use the plane shift There are several copies of a children’s book called Carol’s Adven-
spell to travel to other planes, the spell is rarely used to return to tures in Dreamland which work as tuning forks for Dreamland.

Faerie Otherworlds The inscrutable inhabitants of the plane include sphinxes,
gemstone dragons, and all manner of aberrations, but there is
The realm of fey is sometimes called by other names, such as no meaningful concept of time in the Space Between Worlds
Tír na nÓg, the Feywild, Wonderland, Avalon, and the Elusive beyond the perception of mortal creatures. Traveling through
Realm. It is uncertain whether or not these names refer to regions this place is a journey of aeons which can unfold in mere
within the realm or are in fact distinct worlds entirely. minutes within the Mortal World.
Of all the planes, there are more tuning forks which lead to There are only three known tuning forks which allow one
the Otherworld than any other plane, and more Thin Places to venture into the Space Between Worlds via plane shift.
which allow travel between the mortal world and faery realms. One is a tesseract, another a mobius strip, and the last is a
They often take the form of trinkets and keepsakes. As such, melting pocket watch.
mortal travelers have visited these planes more frequently, and
even occasionally returned with their lives and sanity intact.
Thin Places
Shadowlands These are spots where the borders between worlds are especially
weak. In particular, Thin Places often mark the places where
A dark reflection of the mortal world held in perpetual gloom. creatures from Dreamland, the Shadowlands, and the worlds
The souls of the departed pass into the Shadowlands on their beyond step into the mortal world. Powerful planar magic can
way to the afterworlds, but some spirits wander here eternally. be harnessed here; Thin Places are characterized by a subtle
A tuning fork connected to the Shadowlands takes the form influence of the corresponding plane.
of a heavy midnight-black blindfold. However, venturing into Thin Places can wax and wane over time. An object such as
the Shadowlands is considered exceptionally risky and even a doorway, arch, stone circle, bridge, wardrobe, or looking-glass
downright foolish: mortals age and decay rapidly here. Myths can act as a fulcrum for a thin place, and even spontaneously
tell of travelers who avoided this curse by performing a funeral form a planar portal. Animal burrows, lakes, and even trees can
rite upon themselves, then journeying in the shadowlands act in the same manner, becoming places where mortals and
wearing a burial shroud and keeping tokens typically given to extraplanar creatures can slip between worlds.
the dead, such as coins upon their eyes or within their mouths. When Thin Places wane, it can leave planar travelers trapped
in another dimension, unable to return home. Academy scholars
Elemental Plane claim this is how gnomes, goblins, and many anthropomorphic
A primordial place of raw energy and unbridled potential, the peoples came to the Mortal World, as well as monsters such as
individual planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water are found within lycanthropes, trolls, and worse.
the churning storms and burning seas of the Elemental Plane.
The Amethyst Academy possesses a tuning fork for each of
the known elemental planes. However, it is possible there are
many more lost in ancient dungeons and temples to elemental Eternity is the sacred celestial afterworld where angels dwell.
entities. Each is made of the associated element. Travel to these Followers of the Old Gods sometimes refer to this place as
places, however, is almost always fatal for mortals without pow- Valhalla, and know the angels there as Nuada’s valkyries.
erful protective magic. Otherwise, a planar traveler would be Interchangeably referred to as Hell or the Abyss, the fiendish
be burned alive in the planes of fire, crushed or drowned in the afterworld is home to both demons and devils. When they are
planes of earth and water, or fall forever within the plane of air. not waging endless war on each other, demons and devils plot
mayhem and conspiracy against mortals.
There are no known tuning forks for the Afterworlds, nor any
Space Between Worlds Thin Places associated with them. The only means by which
The Space Between Worlds is a roiling non-place of unbridled mortals can enter these realms is through a long and dangerous
magical potential. The churning landscape is filled with strange journey through the Shadowlands, or via the gate spell.
crystalline obelisks with corners that meet at impossible angles.
The sun is a square circle which sets beneath an impossible
horizon that never meets the psychedelic octarine sky. Logic
Worlds Beyond
and reason have no meaning here; in the Space Between Worlds, Beyond these fundamental planes, countless other worlds are
all which would be absurd, contradictory, or paradoxical occurs. known to exist. Whether these are actual planes or planets is a
Chaos is order, and order chaos. matter of debate.
The Space Between Worlds is thought to be the source of
all arcane magic, and metaphysically connected to every other
dimension, plane, timeline, and reality. The raw magic is so Mobius strip
intense in this plane that it manifests as unrestrained eldritch
contamination which transforms matter and energy into
everything beyond imagination.
The sights of the Space Between Worlds are so bizarre
and incomprehensible that few mortal minds can withstand
beholding them. Those who physically enter the Space Between
Worlds via portals, plane shift, or gate must save as if targeted by
a feeblemind spell (spell save DC 20).

Chapter 1: The World Of Drakkenheim 39

40 Guide to Drakkenheim
Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetteer

his chapter describes the nations, city-states, and major re- background, and roleplaying traits for their leaders. Game
gions which make up the Continent. Each entry is broken statistics for these major NPCs are found in Appendix B.
down into the following sections: Locations and Landmarks. This section covers the natural
Overview. Each section begins by describing the population and geographical features which define the landscapes, many
inhabiting the region, the ruling government structure, common ripe for exploration and adventure!
faiths and religions, and the presence of magic in the area. Cities and Settlements. While the vast majority of people
History. This tells the story of key historical events which living in the continent live within small villages, major urban areas
shaped the nation or region from the earliest records to the and capitals define the nations. This section describes several of
present day. Events of continental significance are summarized these great cities found within the region, and includes information
on the Historical Timeline on page 14, but these sections delve about a few notable locations within each. Maps are featured for the
deeper into these important moments for each specific region. capitals and important cities in Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär .
Factions and Figures. Several political forces and powerful Adventures. Finally, each entry closes with ideas to inspire
individuals pursue their own objectives and goals within each adventures of your own design set within the region, and a
region. These sections detail their organizational structure, selection of rumors told throughout the land.

Three unlikely heroes stand upon the mud-slick King’s Road, which Civil War fight to retake the capital and rebuild the realm.
cuts through barren and dying fields. As daylight wanes upon their Meanwhile, a grave religious schism has broken out amongst
travels, an octarine aurora billows overhead in the night sky like the common folk driven by the apocalyptic proclamations of
an eerie beacon. Tomorrow, they will arrive in Drakkenheim… Lucretia Mathias. No nation on the continent is in greater need
for heroes, and now Westemär has become the stage upon which
Deep in the shadows of the Achtungwald amidst ancient gnarled
greater conflicts affecting the entire continent are taking shape.
trees and rune-encrusted menhirs, six figures clad in bone, leather,
and fur gather to speak the blood-rites of vengeful Kromac…
A thick fog rolls in along the misty shores of the Crystal Coast,
motes of prismatic dust sparkling in its midst. As the spreading
contamination slowly seeps into the quiet village of Ashshaffen, the
simple fisherfolk there hear the murmuring call of the deep… Overview
Encompassing the northwestern quarter of the continent,

estemär is a broken nation. After a mysterious meteor Westemär is a rugged land of deep forests and slow, wide rivers
devastated the capital city of Drakkenheim fifteen years broken up by small areas of rolling pasture and farmland. It has
ago, the nation descended into a decade of bloody civil a moderate climate with snowy winters and warm summers,
war. The surviving siblings of King Ulrich IV fought bitterly for and it rains constantly in the spring and fall. The region is rich in
the throne, but the brutal matter cost both their lives. The Civil natural resources: logging and lumber are the backbone of many
War ended with no real victor, and no clear inheritor to the royal villages and towns, but others lie along vast deposits of iron, cop-
titles of House von Kessel. per, and coal which feed the industry of Westemär’s cities. The
Ravaged by conflict, the once-great nation is now fracturing Crystal Coast takes its name from the rich salt mines along its
into disparate smaller realms. Worse, the otherworldly rocky northern shores, and fine quarries throughout Westemär
contamination left behind by the falling star is slowly spreading built the nation’s many castles and fortresses. Veins of gold and
into the surrounding lands, bringing madness and monsters silver are found within the mountainous regions to the south,
to the unprepared towns and villages of Westemär. As curious though the dwarven communities in the Glimmer Mountains
mages and profit-seeking smugglers ferry delerium from the have long asserted their independence and make claim to the
ruins of Drakkenheim to distant lands, grim veterans of the richest veins.

Population half the time the crown has not passed directly from parent to
child. Illegitimate children, remarriage, children from multiple
Approximately 8 million people dwell in Westemär. Most of the marriages, sibling rivalry, and the interconnected relationships
population inhabit rural villages, and only about 600,000 people between other noble houses mean that following the death of
live in cities and large towns. a monarch, there are usually several potential claimants who
Most people living in Westemär are humans who value hard emerge. A stark light was cast upon these long-simmering issues
work and pragmatism. Many simply want to put the turmoil when the royal family was lost in Drakkenheim. Though the
of the last ten years behind them, and are exhausted from the fate of his direct heirs is unknown, Ulrich IV was survived by his
conflicts gripping their lands. Young people either bitterly resent younger siblings Mannfred and Cecilia, neither of whom were in
the prosperity their parents enjoyed during the unrestrictive Drakkenheim on that fateful day. The two initially cooperated
rule of the late Ulrich IV, or fight furiously to restore a glorious to determine their brother’s fate and attempted retaking the
kingdom they’ve only ever known through stories told to city of Drakkenheim through military force. When these efforts
them by their grandparents. Tieflings form several noble failed, a feud broke out between the two over who should claim
houses and are commonly encountered in larger cities, and see the throne. The Civil War would be the downfall of House
opportunity in the hard times of the nation. There are several von Kessel: neither Mannfred, Cecilia, nor their own children
halfling communities in the eastern areas of Westemär who have survived the conflict.
suffered greatly from the civil war and eldritch contamination Lacking any clear and credible claimant to support, the nobles
placing great strain upon their harvests. The dwarven holds who sided with the divided branches of House von Kessel
of the Glimmer Mountains and Ironhelm Ridge traditionally eventually laid down their arms and returned to their domains
consider themselves self-governing city states, but look to to lick their wounds.
prospecting delerium in Drakkenheim as a new avenue for Today, the realm is disintegrating, and the ruling nobles now
industry as their old mines run dry. largely operate their provinces as independent domains. They owe
Small enclaves of elves once inhabited the southwestern no fealty to any monarch. Most are simply trying to hold onto their
regions, but these communities were annihilated during the own wealth and power, a far more feasible goal for the time being
conquests of Vladimir von Drakken. Most of the surviving than trying to conquer their rivals or unite the nation again.
elves fled to the Isles of Skye; only a handful of elves remain in
Westemär today.
Noble Ranks
h King or Queen. The monarch of Westemär.
Capital h Duke or Duchess. Vassals only to the monarch, each rule
one of Westemär’s provinces, and usually from one of the
Drakkenheim was the capital of Westemär until it was destroyed provincial capitals.
fifteen years ago. Today, the nation has no true capital. h Count or Countess. A middle noble rank who holds a
county as their domain. Most are direct vassals to a duke, but
may lord over lesser nobles.
Government h Baron or Baroness. Rulers of smaller fiefdoms who serve
higher nobles.
Before the meteor struck, Westemär was a feudal monarchy h Landed knights and other petty nobles may have their own
in which rule typically passed to the firstborn child. The most manors or estates.
recent ruler, Ulrich IV of House von Kessel, inherited a period
of relative political stability. He was able to pursue leisurely
interests in architecture, education, and carnal affairs instead of Common Ranks
politics and warfare. He married a Caspian princess of House h Lord Mayor. Elected mayors of cities
Jones, Lenore, and had three children: Leonard, Katarina, and h Burgomaster. Elected mayors of towns
Eliza. Ulrich IV was ten years into his reign when the meteor h Reeve. Commoner appointed by a noble to manage an estate
struck Drakkenheim. Nothing has been seen or heard of the
or village within their lands
royal couple or their children since.
In Westemär, the ruling monarch holds the title of king or
queen and rules for life. Dukes ruling each province swear oaths
of fealty to their monarch, and in turn hold lesser lords as their Royal Council
vassals. Generations of nobles have formed a web of familial Traditionally most of these figures were appointed by the
connections and political alliances, and so dynastic rule has shifted monarch to manage the affairs of state, military, and diplomacy:
several times. The monarch would mediate the many inevitable h Lord Commander. Chief military advisor to the monarch,
grievances which emerged between dukedoms, and from time- who commands Westemär’s combined military forces during
to-time petty wars and skirmishes have broken out between two times of war.
noble houses over land ownership or other disputes. h Archmage. This position is typically appointed by the Ame-
Nevertheless, succession in Westemär has seldom been a clean thyst Academy, and is traditionally filled by a member of the
matter as each monarch reinvents the rules. While traditionally Academy Directorate to counsel the monarch on arcane matters.
they would pass the crown to their designated heir — most often h High Flamekeeper. The Divine Matriarch of the Sacred
their eldest living offspring, regardless of gender — more than Flame chooses the High Flamekeeper, and this person is

42 Guide to Drakkenheim
traditionally a prominent cleric of the religion to offer spiritual
guidance and spur righteous action.
h Spymaster. Responsible for intelligence and law
enforcement, often working closely with the Lord
Commander and the Chancellor.
h Steward. Chief administrative official who manages the
royal household, and oversees civil matters from construction
to taxation.
h Chancellor. Manages diplomatic and international relations.

Most members of the Royal Council went missing or died

when Drakkenheim was destroyed, except Lord Commander
Elias Drexel.
The dukes and counts of Westemär appoint their own
household staff in the model of the Royal Council. Thus, most
dukes are served by a court mage and appoint their own steward
to manage their affairs.
Westemär has a feudal military structure. During wartime, a
Seals of Westemär noble lord calls upon their vassals to muster an army. These
vassals respond by assembling a mixed force drawn from their
Each of the members of the Royal Council bear one of the Seals
household guard, knights sworn to their services, and levies
of Westemär as their badge of office. These powerful magic
drawn up from either volunteer or conscripted commonfolk who
items aid each official in running the affairs of state. While Lord
dwell in their domains.
Commander Elias Drexel still holds his badge, the remaining
The Civil War saw the formation of numerous mercenary
seals are lost in the ruins of Drakkenheim, alongside the Crown
companies as the noble houses exhausted their own local
of Westemär.
armies. Though the war has ended, the dukes and duchesses
of Westemär keep mercenary regiments such as the Steelfang
Company and the Achtungwald Irregulars on retainer to bolster
Religion the security of their domains.
The most well-known military outfit in Westemär, and the
It has been several centuries since the Faith of the Sacred only thing resembling any sort of national armed force, is the 4th
Flame spread to all corners of Westemär. Every major city Provisional Regiment to Reclaim the Capital, also known as the
in the nation has a large and impressive cathedral devoted to Hooded Lanterns.
the faith, tended by a high-ranking Flamekeeper and throng
of acolytes. All throughout the countryside are monasteries
for the clergy to live and worship, and smaller chapels are
the heart of rural communities. Even the tiniest villages in
The nobility of Westemär has a long and favorable association
Westemär keep small shrines and bonfire pits ministered by a
with the Amethyst Academy. Prior to the Edicts of Lumen,
devout member of the community.
House von Drakken staunchly protected mages and mageborn.
However, the folk of Westemär are more modest and mod-
Many noble houses in Westemär have mageborn lineages, and
erate in their faith compared to their neighbors in Elyria. Still,
so there was considerable resistance to the idea of disinheriting
many nobles seek council from Flamekeepers. Furthermore,
their scions when the Edicts were drawn up.
Flamekeepers are highly influential amongst the common folk,
Agents from the Amethyst Academy operate small
acting as important community leaders and elders.
compounds in Drannsmund, Altbruke, and Geldstadt; mage
Although most people in Westemär follow the Sacred Flame,
towers throughout the land serve as important outposts.
amongst the three great nations of the continent, Westemär has
the largest number of people who still keep the Old Faith. The
laws and people of Westemär are mostly tolerant towards these
ancient beliefs, and major shrines to the Old Gods are openly
displayed outside several large cities, including one to Nodens Thanks to its rich natural resources, Westemär is a hub for
near Drannsmund, another to Morrigan outside Drakkenheim, craftspeople and industry. Guilds devoted to every major skill
and several great cairns near Heilig. and trade flourish in its cities. Merchants come to Westemär
Recently, however, Westemär has become the hotbed for to purchase fine manufactured goods in exchange for Elyrian
a budding religious schism in the Faith of the Sacred Flame. textiles and Caspian spices.
Renegade preachers and zealous faithful heed the teachings of Trade by land usually proceeds from Leuchten to Elyria,
Lucretia Mathias and the Followers of the Falling Fire. Many Caspia, and the Free City, or from Drakkenheim towards the
prominent High Flamekeepers in major cities in Westemär have Eastern Vale. Naval shipping flows from Drannsmund to the
turned their backs on the Divine Matriarch, urging their flocks Isles of Skye and other distant ports in far continents.
to take up the cause of the Falling Fire. Principal Exports: Salt, silver, iron, copper, coal, furs,
manufactured goods, honey, mead, maple syrup.
Principal Imports: Silk, textiles, spices, wine.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 43

History House von Kessel ultimately secured the throne through a
combination of careful diplomacy, key military victories over
Westemär takes its name from a bastardization of its former their rival houses, and claiming a spurious connection to House
name. Under the sorcerer-kings, the land was referred to as the von Drakken through a distant cousin of a cadet branch. The
Western Marches, opposite the Eastern Vales. As the old tongue first monarch of this new dynasty was Helena I, who brought
of the Arcane Empire faded and regional dialects took hold, the many progressive reforms into Westemär during her long rule
term degenerated into the name it is known by today. and steered the nation through a devastating plague. House
von Kessel ruled Westemär from the capital of Drakkenheim
for 150 years, until that woeful eve when an eldritch star fell
Conquest of Vladimir von Drakken upon the city.
After the fall of the sorcerer-kings’ empire, the lands which even-
tually became Westemär became a collection of small domains and
kingdoms. Indeed, the original borders between these old realms
Destruction of Drakkenheim
roughly correspond to the provinces which currently make up the Fifteen years ago, an otherworldly meteor shower destroyed the
nation. Each submitted or capitulated to Vladimir von Drakken, capital city of Drakkenheim. King Ulrich IV, as well as his son
the founder of the nation, during his conquests in the 7th century. and principal heir, were presumed killed in the disaster, leaving
Vladimir von Drakken’s violent campaign did not hesitate the nation without a ruler or clear successor.
to put every advantage on the table. Ruler of an ancient noble However, many members of the royal household were not
house with roots stretching back to the sorcerer-kings, House in Drakkenheim when the meteor struck, including the king’s
von Drakken had a mageborn lineage mingled with draconic younger siblings, Mannfred and Cecilia von Kessel. The two
ancestry. Vladimir von Drakken himself was no mage, but was spent vast sums commissioning the clergy of the Sacred Flame
known as a ruthless, unrivaled swordsman. During his lifetime, and the mages of the Amethyst Academy to use divination magic
rumors persisted that the man drank and bathed in the blood of to discern what happened, but to no avail. They nearly bankrupt-
his slain foes. Striking a bargain between several dragons and his ed themselves by launching multiple large-scale military expedi-
own mageborn siblings, Vladimir von Drakken commanded a tions attempting to reclaim Drakkenheim, all of which failed.
devastating combination of conventional military supported by
arcane might and dragonfire.
After three decades of warfare, Vladimir von Drakken’s bur-
Westemär Civil War
geoning kingdom was shaping up to become a despotic empire Eventually, Mannfred became convinced further efforts to re-
in its own right as he prepared invasions into Caspia and Elyria. take Drakkenheim were futile, and proposed he would take up
That was until his own estranged daughter, Carmen von Drakken, the crown and relocate the capital. However, Cecilia contested
returned from years of exile alongside a band of plucky adventurers. the claim, arguing there was no conclusive evidence which
Carmen challenged her father’s might and put an end to the nas- confirmed their brother and his children were dead. The nobility
cent tyrant in a climactic battle above the spires of Castle Drakken. was divided over the issue, and a civil war ensued which raged
Taking up her father’s crown, Carmen von Drakken for nearly a decade.
appointed her adventuring companions to the highest offices As Westemär itself descended into political and financial ruin,
and noble houses of the nation, thus cementing her own fifty- Mannfred von Kessel and his children were assassinated in a
year rule. During this time, Carmen tended the growing pains of dramatic betrayal. Cecilia von Kessel herself died unexpectedly
the young nation, and is remembered as a healer and uniter who only a few days later, leaving behind no heirs of her own.
tore down the merciless ways of her father. Though she rejected Lacking a clear successor, the Civil War ended with a whimper.
Vladimir’s original dream of a new continent-spanning empire, Now, only a dim hope remains that the realm can be rebuilt
Carmen laid her father to rest with the full honors as the founder and the nation restored. Gathering what little support he could
of the nation, and few histories today record the full scope of the muster amongst the nobility, Lord Commander Elias Drexel has
bloody atrocities Vladimir von Drakken committed. launched a foray into Drakkenheim in a desperate final bid to
retake the capital.

Dynastic Upheaval Cecilia and Mannfred

Generations later, the legacy of Vladimir von Drakken was von Kessel
reignited when Carmen’s great-great-grandson, Albrecht von
Drakken, launched an invasion of Caspia. He used the power
of the Crown of Westemär to bind dragons to his service like his
ancestors did. However, he was unprepared to face the skillful
Caspian dragonslayers, and Albrecht was beheaded on the
battlefield. Having disposed of his own siblings in a bid for the
throne, House von Drakken was left greatly weakened and
shortly collapsed. This set off a series of succession crises in
which rule passed rapidly between several short-lived dynasties.
Multiple families and rulers seized the throne during this period,
but only two houses from this tumultuous time held the throne
for more than a decade and are recognized as legitimate rulers in
the eyes of history. The others are regarded as pretenders.

44 Guide to Drakkenheim
Hooded Lantern
Ranger Lord Commander Elias Drexel
The leader of the Hooded Lanterns is Lord Commander
Elias Drexel. He is a large, gruff man in his early fifties. He is
well-built and imposing, with a grim frown on his wide, angular
face. His harsh features are framed with a thick mustache,
side chops, and a mane of long braided brown hair. He is often
garbed in chainmail with heavy leather gloves and boots, worn
under a fur-lined dark green cloak and iron pauldrons, upon
which is firmly clasped the Lord Commander’s Badge.
Personality Trait. I seldom take time for niceties and
pleasantries. I prefer people to be direct and to the point.
Ideal. I am loyal to my soldiers and expect the same in return.
I do not often trust outsiders, but if they show their worth, I
will treat them like my own.
Bond. My past is wrought with bloodshed and loss; and I
feel intense guilt for every warrior who has died under my
command. I seek redemption by staying true to what the
Hooded Lanterns represent.
Flaw. I avoid talking about my past failures, and if it comes up
I am quick to anger.
Elias Drexel leads the Hooded Lanterns’ mission to reclaim
Drakkenheim and uncover a worthy successor to the throne of
Westemär. He would love to have the financial support of House
von Baden, but has a complicated relationship with Ludwig von
Fritz, as the two were bitter foes during the Civil War. The Lord
Commander receives moderate support from House Kleinkessel
and the rulers of Geldstadt and Altbruke in his mission.
The Lord Commander orchestrated the original failed
incursions into Drakkenheim before the Civil War broke out,
and during the war itself, he fought for Mannfred von Kessel.
However, when Mannfred made it clear he no longer intended
to retake Drakkenheim after the war, Elias Drexel secretly
seethed over the lives lost there in vain. The Lord Commander

Factions and Figures joined the plot to assassinate Mannfred and his heirs, but did
not expect Cecilia von Kessel to die soon after. Now, Drexel
believes strongly it is his duty to make amends for the mistakes
Here are but a few of the powerful organizations and groups
he caused. At the time he believed he was doing the right thing,
operating in Westemär.
but since the apparent end of the von Kessel line, he was left
with nothing to fight for. The Hooded Lanterns represent a new
The Hooded Lanterns purpose for Drexel, and a way to right the wrongs of his past.
The Hooded Lanterns are an irregular military regiment formed
to reclaim the ruins of Drakkenheim. Their guerilla forces are
drawn up from remnants of the Westemär military, veterans of Followers of the Falling Fire
the bloody Civil War, and brave volunteers who wish to restore The annihilation of Drakkenheim set off a serious religious
the nation. The Hooded Lanterns’ primary objective is to drive schism within the faith of the Sacred Flame. A new sect has
out the monsters that now inhabit Drakkenheim, hoping to emerged known as the Followers of the Falling Fire, led by
rebuild the city. In the process, they search for any evidence, the charismatic words of Lucretia Mathias. The beliefs and
documents, or records left behind in the vaults of the city which practices of the Followers of the Falling Fire are described in
might reveal a possible heir to the throne of Westemär. the Gods and Religion section above.
While the bulk of the Hooded Lanterns’ forces are operating Most of the Followers of the Falling Fire are devout
in Drakkenheim, soldiers from the regiment can be found commonfolk distraught by the state of the world, fearful of the
throughout Westemär on important support, logistics, and magic and monsters haunting their lands, and disillusioned by
recruitment missions. The contamination around Drakkenheim what they perceive as gross hypocrisies within the mainstream
means the regiment relies entirely on food and water stores clergy of the Sacred Flame. Others are pilgrims from distant
shipped to their strongholds, and they constantly need fresh lands whose hearts have been stirred by the writings of Lucretia
recruits to replace their fallen. It’s common to find several Mathias. Many among them see the Divine Matriarch not as
patriotic Hooded Lanterns in the taverns and market squares the spiritual figurehead of their shared faith, but a foreign ruler
throughout the nation, trying to stoke national pride from able- trying to seize control of their nation by manipulating the tenets
bodied people to join their cause in Drakkenheim. of the Sacred Flame.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 45

Lucretia Mathias’s hopeful and resolute message has given Sacrament of the Falling Fire. At the culmination of the ritual,
them a sacred purpose: Through humble actions and unwavering believers impale a delerium crystal into their hearts. Those who
faith, one can find redemption and even change the world. It is a survive are spiritually transformed and physically empowered,
message that speaks to the despair and uncertainty of their times; rendered immune to eldritch contamination and able to survive
that the smallest light burns brightly against the deepest darkness. in the corrupted ruins of Drakkenheim.
Now, they travel the roads of Westemär towards Drakkenheim to Lucretia Mathias has prophesied that hundreds of thousands,
take part in the Sacrament of the Falling Fire. perhaps even millions of devoted followers will need to complete
Several prominent Flamekeepers in Westemär have joined the the pilgrimage to fulfill her prophecy. Once they do, the Sacred
cause as well, and argue convincingly about the finer theological Flame will set alight every righteous mortal heart.
matters proposed by Lucretia Mathias with their congregations
and fellow clergy. A few minor nobles have relinquished their
domains to take the pilgrimage, but most higher-ranking nobles The Queen’s Men
have avoided taking sides on the issue thus far. The Queen’s Men are a loose affiliation between a hundred
Demonstrations led by the Followers of the Falling Fire are held gangs of brigands, outlaws, and scoundrels, all owing fealty
in city squares and outside chapels, and have led to violent alterca- to the enigmatic Queen of Thieves. As Westemär now lacks
tions with mainline devotees of the Sacred Flame. The Followers any sort of a unified legal authority, criminal activities are able
of the Falling Fire often come into outright conflict with traveling to operate with near-impunity and plunder the wealth of the
Knights of the Silver Order dispatched from Elyria. Nevertheless, nation. These rogues stalk the highways near Drakkenheim,
the Followers of the Falling Fire are determined, and their numbers robbing and extorting supply caravans, pilgrims, prospectors,
are quickly swelling. Many more devout faithful will need to dis- and adventurers drawn to the city. The Queen’s Men operate
cover their fate in Drakkenheim to meet the coming darkness. an extensive smuggling network who traffic delerium from the
ruins of Drakkenheim through ports such as Drannsmund to
Lucretia Mathias disreputable clients in distant lands.

Lucretia Mathias is a powerful cleric of the Sacred Flame. Ever since

she prophesied the meteor which destroyed Drakkenheim, her words The Queen of Thieves
and writing have galvanized the Followers of the Falling Fire. As she The Queen of Thieves is a scheming mastermind. She exerts
has been branded a fugitive and heretic by the Faith of the Sacred control over a burgeoning criminal empire through manipulation,
Flame, she currently takes refuge in the ruins of Drakkenheim with blackmail, and bribery, weaving a tangled conspiracy of sabotage
her most true-hearted and unswerving followers. and subterfuge against her enemies. So long as anarchy and law-
Lucretia is a thin and aged woman in her early nineties. She lessness reign in Westemär, so shall the Queen of Thieves.
has piercing eyes and pursed lips. She has long graying black hair The true identity of the Queen of Thieves is a mystery, for she
often kept in a coiled bun beneath a linen shawl. She wears simple wears many faces. She is known for her legendary ability to change
gray robes, and clutches a heavy leather-bound tome that con- her appearance at-will. Nevertheless, her most infamous persona
tains the writings of her faiths and beliefs. A glowing golden crys- is a masked swashbuckler dressed in a red and black leather coat,
tal dangles from a silver chain around her neck. A soft glow in her matching pants and cape, with a wide-brimmed red hat.
chest can be seen through her robes from the delerium shard she Personality Trait. Information is my favorite form of
has embedded into her heart. She is a mighty cleric of the Sacred currency. I speak with sly confidence, and like to flaunt my
Flame, and is among the few mortals alive in the world who can wealth in conversation by revealing the secrets I’ve stolen
cast spells such as gate and true resurrection. She regards her divine about others.
spellcasting as a gift granted for sacred purposes, and only invokes Ideal. Payday comes from preparation, and I’m always two
such powerful magic to advance the cause of the Falling Fire. steps ahead. The truth can be more deadly than any blade,
Personality Trait. I offer kindness and guidance to all who but it’s all the more effective when you throw in a little twist.
seek it, encouraging them towards the path of the Falling Bond. I keep my friends close, and my enemies closer. If I can
Fire. All who are lost simply need the guidance of the light to turn my foes to profitable purpose before I dispose of them, so
find their way. much the better.
Ideal. Faith is the highest calling. Through faith, the Sacred Flaw. I trust no one, not even my closest allies… and anyone
Flame shall light our glowing hearts as one, and carry us who would trust me is a fool. I’m a turncoat by nature, and I’m
through the night into a new age. ready to meet any backstabbers with a betrayal of my own.
Bond. I have seen the end of all things, but also the righteous
None know where the diabolical schemes of the Queen of
path that we must follow to become the light when the Thieves will lead, nor her true aim or agenda. Most believe she
darkness comes. is little more than a ruthless criminal overlord who wants to seize
Flaw. Others are not ready to know the full truths revealed
power in wake of the devastation across Westemär, and style
to me. It can only be known fully by taking the Sacrament, herself as the ruler of a bandit kingdom. Other rumors whisper
otherwise they will never understand. she is a long-lost mageborn heir to the throne of Westemär,
Lucretia Mathias fervently works to convert others to believe attempting to regain control of her broken kingdom. There are
the message and practices of the Falling Fire. She urges her even stories that tell that she is not human at all, and in fact a
followers to abandon their worldly lives and possessions, and creature from another plane musing at the folly of man and toy-
make a devout pilgrimage to the ruins of Drakkenheim. Many ing with mortal minds. Some suggest that there is no Queen of
die making the dangerous trek. However, those who reach the Thieves at all, but rather a fairytale brewed up by several canny
Crater’s Edge partake in a controversial ritual known as the outlaw bosses to foster fearful unity amongst their ranks.

46 Guide to Drakkenheim
House von Baden Ideal. Money can’t buy you happiness, but the more of it you
have, the less you need to worry. Having strong allies and
House von Baden rules Drannsmund, a position their family good cash flow is the recipe for a happy life.
has held for generations. As such, their domains include the Bond. I am the best negotiator and smartest leader this city has
shores of Ash Bay and stretch halfway up the Crystal Coast. ever had, and will prove myself invaluable to the people and
The foremost figures of the noble house are the Duke of my father.
Drannsmund himself, and his daughter, Verona von Baden. Flaw. My overconfidence and desire to do things myself has
seen me in over my head on multiple occasions, whether it
be with a pirate’s sword to my throat, a political debate, or
Duke Valentin von Baden captured by otherworldly monsters.
A finely-dressed male human liege, Duke von Baden is a stately Verona Von Baden has positioned herself as an incredible
man in his mid-forties. After spending his youth adventuring leader, both in naval expeditions and battles, but also in
among pirates in the Middle Sea, Valentin took up the mantle political debates and trade. She hopes to not only claim the
of the Duke of Drannsmund when his father and elder brother duchy of Drannsmund after her father steps down, but prove
were slain in the early attempts to reclaim Drakkenheim. Now a to the people of the city her value as their leader. In doing so,
shrewd admiral and diplomat, Duke von Baden chose discretion she believes that if no successor is found to rule Westemär,
during the Civil War, remaining neutral throughout the conflict her connections and alliances will ensure she will be the most
despite repeated entreaties from both sides of House von Kessel. obvious choice.
Personality Trait. I conduct myself with professional savvy
and charm, addressing others with their formal titles and
proper names. I pepper my speech with nautical references
and naval terminology.
Ideal. A good business sense, fair exchange, and mutual profit set Lady Verona
the sails for a good relationship, whether in life, love, or politics. von Baden
Bond. I must be a safe harbor to my city, its ships, and its
people. Under my leadership, I will shelter them from the
storm facing our times.
Flaw. Just as one must sail carefully on uncharted waters, one
should regard new allies and situations carefully. It is better to
remain distant and impartial, keeping along shallow waters, lest
you become caught up in an unseen tempest far from shore.
Duke von Baden now wrestles heavily on whether or not
he should forbid the trade and export of delerium within his
city. However, that could compromise his ambitions. Since he
remained staunchly neutral during the Civil War, he has cold
relationships with the other dukes and nobles. Valentin increas-
ingly believes Drannsmund is best positioned as an independent
city-state: a northern rival to the independent Liberio.

Lady Verona von Baden

The presumptive heir to House von Baden, Verona von Baden is
a cunning human spy with many connections spread throughout
Westemär. She is an athletic woman in her early twenties with
wide brown eyes, tightly curled black hair, and soft features.
She is known as having a good eye for money and is well-versed
in politics and trade. She is responsible for many of the diplomatic
arrangements, political discussions, and negotiations with other
cities and rulers. Verona von Baden is often dressed in a white
button up with a brown leather vest, dark trousers, and swash-
buckling boots. She carries a shimmering rapier with an ornate
golden hilt with an engraving of her family crest upon it. Like her
father, she is an avid sailor and ship captain. Her own caravel is
known as the Rose of Thorns, a ship built from rosewood with an
ornate carved bouquet as its figurehead, white sails, and armed
with canons. She has been at the helm of many sea battles, and
her swift ship is known and feared by many.
Personality Trait. I am a careful listener and observer, know-
ing what to say to make people around me feel at ease, and get
what I need out of them. Kindness is a master manipulator.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 47

House Kleinkessel
House Kleinkessel is a cadet branch of House von Kessel. The
household formed shortly after Helena I took the throne to sep-
arate the royal household from their extended family in matters
of succession. Nevertheless, the Kleinkessels have perhaps one
Duke Ludwig of the stronger claims to the throne of Westemär since they can
von Fritz trace their ancestry back to Helena I. In fact, when the main
House von Kessel line ended during the Civil War, they took up
the royal family’s ancestral castle in Kesselholm.

Constance Kleinkessel
Today, the ruler of House Kleinkessel is Countess Constance
Kleinkessel. She is secretly a vampire.
Constance Kleinkessel is a voluptuous woman who appears in
her late forties. She has gleaming emerald eyes, crimson red lips,
a flushed round face, and a small pointed nose. Her jet-black
hair is tied up into braids and woven into an intricate headpiece
set with pearls. She wears a scarlet gown and is dripping with
jewelry. Her painted fingernails are sharpened into points. She
often meets guests for dinner, where she licks her lips and runs
her fingers on the edge of a cup of red wine.
Personality Trait. I could eat you up. I fill my speech with
macabre innuendo which mix dining, physical intimacy,
and slaughter.
Ideal. The living must be made to serve the dead. When my
House von Fritz plans come to fruition, mortals will be divided into cattle
and corpses.
House von Fritz rules Todesfeld, and claims the lands around the Bond. I am bound by bonds of blood to serve dark masters and
Elfmire, the Achtungwald, and the Drann River as their domain. vampiric overlords, but one day I will take it all for myself.
The family have been longtime rivals to House von Baden. Flaw. I can’t ever resist a good meal… would you like to stay
for dinner?
Duke Ludwig von Fritz Constance Kleinkessel herself is in fact the sister of Helena I.
The current head of the household is Duke Ludwig von Fritz, Originally known as Camilla von Kessel, she has passed through
a cantankerous and covetous noble miser. The decrepit man is a series of identities to hide her vampiric nature. Every few
suffering from long-term delerium contamination, made worse decades, she marries a hapless nobleman, slowly draining his life
by his reliance on an utter quack of a doctor who uses the duke force so that he appears to expire from old age. Shortly thereafter,
to test his own tinctures. her so-called daughter inherits the estate and the cycle continues.
During the Civil War, Constance Kleinkessel used her vam-
Personality Trait. I don’t care for pleasantries and care piric abilities to manipulate and scheme alongside Cecilia von
even less for appearances, even my own. I speak openly Kessel and Lord Commander Elias Drexel to plot the murder of
about my thoughts, and can’t resist the opportunity to Mannfred von Kessel. She had planned to follow through and
belittle others’ deeds. murder her co-conspirators, but the subsequent death of Cecilia
Ideal. I am tremendously pleased that the Civil War ultimately von Kessel was an unexpected development: she had been
destroyed House von Kessel. Now, I can carve out the planning to target Cecelia’s future children with her replacement
Marshlands as a petty kingdom of my own. scheme to seize the throne of Westemär.
Bond. I seethe over the destruction wrought upon Todesfeld as Since undead creatures are not immune to the effects
a result of the Civil War — not because of what has happened of delerium contamination, Constance Kleinkessel has
to the people of the city, mind you, but what it has done to also worked closely with her doctor, the malfeasant wizard
my fortune ever since. Deidrick Mors, to experiment with new ways delerium can
Flaw. There is nothing anyone can do to earn my respect or create augmented vampires.
admiration other than money and power.
Duke von Fritz’s wife died several years ago of delerium
contamination after the Todesfeld Dam broke. His eight
children run their own estates, preferring to have as little contact
“If there was a secret organization of vampires
as possible with their father. He eagerly took arms against
working in the shadows, the Academy and I would
Mannfred von Kessel during the Civil War. He eyes the port of
have uncovered it by now. So I wouldn’t put too
Drannsmund and the city of Leuchten, and has begun eagerly
much weight into rumors.”
purchasing weapons and armor from the Amethyst Academy
hoping to increase his military prowess.

48 Guide to Drakkenheim
Steelfang Mercenary Company
Under the employ of Constance Kleinkessel is an infamous Rickard Steelfang
mercenary regiment: the Steelfangs. The unit consists of nearly
fifty Steelfang mercenaries. The Steelfangs aided in the
assassination of Mannfred von Kessel, and were responsible for
carrying out the butchery of his household on that fateful day.

Rickard Steelfang
Rickard Steelfang is a unique human lycanthrope whose
curse renders him almost unkillable.
Rickard is a massive man standing nearly 7 feet tall with broad
tree trunk arms, a barrel chest, and a large potbelly. He has a
mane of long, red, unkempt hair with a beard to match.
He wears animal furs and a thick brown leather belt that
holds up several daggers and two large axes. He speaks
in a loud, boisterous, grizzled voice, and cares little
for manners or etiquette. He swears and spits when he
talks, and speaks his mind to just about everyone.
Personality Trait. I’ll tell you how it is and then some.
Don’t expect honeyed words and a helping hand from me.
You’re more likely to get a swift insult and an axe in the back.
Ideal. Life is what you make of it. You gotta do the best with what
you’re given, and if you’re good at something, never do it for free.
Bond. All of my pack are cursed and these folks can never go
home again. The least I can do for ‘em is give them purpose
and pay to make their cursed lives worth a damn.
Flaw. I’m uncouth and vulgar to a point where most everyone
I meet wishes they hadn’t.
A ruthless warrior, his curse has caused him a life of bloodshed
that he never wanted, but he has made the most of his situation
and given up on fighting what he is, embracing his animal side
fully. However, as the years march on, he has grown weary and
considers searching for the means to break his lycanthropic curse.

Aristocracy of the Night

Many noble houses in Westemär reacted bitterly to the Edicts
of Lumen disinheriting their mageborn scions, for they had long
used arcane magic to advance their holdings and grow their pow-
er. Around this time, several sought alternative means by which
they could hide from the Academy, the Faith, and other nobles.
Some willfully became vampires and formed the Night Court.
While occasionally rooted out by bold adventurers or knights
of the Silver Order, the vampiric aristocracy has remained
mostly hidden and intact for generations. They manipulate
politics from the shadows, and rule over backwater domains
from distant lonely castles. There, they can safely hide their
bloody rituals where they make dark pacts with malevolent
fiends for greater magical power. The vampires secretly scheme
to seize control of Westemär so they might dominate the living,
keeping mortals like cattle for feeding.
However, few among them know the ultimate mastermind
coordinating the efforts of the Night Court. Perhaps it is none
other than Vladimir von Drakken himself, whose broken and
cursed body has lain buried in a secret tomb for centuries since
his daughter’s betrayal, waiting for the day his undead form is
fully restored.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 49

Locations and Landmarks The Elvenmire is also home to many wild creatures and
beasts who haunt the misty wetlands. Rumors of ghouls,
trolls, and many other foul creatures have given the swamp a

The Achtungwald reputation for being a dangerous place to travel through.

The largest forest in Westemär engulfs the heartland of the realm.

Its edges begin on the Crystal Coast and stretch eastward towards Drakeclaw Mountains
Drakkenheim. The Drann River flows through its western side, The sharp-edged and blackened Drakeclaw Mountains are a
bordering the northern reaches of the forest. This deep black volcanically active range. The ruthless and brutal environment
forest is known for its towering trees of cedar, fir, and pines, with has little vegetation, steep and dangerous slopes, and constant
pockets of oak, maple, and other deciduous trees. The grasslands rockfalls, earth tremors, and magma flows. There are few roads
around Geldstadt and the Glimmerwash River separate it from and passes through the mountain, and most travelers make their
the Kesselwald and the Brachenwald. A forest road connects way to Elyria from Westemär in the wide valley between the
Altbruke and Geldstadt, and allows travel south to Todesfeld and Drakeclaw and Glimmer Mountains instead.
Leuchten. Although this highway passes through the peaceful for- The greatest peak of the Drakeclaw Mountains is the terrible
est town of Tierhaven, most travelers avoid this route, preferring Dragon’s Maw, a colossal volcano. Its destructive eruptions have
to take the longer roads which circle the heart of the forest along caused devastation throughout Elyria and Westemär throughout
the Drann River. history, sending cinder, smoke, and ash out into the lands for
In ancient days, druids conducted blood-rites beneath the full hundreds of miles. Thankfully, such catastrophic events have
moon in the Achtungwald, and the forest is still a place where only occurred twice in the past thousand years.
shapeshifters, fey, and otherworldly tricksters dwell. In the In ancient days, the mountains were populated by countless
remote thickets of the darkest wood, one may even find ley lines red dragons, including the very ones which made the first
and faery crossings into other realms. blood-pacts with the sorcerer-kings of old. Today, the Caspian
Scalebreaker Legion have driven out many of the old dragons,
Trethysia, the Forest Serpent but some still slumber here.

This adult green dragon dwelling in the Achtungwald is

an elusive creature who has occupied the deepest and darkest Vulmungoth, Doom of the Mountain
center of the woods for hundreds of years. Trethysia narrowly This ancient red dragon resides in the caldera of the Dragon’s
avoided being drawn into the wars of House von Drakken, Maw. The dragon has lived here since before recorded history,
and has skillfully escaped countless Caspian dragonslayers. and spends decades at a time slumbering.
The dragon is a capable illusionist and can tap into the primal Vulmungoth rarely stirs in their lair. The caldera is so
energies of the forest, and uses these powers to deceive and trick inhospitable, most would-be dragon slayers die scaling the
their foes and hunters. Now, they are quite content to live in volcano. Still, they emerge every century or so to slake their vast
solitude. There is an ancient ruined elven village in the heart appetite, flying down into Elyria to consume mortals and their
of the forest that is said to be the dragon’s home now, but from livestock. Their waking always follows great eruptions from
time to time the dragon is seen flying over the forests on raids, the Dragon’s Maw, and many towns and villages are destroyed.
snatching livestock from the smaller farmsteads. However, Thus, the locals living south of the Drakeclaws grow up with
Trethysia generally avoids direct confrontation with humans. well-made plans for their evacuation and escape should the
Still, many a campfire story tells of the great elven treasures dragon return. During their last rampage, the dragon descended
the dragon hoards inside those ancient ruins, and there are still upon Holy Lumen in a horrible encounter that almost saw Saint
those who remember Trethysia’s treachery on the outskirts of Tarna’s Cathedral destroyed.
Schaffburg, or the damage they did to the walls of Altbruke. Vulmungoth is the last surviving dragon who was a part of
the ancient Blood Pact, where the sorcerer-kings melded their
bloodlines with draconic magic. Today many sorcerers and

Elvenmire Wetlands dragonborn can trace their distant ancestry to Vulmungoth.

Shortly after the fall of the sorcerer-kings, a group of
This great marsh formed at the drainage basin of the Drakeclaw monks of the Sacred Flame attempted to ascend the Drag-
Mountains, where hundreds of small streams collect into a slug- on’s Maw and destroy Vulmungoth for their ties to the
gish wetland. Tall reeds, weeping trees, and rocky outcroppings Arcane Empire. The dragon devoured most of them. Only
jut out from shallow lakes and deep muddy fens. a small handful of monks made it off the mountains. The
The wetland takes its name from the numerous ruins found resounding defeat ended the organized attempts by Elyria to
throughout the marsh, many attributed to the ancient elves. defeat the Doom of the Mountain.
There are slender towers which extend deep into the earth and
are flooded by the marsh waters. Travelers wonder whether or
not the elves originally constructed these ruins underground or Glimmer Mountains
if they are larger structures which sank into the bog. Many ruins The Glimmer Mountains rest along the south east of Westemär,
consist of a plinth poking above the surface with a hatch which separating the nation from Caspia. This large stretch of great
opens into a great chimney or shaft heading downward. However, snow-capped mountains is home to the tallest summits on
the elves live here no longer; only their vengeful ghosts remain. the continent. On a sunny day, the icy peaks shine and gleam
Keening wails can be heard on nights of the new moon. in the light, which may be why they have their name, but a

50 Guide to Drakkenheim
more likely reason is the large deposits of silver, gold, coal, and dying of old age only a few years into their life, and strange
gemstones. When the dwarves first returned to the surface, motes of unnatural colors and hues drifting over the land are
they built some of their first citadels along the peaks. While few common sightings. Wealthy families have moved further inland
remain occupied today, many dwarven communities remain in from the river, but most have nowhere else to go. Beholden to
the foothills. their family plots, these poor folk are increasingly falling ill and
losing their minds dwelling along the contaminated river.
Ruins of Glitter Peak
The most glorious and famous dwarven keep was built on Glitter Ash Bay
Peak — a massive stone-carved city protruding from the pinnacle Ash Bay forms where the Drann River empties into the ocean.
of what was once the tallest mountain in the world. If the dwarves As such, a well-known saying in Westemär claims that “all that
ever had anything resembling a true empire, Glitter Peak was is Westemär flows to Ash Bay”. Indeed, the bay is the nation’s
certainly its capital. The city was home to thousands, and was epicenter for fishing and ocean trade. Ash Bay houses the port
said to descend deep through the mountain and miles into the city of Drannsmund and the fishing village of Ashshaffen, along
earth below. Brilliant dwarven engineering constructed a vast net- with countless smaller villages and fishing ports.
work of pipelines, levers, and tunnels that established wondrous Unbeknownst to anyone is the fact that Ash Bay now harbors
water-based lifts stretching down the mountain, which allowed the largest concentration of delerium anywhere on the continent
the dwarves to easily haul mined ores from dizzying heights. outside of Drakkenheim. Deep beneath the bay around the
Dwarven greybeards tell how the entire side of the mountain was wreck of the Empress Geraldine, an otherworldly octarine
carved out to house foundries, workshops, and homes. Even the reef formed by delerium crystals is slowly growing. Indeed,
lower valley was part of this great dwarven realm, which fought the contaminated Drann River has been constantly carrying
bitterly to maintain its independence against the Arcane Empire. fragments and small chunks of delerium downstream.
Today, however, the great dwarven city lies in ruin. Glitter As the saying goes, so too has the contamination, haze, and
Peak collapsed in a massive landslide which destroyed the city madness of Drakkenheim seeped into the waters of Ash Bay.
over a thousand years ago. Accounts differ on what exactly This corrupted reef has begun to warp and change much of the
caused the disaster. Many claim dwarves grew greedy, and sea life in the area. Below the surface of the waters, something
hollowed out the mountainside to a point where it could not sinister is gaining sentience and plotting its domination over the
sustain its own weight. Others believe the city was destroyed people of Ash Bay.
by a magical earthquake conjured by a vengeful sorcerer-king.
Either way, since the city’s destruction, the dwarves no longer
live high in the mountain, and instead keep to the lower valley The Duchess
and foothills. Others moved to communities spread throughout This horrific monstrosity is larger than a whale. It has a long,
the continent and adopted more traditional lifestyles as smiths serpentine body bristling with sleek fins, undulating barbed
or masons. The ruins of Glitter Peak now stand as a grim tentacles, and rubbery purple-black flesh. It writhes through the
reminder to the dwarven people of their lost glory. Who can say waves with unearthly grace despite its bulk, and seeping from the
what untold treasures and wonders of dwarven engineering lie flaps and vents within its skin come secretions of a thick, oozing
buried beneath the mountain? oil which shimmers with prismatic hues. The monstrosity has a
gigantic fanged maw which it holds agape. Seaweed, fish entrails,

Drann River and slime dribble from between its sharp teeth, and its bulbous
eyes glow with octarine light. It has adorned its brow with fishing
The Drann River has been essential to trade, travel, and agri- nets, coral, sea debris, and delerium crystals, as if wearing a
culture in Westemär. This long wide river meanders through the coronet and jewelry. As you look upon its form, you feel a slight
heartland of the nation. Its headwaters begin at Lake Dray, and headache, a buzzing in your ear, and a pressing in your chest; as if
it collects from a network of tributaries that cross Westemär. In the psychic presence of this otherworldly creature has conjured up
many places, the river is hundreds of feet wide, large enough for the crushing pressure of the abyssal depths.
small ships to travel along it usually carrying goods downstream The Duchess is a contaminated sea monster that haunts
from the inner regions of Westemär towards Ash Bay. the shores of Ash Bay (see Appendix A: Monsters for its game
Now, however, for all of its length from Drakkenheim to statistics and those of its minions). The creature originally made
Drannsmund, the river is contaminated with delerium. The its home in the sewer cisterns of Drakkenheim. However, as the
farms and villages that rely on the river for irrigation are Duchess matured and grew larger, it departed the cursed city
slowly dying, as their populations are stricken with sickness via the Drann River in search of more plentiful prey and fresh
and corruption they cannot understand, let alone cure. Fresh thralls, bringing a new wave of contamination to Ash Bay. It
water still flows into the river from many smaller tributaries, deliberately destroyed the Empress Geraldine just off the coast
preventing a complete collapse of agriculture in the heartland of Drannsmund; the merchant vessel was transporting a vast
of Westemär, for now. Still, it is only a matter of time before the hoard of delerium to the far continent. The Duchess has slowly
spreading corruption from Drakkenheim makes everyday life in tended the new reef of delerium coral flourishing around the
Westemär a desperate struggle for survival. shipwreck, transforming it into a personal underwater palace.
Strange stories and rumors emerge weekly of odd occurrences Personality Trait. “What horrific condition afflicts the
along the farms and small communities along the Drann River. land-dwellers! How awful must it be that you cannot live and
Misshapen monsters, mutated wildlife, trees moving in odd and languish in the wonderful sea… such a terrible curse which
unusual ways, grass becoming pale and brittle, farm animals keeps you bound to the land…”

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 51

Ideal. “My magic will weaken the curse which holds you to the erratic arcane runes glimmer through the air in an unknown
land, so you might swim through the waves of my court, and elven script, but whose meaning hints at dire warnings. Another
be welcomed as one of my loyal subjects! Perhaps you will be chamber is a great archive, where every book is a blank slate of
worthy enough to become one of my valiant Knights!” glass and strange metal. Runes glimmer upon the surface before
Bond. “Come see the wondrous treasures of my Grotto! Gaze the reader, but whatever knowledge or messages that were here
upon the opalescent, prismatic beauty of my prized coral… are now lost. The runes only display gibberish.
you may hold it in your hands, for a while, if you wish…” At the base of the lighthouse rests the Elfgate itself, a huge
Flaw. “I abhor the land, and will never set scale or fin upon it.” circular pool of alien liquid, powered by stone arches that channel
The Duchess has powerful and otherworldly psychic powers. arcane energy from embedded delerium crystals. These stones
They can communicate telepathically, read the thoughts of did not come from Drakkenheim: the elves brought them here
mortals, and turn mortals into its contaminated thralls. It makes from their unknown home. Unfortunately, those who knew the
deceptive offers that appeal to characters’ deepest desires, techniques used to activate the Elfgate are long gone and unre-
manipulating them into embracing contamination. Those under membered. However, there is indeed a lone occupant here:
its control slowly mutate, taking on horrific aquatic features.
The Duchess has seized control over the population of
Ashshaffen, where it summons its worshipers at the Salt
Valtar Banemoon
Cove Shrine, an underground cavern beneath the ruined Floating gemstones orbit about the head of this ancient
chapel in town. The monster is now slowly spreading its and wispy elf archmage; their magic has sustained him for
tendrils of influence over Drannsmund. thousands of years. Valtar Banemoon is the hermetic lighthouse
Meanwhile, the creature has dispatched one of its more capable keeper, and has not left the lighthouse in millennia. He knows
thralls to the Starwatch Lighthouse. There, the Duchess hopes to little of the world beyond, and even less about how he got here.
open a dimensional rift so she can conjure other beings like itself, Personality Trait. I haven’t spoken to anyone in… well, ever.
styling itself no longer as a duchess — but an empress. If I got the chance, I would love to know everything about
them and their world.
Ideal. I remember a time when many elves were here, and

Starwatch Lighthouse have dim visions of them passing through a faery-gate,

anguished and tired, refugees from an unknown cataclysm
A few hundred meters from the cliffs of the Crystal Coast along which destroyed our world. I know not what has happened to
Ash Bay rests an ancient and mysterious lighthouse made them, but I hope beyond hope they are safe and thriving.
from shimmering greenish-blue stone. The locals call it “the Bond. I was charged to protect and guard this place, but why I
lighthouse,” but there is no shining beacon at its pinnacle. It cannot recall…. What was lost, that wondrous place… Acadia.
consists of two soaring towers which rise from a central dome, The name is the only thing I can remember, and I hold on to
built upon a massive pillar of rock which juts out from the that memory dearly.
ocean. A small bridge joins the two spires at the very top, where Flaw. The pang of missing memory is palpable. I struggle to
the pillars end in rounded rooftops. Though worn by time and remember anything.
the elements, the outer facade is entirely smooth. Not a single Valtar Banemoon has never had any visitors, and is uneasy
window is found along the height of the building, and there is about leaving his post. He knows that he was born on another
no apparent entrance from the ground floor. None know who world and traveled to this earth, but remembers nothing else
keeps it, though legend claims it is an elven ruin. Today, nobody of that time. If convinced to leave the lighthouse and enter the
ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out. Perhaps the entire world, though, perhaps it may be possible to unlock his memory
construction is solid rock, a great edifice built by forgotten elves and learn the great mystery of the elven people.
for an unknown purpose.
This lighthouse has been the subject of many local legends
and superstitions, attributing it both to ancient and forgotten Crystal Coast
worshipers of Nodens or Phantasia. In truth, the Ash Bay The Crystal Coast takes its name for the many salt deposits
lighthouse is an elven ruin, built in bygone times before the along its shores, which have been an important industry for
elves lost their memories. It magically anchors the energies of Westemär. Stretching from Ashshaffen to Heilig, this coast is
several convergent ley lines and thin places in the region. Inside made of rocky beaches, cold ocean air, and consistent storms
the great dome at the base of the tower is one of the fabled and rain. It is known to be one of the colder stretches of land
Elfgates where the elven nomads arrived in this world. in Westemär, and a rather dreary place to live. Still, the coast is
The elf-tower is a colossal structure. The rocky island off dotted with small fishing communities and settlements. Many
the coast itself is about one hundred feet tall, and the building of Nodens’s faithful gather at stone circles built along the stormy
rises to a height of three hundred feet above it. There is no seaside to pay tribute to the god of storms and sea.
obvious entrance from the ground floor outside: the only way Recently, many fishing boats and sailors have been vanishing
in is via the small stone doors found on either end of the bridge after setting out from the Crystal Coast. Storms of oddly-colored
connecting the two towers. lightning and booming thunder have been reported, and rumors
The massive towers are full of strange and hidden chambers. of ghost ships and strange monstrosities lurking in the depths
Some have a recognizable purpose: stone plinths used for elven have begun to spread throughout the coast. Some believe
meditative trances, common rooms, and magical fonts that Nodens is upset with the people of Westemär for one reason
conjure fresh water and a nutritious thin broth. Other chambers or another, and people are growing wary of sending their loved
are strange workshops, ritual rooms, and scrying chambers where ones out to sea when the skies aren’t perfectly clear.

52 Guide to Drakkenheim
Cities and Settlements Harbor and Shipyards. Harbormaster Dogberry oversees
the daily operations of the port, keeping meticulous records of
every ship and its cargo. Though he feels himself a man of great
importance to House von Baden, he has never personally met
Drannsmund the duke.
The shipyard is often filled with large sailing ships, travelers
Capital of the Bay Province from the Isles of Skye, trade boats from Elyria, and even some
Population: 43,000 from across the ocean. There is never a quiet moment amongst
Ruler: Duke Valentin von Baden the sprawling docks and harbor.
Civil War Allegiance: Neutral Saint Jordana’s Cathedral. High Flamekeeper Marselle
Known For: Harbor District, Shipyards, recently converted to the Falling Fire and is now at odds with
Major Commercial Hub, International Trade, the other Flamekeepers who manage the smaller chapels
Crabs, Pearls throughout Drannsmund. With her conversion, a number of her
congregation have begun to set out on pilgrimages of their own,
and slowly the Followers of the Falling Fire are becoming much
Built where the wide mouth of the Drann River opens into Ash more commonplace in Drannsmund than previously suspected.
Bay, the bustling harbor of Drannsmund is filled with countless Shrine of Nodens. On the edge of the cliff overlooking Ash
ships, galleons, and trade caravels. Extending from the stone Bay is a small shrine to Nodens. The statue of the god is adorned
piers and wooden docks is a tight network of cobblestone streets, with seashells and starfish. Fish guts are placed daily upon the
bridges, and canals. The ramshackle warehouses and slums slowly shoulders of the statue to attract gulls to perch and feast. Bogdan
transform into a vibrant city filled with trade plazas, parks, and Strangewayes, an old hermit and druid of the Old Faith lives in
verdant suburbs full of gracious houses. Sailors, merchants, and a small shack nearby. He tends to the shrine daily and performs
all manner of travelers from far and wide bargain around elegant ancient rituals to appease Nodens and prevent the Old God from
shopping arcades and share in a lively cultural life. The skyline is sweeping Drannsmund in to the ocean.
defined by the overlooking palace of Baden Castle, the high steeples Tower of Storms. On the eastern end of the city is a small
of Saint Jordana’s Cathedral, and the crackling light of the Tower rocky peninsula where a tall tower stands overlooking the
of Storms, which acts as a beacon over the bay. bay. Court mage to House von Baden, master wizard Sundar
Stormgale, a blue dragonborn mage, uses his evocation magic
Drannsmund is the largest port city in Westemär. Even before to operate the tower as a beacon for ships to make it into harbor
the fall of Drakkenheim, the city was an important economic safely during storms. The wizened dragonborn has a wispy
hub. Drannsmund has benefited considerably despite the white beard and wrinkled face. He wears uniquely-crafted
hardships facing the nation as a whole thanks to its geographic spectacles and flowing purple robes.
position, powerful fleet, and the shrewd, level-headed rule of Kraken Manor Hotel. While Drannsmund is home to
House von Baden. The people of Drannsmund are beginning many seedy sailors’ taverns, flophouses, and hostels, those
to think of their city as a potential new capital for Westemär, or preferring finer accommodations seek out this prestigious
perhaps even the heart of an independent nation of their own. establishment. Wealthy merchants, nobles, and Academy
Nevertheless, the city is not without its problems. After mages often stay in its fine private suites and dine together
running through the corrupted ruins of Drakkenheim for fifteen each evening in the luxurious lounge. The double doors at the
years, the waters of the Drann River have become thoroughly entrance have carvings of a large kraken upon them, with two
contaminated, and the once-prosperous fishing around Ash Bay of its tentacles protruding as handles. The lobby has a great
is starting to fail. Ocean-bound trade still thrives largely in part painted ceiling showing two krakens embracing one another.
because Drannsmund is now the ideal place for smugglers and The lounge features paintings of nautical themes, ship battles,
prospectors to bring delerium harvested from Drakkenheim. and stormy ocean waters decorating the walls and a grand
The strange stones move through Drannsmund to markets in staircase leading to the suites splits like waves upon a
distant lands and far continents, where it may fetch prices even massive statue of a kraken
beyond those offered by the Amethyst Academy. carved out of marble.
While House von Baden has profited greatly from taxing
this trade, smugglers and malfeasant mages making black
market deals for delerium have spurred increased crime and
violence in the streets. Meanwhile, monsters and other horrors
are beginning to take root beneath the harbor and sewers of
Drannsmund, and a thick mist swirling with prismatic motes
now looms over Ash Bay. If it one day rolls in upon the port city,
Drannsmund may face the same fate as Drakkenheim. Duke Valentin
Baden Castle. Perched upon a rocky cliff overlooking von Baden
the city and the bay, this estate of House von Baden is less a
fortification and more a palatial manor. Here, Duke Valentin
von Baden holds court. The estate looms over Ash Bay with
massive balconies decorated with stone carved statues and
gargoyles. The brick building with its bright blue roof and white
trim surrounding the windows and doors can be seen from
anywhere in Drannsmund.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 53

Todesfeld seems uncaring for the many miners who lose their lives trapped
in the mines. Workers are forced to run water pumps around the
clock to drain the mines so operations can continue. Still, the
Capital of the Marshlands Province normally hazardous mines have become even more dangerous
Population: 38,000 since the flooding, but many rely on them to make their livings
Ruler: Duke Ludwig von Fritz and feed their families, and so work continues all the same.
Civil War Allegiance: Cecilia von Kessel Saint Rosalind’s Cathedral. On a hill surrounded by
Known For: Todesfeld Dam, Major Industrial Hub, flood waters on Smoke Street sits an austere cathedral to the
Workshops, Factories, Coal Mines Sacred Flame. The cathedral is tended by High Flamekeeper
Irma, an elderly woman who has served as Todesfeld’s High
Flamekeeper for fifty years. She was thankful when the flood
Across the flat marshlands you spot the great and monstrous
waters did not take the cathedral, and she was able to keep the
thing which is the City of Todesfeld. The partially-flooded city is
brazier burning for those seeking aid and guidance during those
built where the Drann River meets the Elfmire. A huge array of
dreary times. However, the cathedral did not go completely
watermills surrounds the ramshackle city of workshops, collieries,
unscathed, for the lower crypts underneath are now flooded
blast furnaces, rolling mills. The high chimneys pour out thick,
with contaminated water. Delerium has seeped into the dead
black soot which shape the skyline.
that rest there, reanimating them as undead horrors. No longer
fit to battle them herself, and unwilling to risk the lives of her
All manner of mills, workshops, and water pumps fill the city of
acolytes, Irma sealed the doors to the lower crypts.
Todesfeld with the constant thrum of industry. Here, rich coals
Taverns. Several well-known taverns are frequent stops for
extracted from mud-slick mine shafts fuel dozens of smelters,
travelers and locals alike in the city, but few stay more than a
foundries, and forges constructing steel weapons and equipment,
night in Todesfeld. The Gavel and Gauntlet on Chisel Street
and their spindly chimneys spew black smoke across the city.
is free of most of the muck and decay of the low town, and is
Todesfeld is a grimy and grim city decaying from within
a well-appointed tap house frequented by many travelers and
from pollution and ravages brought on during the Civil War.
locals of higher class. The Drowning Cat and Smoke Street
The humid heat and smog make it hard to breathe, the noise is
Flophouse in Low Town are just above the water level and are
constant, dirt and filth coat the city, and the wafting smells of
popular stops for workers after a long day.
industry, sweat, rotting wood, and moss-covered concrete fill
Castle Sodden. The manor of House von Fritz, this
the air. Most people living in Todesfeld walk the streets carrying
dilapidated castle clings to the only bit of solid rock in the muck
lanterns to see through the thick industrial fog, and wear large
and mud surrounding it. According to legend, the castle has
coats pulled up around their mouths and noses.
sunk into the swamp at least three times. The entire building
Todesfeld was once the site of a great stone dam built across
leans noticeably to the left as one approaches and the entire
the Drann River, which powered water mills used by the in-
interior is slightly skewed, with chandeliers, book cases, drapes,
dustries of the city. However, during the Civil War, an irregular
and tablecloths all tilting mildly to one direction. Walking the
mercenary company was dispatched to blast apart the dam and
halls gives one a sense of unease due to the uneven floors. The
sabotage the city’s production. Hundreds were killed in the
tallest tower of the castle is off-limits due to it being completely
aftermath, and the city has not fully recovered. Waters still fill
collapsed within.
the streets in the low parts of the city and streets have wooden
The area surrounding the castle is filled with tufts of tall reeds
boardwalks so residents do not get stuck in the mud. Many
protruding occasionally from the swampy mud, and is filled with
houses lie in ruin, and newer homes are built on stilts to avoid
flies and mosquitoes. A wooden boardwalk leads to the castle
the knee-deep water that fills a large portion of the city, while
from Todesfeld. One step off the crude and warped boardwalk
older buildings have been reinforced with concrete foundations.
will find travelers knee deep in sticky, suctioning mud. A single
Locals know not to drink the water of the Drann since it flows
lantern hangs outside the massive doors to the castle so one can
directly down river from Drakkenheim. Most attempt to avoid
find their way through the mist.
touching it at all costs. Contamination and eldritch creatures lurk
in the backstreets and slums of Todesfeld.
Ruins of Todesfeld Dam. The crumbling dam is now
mostly submerged in the waters of the Drann River, as are
the lower river banks of the city, and over a dozen riverside
homes. The stone and concrete structure was once the pride of
Todesfeld, and much of the residential district was along the
riverbanks. The city still hasn’t fully recovered from the tragic
destruction to some degree. The dam was never rebuilt and the
crumbling stone wall now sits as a monument to the catastrophic
outcome of the Civil War of Westemär and the impact it had on
the cities it touched.
Coal Mines. Duke Ludwig has ordered the continued
operation of his many coal mines just outside Todesfeld proper.
The flooding of the city caused many mine shafts to fill with
contaminated water, and those that are still open are damp
caverns filled with thick mud, contaminated fumes, and are prone
to collapse. Despite this, the coal has kept flowing and the duke

54 Guide to Drakkenheim
Leuchten capital of Drakkenheim or towards the Eastern Vales. The walled
city is well-known for its elegant urban architecture, and home
to many exotic specialist craftspeople catering to affluent tastes,
Capital of the Gap such as artists, sculptors, jewelers, toymakers, and tinkers. Most
Population: Approximately 10,000 people notably, the city is home to several galleries, hotels, theaters, and
Ruler: Baron Boris the Bold, a human knight an opera house, giving it a vibrant cultural life.
Civil War Allegiance: Cecilia von Kessel During the early days of this thriving town, all of the gold,
Known For: Impressive Fortifications, Siege Workshops jewels, and other wealth flowing from the mines in Glitter Peak
first passed through Geldstadt. Due to the rich deposits within
the mountains, the Glitterwash River made for excellent gold
A great fortress-city rises up in the flat valley flanked by the panning as well.
Drakeclaw Mountains to the west and the Glimmer Mountains However, Geldstadt is not without its issues. Its rulers have
to the east. Leuchten stands as a bastion against the armies of the struggled to maintain their desired standard of perfection within
south. Imposing walls of stone and round towers bristling with guns the nearby towns and villages along the forest, especially when
and cannons are layered atop jagged wedge-shaped earthworks. A collecting taxes and levies. Since the fall of Drakkenheim,
deep black moat surrounds the city, the only entrance via two long- Duchess Ursula von Syndow has been hesitant to admit that her
spanning drawbridges at the north and south ends. coffers are running low. Trade has dwindled considerably as few
goods travel through the city towards Drakkenheim anymore.
Leuchten defends the important land route connecting The city is starting to show its cracks to those who look closely
Westemär to the southern nations. Inside the city proper are all enough, and the dangers and horrors of Drakkenheim are
manner of arsenals, stockpiles, workshops, and barracks. creeping ever closer to their doorstep.
Naturally, the city has faced more sieges over its history
than perhaps any other city on the continent, and certainly
within Westemär. Despite its impressive defenses, it has fallen Altbruke
twice — though never to a direct assault. When Albrecht von
Drakken died in battle amidst his failed invasion of Caspia, the Capital of the River Province
Scalebreakers broke against the walls and guns of Leuchten in Population: 18,000 people
their retaliatory attack. During the Mage Wars, the city was Ruler: Duke Malcador Engelhart
briefly captured thanks to a forged document, and fell again Civil War Allegiance: Mannfred von Kessel
thanks to adventurous mercenaries during a minor conflict Known For: Altbruke University, Printing Presses, Coffee Houses
between Westemär and Liberio.
Given the strategic importance of Leuchten, the city does not
have an ancestral noble house as its traditional ruler. Rather, the Straddling a wide expanse of the Drann River is a great curved
monarchs of Westemär have typically assigned title and authority causeway of stone. Huddled about either side of the impressive
to one of their top military figures, or, as is more often the case, bridge are two contrasting halves of one city. The northern side is
a problematic royal sibling who needs a distant but seemingly dominated by the lawns and stately buildings of noble estates and
an impressive university campus. The south side is tightly packed
important assignment far away from the politics of the capital.
together with small ramshackle housing. The smell of coffee and
It was previously under the rule of Cecilia von Kessel, but since
newsprint fills the air.
her death the city is now controlled by her former general, Baron
Boris the Bold.
Thanks to the presence of its prestigious university, Altbruke
sports a highly-educated and well-read population, even
amongst the low-born people who inhabit the city. As a result,
Geldstadt it is a hotbed for new philosophies and political ideas. Most
recently, the topic of “alternative systems of governance,” a
Capital of Achtungwald Province strange notion known as “democracy,” and “representation of
the people” have become popular topics amongst the student
Population: 20,000 people body, much to the consternation of Duke Malcador Engelhart.
Ruler: Duchess Ursula von Syndow The city was captured during the Civil War of Westemär,
Civil War Allegiance: Mannfred von Kessel during which the university was heavily damaged and the famous
Known For: Gold Mines, Orchards, Opera House, Cultural Hub bridge nearly collapsed. Duke Malcador was able to maintain
control and suffered minor losses, and has spent the years since
Throughout the city of Geldstadt, twinkling orange-red street repairing and modernizing the northern side of the city. The new
lamps line the cobblestone roads as they weave between townhomes construction and fixed architecture are regarded as some of the
adorned with plush purple curtains. Wealth and opulence are on most beautiful buildings constructed in Westemär.
full display as the citizens strolling the boulevards sport the finest Altbruke University. Administered by Headmaster
fashions and spread gossip about the latest drama amongst the Reginald Montgomery, Altbruke University is made up of three
artists of the city. large rectangular buildings framing a central domed building
that stands in the center. The buildings red brick with slate
Geldstadt stands along the Glitterwash River, a tributary feeding roofs, and main building features large white pillars that flank
into the Drann River. The city was once well-situated along the main entrance. Across the street stands an impressive library
prime trade routes from southern nations sending goods to the built to match the construction of the university.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 55

The study at the University is entirely dedicated to
conventional study of philosophy, literature, natural science, Kesselholm
history, and mathematics. Arcane instruction is expressly
forbidden; under the Edicts of Lumen only the Amethyst Ancestral Home of House von Kessel
Academy may operate a mage school. Representatives from Population: 1,550 people
the Amethyst Academy regularly audit the collections and Ruler: Countess Constance Kleinkessel
curriculum of the university to ensure no tome of magical lore Civil War Allegiance: Mannfred von Kessel
has fallen into its stacks. Nevertheless, many apothecaries Known For: Iron Mines, Wild Game and Hunting Lodges,
attend Altbruke University to study medicine and anatomy, Lumber Mills
while secretly pursuing occult research on their own.
Sitting at the edge of Lake Dray on a small cliff that protrudes into
Heilig the bay rests the square stone structure of Kesselholm Keep. A few
towers jut out from the large structure into the air and a large stone
Capital of the North Province bridge crosses the opening of the Drann River into the town proper.
The town is a modest village of small wooden houses, several shops,
Population: 17,000 people a smith, stables, and a few more elegant manor houses.
Ruler: Duchess Sophia von Schneesturm
Civil War Allegiance: Mannfred von Kessel Kesselholm is a quiet place since the civil war ended the Von
Known For: Copper, Gemstones, Rugged Land, Temples to Kessel family. Now ruled by a distant relation, Countess
the Old Faith Constance Kleinkessel, the town has grown drearier. The castle
is a looming stone structure that hangs over the small village;
Heilig looms dauntingly along the northern coast of Westemär. the countess is rarely seen outside the keep. The townsfolk are
Through falling snow one can make out the black watchtowers that quiet and reserved, and do not get many visitors.
welcome visitors to the cold city. The inhabitants bustle back and Wolves stalk the surrounding woods, while town guards perch in
forth with thick coats and scarves. wooden watchtowers to ensure the safety of the nearby farms and
townsfolk. The nearby mountains house a few iron mines, while
The northernmost city in Westemär, Heilig has not always been hunters stalk the surrounding woods through the day, and retreat
considered part of the nation. The city and the province have to one of the many hunting lodges just outside the town. Lumber
often been rebellious, and many times have the people and mills frequent the landscape and woodcarvers are a popular pro-
ruling family tried to break away from Westemär to form their fession, and often logs are sent down the Drann River to the other
own kingdom. The culture and customs here differ much from cities throughout Westemär. Lately, no one has been leaving their
those to the south, and hold more closely to their neighbors in homes at night. Reports of wolf attacks, large bats, and a strange
the Giantfrost Mountains and Netherwind. glow coming from the lower windows of the castle have been the
In particular, the Faith of the Sacred Flame holds less sway source of much of the gossip in the town. Several townsfolk have
here, where the Old Gods are kept openly and prominently. Six fallen ill and weak as of late, complaining about night terrors and
great shrines to the Old Gods are built around a central stone strange markings on their bodies when they awaken.
circle at the heart of Heilig. Around a pyre set between the rune- Fassbender Manor. Home to Burgomaster Lea Fassbender,
carved obelisks, worshipers gather to share warm stories of their this stately building has fallen into disrepair, and thick dark
ancient faith. curtains are drawn over the tall glass windows. The otherwise
headstrong burgomaster has taken gravely ill and can barely tend
her duties. Her mysterious illness is the result of nightly visits by
Countess Constance Countess Constance Kleinkessel, who has been feeding on Lea to
Kleinkessel keep the burgomaster from organizing the townsfolk.
Moose and Squirrel Inn. Converted from a few cottages
renovated into a single building with a large adjoining barn, this
establishment offers the only lodgings in town for travelers. It is
run by Natasha Winkle and her ornery husband Boris.
Chapel of Saint Pauline. The Chapel of Saint Pauline is
a bleached-white stone building with a green dome of oxidized
copper. The pillared rotunda is set with alcoves bearing marble
statues of saints and martyrs. As is custom, the figure of Saint
Tarna stands in silent weeping over the crematory gardens
and scattering plots surrounded by a wrought-iron fence. The
superstitious Flamekeeper Mina nervously tends the chapel
with a pair of acolytes, but she dares not share her suspicions
about the countess.
Lake Dray. Kesselholm is built where the Drann River
begins, at the sparkling Lake Dray. Nestled within a rocky
valley and surrounded by pine forests, on a clear day one can
just make out the crags and tall trees on the opposite shore.

56 Guide to Drakkenheim
Drakkenheim Five factions have arrived in Drakkenheim to advance their
own goals and agendas: the Hooded Lanterns, the Amethyst
Academy, the Followers of the Falling Fire, the Queen’s
Capital of Westemär Men, and the Silver Order. Each seeks valuable resources
Population: 100,000 people (formerly) and lost secrets within the city: some wish to collect and use
Ruler: Ulrich von Kessel IV (formerly) the delerium crystals found there, others wish to purge the
Civil War Allegiance: None monsters which stalk the streets, and others even aim to take
Known For: Before the meteor strike: Opulent capital with the throne of Westemär itself. However, the ruins present many
flourishing industry supported by large guilds; fantastic confounding obstacles for their agents. Each of these influential
architecture; impressive fortifications. Seat of the ruling groups hopes to attract talented adventurers to their cause,
House von Kessel. After the meteor: fallen monster-haunted drawing would-be heroes and cutthroat mercenaries alike into a
ruin; only known source of delerium crystals. fierce political intrigue which may boil over into violent struggle.
Castle Drakken. The ancient and imperial palace of the
monarchs of Westemär, Castle Drakken is now a cursed and
Drakkenheim is no more. The once proud and prosperous heart of
haunted ruin. Vladimir von Drakken arranged to have dragons
Westemär is now nothing but a crumbling ruin contaminated with
bound to his castle to serve as guardians, transforming them into
eldritch haze and haunted by otherworldly horrors. The sight of the
bronze gargoyles. These ancient defenders of the city are now
desolate city sends chills down the spine, and plucks at the distant
mad. Upon the corrupted throne rests the Crown of Westemär,
strings of madness that grow in the back of the mind.
waiting for the day when one bold enough will emerge to seize it.
Rising above the imperial walls and collapsing spires of The Inscrutable Tower. The Inscrutable Tower of
the city is the shattered Inscrutable Tower of the Amethyst Drakkenheim was once the Amethyst Academy’s most impor-
Academy. The debris from the place where the falling stars tant stronghold on the continent. The vast obsidian structure
crashed through its center still hang in the air, defiant of gravity. is hundreds of feet tall, and housed vast repositories of magical
Howls of unknown beasts can be heard echoing from the darkened lore, incomplete magical experiments, hidden vaults containing
dome of St. Vitruvio’s Cathedral, and the wondrous cosmological unspeakable extraplanar entities, and powerful magic items shel-
clocktower lays dormant in the middle of the city. tered from the world at large. When the meteor struck Drakken-
heim, a huge chunk sheared straight through the middle of the
Looming high above the city, the sharp-pointed towers of Castle tower. However, the Inscrutable Tower still stands. The topmost
Drakken flicker with eldritch light. Motes of octarine energy half of the tower still floats in place in defiance of gravity, leaving a
cascade and coalesce amongst its towers. The sight of the horrible gaping hole between the upper and lower floors of the tower.
crater writhes and wretches with spilling purplish haze that seeps Many great mages were lost or killed that day — including
through the streets of the city. the former Archmage of Drakkenheim, Adrianna Modera.
Her position on the Academy Directorate has remained vacant
House von Drakken originally founded the city of Drakkenheim ever since. The Academy desperately wishes to discover her
along the Drann River during the 6th century, and for a time ultimate fate, and recover her research. However, the Acad-
the household ruled the “Kingdom of Drakkenheim.” emy’s own arcane wards were scrambled by the erratic magic
Drakkenheim is remembered by the people of Westemär as a left behind in Drakkenheim, frustrating any attempt to enter
glorious city, but now the capital is a cursed ruin. Nevertheless, or observe the tower using teleportation or divination magic.
would-be heroes, treasure seekers, and other adventurous sorts Those who have attempted to do so have been driven insane
travel here seeking plunder, mystery, and glory. or killed by the arcane backlash.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 57

Tierhaven Ashshaffen
Population: 250 people Population: 300 people
Ruler: Sheriff Rudi Whittaker Ruler: The Duchess
Known For: Agriculture, Duck Ponds Known For: Fishing, Shrine to Eldritch Entity,
Mutated Villagers
Amidst thick forests where the druids of the old faith performed
blood rites under the full moon lies the little town of Tierhaven. “Folk say the sickness in the water is driving them mad. They get
sick, strip themselves naked, then throw themselves into the sea to
Along a single dusty road stretching near the crag are several
drown. The few times their bodies have been recovered, it was like
longhouses, small homes of mud and brick with thatched rooftops,
they were drowning for air, and they died shortly thereafter. People
and a few buildings of stone which make up the town of Tierhaven.
say their bodies are cursed, and so they are burned.”
At the middle of the road is a humble chapel of the Sacred Fire,
with a pair of competing public houses at each end of town. A – A rumor heard between sailors on the Drannsmund docks.
paddling of ducks wanders across the dirt streets past a simple
trading post. A marketplace springs up around the well at the Ash Bay is dotted by myriad forgettable little fishing villages.
center of town, but the traveler will find nary any shops, or even Seldom home to more than a few dozen families, the people
an inn for respite. Most visitors are homesteaders from outlying here eke out their living thanks to the good catches and
farms bringing wagons of grain to the mill along the brook, and calm waters of the bay. The village of Ashshaffen is one such
the blacksmith spends his days making nails and horseshoes, not place; it lies on the eastern side of the bay in a place where
swords and chainmail. Make friends with the locals, though, and the normally sharp cliffs along the coast briefly level into a
one of the many families are happy to take you in for the night. steep hill. Here, a town of about fifty ramshackle wooden and
They take pride in their pleasant isolation, far from the trappings thatch shacks are huddled together, connected by muddy
and bright lights of great cities and the wars of distant nations. footpaths which wind up the slope. A set of rickety piers moor
Instead, they find solace on quiet nights, when they can gaze upon about twenty dingy fishing vessels at the edge of the water. A
the sea of stars which watch down from above. decrepit dock house doubles as a trading post and pub. At the
top of the cliffs about a mile from town is a collapsed chapel of
Between traders, travelers, and the lone forgotten soul, more the Sacred Flame.
leave Tierhaven than remain. Still, strange noises haunt the Over the past several months, the folk of Ashshaffen have
west woods on dark nights. The rains and mists are always all fallen under the domination of the Duchess, the eldritch
thick, particularly of late. The roads are miserable with slick, monster dwelling in Ash Bay. Around half the population have
dark mud. Hunters sometimes return with talk of strange prints already become its mutated thralls, and the Duchess controls
and claw marks found in the forests, quite unlike any beasts of the will of all the rest save one holdout — a crazed old fisherman
nature or creatures known to arcane scholars. named Auben McGillian, who wasn’t quite sane even before the
There are still tales of the time a homesteader awoke at whole affair began.
midnight to wild shrieks from their barn, and too frightened to Salt Cove Shrine. Just north of the village is a sand-
see what was outside for fear of their own safely, waited through covered cavern along the coastal cliffs. Accessible primarily
the night only to find in the morning their flock slaughtered in by boat or water, the caverns lead into a deep underground
myriad brutal ways. Others spoke of the wayward travelers who complex of elven origin, though the present occupants care
would pass through and never been seen again. little for its original purpose. This place is now a temple to
Still, these remote instances do little to dull the secluded the Duchess, where the villagers of Ashshaffen gather to
comfort of Tierhaven. If you were to ask the folk of Tierhaven bask in the presence of their new god. It is tended by a trio
what they thought of such happenings, they might smile and of deep sirens. During a dark ritual performed between the
reply that every town has their tragedies, after all… tides, they offer one of their number as the “deep tithe” for
Tierhaven is a small village which lies at the crossroads transformation into a favored thrall. Now most of the villagers
traveling through the Achtungwald. are already changed, and they have turned their gaze to their
The local sheriff, Rudi Whittaker, keeps the peace in town. neighboring villages for fresh offerings. It won’t be long before
Along with her novice deputy Wilhelm Wolfsbane, the two the Duchess arrives again to demand tribute.
mostly tend to keeping ducks off the road, locating stray sheep,
and occasionally dealing with a beast from the forest who
wanders into town to cause trouble.
Achtungwald Observatory. This remote outpost of the
Amethyst Academy lies not far from Tierhaven. Little more
than a stone tower built atop a rocky crag overlooking the
village, it was built several decades ago to monitor ley lines and
thin places in the area. The last keeper was an old wizard named
Grummelskin, a Tierhaven local who held the post for nearly
sixty years before his death about ten years ago. The post has
remained vacant ever since.

58 Guide to Drakkenheim
Adventures in Westemär Treachery of Trethysia
Westemär is the heart of the campaign setting and is ripe with Trethysia, the green dragon who has long dwelt in Achtungwald
adventures for brave warriors, powerful mages, and cunning Forest, has suddenly fallen ill after uncovering a strange
scoundrels to leave their mark. Campaigns set in Westemär delerium rock in the woods, it is now rampaging the heartland
might explore themes such as: of Westemär. The player characters are tasked with ending the
dragon or uncovering what is causing its sickness and cure it.
h Restore the broken nation — or forge an independent realm!
h Monster hunting in the Achtungwald Forest.
h Explore ancient ruins in the Elvenmire Wetlands. Mountains of Fire
h Uncover the dark vampiric legacy of House von Drakken.
In the fires of the great Dragon’s Maw volcano in the highest
h Contend with the delerium smuggling in Drannsmund.
peaks of the Drakeclaw mountains rests Vulmungoth. The dragon
h Explore the ruins of Drakkenheim!
has been awoken from its slumber by a malfeasant wizard who
is attempting to rile the dragon into burning down Westemär.
Adventure Hooks The player characters must stop this from happening.

Below are some specific adventures that might occur around

Westemär to use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns. Rumors
These rumors might help spur creative quests and goals for your
Dark Dealings with Delerium party to explore.
h Vladimir von Drakken still lives through blasphemous magic,
Drannsmund is the largest trade hub in Westemär. Delerium
and has secretly ruled the kingdom for centuries.
flows into and out of the harbor and markets — but who is h The Elvenmire Wetlands are said to hold thin places linked to
selling it, and who is buying it? And what effect is the constant
the faerie realms.
presence of delerium having on the city? h Kesselholm is ruled by a vampire queen who is feasting on the
villagers’ blood.
The Horror of Ash Bay h The Ruins of Glitter Peak connect to a deep network of
tunnels in the earth, and strange creatures have been
People are vanishing in Drannsmund and the other villages
emerging from below.
surrounding Ash Bay. Hunt down and destroy the eldritch
h Geldstadt is home to a dark cult working in the shadows,
monstrosity responsible.
attempting to summon something sinister.
h Heilig has an ongoing dispute with the giants who dwell in the
The Mystery of Starwatch Lighthouse nearby mountains.
h The Cathedral in Todesfeld is flooded with contaminated
Up the coast, a few miles from Ashshaffen, is Starwatch
Lighthouse. Legend tells it’s an elven ruin, but locals claim it’s water, which is causing the dead in the crypts to rise.
h People of Helburg tell tales of a great leviathan off the shores
solid rock — there’s no entrance!
of the Crystal Coast.
h The people of Tierhaven have had a run-in with delerium
Highborn Mageborn that is upsetting the quiet little village.
h The entire population of Ashshaffen has gone missing.
One of the dukes of Westemär is in fact a mageborn sorcerer
— a secret they have concealed successfully during their reign.
However, a chance encounter with delerium has recently
exposed their secret. Rumors are spreading throughout the
realm, and they fear soon the Faith, the Academy, and the other
nobility will come to enforce the Edicts of Lumen.
In this adventure, the player characters must choose if they
will protect the noble or work to bring them down. They’ll need
to investigate the truth to decide the fate of the mageborn duke, Trethysia,
making alliances and enemies along the way. They may be agents the Forest Serpent
of the Silver Order, the Amethyst Academy, or a scion from one of
the many noble families.

Independent Struggle
The player characters are associates or scions of one of the noble
houses of Westemär. Seeing the disintegrating realm for what it
has become, they have decided to forge their own independent
kingdom. In order to secure their future, they may need to go
to war against a noble house or even a royal army formed by a
newfound heir commanded by the ruthless Lord Commander of
the Hooded Lanterns, Elias Drexel.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 59


Drannsmund Map

1. Saint Jordana’s Cathedral
2. Baden Castle
3. Kraken Manor
4. Tower of Storms
5. Shrine of Nodens
6. Main Harbor
7. Main Gate

Todesfeld Map
1. Saint Rosalind’s Cathedral
2. Ruins of Todesfeld Dam
3. Castle Sodden
4. Fritz Mines
5. Smoke Street Flophouse
6. Drowning Cat Tavern
7. Gavel and Gauntlet Tavern


Gwenavere Poe

Smoke and incense waft through the air before a roaring brazier
of flame. The throng of worshipers sing hymns as the golden-robed
Flamekeeper performs the rites of the Sacred Flame.
Elyria occupies a wide peninsula; the east coast meets the Middle
A blade flashes brilliantly in a paladin’s hands as they confront Sea, and the western coast lies along the ocean. The heartland of
the monster in the Dungeons of Nox, blood dripping from its Elyria stretches along the Vita River, where fertile flood plains
alien mandibles. and grassy prairies are broken up by arid hills and a mountain-
ous coast. Nestled within are pockets of pinewood forests and
The scorching sun beams down upon a cracked desert of chalky
orchards of olive trees. It has a diverse temperate climate with
stone, as the solitary hermit invokes near-forgotten incantations.
hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. As such, agriculture
thrives in Elyria. Beyond bountiful harvests of grain and

he most populous of the great nations of the continent, maize, orchards, vineyards, pastures, and ranches form the
Elyria wields power far beyond its borders. Home to core industries in most communities. The coasts are rich with a
the Holy City of Lumen, the spark of the Sacred Flame wide range of marine fishing. Furthermore, Elyrians often cul-
was lit here. Indeed, the people of Elyria claim civilization itself tivate large crops used for textiles, such as cotton, and several
was born in the fertile river valley between the fiery Drakeclaw communities keep colonies of silkworms. The land becomes
Mountains and the Witherbleach Desert. There, along the lush a dry rocky desert towards the southern end of the peninsula,
banks of the Vita River, humanity laid the first foundations of where the Pale Tooth mountains mark a firm border around
its cities. For many, the story of Elyria is the story of humanity the Southern Reaches.
itself, for in these lands human beings have performed their
greatest deeds and their most enduring cruelties. In ancient days,
the lands of modern-day Elyria made up the core of the mighty Population
Arcane Empire. Lumen was once called Nox, where its despotic Elyria is the most populous nation on the Continent, home to
rulers dominated the people of the continent. nearly 14 million people. The nation boasts many of the largest
However, today Elyrians have purged the blood-soaked cities in the known world, but the vast majority of its people live
legacy of the Arcane Empire with the fire of faith. They do in rural villages along the coasts and the Vita River.
not claim to be the successors of that horrific regime. Instead, Humans make up most of the population in Elyria. As the
Elyrians regard themselves as the descendants of righteous Faith of the Sacred Flame took root here, many people with
revolutionaries who threw off the shackles of tyranny, brought arcane ancestries, such as elves and tieflings, opted to leave
justice to the oppressed, and seized control of their own destiny. Elyria for other lands more welcoming to them.

Capital Elyrian Cabinet
Lumen, formerly called Nox, is the capital city of Elyria. The Elyrian Royal Council was reorganized into the Cabinet
after the establishment of the Parliament of Lords. It consists of
the following individuals:
Government h Divine Matriarch Mercy V
h Lord Regent Polonius Reed
Elyria is a theocracy in all regards but name. For generations, h High Paladin Uriel Radley
the Faith of the Sacred Flame has influenced almost every as- h Archmage Xel’vohca the Ancient
pect of culture, society, and law throughout the nation. Howev- h Grand Ambassador Beatrice Atwood
er, Elyria itself was born out of a league of city-states, emerging h Secretary General Orlando Timmins
as a feudal monarchy with absolute primogeniture. The Divine
In the past, the Divine Matriarch would appoint a High
Matriarch would traditionally crown the monarch of Elyria and
Flamekeeper to sit on this council as the representative of the
offer the ruler close counsel, and so the faith and government
Faith, but since the assassination of her predecessor, Mercy V
have always been closely entwined. As leader of the Faith of
has been directly on the Cabinet. Similarly, the role of Master
the Sacred Flame, the Divine Matriarch has traditionally been
Commander was filled by the High Paladin of the Silver Order.
regarded as a pillar of wisdom, truth, and justice, and historically
is often called upon to mediate difficult political matters.
Yet any remaining semblance of separation between church
and state began to rapidly dissolve over a century ago, when Religion
the royal line of Elyria went extinct following the death of The Faith of the Sacred Flame began in Elyria, and its capital,
the last true Elyrian monarch, King Marcus Zachary II. In its Lumen, is the holy city of the religion. As a result, the Faith’s
place, a parliament was assembled from the ninety-nine most most deeply orthodox adherents are found in Elyria. Even
powerful and influential Elyrian lords, and the Divine Matriarch the few Elyrians who do not follow the Sacred Flame are very
would choose one amongst their number to act as Lord Regent familiar with its beliefs, tenets, and myths.
every six years. Together, the noble parliament and the Lord Professing faith openly is a major facet of Elyrian culture.
Regent would serve as a ruling body for the nation. The Lord People speak prayers and give thanks to the Sacred Flame
Regent would act in place of a hereditary monarch, but only throughout their day, and offer blessings to their friends,
wear the Crown of Elyria when it was deemed necessary by the neighbors, and colleagues. Children grow up hearing the tales of
consensus of the Parliament of Lords. Saint Tarna’s deeds, and Flamekeepers teach youths to read and
Today, while the current Divine Matriarch Mercy V is not write using passages from the Song of Fire. Elyrian residences
officially the head of the state, few decisions are made without place emphasis on having a roaring hearth, bonfire pit, or
her blessing and direct counsel. Many predecessors to Mercy fireplace which acts as a household altar to the Sacred Flame.
V have used their power to select a line of caretaker regents The annual calendar is planned around the high holy days
who defer to the Faith on virtually all matters of state. While of the religion, and devout Elyrians attend services and
members of the clergy take vows of poverty that preclude hymns at their chapels regularly. Important civic events and
them from holding actual political station, the parliament gatherings, such as weddings, funerals, and other celebrations
is now mostly made up of fundamentalist nobles staunchly are often held within chapels and ministered by a local acolyte
loyal to the religion, and the Lord Regent is almost always a or Flamekeeper. People hold clamorous outdoor receptions in
close relative of a prominent High Flamekeeper or the Divine the evenings with wine and roasts, where they sing and dance
Matriarch. Indeed, the current Lord Regent, Polonius Reed is before sparkling flames.
no exception. As a result, Divine Matriarch Mercy V wields de Small settlements which might only feature a modest shrine
facto political authority in Elyria. to the Sacred Flame in another nation frequently have splendid
chapels in Elyria, and cathedral domes define city skylines.
Monasteries where the clergy dwell are spread throughout the
Noble Ranks countryside, and the diligent, masterful craftwork often taken
up by the monks and priests form an important part of the
h Lord Regent. As Elyria no longer has a true monarchy, Elyrian economy.
the Lord Regent holds the highest office in their stead. In Elyria, having a family member amongst the clergy is both
Technically, the Lord Regent is selected from amongst the highly regarded and extremely prestigious — an important
most powerful dukes and duchesses of Elyria. political and social asset. Daughters of Elyrian nobility often
h Duke or Duchess. The dukes and duchesses of Elyria are grow up with intense pressure from their families to foster their
often descended from the rulers of the original city-states of devotion and study scripture in the hopes they might be able to
the Elyrian League. channel the divine powers of the Sacred Flame. The few who
h Earls. Vassals of Elyrian dukes with holdings over country do are encouraged to take up a position as a Flamekeeper in
manors and estates in smaller towns and settlements. the clergy, even though the vows of poverty associated with the
h Gentry. Elyria has a large number of urban nobles who are quite religious hierarchy means disavowing their noble inheritance
wealthy, but who do not have large land claims of their own. and lifestyle.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 65

Other Faiths Magic
Not surprisingly, the worship of the Old Gods has been almost Arcane magic is not common in Elyria. The Amethyst Academy
entirely expelled from the heartlands of Elyria, with barely a maintains few outposts here, and the nobility rarely seek court
stone left upon their ancient shrines. Many who live in Lumen mages. Instead, it is customary for each household to sponsor
and other large cities are not tolerant of other religious beliefs their own Flamekeeper as close counsel in a similar role to a
at all. Most mistakenly think those who follow the old gods are court mage.
dangerous cultists who traffic with capricious fey and evil fiends. The Archmage of Elyria is Xel’vohca the Ancient. A mem-
The few stalwart worshipers of the Old Gods who dwell in ber of the Academy Directorate, the ancient mage spends
Elyrian cities generally keep their beliefs secret, because they most of his time seculded within his secret sanctum deep
know they risk violence from their superstitious neighbors for below Lumen, and uses their intermediaries at the Violet
having a different religion. While the laws of Elyria do not Embassy in Lumen when dialog between the Faith and the
expressly prohibit people from having their own private beliefs Academy is necessary.
and maintaining personal altars in their own homes, they also
do not protect those who hold such beliefs from discrimination,
harassment, and assault, especially when in public. Indeed,
temples to the Old Gods are not permitted within Elyrian towns
Elyria is a fertile land, but must focus on less perishable goods
and cities, and the public display of holy symbols and religious
for international trade. As such, its textile industry dominates
rituals of the Old Gods are also banned. Offenders can be fined,
commerce with other nations, especially cotton and silk.
flogged, have their property seized, and ultimately be banished
Elyrian wine competes against Caspian wine for the finest in
or executed for flouting the blasphemy law common in most
the continent.
Elyrian cities. However, the reach of such laws diminishes
Trade by land usually proceeds from Michael’s Gate to
towards the southern coast and deserts.
Liberio, and from there into either Westemär or Caspia. The
bulk of Elyrian trade happens via water through the Middle
Military Sea, giving the nation direct access to most Caspian ports, while
many other merchant ships sail through the straits of the Middle
Although the Divine Matriarch has great power, commanding Sea to trade with cities in Terene and Orleone.
the conventional military forces of Elyria is not within her direct
authority. Elyria still retains a largely feudal military structure Principal Exports: Wine, oils, silk, cotton, textiles, pottery
— lords and other nobles form their own armies drawn from Principal Imports: Salt, iron, coal, spices
local levies. The Divine Matriarch relies on the loyalty of these
lords when they require a large army.
Silver Order
Knightly Orders
The Faith of the Sacred Flame sponsors several anointed
knightly orders. Perhaps the most famous is the Silver Order.
These knightly orders are the militant arm of the Faith, and not
formally a part of the Elyrian military forces.

Elyria boasts the mightiest navy of any power on the continent.
These ships, known as the Sapphire Fleet, allowed Elyria
to dominate trade and travel within the Middle Sea and
surrounding waters for many years. Indeed, their merchant
fleets were the first to trade with distant lands in far continents.
While Westemär and Caspia have since established their own
ocean trade routes and naval fleets, neither come close to
rivaling the Sapphire Fleet of Elyria.

“Do you like the Sacred Flame? You’re going to

love Elyria! Do you not like the Sacred Flame? Best
pretend you do. Flame be with you... and so forth.”

66 Guide to Drakkenheim
Though Lady Bernadette did not live to see her plan come full
circle, House Ava cemented itself as the political power in the
peninsula, and city-states of Elyria emerged as a united nation.
Elyria was once the heart of the sorcerer-kings’ Arcane Empire,
What was once the Elyrian League was now simply Elyria.
which they ruled from the Nightmare City of Nox. The
imposing obsidian obelisk known as the Spire of Nox loomed
over the wretched metropolis, built by Sorcerer-Queen Nahmar
when she sealed the Blood Pact with diabolical fiends. Extinction of House Ava
Over the centuries, House Ava’s intermarriages transformed the
Fires of Liberty royal family into several cadet branches. Although the name
“House Ava” gradually went extinct, the rule has passed mostly
After centuries under the yoke of the sorcerer-kings, hope for peacefully through 26 different households since the time of
salvation was sparked when Saint Tarna renounced her wicked Lady Bernadette Ava. House Zachary was the last to claim any
ways and became the First Paladin. She took up arms against clearly discernible connection to House Ava. Unfortunately, the
the sorcerer-kings, and through her deeds the Spire of Nox was family tree had grown so tangled amongst the various lines that
torn down. Saint Tarna’s sacrifice inspired the dispossessed when King Marcus Zachary II died in the year 1001 without a
common folk toiling under the tyranny of the sorcerer-kings direct heir, there was no clear successor to the throne.
to throw off their bonds and rise up in rebellion. However, the In a last-ditch attempt to avoid a civil war, the Elyrian
rule of the sorcerer-kings did not immediately come to an end nobility turned to the Faith of the Sacred Flame and consulted
during Saint Tarna’s lifetime. Divine Matriarch Humility III for guidance. After days of
Nevertheless, her disciples spread her message of justice, but meditation and contemplation upon the Flame, Humility III
more importantly, they taught others to invoke the divine magic decreed that an oligarchic Parliament of Lords would lead
of the Sacred Flame. Though individuals with the will and the affairs of the state, forming the governmental order which
devotion needed to master this power are rare, these new clerics persists to this day.
and paladins provided the divine strength needed to meet the
arcane might of the sorcerer-kings head-on. After three centuries
of rebellion and resistance, and through the blood of countless
martyrs, the vast Arcane Empire crumbled.
Rising Theocracy
With the offices of the Divine Matriarch and the Lord Regent
now intrinsically linked, a new political order settled into place
League of City-States across Elyria. Noble houses all sought increased influence and
more profound connections to the Faith of the Sacred Flame
The collapse of the Arcane Empire was a period marred by
— if a noble house could hold the Regency, and have a family
war and conflict. The rebellion that had joined together to
member as the Divine Matriarch, it meant that their family
overthrow the sorcerer-kings collapsed into political posturing
had ultimate control in all decisions of faith and state. The first
amongst rival factions and city-states. The vassals, cities, and
household to achieve this level of political control was House
people ruled by the sorcerer-kings had too long been lorded
Eden, who managed to place a member of their household in
over by a distant supreme power, and were loath to hand over
both positions twice.
control of their newly-found freedom to anyone else. The lands
of modern-day Elyria were amongst the last to be free of the
sorcerer-kings, and in the immediate aftermath became a loose
coalition of city-states along the Vita River and the coast of the Assassination of
Middle Sea.
While each city-state was independently governed, the Divine Matriarch Courage IX
leaders of these cities would meet every few years at a Dissatisfied and disillusioned with the growing influence of
summit to discuss their shared interests, alliances, and trade. the Sacred Flame over their government, several noble houses
Acknowledging the sibling-like bonds between their cities, formed their own underground organization that conspired
they called themselves Elyria’s League, named after the slain to overthrow the power of the Divine Matriarch. After years
daughter of Saint Tarna. The League would later be known as of planning, during a celebration in Saint Tarna’s Cathedral,
simply the Elyrian League, and its people Elyrians. Divine Matriarch Courage IX was publicly assassinated to send
a message to separate the Faith and the nobles once more. Un-
Unification Under House Ava fortunately, the plot backfired. The commonfolk of Elyria were
enraged, and the conspirators were outed and brought to trial
During the middle of the fifth century, House Ava, one of before the nobility loyal to the Faith. The purported master-
Elyria’s many noble houses, rose to prominence amongst the mind of the conspiracy, Lady Desmonda of House Windsor, and
League. Lady Bernadette Ava conceived a scheme to unite her allies in House Kellogg and House Sawyer were found guilty
the city-states of the Elyrian League not through conquest and by a jury of Flamekeepers. After they were publicly executed,
bloodshed, but by the bonds of blood and family. Using care- their surviving family members were stripped of their lands and
fully arranged marriages between her children and the nobles titles and banished from Elyria.
of the other Elyrian city-states, Lady Bernadette positioned her In the aftermath, the position of the Divine Matriarch re-
grandchildren as the inheritors of vast swaths of land and titles. mained vacant for four years, until finally the synod was recon-
However, each would still owe fealty to the head of the family. vened and Divine Matriarch Mercy V elected to the position.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 67

Personality Trait. Though I know every word of our holy
texts, I do not use them in my speech except when I am
conducting prayers or rituals. To speak them otherwise is to
use these words in vain. If others cite the Song of Fire against
me, I remind them devils can quote scripture too.
Ideal. The Sacred Flame is the guiding light of the world,
which will lead us to truth and righteousness. It is my role
to help others follow its holy beacon, a narrow path we must
all walk together. The more good we put into the world, the
brighter the road ahead becomes.
Bond. My office comes with great responsibility, and the power
I hold is a burden, not a privilege. I understand now that some-
times one must step through shadows in their quest towards the
light, but I shall bring justice to those consumed by darkness.
Flaw. The ancient words of the saints and martyrs are absolute
and incontrovertible. I have disdain for those who try to
reinterpret ancient truths which have stood the test of time
with new ideas.
The cosmic disaster, civil war, and religious schism raging
in Westemär have been pressing challenges for the Divine
Matriarch. It was Mercy V who declared delerium an unholy
Crest of the
blight and dispatched the Silver Order to Drakkenheim, and
Sacred Flame she who decided to expel Lucretia Mathias for blasphemy. She
knows full well that her proclamations are slowly leading the
continent down the path of outright war. Others in the Faith
Factions and Figures might be eager to make war against the Amethyst Academy, or
transform Elyria into a holy empire by conquering Westemär,
but Mercy V takes no joy from either prospect. For her, these
Faith of the Sacred Flame decisions were made from necessity. The righteous path runs
narrow, and she stands resolute to do what must be done to
As explained throughout this section, the organized clergy of the protect the faithful and the world.
Faith of the Sacred Flame is the most influential political and Mercy V was more surprised than anyone when she won
social faction in Elyria. Consult the Gods and Religion section the position of Divine Matriarch over Lucretia Mathias, as she
for more details on the religion itself. had been a longtime admirer of the prophetic cleric. When the
meteor fell upon Drakkenheim, Mercy V earnestly believed
Divine Matriarch Mercy V in Lucretia Mathias’s vision. It was not until the stories of the
unspeakable horrors from that place first emerged, and Lucretia
No one living in the world today has shaped the political destiny Mathias returned with an eldritch stone embedded within her,
of the continent through their words and actions more than that the Divine Matriarch grasped the darkness which had
Divine Matriarch Mercy V. The responsibility and gravity taken root in the world.
of these decisions weighs heavily upon her. Now twenty years Mercy V is horrified by how far Lucretia has taken the
into her tenure, she was the youngest ever to assume the office. Falling Fire, and is convinced it must be the work of demonic
Nevertheless, she wields incredible divine power. possession or some kind of otherworldly malevolence controlling
Before taking up the position as the head of the Sacred her. The Divine Matriarch would like to see Lucretia Mathias
Flame, Mercy V was named Esmeralda Poe. As youngest scion captured so she can have her repent and renounce the Falling
of House Poe, she was groomed from a young age to take up Fire. Theologically, however, she does find the prophecies and
the mantle of a Flamekeeper by her father, Lord Balthazar arguments of Lucretia Mathias compelling. She often questions
Poe. Remarkably gifted with the Divine Light, she could how, if their positions had been swapped, things may have gone
channel the holy magic of the Sacred Flame from the age of ten. differently. However, she knows in her heart that no good can
Nevertheless, her election to the office over the experienced come from the delerium.
miracle-worker Lucretia Mathias was a shocking upset. As for the Amethyst Academy, the Divine Matriarch has no
Mercy V speaks with warm wisdom and fiery conviction, trust for the Directorate. She believes they are merely waiting
and holds each syllable of every hymn, prayer, or text of the for their best opportunity to convince the nobility to dissolve
Sacred Flame in her memory. A tall and slender woman in the Edicts of Lumen. She fears that too many power-hungry
her late forties, Mercy V has long, wavy black hair and a nobles will be easily swayed by the prospect of delerium-
striking gaze. Her garb consists of ornate flowing white robes forged weapons, and that the terrible arcane might of such
with golden trim and embroidered with golden filigree. The blasphemous magic will overpower those who stand against it.
symbol of the Sacred Flame is emblazoned prominently upon Ultimately, the Divine Matriarch weeps for the fate of
the robes. She carries a long scepter of white-gold, and wears Westemär. If none can rise to the task of ruling it with truth and
a large frilled collar that looks like golden flames flickering righteousness, she sees saving that nation as another burden she
around her head. must bear for the good of all.

68 Guide to Drakkenheim
Silver Order Silver Order Knight. Not every warrior in the Silver Order
is a paladin, but each strives to emulate Saint Tarna’s valiant
The Silver Order is an elite church-sanctioned regiment example. Nevertheless, many knights of the Silver Order take
of paladins and ordained knights oath-sworn to combat up a sacred oath. Paladins are revered figures in the Faith of the
supernatural evils, otherworldly incursions, and dark magic, Sacred Flame, as the founder of the faith was herself a paladin.
founded several centuries ago as a militant arm of the Faith h Soldier-at-Arms. Each Silver Order Knight leads a small
of the Sacred Flame. These knights and paladins act by the squad of ten rank-and-file warriors. This forms the basic unit
decree of the Divine Matriarch to defend the faithful from of the Silver Order, and typically these groups travel the world
demons and monsters, and are called up as witch-hunters when on righteous quests and holy missions. Assisting them are a
wayward mages dabble in forbidden arcana. Their holy missions large collection of squires, grooms, and retainers.
transcend sovereign borders, but the order is headquartered
in Michael’s Gate. The chronicle of the Silver Order records
countless heroic missions which have prevented a dire threat
from growing into a far greater crisis.
High Paladin Uriel Radley
Though they usually operate as individual questing knights or Uriel Radley is a lanky but incredibly fit man. He has wispy,
in small warrior-companies, occasionally they are deployed as a unkempt, dirty-blonde hair that falls down just past his
regiment. Members of the Silver Order have been traditionally shoulders, and he keeps a blonde trimmed beard and mustache.
drawn from all peoples and all levels of society. Nobles and The man has a prominent chin and dark sunken eyes of piercing
commoners alike are found within the order, and one’s station in sky blue. His angular jaw and thick brow give him a stern and
life does not reflect one’s position in the Silver Order. brooding appearance. He is often found wearing his shimmering
Elyrians laud the esteemed members of the order as heroes. full plate armor with a large waving blue and white cape, and a
However, in their role as witch-hunters and mage-slayers, the matching large tower shield both emblazoned with the symbol
Silver Order was complicit in the persecution and oppression of of the Sacred Flame. His left pauldron is in the shape of a large
arcane spellcasters. To this day, the issue remains a deep stain griffon head; highlights of gold and white decorate the armor.
on the order’s honor, as many observed that the injustices and His warhammer, aptly named The Judge, is renowned for its
persecution visited upon spellcasters stand in stark contrast many battles, and passed down amongst the High Paladins. It is
against the tenets of the faith of the Sacred Flame, a faith which a massive silver warhammer with a white hilt filigreed with gold
calls out for justice for the oppressed. Nevertheless, nobles with a head shaped like a griffon.
and common folk in Elyria are staunch supporters of the Silver Personality Trait. I do not suffer those who turn their backs
Order, and many argue that the knights’ deeds were indeed on the faith or seek evil ends. I speak sternly and directly,
justified. After all, decisive action is necessary to defend the often quoting scripture to guide my words.
innocent and the faithful from wicked sorcerers who sought to Ideal. I am judgment, I am the flame, and those who spend
dominate others with magical might, or cut down foul warlocks their days writhing in the shadows should fear the light
who spread wickedness through demonology and necromancy. I bring. I am staunchly loyal to my people, I will defend
However, as Elyria slides deeper into theocratic rule, these innocence with my life, and I will vanquish evil and deliver
knights are increasingly entangled in state affairs. Paladins of swift judgment to the fiends and monsters of this world.
the Silver Order have been deployed on inquisitional crusades Bond. My role as the leader of the Silver Order is something I
against heretics, heathens, and other political enemies of the take very seriously. Elyria needs me, and I will stop at nothing
Sacred Flame. Unfortunately, the distinction between an enemy to do right by the Sacred Flame, the Divine Matriarch, and
of the Sacred Flame and an enemy of the state is not entirely the legacy of Saint Tarna.
clear anymore. Flaw. I see the world in absolute terms. You are either on the
These concerns have been thrown into sharp focus ever side of righteousness and good, or you are on a path to evil. If
since the Divine Matriarch dispatched a regiment of Silver I cannot alter that path, then you receive my final judgment.
Order knights and their retainers to the ruins of Drakkenheim Uriel Radley is a stoic commander known to be brutal in
to root out and destroy delerium at its source. Though led by battle, but fiercely loyal to his people. He very much wants to
the righteous paladin Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal, the be remembered like the great saints of legend. Not for fame
nobles of Westemär and Caspia alike worry the Order’s presence or glory, but for upholding his oath to the Sacred Flame above
in Drakkenheim is an invasive ploy by Elyria to wrest control of all else and protecting Elyria and the continent from the evils
Westemär, rather than a valiant expedition to purify the city of seeping out of the shadows. The tales of spreading corruption
eldritch contamination. and otherworldly horror has planted the idea in his head that
it is his duty to see these problems solved, with him and his
Knightly Ranks soldiers at the heart of that resolution.
Uriel sent his best friend and protégé , Knight-Captain
The Silver Order has several ranks: Theodore Marshal to Drakkenheim. He imagines that the
h High Paladin. The commander-in-chief of the entire Silver skilled captain might one day take his place as High Paladin
Order is always a paladin. once he retires from the role.
h Knight-Captain. These paladins of the Sacred Flame are Uriel despises arcane magic and sees mageborn as problematic
amongst the greatest heroes in the world today. There are ten at best. Though he is a righteous man, and upholds the values
in the order, but each commands a company between thirty of the Edicts of Lumen to the letter, Uriel dreams of the day he
and one hundred Silver Order Knights and the retainers can unleash the Judge upon the members of the Directorate of
serving under them. the Amethyst Academy.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 69

Knight-Captain Gloria Hackfield Amethyst Academy
Gloria is a young Silver Order paladin who made the rank of Mageborn are born to Elyrian families no less than any other
Knight-Captain early in her career, and has been a strong leader nation. However, the fears and superstitions surrounding arcane
since. She has long blonde hair often worn in a tight ponytail spellcasters run deep throughout Elyria, especially in rural and fun-
and narrowed green eyes. Her round face and pleasant demea- damentalist communities. As such, the Amethyst Academy takes its
nor give her an air of kindness that can be disarming to many at role as guardian of mageborn children extremely seriously in Elyria.
first, but the kind exterior hides her cunning and strength that When its emissaries travel the towns and villages of Elyria to
comes out any time she speaks. collect mageborn children from their families, they often visit the
Personality Trait. I do my best to be welcoming and nearby chapel to speak with the local Flamekeeper to ensure safe
kind to those I speak with, but I speak loud and firmly to passage and peaceful dealings in the process. These wards are al-
hold the attention of those around me and I know how to ways taken to Paradox Castle in the Eastern Vales for their studies,
command a room. as the Amethyst Academy does not maintain a major stronghold
Ideal. It is our duty as knights of the Silver Order to uphold the in Elyria proper. Instead, Academy leaders and representatives
tenets of our faith and help those in need. We go where we conduct their business from the Violet Embassy in Lumen.
must and do everything we can to spark the Sacred Flame in
the hearts of those we aid.
Bond. The world can be a dark place, and I joined the Silver Xel’vohca the Ancient
Order to help bring a little more light into it. It is my sworn Xel’vohca the Ancient is one of the eight Amethyst Academy
duty to provide a light to those wandering the darkness, and Directors, and the Archmage of Elyria. The Academy
help them find their way. Director Lich has held his position since the Amethyst
Flaw. I assume the best in everyone, and believe that everyone Academy was founded, and was among the principal architects
has good in them. of the Edicts of Lumen. Indeed, since the time the Edicts
Gloria is extremely proud of her position as Knight- were being drafted, the Divine Matriarchs have known
Captain and wants very much to give the Silver Order a good about his undead nature, though they must tolerate this
reputation amongst those devout to the Sacred Flame, but uncomfortable truth under the terms of the agreement.
even more importantly, those who are not. She sees good Even still, Xel’vocha’s undead nature is not immediately appar-
deeds, acts of kindness, and helping those in need as an ent; aside from the High Paladin and the Divine Matriarch, the
important job for the Silver Order as every other members of the Elyrian Cabinet are not aware Xel’vohca is
person they help is more likely a lich. Upon first meeting he appears as an old man in an ornate
to look to the Silver Order wheelchair of strange metal, attended by his personal shield
with kind regards, and guardian. He has drooping jowls, sallow skin, sunken octarine
in turn, become more eyes, wispy white hair, and an expression of deep sadness upon
open to the ideals of the his face. He wears a simple purple robe and carries a glass-encased
Sacred Flame. delerium orb. Except to incant his magic, Xel’vohca no longer
speaks and relies on telepathy to communicate.
Personality Trait. I communicate telepathically in strained
and long-winded streams of consciousness, my mind
constantly burdened with centuries of thoughts.
Ideal. Magic can do great things. Terrible things, but great
things indeed. We must wield it with responsibility, but wield
Knight-Captain it we must.
Gloria Hackfield Bond. I was there when the first warlocks made their ancient
pacts. The burden of the original sin of magic rests upon me,
and I will steward the inheritors of the arcane until the last
sun goes out at the end of eternity. I think of all mages as my
children, and the sorcerer-kings were my wayward sons and
daughters. I cannot repeat those mistakes.
Flaw. Though my undead heart no longer beats, it pains me
to feed my phylactery and sustain myself. The memories of
these stolen souls haunts me, so I only do so rarely. As a result,
my body has greatly atrophied, and now I fear my mind is
slipping into madness as well.
Xel’vohca was both the first warlock and the first lich. Far
from an evil creature, Xel’vohca has spent thousands of years
facing the consequences of the choices he made in life. He
is older than recorded history, and was vizier to many of the
sorcerer-kings, though he was unable to stop their tyranny.
His existence has often been spent trying to make amends
for the failures of his past, but this task grows ever harder as
new conflicts arise. The destruction of Drakkenheim and the

70 Guide to Drakkenheim
spread of delerium have posed a major challenge to Xel’vohca. House Reed has strived for years to pave a clear path for one
Amongst the Directorate, Xel’vohca alone harbors grave doubts of their daughters to possibly become the next Divine Matri-
about whether using delerium is a good idea, but is the first to arch. Now, they have a promising prospect in the Lord Regent’s
admit that he himself is deeply tempted by its power. daughter, High Flamekeeper Ophelia Reed. Ophelia is currently
Today, Xel’vohca keeps his tomb deep within a section of the attached to the Silver Order’s deployment in Drakkenheim, and
Dungeons of Nox. This personal mausoleum has been his lair the Lord Regent hopes that should his daughter successfully
for thousands of years, and he is loath to give up the comforts aid in the purging of the city and bringing Lucretia Mathias to
of his long-established home. Many of the traps and monsters account, House Reed will be well positioned to take both the
roaming the dungeons are Xel’vocha’s designs to keep intrepid regency and the Divine Matriarchy in the years to come.
heroes out of his business — and far away from the more
dangerous artifacts and creations of the sorcerer-kings, which
Xel’vohca safeguards from the world. House Eden
House Eden was once regarded as the most powerful family in
Elyria. Over the past century, three separate Divine Matriarchs
House Reed have been members of House Eden, at least a dozen High
Flamekeepers, and two Lords Regents. If any has come close
House Reed’s ancestral home is
to establishing a new monarchical line in Elyria, it has been
the city of Gabriella’s
House Eden. However, their fortunes fell considerably after the
Landing, the anchorage for the
assassination of Divine Matriarch Courage IX, who had been a
Sapphire Fleet. The house rose to
scion of their household.
prominence through shipbuilding,
and while its warships and admi- Outwardly, the house holds deeply fundamentalist views
rals are well known, the Reeds’ true power are their mercantile regarding the Faith, and is zealous to the extreme. They believe
fleet. After funding trading vessels which sail the Middle Sea for their righteousness begets prosperity, and have used their position
generations, House Reed has emerged as one of the wealthiest to funnel vast amounts of coin collected by the Faith into their
noble houses in the nation. However, that has not always trans- family vaults. Their methods have never crossed the line of
lated into political influence — until recently. theft, however: instead, previous High Flamekeepers and Divine
Delerium taken from Drakkenheim has increasingly found its Matriarchs have openly gifted indulgences and land to the family as
way to many ports, and the forward-thinking Divine Matriarch “blessings upon their faithful service” and other such contrivances.
has considered the possibility of the stones traveling far abroad They use these funds to build lavish, castle-like cathedrals on their
through ocean trade. When Mercy V named Polonius Reed as estates, filled with expensive art, sculpture, and gold decorations.
Lord Regent, the head of the noble house quickly authorized
Elyrian ships to engage in privateering. In particular, he
encouraged Elyrian captains to target pirates and merchant
Claudia Eden
vessels known to be dealing in delerium, and the coffers of the Claudia is a delicate noble woman in her mid-fifties. She has
Faith help pay the bounties. sunken features and a small, narrow face framed by flowing
silver hair. She often wears a wide-brimmed brightly-colored hat
and matching dress. She adorns herself with pearls, rings, jewels,
Lord Regent Polonius Reed and other finery. She speaks with a soothing, honeyed voice and
Lord Regent Polonius Reed is the most prominent figure often carries an air of elegance and false kindness.
amongst the Elyrian nobility, and sits at the head of the Parlia- Personality Trait. I present myself as a woman of
ment of Lords. Though a distant second to the authority and importance, and speak from a position of power. One must
influence of the Divine Matriarch, he nonetheless holds much
know how to sound like a queen if one is to be treated as such.
sway over the military and economic decisions of the nation.
Ideal. The House of Eden deserves to be the most powerful
Polonius is a burly man in his early sixties. The noble has a
house in Elyria and so I represent it at all times as if it always
round, full face with a thick beard and short black hair combed
has been, and always will be.
over his balding head. His shaggy eyebrows highlight his
Bond. I must see the House of Eden rise to power again, and
deep-set, dark brown eyes. He dresses in exquisite silk Elyrian
jackets, complete with a frilled ruff, puffed sleeves, and gold reclaim itself as the leading family of Elyria.
filigree. He is a clever and persistent man who carries himself Flaw. I am quick to denounce the sins of others, but will never
with an air of importance. examine my own actions.
Personality Trait. I relish in a good heated discussion. I find Claudia is desperately working on rebuilding her house’s
the skills of diplomacy and debate are best honed with an old- connections in Elyria. She would eventually like to see one
fashioned argument. of her daughters become Divine Matriarch, but none have
Ideal. I can argue any point convincingly, regardless of its truth. mustered up the dedication and faith to become clerics of the
Feelings are more powerful than facts when it comes to politics. Sacred Flame. In moments of fragile faith, she contemplates
Bond. Elyria needs strong leaders — such as myself — if it is to other magical means to get back the power she craves. In the
remain the greatest power in the continent. meantime, she is working diligently to manipulate her way back
Flaw. I am bull-headed when someone refuses to see my point, on to the Cabinet. She talks sweetly to everyone she meets, but
and refuse to admit I’m wrong. I must always have the last is just as likely to scheme against them if it means putting her
word in any argument. family’s name in a position of greater power in Elyria.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 71

House Poe Personality Trait. I am soft-spoken, polite, and analytical,
so others often ignore me. I keep my records with meticulous
When Esmeralda Poe became Mercy V, the youngest ever detail; nothing is unaccounted.
Divine Matriarch, it elevated House Poe to a position with Ideal. I believe the Sacred Flame can lead us to progressive
recognition they had never believed possible. The father of enlightenment, so long as our rulers do not keep us wallowing
Divine Matriarch Mercy V, Balthazar Poe, had only just won in the dark. We cannot forget how the Faith compels us to act
a seat for his household on the Parliament of Lords, and had with integrity and compassion in all things.
nearly bankrupt the house in the effort by impressing the Bond. There are few moderate and open-minded leaders
Faith of the Sacred Flame with great tithes and donations. amongst our nobility today. We need such people to reverse
After Balthazar Poe passed away four years ago, his eldest Elyria’s slow slide into theocracy.
daughter, Gwenavere Poe, took up his title and position. Flaw. I hesitate to speak my mind or tell others uncomfortable
truths, as I fear their anger, scorn, or retribution. My fears
often cloud my reason.
Gwenavere Poe The Secretary General is privy to all manner of sensitive in-
Gwenavere is the older sister of Divine Matriarch Mercy V. formation, so often the role is filled by a trustworthy and capable
She is a wispy noble woman in her early fifties who often scion who lacks greater political ambitions. House Timmins is
wears colorful gowns and opulent headdresses. She carries many an Elyrian noble family known mostly for moneylending, but
symbols of the Sacred Flame at all times to present herself as a who have seldom been power-players in Elyria. Lord Regent
devout worshiper of the faith, though she could never muster Polonius Reed choose Orlando Timmins for this reason, but is
up the patience and will to cast divine spells as a Flamekeeper. quickly growing tired of the Earl’s honest work.
She is exceptionally proud to have her sister as the Divine
Matriarch, and everyone in Elyria knows it. She holds the title
of her kin over everyone’s head and uses it as a justification for Grand Ambassador Beatrice Atwood
her to be treated as though she were royalty. Ruler of Michael’s Gate
Personality Trait. I take every opportunity to mention my
Duchess Beatrice Atwood is a human noble in her late twen-
sister, her importance to the nation of Elyria, and in turn ties. She has dark brown hair done up in a bun at the back of her
express my own importance. head. Her face is sharp and angular with a thin nose, pointed
Ideal. Position, wealth, and power are all that matter in this
chin, pursed lips and narrow eyes. She often wears a long gray
world. If you can have your grip on all three there is nothing skirt, a white blouse, and a black overcoat. She is a stern nego-
stopping you from achieving anything you want. tiator and exceptionally clever. She often dresses for her role as
Bond. It’s wonderful that my sister is the Divine Matriarch,
grand Ambassador, opting for neutral tones and smart fashion
but it means that our family will need to fight all the harder to rather than anything overbearing or ostentatious.
hold on to everything we’ve gained.
Flaw. Though I was raised to follow the Sacred Flame from Personality Trait. I am a forceful conversationalist and
a young age, I don’t care for the religion. I find the whole hardline negotiator. In an argument, I never let others get a
matter boring and tedious. word in edgewise. Don’t interrupt me while I’m speaking.
Ideal. Elyria is the greatest nation in the world. Our foes are
Gwenavere desires nothing more than to help maintain her envious of our mighty nation, and often hypocrites who seek
family’s newfound power, and grow her own importance within one-sided concessions from us at every turn.
Elyria. She is a cunning and manipulative woman who will take Bond. I have two young children. Recently, I have noticed
any and every opportunity to undermine and deface anyone strange occurrences and happenings around my estates, and
who speaks ill of the Divine Matriarch, and will use her public I’m greatly concerned they might be mageborn.
image to ruin anyone who attempts to get in the way of her Flaw. The other people of the world should think and act more
family and their name. like Elyrians, and we have little to learn from their faithless ways.
For all this, Mercy V does not get along well with her sister.
The Divine Matriarch finds the way her sister flaunts her status Beatrice has ruled Michael’s Gate for the past six years. Previ-
arrogant and unpleasant, and Gwenavere herself finds her sister’s ously she was in training to become a Silver Order paladin, and
great faith tiresome and overbearing. showed potential as both a cunning warrior, and clever diplomat.
Now, with two young children to take care of, and the responsibil-
ity of ruling Michael’s Gate, she has set aside her warrior days.
Her new life of politics and leadership are no less fraught with
Elyrian Cabinet conflict, however.
Recently her two children have begun to cause strange sights and
These two lords occupy high office in the Parliament of Lords:
sounds around her home with no reasonable explanation. Beatrice is
concerned they may be developing mageborn qualities. Terrified of
Secretary General Orlando Timmins facing this possibility, she has greatly ignored the signs and kept her
Earl Orlando Timmins is a slight commoner man with gold- concerns a secret. Unbeknownst to Duchess Atwood, the mages of
yellow skin, well-dressed in a black-and-white silk tunic. He the Amethyst Academy have already determined her toddlers are
wears a heavy leather satchel overflowing with paper records mageborn. Once they reach the age of six, the purple-robed mages
and ledgers, and carries the Secretary General’s Quill. will come to take them off to Paradox Castle.

72 Guide to Drakkenheim
Secretary General
Lord Regent Polonius Reed Orlando Timmins

Locations and Landmarks Hearthland Valley

The Hearthland is characterized by its fertile golden fields of
Gold Coast grain and corn, which stretch along either side of the great Vita
River. The Faith of the Sacred Flame speaks of these lands as
The Gold Coast rests along the eastern side of Elyria facing the the cradle of all civilization, as many believe the valley was the
Middle Sea, taking its name from the golden sands and beautiful first settled land on the continent, and that all life sprang from
sunrise that shines upon the waters in the early morning. It is the great river.
regarded as the most hospitable area heading south towards the
Witherbleach Desert. Several small cities and communities are
spread along this coast, and many farming communities and Southern Reach
spice mines occupy the rather arid landscape. The Southern Reaches encompass the furthest latitudes of the
Elyrian peninsula, stretching along the southwestern edge of
Crimson Coast the continent. The Pale Tooth Mountains collect rainstorms
blowing in from the ocean, and shield these lands from the harsh
The Crimson Coast occupies the long western end of Elyria. dry heat of the Witherbleach Desert, creating a lush tropical
The stunning red sunsets paint the waters in beautiful hues of coastline. These idyllic lands have yellow sandy beaches,
pinks, oranges, and purples, and the entire coastline glows with flowing rivers, humid forests, and large stretches of grassland.
red light that illuminates the hills and farmland like a wildfire. The many small towns speckled along the coast are known
for having incredibly beautiful ocean-facing villas, enchanting
Vita River beaches, and warm weather year-round.
About a million people live in the Southern Reach — almost
The Vita is the longest river in Elyria, which runs from all are human with small amounts of dwarves, elves, arcane
Michael’s Gate, through Lumen, and into the ocean. The river ancestries, and smallfolk.
is the lifeblood of the otherwise arid lands in the shadow of The Southern Reaches are the frontier of Elyria. Ostensibly,
the Drakeclaw Mountains. Most of the population of Elyria Elyria makes claim to the whole region as part of the Elyrian na-
dwells within a few miles of its banks, which also functions as a tion; but in fact, the Southern Reaches are wholly independent
prominent route for trade and travel from the east to the west of Elyria. Separated by the desert and mountains, Elyrian forces
of the nation. The river is one of the widest and longest in the face the same geographical problems controlling this region as
whole continent, rivaled only by the Torvista river in Terene, the sorcerer-kings of old. While a great deal of trade and travel
the Woodrun River in the Eastern Vales, and the Drann River in does occur, the people here owe no fealty or obligation to Elyria.
Westemär. The rich blue water and freshwater fish are common Nevertheless, the people of the Southern Reaches have
traits of the large river. Several smaller streams feed the Vita close cultural ties to their neighbors, and many try to ingratiate
from the runoff of the Drakeclaw Mountains and hydrate the themselves with Elyrian politics and society. However, the
land, allowing the lush fields and great farming communities region has deep traditions associated with the worship of the
that make up the heart of Elyria. Old Gods Lugh, Nuada, Danu, and Gaibhne — deities with

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 73

overlapping portfolios and occasionally similar rites to the Faith
of the Sacred Flame. As such, when the Faith of the Sacred Pale Tooth Mountains
Flame spread into this region, several hybrid faiths emerged The Pale Tooth are a long ridge of tall, steep, white mountains,
which combined the teachings of Saint Tarna, the ideals of the filled with abundant chalky limestone deposits, which paint
Sacred Flame, and the myths and legends of the Old Gods. the mountainsides a pale hue. Many of them are so steep
The strange mix of beliefs in the Southern Reaches has often that it is nearly a sheer cliff to reach the summit, where many
raised the concern and ire of the Divine Matriarchs of the Sacred mountains end in flat plateaus. From a distance, the moun-
Flame, as these practices and theologies are considered deeply tains appear to many as a row of crooked white teeth jutting
heretical to the mainstream clergy. Some have even branded out of the sands of the desert.
the priests and monks of the Temple of the Sun as cultists Deep within mountains is said to be the place where Saint
worshiping forbidden gods and plotting against the Faith. Tarna met the archangels Michael and Gabriella. There, the great
warrior swore a sacred oath and became the First Paladin. How-
Witherbleach Desert ever, none since Saint Tarna herself have found this sacred place.
Today, the range of mountains is home to several dragons,
The Witherbleach Desert spans south of the Hearthland all the stone giants, and several independent communities based
way to the Pale Tooth Mountains and makes up a majority of around the worship of Danu, Gaibhne, Nuada, Shegorach, and
the landscape of Elyria. many of the other Old Gods.
The rocky desert is largely flat, and is made up of white cracked
earth for miles in all directions. Small plants and occasional trees
grow from the ground, but they are all pale and bleach white, like Opularis the Wise
frail bony hands jutting out of the earth. Even more consistent Greatest among the dragons of the Pale Tooth Mountains is Op-
are the sun-bleached bones of various animals, and occasionally ularis the Wise, an ancient blue dragon. The scholarly dragon
people, who have not survived the harsh desert landscape. Vents keeps a great library within the ruins of an ancient monastery.
of sulfur spew out from the cracked earth in some places, and They are said to be the most welcoming of all the known dragons
oil pools occasionally form on the surface. The fumes from the of the continent. Several grandmaster wizards of the Amethyst
oil and sulfur cause the entire desert to have an acrid, unsettling Academy meet Opularis for games of chess and afternoon tea, and
smell. Occasional clusters of rocky white chalk hills offer some once every century, the dragon takes on a mortal apprentice.
shelter, and sometimes house small cave systems with under- However, Academy professors are quick to warn headstrong
ground aquifers. Many of these are inhabited by strange and pupils about seeking the dragon’s mentorship: Opularis does not
dangerous desert creatures. teach amateurs, beginners, or raw talents. The dragon has been
There are no Elyrian cities within the desert itself, and is known to slay any would-be student who cannot impress them
deemed by most to be inhospitable. This is not so, however. by casting three different spells of 6th level or higher.
Generations of nomads have thrived in the dry desert,
carving out their own way of life. Among them is a circle of
Druids of Lugh, but no one is exactly sure where specifically
they call home.
Occasionally, devout worshipers of the Sacred Flame will
make a pilgrimage across the desert. They follow the footsteps
of Saint Tarna by heading towards the Pale Tooth Mountains.
Few return from these pilgrimages.

Opularis the Wise

74 Guide to Drakkenheim
Cities and Settlements Violet Embassy. This small manor near the Matriarchal
Palace is one of the few strongholds of the Amethyst Academy.
Officially, the property is leased to the Academy by the Faith.
Here, a few liaisons from the Amethyst Academy Directorate
Lumen are posted to confer with Elyrian diplomats and provide arcane
magical services.
Capital of Elyria Both the Directorate and the Divine Matriarch protect
Population: 250,000 people themselves with such potent magical wards that it often impairs
Ruler: Divine Matriarch Mercy V their ability to contact one another via magic. While the mages
Known For: Holy City of the Faith of the Sacred Flame here think their role quite important, the truth is the opposite.
The Directorate and the Divine Matriarch try to avoid talking
to each other unless absolutely necessary.
The shining metropolis of Lumen stands like a beacon in the night. Dungeons of Nox. The lasting legacy of the sorcerer-kings
Travelers from miles away can see the glimmering light of Lumen runs deep into the earth. Once, Lumen was known by another
like a flaming beacon on the horizon. The glow ignites the faith name: Nox, City of Night, the ancient capital of the Arcane
in the hearts of travelers. The central cathedral of Saint Tarna Empire. Indeed, the Matriarchal Palace is built upon the
stands above the smaller chapels and shrines which spring from foundations of the grand palace of Sorcerer-Queen Nahmar, and
amongst the tightly-packed streets. Incense and woodsmoke waft Saint Tarna’s Cathedral stands atop the place where the Spire of
through the stone streets while the constant melody of hymns and Nox once stood.
chanting echoes throughout the city. Beneath the catacombs and sewers of Lumen, the holy city
is built upon the dungeon of the sorcerer-kings. All manner of
Lumen is the capital of Elyria, and the holy city for the Faith of blasphemous chambers filled with dark magics remain buried
the Sacred Flame. Drinking deep from the waters of the Vita Riv- within to this day, for the sorcerer-kings had many secrets.
er, the teeming city is one of the largest cities on the continent. All From time to time, one of these forgotten tombs bursts open,
throughout the bustling streets of sandstone buildings the smell allowing a horror from a bygone age to creep up into the streets
of incense and woodsmoke drifts through the air. Chants, hymns, of Lumen. This is why the streets are always lit: to give such
and bells fill the city at all hours of the day and night as throngs of monsters no place to hide. Even the smallest shadow, a tiny blot
devoted worshipers of the Sacred Flame fill the countless chapels of inky darkness is enough place for such demons to dwell.
and cathedrals, carrying out acts of prayer and worship. The
sacred chapel fires remain alight continuously and every street
is generously illuminated by lampposts. The city glows like a
beacon in the darkness.
Gabriella’s Landing
The people of Lumen have grown accustomed to the Population: 48,000 people
brightness, and many work from dusk to dawn. There are many Ruler: Lord Polonius Reed
superstitions surrounding putting out the lights in Lumen; every Known For: Great Shipyard of the Elyrian Navy
room of every building is constantly lit through the night.
As the holy city for the Faith of the Sacred Flame, Lumen Gabriella’s Landing stretches far into the Middle Sea on wooden
is the greatest destination for pilgrimage in the known world. docks and stilts along the bays. The northern stretch is made up
Many devout worshipers of the Sacred Flame plan on making of lavish manors with large balconies and winding staircases
at least one journey to the holy city during their lifetimes. As a all overlooking the crystal waters. The harbor below caters to the
result, the city is bursting with foreign travelers from around the constant flow of trade ships and fishing boats coming and going
globe, all united by their faith in the light. There are countless from the city, and houses a massive fleet of Elyrian warships
inns and hostels in the city, catering to pilgrims both princely with azure sails known as the Sapphire Fleet. The city smells
and penniless. of sand and the sea, while the warm climate and sandy streets
Saint Tarna’s Cathedral. Lumen has countless chapels to cause billows of dust to blow through the sandstone buildings and
the Sacred Flame, but all are dwarfed by the majesty and splen- through the bustling fresh market.
dor of Saint Tarna’s Cathedral. The massive spired golden dome
rises on a high bluff over the city, and features an immaculate dec- As the southernmost major city in Elyria, Gabriella’s Landing
orated facade with marble statuary. Inside, it is painted floor-to- is one of the most arid cities in the nation. Found along the
ceiling with frescoes and tall arch windows set with stained glass banks of a small river that feeds into the Middle Sea, Gabriella’s
murals depicting Tarna’s life and deeds. Thousands of worshipers Landing is an essential hub for sea trade. A third of the city is
can gather in the colossal building, all standing around the great built on piers and docks stretching out into the sea. Warehouses,
altar whereupon is set a tremendous everburning bonfire. The trade ships, mills, and shops fill the lower harbor. The bustling
impressive catacombs and reliquary house many of the great relics city is made up of flat-roofed sandstone houses with open
of Saint Tarna herself, though not a single one of her bones. balconies and windows. The dusty streets below are filled with
Matriarchal Palace. Off the same plaza as Saint Tarna’s constant movement.
Cathedral is a sprawling monastery complex where hundreds of The steep coastline north of the great sprawling docks and
Flamekeepers, acolytes, and other clergy dwell and carry out the watermills is made up of several noble houses. Here, winding
administrative work of the Faith. The most important resident stairs connect the closely-packed estates, separated by lavish
is the Divine Matriarch herself, so powerful wards protect the balconies and gardens looking out over the Middle Sea.
palace and an elite detachment of Silver Order paladins patrol The Reed Estate sits at the end on a small peninsula and has a
the grounds. stunning view of the entire city.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 75

Sapphire Shipyard. The fortified cradle of the Elyri-
an Navy, this sophisticated complex of drydocks, armories, Michael’s Gate
workshops, and warehouses is an industrial marvel. An ingen-
Population: 5,000 people
ious system of interconnected canals forms an assembly line to
Ruler: Duchess Beatrice Atwood
build new vessels in stages by specialized shipbuilders: nearly a
Known For: Fortress of the Silver Order, Silver and Coal Mines
hundred ships are being constructed, overhauled, or repaired at
any given time. The operation is overseen by House Reed, who
brag the Sapphire Shipyard launches more new ships to sea in The looming walls of Michael’s Gate stand on the western bank
a month than Liberio’s harbor can build in a year. The ship- of the Vita River, a show of defiance to those wishing to invade
yard employs nearly a quarter of the adults living in Gabriella’s Elyria. A great gatehouse controls the bridges over the river,
Landing. However, Lord Polonius Reed goes to great lengths to decorated with countless angelic statues. Some have a welcoming
downplay the fact that the harbor was designed by commission- countenance, whereas others are foreboding and judgmental.
ing the mages of the Amethyst Academy, and must regularly Griffonrest Tower is perched at the north end of the city, rising
purchase replacement components for the main assembly line above the city walls. The distant sound of cawing griffons,
machinery from them. flapping wings, and swords clashing can be heard. The high tower
windows are buzzing with majestic beasts soaring out into the
mountains to hunt and feed, and back again to rest.

Lucant’s Vigil This fortress-city lies on the northeastern edge of Elyria,

between the Drakeclaw Mountains and the Middle Sea.
Population: 20,000 people The city is encompassed by massive white walls built to an
Ruler: Claudia Eden impressive and imposing height.
Known For: Monuments to Saint Tarna, Farming, Ocean Trade Anyone passing into Elyria by road must go through
Michael’s Gate. As such, the city is known as one of the most
A colossal granite statue of Saint Tarna stands where the Vita River defensible positions in the continent, and has broken the lines
empties into a cliff-ringed bay at the ocean’s edge. The figure holds of many failed siege attempts. The city rests on the east side of
her gleaming blade aloft as a beacon for sailors approaching the the Vita River, with a massive drawbridge that lowers across the
city of Lucant’s Vigil, casting her holy gaze upon all who approach waters. All along the eastern facing walls of the city is an interior
Elyria’s western shores. The city is nestled along the mouth of the corridor along with arrow slits every few feet, and the top
river, surrounded inland by miles of farmsteads and pastures. ramparts are lined with cannons. The drawbridge into the city
is decorated with dozens of statues depicting every angel known
Lucant’s Vigil is a major port for ocean trade on the west end of to the Faith of the Sacred Flame.
Elyria, ships constantly sail between the Vigil’s ports and those Griffonrest Tower. This imposing citadel is the fortress-
of Drannsmund in Westemär, and Darryl in the Isles of Skye. monastery of Knights of the Silver Order. This massive tower of
The city is made up of small stone buildings with a moderate white stone is a major vantage point over anyone riding towards
port side market. Just outside the city proper are sprawling Elyria from Liberio. The top floors of the tower are a massive
farmlands where hundreds of farms bring in produce and meats. roost built to house hundreds of griffons which the Silver Order
The city is known for a great 200-foot-tall statue of Saint Tarna use as mounts. Surrounding the base of the tower is a massive
clutching her shimmering blade high in the air. Commissioned by complex with sprawling stables for horses and other animals,
House Eden at a massive expense during a time when they held quarters for hundreds of knights and their retainers, and smoke-
the Divine Matriarchy, it stands on a small island just off the coast. spewing forges and workshops. The Cathedral of the Saint
The statue acts as a lighthouse: the flaming sword guides boats of Swords serves as a gathering hall for the order, and is large
into harbor during the night or through storms. All throughout the enough to seat a thousand warriors around a roaring brazier for
rest of the city are ostentatious cathedrals to the Sacred Flame and worship and meetings. High Paladin
countless private manors and gardens owned by House Eden. Uriel Radley has his own offices
Illuminated Manor. Not far from the docks of Lucant’s and apartments in the main
Vigil is a large, peculiar building of red granite surrounded by tower to oversee training
a high stone wall topped with wrought iron spikes. The estate and operations within the
boasts a construction and style unlike anything seen elsewhere Silver Order stronghold.
in Elyria and is decorated with guardian statues and gargoyles
depicting animals and creatures unknown in the continent.
The secretive guests at this place are usually red-robed figures
sporting lavish jewelry and bearing arcane implements. Their
faces are painted with vibrant markings, and they have bizarre
hairstyles such as mohawks, spikes, and top-knots. While local
rumors abound regarding the nature and purpose of this manor,
it is in truth the sole outpost of the enigmatic Illuminated
Chamber on the entire continent: bitter rivals of the Amethyst Claudia Eden
Academy who hail from distant lands. Their agents have come
seeking rumors of strange crystals brought by a falling star.

76 Guide to Drakkenheim
Adventures in Elyria Mage Hunt
The Amethyst Academy approaches the player characters
Elyria represents the religious epicenter of the setting, and has with information that they have divined the location of several
many prominent locations and political figures. The lands of mageborn children in Elyria. With the recent turmoil coming out
Elyria are filled with dangerous deserts, political intrigue, and of Drakkenheim, mageborn are facing greater suspicion in Elyria,
interesting locations to be explored by adventurers. A campaign and Academy mages are unwelcome in many parts of Elyria.
in Elyria might explore themes such as: The Amethyst Academy needs the player characters to locate
h Aiding the Divine Matriarch in acts of faith or holy quests. these mageborn children and bring them back to the Academy
h Defending Michael’s Gate from foreign invasion. under the right of guardianship of the Edicts of Lumen.
h Traversing the Witherbleach Desert to follow the path of During the adventure, one of the families will be heartbroken
Saint Tarna. by the news, and will do everything they can to keep their child.
h Protecting trade ships from Gabriella’s Landing from pirates Another family will be horrified, and will do everything they can
of the Middle Sea. to murder their child.
h Meeting the great dragon Opularis the Wise.
h Exploring the Dungeons of Nox beneath Lumen.
Class in Session
The great blue dragon Opularis is taking on new mageborn
Adventure Hooks students. Seeking to be those pupils, the player characters travel
to the lair of Opularis hidden somewhere in the Pale Tooth
Below are some specific adventures that might occur around Mountains. Though they might not be able to impress the
Elyria to use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns. dragon with their magic, the dragon decides not to slay them.
Opularis instead offers them three tasks to prove themselves
Lights Out worthy of their teachings — but if they fail, the dragon will
devour them. The tasks often include slaying one of Opularis’s
Recently, an irreverent wizard of the Amethyst Academy, visiting
great enemies, finding a unique magic item worthy of his horde
the city of Lumen as an envoy, was trying to get a good night’s
from the Isles of Skye, and obtaining a lost spellbook the dragon
sleep amidst the city’s endless bright lights. The wizard foolishly
loaned to a member of the Academy Directorate.
shrouded the windows of their room using a darkness spell,
blocking out the light of Lumen. Unfortunately, their chambers
harbored secret tunnels to the Dungeons of Nox. In the dark of Congregation of Conspiracy
night, a demonic spirit has possessed the wizard. Now the con- The player characters are swept up in the convergence of faith
taminated mage is plunging deep in the dungeons below Lumen, and politics that define Elyria. They might be members of the
releasing more horrors into the holy city. Who knows what horrific clergy, knights of the Silver Order, or the vassals of Elyrian
creations of the sorcerer-kings they have unleashed? nobility. Regardless, their goal is to secure the offices of both the
Divine Matriarch and the Lord Regent, so they can decide the
Tarna’s Footsteps destiny of Elyria.
Hoping to heal the schism between the Falling Fire and the Sa-
cred Flame, a devoted Flamekeeper wants to make a pilgrimage
to the Pale Tooth Mountains in search of the place where Saint
Tarna met the legendary Archangels. Many have attempted this These rumors might help spur creative quests and goals for your
throughout history, but none have been successful. The Flame- party to explore.
keeper has received a vision that they think will guide them. The h The druids of the Witherbleach Desert know of a secret
Flamekeeper could be an NPC or a player themselves. dwarven treasure vault buried in the Pale Tooth Mountains.
h They say on some nights angels visit the statue of Saint Tarna
in Lucant’s Vigil.
Quench the Flame h Gabriella’s Landing is actually completely run by pirates.
The political situation on the continent has reached a boiling h Lucant’s Vigil has been dealing with delerium from
point. Unable to negotiate with the self-righteous Divine Drannsmund and people are starting to fall ill.
Matriarch Mercy V, the player characters are drawn into a h There is an entrance to the Dungeons of Nox from one of the
grand conspiracy to assassinate her. Their co-conspirators taverns in Lumen, and many of the patrons are members of a
could include the Amethyst Academy, who seek to use the cult of Nox.
opportunity to weaken the Edicts of Lumen; members of h The scavengers in the eastern end of the desert were once
the Elyrian nobility, who hope to free their nation from the clerics of the Sacred Flame who were banished when they
clutches of theocracy; or even the Followers of the Falling Fire, discovered a blasphemous truth.
who believe the death of the Divine Matriarch will be the shock h Visitors to the city of Lumen are warned that it is bad luck to
which spurs others to take up their faith instead. However, to try to block out the Light of Lumen — even if you’re trying
avoid causing a continent-spanning war in the aftermath, they’ll to get a good night’s sleep!
need to pin the blame on a rival faction in the process… and
make sure they have positioned an appropriate candidate to
occupy the office afterwards!

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 77

Lumen Map


1. Violet Embassy
2. Matriarchal Palace
3. Saint Tarna’s Cathedral
4. Fortress Monastery
of Saint Lysander
5. Vita River
Dragon Vault

The Great Caspian Canyon stretches out for miles from the base of the
Rust Edge Mountains where an incredible waterfall of red-hued waters
pour out and into the canyon like a faucet. The red dry earth spans for
miles, as the crimson mountains loom magnificent across the horizon. Extending along the eastern coast of the Middle Sea, Caspia
A Caspian warrior clad in black and red armor flies atop a great is a subtropical land where wild grass and foliage cling to wide
wyvern down into the canyon, seeking their monstrous quarry below. red rocky knolls. The dry plains are speckled with column-like
rock formations and bordered by large spanning mountain
A pair of knights stand in the sandy pit of the Rex Colosseum. ranges in the north. The climate of Caspia ranges from arid to
A crowd of thousands of onlookers erupt into cheers as the steel humid. The northern cusp of Caspia is home to decent farm-
grate at the far end clangs open. A mighty roar bellows from the land for ranches and vineyards, and the semitropical coastal
darkness within. The two fighters draw their swords, slamming regions to the south are a rich source of fine spices such as
them against their shields and letting out battle cries to rile up the cloves, pepper, and saffron. There are only a few large forests,
crowd further. As a group of ugly trolls brandishing giant maces which include pine and spruce in the north but more tropical
and clubs spill out from the open gate, one of the knights yells species emerge in the south. Many Caspian towns tend vast
“For House Jagger!” and charges the monstrosities. orchards of either fruit or citrus depending on their latitudes.
Sailing the coastline of the Middle Sea, a group of privateers rush During antiquity, Caspia was a rich source of tin and home to
to their cannons. A black-sailed ship on the horizon heads towards many bronzeworkers. Today, Caspia must import most of its
them as they stand between the oncoming pirates and a group iron and steel.
of small trade ships attempting to make it to port. “Ready the The most populated cities are sprawling places filled with
weapons,” yells the gruff captain. “Let’s show them what happens single-story limestone abodes. Caspia is frequently rocked by
when they pick a fight with a Caspian ship!” tremors and earthquakes, so only the castles and keeps of the
most prominent houses reach a second or third story. Traveling

aspia is a confederate nation formed by six prominent south, the center of Caspia leads to more barren landscapes and
Great Houses, who have a not-undeserved reputation rocky badlands, and the famous Caspian Canyon until making
as boisterous and gregarious people. Their culture and its way to the tropical jungles to the south.
politics drive their prideful scions to seek adventure throughout
the world, and meddle endlessly in the affairs of other nations.
Every nation on the continent has warred against Caspia at least Population
once in their history, and every Caspian house had gone to war Amongst the three great powers of the continent, Caspia is
with each other countless times. However, since becoming a unit- the most sparsely populated, with only 5 million people living
ed realm, Caspia has never fallen to foreign invasion, and in spite within its borders. Most dwell in the coastal regions along the
of these numerous conflicts, the realm has remained remarkably Middle Sea or towards the northwestern regions which border
stable over the years thanks to its unique succession rules. Elyria and Westemär.
Every decade, the six Great Houses elect a reigning monarch Caspia is comprised mostly of humans, who make up all of
via a contest known as the Kingsmoot. This important tradition the six Great Houses of its nobility. However, several halfling
decides the High King of Caspia. Over the past thirty years, the communities exist along the northern area between the
prominent House Joplin has consistently won the Kingsmoot, Glimmer Mountains and the Rust Edge Mountains. Dwarves
and High King Venus Joplin has enjoyed a long rule. Yet, as the from the Glimmer Mountains commonly travel through Caspia,
next Kingsmoot nears, the other Great Houses scheme and plan and half-elves and tieflings make their homes in most port cities.
to unseat House Joplin and establish their own family as the Uncommon folk with anthropomorphic lineages dwell mostly
ruling dynasty. towards the southern borders with Terene and Orleone.

Capital Noble Ranks
Caspia does not have a true capital city — the seat of power lies h High King. The monarch of Caspia. This title is used
at the Tower of Swords. There, the High King of Caspia holds regardless of gender.
court, and the Kingsmoot meets here to choose the next ruler. h Prince-Elector or Princess-Elector. The elder of a Great
House, given the right to cast a vote or issue a challenge

Government during the Kingsmoot. Only six individuals hold this title in
Caspia, and each bear one of the Six Swords of Caspia.
Six Great Houses rule Caspia. The head of each household holds h Prince and Princess. This title is used by both scions and
the title of Prince-Elector, and all their heirs style themselves as direct family members of the Great Houses.
princes or princesses. Each household has complete authority h Marquis or Marquess. The rank held by landed noble
over the laws and jurisdiction of their individual lands. These six families who may submit a candidate to the Kingsmoot, but
houses are in fact each distantly related, for all descend from the who cannot vote in the contest. All are vassals of one of the six
six children of Rex Caspian, founder of the nation. As fitting for Great Houses.
a nation ruled by headstrong siblings, these factious nobles have
long struggled to form a united government, and often make
war against each other for frivolous reasons. A tradition known Royal Council
as the Kingsmoot was established as a means to end the petty Once the Kingsmoot is over, the High King must receive five
warring between the six major houses of Caspia by choosing a envoys from each of the noble houses to act on their council
High King to mediate disputes between the houses, make the to help manage the realm, but can then appoint as many
final decision on any matter affecting the nation as a whole, and other nobles to their council as they wish. The High King
wear the Crown of Caspia. can invent any office or title for these councilors as suits their
The Kingsmoot is both an election and a competition. By whims. While many High Kings establish a Master of War or an
custom and law, it is held no later than ten years to the day Admiral of Ships, other administrative functions are assigned
after the coronation of the most recent High King, or should the more haphazardly to niche roles, such as the Potions Inspector
High King die in office, immediately after their funeral. One General or the Lord Commander of Field Sports. As a result,
candidate for the throne is put forward by each of the six Great the High Kings of Caspia are known to assemble massive
Houses, and the reigning High King must abdicate the throne to entourages, making the court a rowdy place of nobles gathered
the winner of the contest. However, the current High King can from across the nation.
retain the throne if they are both chosen to represent their own The Kingsmoot is administered and overseen by represent-
house again and their House wins the Kingsmoot atives of the Amethyst Academy and the Faith of the Sacred
Each of the six Great Houses may submit two votes in the Flame to ensure legitimacy, fair dealing, and sportsmanlike
Kingsmoot. One vote is discretionary, but the households cannot conduct in the proceedings. The gnomish Archmage Marigold
vote for their own candidate. The other vote is decided by each Kettleborn and the human High Flamekeeper Elara Jones are
household making a bet or challenge placed at the conclusion of the current Kingsmoot administrators.
the previous Kingsmoot. These challenges represent a goal each Each representative also joins the Caspian Royal Council. As
house can strive towards over the next decade, although most a member of the Amethyst Academy Directorate, Marigold has
commonly, the houses will issue a challenge they might have held her current position since the Kingsmoot was established,
the upper hand accomplishing to secure a guaranteed vote for and the event is one of the few times the otherwise elusive
themselves. Traditional challenges include assembling the largest figure makes a public appearance. High Flamekeeper Elara
military force, procuring the most treasure, securing the strongest Jones has been recently elected from House Jones of Caspia
foreign alliances through marriage, building the greatest castle, after spending twelve years abroad in Elyria training under the
wielding the finest magical weapons, having the most impressive Divine Matriarch.
muscles, and slaying the most dragons or other notable monsters.
A household must win a plurality of votes to win the
Kingsmoot. While smaller houses of notable renown within
Seals of Caspia
Caspia may compete, they are not permitted to vote. As such, The Edicts of Lumen prompted the Caspian Houses to organize
the Kingsmoot has always been won by a Great House. Given the Kingsmoot to decide who would wear the Crown of Caspia
that only twelve votes are cast, two-way and three-way ties are gifted to them. As such, the Seals of Caspia are six swords and a
extremely common. In this case, a Caspian duel decides the crown. Each of the Great Houses holds one of the swords, which
next High King. Under the terms of the duel, each candidate are unsheathed in the coronation ritual of the High King. The
chooses four retainers to accompany them on a quest. Each High King usually wields both the sword of their house, and
candidate has one week to seek out and slay the largest and wears the Crown of Caspia.
most terrible monster they can find, and return with a trophy.
The other houses then decide which candidate has made the
most impressive kill, and declare them High King. “My dear partner Pluto once compared the Drakkenheim
House Joplin are great dragonslayers, and they most often crater to the Caspian Canyon saying it wasn’t as
use this skill to win tiebreakers. This tactic has made them the impressive. Sounds like a typical Caspian answer to
winner of 17 of the 34 Kingsmoots. basically anything if you ask me.”
The current High King of Caspia is Venus Joplin II, who has
been the reigning monarch for the last three decades.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 81

Religion History
Caspians are known as a largely irreverent people. Nevertheless, the Like their neighboring nations, the lands of Caspia were once
Faith of the Sacred Flame is the most common religion throughout part of the sorcerer-kings’ Arcane Empire for hundreds of years.
Caspia. Though Caspian dedication to the Sacred Flame is less than When the arcane tyrants’ rule ended, the now-free settlements
that of Westemär and very much Elyria, most major cities house a along the coast of the Middle Sea became a collection of
chapel or cathedral to the Faith. Devout noblewomen often travel to squabbling city-states. Each controlled a small patch of land or a
Elyria to train as a Flamekeepers, many Caspians see this as another network of smaller towns, and a few became military powers in
possible avenue to add clout and renown to their house’s name. their own right.
Caspians tend to think of the Old Gods as ghost stories, and
many Caspians speak of them as if they were demons or evil
monsters. One Caspian legend claims that great heroes of House Founding of Caspia
Jackson, Joplin, and Jones fought against and slew Kromac, After the fall of the sorcerer-kings, countless wars were fought
Nodens, and Morrigan, which caused the Old Gods to run away for control of modern-day Caspia. Few would-be conquerors
from Caspia in fear of meeting the same fate. These Caspians are could secure the entire region until a powerful warlord known
heroes in old tales used to impress upon young Caspian children as Kristoff Karn brought the Eastern Vales under his rule. Not
the importance of strength and courage. Many point out, correct- content to claim that region alone, Karn moved south to invade
ly, that the timeline given by these tales makes no sense, as the the lands around the Middle Sea.
Caspian houses today did not exist at the time when the stories He met his match in the mighty Rex Caspian. Although this
are said to occur. Facts often make for boring stories, however. renowned warrior did not have any noble ancestry, he united
the city-states of the Middle Sea to fend off Karn’s armies.
Military After years of war, Karn’s resources and troops were exhaust-
ed, and the two warlords met to negotiate a truce. The men
Each notable house of Caspia has its own army. The size of these had not met personally before, but inexplicably came away
forces, their fighting styles, and equipment differ from house to from their parley as friends, seeing much of themselves in one
house. Nevertheless, each Great House boasts about their soldiers another. They agreed to lay down their arms and recognized the
and what they deem to be most valuable. The combined might of sovereignty of each other’s lands.
Caspia far outstrips the militaries of any other nation. However,
this apparent strength is counterbalanced by the uncooperative
nature of the Great Houses themselves. Still, when Caspia has Six Houses
faced invasion from Westemär, Elyria, or Terene, the Great Hous- Although infamous for his promiscuity and countless partners,
es’ armies have readily united and have proven to be an incredibly Rex Caspian married Cordelia Karn. The two sired six children:
resilient and unstoppable force. The competitive nature of the Jackson, Jones, Joplin, John, Jagger, and Joyce. Rex ruled over
Caspian Houses has also encouraged diversification amongst the his kingdom for many years, until during a sporting display he
household armies to cover a wide range of martial doctrines, as rashly decided to wrestle a gorgon with his bare hands. The old
each house wants to be different from the others, and train their king was turned to stone while holding the beast in a headlock.
armies to be the best at something the others are not. The petrified body of Rex Caspian still stands as a statue in the
center of the Rex Colosseum, clutching the gorgon in place.
Magic Though mages and apothecaries offered to reverse the curse
many times, Rex Caspian’s six children instead decided to let
By tradition, a court mage of the Amethyst Academy serves
their father remain as a “glorious symbol” while they promptly
each of the Great Houses. However, the Amethyst Academy
divided his kingdom amongst themselves. Each formed one of
does not have a major stronghold in Caspia, instead operating
the six houses of Caspia, fracturing their father’s empire into six
through a variety of outposts or traveling from the Enigma
warring kingdoms.
Ziggurat in the neighboring city-state of Liberio.
The decision to leave their father as a stone statue and go
Caspians are fascinated with art and music, and love when
their separate ways was the last thing all six of Rex Caspian’s
bards tell stories and sing songs of their deeds. Noble houses
children could ever agree upon, and their descendants carried
often recruit a minstrel or herald, and it is a mark of prestige to
this rich tradition onward for generations. The houses would go
have a bard with true magical talents on your household staff.
to war to prove they had a better army, stronger knights, or any
reason imaginable. Occasionally, the houses collaborated but
Trade quickly fell back to sibling-like infighting. During the renowned
Battle of Skulls, House Jones and House Joyce united to defeat
Geographically, Caspia lies in the center of the Continent along
a hydra that was tormenting the outskirts of their lands. Upon
the Middle Sea, and as such the nation is the crossroads for
defeating the hydra, both houses wanted to adorn their throne
international trade. Goods flow through Caspia from Elyria and
with the skulls of the beast, but could not agree which house
Westemär to Terene and Orleone, and Caspian spices are often
would get five skulls, and which would get four. Appropriately,
used as a medium of exchange for cargo passing between these
the resulting war lasted nine years.
places. Such trade progresses by both land and sea, as most of
the Six Great Houses make their estates on coastal ports.
Principal Exports: Tin, bronze, spices, wines
Principal Imports: Iron, steel, coal, silk, textiles.

82 Guide to Drakkenheim
Establishing the Kingsmoot War of the Sword
The Caspian houses were deeply divided over the place of There was once a Caspian prince who was also a famous bard,
magic in their laws and realms during the Mage Wars. When Prince-Elector Oberon Joplin. This warrior-poet was a peerless
Divine Matriarch Humility III called each of the Great Houses swordsman, perhaps the greatest duelist of the age in any
to negotiate the Edicts of Lumen, another war almost started continental style. Oberon was also known for his outstanding
over which house would represent the nation of Caspia as a performances and even possessed magical talents, though he
whole. It was only prevented by the suggestion from the newly- was not mageborn. In the year 971, the well-loved Caspian
formed Academy Directorate that all the higher nobles of each prince won the Kingsmoot and was to be crowned High King of
nation could attend the summit and sign the treaty. Caspia. However, this was met with great opposition from the
Nevertheless, the fact that Caspia was simultaneously a Faith of the Sacred Flame and many nobles in Westemär and
singular and divided nation was a vexing problem during the Elyria, who claimed the man’s magical abilities were irrefutable
peace talks, as the Faith of the Sacred Flame and the Amethyst evidence that he was mageborn.
Academy planned to offer each realm a magical crown as a Under the Edicts of Lumen, Divine Matriarch Temperance IV
gesture of goodwill. The clerics and wizards of the time knew it invoked the Articles of Umbrage to call the High King to trial in
would be foolish to give each of the Caspian Houses their own Lumen. Prior to the final judgment, rumors spread amongst the
crown, especially ones which could grant them a wish. Instead, Elyrian nobility the scheme was an elaborate ruse by the Academy
they forged six mighty blades, one for each House, and a single to seat a mageborn on a royal throne. As a result, the assembled no-
crown, which they announced could be worn by whoever was bles and Flamekeepers rejected the testimony from the Academy
the singular inheritor of Rex Caspian’s legacy — so long as the Directorate, which claimed Oberon was not mageborn. The Divine
matter could be decided peacefully within ten years. Matriarch proclaimed that House Joplin must disinherit Oberon
Naturally, with their usual solution of making war on one and renounce the throne. Oberon refused, and the Great Houses
another off the table, the Caspians were unable to decide upon stood united behind their king and stormed back to Caspia.
who should wear the crown. Each house presented their case The continent braced for war, but in a last-ditch attempt at
for their house ruling over Caspia as a whole. The Jacksons peace, a year later an Elyrian delegation visited the High King
argued that since they had recently slain a gang of trolls that led by the High Paladin of the Silver Order at the time, Miranda
were stealing livestock, that their house deserved the crown. Crake. Unfortunately, a fierce row broke out during the talks,
House Jones argued that their military was the largest and and Oberon Joplin challenged Miranda Crake to a duel. The
strongest. House John argued their castle was the largest and fight would be his last. The High King died at the feet of the
most well decorated. Each house put forward their case, and High Paladin.
in challenging one another to meet the prestige of their own House Joplin reacted with rage to the death of their liege, and
deeds, the Caspians found their way. They each agreed to diplomatic relations spiraled out of control. The result was the
issue a challenge to all the others, and whichever house won War of the Sword, which raged for twenty years. The war was
the most challenges would become High King for the next characterized by duels between Elyrian knights and Caspian
decade. Arcturus Jagger became the first to claim the crown as Princes. The war raged on until the death of Divine Matriarch
the High King of Caspia, and the Kingsmoot was born. Temperance IV, when a Caspian Flamekeeper, Ganymede
Joyce, was chosen as her successor and became Divine
Matriarch Charity VII.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 83

Personality Trait. I let my actions speak for me, and am a
High Flamekeeper
Elara Jones woman of few words. I know my house’s worth, and I treat each
Caspian as their house demands. Which means some I speak to
as equals, and some I speak to as inferiors. Mostly inferiors.
Ideal. I am always the strongest and bravest person in the
room. To say you are a great warrior is one thing, to be one
takes guts.
Bond. House Joplin is the strongest Caspian house; the evi-
dence is in the history books. I will hold the title of High King
until I die, and on that day, my daughter will take my place.
Flaw. I do not care for the petty squabbles of my fellow houses.
I am rude and demeaning to the other Caspian Houses when
I feel they are not living up to my expectations of what a
Caspian house should be, which is basically always.
Venus has held tightly to the role of High King for nearly
three decades, and does not plan on relinquishing her title at
the next Kingsmoot. Although she is well-loved by her people,
and spoken of highly in tales and songs of her incredible
victories, great monster hunts, and amazing arena duels, the
other houses often dislike her, or are intimidated by her. She
often enjoys this fact and revels in being the greatest Caspian
warrior since Rex himself.

House Jackson
House Jackson rules their domain from the port city of Jack-
son’s Keep. They are renowned as great monster slayers and
take pride in the many trophies collected by their scions.
The current head of the household is Prince-Elector Sol
Jackson. His children, Pluto and Eris, are both renowned warri-
ors and Sol pushes them to perform great heroic deeds in hopes
of winning votes for the upcoming Kingsmoot. Sol has even sent

Factions and Figures his son Pluto to the city of Drakkenheim in Westemär in hopes
of having house Jackson be at the heart of resolving the conflicts
and issues of the fractured nation.
Some of Caspia’s prominent groups and figures include:
House Jackson is the only house to have never won a single
Kingsmoot, and they are the laughing stock of the other houses
House Joplin as a result. Sol is determined to be the first Jackson to take the
position as High King of Caspia. Nevertheless, House Jackson
House Joplin is considered the foremost has a capable army skilled in swordplay and javelin-throwing.
amongst the Great Houses, having
won the Kingsmoot seventeen times
since it was established. The head Prince-Elector Sol Jackson
of the household, Venus Joplin II, Sol is a ninety-year-old barrel-chested liege who is almost
sits upon the throne in the Tower of always wearing his shining decorated armor. He wears a red
Swords as the High King. She has ruled in cape with several small motifs of his family’s crest upon it, and
this position for over thirty years, while the Joplin estates are he sports a great white beard and slicked back hair. He is tall
looked after by her daughter, Magellan Joplin. They proudly and muscular, sporting an envious physique for a man half his
boast the largest army, featuring large regiments of halberd age. He speaks in a booming voice, and often spouts tales of
wielding infantry. Their tactical combat acumen and polearm glorious battle and exaggerated monster hunts.
mastery is unmatched throughout Caspia.
Personality Trait. I take every opportunity to speak of my
great deeds and the deeds of my house. People need to know
High King Venus Joplin II that although the Jacksons have yet to win a Kingsmoot, we
are still one of the strongest houses in Caspia.
Venus Joplin is an imposing woman in her late fifties. She has Ideal. Every Jackson needs to know three things: how to swing
broad shoulders, a square face with defined features, and black a sword, when to swing a sword, and how to tell everyone
pixie cut hair. She has almond shaped brown eyes and narrow how good you are at swinging a sword.
lips. She wears a thick breastplate with open arms to accentuate Bond. My family is important to me. I push them to do great
her muscular strength. Her cape is emblazoned with the crest deeds to achieve glory for our house.
of her house, and she wears a circlet with a single sapphire gem Flaw. I often talk over people and completely ignore what they
placed in the center. say. I much prefer the sound of my own voice anyways.

84 Guide to Drakkenheim
Sol is a boisterous and proud man who will never say a bad Bond. I live by the tenets of the Sacred Flame, which I hold
thing about his house or his family. He spends most of his time in higher regard than my household. Still, as both a noble
bragging about their deeds and ensuring everyone around him Caspian and High Flamekeeper, I am burdened with many
knows how great the Jacksons are. In truth, the upcoming responsibilities, and must uphold my obligations to the faith,
Kingsmoot has Sol on edge. His house has never won a single the crown, and my house.
Kingsmoot and at ninety years old, his time is running short for Flaw. I sometimes talk down to Caspian men when I find their
him to claim being the first Jackson to ever take the throne of the pig-headed nature exhausting or absurd.
High King. Since he started swinging a sword, Sol determined Elara uses her words of wisdom to sway High King Venus
himself destined to be the first Jackson on the throne, and wants Joplin II towards a righteous course, and also towards favorable
that title more than anything. If he does not win the upcoming outcomes for her family in political matters. Long has the High
Kingsmoot, he doubts he has another decade left in him. King contemplated invading Westemär now that the kingdom is
weakened, and it has been Elara’s urgings that have prevented
that from happening.
House Jones
House Jones resides in the coastal city of Jonestown. However, House John
they do not focus their attention on ships and naval combat. The seat of House John is located in Bladeshatter Bay at
Instead, the family is renowned for their great horse breeding the sprawling coastal town of Port John. Their navy is well
facilities, and they fancy themselves the greatest equestrians on known in the Middle Sea for being more deadly and vile than
the continent. They spend years mastering horseback archery, the many pirates who pillage the trade ships through those
jousting, and riding skills, and Prince-Elector Saturn Jones has waters. They have the strongest fleet of any Caspian house,
never lost a horse race or a jousting match. and Prince-Elector Neptune John is a famous naval captain,
House Jones has held the title of High King more than any swashbuckler, and strategist.
other house except House Joplin. However, even when not House John is sometimes looked down on from the other Cas-
seated on the throne of the Tower of Swords, House Jones is pian houses, as Neptune John is not actually a direct descendant
extremely active in domestic and international politics. They of Rex Caspian. House John has a history of mageborn children,
entertain nobles from Westemär and Elyria on a regular basis, and even several half-elves, tieflings, and dragonborn in their
and always ensure their scions marry members of prominent bloodline. Since the Edicts of Lumen require noble houses to
foreign families. As a result, House Jones also has some of the disinherit their mageborn children, it came as a great tragedy
strongest alliances and ties to the nobility of the other nations. when an entire generation of House John’s heirs all turned out to
In fact, the late Queen Lenore of Drakkenheim was a member be mageborn. Since none could inherit the household lands and
of House Jones, and her marriage solidified strong ties between titles, a bastard child of a lesser Caspian house was adopted into
Westemär and Caspia for a time. Since her apparent death after House John and chosen to inherit the family estates.
the destruction of Drakkenheim, House Jones is attempting to The mageborn trait was so strong in House John’s bloodline
recuperate their alliances and maintain a grip on their position. that when the Edicts of Lumen were first presented, House
They see an opportunity to vastly expand their holdings now John was the strongest opposing voice. They were instrumental
that Westemär is falling apart. in shaping the final document, and only agreed to sign it
Furthermore, the household has been able to maintain a after they themselves established the practice of allowing
highly influential position within Caspia due to the recent noble mageborn to take up positions as court mages for their
appointment of a House Jones scion to the position of High own households. Today, the
Flamekeeper of Caspia. true descendants of John
Caspian still live, but all are
High Flamekeeper Elara Jones mageborn members of the
Amethyst Academy.
Elara Jones is an anomaly in her family: the household is not
normally known for being particularly faithful or zealous.
However, Elara nonetheless found herself called to the faith
at a young age, and departed her household as a teenager. She
returned years later as a devout warrior-priest of the Sacred
Flame having spent many years in Elyria under the mentorship
of the Divine Matriarch. Now in her early thirties, she has
retired from adventure, and taken up the mantle as High
Flamekeeper for the High King of Caspia. However, thanks to
her new station, she has now become entangled in the politics
which drove her to leave Caspia in the first place.
Personality Trait. I speak slowly and calmly to ensure I am Prince-Elector
understood. I often feel like Caspians yell and shout like wild Neptune John
animals, so a firm but soft voice often puts them in their place.
Ideal. Strength is one thing, but having a good head on your
shoulders and knowing how to use it will take you much
further in Caspia than you might expect.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 85

Prince-Elector Neptune John Prince-Elector Mars Jagger
Neptune is a middle-aged man with a bushy blonde beard and Mars is a slender liege with black hair and a prominent thick
a bald head. This gladiator has a burly build, and unlike many unibrow across his furrowed brow, a thick black mustache that
of the Caspian Princes, rarely wears armor. Instead, he is known covers his mouth, and thick sideburns. He is often clad in black
for sailing the Middle Sea in his leather tricorn hat, a sea-swept half-plate that he and all the wyvern-riders wear, as well as a
beige tunic, and a large belt with a silver skull for a buckle. He black helm with a red crest.
has tattoos covering his arms and back detailing every monster Mars is rarely far from Duke, his black-and-red wyvern.
he has claimed to have slain, including a kraken, a dragon turtle, There are many famous stories involving Mars and his uniquely
and most important to him, a great white sperm whale who colored wyvern rampaging over their enemies. Mars is almost
devoured his original crew. Neptune is known to be a ruthless inseparable from the beast, and many say he loves it more than
commander in combat, and takes endless joy in downing pirate his own children.
ships and plundering them of their stolen goods. He is often Personality Trait. I speak in a biting, strong tone, and often
accompanied by a pet ferret he calls Pip. use analogies of battle and blood to make my points.
Personality Trait. I use naval jargon and sailing analogies when- Ideal. True friends stab you in the front. Honesty is harsh, but
ever I talk. I curse often, and have little mind for manners. in the end it’s the best way.
Ideal. Go where the wind takes ye, and always be ready to fight Bond. To fly through the air and feel, for a brief time, what
for what ye believe in. it’s like to be free, is the most incredible feeling any man can
Bond. I may not be a trueborn scion of House John, but I was have. We wyvern-riders will always be the freest, and most
brought into this family all the same. I have proven myself glorious of the Caspians. The others could never understand.
my own brand of warrior. No one can take my title, or my Flaw. I talk to my wyvern and love it more than anything else
victories away from me. I’m still waiting for a thank-you from and would die to protect it.
Joplin for keeping the Middle Sea safe for our people. Mars is less concerned with the Kingsmoot than he is building
Flaw. If anyone mentions my bloodline as not being a true heir up his military strength. He has a growing vendetta against
to the throne of Caspia, I’ll stick ’em with my saber a few the people of Terene, and is often jealous of their Clawstrider
times to show them my Caspian ways. rangers. He is focusing all his energy training more wyvern-
Neptune John wants to win the next Kingsmoot to stir the riders to push into the neighboring lands to capture and tame
pot of Caspian royalty, and rub it in the face of the other houses the giant lizards of the jungle. His goal is to build a force of both
for thinking low of him. Most Caspians are loud and proud with mounted ground and aerial troops that puts all other Caspian
their shining armor and big swords, and not used to seeing a tat- houses to shame.
tooed pirate amongst their people. Currently Neptune has been
detailing plans to slay the great Leviathan of the South Ocean,
which would surely claim him some votes in the Kingsmoot.

House Jagger
House Jagger’s holdings are nestled at the end of the Great
Caspian Canyon along the River of Rust, in the small city of
Jagger’s Ford. Prince-Elector Mars Jagger rules over the city
from his cliffside castle. Surrounded by badlands, their estates
are quite a bit rougher and rugged than other Caspian cities.
House Jagger maintains a smaller army than the other houses,
but one no less mighty, for their wyvern-riders are the envy of
Caspia. For generations, the Jaggers have hunted the Caspian
Canyon for wyvern nests. After collecting and hatching their
eggs, the Jaggers raise and train the creatures to use as mounts.
The powerful air force of wyvern-riding knights has been
instrumental in many Caspian wars.
As rulers of the southernmost regions of Caspia, House Jagger
has fought constant battles and wars with the people of Terene
over the borders between their lands. Caspians often see the
jungles as a wild land filled with monsters, and venture forth on
hunting expeditions. However, the Terene locals do not want
Caspian knights stomping through their lands slaying their
creatures, and so violence between the two is common.

“In Caspia, I’m pretty sure they think violence is the

answer. Even when no one asked a question.” Prince-Elector
Mars Jagger

86 Guide to Drakkenheim
House Joyce in Caspia for warriors who do not belong directly to one of
the six Great Houses, and the legion has been instrumental
House Joyce’s domains stretch out along the coast of the in protecting the realms of Caspia from dragons and other
Middle Sea; the family makes their home in Joyce Harbor. monsters, but also from foreign invasions.
The household is the only Caspian Great House who The Scalebreaker Legion has existed in some form in Caspia
prominently professes their faith in the Sacred Flame — the even before the nation itself, but rose to modern prominence
family built the largest cathedral to the Faith in Caspia. Scions when they defeated the invading forces of Albrecht von
of the household often become clerics and paladins of the Drakken in the year 822. During the Dragonfall War, Scale-
Sacred Flame, and the family is relied upon to bring healing breaker Knights slew the House von Drakken dragons and rout-
and divine magic to many Caspian battles. They wish to see ed their armies, and Commander Bernard of the Scalebreakers
the Sacred Flame shine its light more strongly within Caspia. presented the head of Albrecht von Drakken himself to High
Due to their close ties to the Faith of the Sacred Flame, King Andromeda Jones at the Tower of Swords.
they have a strong relationship with Elyria. Princess-Elector
Persephone Joyce frequently travels to Lumen to meet with
the Divine Matriarch. However, she hasn’t been back since
Scalebreaker Commander Callisto
Elara Jones was appointed High Flamekeeper of Caspia, and Commander Callisto, a male Scalebreaker knight, has
the development has strained the political ambitions of House looked after the Dragon Vault for thirty years as the head of
Joyce, who in the past could reliably arrange one of their scions the Scalebreaker Legion. He himself is noted for having slain
to the position. the children of Amarodial “Bitterheart” the Black Dragon
of the Eastern Vales when they ventured over the mountains
into Caspian territory. That was some time ago, and now,
Princess-Elector Persephone Joyce over the age of seventy, Commander Callisto has retired
Persephone Joyce is a middle-aged noble woman who wears from the battlefield and helps train new recruits. He is a
white robes similar in fashion to those seen within the clergy of strict commander who expects the best from his knights, and
the Sacred Flame, but greatly embellished with gaudy Caspian constantly reminds them that if they think he is too harsh, they
baubles. She often wears gold jewelry to contrast her white attire will be sorely disappointed with how a dragon treats them.
and mimic the colors worn by the Divine Matriarch. Persephone Callisto has short gray hair and keeps a gray stubble beard.
fancies herself very in tune with the teachings of the religion, and He has an eyepatch over his left eye and three scars across his
she attends the cathedral in Joyce Harbor every day. face — a memento from one of his earliest battles. Commander
Callisto wears the same armor into battle each and every
Personality Trait. I offer guidance and wisdom with my
time, complete with its many burn marks, dents, and holes
words, and aid those who would turn away from the Sacred
from draconic teeth and claws. He is missing his left arm after
Flame by gently pushing them in the right direction towards
having lost it to a red dragon on the Drakeclaw Mountains
the light.
years ago. Despite his injury he returned with the head of the
Ideal. Caspians should take their inspiration more readily from
dragon in tow. Anyone who has made a comment about his
righteous figures like Saint Tarna, not uncouth warlords like
missing arm is thrown into the training pit with the commander,
Rex Caspian.
who challenges them to beat him in a duel. The Scalebreaker
Bond. My faith has proven a valuable ally to me and I believe
Commander remains undefeated.
that as long as I work under the guidance of the Flame, I will
always be moving in the right direction. Personality Trait. I am a stern man with a lot of wisdom
Flaw. I believe the Sacred Flame guides my every choice, and from experience. I speak harshly and honestly. In battle there
so I rarely question the wisdom of my actions. is no place for niceties.
Ideal. I train the best, because anything less won’t survive long
Persephone is aiming to take the seat of High King in the
enough to learn better.
next Kingsmoot, tear down the Rex Colosseum, and construct a
Bond. The Scalebreakers are one of the most important forces
great cathedral in its place. She dreams of turning the Tower of
in all of Caspia, we may not be nobles or High Kings, but you
Swords into a holy site of worship, and sparking the Sacred Flame
can bet on your life that they know they need us when the
throughout all of Caspia. She has wild ambitions this would unite
monsters of this world come crawling out of their holes.
Caspia and Elyria as a unified force, and fancifully imagines her
Flaw. I am incapable of relaxing. I have been on my guard
and the Divine Matriarch as two pillars of the Faith working
my whole life and constantly in battles. I don’t know if I am
together to spread truth and justice to the continent.
capable of settling down.
Callisto has a long-standing rivalry with the black dragon
Amarodial, who dwells in the Eastern Vales. He has faced
Scalebreaker Legion the dragon several times and the two are well aware of
one another. Since they are separated by the Rust Edge
Part mercenary company, part monster-hunting lodge, and
Mountains, their battles have subsided for many years.
part adventuring guild, the Scalebreaker Legion is a prestigious
Still, Commander Callisto dreams of facing the dragon once
paramilitary organization in Caspia which stands apart from
more. If he is to die, he would rather it be in the jaws of that
the noble houses. The Scalebreakers count amongst their
treacherous beast than lying in a bed.
ranks some of the greatest monster hunters the world has ever
known, and are specifically trained in the art of hunting and
killing dragons. Rising in its ranks is among the highest honors

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 87

Amethyst Academy Locations and Landmarks
Although no stronghold of the Amethyst Academy exists in
Caspia, the cheerful Marigold Kettleborn has operated as the
archmage of Caspia since the Kingsmoot was established. She Trogrowth Forest
was eager to take the position and has happily seen over magical The largest forest in Caspia is infamously lousy with trolls. The
dealings in the nation since. Many High Kings have spoken willows and gnarled root trees stretch up from marshy lakes and
highly of Marigold and expressed that her counsel is always rivers, and large stretches of the forest are swamps. Though
highly regarded. many warn of the dangers within, such words are merely a
challenge to the ears of most Caspian princes. The thick mists
Marigold Kettleborn and damp air make for an uncomfortable hunt, but Caspians
hoping to prove themselves as warriors, monster slayers, or
Marigold is an Academy Director, and possibly the most Scalebreakers will venture in nonetheless. Beyond trolls, the
mysterious of them all. This two-and-a-half foot gnomish forest is known for giant snakes, colossal man-eating toads, two-
woman is about as wide as she is tall. She has curled yellow hair headed crocodiles, and massive demonic insects.
that falls about her round rosy face. She is always beaming with Many a Caspian will boast with pride about the trolls they
a large smile, red dimpled cheeks, and an abundance of chins. killed in Trogrowth, but the number of the monsters never seem
She has a round nose and big bright eyes; one is green, the other to dwindle. Local legend tells of a magic portal deep within the
is a strange crimson red. She carries a short staff made of iron forest which leads to a vast underground city where trolls and
laced with golden swirls. other shadow fey dwell, but the Caspians do not venture far
Marigold wears a wide-brimmed, pointed, purple hat and a enough to prove these claims.
well-fitted purple Academy tunic. She is always a delight to be
around and many Caspians admire her optimistic attitude and
overt friendliness. Great Caspian Canyon
Personality Trait. I speak in excited and friendly tones and This canyon stretches from the base of the Rust Edge Moun-
am always looking for an opportunity to help out. No one tains down the center of Caspia towards the Jungles of Terene.
suspects a jovial gnome! The beautiful Vermillion Falls flow from the mountains down
Ideal. Tricking mortals is so easy, you just need to smile and into the canyon and are the largest waterfalls in the world. The
nod and occasionally throw in a mild request and a quick River of Rust that flows through the canyon gets its name from
illusion and you can bend them to your will. the red earth of the mountains and the canyon, which causes the
Bond. No one suspects the truth of my presence here, and I will river to take on a rust like color.
continue to play this role and pull the strings of the Amethyst The canyon has a large
Academy as I see fit. population of wyverns,
Flaw. I am reckless and care little for those around me. My which Caspians have both
friendly facade is merely another illusion. hunted for sport and tamed
Marigold is a master of illusions and has been known to for mounts.
occasionally pull pranks and small jests on the High Kings
of Caspia, and even the Academy Directors. Behind closed
doors, Marigold has been heard muttering in deep whispers of
unknown languages to herself. She vanishes every night when
her duties are done, and even goes weeks or months without
communicating with the other Academy Directors. She has
spoken briefly of her walking castle, but no one is sure what she
refers to, and assume it is another jest.
Marigold has been working in secret to study how delerium
affects illusion magic. She hopes to create a means of making Princess-Elector
illusion spells function like summoning spells — conjuring up an Persephone Joyce
illusion and infusing it with delerium to give it form and make it
real. If she can master this new advancement, she will be able to
create any object, reshape landscapes, manifest riches and items,
and reshape reality in ways hitherto unheard of.

“I thought some of my professors were bad, but my

brief encounters with the Directorate have been at
their best, unpleasant”

88 Guide to Drakkenheim
Cities and Settlements when the primordial monster saw the warriors of Caspia, he was
so intimidated by their might he dropped his sword and fled.
As with most Caspian stories, the details and timeline of events
Tower of Swords become extremely incongruent the more one thinks it through.
Most Caspians get quite angry if you mention this.
Capital of Caspia
Population: 2,725 people Rex Colosseum
Ruler: High King Venus Joplin II Constructed beside the Tower of Swords is a large oval-shaped
Known For: Arena Battles, Political Center of Caspia, arena that can accommodate nearly ten thousand spectators.
the Kingsmoot The outer facade is decorated with bas-relief carvings depict-
ing horrific monsters being slain by Caspian warriors. Inside
In the midst of the Caspian plains, resting beside the River of is a sandy fighting pit with barred gates facing each cardinal
Blood is a massive stone tower built to resemble a colossal sword direction. Standing in the middle of the pit is the petrified
with its blade plunged into the earth. It reaches hundreds of feet statue of Rex Caspian, still holding the gorgon that petrified
into the air, and a chain-powered lift operates an elevator which him in his grip. The supernatural creature is still alive, but has
runs up the furrow of the blade. There, the court of the High King been unable to free itself for hundreds of years. Those fighting
is built into the crossguard of the stone weapon, with stained glass in the arena must be careful to avoid the petrifying fumes it
windows like jewels decorating a hilt. belches forth.
Beneath the arena is a sprawling labyrinth of chambers, with
The Tower of Swords is the tallest structure in Caspia, and ready-rooms for gladiators, a forge and smithy to maintain
located in the heart of the nation. It is the seat of the High weapons and armor, a hot spring bath to relax between fights,
King of Caspia and the place where each Kingsmoot is decided. and copious stores of meat and beer. The lower levels house
After a new High King is elected, the new monarch and their various pens where animals and monsters are kept to await
immediate family and retainers take up residence in the combat. The High King pays well for new creatures that offer
apartments built into the pommel of the blade-tower, where unique fighting opportunities, and some adventurers make their
the yawning windows and stone balconies look out in every entire careers as monster-wranglers for the arena.
direction across Caspia.
The High King holds court in the Great Hall located in the
crossguard of the blade. There stand statues of the six children The Troll’s Head
of Rex Caspian, as well as a central statue of Rex himself with For those traveling to the Tower of Swords or Rex Colosseum,
an inscription that reads “May our swords shatter the will of they can find accommodations at the Troll’s Head tavern and
those who rise against the might of Caspia.” Beneath the tower inn. Both gladiators and spectators all come to the Troll’s Head
is a crypt of sorts, but no bodies are held there. Instead, the to enjoy a pint of ale and enjoy stories of great victories and
chosen blade or weapon representing each High King is hung bitter losses. The tavern has the mummified head of a troll on a
upon the wall or placed on display on tables throughout the stake outside acting as a signpost for the tavern.
mausoleum. A small village has sprung up around the tower, Comet Smith, a member of a smaller Caspian house, runs the
providing lodgings for royal visitors and the household staff. inn, which is actually the manor house of his family. He loves to
No Caspians constructed the Tower of Swords, and the share stories and gossip with guests, especially telling newcomers
structure supposedly dates before even the time of the Arcane about the troll outside who tried to kill him when he was in the
Empire. Caspians tell a story that it is in fact a titan’s blade. The Trogrowth forest on a hunt. His story changes slightly every time
fearsome creature planned to devour the people of the earth, but he tells it, getting more and more heroic as time passes.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 89

Lento College
Sol Jackson Caspian Bardic College
Population: 1,300 students, 50 faculty
Ruler: Headmaster Archibald Goldgrain
Known for: Training Caspian Bards
This massive school in the south of Caspia is built on a cliffside
overlooking the Middle Sea. It is the best — and only —
established college in Caspia. It has a large, ring-like structure
with four high towers. Its central courtyard is used as an
amphitheater for lectures, recitals, and public performances.
The school focuses on teaching the arts, poetry, literature,
music, painting, and other crafts. The minstrels and heralds who
accompany Caspian nobility often attend Lento College.
Due to the Edicts of Lumen, the school is strictly prohibited
from teaching magic. Rufus Stonewall, an Amethyst Academy
academic, is positioned at the college to oversee the teachings
of these Caspian artists. His specific task is to observe and see
Jackson’s Keep if any students possess magical potential as bards, and to send
them to an Academy school to further train their arcane skills.
Home of House Jackson Many of these bards return to Caspia to finish their artistic
training and hone their Academy-learned magic skills. Many of
Population: 10,500 people Caspia’s noble houses prize the talents of a Lento-trained artist.
Ruler: Prince-Elector Sol Jackson
Known For: Fishing, Jackson Knights, Caspian Smithing, Trade

The blue rooftops of Jackson’s Keep stand in stark contrast to Dragon Vault
the rich red soils of the surrounding landscape. Positioned at the
mouth of the River of Blood, Jackson’s Keep is a modest city of Stronghold of the Scalebreaker Legion
low buildings and a large harbor. A great statue of a Caspian Population: 2,000 Scalebreakers and their recruits
knight fighting a troll rests in the market square and can be seen Ruler: Commander Callisto
peeking over the low rooftops. Trade ships come and go from the Known For: Training Grounds, the Vault, Crypt of Heroes
port city and the clanging of metals and loud voices echo through
the dusty streets.
Against the base of the Rust Edge Mountains sits the great walls
of the Dragon Vault. The red stone walls have several carved
Jackson’s Keep is located in the northern bay of Caspia, where
draconic gargoyles perched upon it, and a great gate that opens to
the River of Blood flows into the Middle Sea. Jackson’s Keep
a courtyard of barracks, fighting pits, and stables. A massive stone
is recognized by its low buildings with blue roofs and its great
archway is carved into the base of the mountain, which houses the
statue of Jackson Caspian fighting a troll located in its central
offices, war rooms, and crypts of the famous Dragon Vault, where
market. With a population of 10,500, the city is a prominent
the Scalebreakers train and plan their battles and attacks.
center for trade, smithing, and fishing. Its prime waterfront
location has meant that it is the most popular port for imported
The Scalebreaker Legion hold their keep in central Caspia.
goods coming from Elyria. Its inns and taverns serve some of the
Dragon Vault, or simply “The Vault,” as the Scalebreakers call
best fish in all of Caspia.
it, is a massive fortification built into the side of the imposing
Rust Edge Mountains. The Vault is an intimidating structure
Castle Jackson with two large dragon statues that can be seen from miles away
The Jackson’s Keep Castle is a high perched structure atop the flanking a large stone door. The door is etched with carvings of
nearby hills. It’s made of white stone with blue roofed towers heavily armored knights fending off an army of dragons.
and great flags waving in the wind. The castle has three towers, Outside the Vault doors is a walled-off camp with training
a central keep, and two outer walls, one around the keep proper, pits, blacksmiths, watch towers, and other minor fortifications
and one surrounding the noble houses that lay on the hillside and amenities. Inside, the Vault is a war room, a command
just outside the castle. These houses are occupied by all who post, a bunker, and a deep catacomb. The catacomb is a
bear the name Jackson. massive hollowed-out cavern below the mountain where dead
Currently Sol Jackson, renowned warrior and monster slayer, Scalebreakers are brought when they die. Their bodies are
sits on the throne of Jackson’s Keep. The keep’s throne room burned on a pyre made from the bones of every monster they
is adorned with the Jacksons’ trophy kills from over the years, themselves slew. The ashes remain atop these piles of bones as
including several trolls, a dragon skull, and an owlbear that the a testament to the deeds of that knight. The bigger the pyre of
Jacksons claim to be the largest ever seen. bones, the more heroic deeds that knight performed. It is every
Scalebreaker’s goal to be worthy of an imposing pyre.

90 Guide to Drakkenheim
Adventures in Caspia Rumors
Caspia is a nation of princes, warriors, monsters, and rivalry. h The Rust Edge Mountains have a hydra nest deep within
Being central to many of the great wars of the continent, there their caves.
are many adventures to be had, places to explore, and people h There is a city of trolls in Trogrowth Forest.
and creatures to battle against. A campaign set in Caspia might h The Dragon Vault houses an ancient gold dragon imprisoned
explore the following themes: deep within its lower catacombs.
h Participating in the Kingsmoot, especially if one or more h Anyone can compete in the Caspian horse races, if you are
player characters are scions of a Great House. skilled enough at riding.
h Joining the Scalebreaker Legion. h Duelcross is actually home to a gang of thieves who are
h Visiting the great bardic school of Lento College. plotting to assassinate the High King.
h Learning to ride wyverns in the great Caspian Canyon. h Rex Caspia is alive! An apothecary living in Jagger’s Ford has
h Settling a dispute between two Caspian houses. the means to reverse his petrification.
h Hunting trolls in Trogrowth Forest.

Adventure Hooks Commander

Below are some specific adventures that might occur around Callisto
Caspia to use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns.

I Killed a Troll
A Caspian prince who acquired a delerium-forged sword
stabbed a troll using it, but the troll ran off with the prince’s
blade embedded in its body. Now the contaminated troll is
mutating and rampaging through the Trogrowth Forest.

Whispering Walls
After a glorious slaughter in the ruins of Drakkenheim, a
Caspian knight has returned with trophies from their many
kills. Unfortunately, not all of these trophies were entirely dead.
Whispers have been heard in the castle from the remains of
these monsters, driving the household inhabitants mad.

Dragon Hunt
The Scalebreaker Legion is recruiting! Commander Callisto has
a simple task to be allowed to train under him at the Dragon
Vault: bring him the head of a wyrmling dragon.

The Kingsmoot
The Kingsmoot is imminent! As members, or close associates
of a Caspian noble family, the player characters must ensure
their house wins the upcoming Kingsmoot that is only one year
away. With the goal of claiming the position of the High King
of Caspia, they discover that the current Prince-Elector of their
house has suddenly passed away, leaving them as the heirs and
scions of the house to elect a new candidate and ensure a victory.

The Privateers
Neptune John is looking for a new crew of sturdy sailors to
help him hunt the famed pirate, Captain Drake, who has been
robbing trade ships moving between Caspia and Elyria in the
Middle Sea.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 91



Tower of Swords Map


Tower of Swords
1. Rex Colosseum
2. House Jagger Residence
7 3. House Joyce Residence
4. House Jones Residence
5. House Joplin Residence
6. House Jackson Residence
7. Tower of Swords
8. Troll’s Head Inn
9. River of Blood
10. House John Residence

The Eastern Vales Amarodial the Bitterheart

A hundred onlookers dressed for celebration gather amongst a great

garden of exotic flowers. Cherry blossom petals dance in the light breeze. Population
They look upon a smiling halfling couple as they exchange vows. Roughly two million people live in the Eastern Vales, mostly
A Flamekeeper expresses the completion of the ceremony as the two lean in dispersed clusters of small villages and towns. The region
in and kiss while cheers erupt from the audience. supports only a few cities, but most are an eclectic melting
A mysterious castle drifts idly over the wet marshlands. Its form pot of cultures and ancestries. The Eastern Vales are home to
shifts and alters as a lone traveler dressed in purple robes looks the largest communities of halflings in the continent, located
upon it. The eerie green witchlights from hovering lanterns bob in amongst the green hills and open fields.
the cold night breeze, guiding the traveler towards the great doors
of the castle. As he approaches, stairs appear and descend towards
him. He reaches out a hand with several rings upon it, and the door
slowly opens beckoning him into Paradox Castle.
Foreigners typically regard Port Brynor as the unofficial capital
A group of hunters stalk the thick reeds of the Shadowfens, water of the Eastern Vales thanks to its fortified position and status
up to their knees, and weapons at the ready. Through the fogs of the as a destination for established trade routes across the Ender
marshland they can just make out the ruins of an old kingdom. Debris Ocean. Regardless, the Eastern Vales are proud to be a free
of stone walls, broken staircases, and archways litter the swamp. league of small communities and cities.
The mist clears for a brief moment as a looming dilapidated castle
emerges, half sunken into the mud. The brief glimmer of excitement
from the hunters is quickly extinguished as a large shadow soars
overhead, and the sound of massive flapping wings fills the air.
Although the Vales have been claimed by several rulers in the
past, today the Eastern Vales have no unified government. Most

he Eastern Vales are a largely flat stretch of land be- settlements are wholly independent, though a few are vassals
tween Ironhelm Ridge and the Rust Edge Mountains, to the larger cities in the region. This informal arrangement has
and take up the northeastern quarter of the continent. worked well for the people of the Vales since the fall of Karn,
The Vales have excellent timber, open plains, a great marsh- and locals believe it has successfully insulated the Vales from the
land, and beautiful lush beaches towards the southeast coast. political turmoil facing the rest of the continent.
However, these lands are best known as a quiet and peaceful
place free from much of the political turmoil that plagues the
continent. Many who seek a quiet life reside in the Vales.
Still, the Eastern Vales are not without their own conflicts
and hardships. Dragons stalk the southern regions, and large In the past, the Eastern Vales have assembled great armies
monsters traverse the woods. Since the cities of the Vales are under powerful warlords, but today their militaries focus on
not a united nation, there are few who keep these problems in defending their own lands. Commander Esther Livingston of
check outside of the largest settlements. Wandering into the Port Brynor has organized a defensive pact with her neighbors,
uninhabited places of the Vales is often a fool’s errand. and sports a respectable navy. Otherwise, towns rely on
volunteer forces, mercenaries, and local militias for protection.

Overview Religious beliefs in the Eastern Vales are extremely heterogeneous.
Worship of the Old Gods is openly practiced in the Eastern Vales. A
The Vales take their name simply from their geographical location popular sect in the Vales regard Arwyn, Morrigan, and Phantasia as
and landscape: the eastern edge of the continent is made up of a trinity of three wise sisters, and halfling communities are among
valleys and plains, with spots of green hills and lush greenery. The the few places where public shrines to Shegorach may be found.
Eastern Vales were briefly dubbed Karnsreik by a ruthless tyrant, Alongside worship of the Old Gods, the Faith of the Sacred
but no one living in the Vales today calls their home by that name. Flame is firmly rooted here. However, Flamekeepers in the

Eastern Vales are far removed geographically from the church
hierarchy in Lumen, including many who have never traveled Fury of Bitterheart
to Elyria and only rarely communicate with their peers in After the castle was finished, John Tolan II faced countless
other lands. As a result, the Vales are home to several divergent problems with the spring water levels that turned much of
denominations of the Faith, including unorthodox beliefs which the landscape in the southern Shadowfens into a marsh, and
attempt to reconcile the Faith of the Sacred Flame and myths expended even more of his fortune trying to prevent Tolan’s
of the Old Gods. These beliefs conflate Saint Tarna with the Keep from sinking or collapsing into the bog. Worse, John
goddess Nuada and tell how the Sacred Flame was created by Tolan II did not account for the presence of the ancient
Ogham, Lugh, and Gaibhne to protect the world with a beacon black dragon, Amarodial the Bitterheart, who lived in the
of knowledge and light. Shadowfens — and saw the castle as a wonderful new lair
gifted to them by a petty mortal king.
Magic The great dragon resolved to destroy John Tolan’s kingdom
and seize the castle for themselves. They drove off Tolan’s
The Amethyst Academy operates its most important school armies, and slew the would-be king while he cowered in his
for the instruction of young mages in the Eastern Vales at chamber. The ruins slowly sank into the marsh over years,
Paradox Castle. As such, the people of the Eastern Vales are though Bitterheart still lives there upon a mountain of
quite accustomed and comfortable with arcane magic, and treasure. The people of the Eastern Vales never attempted to
the purple-robed wizards are often encountered escorting new reclaim the ruins, nor establish any towns or cities between
students to the castle. Alongside the distance from the great the Sister Lakes again.
nations and mild political climate in the Vales, the Academy
can operate with more privacy and autonomy here.
Since the Eastern Vales lacked a singular ruler when the
Edicts of Lumen were enacted, it’s unclear whether or not the
Rage of Karn
treaty actually applies to the region as a whole, as only Port Many years after John Tolan II died, Kristoff Karn emerged as
Brynor was represented during negotiations. Nevertheless, the the ruler of Port Brynor. He seized control of the city through
Eastern Vales largely abide the Edicts in spirit if not always to much bloodshed and ruthless tactics, then assembled an army
the letter, lest they incite the ire of their warlike neighbors. made up of mercenaries and bloodthirsty murderers to help
him conquer the Vales. These forces laid siege to the northern
cities of the Eastern Vales, killed their leaders, and plundered
the surrounding villages. Karn offered any able-bodied folk the
option to join him in his conquest or die to his ruthless army,
and thus his army grew.
Eventually, Karn’s greed led him to eye the lands to the

History south, but met staunch resistance from the united warriors
under Rex Caspian. Eventually, the war came to a stalemate,
The Vales were the eastern frontier of the Arcane Empire. and the two warlords agreed to parley. They walked away from
Among the lands once held firm under the sorcerer-kings’ their meeting as fast friends, and agreed to acknowledge the
regime, the Eastern Vales were the first to wrest free of their sovereignty of each other’s kingdoms. Karn returned to Port
grasp. Sorcerer-Queen Kaestelaria VIII greatly weakened Brynor to rule over Karnsreik, while Rex Caspian united the
the armies and fortunes of the empire during her reign, and lands of Caspia.
subsequently had to recall many soldiers sent to enforce her However, Karn ruled the lands as a tyrant, and over twelve
rule in the Eastern Vales to secure the heart of the empire. The years drove most of his kingdom into famine and drought.
people of the Vales seized this opportunity to rebel and slay her After a plague swept through Port Brynor during a particularly
governors and vassals. brutal winter, his own soldiers turned on him. Karn was dragged
outside his castle, and the knights and nobles of Port Brynor
stoned him to death while he tried to flee. They hung his

Reign of King John Tolan quartered remains on the castle walls as a display.

When the forces of the sorcerer-kings departed the Vales, a

man named John Tolan tried to forge the region into a kingdom Lasting Peace
under his household. Far from being a capable warlord, House The Vales were happy to be rid of Karn, and no distinct ruler
Tolan used their clout and wealth to establish themselves as a ever took his place since. After the reign of Karn, the people
valuable friend to all living in the Vales. His son, John Tolan II, of the Vales have been extremely wary of any ruler, king,
succeeded him as the first King of the Eastern Vales. or lord who would claim title to the lands. Over the years,
Unfortunately, John II proved a less-than-capable leader. He the Eastern Vales have fallen into a sort of routine, each
found the dreary and cold Port Brynor an unsatisfactory capital keeping the others in check. The leaders of the Vales’ many
for his kingdom. He emptied his father’s coffers constructing townships are fearful to overstep their bounds in case they
a massive palatial castle on the edge of Second Sister Lake to bring down the wrath of the rest of the region. It has worked
be his seat of power, ignoring the pleading of his architects and out for the Vales so far, and the lands have prospered under
advisors who warned him building there was folly. this unspoken system.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 95

Archmage Lasaia Nightbreeze
Director of the Amethyst Academy
Lasaia is a pencil-thin elven woman of indeterminate age.
Commander The Academy Director always levitates or flies through the air;
Esther Livingston her long elegant purple robes sweeping across the floors, and her
platinum hair is constantly moving as if she were underwater.
Writings attributed to Lasaia Nightbreeze have been found
in Academy textbooks hundreds of years old, most notably a
thousand-year-old tome titled On the Origins of Evocation buried
in the great Starspire Observatory. She is sometimes seen drifting
through the halls of Paradox Castle like a wayward ghost. She
greets students occasionally, but many are uneasy around her and
find her blank stares and emotionless expression rather haunting.
Personality Trait. I speak in an ethereal voice, and often my
words slip into ancient dialects and riddled expressions.
Ideal. I know full well the destructive potential of evocation
magic. These world-shattering spells must be kept as safe-
guarded secrets, to be used only in times of dire need.
Bond. The other Academy Directors cannot match my absolute
mastery of war magic. Their magic is but parlor tricks
compared to the destructive power I command.
Factions and Figures Flaw. I often miss or completely ignore social cues, forgetting
that other beings have opinions… or relevant thoughts.
These prominent people inhabit the Eastern Vales:
There is a rumor amongst many Academy students and even
some faculty regarding Lasaia’s origins. Students and faculty
Commander Esther Livingston speculate that she came through the Elfgates when elves first
arrived, and unlike the other elves of the world, the archmage
Commander Livingston, a human veteran is the current ruler
knows exactly why and how they came. When Headmaster Ru-
of Port Brynor. She commands the strongest military force in
pert Greywell of Paradox Castle once confronted her on the topic
the Vales and overlooks much of the trade passing through
in front of several observing students, Lasaia trapped him within
her city. She is a stern and intellectual woman, but honest to a
a forcecage and classes were canceled. It is well-known that Lasaia
fault. Commander Livingston has no desire to stretch her reach
has been trying to replace Rupert Greywell for some time and is
any further than the outskirts of her city, and instead wants to
seeking a good excuse to demote the care-free oaf.
ensure that the Eastern Vales remains a free and proud collective
In the twisting unrealities of Paradox Castle, there sometimes
of communities. She has been known to aid many of the other
appears a blue door with a gemstone knob in various locations
towns and cities along the Dawnbreaker Trail when dealing with
throughout the school. The door leads to Lasaia’s offices and
unwanted monsters from the woods, or rival nations interfering.
lab, but students who have opened the door have found nothing
Esther is a sturdy woman with short brown hair, thin pointed
but an eternal black void stretching out forever.
eyebrows, dark eyes, and pursed lips. She is often clad in dull
Deep within this secret laboratory, Lasaia Nightbreeze has been
steel armor and carries her sword with her wherever she goes.
working to unlock the full destructive power of delerium. She has
She drapes a red mantle cape off her left pauldron.
assembled a sequestered team of brilliant evokers all sworn to abso-
Personality Trait. I speak in a gruff and commanding voice. lute secrecy — the archmage has inscribed an explosive rune on the
I haven’t gotten where I am being soft, so don’t expect me to forehead of each wizard, which will slay them if they utter a single
humor you with false kindness. word of their great project outside her lab. Together, they have cre-
Ideal. It’s a dangerous world, full of dangerous people. Rely ated the disjunction bomb, a horrifically devastating delerium-based
on yourself, and those you know you can trust. Be wary of weapon of mass destruction with the power to annihilate an entire
everyone else. city district. Now, they are working on even more powerful variants.
Bond. Port Brynor is a strong position in the Vales, and one I One of the compelling outcomes of this research has been the
plan to maintain and hold for as long as possible. potential for delerium to be used simply as a conventional power
Flaw. I value integrity over everything, and will never lie or source which could unlock wondrous improvements into the
hold back information, even when it would be better for me to lives of common folk, though such quotidian applications bore
keep my mouth shut. the archmage. She is convinced delerium is the next evolution of
Esther knows very well that frail alliances hold the Eastern magic, not a frivolous tool.
Vales together. Many have tried to claim these lands in the past,
and many have been torn down by foolhardy battles, or overstep-
ping their bounds. Esther wants to be known as a peacekeeper for “The Eastern Vales have such beautiful cities, green
the Vales, keeping her own borders in check, and protecting the fields, a terrifying black dragon, and the best pies in the
various petty kingdoms from extending their reach any further continent. I have fond memories of my time at Paradox
than they need to. Castle and traveling the countryside.”

96 Guide to Drakkenheim
Rupert Greywell
Greta Greenworth
Greta is a lively elder commoner of the Kinland Hills halfling
community. She is the elected mayor and is a local sage to the
people of the smallfolk community. Greta is a halfling woman in
her mid-seventies and has held her mayoral position for almost
thirty years. She is well-loved by the people and is regarded as a
kind and caring individual, welcoming to all people, and exuding
love and compassion to everyone she meets. Greta has established
the Kinland Hills as a welcoming place for smallfolk to escape the
many wars of Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär.
Standing four feet tall, Greta is a rotund elderly woman. She
often wears a brightly-colored yellow dress. The lovable mayor
has an old wooden cane she uses as a walking stick, and curly,
frizzled, brown hair, full rosy cheeks, a round nose, several chins,
and a large warm smile that pushes her cheeks up into her bright
Grandmaster Rupert Greywell green eyes.
Personality Trait. I naturally speak to everyone as if they
Headmaster of Paradox Castle were my dear children, offering hospitality and kindness to
Rupert is a human archmage in his late sixties. He has a bushy anyone and everyone. It doesn’t matter what sort they are —
brown beard, and a thick curled mustache that spans the entire everyone deserves a friendly welcome.
length of his face. He has large circular glasses that cause his Ideal. Kindness in abundance will never steer you wrong. The
eyes to look much larger than they should. He is a hefty man world is dark enough. We should strive to be a light for those
who wears elegant purple robes and a pointed purple hat. He we meet.
is always smiling and his bellowing laugh echoes through the Bond. I want to build a peaceful community for those seeking
chambers of his school. He adores the Academy Stronghold and a simple life. There ain’t many places left in the world for
loves meeting and pranking the students. Headmaster Greywell someone to kick up their feet, tend to their fields, and rest
has a tendency to speak in riddles, and half-true jovial warnings. their mind. I just want to protect what we have here.
Many a new student is often put off at first when Rupert Flaw. I refuse to see evil in people. Others can easily take
chuckles “Stay clear of the necromancy section in the library at advantage of my kindness.
night, unless you don’t mind being possessed!” Greta wants nothing more than to live her days surrounded by
Personality Trait. I love riddles, trivia, and curiosities. I love and kindness. She aims to protect Kinland Hills as long as she
adore the look of wonder on a student’s face when they are can, and continue to offer a safe home for her halfling brethren.
unprepared for the magical madness that is my castle. Always
play with their minds!
Ideal. Being a wizard takes years of hard work and dedication,
but what’s the point of all that work if you can’t have a bit of Greta
fun with it! Greenworth
Bond. My students and faculty are my family. I would protect
them with my life, every single one of them. If you are here
at my castle, you are the most important person in the world
to me.
Flaw. I don’t take anything as seriously as I should, and often
overlook obvious problems and danger.
Rupert loves his job, and is admired by the students and fac-
ulty of Paradox Castle. However, the Directorate does not love
his quirky and rambunctious attitude, and have been waiting
for him to slip up for years so they can replace the headmaster.
Rupert however, is not a dullard, and knows well the opinion his
higher ups have of him. He has a cunning intellect and mind for
politics that many do not expect, and carefully treads the line of
being regarded by his staff and students as carefree, fun-loving,
and a joy to work with, while also making sure he stays well
within the guidelines, rules, and structure laid out by the Acade-
my. Whenever he is asked to answer to the Directorate, Rupert
comes prepared with ironclad documents and signed papers to
prove all his claims, ensuring the Directorate cannot find a sliver
of a reason to justifiably remove him.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 97

Locations and Landmarks area is now a wet marshland overgrown with sawgrass, vines,
and other wetland flora. The surrounding area that was once a
The main road connecting all the towns in the Eastern Vales small kingdom is nothing more than some scattered stone walls
is known as the Dawnbreaker Trail. As the sun rises, those overtaken by vines, fractured statues caked in moss, ruins of
heading along the road towards the coast are greeted by the buildings sinking into the muck, and inhabited by a wealth of
morning sun, a welcoming glow on the horizon. crocodiles, giant frogs, and giant dragonflies.
The black dragon Amarodial has claimed the ruins, and the
former wealth of John Tolan as his own. Most do not venture
Gilded Grasslands too close to the ruins anymore, fearing the dragon’s ire. Locals
The Gilded Grasslands are the stretch of farmland along the speculate that the Tolan family treasure is still mostly intact,
Dawnbreaker Trail from Dregden’s Ferry all the way to Port including their crown, which was said to hold great magical
Brynor. The golden fields and tall grasses make up the heart properties. Tales of other unique and incredible items still echo
of the Eastern Vales and make for a pleasant stretch of road through the Vales, but no one can prove these claims, and few
amongst the smaller rural communities and farmsteads that dare to explore Amarodial’s lair.
dot the landscape.

Amarodial the Bitterheart

Ironhelm Ridge The ancient black dragon of the Shadowfens is among the
This range of snow-peaked mountains falls at the break between oldest living dragons in the known world. Residing in the ruins
Westemär, Netherwind, and the Eastern Vales. The remote of Tolan’s Keep, this dragon has a history of torment against
range is home to several large dwarven communities. Ever since the people of the Eastern Vales. While occasionally adventurers
the fall of Glitter Peak, the mighty Ironhelm Keep has stood and even armies mustered in the Vales take up arms against the
as the last great bastion of dwarven power, architecture, and dragon, these attempts to drive the beast from the Shadowfens
engineering on the continent. have never succeeded. Most now avoid venturing into the
Ironhelm Ridge was named by the dwarven clan who settled northern reaches of the marsh. Sometimes, when the wetlands
there when they emerged on the surface. While the titular keep are letting off ample mist, you can see the shadow of black
stands prominently along the slopes of the mountains, dozens wings soaring through the swamp gasses.
of other mining communities, mountain villages, and winter Amarodial has a lasting rivalry with Commander Callisto
holdfasts are found in the foothills of the mountain range. of the Caspian Scalebreaker Legion, who lives just over the
southern mountain range. The two have fought several great

The Shadowfens battles. Amarodial loves conflict, and thrives on devouring those
foolish enough to believe they can defeat them. Some say that
The Shadowfens are a large bog in the south of the Eastern the ruined castle that they use as a lair is filled with thousands of
Vales. The fens stretch from Kinland Hills all the way to the Ru- bones from those the great dragon has feasted upon.
ins of Tolan’s Keep. The Shadowfens are filled with tall reeds,
thick sawgrass, pickleweed, and a rough patchwork assortment
of muddy earth drowned in a thin layer of water. Throughout Sister Lakes
the spring and fall, the waters become extremely deep, leaving The Shadowfens house two large lakes that make up much of
only the highest tops of the hilly grasslands poking out. During the water that spreads through the wetlands. Known as the
midsummer, there are a few more walkable paths through the Sister Lakes, both lakes are roughly the same size and feed
fens, and some areas freeze over in winter. The fens connect from the Rust Edge Mountains, giving their waters a distinct
the Sister Lakes through a series of waterways, and are home to red-brown color. The westernmost lake is referred to as the First
many exotic birds and insects. The Shadowfens attract dragon- Sister; the Second Sister lies to the east.
flies and butterflies in large numbers, and there are also reports The lakes were once disputed territory between John Tolan
of giant carnivorous insects that dwell in the fens. and the great dragon Amarodial. The dragon now haunts these
lakes and the surrounding marshes, but mostly stays in the areas
Ruins of Tolan’s Keep surrounding Second Sister. One of the great strongholds of the
Amethyst Academy, Paradox Castle, magically floats above the
In the southeast of the Eastern Vales, on the edge of the First Sister.
Shadowfens, along the northern bank of the Second Sister Lake,
lies the great ruins of Tolan’s Keep. Not long after the fall of the
Arcane Empire, Tolan’s Keep stood as the largest castle in the Woodrun River
whole East and was, for a time, the seat of a former king who This great river flows through the heart of the Eastern Vales
ruled the Vales. However, John Tolan waged a foolish war against from the Ironhelm Ridge out to the Ender Ocean. The Woodrun
Amarodial the Bitterheart, an old and powerful black dragon. passes by most major cities along the way. The name of the river
Tolan lost his kingdom to the dragon and eventually, his life. comes from the great Windwail Woodlands surrounding it at
The Ruins of Tolan’s Keep still remain today as a large black- the base of the Ironhelm Ridge. Many exports and trade goods
ened keep with three standing towers and two shattered towers move down the river, especially lumber from the woodlands.
that have been reduced mostly to rubble. The western side
of the keep has collapsed and crumbled, and the surrounding

98 Guide to Drakkenheim
Cities and Settlements Kinland Hills
Population: 1,200 halflings
Port Brynor Ruler: Greta Greenworth
Known For: Baked Goods, Ale, Wine, Farming, Tobacco, Spices
Population: 25,000 people
Ruler: Esther Livingston Amongst the rolling green hills and patches of willow trees lies the
Known For: Ocean Trade, Military Strength, Fish, Coal, Iron humble village of Kinland Hills. The cobblestone streets weave and
wind between the lush, grass-covered hills. Tiny stone farms with
Approaching the walled city of Port Brynor, you can make out grass roofs emit puffs of smoke from their chimneys and soft lantern
the stormy, rocky coast of the Ender Ocean. Angry waves smash light from their small, circular windows. The small structures are
against the cliff edge, breaking against the rocky outcroppings perfectly sized for the many halflings who tend to their front gardens,
that house the great black towers of the Iron Castle. A crack of herd pigs and cattle down the twisting roads, or drink mugs of ale
lightning casts the foreboding fortress in shadowy tones as the wet on the bench outside the local public house. Several of the homes are
and cold city stands against the hard biting winds and near- nestled right into the sides of the hills. The smell of fresh breads, pies,
constant rain and sleet. Once past the impressive fortified walls cinnamon, tobacco, and vanilla fill the town. Farmland stretches
and three gates, you are greeted by the sight of workshops and far and wide around the quaint village, and everywhere jovial
forges, and the smell of damp rock and wood. The slick stone halflings gather with their pipes and share long stories of the weather,
streets give way to large puddles, and any path off the main the day, and of course, local gossip.
stretch is a muddy trail. The people are mostly dressed in black
coats and wool hats with scarves pulled up tight, and the lone Kinland Hills is the largest halfling community on the entire
tavern along the main road has a sign depicting a dead dog. The continent. It is nestled on the west end of the Shadowfens
gloom hangs over the city, and even on the nicest day, the city still amongst rolling green hills. The town itself is a series of winding
holds the smell of damp mildew and industry. cobblestone roads and several underground homes built into
the sides of the hills, as well as many small cottages dotting the
Port Brynor is the last city along the Dawnbreaker Trail. landscape. The town is a welcoming and peaceful place that
The walled city features black stone buildings, rain-slick smells of fresh bread and flowers in the spring and summer,
streets, and dreary weather. Due to its closeness to the ocean, and chimney smoke, peppermint, and cinnamon in the fall and
Port Brynor is known for bitter winds, salty wet air, rain, and winter. The town is looked after by their elderly mayor, Greta
long winters. Greenworth, a warm halfling woman in her mid-seventies who
The port city houses the massive Iron Castle where Kristoff built the community up as a safe haven for halflings looking for
Karn once ruled. The current ruler of Port Brynor, Esther a quiet life.
Livingston, acquired the title after being nominated as Lord TobTab Delectables. The famous halfling bakers Tobin
Commander of the Port Brynor knights. After Karn, no family and Tabin Willow run a bakery known as TobTab Delectables,
monarchy has ever taken the throne of Port Brynor, and the which is famous across the continent for the best cakes, pies, and
throne room still remains unused. Esther refuses to sit upon it, pastries anywhere. Many who travel to the Eastern Vales to be
or even enter the room which holds the great iron-forged throne. married in Dregden’s Ferry have their wedding cakes made by
Now the castle is simply a military stronghold for the greatest the famous duo — if they can afford the steep price.
force of the Eastern Vales, and Esther works hard to undo the
terrible reputation that stains the city.
Iron Castle. The Iron Castle is a great fortress built off the
rough cliffs looking down into the Ender Ocean. A series of three Dregden’s Ferry
rock formations make up the entrance to the castle, and a stone
Population: 13,000 people
bridge extends from the shore. The castle is notably dreary-
Ruler: Mayor Billard Williams
looking due to the black stone of its masonry and constant rain.
Known For: Wine, ceremonies, gardens, lumber
Nonetheless, it is the most defensible location in the Eastern Vales.
World’s End Harbor. The waterfront boasts floating wood
platforms with many fisheries, warehouses and boat docks with The elegant city of Dregden’s Ferry flanks the wide Woodrun River.
three large steep staircases that ascend the cliffs up to the city The bridge that once crossed the great river was destroyed years ago
proper. These docks are the central hub of ocean travel and during the conquest of Karn, and since then a simple ferry was built
trade for the Eastern Vales. that constantly takes people back and forth between the two sides of
Lighthouse. A mile off the docks there is a tiny rock island the city. The west side is filled with stone noble homes, a community
and a stone seawall. The island is constantly bombarded with center and the mayor’s estate, as well as a massive floral garden, a
sprays of saltwater and often drowned by storms. Still, a lone sprawling topiary arrangement, and blossoming cherry trees.
lighthouse sits on the island, where wickies from the city take A chapel to the Sacred Flame is perched on the hill amongst the
week-long shifts working the light to bring sailors safely into floral beauty of the city, famous for being the most desired wedding
harbor. The wickies almost always tell tales of mermaids, sea destination on the entire continent. Across the river one can
serpents, and creatures lurking amongst the rocks of the small make out the small wooden houses and bustling market, the large
island. Some even speak of the light of the lighthouse as if it was watermill, smith shop, and the lumber yards on the outskirts near
a divine being who speaks to them. the thick forests from which the river emerges.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 99

The city of Dregden’s Ferry is a lush green city on the edge of classmates walking along the walls or ceilings who seemed just
the Windwail Woodlands. The city was built on either side of the as confused. Staircases lead to nowhere — a corridor will extend
Woodrun River and used to house a massive bridge across the river. far beyond the layout suggested by the exterior, and occasionally
However, during the Conquest of Karn, the bridge was destroyed windows will look out to alien landscapes. Reports have been
and never rebuilt. Instead Dregden, one of the former knights of heard of a student opening the wrong door at the wrong time
Karn’s army, and one who helped slay the tyrant, returned to his and ending up on the moon, while another fell into a pit while
smalltown home, where he sought a new life. Dregden built and sitting through a lesson and wound up on the roof of the castle.
maintained a small ferry across the river and spent the rest of his As such, it is regarded by many students that making it to class
days moving people back and forth to either end of the city. He on time is basically impossible.
worked every day and always delighted in seeing the friendly faces When, where, or how exactly the Academy mages constructed
of the townsfolk. His children still maintain and run the ferry in the Paradox Castle is not widely known. Paradox Castle is the leading
town that was named after him. facility for training young mages on the continent; three-quarters
The town is a well-known location for weddings in the East- of Academy apprentices study at the school. While many other
ern Vales due to the great cherry blossom park, which houses Academy locations do offer limited instruction, most of the
a beautiful gazebo overlooking the Woodrun River and over strongholds are predominately used as research facilities, labs,
three hundred different species of flowers and plants. Demand and offices for the Academy’s operations. Paradox Castle is the
is high for weddings during the few weeks a year that the cherry only stronghold that is regarded as a school first and foremost.
blossoms are in full bloom, and the town makes significant mon- Headmaster Rupert Greywell takes his role very seriously and has
ey off of the many who travel here to be wed. A chapel to the long enjoyed teaching young wizards and sorcerers how much fun
Sacred Flame rests on the edge of the park, where Flamekeeper — and dangerous — magic can be.
Shayla holds worship and officiates the many weddings, often in
the gazebo, its eaves cloaked in delicate pink pedals.

Paradox Castle
Population: 2,000 students and faculty
Ruler: Rupert Greywell Adventures in
the Eastern Vales
Known For: Stronghold of the Amethyst Academy

A strange white stone castle with purple shingled rooftops floats Below are some specific adventures that might occur around
above the marshy wetland, drifting high above First Sister Lake. the Eastern Vales you can use as small quests or expand into
As one looks upon the unusual structure, the peculiar angles of its entire campaigns.
walls and shifting towers make little sense to the human eye. The
towers, stairs, and walls of the castle form optical illusions which
create an impression of impossible geometry and architecture. Pub Crawl
The castle appears slightly different each time you glance at it, as The player characters are part of a wedding party touring across
walls and towers appear to be both connected and disconnected, in the Vales on their way to Dregden’s Ferry, stopping in all the
front of one another or below, with no clear attachment from one major taverns along the way. They must acquire a gift for the
to the next. At each glance, the configuration of the castle appears bride or groom, outfits for the wedding, a cake from the famous
to change: one might see a square building with four towers, while TobTab bakery, a prize horse, and a giant boar for the wedding
simultaneously observing a hexagonal building with six towers, feast, all before the wedding begins.
or any other arrangement of shapes and structures. There doesn’t
seem to be any obvious way up to the gates.
School Is in Session
Paradox Castle is a well-known Amethyst Academy stronghold The player characters are all young sorcerers, warlocks, and
which hovers hundreds of feet above the western banks of wizards recruited by the Amethyst Academy. The adventure
First Sister Lake, avoiding the problematic wetlands below. follows their first few years of study at Paradox Castle.
The road leading up to the castle is constantly illuminated by
strange floating lanterns emitting green glowing light, allowing
those traveling to the castle to easily find their way. The road is Ruins of Tolan’s Keep
constantly dry and safe to travel despite its surroundings. The great black dragon Amarodial has plagued the countryside
As the name implies, the castle itself baffles those who look for generations. The monster rests in the ruins of Tolan’s Keep
upon it. Exactly how many towers compose the castle, and the upon a great treasure horde. The players are tasked with
exact arrangement of the walls and courtyards is impossible to recovering the lost wealth of the Tolan family.
say from the outside. The entrance to the castle is a great door
which has no hinges, handles, or obvious way of opening, nor
any obvious way of reaching it from the ground, but Academy
mages can enter the castle all the same. “Paradox Castle, my old stomping grounds! I wonder
The interior of Paradox Castle is just as confounded. Hallways if the scorch marks are still in my old bedroom?”
stretch in unusual angles — students have reported passing by

100 Guide to Drakkenheim

Queen Genevieve Autumnfall

Isles of Skye
A dozen warriors with blood-painted faces gather around a
roaring fire pit. They howl and grunt as a druid of Kromac
adorned with a wolf’s head cloak takes out a wicked blade, slitting
the throat of a wild boar. His eyes roll back in his head, and The Isles of Skye consist of a large central landmass surrounded
he begins to chant in ancient tongues as the warriors take turns by several smaller islets. The coastlines are rocky cliffs over-
drinking the blood of the beast. They bark and scream at the moon, looking the oceans, while the inner landmasses consist of rolling
filling themselves with the rage of their inner animal. highlands, mist-swept mountains, ancient green forests, and
thick bogs. The isles have a colder climate often greeted by
A slender elf woman walks amongst overgrown colonnades and wintry winds, salty ocean air, and tempestuous storms, though
gardens that once belonged to her kind. She stops a moment before it does not snow every winter. The western end of the Islands
a broken archway, as the world around her shifts and changes, has a rigid range of mountains known as the Reeglin Highlands,
taking on the aspect of the faerie realms. The elf calmly watches while the eastern areas are home to many rocky beaches, glens,
as a unicorn slips through the borders between worlds, stopping and green hills.
before her to graze amongst the grasses and foliage. She smiles in
admiration; this is a place to call home.
cross the crashing waters of the oceans north of the Crystal Only a few hundred thousand people inhabit the Isles of Skye,
Coast are a chain of green islands steeped in billowing fog most of whom are human. Skye is home to the largest elven
and ancient magic. Sailors searching for these lands wove community in the known world; even still their total number is
tall tales claiming the elusive islands rest not within the waters, not much larger than a small town. Gnomes and goblins are also
but float within the air, drifting between the world of mortals and more common here than in any other region on the continent.
the realms of fey. They came to be known as the Isles of Skye. The humans of Skye are known as cunning navigators and
The myths go on to say that as humans came to these lands, ocean raiders led by spiritual druids, though their fierce warriors
building their castles and homes, the magic slowly faded, and have a reputation on the mainland as seafaring raiders.
the islands settled into place within the ocean. Yet the echoes
of that powerful connection to otherworldly places remain
strong here today. The druids say the islands are still capable of Capital
floating, and that they are simply resting for a time. One day, Skye does not have a recognized capital, but the city of Darryl
they will take off again to float amongst the clouds and travel to along the southern shores of the isles is often the first port of call
another world. for sailors and travelers.

Government History
Local chieftains and petty warlords rule the communities of Of all places on the continent, the history of Skye is closely
Skye. Skirmishes, duels, and battles between the disparate tied to myth. Each human community in Skye has their own
factions are frighteningly common, and the blood feuds and fa- tale which tells how they arrived upon the island, and why the
milial grudges span generations. Among the fearsome war chiefs gods favor them above the others. The warriors of Darryl, for
of Skye, Martyn Mac Lochlann has reigned over Darryl for the instance, believe that they are descended from Nuada’s mortal
past decade and commands the most loyalty from his warriors, son, from whom the city takes its name. Many came to the Isles
but none thus far have unified Skye under a single banner. of Skye during the days of the Arcane Empire, and most small
cities and towns along the eastern coasts and glens were founded

Religion during this time. Though Skye was not beyond the reach of the
sorcerer-kings, it was one of the few places which remained free
The people of Skye believe the Old Gods still roam their lands from their absolute rule.
in physical form. The people hold great reverence for all the Old
Gods, telling stories of how their heroes have fought alongside,
and occasionally against, the gods. Prominent menhirs honoring
Elven Arrivals
the abyssal Nodens dot the coast, and druids openly lead their None know exactly why the elves fled their homeworld, or by
communities in blood rites to Kromac. Witches and apothecaries what means they made the Elfgates, though most scholars agree
perform rituals to seek wisdom from Morrigan, Ogham, and it was long before the rise of the Arcane Empire. The elves
Dian Cheht. Warriors of Skye take to battle invoking the name speak little of the tale, as even the eldest among them have
of Nuada, and give thanks to Gaibhne for the gift of steel. forgotten the truth.
Farmers say prayers when sowing and harvesting to gain the The ruins attributed to the elves are more ancient than their
blessing of Danu and Lugh. Ancient stone circles are arranged oldest memories, but once they arrived in this world, the elves
in celestial formations to please Arwyn and Phantasia, but no sailed from Skye and roamed the mainland searching for their
hunter in Skye dares slay or eat a rabbit for fear Shegorach will other kin. Only a small community remained amongst the forest
bring misfortune upon them. glades of Eladria. The mythical community attracted many oth-
In contrast, the Faith of the Sacred Flame is but a flickering er fey creatures from time to time, and human travelers would
candle in the Isles of Skye. Only a few small chapels, shrines, venture for miles to behold the marvel of the strange place.
and monasteries are found here. The Flamekeepers and monks
are isolated hermits who keep their distance from the heathens
around them. Fall of Eladria
Sorcerer-Queen Kaestelaria VIII harbored deep hatred for the
Magic elves, who she believed had hidden their magical secrets from
her. In retaliation, the vengeful queen resolved to seek out
The Isles of Skye are suffused with magic, and lie at the Eladria to steal its arcane secrets. She called up a vast fleet to
intersection of great ley lines which narrow the borders between scour the northern oceans in search of the Isles of Skye, which
the mortal world and other dimensions. Today, the Amethyst met its doom shipwrecked against the Dragonbreath Columns.
Academy keeps one of their great strongholds in Skye at Undeterred by these massive losses, Kaestelaria VIII personally
Starspire Observatory to monitor these magical phenomena. teleported a legion of her finest soldiers directly into Skye.
The isles are strongly connected to Dreamland and the Though over half this force was swept into the Space Between
Faerie Otherworlds. Along the misty shores, fetid bogs, and Worlds and never seen again, the army was more than enough to
trackless forests, countless humans have found themselves reduce Eladria to a smoldering pile of ruins.
lost in another plane. Conversely, all manner of sprites, pixies, Kaestelaria VIII absconded back to the City of Nox with
dryads, goblins, and other fey have made their homes in plundered knowledge and stolen magical treasures, abandoning
Skye after being stranded during a fey crossing. Most notable her soldiers to be ultimately defeated by the steadfast human
amongst these plane-walking nomads are the elves, and it warriors of Enniskillen. Only a handful of elven survivors
is believed that a great many of the elves living in the world remained. However, this grim genocide used up so much of
today are descended from refugees who arrived from their Kaestelaria’s resources that in doing so, she completely lost
forgotten world in Skye. control of the Eastern Vales, which was held over her head for
some time as her failure to keep rule over the Arcane Empire.
The elven purge impacted the Isles of Skye in a major way.
The elves were left scattered and it took many years for much of
the beauty of the islands to reclaim the scorched earth and scars
“Home to the elves, and also a bunch of really of war that Kaestelaria caused.
burly guys wearing animal furs. Had to go there
for a few classes in school. Overall, top notch!
Would visit again”

102 Guide to Drakkenheim

Factions and Figures
Described below are several notable individuals who dwell in
the Isles of Skye.

The Northfolk Clans

The Isles of Skye are home to many skilled warriors renowned
for their brutal battle tactics, rage-fueled combat, and
animalistic rituals. Although many families and kin groups make
up these marauding clans, they are collectively known as the
Northfolk Clans. The two most notable are the Lochlann and
Blythway clans.
They live in wooded riverside villages with longhouses in
place of castles or keeps. The Northfolk keep sturdy longships
with animal figureheads mounted at the front; often wolves,
bears, and boars are symbols of their clans. They rush into
battle with axes, clubs, maces, and javelins and paint their faces
with the blood of wild creatures or their slain enemies. At night
they perform ritualistic fireside ceremonies, often led by druids Martyn
dedicated to the Old Gods. Mac Lochlann
The clans often war against one another and rarely go more
than a few years without a bloody battle between families.
However, the Northfolk have also invaded the mainland from
time to time. During the reign of House von Drakken, the
ancestors of the Lochlann clan raided the Crystal Coast with
a force of one hundred longships in an attempt to capture
Drannsmund. Although they could not seize control of the city,
they ravaged the Crystal Coast for years, burning several smaller
villages, and erecting shrines to Nodens that still stand today.

Martyn Mac Lochlann

A great bear of a man, Martyn Mac Lochlann is the chieftain of
Darryl, and the mightiest warlord in Skye. This human reaver
has a mane of long reddish-brown hair that goes down past his
shoulders, a thick beard with a gray patch at the chin, bushy
eyebrows, and wild sky-blue eyes. He is typically clad in animal
The Amethyst Academy
pelts and furs, and has tattooed arms like tree trunks bearing The Academy has a significant presence in Skye, with one of their
druidic symbols. Standing almost eight feet tall and weighing elusive strongholds hidden amongst the highlands of the island.
nearly six hundred pounds of pure muscle, he is an intimidating
beast to behold.
Personality Trait. I adore stories of glorious battle, and revel in
Zodiac Allsight
This hermetic storm giant Academy Director is one of the
retelling and reliving the great myths of my people and our gods.
eight members of the Amethyst Academy Directorate. Standing
Ideal. Through signs and portents, the Old Gods guide my
thirty feet tall with a flowing midnight-blue beard and pale blue
path and destiny. If I am to lead Darryl to a prosperous
skin, he carries a colossal staff carved from the trunk of an elm
future, it is by their will.
tree, topped with a boulder of elemental gemstones.
Bond. The druids have guided my family for generations, and I
Zodiac performs most of his research at Starspire Observatory,
do not stray from their teachings or rituals.
where he has spent centuries cataloging and monitoring the
Flaw. My superstitious beliefs have gotten in the way of my
stars and cosmos. Zodiac rarely interacts with other mages in
goals in the past. I often wait for the correct alignment of stars
the observatory, and usually only speaks to the other Academy
before performing a task, or hold off on a battle until I can
Directors. His oldest friend and former apprentice Delilah
hunt a boar in the name of Kromac.
Willowart manages the day-to-day administration of the
When charging into battle, Martyn often paints his face with observatory, as Zodiac hates being disturbed and is quick to
woad and bear blood and drinks mead from a goblet carved from anger when someone interrupts him.
a skull. He claims the skull belonged to his traitorous brother.
Personality Trait. I only speak to those I deem worthy of
Martyn keeps close relations with the Druids of Kromac and
hearing what I have to say, but lightning crackles in my eyes
Nodens, and often seeks the elders for guidance and direction
and my voice booms like thunder when I do. Very few people
in his political dealings. However, he is a deeply spiritual and
are worthy of my attention, and I do not care for small talk,
superstitious man, and frequently partakes in blood rituals and
japes, or trivial matters.
midnight seances.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 103

Ideal. I am the most powerful mage in the Amethyst Academy
and expect to be treated as such. Monarchs, high priests, and Queen Genevieve Autumnfall
common folk alike are but squabbling pests who should kneel The current Queen of Eladria, Genevieve Autumnfall, is an
before the might of my magic. elven mage with platinum hair, wide-set bright blue eyes, a
Bond. I honor the Edicts of Lumen, but think the treaty is long neck, and long, thin arms and legs. She wears faded brown
nonsense. Mages deserve to take their place as the true rulers robes interwoven with spun gold, and crown set with jewels to
of the world. resemble red, yellow, and orange leaves upon her head.
Flaw. I am completely vexed by how I did not see the meteor Personality Trait. I very carefully think out my words before
on its way to Drakkenheim long before it appeared in the I say them, making sure they are important and impactful.
night sky. I grow furious and indignant when others question Ideal. I believe the elven people came to this world for a
me about it. reason, and that reason was more than to just forget who we
Zodiac has long known that small delerium crystals can be were and fade away.
found powering rare ancient elven artifacts in Skye. He has had Bond. We might never know where we came from, but my
some larger deposits sent to him from Drakkenheim to compare people deserve a place to call home.
samples. Meanwhile, the elusive mage has tapped into the thin Flaw. I am hopeful to a fault. I refuse to accept the end of the
places upon the Island, and is attempting to create controlled elves, and believe strongly that no matter what, we will endure.
doorways to other timelines using delerium. Zodiac wants to Genevieve has watched over the small community of elves for a
explore not only other worlds, but the past and future as well. hundred years. She wants nothing more than to create a kingdom
In particular, he would love to travel back in time to watch the for elves to thrive. However, she is welcoming to half-elves within
arrival of the elves, and learn how they made the Elfgates to her community as well. She wants to create a place where the
travel between distant planets. elves can grow their population, and stop them from becoming
the faded and lost memories like the ruins she calls home.
Since the Isles of Skye are not a united nation, they were not
Grandmaster Delilah Willowart an official party to the Edicts of Lumen. As a mageborn wizard,
This wizened old archmage of the Amethyst Academy resides Queen Genevieve only holds her title thanks to the remoteness
at Starspire Observatory. She has held her position for nearly of her domain. As such, she is careful to remain relatively
two centuries, having used magic to extend her natural lifespan. obscure lest she get dragged into the politics of the mainland.
Delilah diligently manages the observatory’s students and
faculty, but is intensely devoted to the collection and study of
astrology, the cosmos, the planes, and theories about time and
space. Perhaps the greatest living expert on astronomy, she is a Grandmaster
studied academic who has a tendency to talk for hours on end Delilah Willowart
about any topic she is excited about.
Personality Trait. I speak endlessly and in great detail
about the stars, cosmos, and celestial bodies. They fascinate
me deeply.
Ideal. A journey into outer space should be the Amethyst
Academy’s most important goal.
Bond. Zodiac has been an incredible mentor. I am honored to
be counted amongst his friends and will do everything in my
power to follow his teachings.
Flaw. I can’t keep my mouth shut and am terrible at keeping
secrets. I just love to tell people things.
Delilah is among the only mages outside the Academy
Directorate that Zodiac confides in and discusses matters
with regularly. The two are close friends despite the giant’s
misanthropic nature.

Though elves are a rare ancestry in the continent, there are a great
many who have made their home in the Isles of Skye. Reclaiming
the fallen ruins of an ancient elven kingdom, the people of Eladria
have begun to rebuild their home, and make a place of their own
within the deep woods of the island, where they feel close to the
faerie realms and their own forgotten history.

104 Guide to Drakkenheim

Locations and Landmarks Starspire Observatory
Here are but a few of the fantastic places found across the Isles This massive elven tower has been repurposed into a great
of Skye. observatory and library, one of the eight great strongholds of
the Amethyst Academy. Few students are educated here, but
Dragonbreath Columns Academy mages travel to the location to research not only the
night sky but the entire cosmos.
Along the southwestern shores of the mainland of Skye, as well It is a large white cylindrical building hundreds of feet tall with
as several of the smaller islands off the coast, stand countless a huge glass dome at the top. Winding staircases weave through
hexagon-shaped basalt columns. The jagged columns form a massive central library that fills the entire building. Magical
interlocking rocky escarpments and low plateaus. The tops of platforms, some adorned with comfortable reading chairs, float
the basalt towers form stepping stones that lead down from the amongst the seemingly endless shelves of books. Other rooms are
crags above and disappear under the sea. Locals believe these dedicated to star maps, astronomical calculations, and a scriptori-
strange rock formations are all that remains of several great um that produces scrolls and magical inks. Beneath the great glass
castles built by Gaibhne, and torn down by red dragons at the dome is a massive brass and copper telescope looking up to the
behest of Kromac and elemental storms conjured by Nodens. sky above.
At the behest of Archmage Zodiac Allsight, Grandmaster
Delilah Willowart keeps the observatory in pristine shape and

Giant’s Lean tends to all the needs of the facility, welcoming students and
faculty of the Amethyst Academy to study the cosmos.
In the northwestern end of the island is a renowned cliff known Occupying a pocket dimension parallel to the Observatory is
as the Giant’s Lean, a massive flat slab of earth covered in lush Zodiac’s arcane lab, which is warded and off limits to everyone
green grass that rises upwards for miles before ending at a peak except Dililah Willowart. Zodiac uses delerium as an arcane
above Garlow Forest. The cliff is known as the best vantage conduit to harness and control the fluctuations of thin places
point to see all of Skye, and in the distant horizon on a clear day between the planes. Although prone to arcane anomalies and
you can even see the glimmer of the Crystal Coast of Westemär. accidental implosions, Zodiac has erected relatively stable gates
Embedded in the stones at the edge of the cliff is an ancient to the Shadowrealm, the Faerie Otherworlds, Dreamland, and
sword. Local legends claim the blade once belonged to the Old a distant unnamed planet with purple skies and orange grass
God Nuada the Silver Handed. This blade has never been re- fields. However, the experiments have caused several Thin
moved, although many have tried. It’s said that the sword waits Places to become highly active throughout Skye, drawing more
for a worthy valkyrie chosen by the Old Gods as their champion dangerous fey and shadowy creatures to the island.
to claim the sword while on a quest to vanquish a great evil.

Stones of Almorra
Glens of Vardale Just off the northern coast of the mainland of Skye is a large flat
The hilly green fields that span between Enniskillen and Darryl landmass of green fields. The island is known to be so flat that
are a tightly packed patchwork of farms and known as the Glens you can see another person standing on the island from miles
of Vardale. The farms here produce much of the livestock and away. There is a strange, ancient druidic grove along the isle’s
grains for the Isles of Skye. They branch along the Emerald northernmost tip.
Trail, the most popular trade route between the two major No record of the isle’s origin exists, but the Northfolk
cities of the Isles of Skye. Countless battles have been fought named the location after Almorra, a divergent myth in Skye,
throughout this region, and farmers plow up old weapons and which regards the Old Gods Arwyn and Phantasia as one
bones as often as stubborn stones. entity. The grove consists of three rings of standing stones.
In the very center is a stone disc embedded in the ground
with a carving of nine imperfect ringed circles growing smaller
towards the center of the slab, with a small carved dot found
Reeglin Highlands somewhere along each ring.
The western end of the mainland of Skye is known as the Reeg- The henge’s purpose is unknown. Some have speculated the
lin Highlands. Consisting of a mountainous stretch of green hills rings in the middle slab correspond to the planets found in the
and rocky mountains, the western coast line is a sheer cliff that immediate cosmos, with the large stone rings representing each
drops hundreds of feet into jagged rocks along the ocean below. of the old gods observing and maintaining the cosmos. However,
It’s rumored that occasionally one can spot merfolk and other no one can account for the number of stone structures repre-
sea-dwelling creatures in the waters off the cliffs. A longstanding senting any gods at all, and so all theories are pure speculation.
myth claims there is a city of waterfolk deep in the grottos and The druids claim they did not build it, but they now keep it and
cave systems beneath the island. Meanwhile, the green moun- consider it sacred to the Old Gods.
tains are said to be filled with covens of mysterious hags who use
the natural magic of the island in their rituals and spells.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 105

Cities and Settlements Enniskillen
Population: 6,500 people
Darryl Ruler: Dierdra Blythway, a human berserker
Known For: Monks of the Sacred Flame, Swans
Population: 13,000 people
Ruler: Martyn Mac Lochlann The beautiful lake Cygnet glistens in the sun, as a flock of swans
Known For: International Trade, Druid Circles, Lochlann Clan flutter about the waters near the banks of a small island. On a
high hill of the island rests a wood and stone monastery. The smoke
Amongst a thicket of pine, elm, and oak trees sits the town of smoke from a burning brazier within billows out, monks draped
Darryl. A large wooden longhouse perches at the top of a low in white cloth tend to the surrounding gardens. Across from the
hill overlooking the river, while a sprawling clutter of roughly island on the shores of the lake is a small city of stone buildings,
made wooden cabins, shelters, and open-faced workshops extends their rooftops covered in moss. Chimneys puff wafts of smoke as the
towards the bay. Rows of stone houses line the winding path up people within fight off the northern chill. A long boardwalk along the
to the longhouse. The smell of peat, chopped wood, and ocean banks of the river see villagers dressed in animal skins admiring the
water fill the town. A short way from the longhouse, in the nearby swans as they dance upon the surface of the water. All the while the
woods, is a great circular clearing with a central bonfire and a sound of smiths hammering and sharpening, the bustle of the local
small square stone hut with a wood and moss roof where a Druid market, and the smell of roasting meats fill the air.
to Kromac performs ritual sacrifices and holds nightly worship.
Along the bay is a small dock and harbor lined with rows of This small city is nestled on the banks of Lake Cygnet in the
longships, a fishery, a sawmill, and a workshop. The sounds of heart of the Isles of Skye. The town is a popular place for visitors
gruff voices, clanging metal, and woodworking fill the air. who wish to see the spring swan dance, where the migration of
the swans brings them back to the lake for the summer months.
Nestled in a natural harbor and surrounded by a network of A remote monastery devoted to the Sacred Flame rests on a
fishing villages, the rainy city of Darryl boasts the only fortified hilly island in the middle of the lake that overlooks the town.
port in Skye. As such, it is a primary destination for travelers The Blythway clan rules over the town and boasts about their
and traders from the mainland. The docks are filled with local architecture and beauty, locals think the rough-and-tumble
longships and vessels from far-flung lands. wooden huts of Darryl are a mockery of a city. The cleanly built
Not far from the city proper is a great grove of trees and stone structures of Enniskillen, beautiful boardwalk along the
standing stones devoted to the Old Gods, where druids perform lake, and central stone longhouse are testaments to the peak
rites and rituals to Danu, Kromac, Nodens, and Nuada. Every of northern architecture. The monastery brings the faith of the
full moon, townsfolk gather in the grove and sacrifice a wild boar Sacred Flame to the village, and has been the cause of several
in the name of the Old Gods and pray for a bountiful harvest, wars between the Blythway and Lochlann clans. While the
good hunting, calm seas, and fortune in future battles. Blythways believe strongly in advancement and progression of
The city is controlled by the Lochlann clan, led by the their people, adopting design, religion, and war tactics from the
ferocious Martyn Mac Lochlann. These warriors often venture mainland, they scoff at the Lochlanns, who remain dedicated to
into battle wearing little more than animal furs, their faces ancient tradition and archaic lifestyles.
painted with animal blood, incited into rage by the druids of
Kromac. They sail the waters around the Isles of Skye in their
longships, and are known as ruthless raiders on the mainland.
The fearsome reputation of Darryl’s warriors is matched
only by the fame of the city’s meadhalls, which are constantly
bustling with revelry and tall tales of seafaring voyages, great
travels, and adventures.

106 Guide to Drakkenheim

Eladria Adventures in Skye
Last City of the Elves
Population: 1,250 elves Plot Hooks
Ruler: Queen Genevieve Below are some specific adventures that might occur around the Isles
Known For: Elven Ruins, Passage to the Fairy Realms of Skye you can use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns.

Concealed by a thick grove, a mist-shrouded trellis of ancient trees

leads into the ruins of Eladria. The pathway into the city passes
Strange Waters
by several shattered elven statues, the stone head of some forgotten The western shores of the Isles of Skye have long been home to
sage lays upon the road wrapped in vines and cracked with age. many merfolk and aquatic life who live in the caverns beneath
The willowy torso and spindly legs of another are held in the the island. Lately a strange glow has been coming from within the
embrace of overgrown roots. caves and the creatures that live there have been acting strangely.

The tree-road opens into a ruined city reminiscent of an

antiquated time upon an alien world. Tiered gardens, walkways, Misguided Offerings
and staircases made with a strange green stone are now caked A druid of the Old Gods has brought a delerium crystal from
in moss and grass. Treetop houses, bridges, and towers hang in Drakkenheim as an offering to their god. During the ritual, the
ruins, held only by the branches and leaves of the large trees. The druid and the crystal are drawn through a Thin Place into a faerie
wood, stone, and foliage of the buildings so seamlessly shifts from Otherworld. The delerium crystal flared with power upon this
construction to nature, that it is as if the elves coaxed them to grow ritual and is now growing in the space between this realm and the
into that shape. faerie realm, drawing in all sorts of otherworldly creatures
The heart of the settlement is a fountain of ancient design. It functions
as a large shrine, depicting elven versions of Arwyn, Danu, Morrigan,
and Phantasia. The occasional glow of passing fey spirits accompany
Warlords of Skye
The player characters have ambitions of uniting the clans of Skye
the whimsical budding of a new elven kingdom.
and one day invading the mainland. They must meet with the
leaders of the cities of Skye and unite them under a single banner,
When the elves arrived from their forgotten homeworld, they
then board their longships and raze Drannsmund to the ground.
founded the city of Eladria. Dimly recalling the trappings of
their art, science, and magic, the elves set about constructing an
immaculate new place to call home. While many elves later left
to travel the world, and the city was ravaged by the sorcerer-
The Elf Witch
A witch of Eladria has vanished through a Thin Place. The
kings, today many elves are returning to their sacred home
small elven community is upset at the loss of their healer and
to form a new community. Many true elves from all over the
sage, and is looking for anyone brave enough to venture into the
continent make a point to visit Eladria whenever the chance
fairy realms to try and get her back.
arises. It’s said that no elf or half-elf should go their lives without
making the trip to the ruins of Eladria.
The city had glittering fairy lights illuminating ornate spiral
staircases that spanned from the base of the trees up into the
city above, thousands of hollowed tree houses, walkways, and
beautiful waterways and fountains all among the tops of the
trees. Even along the grounds there were stone paths flanked
by lavish gardens of unknown plants, beautiful statues of elven
figures, parks and clearings with strange shrines.
Elfgates. The ruins of Eladria are known to be the site of
one of the ancient Elfgates. Built within a great dome of green
stone, the gateway itself takes the shape of a vast circular pool of
arcane water, rippling and shuddering with energy. Elegant half
arches stretch overhead. At one time, magical altars, daises, and
archways held ancient delerium crystals preserved in glass orbs,
but these were taken by Sorcerer-Queen Kaestelaria VIII. While
most are now long lost, the eight staves of the magi held today
by the members of the Academy Directorate were built using
delerium stolen from Eladria. The Elf Witch
Today, the elves seldom enter this ancient chamber; it fills
them with awful feelings of woe and despair.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 107

Population: 175,000 and central location along the Middle Sea, Liberio has become a
Ruler: The Legislature and Assembly of the Republic of Liberio hub for trade throughout the continent. All manner of goods flow
Known For: Great trade city, hub for international intrigue and through here — including delerium. Furthermore, as a neutral
commerce, artistic patronage, Enigma Ziggurat power resting between the three largest nations of the continent,
Liberio is a hotbed for politics between the great nations.
The majestic city of Liberio is a breathtaking sight; more artwork
than metropolis. The streets consist of a maze-like network of
canals, elegant arched bridges, and stone walkways which spill over
the Golden Bay harbor. Terracotta rooftops cover densely placed Founded by Sorcerer-King Orion III as a shipyard to build a
buildings with impressive marble and limestone architecture. Banks, vast fleet of spell-ships with which he controlled the Middle
chapels, workshops, galleries, townhomes, and estates are separated Sea, Liberio has changed hands several times since the fall of the
by large plazas decorated with statues, gardens, and fountains. The Arcane Empire. Originally a member of the League of Elyria, it
music of minstrels mingles with the murmur of merchants in the has been besieged and captured numerous times. Kristoff Karn
marketplaces. In Liberio, gold coins flow like water. was the first to claim the city, after which Liberio was ceded to
Rex Caspian. Subsequently, Elyria warred with Houses Jackson,
Hovering in the sky over the busy ship-filled port is a bizarre Joplin, and Joyce over the city. It was then taken by Albrecht
sight indeed. A colossal tetrahedral monolith larger than the von Drakken, and after his invasion failed, the people of Liberio
biggest structures in the city below oscillates slowly in the sky. asserted their independence and founded their Republic.
Its outer facade is a network of twisting puzzle-pieces in an
indescribable color.
his independent city-state rests between the nations of Liberio is a democratic state governed by two chambers. The
Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär, at the northernmost tip of Legislature is an elected body of one hundred citizens who
Golden Bay. The free people of Liberio believe their city serve four-year terms, and the Assembly consists of a rotating
the greatest in the world, and perhaps there is some truth to it. body of five hundred citizens chosen by lottery each year. The
Blessed with a democratic, if plutocratic, government, consider- Legislature develops the laws and policies, which must then be
able wealth, and an agreeable climate, the city is a thriving place ratified by the Assembly. The two houses jointly nominate and
for commerce, culture, and industry. Thanks to its independence elect a Consul to lead the city every two years.

Religion Cathedral of Saint Fiona
Although its people are quite moderate, years of strong associa- The Cathedral of Saint Fiona is a testament of architecture
tion and proximity to Elyria has left its influence. The Faith of and stands as one of the most beautiful cathedrals on the
the Sacred Flame flourishes in Liberio, and stories and myths continent next to the Cathedral of Saint Tarna in Lumen, and
from the religion are a popular subject for the artists of Liberio. the Cathedral of Saint Vitruvio in Drakkenheim. It is a massive
Countless paintings, statues, and poems about Saint Tarna have white building with a great central glass dome above the central
been created and composed here: indeed, the Divine Matriarch altar, so the light from the brilliant beacon within the cathedral
has almost always been the greatest patron of Liberian art. can be seen from the outside. Various stained-glass windows
line the long building, stretching three stories tall, depicting the

Magic various stories of the Sacred Flame.

High Flamekeeper Portia has tended to the church for
The powerful and palpable influence of the Amethyst Academy decades, keeping the brazier lit and offering guidance to those
is felt throughout Liberio. The purple-robed wizards are a visiting the sacred grounds. She is a mild-mannered woman who
common sight throughout the streets, often zipping overhead never forces the Faith, but simply offers a kind hand and helpful
with magical spells and flying carpets, coming and going from advice to any seeking it.
the Enigma Ziggurat. The mages do most of their business in
Liberio, trading magical items, potions, and spellcasting services
for coin and delerium with the wealthy merchants and nobles Ponte Grande
who pass through and live in the free city. The large stonework bridge extends over the central canal of
the city and is lined with shops and buildings, making it the
busiest marketplace in the city. Along both sides of the bridge
are several large carvings of the faces of great artists of the city
facing out towards the canal below.

Locations and Landmarks Anchor Citadel

The city of Liberio is home to dozens of banks, guilds devoted This greatly fortified fort rests upon the harbor of the city, and
to every craft and skill, and great vaults where the wealthy keep has its own internal docks and a huge water gate to allow ships
their coins and valuable artworks. The piazzas and many market- in and out. The impressive castle is the military headquarters
places of the city are abuzz with activity day and night. Canals, of Liberio’s army and navy. The city has a modest military, but
bridges, and footpaths, not roads, are the primary passage through makes up for it with the might of its naval fleet. The great ships
the streets of Liberio. Boats and rafts all converge upon the har- sport white sails with the symbol of the city upon them, and are
bor, a great ring of docks which thrust deep into the Golden Bay. great defenders of the Middle Sea.

Conservatory of Creation Enigma Ziggurat

This large building sits in the heart of Liberio. It is an asym-
metrical structure with odd, confounding angles that stands as Stronghold of the Amethyst Academy
an artwork all its own. It is made of ancient beige brick with Hovering high over the harbor, the sight of the Enigma Ziggurat
large archways and great mosaics laid into the outer walls. Large symbolizes the city of Liberio itself. An enormous octarine
stained-glass windows are dispersed irregularly along the outer tetrahedron, the outer faces are covered in a slowly-shifting
walls depicting great historical breakthroughs in invention, art, array of puzzle-piece shaped panels, staircases, columns, and
and science. The building houses a beautiful central courtyard balconies. There is no entrance by ground or sea, so flight or
with stone walkways, benches, and a topiary garden. teleportation are needed to access the building.
The conservatory functions as both a gallery and school for the The interior is a labyrinthian dungeon, far larger on the inside
arts. Since it was founded some of the greatest painters, sculptors, than even the massive exterior implies. Chambers dedicated to
poets, bards, inventors, and philosophers have attended the unique the Academy’s craft and industry fill the ziggurat’s many corners
school. Among them include: Horatio, the famous architect who and hidden niches. Spellforges, elemental foundries, and planar
designed the building itself, and many of the great cathedrals in the crucibles are used to fashion enchanted weapons, wandsand
Continent, including the modernization of Saint Tarna’s Cathedral. staves. Alchemical refineries and gigantic spinning cauldrons
Then there was the brilliant inventor Ludovico, who has designed brew up vats of magical potions and aqua delerium. Special
steam-powered engines, cannons, improved metallurgy, and even arcane accelerators used to study magical energies, matter, and
dreamed up designs for flight without using magic. Sarto, the great phenomena of all kinds, allow the mages to synthesize almost
philosopher who composed works on politics, ethics, and religion any material from base elements. The mages use secluded
in his work The Nine Alignments. Nicoletti, the famous sculptor, sections of the fortress reinforced with arcane wards and guardi-
who created the statue of Goliath which now sits in the courtyard ans to lock away unspeakable creatures and dangerous magic.
of the conservatory. Rosana, who painted the famous works Lisella The Enigma Ziggurat was constructed by Sorcerer-King
Maria, Midsummer Night, and The Lady with the Diamond Ring; Orion III. When the first mages of the Amethyst Academy
and Gotti, the renowned poet who wrote the Canticle of Caspia as sought a secure base of operations, they used their influence
well as The Road Seldom Traveled. and resources to capture the ziggurat and repurpose it into

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 109

an arcane research facility. While it has remained one of
their principal headquarters, since the loss of the Inscrutable Factions and Figures
Tower in Drakkenheim, the Enigma Ziggurat has become the These prominent people inhabit Liberio:
true fulcrum of the Amethyst Academy. In the laboratories,
workshops, and foundries hidden deep within the bowels of the
ziggurat, the mages study delerium and construct all manner Consul Isabella Ezio
of occult wonders using the crystals. The Amethyst Academy Isabella is a bold, middle-aged noble woman with long brown
has constructed a yawning cavern at the core of the structure hair usually tied up in a ponytail. She wears a modest long skirt
filled with a massive collection of delerium harvested from and blouse and has served three terms as Consul of the Republic
Drakkenheim. The mages hope the vast concentration will spur of Liberio. Isabella is a well-spoken woman and a powerful
the growth of new crystals. Powerful containment measures and leader. She is a staunch supporter of the people and has fought
arcane wards seal the pressurized and lead-lined room to hold hard for the city and its freedoms.
back the billowing energies of the new Haze developing here. Personality Trait. I always speak as though I am giving a
Whenever a grave matter demands the Academy Directorate speech. I choose my words carefully to ensure their impact.
hold an audience with the continent’s rulers, they conduct the Ideal. No gods or kings rule Liberio; it is the people who make
matter in the Engima Ziggurat’s Endless Corridor. This grand things great. By the choices of the people will we see our
chamber has been ensorcelled in such a way that those who triumph or our ruin.
enter from the opposite ends of the hall can see and speak with Bond. Liberio is constantly on the brink of losing its freedom
one another, but cannot cross to the other side of the room. to one of the nations hounding our borders. Our freedom is a
Instead, opposing occupants of the room can walk or run fragile thing, and we must treasure it.
towards another forever and never come near. Flaw. I will go to any length for freedom: lie, cheat, steal, and if
I have to kill, I will.
During her years in office, Isabella has found herself having to
stand up to the High King of Caspia, and the Divine Matriarch
of Elyria. She has struggled to have a voice in the concerns of
Consul delerium and Westemär, and has continually been pushed out
Isabella Ezio of the major debates regarding the continent. Isabella feels it is
her duty to bring the concerns of Liberio to the table and make
a bold example to show Liberio is a player in the continental
ongoings, especially during such tumultuous times.

Noble Houses
Three noble houses dominate culture, politics, and trade in Liberio:
House Leontes. Duke Benardo Leontes leads an extended
family of bankers, notaries, and moneylenders. Their family has a
hand in almost every business and financial transaction in Liberio.
House de Vecsi. Duke Gueillermo’s family are founders and
primary benefactors of the Conservatory of Creation; the beauty
and arts of Liberio have flourished thanks to their patronage.
The de Vecsi family has commissioned many famous paintings,
sculptures, and poems, and operate several theaters and hotels
throughout the city.
House Malvolio. Ruled by Duchess Francesca, House
Malvolio is deeply involved in the political factions of the
Liberian Legislature. The house is pushing the democratic body
to form political parties — an idea long rejected by Liberio’s
republican founders. To what end exactly the family seeks
greater political influence is unknown.

Archmage Alabaster
Director of the Amethyst Academy
This powerful Academy Director wizard is descended from a
line of sorcerer-kings who infused their bloodline with a celestial
heritage. As a result, he has angelic features, pale lavender
skin, a short black beard, and sparkling opalescent eyes. He is
often encountered simply wearing goggles and a stained leather
smith’s apron over a purple tunic, setting aside his Academy
robes for attire more appropriate for his work.

110 Guide to Drakkenheim

Alabaster is a peerless master of alchemy and transmutation
magic. His experimentations and research involve using deleri- Adventures in Liberio
um to alter the material properties of other matter. Alabaster is
well known to have created the formula for aqua delerium. He
has already successfully developed a process to use delerium to Plot Hooks
transform lead into gold, but is now much more interested in Below are some specific adventures that might occur around Liber-
using the stones to create some form of life. However, Alabaster io you can use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns.
is keenly aware of the erratic and chaotic effects of the crystals
on flesh, which tend to produce insane, contaminated monsters.
Instead, deep within the depths of the Enigma Ziggurat, he has The Stolen Maria
fashioned several prototype human-sized golems with delerium The famous painting Lisella Maria has been stolen! Cunning
crystal hearts. His unique method has produced magically ani- rogues have taken the painting and are attempting to get it out
mated constructs imbued with sentience and personality. Each of the city to sell to distant nations for an incredible sum. The
is a unique and immaculately crafted being with intricate facial player characters must locate these thieves and retrieve the
features, often decorated with porcelain, glass, and silver. The painting before they make it out of the city.
archmage quietly released a handful of his creations into the Alternatively, the player characters could be the ones hired by
world to see what adventures they will find. a distant thieves’ guild to steal the painting and get it out of the
Personality Trait. I seek to finish any conversation as quickly city to a fence in the Eastern Vales before they are caught.
as possible so I can go back to my experiments.
Ideal. If it is true that celestial beings created life and the
universe, I am merely striving to emulate the example of my Political Agenda
ancestors. The world is but a grand experiment, now long- Consul Isabella Ezio is holding a meeting with the leaders of
forgotten by those who set it in motion. Caspia and Elyria in Liberio. They have hired the player charac-
Bond. Delerium is the true philosopher’s stone: its ters for protection as whispers have been spreading through the
transformative properties are supreme. Using its magic, we city of a shadow cult hoping to assassinate all the leaders at once.
can transform anything — perhaps even life itself. Alternatively, the player characters have been hired to
Flaw. I have created many things in my life. However, I uncover the location of this secret meeting and assassinate
quickly move on to the next project and care little for my the leaders of the nations. Afterwards they must escape the
past experiments. continent before they are discovered.
Alabaster is a close confidant, partner, and sometimes lover
to Penumbra, the Archmage of Terene. Together, the two are
parents to several up-and-coming Academy students.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 111




Liberio Map
1. Enigma Ziggaraut
2. Anchor Citadel
3. Ezio Villa
8 4. Legislature Hall
5. Conservatory of Creation
6. Cathedral of Saint Fiona
7. Ponte Grande
8. de Vesci Estate
9. Malvolio Villa
10. Leontes Estate

A group of hunters mounted on fierce reptilian creatures stalks the
thick jungles. Their quarry is a giant frog known to have ravaged Capital
nearby villages. As they come upon a lake within a small clearing, The city of Sandspire rests where the beaches of the south meet
the bubbling waters break and the huge frog-beast emerges from the edge of the Terene Jungle along the Torvista River.
the depths. Spurring their mounts, the warriors circle around
with bows at the ready. Their leader charges forth hurling a spear
directly into the gullet of the creature. Religion
Faith in the Old Gods runs strong in Terene. The pantheon of

he lands of Terene are covered by a large sprawling jungle gods worshiped here features many more entities and figures not
that forms a natural border between the settled coastline known prominently elsewhere in the continent. Danu, Kromac,
of the nation and the realm of Caspia. Though many do and Nodens are held in especially high regard as the creators and
inhabit the jungles in countless villages and tightly-knit communi- sustainers of life and nature. The jungle is filled with old statues
ties, it largely remains a dangerous wilderness filled with mon- and worship circles to ancient beings. However, the Faith of the
strous reptiles, ferocious beasts, and primordial magic. Still, the Sacred Flame is gradually spreading its influence in Terene.
lush green jungle is a sprawling natural environment filled with
beautiful flora and fauna unlike anywhere else on the continent,
and deep within the trackless foliage are many secluded druidic
circles devoted to the Old Gods.

Overview Independence from the Arcane Empire
Terene takes its name from a misspelling of the word Terrene, The furthest borders of the Arcane Empire ended at the Torvista
which means “earthly,” or more generally “land or region” in Old River. Terene remained a largely independent nation during the
Median. In the early days of the sorcerer-kings, many referred to reign of the sorcerer-kings, but the price was paid in the blood
the uninhabited jungles as simply “the jungles terrene,” which spilt by its defenders and massive tributes paid by its leaders.
later were taken up as the name for lands of Terene.

Population Reptile Wars

The end of the Arcane Empire did not mark the end of foreign
Approximately two million people dwell in Terene, the majority invasions into Terene. Reckless Caspian princes have made nu-
along the southern shores which have long sandy beaches and merous attempts to “tame” the “wild jungles” of Terene. House
beautiful blue ocean waters. Still, many others reside in the Jagger regularly gathers their wyvern-riders on raids in search of
many villages which dot the banks of the Torvista River. Most glorious battle, whether against monsters lurking in the jungle or
are human, but mingled among them are several unique and defenders mustered up to guard the borders of Terene. Time and
varied folk with animal-like features, which locals claim is the time again, the Clawstriders have repelled the Caspians, sending
mark and blessing of the Old Gods. them back to their homeland to lick their wounds.

Factions and Figures Elder
These prominent people inhabit Terene:

House Laurent
The Laurent dynasty reigns over Sandspire, claiming the
towns and villages along the coast of Terene as part of their
domain. Deeply devoted to Arwyn the Moon Hunter, House
Laurent maintains strong connections to the druidic elders of
the old goddess.
The Laurents rose to power as great hunters responsible
for defending the inhabitants of Terene from local threats and
foreign invasion. Today, the household’s holdings largely consist
Circle of Danu
The Circle of Danu is a large group of druids who reside in
of the ranches and pens where their rangers tame the giant
the jungles towards the eastern end of the nation. They keep
lizards from the jungle to use as mounts and beasts of burden.
a community deep within the trees in an ancient grove that
houses a massive stone temple to the Old God which dates back
Prince Abdalla Laurent thousands of years.

Prince Abdalla is the current head of House Laurent. He is a

human noble man of some forty years. He has short, tightly Elder Nightsong
curled black hair, large brown eyes, brown skin, and a full face, Elder Nightsong has watched over the Circle of Danu and its
with piercings through his nose and several along one ear. He druids for thousands of years. They are a respected druid sage
wears a golden chain with the symbol of Arwyn the Moon amongst not only other druids, but all the people of Terene.
Hunter as a pendant, but is an avid follower of the Old Gods The elder is a strange turtlefolk with pale, green, wrinkled
and holds worship to Danu, Lugh, and Nodens as well. The skin and squinting beady eyes. They have a beard of moss that
prince wears a crown fashioned out of golden reeds upon his hangs off their chin, and their shell is adorned with carvings of
head and wears a yellow robe with red lining. ancient symbols of Danu. Elder Nightsong carries a gnarled
Personality Trait. I speak often of the Old Gods, of their wooden walking stick that has many mushrooms and flowers
blessings, and look for signs and omens in the natural growing from it.
environments around me. Personality Trait. I speak on behalf of the forest and the
Ideal. Terene is a free nation, where people may worship as earth, for mortals today can no longer hear the true voice of
they choose, live as they choose, and be who they choose. Danu. I am slow and ancient in my ways, but I offer wisdom
We do not squabble or dissolve into infighting as the “great” to all who seek it.
nations of the continent often do. We protect our borders and Ideal. Danu is life. Without her blessing we cannot survive,
defend our lands from those who wish to bring their version of and if we continue on our path, she will abandon us.
“civilization” to our peaceful kingdom. Bond. I am the keeper of these sacred grounds, and my
Bond. My family has protected these lands, stood at the front followers are those who wish to aid in the betterment of
lines of all our wars, and worshiped the gods who created this this world. Together we can heal the harm being caused
jungle and gave us this place to call home. I aim to continue throughout the continent.
their legacy as a leader and a prophet to my people. Flaw. For all my sagely advice, I find myself untrusting of
Flaw. I often read dark omens in the clouds, moon, and outsiders, and assume the worst in foreign travelers.
plants, and sometimes make drastic choices hoping to Elder Nightsong enjoys sharing their wisdom with those
appease the gods. passionate about the Old Gods, and keeping the temples of their
ancient people safe and protected.

Amethyst Academy
The Amethyst Academy keeps a small presence in Terene, and
only appears when matters in Sandspire call for a Flamekeeper
and Academy mage to be present. Nevertheless, great magic is
hidden in these lands, so the Academy does keep a small tower
in Sandspire.
Prince Abdalla The Academy outpost in Sandspire baffles the locals. It is a
Laurent ruined tower with the strange red door on the outskirts of town.
Little remains of the structure save the doorway. Academy
mages come and go through the door, vanishing through it to
unknown places and emerging just as spontaneously. Others
have said that on occasion the purple-robed mages arrive in
large bubbles floating out of the ocean.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 115

Archmage Penumbra Chief Ranger Tanesha Laurent
Director of the Amethyst Academy Tanesha, one of Prince Abdalla Laurent’s sisters, is a fierce
woman in her mid-thirties. The Clawstrider Ranger is
Penumbra, one of the Academy Directors, is a short tiefling athletic with flowing wavy black hair, a round face, and stern
woman with mottled brown-red skin. She has large, spiraling brown eyes. She is adorned with many piercings in her nose and
gray horns emerging from her forehead, and keeps her blue- ears. Tanesha is the current Chief Ranger of the Clawstriders,
green hair in buns along the sides of her head. The archmage chosen to speak for all the warrior bands and lead them when
has deep, dark eyes, and sharp pointed teeth. they all fight together. She rides into battle atop a great red
Amongst the few who have met her in person, Penumbra is tyrannosaurus rex named Konak.
known as being both incredibly charming and extremely disarm-
Personality Trait. I am kind and caring to those who show
ing. Those who speak with her are caught completely off guard
loyalty and kindness to me. I often extend invitations and
by her outward kindness, and find themselves talking endlessly
speak openly with people, knowing that if they decide to cross
to her. Only after Penumbra leaves do they realize she never said
me, it will be their last mistake.
anything about herself, and simply listened to them talk.
Ideal. Do not give second chances to those who have not
Penumbra enjoys the trappings of everyday life, and is
earned them.
fascinated by the people in it. She enjoys spending time
Bond. The jungle is my home. I will protect it at all costs, and
amongst the locals and admiring the sandy beaches and warm
take vengeance against those who trespass here.
weather in Terene, though her powerful enchantments cause
Flaw. I am incredibly impatient, whether in conversation
those who meet her to forget she was ever there. Penumbra’s
or battle.
tendency to mingle with common folk has been a concern of
the other Directors for some time. They know she travels to Tenesha wants to maintain the peace in Terene, but has an
cities all over the continent, and often appears in taverns and intense hatred for Caspians. She has long considered striking
pubs to hear tales of local problems, or sometimes sends hapless back into their lands as revenge for all the bloodshed their
adventurers on dangerous quests to unknown ends. invasions have caused in Terene.
Personality Traits. I aim to be friendly and humble to the people
around me. I am often delighted by mundane non-magical life.
Ideal. The more we can learn about the people of this world,
the more we can use our magic to change it.
Bond. Alabaster has been with me through thick and thin for
years and I admire his dedication and passion.
Flaw. I often upset my peers with my carefree attitude and
nonchalant use of magic.
The archmage works from a secret academy stronghold, where
she had studied the effects of delerium contamination on the
mind to understand the madness it causes. She has been using
fish, rats, and birds as test subjects, attempting to imbue them
with intelligence enough to manifest psionic abilities. If success-
ful, she hopes to begin testing her method with human volunteers
soon, potentially using delerium to imbue non-mageborn with
magical powers.
Penumbra has an on-again, off-again relationship with
Archmage Alabaster of Liberio. The two have several magically
gifted children.

Clawstrider Rangers
The Clawstrider Rangers are the guardians of Terene. Their
traditions are ancient, as the people of these lands have been
taming and riding the great lizards of the jungle for generations,
both as beasts of burden and mounts in battle. They have
fended off the Caspians many times in countless invasions. Chief Ranger
The rangers are often clad in natural armor made from tree Tanesha Laurent
bark, leaves, and tightly woven reeds and grass. They paint their
faces with blue pigments created from local flora and use bows,
javelins, and spears as their primary armaments. Clawstrider
groups are often accompanied by a druid, who brings the blessings
of the Old Gods to the warriors. The Clawstrider Rangers worship
many of the Old Gods, forming warbands dedicated to each.
Groups dedicated to Arwyn, Danu, Kromac, Lugh, and even
Morrigan are amongst the largest warbands stalking Terene.

116 Guide to Drakkenheim

Locations and Landmarks Cities and Settlements
Terene Jungle Sandspire
The rich jungles of Terene stretch across the nation. It is filled Population: 24,000 people
with primeval trees choked with vines, some hundreds of feet Ruler: Abdalla Laurent
tall. While light shines throughout the canopy, the forest floor Known For: Druid circles to Arwyn, Kromac, Danu, Morrigan,
below is cast in deep darkness. Motes of magic dangle between and Lugh; Ocean Fishing, Lobster, Crab, and Shrimp; Rare
the foliage, and colossal reptilian creatures stalk the thick plants and Exotic Fruit
and vine tangled debris. Here and there are found several old
ruins that are not of elven, human, or dwarven design. Many
Along the southern beaches of Terene, you will see a massive tower
assume the ancient inhabitants of the jungle built these shrines
of sand emerging from the ground, glistening and sparkling as
and structures thousands of years ago, and some are still used as
the sun catches the orbs of glass embedded sporadically upon it. A
holy sites by the elusive and strange folk of the jungle.
sprawling city of low sandstone and wood houses is built around
Giant frogs, massive crocodiles, snakes, and all manner of
the base of the spire, topped with large leaves off palm trees and
beasts roam Terene’s jungles, and they are a treacherous place
jungle brush. Extending on to the sandy beaches, the city seems
for those who do not know how to navigate them. To many
right at home amongst the jungles and sand that it borders.
outsiders, the lands seem inhospitable, but to those who have
made lives within the jungle, it is a safe and protected place,
Sandspire is a beautiful city of yellow sandstone towers and build-
where the wild creatures help to deter outside invasion, and
ings which blends right in with the sandy coastline. The beautiful
keep the villages along the great river safe.
city bustles with strange and eclectic people of all kinds. The name
of the city comes from the strange obelisk spire in the center of
town. One can run their fingers through it like sand on the beach,
Torvista River but it still holds its structure. Orbs of glass occasionally form within
the spire like tiny globes. No one is sure exactly when or how
This massive river — nearly a mile and a half wide in some areas the strange spire was created, but local legends say that Nodens
— spans most of the length of Terene, starting at the southern once sent an arcane storm over the beaches to scare away the first
end of the Rust Edge Mountains in Caspia and flowing through humans who settled on the beach. The magically imbued lightning
the Terene Jungle before emptying into the ocean at the city of that storm struck a massive bolt in this spot and created the spire.
of Sandspire. Many communities in Terene lie upon the river;
it is more common for traders and travelers journey down its
length by raft or boat than attempt taking any road or pathway
through the jungle. No bridge has yet been constructed across it,
instead numerous ferries operate between riverside settlements.
The water is known for being rich with beautiful flora and
fauna, but the smaller tributaries flowing into it are hunting
Adventures in Terene
grounds for many deadly creatures, including giant crocodiles,
aquatic snakes, and basilisks. Plot Hooks
Below are some specific adventures that might occur around
Terene to use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns.
Temple of the Elder One
The Jungle Temple
This temple is a towering monolithic structure of cracked stones A strange visitor from an unknown land left a purple crystal as
choked by ancient vines. Four pillars carved with faces of long- an offering at the Temple of the Elder One. Now, an octarine
forgotten sages and druids flank a central door that opens to a glow is coming from the depths of the temple, and the creatures
yawning passage downward into darkness. A trickle of water from dwelling in the jungle have become violent. Elder Nightsong
the outside creek descends the stairs into the ancient caverns below. seeks brave heroes to venture into the ancient ruins and rid the
The smell of growth, soft soil, and decay wafts up from below. temple of this curse. The ancient dead buried there are stirring,
and the ancient tomb is full of traps and terrors.
In the heart of the jungle is a long-forgotten temple. Long ago
it was a sacred place, once lost to time and overgrowth. The
druidic Circle of Danu now holds the temple and its surrounding Join the Clawstriders
grove. Entrance to the temple has been forbidden for many The Clawstrider Rangers are recruiting new members and will
years, as the building is a holy site and disturbing it could cause train anyone who proves themselves loyal to Terene. A great
damage to the structure. Now it is more a symbol to the Old tyrannosaurus rex has been rampaging through the jungle. If the
Gods than a functioning building. player characters help the Clawstriders subdue and capture this
beast, they will teach the players how to ride raptors and give
them mounts.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 117

The stepped sandstone pyramids sit upon a dry badland wedged
between the Rust Edge mountains. They have stood for centuries, Separation from the Eastern Vales
housing the remains of long-dead kings of Orleone. A sly rogue Orleone remained a part of the Eastern Vales up until the
checks their pack one last time to make sure they are well equipped conquest of Karn, who held much of the region under his rule.
to deal with the traps and hazards as she ventures into the ancient After his invasion of Caspia, however, Karn’s grip on power
tombs, hoping to uncover the lost treasure buried within. began to loosen with all the problems facing his tyrannical reign.
Below the surface of the clear blue waters one can make out a After Karn’s death, Rex Caspian saw an opportunity to add the
corona of colors as they admire the great reef that stretches along lands of Orleone to his budding domain, thinking his old rival
the entire coast of Orleone. Exotic fish and all manner of sea life and friend would appreciate the gesture.
bustle about the coral reef. Caspian was expecting little resistance. However, the people
of Orleone had soldiers of their own, and put up a defense along

rleone is a warm savanna with fields of thick grasses their western border led by a warlord named Baasha the Red.
broken up by flat landscapes of small tree clustered The attempt to conquer the lands proved too costly for Rex
scrublands. The coasts are lined with white sand beaches Caspian, and so he abandoned his military ambitions and retired
and palm trees. It is nestled between the two distinct ridges of the to sporting events in his arena.
Rust Edge Mountains. It is notable for the prominent Lake Leo
as well as the great Glass River. It also houses the largest coral reef
in the whole continent, whose intense colors and abundance of sea
creatures is spoken of across many of the surrounding lands.
Today Orleone is a strong independent nation who Just under a million people dwell in Orleone. Most live along
prides themselves on their powerful military, their beautiful the Silver Coast, the Glass River, and the edges of Lake Leo.
landscapes, and their utopian ideals. Humans make up about half the population of Orleone, but
there are many other unique inhabitants in the region. The
lands are known for a notable population of catfolk, said to be
the favored people of the goddess Phantasia.

Overview Capital
The lands of Orleone remained unsettled for some time.
Esnier is the notable city of Orleone, found along the Glass
The sorcerer-kings considered it part of the Eastern Vales, but
River where it empties into the Ender Ocean.
the first inhabitants of the region fought to keep their traditions
and lifestyle free from the tyranny of the Arcane Empire.

Factions and Figures A catfolk in her mid-thirties, she has lush yellow and orange
fur that matches her yellow cat-eyes and a stern look on her
Described below are several notable individuals who dwell face. She wears many piercings through both her ears and is
in Orleone. often dressed in the red and brown leather strappings of the
Lion Guard.

The House of Kralj Personality Trait. I am always suspicious and on high alert;
every sound, every movement could be a danger. I never
The house of Kralj took over as lord of Orleone over two centuries remove my hand from the hilt of my blade.
ago when the former ruling house of Sjena was overthrown. Ideal. It’s better to be prepared for anything, and suspect that
everything is a trap, that way you will never be surprised.
Bond. The ancient traditions of the Lion Guard have been part
Lord Stari Kralj III of Orleone for centuries, and I plan to live up to the position
Stari is the third of his name and has ruled over Orleone for granted to me, and protect the people I love dearly.
about thirty years. He is a middle-aged noble catfolk who Flaw. I am quick to draw my blade at nearly any possible slight
resides in the Palace of the Lord in Esnier. He has a great orange or stir. Some people have called me jumpy, or overly aggressive.
mane and yellow fur. His eyes are a piercing crimson and he Lava is still relatively new to her position and has a lot she
is draped in a flowing red cloak. He wears a golden circlet of feels she needs to prove. Although most of the Lion Guard looks
glittering ivy leaves encrusted with pearls from the Auroral Reef up to her, there are a few older warriors who do not like taking
off the coast of his city. Stari often carries a golden scepter that is orders from someone much younger than them. Lava takes the
said to have magical properties that protect him from harm. whispers about her and occasional comments of her age and
Personality Trait. I hold my head high when I speak to position to heart, and is very eager to prove herself.
others and enforce my words with authority and gravitas.
Ideal. One must always present themselves in the manner they
wish to be perceived. I will never show weakness, and I will
never show fear or frailty.
Bond. My people rely on me. I am one of the few, if not the
only non-human ruler of any nation. I am proud of my Lord Stari
ancestry, my home, and my people, and I will do all I can to Kralj III
keep Orleone a prosperous and united kingdom.
Flaw. I am harsh to people, especially my own family. I am
always concerned with politics and leadership, and forget to
enjoy the small moments.
Stari is a proud man and stresses endlessly about doing what is
right and just for his people and his nation. He struggles to please
everyone and has been known to come off as harsh or stern as he
constantly tries to make rulings that best suit all parties. Many like
Stari, but both his grandfather and father were regarded as the best
rulers Orleone had ever had, and many worry that Stari is being
crushed under the weight of his bloodline.

Lion Guard
This elite order of warrior-monks has a storied tradition. It was
founded by Majka Sjena when she defended the lands against
the Karnsreik fur traders. These warriors combine agility and
ferocity with brute strength and tactical positioning. They have
faced many threats, both from foreign invaders, and monsters
occupying the borderlands of their great nation. Time and time
again the Lion Guard have proven their capabilities as some of
the most unique and potent warriors on the continent.

Lion Guard Commander Lava Straža

This catfolk warrior has led the Lion Guard for the past
decade. Still deemed a newcomer to the elite warriors of
Orleone, she proved herself in a battle she led against the black
dragon Bitterheart, who ventured across the borders from the
Eastern Vales looking for farmland to desolate. Lava carries
several scars to show for it.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 119

Locations and Landmarks Cities and Settlements
Auroral Reef Esnier
Just off the Silversand Beach is a massive coral reef which Population: 35,000 people
stretches for miles along the coast. This reef is home to thou- Ruler: Lord Stari Kralj III
sands of different species of coral, as well as countless tropical Known For: Pearls, Clams, Oysters, Crab and Lobster, Exotic
fish and sea creatures. From the sandy shores, one can still Fish and Animals, Spices
make out the cascades of vibrant colors beneath the surface of
the waters.
The great golden dome of the palace of the lord emerges, glowing in
the sunlight of dawn. The white sandstone buildings surrounding
Lake Leo it are adorned with ornate curtains and bright entrances, which
attempt to match the opulence of the palace. Bustling markets of
Lake Leo is a large freshwater lake in the heart of Orleone. It fresh lobster and crab, fine garments, pearls, and spices are busy
provides much of the water for the central cities of the nation. with people bartering and buying. The dry heat causes the light to
There are legends of a great aquatic creature rumored to dwell at refract off the buildings and sandy streets, making the whole city
the center of the lake, however little reputable evidence exists of appear like a distant mirage to travelers who spot it on the horizon.
this creature. Occasional sightings and strange reports from sailors
navigating the lake keep the legends alive for most of the locals. Esnier is the largest city in Orleone, and rests where the Glass
River reaches the Ender Ocean. The ornate city features white
Lions Gate Bridge buildings with yellow and gold roofs, and its unique architecture
is unlike anywhere else. It has a massive temple in its center
The famed Lions Gate Bridge is a massive bridge over the Silver where the ruler of Orleone, Stari Kralj, currently resides.
River in the Northeast of Orleone, which connects the territory
of Orleone to that of the Eastern Vales. The center point of the
bridge opens into a large circular platform with twelve statues
positioned like a clock face around the area. An iron slab in the
middle of the circle acts as a sundial. Each statue depicts a great
hero of Orleone with an inscription that tells their name and deeds
they performed in life. A few of the most notable statues include
Otac Sunca, who fought the Arcane Empire, Noćni Vrebač, who Adventures in Orleone
assassinated the Sorcerer-King Orion III, and Majka Sjena, who
gave her life to defeat the Karnsreik fur traders.
Plot Hooks
Pyramids of Di’yone Below are some specific adventures that might occur around
Orleone to use as small quests, or expand into entire campaigns.
Along the southwestern badlands of Orleone are the great Pyra-
mids of Di’yone. These ancient stepped structures are thousands
of years old, built by the inhabitants of these lands well before hu- The Treasure of Di’yone
mans arrived. They house many of the cat-lords of the unknown The pyramids of Di’yone hold many of the former kings of
past. The five pyramids are watched over by a massive statue of a Orleone. One of them who was recently laid to rest in the largest
sphinx known to the locals as the Great Grimalkin. pyramid was buried with his delerium-forged sword. Now
suddenly, undead stir in the tomb. The player characters must

Goldplain Savanna help clear the pyramid of its risen corpses. But the king himself
has returned as a mummy lord.
The south of Orleone is a sprawling savanna that is home to
an abundance of wildlife for the eastern end of the continent.
Orleone claims the land as theirs, but only a small few inhabit
The Monster in the Pass
the areas, leaving it mostly open for the wildlife to flourish. A fearsome hydra has taken up in a well-used pass in the Rust
Although there are a few sites of ancient ruins and a ghost town Edge Mountains, causing trouble for the people of Orleone.
speckled about the dry grasses and widespread tree clusters, The player characters are asked to help take care of it.
there is little else but great grasslands, a few rocky hills, and the
great herds of animals moving about.

“When this is all over, I would love to sit on the

beaches of Orelone with my feet in the sand, a
glass of Caspian wine, and my best friends by my
side. That’s the dream.”

120 Guide to Drakkenheim

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 121
Glasyadriel, the Blizzard

A man pulls the hood of his parka up closely around his face, he
packs his sled with his catches of the day: a basket of fish, a few War of Giants
rabbits, and a couple seals. He needs to get back to Bleakborough When Netherwind’s first villages were built during the reign of
before the storm hits. He feels the frigid wind pick up; the blizzard the sorcerer-kings, it raised the ire of the giants in the Giantfrost
begins raging around him. Off in the distance a wall of ice and Mountains. They descended from their city of Stonerest high in
snow is blowing in. He readies his dogs and hops on the back of his the mountains to confront the human settlers. While some giants
sled, cracking the whip. accepted the humans as refugees and even helped build their
A frost giant wanders the tundra through the snow, with a pair communities, teaching them to survive the harsh environments of
of wolves flung over his shoulder to bring back home. Through the north, others giants saw the settlers as intruders stealing their
the snow and sleet, he can make out the edge of the Giantfrost resources and taking their lands. So began the War of Giants.
Mountains. He nears the pass when a shadow passes overhead. The conflict was less a proper war and more a never-ending
The giant gasps and pulls his large club off his belt, and he presses feud characterized by brutal skirmishes. Most of the conflict was
presses himself against the rocky shelf as a great white dragon fought between the giant clans whilst the humans themselves
perches nearby. It hasn’t noticed him yet, and if he is lucky, he can sought simply their own survival. In the end, the giants who sided
make it home before it does. with the humans were outcast from their own communities.

he icy northern tundra of Netherwind is not the most
hospitable place. Temperatures are well below freezing
most of the year, and the barren landscape has little foliage Population
except the southern edges near Ironhelm Ridge. Only a few thousand people dwell in Netherwind. Since humans
Still, the lands are home to a few rugged towns and and giants have long tried to live in peace, there is a notable
communities. The people here fight a bitter battle to eke out amount of half-giants amongst the population.
their lives against the harsh frozen wilderness.

The main city in Netherwind is Bleakborough.
Netherwind was named during the age of the Arcane Empire,
but was seen as an inhospitable land with few resources. Many
giants lived in the region, and so the sorcerer-kings deemed it “There are people living up there? Seems
not worth the efforts conquering. Netherwind became home regretable. I hear it snows constantly and is
to people fleeing the wicked empire, choosing to face the full of really angry giants.”
unrelenting cold and the furious giants there over the tyranny
of the sorcerer-kings.

Factions and Figures Locations and Landmarks
Netherwind Reavers Barren Expanse
The Reavers are a group of nomadic northern warriors who The stretch of land between the eastern and western edges of
protect Netherwind’s settlements and small villages. These the nation is the coldest area in the whole nation. It has little to
hulking warriors adorn themselves with animal furs and thick offer except constant blizzards, freezing temperatures, and very
clothes, and fight like the giants they often war against. They little wildlife. To pass the Barren Expanse one must be prepared
charge into battle ruthlessly, using their rage to push them to test themselves against the harshest environments of the
through grievous wounds and frostbite. Many among their ranks north. Many who have ventured in never make it to the other
are half-giants, displaying incredible strength and endurance. side. The safest route through these lands is to skirt along the
south where Netherwind meets the Ironhelm Mountains.
Warchief Jarma Polaris
Jarma leads the Netherwind Reavers, leading them into battle
against giants, dragons, and even the occasional battle with the
Giantfrost Mountains
Ironhelm Dwarves over the rich mountain resources to the south. These steep rocky mountains make up the western edges of
They are a 9-foot-tall half-giant and wield a colossal greatsword Netherwind and have a distinct valley in the middle that sees
carved with Jordic runes. They have a flowing mane of white hair several small lakes and slightly more tolerable temperatures.
and bushy white eyebrows that frame their pale gray skin and These mountains are some of the tallest in the continent and
sunken piercing blue eyes. They wear the pelt of a mammoth traversing through them is a dangerous road for non-giants.
across their back. The infamous Gallows Pass is one of the only notable passages
through the mountains to Stonerest, and the giants like to hang
Personality Trait. I do not speak often to outsiders if I can avoid
the skeletons of those who have intruded on their lands along its
it. I know that I can intimidate just about any so-called champion
dangerous cliffs to remind travelers that they are not welcome.
from the south, and my silence is often my greatest weapon.
Ideal. To fight is to live, and to live for a Reaver, is to fight.
Bond. I love the north, and want to make my mother proud.
She was a great warrior herself, and so I strive to be as good as Blizzard Peak
she was. Glasyadriel, also known by the moniker “Blizzard” is a vicious
Flaw. I enjoy mead and ale a little too much, and rarely say no white dragon who resides in the Giantfrost Mountains and hunts
to a good fire, some fresh brews, and stories of battle. the westernmost end of the Barren Expanse. The giants fear
Jarma is torn between two worlds. The giants of Stonerest the beast and often leave offerings at the base of its mountain.
abandoned the half-giants years ago, and claimed they are not However, folks traveling through Netherwind and those seeking
welcome in Stonerest any longer. Since then, Jarma’s kind have council with the giants are often prime hunting for the dragon,
found acceptance among the human settlements of Netherwind. who has also been known to terrorize the few human settlements
Jarma looks up to their mother, Berna Icewyrm, a giant who once and the great dwarven city along the Ironhelm Ridge.
led great battles against dragons. Jarma wants to make her proud
more than anything, but was deeply saddened when she did not
leave Stonerest with them when they were banished. Jarma is Glasyadriel, the Blizzard
happy to defend their new home, but they still hope to one day Glasyadriel is the youngest of the known dragons. This adult
end the war of the giants and be with their mother again. white dragon resides in the tall peaks of the Giantfrost Moun-
tains. The dragon had a rather unfortunate run-in with Jarma
Polaris and his Reavers where both parents of the dragon were
slain, and Glasyadriel lost her right claw. When the dragon dis-
covered giant ruins high up in the mountain, still filled with the
Jarma Polaris
riches of an ancient giant warlord, the ferocious dragon claimed
the treasures for themselves. Glasyadriel is the most visibly ac-
tive of the dragons and can often be seen circling the Giantfrost
Mountains, occasionally tormenting giants and travelers alike,
stealing any precious belongings.
Glasyadriel has developed a strong hatred of both humans and
giants, both of whom have attempted to kill them on multiple
occasions. Recently, a host of giants from Stonerest ascended the
great mountains to kill Glasyadriel. Their bodies are now known
as the Forest of Giants, as the entire hunting crew now stand
frozen in place along the mountainside. Glasyadriel keeps them
there as a warning to anyone bold enough to approach their lair.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 123

Cities and Settlements Stonerest is a giant city built into the side of the Giantfrost
Mountains, resting in the valley between the two distinct lines
of mountains. A few hundred giants dwell in Stonerest and
the city is to scale for their kind, meaning that humans who
Bleakborough have laid eyes on it are often intimidated by the sheer size and
grandeur of the walls, doors, high ceilings and large statues that
Population: 2,500 people decorate the halls. The giants have, long ago, allowed humans
Ruler: Mayor Persilla Ruben who venture to their kingdom to enter. Since the Giant War
Known For: Ice Fishing, Dog Sledding they have been far less accommodating to travelers. The giants
of Stonerest keep largely to themselves, but have been known
Bleaksborough stretches across two glacial cliffs, spanning a river that to venture down into Westemär, the Ironhelm Ridge, and
carves its way through the icy tundra. Rows of small wooden houses Netherwind, causing problems for the humans, dwarves, and
encircling a massive bonfire is the sign of home for northern travelers. other folk who reside there.
Lanterns illuminate throughout the small village, and chimneys spew Today, there is very little communication or trade with the
out woodfire smoke. The many snow-topped roofs and howling winds giants of Stonerest. Their leaders, beliefs, and community are
hide the town from view to those who do not know where to look for it. now only myths and legends. Travelers fear so travelers fear the
Entering the village, you are greeted with the warmth of the flame in Giantfrost Mountains, and tell cautious tales of armies of giants
the center of town, a great relief from the biting cold of the Northroad. and great dragons who roam the mountains.

Bleakborough is the largest human settlement in Netherwind. Nes-

tled on the fork in the Daggerflow River, this city is the only nota-
ble location in the north that has established a unified community.
While the surrounding areas in the eastern end of Netherwind have
several smaller settlements of anywhere from a dozen to a hundred
people, they all stand as feeder towns to Bleakborough, and are all Adventures in Netherwind
within a day’s travel of the city. The city itself is located in an icy
burrow between two large glacial shelves. This helps block the set-
tlement from the harsh winds and intense snowfalls of Netherwind Plot Hooks
and grants them shelter and warmth to some degree. Below are some specific adventures that might occur around
The town’s single-story houses, made from imported lumber Netherwind. You can use as small quests, or expand into
from Dregden’s Ferry in the Eastern Vales, often have iron plat- entire campaigns.
ing on the western side to help protect from an almost constant
eastward wind. Large tanks around the city collect snowfall and
melt and filter it into fresh drinking water. Due to the lack of Confront the Blizzard
resources to use as fuel, a magical bonfire in the center of the The great white dragon Glasyadriel is dragon is consuming all
city acts as a central hub for the town. The fire is always lit and the wildlife in the Barren Expanse, making it impossible to
maintained by a local Amethyst Academy mage who resides in gather food for the upcoming winter season. The folk of Bleak-
the small community. borough would like the party to take care of the dragon for good
The community is known for its great hunters, who go and end their destructive hunger.
out into the harsh elements of the Barren Expanse and bring
back food for the community. These hunters, known as the
Netherwind Reavers, are also Bleakborough’s guard force. Three Days of Night
Many of them are half-giants, though the city also has a few Every year as winter comes to Bleakborough, the city has a
other folk more accustomed to colder climates. stretch of three days where the sun doesn’t shine. A strange man
has wandered into town the day prior and warned the town of
Stonerest his master and friends coming to feast. The town is on edge,
worried that a family of vampires will descend on their village.
Population: 300 frost giants
Ruler: Berna Icewyrm
Known For: Giant-scale city in the frozen mountains
Delirious Giants
The giants of the Giantfrost Mountains have uncovered a
delerium crystal in the snow and brought it back to their keep.
The great stone city is built into the side of the Giantfrost Mountains
Now mutated giants, driven mad by the rock have been found
within a great valley. The giants have lived amongst the mountains
rampaging through the barren expanse. Someone must venture
and valleys of this northern tip of the continent for far longer than
to the city of Stonerest and put an end to this terror.
humans have roamed the lands. The city is of massive scale with
daunting high doors, outer walls that stretch upwards for hundreds
of feet. Towers as large as a human city extend into the sky to dizzy-
ing heights, and huge keeps made of bricks as big as houses rise from
the mountain slopes. Not many humans get the chance to see Stonerest, “I do not like the cold. If you plan to travel to
but those who do have told tales of its grandeur and majesty. Netherwind, reconsider.”

124 Guide to Drakkenheim

Lands Beyond
everal other small islands surround the continent, and
distant lands beyond the ocean send ships to the Caspia,
Elyria, and Westemär for trade and exploration. These
locations are inhabited by many various people with several
small villages and cities. Many adventures could take the play-
er characters to these other locations to explore. Mysteries and
legends surround the world beyond the continent.

h The Islands of Gi are said to hold a sphinx who will bestow
great treasure upon those who answer her riddles.
h Beyond the ocean there are whispers of a mage guild which
rivals the Amethyst Academy.
h An island in the Middle Sea has a city of pirates, and many bur-
ied treasures are lost amongst the smaller islands and shore lines.
h A great turtle dragon lives between the Keys of Grey and the
Southern Reach and has devoured several smaller ships.
h The Island of Gi houses a strange platform with several
archways that are said to lead to various planes if you walk
through them during the proper planetary alignment.
h Do not go to the southernmost island of the Keys of Grey if
you want to leave with your mind intact.
h A floating island drifts around the middle of the Ender Ocean
— several metallic dragons live there.
h A mysterious door and staircase have been uncovered in the
water just off the coast of Vartina. No one is sure where it
leads, or what mysteries lie in the depths under Vartina.
h Many strange statues of ancient soldiers line the coast of
Vartina. No one knows who built them, and they predate
recorded history.
h A great castle on two bird-like legs walks the oceans around the
continent. People who claim to have seen it have only spotted
it amongst heavy ocean mists before it vanishes from sight.

Chapter 2: The Continental Gazetter 125

126 Guide to Drakkenheim
Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters

his chapter offers ideas, inspiration, and lore to help you cre-
ate characters strongly connected to the events and conflicts Exceptional Individuals
in the setting. Use this section to broaden your backstory or Adventurers of any race or class in the Core Rules can be found in
take up a Personal Quest to define your character’s adventures! the world of Drakkenheim. We’ve aimed to provide lots of ideas
Herein you’ll find rules for playing an Apothecary, a new base and inspiration for a wide variety of player character concepts,
class for Fifth Edition, and additional subclass options for every and believe a few well-considered constraints help foster crea-
other core class in the game. While these new player options are tivity. However, players and Game Masters shouldn’t shy away
inspired by the Drakkenheim world, all of them can be readily from making exceptions to the established lore when it comes to
played in other fantasy worlds as well. the origins and personal story of the player characters. After all,
At the Game Master’s discretion, players may utilize character in many fantasy stories the protagonists are outsiders who don’t
options from other sourcebooks compatible with Fifth Edition quite fit into the world and every player should feel empowered
when playing a Drakkenheim campaign. Such characters might to play the class, race, or background that speaks to them. The
represent a rare or unique character not typically encountered player characters get to be the exceptions to the rule. That’s the
within the typical assumptions of the Drakkenheim setting. beginning of an exciting story!
Regardless of your character’s origin, consider the
following questions:
Flawed Protagonists h Where did your character grow up?
h What cities, nations, and places has your character visited
in a Broken World before? What did they do there? Who might they know there?
h Does your character have living family members, friends, or
The player characters are the heart of the story in a Drakken-
loved ones? Where are they? What are they doing?
heim campaign. However, player characters in Drakkenheim h How did your character gain their class features and abilities?
are seldom flawless figures — even the most altruistic have their
faults and foibles. While pursuing their own aspirations and
goals, the player characters unavoidably become entangled in
the wider conflicts of the world at large. Their actions and choic-
Interconnected Relationships
es will shape the fate of Drakkenheim, but the line between Consider establishing a personal connection between two or
hero and villain rests entirely within one’s point of view. more player characters, such as one of the following: They are…
Players shouldn’t hesitate to create characters who are often at h ...siblings, cousins, or childhood friends.
odds with the established order of the world. The world’s nations, h ...a shared origin, religion, or teacher.
factions, religions, and laws exist to present compelling conflicts h ...former rivals turned unlikely allies.
and deep dilemmas, and players should embrace characters who h saved the life of the other.
seek to challenge, defy, and resist them. When creating your char- h ...saw each other in a dream or vision.
acter’s backstory and personality, consider the following questions
to deeply connect them to the forces at play in the setting:
h What was your character doing while civil war wracked Westemär? Personal Quests
h How do the conflicts in the world affect your character’s
A character’s core motivation for adventuring is represented by
desires and goals? their Personal Quest. This is a specific individual objective for
h Are your character’s friends and family affected by these conflicts?
player characters to achieve during the campaign. The players do
h How does your character view the mages of the
not need to reveal their characters’ Personal Quests to each other.
Amethyst Academy? When a character completes their Personal Quest, they choose
h What is their opinion of the Divine Matriarch of the Faith of
one of the following rewards:
the Sacred Flame?
h Which noble houses hold your character’s respect or rivalry?
Ability Score Improvement. One ability score of your choice
h Does your character care about who rules the nations of
increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
New Feat. You gain a bonus feat of your choice, subject to the
the continent?
h What does your character think about delerium?
GM’s approval.
Player characters will face antagonists who defiantly wish to We’ve provided a few ideas for a personal quest related to each
hold on to the old ways or aim to enforce their particular vision for core class in Fifth Edition, but players can work with Game
the way the world ought to be. Meanwhile, the looming threat of Masters to create one of their own design.
otherworldly forces beyond mortal reckoning underpins a world
slowly unraveling into chaos. Will your character meet these
challenges head on, or be consumed by them?

People of the Continent

his section includes a brief history and explanation of the Just as mysterious and unknown is how magic first came to
place each race plays in the world. It describes their possi- early humans — humans could cast spells long before they wrote
ble origin in the world, and what the world is like for them history. One legend tells of a time when a great winter that lasted
currently. Use this section to broaden your backstory, or inspire centuries fell upon the entire world. Desperate to survive, humans
backgrounds and Personal Quests as you create your character. cried out to the cosmos for help, offering anything for the magic
Otherworldly and extraplanar beings refer to the humanoid they needed to live through the endless sleet and snow. Humanity
people of the world as “mortals” and refer to the material plane got their wish, but accounts differ on whether it came as a curse
as the “mortal world.” Sages and scholars studying these topics laid by Morrigan the Witch, a gift from Ogham the Sage, or a jest
occasionally adopt these same monikers, leading to a common by Shegorach the Trickster. Far more say it was not the Old Gods,
naming convention in academic society. but something far darker and more terrible that answered human-
ity’s call. Whoever or whatever it was that sealed this pact with
ancient humans, the power of magic has flowed in their blood
ever since. Exactly what they gave up in exchange for this power
differs, but all the stories have one detail in common: humanity’s
Humans debt was never paid in full.
Yet centuries later, humans continued bargaining with eldritch
Humans are the most common and plentiful inhabitants on the beings to grow their control over magic. They mingled their
continent, making up almost ninety-five percent of the total bloodlines with many otherworldly and supernatural creatures,
population. In the present age, humans have built great nations, and from these unions came dragonborn, tieflings, and other
realms, and empires stretching across the continent. The most half-human lineages. For the most part, these people are seen
well-known monarchs, religious figureheads, archmages, military for their shared human ancestries, and regarded as part of the
commanders, and villains throughout history have all been diverse makeup of humanity as a whole.
humans. With a small number of exceptions across the entire Humanity’s greatest empire was also its greatest folly; the
continent, human citizenry makes up the majority of every major sorcerer-kings of the old Arcane Empire ruled the continent as
city, village, and town. tyrants for a thousand years. Yet from these dark times came
The full breadth and diversity of human body types, features, humanity’s redemption, when Saint Tarna brought the light of
eye, hair and skin colors, and genders are found mixed through- the Sacred Flame to the people of the continent. In the world
out each nation in the continent. People have many religious today, humans remain at the center of all great conflicts and
customs with ancient roots, but the majority today keep faith upheavals. Indeed, the world of Drakkenheim is a very human
in the Sacred Flame. Beyond this shared religion, humans take place, one where all humanity’s faults and facets are writ large.
up a wide variety of fashions, traditions, and social norms which
vary mostly based on geographic location, and tend to regard
wherever they were born as home. As a result, many humans Creating Human Characters
treasure their personal origins, and those living in the nations of Humans occupy every corner of the continent and populate
Elyria, Caspia, Westemär, and beyond possess a strong sense for every nation. Your human character can come from anywhere
their national identities. The people of these nations communi- you wish.
cate, travel, and trade readily between their borders, though just Prominent human adventurers might hail from the lands of
as frequently develop rivalries, feuds, and full-blown conflicts Caspia, where strong knights or sly bards journey far to test their
with their neighbors over disputed land claims and political might and earn renown for their houses back home. Elyrian
disagreements, or all too often for much more trivial reasons. humans are often devout worshippers of the Faith of the Sacred
Flame, and clerics and paladins of the religion often embark on
Origins of Humanity quests to bring light and righteousness throughout the world.
Perhaps instead your character is among the rugged rangers,
The early history of humanity is the subject of myth and rogues, and other war-torn survivors hailing from the broken
legend; there are no agreed historical facts concerning human kingdoms of Westemär, hoping to rebuild their home, or gain
origins. The Faith of the Sacred Flame teaches that humans are power amongst the constant dispute between noble houses.
incomplete beings of light and shadow, who must become whole Your character may be a sorcerer or wizard taken in at a
by living a righteous life. However, its religious texts say little young age by the Amethyst Academy, and thus not know
about how life itself came to be. On the other hand, the varied exactly where you were born, instead being raised within one
tales of the Old Gods speak of humans emerging from sea-foam of their fantastical magical schools. From the primal druids in
at the behest of Nodens the Tempest, or sprouting from seeds the deep of Terene to the barbarian warriors of Netherwind,
sown by Danu the Mother and cultivated by Lugh the Sun. a human character can be just about any type of adventurer,
Others speak of how Gaibhne the Smith shaped their bodies support any faction or nation, and come from anywhere.
from clay, dust, and rock, or that humans lived as beasts in thrall
to Kromac the Ravager until Arwyn the Moon Hunter tamed
and taught them.

128 Guide to Drakkenheim

Dragonborn and Tieflings: Elves and Half-Elves:
Arcane Ancestries Otherworldly Origins
Dragonborn and tieflings make up the next largest demographic Elves are extraordinarily rare, and only a few thousand of them
throughout the continent. They are directly descended from remain in the world of Drakkenheim. The elven people have
humans who made pacts and covenants with magical creatures, largely lived as nomadic refugees upon the world of Drakken-
and are accepted and welcomed as part of the wide family of heim itself — legend claims the elves come from another world
humanity. Dragonborn in particular may have much more hu- entirely. Their mostly-forgotten history is ancient, and their
man features, with only scales, small horns, tails, or even wings ancestors left behind mysterious ruins in well-hidden places
marking their draconic heritage, though others have the starkly throughout the world. Every elf is mageborn, though not every
draconic features. elf develops their inborn magical abilities.
However, in the modern era their numbers are thinning.

History Most elves today dwell alone as hermits or in small groups on

the fringes of civilization. The only known elven community
During the height of the Arcane Empire, the sorcerer-kings and is secluded deep within the Isles of Skye, where the borders
their loyal vassals sought every means to increase their inborn between the mortal realm and the Otherworlds of faeries and
magical might. Eschewing study and hard-earned knowledge, the dreams are thin.
arcane tyrants instead merged their bloodlines with creatures of
magical origin. Foremost among these were the ancient dragons
and malevolent fiends, but some even captured angels and
genies for their profane experiments. From this the first tieflings,
Elven Descendants
Half-elves are now much more common than their full-blooded
dragonborn, and many other such human-bred races emerged.
cousins, as the traces of elven ancestry hold strong through human
lineages. During the millennia of dwelling alongside humanity,
Creating Characters of Arcane Ancestry many elves formed families with humans. Their descendants
bear a distinctive elven heritage, though few have a recent elven
As part of the wide range of human kin, adventurers with ancestor. Most instead are later-generation descendants of elves.
arcane ancestries are just as diverse and varied as any human. As a result, humans with elven ancestry can be found anywhere
It is extraordinarily common for these folk to be mageborn and everywhere throughout the continent.
or carry some element of arcane power in their blood — a Not all are terribly concerned about their elven heritage,
tiefling without some form of latent magical powers is seen as however. Many view it more as a curious quirk of their family
an oddity. People with these arcane ancestries often become tree and think of themselves as part of humankind, and in turn,
bards, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards, and it’s more common most humans regard half-elves in the same manner.
to see them walking the city streets wearing purple robes than As elves are always mageborn, it is exceptionally common for
anything else. Others turn away from their arcane heritage in their descendants to inherit the trait as well. However, they are
place of religious beliefs as clerics or paladins. not universally mageborn like their elven ancestors.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 129

History Dwarves: Shaped by Stone
It is a little-known fact that elves did not originally exist in The dwarven people claim they were the first to inhabit the world.
the world of Drakkenheim, and the exact origins of the elven Dwarven legends tell that Gaibhne the Smith forged them by hand
people are shrouded in mystery. Even the most ancient elves to help the god lay the foundations of the earth, and that to this day,
explain how their own grandparents had little more than vague every dwarf is designed in the mind of the Great Smith. The weight
recollections of elven history. of stone itself supports such tales, for traces of dwarven architecture
The most common story claims that elves arrived on this can be found in the deepest bowels of the earth, all the way to the
world by traveling through shadow realms and faerie gates from highest mountain spires.
a distant and unknown land. Why the elves left, none can say. Today, dwarves are quite rare. Most have amalgamated into
A few scholars suggest the elves today are but the surviving human societies and live openly amongst them, dedicating their
remnants of a greater civilization which met some sort of lives to skilled trades, masonry, and mining. Notably, there are
disastrous end. They further theorize that crumbling elven ruins a few dwarven clans who still hold on to their ancient ancestral
sequestered in remote places are all that is left of the powerful roots and occupy mountain strongholds and deep mines found
magical portals the ancient elves constructed to make their in the Glimmer Mountains and Ironhelm Ridge. Dwarves are
journey here. Indeed, explorers report finding bizarre arcane the only non-human people who hold large city-states of their
technology and advanced magic within the alien towers and own, though they do not rule any nation.
glistening monolithic structures built by the elder elves.
Although the elves seemingly arrived in this world with no
recollection for their origins, they did bring with them powerful History
magical knowledge which they shared carefully with their new Remnants of dwarven masonry lay at the base of many cities,
human neighbors. Unfortunately, the elves were hunted by the and many sewers and aqueducts are built from ancient dwarven
sorcerer-kings of the Arcane Empire who were jealous of their tunnels and canals whose original purpose is lost to history.
innate magical talents, but centuries later elven archmages were Indeed, dwarves say these ruins come from a time when
instrumental in founding the Amethyst Academy as a refuge for they built vast cities that spanned the world until a great age
persecuted mageborn. of winter sent them all deep underground into the heart of the
planet to survive. During their legendary journey through the
Creating Elven Characters Deep Dark, they constructed a nearly endless span of tunnels,
halls, and artificial caverns searching for the core of the earth,
An elven character is always mageborn; many embrace their where they could survive beside the molten heart of Danu, a
magical talents by becoming a sorcerer or wizard. Elves are place called “Vol Danun” in Dwarven. The myth claims the
counted amongst the most skilled mages of the Amethyst dwarven people built a sprawling metropolis there, where they
Academy. However, other elves choose to take on more martial lived for thousands of years. Of course, there are no records
paths and only dabble in magic; many elves become rangers. remaining that indicate where the city might be found or how
Other elves are deeply spiritual, and seek to find any semblance to get there. While only a handful of dwarves truly believe this
of the ancestral memories of their people through faith in the story, once in a while an intrepid youth or elder will pack their
Old Gods as clerics and druids. An elven worshiper of the Faith bags and venture into the deeps in search of Vol Danun.
of the Sacred Flame would be a true oddity, however.
In contrast, half-elves take after their human cousins. Char-
acters of any class, vocation, and calling can be found among Creating Dwarven Characters
them, especially those more integrated into the nations and Many dwarves keep personal interpretations of the Old Faiths;
cultures of the continent. some dwarves are apt at harnessing primal and divine magic as
druids and clerics. The dwarves have a strong martial tradition,
and dwarven paladins devoted to Danu, Gaibhne, and Nuada
are amongst the few known paladins outside the Faith of
the Sacred Flame — a religion that most dwarves regard as
hogwash. The few dwarves who do take up the human faith are
regarded as mad by their kinsfolk.
Dwarves are seldom mageborn, and so are extremely unlikely
to be found amongst the Amethyst Academy. However, a
rare few do acquire arcane powers. Dwarves have long held
traditions for crafting magical items, and many dwarves resent
the Amethyst Academy’s exclusive right to manage the sale and
manufacture of magical items.

“Dwarves have used ingenuity and quality craftsmanship

to produce cannons and weapons of incredible power.
When I get angry I blow up buildings by snapping my
fingers. I win.”

130 Guide to Drakkenheim

Halflings, Gnomes, and of stature, no one doubts the bravery and tenacity of these
folk, nor the greatness they can achieve.

Goblins: Small Places Like the elves, both gnomes and goblins are almost always
mageborn, but are more likely to hide their abilities. Only a rare
Halflings can be found inhabiting all the towns and cities of the few become members of the Amethyst Academy, and those who
continent. However, they just as often form their own commu- do often excel.
nities in small towns and farmland where they can raise families
away from the bustle of large cities and the large people who live
in such places. Today, rural halfling communities lie at the heart
of important breadbasket regions in both Elyria and Westemär.
Halflings dwelling in cities often run prominent businesses based
on the bounty of their fields in the countryside: such as bakeries,
breweries, tailors, and taverns. Kinland Hills, a notable village in
the Eastern Vales, is made up almost entirely of halflings. It is a
town of rolling golden hills, fertile farmland, and quint farmer’s
markets. Kinland Hills stands as a testament to the quaint and
peaceful lifestyle that halflings often enjoy.
On the other hand, the fey-touched gnomes and goblins tend
to be far more reclusive. They often dwell in remote natural
places, making their homes under the roots of great trees, mush-
room-filled caverns, behind secluded waterfalls, and other places
Uncommon Ancestries
Many distinct character ancestries are described in other Fifth
which evoke the spirit of their faerie origins. Many are fascinat-
Edition publications, far more than we can discuss in this book
ed with magic, technology, and the comforts of urban life; and
or find a place for in the world of Drakkenheim. Nevertheless,
gnome and goblin communities are frequently wondrous fusions
if you’d like to play a more fantastical or anthropomorphic
of nature and steam-powered machinery. Despite these similari-
character in Drakkenheim, we encourage you to do so.
ties, the contemporary culture of gnome and goblin has fostered
Although far less common than humans, there are many other
fierce rivalries and occasionally outright animosity between their
peoples who populate the continent. Sometimes their origins
people, though a few outspoken and adventurous individuals
are wholly unknown, but in other cases, they have been part of
hope to mend these relations.
the world longer than anyone can remember. Regardless of their
appearance, origins, or customs, they are treated with the same
History respect as all the other people, and each can find a place amongst
the nations, societies, religions, and organizations of the world.
Halflings have dwelt in their hills and valleys long before For example, turtlefolk and birdfolk can be found in the lands
any written history, and amongst their people few care about of Terene, and many believe they are the original inhabitants of
recording or recounting their origins. There are scant legends of those regions given the blessings of the Old Gods. Orleone has a
halflings being created by the Old God Shegorach to entertain
prominent number of catfolk and lionfolk, while Netherwind is
him, or as the youngest children of Danu and Lugh.
home to half-giants, and who can say what aquatic folk might se-
The gnomes and goblins living on the continent today are
cretly dwell around the many islands surrounding the continent?
descendants from those who crossed into this realm from the
If you have something more unusual in mind, we suggest
faerie Otherworlds many eons ago, mostly by accident or curi-
framing these characters as:
osity — the largest populations of these people still inhabit the
h A traveler from a distant and unknown continent or
faerie realm. Some sages speculate that gnomes and goblins are
related, and two sides of the same coin. However, a gnome and another world
h The result of a magical experiment
a goblin will argue endlessly that they have no relations, and are
h The last one of their kind
completely different from one another. Regardless, both have
a great tendency for magic and invention, and when the two On the other hand, if you want to capture the low-fantasy
passions meet there are often explosive results. feeling of the world of Drakkenheim, consider requiring at
least half the party create human characters (or ones with

Creating Halfling, Gnome, a human lineage, such as half-elves and tieflings) and/ or
permitting no more than one player to choose one of the an-
and Goblin Characters thropomorphic character options found in other Fifth Edition
sources. The strange encounters in Drakkenheim are made
Halflings, gnomes, and goblins often live their whole lives more special and alien by contrast, and so this may heighten
never leaving the comforts of their home and community. the themes of cosmic horror and otherworldliness.
However, a few halflings every generation are stricken with However, this is merely a flavorful suggestion and by no means
a wanderlust that drives them to great ambitions. Mageborn a requirement. Genre is important, but there is no reason why you
halflings become bards more often than any other people, but can’t experiment and make the world of Drakkenheim your own.
there are a handful of notable halfling wizards and sorcerers Ultimately, it’s far more important for players to be able to create
amongst the Amethyst Academy. There are even notable characters which interest and excite them than to preserve the
halfling champions who have fought alongside the Hooded “sanctity” of the setting. After all, as the protagonists of the story,
Lanterns and the Knights of the Silver Order. Although short player characters are naturally oddballs and exceptions.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 131

Their careful study of life and death gives an apothecary the
A bespectacled man stands at an operating table, studying the tools to both help allies survive horrible ailments, injuries, and
dissected monstrosity resting upon the slab. The crackle of electric pluck them from the clutches of death, or use their enemies as
conductors harmonize with his arcane mumblings as he takes up his test subjects for their dangerous compounds, terrible diseases
scalpels and saws. As he finishes the final stitch, the creature’s hand and poisonous magic.
twitches and jolts to life once more.
Cloaked in an acid-stained heavy coat, a tall half-elf brews tinctures
and tonics. Her face is concealed behind thick black goggles and a Knowledge Seekers
heavy breathing mask as she performs an unusual combination of Most apothecaries set out with the goal of furthering their
herbalism, alchemy, medicine, and magic. Her mixtures bubble and studies and expanding their magical horizons, uncovering new
boil as she muses whether the cure will be worse than the disease. ways to wield magic for dangerous or life-saving effects, and
A lithe tiefling soothes a suffering patient as they draw a sample of learning forbidden knowledge kept from the rest of the world.
contaminated blood. Lifting the vial to examine the liquid within, they They believe that knowledge is power, and see themselves as
pull upon eldritch energy to distill the sample into a pure contagion. seekers of knowledge. Some kinder apothecaries see their duty
Scribbling their findings down in a withered notebook, they add the vial as protectors of the innocent, dedicating their lives to helping
to their collection of pathogens and scourges to use against their foes. sick and injured people. Others see every opportunity to exploit
the weak and push their search for true power forward. Many
fall somewhere in between, riding the lines of mad scientist and

Medical Experts renowned doctor.

An apothecary is a practiced medical expert and arcane magic

user. They wield their knowledge to both heal and harm, aug- Occult Practitioners
menting their conventional skills with alchemy and occult magic. Apothecaries seek out occult lore and use it to study and
Some apothecaries might first attempt treatment with traditional practice scientific theories. Many of their magical incantations,
means like medicinal herbs and surgical techniques. When these whether it be for the purposes of saving lives, or ending them,
mundane methods are not enough, they use arcane magic and are deemed experimental. Many apothecaries keep a notebook
eldritch forces to restore their patients. An apothecary’s unique close at hand and write down esoteric theories based on their
skills prove useful whether their patients suffer from natural or findings and field work.
supernatural ailments, but apothecaries possess knowledge of the Apothecaries are gaining renown within some remote com-
body which can be used for more than just healing. Their arcane munities on the continent as doctors and healers to whom one
methods can strengthen, transform, or protect their allies, and can turn to instead of religious figures. However, they are more
some apothecaries know deadly techniques which can harm and often viewed as dangerous scientists and mysterious witches
kill their enemies. An apothecary understands how the difference who use magic to create toxins and poisons that could eradi-
between a poison and a cure lies often only in the dose. cate entire armies.

132 Guide to Drakkenheim

Creating an Apothecary Secretive reanimators pursue grisly studies into the realms of
death and undeath, mimicking necromantic magic using little
When you set out to create an apothecary, the most important more than new science and invention. There are apothecaries
question is to decide your path of study. What is it that drives working under the Sacred Flame as exorcists, channeling their
you to seek knowledge? Are you working in the service of good? occult knowledge and research into helping rid holy sites of
Is your life dedicated to helping those in need? By studying undead, dispatch unwanted spirits, and remove terrible curses.
poisons, diseases, occult lore, and forbidden knowledge, do you Apothecaries are found on every continent; whether mage-
hope to help the sick and wounded? Perhaps you aim to save born or not, many are skilled academics who have a keen mind
someone you care about, or protect your kingdom or homeland for pushing the boundaries of science. These researchers have
from the evils of this world. Or maybe your studies are more found themselves on the path of the apothecary, lending their
dangerous in nature. Do you set out on adventure to test your aid to cities and towns throughout the continent, and occa-
dangerous chemical formulae? Do you see each monster or sionally bringing unique chemical warfare to the battlefield of
enemy as a test subject for your concoctions and spells? great wars.
All apothecaries share a search for knowledge, and dabble
in forbidden lore and occult practices. Although many in their
practice are happy to sell their services or potions in cities or
to well-paying nobles and kings, some are called to adventure,
Personality Traits
1 I often use big scientific words; I just can’t help but to embellish
setting out on the endless hunt for knowledge. Others work as
my superior intellect.
investigators and researchers. Many apothecaries see adventure
as a means to perform direct field research, perfect their skills, 2 I have a dark sense of humor. Often my jokes fall flat on those
and test the true potential of their theories. who do not share in my macabre ideals.
3 I mutter to myself constantly. Years in the lab have meant that I

Quick Build am accustomed to speaking mostly to myself.

You can make an apothecary quickly by following these suggestions. Ideals

h First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, 1 Science. To push the boundaries of mortal capabilities is a
followed by Constitution. reason to live, and a worthy legacy to leave behind.
h Second, choose your character ancestry and background.
2 Education. If I can share the great secrets I learn with others, the
h Third, choose the poison needle* and spare the dying cantrips,
world will be better for it.
along with the 1st-level spells envenom* and healing word.
3 Power. Mageborn think they hold all the cards, but the power
we can unlock through occult practice and advanced study will
surpass any silly fireball-throwing mage.

Apothecaries in Drakkenheim Bonds

1 I was laughed at for my passion for study. I want to prove to the

pothecaries can be found throughout the continent in world how great science can be.
many forms. The term is broadly used to describe many 2 There are secrets of this world capable of unlocking vast mortal
magic-adjacent professions found on the continent and the potential — I will discover them.
vast array of possible fields of study is ever expanding. 3 My mentor was a great genius. I want to finish the work they started.
The Amethyst Academy has departments of apothecaries
managing their labs and research centers. Within their many
schools and strongholds, they teach advanced sciences and using
magic to better understand the body and mind, and the various 1 Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to prove a hypothesis.
modern medical practices that can be combined with magic to Sometimes those sacrifices are people’s lives. A worthy cost for
save lives — or end them. science, no?
Not all apothecaries are mageborn. The broad term has been 2 I obsess over my theories and discovering occult lore;
used to describe several practices that combine herbal ingredients, occasionally it is all consuming.
chemicals, and poisons with biological study to induce outcomes 3 I scoff at mages and their petty parlor tricks. They cannot
similar to the effects of evocation or necromantic magic. Path- fathom the power we can wield if we simply seek it.
ogenists working in distant labs perform studies to create new
powerful strains of disease and poison. Chemists find ways to
surpass the potency of mageborn spellcasting with the right dose
Personal Quest
of chemicals for their explosive and destructive results. Other 1 I must collect blood samples of the five chromatic dragons in
Mutagenists working with the mutating effects of delerium seek order to perfect the ultimate concoction.
to control and isolate the elements of mutation and apply them in 2 I will be the first non-mageborn to prove the potential of
a more controlled manner. There are even reports of apothecaries scientific study and join the Amethyst Academy elite.
who are studying techniques to unlock the potential of the mind. 3 The falling star that struck Drakkenheim is sure to have
These Alienists have caused a stir amongst nobles, mages, and unfathomable potential for my study. I must collect a shard
clergy for their ability to tap into mental capabilities that mirror from the source in the heart of the crater.
magic, without requiring a mageborn’s lineage.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 133

Level Proficiency Features Cantrips Spell Slot Theories
Bonus Known Slots Level Known
1 +2 Apothecary Magic, Occult Practice 3 1 1st –
2 +2 Esoteric Theories 3 2 1st 2
3 +2 Occult Practice Feature 3 2 2nd 2
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 2nd 3
5 +3 — 4 3 3rd 3
6 +3 Occult Practice Feature 4 3 3rd 4
7 +3 — 4 3 4th 4
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 4th 5
9 +4 — 4 4 5th 5
10 +4 Occult Practice Feature 5 4 5th 6
11 +4 Greater Formula (6th) 5 4 5th 6
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 5th 7
13 +5 Greater Formula (7th) 5 5 5th 7
14 +5 Occult Practice Feature 5 5 5th 8
15 +5 Greater Formula (8th) 5 5 5th 8
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 5 5th 9
17 +6 Greater Formula (9th) 5 6 5th 9
18 +6 Occult Practice Feature 5 6 5th 10
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement; Additional Greater Formula (6th) 5 6 5th 10
20 +6 Miraculous Recovery, Additional Greater Formula (7th) 5 6 5th 11

134 Guide to Drakkenheim

Class Features Cantrips
As an apothecary, you gain the following class features: You know three cantrips of your choice from the apothecary
spell list. You learn additional apothecary cantrips of your choice
at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the
Hit Points Apothecary table.
Elementary Reformulation. Whenever you finish a
Hit Dice: 1d8 per apothecary level long rest and consult your formula book, you can replace one
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier apothecary cantrip you know with another cantrip from the
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution apothecary spell list.
modifier per apothecary level after 1st

Preparing and Casting Spells

Proficiencies The Apothecary table shows how many spell slots you have to
cast your apothecary spells of 1st through 5th level. The table
Armor: light armor, medium armor
also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots
Weapons: simple weapons, short swords, hand crossbows
are the same level. To cast one of your apothecary spells of 1st
Tools: any tool proficiency, plus another of your choice from the
level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all
following: poisoner’s kit, herbalism kit, or alchemist’s supplies.
expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
You prepare the list of apothecary spells that are available
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Investigation,
for you to cast, choosing from the apothecary spell list. When
Medicine, Nature, and Religion
you do so, choose a number of apothecary spells equal to your
Intelligence modifier + your apothecary level (minimum of one
Equipment spell). A spell you prepare must be of a level no higher than
what’s shown in the Apothecary table’s Slot Level column for
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the your level.
equipment granted by your background: For example, if you are a 5th-level apothecary, you have
h a light crossbow and 20 bolts, a shortsword, or any simple weapon three 3rd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of
h a component pouch or an arcane focus prepared spells can include eight spells of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level,
h a scholar’s pack or a dungeoneer’s pack in any combination. To cast the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you
h hide armor, any simple weapon, and two daggers must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.
h A healer’s kit Casting a spell doesn’t remove it from your list of prepared spells.
You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish
a long rest. Preparing a new list of apothecary spells requires at
Apothecary Magic least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
Your arcane research has given you facility with spells. Refer
to the Core Rules for the general rules of spellcasting and the Spellcasting Ability
Spells Listing in this book for the apothecary spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your apothecary spells,
since you learn your spells through dedicated study and occult
Formula Book knowledge. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to
your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
You have a book or collection of notes that you study to prepare modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an apothecary
your apothecary spells, develop your esoteric theories, and spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
record your occult practices. You may use your formula book
as an arcane focus for your apothecary spells. You may describe Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
this book any way you like. Some examples of your book’s + your Intelligence modifier
appearance include:
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
h A large leatherbound tome with yellowing pages bound shut + your Intelligence modifier
with an iron lock
h A scattered assortment of scribbled notes loosely held together
by rope Ritual Casting
h A pristine journal with perfect edges and beautiful penmanship You can cast an apothecary spell as a ritual if that spell has the
h A leather briefcase with two small golden locks ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
h A medical bag with surgical symbols on the sides
h A beat-up satchel slung over one shoulder with vials and
bottles poking out of every pocket Spellcasting Focus
If the book is destroyed or lost, you can recreate it using inks You can use an arcane focus (see the Adventuring Gear
and paper during a long rest. section of the Core Rules) as a spellcasting focus for your
apothecary spells.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 135

Occult Practices Optional Rule: Multiclassing
At 1st level, you take up one of the Occult Practices, a chosen
discipline which defines your ongoing research of the body and If you allow characters to use the Multiclassing optional rules,
spirit: the Alienist, the Chemist, the Exorcist, the Mutagenist, here are the requirements for multiclassing with the Apothecary
the Pathogenist, or the Reanimator.
Your choice grants you additional proficiencies and an Ability Score Minimum. Multiclass characters must meet
expanded spell list at 1st level, and additional class features at ability score prerequisites for both their current class(es) and
3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level. their new one. Taking multiclass levels as an Apothecary
requires an Intelligence score of 13 or higher.
Esoteric Theories Proficiencies. If apothecary isn’t your initial class, when you
You have discovered esoteric theories, scraps of forbidden lore take your first level as an apothecary you gain proficiency in
that you can use to augment your magical abilities. light armor and one tool proficiency of your choice.
At 2nd level, you gain two esoteric theories of your choice. Your Apothecary Magic. If you have both the Spellcasting class
theory options are detailed at the end of the class description. feature and the Apothecary Magic class feature, you can use the
When you gain certain apothecary levels, you gain additional the- spell slots you gain from the Apothecary Magic feature to cast
ories of your choice, as shown in the Theories Known column of spells you know or have prepared from classes with the Spellcast-
the Apothecary table. Additionally, when you gain a level in this ing class feature, and you can use the spell slots you gain from the
class, you can choose one of the theories you know and replace it Spellcasting class feature to cast apothecary spells you know.
with another theory that you could learn at that level.
Esoteric Theories. Meeting the prerequisites for Esoteric
Theories is based on total apothecary levels, not the overall
Ability Score Improvement character level. In addition, the Surgical Strikes esoteric theory
does not give you additional attacks if you have the Extra
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th
Attack class feature.
level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you
can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you
can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature
to take a feat of your choice instead. Apothecary Esoteric Theories
Greater Formula
pothecaries develop esoteric theories during their adventures
and experiments, representing their own unique synthesis of
At 11th level, you discover a magical secret called a Greater
medical and occult practices. The description of each esoteric
Formula. Choose one 6th-level spell from the apothecary spell
theory details the benefits you gain from selecting that theory.
list as this formula.
Some esoteric theories specify a minimum apothecary level.
You can cast your Greater Formula once without expending a
You can’t learn such an esoteric theory until you are at least that
spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
level. Unless an esoteric theory’s description says otherwise, you
At higher levels, you gain more apothecary spells of your
can’t learn an esoteric theory more than once.
choice that can be cast in this way: one 7th-level spell at 13th
level, one 8th-level spell at 15th level, and one 9th-level spell at
17th level. You learn an additional 6th level spell at 19th level, Acquired Tolerance
and an additional 7th level spell at 20th level. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you
You regain all uses when you finish a long rest. gain resistance to poison damage. In addition, you automatically
Master Reformulation. Whenever you finish a long rest succeed on saving throws against your own apothecary spells,
and consult your formula book, you can replace one spell you and never take damage from your own apothecary spells.
gained from this feature with another spell of the same level
from the Apothecary spell list.
Adrenaline Surge
Miraculous Recovery Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
A creature at 0 hit points who regains hit points from a spell you
At 20th level, you can spend 5 minutes channeling power into a cast using an apothecary spell slot gains resistance to all damage
number of creatures (which can include yourself) equal to your and has advantage on saving throws until the end of its next turn.
Intelligence modifier to facilitate an abnormally fast recovery. It gains advantage on the first attack roll it makes on its next turn.
You must tend to the creatures during this period, using a heal-
er’s kit with at least one use remaining. The targets regain hit
points, spell slots, hit dice, and other abilities as if they complet- Anatomical Precision
ed a long rest. A creature can only benefit from one Miraculous When you make a weapon attack, you can use your Intelligence
Recovery in a 24-hour period. Once you use this feature, you modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and
can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. damage rolls.

136 Guide to Drakkenheim

Anesthesiology Doctor’s Note
Prerequisites: 14th-level apothecary Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
You can cast hold person without expending a spell slot or You can cast the sending spell at-will. You must finish a long rest
requiring material components. You must finish a long rest before you can use this theory to contact the same creature again.
before you can use this theory on the same creature again.
Double Dose
Bedside Manner Prerequisites: 10th-level apothecary
You gain proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills. Your
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that When you cast an apothecary spell using an apothecary spell
uses either of these skills. slot that targets a single creature and restores hit points to that
creature, you can target an additional creature within range.

Caustic Formulae Extracurricular Research

Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary You learn two additional cantrips of your choice from any class’s
Once per turn when you deal damage to a creature or object spell list. These cantrips become apothecary cantrips for you.
with an apothecary spell, you can expend an apothecary spell
slot to deal 2d4 extra acid damage to that target, plus another
2d4 per level of the spell slot.
You have resistance to necrotic damage, and your hit point maxi-
mum can’t be reduced. In addition, you are immune to diseases.
Clinical Conditioning
Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary Interdisciplinary Practice
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws. Prerequisites: 14th-level apothecary
When you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one
Combat Medic weapon attack as a bonus action.
You gain proficiency with martial weapons and shields.
Laboratory Assistant
Corrosive Compound You learn the spell find familiar, and always have this spell
Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary prepared. It doesn’t count against the number of apothecary
spells you can prepare.
When you deal poison damage with your apothecary spells, you
can choose to deal half the spell’s damage as poison damage and
half the spell’s damage as acid damage instead. Liability Insurance
Prerequisites: 14th-level apothecary
Cosmetic Surgery You can cast contingency once on yourself without material
You can spend 8 hours performing an occult surgical procedure components. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
upon a willing creature, permanently transforming its appear-
ance. You decide what the creature looks like, including facial
features, the sound of its voice, hair length, coloration, and
Medical Expertise
distinguishing characteristics, but none of its game statistics You gain proficiency in the Medicine and Nature skills. Your profi-
change. You can’t alter the size of a creature, and its basic shape ciency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses
stays the same. The resulting transformation is non-magical, either of these skills.
however, a greater restoration spell or similar magic cast upon
the creature can restore it to its original appearance. Medical Lexicon
You learn six languages of your choice. You can cast detect poison
Critical Condition and disease at will.
Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
When a creature rolls a natural 1 on a saving throw made against
Nerve Agent
one of your apothecary spells that deals damage, roll all of the Prerequisites: 14th-level apothecary
spell’s damage dice twice and add them together. Then add When you deal poison damage with your apothecary spells, you
any relevant modifiers as normal to determine the damage that can choose to deal psychic damage instead.
creature takes from the spell.

You can take the Help action as a bonus action on your turn.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 137

Noxious Blood Subject Preparation
Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary Prerequisites: 10th-level apothecary
When a creature hits you with a melee attack while within When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, that crea-
5 feet of you, it takes poison damage equal to 1d6 + your ture has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against
Constitution modifier. an apothecary spell you cast before the end of your next turn.

Pharmacology Surgeon’s Instinct

When you cast a spell using an apothecary spell slot or your Greater You have blindsight out to a range of 10 feet.
Formula feature which restores hit points to a creature, the crea-
ture regains additional hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Surgical Strikes
Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
Physiological Analysis
If you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with You can attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack
another creature outside combat, you can learn certain action on your turn.
information about its physiology. The Game Master reveals to
you two of the following characteristics of your choice: Toxicology
h Any one ability score
h Armor Class
Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
h Current hit points You add your Intelligence modifier to the damage rolls of spells
h Resistances (if any) that deal poison damage.
h Immunities (if any)
h Vulnerabilities (if any)
Alternatively, you can spend 1 minute observing a corpse. You learn the spare the dying cantrip if you don’t know it
After 1 minute, you determine the cause of death. already. When you cast this cantrip, it has a range of 60 feet.

Practical Resuscitation Unfailing Focus

Prerequisites: 10th-level apothecary Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
When you cast a spell that has the sole effect of restoring a When you fail a Constitution saving throw to maintain con-
creature to life (but not undeath), such as raise dead, you don’t centration on an apothecary spell, you can choose to succeed
need material components to cast the spell if the creature has instead. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until
died within the past hour. you finish a short or long rest.

Putrefaction Venomous Instruments

Your apothecary spells and abilities ignore undead creatures’
resistance or immunity to poison damage and immunity to the Prerequisites: 10th-level apothecary
poisoned condition. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the creature
takes extra poison damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Rapid Response
When you cast an apothecary spell that restores hit points to a Virulence
creature, before or after casting the spell, you can move your When you roll a 1 on a damage die for an apothecary spell that
speed without provoking opportunity attacks. deals poison damage, you can reroll the die. You must use the
new result, even if the new roll is a 1.
Routine Procedure
Prerequisites: 10th-level apothecary Vital Signs
When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you fails a saving
You can cast lesser restoration at-will without expending a spell slot. throw or death saving throw, you can use your reaction to add
your Intelligence modifier to the creature’s roll, potentially
Stolen Secrets turning a failure into a success. You must finish a short rest
before you can use this theory on the same creature again.
Prerequisites: 10th-level apothecary
You learn one spell from any class’s spell list. It must be of a level
for which you have apothecary spell slots or lower. The spell is
treated as an apothecary spell for you, and doesn’t count against Prerequisites: 6th-level apothecary
the number of apothecary spells you know. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a 19 or 20.

138 Guide to Drakkenheim

Apothecary Spell List

elow is the list of spells you consult when you learn an apothecary spell. The list is organized by spell level, not character level. If a
spell can be cast as a ritual, the ritual tag (r) appears after the spell’s name.
Each spell is in the Fifth Edition core rules, unless it has one asterisk, which indicates that it is a new spell described in Chapter
4 of this book. Apothecaries may also learn any Contaminated Spell, a new type of spell found in chapter 4 of this book. Contaminated
Spells are available to apothecaries only if found during their adventures, and cannot be chosen normally.

Cantrips 2nd Level 4th Level 7th Level

Acid Burn* Acid Arrow Black Tentacles Etherealness
Acid Splash Aid Blight Finger of Death
Bacterial Barrage* Biohazard* Blood Worm* Forcecage
Chill Touch Blindness/Deafness Corpse Explosion* Miasma*
Guidance Caustic Grip* Corrupting Spores* Plane Shift
Light Enhance Ability Death Ward Prismatic Spray
Mending Enlarge/Reduce Freedom of Movement Grievous Wounds*
Message Gentle Repose (r) Last Rites* Regenerate
Poison Needle* Grasping Ghost* Poison Wave* Resurrection
Poison Spray Hold Person Polymorph
Shocking Grasp
Lesser Restoration
Vitriol Ichor* 8th Level
Spare the Dying Ocular Necrosis* Antimagic Field
Thaumaturgy Protection from Poison
Ray of Enfeeblement 5th Level Breath of Nightshade*
Acid Rain* Clone
1st Level See Invisibility
Silence (r) Antilife Shell Dominate Monster
Acrid Orb* Spider Climb Cloudkill Feeblemind
Alarm (r) Web Contact Other Plane (r) Mind Blank
Comprehend Languages (r) Greater Restoration Plague Wind*
Create or Destroy Water Hold Monster Power Word Stun
Cure Wounds 3rd Level Mass Cure Wounds
Detect Evil and Good
Detect Magic (r)
Bestow Curse
Corrosive Blast*
Nerve Gas*
Raise Dead 9th Level
Detect Poison and Disease (r) Dispel Magic Scrying Astral Projection
Envenom* Fear Septic Shock* Foresight
False Life Fetid Blade* Telepathic Bond (r) Mass Heal
Feather Fall Gaseous Form Teleportation Circle Pandemic*
Floating Disk (r) Glyph of Warding Toxic Barrage* Power Word Kill
Fog Cloud Haste Time Stop
Touch of Death*
Healing Word
Hypnotic Pattern
Magic Circle 6th Level True Polymorph
Hideous Laughter Mass Healing Word Chain Lightning True Resurrection
Identify (r) Pestilence* Circle of Death
Illusory Script (r) Purge Contamination* Create Undead
Infect* Protection from Energy Disintegrate
Jump Remove Curse Eyebite
Purify Food and Drink (r) Revivify Flesh to Stone
Sleep Sending Globe of Invulnerability
Stream of Consumption* Slow Harm
Toxic Shield* Speak with Dead Heal
Unseen Servant (r) Stinking Cloud Mephitic Vapors*
Tranquilizing Toxin* True Seeing
Vampiric Touch Vile Necrosis*
Venomous Aura*
Water Breathing (r)

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 139

Apothecary Occult Practices

Alienist Spells
1st-level Alienist feature
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular
levels in this class, as shown in the Alienist Spells table. These
spells count as apothecary spells for you, but they don’t count
against the number of apothecary spells you prepare.

Alienist Spells
Apothecary Level Spell
1st charm person, hideous laughter
3rd detect thoughts, suggestion
5th hypnotic pattern, major image
7th arcane eye, dimension door
9th animate objects, modify memory

Mental Influence
3rd-level Alienist Feature
You have studied hard to unlock the deepest recesses of your
psyche, unleashing untapped psychic potential within yourself.
This energy is represented by a pool of Psychic Points. You have
four psychic points. You gain two more at 6th level, another two
at 10th, and two more again at 14th level, which you can ex-
pend to use the various psionic powers you have detailed below.
If you have expended all your Psychic Points, you cannot use
these powers. You regain all your expended Psychic Points when
you finish a short or long rest.
h Cerebral Breakthrough. When you cast an apothecary
spell that deals damage, you can expend a Psychic Point to
re-roll any number of the dice. You must use the new rolls.
h Mind Over Matter. Whenever you take damage, you can

Alienist use your reaction and expend a Psychic Point, reducing the
damage taken by an amount equal to your apothecary level.
h Mind Whisperer. When you cast an apothecary spell which
An Alienist seeks to master the mysteries of the mind. Having devoted does not deal damage, you may spend a psychic point to cast
years to studying the inner workings of the brain, and unlocking it without any somatic or verbal components.
its latent potential, an Alienist is able to read and manipulate the
thoughts of others, and bend reality itself. They tap into unfathomable
realities and shift the world to their will using the psychic energies they
call upon from eldritch lore and arcane knowledge. Metaphysical Tether
3rd-level Alienist feature

Advanced Psychology As an action, you can touch a willing creature to create a psy-
chic link with it which lasts a number of hours equal to your
1st-level Alienist feature Apothecary level or until you end the link (no action required).
The maximum number of links you can have at any time is
You learn the eldritch blast cantrip. You gain proficiency in equal to your proficiency bonus. All the creatures tethered in
the Arcana skill. If you already have this proficiency, you gain this way can communicate telepathically with one another as
proficiency with another skill of your choice. long as they are within 100 feet of each other.

140 Guide to Drakkenheim

Force Manipulation
6th-level Alienist feature
Your mental prowess allows you to control the very fabric of
your own reality around you, allowing you to defy gravity and
push yourself through the air using only your mind. As a bonus
action, you can expend. a psychic point to give yourself a
flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute, during
which you can hover.

Mental Magic
10th-level Alienist feature
You gain new ways to use your latent psychic powers to manip-
ulate the essence of your spells and spellcasting. You gain three
new ways to use your Psychic Points:
h Prescribed Effects. Once per turn when a target you can see
within 30 feet of you succeeds on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma saving throw against a spell you cast, you can expend
a Psychic Point to fill its mind with scrambled psionic energy, Chemist
forcing it to reroll the d20 and use the lower roll for its saving
throw, possibly turning a success into a failure. A Chemist is a studied scientist whose advanced research in to
h Mentally Prepared. Once per turn, when a target you can
chemical compounds has granted them the ability to terrorize their
see within 30 feet of you, including yourself, fails an Intelli- enemies with alchemical explosions, devastating gasses, and other
gence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can use a Psy- horrific concoctions. Chemists love testing their new compounds in
chic Point and add your Intelligence modifier to the creature’s the field, and are always keen to advance their study and research
saving throw, potentially turning the failure into a success. further, finding new combinations to combust their foes with.
h Fight or Flight Response. As a bonus action, you
can expend a Psychic Point and teleport up to 30 feet to
an unoccupied space you can see. You immediately gain
temporary hit points equal to twice your intelligence modifier. Chemical Compound
1st-level Chemist feature
Self-Diagnosis You gain proficiency in alchemist’s supplies if you do not already
have it. You also learn the firebolt cantrip and one additional
14th-level Alienist feature evocation cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. These
If you have no Psychic Points remaining, you can use an bonus cantrips count as apothecary cantrips for you, but do not count
action and expend a spell slot to regain 1d4 Psychic Points. against your cantrips known.
You also gain two additional psychic features:
h Careful Examination. Whenever you cast a spell which
restores hit points to a creature, you may expend a Psychic Point. Chemist Spells
If you do, all creatures targeted by the spell regain an additional 1st-level Chemist feature
amount of hit points equal to twice your Intelligence modifier.
h Enhanced Cerebellum. When you cast any spell of 1st You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular
level or higher from your Alienist Spells feature, you can levels in this class, as shown in the Chemist Spells table. These
cast it by expending a spell slot as normal or by spending a spells count as apothecary spells for you, but they don’t count
number of psychic points equal to the spell’s level. against the number of apothecary spells you prepare.

Impenetrable Mind Chemist Spells

Apothecary Level Spell
18th-level Alienist feature 1st burning hands, grease
You are resistant to psychic damage and immune to being 3rd acid arrow, flaming sphere
charmed or frightened. Magic cannot put you to sleep and you
have advantage on saving throws against spells that attempt 5th fireball, stinking cloud
to read your thoughts or control your mind or actions, such as 7th ice storm, wall of fire
dominate person. Additionally, when you use the Self-Diagnosis
9th cloudkill, cone of cold
feature to regain Psychic Points using a spell slot, you now
regain Psychic Points equal to the spell’s level.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 141

Precise Application Exorcist
3rd-level Chemist feature
An Exorcist comes prepared to deal with evil entities, sinister
When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or spirits, and fearsome fiends. Equipped with their holy symbol, a
poison damage to other creatures that you can see, you can book of prayers, and a bag of ritualistic baubles, they stand ready
choose a number of them equal to your Intelligence modifier. to face the most unnatural and otherworldly entities of the realms.
The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving An Exorcist is accustomed to facing down insurmountable threats,
throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would with a holy symbol in hand they fear nothing, and stand as a
normally take half damage on a successful save. shield between the realms of men, and those of monsters.

Chain Reaction Spiritual Study

6th-level Chemist feature
When you cast an apothecary cantrip that normally targets
1st-level Exorcist feature
only one creature and deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison You gain proficiency in heavy armor and the Religion Skill. If you
damage, the spell can instead target two creatures that are already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with another
within the spell’s range. skill of your choice. You can use a holy symbol as an arcane focus
for your apothecary spells and you gain a cantrip of your choice
from the cleric spell list. This cantrip counts as an apothecary
Chemical Conditioning cantrip for you.

6th-level Chemist feature

As an action, you give one creature you touch (including pos-
Exorcist Spells
sibly yourself) resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison 1st-level Exorcist feature
damage for 1 hour. This benefit ends immediately if you use this
feature again. You always have certain spells prepared after you reach par-
ticular levels in this class, as shown in the Exorcist Spells table.
These spells count as apothecary spells for you, but they don’t
Bottled Spells count against the number of apothecary spells you prepare.

10th-level Chemist feature

Exorcist Spells
You can store a spell from your Chemist Spells feature as a liquid
Apothecary Level Spell
in a small vial or bottle you touch when you cast the spell. The spell
has no effect other than to be stored in the bottle. The spell 1st bless, protection from evil and good
remains stored inside until a creature opens the bottle. Once you 3rd spiritual weapon, zone of truth
use this feature, any unused bottled spell you previously created
becomes inert, and you can’t bottle another spell until you finish 5th counterspell, spirit guardians
a short rest. Any creature holding the bottle may spend an action 7th banishment, last rites*
to open it and cast the spell inside. The spell uses your spell attack
9th dispel evil and good, flame strike
bonus and save DC, but the spell treats the creature who released
it as the caster in all other respects.

Elemental Adjustment 3rd-level Exorcist feature
14th-level Chemist feature At 3rd level you gain the ability to imbue divine energy through
When you cast a spell using an apothecary spell slot which deals your holy symbol to expel evil entities in the area, or purge their
a type of damage from the following list, you can change that harmful effects from your allies.
damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, When you use this feature, you choose which effect to create.
lightning, or poison. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your
proficiency bonus rounded down, you regain all expended uses
on a short or long rest.
Chemical Cataclysm If an Exorcism effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals
your Apothecary spell save DC.
18th-level Chemist feature Starting at 5th level, when an undead or fiend fails its saving
throw against your Expel Evil feature, that creature suffers 4d8
When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lighting, or
radiant damage.
poison damage using an apothecary spell slot, it is treated as if it
Expel Evil. As an action, you present your holy symbol and
was cast using a 7th-level spell slot.
speak a prayer censuring creatures that mean you harm. Each

142 Guide to Drakkenheim

undead, celestial, fey, or fiend that can see or hear you within 30
feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature
fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes
any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far
away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space
within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action,
it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the
creature can use the Dodge action.
Purge Corruption. You touch a creature or item and can
end either one condition afflicting it. The condition can be
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
Additionally, if a creature is possessed or mind controlled by
a spirit or foreign entity, you can use this feature to remove any
traits or other features related to the possession. If possessed, the
creature possessing it is shunted out of its host to an unoccupied
space within 5 feet and takes psychic damage equal to 2d8 +
your apothecary level.

Sacred Vessel Mutagenist

6th-level Exorcist feature
Mutagenists have has researched a serum that they inject to
You are immune to the frightened condition, and cannot be
transform into a monstrous form. They use themselves as the
possessed or cursed. You also have advantage on saving throws
conduit for this power and hurl themselves towards their enemies
against being charmed.
as a hulking abomination. They spend their lives researching and
discovering new ways to improve and modify the serum in hopes of

Negation becoming the perfect form.

10th-level Exorcist feature

As a reaction when a hostile creature you can see targets an ally Natural Philosophy
with an attack, spell, or other effect, you can expend an Apoth-
ecary spell slot to force it to make a Charisma saving throw 1st-level Mutagenist feature
against your spell save DC. On a failure, the action they were You gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies and either the
attempting fails and resources used are wasted. herbalism kit or poisoner’s kit. You also gain proficiency in two
additional languages and the Nature Skill. If you already have this
proficiency, you gain proficiency with another skill of your choice.
Empowered Healing
14th-level Exorcist feature Mutagenist Spells
Whenever you cast a spell that heals a creature, that spell
deals maximum healing and the creature immediately gains 1st-level Mutagenist feature
temporary hit points equal to your apothecary level. You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular
levels in this class, as shown in the Mutagenist Spells table. These
spells count as apothecary spells for you, but they don’t count
Devout Witness against the number of apothecary spells you prepare.

18th-level Exorcist feature

As a Devout Witness, you speak on behalf of your gods and
Mutagenist Spells
can feel their powers surging through you. Commanding spirits Apothecary Level Spell
and vanquishing evil is second nature to you. You have added 1st jump, toxic shield*
benefits that bolster your abilities. 3rd alter self, enhance ability
h Creatures who fail their saving throws against your Exorcism:
5th haste, water breathing
Expel Evil feature take an additional 4d8 radiant damage.
h Creatures who are aided by your Exorcism: Purge Corruption 7th polymorph, stoneskin
feature gain 4d8 temporary hit points. 9th reincarnate, septic shock*

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 143

Transmogrifying Elixir ir feature expending a spell slot as normal. You regain a number
of hit points equal to your Apothecary level when you do (in ad-
dition to gaining temporary hit points from your transformation).
3rd-level Mutagenist feature h When you are reduced to 0 hit points in your transmogrified
As a bonus action, you may expend a spell slot to undergo a gro- form, you revert to your natural form with 1 hit point
tesque transformation. The transformation ends after one minute, remaining. If you do, you can’t assume your transmogrified
or if you are reduced to 0 hit points or incapacitated. When you form again until you finish a short or long rest.
undergo this transformation you maintain your personality, align-
ment, and game statistics. However, several changes occur:
h Your Strength and Intelligence ability scores are swapped.
h Your size becomes Large, your jump distance is doubled, and
Unnatural Evolution
you count as one size larger when determining your carrying 14th-level Mutagenist feature
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. You can use your Greater Formulas feature to transmogrify as
h Each of your hands transform into a big meaty fist, which you
if you had used a spell slot of that level. When you transform
can use to make melee weapon attacks. It counts as a simple in this way you gain one of the additional genome mutations
weapon for you. Your big meaty fists deal 1d10 + your Strength listed below.
modifier + your Apothecary level bludgeoning damage on a hit.
h Draconic Genome. You grow fleshy wings from your back
h You cannot cast or concentrate on spells.
h You have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. and your skin takes on a scaly appearance. You gain a flying
h You gain temporary hit points equal to five times your speed equal to your walking speed and as an action can spew
Apothecary level. bile in a 30-foot cone. All creatures in the area must succeed
on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or
You also amplify your abilities based on the potency of your take 8d6 acid damage, or half as much on a successful save.
concoction. This is related to the spell slot you used to undergo Once you use this feature, you can not do so again until you
the transformation: finish a short or long rest.
h Your speed increases by 5 feet per level of spell slot used. h Giant Genome. You become a hulking mass of flesh and
h Your AC is 13 + the level of spell slot used. muscle, turning yourself into a living siege weapon. Your size
h At the start of each of your turns and as long as you have at becomes Huge and all damage dealt to objects and structures is
least 1 hit point remaining, you regain a number of hit points now doubled. As an action, you can expend a spell slot on your
equal to the level of the spell slot used. turn to slam your fists into the ground, sending shockwaves
and rubble crashing around you. All creatures in a 30-foot

Extra Attack radius centered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving

throw against your spell save DC or they take 8d6 bludgeoning
damage and are knocked prone. If they succeed on the saving
6th-level Mutagenist feature throw, they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
Beginning at 6th level, you attack twice, instead of once, whenever h Cerebellum Genome. You maintain a fraction of your mind
you take the Attack action on your turn. as you transform, allowing remnants of your studies to linger
in your monstrous brain. You now have the ability to maintain

Potent Biology concentration on spells while in your transmogrified form.

While transmogrified, your concentration can’t be broken as a
result of taking damage.
6th-level Mutagenist feature
When you are in your transmogrified form, you have more pow-
erful attacks capable of bypassing your enemy’s greatest defenses.
Your big meaty fist attacks count as magical for overcoming resist- The New Flesh
ance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. 18th-level Mutagenist feature
When you hit with an attack using your big meaty fists, you
can expend a spell slot to empower the force of your blow with You have perfected your Transmogrifying Elixir, breaking
unnatural energy. When you expend a spell slot in this way you the confines of evolution and pushing your form to what you
deal an additional 1d8 force damage per level of spell slot used. deem the apex of evolution. You gain the following benefits
while transmogrified:

Adaptive Genetics h As long as you have one or more hit points remaining, you can
use a bonus action and expend a spell slot to regain hit points
equal to ten times the level of the spell slot used.
10th-level Mutagenist feature h If you fail a saving throw, as a reaction you can expend a spell
You are able to use your changed biology to protect yourself slot to succeed instead.
from the clutches of death. When you are reduced to 0 hit points h Your Strength score becomes equal to your Intelligence score
in either your natural, or transmogrified state, your other self is when transmogrified. Additionally, you can cast spells while in
ready to take over. your transmogrified form.
h When in your natural form and reduced to 0 hit points you
can immediately transform using your Transmogrifying Elix-

144 Guide to Drakkenheim

Pathogenist Spells
1st-level Pathogenist feature
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particu-
lar levels in this class, as shown in the Pathogenist Spells table.
These spells count as apothecary spells for you, but they don’t
count against the number of apothecary spells you prepare.

Pathogenist Spells
Apothecary Level Spell
1st infect*, inflict wounds
3rd blindness/deafness, biohazard*
5th pestilence*, venomous aura*
7th blight, blood worm*
9th contagion, insect plague

Pernicious Pathogens
3rd-level Pathogenist feature
Whenever a creature casts a spell or uses a trait or feature that
would cure or remove one of your diseases (such as casting
lesser restoration to remove your infect* spell), the creature must
first make an ability check using its spellcasting ability (or its
Charisma modifier, if the spell or special ability does not specify
a spellcasting ability score). The DC equals your spell save DC.
On a failed check, the creature’s spell, trait, or feature fails and
has no effect. Any material components used are expended, and
any spell slot expended is wasted.

Mutant Strain
3rd-level Pathogenist feature
You can evolve your diseases to cause new symptoms. You learn

Pathogenist two mutant strains of your choice, and each time you gain a
level in this class, you can replace one mutant strain you know
with a different one from this feature. When you reach certain
levels in this class, you learn additional mutant strains, as shown
The study of diseases opens doorways to many dangerous scientific
in the Mutant Strains Known table.
discoveries. As experts in both ridding the body of sickness and the
mutations of infectious disease, Pathogenists bring their study to
the battlefield by using monsters and enemies as test subjects for
their infections. Long years spent carefully monitoring the causes
Mutant Strains Known
and effects of such plagues allows them to be experts at disease Apothecary Level Number of Strains
mutation, allowing their sickness to spread in a terrifying manner 3rd 2
and riddle their foes with debilitating symptoms, crippling their 9th 3
bodies and rattling their minds.
15th 4

Plague Proficiency Whenever you cast a spell which inflicts diseases (such as infect*
or contagion) you can apply an additional effect from your
mutant strain to one of the targets of the spell, which lasts for
1st-level Pathogenist feature the duration of that spell.
You learn the chill touch cantrip. You gain proficiency with the The following mutant strains are available to you when you
herbalism kit. If you already have this proficiency, you gain learn a mutant strain. If a strain has a level requirement, you
proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice. must be at least that level in this class to learn the strain.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 145

h Dizziness. The target can’t take reactions.
h Fatigue. Each time the target fails a saving throw against
your disease, its speed is reduced to five feet until the start
of its next turn.
h Coughing Fits. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it must
make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On
a failed save, it is unable to speak until the start of its next turn.
h Shivers. The target shakes uncontrollably. At the start of each
of the target’s turns, it drops whatever it is holding in its hands.
h Weakness (9th level). The target deals half damage with
melee weapon attacks.
h Dry Eyes (9th level). Each time the target fails a saving
throw against your disease, it becomes blinded until the start
of its next turn.
h Intense Fever (9th level). The target can’t regain hit points.
h Lesions (9th level). The target loses any damage resistances.
h Nausea (15th level). Each time a target fails a saving
throw against your disease, it becomes incapacitated until
the start of its next turn.
h Dystrophy (15th level). The target becomes vulnerable to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Reanimator
Breakthrough Infection A Reanimator is the master of life and death. Years spent perfecting
their formula to bring the recently dead back, or to construct new
6th-level Pathogenist feature life out of discarded flesh and patchwork anatomy, have left most
When you cast a spell using an apothecary spell slot or your Reanimators in a state constantly riding the lines between genius
Greater Formula feature that causes disease, that spell ignores and madness. A Reanimator’s skills at clutching life from the jaws
any creature’s immunity to disease. Such creatures instead make of death make them exquisitely suited for dealing with death, and
any saving throws against your diseases with advantage. undeath. Their mad genius is presented with the construction of a
creature made from the scrap body parts left behind by their enemies
Outbreak which storms forward into battle on their command.

6th-level Pathogenist feature

When a creature infected by one of your diseases dies, you can
use your reaction to spread the disease to a different creature
Spark of Life
you can see within 30 feet of that creature. 1st-level Reanimator feature
You learn the shocking grasp and spare the dying cantrips. These
Insidious Incubation count as apothecary spells for you, and don’t count against the
number of apothecary cantrips you know.
10th-level Pathogenist feature
When you start casting infect*, you can modify it so that it
doesn’t require concentration. If you do so, the spell’s duration
Reanimator Spells
becomes 1 minute for that casting. You must finish a short or 1st-level Reanimator feature
long rest before using this feature again.
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particu-
lar levels in this class, as shown in the Reanimator Spells table.
Immunocompromised These spells count as apothecary spells for you, but they don’t
count against the number of apothecary spells you prepare.
14th-level Pathogenist feature
A creature infected with one of your diseases (such as infect*
or contagion) has disadvantage on saving throws against your Reanimator Spells
apothecary spells. Apothecary Level Spell
1st false life, inflict wounds
Rapid Evolution 3rd gentle repose, invigorate*

18th-level Pathogenist feature 5th lightning bolt, revivify

Whenever you cast a spell which inflicts diseases, you can apply 7th death ward, corpse explosion*
an two additional effects from your mutant strain to one of the 9th raise dead, nerve gas*
targets of the spell, instead of one.

146 Guide to Drakkenheim

Corpsewrought Creature Behold, My Creation
3rd-level Reanimator feature 10th-level Reanimator feature
You have constructed a companion from scavenged body parts Your corpsewrought creature’s size increases to Large, and its
and brought it to life with your occult magic: a corpsewrought speed increases to 40 feet.
creature. The creature is friendly to you and your companions, When your corpsewrought creature hits a creature with
and it obeys your commands. See its game statistics in the ac- a melee attack, it can immediately make a grapple attempt
companying Corpsewrought Creature stat block, which uses your against the target. The DC to escape this grapple is equal to 8 +
proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. You can determine the the corpsewrought creature’s strength modifier (+4) + your PB.
cosmetic characteristics of the creature; your choice has no effect
on its game statistics.
In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it Berserk Fury
takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its
14th-level Reanimator feature
reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the
Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to When you command your corpsewrought creature to take the
command it to take another action. That action can be one in Attack action, the creature can make two attacks.
its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the
creature can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.
If your corpsewrought creature has died within the last hour, I Can’t Stop The Monster I Created
you can use your healer’s kit as an action to revive it, provided 18th-level Reanimator feature
you are within 5 feet of it and you expend an apothecary spell
slot. The corpsewrought companion returns to life after 1 Your corpsewrought creature increases in size to Huge, gains
minute with all its hit points restored. a reach of 10 feet, and its speed increases to 50 feet. Its slam
At the end of a long rest, you can create a new corpsewrought attack deals an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
creature if you have your healer’s kit with you and access to Additionally, the weight your corpsewrought creature can
suitable “materials.” If you already have a corpsewrought push or lift is doubled.
creature from this feature, the first one immediately perishes.
The creature also perishes if you die.
Corpsewrought Creature
Bodyguard Medium construct
6th-level Reanimator feature
Armor Class 14 + PB
When a creature within 5 feet of your corpsewrought creature
Hit Points 5 + five times your apothecary level (the creature has a
makes an attack against you, it can use its reaction to make a number of hit dice [d12s] equal to your apothecary level)
melee weapon attack against the attacking creature. In addition,
Speed 30 feet
your corpsewrought creature’s slam attack counts as magical
for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to
nonmagical attacks and damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
In addition, you can cast animate dead once using an 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
Apothecary spell slot. Once you do, you can’t cast the spell
again until you finish a long rest.
Saving Throws Con +3 plus PB, Wis +1 plus PB
Skills Athletics +4 plus PB
Reanimated Head Damage Immunities poison, lightning
Condition Immunities poisoned
6th-level Reanimator feature Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 11
You have reanimated the head of a dead humanoid creature Languages understands the languages of its creator but
which now serves you in your studies. You may use the head as cannot speak
a spellcasting focus. The head speaks common and one other Challenge –
language of your choice. Proficiency Bonus equals your proficiency bonus
Whenever you make an Intelligence ability check that lets
you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or
Lightning Absorption. Whenever the corpsewrought creature is
lower as a 10. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Arcana subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and regains a
and Investigation skills. number of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.
You can use the head to cast speak with dead without
expending a spell slot. Once you use this feature you can’t do so Actions
again until you finish a short or long rest. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 plus PB to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d8 + 4 bludgeoning damage.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 147

148 Guide to Drakkenheim
A howl sounds out above the clang of swords and screams of
battle, piercing through the blood-soaked fields of Skye. The cry
is that of the battle-worn worshippers of Kromac warriors of the
Personality Traits
Old Gods. A sudden stillness strikes the skirmish as the combatants 1 I know all the old stories of ancient gods, monsters, and heroes.
look toward the source of the echoing wail. There stands a woman I compare my own exploits to these legends.
clad in thick animal furs, her face smeared in the blood of her 2 I am a warrior of the wilds. The ways of city folk confuse me.
enemies. She belows “Kromac hungers!” as she grabs her nearest 3 I grunt more often than speak, and do not care much
foe by the throat with her bare hands, lifting them off the ground for conversation.
effortlessly before tearing into their flesh.

he so-called great nations of the continent claim every 1 Tradition. The ancient traditions of my people have guided us for
scrap of land as theirs. Yet, many places in the world generations, and we should not doubt their timeworn wisdom.
remain wild and untamed, and the people who live there
refuse to relinquish their freedom to any lord, nation, or creed. 2 Strength. I see nothing better than to live out my days in glorious
They must fight to protect their way of life from the political battle and die with my blade in hand.
strife that plagues the nations. In places such as the cold northern 3 Faith. I am godsent to protect my people. I will fight for the
tundra of Netherwind, or the mystical Isles of Skye, as far south gods to the end.
as the Jungles of Terene, and to the fiery peaks of the Drakeclaw
Mountains dwell fierce warriors who rise up time and time again
to fend off the intrusion of civilization. Bonds
These barbarians are bold and courageous warriors. They tend 1 I am destined to destroy the enemies of my people or faith.
to lean towards more traditional combat tactics and rely on strength
2 I am deeply connected to a natural location in the world. I long
and cunning over plate mail and tactics. Many notable warlords to return to that place one day.
have been referred to as barbarians, some famous and courageous,
others infamous and terrible. Kristoff Karn, the invader of the East- 3 The elders of my community are expecting me to uphold our
ways, and I won’t let them down.
ern Vales, carved a bloody path through the free lands of the east
in the name of conquest. The Ironhelm Dwarves foster traditions
of berserker warriors. The Northfolk of Skye and the Netherwind
Reavers are all notable barbarian groups.
Some barbarians hold deep faith and reverence for the ancient 1 I am too serious at times. I do not have time for jokes or revelry
Old Gods, and view themselves as defenders of their sacred while enemies still stand.
places. Keeping close ties to druids, they see themselves as war- 2 The truth is, I love battle. I thrive on blood. I do not like sitting
riors of the natural order, attuning to nature, animals, and the still for too long.
wilds. Others only loosely hold these ancient traditions. 3 I don’t think things through before I take action.
Some barbarians care little for the ways of the Old Gods,
however, and simply live for battle and adventure. Many fought
as mercenaries during the Westemär Civil War or as seafaring Personal Quest
pirates of the Middle Sea, or even a handful of bold Caspian 1 My village has been tormented by one of the legendary dragons
warriors who stood to prove their might for their home. of the continent and I seek to destroy them.
2 I have heard of great temples to the Old Gods in the jungles of
Terene. I hope to see these temples for myself and uncover their
lost secrets.
3 I believe I am chosen by the Old Gods. I seek the druids of
Kromac in Skye in hopes of understanding my purpose.

“The Isles of Skye, Netherwind, and many other

locations sport burly warriors who rage their way
through battle. It’s quite a treat to observe,
And quite fun to make them angry.”

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 149

Octarine Blood
6th-level Haze Rager feature
You gain resistance to necrotic, poison, psychic, and radiant
damage, and your hit point maximum can’t be reduced.

Already a Monster
6th-level Haze Rager feature
While you are raging, you ignore the Symptoms of any
Contamination Levels you have gained, except for a
Monstrous Transformation.
Whenever you would suffer a Mutation from contamination,
you can roll twice and choose which Mutation you gain.
Path of the Haze Rager Consume Corruption
10th-level Haze Rager feature
The first warriors who ventured into Drakkenheim were doomed.
You gain the ability to cast the purge contamination spell. You can
Few returned from these early expeditions, and those few who
do so a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.
survived were forever changed by the experience. A rare few wrestle
You do not need material components when casting the spell in
the madness of the Haze through a supernatural rage which allows
this way. You can’t use this ability on yourself.
them to channel the eldritch energies of delerium. These Haze
Ragers thrive on the contaminated power of delerium, transforming
madness and fear into a weapon. Their practice has given them
unnatural tolerance for contamination, and some have told legends
Voices In Your Head
of these barbarians surviving even the most horrific mutations. 10th-level Haze Rager feature
Once per day you can cast the contact other plane spell. If you
fail the Intelligence saving throw, you can choose to gain one
Contaminated Fury Contamination Level instead of being driven mad.

3rd-level Haze Rager feature

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can channel
One with the Mists
contaminated fury into your weapon strikes. Once per turn while 14th-level Haze Rager feature
you are raging, you can deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to a You can cast gaseous form on yourself. You can do so a number
target you hit with one of your weapon attacks unarmed strikes. of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expend-
This extra damage increases at 2d8 when you reach 10th level, ed uses of this feature when you finish a long rest.
and to 3d8 when you reach 14th level.
In addition, you can draw contamination into yourself to em-
power your melee weapon attacks further. When you hit a crea-
ture with a melee weapon attack, you can choose to give yourself
Breath of the Haze
one or more levels of contamination to deal necrotic damage to 14th-level Haze Rager feature
the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage When you enter your rage, you surround the area around
is 2d8 for each level of contamination you choose to gain. yourself with a manifestation of the Haze filled with madden-
ing whispers. Mists swirl about you in a 15-foot-radius sphere
Inured to Corruption centered on you, which moves with you. The area within the
mists is lightly obscured. Creatures who begin their turn in the
3rd-level Haze Rager feature mists must make an Intelligence saving throw. The save DC
equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modi-
If a spell, such as purge contamination, has the sole effect of fier. A creature who fails this saving throw takes 3d8 psychic
removing Contamination Levels from you, the caster doesn’t damage and has its speed halved. Additionally, they cannot
need material components to cast the spell on you. In addition, take reactions until the start of their next turn. When you
if the spell would normally cause you to gain exhaustion, you manifest the mists, you can designate any number of creatures
don’t gain exhaustion from the spell. you can see to be unaffected.

150 Guide to Drakkenheim

Adaptable Combatant
6th-level Path of the Old Gods feature
You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed.
Additionally, your ability to grab enemies and turn anything
into a weapon grows stronger. You gain the following benefits
h You can try to grapple or shove a creature up to two size
categories larger than you.
h Your speed is no longer halved when you try to move a
creature you’re grappling.
Barbarian: h Your unarmed strikes and attacks with improvised weapons
count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to
Path of the Old Gods bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
h You can treat a creature you are grappling as an improvised
weapon. When you hit another target using a grappled
These barbarians consider themselves natural weapons, born of creature as an improvised weapon, the grappled creature takes
the gods to stand against the enemies of their chosen deity. The Old damage equal to your Strength modifier plus your proficiency
Gods represent raw power, the untamed wild, and traditional bonus. When you use a creature as an improvised weapon,
worship. A barbarian who follows the Old Gods is often close to thrown attacks made with it have a range of 10/20 feet.
nature, and sees glorious battle as the arena of their gods, and
their purpose is to destroy the enemies of their chosen god.
Sturdy Build
Brute Strength 6th-level Path of the Old Gods feature
Whenever you enter your rage or willingly end your rage on
3rd-level Path of the Old Gods feature your turn, you can expend Hit Dice and regain hit points as if
You are relentless in battle, filled with a bloodlust and rage of you had finished a short rest.
the Old Gods. You are proficient with improvised weapons.
Your unarmed strike and attacks with any melee weapons or
improvised weapons that aren’t light deal damage equal to
Brutal Kills
1d12 plus your Strength modifier. 10th-level Path of the Old Gods feature
While you are raging, you gain the following benefits:
While you are raging, if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you
h All melee weapons you wield that aren’t light gain the heavy and
can choose to kill them brutally, tearing off limbs, and savaging
thrown properties, including improvised weapons. A weapon your enemy. The violent display terrifies those around you.
which doesn’t specify a thrown range gains a range of 30/60 Any enemies that can see you must make a successful
while you are wielding it. Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for the next
h Once on your turn when you hit a creature within 5 feet of
minute. The save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
you with a melee weapon attack, you can try to grapple or strength modifier.
shove that creature as part of the same attack. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest
h If your size is Small, you don’t have disadvantage on attack
you can do so again.
rolls when wielding a heavy weapon.

Gifts of the Gods

Imbued by the Gods 14th-level Path of the Old Gods feature
3rd-level Path of the Old Gods feature The Old Gods have chosen you as their divine weapon, a tool to
Your natural strength is amplified, and the gods you worship be used against evil. You gain the following benefits:
bestow upon you inhuman capabilities: h When you are raging, you can attack three times whenever
h You gain proficiency in Intimidation if you don’t already have you take the Attack action on your turn.
it, and add twice your proficiency bonus to Intimidation checks. h You can grapple or shove any creature, regardless of size.
h You count as one size larger when determining your carrying h You can add your Strength score to the range of all
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Your long thrown weapons.
jump and high jump are doubled. h When you shove a creature, you can push it 10 feet.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 151

A curious man sits on the street corner plucking away at his
instrument. Once, many a passersby would drop copper pieces in
his hat, eager to hear his stories and songs for the magical insights Personality Traits
they tell. Now a sallow expression hangs over the bard, and his 1 I take every opportunity to sing the praises of those I care
lyrics sing of a terrible doom coming from the stars beyond. Few most about.
heed these haunting words, unaware of the dangerous truths 2 I enjoy the simple things in life; I find beauty in peace and quiet.
hidden within the puzzling verses.
3 I love to hear gossip and stories, and then retell them with much
more flair.

ards fine tune their magic through music, poetry, dance,
and artwork. Weaving magic comes to bards like pulling
the strings of a lute comes to a musician or brushstrokes
to a painter, but to produce great magic requires talent honed 1 Beauty. I want to leave my mark on this world and make it a
more beautiful place for everyone.
by years of practice. While art and music have always been
part of continental society, true bards are a rare breed, and 2 Love. I do what I do for love. There is no power or magic in this
only very recently has bardic magic been recognized as a dis- world greater than love.
tinct magical practice. 3 Creativity. I was not meant for a mundane life; I must express
The most famous bards hail from Caspia. The six Great myself and show the world my art.
Houses each have countless musicians, artists, and authors who
accompany their scions, composing songs, poems, and creating
other works of art to bolster their house’s renown. Every Bonds
Caspian noble leaves home with a trusty herald by their side to 1 I am loyal to whoever is paying me. I’ll sing a song for anyone
sing their praises and announce them, but having a magical bard who has the right amount of coin.
amongst your entourage is a mark of true prestige well sought 2 I have a great rival in a rascally Caspian bard, and I want to
after by Caspian nobility. Oftentimes a particularly skilled bard show them I am the better artist, musician, trickster, or lover.
will seek out a career in a Caspian noble house to leave their
3 I live for the attention of the audience. Whenever I arrive in a
mark on the world. Yet for every famous Caspian bard, there are
new town the first thing I must do is perform in the local tavern.
many more who seek their own adventures using their skills to
help others or make their own fame and fortune.
Most bards are thought to be mageborn who manifest their
powers as teenagers or young adults, their powers latent
until suddenly unlocked in a flash of creative inspiration. 1 I judge others’ tastes often, no one has as refined an appetite
as mine.
Creatively gifted mageborn who otherwise struggle to
harness their magical abilities have found that performance, 2 I believe I am the cleverest person in the room, and everyone
poetry, and song helps them cast certain spells in a more should listen to me.
nuanced and controlled manner. However, a person with the 3 Sometimes you have to lie and cheat to be the best, I’m not
right knack can master a cantrip or low-level spell without above it.
necessarily needing to be mageborn, and the power of art
and music presents a pathway to much more powerful
magic. Through mastery in their craft, bards can tap into the Personal Quest
extraplanar forces to cast powerful spells, even though they 1 I’ve wanted to be a bard for the High King of Caspia since I was
lack the mageborn gene. young. I will be, I know it.
As a result, there is still much dispute over whether bardic 2 I want to visit the Conservatory of Creation in Liberio and learn
magic is a unique manifestation of mageborn magic, or whether everything I can from the great artists who came before me.
it may be performed solely through the use of art and music.
3 I have a noble claim. I want to find a loophole in the Edicts of
Bardic magic was not well known when the Edicts of Lumen Lumen so I can take up my title without anyone making an issue
were written. Many amongst the nobility and clergy believe over my magical talents.
bards should be held to the same restrictions and laws as
mageborn, and disinherited from any noble claims. As such,
bards often join the Amethyst Academy in hopes of refining and
understanding their craft. Only recently has the school delved
into art and music studies as a means of analyzing the unique “I can wield the fabrics of darkness, shadow,
nature of bardic magic. and eldritch energies and bend them to my will.
Meanwhile, these folks are tootle-tooting on
their horns, flutes, or whatever, and calling it
spellcasting. Amusing.”

152 Guide to Drakkenheim

College of Doomsayers
Bards of this college revel in the fear and despair of others. They
have foreseen the end of times, and use their gifts of prophecy to
instill terror in those who hear their words. These bards command
an audience like any other, but their craft is that of a mad prophet,
and their poems and songs echo dissonant rattlings of hopelessness
and suffering. Those who hear the mad ramblings are stricken with
fear, lose their wills, and fall into madness.

The End is Nigh

3rd-level College of Doomsayers feature
Your words strike fear into the hearts of those who bear
witness to your doomsaying. Whenever you make a Charisma
(Intimidation) check, you may treat any roll of 9 or lower as if
you had rolled a 10.

Dreadful Words
3rd-level College of Doomsayers feature
As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic
Inspiration and choose one creature you can see within 60 feet
of you. The target takes psychic damage equal to the roll of your
Bardic inspiration die and must make a Wisdom saving throw
against your spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the target
becomes frightened of you until the start of your next turn.

Prophetic Foresight
6th-level College of Doomsayers feature
You can behold glimpses of the most disastrous outcome for
every possible action. When a creature you can see within 60
feet of you makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw,
you use your reaction and attempt to make these visions come
true. The triggering creature must make a Charisma saving
throw against your spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the
triggering attack roll misses or the triggering ability check or sav- Impending Doom
ing throw fails. On a successful saving throw, the creature makes
the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw normally, and you 14th-level College of Doomsayers feature
do not expend your use of this ability. You can use this feature a A creature frightened of you has disadvantage on all saving
number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded throws it makes while it can see you.
down). You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

True Believer 14th-level College of Doomsayers feature
6th-level College of Doomsayers feature When you roll initiative, you may choose a target within 60 feet
Convinced of your impending doom, you no longer fear death. of you that you can see. You foretell that creature’s immediate
You are immune to being frightened, and gain advantage on demise. During the first round of combat, any attacks against
saving throws against being charmed. that creature have advantage.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 153

A congregation of faithful join hands; encircling an unlit pyre
on a summer evening. The Flamekeeper addresses her assembled
congregation as the last sliver of suns sets under the horizon. Personality Traits
“Before one can understand the true potential of the light, one must 1 I recite the testaments of my faith as proof of my utter devotion.
also understand what lurks in the shadows.” As night falls and 2 I idolize the leader of my faith and strive to be like them.
the stars appear one by one above, the priest continues her sermon:
“Never forget that Tarna herself wore that cloak of blood and 3 I believe all things happen for a reason, and I show kindness and
shadow ere she stood before the angels. Do not fear the darkness; positivity in all circumstances.
it is nothing more than what lies in the hearts and souls of every
mortal. Even when light and hope are but a glimmer, the smallest
flame is bright enough to carry you through the deepest night.
1 Charity. It is my duty to help those who need it, and show them
the light of the flame.

aith has a power all its own, and mortals have long sought 2 Change. A new age is upon us, one that I must help usher in with
the wisdom of the distant gods and divine forces they my devotion.
believe shaped the cosmos. Hoping to understand the true 3 Faith. I work for my god, and only they know my path. I
nature and purpose of the universe through deep meditation and follow unwavering.
spiritual discipline, priests, mystics, oracles, and prophets have
found the means to tap into the spark of divine magic that thrums
like a heartbeat connecting all things. Bonds
However, the largely silent gods have posed many long-stand- 1 I am a member of an organized faith, and must uphold my
ing mysteries about the nature of the heavens and divinity, and obligations within the clergy.
mortals long struggled to fully harness divine magic. While arcane
2 I must show others the light of my beliefs.
magic spread like a scourge through mortal bloodlines and druids
channeled the elements, only a few clerics would emerge every 3 There are great expectations on me by my people to be a holy
generation. Nevertheless, these individuals brought wisdom and leader. I will not let them down.
enlightenment to others, and through their words, mortals came
to understand the will of the Old Gods.
That changed, however, when the legendary Saint Tarna found Flaws
the Sacred Flame. During her trials and tribulations, Tarna learned 1 I believe so strongly in my faith that I do not think harm will
many divine truths from angelic beings, and lit the fires of a new come to me as long as I am devoted to the path.
faith. She revealed how those who demonstrate unwavering faith 2 I think those who have beliefs that differ from mine are strange
and devotion can form a powerful connection with the Sacred Fire and in need of guidance.
and harness divine magic for righteous purposes. While the study, 3 I put too much trust in the powerful members of my faith.
discipline, and intense meditation required to wield heavenly power
makes it a difficult path that few can achieve, Tarna illuminated a
pathway others could follow. Nevertheless, the true nature of divine
magic remains dimly understood, and many clerics spend their
Personal Quest
twilight years contemplating these heavenly mysteries hoping 1 I wish to travel to the city of Lumen/Drakkenheim and speak
in person to the Divine Matriarch/Lucretia Mathias to seek
the Sacred Flame will shed light on new truths. guidance and learn from their divine wisdom.
There are still clerics who uphold the tenets of faith to the
Old Gods, and even clerics of shadow cults. The dwarves have 2 I wish to make the pilgrimage across the Witherbleach desert
and into the Pale Teeth Mountains, just as Saint Tarna did.
clerics who worship ancient stones and blazing forges, while the
elves have clerics more tied to nature, resembling druids to many 3 I feel it is my divine purpose to bring my faith to the people of
outsiders. Gnomes and goblins keep faith in their own fey gods as the far-off Eastern Vales, Orleone, and Netherwind.
well. Amongst all people there are those devoted to the holy path
who have been able to harness divine magic, but none as promi-
nently or numerous as those dedicated to the Sacred Flame.
Today, clerics are often the heads of their congregations in
many places of worship, though not every priest and acolyte is a
divine spellcaster. Other clerics go on adventures serving the cause “Flame this, and righteous that. I’ve met some cool
of their respective faith. Some seek to bring justice and faith back clerics before, but I’ve also met a lot of angry
to the world; some go on holy quests to investigate world events clerics who don’t like me on principal. So I’m always
and see if they find divine purpose there. Some just see their a little wary.”
purpose in the world is to help those who need it, and so they set
out intent to aid in important events.

154 Guide to Drakkenheim

Shadow Domain
Clerics of the Sacred Flame know that life is at all times a
balance between the light and the dark. Most clerics uphold the
flame, whose divine purpose is to hold back the darkness, and
offer guidance to those who pass on. Clerics of the Shadow Do-
main are in tune with the dark side of the divine. They stand to
balance all things, practicing the powers of shadow against their
enemies. They know that not all deserve the light, and so sending
foul horrors to the shadows is their form of righteous justice.

Domain Spells
1st-level Shadow Domain feature
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Shadow
Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature in the
Core Rules for how domain spells work.

Shadow Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st false life, sleep
3rd darkness, pass without trace
5th hypnotic pattern, nondetection Shifting Shadows
7th black tentacles, greater invisibility 6th-level Shadow Domain feature
9th cone of cold, dream
You can twist shadow around other creatures to pull them
through space.
Bonus Cantrips As an action, you can target one creature you can see within
60 feet of you that is in dim light or darkness. You teleport that
1st-level Shadow Domain feature creature up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice you
You learn the chill touch and minor illusion cantrips. These cantrips can see that is also in dim light or darkness. The chosen space
count as cleric spells for you, and don’t count against the number of must be on a surface or in a liquid that can support the target
cleric cantrips you know. without the target having to squeeze. An unwilling creature that
succeeds on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC

Shadow Sight is unaffected.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when
1st-level Shadow Domain feature
you finish a long rest.
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical,
out to a distance of 300 feet.
Potent Spellcasting
Channel Divinity: Cloak of the Night 8th-level Shadow Domain feature
You can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with
2nd-level Shadow Domain feature
any cleric cantrip.
You can use your Channel Divinity to invoke protective shadows.
As an action, you draw upon a curtain of magical shadow which
lasts for 1 minute. When you do, choose one creature you can see Reborn in Darkness
within 60 feet of you to be enveloped by the cloak of the night
(which can be yourself). While the cloak lasts, that creature has 17th-level Shadow Domain feature
resistance to all damage while it is in dim light or darkness. You regain 10 hit points at the start of each of your turns
In addition, when you draw the cloak of night, all nonmagical while you are in darkness. If you take radiant damage, this
light sources within 60 feet of you become extinguished. regeneration doesn’t function until the start of your next turn.
Magical light sources are dispelled if they were created by a spell You only die if you do not regenerate on your turn. Additionally,
with a level equal to or lower than your proficiency bonus. you do not age while you are in darkness.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 155

The young half-elf woman kneels down next to a patch of
ashen earth, plucking the brittle grass from the ground. As it
crumbles to dust in her hands, she stands and slowly takes in her Personality Traits
surroundings. This once fertile field is falling to the spreading 1 I see signs in the flowers and trees; everything in nature speaks
corruption of delerium, but she doesn’t see this as a blight, but to me in small ways.
rather part of an endless cycle of all things. The druid places her 2 I hate cities and populated places, preferring the quiet of nature
hand upon the ground once more and draws in the corruption, her to people.
eyes filled with octarine light. 3 I speak to the Old Gods. They do not answer, but I pretend that
they can hear me.

ruids have held the roles of elders and sages far longer
than any other spellcaster. While there is little recorded Ideals
history concerning the first druids, it is believed they
1 Natural Order. I am here to protect the balance of all natural things.
learned their ways through the whispers of the Old Gods,
the secrets of elusive fey, and a strong connection to primal 2 Greater Good. I must choose the path that helps the most
creatures and elements. Today, many druids shepherd the people, regardless of its consequences
traditions of these faiths. Ancient shrines, standing stones, 3 Devotion. I must adhere to the faiths of the Old Gods, for they
and circles of worship can be found throughout the wildlands, guide my path in all things.
tundras, high mountains, and sprawling deserts of the world,
still inhabited by ancient druidic circles. The jungles of Terene
are particularly well known for great druidic temples dating Bonds
back thousands of years. 1 I must protect my home, the natural places I was born and raised.
Druids often stand at odds to the rise of civilization and the
2 The animals and beasts of this world cannot always defend
politics of the continent. More and more, the nations of the
themselves from great evil, I am their protector.
world encroach upon natural lands, felling the great forests
to fuel their industries, ripping stones from the earth to forge 3 I have foreseen a great threat and believe only I can stop it.
weapons and fortresses, and polluting the waterways with the
filth of their cities. The dominant Faith of the Sacred Flame
cares more for heavens and salvation of the soul than it does Flaws
for the preservation and protection of the earth itself. Druids 1 I find people more destructive, disgusting, and problematic than
may even view arcane magic as a conduit for chaotic and animals, and care little what happens to them
otherworldly powers which subverts elemental energies and 2 I do not talk often, I prefer to be silent in my thoughts, I get
corrupts primal forces. Druids are often driven to adventure agitated when people disrupt my internal monologues.
when they witness the impact of these imbalances, and 3 I am easily distracted by the beauty of nature and the magic that
desperately seek the means to restore the fragile equilibrium can be found there.
which sustains life on the planet.
Druids do not have to be mageborn to acquire their powers.
Instead, their deep connection to nature, the elements, and Personal Quest
living creatures help guide them in intense practice to acquire
1 I want to see the devastation of Drakkenheim for myself so I can
their mastery over the primal forces of the world. assess the natural (or unnatural) dangers it proposes for the world.
2 I wish to meet the green dragon of the Achtungwald Forest, for I
believe we could learn much from one another.
3 The druids of Terene know much of the ways of the Old Gods and
keep sacred temples in the jungles. I wish to learn from their elders.

“Druids are alright. they keep to themselves, are a

little weird, occasionally perform sacrifices, blood
rituals, and intense wilderness magic. I like them.”

156 Guide to Drakkenheim

Druid: Despoiler
Circle of Contamination 6th-level Circle of Contamination feature
As druids are often in tune with nature and the natural order, most see You gain resistance to poison and necrotic damage.
delerium as a scourge upon the world. However, a rare few see the truth:
the eldritch stones are an essential part of the natural order, one which
works at a cosmic scale. Druids of the Circle of Contamination use the Cycle of Contamination
blighted rocks and contaminating Haze as a conduit for supernatural
6th-level Circle of Contamination feature
evolution. They have embraced the chaotic power of Delerium as an
extension of the inherent chaos in the natural order, spreading the Haze Though your magic is infused with contaminated power, you
while wielding it as a powerful ally to fuel their spells. have also learned ways to effectively expel these energies. You can
cast the purge contamination* spell as an action without expend-

Circle Spells ing a spell slot. You don’t need to provide the material compo-
nents when you cast the spell in this way, and the target does not
gain any exhaustion levels from this casting of the spell. When
2nd-level Circle of Contamination feature you cast purge contamination* in this way, you can’t do so again
At 2nd level, you learn the chill touch and poison needle* until you finish a long rest.
cantrips. These don’t count against the number of druid
cantrips you know.
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed Draw Corruption
for that level in the Circle of Contamination Spells table. Once
10th-level Circle of Contamination feature
you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared,
and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can pre- You gain the ability to draw contamination into yourself to
pare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on empower your magic. Once per turn as a bonus action, you can
the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you. gain one Contamination Level. If you do, you regain one use of
your Wild Shape feature.
Circle of Contamination Spells
Druid Level Spells Defile Elements
3rd biohazard*, controlled mutation*
10th-level Circle of Contamination feature
5th purge contamination*, venomous aura*
You learn the summon delerium elemental spell, and always have
7th horrific transformation*, poison wave*
this spell prepared (it doesn’t count against the number of druid spells
9th acid rain*, toxic barrage* you can prepare). You can cast it once without a spell slot, material
component, or gaining a contamination level, and you regain the

Blighted Magic ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you cast the spell,
you can modify it so that it doesn’t require concentration. When you
do, the spell’s duration for that casting changes to 1 minute.
2nd-level Circle of Contamination feature
Your magic becomes a twisted mockery of druidic principles,
and you can twist your spells to suit your needs. Your spells Haze Aura
which conjure creatures or natural flora and fauna now appear
like sickly, fleshy tentacles, and animals you summon are 14th-level Circle of Contamination feature
cancerous and mutated. In addition, when you cast a spell, you You have become such a locus for contamination that you
can choose one of the following blighted magic options: project the Haze around your body. The aura persists so long as
h Twin Spell. If the spell you cast targets only one creature and you are not incapacitated. Creatures of your choice which start
doesn’t have a range of self, you can expend a use of your Wild their turn within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving
Shape feature to target a second creature in range with the throw against your spell save DC. Those who fail the save take
same spell. To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting 3d6 necrotic damage. A creature who fails this saving throw by 5
more than one creature at the spell’s current level. or more gains one Contamination Level.
h Quicken Spell. When you cast a spell that has a casting A creature which makes a successful saving throw against
time of 1 action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape your Haze Aura is immune to its effects for 24 hours.
feature to cast the spell as a bonus action.
h Corrupt Spell. When you roll damage for a spell, you can
expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to change the damage
type of all damage caused by the spell to necrotic. In addition, Contamination Rules
you can reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Wisdom See the Contamination Rules found in Appendix C for more
modifier (minimum one). You must use the new rolls. information around contamination that will assist you with
h Purify Spell. When you cast a contaminated spell (found in playing this subclass.
Chapter 4), you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature
to cast the spell without gaining a Contamination Level.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 157

For Glory!” the voice of the commander thunders across through
the battlefield. Filled with resolve, his troops call out in answer
as they push forward. The commander keenly watches as the battle Personality Traits
begins, acutely aware of every opening and every weakness. He sees 1 I do not speak of the war I fought in, for I fear people will think
the battlefield like a game of chess, every strike, step, and sacrifice a differently of me if they knew what I had done.
calculated move on the path to toward victory. 2 As a representative of my house, I am always cordial and
well mannered.

3 I like my blade to do my talking.
cross the many nations of the continent valiant warri-
ors take up arms and travel the lands on noble quests,
or sharpening their blades preparing for the next war.
The continent is a place of chaos. Many great wars have been
fought between every nation multiple times over — there is 1 Responsibility. As a renowned soldier or warrior, it’s my job to
protect the innocent and fight for these lands.
no shortage of battles, conquests, or adventures that trained
warriors will find themselves drawn into. 2 Nation. I represent the place I hail from as an envoy and must ensure I
Caspian warriors from one of the great noble houses often form good relations by helping others and meeting with nobles.
head out into the world seeking renown and tales to bring home 3 Might. I must slay fearsome monsters, face danger, and prove
to honor their house. Great champions of the Scalebreaker the might of myself or my house.
Legion set forth to track and slay the remaining dragons of the
continent. Westemär is still recovering from the scars left behind
by its civil war and the fall of its capital. Many veterans of these Bonds
wars still remain ready to face new threats. 1 I have let too many people die in the war — it will not happen again.
Fighters are found among the Knights of the Silver Order
2 Family is the most important thing to me. I would die to
from Elyria, and aid on holy missions to track malfeasant
honor them.
wizards or to put an end to corruption caused by delerium.
The Eastern Vales, the Isles of Skye, or any of the other many 3 I made a promise to someone I loved dearly; I will not let
nations of the continent are filled with great warriors who aim to them down.
prove their might as they adventure around the world.
City guards and guilds often employ trained combatants who
yearn to protect the realms from evil. Bands of mercenaries and
the remnants of defeated armies from the continent’s many wars 1 I run head first into battle — no monster is a match for me!
often feel the need to take up arms once again, either for their 2 I constantly like to prove how strong and powerful I am and
own survival or in service to some greater power. make sure everyone around knows it.
A fighter can come from just about anywhere and be part 3 I will do whatever it takes to make sure my house comes out on
of any faction. Not all are noble with great causes. Some very top, no matter what.
skilled fighters have made entire careers of being hired blades.
Rumors are that an entire group of fighters make their money
as hirelings for the Amethyst Academy, and are paid well to do Personal Quest
their dirty work. Many of the knights of the Silver Order who do
1 I plan to attend the next Kingsmoot and see the famous Tower
not possess divine powers are fighters, still loyal to the Faith. of Swords and Rex Colosseum.
2 Many warriors have tried and failed to slay Amarodial the
Bitterheart of the Eastern Vales. I will be the one who finally does!
3 I wish to join the Scalebreaker Legion in Caspia.

“Caspian princes, veterans of the war, Elyrian

soldiers. Everyone seems to want to pick up a
sword and fight for something.”

158 Guide to Drakkenheim

Jupiter Jones

Between the nations of Westemär, Elyria, and Caspia there have
been countless wars fought. Many great knights, valiant soldiers,
and powerful combatants have tested their mettle against man
and monster alike. Amongst the brave there are always those who
are born to lead, and the Commander is just that. They stand
at the front of battle, uniting their allies and leading the charge
against their enemies.

Groomed for Leadership

3rd-level Commander feature
You gain proficiency in the History and Persuasion skills if you
don’t already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any
ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.

Battle Commands
3rd-level Commander feature
You can issue a battle command as a bonus action to an ally
within 120 feet of you who can hear you. Choose one of the
following commands:
h Fight On! The target regains a number of hit points equal to
1d10 + your fighter level. The creature can’t regain hit points
from this command again until it finishes a short or long rest.
h For Glory! The target can use their reaction to make a
melee or ranged weapon attack.
h Move It! The target can use their reaction to move up to
their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
h Never Falter! The target recovers from one charmed or
frightened condition. Once a creature benefits from this com-
mand, it can’t do so again until it finishes a short or long rest.

Fearless Commander Adaptive Strategy

7th-level Commander feature 15th-level Commander feature
You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, and you have When you issue a battle command, the targets gain advantage
advantage on saving throws against effects which charm or on their next attack roll or saving throw they make before the
frighten you. end of your next turn.

Coordinated Command Call to Action

10th-level Commander feature 18th-level Commander feature
When you issue a battle command on your turn, you can target At 18th level, when you use your Action Surge ability, instead
two allies instead of one. You can give both the same command of taking an additional action yourself, one ally you can see can
or a different command to each ally. Both targets must be within immediately take an additional turn immediately after you
120 feet of you. finish your turn.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 159

The bandits think they have found an easy score: an elderly woman
clad in white robes meditates alone by the cliffside by herself. Yet
this woman felt their approach before they even noticed her. As they Personality Traits
draw their blades, she stands to face them, alone, unarmed, and 1 I only speak when it is absolutely necessary that I do so.
unarmored. She deftly dispatches her assailants with hand and 2 I always have an anecdote to explain any situation.
foot, her strikes glowing bright with arcane energy. After they flee,
she breathes in deep and returns to her meditation. 3 I enjoy the beauty of this world and take every opportunity to
embrace it.

D Ideals
uring the age of the Arcane Empire, there was a revolt
against the rising Faith of the Sacred Flame. The sor-
cerer-kings destroyed many holy symbols and divinely 1 Open. I have much to learn from others, and I embrace every
empowered artifacts. The continent’s first monks were forged in opportunity to do so.
the rebellion against the sorcerer-kings, when a group of devout 2 Cunning. I know I am capable, and many who doubt me have
and faithful warriors channeled their divine powers into martial learned quickly not to do so.
practices. While these monks could not master true divine spell- 3 Suspicious. Question everything: nothing in this world is as it
casting, they discovered how the meditative disciplines merged seems, people especially.
with martial practices led them to a higher spiritual state.
These warrior-monks, imbued by the flame, led the devout
in a rebellion against the sorcerer-kings after the fall of Saint Bonds
Tarna. They sparked new hope into the Sacred Flame, when 1 The order of my faith or tradition has sent me and I must do
the sorcerer-kings thought they had squashed the rebellion by right by them.
seizing holy relics and outlawing divine magic.
2 I am fascinated by new places, and this is my first time leaving
In the time since the fall of the sorcerer-kings, the Faith has
my home.
built many monasteries. These locations are holy places where
monks train to harness the light of the flame through deep 3 I was exiled, and cannot return until I prove myself worthy.
meditation. They practice martial arts and follow the sacred
texts of the Flame. in their own way. The Isles of Skye houses
one of the largest and most notable monasteries to the Sacred Flaws
Flame, and many worshippers travel there to live a life in service 1 I am so devoted to my faith or tradition that it blinds me from
to the flame. Regardless of the faith they follow, monks dedicate seeing other points of view.
their lives to honing divine energy into themselves, perfecting 2 Sometimes I am so lost in meditation that I forget there are
their skills, mastering ancient combat techniques, and purifying others around me.
their body and mind. 3 I think less of the unconscious people who have not found the
While there are some ancient reports of druidic warriors who light within them.
could channel the natural elements into their fighting style,
most monks are dedicated to the Faith. Monks that meditate on
the powers of primal elements, or follow the Old Gods, might Personal Quest
very well be the first divine warriors of the lands. They share
1 I have traveled far in hopes of taking the Sacrament of the
a lot of similarity to barbarians in their ancient traditions and Falling Fire and joining their divine purpose.
paths, but with a dedication to control and calm, over brute
strength and rage. 2 I have heard a rumor of a temple of monks to the Sacred Flame
up in the Pale Teeth Mountains. I wish to visit their monastery.
3 I hope to travel to the Isles of Skye and find new traditions and
wisdom from the people there.

“I hear stories of distant monastaries and ancient

shrines that have unique religious traditions and
turn one’s body into a weapon. The religious folks
already have enough weapons!”

160 Guide to Drakkenheim

Way of the Arcane Hand
Monks who practice the Way of the Arcane Hand have
trained their bodies and souls to be attuned to the weave
of arcane magic. They can harness those cosmic energies
and use them to fuel their martial practices. Monks of this
tradition, although not mageborn, have gained control over
the rawest and most natural forms of power.

Erudite Education
3rd-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature
You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. Whenever you make an
Intelligence ability check, you gain a bonus to the check equal
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1).

3rd-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast spells. See
Spell Rules for the general rules of spellcasting and the Spells
Listing for the wizard spell list.

Arcane Focus
You can use a monk weapon as an arcane focus for your spellcasting.

You learn two cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list.
You learn an additional wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.

Spell Slots
The Way of the Arcane Hand Spellcasting table shows how
many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level
and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot
of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell thunderwave and
have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast
thunderwave using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since
You know three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice. you learn your spells through contemplation and meditation.
The Spells Known column of the Way of the Arcane Hand You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcast-
Spellcasting table shows when you learn more wizard spells of ing ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when
1st level or higher of a level for which you have spell slots. For setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and
instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn when making an attack roll with one.
one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice + your Wisdom modifier
from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
which you have spell slots. + your Wisdom modifier

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 161

Way of the Arcane Hand Spellcasting Arcane Empowerment
Monk Cantrips Spells — Spell Slots per Spell Level — 6th-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature
Level Known Known
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
While you are concentrating on a spell, you add twice the spell’s
3rd 2 3 2 — — — level to the damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and attacks
4th 2 4 3 — — —
made with monk weapons.

Focus Power
5th 2 4 3 — — —
6th 2 4 3 — — —
7th 2 5 4 2 — — 11th-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature
8th 2 6 4 2 — — When you cast a spell, you can expend ki points to increase
9th 2 6 4 2 — — the level of the spell as if you’d cast the spell using a higher-
level spell slot. You must use a spell slot as normal to cast the
10th 3 7 4 3 — — spell, then expend 1 ki point for each level you increase the
11th 3 8 4 3 — — spell in this way. You can increase the spell’s level higher than
your highest-level spell slot to a maximum level equal to your
12th 3 8 4 3 — —
proficiency bonus.
13th 3 9 4 3 2 — For example, if you’re an 11th-level Way of the Arcane Hand
14th 3 10 4 3 2 — monk, when you cast the spell scorching ray using a 2nd-level
spell slot, you could expend 2 ki points to cast the spell as 4th-
15th 3 10 4 3 2 —
level spell.
16th 3 11 4 3 3 —

Spell Resistance
11th-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature
19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
You have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical
20th 3 13 4 3 3 1
effects. Furthermore, you have resistance to damage from spells
and magical effects.
Eldritch Flurry
3rd-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature Meditative Casting
Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, you can cast 17th-level Way of the Arcane Hand feature
one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks. Starting at 17th level, when you cast a spell with a casting time
When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can cast a spell with of 1 action that requires your concentration, you can expend ki
a casting time of 1 action as a bonus action instead of making points equal to the spell’s level to modify the spell so that it does
unarmed strikes. Finally, when you use your action to cast a not require your concentration. Instead, the spell lasts up to 1
spell, you may treat this as taking an attack with a monk weap- minute, or its maximum duration, whichever is shorter.
on for the purposes of your other monk features.

162 Guide to Drakkenheim

Way of the Serpent
Master of the spear, this nimble warrior uses polearms not only as
a weapon, but as an extension of themselves, using their weapon to
amplify mobility, maneuverability, and combat. Like a snake in the
grass, the Way of the Serpent hones one’s ability to predict oncoming
attacks, deflect from a distance, and strike with deadly precision.

Serpent Style
3rd-level Way of the Serpent feature
You gain proficiency with the glaive, halberd, pike, trident, and
similar spears and polearms. These weapons count as monk
weapons for you, even if they have the heavy or two-handed
properties. Furthermore, your grace and mastery of these weap-
ons does not limit your ability to make unarmed strikes while
wielding a two-handed weapon.
While wielding a quarterstaff, spear, or trident in two hands,
that weapon gains the Reach property.

Serpent Spring
3rd-level Way of the Serpent feature
You can use polearm weapons to vault into the air. While you
are wielding a weapon with the Reach property, your jump Serpent Stances
distance is doubled. 11th-level Way of the Serpent feature
While wielding a weapon with the Reach property, when you
expend a ki point to use your Step of the Wind feature, your At the start of your turn, you can adopt a serpent stance
jump distance is instead tripled for the turn, and you gain ad- (no action required). When you do, choose one of the following
vantage on your next melee weapon attack you make this turn. serpent stances, which last until you are incapacitated or use this
feature again.

Serpent Strikes h Anaconda Stance. While using this stance, increase the
reach of your melee weapon attacks and unarmed strikes by
10 feet.
6th-level Way of the Serpent feature h Black Mamba Stance. While using this stance, once per
You learn the following techniques to augment your attacks: turn when you miss with a weapon attack, you may make an
h Cobra Strike. When a creature you can see moves into additional melee attack as part of the same action.
your reach, you can use your reaction to make one attack h Couatl Stance. While using this stance, you gain a flying
against that creature. speed equal to your walking speed.
h Python Strike. When you hit a creature with an h Marilith Stance. While using this stance, you can take one
opportunity attack, you can also use your Stunning Strike reaction on every turn in combat, instead of once each round.
on that attack without expending a ki point.
h Viper Strike. Once on your turn when you hit a creature
with a melee weapon attack, you can expend 1 or more ki Supreme Serpent
points, up to a number equal to your proficiency bonus.
The attack deals 1d6 poison damage, plus 1d6 additional 17th-level Way of the Serpent feature
poison damage per ki point spent, and the target is When you adopt a Serpent Stance, you can instead adopt two ser-
poisoned until the end of your next turn. pent stances at the same time, gaining the benefits of both effects.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 163

Gloria Hackfield lowers her visor and spurs on her griffon, soaring
through the cool skies as night falls upon the Witherbleach Desert.
Far across the rocky expanse, a fel light shines from a forlorn tower. Personality Traits
There, the malfeasant mages plot against the faithful souls of Elyria. 1 I do not respect those who do not share my faith and views. I
The knight-captain signals to her fellow paladins to fly into attack will suffer them, but they will know of their misguided notions
formation, and they draw their glimmering blades of blazing light. 2 I find the many varied faiths of this world fascinating and love
Tonight, justice will descend upon these wretched sorcerers ere their to hear stories about faiths besides my own
contaminated rituals come to fruition. 3 I am so dedicated to my oath and divine purpose that I see signs
and guidance in everyday moments.

egends of the Sacred Flame say Saint Tarna was the First
Paladin. During the reign of the sorcerer-kings, Tarna Ideals
turned away from her wicked ways and found redemption
1 Charity. I am a protector and a knight first and foremost. I will
by swearing the first sacred oath before the archangels Michael
always help those in need.
and Gabriella. She fought righteously against the darkness of her
time, and her martyrdom inspired the Faith of the Sacred Flame. 2 Dedication. I will prove my value to my faith through triumph
and glory.
Following her example, many have taken up the holy paladin’s
mantle and dedicated their lives to serve the Sacred Flame as 3 Power. Like Saint Tarna, I strive to be the greatest paladin, no
champions of justice and hope. matter what it takes.
Today, most paladins are valiant warriors who take divine
oaths and or venture forth on sacred missions, protecting the
innocent from the deadly extraplanar forces which threaten the Bonds
world. They are master combatants, but also devout worship- 1 I will protect Elyria and its faith at all costs.
pers who through meditation and practice are able to tap into 2 I strive to prove the importance of the Old Gods in this world,
divine magic. Many join knightly orders, such as the storied and show that faith in them is still relevant.
Silver Order of Elyria.
3 I saw the meteor that hit Drakkenheim and have been drawn to
Although the term “paladin” is most closely associated with
it ever since.
the Silver Order and the tales of Saint Tarna, the word has
been used to describe many outside the faith of the Sacred
Flame who follow similar traditions with different gods. The
dwarves of Ironhelm Ridge are defended by knightly protectors
who swear oaths to Danu and Gaibhne, and among the elven 1 Nothing I do is good enough. I feel I inadequately serve my faith
or god.
communities of Eladria are paladins devoted to Arwyn,
Morrigan, and Phantasia. 2 I justify my atrocities with faith and religious quotes.
3 I am easily obsessed with my goals and oaths.

Personal Quest
1 I want to follow the path of Saint Tarna and hope to meet the
angels she did in the Pale Teeth Mountains and be blessed by them.
2 I must meet Lucretia Mathias and take the sacrament of the
falling fire
3 It has been my lifelong goal to meet the Divine Matriarch in
person, and take up a holy quest given by her personally.

“Paladins are synonymous with mage-slayers in

my experience. I can’t say they are all bad, but
they have a reputation.”

164 Guide to Drakkenheim

Paladin: Bewitching Aura
Oath of Hexes 7th-level Oath of Hexes feature
You emit an eldritch aura out to a range of 10 feet. When an
Those who swear an oath of hexes are sworn to witch covens, fey enemy hits you or a creature within 10 feet of you with an attack,
creatures, and occult deities of magic, fate, and death. In exchange, you can use your reaction to force that enemy to make a Charisma
this sacred oath empowers paladins with fickle magic to curse those saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, you can
who would try to tempt fate or escape the ire of the Old Gods. magically redirect the attack to another creature of your choice
within 10 feet of you and within range of the attack. The new
target is hit by the attack and suffers all damage and effects.

Tenets of Hexes At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Serve the Occult. Deities with power over the future have
infused you with occult magic. Through your oath, you are
Reversal of Fortune
made a mortal vessel for their inscrutable will. 15th-level Oath of Hexes feature
Keeper of Secrets. This world harbors dark secrets which are
Whenever a creature scores a critical hit against you, the
best kept long forgotten. You stand as the protectors of those
next time you hit that creature with an attack, that attack
secrets, preventing them from falling into the hands of weak-
automatically becomes a critical hit.
willed mortals who would misuse them to evil ends.
Arbiter of Fate. The strands of fate were woven long ago, and
it is folly to fight them. Misfortune befalls all.
Show No Mercy. Though some think your strange powers are
Death Hex
dark or corrupted, you vanquish evil with the very curses and 20th-level Oath of Hexes feature
magics that they would use against you. Show no mercy to A creature afflicted by your Curse of Hexes or Curse of
those who resist their fate. Torment becomes vulnerable to all damage.

Oath Spells
3rd-level Oath of Hexes feature
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Oath of
Hexes Spells table. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how
oath spells work.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd hellish rebuke, hideous laughter, eldritch blast
5th invisibility, suggestion
9th bestow curse, fear
13th dimension door, polymorph
17th dominate person, mislead

Channel Divinity
3rd-level Oath of Hexes feature
You gain the following Channel Divinity options:
h Curse of Hexes. As an action, you curse one creature you
can see within 30 feet of you. When you curse a target, choose
an ability score. The chosen creature has disadvantage on
attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks using that ability
score for one minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls
unconscious. At the end of each of the cursed creature’s turns, it
can make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC.
On a successful save, the curse ends.
h Curse of Torment. As a bonus action, you curse one creature
you can see within 30 feet of you. Searing pain wracks the tar-
get for one minute. While suffering this pain, it takes necrotic
damage equal to your paladin level at the start of each of its
turns. Each time it takes this damage, it can make a Wisdom
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a successful save,
the pain ends.
Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 165
The silent ranger springs from her vantage point, loosing a
deftly aimed arrow at her quarry below. The strike lands
true, felling the mutated monster in a single shot. The ranger Personality Traits
gracefully swings to the next rooftop before the horrors below 1 I am calculating and precise in everything I do. I always have a plan.
notice their fallen brethren. 2 I am fascinated by the natural elements of the world and like to
take the time to learn from nature when I can.

3 I am skeptical of people and wary of false promises and
angers are a diverse group of skilled warriors who focus
masked kindness.
their abilities on subterfuge, using the environment to
their advantage, and navigating dangerous places. Often
separated from the heavily armored knights and soldiers, rangers
stick to the fringes of society and are often seen as lone travelers
who spent time surviving the wilds, or living amongst a druidic 1 Honor. I strive to uphold the ideals of my faction or people and
everything I do is to help them.
circle for a time. Rangers might be guerilla operatives of military
organizations, bringing inventive tactics and skills to the battle- 2 Change. The world is constantly changing, we either embrace it
field, or protecting innocent people from the beasts and monsters or die.
occupying the untamed wilds of the continent. 3 Nature. Upholding the natural order of the world is more
On the continent and beyond there are many skilled important than the petty dealings of us mortals.
survivalists who travel to see the great sights, exploring the
world to learn or adventure. These outlanders live a life on the
road, venturing from location to location and aspiring to remain Bonds
outside of society as nothing more than a wanderer. Some are 1 My life is lived in service of helping the world recover from its fall
simple survivors who lost their home to war or disaster, and are from grace, and to do my part to re-establish the balance of nature.
simply trying to reclaim what was lost to them. 2 I would die for my friends, family, or faction. I will support them
Many elven rangers hail from the Isles of Skye, protecting in their cause no matter what.
their sacred lands or traveling to see what the rest of the world
3 My skills at navigating dangerous environments and surviving
has to offer. The Jungles of Terene have a great force of warriors
the deadly places of the world are not to be wasted. I offer
who use the environments of the jungle, and commune with the myself to the service of those who need me.
animals who live there. Sometimes these jungle warriors ride
fierce beasts into battle as mounts or fight alongside them.
In Westemär, the Hooded Lanterns represent the remnants of Flaws
the guards of Drakkenheim and the military sent to investigate
1 My overconfidence makes me reckless in the face of danger.
the ruins. These rangers are more attuned to urban survival.
They are military strategists, able to navigate ruins and rubble 2 I am slow to trust others. I believe everyone lies and cheats for
with ease, move swiftly through dangerous monster infested their own ends.
landscapes and get the drop on their enemies. 3 I never feel calm or safe due to a life lived in the military
Rangers are known to be resourceful and practical, mastering traversing the dangerous places in the world.
a wide range of martial and wilderness survival skills. Seeking
every advantage they can, rangers often dabble in practical
spellcasting. However, a ranger’s magic comes not from their Personal Quest
own power, but through knowledge of how to use material 1 I wish to join the Clawstrider Rangers of Terene and learn to ride
components, herbs, tools, traps, and natural conditions to great lizards as they do.
invoke a bit of spontaneous magic from the environment itself. 2 I want to see Eladria for myself and see the creatures of the
Occasionally, a ranger might master a true low-level spell taught Faerie Otherworlds with my own eyes.
to them after helping a local druid or witch.
3 I have been searching the world for an heir to the throne of

166 Guide to Drakkenheim

Petra and Ansom Lang

Urban Ranger
Urban rangers are less accustomed to nature and the wilds, but
to the rooftops and guerilla tactics of city warfare. Training
for maneuverability and stealth amongst ruined buildings, and
twisting streets, these rangers are at home amongst the ruins and
rubble. They are agile runners, skilled snipers, and always able to
know where the best vantage points against their enemies are.

Urban Ranger Magic

3rd-level Urban Ranger feature
You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in
this class, as shown in the Urban Ranger Spells table. The spell
counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the
number of ranger spells you know.
Ranger Level Spell
3rd feather fall
5th invisibility
9th haste
13th dimension door
17th animate objects

Gutter Runner
3rd-level Urban Ranger feature
You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed, and profi-
ciency in the Athletics and Acrobatic skills if you don’t already
have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check
you make that uses either of those proficiencies.
In addition, when you take the Dash action on your turn, you
can move through other creature’s spaces without penalty (but
not stop there). When you do, your movement doesn’t provoke
opportunity attacks.

Vantage Point
3rd-level Urban Ranger feature
When you make a ranged weapon attack against a creature, you
gain advantage on the attack roll if there are no other creatures Perfect Position
within 5 feet of that target, or if you are 20 feet or more above
the target and that creature doesn’t have cover. 11th-level Urban Ranger feature
When you attack a creature with the benefits of your Vantage

Rooftop Mobility Point feature, you deal an additional 2d6 damage to the target,
and score a critical hit on a d20 roll of 19–20.
7th-level Urban Ranger feature
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you can take Sitting Duck
the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn. In addition,
you have mastered the means to propel yourself forwards and 15th level Urban Ranger feature
upwards when you move and climb. When you take the Dash Once on your turn, when you hit a creature that did not move
action on your turn, your jumping distance increases to match on its last turn with a ranged weapon attack, that attack
your movement speed. automatically becomes a critical hit.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 167

A caravan stops before the gates of Drannsmund. The stern guard
examines the scruffy driver. “What you bringing in today?” he
asks. The driver calmly replies, “Nothing but some provisions, Personality Traits
spices, and mead, good sir.” After passing inspection, the caravan 1 I trust my skills and cunning over anyone else’s.
veers down a back alley towards a secret hideout. The driver 2 I enjoy keeping an air of mystery around my past and my goals.
smiles as he opens a hidden latch in the wagon, revealing a
compartment loaded with stolen goods and delerium crystals. 3 I thrive on outwitting those around me.

anging from scoundrels and thieves hiding in the
underbelly of cities, to swashbuckling sailors navi- 1 Redemption. Every scoundrel and criminal has a story and a
gating the diamond sea or rough pirates plundering reason for their path.
and scavenging through the Middle Sea, rogues are plentiful 2 Greed. To acquire wealth, live in splendor, and grow old and fat
and versatile. They might be members of organized guilds or is my dream.
military strike teams specialized in covert operations, or crime
3 Loyalty. I respect and trust my friends or faction to the end.
lords ruling from the shadows. Rogues have some elements in Everyone else I will stab in the back without thinking, but
common though. They are quiet and deadly combatants, who never them.
are skilled at taking out their chosen target.
The Jaggers of Caspia are well known for training noble rogues
who hold high reputation amongst their people, and are called Bonds
upon for stealth strikes or assassinations in Caspia’s many wars. 1 There are many secret and ancient places in this world filled
Elyria has a known underbelly of scoundrels operating in the with lost treasure ripe for plundering.
shadows, plotting just below the surface of their pristine city of
2 I must clear my name of the horrible crimes I have been accused
Lumen. In Westemär the gangs of thieves, bandits, and ruffians
of in the nation I came from.
have banded together under the guidance of a Queen of Thieves
who has organized an army of rogues into a dangerous force. 3 There is a debt that I have to pay off before the bounty hunters
Rogues and scoundrels have been making their fortunes catch up to me.
recently by the smuggling of delerium, the dangerous rocks fetch
a high price, and many mages and distant lands want in on the
power these crystals contain, and so the smuggling operations of
rogues have been running rampant through the continent. 1 I just can’t stop lying.
Rogues can hail from any nation, and work for any 2 If I see something of value, I really feel like it would be better in
organization. The Hooded Lanterns, and many military my possession.
organizations use rogues for covert operations and scouting. 3 I am beholden to a strict set of rules that help me survive. I never
Some work as mercenaries for anyone who needs something stray from them.
done quietly. A rogue might be a noble duelist, or a streetwise
survivor. They could be a smuggler, thief, or a skilled assassin
looking for their next contract. Personal Quest
1 I plan to steal a painting from the Conservatory of Creation
in Liberio.
2 I hope to join (or kill) the Queen of Thieves and become
her lieutenant (or supplant her entirely).
3 I was hired by a mysterious benefactor to steal the relics hidden
under the Cathedral of Saint Tarna in Elyria, and have been
offered more wealth than I can even imagine.

“Never trust a rogue! Never trust paladins or clerics

either. Maybe just don’t trust people.”

168 Guide to Drakkenheim

Rogue: Slip Past
Smuggler 9th-level Smuggler feature
You can move through another creature’s space, including
Whenever someone has something of value, usually illegal, that hostile creatures, without penalty when you take the Dash or
they need delivered discreetly, they call a smuggler. These rogues are Disengage action on your turn.
experts at concealing, stealing, and blending in unnoticed to the When you do so, you gain advantage on attack rolls against
common folk. They are also uniquely skilled at turning opportunities any creature whose space you moved through this turn.
around when things are not going their way, and using whatever
means necessary to achieve their goals. These slippery rogues are
crafty and cunning and should not be underestimated.
Never Tell Me the Odds
13th-level Smuggler feature
Sometimes when the odds seem against you is the exact right
Pack Rat moment to pull a fast one on your foes, using the chaos to get in
a vital strike.
3rd-level Smuggler feature You can still apply your Sneak Attack even when you have
Provided you have your hands free, you can retrieve and stow disadvantage on the attack roll, so long as you meet the other
handheld items or weapons on your person as part of the action conditions for making a Sneak Attack.
you use them (including the Attack action).
You have accumulated a collection of miscellaneous gear,
which you conceal on your person for emergencies. This gear
Smuggled Spells
is kept in a bag, jacket, or backpack that you carry with you. 17th-level Smuggler feature
You can retrieve any nonmagical, inanimate item detailed in
the Adventuring Gear section of the Core Rules with a value Beginning at 17th level, you can store spells cast by other
of 25 gp or less and weighing less than 10 pounds. You may creatures in your bag. Your bag can store up to 6 levels worth of
use this feature to retrieve a number of items equal to your spells at a time.
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into your
you finish a long rest. bag by touching the bag as the spell is cast. The spell has no
Though otherwise functional, objects retrieved using this effect, other than to be stored in your bag. If your bag can’t hold
feature are visibly worthless junk. the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the
slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.
Alternatively, you can place a spell scroll in the bag. The spell
Tricks of the Trade is cast and stored in your bag and the spell scroll is destroyed.
You can cast any spell stored in your bag. The spell uses the slot
3rd-level Smuggler feature level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability
You gain proficiency with the disguise kit, land vehicles, and of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the
water vehicles. spell. The spell cast from the bag is no longer stored in it, freeing
Whenever you make an ability check related to smuggling up space.
or concealing objects you add double your proficiency bonus to
the check.
If you are driving a wagon, boat, or other vehicle with which
you are proficient, you know tricks and modifications that you
can make to build simple smuggler compartments in almost any Blackjack Mel
vehicle. After one hour of work, you can conceal up to one-
quarter of the maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle at the
Game Master’s discretion. It takes one hour of work to modify
a Large or smaller vehicle, eight hours to modify a huge vehicle,
and two days to modify a Gargantuan or larger vehicle.

Blend Into the Crowd

3rd-level Smuggler feature
You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by two
or more creatures that aren’t hostile to you. Those creatures must
be within 5 feet of each other and at least your size or larger.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 169

The strange cloaked figure grasps a fragment of Delerium with his
bare hands as it burns and melds into his flesh. He winces from
the coursing pain as his veins bulge and his eyes illuminate with Personality Traits
an eldritch glow. A ripple of eldritch energy blasts towards the 1 I am endlessly curious, especially when it comes to unique magic
sorcerer’s would-be attackers, and some are melted into puddles and otherworldly oddities.
upon the ground, others warped into stone, glass, or wood, while 2 I strive to do good in this world, but constantly feel like my
more are just blown away like dust in the wind. . magic is a problem and not a solution.
3 I consider myself clever and cunning. I can always talk my way

out of a situation.
sorcerer is a mortal born with the innate ability to tap into
otherworldly and extraplanar magic. The mageborn trait
is passed on through the generations. Some sorcerers come Ideals
from long lines of powerful arcanists — some even descended
1 Legacy. I must leave my mark on this world as a great spellcaster.
from powerful lines of mages tracing back to the sorcerer-kings of
old — while others are wild talents, manifesting the latent poten- 2 Power. There is new power forming in this world, and I must
tial long dormant in their families. Others gain the trait through harness it.
magical or mysterious circumstances encountered at birth or a 3 Redemption. I once wielded my magic irresponsibly and harmed
very young age. others using it. I must correct the mistakes I made.
Most sorcerers manifest their powers by puberty. These
spells and magical effects are often chaotic and destructive,
and most young sorcerers have trouble controlling their powers Bonds
until they receive proper training. As such, the mages of the 1 I hope to rise the ranks of my faction and be one of the best.
Amethyst Academy devote considerable resources to locating
2 There are secrets of magic hidden from me that I must discover.
those with sorcerous potential. By law, the Academy can take
children as young as age six as wards. Those who take well to 3 I hope to gain the trust and love of my family.
Academy education learn to refine their natural talents and
become wizards. However, others struggle with such methods,
or are not found until late puberty by the purple-robed mages. Flaws
This enables their true sorcerous potential to flourish, and 1 I am a risk taker, even when it puts others in danger.
with less restraint and discipline, their magic diverges from the
2 My big mouth constantly gets me in trouble.
techniques of wizards, though shares the same origin. They
choose emotion, drive, and intuition in place of advanced study, 3 I enjoy showing off my magical potency a bit too much.
relying on their training to hone their skills to a level of control
so they are no longer a danger to themselves or others.
Amongst the Amethyst Academy, most sorcerers become field Personal Quest
agents, investigators, and ambassadors rather than researchers 1 The elven ruins scattered around the continent hold many
and instructors, giving up academics for a purpose to use their magical secrets waiting to be uncovered. I must visit the Elvenmire
skills more readily. Nevertheless, as mageborn, sorcerers are in Westemär, Eladria in Skye, and the lost temples in Terene.
beholden to the terms of the Edicts of Lumen. 2 I will sit on the directorate of the Amethyst Academy, one way
or another.
3 I plan to learn and master all contaminated magic.

“Sorcerers are obviously above and beyond the

coolest people you will ever meet.”

170 Guide to Drakkenheim

Delerium Soul
Delerium is naturally drawn to magic and can twist and
augment its presence in unnatural and unpredictable ways. Some
who ventured into the ruins of Drakkenheim are twisted by the
eldritch powers and emerge infused with contaminated energies.
They become a living vessel for the Arcane Anomalies and
twisting realities found within the ruins.

Delerium Spells
1st-level Delerium Soul feature
Imbued with the eldritch power of delerium, your magic is
fundamentally contaminated. You learn additional spells when
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Delerium
Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for
you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells
you know.
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell
you gained from this feature with another spell of the same
level. The new spell must be a contaminated spell.

Sorcerer Level Spell

1st comet shards*, faerie fire
3rd controlled mutation*, grasping ghost*
5th vanish to the space between worlds*, weave the elder sign*
siphon time*, summon delerium elemental*
contaminated hand*, wall of force
Incomprehensible Arcana
14th-level Delerium Soul feature

Mutant Manifestation You can tap into contaminated energy to cast a spell you do not
know. You can cast any spell from any class spell list. The spell
must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and you must
1st-level Delerium Soul feature expend a spell slot as normal. Casting the spell uses the spell’s
When you finish a long rest, you can choose to roll twice on the normal casting time, and if the spell has material components, you
Mutations table (see page 231), and must select one of the results. must provide those components as normal. As part of casting the
You gain that mutation, which remains until you finish a long rest, spell, but before the spell takes effect, you gain a number of Con-
even if you don’t currently have any contamination levels. tamination Levels equal to half the spell’s level, rounded down
(minimum of one). You can’t prevent or reduce these Contamina-

Contaminated Sorcery tion Levels by any means, but you can remove them as normal.

6th-level Delerium Soul feature Chaos Theory

When you cast a contaminated spell, you can cast it by
expending a spell slot as normal or by spending a number of 18th-level Delerium Soul feature
sorcery points equal to the spell’s level. If you cast the spell Once per turn when you make an attack roll, ability check, or
using sorcery points, you don’t gain a Contamination Level by saving throw, you can choose to trigger an Arcane Anomaly (see
casting the spell, and if the spell requires delerium as a material page 233). If you do, you make that roll with advantage. You
component, it is not consumed by the spell. In addition, casting can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma
a contaminated spell in this manner immediately causes an modifier (minimum once). You regain all expended uses when
Arcane Anomaly (see page 233). you finish a long rest.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 171

The woman lowers her hood as she wades into the water, revealing
her hairless head, pitch black eyes, and markings across her flesh
like healed acid burns. She gasps and raises her hands into the Personality Traits
air, invoking the name of her deep patron. Her eyes widen, and 1 My familiar is an avatar of my patron. It speaks only to me and I
the flesh on her neck begins to shift into gills, her face moves and obey its commands.
bubbles forming fish-like features. Bones break then reset into new 2 Being born without magic, I constantly try to show my magical
shapes, as skin sloughs off to expose glistening scales and webbed capabilities and strengths.
membranes form between fingers and toes. 3 My thirst for more magical power is unquenchable.

I Ideals
t is believed that warlocks were the first arcane spellcasters.
Long before the rise of the sorcerer-kings, the first people
to acquire arcane spellcasting were humans who sought out 1 Power. The strive for further power is the most important thing
in this world.
eldritch pacts with demons, angels, fey, dragons, and entities from
distant realms for survival during an age of endless winter mil- 2 Acceptance. All the people of this world deserve to be treated
lennia ago. From these pacts, their blood was tainted with arcane with respect and acceptance.
power and their children were the first mageborn. 3 Change. We must push for change, and accept it as part of life.
In the modern world, most warlocks emerge due to either
necessity, curiosity, or unfortunate accident. Many become
warlocks not because they sought out an eldritch patron Bonds
intentionally, but because these entities approached them in a 1 My patron has promised me great magical secrets if I continue
desperate moment with an offer of power. Others become war- to obey them.
locks because they crave the potential that magic wields. Moti-
2 My parents are great wizards, and I will prove to them I can be a
vated by jealousy and greed, these warlocks often fall under
great spellcaster as well.
the influence of fiendish and diabolical patrons seeking mortal
pawns to advance their wicked schemes. Other warlocks are 3 My patron wishes to enter this realm and I will help them do so.
children of mageborn parents who hold no capabilities for
magic, and forge an eldritch pact to live up to the expectations
of their magical family members. On rare occasions, unknow- Flaws
able beings from far realms seek out individuals to use as their 1 My curiosity and desire for power constantly cause me problems.
chosen ones, and grant them powers in exchange for service. 2 I am quick to anger when conversations about me not being
Warlocks with malevolent patrons typically avoid the mageborn come up.
Amethyst Academy. Due to the nature of how warlocks acquire
3 I hear voices, they tell me to burn things.
their powers — often as adults — it’s extraordinarily rare to find
a young warlock among the student body. Furthermore, since
a warlock’s eldritch patron acts as their mentor and instructor
in magic, many warlocks may feel they have little to learn from
Personal Quest
Academy professors. 1 I hope to find Thin Places and use them to learn from my
Nevertheless, the Amethyst Academy cautiously welcomes patron. I must visit the Isles of Skye, Drakkenheim, and the
jungles of Terene.
warlocks into their ranks, as often a warlock’s unique connection
to an extraplanar entity can bring valuable arcane knowledge. 2 I must prove to the Amethyst Academy that I am worthy of
Experienced Academy instructors understand how a warlock’s climbing the ranks of their organization.
relationship with their patrons can be dangerous or problematic, 3 I hope to open a rift between worlds in Drakkenheim to allow
but also that a warlock will always produce mageborn children. my patron into this world.
In some cases, Academy professors monitor these ties to distant
beings amongst their students and faculty, but for the most part,
warlocks are treated as equals to the great sorcerers and wizards
of the world.

“Many Warlocks seem seems to be really obsessed with

weird unknown entities, or even just their pet cat.
It’s deeply troubling the lengths they will go for
what may or may not be a demon.”

172 Guide to Drakkenheim

Shooting Stars
1st-level Cosmic patron feature
Warlock: Beginning at first level, you learn the eldritch blast cantrip if you

Cosmic Patron
don’t know it already. It doesn’t count against the number of
warlock cantrips you know. When you cast eldritch blast, you
can have it deal radiant damage instead of force damage.
Some warlocks gain their eldritch power from the very cosmos,
answering to entities of space, the constellations, planets, and
moons. A warlock swearing fealty to a Cosmic patron typically
Cosmic Guidance
believes they speak to gods, or god-like beings, but these entities 1st-level Cosmic patron feature
are shrouded in mystery, their appearance incomprehensible and You can speak, read, and write Celestial and Deep Speech. In
horrible, and their divine power is bestowed into the warlock from addition, you learn the guidance cantrip. It doesn’t count against
the stars and galaxies beyond. the number of warlock cantrips you know. Additionally, you
may cast the spell augury once without expending a spell slot.
You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Expanded Spell List
1st-level Cosmic patron feature Orbit
The Cosmos lets you choose from an expanded list of spells 6th-level Cosmic patron feature
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added Once per turn when you miss a creature with eldritch blast, the
to the warlock spell list for you. beam returns to you as an orbiting comet around your head.
While you have an orbiting comet, you can absorb its energy to do
Spell Level Spell the following:
1st magic missile, faerie fire h Cosmic Power. Once on your turn when you cast eldritch

2nd moonbeam, scorching ray blast, you can consume one orbiting comet to fire an
additional beam.
3rd blink, spirit guardians h Interception. You can use your reaction to intercept a
4th fire shield, wall of fire melee or ranged attack, gaining resistance to the damage
from that attack.
5th flame strike, greater restoration
h Lightspeed. As a bonus action, you can consume a comet to
teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
You can have a maximum number of orbiting comets equal to
Cosmic Attributes your proficiency bonus. As long as you have comets, you glow
with bright light out to 20 feet, and dim light for an additional
1st-level Cosmic patron feature 10 feet. The comets last until you finish a short or long rest, or
You take on an otherworldly cosmic appearance or essence. until you dismiss them (no action required).
Choose one or more of the attributes listed below, decide your
own, or roll randomly to determine how the cosmic powers
bestowed into you take form.
Meteoric Impact
10th-level Cosmic patron feature
1 Your eyes become pools of inky black with small galaxies floating
within them. To look into them is as if floating through the
Once per turn when you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you
cosmos lost in the void of space. can cause the beam to explode. Each creature within 10 feet of
the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6
2 Your touch becomes cold as ice and your skin becomes pale.
Some might think you undead or sickly. You appear as if you had fire damage.
died in the cold of space. The damage increases to 4d6 damage at 14th level, and to
3 Your voice has a slight echoing nature to it. As if there is more 5d6 damage at 17th level.
than one entity speaking through you. Your own voice is most
prominent but when listening carefully one can make out a
chorus of celestial voices speaking through you. Supernova
4 You give off a faint smell of ozone — acrid and sulfuric, as if light-
ning had just struck nearby. It seems unnatural and otherworldly. 14th-level Cosmic patron feature
5 You develop a third eye in the middle of your forehead that is Charged by the energy of the stars, you gain additional benefits
unblinking, and seems to pierce into people’s minds as it stares from the otherworldly entities lurking in the deep void of space.
upon them. h When you cast eldritch blast, you can fire one additional beam.
6 Your veins glow with a soft radiant light, giving you the appear- h Whenever you score a critical hit with eldritch blast, you can use
ance of a walking constellation of stars and cosmic energy. your Meteoric Impact feature an additional time that turn.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 173

Warlock: Body Modification
Flesh Patron 6th-level Flesh Patron feature
When you choose your reshaped form, you can choose any two
A Warlock of the Flesh has made a pact with an entity so alien and options available to you.
unknown that its mere existence is enough to cause madness in most You gain the following additional options when you take on a
people. These warlocks have allowed an alien entity to inhabit their reshaped form.
bodies, answering to some ancient and eldritch thing from beyond Gelatin Bones. Your skin looks loose and saggy as you struggle
comprehension. This entity creates a symbiotic relationship with the to maintain your structure. You can now fit into spaces as small as
host, granting them powers while reshaping and twisting their form. one inch in diameter and gain advantage on Stealth checks.
Change Appearance. You transform your appearance. You
decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial

Expanded Spell List features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distin-
guishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as
a member of another race, though none of your statistics change.
1st-level Flesh Patron feature You can’t appear as a creature of a different size than you, and
The Flesh lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when your basic shape stays the same. For example, if you’re bipedal,
you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the you can’t use this spell to become quadrupedal.
warlock spell list for you. Combat Instincts. You can attack twice, instead of once,
when you take the Attack action on your turn. In addition, your
Spell Level Spell natural weapons and unarmed strikes are considered magical for
the purposes of overcoming resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
1st jump, shield
and slashing damage.
2nd enhance ability, enlarge/reduce Spider Claws. Your hands and feet grow strange mucus-
3rd haste, slow slicked insectoid features that allow you to climb surfaces. You
4th black tentacles, polymorph gain a climb speed equal to your walk speed and can stick to
ceilings as well without needing to make an ability check.
5th greater restoration, reincarnate

Unarmored Defense Physiological Mastery

10th-level Flesh Patron feature
1st-level Flesh Patron feature
You gain the following additional options when you take on a
While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC reshaped form.
equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. Aerial Adaptation. Feathered or batlike wings rip out of
your back, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Reshape Flesh Toxic Fumes. A cloud of noxious gas seeps from your
pores, you appear sickly, and green slime oozes from your
1st-level Flesh Patron feature pores. You have disadvantage on Charisma checks while in this
As an action, you can take on a reshaped form, which lasts form, but any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of you
until you become incapacitated, use an action to change back, takes 2d6 poison damage and has disadvantage on attack rolls
or use this feature again. When you do, choose from one of the against you.
reshaped forms below: Hardened Skin. You gain resistance to bludgeoning,
Inverse Kneecaps. Your legs become more powerful, and piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons.
your knees now bend the opposite direction. While in this form,
you increase your walking speed by 10 feet, and you can double
your long and high jump distance.
Unfathomable Horror
Aquatic Attributes. You grow gills and your skin becomes 14th-level Flesh Patron feature
slimy, the flesh between your fingers and toes becomes webbed.
While in this form, you can breathe underwater, and gain a You can choose any three available options when you transform
swimming speed equal to your walking speed. using your Reshape Flesh feature. Additionally, you are immune
Natural Weapons. You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns,
to any spell or effect that would alter your form against your will.
or a different natural weapon of your choice. Your unarmed
strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage,
as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose, and you
are proficient with your unarmed strikes. You can use your “More and more, I become less surprised by the
Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls. bizarre and unfathomable creatures tearing their
The damage of your unarmed strikes increases as you gain way into our world.”
levels in this class: 2d6 damage beginning at 10th level, and 3d6
damage at 14th level.

174 Guide to Drakkenheim

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 175
Consult page nine-hundred and forty nine of the Book of Known
Spells. Study carefully how ancient Xel’vohca describes the precise
gestures of this most famous spell; note the position of the index Personality Traits
finger in relation to the thumb; should the angle be off by more 1 I am always buried in books, and distracted easily by a good
than two degrees, the spell fails. In your other hand, crush the library or bookshelf.
components between your middle finger and palm in a counter- 2 I use big words and complicated explanations to show my
clockwise fashion. Hold in your mind the image of ash, while you vast intellect.
feel the heat in your heart. It is only then that you speak the word 3 I ignore niceties and polite social queues and just say what
that sets the spell in motion: “Fire!” I am thinking, or what I think others won’t say.

izards are mageborn who have honed their magical tal-
ents through Academy study and careful practice from Ideals
a young age. Though their magical powers originate in
1 Inclusion. I strive to make the world better for mageborn.
the same manner as a sorcerer — through bloodlines and lineages
— a wizard’s training tames their inborn chaotic and unpredict- 2 Education. To share knowledge and wisdom is the greatest good
able sorcerous abilities, allowing them to master a wider range of one can do.
spells through disciplined techniques. Like sorcerers, the Ame- 3 Secrecy. There are things about this world that should be kept
thyst Academy seeks out those with magical potential and brings from ordinary people for their own safety.
them under their guardianship around the age of six, though their
full magical training does not begin until puberty.
On the continent, a wizard’s strictly controlled instruction Bonds
is carried out exclusively by the Amethyst Academy. It is not 1 My mentor taught me all I know. I aspire to make them proud.
enough for a mageborn to learn this craft from a spellbook alone.
2 I must learn the secret spells of this world and take my place as
Wizardly education demands years of apprenticeship under a
one of the wizards of legend.
careful mentor, and includes physical and mental conditioning
alongside guided study of complex arcane theories and formulae. 3 I know I am smart enough to aid in solving the problems
As a result, a wizard who was not raised and trained within the plaguing this world.
Amethyst Academy is almost unheard of. Although very rare,
travelers from distant lands outside the reach of the Academy
have shown up with advanced knowledge of arcane spellcasting.
There are tales of other organizations and rival schools across the 1 I am always the smartest person in the room and will make
ocean who have their own practices and studies to train wizards sure everyone knows.
in arcane magic. 2 I trust myself, and rarely anyone else.
Once a wizard has completed their apprenticeship, it is up to 3 I am easily distracted and a bit scatterbrained.
them to decide whether or not they wish to advance within the
ranks of the Amethyst Academy or depart to pursue their own
interests. Those who strive to climb the ranks of the Academy
can access fantastic resources and vast libraries of magical
Personal Quest
lore, but are required to work under the strict hierarchy of the 1 I wish to visit every Academy stronghold on the continent and
learn every spell kept within.
bureaucratic organization.
Other wizards are appointed to noble courts, and spend 2 I plan to be the next student of the great dragon Opularis, I will
their days as advisors to the nobility, and some set up their prove to them that I am worthy no matter what.
own shops to peddle arcane services. The most adventurous 3 One of the members of the Academy Directorate wrongfully
mages travel the world in search for new magics, people, places, expelled me, I will prove to them their error, or destroy them.
and ancient artifacts. Many of the great libraries of the world
house Academy-trained wizards who dedicate themselves to
the uncovering and protection of lore and history, keeping
records and details of world events, and non-magical study,
these wizards are responsible for making sure that all magical
texts and spell books are sent to academy strongholds for proper “Look at me, I’m a fancy wizard, I study all day
safeguarding and study. and never use my magic outside a classroom, but
Whether or not they remain within the Academy hierarchy, I’m going to tell everyone I’m so much better
all mageborn must abide the rules of the Edicts of Lumen. than other spellcasters! Go back to your books
Those who do not are declared malfeasants, and hunted by you book worm.”
mages and paladins alike.

176 Guide to Drakkenheim

Wizard: need to gain 12 Contamination Levels to undergo a Monstrous
Malfeasant Transformation, instead of 6.
In the same manner, when checking to see if you develop a
mutation when you gain a new Contamination Level, you are
The path of the Malfeasant wizard unlocks eldritch abilities lesser treated as having a number of Contamination Levels equal
spellcasters consider to be unnatural. Malfeasant wizards flout to half your current Contamination Level instead, rounded
the restrictions of the Amethyst Academy which bar such forbidden down. For example, if you gained 4 Contamination Levels,
magic. As a result, most hide from the Academy and the Silver you would only develop a new mutation if the result of the 1d6
Order, having been expelled from the school for their pursuit of roll is 2 or lower.
such dark and dangerous magic. Note that if you have six or more contamination levels, being
subject to the purge contamination* spell will cause you to gain
six (or more) levels of exhaustion, and you’ll die as a result.

Forbidden Study
2nd-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
Expel Contaminants
Whenever you gain a wizard level, you can add one Contam- 6th-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
inated Spell to your spellbook. This is in addition to the two You’ve discovered an arcane method to safely discharge eldritch
wizard spells you normally learn. pollutants from your own body. Whenever you finish a long rest,
You don’t need to research or discover the spell beforehand, you can reduce your Contamination Level by an amount equal
instead developing the spell as a result of your own research. to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

Horrific Potential Contaminated Casting

2nd-level Malfeasant Wizard feature 10th-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
If you undergo a Monstrous Transformation, the form chosen You can gain Contamination Levels to empower your spells.
by the Game Master must have a Challenge Rating equal to at Whenever you cast a spell which has increased effects from
least half your level (rounded down), but can’t have a Challenge being cast using a higher-level spell slot, you can increase the
Rating greater than your level. spell’s level without expending a higher-level spell slot. For
each level you increase the spell’s level in this way, you gain 1

Anomalous Materials Contamination Level.

For example, if you wanted to cast the 3rd-level spell fireball
as if it was a 5th-level spell, you could expend a 3rd-level spell
2nd-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
slot and gain 2 Contamination Levels instead.
You’ve learned how to cast Contaminated Spells while shielding You can’t use this feature on a Contaminated Spell, nor to
yourself from their harmful energies. increase a spell’s level higher than your highest level spell slot.
You don’t gain a Contamination Level when you cast
a Contaminated Spell. Any delerium required as material
components for the spell isn’t consumed when you cast the spell Stabilizing Focus
in this way, but you must still provide those components.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your 10th-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when While you are concentrating on a spell, you ignore the
you finish a long rest. Symptoms of any Contamination Levels you have gained,
except for a Monstrous Transformation.

Increased Threshold
6th-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
Apotheosis in Flesh
Your dedicated long-term exposure to eldritch contamination 14th-level Malfeasant Wizard feature
has inured your body to its effects, and you can withstand a If you undergo a Monstrous Transformation, you maintain
greater accumulation of contamination. control over your new form for 1 minute.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws and Unless you die, you revert back to your original form after
resistance to necrotic damage. 24 hours. When you assume your original form, you gain the
When determining which Symptoms apply to you as a result benefits of a long rest and all Contamination Levels are removed
of gaining Eldritch Contamination, you are treated as having from you.
a number of Contamination Levels equal to half your current The Game Master determines what memories you retain
Contamination Level instead, rounded down. For example, from your transformation, if any. Regardless, the harrowing
if you gained 5 Contamination Levels, you would only suffer experience will haunt you in your nightmares forever, and you
the Symptoms of Contamination Level 2. Thus, you would gain one form of Drakkenheim Madness (see page 231).

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 177

Tools and Tool Feats
D Occultist’s Tools
etailed below are several new tool kits that can be
used to enhance your game and bring new concepts
and ideas to life. The world of Drakkenheim is a grim This blood red case has three locks on it and a ring of keys.
place full of cosmic horror and dark fantasy. These tools and Inside is a sacrificial ornamental dagger, a shrunken head, a
tool feats look to explore the professions and expertise of many book of prayers in a dead language, a talisman representing an
who dwell in the setting. entity of unknown origin, a small statue of a bizarre being, three
vials of blood, a set of incense and a censer, a chalice, a mortar

New Tool Kits and pestle and some dried herbs and flowers. Proficiency with
this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks
you make to determine the presence of celestials, fey, or fiends.
Characters may purchase these tool kits for 50 gp.
Each weighs 5 lbs.
Cosmologist’s Tools
Investigator’s Kit This small lockbox contains a star map, a scroll of known
This small black satchel contains a spyglass, a notebook and constellations, an armillary sphere, sun dial, astrolabe, and a
a quill, pliers, tongs, a small blade, and a magnifying glass. spyglass. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency
Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus bonus to any ability checks you make to determine time of
to any ability checks you make to investigate a crime scene, day, location, or direction, as well as recalling any relevant
examine a dead body, or spy on someone from a distance. information related to stars, cosmos, gods, or planes.

Vampire Hunter’s Case Doctor’s Bag

This small wooden briefcase is engraved with holy glyphs and con- This black leather medical bag contains a magnifying glass,
tains 3 vials of holy water, a wooden stake, a mallet, a small book of pliers, a needle and thread, a jar of leeches, a bone saw, a pouch
prayers, a holy symbol, and prayer beads. Proficiency with this kit with 5 syringes and 3 scalpels, measuring cups, clamps, distilled
lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make alcohol, and various dried herbs. Proficiency with this kit lets
to track a vampire, or protect an area from a vampire. you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make
to determine the symptoms of diseases, poisons, and debilitating
conditions, as well as what is required to relieve them.
Exorcist’s Kit
This leather bag contains various holy symbols of several different
gods, prayer papers from several religions. A holy book of the
prominent religion of your choice, a bottle of holy water, a jar of
Tool Feats
salts, three candles, a tinder box, a sachet filled with various dried
herbs and flowers, and a few scraps of silver. Proficiency with this
kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you
Advanced Palate
make to investigate or track undead or fiends, to protect a location Requires proficiency in cook’s utensils or brewer’s supplies
from such creatures, or to aid in removing possession. Whenever you take a short rest, you and up to 6 allies can enjoy
a quick meal prepared by you. When they do, any hit dice they
use during that rest count as if they had rolled their maximum.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you
can use it again.
During a long rest, you can prepare a hearty meal for up to
eight creatures using any ingredients at hand. Creatures who
consume the meal gain a hearty resistance for 24 hours. While a
creature has this hearty resistance, if that creature fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. It can use this benefit
once, then the hearty resistance expires.

Arcane Fletcher
Requires proficiency in carpenter’s tools, tinker’s tools,
or woodcarver’s tools
Whenever you take a long rest, you may spend 1 hour using
your tools to imbue a number of arrows or bolts with elemental

178 Guide to Drakkenheim

power. The maximum number of magical arrows or bolts you
can imbue is equal to twice your proficiency bonus. Expert Weaponsmith
You choose the damage type from either fire, cold, lightning, Requires proficiency in smith’s tools
acid, or poison. The arrows or bolts deal an additional 1d4
damage of the chosen type. Any previously imbued arrows or Your advanced knowledge of your craft allows you to barter and
bolts lose this magic if you use this feature again. talk shop with others in your profession, you gain proficiency in
At 12th level, the additional damage increases to 1d6. Charisma checks you make when speaking with weaponsmiths.
Additionally, you can identify the make, origin, and traits of any
melee weapon if you spend 1 minute examining it.
Demolitions Expert Whenever you take a long rest, you are able to improve one
non-magical melee weapon for you or an ally. You must spend 1
Requires proficiency in alchemist’s supplies hour to do so, and have access to your tools and at least 100 gp
Once per day after finishing a long rest, you can spend one hour worth of metal or other materials.
working with your chosen tools to create a special concoction The improvement you grant is equal to one half your pro-
or infusion using materials harvested or found in the field. You ficiency bonus (rounded down). For example, at level 5, with
must have access to your tools during this time. As you gain a proficiency bonus of +3, you may make a +1 weapon.The
levels, you learn how to create a more powerful item, as shown improvement lasts until you use this feature again.
on the table below. This creation becomes inert after 24 hours.
See the Core Rules for more information on the items below.
Level 1 — Alchemist’s fire Investigative Mind
Level 5 — Bomb Requires proficiency in exorcist’s kit*,
Level 11 — Grenade vampire hunter’s case*, or investigator’s kit*
Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Expert Armorsmith You gain proficiency in the Intelligence (Investigation) Skill,
and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you
Requires proficiency in smith’s tools or leatherworker’s tools make that uses that proficiency.
Your advanced knowledge of your craft allows you to barter and When you are investigating an area, object, or creature, you
talk shop with others in your profession, you gain proficiency in can ask the Game Master a number of questions equal to your
Charisma checks you make when speaking with armorsmiths. proficiency bonus. The Game Master must give a truthful reply,
Additionally, you can identify the make, origin, and traits of any but will only respond with “Yes,” “No,” or “Unknown” if the
set of armor if you spend 1 minute examining it. answer to the question is unknowable or impossible for mortal
Whenever you take a long rest, you are able to improve one investigators to deduce.
piece of non-magical armor for you or an ally. You must spend 1 Once you ask questions about an object, creature, or area, you
hour to do so, and have access to your tools during this time. can’t ask any more questions using this ability again until you
You may choose one of the following damage types: fire, cold, finish a long rest.
lightning, acid, or poison. The armor grants its wearer resistance
to that damage type until you use this feature again.
Starting at 12th level, your smithing skills now grant Medical Expert
immunity instead of resistance to the chosen damage type. Requires proficiency in occultist’s tools*, exorcist’s kit*,
or doctor’s bag*
Expert Bowyer Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
Requires proficiency in carpenter’s tools or During a short rest you can tend to the sick or wounded.
woodcarver’s tools You can remove one level of exhaustion, cure one disease,
Your advanced knowledge of your craft allows you to barter and or remove the charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned
talk shop with others in your profession, you gain proficiency condition from up to six creatures you can tend to during
in Charisma checks you make when speaking to professional the rest. Additionally, you may choose up to 6 creatures you
archers or bowyers. Additionally, you can identify the make, can hear and see, they gain a number of extra hit dice to use
origin, and traits of any ranged weapon if you spend 1 minute during the rest equal to your proficiency bonus.
examining it.
During a long rest, you may spend 1 hour working with your
tools to tune up a non-magical ranged weapon. You increase
the long range of that weapon by an amount equal to 10 × your
proficiency bonus and no longer have disadvantage when firing “While it’s important for everyone to know how to
your weapon at long range. Additionally, the weapon now scores use tools, you should avoid acting like one.”
a critical hit on a 19 or 20. The improvements last until you use
this feature again.

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 179

Occult Practitioner Scribe
Requires proficiency in occultist’s tools*, Requires proficiency in calligrapher’s supplies,
or exorcist’s kit*, and the spellcasting ability investigator’s kit*, or cartographer’s tools,
Increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 1, to a and the spellcasting ability
maximum of 20. After finishing a long rest, you can spend one hour working with
When you finish a long rest, you may touch your tool kit and your chosen tools to create a spell scroll.
imbue a spell you know inside it. The spell must have a level The scroll you create can be any spell you know of a level
equal to or lower than your proficiency bonus and a casting time equal to or lower than your proficiency bonus. Any scroll created
of 1 action. While holding your tool kit, you can use an action this way loses its magical potency if you use this feature again.
cast this spell without expending a spell slot. You can cast the
spell in this manner once, then must finish a long rest before you
can do so again. The item remains imbued until you cast the Trapmaker
imbued spell, or until you finish a long rest. Requires proficiency in tinker’s tools or thieves’ tools
After finishing a long rest, you can spend one hour working
Potions Expert with your chosen tools to create a special trap using materials
harvested or found in the field.
Requires proficiency in alchemist’s supplies,
These traps can be placed on the ground as an action and take
occultist’s tools*, or herbalism kit up a 5-foot-by-5-foot square. A creature who investigates the area
Your practice with potion brewing has given you an eye for must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
the small details that distinguish ingredients and effects within (Investigation) check in order to see the trap. If a creature steps
potions. You gain proficiency in Charisma checks you make on the space where a trap is located that creature immediately
when speaking to potion sellers, alchemists, or herbalists. triggers the trap. You can make any of the traps listed below.
Additionally, you can determine the properties of potions by h Ensnaring trap. The triggering creature must make a
spending 1 minute examining them. Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it is restrained until
Once per day after finishing a long rest, you can spend one hour it escapes by spending an action to make a strength check
working with your chosen tools to create a special concoction or against your trap save DC.
infusion using materials harvested or found in the field. You must h Spiked trap. The triggering creature must make a Dex-
have access to your tools during this time. As you gain levels, you terity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6
learn how to create a more powerful item, as shown on the table piercing damage.
below. This creation becomes inert after 24 hours. See the Core h Sonic trap. The trap makes a sound audible out to 300 feet
Rules for more information on the items below.
Starting at 10th level, you can make the following advanced traps.
Level 1 — potion of healing
h Exploding trap. The triggering creature must make a
Level 5 — potion of greater healing
Level 11 — potion of supreme healing Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
4d6 fire damage and is knocked prone.
h Poison trap. The triggering creature must make a
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
Proficient Poisoner 3d8 poison damage and becomes poisoned until the end of its
next turn.
Requires proficiency in poisoner’s kit, h Gas trap. The triggering creature must make a Wisdom
occultist’s tools*, or herbalism kit saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is incapacitated
You gain resistance to poison damage, and can detect the presence until the end of its next turn.
of poison by spending 1 minute examining a substance or object. The saving throw DC for your traps equals 8 + your proficiency
Once per day after finishing a long rest, you can spend one hour bonus + your Intelligence or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
working with your chosen tools to create a special concoction or
infusion using materials harvested or found in the field. You must
have access to your tools during this time. As you gain levels, you
learn how to create a more powerful item, as shown on the table
below. This creation becomes inert after 24 hours. See the Core
Rules for more information on the items below.
Level 1 — basic poison
Level 5 — serpent venom
Level 11 — wyvern poison

180 Guide to Drakkenheim

Chapter 3: Drakkenheim Characters 181
182 Guide to Drakkenheim
Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim
This chapter includes new spells and powerful artifacts
found within the world of Drakkenheim.

hether arcane, divine, or primal spells, invoking magic is
an obvious and intentional act in the world of Drakken- Contaminated Spells
heim. The verbal, somatic, and material components The Contaminated Spells section contains new spells with the
of spells are vital: a spell fails if the pitch, resonance, and volume “contaminated” descriptor beside their school of magic. Such
of the verbal components are out of tune, or if gestures are not spells always require delerium as a material component, and
performed in an exacting and precise manner. While casting a cause the caster to gain Contamination Levels when cast.
spell, mages eyes burn with octarine or radiant light, magical en- A contaminated spell simply fails if the spellcaster prevents
ergies swirl about them, and their voices take on an otherworldly gaining Contamination Levels from its casting. The only excep-
resonance. The act of casting a spell is obvious and unmistakable tion to this rule is if the spellcaster has a class feature or magic
in the world of Drakkenheim. item such as the Circle of Contamination Druid’s Purify Spell
feature (described in Chapter 3) which specifically allows them to
Secret Spells cast contaminated spells without gaining Contamination Levels.
A monster with the Fully Contaminated trait can cast
In the world of Drakkenheim, several powerful spells found in contaminated spells with impunity, and does not gain
the Core Rules are significantly rarer than normal: Contamination Levels when they do so.
h Plane Shift. While the knowledge of the plane shift spell
is more widespread than the other secret spells, the planar
tuning forks used by the plane shift spell are the stuff of Learning the Spells
legends; see the World of Drakkenheim section for details. While many monsters and NPCs know these spells, contami-
h Simulacrum. This spell was only recently invented by the nated spells are not available to player characters at the
members of the Academy Directorate. While those within outset of the campaign unless explicitly granted by a
the Amethyst Academy are aware of the spell, the Academy subclass feature in this book. Instead, characters must either
Directors have not shared the means to cast this spell except study the spell from a found spellbook or scroll, locate a mentor to
with a few Grandmaster Wizards. teach them the spell, or research the spells themselves!
h Gate and True Resurrection. The only living nonplayer Once they’ve found a spellbook or teacher, a player character
characters capable of casting these spells are Lucretia Mathias must spend two days of downtime and 100 gp per spell level
and Divine Matriarch Mercy V of the Sacred Flame. practicing the spell. Once complete, the character may prepare
h Wish. For centuries, the mighty sorcerer-kings zealously the spell, add it to their spellbook, or replace a spell they already
guarded the knowledge of this mightiest of all spells. Today, know with the new spell, as appropriate for the spellcasting
while members of the Academy Directorate have knowledge features of their class.
of the spell, all have expended their ability to cast it on prior
wishes made centuries ago. This is a fact that they do not
disclose — not even to each other. Researching New Spells
At the Game Master’s option, player characters must obtain We’ve included three spells and two magic items that previously
knowledge of these spells as described in the “Learning new appeared in Dungeons of Drakkenheim. These items provide
spells” section below, and cannot be selected as normal when key tools characters need to deal with contamination in a
characters gain a level. Drakkenheim campaign.
Non-player characters do not have access to these spells Contamination immunity and neutralizing field are totally
unless specifically indicated in their description or game statis- undiscovered at the outset of a Drakkenheim campaign, and
tics. Furthermore, the material components for these spells are instead, these spells must be discovered through research.
exceptionally scarce and should be treated as consumable magic The player characters might undertake this research directly
items of Very Rare (for 7th- and 8th-level spells) or Legendary during their downtime. Alternatively, the party may seek
rarity (for 9th-level spells). out an NPC spellcaster to help develop the spell, such as an
Academy mage or Flamekeeper. The spell descriptions outline
the prerequisites needed to successfully research the spell.
Once these requirements are met, a character must spend
downtime and gold to complete the research: for each level of
the spell, the character must spend 5 days of downtime and
“What’s the worst that could happen?”
250 gp. Once complete, the character may prepare the spell,
add it to their spellbook, or replace a spell they already know
with the new spell, as appropriate for the spellcasting features
of their class.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 183

Spell by Class

Bard Druid Paladin

2nd level
1st level Cantrips 1st level Biohazard
Toxic Shield Poison Needle Toxic shield Caustic grip
Bacterial Barrage Ocular necrosis
2nd Level 2nd level 3rd level
Grasping Ghost 1st Level Invigorate
Envenom Corrosive blast
3rd level Infect 3rd level Pestilence
Purge Contamination
Purge Contamination Purge Contamination
2nd level 4th level
4th level Biohazard 4th level Vitriolic ichor
Blood Worm Invigorate Last Rites Poison wave

5th level 3rd level 5th level 5th level

Neutralizing Field Pestilence Neutralizing Field
Purge Contamination Nerve gas
Neutralizing Field
7th level Venomous aura
Ranger Toxic barrage
Contamination Immunity 4th level Septic shock

8th Level Blood worm

Corrupting spores
1st level 6th level
Breath of Nightshade Acrid Orb Mephitic vapors
Poison wave
Summon the thing with the Vile necrosis
writhing tail 2nd level
Cleric Biohazard 7th level
5th level Miasma
Acid rain 3rd level Contamination Immunity
1st level Neutralizing Field Fetid blade
Stream of consumption Purge Contamination 8th level
6th level Plague wind
2nd level Mephitic vapors 4th level
Grasping ghost Corrupting spores 9th level
Invigorate 7th level Touch of death
Contamination Immunity 5th level
3rd level Toxic barrage
Purge contamination 8th level Neutralizing Field
Plague wind
4th level
Last Rites 9th level Sorcerer Cantrips
Poison needle
5th level Cantrips
Neutralizing Field
1st level spells
Acid burn Acrid orb
7th level Bacterial barrage
Poison needle
Stream of consumption
Toxic shield
Contamination Immunity
Grievous Wounds
1st level 2nd level
9th level Acrid orb
Caustic grip
Grasping ghost
Touch of death Infect

184 Guide to Drakkenheim

Contaminated Spells
by Class
3rd level 3rd level
Fetid blade
Corrosive blast
Bard Sorcerer,
Purge Contamination Purge Contamination
Tranquilizing toxin
1st level Warlock, and
4th level Corrupted Cure
Blood worm 4th level 2nd Level
Corpse explosion
Summon the thing with the
Corpse explosion
Poison wave Controlled Mutation 1st level
Comet shards
writhing tail Summon the thing with the
writhing tail 3rd level Corrupted Cure
5th level Vitriolic ichor Weave the elder sign
2nd level
Nerve gas Vanish to the space
Neutralizing Field 5th level between worlds Controlled Mutation
Septic shock Acid rain
Neutralizing Field 4th level 3rd level
6th level Nerve gas Siphon Time Vanish to the space
between worlds
Mephitic vapors Septic shock
Vile necrosis Toxic barrage 7th level Weave the elder sign

7th level 6th level Unbind Gravity

Octarine Sword 4th level
Mephitic vapours Horrific Transformation
Contamination Immunity
Grievous Wounds Vile necrosis
Cleric, Paladin, Siphon Time
Summon Delerium Elemental
8th level 7th level and Ranger
Breath of nightshade Contamination Immunity 5th level
Grievous wounds Contaminated Hands
9th level Miasma 1st level
Corrupted Cure 6th level
Touch of death 8th level Storm of Contamination
Breath of nightshade
Plague wind
Druid 7th level
Wizard 1st Level Octarine Sword
9th level Unbind Gravity
Cantrips Pandemic
Touch of death
Corrupted Cure
8th level
Acid burn
Bacterial barrage
2nd level Banish to the Space Between
Poison needle Controlled Mutation Worlds

1st level 4th level 9th level

Acrid orb Horrific Transformation Delerium Meteor Swarm
Envenom Summon Delerium Elemental
Stream of consumption 6th level
Storm of Contamination
2nd level
Caustic grip
Ocular necrosis “Magic is the most powerful force in existence, and
those who wield it must do so carefully. This is what
my mentors taught me, then I summoned a demon and
burned down some buildings so…”

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 185

New Spells Cantrips
These spells are presented in
alphabetical order by spell level. Acid Burn
Evocation cantrip
Cantrips Last Rites
Poison Wave Casting Time: 1 action
Acid Burn Summon the Thing with the Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Bacterial Barrage Writhing Tail Components: V, S
Poison Needle Vitriol Ichor Duration: Instantaneous
You magically produce a spray of acidic formula in a 15-foot
1st-Level Spells 5th-Level Spells cone in front of you. All creatures in the cone must succeed on a
Acrid Orb Acid Rain Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage.
Envenom Nerve Gas This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level
Infect Neutralizing Field (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Stream of Consumption Septic Shock
Toxic Shield Toxic Barrage Bacterial Barrage
2nd-Level Spells 6th-Level Spells Necromancy cantrip
Biohazard Mephitic Vapors Casting Time: 1 action
Caustic Grip Vile Necrosis Range: 30 feet
Grasping Ghost Components: V, S
Ocular Necrosis
7th-Level Spells Duration: Instantaneous
Contamination Immunity You attack a creature in range with a quick spreading infection
3rd-Level Spells Grievous Wounds
that takes advantage of existing conditions. Make a ranged spell
attack against a target, on a hit the infection does 1d8 necrotic
Corrosive Blast damage to the target. If the target is suffering from the poisoned
Fetid Blade
8th-Level Spells condition or a disease, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
Breath of Nightshade The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th
Purge Contamination level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8
Plague Wind
Tranquilizing Toxin or 4d12).
Venomous Aura
9th-Level Spells
4th-Level Spells Pandemic Poison Needle
Touch of Death
Blood Worm Conjuration cantrip
Corpse Explosion
Corrupting Spores Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You launch a conjured dart coated with lethal poison at a creature
you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the
target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 poison damage.
If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the
target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit
points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th
level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

“If you ever miss with a spell, just yell “That

was a warning shot” to cover up your blunder
and make it seem like a cool, totally intentional,
intimidation technique.”

186 Guide to Drakkenheim

1st-Level Spells Stream of Consumption
1st-level necromancy
Acrid Orb Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
1st-level evocation Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 60 feet For the spell’s duration, your tongue becomes an elongated
Components: V, S, M (a vial of stomach acid and a pinch tether of necrotic green energy you can use to drink the
of sulfate) vitality of other creatures. One creature of your choice within
Duration: Instantaneous 60 feet of you that you can see must make a Constitution
You create an orb of acid gel and fling it at one creature within saving throw. On a failed save, the target gains 1 level of
range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, exhaustion, and you regain hit points equal to 1d4 + your
the target takes 2d6 acid damage. Whether the attack hits or spellcasting ability modifier.
misses, the orb explodes. The target and each creature within 5 On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your
feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 action to target the same creature or a different one, but can’t
acid damage. target a creature again if it has succeeded on a saving throw
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot against this casting of stream of consumption.
of 2nd level or higher, the exploding acid damage increases by
1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Toxic Shield
Envenom 1st-level conjuration
1st-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
Range: 60 feet Components: S, M (a drop of dwarven blood)
Components: V, S, M (a vial of basic poison) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saves
Choose a creature you can see within range to inflict with a against being poisoned for the duration. In addition, whenever
magical poison. The target takes 2d4 poison damage and must a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it shield sprays them with poison, dealing 1d8 poison damage to
becomes poisoned for the spell’s duration. the attacker.
While poisoned in this way, the target must make a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. It takes of 2nd level or higher, the poison damage increases by 1d8 for
2d4 poison damage on a failed saving throw. On a success, the every 2 slot levels above 1st.
spell ends on that target.
A lesser restoration spell cast on the target ends this spell early.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for
2nd-Level Spells
each slot level above 1st.
Infect 2nd-level conjuration
1st-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet (15-foot cube)
Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a withered root and a drop of vinegar)
Components: V, S, M (a petri dish) Duration: 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You coat a 15-foot-wide cube with toxic sludge for the spell’s
You inflict a creature you can see within range with a magical duration. The area is difficult terrain and filled with dangerous
disease. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it must make fumes. A creature that enters the area or starts its turn there
a Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 1d12 necrotic must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful throw, the creature takes 1d8 poison damage and is poisoned
one. If a target succeeds on three of these saves, the spell ends. until the start of its next turn. Creatures are affected even if they
A lesser restoration spell cast on the target ends this spell early. hold their breath or don’t need to breathe.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for every two 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot
slot levels above 1st. level above 2nd.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 187

Caustic Grip Ocular Necrosis
2nd-level evocation 2nd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 30 feet
Components: S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
For the spell’s duration, your hand secretes sticky burning acid Make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can see in
which you can use to hold a creature in a painful clutch. When you range. If you hit, you wrack the creature with a deadly toxin
cast this spell, and as an action on your turn until the spell ends, you that causes their eyes to bleed. The creature takes 2d6 necrotic
can make a melee spell attack against one creature within 5 feet damage and is blinded until the end of your next turn.
of you. On a hit, you deal 4d4 acid damage to the target, and the At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
creature is restrained in your acidic grip until the end of your next of 3rd level or higher, the necrotic damage increases by 1d6 for
turn. You can attack the same target round after round, or choose each slot above 2nd.
a new one at any time. If you switch targets, the prior target is no
longer affected by the spell.
A creature restrained by your grip can use its action to make a
Strength check against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no 3rd-Level Spells
longer restrained. Each time a creature ends its turn restrained
by this spell, it takes an additional 4d4 acid damage.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of Corrosive Blast
3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 2d4 for each slot 3rd-level evocation
level above 2nd.
Casting Time: 1 action
Grasping Ghost Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a vial of acid)
2nd-level necromancy Duration: Instantaneous
A spew of acrid chemicals erupts from your hands. Each creature
Casting Time: 1 action
in a 30-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A crea-
Range: 60 feet
ture takes 10d4 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much
Components: S, M (a finger bone and a scrap of fabric)
damage on a successful one.
Duration: Instantaneous
The acid destroys any objects made of organic materials in the
A flock of floating spectral hands appear and grasp a target you spell’s area. A creature killed by this spell has its flesh entirely
can see within range. The target must succeed on a Strength dissolved, leaving behind only a corroded skeleton.
saving throw. A target takes 3d8 necrotic damage on a failed At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. of 4th level or higher, the acid damage increases by 2d4 for each
In addition, on a failed saving throw the ghostly hands grap- slot level above 3rd.
ple the target until the end of your next turn, and immediately
move the target up to 30 feet in a direction of your choice (but
not upward). On its turn, the creature can use an action to at-
tempt to escape the grapple by making a Strength or Dexterity Fetid Blade
check (its choice) against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, the 3rd-level evocation
grapple ends.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of Casting Time: 1 bonus action
3rd level or higher, the grasping ghost can target one additional Range: Touch
creature within range for each spell level above 2nd. Components: V, S, M (a drop of acid and a pinch of iron dust)
Duration: Concentration, 1 minute
Invigorate You coat a weapon you touch in an acidic substance. Until the
spell ends, weapon attacks made with it deal an extra 2d4 acid
2nd-level abjuration damage on a hit. If the weapon isn’t already a magic weapon, it
becomes one for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 action
In addition, a creature hit with a melee attack using the weapon
Range: 30 feet
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it
Components: S, M (a syringe and a blood sample)
becomes poisoned until the end of the attacker’s next turn.
Duration: 1 hour
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target gains 10 of 4th level or higher, the acid damage increases by 1d4 for each
temporary hit points. slot level above 3rd.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 2nd level or higher, the temporary hit points increase by 5 for
each slot level above 2nd.

188 Guide to Drakkenheim

Venomous Aura
3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self (10-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (scales or fangs of a venomous snake)
Duration: 1 minute
You emit a baleful aura which disorients creatures who approach
you. Any creatures that start their turn within 10 feet of you are
poisoned until the start of their next turn.

3rd-level necromancy 4th-Level Spells
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet Blood Worm
Components: V, S, M (a withered flower)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 4th-level necromancy
You infect up to three creatures you can see within range with a Casting Time: 1 action
magical disease. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it must Range: 30 feet
make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, Components: V, S, M (a jar full of leeches)
the creature takes 3d6 necrotic damage and gains 1 level of Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
exhaustion. If a target succeeds on three of these saves, the spell You infect a creature you can see within range with a magical
ends for that creature. disease in the form of a malignant parasite. Once per turn when a
A lesser restoration spell cast on a target ends this spell early creature hits the infected target with a weapon attack, that attack
for that creature. deals an additional 4d6 necrotic damage, and the attacker regains
hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. Each time the infect-
Purge Contamination ed target takes this necrotic damage, it makes a Constitution saving
throw against the spell. If the saving throw succeeds, the spell ends.
3rd-level abjuration At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, the necrotic damage increases by 1d6 for
Casting Time: 1 hour
each slot level above 4th.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (100 gp of alchemical fluids or holy
water, which the spell consumes) Corpse Explosion
Duration: Instantaneous
4th-level necromancy
You apply alchemical fluids or holy water to a contaminated hu-
manoid creature while reciting an exacting magical chant which Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature you
expels eldritch contaminants from its body. When you finish can see dies within 120 feet of you.
casting the spell, all contamination levels and mutations are Range: 120 feet
removed from the creature. It then gains 1 level of exhaustion Components: V, S
for each contamination level removed with this spell. Duration: Instantaneous
You cause the triggering creature’s body to explode in a violent
Tranquilizing Toxin shower of gore and infected flesh. Creatures within 10 feet of
a point centered on the triggering creature’s body take 4d8
3rd-level evocation necrotic damage and 4d8 acid damage, or half as much damage
on a successful Dexterity saving throw.
Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Range: 60 feet
5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 acid damage for
Components: V, S
each slot level above 4th.
Duration: Instantaneous
One target you choose within range must make a Constitution
saving throw or take 8d6 poison damage and become poisoned
until the end of your next turn. While poisoned in this way, the
“Apothecaries blow up bodies, and inject poison
target is also stunned. On a successful saving throw, the target
in people and call it magic. Calm down there
takes half damage and is not poisoned.
doctor, you’re no mage.”
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 4th level or higher, the poison damage increases by 1d6 for
each slot level above 3rd.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 189

Corrupting Spores Poison Wave
4th-level necromancy 4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Range: Self (30-foot sphere)
Components: V, S, M (a dried mushroom) Components: V, S, M (a withered root and a drop of vinegar)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
A small patch of three poison mushrooms magically sprout in A wave of poisonous fumes emanates from you. Creatures
a 5-foot square that you can see within range. The mushrooms within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw.
emit toxic spores, and any creature that starts its turn within 10 On a failed save, each creature takes 4d12 poison damage and is
feet of the mushroom patch must make a Constitution saving poisoned until the end of your next turn. On a successful saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d8 poison damage throw, a creature takes half as much damage and does not
for each mushroom in the patch and is poisoned until the start of become poisoned.
its next turn. At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on your turn 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for each slot
to cause an additional mushroom to sprout within the patch. level above 4th.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, one additional mushroom sprouts with the
initial patch for each slot level above 4th. Summon the Thing with the Writhing Tail
4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Last Rites Range: 90 feet
4th-level abjuration Components: V, S, M (a tuft of cat hair and a dead rat)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action You call forth The Thing with the Writhing Tail. It manifests
Range: 120 feet in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. This
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of brass, a rose petal, and a corporeal form uses the stat block below. The creature
drop of holy water) disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
Duration: Instantaneous The creature is an ally to you and your companions. In
You target a creature you can see within range with a beam of combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its
holy light that shines down upon them. The target must make a turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands
Wisdom saving throw. The target takes 8d8 radiant damage on (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any, it takes the
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This Dodge action and uses its move to avoid danger.
spell has no effect on celestials or constructs. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
If you target an undead or fiend, it makes the saving throw of 5th level or higher, use the higher level wherever the spell’s
with disadvantage, and the spell deals maximum damage to it. level appears in the stat block.
If an undead or fiend is reduced to 0 hit points by this spell, it
dies and its body is reduced to ash.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 5th level or higher, you may target an additional creature
within 30 feet of each other for each spell level above 5th.

The Thing with the

Writhing Tail

190 Guide to Drakkenheim

Summon the Thing with the Writhing Tail Vitriol Ichor
This eldritch spell summons a manifestation of the Thing with 4th-level transmutation
the Writhing Tail, a mysterious entity with a vaguely feline
form which dwells in the Space Between Worlds. Perhaps it is Casting Time: 1 action
the favoured cat of Phantasia, or a fragment of Shegorach, but to Range: 30 feet
others, it is simply known by the odd name “Bruce”. Components: V, S, M (a vial of nitric acid and a flask of water)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Choose a creature within range that has natural armor or is
wearing armor. You magically cause the creature’s natural or
manufactured armor to become corroded and brittle for the
spell’s duration. While its armor is corroded, the creature’s AC
The Thing with the Writhing Tail becomes 10 + the creature’s Dexterity modifier.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Medium aberration, unaligned of 5th level or higher, you may target one additional creature for
each slot level above 4th.
Armor Class 12 + the level of the spell
Hit Points 50 + 10 for each spell level above 4th
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.
5th-Level Spells
Acid Rain
13 (+1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Damage Immunities psychic Range: 150 feet
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Components: V, S, M (a pinch of sulfur and ground coal)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 120 ft. Until the spell ends, acid rain falls in a 40-foot-tall cylinder with a 40-
Challenge – Proficiency Bonus Equals your proficiency bonus foot radius centered on a point you choose within range. The area is
lightly obscured, and exposed flames in the area are doused.
Chemical pools accumulate on the ground in the area, making
Ethereal Sight. The thing sees invisible creatures and can see into the it difficult terrain. When a creature enters the spell’s area for the
Ethereal Plane.
first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it takes 3d6 acid dam-
Actions age and must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it
falls prone in the pools, taking an additional 3d6 acid damage.
Multiattack. The thing makes a number of claw attacks equal to half
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
this spell’s level (rounded down).
of 6th level or higher, the acid damage increases by 1d6 for each
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 slot level above 5th.
ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + the spell’s level + 4 slashing damage plus
2d6 cold damage.
Eldritch Hiss. The thing whispers a terrible truth to one creature it
Nerve Gas
can see within 5 feet. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. 5th-level necromancy
On a failed save, it takes 4d6 psychic damage and must immediately
use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away Casting Time: 1 action
from the thing. The creature doesn’t move into obviously dangerous Range: 120 feet
ground, such as a fire or a pit. Components: V, S, M (samples of phosphate and chlorine
mixed with a drop of pure alcohol)
Thought Tendril. The thing psychically lashes out at one creature it
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
can see within 5 feet. The target must make an Intelligence saving
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 4d6 psychic damage, and it You create a 10-foot-radius sphere of toxic fog centered on a
can’t take a reaction until the end of its next turn. Additionally, on point you choose within range. The fog spreads around corners.
its next turn, it must choose whether it gets a move, an action, or a It lasts for the duration or until strong wind disperses the fog,
bonus action; it gets only one of the three. ending the spell. The fog’s area is heavily obscured.
When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a
turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make an Intelli-
gence saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature takes
3d6 psychic damage and becomes stunned until the start of its
next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature takes half as
much damage and is not stunned. Creatures are affected even if
“Summoning is tricky magic, trust me, if you make they hold their breath or don’t need to breathe.
a small mistake you could drag your friend’s sister At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
to hell accidentally.” 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 psychic damage
for each slot level above 5th.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 191

Neutralizing Field 6th-Level Spells
5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Mephitic Vapors
Range: Self (10-foot radius sphere) 6th-level conjuration
Components: V, S, M (A delerium crystal or holy relic worth
1,000 gp) Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a vial of chlorine)
You negate contaminated magical energies in a 10-foot-radius Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
sphere. Until the spell ends, the sphere moves with you, centered
on you. Creatures in the sphere (including you) can’t gain You douse a 20-foot radius area centered on a point you can
Contamination Levels and have resistance to necrotic damage. see within range with acrid slime, which remains for the spell’s
Contaminated spells can’t be cast by creatures in the area. duration. The area becomes difficult terrain, and any creature
Researching the Spell: A character who can cast 5th level wholly within the area is blinded and can’t take reactions.
spells, knows the purge contamination spell, and has created at A creature who starts its turn in the area must succeed on a
least 1 dose of aqua expurgo may research neutralizing field. Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 poison damage and 2d8
acid damage and gain one level of exhaustion.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
7th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 poison damage
Septic Shock and 1d8 acid damage for each slot level above 6th.
5th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Vile Necrosis
Components: V, S, M (a piece of a rotten liver) 6th-level necromancy
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Choose a creature you can see within range that doesn’t have Range: 120 feet
all its hit points. You infect the target’s wounds with putrefying Components: V, S, M (a vial of coagulated blood)
bacteria. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. Duration: Instantaneous
If it has less than half its maximum hit points remaining, it
makes the saving throw with disadvantage. On a failed save, You point your finger towards a creature within range,
the target takes 10d8 necrotic damage and gains 1 level of projecting a pale green beam of debilitating energy at them.
exhaustion. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the
and does not gain any exhaustion levels. target takes 12d6 necrotic damage, and it becomes weakened.
While weakened by this spell, a target deals half damage with
weapon attacks and spells.
A weakened target can make a Constitution saving throw at the
Toxic Barrage end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the weakness ends.
5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
7th-Level Spells
Components: V, S, M (Four death cap mushrooms)
Duration: Instantaneous Contamination Immunity
You create four rays of pure poison and hurl them at targets 7th-level abjuration
within range. You can hurl them at one target or several.
Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. On a hit, the target Casting Time: 1 minute
takes 3d6 poison damage. If a target is hit by one or more of Range: Touch
these rays, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a Components: V, S, M (an eldritch lily mixed into 250 gp worth
failed save, the target is poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned of purified fluids per target, which the spell consumes)
in this way, the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of Duration: 24 hours
each of its turns. On a success, it is no longer poisoned. Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is immune
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot to necrotic damage and cannot gain Contamination Levels.
of 6th level or higher, you create one additional ray for each slot The affected creature may rest normally within the Haze.
level above 5th. This spell ends immediately if the creature casts a
contaminated spell.
Researching the Spell: A character who can cast 7th level
spells, knows the neutralizing field spell, and who has visited the
Delerium Heart can research contamination immunity.

192 Guide to Drakkenheim

Grievous Wounds Plague Wind
7th-level necromancy 8th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Range: Self (120 foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a needle and several stitches) Components: V, S, M (mucus from a ghoul)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Choose a creature you can see within range. You momentarily You summon a roiling wind of flesh devouring disease and excruci-
strip the target’s physiology of all resilience, enough that a ating blood boiling fumes that sweeps over the area emanating from
mere scratch can become a terrible injury. Until the end of your you in a 120-foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a Consti-
next turn, the target loses any damage resistances or immunities, tution saving throw. On a failed saving throw a creature takes 5d8
becomes vulnerable to all damage, and makes all its saving poison damage and 5d8 necrotic damage or half as much damage
throws with disadvantage. on a success. After taking this damage, any affected creature with
25 hit points or fewer remaining immediately dies and is reduced to
a weathered skeleton as their flesh and soft tissue blows off like ash.
7th-level evocation 9th-Level Spells
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a freshly harvested corpse lily)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 9th-level conjuration
You create a wall of sickly, yellowish green, toxic fumes on a Casting Time: 1 action
solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet Range: 60 feet
long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet Components: V, S, M (the fetid corpse of a plague rat)
in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque Duration: Instantaneous
and lasts for the duration.
You infect one creature you can see within range with a deadly
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must
and highly infectious disease which lasts until it is cured by greater
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
restoration, heal or wish. Other spells and magical effects which
10d4 acid damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
remove diseases fail to cure the infection caused by this spell.
One side of the wall, selected by you when you cast this
While infected, a creature must make a Constitution saving throw
spell, emits toxic fumes. It deals 8d8 poison damage to each
at the start of each of its turns. On a failed saving throw, it takes 10d8
creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of that side or inside
necrotic damage and becomes incapacitated until the start of its
the wall. A creature takes the same damage when it enters the
next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and
wall for the first time on a turn. The other side of the wall deals
is not incapacitated. An infected creature must make the saving
no damage.
throw at the start of each of its turns until it dies or is cured.
A creature who takes poison damage from the wall must make
A creature who starts its turn within 10 feet of a creature
a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for the duration
infected by this spell must make a Constitution saving throw.
of the spell
On a failed saving throw, that creature contracts the infection.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
When you cast the spell, you can choose yourself and up to
of 8th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d8 for each slot
eight other creatures to be unaffected by the infection caused by
level above 7th.
this casting of the spell.

8th-Level Spells Touch of Death

9th-level necromancy
Breath of Nightshade Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
8th-level conjuration Components: V, S, M (the finger of a hag)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self (60 foot cone) Make a melee spell attack against a target within 5 feet of you.
Components: V, S, M (A pair of deadly nightshade flowers) On a hit, the target takes 200 poison damage. This damage
Duration: Instantaneous ignores any resistance or immunity the creature has to poison
You exhale a 60-foot-cone of lethal poison. Each creature in the damage, and can’t be reduced or prevented in any way.
area when you cast the spell must make a Constitution saving The potent poison lingers in the targets body and pulls it
throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes poisoned for 1 towards death. A target reduced to zero hit points by this poison
hour. While poisoned by this spell, the creature is paralyzed. damage automatically fails death saving throws until it finishes a
The spell ends for an affected creature if it takes any damage. long rest. A heal or greater restoration spell cast on the target also
ends this effect.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 193

Contaminated Spells 1st-Level Spells
These spells are presented in
alphabetical order by spell level.
Comet Shards
1st-level contaminated evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
1st-Level Spells Range: 120 feet
Comet Shards Components: V, S, M (a delerium chip worth 10 gp, which the
Corrupted Cure spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
2nd-Level Spells When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
Controlled Mutation You shatter the delerium fragment in your hand into three
glowing comet-like motes of magical force which you hurl at
3rd-Level Spell your foes. Each comet hits a creature of your choice that you can
Vanish to the Space Between Worlds see within range. A comet deals 2d4 + your spellcasting ability
Weave the Elder Sign modifier force damage to its target and pushes it 10 feet away
from you. The comets all strike simultaneously, and you can
4th-Level Spells direct them to hit one creature or several.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
Horrific Transformation of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more comet for each
Siphon Time slot level above 1st.
Summon Delerium Elemental

5th-Level Spell Corrupted Cure

Contaminated Hands 1st-level contaminated evocation

6th-Level Spell Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 90 feet
Storm of Contamination Components: V, M (a delerium chip worth 10 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
7th-Level Spells When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
Octarine Sword
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains
Unbind Gravity
hit points equal to 4d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This
8th-Level Spell spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
When you cast this spell, the target can choose to gain a
Banish to the Space Between Worlds Contamination Level as well. If it does, it instead regains hit
points equal to 8d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
9th-Level Spell At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Delerium Meteor Swarm slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 2d6 for
each slot level above first, or 4d6 if the target chooses to gain a
Contamination Level.

2nd-Level Spells
Controlled Mutation
2nd-level contaminated transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a delerium chip worth 100gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
You weave contaminated energy to temporarily imbue a creature
within range with a beneficial mutation. Choose one of the
following effects; the target gains that effect until the spell ends.

194 Guide to Drakkenheim

Strength. The target has advantage on Strength attack rolls,
ability checks, and saving throws. The target can choose to gain Weave the Elder Sign
a Contamination Level. If it does, its melee weapon attacks deal 3rd-level contaminated illusion
an additional 2d6 necrotic damage for the spell’s duration.
Constitution. The target has advantage on Constitution Casting Time: 1 action
checks and saving throws. The target can choose to gain a Con- Range: 120 feet
tamination Level. If it does, it gains resistance to bludgeoning, Components: S, M (a delerium chip worth 10gp, which the
piercing, and slashing damage for the spell’s duration. spell consumes)
Dexterity. The target has advantage on Dexterity attack Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. The target can choose to When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
gain a Contamination Level. If it does, its attacks with ranged You weave an impossible sign from an inscrutable reality in the air in-
and finesse weapons score a critical hit on an 18–20 for the side a 30-foot cube within range. It appears for only a moment before
spell’s duration. vanishing. Each creature in the area who sees the sign must make
Intelligence. The target has advantage on Intelligence an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature
ability checks and saving throws, as well as spell attack rolls. becomes blinded and stunned for the spell’s duration. On a successful
The target can also choose to gain a Contamination Level. saving throw, a creature is blinded until the end of your next turn.
If it does, for the duration of this spell, while the target is The spell ends for a stunned creature if it takes any damage,
concentrating on a spell it has cast, it’s concentration can’t be or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its
broken as a result of taking damage. stupor. When the spell ends for a stunned creature, it takes 3d6
Wisdom. The target has advantage on Wisdom ability psychic damage.
checks and saving throws, as well as spell attack rolls. The target
can also choose to gain a Contamination Level. If it does, for the
duration of this spell, it gains blindsight to a range of 60 feet and
can’t be surprised while it is conscious.
4th-Level Spells
Charisma. The target has advantage on Charisma ability
checks and saving throws, as well as spell attack rolls. In
addition, the target can choose to gain a Contamination Level.
Horrific Transformation
If it does, for the duration of this spell, when the target makes 4th-level contaminated transmutation
a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) check, it can Casting Time: 1 action
treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. Range: Touch
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot Components: V, S, M (see description)
of 3rd level or higher, you can choose one additional effect for Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
every two slot levels above 2nd.
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
This spell transforms a willing creature that you touch into a

3rd-Level Spell horrific monstrosity. The spell has no effect on a shapechanger

or a creature with 0 hit points. The transformation lasts for the
duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies.
The new form can be an aberration with a Challenge Rating
Vanish to the Space Between Worlds of 4 or lower.
The target’s game statistics, including mental ability scores,
3rd-level contaminated abjuration are replaced by the statistics of the chosen aberration. It retains
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you take damage its alignment and personality.
Range: Self The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it
Components: S, M (a delerium chip worth 10 gp) reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number of hit
Duration: 1 round points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of drop-
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level. ping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal
form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s
When you cast this spell, you vanish from your current plane of normal form to 0 hit points, it isn’t knocked unconscious.
existence and appear in the Space Between Worlds (avoiding the The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the
triggering damage). At the start of your next turn, you return to nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast spells, or take any
an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet of the space other action that requires hands or speech.
you vanished from. If no unoccupied space is available within The target’s gear melds into the new form. The creature can’t
that range, you appear in the nearest unoccupied space (chosen activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.
at random if more than one space is equally near). In addition to a delerium fragment worth 100gp, you must provide
While within the Space Between Worlds, you can see and hear either the heart or brain (or equivalent organ in the case of aber-
the plane you originated from, which is cast as a roiling blur, and rations with a truly alien physiology) taken from a creature of the
you can’t see anything there more than 60 feet away. You can only same type: the organ must either be recently harvested or magically
affect and be affected by other creatures in the Space Between preserved via gentle repose or similar magic. As part of casting the
Worlds. Creatures that aren’t there can’t perceive you or interact spell, you drive the delerium fragment into the organ, and both are
with you, unless they have the ability to do so. consumed by the spell. The Game Master determines if an aberra-
tion’s physiology makes its organs suitable for use with this spell.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 195

Siphon Time Delerium Elemental
4th-level contaminated transmutation Large elemental

Casting Time: 1 action Armor Class 12 + the level of the spell

Range: 120 feet Hit Points 60 + 10 for each spell level above 5th
Components: V, S, M (a broken clock, and a delerium Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. (walking geode only); fly 60 ft. (living
fragment worth 100gp, which the spell consumes) haze only); swim 40 ft. (animated sludge only)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
You seize upon the flow of time around up to three creatures 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)
of your choice within range, drawing seconds from them to use
them yourself. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison
throw or be affected by this spell for the duration.
An affected target can’t take reactions. On its turn, it must Condition Immunities contamination, exhaustion, paralyzed,
poisoned, petrified, unconscious
choose to either move, take an action, or a bonus action: a target
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
can do only one of the three.
A creature affected by this spell can spend its action to try Languages understands the languages you speak
to pull back the threads of time. If it does, it can make another Challenge – Proficiency Bonus Equals your proficiency bonus
Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the effect ends for it.
While at least one other creature is affected by this spell, you Amorphous Form (Animated Sludge, Entropic Flame, and Living Haze).
gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can The delerium elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1
be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Cast inch wide without squeezing.
a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. If you Deep Haze (Living Haze Only). The delerium elemental can enter a
use this action to cast a spell, that spell must be a cantrip with a hostile creature’s space and stop there. A creature who enters or
casting time of one action. starts its turn in the same space as the delerium elemental must make
a Constitution saving throw. It takes 2d6 necrotic damage on a failed
saving throw.
Summon Delerium Elemental
4th-level contaminated conjuration
Multiattack. The elemental makes a number of slam or hurl flame
Casting Time: 1 action attacks equal to half this spell’s level (rounded down).
Range: 90 feet Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5
Components: V, S, M (a delerium fragment worth 100 gp, ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 4 + the spell’s level bludgeoning damage.
which the spell consumes)
Hurl Flame (Entropic Flame Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: your spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
attack modifier to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 2 + the
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level. spell’s level fire damage. Before or after making this attack, the
You call forth a contaminated elemental to do your bidding. delerium elemental can teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied
Choose air, earth, fire, or water. Eldritch energy conjures a space it can see.
contaminated elemental of the chosen type, which appears in Grasping Tide (Animated Sludge Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell
an unoccupied space within range: either an animated sludge attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 2d8 + 4 + the
(water), entropic flame (fire), living haze (air), or walking geode spell’s level bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape
(earth). Each uses the summoned delerium elemental stat block DC 16).
below, but gains different traits based on the chosen element Shard Slam (Walking Geode Only). A creature hit by the delerium ele-
used to conjure the elemental. The elemental disappears when mental’s melee attacks must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed
it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. saving throw, it is pushed 10 feet away from the delerium elemental.
The elemental is friendly to you and your companions for the
duration of the spell. In combat, the creature shares your initiative
count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys any
verbal command you give it (no action required by you). If you
don’t give any commands, it attacks the closest hostile creature it
can see, moving towards it by the most direct route.
The elemental doesn’t disappear if you lose concentration on “Delerium is a tool that can be used to great
this spell. Instead, you lose control of the elemental, it becomes effect to improve magic! But, it is also one of
hostile toward you and your companions, and it attacks you. the most destructive forces in our world today.
An uncontrolled elemental can’t be dismissed by you, and it Handle with care. Actually, don’t handle at all if
remains until it is destroyed. you can avoid it.”
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, use the higher level wherever the spell’s
level appears in the stat block.

196 Guide to Drakkenheim

5th-Level Spell 6th-Level Spell
Contaminated Hands Storm of Contamination
5th-level contaminated evocation 6th-level contaminated evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S, M (a delerium fragment worth 100gp, Components: V, S, M (a delerium fragment worth 100 gp,
which the spell consumes) which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level. When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
You create two Large hands of shimmering, octarine force in You create an arcing bolt of eldritch lightning that strikes a target
an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The hands of your choice that you can see within range. Multiple bolts
last for the spell’s duration. Both hands move at your command, then leap from that target to up to five other targets, each of
mimicking the movements of your own hands. which must be within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be a
Each hand is an object that has AC 20 and hit points equal to creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts.
your hit point maximum. If one or both of the hands drop to 0 A target must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target
hit points, the spell ends. Each hand has a Strength of 26 (+8) takes 10d12 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
and a Dexterity of 10 (+0) and occupies its space. much damage on a successful one. In addition, a target which
When you cast the spell, and as an action on your subsequent fails the saving throw gains 1 Contamination Level.
turns, you can move the hands up to 60 feet and then cause one
of the following effects with each. Both hands can perform the
same action, or different ones. The two hands must move to
remain within 30 feet of each other.
Arcane Slam. The hand strikes one creature or object within
5 feet of it. Make a melee spell attack for the hand using your
game statistics. On a hit, the target takes 4d12 necrotic damage.
If you direct both hands to attack the same target, they gain
advantage on the attack roll.
Forceful Throw. The hand attempts to push a creature
within 5 feet of it in a direction you choose. Make a check
with the hand’s Strength contested by the Strength (Athletics)
7th-Level Spells
check of the target. If the target is Medium or smaller, you have
advantage on the check. If you succeed, the hand pushes the
target up to 5 feet plus a number of feet equal to five times your
Octarine Sword
spellcasting ability modifier. The hand moves with the target 7th-level contaminated evocation
to remain within 5 feet of it. If both hands are used against the
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
same target, you can throw them ten times your spellcasting
Range: 60 feet
ability modifier, and gain advantage on the check against a
Components: V, S, M (a delerium fragment worth 100gp,
Large or smaller target.
Eldritch Grip. The hand attempts to grapple a Huge or
and a dagger)
Duration: 1 minute
smaller creature within 5 feet of it. You use the hand’s Strength
score to resolve the grapple. If the target is Medium or smaller, When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
you have advantage on the check. If both the hands are used You create a sword-shaped plane of contaminated energy that
against the same target, they can grapple a creature regardless of hovers within range. It lasts for the duration or until you cast
its size, and you have advantage on the grapple check against a this spell again.
Large or smaller target. When the sword appears, you make a melee spell attack
Contaminated Crush. You can have a hand crush a target against a target of your choice within 5 feet of the sword.
it is grappling. When you do so, the target takes bludgeoning On a hit, the target takes 4d10 force damage, and the target
damage equal to 2d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier. In must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
addition, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or target takes an additional 4d6 necrotic damage and gains 1
gain 1 Contamination Level. Contamination Level.
If both the hands are grappling the same target, you can have Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of
them rip the grappled target limb from limb. They deal an extra your turns to move the sword up to 30 feet to a spot you can see
4d12 necrotic damage. and repeat this attack against the same target or a different one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 6th level or higher, the damage from the arcane slam and slot of 8th level or higher, the force damage increases by 1d10
contaminated crush options increases by 2d12 and the damage and the necrotic damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level
from the eldritch grip increases by 2d6 for each slot level above 5th. above 7th.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 197

Unbind Gravity The target can use its action to attempt to escape. When it
does so, it makes an Intelligence check against your spell save
7th-level contaminated transmutation DC. If it succeeds, it escapes, and the spell ends. On a failed
check, the target takes 4d6 psychic damage.
Casting Time: 1 action When the spell ends, the target reappears in the space it left
Range: 100 feet or, if that space is occupied, in the nearest unoccupied space.
Components: V, S, M (a delerium fragment worth 100gp, Time passes differently for the target within the Space
which the spell consumes) Between Worlds, and it perceives its time spent there as having
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute lasted hundreds or perhaps thousands of years, even if it was
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level. only gone for rounds or minutes in the mortal world.
A creature which dies in the Space Between Worlds does
This spell allows you to control gravity in a 100-foot-cube cen-
not return.
tered on a point within range. When you cast this spell and at
the start of each of your turns for the spell’s duration, you decide
which direction gravity pulls within the area. All creatures and
objects that aren’t somehow anchored to the ground in the area
fall in the direction you choose until they reach the edge of the
9th-Level Spell
area. A creature can make a Dexterity saving throw to grab onto
a fixed object it can reach, thus avoiding the fall.
If some solid object (such as a ceiling) is encountered in this
Delerium Meteor Swarm
fall, falling objects and creatures strike it just as they would 9th-level contaminated evocation
during a normal downward fall. If an object or creature reaches
the edge of the area without striking anything, it remains there, Casting Time: 1 action
oscillating slightly, for the duration. Range: 1 mile
Alternatively, you can decide to prevent gravity from acting Components: V, S, M (an igneous rock and a delerium
within the area. When you do, creatures within the area levitate fragment worth 100gp, which the spell consumes)
in midair, and must move by pushing or pulling against a fixed Duration: 1 minute
object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling), which When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
allows them to move as if they were climbing. Unattended You call down eldritch falling stars that crash into the earth at
objects float around randomly. four points you can see within range. Each creature within a
At the end of the duration, affected objects and creatures fall 40-foot-radius sphere centered on each point you choose must
back down. make a Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads around
corners. A creature takes 10d6 radiant damage, 10d6 necrotic
damage, 10d6 thunder damage, 10d6 psychic damage, and 10d6
force damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage
on a successful one. A creature in the area of more than one
“My favorite part about magic is that if
there are any rules of the world, there is a
burst is affected only once.
The falling stars leave lasting contamination in the areas they
spell to break that rule.”
affect, which lasts for one hour. A creature that starts its turn
within the affected area must make a Constitution saving throw.
On a failed saving throw, the creature takes 5d6 necrotic damage
and gains 1 Contamination Level. It takes half as much damage
and does not gain any Contamination Levels on a successful save.
8th-Level Spell A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage immediately
undergoes a Monstrous Transformation as if they had gained 6
Contamination Levels.
Banish to the Space Between Worlds The spell damages structures and objects in the area that
aren’t being worn or carried.
8th-level contaminated conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a delerium fragment worth 100gp,
which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
When you cast this spell, you gain 1 Contamination Level.
You banish a creature that you can see within range into the
Space Between Worlds. Upon this roiling plane of chaotic
potential, the target wanders incomprehensible vistas searching
for a way back via strange and absurd exits. The target remains
there for the duration or until it escapes.

198 Guide to Drakkenheim

Continental Regalia
n a rare act of mutual cooperation, the mages of the Amethyst
Academy and the clerics of the Sacred Flame commemorated
signing the Edicts of Lumen by presenting each of the royal
families of Caspia, Elyria, and Westemär with a powerful enchant- Be Careful What You Wish For…
ed crown. Alongside these three crowns, the clerics and mages
constructed six other magical items for each nation which the Over the years, the monarchs have used their wishes both wisely
monarchs could bestow to their closest councilors and confidants and foolishly. Albrecht von Drakken used this power to bind
as badges of office. Made by the finest craftspeople and imbued three ancient dragons into his service so he could make war on
with both arcane and divine magic, the regalia were intended to Caspia, while Helena I of House von Kessel made a wish to end
give a measure of magic which the nobility could use at their own a great plague which ravaged her nation at the start of her reign.
discretion to serve as an important check against the vast magical Elyrian monarchs have used their wishes to strip a favored child
powers wielded by both the Faith and the Academy. of mageborn traits, or aid the construction of great cathedrals
Crown Authority. A character can never attune to more to the Sacred Flame. Caspian High Kings have been known to
than one National Seal or Continental Crown. use their wishes to restore the lives of their headstrong offspring
The Seals of Westemär are lost in the ruins of Drakkenheim, killed in rash battles against fearsome monsters. Whether to
and detailed in the adventure Dungeons of Drakkenheim. save their nations from turmoil, or to increase their personal
wealth and indulge in their own vices, more than once has a
monarch hastily used their wishes, only to be left without it in
Continental Crown a time of dire need. At other times they have carefully rationed
their wishes, using them only towards the end of their reign.
Legendary wondrous item (requires attunement) Many believe the monarchs have used their wishes to undo
A character may only attune to the Continental Crown by and erase their most terrible mistakes, reversing the course of
performing a special 1-hour ceremony with six other characters who history itself with unknowable results. However, such wishes
are each attuned to the corresponding Seals of the respective nation. seldom end well, as monarchs meddling with time and destiny
While attuned to the crown and wearing it, you are immune can rarely predict the consequences of their choices. Today,
to any effect that would sense your emotions or read your whenever a new monarch is crowned, the Divine Matriarch and
thoughts, divination spells, and the charmed condition. The the Academy Directorate secretly meet with the new ruler to
crown even foils wish spells and spells or effects of similar power caution them against using their wishes in such risky ways, often
used to affect your mind or to gain information about you. telling of how High King Oberon Joplin attempted to use a wish
The crown has 3 charges. While wearing it, you can use an to avert the War of the Sword, but the war happened just the
action to expend 1 charge to cast the wish spell from it. The same each time.
crown regains one expended charge every ten years.

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 199

Six Swords of Caspia
Jackson’s Longsword Joyce’s Shortsword
Legendary weapon, longsword (requires attunement) Legendary weapon, shortsword (requires attunement)
This glimmering longsword has a blue ornate hilt set with a This short blade is concealed within an ornate scabbard that
single sapphire upon the crossguard. doubles as a cane with spiraled gold and green designs. The blade
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with has a green hilt and a single emerald placed upon the crossguard.
this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
weapon you gain the following additional benefits: magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this weapon
h Your Strength score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22). you gain the following additional benefits:
h When you hit with an attack using this sword, you can h Your Wisdom score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22).
immediately take the shove action as part of the same action. h When you draw this blade and speak its command word,
h You may use the blade to grant you the benefits of the it casts the bless spell on you and two other allies of your
fighter’s Action Surge feature. Once you use this feature you choice within 30 feet. No action is required by you to cast
can not do so again until you finish a long rest. the spell, and the spell lasts 1 minute without requiring your
concentration. Once the blade casts the spell in this way, it
cannot do so again until the next dawn.
John’s Scimitar
Legendary weapon, scimitar (requires attunement) Jones’s Greatsword
This curved blade has a jagged edge along the wider side with a
purple hilt and a single amethyst placed upon the crossguard. Legendary weapon, greatsword (requires attunement)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with This massive blade is over six feet long with a yellow hilt and a
this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this single topaz placed upon the crossguard.
weapon you gain the following additional benefits: You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
h Your Intelligence score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22). this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this
h You can use this weapon as a spellcasting focus for your weapon you gain the following additional benefits:
sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spells. Additionally, you gain a h Your Constitution score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22).
+3 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of h If you have less than half your hit point maximum remaining,
your sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spells. you regain 10 hit points at the start of each of your turns while
h This sword has 8 charges. You may use the charges to cast the you are conscious and wielding this greatsword.
following spells (save DC 18): acid arrow (2 charges), lightning
bolt (3 charges), fireball (3 charges), cone of cold (5 charges).
The blade gains all expended charges at dawn. Jagger’s Dagger
Legendary weapon, dagger (requires attunement)
Joplin’s Rapier This large dagger is a black steel kukri blade with a matching
hilt and a single onyx placed upon the crossguard.
Legendary weapon, rapier (requires attunement) You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
This long and narrow blade has a red hilt and three rubies this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this
placed upon the rounded crossguard. weapon you gain the following additional benefits:
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with h Your Dexterity score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22).
this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this h You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, and can see
weapon you gain the following additional benefits: invisible creatures and objects within your darkvision.
h Your Charisma score increases by 2 (to a maximum of 22). h This blade has three charges. When you hit with a weapon
h The first time each day you touch the blade, it casts the mind attack using this dagger, you can expend a charge and use
blank spell upon you. a bonus action to teleport 30 feet and turn invisible. The
h While carrying or wielding this weapon, whenever you make invisibility lasts until the end of your next turn or when you
a Charisma (Deception) check, you may treat any roll of a 9 or make an attack. All charges replenish every night at midnight.
lower as if you had rolled a 10 instead.

John’s Scimitar

200 Guide to Drakkenheim

Seals of Elyria
Master Commander’s Mantle Ambassador’s Ring
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This ornate mantle has a long flowing blue cape filigreed with This is a golden two finger ring worn on the second and third
gold trim. Two golden clasps designed with motifs of griffons finger. The ring is set with a large diamond in the center and
and a golden chain support the mantle around the neck. three smaller sapphires on either side.
Once per day when you roll initiative, instead of rolling a die, The ring has three charges. You can use your action and
you and up to five creatures who can see and hear you can treat expend one charge from the ring to try to make a humanoid
the d20 result as 20. Affected creatures increase their speed by creature forget the details of a conversation you’ve had with
30 feet for the first round. it in the past hour, replacing its memories with an alternative
explanation you provide (limited to a short sentence or two).
Cardinal’s Crest The explanation must sound plausible, and immediately fails
if you imply the target made any sort of agreement, choices, or
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) decisions. The creature must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence
saving throw. On a failed save, it loses its memories of the
This garment of white silk is threaded with silver and conversation with you and accepts your explanation regarding
emblazoned with iconography of the Sacred Flame. You can use what occurred. On a successful saving throw, the target isn’t
it as a spellcasting focus for your cleric, druid, or paladin spells. aware you tried to affect its memories.
Additionally, you gain a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the All expended charges are replenished each day at dawn.
saving throw DCs of your cleric, druid, or paladin spells.
When you cast a spell with the ritual tag, you can cast that
spell as a ritual without adding an extra 10 minutes to the Secretary General’s Quill
casting time.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

Lord Chamberlain’s Amulet This large feathered quill with is made from the plucked feather
of an angel. While attuned to this quill, you can read, write, and
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) speak all languages. You always know if you read or hear a lie, and
immediately determine if a document is a forgery if you hold it in
This jeweled locket bears the symbol of the Sacred Flame kept your hands. You have truesight out to a range of 30 feet.
within a gilded lantern. The amulet has three charges. If you die You can fold a document written using this quill, then
while wearing the amulet, it immediately expends one charge to write the name of a creature familiar to you on the page or an
cast revivify upon you. The amulet regains all expended charges envelope. Once you do, the document and envelope whisk away
each time a new wearer attunes to it. If your attunement ends and towards the creature, flying through the air and slipping through
you later attune to this item again, it does not gain any charges. thin cracks to reach them. No matter where the creature is in
the world, it reaches them within 1 hour.
Orb of Nox
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
This 3-inch-diameter orb resembles a large marble with a
glowing delerium crystal within. It is a mysterious relic from the
days of the sorcerer-kings held as the symbol of the Archmage
of Elyria. You can use it as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer,
warlock, and wizard spells, and you gain a +3 bonus to spell
attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your sorcerer,
warlock, and wizard spells.
This orb has five charges. When you cast a contaminated
spell, you can expend 1 charge from the orb. If you do, you
don’t gain a Contamination Level from casting that spell (this
does not cause casting the spell to fail).
The orb regains 1d6 expended charges each day at midnight.

Secretary General’s Quill

Chapter 4: Magic of Drakkenheim 201

Appendix A: Monsters
This appendix details several new monsters which may be found
in Drakkenheim and on the continent as a whole.

Deep Dregs
Mortals contaminated by delerium under the influence of an Deep Knight
aquatic creature. Large aberration (chaotic evil)

Armor Class 18 (natural armor, shield)

Hit Points 59 (10d10 + 4)
Deep Dreg Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft.
Medium aberration (chaotic evil)
Armor Class 11 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Damage Resistance acid, poison
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +4
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) Languages Common, telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Skills Deception +2, Stealth +3
Senses passive Perception 10 Abyssal Aura. While the deep knight is not incapacitated, it and
Languages Common its allies within 30 feet who can see and hear it have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Amphibious. The deep knight can breathe air and water.
Amphibious. The deep dreg can breathe air and water. Delerium Healing. As an action, the deep knight can touch a
delerium shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once a monster has
Catch of the Day. Once per turn, the deep dreg can deal an extra 7 (2d6) used a delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this
damage to a prone or restrained creature it hits with a weapon attack. manner again for 24 hours.
Delerium Healing. As an action, the deep dreg can touch a delerium Fully Contaminated. This creature is immune to contamination, and
shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once a monster has used a has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells.
delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this manner
again for 24 hours. Unwavering Sentinel. Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from
the deep knight even if they take the Disengage action before
Fully Contaminated. This creature is immune to contamination, and leaving its reach.
has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells.
Normal Semblance. The deep dreg has advantage on Deception Actions
checks to pass itself off as a normal humanoid creature. Multiattack. The deep knight makes two attacks: one with its
Watery Camouflage. The deep dreg has advantage on Stealth checks harpoon and one with its bite.
to hide in any area obscured by murky water or aquatic features. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13
(2d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Actions Harpoon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft, or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. If the target
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) is a Huge or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength
piercing damage when used in two hands to make a melee attack. saving throw or be pulled up to 20 feet toward the deep knight.
Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 5/15 ft., one Large or
smaller creature. Hit: The target is restrained. A creature can use Bonus Actions
its action to make a DC 10 Strength check to free itself or another Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
creature in a net, ending the effect on a success. Dealing 5 slashing Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Huge or
damage to the net (AC 10) frees the target without harming it and smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw
destroys the net. or be knocked prone.

Deep Knight

Deep Siren

Deep Dreg

Deep Siren Actions

Multiattack. The siren makes two storm lash attacks.
Medium aberration (chaotic evil)
Storm Lash. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
90 ft., Hit: 18 (4d8) thunder damage, and the target is pushed up to
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) 10 feet away from the siren.
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Discordant Song (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). The siren
Speed 30 ft., swim 60 ft. unleashes a cacophony of psychic screams. The magic erupts in a
30-foot-radius sphere originating from the siren. Each creature of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the siren’s choice in that area must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 21 (6d6) psychic damage,
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) and suffers from discordant reverberations for 1 minute. During that
time, it rolls a d6 and subtracts the number rolled from all its attack
Damage Immunity cold, lightning rolls, ability checks, and saving throws The target can make an
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +7, Perception +5 Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common, telepathy 60 ft. Illusory Appearance. The siren covers herself and anything she is
wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
like another creature of her general size and humanoid shape.
The illusion ends if the siren takes a bonus action to end it or if
Amphibious. The deep siren can breathe air and water. she dies.
Fully Contaminated. This creature is immune to contamination, and The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical in-
has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells. This spection. For example, the siren could appear to have smooth skin,
creature can cast contaminated spells even though it does not gain but someone touching her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise,
contamination levels. a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and
succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that
Spellcasting. The deep siren casts one of the following spells, using the siren is disguised.
Charisma as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with
spell attacks): Bonus Actions
2/day each: biohazard*, fog cloud, lightning bolt, vanish to the space between Misty Step. The siren magically teleports to an unoccupied space it
worlds*, weave the elder sign* can see within 30 feet of it.
1/day each: control water, summon delerium elemental (delerium sludge only)*

Appendix A: Monsters 203

The Duchess Actions
Multiattack. The Duchess makes three tentacle attacks. If she is
Gargantuan aberration (chaotic evil) grappling a creature, she can make one bite attack as a bonus action
against it.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft. one target.
Hit Points 290 (20d20 + 80) Hit: 15 (3d6 + 6) piercing damage.
Speed 10 ft., swim 60 ft.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 20 (4d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Huge or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 19). At the start of
each of its turns until the grapple ends, it must succeed on a DC
22 (+6) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 17 (+3) 24 (+7) 17 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 Contamination Level. The
Duchess can have up to four targets grappled at a time.
Saving Throws Con +9, Int +10, Wis +8, Cha +12
Fling. One Large or smaller object held or creature grappled by the
Damage Resistances acid, necrotic, poison, psychic Duchess is thrown up to 60 feet in a direction of the Duchess’s
Condition Immunities charmed choice and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid surface,
Skills Arcana +10, Deception +12, Insight +13, Intimidation +12, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was
Persuasion +12 thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 15 must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take the same
damage and be knocked prone.
Languages understands all languages but does not speak,
telepathy 120 ft.
Bonus Actions
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Deep Domination (Recharge 5-6). The Duchess targets one creature
it can see. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving
Amphibious. The Duchess can breathe air and water. throw or be magically charmed by the Duchess until the Duchess
Delerium Healing. As an action, the Duchess can touch a delerium dies. The charmed target is under the Duchess’s control and can’t
shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once a monster has used a take reactions, and the Duchess and the target can communicate
delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this manner telepathically with each other over any distance.
again for 24 hours. Whenever the charmed target takes damage, the target can repeat
the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. On a failed saving
Fully Contaminated. The Duchess is immune to contamination, throw, the target gains 1 level of Contamination. No more than once
and has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells. every 24 hours, the target can also repeat the saving throw if it is at
They can cast contaminated spells even though they do not gain least 1 mile away from the Duchess.
contamination levels. If the charmed target undergoes a Monstrous Transformation, it
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Duchess fails a saving throw, it becomes a deep dreg, a deep knight, or a deep siren, and is forever
can choose to succeed instead. thrall to the Duchess while in this new form.
Magic Resistance. The Duchess has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Sacrificial Pawn. When the Duchess takes damage from an attack,
Moisture Regeneration. The Duchess regains 20 hit points at the she can choose one ally or creature charmed by she can see within
start of each of her turns if she is submerged at least partially in 30 feet. That creature takes the damage from the attack.
water. She dies only if she starts her turn at zero hit points and
does not regenerate. Legendary Actions
Spellcasting (Psionics). The duchess casts one of the following The Duchess can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
spells, requiring no spell components and using Charisma as the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks): time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Duchess
At will: detect thoughts regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
3/day each: biohazard*, controlled mutation*, dispel magic, dream, sending Tentacle or Fling. The Duchess makes one tentacle attack or uses fling.
1/day each: control water, control weather, project image, scrying, telekinesis, Call of the Deep (Costs 3 Actions). The Duchess calls forth up
weave the elder sign*, storm of contamination*, acid rain* to five deep dregs or one deep knight. The creatures appear in
unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of the Duchess and rremain
until destroyed. These creatures act after the Duchess on the
same initiative count and are under her control.

204 Guide to Drakkenheim

A striga is a contaminated undead abomination which results
when a true vampire or vampire spawn succumbs to
Eldritch Contamination.
A striga can reverse its monstrous contamination by drinking
the blood of a humanoid creature who has recently been the
target of a purge contamination* spell.

Large undead, unaligned

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 60 ft.


19 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +7, Wis +7

Skills Perception +7, Stealth +6
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 17
Languages the languages it knew in life
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Proficency Bonus +4

Blood Frenzy. The striga has advantage on melee attack rolls against
any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.
Regeneration. The striga regains 10 hit points at the start of each of
its turns if it has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in sunlight. If the striga
takes radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function until the start of
the striga’s next turn.
Delerium Healing. As an action, the striga can touch a delerium
shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once the striga has used a
delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this manner
again for 24 hours.
Fully Contaminated. The striga is immune tocontamination, and has
advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells.
Spider Climb. The striga can climb difficult surfaces, including upside
down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The striga takes 20 radiant damage when it
starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on
attack rolls and ability checks.

Multiattack. The striga makes three attacks, two with its claws and
one with its bite. If both claw attacks hit the same creature, hit the
same creature, it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
take 14 (4d6) extra necrotic damage and gain 1 Contamination Level.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Appendix A: Monsters 205

Entropic Watcher
This floating mass of wet flabby flesh drifts through the air, its
many long spindly tendrils dangling down like some form of incom-
prehensible jellyfish. Oftentimes these creatures appear in strange
hues of pale pinks, purples, and whites. Their large eye placed in
the middle of their fleshy mass glows with octarine hues and their
gaze weakens the body and mind. The soft sound of thrumming
and suckling follows them as insane chattering of unknown lan-
guages murmur in the minds of those unfortunate enough to behold
these creatures that drift through the thin places into our world.

Entropic Watcher Tendrils. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 40 ft., one creature.
Hit: 17 (3d8+4) bludgeoning damage and 9 (2d8) necrotic damage,
Large aberration (lawful evil) and the target is grappled (escape DC 17) if it is a Huge or smaller
creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the
entropic watcher can’t use the same tendril on another target.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) The entropic watcher has ten tendrils.
Hit Points 199 (19d10 + 95)
Insanity Beam. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60 ft., one
Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) target. Hit: 22 (4d10) necrotic damage, and the beam then leaps to
another target. The watcher can repeat the attack against a new
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target within 30 feet of the first target. A creature can be targeted by
only one of the beams each time the watcher uses this attack.. For
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) each additional creature hit in this way, the damage increases by 5
(1d10) necrotic damage.
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +5 Shadow Crash (Recharge 5-6). The entropic watcher unleashes a
Skills Perception +12 blast of entropy centered on a point it can see within 150 feet
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic, poison of it. Creatures within 20 feet of the point must make a DC 16
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, prone Constitution saving throw. They suffer 8d8 necrotic damage on a
failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 22
The area becomes a pool of clutching shadows which last until the
Languages Understands all languages but does not speak, start of the monster’s next turn. Creatures who end their turn in the
telepathy 120 ft. area suffer 8d8 necrotic damage.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Contaminating Grasp. One creature grappled by a tendril must make
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
Delerium Healing. As an action, the entropic watcher can touch 16 (3d10) necrotic damage, and gains one Contamination Level.
a delerium shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once the entropic
watcher has used a delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be Bonus Actions
used in this manner again for 24 hours.
Force Barrier. The entropic watcher creates an shimmering
Fully Contaminated. The entropic watcher is immune to contamination, octarine 10-foot-by-10-foot wall of force at a point chosen within
and has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells. 150 feet of it which lasts for 1 minute or until the entropic watcher
Eldritch Blood. A creature within 5 feet of the entropic watcher is incapacitated or dies. The wall appears in any orientation it
takes 5 (1d10) necrotic damage whenever it hits the watcher with a chooses, as a horizontal or vertical barrier or at an angle. It can be
melee attack. free floating or resting on a solid surface. If the wall cuts through a
creature’s space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side
Eldritch Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the entropic of the wall (GM’s choice which side).
watcher’s darkvision. Nothing can physically pass through the wall. It is immune to
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the entropic watcher fails a saving all damage and can’t be dispelled by dispel magic. A disintegrate spell
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. destroys the wall instantly, however. The wall also extends into the
Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel through the wall.
Magic Resistance. The entropic watcher has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. Legendary Actions
Withering Gaze. The entropic watcher’s eye projects an area of The entropic watcher can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
withering magic in a 150-foot-line that is 10 feet wide. At the start of the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
each of its turns, the entropic watcher decides which way the line a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The watcher
faces and whether the line is active. Creatures in the area of the line regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
are vulnerable to necrotic damage and cannot regain hit points. Tendril. The entropic watcher makes one tendril attack.
Glide. The entropic watcher moves up to its speed.
Insanity Beam (Costs 2 Actions). The entropic watcher uses its
Multiattack. The entropic watcher makes one insanity beam attack insanity beam.
and four attacks with its tendrils. One or more tendril attacks can
be replaced with a contaminating grasp attack instead.

206 Guide to Drakkenheim

Liminal Herald
The amorphous form of the liminal herald quivers and
ripples as it drifts through the air, its many spider-like
eyes glowing with incomprehensible colors, its flesh
changing shape and color in dizzying displays. It whispers
in the minds of those who approach it, telling them great
truths of unknown worlds, and announcing the coming of
its nameless masters.

Liminal Herald Actions

Multiattack. The liminal herald makes two attacks with its eldritch
Medium aberration (lawful neutral) beams. It can also use mind scramble or warp call.
Contaminated Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target must succeed
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 Contamination Level.
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
Eldritch Beams. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 120 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 (4d6) force damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Mind Scramble (Recharge 5-6). The liminal herald launches a psychic
8 (-1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) barrage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
DC 13 Intelligence saving throw. A creature takes 14 (4d6) psychic
damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful
Skills Perception +7
one. If a creature in the area is concentrating on a spell, it makes the
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, prone saving throw with disadvantage, and suffers an additional 21 (6d6)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 psychic damage on a failed saving throw.
Languages Understands all languages but does not speak, Warp Call. The liminal herald pulls a creature it can see within
telepathy 120 ft. 90 feet of it through space. The target must succeed on a DC 13
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Charisma a saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target takes
10 (3d6) psychic damage and is teleported to an unoccupied space
Delerium Healing. As an action, the liminal herald can touch a the liminal herald can see within 60 feet. The chosen space must be
delerium shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once the liminal herald on a surface or in a liquid that can support the target without the
has used a delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this target having to squeeze.
manner again for 24 hours.
Bonus Actions
Eldritch Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the liminal
Dimension Hop. The liminal herald teleports up to 30 feet to an
herald’s darkvision.
unoccupied space it can see.
Fully Contaminated. The liminal herald is immune to contamination,
and has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells. Reactions
Reflect Pain. If the liminal herald takes damage from an attack or
a spell which targets only it, it can use its reaction to cause the
attacking creature or spellcaster to take psychic damage equal to
damage dealt by the triggering attack or spell.

Appendix A: Monsters 207

Lurker on the Threshold
The Lurker on the Threshold is a vile and maniacal being,
drifting into our realm through thin places and screaming in
the minds of those it witnesses. It laughs in hysterical dissonant
tones and peers out with its three unblinking dark pools of eyes,
with a mass of fleshy tendrils dangling from its slimy form. It
ripples with black voidlike hues and splashes of deep purples
and blues as if its flesh was a moving image of the cosmos.

Lurker on the Threshold

Large aberration (typically chaotic evil)

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 157 (15d10 + 75)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)


18 (+4) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Str +8, Cha+3

Skills Perception +8
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, prone
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Understands all languages but does not speak,
telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Delerium Healing. As an action, the Lurker on the Threshold can

touch a delerium shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once a monster
has used a delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this
manner again for 24 hours.
Fully Contaminated. The Lurker on the Threshold is immune to
contamination, and has advantage on saving throws against
contaminated spells.
Eldritch Blood. A creature within 5 feet of the Lurker on the Threshold
takes 5 (1d10) necrotic damage whenever it hits the Lurker with a
melee attack that deals piercing or slashing damage.
Eldritch Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the Lurker on the
Threshold’s darkvision. Disintegrating Ray. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
Magic Resistance. The Lurker on the Threshold has advantage on saving throw or take 27 (6d8) force damage. A target reduced to zero
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. hit points by this damage is reduced to dust and dies.
Memory Lapse Ray. The target must make a DC 17 Intelligence saving
Actions throw. On a failed save, the target’s memories become distant for 1
Multiattack. The Lurker on the Threshold makes two attacks with its minute. While its memories are distant, the target can’t cast spells,
tendrils, or it uses its cosmic rays three times. activate magic items, use its class features, or understand language,
and makes ability checks with disadvantage. The target can repeat the
Tendrils. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 30 ft., one creature.
save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Hit: 8 (2d8) bludgeoning damage and 4 (1d8) necrotic damage,
and the target is grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a Huge or smaller Contaminating Ray. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 16 (3d10) necrotic dam-
Lurker on the Threshold can’t use the same tentacle on another age, and gains one Contamination Level. On a successful save, they
target. The Lurker on the Threshold has ten tentacles. take half as much damage and do not gain any Contamination Levels.
Cosmic Rays. The Lurker on the Threshold shoots one magical ray Existential Dread Ray. During the target’s next turn, each time it
at random (roll a d4, and reroll if the ray has already been used this takes an action other than the dodge action, moves more than 5
turn), choosing one target it can see within 120 feet of it: feet, or takes a bonus action, it suffers 14 (4d6) psychic damage.

208 Guide to Drakkenheim

Eldritch Crawler
These strange arachnid-like creatures seem to weave together
partial realities, parallel dimensions, and alternate timelines like
a spider spinning its web. They have features that resemble that
of a large spider, but their twisted forms, elongated torso, fanged
maws, and spiny hides give them an otherworldly guise that
makes them hard to distinguish as anything from this plane of
existence. Those who have faced one have commented on the
broken sense of reality that occurs when attempting to attack an
eldritch crawler.

Eldritch Crawler Insectoid Limbs. The eldritch crawler can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
Medium aberration (neutral) ability check. Additionally, it ignores movement restrictions caused
by webbing.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 32 (5d10 + 5)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11
Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA failed save and gains one Contamination Level, or half as much
damage and gaining no Contamination Levels on a successful one.
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 2 (-4)
Contaminated Venom. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/40
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. and the target must
Skills Stealth +6 make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic
Damage Resistances necrotic damage on a failed save and suffering one Contamination Level,
Condition Immunities grappled, restrained or half as much damage and gains no Contamination Levels on a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 successful one.
Languages –
Bonus Actions
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Void Walker. The eldritch crawler magically transports itself from the
Material Plane to the Space Between Worlds, or vice versa.
Delerium Healing. As an action, the eldritch crawler can touch a
delerium shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once a monster has Reactions
used a delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this Fractured Reality. Whenever an attack that targets the eldritch crawl-
manner again for 24 hours. er misses, the edritch crawler can teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied
Fully Contaminated. The eldritch crawler is immune to contamination, space it can see, momentarily leaving behind a fractured image of
and has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells. itself being hit by the attack in its place.

Appendix A: Monsters 209

Maw Vermin
The maw vermin may have been a rat that fed on too much
delerium, or perhaps the sickly scavengers of another dimension
altogether. Its pink flesh is caked with thick patchwork tufts of
fur, with three gangly long arms that end in long bony fingers
with talon like claws. Rather than a head, the top of its massive
body has two beady rodent-like eyes and rat-like features. Upon
its belly is a large gaping maw filled with jagged teeth and a
massive purple tongue slurping and slathering gobs of vile saliva
out of it as it drags itself towards its next meal.

Maw Vermin
Huge monstrosity (unaligned)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
Speed 20 ft.


23 (+6) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)

Saving Throws Str +10, Con +9, Wis +5

Skills Perception +9
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages –
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Delerium Healing. As an action, the maw vermin can touch a

delerium shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once the maw vermin
has used a delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this
manner again for 24 hours.
all swallowed creatures, each of which falls prone in a space within
Fully Contaminated. The maw vermin is immune to contamination, 10 feet of the maw vermin. If the maw vermin dies, any swallowed
and has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells. creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse
Magic Resistance. The maw vermin has advantage on saving throws using 10 feet of movement, exiting prone.
against spells and other magical effects. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8
+ 6) slashing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a
Actions Huge or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the maw vermin can’t
use this claw on another target. The maw vermin has 3 claws.
Multiattack. The maw vermin makes one bite attack and three claw
attacks, and it can use its grasping maw or glob launcher. Grasping Maw. The maw vermin targets one Medium or smaller
creature that it can see within 15 feet of it. The target must make a
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is pulled
22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage, and the target is swallowed if it is
into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the maw vermin.
a Medium or smaller creature. A swallowed creature is blinded
and restrained, has total cover against attacks and other effects Glob Launcher. The maw vermin coats a creature in its mouth with
outside the maw vermin. At the start of each of the maw vermin’s a glob of acidic goo, and launches it at a point it can see within 120
turns, any creature inside its maw takes 10 (3d6) acid damage and feet of it. Each creature within 10 feet of that point must make a
must succeed on a DC 15 constitution saving throw or suffer one DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. The launched creature automatically
Contamination Level. fails this saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 21 (6d6) acid
The maw vermin’s mouth can hold up to three creatures at a damage and becomes restrained by the acidic goo until freed. The
time. If the maw vermin takes 20 damage or more on a single turn target can use its action to make a DC 15 Strength check to free itself.
from a creature inside it, the maw vermin must succeed on a DC A restrained creature takes 7 (2d6) acid damage if it ends its turn
20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate restrained by the goo.

210 Guide to Drakkenheim

Far Dweller
The tall gangly humanoid creature looms over its prey.
Floating inches above the ground, its hands out to either side
as shifting motes of otherworldly energy float amongst its long,
gnarled fingers. A bloom of thick writhing tentacles sprout
from its neck where a head should be, caressing and grasping
towards its foes. Chittering whispers and slurping chorused
mumbles of maddening truths and unfathomable realities echo
in the minds of those who bear witness to this mastermind of
the space between worlds.

Far Dweller
Medium aberration (chaotic evil)

Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft., fly 10 ft. (hover)


8 (-1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +6, Int +8, Wis +6, Cha +5

Skills Arcana +11, Deception +5, Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances necrotic, cold
Damage Immunities psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 16
Languages Understands all languages but does not speak,
telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Delerium Healing. As an action, the far dweller can touch a delerium

shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once the far dweller has used a
delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this manner
again for 24 hours.
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it
Fully Contaminated. The far dweller is immune to contamination, gains one Contamination Level.
and has advantage on saving throws against contaminated spells.
Mind Scramble (Recharge 5-6). The far dweller launches a psychic
Magic Resistance. The far dweller has advantage on saving throws barrage in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
against spells and other magical effects. DC 16 Intelligence saving throw. A creature takes 21 (6d6) psychic
Spellcasting (Psionics). The far dweller casts one of the following damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful
spells, requiring no spell components and using Intelligence as its one. If a creature in the area is concentrating on a spell, it makes the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks): saving throw with disadvantage, and suffers an additional 21 (6d6)
psychic damage on a failed saving throw.
At will: comet shards*
3/day each: vanish to the space between worlds*
1/day each: banish to the space between worlds*, siphon time*,
Bonus Actions
weave the elder sign* Pluck the Puppet Strings. The far dweller chooses one creature it can
see within 60 feet of it and attempts to seize temporary control
Actions over it. The target must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed saving throw, it suffers 14 (4d6) psychic damage, and must
Multiattack. The far dweller makes two contaminated touch attacks. immediately use its reaction to move up to its speed directly towards
It can replace one of these attacks with mind scramble, if available. a creature mentally chosen by the far dweller. If the target ends this
Contaminated Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., movement with the chosen creature within its reach, it must make
one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. On a hit, the target one melee weapon attack against that creature with advantage.

Appendix A: Monsters 211

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters
These humanoid NPCs may be encountered
throughout the world of Drakkenheim.

Doctor Surgeon
Dressed in a white lab coat with a pair of thick glasses, the A thick apron caked in blood and large scalpels and bone saws
doctor carries their medical bag with them into battle. With in hand, the mad surgeon is obsessed with the dissection and
their syringe in hand and equipped with toxins and tinctures dismemberment of their foes. Formerly trained in the art of
they have the means to aid their allies, or poison their enemies. medical practice, they are expertly trained at finding a target’s
weakest points, and exploiting them.

Doctor Surgeon
Medium humanoid (any alignment) Medium humanoid (any alignment)

Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Armor Class 14 (studded leather armor)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Hit Points 45 (10d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)

Damage Resistance poison Saving Throws Int +7

Skills Medicine +4, Nature +4 Skills Arcana +7, Deception +3, Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Any two Languages Any two
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Spellcasting. The surgeon casts one of the following spells, using

Actions Intelligence as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit
Poison Needle. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. with spell attacks):
or range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and At will: acid burn*, false life
the target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 2/day each: stream of consumption*, sleep
(3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a 1/ day each: biohazard*, caustic grip*, tranquilizing toxin*
successful one.
Surgical Strike. The surgeon has advantage on attack rolls against a
Medical Treatment (3/Day). The doctor touches another creature. creature if no other creature is within 5 feet of the target.
The target magically regains 20 (4d8 + 2) hit points, and the doctor
ends either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition Actions
can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
Multiattack. The surgeon makes two melee or ranged attacks.
Bonus Actions Poison Needle. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Diagnosis. The doctor takes the Help action. or range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage, and
the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 10
(3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Fetid Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage, and 4 (2d4) acid damage.

Plague Doctor
The plague doctor speaks through their muffled mask, eyeing
up the battlefield. Behind their large trench coat is thick armor
and a bandoleer of toxins and chemicals. They have concocted
rare and deadly diseases and poisons to torment their enemies
with, and are eager to see their performance on the battlefield.

Plague Doctor
Medium humanoid (any alignment)

Armor Class 17 (half plate)

Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft.


8 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +7, Int +9

Skills Arcana +13, History +9,
Damage Resistances acid, necrotic
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any six languages
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Gas Mask. The plague doctor is unaffected by their own spells.

Magic Resistance. The plague doctor has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Spellcasting. The plague doctor casts one of the following spells,
using Intelligence as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17, +9
to hit with spell attacks):
At will: bacterial barrage*, infect, spare the dying
2/day each: biohazard*, fog cloud, healing word, stream of consumption*
1/ day each: pandemic*, plague wind*, septic shock*, vitriol ichor*
Toxicology. The plague doctor’s spells and abilities that inflict poison
Plague Doctor damage bypass enemies resistance to poison damage.

Multiattack. The plague doctor makes two melee or ranged attacks.
Poison Needle. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (4d4 + 4) piercing damage, and
the target must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 21
(6d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Infliction. Ranged spell Attack: +9 to hit, range 30 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) necrotic damage, if the target is suffering from a disease
or the poisoned condition, it takes 22 (4d10) additional necrotic damage.

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 213

Minstrel Minstrel
A minstrel is often dressed in vibrant fashions, carrying their
preferred instrument of choice everywhere they go. Many great
artists and musicians have found the powers to weave their
creative minds to channel arcane energies. The minstrel uses
their cunning, guile, and charm to outwit and enthrall their
enemies, or bolster their allies.

Medium humanoid (any alignment)

Armor Class 13 (leather armor)

Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)

Damage Resistance psychic, thunder

Skills Deception +4, Performance +4
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Any two
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Spellcasting. The minstrel casts one of the following spells, using

Charisma as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with
spell attacks):
At will: minor illusion, prestidigitation
2/day each: charm person, disguise self, sleep
1/day each: enhance ability, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, major image

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions
Inspiring Word. The minstrel chooses one creature it can see within
60 feet who can hear them. Once any time before the start of the
minstrel’s next turn, that creature can roll 1d6 and add the number
rolled to the result of an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw
it makes.

“A minstrel! You want me to fight a
person tootling on a flute? That seems
highly unfair for them.”

214 Guide to Drakkenheim

“Big burly warriors with axes seem cool,
but they still are no match for the world’s
greatest sorcerer.”

Every monastery, chapel, cathedral, and shrine to the Sacred

Reaver Flame is watched over by a Flamekeeper. These white-robed

women guided by their faith are known throughout the nations
Many of the northern warriors have adopted the title “reaver”. to aid the downtrodden, protect the innocent, and perform
Donned in animal furs, wielding axes, and painting themselves with religious ceremonies of many types. Occasionally Flamekeepers
blood, these brutal warriors rage in to battle with an unrelenting will join Silver Order knights on holy expeditions, or as envoys
ferocity. Many reavers believe they are closely tied to nature, the for the Sacred Flame, joining battlefields and wars as protectors,
elements, and the wild animals of the places they inhabit. Whether healers, and symbols of the Faith.
it be the Netherwind Reavers, or the Northfolk from Skye, these
terrifying warriors are infamous for their brutality.
Medium humanoid (any alignment)
Reaver Armor Class 14 (chain shirt)
Medium humanoid (any alignment) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 13 (hide armor)
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 40 ft.
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistance fire, radiant
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) Skills Insight +5, Religion +5
Senses Passive Perception 13
Damage Resistance cold Languages Any two
Skills Athletics +7, Survival +4 Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common Spellcasting. The Flamekeeper casts one of the following spells, using
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Wisdom as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
spell attacks):
Brawler. The reaver has advantage on attack rolls against a target At will: guidance, light, spare the dying, thaumaturgy
it has grappled. Additionally, the reaver can grapple a target even 2/day each: bless, healing word, lesser restoration
when wielding a two-handed weapon. 1/day each: aid, dispel magic, spirit guardians
Great Fortitude. If damage reduces the reaver to 0 hit points, it must
make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage Actions
taken, unless the damage is from a critical hit. On a success, the Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
reaver drops to 1 hit point instead. 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage, or 4 (1d8) damage
when used in two hands to make a melee attack.
Actions Searing Light. The Flamekeeper speaks a prayer as they project a
Multiattack. The reaver makes two greataxe attacks. If it hits with radiant beam at one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The
one of these attacks, it can grapple the target as a bonus action. target must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 10 the target suffers 14 (4d6) radiant damage and is blinded until the
(1d12 + 4) slashing damage. start of the Flamekeeper’s next turn. On a successful save, the target
takes half as much damage and is not blinded.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Radiant Flames. The Flamekeeper channels divine power into a burst
of holy fire. Creatures of the Flamekeeper’s choice within 30 feet of it
Smash. The reaver can use a creature it is grappling as an improvised must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
weapon against another with a +6 attack bonus. If the attack each target takes 16 (3d10) radiant damage, or half as much on a
hits, both the grappled creature and the target take 10 (1d12 +4) successful save. Magical darkness in the area is dispelled.
bludgeoning damage.

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 215

Academy Outcast
Not all mageborn are cut out for the rules, regulations, and
intense study and practice required by the Amethyst Academy,
and some do not make it through their schooling. An outcast may
still be under the guidance of the Academy, performing field work
or odd jobs that require a more hands on approach. Oftentimes
these outcasts dabble in dangerous magics, and have far less
caution, and far too much confidence for the Academy’s liking.

Academy Outcast
Medium humanoid (any alignment)

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)

Amethyst Academy Wizard

Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.
The wizards of the Amethyst Academy perform varied arcane
tasks throughout the nations. The purple-robed arcanists STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
study ancient ruins, maintain their magical strongholds, and
accompany nobles, kings, and dukes on errands or participate as 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3)
members of their council. The Academy’s mages are known well
throughout the continent and are always identifiable. Skills Arcana +3, Deception +5
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Any two
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Amethyst Academy Wizard Spellcasting. The outcast casts one of the following spells, using
Medium humanoid (any alignment) Charisma as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
spell attacks):
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
At will: mage hand, mage armor,, minor illusion, prestidigitation
Hit Points 36 (8d8) 2/day each: darkness, disguise self, suggestion
Speed 30 ft. 1/day each: bestow curse, dimension door, fear, lightning bolt, web

Multiattack. The outcast makes two shadow bolt attacks.
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Shadow Bolt. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, or range
120 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and the target
Skills Arcana +5, History +5 can’t regain hit points until the start of the outcast’s next turn.
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Any four Bonus Actions
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Summon Demon (1/Day). The outcast magically summons three
dretches or one quasit. The summoned creatures appear in an
unoccupied space within 60 feet of the outcast, whom they obey.
Spellcasting. The wizard casts one of the following spells, using
They take their turns immediately after the outcast. The demons
Intelligence as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit
remain for 1 hour, until it or the outcast dies, or until the outcast
with spell attacks):
dismisses them as a bonus action.
At will: detect magic, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, unseen servant
2/day each: dispel magic, invisibility, sending
1/day each: mage armor, polymorph

Prismatic Blast. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, or
range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) damage of one particular type “Academy Outcast? Who did they base this on?
chosen by the wizard: cold, fire, or lighting. Seems like the coolest thing in this book if I
am being honest.”

216 Guide to Drakkenheim

Many nobles of the great nations of the continent lead their own
soldiers into battle, or set out on heroic adventures and diplomatic
missions. Especially in the lands of Caspia, princes and princesses
are more often than not trained and skilled combatants, looking to
make their mark as a scion of their house.

Academy Outcast
Sebastian Crowe Medium humanoid (any alignment)

Armor Class 19 (half-plate, shield)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 40 ft.


17 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Wis +2

Skills Persuasion +6, History +3
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Any two
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Bold. The liege has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Multiattack. The liege makes two melee or ranged attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage
when used in two hands to make a melee attack.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions
Battle Command (Recharge 4-6). The liege chooses an ally they can see
within 60 feet, and issues one of the following battle commands to
that ally:
h For Glory! The ally can use their reaction to make a melee or
ranged weapon attack.
h Move It! The ally can use their reaction to move their speed
without provoking opportunity attacks.
h Never Falter! The liege ends one effect which charmed or
frightened that ally.

“Caspia likes to give fancy names to its heroic

and brave warriors, but there is nothing fancy
about the way they stab swords into you.”

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 217

Scalebreaker Knight Clawstrider Ranger
The Scalebreakers are renowned Caspian knights trained Riding throughout the jungles of Terene atop great Clawstrider
specifically for dragon slaying, and monster hunting. They train Raptors or other giant lizards, the Rangers are skilled at guerilla
for years to perfect teamwork, organized strikes, and unique tactics and mounted combat, often wearing camouflaged leather
combat tactics that make them a fearsome foe on the battlefield, armor reinforced with jungle leaves and hardwoods. The Claw-
or a competent ally. striders are a fearsome and stealthy force. If you see a lone ranger
in the jungles, you are already surrounded.

Scalebreaker Knight
Medium humanoid (any alignment) Clawstrider Ranger
Medium humanoid (any alignment)
Armor Class 18 (full plate)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Speed 30 ft.
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6, Wis +4
Skills Athletics +7, Animal Handling +4
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5
Damage Resistances acid, fire, cold, lightning, poison
Skills Acrobatics +6, Animal Handling +5, Nature +3, Stealth +6
Condition Immunities frightened
Damage Resistances poison
Senses passive Perception 11
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic
Languages Common
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Evasion. If the Scalebreaker knight is subjected to an effect that

Spellcasting. The Clawstrider Ranger casts one of the following
allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
spells, using Wisdom as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13, +5
it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and
to hit with spell attacks):
only half damage if it fails.
At will: animal friendship, speak with animals
Inspired Example. Allies within 30 feet of the Scalebreaker knight have 2/day each: entangle, pass without trace
advantage on saving throws against being frightened. 1/ day each: spike growth
Takedown. When the Scalebreaker knight hits with a weapon attack Trained Mount. While riding a mount, the Clawstrider Ranger has
against a flying creature, that creature must make a DC 15 Strength advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature that
saving throw or be knocked prone. is smaller than its mount.
Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Scalebreaker knight makes two melee attacks. Multiattack. The Clawstrider Ranger makes two melee or ranged
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. attacks. If it makes both attacks against the same target, each attack
Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage. deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7
one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage. (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one
Reactions target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Scalebreaker Opening. When an ally of the Scalebreaker knight makes
an attack against a creature within 5 feet of the Scalebreaker knight,
they can give that ally advantage on their attack.

“There are giant lizards in the jungle?

Why would anyone want to live there?”

218 Guide to Drakkenheim

Clawstrider Raptor
Large Beast (unaligned) Silver Order Paladin
The knights of the Silver Order are world renowned as the de-
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) fenders of the Faith of the Sacred Flame. Taking on holy quests
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) and religious missions for the Divine Matriarch, these holy
Speed 50 ft. knights have been known to ride griffons into battle, or march
forth in force armed with plate mail, swords, and shields, and
divine magic to bolster their combat prowess. To some, these
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA paladins have a reputation of being divine protectors, noble
17 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) 15 (+2) 2(-4) warriors, and divine symbols of the Faith. To others, they are a
terrifying and ugly example of the power of the Sacred Flame.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5
Skills Perception +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Silver Order Paladin
Medium humanoid (any alignment)
Pack Tactics. The Clawstrider raptor has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. Hit Points 75 (10d8 +30)
Pounce. If the Clawstrider raptor moves at least 20 feet straight Speed 40 ft.
toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same
turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the Clawstrider raptor can
make one bite attack against it as a bonus action. 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Actions Damage Resistance damage from spells

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
(2d6 + 4) slashing damage. Skills Persuasion +5, Insight +3
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 Senses passive Perception 11
(2d4 + 3) piercing damage. Languages Any two
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Holy Weapons. The paladin’s weapon attacks are magical. When

the paladin hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 2d8
radiant damage (included in the attack).

Multiattack. The paladin makes two melee attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 7
(1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage when used
in two hands to make a melee attack, plus 9 (2d8) radiant damage.
Lay on Hands (3/Day). The paladin touches another creature. The
target magically regains 11 (2d8 + 2) hit points and is cured of one
disease or the poisoned condition.
Summon Steed (1/Day). The paladin magically summons a warhorse.
The summoned creature appears in an unoccupied space within 60
feet of the paladin, whom they obey. It takes its turn immediately
before or after the paladin. The warhorse remains until it or the
paladin dies, or until the paladin dismisses it as an action.

Deny the Witch (3/Day). The paladin targets one creature it can see
within 60 feet of it that is casting a spell. If the spell is 3rd level or
lower, the spell fails, but any spell slots or charges are not wasted.


Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 219

Steelfang Mercenary
Clad in rough hides and furs, these loud and gruff mercenaries
have the distinct ability to change their forms and become
animalistic bloodthirsty monsters. They have a dark reputation
for their brutal fighting styles, complete lack of rules or honor,
and animalistic nature. One thing is for sure: a Steelfang
Mercenary knows how to get the job done, for the right price.

Steelfang Mercenary
Medium humanoid (human shapechanger), (any alignment)

Armor Class 14 (hide)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 40 ft.


17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Any two
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Keen Hearing and Smell. The mercenary has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Lion Guard Steelfang’s Curse. If bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
Lava Straža reduces the mercenary to 0 hit points, it drops to 1 hit point instead
unless the damage was from a silvered weapon.

Multiattack. The mercenary makes two battleaxe attacks or two claw
attacks, and one bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it
must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed
with werewolf lycanthropy.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage
if used with two hands.

Bonus Actions
Change Shape. The mercenary magically transforms into a wolf, or
back into its true form, while retaining their game statistics. This
transformation ends if the mercenary is reduced to 0 hit points or
uses a bonus action to end it.

“Every nation says they have the greatest warriors

and the most skilled fighting styles, but they all
burn in a fireball just the same.”

220 Guide to Drakkenheim

“I have learned that when traveling around the
continent, just say you are on the side of whoever it
is who is asking; it avoids a lot of complications”
Lion Guard
The Orleone Lion Guard were instrumental in defending their
homes against the ruthless Kristoff Karn, who attempted to
invade the small forming nation. These skilled martial artists
Hooded Lantern Ranger use their agility and speed to outmaneuver their enemies, and
lay out a relentless barrage of attacks against their foes.
Although the term “ranger” has often been used to describe
lone hunters on the fringes of society, or great groups of
warriors from the jungles and forests, the Hooded Lanterns are
renowned for their mastery of urban environments, military
strategy, and skilled marksmanship. The talents and accuracy of Lion Guard
the Hooded Lanterns has allowed them to survive and maintain Medium humanoid (any alignment)
a foothold in the ruins of Drakkenheim, arguably the most
dangerous environment in the entire continent. Armor Class 17 (unarmored defense)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 40 ft.

Hooded Lantern Ranger STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Medium humanoid (any alignment) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)

Armor Class 15 (leather armor) Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +4, Wis +5
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) Skills Acrobatics +6, Survival +5
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common and one other
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Cat-like Reflexes. The Lion Guard can take a reaction each turn in combat.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +4 Cat’s Paws. When the Lion Guard hits a creature with an opportunity
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6, Survival +4 attack, that creature’s speed becomes 0 until the end of its next turn.
Senses passive Perception 14 Instinct. The Lion Guard cannot be surprised while it is conscious.
Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Actions
Multiattack. The Lion Guard makes two attacks.
Marksman. The ranger adds +2 to attack and damage rolls with Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature.
ranged weapons (already included in the stat block). Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.
Vantage Point (3/Day). When the ranger makes a ranged weapon
attack against a creature, they may grant themselves advantage on
the attack roll if they are 20 feet or more above the target vertically Sudden Strike. When a creature the Lion Guard can see moves into
and that creature doesn’t have cover. their reach, the Lion Guard makes one attack against the creature.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 100/400 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage.
“Lion guard, and they are cat-folk. Was that
Bonus Actions really the most original name they had for
Dash. The ranger may take the Dash action as a bonus action on their soldiers?”
their turn.

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 221

Legendary Figures
Rickard Steelfang
Medium humanoid (human shapechanger), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 285 (30d8 + 150)
Speed 40 ft. (60 ft. in wolf form), climb 30 ft. (hybrid form only)


22 (+6) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +8, Cha +5

Skills Athletics +11, Intimidation +10, Perception +13, Stealth +9
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 23
Languages Common
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5

Gutripper. Creatures reduced to zero hit points by Rickard

Steelfang’s attacks are violently disemboweled and die.
Keen Hearing and Smell. Rickard Steelfang has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Regeneration. Rickard Steelfang regains any lost hit points at the
start of each of his turns, and ignores any effect which prevents him
from regaining hit points. If Rickard Steelfang takes damage from an
inherited silver weapon (see sidebar), this trait doesn’t function at
the start of the his next turn. He dies only if he starts his turn with 0
hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
Scent of Blood (Wolf Form Only). Rickard Steelfang always knows
the location of a creature he has wounded in the last 24 hours.
He has advantage on attack rolls against any target that is not at
maximum hit points.
Steelfang’s Curse. During a full moon, Rickard Steelfang is forced Reactions
into his wolf-humanoid form. During this time, he driven into a
violent rage where he is hostile to all other creatures and must attack Ravage (Wolf Form Only). Whenever Rickard Steelfang is hit with
them on each of his turns if he is able to do so. an attack, he may immediately make a bite attack with advantage
against the attacking creature. If he hits, the target is knocked prone.
Legendary Actions
Multiattack. Rickard Steelfang makes three battleaxe or claw attacks.
He makes two additional bite attacks against a prone target. Rickard can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) only at the end of another creature’s turn. Rickard regains spent
piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.
Attack. Rickard Steelfang makes one melee attack.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Rip and Tear (Costs 2 Actions). Rickard can move up to his speed.
Hit: 11 (2d4 + 6) slashing damage and the target must succeed
At the end of this movement, he makes one claw attack against
on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. each creature within his reach.
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage, or 11 (1d10 + 6) slashing damage
if used with two hands. Inherited Silver
Rickard Steelfang’s unique curse means that normal silvered
Bonus Actions weapons are not effective against him. Instead, the weapon must be
Change Shape. Rickard Steelfang polymorphs into a Large wolf- made specifically from silver that was passed down to the wielder
humanoid hybrid or into a Large dire wolf, or back into his true from a now-deceased friend or family member. The weapon need
form. His statistics, except for his size and speed, are the same not be in the original form the silver was inherited in. For example,
in each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn’t a character could make silver arrowheads or crossbow bolts by
transformed. He reverts to his true form if he dies. melting down a silver locket given to them by their grandmother.

222 Guide to Drakkenheim

High Paladin Uriel Radley
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 23 (plate)

Hit Points 285 (30d8 + 150)
Speed 30 ft.


20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +5, Con +10, Int +7, Wis +12, Cha +15
Skills Athletics +10, Persuasion +10, Intimidation +10, Perception +7,
Religion +7
Senses passive Perception 17
Languages Common
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5

Aura of Victory. While he is not incapacitated, allies of Uriel Radley

within 30 feet of him have resistance to all damage and advantage
on all saving throws.
High Paladin. Uriel Radley adds his Charisma modifier (+5) to his
Armor Class and all saving throws (included in the statistics above).
Holy Weapons. Uriel Radley’s weapon attacks are magical. When
he hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4d8 radiant
damage (included in the attack).
Weight of Sin. Creatures knocked prone by Uriel Radley cannot
stand up unless they spend an action and make a successful DC 18
Wisdom saving throw, or another creature uses their action to help
them stand.

Multiattack. Uriel Radley makes two melee or ranged attacks.
Judge. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., or range
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 18
(4d8) radiant damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on
a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from Uriel If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
Radley and knocked prone. After making a ranged attack with this the creature is immune to Uriel Radley’s Gaze of Penance for the
weapon, it magically teleports back into Uriel Radley’s hands. next 24 hours.
Lay on Hands (3/Day). Uriel touches another creature. The target
magically regains 21 (4d8 + 2) hit points and is cured of one disease
or the poisoned condition. Deny the Witch (3/day). Uriel targets one creature he can see within
60 feet of him that is casting a spell. If the spell is 5th level or lower,
Summon Steed (1/Day). Uriel magically summons a nightmare
the spell fails, but any spell slots or charges are not wasted.
(except it is a lawful good celestial, not an evil fiend, but this does
not change its appearance). The summoned creature appears in an
unoccupied space within 60 feet of Uriel, whom it obeys. It takes its
Legendary Actions
turn immediately before or after the paladin. The nightmare remains Uriel can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.
until it or Uriel dies, or until Uriel dismisses it as an action. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only
at the end of another creature’s turn. Uriel regains spent legendary
Bonus Actions actions at the start of his turn.
Gaze of Penance (Recharge 6). Uriel Radley locks his vision against Attack. Uriel Radley makes one melee or ranged attack.
another creature he can see who can see him and forces the creature Fiery Step. Uriel Radley teleports 60 feet to an unoccupied space he
to confront its crimes and misdeeds. The target must make a DC 18 can see within bright light.
saving throw. It can use either its Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Drop the Hammer (Costs 3 Actions). Uriel Radley makes one melee
to make this save, but must use whichever saving throw has the attack against a prone creature. On a hit, the target takes 70
lowest bonus. (20d6) additional radiant damage. If the target has at least one
On a failed save, the target takes 27 (5d10) psychic damage, and head and Uriel Radley rolled a 20 on the attack roll, the target’s
is blinded, deafened, and restrained for 1 minute or until it takes 100 head is crushed and dies if it can’t survive without that head. A
points of damage. This effect also ends early if remove curse or greater target is immune to this effect if it is immune to radiant damage,
restoration are cast on the target. has legendary actions, or is Huge or larger.

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 223

Academy Director
Medium humanoid (varies), lawful neutral

Armor Class 17 (robe of the archmage) Archmage

Hit Points 225 (30d8 + 90) Penumbra
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)


10 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 25 (+7) 19 (+4) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +9, Int +13, Wis +10

Skills Arcana +13, History +13 , Perception +10, Persuasion +9
Damage Resistances damage from spells
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages All
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If an Academy Director fails a saving

throw, they can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The Academy Director has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Special Equipment. Each Academy Director wears a robe of the archmage
and a ring of spell storing. and carries a staff of the magi., and a ring of spell
storing. They carry 2d6 legendary spell scrolls and potions. Bonuses from
this equipment are included in the stat block.

Multiattack. The Academy Director uses octarine blast twice. They can
replace one use of arcane blast with Spellcasting instead.
Staff of the Magi. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit:6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Spellcasting. The Academy Director casts one of the following spells,
using Intelligence as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 23, +15 to Legendary Actions
hit with spell attacks):
The Academy Director can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
At will: mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, dispel magic, sending
the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
3/day each: arcane hand, invisibility, detect thoughts, project image, scrying,
a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Academy
teleport, wall of force, telekinesis
Director regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.
1/day each: time stop, forcecage, reverse gravity, prismatic wall, maze, mind
blank, simulacrum, clone, demiplane Octarine Blast. The Academy Director uses its octarine blast attack.
Octarine Blast. The Academy Director chooses fire, cold, lightning, Arcane Step. The Academy Director uses its arcane step bonus action.
acid, or poison damage, and hurls a beam of energy at a creature Cast a Spell (Costs 3 actions). The Academy Director casts a spell.
or objects they can see. The creature or object must make a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 35 (10d6) damage of the
chosen type on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Academy Director Variants
The eight members of the Amethyst Academy directorate are the
Bonus Actions mightiest arcane spellcasters upon the earth.
Arcane Step. The Academy Director magically teleports to an Feel free to add, modify, or change the spells available to the
unoccupied space within 120 feet of them. Academy Directors to customize them further:
Xel’vohca the Ancient gains the following traits:
Reactions h His creature type changes to Undead
Arcane Denial. The Academy Director targets one creature it can see
within 60 feet of it that is casting a spell. If the spell is 5th level or
h He has the following traits from the lich in the Core Rules:
lower, the spell fails, but any spell slots or charges are not wasted. paralyzing touch, turn resistance, rejuvenation, damage
resistances, damage immunities, and condition immunities.
Ultimate Contingency (1/Day). When targeted by an attack or spell, or
included in the area of the spell, the Academy Director can cast any Zodiac Allsight gains the following traits:
h His creature type is Giant, his size is Huge, and he has a Strength
spell in the Core Rules of 8th level or lower without any components,
interrupting (and potentially avoiding) the triggering effect. The spell’s score of 25 (+7). Increase his hit points to 315 (30d12 + 90)
normal casting time changes to 1 reaction. h His Challenge Rating is 23.

224 Guide to Drakkenheim

Marigold Kettleborn Penumbra Alabaster

Adrianna Modera

Xel’vohca the Ancient

Zodiac Allsight

Lasaia Nightbreeze

Amaranthyst the Ultraviolet

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 225
Amaranthyst the Ultraviolet
This extremely withdrawn Academy Director dwells on the
moon. Although they typically interact with mortals in the guise
of a human wizard, Amaranthyst is in fact an ancient delerium
dragon*. Indeed, the dragon’s unique complexion of crystalline Flaw. I find the fixed nature of the mortal world deeply strange. It is
for the best that this world is unraveled by delerium, for chaos will
purple scales and gemstone-like features is the namesake of the
only improve it.
Amethyst Academy itself.
Amaranthyst is order out of chaos incarnate. Aeons ago, the dragon
Personality Trait. How do you know if you are the dreamer, or merely the entered the mortal plane from the Space Between Worlds, and has
dream? I speak in absurd paradox, asking mortals vexing questions to aided mortal mages out of curiosity and amusement. They have long
which they cannot answer within their limited reference frame. sought to understand the unknowable properties of the strange
Ideal. A single grain of sand makes no sound upon falling, but a dimension where it sprung into existence, and has spent millennia
million grains make a sound. Hence a thousand nothings become wandering that unfathomable place. Amaranthyst has long known
something. That is the nature of magic. about the secret properties of delerium, and views the crystals as
Bond. Mortals believe they can comprehend the fundamental forces merely the fundamental building block of reality itself. To them, the
of the universe, but they are gravely mistaken. If I know one thing, crystals are transforming the world into something wondrous, and he
it is that even I know nothing. does not understand why mortals would fear it.

226 Guide to Drakkenheim

Amaranthyst the Ultraviolet 1 The target takes 6d12 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a success.
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral 2 The target takes 6d12 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a success.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
3 The target takes 6d12 force damage on a failed save, or half as
Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252) much damage on a success.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
4 The target takes 6d12 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a success.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5 The target takes 6d12 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as
30 (+10) 14 (+2) 29 (+9) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 28 (+9) much damage on a success.
6 At the start of each of its turns, the affected target uses all its
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +16, Wis +10, Cha +16 movement to move directly towards the closest creature it can
see. Then, the affected target uses its action to make a melee
Skills Acana +11, Insight +10, Perception +17, Persuasion +16, Stealth +9 attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach.
Damage Immunities psychic, force If there is no creature within its reach, the affected target does
Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 27 nothing this turn. At the end of each of its turns, the affected
target can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this
Languages all, telepathy 1 mile effect ends for that target.
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7
7 At the start of each of its turns, the affected target gains 1 level
of contamination. At the end of each of its turns, an affected
Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water. target can make a Constitution saving throw. If it succeeds, this
effect ends for that target.
Delerium Healing. As an action, Amaranthyst can touch a delerium
shard to regain 10 (3d6) hit points. Once Amaranthyst has used a 8 The target is struck by an additional ray. Roll on this table twice
delerium shard in this way, the shard can’t be used in this manner more. There’s no limit to how many additional rays can strike a
again for 24 hours. single creature in this manner.

Fully Contaminated. Amaranthyst is immune to contamination,

and is immune to any contaminated spell unless they choose to be Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or
affected by it. beast that has a challenge rating no higher than their own, or back
into their true form. They reverts to their true form if they die. Any
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, they
equipment they are wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the
can choose to succeed instead.
new form (the dragon’s choice).
In a new form, the dragon retains their alignment, hit points,
Actions Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair
Multiattack. Amaranthyst can use its Spellcasting trait once. They then actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as
make three attacks: one with their bite and two with their claws. this action. Their statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage. actions of that form.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Bonus Actions
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Arcane Step. Amaranthyst magically teleports to an unoccupied
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. space within 120 feet.
Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Spellcasting. Amaranthyst casts one of the following spells, using Reactions
Intelligence as their spellcasting ability (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit Arcane Denial. Amaranthyst targets one creature it can see within 60
with spell attacks): feet of it that is casting a spell. If the spell is 5th level or lower, the
At will: mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, dispel magic, sending spell fails, but any spell slots or charges are not wasted.
3/day each: arcane hand, invisibility, detect thoughts, project image, scrying, Ultimate Contingency (1/Day). When targeted by an attack or spell, or
teleport, telekinesis, vanish to the space between worlds*, wall of force, included in the area of the spell, Amaranthyst can cast any spell in the
weave the elder sign* Core Rules of 8th level or lower without any components, interrupting
1/day each: banish to the space between worlds*, time stop, forcecage, reverse (and potentially avoiding) the triggering effect. The spell’s normal
gravity, prismatic wall, maze, mind blank, simulacrum, clone, demiplane, wish casting time changes to 1 reaction.
Octarine Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon breathes a cone of
prismatic rays. Each ray is a different color and has a different power Legendary Actions
and purpose. Each creature in a 90-foot cone must make a DC 24 Amaranthyst can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Dexterity saving throw. For each target, roll a d8 to determine which options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
color ray affects it. time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Amaranthyst
regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Tail Attack. Amaranthyst makes a tail attack.
Arcane Step. Amaranthyst uses its arcane step bonus action.
Cast a Spell (Costs 3 actions). Amaranthyst casts a spell.

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 227

High King Venus Joplin II
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

Armor Class 19 (half-plate, shield)

Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +5, Cha +7

Skills Athletics +10, Persuasion +7, Intimidate +1`, Perception +4,
History +6
Senses passive Perception 17
Languages Common
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Venus Joplin fails a saving throw,

she can choose to succeed instead.
Long Live the King. If damage reduces Venus Joplin to 0 hit points,
one ally within 10 feet of her can choose to be reduced to 0 hit
points. If they do, Venus Joplin drops to 1 hit point instead.
Reactive. Venus Joplin can take one reaction on every turn in combat.
Special Equipment. Venus Joplin wears the Continental Crown of Caspia,
and wields the House Joplin Rapier.

Multiattack. Venus Joplin makes three melee attacks.
Joplin’s Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 12 (1d8 + 7) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions
Might of Caspia. Venus Joplin or one ally she can see within 60 feet of
her gain 25 temporary hit points.

Counterstrike. In response to being targeted by a melee attack, Venus
Joplin can make one melee weapon attack against her attacker. If her
attack hits, the target makes its attack roll with disadvantage.

Legendary Actions
Venus Joplin can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Venus Joplin regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Attack. Venus Joplin makes one melee attack.
Royal Command. Venus Joplin targets one ally she can see within 60
feet of her. If the target can see and hear Venus Joplin, the target
can make one weapon attack as a reaction and gains advantage
on the attack roll.

228 Guide to Drakkenheim

Divine Matriarch Mercy V
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 16 (breastplate)

Hit Points 225 (30d8 + 90)
Speed 30 ft.


11 (+0) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +9, Int +8, Wis +11 Cha +9

Skills History +8, Insight +11, Perception +11, Persuasion +9
Senses passive Perception 21, truesight 120 ft.
Languages Common, Celestial
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Divine Awe. Divine light shields the Divine Matriarch from harm. Once
per turn when a creature hits the Divine Matriarch with an attack, the
attacking creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw
or take 35 (10d6) radiant becomes and become blinded until the end
of their next turn.
Holy Purpose. The Divine Matriarch can’t lose more than 50
hit points in a single combat round. If the Divine Matriarch is
incapacitated at the start of her turn, she can end the effect (no
action required), but the only actions she can take that turn are
Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or making one weapon attack.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Divine Matriarch fails a saving
throw, she can choose to succeed instead.

Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit:
3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, plus 10 (3d6) fire damage, and the
target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
the target is consumed by holy flames until it spends an action
to put them out. While consumed by holy flames, the target has
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, and
takes 21 (5d6) fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
Holy Fire. The Divine Matriarch calls down a 10 foot radius, 40-foot
high column of flame in an area up to 120 feet away from her. Each
creature in the column must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 14 (4d6) fire damage and 14 (4d6) radiant damage on a failed
save, or half as much on a successful one. enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it
must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
Spellcasting. The Divine Matriarch casts one of the following spells, the target suffers 23 (5d8) radiant damage, or half as much on a
using Wisdom as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit successful save.
with spell attacks):
Summon Angel (1/day). The Divine Matriarch magically summons
At will: command, bless, dispel magic, healing word, detect magic, thaumaturgy
a deva. The summoned creature appears in an unoccupied space
3/day: revivify, heal, divine word
within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and
1/day: true resurrection
can’t summon other creatures. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or
its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.
Bonus Actions
Decree of Justice. The Divine Matriarch chooses one ally she can see Legendary Actions
within 60 feet of her. Until the start of the Divine Matriarch’s next
The Divine Matriarch can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
turn, that ally cannot lose hit points, cannot die, and is immune to
the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
all conditions, spells, or other magical abilities unless it chooses to
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Divine
be affected by them.
Matriarch regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Flames of Righteousness. The Divine Matriarch can conjure a swirling
vortex of spiritual flames around herself. They dance and blaze Staff. The Divine Matriarch makes a staff attack.
around her to a distance of 30 feet for 1 minute, or until the Divine Holy Fire (Costs 2 actions). The Divine Matriarch uses Holy Fire.
Matriarch becomes incapacitated or dies. When hostile creature Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). The Divine Matriarch casts a spell.

Appendix B: Nonplayer Characters 229

Appendix C: Contamination

haracters in the world of Drakkenheim may be exposed
to eldritch pollutants or arcane radiation emitted by Death and Dying While Contaminated
delerium. These hazards cause a new condition called When a humanoid creature with any Contamination Levels
contamination, which inflicts both debilitating symptoms and dies, it animates as a zombie 24 hours later. A creature with six
otherworldly mutations. or more hit dice rises as a wight instead.
Contamination is measured in six levels. An effect can give a A creature restored to life with revivify or raise dead
creature one or more Contamination Levels, as specified in the spell reduces a creature’s contamination level by one,
effect’s description. If an already-contaminated creature suffers and all contamination level are removed from a creature
another effect that causes further contamination, its current restored to life by resurrection or true resurrection. Note
Contamination Level increases by the amount specified in the however that a fully contaminated creature who was
effect’s description. transformed into a monster is not restored to its original
In addition, each time a character finishes a long rest while form if it is raised or resurrected.
they have 1 or more Contamination Levels, roll 1d20. On a
1, they gain a Contamination Level.
On Contamination Level 6 or higher, the creature trans-
forms as described in the Monstrous Transformation section.
Monstrous Transformation!
A creature who reaches Contamination Level 6 or higher undergoes
a Monstrous Transformation into a horrific monster controlled by
Contamination Symptoms the Game Master. Once triggered, the transformation finishes in 1
round. It is thereafter permanent. Game Masters are encouraged to
A contaminated creature suffers the symptoms from its current narrate a suitably gory description of the transformation.
level as well as all lower levels. The Game Master chooses the creature’s new form, which is
Level Symptoms most often an aberration or monstrosity of some kind such as a
1 None. gibbering mouther. The new form usually has a Challenge
Rating similar to that of the original creature — in the case of
2 Hit points regained by expending hit dice are halved.
a player character, their level determines the transformation’s
3 No hit points regained at the end of a long rest. Challenge Rating. Under appropriate circumstances, such as
4 Damage dealt by weapon attacks and spells is halved. very sudden onset of contamination or the presence of arcane
5 The character is incapacitated. anomalies, you can choose one that is much higher or much lower.
6 Monstrous Transformation! The creature’s game statistics are entirely replaced by those
of the chosen monster. The creature assumes the new form’s hit
points and Hit Dice. All Contamination Levels are removed,
Mutations though the Game Master may grant additional traits to the new
In addition to suffering symptoms, each time a character gains a form similar to any beneficial mutations gained from Contami-
Contamination Level, it rolls 1d6. If the result is equal to or less nation Levels.
than the character’s current Contamination Level, the creature The Game Master determines what remains of the original
gains a mutation. The Game Master may choose the mutation, creature’s personality and memories, if anything. Regardless,
or determine it randomly by rolling 1d20 on the Mutations Ta- the creature is invariably driven mad by the transformation
ble below. Unless otherwise specified, a creature can’t gain the and falls under the Game Master’s control.
same mutation more than once. If a duplicate result is rolled, the
Game Master chooses a different one or rolls again.
Reversing the Transformation
Removing Contamination The means of reversing a Monstrous Transformation are com-
pletely unknown at the outset of the campaign. A transforma-
Only magic can remove Contamination Levels. Creatures do tion is widely regarded as permanent.
not recover from contamination naturally. The purge con- A wish spell or similar magic can restore a single transformed
tamination spell (see the Magic of Drakkenheim chapter) creature to its previous form, removing all madness and contami-
can remove contamination, but it leaves affected characters nation in the process. This is considered a stressful use of the wish
exhausted. A heal spell removes all Contamination Levels spell, and thus there is a 33 percent chance that the caster will be
and mutations from a contaminated character. An effect that unable to cast wish ever again if they use the spell in this manner.
removes a Contamination Level also removes one randomly The transformation is otherwise irreversible by any
determined mutation. All contamination symptoms end and means short of divine intervention. Nevertheless, at the
all mutations are removed if a creature’s Contamination Level Game Master’s discretion, it may be possible to temporarily
is reduced below 1. Skin, hair, fingernails, and toenails lost to alleviate a transformed creature’s innate madness. Howev-
mutations regrow normally once contamination is removed. er, an intelligent monster who receives long-term treatment
However, a regenerate spell or similar magic is needed to re- of any sort may eventually conspire to contaminate or
store any other body parts (such as teeth, limbs, or eyes). subtly corrupt its caretakers.

1 Rampant Mutation. Roll twice, ignoring this result on 12 Chitinous Skin. Shell-like growths appear all over your
subsequent rolls. body, giving you a +1 bonus to AC. If you have four or more
2 Rasping. Your vocal cords warp. You can only speak in a halting Contamination Levels, this bonus increases to +2.
gurgle. If you have 4 or more Contamination Levels, your tongue 13 Cyclopean Vision. Your eyes merge into a single central eye
rots and falls out, and you can no longer speak. which can emit an energy beam as a ranged spell attack using
3 Wasting. Your fingernails, teeth, and toenails start falling out. your Intelligence modifier. If it hits, it deals 2d6 radiant damage.
2d6 fall out for each Contamination Level you have gained.
14 Spatial Displacement. You can cast misty step once for each
4 Rotting. Your lips, nose, and ears blacken and wither. If you Contamination Level you have gained. You regain these uses
reach 4 or more Contamination Levels, they rot and fall off. You when you finish a long rest.
can still speak and hear, however.
15 Tentacled Limb. One of your arms becomes a fleshy tentacle.
5 Molting. Painful blisters, welts, and multicolored lesions appear When you make a melee attack on your turn, increase your
all over your skin, which burst and peel off painfully, exposing reach by 5 feet.
the raw sinew underneath. Once you reach 4 Contamination
Levels, your skin entirely sloughs off. 16 Spider Climb. You gain a climb speed equal to your walking
6 Shedding. Each time you gain a contamination level, some speed. You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down
of your hair falls out in patches. Once you reach 4 or more on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Contamination Levels, all hair on your body completely falls out. 17 Whispering Voices. You gain telepathy to a range of 10 feet, but
7 Lambent Glow. You emit a dim octarine glow to a range of 10 other people hear it as their own voice. If you have 4 or more
feet. If you have 4 or more Contamination Levels, you instead Contamination Levels, the range extends to 60 feet.
emit bright light to a range of 30 feet.
18 Belly Maw. A toothy mouth appears on your stomach, which
8 Ocular Tumors. An eyeball opens somewhere on your body for you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal
each Contamination Level you have gained. If you have 4 or piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
more Contamination Levels, you can see in all directions.
19 Eyeless Sight. Your eyes become milky orbs, and you gain
9 Spiked Growths. At the start of each of your turns, you deal 5 blindsight to a range of 10 feet. If you have 4 or more
(1d10) piercing damage to any creature you are grappling. Contamination Levels, your eyes rot out, and dim octarine light
10 Aquatic Adaptation. You sprout fish-like fins and gills. You gain burns in the sockets. Your blindsight increases to 30 feet, but
a swimming speed equal to your land speed and can breathe you are blind beyond this radius.
underwater. If you have 4 or more Contamination Levels, you
can only breathe underwater; but can hold your breath outside 20 Arcane Blood. You gain an additional spell slot of the highest
water for up to 1 hour. level you can cast (to a maximum of 5th level). If you don’t have
spell slots, your hit point maximum increases by an amount
11 Amorphous Form. Your bones and organs become gelatinous. equal to your level. If you have four or more Contamination
You can move through a space as narrow as 6 inches wide Levels, you gain two spell slots instead of one or increase your
without squeezing. hit points by twice your level.

Drakkenheim Madness
Characters facing otherworldly horrors in Drakkenheim may be driven mad by the experience. Instead of a long-term madness effect
from the Core Rules, you can apply one of the following flaws instead:

1 “I wish I didn’t have all these useless organs inside me.” 6 “I need to eat everything I can find. It’s probably going to be my last meal.”
2 “The contamination is a blessing which will transform me into a 7 “Drakkenheim is so beautiful at night. I could spend forever wandering the
wondrous creature.” streets by moonlight. We should go tonight! Let’s go every night!”
3 “The monsters are civilians trying to live a peaceful life! We need to
protect them!” 8 “Don’t you fools get it?! If you die in Drakkenheim, you die
4 “I must wear a flesh-coat made from my slain enemies to gain their strength!”
9 “A sinister cabal of disembodied hands is plotting against me.”
5 “My companions died in the ruins. I’m sorry friends, you are merely ghosts
haunting me, you aren’t real. Stop trying to talk to other people.” 10 “I must go into the ruins and kill. Rip and tear, until it is done.”

Appendix C: Contamination 231

Appendix D: Delerium

D Delerium Harvesting
elerium is a magical mineral left behind by the meteor that
struck Drakkenheim. It appears in geode clusters of trans-
lucent, sharp-edged crystals that reflect octarine light. The Delerium found in Drakkenheim is usually fused into the
eldritch stones softly hum in dissonant tones, and glow brightly at ground or stone buildings, and may be carefully extracted
night or when exposed to magic. Deposits are found throughout using handheld mining equipment such as shovels, picks,
Drakkenheim, often fused into stone streets and buildings like hammers, and chisels. Consult the table to determine how
crystalline moss. long it takes characters to harvest delerium deposits of various
A typical delerium fragment is about the size of a finger. sizes. Lacking proper equipment, extraction takes ten times as
Crystals may be fist-sized or slightly larger, and geodes may long. Massive clusters are impossible to extract without heavy
be as big as a pumpkin. Massive clusters might grow taller equipment or powerful magic.
than an average human.
Crystal Market Weight AC HP Extraction Uses for Delerium
Size Value Time Delerium has vast arcane potential. Beyond trade, delerium
crystals are used for several purposes:
Chip 10 gold 1/4 lbs 15 5 1 action
Spell Component. Delerium may be used as an arcane
Fragment 100 gold 1/2 lbs 17 10 1 minute focus or material component for any spell on the apothecary,
Shard 500 gold 1 lbs 19 15 5 minutes sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list. When casting a spell which
requires a costly material component, a spellcaster may instead
Crystal 1,000 gold 2 lbs 21 20 30 minutes
use delerium of equivalent value to the required cost.
Geode 5,000 gold 20 lbs + 23 25 1 hour Magic Items. Delerium is an exceptional material for creating
Massive Priceless 8000 lbs + 25 50 See text magical items of all kinds. Any magic item described in the Core
Cluster Rules could be made with delerium. Fragments, shards, crystals,
and geodes may be used to make uncommon, rare, very rare, and
legendary items respectively. At the GM’s discretion, characters
Delerium Properties who can cast 5th-level spells or higher may learn techniques to
craft magic items of their own during their downtime.
All delerium samples have the following traits regardless of size:
Stable Delerium. The process for crafting magic items
h Immune to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage; as well with delerium renders the crystals stable. Unless otherwise
as bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non- specified, characters do not take damage nor risk contamination
magical weapons. when they touch or handle stable delerium. Stable delerium is
h Resistant to acid, cold, fire, and lightning damage; as well
damaged and destroyed in the same manner as a normal magic
as slashing and piercing damage from magical weapons. item of its kind.
h Vulnerable to bludgeoning damage from magical weapons.
Delerium Dust. Delerium dust is made by grinding the
h Unless contained within an antimagic field, delerium
crystals against one another to create a fine powder. This milling
shatters and crumbles into worthless ash when reduced process is extraordinarily hazardous unless performed within an
to zero hit points. However, delerium geodes release a antimagic field. Delerium dust can be used in alchemy, as a spell
random Arcane Anomaly when destroyed (see below). component, a reagent for brewing potions, or mixed into inks for
spell scrolls.
Delerium Hazards Improvised Weapons and Ammunition. Delerium
fragments may be used as ammunition for a sling or fashioned
When a creature touches delerium without protective
into a makeshift club. Such weapons and ammunition deal an
gear for the first time on their turn, or ends their turn in
extra 1d6 necrotic damage, and humanoid creatures struck
bodily contact with delerium, they must make a DC 10
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or gain one
Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 necrotic damage and
Contamination Level. Delerium used as ammunition in this
gain 1 Contamination Level (see Appendix C).
way is destroyed.

Arcane Anomalies
1 Gravity breaks within a 100-foot-radius area for 1 hour. Creatures 10 All humanoid corpses within 120 feet animate as hostile zombies.
levitate in midair, and must move by pushing or pulling against a The shrieking undead beg frantically for forgiveness as they rip
fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling), apart the living.
which allows them to move as if they were climbing. Unattended
objects float around randomly. 11 The shadows of 1d6 random creatures in the area animate and
try to kill them while softly whispering “Guilty, guilty, guilty...”
2 The nearest creature is affected by hideous laughter (spell save DC Once destroyed, the creatures don’t cast a shadow for 24 hours.
15) but instead of laughing, the creature repeats unfathomable
combinations of syllables and words. Occasionally, a somewhat 12 All creatures within 60 feet become invisible for 1 minute or until
comprehensible but totally illogical phrase emerges, such as “... they attack or cast a spell.
oh time thy pyramids!”
13 Tendrils of life flow from the nearest creature to others. The
3 Time skips a beat. Creatures within 60 feet experience a palpable targets must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take
feeling of vertigo followed by a powerful sensation of deja vu 8d8 necrotic damage, or half as much on a success. The three
and are stunned for 1 round (no saving throw). nearest creatures within 60 feet each regain hit points equal to
4 The nearest creature becomes unstuck in time. It is affected by the damage taken.
the blink spell for 1 minute. Instead of vanishing into the Ethereal 14 A hypnotic pattern (spell save DC 15) appears. It creates scintillating
Plane, the creature vanishes into a sliver of time in its past or impossible colors in shapes which are simply wrong. Creatures
possible future. incapacitated by the spell weep uncontrollably for the duration.
5 A prismatic burst of energy erupts in a 20-foot radius. Creatures
in the area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 15 A black tentacles spell appears in the area for 1 hour (escape DC 15).
8d6 radiant damage and become blinded for 1 round. The smell 16 Objects within 60 feet come to life for the next hour, as if
of ozone fills the area, and nearby wood and inanimate plants affected by the animate objects spell. They mumble awful truths,
are transformed into solid glass. but are not otherwise hostile.
6 Echoes of possible realities are briefly visible for 1 minute. When
a creature within 60 feet is hit by an attack, a faint vision of the 17 The nearest creature is polymorphed into an awakened shrub for 1
creature being killed by that attack appears. hour or until reduced to 0 hp.

7 Discordant music fills the mind of all creatures within 30 feet, 18 Time slows down for up to six randomly determined creatures
who are affected as if by irresistible dance (spell save DC 15) within 120 feet of the anomaly. They are affected by the slow spell
for 1 minute. (spell save DC 15).
8 A section of stone, water, air, or energy becomes an appropriate
delerium elemental. 19 Time speeds up for one randomly determined creature within 60
feet of the anomaly. They are affected by the haste spell for 1 minute.
9 An extraplanar creature is summoned. The Game Master either
chooses the creature or determines it randomly. It is friendly to 20 A bowl of flowers and a very surprised aquatic mammal appear
the creature who triggered the anomaly. 100 feet in the air. “Oh no, not again...” thinks the flowers.

The Haze Environmental Effects

The Haze is magical radiation emitted by vast concentrations of The Haze magically manifests mist throughout the area. Characters
delerium. It covers the ruins of Drakkenheim, but smaller areas can see normally through the mist up to 150 feet. Vision beyond
are beginning to manifest in other regions. is lightly obscured, but vision past 300 feet is totally obscured.
Any mists dispersed during the day re-form 10 minutes later.
Effects on Characters The mists dampen sunlight. Creatures with sunlight
vulnerability or similar traits do not suffer these penalties
Creatures do not gain any benefits from finishing a long rest during the day while within the Haze.
within the Haze. The corpses of beasts and humanoid creatures do not rot
In addition, a humanoid creature may only spend up within the Haze.
to 24 hours within the Haze, after which it must finish a
long rest to adequately recover from exposure. Humanoid
creatures who remain in the Haze beyond 24 hours before Effects on Spells
recuperating risk contamination. For each additional hour Any divination or teleportation spell cast outside the Haze
spent within the Haze beyond 24 hours, a humanoid creature targeting a creature or location within the Haze automatically
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one fails. Telepathic communications or effects such as the sending
Contamination Level. spell transmitted from outside the Haze fail to contact a
character within it, and vice-versa. Finally, other divination
spells fail to reveal useful information about delerium, the
Haze, the origins of the meteor, or any events which occurred
within the Haze.

Appendix D: Delerium 233

When a character attempts any of the above using a spell
or other effect, they must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving Magic Items
throw. On a failure, they take 6d6 psychic damage and The following potions are commonly crafted using delerium or
become incapacitated with madness until they finish a long other arcane reagents.
rest. During this time, they speak only in gibberish. A greater
restoration spell ends this effect.
Tiny hut and similar spells or abilities do not provide shelter Aqua Delerium
from the Haze. However, characters may rest within a Rare potion
magnificent mansion spell cast within the Haze.
This purple potion glows dimly with octarine light. It swirls and
sparkles in its small stoppered bottle.
Deep Haze When you drink this potion, you regain expended spell
Certain areas are so suffused by the Haze that mere exposure is slots. Roll 1d6. You choose spell slots to regain which have a
extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Known as the Deep combined level that is equal to or less than the result. None of
Haze, these areas have the following additional traits: the slots can be higher than 5th level.
For one hour after drinking aqua delerium, roll 1d20 each
h Deep Haze is instantly recognized by a thick prismatic fog.
time you cast a spell of 1st level or higher. On a 1, you trigger a
Characters can see normally through this fog up to 60 feet. random Arcane Anomaly.
Vision beyond is lightly obscured, but vision past 120 feet is If you consume more than one dose of aqua delerium before
totally obscured. If dispersed during the day, the fog reforms finishing your next long rest, you take 1d12 necrotic damage
1 minute later. for each spell level regained, and your hit point maximum is
h Characters entering the Deep Haze must make a DC 15
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken until you
Constitution saving throw, and again for each full hour spent finish a long rest. This damage can’t be reduced or prevented in
within. On a failed saving throw, they suffer 10 (3d6) necrotic any way.
damage and gain one Contamination Level. When a creature who cannot cast spells using spell slots drinks
aqua delerium, it takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and gains one
Delerium Sludge Contamination Level.

Gargantuan delerium geodes perspire an opalescent sludge.

Characters submerged in delerium sludge must make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn. They take
Aqua Expurgo
42 (12d6) necrotic damage on a failed saving throw, and half as Rare potion
much on a successful one. In addition, characters who fail the
This bright orange fluid is stored in a syringe and charged with
saving throw gain one Contamination Level.
arcane magic. You can use an action to administer the injection
directly to the heart of yourself or another willing creature.
You are protected against contamination for six hours after
receiving a dose of aqua expurgo. During this time, whenever
you fail a saving throw against an effect which would cause you
to gain one or more contamination levels, you can choose to
succeed instead. You can use this ability three times, after which
the effects of aqua expurgo expire.
If the effects of aqua expurgo expire in this manner, you imme-
diately take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and become incapacitated
for 1 minute while you violently retch corrupt bile. Your hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. You die if this
effect reduces your hit point maximum to 0. The necrotic damage
can’t be reduced or prevented by any means.

Aqua Expurgo

234 Guide to Drakkenheim

This book was made possible by the incredible support of a team of passionate and creative individuals.
The authors of this book want to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks to the Ghostfire Gaming team,
including the amazing editors, designers, artists, and many others who worked on this incredible project.
We also want to thank our players and best friends Jill Danaitis, and Joe O’Gorman for their continued
contributions to the world and lore that they bring to life every time we sit down to roll dice, and to Kyle Drier,
whose continued work behind the scenes always helps keep us organized and on schedule.
Developing a new class and subclass for Fifth Edition was a major project, and we couldn’t have done it
without the playtesting and feedback from our community and backers. We want to thank everyone who tried
out the Apothecary and our new game materials during the playtest, and took the time to send their thoughtful
and honest comments. We also want to thank the close friends who played along with us personally to develop
and showcase our new player options both behind the scenes and on live streams: Dael Kingsmill, Ginny Di,
Ben Byrne, and our Discord moderation team.
And finally, to our loving partners - Kierston Drier and Shay Bytheway, your endless love and support during
the many nights of writing and working to get this project finished do not go unnoticed, and we are so thankful
to have your encouragement and patience.
Kelly McLaughlin and Monty Martin, The Dungeon Dudes
The World Of Drakkenheim
The World of Drakkenheim
DRAKKENHEIM IS NO MORE. Left in ruin by a cosmic disaster, the threat of
eldritch contamination has grown beyond the walls of the ruined city into a world
unprepared for its terrors!
Discover the lore, people, history, characters, locations, and conflicts found
in the World of Drakkenheim: a dark fantasy setting gripped with political
intrigue and cosmic horror. The pages herein are packed with information for
both players and Game Masters to inspire player character creation, adventure
ideas, plot hooks, villians, and more.
Game Masters can use these pages to expand the adventures of the Dungeon
Dudes’ hit adventure Dungeons of Drakkenheim, or design their own adventures
or entire campaigns set in the nations of Westemär, Caspia, Elyria, and beyond.

New Class: The Apothecary

Apothecaries combine medical knowledge with arcane magic: their eldritch
methods can heal, transform, or protect their allies, but their deadly techniques can
harm and kill their enemies. Indeed, an apothecary understands how the difference
between a poison and a cure often lies only in the dose!

New Subclasses
Discover a new subclass for each of the twelve core classes in Fifth Edition
inspired by the trappings of eldritch horror and dark fantasy and reflecting the
world of Drakkenheim.

New Spells
This volume reveals over fifty new spells, with at least one spell of every level
(including cantrips!). These spells conjure acid rain, unleash corrosive blasts, spread
vile pestilence, or lay waste to your foes with a corpse explosion.

Tool Feats
Inspired by occult practices and dark fantasy, this book provides a dozen new feats,
expanding how player characters can use their tools during their adventures and
downtime. These feats allow characters to improve weapons and armor, brew
potions, create scrolls, build traps, and more using their existing proficiencies.

Printed In China

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