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Jl.Hasanudin 10X, Simbar – Tampo Kec. Cluring – Banyuwangi 68482
NSS : 402052506045 NIS : 400560 NPSN : 69775462
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Hari /Tanggal : Kamis, 8 Desember 2022 Kelas / Semester : X / Ganjil

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Jurusan : Keperawatan & Farmasi
Waktu : 60 Menit

B. Choose the best answer! 8. The teacher gave …. No choice.
1. Annisa : “Linda, May I introduce you to my a. Him
sister? Everybody, this is Linda”. b. We
From the expression above, we know that Annisa c. His
wants to …. d. Mine
a. Introduce herself e. Their
b. Introduce others 9. Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics
c. Greet other people competition? Did you and your team go home with
d. Say goodbye in an event the trophy?
e. Congratulate someone Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we
2. Tata is a new member pf Teratai English Club. She succeeded to get the first place.
introduced herself. Rahel : Wow that’s a good job, Dan.
Tata : Ladies and Gentlemen… Congratulation on your team success!
a. Allow me to introduce myself Daniel : Thank you very much for saying so.
b. I am happy to meet you From the dialogue, Rahel tries to …
c. Let me introduce you to the audiences a. Ask Daniel to get the trophy
d. My I introduce you to the audiences b. Support Daniel in the competition
e. Nice to meet you c. Inform Daniel about the competition
3. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce myself. d. Congratulate Daniel for his team winning
……. I am an English teacher. e. Make sure that Daniel and his team join the
a. I am Nunu competition
b. I want you to call me Nunu 10. Farhan : So, how long has it been since the
c. Call me Nunu first publishing of your first novel?
d. Nunu is good name, isn’t it Yola : It’s been 3 weeks since then.
e. Nunu is my friend Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold
4. Joko : Sri, …. this far?
Sri : I am delighted to meet you Yola : Than God. Many people seem to like
Santo : I am delighted to meet you, too. it very much. Since the first publishing 3 weeks ago,
a. Santo is my friend there have been over 500 copies sold.
b. Santo wants to meet you Farhan : Splendid! I’d like to congratulate you
c. Don’t you know Santo is my friend on your success at your first time publishing your
d. Please introduce yourself novels.
e. I would like you to meet my friend, Santo. Yola : Thanks
5. ….. has just left ten minutes ago. Farhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know
a. He you could be a great author someday.
b. His What does Yola achieve?
c. Him a. Publishing her novel
d. Her b. Writing the first poem
e. Hers c. Winning a trophy
6. My brother told me not to touch …. Computer when d. Becoming the best author
he wasn’t at home. e. Selling her books
a. I 11. Andy : I haven’t told you what happened yet,
b. He have I?
c. His Bono : I haven’t heard anything.
d. Him Andy : My boss offered me a promotion, and
e. They I took it.
7. Mondy and I have got a new computer. Bono : Are you serious?
Mondy and I can be replaced by …. Andy : Yes, I am really excited.
a. I Bono : …..
b. They What will Bono say as a response?
c. We a. Thank you very much for your compliment
d. Us b. Thanks’ God
e. Our c. Oh my God. I know you can do it
d. That’s great. Congratulations a. Will you music concert in café?
e. Congratulation. You get best score in this b. What is your plan tonight?
examination. c. What is it?
12. Roy : Who won the football match d. When will you go?
yesterday? e. What did you do yesterday?
Tom : Our team did. We won three to one. Text for number 19 – 22
Roy : …. Wawan is planning to visit his uncle and taking a public
Tom : Thank you. transportation like a bus to go there. The time estimation from his
a. I have never wondered about it home to his uncle’s is thirty minutes by bus. The bus will depart at
b. Congratulation. I’m glad to hear it 9.15. he is leaving his house at nine because to the nearest bus
c. I am really satisfied with your work stop home take five minutes’ walk. At the bus station he buys
d. Your football team is happy ticket. He gets on the bus and sits behind the driver. Moreover
e. Glad to know that you are ok. what make him excited is the view along the way. He enjoy
13. Laura : You look beautiful tonight. That is a seeing the people and the traffic rush. He is planning to stay at
nice dress you are wearing his uncle’s for a day and he wait to get there.
Anna : I appreciate your compliment. My 19. Where is wawan intending to go?
mother bought it a. His uncle’s house
Laura : Your mother bought it? ….. b. His friend’s house
Anna : Thanks. She worked in a boutique c. Bus station
when she was young. d. His grandparent’s house
a. She was too curious e. The driver’s house
b. She didn’t like fashion 20. How will he go to his uncle’s house?
c. She was interested in that dress a. On foot
d. She needed some styles b. By truck
e. She had a very good taste c. By train
14. Nancy : Oh hi, Vicky. How are you? d. By bicycle
Vicky : I’m fine as always. I’m calling to e. By bus
congratulate you on having your own restaurant. 21. What time will wawan leave so he will not miss the
Nancy : Oh thank you Vicky. It’s only a small bus?
restaurant a. At 10 o’clock
Vicky : But it’s still amazing! I’m very proud b. At 8 o’clock
of you. c. At 7 o’clock
From the dialogue, Vicky tries to …. d. At 11 o’clock
a. Promote her own restaurant e. At 9 o’clock
b. Criticize Nancy’s restaurant 22. How long will he stay at his uncle’s house?
c. Give compliment to Nancy a. Two days
d. Ask some questions b. A month
e. Give Nancy an award c. Four days
15. Leo : ….. How does it feel to be the winner d. Two weeks
of the contest? e. One day
Susie : It feels like it was a dream. I still can’t Text for number 23 – 27
believe I got the grand prize. Ranu kumbolo
Leo : You deserve it, Susie. I know that Ranu Kumbolo is a lake with a breathtaking and exotic scenery
you practiced very hard for it. that is located at the slope of the highest peak in java, Semeru
Susie : Thank you. Mouned or Mahameru. The edge of the lake is used as a rest
What does Leo say at the beginning of the area and camping ground for Semeru Mountain Climbers.
conversation? Ranu Kumbolo is accessible from Malang or Lumajang' East
a. You look better at the contest Java. You will pass a 5 kin of slope with edelwish growing
b. Thanks for being a winner everywhere and beautiful step rock. The valley and hills are
c. Congratulation for you overgrown with pines that look very amazing from the track:
d. I really appreciate it sometimes the smoke from Semeru peak can also be seen. In the
e. What a prize you get! rainy season, the climbing is closed due to the erosion and storm.
16. Rudy will …. To the cinema watch a film. It is closed for 4 months from Desember to April and it is will be
a. Go opened after the route survey by the BTS Nasional Park crew.
b. Gone 23. What is the purpose of the text?
c. Going a. To entertain the reader
d. Went b. To tell the truth
e. Goes c. To persuade the reader
17. Robbin : Where will you go tomorrow? d. To inform the reader
Regina : …. e. To retell past event
a. I will cut the grass 24. What is the highest peak in Java?
b. I will you a. Mahameru
c. I will clean my room b. Bromo
d. I will go to the shopping centre c. Limited
e. I will be fine d. Manglayang
18. Joko : ….. e. Papandayan
Joni : I will watch music concert in Café at 25. Ranu Kumbolo is accessible from Malang.
11 pm. What is the synonym of accessible?
a. Deficient section is about 7.5 meters wide at its base and nearly 6 meters
b. Reachable at the top. Watchtowers stand about 90 to 180 meters apart along
c. Limited the wall.
d. Restricted 31. We know from the text that Great wall is …
e. Inaccessible a. Not a high building
26. Based on the text above, what is the author’s b. Located in southeast china
opinion about Ranu Kumbolo? c. Built by using high technology
a. Amazing d. Built without using technology
b. Awful e. The longest construction in the world
c. Horrible 32. What makes people attracted to come to Great
d. Boring Wall?
e. Messy a. Its highest and long section
27. Which of the false information about Ranu b. Its longest structure ever built
Kumbolo? c. Its location and the condition of the win
a. Ranu Kumbolo is a camping ground for the d. Its deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus
climber e. Its architectural grandeur and historical
b. Ranu Kumbolo can reach from Malang and significance
Lumajang 33. Why did the writer write the text?
c. The track is filled by edelweiss a. To identify Great Wall of China
d. The climbing is opened in every season b. To criticize Great Wall of China
e. It is located on the slope of Mahameru c. To promote Great Wall of China
Text for number 28 – 30 d. To describe of Great Wall of China
Disneyland California e. To compliment Great Wall of China
Text for number 34 – 36
Disneyland California is most certainly a land of enchantment Announcement
where children and youth find the dreams really do come true.
Disneyland Park is seamless blend of yesterday, today, and To: All Customers,
tomorrow. Smiling train conductors, inarching bands and the clip Due to the severe fire that happened last week, our company,
clop of horse drawn carriages bring back you to carefree days. Rainbow Corporation has to renovate some buildings. The
You can also rocket through the galaxy, board a runway train or renovation will be time-consuming and consequently our office
track through the jungle. Laughter is always in the air. With will be temporarily moved to Flamboyant Street 16 about 500 m
friendly smile all around. The secret to Disneyland is its ability to from our company. We will not stop our production, but it will
change yet, remain the same. As Walt Disney said "Disneyland influence our production process, such as the delay of product
will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there making, tardiness of product delivery and other services.
is imagination left in the world."
Thank you
28. What is the main point of the text? Mr. Johnson
a. Disneyland General Manager
b. Dufan 34. What is the topic of the announcement?
c. Amusement park a. The delay of product making
d. California b. The severe fire at the company
e. Happiness c. The renovation of some buildings
29. What is the meaning of the word friendly? d. The company’s temporary address
a. Kind e. The production process of the company
b. Happpy 35. Why must Rainbow Corporation renovate its
c. Sad buildings?
d. Fake a. The buildings were burned down
e. Angry b. The office move to other buildings
30. What is the antonym of the word grow? c. The product making was delayed
a. Develop d. The product delivery was late
b. Decrease e. The company office was full
c. Expand 36. The text is aimed to …
d. Large a. Inform about temporary address
e. Extend b. Inform about renovation of the office
Text for number 31 – 33 c. Inform about the delay of product making
The great wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was d. Remind customer about shipping address
listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a e. Remind customer about production process
gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across Text for number 37 – 40
deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching
approximately 8.851,8 kilometers (5500 miles) from east to west Let’s explore the World through Reading Club.
of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the In connection with Literacy Program Development, we are going
sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still to form a reading club. In the club, we are going to read and
one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing discuss various books such as education, history, geography,
to its architectural grandeur and historical significance. psychology etc. the meeting for discussion is held:
Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. It was Day : Saturday
erected entirely by hand. The main part of the wall is about 3.460 Time : 09.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.
kilometers long. One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Venue : AV room
Mount Badaling, near Beijing, rises to about 11 meters high. This
If you have interest in reading and are committed individuals, you
are deserved to be members of the club.
For further information contact Nila: 08158030833
37. What is the announcement mainly about?
a. Recruitment for Reading Club members
b. The place of Reading Club meeting
c. Upcoming Event of Reading Club
d. Literacy Program Development
e. Reading Club Activity
38. What is the primary reason to establish the Reading
a. To explore the world
b. To develop education
c. To read historical books
d. To develop literacy program
e. To develop interest in reading
39. It is implicitly expected that the Reading Club
members will be ….
a. Kind
b. Friendly
c. Wealthy
d. Generous
e. Knowledgeable
40. What does the word committed mean?
a. Casual
b. Devoted
c. Apathetic
d. Obligated
e. Uninterested

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