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A note to the students:

o The following material contains some intentional

errors. (spelling, grammatical and punctuation). So be
careful not to repeat the same error.
o Work critically; avoid mere copy-pasting.
o Utilize the provided content as a reference while
crafting your own original response.

The Awakening Age

By Ben Okri


Understanding the text

Answer the following questions.

a. Who are the people ‘who travel the meridian line’?

They are Nigerians who have been divided into two distinct groups due
to the traumatic civil war: those from the southern and northern regions.
Throughout their fragmented existence, these people have endured
hardships such as hunger, poverty, unemployment, and various aspects of
their lives.

b. What does the poet mean by 'a new world'?

The poet conveys the idea of a promising world characterized by hope,
prosperity, unity, truth, knowledge, and creativity when using the term 'a
new world.' This phrase signifies the vision of a united Nigeria that has
emerged after the resolution of the civil conflict.

c. How are people interconnected?

People are interconnected through a shared sense of optimism rooted in
history. Their unwavering belief in their aspirations allows them to rise
to greater heights of unity and prosperity, fueled by hope and knowledge.

d. What can we achieve by altering our perceptions?

By altering our perceptions, we can attain various advantages. Changing
our outlook can lead to liberation from hardships and suffering, paving
the way for honesty. This transformation can result in harmony, integrity,
affluence, employment, wisdom, and innovation.

e. How do new individuals benefit us?

New individuals bring about multiple benefits as they contribute to our
collective strength, driving us toward a flourishing nation. Their presence
fosters heightened happiness, genuine perspectives, diligence,
knowledge, and creativity, elevating us to a higher level of well-being.

f. Describe the rhyme scheme of this sonnet.

The sonnet comprises seven distinct couplets (sets of two lines) across its
fourteen lines. The rhyme scheme employed is consistent and melodious,
lending a rhythmic quality to the poem. Each stanza follows an

Reference to the Context

a. What does the poet mean by ‘the awakening age’?

The awakening age refers to the period when Africans recognize, realize,
or become conscious of their situation, as well as the creation of their new
world. This is the age of enlightenment when there is peace, prosperity,
liberty, happiness, unity, and harmony among people, and it arrives
shortly after Nigeria’s brutal civil war.

b. Why, in your view, have these people ‘lived with poverty’s rage’?
In my view, these people have ‘lived with poverty’s rage’ because
Africans were exploited by Europeans throughout the colonial period for
the sake of exploiting natural resources. African countries, on the other
hand, were involved in a lengthy civil war. As a result of a few strong
people gaining control of authority, there was an imbalance in the
distribution of national wealth. Ordinary people have no idea there was
more to life than poverty. They were more preoccupied with internal
problems such as religion, culture, political philosophy, ethnicity, and so
on, neglecting the sufferings of ordinary Nigerians.

c. Why does the poet appeal for solidarity among the people?
The poet appeals for solidarity among the people for their dream of a
better world to come true. He wishes for all of Nigeria’s unfortunate
citizens to achieve new heights of prosperity, hope, unity, truth, wisdom,
and creativity. He thinks that people’s solidarity can only help them
overcome their obstacles, challenges, and sufferings.

d. Does the poet present migration in a positive light? Why? Why

Yes, the poet presents migration in a positive light as it increases the
working-age population. Migration helps for a shift in their condition
from one level to another via awakening. The poet wishes for them to be
unified, prosperous, honest, smart, and creative in a new age of
awakening, free of the conception of suffering. Migrants bring skills with
them and contribute to the development of human capital in recipient
countries. They also encourage the advancement of innovative

e. Nepal is also known for its economic as well as educational

migrants. Have you noticed any change in the perceptions and
behaviours of these migrants when they return home from abroad?

Nepal is also known for its economic as well as educational migrants.

Yes, I have noticed some sorts of changes in the perceptions and
behaviours of these migrants when they return home from abroad. Lots
of Nepalese youths travel overseas to pursue their education and find
work. When they return home, we’ve witnessed a shift in their attitudes
and behaviours. There are several advantages of returning to the home
country. Working overseas allows people to raise their income, learn new
skills, and save and invest. When they return home, they carry with them
both financial and human capital gained overseas. Return migrants can
only gain rewards if they are successful in earning skills, knowledge, and
savings and if their home nation supports policies that encourage them to
invest and apply their abilities.

f. Relate the rhyme scheme of this sonnet to the kind of life idealized
by the poet.
The rhyme scheme is AA BB CC DD EE FF and GG, and it is a poetry
of optimism. Every couplet in each of the seven stanzas is beautiful in
both rhyme and meaning. The poet can show the idealized existence of
Nigerians in a new world of the awakening age with the assistance of the
poem’s rhyme pattern. All of these rhyming phrases after couplets are
linked to the lives of Nigerians and their ideal way of life, including
wisdom, realization, hope, prosperity, truth, opportunity, and joy. His
excellent rhyme scheme accurately expressed his expectations and good
wishes for the ideal existence of Nigerians in the new world of the
awakening age.

Writing a press release involves crafting a concise and engaging
document that effectively communicates your news or announcement to
the media and the public. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a
press release:

Start with the words "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE" at the top of the
page, aligned to the left. Include your contact information (name, phone
number, email address) underneath the header.
Craft a compelling headline that grabs attention and accurately reflects
the main point of your press release. It should be clear, concise, and
enticing. Use active language and avoid jargon.

Subheadline (Optional):
If needed, provide a sub headline that provides additional context or
elaboration on the main headline.

Include the city and state where the press release is being issued, followed
by the release date.

Write a strong opening paragraph that answers the "who, what, when,
where, why, and how" of your news. Summarize the most important
information in this paragraph.

Use the next one or two paragraphs to expand on the details of your
announcement. Include relevant facts, statistics, quotes, and additional
context to make your news more compelling. Provide supporting
information that highlights the significance of the announcement.

Incorporate quotes from key stakeholders, such as company executives,
experts, or partners, to add credibility and human interest to the press

Boilerplate Information:
Include a brief paragraph about your company or organization. This
should provide an overview of what your company does, its mission, and
any key achievements.

Call to Action (CTA):

Include a clear call to action that guides readers on what to do next. This
could be visiting your website, attending an event, downloading a
resource, or reaching out for more information.

Contact Information:
Provide the contact details of the person who can be reached for
additional information or interview requests. Include their name, title,
phone number, and email address.

End the press release with three hash symbols (###) centered at the
bottom of the page to signal the end of the document.

Tips for Writing a Successful Press Release:

• Keep it concise: Stick to one page if possible, and use clear and
straightforward language.

• Highlight the news value: Emphasize why your announcement is

relevant and important to your target audience.

• Use a journalistic style: Write in the third person and maintain a

neutral tone.

• Avoid jargon: Ensure that your press release is understandable to a

wide audience, including those who might not be familiar with your

• Proofread: Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and

formatting issues before sending it out.

• Include multimedia: If applicable, include high-resolution images,

videos, or links that support your news.
• Customize for distribution: Tailor your press release to the specific
media outlets or journalists you're targeting.

• Follow submission guidelines: If you're sending the press release to

a specific publication, adhere to their submission guidelines.


Emily Thompson
Director of Communications
Phone: (555) 789-1234
Email: [email protected]

Maplewood Academy Presents "Innovation in Education" Conference:

Shaping the Future of Learning

Maplewood, USA – August 14, 2023 – Maplewood Academy, a leading

institution in education excellence, is excited to announce its upcoming
"Innovation in Education" conference, a pioneering event aimed at
exploring the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies in the field
of education.

Scheduled for September 20-22, 2023, the conference will bring together
educators, thought leaders, and industry experts from around the world to
share insights and strategies for shaping the future of learning. With the
theme "Empowering Tomorrow's Minds," the event promises a dynamic
platform for discussing innovative teaching practices, leveraging
technology in education, and fostering student engagement.

"We are thrilled to host the 'Innovation in Education' conference and

contribute to the ongoing dialogue on educational transformation," said
Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Principal of Maplewood Academy. "This event
reflects our commitment to providing students with the best possible
learning experiences and equipping educators with the tools they need to
succeed in a rapidly evolving landscape."

Conference Highlights:
- Keynote Presentations: Renowned experts will share their perspectives
on the intersection of education and innovation.
- Interactive Workshops: Attendees will engage in hands-on sessions
exploring practical strategies for implementing innovative teaching
- Panel Discussions: Thought-provoking discussions will address current
challenges and opportunities in education.
- Networking Opportunities: Participants will have the chance to connect
with colleagues, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships.

Maplewood Academy's "Innovation in Education" conference aligns with

the institution's commitment to fostering lifelong learning and providing
a platform for educators to thrive in an ever-changing educational

For more information about the conference schedule, registration

details, and guest speakers, please visit

Media Contact:
David Carter
Public Relations Coordinator
Phone: (555) 678-5678
Email: [email protected]

About Maplewood Academy:

Maplewood Academy is a renowned educational institution dedicated to
providing exceptional learning experiences for students. With a focus on
innovation, excellence, and community, Maplewood Academy strives to
equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the
modern world.
Page no. 32, Writing, Ex. B
(Work critically; avoid mere copy-pasting. Utilize the provided content
as a reference while crafting your own original response.)

Subject verb agreement

a. One of the glasses is empty.

(Here, since the subject is ‘one’, the verb should be ‘is’).

b. The bouquet of red roses smells so sweet.

(Here, since ‘bouquet’ is the subject and not ‘roses’, the verb should be
‘smells’ and not ‘smell’)
c. Neither the shoes nor the bag matches the dress.
(Here, ‘bag’ is closest to the verb, hence ‘matches’)

d. Neither the bag nor the shoes match the dress.

(Here, ‘shoes’ is closest to the verb, hence ‘match’)

e. 62 years is the minimum age of retirement.

f. The astronaut, along with other crew members, is/are signing

autographs today at the space center.

g. I wish my sister were here.

h. The singer and songwriter is Harry Styles.

i. The student advocates for free lunch after the extra mural lesson.

j. A serious situation calls for a serious approach.

k. The period between pregnancy and childbirth is sometimes critical.

l. Anxiety solves no problem.

m. The teachers with the principal encourage the students to perform

n. The senior prefect, as well as, other students never likes the physics

n. The man, who is marching up and down the street, is very loud.

o. The mountains, which are covered in freshly fallen snow, look lovely

p. The cup, the saucer, and all the biscuits are broken.

q. Hard work and dedication is the key to success.

r. Neither my parents nor my sister remembers my birthday.

s. All the White Horses is a song by Tori Amos.

t. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the last film I saw.

u. The perfect gift for him is/are not a car but these three books.

v. These three books and not a car is/are the perfect gift for him.

w.The staff needs a new cafeteria. (referring to the group as a whole)

x. The staff say they need a new cafeteria. (referring to the individuals
in the group)

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in the brackets.

a. The invitation is for one person. I don’t mind whether you or she
(come) to the party.
The invitation is for one person. I don’t mind whether you or she
comes to the party.
b. Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister (have) felt regret for the
party split.
Neither the MPs nor the Prime Minister has felt regret for the party

c. I don’t care whether he or she (win) the lottery.

I don’t care whether he or she wins the lottery.

d. Either the Kantipur or the Republica (be) used for the advertisement.
Either Kantipur or the Republica is used for the advertisement.

e. She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister (understand) her.

She speaks in a strange accent. Neither I nor my sister understands her.

f. I forgot whether the singers or the actress (be) given the Film Fair
Award last year.
I forgot whether the singers or the actress were given the Film Fair
Award last year.

g. Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas (fit) me perfectly.

Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas fit me perfectly.

y. Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters (be) suitable for room
Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters are suitable for room heating.

C. This passage contains the agreement errors. Correct the subjects

or verbs that don’t agree with each other. Remember to use present
tense in your corrections.
Corrected Passage-
Within the state of Arizona, Rob, along with his family, moves frequently
from city to city. After his arrival, one of his first tasks was to find an
apartment close to work, as he did not have a car. Usually, there are many
different places to choose from, and he considers cost, location, and
luxury. If one apartment has a washing machine and dryer and costs four
hundred dollars a month, he prefers to rent it over another apartment
which has significantly less rent and is located two blocks from a
Laundromat. Rob’s family never wanted to live in an apartment on the
thirteenth floor, since all of them fear heights. He also tried to choose an
apartment with a landlord recommended by former tenants. Everybody
knows that it is important to find a responsible landlord. Rob and his wife
love to cook together when both are free, so they need a spacious, well-
equipped kitchen. Rob often looks for a place with an air conditioner
because there are so many scorching days and nights in Arizona.
Whenever Rob finds a new apartment, all of his concerns disappear. He
felt relieved and called his mother. Someone understands!

Project work
Poetry Podcast or Audio Recording:
Create a captivating podcast episode or an engaging audio recording
where we delve into a profound analysis of the poem " I Was My Own
Route." In this project, we will share personal interpretations, insights,
and explore the poem's significance, while utilizing technology to
enhance our communication skills. Feel free to unleash your creativity by
incorporating images and other multimedia elements to enrich the

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