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Term 1, AY 2023-2024
Schedule and Procedures

Table of Contents
Important Reminders
Confirmation Schedule
Table 1: Schedule per College
General Procedures
Table 2: Confirmation Procedures
Other Reminders
Electronic Forms and Resources
Pre-confirmation Procedures for International Students
Electronic Forms and Resources for International Students

Important Reminders

1. You are required to follow your college schedule and time slot strictly. Please refer to Table 1 for guidance.
Applicants who will confirm outside their designated schedule will NOT be allowed entry to the campus.

2. Applicants or their representatives will be required to ENTER Gate 2 (in front of Henry Sy Sr. Hall) and go through
a temperature and security check before they are allowed entry to the campus.

3. The confirmation is intended to be done only by the applicant or his/her representative. Representatives must
bring with them an authorization letter signed by the applicant, a copy of the applicant’s valid ID, and his/her own

4. Only one (1) companion for each applicant will be allowed to enter the campus. The companion will stay at a
designated area inside the venue.

5. Applicants and their companions are required to follow all health protocols to ensure safety during the
confirmation activity. Bringing a personal hygiene kit and maintaining safe distance from others are highly

6. Applicants and companions who will bring a private vehicle are advised to look for parking space outside the

7. Eating and drinking are not allowed inside the confirmation venue.

8. Applicants with incomplete requirements will be allowed to confirm but will be considered “conditionally
admitted” until they have submitted the complete enrollment requirements. Submission of the Original Copy of
the Grade 12 Report Card is MANDATORY. Instructions on how to submit the lacking confirmation
requirements will be provided to the applicant/representative who will transact at the venue.

Applicants who cannot submit the Original Copy of the Grade 12 Final Report Card (because date of issuance is
beyond the confirmation dates) will BE ALLOWED to confirm their enrollment, provided that they can submit the
following documents issued and signed by their High School Principal or High School Registrar:

8.1 Certified True Copy (CTC) of the available grades in Grade 12

8.2 Certification from School Principal or Registrar containing the following information:
● Final Report Card (F138) or Official Transcript of Records (TOR) will be released on _____________
(specify date of release)
● Student is a current Grade 12 student and is a candidate for graduation
● Student has no back subjects/lacking units
● Student has no academic failures
● Student is cleared from any financial obligation
● Student graduated last ________ (specify date) or will graduate on ________ (specify date)

9. For Non-Filipino citizens, a clearance from the International Center must be obtained prior to confirmation. A
representative from the International Center will be stationed at the venue. The clearance is a mandatory

10. Applicants who were not able to pay the P10,000 non-refundable confirmation fee online may be accommodated
to make a late payment onsite at the venue, subject to approval of the Office of Admissions and Scholarships.
However, applicants are highly encouraged to pay their confirmation fee during the payment period to secure
their enrollment slot in the University.

11. The Confirmation Fee will be credited to the tuition and fees if the student enrolls on Term 1, AY 2023- 2024.
Otherwise, it is non-refundable and will cover administrative costs.

12. The Office of Admissions and Scholarships reserves the right not to allow applicants to proceed with confirmation
if there is any deficiency identified during evaluation of the required documents for confirmation.
Confirmation Schedule


Applicants are required to strictly observe the schedule below. Applicants who will confirm outside their designated schedule will not be allowed
entry to the campus.

Table 1: Schedule per College

VENUE: 4th Floor Multi-Purpose Hall, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila

College Date
08:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 16:00

Note: Applicants qualified in degree programs offered by the Laguna Campus are also allowed to submit their
confirmation requirements at the Manila Campus, following their designated college schedules below.

Br. Andrew Gonzalez 01 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

College of Education (Thursday) A to K L-Z

02 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Friday) A-D E-G

College of Computer 05 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

Studies (Monday) H-J K-N

06 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Tuesday) O-R S-Z

07 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Wednesday) A-C D-F

08 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Thursday) G to I J to M
Gokongwei College of
09 June 2023 Last Name Last Name
(Friday) N to P Q to S

13 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Tuesday) T to V W to Z

14 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Wednesday) A-C D-F

15 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Thursday) G to I J to M
College of Liberal Arts
16 June 2023 Last Name Last Name
(Friday) N to P Q to S

19 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Monday) T to V W to Z

VENUE: 4th Floor Multi-Purpose Hall, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila

College Date
08:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 16:00

20 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Tuesday) A-C D-F

21 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Wednesday) G to I J to M
College of Science
22 June 2023 Last Name Last Name
(Thursday) N to P Q to S

23 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Friday) T to V W to Z

26 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Monday) A to C D to F

27 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Tuesday) G to I J to M
RVR College of Business
28 June 2023 Last Name Last Name
(Wednesday) N to P Q to S

30 June 2023 Last Name Last Name

(Friday) T to V W to Z

03 July 2023 Last Name Last Name

School of Economics
(Monday) A to K L-Z
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, 2nd Floor, MRR Building, DLSU Laguna Campus

Note: Exclusive only for qualified applicants of degree programs offered by the Laguna Campus

College Date
08:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 16:00

All Colleges at 04 July 2023 Last Name Last Name

Laguna (Tuesday) A-K L-Z

VENUE: 4th Floor Multi-Purpose Hall, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila
College Date
08:00 to 10:00 10:00 to 12:00 12:00 to 14:00 14:00 to 16:00

Late 05 July 2023 Last Name Last Name Last Name Last Name
Confirmation (Wednesday) A-B C-D E-F G-H

All Colleges
06 July 2023 Last Name Last Name Last Name Last Name
(Thursday) I-J K-L M-N O-P

07 July 2023 Last Name Last Name Last Name Last Name
(Friday) Q- S T-V W-X Y-Z
General Procedures


1. Applicants who have paid online (or via Dragonpay) within the payment deadline skip Step 1 and
proceed to the designated areas for Steps 2, 3, and 4.

2. Applicants who have not paid the confirmation fee during the payment period start from Step 1.

Table 2: Confirmation Procedures

Step Activity Notes
To Be Submitted To Be Received

Payment of DLSU Official ● Checks are not accepted
Non- Letter of Acceptance Receipt
1 Refundable from DLSU (for confirmation, ● The Confirmation Fee will be credited to the
Confirmation white and yellow tuition and fees if enrolled on Term 1, AY
Fee copies) 2023-2024. Otherwise, it is non-refundable
(P10,000.00) and will cover administrative costs.

1. Printed copy of the

Acknowledgement Slip ● High School Graduates with 1st and 2nd
(System Generated for Semester Report Cards must ensure that
those who paid the both Report Cards are signed by the
confirmation fee online designated Signatories (either Principal
or via Dragonpay within or HS Registrar)
the deadline)
● High School graduates BEFORE AY 2022-23
must submit a Declaration as a New Student
form (see link of the form in the page on Other

● Applicants who cannot submit the original

OR copy of his/her Grade 12 Final Report Card
will not be allowed to confirm his/her
DLSU Official Receipt enrollment, unless a certification is
(for those who paid at provided (see details in Important
the venue) Reminders Item No. 8)

Stamped Letter of
2. Letter of Acceptance from ● Applicants with DUAL Citizenship must
Submission of Acceptance from DLSU submit a copy of the Recognition or
required DLSU or Payment Re-acquisition Letter as Filipino Citizen if
documents they wish to carry their Filipino citizenship
2 Acknowledgment
3. Original Copy of the Slip (for applicants
Grade 12 Report Card ● All graduates from school schools abroad
who paid online) (not regulated by DepEd) must submit an
4. Two (2) authenticated / apostilled copy of the
Recommendation Original and Complete Transcript of
Letters (DLSU form) - Records
see notes for
information ● Original recommendation forms will not be
required if the recommenders have already
5. Authenticated / uploaded the forms of the applicant during
Apostilled copy of the the application period (through the Google
Official Transcript of Form link)
Records (only for
Filipinos and Non-
Filipinos who studied
in schools not
regulated by the
Department of
Education (DepEd)
in the Philippines)
Step Activity Document Notes

6. Original SAT Results

(only for Applicants
who used SAT as
7. Photocopy of
Diploma (only for
Filipinos and Non-
Filipinos who studied
in schools not
regulated by the
Department of
Education (DepEd)
in the Philippines)

8. Proof of
Citizenship (as

8.1 For Filipino

and Filipinos with
Dual Citizenship
Born in the

● Original Copy of
Birth Certificate
8.2 Filipinos with
Dual Citizenship
Born Outside the
● Photocopy of
Birth Certificate
● Photocopy of
Valid, Unexpired
● Documentation
on of Filipino
8.3 For Non-Filipino
born in the
● Photocopy of
● Alien Certificate
of Registration
Identity (ACR I)
8.4 For Non-Filipino
outside the
● Photocopy of
9. Visa Clearance
from International
Center (For
Students and
Filipino Dual
Citizens without
substantial proof of
Filipino citizenship)
10. Statement of
Undertaking (only
for Reconsidered

11. Declaration as New

Student (only for
Applicants who
graduated from
Grade 12 prior to
AY 2022-2023)

12. Two (2) copies of

Statement of

13. Fully accomplished

forms (to be
submitted after
Step 4):

13.1 Non-Violence
13.2 Drug Testing
Consent Form

See submission
guidelines here:

13.3. Disclosure
Step Activity Document Notes

Claiming of
Confirmation 1. Enrollment
Slip Confirmation
DLSU Official Slip
3 Receipt (for
and 2. Enrollment
confirmation) Schedule and
Enrollment Procedures
Schedules and

Reminders on the attire:

Must conform with the following requirements:
ID Picture Enrollment
4 Taking Confirmation ● Top with collar and sleeves (with or without coat);
Slip ● No facial, ear, and neck jewelry;
● No heavy make-up;
● No eye-glasses;
● Hair pulled back to show full face and ears during ID
● Clothing should be in contrast with a beige background

Note: ID in-charge may refuse to take pictures of those

who are not wearing the proper attire

● All students are required to wear clothing

that will contrast against a beige

● Applicants must already be in required attire

upon entering the confirmation venue
Other Reminders

1. Admission results are valid for three (3) consecutive terms.

2. Applicants who have previously taken any course from college are not allowed admission to the first-year
college level. Withholding of enrollment history will be grounds for cancellation of admission.

3. Applicants with Incomplete Confirmation Requirements will be considered “Conditionally Admitted” and are
required to submit all lacking requirements to complete the enrollment process. Non-submission of required
documents will prevent the applicant from proceeding with enrollment in the succeeding term.

4. Report Cards with erasures and alterations must be accompanied by a Certification of Authenticity from the
High School Registrar.

5. The Recommendation Letters must be accomplished by the following (one from each):

5.1. Guidance Counselor from Grade 11 or 12

5. 2. High School Principal or Subject Teacher from Grade 11 or 12

Fill out this Google Form to inform your recommenders that you have selected them to submit a
recommendation form for your application. The recommendation letters will be directly submitted by the
recommender through the link provided to them in the email notification.

6. For applicants who studied abroad (schools not regulated by DepEd), the Original and Complete Transcript of
Records (TOR) must be authenticated / apostilled by the Philippine Embassy in the country where the school
is located. If the authenticated / apostilled TOR is not yet complete, the applicant may be allowed to confirm
but he/she will not be allowed to enroll for the succeeding terms if the required documents remain unsubmitted.

7. International students must have secured their Visa Clearance from the International Center before
Confirmation. Failure to comply will be subject to penalty and other charges.

Students with Dual Citizenship and Filipinos born abroad who fail to submit proof of Filipino citizenship will be
required to obtain a clearance from the International Center.

8. Students who want to defer their enrollment should complete the Deferment of Enrollment Form and upload the
accomplished form via Deferment Request before the start of classes.

9. Applicants who confirm but will not pursue their enrollment are required to submit their request for withdrawal
Credentials and Enrollment Withdrawal Form and upload this via Request for Withdrawal Form. An applicant
who did not apply for official withdrawal (from OAS and OUR) and left the University without notice will be
subjected to penalties and charges.
Electronic Forms and Resources
Recommendation Letter Form

Declaration as a New Student Form

Statement of Undertaking

Statement of Responsibilities

Deferment of Enrollment Form

Non-Violence Contract and Drug Testing Consent Submission Guidelines

Disclosure Statement
Pre-confirmation Procedures for International Students



1. All non-Filipino students admitted to DLSU must have a valid visa or permit to study as mandated
by the Philippine Immigration Law. Please refer to the resource link below for the list of visas accepted
for study at DLSU. Other visas not included on the list will be subjected for evaluation and approval.

2. The Office of the Vice President for External Relations and Internationalization (OVPERI), through the
International Center (IC), evaluates and determines the validity of visa acceptable for study and assists
the International Students (IS) in processing their application for Student Visa (9F) or Special Study Permit
(SSP) at the Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI). The IC is located at the Rm. 207, 2nd Floor, St.
Joseph (SJ) Hall with office hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from Mondays to Fridays. For inquiries, you
may call (+632) 8524-4611 (local 289) or 85256727or send an email to [email protected] or
[email protected].

3. Visa Clearance, an official document or form issued by the IC, must be obtained by the IS-applicants or
their representatives before or during their scheduled confirmation for enrolment. It will be issued upon
presentation of original copy/ies and submission of photocopy/ies of the initial documentary requirements.

4. International Student (IS)-applicants aged 18 years and above who are holders of Temporary
Visitor/Tourist Visa (9A) need to apply for Student Visa (9F) Conversion. Please refer below for the initial
list of “Documentary Requirements” to be submitted at IC prior or during the confirmation period:

a. Copy of Acceptance/Offer Letter issued by the Office of Admissions and Scholarships (OAS)

b. Copy of valid passport pages bearing the bio-page and latest admission with valid authorized stay

c. Duly accomplished IC Personal Data Form (refer to the link below for electronic form)

d. Duly accomplished IC Application Form for 9F Visa (refer to the link below for electronic form)

e. Duly accomplished two (2) copies of duly accomplished Consolidated General Application Forms
(CGAF) (refer to the link below for electronic form)

f. Duly accomplished and notarized Statement of Visa Compliance (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

g. Duly accomplished OVPERI IC Data Privacy Consent Form (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

h. Copy of Official Receipt o 9F Visa Conversion payment (P14,700)

Additional documentary requirements must be processed and submitted by the IS-applicant at IC during the
Week 2 of the Term are as follows:

a. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance

b. Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) Medical Clearance

c. Original and photocopy of valid passport pages bearing the bio-page and latest admission with
valid authorized stay and BOQ Stamp

d. Joint letter of request to BI for 9F Visa Conversion (Template letter will be provided by the IC)
5. International Student (IS)-applicants aged below 18 years who will enroll in a degree program must secure
a Special Study Permit (SSP). Please refer below for the initial list of “Documentary Requirements” to be
submitted at IC prior or during the confirmation period:

a. Copy of Acceptance/Offer Letter issued by the Office of Admissions and Scholarships (OAS)

b. Copy of valid passport pages bearing the bio-page and latest admission with valid authorized stay

c. Duly accomplished IC Personal Data Form (refer to the link below for electronic form)

d. Duly accomplished IC Application Form for Special Study Permit (refer to the link below for electronic

e. Duly accomplished two (2) copies of duly accomplished Consolidated General Application Forms
(CGAF) {refer to the link below for electronic form]

f. Duly accomplished and notarized Statement of Visa Compliance (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

g. Duly accomplished OVPERI IC Data Privacy Consent Form (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

h. Copy of Official Receipt of SSP payment (Php 9,000)

Additional documentary requirements must be processed and submitted by the IS-applicant at IC during the
Week 2 of the Term are as follows:

a. Original and photocopy of valid passport pages bearing the bio-page and latest admission with valid
authorized stay (9A)

b. Joint letter of request to BI for issuance of SSP (Template letter will be provided by the IC)

Note:: International students who were issued an SSP are required to continuously update or extend their
authorized stay (9A Visa) for the duration of their stay in the Philippines.

6. IS-applicants who are holders of a 9F Visa issued by another school or learning institution maybe
conditionally cleared by the IC on the following conditions:
6.1 IS-applicant’s 9F Visa is valid until Week 5 of the term he/she enrolled in.
6.2 IS-applicant did not transfer or dropped his/her enrollment within the first year of issuance of the 9F
6.3 IS-applicant agrees to pay or bore the administrative fines and penalties imposed by the BI for
student and school, if necessary, for the approval of his/her 9F Visa extension application.
6.4 IS-applicant is required to process for 9F Visa Extension. Please refer below for the list of
documentary requirements to be submitted prior or during the confirmation period are as follows:

a. Copy of Acceptance/Offer Letter issued by the Office of Admissions and Scholarships (OAS)

b. Copy of valid passport bearing the bio-page and latest 9F Visa stamp

c. Copy of Alien Certificate of Registration Information (ACR-I) Card

d. Copy of latest Annual Report Receipt

e. Duly accomplished IC Personal Data Form (refer to the link below for electronic form)

f. Duly accomplished and notarized Statement of Visa Compliance (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

g. Duly accomplished OVPERI IC Data Privacy Consent Form (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

h. Official Receipt of 9F Visa Extension payment (Php16,200)

Additional documentary requirements must be processed and submitted by the IS-applicant at IC during the
Week 2 of the Term are as follows:

a. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance

b. Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records

c. Certified True Copy of Certificate of Eligibility to Transfer/Honorable Dismissal

d. Letter of Explanation for the Issuance of Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

Clearance/Endorsement in case of school transfer (Template letter will be provided by IC)

7. For IS-applicant who are holders of immigrant and non-immigrant visas and special visas acceptable
for study, please refer below for the list of documentary requirements to be submitted prior or during the
confirmation period are as follows:

a. Copy of Acceptance/Offer Letter issued by the Office of Admissions and Scholarships (OAS)

b. Copy of valid passport pages bearing the bio-page and latest admission with valid authorized stay

c. Copy of visa implementation stamp or sticker

d. Copy of valid Alien Certificate of Registration Information (ACR-I) Card

e. Duly accomplished IC Personal Data Form (refer to the link below for electronic form)

f. Duly accomplished and notarized Statement of Visa Compliance (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

g. Duly accomplished OVPERI IC Data Privacy Consent Form (hard copy will be handed during
confirmation period by IC Staff or can be obtained at IC)

Note: IS-applicants with pending visa application at the Bureau of Immigration (BI) or other visa-issuing
agencies must present a proof of pending application such as certification, order or a copy of official receipt
of payment to be conditionally cleared by IC.

8. Filipino student-applicants with dual citizenship or Filipinos born abroad WITHOUT substantial proof of
Filipino recognition will be classified as an International Student. Hence, they must comply with the visa
requirement and apply for 9F Visa/SS to obtain a Visa Clearance at the IC before their scheduled
confirmation for enrolment.

9. For Filipino student-applicants with dual citizenship or Filipinos born abroad with substantial proof of Filipino
recognition, issuance of Visa Clearance is not required.

Note: In order to be classified as a Filipino student with dual citizenship, student-applicants must present
and submit to the OAS any proof of Filipino recognition listed below.

● Identification Certificate
● Certificate of Re-Acquisition/Retention of Filipino Citizenship issued by the BI
● Valid Philippine passport issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
Electronic Forms and Resources for International Students

List of Acceptable Visas for Study at DLSU

General Consolidated Application Form (BI Form) for Student Visa Conversion

General Consolidated Application Form (BI Form) for Student Visa Extension

General Consolidated Application Form (BI Form) for Special Study Permit

Personal Data Sheet for International Students

IC Application Form for Student Visa Conversion and Special Study Permit

As of 27 March 2023; 08:47pm

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