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There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 45 seconds to look through the questions and options in each

1.When is the man's appointment?

A. Monday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Sunday

2. Which is the aunt's postcard?

A. The pretty village right by the sea B. Small trees

C. A pretty village behind the tall trees D. A pretty village on the hills

3. What time will the plane to Linda leave?

A. 02:00 B. 07:15 C. 08:20 D. 06:15

4. Which present has the girl bought her father?

A. Suit B. Music CD C. Pen D. Book

5. What time will the pie be ready?

A. Four fifteen B. Five o’clock C. Twenty past five D. Fifty past four

6. What time is the yoga lesson today?

A. Half past four B. Fifteen to five C. fifteen past five D. Four thirty

7. Which subject does the girl like best?

A. Information technology B. History C. Sports D. Design

8. Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?

A. A short-sleeved T-shirt with round neck B. A V-neck black T-shirt

C. A long sleeved T-shirt D. A sleeveless white T-shirt

You will hear three different conversations. In each conversation there are four
questions. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversations only once

Conversation 1 Test 6. You will hear part of a local radio programme in which
someone is talking about a shopping center

9. When was the center first opened?

A. three years ago
B. three weeks ago
C. two months ago
D. two weeks ago

10. How can you get to the center?

A. by car and taxi
B. by train and taxi
C. by car, taxi and train
D. by car, train and coach

11. What time do the shops close on Saturday?

A. 9:00 am
B. 10:00 am
C. 8:00 pm
D. 9:00 pm

12. What should people do before shopping in the center?

A. Collect money from the bank
D. Buy a map
C. Rest by the lake
B. Watch a movie

Conversation 2 . Listen to the conversation and answer the questions

13. How many children competed for roles in the show?

A. 6
B. 1.000
C. 7
D. a few hundreds

14. What was the first success of Olivia?

A. When they came to London
B. When they visit Palladium
C. When she got the leading role
D. After she visited the local theater

15. How did Olivia practice for the role in Annie?

A. Learned 200 pages
B. Practiced two hours a day
C. Her mother helped her.
D. Learned it with her homework

16. What did Jackie feel about her daughter's performance?

A. She was ashamed
B. She was amazed
C. She didn't like it much
D. She couldn't sing

Conversation 3. Listen to a conversation between a director of study in an

English language center and a student representative talking about their self-
access center.

17. What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. to know how students used the center
B. to know what to do with the center
C. to talk about the effectiveness of the library
D. to learn how to use the library effectively

18. What are the main problems of the center?

A. too many resources
B. slow computers
C. lack of valuable resource
D. lack of computers

19. The director complains that students are using computer for
A. looking for personal resources
B. relocating documents
C. reading their emails
D. learning computer skills

20. What are they likely to do with the center?

A. move it to the library
B. purchase more equipment
C. ask teacher to come to the center
D. ask students to stop using emails

You will hear two different talks or lectures. In each talk or lecture there are five
questions. For each question, choose the correct answer A,B, C or D. You will
hear the talks or lectures only once.
Talk/Lecture 1. You will hear a presentation about fashion at work
21. According to the speaker, which statement is TRUE?
A. A suit is necessary when meeting clients
B. Nobody can describe the way he’s dressed
C. Wearing shorts is OK, sometimes
D. Nobody can describe the way he’s dressed
22. The presenter doesn’t wear a suit because …
A. The presentation is not formal.
B. He wants to talk about different fashion trend.
C. He works for a fashion company
D. He is not an important person
23. According to the speaker, who may be the most informal dresser?
A. People working in customer services
B. People working in banks
C. People working in IT
D. People working with clients
24. What does a customer feel about a man in uniform?
A. reliable
B. recognized
C. expertised
D. reassured
25. What does the phrase “Dress-down Fridays” mean?
A. Employees are allowed to wear informally on Fridays
B. Employees are required to wear special clothes on Fridays
C. Employees can wear anything they want on Fridays
D. Employees must wear fashionable clothes on Fridays

Talk/Lecture 2. Listen to a lecture about culture study

26. According to the professor, what are yin and yang?
A. They are what make a person healthy
B. They are the land and the ocean
C. They are four different elements
D. They are opposite forces
27. According to the Chinese, five elements of Yin and Yang are studied for the work
A. balance and harmony
B. the body and spirit
C. body, mind and spirit work
28. What does the professor say about the elements in the body?
A. They can be out of balance
B. Different people have different elements
C. Ideally, these should be different amounts of each.
D. The amount of each in the body is not very important
29. Why does the professor says “Yin and Yang should be considered as opposite
forces like, uhh, like land and ocean, for example”?
A. To explain what is wrong with a particular theory
B. To explain a term she just introduced
C. To correct something she said earlier
D. To remind the students of something discussed earlier
30. What does the professor say about yin and yang?
A. They are always in balance
B. They don’t need to be in balance
C. They are always changing
D. They compare with each other.

1 B 7 C 13 B 19 C 25 A
2 C 8 A 14 C 20 B 26 D
3 C 9 B 15 C 21 A 27 C
4 C 10 D 16 B 22 B 28 A
5 C 11 C 17 B 23 C 29 B
6 B 12 C 18 D 24 D 30 C


1.When is the man's appointment?

A: Good morning. I'd like someone to cut my hair, please. Can I make an

B: Certainly. Monday or Thursday morning or Friday afternoon?

A: On Friday I'm going to go to France. What about Thursday afternoon? I'm afraid I
have a meeting all day Wednesday.

B: Well. It's a little bit difficult but that's the only afternoon you can some. So we'll
see you then.

2. Which is the aunt's postcard?

A: Look, Sandra. I've got this really nice postcard for my aunt.

B: Oh what a pretty village. And it's right by a river. Isn't it in the mountain?

A: Yes. But you can't see them in the picture.

B: Perhaps, they're behind those tall trees.

3. What time will the plane to Linda leave?

A: Excuse me. What time is the next plane to Linda?

B: It should leave at 7:15 but an hour late today.

A: Oh. That's a problem. If it doesn't leave until 8:20, I'll be one hour late for my
B: I'm sorry, Sir. There's nothing I can do.

4. Which present has the girl bought her father?

Hi. It's me, Jane. I've got Dad's birthday present. I think he'll like it.....yes, that's right,
a gold colored one. He's always writing letters so he'll find it useful. I thought about a
CD but I'm never really sure what music he likes and mom bought him a new suit for
his birthday anyway. I'm sure he'll like what I've got him.

5. What time will the pie be ready?

A: What time is it Mom? Do you think the apple pie will be ready yet?

B: It's 4:35

A: And the pie went into the oven at 4:15

B: That's right. You could check it at 5:00. And turn the heat down a bit but don't take
out until 20 past. That's 45 minutes to go.

A: OK. I'm hungry already.

6. What time is the yoga lesson today?

A: Hi Chidy. Do you want to play tennis after school? Say about 4:30

B: That's would be fun but I've got a yoga lesson. It's usually at 5:15 but it's half an
hour earlier this evening, at 4:45. It takes me ages to cycle to the center so I really
don't think I have time today. Let's try it tomorrow


7. Which subject does the girl like best?

I really like the new IT teacher. Our project for this term is to design a new website.
I've always wanted to know how to do that. The sports teacher is much more serious.
But that's still my favorite subject. Last year, I usually like history but the teacher we
have now gives us so much homework.

8. Which T-shirt does the girl decide to buy?

A: I'd like a buy a black T-shirt with short sleeves, please, large size.

B: I'm afraid the black one has long sleeves. But we've got short sleeves in a lighter
color. Do you want a round neck or a V-neck?

A.It must be round neck. Let me think… Ok. I’ll take one of the short sleeve ones.The
color’s not so important, really.
Conversation 1:

Presenter: In today's programme, David Green has come along to tell us all about
Waterside Shopping Center near Northport. Good morning, David.

David: Good morning. Well, I visited Waterside last week and I think it has something
for everyone and I would recommend it for a day out. It's taken three years to build
and (Q1) finally opened three weeks ago, two months later than planned. Firstly,
getting there; there are (Q2) organized coach trips from most towns in the area but
they leave early and come home very late, so I drove. There are 12,000 free parking
spaces, so parking is no problem. You can also get there by train, but the station is 15
minutes from Waterside by bus, and the buses are really crowded so you sometimes
have a long walt.

Presenter: And what about opening times?

David: Well, one thing to remember is that the shops don't open till 10.00 in the
morning except on Saturday when they open at 9.00. So don't get there too early on a
weekday. (Q3) They close at 8 o'clock every day except Friday when they're open
until 9 pm.

Presenter: Can you tell us some more about the facilities at the shopping center?

David: Yes, it's arranged on three levels. You'll find all your favourites here. In fact if
you want to buy a pair of shoes there are 15 different shops to choose from on level
one and two. When you run out of money there are seven different banks, but collect
your money before you get to the third level as there aren't any banks up there. On that
level, however, there are several restaurants as well as cinema with seven screens.
And don't get lost like I did, go to the information desk on the first level and get a

Presenter: What else can you do at Waterside?

David; Before you go back to your car or the bus-and (Q4) in fact it might be better to
do this before you go shopping and have too much to carry-go and see the lake. Take a
walk or have a go at fishing, sailing or wind surfing if you have time. Or you can rest
your tired feet and watch the birds and ducks, but you are asked not to feed them.

Conversation 2:
Interviewer: I'm talking to Jackie Gould, who's a very proud mother. Both of her
daughters - Olivia, aged 12, and Alicia, seven are currently appearing on the stage of
the world-famous London Palladium theatre, in the musical The Sound of Music.
Olivia and Alicia survived six auditions to be (Q5) picked from 1.000 hopefuls for the
group of seven children playing the Von Trapp family in the show. So how did it all
come about?

Jackie: Well, until last year, the idea of them appearing at the London Palladium
would have been unthinkable for our family. Things started to happen when Olivia
auditioned for a production of the show Annie at the local theatre. She auditioned for
the chorus and, (Q6) by chance, got the leading role instead.

Interviewer: That's a very big role, the leading one in Annie, isn't it?

Jackie: Yes, for Annie, Olivia had to learn more than 200 lines. She was on stage for
most the two-hour show. It was a big script, and (Q7) I decided that we'd do ten pages
a night. After memorizing it, I gave her a random line. She would have to tell me what
the next line was. She picked it all up even better than her homework.

Interviewer: And she did well in the part, presumably?

Jackie: She was great in the part. (Q8) Everyone was astonished by her performance,
including us. She had always been very shy, and she suddenly came out of her shell.
We found that she could really sing. A member of the stage management team for the
show was taking over a local agency and asked her to sign up. So then she had an
agent to represent her and try to get roles for her.

Interviewer: OK, so what happened next?

Jackie: Well, Olivia was turned down for a part in the musical Mary Poppins. She
reached the last ten for the role of Jane Banks. She didn't get the part and was
distraught. But she quickly picked herself up and then we took both children to the
Palladium auditions for The Sound of Music.

Conversation 3:

PAM: HI Jun. As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of our
Self-Access Center. (Q9) We have to decide what we want to do about this very
important resource for our English language students. So, can you tell me what the
students think about this?

JUN: Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it. The majority of
students say that they enjoy using it because it provides a variation on the classroom
routine and they see it as a pretty major component of their course, but we would like
to see some improvements to the equipment, particularly the computers; (Q10) there
aren't enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.

PAM: Well, yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable recourse but one thing we
have noticed is that a lot of student are using it to check their personal emails. We
don't want to stop you students using it, but we think the (Q11) computers should be
used as a learning resource, not for emails. Some of us also think that we could benefit
a lot more by relocating the Self-Access Center to the main University library
building. How do you think the students would feel about that, Jun?

JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Center, but it
wouldn't be like a class activity anymore. Our main worry would be not being able to
go to a teacher for advice. I'm sure there would be plenty of things to do but we really
need teachers to help us choose the best activities.

PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the
activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.

JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing set-up;
they really like going to the Self-Access Center with their teacher and staying together
as a group to do activities.

(Q12) If we could just improve the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.

- Welcome everybody to this presentation about creating a cooperate image for your
company. I wonder if, when you came in today, you thought, ‘Hey, this guide hasn’t
got a suit on. This could be an interesting day!’ You see, I believe that the way you
dress is very important. I decided to come here rather casually dress not because I
wanted to make a fashion statement but because I wanted to let you know that this is
not going to be a formal presentation. On the other hand, I want you to work hard and
get something out of the day. I’m not wearing shorts and a T-shirt, for instance. So
how would you describe the way I’m dressed?
- Smart but casual.
- Exactly. But I also believe there are particular occasions when you need to wear a
suit such as meeting a client - especially if you expect the client to be wearing one.
Which brings me to a recent trend which we’ve picked up from the Americans: ‘Dress
down Friday’. How many of you are dressing more informally on a Friday? Quite a lot
of you. How many of you go as far as wearing jeans? Not so many/ Probably many of
that small group work in the IT sector? I thought so.
- So you see it’s not just the day of the week or what clients may expect of you, it’s
the business you’re in. If, for example, you work in a bank you’re probably going to
be in a dark suit every day of the week. And then there are those of us who are
expected to wear a uniform. What you are doing here is projecting a very specific
image of your company or service. Usually it’s to do with reliability, expertise and
efficiency. Customers and the general public feel reassured about someone in a
recognisable uniform. Dress down Friday is a long way off for this group of
employees. Now let’s have a look at other ways in which a company projects its
image . . .

This lecture is going to introduce you to traditional Chinese philosophy. First, you will
learn about, uh, the yin and yang philosophy. Secondly, we will look at the five
elements of this philosophy, It is Important that you remember these five elements as
we will be discussing them throughout the lecture. The five elements of yin and yang
are: water, wood, fire, earth, and umm, metal. Ok, so those are the five elements,
Umm, let's begin with the definition of yin and yang. Yin and yang should be
considered as opposite forces like, uhh, like land and ocean, for example. These are
opposite, Now, these opposites do not compete with each other. They are
complementary. When you think of yin and yang, think complementary opposites.

So, moving from complementary opposites, let's return to the five elements we
mentioned earlier. If you recall, we said they were water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
The Chinese divided yin and yang Into five elements to gain an understanding of how
the body, mind and spirit work. According to the Chinese, every person's physical and
mental health relies on a balance of the five elements. Individuals may have more of
one element than another. Of course, ideally, all elements are in balance or harmony.
What does this mean? Uh, it means that a person's body contains equal amounts of
each element.

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