Maths Statistics Gcse Coursework Plan

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Writing a coursework, especially in a challenging subject like Maths Statistics for the GCSE level,

can be a demanding task for many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter,
strong analytical skills, and the ability to present information in a clear and organized manner.
Developing a coursework plan involves several steps, including researching, planning, data collection,
analysis, and effective communication of findings.

Maths Statistics coursework often involves complex mathematical concepts and the application of
statistical methods to real-world scenarios. Students may face challenges in selecting appropriate
data, choosing the right statistical techniques, and interpreting results accurately. Additionally, time
management is crucial, as students need to balance coursework with other academic commitments.

For those who find the task overwhelming, seeking assistance can be a viable option. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that offers professional writing services, including assistance with
coursework. They have experienced writers who specialize in various subjects, including Maths and
Statistics, ensuring that the coursework is handled by experts in the field.

When considering external help, it's essential to prioritize reputable services that provide original and
high-quality content. ⇒ ⇔ has a track record of delivering well-researched and
plagiarism-free work, relieving students of the stress associated with coursework writing.

In conclusion, tackling a Maths Statistics GCSE coursework plan can be challenging, and students
facing difficulties may benefit from seeking professional assistance. ⇒ ⇔ is one
such platform that offers reliable support, allowing students to focus on understanding the subject
while ensuring their coursework meets high academic standards.
The diagram shows this as the pink squares, which are the Year tens, are at a higher level than the
year sevens. The formula for calculating the standard deviation is. They are symmetric with scores
more concentrated in the middle than in the tails. The actual lines are at the back of my project: I got
this trial data by doing the experiment: Straight Line (mm) Non Straight Line (mm) st Practice (mm)
2nd Practice (mm) 3rd Practice (mm) Non Straight Line After Practice (mm) 260 300 300 450 800 69
355 400 330 450 000 323 280 400 250 575 950 260 350 400 450 650 900 265 300 350 450 500 999
323 280 320 60 513 967 76 222 322 337 489 923 252 284 302 327 473 949 227 280 304 402 427
761 211 400 380 250 360 300 300 245 345 200 343 777 299 210 280. I decided to look at both Key
Stage 2 SATs results Key stage 3 SATs results for Both Girls and boys. I wanted to see if they are
right if not I will be able to prove them wrong. I assumed that in years 7-9 girls will generally be
taller than boys- due to the fact girls tend to grow faster than boys during the early stages of
development. Looking at the box plots representing height, we can see the box plot for females is
slightly more negatively skewed than that of the males, showing that most of the data are smaller
values, proving females generally weigh less than males. So as the IQ increases, it showed us that the
higher the IQ, the better you’ll do in your SATS; or the higher your Average SATS Score, the better
your IQ will be. All though the ranges do not necessarily reflect this observation, I can see that the
inter-quartile ranges are slowly creeping up, with the age. Then, I’ve used the RANDOM button on
the scientific calculator to get a smaller new set of data from the original data. Question 2 Does the
estimation of a non straight line improve after practice. I have not plotted a line of best fit, as there is
no correlation. The investigation has gone well and I have made evidence to prove that generally,
year ten girls are heavier and taller than year seven girls. With these results I will calculate the
Product Moment Correlation Coefficient of the data to determine if there is a correlation, and
whether the correlation is significant. I will be using 50 pieces of data from the sample for the testing
of each hypothesis. That is the reason why boys by this time have a better average than the girls. I
will be using secondary data, as I am going to take data from another source. Normal distributions
are sometimes described as bell shaped. So, this means that, if the age actually affects the students’
attendance, why is it the Year 7, who is supposed to be the most immature and youngest students in
the school come out with the highest attendance figures. If you'd like to try for the writing position,
please, contact our support representatives for further instructions via the preferred channel (Live
Chat, Messenger, phone, email). Set 5 boys did not do the same exam so these boys will not be
sampled. Below are the tables containing the required data I need for my hypotheses. To show this I
will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation out for both the girls KS2 and also KS3
results. From these tables I have plotted a scatter diagram in Microsoft Excel Application using the
entire sample population. By using Spearman’s rank, the results will tell me the specific correlation in
a form of figures that will then be placed on the scale to see if there is a negative, positive or no
correlation at all. Some of them will have had growth spurts where as others will have that to come.
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July 2020 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest Sophiedrew2000's Shop 4.50 2 reviews Not the right resource. This
is the information on the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and put into word. Question
1 Is the ability to estimate the length of a straight line related to mathematical ability.
This shows that the Year 11 boy’s have a wider range of interests and are more open to new things,
this makes them more mature than they where in Year 7. For each question I will use a certain
sample of year 10's at Stamford Endowed schools. Sampling I need to sample to get the results for
Mathematical ability. As you can see, 100% of results are between the 3 rd standard deviations and
shows strong similarities between the results and a normal distribution. The sampling methods
available to me were as follows:-. Maths Statistics Coursework Help maths statistics coursework
helpStatistical Consulting for Businesses Precision ConsultingStatistical Consulting for Businesses
Precision ConsultingGcse maths statistics coursework help. Repeat this 26 times for set 1 to get set
1’s data. We will emphasize applications of these techniques to various problems including, as time
permits: solutions of linear systems, least-square fitting, search engine algorithms, error-correcting
codes, fast Fourier transform, dynamical systems. Students will work in teams to collaborate with
researchers in other disciplines. This wide spread has occurred later in the boys (Year 8) than the girls
(Year 7) This follows most scientific theories that state boys puberty developments happen at an older
age to that of girls. I think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if it was a mixed
school I do not think that the boys would have made a better improvement than the girls.”. Then I
will be able to see both the mean of the girls and the boys and compare them. If I timed my pulse for
1 minute, it is a fair amount of time, and although it would be a lot more accurate, but when I choose
my pupils from their class, they may get restless and want to go back to their lesson. By browsing the
website, you agree to it. Read more. People's average SAT and average GCSE results will h.
Question 2 Does the estimation of a non straight line improve after practice. After collecting my data,
I found that my data isn’t biased as the teachers ended up choosing the pupils randomly. I think that
the girls would come with good results because they are more intellectually clever at the age of 11
than boys. Normal distributions are sometimes described as bell shaped. I will need to take a sample
from the population, as it’ll be quick as well, instead of using the whole population’s data. This will
allow me to create diagrams such as the cumulative frequency polygons and calculate, for example,
the standard deviation much easier and quicker. I think this because as the year 11 pupils are older
they would have had more experience with numeric problems and would be more mature than those
in year 7 would. So, this means that, if the age actually affects the students’ attendance, why is it the
Year 7, who is supposed to be the most immature and youngest students in the school come out with
the highest attendance figures. It was easy to get the Boys Results, I just asked my maths teacher
and he got them for me. The pupils will enter a room and look at a straight line and a non straight
line and ask them to estimate it in mm. English language Find out more about our, including the types
of test we accept and the scores needed for entry to the programme. Stratified sampling is used when
there is a large amount of data that is needed to be process. The year group that have the lowest
attendance percentage is the Year 8 out of all of the five year groups. In addition, the Year 7s most
common class interval is 1.4cm. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. This means that the inter-quartile range will be further spread.
I predict that there will be a weak positive correlation between the two, because if you have large
wrists you are likely to have large thumbs as well. I have double checked that the results of my
calculations to make sure that they are accurate and that the results are reasonable in the context of
my investigation. Below are the standard deviations for the rest of the year groups. They help me to
see the most common class intervals. It shows the results are fairly random and that more people
under estimated than over estimated. Although there maybe some problems and anomalies with this
sample because someone maybe away, someone maybe blind or have eye problems and someone
might be handicapped. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel
Mollitt 4 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply
Cancel Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. The box and
whisker plots where then draw on to two sheets of paper one for boys and one for girls. Also, all
users regularly get promo codes and special offers on various occasions. This brings you self-
confidence and peace of mind you've never experienced before. All pupils will have used a ruler
before so they will know the approximate length of 30cm and 15cm lines. This explains why the
inter-quartile range is further spread. I need to make the experiment fair, so I need the same
controlled experiment for each person who does the experiment. I have found this out by looking at
my graph that I have made. Below is how the scale looks like and what it means. It is a measure of
the agreement between two data sets. For example, the team of professional editors will expertly
revise and refine a paper you've put together but don't have time or inspiration to polish to perfection.
When I have completed the graph containing all the cars I will draw graphs containing specified data
specific to different makes of cars such as Fiat and Vauxhall, I have chosen these because they are
the most numerous and will give me the most concise data out of all the types of cars. Every member
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the best customer experience for you, our clients. I did not think this would improve my ability to
estimate a length of a line so decided to find out. Alternative hypothesis: Practice doesn't improve
the estimate of a non-straight line. If I chosen a little amount like 5 or 10 it might become biased
because I might have come across lots of bad results or good ones. The data will first be categorised
(in this case the attendance figures all belongs to the correct year), then a random sample is then
chosen from each category (I’ve used a scientific calculator). In this graph, it shows more clearly than
the boys that there is. I am not too happy with this graph due to the trendline appears to have been
drawn wrong by the outliers. These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the
random button the sample names were collected. e.g Set 1: RND ? 26 gave 13.346. This converts to
14th name using the rounding up method. After all, your outstanding performance is our bread and
butter. These are examples of the lines which are going to be estimated. Null hypothesis: There is a
relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical ability. In
this piece of coursework, I want to find out whether this is correct.
For simple random sampling, I could have given every record an assigned number, and then used a
random number generator to select them, ignoring any repeated numbers. I will do this to each strata,
place all 5 “box and whisker” diagrams on the same page and compare them. This brings you self-
confidence and peace of mind you've never experienced before. History coursework help master
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to help with any. Even though there is a relationship between the two variables, I was expecting it to
be a much stronger relationship. For students who come to school everyday learns more than the
students who don’t attend regularly. I have presented my information and now have enough
evidence to say that my hypothesis is accurate. I thought it would be best to wait till the green line
had stopped moving to each elevation. This will allow me to create diagrams such as the cumulative
frequency polygons and calculate, for example, the standard deviation much easier and quicker. They
give students the extra practice they need to improve their mathematical skills. The amount or size of
the sample is in proportion to the size of each category within the whole data. This scatter graph
shows the y dependant on x regression line. Year 10 at Stamford School and Stamford High School
represent a small sample of year 10 pupils in England. The results or points were not all close to the
line of best fit so this statement is only a rough guide. Write a review Update existing review Submit
review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Null hypothesis: There is a relationship between the
ability to estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical ability. The reason of why I’m doing
both the mean and the median even though they both are averages is because the mean takes in the
whole data and work out the average from that data which could be misleading especially if the data
contains any extreme values at the top and the bottom of the data. They go ahead to convince their
customers from all over. Here you can order research paper, thesis, coursework, dissertation or any
other writing assignment. I will do this using the method of stratified sampling. A Normal
distribution is a perfectly bell-shaped curve that shows where the three averages; mean, median and
mode coincide by using the line of symmetry. Those good at maths achieved smaller differences in
estimation and thus were more accurate. It is a measure of the agreement between two data sets. I
firstly rearranged the table on my spreadsheet so that the heights were in ascending order. If there is a
correlation, I will be able to draw a line of regression on my graph and analyse the relationship
between the data. The data is of the Year 10 girl’s height and weights. I did not think this would
improve my ability to estimate a length of a line so decided to find out. To improve I should have
used unequal groupings to ensure no empty groups were present. If you'd like to try for the writing
position, please, contact our support representatives for further instructions via the preferred channel
(Live Chat, Messenger, phone, email).
The histogram shows that most of the data is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution. I also
plotted some pie charts using Microsoft Excel Application to show the percentage of student’s
choices. Year 10 at Stamford School and Stamford High School represent a small sample of year 10
pupils in England. The data I am using is the same as in question 2 and 4. This data has been stored
on a computerised data base where I can get a large quantity of data, and the data is easy to find.
The year group that has the most consistent attendance was the Year 8 with an interquartile range of
9.3333, while the Year 9 have the widest range of attendance as it has an interquartile range of
16.0457. Another interesting factor is that the Year 7s and the Year 11s again, have the same
interquartile range of 11. To get this data I need to get a person to measure a line and a non straight
line in an experiment. What's more, your paper will be thoroughly analyzed and improved in terms of
the overall structure and content flow. All data related to this scatter graph can be found in the
results box. I predict that children in year 7 will have smaller feet than children in year 11, because as
you grow older your feet become larger. The data I will need to collect are “Year 7’s boys; Year 7
girls; Year 11 boys; Year 11 girls” data. We will emphasize applications of these techniques to various
problems including, as time permits: solutions of linear systems, least-square fitting, search engine
algorithms, error-correcting codes, fast Fourier transform, dynamical systems. Students will work in
teams to collaborate with researchers in other disciplines. Sampling I have 86 results for boys but
only 52 results for girls. I will only have some qualitive data, such as the names of pupils, however
this will not effect my conclusion, whether these qualitive data are different. Not to be biased I am
going to stratify my data to keep the boys and girls in proportion. But, there are some students, who
do not come to school as often as they should but still get good results (“naturally clever” as people
would say it). As these tests, where taken at the same age it is fair to say that the random sample has
represented each Year fairly. Where as the majority of boys come with normal and below average
results and make a better improvement than the Girls. The y on x regression line is the same as the
line of best fit. The gain is bigger so the Results are catching up. If I did the investigation by hand I
would have chosen a sample of 100 cars of about 20 being picked at random using every 5 th car as
a sample and picking where to start counting at random by putting the numbers lets say the numbers
1-5 in a hat and pulling one out at random, But however I have been given the data on excel.
Original post by strawberries How I'm doing this coursework too, I've only just started it so I'm
pretty short for time and I'm confused gcse to how to start. This scatter graph shows the y dependant
on x regression line. I created a single value for the KS2 Result by adding the 3 numbers together. I
think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if it was a mixed school I do not think that
the boys would have made a better improvement than the girls. By looking at the frequency charts
you can see that the Year 11 boy’s have branched out their choices, they have less people watching
cartoons and soaps and more people watching educational programs and sports. Post a reading report
on this discussion board forum answering the following questions: 1. Alternative hypothesis: There is
no relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical ability.
All information from the graph was copied and placed below. The sampling methods available to me
were as follows:-.
I think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if it was a mixed school I do not think
that the boys would have made a better improvement than the girls.”. They give students the extra
practice they need to improve their mathematical skills. This also applies for the GCSE students (Year
10s and 11s); just because the student is taking their GCSE it doesn’t mean that their attendance is
going to be a full 100% (even though it should be like that). Below are the tables containing the
required data I need for my hypotheses. In this piece of coursework, I want to find out whether this
is correct. So I was right, when boys don’t have girls to look at the work is better. Also I needed to
see what happens to the frequencies as the IQ and SATS scores goes higher. The sampling methods
available to me were as follows:-. All these values are added together and the result is divided by the
total frequency. Repeat this 26 times for set 1 to get set 1’s data. I decided against it because I
thought that it would be hard to obtain the data. To get a random set of numbers I am going to go to
this is a web site which is made to get a set of numbers. Primary data, collecting it my self or
secondary data, using already collected data. The y on x regression line is the same as the line of best
fit. From these results, I can see that the year tens have a higher median and have more interquartile
range. The pupils will enter a room and look at a straight line and a non straight line and ask them to
estimate it in mm. I decided to look at both Key Stage 2 SATs results Key stage 3 SATs results for
Both Girls and boys. The amount or size of the sample is in proportion to the size of each category
within the whole data. This has been done in the tables above, and the outliers have been
highlighted. This is the information on the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and put
into word. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person has have the
exact same education and experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. I going to choose 4
different classes for the year 11 year group, the year 9 year group, and the year 7 year group. I have
Predicted this because the girls who come with high results from Junior School to High School do
make an improvement but not better than the Boys in Our School. Various physical applications, such
as fluid flows, force fields, and heat flow, will be covered. This is because the mean is affected by
the extreme values within the data while the median only take in the middle 50% of the data and
calculates the average using that data, which is much more accurate (in terms of average). Table and
statistics from the graph was copied from autograph and placed below. All though the ranges do not
necessarily reflect this observation, I can see that the inter-quartile ranges are slowly creeping up,
with the age. There are 12 exam style questions covering the topic as a whole. I will use this sample
of data to compare the heights and weights of the year seven and 10 girls and to see whether my
hypothesis is correct. I have double checked that the results of my calculations to make sure that they
are accurate and that the results are reasonable in the context of my investigation.

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